From b04096806fa438192c5d3c782650a62845e61199 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Phoenix Pereira <> Date: Wed, 20 Nov 2024 12:59:34 +1030 Subject: [PATCH] feat: Add 2025 courses (#55) --- src/db.json | 4 +++- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/src/db.json b/src/db.json index b739c6e..1d46767 100644 --- a/src/db.json +++ b/src/db.json @@ -1 +1,3 @@ -{"_default": {"1": {"subjects": [{"SUBJECT": "ABLEINT", "DESCR": "Faculty of ABLE WIL Courses"}, {"SUBJECT": "ABORIG", "DESCR": "Aboriginal Studies"}, {"SUBJECT": "ACCTFIN", "DESCR": "Accounting and Finance"}, {"SUBJECT": "ACCTING", "DESCR": "Accounting"}, {"SUBJECT": "AGRIBUS", "DESCR": "Agribusiness"}, {"SUBJECT": "AGRIC", "DESCR": "Agriculture & Natural Resource"}, {"SUBJECT": "AGRONOMY", "DESCR": "Agronomy"}, {"SUBJECT": "AN BEHAV", "DESCR": "Animal Behaviour"}, {"SUBJECT": "ANAT SC", "DESCR": "Anatomical Sciences"}, {"SUBJECT": "ANIML SC", "DESCR": "Animal Science"}, {"SUBJECT": "ANTH", "DESCR": "Anthropology"}, {"SUBJECT": "APP DATA", "DESCR": "Applied Data Analytics"}, {"SUBJECT": "APP MTH", "DESCR": "Applied Mathematics"}, {"SUBJECT": "ARCH", "DESCR": "Architecture"}, {"SUBJECT": "ARTH", "DESCR": "Art History"}, {"SUBJECT": "ARTS", "DESCR": "Humanities & Social Sciences"}, {"SUBJECT": "ASIA", "DESCR": "Asian Studies"}, {"SUBJECT": "BIOCHEM", "DESCR": "Biochemistry"}, {"SUBJECT": "BIOINF", "DESCR": "Bioinformatics"}, {"SUBJECT": "BIOLOGY", "DESCR": "Biology"}, {"SUBJECT": "BIOMED", "DESCR": "Biomedical"}, {"SUBJECT": "BIOMENG", "DESCR": "Biomedical Engineering"}, {"SUBJECT": "BIOPRENG", "DESCR": "Bioprocess Engineering"}, {"SUBJECT": "BIOSTATS", "DESCR": "Biostatistics"}, {"SUBJECT": "BIOTECH", "DESCR": "Biotechnology"}, {"SUBJECT": "BUSANA", "DESCR": "Business Analytics"}, {"SUBJECT": "BUSINESS", "DESCR": "Business"}, {"SUBJECT": "CHEM", "DESCR": "Chemistry"}, {"SUBJECT": "CHEM ENG", "DESCR": "Chemical Engineering"}, {"SUBJECT": "CHIN", "DESCR": "Chinese"}, {"SUBJECT": "CIVILENG", "DESCR": "Civil Engineering"}, {"SUBJECT": "CLAS", "DESCR": "Classics"}, {"SUBJECT": "COMMERCE", "DESCR": "Commerce"}, {"SUBJECT": "COMMGMT", "DESCR": "Management"}, {"SUBJECT": "COMMLAW", "DESCR": "Commercial Law"}, {"SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "DESCR": "Computer Science"}, {"SUBJECT": "CONMGNT", "DESCR": "Construction Management"}, {"SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "DESCR": "Corporate Finance"}, {"SUBJECT": "CRARTS", "DESCR": "Creative Arts"}, {"SUBJECT": "CRIM", "DESCR": "Criminology"}, {"SUBJECT": "CRWR", "DESCR": "Creative Writing"}, {"SUBJECT": "CULTST", "DESCR": "Cultural Studies"}, {"SUBJECT": "CYBER", "DESCR": "Cyber Security"}, {"SUBJECT": "DATA", "DESCR": "Data Science"}, {"SUBJECT": "DENT", "DESCR": "Dentistry"}, {"SUBJECT": "DESST", "DESCR": "Design Studies"}, {"SUBJECT": "DEVT", "DESCR": "Development Studies"}, {"SUBJECT": "ECON", "DESCR": "Economics"}, {"SUBJECT": "EDUC", "DESCR": "Education"}, {"SUBJECT": "ELEC ENG", "DESCR": "Electrical & Electronic Eng"}, {"SUBJECT": "ENG", "DESCR": "Engineering"}, {"SUBJECT": "ENGL", "DESCR": "English"}, {"SUBJECT": "ENTREP", "DESCR": "Entrepreneur & Innovation"}, {"SUBJECT": "ENV BIOL", "DESCR": "Environmental Biology"}, {"SUBJECT": "ENV ENG", "DESCR": "Environmental Engineering"}, {"SUBJECT": "EUST", "DESCR": "European Studies"}, {"SUBJECT": "EXCHANGE", "DESCR": "Exchange"}, {"SUBJECT": "FILM", "DESCR": "Film"}, {"SUBJECT": "FOOD SC", "DESCR": "Food Science"}, {"SUBJECT": "FREN", "DESCR": "French"}, {"SUBJECT": "GEND", "DESCR": "Gender Studies"}, {"SUBJECT": "GENETICS", "DESCR": "Genetics"}, {"SUBJECT": "GEOG", "DESCR": "Geography"}, {"SUBJECT": "GEOLOGY", "DESCR": "Geology"}, {"SUBJECT": "GERM", "DESCR": "German"}, {"SUBJECT": "HEALTH", "DESCR": "Health"}, {"SUBJECT": "HIST", "DESCR": "History"}, {"SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "DESCR": "Health Sciences"}, {"SUBJECT": "HORTICUL", "DESCR": "Horticulture"}, {"SUBJECT": "INDO", "DESCR": "Indonesian"}, {"SUBJECT": "INTBUS", "DESCR": "International Business"}, {"SUBJECT": "ITAL", "DESCR": "Italian"}, {"SUBJECT": "JAPN", "DESCR": "Japanese"}, {"SUBJECT": "LARCH", "DESCR": "Landscape Architecture"}, {"SUBJECT": "LAW", "DESCR": "Law"}, {"SUBJECT": "LING", "DESCR": "Linguistics"}, {"SUBJECT": "MANAGEMT", "DESCR": "Management"}, {"SUBJECT": "MARKETNG", "DESCR": "Marketing"}, {"SUBJECT": "MAT ENG", "DESCR": "Materials Engineering"}, {"SUBJECT": "MATHS", "DESCR": "Mathematical Sciences"}, {"SUBJECT": "MDIA", "DESCR": "Media"}, {"SUBJECT": "MECH ENG", "DESCR": "Mechanical Engineering"}, {"SUBJECT": "MEDIC ST", "DESCR": "Medical Studies"}, {"SUBJECT": "MEDICINE", "DESCR": "Medicine"}, {"SUBJECT": "MGRE", "DESCR": "Modern Greek"}, {"SUBJECT": "MICRO", "DESCR": "Microbiology"}, {"SUBJECT": "MINING", "DESCR": "Mining Engineering"}, {"SUBJECT": "MUSCLASS", "DESCR": "Classical Performance"}, {"SUBJECT": "MUSCOMP", "DESCR": "Music Composition"}, {"SUBJECT": "MUSEP", "DESCR": "Music Education & Pedagogy"}, {"SUBJECT": "MUSEUM", "DESCR": "Curatorial and Museum Studies"}, {"SUBJECT": "MUSGEN", "DESCR": "Music General"}, {"SUBJECT": "MUSHONS", "DESCR": "Honours Music"}, {"SUBJECT": "MUSICOL", "DESCR": "Musicology"}, {"SUBJECT": "MUSJAZZ", "DESCR": "Jazz Performance"}, {"SUBJECT": "MUSONIC", "DESCR": "Sonic Arts"}, {"SUBJECT": "MUSPERF", "DESCR": "Performance"}, {"SUBJECT": "MUSPOP", "DESCR": "Popular Music"}, {"SUBJECT": "MUSSUPST", "DESCR": "Supporting Studies"}, {"SUBJECT": "MUSTHEAT", "DESCR": "Music Theatre"}, {"SUBJECT": "NURSING", "DESCR": "Nursing"}, {"SUBJECT": "OB&GYNAE", "DESCR": "Obstetrics & Gynaecology"}, {"SUBJECT": "OCCTH", "DESCR": "Occupational Therapy"}, {"SUBJECT": "ODONT", "DESCR": "Odontology"}, {"SUBJECT": "OENOLOGY", "DESCR": "Oenology"}, {"SUBJECT": "ORALHLTH", "DESCR": "Oral Health"}, {"SUBJECT": "PAEDIAT", "DESCR": "Paediatrics"}, {"SUBJECT": "PALAEO", "DESCR": "Palaeontology"}, {"SUBJECT": "PATHOL", "DESCR": "Pathology"}, {"SUBJECT": "PETROENG", "DESCR": "Petroleum Engineering"}, {"SUBJECT": "PETROGEO", "DESCR": "Petroleum Geology & Geophysics"}, {"SUBJECT": "PHARM", "DESCR": "Pharmacology"}, {"SUBJECT": "PHIL", "DESCR": "Philosophy"}, {"SUBJECT": "PHYSICS", "DESCR": "Physics"}, {"SUBJECT": "PHYSIOL", "DESCR": "Physiology"}, {"SUBJECT": "PHYSIOTH", "DESCR": "Physiotherapy"}, {"SUBJECT": "PLANT SC", "DESCR": "Plant Science"}, {"SUBJECT": "POLICY", "DESCR": "Public Policy"}, {"SUBJECT": "POLIS", "DESCR": "Politics and Intl Relations"}, {"SUBJECT": "PPE", "DESCR": "Philosophy, Politics & Econ"}, {"SUBJECT": "PROF", "DESCR": "Professions"}, {"SUBJECT": "PROJMGNT", "DESCR": "Project Management"}, {"SUBJECT": "PROP", "DESCR": "Property"}, {"SUBJECT": "PSYCHIAT", "DESCR": "Psychiatry"}, {"SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "DESCR": "Psychology"}, {"SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "DESCR": "Public Health"}, {"SUBJECT": "PURE MTH", "DESCR": "Pure Mathematics"}, {"SUBJECT": "SCIENCE", "DESCR": "Science"}, {"SUBJECT": "SOCI", "DESCR": "Sociology"}, {"SUBJECT": "SOCSCI", "DESCR": "Social Sciences"}, {"SUBJECT": "SOIL&WAT", "DESCR": "Soil & Water"}, {"SUBJECT": "SPAN", "DESCR": "Spanish"}, {"SUBJECT": "SPATIAL", "DESCR": "Spatial"}, {"SUBJECT": "SPEECH", "DESCR": "Speech Pathology"}, {"SUBJECT": "STATS", "DESCR": "Statistics"}, {"SUBJECT": "STEM", "DESCR": "Science, Tech, Eng & Math"}, {"SUBJECT": "SURGERY", "DESCR": "Surgery"}, {"SUBJECT": "TESOL", "DESCR": "Teach Eng to Stdnt of Oth Lang"}, {"SUBJECT": "TRADE", "DESCR": "Trade"}, {"SUBJECT": "UAC", "DESCR": "University of Adelaide College"}, {"SUBJECT": "UACOL", "DESCR": "University of Adelaide College"}, {"SUBJECT": "VET SC", "DESCR": "Vet Science"}, {"SUBJECT": "VET TECH", "DESCR": "Veterinary Technology"}, {"SUBJECT": "VITICULT", "DESCR": "Viticulture"}, {"SUBJECT": "WINE", "DESCR": "WINE"}]}, "2": {"subject": "ABLEINT", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "111459", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111459", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111460", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111460", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111460", "term": "4415", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111460", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111460", "term": "4448", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111463", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111463", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111463", "term": "4415", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111463", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111463", "term": "4448", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111462", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111462", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111465", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111465", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111465", "term": "4415", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111465", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111465", "term": "4433", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111465", "term": "4436", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111465", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111466", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111466", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "3": {"id": "qMAr24gG02BLnkBedRMXO", "course_id": "111459", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111459", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Crafting Careers", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ABLEINT", "CATALOG_NBR": "1001", "CLASS_NBR": 13722, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Students enrolled in Faculty of ABLE undergraduate programs", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ARTSEXP 1001", "ASSESSMENT": "Presentation, career readiness plan, resume and portfolio, reflection", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces students to ideas of career readiness across a range of arts and social sciences industry sectors. Students work individually and collaboratively to establish career goals and directions, develop understanding of their chosen industry sector(s) and begin developing a professionally focused resume and portfolio.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4": {"id": "qMAr24gG02BLnkBedRMXO", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "FPe3yvjYULx6cYSJ-4Lef", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13722, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 16, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5": {"id": "vFp3Dt5Vf6IbITrT0HVI8", "course_id": "111459", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111459", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Crafting Careers", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ABLEINT", "CATALOG_NBR": "1001", "CLASS_NBR": 23781, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Students enrolled in Faculty of ABLE undergraduate programs", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ARTSEXP 1001", "ASSESSMENT": "Presentation, career readiness plan, resume and portfolio, reflection", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces students to ideas of career readiness across a range of arts and social sciences industry sectors. Students work individually and collaboratively to establish career goals and directions, develop understanding of their chosen industry sector(s) and begin developing a professionally focused resume and portfolio.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6": {"id": "vFp3Dt5Vf6IbITrT0HVI8", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "UwkuhEWPyDWplWueck6UP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23781, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 11, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7": {"id": "c9bYsVdvI_gPH_4aoIgc4", "course_id": "111460", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111460", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "ABLE Internship Level II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ABLEINT", "CATALOG_NBR": "2001", "CLASS_NBR": 92134, "SESSION_CD": "S01", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "129999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "4 hours (in total 1 x seminar per Semester)", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Students enrolled in Faculty of ABLE undergraduate programs", "PRE_REQUISITE": "18 units of undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ARTSEXP 2001, ARTSEXP 2003", "ASSESSMENT": "Internship documentation, journal exercises, career portfolio, host evaluation, feedback form", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students spend 120-150 hours working in the private, public, community, business, not-for-profit or arts sectors. This provides the student with an opportunity to experience a hands-on professional environment in which to observe and apply their knowledge and skills from their degree. Internships may be project-based and/or reflect day-to-day activities of the host organisation. Students may have the option of completing a remote internship with an organisation based in South Australia or elsewhere. The internship is supported by a preliminary half-day seminar focusing on career readiness and professional preparation. Students can apply for internship opportunities advertised through the university, or may be able to source their own internship. Final placement will be dependent on the availability of a host organisation, successful application to the host organisation and completion of all required paperwork before the commencement of the internship. Students cannot self-enrol in this course, and will be enrolled by the Internships Team after securing their approved internship. For inquiries about internship processes and timelines, please contact the Internships Team ( Students must complete the program to the satisfaction of their host organisation as well as an academic supervisor to be eligible to pass this course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 23/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 25/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 07/02/2024"}}]}, "8": {"id": "c9bYsVdvI_gPH_4aoIgc4", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "_ZuafUsbIAvgC07JAOni6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92134, "section": "SE01", "size": 0, "enrolled": 1, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment into this course is by application only.\u00a0 Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jan - 22 Jan", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 218, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "9": {"id": "tRnSfxk9_f3sp9ci5208y", "course_id": "111460", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111460", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "ABLE Internship Level II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ABLEINT", "CATALOG_NBR": "2001", "CLASS_NBR": 14585, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "129999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "4 hours (in total 1 x seminar per Semester)", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Students enrolled in Faculty of ABLE undergraduate programs", "PRE_REQUISITE": "18 units of undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ARTSEXP 2001, ARTSEXP 2003", "ASSESSMENT": "Internship documentation, journal exercises, career portfolio, host evaluation, feedback form", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students spend 120-150 hours working in the private, public, community, business, not-for-profit or arts sectors. This provides the student with an opportunity to experience a hands-on professional environment in which to observe and apply their knowledge and skills from their degree. Internships may be project-based and/or reflect day-to-day activities of the host organisation. Students may have the option of completing a remote internship with an organisation based in South Australia or elsewhere. The internship is supported by a preliminary half-day seminar focusing on career readiness and professional preparation. Students can apply for internship opportunities advertised through the university, or may be able to source their own internship. Final placement will be dependent on the availability of a host organisation, successful application to the host organisation and completion of all required paperwork before the commencement of the internship. Students cannot self-enrol in this course, and will be enrolled by the Internships Team after securing their approved internship. For inquiries about internship processes and timelines, please contact the Internships Team ( Students must complete the program to the satisfaction of their host organisation as well as an academic supervisor to be eligible to pass this course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "10": {"id": "tRnSfxk9_f3sp9ci5208y", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "7ptBP8atdnUWzO2cz1Bko", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14585, "section": "SE01", "size": 0, "enrolled": 3, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment into this course is by application only.\u00a0 Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 26 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "11": {"id": "UuomcMu0lJMUcBJutfCw0", "course_id": "111460", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111460", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "ABLE Internship Level II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ABLEINT", "CATALOG_NBR": "2001", "CLASS_NBR": 95063, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "129999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "4 hours (in total 1 x seminar per Semester)", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Students enrolled in Faculty of ABLE undergraduate programs", "PRE_REQUISITE": "18 units of undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ARTSEXP 2001, ARTSEXP 2003", "ASSESSMENT": "Internship documentation, journal exercises, career portfolio, host evaluation, feedback form", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students spend 120-150 hours working in the private, public, community, business, not-for-profit or arts sectors. This provides the student with an opportunity to experience a hands-on professional environment in which to observe and apply their knowledge and skills from their degree. Internships may be project-based and/or reflect day-to-day activities of the host organisation. Students may have the option of completing a remote internship with an organisation based in South Australia or elsewhere. The internship is supported by a preliminary half-day seminar focusing on career readiness and professional preparation. Students can apply for internship opportunities advertised through the university, or may be able to source their own internship. Final placement will be dependent on the availability of a host organisation, successful application to the host organisation and completion of all required paperwork before the commencement of the internship. Students cannot self-enrol in this course, and will be enrolled by the Internships Team after securing their approved internship. For inquiries about internship processes and timelines, please contact the Internships Team ( Students must complete the program to the satisfaction of their host organisation as well as an academic supervisor to be eligible to pass this course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 24/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 28/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 11/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 17/07/2024"}}]}, "12": {"id": "UuomcMu0lJMUcBJutfCw0", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "dgiAvxl064j_T7BXFKaaG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95063, "section": "SE01", "size": 0, "enrolled": 1, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment into this course is by application only.\u00a0 Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jun - 24 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "13": {"id": "CpjIUlTDGzI7WpSSuNHjv", "course_id": "111460", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111460", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "ABLE Internship Level II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ABLEINT", "CATALOG_NBR": "2001", "CLASS_NBR": 24530, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "129999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "4 hours (in total 1 x seminar per Semester)", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Students enrolled in Faculty of ABLE undergraduate programs", "PRE_REQUISITE": "18 units of undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ARTSEXP 2001, ARTSEXP 2003", "ASSESSMENT": "Internship documentation, journal exercises, career portfolio, host evaluation, feedback form", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students spend 120-150 hours working in the private, public, community, business, not-for-profit or arts sectors. This provides the student with an opportunity to experience a hands-on professional environment in which to observe and apply their knowledge and skills from their degree. Internships may be project-based and/or reflect day-to-day activities of the host organisation. Students may have the option of completing a remote internship with an organisation based in South Australia or elsewhere. The internship is supported by a preliminary half-day seminar focusing on career readiness and professional preparation. Students can apply for internship opportunities advertised through the university, or may be able to source their own internship. Final placement will be dependent on the availability of a host organisation, successful application to the host organisation and completion of all required paperwork before the commencement of the internship. Students cannot self-enrol in this course, and will be enrolled by the Internships Team after securing their approved internship. For inquiries about internship processes and timelines, please contact the Internships Team ( Students must complete the program to the satisfaction of their host organisation as well as an academic supervisor to be eligible to pass this course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "14": {"id": "CpjIUlTDGzI7WpSSuNHjv", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "VxxKfMCjx2A2OBRPXivRm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24530, "section": "SE01", "size": 0, "enrolled": 1, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment into this course is by application only.\u00a0 Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 22 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "15": {"id": "xSGUuCtxnXifgy3G9e-aU", "course_id": "111460", "term": "4448", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111460", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4448", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "ABLE Internship Level II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ABLEINT", "CATALOG_NBR": "2001", "CLASS_NBR": 46206, "SESSION_CD": "REM", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "129999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "4 hours (in total 1 x seminar per Semester)", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Students enrolled in Faculty of ABLE undergraduate programs", "PRE_REQUISITE": "18 units of undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ARTSEXP 2001, ARTSEXP 2003", "ASSESSMENT": "Internship documentation, journal exercises, career portfolio, host evaluation, feedback form", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students spend 120-150 hours working in the private, public, community, business, not-for-profit or arts sectors. This provides the student with an opportunity to experience a hands-on professional environment in which to observe and apply their knowledge and skills from their degree. Internships may be project-based and/or reflect day-to-day activities of the host organisation. Students may have the option of completing a remote internship with an organisation based in South Australia or elsewhere. The internship is supported by a preliminary half-day seminar focusing on career readiness and professional preparation. Students can apply for internship opportunities advertised through the university, or may be able to source their own internship. Final placement will be dependent on the availability of a host organisation, successful application to the host organisation and completion of all required paperwork before the commencement of the internship. Students cannot self-enrol in this course, and will be enrolled by the Internships Team after securing their approved internship. For inquiries about internship processes and timelines, please contact the Internships Team ( Students must complete the program to the satisfaction of their host organisation as well as an academic supervisor to be eligible to pass this course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 09/12/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 09/12/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 24/12/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 08/01/2025"}}]}, "16": {"id": "xSGUuCtxnXifgy3G9e-aU", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "kjVQkuGEVTexhw-NC09Gr", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46206, "section": "SE01", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Dec - 2 Dec", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "17": {"id": "1hR1fnzM2a-LgOzrp0vQb", "course_id": "111463", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111463", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "ABLE Internship Level III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ABLEINT", "CATALOG_NBR": "3001", "CLASS_NBR": 92089, "SESSION_CD": "S01", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "129999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "4 hours (in total 1 x seminar per Semester)", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Students enrolled in Faculty of ABLE undergraduate programs", "PRE_REQUISITE": "30 units of undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ARTSEXP 3001, ARTSEXP 3003, PROF 3500, PROF 3501, PROF 3505", "ASSESSMENT": "Internship documentation, journal exercises, career portfolio, host evaluation, feedback form", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students spend 120-150 hours working in the private, public, community, business, not-for-profit or arts sectors. This provides the student with an opportunity to experience a hands-on professional environment in which to observe and apply their knowledge and skills from their degree. Internships may be project-based and/or reflect day-to-day activities of the host organisation. Students may have the option of completing a remote internship with an organisation based in South Australia or elsewhere. The internship is supported by a preliminary half-day seminar focusing on career readiness and professional preparation. Students can apply for internship opportunities advertised through the university, or may be able to source their own internship. Final placement will be dependent on the availability of a host organisation, successful application to the host organisation and completion of all required paperwork before the commencement of the internship. Students cannot self-enrol in this course, and will be enrolled by the Internships Team after securing their approved internship. For inquiries about internship processes and timelines, please contact the Internships Team ( Students must complete the program to the satisfaction of their host organisation as well as an academic supervisor to be eligible to pass this course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 23/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 25/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 07/02/2024"}}]}, "18": {"id": "1hR1fnzM2a-LgOzrp0vQb", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "F0yVD-XaSpt8QZYs0EXAU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92089, "section": "SE01", "size": 0, "enrolled": 109, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment into this course is by application only.\u00a0 Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jan - 22 Jan", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 218, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "19": {"id": "YmURrftZhOTBIYIobczcA", "course_id": "111463", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111463", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "ABLE Internship Level III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ABLEINT", "CATALOG_NBR": "3001", "CLASS_NBR": 13720, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "129999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "4 hours (in total 1 x seminar per Semester)", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Students enrolled in Faculty of ABLE undergraduate programs", "PRE_REQUISITE": "30 units of undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ARTSEXP 3001, ARTSEXP 3003, PROF 3500, PROF 3501, PROF 3505", "ASSESSMENT": "Internship documentation, journal exercises, career portfolio, host evaluation, feedback form", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students spend 120-150 hours working in the private, public, community, business, not-for-profit or arts sectors. This provides the student with an opportunity to experience a hands-on professional environment in which to observe and apply their knowledge and skills from their degree. Internships may be project-based and/or reflect day-to-day activities of the host organisation. Students may have the option of completing a remote internship with an organisation based in South Australia or elsewhere. The internship is supported by a preliminary half-day seminar focusing on career readiness and professional preparation. Students can apply for internship opportunities advertised through the university, or may be able to source their own internship. Final placement will be dependent on the availability of a host organisation, successful application to the host organisation and completion of all required paperwork before the commencement of the internship. Students cannot self-enrol in this course, and will be enrolled by the Internships Team after securing their approved internship. For inquiries about internship processes and timelines, please contact the Internships Team ( Students must complete the program to the satisfaction of their host organisation as well as an academic supervisor to be eligible to pass this course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "20": {"id": "YmURrftZhOTBIYIobczcA", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "PQgwPb0_QyecnN0Y2asyI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13720, "section": "SE01", "size": 0, "enrolled": 78, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment into this course is by application only.\u00a0 Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 26 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "21": {"id": "TQRhbEHNXeGGZo56nQcPP", "course_id": "111463", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111463", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "ABLE Internship Level III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ABLEINT", "CATALOG_NBR": "3001", "CLASS_NBR": 95049, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "129999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "4 hours (in total 1 x seminar per Semester)", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Students enrolled in Faculty of ABLE undergraduate programs", "PRE_REQUISITE": "30 units of undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ARTSEXP 3001, ARTSEXP 3003, PROF 3500, PROF 3501, PROF 3505", "ASSESSMENT": "Internship documentation, journal exercises, career portfolio, host evaluation, feedback form", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students spend 120-150 hours working in the private, public, community, business, not-for-profit or arts sectors. This provides the student with an opportunity to experience a hands-on professional environment in which to observe and apply their knowledge and skills from their degree. Internships may be project-based and/or reflect day-to-day activities of the host organisation. Students may have the option of completing a remote internship with an organisation based in South Australia or elsewhere. The internship is supported by a preliminary half-day seminar focusing on career readiness and professional preparation. Students can apply for internship opportunities advertised through the university, or may be able to source their own internship. Final placement will be dependent on the availability of a host organisation, successful application to the host organisation and completion of all required paperwork before the commencement of the internship. Students cannot self-enrol in this course, and will be enrolled by the Internships Team after securing their approved internship. For inquiries about internship processes and timelines, please contact the Internships Team ( Students must complete the program to the satisfaction of their host organisation as well as an academic supervisor to be eligible to pass this course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 24/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 28/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 11/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 17/07/2024"}}]}, "22": {"id": "TQRhbEHNXeGGZo56nQcPP", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "DOXehllb9ibJ1fGlqgY3i", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95049, "section": "SE01", "size": 0, "enrolled": 14, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment into this course is by application only.\u00a0 Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jun - 24 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "23": {"id": "1lGGsu3h6QE6g4mEpYD10", "course_id": "111463", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111463", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "ABLE Internship Level III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ABLEINT", "CATALOG_NBR": "3001", "CLASS_NBR": 23779, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "129999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "4 hours (in total 1 x seminar per Semester)", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Students enrolled in Faculty of ABLE undergraduate programs", "PRE_REQUISITE": "30 units of undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ARTSEXP 3001, ARTSEXP 3003, PROF 3500, PROF 3501, PROF 3505", "ASSESSMENT": "Internship documentation, journal exercises, career portfolio, host evaluation, feedback form", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students spend 120-150 hours working in the private, public, community, business, not-for-profit or arts sectors. This provides the student with an opportunity to experience a hands-on professional environment in which to observe and apply their knowledge and skills from their degree. Internships may be project-based and/or reflect day-to-day activities of the host organisation. Students may have the option of completing a remote internship with an organisation based in South Australia or elsewhere. The internship is supported by a preliminary half-day seminar focusing on career readiness and professional preparation. Students can apply for internship opportunities advertised through the university, or may be able to source their own internship. Final placement will be dependent on the availability of a host organisation, successful application to the host organisation and completion of all required paperwork before the commencement of the internship. Students cannot self-enrol in this course, and will be enrolled by the Internships Team after securing their approved internship. For inquiries about internship processes and timelines, please contact the Internships Team ( Students must complete the program to the satisfaction of their host organisation as well as an academic supervisor to be eligible to pass this course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "24": {"id": "1lGGsu3h6QE6g4mEpYD10", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "lN4N-fUIOggi_VgXqoce3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23779, "section": "SE01", "size": 0, "enrolled": 60, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment into this course is by application only.\u00a0 Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 22 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "25": {"id": "5r6ZfMJRJsyzU0GAZlDBw", "course_id": "111463", "term": "4448", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111463", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4448", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "ABLE Internship Level III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ABLEINT", "CATALOG_NBR": "3001", "CLASS_NBR": 46208, "SESSION_CD": "REM", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "129999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "4 hours (in total 1 x seminar per Semester)", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Students enrolled in Faculty of ABLE undergraduate programs", "PRE_REQUISITE": "30 units of undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ARTSEXP 3001, ARTSEXP 3003, PROF 3500, PROF 3501, PROF 3505", "ASSESSMENT": "Internship documentation, journal exercises, career portfolio, host evaluation, feedback form", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students spend 120-150 hours working in the private, public, community, business, not-for-profit or arts sectors. This provides the student with an opportunity to experience a hands-on professional environment in which to observe and apply their knowledge and skills from their degree. Internships may be project-based and/or reflect day-to-day activities of the host organisation. Students may have the option of completing a remote internship with an organisation based in South Australia or elsewhere. The internship is supported by a preliminary half-day seminar focusing on career readiness and professional preparation. Students can apply for internship opportunities advertised through the university, or may be able to source their own internship. Final placement will be dependent on the availability of a host organisation, successful application to the host organisation and completion of all required paperwork before the commencement of the internship. Students cannot self-enrol in this course, and will be enrolled by the Internships Team after securing their approved internship. For inquiries about internship processes and timelines, please contact the Internships Team ( Students must complete the program to the satisfaction of their host organisation as well as an academic supervisor to be eligible to pass this course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 09/12/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 09/12/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 24/12/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 08/01/2025"}}]}, "26": {"id": "5r6ZfMJRJsyzU0GAZlDBw", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "3ADfGK1var2KN1xCNJmdO", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46208, "section": "SE01", "size": 0, "enrolled": 6, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Dec - 2 Dec", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "27": {"id": "J_O_fr08FYajuVpuhVJdT", "course_id": "111462", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111462", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "ABLE Internship Level III Extended", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ABLEINT", "CATALOG_NBR": "3002", "CLASS_NBR": 13721, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "129999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "4 hours (in total 1 x seminar per Semester)", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Students enrolled in Faculty of ABLE undergraduate programs", "PRE_REQUISITE": "30 units of undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ARTSEXP 3006, PROF 3506, PROF 3507", "ASSESSMENT": "Internship documentation, journal exercises, career portfolio, host evaluation, feedback form", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students spend at least 150 hours working in the private, public, community, business, not-for-profit or arts sectors. This provides the student with an opportunity to experience a hands-on professional environment in which to observe and apply their knowledge and skills from their degree. Internships may be project-based and/or reflect day-to-day activities of the host organisation. Students may have the option of completing a remote internship with an organisation based in South Australia or elsewhere. The internship is supported by a preliminary half-day seminar focusing on career readiness and professional preparation. Students can apply for internship opportunities advertised through the university, or may be able to source their own internship. Final placement will be dependent on the availability of a host organisation, successful application to the host organisation and completion of all required paperwork before the commencement of the internship. Students cannot self-enrol in this course, and will be enrolled by the Internships Team after securing their approved internship. For inquiries about internship processes and timelines, please contact the Internships Team ( Students must complete the program to the satisfaction of their host organisation as well as an academic supervisor to be eligible to pass this course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "28": {"id": "J_O_fr08FYajuVpuhVJdT", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "C2YN9IVp4EK_BKQL-f4ma", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13721, "section": "SE01", "size": 0, "enrolled": 4, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment into this course is by application only.\u00a0 Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 26 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "29": {"id": "lpBWQcklu88QqnkptArIr", "course_id": "111462", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111462", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "ABLE Internship Level III Extended", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ABLEINT", "CATALOG_NBR": "3002", "CLASS_NBR": 23780, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "129999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "4 hours (in total 1 x seminar per Semester)", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Students enrolled in Faculty of ABLE undergraduate programs", "PRE_REQUISITE": "30 units of undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ARTSEXP 3006, PROF 3506, PROF 3507", "ASSESSMENT": "Internship documentation, journal exercises, career portfolio, host evaluation, feedback form", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students spend at least 150 hours working in the private, public, community, business, not-for-profit or arts sectors. This provides the student with an opportunity to experience a hands-on professional environment in which to observe and apply their knowledge and skills from their degree. Internships may be project-based and/or reflect day-to-day activities of the host organisation. Students may have the option of completing a remote internship with an organisation based in South Australia or elsewhere. The internship is supported by a preliminary half-day seminar focusing on career readiness and professional preparation. Students can apply for internship opportunities advertised through the university, or may be able to source their own internship. Final placement will be dependent on the availability of a host organisation, successful application to the host organisation and completion of all required paperwork before the commencement of the internship. Students cannot self-enrol in this course, and will be enrolled by the Internships Team after securing their approved internship. For inquiries about internship processes and timelines, please contact the Internships Team ( Students must complete the program to the satisfaction of their host organisation as well as an academic supervisor to be eligible to pass this course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "30": {"id": "lpBWQcklu88QqnkptArIr", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "TDb_3Ds0Z8BLIW23jTcIp", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23780, "section": "SE01", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment into this course is by application only.\u00a0 Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 22 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "31": {"id": "1VType7mvP73uii5u-m4B", "course_id": "111465", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111465", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "ABLE Internship Postgraduate", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ABLEINT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7001", "CLASS_NBR": 92090, "SESSION_CD": "S01", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "129999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "4 hours (in total 1 x seminar per Semester)", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students enrolled in Faculty of ABLE postgraduate coursework Programs", "PRE_REQUISITE": "12 units of postgraduate coursework study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PROF 7500, PROF 7502, PROF 7505", "ASSESSMENT": "Internship documentation, journal exercises, career portfolio, host evaluation, feedback form", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students spend 120-150 hours working in the private, public, community, business, not-for-profit or arts sectors. This provides the student with an opportunity to experience a hands-on professional environment in which to observe and apply their knowledge and skills from their degree. Internships may be project-based and/or reflect day-to-day activities of the host organisation. Students may have the option of completing a remote internship with an organisation based in South Australia or elsewhere. The internship is supported by a preliminary half-day seminar focusing on career readiness and professional preparation. Students can apply for internship opportunities advertised through the university, or may be able to source their own internship. Final placement will be dependent on the availability of a host organisation, successful application to the host organisation and completion of all required paperwork before the commencement of the internship. Students cannot self-enrol in this course, and will be enrolled by the Internships Team after securing their approved internship. For inquiries about internship processes and timelines, please contact the Internships Team ( Students must complete the program to the satisfaction of their host organisation as well as an academic supervisor to be eligible to pass this course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 23/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 25/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 07/02/2024"}}]}, "32": {"id": "1VType7mvP73uii5u-m4B", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "MctsdOhcfWDik_M7eweRd", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92090, "section": "SE01", "size": 0, "enrolled": 7, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment into this course is by application only.\u00a0 Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jan - 22 Jan", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 218, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "33": {"id": "ibZizlBa9OkSAMaSNU8de", "course_id": "111465", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111465", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "ABLE Internship Postgraduate", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ABLEINT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7001", "CLASS_NBR": 13095, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "129999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "4 hours (in total 1 x seminar per Semester)", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students enrolled in Faculty of ABLE postgraduate coursework Programs", "PRE_REQUISITE": "12 units of postgraduate coursework study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PROF 7500, PROF 7502, PROF 7505", "ASSESSMENT": "Internship documentation, journal exercises, career portfolio, host evaluation, feedback form", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students spend 120-150 hours working in the private, public, community, business, not-for-profit or arts sectors. This provides the student with an opportunity to experience a hands-on professional environment in which to observe and apply their knowledge and skills from their degree. Internships may be project-based and/or reflect day-to-day activities of the host organisation. Students may have the option of completing a remote internship with an organisation based in South Australia or elsewhere. The internship is supported by a preliminary half-day seminar focusing on career readiness and professional preparation. Students can apply for internship opportunities advertised through the university, or may be able to source their own internship. Final placement will be dependent on the availability of a host organisation, successful application to the host organisation and completion of all required paperwork before the commencement of the internship. Students cannot self-enrol in this course, and will be enrolled by the Internships Team after securing their approved internship. For inquiries about internship processes and timelines, please contact the Internships Team ( Students must complete the program to the satisfaction of their host organisation as well as an academic supervisor to be eligible to pass this course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "34": {"id": "ibZizlBa9OkSAMaSNU8de", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "sPqUrE87oFPKxH2T18Q5M", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13095, "section": "SE01", "size": 0, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment into this course is by application only.\u00a0 Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 26 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "35": {"id": "0m0u08oo5t-HhMJCYc1Eb", "course_id": "111465", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111465", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "ABLE Internship Postgraduate", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ABLEINT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7001", "CLASS_NBR": 95042, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "129999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "4 hours (in total 1 x seminar per Semester)", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students enrolled in Faculty of ABLE postgraduate coursework Programs", "PRE_REQUISITE": "12 units of postgraduate coursework study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PROF 7500, PROF 7502, PROF 7505", "ASSESSMENT": "Internship documentation, journal exercises, career portfolio, host evaluation, feedback form", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students spend 120-150 hours working in the private, public, community, business, not-for-profit or arts sectors. This provides the student with an opportunity to experience a hands-on professional environment in which to observe and apply their knowledge and skills from their degree. Internships may be project-based and/or reflect day-to-day activities of the host organisation. Students may have the option of completing a remote internship with an organisation based in South Australia or elsewhere. The internship is supported by a preliminary half-day seminar focusing on career readiness and professional preparation. Students can apply for internship opportunities advertised through the university, or may be able to source their own internship. Final placement will be dependent on the availability of a host organisation, successful application to the host organisation and completion of all required paperwork before the commencement of the internship. Students cannot self-enrol in this course, and will be enrolled by the Internships Team after securing their approved internship. For inquiries about internship processes and timelines, please contact the Internships Team ( Students must complete the program to the satisfaction of their host organisation as well as an academic supervisor to be eligible to pass this course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 24/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 28/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 11/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 17/07/2024"}}]}, "36": {"id": "0m0u08oo5t-HhMJCYc1Eb", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "_LjU8T3w93K0gQwCINShF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95042, "section": "SE01", "size": 0, "enrolled": 1, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment into this course is by application only.\u00a0 Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jun - 24 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "37": {"id": "ana2cnodLxRbx_UnchMwa", "course_id": "111465", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111465", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "ABLE Internship Postgraduate", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ABLEINT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7001", "CLASS_NBR": 23013, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "129999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "4 hours (in total 1 x seminar per Semester)", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students enrolled in Faculty of ABLE postgraduate coursework Programs", "PRE_REQUISITE": "12 units of postgraduate coursework study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PROF 7500, PROF 7502, PROF 7505", "ASSESSMENT": "Internship documentation, journal exercises, career portfolio, host evaluation, feedback form", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students spend 120-150 hours working in the private, public, community, business, not-for-profit or arts sectors. This provides the student with an opportunity to experience a hands-on professional environment in which to observe and apply their knowledge and skills from their degree. Internships may be project-based and/or reflect day-to-day activities of the host organisation. Students may have the option of completing a remote internship with an organisation based in South Australia or elsewhere. The internship is supported by a preliminary half-day seminar focusing on career readiness and professional preparation. Students can apply for internship opportunities advertised through the university, or may be able to source their own internship. Final placement will be dependent on the availability of a host organisation, successful application to the host organisation and completion of all required paperwork before the commencement of the internship. Students cannot self-enrol in this course, and will be enrolled by the Internships Team after securing their approved internship. For inquiries about internship processes and timelines, please contact the Internships Team ( Students must complete the program to the satisfaction of their host organisation as well as an academic supervisor to be eligible to pass this course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "38": {"id": "ana2cnodLxRbx_UnchMwa", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "2WQB8dzQlZD4KymURrEW-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23013, "section": "SE01", "size": 0, "enrolled": 15, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment into this course is by application only.\u00a0 Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 22 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "39": {"id": "etpSqCmTF8vDcKYYVNQrg", "course_id": "111465", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111465", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "ABLE Internship Postgraduate", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ABLEINT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7001", "CLASS_NBR": 30051, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "129999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "4 hours (in total 1 x seminar per Semester)", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students enrolled in Faculty of ABLE postgraduate coursework Programs", "PRE_REQUISITE": "12 units of postgraduate coursework study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PROF 7500, PROF 7502, PROF 7505", "ASSESSMENT": "Internship documentation, journal exercises, career portfolio, host evaluation, feedback form", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students spend 120-150 hours working in the private, public, community, business, not-for-profit or arts sectors. This provides the student with an opportunity to experience a hands-on professional environment in which to observe and apply their knowledge and skills from their degree. Internships may be project-based and/or reflect day-to-day activities of the host organisation. Students may have the option of completing a remote internship with an organisation based in South Australia or elsewhere. The internship is supported by a preliminary half-day seminar focusing on career readiness and professional preparation. Students can apply for internship opportunities advertised through the university, or may be able to source their own internship. Final placement will be dependent on the availability of a host organisation, successful application to the host organisation and completion of all required paperwork before the commencement of the internship. Students cannot self-enrol in this course, and will be enrolled by the Internships Team after securing their approved internship. For inquiries about internship processes and timelines, please contact the Internships Team ( Students must complete the program to the satisfaction of their host organisation as well as an academic supervisor to be eligible to pass this course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "40": {"id": "etpSqCmTF8vDcKYYVNQrg", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "tkj9YHPJgHAtfN70iD4-m", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30051, "section": "SE01", "size": 0, "enrolled": 2, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment into this course is by application only.\u00a0 Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jan - 29 Jan", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "41": {"id": "FDGDTKsShVOv44wlauvjF", "course_id": "111465", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111465", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "ABLE Internship Postgraduate", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ABLEINT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7001", "CLASS_NBR": 33048, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "129999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "4 hours (in total 1 x seminar per Semester)", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students enrolled in Faculty of ABLE postgraduate coursework Programs", "PRE_REQUISITE": "12 units of postgraduate coursework study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PROF 7500, PROF 7502, PROF 7505", "ASSESSMENT": "Internship documentation, journal exercises, career portfolio, host evaluation, feedback form", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students spend 120-150 hours working in the private, public, community, business, not-for-profit or arts sectors. This provides the student with an opportunity to experience a hands-on professional environment in which to observe and apply their knowledge and skills from their degree. Internships may be project-based and/or reflect day-to-day activities of the host organisation. Students may have the option of completing a remote internship with an organisation based in South Australia or elsewhere. The internship is supported by a preliminary half-day seminar focusing on career readiness and professional preparation. Students can apply for internship opportunities advertised through the university, or may be able to source their own internship. Final placement will be dependent on the availability of a host organisation, successful application to the host organisation and completion of all required paperwork before the commencement of the internship. Students cannot self-enrol in this course, and will be enrolled by the Internships Team after securing their approved internship. For inquiries about internship processes and timelines, please contact the Internships Team ( Students must complete the program to the satisfaction of their host organisation as well as an academic supervisor to be eligible to pass this course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "42": {"id": "FDGDTKsShVOv44wlauvjF", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "Fkkez1h1GUNvJm7NTvvVP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33048, "section": "SE01", "size": 0, "enrolled": 5, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment into this course is by application only.\u00a0 Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "20 May - 20 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "43": {"id": "vf1XKdhNixn7OSl-HwrCV", "course_id": "111465", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111465", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "ABLE Internship Postgraduate", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ABLEINT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7001", "CLASS_NBR": 36061, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "129999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "4 hours (in total 1 x seminar per Semester)", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students enrolled in Faculty of ABLE postgraduate coursework Programs", "PRE_REQUISITE": "12 units of postgraduate coursework study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PROF 7500, PROF 7502, PROF 7505", "ASSESSMENT": "Internship documentation, journal exercises, career portfolio, host evaluation, feedback form", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students spend 120-150 hours working in the private, public, community, business, not-for-profit or arts sectors. This provides the student with an opportunity to experience a hands-on professional environment in which to observe and apply their knowledge and skills from their degree. Internships may be project-based and/or reflect day-to-day activities of the host organisation. Students may have the option of completing a remote internship with an organisation based in South Australia or elsewhere. The internship is supported by a preliminary half-day seminar focusing on career readiness and professional preparation. Students can apply for internship opportunities advertised through the university, or may be able to source their own internship. Final placement will be dependent on the availability of a host organisation, successful application to the host organisation and completion of all required paperwork before the commencement of the internship. Students cannot self-enrol in this course, and will be enrolled by the Internships Team after securing their approved internship. For inquiries about internship processes and timelines, please contact the Internships Team ( Students must complete the program to the satisfaction of their host organisation as well as an academic supervisor to be eligible to pass this course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "44": {"id": "vf1XKdhNixn7OSl-HwrCV", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "BhTnGRHDsvBLryUXC7RCq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36061, "section": "SE01", "size": 0, "enrolled": 1, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment into this course is by application only.\u00a0 Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Sep - 2 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "45": {"id": "tTMffh8y1K1v_tm-XwAvQ", "course_id": "111466", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111466", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "ABLE Internship Postgraduate Extended", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ABLEINT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7002", "CLASS_NBR": 13096, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "129999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students enrolled in Faculty of ABLE postgraduate coursework Programs", "PRE_REQUISITE": "12 units of postgraduate coursework study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ARTSEXP 7001", "ASSESSMENT": "Internship documentation, journal exercises, career portfolio, host evaluation; feedback form", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students spend at least 150 hours working in the private, public, community, business, not-for-profit or arts sectors. This provides the student with an opportunity to experience a hands-on professional environment in which to observe and apply their knowledge and skills from their degree. Internships may be project-based and/or reflect day-to-day activities of the host organisation. Students may have the option of completing a remote internship with an organisation based in South Australia or elsewhere. The internship is supported by a preliminary half-day seminar focusing on career readiness and professional preparation. Students can apply for internship opportunities advertised through the university, or may be able to source their own internship. Final placement will be dependent on the availability of a host organisation, successful application to the host organisation and completion of all required paperwork before the commencement of the internship. Students cannot self-enrol in this course, and will be enrolled by the Internships Team after securing their approved internship. For inquiries about internship processes and timelines, please contact the Internships Team ( Students must complete the program to the satisfaction of their host organisation as well as an academic supervisor to be eligible to pass this course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "46": {"id": "tTMffh8y1K1v_tm-XwAvQ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "6xIlOKUHwi0QShD_uy4Tm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13096, "section": "SE01", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment into this course is by application only.\u00a0 Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 26 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "47": {"id": "0nJ1gXSc94hw06w5EKwQZ", "course_id": "111466", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111466", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "ABLE Internship Postgraduate Extended", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ABLEINT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7002", "CLASS_NBR": 23014, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "129999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students enrolled in Faculty of ABLE postgraduate coursework Programs", "PRE_REQUISITE": "12 units of postgraduate coursework study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ARTSEXP 7001", "ASSESSMENT": "Internship documentation, journal exercises, career portfolio, host evaluation; feedback form", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students spend at least 150 hours working in the private, public, community, business, not-for-profit or arts sectors. This provides the student with an opportunity to experience a hands-on professional environment in which to observe and apply their knowledge and skills from their degree. Internships may be project-based and/or reflect day-to-day activities of the host organisation. Students may have the option of completing a remote internship with an organisation based in South Australia or elsewhere. The internship is supported by a preliminary half-day seminar focusing on career readiness and professional preparation. Students can apply for internship opportunities advertised through the university, or may be able to source their own internship. Final placement will be dependent on the availability of a host organisation, successful application to the host organisation and completion of all required paperwork before the commencement of the internship. Students cannot self-enrol in this course, and will be enrolled by the Internships Team after securing their approved internship. For inquiries about internship processes and timelines, please contact the Internships Team ( Students must complete the program to the satisfaction of their host organisation as well as an academic supervisor to be eligible to pass this course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "48": {"id": "0nJ1gXSc94hw06w5EKwQZ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "DiaE9wjpp2qBVED5lyuEy", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23014, "section": "SE01", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment into this course is by application only.\u00a0 Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 22 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "49": {"subject": "ABORIG", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "107654", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107655", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108353", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110299", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107742", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108863", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}]}}, "50": {"id": "Qy6bz582zXkuNzCVwSN-e", "course_id": "107654", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107654", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Indigenous People, Country & Protocols", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ABORIG", "CATALOG_NBR": "1001", "CLASS_NBR": 13200, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090311", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "300 word Review 25%, 1000 word Group presentation 35%, 2000 word Essay 40%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides a practical base for introducing students to the variety of Australian Aboriginal peoples, country and protocols. The focus will be on South Australia with the intent that what students learn in this environment will equip them with a protocols foundation for working with Indigenous peoples from elsewhere in Australia. An important learning outcome for students will be gaining knowledge on the intrinsic importance of country/land, the environment kin and identity for Indigenous people. Students may visit a key site on Kaurna country such as the cultural trail along the River Torrens. Students will also visit sites such as the South Australian Museum, the Art Gallery of South Australia, the Mortlock Library or Tandanya Cultural Institute in order to assess, analyse and explore the differences and juxtaposition on how Indigenous Knowledges, relationships, cultures and people are represented by State institutions or Indigenous organisations. Indigenous elders, storytellers, performance and academics will teach students by providing knowledge of the Indigenous relationships and responsibilities that are intrinsic to successful communication and activities with Aboriginal people. Obtaining these skills will enhance their future employment in Indigenous sectors.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "51": {"id": "Qy6bz582zXkuNzCVwSN-e", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "QJMr9cPQeLOIIEtJl8iV3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14309, "section": "LE01", "size": 155, "enrolled": 138, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "ZgodGZqI1ejwRTzZo308q", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13200, "section": "SE07", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14310, "section": "SE06", "size": 30, "enrolled": 25, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14311, "section": "SE05", "size": 35, "enrolled": 30, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14312, "section": "SE03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14313, "section": "SE02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "52": {"id": "oTqk-IQ_xCuJQaevkUTxz", "course_id": "107655", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107655", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Indigenous Scholarship & Interplay of Knowledges", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ABORIG", "CATALOG_NBR": "1002", "CLASS_NBR": 20738, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090311", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "500 word Presentation 25%, 1000 word Journal entry 35%, 2000 word Essay (40%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will provide a foundation for students on the history of the affirmation, development and legitimization of Indigenous knowledge, theory and scholarship in Australia and internationally. Contemporary Indigenous knowledge present a counterpoint to colonial and post-colonial knowledge regimes as they are played out through education, politics, law and society among numerous other areas of the modern world. In investigating these knowledge structures students will learn about the diversity of Indigenous cultures in Australia. This will be counterpointed with study of key Indigenous cultures and associated texts in North America, Scandinavia and the Pacific. A focus will be placed on the student's capacity to apply multi-knowledges and interdisciplinary approaches for both complex understanding and the requirements of working with Indigenous communities. From this base students, will learn about the importance of applying Indigenous cultural protocols in the Australian context and in the presentation of Indigenous perspectives in everyday academic, legal, political and economic work. Students will also learn to re-conceptualise problems and question cultural assumptions by negotiating appropriate methodologies to analyse, evaluate and work independently and cooperatively. A variety of methods will be used to achieve engagement, analysis and synthesis including appropriate use of technologies, film, the analysis of texts and learning from Indigenous Elders and academics.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "53": {"id": "oTqk-IQ_xCuJQaevkUTxz", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "GKcpqipV59y_M3yTNYnTQ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24249, "section": "LE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 22, "available": 28, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "Oz2GQdEXLStWlEdrQLUf6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20738, "section": "SE03", "size": 20, "enrolled": 13, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24251, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 9, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "54": {"id": "llN8wWOnHaGMEEfP8GnuI", "course_id": "108353", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108353", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "International Study Tour: Indigenous Knowledges", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ABORIG", "CATALOG_NBR": "2002", "CLASS_NBR": 92195, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090311", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Intensive up to 12 hours per week over 3 weeks", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Poster presentation 25%, Tour journal 35%, Essay 40%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is a flexible study tour that will change year to year responding to International events and aligning with Wirltu Yarlu staff research activities. All University of Adelaide Indigenous students and non-Indigenous students studying Indigenous Knowledges and Society as a minor or major are eligible.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 09/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "55": {"id": "llN8wWOnHaGMEEfP8GnuI", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "skeFxsgF8pv70KVkoTkeS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92195, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 18, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Note: Enrolment into this course is by selection only. Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}]}]}]}]}, "56": {"id": "RZ1sDlUlKYI0u3hOGvgZ5", "course_id": "110299", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110299", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Aboriginal Culture through Immersive Storytelling", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ABORIG", "CATALOG_NBR": "2003", "CLASS_NBR": 20843, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090311", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Participation 10%, Weekly Journal Reflections 20%, Presentation/Role Play 20%, Major Essay 40%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will take you on a journey of discovery! \nIt will give you an increased awareness and understanding of Aboriginal knowledge, culture and spirituality through immersive experiences and storytelling. You will be transported to a deeper and more meaningful understanding of how Aboriginal People had thrived in traditional culture pre 1788 for millennia.\n\nWe will also explore the impact of invasion/colonisation and how Aboriginal cultural knowledge can be applied to tackling contemporary world problems such as environmental sustainability, loss and grief - transgenerational trauma, health and well-being, and justice. \n\nThe journey will end by taking you beyond the common \u2018Western\u2019 stereotype of Aboriginal \u2018disadvantage\u2019, and show you how the application of contemporary Aboriginal methodologies not only reconnects Aboriginal people to cultural well-being but leads to prosperity .", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "57": {"id": "RZ1sDlUlKYI0u3hOGvgZ5", "class_list": [{"association_group": "", "groups": []}]}, "58": {"id": "QF0HszffWSh3e0ogxm2at", "course_id": "107742", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107742", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Indigenous Research Issues: Applied Knowledge", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ABORIG", "CATALOG_NBR": "3000", "CLASS_NBR": 20831, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090311", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week including online contact", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 15 units of Indigenous Knowledges and Society courses", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "An awareness of Indigenous protocols", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Work Placement and assignments as determined in first Seminar", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This capstone course will provide students with the ability to synthesise their learnings within the Indigenous Knowledges and Society major and minor. It will allow students to apply knowledge and skills to demonstrate competency in the areas of Indigenous research, the environment, history, languages and more with a well-developed awareness of alternative worldviews. The focus will be on a placement with work integrated learning that allows the student to use advanced theoretical and technical knowledge within a multidisciplinary and multi-knowledge framework that centres Indigenous knowledges. Students will demonstrate an awareness of Indigenous research methods and protocols and take into account the ethical considerations of working with Indigenous peoples, organisations and communities through their chosen field. Students will work in collaboration with Australian Indigenous peoples developing skills and knowledge to apply as professionals operating in culturally sensitive ways.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "59": {"id": "QF0HszffWSh3e0ogxm2at", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "Smoi4HNT9ivKBr4KrMAbn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20831, "section": "SE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 2, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 22 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "60": {"id": "GoTW1gAZOz02fxJLngqVl", "course_id": "108863", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108863", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Indigenous Societies: Rights and Responsibilities", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ABORIG", "CATALOG_NBR": "3001", "CLASS_NBR": 14316, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090311", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "At least 12 units of Level I undergraduate study", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessments as determined at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is a focus on Indigenous societies and key issues within Australian and International frameworks, using historical context to understand contemporary times connecting to key thinkers. Sociology and Indigenous Knowledges are used to theorise politics, gender, health, well-being, land, employment, entrepreneurship and sovereignty. Students will connect to Indigenous communities and organisations to understand the role of the individual as citizens in a world that understands the importance of Indigenous knowledges. This course examines the responsibilities of individuals and groups within society to protect the rights of Indigenous people while reflecting on diversity and personal world views.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "61": {"id": "GoTW1gAZOz02fxJLngqVl", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "xRMJ-UcBrpnYF9ZdINz0Q", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14315, "section": "LE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 19, "available": 31, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "tgzjldlvLRwkLBt2W96L6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14316, "section": "SE02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 19, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Napier, 205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Napier, 205, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "62": {"subject": "ACCTFIN", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "110156", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108940", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108940", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108940", "term": "4420", "offer": 3}, {"course_id": "108705", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108705", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108706", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108706", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108706", "term": "4410", "offer": 3}, {"course_id": "108706", "term": "4420", "offer": 3}, {"course_id": "110158", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}]}}, "63": {"id": "vby5KkwxNjrCSLjvgLloF", "course_id": "110156", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110156", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "New York Study Tour", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ACCTFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "3504", "CLASS_NBR": 92205, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 60 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "As places are limited, enrolment in this course is by an application process", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(ACCTING 1002 or ACCTING 1002OUA or ACCTING 1004) and CORPFIN 1002", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ACCTFIN 3501", "ASSESSMENT": "Professionalism, engagement and organisational skills, reflection, case study research and presentation and case study report", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides business school students with an experiential learning opportunity in the setting of New York (NY), New York, USA. Whilst on the tour, students will engage in both formal learning activities, such as engaging in workshops and completing summative assessment tasks and informal learning activities, such as visiting the offices of local businesses and organisations and networking with professionals who live and work in New York. Throughout the tour, students will combine their discipline specific business knowledge with practical experiences to solve case based problems and utilise contemporary and relevant methods of communication to share information and ideas. Through these experiences, students will develop an understanding of and appreciation for the complex business operations in the local environment and strengthen the strategies and behaviours required for them to succeed in their professional careers.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 09/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "64": {"id": "vby5KkwxNjrCSLjvgLloF", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Fieldwork", "id": "z1K8Puxhl6kmtbVPC6Lbo", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92205, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Fieldwork", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Note: Enrolment into this course is by selection only. Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}]}]}]}]}, "65": {"id": "1bxZlGDpy9rC8qEKPROgf", "course_id": "108940", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108940", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Ethical Principles in Finance & Accounting", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ACCTFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "7001", "CLASS_NBR": 12011, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ACCTING 7019 and CORPFIN 7005", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at the first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The purpose of this course is to focus on the context of the theoretical and empirical underpinning of professional ethics in finance and accounting. The course seeks to link theory and research to the practical application of ethical choices facing the finance and accounting professions. The conduct of stakeholders responsible for preparing and using financial information including moral dimensions and ethical aspects are interpreted through the application of various accounting and finance theories. This reinforces the role of finance and accounting professionals in a dynamic business environment and their significance to society in general. In accordance with various principle-based Association and Regulatory Codes of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct, a number of contemporary business issues are examined to illustrate these concepts.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "66": {"id": "1bxZlGDpy9rC8qEKPROgf", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "eOKUoTy4Nw_APRgspVbkZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12011, "section": "SE02", "size": 50, "enrolled": 50, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12012, "section": "SE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 42, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "67": {"id": "ihSBiHbmYgP-rJS_yn_Yv", "course_id": "108940", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108940", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Ethical Principles in Finance & Accounting", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ACCTFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "7001", "CLASS_NBR": 21975, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ACCTING 7019 and CORPFIN 7005", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at the first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The purpose of this course is to focus on the context of the theoretical and empirical underpinning of professional ethics in finance and accounting. The course seeks to link theory and research to the practical application of ethical choices facing the finance and accounting professions. The conduct of stakeholders responsible for preparing and using financial information including moral dimensions and ethical aspects are interpreted through the application of various accounting and finance theories. This reinforces the role of finance and accounting professionals in a dynamic business environment and their significance to society in general. In accordance with various principle-based Association and Regulatory Codes of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct, a number of contemporary business issues are examined to illustrate these concepts.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "68": {"id": "ihSBiHbmYgP-rJS_yn_Yv", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "xw02HauU_HJRyTvxWEwgY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21975, "section": "SE02", "size": 65, "enrolled": 64, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21976, "section": "SE01", "size": 56, "enrolled": 54, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "69": {"id": "i8c1sk9wtfItAzdalY7NV", "course_id": "108940", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108940", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Ethical Principles in Finance & Accounting", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ACCTFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "7001MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 29202, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ACCTING 7019 and CORPFIN 7005", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at the first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The purpose of this course is to focus on the context of the theoretical and empirical underpinning of professional ethics in finance and accounting. The course seeks to link theory and research to the practical application of ethical choices facing the finance and accounting professions. The conduct of stakeholders responsible for preparing and using financial information including moral dimensions and ethical aspects are interpreted through the application of various accounting and finance theories. This reinforces the role of finance and accounting professionals in a dynamic business environment and their significance to society in general. In accordance with various principle-based Association and Regulatory Codes of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct, a number of contemporary business issues are examined to illustrate these concepts.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "70": {"id": "i8c1sk9wtfItAzdalY7NV", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "npoNJcnw043prLyEcI4IN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29202, "section": "SE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 9, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "71": {"id": "oC1hJJkANnNNpIkxnrgcN", "course_id": "108705", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108705", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Project in Financial Statement Analysis (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ACCTFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "7005", "CLASS_NBR": 14531, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ACCTFIN 7017 and (ACCTING 7020 or CORPFIN 7039)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Completion of 30 units in the Program", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Test, Participation, Oral Presentation, Research Proposals and Reports", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This research-based capstone course allows students to develop business research skills through the analysis of accounting, finance and industry information. This will be achieved through the delivery of a series of topics allowing students to develop research skills that will be applied in professionally-oriented research projects. Students will work in teams to design and execute a research project and communicate their findings. This course will require application of attained knowledge in previous accounting and finance courses. The pedagogy adopted for this course is deliberately designed to allow students to develop their own research style through the opportunity to source and synthesise a diverse range of material as part of the development of a business research report.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "72": {"id": "oC1hJJkANnNNpIkxnrgcN", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "B2_tpANir8Jx5KN-zulUY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14531, "section": "SE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 15, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 18 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 220, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Apr - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "73": {"id": "-YChgC8dc5fEX0OQp0PFS", "course_id": "108705", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108705", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Project in Financial Statement Analysis (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ACCTFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "7005", "CLASS_NBR": 24487, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ACCTFIN 7017 and (ACCTING 7020 or CORPFIN 7039)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Completion of 30 units in the Program", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Test, Participation, Oral Presentation, Research Proposals and Reports", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This research-based capstone course allows students to develop business research skills through the analysis of accounting, finance and industry information. This will be achieved through the delivery of a series of topics allowing students to develop research skills that will be applied in professionally-oriented research projects. Students will work in teams to design and execute a research project and communicate their findings. This course will require application of attained knowledge in previous accounting and finance courses. The pedagogy adopted for this course is deliberately designed to allow students to develop their own research style through the opportunity to source and synthesise a diverse range of material as part of the development of a business research report.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "74": {"id": "-YChgC8dc5fEX0OQp0PFS", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "Muz5-_6uyinnXr3mCUHw1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24487, "section": "SE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 24, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Aug - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 220, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "29 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "75": {"id": "RmTQWCRifAdPaQeHYXys2", "course_id": "108706", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108706", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Financial Statement Analysis (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ACCTFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "7017", "CLASS_NBR": 12013, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ACCTING 7019 and CORPFIN 7005 and (CORPFIN 7033 or CORPFIN 7033MELB) and (ECON 7200 or ECON 7243)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Financial Statement Analysis provides a framework for analysing and interpreting financial statement data in a variety of business valuation contexts. This course focuses on teaching managers and business analysts the skills to understand how business transactions are accounted for, and how these transactions appear in financial statements. In particular, the course helps to disentangle critical information that may have been disguised amidst transactional complexities and \u201ccreative\u201d financial reporting. The pedagogy adopted for this course is deliberately designed to closely follow the set text, and the range of applied questions provided in the text.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "76": {"id": "RmTQWCRifAdPaQeHYXys2", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "SeH65CBAqCh2F0d2CSMT8", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12013, "section": "SE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 46, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "77": {"id": "ZGLFh8vMalAF6T8pvri8z", "course_id": "108706", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108706", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Financial Statement Analysis (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ACCTFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "7017", "CLASS_NBR": 29640, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ACCTING 7019 and CORPFIN 7005 and (CORPFIN 7033 or CORPFIN 7033MELB) and (ECON 7200 or ECON 7243)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Financial Statement Analysis provides a framework for analysing and interpreting financial statement data in a variety of business valuation contexts. This course focuses on teaching managers and business analysts the skills to understand how business transactions are accounted for, and how these transactions appear in financial statements. In particular, the course helps to disentangle critical information that may have been disguised amidst transactional complexities and \u201ccreative\u201d financial reporting. The pedagogy adopted for this course is deliberately designed to closely follow the set text, and the range of applied questions provided in the text.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "78": {"id": "ZGLFh8vMalAF6T8pvri8z", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "vhI6ifQ4C9WeS043YHOiN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21977, "section": "SE01", "size": 49, "enrolled": 45, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29640, "section": "SE02", "size": 50, "enrolled": 29, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "79": {"id": "pwelzTkPrJmRs99DYpy5g", "course_id": "108706", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108706", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Financial Statement Analysis (M)", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ACCTFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "7017MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 19397, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ACCTING 7019 and CORPFIN 7005 and (CORPFIN 7033 or CORPFIN 7033MELB) and (ECON 7200 or ECON 7243)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Financial Statement Analysis provides a framework for analysing and interpreting financial statement data in a variety of business valuation contexts. This course focuses on teaching managers and business analysts the skills to understand how business transactions are accounted for, and how these transactions appear in financial statements. In particular, the course helps to disentangle critical information that may have been disguised amidst transactional complexities and \u201ccreative\u201d financial reporting. The pedagogy adopted for this course is deliberately designed to closely follow the set text, and the range of applied questions provided in the text.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "80": {"id": "pwelzTkPrJmRs99DYpy5g", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "5itQEUtxI6YOdz067ZRNq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19397, "section": "SE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 3, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "81": {"id": "b0fxHXf5Tbmg6nUbvPvAh", "course_id": "108706", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108706", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Financial Statement Analysis (M)", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ACCTFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "7017MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 29267, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ACCTING 7019 and CORPFIN 7005 and (CORPFIN 7033 or CORPFIN 7033MELB) and (ECON 7200 or ECON 7243)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Financial Statement Analysis provides a framework for analysing and interpreting financial statement data in a variety of business valuation contexts. This course focuses on teaching managers and business analysts the skills to understand how business transactions are accounted for, and how these transactions appear in financial statements. In particular, the course helps to disentangle critical information that may have been disguised amidst transactional complexities and \u201ccreative\u201d financial reporting. The pedagogy adopted for this course is deliberately designed to closely follow the set text, and the range of applied questions provided in the text.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "82": {"id": "b0fxHXf5Tbmg6nUbvPvAh", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "hvL8CFT0wKnLJQ_gNZhiG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29267, "section": "SE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 6, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "83": {"id": "DbPCojNygl4f-Vc7tJJ7o", "course_id": "110158", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110158", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "New York Study Tour", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ACCTFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "7504", "CLASS_NBR": 92206, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 60 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "As places are limited, enrolment in this course is by an application process", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ACCTING 7019 and CORPFIN 7005", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ACCTFIN 7501", "ASSESSMENT": "Professionalism, engagement and organisational skills, reflection, case study research and presentation and case study report", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides business school students with an experiential learning opportunity, in the setting of New York (NY), New York, USA. Whilst on the tour, students will engage in both formal learning activities such as engaging in workshops and completing summative assessment tasks and informal learning activities such as visiting the offices of local businesses and organisations and networking with professionals who live and work in New York. Throughout the tour, students will combine their discipline specific business knowledge with practical experiences to solve case based problems and utilise contemporary and relevant methods of communication to share information and ideas. Through these experiences, students will develop an understanding of and appreciation for the complex business operations in the local environment and strengthen the strategies and behaviours required for them to succeed in their professional careers.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 09/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "84": {"id": "DbPCojNygl4f-Vc7tJJ7o", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Fieldwork", "id": "chD1dRfo9XweQSxV5K-Lz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92206, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Fieldwork", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Note: Enrolment into this course is by selection only. Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}]}]}]}]}, "85": {"subject": "ACCTING", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "003826", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "003826", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111611", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111611", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111183", "term": "4436", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "003826", "term": "4410", "offer": 4}, {"course_id": "003826", "term": "4420", "offer": 4}, {"course_id": "003826", "term": "4448", "offer": 4}, {"course_id": "003826", "term": "4410", "offer": 5}, {"course_id": "003826", "term": "4420", "offer": 5}, {"course_id": "003826", "term": "4448", "offer": 5}, {"course_id": "110548", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110548", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110548", "term": "4420", "offer": 4}, {"course_id": "110548", "term": "4420", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "110548", "term": "4420", "offer": 3}, {"course_id": "104229", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104229", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104229", "term": "4420", "offer": 3}, {"course_id": "104230", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104230", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104230", "term": "4410", "offer": 4}, {"course_id": "108674", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108674", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108674", "term": "4420", "offer": 4}, {"course_id": "104231", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104231", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104232", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104232", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104233", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104233", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104234", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104234", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107866", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110357", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, 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"offer": 1}, {"course_id": "103283", "term": "4420", "offer": 3}, {"course_id": "108275", "term": "4433", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108275", "term": "4436", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108275", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108275", "term": "4433", "offer": 3}, {"course_id": "108522", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108522", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108522", "term": "4420", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "108673", "term": "4436", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108673", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108673", "term": "4444", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "103465", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110358", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}]}}, "86": {"id": "8XLDv5D8Q5hLlLjVcxq6m", "course_id": "003826", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "003826", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introductory Accounting", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ACCTING", "CATALOG_NBR": "1002", "CLASS_NBR": 19782, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "Quota applies for Semester 1", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ACCTING 1002OUA", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The objective of the course is to provide an introductory knowledge of accounting to students of all disciplines such as business, professions, economics, arts, languages, law, food & nutrition, sciences, maths, computer science, psychological science, health & medical sciences, and engineering, health, medical and sciences. A general overview of accounting principles relating to the preparation of financial and managerial reports will be presented. The primary focus is to illuminate how accounting information is utilised by a variety of stakeholders in planning, controlling and investing decisions. Topics included are accounting information in its decision making context, recording of accounting transactions, understanding and analysing financial statements, cost behaviour, determination of product costs, cost-volume-profit analysis, performance management, and budgeting.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "87": {"id": "8XLDv5D8Q5hLlLjVcxq6m", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "rMQV7QddEpjZBypE2Akot", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13909, "section": "TU07", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13910, "section": "TU06", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13911, "section": "TU05", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13912, "section": "TU04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13913, "section": "TU03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 20, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13914, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13915, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Mar - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13995, "section": "TU08", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14093, "section": "TU17", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, 205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14094, "section": "TU16", "size": 25, "enrolled": 22, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14369, "section": "TU09", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15520, "section": "TU15", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15521, "section": "TU14", "size": 25, "enrolled": 22, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15522, "section": "TU13", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15523, "section": "TU12", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, 144, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15524, "section": "TU11", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}, {"dates": "25 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15525, "section": "TU10", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19765, "section": "TU18", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19782, "section": "TU19", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "ywKlh6bQtyIrsRe-YrsVa", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13907, "section": "LE01", "size": 420, "enrolled": 399, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19770, "section": "LEC0", "size": 55, "enrolled": 50, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This Lecture can be viewed on the web via MyUni and so has no time or location allocated to it. Students enrolling in the Lecture can attend the live lecture if space permits."}]}]}]}]}, "88": {"id": "4rPrFN9gb6lZEtBV6PsB1", "course_id": "003826", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "003826", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introductory Accounting", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ACCTING", "CATALOG_NBR": "1002", "CLASS_NBR": 25525, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "Quota applies for Semester 1", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ACCTING 1002OUA", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The objective of the course is to provide an introductory knowledge of accounting to students of all disciplines such as business, professions, economics, arts, languages, law, food & nutrition, sciences, maths, computer science, psychological science, health & medical sciences, and engineering, health, medical and sciences. A general overview of accounting principles relating to the preparation of financial and managerial reports will be presented. The primary focus is to illuminate how accounting information is utilised by a variety of stakeholders in planning, controlling and investing decisions. Topics included are accounting information in its decision making context, recording of accounting transactions, understanding and analysing financial statements, cost behaviour, determination of product costs, cost-volume-profit analysis, performance management, and budgeting.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "89": {"id": "4rPrFN9gb6lZEtBV6PsB1", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "XvokNehQ0-L-0GPVAoSfz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23038, "section": "TU10", "size": 25, "enrolled": 21, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23039, "section": "TU09", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23040, "section": "TU08", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23041, "section": "TU07", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23042, "section": "TU06", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23891, "section": "TU04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23892, "section": "TU03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23893, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25525, "section": "TU15", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25526, "section": "TU14", "size": 25, "enrolled": 14, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25527, "section": "TU13", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 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21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "90": {"id": "5qwJR1IhY9Mam2fBZGp86", "course_id": "111611", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111611", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introductory Accounting", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ACCTING", "CATALOG_NBR": "1002MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 19398, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ACCTING 1002, ACCTING 1002OUA, ACCTING 1002UAC, ACCTING 1002UACM", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The objective of the course is to provide an introductory knowledge of accounting to students of all disciplines such as business, professions, economics, arts, languages, law, food & nutrition, sciences, maths, computer science, psychological science, health & medical sciences, and engineering, health, medical and sciences. A general overview of accounting principles relating to the preparation of financial and managerial reports will be presented. The primary focus is to illuminate how accounting information is utilised by a variety of stakeholders in planning, controlling and investing decisions. Topics included are accounting information in its decision making context, recording of accounting transactions, understanding and analysing financial statements, cost behaviour, determination of product costs, cost-volume-profit analysis, performance management, and budgeting.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "91": {"id": "5qwJR1IhY9Mam2fBZGp86", "class_list": [{"association_group": "", "groups": []}]}, "92": {"id": "A-D7YHDrlBmE9d-a1UcvH", "course_id": "111611", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111611", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introductory Accounting", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ACCTING", "CATALOG_NBR": "1002MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 29268, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ACCTING 1002, ACCTING 1002OUA, ACCTING 1002UAC, ACCTING 1002UACM", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The objective of the course is to provide an introductory knowledge of accounting to students of all disciplines such as business, professions, economics, arts, languages, law, food & nutrition, sciences, maths, computer science, psychological science, health & medical sciences, and engineering, health, medical and sciences. A general overview of accounting principles relating to the preparation of financial and managerial reports will be presented. The primary focus is to illuminate how accounting information is utilised by a variety of stakeholders in planning, controlling and investing decisions. Topics included are accounting information in its decision making context, recording of accounting transactions, understanding and analysing financial statements, cost behaviour, determination of product costs, cost-volume-profit analysis, performance management, and budgeting.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "93": {"id": "A-D7YHDrlBmE9d-a1UcvH", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "tautmDvq43_0aSSOv3RmS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29268, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 0, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "35AF6UnZ5J_Fq1vd1B0rx", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29341, "section": "LEC0", "size": 24, "enrolled": 0, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "94": {"id": "8UKSKSz8QdCwNkfNCj5DA", "course_id": "111183", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111183", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introductory Accounting", "CAMPUS": "Open Universities Australia", "CAMPUS_CD": "OUA", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ACCTING", "CATALOG_NBR": "1002OUA", "CLASS_NBR": 33122, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "Quota applies for Semester 1", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide Open Universities Australia students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ACCTING 1002", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The objective of the course is to provide an introductory knowledge of accounting to students of all disciplines such as business, professions, economics, arts, languages, law, food & nutrition, sciences, maths, computer science, psychological science, health & medical sciences, and engineering, health, medical and sciences. A general overview of accounting principles relating to the preparation of financial and managerial reports will be presented. The primary focus is to illuminate how accounting information is utilised by a variety of stakeholders in planning, controlling and investing decisions. Topics included are accounting information in its decision making context, recording of accounting transactions, understanding and analysing financial statements, cost behaviour, determination of product costs, cost-volume-profit analysis, performance management, and budgeting.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "95": {"id": "8UKSKSz8QdCwNkfNCj5DA", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "iOcsdN5B2yEK411GxUwlX", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33122, "section": "01OU", "size": 100, "enrolled": 3, "available": 97, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "96": {"id": "ECfOUkVya4KrXNO_GDzjG", "course_id": "003826", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "003826", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 4, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introductory Accounting", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ACCTING", "CATALOG_NBR": "1002UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 19677, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "Quota applies for Semester 1", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ACCTING 1002OUA", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The objective of the course is to provide an introductory knowledge of accounting to students of all disciplines such as business, professions, economics, arts, languages, law, food & nutrition, sciences, maths, computer science, psychological science, health & medical sciences, and engineering, health, medical and sciences. A general overview of accounting principles relating to the preparation of financial and managerial reports will be presented. The primary focus is to illuminate how accounting information is utilised by a variety of stakeholders in planning, controlling and investing decisions. Topics included are accounting information in its decision making context, recording of accounting transactions, understanding and analysing financial statements, cost behaviour, determination of product costs, cost-volume-profit analysis, performance management, and budgeting.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "97": {"id": "ECfOUkVya4KrXNO_GDzjG", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "UhabZPv8z0OBZECcKGQ8q", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18900, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 18, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, 204, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Darling West, B04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, 204, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Darling West, B04, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18901, "section": "TT02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 23, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 106, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 106, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 105, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18902, "section": "TT03", "size": 24, "enrolled": 21, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 115, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 310, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 115, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 310, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18903, "section": "TT04", "size": 24, "enrolled": 24, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 109, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, 104, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 109, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, 104, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18904, "section": "TT05", "size": 24, "enrolled": 20, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 314, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 106, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 314, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 106, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19677, "section": "TT06", "size": 24, "enrolled": 18, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, B03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, B04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, B03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, B04, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "UOU3Yzy5deYuJJ3rPeeUP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18919, "section": "LEC0", "size": 144, "enrolled": 124, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "98": {"id": "WzE0luQjzsHUjua1Sb2hq", "course_id": "003826", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "003826", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 4, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introductory Accounting", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ACCTING", "CATALOG_NBR": "1002UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 28822, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "Quota applies for Semester 1", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ACCTING 1002OUA", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The objective of the course is to provide an introductory knowledge of accounting to students of all disciplines such as business, professions, economics, arts, languages, law, food & nutrition, sciences, maths, computer science, psychological science, health & medical sciences, and engineering, health, medical and sciences. A general overview of accounting principles relating to the preparation of financial and managerial reports will be presented. The primary focus is to illuminate how accounting information is utilised by a variety of stakeholders in planning, controlling and investing decisions. Topics included are accounting information in its decision making context, recording of accounting transactions, understanding and analysing financial statements, cost behaviour, determination of product costs, cost-volume-profit analysis, performance management, and budgeting.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "99": {"id": "WzE0luQjzsHUjua1Sb2hq", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "G7rCzGchfZO9aZDbTO3Fj", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28819, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 20, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 114, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 114, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 28820, "section": "TT02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 22, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, B03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, 203, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, B03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, 203, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 28821, "section": "TT03", "size": 24, "enrolled": 22, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Badger, 125, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hartley, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Badger, 125, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hartley, G05, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 28822, "section": "TT04", "size": 24, "enrolled": 20, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 106, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 109, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 106, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 109, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "qdliTSlZD4caqG3gpUtqm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28868, "section": "LEC0", "size": 96, "enrolled": 84, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "100": {"id": "Tbw5chviomb_vfwzyZI2I", "course_id": "003826", "term": "4448", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "003826", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 4, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4448", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introductory Accounting", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ACCTING", "CATALOG_NBR": "1002UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 46289, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "Quota applies for Semester 1", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ACCTING 1002OUA", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The objective of the course is to provide an introductory knowledge of accounting to students of all disciplines such as business, professions, economics, arts, languages, law, food & nutrition, sciences, maths, computer science, psychological science, health & medical sciences, and engineering, health, medical and sciences. A general overview of accounting principles relating to the preparation of financial and managerial reports will be presented. The primary focus is to illuminate how accounting information is utilised by a variety of stakeholders in planning, controlling and investing decisions. Topics included are accounting information in its decision making context, recording of accounting transactions, understanding and analysing financial statements, cost behaviour, determination of product costs, cost-volume-profit analysis, performance management, and budgeting.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 14/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 14/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 19/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 11/12/2024"}}]}, "101": {"id": "Tbw5chviomb_vfwzyZI2I", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "6L9dAS5yHKLy29lz4i07S", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46269, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 15, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Oct - 9 Dec", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 13 Dec", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 315, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 46289, "section": "TT02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 7, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Oct - 9 Dec", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 10 Dec", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Darling West, 104, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "10PZEoHOhXlkX712ahKhF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46309, "section": "LEC0", "size": 48, "enrolled": 22, "available": 26, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "102": {"id": "Osx_mpvFx0jMpmmXnDor-", "course_id": "003826", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "003826", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 5, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introductory Accounting", "CAMPUS": "UofA College Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "UACM", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ACCTING", "CATALOG_NBR": "1002UACM", "CLASS_NBR": 19329, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "Quota applies for Semester 1", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ACCTING 1002OUA", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The objective of the course is to provide an introductory knowledge of accounting to students of all disciplines such as business, professions, economics, arts, languages, law, food & nutrition, sciences, maths, computer science, psychological science, health & medical sciences, and engineering, health, medical and sciences. A general overview of accounting principles relating to the preparation of financial and managerial reports will be presented. The primary focus is to illuminate how accounting information is utilised by a variety of stakeholders in planning, controlling and investing decisions. Topics included are accounting information in its decision making context, recording of accounting transactions, understanding and analysing financial statements, cost behaviour, determination of product costs, cost-volume-profit analysis, performance management, and budgeting.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "103": {"id": "Osx_mpvFx0jMpmmXnDor-", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "DhtKN73sLxoqubCkyXNPg", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19329, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 16, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Zm33DoYMgMQGGSydD_2XI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19550, "section": "LEC0", "size": 24, "enrolled": 16, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "104": {"id": "kmnwqX96JJIo9TFzivVIE", "course_id": "003826", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "003826", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 5, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introductory Accounting", "CAMPUS": "UofA College Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "UACM", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ACCTING", "CATALOG_NBR": "1002UACM", "CLASS_NBR": 29203, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "Quota applies for Semester 1", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ACCTING 1002OUA", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The objective of the course is to provide an introductory knowledge of accounting to students of all disciplines such as business, professions, economics, arts, languages, law, food & nutrition, sciences, maths, computer science, psychological science, health & medical sciences, and engineering, health, medical and sciences. A general overview of accounting principles relating to the preparation of financial and managerial reports will be presented. The primary focus is to illuminate how accounting information is utilised by a variety of stakeholders in planning, controlling and investing decisions. Topics included are accounting information in its decision making context, recording of accounting transactions, understanding and analysing financial statements, cost behaviour, determination of product costs, cost-volume-profit analysis, performance management, and budgeting.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "105": {"id": "kmnwqX96JJIo9TFzivVIE", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "xYJHW3o94o0RgfpZ3ZKse", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29203, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 10, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "QhW2GHtARVvvcr-WifJpx", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29322, "section": "LEC0", "size": 24, "enrolled": 10, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "106": {"id": "9uaRQ9Yot7jZU2lAd4_8v", "course_id": "003826", "term": "4448", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "003826", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 5, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4448", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introductory Accounting", "CAMPUS": "UofA College Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "UACM", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ACCTING", "CATALOG_NBR": "1002UACM", "CLASS_NBR": 46273, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "Quota applies for Semester 1", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ACCTING 1002OUA", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The objective of the course is to provide an introductory knowledge of accounting to students of all disciplines such as business, professions, economics, arts, languages, law, food & nutrition, sciences, maths, computer science, psychological science, health & medical sciences, and engineering, health, medical and sciences. A general overview of accounting principles relating to the preparation of financial and managerial reports will be presented. The primary focus is to illuminate how accounting information is utilised by a variety of stakeholders in planning, controlling and investing decisions. Topics included are accounting information in its decision making context, recording of accounting transactions, understanding and analysing financial statements, cost behaviour, determination of product costs, cost-volume-profit analysis, performance management, and budgeting.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 14/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 14/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 19/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 11/12/2024"}}]}, "107": {"id": "9uaRQ9Yot7jZU2lAd4_8v", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "vtwEtmdd4bT3_aWy2k2G4", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46273, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 4, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "10 Oct - 12 Dec", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 10 Dec", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "45KJ13C1P9ncuyhIfJ7Y-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46275, "section": "LEC0", "size": 24, "enrolled": 4, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "108": {"id": "qaTpoL6EPoyE2m-QcVMfh", "course_id": "110548", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110548", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Accounting Foundations", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ACCTING", "CATALOG_NBR": "1004", "CLASS_NBR": 13917, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ACCTING 1002 or ACCTING 1002OUA", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ACCTING 2502", "ASSESSMENT": "Tests, assignments and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces students to identifying, recording, and reporting business events and transactions for decision-making. Students will develop an understanding of principles and concepts in the conceptual framework which sets students up for success in later accounting courses. Students will learn the fundamentals of the double entry accounting system and preparing financial statements alongside the practical aspects of using a computerised accounting system. Specific topics include accounting for inventories, accounts receivable, non-current assets, liabilities and equity.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "109": {"id": "qaTpoL6EPoyE2m-QcVMfh", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "PEUL3cqQJ07y9Lxu6BuWY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13917, "section": "TU09", "size": 25, "enrolled": 22, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, 205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Mar - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, 205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, 205, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13923, "section": "TU03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 16, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13925, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 15, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "h7z-uivoy0D4eEt6gba3J", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13908, "section": "LE01", "size": 250, "enrolled": 53, "available": 197, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "110": {"id": "qpc-elHKWsTp8YOOnNZEr", "course_id": "110548", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110548", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Accounting Foundations", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ACCTING", "CATALOG_NBR": "1004", "CLASS_NBR": 20409, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ACCTING 1002 or ACCTING 1002OUA", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ACCTING 2502", "ASSESSMENT": "Tests, assignments and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces students to identifying, recording, and reporting business events and transactions for decision-making. Students will develop an understanding of principles and concepts in the conceptual framework which sets students up for success in later accounting courses. Students will learn the fundamentals of the double entry accounting system and preparing financial statements alongside the practical aspects of using a computerised accounting system. Specific topics include accounting for inventories, accounts receivable, non-current assets, liabilities and equity.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "111": {"id": "qpc-elHKWsTp8YOOnNZEr", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "KD1aAP7-ZOoC7-pZwEMD8", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20409, "section": "TU12", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20410, "section": "TU11", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20411, "section": "TU10", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23895, "section": "TU09", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23896, "section": "TU08", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23897, "section": "TU07", "size": 25, "enrolled": 21, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23899, "section": "TU05", "size": 25, "enrolled": 18, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23900, "section": "TU04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23901, "section": "TU03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23902, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 18, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "dyhwpefUvNPft1lFMFdFZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23889, "section": "LE01", "size": 250, "enrolled": 229, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "112": {"id": "qdHVReR4cUmPLpT4gHBFN", "course_id": "110548", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110548", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 4, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Accounting Foundations", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ACCTING", "CATALOG_NBR": "1004MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 29155, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ACCTING 1002 or ACCTING 1002OUA", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ACCTING 2502", "ASSESSMENT": "Tests, assignments and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces students to identifying, recording, and reporting business events and transactions for decision-making. Students will develop an understanding of principles and concepts in the conceptual framework which sets students up for success in later accounting courses. Students will learn the fundamentals of the double entry accounting system and preparing financial statements alongside the practical aspects of using a computerised accounting system. Specific topics include accounting for inventories, accounts receivable, non-current assets, liabilities and equity.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "113": {"id": "qdHVReR4cUmPLpT4gHBFN", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "L_7LeLov961Vk6CeLJ9mn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29155, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 0, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "XKf23alxQ1dx4wT4A6EGI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29342, "section": "LEC0", "size": 48, "enrolled": 0, "available": 48, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "114": {"id": "dhFtyWSKazH9QRXnUqTWb", "course_id": "110548", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110548", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Accounting Foundations", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ACCTING", "CATALOG_NBR": "1004UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 22255, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ACCTING 1002 or ACCTING 1002OUA", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ACCTING 2502", "ASSESSMENT": "Tests, assignments and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces students to identifying, recording, and reporting business events and transactions for decision-making. Students will develop an understanding of principles and concepts in the conceptual framework which sets students up for success in later accounting courses. Students will learn the fundamentals of the double entry accounting system and preparing financial statements alongside the practical aspects of using a computerised accounting system. Specific topics include accounting for inventories, accounts receivable, non-current assets, liabilities and equity.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "115": {"id": "dhFtyWSKazH9QRXnUqTWb", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "heJ2bL8_mW9olXAnCYBKS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22255, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 13, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 106, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 109, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 106, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 210, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "xcL3uwmK_y2ZmAdeK0Wnl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28869, "section": "LEC0", "size": 48, "enrolled": 13, "available": 35, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "116": {"id": "TlfeE6Xb0nj6jUIaDUsyq", "course_id": "110548", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110548", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Accounting Foundations", "CAMPUS": "UofA College Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "UACM", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ACCTING", "CATALOG_NBR": "1004UACM", "CLASS_NBR": 29154, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ACCTING 1002 or ACCTING 1002OUA", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ACCTING 2502", "ASSESSMENT": "Tests, assignments and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces students to identifying, recording, and reporting business events and transactions for decision-making. Students will develop an understanding of principles and concepts in the conceptual framework which sets students up for success in later accounting courses. Students will learn the fundamentals of the double entry accounting system and preparing financial statements alongside the practical aspects of using a computerised accounting system. Specific topics include accounting for inventories, accounts receivable, non-current assets, liabilities and equity.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "117": {"id": "TlfeE6Xb0nj6jUIaDUsyq", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "UYuqYFWIYXj1SGuCw1WMK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29154, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 12, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "oWBw64iM5YG7l2POzdOac", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29323, "section": "LEC0", "size": 48, "enrolled": 12, "available": 36, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "118": {"id": "wV8W2sqLKBYB2TI5tVjGd", "course_id": "104229", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104229", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Cost and Management Accounting", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ACCTING", "CATALOG_NBR": "2500", "CLASS_NBR": 13928, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ACCTING 1002 or ACCTING 1002OUA or ACCTING 1004", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Basic computer literacy using MS Office software", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to give an understanding of how management accountants provide information to facilitate decision-making in an organisation. On completion of this course, students should be able to determine product costs, formulate budgets and standards for planning and control, understand the role of responsibility accounting and performance measurement, and explain contemporary thinking in management accounting.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "119": {"id": "wV8W2sqLKBYB2TI5tVjGd", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "-vE1UcwnoIT56T1B87Gvs", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13928, "section": "TU07", "size": 25, "enrolled": 22, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13930, "section": "TU05", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13931, "section": "TU04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 20, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13932, "section": "TU03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13933, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 16, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "SdcYQkGEIn1o-4ipizWEj", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13926, "section": "LE01", "size": 125, "enrolled": 108, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "120": {"id": "DyFVamBDErNUDYRaYfEOi", "course_id": "104229", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104229", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Cost and Management Accounting", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ACCTING", "CATALOG_NBR": "2500", "CLASS_NBR": 21365, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ACCTING 1002 or ACCTING 1002OUA or ACCTING 1004", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Basic computer literacy using MS Office software", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to give an understanding of how management accountants provide information to facilitate decision-making in an organisation. On completion of this course, students should be able to determine product costs, formulate budgets and standards for planning and control, understand the role of responsibility accounting and performance measurement, and explain contemporary thinking in management accounting.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "121": {"id": "DyFVamBDErNUDYRaYfEOi", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "63ZwUWWBSkY43YUvuE9il", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21365, "section": "TU10", "size": 25, "enrolled": 14, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21366, "section": "TU09", "size": 25, "enrolled": 13, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21367, "section": "TU08", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21369, "section": "TU06", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23909, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "pHFnzcZMDgtBcIjyjzBhR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23904, "section": "LE01", "size": 125, "enrolled": 101, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "122": {"id": "b7WUDJUn6uiThCi5Y2Fua", "course_id": "104229", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104229", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Cost and Management Accounting", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ACCTING", "CATALOG_NBR": "2500MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 29157, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ACCTING 1002 or ACCTING 1002OUA or ACCTING 1004", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Basic computer literacy using MS Office software", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to give an understanding of how management accountants provide information to facilitate decision-making in an organisation. On completion of this course, students should be able to determine product costs, formulate budgets and standards for planning and control, understand the role of responsibility accounting and performance measurement, and explain contemporary thinking in management accounting.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "123": {"id": "b7WUDJUn6uiThCi5Y2Fua", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "7pfI-xhGSa01F4YZUuGNt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29157, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 1, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "9yOGyQowvFS7EB5pgZPo8", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29156, "section": "LE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 1, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "124": {"id": "jtsLg6iVNydwCjs62xEs7", "course_id": "104230", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104230", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Financial Accounting", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ACCTING", "CATALOG_NBR": "2501", "CLASS_NBR": 13936, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week (Semester Offering)", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(ACCTING 1004 or ACCTING 1005 or ACCTING 2502) and CORPFIN 1002", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of this course is to guide students in their development of technical and problem solving skills in the area of corporate external financial reporting. Corporate external financial reporting comprises financial reporting by reporting entities to external stakeholders. It is mandatory for reporting entities to report in accordance with Australian accounting standards. Students in this course will gain skills in reading, interpreting and applying accounting standards. This course builds on introductory level financial accounting. The course is essential for all individuals exposed to financial information in the workplace including accountants, auditors, financial analysts, managers, bankers and oversight bodies involved in the preparation or use of company financial statements.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "125": {"id": "jtsLg6iVNydwCjs62xEs7", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "9g-mPRIjB1xJ6OVvNeZq9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13936, "section": "TU10", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13938, "section": "TU07", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13939, "section": "TU06", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13940, "section": "TU04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13941, "section": "TU03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 12, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13942, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13943, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 20, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "CqkWB3DGxeNAvxwzDi9Gz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13944, "section": "LE01", "size": 175, "enrolled": 149, "available": 26, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "126": {"id": "B5jTHZdw4z4DA1Hr1wGSu", "course_id": "104230", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104230", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Financial Accounting", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ACCTING", "CATALOG_NBR": "2501", "CLASS_NBR": 23913, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week (Semester Offering)", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(ACCTING 1004 or ACCTING 1005 or ACCTING 2502) and CORPFIN 1002", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of this course is to guide students in their development of technical and problem solving skills in the area of corporate external financial reporting. Corporate external financial reporting comprises financial reporting by reporting entities to external stakeholders. It is mandatory for reporting entities to report in accordance with Australian accounting standards. Students in this course will gain skills in reading, interpreting and applying accounting standards. This course builds on introductory level financial accounting. The course is essential for all individuals exposed to financial information in the workplace including accountants, auditors, financial analysts, managers, bankers and oversight bodies involved in the preparation or use of company financial statements.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "127": {"id": "B5jTHZdw4z4DA1Hr1wGSu", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "LJG4DeybHKXgEGdDUJD0s", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23913, "section": "TU05", "size": 25, "enrolled": 14, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 1 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23914, "section": "TU04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23915, "section": "TU03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 18, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 29 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23916, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 29 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23917, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 16, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 29 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "y5oLxPe24JLSqAMP_dxbX", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23918, "section": "LE01", "size": 125, "enrolled": 95, "available": 30, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "128": {"id": "OLZo5omuTztBu2CKGb_ed", "course_id": "104230", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104230", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 4, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Financial Accounting", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ACCTING", "CATALOG_NBR": "2501MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 19291, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week (Semester Offering)", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(ACCTING 1005 and CORPFIN 1002) or (ACCTING 2502 and CORPFIN 1002) or (ACCTING 1004 and CORPFIN 1002)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of this course is to guide students in their development of technical and problem solving skills in the area of corporate external financial reporting. Corporate external financial reporting comprises financial reporting by reporting entities to external stakeholders. It is mandatory for reporting entities to report in accordance with Australian accounting standards. Students in this course will gain skills in reading, interpreting and applying accounting standards. This course builds on introductory level financial accounting. The course is essential for all individuals exposed to financial information in the workplace including accountants, auditors, financial analysts, managers, bankers and oversight bodies involved in the preparation or use of company financial statements.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "129": {"id": "OLZo5omuTztBu2CKGb_ed", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "7uqSXYRfPgr7Vj2PwLC79", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19291, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 1, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "IzhQYemTvNniR_NZ2zKP4", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19290, "section": "LE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 1, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "130": {"id": "jLOvbLyPh87N92-2Brk3a", "course_id": "108674", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108674", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Accounting Systems and Data Analytics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ACCTING", "CATALOG_NBR": "2503", "CLASS_NBR": 13947, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "A quota may apply", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ACCTING 1002 or ACCTING 1002OUA or ACCTING 1004", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is an introduction to Accounting Information Systems: their role in organisations, particularly in support of strategic and operational decision-making and problem-solving, as well as operations support and management. Systems thinking; systems design & development; management perspectives on the IT support role to business (particularly security & ethics); trends, issues and concerns in IS; and end-user application software including accounting packages, reporting, and database management, are studied and assessed.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "131": {"id": "jLOvbLyPh87N92-2Brk3a", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "nUud5Li0zT5Bn3d6B58fR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13947, "section": "TU06", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, 228, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, 228, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13948, "section": "TU05", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, 207, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, 207, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13949, "section": "TU04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, 207, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, 207, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13952, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, 220, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, 220, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "MT6fi1r2i_Z66Br7QZMDM", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13945, "section": "LE01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 99, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "132": {"id": "bAjsw6xJBUZgkOwgRgvcf", "course_id": "108674", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108674", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Accounting Systems and Data Analytics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ACCTING", "CATALOG_NBR": "2503", "CLASS_NBR": 23920, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "A quota may apply", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ACCTING 1002 or ACCTING 1002OUA or ACCTING 1004", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is an introduction to Accounting Information Systems: their role in organisations, particularly in support of strategic and operational decision-making and problem-solving, as well as operations support and management. Systems thinking; systems design & development; management perspectives on the IT support role to business (particularly security & ethics); trends, issues and concerns in IS; and end-user application software including accounting packages, reporting, and database management, are studied and assessed.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "133": {"id": "bAjsw6xJBUZgkOwgRgvcf", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "Sce2AWjSjU8-RzApzH57j", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23920, "section": "TU06", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, 228, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, 228, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23921, "section": "TU05", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, 228, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, 228, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23924, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 13, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Nexus10, 228, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Nexus10, 228, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23925, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, 228, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, 228, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "QdhDypDaTShhW3EJh1Jbf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23919, "section": "LE01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 88, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "134": {"id": "0dar60VSibYTnWI5agAtE", "course_id": "108674", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108674", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 4, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Accounting Systems and Data Analytics", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ACCTING", "CATALOG_NBR": "2503MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 29161, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "A quota may apply", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ACCTING 1002 or ACCTING 1002OUA or ACCTING 1004", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is an introduction to Accounting Information Systems: their role in organisations, particularly in support of strategic and operational decision-making and problem-solving, as well as operations support and management. Systems thinking; systems design & development; management perspectives on the IT support role to business (particularly security & ethics); trends, issues and concerns in IS; and end-user application software including accounting packages, reporting, and database management, are studied and assessed.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "135": {"id": "0dar60VSibYTnWI5agAtE", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "P4aOHGYwUS5emk3mFWuXi", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29161, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 2, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "TG4xhKz9kdJDBRCS2hUW5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29160, "section": "LE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 2, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "136": {"id": "y8BjqGCXBuyNIacxyMEDf", "course_id": "104231", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104231", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Accounting Theory", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ACCTING", "CATALOG_NBR": "3500", "CLASS_NBR": 13955, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ACCTING 2501", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as per the course outline", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Topics may include theory development in accounting, normative accounting theories, positive accounting theories, ethics in accounting, social and environmental accounting issues, and professional judgement in accounting", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "137": {"id": "y8BjqGCXBuyNIacxyMEDf", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "uxIITd_xT0HlnFrwQnNwl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13955, "section": "TU08", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13956, "section": "TU07", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13957, "section": "TU06", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13958, "section": "TU05", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13961, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "SBvLNQHn6vM5-iGgaACYR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13953, "section": "LE01", "size": 200, "enrolled": 120, "available": 80, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 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12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23930, "section": "TU05", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23931, "section": "TU04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 14, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 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2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13966, "section": "TU06", "size": 25, "enrolled": 14, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13967, "section": "TU05", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 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3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "25Wa-j-VNkSy_sTsRNhmE", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13963, "section": "LE01", "size": 150, "enrolled": 80, "available": 70, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "142": {"id": "Z8DYuQTmD7t2Kqth49et7", "course_id": "104232", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104232", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Corporate Accounting", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ACCTING", "CATALOG_NBR": "3501", "CLASS_NBR": 23937, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week (1 hour online content)", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ACCTING 2501", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "CORPFIN 1002 or CORPFIN 2500 or CORPFIN 2503", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/interim work as prescribed at first lecture.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Topics include strategic and legal issues in mergers and acquisitions; accounting for inter-corporate investments; takeovers through asset purchases and share purchases; consolidation;; foreign currency transactions and translation; disclosure and financial analysis issues (including segment reporting and related party disclosure).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "143": {"id": "Z8DYuQTmD7t2Kqth49et7", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "ayu49ZLwsXpXQ0uPJRkcY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23937, "section": "TU07", "size": 25, "enrolled": 7, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 28 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23938, "section": "TU06", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 1 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23940, "section": "TU04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 1 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23942, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 28 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "2YtqF9Z2mEuoEojxuesu9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23935, "section": "LE01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 77, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "144": {"id": "YmIRJABt4gG7Nx7IUN5dm", "course_id": "104233", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104233", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Auditing", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ACCTING", "CATALOG_NBR": "3502", "CLASS_NBR": 13975, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ACCTING 2501", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "48 units of Program passed", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Audit comprises a fundamental component of the recurrent and strategic activities of nearly all professional occupations. While a small group of jobs focus exclusively on internal and external audit tasks, the majority of commerce graduates will utilise the principles and practices of risk assessment, internal control, systems evaluation and forensic accountability in their professional lives. This course thus aims to provide an introduction to the principles and practices of auditing. In this context, it will also outline and critically examine contemporary audit issues and challenges.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "145": {"id": "YmIRJABt4gG7Nx7IUN5dm", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "ntoN2Ui-NVTu9U9eOz2jw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13975, "section": "TU06", "size": 25, "enrolled": 22, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13977, "section": "TU04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 20, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13978, "section": "TU03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 15, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13980, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 17, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "gOfDt5qKzdex1zGdivAVr", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13972, "section": "LE01", "size": 125, "enrolled": 74, "available": 51, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "146": {"id": "i9ofkNpPCy9GATgjjquFX", "course_id": "104233", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104233", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Auditing", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ACCTING", "CATALOG_NBR": "3502", "CLASS_NBR": 23945, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ACCTING 2501", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "48 units of Program passed", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Audit comprises a fundamental component of the recurrent and strategic activities of nearly all professional occupations. While a small group of jobs focus exclusively on internal and external audit tasks, the majority of commerce graduates will utilise the principles and practices of risk assessment, internal control, systems evaluation and forensic accountability in their professional lives. This course thus aims to provide an introduction to the principles and practices of auditing. In this context, it will also outline and critically examine contemporary audit issues and challenges.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "147": {"id": "i9ofkNpPCy9GATgjjquFX", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "aVNmvnzPYebMsUeiMnx2D", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23945, "section": "TU08", "size": 25, "enrolled": 19, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23946, "section": "TU07", "size": 25, "enrolled": 16, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23949, "section": "TU04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 22, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23952, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 26, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "RMGmf9RXCFhfr4fzK3Osg", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23944, "section": "LE01", "size": 125, "enrolled": 83, "available": 42, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "148": {"id": "ZO-Q15InSK_1tblMriykO", "course_id": "104234", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104234", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Strategic Management Accounting", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ACCTING", "CATALOG_NBR": "3503", "CLASS_NBR": 13982, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ACCTING 2500", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to give an understanding of how management accounting and control mechanisms work to support organisations\u2019 strategies. It introduces control alternatives, performance management, corporate governance, business ethical issues for both business and not-for-profit entities. Overall, the course focuses on the control functions of management in light of organisations\u2019 strategic imperatives.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "149": {"id": "ZO-Q15InSK_1tblMriykO", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "9k77Zv1zsFB4zugYY-cP_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13982, "section": "TU04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 9, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "MEjzViEpU5drKAbbGJZj6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13981, "section": "LE01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 9, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "150": {"id": "lZk8UJw5_ZkLJdKNvvS0E", "course_id": "104234", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104234", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Strategic Management Accounting", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ACCTING", "CATALOG_NBR": "3503", "CLASS_NBR": 23956, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ACCTING 2500", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to give an understanding of how management accounting and control mechanisms work to support organisations\u2019 strategies. It introduces control alternatives, performance management, corporate governance, business ethical issues for both business and not-for-profit entities. Overall, the course focuses on the control functions of management in light of organisations\u2019 strategic imperatives.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "151": {"id": "lZk8UJw5_ZkLJdKNvvS0E", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "fkmPEt0EWoCIbUkcHozah", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23956, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 3, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "Oo4tRkyqcDCmZVADHREoG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23953, "section": "LE01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 3, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "152": {"id": "-BY5xi1gA0vacupbZUaaz", "course_id": "107866", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107866", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Theory in Accounting (H)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ACCTING", "CATALOG_NBR": "4101", "CLASS_NBR": 15895, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to enable students to obtain an in-depth understanding of some of the main theoretical and research perspectives that have contributed to the literature in accounting and to be able to critically review the application of behavioural and market based theories underlying financial accounting and reporting, auditing and management accounting research. Topics in financial accounting and reporting include: applications of agency theory, positive accounting theory, legitimacy theory and institutional theory. This is essentially a reading-based course in which students will critically review scholarly research articles each week.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "153": {"id": "-BY5xi1gA0vacupbZUaaz", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "_Qx8oBar-c8VG2R8j_Jbl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15895, "section": "01NT", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "154": {"id": "Zi9RO3dx0BW-PKGvnnLCO", "course_id": "110357", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110357", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Theory in Auditing", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ACCTING", "CATALOG_NBR": "4102", "CLASS_NBR": 16221, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Class participation, seminar presentations, assignment and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Auditing is a crucial part of our system of corporate governance. This course will give students a much greater understanding of auditing and assurance and in particular how research into auditing and assurance informs auditing principles, practice and theory. It is a readings and discussed based seminar course.\n\nAuditing research employs a range of empirical methods and the selection papers in this course is designed to reflect that diversity. However, auditing research can be broadly categorized into two main groups: research about auditing and research into the process of auditing. The first group is predominantly archival research and draws from economics. The second group is mainly behavioural research and draws from psychology as well as from topics of interest to the auditing profession.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "155": {"id": "Zi9RO3dx0BW-PKGvnnLCO", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "-T9M2zVhILERWiRUDA4d4", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16221, "section": "01NT", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "156": {"id": "R_bAYbS5WvaB6MygjE0mY", "course_id": "102234", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102234", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Auditing & Assurance Services (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ACCTING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7009", "CLASS_NBR": 10751, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ACCTING 7020 or (ACCTING 7020AMELB and ACCTING 7020BMELB)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course examines the principles and practices of internal and external auditing. Topics: auditing as a component of recurrent and strategic activities, risk assessment, internal control, systems evaluation, forensic accountability, and contemporary audit issues and challenges.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "157": {"id": "R_bAYbS5WvaB6MygjE0mY", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "rxzDsDanUzpn-RCoZzB7l", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10751, "section": "SE04", "size": 40, "enrolled": 38, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "158": {"id": "Xg8tPkNKZxdvizDZDYZvr", "course_id": "102234", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102234", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Auditing & Assurance Services (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ACCTING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7009", "CLASS_NBR": 20455, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ACCTING 7020 or (ACCTING 7020AMELB and ACCTING 7020BMELB)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course examines the principles and practices of internal and external auditing. Topics: auditing as a component of recurrent and strategic activities, risk assessment, internal control, systems evaluation, forensic accountability, and contemporary audit issues and challenges.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "159": {"id": "Xg8tPkNKZxdvizDZDYZvr", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "pLiv2r8Mr7rh-5e4PC5iu", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20455, "section": "SE03", "size": 40, "enrolled": 37, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20457, "section": "SE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 16, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "160": {"id": "rhJLCEWxWitcpsTGWrfma", "course_id": "102234", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102234", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Auditing & Assurance Services (M)", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ACCTING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7009MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 29166, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ACCTING 7020 or (ACCTING 7020AMELB and ACCTING 7020BMELB)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course examines the principles and practices of internal and external auditing. Topics: auditing as a component of recurrent and strategic activities, risk assessment, internal control, systems evaluation, forensic accountability, and contemporary audit issues and challenges.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "161": {"id": "rhJLCEWxWitcpsTGWrfma", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "Y6HpSYG8iuW5-DU68YlTQ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29166, "section": "SE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 1, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "162": {"id": "qZzyw5jkJuF82c4VfevM5", "course_id": "102239", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102239", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Management Accounting (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ACCTING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7014", "CLASS_NBR": 13986, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ACCTING 7019", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMMERCE 7021, ACCTING 7014AMELB, ACCTING 7014BMELB", "ASSESSMENT": "This course's assessments include active engagement, tests and final exam.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course introduces students to contemporary management accounting concepts and techniques. Topics include: the role of accountants in internal decision-making, tools used to design and develop costing systems, preparation of budgets and their role as a planning and control tool, other decision-making tools including CVP analysis, pricing decisions and costs of quality.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "163": {"id": "qZzyw5jkJuF82c4VfevM5", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "sU6J3eNZCrm5ai3NB2VaH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13986, "section": "SE02", "size": 45, "enrolled": 31, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13987, "section": "SE01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 45, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "164": {"id": "2KFRk0I_RySevKLGUZZIB", "course_id": "102239", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102239", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Management Accounting (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ACCTING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7014", "CLASS_NBR": 23957, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ACCTING 7019", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMMERCE 7021, ACCTING 7014AMELB, ACCTING 7014BMELB", "ASSESSMENT": "This course's assessments include active engagement, tests and final exam.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course introduces students to contemporary management accounting concepts and techniques. Topics include: the role of accountants in internal decision-making, tools used to design and develop costing systems, preparation of budgets and their role as a planning and control tool, other decision-making tools including CVP analysis, pricing decisions and costs of quality.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "165": {"id": "2KFRk0I_RySevKLGUZZIB", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "NQd7IRmQh6Cb8QXKN9k3a", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23957, "section": "SE02", "size": 40, "enrolled": 22, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23958, "section": "SE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 28, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "166": {"id": "x2geGshLbmnMdGmoKJwJf", "course_id": "102239", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102239", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Management Accounting (M)", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ACCTING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7014MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 19299, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ACCTING 7019", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMMERCE 7021, ACCTING 7014AMELB, ACCTING 7014BMELB", "ASSESSMENT": "This course's assessments include active engagement, tests and final exam.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course introduces students to contemporary management accounting concepts and techniques. Topics include: the role of accountants in internal decision-making, tools used to design and develop costing systems, preparation of budgets and their role as a planning and control tool, other decision-making tools including CVP analysis, pricing decisions and costs of quality.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "167": {"id": "x2geGshLbmnMdGmoKJwJf", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "W994d3x3GII2zGS5OoMGN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19299, "section": "SE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 2, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "168": {"id": "fEOIJC0fdSKE3DAtGituJ", "course_id": "103259", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103259", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Accounting Concepts and Methods (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ACCTING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7019", "CLASS_NBR": 10750, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignment, Research Project, Exam as prescribed in the first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces students to the fundamentals of financial accounting practice. Students' understanding of key accounting concepts, recording and measuring methods, and disclosure requirements will be developed. There is a focus on understanding the conceptual framework principles which sets students up for success in later accounting courses. Students will learn the process of identification, measurement, recording and communication of financial information through general purpose financial reports using the accrual bases of accounting. Specific issues relating to inventory, non-current assets, liabilities, and equity are examined. Research skills are introduced and students will perform practical research on an Australian stock exchange listed company.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "169": {"id": "fEOIJC0fdSKE3DAtGituJ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "-VfthhPomKJ07W1ymlHVD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10750, "section": "SE07", "size": 50, "enrolled": 44, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11834, "section": "SE04", "size": 50, "enrolled": 24, "available": 26, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12898, "section": "SE03", "size": 50, "enrolled": 48, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12899, "section": "SE02", "size": 35, "enrolled": 35, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12900, "section": "SE01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 34, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14953, "section": "SE05", "size": 50, "enrolled": 38, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "170": {"id": "Mymow3IHUEYdoBGDO-70i", "course_id": "103259", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103259", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Accounting Concepts and Methods (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ACCTING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7019", "CLASS_NBR": 20673, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignment, Research Project, Exam as prescribed in the first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces students to the fundamentals of financial accounting practice. Students' understanding of key accounting concepts, recording and measuring methods, and disclosure requirements will be developed. There is a focus on understanding the conceptual framework principles which sets students up for success in later accounting courses. Students will learn the process of identification, measurement, recording and communication of financial information through general purpose financial reports using the accrual bases of accounting. Specific issues relating to inventory, non-current assets, liabilities, and equity are examined. Research skills are introduced and students will perform practical research on an Australian stock exchange listed company.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "171": {"id": "Mymow3IHUEYdoBGDO-70i", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "P-42-cmeorO0m3hDuNj-0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20673, "section": "SE06", "size": 55, "enrolled": 55, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22501, "section": "SE04", "size": 55, "enrolled": 50, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22755, "section": "SE03", "size": 55, "enrolled": 50, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22756, "section": "SE02", "size": 40, "enrolled": 37, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22757, "section": "SE01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 40, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "172": {"id": "ZmK7aMvN328Dww5Eh0fIB", "course_id": "103259", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103259", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 5, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Accounting Concepts and Methods (M)", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ACCTING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7019MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 19450, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignment, Research Project, Exam as prescribed in the first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces students to the fundamentals of financial accounting practice. Students' understanding of key accounting concepts, recording and measuring methods, and disclosure requirements will be developed. There is a focus on understanding the conceptual framework principles which sets students up for success in later accounting courses. Students will learn the process of identification, measurement, recording and communication of financial information through general purpose financial reports using the accrual bases of accounting. Specific issues relating to inventory, non-current assets, liabilities, and equity are examined. Research skills are introduced and students will perform practical research on an Australian stock exchange listed company.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "173": {"id": "ZmK7aMvN328Dww5Eh0fIB", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "cHJAVgX5YYCrJhWxz2GTf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19450, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 3, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "ygg7t2sziAQ31MXBwxs7R", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19333, "section": "SE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 3, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "174": {"id": "4L8zqSPMhcLa-xORIKCKU", "course_id": "103259", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103259", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 5, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Accounting Concepts and Methods (M)", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ACCTING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7019MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 29309, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignment, Research Project, Exam as prescribed in the first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces students to the fundamentals of financial accounting practice. Students' understanding of key accounting concepts, recording and measuring methods, and disclosure requirements will be developed. There is a focus on understanding the conceptual framework principles which sets students up for success in later accounting courses. Students will learn the process of identification, measurement, recording and communication of financial information through general purpose financial reports using the accrual bases of accounting. Specific issues relating to inventory, non-current assets, liabilities, and equity are examined. Research skills are introduced and students will perform practical research on an Australian stock exchange listed company.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "175": {"id": "4L8zqSPMhcLa-xORIKCKU", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "jO60erjafvFEAwGiDYM45", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29206, "section": "SE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 0, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "A4W7FaayGxGnMDjE4rIi_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29309, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 0, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "176": {"id": "fEBl5wMR08I1iWJaTfeOv", "course_id": "103259", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103259", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Accounting Concepts and Methods (M)", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ACCTING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7019UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 14786, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignment, Research Project, Exam as prescribed in the first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces students to the fundamentals of financial accounting practice. Students' understanding of key accounting concepts, recording and measuring methods, and disclosure requirements will be developed. There is a focus on understanding the conceptual framework principles which sets students up for success in later accounting courses. Students will learn the process of identification, measurement, recording and communication of financial information through general purpose financial reports using the accrual bases of accounting. Specific issues relating to inventory, non-current assets, liabilities, and equity are examined. Research skills are introduced and students will perform practical research on an Australian stock exchange listed company.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "177": {"id": "fEBl5wMR08I1iWJaTfeOv", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "G4UK_6pNPkHc9ljpmrKBo", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12901, "section": "SE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 9, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12902, "section": "SE02", "size": 10, "enrolled": 8, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "wJs9kUZKTtL7miRbnA6Ja", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14786, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 17, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Darling West, B03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Darling West, B03, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "178": {"id": "UmA7x6bF9BlNP2yzel6Et", "course_id": "103259", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103259", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Accounting Concepts and Methods (M)", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ACCTING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7019UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 29557, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignment, Research Project, Exam as prescribed in the first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces students to the fundamentals of financial accounting practice. Students' understanding of key accounting concepts, recording and measuring methods, and disclosure requirements will be developed. There is a focus on understanding the conceptual framework principles which sets students up for success in later accounting courses. Students will learn the process of identification, measurement, recording and communication of financial information through general purpose financial reports using the accrual bases of accounting. Specific issues relating to inventory, non-current assets, liabilities, and equity are examined. Research skills are introduced and students will perform practical research on an Australian stock exchange listed company.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "179": {"id": "UmA7x6bF9BlNP2yzel6Et", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "shdvGEmMVqXJeY_z4kgpk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22758, "section": "SE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 10, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22759, "section": "SE02", "size": 15, "enrolled": 15, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tuition", "id": "KVenkX_FwD-3ef-UgS3Uc", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24677, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 8, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 103, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 103, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29557, "section": "TT02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 17, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Darling West, 204, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Darling West, 204, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "180": {"id": "YDMGiGnl5OJuykxJI-O-_", "course_id": "103259", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103259", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 4, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Accounting Concepts and Methods (M)", "CAMPUS": "UofA College Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "UACM", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ACCTING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7019UACM", "CLASS_NBR": 19332, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignment, Research Project, Exam as prescribed in the first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces students to the fundamentals of financial accounting practice. Students' understanding of key accounting concepts, recording and measuring methods, and disclosure requirements will be developed. There is a focus on understanding the conceptual framework principles which sets students up for success in later accounting courses. Students will learn the process of identification, measurement, recording and communication of financial information through general purpose financial reports using the accrual bases of accounting. Specific issues relating to inventory, non-current assets, liabilities, and equity are examined. Research skills are introduced and students will perform practical research on an Australian stock exchange listed company.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "181": {"id": "YDMGiGnl5OJuykxJI-O-_", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "ub4Bo9iJnKN3ZOGSIcjgO", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19332, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 9, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "qF4Sg1h_wjM-hY4XcSVH4", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19334, "section": "SE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 9, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "182": {"id": "dPm92EF75oDeel6g09xBj", "course_id": "103259", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103259", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 4, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Accounting Concepts and Methods (M)", "CAMPUS": "UofA College Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "UACM", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ACCTING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7019UACM", "CLASS_NBR": 29205, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignment, Research Project, Exam as prescribed in the first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces students to the fundamentals of financial accounting practice. Students' understanding of key accounting concepts, recording and measuring methods, and disclosure requirements will be developed. There is a focus on understanding the conceptual framework principles which sets students up for success in later accounting courses. Students will learn the process of identification, measurement, recording and communication of financial information through general purpose financial reports using the accrual bases of accounting. Specific issues relating to inventory, non-current assets, liabilities, and equity are examined. Research skills are introduced and students will perform practical research on an Australian stock exchange listed company.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "183": {"id": "dPm92EF75oDeel6g09xBj", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "l7Ei8CNRpp-pduh1L0wtr", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29204, "section": "SE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 11, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "Aw0Rv8f195oDidXvlA8i7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29205, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 11, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "184": {"id": "KJ2CJNvfMZs4eA6UleEHt", "course_id": "103260", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103260", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Intermediate Financial Reporting (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ACCTING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7020", "CLASS_NBR": 13988, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ACCTING 7019 and CORPFIN 7005", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ACCTING 7020AMELB, ACCTING 7020BMELB", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course extends students' knowledge of corporate external financial reporting. It introduces students to the Accounting Standards setting environment. Students learn how to read, interpret and apply accounting standards to make informed policy choices for a variety of complex accounting issues. Topics include fair value, revenue, provisions and contingencies, income tax, non-current assets, intangible assets and goodwill, leases, employee benefits and share based payments, and accounting for financial instruments. Students will be equipped with tools to guide ethical decision making in a professional context. Students undertake a research project to investigate how standards are applied by ASX listed companies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "185": {"id": "KJ2CJNvfMZs4eA6UleEHt", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "xC55ph-3zJKaa8kzdjjua", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13988, "section": "SE02", "size": 45, "enrolled": 20, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13989, "section": "SE01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 45, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "186": {"id": "EYrAkIEgx0RrGG2jECVfl", "course_id": "103260", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103260", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Intermediate Financial Reporting (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ACCTING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7020", "CLASS_NBR": 23959, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ACCTING 7019 and CORPFIN 7005", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ACCTING 7020AMELB, ACCTING 7020BMELB", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course extends students' knowledge of corporate external financial reporting. It introduces students to the Accounting Standards setting environment. Students learn how to read, interpret and apply accounting standards to make informed policy choices for a variety of complex accounting issues. Topics include fair value, revenue, provisions and contingencies, income tax, non-current assets, intangible assets and goodwill, leases, employee benefits and share based payments, and accounting for financial instruments. Students will be equipped with tools to guide ethical decision making in a professional context. Students undertake a research project to investigate how standards are applied by ASX listed companies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "187": {"id": "EYrAkIEgx0RrGG2jECVfl", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "BmQ7XFym7H_rxOw01FKVG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23959, "section": "SE02", "size": 45, "enrolled": 29, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23960, "section": "SE01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 32, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "188": {"id": "q47fmRRbAVEbZ1wW-oR7b", "course_id": "103260", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103260", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Intermediate Financial Reporting (M)", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ACCTING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7020MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 29167, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ACCTING 7019 and CORPFIN 7005", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ACCTING 7020AMELB, ACCTING 7020BMELB", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course extends students' knowledge of corporate external financial reporting. It introduces students to the Accounting Standards setting environment. Students learn how to read, interpret and apply accounting standards to make informed policy choices for a variety of complex accounting issues. Topics include fair value, revenue, provisions and contingencies, income tax, non-current assets, intangible assets and goodwill, leases, employee benefits and share based payments, and accounting for financial instruments. Students will be equipped with tools to guide ethical decision making in a professional context. Students undertake a research project to investigate how standards are applied by ASX listed companies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "189": {"id": "q47fmRRbAVEbZ1wW-oR7b", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "m7mar_gp8LsaetAHojFz-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29167, "section": "SE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 1, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "190": {"id": "6FtUjvY2g9pxhwR1czOyw", "course_id": "103283", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103283", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Financial Accounting (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ACCTING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7023", "CLASS_NBR": 12698, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ACCTING 7020 or (ACCTING 7020AMELB and ACCTING 7020BMELB)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/quizzes as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course covers advanced financial reporting issues and accounting methods for company accounting. It introduces different types of inter-entity relationships and related accounting issues and accounting treatments. Students will learn how to prepare, read, analyse and evaluate the consolidated financial statements based on the guidelines provided under the relevant Accounting Standards. Students are required to undertake a research project where students will develop skills to research a wide variety of information sources including the relevant Act and Australian Accounting Standards and to integrate the research output with their theoretical and technical knowledge to understand and analyse issues in relation to business combinations. Topics include revision of company accounting, related party disclosures, overview of investment accounting standards, accounting for business combinations and associates, consolidation methods, non-controlling interest, foreign currency transactions, translation of foreign currency financial statements, hedge accounting and liquidation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "191": {"id": "6FtUjvY2g9pxhwR1czOyw", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "tlAXyeFsGlwXO0Ya023YU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12698, "section": "SE03", "size": 45, "enrolled": 43, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12700, "section": "SE01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 10, "available": 35, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "192": {"id": "ElATFiYtCGINz9AP73UfD", "course_id": "103283", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103283", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Financial Accounting (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ACCTING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7023", "CLASS_NBR": 22503, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ACCTING 7020 or (ACCTING 7020AMELB and ACCTING 7020BMELB)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/quizzes as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course covers advanced financial reporting issues and accounting methods for company accounting. It introduces different types of inter-entity relationships and related accounting issues and accounting treatments. Students will learn how to prepare, read, analyse and evaluate the consolidated financial statements based on the guidelines provided under the relevant Accounting Standards. Students are required to undertake a research project where students will develop skills to research a wide variety of information sources including the relevant Act and Australian Accounting Standards and to integrate the research output with their theoretical and technical knowledge to understand and analyse issues in relation to business combinations. Topics include revision of company accounting, related party disclosures, overview of investment accounting standards, accounting for business combinations and associates, consolidation methods, non-controlling interest, foreign currency transactions, translation of foreign currency financial statements, hedge accounting and liquidation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "193": {"id": "ElATFiYtCGINz9AP73UfD", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "quKH57Xx-GFVhe6gLLmzm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22503, "section": "SE02", "size": 40, "enrolled": 39, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22504, "section": "SE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 26, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "194": {"id": "R8dMsm6edHtVdzXhr07mu", "course_id": "103283", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103283", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Financial Accounting (M)", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ACCTING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7023MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 29168, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ACCTING 7020 or (ACCTING 7020AMELB and ACCTING 7020BMELB)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/quizzes as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course covers advanced financial reporting issues and accounting methods for company accounting. It introduces different types of inter-entity relationships and related accounting issues and accounting treatments. Students will learn how to prepare, read, analyse and evaluate the consolidated financial statements based on the guidelines provided under the relevant Accounting Standards. Students are required to undertake a research project where students will develop skills to research a wide variety of information sources including the relevant Act and Australian Accounting Standards and to integrate the research output with their theoretical and technical knowledge to understand and analyse issues in relation to business combinations. Topics include revision of company accounting, related party disclosures, overview of investment accounting standards, accounting for business combinations and associates, consolidation methods, non-controlling interest, foreign currency transactions, translation of foreign currency financial statements, hedge accounting and liquidation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "195": {"id": "R8dMsm6edHtVdzXhr07mu", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "9aKnCMnlh6zgxp4ABMH6J", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29168, "section": "SE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 1, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "196": {"id": "h1QkphQAHT3_gcfNwA3CF", "course_id": "108275", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108275", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Accounting Essentials for Decision Makers (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ACCTING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7025", "CLASS_NBR": 30057, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ACCTING 7025OL", "ASSESSMENT": "This course's assessments include active engagement, group assignment, tests and final exam.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces students to both financial accounting and management accounting. It provides an overview of accounting concepts, accounting cycle, and financial statements. Students are also provided with the tools for analysing and interpreting the financial statements of an organisation. Management accounting tools of costing, cost-volume-profit analysis, budgets and variance analysis are explained. The course also discussed performance management, capital investment decisions and accounting for sustainability.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "197": {"id": "h1QkphQAHT3_gcfNwA3CF", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "tcGlybK9FIloEv2iays7t", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30057, "section": "SE02", "size": 40, "enrolled": 17, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jan - 16 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 30074, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 34, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Feb - 18 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "198": {"id": "YPsPuxCPAcOtGJ7wwDct4", "course_id": "108275", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108275", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Accounting Essentials for Decision Makers (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ACCTING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7025", "CLASS_NBR": 33052, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ACCTING 7025OL", "ASSESSMENT": "This course's assessments include active engagement, group assignment, tests and final exam.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces students to both financial accounting and management accounting. It provides an overview of accounting concepts, accounting cycle, and financial statements. Students are also provided with the tools for analysing and interpreting the financial statements of an organisation. Management accounting tools of costing, cost-volume-profit analysis, budgets and variance analysis are explained. The course also discussed performance management, capital investment decisions and accounting for sustainability.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "199": {"id": "YPsPuxCPAcOtGJ7wwDct4", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "vT7TYjYQF2Yl1WyGBhrRU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33073, "section": "SE01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 35, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "21 May - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "200": {"id": "30AQ0DPyZY5oHrf4_kRD6", "course_id": "108275", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108275", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Accounting Essentials for Decision Makers (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ACCTING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7025", "CLASS_NBR": 36067, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ACCTING 7025OL", "ASSESSMENT": "This course's assessments include active engagement, group assignment, tests and final exam.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces students to both financial accounting and management accounting. It provides an overview of accounting concepts, accounting cycle, and financial statements. Students are also provided with the tools for analysing and interpreting the financial statements of an organisation. Management accounting tools of costing, cost-volume-profit analysis, budgets and variance analysis are explained. The course also discussed performance management, capital investment decisions and accounting for sustainability.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "201": {"id": "30AQ0DPyZY5oHrf4_kRD6", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "pfI5b7XDuyfTTXT4_Qs7i", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36067, "section": "SE02", "size": 40, "enrolled": 18, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Sep - 21 Nov", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 36076, "section": "SE01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 39, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Sep - 19 Nov", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "202": {"id": "wtU3Zhh_iMUcJDyydApc4", "course_id": "108275", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108275", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Accounting Essentials for Decision Makers (M)", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ACCTING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7025UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 30081, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ACCTING 7025OL", "ASSESSMENT": "This course's assessments include active engagement, group assignment, tests and final exam.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces students to both financial accounting and management accounting. It provides an overview of accounting concepts, accounting cycle, and financial statements. Students are also provided with the tools for analysing and interpreting the financial statements of an organisation. Management accounting tools of costing, cost-volume-profit analysis, budgets and variance analysis are explained. The course also discussed performance management, capital investment decisions and accounting for sustainability.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "203": {"id": "wtU3Zhh_iMUcJDyydApc4", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "c5qLFlo9mUJzXov7Be7gz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30075, "section": "SE01", "size": 13, "enrolled": 9, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Feb - 18 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 30314, "section": "SE02", "size": 0, "enrolled": 3, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jan - 16 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "N7yzoxWN9aRDKus6gcy3y", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30081, "section": "TT01", "size": 23, "enrolled": 12, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Feb - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 106, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "204": {"id": "BkQ25d1o754eBQeyMAr-Z", "course_id": "108522", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108522", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Accounting Systems and Processes (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ACCTING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7026", "CLASS_NBR": 11205, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "ACCTING 7019", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to provide students with an overall knowledge and understanding of accounting information systems and processes, and implications of their use in modern business. The course will examine a number of areas including the roles of accounting information systems in business, particularly in supporting strategic and operational decision-making, problem-solving and operations (e.g. data management, modelling, and analytics), the manner in which these systems are developed, acquired and deployed, and used to enhance business processes, internal controls, risk management, and auditing. Contemporary issues including security, distributed ledger technology, and ethics are also covered.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "205": {"id": "BkQ25d1o754eBQeyMAr-Z", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "poVGLAdpF1YpKV8Jij5qv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11205, "section": "TU06", "size": 20, "enrolled": 20, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11206, "section": "TU05", "size": 20, "enrolled": 20, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13991, "section": "TU04", "size": 20, "enrolled": 18, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13993, "section": "TU02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 20, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13994, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 20, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "6ljrx8kdKyI-0h46hvt5R", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13990, "section": "LE01", "size": 106, "enrolled": 98, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "206": {"id": "CDfsxxuD1qb90d5DG3S42", "course_id": "108522", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108522", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Accounting Systems and Processes (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ACCTING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7026", "CLASS_NBR": 20678, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "ACCTING 7019", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to provide students with an overall knowledge and understanding of accounting information systems and processes, and implications of their use in modern business. The course will examine a number of areas including the roles of accounting information systems in business, particularly in supporting strategic and operational decision-making, problem-solving and operations (e.g. data management, modelling, and analytics), the manner in which these systems are developed, acquired and deployed, and used to enhance business processes, internal controls, risk management, and auditing. Contemporary issues including security, distributed ledger technology, and ethics are also covered.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "207": {"id": "CDfsxxuD1qb90d5DG3S42", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "7c03nu6kDnUiI-BR6yCX6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20678, "section": "TU05", "size": 20, "enrolled": 14, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23962, "section": "TU04", "size": 20, "enrolled": 18, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23963, "section": "TU03", "size": 20, "enrolled": 20, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23964, "section": "TU02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 20, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23965, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 18, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "b2bauxsplUcKgG0E9UyqU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23961, "section": "LE01", "size": 101, "enrolled": 90, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "208": {"id": "48FxkSJL9oreHCkmJ8rqa", "course_id": "108522", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108522", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Accounting Systems and Processes (M)", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ACCTING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7026MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 29170, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ACCTING 7019", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to provide students with an overall knowledge and understanding of accounting information systems and processes, and implications of their use in modern business. The course will examine a number of areas including the roles of accounting information systems in business, particularly in supporting strategic and operational decision-making, problem-solving and operations (e.g. data management, modelling, and analytics), the manner in which these systems are developed, acquired and deployed, and used to enhance business processes, internal controls, risk management, and auditing. Contemporary issues including security, distributed ledger technology, and ethics are also covered.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "209": {"id": "48FxkSJL9oreHCkmJ8rqa", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "fcePeOGoATy-P5GjLjEHh", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29170, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 2, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "it2qTL3v2Y_no4pMPBJg9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29169, "section": "LE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 2, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "210": {"id": "MIFsa25zdT1ro_X56EYjP", "course_id": "108673", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108673", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Accounting for Managers", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ACCTING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7100", "CLASS_NBR": 33229, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available for Executive Master of Business Administration, Graduate Diploma and Graduate Certificate students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Participants in this course will develop the essential ability of all managers, to use complex accounting information as a platform for decision-making. As the course unfolds, participants will build an increasingly sophisticated level of understanding of the language of accounting and its key concepts. In addition the course develops skills in interpreting earnings statements, balance sheets, and cash flow reports. This ability to analyse financial statements will enable participants to deal more effectively with strategic options for their businesses or business units.\nStrong foundations in financial analysis and development of crucial basic accounting skills will also enable participants to develop a management accounting focus. From this second phase of the course students will take away highly relevant skills in areas such as budgeting, product and service costing and short-run decision making. Such skills, ability and knowledge will enable participants to more effectively identify profitable opportunities and to contribute significantly to better management within their own organisations.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "211": {"id": "MIFsa25zdT1ro_X56EYjP", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "6N0nE4U8g-NWAEvmbgWbq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33229, "section": "SE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 20, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "21 May - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, 704/705, MBA Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "212": {"id": "eEST1RH5V5BrV_szcQBlR", "course_id": "108673", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108673", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Accounting for Managers", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ACCTING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7100", "CLASS_NBR": 36257, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available for Executive Master of Business Administration, Graduate Diploma and Graduate Certificate students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Participants in this course will develop the essential ability of all managers, to use complex accounting information as a platform for decision-making. As the course unfolds, participants will build an increasingly sophisticated level of understanding of the language of accounting and its key concepts. In addition the course develops skills in interpreting earnings statements, balance sheets, and cash flow reports. This ability to analyse financial statements will enable participants to deal more effectively with strategic options for their businesses or business units.\nStrong foundations in financial analysis and development of crucial basic accounting skills will also enable participants to develop a management accounting focus. From this second phase of the course students will take away highly relevant skills in areas such as budgeting, product and service costing and short-run decision making. Such skills, ability and knowledge will enable participants to more effectively identify profitable opportunities and to contribute significantly to better management within their own organisations.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "213": {"id": "eEST1RH5V5BrV_szcQBlR", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "JLwx0BOoU9dWZxADxWqgy", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36257, "section": "SE01", "size": 22, "enrolled": 6, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Sep - 20 Nov", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, 704/705, MBA Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "214": {"id": "dLRub63vSWuQFw5M4kkef", "course_id": "108673", "term": "4444", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108673", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4444", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Accounting for Managers", "CAMPUS": "Ngee Ann Academy", "CAMPUS_CD": "NGA", "COUNTRY": "SGP", "SUBJECT": "ACCTING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7100NA", "CLASS_NBR": 42014, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available for Adelaide Master of Business Administration, Graduate Diploma and Graduate Certificate students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Participants in this course will develop the essential ability of all managers, to use complex accounting information as a platform for decision-making. As the course unfolds, participants will build an increasingly sophisticated level of understanding of the language of accounting and its key concepts. In addition the course develops skills in interpreting earnings statements, balance sheets, and cash flow reports. This ability to analyse financial statements will enable participants to deal more effectively with strategic options for their businesses or business units.\nStrong foundations in financial analysis and development of crucial basic accounting skills will also enable participants to develop a management accounting focus. From this second phase of the course students will take away highly relevant skills in areas such as budgeting, product and service costing and short-run decision making. Such skills, ability and knowledge will enable participants to more effectively identify profitable opportunities and to contribute significantly to better management within their own organisations.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 29/04/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 29/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 04/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 26/06/2024"}}]}, "215": {"id": "dLRub63vSWuQFw5M4kkef", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "fYQ3iytNxvQSZFhEpv43f", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 42014, "section": "01NA", "size": 36, "enrolled": 6, "available": 30, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "216": {"id": "w1chnzShLnPLJVhul7yUe", "course_id": "103465", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103465", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Theory in Accounting (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ACCTING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7101", "CLASS_NBR": 15682, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to enable students to obtain an in-depth understanding of some of the main theoretical and research perspectives that have contributed to the literature in accounting and to be able to critically review the application of behavioural and market based theories underlying financial accounting and reporting, auditing and management accounting research. Topics in financial accounting and reporting include: applications of agency theory, positive accounting theory, legitimacy theory and institutional theory. This is essentially a reading-based course in which students will critically review scholarly research articles each week.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "217": {"id": "w1chnzShLnPLJVhul7yUe", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "3fP7oKuSJh38kb_XbtYLR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15682, "section": "01NT", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "218": {"id": "JsWnbLUcvEFgkew9hfyrH", "course_id": "110358", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110358", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Theory in Auditing", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ACCTING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7102", "CLASS_NBR": 16222, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Class participation, seminar presentations, assignment and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Auditing is a crucial part of our system of corporate governance. This course will give students a much greater understanding of auditing and assurance and in particular how research into auditing and assurance informs auditing principles, practice and theory. It is a readings and discussed based seminar course.\n\nAuditing research employs a range of empirical methods and the selection papers in this course is designed to reflect that diversity. However, auditing research can be broadly categorized into two main groups: research about auditing and research into the process of auditing. The first group is predominantly archival research and draws from economics. The second group is mainly behavioural research and draws from psychology as well as from topics of interest to the auditing profession.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "219": {"id": "JsWnbLUcvEFgkew9hfyrH", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "aDShD8Bi-nAJzDCQWyU4J", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16222, "section": "01NT", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "220": {"subject": "AGRIBUS", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "106164", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "004684", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "004684", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "008394", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111201", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111201", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110159", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106518", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105343", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105344", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105345", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105345", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105346", "term": "4420", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "105348", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108033", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108033", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108033", "term": "4433", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109127", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109127", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109157", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109157", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109158", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109132", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109132", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109132", "term": "4433", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109133", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}]}}, "221": {"id": "UMU71V3N8JyeFeGfCOFfw", "course_id": "106164", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106164", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Agribusiness II", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "AGRIBUS", "CATALOG_NBR": "2520WT", "CLASS_NBR": 20873, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "AGRIC 1510WT and AGRIC 1520WT", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, case studies, Examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides a perspective and understanding of the key components of Agricultural Business management, with a focus on the management tools used to measure business performance. There will be an emphasis on evaluating farm businesses incorporating financial, marketing, production and human resource management tools, decision making techniques, technology adoption and management of risk.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "222": {"id": "UMU71V3N8JyeFeGfCOFfw", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "HZ61jgF3AsAHOYkdVzEUW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20871, "section": "LE01", "size": 75, "enrolled": 71, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "PXbRk3FjF48BHUpWD22os", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20872, "section": "PR01", "size": 75, "enrolled": 71, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 131, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 129, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 131, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 129, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "yAxTY3Ctwe5EeAUss9Koo", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20873, "section": "TU01", "size": 75, "enrolled": 71, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 131, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 129, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 131, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 129, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "223": {"id": "YHZ1Z-mOfC9Lh3vZ5b75_", "course_id": "004684", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "004684", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Special Project (Research Paper) B", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "AGRIBUS", "CATALOG_NBR": "3015WT", "CLASS_NBR": 15609, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Seminar presentation, dissertation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Each student is to undertake an individual project of significant size which exhibits original investigation, analysis and interpretation, and which results in the production of a well-written and well-presented report. The project may comprise a major literature review (at least 10000 words), research project, case study of a business or related enterprise, or some other approved study.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "224": {"id": "YHZ1Z-mOfC9Lh3vZ5b75_", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Assessment", "id": "8jenWup2jjIrpNfMphQiI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15609, "section": "01WT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Assessment"}]}]}]}, "225": {"id": "_nwKfn256EPVQ3MkJWL17", "course_id": "004684", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "004684", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Special Project (Research Paper) B", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "AGRIBUS", "CATALOG_NBR": "3015WT", "CLASS_NBR": 25619, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Seminar presentation, dissertation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Each student is to undertake an individual project of significant size which exhibits original investigation, analysis and interpretation, and which results in the production of a well-written and well-presented report. The project may comprise a major literature review (at least 10000 words), research project, case study of a business or related enterprise, or some other approved study.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "226": {"id": "_nwKfn256EPVQ3MkJWL17", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Assessment", "id": "81HqC05BNCOcNbtCUVtmC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25619, "section": "01WT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Assessment"}]}]}]}, "227": {"id": "R7XuX3It-T43n92HP1vm-", "course_id": "008394", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "008394", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Business Management for Applied Sciences III", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "AGRIBUS", "CATALOG_NBR": "3017WT", "CLASS_NBR": 24839, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, tutorial exercises, business plan, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of this course is to provide perspective and understanding of the overall role of business and its place in the agricultural industry and the economy and to demonstrate linkages between various management functions. Aspects covered include what is business, business management, business planning, accounting management, marketing management, strategic planning, budgeting, decision making, organisation design, human resources management and monitoring.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "228": {"id": "R7XuX3It-T43n92HP1vm-", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "rQF9E8hrNAi59O-BKK4PC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24838, "section": "LE01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 22, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 102, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "NBXgwculzq_NzGTeBopVY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24839, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 22, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 129, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 129, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "229": {"id": "V0dgNNwB_E9Lnv3jbGcwK", "course_id": "111201", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111201", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Experiences and Insights in Agri-food Systems", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "AGRIBUS", "CATALOG_NBR": "3059", "CLASS_NBR": 13421, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080321", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "Due to bus logistical constraints, no more than 20 students in UG & PG courses", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available for Bachelor of Agricultural Science and Bachelor of Viticulture and Oenology students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Level III study", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, presentation, engagement", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is targeted to students who want to gain practical experience with leading agribusiness firms in South Australia. Students will be introduced to some key principles around understanding value chains & industry networks, focusing on end consumers & market requirements, innovation, business to business collaboration & competition and an overview of the South Australian food industry. On the field trips to a variety of local agribusiness firms, senior company managers will present on their business strategy, challenges and opportunities, before allowing interactive discussion and questions from the students. This course is designed to give students a competitive edge by not just explaining the background theory but by exposing them to the practicalities of running a successful agribusiness firm in today's global marketplace.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "230": {"id": "V0dgNNwB_E9Lnv3jbGcwK", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "Nh0Qrwpu9cmDKbRFbEEsO", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13421, "section": "SE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 4, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Apr - 8 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Apr - 12 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Fieldwork", "id": "tDCfDIIwQ8hfJxTzNTRZR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10555, "section": "FL01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 4, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Fieldwork", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "when this course is full we CANNOT add anymore spaces. Please choose another elective"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Apr - 8 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "9 Apr - 11 Apr", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "231": {"id": "TeX6-id27gmq_KxUkncsn", "course_id": "111201", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111201", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Experiences and Insights in Agri-food Systems", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "AGRIBUS", "CATALOG_NBR": "3059", "CLASS_NBR": 20833, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080321", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "Due to bus logistical constraints, no more than 20 students in UG & PG courses", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available for Bachelor of Agricultural Science and Bachelor of Viticulture and Oenology students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Level III study", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, presentation, engagement", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is targeted to students who want to gain practical experience with leading agribusiness firms in South Australia. Students will be introduced to some key principles around understanding value chains & industry networks, focusing on end consumers & market requirements, innovation, business to business collaboration & competition and an overview of the South Australian food industry. On the field trips to a variety of local agribusiness firms, senior company managers will present on their business strategy, challenges and opportunities, before allowing interactive discussion and questions from the students. This course is designed to give students a competitive edge by not just explaining the background theory but by exposing them to the practicalities of running a successful agribusiness firm in today's global marketplace.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "232": {"id": "TeX6-id27gmq_KxUkncsn", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "Tp2W941DMQEcJBp1xa1ZY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20833, "section": "SE01", "size": 7, "enrolled": 7, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "16 Sep - 16 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 Sep - 20 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Fieldwork", "id": "_qsmwztxaLY9aWHhPFQSN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20832, "section": "FL01", "size": 7, "enrolled": 7, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Fieldwork", "meetings": [{"dates": "16 Sep - 16 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "17 Sep - 19 Sep", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "233": {"id": "9He0KiGbe23iutnzp03IK", "course_id": "110159", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110159", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Water Security & Governance UG", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "AGRIBUS", "CATALOG_NBR": "3064", "CLASS_NBR": 10606, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080321", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignment, group work, engagement", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This elective course examines the historical, cultural and socio-political contexts of water governance and the range of administrative arrangements for developing, allocating, managing and protecting water resources locally and globally. In that respect it will cover off on water governance issues (rules of the game), institutions involved in its management (players of the game) and the increasingly complex range of issues involved in allocating and using water resources (game-changing issues such as climate change). Course topics include: introduction to international water governance and security issues; water and environmental asset valuation methods; the cross-jurisdictional, multi-level and multi-institutional processes for water governance; the intersecting and interrelated interests around water resource use and frameworks for stakeholder consultation; examination of frameworks and economic instruments for water resource management such as allocation and trade; and exploring recent remediation programs to counter land and water degradation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "234": {"id": "9He0KiGbe23iutnzp03IK", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "sv9XlvNaEvBQtvnPY5Czl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10606, "section": "SE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 1, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "235": {"id": "SMd0SlX93mrbV5IW1GOJk", "course_id": "106518", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106518", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Agricultural Economics and Policy III", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "AGRIBUS", "CATALOG_NBR": "3500WT", "CLASS_NBR": 11439, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050199", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "AGRIC 1510WT, AGRIC 1520WT, AGRIBUS 2520WT", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Essay, oral presentation, examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides a basic understanding of the nature, function and structure of agricultural markets, including the economics of commodity markets and of market failure, the role of international trade policy, and how governmental policy, at home and abroad, impacts on producers in Australia.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "236": {"id": "SMd0SlX93mrbV5IW1GOJk", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Ti8MPLNunWL8T6l9SrCRr", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11438, "section": "LE01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 62, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "S91-LERM6eb76--4lHyc3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11439, "section": "TU01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 62, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "237": {"id": "lgPbmA3cFXsRiQs0G-KiI", "course_id": "105343", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105343", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Globalisation & Agriculture in Emerging Economies", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "AGRIBUS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7053", "CLASS_NBR": 20549, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080321", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, presentation, quizzes, engagement", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, we will examine the interconnections between development, growth, agriculture and globalisation, the role of agriculture in economic development and structural transformation. Topics include economic growth, economic development, inequality, inequity, poverty and how they are measured. We will study these topics using emerging economies as case studies. We will talk about BRIICS (Brazil, Russia, India, Indonesia, China, and South Africa) what characterises their economic development, and their role in international food and trade systems. We will also discuss the characteristics of agricultural systems, agricultural technology transfer, gender roles in agriculture, land, labour, input and credit markets, and risk and uncertainty within the context of emerging economies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "238": {"id": "lgPbmA3cFXsRiQs0G-KiI", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "y5MoGa-3rsNuXxN5F3sHJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20549, "section": "SE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 10, "available": 40, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "239": {"id": "nXnrz0PAxGHH7aDltzyUk", "course_id": "105344", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105344", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Global Food & Agricultural Policy Analysis", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "AGRIBUS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7054", "CLASS_NBR": 20550, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080321", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, group work, quizzes, engagement", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, we will examine policies affecting food and agriculture using an economic framework and an international perspective. Students develop a solid understanding of the agricultural and food policy environment, the policy formulation process, and the role, rationale and economic consequences of government intervention in food and agricultural markets. They will develop the skills and working knowledge necessary to critically assess current and potential changes to domestic and global agricultural and food policy, trade policy, environmental and natural resource policy, and market regulations. They will use basic economic theoretical concepts and analytical tools to deal with the policy issues discussed. For example, students will gain experience conducting economic welfare analyses using various policy instruments and programs. Each topic is motivated by a current or emerging issue facing the food and agricultural sectors of the economy.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "240": {"id": "nXnrz0PAxGHH7aDltzyUk", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "xEa2Djcw8w7iHfY0BeYqZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20550, "section": "SE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 51, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "241": {"id": "eJv3kioGD9Ig--BkHy89e", "course_id": "105345", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105345", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Global Food and Agricultural Markets", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "AGRIBUS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7055", "CLASS_NBR": 10608, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080321", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Basic understanding of Agriculture & food production &/or business principles", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments and in-class exercises, engagement", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "International food and agricultural markets have changed dramatically over the last several decades due to accelerating technological change, growing international trade, industrial integration, increasing disposable incomes, and rising food safety and environmental concerns. The agri-food system has evolved from producing and selling primarily homogeneous agricultural commodities to focusing more on value-adding, differentiation and coordination with other firms in the food chain. In order to remain competitive, some agribusiness firms are developing more of a marketing orientation, focusing increasingly on product development to meet heterogeneous consumer preferences and distinct market segments. The dynamic and increasingly global nature of food systems increases the need for sophisticated skills in market analysis, market planning and marketing management. This course approaches global food and agricultural marketing from a managerial perspective. It introduces the basic concepts in economic and marketing theories and place them in the unique context of food and agricultural production, processing, distribution, wholesaling and retailing, where discussion of markets are integrated with business marketing principles and strategy. Students will gain an understanding of the unique and changing structural, institutional, organizational and political aspects of food chains, as well as the fundamental economic theories and concepts necessary for analysis of global food and agricultural markets.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "242": {"id": "eJv3kioGD9Ig--BkHy89e", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "IbRnzhkCyzYn_rhzM4qiy", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10608, "section": "SE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 47, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "243": {"id": "aN6MHaiXqqkSH8ZNgYOrL", "course_id": "105345", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105345", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Global Food and Agricultural Markets", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "AGRIBUS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7055", "CLASS_NBR": 20551, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080321", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Basic understanding of Agriculture & food production &/or business principles", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments and in-class exercises, engagement", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "International food and agricultural markets have changed dramatically over the last several decades due to accelerating technological change, growing international trade, industrial integration, increasing disposable incomes, and rising food safety and environmental concerns. The agri-food system has evolved from producing and selling primarily homogeneous agricultural commodities to focusing more on value-adding, differentiation and coordination with other firms in the food chain. In order to remain competitive, some agribusiness firms are developing more of a marketing orientation, focusing increasingly on product development to meet heterogeneous consumer preferences and distinct market segments. The dynamic and increasingly global nature of food systems increases the need for sophisticated skills in market analysis, market planning and marketing management. This course approaches global food and agricultural marketing from a managerial perspective. It introduces the basic concepts in economic and marketing theories and place them in the unique context of food and agricultural production, processing, distribution, wholesaling and retailing, where discussion of markets are integrated with business marketing principles and strategy. Students will gain an understanding of the unique and changing structural, institutional, organizational and political aspects of food chains, as well as the fundamental economic theories and concepts necessary for analysis of global food and agricultural markets.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "244": {"id": "aN6MHaiXqqkSH8ZNgYOrL", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "Zx_Ipl-uPWiR05oCqZE4X", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20551, "section": "SE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 9, "available": 41, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "245": {"id": "v9iO9rWTosAIAO-CfE_nC", "course_id": "105346", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105346", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Management and Performance of Global Food Chains", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "AGRIBUS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7056", "CLASS_NBR": 20552, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080321", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Intensive over 2 weeks", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Basic understanding of agriculture & food production & marketing", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, oral presentation, engagement", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Agricultural value chains employ half the global labour force, control half of the world's assets and account for some forty per cent of consumer purchases. This course explores the management and performance issues surrounding agriculture and food value chains in both developed and developing countries. Students learn the practical, conceptual and academic aspects of value chain assessment and management, including: (i) learning techniques and methods for mapping supply chains and assessing performance; (ii) examining how value chain relationships and information flows impact business outcomes; (iii) investigating strategic supply chain management concepts; and (iv) studying the major trends in value chain management. Basic economic theory concepts and analytical tools are used to deal with the issues being discussed. Students apply and utilise the appropriate conceptual and theoretical models in workshop groups during the intensive, and then in a major assignment which is presented either as a traditional academic paper or a formal business report.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "246": {"id": "v9iO9rWTosAIAO-CfE_nC", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "2tdiPLwHXb92I4qgOTOPR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20552, "section": "SE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 24, "available": 26, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "247": {"id": "khzZnfyUrOmOFrfXhol01", "course_id": "105348", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105348", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Trends & Issues in the World Food System", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "AGRIBUS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7057", "CLASS_NBR": 10609, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080321", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, quizzes, engagement", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Constantly evolving market forces, socioeconomic trends local, national and international policies and unexpected shocks transform food systems in diverse and complex ways. An important aim of this course is to explore, research, and analyse how trends and issues in the world food system impact on businesses, global corporations, households, producers, retailers, consumers and governments. Current issues that we address may include pandemics, economic development, growth, trade, climate change, technology, food safety, nutrition, health, diet, intellectual property rights, resource management, finance, retail markets and risk. This course requires students to learn how to analyse and evaluate these issues using core concepts from systems thinking and economic principles. Students will be required to assess an issue, transform it into an economic question, and then analyse it. This will require students to examine the connection between the diverse parts and the whole of a particular issue. This will encourage an understanding of how issues impact on different economy structures (free-market, and command and control) and different economic and social issues (e.g. inequality and gender issues). The course is designed to help students write effectively and communicate their ideas with clarity.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "248": {"id": "khzZnfyUrOmOFrfXhol01", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "Me8oh2neRo4af2PqSbAhl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10609, "section": "SE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 30, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "249": {"id": "0y5j7eY8yxQnK6_TUeIvs", "course_id": "108033", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108033", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Experiences and Insights in Agri-food Systems", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "AGRIBUS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7059", "CLASS_NBR": 13420, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080321", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Week-long intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "20 due to bus logistical constraints.", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Recommended to take in the second half of your program. Basic business principles assumed, but not necessary", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, presentation, engagement", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "AGRIBUS 7059 is an elective course in the Faculty of Professions and is targeted to students who want to gain practical experience with leading agribusiness firms in South Australia. Students will be introduced to some key principles around understanding value chains & industry networks, focusing on end consumers & market requirements, innovation, business to business collaboration & competition and an overview of the South Australian food industry. On the field trips to a variety of local agribusiness firms, senior company managers will present on their business strategy, challenges and opportunities, before allowing interactive discussion and questions from the students. This course is designed to give students a competitive edge by not just explaining the background theory but by exposing them to the practicalities of running a successful agribusiness firm in today's global marketplace.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "250": {"id": "0y5j7eY8yxQnK6_TUeIvs", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "aCd3MiFkwRjSmtJouKxOR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13420, "section": "SE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 11, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Apr - 8 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Apr - 12 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Fieldwork", "id": "GIi7VVYz6kkSPf8n9MlYL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10610, "section": "FL01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 11, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Fieldwork", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "when this course is full we CANNOT add anymore spaces. Please choose another elective"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Apr - 8 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "9 Apr - 11 Apr", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "251": {"id": "dV7GT-0i9O2rPeIBdz6KE", "course_id": "108033", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108033", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Experiences and Insights in Agri-food Systems", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "AGRIBUS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7059", "CLASS_NBR": 20554, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080321", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Week-long intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "20 due to bus logistical constraints.", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Recommended to take in the second half of your program. Basic business principles assumed, but not necessary", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, presentation, engagement", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "AGRIBUS 7059 is an elective course in the Faculty of Professions and is targeted to students who want to gain practical experience with leading agribusiness firms in South Australia. Students will be introduced to some key principles around understanding value chains & industry networks, focusing on end consumers & market requirements, innovation, business to business collaboration & competition and an overview of the South Australian food industry. On the field trips to a variety of local agribusiness firms, senior company managers will present on their business strategy, challenges and opportunities, before allowing interactive discussion and questions from the students. This course is designed to give students a competitive edge by not just explaining the background theory but by exposing them to the practicalities of running a successful agribusiness firm in today's global marketplace.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "252": {"id": "dV7GT-0i9O2rPeIBdz6KE", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "t8SCuWPdL_o_r1zEQhWMw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20554, "section": "SE01", "size": 14, "enrolled": 13, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "16 Sep - 16 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 Sep - 20 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Fieldwork", "id": "RGzd528jlkFzqZDwUrxY1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20553, "section": "FL01", "size": 14, "enrolled": 13, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Fieldwork", "meetings": [{"dates": "16 Sep - 16 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "17 Sep - 19 Sep", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "253": {"id": "8qGd1ufiDJby0E9V_AsbK", "course_id": "108033", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108033", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Experiences and Insights in Agri-food Systems", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "AGRIBUS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7059", "CLASS_NBR": 30059, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080321", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Week-long intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "20 due to bus logistical constraints.", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Recommended to take in the second half of your program. Basic business principles assumed, but not necessary", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, presentation, engagement", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "AGRIBUS 7059 is an elective course in the Faculty of Professions and is targeted to students who want to gain practical experience with leading agribusiness firms in South Australia. Students will be introduced to some key principles around understanding value chains & industry networks, focusing on end consumers & market requirements, innovation, business to business collaboration & competition and an overview of the South Australian food industry. On the field trips to a variety of local agribusiness firms, senior company managers will present on their business strategy, challenges and opportunities, before allowing interactive discussion and questions from the students. This course is designed to give students a competitive edge by not just explaining the background theory but by exposing them to the practicalities of running a successful agribusiness firm in today's global marketplace.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "254": {"id": "8qGd1ufiDJby0E9V_AsbK", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "XvWufGyT_TLKWsyGZCUiw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30059, "section": "SE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 5, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Apr - 8 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Apr - 12 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Fieldwork", "id": "69Ex6b1dBn6SEBq-AeNXC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30045, "section": "FL01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 5, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Fieldwork", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "when this course is full we CANNOT add anymore spaces. Please choose another elective"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Apr - 8 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "9 Apr - 11 Apr", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "255": {"id": "vs7HrQMJHGZ6ztQ0AH0nH", "course_id": "109127", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109127", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Project Part 1 - Research Principles & Methods", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "AGRIBUS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7061", "CLASS_NBR": 19138, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080321", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 24 units of postgraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "This course can be taken as either a prerequisite or as a corequisite for AGRIBUS 7062A", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research proposal, proposal preparation meeting, quizzes", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge of research principles and the steps required to put together an actionable research proposal, including answerable research questions, applicable research theory, justified analysis methods, appropriate research objectives, and planning for future secondary or primary data collection. The course also offers critical learning resources including proposal writing tips, an appreciation of the importance of ethical conduct in research, literature search advice, and review guidance. It can be taken as a stand-alone elective. If taken with other Research Project courses, this course should be undertaken prior to or concurrently with AGRIBUS 7062A, or prior to AGRIBUS 7062B or 7063.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "256": {"id": "vs7HrQMJHGZ6ztQ0AH0nH", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "zF9riVVOolUnjHLDLeWUr", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19138, "section": "SE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 41, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "If you are in a PhD pathway, this should be done alongside AGRIBUS 7062A. Please check the study plan for more information."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 28 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11:30am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11:30am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11:30am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "257": {"id": "ny2jMfqbtTZ05SYWyHmqd", "course_id": "109127", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109127", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Project Part 1 - Research Principles & Methods", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "AGRIBUS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7061", "CLASS_NBR": 28947, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080321", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 24 units of postgraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "This course can be taken as either a prerequisite or as a corequisite for AGRIBUS 7062A", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research proposal, proposal preparation meeting, quizzes", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge of research principles and the steps required to put together an actionable research proposal, including answerable research questions, applicable research theory, justified analysis methods, appropriate research objectives, and planning for future secondary or primary data collection. The course also offers critical learning resources including proposal writing tips, an appreciation of the importance of ethical conduct in research, literature search advice, and review guidance. It can be taken as a stand-alone elective. If taken with other Research Project courses, this course should be undertaken prior to or concurrently with AGRIBUS 7062A, or prior to AGRIBUS 7062B or 7063.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "258": {"id": "ny2jMfqbtTZ05SYWyHmqd", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "SOP5Gxrgqqe8cJSHOe4qW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28947, "section": "SE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 11, "available": 39, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "If you are in a PhD pathway, this should be done alongside AGRIBUS 7062A. Please check the study plan for more information."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 23 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11:30am", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Aug - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11:30am", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 Aug - 20 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11:30am", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Sep - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11:30am", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11:30am", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11:30am", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "259": {"id": "sGTR0pSp5LVNzdHq3v3t5", "course_id": "109157", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109157", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Project Part 2 - PhD Pathway for MERP", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "AGRIBUS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7062A", "CLASS_NBR": 19139, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080321", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "This course can be taken as either as a corequisite with, or after completion of AGRIBUS 7061", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written report, presentation, supervisor evaluation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This research project course is reserved for students needing a PhD pathway. The course is larger than the standard research project (AGRIBUS 7063) and the expectations are much greater for the time devoted, and the quality of work submitted. The course is available to students undertaking independent research on any School of Economics and Public Policy related topic. The course includes structured workshops, a summary presentation and the completion of a research report.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "260": {"id": "sGTR0pSp5LVNzdHq3v3t5", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "jOm88nLNok3jkAZNHR-O2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19139, "section": "SE01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 10, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 28 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11:30am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11:30am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11:30am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "261": {"id": "I3cx5F-8uRD2UAHeCJnQj", "course_id": "109157", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109157", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Project Part 2 - PhD Pathway for MERP", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "AGRIBUS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7062A", "CLASS_NBR": 28948, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080321", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "This course can be taken as either as a corequisite with, or after completion of AGRIBUS 7061", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written report, presentation, supervisor evaluation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This research project course is reserved for students needing a PhD pathway. The course is larger than the standard research project (AGRIBUS 7063) and the expectations are much greater for the time devoted, and the quality of work submitted. The course is available to students undertaking independent research on any School of Economics and Public Policy related topic. The course includes structured workshops, a summary presentation and the completion of a research report.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "262": {"id": "I3cx5F-8uRD2UAHeCJnQj", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "atSepCLprgMouNKqUSNqd", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28948, "section": "SE01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 12, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 23 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11:30am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Aug - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11:30am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 Aug - 20 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11:30am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Sep - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11:30am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11:30am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11:30am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "263": {"id": "1nQYjE3qt1hPVvZk-mhOA", "course_id": "109158", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109158", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Project Part 2 - PhD Pathway for MERP", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "AGRIBUS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7062B", "CLASS_NBR": 28949, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080321", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "AGRIBUS 7062A and AGRIBUS 7061", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written report, presentation, supervisor evaluation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The purpose of the Research Project is to enable students to analyse real-world agribusiness problems or opportunities. The assessment of the Research Project will have oral and written components taking into account the students' workload and participation at workshops. In this part of the course, students will present their draft research findings to their peers and industry partners (where relevant). Feedback from the presentations will then be used to develop the draft final research report, which will in turn form the final submission as a research output. Given the diversity of the project types, subject to the supervisor's approval students can present the project report in the form of a traditional academic paper or a formal business report. Whilst the structure of the Research Project Report can be different between projects, students are expected to follow the guidelines and discuss with their supervisors if a modification of the Report structure is needed.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "264": {"id": "1nQYjE3qt1hPVvZk-mhOA", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "T0q83Nj67Sq_FFP939kK8", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28949, "section": "SE01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 12, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "265": {"id": "U2udkw9ZpzumA7fQDRHJ8", "course_id": "109132", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109132", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Project for MERP", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "AGRIBUS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7063", "CLASS_NBR": 19141, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080321", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "AGRIBUS 7061", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written report, presentation, supervisor evaluation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This research project course is designed for students undertaking independent research on a School of Economics and Public Policy related topic. The course includes structured workshops, a summary presentation and the completion of a research report.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "266": {"id": "U2udkw9ZpzumA7fQDRHJ8", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "gbquOZoaFf47K8nQuFl9-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19141, "section": "SE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "267": {"id": "TuWCT6Ek_IFOCS9sV_Skk", "course_id": "109132", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109132", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Project for MERP", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "AGRIBUS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7063", "CLASS_NBR": 28950, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080321", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "AGRIBUS 7061", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written report, presentation, supervisor evaluation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This research project course is designed for students undertaking independent research on a School of Economics and Public Policy related topic. The course includes structured workshops, a summary presentation and the completion of a research report.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "268": {"id": "TuWCT6Ek_IFOCS9sV_Skk", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "JuXAee-dt2-GJheHZfIwB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28950, "section": "SE01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 22, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "269": {"id": "VZrbKDhBI6nFgGFsLcCMr", "course_id": "109132", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109132", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Project for MERP", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "AGRIBUS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7063", "CLASS_NBR": 30290, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080321", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "AGRIBUS 7061", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written report, presentation, supervisor evaluation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This research project course is designed for students undertaking independent research on a School of Economics and Public Policy related topic. The course includes structured workshops, a summary presentation and the completion of a research report.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "270": {"id": "VZrbKDhBI6nFgGFsLcCMr", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "AAE4-zYUqHd8P_aUL5R2B", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30290, "section": "SE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 2, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "271": {"id": "CvpIV8DYiyjD_d_mjwE0m", "course_id": "109133", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109133", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Water Security and Governance", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "AGRIBUS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7064", "CLASS_NBR": 10607, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080321", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignment, presentation, group work, engagement", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course examines the governance, future security and sustainable management of water resources with a particular focus on agricultural production and increasing demands for water by other sectors (e.g. urban growth, environmental flows). Within the course, students will be exposed to topics such as: the historical, cultural and socio-political contexts of water governance; the range of administrative arrangements for developing, allocating, managing and protecting water resources; water and environmental asset valuation methods; the cross-jurisdictional, multi-level and multi-institutional processes for water governance; the intersecting and interrelated interests around water resource use and frameworks for stakeholder consultation; examination of frameworks and economic instruments for addressing increasingly complex water security issues such as allocation and trade; and recent remediation programs to counter land and water degradation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "272": {"id": "CvpIV8DYiyjD_d_mjwE0m", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "YMD0VJaw5bHeNy34jzQ8U", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10607, "section": "SE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 21, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "273": {"subject": "AGRIC", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "105340", "term": "4410", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "105340", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105341", "term": "4420", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "105341", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104988", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106101", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109924", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106515", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106517", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109935", "term": "4415", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108416", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108416", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108417", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108417", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108418", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108418", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108419", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108419", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108420", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108420", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108420", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108420", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108420", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108420", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108421", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108421", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110227", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110228", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "274": {"id": "pgJZ32P3V4j0PS2CH9W3e", "course_id": "105340", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105340", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Agricultural Systems I", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "AGRIC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1510UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 11581, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "AGRIC 1000RW", "ASSESSMENT": "Essay, Tutorial Assignments, Practical Reports & Examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The need to develop sustainable and profitable agricultural systems to meet the demands of a burgeoning global population at a time of major changes in the environment is an important challenge for agricultural science. This course provides a general introduction to Australian agriculture. It examines some of the physical, biological and economic characteristics of Australian agricultural systems and how technology is used to manage these systems. Topics include climatology and meteorology, genetic resources and the importance of genetic improvement, water use efficiency and the application of current and emerging technologies in agricultural production. Practical and tutorial classes will help develop skills in data handling and presentation, written communication, plant identification and animal handling.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "275": {"id": "pgJZ32P3V4j0PS2CH9W3e", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "FVhmXle77zXpkUxinr-qT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11356, "section": "LE01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 3, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 May - 16 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "6 Jun - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Callaghan, G02, Richardson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "iWql_JNC0wxBVRAoqqZnJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11528, "section": "PR01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 3, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 131, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 129, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Southern Barns Soils, G2, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Southern Barns Sensory, G2, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Mar - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Southern Barns Soils, G2, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "14 Mar - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Southern Barns Sensory, G2, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "14 Mar - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Southern Barns Soils, G2, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Southern Barns Sensory, G2, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Southern Barns Soils, G2, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Southern Barns Sensory, G2, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 May - 16 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "bmcnnAq_MnN9H0ntkHSSB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11581, "section": "TU01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 3, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12393, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 3, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 312, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 312, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "276": {"id": "LM4MSHCXHHi1IKnB7cgXm", "course_id": "105340", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105340", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Agricultural Systems I", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "AGRIC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1510WT", "CLASS_NBR": 15020, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Essay, Tutorial Assignments, Practical Reports, Quiz & Examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The need to develop sustainable and profitable agricultural systems to meet the demands of a burgeoning global population at a time of major changes in the environment is an important challenge for agricultural science. This course provides a general introduction to Australian agriculture. It examines some of the physical, biological and economic characteristics of Australian agricultural systems and how technology is used to manage these systems. Topics include climatology and meteorology, genetic resources and the importance of genetic improvement, water use efficiency and the application of current and emerging technologies in agricultural production. Practical and tutorial classes will help develop skills in data handling and presentation, written communication, plant identification and animal handling.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "277": {"id": "LM4MSHCXHHi1IKnB7cgXm", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "gvflHx9el0lM98X-I120S", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11987, "section": "LE01", "size": 62, "enrolled": 57, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 May - 16 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "6 Jun - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Callaghan, G02, Richardson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "ZjFC6rbRTY8U_53p6FT2b", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11579, "section": "TU02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 15, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 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14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15020, "section": "TU04", "size": 15, "enrolled": 13, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 109, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 109, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 109, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "K_5iZ_xTBENKufkpssABp", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11582, "section": "PR01", "size": 62, "enrolled": 57, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 131, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 129, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Southern Barns Soils, G2, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Southern Barns Sensory, G2, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Mar - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Southern Barns Soils, G2, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "14 Mar - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Southern Barns Sensory, G2, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "14 Mar - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Southern Barns Soils, G2, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Southern Barns Sensory, G2, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Southern Barns Soils, G2, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Southern Barns Sensory, G2, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 May - 16 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "278": {"id": "18x9wayJy4htmNoUnWRRx", "course_id": "105341", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105341", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Agricultural Production I", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "AGRIC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1520UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 21128, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week, plus 4 day field trip", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Final examination, Reports, Presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The need to develop sustainable and profitable agricultural systems to meet the demands of a burgeoning global population at a time of major changes in the environment is an important challenge for agricultural science. This course provides a general introduction to Australian agriculture. This course will examine the specific characteristics of the cropping, livestock and horticultural industries in Australia. It will describe the structural characteristics of the industries, outline current best practice management and the recent trends in production, marketing and trade. This course includes a compulsory 4-day field tour during the mid-semester break. The course will complement the Semester 1 course Agricultural Systems IA. Practical and tutorial classes will help develop skills in field crop management, data capture and handling, presentation and written communication.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "279": {"id": "18x9wayJy4htmNoUnWRRx", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "beDlNuApz-OM1-kkxEsb1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21133, "section": "LE01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 4, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 25 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 25 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "8 Aug - 8 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Callaghan, G32, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "8 Aug - 8 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Williams, G04, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "8 Aug - 8 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Leske, G18, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "8 Aug - 8 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Callaghan, G32, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "8 Aug - 8 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Williams, G04, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Aug - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "29 Aug - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "29 Aug - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "24 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "5jQcUkqd6yAVN75tJjNav", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21128, "section": "TU01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 4, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 25 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Plant Genomics Centre, 126, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "22 Aug - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Plant Genomics Centre, 126, Meeting Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "feZuJ-mHwrkGup7Bo6F5Z", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21127, "section": "PR01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 4, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 5 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Callaghan, G32, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Williams, G04, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Leske, G18, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Callaghan, G32, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Williams, G04, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22259, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 4, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 312, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 312, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "280": {"id": "gMYzOHuLThVb4NUmhBtbG", "course_id": "105341", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105341", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Agricultural Production I", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "AGRIC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1520WT", "CLASS_NBR": 20797, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week, plus 4 day field trip", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "AGRIC 1000RW", "ASSESSMENT": "Final examination, Reports, Presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The need to develop sustainable and profitable agricultural systems to meet the demands of a burgeoning global population at a time of major changes in the environment is an important challenge for agricultural science. This course provides a general introduction to Australian agriculture. This course will examine the specific characteristics of the cropping, livestock and horticultural industries in Australia. It will describe the structural characteristics of the industries, outline current best practice management and the recent trends in production, marketing and trade. This course includes a compulsory 4-day field tour during the mid-semester break. The course will complement the Semester 1 course Agricultural Systems IA. Practical and tutorial classes will help develop skills in field crop management, data capture and handling, presentation and written communication.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "281": {"id": "gMYzOHuLThVb4NUmhBtbG", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "FHo_UdJMvR6YMhXEmjCMr", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22236, "section": "LE01", "size": 73, "enrolled": 58, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 25 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 25 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "8 Aug - 8 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Callaghan, G32, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "8 Aug - 8 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Williams, G04, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "8 Aug - 8 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Leske, G18, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "8 Aug - 8 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Callaghan, G32, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "8 Aug - 8 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Williams, G04, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Aug - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "29 Aug - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "29 Aug - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 5 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "NIwM0a0owZnD9jqCMcxeI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20436, "section": "TU04", "size": 18, "enrolled": 1, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 25 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Aug - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 205, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20797, "section": "TU06", "size": 15, "enrolled": 4, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 25 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Woolhouse Library, 2.19, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Aug - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Woolhouse Library, 2.19, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20798, "section": "TU05", "size": 15, "enrolled": 13, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 25 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 109, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Aug - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 109, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24805, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 20, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 25 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Plant Genomics Centre, 126, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "22 Aug - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Plant Genomics Centre, 126, Meeting Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24806, "section": "TU02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 16, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 25 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Plant Genomics Centre, 127, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "22 Aug - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Plant Genomics Centre, 127, Meeting Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24807, "section": "TU03", "size": 20, "enrolled": 4, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 25 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Wine Science, 110, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Aug - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Wine Science, 110, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "Qu5f0Q49aWtjH5OQRRIw8", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23422, "section": "PR01", "size": 73, "enrolled": 58, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 5 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Southern Barns General, G2/G3, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Callaghan, G32, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Williams, G04, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Leske, G18, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Callaghan, G32, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Williams, G04, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}]}]}]}]}, "282": {"id": "EgeMHxdwVWEEjb1xV696B", "course_id": "104988", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104988", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Agricultural Biochemistry II", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "AGRIC", "CATALOG_NBR": "2500WT", "CLASS_NBR": 14908, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(CHEM 1100 or CHEM 1101 or CHEM1611) and (CHEM 1200 or CHEM 1201 or CHEM 1621)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "6 units of Level I Biology", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ANIML SC 2530RW or VET SC 2530RW", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, practical reports, examinations, tutorials, oral presentations", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an advanced introduction to the fundamental processes of plant, animal and microbial metabolism. Topics will include protein structure and function, mechanisms and control of enzyme action, the biochemistry of carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism, energy generation, and the fundamentals of amino acid biochemistry. Examples of the application and context of key biochemical concepts to areas of science including plant and animal science, viticulture and oenology, veterinary medicine and food technology will be used to highlight the importance of biochemistry to all sectors of these sciences.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "283": {"id": "EgeMHxdwVWEEjb1xV696B", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "5x5dHq4Zzb8HK8imXZCQX", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11150, "section": "LE01", "size": 120, "enrolled": 113, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "wZybiZ1xRNQz6r6XtpL24", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10826, "section": "PR01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 53, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students enroll in PRA01, please select either TUT03 or TUT04."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 28 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G18, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "13 Mar - 13 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G18, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G18, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G18, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "8 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G18, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11562, "section": "PR02", "size": 60, "enrolled": 60, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students enroll in PRA02, please select either TUT01 or TUT02."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G18, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G18, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G18, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "1 May - 1 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G18, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "15 May - 15 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G18, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "tUZSBN3wc-iQor1zu7G-S", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14905, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 28 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Mar - 13 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Jun - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14906, "section": "TU02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 28 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Mar - 13 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Jun - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 205, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14907, "section": "TU03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 25, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 May - 1 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 May - 15 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14908, "section": "TU04", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 May - 1 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 May - 15 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 205, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "284": {"id": "Qv2cDIdiBFMWUQ0E4d6yE", "course_id": "106101", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106101", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Crop and Pasture Production II", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "AGRIC", "CATALOG_NBR": "2505RW", "CLASS_NBR": 24837, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "AGRIC 1510WT or AGRIC 1520WT", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam and practical reports", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course delivers an overview of agronomic production systems for dryland pastures and crops. In particular the course provides a practical understanding of selection, establishment, management and utilisation of crops and pastures in the main rainfall and soil environments encountered in southern Australia. Topics include: weed, pest and disease management; species and cultivar identification and selection; selection and use of crops and pastures; rotations; tillage; nutrition and fertilisers; and the interrelationship of agronomy and the environment.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "285": {"id": "Qv2cDIdiBFMWUQ0E4d6yE", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "MZ7sMLVR6yuBGj_IfyxYc", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24836, "section": "LE01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 64, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "2:30pm", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "sJOf98357CtluNEeqybcp", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24837, "section": "PR01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 64, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Williams, G04, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Williams, G12, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "9 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Williams, G04, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "9 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Williams, G12, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Williams, G04, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Williams, G12, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Williams, G04, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Williams, G12, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "286": {"id": "xR_idUgP1l1Jqsp10nTgV", "course_id": "109924", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109924", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Agricultural Genetics II", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "AGRIC", "CATALOG_NBR": "2510WT", "CLASS_NBR": 24411, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Viticulture & Oenology & Bachelor of Agricultural Sciences students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(BIOLOGY 1101 or BIOLOGY 1101ND or BIOLOGY 1401 or BIOLOGY 1001) and BIOLOGY 1202 (or 2 semesters of first year Biology)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Tests, practical reports & quizzes, group presentation, workshop assignments, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an advanced introduction to genetics with examples and applications relevant to the areas of agricultural science and viticulture and oenology. Three main modules will be considered; i) Mendelian Inheritance ii) Molecular Genetics and iii) Population and Quantitative Genetics with topics including genomes and gene structure, modes of inheritance, recombination and linkage, gene expression and control, population genetics, selection and inbreeding and breeding for plants and animals. The role and impact of new and advancing technologies on the field of genetics will also be investigated.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "287": {"id": "xR_idUgP1l1Jqsp10nTgV", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "TbXPw0NWrgjrz8HaiEtTt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20685, "section": "LE01", "size": 130, "enrolled": 100, "available": 30, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 29 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "DwIwj2Bd_UeHrmKUd-tzX", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20686, "section": "PR02", "size": 60, "enrolled": 44, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students enroll in PR02 should select TU01 to enroll."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 23 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G18, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 Jul - 23 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G09, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "6 Aug - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 Aug - 20 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 131, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "20 Aug - 20 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 129, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Sep - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 131, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Sep - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 129, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G18, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G09, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G18, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G09, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20687, "section": "PR01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 56, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students enroll in PR01 should select TU02 to enroll."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G18, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G09, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 131, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 129, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 131, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 129, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G18, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G09, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G18, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G09, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "ZHyDQ1VWGYgtXX5A3IVpZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24411, "section": "TU02", "size": 60, "enrolled": 44, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Plant Genomics Centre, 126/127, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24412, "section": "TU01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 56, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 23 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Aug - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Plant Genomics Centre, 126/127, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "20 Aug - 20 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Sep - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "288": {"id": "yvg4B9tpPt-Gmi4yqwtkF", "course_id": "106515", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106515", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Professional Skills in Agricultural Science III", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "AGRIC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3500WT", "CLASS_NBR": 21468, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061307", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Students enrolled in Bachelor of Agricultural Science", "PRE_REQUISITE": "AGRIC 1510WT, AGRIC 1520WT or ANIML SC 1015RW", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written reports, short presentation and professional development plan", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students will develop a broad knowledge and professional skills base that is essential for an impactful career in agriculture. The course addresses several graduate capability needs identified by industry. Through lectures, immersive group activities and a field trip, the course will introduce students to concepts and models for: understanding yourself and your stakeholders, effective communication and handling difficult conversations, project planning and adaptive management, evidence-based decision making, benefit-cost analysis, formulating a value proposition, end-user adoption, and critical and systems thinking. During this course, students will complete and reflect upon their 450-hour/12-week internship experiences across the program. By complementing the deep discipline knowledge gained through previous courses, this course will enable students to enhance their career readiness and ability to achieve improved agricultural outcomes across a variety of contexts and together with various stakeholders.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "289": {"id": "yvg4B9tpPt-Gmi4yqwtkF", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "rNtA6R9Vk1WtRjz2Fs3Zk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21466, "section": "LE01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 68, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "wUc0UWBB6wz9v4lGKfgAh", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21467, "section": "PR01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 68, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "MswACYTpvgjCADJCmYNbF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21468, "section": "TU01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 68, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "290": {"id": "RB6pmr_w7iwrY3aJ3N4_O", "course_id": "106517", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106517", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Agricultural Experimental Design and Analysis III", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "AGRIC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3515WT", "CLASS_NBR": 12215, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "STATS1000, STATS1004, STATS 1504 or ECON 1008", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online quizzes, research proposal, research reports, oral/poster presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will provide students with a hands-on opportunity to develop practical skills in planning and undertaking statistically robust scientific research. This course will build on foundational knowledge gained in level 1 statistics (STATS 1000 or STATS 1004) and practical experience gained in PLANT SC 2510WT Foundations in Plant Science. Through a number of practical activities, students will collect a variety of data (soil, plant, environmental) from experimental plots located at the Waite campus. Students will be provided with the theory behind rigorous experimental design and analysis and supported to implement this theory in practice. Experiments will be established to allow a range of different statistical analyses including parametric, non-parametric and multivariate analysis. Statistical analysis will be performed on data collected, and students will learn how to interpret and communicate the results to a variety of audiences.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "291": {"id": "RB6pmr_w7iwrY3aJ3N4_O", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "nqV33wkrI6K2PxtxMIt3-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11440, "section": "PR01", "size": 90, "enrolled": 58, "available": 32, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 131, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 129, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 131, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 129, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "27MvJidrhL4QQh6TBHzPs", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12215, "section": "WR01", "size": 90, "enrolled": 58, "available": 32, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "292": {"id": "U1vWgJFeZS-DPmOP3skN_", "course_id": "109935", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109935", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Horticultural Production and Quality III", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "AGRIC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3530WT", "CLASS_NBR": 95016, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "2-Week block in Winter Semester break (10 full days)", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "All Level I Agriculture courses", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Practical reports, written reports, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course delivers an overview of horticultural industries across the domains of: annual field vegetable crops; perennial tree and vine crops; protected cropping; peri-urban and amenity horticulture. Students develop knowledge and skills in: identification of horticultural pests and diseases; nursery, glasshouse and orchard management; irrigation technology; plant health; post-harvest and supply chains. By engaging with online videos, lectures, workshops and field tours, students develop detailed knowledge of the production cycles, environmental management, quality control and markets of at least five horticultural crops significant to the SA horticultural industry. They develop the capacity to provide recommendations for the establishment and management of a new commercially viable horticultural enterprise. They develop skills in digital technology as applied to control systems management in a horticultural industry.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 24/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 28/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 11/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 17/07/2024"}}]}, "293": {"id": "U1vWgJFeZS-DPmOP3skN_", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "x_flA5PFl9Ca5kn9OKE3b", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95014, "section": "LE01", "size": 48, "enrolled": 46, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Jul - 5 Jul", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Jul - 5 Jul", "days": "Monday, Wednesday, Friday", "start_time": "11:30am", "end_time": "1:30pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Jul - 2 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Jul - 12 Jul", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, , Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Jul - 8 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G18, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "9 Jul - 12 Jul", "days": "Tuesday, , Friday", "start_time": "11:30am", "end_time": "1:30pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "CABe0V-b58OGHNkt2ISHI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95016, "section": "WR01", "size": 48, "enrolled": 46, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Jul - 5 Jul", "days": "Tuesday, , Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Jul - 3 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Jul - 3 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Jul - 8 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11:30am", "end_time": "1:30pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Jul - 12 Jul", "days": "Monday, , Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Jul - 12 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Fieldwork", "id": "UVis4d7yzBO8NqafN-SbV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95013, "section": "FL01", "size": 48, "enrolled": 46, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Fieldwork", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Jul - 4 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}, {"dates": "10 Jul - 11 Jul", "days": "Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}]}, {"class_nbr": 95015, "section": "PR01", "size": 48, "enrolled": 46, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Jul - 1 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G18, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 Jul - 2 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11:30am", "end_time": "1:30pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Jul - 5 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "9 Jul - 9 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Jul - 19 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "294": {"id": "P-1VGWYBUTeeD4ENqOXoK", "course_id": "108416", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108416", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Agricultural Science Part 1 (Hons)", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "AGRIC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4050AWT", "CLASS_NBR": 15983, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Mixed mode - flexible and/or intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "AGRIC 4001AWT, AGRIC 4001BWT, AGRIC 4001ARW, AGRIC 4001BRW or AGRIC 4010AWT", "ASSESSMENT": "Exams and/or assignments, Research Proposal, Literature Review", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This modular course covers a range of advanced topics in Agricultural Science, the methods of presentation and assessment of which vary according to module.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "295": {"id": "P-1VGWYBUTeeD4ENqOXoK", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "sk-Jjeg8rUhhol73AxPSU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15983, "section": "01WT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 7, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "296": {"id": "njVF6HL1JMUak--6bPUn-", "course_id": "108416", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108416", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Agricultural Science Part 1 (Hons)", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "AGRIC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4050AWT", "CLASS_NBR": 25989, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Mixed mode - flexible and/or intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "AGRIC 4001AWT, AGRIC 4001BWT, AGRIC 4001ARW, AGRIC 4001BRW or AGRIC 4010AWT", "ASSESSMENT": "Exams and/or assignments, Research Proposal, Literature Review", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This modular course covers a range of advanced topics in Agricultural Science, the methods of presentation and assessment of which vary according to module.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "297": {"id": "njVF6HL1JMUak--6bPUn-", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "8g4UMrOBe5SQ3Qw8Y-LVx", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25989, "section": "01WT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "298": {"id": "A4VkRiVsduQICR1aUaIr9", "course_id": "108417", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108417", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Agricultural Science Part 2 (Hons)", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "AGRIC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4050BWT", "CLASS_NBR": 15984, "SESSION_CD": "FM2", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Mixed mode - flexible and/or intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "AGRIC 4050AWT in previous Semester", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "AGRIC 4001AWT, AGRIC 4001BWT, AGRIC 4001ARW, AGRIC 4001BRW or AGRIC 4010BWT", "ASSESSMENT": "Exams and/or assignments, Research Proposal, Literature 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"AGRIC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4060BWT", "CLASS_NBR": 15986, "SESSION_CD": "FM2", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "AGRIC 4060AWT in previous Semester", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "AGRIC 4001AWT, AGRIC 4001BWT, AGRIC 4001ARW, AGRIC 4001BRW, AGRIC 4020AWT or AGRIC 4020BWT", "ASSESSMENT": "Thesis, Thesis Defence, Seminar & Supervisor assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This research project is selected at the start of the Honours year following consultation with the Honours Coordinator and depends on availability of 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"ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "309": {"id": "xvFj_N6wMzfRhP36wSYCR", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "UlD7LXUUBeRa55pGOq1Pa", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25992, "section": "01WT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 4, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "310": {"id": "3O_aqAzH14-bGMvbpexcG", "course_id": "108420", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108420", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Agricultural Science Project (T/Y) Cont", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "AGRIC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4070AWT", "CLASS_NBR": 15987, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 4.5, 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"section": "01WT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "318": {"id": "Kz3nc172CWxltpphfhf1R", "course_id": "108420", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108420", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Agricultural Science Project (T/Y) Cont", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "AGRIC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4070AWT", "CLASS_NBR": 25993, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "AGRIC 4001AWT, AGRIC 4001BWT, AGRIC 4001ARW, AGRIC 4001BRW or AGRIC 4030AWT", "ASSESSMENT": "Thesis, Thesis Defence, Seminar & Supervisor assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This research project is selected at the start of the Honours year following consultation with the Honours Coordinator and depends on availability of research supervisors in any particular year.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "319": {"id": "Kz3nc172CWxltpphfhf1R", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "rsBfUFN1H5KpTHDS1fSuv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25993, "section": "01WT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "320": {"id": "C8zI59lO39QaRYjmoyZAz", "course_id": "108420", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108420", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Agricultural Science Project (T/Y) Cont", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "AGRIC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4070AWT", "CLASS_NBR": 25993, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "AGRIC 4001AWT, AGRIC 4001BWT, AGRIC 4001ARW, AGRIC 4001BRW or AGRIC 4030AWT", "ASSESSMENT": "Thesis, Thesis Defence, Seminar & Supervisor assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This research project is selected at the start of the Honours year following consultation with the Honours Coordinator and depends on availability of research supervisors in any particular year.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "321": {"id": "C8zI59lO39QaRYjmoyZAz", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "l_2Pio6oshf3hvAk1tSgE", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25993, "section": "01WT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "322": {"id": "J0JnkDJG5da-H3ac8vzuS", 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"ASSESSMENT": "Thesis, Thesis Defence, Seminar & Supervisor assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This research project is selected at the start of the Honours year following consultation with the Honours Coordinator and depends on availability of research supervisors in any particular year.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "323": {"id": "J0JnkDJG5da-H3ac8vzuS", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "EZXlo_C4GHVSk5egLTUuQ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15988, "section": "01WT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "324": {"id": "Sng19iiZfKD4lhYCns-UL", "course_id": "108421", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108421", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Agricultural Science Project (T/Y) Final", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "AGRIC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4070BWT", "CLASS_NBR": 25994, "SESSION_CD": "TYD", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "AGRIC 4070AWT in previous Semesters", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "AGRIC 4001AWT, AGRIC 4001BWT, AGRIC 4001ARW, AGRIC 4001BRW, AGRIC 4030AWT or AGRIC 4030BWT", "ASSESSMENT": "Thesis, Thesis Defence, Seminar & Supervisor assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This research project is selected at the start of the Honours year following consultation with the Honours Coordinator and depends on availability of research supervisors in any particular year.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "325": {"id": "Sng19iiZfKD4lhYCns-UL", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "qlPrPKvIHBA-1VE_f9sK-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25994, "section": "01WT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "326": {"id": "cwdQLz6wsWeO6Tc67d6Cj", "course_id": "110227", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110227", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Project in International Agricultural Development A", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "AGRIC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7200AWT", "CLASS_NBR": 16210, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Unpublished Course - Contact Not Available", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "", "QUOTA_TXT": "quota NA", "RESTRICTION": "", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Unpublished Course - No eligibility Req", "PRE_REQUISITE": "prereq NA", "CO_REQUISITE": "coreq NA", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "assume NA", "INCOMPATIBLE": "restriction NA", "ASSESSMENT": "Unpublished Course - NA", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "biennial NA", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "", "SYLLABUS": "", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "327": {"id": "cwdQLz6wsWeO6Tc67d6Cj", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "Vbs2bD0xd84ZOGsK2YWt0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16210, "section": "01WT", "size": 50, "enrolled": 0, "available": 50, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "328": {"id": "DYJu2WWZvucO1-gBJJE65", "course_id": "110228", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110228", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Project in International Agricultural Development B", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "AGRIC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7200BWT", "CLASS_NBR": 26221, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Unpublished Course - Contact Not Available", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "", "QUOTA_TXT": "quota NA", "RESTRICTION": "", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Unpublished Course - No eligibility Req", "PRE_REQUISITE": "prereq NA", "CO_REQUISITE": "coreq NA", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "assume NA", "INCOMPATIBLE": "restriction NA", "ASSESSMENT": "Unpublished Course - NA", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "biennial NA", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "", "SYLLABUS": "", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "329": {"id": "DYJu2WWZvucO1-gBJJE65", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "H54NXQfB-gElFPRuOBnQJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26221, "section": "01WT", "size": 50, "enrolled": 0, "available": 50, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "330": {"subject": "AGRONOMY", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "005295", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "005295", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "101417", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "331": {"id": "A8Q90C1_RdHM9JILjN4Y3", "course_id": "005295", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "005295", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Individual Studies (Ag) III", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "AGRONOMY", "CATALOG_NBR": "3008RW", "CLASS_NBR": 15611, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "059999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Contract/project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Either an individual project/case study of significant size which exhibits original investigation, analysis and interpretation, and results in the production of a well-written, well-presented report. The project may comprise a major literature review, research project or some other approved study; or a self-directed consultancy/contact which involves the identification of a management issue on either a campus or external commercial enterprise.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "332": {"id": "A8Q90C1_RdHM9JILjN4Y3", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "zOztCvwCwCwPaHqqN8_07", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15611, "section": "01RW", "size": 35, "enrolled": 0, "available": 35, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "333": {"id": "Ctmf0JXm2bDnzkKoLbgMd", "course_id": "005295", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "005295", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Individual Studies (Ag) III", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "AGRONOMY", "CATALOG_NBR": "3008RW", "CLASS_NBR": 25620, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "059999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Contract/project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Either an individual project/case study of significant size which exhibits original investigation, analysis and interpretation, and results in the production of a well-written, well-presented report. The project may comprise a major literature review, research project or some other approved study; or a self-directed consultancy/contact which involves the identification of a management issue on either a campus or external commercial enterprise.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "334": {"id": "Ctmf0JXm2bDnzkKoLbgMd", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "S5OenmCPHS0IDBJKFR9rS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25620, "section": "01RW", "size": 35, "enrolled": 1, "available": 34, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "335": {"id": "iX_3f_5aRJhNYbCcNS6k9", "course_id": "101417", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "101417", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Innovation in Agronomy III", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "AGRONOMY", "CATALOG_NBR": "3012RW", "CLASS_NBR": 25018, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "AGRIC 2505RW", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, practical reports", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to provide students with an understanding of the important physiological principles of crop production and how these principles can be applied to cropping systems. The course has three modules focussing on Innovations in: (a) weed management; (b) water and nutrient management; and (c) agronomic management. The first module will focus on enhancing understanding of behaviour of weeds under different tillage systems, herbicide properties and their interaction with crop establishment and weed control in no-till seeding systems. This module will also cover off-target risks of herbicide use including development of herbicide resistance in weeds. The second module will focus on water and nutrient management in cropping systems. Important topics such as managing crop sowing time, cover cropping/rotations and precision planting will be covered. The last module of the course will focus on innovations in crop agronomy including precision agriculture, decision support tool Yield Prophet, grain and graze systems and frost risk and its management. The practical work in this course will focus on learning and applying information from crop simulations models through Yield Prophet, understanding spatial variability from satellite imagery from FluroSat. Another practical will focus on crop safety and weed control with pre-emergence herbicides.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "336": {"id": "iX_3f_5aRJhNYbCcNS6k9", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "CIzYRhDvpybhlacakgi-w", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25017, "section": "LE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 45, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Roseworthy College Hall, G3, School Council Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Roseworthy College Hall, G3, School Council Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "7Sierd3CAQRCDyowSD8wv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25018, "section": "PR01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 45, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Williams, G12, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Roseworthy College Hall, G3, School Council Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Williams, G12, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Roseworthy College Hall, G3, School Council Room"}]}]}]}]}, "337": {"subject": "AN BEHAV", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "109484", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109485", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109486", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109487", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111032", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111032", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111033", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111033", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111034", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111034", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111035", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111035", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111036", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111036", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111037", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111037", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "338": {"id": "cy9hgvg6VJAaZVTXdjZNK", "course_id": "109484", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109484", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Foundations of Animal Behaviour", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "AN BEHAV", "CATALOG_NBR": "2000RW", "CLASS_NBR": 20363, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "up to 6 hrs per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BSc (Animal Behaviour), Bachelor of Veterinary Technology, BPsySci, BHMS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Successful completion of 24 units of an undergraduate program", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Practical report, online quizzes, major assignment, final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will provide students with a contemporary overview of the multi-disciplinary approaches to the study of animal behaviour. It will cover subject areas such as the genetic and neurobiological bases of behaviour, cognition, learning and memory, evolutionary and behavioural ecology, as well as their applied aspects. Major categories of behaviour such as foraging, predation, reproductive and social behaviour will be discussed. Practical sessions provide an opportunity to learn how to record, quantify and model animal behaviour.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "339": {"id": "cy9hgvg6VJAaZVTXdjZNK", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "dIVILsJ-Nkk13rRAfhcXx", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20361, "section": "LE01", "size": 48, "enrolled": 24, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Callaghan, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Callaghan, G03, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "RK78vHiwkPToR1dw2_v8v", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20362, "section": "PR01", "size": 48, "enrolled": 24, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 23 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Callaghan, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Leske, G18, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 20 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Callaghan, G32, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 20 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Poultry Section, External, Poultry Metabolism Shed"}, {"dates": "27 Aug - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horse Section, External, Horse Yards Wooden"}, {"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Callaghan, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Leske, G18, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Callaghan, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Leske, G18, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Callaghan, G03, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "i4qZ45Pz5pKhWU9wYApu3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20363, "section": "TU01", "size": 48, "enrolled": 24, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "340": {"id": "BuzR3QejU2miUBn3dBVRj", "course_id": "109485", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109485", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "The Science of Enrichment and Animal Learning", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "AN BEHAV", "CATALOG_NBR": "3000RW", "CLASS_NBR": 10924, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 30 hrs per week for 2 weeks", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to B.Sc (Animal Behaviour) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ANIML SC 1016RW or ANIML SC 1018RW", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, Individual and Group Assignments, Final Examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will introduce students to the principles of the science of behaviour known as learning theory and behaviour analysis. The philosophical system known as behaviourism that underlies this area of study will be explored, with a focus on the application of behavioural principles (applied behaviour analysis) to animal training, enrichment, and welfare practices and procedures. Students will learn techniques for utilizing the principles of behaviour (i.e., respondent and operant conditioning) for the management of animals, as well as the benefits of incorporating learning principles into animal training, environmental enrichment, and behaviour management practices. The course will cover the general field of learning theory as it is practiced across a variety of animal settings, as well as how behavioural principles are derived from basic research on the experimental analysis of behaviour (EAB) and incorporated with the natural history and ethological underpinnings of animal behaviour.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "341": {"id": "BuzR3QejU2miUBn3dBVRj", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "aERZvMox4LXXRzqKnSITh", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11010, "section": "LE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 26, "available": 34, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Up to 30 hours per week for 2 weeks intensive course."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Apr - 12 Apr", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "xcBdduZqEc7qau9KlCYXS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10924, "section": "WR01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 26, "available": 34, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Apr - 19 Apr", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Apr - 18 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Apr - 18 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Leske, G18, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "18 Apr - 19 Apr", "days": "Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11011, "section": "PR01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 26, "available": 34, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Apr - 17 Apr", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "342": {"id": "2hjDRRDtxcx0ls6orkX69", "course_id": "109486", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109486", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Applications in Animal Behaviour", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "AN BEHAV", "CATALOG_NBR": "3010RW", "CLASS_NBR": 20911, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090799", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4Y", "CONTACT": "up to 15 h per week , the placement component is a total 120 hours typically done over 8 weeks", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BSc (Animal Behaviour) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(ANIML SC 1015RW and ANIML SC 2520RW and AN BEHAV 2000RW)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online quizzes, research proposal, research report, presentation, internship diary", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Both the coursework and work integrated components of this capstone course will allow you to build and apply your animal behaviour discipline-specific skills, your research skills as well as personal skills relevant to workplace settings.. Included within the course is a research component for you to produce original work which strengthens and demonstrates your analytical, research and problem-solving skills; graduate-ready qualities that are essential for future employment. \n\nDuring your placement, you will develop an understanding of the value of animal behaviour knowledge to the relevant industry. Training will be provided in career development skills and employability, and how to build professional networks and their importance to lifelong learning and career progression. Associated with this; you will learn how to create a professional profile so that you can identify the correct job opportunity, get that job and shape your career progression. This capstone will directly add to your experiences and resume while consolidating your confidence and the ability to contribute to a workplace. Throughout this course, which includes a 120hour placement, you will gain an awareness of the strengths you offer to a future employer.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "343": {"id": "2hjDRRDtxcx0ls6orkX69", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "rcSYfYr6_otUaP4sUbqC5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20911, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 27, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 22 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Roseworthy College Hall, G3, School Council Room"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Jul - 29 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Leske, G18, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "29 Jul - 29 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Roseworthy College Hall, G3, School Council Room"}, {"dates": "5 Aug - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "9 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Leske, G18, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "9 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Aug - 12 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Roseworthy College Hall, G3, School Council Room"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "HxQIx_1SwSPHhk9IJLadH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23591, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 27, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Aug - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "KP0xWFiC-t2trQNdt5kwh", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24546, "section": "LE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 27, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 22 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Roseworthy College Hall, G3, School Council Room"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 26 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Jul - 29 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Roseworthy College Hall, G3, School Council Room"}, {"dates": "2 Aug - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "5 Aug - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "9 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Aug - 12 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Roseworthy College Hall, G3, School Council Room"}, {"dates": "25 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "344": {"id": "k-ew4Iy0WP0LzgWa3ejjR", "course_id": "109487", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109487", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Animal Management", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "AN BEHAV", "CATALOG_NBR": "3020RW", "CLASS_NBR": 92398, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 25 hours per week for 2 weeks", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ANIML SC 1016RW", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, assignments, group presentation, final examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Animal management is provided by local and State/Territory governments to protect the safety and comfort of communities by administering domestic animal legislation, and through community education and engagement. Companion animals are an important part of people's lives, and managing them appropriately maximises the benefits of animal companionship for all of society. This course will provide knowledge and skills necessary for the management of animals, in particular dogs and cats but including livestock and wildlife species. Such skills are relevant for work in local government, or animal shelters or animal welfare organisations. Topics will include interpreting body language, assessing risk when handling individual animals and selecting appropriate equipment, using an evidence based approach to evaluate and design initiatives to resolve community problems caused by animals (e.g. dog attacks, dog barking, cat management), community engagement and conflict management. The course will include a week of online learning followed by a week of face to face workshops and practical classes.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 09/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "345": {"id": "k-ew4Iy0WP0LzgWa3ejjR", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "GgYLZhQmw6u1A-v_P5SjG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92100, "section": "LE01", "size": 55, "enrolled": 34, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jan - 26 Jan", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "12VTRCmhN9WUST8NSCLdn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92059, "section": "PR01", "size": 55, "enrolled": 34, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jan - 30 Jan", "days": "Monday, Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Williams, G31a/G31b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Jan - 30 Jan", "days": "Monday, Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Dog Section, External, Dog & Cat Facility"}, {"dates": "29 Jan - 30 Jan", "days": "Monday, Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Sheep Section, External, Shearing Shed"}]}, {"class_nbr": 92398, "section": "WR01", "size": 55, "enrolled": 34, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jan - 2 Feb", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "31 Jan - 31 Jan", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Feb - 2 Feb", "days": "Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "346": {"id": "Aux-Wt1TI4cvnYPZ4LlkS", "course_id": "111032", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111032", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Animal Behaviour Pt 1 (Hons)", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "AN BEHAV", "CATALOG_NBR": "4000ARW", "CLASS_NBR": 16248, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 1.5, "EFTLS": 0.0625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Mixed mode \u2013 flexible and/or intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exams and/or assignments, research proposal, literature review.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students completing this course choose to either complete all requirements of an appropriate Level III course in a similar discipline or another course in a different discipline as approved by the coordinator; or to evaluate a current problem in Animal Behaviour, unrelated to their Honours research project, and to present this in the form of a written literature analysis, research proposal and seminar presentation. This course aims to develop knowledge and skills in a particular discipline area, and to develop the skills required for the practice of independent scientific research.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "347": {"id": "Aux-Wt1TI4cvnYPZ4LlkS", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "CF_xLMUmV_KSgpm65XHxE", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16248, "section": "01RW", "size": 25, "enrolled": 3, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "348": {"id": "BKVegMY8Ad52S2J6zWSQc", "course_id": "111032", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111032", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Animal Behaviour Pt 1 (Hons)", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "AN BEHAV", "CATALOG_NBR": "4000ARW", "CLASS_NBR": 26263, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 1.5, "EFTLS": 0.0625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Mixed mode \u2013 flexible and/or intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exams and/or assignments, research proposal, literature review.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students completing this course choose to either complete all requirements of an appropriate Level III course in a similar discipline or another course in a different discipline as approved by the coordinator; or to evaluate a current problem in Animal Behaviour, unrelated to their Honours research project, and to present this in the form of a written literature analysis, research proposal and seminar presentation. This course aims to develop knowledge and skills in a particular discipline area, and to develop the skills required for the practice of independent scientific research.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "349": {"id": "BKVegMY8Ad52S2J6zWSQc", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "KCALDCy14TWtv0eGYTnSx", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26263, "section": "01RW", "size": 25, "enrolled": 0, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "350": {"id": "Qu6c_NDb26aScGK36LCtn", "course_id": "111033", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111033", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Animal Behaviour Pt 2 (Hons)", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "AN BEHAV", "CATALOG_NBR": "4000BRW", "CLASS_NBR": 16249, "SESSION_CD": "FM2", "UNITS": 1.5, "EFTLS": 0.0625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Mixed mode \u2013 flexible and/or intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "AN BEHAV 4000ARW", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exams and/or assignments, research proposal, literature review.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students completing this course choose to either complete all requirements of an appropriate Level III course in a similar discipline or another course in a different discipline as approved by the coordinator; or to evaluate a current problem in Animal Behaviour, unrelated to their Honours research project, and to present this in the form of a written literature analysis, research proposal and seminar presentation. This course aims to develop knowledge and skills in a particular discipline area, and to develop the skills required for the practice of independent scientific research.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "351": {"id": "Qu6c_NDb26aScGK36LCtn", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "DcnInSF1CLRU6FQRPoHCN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16249, "section": "01RW", "size": 25, "enrolled": 0, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "352": {"id": "T_Hrqyqr5niTle3eagoSr", "course_id": "111033", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111033", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Animal Behaviour Pt 2 (Hons)", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "AN BEHAV", "CATALOG_NBR": "4000BRW", "CLASS_NBR": 26264, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 1.5, "EFTLS": 0.0625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Mixed mode \u2013 flexible and/or intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "AN BEHAV 4000ARW", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exams and/or assignments, research proposal, literature review.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students completing this course choose to either complete all requirements of an appropriate Level III course in a similar discipline or another course in a different discipline as approved by the coordinator; or to evaluate a current problem in Animal Behaviour, unrelated to their Honours research project, and to present this in the form of a written literature analysis, research proposal and seminar presentation. This course aims to develop knowledge and skills in a particular discipline area, and to develop the skills required for the practice of independent scientific research.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "353": {"id": "T_Hrqyqr5niTle3eagoSr", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "NEinuhY1SYnXwA2bJmJit", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26264, "section": "01RW", "size": 25, "enrolled": 3, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "354": {"id": "Mg_y5p9UIEl0ZAYSr6Z-L", "course_id": "111034", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111034", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Animal Behaviour Project Pt 1", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "AN BEHAV", "CATALOG_NBR": "4010ARW", "CLASS_NBR": 16250, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Seminars, literature review, poster presentation, thesis, supervisor assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students completing this course carry out a research project under the supervision of a member or members of staff. The overall aims of the course are to develop knowledge and skills in a particular area of research, and skills required for the practice of independent scientific research. The Honours year commences in February or July and the research project is chosen through consultation with the Honours coordinator prior to the commencement of the Honours year.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "355": {"id": "Mg_y5p9UIEl0ZAYSr6Z-L", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "DXcXw-LmRuMprgtFomjTl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16250, "section": "01RW", "size": 25, "enrolled": 3, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "356": {"id": "7d98qD6VFdsE76RAr2EDe", "course_id": "111034", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111034", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Animal Behaviour Project Pt 1", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "AN BEHAV", "CATALOG_NBR": "4010ARW", "CLASS_NBR": 26265, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Seminars, literature review, poster presentation, thesis, supervisor assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students completing this course carry out a research project under the supervision of a member or members of staff. The overall aims of the course are to develop knowledge and skills in a particular area of research, and skills required for the practice of independent scientific research. The Honours year commences in February or July and the research project is chosen through consultation with the Honours coordinator prior to the commencement of the Honours year.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "357": {"id": "7d98qD6VFdsE76RAr2EDe", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "y2yxSlorAQFw22JGvzxVW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26265, "section": "01RW", "size": 25, "enrolled": 0, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "358": {"id": "mNtxdtZrVfBbHWpWRDLH4", "course_id": "111035", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111035", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Animal Behaviour Project Pt 2", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "AN BEHAV", "CATALOG_NBR": "4010BRW", "CLASS_NBR": 16251, "SESSION_CD": "FM2", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Seminars, literature review, poster presentation, thesis, supervisor assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students completing this course carry out a research project under the supervision of a member or members of staff. The overall aims of the course are to develop knowledge and skills in a particular area of research, and skills required for the practice of independent scientific research. The Honours year commences in February or July and the research project is chosen through consultation with the Honours coordinator prior to the commencement of the Honours year.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "359": {"id": "mNtxdtZrVfBbHWpWRDLH4", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "Eo_E7xspRwIv63FauKoC1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16251, "section": "01RW", "size": 25, "enrolled": 0, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "360": {"id": "G3WzFgUGzIBw3uH8jMc7d", "course_id": "111035", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111035", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Animal Behaviour Project Pt 2", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "AN BEHAV", "CATALOG_NBR": "4010BRW", "CLASS_NBR": 26266, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Seminars, literature review, poster presentation, thesis, supervisor assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students completing this course carry out a research project under the supervision of a member or members of staff. The overall aims of the course are to develop knowledge and skills in a particular area of research, and skills required for the practice of independent scientific research. The Honours year commences in February or July and the research project is chosen through consultation with the Honours coordinator prior to the commencement of the Honours year.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "361": {"id": "G3WzFgUGzIBw3uH8jMc7d", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "g1TgEFbENYwrvIej9xf6o", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26266, "section": "01RW", "size": 25, "enrolled": 3, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "362": {"id": "QFazFn2kPbdBHZM8vg1vb", "course_id": "111036", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111036", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Animal Behaviour Project (T/Y) Continuing", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "AN BEHAV", "CATALOG_NBR": "4020ARW", "CLASS_NBR": 16252, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Seminars, literature review, poster presentation, thesis, supervisor assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students completing this course carry out a research project under the supervision of a member or members of staff. 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The Honours year commences in February or July and the research project is chosen through consultation with the Honours coordinator prior to the commencement of the Honours year.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 07/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "363": {"id": "QFazFn2kPbdBHZM8vg1vb", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "23nyyvxNYX3_F1Jt8_9No", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16252, "section": "01RW", "size": 25, "enrolled": 0, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "364": {"id": "49EbuEmF-0JSF7C8YdcNN", "course_id": "111036", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111036", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Animal Behaviour Project (T/Y) Continuing", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "AN BEHAV", "CATALOG_NBR": "4020ARW", "CLASS_NBR": 26267, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Seminars, literature review, poster presentation, thesis, supervisor assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students completing this course carry out a research project under the supervision of a member or members of staff. The overall aims of the course are to develop knowledge and skills in a particular area of research, and skills required for the practice of independent scientific research. The Honours year commences in February or July and the research project is chosen through consultation with the Honours coordinator prior to the commencement of the Honours year.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "365": {"id": "49EbuEmF-0JSF7C8YdcNN", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "xHx1G-B85R8IC11VwClzH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26267, "section": "01RW", "size": 25, "enrolled": 0, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "366": {"id": "9OqcwRWK0eVMCbA91A0V8", "course_id": "111037", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111037", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Animal Behaviour Project (T/Y) Final", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "AN BEHAV", "CATALOG_NBR": "4020BRW", "CLASS_NBR": 16253, "SESSION_CD": "TYD", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Seminars, literature review, poster presentation, thesis, supervisor assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students completing this course carry out a research project under the supervision of a member or members of staff. The overall aims of the course are to develop knowledge and skills in a particular area of research, and skills required for the practice of independent scientific research. The Honours year commences in February or July and the research project is chosen through consultation with the Honours coordinator prior to the commencement of the Honours year.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "367": {"id": "9OqcwRWK0eVMCbA91A0V8", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "dolOXkmn_JNgdEvnIxGXs", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16253, "section": "01RW", "size": 25, "enrolled": 0, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "368": {"id": "D-iyxX3XlZi9EBd6NEOyh", "course_id": "111037", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111037", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Animal Behaviour Project (T/Y) Final", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "AN BEHAV", "CATALOG_NBR": "4020BRW", "CLASS_NBR": 26268, "SESSION_CD": "TYD", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Seminars, literature review, poster presentation, thesis, supervisor assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students completing this course carry out a research project under the supervision of a member or members of staff. 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The Honours year commences in February or July and the research project is chosen through consultation with the Honours coordinator prior to the commencement of the Honours year.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "369": {"id": "D-iyxX3XlZi9EBd6NEOyh", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "-GF-V19wcWr0aZC8v26-A", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26268, "section": "01RW", "size": 25, "enrolled": 0, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "370": {"subject": "ANAT SC", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "013637", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "013637", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "013637", "term": "4410", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "102130", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102130", "term": "4420", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "109006", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109007", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105032", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110653", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110423", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110416", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110447", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109008", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "371": {"id": "1tOtTFrFovkUEjym8JDak", "course_id": "013637", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "013637", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Human Anatomy and Physiology IA", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ANAT SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1102", "CLASS_NBR": 14830, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010913", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment tasks, online quizzes, tests and exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Are you studying in health and medical sciences, preparing for a health-related career, or simply keen to learn more about how our amazing bodies function in both health and disease? Human Anatomy and Physiology provides students with an introduction to the anatomical structures and physiological functions of the human body. Students will investigate the relationships between normal structure and function in human cells, tissues and organs. Human Anatomy and Physiology IA course content is divided into six modules: Cells; Tissues; Bone, Joints and Muscle; Nervous System; Endocrine System; and Reproduction. As well as introducing students to content, emphasis is placed on developing skills in research, critical analysis and communication of scientific information relevant to the study of humans. The course does not assume prior knowledge of year 12 biology or chemistry.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "372": {"id": "1tOtTFrFovkUEjym8JDak", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "88dmHlgKutohbdwenOXH5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19173, "section": "LE01", "size": 500, "enrolled": 430, "available": 70, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 26 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "9OoeHXClHUJEqk-QLML7_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11865, "section": "PR01", "size": 65, "enrolled": 62, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "14 Mar - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SB02, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SB02, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SB02, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "16 May - 16 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S211a&b, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "30 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SB02, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15276, "section": "PR07", "size": 65, "enrolled": 66, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SB02, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SB02, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 May - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SB02, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "17 May - 17 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S211a&b, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "31 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SB02, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15418, "section": "PR06", "size": 65, "enrolled": 60, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "14 Mar - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SB02, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SB02, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SB02, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "16 May - 16 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S211a&b, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "30 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SB02, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15419, "section": "PR05", "size": 65, "enrolled": 59, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SB02, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SB02, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 May - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SB02, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "17 May - 17 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S211a&b, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "31 May - 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Human Anatomy and Physiology provides students with an introduction to the anatomical structures and physiological functions of the human body. Students will investigate the relationships between normal structure and function in human cells, tissues and organs. Human Anatomy and Physiology IA course content is divided into six modules: Cells; Tissues; Bone, Joints and Muscle; Nervous System; Endocrine System; and Reproduction. As well as introducing students to content, emphasis is placed on developing skills in research, critical analysis and communication of scientific information relevant to the study of humans. The course does not assume prior knowledge of year 12 biology or chemistry.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "374": {"id": "fGiVi3sG2Hrg_yQlS2QWC", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "SDPeI72X36Rt-1sNN-rG9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21978, "section": "LE01", "size": 132, "enrolled": 115, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 22 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "8kuzcZ-ZPLmxOsfltYAJP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22087, "section": "TU06", "size": 22, "enrolled": 19, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Aug - 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Human Anatomy and Physiology provides students with an introduction to the anatomical structures and physiological functions of the human body. Students will investigate the relationships between normal structure and function in human cells, tissues and organs. Human Anatomy and Physiology IA course content is divided into six modules: Cells; Tissues; Bone, Joints and Muscle; Nervous System; Endocrine System; and Reproduction. As well as introducing students to content, emphasis is placed on developing skills in research, critical analysis and communication of scientific information relevant to the study of humans. The course does not assume prior knowledge of year 12 biology or chemistry.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "376": {"id": "yf-XEhD7s5eQAvp-8RnJr", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "s90eGM3GfHnxR7VGkW4sG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11498, "section": "LE01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 31, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tuition", "id": "YEonCiM8WfzvUrJfO6NfV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12394, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 16, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 114, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 114, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12395, "section": "TT02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 15, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hartley, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hartley, G05, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "k_GBQdGSKBb02z0WJKJOq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19813, "section": "PR08", "size": 5, "enrolled": 4, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "14 Mar - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SB02, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SB02, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SB02, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "16 May - 16 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S211a&b, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "30 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SB02, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19814, "section": "PR07", "size": 5, "enrolled": 5, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SB02, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SB02, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 May - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SB02, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "17 May - 17 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S211a&b, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "31 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SB02, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19815, "section": "PR06", "size": 5, "enrolled": 5, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SB02, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SB02, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 May - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SB02, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "17 May - 17 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S211a&b, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "31 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SB02, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19816, "section": "PR05", "size": 5, "enrolled": 3, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Mar - 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2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "21 May - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "377": {"id": "fGXoyzYUaPX90JTzNLfBa", "course_id": "102130", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102130", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Human Anatomy and Physiology IB", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ANAT SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1103", "CLASS_NBR": 22361, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010913", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ANAT SC 1102", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment tasks, online quizzes, tests and exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Are you studying in health and medical sciences, preparing for a health-related career, or simply keen to learn more about how our amazing bodies function in both health and disease? Human Anatomy and Physiology provides students with an introduction to the anatomical structures and physiological functions of the human body. Students will investigate the relationships between normal structure and function in human cells, tissues and organs. In Human Anatomy and Physiology IB, coverage of organ systems builds upon content presented in Human Anatomy and Physiology IA. Course content is divided into six modules: Cardiovascular System; Respiratory System; Digestive System and Metabolism; Urinary System; Infection and Immunity; and Ageing. As well as introducing students to content, emphasis is placed on developing skills in research, critical analysis and communication of scientific information relevant to the study of humans. The course does not assume prior knowledge of year 12 biology or chemistry.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "378": {"id": "fGXoyzYUaPX90JTzNLfBa", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "wIdJSXVKgBi_MHfecEngA", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22540, "section": "LE01", "size": 400, "enrolled": 316, "available": 84, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 22 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "AdqwSLumtDMBnpyaO12Dl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22337, "section": "TU01", "size": 19, "enrolled": 19, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Aug - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG25, Vernon-Roberts Museum"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG25, Vernon-Roberts Museum"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22338, "section": "TU02", "size": 19, "enrolled": 16, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Aug - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S416, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S416, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22339, "section": "TU03", "size": 19, "enrolled": 16, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22342, "section": "TU06", "size": 19, "enrolled": 18, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22343, "section": "TU07", "size": 19, "enrolled": 18, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22344, "section": "TU08", "size": 19, "enrolled": 18, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Aug - 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23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 122a, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22354, "section": "TU18", "size": 19, "enrolled": 17, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Aug - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hartley, 122a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hartley, 122a, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22355, "section": "TU19", "size": 19, "enrolled": 17, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22356, "section": "TU20", "size": 19, "enrolled": 18, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Aug - 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Human Anatomy and Physiology provides students with an introduction to the anatomical structures and physiological functions of the human body. Students will investigate the relationships between normal structure and function in human cells, tissues and organs. In Human Anatomy and Physiology IB, coverage of organ systems builds upon content presented in Human Anatomy and Physiology IA. Course content is divided into six modules: Cardiovascular System; Respiratory System; Digestive System and Metabolism; Urinary System; Infection and Immunity; and Ageing. As well as introducing students to content, emphasis is placed on developing skills in research, critical analysis and communication of scientific information relevant to the study of humans. The course does not assume prior knowledge of year 12 biology or chemistry.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "380": {"id": "5DKoXDs36X1pP1KNK1EaR", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "7WdfpLdmEXQtIQ7Lihoco", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21525, "section": "LE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 26, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tuition", "id": "HqFdO4Err1hllJGX4J1wU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22260, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 17, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Darling West, 104, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Darling West, 104, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22261, "section": "TT02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 9, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Darling West, 105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Darling West, 105, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "id": "HBmB6ly2IhvOpX4xMWnFW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22170, "section": "AS01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 26, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Sep - 2 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22366, "section": "PR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 26, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Aug - 8 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SB02, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 Aug - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SB02, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SB02, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S211a&b, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, 350, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "381": {"id": "duHD301Z2Ux3UyV3hsJUm", "course_id": "109006", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109006", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Foundations of Human Neuroanatomy", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ANAT SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "2006", "CLASS_NBR": 15579, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060199", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ANAT SC 1102 or BIOLOGY 1101 or BIOLOGY 1310A (or equivalent)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ANAT SC 3103", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, mid-semester exam, group project (creative output and presentation), structure identification assignment and end-of-semester theory exam.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to introduce students to basic concepts in neuroanatomy including: gross and microscopic organization of the central nervous system, normal and pathological CNS functioning, nervous system development, and the development and evolution of the CNS. In order to accomplish this aim, nervous system structure, function and pathology are integrated, drawing on information and techniques from cellular, systems and clinical neuroscience. Lectures are supplemented with weekly tutorial and practical sessions. Tutorials include small group activities, designed to reinforce key concepts. Practicals include the study of human brain and spinal cord prosections and models. Students will also undertake a group research project in order to enhance their development of scientific research skills: forming collaborations, writing research proposals, presenting research findings and responding to critical questions.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "382": {"id": "duHD301Z2Ux3UyV3hsJUm", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "yiXuHpvWGBBYbngnHxvCS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15579, "section": "WR01", "size": 120, "enrolled": 113, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "x1Flq5m1QWs-1gGOQ2u4f", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11135, "section": "PR02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 25, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SB02, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SB02, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11136, "section": "PR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SB02, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SB02, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15558, "section": "PR03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SB02, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SB02, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15560, "section": "PR04", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SB02, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SB02, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "GgaCSo-froPT43gi_d05s", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11137, "section": "TU02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11138, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 24, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG25, Vernon-Roberts Museum"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG25, Vernon-Roberts Museum"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15559, "section": "TU03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG25, Vernon-Roberts Museum"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG25, Vernon-Roberts Museum"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15561, "section": "TU04", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG25, Vernon-Roberts Museum"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG25, Vernon-Roberts Museum"}]}]}]}]}, "383": {"id": "8TgsAJdr3XNLfj3l12_By", "course_id": "109007", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109007", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Musculoskeletal Anatomy", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ANAT SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "2009", "CLASS_NBR": 23453, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060199", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 3.5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ANAT SC 1102 or MEDIC ST 1000B", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ANAT SC 1103", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ANAT SC 2200", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, formative laboratory assessment, group multimedia presentation, end of semester theory exam, end of semester practical exam.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the gross anatomy, function and integration of the neuro-musculoskeletal system, with an emphasis on clinical problem solving related to common injuries and movement dysfunction. Syllabus content will include advanced regional and sectional anatomy of the upper and lower limbs, vertebral column, diaphragm and abdominopelvic structures, and the head/neck with an emphasis on the musculoskeletal system (osteology and arthrology), relevant parts of the nervous system and vasculature. Students will learn how to recognise major neural plexuses and peripheral nerves and their innervation to muscle groups and skin, and consequently be able to identify the impact of injury on motor and sensory function. The effects of growth and development, maturation and ageing on the musculoskeletal system will also be studied. In addition, advanced functional aspects of joint anatomy and common pathological manifestations will be discussed for select anatomical regions. Teaching sessions will be delivered using a blended-learning approach; content delivered using a combination of didactic and online lectures, and contextualised learning enforced in weekly practical resource sessions, the latter using prosected human material, anatomical models and medical images (MSCT, MRI, conventional radiography and ultrasound) to promote deep learning.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "384": {"id": "8TgsAJdr3XNLfj3l12_By", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "bcU6zT0KzXsOOlfwlJyjj", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22246, "section": "LE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 56, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22247, "section": "LE02", "size": 60, "enrolled": 47, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "oDZA4yS_psd1R3rBcr4-k", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23451, "section": "PR02", "size": 60, "enrolled": 59, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SB02, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SB02, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23452, "section": "PR01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 44, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SB02, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SB02, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "l_zVvEfoQ406vEuNVteH7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23453, "section": "WR02", "size": 60, "enrolled": 46, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S211a&b, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S211a&b, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23454, "section": "WR01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 57, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S211a&b, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S211a&b, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "385": {"id": "kdO41hzPXwjzO4ksTnMOs", "course_id": "105032", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105032", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Biology and Development of Human Tissues", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ANAT SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "2109", "CLASS_NBR": 10603, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010913", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ANAT SC 1102 or ANAT SC 1103 or BIOLOGY 1101", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ANAT SC 2500", "ASSESSMENT": "Slide analysis task, scripted power point/video clip presentation, topic review quizzes, redeemable progress test, examinations", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Histology component of Biology and Development of Human Tissues (BDHT) extends basic knowledge of the microscopic structure and function of mammalian cells and tissues and explores their organisation into organs and systems. Emphasis is placed on developing skills in recognition and interpretation of the appearances of cells and tissues in histological images and analysis of how histological components interact to bring about body functions. The Reproduction and Development component of the course investigates male and female reproductive systems and functions, gametogenesis, fertilisation, implantation, and the normal development of the human conceptus (embryo and associated extra-embryonic tissues, including the placenta). These topics form the biological basis for understanding fertility, contraception, and common developmental and reproductive anomalies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "386": {"id": "kdO41hzPXwjzO4ksTnMOs", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "XFkLV_gzqB3_sBmt8RczD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19196, "section": "LEC0", "size": 90, "enrolled": 72, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "g8riN7ueWg6wlI_yIjnDh", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10398, "section": "PR04", "size": 22, "enrolled": 18, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S127, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S127, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "2 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S127, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10399, "section": "PR03", "size": 23, "enrolled": 23, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S127, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S127, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "2 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S127, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10536, "section": "PR01", "size": 23, "enrolled": 21, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S127, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S127, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "2 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S127, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12030, "section": "PR02", "size": 22, "enrolled": 10, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S127, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S127, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "2 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S127, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Assessment", "id": "BWwqfA0CKaSyH8mfEmPa7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18942, "section": "AS03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 0, "available": 30, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Jun - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S127, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18943, "section": "AS02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 0, "available": 30, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Jun - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S127, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "6kz5KgQfhXsmPeYJ37dpk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12323, "section": "TU08", "size": 15, "enrolled": 11, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14760, "section": "TU07", "size": 15, "enrolled": 13, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "The Braggs, 425, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "The Braggs, 425, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "The Braggs, 425, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14761, "section": "TU06", "size": 15, "enrolled": 11, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14763, "section": "TU04", "size": 15, "enrolled": 10, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14764, "section": "TU03", "size": 15, "enrolled": 14, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14766, "section": "TU01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 13, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "id": "ekvoltnF1kq_PjiYCMshh", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12272, "section": "AS01", "size": 90, "enrolled": 72, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Jun - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S127, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "387": {"id": "GZ4vMx-TjxJTTsFc6SPYB", "course_id": "110653", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110653", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "The Neuroscience of Human Behaviour and Cognition", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ANAT SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "2110", "CLASS_NBR": 20920, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "069999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "4.5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ANAT SC 1002", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "HLTH SC 1001; ANAT SC 2006", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment for this course is composed of quizzes, module exams, a 'Neuroscience Fact or Fiction' group project and an end of semester exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Neuroscience of Human Behaviour and Cognition will provide an introduction into the neurological mechanisms that produce human behaviour and how behaviour in turn modifies the structures and action of the brain. Students will explore constructs of behaviour from the social expression of behaviour to the dynamics of neural systems and circuits to the role of molecular cascades within individual neurons in driving behavioural processes. Behaviours covered within the course will range from basic drives such as hunger and sleep to complex concepts of cognitive function and consciousness. Lectures are supplemented with tutorials sessions. Tutorials include interactive small group activities designed to reinforce key course concepts and enhance student engagement. There will also be examination of key neuroanatomical regions that underlie key behaviours and cognitive functions within the tutorial. Students will also undertake a research project in order to enhance their development of scientific research skills: forming collaborations, presenting research findings and responding to critical questions.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "388": {"id": "GZ4vMx-TjxJTTsFc6SPYB", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "7v5oavn16OdXb8GcRahXn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28993, "section": "LEC0", "size": 88, "enrolled": 85, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "vNV9X5tZ2ghQAi5Teo_fJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20920, "section": "TU04", "size": 22, "enrolled": 22, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20921, "section": "TU03", "size": 22, "enrolled": 22, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hartley, 122a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hartley, 122a, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20922, "section": "TU02", "size": 22, "enrolled": 20, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hartley, 122a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hartley, 122a, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20923, "section": "TU01", "size": 22, "enrolled": 21, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hartley, 122a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hartley, 122a, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "389": {"id": "O3fU5KMVyhXUXZ0JlsvRT", "course_id": "110423", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110423", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Anatomy of Lower Limb & Trunk", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ANAT SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "2400", "CLASS_NBR": 14632, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010913", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Hons)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "HLTH SC 1403", "CO_REQUISITE": "PHYSIOTH 2001", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Final Examination, assignment and continuous assessment tasks", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, the anatomical principles and terminology introduced in Biosciences for Human Health B will be applied to the detailed study of the anatomy of the back, lower limb and thorax. The concept of integrated function of multiple body systems will be developed in each region. Teaching will include both online learning and face-to-face teaching sessions including practical classes involving cadaver materials and surface anatomy. Students will work in small groups to identify anatomical structure and function on a living body as you would in a clinical context.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "390": {"id": "O3fU5KMVyhXUXZ0JlsvRT", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "H47HcRnAMU0B8eHSfLSR5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10548, "section": "PR01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 34, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, NB35, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, NB35, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "1ofoH3rSESuO-6-smBnu5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10550, "section": "WR01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 34, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1:30pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S211a, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1:30pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S211a, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "KR6rQHaDW-7m88rHhPwqm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19223, "section": "LEC0", "size": 100, "enrolled": 89, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture"}]}]}, {"association_group": "11", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "Y7U--d8TTjBHJPznKVK7g", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10547, "section": "PR02", "size": 35, "enrolled": 33, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, NB35, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, NB35, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "XHawMNWBwUiPAOsIYfQs7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10549, "section": "WR02", "size": 35, "enrolled": 33, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1:30pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S211a, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1:30pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S211a, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "k5mtrjFW9Rkn3Y6xTY8dk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19223, "section": "LEC0", "size": 100, "enrolled": 89, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture"}]}]}, {"association_group": "12", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "H7vY3Q4nS9UK-2xhR9nVf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10505, "section": "PR03", "size": 35, "enrolled": 22, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, NB35, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, NB35, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "S0G7uA-6nCBflZFGqZOy0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14632, "section": "WR03", "size": 35, "enrolled": 22, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1:30pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S211b, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1:30pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S211b, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "LO5ZW74fGwojCNjhDEY1C", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19223, "section": "LEC0", "size": 100, "enrolled": 89, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "391": {"id": "eMvr_xFieR_ebqBlUQH8F", "course_id": "110416", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110416", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Anatomy of Lower and Upper Limbs", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ANAT SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "2401", "CLASS_NBR": 10500, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010913", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Hons)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "HLTH SC 1403", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Final examination, various assignments and continuous assessment tasks", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, anatomical principles and terminology will be applied to the detailed study of the anatomy of the lower limb, upper limb and hand. The concept of integrated function of multiple body systems will be developed in each region and relevant medical imaging techniques and clinical assessment skills will be incorporated. The course is taught in a blended mode.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "392": {"id": "eMvr_xFieR_ebqBlUQH8F", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "B9mZwx_GxylK4PiMgEnBZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10552, "section": "WR01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 45, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10:30am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N424/N425, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 May - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10:30am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N424/N425, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "Nqtz5oHvc0QshTgxyBCHp", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10551, "section": "PR01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 45, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, NB35, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, NB35, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "fiM6Uqkd5vGlonT43DokN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19224, "section": "LEC0", "size": 88, "enrolled": 83, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture"}]}]}, {"association_group": "11", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "ruzeqoX63GaXlHN_9-Njl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10500, "section": "WR02", "size": 45, "enrolled": 38, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1:30pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N424/N425, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 May - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1:30pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N424/N425, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "rZHVcVb1PDlVo7d-Eo7PP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14005, "section": "PR02", "size": 45, "enrolled": 38, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, NB35, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, NB35, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "HK-BsF9-4oQo4nr3DVkv1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19224, "section": "LEC0", "size": 88, "enrolled": 83, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "393": {"id": "fvwL0r-vY8zke6quV71lK", "course_id": "110447", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110447", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Anatomy of Upper Limb, Head & Neurosciences", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ANAT SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "2402", "CLASS_NBR": 22579, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010913", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Honours)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "HLTH SC 1403", "CO_REQUISITE": "PHYSIOTH 2002", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Final Examination, assignment and continuous assessment tasks", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course the anatomical principles and terminology introduced in Biosciences for Human Health B and extended in Anatomy of Lower Limb & Trunk will be applied to the detailed study of the anatomy of the upper limb, the head and neck, and to the study of neurosciences. The concept of integrated function of multiple body systems will be developed in each region and relevant medical imaging techniques and clinical assessment skills will be incorporated. The course will be delivered via a blended learning model and will comprise a mix of lectures, on-line activities, practical sessions using prosected cadavers and other anatomical materials and clinical anatomy practical classes covering surface anatomy and clinical applications.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "394": {"id": "fvwL0r-vY8zke6quV71lK", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "vExv5CAYkRZZ5T6fuHjeg", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20490, "section": "WR01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 35, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N219/N222, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N219/N222, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22579, "section": "WR03", "size": 35, "enrolled": 23, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N219/N222, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N219/N222, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23987, "section": "WR02", "size": 35, "enrolled": 35, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N219/N222, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N219/N222, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "2cOYZi6a8hPI5ye1lfrP4", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20488, "section": "PR02", "size": 35, "enrolled": 23, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, NB35, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, NB35, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20489, "section": "PR01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 35, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, NB35, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, NB35, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22578, "section": "PR03", "size": 35, "enrolled": 35, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, NB35, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, NB35, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "O8aFRlRN1p4NyUKUMXWbK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24248, "section": "LE01", "size": 291, "enrolled": 93, "available": 198, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "395": {"id": "wLde-z_bgEfILtlKin2MY", "course_id": "109008", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109008", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Applied Human Anatomy", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ANAT SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3003", "CLASS_NBR": 21504, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060199", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ANAT SC 2009", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online quizzes x8, weekly practical attendance, end of module tests x3, end of semester theory exam, end of semester OSPE.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Applied human anatomy will enable students to gain a better appreciation of the structural and functional relationships in the human body in health and apply this knowledge to understand changes that occur in disease by working through clinical case scenarios. This course employs a wide range of teaching and learning modes, with an emphasis on a blended learning, flipped classroom approach. The course curriculum is organised by anatomical region into three modules that will address the relevant clinical anatomy of the (i) head & neck; (ii) thorax; and (iii) abdomen and pelvis. Learning will be facilitated by weekly clinical scenario-based teaching supplemented by cadaveric dissections, surface anatomy and imaging and reinforced with weekly / end of module testing. The course will be useful for students considering medicine or paramedical careers that demand an appreciation of the clinical relevant anatomy but also to students fascinated by the structure and organisation of the human body.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "396": {"id": "wLde-z_bgEfILtlKin2MY", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "2PD8w8lT112B1rNpfPkKH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21503, "section": "LE01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 32, "available": 48, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "The remaining lectures for this course will be available on MyUni/CANVAS."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 22 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "BtH_-GIpTLIA4QkOyCbCV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21505, "section": "PR01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 32, "available": 48, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S211a, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, NB35, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S211a, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, NB35, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Assessment", "id": "hZz8YV9CKoClk0foR1dE7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25132, "section": "AS04", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Oct - 29 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25133, "section": "AS03", "size": 20, "enrolled": 11, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Oct - 29 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25134, "section": "AS02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 4, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Oct - 29 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25135, "section": "AS01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 14, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Oct - 29 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "397": {"subject": "ANIML SC", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "104099", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104097", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104101", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104098", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104331", "term": "4420", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "104333", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104332", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105180", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105179", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105334", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106424", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109913", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110306", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110307", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "101419", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "007023", "term": "4415", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "004785", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102644", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "103998", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111556", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "103534", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106488", "term": "4415", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108375", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110308", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110309", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110310", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111038", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111038", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111039", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111039", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108422", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108422", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108423", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108423", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108424", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108424", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108425", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108425", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108426", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108426", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108427", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108427", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111044", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}]}}, "398": {"id": "IAuvvaS-xnFjvpkP3qNEI", "course_id": "104099", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104099", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Animal Handling & Husbandry I", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ANIML SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1015RW", "CLASS_NBR": 19016, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BSc (Animal Science), BSc (Animal Behaviour) and Bachelor of Veterinary Technology students or with agreement from the Course Coordinator", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, group project, practical examinations, theory examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course will provide students with a basic understanding of production animals, horses, companion, wildlife and laboratory animals and their respective industries in Australia and overseas. A general overview of agricultural production will also be covered. Themes to be studied include: livestock agricultural systems; the equine industry; biology and husbandry of companion animals, wildlife and lab animals; agricultural economics intensive animal production systems, and the effects of animal husbandry on welfare. There will be tutorials covering library and computer based information retrieval skills and specific animal husbandry topics. Practical exercises will include instruction on the handling of sheep, cattle, horses, poultry, pigs, alpacas, dogs and small animals.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "399": {"id": "IAuvvaS-xnFjvpkP3qNEI", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "U48UoM6XS8Uz77HiBqJXl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10543, "section": "LE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 37, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This class is for Bachelor of Veterinary Technology students only. Students in other programs will be removed. BSc (Animal Science) and BSc (Animal Behaviour) students are required to enrol in Thursday classes for this course."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "aeUkoC-7JRpTHZtHtvsRy", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10544, "section": "PR01", "size": 8, "enrolled": 7, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This class is for Bachelor of Veterinary Technology students only. Students in other programs will be removed. BSc (Animal Science) and BSc (Animal Behaviour) students are required to enrol in Thursday classes for this course."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 10545, "section": "PR02", "size": 8, "enrolled": 7, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This class is for Bachelor of Veterinary Technology students only. Students in other programs will be removed. BSc (Animal Science) and BSc (Animal Behaviour) students are required to enrol in Thursday classes for this course."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 10546, "section": "PR03", "size": 8, "enrolled": 7, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This class is for Bachelor of Veterinary Technology students only. Students in other programs will be removed. BSc (Animal Science) and BSc (Animal Behaviour) students are required to enrol in Thursday classes for this course."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 15292, "section": "PR05", "size": 8, "enrolled": 8, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This class is for Bachelor of Veterinary Technology students only. Students in other programs will be removed. BSc (Animal Science) and BSc (Animal Behaviour) students are required to enrol in Thursday classes for this course."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 15293, "section": "PR04", "size": 8, "enrolled": 8, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This class is for Bachelor of Veterinary Technology students only. Students in other programs will be removed. BSc (Animal Science) and BSc (Animal Behaviour) students are required to enrol in Thursday classes for this course."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "SCMGl6v0CFTwrynHWeTvA", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19015, "section": "WR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 37, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This class is for Bachelor of Veterinary Technology students only. Students in other programs will be removed. BSc (Animal Science) and BSc (Animal Behaviour) students are required to enrol in Thursday classes for this course."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Callaghan, G02, Richardson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Callaghan, G02, Richardson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}, {"association_group": "11", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "3K7_vlMImA2ArgChBTSXJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12930, "section": "LE02", "size": 70, "enrolled": 58, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This class is for BSc. (Animal Science) and BSc. (Animal Behaviour) students only. Students in other programs will be removed. Bachelor of Veterinary Technology students are required to enrol in Tuesday classes for this course."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "h8DcSQAXK_heVDPTZY7kz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19006, "section": "PR29", "size": 7, "enrolled": 5, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This class is for BSc. (Animal Science) and BSc. (Animal Behaviour) students only. Students in other programs will be removed. Bachelor of Veterinary Technology students are required to enrol in Tuesday classes for this course."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 19007, "section": "PR28", "size": 7, "enrolled": 7, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This class is for BSc. (Animal Science) and BSc. (Animal Behaviour) students only. Students in other programs will be removed. Bachelor of Veterinary Technology students are required to enrol in Tuesday classes for this course."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 19008, "section": "PR27", "size": 8, "enrolled": 7, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This class is for BSc. (Animal Science) and BSc. (Animal Behaviour) students only. Students in other programs will be removed. Bachelor of Veterinary Technology students are required to enrol in Tuesday classes for this course."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 19009, "section": "PR26", "size": 7, "enrolled": 7, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This class is for BSc. (Animal Science) and BSc. (Animal Behaviour) students only. Students in other programs will be removed. Bachelor of Veterinary Technology students are required to enrol in Tuesday classes for this course."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 19010, "section": "PR25", "size": 7, "enrolled": 5, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This class is for BSc. (Animal Science) and BSc. (Animal Behaviour) students only. Students in other programs will be removed. Bachelor of Veterinary Technology students are required to enrol in Tuesday classes for this course."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 19011, "section": "PR24", "size": 7, "enrolled": 7, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This class is for BSc. (Animal Science) and BSc. (Animal Behaviour) students only. Students in other programs will be removed. Bachelor of Veterinary Technology students are required to enrol in Tuesday classes for this course."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 19012, "section": "PR23", "size": 7, "enrolled": 7, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This class is for BSc. (Animal Science) and BSc. (Animal Behaviour) students only. Students in other programs will be removed. Bachelor of Veterinary Technology students are required to enrol in Tuesday classes for this course."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 19013, "section": "PR22", "size": 7, "enrolled": 7, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This class is for BSc. (Animal Science) and BSc. (Animal Behaviour) students only. Students in other programs will be removed. Bachelor of Veterinary Technology students are required to enrol in Tuesday classes for this course."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 19014, "section": "PR21", "size": 7, "enrolled": 6, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This class is for BSc. (Animal Science) and BSc. (Animal Behaviour) students only. Students in other programs will be removed. Bachelor of Veterinary Technology students are required to enrol in Tuesday classes for this course."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "004boFFQtabQhWKY01FRk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19016, "section": "WR02", "size": 70, "enrolled": 58, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This class is for BSc. (Animal Science) and BSc. (Animal Behaviour) students only. Students in other programs will be removed. Bachelor of Veterinary Technology students are required to enrol in Tuesday classes for this course."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "400": {"id": "VekWu5plDpi8YFfk05v5g", "course_id": "104097", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104097", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Principles in Animal Behaviour Welfare Ethics I", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ANIML SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1016RW", "CLASS_NBR": 29047, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BSc (Animal Science), BSc (Animal Behaviour) and Bachelor of Veterinary Technology students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, group project, individual reflection report, written exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course will provide the students with an introduction to the principles of animal ethics, behaviour and welfare. Subject areas which will be covered include introduction to animal welfare; animal welfare issues and current developments; animal welfare legislation; introduction to animal ethics; the history of animal behaviour; introduction to animal behaviour in the wild and domesticated species. Knowledge gained in the lecture material will be put into practice in the practical exercises.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "401": {"id": "VekWu5plDpi8YFfk05v5g", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "_2zljWFcNFumdCD17KSwi", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20480, "section": "LE01", "size": 120, "enrolled": 90, "available": 30, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 25 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "8 Aug - 8 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Aug - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "Ir8FElQdXy3e4S-QOnrx2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20481, "section": "PR01", "size": 120, "enrolled": 90, "available": 30, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G02, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horse Section, External, Horse Stables 1"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horse Section, External, Horse Shed 1"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Poultry Section, External, Poultry Metabolism Shed"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Cattle Section, External, Cattle Yard"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Sheep Section, External, Shearing Shed"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G02, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horse Section, External, Horse Stables 1"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horse Section, External, Horse Shed 1"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Poultry Section, External, Poultry Metabolism Shed"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Cattle Section, External, Cattle Yard"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Sheep Section, External, Shearing Shed"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "mdaCZ5k1MwWB_z0-eOe9Q", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20967, "section": "TU01", "size": 120, "enrolled": 90, "available": 30, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This course is for BSc (Animal Science), BSc (Animal Behaviour) and Bachelor of Veterinary Technology students only. Students in other programs will be removed. BSc (Veterinary Bioscience) students are required to enrol in ANIML SC 1018RW."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Callaghan, G19, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Callaghan, G11, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Callaghan, G17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Callaghan, G20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Callaghan, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G02, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Callaghan, G17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Callaghan, G19, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Callaghan, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Callaghan, G20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Callaghan, G11, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Callaghan, G17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G02, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Callaghan, G19, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Callaghan, G11, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Callaghan, G20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Callaghan, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29047, "section": "WR01", "size": 120, "enrolled": 90, "available": 30, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "29 Aug - 5 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "402": {"id": "ifVck8RSsNaX4GuMnSv3H", "course_id": "104101", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104101", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Animal Handling & Husbandry I (Vet Bio)", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ANIML SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1017RW", "CLASS_NBR": 19032, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BSc (Veterinary Bioscience) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, group project, practical examinations, theory examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course will provide students with a basic understanding of production animals, horses, companion, wildlife and laboratory animals and their respective industries in Australia and overseas. A general overview of agricultural production will also be covered. Themes to be studied include: livestock agricultural systems; the equine industry; biology and husbandry of companion animals, wildlife and lab animals; agricultural economics intensive animal production systems, and the effects of animal husbandry on welfare. There will be tutorials covering library and computer based information retrieval skills and specific animal husbandry topics. Practical exercises will include instruction on the handling of sheep, cattle, horses, poultry, pigs, alpacas, dogs and small animals.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "403": {"id": "ifVck8RSsNaX4GuMnSv3H", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "HyKPdwDCxdI1lGxi5x90g", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10542, "section": "LE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 47, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This course is for BSc (Veterinary Bioscience) students only. Students in other programs will be removed. BSc (Animal Science), BSc (Animal Behaviour) and Bachelor of Veterinary Technology students are required to enrol in ANIML SC 1015RW."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "BmsnG6BQW6Q4YZ_-v-tcR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10759, "section": "PR02", "size": 7, "enrolled": 6, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 13125, "section": "PR01", "size": 7, "enrolled": 7, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 15282, "section": "PR07", "size": 7, "enrolled": 6, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 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2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 15285, "section": "PR04", "size": 7, "enrolled": 7, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 15286, "section": "PR03", "size": 7, "enrolled": 7, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 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Subject areas which will be covered include introduction to animal welfare; animal welfare issues and current developments; animal welfare legislation; introduction to animal ethics; the history of animal behaviour; introduction to animal behaviour in the wild and domesticated species. Knowledge gained in the lecture material will be put into practice in the practical exercises.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "405": {"id": "Cf-l2EjrLWiPxcsRdr1B_", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "-ZdNMkfeuTtw4p8075k1t", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20482, "section": "LE01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 62, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 25 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "8 Aug - 8 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Aug - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "fCNmbOGCcQXtAmfOF3jC5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23029, "section": "PR01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 62, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G02, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horse Section, External, Horse Stables 1"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horse Section, External, Horse Shed 1"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Poultry Section, External, Poultry Metabolism Shed"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Cattle Section, External, Cattle Yard"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Sheep Section, External, Shearing Shed"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G02, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horse Section, External, Horse Stables 1"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horse Section, External, Horse Shed 1"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Poultry Section, External, Poultry Metabolism Shed"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Cattle Section, External, Cattle Yard"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Sheep Section, External, Shearing Shed"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "onwj5HUD66Scn2SIbrGQt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20966, "section": "TU01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 62, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This course is for BSc (Veterinary Bioscience) students only. Students in other programs will be removed. BSc (Animal Science), BSc (Animal Behaviour) and Bachelor of Veterinary Technology students are required to enrol in ANIML SC 1016RW."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Callaghan, G17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Callaghan, G19, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Callaghan, G11, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Callaghan, G20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Callaghan, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G02, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Callaghan, G17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Callaghan, G19, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Callaghan, G11, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Callaghan, G20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Callaghan, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G02, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 29046, "section": "WR01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 62, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "29 Aug - 5 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "406": {"id": "ZMBwcTHijBqQhk6dMPPRQ", "course_id": "104331", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104331", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Genes and Inheritance II", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ANIML SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "2501RW", "CLASS_NBR": 28843, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "((BIOLOGY 1101 or BIOLOGY 1101ND) or (BIOLOGY 1401 and BIOLOGY 1202)); or 2 Semesters of first year Biology", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Tests, practical reports, presentation, tutorial contribution, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The nature and structure of genetic material and the role of genes in determining the characteristics of organisms. The basis of inheritance and utilisation of variation in breeding programs and natural selection. The relationship between genetics and the composition of natural and managed populations. The role of new technologies in genetic improvement will be discussed.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "407": {"id": "ZMBwcTHijBqQhk6dMPPRQ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "kBSX6qxRZeiZuWhuzXYz2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20335, "section": "LE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 39, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 24 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "31 Jul - 31 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "21 Aug - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 2 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "bqeioH0NGmAwKsF6vHD3K", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20336, "section": "PR01", "size": 22, "enrolled": 20, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 31 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Williams, G22, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "7 Aug - 7 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Aug - 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31 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Williams, G22, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "7 Aug - 7 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Aug - 21 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Aug - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Williams, G22, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Leske, G18, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Leske, G18, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "54515R7Qu962T-4n58zII", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28843, "section": "WR02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 20, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 24 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "31 Jul - 31 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "21 Aug - 21 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11:30am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Aug - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 2 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Callaghan, G02, Richardson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 28844, "section": "WR01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 19, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 24 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "31 Jul - 31 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "21 Aug - 21 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11:30am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Aug - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 2 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Callaghan, G02, Richardson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "408": {"id": "MwMs_7VbxOVUTintPIWa9", "course_id": "104333", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104333", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Wildlife Management II", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ANIML SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "2502RW", "CLASS_NBR": 22508, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 40 hours of contact per week (intensive 2-week course)", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "BIOLOGY 1202 or equivalent", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ANIML SC 1014RW", "ASSESSMENT": "Quiz, field activities assessment, oral theory exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course is an introduction to wildlife management at the state, national and international level and some of the tools used by wildlife managers. Topics covered include the management of vertebrate pest, wildlife conflict and over abundant species, wildlife health and disease and wildlife utilisation and conservation. In addition to providing a sound scientific and theoretical background on wildlife sciences and management, tutorial activities and a field trip will provide the students with a hands-on experience and practical skills and tools used by wildlife managers.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "409": {"id": "MwMs_7VbxOVUTintPIWa9", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Y1G01Yj20adsmzsiilpoY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22507, "section": "LE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 36, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This is an intensive 2 week course and subject to an enrolment quota. Priority will be given to allow B.Sc(Animal Science) students to enrol. If you are in the Animal Science degree and the course is showing as full, please fill out the Course Full form:"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "16 Sep - 20 Sep", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Fieldwork", "id": "rJtAfPaHJ3lcODPeLfMxf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24055, "section": "FL01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 36, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Fieldwork", "meetings": [{"dates": "21 Sep - 22 Sep", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}, {"dates": "23 Sep - 27 Sep", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "WbmwORCPPkWx-MuZ87XL9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22508, "section": "TU01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 36, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "16 Sep - 20 Sep", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G11, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "410": {"id": "pCgtfUWHtEpQfsYC-9O55", "course_id": "104332", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104332", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Livestock Production Science II", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ANIML SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "2503RW", "CLASS_NBR": 21482, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "BIOLOGY 1101, BIOLOGY 1202, AGRIC 1510WT & AGRIC 1520WT or ANIML SC 1015RW", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, Tests, practical reports, written assignment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Livestock Production Science II examines the application of science to animal production systems. Production systems include beef, dairy, lamb and wool. Topics include on-farm management to maximise profit and quality, animal welfare and handling, and meat, milk and wool processing. The course also includes anatomy and physiology of muscles and skin in the context of meat and wool production. Practicals include modelling production systems, assessing product quality and assessing live animals.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "411": {"id": "pCgtfUWHtEpQfsYC-9O55", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "6kMaMamtYrpt7f5EZxYhO", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20858, "section": "LE01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 87, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 22 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Jul - 22 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "5U21HynZncOxhzTJy8Hr0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20965, "section": "PR01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 87, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Williams, G04, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "29 Jul - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Williams, G04, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "12 Aug - 19 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Aug - 19 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1:30pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Williams, G04, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Williams, G04, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Leske, G18, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Williams, G04, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Leske, G18, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 14 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Cattle Section, External, Cattle Yard"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "zeeu3dMO1w-PanXMwFjkr", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21482, "section": "TU04", "size": 23, "enrolled": 21, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 19 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G02, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 14 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "Callaghan, G02, Richardson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 14 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21483, "section": "TU03", "size": 23, "enrolled": 21, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 19 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G02, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G02, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 14 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 14 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "Callaghan, G02, Richardson Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21484, "section": "TU02", "size": 23, "enrolled": 22, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 19 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Callaghan, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 14 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "Callaghan, G02, Richardson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 14 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21485, "section": "TU01", "size": 23, "enrolled": 23, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 19 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Roseworthy College Hall, G3, School Council Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 14 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "Callaghan, G02, Richardson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 14 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Fieldwork", "id": "LbaCXCQGNoBpZSW4U7tlJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21595, "section": "FL01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 87, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Fieldwork", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}, {"dates": "21 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, TAFE, Regency Park"}]}]}]}]}, "412": {"id": "SNpMLaI__G0ANNg8F_75s", "course_id": "105180", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105180", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Comparative Animal Anatomy & Physiology IIA", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ANIML SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "2506RW", "CLASS_NBR": 18958, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 8 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "((BIOLOGY 1001 or BIOLOGY 1101 or BIOLOGY 1101ND)) or (BIOLOGY 1401 and BIOLOGY 1202)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "CHEM 1100 & CHEM 1200 or CHEM 1101 & CHEM 1201", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Practical assessment, scientific report writing, online quizzes, integrative physiology group report and video, written exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course deals with basic physiological and anatomical principles in a wide variety of species. Beginning at the tissue level, the physiology and anatomy of the major systems including endocrine, nervous, gastrointestinal and hepatic are covered. The course then takes an integrative approach allowing students to examine the breadth of these systems including disease mechanisms and sensory and cognitive functions of the whole animal.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "413": {"id": "SNpMLaI__G0ANNg8F_75s", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "06v7A1xfigzv-21JuiId5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11766, "section": "LE01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 42, "available": 38, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 28 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Mar - 13 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 May - 1 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 May - 1 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12:30pm", "end_time": "2:30pm", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "6tD7B4i1g0Fddl6zwLXAs", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10956, "section": "PR01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 42, "available": 38, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 28 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G11, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 28 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "6 Mar - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "6 Mar - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G02, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Mar - 13 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Leske, G18, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory Yard"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G02, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G11, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "1 May - 1 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Veterinary Science, G11, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "1 May - 1 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Veterinary Science, G02, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 May - 1 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G02, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory Yard"}, {"dates": "22 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "29 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G02, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Jun - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G02, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "E-_-4l_IgCtuDED12G_qa", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18958, "section": "WR01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 42, "available": 38, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 28 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G02, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 May - 15 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G02, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "414": {"id": "pkyHfV_MK70blDvFbqcJ2", "course_id": "105179", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105179", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Comparative Animal Anatomy & Physiology IIB", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ANIML SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "2507RW", "CLASS_NBR": 28892, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ANIML SC 2506RW", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Practical assessment, scientific report writing, online quizzes, integrative physiology group report and video, written exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course deals with basic physiological and anatomical principles in a wide variety of species. Beginning at the tissue level, the physiology and anatomy of the major systems including musculoskeletal, respiratory, cardiovascular and renal are covered. The course then takes an integrative approach allowing students to examine the breadth of these systems including disease mechanisms and sensory and cognitive functions of the whole animal.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "415": {"id": "pkyHfV_MK70blDvFbqcJ2", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "HKmn2lQEIVtbKDwQYplKq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23027, "section": "LE01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 39, "available": 41, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 26 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Roseworthy College Hall, G3, School Council Room"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 26 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "2 Aug - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Roseworthy College Hall, G3, School Council Room"}, {"dates": "9 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Roseworthy College Hall, G3, School Council Room"}, {"dates": "23 Aug - 23 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Roseworthy College Hall, G3, School Council Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 4 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Roseworthy College Hall, G3, School Council Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Roseworthy College Hall, G3, School Council Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "6fa1E6pWAeGaJi9blRLux", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23028, "section": "PR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 39, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 26 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 26 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Alpaca Section, External, H9 Paddock"}, {"dates": "9 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G11, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 Aug - 23 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "30 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G02, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Sep - 6 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "6 Sep - 6 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "External, External, Non Teaching Venue"}, {"dates": "6 Sep - 6 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "External, External, Gawler Harness Racing"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 4 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Callaghan, G32, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 4 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G11, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "18 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "18 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory Yard"}, {"dates": "18 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "18 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory Yard"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "9jYEqdHJ6XrWC6gqMMAAE", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28892, "section": "WR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 39, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G02, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Roseworthy College Hall, G3, School Council Room"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Roseworthy College Hall, G3, School Council Room"}, {"dates": "25 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G02, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G02, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "416": {"id": "YY3nxopje05j88AEhWoZ8", "course_id": "105334", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105334", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Genes and Inheritance II (Vet Bio)", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ANIML SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "2508RW", "CLASS_NBR": 28845, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BSc (Veterinary Bioscience) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(BIOLOGY 1510 and BIOLOGY 1520); or 2 semesters of first year Biology", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ANIML SC 2501RW", "ASSESSMENT": "Tests, practical reports, presentation, tutorial contribution, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The nature and structure of genetic material and the role of genes in determining the characteristics of organisms. The basis of inheritance and utilisation of variation in breeding programs and natural selection. The relationship between genetics and the composition of natural and managed populations. The role of new technologies in genetic improvement will be discussed.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "417": {"id": "YY3nxopje05j88AEhWoZ8", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "b9EJHoIxd-ePk99HUQ_c6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20333, "section": "LE01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 72, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This class is for BSc (Veterinary Bioscience) students only. Students in other programs will be removed."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 31 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "21 Aug - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 2 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "w0NC8U18C0wkVGyPMjetF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20334, "section": "PR01", "size": 38, "enrolled": 36, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 31 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Williams, G22, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "7 Aug - 7 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Aug - 21 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Aug - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Williams, G22, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Leske, G18, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Leske, G18, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20722, "section": "PR02", "size": 38, "enrolled": 36, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 31 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Williams, G22, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "7 Aug - 7 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Aug - 21 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Aug - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Williams, G22, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Leske, G18, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Leske, G18, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "HqeCIJthNKr1GtWykdD4A", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28845, "section": "WR02", "size": 38, "enrolled": 36, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 24 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "31 Jul - 31 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "21 Aug - 21 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11:30am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Aug - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 2 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Callaghan, G02, Richardson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 28846, "section": "WR01", "size": 38, "enrolled": 36, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 24 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "31 Jul - 31 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "21 Aug - 21 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11:30am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Aug - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 2 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Callaghan, G02, Richardson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "418": {"id": "GFsE0zhHruaSjbrL2uaEk", "course_id": "106424", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106424", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Methodology for Animal Sciences II", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ANIML SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "2520RW", "CLASS_NBR": 13169, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "STATS 1000 or STATS 1004", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "BIOMET 2500RW, BIOMET 2500WT", "ASSESSMENT": "Workshop assessment, practical assessments, assignments, theory exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is concerned with understanding and application of, the scientific method in biological research, and in particular, the animal sciences. The course has a foundation in the philosophy of science. Particular emphasis is given to the application of statistical hypothesis testing, which is explored in a series of case studies. In addition, research skills in proposal preparation, project management, teamwork, presentations skills and publication writing are developed in the context of scientific research.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "419": {"id": "GFsE0zhHruaSjbrL2uaEk", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "QtXvYg2apIXCYMLVB59gY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12144, "section": "LE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 20, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Roseworthy College Hall, G3, School Council Room"}, {"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Roseworthy College Hall, G3, School Council Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "gB0o0NqTNWjqspVzouxUo", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12322, "section": "PR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 20, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Leske, G18, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Leske, G18, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Leske, G18, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "H_hmKBRaBSV1f3jacV0zL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13169, "section": "WR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 20, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 26 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Horse Section, External, Horse Shed 1"}, {"dates": "4 Mar - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Roseworthy College Hall, G3, School Council Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "420": {"id": "AYRrVrVbCSpU4csaBzFbP", "course_id": "109913", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109913", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Animal and Plant Biochemistry II", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ANIML SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "2530RW", "CLASS_NBR": 18736, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(CHEM 1100 or CHEM 1101) and (BIOLOGY 1001 or BIOLOGY 1101 or BIOLOGY 1401))", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "(AGRIC 2500RW or AGRIC 2500WT or VET SC 2530RW)", "ASSESSMENT": "Final exam, practical assessments, tutorial assessments, presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an advanced introduction to the fundamental processes of animal and plant metabolism. Topics will include protein structure and function, mechanisms and control of enzyme action, the biochemistry of carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism, energy generation and ruminant specific biochemistry. Examples of the application and context of key biochemical concepts to areas of animal science and veterinary medicine will be used to highlight the importance of biochemistry to all sectors of these sciences.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "421": {"id": "AYRrVrVbCSpU4csaBzFbP", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "tfKACTZXCQ4M9q2MsGDc2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11602, "section": "LE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 18, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "BqzqdU3EAc7RiD1nLVZZq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11977, "section": "PR02", "size": 15, "enrolled": 7, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Williams, G22, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "26 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Williams, G22, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Williams, G22, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11978, "section": "PR01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 11, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Williams, G22, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "5 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Williams, G22, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "26 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Williams, G22, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "AniKWpYIF_PF18vbUTXtc", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18736, "section": "WR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 18, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 27 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Leske, G18, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "422": {"id": "4xG8ueKPOcbnjh1dxR85S", "course_id": "110306", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110306", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Animal Microbiology and Virology II", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ANIML SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "2540RW", "CLASS_NBR": 12015, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010911", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(VET TECH 1010RW or BIOLOGY 1202) and (BIOLOGY 1101 or BIOLOGY 1401 or BIOLOGY 1001))", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ANIML SC 3020RW", "ASSESSMENT": "Examination, critical review, practical reports, quizzes, oral presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "An introduction to the biology of microorganisms of importance in and to animals. Topics to be considered include: form and function of major groups of microorganisms (including bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoans); classification and identification; pathogenic features, symbiotic and commensal lifestyles; basic concepts of physiology and function; reproduction and life cycles; practical skills for manipulating these microorganisms and studying their activities.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "423": {"id": "4xG8ueKPOcbnjh1dxR85S", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "_C4yhnZpgO4BolWQTh5Gc", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14100, "section": "LE01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 49, "available": 31, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "pgbeSN7YVwgsagOfTxGtC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12015, "section": "PR02", "size": 40, "enrolled": 14, "available": 26, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Williams, G04, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Williams, G04, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Williams, G04, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14101, "section": "PR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 35, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Williams, G22, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Williams, G22, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Williams, G22, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "424": {"id": "DogtHE24ouadfo9Q8fYjo", "course_id": "110307", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110307", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Animal Health II", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ANIML SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "2545RW", "CLASS_NBR": 14099, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(BIOLOGY 1101 or BIOLOGY 1401) and BIOLOGY 1202; 6 units of first year Biology)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ANIML SC 3016RW", "ASSESSMENT": "Written assignment, quizzes, and exams", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will provide students with an understanding of basic immunology, epidemiology and disease investigation in animals. Content will include health management of Australian farm animals and horses.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "425": {"id": "DogtHE24ouadfo9Q8fYjo", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "1wtgOamNVirTTStZWhQvr", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14098, "section": "LE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 36, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 29 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Roseworthy College Hall, G3, School Council Room"}, {"dates": "7 Mar - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Callaghan, G32, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "7 Mar - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Roseworthy College Hall, G3, School Council Room"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Roseworthy College Hall, G3, School Council Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Roseworthy College Hall, G3, School Council Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "kku5G7a70V07PiNKifJto", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14099, "section": "PR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 36, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "21 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Callaghan, G32, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 16 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Callaghan, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 May - 23 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "30 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Poultry Section, External, Poultry Office & Egg"}]}]}]}]}, "426": {"id": "QMRN5E9jxOyA55qG6BYo8", "course_id": "101419", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "101419", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Animal Nutrition and Metabolism III", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ANIML SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3015RW", "CLASS_NBR": 20332, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "AGRIC 2500RW, ANIML SC 2530RW, AGRIC 2500WT", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ANIML SC 2505RW", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, practicals, assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides students with a solid grounding in animal metabolism and nutrition to allow them to develop sound, evidence-based advice to clients wishing to maximise the profitability, health, longevity, product quality or athletic performance of animals. The course builds on a platform of knowledge of nutritional principles and the roles of energy, protein, lipids, carbohydrates, macro- and micro-nutrients in biochemical pathways. These principles are then applied to feed formulation for dogs, cats, horses, beef cattle, dairy cattle, sheep, pigs, poultry, wildlife, pocket pets, exotic animals, and farmed finfish. The consequences of an inadequate supply of the essential nutrients are considered in detail. The course has a strong hands-on, practical focus to develop in students an awareness of the importance of nutrition as a frontline determinant of animal health, welfare and production. Emphasis is placed on self-initiative, the development of skills in teamwork, and the application of a critical, science-based approach to practical nutrition.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "427": {"id": "QMRN5E9jxOyA55qG6BYo8", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "hM5ZkSYF6GEopjMpCP8gT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20331, "section": "LE01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 31, "available": 39, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "RG_loIwqYdQfsCoyzcRcr", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20332, "section": "PR01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 31, "available": 39, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 23 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G11, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 Jul - 23 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G02, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Jul - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 Aug - 20 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}, {"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Sep - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Williams, G04, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Williams, G22, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Sheep Section, External, Shearing Shed"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "428": {"id": "6WjlyCu7PGAiCGabUOYUV", "course_id": "007023", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "007023", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Ecology and Management of Vertebrate Pests III", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ANIML SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3019RW", "CLASS_NBR": 95283, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "059901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "10 days in Winter Semester (5 days lectures and practical plus 5 days fieldwork)", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "A quota will apply", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "BIOLOGY 1101 or BIOLOGY 1401, and BIOLOGY 1202", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Theory examination, written assignment, practical assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course strongly emphasises the field application of vertebrate pest control techniques and provides the theoretical bases for these techniques. Topics covered are the biology and ecology of vertebrate pests; the damage caused by pest animals; the legislative and administrative aspects of vertebrate pest control; district organisations; extension; vertebrate pest control practice. \nNote: There is a 5 day field trip as a compulsory component of this course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 24/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 28/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 11/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 17/07/2024"}}]}, "429": {"id": "6WjlyCu7PGAiCGabUOYUV", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "VDRzv6z-K1Ds_llNC15ab", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95283, "section": "PR01", "size": 19, "enrolled": 20, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Jul - 4 Jul", "days": "Tuesday, Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Fieldwork", "id": "gZNMR7X06z8AVBwoQ9X8I", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95281, "section": "FL01", "size": 19, "enrolled": 20, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Fieldwork", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Jul - 7 Jul", "days": "", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}, {"dates": "8 Jul - 11 Jul", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "amev2KznfJx6rhcEqSC67", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95282, "section": "LE01", "size": 19, "enrolled": 20, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Jul - 5 Jul", "days": "Monday, Wednesday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "2 Jul - 4 Jul", "days": "Tuesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "430": {"id": "ju52tsydxhjoUB-o7E2FD", "course_id": "004785", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "004785", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Animal Biotechnology III", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ANIML SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3043RW", "CLASS_NBR": 92399, "SESSION_CD": "S02", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per day over a 2 week intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "BIOLOGY 1101 & BIOLOGY 1202 & ANIML SC 2503RW", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Participation, debate, exam, practical reports, written assignment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The application of biotechnology to animals will be examined. Challenges facing the intensive and extensive livestock industries, equine and companion animals, and wildlife management and conservation, will be discussed and debated in the context of biotechnologies that may be applied. The contribution of biotechnology to laboratory animal models for human and animal disease, and the use of biotechnology for animal related issues such as food safety, disease control and biosecurity will be considered. The integration of these technologies to improve animal production, health and welfare will be explored. A range of genetic, immunological and reproductive technologies will be introduced with some practical exposure.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 29/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "431": {"id": "ju52tsydxhjoUB-o7E2FD", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "5GS-EKff1D7nSK48K8_pi", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92054, "section": "LE01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 17, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Up to 7 hours per day over a 2-week intensive course"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jan - 9 Feb", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Jan - 30 Jan", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Feb - 1 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Feb - 5 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Feb - 8 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Leske, G18, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "8 Feb - 8 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "oHuQ6eXc1h1V_BVdj5kt-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92091, "section": "PR01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 17, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jan - 31 Jan", "days": "Monday, Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "30 Jan - 30 Jan", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "1 Feb - 1 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "5 Feb - 5 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "6 Feb - 6 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "7 Feb - 7 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Leske, G18, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "TJS_mxvSANxmWPbsJ5YTV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92092, "section": "TU01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 17, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Feb - 2 Feb", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G02, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Feb - 6 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G02, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Feb - 8 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G02, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 92399, "section": "WR01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 17, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Feb - 9 Feb", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G02, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Feb - 9 Feb", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Callaghan, G03, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "432": {"id": "vm-19GyEtM-bDqix-Ss8G", "course_id": "102644", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102644", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Animal Breeding and Genetics III", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ANIML SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3045RW", "CLASS_NBR": 19028, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(BIOLOGY 1101 or BIOLOGY 1001 or BIOLOGY 1401) and BIOLOGY 1202", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ANIML SC 2501RW or ANIML SC 2501WT or AGRIC 2510WT or ANIML SC 2501RW & ANIML SC 2503RW", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exams, quizzes, practical reports, breeding program", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The application of scientific methods to animal breeding has led to major improvements in the output, cost and quality of meat, milk and fibre. In addition, animal breeding plans are important for continued improvement of companion animals and management of endangered species. Topics include an introduction to quantitative genetics, maximising response to selection, crossbreeding, estimation of genetic parameters and breeding values, mode of inheritance, mating systems, fitness and quality traits, animal diversity, development of breeding programs, use of biotechnology in breeding programs including gene mapping and parentage testing. Examples will be drawn from Australia's livestock industries as well as wildlife and companion animals.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "433": {"id": "vm-19GyEtM-bDqix-Ss8G", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "CEnXwMOQ21-uwKnIM6IGd", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14832, "section": "LE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 28, "available": 32, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "2 May - 16 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "23 May - 23 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "23 May - 23 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "30 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "IK7LWDF_sU3uO3T5D6AfO", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14833, "section": "PR01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 28, "available": 32, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Leske, G18, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Leske, G18, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 16 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Leske, G18, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "23 May - 23 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Leske, G18, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "30 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Leske, G18, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "Nk4R3m11W9CzbcF45o4UX", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19028, "section": "WR01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 28, "available": 32, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 29 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Sheep Section, External, Animal Holding Facility"}, {"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 2 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 May - 16 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "434": {"id": "BPAOMcuvYq4GYYQQSZ_Fl", "course_id": "103998", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103998", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Animal Reproduction III", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ANIML SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3046RW", "CLASS_NBR": 14835, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(BIOLOGY 1101 or BIOLOGY 1401 or BIOLOGY 1001) and BIOLOGY 1202", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ANIML SC 2506RW & ANIML SC 2507RW", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, practical reports, group presentation, quizzes and written assignment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will provide students with an understanding of reproductive biology in animals. The physiological basis for reproduction in animals, including livestock, companion and wildlife species will be studied. Topics covered will include comparative structure and function of male and female reproductive systems; endocrine, neuroendocrine and environmental control of reproduction; development of the gametes, embryo, foetus and placenta; and pregnancy and parturition. How the understanding of reproductive physiology informs the management of reproduction and fertility in animals and provides the basis for reproductive technologies including artificial insemination and embryo transfer will be considered.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "435": {"id": "BPAOMcuvYq4GYYQQSZ_Fl", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "liGWh5ojUsStaC6IvKCFi", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13127, "section": "LE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 39, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 28 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 28 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Callaghan, G02, Richardson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "13 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Callaghan, G02, Richardson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 May - 15 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Callaghan, G02, Richardson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 May - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "jUHRLuQbdpVKf9hbqeXi7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14835, "section": "PR01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 39, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G11, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "6 Mar - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Sheep Section, External, Shearing Shed"}, {"dates": "6 Mar - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G11, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "13 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Callaghan, G32, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "13 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G02, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Callaghan, G32, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Williams, G31a/G31b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Callaghan, G32, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G02, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Callaghan, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Callaghan, G32, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Cattle Section, External, Cattle Yard"}, {"dates": "1 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Callaghan, G32, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "15 May - 15 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G11, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Callaghan, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Callaghan, G32, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "436": {"id": "AA-NXR3rtSgVz2qY8tgLC", "course_id": "111556", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111556", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Intensive Animal Production Science III", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ANIML SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3047RW", "CLASS_NBR": 19280, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ANIML SC 1015RW (Animal Science and Vet Tech students only), AGRIC 1510WT (Ag students only), AGRIC 1520WT (Ag students only)", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ANIML SC 3018RW", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, Practical Report, Essay, Case Report", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Intensive Animal Production Science deals with the application of science to intensive animal production systems. Production systems include pigs, poultry and aquaculture. The management of these systems are discussed in detail, covering all aspects of production, including genetics and breeding, animal nutrition and growth performance, environmental and welfare requirements, health status, reproductive efficiency and product (meat and egg) quality. This course will also consider the advantages and disadvantages of various modern production systems, including biosecurity measures, welfare considerations, economic factors, the demand for product consistency, food safety issues, and other consumer expectations.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "437": {"id": "AA-NXR3rtSgVz2qY8tgLC", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Rg1_qSAOmQDCIiDTqC3P3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18787, "section": "LE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 9, "available": 31, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 27 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Callaghan, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 27 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Callaghan, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 27 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Callaghan, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Mar - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Callaghan, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Mar - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Callaghan, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Mar - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Callaghan, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Callaghan, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Callaghan, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Callaghan, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Callaghan, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Callaghan, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Callaghan, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Callaghan, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Callaghan, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Callaghan, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Callaghan, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Callaghan, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Callaghan, G03, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "zjONf_SerclgGw5sA0ArP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18788, "section": "PR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 9, "available": 31, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Williams, G04, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}, {"dates": "14 May - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "28 May - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "Fsx30E8rDzFoiSS9JcVuv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19280, "section": "WR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 9, "available": 31, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 27 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Callaghan, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Mar - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}, {"dates": "26 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Callaghan, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Callaghan, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G31, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Callaghan, G03, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "438": {"id": "6gTJn7YJ2zfWq-my7Hcer", "course_id": "103534", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103534", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Laboratory Animal Science III", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ANIML SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3100RW", "CLASS_NBR": 20964, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "BIOLOGY 1101 or BIOLOGY 1401 or BIOLOGY 1001, AGRIC 2500WT/RW, ANIML SC 2530RW", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research reports, oral presentation, written journal critique, assignment, participation and written exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to instil the major principles of the study of laboratory animals and their utilisation for teaching, research and commercial purposes. This will include developing a scientific understanding of the applications and limitations of various laboratory animal species in addition to practical experience in animal handling and other procedures.\n\nTopics will include animal handling, breeding, feeding, maintenance, minor interceptions and minor surgical procedures. Students will be involved with a research project in which relevant aspects of laboratory animal science will be undertaken. Species studied will include mice, rats, guinea pigs and rabbits. The student will become familiar with processes associated with induction of gastrointestinal diseases and disorders in rats and mice which affect humans. These disorders could include chemotherapy-induced mucositis, gastric ulceration and inflammatory bowel disease. Students will also be exposed to the ways in which the animal models can be utilised, for example, in the testing of new treatment modalities.\n\nThe course will incorporate two field trips to facilities associated with laboratory animal use.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "439": {"id": "6gTJn7YJ2zfWq-my7Hcer", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "0MjmmeXiMplj3j_K01KRz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22744, "section": "LE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 24, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 31 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Callaghan, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Aug - 7 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Callaghan, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Callaghan, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Sep - 4 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Callaghan, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Callaghan, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 2 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Callaghan, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Callaghan, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Callaghan, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "External, External, Gawler Harness Racing"}, {"dates": "23 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Callaghan, G03, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "7SSLxRZ0SdojPaB2SAro4", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20963, "section": "PR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 24, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Callaghan, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Aug - 21 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Callaghan, G32, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "28 Aug - 28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}, {"dates": "4 Sep - 4 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Callaghan, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 2 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Leske, G18, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Callaghan, G03, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "Ch3v3OPKKQKP6tTVDf2JU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20964, "section": "TU01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 24, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Aug - 7 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Callaghan, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Sep - 4 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Callaghan, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Callaghan, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 2 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Callaghan, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Callaghan, G03, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "440": {"id": "8XO-bajcoz9ASP-tinw9B", "course_id": "106488", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106488", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Animals and the Law", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ANIML SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3250RW", "CLASS_NBR": 95061, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "10 day intensive course involving blocks of lectures and field trips (practicals); 3rd week allowed for assignment completion, preparation for and sitting of final exam", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Theory exam; Written assignment/Case study; Practical report", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will look at the ethics and jurisprudence on the way humans think of and treat animals, the history and present status of animals as property, and the statutory and case law in which non-humans play a part. The course will involve visits to different animal enterprises in order to assess how the law works in practice and the effectiveness of enforcement in these real life situations.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 24/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 28/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 11/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 17/07/2024"}}]}, "441": {"id": "8XO-bajcoz9ASP-tinw9B", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "_AqwTo2VeQis5nIHf5Bwa", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95060, "section": "LE01", "size": 42, "enrolled": 42, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This is an intensive course"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Jul - 12 Jul", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Callaghan, G02, Richardson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "1scbdOP6ruRsKRUkXvemH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95061, "section": "PR01", "size": 42, "enrolled": 42, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Jul - 12 Jul", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Leske, G18, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "442": {"id": "3BUGFf06Qm-5wN-hy-ock", "course_id": "108375", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108375", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Parasitology III", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ANIML SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3515RW", "CLASS_NBR": 23306, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available for BSc (Animal Science) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(BIOLOGY 1101 and BIOLOGY 1202); or equivalent", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "VET SC 3515RW", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam, mid-semester quizzes and a practical core competencies log book", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will cover the scientific discipline of parasitology and the relationship between parasites and disease at the tissue and animal level in various animal hosts and body systems. The course will provide students with the theoretical and practical skills required in parasitology, including the diagnosis, control and treatment of common parasite diseases, including zoonosis.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "443": {"id": "3BUGFf06Qm-5wN-hy-ock", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "FniEz0cZyT3tgpmFPF_r6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23305, "section": "LE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 18, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "DKYIazU_W4WOPwcxSnT-E", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23306, "section": "PR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 18, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Williams, G22, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Williams, G22, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Williams, G22, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "444": {"id": "MIMwqp3aoXq7NhLWeN6J7", "course_id": "110308", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110308", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Methodology for Animal Sciences III", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ANIML SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3520RW", "CLASS_NBR": 10540, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Science (Animal Science) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "STATS 1004", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ANIML SC 2520RW", "ASSESSMENT": "Practical assessments, written assignments, theory examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is concerned with understanding and application of the scientific method in biological research, and in particular, the animal sciences. The course has a foundation in the philosophy of science. Particular emphasis is given to the application of statistical hypothesis testing, which is explored in a series of case studies. In addition, research skills in proposal preparation, project management, teamwork, presentations skills and publication writing are developed in the context of scientific research.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "445": {"id": "MIMwqp3aoXq7NhLWeN6J7", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "QJu7FTK75t_iT8jpFnVc-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10538, "section": "LE01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 21, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Roseworthy College Hall, G3, School Council Room"}, {"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Roseworthy College Hall, G3, School Council Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "Hvg1GjtsOn8wUY8vy1gDc", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10539, "section": "PR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 21, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Leske, G18, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Leske, G18, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Leske, G18, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "oZMOQSAp277yUUlY9eIHt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10540, "section": "WR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 21, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Roseworthy College Hall, G3, School Council Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Roseworthy College Hall, G3, School Council Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 29 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Roseworthy College Hall, G3, School Council Room"}, {"dates": "6 May - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G02, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "446": {"id": "EYIokoAKgjjaKVkBurunx", "course_id": "110309", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110309", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Professional Skills in Animal Science", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ANIML SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3525RW", "CLASS_NBR": 25335, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available for B.Sc (Animal Science) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ANIML SC 1015RW and ANIML SC 1016RW", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ANIML SC 2503RW and ANIML SC 2502RW", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written report, assignments, oral presentation, career skills planning, quizzes or worksheets", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to enhance students' understanding of the professional, personal and discipline-specific skills relevant to careers in the animal science industries. Training will be provided in career planning, communication and business skills. Students will be encouraged to apply their research and critical thinking skills, and to integrate and apply knowledge gained across the various animal science disciplines, through consideration of current issues facing the animal sciences and the potential impact of these issues on their future careers. Students must have completed 200 hours of work experience placements by mid-semester break of the course, and the course will include reflection and assessment of work-place learning experiences.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "447": {"id": "EYIokoAKgjjaKVkBurunx", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "ixGeL7YLxLNNSgHIl3v7Q", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25335, "section": "WR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 22, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 5 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Callaghan, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 5 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Callaghan, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1:30pm", "location": "Callaghan, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1:30pm", "location": "Callaghan, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1:30pm", "location": "Callaghan, G14, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1:30pm", "end_time": "4:30pm", "location": "Callaghan, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Callaghan, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Callaghan, G03, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "448": {"id": "0EJ00Lv-_EGcugjHfQ0aR", "course_id": "110310", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110310", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Integrative Domestic and Exotic Animal Studies", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ANIML SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3530RW", "CLASS_NBR": 16536, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BSc (Animal Behaviour) and BSc (Animal Science) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ANIML SC 1015RW and ANIML SC 1016RW", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ANIML SC 2500RW", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, Practical Questions and Activities, Information Sheets, Written Assignment, Theory Exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course will provide students with an overview of the husbandry and welfare of companion animals (e.g., dog and cats), other pets (e.g., birds, reptiles, and small mammals), horses, and exotic animals found in settings such as zoos and aquariums. The roles of animals in society, as well as the management and ethics of animals under human care are included in the course. Students will learn about a variety of aspects impacting both domestic and wild animals in captivity. There will be opportunities for students to practice the correct handling of some of these domestic species. The course will also include field trips to allow students to hear and experience topics covered in the course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "449": {"id": "0EJ00Lv-_EGcugjHfQ0aR", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "sZrcmE4dJMd_zdy7_udvx", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16535, "section": "LE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 29, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Roseworthy College Hall, G3, School Council Room"}, {"dates": "3 May - 3 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 May - 3 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 May - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "zPqg2omyQah5LfKEZuEAA", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16536, "section": "PR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 29, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 1 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Non Teaching Venue"}, {"dates": "22 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Callaghan, G32, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Callaghan, G32, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "17 May - 17 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Roseworthy College Hall, G3, School Council Room"}, {"dates": "17 May - 17 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horse Section, External, Horse Stables 1"}, {"dates": "24 May - 24 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G11, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18988, "section": "FL01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 29, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Fieldwork", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}, {"dates": "10 May - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}, {"dates": "31 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}]}]}]}]}, "450": {"id": "NHxSbgLdhF1sW826Af756", "course_id": "111038", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111038", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Animal Science Pt 1 (Hons)", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ANIML SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4040ARW", "CLASS_NBR": 16254, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 1.5, "EFTLS": 0.0625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Mixed mode \u2013 flexible and/or intensive.", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "(ANIML SC 4050ARW, ANIML SC 4050BRW)", "ASSESSMENT": "Exams and/or assignments, Research Proposal, Literature Review", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students completing this course choose to either complete all requirements of an appropriate Level III course in a similar discipline or another course in a different discipline as approved by the coordinator; or to evaluate a current problem in Animal or Veterinary Science, unrelated to their Honours research project, and to present this in the form of a written literature analysis, research proposal and seminar presentation. This course aims to develop knowledge and skills in a particular discipline area, and to develop the skills required for the practice of independent scientific research.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "451": {"id": "NHxSbgLdhF1sW826Af756", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "FGUtmtPO-i0tcR-Y85_DG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16254, "section": "01RW", "size": 25, "enrolled": 9, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "452": {"id": "cVzDfiqPAiuO1ua0ZwUVS", "course_id": "111038", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111038", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Animal Science Pt 1 (Hons)", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ANIML SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4040ARW", "CLASS_NBR": 26269, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 1.5, "EFTLS": 0.0625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Mixed mode \u2013 flexible and/or intensive.", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "(ANIML SC 4050ARW, ANIML SC 4050BRW)", "ASSESSMENT": "Exams and/or assignments, Research Proposal, Literature Review", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students completing this course choose to either complete all requirements of an appropriate Level III course in a similar discipline or another course in a different discipline as approved by the coordinator; or to evaluate a current problem in Animal or Veterinary Science, unrelated to their Honours research project, and to present this in the form of a written literature analysis, research proposal and seminar presentation. This course aims to develop knowledge and skills in a particular discipline area, and to develop the skills required for the practice of independent scientific research.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "453": {"id": "cVzDfiqPAiuO1ua0ZwUVS", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "24-DYT111bnvfBRV7SY36", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26269, "section": "01RW", "size": 25, "enrolled": 0, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "454": {"id": "TXljI_aRB3RJMpD57SjBy", "course_id": "111039", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111039", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Animal Science Pt 2 (Hons)", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ANIML SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4040BRW", "CLASS_NBR": 16255, "SESSION_CD": "FM2", "UNITS": 1.5, "EFTLS": 0.0625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Mixed mode \u2013 flexible and/or intensive.", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ANIML SC 4040ARW", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "(ANIML SC 4050ARW, ANIML SC 4050BRW)", "ASSESSMENT": "Exams and/or assignments, Research Proposal, Literature Review", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students completing this course choose to either complete all requirements of an appropriate Level III course in a similar discipline or another course in a different discipline as approved by the coordinator; or to evaluate a current problem in Animal or Veterinary Science, unrelated to their Honours research project, and to present this in the form of a written literature analysis, research proposal and seminar presentation. This course aims to develop knowledge and skills in a particular discipline area, and to develop the skills required for the practice of independent scientific research.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "455": {"id": "TXljI_aRB3RJMpD57SjBy", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "A-_PxX0s7jmBSHmKedAvo", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16255, "section": "01RW", "size": 25, "enrolled": 0, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "456": {"id": "TCsb8LjjSNglfO0UCyB89", "course_id": "111039", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111039", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Animal Science Pt 2 (Hons)", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ANIML SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4040BRW", "CLASS_NBR": 26270, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 1.5, "EFTLS": 0.0625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Mixed mode \u2013 flexible and/or intensive.", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ANIML SC 4040ARW", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "(ANIML SC 4050ARW, ANIML SC 4050BRW)", "ASSESSMENT": "Exams and/or assignments, Research Proposal, Literature Review", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students completing this course choose to either complete all requirements of an appropriate Level III course in a similar discipline or another course in a different discipline as approved by the coordinator; or to evaluate a current problem in Animal or Veterinary Science, unrelated to their Honours research project, and to present this in the form of a written literature analysis, research proposal and seminar presentation. This course aims to develop knowledge and skills in a particular discipline area, and to develop the skills required for the practice of independent scientific research.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "457": {"id": "TCsb8LjjSNglfO0UCyB89", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "EXorG4w90kezu0Nab3nvU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26270, "section": "01RW", "size": 25, "enrolled": 9, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "458": {"id": "e7cAtvSD-2BAWbTj6Y0Nj", "course_id": "108422", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108422", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Animal Science Pt 1 (Hons)", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ANIML SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4050ARW", "CLASS_NBR": 15989, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Mixed mode - flexible and/or intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "(ANIML SC 4004ARW, ANIML SC 4004BRW, ANIML SC 4010ARW, ANIML SC 4010BRW)", "ASSESSMENT": "Exams and/or assignments, Research Proposal, Literature Review", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students completing this course choose to either complete all requirements of a Level III course of their choice, with the approval of the Honours co-ordinator and the course co-ordinator; or to evaluate a current problem in Animal Science, unrelated to their Honours research project, and to present this in the form of a written literature analysis and research proposal and seminar presentation. This course aims to develop knowledge and skills in a particular discipline area, and to develop the skills required for the practice of independent scientific research.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "459": {"id": "e7cAtvSD-2BAWbTj6Y0Nj", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "KFBT2L_GfX6klaij6xFwr", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15989, "section": "01RW", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "460": {"id": "qFj9z5PigxCELSTWa3kkq", "course_id": "108422", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108422", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Animal Science Pt 1 (Hons)", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ANIML SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4050ARW", "CLASS_NBR": 25995, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Mixed mode - flexible and/or intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "(ANIML SC 4004ARW, ANIML SC 4004BRW, ANIML SC 4010ARW, ANIML SC 4010BRW)", "ASSESSMENT": "Exams and/or assignments, Research Proposal, Literature Review", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students completing this course choose to either complete all requirements of a Level III course of their choice, with the approval of the Honours co-ordinator and the course co-ordinator; or to evaluate a current problem in Animal Science, unrelated to their Honours research project, and to present this in the form of a written literature analysis and research proposal and seminar presentation. This course aims to develop knowledge and skills in a particular discipline area, and to develop the skills required for the practice of independent scientific research.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "461": {"id": "qFj9z5PigxCELSTWa3kkq", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "WOjPUqC7mLW3LCgR64jXj", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25995, "section": "01RW", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "462": {"id": "y867gPHQNatHof3Iu3_1j", "course_id": "108423", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108423", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Animal Science Pt 2 (Hons)", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ANIML SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4050BRW", "CLASS_NBR": 15990, "SESSION_CD": "FM2", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Mixed Mode - flexible and/or intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ANIML SC 4050ARW in previous Semester", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "(ANIML SC 4004ARW, ANIML SC 4004BRW, ANIML SC 4010ARW, ANIML SC 4010BRW)", "ASSESSMENT": "Exams and/or assignments, Research Proposal, Literature Review", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students completing this course choose to either complete all requirements of a Level III course of their choice, with the approval of the Honours co-ordinator and the course co-ordinator; or to evaluate a current problem in Animal Science, unrelated to their Honours research project, and to present this in the form of a written literature analysis and research proposal and seminar presentation. This course aims to develop knowledge and skills in a particular discipline area, and to develop the skills required for the practice of independent scientific research.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "463": {"id": "y867gPHQNatHof3Iu3_1j", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "bYyHF9usNQVFSFotZJXYk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15990, "section": "01RW", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "464": {"id": "HGxn6TWhgPwXJ5H-v3ldB", "course_id": "108423", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108423", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Animal Science Pt 2 (Hons)", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ANIML SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4050BRW", "CLASS_NBR": 25996, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Mixed Mode - flexible and/or intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ANIML SC 4050ARW in previous Semester", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "(ANIML SC 4004ARW, ANIML SC 4004BRW, ANIML SC 4010ARW, ANIML SC 4010BRW)", "ASSESSMENT": "Exams and/or assignments, Research Proposal, Literature Review", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students completing this course choose to either complete all requirements of a Level III course of their choice, with the approval of the Honours co-ordinator and the course co-ordinator; or to evaluate a current problem in Animal Science, unrelated to their Honours research project, and to present this in the form of a written literature analysis and research proposal and seminar presentation. This course aims to develop knowledge and skills in a particular discipline area, and to develop the skills required for the practice of independent scientific research.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "465": {"id": "HGxn6TWhgPwXJ5H-v3ldB", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "zRVcQiMY_cjCMUSRK0Eo1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25996, "section": "01RW", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "466": {"id": "HiF4UUcbS90TLV1ljU5fX", "course_id": "108424", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108424", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Animal Science Project Pt 1", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ANIML SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4060ARW", "CLASS_NBR": 15991, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "(ANIML SC 4004ARW, ANIML SC 4004BRW, ANIML SC 4020ARW, ANIML SC 4020BRW)", "ASSESSMENT": "Seminars, literature review, poster presentation, thesis, supervisor assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students completing this course carry out a research project under the supervision of a member or members of staff. The overall aims of the course are to develop knowledge and skills in a particular area of research, and skills required for the practice of independent scientific research. The Honours year commences in February or July and the research project is chosen through consultation with the Honours coordinator prior to the commencement of the Honours year.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "467": {"id": "HiF4UUcbS90TLV1ljU5fX", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "9Gr9m_Ouj53hSBzgw1qk2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15991, "section": "01RW", "size": 20, "enrolled": 9, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "468": {"id": "twXQdktwf3ULsrk0sx17i", "course_id": "108424", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108424", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Animal Science Project Pt 1", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ANIML SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4060ARW", "CLASS_NBR": 25997, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "(ANIML SC 4004ARW, ANIML SC 4004BRW, ANIML SC 4020ARW, ANIML SC 4020BRW)", "ASSESSMENT": "Seminars, literature review, poster presentation, thesis, supervisor assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students completing this course carry out a research project under the supervision of a member or members of staff. The overall aims of the course are to develop knowledge and skills in a particular area of research, and skills required for the practice of independent scientific research. The Honours year commences in February or July and the research project is chosen through consultation with the Honours coordinator prior to the commencement of the Honours year.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "469": {"id": "twXQdktwf3ULsrk0sx17i", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "aHg1YUVjQMcynkXK8yLyI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25997, "section": "01RW", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "470": {"id": "TLiioTKgTrcI9LdlGi49-", "course_id": "108425", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108425", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Animal Science Project Pt 2", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ANIML SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4060BRW", "CLASS_NBR": 15992, "SESSION_CD": "FM2", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ANIML SC 4060ARW in previous Semester", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "(ANIML SC 4004ARW, ANIML SC 4004BRW, ANIML SC 4020ARW, ANIML SC 4020BRW)", "ASSESSMENT": "Seminars, literature review, poster presentation, thesis, supervisor assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students completing this course carry out a research project under the supervision of a member or members of staff. The overall aims of the course are to develop knowledge and skills in a particular area of research, and skills required for the practice of independent scientific research. The Honours year commences in February or July and the research project is chosen through consultation with the Honours coordinator prior to the commencement of the Honours year.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "471": {"id": "TLiioTKgTrcI9LdlGi49-", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "5PGF6F9XHKxOKZnqfwYHI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15992, "section": "01RW", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "472": {"id": "HIdueAT8j2vhZKWDG_M0W", "course_id": "108425", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108425", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Animal Science Project Pt 2", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ANIML SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4060BRW", "CLASS_NBR": 25998, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ANIML SC 4060ARW in previous Semester", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "(ANIML SC 4004ARW, ANIML SC 4004BRW, ANIML SC 4020ARW, ANIML SC 4020BRW)", "ASSESSMENT": "Seminars, literature review, poster presentation, thesis, supervisor assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students completing this course carry out a research project under the supervision of a member or members of staff. The overall aims of the course are to develop knowledge and skills in a particular area of research, and skills required for the practice of independent scientific research. The Honours year commences in February or July and the research project is chosen through consultation with the Honours coordinator prior to the commencement of the Honours year.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "473": {"id": "HIdueAT8j2vhZKWDG_M0W", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "PDaxLQGMSjgg8SCcSdNaF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25998, "section": "01RW", "size": 20, "enrolled": 9, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "474": {"id": "jKNUXtjG_rpUlc6u6keMO", "course_id": "108426", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108426", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Animal Sc Project (Two-Year) Continuing", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ANIML SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4070ARW", "CLASS_NBR": 15993, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "(ANIML SC 4004ARW, ANIML SC 4004BRW, ANIML SC 4020ARW, ANIML SC 4020BRW)", "ASSESSMENT": "Seminars, literature review, poster presentation, thesis, supervisor assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students completing this course carry out a research project under the supervision of a member or members of staff. The overall aims of the course are to develop knowledge and skills in a particular area of research, and skills required for the practice of independent scientific research. The Honours year commences in February or July and the research project is chosen through consultation with the Honours coordinator prior to the commencement of the Honours year.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 07/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "475": {"id": "jKNUXtjG_rpUlc6u6keMO", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "KXyCjhtLfeG8L_bJQrA4C", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15993, "section": "01RW", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "476": {"id": "ygqyHK6d7BXNHWYb2E9wo", "course_id": "108426", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108426", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Animal Sc Project (Two-Year) Continuing", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ANIML SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4070ARW", "CLASS_NBR": 25999, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "(ANIML SC 4004ARW, ANIML SC 4004BRW, ANIML SC 4020ARW, ANIML SC 4020BRW)", "ASSESSMENT": "Seminars, literature review, poster presentation, thesis, supervisor assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students completing this course carry out a research project under the supervision of a member or members of staff. The overall aims of the course are to develop knowledge and skills in a particular area of research, and skills required for the practice of independent scientific research. The Honours year commences in February or July and the research project is chosen through consultation with the Honours coordinator prior to the commencement of the Honours year.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "477": {"id": "ygqyHK6d7BXNHWYb2E9wo", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "XXqH5XxEm8wy7sV5WPMcb", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25999, "section": "01RW", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "478": {"id": "KGyl3ipOzkLMK0Gsr6gY_", "course_id": "108427", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108427", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Animal Sc Project (Two-Year) Final", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ANIML SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4070BRW", "CLASS_NBR": 15994, "SESSION_CD": "TYD", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "(ANIML SC 4004ARW, ANIML SC 4004BRW, ANIML SC 4006ARW, ANIML SC 4006BRW, ANIML SC 4030ARW, ANIML SC 4030BRW)", "ASSESSMENT": "Seminars, literature review, poster presentation, thesis, supervisor assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students completing this course carry out a research project under the supervision of a member or members of staff. The overall aims of the course are to develop knowledge and skills in a particular area of research, and skills required for the practice of independent scientific research. The Honours year commences in February or July and the research project is chosen through consultation with the Honours coordinator prior to the commencement of the Honours year.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "479": {"id": "KGyl3ipOzkLMK0Gsr6gY_", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "AukUNoYBpMMXn9WgqAyQ-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15994, "section": "01RW", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "480": {"id": "Rijf8IwUDY4Oipvl4LZCi", "course_id": "108427", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108427", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Animal Sc Project (Two-Year) Final", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ANIML SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4070BRW", "CLASS_NBR": 26000, "SESSION_CD": "TYD", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "(ANIML SC 4004ARW, ANIML SC 4004BRW, ANIML SC 4006ARW, ANIML SC 4006BRW, ANIML SC 4030ARW, ANIML SC 4030BRW)", "ASSESSMENT": "Seminars, literature review, poster presentation, thesis, supervisor assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students completing this course carry out a research project under the supervision of a member or members of staff. The overall aims of the course are to develop knowledge and skills in a particular area of research, and skills required for the practice of independent scientific research. The Honours year commences in February or July and the research project is chosen through consultation with the Honours coordinator prior to the commencement of the Honours year.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "481": {"id": "Rijf8IwUDY4Oipvl4LZCi", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "vsnNQ1KrXeHfjbfx2veFB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26000, "section": "01RW", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "482": {"id": "RmyempAH7MvCR6UYdbyz4", "course_id": "111044", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111044", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Animal Biotechnology", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ANIML SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7043RW", "CLASS_NBR": 92446, "SESSION_CD": "S02", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per day over a 2 week intensive. Assignments and the exam are completed the following week.", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Master of Biotechnology (Biomedical) and Master of Biotechnology (Biomedical) (Advanced)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "BIOLOGY 1101 & BIOLOGY 1202 & ANIML SC 2503RW", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ANIML SC 3043RW", "ASSESSMENT": "Participation, debate, exam, practical reports, written assignment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The application of biotechnology to animals will be examined. Challenges facing the intensive and extensive livestock industries, equine and companion animals, and wildlife management and conservation, will be discussed and debated in the context of biotechnologies that may be applied. The contribution of biotechnology to laboratory animal models for human and animal disease, and the use of biotechnology for animal related issues such as disease control and biosecurity will be considered. The integration of these technologies to improve animal production, health and welfare will be explored. A range of genetic, immunological and reproductive technologies will be introduced with some practical exposure.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 29/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "483": {"id": "RmyempAH7MvCR6UYdbyz4", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "JA9-syQyaJyXwXlowXs5x", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92444, "section": "LE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 3, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jan - 9 Feb", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Jan - 30 Jan", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Feb - 1 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Feb - 5 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Feb - 8 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Leske, G18, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "8 Feb - 8 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "mVgLqkm6YmUfy39jaE8r3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92475, "section": "PR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 3, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jan - 31 Jan", "days": "Monday, Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "30 Jan - 30 Jan", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "1 Feb - 1 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "5 Feb - 5 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "6 Feb - 6 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "7 Feb - 7 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Leske, G18, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "9Iw0-wH_kBoLWKaUZ1P3G", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92445, "section": "TU01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 3, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Feb - 2 Feb", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G02, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Feb - 6 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G02, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Feb - 8 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G02, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 92446, "section": "WR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 3, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Feb - 9 Feb", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G02, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Feb - 9 Feb", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Callaghan, G03, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "484": {"subject": "ANTH", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "103726", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109539", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104586", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104592", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105861", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108043", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108046", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111419", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107378", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107379", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "485": {"id": "GDWPnlat6jcrqsHOV_mzC", "course_id": "103726", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103726", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "People, Cultures, Societies: Doing Anthropology", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ANTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "1104", "CLASS_NBR": 28973, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Active Participation, Practical Exercise 1, Practical Exercise 2, Annotated Bibliography, Final Essay", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this engaging and hands-on introductory anthropology course, you will acquire practical methods for understanding people and their practices in a range of social and cultural contexts. Combining a hands-on approach with useful theoretical frameworks, you will gain an in-depth understanding of how people make sense of their worlds, and of one another. This course will help you to recognise why things that make intuitive sense to you may be baffling to others, and why it's so important to appreciate human diversity. Whether you're studying international relations, politics, economics, medicine, or law, want to major in anthropology, or see yourself having a career that involves dealing with people - this course will equip you with essential knowledges and skills to make crucial insights into humankind. This course goes beyond classroom discussions and immerses you in the world of anthropology through experiential learning. Using ethnographic case studies, hands-on exercises, and interactive projects, you will apply anthropological concepts to real-world contexts. Throughout the course, you will learn to critically analyse and interpret anthropological texts, ethnographic accounts, and your own data. You will develop and hone an ethnographic imagination that will make you adept at navigating cultural complexities, challenging preconceived notions, and fostering cultural empathy. Join us on this transformative journey as you cultivate essential research and observational skills by exploring the fascinating world of human cultures. You will gain a fresh lens through which to view diverse societies and practices, including your own.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "486": {"id": "GDWPnlat6jcrqsHOV_mzC", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "4aiKBc1lPBd9pLb8i2zmq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23163, "section": "LE01", "size": 140, "enrolled": 112, "available": 28, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "eMF98MOs7vDYIgXoTiP8C", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23159, "section": "TU04", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23160, "section": "TU03", "size": 28, "enrolled": 23, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23161, "section": "TU02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23162, "section": "TU01", "size": 33, "enrolled": 20, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 28973, "section": "TU07", "size": 20, "enrolled": 11, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "487": {"id": "vbHFo4q5Ss-EjG0tS0t_Z", "course_id": "109539", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109539", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Identity and Discrimination", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ANTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "2008", "CLASS_NBR": 29477, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 12 units of Level I undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Reflexive Research essay, Media or Social Media analysis, Online quizzes, Individual Presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is an exploration into human diversity through a celebration of our distinct identities and differences. It includes attention to the latest developments in the anthropology of race, gender, religion, sexuality, and of differently abled bodies. In particular, the course will consider the ways that people come to craft a particular identity based on their unique biophysical and psycho-social compositions along with the ways that society alternately embraces, rejects, or seeks to modify our expressions of diversity. Through course lectures, readings and small group workshops, students will examine identity formation among minority groups in settler colonial societies, among people who do not conform with hypersexual or heteronormative social expectations, among people with majority as well as minority belief systems, and among people who have special skills and special needs. Students will also interrogate the various processes of exclusion and discrimination that people with obvious differences in appearance, belief and ability experience on a day-to-day basis. The goal of the course is to promote consideration for the diversity of human experience and expression, as well as understandings of the pathways out of suffering that are possible when our collective differences are embraced.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "488": {"id": "vbHFo4q5Ss-EjG0tS0t_Z", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "waFACHpcyFMed9HUaVQ1f", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28572, "section": "LEC0", "size": 120, "enrolled": 103, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "b4NqvcpDlSv0RQu4CH-bH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23760, "section": "TU02", "size": 35, "enrolled": 34, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23761, "section": "TU01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 41, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29477, "section": "TU04", "size": 35, "enrolled": 28, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "489": {"id": "7oA0uYW7tfsOQ65o0bGS-", "course_id": "104586", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104586", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Anthropology of Violence and Crime", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ANTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "2036", "CLASS_NBR": 13706, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 12 units of Level I undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Poster or Essay, Research Essay, Seminar participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces students to core themes in the anthropology of violence and crime that include, violence and identity/subjectivity; terror, pain and suffering; war, technology and visual culture; fear, threat and sorcery; and organised crime. It addresses issues, instances and everyday lived experiences of violence and crime in human societies from a comparative anthropological perspective. The course draws on a wide variety of examples, including global conflicts and state violence, virtual and technologically mediated warfare, gang violence, processes and politics of criminalisation, human trafficking and organised crime, intimacies of violence including gendered, family/ domestic and sexual violence, migration and displacement, terrorism, the politics of legitimate and illegitimate violence, collective memories of suffering, and transitional justice. Case studies are drawn from various regions and countries, including but not limited to, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Latin America, North America, Rwanda, the Pacific, Southeast Asia, Denmark, and Nepal.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "490": {"id": "7oA0uYW7tfsOQ65o0bGS-", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "ulbFk660KYOKLqJTtoqH2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18640, "section": "LEC0", "size": 176, "enrolled": 170, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "SpGdtiVLmKDyznh6Pz8gy", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13706, "section": "SE06", "size": 35, "enrolled": 35, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13707, "section": "SE05", "size": 35, "enrolled": 32, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13708, "section": "SE04", "size": 35, "enrolled": 34, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13709, "section": "SE03", "size": 36, "enrolled": 35, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13710, "section": "SE02", "size": 35, "enrolled": 34, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "491": {"id": "y-75MYyrLVrY3rvfN5M-u", "course_id": "104592", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104592", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Subculture to Pop Culture: Fans, Fashion & Music", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ANTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "2041", "CLASS_NBR": 13097, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 12 units of Level I undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Active Participation, Quiz, Individual Research Assignment, Group Research Assignment, Final Essay", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course examines the central role that popular culture plays in people's everyday lives in diverse contexts around the world \u2013 from the margins to the mainstream. It does so through the study of subcultures, a term used to describe groups that are often seen to be deviant or other. It uses case-studies to explore the origins of subcultural research and contemporary critiques posed by post-subcultural and digital researchers. Groups explored across the course include fans, music communities like Punks, Mods and Hip-Hop artists; heavily tattooed people; style-based Internet collectives (core aesthetics), Graffiti Writers and Skaters. Themes covered include debates about the commercialisation of youth subcultures; if and how social media and streaming are re-shaping subcultures and music consumption; embodied understandings of fashion and tattooing; and the relationship between age and subcultural participation. The course investigates how theorists from cultural studies, media and other disciplines have understood subcultures / popular culture, highlighting what anthropology contributes to these fields. It demonstrates that people form meaningful collective identities through the production and consumption of fashion, music, fandom, and material culture.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "492": {"id": "y-75MYyrLVrY3rvfN5M-u", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "UyJqjAhjxgej-KTgCRRVY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18728, "section": "LEC0", "size": 70, "enrolled": 62, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "1STyWKMElKuge_B0dOKc5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13097, "section": "WR01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 62, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "493": {"id": "KnY5g-2Y2ZRIP62bF-fWz", "course_id": "105861", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105861", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Life, Death and Culture", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ANTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "2053", "CLASS_NBR": 13713, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 12 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 12 units of Level I undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "1200-1500 word research proposal (25%), 2500 word essay (45%), 1500 word critical reflective journal (20%), workshop participation (10%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Life and death are the core universals for human beings, yet are the context for key contemporary debates, and a wide variety of practices and beliefs historically and culturally. Debates on such key topics as reproductive technologies, organ transplantation, and the 'good death' often encapsulate central social and cultural assumptions. This course explores such debates and assumptions through an examination of the cross-cultural nature of life and death in both western and non-western societies. Both birth and death have been core concerns of anthropology throughout its history, and continue to be the focus of research. Dominant themes of this course are the practices and beliefs at the start of life (conception, and birth), as well as at the end of life, including how connections are forged or severed between the living and the dead (aging, the process of death, grief, funerals and memorials, and the afterlife).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "494": {"id": "KnY5g-2Y2ZRIP62bF-fWz", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "wtcw9c6XHtLM11j-WS1KP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13712, "section": "LE01", "size": 150, "enrolled": 83, "available": 67, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "wls8KVLOG0Y9ND8SebhaZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13713, "section": "WR05", "size": 30, "enrolled": 11, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13714, "section": "WR04", "size": 30, "enrolled": 25, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13715, "section": "WR03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 25, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13716, "section": "WR02", "size": 32, "enrolled": 22, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "495": {"id": "mg3dt36uY82MXBPtCOreO", "course_id": "108043", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108043", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Anthropology of Emotion, Mind and Person", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ANTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "3002", "CLASS_NBR": 20974, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 6 units of Level II undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ANTH 2037", "ASSESSMENT": "Workshop participation 10%, Workshop debate or course blog 20%, Research proposal (1,200 words) 25%, Research essay (2,500 words) 45%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Issues of what it is to be a thinking, feeling, knowing person are central to anthropology. Anthropology has, throughout its history, provided a unique and powerful focus on the mind, body and person in their total social and cultural context. This course explores different disciplinary perspectives on emotion, mind and person, while highlighting the distinctive methodological and theoretical tasks of anthropological explanation. Specific topics covered will include cross-cultural understandings of emotion, grief and mental illness; debates on the role of language in perception; and altered states of consciousness such as dreaming, trance and possession. The course culminates in an exploration of anthropological perspectives on what it is to be a person, using ethnographic and cross-cultural comparisons to reflect upon individuality, agency and power.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "496": {"id": "mg3dt36uY82MXBPtCOreO", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "e87CIp82hLx7eyo40uTPv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21061, "section": "LE01", "size": 170, "enrolled": 106, "available": 64, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "G0dxeKWpAIjw_X8r1XzsM", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20974, "section": "WR05", "size": 32, "enrolled": 28, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23425, "section": "WR03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 21, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23426, "section": "WR02", "size": 32, "enrolled": 27, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23427, "section": "WR01", "size": 32, "enrolled": 30, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "497": {"id": "N31i9t2HP0g7prdHerQFq", "course_id": "108046", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108046", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Visual and Media Anthropology", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ANTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "3034", "CLASS_NBR": 18994, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100799", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 6 units of Level II undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ANTH 2056", "ASSESSMENT": "Tutorial participation 15%, 1500 word Essay 35%, Visual 'scrapbook' project 50%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is about visual representations of culture and cultural difference. It looks at a wide variety of visual media, including art, photography, film, video, and digital technologies, to explore the ways in which these shape both the perception, and the experience, of cultural difference. Throughout the course, an emphasis is placed on the inherent power of images: Their ability to shape our own cultural experiences, to cast cultural 'others' in particular ways, and to act as a mode of resisting other people's stereotypes. In pursuit of these ideas, a particular focus is placed on so-called ethnographic 'contact zones', those domains in which different cultural groups most frequently come into contact with each other. It is in these zones - which include such diverse settings as colonial frontiers, international film festivals and tourist encounters - that groups most frequently engage in constructing visual images of both themselves, and cultural others.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "498": {"id": "N31i9t2HP0g7prdHerQFq", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "SajBhXGOxTq8Q0zCDoAea", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15268, "section": "SE01", "size": 120, "enrolled": 62, "available": 58, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18994, "section": "SE02", "size": 50, "enrolled": 41, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "499": {"id": "840jQ0ArKxRcqsZ9R90Ng", "course_id": "111419", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111419", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Bodies and Society: Contemporary Anthropology", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ANTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "3037", "CLASS_NBR": 29561, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "At least 15 units of Anthropology courses", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ANTH 3100, ANTH 3036", "ASSESSMENT": "Ethnographic field notes and writing (2000 words), Book analysis (2000 words), Research essay (4500-5000 words)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "We experience the world in and through our bodies. In this course on Body and Society, we critically engage the idea that bodies are shaped by both individuals and socio-cultural worlds. Through this focus on bodies, the course aims to develop an understanding of core concepts and aspects associated with the practice of anthropology, both ethnographic and theoretical. You will be given an overview of the history and practice of ethnography, gaining an understanding of the joys and challenges of anthropological writing. You will develop your knowledge of key theorists and perspectives on the body including phenomenology, the embodied nature of sensorial experience (touch, smell, sight, hearing, taste) and body politics. By conducting practical in-class and independent exercises, you will learn how anthropologists record and represent people's practices, values, and everyday lives. You will write a short text based on your own data collection and will learn how to closely read and analyse journal articles and full-length scholarly publications. To showcase these skills, you will undertake research on a topic of interest related to bodies and society that you identify for exploration in the final essay. By the end of the semester, you will understand contemporary trends and debates in Anthropology, in particular the complex relationships between bodies, culture and society. This course will hone your ability to examine and interpret the rich sensory worlds of people in diverse cultural settings.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "500": {"id": "840jQ0ArKxRcqsZ9R90Ng", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "mP055xp7SOrjfxRtnWdIB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23758, "section": "SE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 17, "available": 33, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29561, "section": "SE02", "size": 10, "enrolled": 4, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "501": {"id": "6lQeZmpvbhv8dYMiOZGbG", "course_id": "107378", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107378", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Anthropology Thesis A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ANTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4004A", "CLASS_NBR": 15853, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "1 hour per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Completed degree (72 units) with a Major of 24 units in Anthropology", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ANTH 4003", "ASSESSMENT": "15,000 word Honours thesis (100%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Honours Thesis Course is based on the production of a 15,000 word dissertation by each student. This will be the primary objective of the course, and the planning, researching and writing of the thesis will be done by the student under supervision by staff members and the course coordinator/s. A dissertation seminar will be a part of the course and is designed to support students through the stages of producing a dissertation. It aims to assist students to arrive and articulate a relevant topic; to turn this topic into an anthropological problem appropriate to the task of writing a thesis; to aid in the consideration of useful theoretical perspectives; to help identify and locate material and relevant literature; to create tasks that address the chosen problem; and help in the creation of a dissertation structure. Students are expected to give structured presentations on aspects of their research projects and dissertations, with a view to workshopping and refining work-in-progress. Topics pertaining to the processes of research, writing and time management will also be covered in the seminars.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "502": {"id": "6lQeZmpvbhv8dYMiOZGbG", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "Dza3uPzbMj2Q5pMJKZYez", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15853, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 1, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "503": {"id": "fzJTBD-eGaxIJ6d6m090c", "course_id": "107379", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107379", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Anthropology Thesis B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ANTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4004B", "CLASS_NBR": 26468, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "1 hour per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Completed degree (72 units) with a Major of 24 units in Anthropology", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ANTH 4003", "ASSESSMENT": "15,000 word Honours thesis (100%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Honours Thesis Course is based on the production of a 15,000 word dissertation by each student. This will be the primary objective of the course, and the planning, researching and writing of the thesis will be done by the student under supervision by staff members and the course coordinator/s. A dissertation seminar will be a part of the course and is designed to support students through the stages of producing a dissertation. It aims to assist students to arrive and articulate a relevant topic; to turn this topic into an anthropological problem appropriate to the task of writing a thesis; to aid in the consideration of useful theoretical perspectives; to help identify and locate material and relevant literature; to create tasks that address the chosen problem; and help in the creation of a dissertation structure. Students are expected to give structured presentations on aspects of their research projects and dissertations, with a view to workshopping and refining work-in-progress. Topics pertaining to the processes of research, writing and time management will also be covered in the seminars.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "504": {"id": "fzJTBD-eGaxIJ6d6m090c", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "cWDWNwS4NqIeUu-ggKHhi", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26468, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "505": {"subject": "APP DATA", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "110171", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110172", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110173", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110177", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110177", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110176", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "506": {"id": "XGHGTJVY0wlPpGdc4Si1s", "course_id": "110171", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110171", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Ethics and Data Management I", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "APP DATA", "CATALOG_NBR": "1010", "CLASS_NBR": 11965, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020307", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "APP DATA 7010", "ASSESSMENT": "Reports (slides and written), group project (slides, report and individual interview)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "Y", "SYLLABUS": "The course develops a framework to understand the ethical issues of collecting and managing data sets. We examine how data are ethically used in society, and the impact of unethical practice. The course covers aspects of data ownership, privacy, anonymity, validity and fairness. The FAIR Data Principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) are introduced as a management strategy for thinking about sharing data in a way that will enable maximum use and reuse.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "507": {"id": "XGHGTJVY0wlPpGdc4Si1s", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "7vLWeRdpKW1OvsW9hFjSM", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11964, "section": "LE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 42, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "aS3vs8XI8FZa7u3ezvFeo", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11965, "section": "WR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 42, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "508": {"id": "5q7mVho6lG4bTg29lnHlM", "course_id": "110172", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110172", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Data Handling and Visualisation II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "APP DATA", "CATALOG_NBR": "2010", "CLASS_NBR": 19674, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020307", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "SCIENCE 1500 or MATHS 1004 or ECON 1008", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 7210", "ASSESSMENT": "Programming practical reports, quizzes, research project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course covers the basics of how large data sets are managed to extract meaningful information. Concepts of data storage and access are developed in a hands-on learning environment. Visualisation of large data sets allows us to understand subtle patterns that are not otherwise obvious. The course will use Python as its core programming environment using real example data sets drawn from a variety of different disciplines.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "509": {"id": "5q7mVho6lG4bTg29lnHlM", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "vbgUQ_9jhuNr95OvO6qSl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10524, "section": "LE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 50, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "gApG8Xcc5d4Zm2kDpRxsO", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19674, "section": "WR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 50, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, G12, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, G12, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, G12, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "510": {"id": "vm_9a_qGkTOF962NE2Faz", "course_id": "110173", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110173", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Data Taming and Prediction", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "APP DATA", "CATALOG_NBR": "2015", "CLASS_NBR": 21007, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020307", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "SCIENCE 1500 or MATHS 1004 or ECON 1008", "INCOMPATIBLE": "DATA 7201OL", "ASSESSMENT": "Programming practical reports, quizzes, research project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The foundation of data analytics is based on statistics. This course will cover the concepts of random sampling and bias, experimental design, regression statistics and outliers, classification techniques, and unsupervised 'machine' learning. The course will use R as its core programming environments using real example data sets.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "511": {"id": "vm_9a_qGkTOF962NE2Faz", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "e1xpjDvDpke1QdZ65qaQ8", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28609, "section": "SE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 36, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "4jSTQ0HAUg9GoOuhk6Djc", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21007, "section": "TU01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 36, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, G12, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, G12, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "c-85N4YkLknVO3KpFSLR7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28608, "section": "PR01", "size": 12, "enrolled": 12, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM106, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 28629, "section": "PR02", "size": 13, "enrolled": 14, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM106, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29591, "section": "PR03", "size": 10, "enrolled": 10, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM106, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "512": {"id": "6PKQ515wd5M3l80syLtqJ", "course_id": "110177", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110177", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Programming II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "APP DATA", "CATALOG_NBR": "2020", "CLASS_NBR": 15149, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020307", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "SCIENCE 1500 or MATHS 1004 or ECON 1008", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENG 1003", "ASSESSMENT": "Programming practical reports, quizzes, research project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces the fundamental concepts of programming using MATLAB and Excel. Programming topics include: syntax and semantics; data types, control structures, and functions; working with files and data; and the mechanics of running, testing, and debugging code. Problem-solving topics include: the role of algorithms in the problem-solving process; implementation strategies for algorithms; and the concept and properties of algorithms. Discipline-specific data will be used to provide real-world examples where programming skills are required.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "513": {"id": "6PKQ515wd5M3l80syLtqJ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "Ca0w_xLZkH1bKnm1e8XLN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14840, "section": "SE01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 11, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 22 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "G55swCFdBgQ-SMxQ4Jqnh", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15149, "section": "WR06", "size": 6, "enrolled": 4, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15150, "section": "WR04", "size": 7, "enrolled": 7, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "514": {"id": "uSpNfqzbxK97TMtYzffeN", "course_id": "110177", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110177", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Programming II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "APP DATA", "CATALOG_NBR": "2020", "CLASS_NBR": 20188, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020307", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "SCIENCE 1500 or MATHS 1004 or ECON 1008", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENG 1003", "ASSESSMENT": "Programming practical reports, quizzes, research project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces the fundamental concepts of programming using MATLAB and Excel. Programming topics include: syntax and semantics; data types, control structures, and functions; working with files and data; and the mechanics of running, testing, and debugging code. Problem-solving topics include: the role of algorithms in the problem-solving process; implementation strategies for algorithms; and the concept and properties of algorithms. Discipline-specific data will be used to provide real-world examples where programming skills are required.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "515": {"id": "uSpNfqzbxK97TMtYzffeN", "class_list": [{"association_group": "", "groups": []}]}, "516": {"id": "5MnWPkpb6pUwYRAmCeJmY", "course_id": "110176", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110176", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Capstone Project in Applied Data Analytics III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "APP DATA", "CATALOG_NBR": "3020", "CLASS_NBR": 28783, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "6 units of APP DATA courses in Year II or Year III", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MATHS 3021", "ASSESSMENT": "Reports (written and video), group meeting participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is a capstone course in the mathematical sciences. Each student will work in a small group on a project. Research skills and written and oral communication skills will be developed. Ongoing written reporting, oral presentations, a project report, and participation in group work are required.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "517": {"id": "5MnWPkpb6pUwYRAmCeJmY", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "EgJyg8g2jFrjgMtmSgRbf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28783, "section": "LE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 11, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Project", "id": "M84wwdEibOvysvoBvkFQD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26211, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 11, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "518": {"subject": "APP MTH", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "004447", "term": "4410", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "001733", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "002314", "term": "4410", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "101488", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107351", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107353", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110037", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102888", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102889", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102891", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105636", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105637", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108727", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108728", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108656", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108656", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108657", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108657", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108729", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108730", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108732", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108734", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110038", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107354", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "006501", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "008510", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "008796", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102338", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102803", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102812", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102804", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105660", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105661", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107356", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107757", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107757", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107758", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107758", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110039", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110039", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109081", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109081", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109082", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109082", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109083", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109083", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109084", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109084", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110400", "term": "4466", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111344", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111344", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111345", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111345", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111346", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111346", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111351", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111351", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "519": {"id": "3XxB7gCxifCxxFoHq9yXG", "course_id": "004447", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "004447", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Applied Probability III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "APP MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "3001", "CLASS_NBR": 15131, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(MATHS 1012 and MATHS 2103) or (MATHS 2201 and MATHS 2202) or (MATHS 2106 and MATHS 2107)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Knowledge of Markov Chains such as would be obtained from MATHS 2103", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Many processes in the real world involve some random variation superimposed on a deterministic structure. For example, the experiment of flipping a coin is best studied by treating the outcome as a random one. Mathematical probability has its origins in games of chance with dice and cards, from the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. This course aims to provide a basic tool kit for modelling and analysing discrete-time problems in which there is a significant probabilistic component. We will consider Markov chain examples in the course including population branching processes (with application to genetics), random walks (with application to games), and more general discrete time examples using Martingales.\n\nTopics covered are: basic probability and measure theory, discrete time Markov chains, hitting probabilities and hitting time theorems, population branching processes, homogeneous random walks on the line, solidarity properties and communicating classes, necessary and sufficient conditions for transience and positive recurrence, global balance, partial balance, reversibility, Martingales, stopping times and stopping theorems with a link to Brownian motion.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "520": {"id": "3XxB7gCxifCxxFoHq9yXG", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "5y28Ilpe6UeCl0BP2ofa3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15128, "section": "SE01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 33, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "WHkhoUiJif3u9iFQyGSdr", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15131, "section": "WR01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 33, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "521": {"id": "G3aFCsreO1Dix8SelqmQw", "course_id": "001733", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "001733", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Fluid Mechanics III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "APP MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "3002", "CLASS_NBR": 10704, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(MATHS 2102 or MATHS 2106 or MATHS 2201) and (MATHS 2101 or MATHS 2202 or ELEC ENG 2106)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MATHS 2104 or MATHS 2107", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Fluid flows are important in many scientific and technological problems including atmospheric and oceanic circulation, energy production by chemical or nuclear combustion in engines and stars, energy utilisation in vehicles, buildings and industrial processes, and biological processes such as the flow of blood. Considerable progress has been made in the mathematical modelling of fluid flows and this has greatly improved our understanding of these problems, but there is still much to discover. This course introduces students to the mathematical description of fluid flows and the solution of some important flow problems.\n\nTopics covered are: the mathematical description of fluid flow in terms of Lagrangian and Eulerian coordinates; the derivation of the Navier-Stokes equations from the fundamental physical principles of mass and momentum conservation; use of the stream function, velocity potential and complex potential are introduced to find solutions of the governing equations for inviscid, irrotational flow past bodies and the forces acting on those bodies; analytic and numerical solutions of the Navier-Stokes equation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "522": {"id": "G3aFCsreO1Dix8SelqmQw", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "3FoGlif_2MOovXDzzdnlf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10701, "section": "SE01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 30, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "7JTTkfz4E5Yt5-O1HAZyB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10704, "section": "WR01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 30, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Assessment", "id": "72EFH79tCpLcN_4m0C0WL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18813, "section": "AS01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 30, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "523": {"id": "udnURpqU4g2Azp8EagIgV", "course_id": "002314", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "002314", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Optimisation III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "APP MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "3014", "CLASS_NBR": 15137, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MATHS 1012", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Basic computer programming skills such as would be obtained from ENG 1002, ENG 1003, COMP SCI 1012, COMP SCI 1101, MECH ENG 1100, MECH ENG 1102, MECH ENG 1103, MECH ENG 1104, MECH ENG 1105, C&ENVENG 1012", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Most problems in life are optimisation problems: what is the best design for a racing kayak? How do you get the best return on your investments? What is the best use of your time in swot vac? What is the shortest route across town for an emergency vehicle? What are the optimal release rates from a dam for environmental flows in a river? Mathematical formulations of such optimisation problems might contain one or many independent variables. There may or may not be constraints on those variables. However, there is always an objective: minimise or maximise some function of the variable(s) subject to the constraints. This course examines nonlinear mathematical formulations, and concentrates on convex optimisation problems. Many modern optimisation methods in areas such as design of communication networks and finance rely on the classical underpinnings covered in this course. Topics covered are: One-dimensional (line) searches, direct methods, polynomial approximation, methods for differentiable functions; Theory of convex and nonconvex functions relevant to optimisation; Multivariable unconstrained optimisation, quasi-Newton Method, steepest descent methods, conjugate gradient methods; Constrained optimisation, including Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions and the Gradient Projection Method; Heuristics for non-convex problems, genetic algorithms.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "524": {"id": "udnURpqU4g2Azp8EagIgV", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "d8suBnR7s_VKug3cl_2Fm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15134, "section": "SE01", "size": 69, "enrolled": 65, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "_6oemTqXtvwODPpKI2z-n", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15137, "section": "WR02", "size": 34, "enrolled": 32, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15138, "section": "WR01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 33, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "525": {"id": "bmgpMGS1S2FNdX3hmnPYN", "course_id": "101488", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "101488", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Random Processes III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "APP MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "3016", "CLASS_NBR": 25012, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(MATHS 1012 and MATHS 2103) or (MATHS 2201 and MATHS 2202) or (MATHS 2106 and MATHS 2107)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Knowledge of Markov chains, such as would be obtained from MATHS 2103", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces students to the fundamental concepts of random processes, particularly continuous-time Markov chains, and related structures. These are the essential building blocks of any random system, be it a telecommunications network, a hospital waiting list or a transport system. They also arise in many other environments, where you wish to capture the development of some element of random behaviour over time, such as the state of the surrounding environment.\nTopics covered are: Continuous-time Markov-chains: definition and basic properties, transient behaviour, the stationary distribution, hitting probabilities and expected hitting times, reversibility; Queueing Networks: Kendall's notation, Jackson networks, mean; Loss Networks: truncated reversible processes, circuit-switched networks, reduced load approximations. Basic Queueing Theory: arrival processes, service time distributions, Little's Law; Point Processes: Poisson process, properties and generalisations; Renewal Processes: preliminaries, renewal function, renewal theory and applications, stationary and delayed renewal processes;", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "526": {"id": "bmgpMGS1S2FNdX3hmnPYN", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "qOOXKBm9-IUtBHyA84dCJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25007, "section": "SE01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 30, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "tYfdK5yvy-ajAZQBL8eWO", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25012, "section": "WR01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 30, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "527": {"id": "YUcvFcdjISNHkRv2fv8PI", "course_id": "107351", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107351", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Modelling with Ordinary Differential Equations III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "APP MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "3021", "CLASS_NBR": 15470, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 contact hours per week.", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MATHS 2102 or MATHS 2106 or MATHS 2201", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MATHS 2104 or MATHS 2107", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Differential equation models describe a wide range of complex problems in biology, engineering, physical sciences, economics and finance. This course focuses on ordinary differential equations (ODEs) and develops students' skills in the formulation, solution, understanding and interpretation of coupled ODE models. A range of important biological problems, from areas such as resource management, population dynamics, and public health, drives the study of analytical and numerical techniques for systems of nonlinear ODEs. A key aim of the course is building practical skills that can be applied in a wide range of scientific, business and research settings.\n\nTopics covered are: analytical methods for systems of ODEs, including vector fields, fixed points, phase-plane analysis, linearisation of nonlinear systems, bifurcations; general theory on existence and approximation of ODE solutions; biological modelling; explicit and implicit numerical methods for ODE initial value problems, computational error, consistency, convergence, stability of a numerical method, ill-conditioned and stiff problems.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "528": {"id": "YUcvFcdjISNHkRv2fv8PI", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "AHd0OSAEmKMTOh5vU1t-s", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15467, "section": "SE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 31, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "tld61nzblKxlBv5LMeBLr", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15470, "section": "WR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 31, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "529": {"id": "BxNxeFIs672tAXqjBs0ha", "course_id": "107353", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107353", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Partial Differential Equations and Waves III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "APP MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "3023", "CLASS_NBR": 25469, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MATHS 2102 or MATHS 2106 or MATHS 2201", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "(MATHS 2104 or MATHS 2107) and (MATHS 2101 or MATHS 2202 or ELEC ENG 2106)", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Differential equation models describe a wide range of complex problems in biology, engineering, physical sciences, economics and finance. This course focusses on partial differential equation (PDE) models, which will be developed in the context of modelling heat and mass transport and, in particular, wave phenomena, such as sound and water waves. This course develops students' skills in the formulation, solution, understanding and interpretation of PDE models. As well as developing analytic solutions, this course establishes general structures, characterisations, and numerical solutions of PDEs. In particular, computational methods using finite differences are implemented and analysed.\n\nTopics covered are: Formulation of PDEs using conservation laws: heat/mass/ wave energy transport; waves on strings and membranes; sound waves; Euler equations and velocity potential for water waves. The structure of solutions to PDEs: separation of variables (space/space, space/time); boundary value problems; SturmLouiville theory; method of characteristics; and classification of PDEs via coordinate transformation. Complex-variable form of waves. Wave dispersion. Group velocity. Finite difference solution of PDEs and BVPs: implicit and explicit methods; programming; consistency, stability and convergence; numerical differentiation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "530": {"id": "BxNxeFIs672tAXqjBs0ha", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "4E5gnHEu08hoM8qD4-KUk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25469, "section": "WR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 45, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 218, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "531": {"id": "_tNlH1ir1F9ofZRkAMqeu", "course_id": "110037", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110037", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Decision Science III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "APP MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "3124", "CLASS_NBR": 21318, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(MATHS 1012 or MATHS 1004) and (MATHS 2103 or MATHS 2107)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Proficiency in at least one of R, Python, MATLAB or Julia", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is focused on equipping students with simulation techniques to underpin decision making. Simulation is widely used to model systems, to evaluate risk, and to optimise objective functions, with the goal to inform decisions. Building up from uniform random generation, some of the key simulation techniques used for efficient simulation to support decision-making will be presented. Topics covered are: Uniform random number and random variable generation; random process generation; discrete-event simulation; basic statistical analysis of simulation data; variance reduction techniques; rare-event simulation; randomized optimization; applications in systems modelling, risk analysis and optimisation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "532": {"id": "_tNlH1ir1F9ofZRkAMqeu", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "_yOLhFrf9wvsqs71kxq3k", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21318, "section": "SE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 50, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "JAII6e3b8szZlYUldN2Y_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21312, "section": "PR02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 19, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21313, "section": "PR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 31, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "533": {"id": "EWeWktGjDGXLUiNN8V-RG", "course_id": "102888", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102888", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Applied Mathematics Topic A - Honours", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "APP MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4046", "CLASS_NBR": 15475, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 2.5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Honours students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is available for students taking an honours degree in Mathematical Sciences. The course will cover an advanced topic in applied mathematics. For details of the topic covered this year please refer to the Course Outline", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "534": {"id": "EWeWktGjDGXLUiNN8V-RG", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "rOe9xnOnbiqtz5HRzqohn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15475, "section": "SE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 3, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG07, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "535": {"id": "8UGxHrfYVo_oWv_c8bNgs", "course_id": "102889", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102889", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Applied Mathematics Topic B - Honours", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "APP MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4047", "CLASS_NBR": 15476, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 2.5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Honours students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is available for students taking an honours degree in Mathematical Sciences. The course will cover an advanced topic in applied mathematics. For details of the topic offered this year please refer to the Course Outline.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "536": {"id": "8UGxHrfYVo_oWv_c8bNgs", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "zuDzJ8RFXhWqnS2X-UYua", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15476, "section": "SE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 2, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG19, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG19, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "537": {"id": "euULk5XpIs2sb_wqjmEE_", "course_id": "102891", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102891", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Applied Mathematics Topic D - Honours", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "APP MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4049", "CLASS_NBR": 25473, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 2.5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Honours students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is available for students taking an honours degree in Mathematical Sciences. The course will cover an advanced topic in applied mathematics. For details of the topic offered this year please refer to the Course Outline.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "538": {"id": "euULk5XpIs2sb_wqjmEE_", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "eGVFxn512vP2Py5LSDm3r", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25473, "section": "SE01", "size": 8, "enrolled": 6, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "539": {"id": "G5eNmAmmbJamwCvEquZLy", "course_id": "105636", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105636", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Applied Mathematics Topic E - Honours", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "APP MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4051", "CLASS_NBR": 25474, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 2.5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Honours students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is available for students taking an honours degree in Mathematical Sciences. The course will cover an advanced topic in applied mathematics. For details of the topic offered this year please refer to the Course Outline.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "540": {"id": "G5eNmAmmbJamwCvEquZLy", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "j_10Qbp5079ZGjObuW7rE", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25474, "section": "SE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 2, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, 204, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, 204, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "541": {"id": "v8cbhAbelPeCb2Ipw_xAc", "course_id": "105637", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105637", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Applied Mathematics Topic F - Honours", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "APP MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4052", "CLASS_NBR": 25475, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 2.5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Honours students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is available for students taking an honours degree in Mathematical Sciences. The course will cover an advanced topic in applied mathematics. For details of the topic offered this year please refer to the Course Outline.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "542": {"id": "v8cbhAbelPeCb2Ipw_xAc", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "0b6KJFQOZkb6Xzg0RH06T", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25475, "section": "SE01", "size": 13, "enrolled": 9, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "543": {"id": "ATSIWAZrsGWeBnFpyH9ge", "course_id": "108727", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108727", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Applied Probability - Honours", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "APP MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4101", "CLASS_NBR": 15133, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Honours students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(MATHS 1012 or MATHS 2103) or (MATHS 2201 and MATHS 2202) or (MATHS 2106 and MATHS 2107)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Knowledge of Markov Chains such as would be obtained from MATHS 2103", "INCOMPATIBLE": "APP MTH 3001", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Many processes in the real world involve some random variation superimposed on a deterministic structure. For example, the experiment of flipping a coin is best studied by treating the outcome as a random one. Mathematical probability has its origins in games of chance with dice and cards, originating in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. This course aims to provide a basic tool kit for modelling and analysing discrete-time problems in which there is a significant probabilistic component. We will consider Markov chain examples in the course including population branching processes (with application to genetics), random walks (with application to games), and more general discrete time examples using Martingales.\n\nTopics covered are: basic probability and measure theory, discrete time Markov chains, hitting probabilities and hitting time theorems, population branching processes, homogeneous random walks on the line, solidarity properties and communicating classes, necessary and sufficient conditions for transience and positive recurrence, global balance, partial balance, reversibility, Martingales, stopping times and stopping theorems with a link to Brownian motion.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "544": {"id": "ATSIWAZrsGWeBnFpyH9ge", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "bP3HSg97KJYgeFz_UXq6Q", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15130, "section": "SE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "PqydTypSGKpoeTVFPLPtG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15133, "section": "WR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "545": {"id": "IVn7QaYKzvL90OKtuCruK", "course_id": "108728", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108728", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Fluid Mechanics - Honours", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "APP MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4102", "CLASS_NBR": 10706, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Honours students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(MATHS 2102 or MATHS 2106 or MATHS 2201) and (MATHS 2101 or MATHS 2202 or ELEC ENG 2106))", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MATHS 2104 or MATHS 2107", "INCOMPATIBLE": "APP MTH 3002", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Fluid flows are important in many scientific and technological problems including atmospheric and oceanic circulation, energy production by chemical or nuclear combustion in engines and stars, energy utilisation in vehicles, buildings and industrial processes, and biological processes such as the flow of blood. Considerable progress has been made in the mathematical modelling of fluid flows and this has greatly improved our understanding of these problems, but there is still much to discover. This course introduces students to the mathematical description of fluid flows and the solution of some important flow problems.\n\nTopics covered are: the mathematical description of fluid flow in terms of Lagrangian and Eulerian coordinates; the derivation of the Navier-Stokes equations from the fundamental physical principles of mass and momentum conservation; use of the stream function, velocity potential and complex potential are introduced to find solutions of the governing equations for inviscid, irrotational flow past bodies and the forces acting on those bodies; analytic and numerical solutions of the Navier-Stokes equation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "546": {"id": "IVn7QaYKzvL90OKtuCruK", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "92eG3CxKSgG1P7t8Zwso-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10703, "section": "SE01", "size": 3, "enrolled": 1, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "R8N5l4eVhldkqnfkGM1n4", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10706, "section": "WR01", "size": 3, "enrolled": 1, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Assessment", "id": "luKX_ejPKOkDoctsN3Q3t", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18815, "section": "AS01", "size": 3, "enrolled": 1, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "547": {"id": "D9JRCFxo6_0R948i_S-AA", "course_id": "108656", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108656", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "AMSI - Applied Mathematics Topic A - Honours", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "APP MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4110EX", "CLASS_NBR": 16066, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "548": {"id": "D9JRCFxo6_0R948i_S-AA", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "NL3xjlVxgNLXC8yXCPzqi", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16066, "section": "01EX", "size": 3, "enrolled": 1, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "549": {"id": "YT_p9l5IvEhHK1E92wSKM", "course_id": "108656", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108656", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "AMSI - Applied Mathematics Topic A - Honours", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "APP MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4110EX", "CLASS_NBR": 26066, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "550": {"id": "YT_p9l5IvEhHK1E92wSKM", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "Zgs4FxFX-bXSA_3JUp2KV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26066, "section": "01EX", "size": 3, "enrolled": 0, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "551": {"id": "vqhzl5_vVO_KxRJcwAuwp", "course_id": "108657", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108657", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "AMSI - Applied Mathematics Topic B - Honours", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "APP MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4111EX", "CLASS_NBR": 16067, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "552": {"id": "vqhzl5_vVO_KxRJcwAuwp", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "6084uKy28ovwnMkbKA0C5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16067, "section": "01EX", "size": 3, "enrolled": 0, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "553": {"id": "2aLsWhD0dNnqc_leFTq_2", "course_id": "108657", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108657", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "AMSI - Applied Mathematics Topic B - Honours", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "APP MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4111EX", "CLASS_NBR": 26067, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "554": {"id": "2aLsWhD0dNnqc_leFTq_2", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "rsQweJO2B4whnZmR89i0w", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26067, "section": "01EX", "size": 3, "enrolled": 0, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "555": {"id": "cge2AxDohxc9yirNcHipJ", "course_id": "108729", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108729", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Optimisation - Honours", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "APP MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4114", "CLASS_NBR": 15141, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Honours students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MATHS 1012", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Basic computer programming skills such as would be obtained from ENG 1002, ENG 1003, COMP SCI 1012, COMP SCI 1101, MECH ENG 1100, MECH ENG 1102, MECH ENG 1103, MECH ENG 1104, MECH ENG 1105, C&ENVENG 1012", "INCOMPATIBLE": "APP MTH 3014", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Most problems in life are optimisation problems: what is the best design for a racing kayak? How do you get the best return on your investments? What is the best use of your time in swot vac? What is the shortest route across town for an emergency vehicle? What are the optimal release rates from a dam for environmental flows in a river? Mathematical formulations of such optimisation problems might contain one or many independent variables. There may or may not be constraints on those variables. However, there is always an objective: minimise or maximise some function of the variable(s) subject to the constraints. This course examines nonlinear mathematical formulations, and concentrates on convex optimisation problems. Many modern optimisation methods in areas such as design of communication networks and finance rely on the classical underpinnings covered in this course. Topics covered are: One-dimensional (line) searches, direct methods, polynomial approximation, methods for differentiable functions; Theory of convex and nonconvex functions relevant to optimisation; Multivariable unconstrained optimisation, quasi-Newton Method, steepest descent methods, conjugate gradient methods; Constrained optimisation, including Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions and the Gradient Projection Method; Heuristics for non-convex problems, genetic algorithms.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "556": {"id": "cge2AxDohxc9yirNcHipJ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "VyNQVvfP1dVt0dgFudLS6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15136, "section": "SE01", "size": 3, "enrolled": 2, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "AXIi0IPmNYuWJUZG3qbkZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15141, "section": "WR02", "size": 2, "enrolled": 0, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15142, "section": "WR01", "size": 2, "enrolled": 2, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "557": {"id": "Q806brRtUk4P-hzMCq-QM", "course_id": "108730", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108730", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Random Processes - Honours", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "APP MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4116", "CLASS_NBR": 25011, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Honours students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(MATHS 1012 and MATHS 2103) or (MATHS 2201 and MATHS 2202) or ( MATHS 2106 and MATHS 2107)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Knowledge of Markov chains, such as would be obtained from MATHS 2103", "INCOMPATIBLE": "APP MTH 3016", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces students to the fundamental concepts of random processes, particularly continuous-time Markov chains, and related structures. These are the essential building blocks of any random system, be it a telecommunications network, a hospital waiting list or a transport system. They also arise in many other environments, where you wish to capture the development of some element of random behaviour over time, such as the state of the surrounding environment. \n\nTopics covered are: Continuous-time Markov-chains: definition and basic properties, transient behaviour, the stationary distribution, hitting probabilities and expected hitting times, reversibility; Queueing Networks: Kendall's notation, Jackson networks, mean; Loss Networks: truncated reversible processes, circuit-switched networks, reduced load approximations. Basic Queueing Theory: arrival processes, service time distributions, Little's Law; Point Processes: Poisson process, properties and generalisations; Renewal Processes: preliminaries, renewal function, renewal theory and applications, stationary and delayed renewal processes.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "558": {"id": "Q806brRtUk4P-hzMCq-QM", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "KXUSc-ZIaoxhlkjsT-1dC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25009, "section": "SE01", "size": 1, "enrolled": 0, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "M2pjzPUCJsVjNo8i_OBBM", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25011, "section": "WR01", "size": 1, "enrolled": 0, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "559": {"id": "6ILGPSlAx_72iSSra-bHS", "course_id": "108732", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108732", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Modelling with Ordinary Differential Equations Hon", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "APP MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4121", "CLASS_NBR": 15472, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 contact hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Honours students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MATHS 2102 or MATHS 2106 or MATHS 2201", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MATHS 2104 or MATHS 2107", "INCOMPATIBLE": "APP MTH 3021", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Differential equation models describe a wide range of complex problems in biology, engineering, physical sciences, economics and finance. This course focuses on ordinary differential equations (ODEs) and develops students' skills in the formulation, solution, understanding and interpretation of coupled ODE models. A range of important biological problems, from areas such as resource management, population dynamics, and public health, drives the study of analytical and numerical techniques for systems of nonlinear ODEs. A key aim of the course is building practical skills that can be applied in a wide range of scientific, business and research settings.\n\nTopics covered are: analytical methods for systems of ODEs, including vector fields, fixed points, phase-plane analysis, linearisation of nonlinear systems, bifurcations; general theory on existence and approximation of ODE solutions; biological modelling; explicit and implicit numerical methods for ODE initial value problems, computational error, consistency, convergence, stability of a numerical method, ill-conditioned and stiff problems.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "560": {"id": "6ILGPSlAx_72iSSra-bHS", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "ZrE1Y7gflLLxYFUytoNin", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15469, "section": "SE01", "size": 3, "enrolled": 2, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "9NdCEWkeFlxVNXv_DZMUi", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15472, "section": "WR01", "size": 3, "enrolled": 2, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "561": {"id": "ilj9eykrvp8br1jym739w", "course_id": "108734", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108734", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Partial Differential Equations and Waves - Honours", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "APP MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4123", "CLASS_NBR": 25471, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Honours students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MATHS 2102 or MATHS 2106 or MATHS 2201", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "(MATHS 2104 or MATHS 2107) and (MATHS 2101 or MATHS 2202 or ELEC ENG 2106)", "INCOMPATIBLE": "APP MTH 3023", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Differential equation models describe a wide range of complex problems in biology, engineering, physical sciences, economics and finance. This course focusses on partial differential equation (PDE) models, which will be developed in the context of modelling heat and mass transport and, in particular, wave phenomena, such as sound and water waves. This course develops students' skills in the formulation, solution, understanding and interpretation of PDE models. As well as developing analytic solutions, this course establishes general structures, characterisations, and numerical solutions of PDEs. In particular, computational methods using finite differences are implemented and analysed.\n\nTopics covered are: Formulation of PDEs using conservation laws: heat/mass/ wave energy transport; waves on strings and membranes; sound waves; Euler equations and velocity potential for water waves. The structure of solutions to PDEs: separation of variables (space/space, space/time); boundary value problems; SturmLouiville theory; method of characteristics; and classification of PDEs via coordinate transformation. Complex-variable form of waves. Wave dispersion. Group velocity. Finite difference solution of PDEs and BVPs: implicit and explicit methods; programming; consistency, stability and convergence; numerical differentiation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "562": {"id": "ilj9eykrvp8br1jym739w", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "8ncNYRaHSk5W5BiDyIh0x", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25471, "section": "WR01", "size": 3, "enrolled": 2, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 218, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "563": {"id": "o3NTZtGDZl3NNRWJSPst6", "course_id": "110038", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110038", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Decision Science - Honours", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "APP MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4124", "CLASS_NBR": 21319, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Honours Students Only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(MATHS 1012 or MATHS 1004) and (MATHS 2103 or MATHS 2107)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Proficiency in at least one of R, Python, MATLAB or Julia", "INCOMPATIBLE": "APP MTH 3124", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is focused on equipping students with simulation techniques to underpin decision making. Simulation is widely used to model systems, to evaluate risk, and to optimise objective functions, with the goal to inform decisions. Building up from uniform random generation, some of the key simulation techniques used for efficient simulation to support decision-making will be presented. Topics covered are: Uniform random number and random variable generation; random process generation; discrete-event simulation; basic statistical analysis of simulation data; variance reduction techniques; rare-event simulation; randomized optimization; applications in systems modelling, risk analysis and optimisation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "564": {"id": "o3NTZtGDZl3NNRWJSPst6", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "lVymEJXolus_k3lj_zz4d", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21319, "section": "SE01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 2, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "_ey0d8tbrb_8Cgc-Z0wht", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21314, "section": "PR02", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21315, "section": "PR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 2, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "565": {"id": "xPSAJ3cp2QmI2fMQ0qutb", "course_id": "107354", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107354", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Modelling with Ordinary Differential Equations", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "APP MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7035", "CLASS_NBR": 15471, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "(MATHS 2102 or MATHS 2106 or MATHS 2201) and (MATHS 2104 or MATHS 2107)", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Differential equation models describe a wide range of complex problems in biology, engineering, physical sciences, economics and finance. This course focuses on ordinary differential equations (ODEs) and develops students' skills in the formulation, solution, understanding and interpretation of coupled ODE models. A range of important biological problems, from areas such as resource management, population dynamics, and public health, drives the study of analytical and numerical techniques for systems of nonlinear ODEs. A key aim of the course is building practical skills that can be applied in a wide range of scientific, business and research settings.\n\nTopics covered are: analytical methods for systems of ODEs, including vector fields, fixed points, phase-plane analysis, linearization of nonlinear systems, bifurcations; general theory on existence and approximation of ODE solutions; biological modelling; explicit and implicit numerical methods for ODE initial value problems, computational error, consistency, convergence, stability of a numerical method, ill-conditioned and stiff problems.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "566": {"id": "xPSAJ3cp2QmI2fMQ0qutb", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "9rHxlzxjgC8bAnXEODt0r", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15468, "section": "SE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 7, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "WoHSycVuSSKCduaVSKZ_f", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15471, "section": "WR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 7, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "567": {"id": "myyyY0dNPLJ9vSvHLs2-b", "course_id": "006501", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "006501", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Applied Mathematics Topic B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "APP MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7045", "CLASS_NBR": 15473, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is available for students taking a Masters degree in Mathematical Sciences. The course will cover an advanced topic in applied mathematics. For details of the topic offered this year please refer to the Course Outline.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "568": {"id": "myyyY0dNPLJ9vSvHLs2-b", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "4IIeWUdmZLZGDMQbg7wR3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15473, "section": "SE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 5, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG19, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG19, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "569": {"id": "3TLzdqkNvCO2jSgYlQM9_", "course_id": "008510", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "008510", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Applied Mathematics Topic A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "APP MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7048", "CLASS_NBR": 15474, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is available for students taking a Masters degree in Mathematical Sciences. The course will cover an advanced topic in applied mathematics. For details of the topic offered this year please refer to the Course Outline", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "570": {"id": "3TLzdqkNvCO2jSgYlQM9_", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "vjt5el8fmQ_wiZKFKRAxg", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15474, "section": "SE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 2, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG07, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "571": {"id": "UUQSW-KQwLJrA_oIQAdvA", "course_id": "008796", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "008796", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Applied Mathematics Topic D", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "APP MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7049", "CLASS_NBR": 25472, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is available for students taking a Masters degree in Mathematical Sciences. The course will cover an advanced topic in applied mathematics. For details of the topic offered this year please refer to the Course Outline.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "572": {"id": "UUQSW-KQwLJrA_oIQAdvA", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "4wVtv9TeK_SXWksZRAWoG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25472, "section": "SE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 4, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "573": {"id": "2NerW_w-JdzRuUw-pe3yL", "course_id": "102338", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102338", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Random Processes", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "APP MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7056", "CLASS_NBR": 25010, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "(MATHS 1012 and MATHS 2103) or (MATHS 2201 and MATHS 2202) or (MATHS 2106 and MATHS 2107); knowledge of Markov chains, such as would be obtained from MATHS 2103", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces students to the fundamental concepts of random processes, particularly continuous-time Markov chains, and related structures. These are the essential building blocks of any random system, be it a telecommunications network, a hospital waiting list or a transport system. They also arise in many other environments, where you wish to capture the development of some element of random behaviour over time, such as the state of the surrounding environment.\nTopics covered are: Continuous-time Markov-chains: definition and basic properties, transient behaviour, the stationary distribution, hitting probabilities and expected hitting times, reversibility; Queueing Networks: Kendall's notation, Jackson networks, Loss Networks: truncated reversible processes, circuit-switched networks, reduced load approximations. Basic Queueing Theory: arrival processes, service time distributions, Little's Law; Point Processes: Poisson process, properties and generalisations; Renewal Processes: preliminaries, renewal function, renewal theory and applications, stationary and delayed renewal processes.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "574": {"id": "2NerW_w-JdzRuUw-pe3yL", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "KTPAab2woDxEULeOxaXiw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25008, "section": "SE01", "size": 4, "enrolled": 2, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "ip7xWp5WwiDqfzOhE30mr", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25010, "section": "WR01", "size": 4, "enrolled": 2, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "575": {"id": "xX7plvukpCXsglOqSjPyv", "course_id": "102803", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102803", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Applied Probability", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "APP MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7065", "CLASS_NBR": 15132, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "(MATHS 1012 and MATHS 2103) or (MATHS 2201 and MATHS 2202) or (MATHS 2106 and MATHS 2107); knowledge of Markov chains, such as would be obtained from MATHS 2103", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Many processes in the real world involve some random variation superimposed on a deterministic structure. For example, the experiment of flipping a coin is best studied by treating the outcome as a random one. Mathematical probability has its origins in games of chance with dice and cards, from the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. This course aims to provide a basic toolkit for modelling and analysing discrete-time problems in which there is a significant probabilistic component. We will consider Markov chain examples in the course including population branching processes (with application to genetics), random walks (with application to games), and more general discrete time examples using Martingales.\n\nTopics covered are: basic probability and measure theory, discrete time Markov chains, hitting probabilities and hitting time theorems, population branching processes, inhomogeneous random walks on the line, solidarity properties and communicating classes, necessary and sufficient conditions for transience and positive recurrence, global balance, partial balance, reversibility, Martingales, stopping times and stopping theorems with a link to Brownian motion.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "576": {"id": "xX7plvukpCXsglOqSjPyv", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "k6Gtv40U75zvl8AX7Ugqk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15129, "section": "SE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "-Zg7yuvKkMJVQbbwHcV0j", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15132, "section": "WR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "577": {"id": "xLbpsnYMqr-e9vVdR_jKf", "course_id": "102812", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102812", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Optimisation", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "APP MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7072", "CLASS_NBR": 15139, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MATHS 1012 and basic computer programming skills such as would be obtained from ENG 1002, ENG 1003, COMP SCI 1012, COMP SCI 1101, MECH ENG 1100, MECH ENG 1102, MECH ENG 1103, MECH ENG 1104, MECH ENG 1105, C&ENVENG 1012", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Most problems in life are optimisation problems: what is the best design for a racing kayak? How do you get the best return on your investments? What is the best use of your time in swot vac? What is the shortest route across town for an emergency vehicle? What are the optimal release rates from a dam for environmental flows in a river? Mathematical formulations of such optimisation problems might contain one or many independent variables. There may or may not be constraints on those variables. However, there is always an objective: minimise or maximise some function of the variable(s) subject to the constraints. This course examines nonlinear mathematical formulations, and concentrates on convex optimisation problems. Many modern optimisation methods in areas such as design of communication networks and finance rely on the classical underpinnings covered in this course. Topics covered are: One-dimensional (line) searches, direct methods, polynomial approximation, methods for differentiable functions; Theory of convex and nonconvex functions relevant to optimisation; Multivariable unconstrained optimisation, quasi-Newton Method, steepest descent methods, conjugate gradient methods; Constrained optimisation, including Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions and the Gradient Projection Method; Heuristics for non-convex problems, genetic algorithms.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "578": {"id": "xLbpsnYMqr-e9vVdR_jKf", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "ESOfj9XxdfypnspfXoiqE", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15135, "section": "SE01", "size": 4, "enrolled": 4, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "5ccynH41bWoWVo9IniQ-i", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15139, "section": "WR02", "size": 2, "enrolled": 2, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15140, "section": "WR01", "size": 2, "enrolled": 2, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "579": {"id": "A0BycMkbLuQ_-aapL5pGQ", "course_id": "102804", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102804", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Fluid Mechanics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "APP MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7075", "CLASS_NBR": 10705, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "(MATHS 2102 or MATHS 2106 or MATHS 2201) and (MATHS 2101 or MATHS 2202 or ELEC ENG 2106) and (MATHS 2104 or MATHS 2107)", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, exam.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Fluid flows are important in many scientific and technological problems including atmospheric and oceanic circulation, energy production by chemical or nuclear combustion in engines and stars, energy utilisation in vehicles, buildings and industrial processes, and biological processes such as the flow of blood. Considerable progress has been made in the mathematical modelling of fluid flows and this has greatly improved our understanding of these problems, but there is still much to discover. This course introduces students to the mathematical description of fluid flows and the solution of some important flow problems.\n\nTopics covered are: the mathematical description of fluid flow in terms of Lagrangian and Eulerian coordinates; the derivation of the Navier-Stokes equations from the fundamental physical principles of mass and momentum conservation; use of the stream function, velocity potential and complex potential are introduced to find solutions of the governing equations for inviscid, irrotational flow past bodies and the forces acting on those bodies; analytic and numerical solutions of the Navier-Stokes equation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "580": {"id": "A0BycMkbLuQ_-aapL5pGQ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "qDr_kl-BQs9zE_heaGa3a", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10702, "section": "SE01", "size": 2, "enrolled": 2, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "JJ-Muj_s0wVl2G9teQ1yD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10705, "section": "WR01", "size": 2, "enrolled": 2, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Assessment", "id": "I3VRucTS6PV-oBGnPSSSD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18814, "section": "AS01", "size": 2, "enrolled": 2, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "581": {"id": "FGZpkt4VgeCisJQqZNvcs", "course_id": "105660", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105660", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Applied Mathematics Topic E", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "APP MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7087", "CLASS_NBR": 25476, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, Exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is available for students taking a Masters degree in Mathematical Sciences. The course will cover an advanced topic in applied mathematics. For details of the topic offered this year please refer to the Course Outline.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "582": {"id": "FGZpkt4VgeCisJQqZNvcs", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "ss78JsHe-e3R3-z2WcXcL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25476, "section": "SE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 2, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, 204, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, 204, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "583": {"id": "Yq6LAmdiltuVg7eQ-e9Li", "course_id": "105661", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105661", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Applied Mathematics Topic F", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "APP MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7088", "CLASS_NBR": 25477, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, Exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is available for students taking a Masters degree in Mathematical Sciences. The course will cover an advanced topic in applied mathematics. For details of the topic offered this year please refer to the Course Outline.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "584": {"id": "Yq6LAmdiltuVg7eQ-e9Li", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "G1iLaLNFXl00FuOmQE0LZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25477, "section": "SE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 3, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "585": {"id": "fS9fEGydtZmGS6s7YLJM8", "course_id": "107356", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107356", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Partial Differential Equations and Waves", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "APP MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7107", "CLASS_NBR": 25470, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 contact hours per week.", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "(MATHS 2102 or MATHS 2106 or MATHS 2201) and (MATHS 2104 or MATHS 2107)", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Differential equation models describe a wide range of complex problems in biology, engineering, physical sciences, economics and finance. This course focusses on partial differential equation (PDE) models, which will be developed in the context of modelling heat and mass transport and, in particular, wave phenomena, such as sound and water waves. This course develops students' skills in the formulation, solution, understanding and interpretation of PDE models. As well as developing analytic solutions, this course establishes general structures, characterisations, and numerical solutions of PDEs. In particular, computational methods using finite differences are implemented and analysed.\n\nTopics covered are: Formulation of PDEs using conservation laws: heat/mass/ wave energy transport; waves on strings and membranes; sound waves; Euler equations and velocity potential for water waves. The structure of solutions to PDEs: separation of variables (space/space, space/time); boundary value problems; SturmLouiville theory; method of characteristics; and classification of PDEs via coordinate transformation. Complex-variable form of waves. Wave dispersion. Group velocity. Finite difference solution of PDEs and BVPs: implicit and explicit methods; programming; consistency, stability and convergence; numerical differentiation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "586": {"id": "fS9fEGydtZmGS6s7YLJM8", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "81p8CSoH4bH0mrym6qN_b", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25470, "section": "WR01", "size": 7, "enrolled": 4, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 218, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "587": {"id": "M4eVpOhbFFCKSCBs_iX2q", "course_id": "107757", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107757", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "AMSI - Applied Mathematics Topic A", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "APP MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7110EX", "CLASS_NBR": 15872, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "588": {"id": "M4eVpOhbFFCKSCBs_iX2q", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "CbQTrh8JEFB6qgLqDflAn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15872, "section": "01EX", "size": 3, "enrolled": 0, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "589": {"id": "bfyEBMm7_GNQWlKIHAUWV", "course_id": "107757", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107757", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "AMSI - Applied Mathematics Topic A", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "APP MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7110EX", "CLASS_NBR": 25881, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "590": {"id": "bfyEBMm7_GNQWlKIHAUWV", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "Kht1xMI4Q6J3mHKp7w1ng", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25881, "section": "01EX", "size": 3, "enrolled": 0, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "591": {"id": "HQBP8rgUY0DvJz6CFaY5m", "course_id": "107758", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107758", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "AMSI - Applied Mathematics Topic B", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "APP MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7111EX", "CLASS_NBR": 15873, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "592": {"id": "HQBP8rgUY0DvJz6CFaY5m", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "yy9LsiKvxbKQOIiAPe1df", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15873, "section": "01EX", "size": 3, "enrolled": 0, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "593": {"id": "TtOzS9TmPqHQUxJjzlXW4", "course_id": "107758", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107758", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "AMSI - Applied Mathematics Topic B", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "APP MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7111EX", "CLASS_NBR": 25882, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "594": {"id": "TtOzS9TmPqHQUxJjzlXW4", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "F_enPgviNbalGBoyTT_CO", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25882, "section": "01EX", "size": 3, "enrolled": 0, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "595": {"id": "49kf1Uxwf_NHar0bOxvJK", "course_id": "110039", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110039", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Decision Science PG", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "APP MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7124", "CLASS_NBR": 21320, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MATHS 7027 and MATHS 7103", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Proficiency in at least one of R, Python, MATLAB or Julia.", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is focused on equipping students with simulation techniques to underpin decision making. Simulation is widely used to model systems, to evaluate risk, and to optimise objective functions, with the goal to inform decisions. Building up from uniform random generation, some of the key simulation techniques used for efficient simulation to support decision-making will be presented. Topics covered are: Uniform random number and random variable generation; random process generation; discrete-event simulation; basic statistical analysis of simulation data; variance reduction techniques; rare-event simulation; randomized optimization; applications in systems modelling, risk analysis and optimisation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "596": {"id": "49kf1Uxwf_NHar0bOxvJK", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "XmPApqBqxFsrL2jXbYuSC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21320, "section": "SE01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 2, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "AWgqN4Dh5ysO3LGK15E2F", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21316, "section": "PR02", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21317, "section": "PR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 1, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "597": {"id": "nzoyOXfV84fgsCtMAygbj", "course_id": "110039", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110039", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Decision Science PG", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "APP MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7124", "CLASS_NBR": 36032, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MATHS 7027 and MATHS 7103", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Proficiency in at least one of R, Python, MATLAB or Julia.", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is focused on equipping students with simulation techniques to underpin decision making. Simulation is widely used to model systems, to evaluate risk, and to optimise objective functions, with the goal to inform decisions. Building up from uniform random generation, some of the key simulation techniques used for efficient simulation to support decision-making will be presented. Topics covered are: Uniform random number and random variable generation; random process generation; discrete-event simulation; basic statistical analysis of simulation data; variance reduction techniques; rare-event simulation; randomized optimization; applications in systems modelling, risk analysis and optimisation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "598": {"id": "nzoyOXfV84fgsCtMAygbj", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "q8GXX7INLzsSTqNECzusy", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36032, "section": "SE01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 41, "available": 59, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Sep - 18 Nov", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "oMlSP5KArHHhzsiFgIDiS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36031, "section": "PR01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 27, "available": 33, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Sep - 18 Nov", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 36320, "section": "PR02", "size": 40, "enrolled": 14, "available": 26, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Sep - 18 Nov", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "599": {"id": "qJl632qKJd54UEVu1O0mI", "course_id": "109081", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109081", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Masters Project in Applied Mathematics A - Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "APP MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7200A", "CLASS_NBR": 16098, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "MMaSc students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students undertake a detailed study under the guidance of a supervisor and document their work in the form of a thesis. The topic of the project is decided by the supervisor in conjunction with the student. Students not only increase their discipline knowledge, but develop critical analysis and technical writing skills that are highly useful for many occupations and essential for postgraduate research degrees.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 07/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "600": {"id": "qJl632qKJd54UEVu1O0mI", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "ky7JG-9h6KlWuIojAAytg", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16098, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "601": {"id": "T1oxogNw8WjAKoCigWlOX", "course_id": "109081", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109081", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Masters Project in Applied Mathematics A - Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "APP MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7200A", "CLASS_NBR": 26099, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "MMaSc students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students undertake a detailed study under the guidance of a supervisor and document their work in the form of a thesis. The topic of the project is decided by the supervisor in conjunction with the student. Students not only increase their discipline knowledge, but develop critical analysis and technical writing skills that are highly useful for many occupations and essential for postgraduate research degrees.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "602": {"id": "T1oxogNw8WjAKoCigWlOX", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Vd5ItNeCMuEJ1DG3hreEe", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26099, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "603": {"id": "NfBczUcW4IeI92qtQkcJl", "course_id": "109082", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109082", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Masters Project in Applied Mathematics B - Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "APP MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7200B", "CLASS_NBR": 16099, "SESSION_CD": "TYB", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "MMaSc students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students undertake a detailed study under the guidance of a supervisor and document their work in the form of a thesis. The topic of the project is decided by the supervisor in conjunction with the student. Students not only increase their discipline knowledge, but develop critical analysis and technical writing skills that are highly useful for many occupations and essential for postgraduate research degrees.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 07/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "604": {"id": "NfBczUcW4IeI92qtQkcJl", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "DRTUAuiGzXdv015s6lASU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16099, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "605": {"id": "mM1F-DRi6GyyTjCb-mthe", "course_id": "109082", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109082", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Masters Project in Applied Mathematics B - Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "APP MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7200B", "CLASS_NBR": 26100, "SESSION_CD": "TYB", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "MMaSc students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students undertake a detailed study under the guidance of a supervisor and document their work in the form of a thesis. The topic of the project is decided by the supervisor in conjunction with the student. Students not only increase their discipline knowledge, but develop critical analysis and technical writing skills that are highly useful for many occupations and essential for postgraduate research degrees.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "606": {"id": "mM1F-DRi6GyyTjCb-mthe", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "XNkPOcFSCMrMTkrRqlnJy", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26100, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "607": {"id": "WOWxldq5TTL6ivbQr2BJy", "course_id": "109083", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109083", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Masters Project in Applied Mathematics C - Part 3", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "APP MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7200C", "CLASS_NBR": 16100, "SESSION_CD": "TYC", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "MMaSc students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students undertake a detailed study under the guidance of a supervisor and document their work in the form of a thesis. The topic of the project is decided by the supervisor in conjunction with the student. Students not only increase their discipline knowledge, but develop critical analysis and technical writing skills that are highly useful for many occupations and essential for postgraduate research degrees.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "608": {"id": "WOWxldq5TTL6ivbQr2BJy", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "6DsIDFPS92gSE3k9ixllg", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16100, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "609": {"id": "1FW8d2BkpKHNBs2etuPB4", "course_id": "109083", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109083", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Masters Project in Applied Mathematics C - Part 3", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "APP MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7200C", "CLASS_NBR": 26101, "SESSION_CD": "TYC", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "MMaSc students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students undertake a detailed study under the guidance of a supervisor and document their work in the form of a thesis. The topic of the project is decided by the supervisor in conjunction with the student. Students not only increase their discipline knowledge, but develop critical analysis and technical writing skills that are highly useful for many occupations and essential for postgraduate research degrees.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "610": {"id": "1FW8d2BkpKHNBs2etuPB4", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "EtJrbwAE5XKh-drisTLsV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26101, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "611": {"id": "YeqE3UPQ59URZkaY-xQ-l", "course_id": "109084", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109084", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Masters Project in Applied Mathematics D - Part 4", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "APP MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7200D", "CLASS_NBR": 16101, "SESSION_CD": "TYD", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "MMaSc students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students undertake a detailed study under the guidance of a supervisor and document their work in the form of a thesis. The topic of the project is decided by the supervisor in conjunction with the student. Students not only increase their discipline knowledge, but develop critical analysis and technical writing skills that are highly useful for many occupations and essential for postgraduate research degrees.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "612": {"id": "YeqE3UPQ59URZkaY-xQ-l", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "diQnj_LbC9UldPtjrA4lS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16101, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "613": {"id": "fdWFu3DC_IrRoTc5WhWao", "course_id": "109084", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109084", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Masters Project in Applied Mathematics D - Part 4", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "APP MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7200D", "CLASS_NBR": 26102, "SESSION_CD": "TYD", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "MMaSc students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students undertake a detailed study under the guidance of a supervisor and document their work in the form of a thesis. The topic of the project is decided by the supervisor in conjunction with the student. Students not only increase their discipline knowledge, but develop critical analysis and technical writing skills that are highly useful for many occupations and essential for postgraduate research degrees.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "614": {"id": "fdWFu3DC_IrRoTc5WhWao", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "JRdIIt2wdTTAdDp6DdgjS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26102, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "615": {"id": "RQHsSRqLZl52z6hmME9Xe", "course_id": "110400", "term": "4466", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110400", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4466", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 6", "COURSE_TITLE": "Decision Sciences", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "APP MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7201OL", "CLASS_NBR": 66014, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Master of Data Science (Applied) OL Only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 7211OL, DATA 7301OL, DATA 7302OL and MATHS 7027OL. Carousel 2 Courses", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is focused on equipping students with simulation techniques to underpin decision-making. Simulation is widely used to model systems, to evaluate risk, and to optimise objective functions, with the goal to inform decisions. Building up from uniform random generation, some of the key simulation techniques used for efficient simulation to support decision-making will be presented. Students will be able to utilise: uniform random number and random variable generation; random process generation; discrete-event simulation; basic statistical analysis of simulation data; applications in systems modelling and risk analysis.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 04/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 01/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 18/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 02/12/2024"}}]}, "616": {"id": "RQHsSRqLZl52z6hmME9Xe", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "F9cfDnN70PMhybMYvoH_W", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 66014, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 20, "available": 280, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "617": {"id": "XA5beXbGQ6pVPUo2bKbZk", "course_id": "111344", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111344", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Applied Mathematics Masters Project A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "APP MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7300A", "CLASS_NBR": 16287, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "MMaSc students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students undertake a detailed study under the guidance of a supervisor and document their work in the form of a thesis. The topic of the project is decided by the supervisor in conjunction with the student. Students not only increase their discipline knowledge, but develop critical analysis and technical writing skills that are highly useful for many occupations and essential for postgraduate research degrees.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 07/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "618": {"id": "XA5beXbGQ6pVPUo2bKbZk", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "yCvWqn_2dG-0Ta8lFFYsY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16287, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "619": {"id": "c3E51SVTqq3CWbViqJgHg", "course_id": "111344", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111344", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Applied Mathematics Masters Project A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "APP MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7300A", "CLASS_NBR": 26318, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "MMaSc students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students undertake a detailed study under the guidance of a supervisor and document their work in the form of a thesis. The topic of the project is decided by the supervisor in conjunction with the student. Students not only increase their discipline knowledge, but develop critical analysis and technical writing skills that are highly useful for many occupations and essential for postgraduate research degrees.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "620": {"id": "c3E51SVTqq3CWbViqJgHg", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "5eeYOrNFCawK87T8wMv5B", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26318, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "621": {"id": "MLULe0vwqQEeeP4jYNEdD", "course_id": "111345", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111345", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Applied Mathematics Masters Project B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "APP MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7300B", "CLASS_NBR": 16288, "SESSION_CD": "TYB", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "MMaSc students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students undertake a detailed study under the guidance of a supervisor and document their work in the form of a thesis. The topic of the project is decided by the supervisor in conjunction with the student. Students not only increase their discipline knowledge, but develop critical analysis and technical writing skills that are highly useful for many occupations and essential for postgraduate research degrees.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 07/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "622": {"id": "MLULe0vwqQEeeP4jYNEdD", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "7vxHhmyxK5e--W1qj4wWa", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16288, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "623": {"id": "Y2aHdUarAtZG1n-84_WAb", "course_id": "111345", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111345", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Applied Mathematics Masters Project B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "APP MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7300B", "CLASS_NBR": 26319, "SESSION_CD": "TYB", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "MMaSc students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students undertake a detailed study under the guidance of a supervisor and document their work in the form of a thesis. The topic of the project is decided by the supervisor in conjunction with the student. Students not only increase their discipline knowledge, but develop critical analysis and technical writing skills that are highly useful for many occupations and essential for postgraduate research degrees.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "624": {"id": "Y2aHdUarAtZG1n-84_WAb", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "1SD1g2jkiidCJNqfNXQDW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26319, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "625": {"id": "KBzF1aLVHtRMuJa-MmjNY", "course_id": "111346", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111346", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Applied Mathematics Masters Project C", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "APP MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7300C", "CLASS_NBR": 16289, "SESSION_CD": "TYC", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "MMaSc students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students undertake a detailed study under the guidance of a supervisor and document their work in the form of a thesis. The topic of the project is decided by the supervisor in conjunction with the student. Students not only increase their discipline knowledge, but develop critical analysis and technical writing skills that are highly useful for many occupations and essential for postgraduate research degrees.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "626": {"id": "KBzF1aLVHtRMuJa-MmjNY", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "PO--0kgWJOmhphjgvkpc4", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16289, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "627": {"id": "uuthSGb0yo11v3QELoBml", "course_id": "111346", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111346", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Applied Mathematics Masters Project C", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "APP MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7300C", "CLASS_NBR": 26320, "SESSION_CD": "TYC", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "MMaSc students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students undertake a detailed study under the guidance of a supervisor and document their work in the form of a thesis. The topic of the project is decided by the supervisor in conjunction with the student. Students not only increase their discipline knowledge, but develop critical analysis and technical writing skills that are highly useful for many occupations and essential for postgraduate research degrees.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "628": {"id": "uuthSGb0yo11v3QELoBml", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "p2NWeNGZoT95uJerKbceB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26320, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "629": {"id": "MrdNcotEtfcaWMJal4XQv", "course_id": "111351", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111351", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Applied Mathematics Masters Project D", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "APP MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7300D", "CLASS_NBR": 16294, "SESSION_CD": "TYD", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "MMaSc students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Thesis and seminar presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students undertake a detailed study under the guidance of a supervisor and document their work in the form of a thesis. The topic of the project is decided by the supervisor in conjunction with the student. Students not only increase their discipline knowledge, but develop critical analysis and technical writing skills that are highly useful for many occupations and essential for postgraduate research degrees.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "630": {"id": "MrdNcotEtfcaWMJal4XQv", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "tmQMqPMsuGMTRGTrm2ZN1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16294, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "631": {"id": "W5v0e6d8sPQ3EFISnnS66", "course_id": "111351", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111351", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Applied Mathematics Masters Project D", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "APP MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7300D", "CLASS_NBR": 26325, "SESSION_CD": "TYD", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "MMaSc students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Thesis and seminar presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students undertake a detailed study under the guidance of a supervisor and document their work in the form of a thesis. The topic of the project is decided by the supervisor in conjunction with the student. Students not only increase their discipline knowledge, but develop critical analysis and technical writing skills that are highly useful for many occupations and essential for postgraduate research degrees.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "632": {"id": "W5v0e6d8sPQ3EFISnnS66", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "vFIJ_2LBJuoq4PU8bL-H2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26325, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "633": {"subject": "ARCH", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "104272", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106737", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106743", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106745", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106746", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106749", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106751", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106751", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106752", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106754", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106756", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106757", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107727", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}]}}, "634": {"id": "ApqAGJsay3n27N8H5GIp0", "course_id": "104272", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104272", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Professional Practice (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ARCH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7020", "CLASS_NBR": 13523, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "040101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M Arch (Cswk) and M L Arch students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "ARCH 7019 or LARCH 7019", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ARCH 7014 or LARCH 7014", "ASSESSMENT": "Seminar papers, reports, quizzes", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course examines practice management and project management in the built environment professions, particularly architecture and landscape architecture. Topics in practice management include: ethical practice; the character and operation of practices; legal requirements; cash flow and profitability; running a business; professional memberships and registration; risk and professional liability; and personal career planning. Topics in project management include: project stages; procurement and feasibility; statutory requirements; management of time, cost and quality; and contracts and contract administration in private and public realms. Alternative and innovative pathways through the profession are also considered.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "635": {"id": "ApqAGJsay3n27N8H5GIp0", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "7yB0cuP-7qWATCjwBDMIn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13522, "section": "LE01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 90, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "Y5AVyhbxwQ_awjNgbm1Ej", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13523, "section": "TU04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522b, Studio"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522b, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13524, "section": "TU03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a, Studio"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13525, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 20, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522b, Studio"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522b, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13526, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 21, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a, Studio"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a, Studio"}]}]}]}]}, "636": {"id": "DgpVlrrqDZYpQC6rfgAOO", "course_id": "106737", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106737", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Studio Cultures: Architecture (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ARCH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7032", "CLASS_NBR": 10651, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "040101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M.Arch (Cswk) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Familiarity with 3D modelling software such as Rhino3d, digital rendering, image editing and layout software", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "The assessment consists of 3 elements. 1 - Semester Progress: weekly discussions / pin-ups 2 - Mid Review: Preliminary Design Proposal 3 - Final Review: Final Design Proposal", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This design studio focuses on context sensibility and critical self-reflection in the design process. The projects will investigate local, historical, political, social, and experiential layers of existing built fabrics, to develop appropriately sensitive and responsive designs for adaptive reuse and urban densification. The Studio aims to shift the students\u2019 thinking away from preconceived ideas and into methodologies for creating conceptual architecture that will evolve to a built form, addressing aesthetic, organisational and technical aspects along the way. The studio rises awareness and critical perspectives on cross-cultural encounters, and speculates on alternative ways of living, social interaction, and building.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "637": {"id": "DgpVlrrqDZYpQC6rfgAOO", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Studio", "id": "r37x5zyn_R8y65eCbQLYx", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10651, "section": "ST04", "size": 20, "enrolled": 18, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Studio", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 527, East Gallery"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 527, East Gallery"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 527, East Gallery"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 527, East Gallery"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10652, "section": "ST03", "size": 20, "enrolled": 17, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Studio", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 524, West Gallery"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 524, West Gallery"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 524, West Gallery"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 524, West Gallery"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10653, "section": "ST02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 17, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Studio", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 527, East Gallery"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 527, East Gallery"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 527, East Gallery"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 527, East Gallery"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10654, "section": "ST01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 19, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Studio", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 524, West Gallery"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 524, West Gallery"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 524, West Gallery"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 524, West Gallery"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "-Ly2fkGiLReLm5FvVRlEq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10650, "section": "LE01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 71, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "638": {"id": "TsS5lFEFnljx1s8OFYwdY", "course_id": "106743", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106743", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Construction (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ARCH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7033", "CLASS_NBR": 14163, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030903", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "DESST 1507 and DESST 2518", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Essays, written assignments, illustrated verbal presentations, preparation of variety of other graphic, visual and physical model-based materials", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course explores contemporary developments in materials, construction and engineering technologies that are appropriate for medium to large scale buildings, focusing on the relationship between structural systems, building envelopes and detailing. Students develop an appropriate structural solution and fa\u00e7ade design in response to their own architectural proposals, using a series of parametric digital tools for the evaluation and detailing of complex geometries. Students refine their solutions with consideration for codes and standards, and develop a workflow between 2D, 3D, BIM and final documentation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "639": {"id": "TsS5lFEFnljx1s8OFYwdY", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "2z5FCNev9UODeUVElSvEM", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14165, "section": "LE01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 70, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "X9UmhjJc2ry29RCd6BL61", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14163, "section": "PR02", "size": 40, "enrolled": 31, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 539, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 539, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14164, "section": "PR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 39, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 539, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 539, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "640": {"id": "RGgjQ3XfADq8PZ_SNMdl0", "course_id": "106745", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106745", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Studio: Urbanism (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ARCH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7034", "CLASS_NBR": 23598, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "040101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week for 12 weeks", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M.Arch (Cswk), M.LArch, M.Plan, M.Plan(UD), M.Arch/M.LArch and M.LArch/M.Plan(UD) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "The assessment consists of 3 elements. 1 - Semester Progress: weekly discussions / pin-ups 2 - Mid Review: Preliminary Design - screen presentation with reflective commentary 3 - Final Review: Detailed Design - print presentation with written exegesis", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This studio interrogates practices and theories of urban design. Students develop an urban design project that demonstrates their understanding of the interconnected nature of social, cultural, and technical influences at the scale of the city. Projects may be located within, but are not limited to, Adelaide. Following examinations of a chosen site, students identify and pursue their own projects in response to site-specific issues. These are compared against intellectual concepts and themes of international significance, treating the specific context as a laboratory for testing ideas against understandings of global urban conditions, infrastructure, and city development. The studio comprises a selection of study sites within the overall studio, each with their own specific approach and tutor to guide urban design investigations and development. Studio deliverables and criteria are consistent across each site and group.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "641": {"id": "RGgjQ3XfADq8PZ_SNMdl0", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Studio", "id": "kdJkoahUhCIdgzgGKEI80", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23598, "section": "ST05", "size": 20, "enrolled": 20, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Studio", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 510, Studio"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 510, Studio"}, {"dates": "20 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 510, Studio"}, {"dates": "3 Sep - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 510, Studio"}, {"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 510, Studio"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 510, Studio"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 510, Studio"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 510, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23600, "section": "ST03", "size": 20, "enrolled": 19, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Studio", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 509, Studio"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 509, Studio"}, {"dates": "20 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 509, Studio"}, {"dates": "3 Sep - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 509, Studio"}, {"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 509, Studio"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 509, Studio"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 509, Studio"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 509, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23601, "section": "ST02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 19, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Studio", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 511, Studio"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 511, Studio"}, {"dates": "20 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 511, Studio"}, {"dates": "3 Sep - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 511, Studio"}, {"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 511, Studio"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 511, Studio"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 511, Studio"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 511, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23602, "section": "ST01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 17, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Studio", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 528, Studio"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 528, Studio"}, {"dates": "20 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 528, Studio"}, {"dates": "3 Sep - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 528, Studio"}, {"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 528, Studio"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 528, Studio"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 528, Studio"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 528, Studio"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "g_WJjzwsIkMZn8mSRvixm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23597, "section": "LE01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 75, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}, {"dates": "20 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}, {"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}]}]}]}]}, "642": {"id": "I7Uk9Adsx4qv4S2RQHC6X", "course_id": "106746", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106746", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Critical Historical Practices (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ARCH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7035", "CLASS_NBR": 20278, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "040101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written and graphic presentations & analyses", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course focuses on the critical interpretation of architectural and landscape architectural history and its strategic relationship with contemporary design thinking and practice. In recognition of the diverse nature of professional agency and mastery within the discipline, the course introduces students to professional careers and leadership roles beyond traditional modes of professional practice as critics, theorists, historians or curators. Accordingly, the major assignment may take the form of an illustrated written essay, audio-visual presentations, or a curated exhibition on a relevant topic.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "643": {"id": "I7Uk9Adsx4qv4S2RQHC6X", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "DNlp4SmvWzyT9eufu6Nwa", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25290, "section": "TU04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 510, Studio"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 510, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25291, "section": "TU03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 4, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 509, Studio"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 509, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25292, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522b, Studio"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522b, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25293, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a, Studio"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a, Studio"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "lRQAZwc7vccxFh7GRd-V0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20278, "section": "WR01", "size": 95, "enrolled": 75, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "644": {"id": "son0pATewyBFQgAJ7tPGY", "course_id": "106749", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106749", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Experiential Studio (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ARCH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7037", "CLASS_NBR": 24018, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "040101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M.Arch (Cswk) and M.LArch students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically 60% assignments, 40% final projects", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The studio is conducted in either a metropolitan, regional, interstate or overseas location. This course provides an opportunity for students to learn from the particular expertise of a practitioner or studio leader in a read-world condition. Themes include design and built projects, cross-cultural issues through case studies and design propositions for future built. This course will typically include an exhibition and publication component.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "645": {"id": "son0pATewyBFQgAJ7tPGY", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Studio", "id": "lrhtKtOu0eU_9SdNCkgvy", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24014, "section": "ST01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 7, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Studio", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "150th Music Festival Stage Design Studio (9 August 2024 - 13 September 2024)"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 528, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24015, "section": "ST02", "size": 15, "enrolled": 11, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Studio", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Vitivoltaics Prototype Studio - (Monday 16th - 28th September 2024 and Friday 4th October 2024)"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "16 Sep - 16 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 Sep - 20 Sep", "days": "Tuesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 524, West Gallery"}, {"dates": "23 Sep - 23 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 524, West Gallery"}, {"dates": "24 Sep - 26 Sep", "days": "Tuesday, Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 539, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "27 Sep - 4 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 524, West Gallery"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24016, "section": "ST03", "size": 15, "enrolled": 12, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Studio", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Regenerative Design Studio - (Monday 4th to Friday 15th November 2024)"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Nov - 15 Nov", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 528, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24017, "section": "ST04", "size": 15, "enrolled": 15, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Studio", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Academy of Architecture Studio - (Monday 11th - Friday 22nd November 2024)"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "11 Nov - 22 Nov", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 511, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24018, "section": "ST05", "size": 10, "enrolled": 3, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Studio", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Regenerative Design Studio - (Monday 4th to Friday 15th November 2024)"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Nov - 15 Nov", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 528, Studio"}]}]}]}]}, "646": {"id": "vaEX4JfN0tInKt5PTIWtO", "course_id": "106751", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106751", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Independent Study (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ARCH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7039", "CLASS_NBR": 15810, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "040101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M.Arch (Cswk) and M.LArch students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically 30% preliminary presentation, 70% final report", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an opportunity to students to work independently on a chosen topic under the guidance of a supervisor. The topic of study can either be offered by the supervisor or proposed by the student and has to be mutually agreed by both parties.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "647": {"id": "vaEX4JfN0tInKt5PTIWtO", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "iFJeTWv7Hx8aF_gY_jDcj", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15810, "section": "01NT", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "648": {"id": "ltk3TcUSuvTXEbNBDbIDa", "course_id": "106751", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106751", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Independent Study (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ARCH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7039", "CLASS_NBR": 25822, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "040101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M.Arch (Cswk) and M.LArch students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically 30% preliminary presentation, 70% final report", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an opportunity to students to work independently on a chosen topic under the guidance of a supervisor. The topic of study can either be offered by the supervisor or proposed by the student and has to be mutually agreed by both parties.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "649": {"id": "ltk3TcUSuvTXEbNBDbIDa", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "ljPzIOayxBYOuBLg4qsmM", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25822, "section": "01NT", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "650": {"id": "kFah3YO0xs1vELjbqDVTC", "course_id": "106752", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106752", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Studio: Architecture (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ARCH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7040", "CLASS_NBR": 15347, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "040101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M.Arch (Cswk) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ARCH 7032", "CO_REQUISITE": "ARCH 7041", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written assignments, illustrated verbal presentations, preparation design proposals communicated through graphic, visual and physical model-based materials", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course offers insights into the realities of the development process of large-scale multi-storey urban projects. It aims to accelerate the acquisition of professional and architectural proficiencies, and an understanding of the planning, property, and compliance aspects of contemporary practice. The work spans across from project initiation and site exploration to design, structure, and construction, building knowledge and skills in both theory and practical application. The course maps key stages of developing an architectural project: Design Concept, Feasibility, Developed Design, and Construction Documentation, producing designs that demonstrate understanding and critique of that context.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "651": {"id": "kFah3YO0xs1vELjbqDVTC", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "b_OZYudZtCINZfoOk3UFZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11235, "section": "LE01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 58, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Studio", "id": "Yg2MzgwDGgXFv7JfLOM0e", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10931, "section": "ST01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 37, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Studio", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 524, West Gallery"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 524, West Gallery"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15347, "section": "ST02", "size": 40, "enrolled": 21, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Studio", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 527, East Gallery"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 527, East Gallery"}]}]}]}]}, "652": {"id": "twf8lLT0Ehqffj9j2WZwn", "course_id": "106754", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106754", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Architecture Technologies (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ARCH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7041", "CLASS_NBR": 10361, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030905", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ARCH 7033", "CO_REQUISITE": "ARCH 7040", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "DESST 2517 and DESST 3517", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Essays, written assignments, illustrated verbal presentations, preparation of variety of other graphic, visual and physical model-based materials", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course explores conceptual and technical strategies for creating energy efficient and sustainable designs in the context of medium to large scale single to multi-storey buildings. It covers passive and active design solutions for ventilation, heating, cooling and lighting, while also addressing building materials, water sensitivity, energy production, and environmental performance assessments. The goal is to enable students to create spaces that provide ideal living and working conditions, using the minimum amount of resources, while simultaneously providing highest architectural and spatial qualities. Students will be using a series of parametric digital tools for performance assessment and the resolution of architectural designs.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "653": {"id": "twf8lLT0Ehqffj9j2WZwn", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "3gwIlPRCC9aCPDI3wdgbv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10363, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 23, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 509, Studio"}, {"dates": "16 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 509, Studio"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "JT959WZVc_w2iq3XiuNCX", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10558, "section": "PR01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 23, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "21 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 539, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "2 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 539, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "PzWF5QOXUQcOUD7SKuZji", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14091, "section": "LE01", "size": 75, "enrolled": 61, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}, {"association_group": "11", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "5FUAHUZAroUisMrgTfLFk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10362, "section": "TU02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 23, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 510, Studio"}, {"dates": "16 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 510, Studio"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "tqSTJGpkGlFjN_jwQnb5R", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10557, "section": "PR02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 23, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "21 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 539, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "2 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 539, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "rvhSFC8T95jGggXYancVf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14091, "section": "LE01", "size": 75, "enrolled": 61, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}, {"association_group": "12", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "nKFL6BfDWhL6GPWEEQBa-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10361, "section": "TU03", "size": 22, "enrolled": 15, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 528, Studio"}, {"dates": "16 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 528, Studio"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "1fmUSR6Nsz1lfoH1k4EKG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10556, "section": "PR03", "size": 22, "enrolled": 15, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "21 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 539, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "2 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 539, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "520_Wo1mCeSIbUGpvLOgF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14091, "section": "LE01", "size": 75, "enrolled": 61, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "654": {"id": "FWaz8WDMrmTa5ERonmayh", "course_id": "106756", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106756", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Designing Research (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ARCH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7042", "CLASS_NBR": 19758, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "040101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M.Arch(Cswk), M.Larch, M.PlanUD, M.Property and M.ConMgnt students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ARCH 7020", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Essays, written assignments, illustrated verbal presentations, preparation of variety of other graphic, visual and physical model-based materials", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course explores a variety of understandings and methods of undertaking and delivering `research'. Research is understood as the organised activity of focused observation, recording, analysis and documented communication of a determined point of investigation. Students review a number of traditional and formalised methods for undertaking and disseminating the findings of such inquiries which are typically text-based and sequential. In addition, and appropriate to the subject under investigation, students are also encouraged to explore variations where the design process itself is proposed as a parallel potential research methodology. Based on a series of examples presented, students are required to develop their own research frameworks and proposals which demonstrate an understanding of the principles, structure and purpose of research.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "655": {"id": "FWaz8WDMrmTa5ERonmayh", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "M5qxHUIfWhTiDMsknIw7I", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15097, "section": "LE01", "size": 350, "enrolled": 337, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "bS7HOz-_g3ItX-3cbmcHi", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10957, "section": "TU22", "size": 11, "enrolled": 11, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10958, "section": "TU21", "size": 11, "enrolled": 11, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11464, "section": "TU19", "size": 11, "enrolled": 11, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11465, "section": "TU20", "size": 11, "enrolled": 11, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12256, "section": "TU23", "size": 11, "enrolled": 11, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12257, "section": "TU24", "size": 11, "enrolled": 11, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12258, "section": "TU25", "size": 11, "enrolled": 10, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15098, "section": "TU18", "size": 11, "enrolled": 11, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15099, "section": "TU17", "size": 11, "enrolled": 10, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15100, "section": "TU16", "size": 11, "enrolled": 11, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15101, "section": "TU15", "size": 11, "enrolled": 11, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15102, "section": "TU14", "size": 11, "enrolled": 10, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15103, "section": "TU13", "size": 11, "enrolled": 11, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 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5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15107, "section": "TU09", "size": 11, "enrolled": 7, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15108, "section": "TU08", "size": 11, "enrolled": 11, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15109, "section": "TU07", "size": 11, "enrolled": 9, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15110, "section": "TU06", "size": 11, "enrolled": 11, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15111, "section": "TU05", "size": 11, "enrolled": 11, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15112, "section": "TU04", "size": 11, "enrolled": 11, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15113, "section": "TU03", "size": 11, "enrolled": 11, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15114, "section": "TU02", "size": 11, "enrolled": 11, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15115, "section": "TU01", "size": 11, "enrolled": 11, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15118, "section": "TU30", "size": 11, "enrolled": 11, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15119, "section": "TU29", "size": 11, "enrolled": 10, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15120, "section": "TU28", "size": 11, "enrolled": 11, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15121, "section": "TU27", "size": 11, "enrolled": 11, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15122, "section": "TU26", "size": 11, "enrolled": 10, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19758, "section": "TU32", "size": 11, "enrolled": 10, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19759, "section": "TU31", "size": 11, "enrolled": 11, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}]}]}]}]}, "656": {"id": "JkTj4zcxcv76N4pF-pXwE", "course_id": "106757", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106757", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Final Architecture Project (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ARCH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7043", "CLASS_NBR": 20569, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "040101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 12 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M.Arch (Cswk) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ARCH 7032, ARCH 7033, ARCH 7034, ARCH 7035", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "70% - Design Project; 30% - Theoretical Exegesis. This may be in the form of an illustrated written report, or an audio visual presentation.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Final Project is a self-lead design studio, in which students are asked to develop an architectural proposition in response to a specific topic or research question. In response to their individual interests, students are given the opportunity to choose from different studio options and their respective fields of inquiry. Students work on design projects of medium to high complexity, that showcase their mastery in particular areas of the discipline. The studio supports speculative and critical thinking that responds to the multiplicity of human needs and desires, while also addressing aspects of organisation, urbanism, technology and construction principles, history, theory and culture. The studio leaders will assist students in establishing objectives and methods for their individual design research projects, within the guidelines and deliverables set for the overall course. As the culmination of the master's program, students discuss the relevance of their designs in relation to contemporary practice, current societal developments, and architectural debates.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "657": {"id": "JkTj4zcxcv76N4pF-pXwE", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Studio", "id": "r4qe7rCxoxCL815JPcpOA", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20569, "section": "ST08", "size": 10, "enrolled": 10, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Studio", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 527, East Gallery"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 540b, Studio"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 527, East Gallery"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 540b, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20570, "section": "ST07", "size": 9, "enrolled": 9, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Studio", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 524, West Gallery"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 540a, Studio"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 524, West Gallery"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 540a, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20571, "section": "ST06", "size": 9, "enrolled": 9, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Studio", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 527, East Gallery"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 540b, Studio"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 527, East Gallery"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 540b, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20572, "section": "ST05", "size": 8, "enrolled": 8, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Studio", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 524, West Gallery"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 540a, Studio"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 524, West Gallery"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 540a, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20573, "section": "ST04", "size": 8, "enrolled": 8, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Studio", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 527, East Gallery"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 540a, Studio"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 527, East Gallery"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 540a, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20574, "section": "ST03", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Studio", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 524, West Gallery"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 540a, Studio"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 524, West Gallery"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 540a, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20575, "section": "ST02", "size": 9, "enrolled": 10, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Studio", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 527, East Gallery"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 540b, Studio"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 527, East Gallery"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 540b, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20576, "section": "ST01", "size": 9, "enrolled": 9, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Studio", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 524, West Gallery"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 540b, Studio"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 524, West Gallery"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 540b, Studio"}]}]}]}]}, "658": {"id": "ddUdUm8FZQef8EF9dzUE8", "course_id": "107727", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107727", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Development Studio", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ARCH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7045", "CLASS_NBR": 15345, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "040100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M. Plan, M. Prop and M. Construction Management students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PROP 7000", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Group assignment, interim individual presentation, final individual presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This studio explores the processes by which medium to large scale multi-storey urban projects are initiated, developed documented and delivered. It addresses issues related to various stakeholders, environmental systems, structures and construction appropriate to the scale of such projects. Students from architecture and associated built environment disciplines work together to analyse context, negotiate a brief and develop a concept and detailed design. Students develop critical thinking and formulate responses to the challenges of a given physical, economic, social and policy context. The outcome should be a costed design which demonstrates understanding and critique of its context. The design exploration and proposition shall be communicated through graphic and verbal presentations and may include three dimensional models.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "659": {"id": "ddUdUm8FZQef8EF9dzUE8", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "jZrwDXbUjTatG65gKxPX8", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11234, "section": "LE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 19, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Studio", "id": "AnzpiGF8dQLG3ah_HhPU5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15345, "section": "ST02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 5, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Studio", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15346, "section": "ST01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 14, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Studio", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 509, Studio"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 509, Studio"}]}]}]}]}, "660": {"subject": "ARTH", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "111405", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109285", "term": "4420", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "111443", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109719", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111406", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111456", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "661": {"id": "oZGyH8EiU5SvyTn-H4bfS", "course_id": "111405", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111405", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "The Italian Renaissance: Art and Creativity", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ARTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "2006OL", "CLASS_NBR": 11208, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090305", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week structured learning online", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Visual Analysis, Oral Presentation, Quiz, Research Essay", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Italian Renaissance invokes a period of cultural invigoration, experimentation, and innovation generated by a confluence of artistic, philosophical, intellectual, and political influences stimulated by cross cultural encounters, forms of social and material exchange, and development of trade and global networks. This online course examines visual and textual sources and theories about art and creativity in fifteenth- and sixteenth-century Italy beyond the cult of antiquity, with a focus on major artists and patrons associated with Florence, Venice, and Rome. Special topics to be studied include materials and materiality, patronage and collecting activities, the emerging concept of the artist as opposed to artisan, artistic competition, impact of political conflicts and incessant warfare raging across the Italian peninsula, polymathic creative practice, representations of the body, gender, race, and sexuality, and intersections between art, technologies, and scientific curiosity about the natural world. While works of art and primary literary sources will be studied in national and international online collections and digital depositories, these resources will be supplemented whenever possible by object-based learning experiences to provide an imaginative portal into the people, places, objects, and values that composed Italian Renaissance art, society, and culture.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "662": {"id": "oZGyH8EiU5SvyTn-H4bfS", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "jKI4-1_1upYSaRmISUIS5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19021, "section": "LEC0", "size": 50, "enrolled": 45, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "SWsq7KHlRavc7ydTSN2Rp", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11208, "section": "TU01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 45, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 27 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "26 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "7 May - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "21 May - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "663": {"id": "MWRskDY5RDwZBqU7gbtUr", "course_id": "109285", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109285", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Digital Exhibition Project: Art History", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ARTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "3002OL", "CLASS_NBR": 29478, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090305", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to students undertaking an Art History & Visual Culture Major only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 15 units of Art History & Visual Culture Major courses", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "The course is designed as the capstone for the new Art History major. Students are expected to have sufficient skills and knowledge developed in the Level I, II, and III courses.", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Concept Map, Exhibition Proposal, Research Project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This capstone course consolidates disciplinary specific knowledge and skills gained in the Major in Art History and Visual Culture by introducing new art historical methods and theories in preparation for studying art at higher levels and employment in the museum and gallery sector. Through an independent research project and conceptualisation of an online exhibition using digital reproductions, students interpret and contextualise works of art held in local collections or focus on street art or public art in Adelaide. The course facilitates the application of art historical methodologies, critical analysis, and creativity in a real-world context.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "664": {"id": "MWRskDY5RDwZBqU7gbtUr", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "ESOI_dv6WYwDWJ1ATbIou", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29478, "section": "01OL", "size": 10, "enrolled": 4, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "665": {"id": "IYB_-TKdtBSJEg-b-YgJR", "course_id": "111443", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111443", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Baroque: Art and Emotions", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ARTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "3022OL", "CLASS_NBR": 21145, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090305", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "12 Units of Undergraduate study", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Short essay, Object Report, Oral Presentation, Research Essay", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "From the earthy naturalism and dramatic light effects of Caravaggio\u2019s paintings to the material opulence and glorious spectacle of Louis XIV\u2019s court at Versailles, Baroque art, architecture, and music offered new sensory experiences that aimed to stimulate and manipulate the emotions. The stylistic complexities of Baroque visual culture were not only an intrinsic manifestation of the continuing religious wars and other conflicts that complicated the Christian worldview and geopolitical map of early modern Europe but also created new networks of intellectual exchange. In this online course, we will investigate the myriad ways artists and patrons created private and public monuments and works of art that embodied the affective dynamism of the Baroque style from the fight against Protestant heresy during the Counter-Reformation to the development of new genres of still life, landscape, and peasants. We will analyse diverse artistic innovations in Italy, France, Spain, Flanders, and the Dutch Republic in sacred and secular works by Gianlorenzo Bernini, Caravaggio, the Carracci brothers, Artemisia Gentileschi, Diego Vel\u00e1zquez, Francisco de Zurbar\u00e1n, Jusepe de Ribera, Peter Paul Rubens, Rembrandt, Johannes Vermeer, Georges de la Tour, Nicolas Poussin and Claude Lorrain among other male and female artists. Topics will cover representations of gender and power, women and creativity, the body, anatomy, and physiognomy, the plague, death, and disease, innovations in portraiture, self-fabrication of cultural identities, and intersections between art and scientific discoveries of the natural world, including botany and entomology. Throughout the course, you will map the cultural reverberations of the Baroque ethos of the emotions within and beyond the creative practices and material culture of seventeenth-century Europe to encounter Neo-Baroque modes of literature, film, and popular entertainment today.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "666": {"id": "IYB_-TKdtBSJEg-b-YgJR", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "DpYLBNloBGmpuREbUcFZT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28886, "section": "LEC0", "size": 50, "enrolled": 37, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "Yl3QXadhqMOJMev1dTjcA", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21145, "section": "TU01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 37, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 23 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "6 Aug - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "20 Aug - 20 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "3 Sep - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "667": {"id": "AXvC3mDyNqS8YNAWg94Po", "course_id": "109719", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109719", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Digital Exhibition Project: Art History", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ARTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7003OL", "CLASS_NBR": 26167, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "109999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours online", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to GDipArtHist, MA(StArtHist) & MA(CuratMuseumSt) only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ARTH 7001", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Completion of 18 units of GDipArtHist courses", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ARTH 3002", "ASSESSMENT": "Concept map, Exhibition proposal , Research Project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course consolidates disciplinary specific knowledge and skills gained in the Graduate Diploma of Art History by introducing new art historical methods and theories in preparation for studying art at higher levels and employment in the museum and gallery sector. Through an independent research project and conceptualisation of an online exhibition using digital reproductions, students interpret and contextualise works of art held in local collections or focus on street art or public art in Adelaide. The course facilitates the application of art historical methodologies, critical analysis, and creativity in a real-world context.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "668": {"id": "AXvC3mDyNqS8YNAWg94Po", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "akZrKeBlDsfzmYAwjZjn6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26167, "section": "01OL", "size": 10, "enrolled": 5, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "669": {"id": "BBFTBbvH0vRKuIW1Gd6-8", "course_id": "111406", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111406", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "The Italian Renaissance: Art and Creativity", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ARTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7022OL", "CLASS_NBR": 11209, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090305", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Visual Analysis, Oral Presentation, Research Proposal, Research Essay", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Italian Renaissance invokes a period of cultural invigoration, experimentation, and innovation generated by a confluence of artistic, philosophical, intellectual, and political influences stimulated by cross cultural encounters, forms of social and material exchange, and development of trade and global networks. This online course examines visual and textual sources and theories about art and creativity in fifteenth- and sixteenth-century Italy beyond the cult of antiquity, with a focus on major artists and patrons associated with Florence, Venice, and Rome. Special topics to be studied include materials and materiality, patronage and collecting activities, the emerging concept of the artist as opposed to artisan, artistic competition, impact of political conflicts and incessant warfare raging across the Italian peninsula, polymathic creative practice, representations of the body, gender, race, and sexuality, and intersections between art, technologies, and scientific curiosity about the natural world. While works of art and primary literary sources will be studied in national and international online collections and digital depositories, these resources will be supplemented whenever possible by object-based learning experiences to provide an imaginative portal into the people, places, objects, and values that composed Italian Renaissance art, society, and culture.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "670": {"id": "BBFTBbvH0vRKuIW1Gd6-8", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "9KbXzfGn9GaBR_sh99GWf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19022, "section": "LEC0", "size": 15, "enrolled": 0, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "FkK6DLA-DfLbJT7v9n5LJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11209, "section": "TU01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 0, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 27 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "26 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "7 May - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "21 May - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "671": {"id": "ARFF_OJ1OURQseQgBJ4tD", "course_id": "111456", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111456", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Baroque: Art and Emotions", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ARTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7023OL", "CLASS_NBR": 21144, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090305", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week online", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Extended Label, Oral Presentation, Journal Article Review, Research essay", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "From the earthy naturalism and dramatic light effects of Caravaggio's paintings to the material opulence and glorious spectacle of Louis XIV's court at Versailles, Baroque art, architecture, and music offered new sensory experiences that aimed to stimulate and manipulate the emotions. The stylistic complexities of Baroque visual culture were not only an intrinsic manifestation of the continuing religious wars and other conflicts that complicated the Christian worldview and geopolitical map of early modern Europe but also created new networks of intellectual exchange. In this online course, we will investigate the myriad ways artists and patrons created private and public monuments and works of art that embodied the affective dynamism of the Baroque style from the fight against Protestant heresy during the Counter Reformation to the development of new genres of still life, landscape, and peasants. We will analyse diverse artistic innovations in Italy, France, Spain, Flanders, and the Dutch Republic in sacred and secular works by Gianlorenzo Bernini, Caravaggio, the Carracci brothers, Artemisia Gentileschi, Diego Vel\u00e1zquez, Francisco de Zurbar\u00e1n, Jusepe de Ribera, Peter Paul Rubens, Rembrandt, Johannes Vermeer, Georges de la Tour, Nicolas Poussin and Claude Lorrain among other male and female artists. Topics will cover representations of gender and power, women and creativity, the body, anatomy, and physiognomy, the plague, death, and disease, innovations in portraiture, self-fabrication of cultural identities, and intersections between art and scientific discoveries of the natural world, including botany and entomology. Throughout the course, you will map the cultural reverberations of the Baroque ethos of the emotions within and beyond the creative practices and material culture of seventeenth-century Europe to encounter Neo-Baroque modes of literature, film, and popular entertainment today.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "672": {"id": "ARFF_OJ1OURQseQgBJ4tD", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "AtRhvN_D660xHsRCUFXM0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28887, "section": "LEC0", "size": 25, "enrolled": 3, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "ISr1mUjE-2Ft-VvmoMLYn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21144, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 3, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 23 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "6 Aug - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "20 Aug - 20 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "3 Sep - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "673": {"subject": "ARTS", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "111249", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111249", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106806", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106807", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110459", "term": "4415", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109010", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109010", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109012", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109012", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109013", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109013", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "674": {"id": "9AXLme9JoG9dBeBFO9UvZ", "course_id": "111249", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111249", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introductory Arts: Theory and Method", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ARTS", "CATALOG_NBR": "1011", "CLASS_NBR": 11405, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100799", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BA(Adv) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ARTS 1008", "ASSESSMENT": "Discussion boards, Scaffolded critical analyses, Research essay", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Despite their diversity, the contemporary Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) share an intellectual genealogy and a core set of methodologies and critical approaches. This course will introduce you to several of these, including feminism, postcolonialism, historical materialism, science and technology studies, and indigenous knowledges. It will situate the HUMSS disciplines in their longer-run historical contexts, exploring how events like the Renaissance, the Enlightenment, and imperialism have shaped contemporary thought, and addressing critiques of these developments advanced by more recent scholars. This rigorous and systematic overview of the field will prepare you for your further studies whatever your major, while introducing you to the cohort of your fellow Arts Advanced students. The course will equip you with foundational academic skills in research and writing, and also serves as background and preparation for the third year Advanced Arts: Theory and Method course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "675": {"id": "9AXLme9JoG9dBeBFO9UvZ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "o6oGrKdxz6aopuH0Cnslk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11404, "section": "LE01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 44, "available": 26, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "pv4-5LcgA_98xymhZB8AK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11403, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 17, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11405, "section": "SE02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 27, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "676": {"id": "RF1GPBhC3lJ4dhzyPECI1", "course_id": "111249", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111249", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introductory Arts: Theory and Method", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ARTS", "CATALOG_NBR": "1011", "CLASS_NBR": 21422, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100799", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BA(Adv) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ARTS 1008", "ASSESSMENT": "Discussion boards, Scaffolded critical analyses, Research essay", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Despite their diversity, the contemporary Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) share an intellectual genealogy and a core set of methodologies and critical approaches. This course will introduce you to several of these, including feminism, postcolonialism, historical materialism, science and technology studies, and indigenous knowledges. It will situate the HUMSS disciplines in their longer-run historical contexts, exploring how events like the Renaissance, the Enlightenment, and imperialism have shaped contemporary thought, and addressing critiques of these developments advanced by more recent scholars. This rigorous and systematic overview of the field will prepare you for your further studies whatever your major, while introducing you to the cohort of your fellow Arts Advanced students. The course will equip you with foundational academic skills in research and writing, and also serves as background and preparation for the third year Advanced Arts: Theory and Method course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "677": {"id": "RF1GPBhC3lJ4dhzyPECI1", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "oYtHXuqN01IBkB1TCQkP5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21423, "section": "LE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 9, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "p8Mmq8kDv-WcqDBp7JpYj", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21422, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 9, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 19 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG11, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG11, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG11, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "678": {"id": "Ga198KdrvmeY3rRVKY1I9", "course_id": "106806", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106806", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Arts Research Project", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ARTS", "CATALOG_NBR": "3002", "CLASS_NBR": 29091, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "129900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "A quota of 30 applies", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BA(Adv) final year students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 6 units of Level II undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research Project, Seminar Presentation, Research Proposal", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an opportunity for BA (Advanced) students to complete a unique research project relating to one or both of their major disciplines. The main assignment for this course consists of an extended essay on a question identified by the student in negotiation with academics in their chosen subject areas. The essay should achieve a standard in content and presentation appropriate to that expected from students who may be aspiring to continue active research at Honours level and beyond. Students' work will be supported through a weekly seminar or other structured learning activities (e.g. online resources designed to assist in the development of high level skills in self-evaluation of work) and through active input from academic mentors.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "679": {"id": "Ga198KdrvmeY3rRVKY1I9", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "I7nSSKlNcmo-G8zf_SgLE", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29091, "section": "SE03", "size": 56, "enrolled": 49, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "680": {"id": "cmHT7tKWlIoTHDCkEOSCi", "course_id": "106807", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106807", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Arts: Theory and Method", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ARTS", "CATALOG_NBR": "3003", "CLASS_NBR": 11089, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "129900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "A quota of 30 applies", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BA(Adv) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 12 units of Level I undergraduate study including ARTS 1008", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "2 x Wiki-entries, research paper 1 (disciplinary), research paper 2 (Interdisciplinary)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to assist BA (Advanced) students in their study of a range of humanities and social sciences theories and methods. Students who wish to complete research work in the Arts may frequently encounter problems when they move from summarising theories to applying them in practice. Therefore, this course involves intensive scrutiny of a representative range of theories commonly encountered across the subject areas encompassed by this degree program. These theories are then explored through the examination of research work that illustrates active uses of these ideas to solve specific research problems. Students complete assignments in seminar classes and through written work that enables them to apply selected theoretical work to problems that they have identified independently.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "681": {"id": "cmHT7tKWlIoTHDCkEOSCi", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "XQF0_p00vwnooujNfOE2G", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11091, "section": "LE01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 22, "available": 48, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "9E6lJwvABXZhAn21gx6TU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11089, "section": "SE02", "size": 35, "enrolled": 13, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11090, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 9, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "682": {"id": "uNZUsyE498r-wPepd2s4x", "course_id": "110459", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110459", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Humans and Technology: From Stone Tools to Cyborgs", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ARTS", "CATALOG_NBR": "3011", "CLASS_NBR": 95047, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 9 hours per week x 4 weeks", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Video presentation , Research essay , Take-home examination , Weekly participation notes", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The young people of today will experience more change in their lifetimes than any previous generation of humans. They might even be the last generation of Homo sapiens. To grasp the magnitude of the current technological revolution, it is necessary to step back and place it in the bigger picture. This course explores the long history of the two-way relationship between humans and technology over the last 200,000 years. Humans create new forms of technology, but every significant technological innovation rewires society and changes us both physically and psychologically. \n\nDuring the course we examine in turn the impact on humans and human society of the following: (1) Stone tools, abstract language, and the domestication of fire; (2) The Neolithic agricultural revolution, metallurgy, and writing; (3) Gunpowder and the printing press; (4) The steam engine; (5) Telecommunications, e.g. telegraph, radio, television; (6) Digital technologies, genetic engineering and the hybridisation of humans and machines.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 24/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 28/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 11/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 17/07/2024"}}]}, "683": {"id": "uNZUsyE498r-wPepd2s4x", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "534SfctGHUUySrXYSuEUF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95047, "section": "WR02", "size": 35, "enrolled": 35, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jun - 15 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "26 Jun - 17 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "28 Jun - 19 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 95048, "section": "WR01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 35, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jun - 15 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Jun - 17 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Jun - 19 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "684": {"id": "YzHEnMoZ-5GZFVAxm0BFi", "course_id": "109010", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109010", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Final Project", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ARTS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7001", "CLASS_NBR": 16093, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "1 hour per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MA students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "12 units of Master level study including research prep courses", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Final Report 70%, Ancillary activities 30%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is the capstone experience for the Master of Arts. Students plan and complete a research project on a topic negotiated with a supervisor, building on disciplinary content and methodology learnt in earlier courses.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "685": {"id": "YzHEnMoZ-5GZFVAxm0BFi", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "pg90XwQlZNX3aPNJY30wK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16093, "section": "01NT", "size": 40, "enrolled": 3, "available": 37, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "686": {"id": "X02SmqOzephmf-gafQPxe", "course_id": "109010", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109010", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Final Project", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ARTS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7001", "CLASS_NBR": 26094, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "1 hour per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MA students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "12 units of Master level study including research prep courses", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Final Report 70%, Ancillary activities 30%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is the capstone experience for the Master of Arts. Students plan and complete a research project on a topic negotiated with a supervisor, building on disciplinary content and methodology learnt in earlier courses.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "687": {"id": "X02SmqOzephmf-gafQPxe", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "rOo-YheWF1DMwX_PszpCz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26094, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "688": {"id": "atqbFFv5ZERl8WJs3nzFN", "course_id": "109012", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109012", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Final Project Part A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ARTS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7002A", "CLASS_NBR": 16094, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "1 hour per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MA students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "12 units of Master level study including research prep courses", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Continuing course Part A", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is the capstone experience for the Master of Arts. Students plan and complete a research project on a topic negotiated with a supervisor, building on disciplinary content and methodology learnt in earlier courses.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "689": {"id": "atqbFFv5ZERl8WJs3nzFN", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "aCUvWeVHtuDGkng1a4Enu", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16094, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "690": {"id": "yddrAQ8s7jHGtJ-HdcsoR", "course_id": "109012", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109012", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Final Project Part A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ARTS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7002A", "CLASS_NBR": 26095, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "1 hour per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MA students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "12 units of Master level study including research prep courses", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Continuing course Part A", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is the capstone experience for the Master of Arts. Students plan and complete a research project on a topic negotiated with a supervisor, building on disciplinary content and methodology learnt in earlier courses.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "691": {"id": "yddrAQ8s7jHGtJ-HdcsoR", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "S_leoUbZBf5nWmN1qtkQW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26095, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "692": {"id": "ncsW4wH3crfNtCFhNbujP", "course_id": "109013", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109013", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Final Project Part B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ARTS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7002B", "CLASS_NBR": 16095, "SESSION_CD": "FM2", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "1 hour per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MA students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "12 units of Master level study including research prep courses", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Final report 70%, Ancillary activities 30%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is the capstone experience for the Master of Arts. Students plan and complete a research project on a topic negotiated with a supervisor, building on disciplinary content and methodology learnt in earlier courses.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "693": {"id": "ncsW4wH3crfNtCFhNbujP", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "EQVyzxI2CgnqLRt9ZMX7d", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16095, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "694": {"id": "ZoM8LktvVswPvyIaLgoT_", "course_id": "109013", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109013", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Final Project Part B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ARTS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7002B", "CLASS_NBR": 26096, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "1 hour per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MA students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "12 units of Master level study including research prep courses", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Final report 70%, Ancillary activities 30%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is the capstone experience for the Master of Arts. Students plan and complete a research project on a topic negotiated with a supervisor, building on disciplinary content and methodology learnt in earlier courses.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "695": {"id": "ZoM8LktvVswPvyIaLgoT_", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "EwSx1XBw5lwWTXBrO4OzL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26096, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "696": {"subject": "ASIA", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "101529", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108045", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108049", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108816", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108051", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}]}}, "697": {"id": "oSgcdgzORp5aTOk4AQJcR", "course_id": "101529", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "101529", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Asia and the World", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ASIA", "CATALOG_NBR": "1103", "CLASS_NBR": 24052, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "099999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, 20%, Writing Exercises 40%, Major Paper 40%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Asia's immense impact on the world over the last 2-3,000 years has often been obscured and is rarely part of Australian common knowledge. Asia and the World provides all students, but especially those doing International Studies and Asian Studies, with a basic introduction to notions of Asia. Many things which are taken for granted as being Western, often have their origins in the East in some way. This influence extends to language, hamburgers, philosophical ideas and ways of illustrating what we see. This influence is not limited to the ancient past. Today Asian pop culture is reshaping Western pop culture and ideas and products from Asia are changing our lives in fundamental ways even if the origins are not obvious. Asia and the World highlights the irony of how reactions to Asia shaped Europe's destiny and how its inventions and ideas have been adapted by Western states and often used to then dominate Asia in the colonial period. The contemporary rise of independent Asian nation states is reviewed and contextualised and the processes which obscure Asian influence are explained. Your view of why Australian/Western history and culture are the way they are may well change the way you see the world.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "698": {"id": "oSgcdgzORp5aTOk4AQJcR", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "T8rBMBZgZwSuNvkzuLeuZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28526, "section": "LEC0", "size": 100, "enrolled": 88, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "M0nGr4SgRNHbY_Zv8EMiJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24052, "section": "WR02", "size": 47, "enrolled": 44, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24053, "section": "WR01", "size": 47, "enrolled": 44, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "699": {"id": "qNBkdSUaPtxawa7DXheK9", "course_id": "108045", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108045", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Asian Cultures", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ASIA", "CATALOG_NBR": "1104", "CLASS_NBR": 14082, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Experience Description & Analysis 15%, Film Scene Description & Analysis 25%, Research Essay 40%, Homework Exercises & Notebook 20%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "How can Australian students begin to understand what happens when they go to China, Japan or other Asian countries? How can Asian students better understand the often unspoken differences between what they are used to at home and what often happens to them in Australia? This course can help.\n\nIntroduction to Asian Cultures introduces first year students to some of key cultural features of China and Japan (and East Asia more generally) and provides explicit concepts and explanations about aspects of Asian culture they are likely to experience. This approach is about providing tools for understanding and adjustment as well as more effective communication. \n\nASIA 1104 examines the ways in which these difference are reflected in language, social interactions, love & friendship etc. The nature of personal relations and business will also be explored while the ways that culture can influence government-to-government relations and diplomacy may also be discussed. Along the way, the course teaches the key differences between description and analysis. This course is also a great preparation for ASIA 2007 Cultures and Identities in second year.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "700": {"id": "qNBkdSUaPtxawa7DXheK9", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "5sS13d5WBviXIlNom8xnz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18607, "section": "LEC0", "size": 100, "enrolled": 84, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "SYY3ysGAzDppRtKB86T57", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14082, "section": "WR02", "size": 45, "enrolled": 39, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14083, "section": "WR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 45, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "701": {"id": "jK-C88pA6vGAx5OQRed4f", "course_id": "108049", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108049", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Asia: Cultures & Identities", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ASIA", "CATALOG_NBR": "2007", "CLASS_NBR": 24054, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 12 units of Level I undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Adequate level of English writing and comprehension is assumed", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Personal Identity Exercise 10%, Notebook 20%, Research Proposal 20%, Research essay 50%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Asia is not only increasingly important economically, Asian culture is also more and more relevant around the world. Cultures and Identities will highlight the diversity of this culture, particularly in China and Japan as these are the most influential in both Asia the West. How did we get from Confucianism to cosplay and anime shaping Western pop culture? How did one result in the other? This course will both explain traditional forces like Confucianism and Shinto shaping culture and identity as well as explore how modernisation has helped bring about Lolitas in Japan and angry young men (fenqing) in China. This exploration will help us understand how tradition was reshaped by modernity and eventually today's desire for ever higher levels of consumption. The course therefore covers traditional society and religion, the influence of imperialism and the modernisation imperative of the 19th Century, the social consequences of the post-war economic miracle and the rise of communism as well as the influence of contemporary globalisation and the digital revolution.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "702": {"id": "jK-C88pA6vGAx5OQRed4f", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "opfHD9iC8-WnRCRkQZcsz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28534, "section": "LEC0", "size": 140, "enrolled": 117, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "L7-GTVcA-B8VIEov58Y-F", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23116, "section": "WR01", "size": 63, "enrolled": 61, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24054, "section": "WR02", "size": 60, "enrolled": 56, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "703": {"id": "CGW8_4iD0RXnCQdoCs6SR", "course_id": "108816", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108816", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Ten Things You Should Know About China", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ASIA", "CATALOG_NBR": "2028", "CLASS_NBR": 10043, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 12 units of Level I undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Participation 10%, Oral presentation 20%, Essay (3000 words) 30%, Examination 40%.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Do the Chinese eat everything? Who are the Chinese? Is China communist? What is China? Do you want to learn Chinese? But which Chinese language? Who is Confucius and what did he say? What is Yin and Yang? Is there such a thing as Chinese literature? Who is arguably the most important writer in modern China and why? What do you know about the Great Leap Forward? Is the Cultural Revolution cultural and revolutionary? Do you know the colour of Deng Xiaoping's cat? What has that anything to do with the Chinese economy? This course will question almost everything you know or you think you know about China. \nTen Things You Should Know aims to challenge the accepted Australian wisdom and understanding of China, past or present, as presented in the media and some popular writings. By focusing on ten topics of personality or events and their surrounding issues in China's history and societal developments, this course will provoke debates and offers alternative perspectives to the answers of the above mentioned and other questions. The course aims to achieve three major goals for the students: 1) a critical understanding of some most important issues on China, 2) placing Australia and yourself in international context and 3) critical thinking towards anyone including the lecturer in this course who talks about China. \nOnce you finish the course you will be the leading light in topics on China when you are with your family, among your friends and in social gathering (seriously).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "704": {"id": "CGW8_4iD0RXnCQdoCs6SR", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "ICVppGFnA-afEq42l2pCr", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18559, "section": "LEC0", "size": 75, "enrolled": 51, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "6QdDl03ocSwCw9KNkh_nL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10043, "section": "TU02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 22, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10044, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "705": {"id": "_drKZEIA8ygmjZXPlA7aw", "course_id": "108051", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108051", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Asia Beyond Climate Change", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ASIA", "CATALOG_NBR": "3007", "CLASS_NBR": 16530, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 6 units of Level II undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ASIA 2025", "ASSESSMENT": "Notebook, Reflection Paper, Research Proposal, Research Essay", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "How can we adapt to climate change? Can Asia contribute to solve this existential crisis? Asia Beyond Climate Change explores these questions by focusing on China and Japan, the world's second and the third largest economies. Their experiences of modernisation have a lot to offer when reconsidering the meaning of development and questions of sustainability. Focus of this course is Japan. What does Japan's 2011 Fukushima nuclear crisis signify, and what can we learn from this experience? How is it relevant to climate change? The course examines a wide range of relevant topics including energy, agriculture, construction, education, youth, ageing population, and urban-rural relationships using a sociological approach. In particular, we examine how people respond to socio-ecological issues at the grassroots (e.g. Minamata), and how the intangible cultural heritage has contributed to new theoretical and philosophical reconsiderations of human-nature relationships (critical/postmodern animism). The role of China will be crucial to the world and so is Australia's. We examine the relevance of Japan's experience for these countries. The course is useful for students doing Japanese Studies, Chinese Studies, International Relations, International Development, Media Studies, Environmental Policy and Management, International Business, Education and Law, as well as Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Social Sciences.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "706": {"id": "_drKZEIA8ygmjZXPlA7aw", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "tMvFHiq4fLRjOFWbMilLl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18560, "section": "LEC0", "size": 170, "enrolled": 146, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "JatpOo9dxHjWO3XQFT1Wi", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14084, "section": "WR02", "size": 57, "enrolled": 51, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14085, "section": "WR01", "size": 56, "enrolled": 55, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 16530, "section": "WR03", "size": 45, "enrolled": 40, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "707": {"subject": "BIOCHEM", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "104276", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104277", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104278", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104279", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "002599", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "009829", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110530", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106133", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106134", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106977", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "708": {"id": "CXyZXM0erqcLKkvZb2vmQ", "course_id": "104276", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104276", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Biochemistry II: Molecular and Cell Biology", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOCHEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "2500", "CLASS_NBR": 11534, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 8 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "((CHEM 1100 and CHEM 1200) or (CHEM 1101 and CHEM 1201)) and (BIOLOGY 1101, BIOLOGY 1101ND, BIOLOGY 1001 or BIOLOGY 1401) and (BIOLOGY 1201 or BIOLOGY 1202)", "CO_REQUISITE": "One of SCIENCE 2100, SCIENCE 2101 or SCIENCE 2102; This co-requisite is the practical component that is worth 20% of your course.", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "BIOCHEM 2502", "ASSESSMENT": "Final exam, written tests, written practical assessment in the prac ABC system and online tests of multiple choice questions", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "BIOCHEM 2500 uses the knowledge and understanding gained in the prerequisite Level I courses (see below) to provide students with an appreciation and an understanding of key biochemistry and molecular biology concepts. Consequently the topics covered include specialised proteins, enzyme specificity and regulation, DNA structure, synthesis and repair, RNA and protein synthesis, and some pathways utilised to control gene expression. The course combines lectures, tutorials that reinforce the lecture content, and practicals to complement the lecture content.\n\nPRACTICAL COMPONENT worth 20% of the grade: \nStudents enrolled in this course will need to also enrol in a separate course which is the practical component (one of SCIENCE 2100 or SCIENCE 2101 or SCIENCE 2102). To determine which practical to enrol into you are required to read the document on: \n \nplease scroll down to 'Level 2 BIOCHEM, GENETICS, MICRO courses'.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "709": {"id": "CXyZXM0erqcLKkvZb2vmQ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "oQRXNbcq-vz_HhF1rxb4d", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11920, "section": "LE01", "size": 150, "enrolled": 107, "available": 43, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "If you think you have the right pre-requisite to enrol but the system is not letting you please contact Dr Christopher Wong via email:


4. CLICK ON THIS LINK 'Find out which Practical to enrol into'
CONTACT FOR MORE INFORMATION."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "47pxQLs9VTzLj5vsfHMd6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11529, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 11, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11530, "section": "TU02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 19, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11531, "section": "TU03", "size": 20, "enrolled": 15, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11532, "section": "TU05", "size": 20, "enrolled": 19, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11533, "section": "TU06", "size": 20, "enrolled": 14, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "TUT04 & TUT06 are tutorials reserved for B. Food & Nutrition Science students only. BFNS students must enroll in these tutorials only. Students from other Programs will be removed from these tutorials. If TUT04 & TUT06 are full, please contact Yatong @8313 7289 to request to enroll."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11534, "section": "TU07", "size": 20, "enrolled": 16, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 425, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 425, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14631, "section": "TU04", "size": 20, "enrolled": 13, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "TUT04 & TUT06 are tutorials reserved for B. Food & Nutrition Science students only. BFNS students must enroll in these tutorials only. Students from other Programs will be removed from these tutorials. If TUT04 & TUT06 are full, please contact Yatong @8313 7289 to request to enroll."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "710": {"id": "MPWRSuS7brnL94-_3ctKB", "course_id": "104277", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104277", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Biochemistry II: Metabolism", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOCHEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "2501", "CLASS_NBR": 21562, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 8 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "((CHEM 1100 and CHEM 1200) or (CHEM 1101 and CHEM 1201)) and (BIOLOGY 1101, BIOLOGY 1101ND, BIOLOGY 1001 or BIOLOGY 1401) and (BIOLOGY 1201 or BIOLOGY 1202)", "CO_REQUISITE": "One of SCIENCE 2200, SCIENCE 2201 or SCIENCE 2202; This co-requisite is the practical component that is worth 20% of your course.", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "BIOCHEM 2503", "ASSESSMENT": "Final exam, written tests, written practical assessment in the prac ABC system, online tests of multiple choice questions", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "BIOCHEM 2501 uses the knowledge and understanding gained in the prerequisite Level I courses (see below) to provide students with an appreciation and an understanding of key metabolic biochemistry and molecular biology concepts. The topics covered include signal transduction pathways, tissue specific metabolism and its control, enzyme specificity and regulation for important metabolic pathways, how the body adjusts to variations in the demand for energy, mechanisms of hormone action and extensions of the signal transduction pathways covered at the beginning of the semester. The course combines lectures, tutorials that reinforce the lecture content, and practicals complement this material.\n\n\nPRACTICAL COMPONENT worth 20% of the grade: \nStudents enrolled in this course will need to also enrol in a separate course which is the practical component (one of SCIENCE 2200, SCIENCE 2201or SCIENCE 2202). To determine which practical to enrol into you are required to read the document on: \n \nplease scroll down to 'Level 2 BIOCHEM, GENETICS, MICRO courses'.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "711": {"id": "MPWRSuS7brnL94-_3ctKB", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "tPC46acS9XTRPC9KDSR6k", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21914, "section": "LE01", "size": 150, "enrolled": 111, "available": 39, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "If you think you have the right pre-requisite to enrol but the system is not letting you please contact Dr Christopher Wong via email:


4. CLICK ON THIS LINK 'Find out which Practical to enrol into'
CONTACT FOR MORE INFORMATION."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "gOSOMmg-z99ktLe29wokO", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21557, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 12, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "TUT01 & TUT03 are tutorials reserved for B. Food & Nutrition Science students only. BFNS students must enroll in these tutorials only. Students from other Programs will be removed from these tutorials. If TUT01 & TUT03 are full, please contact Yatong @8313 7289 to request to enroll."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM213, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM213, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21558, "section": "TU03", "size": 20, "enrolled": 20, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "TUT01 & TUT03 are tutorials reserved for B. Food & Nutrition Science students only. BFNS students must enroll in these tutorials only. Students from other Programs will be removed from these tutorials. If TUT01 & TUT03 are full, please contact Yatong @8313 7289 to request to enroll."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM213, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM213, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21559, "section": "TU04", "size": 20, "enrolled": 10, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG19, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG19, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21560, "section": "TU05", "size": 20, "enrolled": 15, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21561, "section": "TU06", "size": 20, "enrolled": 19, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM213, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM213, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21562, "section": "TU07", "size": 20, "enrolled": 17, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM213, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM213, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24534, "section": "TU02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 18, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "712": {"id": "hx-PfD-E8BUdjfbNyX2zm", "course_id": "104278", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104278", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Biochem II (Biotech): Molecular and Cell Biology", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOCHEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "2502", "CLASS_NBR": 11527, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 8 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to B Sc (Biotechnology) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "((CHEM 1100 and CHEM 1200) or (CHEM 1101 and CHEM 1201)) and (BIOLOGY 1101, BIOLOGY 1101ND, BIOLOGY 1001 or BIOLOGY 1401) and (BIOLOGY 1201 or BIOLOGY 1202)", "CO_REQUISITE": "One of SCIENCE 2100, SCIENCE 2101 or SCIENCE 2102; This co-requisite is the practical component that is worth 20% of your course.", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "BIOCHEM 2500", "ASSESSMENT": "Final exam, written tests, written practical assessments within the prac ABC system and online tests of multiple choice questions", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "BIOCHEM 2502 uses the knowledge and understanding gained in the prerequisite Level I courses (see below) to provide students with an appreciation and an understanding of key biochemistry and molecular biology concepts. Consequently the topics covered include specialised proteins, enzyme specificity and regulation, DNA structure, synthesis and repair, RNA and protein synthesis, and some pathways utilised to control gene expression. The course combines lectures, tutorials that reinforce the lecture content, and practicals to complement the lecture content. \n\nPRACTICAL COMPONENT worth 20% of the grade: \nStudents enrolled in this course will need to also enrol in a separate course which is the practical component (one of SCIENCE 2100 or SCIENCE 2101 or SCIENCE 2102). To determine which practical to enrol into you are required to read the document on: \n \nplease scroll down to 'Level 2 BIOCHEM, GENETICS, MICRO courses'.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "713": {"id": "hx-PfD-E8BUdjfbNyX2zm", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "UIzLJR0R-noSx1ZbQGWTX", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11919, "section": "LE01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 26, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "If you think you have the right pre-requisite to enrol but the system is not letting you please contact Dr Christopher Wong via email:


4. CLICK ON THIS LINK 'Find out which Practical to enrol into'
CONTACT FOR MORE INFORMATION."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "6DIcdym_Qs87nxYoC0C4V", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11527, "section": "TU01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 26, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "714": {"id": "ttwDANqjAQgAGhvQPh8Un", "course_id": "104279", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104279", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Biochemistry II (Biotechnology): Metabolism", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOCHEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "2503", "CLASS_NBR": 20934, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 8 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to B Sc (Biotechnology) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "((CHEM 1100 and CHEM 1200) or (CHEM 1101 and CHEM 1201)) and (BIOLOGY 1101, BIOLOGY 1101ND, BIOLOGY 1001 or BIOLOGY 1401) and (BIOLOGY 1201 or BIOLOGY 1202)", "CO_REQUISITE": "One of SCIENCE 2200, SCIENCE 2201 or SCIENCE 2202; This co-requisite is the practical component that is worth 20% of your course.", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "BIOCHEM 2501", "ASSESSMENT": "Final exam, written tests, written practical assessments within the prac ABC system and online tests of multiple choice questions", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "BIOCHEM 2503 uses the knowledge and understanding gained in the prerequisite Level I courses (see below) to provide students with an appreciation and an understanding of key metabolic biochemistry and molecular biology concepts. The topics covered include signal transduction pathways, tissue specific metabolism and its control, enzyme specificity and regulation for important metabolic pathways, how the body adjusts to variations in the demand for energy, mechanisms of hormone action and extensions of the signal transduction pathways covered at the beginning of the semester. The course combines lectures, tutorials that reinforce the lecture content, and practicals complement this material.\n\nPRACTICAL COMPONENT worth 20% of the grade: \nStudents enrolled in this course will need to also enrol in a separate course which is the practical component (one of SCIENCE 2200, SCIENCE 2201 or SCIENCE 2202). To determine which practical to enrol into you are required to read the document on: \n \nplease scroll down to 'Level 2 BIOCHEM, GENETICS, MICRO courses'.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "715": {"id": "ttwDANqjAQgAGhvQPh8Un", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "IoZ1-jzELCWASA-2CVdJN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21913, "section": "LE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 32, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "If you think you have the right pre-requisite to enrol but the system is not letting you please contact Dr Christopher Wong via email:


4. CLICK ON THIS LINK 'Find out which Practical to enrol into'
CONTACT FOR MORE INFORMATION."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "N1OTTNE1fggIyA2VMagUT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20934, "section": "TU01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 32, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}]}]}]}]}, "716": {"id": "qcZpzeoC2nOjTZ82RzsVk", "course_id": "002599", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "002599", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Molecular and Structural Biology III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOCHEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "3000", "CLASS_NBR": 10815, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 14 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(BIOCHEM 2500 and BIOCHEM 2501) or (BIOCHEM 2502 and BIOCHEM 2503)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "BIOCHEM 3230 and BIOCHEM 3125", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam on lecture material, practical reports, written and online assessments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to extend the discussions of protein structure and function presented in the Biochemistry Level II courses and to use this knowledge to gain an understanding of some of the essential processes of molecular biology. The course covers two principle themes: Protein Structure and Function: topics include - structure and function of different classes of proteins, protein folding, targeted protein degradation, the development of new therapies, molecular interactions and recognition. The Control of Gene Expression: topics include; genetic circuits and synthetic biology; chromatin structure and its remodelling during transcription; the recruitment and assembly of transcription factors and the RNA polymerase complex on a gene promoter; artificially manipulating gene expression with the use of 'designer genes' and synthetic transcription factors; eukaryote mRNA synthesis, processing, modification, stability and translation, and manipulation of these processes to effect selective gene expression. This course combines lectures and tutorials with cutting edge research-based practical exercises to complement the lecture material.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "717": {"id": "qcZpzeoC2nOjTZ82RzsVk", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "sZtXZtJ7ez3BynwgOZaDo", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11921, "section": "LE01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 71, "available": 29, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "If you think you have the right pre-requisite to enrol but the system is not letting you please contact Dr Christopher Wong via email:"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "NlWdptZk78qSdv-SPkyZM", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10815, "section": "TU05", "size": 25, "enrolled": 27, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11539, "section": "TU01", "size": 22, "enrolled": 14, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11540, "section": "TU02", "size": 22, "enrolled": 20, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11541, "section": "TU03", "size": 22, "enrolled": 10, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "uT5UzNuogiPr45iQRDksa", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11922, "section": "PR01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 71, "available": 29, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, 350, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "7 Mar - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, 350, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, 350, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, 350, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, 350, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, 350, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 May - 2 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, 350, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "16 May - 16 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, 350, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "30 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, 350, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "718": {"id": "S9VOIRJSn-oCt6wMgqiZe", "course_id": "009829", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "009829", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Cancer, Stem Cells & Development III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOCHEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "3001", "CLASS_NBR": 20192, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "3 x 1 hour lectures per week, 1 x 1 hour tutorial per week, 3 x 5 hour practical per fortnight for the Semester (total 11.5 hrs/week)", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(BIOCHEM 2500 and BIOCHEM 2501) or (BIOCHEM 2502 and BIOCHEM 2503)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "BIOCHEM 3520, BIOCHEM 3235", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam on lecture material, practical component and written test", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This Capstone course combines lectures and tutorials with cutting edge research-based practical exercises. The lecture material is given by research experts in this field and covers major conceptual and technical advances, focussing on two principle themes:\n\n1. Molecular Basis of Cancer: topics include the molecular mechanisms of cell-cell communication, signal transduction pathways and their control, genetic mutations, oncogenes and tumour suppressor genes, clonal selection, the hallmarks of cancer and metastasis, dysregulation of cell cycle checkpoints, DNA damage, replicative senescence, telomere shortening and genomic instability, control of cell proliferation and apoptosis, cancer-specific metabolism and oncometabolites. Specific examples are included of current diagnostic and therapeutic approaches for cancer.\n\n2. Stem Cells and Development: topics include the embryonic and adult stem cells, cellular reprogramming and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS), stem cells in cancer, the use of CRISPR/Cas9 and other techniques to generate animal models and genetic screens, with medical and other applications.\n\nThe practical component in the first seven weeks of the semester involves a research-based practical project using CRISPR/Cas9 technology to achieve targeting genome editing in cultured cells. This practical complements the lecture material, and is followed by an individually written essay on a specific research topic in the final five weeks of the semester.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "719": {"id": "S9VOIRJSn-oCt6wMgqiZe", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "8zwx0pIS0Fbgj-8Vol9g4", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21915, "section": "LE01", "size": 75, "enrolled": 37, "available": 38, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "If you think you have the right pre-requisite to enrol but the system is not letting you please contact Dr Christopher Wong via email:"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "bu_5xLn6HYUqN_jxOKUCR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21567, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 5, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22826, "section": "TU02", "size": 17, "enrolled": 12, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22827, "section": "TU03", "size": 17, "enrolled": 7, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22828, "section": "TU04", "size": 17, "enrolled": 13, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "nSMu6eGcuYNFZkWmxsvHa", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20192, "section": "WR01", "size": 75, "enrolled": 37, "available": 38, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "24 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 21916, "section": "PR01", "size": 75, "enrolled": 37, "available": 38, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 2 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, 350, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, 350, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, 350, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "29 Aug - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, 350, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "720": {"id": "AqRh_iZZV4HGERttwur8U", "course_id": "110530", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110530", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Molecular and Structural Biology (Theory) III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOCHEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "3004", "CLASS_NBR": 10814, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(BIOCHEM 2500 and BIOCHEM 2501) or (BIOCHEM 2502 and BIOCHEM 2503)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "BIOCHEM 3230, BIOCHEM 3000 and BIOCHEM 3125", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam on lecture material, written and online assessments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to extend the discussions of protein structure and function presented in the Biochemistry Level II courses and to use this knowledge to gain an understanding of some of the essential processes of molecular biology. The course covers two principle themes: Protein Structure and Function: topics include - structure and function of different classes of proteins, protein folding, targeted protein degradation, the development of new therapies, molecular interactions and recognition. The Control of Gene Expression: topics include \u2013 genetic circuits and synthetic biology; chromatin structure and its remodelling during transcription; the recruitment and assembly of transcription factors and the RNA polymerase complex on a gene promoter; artificially manipulating gene expression with the use of \u201cdesigner genes\u201d and synthetic transcription factors; eukaryote mRNA synthesis, processing, modification, stability and translation, and manipulation of these processes to effect selective gene expression. This course combines lectures and tutorials with cutting edge research-based problem solving to complement the lecture material.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "721": {"id": "AqRh_iZZV4HGERttwur8U", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "kP5QaL8RAnt1PapiLXdA1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10808, "section": "LE01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 3, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "If you think you have the right pre-requisite to enrol but the system is not letting you please contact Dr Christopher Wong via email:"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "NIIwy9Xd217WnrWlhiGaD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10810, "section": "TU03", "size": 3, "enrolled": 0, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10811, "section": "TU02", "size": 3, "enrolled": 2, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10812, "section": "TU01", "size": 3, "enrolled": 1, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10814, "section": "TU05", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "722": {"id": "K4Vsf927asubw8JeyTZms", "course_id": "106133", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106133", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Molecular & Structural Biology III (Biomed Sci)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOCHEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "3230", "CLASS_NBR": 11147, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 23 hours per fortnight", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BSc (Biomedical Science) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(BIOCHEM 2500 and BIOCHEM 2501) or (BIOCHEM 2502 and BIOCHEM 2503)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "BIOCHEM 3000 and BIOCHEM 3125", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam on lecture, practical reports and online assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to extend the discussions of protein structure and function presented in the Biochemistry Level II courses and to use this knowledge to gain an understanding of some of the essential processes of molecular biology. The course covers two principle themes: Protein Structure and Function: topics include - structure and function of different classes of proteins, protein folding, targeted protein degradation, the development of new therapies, molecular interactions and recognition. The Control of Gene Expression: topics include; genetic circuits and synthetic biology; chromatin structure and its remodelling during transcription; the recruitment and assembly of transcription factors and the RNA polymerase complex on a gene promoter; artificially manipulating gene expression with the use of 'designer genes' and synthetic transcription factors; eukaryote mRNA synthesis, processing, modification, stability and translation, and manipulation of these processes to effect selective gene expression. This course combines lectures and tutorials with cutting edge research-based practical exercises to complement the lecture material.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "723": {"id": "K4Vsf927asubw8JeyTZms", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "1dcCEmAGTWg1kjiX31Yfp", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11535, "section": "LE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 13, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "If you think you have the right pre-requisite to enrol but the system is not letting you please contact Dr Christopher Wong via email:"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "3bNyRlTC85kbToyEcxbZM", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10813, "section": "TU05", "size": 4, "enrolled": 3, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11537, "section": "TU01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 3, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11538, "section": "TU02", "size": 5, "enrolled": 6, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12680, "section": "TU03", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "GgqWuR-mG5BZpLY8Rdf71", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11147, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 13, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 May - 2 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "6 May - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "16 May - 16 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "30 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 11536, "section": "PR01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 13, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, 350, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "7 Mar - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, 350, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, 350, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, 350, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, 350, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 29 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, 350, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "724": {"id": "sr1lPOeZMt99alzyTJjbD", "course_id": "106134", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106134", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Cancer, Stem Cells & Development III (Biomed Sc)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOCHEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "3235", "CLASS_NBR": 21092, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "3 x 1 hour lectures per week, 1 x 1 hour tutorial per week, 3 x 5 hour practical per fortnight or PBL for the Semester (total 11.5 hrs/week)", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BSc (Biomedical Science) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(BIOCHEM 2500 and BIOCHEM 2501) or (BIOCHEM 2502 and BIOCHEM 2503)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "BIOCHEM 3001, BIOCHEM 3520", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam on lecture material, practical reports, PBL/Tutorial exercises and online assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This Capstone course combines lectures and tutorials with cutting edge research-based practical exercises. The lecture material is given by research experts in this field and covers major conceptual and technical advances, focusing on two principle themes: 1. Molecular Basis of Cancer: topics include the molecular mechanisms of cell-cell communication, signal transduction pathways and their control, genetic mutations, oncogenes and tumour suppressor genes, clonal selection, the hallmarks of cancer and metastasis, dysregulation of cell cycle checkpoints, DNA damage, replicative senescence, telomere shortening and genomic instability, control of cell proliferation and apoptosis, cancer-specific metabolism and oncometabolites. Specific examples are included of current diagnostic and therapeutic approaches for cancer. 2. Stem Cells and Development: topics include the embryonic and adult stem cells, cellular reprogramming and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS), stem cells in cancer, the use of CRISPR/Cas9 and other techniques to generate animal models and genetic screens, with medical and other applications. The practical component in the first seven weeks of the semester involves a research-based practical project using CRISPR/Cas9 technology to achieve targeting genome editing in cultured cells. This practical complements the lecture material, and is followed by problem-based learning activities around biochemical research in the final five weeks of the semester.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "725": {"id": "sr1lPOeZMt99alzyTJjbD", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "0R9_pWHa1UFxtaaOvVNWn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21563, "section": "LE01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 13, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "If you think you have the right pre-requisite to enrol but the system is not letting you please contact Dr Christopher Wong via email:"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "Vwi7foZBE8_xJ5veDN1It", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21565, "section": "TU01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21566, "section": "TU02", "size": 5, "enrolled": 5, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22477, "section": "TU04", "size": 5, "enrolled": 2, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23113, "section": "TU03", "size": 5, "enrolled": 5, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "ta00VGjZRnRGml9cMB-OV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21092, "section": "WR01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 13, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 14 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 21564, "section": "PR01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 13, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 2 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, 350, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, 350, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, 350, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "29 Aug - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, 350, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "726": {"id": "-K67vvn3EldcvWrdIR836", "course_id": "106977", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106977", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Cancer, Stem Cells and Development (Theory) III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOCHEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "3520", "CLASS_NBR": 23324, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(BIOCHEM 2500 and BIOCHEM 2501) or (BIOCHEM 2502 and BIOCHEM 2503)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "BIOCHEM 3001, BIOCHEM 3235", "ASSESSMENT": "Written test, online assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course combines lectures and tutorials given by research experts in the field and covers major conceptual and technical advances, focusing on two principle themes:\n\n1. Molecular Basis of Cancer: topics include the molecular mechanisms of cell-cell communication, signal transduction pathways and their control, genetic mutations, oncogenes and tumour suppressor genes, clonal selection, the hallmarks of cancer and metastasis, dysregulation of cell cycle checkpoints, DNA damage, replicative senescence, telomere shortening and genomic instability, control of cell proliferation and apoptosis, cancer-specific metabolism and oncometabolites. Specific examples are included of current diagnostic and therapeutic approaches for cancer.\n\n2. Stem Cells and Development: topics include the embryonic and adult stem cells, cellular reprogramming and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS), stem cells in cancer, the use of CRISPR/Cas9 and other techniques to generate animal models and genetic screens, with medical and other applications.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "727": {"id": "-K67vvn3EldcvWrdIR836", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "0nVal6_50Wrw9YvnqmvZU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25209, "section": "LE01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 15, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "If you think you have the right pre-requisite to enrol but the system is not letting you please contact Dr Christopher Wong via email:"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "XIwd7Y6jKb1T-RtzFm5Nw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20795, "section": "TU01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 3, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20970, "section": "TU02", "size": 5, "enrolled": 5, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20971, "section": "TU03", "size": 5, "enrolled": 5, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20972, "section": "TU04", "size": 5, "enrolled": 2, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "728": {"subject": "BIOINF", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "110144", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110146", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109896", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}]}}, "729": {"id": "jfhGzb29-ExpKmU67tapL", "course_id": "110144", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110144", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Bioinformatics III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOINF", "CATALOG_NBR": "3000", "CLASS_NBR": 21140, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "12 x 1 hour lectures, 12 x 2 hour tutorials, 12 x 2 hour practicals", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "GENETICS 2510 and BIOCHEM 2500 or BIOCHEM 2502", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Practical tasks", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Recent technological advances have brought large-scale DNA sequencing within the reach of small companies and research laboratories, and opened the door for research and applied uses for sequencing. This course teaches analysis of these data sets, and interpretation of the significance of the patterns found therein. It also provides an understanding of the specific considerations of different sequencing technologies, as well as an understanding of the algorithms used to align, assemble, and annotate sequence data. While DNA sequencing is useful for sequencing genomes, it also has widespread applications in methods used to understand interactions, whether they be within a cell or organism (signaling, regulation, protein function) or between organisms (at the level of populations, symbioses, and communities). This course also provides an understanding of these systems.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "730": {"id": "jfhGzb29-ExpKmU67tapL", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Kp92RuuH8QH_CmYJIUXKB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24949, "section": "LE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 27, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "FWGHeByuuwQryt81gDNgb", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21140, "section": "PR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 27, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "731": {"id": "RgiUSYke1gKOLCWjVlAQh", "course_id": "110146", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110146", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Genomics Applications III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOINF", "CATALOG_NBR": "3010", "CLASS_NBR": 12790, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "12 x 1 hour lectures, 12 x 4 hour practicals", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "GENETICS 2510 and BIOCHEM 2500 or BIOCHEM 2502", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Practical tasks", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course teaches the underlying theory and skills for design and analysis of genome sequencing/resequencing experiments and datasets. This will include variant calling and assembly. Theoretical background will cover relevant computational, statistical, and network theory, as well as the key biological processes which are under investigation. Practical analysis will involve use of relevant assembly/variant calling software, R Studio and Bash scripting and/or a compiled programming language in the context of an HPC environment.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "732": {"id": "RgiUSYke1gKOLCWjVlAQh", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "z569PVlt0tZXwfj9bbN7l", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15038, "section": "LE01", "size": 54, "enrolled": 49, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "8ua4PAsAIugg3wr6vI1uA", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12790, "section": "PR01", "size": 54, "enrolled": 49, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "2 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "733": {"id": "r-XorBe3miawRtcXmICEe", "course_id": "109896", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109896", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Genomics Applications", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOINF", "CATALOG_NBR": "7150", "CLASS_NBR": 12897, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "12 x 1 hour lectures, 12 x 4 hour practicals", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Graduate Certificate in Bioinformatics, Graduate Diploma in Bioinformatics, Master of Biotechnology (Biomedical) and Master of Biotechnology (Biomedical) (Advanced) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Practical tasks and project submission", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course teaches the underlying theory and skills for design and analysis of genome sequencing/resequencing experiments and datasets. This will include variant calling and assembly. Theoretical background will cover relevant computational, statistical, and network theory, as well as the key biological processes which are under investigation. Practical analysis will involve use of relevant assembly/variant calling software, R Studio and Bash scripting and/or a compiled programming language in the context of an HPC environment.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "734": {"id": "r-XorBe3miawRtcXmICEe", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "mGdRSgX_Uc-LwOXkspdXV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12897, "section": "PR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 11, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "2 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "kYOShpRK7L7HsvKx1j-xn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12896, "section": "LE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 11, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "735": {"subject": "BIOLOGY", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "102281", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102281", "term": "4410", "offer": 5}, {"course_id": "102280", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102280", "term": "4420", "offer": 4}, {"course_id": "102287", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102287", "term": "4420", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "104263", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104264", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "736": {"id": "XxzSxTgYcEwGxAFsLwKmJ", "course_id": "102281", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102281", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Biology I: Molecules, Genes and Cells", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "1101", "CLASS_NBR": 19259, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Familiarity with general biology and fundamental general chemistry", "INCOMPATIBLE": "BIOLOGY 1401, BIOLOGY 1510, BIOLOGY 1001", "ASSESSMENT": "End-of-Semester exam, MCQ tests, practical assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Topics in this course include: unifying themes of life, macromolecules and the chemistry of life, cell structure and function including membranes and organelles, storage and utilisation of energy by cells, genetic information transfer and patterns of inheritance, and an introduction to mechanisms of evolution. Core concepts are explored using diverse examples. The cell biology, molecular biology and genetics focus of this course is complemented by different aspects of biology in Semester 2 BIOLOGY courses.\nStudents in this course come from a very broad range of programs and academic backgrounds. Learning is supported by online resources, active-learning lectures, regular quizzes, workshops to practice application of knowledge, and laboratory practicals.\nBiology spans an incredibly wide range of themes. Suitable preparation for studying Level II courses in biology-based disciplines generally requires two semesters of Level 1 BIOLOGY.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "737": {"id": "XxzSxTgYcEwGxAFsLwKmJ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "GEsGbJ-PyP206zAPcAZ7k", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11109, "section": "LE02", "size": 200, "enrolled": 188, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "3 May - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14658, "section": "LE01", "size": 600, "enrolled": 384, "available": 216, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Jun - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "7 Jun - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "RDVU7Ov5ZLBUWQgY0wPjK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10533, "section": "PR04", "size": 61, "enrolled": 59, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 28 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "13 Mar - 13 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "8 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11111, "section": "PR15", "size": 60, "enrolled": 40, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 29 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 May - 2 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "16 May - 16 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "30 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11112, "section": "PR14", "size": 67, "enrolled": 37, "available": 30, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 28 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "1 May - 1 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "15 May - 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The prac exemption request form is available on MyUni."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 26 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9pm", "end_time": "10pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 14659, "section": "PR01", "size": 71, "enrolled": 60, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 27 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "26 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "7 May - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "21 May - 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25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19259, "section": "WR10", "size": 78, "enrolled": 52, "available": 26, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}]}]}]}]}, "738": {"id": "DBltC_y5GLJDi_4qxXqpc", "course_id": "102281", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102281", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 5, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Biology I: Molecules, Genes and Cells", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "1101UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 19264, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "BIOLOGY 1001", "ASSESSMENT": "End-of-Semester exam, MCQ tests, practical assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Topics in this course include: unifying themes of life, macromolecules and the chemistry of life, cell structure and function including membranes and organelles, storage and utilisation of energy by cells, genetic information transfer and patterns of inheritance, and an introduction to mechanisms of evolution. Core concepts are explored using diverse examples. The cell biology, molecular biology and genetics focus of this course is complemented by different aspects of biology in Semester 2 BIOLOGY courses.\nStudents in this course come from a very broad range of programs and academic backgrounds. Learning is supported by online resources, active-learning lectures, regular quizzes, workshops to practice application of knowledge, and laboratory practicals.\nBiology spans an incredibly wide range of themes. Suitable preparation for studying Level II courses in biology-based disciplines generally requires two semesters of Level 1 BIOLOGY.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "739": {"id": "DBltC_y5GLJDi_4qxXqpc", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "3t4EZBB58eqPr5R9a3es2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12396, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 12, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 310, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 310, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12397, "section": "TT02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 17, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 102, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12398, "section": "TT03", "size": 24, "enrolled": 9, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 314, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 314, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "TxSyifawznWeZ1uOKHOlW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11123, "section": "PR15", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 29 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 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The prac exemption request form is available on MyUni."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 26 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9pm", "end_time": "10pm", "location": " "}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "s7bLb3ktVrwwrBqQfmV0i", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11430, "section": "WR07", "size": 4, "enrolled": 1, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11431, "section": "WR06", "size": 18, "enrolled": 9, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 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In many cases, our understanding of human function is best derived from studies of mammalian and non-mammalian organisms, and such models will be discussed. The themes that will be covered include: the organisation of the body, evolution, regulation of gene expression, communication and control systems in the body; developmental biology and defence systems. Students in this course come from a very broad range of programs and academic backgrounds. Learning is supported by online resources, active-learning lectures, regular quizzes, workshops to practice application of knowledge, and laboratory practicals. The biomedical focus of this course is complemented by different aspects of biology in Biology I: Molecules, Genes and Cells, and Biology I: Organisms. Biology spans an incredibly wide range of themes. Suitable preparation for studying Level II courses in biology-based disciplines generally requires two semesters of Level 1 BIOLOGY.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "741": {"id": "eGqEgfTJZkeDY6U1ThMDD", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "09DDIc1P1uPREA8dfozid", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24540, "section": "LE01", "size": 420, "enrolled": 213, "available": 207, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 7 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "21 Aug - 4 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "dnbKH20cLPqchmS8OI4bk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20731, "section": "WR04", "size": 84, "enrolled": 60, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23346, "section": "WR05", "size": 90, "enrolled": 36, "available": 54, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25173, "section": "WR03", "size": 74, "enrolled": 71, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29095, "section": "WR06", "size": 87, "enrolled": 46, "available": 41, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "YpOtzKN9EewFHXppvquTs", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21150, "section": "PR09", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students who have been granted practical exemptions by Course Coordinator, will be placed in this class. The prac exemption request form is available on MyUni."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 22 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9pm", "end_time": "10pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 24740, "section": "PR01", "size": 71, "enrolled": 59, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Aug - 8 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 Aug - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 5 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24741, "section": "PR02", "size": 69, "enrolled": 54, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Aug - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "20 Aug - 20 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 Sep - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24742, "section": "PR03", "size": 80, "enrolled": 49, "available": 31, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Aug - 7 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "21 Aug - 21 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "4 Sep - 4 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 2 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24743, "section": "PR04", "size": 75, "enrolled": 51, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Aug - 7 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "21 Aug - 21 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "4 Sep - 4 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 2 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "742": {"id": "lRF-E1PP05m928ktAQEzc", "course_id": "102280", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102280", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 4, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Biology I: Human Perspectives", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "1201UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 29096, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "up to 9 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "BIOLOGY 1101UAC", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "End-of-Semester exam, MCQ tests, practical assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course takes molecular, cellular, whole body, population and evolutionary approaches to understanding biology as it pertains to human function and the interactions of the body with the environment. In many cases, our understanding of human function is best derived from studies of mammalian and non-mammalian organisms, and such models will be discussed. The themes that will be covered include: the organisation of the body, evolution, regulation of gene expression, communication and control systems in the body; developmental biology and defence systems. Students in this course come from a very broad range of programs and academic backgrounds. Learning is supported by online resources, active-learning lectures, regular quizzes, workshops to practice application of knowledge, and laboratory practicals. The biomedical focus of this course is complemented by different aspects of biology in Biology I: Molecules, Genes and Cells, and Biology I: Organisms. Biology spans an incredibly wide range of themes. Suitable preparation for studying Level II courses in biology-based disciplines generally requires two semesters of Level 1 BIOLOGY.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "743": {"id": "lRF-E1PP05m928ktAQEzc", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "k3ekjUD9kfSGUy3efCCu4", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21067, "section": "LE01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 12, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 7 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "21 Aug - 4 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "fQTqZeZL0vl7OviVJrfyF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21069, "section": "PR04", "size": 5, "enrolled": 4, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Aug - 7 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "21 Aug - 21 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "4 Sep - 4 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 2 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21070, "section": "PR03", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Aug - 7 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "21 Aug - 21 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "4 Sep - 4 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 2 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21071, "section": "PR02", "size": 11, "enrolled": 5, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Aug - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "20 Aug - 20 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 Sep - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21072, "section": "PR01", "size": 9, "enrolled": 3, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Aug - 8 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 Aug - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 5 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "cZEjg5sZxvUykIQXnQmBf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21073, "section": "WR04", "size": 6, "enrolled": 4, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21074, "section": "WR03", "size": 16, "enrolled": 7, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29018, "section": "WR05", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29096, "section": "WR06", "size": 3, "enrolled": 1, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "fwOwaqV6e6U6sgi08caf0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22262, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 12, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 105, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "744": {"id": "zN8C5DfYZ3hJUi1pBFV66", "course_id": "102287", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102287", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Biology I: Organisms", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "1202", "CLASS_NBR": 28962, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 8 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "BIOLOGY 1101", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "End-of-Semester exam, MCQ tests, practical assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course focuses on the diversity of multicellular organisms, with evolution as the central theme. It addresses key questions in biology: What are plants and animals? What about other types of organisms? How do they evolve? How do they function? How do they interact with other organisms and the environment? These questions are answered by analysing the scientific evidence that supports current understanding.\nStudents in this course come from a very broad range of programs and academic backgrounds. Learning is supported by online resources, active-learning lectures, regular quizzes, workshops to practice application of knowledge, and laboratory practicals. The diversity of life on Earth, evolution and ecology focus of this course is complemented by different aspects of biology in Biology I: Molecules, Genes and Cells, and Biology I: Human Perspectives. Biology spans an incredibly wide range of themes. Suitable preparation for studying Level 2 courses in biology-based disciplines generally requires two semesters of Level 1 BIOLOGY.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "745": {"id": "zN8C5DfYZ3hJUi1pBFV66", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "LQLxvCyT85h4I64XPY76O", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20061, "section": "LE01", "size": 420, "enrolled": 337, "available": 83, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 21 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 23 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "6 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "mQ6WOWkzwQxeiPviM1MEL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20062, "section": "PR01", "size": 62, "enrolled": 38, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20063, "section": "PR02", "size": 58, "enrolled": 46, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20064, "section": "PR04", "size": 64, "enrolled": 63, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 31 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "14 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "28 Aug - 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The prac exemption request form is available on MyUni."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 29 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9pm", "end_time": "10pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 21586, "section": "PR08", "size": 61, "enrolled": 50, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "30 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "25 Oct - 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It addresses key questions in biology: What are plants and animals? What about other types of organisms? How do they evolve? How do they function? How do they interact with other organisms and the environment? These questions are answered by analysing the scientific evidence that supports current understanding.\nStudents in this course come from a very broad range of programs and academic backgrounds. Learning is supported by online resources, active-learning lectures, regular quizzes, workshops to practice application of knowledge, and laboratory practicals. The diversity of life on Earth, evolution and ecology focus of this course is complemented by different aspects of biology in Biology I: Molecules, Genes and Cells, and Biology I: Human Perspectives. Biology spans an incredibly wide range of themes. Suitable preparation for studying Level 2 courses in biology-based disciplines generally requires two semesters of Level 1 BIOLOGY.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "747": {"id": "vBlDAUpexatsDxbQir0rE", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "ErhsORdgGFb21yVLgDPQw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22263, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 14, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 114, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 114, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22264, "section": "TT02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 12, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 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Core concepts are explored using diverse examples. The cell biology, molecular biology and genetics focus of this course is complemented by different aspects of biology in Semester 2 BIOLOGY courses.\n\nStudents in this course come from a very broad range of programs and academic backgrounds. Learning is supported by online resources, active-learning lectures, regular quizzes, workshops to practice application of knowledge, and laboratory practicals.\n\nBiology spans an incredibly wide range of themes. Suitable preparation for studying Level 2 courses in biology-based disciplines generally requires two semesters of Level 1 BIOLOGY.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "749": {"id": "hKNfu2XyEYle_jJZB65B2", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "9R7zBTRb_Q4jnzUqO5V1j", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11110, "section": "LE02", "size": 50, "enrolled": 14, "available": 36, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "3 May - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11543, "section": "LE01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 47, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 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The prac exemption request form is available on MyUni."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 26 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9pm", "end_time": "10pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "750": {"id": "rPSOBCc_bo0MBNoKjyXye", "course_id": "104264", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104264", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Biology I: Organisms (Veterinary Bioscience)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "1520", "CLASS_NBR": 28503, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BSc (Veterinary Bioscience) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "BIOLOGY 1510", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "End-of-Semester exam, MCQ tests, practical assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course focuses on the diversity of multicellular organisms, with evolution as the central theme. It addresses key questions in biology: What are plants and animals? What about other types of organisms? How do they evolve? How do they function? How do they interact with other organisms and the environment? These questions are answered by analysing the scientific evidence that supports current understanding. Learning is supported by online resources, active-learning lectures, regular quizzes, workshops to practice application of knowledge, and laboratory practicals. The diversity of life on Earth, evolution and ecology focus of this course is complemented by different aspects of biology in Biology I: Molecules, Genes and Cells.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "751": {"id": "rPSOBCc_bo0MBNoKjyXye", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "xHCI0nA1t9ergE6DbZnQZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24835, "section": "LE01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 62, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 21 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 23 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Sep - 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The prac exemption request form is available on MyUni."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 29 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9pm", "end_time": "10pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 24661, "section": "PR02", "size": 22, "enrolled": 22, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 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27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10:30am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10:30am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10:30am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23968, "section": "WR02", "size": 15, "enrolled": 11, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10:30am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10:30am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10:30am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24946, "section": "WR06", "size": 5, "enrolled": 5, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1:30pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1:30pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1:30pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24947, "section": "WR05", "size": 14, "enrolled": 12, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3:30pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3:30pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3:30pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "752": {"subject": "BIOMED", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "106146", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109471", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109471", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109472", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109472", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109473", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109473", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109474", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109474", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109475", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109475", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109475", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109475", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109475", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109475", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109476", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109476", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "753": {"id": "2wbsOLNqHvUkeutuLqRli", "course_id": "106146", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106146", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Biomedical Science II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOMED", "CATALOG_NBR": "2520", "CLASS_NBR": 21983, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BScience (Biomedical Science) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(BIOLOGY 1001, BIOLOGY 1101 or BIOLOGY 1401) and BIOLOGY 1201", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "At least 6 units of Level I Chemistry", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written assignments, tutorial assessments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides students with an overview of modern biomedical research, highlighting conceptual ideas and current methods used in the detection, characterisation and treatment of a range of infectious and non-infectious diseases and disorders. Students will gain a working understanding of experimental design, which is a fundamental skill required for undertaking biomedical research. Students will also develop skills in various forms of scientific communication, with a focus on translating experimental data into audience appropriate formats. These outcomes will be achieved by specific training and assessment tasks delivered in the workshops, and supported by real life examples provided in the lecture program.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "754": {"id": "2wbsOLNqHvUkeutuLqRli", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "vfRoaQyJhaPjgr3VtCC0P", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20885, "section": "LE01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 47, "available": 53, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "If you think you have the right pre-requisite to enrol but the system is not letting you please contact Dr Christopher Wong via email:"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "4X4XG5ko58lriRumYpT2S", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21011, "section": "TU05", "size": 16, "enrolled": 7, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM213, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM213, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21979, "section": "TU01", "size": 16, "enrolled": 13, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21980, "section": "TU02", "size": 16, "enrolled": 9, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21981, "section": "TU03", "size": 16, "enrolled": 6, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21982, "section": "TU04", "size": 16, "enrolled": 12, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "fnhntJ04Oqo0KW7Dv6O-J", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21983, "section": "WR01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 47, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 23 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Aug - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 Aug - 20 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Sep - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "755": {"id": "R2Q44AgtXKKbQRycZ4DGT", "course_id": "109471", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109471", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Molecular and Biomedical Science (Hons) Pt 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOMED", "CATALOG_NBR": "4040A", "CLASS_NBR": 16147, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 10 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "BSc Honours Molecular and Biomedical Science", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Journal Club - oral participation & Discussion of papers; Research Proposal and Defence", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This modular course covers a range of advanced topics in Molecular and Biomedical Science, the methods of presentation and assessment of which vary according to module.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "756": {"id": "R2Q44AgtXKKbQRycZ4DGT", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "3rZfW97tWRbJz5LiUiroQ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16147, "section": "01NT", "size": 30, "enrolled": 22, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "757": {"id": "1dSefQJTqrdjJPswHQDM6", "course_id": "109471", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109471", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Molecular and Biomedical Science (Hons) Pt 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOMED", "CATALOG_NBR": "4040A", "CLASS_NBR": 26152, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 10 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "BSc Honours Molecular and Biomedical Science", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Journal Club - oral participation & Discussion of papers; Research Proposal and Defence", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This modular course covers a range of advanced topics in Molecular and Biomedical Science, the methods of presentation and assessment of which vary according to module.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "758": {"id": "1dSefQJTqrdjJPswHQDM6", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "MHUFoecXCpFyyqOOWH6fv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26152, "section": "01NT", "size": 30, "enrolled": 11, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "759": {"id": "-NyE9qqp5aTFJ9e9zSAFf", "course_id": "109472", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109472", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Molecular and Biomedical Science (Hons) Pt 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOMED", "CATALOG_NBR": "4040B", "CLASS_NBR": 16148, "SESSION_CD": "FM2", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 10 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "BSc Honours Molecular and Biomedical Science", "PRE_REQUISITE": "BIOMED 4040A in previous Semester", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Journal Club - oral participation & Discussion of papers; Research Proposal and Defence", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This modular course covers a range of advanced topics in Molecular and Biomedical Science, the methods of presentation and assessment of which vary according to module.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "760": {"id": "-NyE9qqp5aTFJ9e9zSAFf", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "KD04lOZ9ObvL6O8R06zE7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16148, "section": "01NT", "size": 30, "enrolled": 5, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "761": {"id": "6rpY9Y0toJhwVdTVos61b", "course_id": "109472", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109472", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Molecular and Biomedical Science (Hons) Pt 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOMED", "CATALOG_NBR": "4040B", "CLASS_NBR": 26153, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 10 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "BSc Honours Molecular and Biomedical Science", "PRE_REQUISITE": "BIOMED 4040A in previous Semester", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Journal Club - oral participation & Discussion of papers; Research Proposal and Defence", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This modular course covers a range of advanced topics in Molecular and Biomedical Science, the methods of presentation and assessment of which vary according to module.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "762": {"id": "6rpY9Y0toJhwVdTVos61b", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "Y_3SCUpndzA62-VLeK-fK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26153, "section": "01NT", "size": 30, "enrolled": 22, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "763": {"id": "o6HQSFoR3SKJx6gBeq4NY", "course_id": "109473", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109473", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Molecular and Biomedical Science Project Pt 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOMED", "CATALOG_NBR": "4050A", "CLASS_NBR": 16149, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 20 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "BSc Honours (Biomedical Science)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Literature Review; First seminar; Research Project: Thesis and Viva/Interview; Final Research Seminar", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course includes the performance of an individual research project under the supervision of one or more members of the Molecular & Biomedical Science staff or its affiliates. Early in the year students will report on the aim, significance and approach of their research topic. At the end of the year candidates will submit the results of their research in the form of a thesis, which will also contain a literature review surrounding their research topic. The research project is selected at the start of the Honours year following consultation with the Honours Coordinator and depends on availability of research supervisors in any particular year.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "764": {"id": "o6HQSFoR3SKJx6gBeq4NY", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "h0kvOUs1Hjh50l2ESZA4S", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16149, "section": "01NT", "size": 30, "enrolled": 22, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "765": {"id": "gWRrAPQXYkos6JeN3gZ6b", "course_id": "109473", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109473", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Molecular and Biomedical Science Project Pt 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOMED", "CATALOG_NBR": "4050A", "CLASS_NBR": 26154, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 20 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "BSc Honours (Biomedical Science)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Literature Review; First seminar; Research Project: Thesis and Viva/Interview; Final Research Seminar", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course includes the performance of an individual research project under the supervision of one or more members of the Molecular & Biomedical Science staff or its affiliates. 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The research project is selected at the start of the Honours year following consultation with the Honours Coordinator and depends on availability of research supervisors in any particular year.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "766": {"id": "gWRrAPQXYkos6JeN3gZ6b", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "r8msbUKv-uwrm0WVMPMVt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26154, "section": "01NT", "size": 30, "enrolled": 11, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "767": {"id": "VZgyxtG3Uos-jNy0yNCO-", "course_id": "109474", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109474", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Molecular and Biomedical Science Project Pt 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOMED", "CATALOG_NBR": "4050B", "CLASS_NBR": 16150, "SESSION_CD": "FM2", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 20 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "BSc Honours (Biomedical Science)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "BIOMED 4050A in previous Semester", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Literature Review; Research Project: Thesis and Interview; Laboratory Notebook; Final Research Seminar", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course includes the performance of an individual research project under the supervision of one or more members of the Molecular & Biomedical Science staff or its affiliates. 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The research project is selected at the start of the Honours year following consultation with the Honours Coordinator and depends on availability of research supervisors in any particular year.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "768": {"id": "VZgyxtG3Uos-jNy0yNCO-", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "rgeg-X235KGfoB601wlmP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16150, "section": "01NT", "size": 30, "enrolled": 5, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "769": {"id": "sSAAsG_awi8Q9DH7dFsDm", "course_id": "109474", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109474", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Molecular and Biomedical Science Project Pt 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOMED", "CATALOG_NBR": "4050B", "CLASS_NBR": 26155, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 20 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "BSc Honours (Biomedical Science)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "BIOMED 4050A in previous Semester", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Literature Review; Research Project: Thesis and Interview; Laboratory Notebook; Final Research Seminar", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course includes the performance of an individual research project under the supervision of one or more members of the Molecular & Biomedical Science staff or its affiliates. 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The research project is selected at the start of the Honours year following consultation with the Honours Coordinator and depends on availability of research supervisors in any particular year.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "770": {"id": "sSAAsG_awi8Q9DH7dFsDm", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "yVoNLaDpAqhv-jo1cvvyt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26155, "section": "01NT", "size": 30, "enrolled": 22, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "771": {"id": "t88zfzoqR0hboUsu-7xAc", "course_id": "109475", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109475", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Molecular and Biomedical Science Project (T/Y) Cont", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOMED", "CATALOG_NBR": "4060A", "CLASS_NBR": 16151, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 20 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "BSc Honours (Biomedical Science)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Literature Review; Research Project: Thesis and Interview; Laboratory Notebook; Final Research Seminar", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course includes the performance of an individual research project under the supervision of one or more members of the Molecular & Biomedical Science staff or its affiliates. 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The research project is selected at the start of the Honours year following consultation with the Honours Coordinator and depends on availability of research supervisors in any particular year.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 07/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "772": {"id": "t88zfzoqR0hboUsu-7xAc", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "5YQ8BeY09bCCZ0JXOWR0n", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16151, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "773": {"id": "406atxobOPObCNd0QWCuO", "course_id": "109475", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109475", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Molecular and Biomedical Science Project (T/Y) Cont", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOMED", "CATALOG_NBR": "4060A", "CLASS_NBR": 16151, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 20 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "BSc Honours (Biomedical Science)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Literature Review; Research Project: Thesis and Interview; Laboratory Notebook; Final Research Seminar", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course includes the performance of an individual research project under the supervision of one or more members of the Molecular & Biomedical Science staff or its affiliates. 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The research project is selected at the start of the Honours year following consultation with the Honours Coordinator and depends on availability of research supervisors in any particular year.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 07/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "774": {"id": "406atxobOPObCNd0QWCuO", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "k8NCyokQuCC_EzsuztIDm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16151, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "775": {"id": "YHgsyHvSOMonSIb04042M", "course_id": "109475", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109475", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Molecular and Biomedical Science Project (T/Y) Cont", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOMED", "CATALOG_NBR": "4060A", "CLASS_NBR": 16151, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 20 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "BSc Honours (Biomedical Science)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Literature Review; Research Project: Thesis and Interview; Laboratory Notebook; Final Research Seminar", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course includes the performance of an individual research project under the supervision of one or more members of the Molecular & Biomedical Science staff or its affiliates. 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The research project is selected at the start of the Honours year following consultation with the Honours Coordinator and depends on availability of research supervisors in any particular year.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 07/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "776": {"id": "YHgsyHvSOMonSIb04042M", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "fVEgCmRsJBStjz7jfq7ws", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16151, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "777": {"id": "XgrmvlR9pVCcNSshdtMuN", "course_id": "109475", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109475", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Molecular and Biomedical Science Project (T/Y) Cont", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOMED", "CATALOG_NBR": "4060A", "CLASS_NBR": 26156, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 20 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "BSc Honours (Biomedical Science)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Literature Review; Research Project: Thesis and Interview; Laboratory Notebook; Final Research Seminar", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course includes the performance of an individual research project under the supervision of one or more members of the Molecular & Biomedical Science staff or its affiliates. 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The research project is selected at the start of the Honours year following consultation with the Honours Coordinator and depends on availability of research supervisors in any particular year.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "778": {"id": "XgrmvlR9pVCcNSshdtMuN", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "sGUzm8DQDZINKhfGgSQQW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26156, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "779": {"id": "u8hzrcg9pbUui9oBAXl4d", "course_id": "109475", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109475", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Molecular and Biomedical Science Project (T/Y) Cont", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOMED", "CATALOG_NBR": "4060A", "CLASS_NBR": 26156, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 20 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "BSc Honours (Biomedical Science)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Literature Review; Research Project: Thesis and Interview; Laboratory Notebook; Final Research Seminar", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course includes the performance of an individual research project under the supervision of one or more members of the Molecular & Biomedical Science staff or its affiliates. Early in the year students will report on the aim, significance and approach of their research topic. At the end of the year candidates will submit the results of their research in the form of a thesis, which will also contain a literature review surrounding their research topic. The research project is selected at the start of the Honours year following consultation with the Honours Coordinator and depends on availability of research supervisors in any particular year.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "780": {"id": "u8hzrcg9pbUui9oBAXl4d", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "yX6j0_MZCJon4crg2GmAG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26156, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "781": {"id": "nc6ybdsA8NCwrO6ZzcT-3", "course_id": "109475", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109475", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Molecular and Biomedical Science Project (T/Y) Cont", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOMED", "CATALOG_NBR": "4060A", "CLASS_NBR": 26156, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 20 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "BSc Honours (Biomedical Science)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Literature Review; Research Project: Thesis and Interview; Laboratory Notebook; Final Research Seminar", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course includes the performance of an individual research project under the supervision of one or more members of the Molecular & Biomedical Science staff or its affiliates. Early in the year students will report on the aim, significance and approach of their research topic. At the end of the year candidates will submit the results of their research in the form of a thesis, which will also contain a literature review surrounding their research topic. The research project is selected at the start of the Honours year following consultation with the Honours Coordinator and depends on availability of research supervisors in any particular year.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "782": {"id": "nc6ybdsA8NCwrO6ZzcT-3", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "xT_039yDYmgWTjSGX36qN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26156, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "783": {"id": "MynwT-qccgqLFIAOn5cv7", "course_id": "109476", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109476", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Molecular and Biomedical Science Project (T/Y) Final", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOMED", "CATALOG_NBR": "4060B", "CLASS_NBR": 16152, "SESSION_CD": "TYD", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 20 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "BSc Honours (Biomedical Science)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Literature Review; Research Project: Thesis and Interview; Laboratory Notebook; Final Research Seminar", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course includes the performance of an individual research project under the supervision of one or more members of the Molecular & Biomedical Science staff or its affiliates. Early in the year students will report on the aim, significance and approach of their research topic. At the end of the year candidates will submit the results of their research in the form of a thesis, which will also contain a literature review surrounding their research topic. The research project is selected at the start of the Honours year following consultation with the Honours Coordinator and depends on availability of research supervisors in any particular year.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "784": {"id": "MynwT-qccgqLFIAOn5cv7", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "rEAYW1JifgLjy1zgpuy_M", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16152, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "785": {"id": "lzIpg9R0_1rax8Fu8XjSE", "course_id": "109476", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109476", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Molecular and Biomedical Science Project (T/Y) Final", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOMED", "CATALOG_NBR": "4060B", "CLASS_NBR": 26157, "SESSION_CD": "TYD", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 20 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "BSc Honours (Biomedical Science)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Literature Review; Research Project: Thesis and Interview; Laboratory Notebook; Final Research Seminar", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course includes the performance of an individual research project under the supervision of one or more members of the Molecular & Biomedical Science staff or its affiliates. Early in the year students will report on the aim, significance and approach of their research topic. At the end of the year candidates will submit the results of their research in the form of a thesis, which will also contain a literature review surrounding their research topic. The research project is selected at the start of the Honours year following consultation with the Honours Coordinator and depends on availability of research supervisors in any particular year.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "786": {"id": "lzIpg9R0_1rax8Fu8XjSE", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "95tj2NIGk2XUq_22w6ucL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26157, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "787": {"subject": "BIOMENG", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "111534", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111526", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111506", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111508", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111505", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111535", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111507", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "788": {"id": "jo0ird8Dj6x6MAvwRFzYe", "course_id": "111534", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111534", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Principles of Medical Imaging", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOMENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "3113", "CLASS_NBR": 22373, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "039903", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MATHS 1011, MATHS 1012, ENG 3101", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, in-class quiz, assignments, tutorial", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, students will gain an understanding of the physical principles involved in a broad range of medical imaging modalities, including X-rays, ultrasound, and nuclear magnetic resonance. Students will develop a critical knowledge on the signal processing approaches used to reconstruct images from measured data and how measurement parameters affect the image contrast.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "789": {"id": "jo0ird8Dj6x6MAvwRFzYe", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "1o2yBo2U-Q7fR_UFzlshZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22372, "section": "LE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 19, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 6 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "id": "tWweeJj4wxl9nsGMAGoyy", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20195, "section": "AS01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 19, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22373, "section": "WR01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 19, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}]}]}]}]}, "790": {"id": "vVxlQhPURZbkSJ751rxd6", "course_id": "111526", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111526", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Biomedical Engineering", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOMENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "3114", "CLASS_NBR": 10239, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "039903", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 Hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENG 3101", "ASSESSMENT": "Exams, quizzes and assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, you will learn about the fundamental principles, technologies and issues surrounding biomedical engineering. The topics cover a diverse range, including but not limited to: physiological fundamentals, therapeutic devices, implantable devices, tissue engineering, biomedical signal processing and regulation of medical devices. This course is taken as part of the major in medical technologies offered in associated Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) programs.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "791": {"id": "vVxlQhPURZbkSJ751rxd6", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "kOU8FUyFSZvVcYcu3lc7q", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10239, "section": "WR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 19, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "8d3m8EdO_YjWfvVqRdK1o", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10173, "section": "PR02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 10, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM305, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 May - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM305, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10237, "section": "PR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 9, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM305, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM305, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "ZvhN5XUDxYMd0AMCqMhA4", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10238, "section": "TU01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 19, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Mja5CrHoyfBWio_GMQuAJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10236, "section": "LE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 19, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13098, "section": "AS01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 19, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "13 May - 13 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Jun - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "792": {"id": "apC1Gv8NpL2R19WBgn5sh", "course_id": "111506", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111506", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Biomechanical Engineering", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOMENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "4101", "CLASS_NBR": 25442, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "039903", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Engineering", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MECH ENG 2002", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, laboratory experiments, project, final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "What exactly was Grandma's hip replaced with? How does my skeleton reinvent itself continuously? How are my car's occupant safety features evaluated? What is an ACL and why does it rupture? Engineering biomechanics is involved in every movement we make, and is critical to many areas of medicine and safety. This course will explore the function, structure and mechanics of tissues in the musculoskeletal system (e.g. bone, tendon, cartilage, etc.), the function and design principles of orthopaedic implants and artificial joints, and the fundamentals of injury biomechanics. In each of these areas, the experimental, analytical and computational research methods used to study function, dysfunction and trauma will be discussed. Learning opportunities will include hands-on laboratory activities, facility visits and demonstrations. Contemporary examples and case studies will be used to explore new and emerging orthopaedic and injury biomechanics technologies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "793": {"id": "apC1Gv8NpL2R19WBgn5sh", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "89-JpuLrVUlyJab8znb3z", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25442, "section": "WR02", "size": 34, "enrolled": 29, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "21 Aug - 28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25443, "section": "WR01", "size": 34, "enrolled": 33, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Aug - 8 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Aug - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "29 Aug - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "FDtFXO18sjYAoFnZXbeQX", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28888, "section": "TU02", "size": 40, "enrolled": 33, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 28889, "section": "TU01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 29, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "794": {"id": "rNmoxp-XcyxoIIwEST4Zh", "course_id": "111508", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111508", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Biomedical Instrumentation", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOMENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "4115", "CLASS_NBR": 25447, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "039903", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ELEC ENG 1100, ELEC ENG 1101", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Final exam, mid-Semester quiz, regular tutorials", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, you will learn key measurement principles of sensors found in health technologies, ranging from medical devices used in hospitals to wearables for fitness monitoring. You will learn how to build bio-potential amplifiers and record and interpret your own bioelectrical data (e.g. heart activity, muscle activity). You will gain insight into the working principles underlying the instrumentation for measuring respiratory and cardiovascular function such as blood pressure, blood flow as well as biochemical sensors and neuro-stimulators.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "795": {"id": "rNmoxp-XcyxoIIwEST4Zh", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "mzCVt3_Me15emGerH5xV-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25447, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 12, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "MRpa0OSMY4RruzH9Lktdw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20202, "section": "PR02", "size": 15, "enrolled": 5, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "21 Aug - 21 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, 305318&319, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "4 Sep - 4 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, 305318&319, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 2 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, 305318&319, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25449, "section": "PR01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 7, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "20 Aug - 20 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, 305318&319, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 Sep - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, 305318&319, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, 305318&319, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "id": "8CdxiGeXQ0kZxRgl_-IMI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20201, "section": "AS01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 12, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S127, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 14 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S127, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Nov - 1 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25451, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 12, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Aug - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "796": {"id": "uVmxzyM_xHneW3OhYh3iG", "course_id": "111505", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111505", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Biomechanical Engineering", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOMENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7044", "CLASS_NBR": 25440, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "039903", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, Laboratory experiments, Project, Final Exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "What exactly was Grandma's hip replaced with? How does my skeleton reinvent itself continuously? How are my car's occupant safety features evaluated? What is an ACL and why does it rupture? Engineering biomechanics is involved in every movement we make, and is critical to many areas of medicine and safety. This course will explore the function, structure and mechanics of tissues in the musculoskeletal system (e.g. bone, tendon, cartilage, etc.), the function and design principles of orthopaedic implants and artificial joints, and the fundamentals of injury biomechanics. In each of these areas, the experimental, analytical and computational research methods used to study function, dysfunction and trauma will be discussed. Learning opportunities will include hands-on laboratory activities, facility visits and demonstrations. Contemporary examples and case studies will be used to explore new and emerging orthopaedic and injury biomechanics technologies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "797": {"id": "uVmxzyM_xHneW3OhYh3iG", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "O0Ax_0k_5aiN09_rZjDhI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25440, "section": "WR02", "size": 6, "enrolled": 4, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "21 Aug - 28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25441, "section": "WR01", "size": 2, "enrolled": 0, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Aug - 8 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Aug - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "29 Aug - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "XEL-ioFzURIxIlV6zY_Yk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28890, "section": "TU02", "size": 6, "enrolled": 4, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 28891, "section": "TU01", "size": 2, "enrolled": 0, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "798": {"id": "iGld8bUXyI6Quff-nXoM4", "course_id": "111535", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111535", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Principles of Medical Imaging", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOMENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7113", "CLASS_NBR": 22375, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "039903", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Engineering mathematics at undergraduate level", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, in-class quiz, assignments, tutorial", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, students will gain an understanding of the physical principles involved in a broad range of medical imaging modalities, including X-rays, ultrasound, and nuclear magnetic resonance. Students will develop a critical knowledge on the signal processing approaches used to reconstruct images from measured data and how measurement parameters affect the image contrast.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "799": {"id": "iGld8bUXyI6Quff-nXoM4", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "RahLxdpGW3EpaquO_Hs0K", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22374, "section": "LE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 6 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "id": "5cgt2lwVml0xRj0GYuwVJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20196, "section": "AS01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22375, "section": "WR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}]}]}]}]}, "800": {"id": "aZMiui-VBe-hXs70Q3FgU", "course_id": "111507", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111507", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Biomedical Instrumentation", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOMENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7115", "CLASS_NBR": 25445, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "039903", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Undergraduate course in electronic engineering.", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Final exam, mid-Semester quiz, regular tutorials", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, you will learn key measurement principles of sensors found in health technologies, ranging from medical devices used in hospitals to wearables for fitness monitoring. You will learn how to build bio-potential amplifiers and record and interpret your own bioelectrical data (e.g. heart activity, muscle activity). You will gain insight into the working principles underlying the instrumentation for measuring respiratory and cardiovascular function such as blood pressure, blood flow as well as biochemical sensors and neuro-stimulators.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "801": {"id": "aZMiui-VBe-hXs70Q3FgU", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "7phOzkbOhytYlR-EUQ7zA", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25445, "section": "WR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 1, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "8AaZy2ncX5c7mgZboQDTV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25448, "section": "PR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 1, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "20 Aug - 20 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, 305318&319, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 Sep - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, 305318&319, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, 305318&319, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "Tl2gAEgYnlMPSBB95nv9E", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25450, "section": "TU01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 1, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Aug - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "id": "2xkkA4huEmcLKtXeiXOEH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20200, "section": "AS01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 1, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S127, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 14 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S127, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Nov - 1 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "802": {"subject": "BIOPRENG", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "111531", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111513", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111532", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111533", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111555", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111431", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111537", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111429", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111428", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111430", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "803": {"id": "9oR8aNf_-vlqyaY_lwCNR", "course_id": "111531", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111531", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Pharmaceutical Production Processes", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOPRENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "2012", "CLASS_NBR": 29584, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019907", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "CHEM ENG 1007", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, final examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an overview of pharmaceutical engineering technology. The course introduces active pharmaceutical ingredient manufacturing, powder mixing and tableting, recombinant DNA technology and therapeutic protein manufacturing in the pharmaceutical industry. An introduction to batch process design emphasising unique requirements of pharmaceutical plants will be included.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "804": {"id": "9oR8aNf_-vlqyaY_lwCNR", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "LdARwTElC9LEzJ202fKK2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29583, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 18, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "qDRLmvB4UJKcjtRr4LWWK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29584, "section": "WR01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 18, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "GWMTLnwrX2_o8wzTXDJil", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29586, "section": "LEC0", "size": 24, "enrolled": 18, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "805": {"id": "oXNDq_PEbMMYV1-Zzz07h", "course_id": "111513", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111513", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Ensuring Quality in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOPRENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "4036", "CLASS_NBR": 20220, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, project reports, final examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of this course is to introduce the strategy for producing high quality safe pharmaceutics. This module will focus on the traditional approaches to ensure product quality using facility design, validation and good manufacturing practice (GMP). The concepts of quality by design (QbD), process analytical technology (PAT) and continuous manufacturing will be introduced. Special reference will be made to the manufacture of biologics including antibiotics, therapeutic proteins and vaccines.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "806": {"id": "oXNDq_PEbMMYV1-Zzz07h", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "rhETEiguf2zg-obCFrOnA", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20220, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 5, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "807": {"id": "CFO4xTRWSTyq-Fb86e8Dx", "course_id": "111532", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111532", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Pharmaceutical Formulation and Manufacturing", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOPRENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "4060", "CLASS_NBR": 12505, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019907", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Underlying operational principles (mass and heat transfer); including basics on reaction engineering and process design", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "2 x tutorials, 1 quiz and a written exam.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course informs about the dosage form design (formulation) of drugs. For this, an understanding of the biopharmaceutical pathway of the formulation and drug in the human body will be provided, from the entry (administration) to the exit (elimination); which governs drug absorption and bioavailability. This involves physical disintegration and dissolution processes in the gastrointestinal tract and the 'systemic transport' (blood circular system) up to membrane and cellular media transport. The course will provide detailed insight on the different classes of formulations, starting from how they are build up and finally how they are industrially manufactured. This involves explanation on the underlying fundamental physical and matter processes, with major focus on powder technology (e.g. flow, gliding, compression, granulation, drying, tabletting, coating). The manufacturing of tablets, as most common formulation product is described all the way up from the powders to the final product. This involves the principles of particle breaking, merging, dosing, mixing, flow, and more; as well as outlining the respective industrial equipment. Further, liquid formulations are presented, comprising (including lyophilisation for biopharmaceuticals), suspensions, and emulsions (supramolecular aggregates) as well as their preparation by mixing. The course presents various drug-delivery systems (e.g. coating, matrix, erosion, depot). The pre-formulation stage conducts analytical tests for essential functions, which formulations need to fulfil to be manufactured. Drug development will be described, including the stages from discovery (hit), to optimisation (lead), and testing (clinical phases) and legislation. Sustainability is achieved herein by the concepts of green chemistry, flow chemistry (continuous-flow), process intensification, and compact, modular container production platforms; the first being listed as Australia's frontier technology.\n\nThe course is delivered through a combination of lectures (divided in a set of mini-lectures), training and exercises in a workshop, two assessments, and a quiz.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "808": {"id": "CFO4xTRWSTyq-Fb86e8Dx", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "blV7b8hHi6MX464_Krh7B", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12505, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 10, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 26 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "d8vG3YJvExuIQ9wZOmra7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18771, "section": "LEC0", "size": 30, "enrolled": 10, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "809": {"id": "QHmxkiJ1nfKlYMd-oUyFW", "course_id": "111533", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111533", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Principles of Biopharmaceutical Engineering", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOPRENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7060", "CLASS_NBR": 22371, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030305", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exams, assessments, in-class quiz", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The objective of the course will be to introduce fundamental and technological principles applied in biopharmaceutical manufacturing. It covers the topics of recombinant DNA technology and its application in therapeutic protein production; protein engineering of understanding of protein folding and recognition for protein design principles; mass and energy balance in biological systems; fermentation kinetics and stoichiometry for growth and product formation; principles of bioprocess scale-up and technology transfer. In the end of the course, students will be able to 1) Understand the method by which living cells are engineered to produce complex therapeutic proteins; 2) Explore the way in which reactors are designed to support the growth of living cells that produce a target therapeutic; 3) Learn how protein therapeutics are purified and how previous manufacturing steps inform how this is performed.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "810": {"id": "QHmxkiJ1nfKlYMd-oUyFW", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "Hz8gN7So0vpECf2aTYKgt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22371, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 14, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "bynaPWyorFjsk54hrmYjS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28726, "section": "LEC0", "size": 30, "enrolled": 14, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "811": {"id": "sPEdKhYU_gr3xTS5DUObR", "course_id": "111555", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111555", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Quality by Design and Process Analytical Technology", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOPRENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7061", "CLASS_NBR": 22816, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030305", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, report, presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The objective of the course will be to teach the principles and applications quality by design and process analytical technology as practiced by the pharmaceutical industry. The course is designed so students will be able to understand and discuss the basic principles of quality by design and process analytical technology. They will also be able to apply quality by design and process analytical technology to the biopharmaceutical manufacturing.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "812": {"id": "sPEdKhYU_gr3xTS5DUObR", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "VF8mRMt-TbUMiyVmIkz52", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22816, "section": "WR01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 12, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "7Uc6UfnO2IQKRvW8KfKc5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28727, "section": "LEC0", "size": 15, "enrolled": 12, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "813": {"id": "l3a0rd-a88mCAFhI6U430", "course_id": "111431", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111431", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Downstream Bioprocessing", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOPRENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7062", "CLASS_NBR": 20219, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030305", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exams, assessments, lab components, in-class quiz", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is to introduce the principles of bioprocess engineering focusing on downstream bioprocessing. It aims to provide the latest bioprocess technology from an engineering point of view, using worked examples related to biological systems. This course introduces the commonly used technologies for biological products. The covered topics include centrifugation, filtration, precipitation, membrane separation, adsorption chromatography, size exclusion chromatography, liquid-liquid separation. The basic principles and mechanism of separation are covered in each of the topics, wherein the engineering concept and integrated process design are emphasized.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "814": {"id": "l3a0rd-a88mCAFhI6U430", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "zESe-e9c_MZj21HTWkIvF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20219, "section": "TU01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 12, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "zlYMlSxHxacgOwQ_bLsJy", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20218, "section": "PR01", "size": 12, "enrolled": 12, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Oct - 4 Oct", "days": "Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N506, Collaboration Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "iCMZNVBSqrTRuSzKRhpMs", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28728, "section": "LEC0", "size": 15, "enrolled": 12, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "815": {"id": "21qDraxfRNbfoKhzGV2Pq", "course_id": "111537", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111537", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Upstream Bioprocessing and Bioformulation", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOPRENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7064", "CLASS_NBR": 18595, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Unpublished Course - Contact Not Available", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "", "QUOTA_TXT": "quota NA", "RESTRICTION": "", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Unpublished Course - No eligibility Req", "PRE_REQUISITE": "prereq NA", "CO_REQUISITE": "coreq NA", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "assume NA", "INCOMPATIBLE": "restriction NA", "ASSESSMENT": "Unpublished Course - NA", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "biennial NA", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "", "SYLLABUS": "The aims of the course will be to introduce and expand on fundamental process and technological tools for the upstream and bioformulation of biopharmaceutical production processes. This course will include topics on cell line development, media development, production parameters and fermenter design, scale-up and technology transfer, harvesting and extraction, formulation development, product complexity and analysis. By the end of the course, students will be able to", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "816": {"id": "21qDraxfRNbfoKhzGV2Pq", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "WVAAW6Sn4WIrRg2uisBKz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18595, "section": "WR01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 12, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2:30pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2:30pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "c1qUF7qsve3AmyROTg28W", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18594, "section": "PR01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 12, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N506, Collaboration Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N506, Collaboration Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "GlhXmUCnnK5HZ6HJjpPIP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18772, "section": "LEC0", "size": 15, "enrolled": 12, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "817": {"id": "m8xvRWfCqzFHoH5Aw1UP1", "course_id": "111429", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111429", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Batch and Continuous Biomanufacturing", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOPRENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7065", "CLASS_NBR": 15458, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Unpublished Course - Contact Not Available", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "", "QUOTA_TXT": "quota NA", "RESTRICTION": "", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Unpublished Course - No eligibility Req", "PRE_REQUISITE": "prereq NA", "CO_REQUISITE": "coreq NA", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "assume NA", "INCOMPATIBLE": "restriction NA", "ASSESSMENT": "Unpublished Course - NA", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "biennial NA", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "", "SYLLABUS": "The objective of the course will be to teach the advantages of continuous manufacturing over batch manufacturing within the pharmaceutical sector. The quality, economic and operational benefits will be covered. The course will teach how batch manufacturing unit operations can be adapted to continuous operations. It will also cover the need to develop new bespoke continuous clarification and purification operations. Finally the quality management and regulatory affairs implications of continuous manufacturing will be assessed. By the end of the course, students will be able to", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "818": {"id": "m8xvRWfCqzFHoH5Aw1UP1", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "7NvTyaReb2mZsIqE2oRzI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15458, "section": "TU01", "size": 14, "enrolled": 13, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "_hKKhJSMGtSXFJYZ8laWw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18773, "section": "LEC0", "size": 14, "enrolled": 13, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "819": {"id": "I5-plrqcyFmeRG0xaXSwQ", "course_id": "111428", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111428", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Technologies in Biopharmaceutical Processing", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOPRENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7066", "CLASS_NBR": 12522, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Biopharmaceutical engineering is one the most promising areas of development from both the scientific and technology viewpoints. This is because this discipline develops at the intersection of physics, chemistry, biology and engineering. It is expected that biopharmaceutical products play a major role in facilitating therapeutic strategies for the treatment of some of the most important diseases and conditions of the 21st century such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and various types of cancer. Moreover, thanks to developments in this area, novel diagnostic and medical devices are available to the general public. Some of the emerging research areas within this field include the discovery and production of novel pharmacological molecules, more effective gene therapies, pharmacogenomics and personalized medicine. This course explores the routes for the implementation of some of these developments going from the lab to the full clinical translation. \n\nThe general objective of this course is therefore to provide a conceptual and fundamental framework to comprehensively understand each component of a biopharmaceutical development such that students can consider new value propositions to address the upcoming healthcare and industry challenges.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "820": {"id": "I5-plrqcyFmeRG0xaXSwQ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "nKqaaxN_kUECLSbi2jwRf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12522, "section": "TU01", "size": 18, "enrolled": 12, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 215, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 215, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "te4bPsHICJ03-qHDdwflj", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18774, "section": "LEC0", "size": 18, "enrolled": 12, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "821": {"id": "MEkpXMkDSxXh5Pho76yry", "course_id": "111430", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111430", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Engineering of Biomaterials", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOPRENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7109", "CLASS_NBR": 25435, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, quizzes, tests, final examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The main objective of this course is to introduce the foundations of advanced biomaterials. In general, biomaterials are synthetic of natural materials used to augment or replace tissues permanently or for applications intended to address shorter needs. Traditionally, biomaterials have found application in the manufacture of artificial vascular grafts, heart valves, cosmetic and orthopedic implants, dental fillers, and intravenous catheters. More recently, they have become an essential tool for regenerative medicine and the development of highly efficient drug delivery vehicles. The successful implementation of biomaterials requires the fulfillment of several physical and chemical properties as well as biocompatibility. In this context, the course will cover some of the most important biomaterials for applications in human health, their manufacturing processes, properties, interactions with tissues, and techniques for their characterization. \n\nThe specific goals for the course are: \n\nDesign manufacturing processes according to the required attributes for the final application. \n\nCritically analyze the application of mechanical, thermal, spectroscopic, microscopic, and biological characterization techniques to evaluate the performance of a material for an intended biomedical application. \n\nCritically analyze the impact of biological properties in evaluating the performance of a material for an intended biomedical application.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "822": {"id": "MEkpXMkDSxXh5Pho76yry", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "igYLhX5mI_Kd_RaU0KPeO", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25435, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 7, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Napier, 204, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Napier, 204, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "wQEDvDCwFkLzPziolKguC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25434, "section": "LE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 7, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, 204, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, 204, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "823": {"subject": "BIOSTATS", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "103655", "term": "4410", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "103657", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "103657", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "103659", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "103660", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "103660", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "103664", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "103664", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "103665", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "103665", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "103666", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "103667", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "103667", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "103670", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "103671", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110291", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110292", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110292", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111015", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111015", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111016", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111016", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111017", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111017", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "824": {"id": "NTS-NnGI7q0llLsG_tFDA", "course_id": "103655", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103655", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Epidemiology", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOSTATS", "CATALOG_NBR": "6000", "CLASS_NBR": 14267, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "069999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "A quota of 20 applies", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PUB HLTH 7075 and PUB HLTH 4275", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, Online Activities and Participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "On completion of this course students should be familiar with the major concepts and tools of epidemiology, the study of health in populations, and should be able to judge the quality of evidence in health-related research literature. Topics include: historical developments in epidemiology; sources of data on mortality and morbidity; disease rates and standardisation; prevalence and incidence; life expectancy; linking exposure and disease (eg relative risk, attributable risk); main types of study design - case series, ecological studies, cross-sectional surveys, case-control studies, cohort or follow-up studies, randomised controlled trials; sources of error (chance, bias, confounding); association and causality; evaluating published papers; epidemics and epidemic investigation; surveillance; prevention; screening.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "825": {"id": "NTS-NnGI7q0llLsG_tFDA", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "8CsWdTwI-m0xHx8zxCBye", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12314, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 4, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG25, Vernon-Roberts Museum"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG25, Vernon-Roberts Museum"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14267, "section": "WR02", "size": 10, "enrolled": 3, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "826": {"id": "hebV5KvrZEf_uGt7J25aj", "course_id": "103657", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103657", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Data Management and Statistical Computing", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOSTATS", "CATALOG_NBR": "6002EX", "CLASS_NBR": 15699, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "069999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Grad Cert, Grad Dip, M Biostatistics, Master of Public Health, Master of Bioinformatics and Master of Biotechnology (Biomedical) students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Three major assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of this course is to provide students with knowledge and skills required to undertake moderate to high level data manipulation and management in preparation for statistical analysis of data typically arising in health and medical research. Content includes: Module 1 - Stata and R: The basics (importing and exporting data, recording data, formatting data, labelling variable names and data values; using dates, data display and summary presentation, and creating programs); Module 2 - Stata and R: graphs, data management and statistical quality assurance methods (including advanced graphics to produce publication-quality graphs) and Module 3 - Data management using Stata and R (using functions to generate new variables, appending, merging, transposing longitudinal data; programming skills for efficient and reproducible use of these packages, including loops and arguments).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "827": {"id": "hebV5KvrZEf_uGt7J25aj", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "E4xkcygjsdO60j8l7Nl6D", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15699, "section": "01EX", "size": 20, "enrolled": 6, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "828": {"id": "mqaxkk3N5KdG-uViBqR2k", "course_id": "103657", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103657", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Data Management and Statistical Computing", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOSTATS", "CATALOG_NBR": "6002EX", "CLASS_NBR": 25712, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "069999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Grad Cert, Grad Dip, M Biostatistics, Master of Public Health, Master of Bioinformatics and Master of Biotechnology (Biomedical) students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Three major assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of this course is to provide students with knowledge and skills required to undertake moderate to high level data manipulation and management in preparation for statistical analysis of data typically arising in health and medical research. Content includes: Module 1 - Stata and R: The basics (importing and exporting data, recording data, formatting data, labelling variable names and data values; using dates, data display and summary presentation, and creating programs); Module 2 - Stata and R: graphs, data management and statistical quality assurance methods (including advanced graphics to produce publication-quality graphs) and Module 3 - Data management using Stata and R (using functions to generate new variables, appending, merging, transposing longitudinal data; programming skills for efficient and reproducible use of these packages, including loops and arguments).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "829": {"id": "mqaxkk3N5KdG-uViBqR2k", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "wMqTENBJmxsyOWDZ_4kyW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25712, "section": "01EX", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "830": {"id": "7dYMXuXYsZAiO6NAkrJ9B", "course_id": "103659", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103659", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Design of Randomised Controlled Trials", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOSTATS", "CATALOG_NBR": "6004EX", "CLASS_NBR": 25713, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "069999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Online", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Grad Cert, Grad Dip, M Biostatistics students. Check with School for Non-Award Study.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "BIOSTATS 6000EX and BIOSTATS 6001EX or BIOSTATS 6019EX or BIOSTATS 6000", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Three major assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of this course is to enable students to understand and apply the principles of design and analysis of experiments, with a particular focus on randomised controlled trials (RCTs), to a level where they are able to contribute effectively as a statistician to the planning, conduct and reporting of a standard RCT. Topics include: ethical considerations; principles and methods of randomisation in controlled trials; treatment allocation, blocking, stratification and allocation concealment; parallel, factorial and crossover designs including n-of-1 studies; practical issues in sample size determination; intention-to-treat principle; phase I dose finding studies; phase II safety and efficacy studies; interim analyses and early stopping; multiple outcomes/endpoints, including surrogate outcomes, multiple tests and subgroup analyses, including adjustment of significance levels and p-values; missing data; reporting trial results and use of the CONSORT statement.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "831": {"id": "7dYMXuXYsZAiO6NAkrJ9B", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "rAozLWxtLy6zQPnyhs8p7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25713, "section": "01EX", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "832": {"id": "Vle85Q63O6Yya1qi2YiNN", "course_id": "103660", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103660", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Principles of Statistical Inference", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOSTATS", "CATALOG_NBR": "6005EX", "CLASS_NBR": 15701, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "069999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Online", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Grad Cert, Grad Dip, M Biostatistics students. Check with School for Non-Award Study.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "BIOSTATS 6000EX and BIOSTATS 6001EX or BIOSTATS 6019EX or BIOSTATS 6000", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Two major assignments and submission of selected practical exercises", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of this course is to develop a strong mathematical and conceptual foundation in the methods of statistical inference, which underlie many of the methods utilised in subsequent courses, and in biostatistical practice. The course provides an overview of the concepts and properties of estimators of statistical model parameters, then proceeds to a general study of the likelihood function from first principles. This will serve as the basis for likelihood-based methodology, including maximum likelihood estimation, and the likelihood ratio, Wald, and score tests. Core statistical inference concepts including estimators and their ideal properties, hypothesis testing, p-values, confidence intervals, and power under a frequentist framework will be examined with an emphasis on both their mathematical derivation, and their interpretation and communication in a health and medical research setting. Other methods for estimation and hypothesis testing, including a brief introduction to the Bayesian approach to inference, exact and non-parametric methods, and simulation-based approaches will also be explored.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "833": {"id": "Vle85Q63O6Yya1qi2YiNN", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "6XzGGx4xSZDeIfQmKND2s", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15701, "section": "01EX", "size": 20, "enrolled": 9, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "834": {"id": "Cmsd2aj0ljxo-9S3JAkZs", "course_id": "103660", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103660", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Principles of Statistical Inference", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOSTATS", "CATALOG_NBR": "6005EX", "CLASS_NBR": 25714, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "069999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Online", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Grad Cert, Grad Dip, M Biostatistics students. Check with School for Non-Award Study.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "BIOSTATS 6000EX and BIOSTATS 6001EX or BIOSTATS 6019EX or BIOSTATS 6000", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Two major assignments and submission of selected practical exercises", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of this course is to develop a strong mathematical and conceptual foundation in the methods of statistical inference, which underlie many of the methods utilised in subsequent courses, and in biostatistical practice. The course provides an overview of the concepts and properties of estimators of statistical model parameters, then proceeds to a general study of the likelihood function from first principles. This will serve as the basis for likelihood-based methodology, including maximum likelihood estimation, and the likelihood ratio, Wald, and score tests. Core statistical inference concepts including estimators and their ideal properties, hypothesis testing, p-values, confidence intervals, and power under a frequentist framework will be examined with an emphasis on both their mathematical derivation, and their interpretation and communication in a health and medical research setting. Other methods for estimation and hypothesis testing, including a brief introduction to the Bayesian approach to inference, exact and non-parametric methods, and simulation-based approaches will also be explored.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "835": {"id": "Cmsd2aj0ljxo-9S3JAkZs", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "pbAYKbQ3U7NjGHhQHZwnG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25714, "section": "01EX", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "836": {"id": "-MyTdDtGhhVsSQn6nTEUd", "course_id": "103664", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103664", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Biostatistics Research Project A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOSTATS", "CATALOG_NBR": "6009", "CLASS_NBR": 15703, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "069999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 12 hours per week for 13 weeks", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M Biostatistics students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "BIOSTATS 6002EX and BIOSTATS 6006EX or BIOSTATS 6020EX; Minimum of 4 courses", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Epigeum Research Integrity Training modules (0%, 5 hours) hurdle; Statistical Analysis Plan (10%); Oral Presentation (20%); Written research project portfolio (70%).", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Formally known as the Workplace Project Portfolio, the aim of this course is that the student gains practical experience, usually in workplace settings, in the application of knowledge and skills learnt during the coursework of the Master's program. The student will usually provide evidence of having met this goal by completing training in research integrity, preparation of a statistical analysis plan, presenting the outcomes of their research project in a short oral presentation, and submitting a written portfolio or thesis made up of a preface and project report(s). An outline of options for the structure of this course, including supervision and assessment requirements, is available at", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "837": {"id": "-MyTdDtGhhVsSQn6nTEUd", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "EK2R-GQ-vmR1VymrKY8x9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15703, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "838": {"id": "6M69liY93HWKI_C265mNy", "course_id": "103664", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103664", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Biostatistics Research Project A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOSTATS", "CATALOG_NBR": "6009", "CLASS_NBR": 25716, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "069999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 12 hours per week for 13 weeks", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M Biostatistics students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "BIOSTATS 6002EX and BIOSTATS 6006EX or BIOSTATS 6020EX; Minimum of 4 courses", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Epigeum Research Integrity Training modules (0%, 5 hours) hurdle; Statistical Analysis Plan (10%); Oral Presentation (20%); Written research project portfolio (70%).", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Formally known as the Workplace Project Portfolio, the aim of this course is that the student gains practical experience, usually in workplace settings, in the application of knowledge and skills learnt during the coursework of the Master's program. The student will usually provide evidence of having met this goal by completing training in research integrity, preparation of a statistical analysis plan, presenting the outcomes of their research project in a short oral presentation, and submitting a written portfolio or thesis made up of a preface and project report(s). An outline of options for the structure of this course, including supervision and assessment requirements, is available at", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "839": {"id": "6M69liY93HWKI_C265mNy", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "NHbXY392guifADmZNd27R", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25716, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 4, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "840": {"id": "tUbt0dz-QQ_ewkauapb72", "course_id": "103665", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103665", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Biostatistics Research Project B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOSTATS", "CATALOG_NBR": "6010", "CLASS_NBR": 15704, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "069999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 12 hours per week for 13 weeks", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M Biostatistics students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "BIOSTATS 6002EX and BIOSTATS 6006EX or BIOSTATS 6020EX; Minimum of 4 courses", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment will comprise completion of a statistical analysis plan (10%), oral presentation of key findings from research project (20%), and written research project portfolio (70%).", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Formally known as the Workplace Project Portfolio, the aim of this course is that the student gains practical experience, usually in workplace settings, in the application of knowledge and skills learnt during the coursework of the Master's program. The student will usually provide evidence of having met this goal by presenting a portfolio or thesis made up of a preface and project reports. An outline of options for the structure of this course, including supervision and assessment requirements, is available at (see Workplace Project Portfolio guidelines).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "841": {"id": "tUbt0dz-QQ_ewkauapb72", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "NVD6DQbE1x8XK1Frsq_SH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15704, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "842": {"id": "8A3Bm5frf6lESqLBc90LE", "course_id": "103665", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103665", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Biostatistics Research Project B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOSTATS", "CATALOG_NBR": "6010", "CLASS_NBR": 25717, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "069999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 12 hours per week for 13 weeks", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M Biostatistics students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "BIOSTATS 6002EX and BIOSTATS 6006EX or BIOSTATS 6020EX; Minimum of 4 courses", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment will comprise completion of a statistical analysis plan (10%), oral presentation of key findings from research project (20%), and written research project portfolio (70%).", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Formally known as the Workplace Project Portfolio, the aim of this course is that the student gains practical experience, usually in workplace settings, in the application of knowledge and skills learnt during the coursework of the Master's program. The student will usually provide evidence of having met this goal by presenting a portfolio or thesis made up of a preface and project reports. An outline of options for the structure of this course, including supervision and assessment requirements, is available at (see Workplace Project Portfolio guidelines).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "843": {"id": "8A3Bm5frf6lESqLBc90LE", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "h21DKQpD-rdRzIPeOYZiS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25717, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "844": {"id": "ExC9g4-vnMgfCgBw1-gJW", "course_id": "103666", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103666", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Statistical Genomics", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOSTATS", "CATALOG_NBR": "6011EX", "CLASS_NBR": 25718, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 12 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "A quota of 20 applies", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "BIOSTATS 6001EX and BIOSTATS 6003EX or BIOSTATS 6019EX, BIOSTATS 6006EX or BIOSTATS 6020EX", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments and module assessments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "Course is offered in odd years only", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course covers the application of statistical methods to understand genomes, their structure, function and evolutionary history, in many different scientific contexts, including: understanding biological mechanisms in health and disease, predicting outcomes and identifying individuals and their relatedness. The course will also cover methods that are used with family or population data to study causes of disease.\nContent includes: Epidemiological study design and the theory and application of the major areas of biostatistics relevant to professional practice; complex statistical analyses to handle a variety of practical problems using modern statistical techniques and software; data collection and data management, including database design, quality control procedures and the ethical handling of data; identification of relevant statistical issues in practical problems in medical/health settings and the implementation of an appropriate statistical design and/or analysis methodology; technical skills necessary to read methodological papers in the biostatistical literature and the application of methods described therein to practical problems. R software will be used to apply the methods to real life study datasets.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "845": {"id": "ExC9g4-vnMgfCgBw1-gJW", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "3upB_znArZseOOTIX-wl3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25718, "section": "01EX", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "846": {"id": "SNyGrOBJfmuG2DGJqKckr", "course_id": "103667", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103667", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Longitudinal & Correlated Data", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOSTATS", "CATALOG_NBR": "6012EX", "CLASS_NBR": 15705, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "069999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Online", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Grad Cert, Grad Dip, M Biostatistics students. Check with School for Non-Award Study.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "BIOSTATS 6001EX and BIOSTATS 6003EX or BIOSTATS 6019EX, BIOSTATS 6006EX and BIOSTATS 6007EX or BIOSTATS 6020EX, BIOSTATS 6000 or BIOSTATS 6000EX, BIOSTATS 6005EX", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Two major assignments and five shorter assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of this course is to enable students to apply appropriate methods to the analysis of data arising from longitudinal (repeated measures) epidemiological or clinical studies, and from studies with other forms of clustering (cluster sample surveys, cluster randomised trials, family studies) that will produce non-exchangeable outcomes. The content includes: paired data; the effect of non-independence on comparisons within and between clusters of observations; methods for continuous outcomes; normal mixed effects (hierarchical or multilevel) models and generalised estimating equations (GEE); role and limitations of repeated measures ANOVA; methods for discrete data: GEE and generalised linear mixed models (GLMM); and methods for count data.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "847": {"id": "SNyGrOBJfmuG2DGJqKckr", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "pr6kmJarIBCvpAc7Mwl5G", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15705, "section": "01EX", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "848": {"id": "TDyfu-rVX2pLpDgCdPTqc", "course_id": "103667", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103667", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Longitudinal & Correlated Data", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOSTATS", "CATALOG_NBR": "6012EX", "CLASS_NBR": 25719, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "069999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Online", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Grad Cert, Grad Dip, M Biostatistics students. Check with School for Non-Award Study.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "BIOSTATS 6001EX and BIOSTATS 6003EX or BIOSTATS 6019EX, BIOSTATS 6006EX and BIOSTATS 6007EX or BIOSTATS 6020EX, BIOSTATS 6000 or BIOSTATS 6000EX, BIOSTATS 6005EX", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Two major assignments and five shorter assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of this course is to enable students to apply appropriate methods to the analysis of data arising from longitudinal (repeated measures) epidemiological or clinical studies, and from studies with other forms of clustering (cluster sample surveys, cluster randomised trials, family studies) that will produce non-exchangeable outcomes. The content includes: paired data; the effect of non-independence on comparisons within and between clusters of observations; methods for continuous outcomes; normal mixed effects (hierarchical or multilevel) models and generalised estimating equations (GEE); role and limitations of repeated measures ANOVA; methods for discrete data: GEE and generalised linear mixed models (GLMM); and methods for count data.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "849": {"id": "TDyfu-rVX2pLpDgCdPTqc", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "IhrLVbHUQ0KEOqa-akWMc", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25719, "section": "01EX", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "850": {"id": "XuUjJ1HJ6bk7digU0ZK-F", "course_id": "103670", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103670", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Health Indicators & Health Surveys", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOSTATS", "CATALOG_NBR": "6015EX", "CLASS_NBR": 15706, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "069999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Online", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Grad Cert, Grad Dip, M Biostatistics students. Check with School for Non-Award Study.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "BIOSTATS 6001EX or BIOSTATS 6019EX", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Four major assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "On completion of this course students should be able to derive and compare population measures of mortality, illness, fertility and survival, be aware of the main sources of routinely collected health data and their advantages and disadvantages, and be able to collect primary data by a well-designed survey and analyse and interpret it appropriately. The content includes: routinely collected health-related data; quantitative methods in demography, including standardisation and life tables; health differentials; and design and analysis of population health surveys including the roles of stratification, clustering and weighting.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "851": {"id": "XuUjJ1HJ6bk7digU0ZK-F", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "WzBUs3EG_8apCYpdL1bl9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15706, "section": "01EX", "size": 20, "enrolled": 8, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "852": {"id": "xE6C0HrJm1WKsbuJTBaO8", "course_id": "103671", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103671", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Clinical Biostatistics", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOSTATS", "CATALOG_NBR": "6016EX", "CLASS_NBR": 15707, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "069999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Online", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Grad Cert, Grad Dip, M Biostatistics students. Check with School for Non-Award Study.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "BIOSTATS 6001EX and BIOSTATS 6003EX or BIOSTATS 6019EX, BIOSTATS 6000 or BIOSTATS 6000EX", "CO_REQUISITE": "BIOSTATS 6006EX or BIOSTATS 6020EX", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Three major assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of this course is to enable students to use correctly statistical methods of particular relevance to evidence-based health care and to advise clinicians on the application of these methods and interpretation of the results. The content includes: Clinical trials (equivalence trials, cross-over trials); Clinical agreement (Bland-Altman methods, kappa statistics, intraclass correlation); Statistical process control (special and common causes of variation; quality control charts); Diagnostic tests (sensitivity, specificity, ROC curves); Meta-analysis (systematic reviews, assessing heterogeneity, publication bias, estimating effects from randomized controlled trials, diagnostic tests and observational studies).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "853": {"id": "xE6C0HrJm1WKsbuJTBaO8", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "0jZjjCrtKNXSzk_SJAG4T", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15707, "section": "01EX", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "854": {"id": "2IeY9HG8mseaSqau76Ct8", "course_id": "110291", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110291", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Machine Learning", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOSTATS", "CATALOG_NBR": "6017EX", "CLASS_NBR": 26225, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 12 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "A quota of 15 applies", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Grad Cert, Grad Dip, M Biostatistics students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "BIOSTATS 6001EX and BIOSTATS 6003EX or BIOSTATS 6019EX and BIOSTATS 6000 or 6000EX and BIOSTATS 6006EX or BIOSTATS 6020EX and BIOSTATS 6005EX", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Two major assignments and two shorter assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course covers modern machine learning methods particularly useful for large and complex health data Content includes: Linear Regression and K -Nearest Neighbours; Classification (logistic regression, linear discriminant analysis); Resampling Methods (Cross-Validation, Bootstrap); Model Selection and Regularization (subset selection, shrinkage methods, dimension reduction methods); Beyond Linearity (fractional polynomials, basis functions, splines, generalized additive models); Tree-Based Methods (decision trees, bagging, random forests, boosting).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "855": {"id": "2IeY9HG8mseaSqau76Ct8", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "CZbO3DgDn0ASFDgPtIy0X", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26225, "section": "01EX", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "856": {"id": "NleZJj4dFOiRqpAumK8jf", "course_id": "110292", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110292", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Causal Inference", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOSTATS", "CATALOG_NBR": "6018EX", "CLASS_NBR": 16214, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "12 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Grad Cert, Grad Dip, M Biostatistics students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "BIOSTATS 6001EX and BIOSTATS 6003EX or BIOSTATS 6019EX and BIOSTATS 6000 or 6000EX and BIOSTATS 6006EX or BIOSTATS 6020EX and BIOSTATS 6005EX", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments and module assessments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course covers modern statistical methods for assessing the causal effect of a treatment or exposure from randomised or observational studies. \nContent includes: Explanation of the fundamental concept of counterfactual or potential outcomes and an introduction to causal diagrams (or directed acyclic graphs (DAGs)) to visually identify confounding, selection and other biases that prevent unbiased estimation of causal effects. Key issues in defining causal effects that are able to be estimated in a range of contexts are presented using the concept of the 'target trial' to clarify exactly what the analysis seeks to estimate. A range of statistical methods for analysing data to produce estimates of causal effects are then introduced. Propensity score and related methods for estimating the causal effect of a single time point exposure are presented, together with extensions to longitudinal data with multiple exposure measurements, and methods to assess whether the effect of an exposure on an outcome is mediated by one or more intermediate variables. Comparisons will be made throughout with 'conventional' statistical methods. Emphasis will be placed on interpretation of results and understanding the assumptions required to allow causal conclusions. Stata and R software will be used to apply the methods to real study datasets.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "857": {"id": "NleZJj4dFOiRqpAumK8jf", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "TAWBLRMuVHGLFqAjrGmIU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16214, "section": "01EX", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "858": {"id": "neIcY65BvOJwSYgxHMJug", "course_id": "110292", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110292", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Causal Inference", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOSTATS", "CATALOG_NBR": "6018EX", "CLASS_NBR": 26226, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "12 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Grad Cert, Grad Dip, M Biostatistics students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "BIOSTATS 6001EX and BIOSTATS 6003EX or BIOSTATS 6019EX and BIOSTATS 6000 or 6000EX and BIOSTATS 6006EX or BIOSTATS 6020EX and BIOSTATS 6005EX", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments and module assessments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course covers modern statistical methods for assessing the causal effect of a treatment or exposure from randomised or observational studies. \nContent includes: Explanation of the fundamental concept of counterfactual or potential outcomes and an introduction to causal diagrams (or directed acyclic graphs (DAGs)) to visually identify confounding, selection and other biases that prevent unbiased estimation of causal effects. Key issues in defining causal effects that are able to be estimated in a range of contexts are presented using the concept of the 'target trial' to clarify exactly what the analysis seeks to estimate. A range of statistical methods for analysing data to produce estimates of causal effects are then introduced. Propensity score and related methods for estimating the causal effect of a single time point exposure are presented, together with extensions to longitudinal data with multiple exposure measurements, and methods to assess whether the effect of an exposure on an outcome is mediated by one or more intermediate variables. Comparisons will be made throughout with 'conventional' statistical methods. Emphasis will be placed on interpretation of results and understanding the assumptions required to allow causal conclusions. Stata and R software will be used to apply the methods to real study datasets.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "859": {"id": "neIcY65BvOJwSYgxHMJug", "class_list": [{"association_group": "", "groups": []}]}, "860": {"id": "u6ivg6BQ6boDHZyGRRizo", "course_id": "111015", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111015", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Mathematical Foundations for Biostatistics", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOSTATS", "CATALOG_NBR": "6019EX", "CLASS_NBR": 16245, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "10-12 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Grad Cert/Grad Dip/M. Biostatistics students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "BIOSTATS 6001EX or BIOSTATS 6003EX", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments and quizzes", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course covers the foundational mathematical methods and probability distribution concept necessary for an in depth understanding of biostatistical methods. The course commences with an introduction to mathematical expressions, followed by the fundamental calculus techniques of differentiation and integration, and essential elements of mixed algebra. The concepts and rules of probability are then introduced , followed by the application of the calculus methods covered earlier in the course to calculate fundamental quantities of probability distributions, such as mean and variance. Random variables, their meaning and use in biostatistical applications is presented, together with the role of numerical simulation as a tool to demonstrate the properties of random variables.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "861": {"id": "u6ivg6BQ6boDHZyGRRizo", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "pNE2tCO6hprs4IfG2_Slp", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16245, "section": "01EX", "size": 70, "enrolled": 3, "available": 67, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "862": {"id": "yEpJVo7al9LHLSTMiFPDT", "course_id": "111015", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111015", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Mathematical Foundations for Biostatistics", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOSTATS", "CATALOG_NBR": "6019EX", "CLASS_NBR": 26259, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "10-12 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Grad Cert/Grad Dip/M. Biostatistics students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "BIOSTATS 6001EX or BIOSTATS 6003EX", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments and quizzes", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course covers the foundational mathematical methods and probability distribution concept necessary for an in depth understanding of biostatistical methods. The course commences with an introduction to mathematical expressions, followed by the fundamental calculus techniques of differentiation and integration, and essential elements of mixed algebra. The concepts and rules of probability are then introduced , followed by the application of the calculus methods covered earlier in the course to calculate fundamental quantities of probability distributions, such as mean and variance. Random variables, their meaning and use in biostatistical applications is presented, together with the role of numerical simulation as a tool to demonstrate the properties of random variables.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "863": {"id": "yEpJVo7al9LHLSTMiFPDT", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "MRb25HN6s453L47nEWAwM", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26259, "section": "01EX", "size": 70, "enrolled": 1, "available": 69, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "864": {"id": "P2EOn2wTV_wXJKo3xKxW7", "course_id": "111016", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111016", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Regression Modelling for Biostatistics I", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOSTATS", "CATALOG_NBR": "6020EX", "CLASS_NBR": 16246, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "10-12 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Grad Cert, Grad DIp, M. Biostatistics students only. Check with School for Non-Award.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "BIOSTATS 6001EX and BIOSTATS 6003EX or BIOSTATS 6019EX and BIOSTATS 6000 or BIOSTATS 6000EX", "CO_REQUISITE": "BIOSTATS 6005EX", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "BIOSTATS 6006EX or BIOSTATS 6007EX", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments and quizzes", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will enable students to apply methods based on linear and logistic regression models to biostatistical data analysis, with proper attention to underlying assumptions and a major emphasis on the practical interpretation and communication of results. Specifically, this course lays the foundation of biostatistical modelling to analyse data from randomised or observational studies, creating skills that are essential for biostatistics in practice and that will be used by students for the remainder of their BCA studies. This course will introduce the motivation for different regression analyses and how to choose an appropriate modelling strategy. Emphasis will be placed on interpretation of results and checking the model assumptions. Stata and R software will be used to apply the methods to real study datasets.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "865": {"id": "P2EOn2wTV_wXJKo3xKxW7", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "QmTWHuC852w0GDSWN3U2n", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16246, "section": "01EX", "size": 70, "enrolled": 8, "available": 62, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "866": {"id": "cyvCCImTTu8uNUJOyS-nn", "course_id": "111016", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111016", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Regression Modelling for Biostatistics I", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOSTATS", "CATALOG_NBR": "6020EX", "CLASS_NBR": 26260, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "10-12 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Grad Cert, Grad DIp, M. Biostatistics students only. Check with School for Non-Award.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "BIOSTATS 6001EX and BIOSTATS 6003EX or BIOSTATS 6019EX and BIOSTATS 6000 or BIOSTATS 6000EX", "CO_REQUISITE": "BIOSTATS 6005EX", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "BIOSTATS 6006EX or BIOSTATS 6007EX", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments and quizzes", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will enable students to apply methods based on linear and logistic regression models to biostatistical data analysis, with proper attention to underlying assumptions and a major emphasis on the practical interpretation and communication of results. Specifically, this course lays the foundation of biostatistical modelling to analyse data from randomised or observational studies, creating skills that are essential for biostatistics in practice and that will be used by students for the remainder of their BCA studies. This course will introduce the motivation for different regression analyses and how to choose an appropriate modelling strategy. Emphasis will be placed on interpretation of results and checking the model assumptions. Stata and R software will be used to apply the methods to real study datasets.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "867": {"id": "cyvCCImTTu8uNUJOyS-nn", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "czYown1dDsSGI0hgbWiVq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26260, "section": "01EX", "size": 70, "enrolled": 4, "available": 66, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "868": {"id": "kYk8n5womXoQYUJTOBFVj", "course_id": "111017", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111017", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Regression Modelling for Biostatistics II", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOSTATS", "CATALOG_NBR": "6021EX", "CLASS_NBR": 16247, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "10-12 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Grad Cert, Grad Dip, M. Biostatistics students only. Check with School for Non-Award", "PRE_REQUISITE": "BIOSTATS 6001EX and BIOSTATS 6003EX or BIOSTATS 6019EX and BIOSTATS 6000 or BIOSTATS 6000EX", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "BIOSTATS 6007EX or BIOSTATS 6008EX", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments and quizzes", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to enable students to implement generalised linear models (GLMs) for analysis of categorical data, and survival analysis methods for time-to-event data, with proper attention to the underlying assumptions. A major focus is on selection of appropriate methods, assessing the model fit and diagnostics of GLMs and survival models, and the practical interpretation and communication of model results. Specifically, this course presents the theory and application of GLMs and survival analysis. This course covers the implementation of GLMs to analyse count data using Poisson and negative binomial regression; how logistic regression models can be applied to binary, multinominal, and ordinal data; and the use of GLMs with continuous data. The course presents methods to analyse time to event survival data including the Kaplan Meier curve and the Cox proportional hazards model.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "869": {"id": "kYk8n5womXoQYUJTOBFVj", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "uUwQZoaauhjgT9L-hPGw2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16247, "section": "01EX", "size": 70, "enrolled": 5, "available": 65, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "870": {"id": "ijpLUihbazM3SSCKSHbTa", "course_id": "111017", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111017", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Regression Modelling for Biostatistics II", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOSTATS", "CATALOG_NBR": "6021EX", "CLASS_NBR": 26261, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "10-12 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Grad Cert, Grad Dip, M. Biostatistics students only. Check with School for Non-Award", "PRE_REQUISITE": "BIOSTATS 6001EX and BIOSTATS 6003EX or BIOSTATS 6019EX and BIOSTATS 6000 or BIOSTATS 6000EX", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "BIOSTATS 6007EX or BIOSTATS 6008EX", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments and quizzes", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to enable students to implement generalised linear models (GLMs) for analysis of categorical data, and survival analysis methods for time-to-event data, with proper attention to the underlying assumptions. A major focus is on selection of appropriate methods, assessing the model fit and diagnostics of GLMs and survival models, and the practical interpretation and communication of model results. Specifically, this course presents the theory and application of GLMs and survival analysis. This course covers the implementation of GLMs to analyse count data using Poisson and negative binomial regression; how logistic regression models can be applied to binary, multinominal, and ordinal data; and the use of GLMs with continuous data. The course presents methods to analyse time to event survival data including the Kaplan Meier curve and the Cox proportional hazards model.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "871": {"id": "ijpLUihbazM3SSCKSHbTa", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "4HH_vz0b72_04rGD2PwB-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26261, "section": "01EX", "size": 70, "enrolled": 7, "available": 63, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "872": {"subject": "BIOTECH", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "111074", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "001625", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111075", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111076", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111077", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106474", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106475", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106477", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106478", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106479", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109287", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111302", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111302", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111557", "term": "4415", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108587", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108587", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108588", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108588", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109898", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109898", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110148", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110553", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "873": {"id": "Bd8Wk1ZoJD-JgWmC0_fK1", "course_id": "111074", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111074", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Principles of Biotechnology II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOTECH", "CATALOG_NBR": "2010", "CLASS_NBR": 24879, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019905", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students enrolled in Bachelor of Biotechnology; Bachelor of Biotechnology (Honours); and Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Chemical) with Bachelor of Biotechnology", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CHEM ENG 2015", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, assignment, final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "To provide students with a basic understanding on the principles of biotechnology. The aims of this course are to introduce students to some the key process engineering technologies appropriate to the biotechnology industry, to emphasize the role of microorganisms as the basis for classical and molecular biotechnology, and to inform students of the diverse applications of biotechnology to medical science and agriculture.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "874": {"id": "Bd8Wk1ZoJD-JgWmC0_fK1", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "_nLaNOAG9YODOrD4CpnXh", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24879, "section": "TU01", "size": 42, "enrolled": 33, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "CTnRC19FExQWcmXkSeDzl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29064, "section": "LEC0", "size": 42, "enrolled": 33, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "875": {"id": "QIPrnGbOs374s-co-Apfs", "course_id": "001625", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "001625", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Biotechnology Practice III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOTECH", "CATALOG_NBR": "3000", "CLASS_NBR": 25189, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010905", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BSc (Biotechnology) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MICRO 2504 and BIOCHEM 2502", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam, project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of this course is to add to the strong scientific focus of the degree by providing an introduction to aspects of technology, business and ethical issues relevant to the diverse nature of biotechnology industry. Students completing this course should be well equipped to undertake further studies (e.g. Honours in Biotechnology or a Master of Business Administration), obtain employment in research laboratories, obtain employment in local, interstate and overseas biotechnology companies or create their own business. Topics include intellectual property and its commercialisation, basic business accounting, preparing a business plan, principles in bioprocess engineering and design, use of animal and plant cell culture systems, validation and monitoring, food biotechnology, genetically modified organisms, food additives and by-products. The group-based project involves preparation of a business plan to operate a model biotechnology business.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "876": {"id": "QIPrnGbOs374s-co-Apfs", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Kpuj6EuhFSfqHPAG_XsEv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21917, "section": "LE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 19, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "If you think you have the right pre-requisite to enrol but the system is not letting you please contact Dr Christopher Wong via email:"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "ggAC3k1qvEG9_2I8f-5sz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21918, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 19, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "IJgUqMAAYE-sFlB3eMbLA", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25189, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 19, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, 425, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, 425, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "877": {"id": "VLLefdtl6prpaIIwRWd_x", "course_id": "111075", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111075", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Research Platforms III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOTECH", "CATALOG_NBR": "3010", "CLASS_NBR": 14324, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019905", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Biotechnology and Bachelor of Biotechnology (Honours) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "BIOCHEM 2502, MICRO 2504 or equivalent", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam, tutorial presentation and participation, written assignment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will introduce students to the theoretical aspects and practical applications of the major research platforms currently used in biomedical research. The topics covered include: genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, protein purification, flow cytometry, antibody engineering, RNA interference, computational biotechnology, imaging and fermentation technology. Lectures are supplemented with tutorials and workshop sessions. The lecture series is delivered alongside the complementary course: Advanced Technology Techniques, which exposes students to the practical aspects of the platform technologies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "878": {"id": "VLLefdtl6prpaIIwRWd_x", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "fn3sHwHEumwOmKQsdVNo4", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14322, "section": "LE01", "size": 29, "enrolled": 22, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "uKW_kMstk4wmibeEcbH2m", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14324, "section": "WR01", "size": 29, "enrolled": 22, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "krT7f6wFXXpiGHezEAPj1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14326, "section": "TU03", "size": 29, "enrolled": 22, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "879": {"id": "En6Ugk9qUDHB8d67IzxrQ", "course_id": "111076", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111076", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Molecular Microbiology and Vaccines III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOTECH", "CATALOG_NBR": "3020", "CLASS_NBR": 24271, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019905", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Biotechnology and Bachelor of Biotechnology (Honours) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "BIOCHEM 2502, MICRO 2504 or equivalent", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Tutorial presentation & participation, written assignment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Recent advances in medical and microbial molecular biotechnology, have led to great strides in the understanding and treatment of human diseases. Recognising the impact of these advances on human health and economic development, scientists and industry are harnessing these enabling technologies to meet the new challenges in medical microbiology and infectious diseases. This course develops key concepts in molecular bacteriology and virology, identifying key targets for rational vaccine design, use of animal models to determine immune responses to vaccines and assessment of efficacy, development of new generation vaccines, and regulation of vaccine production and quality control.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "880": {"id": "En6Ugk9qUDHB8d67IzxrQ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "lqy1Svg1F9GolakSjBcMp", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24270, "section": "LE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 11, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "I8228hcvFzTvmhEwNYtl4", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24268, "section": "TU01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 10, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24269, "section": "TU02", "size": 10, "enrolled": 1, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24271, "section": "TU03", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "881": {"id": "3gqCCWox5YnR9II9RUzeO", "course_id": "111077", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111077", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Protein Purification: Principles and Practice III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOTECH", "CATALOG_NBR": "3030", "CLASS_NBR": 25212, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019905", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Biotechnology and Bachelor of Biotechnology (Honours) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment of laboratory proficiency, laboratory note-book, practical reports, peer assessment, and tests", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Recombinant proteins offer ever-increasing commercial value to medicine and science, as pharmaceuticals, medical diagnostics, and as research tools. They also find more industrial applications as enzymes for energy production, cleaning, and waste management. Generation of high-value recombinant proteins requires specialised techniques to separate, or purify, the protein from the cells they are produced in. In this predominantly practical-based course, students will use and compare a range of protein purification techniques, such as affinity and ion exchange chromatography and gel filtration to produce a selected purified recombinant protein. Throughout the course, you will be introduced to protein handling and separation science in the laboratory, while complementary lectorials will reinforce the theories and procedures that are essential for protein purification. The skills acquired in this course will be applicable to a variety of industries, including biotechnology, pharmaceutical, and research institutions.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "882": {"id": "3gqCCWox5YnR9II9RUzeO", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "oVtzF_LJHxvAScgCxQjJT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25212, "section": "WR01", "size": 19, "enrolled": 9, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "tjeB8e7RqEQXhIvozU0_e", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21997, "section": "PR02", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 22 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 340, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "5 Aug - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 340, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "19 Aug - 19 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 340, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 Sep - 2 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 340, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 340, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 14 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 340, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24267, "section": "PR01", "size": 9, "enrolled": 9, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 23 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 340, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "6 Aug - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 340, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "20 Aug - 20 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 340, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 Sep - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 340, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 340, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 340, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "883": {"id": "Isw0b373skULSzpPuOqbN", "course_id": "106474", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106474", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Research Platforms", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOTECH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7000", "CLASS_NBR": 13418, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Graduate Certificate in Biotechnology (Biomedical), Graduate Diploma in Biotechnology (Biomedical), Master of Biotechnology (Biomedical) and Master of Biotechnology (Biomedical) (Advanced) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "BIOCHEM 2500, MICRO 2500 or equivalent", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Tests, Workshop Assignments, Tutorial Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will introduce students to the theoretical aspects and practical applications of the major research platforms currently used in biomedical research. The topics covered include: genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, protein purification, flow cytometry, antibody engineering, RNA interference, computational biotechnology, imaging and fermentation technology. Lectures are supplemented with tutorials and workshop sessions.\nThe lecture series is delivered alongside the complementary course: Advanced Technology Techniques, which exposes students to the practical aspects of the platform technologies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "884": {"id": "Isw0b373skULSzpPuOqbN", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "ImYDd7SLt12he8D9Hg-F5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13416, "section": "LE01", "size": 85, "enrolled": 68, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "NCMWFtD7uAQTCipRGm3B9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10198, "section": "TU04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 19, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10347, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13417, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "mfcJV4lEHfQw605F9oeRQ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13418, "section": "WR01", "size": 85, "enrolled": 68, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "885": {"id": "Qoxtun_IYkclzOVtufcCl", "course_id": "106475", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106475", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Drug Discovery and Development", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOTECH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7001", "CLASS_NBR": 10282, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Graduate Certificate & Graduate Diploma in Biotechnology (Biomedical), Master of Biotechnology (Biomedical), Master of Biotechnology (Biomedical) (Advanced) and Master of Biopharmaceutical Engineering students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "BIOCHEM 2500 or equivalent", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Essay, written assignment, tests, and group presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Societies across the world are looking to combat a greater range of human diseases but at the same time contain spiralling healthcare costs. This, together with global competition and increasing regulatory standards, puts enormous pressure on the pharmaceutical industry to discover and develop a greater number of therapeutic candidates even faster and cheaper than ever before. \nThis course develops the key themes in the drug discovery and development pipeline and highlights the multi-disciplinary nature of the research and development process. Topics include: Target identification and validation, Hit discovery, Hit-to-lead optimisation, pre-clinical and clinical testing, regulatory and manufacturing considerations.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "886": {"id": "Qoxtun_IYkclzOVtufcCl", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "3X5500b4JXHxIAwLjuRUZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13419, "section": "LE01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 64, "available": 36, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "yKbh6RGoWNz_DTdjUWCSv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10282, "section": "WR01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 64, "available": 36, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "6 May - 6 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "20 May - 20 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 Jun - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "887": {"id": "YVT-ovsACE4hDa4HboDQd", "course_id": "106477", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106477", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Research Techniques", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOTECH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7003", "CLASS_NBR": 23375, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Graduate Certificate in Biotechnology (Biomedical), Graduate Diploma in Biotechnology (Biomedical), Master of Biotechnology (Biomedical) and Master of Biotechnology (Biomedical) (Advanced) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "BIOCHEM 2500, MICRO 2500", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written reports, laboratory based practical skills, workshop presentations", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will expose students to a major research techniques training program. The program will introduce practical aspects of the platform technologies which are delivered as lectures in the complementary course: Advanced Technology Platforms, and develop skills in experimental design and technique. It will include basic laboratory procedures, principles of reagent preparation, good laboratory practice, good manufacturing practice and good clinical practice. The practical course component will be supported by workshops.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "888": {"id": "YVT-ovsACE4hDa4HboDQd", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "0cLl_z_wLS_XARegtsKZL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23374, "section": "PR01", "size": 82, "enrolled": 72, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, 340, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, 340, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, 340, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, 340, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, 340, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, 340, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "DgXdgwelH8fEmyXn3h1f4", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23375, "section": "WR01", "size": 82, "enrolled": 72, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "889": {"id": "U_ypujpBnH_gQjQl79fCF", "course_id": "106478", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106478", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Molecular Microbiology and Vaccines", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOTECH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7004", "CLASS_NBR": 22645, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Graduate Certificate in Biotechnology (Biomedical), Graduate Diploma in Biotechnology (Biomedical), Master of Biotechnology (Biomedical) and Master of Biotechnology (Biomedical) (Advanced) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "BIOCHEM 2500, MICRO 2500 or equivalent", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Tutorial presentation & participation, written assignment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Recent advances in medical and microbial molecular biotechnology, have led to great strides in the understanding and treatment of human diseases. Recognising the impact of these advances on human health and economic development, scientists and industry are harnessing these enabling technologies to meet the new challenges in medical microbiology and infectious diseases.\nThis course develops key concepts in molecular bacteriology and virology, identifying key targets for rational vaccine design, use of animal models to determine immune responses to vaccines and assessment of efficacy, development of new generation vaccines, and regulation of vaccine production and quality control.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "890": {"id": "U_ypujpBnH_gQjQl79fCF", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "HgF8oD3Q_rTJnVcH52MZk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23378, "section": "LE01", "size": 102, "enrolled": 55, "available": 47, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "qbbJauhaSz3xRYWBzEg3J", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22645, "section": "TU03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 12, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22646, "section": "TU02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 27, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23379, "section": "TU01", "size": 42, "enrolled": 16, "available": 26, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}]}]}]}]}, "891": {"id": "s2JquV77vcy193jaT5Roy", "course_id": "106479", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106479", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Bioinformatics and Systems Modelling", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOTECH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7005", "CLASS_NBR": 23377, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "GENETICS 2500, BIOCHEM 2500, MICRO 2500 or equivalent", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessments practical based and include a major project.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Recent technological advances have brought large-scale DNA sequencing within the reach of small companies and research laboratories, and opened the door for research and applied uses for sequencing. This course teaches analysis of these data sets, and interpretation of the significance of the patterns found therein. This course provides an understanding of the specific considerations of different sequencing technologies, as well as an understanding of the algorithms used to align, assemble, and annotate sequence data.\nWhile DNA sequencing is useful for sequencing genomes, it also has widespread applications in methods used to understand interactions, whether they be within a cell or organism (signalling, regulation, protein function) or between organisms (at the level of populations, symbioses, and communities). This course also provides an understanding of these systems.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "892": {"id": "s2JquV77vcy193jaT5Roy", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "su1sO0y6UxDDsPcc8pZ8G", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23376, "section": "LE01", "size": 44, "enrolled": 24, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "Kw2E20SfN7BEfWW5tRX7D", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23377, "section": "PR01", "size": 44, "enrolled": 24, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "893": {"id": "iVzvQIVg_TnCnKc5H1fWC", "course_id": "109287", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109287", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Biotechnology in Practice", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOTECH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7007", "CLASS_NBR": 11004, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 11 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Graduate Certificate in Biotechnology (Biomedical), Graduate Diploma in Biotechnology (Biomedical), Master of Biotechnology (Biomedical) and Master of Biotechnology (Biomedical) (Advanced) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Relevant undergraduate degree in Biology or Biotechnology, which include subjects in Biochemistry, Cell & Molecular Biology and/or Genetics. Previous laboratory experience in an undergraduate degree is desirable but not essential.", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Workshop question sheets, tutorial presentation and practical", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students will identify new product opportunities which are applicable to the University, in particular their School, with an emphasis on biomedical consumables. The students, as part of a group, will form a virtual company, and develop a product development plan, including a production schedule, projected costings as well as good laboratory practice (GLP), quality assurance (QA), & quality control (QC) procedures. The successful product development plan will be implemented as part of the course objectives. \n\nThis course will enable students to develop skills relevant to the biotechnology industry by enhancing their understanding of the processes involved in the commercialisation of scientific research. The steps involved in taking a product from the research laboratory to the market will be illustrated by case studies, focusing on intellectual property rights and infringement (freedom to operate), regulatory requirements and market competition, as well as practical experience in developing a commercially acceptable product. Course participants include staff from a number of University departments, intellectual property lawyers, and contributors from industry and government bodies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "894": {"id": "iVzvQIVg_TnCnKc5H1fWC", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "S7kzYrT68gTG5QY_GEnrq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11004, "section": "WR01", "size": 53, "enrolled": 38, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "kVW_LhiOe0CYNvTzYylVg", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11002, "section": "PR01", "size": 72, "enrolled": 38, "available": 34, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 26 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 340, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 29 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 340, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "13 May - 13 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 340, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "27 May - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 340, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "kp--ghvCR_EeNl9kJSb3D", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11003, "section": "TU01", "size": 42, "enrolled": 21, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19717, "section": "TU02", "size": 22, "enrolled": 17, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "895": {"id": "7Pk81C-EHRc5TBsRtrXXz", "course_id": "111302", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111302", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Applied Biotechnology Research and Design", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOTECH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7008", "CLASS_NBR": 16280, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Master of Biotechnology (Biomedical) only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Graduate Diploma of Biotechnology or successful completion of first year course-work of Master of Biotechnology (Biomedical)", "CO_REQUISITE": "EDUC 7055", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "BIOTECH 7020A, BIOTECH 7020B", "ASSESSMENT": "Group Written Assignment, Written Assignment, Group Presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to provide students with the broad range of skills required for a career in biotechnology. Students will learn how to plan, execute, and analyse laboratory experiments as a group to solve real-world research problems. Through this process they will develop understanding and experience in current laboratory technologies used in biomedical science. Students will uncover novel insights into important biotechnology questions, developing the skills to communicate their results to a scientific audience via a range of means including presentations, vivas and a formal written report.\nStudents will cultivate a range of professional employability skills such as managing meetings, documenting plans and outcomes, data management, and multimedia communication - important skills for biotechnology research and industry, and readily transferable to other professional employment contexts. The importance of teamwork in professional environments is emphasised and students given tools to improve and monitor group dynamics, including an awareness of emotional intelligence, and decision-making skills.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "896": {"id": "7Pk81C-EHRc5TBsRtrXXz", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "pczUshL3-n37jdjDu2VN0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16280, "section": "01NT", "size": 50, "enrolled": 14, "available": 36, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop"}]}]}]}, "897": {"id": "XcV_YnmsV8gxenIc_vzhM", "course_id": "111302", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111302", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Applied Biotechnology Research and Design", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOTECH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7008", "CLASS_NBR": 26306, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Master of Biotechnology (Biomedical) only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Graduate Diploma of Biotechnology or successful completion of first year course-work of Master of Biotechnology (Biomedical)", "CO_REQUISITE": "EDUC 7055", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "BIOTECH 7020A, BIOTECH 7020B", "ASSESSMENT": "Group Written Assignment, Written Assignment, Group Presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to provide students with the broad range of skills required for a career in biotechnology. Students will learn how to plan, execute, and analyse laboratory experiments as a group to solve real-world research problems. Through this process they will develop understanding and experience in current laboratory technologies used in biomedical science. Students will uncover novel insights into important biotechnology questions, developing the skills to communicate their results to a scientific audience via a range of means including presentations, vivas and a formal written report.\nStudents will cultivate a range of professional employability skills such as managing meetings, documenting plans and outcomes, data management, and multimedia communication - important skills for biotechnology research and industry, and readily transferable to other professional employment contexts. The importance of teamwork in professional environments is emphasised and students given tools to improve and monitor group dynamics, including an awareness of emotional intelligence, and decision-making skills.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "898": {"id": "XcV_YnmsV8gxenIc_vzhM", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "wVzkBiRghQkFDuG5hS9jv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26306, "section": "01NT", "size": 50, "enrolled": 12, "available": 38, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop"}]}]}]}, "899": {"id": "nmDrDGMt2BdAEXZ8YJr2c", "course_id": "111557", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111557", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Microscopy Imaging and Analysis", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOTECH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7009", "CLASS_NBR": 95010, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to Master of Biotechnology (Biomedical) and Master of Biotechnology (Biomedical) Advanced students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "MQ Tests, presentation, lab notebook, written assignment and lab mark", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "\u201cAdvanced Microscopy Imaging and Analysis\u201d is designed to provide students with an in-depth understanding of the principles and applications of microscopy techniques in the field of biotechnology. The course will cover the fundamentals of light microscopy, electron microscopy, and other advanced microscopy techniques used in biomedical research. \n\n \n\nThe course will be delivered through a combination of workshops, and practical sessions. The workshops will provide students with a theoretical understanding of the principles of microscopy, including the physical principles underlying different imaging techniques, the different types of microscopes, and their applications in biomedical research. \n\n \n\nThe practicals will provide students with hands-on experience in using different types of microscopes, such as light microscopes, electron microscopes, and introduce advanced microscopy techniques. Students will also learn how to prepare samples for microscopy and use image analysis software to analyse microscopy data. The practical sessions will provide students with the opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills they have acquired in a research setting. Students will work in small groups to design and carry out microscopy experiments, analyse data, and present their findings to the class. \n\n \n\nThroughout the course, students will learn about the latest advances in microscopy techniques and their applications in biomedical research. They will also gain an understanding of the challenges associated with microscopy experiments and how to troubleshoot common problems. \n\n \n\nUpon completion of the course, students will have a solid understanding of the principles and applications of microscopy in biomedical research. They will be able to design and carry out microscopy-based experiments, analyse data, and communicate their findings effectively to others. They will also be well-prepared for further study or research in the field of biotechnology.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 24/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 28/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 11/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 17/07/2024"}}]}, "900": {"id": "nmDrDGMt2BdAEXZ8YJr2c", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "xHm5VHQEKl0bnOQ0cdqzC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95010, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 24, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This course is available to Second Year Master of Biotechnology (Biomedical Science) students only.

PRE-REQUISITE: required to have completed 24 units of study in the M Biotech (Biomed) program prior to enrolling in this course."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jun - 9 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Jun - 26 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Jul - 1 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Jul - 10 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "p5yj_e2NHz5xBvbABFrNv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95011, "section": "PR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 24, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This course is available to Second Year Master of Biotechnology (Biomedical Science) students only.

PRE-REQUISITE: required to have completed 24 units of study in the M Biotech (Biomed) program prior to enrolling in this course.
******* When this class is FULL: students who are interested in this course and meet the pre-requisite requirement send email to Dr Kate Wegener to be placed on a waiting list"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jun - 9 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 340, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "26 Jun - 26 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 340, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "1 Jul - 1 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 340, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "10 Jul - 10 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 340, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "901": {"id": "U2ZyLafdpbDpTMO5dWgmD", "course_id": "108587", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108587", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Project Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOTECH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7020A", "CLASS_NBR": 16048, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 35 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Master of Biotechnology (Biomedical) (Advanced) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Completion of Graduate Diploma in Biotechnology (Biomedical)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "BIOINF 7200A, BIOINF 7200B", "ASSESSMENT": "Written assignments, Oral Presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to develop the practical skills required for a successful career in scientific research or related activities. It provides advanced education and training in the principles of scientific research and the current state of knowledge and techniques used in the field of biomedical research. Students learn to search for and critically evaluate scientific literature relevant to their chosen discipline, to plan and design scientific experiments, and to develop advanced written and verbal communication skills. Each student is expected to carry out a laboratory based research project during the year. At the end of the year the project outcomes are to be written up as a thesis using a form similar to that required for publication of research data. Each student will be required to give a formal presentation of their research at the end of the year, followed by an oral defence of their findings and conclusions.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "902": {"id": "U2ZyLafdpbDpTMO5dWgmD", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "gINRJt2V6puOnQV5ERhLm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16048, "section": "01NT", "size": 40, "enrolled": 15, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "903": {"id": "PKWbq0bhlXHFIQ0PvK44w", "course_id": "108587", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108587", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Project Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOTECH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7020A", "CLASS_NBR": 26050, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 35 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Master of Biotechnology (Biomedical) (Advanced) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Completion of Graduate Diploma in Biotechnology (Biomedical)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "BIOINF 7200A, BIOINF 7200B", "ASSESSMENT": "Written assignments, Oral Presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to develop the practical skills required for a successful career in scientific research or related activities. It provides advanced education and training in the principles of scientific research and the current state of knowledge and techniques used in the field of biomedical research. Students learn to search for and critically evaluate scientific literature relevant to their chosen discipline, to plan and design scientific experiments, and to develop advanced written and verbal communication skills. Each student is expected to carry out a laboratory based research project during the year. At the end of the year the project outcomes are to be written up as a thesis using a form similar to that required for publication of research data. Each student will be required to give a formal presentation of their research at the end of the year, followed by an oral defence of their findings and conclusions.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "904": {"id": "PKWbq0bhlXHFIQ0PvK44w", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "BZyhElBSjzYzi7clL-7pa", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26050, "section": "01NT", "size": 40, "enrolled": 8, "available": 32, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "905": {"id": "_bTYKtX2cqOOHE8y4JXoD", "course_id": "108588", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108588", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Project Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOTECH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7020B", "CLASS_NBR": 16049, "SESSION_CD": "FM2", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 35 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Master of Biotechnology (Biomedical) (Advanced) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Completion of Graduate Diploma in Biotechnology (Biomedical)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "BIOINF 7200A, BIOINF 7200B", "ASSESSMENT": "Laboratory performance, written thesis, oral presentation & Thesis defence", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to develop the practical skills required for a successful career in scientific research or related activities. It provides advanced education and training in the principles of scientific research and the current state of knowledge and techniques used in the field of biomedical research. Students learn to search for and critically evaluate scientific literature relevant to their chosen discipline, to plan and design scientific experiments, and to develop advanced written and verbal communication skills. Each student is expected to carry out a laboratory based research project during the year. At the end of the year the project outcomes are to be written up as a thesis using a form similar to that required for publication of research data. Each student will be required to give a formal presentation of their research at the end of the year, followed by an oral defence of their findings and conclusions.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "906": {"id": "_bTYKtX2cqOOHE8y4JXoD", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "2pWD5KJD98Ag9NqRJsFcR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16049, "section": "01NT", "size": 40, "enrolled": 9, "available": 31, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "907": {"id": "C4mOh-wUd7n_Fr9dMwyRN", "course_id": "108588", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108588", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Project Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOTECH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7020B", "CLASS_NBR": 26051, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 35 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Master of Biotechnology (Biomedical) (Advanced) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Completion of Graduate Diploma in Biotechnology (Biomedical)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "BIOINF 7200A, BIOINF 7200B", "ASSESSMENT": "Laboratory performance, written thesis, oral presentation & Thesis defence", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to develop the practical skills required for a successful career in scientific research or related activities. It provides advanced education and training in the principles of scientific research and the current state of knowledge and techniques used in the field of biomedical research. Students learn to search for and critically evaluate scientific literature relevant to their chosen discipline, to plan and design scientific experiments, and to develop advanced written and verbal communication skills. Each student is expected to carry out a laboratory based research project during the year. At the end of the year the project outcomes are to be written up as a thesis using a form similar to that required for publication of research data. Each student will be required to give a formal presentation of their research at the end of the year, followed by an oral defence of their findings and conclusions.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "908": {"id": "C4mOh-wUd7n_Fr9dMwyRN", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "AZ1w7lyhk02L6wRIgtMbU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26051, "section": "01NT", "size": 40, "enrolled": 14, "available": 26, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "909": {"id": "9bheYgofqrFwNNfxcXMph", "course_id": "109898", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109898", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Science Commercialisation & Innovation", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOTECH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7030", "CLASS_NBR": 10838, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Master of Biotechnology (Biomedical), Master of Biotechnology (Biomedical) (Advanced) and Biopharmaceutical Engineering students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual assessments - 2 x MCQ tests; write up of 2 case studies; 2000 Word Report on Biotechnology/Science based business proposal. Group Assessment - Feasibility Study", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course aims to provide students with an understanding of the innovation process and key components of commercialisation, with particular emphasis on science and technology-based innovation. Students are introduced to the key steps in the research commercialisation process, learn how research relates to innovation activities and processes, and how opportunities for capturing value from research are identified.\n\nThe course will give students a working knowledge of procedures involved in protecting and managing their Intellectual Property through case studies and the legal framework underpinning these rights. Industry perspectives on the value of higher degrees in science, career possibilities and pathways are also covered.\n\nCourse participants include University of Adelaide academic and commercialisation specialist staff, and contributors from industry.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "910": {"id": "9bheYgofqrFwNNfxcXMph", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "_1ML1sdPastPSFN8s32RE", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10838, "section": "WR01", "size": 42, "enrolled": 29, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "zUcL5DeFWDbWl29xOpetX", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11770, "section": "TU01", "size": 42, "enrolled": 29, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "911": {"id": "53OdcFRDeWBB6gsJWya2R", "course_id": "109898", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109898", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Science Commercialisation & Innovation", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOTECH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7030", "CLASS_NBR": 20304, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Master of Biotechnology (Biomedical), Master of Biotechnology (Biomedical) (Advanced) and Biopharmaceutical Engineering students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual assessments - 2 x MCQ tests; write up of 2 case studies; 2000 Word Report on Biotechnology/Science based business proposal. Group Assessment - Feasibility Study", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course aims to provide students with an understanding of the innovation process and key components of commercialisation, with particular emphasis on science and technology-based innovation. Students are introduced to the key steps in the research commercialisation process, learn how research relates to innovation activities and processes, and how opportunities for capturing value from research are identified.\n\nThe course will give students a working knowledge of procedures involved in protecting and managing their Intellectual Property through case studies and the legal framework underpinning these rights. Industry perspectives on the value of higher degrees in science, career possibilities and pathways are also covered.\n\nCourse participants include University of Adelaide academic and commercialisation specialist staff, and contributors from industry.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "912": {"id": "53OdcFRDeWBB6gsJWya2R", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "wxgzYyiGXisBn1ZwZwjF-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20304, "section": "WR01", "size": 48, "enrolled": 45, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "wk_Z8N1Bp5kIs6_YIaXCT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20303, "section": "TU01", "size": 48, "enrolled": 45, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "913": {"id": "hgofpp90V31oAz9GhW7Wk", "course_id": "110148", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110148", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Application of Next Generation Sequencing", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOTECH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7040", "CLASS_NBR": 12791, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week throughout the Semester.", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma in Biotechnology (Biomedical), Master of Biotechnology (Biomedical), Master of Biotechnology (Biomedical) (Advanced) and Master of Biopharmaceutical Engineering students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "BIOTECH 7005", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes; Infographic & Report; Problem Based learning; Poster Presentation; Scientific Report", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Second and third next-generation sequencing technologies are transforming all aspects of our lives. Some examples include; diagnostics in the clinical medicine, population genomics to identify rare disease-causing alleles in humans, and real-time identification of disease-causing pathogens in field hospitals and mobile laboratories. Applications of these next-generation technologies to improve humanity are almost endless. This theoretical and practical course provides an understanding of the technology underpinning different next-generation sequencing technologies, specific considerations for using and applying different sequencing technologies, for example Sanger, Oxford Nanopore Technology or Illumina sequencing. By undertaking a real-life scenario, you will implement and practically undertake a sequencing strategy to answer an industry relevant question.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "914": {"id": "hgofpp90V31oAz9GhW7Wk", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "1NVc8EK1QqcvUhjHGKdmk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12597, "section": "PR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 44, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 340, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 340, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "UdRnSe7-N_2piuddhSxSQ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12791, "section": "WR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 44, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "17 May - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}]}]}]}]}, "915": {"id": "aen_4h881eVN9xhoVPO4x", "course_id": "110553", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110553", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Protein Purification: Principles and Practice", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BIOTECH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7050", "CLASS_NBR": 22097, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to students enrolled in the Master of Biotechnology (Biomedical), the Master of Biotechnology (Biomedical) (Advanced), the Master of Biopharmaceutical Engineering and the Graduate Certificate in Biotechnology (Biomedical) only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment of laboratory proficiency, laboratory note-book, practical reports, peer assessment, and tests", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Recombinant proteins offer ever-increasing commercial value to medicine and science, as pharmaceuticals, medical diagnostics, and as research tools. They also find more industrial applications as enzymes for energy production, cleaning, and waste management. Generation of high-value recombinant proteins requires specialised techniques to separate, or purify, the protein from the cells they are produced in. In this predominantly practical-based course, students will use and compare a range of protein purification techniques, such as affinity and ion exchange chromatography and gel filtration to produce a selected purified recombinant protein. Throughout the course, you will be introduced to protein handling and separation science in the laboratory, while complementary lectorials will reinforce the theories and procedures that are essential for protein purification. The skills acquired in this course will be applicable to a variety of industries, including biotechnology, pharmaceutical, and research institutions.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "916": {"id": "aen_4h881eVN9xhoVPO4x", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "QhrKWx3GjclvQCvrtvvSz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22097, "section": "WR01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 64, "available": 36, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "LhKmsfeRYlK72bn8CF4QM", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21998, "section": "PR02", "size": 62, "enrolled": 3, "available": 59, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 22 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 340, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "5 Aug - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 340, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "19 Aug - 19 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 340, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 Sep - 2 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 340, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 340, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 14 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 340, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24246, "section": "PR01", "size": 63, "enrolled": 61, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 23 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 340, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "6 Aug - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 340, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "20 Aug - 20 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 340, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 Sep - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 340, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 340, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 340, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "917": {"subject": "BUSANA", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "110675", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110675", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110676", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110676", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110677", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110677", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110678", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110678", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111363", "term": "4433", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111363", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111577", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111576", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "918": {"id": "YIiEuuvTWC47FyDocvyvg", "course_id": "110675", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110675", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Fundamentals of Business Analytics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BUSANA", "CATALOG_NBR": "7000", "CLASS_NBR": 13272, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "CORPFIN 7033 - can be taken as a Pre-Requisite", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students will be introduced to essential computing and programming skills necessary to solve business analytic problems. Students will also be introduced to the fundamentals of data-driven decision making, providing a basis to transform qualitative business queries into quantifiable analytic solutions. In addition, the concepts of data warehousing and data wrangling will be covered as well as topics on cybersecurity and ethics.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "919": {"id": "YIiEuuvTWC47FyDocvyvg", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "WTw491BiMGCdQsXRqeYw7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13272, "section": "SE02", "size": 50, "enrolled": 48, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13382, "section": "SE01", "size": 44, "enrolled": 45, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "920": {"id": "2H-dX-kD_9B-EocwfP-En", "course_id": "110675", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110675", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Fundamentals of Business Analytics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BUSANA", "CATALOG_NBR": "7000", "CLASS_NBR": 22777, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "CORPFIN 7033 - can be taken as a Pre-Requisite", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students will be introduced to essential computing and programming skills necessary to solve business analytic problems. Students will also be introduced to the fundamentals of data-driven decision making, providing a basis to transform qualitative business queries into quantifiable analytic solutions. In addition, the concepts of data warehousing and data wrangling will be covered as well as topics on cybersecurity and ethics.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "921": {"id": "2H-dX-kD_9B-EocwfP-En", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "dkKYurG2Q06dmcspjSzsC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22777, "section": "SE03", "size": 55, "enrolled": 56, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23292, "section": "SE01", "size": 55, "enrolled": 61, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "922": {"id": "UUYD3wSegh6wTyBcdIOQj", "course_id": "110676", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110676", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Predictive and Visual Analytics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BUSANA", "CATALOG_NBR": "7001", "CLASS_NBR": 13273, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CORPFIN 7033", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course allows students to develop hands-on experience in constructing prediction models to assist business decision-making. Both traditional econometric models and emerging AI methods will be utilized. The course will also focus on representing data that appeals to the human visual-perceptual system. This includes utilising visual analytics tools to explore and analyse complex data sets using multivariate, text-based, geospatial, network, and graph-based data.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "923": {"id": "UUYD3wSegh6wTyBcdIOQj", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "KJLzNUcZXlzTOSLL_vIY9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13273, "section": "SE02", "size": 50, "enrolled": 47, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Mar - 13 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13383, "section": "SE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 34, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "924": {"id": "7t_uvS2Gms-ZBS1xQnkdH", "course_id": "110676", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110676", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Predictive and Visual Analytics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BUSANA", "CATALOG_NBR": "7001", "CLASS_NBR": 23293, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CORPFIN 7033", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course allows students to develop hands-on experience in constructing prediction models to assist business decision-making. Both traditional econometric models and emerging AI methods will be utilized. The course will also focus on representing data that appeals to the human visual-perceptual system. This includes utilising visual analytics tools to explore and analyse complex data sets using multivariate, text-based, geospatial, network, and graph-based data.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "925": {"id": "7t_uvS2Gms-ZBS1xQnkdH", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "kgyRgB6V35XQfnaCzRc9A", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23293, "section": "SE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 56, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "926": {"id": "lgbX3UAzZ0jFdvdB_o7Uv", "course_id": "110677", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110677", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Customer Analytics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BUSANA", "CATALOG_NBR": "7002", "CLASS_NBR": 13274, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "BUSANA 7000 and CORPFIN 7033", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will cover a broad range of topics that will equip students for solving some of the most common customer analytics problems, such as customer segmentation, understanding customer retention and customer lifetime value analysis.\nA large part of the course will be dedicated to digital marketing analytics which is becoming increasingly crucial given the rapid digitalisation of the marketplace. Students will learn about digital marketing pipelines and the business intelligence tools that support modern reporting practices (with an emphasis on Google Data Studio). Students will also learn how to analyse paid and organic digital marketing channels, design and analyse A/B tests, perform sentiment analysis on social media data to understand what content resonates with customers the most.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "927": {"id": "lgbX3UAzZ0jFdvdB_o7Uv", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "HDRQ-V-zrL6WqcnW8hdQ0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13274, "section": "SE02", "size": 40, "enrolled": 40, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13384, "section": "SE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 19, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "928": {"id": "6n_LvXSncU_OIqwdJk5iQ", "course_id": "110677", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110677", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Customer Analytics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BUSANA", "CATALOG_NBR": "7002", "CLASS_NBR": 23294, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "BUSANA 7000 and CORPFIN 7033", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will cover a broad range of topics that will equip students for solving some of the most common customer analytics problems, such as customer segmentation, understanding customer retention and customer lifetime value analysis.\nA large part of the course will be dedicated to digital marketing analytics which is becoming increasingly crucial given the rapid digitalisation of the marketplace. Students will learn about digital marketing pipelines and the business intelligence tools that support modern reporting practices (with an emphasis on Google Data Studio). Students will also learn how to analyse paid and organic digital marketing channels, design and analyse A/B tests, perform sentiment analysis on social media data to understand what content resonates with customers the most.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "929": {"id": "6n_LvXSncU_OIqwdJk5iQ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "NIUHQp0YvbxAzwMg9aWJ7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23294, "section": "SE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 46, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "930": {"id": "WySppOin5tAnHdDrwdMSB", "course_id": "110678", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110678", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Business Analytics Project", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BUSANA", "CATALOG_NBR": "7003", "CLASS_NBR": 13386, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "BUSANA 7000 and BUSANA 7001 and BUSANA 7002 and CORPFIN 7033", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course involves students choosing an applied problem to analyse and providing high-level data analytics reports to assist in a solution. This course acts as a functional capstone course for Business Analytics, providing students with the opportunity to evidence their acquisition of the majority of the award learning outcomes. The course will provide students with an applied project, exposure to real-world data problems, and experience in professionally presenting their work.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "931": {"id": "WySppOin5tAnHdDrwdMSB", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "Cq7wKedBS28bBCuylgvTM", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13386, "section": "WR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 30, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Schulz, 218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "Eo_q7VxaRZFV7eJM8wsLo", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13385, "section": "SE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 30, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "932": {"id": "6vcU0wkk8bjj2M6TM-ziQ", "course_id": "110678", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110678", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Business Analytics Project", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BUSANA", "CATALOG_NBR": "7003", "CLASS_NBR": 28549, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "BUSANA 7000 and BUSANA 7001 and BUSANA 7002 and CORPFIN 7033", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course involves students choosing an applied problem to analyse and providing high-level data analytics reports to assist in a solution. This course acts as a functional capstone course for Business Analytics, providing students with the opportunity to evidence their acquisition of the majority of the award learning outcomes. The course will provide students with an applied project, exposure to real-world data problems, and experience in professionally presenting their work.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "933": {"id": "6vcU0wkk8bjj2M6TM-ziQ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "HnRjFosojXp5AgsYzWX3Z", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23296, "section": "WR01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 16, "available": 29, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 28549, "section": "WR02", "size": 45, "enrolled": 37, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "NEHJ_nkwe84_oKu5lK0m6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23295, "section": "SE01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 44, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 28548, "section": "SE02", "size": 45, "enrolled": 9, "available": 36, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "934": {"id": "vxLp4epSSmTlajuuJguKf", "course_id": "111363", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111363", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Business Analytics for Managers", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BUSANA", "CATALOG_NBR": "7004", "CLASS_NBR": 30284, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available for Executive Master of Business Administration, Graduate Diploma and Graduate Certificate students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "An under-utilised resource within many organisations is the data it possesses. This is despite the fact that good data decisions can bring a significant competitive advantage to the company. This course will help you understand the basic concepts of data analytics and focus on applying analytics techniques to improve decision-making and drive business impact. In doing so, the course will cover the three pillars of business analytics (descriptive, predictive and prescriptive analytics) as well as introduce the role that artificial intelligence and machine learning play in extracting value from big data.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "935": {"id": "vxLp4epSSmTlajuuJguKf", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "Okpcdm7MbawKvrzRjriKA", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30284, "section": "SE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 27, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jan - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, 704/705, MBA Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "936": {"id": "yDsp1eplDboW62ivoiPtl", "course_id": "111363", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111363", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Business Analytics for Managers", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BUSANA", "CATALOG_NBR": "7004", "CLASS_NBR": 36264, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available for Executive Master of Business Administration, Graduate Diploma and Graduate Certificate students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "An under-utilised resource within many organisations is the data it possesses. This is despite the fact that good data decisions can bring a significant competitive advantage to the company. This course will help you understand the basic concepts of data analytics and focus on applying analytics techniques to improve decision-making and drive business impact. In doing so, the course will cover the three pillars of business analytics (descriptive, predictive and prescriptive analytics) as well as introduce the role that artificial intelligence and machine learning play in extracting value from big data.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "937": {"id": "yDsp1eplDboW62ivoiPtl", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "9St_4reswCQcYJDxW_yPr", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36264, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 18, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Sep - 7 Sep", "days": "Friday, Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 706, MBA Suite"}, {"dates": "27 Sep - 28 Sep", "days": "Friday, Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 706, MBA Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Nov - 2 Nov", "days": "Friday, Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 706, MBA Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "938": {"id": "Cdd4YRkKuBwii7jVGT7AA", "course_id": "111577", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111577", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Chatbots and Text Analytics for Business", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BUSANA", "CATALOG_NBR": "7005", "CLASS_NBR": 28532, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In today's data-driven business landscape, mastering the art of leveraging advanced technologies is essential for achieving and sustaining success. The 'Chatbots and Text Analytics for Businesses' course is designed to equip students with the skills and knowledge required to harness the power of chatbots, natural language processing (NLP), and text analytics for strategic decision-making, enhanced customer engagement, and overall business growth. The course offers a comprehensive exploration of key concepts and practical applications, bridging theory with hands-on experience. From crafting engaging conversational flows to integrating AI-powered responses, students will learn to design, develop, and deploy chatbots as they gain the expertise needed to create intelligent and user-friendly chatbots that cater to various business needs. Students will uncover how machines understand and interpret human language as they explore the foundations of linguistic analysis, sentiment analysis, and text classification, and discover how these techniques contribute to extracting valuable insights from textual data. Students will be introduced to prompt engineering techniques, equipping them with the skills to formulate effective queries and prompts that yield meaningful results from large language AI models such as ChatGPT. The course extends its focus to Python programming for analytics, empowering students to apply NLP algorithms and create solutions for drawing meaningful insights from text to make better informed business decisions. No prior experience in Python, chatbot development or NLP is required.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "939": {"id": "Cdd4YRkKuBwii7jVGT7AA", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "YskfyWi9IvOZYVZyBuP1G", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28532, "section": "SE01", "size": 65, "enrolled": 64, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "940": {"id": "mirS_7MIPKWZdmuB-bT-d", "course_id": "111576", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111576", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Managing with Big Data Analytics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BUSANA", "CATALOG_NBR": "7006", "CLASS_NBR": 28531, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course covers a range of topics relating to strategic implications of big data on organizations, practical data wrangling and processing techniques for handling big data using R, as well as the creation of interactive visualizations and dashboards for exploring data insights with the use of Tableau. Ethical considerations and societal implications of big data analytics are also explored, ensuring that students understand responsible data usage. The course also emphasizes aligning data insights with organizational strategies, enhancing students' ability to contribute to informed decision-making.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "941": {"id": "mirS_7MIPKWZdmuB-bT-d", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "gTFA1nTwVw6aUZaUW_loF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28531, "section": "SE01", "size": 65, "enrolled": 58, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "942": {"subject": "BUSINESS", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "111365", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111365", "term": "4415", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111377", "term": "4415", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111377", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111377", "term": "4444", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111377", "term": "4448", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111390", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111390", "term": "4415", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111390", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111390", "term": "4444", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111390", "term": "4448", "offer": 1}]}}, "943": {"id": "CrKjSj90LdC6zhF_WWlgi", "course_id": "111365", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111365", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advisory Principles and Practice", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BUSINESS", "CATALOG_NBR": "2000", "CLASS_NBR": 92477, "SESSION_CD": "S02", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "089999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 12 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research Assignment, Project Report and Presentation, Reflective Journal, Participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In our increasingly complex and connected world professionals need to be able to advise stakeholders on how to turn challenges into opportunities. This course, co-delivered with Deloitte, uses an experiential learning approach to build skills that will strengthen how you learn and set you apart in your career. An effective advisor needs to be a life-long learner, who can engage multiple stakeholders and apply problem-solving frameworks to find new ways of addressing organisational or societal issues. You will learn how to understand the ecosystem that surrounds complex problems, apply research and analytical skills, communicate persuasively, and build strong relationships with stakeholders. You and your team will be briefed by an external organisation on a real-world challenge they are facing and spend the course creatively exploring fresh approaches and solutions. Each team will present a persuasive final recommendation to the organisation on how to best address the challenge.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 29/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "944": {"id": "CrKjSj90LdC6zhF_WWlgi", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "z-9-Ygd-18Ecv0Ek8zDJz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92477, "section": "WR01", "size": 0, "enrolled": 18, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Feb - 2 Feb", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Feb - 8 Feb", "days": "Monday, , Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Feb - 15 Feb", "days": "Monday, , Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Feb - 22 Feb", "days": "Monday, , Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "945": {"id": "HAaItX3iREF2AnoiGCRYx", "course_id": "111365", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111365", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advisory Principles and Practice", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BUSINESS", "CATALOG_NBR": "2000", "CLASS_NBR": 95002, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "089999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 12 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research Assignment, Project Report and Presentation, Reflective Journal, Participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In our increasingly complex and connected world professionals need to be able to advise stakeholders on how to turn challenges into opportunities. This course, co-delivered with Deloitte, uses an experiential learning approach to build skills that will strengthen how you learn and set you apart in your career. An effective advisor needs to be a life-long learner, who can engage multiple stakeholders and apply problem-solving frameworks to find new ways of addressing organisational or societal issues. You will learn how to understand the ecosystem that surrounds complex problems, apply research and analytical skills, communicate persuasively, and build strong relationships with stakeholders. You and your team will be briefed by an external organisation on a real-world challenge they are facing and spend the course creatively exploring fresh approaches and solutions. Each team will present a persuasive final recommendation to the organisation on how to best address the challenge.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 24/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 28/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 11/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 17/07/2024"}}]}, "946": {"id": "HAaItX3iREF2AnoiGCRYx", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "ZTI8xbXfb4eL4pASqmYxS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95002, "section": "WR01", "size": 0, "enrolled": 14, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Jun - 28 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Jul - 3 Jul", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Jul - 10 Jul", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Jul - 19 Jul", "days": "Tuesday, , Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "947": {"id": "uHaT-2Uvht0h_ymJ-Gew0", "course_id": "111377", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111377", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Deloitte Internship", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BUSINESS", "CATALOG_NBR": "3002", "CLASS_NBR": 95125, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 10 hours per week contact/placement in Deloitte", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "As agreed with Deloitte", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Penultimate and final year students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Deloitte Internship course includes an Internship with Deloitte. All students who are selected to join The Academy by Deloitte will be offered an internship. This provides the student with an opportunity to experience a hands-on business environment in which to observe and apply their knowledge and skills from their degree. Students will be assigned a team, based on their discipline of study and their interests, and will undertake an internship role which will give them experience in consultancy services.\nStudents will gain a wide range of experience including working on projects, client engagements and will be involved in observations, meetings, and coordination, to gain a clearer insight into the day-to-day functioning of Deloitte. Students must complete the course to the satisfaction of Deloitte as well as an academic supervisor to be eligible to pass this course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 24/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 28/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 11/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 17/07/2024"}}]}, "948": {"id": "uHaT-2Uvht0h_ymJ-Gew0", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "nfZAM8MbOxDBh7iJquYrL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95125, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 8, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment into this course is by application only.\u00a0 Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}]}]}]}]}, "949": {"id": "H4EesZdKWyrdf_UVqNtfT", "course_id": "111377", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111377", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Deloitte Internship", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BUSINESS", "CATALOG_NBR": "3002", "CLASS_NBR": 26337, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 10 hours per week contact/placement in Deloitte", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "As agreed with Deloitte", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Penultimate and final year students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Deloitte Internship course includes an Internship with Deloitte. All students who are selected to join The Academy by Deloitte will be offered an internship. This provides the student with an opportunity to experience a hands-on business environment in which to observe and apply their knowledge and skills from their degree. Students will be assigned a team, based on their discipline of study and their interests, and will undertake an internship role which will give them experience in consultancy services.\nStudents will gain a wide range of experience including working on projects, client engagements and will be involved in observations, meetings, and coordination, to gain a clearer insight into the day-to-day functioning of Deloitte. Students must complete the course to the satisfaction of Deloitte as well as an academic supervisor to be eligible to pass this course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "950": {"id": "H4EesZdKWyrdf_UVqNtfT", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "baHwpmEXjgCYyTvd2GKhW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26337, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 14, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment into this course is by application only.\u00a0 Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}]}]}]}]}, "951": {"id": "3pjFzx-XNzULFyeO4zmeY", "course_id": "111377", "term": "4444", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111377", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4444", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Deloitte Internship", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BUSINESS", "CATALOG_NBR": "3002", "CLASS_NBR": 42049, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 10 hours per week contact/placement in Deloitte", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "As agreed with Deloitte", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Penultimate and final year students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Deloitte Internship course includes an Internship with Deloitte. All students who are selected to join The Academy by Deloitte will be offered an internship. This provides the student with an opportunity to experience a hands-on business environment in which to observe and apply their knowledge and skills from their degree. Students will be assigned a team, based on their discipline of study and their interests, and will undertake an internship role which will give them experience in consultancy services.\nStudents will gain a wide range of experience including working on projects, client engagements and will be involved in observations, meetings, and coordination, to gain a clearer insight into the day-to-day functioning of Deloitte. Students must complete the course to the satisfaction of Deloitte as well as an academic supervisor to be eligible to pass this course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 29/04/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 29/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 04/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 26/06/2024"}}]}, "952": {"id": "3pjFzx-XNzULFyeO4zmeY", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "cA1PG8vz6E0RfL0TcGIpS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 42049, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 8, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment into this course is by application only.\u00a0 Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}]}]}]}]}, "953": {"id": "J65WOAzqJ1GTn766xML2h", "course_id": "111377", "term": "4448", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111377", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4448", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "Deloitte Internship", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BUSINESS", "CATALOG_NBR": "3002", "CLASS_NBR": 46090, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 10 hours per week contact/placement in Deloitte", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "As agreed with Deloitte", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Penultimate and final year students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Deloitte Internship course includes an Internship with Deloitte. All students who are selected to join The Academy by Deloitte will be offered an internship. This provides the student with an opportunity to experience a hands-on business environment in which to observe and apply their knowledge and skills from their degree. Students will be assigned a team, based on their discipline of study and their interests, and will undertake an internship role which will give them experience in consultancy services.\nStudents will gain a wide range of experience including working on projects, client engagements and will be involved in observations, meetings, and coordination, to gain a clearer insight into the day-to-day functioning of Deloitte. Students must complete the course to the satisfaction of Deloitte as well as an academic supervisor to be eligible to pass this course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 14/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 14/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 19/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 11/12/2024"}}]}, "954": {"id": "J65WOAzqJ1GTn766xML2h", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "k4kXjxQsfxMEi3nAcnRqM", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46090, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment into this course is by application only. Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course"}]}]}]}]}, "955": {"id": "0eB2uW4CzkCeBYVNSHgWw", "course_id": "111390", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111390", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Deloitte Internship: No credit", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BUSINESS", "CATALOG_NBR": "3003", "CLASS_NBR": 92217, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 10 hours per week contact/placement in Deloitte", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "As agreed with Deloitte", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Penultimate and final year students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Deloitte Internship course includes an Internship with Deloitte. All students who are selected to join The Academy by Deloitte will be offered an internship. To find out more about The Academy by Deloitte, please check out:\n\nThis provides the student with an opportunity to experience a hands-on business environment in which to observe and apply their knowledge and skills from their degree. Students will be assigned a team, based on their discipline of study and their interests, and will undertake an internship role which will give them experience in consultancy services. \n\nStudents will gain a wide range of experience including working on projects, client engagements and will be involved in observations, meetings and coordination, to gain a clearer insight into the day-to-day functioning of Deloitte. \n\nSince this course is mandatory for students of the Deloitte Academy and it is possible that some students will not have any credits available in their program, this course is being offered as a no-credit option. Hence students will be able to complete the course and satisfy the requirements of Deloitte Academy.\n\nStudents must complete the course to the satisfaction of Deloitte as well as an academic supervisor to be eligible to pass this course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 09/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "956": {"id": "0eB2uW4CzkCeBYVNSHgWw", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "JPOn_-7_Qi-umu-F_Vfqm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92217, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment into this course is by application only.\u00a0 Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}]}]}]}]}, "957": {"id": "SXNO9wsqJ9a89De0aDFM7", "course_id": "111390", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111390", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Deloitte Internship: No credit", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BUSINESS", "CATALOG_NBR": "3003", "CLASS_NBR": 95126, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 10 hours per week contact/placement in Deloitte", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "As agreed with Deloitte", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Penultimate and final year students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Deloitte Internship course includes an Internship with Deloitte. All students who are selected to join The Academy by Deloitte will be offered an internship. To find out more about The Academy by Deloitte, please check out:\n\nThis provides the student with an opportunity to experience a hands-on business environment in which to observe and apply their knowledge and skills from their degree. Students will be assigned a team, based on their discipline of study and their interests, and will undertake an internship role which will give them experience in consultancy services. \n\nStudents will gain a wide range of experience including working on projects, client engagements and will be involved in observations, meetings and coordination, to gain a clearer insight into the day-to-day functioning of Deloitte. \n\nSince this course is mandatory for students of the Deloitte Academy and it is possible that some students will not have any credits available in their program, this course is being offered as a no-credit option. Hence students will be able to complete the course and satisfy the requirements of Deloitte Academy.\n\nStudents must complete the course to the satisfaction of Deloitte as well as an academic supervisor to be eligible to pass this course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 24/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 28/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 11/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 17/07/2024"}}]}, "958": {"id": "SXNO9wsqJ9a89De0aDFM7", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "wgcUj4Nd_VLGfy3h2CfoB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95126, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 17, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment into this course is by application only.\u00a0 Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}]}]}]}]}, "959": {"id": "MVOwOynPcc5IRG9EFLQeH", "course_id": "111390", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111390", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Deloitte Internship: No credit", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BUSINESS", "CATALOG_NBR": "3003", "CLASS_NBR": 26340, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 10 hours per week contact/placement in Deloitte", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "As agreed with Deloitte", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Penultimate and final year students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Deloitte Internship course includes an Internship with Deloitte. All students who are selected to join The Academy by Deloitte will be offered an internship. To find out more about The Academy by Deloitte, please check out:\n\nThis provides the student with an opportunity to experience a hands-on business environment in which to observe and apply their knowledge and skills from their degree. Students will be assigned a team, based on their discipline of study and their interests, and will undertake an internship role which will give them experience in consultancy services. \n\nStudents will gain a wide range of experience including working on projects, client engagements and will be involved in observations, meetings and coordination, to gain a clearer insight into the day-to-day functioning of Deloitte. \n\nSince this course is mandatory for students of the Deloitte Academy and it is possible that some students will not have any credits available in their program, this course is being offered as a no-credit option. Hence students will be able to complete the course and satisfy the requirements of Deloitte Academy.\n\nStudents must complete the course to the satisfaction of Deloitte as well as an academic supervisor to be eligible to pass this course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "960": {"id": "MVOwOynPcc5IRG9EFLQeH", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "d3oyRK4hq1ID-pV2mrR00", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26340, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 6, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment into this course is by application only.\u00a0 Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}]}]}]}]}, "961": {"id": "Jy6vh7qHqBGw78w7R2tZQ", "course_id": "111390", "term": "4444", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111390", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4444", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Deloitte Internship: No credit", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BUSINESS", "CATALOG_NBR": "3003", "CLASS_NBR": 42050, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 10 hours per week contact/placement in Deloitte", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "As agreed with Deloitte", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Penultimate and final year students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Deloitte Internship course includes an Internship with Deloitte. All students who are selected to join The Academy by Deloitte will be offered an internship. To find out more about The Academy by Deloitte, please check out:\n\nThis provides the student with an opportunity to experience a hands-on business environment in which to observe and apply their knowledge and skills from their degree. Students will be assigned a team, based on their discipline of study and their interests, and will undertake an internship role which will give them experience in consultancy services. \n\nStudents will gain a wide range of experience including working on projects, client engagements and will be involved in observations, meetings and coordination, to gain a clearer insight into the day-to-day functioning of Deloitte. \n\nSince this course is mandatory for students of the Deloitte Academy and it is possible that some students will not have any credits available in their program, this course is being offered as a no-credit option. Hence students will be able to complete the course and satisfy the requirements of Deloitte Academy.\n\nStudents must complete the course to the satisfaction of Deloitte as well as an academic supervisor to be eligible to pass this course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 29/04/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 29/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 04/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 26/06/2024"}}]}, "962": {"id": "Jy6vh7qHqBGw78w7R2tZQ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "mdfQWVxQ_l0BTGzhXrydR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 42050, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment into this course is by application only.\u00a0 Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}]}]}]}]}, "963": {"id": "FKGCJDkyx4jpBfEZC0iSg", "course_id": "111390", "term": "4448", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111390", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4448", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "Deloitte Internship: No credit", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "BUSINESS", "CATALOG_NBR": "3003", "CLASS_NBR": 46091, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 10 hours per week contact/placement in Deloitte", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "As agreed with Deloitte", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Penultimate and final year students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Deloitte Internship course includes an Internship with Deloitte. All students who are selected to join The Academy by Deloitte will be offered an internship. To find out more about The Academy by Deloitte, please check out:\n\nThis provides the student with an opportunity to experience a hands-on business environment in which to observe and apply their knowledge and skills from their degree. Students will be assigned a team, based on their discipline of study and their interests, and will undertake an internship role which will give them experience in consultancy services. \n\nStudents will gain a wide range of experience including working on projects, client engagements and will be involved in observations, meetings and coordination, to gain a clearer insight into the day-to-day functioning of Deloitte. \n\nSince this course is mandatory for students of the Deloitte Academy and it is possible that some students will not have any credits available in their program, this course is being offered as a no-credit option. Hence students will be able to complete the course and satisfy the requirements of Deloitte Academy.\n\nStudents must complete the course to the satisfaction of Deloitte as well as an academic supervisor to be eligible to pass this course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 14/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 14/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 19/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 11/12/2024"}}]}, "964": {"id": "FKGCJDkyx4jpBfEZC0iSg", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "3DBgj4dGLxyQMO-ZBXwQm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46091, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment into this course is by application only.\u00a0 Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}]}]}]}]}, "965": {"subject": "CHEM", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "016878", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "016878", "term": "4410", "offer": 3}, {"course_id": "017312", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "017312", "term": "4410", "offer": 3}, {"course_id": "006878", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "006878", "term": "4420", "offer": 5}, {"course_id": "007312", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "007312", "term": "4420", "offer": 3}, {"course_id": "107402", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106920", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104265", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104266", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104267", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104268", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111012", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111013", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104319", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104320", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110142", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110143", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "103129", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "103130", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "103131", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "103132", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106974", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106973", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110525", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110526", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110527", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110528", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108626", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109899", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109900", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109900", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109901", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109901", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109902", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109902", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109903", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109903", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106948", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106948", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109979", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109979", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106975", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106975", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "966": {"id": "L8JXDWSRB_yiuhKgM5MiP", "course_id": "016878", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "016878", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Chemistry IA", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "1100", "CLASS_NBR": 13231, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010501", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "SACE Stage 2 Chemistry with Subject Achievement grade of at least C+ or equivalent - in exceptional circumstances, consult Head of Chemistry", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CHEM 1101, CHEM 1310, CHEM 1510 & CHEM 1511", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, practical work, online summative work, lecture tests", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The critical thinking skills, problem-solving abilities, and laboratory techniques acquired in Chemistry IA provide a strong foundation for further studies in chemistry and chemistry-related fields. Whether pursuing careers in chemical, biological or environmental sciences, healthcare or engineering, students will have the necessary tools to thrive and contribute to the scientific community. \n\nChemistry IA is tailored for students seeking a comprehensive understanding of chemistry as a core requirement or a general elective. It accommodates students from various academic programs who are eager to develop a solid grasp of chemical concepts and their practical applications. The course content is designed to follow on from SACE Stage 2 Chemistry (or an equivalent). \n\nUpon completion of Chemistry IA, students will be equipped to determine the structure of unknown molecules through spectroscopic data, explain and quantify the behaviour of acids, bases and buffers and their relation to ocean acidification. In addition, students will develop an understanding of the electronic structure of atoms and the molecular orbital bonding model. They will recognize trends in the properties of elements, comprehend the chemistry of transition metals and their complexes and understand the importance of transition metals in biological processes. \n\nFace-to-face on-campus delivery allows for hands-on experimentation, enabling students to develop proficiency in common chemistry laboratory techniques. Collaborative discussions, group work, and problem-solving exercises in workshops will enhance their understanding of key topics and foster a sense of teamwork. Assessment activities include practical laboratory reports, concept-based assignments, quizzes, and examinations. By successfully completing these assessments, students will demonstrate their ability to apply chemical concepts to real-world scenarios and solve complex problems.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "967": {"id": "L8JXDWSRB_yiuhKgM5MiP", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "cIo8ByXTCnQguH8AfQKb4", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14888, "section": "LE01", "size": 500, "enrolled": 222, "available": 278, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "3_uWrscNblJJW9BInIJQZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11033, "section": "WR12", "size": 18, "enrolled": 16, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13225, "section": "WR02", "size": 23, "enrolled": 22, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13226, "section": "WR11", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13228, "section": "WR03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13229, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 25, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13230, "section": "WR09", "size": 28, "enrolled": 24, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13231, "section": "WR13", "size": 30, "enrolled": 24, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13234, "section": "WR10", "size": 20, "enrolled": 20, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13235, "section": "WR05", "size": 23, "enrolled": 23, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13236, "section": "WR06", "size": 30, "enrolled": 14, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "lLzkbZ3xgLk1IkSbgNpqD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12525, "section": "PR02", "size": 60, "enrolled": 58, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 27 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "5 Mar - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 30 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "14 May - 14 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "28 May - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12526, "section": "PR04", "size": 48, "enrolled": 37, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 27 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "5 Mar - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 30 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "14 May - 14 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "28 May - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14889, "section": "PR06", "size": 52, "enrolled": 50, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 28 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "6 Mar - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "1 May - 1 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "15 May - 15 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "29 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14890, "section": "PR08", "size": 30, "enrolled": 38, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 28 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "6 Mar - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "1 May - 1 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "15 May - 15 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "29 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14891, "section": "PR10", "size": 48, "enrolled": 39, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 29 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "7 Mar - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 May - 2 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "16 May - 16 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "30 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "968": {"id": "GoqSxlJqktEdYZ0RPv7Vs", "course_id": "016878", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "016878", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Chemistry IA", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "1100UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 12400, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010501", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CHEM 1101BR, CHEM 1101UAC", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, practical work", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The critical thinking skills, problem-solving abilities, and laboratory techniques acquired in Chemistry IA provide a strong foundation for further studies in chemistry and chemistry-related fields. Whether pursuing careers in chemical, biological or environmental sciences, healthcare or engineering, students will have the necessary tools to thrive and contribute to the scientific community. \n\nChemistry IA is tailored for students seeking a comprehensive understanding of chemistry as a core requirement or a general elective. It accommodates students from various academic programs who are eager to develop a solid grasp of chemical concepts and their practical applications. The course content is designed to follow on from SACE Stage 2 Chemistry (or an equivalent). \n\nUpon completion of Chemistry IA, students will be equipped to determine the structure of unknown molecules through spectroscopic data, explain and quantify the behaviour of acids, bases and buffers and their relation to ocean acidification. In addition, students will develop an understanding of the electronic structure of atoms and the molecular orbital bonding model. They will recognize trends in the properties of elements, comprehend the chemistry of transition metals and their complexes and understand the importance of transition metals in biological processes. \n\nFace-to-face on-campus delivery allows for hands-on experimentation, enabling students to develop proficiency in common chemistry laboratory techniques. Collaborative discussions, group work, and problem-solving exercises in workshops will enhance their understanding of key topics and foster a sense of teamwork. Assessment activities include practical laboratory reports, concept-based assignments, quizzes, and examinations. By successfully completing these assessments, students will demonstrate their ability to apply chemical concepts to real-world scenarios and solve complex problems.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "969": {"id": "GoqSxlJqktEdYZ0RPv7Vs", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "BvWB2IIGewQ4ymSJyesws", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15224, "section": "LE01", "size": 75, "enrolled": 20, "available": 55, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "5-aZsihnGZFKHuD807N7K", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15225, "section": "PR08", "size": 10, "enrolled": 6, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 28 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "6 Mar - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "1 May - 1 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "15 May - 15 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "29 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15508, "section": "PR10", "size": 10, "enrolled": 7, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 29 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "7 Mar - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 May - 2 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "16 May - 16 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "30 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15509, "section": "PR04", "size": 10, "enrolled": 7, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 27 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "5 Mar - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 30 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "14 May - 14 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "28 May - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "_Kt5r_FL_Hj6_5t2Mc-_z", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12400, "section": "TT01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 20, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 115, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 115, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "970": {"id": "z7r2NpZZ3kJcF81duEdq1", "course_id": "017312", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "017312", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Foundations of Chemistry IA", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "1101", "CLASS_NBR": 14657, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010501", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Not available to students with SACE Stage 2 Chemistry Subject Achievement Grade of C+ or greater, or equivalent.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CHEM 1100, CHEM 1510 & CHEM 1511", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, practical work, online summative work, lecture tests", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The knowledge and skills acquired in Foundations of Chemistry IA provide a strong foundation for future studies in chemistry and chemistry-related fields, including biological and environmental sciences, healthcare and engineering. Whether pursuing careers in research or industry, students will gain the necessary tools to excel and make valuable contributions in their chosen paths.\n\nFoundations of Chemistry IA is designed for students seeking a solid foundation in chemistry, whether they are pursuing it as a core requirement or a general elective. It welcomes students from various academic programs who are eager to develop a solid grasp of chemical concepts and their real-world applications. The course content is designed for students with limited background in chemistry.\n\nUpon successful completion of Foundations of Chemistry IA, students will be able to identify different states of matter, trends of the periodic table, and molecular shape, and draw conclusions about physical and chemical properties. Students will be able to perform basic chemical calculations and balance chemical equations. In addition, they will develop an understanding of acids and bases and chemical equilibrium and their importance in various scientific fields.\n\nFace-to-face on-campus delivery provides opportunities for interactive lectures, hands-on laboratory experiments, and engaging discussions. Students will explore scientific methodology and collaborative work, develop critical thinking skills and enhance their problem-solving abilities. In the laboratory, they will gain proficiency in common chemistry techniques and reinforce theoretical concepts. Assessment activities may include quizzes, laboratory reports, assignments, and examinations. By successfully completing these assessments, students will demonstrate their ability to apply chemical concepts to real-world scenarios and solve problems.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "971": {"id": "z7r2NpZZ3kJcF81duEdq1", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "ClPN89vft0gGEo1O5EaEH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14893, "section": "LE01", "size": 400, "enrolled": 131, "available": 269, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "a5_toFOkJyHdo7_A5teba", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11032, "section": "WR12", "size": 30, "enrolled": 24, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13238, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 17, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13241, "section": "WR05", "size": 20, "enrolled": 18, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13242, "section": "WR09", "size": 20, "enrolled": 19, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14055, "section": "WR11", "size": 30, "enrolled": 15, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Jun - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14058, "section": "WR13", "size": 12, "enrolled": 12, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14398, "section": "WR06", "size": 30, "enrolled": 26, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "77vE1pA7Oj6rMEQx7HZH-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12852, "section": "PR09", "size": 60, "enrolled": 38, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 29 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "14 Mar - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "9 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 May - 23 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "6 Jun - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14836, "section": "PR07", "size": 19, "enrolled": 19, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 28 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "13 Mar - 13 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "8 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14894, "section": "PR01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 27 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "26 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "7 May - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "21 May - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14895, "section": "PR03", "size": 35, "enrolled": 34, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 27 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "26 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "7 May - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "21 May - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14896, "section": "PR05", "size": 17, "enrolled": 16, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 28 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "13 Mar - 13 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "8 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "972": {"id": "ECQgRNNv9ArjWQ-ATrj13", "course_id": "017312", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "017312", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Foundations of Chemistry IA", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "1101UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 12404, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010501", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CHEM 1100BR, CHEM 1100UAC", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, practical work, online summative work, lecture tests", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The knowledge and skills acquired in Foundations of Chemistry IA provide a strong foundation for future studies in chemistry and chemistry-related fields, including biological and environmental sciences, healthcare and engineering. Whether pursuing careers in research or industry, students will gain the necessary tools to excel and make valuable contributions in their chosen paths.\n\nFoundations of Chemistry IA is designed for students seeking a solid foundation in chemistry, whether they are pursuing it as a core requirement or a general elective. It welcomes students from various academic programs who are eager to develop a solid grasp of chemical concepts and their real-world applications. The course content is designed for students with limited background in chemistry.\n\nUpon successful completion of Foundations of Chemistry IA, students will be able to identify different states of matter, trends of the periodic table, and molecular shape, and draw conclusions about physical and chemical properties. Students will be able to perform basic chemical calculations and balance chemical equations. In addition, they will develop an understanding of acids and bases and chemical equilibrium and their importance in various scientific fields.\n\nFace-to-face on-campus delivery provides opportunities for interactive lectures, hands-on laboratory experiments, and engaging discussions. Students will explore scientific methodology and collaborative work, develop critical thinking skills and enhance their problem-solving abilities. In the laboratory, they will gain proficiency in common chemistry techniques and reinforce theoretical concepts. Assessment activities may include quizzes, laboratory reports, assignments, and examinations. By successfully completing these assessments, students will demonstrate their ability to apply chemical concepts to real-world scenarios and solve problems.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "973": {"id": "ECQgRNNv9ArjWQ-ATrj13", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "NJxHhQaFDVnEqyN5uR62B", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15329, "section": "LE01", "size": 75, "enrolled": 48, "available": 27, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tuition", "id": "RidCWxw1VMnvZ6AOAXbxB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12401, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 8, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Hartley, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Hartley, G05, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12402, "section": "TT02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 14, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Darling West, 104, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Darling West, 104, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12403, "section": "TT03", "size": 24, "enrolled": 15, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 109, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 109, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12404, "section": "TT04", "size": 24, "enrolled": 11, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 102, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "KZ-rM_hFsVkQGdQGbV2WM", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14811, "section": "PR07", "size": 24, "enrolled": 17, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 28 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "13 Mar - 13 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "8 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15330, "section": "PR01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 11, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 27 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "26 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "7 May - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "21 May - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15331, "section": "PR05", "size": 18, "enrolled": 6, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 28 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "13 Mar - 13 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "8 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15332, "section": "PR03", "size": 18, "enrolled": 14, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 27 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "26 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "7 May - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "21 May - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "974": {"id": "AsxH-9zxk-SZafCyy6YB0", "course_id": "006878", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "006878", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Chemistry IB", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "1200", "CLASS_NBR": 23134, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010501", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "SACE Stage 2 Chemistry with Subject Achievement grade of at least C+, or equivalent -in exceptional circumstances, consult Head of Chemistry.", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "CHEM 1100", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CHEM 1201, CHEM 1311, CHEM 1520 & CHEM 1521", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, practical work, online summative work, lecture tests", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The critical thinking skills, problem-solving abilities, and laboratory techniques acquired in Chemistry IB provide a strong foundation for future studies in chemistry and chemistry-related fields. Students will be well-equipped to pursue careers in chemical, biological or environmental sciences, healthcare or engineering, where their expertise and knowledge will be highly valued. \n\nChemistry IB is designed for students seeking a thorough exploration of chemistry as a core requirement or a general elective. It welcomes students from various academic programs who are passionate about delving deeper into the fascinating world of chemical sciences. The course content is designed to build upon SACE Stage 2 Chemistry (or an equivalent). \n\nUpon completion of Chemistry IB, students will have a deep understanding of chemical thermodynamics and its relationship to equilibrium. Students will expand their knowledge of reaction kinetics and redox processes, including their application to leading-edge batteries. They will be able to identify stereoisomers, explain addition and substitution reactions and devise synthetic routes to synthesize new and novel materials. Furthermore, students will advance their understanding of amino acids, their chemical behaviour and bonding within peptides. \n\nFace-to-face on-campus delivery allows for hands-on experimentation, enabling students to develop proficiency in common chemistry laboratory techniques. Collaborative discussions, group work, and problem-solving exercises in workshops will enhance their understanding of key topics and foster a sense of teamwork. Assessment activities include practical laboratory reports, concept-based assignments, quizzes, and examinations. By successfully completing these assessments, students will demonstrate their ability to apply chemical concepts to real-world scenarios and solve complex problems.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "975": {"id": "AsxH-9zxk-SZafCyy6YB0", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "ZDflQMbzKYuJM_qMq6ptK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24778, "section": "LE01", "size": 500, "enrolled": 199, "available": 301, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "MEENEDfvYh5gaxnKV9FFy", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22071, "section": "PR10", "size": 60, "enrolled": 52, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "29 Aug - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "24 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24288, "section": "PR04", "size": 60, "enrolled": 46, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24779, "section": "PR02", "size": 45, "enrolled": 35, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24780, "section": "PR06", "size": 55, "enrolled": 35, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 31 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "14 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "28 Aug - 28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24781, "section": "PR08", "size": 50, "enrolled": 31, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 31 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "14 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "28 Aug - 28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "9Mxbd9ei6DYgyeDBvDZ3k", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22240, "section": "WR11", "size": 20, "enrolled": 20, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23130, "section": "WR06", "size": 30, "enrolled": 19, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23131, "section": "WR02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 14, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23132, "section": "WR09", "size": 20, "enrolled": 19, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23135, "section": "WR08", "size": 30, "enrolled": 22, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23136, "section": "WR10", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23137, "section": "WR04", "size": 20, "enrolled": 19, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23138, "section": "WR03", "size": 20, "enrolled": 19, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23139, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 20, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23313, "section": "WR07", "size": 30, "enrolled": 18, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "976": {"id": "DMLoKXYpz99drWDpQn0iY", "course_id": "006878", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "006878", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 5, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Chemistry IB", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "1200UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 22266, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010501", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "CHEM 1100UAC", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CHEM 1201BR, CHEM 1201UAC", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, practical work, online summative work, lecture tests", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The critical thinking skills, problem-solving abilities, and laboratory techniques acquired in Chemistry IB provide a strong foundation for future studies in chemistry and chemistry-related fields. Students will be well-equipped to pursue careers in chemical, biological or environmental sciences, healthcare or engineering, where their expertise and knowledge will be highly valued. \n\nChemistry IB is designed for students seeking a thorough exploration of chemistry as a core requirement or a general elective. It welcomes students from various academic programs who are passionate about delving deeper into the fascinating world of chemical sciences. The course content is designed to build upon SACE Stage 2 Chemistry (or an equivalent). \n\nUpon completion of Chemistry IB, students will have a deep understanding of chemical thermodynamics and its relationship to equilibrium. Students will expand their knowledge of reaction kinetics and redox processes, including their application to leading-edge batteries. They will be able to identify stereoisomers, explain addition and substitution reactions and devise synthetic routes to synthesize new and novel materials. Furthermore, students will advance their understanding of amino acids, their chemical behaviour and bonding within peptides. \n\nFace-to-face on-campus delivery allows for hands-on experimentation, enabling students to develop proficiency in common chemistry laboratory techniques. Collaborative discussions, group work, and problem-solving exercises in workshops will enhance their understanding of key topics and foster a sense of teamwork. Assessment activities include practical laboratory reports, concept-based assignments, quizzes, and examinations. By successfully completing these assessments, students will demonstrate their ability to apply chemical concepts to real-world scenarios and solve complex problems.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "977": {"id": "DMLoKXYpz99drWDpQn0iY", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "eRPVv9RCe0gLolzXT-_Y8", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25089, "section": "LE01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 9, "available": 71, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "ZNupQze6xIugtp-TPN6C5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25090, "section": "PR06", "size": 10, "enrolled": 4, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 31 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "14 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "28 Aug - 28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25091, "section": "PR04", "size": 10, "enrolled": 2, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25092, "section": "PR08", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 31 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "14 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "28 Aug - 28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "23 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 25578, "section": "PR10", "size": 10, "enrolled": 3, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "29 Aug - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "24 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "oGZwN3fJsFWAPbVG5jWf1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22266, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 9, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 312, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 312, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "978": {"id": "f7rFDiRoLdGANNMVCTQk-", "course_id": "007312", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "007312", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Foundations of Chemistry IB", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "1201", "CLASS_NBR": 24550, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010501", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Not available to students with SACE Stage 2 Chemistry Subject Achievement Grade of C+ or greater, or equivalent.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "CHEM1101", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CHEM 1200, CHEM 1520 & CHEM 1521", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, online summative work, practical work, lecture tests", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The knowledge and skills acquired in Foundations of Chemistry IB provide a strong foundation for future studies in chemistry and chemistry-related fields, including biological and environmental sciences, healthcare and engineering. It provides students with a strong foundation for pursuing careers in research or industry, where their understanding of chemical principles and laboratory techniques will be highly valued.\n\nFoundations of Chemistry IB course is designed for students seeking a solid foundation in chemistry, whether as a core requirement or a general elective. It accommodates students from various academic programs who are eager to develop a thorough understanding of chemical principles and their real-world applications. The course content is designed to build upon the knowledge gained in Foundations of Chemistry IA.\n\nUpon completion of Foundations of Chemistry IB, students will understand redox processes and their application to batteries. Students will gain an understanding of chemical thermodynamics and reaction kinetics and their importance in various scientific fields. In addition, students will develop their knowledge of organic compounds and their importance in materials, medicine and biological processes. \n\nFace-to-face on-campus delivery provides opportunities for interactive lectures, hands-on laboratory experiments, and engaging discussions. Collaborative discussions, group work, and problem-solving exercises in workshops will enhance their understanding of key topics and foster a sense of teamwork. Assessments activities may include quizzes, laboratory reports, assignments, and examinations. By successfully completing these assessments, students will demonstrate their ability to apply chemical knowledge to solve problems and communicate scientific ideas effectively.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "979": {"id": "f7rFDiRoLdGANNMVCTQk-", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "PB0RDMlixYaTDfqLuTqO9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23782, "section": "LE01", "size": 400, "enrolled": 121, "available": 279, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "wVR9r-C7oph9jzF-R_TW5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22072, "section": "PR09", "size": 40, "enrolled": 36, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Aug - 8 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 Aug - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 5 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23167, "section": "PR07", "size": 7, "enrolled": 7, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Aug - 7 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "21 Aug - 21 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "4 Sep - 4 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 2 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23783, "section": "PR01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 26, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Aug - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "20 Aug - 20 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 Sep - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23784, "section": "PR03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Aug - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "20 Aug - 20 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 Sep - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23785, "section": "PR05", "size": 24, "enrolled": 24, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Aug - 7 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "21 Aug - 21 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "4 Sep - 4 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 2 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "xPB1DtxflHPfdYrtKhoiv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22241, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23145, "section": "WR04", "size": 20, "enrolled": 18, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23146, "section": "WR07", "size": 30, "enrolled": 13, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23147, "section": "WR11", "size": 30, "enrolled": 13, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23148, "section": "WR13", "size": 10, "enrolled": 8, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24338, "section": "WR09", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24549, "section": "WR03", "size": 13, "enrolled": 12, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "980": {"id": "NTlVnVDOcCSa7Rp0Ix7Iu", "course_id": "007312", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "007312", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Foundations of Chemistry IB", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "1201UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 22269, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010501", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "CHEM 1101UAC", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CHEM 1200BR, CHEM 1200UAC", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, online summative work, practical work, lecture tests", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The knowledge and skills acquired in Foundations of Chemistry IB provide a strong foundation for future studies in chemistry and chemistry-related fields, including biological and environmental sciences, healthcare and engineering. It provides students with a strong foundation for pursuing careers in research or industry, where their understanding of chemical principles and laboratory techniques will be highly valued.\n\nFoundations of Chemistry IB course is designed for students seeking a solid foundation in chemistry, whether as a core requirement or a general elective. It accommodates students from various academic programs who are eager to develop a thorough understanding of chemical principles and their real-world applications. The course content is designed to build upon the knowledge gained in Foundations of Chemistry IA.\n\nUpon completion of Foundations of Chemistry IB, students will understand redox processes and their application to batteries. Students will gain an understanding of chemical thermodynamics and reaction kinetics and their importance in various scientific fields. In addition, students will develop their knowledge of organic compounds and their importance in materials, medicine and biological processes. \n\nFace-to-face on-campus delivery provides opportunities for interactive lectures, hands-on laboratory experiments, and engaging discussions. Collaborative discussions, group work, and problem-solving exercises in workshops will enhance their understanding of key topics and foster a sense of teamwork. Assessments activities may include quizzes, laboratory reports, assignments, and examinations. By successfully completing these assessments, students will demonstrate their ability to apply chemical knowledge to solve problems and communicate scientific ideas effectively.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "981": {"id": "NTlVnVDOcCSa7Rp0Ix7Iu", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "56yXEyyQkPhfxF85GCD9T", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25196, "section": "LE01", "size": 49, "enrolled": 27, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tuition", "id": "OXyAUKvrozgWc1YlBwwRh", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22267, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 12, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Darling West, 104, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Darling West, 104, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22268, "section": "TT02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 11, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Darling West, 204, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Darling West, 204, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22269, "section": "TT03", "size": 24, "enrolled": 4, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 109, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 109, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "-RYvEilWZXRVyfBY6BK_-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25197, "section": "PR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 6, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Aug - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "20 Aug - 20 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 Sep - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25198, "section": "PR05", "size": 20, "enrolled": 13, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Aug - 7 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "21 Aug - 21 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "4 Sep - 4 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 2 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25199, "section": "PR03", "size": 20, "enrolled": 8, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Aug - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "20 Aug - 20 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 Sep - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "982": {"id": "A6s_WZbvShrJQRAeZxpd5", "course_id": "107402", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107402", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Chemistry IB(S)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "1311", "CLASS_NBR": 92473, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010501", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 60 hours for the duration of the course", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Only available to students who have previously attempted but failed CHEM 1200 or CHEM 1520 in the preceding academic year and have attended and completed all practicals.", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "SACE Stage 2 Chemistry or equivalent", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CHEM 1200, CHEM 1201, CHEM 1520, CHEM 1521, CHEM 1312", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, online assessment, workshop preparation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Energy and Equilibrium - the relevance of intermolecular forces, chemical equilibrium, energy considerations and chemical reactivity applied to aspects of chemistry and biochemistry. Kinetics and Electrochemistry - aspects of kinetics and electrochemical processes. Synthetic and Bio-organic Chemistry - an introduction to chemical synthesis with particular reference to addition and substitution reactions. Strategies for synthesis and properties of biologically significant molecules will also be addressed.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 09/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "983": {"id": "A6s_WZbvShrJQRAeZxpd5", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "jVIteCxHpihr3b-b2yGPP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92473, "section": "WR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 4, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "12 Jan - 12 Jan", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "15 Jan - 2 Feb", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "984": {"id": "8dleFWIvvuBDJ4FtFwjfr", "course_id": "106920", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106920", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Foundations of Chemistry IS", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "1312", "CLASS_NBR": 92129, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010501", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 40 hours for the duration of the course", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CHEM 1101 & CHEM 1201", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CHEM 1100 & CHEM 1200 and CHEM 1101 & CHEM 1201 if completed prior to 2012", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, online summative work, practical work, workshop preparation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Quantitative analysis of kinetics, thermodynamics and equilibria; Nernst equation; balancing redox equations under basic conditions; transition metal and coordination chemistry; quantum theory; spectroscopy/structure determination (UV, IR, 1H NMR); stereochemistry; organic mechanism (electrophilic addition to alkenes, SN1 and SN2 reactions, electrophilic aromatic substitution).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 09/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "985": {"id": "8dleFWIvvuBDJ4FtFwjfr", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "AoUA9YBcsO1ZtPyk3Odat", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92129, "section": "WR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 29, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "10 Jan - 12 Jan", "days": "Wednesday, Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Jan - 12 Jan", "days": "Wednesday, Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "10 Jan - 12 Jan", "days": "Wednesday, Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Jan - 19 Jan", "days": "Monday, Wednesday, Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Jan - 19 Jan", "days": "Monday, Wednesday, Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Jan - 19 Jan", "days": "Monday, Wednesday, Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "22 Jan - 24 Jan", "days": "Monday, Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Jan - 24 Jan", "days": "Monday, Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Jan - 24 Jan", "days": "Monday, Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "25 Jan - 25 Jan", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Jan - 2 Feb", "days": "Monday, Wednesday, Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Jan - 2 Feb", "days": "Monday, Wednesday, Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Jan - 2 Feb", "days": "Monday, Wednesday, Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "UCH20VUA6QHNh2iV0tu-f", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92128, "section": "PR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 29, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Feb - 5 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "5 Feb - 5 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "986": {"id": "nyyua1KJzTQgr4z1lgHpc", "course_id": "104265", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104265", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Chemistry IA (Veterinary Bioscience)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "1510", "CLASS_NBR": 13223, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010501", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BSc (Veterinary Bioscience) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "SACE Stage 2 Chemistry with Subject Achievement grade of at least C+, or equivalent -in exceptional circumstances, consult Head of Chemistry", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CHEM 1511, CHEM 1100 & CHEM 1101", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, practical work, online summative work, lecture tests", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The critical thinking skills, problem-solving abilities, and laboratory techniques acquired in Chemistry IA provide a strong foundation for further studies in chemistry and chemistry-related fields. Whether pursuing careers in chemical, biological or environmental sciences, healthcare or engineering, students will have the necessary tools to thrive and contribute to the scientific community. \n\nChemistry IA is tailored for students seeking a comprehensive understanding of chemistry as a core requirement or a general elective. It accommodates students from various academic programs who are eager to develop a solid grasp of chemical concepts and their practical applications. The course content is designed to follow on from SACE Stage 2 Chemistry (or an equivalent). \n\nUpon completion of Chemistry IA, students will be equipped to determine the structure of unknown molecules through spectroscopic data, explain and quantify the behaviour of acids, bases and buffers and their relation to ocean acidification. In addition, students will develop an understanding of the electronic structure of atoms and the molecular orbital bonding model. They will recognize trends in the properties of elements, comprehend the chemistry of transition metals and their complexes and understand the importance of transition metals in biological processes. \n\nFace-to-face on-campus delivery allows for hands-on experimentation, enabling students to develop proficiency in common chemistry laboratory techniques. Collaborative discussions, group work, and problem-solving exercises in workshops will enhance their understanding of key topics and foster a sense of teamwork. Assessment activities include practical laboratory reports, concept-based assignments, quizzes, and examinations. By successfully completing these assessments, students will demonstrate their ability to apply chemical concepts to real-world scenarios and solve complex problems.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "987": {"id": "nyyua1KJzTQgr4z1lgHpc", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "-VzNfHMQGOVcQQFDC1UEw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14887, "section": "LE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 34, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "gZgdtAEjMKblHmqGiRpVt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12808, "section": "WR07", "size": 10, "enrolled": 3, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13221, "section": "WR10", "size": 10, "enrolled": 9, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13223, "section": "WR13", "size": 10, "enrolled": 9, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13224, "section": "WR05", "size": 10, "enrolled": 4, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13753, "section": "WR12", "size": 10, "enrolled": 9, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "Y8aaPPFUVRIpZCa6K6zLs", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15031, "section": "PR08", "size": 3, "enrolled": 4, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 28 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "6 Mar - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "1 May - 1 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "15 May - 15 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "29 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15032, "section": "PR06", "size": 20, "enrolled": 19, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 28 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "6 Mar - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "1 May - 1 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "15 May - 15 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "29 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15033, "section": "PR10", "size": 10, "enrolled": 6, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 29 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "7 Mar - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 May - 2 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "16 May - 16 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "30 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19128, "section": "PR02", "size": 10, "enrolled": 3, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 27 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "5 Mar - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 30 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "14 May - 14 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "28 May - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19129, "section": "PR04", "size": 10, "enrolled": 2, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 27 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "5 Mar - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 30 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "14 May - 14 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "28 May - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "988": {"id": "zi6xT6w5QqZr3xIx6Dzxy", "course_id": "104266", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104266", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Foundations of Chemistry IA (Vet Bioscience)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "1511", "CLASS_NBR": 10147, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010501", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BSc (Vet Bioscience) students only. Not available to students with SACE Stage 2 Chemistry Subject Achievement Grade of C+ or greater, or equivalent.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CHEM 1100, CHEM 1101 & CHEM 1510", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, practical work, online summative work, lecture tests", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The knowledge and skills acquired in Foundations of Chemistry IA provide a strong foundation for future studies in chemistry and chemistry-related fields, including biological and environmental sciences, healthcare and engineering. Whether pursuing careers in research or industry, students will gain the necessary tools to excel and make valuable contributions in their chosen paths.\n\nFoundations of Chemistry IA is designed for students seeking a solid foundation in chemistry, whether they are pursuing it as a core requirement or a general elective. It welcomes students from various academic programs who are eager to develop a solid grasp of chemical concepts and their real-world applications. The course content is designed for students with limited background in chemistry.\n\nUpon successful completion of Foundations of Chemistry IA, students will be able to identify different states of matter, trends of the periodic table, and molecular shape, and draw conclusions about physical and chemical properties. Students will be able to perform basic chemical calculations and balance chemical equations. In addition, they will develop an understanding of acids and bases and chemical equilibrium and their importance in various scientific fields.\n\nFace-to-face on-campus delivery provides opportunities for interactive lectures, hands-on laboratory experiments, and engaging discussions. Students will explore scientific methodology and collaborative work, develop critical thinking skills and enhance their problem-solving abilities. In the laboratory, they will gain proficiency in common chemistry techniques and reinforce theoretical concepts. Assessment activities may include quizzes, laboratory reports, assignments, and examinations. By successfully completing these assessments, students will demonstrate their ability to apply chemical concepts to real-world scenarios and solve problems.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "989": {"id": "zi6xT6w5QqZr3xIx6Dzxy", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "bdv_G9pWf2XhrSnaC9mjT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14892, "section": "LE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 31, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "F8mnJdDgJo0ZoeUmttoGv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10147, "section": "WR13", "size": 18, "enrolled": 16, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13237, "section": "WR05", "size": 10, "enrolled": 6, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13754, "section": "WR09", "size": 10, "enrolled": 9, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "336_tECOhYtr6SuwxUi2E", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12853, "section": "PR05", "size": 13, "enrolled": 16, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 28 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "13 Mar - 13 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "8 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19123, "section": "PR03", "size": 5, "enrolled": 3, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 27 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "26 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "7 May - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "21 May - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19124, "section": "PR01", "size": 7, "enrolled": 4, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 27 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "26 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "7 May - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "21 May - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19127, "section": "PR07", "size": 7, "enrolled": 6, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 28 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "13 Mar - 13 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "8 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19787, "section": "PR09", "size": 10, "enrolled": 2, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 29 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "14 Mar - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "9 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 May - 23 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "6 Jun - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "990": {"id": "vRx_jxRCrEHr4XwpdhC8L", "course_id": "104267", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104267", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Chemistry IB (Veterinary Bioscience)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "1520", "CLASS_NBR": 23140, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010501", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BSc (Veterinary Bioscience) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "SACE Stage 2 Chemistry with Subject Achievement grade of at least C+, or equivalent -in exceptional circumstances, consult Head of Chemistry.", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "CHEM 1510", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CHEM 1521, CHEM 1200 & CHEM 1201", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, online summative work, practical work, lecture tests", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The critical thinking skills, problem-solving abilities, and laboratory techniques acquired in Chemistry IB provide a strong foundation for future studies in chemistry and chemistry-related fields. Students will be well-equipped to pursue careers in chemical, biological or environmental sciences, healthcare or engineering, where their expertise and knowledge will be highly valued. \n\nChemistry IB is designed for students seeking a thorough exploration of chemistry as a core requirement or a general elective. It welcomes students from various academic programs who are passionate about delving deeper into the fascinating world of chemical sciences. The course content is designed to build upon SACE Stage 2 Chemistry (or an equivalent). \n\nUpon completion of Chemistry IB, students will have a deep understanding of chemical thermodynamics and its relationship to equilibrium. Students will expand their knowledge of reaction kinetics and redox processes, including their application to leading-edge batteries. They will be able to identify stereoisomers, explain addition and substitution reactions and devise synthetic routes to synthesize new and novel materials. Furthermore, students will advance their understanding of amino acids, their chemical behaviour and bonding within peptides. \n\nFace-to-face on-campus delivery allows for hands-on experimentation, enabling students to develop proficiency in common chemistry laboratory techniques. Collaborative discussions, group work, and problem-solving exercises in workshops will enhance their understanding of key topics and foster a sense of teamwork. Assessment activities include practical laboratory reports, concept-based assignments, quizzes, and examinations. By successfully completing these assessments, students will demonstrate their ability to apply chemical concepts to real-world scenarios and solve complex problems.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "991": {"id": "vRx_jxRCrEHr4XwpdhC8L", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "jSre5hlHmQ4Wb_F6Y1WNy", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24777, "section": "LE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 35, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "gAllmK5s680ms8LRt4j6k", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20006, "section": "WR02", "size": 10, "enrolled": 1, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21529, "section": "WR03", "size": 10, "enrolled": 10, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23141, "section": "WR04", "size": 20, "enrolled": 6, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23142, "section": "WR11", "size": 10, "enrolled": 9, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23795, "section": "WR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 7, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23796, "section": "WR09", "size": 10, "enrolled": 2, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "0XWiKb-KRwS43mVYQs9iq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20175, "section": "PR06", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 31 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "14 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "28 Aug - 28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25561, "section": "PR04", "size": 10, "enrolled": 8, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25562, "section": "PR02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 17, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25577, "section": "PR08", "size": 15, "enrolled": 10, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 31 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "14 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "28 Aug - 28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "992": {"id": "FjjwHVQzZ-nnOKFsp9rlo", "course_id": "104268", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104268", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Foundations of Chemistry IB (Vet Bioscience)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "1521", "CLASS_NBR": 23143, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010501", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BSc (Veterinary Bioscience) students only. Not available to students with SACE Stage 2 Chemistry Subject Achievement Grade of C+ or greater, or equivalent.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "CHEM 1511", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CHEM 1200, CHEM 1201 & CHEM 1520", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, online summative work, practical work, lecture tests", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The knowledge and skills acquired in Foundations of Chemistry IB provide a strong foundation for future studies in chemistry and chemistry-related fields, including biological and environmental sciences, healthcare and engineering. It provides students with a strong foundation for pursuing careers in research or industry, where their understanding of chemical principles and laboratory techniques will be highly valued.\n\nFoundations of Chemistry IB course is designed for students seeking a solid foundation in chemistry, whether as a core requirement or a general elective. It accommodates students from various academic programs who are eager to develop a thorough understanding of chemical principles and their real-world applications. The course content is designed to build upon the knowledge gained in Foundations of Chemistry IA.\n\nUpon completion of Foundations of Chemistry IB, students will understand redox processes and their application to batteries. Students will gain an understanding of chemical thermodynamics and reaction kinetics and their importance in various scientific fields. In addition, students will develop their knowledge of organic compounds and their importance in materials, medicine and biological processes. \n\nFace-to-face on-campus delivery provides opportunities for interactive lectures, hands-on laboratory experiments, and engaging discussions. Collaborative discussions, group work, and problem-solving exercises in workshops will enhance their understanding of key topics and foster a sense of teamwork. Assessments activities may include quizzes, laboratory reports, assignments, and examinations. By successfully completing these assessments, students will demonstrate their ability to apply chemical knowledge to solve problems and communicate scientific ideas effectively.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "993": {"id": "FjjwHVQzZ-nnOKFsp9rlo", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Od0IERL_Fg2Q3bSYOIevC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24782, "section": "LE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 33, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "SboaC6mt0JOl5oQ9X9KAr", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21580, "section": "PR03", "size": 17, "enrolled": 10, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Aug - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "20 Aug - 20 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 Sep - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24783, "section": "PR07", "size": 10, "enrolled": 8, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Aug - 7 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "21 Aug - 21 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "4 Sep - 4 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 2 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29460, "section": "PR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 15, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Aug - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "20 Aug - 20 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 Sep - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "2LJgacag1hrQikoEaC4XP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23143, "section": "WR13", "size": 20, "enrolled": 16, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23797, "section": "WR03", "size": 17, "enrolled": 15, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24948, "section": "WR04", "size": 10, "enrolled": 2, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "994": {"id": "B7AxxEM8JkuhWgkQ3akpf", "course_id": "111012", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111012", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Foundations of Chemistry IA (Ag & Vit)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "1611", "CLASS_NBR": 10443, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010501", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Agricultural Sciences and Bachelor of Viticulture and Oenology students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CHEM 1100, CHEM 1101, CHEM 1510, CHEM 1511", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, practical work, online summative work, lecture tests", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The knowledge and skills acquired in Foundations of Chemistry IA provide a strong foundation for future studies in chemistry and chemistry-related fields, including biological and environmental sciences, healthcare and engineering. Whether pursuing careers in research or industry, students will gain the necessary tools to excel and make valuable contributions in their chosen paths.\n\nFoundations of Chemistry IA is designed for students seeking a solid foundation in chemistry, whether they are pursuing it as a core requirement or a general elective. It welcomes students from various academic programs who are eager to develop a solid grasp of chemical concepts and their real-world applications. The course content is designed for students with limited background in chemistry.\n\nUpon successful completion of Foundations of Chemistry IA, students will be able to identify different states of matter, trends of the periodic table, and molecular shape, and draw conclusions about physical and chemical properties. Students will be able to perform basic chemical calculations and balance chemical equations. In addition, they will develop an understanding of acids and bases and chemical equilibrium and their importance in various scientific fields.\n\nFace-to-face on-campus delivery provides opportunities for interactive lectures, hands-on laboratory experiments, and engaging discussions. Students will explore scientific methodology and collaborative work, develop critical thinking skills and enhance their problem-solving abilities. In the laboratory, they will gain proficiency in common chemistry techniques and reinforce theoretical concepts. Assessment activities may include quizzes, laboratory reports, assignments, and examinations. By successfully completing these assessments, students will demonstrate their ability to apply chemical concepts to real-world scenarios and solve problems.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "995": {"id": "B7AxxEM8JkuhWgkQ3akpf", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "b_6JjE5qLCwH3tPChJchD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11221, "section": "LE01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 90, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "IinLBrkm280uUElqVwehg", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10024, "section": "PR09", "size": 12, "enrolled": 10, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 29 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "14 Mar - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "9 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 May - 23 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "6 Jun - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11222, "section": "PR05", "size": 24, "enrolled": 23, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 28 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "13 Mar - 13 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "8 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11223, "section": "PR03", "size": 14, "enrolled": 14, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 27 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "26 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "7 May - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "21 May - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11224, "section": "PR07", "size": 24, "enrolled": 23, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 28 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "13 Mar - 13 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "8 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11225, "section": "PR01", "size": 27, "enrolled": 20, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 27 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "26 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "7 May - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "21 May - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "NCMypn5LTjfZDtyltj8gO", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10443, "section": "WR14", "size": 30, "enrolled": 15, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11226, "section": "WR02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11229, "section": "WR08", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14654, "section": "WR04", "size": 30, "enrolled": 17, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "996": {"id": "adNelAm08Ur0toJLAtj7N", "course_id": "111013", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111013", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Foundations of Chemistry IB (Ag & Vit)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "1621", "CLASS_NBR": 21160, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010501", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Agricultural Sciences and Bachelor of Viticulture and Oenology students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "CHEM 1611", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CHEM 1200, CHEM 1201, CHEM 1520, CHEM 1521", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, online summative work, practical work, lecture tests", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The knowledge and skills acquired in Foundations of Chemistry IB provide a strong foundation for future studies in chemistry and chemistry-related fields, including biological and environmental sciences, healthcare and engineering. It provides students with a strong foundation for pursuing careers in research or industry, where their understanding of chemical principles and laboratory techniques will be highly valued.\n\nFoundations of Chemistry IB course is designed for students seeking a solid foundation in chemistry, whether as a core requirement or a general elective. It accommodates students from various academic programs who are eager to develop a thorough understanding of chemical principles and their real-world applications. The course content is designed to build upon the knowledge gained in Foundations of Chemistry IA.\n\nUpon completion of Foundations of Chemistry IB, students will understand redox processes and their application to batteries. Students will gain an understanding of chemical thermodynamics and reaction kinetics and their importance in various scientific fields. In addition, students will develop their knowledge of organic compounds and their importance in materials, medicine and biological processes. \n\nFace-to-face on-campus delivery provides opportunities for interactive lectures, hands-on laboratory experiments, and engaging discussions. Collaborative discussions, group work, and problem-solving exercises in workshops will enhance their understanding of key topics and foster a sense of teamwork. Assessments activities may include quizzes, laboratory reports, assignments, and examinations. By successfully completing these assessments, students will demonstrate their ability to apply chemical knowledge to solve problems and communicate scientific ideas effectively.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "997": {"id": "adNelAm08Ur0toJLAtj7N", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "P1QfVVNBUaRmsyWcQNyQT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21155, "section": "LE01", "size": 120, "enrolled": 92, "available": 28, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "QZYA0mJ-x000PWb1hiXzK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20011, "section": "PR03", "size": 5, "enrolled": 3, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Aug - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "20 Aug - 20 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 Sep - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20012, "section": "PR01", "size": 12, "enrolled": 5, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Aug - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "20 Aug - 20 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 Sep - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21156, "section": "PR05", "size": 24, "enrolled": 4, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Aug - 7 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "21 Aug - 21 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "4 Sep - 4 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 2 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21157, "section": "PR09", "size": 24, "enrolled": 24, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Aug - 8 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 Aug - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 5 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21158, "section": "PR07", "size": 60, "enrolled": 56, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Aug - 7 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "21 Aug - 21 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "4 Sep - 4 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 2 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 106, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "HEqHgcFGjglp9rI9I650e", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23428, "section": "WR08", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24547, "section": "WR14", "size": 32, "enrolled": 30, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29070, "section": "WR05", "size": 32, "enrolled": 33, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "998": {"id": "q-zX0GuYVpMMsx1d9R9iK", "course_id": "104319", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104319", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Environmental & Analytical Chemistry II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "2530", "CLASS_NBR": 11850, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010501", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 7.5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CHEM 1100 & CHEM 1200 or CHEM 1101, CHEM 1201 & CHEM 1312. Other students may apply to Head of Chemistry for exemption", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, practical work, assignment and presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Chemical analysis - both quantitation and speciation - is one of the most valuable employment skills carried by trained chemists. This course aims to equip students with a working knowledge and practical skill set for professional analytical chemistry and its application to a number of environmental systems and industrial applications. Students will be trained in techniques used by professional chemists to determine chemical composition and analyse for trace compounds, central to the environmental systems that are covered. The fundamentals of analytical rigour will be addressed and developed through both theory and practical application. \n\nThe course will establish a sound understanding of the chemistry of the biosphere and the impact of natural and human induced events on local and global environments. The atmospheric, terrestrial, riverine and oceanic chemical compositions and their interactions to produce climate and other environmental variations are examined.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "999": {"id": "q-zX0GuYVpMMsx1d9R9iK", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "7juZx4T49pWJxxQiiU5m5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10150, "section": "LE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 31, "available": 29, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "uekymz4rKTQt-rqXnat1v", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11849, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 13, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11850, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 18, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "IufUf3uxRLdYEuTsEoM6W", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11960, "section": "PR03", "size": 14, "enrolled": 10, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 113, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 113, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11961, "section": "PR04", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 113, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 113, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 113, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14902, "section": "PR01", "size": 14, "enrolled": 10, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 113, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 113, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14903, "section": "PR02", "size": 14, "enrolled": 11, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 113, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 113, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "1000": {"id": "SytmGKC9Dse-V_NQiEq5e", "course_id": "104320", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104320", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Medicinal & Biological Chemistry II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "2540", "CLASS_NBR": 21808, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010501", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 7.5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CHEM 1100 & CHEM 1200 or CHEM 1101, CHEM 1201 & CHEM 1312", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, practical work, tutorials", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "An introduction to the principles and methods of medicinal chemistry including natural product and biopolymer isolation, lead generation, lead optimisation and quantitative structure-activity relationships will be presented. An introduction to the principles of biophysical chemistry will be presented, which will include techniques focused on enzyme activity and inhibition. The different classes of biologically important molecules will be introduced, including discussion on their biosynthesis. An introduction to metalloprotein and bioinorganic chemistry will be presented, including discussion of the structure and function of metalloenzymes and metalloproteins.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1001": {"id": "SytmGKC9Dse-V_NQiEq5e", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "_exi9pnt59Y5CMRAR_mZd", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20174, "section": "LE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 42, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "K5xpTjJQE5sqtXXVZkXu2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20924, "section": "PR04", "size": 14, "enrolled": 10, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Badger, G10, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Badger, G10, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24802, "section": "PR01", "size": 14, "enrolled": 12, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Badger, G10, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Badger, G10, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24803, "section": "PR02", "size": 14, "enrolled": 11, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Badger, G10, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Badger, G10, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24804, "section": "PR03", "size": 14, "enrolled": 9, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Badger, G10, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Badger, G10, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "EvY48n2kJ-f_h-AtMxAZV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21808, "section": "TU02", "size": 56, "enrolled": 42, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1002": {"id": "v10khoWAkN5NzUBBJ6yTg", "course_id": "110142", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110142", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Organic Chemistry II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "2545", "CLASS_NBR": 12154, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010501", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 7.5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CHEM1100 or CHEM1310 and CHEM1200 or CHEM1311 or CHEM1101 and CHEM 1201 and CHEM 1312", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CHEM 2510, CHEM 2520", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, practical work, assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Organic chemistry - involving carbon bound to itself and other elements - is fundamental to life on earth and also crucial to many industries. This course covers the central aspects of structure and reactivity of organic molecules that prepare students for STEM careers. It is designed for students majoring in chemistry but is also suitable for those focussing on biological, medical, environmental or material sciences. The language of organic chemistry is based on visual and logical arguments which are readily accessible to a wide range of students. The theory component builds up an understanding of chemical reactivity and structure, as well as synthetic methods. These concepts underpin the manufacture of our medicines and materials. The laboratory component provides a vital practical training with a strong focus on developing skills to control chemical reactivity, synthesise and isolate molecular targets, characterise their structure and properties, and then to report and apply this knowledge to disciplinary and grand challenges.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1003": {"id": "v10khoWAkN5NzUBBJ6yTg", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "ytnZSclHimSr706k3WF4F", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12148, "section": "LE01", "size": 120, "enrolled": 68, "available": 52, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "nkuxDpy6xfp9zdD3UJPQP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11001, "section": "TU01", "size": 27, "enrolled": 24, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12153, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 21, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12154, "section": "TU03", "size": 27, "enrolled": 23, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "kHvhqf-CwLYG_h1FUztZu", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12149, "section": "PR04", "size": 18, "enrolled": 18, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 1 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Badger, G10, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "8 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Badger, G10, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Badger, G10, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12150, "section": "PR03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 20, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 29 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Badger, G10, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Badger, G10, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Badger, G10, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12151, "section": "PR02", "size": 18, "enrolled": 16, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 28 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Badger, G10, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Badger, G10, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Badger, G10, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12152, "section": "PR01", "size": 18, "enrolled": 14, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 27 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Badger, G10, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Badger, G10, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Badger, G10, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "1004": {"id": "rbsZPu_61OIRsorCkMuT7", "course_id": "110143", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110143", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Physical and Inorganic Chemistry II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "2550", "CLASS_NBR": 22066, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010503", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 7.5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CHEM 1100 or CHEM 1310 and CHEM 1200 or CHEM 1311 or CHEM 1101 and CHEM 1201 and CHEM 1312", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CHEM 2510, CHEM 2520", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, Practical work, assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Physical chemistry focusses on rigorous description of the properties of molecules and the vital processes involved in chemical change, while inorganic chemistry primarily aims at understanding how metallic elements interact with other compounds. The two areas are heavily intertwined and hence taught together in this course, using examples connecting the fundamental components to real life applications across the physical and natural world. The course is designed for students majoring in chemistry but is also suitable for those focussing in biological, medical, environmental, engineering or material sciences. A theory component that extends material from first year is coupled to a vital laboratory practical experience with a strong focus on developing skills to fully characterise and rationalise the physical and chemical properties of molecules and to understand how these aspects impact their reactivity.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1005": {"id": "rbsZPu_61OIRsorCkMuT7", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "nAnMMqnnVX8VTXdeDnfGw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22061, "section": "LE01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 45, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "UGb7YvkEd48oOQIRBDkKy", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22062, "section": "PR04", "size": 16, "enrolled": 12, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 113, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 113, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22063, "section": "PR03", "size": 16, "enrolled": 9, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 113, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 113, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22064, "section": "PR02", "size": 16, "enrolled": 10, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 113, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 113, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22065, "section": "PR01", "size": 16, "enrolled": 14, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 113, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 113, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "6VbaNUVbMqljhyB15aAqc", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22066, "section": "TU03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 22, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24484, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 23, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1006": {"id": "g0I97xt0qMDL-qrgVASc0", "course_id": "103129", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103129", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Synthesis of Materials III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "3211", "CLASS_NBR": 25194, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010599", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 9 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CHEM 2545 & CHEM 2550 or equivalent", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "CHEM 3610, CHEM 3620", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, practical work, assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course focuses on the synthesis and characterisation of materials and their applications. It covers supramolecular chemistry, with an emphasis on the synthesis and structures of metallo-supramolecular assemblies. In addition to discussing the structures and approaches to synthesising metallo-supramolecular assemblies, the properties of selected compounds are discussed. The chemistry and applications of porous extended materials is presented. Materials such as zeolites, metal-organic frameworks and porous carbons is used as an introduction to principles of gas adsorption, storage and separation, as well as experimental characterisation of porous materials. Finally, polymer chemistry is addressed, with a focus on synthetic methods. Polymer structure and properties, natural and synthetic polymers, copolymers, step-growth and chain-growth polymers, and natural and synthetic rubbers are covered.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1007": {"id": "g0I97xt0qMDL-qrgVASc0", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "9-zG5oEZxzEzPVwNRfHNI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25194, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 24, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "zUkaot9Kyr2E80SHz5O58", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24791, "section": "PR01", "size": 17, "enrolled": 15, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12:30pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Badger, 212, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12:30pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Badger, 212, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24880, "section": "PR03", "size": 17, "enrolled": 9, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12:30pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Badger, 212, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12:30pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Badger, 212, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "1008": {"id": "xy87GVk5wv7_ReNwVuoPB", "course_id": "103130", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103130", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Fundamentals of Materials III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "3212", "CLASS_NBR": 25195, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010599", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 9 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CHEM 2550", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "CHEM 3610 or CHEM 3630", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, practical work, assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course focuses on fundamental aspects of the physical chemistry of materials. It addresses novel nanostructured materials, and the recent advances (including fabrication, applications, and limitations) in using these materials in industry, medicine, and telecommunication. Subnano assemblies are discussed, including topics covering aspects of self-assembly of atoms, C60, fullerenes, nanotubes, rare gas clusters, nanodroplets, metal clusters and surface techniques. The physical properties of important general classes of soft materials including colloids, polymers, and liquid crystals is also addressed", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1009": {"id": "xy87GVk5wv7_ReNwVuoPB", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "HkINV5i3wo7dM5g-x1ncL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25195, "section": "WR01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 20, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "AqVIj9BY0CyBcZPHFbXZz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23012, "section": "PR01", "size": 12, "enrolled": 10, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12:30pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Johnson, 113, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12:30pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Johnson, 113, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24796, "section": "PR02", "size": 12, "enrolled": 10, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12:30pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Johnson, 113, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12:30pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Johnson, 113, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "1010": {"id": "uva4UYnm7G3m1-DHN8pff", "course_id": "103131", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103131", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Synthetic Methods III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "3213", "CLASS_NBR": 25200, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010501", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 9 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CHEM 2545, CHEM 2550", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "CHEM 3610, CHEM 3620", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, practical work, assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Theoretical aspects and applications of a variety of synthetically useful reactions are presented. The course continually expands the arsenal of powerful synthetic methods available and exemplifies their uses. It focuses on efficiency (how is the greatest amount of the desired compound obtained in the fewest steps?), chemo- and regio-selectivity (how is the desired reaction obtained only at the site of interest?) and stereochemistry (how are the absolute and relative stereochemistry of the products of various reactions controlled?). An overview is given of synthetic strategy including the design and control of stereochemistry in the synthesis of complex molecules. The applications of chemical principles in a variety of contexts including industrial processes & chiral synthesis are addressed.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1011": {"id": "uva4UYnm7G3m1-DHN8pff", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "TgD1flVbBk4t-ctea73lr", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25200, "section": "WR01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 16, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "OVDxc73my7OD_ubQWTz33", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24790, "section": "PR01", "size": 7, "enrolled": 4, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12:30pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Badger, 115, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12:30pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Badger, 115, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24793, "section": "PR02", "size": 6, "enrolled": 5, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12:30pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Badger, 115, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12:30pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Badger, 115, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24794, "section": "PR03", "size": 6, "enrolled": 2, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12:30pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Badger, 115, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12:30pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Badger, 115, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24795, "section": "PR04", "size": 5, "enrolled": 5, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12:30pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Badger, 115, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12:30pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Badger, 115, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "1012": {"id": "IWirS0ubBrIULRhLeOk11", "course_id": "103132", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103132", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Medicinal and Biological Chemistry III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "3214", "CLASS_NBR": 25201, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010599", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 9 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CHEM 2545 or equivalent", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "CHEM 3620, CHEM 2540", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, practical work, assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "An introduction to the principles of medicinal chemistry including natural product isolation, lead generation, and lead optimisation will be presented. The principles of parallel and combinatorial synthesis will be described in this context. An overview of methods for protein structure determination will be provided, forming the basis of discussion of quantitative structure-activity relationships. The chemistry of a number of key biological processes (e.g. enzyme chemistry, action of antibiotics on membranes etc.) will also be presented, including an introduction to the arena of biomimetic organic chemistry. This section will emphasise how the principles of nature can be applied to the rational design of complex molecules. Bioinorganic chemistry will be presented, with a focus on electron transfer reactions in biological systems. Marcus theory of electron transfer will be introduced. Examples of electron transfer proteins will be given, including those containing haem moieties, copper centres, and iron sulfur clusters, and the importance of these proteins will be discussed, including their roles in the mitochondrial respiratory electron transfer chain.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1013": {"id": "IWirS0ubBrIULRhLeOk11", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "jmtVQ7SVA7QdjC8CWR52f", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25201, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 23, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "6RvhjSoD7UEZkCzKsT1GY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24798, "section": "PR01", "size": 6, "enrolled": 6, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12:30pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Badger, 115, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12:30pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Badger, 115, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24799, "section": "PR02", "size": 7, "enrolled": 7, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12:30pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Badger, 115, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12:30pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Badger, 115, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24800, "section": "PR03", "size": 7, "enrolled": 3, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12:30pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Badger, 115, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12:30pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Badger, 115, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24801, "section": "PR04", "size": 8, "enrolled": 7, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12:30pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Badger, 115, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12:30pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Badger, 115, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "1014": {"id": "oH10zzV_f-ROMG13v0oGk", "course_id": "106974", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106974", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Topics in Chemistry IIIA", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "3550", "CLASS_NBR": 15825, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010599", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CHEM 2545, CHEM 2550", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, practical work, assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course covers a range of specialised topics in chemistry, the methods of presentation and assessment of which vary according to the components selected (coursework or practical).\nStudents enrolled in this course select topics in existing chemistry courses offered in the same semester and at the same year level as this course. \nTopics should be selected in consultation with the Chemistry Level III Coordinator and Head of Discipline.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1015": {"id": "oH10zzV_f-ROMG13v0oGk", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "pokIwCTk3nqjcammkso4F", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15825, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Permission from the Level III Chemistry coordinator, Assoc. Prof David Huang, is required to enrol in this course."}]}]}]}]}, "1016": {"id": "2Js8nlcZdSkqz9eFmqYhH", "course_id": "106973", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106973", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Topics in Chemistry IIIB", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "3555", "CLASS_NBR": 25834, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010599", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CHEM 2545, CHEM 2550", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, practical work, assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course covers a range of specialised topics in chemistry, the methods of presentation and assessment of which vary according to the components selected (coursework or practical).\nStudents enrolled in this course select topics in existing chemistry courses offered in the same semester and at the same year level as this course. \nTopics should be selected in consultation with the Chemistry Level III Coordinator and Head of Discipline.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1017": {"id": "2Js8nlcZdSkqz9eFmqYhH", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "w7yc4AiKq26rs76Bd1kaa", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25834, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Permission from the Level III Chemistry coordinator, Assoc. Prof David Huang, is required to enrol in this course."}]}]}]}]}, "1018": {"id": "cApOw90jJ6nn_fl33AKQl", "course_id": "110525", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110525", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Environmental and Analytical Chemistry III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "3600", "CLASS_NBR": 15325, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010599", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "up to 9 hour per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CHEM 2530 or equivalent; high-achieving students without pre-requisite may be granted exemption on application to Head of Chemistry", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, practical reports, final examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Chemical analysis - both quantitation and speciation - is one of the most valuable employment skills carried by trained chemists. This course aims to apply environmental and analytical chemistry concepts and techniques to chemical variations in the environment. A sound physical understanding of the techniques used to determine chemical composition and analyse for trace compounds is core. A central theme of the course is the complex intersection of the energy and resources needs of our society with the need to maintain environmental sustainability. The course will address how chemists can provide vital and trustworthy risk assessment data to inform decision making on this front, limiting industrial emission to the environment or helping to remediate past contamination events.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1019": {"id": "cApOw90jJ6nn_fl33AKQl", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "nSCcTEzNuAwKYWmoqV8hq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15325, "section": "WR01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 25, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "Z4-_4Fmth4VB1TyjrmXPz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14289, "section": "PR04", "size": 10, "enrolled": 9, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12:30pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Johnson, 113, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12:30pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Johnson, 113, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 24 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12:30pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Johnson, 113, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14291, "section": "PR02", "size": 10, "enrolled": 6, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12:30pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Johnson, 113, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12:30pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Johnson, 113, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14292, "section": "PR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 10, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12:30pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Johnson, 113, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12:30pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Johnson, 113, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "1020": {"id": "PWxIPOiyf0ZdyrUbF6F0K", "course_id": "110526", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110526", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Inorganic Chemistry III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "3610", "CLASS_NBR": 15328, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010599", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "up to 9 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CHEM 2545 and CHEM 2550 or equivalent; high-achieving students without pre-requisites may be granted exemption on application to Head of Chemistry", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CHEM 3111", "ASSESSMENT": "assignments, practical reports, final examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course covers a range of topics to highlight the importance of Inorganic Chemistry in the world today and provide graduates with relevant job-ready skills. It covers aspects of the chemistry of metals from different parts of the periodic table including the heavy transition metals, lanthanides (rare earth metals) and main group metals. Included are applications of these metal complexes in medicine (e.g. those used as anti-cancer drugs and for medical imaging) and catalysis (e.g. enantioselective drug synthesis and petrochemicals). The course will also provide an in depth understanding of the analytical techniques used to interrogate the properties and structures of these metallodrugs and catalysts including vibrational and optical spectroscopy, magnetism, nuclear magnetic resonance and X-ray diffraction.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1021": {"id": "PWxIPOiyf0ZdyrUbF6F0K", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "SntVdka08JoaS8qb2EcLb", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15328, "section": "WR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 36, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "zS5lJPOFloYAKq1bs-yXy", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14285, "section": "PR04", "size": 12, "enrolled": 11, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12:30pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Badger, 115, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12:30pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Johnson, 113, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12:30pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Johnson, 113, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "17 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14286, "section": "PR03", "size": 12, "enrolled": 12, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12:30pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Badger, 115, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12:30pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Johnson, 113, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12:30pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Johnson, 113, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "16 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14287, "section": "PR02", "size": 12, "enrolled": 7, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 13 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12:30pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Badger, 115, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12:30pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Johnson, 113, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12:30pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Johnson, 113, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "15 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14288, "section": "PR01", "size": 12, "enrolled": 6, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12:30pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Badger, 115, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12:30pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Johnson, 113, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12:30pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Johnson, 113, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "14 May - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1022": {"id": "-sDHLUcT7b8n7swplmU-3", "course_id": "110527", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110527", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Organic Chemistry III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "3620", "CLASS_NBR": 15326, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010599", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "up to 9 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CHEM 2545 or equivalent; high-achieving students without pre-requisite may be granted exemption on application to Head of Chemistry", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CHEM 3111", "ASSESSMENT": "assignments, practical reports, final examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Organic chemistry provides the capabilities to replicate some of nature's most intriguing molecules and develop strategies and technologies to construct compounds that widely influence society. As part of the study of organic chemistry, we ask: how do we elucidate the structure of a molecule? Can we prove a reaction mechanism? How can we explain unusual organic chemical reactions? Can we use our mechanistic understanding to design efficient syntheses of complex organic molecules? This course firstly showcases the application of powerful physical methods, including nuclear magnetic resonance and mass spectrometry, to the structural analysis of organic molecules. Other tools of physical organic chemistry are then introduced to explain how fundamental reaction mechanisms are elucidated. The student's knowledge of simple reaction mechanisms is then extended to help rationalise more complex, multi-step transformations involving unstable intermediates such as carbocations, carbenes and radicals. Finally, this course shows how principles of organic reactivity can be used to design logical syntheses of complex organic compounds using retrosynthetic analysis.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1023": {"id": "-sDHLUcT7b8n7swplmU-3", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "y5aqusL5A0xoH9Nh4jxrr", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15326, "section": "WR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 36, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "JYC1qUpTGBhbTTHGZXApn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14278, "section": "PR04", "size": 13, "enrolled": 12, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12:30pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Badger, 115, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 24 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12:30pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Badger, 115, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14280, "section": "PR02", "size": 13, "enrolled": 11, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12:30pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Badger, 115, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12:30pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Badger, 115, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14281, "section": "PR01", "size": 13, "enrolled": 13, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12:30pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Badger, 115, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12:30pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Badger, 115, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "1024": {"id": "50AVNb310xMMc5bg4oew3", "course_id": "110528", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110528", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Physical Chemistry III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "3630", "CLASS_NBR": 15327, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010599", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "up to 9 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CHEM 2550 & MATH 1011 or equivalent; high-achieving students without pre-requisites may be granted exemption on application to Head of Chemistry", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CHEM 3111", "ASSESSMENT": "assignments, practical reports, final examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Physical chemistry underpins many of the greatest challenges facing society today, from climate change to energy security to accessible clean water. This course provides the student with an in-depth understanding of the basic principles of physical chemistry, including statistical mechanics, quantum mechanics, chemical kinetics and spectroscopy, which govern the energy-conversion processes, light-matter interactions, and physicochemical transformations that are central to tackling these challenges. The course also introduces the student to state-of-the-art numerical methods to solve physical chemistry problems, furnishing transferable computational skills in the 'big data' era. Hands-on practical experience of experimental techniques for physical analysis and spectroscopic characterisation is provided through extensive laboratories activities.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1025": {"id": "50AVNb310xMMc5bg4oew3", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "2b7y-vAE33lUHnj67At0H", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15327, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 20, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "EZYQAIuzdGYZDRzaXwtS6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14283, "section": "PR03", "size": 12, "enrolled": 10, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12:30pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Johnson, 113, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 22 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 May - 23 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12:30pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Johnson, 113, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14284, "section": "PR02", "size": 12, "enrolled": 10, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12:30pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Johnson, 113, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12:30pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Johnson, 113, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "1026": {"id": "zJ9tsxj5cxD5hHwQZ0sev", "course_id": "108626", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108626", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Chemistry (Hons) Pt 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "4050B", "CLASS_NBR": 16054, "SESSION_CD": "FM2", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010501", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Mixed mode - flexible and/or intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CHEM 4000A/B, CHEM 4010A/B", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments and examinations", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This modular course covers a range of advanced topics in Chemistry, the methods of presentation and assessment of which vary according to module. In combination with CHEM 4020, this will provide advanced learning and skills for professional or highly skilled work and/or further learning.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1027": {"id": "zJ9tsxj5cxD5hHwQZ0sev", "class_list": [{"association_group": "", "groups": []}]}, "1028": {"id": "a7di38_qy9IN-MVUkT40k", "course_id": "109899", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109899", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Chemistry (Hons) A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "4080", "CLASS_NBR": 15030, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010501", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Mixed mode - flexible and/or intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CHEM 4050A, CHEM 4050B", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments and examinations", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This modular course covers a range of advanced topics in Chemistry, the methods of presentation and assessment of which vary according to each module. In combination with the Honours Chemistry Project, this will provide advanced knowledge and skills for professional or highly skilled work and/or further learning.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1029": {"id": "a7di38_qy9IN-MVUkT40k", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "4KVwyRQMckXBqdq2E7z9s", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15030, "section": "WR01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 5, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "20 Feb - 20 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "5 Mar - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": " "}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Project", "id": "aN1ZwOUga_H3ibNcZ8LIt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18635, "section": "01NT", "size": 25, "enrolled": 5, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "1030": {"id": "ADWBxudnAR7yfR8gIBumJ", "course_id": "109900", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109900", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Chemistry (Hons) B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "4081", "CLASS_NBR": 16178, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010501", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Mixed mode - flexible and/or intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CHEM 4050A, CHEM 4050B", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments and examinations", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This modular course covers a range of advanced topics in Chemistry, the methods of presentation and assessment of which vary according to each module. In combination with the Honours Chemistry Project, this will provide advanced knowledge and skills for professional or highly skilled work and/or further learning.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1031": {"id": "ADWBxudnAR7yfR8gIBumJ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "E2l_HHZNCfhTpZoYq3fgG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16178, "section": "01NT", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "1032": {"id": "liZ70L2A9C9achlZO4_WL", "course_id": "109900", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109900", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Chemistry (Hons) B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "4081", "CLASS_NBR": 26189, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010501", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Mixed mode - flexible and/or intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CHEM 4050A, CHEM 4050B", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments and examinations", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This modular course covers a range of advanced topics in Chemistry, the methods of presentation and assessment of which vary according to each module. In combination with the Honours Chemistry Project, this will provide advanced knowledge and skills for professional or highly skilled work and/or further learning.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1033": {"id": "liZ70L2A9C9achlZO4_WL", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "ni_NRSBO2VtMjkeelDSnw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26189, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This course is not offered in 2024."}]}]}]}]}, "1034": {"id": "E3XCOMNTCyzRlV0seU_DM", "course_id": "109901", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109901", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Chemistry Project Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "4082A", "CLASS_NBR": 14057, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010501", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CHEM 4060A, CHEM 4060B, CHEM 4070A, CHEM 4070B", "ASSESSMENT": "Report, thesis, seminar and oral examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students will undertake a research project under the supervision of an academic in the Department of Chemistry that will provide advanced knowledge and skills for professional or highly skilled work and/or further learning. The intention is that students will collect and present novel scientific data of a quality that could be published in the open literature however, students will not be penalised if their research project does not produce conclusive results.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "1035": {"id": "E3XCOMNTCyzRlV0seU_DM", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "-iFo5AQ4s4IRdf8KV1yFQ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14057, "section": "SE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 5, "available": 45, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Research", "id": "OmSBPw85x9NUks8GomlvS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18648, "section": "01NT", "size": 25, "enrolled": 5, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "1036": {"id": "mXQwe8V-4wkrsECHiEqVm", "course_id": "109901", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109901", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Chemistry Project Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "4082A", "CLASS_NBR": 29685, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010501", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CHEM 4060A, CHEM 4060B, CHEM 4070A, CHEM 4070B", "ASSESSMENT": "Report, thesis, seminar and oral examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students will undertake a research project under the supervision of an academic in the Department of Chemistry that will provide advanced knowledge and skills for professional or highly skilled work and/or further learning. The intention is that students will collect and present novel scientific data of a quality that could be published in the open literature however, students will not be penalised if their research project does not produce conclusive results.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "1037": {"id": "mXQwe8V-4wkrsECHiEqVm", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "eSooiBLsaGYhcTo6rWzZq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29685, "section": "SE01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 1, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Research", "id": "Qs-2eHgw2Qi-XA81hk3GF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29687, "section": "01NT", "size": 25, "enrolled": 1, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "1038": {"id": "r1NhE3gTEMqpdT1ckuBNY", "course_id": "109902", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109902", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Chemistry Project Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "4082B", "CLASS_NBR": 11564, "SESSION_CD": "FM2", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010501", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CHEM 4060A, CHEM 4060B, CHEM 4070A, CHEM 4070B", "ASSESSMENT": "Report, thesis, seminar and oral examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students will undertake a research project under the supervision of an academic in the Department of Chemistry that will provide advanced knowledge and skills for professional or highly skilled work and/or further learning. The intention is that students will collect and present novel scientific data of a quality that could be published in the open literature however, students will not be penalised if their research project does not produce conclusive results.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1039": {"id": "r1NhE3gTEMqpdT1ckuBNY", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "NHF1m6Fkba5I33o1Gq3vv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11564, "section": "SE01", "size": 1, "enrolled": 0, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Research", "id": "EOw6e1JSy22iUDvB3kO_2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18645, "section": "01NT", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "1040": {"id": "RLdCMua0hZ_aTRGNMVBgQ", "course_id": "109902", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109902", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Chemistry Project Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "4082B", "CLASS_NBR": 24022, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010501", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CHEM 4060A, CHEM 4060B, CHEM 4070A, CHEM 4070B", "ASSESSMENT": "Report, thesis, seminar and oral examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students will undertake a research project under the supervision of an academic in the Department of Chemistry that will provide advanced knowledge and skills for professional or highly skilled work and/or further learning. 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Philosophy Chemistry (3 units)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "7500", "CLASS_NBR": 18667, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010500", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Master of Philosophy (Chemical Science) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written assignments and exams", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This modular course covers a range of advanced topics in Chemistry/Science, the methods of presentation and assessment of which vary according to each module. In combination with the MPhil Chemistry Research Project, this will provide advanced knowledge and skills for professional or highly skilled work and/or further learning.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1047": {"id": "bHtYAMRBlztuBmsen6i6L", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "rJw_7W3THDILMOEVknjfq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11082, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "1ySj_azu8Ihgt3kRzO3yS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18667, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 0, "available": 30, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "1048": {"id": "q-XhVijcm8lkwzPakWDgx", "course_id": "106948", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106948", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "M. 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In combination with the MPhil Chemistry Research Project, this will provide advanced knowledge and skills for professional or highly skilled work and/or further learning.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1051": {"id": "108zVrW3S0OYlTznONP9g", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "GDtYGPSwAymV_45HcR_qL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11081, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "hgBMl3LtblwKVLRoDoaWO", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18701, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 0, "available": 30, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "1052": {"id": "tyEkoP5smfz8FsrnmDMeQ", "course_id": "109979", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109979", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "M. Phil Chemistry (6 units)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "7501", "CLASS_NBR": 28640, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010500", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Master of Philosophy (Chemical Science) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written assignments and exams", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This modular course covers a range of advanced topics in Chemistry/Science, the methods of presentation and assessment of which vary according to each module. In combination with the MPhil Chemistry Research Project, this will provide advanced knowledge and skills for professional or highly skilled work and/or further learning.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1053": {"id": "tyEkoP5smfz8FsrnmDMeQ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "kmPVIlIRin2R_4prBC5i-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21009, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": " "}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "IOwOmk-kvIZf9OyHBMhJv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28640, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 0, "available": 30, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 26 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "1054": {"id": "ORGIzNHYMowejxSKtCLnu", "course_id": "106975", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106975", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "M. Philosophy Chemistry (9 units)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "7555", "CLASS_NBR": 18702, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010501", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Master of Philosophy (Chemical Science) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written assignments and exams", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This modular course covers a range of advanced topics in Chemistry/Science, the methods of presentation and assessment of which vary according to each module. In combination with the MPhil Chemistry Research Project, this will provide advanced knowledge and skills for professional or highly skilled work and/or further learning.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1055": {"id": "ORGIzNHYMowejxSKtCLnu", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "dfzZAKBpk-B5vQpGYmU4N", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11080, "section": "LE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "HsJibhRPTe78e5_trQ-0L", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18702, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 0, "available": 30, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "1056": {"id": "4vuVsIPmXahPJNFb0Zm18", "course_id": "106975", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106975", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "M. Philosophy Chemistry (9 units)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "7555", "CLASS_NBR": 28641, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010501", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Master of Philosophy (Chemical Science) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written assignments and exams", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This modular course covers a range of advanced topics in Chemistry/Science, the methods of presentation and assessment of which vary according to each module. In combination with the MPhil Chemistry Research Project, this will provide advanced knowledge and skills for professional or highly skilled work and/or further learning.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1057": {"id": "4vuVsIPmXahPJNFb0Zm18", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "urPaAAp-9Y9vYaecKIEDp", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21008, "section": "LE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": " "}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "aZV3PcBJJrpFFfH2pJcEe", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28641, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 0, "available": 30, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 26 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "1058": {"subject": "CHEM ENG", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "103967", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "103967", "term": "4410", "offer": 3}, {"course_id": "103969", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "103969", "term": "4420", "offer": 3}, {"course_id": "105004", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105005", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105015", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105021", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105014", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105663", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110632", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105518", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105523", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105524", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105458", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105526", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105527", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106375", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111621", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "005058", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105443", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105536", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105539", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105539", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105546", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105525", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105664", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106373", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106396", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107275", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110633", "term": "4415", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "110634", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "101964", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "101964", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102750", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "103304", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "103307", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "103315", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "103315", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105671", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105994", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105995", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105996", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105998", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105999", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106000", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107454", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110281", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110317", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110317", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110318", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110318", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111628", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110996", "term": "4415", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "111622", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109998", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}]}}, "1059": {"id": "Sz7Xsu5tPDX2hVT9ySBIb", "course_id": "103967", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103967", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Process Engineering", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "1007", "CLASS_NBR": 13205, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "SACE Stage 2 Mathematics, SACE Stage 2 Chemistry", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, practicals, test, assignments, final examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The discipline of chemical engineering developed from society's need for products and energy. Chemical Engineers design, operate and optimise processes that convert raw materials into products and/or energy, which is often referred to as Process Engineering. This course provides a comprehensive introduction to mass and energy balances that are central to process engineering and underpin basic principles for calculation, design, control, safety, optimisation , intensification, implementation and sustainability of industrial processes and equipment. More than ever chemical engineers need to continue to meet the needs of society and use their process engineering knowledge, which is built from the combination of physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics and economics, and their problem-solving skills, to address global issues related to a growing population, limited resources and climate change. \n\nThe course is delivered through a combination of lectures and workshops, tutorials, practicals and a site visit, self-directed learning and small group discovery. Once you have completed the course, you will be aware of the significant contribution process engineering makes to society and be able to understand and analyse simple processes.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1060": {"id": "Sz7Xsu5tPDX2hVT9ySBIb", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "sPhqUMVGHxMhpdTfwmBFj", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13208, "section": "TU01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 75, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "5fP_fzkuWDqo0t7-GCbpF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10845, "section": "PR05", "size": 25, "enrolled": 12, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13797, "section": "PR04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 19, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13798, "section": "PR03", "size": 22, "enrolled": 9, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13799, "section": "PR02", "size": 22, "enrolled": 14, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13800, "section": "PR01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 21, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "GKKgAP6WadmJq2MtGm1rB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13205, "section": "WR01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 75, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "95tEUfhaogniBbfVRDH2h", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18690, "section": "LEC0", "size": 100, "enrolled": 75, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "1061": {"id": "OKiqBxMtZUvruSHWOU4fB", "course_id": "103967", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103967", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Process Engineering", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "1007UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 13206, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "SACE Stage 2 Mathematics, SACE Stage 2 Chemistry", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, practicals, test, assignments, final examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The discipline of chemical engineering developed from society's need for products and energy. Chemical Engineers design, operate and optimise processes that convert raw materials into products and/or energy, which is often referred to as Process Engineering. This course provides a comprehensive introduction to mass and energy balances that are central to process engineering and underpin basic principles for calculation, design, control, safety, optimisation , intensification, implementation and sustainability of industrial processes and equipment. More than ever chemical engineers need to continue to meet the needs of society and use their process engineering knowledge, which is built from the combination of physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics and economics, and their problem-solving skills, to address global issues related to a growing population, limited resources and climate change. \n\nThe course is delivered through a combination of lectures and workshops, tutorials, practicals and a site visit, self-directed learning and small group discovery. Once you have completed the course, you will be aware of the significant contribution process engineering makes to society and be able to understand and analyse simple processes.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1062": {"id": "OKiqBxMtZUvruSHWOU4fB", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "JFeMKFnseJ6oIDN5kEF14", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13206, "section": "WR01", "size": 8, "enrolled": 5, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "qDHdCSIv482xvs3IpWbaF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10846, "section": "PR05", "size": 1, "enrolled": 0, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13801, "section": "PR03", "size": 4, "enrolled": 1, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13802, "section": "PR02", "size": 5, "enrolled": 4, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "VBBKDdyFAaOCKX5aHO_-e", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13207, "section": "TU01", "size": 8, "enrolled": 5, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "bnxmrZWbDFqnAMthWhF4j", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12399, "section": "TT01", "size": 8, "enrolled": 5, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 101, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 101, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18750, "section": "LEC0", "size": 100, "enrolled": 5, "available": 95, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "1063": {"id": "cCWuF6mpRTxCso4lFJdfk", "course_id": "103969", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103969", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Materials I", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "1009", "CLASS_NBR": 29597, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "SACE Stage 2 Chemistry and Physics", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, tests, case study, final examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides a basic understanding of the underlying science and the engineering performance of various materials used in engineering applications. Students will learn to understand the structure and property relationship of materials. Lecture topics covered include atomic structure, imperfections in solids, diffusion in solids, mechanical properties of metals, dislocations and strengthening mechanisms, failure mechanisms, structures and properties of the different classes of materials (ceramics, polymers, composites), their applications and fabrication processes, and the standards for materials selection.\n\nLectures are available to view online with face-to-face workshops. Assessment activities include group assignments, self-paced individual practical exercises, and timed tests, enabling the students to demonstrate their knowledge and skills in applying material science and engineering.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1064": {"id": "cCWuF6mpRTxCso4lFJdfk", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "s86liQr4dfU7lQ6JgNYk3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21955, "section": "WR02", "size": 153, "enrolled": 151, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23853, "section": "WR01", "size": 150, "enrolled": 146, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29597, "section": "WR03", "size": 50, "enrolled": 26, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Sep - 6 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "KO5CVfddv-1ViUypl1_GX", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22817, "section": "TU08", "size": 40, "enrolled": 37, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Sep - 6 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22818, "section": "TU07", "size": 32, "enrolled": 32, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24890, "section": "TU06", "size": 55, "enrolled": 58, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24891, "section": "TU05", "size": 42, "enrolled": 41, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24892, "section": "TU04", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24893, "section": "TU03", "size": 50, "enrolled": 45, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24894, "section": "TU02", "size": 50, "enrolled": 49, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24895, "section": "TU01", "size": 44, "enrolled": 31, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "OhZQ-nIT2cGQXgLnk6jOw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28699, "section": "LEC0", "size": 400, "enrolled": 323, "available": 77, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "1065": {"id": "eacrljw8mtGwjYbt0G9MM", "course_id": "103969", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103969", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Materials I", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "1009UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 29596, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "SACE Stage 2 Chemistry and Physics", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, tests, case study, final examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides a basic understanding of the underlying science and the engineering performance of various materials used in engineering applications. Students will learn to understand the structure and property relationship of materials. Lecture topics covered include atomic structure, imperfections in solids, diffusion in solids, mechanical properties of metals, dislocations and strengthening mechanisms, failure mechanisms, structures and properties of the different classes of materials (ceramics, polymers, composites), their applications and fabrication processes, and the standards for materials selection.\n\nLectures are available to view online with face-to-face workshops. Assessment activities include group assignments, self-paced individual practical exercises, and timed tests, enabling the students to demonstrate their knowledge and skills in applying material science and engineering.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1066": {"id": "eacrljw8mtGwjYbt0G9MM", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "9y04ldrndHyfFTP-AseL-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22820, "section": "TU07", "size": 1, "enrolled": 0, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24896, "section": "TU06", "size": 1, "enrolled": 0, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24900, "section": "TU02", "size": 5, "enrolled": 2, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24901, "section": "TU01", "size": 8, "enrolled": 7, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "83dZofiQFhKZBr5kR_Y8Q", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29596, "section": "WR03", "size": 15, "enrolled": 9, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Sep - 6 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "5me29zmNIXC-1M6zSN4VD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22265, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 9, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 315, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 28700, "section": "LEC0", "size": 24, "enrolled": 9, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "1067": {"id": "NBjwLVkvHn8-chOVSyRlc", "course_id": "105004", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105004", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Process Design II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "2010", "CLASS_NBR": 13204, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CHEM ENG 1007", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, mid-Semester test, design project, final examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Design of chemical processes starts by properly formulating and solving material and energy balances for whole process flowsheets. In this course, the concepts covered in CHEM ENG 1007 Introduction to Process Engineering are built upon to include multiple units, both reactive and non-reactive systems, single and multiple phases, and steady state and transient processes. More fundamentally, it introduces problem solving strategies used by chemical engineers to solve large and more complex problems by breaking a process down into its components, establishing the relations between known and unknown process variables, assembling the information needed to solve for the unknowns, and finally obtaining the solution using appropriate computational methods. This will be reinforced by undertaking a process design project in small teams. This course is delivered through a combination of online theory lectures, practice workshops, tutorials, and process design sessions.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1068": {"id": "NBjwLVkvHn8-chOVSyRlc", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "md6crHBmncrmi0Da_bpiJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13204, "section": "WR01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 40, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "43y0V6crivyynp9e7uueZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13203, "section": "TU01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 40, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 1 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 May - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Project", "id": "clsJ3YU5PXhIduwVgYFdD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13805, "section": "PJ01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 40, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Project", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "MRKA2aA0T2O0xD_1qJV9E", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18755, "section": "LEC0", "size": 60, "enrolled": 40, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "1069": {"id": "OUsutRSV6QCFyx4oC2hPt", "course_id": "105005", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105005", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Process Engineering Thermodynamics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "2011", "CLASS_NBR": 23112, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "CHEM ENG 1007, CHEM ENG 2010", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, assignments, tests, final examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides students with the fundamental concepts and principles of modern chemical and pharmaceutical engineering thermodynamics with an emphasis on relevance to other parts of the chemical and pharmaceutical engineering curriculum. Building on the first law, the second law of thermodynamics will be introduced covering entropy; thermodynamic properties of ideal and real gases; equations of state; multicomponent mixtures; phase equilibria in mixtures; equilibrium of reacting systems; and analysis of power, refrigeration and liquefaction cycles. The course will include a practical demonstration highlighting key thermodynamic concepts.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1070": {"id": "OUsutRSV6QCFyx4oC2hPt", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "5crWDhbE6RDjFyBpvB8ze", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23112, "section": "WR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 41, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "i0HlyjfmdSTjV10iUB4x3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23111, "section": "TU01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 41, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "5XFXKLHgLK99mhXKGX9KJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23855, "section": "PR08", "size": 10, "enrolled": 10, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Aug - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, A219, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23856, "section": "PR07", "size": 10, "enrolled": 3, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, A219, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23857, "section": "PR06", "size": 10, "enrolled": 10, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Aug - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, A219, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23858, "section": "PR05", "size": 10, "enrolled": 8, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Aug - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Annex, A219, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23862, "section": "PR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 10, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Annex, A219, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "MBo5D1wdkYffn9Gbw3uzM", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28708, "section": "LEC0", "size": 70, "enrolled": 41, "available": 29, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "1071": {"id": "kthiegREi-jcenQ46_W6t", "course_id": "105015", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105015", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Heat and Mass Transfer", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "2014", "CLASS_NBR": 24367, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MATHS 2106", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Mid-Semester tests, tutorials, quizzes, final examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course the theories and applications of heat and mass transfer will be introduced. The course will equip the participant with the knowledge and skills required to solve problems for the design, assessment, and analysis of heat and mass transfer processes. Presentation of the course follows separate discussions on the three modes of heat transfer: conduction, convection and radiation. The design and analysis of heat exchanger will be covered. Mass transfer is introduced by drawing parallels between heat and mass transfer. The types of problems solved in the course focus on industrial and real-life applications in the process industries. The approaches introduced to solve problems include analytical solutions, use of numerical methods and empirical approaches based on experimental data.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1072": {"id": "kthiegREi-jcenQ46_W6t", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "YBXkpTQT_JUk5haP0l6Ct", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24367, "section": "WR01", "size": 64, "enrolled": 42, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "omHrtA6B2XRUpsfiFZm-V", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23863, "section": "PR04", "size": 15, "enrolled": 11, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Soil & Water Field Laboratory, G12, Micro Brewery"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23864, "section": "PR03", "size": 15, "enrolled": 10, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Soil & Water Field Laboratory, G12, Micro Brewery"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23865, "section": "PR02", "size": 15, "enrolled": 14, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Soil & Water Field Laboratory, G12, Micro Brewery"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23866, "section": "PR01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 7, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Soil & Water Field Laboratory, G12, Micro Brewery"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "tFlZAtI3l7Y8-Skdy9Bly", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24366, "section": "TU01", "size": 64, "enrolled": 42, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Z0fL5VtOlfQeRnhF9t2Xv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28709, "section": "LEC0", "size": 64, "enrolled": 42, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "1073": {"id": "eNe6n81697o-Z-DepfDFX", "course_id": "105021", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105021", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Transport Processes in the Environment", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "2017", "CLASS_NBR": 14406, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MATHS 1011, MATHS 1012", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Tutorials, mid-Semester test, final examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The first part of the course introduces the process system approach. The second part deals with the application of certain key principles of engineering and science that are required for any quantitative treatment of environmental problems. Topics to be covered in this course include: Introduction and basic concepts; Environmental chemicals and properties; Inter-media transport; Simple exchange models; Air pollution problems; Nuclear chemistry; Environmental modelling; Plume dispersion; Simple kinetic models.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1074": {"id": "eNe6n81697o-Z-DepfDFX", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "QKTg_d6Fe6g6MnpqfXBPL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14406, "section": "TU01", "size": 21, "enrolled": 18, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "fmv6Vg1cr7KTU3vCCSG4Q", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18756, "section": "LEC0", "size": 21, "enrolled": 18, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "1075": {"id": "VjleoN9Z9IwygKQdxLHtG", "course_id": "105014", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105014", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Process Fluid Mechanics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "2018", "CLASS_NBR": 13209, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MATHS 1012, CHEM ENG 1007", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Tutorials, mid-Semester test, final examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to introduce you to the fundamentals of fluid mechanics and its importance and application in process engineering. The focus will be on solving fluid flow problems and design of pipeline and equipment for fluid transport. Key topics covered include: The physics of fluid mechanics (fluid properties; fluid statics; fluid kinematics; conservation of mass, momentum and energy; equations of motion; dimensional analysis); The engineering of fluid mechanics (flow in pipes and conduits; flow through pipe fittings; pipe networks; flow measurement; turbomachinery). By the end of this course you should be able to understand the basic principles and analysis of both static and dynamic fluid systems, and perform design calculations on engineering fluid systems and have an understanding of pumps, valves and metering.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1076": {"id": "VjleoN9Z9IwygKQdxLHtG", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "d-RWMPbqBOJ61oYu-Zyni", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13209, "section": "WR01", "size": 48, "enrolled": 38, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "U5U1pX7rfESnb01FhyDcq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11231, "section": "PR04", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "16 May - 16 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, A219, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11232, "section": "PR03", "size": 20, "enrolled": 17, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, A219, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13830, "section": "PR02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 8, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "14 May - 14 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, A219, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13831, "section": "PR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 10, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 May - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, A219, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "rrRJC0CWWIkliQJ_wG8HG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13474, "section": "TU01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 38, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "g1e7wQnIFcUKTtjb5fR8N", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18757, "section": "LEC0", "size": 70, "enrolled": 38, "available": 32, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "1077": {"id": "aSf2PT2PxogWEn_rdWRRH", "course_id": "105663", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105663", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Minerals Processing", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "2019", "CLASS_NBR": 23834, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Tutorials/assignments, final examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The application of process engineering principles to minerals processing operations are introduced including ore preparation, pre-blending, size reduction, separation and concentration, sorting, flotation, hydrometallurgy, pyrometallurgy and electrometallurgy. The application of process control and safety in the mineral industry will be introduced. The focus on the Australian mineral industry is a key component of this course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1078": {"id": "aSf2PT2PxogWEn_rdWRRH", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "uAxFUC-AXG2KB8FtE-IG_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23834, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 21, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM213, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM213, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "3pYD63QeHSzvaIv4c4T0y", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28710, "section": "LEC0", "size": 20, "enrolled": 21, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "1079": {"id": "tX5tL6WY8ysZmZnk0d5Kn", "course_id": "110632", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110632", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Food Engineering", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "2073", "CLASS_NBR": 23840, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030307", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, assignments, test, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course students will apply the basic principles of process engineering to application in the food processing industry. Topics presented illustrate applications of process engineering during the handling, processing, storage, packaging and distribution of food products. The concepts of mass and energy balances and fluid flow are first applied to food processing. Then, thermodynamics and heat transfer are used to provide an understanding of preservation processes, refrigeration, freezing processes and evaporation processes used in concentration of liquid foods. The concept of mass transfer is introduced and applied to membrane separation processes, dehydration processes, extrusion processes and packaging. Lastly, the processes of filtration, centrifugation and mixing in the food processing industry are described. The approach used in this course is to provide practical applications of the process engineering concepts in the food processing industry, while gaining an understanding of problem solving approaches.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1080": {"id": "tX5tL6WY8ysZmZnk0d5Kn", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "4qnmUKBtxHb_xtjdeCpPL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23840, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 7, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Schulz, 218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Schulz, 218, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "rJ0vGZ0pqS5YPlOVzlkgr", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23839, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 7, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "8SEDMWr6m10qAk7abEOTh", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28711, "section": "LEC0", "size": 30, "enrolled": 7, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "1081": {"id": "gXaBwXv2Mtvbc11W2UcsG", "course_id": "105518", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105518", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Material Science and Engineering", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "3029", "CLASS_NBR": 13212, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, quizzes, final examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "To provide students with a basic understanding of the various materials used in engineering applications. Lecture topics cover the basics of material science and engineering, the structure and property relationships for polymers, metals, and ceramics, advanced materials (optical, electronic, magnetic, biomaterials and nanomaterials), and the fundamentals of electrochemistry and corrosion engineering. The course is delivered through a combination of lectures and tutorials. The course should highlight the significance of materials science and engineering in modern society, and contextualise the selection of engineering materials on the basis of their characteristics and end use applications.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1082": {"id": "gXaBwXv2Mtvbc11W2UcsG", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "PEPEgyi19u6_1b-jZCsI6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13212, "section": "WR01", "size": 48, "enrolled": 46, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "X0jKHMvZk0thT15Bsx2I5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13210, "section": "TU01", "size": 48, "enrolled": 46, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "5mNWAXkfmUJv5nrs5xzFq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18758, "section": "LEC0", "size": 48, "enrolled": 46, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "1083": {"id": "qTT5_UtPwRCfry-OUxD5A", "course_id": "105523", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105523", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Process Design III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "3030", "CLASS_NBR": 22833, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CHEM ENG 2010", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "CHEM ENG 2011, 2014, 2018, 3034, 3035", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CHEM ENG 3014", "ASSESSMENT": "Design project, final examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course covers modern strategies for the synthesis and design of chemical / pharmaceutical processes with an emphasis on a systematic approach. The topics covered in this course are introduction to process design, process synthesis, process simulation and preliminary plant design. Students are required to complete a process design for a project using the concepts and tools covered by the lectures in groups. This practice aims to develop and improve transferable skills in problem-solving, team-working, independent learning and cooperative learning, project management, time management and technical documentation. This course is designed to challenge chemical and pharmaceutical engineering students to combine fundamental knowledge from other courses. Principles and tools for process design will be applied with practical elements of safety, environmental and sociological issues to design an integrated chemical/ pharmaceutical process.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1084": {"id": "qTT5_UtPwRCfry-OUxD5A", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "ATTknqjNT9WMvAvID62r7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22833, "section": "WR01", "size": 75, "enrolled": 43, "available": 32, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "cXyuf4JQ-kM02iKi7R518", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20506, "section": "PR02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 12, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20507, "section": "PR01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 31, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "fCNi5eQFrNX7KgV0-ehjO", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22831, "section": "TU01", "size": 44, "enrolled": 43, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "DHj14WRpugXPRcAN3lLZi", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28712, "section": "LEC0", "size": 80, "enrolled": 43, "available": 37, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "1085": {"id": "6Vmqr3cZNdaKmHRaLMv2K", "course_id": "105524", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105524", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Process Control & Instrumentation", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "3031", "CLASS_NBR": 20593, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MATHS 2102, CHEM ENG 2010", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CHEM ENG 3015", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, practicals, final examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The purpose of this course is to apply the key concepts of automatic control and instrumentation to process plants. Material and energy balances are used to model unsteady state (dynamic) process systems where control algorithms are required to bring the process back to equilibrium. Laplace Transforms are used as a means to conveniently solve ordinary differential equations, which are used when describing process control systems. Control loops are developed to represent industrial processes enabling appropriate control approaches to be elucidated. Commonly used sensing, transmission and final control elements are described and depicted in Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams (P&IDs). The course is delivered through a combination of lectures, tutorials, and practicals where the student will tune controllers on dynamic systems. At the end of the course, the students will have an appreciation of the fundamental importance of control systems for the safe and sustainable operation of process plants.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1086": {"id": "6Vmqr3cZNdaKmHRaLMv2K", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "qZlW4qEWc7iw6AT1GWXAU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20509, "section": "LE01", "size": 55, "enrolled": 48, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "B9ARHPNxDyJ9AeTS_J03i", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20595, "section": "TU01", "size": 55, "enrolled": 48, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "E446mNsgBfCAzmSsKWfst", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20597, "section": "PR02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 18, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20598, "section": "PR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "DMu7xHUX9Dt12TXzR5m7D", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20593, "section": "WR01", "size": 55, "enrolled": 48, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1087": {"id": "17aekg5Uoosvcz5e8XN3s", "course_id": "105458", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105458", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Separation Process Engineering", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "3033", "CLASS_NBR": 20601, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CHEM ENG 2010", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CHEM ENG 3005", "ASSESSMENT": "Tutorials, test, class presentation(s), final examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course serves covers the principles and design of large-scale diffusional separation processes in equilibrium-stage and processes mass transfer continuous-contact operations. Throughout emphasis is placed on developing quantitative problem solving skills that will be essential to practicing graduates. Separation processes covered include distillation (including flash, binary column and multicomponent column), Gas absorption/stripping, Liquid-liquid extraction, washing and leaching, Membrane separation processes, and Sorption processes (including adsorption, ion exchange, and chromatography). Separation processes are a core part of global chemical engineering, making up a large proportion of capital investment in plants, and are vital to economically produce useful and safe products.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1088": {"id": "17aekg5Uoosvcz5e8XN3s", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "h10mwEfbA31YUJ0gerOsT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20601, "section": "WR01", "size": 56, "enrolled": 45, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "fcZKY8fmCtVdMywVP2nfa", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20603, "section": "TU01", "size": 56, "enrolled": 45, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "k5OdENn3w1QFzi05ZkTvJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28713, "section": "LEC0", "size": 56, "enrolled": 45, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "1089": {"id": "PqP0dTpQB0xnvbtNwiJ-I", "course_id": "105526", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105526", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Chemical Reactor Engineering", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "3034", "CLASS_NBR": 10666, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CHEM 3017", "ASSESSMENT": "Mid-Semester tests, tutorials, quizzes, final examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to establish fundamental knowledge of chemical reactor design and engineering. Presentation of the course starts by introducing the chemical reaction engineering algorithm and then utilises it to solve problems in both steady and unsteady state isothermal and nonisothermal reactors. Non elementary reactions, bioreactions and bioreactors are discussed. Catalytic reactions are introduced as well as the effects of combined diffusion and reactions on catalyst particles.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1090": {"id": "PqP0dTpQB0xnvbtNwiJ-I", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "5oMBdG2LaEB6l4UCg1iWD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10666, "section": "WR01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 53, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "ToYlktfgpNDlD5TQFXuDm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10668, "section": "TU01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 53, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "mf2hwu-EHZ6rWYRtNYqXZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13832, "section": "PR04", "size": 13, "enrolled": 12, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 May - 3 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Soil & Water Field Laboratory, G12, Micro Brewery"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13833, "section": "PR03", "size": 10, "enrolled": 2, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Soil & Water Field Laboratory, G12, Micro Brewery"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13834, "section": "PR02", "size": 15, "enrolled": 10, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Soil & Water Field Laboratory, G12, Micro Brewery"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13835, "section": "PR01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 12, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Soil & Water Field Laboratory, G12, Micro Brewery"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13841, "section": "PR05", "size": 17, "enrolled": 17, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Soil & Water Field Laboratory, G12, Micro Brewery"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "yDy-LMC-n2Nh1vqOmuWFN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18760, "section": "LEC0", "size": 58, "enrolled": 53, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "1091": {"id": "hMCZcMCwZlGEXvY0xwqeB", "course_id": "105527", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105527", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Fluid and Particle Mechanics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "3035", "CLASS_NBR": 10672, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "CHEM ENG 2018", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CHEM ENG 3018", "ASSESSMENT": "Tutorials, final examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces you to the fundamentals of fluid and particle mechanics as applied to the handling, processing and transport of multiphase systems. The focus is on industrial processes where fluid (liquid or gas) flowing in the presence of particulate solids is encountered. Key topics covered include particulate systems; mechanics of particles in a fluid; flow through porous media; sedimentation; fluidisation; filtration; solid-fluid transport. By the end of this course you should be able to characterise and describe fluid-particle systems in terms of their physical properties; and perform design calculations and analyses of various typical industrial processes involving fluid and particle systems.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1092": {"id": "hMCZcMCwZlGEXvY0xwqeB", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "Nee8SADkbAOG_WIxz1k1h", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10672, "section": "WR01", "size": 55, "enrolled": 53, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "U9hAQrIy2NDJCLGBstUuK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10670, "section": "TU01", "size": 55, "enrolled": 53, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "SEeJN6f8b14Wfa_MYphBd", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13842, "section": "PR04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 6, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, A219, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13843, "section": "PR03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 22, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 May - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, A219, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13844, "section": "PR02", "size": 16, "enrolled": 5, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "14 May - 14 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, A219, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13845, "section": "PR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 20, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Apr - 30 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, A219, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "bGF15bic1Aog6imnrhJm9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18761, "section": "LEC0", "size": 65, "enrolled": 53, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "1093": {"id": "eJrptpH7Z0ZW8UCV2TfEs", "course_id": "106375", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106375", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Unit Operations Laboratory", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "3036", "CLASS_NBR": 22835, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4.5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CHEM ENG 2011, CHEM ENG 2014, CHEM ENG 2018, CHEM ENG 3034", "CO_REQUISITE": "CHEM ENG 3033", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CHEM ENG 3023, CHEM ENG 3026", "ASSESSMENT": "Laboratory performance and preparation; major project reports, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course is to provide practical and theoretical experience in a number of important chemical/pharmaceutical engineering unit operations ensuring a thorough understanding of the principles of unit operation and material selection. The course includes experimental design and development, experimental execution, data analysis and error analysis, skills development in oral presentation, technical report writing, and team-building. The experiments are designed to illustrate the principles of fluid and particle mechanics, separation processes, heat transfer, microbial growth, protein separation, and chemical reactor engineering. Safe operating procedures and risk assessments for laboratory scale unit operations will be developed. Lectures in the course will cover experimental error analysis, process safety and the provision of utilities in chemical plants.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1094": {"id": "eJrptpH7Z0ZW8UCV2TfEs", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "o89B78WM6NQsBr2waSh3r", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22835, "section": "WR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 44, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "kMZRjPIO67kbw0MI3sfR_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22813, "section": "PR03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 20, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, A219, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, A219, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22814, "section": "PR02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 8, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NG29, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NG29, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22815, "section": "PR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 16, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, A219, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, A219, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "k91ik29oBVC-M9CZ6ZCYE", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28714, "section": "LEC0", "size": 80, "enrolled": 44, "available": 36, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "1095": {"id": "wG89zVGBGnXGNQF_wbUnZ", "course_id": "111621", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111621", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Food Processing and Safety", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "3075", "CLASS_NBR": 19734, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030307", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Basic university entry knowledge of Biology and Chemistry are expected", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Groups assessments, Individual assessments, Quizzes, Exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The importance of food processing is to convert the raw food materials into the attractive, marketable products, and boost the shelf life of the food products. This course will provide an advanced understanding of scientific principles and concepts related to food processing and safety, particularly for design, operation and optimization of the processes. The course content will cover a comprehensive introduction on (1) food processing technology of manufacturing and handling of the selected food products, including standardization, pasteurization, filtration, and fermentation; (2) food quality control management including Australian food safety standards, Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP), and safety of handling and storing food products in the production line. The course is delivered through a combination of per-recorded lectures, workshops, and group-practicals. By completion of the course, students will be equipped with a skill set in both food manufacturing and quality control.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1096": {"id": "wG89zVGBGnXGNQF_wbUnZ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "pwVSQhH8uVw8kjEFO8ZQb", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19734, "section": "WR01", "size": 2, "enrolled": 0, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "*"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Johnson, 111, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Johnson, 111, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "KWMT52PhGX8C4c3ENg1qT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19732, "section": "PR01", "size": 2, "enrolled": 0, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Note:The location for this class is still to be timetabled. Please return to check before teaching begins.."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": " "}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "niZK_PhH3OWlsJwrPqL3-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19733, "section": "TU01", "size": 2, "enrolled": 0, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N506, Collaboration Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N506, Collaboration Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1097": {"id": "xpteOgK2fZHNGOLDmRcYI", "course_id": "005058", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "005058", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Plant Design Project", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "4014", "CLASS_NBR": 24368, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CHEM ENG 4034 and CHEM ENG 4056", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Successful completion of CHEM ENG 2010, CHEM ENG 2011, CHEM ENG 2014, CHEM ENG 2018, CHEM ENG 3030, CHEM ENG 3033, CHEM ENG 3034, CHEM ENG 3035", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, oral presentation, final report", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The plant design project involves a small group of students working as a team to design a nominated chemical or bioprocessing manufacturing plant. The tasks include the design of plant items, an assessment of factors affecting plant safety, sustainability and environmental impact assessments, utilities design, operation and maintenance processes, estimation of plant costs and process economics, communication of a design report and poster, and presentations.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1098": {"id": "xpteOgK2fZHNGOLDmRcYI", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "2CEfs1xLc2ptQd5ctXDP1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24368, "section": "WR01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 74, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "bJYA2RIO7Ukg_E9bU4Gjj", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28715, "section": "LEC0", "size": 80, "enrolled": 74, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "1099": {"id": "TdJ2gC31t_3ApN8NfLSec", "course_id": "105443", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105443", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Chemical Engineering Practice", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "4034", "CLASS_NBR": 10674, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, test, project report", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The professional practice of chemical engineering, and related disciplines, relies on a broad range of discipline-specific and transferable professional skills. In this course, advanced topics in the professional practice of chemical engineering are studied. These elements relate to an understanding of the business environment facing professional engineers and include advanced project management, plant safety and HAZOP, risk analysis, development of design tools and the management of human and physical resources and sustainability. In this course students undertake a series of workshops, projects and case studies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1100": {"id": "TdJ2gC31t_3ApN8NfLSec", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "9Av5XXklzmhhWMY98lBPn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10674, "section": "WR01", "size": 78, "enrolled": 66, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "JLIUA-W_Cf4QzgGRcHiLB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12016, "section": "TU01", "size": 78, "enrolled": 66, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "cOq7Kl8j9-WYRgljwpc_h", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18762, "section": "LEC0", "size": 78, "enrolled": 66, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "1101": {"id": "1d8PxCTL0-zfnR_VCQwUv", "course_id": "105536", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105536", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Chemical Engineering Research Elective", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "4040", "CLASS_NBR": 15760, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 1.5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available upon approval of Head of School", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Project reports, seminar assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Candidates are required to complete satisfactorily an open-ended project and submit a written report on a topic supplied by the School and present a seminar/poster at the end of the semester summarizing results", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1102": {"id": "1d8PxCTL0-zfnR_VCQwUv", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "eCJ8ZYBhCl41Cd4eqvVjs", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15760, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "1103": {"id": "9iLxgd6fM-Q4gpVFBK_up", "course_id": "105539", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105539", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Special Studies in Chemical Engineering", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "4043", "CLASS_NBR": 15761, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available upon approval of Head of School", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CHEM ENG 4001", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, final examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Special topics in chemical engineering as determined by the Head of the School of Chemical Engineering. The course will be offered from time to time and may be taught by visiting academics", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1104": {"id": "9iLxgd6fM-Q4gpVFBK_up", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "2nr5BB7QGvlkY3Ps6QQEw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15761, "section": "01NT", "size": 30, "enrolled": 0, "available": 30, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop"}]}]}]}, "1105": {"id": "qj0gGXvevuA0Qv0rP8P8w", "course_id": "105539", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105539", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Special Studies in Chemical Engineering", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "4043", "CLASS_NBR": 25774, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available upon approval of Head of School", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CHEM ENG 4001", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, final examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Special topics in chemical engineering as determined by the Head of the School of Chemical Engineering. The course will be offered from time to time and may be taught by visiting academics", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1106": {"id": "qj0gGXvevuA0Qv0rP8P8w", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "yrQTZuUCTF03Irbyc6Umf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25774, "section": "01NT", "size": 30, "enrolled": 0, "available": 30, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop"}]}]}]}, "1107": {"id": "PAZPd_Wihf9sRKQZ9-vKS", "course_id": "105546", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105546", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Biofuels, Biomass and Wastes", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "4048", "CLASS_NBR": 22836, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, project and final examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will establish the fundamental understanding on the characteristics of biomass resources, and the design and operations of the biomass energy systems. Key topics covered include the basics in production, availability and sustainability of biomass resources; characteristics of biomass as a fuel; design aspects on the pre-treatment, thermochemical conversion and biochemical conversion processes of biomass. In particular, the environmental aspects of biomass energy, economics and life-cycle analysis with case studies on biomass energy production will be emphasised.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1108": {"id": "PAZPd_Wihf9sRKQZ9-vKS", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "kKXzENp0h2QqCq34i5sJH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22836, "section": "TU01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 40, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "fJfuokBSmPzu4auNSAo6P", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28716, "section": "LEC0", "size": 60, "enrolled": 40, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "1109": {"id": "pL_8fMbZ6WAbPeUWr941f", "course_id": "105525", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105525", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Chemical Engineering", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "4050", "CLASS_NBR": 15266, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Level II Maths", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "CHEM ENG 3031, CHEM ENG 3035", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CHEM ENG 4003", "ASSESSMENT": "Tutorials/assignments, final examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is composed of two equal parts. Part A is concerned with advanced process dynamics & control. Part B is focussed on particulate properties & design. The course aims to introduce you to advanced process control design tools (Part A). In this section, considerable use will be made of the Matlab & Simulink software packages to specify and design conventional and advanced controllers. As well, design heuristics will be introduced to provide you with the skills to synthesize plant-wide control systems. Part B will focus on particulate technology and its challenges when applied to chemical processing. Key topics to be covered in Part A include: Revision of level III work; analysis & design of controllers by frequency response techniques; analysis & design of complex control systems; practical examples of difficult to control systems; discrete control issues; and, finally, multivariable (MIMO) modelling and control design. Key topics to be covered in Part B include: Storage and flow of powders; solids mixing and segregation; particle size reduction; size enlargement; hazards of fine powders. By the end of this course you should be able to model non-linear dynamic processes, design appropriate analog or digital controllers, deal with interaction in MIMO (multiple input, multiple output) systems, and finally perform basic design calculations and analysis of typical industrial processes involving particulate matters.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1110": {"id": "pL_8fMbZ6WAbPeUWr941f", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "9Hv6KrwT70fVU076Ea18N", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15266, "section": "WR01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 59, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "-Em3jPogHyKTE-EKFGfVw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12784, "section": "PR02", "size": 35, "enrolled": 35, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "16 May - 16 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12785, "section": "PR01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 24, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "17 May - 17 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "t0NaSxuVmirzzMW0dQTXB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15265, "section": "TU01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 59, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "kkkrRAa4cHWyjbb_K4bun", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18691, "section": "LEC0", "size": 70, "enrolled": 59, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "1111": {"id": "tq8h2AJ9wHKK3YupBD6zz", "course_id": "105664", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105664", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Water and Wastewater Engineering", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "4051", "CLASS_NBR": 13807, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Tutorials, project, final examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of this course is to introduce the students to the area of water and wastewater treatment. The course will cover water chemistry; characteristics of water & wastewater; primary, secondary & tertiary treatment processes; sludge disposal; and design of water and wastewater treatment plants. At the end of the course the students will have a working knowledge of the water and wastewater industry and have the skills to perform a preliminary design of a treatment plant. This will be achieved through descriptive lectures with an industry focus and supervised tutorials.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1112": {"id": "tq8h2AJ9wHKK3YupBD6zz", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "GpLn3QqkJTyYYugCvyFFN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13807, "section": "WR01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 27, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "0adsVpDqvH7gVIkMpFaaC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12760, "section": "TU02", "size": 35, "enrolled": 27, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "jXU7U0K9VfdY-1hNl1Eno", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13850, "section": "PR09", "size": 8, "enrolled": 2, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students are required to enrol in a practical class even though the class does not have any timetabled face-to-face sessions."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "31 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8pm", "end_time": "8:30pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 13851, "section": "PR08", "size": 8, "enrolled": 3, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students are required to enrol in a practical class even though the class does not have any timetabled face-to-face sessions."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "31 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8pm", "end_time": "8:30pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 13852, "section": "PR07", "size": 6, "enrolled": 0, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students are required to enrol in a practical class even though the class does not have any timetabled face-to-face sessions."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "31 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8pm", "end_time": "8:30pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 13853, "section": "PR06", "size": 8, "enrolled": 4, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students are required to enrol in a practical class even though the class does not have any timetabled face-to-face sessions."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "31 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8pm", "end_time": "8:30pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 13854, "section": "PR05", "size": 8, "enrolled": 5, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students are required to enrol in a practical class even though the class does not have any timetabled face-to-face sessions."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "31 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8pm", "end_time": "8:30pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 13855, "section": "PR04", "size": 6, "enrolled": 1, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students are required to enrol in a practical class even though the class does not have any timetabled face-to-face sessions."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "31 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8pm", "end_time": "8:30pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 13856, "section": "PR03", "size": 6, "enrolled": 5, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students are required to enrol in a practical class even though the class does not have any timetabled face-to-face sessions."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "31 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8pm", "end_time": "8:30pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 13857, "section": "PR02", "size": 6, "enrolled": 3, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students are required to enrol in a practical class even though the class does not have any timetabled face-to-face sessions."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "31 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8pm", "end_time": "8:30pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 13858, "section": "PR01", "size": 6, "enrolled": 2, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students are required to enrol in a practical class even though the class does not have any timetabled face-to-face sessions."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "31 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8pm", "end_time": "8:30pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 13859, "section": "PR10", "size": 8, "enrolled": 2, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students are required to enrol in a practical class even though the class does not have any timetabled face-to-face sessions."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "31 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8pm", "end_time": "8:30pm", "location": " "}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "svHv6ABNK9vId5R0oeBJg", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18763, "section": "LEC0", "size": 35, "enrolled": 27, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "1113": {"id": "SgKoU4n0qlES2XOJ8C0A5", "course_id": "106373", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106373", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Project", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "4054", "CLASS_NBR": 22838, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 8 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CHEM ENG 4047, CHEM ENG 4037, CHEM ENG 4026", "ASSESSMENT": "Progress report, research notebook, poster and defence, and dissertation or paper.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Understanding of research principles and research practises will be developed through the student undertaking a substantive research project normally defined by the academic supervisor. There is capacity for the project to be defined by the student or industry provided it is judged suitable by the Course Coordinator and agreement can be obtained from one of the academic staff to act as supervisor. This course is normally only available for those who are on-track for award of an honours degree.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1114": {"id": "SgKoU4n0qlES2XOJ8C0A5", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "-9wwKKk00-fcFwCQmalIO", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22838, "section": "SE01", "size": 130, "enrolled": 59, "available": 71, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "6pV7ZeNBWT0Gpo1YRWWxU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28717, "section": "LEC0", "size": 120, "enrolled": 59, "available": 61, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "1115": {"id": "l0OMRKvW9uVl9seRmIQhi", "course_id": "106396", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106396", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Process Design IV", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "4056", "CLASS_NBR": 13051, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Minimum of 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CHEM ENG 2010, CHEM ENG 2014, CHEM ENG 2018, CHEM ENG 3030, CHEM ENG 3033, CHEM ENG 3034", "CO_REQUISITE": "CHEM ENG 4034", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Successful completion of CHEM ENG 2014, CHEM ENG 2011, CHEM ENG 3033, CHEM ENG 3034, CHEM ENG 3035", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Reports, oral presentations", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course involves a small group of students working as a team to design a nominated chemical or bioprocessing manufacturing plant. The tasks include the study of the available processes (or the development of innovative systems), process and utility selection, calculation of material and energy balances, preparation of flow sheets and drawings of the plant layout, and simple economic analysis. A thorough synthesis of the literature is included and involves communication of the pre-feasibility study and front end design in a design report and oral presentation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1116": {"id": "l0OMRKvW9uVl9seRmIQhi", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "Yz8MqvZeLHSrTXWo1hZ6Q", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13051, "section": "WR01", "size": 90, "enrolled": 72, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G13, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "TF0poHj14xvs_QE2fzAYa", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18791, "section": "LEC0", "size": 90, "enrolled": 72, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "1117": {"id": "7pkDvmU0F0p0N9rZQvNrI", "course_id": "107275", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107275", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Metallurgical Processes", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "4058", "CLASS_NBR": 23837, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Final exam, assignments and case-study", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to provide the Chemical Engineering students with an understanding of metallurgy techniques that are used in the processing of minerals. \nThe course provides an introduction to the thermodynamics of pyrometallurgical processes including predominance area and Ellingham diagrams and the physical chemistry and transport phenomena involved in a number of pyrometallurgical unit operations including, agglomeration, roasting, smelting, thermal and electrolytic refining. The course covers the processes used in zinc roasting, copper smelting and refining, iron and steel making, lead smelting and refining, nickel smelting, aluminium production, synthetic rutile and titanium production. At the end of this course you should be able to undertake a range of pyro-metallurgical calculations and have an appreciation of the wide range of thermal processes used to extract useful metals and minerals from their ores. \n\nThe main topics covered in hydrometallurgy include acid, alkaline and pressure leaching, thermodynamic and kinetic aspects of leaching, purification of leach liquors by ion exchange, solvent extraction, adsorption using activated carbon, selective precipitation operations, and solid-liquid separation techniques. Several practical processes are studied including heap and tank leaching, copper extraction, nickel, zinc, cobalt, gold and uranium processing etc. \n\nThe main topics in electrometallurgy include Pourbaix diagrams, recovery of metal values by cementation, electrowinning and refining from aqueous solutions, electrolyte preparation, cell potential, effect of additives, aluminium smelting from molten salt electrolytes, design of electrochemical reactors and application of processes for the recovery of copper, zinc, gold and aluminium. At the end of this course you should be able to demonstrate a good understanding of the key factors that govern the successful operation of metallurgical processes in the minerals industry.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1118": {"id": "7pkDvmU0F0p0N9rZQvNrI", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "YVWT_xqRXK815M7QBEc5d", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23837, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 10, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "Q6NNNDQVC5bd4H0r9FCgF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23835, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 10, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "B4gTbEh-69Pf9M2f3vWYC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28718, "section": "LEC0", "size": 20, "enrolled": 10, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "1119": {"id": "l8sZrXWwRU28WiIw-J-OL", "course_id": "110633", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110633", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Brewery Engineering", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "4074WT", "CLASS_NBR": 95009, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030307", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Unpublished Course - Contact Not Available", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "", "QUOTA_TXT": "quota NA", "RESTRICTION": "", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Unpublished Course - No eligibility Req", "PRE_REQUISITE": "prereq NA", "CO_REQUISITE": "coreq NA", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "assume NA", "INCOMPATIBLE": "restriction NA", "ASSESSMENT": "Unpublished Course - NA", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "biennial NA", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "", "SYLLABUS": "In this course students will learn how process engineering applies to the brewing industry. The fundamentals chemistry and biology will be applied to the concepts of beer quality and flavour, cleaning and sanitation, and the effects that various ingredients including malts, hops, yeasts/bacteria and water have on the brewing process. Process engineering principles are utilised to understand milling, mashing, boiling, fermenting and packaging and to design, optimise and control these processes in a brewery. Within the course, research into beer styles and recipes will be used to produce successful recipes. Students will also undertake a full production of a beer in the Waite Microbrewery from raw ingredients all the way to packaged product.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 24/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 28/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 11/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 17/07/2024"}}]}, "1120": {"id": "l8sZrXWwRU28WiIw-J-OL", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "1EOqJJ9Sj9caY5deCIS9Y", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95009, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 22, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Jun - 28 Jun", "days": "Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Jul - 10 Jul", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Jul - 11 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "L-wivPHA0zvobTlO5agLN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95031, "section": "PR01", "size": 6, "enrolled": 4, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Jul - 1 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Soil & Water Field Laboratory, G12, Micro Brewery"}]}, {"class_nbr": 95260, "section": "PR06", "size": 6, "enrolled": 5, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Jul - 8 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Soil & Water Field Laboratory, G12, Micro Brewery"}]}, {"class_nbr": 95261, "section": "PR05", "size": 6, "enrolled": 3, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Jul - 5 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Soil & Water Field Laboratory, G12, Micro Brewery"}]}, {"class_nbr": 95262, "section": "PR04", "size": 6, "enrolled": 5, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Jul - 4 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Soil & Water Field Laboratory, G12, Micro Brewery"}]}, {"class_nbr": 95264, "section": "PR02", "size": 6, "enrolled": 5, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Jul - 2 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Soil & Water Field Laboratory, G12, Micro Brewery"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Fieldwork", "id": "QjP7DZKrl9QjuGLz6UJT0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95007, "section": "FL01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 22, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Fieldwork", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Jul - 15 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "6pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 95008, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 22, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "17 Jul - 17 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1121": {"id": "CysgH0_-o4spGFY1hOaXL", "course_id": "110634", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110634", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Winery Engineering", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "4075WT", "CLASS_NBR": 10180, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030307", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Students enrolled in Bachelor of Chemical Engineering", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "CHEM ENG 2010, CHEM ENG 2014, CHEM ENG 2018", "INCOMPATIBLE": "OENOLOGY 3016WT", "ASSESSMENT": "Online quiz, Innovation report and video, Winery process improvement technology innovation report and video presentation, Practical Report, Wastewater analysis practical report, Final Examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "n this course students will learn how process engineering applies to wineries. This course is to be delivered in two parts. Part 1 will provide an overview of the winemaking process followed by more detailed content focused on specific engineering applications. There will be a strong focus on active learning and industrial relevance with students participating in discussion, problem-solving and hands-on demonstration of winery technology at large scale. Part 2 will consist of with lectures and laboratory practicals focused on process engineering applications related to waste management and sustainability, as well as a two-day (overnight) field trip to the Barossa Valley for a tour of industrial-scale commercial winery waste treatment facilities.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1122": {"id": "CysgH0_-o4spGFY1hOaXL", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Iw9qnL-cOd8VdE3F2M4Np", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10182, "section": "LE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 11, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "10 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "DScowzrxefq7FjMnL5VAq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10179, "section": "PR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 11, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "17 May - 24 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Wine Science, 113, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Fieldwork", "id": "nrQU6qdJI2gkYDflfmZy9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10181, "section": "FL01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 11, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Fieldwork", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Jun - 5 Jun", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "IZg0M8PJF83xW-w2ygTPA", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10180, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 11, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Apr - 9 Apr", "days": "Monday, Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Wine Science, 110, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Apr - 10 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1123": {"id": "7A5aekwUpIku_I3Dr1H4Q", "course_id": "101964", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "101964", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Special Studies in Chemical Engineering", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7021", "CLASS_NBR": 15660, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CHEM ENG 4001", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, final examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Special topics in chemical engineering as determined by the Head of the School of Chemical Engineering. The course will be offered from time to time and may be taught by visiting academics.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1124": {"id": "7A5aekwUpIku_I3Dr1H4Q", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "6tWrD1pC6Abx96XUBY-oN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15660, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "1125": {"id": "ETChAgcNW1p0-f6RODE5O", "course_id": "101964", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "101964", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Special Studies in Chemical Engineering", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7021", "CLASS_NBR": 25677, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CHEM ENG 4001", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, final examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Special topics in chemical engineering as determined by the Head of the School of Chemical Engineering. The course will be offered from time to time and may be taught by visiting academics.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1126": {"id": "ETChAgcNW1p0-f6RODE5O", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "9dF1cwaFOTWG3O8iAsZpo", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25677, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "1127": {"id": "C-fVFm48WFpPhH6Cy4IW0", "course_id": "102750", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102750", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Transport Processes in the Environment", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7027", "CLASS_NBR": 14405, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MATHS 1011, MATHS 1012", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Tutorials, mid-Semester test, final examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The first part of the course introduces the process system approach. The second part deals with the application of certain key principles of engineering and science that are required for any quantitative treatment of environmental problems. Topics to be covered in this course include: Introduction and basic concepts; Environmental chemicals and properties; Inter-media transport; Simple exchange models; Air pollution problems; Nuclear chemistry; Environmental modelling; Plume dispersion; Simple kinetic models.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1128": {"id": "C-fVFm48WFpPhH6Cy4IW0", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "id13degJm2Fpkrdq7a2rn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14405, "section": "TU01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 32, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Zh3iLqX_GD2YqWfIDz9Ui", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18764, "section": "LEC0", "size": 35, "enrolled": 32, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "1129": {"id": "B63tlKFTPx2wX7n00a5j9", "course_id": "103304", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103304", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Water and Waste Water Treatment PG", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7035", "CLASS_NBR": 13806, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Tutorials, project, literature review and final examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of this course is to introduce the students to the area of water and wastewater treatment. The course will cover water chemistry; characteristics of water & wastewater; primary, secondary & tertiary treatment processes; sludge disposal; and design of water and wastewater treatment plants. At the end of the course the students will have a working knowledge of the water and wastewater industry and have the skills to perform a preliminary design of a treatment plant. This will be achieved through descriptive lectures with an industry focus and supervised tutorials.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1130": {"id": "B63tlKFTPx2wX7n00a5j9", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "w_OdUgOTdIte2KXLck3xi", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13806, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 21, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "Km0_jnkc46b6bhrPnoRTR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12761, "section": "TU02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 21, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "ooxxQ_0r6e600v4bAH7UW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13860, "section": "PR10", "size": 2, "enrolled": 0, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students are required to enrol in a practical class even though the class does not have any timetabled face-to-face sessions."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "31 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8pm", "end_time": "8:30pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 13861, "section": "PR09", "size": 2, "enrolled": 2, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students are required to enrol in a practical class even though the class does not have any timetabled face-to-face sessions."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "31 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8pm", "end_time": "8:30pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 13862, "section": "PR08", "size": 2, "enrolled": 0, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students are required to enrol in a practical class even though the class does not have any timetabled face-to-face sessions."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "31 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8pm", "end_time": "8:30pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 13863, "section": "PR07", "size": 4, "enrolled": 4, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students are required to enrol in a practical class even though the class does not have any timetabled face-to-face sessions."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "31 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8pm", "end_time": "8:30pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 13864, "section": "PR06", "size": 2, "enrolled": 1, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students are required to enrol in a practical class even though the class does not have any timetabled face-to-face sessions."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "31 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8pm", "end_time": "8:30pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 13865, "section": "PR05", "size": 2, "enrolled": 2, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students are required to enrol in a practical class even though the class does not have any timetabled face-to-face sessions."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "31 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8pm", "end_time": "8:30pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 13866, "section": "PR04", "size": 4, "enrolled": 2, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students are required to enrol in a practical class even though the class does not have any timetabled face-to-face sessions."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "31 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8pm", "end_time": "8:30pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 13867, "section": "PR03", "size": 4, "enrolled": 4, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students are required to enrol in a practical class even though the class does not have any timetabled face-to-face sessions."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "31 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8pm", "end_time": "8:30pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 13868, "section": "PR02", "size": 4, "enrolled": 4, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students are required to enrol in a practical class even though the class does not have any timetabled face-to-face sessions."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "31 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8pm", "end_time": "8:30pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 13869, "section": "PR01", "size": 4, "enrolled": 2, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students are required to enrol in a practical class even though the class does not have any timetabled face-to-face sessions."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "31 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8pm", "end_time": "8:30pm", "location": " "}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "_h1-TyVJUQM_Qewmf8Cxu", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18765, "section": "LEC0", "size": 30, "enrolled": 21, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "1131": {"id": "QTJj-c5-2StHYbp7FXpaM", "course_id": "103307", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103307", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Process Plant Safety and Risk Assessment", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7038", "CLASS_NBR": 29508, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Tutorials, project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The objective of this course is to deliver a broad level study of risk identification and management in process plant integrity management. Process integrity management (or as often referred to Process Safety Management) is important because accidents in process plants can cause significant casualties and serious financial losses with the potential impact on the community over a wide radius from the plant itself. This course focuses on high consequence and low probability events.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1132": {"id": "QTJj-c5-2StHYbp7FXpaM", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "ho1BSToklaEdqws6xH0Mt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29508, "section": "WR01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 14, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "G89D4M13Ne68P0HEBd9JO", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29509, "section": "LEC0", "size": 25, "enrolled": 14, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "1133": {"id": "BiRP2rzBqx8-iJRVW9_3B", "course_id": "103315", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103315", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Masters Project Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7046B", "CLASS_NBR": 11761, "SESSION_CD": "FM2", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 20 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Performance during the project work, assessment of written reports, seminar presentations", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In the two-semester M.Eng Research Project, students undertake an AQF9 research project and demonstrate deep discipline understanding in their field of study. Students work directly under the supervision of world-leading research academics, with potential for industry collaboration. These courses strengthen and apply the project management and research skills of the students with a focus on engineering communication and the integration of advanced technical methodologies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1134": {"id": "BiRP2rzBqx8-iJRVW9_3B", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "lqkK83T9JJR07uswbR3T4", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11761, "section": "WR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 28 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG07, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1135": {"id": "ZMxTcfteDfA94mvXoMxHt", "course_id": "103315", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103315", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Masters Project Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7046B", "CLASS_NBR": 21725, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 20 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Performance during the project work, assessment of written reports, seminar presentations", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In the two-semester M.Eng Research Project, students undertake an AQF9 research project and demonstrate deep discipline understanding in their field of study. Students work directly under the supervision of world-leading research academics, with potential for industry collaboration. These courses strengthen and apply the project management and research skills of the students with a focus on engineering communication and the integration of advanced technical methodologies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1136": {"id": "ZMxTcfteDfA94mvXoMxHt", "class_list": [{"association_group": "", "groups": []}]}, "1137": {"id": "Nov9R-Qa8TUmEp038E_Nj", "course_id": "105671", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105671", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Biofuels, Biomass and Wastes", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7048", "CLASS_NBR": 22837, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, project and final examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will establish the fundamental understanding on the characteristics of biomass resources, and the design and operations of the biomass energy systems. Key topics covered include the basics in production, availability and sustainability of biomass resources; characteristics of biomass as a fuel; design aspects on the pre-treatment, thermochemical conversion and biochemical conversion processes of biomass. In particular, the environmental aspects of biomass energy, economics and life-cycle analysis with case studies on biomass energy production will be emphasised.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1138": {"id": "Nov9R-Qa8TUmEp038E_Nj", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "MGYLlta8KtADNFT6ldYF5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22837, "section": "TU01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 6, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1139": {"id": "5lrqQEuHBpnA_BlSyRQTy", "course_id": "105994", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105994", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Fluid and Particle Mechanics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7050", "CLASS_NBR": 10673, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "CHEM ENG 2018", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CHEM ENG 3035", "ASSESSMENT": "Tutorials, special assignment, final examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces you to the fundamentals of fluid and particle mechanics as applied to the handling, processing and transport of multiphase systems. The focus is on industrial processes where fluid (liquid or gas) flowing in the presence of particulate solids is encountered. Key topics covered include particulate systems; mechanics of particles in a fluid; flow through porous media; sedimentation; fluidisation; filtration; solid-fluid transport. By the end of this course you should be able to characterise and describe fluid-particle systems in terms of their physical properties; and perform design calculations and analyses of various typical industrial processes involving fluid and particle systems.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1140": {"id": "5lrqQEuHBpnA_BlSyRQTy", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "SDvfS5b-SLJxPueXpK7d7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10673, "section": "WR01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 20, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "nHr6PiS4bguJ3QsC3U3qs", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10671, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 20, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "Jl1i2zq5rGbD0vrs3h7aG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13846, "section": "PR02", "size": 12, "enrolled": 8, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "14 May - 14 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, A219, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13847, "section": "PR01", "size": 8, "enrolled": 7, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Apr - 30 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, A219, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13848, "section": "PR04", "size": 3, "enrolled": 3, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, A219, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13849, "section": "PR03", "size": 3, "enrolled": 2, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 May - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, A219, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "_SK-KbLzfswwBAbLAOJVM", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18766, "section": "LEC0", "size": 25, "enrolled": 20, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "1141": {"id": "MDLfEOBcczhLFzVQShjXM", "course_id": "105995", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105995", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Chemical Reactor Engineering PG", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7051", "CLASS_NBR": 10667, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CHEM 2510 or CHEM 2530", "ASSESSMENT": "Mid-Semester tests, tutorials, quizzes, final examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to establish fundamental knowledge of chemical reactor design and engineering. Presentation of the course starts by introducing the chemical reaction engineering algorithm and then utilises it to solve problems in both steady and unsteady state isothermal and nonisothermal reactors. Non elementary reactions, bioreactions and bioreactors are discussed. Catalytic reactions are introduced as well as the effects of combined diffusion and reactions on catalyst particles.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1142": {"id": "MDLfEOBcczhLFzVQShjXM", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "OaNmMt5orQtaYlO76LiuR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10667, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 17, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "4KGSYUqWc2vgdPlR_vkvD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10669, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 17, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "cPHZLFlGlZvr0QNSSTDvv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13836, "section": "PR05", "size": 3, "enrolled": 2, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Soil & Water Field Laboratory, G12, Micro Brewery"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13837, "section": "PR04", "size": 7, "enrolled": 5, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 May - 3 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Soil & Water Field Laboratory, G12, Micro Brewery"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13838, "section": "PR03", "size": 10, "enrolled": 3, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Soil & Water Field Laboratory, G12, Micro Brewery"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13839, "section": "PR02", "size": 5, "enrolled": 4, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Soil & Water Field Laboratory, G12, Micro Brewery"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13840, "section": "PR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 3, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Soil & Water Field Laboratory, G12, Micro Brewery"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "U1tYCb-z6C5jVRdkgLEg7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18767, "section": "LEC0", "size": 30, "enrolled": 17, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "1143": {"id": "xZZS-e9jOoMxii-YW0fas", "course_id": "105996", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105996", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Separation Process Engineering PG", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7052", "CLASS_NBR": 20602, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "CHEM ENG 2010", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CHEM ENG 3033", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, test, class presentation(s), final examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course serves covers the principles and design of large-scale diffusional separation processes in equilibrium-stage and processes and mass transfer continuous-contact operations. Throughout emphasis is placed on developing quantitative problem solving skills that will be essential to practicing graduates. Separation processes covered include distillation (including flash, binary column and multicomponent column), Gas absorption/stripping, Liquid-liquid extraction, washing and leaching, Membrane separation processes, and Sorption processes (including adsorption, ion exchange, and chromatography). Separation processes are a core part of global chemical engineering, making up a large proportion of capital investment in plants, and are vital to economically produce useful and safe products.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1144": {"id": "xZZS-e9jOoMxii-YW0fas", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "bo_nXFkDBLTdrgkQgSm2x", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20602, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 20, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "vZWDnEsHkyh94FIwfW5dr", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20604, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 20, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "ybo6JqLMJjVAsq8jozZgD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28719, "section": "LEC0", "size": 30, "enrolled": 20, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "1145": {"id": "sKbLaJs8q7-hivawy4KSi", "course_id": "105998", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105998", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Process Design PG", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7054", "CLASS_NBR": 22834, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Design project, final examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course covers modern strategies for the synthesis and design of chemical / pharmaceutical processes with an emphasis on a systematic approach. The topics covered in this course are introduction to process design, process synthesis, process simulation and preliminary plant design. Students are required to complete a process design for a project using the concepts and tools covered by the lectures in groups. This practice aims to develop and improve transferable skills in problem-solving, team-working, independent learning and cooperative learning, project management, time management and technical documentation. This course is designed to challenge chemical and pharmaceutical engineering students to combine fundamental knowledge from other courses. Principles and tools for process design will be applied with practical elements of safety, environmental and sociological issues to design an integrated chemical/ pharmaceutical process.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1146": {"id": "sKbLaJs8q7-hivawy4KSi", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "w1hZz73BlN5W3m0Whd4Qg", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22834, "section": "WR01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 21, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "xFvV1bm5rIhtt5pkkr6cp", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20505, "section": "PR01", "size": 23, "enrolled": 12, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20508, "section": "PR02", "size": 23, "enrolled": 9, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "ASp3wokFCqOdx9spW9JSN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22832, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 21, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "ncoLYlQDSLxtfFN1lIt9h", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28720, "section": "LEC0", "size": 25, "enrolled": 21, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "1147": {"id": "gpRauah5o_uaBmGrZJ-A5", "course_id": "105999", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105999", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Material Science & Engineering", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7055", "CLASS_NBR": 13213, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CHEM ENG 3029", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, quizzes, final examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "To provide students with a basic understanding of the various materials used in engineering applications. Lecture topics cover the basics of material science and engineering, the structure and property relationships for polymers, metals, and ceramics, advanced materials (optical, electronic, magnetic, biomaterials and nanomaterials), and the fundamentals of electrochemistry and corrosion engineering. The course is delivered through a combination of lectures and tutorials. The course should highlight the significance of materials science and engineering in modern society, and contextualise the selection of engineering materials on the basis of their characteristics and end use applications.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1148": {"id": "gpRauah5o_uaBmGrZJ-A5", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "WmkqUMvrEl9exuKApKdgj", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13213, "section": "WR01", "size": 17, "enrolled": 16, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "KFL8RTSko5FmTDgnqlywz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13211, "section": "TU01", "size": 17, "enrolled": 16, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "GH305tDth4RcwXiAKEXnL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18759, "section": "LEC0", "size": 17, "enrolled": 16, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "1149": {"id": "KMpTUvSfWckcfPk2Id6C0", "course_id": "106000", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106000", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Process Control and Instrumentation", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7056", "CLASS_NBR": 20594, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MATHS 2102, CHEM ENG 2010", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CHEM ENG 3015, CHEM ENG 3031", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, practicals, final examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The purpose of this course is to apply the key concepts of automatic control and instrumentation to process plants. Material and energy balances are used to model unsteady state (dynamic) process systems where control algorithms are required to bring the process back to equilibrium. Laplace Transforms are used as a means to conveniently solve ordinary differential equations, which are used when describing process control systems. Control loops are developed to represent industrial processes enabling appropriate control approaches to be elucidated. Commonly used sensing, transmission and final control elements are described and depicted in Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams (P&IDs). The course is delivered through a combination of lectures, tutorials, and practicals where the student will tune controllers on dynamic systems. At the end of the course, the students will have an appreciation of the fundamental importance of control systems for the safe and sustainable operation of process plants.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1150": {"id": "KMpTUvSfWckcfPk2Id6C0", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "9WMdNdfIEoHHVNfY_ekjT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20510, "section": "LE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "C720ArDVzfm6kQid9ODMH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20596, "section": "TU01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "VQ_qBVr4FXrrd4vdnPXYR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20599, "section": "PR02", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20600, "section": "PR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "SmUwDFgjVbsffmE-D3X2L", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20594, "section": "WR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1151": {"id": "YmdKLDgBCR7cKuLo607Xp", "course_id": "107454", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107454", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Metallurgical Processes", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7058", "CLASS_NBR": 23838, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Final exam, assignments, case-study, final examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to provide the Chemical Engineering students with an understanding of metallurgy techniques that are used in the processing of minerals.\n\nThe course provides an introduction to the thermodynamics of pyrometallurgical processes including predominance area and Ellingham diagrams and the physical chemistry and transport phenomena involved in a number of pyrometallurgical unit operations including, agglomeration, roasting, smelting, thermal and electrolytic refining. The course covers the processes used in zinc roasting, copper smelting and refining, iron and steel making, lead smelting and refining, nickel smelting, aluminium production, synthetic rutile and titanium production. At the end of this course you should be able to undertake a range of pyro-metallurgical calculations and have an appreciation of the wide range of thermal processes used to extract useful metals and minerals from their ores. \n\nThe main topics covered in hydrometallurgy include acid, alkaline and pressure leaching, thermodynamic and kinetic aspects of leaching, purification of leach liquors by ion exchange, solvent extraction, adsorption using activated carbon, selective precipitation operations, and solid-liquid separation techniques. Several practical processes are studied including heap and tank leaching, copper extraction, nickel, zinc, cobalt, gold and uranium processing etc. \n\nThe main topics in electrometallurgy include Pourbaix diagrams, recovery of metal values by cementation, electrowinning and refining from aqueous solutions, electrolyte preparation, cell potential, effect of additives, aluminium smelting from molten salt electrolytes, design of electrochemical reactors and application of processes for the recovery of copper, zinc, gold and aluminium. At the end of this course you should be able to demonstrate a good understanding of the key factors that govern the successful operation of metallurgical processes in the minerals industry.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1152": {"id": "YmdKLDgBCR7cKuLo607Xp", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "G2DLkbfOk8w5m5k4_bX0w", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23838, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 14, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "LWqE9tId8cMsjvn9aS7jQ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23836, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 14, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "qXF205F2NhV_hAggB_oMs", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28721, "section": "LEC0", "size": 20, "enrolled": 14, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "1153": {"id": "-jDXYHThn5tMlxa0tFX3l", "course_id": "110281", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110281", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Good Manufacturing Practice, Validation and Regulation", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7063", "CLASS_NBR": 22658, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030305", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exams, assessments, lab component, in-class quiz", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of this course is to introduce the strategy for producing high quality safe pharmaceutics. This module will focus on the traditional approaches to ensure product quality using facility design, validation and good manufacturing practice (GMP). The concepts of quality by design (QbD), process analytical technology (PAT) and continuous manufacturing will be introduced. Special reference will be made to the manufacture of biologics including antibiotics, therapeutic proteins and vaccines.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1154": {"id": "-jDXYHThn5tMlxa0tFX3l", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "V0Xxre429vg-KuWjW_bo4", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22658, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 22, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "YVHZiGfkV4u-zx8sufz1z", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28722, "section": "LEC0", "size": 30, "enrolled": 22, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "1155": {"id": "OICb0_RtFHht7ovfmTm5M", "course_id": "110317", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110317", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Biopharmaceutical Engineering Research Project Part A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7070A", "CLASS_NBR": 11762, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 12 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Literature review, safety assessment and laboratory conduct", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will deliver the core research skills in biopharmaceutical engineering. The scope includes but is not limited to the development, analysis, formulation and manufacture of therapeutic proteins, therapeutic nucleic acid products, drug delivery and vaccines. The student will learn how to survey the discipline's literature, conduct safety assessment, conduct research and present the finding in the form of posters, presentations and a written report. \n\nAssessment is based on the literature review, safety assessment and laboratory conduct.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "1156": {"id": "OICb0_RtFHht7ovfmTm5M", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "qjtgFRoDhtAKjGukS7Qq5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11762, "section": "WR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 2, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 26 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1157": {"id": "exnOQyQsJ0kdPfAPJkjOn", "course_id": "110317", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110317", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Biopharmaceutical Engineering Research Project Part A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7070A", "CLASS_NBR": 21726, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 12 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Literature review, safety assessment and laboratory conduct", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will deliver the core research skills in biopharmaceutical engineering. The scope includes but is not limited to the development, analysis, formulation and manufacture of therapeutic proteins, therapeutic nucleic acid products, drug delivery and vaccines. The student will learn how to survey the discipline's literature, conduct safety assessment, conduct research and present the finding in the form of posters, presentations and a written report. \n\nAssessment is based on the literature review, safety assessment and laboratory conduct.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "1158": {"id": "exnOQyQsJ0kdPfAPJkjOn", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "z0a3MmVwSZKP5J0jiEdTM", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21726, "section": "WR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 4, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 215, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 215, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1159": {"id": "R6016XMDYKqNa3EoAOJz4", "course_id": "110318", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110318", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Biopharmaceutical Engineering Research Project Part B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7070B", "CLASS_NBR": 16216, "SESSION_CD": "FM2", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 12 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Literature review, safety assessment and laboratory conduct", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will deliver the core research skills in biopharmaceutical engineering. The scope includes but is not limited to the development, analysis, formulation and manufacture of therapeutic proteins, therapeutic nucleic acid products, drug delivery and vaccines. The student will learn how to survey the discipline's literature, conduct safety assessment, conduct research and present the finding in the form of posters, presentations and a written report. \n\nAssessment is based on the literature review, safety assessment and laboratory conduct.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1160": {"id": "R6016XMDYKqNa3EoAOJz4", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "v67pQIG_myADTF2Np_uHe", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16216, "section": "01NT", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "1161": {"id": "CsZ-01sTPs85Cp71VN4To", "course_id": "110318", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110318", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Biopharmaceutical Engineering Research Project Part B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7070B", "CLASS_NBR": 26228, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 12 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Literature review, safety assessment and laboratory conduct", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will deliver the core research skills in biopharmaceutical engineering. The scope includes but is not limited to the development, analysis, formulation and manufacture of therapeutic proteins, therapeutic nucleic acid products, drug delivery and vaccines. The student will learn how to survey the discipline's literature, conduct safety assessment, conduct research and present the finding in the form of posters, presentations and a written report. \n\nAssessment is based on the literature review, safety assessment and laboratory conduct.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1162": {"id": "CsZ-01sTPs85Cp71VN4To", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Ut-VIEU8YTD9mTLNuNpT-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26228, "section": "01NT", "size": 5, "enrolled": 2, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "1163": {"id": "3d8sobsPnyG4Kz9_abig5", "course_id": "111628", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111628", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Food Engineering", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7073", "CLASS_NBR": 29624, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030307", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Basic University entry knowledge of Biology, Chemistry, Physics are expected.", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Groups assignments, Individual assignments, Practical report, Mid-term exam, Final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, students will apply the basic principles of process engineering to application in the food processing industry. Topics presented illustrate applications of process engineering during the handling, processing, storage, packaging and distribution of food products. The concepts of mass and energy balances and fluid flow are first applied to food processing. Then, thermodynamics and heat transfer are used to provide an understanding of preservation processes, refrigeration, freezing processes and evaporation processes used in concentration of liquid foods. The concept of mass transfer is introduced and applied to membrane separation processes, dehydration processes, extrusion processes and packaging. Lastly, the processes of filtration, centrifugation and mixing in the food processing industry are described. The approach used in this course is to provide practical applications of the process engineering concepts in the food processing industry, while gaining an understanding of problem-solving approaches.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1164": {"id": "3d8sobsPnyG4Kz9_abig5", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "3i7P1KbizqMi5rXrwGfVB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29624, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 26, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Schulz, 218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Schulz, 218, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "8I-kCY090ONXA2KauZZGb", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29622, "section": "LE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 26, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "The lecture will be recorded and upload on MyUni by Monday. Please log in to MyUni to watch it anytime before the Wednesday workshop."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "pc5qvjN4JtL_Ed5Qb0QGg", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29623, "section": "PR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 26, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1165": {"id": "UZW0MSd9ATuQNRrO-wH6_", "course_id": "110996", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110996", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Brewery Engineering PG", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7074WT", "CLASS_NBR": 95045, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030307", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Unpublished Course - Contact Not Available", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "", "QUOTA_TXT": "quota NA", "RESTRICTION": "", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Unpublished Course - No eligibility Req", "PRE_REQUISITE": "prereq NA", "CO_REQUISITE": "coreq NA", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "assume NA", "INCOMPATIBLE": "restriction NA", "ASSESSMENT": "Unpublished Course - NA", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "biennial NA", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "", "SYLLABUS": "In this course students will learn how process engineering applies to the brewing industry. The fundamentals chemistry and biology will be applied to the concepts of beer quality and flavour, cleaning and sanitation, and the effects that various ingredients including malts, hops, yeasts/bacteria and water have on the brewing process. Process engineering principles are utilised to understand milling, mashing, boiling, fermenting and packaging and to design, optimise and control these processes in a brewery. Within the course, research into beer styles and recipes will be used to produce successful recipes. Students will also undertake a full production of a beer in the Waite Microbrewery from raw ingredients all the way to packaged product.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 24/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 28/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 11/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 17/07/2024"}}]}, "1166": {"id": "UZW0MSd9ATuQNRrO-wH6_", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "XaIKjVepcLJ571KmX7Xl4", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95045, "section": "WR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Jun - 28 Jun", "days": "Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Jul - 10 Jul", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Jul - 11 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "MctHkDk40u7VUGkthHCfn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95029, "section": "PR01", "size": 2, "enrolled": 0, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Jul - 1 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Soil & Water Field Laboratory, G12, Micro Brewery"}]}, {"class_nbr": 95265, "section": "PR06", "size": 2, "enrolled": 0, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Jul - 8 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Soil & Water Field Laboratory, G12, Micro Brewery"}]}, {"class_nbr": 95266, "section": "PR05", "size": 2, "enrolled": 0, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Jul - 5 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Soil & Water Field Laboratory, G12, Micro Brewery"}]}, {"class_nbr": 95267, "section": "PR04", "size": 2, "enrolled": 1, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Jul - 4 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Soil & Water Field Laboratory, G12, Micro Brewery"}]}, {"class_nbr": 95269, "section": "PR02", "size": 2, "enrolled": 0, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Jul - 2 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Soil & Water Field Laboratory, G12, Micro Brewery"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "5UGKb821lQ-olNxmnSbDa", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95030, "section": "SE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "17 Jul - 17 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 95044, "section": "FL01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Fieldwork", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Jul - 15 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "6pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "1167": {"id": "-_Pl_Z9i3LxuQC3vkK-qg", "course_id": "111622", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111622", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Food Processing and Safety", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7075", "CLASS_NBR": 19737, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030307", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Basic university entry knowledge of Biology and Chemistry are expected", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Groups assessments, Individual assessments, Quizzes, Exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The importance of food processing is to convert the raw food materials into the attractive, marketable products, and boost the shelf life of the food products. This course will provide an advanced understanding of scientific principles and concepts related to food processing and safety, particularly for design, operation and optimization of the processes. The course content will cover a comprehensive introduction on (1) food processing technology of manufacturing and handling of the selected food products, including standardization, pasteurization, filtration, and fermentation; (2) food quality control management including Australian food safety standards, Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP), and safety of handling and storing food products in the production line. The course is delivered through a combination of per-recorded lectures, workshops, and group-practicals. By completion of the course, students will be equipped with a skill set in both food manufacturing and quality control.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1168": {"id": "-_Pl_Z9i3LxuQC3vkK-qg", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "qKl03KI7sY_hvoluoH8io", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19737, "section": "WR01", "size": 27, "enrolled": 26, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "*"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Johnson, 111, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Johnson, 111, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "fKCHgVQMkrPTpCd1iNnLF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19735, "section": "PR01", "size": 27, "enrolled": 26, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Note:The location for this class is still to be timetabled. Please return to check before teaching begins.."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": " "}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "Mt7KOEhvnRDvfrD5DrU1U", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19736, "section": "TU01", "size": 27, "enrolled": 26, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N506, Collaboration Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N506, Collaboration Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1169": {"id": "TsSFgqIaLRLbWF6rfL1on", "course_id": "109998", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109998", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Materials Engineering Industry Project Part B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHEM ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7122B", "CLASS_NBR": 19793, "SESSION_CD": "FM2", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 12 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "PROJMGNT 5021, MATHS 7025", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Understanding of research principles and research practises will be developed through the student undertaking a substantive research project normally defined by the academic supervisor. The project work will centre around the development of a research proposal; a major element of this will be literature research and review. The project will also include laboratory works and the writing of a dissertation. The projects are to be defined by the industry partner and/or student with justification from the Course Coordinator, and agreement can be obtained from one of the academic staff to act as supervisor", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1170": {"id": "TsSFgqIaLRLbWF6rfL1on", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "jRmKGuDn_19FDzTekJ7oK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19793, "section": "01NT", "size": 1, "enrolled": 0, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "1171": {"subject": "CHIN", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "007769", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "002126", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104691", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104692", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105865", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110031", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108074", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108076", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109202", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104707", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109453", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109453", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109489", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109758", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109758", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110773", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110773", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110774", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110774", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111244", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111248", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111253", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}]}}, "1172": {"id": "f8NAa-R5FLhVjaF-tp5za", "course_id": "007769", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "007769", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Chinese IA", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "1001", "CLASS_NBR": 12599, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091515", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "No previous knowledge of Chinese required", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Weekly practice, Mid-Semester test, Oral test, Final test.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Chinese IA is a course for beginners in the language, followed by Chinese IB in semester 2 to build up basic knowledge and skills in Chinese. Native speakers or heritage speakers of Mandarin Chinese are not eligible for this course. Students who have studied Chinese before should contact the lecturers concerned to decide the best level at which to place them. Chinese IA teaches the fundamental grammar and vocabulary of modern standard Chinese (formerly known as Mandarin). This is the educated speech of North China which is now the official national language. Simplified characters are taught. The vocabulary reflects usage in contemporary China. It is expected that at the end of the course students should be able to master the Chinese phonetic system (Hanyu Pinyin), and should have an active vocabulary of around 200 Chinese characters and associated compounds concentrating on vocabulary that relates to contemporary China.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1173": {"id": "f8NAa-R5FLhVjaF-tp5za", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "nfznDcHXNbiQQwcKHYzp1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15413, "section": "LE01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 38, "available": 32, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Assessment", "id": "w54mQmUjLy9rwuBomLeW6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11976, "section": "AS01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 38, "available": 32, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "31 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "XqK43KHGnRl8znaSTMTft", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12599, "section": "SE01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 38, "available": 32, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "1174": {"id": "fMeJLD8aJEHQdG_Iygt0q", "course_id": "002126", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "002126", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Chinese IB", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "1002", "CLASS_NBR": 20969, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091515", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CHIN 1001", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes; Mid-semester test; Oral test; Final test", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Chinese IB is a continuation of Chinese IA. It continues instruction and practice in the speaking, understanding, writing and reading of modern standard Chinese. Throughout the course, mastery of conversational skills will be reinforced through oral-aural practice and at the same time, increased emphasis will be placed on contemporary texts. By the end of the semester students will know around 400 Chinese characters and associated compounds.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1175": {"id": "fMeJLD8aJEHQdG_Iygt0q", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "FI9ixADIrEtJ0fPk34ovu", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25328, "section": "LE01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 20, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "y4ndtDcCS0Qum-Ip2RFNq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20969, "section": "TU01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 20, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1176": {"id": "Mz7-G_Hl-HwRlFivzjKLN", "course_id": "104691", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104691", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Chinese IIA", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "2201", "CLASS_NBR": 12600, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091515", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "At least 400 Chinese characters and basic Chinese grammar patterns or Or SACE 2 Continuers B or above; IB 6: HSK Level 2", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes; Mid-Semester test; Oral test; Final test", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is for students who have completed Chinese IB. It consists of tuition in speaking, listening to, writing and reading modern standard Chinese. This course extends students' knowledge of basic grammar, vocabulary and structures found in the spoken and written forms of contemporary Chinese. The emphasis is on building up students' communicative skills in both speaking and reading through learning activities in class. It is anticipated that by the end of the course students will know about 650 Chinese characters and associated compounds related to contemporary China.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1177": {"id": "Mz7-G_Hl-HwRlFivzjKLN", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "xxCc2nDEFxqFF4znivTXM", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15414, "section": "LE01", "size": 55, "enrolled": 20, "available": 35, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "mMjQs1bBRwGGAP7GUvkw7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12600, "section": "TU01", "size": 55, "enrolled": 20, "available": 35, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1178": {"id": "u9rDT9qVSXTxltO-LgMXv", "course_id": "104692", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104692", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Chinese IIB", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "2202", "CLASS_NBR": 22411, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091515", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CHIN 2001 or CHIN 2201", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "At least 650 Chinese characters and basic Chinese grammar patterns or Or SACE 2 Continuers A- or above; IB 7; HSK Level 2", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CHIN 2002", "ASSESSMENT": "Test 1, Test 2, Tutorial task, Oral presentation, Final Test", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is a continuation of Chinese IIA. It consists of tuition in speaking, listening to, writing and reading modern standard Chinese. This course further extends students' knowledge of basic grammar, vocabulary and structures found in the spoken and written forms of contemporary Chinese. The main emphasis is on building up vocabulary and reading experience as a basis for studying contemporary Chinese society and culture. It is anticipated that by the end of the course students will know around 900 Chinese characters and most commonly used Chinese grammar patterns.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1179": {"id": "u9rDT9qVSXTxltO-LgMXv", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "2BebHrXtr71VwStEhJnCL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23052, "section": "LE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 16, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "m9Pyv9hKuOIsftTRaFG4O", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22411, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 16, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1180": {"id": "IALRHTVW7gYorWqd8_LXt", "course_id": "105865", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105865", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Translation for Chinese Speakers: Chinese-English", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "2213", "CLASS_NBR": 28517, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091515", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Native or near native Chinese language proficiency (including Chinese dialects)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Completion of junior secondary school in China or Chinese-speaking countries or regions or equivalent, with native or near native Chinese language proficiency (including Chinese dialects)", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CHIN 3006", "ASSESSMENT": "Translation Practice, Translation Project, Oral Presentation, Final Exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is to develop students' basic practical skills in translation from Chinese into English. It focuses on developing students' skills in applying knowledge and experience to their understanding, interpretation and production of texts of various genres. The course incorporates theoretical concepts with practice. It introduces different approaches to translation to help students be aware of their own perceptions of translation and translation process. It exposes students to the features and requirements of text production for different genres in both Chinese and English and to translation practice in various areas that is relevant to everyday life, including society, business and trade, law and media. Students also have an opportunity to use computer-based skills and the internet for translation purposes.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1181": {"id": "IALRHTVW7gYorWqd8_LXt", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "E0rNQxqdzbK20sm9PumT9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28477, "section": "LEC0", "size": 300, "enrolled": 120, "available": 180, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "P9ZCBuK9NiJHK_oYrqR0l", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22417, "section": "TU06", "size": 40, "enrolled": 39, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22418, "section": "TU05", "size": 40, "enrolled": 40, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 28517, "section": "TU10", "size": 40, "enrolled": 41, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "1182": {"id": "hSvpNPzpO7YEUAC56IGVI", "course_id": "110031", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110031", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "English-Chinese Translation for Chinese Speakers", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "2215", "CLASS_NBR": 15592, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091515", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Native or near native Chinese language proficiency (including Chinese dialects)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CHIN 3221", "ASSESSMENT": "Translation for seminars, Translation Project Presentation, Translation Project, Final Exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to further develop students\u2019 linguistic skills and knowledge of modern standard Mandarin Chinese through translation exercises. It consists of tuition in Chinese and English syntax and semantics as well as translation practice. Methods of comparative study in both language and cultures, and analysis of Chinese and English grammatical features and characteristics will be applied in classroom and students\u2019 exercises.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1183": {"id": "hSvpNPzpO7YEUAC56IGVI", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "d0a1Bu926wRdTpNVjnAQB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18561, "section": "LEC0", "size": 400, "enrolled": 186, "available": 214, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "CMDpYHkxa45ooHR1ldfG0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12604, "section": "SE04", "size": 40, "enrolled": 36, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12605, "section": "SE02", "size": 40, "enrolled": 38, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15592, "section": "SE11", "size": 40, "enrolled": 40, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15593, "section": "SE09", "size": 40, "enrolled": 36, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15594, "section": "SE08", "size": 40, "enrolled": 36, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1184": {"id": "ZtSi9g96OtOBJvu_6VV9G", "course_id": "108074", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108074", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Chinese IIIA", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "3007", "CLASS_NBR": 12602, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091500", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CHIN 2202", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "At least 900 Chinese characters and most commonly used Chinese grammar patterns.", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Fortnightly sentence construction tasks 10%, mid-Semester exam 20%, Essay (500 words) 20%, Oral presentation 10%, Individual oral test 10%, Final written exam 30%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed for students who are non-native speakers of Mandarin. It aims to consolidate and extend the language skills developed in Chinese IIB through further oral, reading, writing as well as translation practice. The emphasis is on the application of the student's language training to the study of Chinese source materials reflecting contemporary culture, society and everyday life in China. It is expected that by the end of the semester students should have an active vocabulary of around 1,200 Chinese characters and associate compounds, and should be able to read simple texts in modern Chinese using reference materials.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1185": {"id": "ZtSi9g96OtOBJvu_6VV9G", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "AlKFBeKYMrzwcyH1fTXvq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12602, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 13, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, 106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "3 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, 106, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "mCUtgaxlYJcNo4isgoP3t", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12601, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 13, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, 107, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "2 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, 107, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "1186": {"id": "kj19nykrEKgau6bXqp4XU", "course_id": "108076", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108076", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Chinese IIIB", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "3008", "CLASS_NBR": 22423, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091500", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CHIN 3007", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Fortnightly quiz, Essay (1000 words), Oral presentation, Final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed for students who are non-native speakers of Mandarin. It aims to consolidate and extend the language skills developed in Chinese IIIA through further, reading, writing as well as translation practice. The emphasis is on the application of student's language training to the study of Chinese source materials reflecting contemporary culture, society and everyday life in China. It is expected that by the end of the semester students should have an active vocabulary of around 1,500 Chinese characters and associate compounds, and should be able to read simple texts in modern Chinese using reference materials.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1187": {"id": "kj19nykrEKgau6bXqp4XU", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "3q5K96H_PiG0sgBp1tSEt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22649, "section": "LE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 12, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG11, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG11, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "Ds4TVYvHcVsgwVafkJmtZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22423, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 12, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG11, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG11, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1188": {"id": "ze37LxFD6Jgs71gjrrh9d", "course_id": "109202", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109202", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Understanding Chinese for Chinese Speakers", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "3013", "CLASS_NBR": 18574, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091515", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Native or near native Chinese language proficiency (including Chinese dialects)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Completion of junior secondary school or above in China, other Chinese speaking countries or regions, or equivalent with native or near native Chinese language proficiency (including Chinese dialects)", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Essay, Worksheets, Oral Presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is intended for native or near-native speakers of Mandarin studying Modern Standard Chinese in Australian context. The course aims to introduce students to the essentials of the Chinese language so as to enhance their proficiency in the practical use of the language in the Australian context. It focuses on important aspects of the language including its writing system, historical development, and its social and regional variances. Topics covered in this course include Chinese among world languages, Chinese in China and overseas, Romanisation schemes, the phonological, lexical and syntactic features of Chinese, the historical development of Chinese, reform of the Chinese language, analysis of traditional & simplified scripts and teaching Chinese as a foreign language in Australia.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1189": {"id": "ze37LxFD6Jgs71gjrrh9d", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "7bPLeAtZMEFDAlVnrgeU9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18562, "section": "LEC0", "size": 300, "enrolled": 271, "available": 29, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "iJLz2trFLZEjwx73_PYBV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18574, "section": "TU07", "size": 55, "enrolled": 41, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18575, "section": "TU06", "size": 60, "enrolled": 60, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18576, "section": "TU05", "size": 60, "enrolled": 58, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18577, "section": "TU04", "size": 60, "enrolled": 59, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18580, "section": "TU01", "size": 53, "enrolled": 53, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1190": {"id": "NJb87TxxxR2eRQt--hEso", "course_id": "104707", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104707", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Issues in Chinese Culture for Chinese Speakers", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "3231", "CLASS_NBR": 21912, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091515", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 12 units of Level I undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Native or near native Chinese language proficiency", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CHIN 1002, CHIN 1012, CHIN 2002, CHIN 2102, CHIN 2012, CHIN 3002, CHIN 3202, CHIN 3212, CHIN 3012, CHIN 3213", "ASSESSMENT": "Tutorial presentation 25%, Essay 35%, Examination 40%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces major issues in the study of Chinese society and culture. It caters for the special needs of international students with native or near native Chinese language proficiency who are studying in an English language environment. The course is designed to help bridge the gaps between Chinese and Australian education systems and improve students' learning experiences. It aims at providing Chinese-speaking international students with a fully formed, language rich and research rigorous alternative directly relevant to their experiences and futures. It focuses on key social and cultural issues in modern China and examines the influence of traditional society on them. The instructing languages will be in both Chinese and English. By the end of the semester students will be familiar with some of the central concerns of Chinese culture and hopefully possess a different cultural perspective on their own culture and society.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1191": {"id": "NJb87TxxxR2eRQt--hEso", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "O5TJFylnK8yfCJR8z6pJB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28478, "section": "LEC0", "size": 310, "enrolled": 184, "available": 126, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "ztsfdhUvmDo2Ay2gabu6s", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21381, "section": "TU09", "size": 40, "enrolled": 38, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21912, "section": "TU11", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22413, "section": "TU05", "size": 40, "enrolled": 35, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22415, "section": "TU02", "size": 40, "enrolled": 41, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22416, "section": "TU01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 40, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1192": {"id": "Mb4zqUCCydGPOvWb8HcFI", "course_id": "109453", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109453", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Transcultural Communication/Translation Thesis", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "7002", "CLASS_NBR": 16142, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091515", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "2 hours supervision per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MA(Int, Trans & Transc Comm) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Completion of 39 units (Credit average) of core courses and electives", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CHIN 7001, CHIN 5007", "ASSESSMENT": "Annotated bibliography 10%, Thesis research proposal 10%, Thesis research proposal presentation 10%, Final thesis 70%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The research thesis is a compulsory component of the Masters of Translation and Transcultural Communication program, and should be undertaken in the final semester of study. This 9-unit version of the thesis is for those students who do not wish to proceed to a PhD in the Faculty. In the first instance, students should consult the program convenor for possible topics of research. Because of the interdisciplinary nature of the Department of Asian Studies, students are encouraged to explore a broad range of academic field expertise the Department and the Faculty has to offer, namely Applied Linguistics, Literature, Translation, as well as Cultural Studies, Transcultural Communication, History, Politics and International Studies, and Sociology. This 9-unit thesis should be 10,000 words in length (including footnotes but excluding the bibliography).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1193": {"id": "Mb4zqUCCydGPOvWb8HcFI", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "t6RqCMkJC1xHGqqmhoX92", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16142, "section": "01NT", "size": 5, "enrolled": 3, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "1194": {"id": "nbHEvG8mjLDPZgN7UDr1-", "course_id": "109453", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109453", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Transcultural Communication/Translation Thesis", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "7002", "CLASS_NBR": 26146, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091515", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "2 hours supervision per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MA(Int, Trans & Transc Comm) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Completion of 39 units (Credit average) of core courses and electives", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CHIN 7001, CHIN 5007", "ASSESSMENT": "Annotated bibliography 10%, Thesis research proposal 10%, Thesis research proposal presentation 10%, Final thesis 70%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The research thesis is a compulsory component of the Masters of Translation and Transcultural Communication program, and should be undertaken in the final semester of study. This 9-unit version of the thesis is for those students who do not wish to proceed to a PhD in the Faculty. In the first instance, students should consult the program convenor for possible topics of research. Because of the interdisciplinary nature of the Department of Asian Studies, students are encouraged to explore a broad range of academic field expertise the Department and the Faculty has to offer, namely Applied Linguistics, Literature, Translation, as well as Cultural Studies, Transcultural Communication, History, Politics and International Studies, and Sociology. This 9-unit thesis should be 10,000 words in length (including footnotes but excluding the bibliography).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1195": {"id": "nbHEvG8mjLDPZgN7UDr1-", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "PDx_KfP15oR__UconDtmy", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26146, "section": "01NT", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "1196": {"id": "yv3DmTPjN2Iz8eTDaEinT", "course_id": "109489", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109489", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Foundations of Translation and Interpreting", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "7007", "CLASS_NBR": 24689, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091515", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MA (InterpTrnsltnTrnscultComm), GDipInterpTrnsltnTrnscultComm students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Fluency in both Chinese and English", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CHIN 5012", "ASSESSMENT": "Oral presentation on the research 10%, a research paper on theoretical and professional aspects 40%, ethics and intercultural knowledge test 28%, chapter presentations 12%, reading questions 10%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides theoretical foundations for the translation and interpreting studies and professional practice required by applicants of certified translators and interpreters. It develops students\u2019 knowledge and understanding of contemporary theories in translation and interpreting studies, cross-cultural linguistics and cross-cultural communication relevant to translation and interpreting. It also introduces the professional ethics and code of conduct, and familiarises students with the development of the profession in Australia and overseas.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1197": {"id": "yv3DmTPjN2Iz8eTDaEinT", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "xB1YaylJ_zNT1ZoQFigKl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28479, "section": "LEC0", "size": 30, "enrolled": 0, "available": 30, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "4TQveQc_itKDE6NnINRDL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24689, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG11, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG11, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1198": {"id": "x91fPEVs_FxKVc8dIbuor", "course_id": "109758", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109758", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Translation and Interpreting Internship", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "7013EX", "CLASS_NBR": 16162, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091500", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 9 hours per week for 10 weeks, or accumulated 90 hours during the teaching weeks of the Semester", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M.A.(Int,Trans & Transc Comm) , G Dip InterpTrnsltn & TrnscultComm students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "A minimum of four postgraduate CHIN courses successfully completed in the MA(ITTC) program", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Fluency in both Chinese and English", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CHIN 5015", "ASSESSMENT": "Record of accumulated 60 minutes interpreting practice, 2500 words translation samples, 2000 word presentation or 20 minutes reflection presentation in seminar, Internship Log at placement, Employers evaluation report", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course offers valuable learning to students from both Chinese and English speaking backgrounds, to enhance their translation and interpreting expertise in an up to 90-hour supervised practicum. This unit consists of three components: (1) observation of a practitioner approaching particular translation and/or interpreting tasks; (2) simulated work experience; and (3) work experience at an institution approved by the course co-ordinator. Upon completion of this course, students are expected to (1) have accumulated competence, confidence and experience adequate for a future career in professional translation and interpreting; and (2) have developed an in-depth understanding of, and a clear conviction for the career of a professional translator and interpreter. Successful completion of the translation & interpreting internship is compulsory for meeting NAATI requirement for siting its accreditation tests in translation and interpreting in Chinese and English.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1199": {"id": "x91fPEVs_FxKVc8dIbuor", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "V7hbUGqhiNOVcpoO8C_Td", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16162, "section": "01EX", "size": 25, "enrolled": 3, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "1200": {"id": "JmXVOeaCtg7cu6ohs7Xm2", "course_id": "109758", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109758", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Translation and Interpreting Internship", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "7013EX", "CLASS_NBR": 26171, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091500", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 9 hours per week for 10 weeks, or accumulated 90 hours during the teaching weeks of the Semester", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M.A.(Int,Trans & Transc Comm) , G Dip InterpTrnsltn & TrnscultComm students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "A minimum of four postgraduate CHIN courses successfully completed in the MA(ITTC) program", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Fluency in both Chinese and English", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CHIN 5015", "ASSESSMENT": "Record of accumulated 60 minutes interpreting practice, 2500 words translation samples, 2000 word presentation or 20 minutes reflection presentation in seminar, Internship Log at placement, Employers evaluation report", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course offers valuable learning to students from both Chinese and English speaking backgrounds, to enhance their translation and interpreting expertise in an up to 90-hour supervised practicum. This unit consists of three components: (1) observation of a practitioner approaching particular translation and/or interpreting tasks; (2) simulated work experience; and (3) work experience at an institution approved by the course co-ordinator. Upon completion of this course, students are expected to (1) have accumulated competence, confidence and experience adequate for a future career in professional translation and interpreting; and (2) have developed an in-depth understanding of, and a clear conviction for the career of a professional translator and interpreter. Successful completion of the translation & interpreting internship is compulsory for meeting NAATI requirement for siting its accreditation tests in translation and interpreting in Chinese and English.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1201": {"id": "JmXVOeaCtg7cu6ohs7Xm2", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "7uoeO835pEnb-z7PIrol_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26171, "section": "01EX", "size": 25, "enrolled": 2, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "1202": {"id": "NaSV4883fkz-6a8UtMHRe", "course_id": "110773", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110773", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "MA(ITTC) Thesis - Advanced Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "7014A", "CLASS_NBR": 16233, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091519", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only for students in Master of Arts (ITTC)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "24 units of core courses and closed research core or electives", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "EDUC 7054, EDUC 7055", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CHIN 5007, CHIN 5006, CHIN 7001, CHIN 7002", "ASSESSMENT": "Annotated Bibliography 20%, Research Proposal Presentation 20%, Final Research Proposal 20%, Research Thesis First Draft 40%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course (CHIN 7014A Pt1 & CHIN 7014B Pt 2) is a 12 unit Research Thesis course which is being taught across two consecutive Semesters and offers a pathway for those students who wish to proceed to a PhD in the Faculty. This Research Thesis is compulsory for the completion of Masters of Arts (Interpreting, Translation and Transcultural Communication) program, and should be undertaken in the final year of study. \nStudents should consult the thesis course coordinator in the first instance for possible topics of research. Because of the interdisciplinary nature of the Department of Asian Studies, students are encouraged to explore the broad range of academic field expertise the Department and the Faculty has to offer, namely Applied Linguistics, Literature, Translation, as well as Cultural Studies, Transcultural Communication, History, Politics and International Studies, and Sociology. \nIn CHIN 7014A Part 1, student will be engaged in 6 units work (50% of final grade of the 12-unit Research Thesis component) in:- a) Annotated Bibliography; b) a formal Research Proposal presentation; c) final Research Proposal and d) first draft of thesis.\nIn the second and final half of the course (CHIN 7014B Part 2), 6 unit points (50% of total grade) are allocated to the thesis with 14,000 \u2013 16,000 English words in length (including footnotes but excluding the bibliography).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "1203": {"id": "NaSV4883fkz-6a8UtMHRe", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "9eZihydVJwbdj8sv0dAgp", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16233, "section": "01NT", "size": 30, "enrolled": 2, "available": 28, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "1204": {"id": "6zHl3bTJbllXsoctf2o7H", "course_id": "110773", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110773", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "MA(ITTC) Thesis - Advanced Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "7014A", "CLASS_NBR": 26246, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091519", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only for students in Master of Arts (ITTC)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "24 units of core courses and closed research core or electives", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "EDUC 7054, EDUC 7055", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CHIN 5007, CHIN 5006, CHIN 7001, CHIN 7002", "ASSESSMENT": "Annotated Bibliography 20%, Research Proposal Presentation 20%, Final Research Proposal 20%, Research Thesis First Draft 40%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course (CHIN 7014A Pt1 & CHIN 7014B Pt 2) is a 12 unit Research Thesis course which is being taught across two consecutive Semesters and offers a pathway for those students who wish to proceed to a PhD in the Faculty. This Research Thesis is compulsory for the completion of Masters of Arts (Interpreting, Translation and Transcultural Communication) program, and should be undertaken in the final year of study. \nStudents should consult the thesis course coordinator in the first instance for possible topics of research. Because of the interdisciplinary nature of the Department of Asian Studies, students are encouraged to explore the broad range of academic field expertise the Department and the Faculty has to offer, namely Applied Linguistics, Literature, Translation, as well as Cultural Studies, Transcultural Communication, History, Politics and International Studies, and Sociology. \nIn CHIN 7014A Part 1, student will be engaged in 6 units work (50% of final grade of the 12-unit Research Thesis component) in:- a) Annotated Bibliography; b) a formal Research Proposal presentation; c) final Research Proposal and d) first draft of thesis.\nIn the second and final half of the course (CHIN 7014B Part 2), 6 unit points (50% of total grade) are allocated to the thesis with 14,000 \u2013 16,000 English words in length (including footnotes but excluding the bibliography).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "1205": {"id": "6zHl3bTJbllXsoctf2o7H", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "LlwqpeZWzPm4JM8yb6Mol", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26246, "section": "01NT", "size": 30, "enrolled": 4, "available": 26, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "1206": {"id": "Wv0WVRRY06XYrTVN4qoqF", "course_id": "110774", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110774", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "MA(ITTC) Thesis - Advanced Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "7014B", "CLASS_NBR": 16234, "SESSION_CD": "FM2", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091519", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 1 hour supervision per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only for students in Master of Arts (ITTC)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "24 units of core courses and closed research core or electives, CHIN 7014A", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "CHIN 7014A, EDUC 7054, EDUC 7055", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CHIN 5007, CHIN 5006, CHIN 7001, CHIN 7002", "ASSESSMENT": "Research Thesis writing 100%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course (CHIN 7014B Pt 2 ) continues from CHIN 7014A Part 1. It is a compulsory component for the Master of Arts (Interpreting, Translation and Transcultural Communication) Program, and should be undertaken in the final year of study. \nThe course (CHIN 7014A & CHIN 7014B) is studied across two consecutive Semesters and is for those students who wish to proceed to a PhD in the Faculty. Students should consult the Program Convenor In the first instance for possible topics of research. Because of the interdisciplinary nature of the Department of Asian Studies, students are encouraged to explore the broad range of academic field expertise the Department and the Faculty has to offer, namely Applied Linguistics, Literature, Translation, as well as Cultural Studies, Transcultural Communication, History, Politics and International Studies, and Sociology. \nIn this final Part 2 of the MA(ITTC) Thesis - Advanced course (CHIN 7014B), students will work on their research thesis under the supervision of academic staff in the Department of Asian studies or the Faculty of Arts. The final thesis will be 14,000 \u2013 16,000 English words in length (including footnotes but excluding the bibliography).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1207": {"id": "Wv0WVRRY06XYrTVN4qoqF", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "iVsTRs0M9uI4iXemX6zIL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16234, "section": "01NT", "size": 30, "enrolled": 2, "available": 28, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "1208": {"id": "H5M_XfmZweSL-FUPKd2p_", "course_id": "110774", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110774", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "MA(ITTC) Thesis - Advanced Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "7014B", "CLASS_NBR": 26247, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091519", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 1 hour supervision per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only for students in Master of Arts (ITTC)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "24 units of core courses and closed research core or electives, CHIN 7014A", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "CHIN 7014A, EDUC 7054, EDUC 7055", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CHIN 5007, CHIN 5006, CHIN 7001, CHIN 7002", "ASSESSMENT": "Research Thesis writing 100%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course (CHIN 7014B Pt 2 ) continues from CHIN 7014A Part 1. It is a compulsory component for the Master of Arts (Interpreting, Translation and Transcultural Communication) Program, and should be undertaken in the final year of study. \nThe course (CHIN 7014A & CHIN 7014B) is studied across two consecutive Semesters and is for those students who wish to proceed to a PhD in the Faculty. Students should consult the Program Convenor In the first instance for possible topics of research. Because of the interdisciplinary nature of the Department of Asian Studies, students are encouraged to explore the broad range of academic field expertise the Department and the Faculty has to offer, namely Applied Linguistics, Literature, Translation, as well as Cultural Studies, Transcultural Communication, History, Politics and International Studies, and Sociology. \nIn this final Part 2 of the MA(ITTC) Thesis - Advanced course (CHIN 7014B), students will work on their research thesis under the supervision of academic staff in the Department of Asian studies or the Faculty of Arts. The final thesis will be 14,000 \u2013 16,000 English words in length (including footnotes but excluding the bibliography).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1209": {"id": "H5M_XfmZweSL-FUPKd2p_", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "J2CVGrXmfrYmuG0aSknUu", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26247, "section": "01NT", "size": 30, "enrolled": 1, "available": 29, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "1210": {"id": "wEpDR3zTO1ZFk4Erw3zrh", "course_id": "111244", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111244", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Chinese-English Translation: Cultural Communication", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "7015", "CLASS_NBR": 11007, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091519", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Fluency in both Chinese and English", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CHIN 5000, CHIN 5014, CHIN 7005, CHIN 7008", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will prepare students with advanced skills in translating high complexity texts from Chinese into English.The course will help the learners acquire an adequate understanding of different approaches to translation that not only preserve the meaning of the source, but also conform to context and relevant conventions. The content focuses on the relationship between language and culture, and the question of how intercultural communication can be facilitated and enhanced through effective translation and interpreting between Chinese and English. Students will be guided to develop advanced skills in tackling textual complexity at lexical, grammatical and conceptual levels for various text types and negotiating differences in cross-cultural thought forms through translation practice. Students will be equipped to increase cultural awareness and cultural flexibility in order to interact effectively between cultures Practice covers topics related to different types of businesses, industries and professions including, but not limited to, health, finance, legal proceedings, media, public institutions, academic publications, literature and science. The course also provides students with opportunities to participate in group work and utilise computer-based translation technology. It is expected that at the end of this course, students will have developed a sophisticated understanding of how translation and interpreting can be a shift, not between two languages, but between two cultures and will be able to negotiate and manage the cultural differences they encounter to serve a valued communicative purpose.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1211": {"id": "wEpDR3zTO1ZFk4Erw3zrh", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "1uINV7BHnrxI8VU98gFf-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11007, "section": "WR01", "size": 12, "enrolled": 3, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Napier, 204, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Napier, 204, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1212": {"id": "zgkS0SmUKdLLSLMc5S-eA", "course_id": "111248", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111248", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced & Specialised English-Chinese Translation", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "7016", "CLASS_NBR": 20905, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091519", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MA (InterpTrnsltnTrnscultComm), GDipInterpTrnsltnTrnscultComm students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Fluency in both Chinese and English", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CHIN 5009, CHIN 5011, CHIN 7004, CHIN 7005", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to develop students' skills in translation from English into Chinese as well as a solid understanding of theories underpinning translation practice. The course integrates theoretical concepts with practice. It introduces different approaches to help students become aware of their own perceptions of translation, translation processes and translation difficulties. It takes an interdisciplinary approach and utilises contrastive linguistic and cultural analyses to expose students to the features and requirements of text production in both Chinese and English as well as for different genres and purposes. Translation practice covers a variety of text types including certificates, news reports, public speeches, company descriptions, websites, policies and legal documents etc., a professional would commonly be called upon to translate. The course also provides students with opportunities to participate in group work and utilise computer-based translation technology.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1213": {"id": "zgkS0SmUKdLLSLMc5S-eA", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "7xdjZmaMaltiJiTobqo1d", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20905, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1214": {"id": "Z4UD_KIn6Cb3zwU-d7CVn", "course_id": "111253", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111253", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Professional Interpreting", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CHIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "7017", "CLASS_NBR": 11008, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091519", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Fluency in both Chinese and English", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CHIN 7010, CHIN 7011", "ASSESSMENT": "Learning portfolio, Mid-semester test, oral presentation, Final test", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to prepare students seeking professional qualifications and career readiness as certified interpreters and/or certified interpreters in specialized areas. Designed, supported and instructed by a team of highly qualified and experienced practitioners, this course not only offers knowledge and skills required for NAATI certification tests but also equips students with capabilities, competencies and confidence for intensive interpreting jobs in the real world. Apart from training for effective short term memory, note-taking techniques, content analysis, processing and production, students will learn to identify and develop optimal models that best suit their individual learning and practicing demands. A state-of-the-art language lab is specifically dedicated to this interpreting course where students will have access to resources and support for practicing interpreting covering a wide range of topics and contexts.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1215": {"id": "Z4UD_KIn6Cb3zwU-d7CVn", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "hZUCGVfSsf3ORxGIQH434", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18563, "section": "LEC0", "size": 40, "enrolled": 5, "available": 35, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "7hTOLkubwOX7oxEcC0ZPR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11008, "section": "TU01", "size": 12, "enrolled": 5, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Napier, 107, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Napier, 107, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "1216": {"subject": "CIVILENG", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "111445", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111445", "term": "4420", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "111393", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111393", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111393", "term": "4410", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "111394", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111397", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111416", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111435", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111536", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111510", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111395", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111402", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111516", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111421", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111412", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111423", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111414", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111407", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111544", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111409", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111511", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111408", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111512", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111509", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111396", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111403", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111515", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111422", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111413", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111424", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111415", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111545", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111410", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}]}}, "1217": {"id": "p46CHVtRJrhXjeH0yVYSF", "course_id": "111445", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111445", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Infrastructure", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CIVILENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "1002", "CLASS_NBR": 24276, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment, in-class quiz, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course explores the central role of infrastructure in society, both locally and globally. It examines the different elements of infrastructure and incorporates links with industry and real life experience from technical, social, environmental, economic and sustainability perspectives. Students work in small groups to create civil engineering analyses, designs and drawings. The group work will develop the key engineering attributes of working together in a team and professional communication skills.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1218": {"id": "p46CHVtRJrhXjeH0yVYSF", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "78oXPnoRuP7eRgsBcJwGi", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20238, "section": "TU01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 66, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20240, "section": "TU02", "size": 70, "enrolled": 61, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "wUam9vT5ZF9ZB8Va2UKre", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24276, "section": "WR03", "size": 50, "enrolled": 39, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24277, "section": "WR02", "size": 50, "enrolled": 45, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24278, "section": "WR01", "size": 43, "enrolled": 43, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1219": {"id": "6ZxtoiUuwBUgR0Y57QxE5", "course_id": "111445", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111445", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Infrastructure", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CIVILENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "1002UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 24279, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment, in-class quiz, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course explores the central role of infrastructure in society, both locally and globally. It examines the different elements of infrastructure and incorporates links with industry and real life experience from technical, social, environmental, economic and sustainability perspectives. Students work in small groups to create civil engineering analyses, designs and drawings. The group work will develop the key engineering attributes of working together in a team and professional communication skills.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1220": {"id": "6ZxtoiUuwBUgR0Y57QxE5", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "Q8kDd3fjcRoEQDbL-TtV3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20239, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 14, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "cgoScAb6cIQmeuNdR5RNj", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24279, "section": "WR03", "size": 16, "enrolled": 10, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24280, "section": "WR02", "size": 5, "enrolled": 4, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 218, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "uhUciUR8JbHHTWy1eqoIG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22270, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 14, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Darling West, 204, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Darling West, 204, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1221": {"id": "1XJvTRG0rCkMArRCSwfPQ", "course_id": "111393", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111393", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Engineering Mechanics -Statics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CIVILENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "1004", "CLASS_NBR": 92008, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030903", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week (Semester 1); Up to 8 hours (Summer Semester) per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "SACE Stage 2 Physics", "INCOMPATIBLE": "TECH 1006", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam & assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course familiarises students with the principles of static equilibrium by applying Newton's laws of motion to solve engineering problems. This course is usually taken as a core component in various engineering programs but may also be suitable as an elective in other engineering programs. The course content is delivered with pre-recorded videos, which are reinforced in problem solving workshops. Success in the course is assessed with regular online assessments during semester and a final examination at the end of the course. Emphasis is placed on conceptual understanding of the engineering problems and concepts through drawing free body diagrams and self-checking strategies. This course is foundational in the development of key engineering competencies of knowledge and skill base for future practice, in many disciplines, as a professional engineer.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 09/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "1222": {"id": "1XJvTRG0rCkMArRCSwfPQ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "myaFnex0z2ROw2i_dEDk8", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92008, "section": "WR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 22, "available": 28, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Jan - 12 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Jan - 18 Jan", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Jan - 25 Jan", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Feb - 15 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1223": {"id": "drUROsp5ypX3MQOvkMtW9", "course_id": "111393", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111393", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Engineering Mechanics -Statics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CIVILENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "1004", "CLASS_NBR": 10227, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030903", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week (Semester 1); Up to 8 hours (Summer Semester) per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "SACE Stage 2 Physics", "INCOMPATIBLE": "TECH 1006", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam & assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course familiarises students with the principles of static equilibrium by applying Newton's laws of motion to solve engineering problems. This course is usually taken as a core component in various engineering programs but may also be suitable as an elective in other engineering programs. The course content is delivered with pre-recorded videos, which are reinforced in problem solving workshops. Success in the course is assessed with regular online assessments during semester and a final examination at the end of the course. Emphasis is placed on conceptual understanding of the engineering problems and concepts through drawing free body diagrams and self-checking strategies. This course is foundational in the development of key engineering competencies of knowledge and skill base for future practice, in many disciplines, as a professional engineer.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1224": {"id": "drUROsp5ypX3MQOvkMtW9", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "xE5UH9A393wWyMhs3HTY2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10227, "section": "WR01", "size": 480, "enrolled": 440, "available": 40, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "1225": {"id": "SpgsbCQP4AYAPENkSHFtL", "course_id": "111393", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111393", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Engineering Mechanics -Statics", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CIVILENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "1004UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 10226, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030903", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "SACE Stage 2 Physics", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, online assessments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course familiarises students with the principles of static equilibrium by applying Newton's laws of motion to solve engineering problems. This course is usually taken as a core component in various engineering programs but may also be suitable as an elective in other engineering programs. The course content is delivered with pre-recorded videos, which are reinforced in problem solving workshops. Success in the course is assessed with regular online assessments during semester and a final examination at the end of the course. Emphasis is placed on conceptual understanding of the engineering problems and concepts through drawing free body diagrams and self-checking strategies. This course is foundational in the development of key engineering competencies of knowledge and skill base for future practice, in many disciplines, as a professional engineer.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1226": {"id": "SpgsbCQP4AYAPENkSHFtL", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "gIalYsZos4xI2g9S1w_ky", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10226, "section": "WR01", "size": 22, "enrolled": 18, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "ZIN5zaVN-K0tfJd-soFzc", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12405, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 18, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 102, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1227": {"id": "tHN7t1MHzK6hMcPn6R-0N", "course_id": "111394", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111394", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Strength of Materials", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CIVILENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "2001", "CLASS_NBR": 12514, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BE(Civil & Struct), BE(Mining), BE(Architectural) & associated double degree students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MATHS 1012 and (CEME 1004 or CIVILENG 1004 or C&ENVENG 1010)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, Lab practicals, Quizzes, Assignments, Design Projects", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The strength of a material is its ability to resist external forces without breaking. Strength of Materials is the foundation for Engineering design courses. The course covers material behaviour, stresses, strains and deformations with simple applications in engineering designs. Topics to be chosen from: elastic and elastic-plastic behaviour; plane stress and strain; constitutive relationships, principal stress and strain; failure criteria; stresses in thin-walled pressure vessels; bending and shearing stresses in beams; Mohr's circle; deflections of beams; Euler buckling; short and long columns; torsion of solid and hollow circular sections; introduction to statistical indeterminacy and simple redundant structures; work and strain energy concepts.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1228": {"id": "tHN7t1MHzK6hMcPn6R-0N", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "hvs_gbWdp0ITP_XY9cL2R", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12514, "section": "WR01", "size": 150, "enrolled": 93, "available": 57, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "8hbRB99DVfG0wng0XjbFN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12512, "section": "LE01", "size": 150, "enrolled": 93, "available": 57, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "B739_ZcTuJHLltvgpFReS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12513, "section": "PR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Mar - 13 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NG29, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12515, "section": "PR05", "size": 30, "enrolled": 26, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3:30pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NG29, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12516, "section": "PR04", "size": 30, "enrolled": 9, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "20 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12:30pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NG29, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12517, "section": "PR03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 13, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "20 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NG29, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12518, "section": "PR02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 16, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Mar - 13 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12:30pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NG29, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "id": "BbfW_FZBObzvAkv3oGRKY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18816, "section": "AS01", "size": 150, "enrolled": 93, "available": 57, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "16 May - 16 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "1229": {"id": "poRw0nexyYB65SVIJ4TdD", "course_id": "111397", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111397", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Structural Mechanics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CIVILENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "2002", "CLASS_NBR": 28638, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CEME 1004 or CIVILENG 1004", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "CEME 2001 or CIVILENG 2001", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, Coursework, Project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is intended to provide students with a thorough understanding of the theory and application of structural analysis as it applies to trusses, beams and frames. This course is a core course for students studying Civil Engineering and Architectural and Structural Engineering. Emphasis is placed on developing the student's ability to both model and analyse statically determinate and indeterminate structures. The course will demonstrate the determination of loading from Australian standards, the distribution to structural members and the pathways that loads take to get to a structure\u2019s foundations. The course is taught in a flipped class mode, with on campus workshops reinforcing the course material supplied in the lecture notes and pre-recorded videos. Theoretical mechanics components are assessed via regular assignments and the final examination. A group design project allows students to demonstrate the application of mechanics, learnt in their degree program to this point, and loading and load paths to the design of a realistic structure in conjunction.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1230": {"id": "poRw0nexyYB65SVIJ4TdD", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "s9vHac2M8vgvc2yyHaec6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28638, "section": "WR01", "size": 95, "enrolled": 93, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1231": {"id": "48frasotVcXyI356EPpSd", "course_id": "111416", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111416", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Civil Engineering Hydraulics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CIVILENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "2003", "CLASS_NBR": 15460, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week, 3 laboratory sessions and 6 hours for the design project", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "CEME 1004 or CIVILENG 1004 or C&ENVENG 1010 & MATHS 1012 or MATHS 1004", "INCOMPATIBLE": "C&ENVENG 2033 or C&ENVENG 2035", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, course work (including assignments, laboratory reports and design project)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "An introduction to hydraulic engineering and fluid mechanics. Description and properties of fluids: hydrostatics; buoyancy and stability; laws of inviscid flow; continuity, energy and momentum equations; dimensional analysis and model theory; steady uniform and non-uniform flow of liquids and gases in closed conduits; flow of real fluids; friction in open and closed conduits, Moody diagram; laminar flow; types of turbulent flow; viscous sublayer; flow measurement in pipes and open channels; steady uniform flow in open channels, hydraulic jumps. Uniform and non-uniform flow in open channels, super and subcritical flows.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1232": {"id": "48frasotVcXyI356EPpSd", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "CRt_pTSV8jzsmqjJnbWg1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15460, "section": "WR01", "size": 120, "enrolled": 92, "available": 28, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "JAyvj0cB4fWiDrEtZ7fKo", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12859, "section": "PR04", "size": 36, "enrolled": 33, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12860, "section": "PR03", "size": 36, "enrolled": 25, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "20 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12861, "section": "PR02", "size": 36, "enrolled": 12, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15459, "section": "PR01", "size": 36, "enrolled": 22, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "20 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "id": "hmoIh0WMQaVOVqweorP7z", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14867, "section": "AS01", "size": 120, "enrolled": 92, "available": 28, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "16 May - 16 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "6 Jun - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14868, "section": "PJ01", "size": 95, "enrolled": 92, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Project", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 May - 24 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1233": {"id": "51YiQoR0_FDGtjhlSXxIN", "course_id": "111435", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111435", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Geo-engineering", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CIVILENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "2004", "CLASS_NBR": 19249, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 Hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "CEME 1004 or CIVILENG 1004 or C&ENVENG 1010, CEME 2001 or CIVILENG 2001 or C&ENVENG 2025, MATHS 1011, MATHS 1012", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exams, coursework", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course provides an understanding of: the introduction to earth processes; the nature of soils and their variability; and the state and behaviour of a soil. Topics include: \nIntroduction to Earth Processes: How the Earth Works/Plate Tectonics, Minerals, Rocks and Weathering, Structural Geology and Earthquakes; The Origin and Composition of Soils: introduction to geotechnical engineering, processes that form soils, clay mineralogy; phase relationships, Atterberg limits and soil classification: soil state definitions, phase relationships, grain size analyses, Atterberg limits, soil classification and description; Soil Improvement: Compaction - concepts, measurement and field techniques, Overview of other soil improvement techniques; vertical stress in soils: soil suction, total vertical stress, pore water pressure, effective vertical stress; flow of water through soils: water flow, permeability, consolidation: introduction to consolidation theory, oedometer test, overconsolidation ratio, consolidation settlement, strength of soils: shear strength of sands and clays, Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion, direct shear test, triaxial test.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1234": {"id": "51YiQoR0_FDGtjhlSXxIN", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "6kwKTLrlBy2pjOYtAJpIy", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12864, "section": "WR01", "size": 75, "enrolled": 75, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19249, "section": "WR02", "size": 75, "enrolled": 74, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "8BB1l9f9yyLlongao4cF0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12523, "section": "PR02", "size": 15, "enrolled": 15, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 May - 2 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12:30pm", "end_time": "1:30pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "16 May - 16 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12:30pm", "end_time": "1:30pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "30 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12:30pm", "end_time": "1:30pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12524, "section": "PR01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 15, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Apr - 30 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "14 May - 14 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "28 May - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19090, "section": "PR10", "size": 15, "enrolled": 15, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "8 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19091, "section": "PR09", "size": 15, "enrolled": 15, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "7 May - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "21 May - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19092, "section": "PR08", "size": 15, "enrolled": 15, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "8 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19093, "section": "PR07", "size": 15, "enrolled": 14, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 May - 1 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "15 May - 15 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "29 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19094, "section": "PR06", "size": 15, "enrolled": 15, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 May - 1 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "15 May - 15 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "29 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19095, "section": "PR05", "size": 15, "enrolled": 15, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 May - 1 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "15 May - 15 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "29 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19096, "section": "PR04", "size": 15, "enrolled": 15, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "8 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19097, "section": "PR03", "size": 15, "enrolled": 15, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "8 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "1e4tKCkmAj6Q8mlQWp0UJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19089, "section": "TU01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 119, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 26 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19718, "section": "TU02", "size": 60, "enrolled": 30, "available": 30, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 26 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "1235": {"id": "2CuBdSxK1wYHty2iptfh-", "course_id": "111536", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111536", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Transportation Engineering & Survey", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CIVILENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "2005", "CLASS_NBR": 22386, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030909", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Surveying Practical report, In class quizzes, Transportation project, Assignments, Exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces students to transportation engineering systems and elementary aspects of civil engineering surveying. The course includes treatment of the following topics in transportation engineering: introduction to transportation systems, pavement design, analysis and modelling techniques for transportation systems, flow theory, scheduling, route planning, demand estimation and economics. Surveying topics include: linear measurement, levelling, theodolite and horizontal and vertical curves.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1236": {"id": "2CuBdSxK1wYHty2iptfh-", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "pg-RY34FPlwhajmrKKZiW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22380, "section": "LE01", "size": 120, "enrolled": 96, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "21cCtTJez96c7nsdjZyl5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22381, "section": "PR01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 24, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22383, "section": "PR04", "size": 27, "enrolled": 26, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22384, "section": "PR03", "size": 24, "enrolled": 23, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22385, "section": "PR02", "size": 27, "enrolled": 23, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "cSEnyWX014Oc0xkye2x-N", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22382, "section": "TU01", "size": 34, "enrolled": 33, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22386, "section": "TU02", "size": 70, "enrolled": 63, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "1237": {"id": "5YdtJAwmsU3xNH_Btdt__", "course_id": "111510", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111510", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Computer Analysis of Structures and Structural Dynamics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CIVILENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "3001", "CLASS_NBR": 15464, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week plus computer sessions, consultations and direct study", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BE(Civil), BE(Architectural & Structural) & associated double degree students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "((C&ENVENG 2025 or CEME 2001 or CIVILENG 2001) and (C&ENVENG 2030 or CEME 2002 or CIVILENG 2002))", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MATHS 2106, Numerical Methods and Computer Program (Fortram/ Matlab)", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Homework assignment, quizzes, project and exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The objective of this course is to make students aware of the concepts used in 1) computer aided analysis of structures and 2) dynamic analysis of structures.\nComputer aided analysis topics include: basic theory and formulation of matrix method of analysis based on stiffness approach; and application of these theories to linear analysis of 2D/3D trusses, frames and grillage. Students will use commercial software as well as develop their own computer program to analyse different structures.\nDynamic analysis the topics include: basic theories of free and forced vibration of structures idealised as single and multiple degree-of-freedom problems with and without consideration of damping; application of these theories to dynamic analysis of different structures; and response spectra.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1238": {"id": "5YdtJAwmsU3xNH_Btdt__", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "i8EqCvqKtLV_AVl94dBBD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15464, "section": "WR01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 66, "available": 34, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "DXUPL5qXp_ENfUqZBGB98", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14862, "section": "PR03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 6, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14863, "section": "PR02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 27, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14864, "section": "PR01", "size": 32, "enrolled": 33, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "1239": {"id": "dtqngfGHT80JV89nyQX5x", "course_id": "111395", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111395", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Reinforced Concrete Design", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CIVILENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "3002", "CLASS_NBR": 12073, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BE(Civil & Struct), BE(Architectural) & associated double degree students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CEME 2001 or CIVILENG 2001 or C&ENVENG 2025", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, quizzes, exam, practical", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of this course is to provide students with a thorough understanding of the design of reinforced concrete structures. Topics covered will include: design of beams and slabs for flexure and shear; detailing of flexural and shear reinforcement; behaviour of reinforced concrete members under combined flexure and axial load; design of short columns; behaviour and design of slender columns.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1240": {"id": "dtqngfGHT80JV89nyQX5x", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "vIU_UbUP9lCludI4SSxyO", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12073, "section": "WR01", "size": 75, "enrolled": 75, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1241": {"id": "NZ1gRJzHD_7yyRG60tTvo", "course_id": "111402", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111402", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Structural Steel Design", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CIVILENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "3003", "CLASS_NBR": 22377, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BE(Civil & Struct), BE(Architectural) & associated double degree students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CEME 2001 or CIVILENG 2001 or C&ENVENG 2025", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "May include assignments, practical report, final exam and quizzes - details at the beginning of Semester", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of this course is to provide students with a thorough understanding of the iterative nature of design and the fundamental principles on which the analyses are based.\nThe course covers the design and analysis of a steel frame structure for local and global buckling as well as material failure. Wherever possible, analyses are based on fundamental principles which are globally relevant and are assessed through quizzes and/or exams. The course also attempts to develop the students' ability as an engineer and problem solver and which is assessed through the submission of a practical report. Topics are taken from: steel beams; steel columns; design of bolted and welded connections and beam-columns.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1242": {"id": "NZ1gRJzHD_7yyRG60tTvo", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "HClGYY9YDoQajdiCEFq3-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22377, "section": "WR01", "size": 76, "enrolled": 75, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "_saYPwJFKvJRO0fNizTk-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22376, "section": "LE01", "size": 76, "enrolled": 75, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1243": {"id": "2CD1f2uQN7NC8a7js2v6l", "course_id": "111516", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111516", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Hydrology and Flood Management", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CIVILENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "3004", "CLASS_NBR": 19112, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ENG 1003, MATHS 2107, CEME 2003 or CIVILENG 2003", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Includes online quizzes and a design project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Floods cost Australia hundreds of millions of dollars annually and are one of the most deadly natural hazards. This course will provide you with a wide range of skills in flood design and management. You will learn the fundamentals of hydrological processes that produce floods (including climate change), a range of industry standard techniques for design flood estimation and the principles of urban stormwater management. The course follows the national guidelines for flood estimation - Australian Rainfall and Runoff. Real-life design projects are a key component", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1244": {"id": "2CD1f2uQN7NC8a7js2v6l", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "xwDNCYyqDd-snkH9GGRiP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10229, "section": "LE01", "size": 120, "enrolled": 76, "available": 44, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Project", "id": "pa4BJ27yTBnGFGidZTrle", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18864, "section": "PJ03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 24, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Project", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18865, "section": "PJ02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Project", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18866, "section": "PJ01", "size": 28, "enrolled": 24, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Project", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "7ZTnyPWH9cI2Ye1aDM6dh", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18879, "section": "PR09", "size": 9, "enrolled": 9, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 28 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18880, "section": "PR08", "size": 9, "enrolled": 8, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18881, "section": "PR07", "size": 7, "enrolled": 6, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 28 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18883, "section": "PR05", "size": 9, "enrolled": 9, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18884, "section": "PR04", "size": 10, "enrolled": 10, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18885, "section": "PR03", "size": 8, "enrolled": 7, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 28 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18886, "section": "PR02", "size": 7, "enrolled": 7, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 27 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18887, "section": "PR01", "size": 8, "enrolled": 8, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 27 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19112, "section": "PR12", "size": 8, "enrolled": 6, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19113, "section": "PR11", "size": 6, "enrolled": 6, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "1245": {"id": "c90IEroQC8xS_Gw6Zt3Ce", "course_id": "111421", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111421", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Civil Engineering Hydraulics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CIVILENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "3005", "CLASS_NBR": 25423, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week, 4 laboratory sessions and 8 hours for the design project", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CEME 2003 or CIVILENG 2003 or C&ENVENG 2071", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "(C&ENVENG 3013 and C&ENVENG 3014)", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, assignments/laboratories/design", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Closed conduit flows: hydraulic engineering design. Elements of pipeline and network design; pipes in series; pipes in parallel; Hardy Cross method for solving pipe networks; unsteady flow and water hammer in closed conduits; method of characteristics; water hammer control devices; hydraulic machine basics and selection including pumps and turbines; water distribution system computer simulation modelling, EPANET. Design of water distribution systems. Open channel flow: non-uniform flow in open channels; gradually varied flow in compound channels; rapidly varied flow in open channels; flow control structures; environmental factors affecting river basins.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1246": {"id": "c90IEroQC8xS_Gw6Zt3Ce", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "nUzm31W5Ye3XHyNqPTuJa", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25423, "section": "WR01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 68, "available": 32, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "BwGn7cKe9ik20RPbAu9rO", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22389, "section": "TU04", "size": 30, "enrolled": 13, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25429, "section": "TU03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25430, "section": "TU02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 21, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "6 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25431, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 4, "available": 26, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Sep - 6 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "rKW7v7fuq3AjEfQNHwXEj", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28592, "section": "PR05", "size": 15, "enrolled": 4, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "14 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 28593, "section": "PR04", "size": 15, "enrolled": 11, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 31 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "28 Aug - 28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 2 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 28594, "section": "PR03", "size": 20, "enrolled": 19, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 28595, "section": "PR02", "size": 18, "enrolled": 14, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Aug - 7 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "4 Sep - 4 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 28596, "section": "PR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 20, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Aug - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 Sep - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "1247": {"id": "pAot0-eH7u2InlZ_WKQbU", "course_id": "111412", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111412", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Geotechnical Engineering", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CIVILENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "3006", "CLASS_NBR": 22753, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BE(Civil & Struct), BE (Honours) (Civil & Environmental), BE(Architectural) & associated double degree students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CEME 2004 or CIVILENG 2004 or C&ENVENG 2069", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exams, coursework", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course applies and extends the fundamental understanding of soil mechanics to the design of geotechnical engineering systems. The following topics are examined: site investigations and in situ testing; seepage; consolidation; pore pressure coefficients & stress paths; lateral earth pressures and retaining wall design; foundation design; loading induced stresses and displacements; bearing capacity of shallow foundations; design of shallow foundations; analysis and design of pile foundations and the stability of slopes.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1248": {"id": "pAot0-eH7u2InlZ_WKQbU", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "hlHLKrKue2e9lOc7DVbzl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22753, "section": "WR01", "size": 108, "enrolled": 86, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "8TzBZxlg8eQIRKnvLGW_e", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20221, "section": "PR07", "size": 12, "enrolled": 12, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "29 Aug - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20222, "section": "PR06", "size": 12, "enrolled": 1, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "30 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20223, "section": "PR05", "size": 12, "enrolled": 10, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "29 Aug - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20224, "section": "PR04", "size": 10, "enrolled": 9, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "14 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "28 Aug - 28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20225, "section": "PR03", "size": 12, "enrolled": 7, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 Aug - 23 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "6 Sep - 6 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20226, "section": "PR02", "size": 12, "enrolled": 11, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Aug - 8 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 Aug - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 5 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20227, "section": "PR01", "size": 12, "enrolled": 11, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Aug - 7 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "21 Aug - 21 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "4 Sep - 4 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22749, "section": "PR10", "size": 12, "enrolled": 9, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 Aug - 23 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "6 Sep - 6 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22750, "section": "PR09", "size": 12, "enrolled": 10, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Aug - 8 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 Aug - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 5 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22751, "section": "PR08", "size": 12, "enrolled": 6, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Aug - 7 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "21 Aug - 21 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "4 Sep - 4 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "1249": {"id": "uDbxHoH_aJO1TZ9IpRj2z", "course_id": "111423", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111423", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CIVILENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "4001", "CLASS_NBR": 25432, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CEME 3002 or CIVILENG 3002 or C&ENVENG 3005", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, Design Exercise, Final Examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course builds upon the skills developed in Reinforced Concrete Design and extends them to advanced applications including: the design of prestressed concrete elements, the design of deep beams and walls using strut-and-tie modelling, and the design of columns including confinement. The course is taught through the delivery of a realistic bridge design project that covers aspects of conceptual and preliminary design, determination of design actions and detailed design of super- and substructure components.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1250": {"id": "uDbxHoH_aJO1TZ9IpRj2z", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "ZWPwrzYxqCwYTsdTU3_xs", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21999, "section": "LE01", "size": 39, "enrolled": 41, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "42QTRcq-ZI3k00rp__kUD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25432, "section": "WR01", "size": 39, "enrolled": 41, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1251": {"id": "shwJRmAfnmaMUZDHaKQ1l", "course_id": "111414", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111414", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Finite Element Theory and Practice", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CIVILENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "4002", "CLASS_NBR": 14865, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "C&ENVENG 3020 or CEME 3001 or CIVILENG 3001", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The objective of this course is to provide students with a thorough understanding of the theory of Finite Element Method and its and application to structural element problems. Topics include basic concepts of continuum mechanics with a focus on elasticity theory and energy principles; shape functions for higher and lower order triangular, rectangular, tetrahedral, hexahedral and isoprametric elements; Newton cotes and Gauss quadrature techniques for numerical integration; formulation of different finite element matrices for plane stress, plane strain, axisymmetric, plate bending and shell structures; mesh refinements and convergence study. Students will develop their own computer program and will also use commercially available finite element software for analysing different type of structures.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1252": {"id": "shwJRmAfnmaMUZDHaKQ1l", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "Ti5cBNrJw79xNGAIxgV1u", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14865, "section": "WR01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 28, "available": 32, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "pupKj8SfYA479uPfecOcs", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10454, "section": "PR02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 18, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10455, "section": "PR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 10, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "1253": {"id": "FIOpG8XEOxikubEyOhQ8y", "course_id": "111407", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111407", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Wind and Earthquake Engineering", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CIVILENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "4003", "CLASS_NBR": 12868, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CEME 3001 or CIVILENG 3001", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "CEME 3002 or CIVILENG 3002, CEME 3003 or CIVILENG 3003", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, Design Exercise, Final Examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course provides students with an understanding on the behaviour of structures under wind and earthquake loads. Students will learn concepts and techniques for analysing dynamic response of structures subjected to these loadings, and the aspects of structural design with regard to wind and earthquake loads. On the completion of the course, students will develop: (1) an understanding of dynamic responses of structures in related to dynamic loads with emphasis on wind and earthquake effect, (2) ability to assess the response of structures subjected to wind and earthquake loads, and (3) skills in the analysis and design of structures subjected to wind and earthquake loads using Australian Standards.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1254": {"id": "FIOpG8XEOxikubEyOhQ8y", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "QtP0-UUrrawAYkIJc1Kiv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12868, "section": "WR01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 40, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "1255": {"id": "J6-9tuSpJjnbeO2ln1FAy", "course_id": "111544", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111544", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Water Distribution Systems Engineering", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CIVILENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "4004", "CLASS_NBR": 28613, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "((C&ENVENG 2071 or CEME 2003 or CIVILENG 2003) and (C&ENVENG 3079 or CEME 3005 or CIVILENG 3005))", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Water distribution systems analysis. Steady state analysis of pipe networks. Alternative formulations of equations for pipe networks - the flow (Q)-equations, the head (H)-equations, the loop flow correction (LF) equations, the Q+H equations, the Global Gradient Algorithm formulation, and numerical solutions based on Newton Raphson solution technique. Convergence criteria for stopping the iterative solution process. Computer solution techniques in Excel and FORTRAN. The Global Gradient Algorithm of Todini and Pilati for solving the pipe network equations in EPANET. Optimisation of pipe networks/design using genetic algorithms. Pumping operations optimisation using genetic algorithms. Consideration of sustainability criteria (economic, environmental, technical, social, temporal) using multi-objective genetic algorithms. Water hammer analysis. Pump transients. Air vessel sizing. Water hammer control methods. Flywheels and one-way surge tanks for water hammer protection. Column separation during water hammer events. Ten guest lectures from Industry Engineers.\nIncludes Masters level project.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1256": {"id": "J6-9tuSpJjnbeO2ln1FAy", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "aVSlxgmKol5fsW_ZcAzzj", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28729, "section": "LEC0", "size": 50, "enrolled": 8, "available": 42, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "3CEnCRU1zi3-TWsMch3oT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28613, "section": "WR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 8, "available": 42, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "1257": {"id": "DzQ4DX-WDFY2k12NDCZFG", "course_id": "111409", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111409", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Unsaturated Soils", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CIVILENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "4007", "CLASS_NBR": 12878, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "BE (Civil), BE (Civil & Env), BE (Architectural & Struc)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "C&ENVENG 3012 or CEME 3006 or CIVILENG 3006", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "C&ENVENG 4112", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, Coursework", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course seeks to extend students who wish to attain advanced knowledge and skills in geotechnical engineering. The course includes the treatment of problematic soils, the design of foundations on expansive soils, engineering logging of soils and an introduction to critical state and unsaturated soil mechanics.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1258": {"id": "DzQ4DX-WDFY2k12NDCZFG", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "Xp9t9YugBABJtPfyeENcT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12878, "section": "WR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 31, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "4T82_k8haxl86HcSrWqdi", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12519, "section": "PR08", "size": 6, "enrolled": 6, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Mar - 13 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11:30am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12520, "section": "PR07", "size": 6, "enrolled": 1, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2:30pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12872, "section": "PR06", "size": 6, "enrolled": 1, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "20 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2:30pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12873, "section": "PR05", "size": 6, "enrolled": 6, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "20 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2:30pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12874, "section": "PR04", "size": 9, "enrolled": 4, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Mar - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2:30pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12875, "section": "PR03", "size": 8, "enrolled": 6, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Mar - 13 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11:30am", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12876, "section": "PR02", "size": 6, "enrolled": 5, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11:30am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12877, "section": "PR01", "size": 6, "enrolled": 2, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2:30pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "1259": {"id": "MCneym6oXViKXiPxtqzr5", "course_id": "111511", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111511", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Design Practice", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CIVILENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "4050", "CLASS_NBR": 24752, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "((C&ENVENG 3005 or CEME 3002 or CIVILENG 3002) and (C&ENVENG 3007 or CEME 3003 or CIVILENG 3003) and (C&ENVENG 3020 or CEME 3001 or CIVILENG 3001))", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will involve an authentic design project emulating a real-world project in the civil engineering consulting profession. Students will consolidate and apply knowledge form across the structural engineering stream of the Civil Engineering program in order to complete a design according to Australian Standards. In completing this design students will receive mentoring from industry practitioners and become familiar with the complexities and ambiguities of design. Students will need to demonstrate a capacity for self-management, independent learning and higher-level professional communication skills.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1260": {"id": "MCneym6oXViKXiPxtqzr5", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "hjyTs8SFPFYKghiZDGa2E", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24752, "section": "WR01", "size": 90, "enrolled": 73, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1261": {"id": "HgwsxOYPPCAq481kMVVNE", "course_id": "111408", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111408", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Wind and Earthquake Engineering", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CIVILENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7003", "CLASS_NBR": 12870, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CEME 7301 or CIVILENG 7301", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "CEME 7303 or CIVILENG 7303, CEME 7302 or CIVILENG 7302", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, Design Exercise, Exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course provides students with an understanding on the behaviour of structures under wind and earthquake loads. Students will learn concepts and techniques for analysing dynamic response of structures subjected to these loadings, and the aspects of structural design with regard to wind and earthquake loads. On the completion of the course, students will develop: (1) an understanding of dynamic responses of structures in related to dynamic loads with emphasis on wind and earthquake effect, (2) ability to assess the response of structures subjected to wind and earthquake loads, and (3) skills in the analysis and design of structures subjected to wind and earthquake loads using Australian Standards.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1262": {"id": "HgwsxOYPPCAq481kMVVNE", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "q-5oo4gO5jw3TCuedvev5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12870, "section": "WR01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 26, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "1263": {"id": "WQC1IyDtgp3Y1CGA6hDiK", "course_id": "111512", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111512", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Design Practice", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CIVILENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7050", "CLASS_NBR": 24753, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will involve an authentic design project emulating a real-world project in the civil engineering consulting profession. Students will consolidate and apply knowledge form across the structural engineering stream of the Civil Engineering program in order to complete a design according to Australian Standards. In completing this design students will receive mentoring from industry practitioners and become familiar with the complexities and ambiguities of design. Students will need to demonstrate a capacity for self-management, independent learning and higher-level professional communication skills.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1264": {"id": "WQC1IyDtgp3Y1CGA6hDiK", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "gl6Ye_ijgeKVodq9dTl3A", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24753, "section": "WR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 26, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1265": {"id": "3qZNfM0XFgE2ijDDeXBdC", "course_id": "111509", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111509", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Computer Analysis of Structures and Structural Dynamics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CIVILENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7301", "CLASS_NBR": 15462, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week plus computer sessions, consultations and direct study", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Undergraduate Statics, Strength of Materials and Structural Mechanics: Numerical methods and computer program (Fortram/ Matlab)", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Homework assignment, quizzes, project and exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The objective of this course is to make students aware of the concepts used in 1) computer aided analysis of structures and 2) dynamic analysis of structures.\nComputer aided analysis topics include: basic theory and formulation of matrix method of analysis based on stiffness approach; and application of these theories to linear analysis of 2D/3D trusses, frames and grillage. Students will use commercial software as well as develop their own computer program to analyse different structures.\nDynamic analysis the topics include: basic theories of free and forced vibration of structures idealised as single and multiple degree-of-freedom problems with and without consideration of damping; application of these theories to dynamic analysis of different structures; and response spectra.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1266": {"id": "3qZNfM0XFgE2ijDDeXBdC", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "p0hHFmLECl6xKgD73HnyM", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15462, "section": "WR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 45, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "GWto67QJPMyjAGZvxlwfk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14859, "section": "PR03", "size": 15, "enrolled": 13, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14860, "section": "PR02", "size": 15, "enrolled": 14, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14861, "section": "PR01", "size": 18, "enrolled": 18, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "1267": {"id": "p12cvlOAitYfCzte7bHb-", "course_id": "111396", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111396", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Reinforced Concrete Design", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CIVILENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7302", "CLASS_NBR": 12074, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "C&ENVENG 2025 or CEME 2001 or CIVILENG 2001", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, exam, quiz, practical", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of this course is to provide students with a thorough understanding of the design of reinforced concrete structures. Topics covered will include: design of beams and slabs for flexure and shear; detailing of flexural and shear reinforcement; behaviour of reinforced concrete members under combined flexure and axial load; design of short columns; behaviour and design of slender columns.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1268": {"id": "p12cvlOAitYfCzte7bHb-", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "TCYulEjKxI2xNu5PfDY7X", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12074, "section": "WR01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 45, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1269": {"id": "-5eINSLFtdjtxPymTawhK", "course_id": "111403", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111403", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Structural Steel Design", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CIVILENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7303", "CLASS_NBR": 22379, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "C&ENVENG 2025 or CEME 2001 or CIVILENG 2001", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "May include assignments, practical report, final exam and quizzes - details at beginning of Semester.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of this course is to provide students with a thorough understanding of the iterative nature of design and the fundamental principles on which the analyses are based.\nThe course covers the design and analysis of a steel frame structure for local and global buckling as well as material failure. Wherever possible, analyses are based on fundamental principles which are globally relevant and are assessed through quizzes and/or exams. The course also attempts to develop the students' ability as an engineer and problem solver and which is assessed through the submission of a practical report. Topics are taken from: steel beams; steel columns; beam-columns, design of bolted and welded connections.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1270": {"id": "-5eINSLFtdjtxPymTawhK", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "5iJ9yfQmNNDxN0F_ZZg2u", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22379, "section": "WR01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 53, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "Jc4HDCx2l47CQNHL733f7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22378, "section": "LE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 53, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1271": {"id": "O18esBZoSxr-Lg6QAyrIv", "course_id": "111515", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111515", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Hydrology and Flood Management", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CIVILENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7304", "CLASS_NBR": 19114, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online quizzes and design projects", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Floods cost Australia hundreds of millions of dollars annually and are one of the most deadly natural hazards. This course will provide you with a wide range of skills in flood management. You will learn the fundamentals of hydrological processes that produce floods (including climate change), a range of industry standard techniques for design flood estimation and the principles of urban stormwater management. The course follows the national guidelines for flood estimation - Australian Rainfall and Runoff. Real-life design projects are a key component.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1272": {"id": "O18esBZoSxr-Lg6QAyrIv", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "kv9SEMX-kpxDZ6hMMygL2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10228, "section": "LE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 25, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Project", "id": "6XBF-s9fcrCQiXncRmrPV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18867, "section": "PJ03", "size": 10, "enrolled": 7, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Project", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18868, "section": "PJ02", "size": 10, "enrolled": 8, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Project", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18869, "section": "PJ01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 10, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Project", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "mRt5hP4c3c0_YqqyoCrA9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18870, "section": "PR08", "size": 2, "enrolled": 2, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18871, "section": "PR07", "size": 3, "enrolled": 3, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 28 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18873, "section": "PR05", "size": 3, "enrolled": 3, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18874, "section": "PR04", "size": 1, "enrolled": 1, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18875, "section": "PR03", "size": 2, "enrolled": 1, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 28 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18876, "section": "PR02", "size": 3, "enrolled": 2, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 27 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18877, "section": "PR01", "size": 2, "enrolled": 2, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 27 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19111, "section": "PR09", "size": 2, "enrolled": 2, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 28 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19114, "section": "PR12", "size": 3, "enrolled": 3, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19115, "section": "PR11", "size": 6, "enrolled": 6, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "1273": {"id": "TC6yT-Oo8hE_OjoU5imrw", "course_id": "111422", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111422", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Civil Engineering Hydraulics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CIVILENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7305", "CLASS_NBR": 25425, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week, 4 laboratory sessions and 8 for the design project", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, assignments/laboratories/design project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Closed conduit flows: hydraulic engineering design. Elements of pipeline and network design; pipes in series; pipes in parallel; Hardy Cross method for solving pipe networks; unsteady flow and water hammer in closed conduits; method of characteristics; water hammer control devices; hydraulic machine basics and selection including pumps and turbines; water distribution system computer simulation modelling, EPANET. Design of water distribution systems. Open channel flow: non-uniform flow in open channels; gradually varied flow in compound channels; rapidly varied flow in open channels; flow control structures; environmental factors affecting river basins.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1274": {"id": "TC6yT-Oo8hE_OjoU5imrw", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "JcBvwB9pHq4NRHA9Y1jbf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25425, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 25, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "L2s7YH-aqY-N07aw8WmOR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25426, "section": "TU03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 14, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25427, "section": "TU02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 1, "available": 29, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "6 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25428, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 10, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Sep - 6 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "ajjBPfPCKmnhK7gZ1MUhV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28597, "section": "PR05", "size": 9, "enrolled": 6, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "14 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 28598, "section": "PR04", "size": 9, "enrolled": 5, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 31 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "28 Aug - 28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 2 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 28599, "section": "PR03", "size": 4, "enrolled": 4, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 28600, "section": "PR02", "size": 6, "enrolled": 5, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Aug - 7 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "4 Sep - 4 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 28601, "section": "PR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 5, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Aug - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 Sep - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "1275": {"id": "aAsT71JYPrYoZIYv1B9m_", "course_id": "111413", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111413", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Geotechnical Engineering", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CIVILENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7306", "CLASS_NBR": 20230, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "C&ENVENG 2069, CEME 2004 or CIVILENG 2004", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exams, coursework", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course applies and extends the fundamental understanding of soil mechanics to the design of geotechnical engineering systems. The following topics are examined: site investigations and in situ testing; seepage; consolidation; pore pressure coefficients & stress paths; lateral earth pressures and retaining wall design; foundation design; loading induced stresses and displacements; bearing capacity of shallow foundations; design of shallow foundations; analysis and design of pile foundations and the stability of slopes.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1276": {"id": "aAsT71JYPrYoZIYv1B9m_", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "WGrYil3Kj1ZUFGx6ldm6r", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20230, "section": "WR01", "size": 62, "enrolled": 60, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "0Pqf-ZPGfyyrukzEDpUsx", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20228, "section": "PR02", "size": 12, "enrolled": 12, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Aug - 8 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 Aug - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 5 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20229, "section": "PR01", "size": 12, "enrolled": 12, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Aug - 7 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "21 Aug - 21 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "4 Sep - 4 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20231, "section": "PR04", "size": 14, "enrolled": 13, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "14 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "28 Aug - 28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20232, "section": "PR03", "size": 12, "enrolled": 11, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 Aug - 23 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "6 Sep - 6 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22752, "section": "PR05", "size": 12, "enrolled": 12, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "29 Aug - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "1277": {"id": "ftjY_P-a1UppH4UqA2hOz", "course_id": "111424", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111424", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Reinforced Concrete", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CIVILENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7401", "CLASS_NBR": 25433, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "C&ENVENG 7005 or CEME 7302 or CIVILENG 7302", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CEME 4001, CIVILENG 4001", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments and exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course builds upon the skills developed in Reinforced Concrete Design and extends them to advanced applications including: the design of prestressed concrete elements, the design of deep beams and walls using strut-and-tie modelling, and the design of columns including confinement. The course is taught through the delivery of a realistic bridge design project that covers aspects of conceptual and preliminary design, determination of design actions and detailed design of super- and substructure components.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1278": {"id": "ftjY_P-a1UppH4UqA2hOz", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "WgbPSO4zTtUPBjotje6WU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22000, "section": "LE01", "size": 33, "enrolled": 36, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "75GCQMyCyHJnSLpMnbUz4", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25433, "section": "WR01", "size": 33, "enrolled": 36, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1279": {"id": "FyYWo-43E4AfCNH5yneIu", "course_id": "111415", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111415", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Finite Element Theory & Practice", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CIVILENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7402", "CLASS_NBR": 14866, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week plus computer sessions, consultations and directed study", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MEng in AeroEng, ChemEng, C&EEng, Civ&StrEng, El&ElEng, EngMaths, MechanEng or MechatEng; MEng(Adv) in AeroEng, ChemEng (all specialisations), C&EEng, Civ&StrEng, ElEng, MechanEng, MechatEng, Sens Syst&Sig Proc or Telecom students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "C&ENVENG 7020 or CEME 7301 or CIVILENG 7301", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Numerical method and computer program (Fortram/ Matlab)", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Homework assignments, project work, quizzes and examination - further details at beginning of Semester", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The objective of this course is to provide students with a thorough understanding of the theory and application of computer methods of structural analysis that includes the Finite Element Method. Topics include basic concepts of elasticity; formulation of different finite elements for plane stress, plane strain, axisymmetric, 3D, shell and plate bending problems. Students will develop their own computer program and will also use commercial software for analysing structures.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1280": {"id": "FyYWo-43E4AfCNH5yneIu", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "p18Gugt11Dfc0l43_bbwy", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14866, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 8, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "efKz2owSNLJjgcfxra7EY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10456, "section": "PR02", "size": 10, "enrolled": 4, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10457, "section": "PR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 4, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "1281": {"id": "ME4Qn9C1X35bjNVJ_UOkd", "course_id": "111545", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111545", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Water Distribution Systems Engineering", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CIVILENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7404", "CLASS_NBR": 28540, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030907", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "C&ENVENG 7079; or equivalent", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, tutorial, project work and participation in lectures, class participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Water distribution systems analysis. Steady state analysis of pipe networks. Alternative formulations of equations for pipe networks - the flow (Q)-equations, the head (H)-equations, the loop flow correction (LF) equations, the Q+H equations, the Global Gradient Algorithm formulation, and numerical solutions based on Newton Raphson solution technique. Convergence criteria for stopping the iterative solution process. Computer solution techniques in Excel and FORTRAN. The Global Gradient Algorithm of Todini and Pilati for solving the pipe network equations in EPANET. Optimisation of pipe networks/design using genetic algorithms. Pumping operations optimisation using genetic algorithms. Consideration of sustainability criteria (economic, environmental, technical, social, temporal) using multi-objective genetic algorithms. Water hammer analysis. Pump transients. Air vessel sizing. Water hammer control methods. Flywheels and one-way surge tanks for water hammer protection. Column separation during water hammer events. Ten guest lectures from Industry Engineers.\nIncludes Masters level project.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1282": {"id": "ME4Qn9C1X35bjNVJ_UOkd", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "tDxUGog-L_Kr40huH4sDI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28730, "section": "LEC0", "size": 10, "enrolled": 6, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "mIAgNJEASkzjCmQ9yfxX_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28540, "section": "WR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 6, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "1283": {"id": "wIOkyRRdXcJVmPAKgI8rP", "course_id": "111410", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111410", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Unsaturated Soils", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CIVILENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7407", "CLASS_NBR": 12888, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "C&ENVENG 7069 or CEME 7306 or CIVILENG 7306", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "C&ENVENG 7112", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, Coursework", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course seeks to extend students who wish to attain advanced knowledge and skills in geotechnical engineering. It includes the treatment of problematic soils, the design of foundations on expansive soils, engineering logging of soils, and an introduction to critical state and unsaturated soil mechanics.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1284": {"id": "wIOkyRRdXcJVmPAKgI8rP", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "xtH6sI1FeyKVWF6A1nY15", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12888, "section": "WR01", "size": 52, "enrolled": 41, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "0Cka_acNk0IGvJ0_C0tQC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12880, "section": "PR08", "size": 7, "enrolled": 7, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Mar - 13 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11:30am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12881, "section": "PR07", "size": 7, "enrolled": 4, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2:30pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12882, "section": "PR06", "size": 7, "enrolled": 6, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "20 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2:30pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12883, "section": "PR05", "size": 7, "enrolled": 5, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "20 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2:30pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12884, "section": "PR04", "size": 4, "enrolled": 4, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Mar - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2:30pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12885, "section": "PR03", "size": 5, "enrolled": 5, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Mar - 13 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11:30am", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12886, "section": "PR02", "size": 7, "enrolled": 5, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11:30am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12887, "section": "PR01", "size": 7, "enrolled": 5, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2:30pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "1285": {"subject": "CLAS", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "105377", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108061", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109597", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111417", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105182", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108063", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108065", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108067", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107194", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107196", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107197", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111221", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111222", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "1286": {"id": "UipQctaUmPgLs9A7W-VYZ", "course_id": "105377", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105377", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Ancient Greek and Roman History", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CLAS", "CATALOG_NBR": "1003", "CLASS_NBR": 20906, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090305", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Bibliographical/Reading assignment (10%), 1,200 word paper (20%), 1,200 word paper (30%), 2 hour exam (40%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This introduces students to key aspects and events in ancient Greek and Roman history, and to some of the main historians of Greece and Rome. It is designed to form the necessary background for our upper-level courses in archaeology and ancient history.\nFirstly, we will explore the development of city-states in 6th & 5th c. BC Greece, with an emphasis upon the achievements of Athens in the Classical period. Students will be introduced to the history-writing of Herodotus & Thucydides. They will also explore how other types of primary sources - drama, comedy, philosophical essays and archaeological evidence - help us to understand Athenian concepts of state-identity, the role of the citizen and of government in their lives.\nSecondly, we will explore key moments in the history of Rome down to the early Empire. Again, emphasis will be upon understanding how to use our primary sources to understand the past. For instance, we will use Cicero's letters and essays to understand elite social and political networking in the Late Republic, the civil wars of Pompey and Caesar. How did Roman historians such as Livy, Suetonius and Tacitus differ from their Greek counterparts? How can we use surviving forms of evidence - material, epigraphic, literary - to understand what was important to the political and social life of Romans?", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1287": {"id": "UipQctaUmPgLs9A7W-VYZ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "9_lrNXPJ_xjLRd14TRMeI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20910, "section": "SE01", "size": 120, "enrolled": 47, "available": 73, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "Xd46Z7ONXhOVmUPb9sa9V", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20906, "section": "TU05", "size": 22, "enrolled": 16, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20907, "section": "TU03", "size": 22, "enrolled": 13, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20908, "section": "TU02", "size": 22, "enrolled": 18, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1288": {"id": "pm8CrGBpb3j6yMq2BCekI", "course_id": "108061", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108061", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "True Lies in the Roman Empire: Science and Fiction", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CLAS", "CATALOG_NBR": "2008", "CLASS_NBR": 23054, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090305", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 12 units of Level I undergraduate study including at least 3 units of Level I Classics courses", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CLAS 2036", "ASSESSMENT": "Tutorial summary (500 words) 10%, Tutorial paper (1200 words) 20%, Research essay (2250 words) 30%, Exam 40%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "Course offered in even years", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course we will examine the history of key features of Roman cultural and social life during the 'golden age' of imperial Rome in the second century AD. We begin with a review of imperial expansion in the later first century AD, using the historian Tacitus both as a source for Roman views on their own imperialism and as an example of an historical genre that emphasised empirical data rather than overt political glorification of empire. \nWe will then explore select intellectual and literary contributions of the late first and second centuries AD through the filter of 'fact and fiction'. This is the century of a developed interest in the application of empiricism to medicine and industry; an intense interest in the surrounding (conquered) natural world. It is also the century of the first 'science fiction' novel and more broadly of fiction-writing as a fully-developed and highly-prized literary genre. The contributions of Roman provincials to this impressive and popular cultural flowering will be discussed by detailed studies of works in the tutorial programme.\nLastly, we will look at the social fabric of mainstream Roman society during this period: the nature of the Roman household, including marriage, romance and divorce. Using both legal texts and a selection of the literary texts already studied, we will also consider the position and role of slaves in the domestic life of Romans.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1289": {"id": "pm8CrGBpb3j6yMq2BCekI", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "-EQYXim7mJpA9CT2SPK3S", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28808, "section": "LEC0", "size": 75, "enrolled": 17, "available": 58, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "ndfezw_Yiiobmago3z-fS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23054, "section": "TU03", "size": 17, "enrolled": 8, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 23 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Aug - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23055, "section": "TU02", "size": 17, "enrolled": 0, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 23 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Aug - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23056, "section": "TU01", "size": 17, "enrolled": 9, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 26 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Aug - 6 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1290": {"id": "gOv1fu69Hc5N01t7MVDSU", "course_id": "109597", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109597", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Latin and Greek for Scientists", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CLAS", "CATALOG_NBR": "2038OL", "CLASS_NBR": 92199, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "2 Seminars (start/end of course), online lectures, discussion board, self-directed study", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 12 units of Level I undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "4 x Online exercise 5% each, 4 x online test 5% each, essay 40%, 4 x online discussion 5% each", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Ever wanted to dig a little deeper into the background of scientific terminology? Perhaps wondered where the word 'oxygen' came from? This course aims to familiarise students with the ancient Greek and Latin origin of scientific words and phrases.\n \nNo prior knowledge of either language is required, since we will start with acquiring basic vocabulary relevant for the purpose of decoding scientific terminology. Prerequisites are an open mind and a curiosity about the history of words. The focus is on how English scientific terms derive from classical languages. During the Scientific Revolution of the 17th century, the English vocabulary doubled in size due to the rediscovery of the classical past and to new scientific discoveries. A grasp of the original meaning of words contributes to a better understanding of the history of science and so of our modern world. This course, therefore, offers an insight into the cultural and intellectual background of scientific terminology.\n\nStudents will engage with a range of topics which have been selected to maximise learning about the mechanisms and processes in word formation: parsing words, clustering terms, word formation, malformations and linguistic implications of the Scientific Revolution, the mechanisms of word formation and their impact.\n\nAfter taking this course, students will be able to recognise the parts and origin of the most common scientific terms, understand the mechanisms by which words may rise and fall, and have a broad understanding of the important relationship between words and their use in various intellectual and social contexts.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 09/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "1291": {"id": "gOv1fu69Hc5N01t7MVDSU", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "b27FByVtsFwR5RKzK6nk0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92199, "section": "01OL", "size": 100, "enrolled": 51, "available": 49, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "1292": {"id": "qp-5cs4EvwCk2i43ipRKH", "course_id": "111417", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111417", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Archaeology of Roman Pompeii & Herculaneum", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CLAS", "CATALOG_NBR": "2041OL", "CLASS_NBR": 92437, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090307", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Intensive course", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "At least 12 units of Level I Undergraduate study", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CLAS 2033", "ASSESSMENT": "Short paper, Online quizzes x 4, Discussion Board x 4, Final Essay", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "Even years", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This intensive course introduces the student to the material culture \u2013 that is, objects and buildings - of ancient Rome, through the case studies of the towns of Pompeii and Herculaneum on the Bay of Naples. We will also look at a selection of Roman villas destroyed in the eruption of Mt Vesuvius in AD 79. Their buildings highlight the architectural innovations developed by the early empire; new technologies have permitted new forms and new ways to experience built interiors. The private houses of the Bay of Naples region illustrate the development of Roman wall-paintings, mosaics and stucco-work. Their legacies influence western art and architecture to this day. Artefacts from these sites highlight consumer tastes from the second century BC to first century AD, with objects sourced from beyond the empire\u2019s borders. Moreover, the rediscovery of these cities is bound up in the birth and development of classical archaeology itself, including techniques of retrieval and of interpretation in the light of ongoing discoveries. Through online lectures and exercises, students will not only become familiar with some major categories of Roman art and architecture, but will also be introduced to fundamental issues faced by archaeologists in interpreting material culture.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 09/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "1293": {"id": "qp-5cs4EvwCk2i43ipRKH", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "wi805wJAllNoCNSPS0miL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92438, "section": "LEC0", "size": 60, "enrolled": 36, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "iGzWoYPyMjjbxEtCBU12G", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92437, "section": "SE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 36, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Jan - 15 Jan", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "9 Feb - 9 Feb", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "1294": {"id": "YoHfyd4HCVkKqINXUZmCH", "course_id": "105182", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105182", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "An Introduction to Latin", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CLAS", "CATALOG_NBR": "2101", "CLASS_NBR": 13158, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "At least 12 units of Level I undergraduate study", "INCOMPATIBLE": "Not available to students who reached a satisfactory level of achievement in SACE Stage 2 Latin or LATN 1002 or LATN 2010", "ASSESSMENT": "Three Semester tests 35%, end-of-Semester exam 65%, weekly language assignments (formative assessment only)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course introduces students to the rudiments of Latin grammar, syntax and vocabulary with a view to enabling them to read and comprehend (modified) texts in the original language. Students are required to complete a variety of language tasks including translation both into and from Latin and answering comprehension questions on passages in Latin. This course develops students' ability to identify and analyse fundamental grammatical constructions and improves their comprehension skills.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1295": {"id": "YoHfyd4HCVkKqINXUZmCH", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "LZ-tUPoJX3oY_0owcKP9P", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13156, "section": "LE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 28, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "N4GlaUtunfs2lj3OYTADZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13158, "section": "TU01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 28, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1296": {"id": "EuP4YO8pcxNB8yS7wvLsG", "course_id": "108063", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108063", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Fall of Roman Europe and Birth of the Middle Ages", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CLAS", "CATALOG_NBR": "3025", "CLASS_NBR": 23057, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090305", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 6 units of Level II undergraduate study including at least 3 units of Level II Classics courses", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CLAS 2025", "ASSESSMENT": "Tutorial summary (500 words) 5%, Tutorial paper (1000 words) 20%, Research essay (2500 words) 35%, Exam 40%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "How did the Fall of the Roman Empire affect the political structures and cultures of western Europe? This course examines Late Antiquity in the West as a period of transformation, starting with the responses of the emperors to Germanic settlements within the western provinces and ending with the 'new' Roman Empire of Charlemagne in Frankia. Intellectual and religious tensions within this period will also be studied, especially the role of the Church in society. Evidence will include eyewitness accounts by Gregory of Tours as well as literary and archaeological material. Regions surveyed will include the Frankish, Anglo-Saxon, and Lombardic Italian kingdoms.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1297": {"id": "EuP4YO8pcxNB8yS7wvLsG", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "IremelqO9hEwFQWSjh6zJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28809, "section": "LEC0", "size": 65, "enrolled": 18, "available": 47, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "1rR3dcBdYVKjlWlRbC0Yl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23057, "section": "TU03", "size": 20, "enrolled": 6, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23058, "section": "TU02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 11, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23059, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1298": {"id": "stJJpXfBVOgkeAOSkexAa", "course_id": "108065", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108065", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Journeys to the Underworld: From Homer to Hollywood", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CLAS", "CATALOG_NBR": "3026", "CLASS_NBR": 10951, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090305", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 6 units of Level II undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CLAS 2031", "ASSESSMENT": "5 x Tutorial summaries 10%, Short paper and presentation (1200 words) 20%,Long essay (2000 words) 30%, Exam or Academic journal (2500 words) 40%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "Course offered in even years", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course we study the myths and rituals dealing with the process of death and the passage to the afterlife. While reviewing Pharaonic Egypt, Homeric and Classical Greece, Rome and the Christian era, we consider the various approaches to burials (mummification to resurrection), speculations about what happens after we die and consider their cultural and symbolic meanings. We also review popular ideas, stories and philosophical theories about the afterlife and the nature of the underworld, asking what sort of punishments and rewards applied and whether these notions evolved across time. Important works of different genres will illustrate how pervasive afterlife narratives are.\n\nAn important aim of the course is to explore the universal elements of these beliefs, their evolution and their ongoing relevance. You will be encouraged to make connections between the time periods studied, but also with our own ideas and practices today. To reinforce this notion of continuing relevance, the last written assignment (long essay) invites you to analyse how one ancient mythological theme, 'the journey to the underworld' (katabasis) has made a remarkable come-back in modern film.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1299": {"id": "stJJpXfBVOgkeAOSkexAa", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Pk458NT-NDaGU2CSrk7lH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18899, "section": "LEC0", "size": 80, "enrolled": 35, "available": 45, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "IvzHdMKJzTQMpEqOdlk_o", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10951, "section": "TU04", "size": 24, "enrolled": 20, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10952, "section": "TU03", "size": 24, "enrolled": 15, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Napier, 205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Napier, 205, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1300": {"id": "fK2Vnbjv0I0orSBjY-n2_", "course_id": "108067", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108067", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Cities Silk & Spice Routes in Roman Archaeology", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CLAS", "CATALOG_NBR": "3028", "CLASS_NBR": 10950, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090305", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 6 units of Level II undergraduate study including at least 3 units of Level II Classics courses", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CLAS 2028", "ASSESSMENT": "Museum research (500 words) 5%, Tutorial paper (1000 words) 10%, Essay (2250 words) 35%, Exam 40%, Visual test 10%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The world of the Roman Empire was culturally and geographically diverse with a 'globalised' economy. This course explores this internationalised world, and the effects of cultural interactions between Rome and her neighbours and subjects by focussing on the archaeological evidence from a selection of cities along the famous silk and spice route(s) that led eastwards, beyond the borders of the Empire. What does the rich cultural diversity of cities such as Dura-Europus in Syria or Alexandria in Egypt tell us about Roman provincial life, about the processes by which cultures evolve? \nThe first part of the course will provide background to two themes: 1) the Hellenistic origins of these cities, and 2) 'mainstream' trends in Roman material culture of the 1st-3rd centuries AD. We will then explore in detail the architecture, sculpture, pottery and other forms of material culture from cities made famous by the spice and silk routes. These include Palmyra, Dura-Europus, Petra and of course Alexandria. Sites beyond Rome's borders may also be included (such as Hatra). Some classes will be held in the Museum of Classical Archaeology. Students will benefit from having completed The Art and Archaeology of Rome, and a certain basic knowledge of the earlier period will be assumed. Note that regular attendance at lectures and tutorials is compulsory, since all contain images which may be included in exams.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1301": {"id": "fK2Vnbjv0I0orSBjY-n2_", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "ZEL5SJqeWn3ey4IveXflH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18937, "section": "LEC0", "size": 40, "enrolled": 15, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "b44SmyUxpe4pjtUyG63Wc", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10950, "section": "WR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 15, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 27 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "28 May - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "fuM5IOq8x5xFz0QKYA7sm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14352, "section": "TU02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 8, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14353, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 7, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1302": {"id": "6W8d2Kvr17FTfa9B3WsDy", "course_id": "107194", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107194", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Classics Special Studies", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CLAS", "CATALOG_NBR": "4001", "CLASS_NBR": 18960, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Completed degree (72 units) with a 24 unit major in Classics and a Credit average or better result. Students doing combined Honours (eg with English or History) may be permitted to enrol in this course without a Classics major.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Completed degree (72 units) with a 24 unit major in Classics and a Credit average or better result. Students doing combined Honours (eg with English or History) may be permitted to enrol in this course without a Classics major.", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Seminar participation (10%), small assessment tasks (30%), research project or long essay (60%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to give students an in depth and detailed knowledge and understanding of specific fields associated with the research interests of a member of the Classics staff or a Classics research fellow. It offers students a chance to take part in small group discovery with specialist teacher on specific, focused topics and to be exposed to the current research and methodologies of experts in the field. \n \nStudents undertake two studies with two different teachers during the semester. The specific content of the special study courses will vary each year according to the availability of specialised staff and the needs and interests of the students.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1303": {"id": "6W8d2Kvr17FTfa9B3WsDy", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "QmNgTSBpOlrQQbHEMwXxP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18960, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "1304": {"id": "BV-Z7826qFwFEW_ZM7gwP", "course_id": "107196", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107196", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Classics Common Course", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CLAS", "CATALOG_NBR": "4002", "CLASS_NBR": 10210, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Completed degree (72 units) with a 24 unit major in Classics and a Credit average or better result. Students doing combined Honours (eg with English or History) may be permitted to enrol in this course without a Classics major.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Completed degree (72 units) with a 24 unit major in Classics and a Credit average or better result. Students doing combined Honours (eg with English or History) may be permitted to enrol in this course without a Classics major.", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Seminar participation (10%), research and presentation on two chosen topics (10%), two seminar papers (80%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to give students a broad overview into Classics and its sub-disciplines and to provide students with advanced training in research methodology. The course is divided into four sections: introductory methods and research skills; literary studies; historical/cultural studies; archaeology. A key issue or problem relating to the Classical world will be tackled in the weekly seminar; students are expected to contribute to the seminars by doing the set readings and participating in the discussion. They will also give a presentation and submit research papers on two of the topics during the semester.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1305": {"id": "BV-Z7826qFwFEW_ZM7gwP", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "VsI5pm8nA91hLgUEo2YhW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10210, "section": "SE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hartley, 122a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hartley, 122a, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1306": {"id": "lK7Bjmjj-PlA0v2un_jmH", "course_id": "107197", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107197", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Classics Thesis", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CLAS", "CATALOG_NBR": "4003", "CLASS_NBR": 28546, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "1 hour per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Completed degree (72 units) with a 24 unit major in Classics and a Credit average or better result", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Completed degree (72 units) with a 24 unit major in Classics and a Credit average or better result", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "15,000 word thesis (100%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Classics Honours thesis is designed to prepare the student for independent research. This project of 15,000 words is based on extensive research in primary and secondary sources materials. It involves the development of a sustained argument around a specific topic. That topic will be one of the student's own choice, but is subject to approval by the Honours coordinator and supervisor.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1307": {"id": "lK7Bjmjj-PlA0v2un_jmH", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "8G5aDeVZgpX62z_MGZN3k", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25846, "section": "01NT", "size": 15, "enrolled": 0, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}, {"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "0dSN4cn685KSBNYPZYfy_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28546, "section": "SE01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 0, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1308": {"id": "svORoCKk71LRUkMjwdlCG", "course_id": "111221", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111221", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Classics Thesis A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CLAS", "CATALOG_NBR": "4005A", "CLASS_NBR": 26297, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Completed degree (72 units) including 24 units of Classics Major", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Completed degree (72 units) including 24 units of Classics Major", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CLAS 4003", "ASSESSMENT": "15,000 word thesis (100%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is the first of 2 courses that need to be completed by part time students only. Students will choose a thesis topic in consultation with their supervisor. Students will attend a Thesis Writing Workshop, devise their research topic, refine their methodology and conduct preliminary research. The thesis will be 15,000 words in length and has to be finalized after completing CLAS 4005B, the second thesis course for part time students.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1309": {"id": "svORoCKk71LRUkMjwdlCG", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "Me-fyzVEs6MSXAs2OhZ5z", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26297, "section": "01NT", "size": 25, "enrolled": 0, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "1310": {"id": "_w2M4vKFctde-Lb-jAayB", "course_id": "111222", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111222", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Classics Thesis B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CLAS", "CATALOG_NBR": "4005B", "CLASS_NBR": 26298, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Completed degree (72 units) including 24 units of Classics Major", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CLAS 4005A, Completed degree (72 units) including 24 units of Classics Major", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CLAS 4003", "ASSESSMENT": "15000 word thesis (100%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is the second of 2 courses (the first is CLAS 4005A) that needs to be completed by part time students only. Students will choose a thesis topic in consultation with their supervisor. Students will attend a Thesis Writing Workshop, devise their research topic, refine their methodology and conduct preliminary research. The thesis will be 15,000 words in length.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1311": {"id": "_w2M4vKFctde-Lb-jAayB", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "wnEKsNi5eck5sWzhFaQo0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26298, "section": "01NT", "size": 25, "enrolled": 0, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "1312": {"subject": "COMMERCE", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "107868", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107859", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107862", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107865", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107860", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107863", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106351", "term": "4410", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "107806", "term": "4433", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107806", "term": "4436", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107806", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "103464", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "103461", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "103468", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "103466", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}]}}, "1313": {"id": "DxKF48BbEuhXjcVcR4jEH", "course_id": "107868", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107868", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Business Statistics (H)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMERCE", "CATALOG_NBR": "4015", "CLASS_NBR": 15897, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to provide students with a sound understanding of theoretical statistical principles as well as advanced practical skills in the application of statistics. The course assumes no prior knowledge of statistics and beginning with elementary concepts develops to consider advanced concepts such as multivariate regression and time series analysis. Modelling and analysis is frequently placed within a business context, with roughly equal emphasis on theory and its application.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1314": {"id": "DxKF48BbEuhXjcVcR4jEH", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "x-aAye_d5P0iNTSa0_PD3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15897, "section": "01NT", "size": 5, "enrolled": 4, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "1315": {"id": "QiyOLCzOKykuHM76xl9mD", "course_id": "107859", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107859", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Methodology (H)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMERCE", "CATALOG_NBR": "4037", "CLASS_NBR": 12177, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "restricted to HCOM, HFIN programs", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course equips students with the awareness and skills to conduct scholarly research at an advanced level. It is based around two interlinked themes - 1. theoretical issues of research (eg philosophy, epistemology, ethics etc) and 2. practical considerations of research design. The first of these provides an essential framework for quality research, necessarily underpinning all professional research activities and guiding participants through a critical journey of engagement with the inevitable limitations and delimitations of research in the 21st Century. Candidates will be introduced to a number of research issues and controversies (eg debates around deductive, inductive and abductive approaches; qualitative and quantitative methods, cross sectional and longitudinal strategies; archival, observational, survey-based or experimental techniques; sampling, data collection, data analysis and dissemination). The course's overall aim is to prepare candidates, more generally, as academic researchers.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1316": {"id": "QiyOLCzOKykuHM76xl9mD", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "fGLRSUHPmVO9T6rsv_mvN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12177, "section": "SE01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 5, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1317": {"id": "Opl0Igu6ix6IrIf-9Ogfg", "course_id": "107862", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107862", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Qualitative Methods (H)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMERCE", "CATALOG_NBR": "4100", "CLASS_NBR": 12180, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed for students to fulfil the following learning objectives; Understanding the characteristics, roles and importance of qualitative research; Achieve a working familiarity with a range of qualitative methods; Acquire skills in qualitative data collection and analysis methods, including use of NVivo; Develop the ability to select, justify and execute qualitative methods appropriate to central research questions. Topics covered in this course may include: Qualitative research features and approaches; Theoretical traditions in qualitative research; The interface between qualitative and quantitative research; Qualitative data collection; Qualitative data analysis; The theory and application of a range of qualitative methodologies which may include components such as field based case study, interview methods, historical method, ethnography, grounded theory, action research and hermeneutical method.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1318": {"id": "Opl0Igu6ix6IrIf-9Ogfg", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "EBe5neoPbKcs3GUIocWpz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12180, "section": "SE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 5, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1319": {"id": "qs96ROJLeReD8rd2x7Boi", "course_id": "107865", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107865", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Theory in Management (H)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMERCE", "CATALOG_NBR": "4104", "CLASS_NBR": 15894, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to fulfil the following student learning objectives: Gain an in-depth understanding of some of the main theoretical and research prospectives that have contributed to knowledge of management; Investigate some of the important debates to which theorising about these different issues has given rise; Explore the implications of these debates for both management research and management practice; Become familiar with academic publications in management; Develop an ability to critically analyse and evaluate such publications; Improve oral and written communications skills. Generally, the course aims to give students a greater familiarity with theoretical and philosophical perspectives used in management research in the current or recent management literature. Topics arise throughout the course from theoretical and research prospectives that have influenced (and continue to influence) scholarly thinking about issues of central importance to the practice of management.\nThis is essentially a readings-based course in which students will critically review scholarly research articles each week in advance. Participation marks will be awarded for demonstration of effective reading and understanding the arguments presented.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1320": {"id": "qs96ROJLeReD8rd2x7Boi", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Ikor1usz_CNVwaqCfWzRl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15894, "section": "01NT", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "1321": {"id": "MCQ2EPT5orBzJsCS-IZ4N", "course_id": "107860", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107860", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Dissertation (H)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMERCE", "CATALOG_NBR": "4105", "CLASS_NBR": 25902, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "restricted to HCOM, HFIN programs", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Dissertation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to develop in students a capacity to work independently under the guidance of their supervisor, to carry out research and to report the results in a formal document that demonstrates the ability to argue the case. Each student will prepare under supervision an individual research dissertation that exhibits original investigation, analysis and interpretation. Appointments with student and supervisor to be arranged, generally at least one hour per week of semester.\nThe dissertation will be assessed by two examiners. Examiners will be selected from the University of Adelaide, other universities or from industry. Any external examiners should normally have substantial research experience in the area under investigation and be nationally recognised in the field. A student's supervisor may not be appointed as an examiner. The identity of the examiners should not be made known to the student.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1322": {"id": "MCQ2EPT5orBzJsCS-IZ4N", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "UY1JSN6oSfoV5nZ00dbhY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25902, "section": "01NT", "size": 5, "enrolled": 6, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "1323": {"id": "FQJw2poCD0r1HJkJFkUGA", "course_id": "107863", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107863", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Readings (H)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMERCE", "CATALOG_NBR": "4106", "CLASS_NBR": 15892, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The primary objectives of this course are that students will: Become familiar with their intended area of research; Gain a general overview of the research area and undertake a critical assessment of the relevant literature; Gain skills in preparing an in-depth literature review and presenting a research paper; Become familiar with accessing and searching electronic and other databases of business literature; Compile comprehensive reference lists based on their search of literature; Write a clear and concise review of the literature relevant to their intended research project; Explain in writing the basic purpose and significance of their research project in the context of past work in the field.\nStudents will need to discuss possible research topics with appropriate staff members to identify a supervisor. References, resources and the reading material will be specific to a project and will need to be discussed with the research supervisor. -Seminars and workshops will be conducted covering library search techniques, referencing, and preparing and presenting a research proposal.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1324": {"id": "FQJw2poCD0r1HJkJFkUGA", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "HxdqrQlWvLMCaWTQ0ioKY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15892, "section": "01NT", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "1325": {"id": "HHTRi3Ui9wOgMECwNpNEW", "course_id": "106351", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106351", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Business Statistics (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMERCE", "CATALOG_NBR": "7015", "CLASS_NBR": 15797, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to provide students with a sound understanding of theoretical statistical principles as well as advanced practical skills in the application of statistics. The course assumes no prior knowledge of statistics and beginning with elementary concepts develops to consider advanced concepts such as multivariate regression and time series analysis. Modelling and analysis is frequently placed within a business context, with roughly equal emphasis on theory and its application.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1326": {"id": "HHTRi3Ui9wOgMECwNpNEW", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "GL5U4-G6Mw6IVVcNBH8t7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15797, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "1327": {"id": "gHAeoiwKup2iDbn_vol2k", "course_id": "107806", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107806", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Business Research Methods (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMERCE", "CATALOG_NBR": "7039", "CLASS_NBR": 30038, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MARKETNG 7104, ECON 7200, ACCTING 7025 and COMMGMT 7006. This course assumes foundational learning and should only be taken in the second half of your program.", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to provide students with the necessary skills and knowledge to determine the information necessary to address an identified research problem (basic or applied) and, using this understanding, develop and use an actionable research proposal. In this process, the students will gain an understanding of relevant approaches and elements of undertaking a research enquiry specifically to provide insights to solving a relevant problem. They will develop critical core competencies and skills required to carry out such an enquiry. These competencies and skills include: defining research questions; setting appropriate research objectives; study design that incorporates research objectives and budgetary constraints; secondary and primary data collection and instruments; sampling and analysis methods; and effective reporting of results; as well as the importance of ethical conduct in conducting research in both a domestic and in international business contexts.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "1328": {"id": "gHAeoiwKup2iDbn_vol2k", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "gKv3NXRu-9FFsagD3gns1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30038, "section": "SE02", "size": 50, "enrolled": 27, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "10 Feb - 10 Feb", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, 220, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Feb - 24 Feb", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, 220, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "9 Mar - 9 Mar", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, 220, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Mar - 23 Mar", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, 220, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "6 Apr - 6 Apr", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, 220, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "20 Apr - 20 Apr", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, 220, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 30076, "section": "SE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 47, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Feb - 9 Feb", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, 220, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Feb - 23 Feb", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, 220, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "8 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, 220, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, 220, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, 220, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "19 Apr - 19 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, 220, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "1329": {"id": "5q83XovNhf2gX6GtFMYJY", "course_id": "107806", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107806", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Business Research Methods (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMERCE", "CATALOG_NBR": "7039", "CLASS_NBR": 33032, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MARKETNG 7104, ECON 7200, ACCTING 7025 and COMMGMT 7006. This course assumes foundational learning and should only be taken in the second half of your program.", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to provide students with the necessary skills and knowledge to determine the information necessary to address an identified research problem (basic or applied) and, using this understanding, develop and use an actionable research proposal. In this process, the students will gain an understanding of relevant approaches and elements of undertaking a research enquiry specifically to provide insights to solving a relevant problem. They will develop critical core competencies and skills required to carry out such an enquiry. These competencies and skills include: defining research questions; setting appropriate research objectives; study design that incorporates research objectives and budgetary constraints; secondary and primary data collection and instruments; sampling and analysis methods; and effective reporting of results; as well as the importance of ethical conduct in conducting research in both a domestic and in international business contexts.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "1330": {"id": "5q83XovNhf2gX6GtFMYJY", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "75P9Zva5etETsXgXqBFwt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33071, "section": "SE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 52, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, 220, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "14 Jun - 21 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, 220, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "5 Jul - 12 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, 220, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "1331": {"id": "prV_2mPywVeHO3wonfO3S", "course_id": "107806", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107806", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Business Research Methods (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMERCE", "CATALOG_NBR": "7039", "CLASS_NBR": 36037, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MARKETNG 7104, ECON 7200, ACCTING 7025 and COMMGMT 7006. This course assumes foundational learning and should only be taken in the second half of your program.", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to provide students with the necessary skills and knowledge to determine the information necessary to address an identified research problem (basic or applied) and, using this understanding, develop and use an actionable research proposal. In this process, the students will gain an understanding of relevant approaches and elements of undertaking a research enquiry specifically to provide insights to solving a relevant problem. They will develop critical core competencies and skills required to carry out such an enquiry. These competencies and skills include: defining research questions; setting appropriate research objectives; study design that incorporates research objectives and budgetary constraints; secondary and primary data collection and instruments; sampling and analysis methods; and effective reporting of results; as well as the importance of ethical conduct in conducting research in both a domestic and in international business contexts.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "1332": {"id": "prV_2mPywVeHO3wonfO3S", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "bFZKNdPUaIbb1gOM0Oo-W", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36037, "section": "SE02", "size": 45, "enrolled": 40, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Sep - 7 Sep", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, 207, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "21 Sep - 21 Sep", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "5 Oct - 5 Oct", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, 207, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "19 Oct - 19 Oct", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, 207, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Nov - 2 Nov", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, 207, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "16 Nov - 16 Nov", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, 207, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 36057, "section": "SE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 45, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Sep - 2 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, 207, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "16 Sep - 16 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, 207, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, 207, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 14 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, 207, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "28 Oct - 28 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, 207, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "11 Nov - 11 Nov", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, 207, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "1333": {"id": "SApVd1AhCY-x9N2jC3SwM", "course_id": "103464", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103464", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Qualitative Methods (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMERCE", "CATALOG_NBR": "7100", "CLASS_NBR": 12179, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed for students to fulfil the following learning objectives; Understanding the characteristics, roles and importance of qualitative research; Achieve a working familiarity with a range of qualitative methods; Acquire skills in qualitative data collection and analysis methods, including use of NVivo; Develop the ability to select, justify and execute qualitative methods appropriate to central research questions. Topics covered in this course may include: Qualitative research features and approaches; Theoretical traditions in qualitative research; The interface between qualitative and quantitative research; Qualitative data collection; Qualitative data analysis; The theory and application of a range of qualitative methodologies which may include components such as field based case study, interview methods, historical method, ethnography, grounded theory, action research and hermeneutical method.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1334": {"id": "SApVd1AhCY-x9N2jC3SwM", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "t-pRuzYgq1MBRhCDdCHOE", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12179, "section": "SE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1335": {"id": "DqeTheOjBnbLvuVNP3nFh", "course_id": "103461", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103461", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Theory in Management (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMERCE", "CATALOG_NBR": "7104", "CLASS_NBR": 15679, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to fulfil the following student learning objectives: Gain an in-depth understanding of some of the main theoretical and research prospectives that have contributed to knowledge of management; Investigate some of the important debates to which theorising about these different issues has given rise; Explore the implications of these debates for both management research and management practice; Become familiar with academic publications in management; Develop an ability to critically analyse and evaluate such publications; Improve oral and written communications skills. Generally, the course aims to give students a greater familiarity with theoretical and philosophical perspectives used in management research in the current or recent management literature. Topics arise throughout the course from theoretical and research prospectives that have influenced (and continue to influence) scholarly thinking about issues of central importance to the practice of management.\nThis is essentially a readings-based course in which students will critically review scholarly research articles each week in advance. Participation marks will be awarded for demonstration of effective reading and understanding the arguments presented.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1336": {"id": "DqeTheOjBnbLvuVNP3nFh", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "V12JUVpLDV1-OD-h-9y-q", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15679, "section": "01NT", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "1337": {"id": "zUr4gMz0zlOUQUn6CVZ8V", "course_id": "103468", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103468", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Dissertation (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMERCE", "CATALOG_NBR": "7105", "CLASS_NBR": 25697, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Completion of 24 units in the Program", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Dissertation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to develop in students a capacity to work independently under the guidance of their supervisor, to carry out research and to report the results in a formal document that demonstrates the ability to argue the case. Each student will prepare under supervision an individual research dissertation that exhibits original investigation, analysis and interpretation. Appointments with student and supervisor to be arranged, generally at least one hour per week of semester.\nThe dissertation will be assessed by two examiners. Examiners will be selected from the University of Adelaide, other universities or from industry. Any external examiners should normally have substantial research experience in the area under investigation and be nationally recognised in the field. A student's supervisor may not be appointed as an examiner. The identity of the examiners should not be made known to the student.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1338": {"id": "zUr4gMz0zlOUQUn6CVZ8V", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "yjCRk6AaZsTCfPrCwjaMt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25697, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "1339": {"id": "X5r77qFkdsqiifpcpQGdc", "course_id": "103466", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103466", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Readings (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMERCE", "CATALOG_NBR": "7106", "CLASS_NBR": 15683, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The primary objectives of this course are that students will: Become familiar with their intended area of research; Gain a general overview of the research area and undertake a critical assessment of the relevant literature; Gain skills in preparing an in-depth literature review and presenting a research paper; Become familiar with accessing and searching electronic and other databases of business literature; Compile comprehensive reference lists based on their search of literature; Write a clear and concise review of the literature relevant to their intended research project; Explain in writing the basic purpose and significance of their research project in the context of past work in the field.\nStudents will need to discuss possible research topics with appropriate staff members to identify a supervisor. References, resources and the reading material will be specific to a project and will need to be discussed with the research supervisor. -Seminars and workshops will be conducted covering library search techniques, referencing, and preparing and presenting a research proposal.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1340": {"id": "X5r77qFkdsqiifpcpQGdc", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "fbAoGqQ5OmhZCU3X51UNf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15683, "section": "01NT", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "1341": {"subject": "COMMGMT", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "107436", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107436", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107436", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111613", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111613", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111180", "term": "4433", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111180", "term": "4436", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111180", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107436", "term": "4410", "offer": 5}, {"course_id": "107436", "term": "4420", "offer": 5}, {"course_id": "107436", "term": "4410", "offer": 6}, {"course_id": "107436", "term": "4420", "offer": 6}, {"course_id": "111290", "term": "4415", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104235", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111614", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109644", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111191", "term": "4433", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111191", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111193", "term": "4436", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104237", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111182", "term": "4433", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111182", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104238", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111177", "term": "4436", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111177", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104239", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111187", "term": "4436", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106719", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111181", "term": "4433", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111181", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109440", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111176", "term": "4433", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111176", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109177", "term": "4436", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102230", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102230", "term": "4415", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102230", "term": "4433", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102230", "term": "4436", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102230", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110523", "term": "4461", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110523", "term": "4463", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110523", "term": "4465", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110814", "term": "4461", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110814", "term": "4463", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110814", "term": "4465", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110524", "term": "4461", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110524", "term": "4463", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110524", "term": "4465", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110105", "term": "4436", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111266", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111294", "term": "4436", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111291", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}]}}, "1342": {"id": "ACXn_St4zTHXau9uMKnHm", "course_id": "107436", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107436", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Managing Organisations and People", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMGMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "1001", "CLASS_NBR": 92405, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMMGMT 2501, COMMGMT 1001AUACM, COMMGMT 1001BUACM, COMMGMT1001OUA", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces students to the roles and functions of managers. The content includes an introduction to organisations and the need for and nature of management. It examines the evolution of management theory, organisational environments, and corporate social responsibility and ethics. The course also includes a detailed investigation of the four functions of management: planning and decision making, organising, leading and motivating, and controlling.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 09/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "1343": {"id": "ACXn_St4zTHXau9uMKnHm", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "8-n1ncl3Ld99lIzBjKLez", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92405, "section": "WR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 12, "available": 38, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Jan - 1 Feb", "days": "Monday, Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "Hw1FLamDv1_qoZ05jajXx", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92403, "section": "LE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 12, "available": 38, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Jan - 1 Feb", "days": "Monday, Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "1344": {"id": "5CvAXHN9YUiDnsDWIvCIr", "course_id": "107436", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107436", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Managing Organisations and People", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMGMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "1001", "CLASS_NBR": 19764, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMMGMT 2501, COMMGMT 1001AUACM, COMMGMT 1001BUACM, COMMGMT1001OUA", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces students to the roles and functions of managers. The content includes an introduction to organisations and the need for and nature of management. It examines the evolution of management theory, organisational environments, and corporate social responsibility and ethics. The course also includes a detailed investigation of the four functions of management: planning and decision making, organising, leading and motivating, and controlling.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1345": {"id": "5CvAXHN9YUiDnsDWIvCIr", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "FpGRsPlElRRaDkO2_MPEx", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11881, "section": "WR06", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11882, "section": "WR05", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11883, "section": "WR04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11884, "section": "WR03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 22, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11885, "section": "WR02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11886, "section": "WR01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19764, "section": "WR07", "size": 25, "enrolled": 10, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "CNgTwbK3diytgsYwtx2IH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13545, "section": "LE01", "size": 175, "enrolled": 150, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "1346": {"id": "PtespUYl6oqmOBgwvV4hu", "course_id": "107436", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107436", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Managing Organisations and People", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMGMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "1001", "CLASS_NBR": 21872, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMMGMT 2501, COMMGMT 1001AUACM, COMMGMT 1001BUACM, COMMGMT1001OUA", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces students to the roles and functions of managers. The content includes an introduction to organisations and the need for and nature of management. It examines the evolution of management theory, organisational environments, and corporate social responsibility and ethics. The course also includes a detailed investigation of the four functions of management: planning and decision making, organising, leading and motivating, and controlling.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1347": {"id": "PtespUYl6oqmOBgwvV4hu", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "oLlRR_kC5PKZYB94-W6ju", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21872, "section": "WR04", "size": 26, "enrolled": 24, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 29 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21873, "section": "WR03", "size": 26, "enrolled": 21, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 1 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21874, "section": "WR02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, 144, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 1 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, 144, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21875, "section": "WR01", "size": 26, "enrolled": 24, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 29 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "CDkjHGEcireJLmngTjbn7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20193, "section": "LE01", "size": 103, "enrolled": 94, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 29 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1348": {"id": "BATenV4iAQT67ch0Gepcf", "course_id": "111613", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111613", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Managing Organisations and People", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMGMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "1001MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 19620, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMMGMT 2501, COMMGMT 1001AUACM, COMMGMT 1001BUACM, COMMGMT1001OUA", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces students to the roles and functions of managers. The content includes an introduction to organisations and the need for and nature of management. It examines the evolution of management theory, organisational environments, and corporate social responsibility and ethics. The course also includes a detailed investigation of the four functions of management: planning and decision making, organising, leading and motivating, and controlling.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1349": {"id": "BATenV4iAQT67ch0Gepcf", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "7LFYZsWDqNESbrdOJD0XI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19620, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 3, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "WZEgg2BqgmadlT065rFy6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19641, "section": "LEC0", "size": 24, "enrolled": 3, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "1350": {"id": "6qfkakb9S8QkQ2zNhwwdW", "course_id": "111613", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111613", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Managing Organisations and People", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMGMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "1001MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 29445, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMMGMT 2501, COMMGMT 1001AUACM, COMMGMT 1001BUACM, COMMGMT1001OUA", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces students to the roles and functions of managers. The content includes an introduction to organisations and the need for and nature of management. It examines the evolution of management theory, organisational environments, and corporate social responsibility and ethics. The course also includes a detailed investigation of the four functions of management: planning and decision making, organising, leading and motivating, and controlling.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1351": {"id": "6qfkakb9S8QkQ2zNhwwdW", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "Bpi9bJOXlSXKfq4x-jRla", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29445, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 4, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "D-LIilUUYLaSjVNcEt-_d", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29453, "section": "LEC0", "size": 24, "enrolled": 4, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "1352": {"id": "RsJ9e-eU7RcP3OuS9K67T", "course_id": "111180", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111180", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Managing Organisations and People", "CAMPUS": "Open Universities Australia", "CAMPUS_CD": "OUA", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMGMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "1001OUA", "CLASS_NBR": 30144, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide Open Universities Australia students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMMGMT 1001, COMMGMT 2008, COMMGMT 2501, WINEMKTG 2500", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces students to the roles and functions of managers. 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The course also includes a detailed investigation of the four functions of management: planning and decision making, organising, leading and motivating, and controlling.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "1353": {"id": "RsJ9e-eU7RcP3OuS9K67T", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "j6UGYidtwC-wHW3sQXkCf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30144, "section": "01OU", "size": 100, "enrolled": 15, "available": 85, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop"}]}]}]}, "1354": {"id": "0t_0y19k_sUOEb8F45L0y", "course_id": "111180", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111180", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Managing Organisations and People", "CAMPUS": "Open Universities Australia", "CAMPUS_CD": "OUA", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMGMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "1001OUA", "CLASS_NBR": 33121, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide Open Universities Australia students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMMGMT 1001, COMMGMT 2008, COMMGMT 2501, WINEMKTG 2500", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces students to the roles and functions of managers. 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The course also includes a detailed investigation of the four functions of management: planning and decision making, organising, leading and motivating, and controlling.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "1355": {"id": "0t_0y19k_sUOEb8F45L0y", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "e7O2Z3YS4fSe1-wK4u1M-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33121, "section": "01OU", "size": 100, "enrolled": 21, "available": 79, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop"}]}]}]}, "1356": {"id": "MNNDi66OMC_S-83Bi3wA9", "course_id": "111180", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111180", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Managing Organisations and People", "CAMPUS": "Open Universities Australia", "CAMPUS_CD": "OUA", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMGMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "1001OUA", "CLASS_NBR": 36134, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide Open Universities Australia students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMMGMT 1001, COMMGMT 2008, COMMGMT 2501, WINEMKTG 2500", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces students to the roles and functions of managers. 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The course also includes a detailed investigation of the four functions of management: planning and decision making, organising, leading and motivating, and controlling.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "1357": {"id": "MNNDi66OMC_S-83Bi3wA9", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "yxW8WnG4R06BTB1i1mOdq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36134, "section": "01OU", "size": 100, "enrolled": 20, "available": 80, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop"}]}]}]}, "1358": {"id": "fhc0mBw3N0M5No1JEDZDZ", "course_id": "107436", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107436", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 5, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Managing Organisations and People", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMGMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "1001UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 12407, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMMGMT 1001AUACM, COMMGMT 1001BUACM, COM1001OUA", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces students to the roles and functions of managers. The content includes an introduction to organisations and the need for and nature of management. It examines the evolution of management theory, organisational environments, and corporate social responsibility and ethics. The course also includes a detailed investigation of the four functions of management: planning and decision making, organising, leading and motivating, and controlling.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1359": {"id": "fhc0mBw3N0M5No1JEDZDZ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "BxmXk7IRc3Eeyr5KORsAt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12406, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 22, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, 105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 115, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, 105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 115, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12407, "section": "TT02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 17, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hartley, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hartley, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 315, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "pvqUQDmoVh7yGBNeP4A2C", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16538, "section": "LEC0", "size": 48, "enrolled": 39, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "1360": {"id": "gZVpGDYFs5dN1MQCciLnH", "course_id": "107436", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107436", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 5, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Managing Organisations and People", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMGMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "1001UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 29545, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMMGMT 1001AUACM, COMMGMT 1001BUACM, COM1001OUA", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces students to the roles and functions of managers. The content includes an introduction to organisations and the need for and nature of management. It examines the evolution of management theory, organisational environments, and corporate social responsibility and ethics. The course also includes a detailed investigation of the four functions of management: planning and decision making, organising, leading and motivating, and controlling.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1361": {"id": "gZVpGDYFs5dN1MQCciLnH", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "XxCTu4G9GVddFlolm94j4", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22271, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 18, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 103, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 103, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 102, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22272, "section": "TT02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 18, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, 105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, 105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 316, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29545, "section": "TT03", "size": 24, "enrolled": 20, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 310, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 310, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Ygto9alslIcb6JbVOOHXW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28870, "section": "LEC0", "size": 72, "enrolled": 56, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "1362": {"id": "LAXgyZtqJdmP9Sf5psN6t", "course_id": "107436", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107436", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 6, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Managing Organisations and People", "CAMPUS": "UofA College Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "UACM", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMGMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "1001UACM", "CLASS_NBR": 19621, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMMGMT 1001AUACM, COMMGMT 1001BUACM, COMMGMT1001OUA", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces students to the roles and functions of managers. The content includes an introduction to organisations and the need for and nature of management. It examines the evolution of management theory, organisational environments, and corporate social responsibility and ethics. The course also includes a detailed investigation of the four functions of management: planning and decision making, organising, leading and motivating, and controlling.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1363": {"id": "LAXgyZtqJdmP9Sf5psN6t", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "p2fr1EA-Ic3B2gkFKc-0R", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19621, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 3, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "DDohyq8ZFvUYpcqmYq0SX", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19640, "section": "LEC0", "size": 24, "enrolled": 3, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "1364": {"id": "q_ILAzb6x-0o1d79JqHoC", "course_id": "107436", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107436", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 6, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Managing Organisations and People", "CAMPUS": "UofA College Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "UACM", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMGMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "1001UACM", "CLASS_NBR": 29456, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMMGMT 1001AUACM, COMMGMT 1001BUACM, COMMGMT1001OUA", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces students to the roles and functions of managers. The content includes an introduction to organisations and the need for and nature of management. It examines the evolution of management theory, organisational environments, and corporate social responsibility and ethics. The course also includes a detailed investigation of the four functions of management: planning and decision making, organising, leading and motivating, and controlling.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1365": {"id": "q_ILAzb6x-0o1d79JqHoC", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "tZ-1VRiBg917MFWBeIlHm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29456, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 3, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "lPHTGw8PCxMonuoUdiui3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29458, "section": "LEC0", "size": 24, "enrolled": 3, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "1366": {"id": "dFCYn2hYSKyF4__R9CN9O", "course_id": "111290", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111290", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Developing and Demonstrating a Reflexive Selling Mindset", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMGMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "1002", "CLASS_NBR": 95064, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Workshop participation, Midterm test, Essay, Group report, Group Presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Sales pedagogy concerns the sales representative growth, an organisation's long-term direction and performance. The course draws on real-life experiences and business/management studies to examine reflective thinking. Using case studies and inviting sales professionals from different organisations as guest lecturers, the course aims to equip the students with fundamental knowledge of what sales involve and the role of ethics in developing a sales mindset. It will introduce students to tools to learn and practice their understanding of the relevant concepts and frameworks needed to be a better sales representative in the fast-paced, dynamic, diverse and evolving business and management environment. Students in this course can expect to critically explore their ideas about selling from the viewpoint of both being a customer to organisations and a sales representative to customers. In addition, the students will critically and continuously analyse the customer relationships from customers, organisations, competitors, and their perspectives. Students will learn how internal and external environment interactions inform them on different facets of sales to become influential sales representatives. The course involves a foundational understanding of what sales is. Students in the course would discuss critical elements of their day-to-day life where they try to influence people to understand their viewpoint.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 24/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 28/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 11/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 17/07/2024"}}]}, "1367": {"id": "dFCYn2hYSKyF4__R9CN9O", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "ZaHzjAdlOLuFJ3QJrngNI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95064, "section": "LE01", "size": 75, "enrolled": 8, "available": 67, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "18 Jun - 27 Jun", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Jul - 11 Jul", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Jul - 18 Jul", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1368": {"id": "6jqgWG5mYxxZSWPH8lyW3", "course_id": "104235", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104235", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Organisational Behaviour", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMGMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "2500", "CLASS_NBR": 21876, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080307", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "One Semester of University study", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to provide students with a foundational understanding of the history and development of Organisational Behaviour\n(OB) theories and concepts. The body of knowledge focuses on how the attributes and behaviours of individuals and groups influence the culture, design, ethics, learning and structure of an organisation. The applied focus of the course is to facilitate experiential learning of contemporary approaches to conflict resolution, communication, decision making, leadership, motivation, negotiation, power and politics within a team environment.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1369": {"id": "6jqgWG5mYxxZSWPH8lyW3", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "DBnC_-P2TTHtNP4JJQ3M6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21876, "section": "TU07", "size": 26, "enrolled": 25, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10:30am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 28 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10:30am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21877, "section": "TU06", "size": 26, "enrolled": 25, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1:30pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Napier, 144, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 29 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1:30pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Napier, 144, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21880, "section": "TU03", "size": 26, "enrolled": 26, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10:30am", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10:30am", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21881, "section": "TU02", "size": 26, "enrolled": 23, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1:30pm", "location": "Napier, 144, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 29 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1:30pm", "location": "Napier, 144, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21882, "section": "TU01", "size": 26, "enrolled": 25, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3:30pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 1 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3:30pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "CR1XWJ0x85Vf3__loK4-Z", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25144, "section": "LE01", "size": 130, "enrolled": 124, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10:30am", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 29 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10:30am", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "1370": {"id": "iSVS8v-8qlsBZf_oOx_5b", "course_id": "111614", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111614", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Organisational Behaviour", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMGMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "2500MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 29444, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080307", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "One Semester of University study", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to provide students with a foundational understanding of the history and development of Organisational Behaviour\n(OB) theories and concepts. The body of knowledge focuses on how the attributes and behaviours of individuals and groups influence the culture, design, ethics, learning and structure of an organisation. The applied focus of the course is to facilitate experiential learning of contemporary approaches to conflict resolution, communication, decision making, leadership, motivation, negotiation, power and politics within a team environment.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1371": {"id": "iSVS8v-8qlsBZf_oOx_5b", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "mBzQLXp5gRCe-B9l0rFtZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29444, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 6, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2:30pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2:30pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "o59w0Eu2Bkxs1WxQasIZ_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29443, "section": "LE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 6, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2:30pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2:30pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1372": {"id": "PVLtb7vDjF7nkU6SPQ6rm", "course_id": "109644", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109644", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Business Operations Management", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMGMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "2511", "CLASS_NBR": 11887, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMMGMT 1001 or COMMGMT 1001OUA", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMMGMT 2511OUA", "ASSESSMENT": "Online quizzes, workshop participation, assignments and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course provides a broad introduction to operations management and the associated tools and techniques that support the design, planning and improvement of systems or processes. The course develops awareness of the different aspects of operations, including; process flow, scheduling, inventory, layout and risk, and explores ways in which these can be represented to improve business decision making. Students will develop systematic and critical thinking skills essential to understanding, managing and improving operations in a broad range of industries and business contexts..", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1373": {"id": "PVLtb7vDjF7nkU6SPQ6rm", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "XWEJBKnRS8CBrNmqa5i_x", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11887, "section": "TU06", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11889, "section": "TU04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 22, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 May - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11890, "section": "TU03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 20, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11891, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 17, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11892, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 16, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "sWZghn_jh_Hpzf87BA-k6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15304, "section": "LE01", "size": 125, "enrolled": 99, "available": 26, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "1374": {"id": "BUgr1Ej9QhoQ9cV3bp4Uk", "course_id": "111191", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111191", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Business Operations Management", "CAMPUS": "Open Universities Australia", "CAMPUS_CD": "OUA", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMGMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "2511OUA", "CLASS_NBR": 30148, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide Open Universities Australia students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMMGMT 1001 or COMMGMT1001OUA", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMMGMT 2511", "ASSESSMENT": "Online quizzes, workshop participation, assignments and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course provides a broad introduction to operations management and the associated tools and techniques that support the design, planning and improvement of systems or processes. The course develops awareness of the different aspects of operations, including; process flow, scheduling, inventory, layout and risk, and explores ways in which these can be represented to improve business decision making. Students will develop systematic and critical thinking skills essential to understanding, managing and improving operations in a broad range of industries and business contexts.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "1375": {"id": "BUgr1Ej9QhoQ9cV3bp4Uk", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "h_5SWJ_G3pO_SR_QIffpP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30148, "section": "01OU", "size": 100, "enrolled": 3, "available": 97, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "1376": {"id": "O6ctS0DYlSnykEdDqvZ-V", "course_id": "111191", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111191", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Business Operations Management", "CAMPUS": "Open Universities Australia", "CAMPUS_CD": "OUA", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMGMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "2511OUA", "CLASS_NBR": 36140, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide Open Universities Australia students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMMGMT 1001 or COMMGMT1001OUA", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMMGMT 2511", "ASSESSMENT": "Online quizzes, workshop participation, assignments and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course provides a broad introduction to operations management and the associated tools and techniques that support the design, planning and improvement of systems or processes. The course develops awareness of the different aspects of operations, including; process flow, scheduling, inventory, layout and risk, and explores ways in which these can be represented to improve business decision making. Students will develop systematic and critical thinking skills essential to understanding, managing and improving operations in a broad range of industries and business contexts.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "1377": {"id": "O6ctS0DYlSnykEdDqvZ-V", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "2fxOwIGAp3ErfAv7HBKCs", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36140, "section": "01OU", "size": 100, "enrolled": 4, "available": 96, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "1378": {"id": "J1PmRTft5_9xVeIAiFRW0", "course_id": "111193", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111193", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Business Information Systems and Management", "CAMPUS": "Open Universities Australia", "CAMPUS_CD": "OUA", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMGMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "2512OUA", "CLASS_NBR": 33128, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide Open Universities Australia students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMMGMT 1001 or COMMGMT 1001OUA", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMMGMT 7024, COMMGMT 7024OL, COMMGMT 2512", "ASSESSMENT": "Case Studies", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Business Information Systems & Management overviews the critical aspects of Information Management and Information Systems needed in all businesses in the 21st century. While primarily a business course, there will be consideration of the technical aspects necessary to be able to liaise meaningfully with IT departments and personnel. The predominant focus of the course will be the ability to leverage technology for business purposes. The course includes fundamental information management skills (eg: Spreadsheets & Databases) and focuses on the use of information to make business decisions and solve business problems.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "1379": {"id": "J1PmRTft5_9xVeIAiFRW0", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "tUNGJZTXcZBs0v_2Ml118", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33128, "section": "01OU", "size": 100, "enrolled": 1, "available": 99, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "1380": {"id": "0__SfBqWSSM4dAjGkeVRc", "course_id": "104237", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104237", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Managing Across Cultures", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMGMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "3500", "CLASS_NBR": 21883, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080311", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(COMMGMT 1001 or COMMGMT 1001OUA) or COMMGMT 2500", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMMGMT 3500OUA", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The objective of this course is to provide students with a basic understanding of the fundamental principles and practices of International Management. The course focuses on the foundations of international management, the role of culture, cross-cultural communication and negotiations, MNC strategies and structures, and international human resource management. There will be a focus on appropriate theory and the course will aim to provide opportunities for the practical implementation of the main concepts covered.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1381": {"id": "0__SfBqWSSM4dAjGkeVRc", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "lI38eHJrbdEy-NFPEZK3b", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21883, "section": "TU06", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 1 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21885, "section": "TU04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21886, "section": "TU03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1:30pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 28 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1:30pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21887, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21888, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 18, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1:30pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 28 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1:30pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "1veDHne2uiIXyltbcs-hH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25145, "section": "LE01", "size": 125, "enrolled": 113, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10:30am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 29 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10:30am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "1382": {"id": "EmavzIUW3CNksvFbXcsPt", "course_id": "111182", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111182", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Managing Across Cultures", "CAMPUS": "Open Universities Australia", "CAMPUS_CD": "OUA", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMGMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "3500OUA", "CLASS_NBR": 30145, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080311", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide Open Universities Australia students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMMGMT 1001 or COMMGMT 1001 OUIA or COMMGMT 2500", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMMGMT 3500", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The objective of this course is to provide students with a basic understanding of the fundamental principles and practices of International Management. The course focuses on the foundations of international management, the role of culture, cross-cultural communication and negotiations, MNC strategies and structures, and international human resource management. There will be a focus on appropriate theory and the course will aim to provide opportunities for the practical implementation of the main concepts covered.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "1383": {"id": "EmavzIUW3CNksvFbXcsPt", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "Hnh82kny5_VNWdeZoQRiX", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30145, "section": "01OU", "size": 100, "enrolled": 0, "available": 100, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jan - 26 Apr", "days": "", "start_time": "", "end_time": "", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "1384": {"id": "cSJ8bP_M3cUk_0xWeW4fc", "course_id": "111182", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111182", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Managing Across Cultures", "CAMPUS": "Open Universities Australia", "CAMPUS_CD": "OUA", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMGMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "3500OUA", "CLASS_NBR": 36135, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080311", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide Open Universities Australia students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMMGMT 1001 or COMMGMT 1001 OUIA or COMMGMT 2500", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMMGMT 3500", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The objective of this course is to provide students with a basic understanding of the fundamental principles and practices of International Management. The course focuses on the foundations of international management, the role of culture, cross-cultural communication and negotiations, MNC strategies and structures, and international human resource management. There will be a focus on appropriate theory and the course will aim to provide opportunities for the practical implementation of the main concepts covered.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "1385": {"id": "cSJ8bP_M3cUk_0xWeW4fc", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "z7nvThyzcNaZ4e2HUeQYU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36135, "section": "01OU", "size": 100, "enrolled": 4, "available": 96, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Sep - 22 Nov", "days": "", "start_time": "", "end_time": "", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "1386": {"id": "XBexWmiFkj3yS4Nkjk5dC", "course_id": "104238", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104238", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Strategic Management", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMGMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "3501", "CLASS_NBR": 21889, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "48 units of Program passed", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMMGMT 1001 or COMMGMT 1001OUA", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MARKETNG 1001, ECON 1008, ACCTING 1002, ACCTING 1004", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Managing strategy is concerned with the long-term direction and performance of an organisation. This course draws on prior business and management studies to examine contemporary thinking in the field of strategy. Using case studies, the course aims to equip you with a practical understanding of the relevant concepts and frameworks needed to make better strategic decisions in the context of the dynamic and fast changing business and management environment. Students can expect to critically explore how the continuous and accurate analysis of essential strategic tasks and how internal and external environments interact are components of a successful strategy.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1387": {"id": "XBexWmiFkj3yS4Nkjk5dC", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "PlGJdGWFfaSMP_BoJVZsr", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21889, "section": "TU05", "size": 25, "enrolled": 21, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21891, "section": "TU03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Napier, 144, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 29 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Napier, 144, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21892, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 22, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 29 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21893, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "UyQr6g5ogI_BpeDYohc4g", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25146, "section": "LE01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 92, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 29 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1388": {"id": "LjdlEDynjmEWT6ltpz5j9", "course_id": "111177", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111177", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Strategic Management", "CAMPUS": "Open Universities Australia", "CAMPUS_CD": "OUA", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMGMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "3501OUA", "CLASS_NBR": 33118, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide Open Universities Australia students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMMGMT 1001 or COMMGMT 1001OUA", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMMGMT 3501, COMMGMT 3501NA, COMMGMT 3510", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Managing strategy is concerned with the long-term direction and performance of an organisation. This course draws on prior business and management studies to examine contemporary thinking in the field of strategy. Using case studies, the course aims to equip you with a practical understanding of the relevant concepts and frameworks needed to make better strategic decisions in the context of the dynamic and fast changing business and management environment. Students can expect to critically explore how the continuous and accurate analysis of essential strategic tasks and how internal and external environments interact are components of a successful strategy.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "1389": {"id": "LjdlEDynjmEWT6ltpz5j9", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "0a0B0v2eSOzYr9X1NIgTZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33118, "section": "01OU", "size": 100, "enrolled": 3, "available": 97, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "20 May - 16 Aug", "days": "", "start_time": "", "end_time": "", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "1390": {"id": "tzktZRi3xFgzwNXgpAkdw", "course_id": "111177", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111177", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Strategic Management", "CAMPUS": "Open Universities Australia", "CAMPUS_CD": "OUA", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMGMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "3501OUA", "CLASS_NBR": 36132, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide Open Universities Australia students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMMGMT 1001 or COMMGMT 1001OUA", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMMGMT 3501, COMMGMT 3501NA, COMMGMT 3510", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Managing strategy is concerned with the long-term direction and performance of an organisation. This course draws on prior business and management studies to examine contemporary thinking in the field of strategy. Using case studies, the course aims to equip you with a practical understanding of the relevant concepts and frameworks needed to make better strategic decisions in the context of the dynamic and fast changing business and management environment. Students can expect to critically explore how the continuous and accurate analysis of essential strategic tasks and how internal and external environments interact are components of a successful strategy.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "1391": {"id": "tzktZRi3xFgzwNXgpAkdw", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "ZzFe7UwG-yuolI7sxC7Ul", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36132, "section": "01OU", "size": 100, "enrolled": 0, "available": 100, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "1392": {"id": "PkeG-8Vc5yY4VY4fTVRy1", "course_id": "104239", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104239", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Human Resource Management", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMGMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "3502", "CLASS_NBR": 10105, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMMGMT 2500", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMMGMT 3502OUA", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of this course is to introduce students to the foundational principles and practice of contemporary human resource management with a specific focus on the role that it plays in helping organisations build and maintain competitive advantage. The course will explore the theory and practice of human resource management across the following areas: HR & the legal context of work; health, safety & employee wellbeing; equity, diversity & inclusion; job analysis and design; human resource planning; recruitment and selection; human resource development and career development; performance management; remuneration; ethics & social responsibility, international HRM; and the future of HRM.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1393": {"id": "PkeG-8Vc5yY4VY4fTVRy1", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "5uRgoghZ1Clmxca62ecIv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10105, "section": "SE01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 85, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1394": {"id": "rMHY8Q_gD5YcNHYoJMlFM", "course_id": "111187", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111187", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Human Resources Management", "CAMPUS": "Open Universities Australia", "CAMPUS_CD": "OUA", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMGMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "3502OUA", "CLASS_NBR": 33125, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide Open Universities Australia students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMMGMT 2500", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMMGMT 3502", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of this course is to introduce students to the principles and practice of contemporary human resource management with a specific focus on the strategic role that it plays in helping organisations build and maintain competitive advantage. The course will explore the theory and practice of human resource management across the following areas: workforce planning; ethical and legal frameworks for HRM; employee selection; training and development; performance management; compensation; employee relations; diversity management; health, safety and wellbeing; employee separation; and HRM in a global environment.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "1395": {"id": "rMHY8Q_gD5YcNHYoJMlFM", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "nDAZLDFyog654PwgWs3ey", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33125, "section": "01OU", "size": 100, "enrolled": 2, "available": 98, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "1396": {"id": "VZY4KKu5B3F13fMUsGM6i", "course_id": "106719", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106719", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Managing Conflict and Change", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMGMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "3506", "CLASS_NBR": 11893, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "6 units of COMMGMT courses", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMMGMT 3506OUA", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of this course is to explore approaches to managing conflict and change in the workplace. The course will consider theory and research as well as practical management tools and techniques for dealing with conflict and change. The course is designed to facilitate experiential learning through structured workshop activities, negotiation exercises and group assignments. Learning will be reinforced through reflection and self and peer evaluation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1397": {"id": "VZY4KKu5B3F13fMUsGM6i", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "sKgAbmXyCYZVruO1PECLY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11893, "section": "WR05", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11894, "section": "WR04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11895, "section": "WR02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, 144, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11896, "section": "WR01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19026, "section": "WR03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 12, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "6zUtSNC4xQ1_O0wuXncBz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15305, "section": "LE01", "size": 125, "enrolled": 110, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "1398": {"id": "hiGdYAFZrLNVAlCHxkv43", "course_id": "111181", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111181", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Managing Conflict and Change", "CAMPUS": "Open Universities Australia", "CAMPUS_CD": "OUA", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMGMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "3506OUA", "CLASS_NBR": 30287, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide Open Universities Australia students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMMGMT 2500", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMMGMT 3506", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of this course is to explore approaches to managing conflict and change in the workplace. The course will consider theory and research as well as practical management tools and techniques for dealing with conflict and change. The course is designed to facilitate experiential learning through structured workshop activities, negotiation exercises and group assignments. Learning will be reinforced through reflection and self and peer evaluation", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "1399": {"id": "hiGdYAFZrLNVAlCHxkv43", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "h6CRPq48rj_Sv-NgvVJ0I", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30287, "section": "01OU", "size": 100, "enrolled": 3, "available": 97, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jan - 26 Apr", "days": "", "start_time": "", "end_time": "", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "1400": {"id": "m_zQdV9pSog7uVoYHAbtM", "course_id": "111181", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111181", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Managing Conflict and Change", "CAMPUS": "Open Universities Australia", "CAMPUS_CD": "OUA", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMGMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "3506OUA", "CLASS_NBR": 36283, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide Open Universities Australia students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMMGMT 2500", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMMGMT 3506", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of this course is to explore approaches to managing conflict and change in the workplace. The course will consider theory and research as well as practical management tools and techniques for dealing with conflict and change. The course is designed to facilitate experiential learning through structured workshop activities, negotiation exercises and group assignments. Learning will be reinforced through reflection and self and peer evaluation", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "1401": {"id": "m_zQdV9pSog7uVoYHAbtM", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "s3Vf2neUHNsYB7h7D1g0i", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36283, "section": "01OU", "size": 100, "enrolled": 1, "available": 99, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Sep - 22 Nov", "days": "", "start_time": "", "end_time": "", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "1402": {"id": "hcUmmR87eaKUAGgAns_3L", "course_id": "109440", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109440", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Systems Thinking for a Complex World", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMGMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "3508", "CLASS_NBR": 11897, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "INTBUS 2001 or INTBUS 2001OUA", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMMGMT 2504, COMMGMT 3508OUA", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course adopts a systems thinking perspective to explore the challenges and opportunities of managing in complex organisational and social environments. Building on skills and knowledge gained throughout the program, the course provides a framework in which to explore the essential \u2018messiness\u2019 of living systems and the complexity and unpredictability of outcomes. Assessment will focus on the use of environmental and organisational information to diagnose problems, to propose alternative solutions and then to consider possible outcomes to complex business problems.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1403": {"id": "hcUmmR87eaKUAGgAns_3L", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "iyrwMcfzObv0wzsTUqzub", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11897, "section": "WR01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 58, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1404": {"id": "5uYSM_v2yOT9OWgw4hYAS", "course_id": "111176", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111176", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Systems Thinking for a Complex World", "CAMPUS": "Open Universities Australia", "CAMPUS_CD": "OUA", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMGMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "3508OUA", "CLASS_NBR": 30286, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide Open Universities Australia students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "INTBUS 2001 or INTBUS 2001OUA", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMMGMT 2504, COMMGMT 3508", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course adopts a systems thinking perspective to explore the challenges and opportunities of managing in complex organisational and social environments. Building on skills and knowledge gained throughout the program, the course provides a framework in which to explore the essential \u2018messiness\u2019 of living systems and the complexity and unpredictability of outcomes. Assessment will focus on the use of environmental and organisational information to diagnose problems, to propose alternative solutions and then to consider possible outcomes to complex business problems.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "1405": {"id": "5uYSM_v2yOT9OWgw4hYAS", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "8kkau56FkTgzElwgO5psh", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30286, "section": "01OU", "size": 100, "enrolled": 2, "available": 98, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jan - 26 Apr", "days": "", "start_time": "", "end_time": "", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "1406": {"id": "lYJaWj7YWo5USAmQtXONs", "course_id": "111176", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111176", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Systems Thinking for a Complex World", "CAMPUS": "Open Universities Australia", "CAMPUS_CD": "OUA", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMGMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "3508OUA", "CLASS_NBR": 36282, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide Open Universities Australia students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "INTBUS 2001 or INTBUS 2001OUA", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMMGMT 2504, COMMGMT 3508", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course adopts a systems thinking perspective to explore the challenges and opportunities of managing in complex organisational and social environments. Building on skills and knowledge gained throughout the program, the course provides a framework in which to explore the essential \u2018messiness\u2019 of living systems and the complexity and unpredictability of outcomes. Assessment will focus on the use of environmental and organisational information to diagnose problems, to propose alternative solutions and then to consider possible outcomes to complex business problems.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "1407": {"id": "lYJaWj7YWo5USAmQtXONs", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "E69JSqudZSmqF8s7KN-ps", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36282, "section": "01OU", "size": 100, "enrolled": 0, "available": 100, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop"}]}]}]}, "1408": {"id": "oUSXFaHJIwiSbMA75IObf", "course_id": "109177", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109177", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Family Business Fundamentals", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMGMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7003", "CLASS_NBR": 33077, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Intensive: 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual assignments, quiz", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The purpose of this course is to enhance students' understanding of the characteristics, contributions, and issues unique to family businesses. Topics include the uniqueness and importance of family business, family governance, transgenerational entrepreneurship, professionalization, as well as succession and strategic planning. Key theories used in the family business field will also be introduced and applied in the course, such as systems theory, agency and stewardship theory, the resource-based view, and the socio-emotional wealth perspective. This course utilises a case study method where students are taught how to analyse, develop and deliver recommendations on real family business cases using the theoretical frameworks covered. By design, Family Business Fundamentals is a foundational course for those seeking to be a professional advisor to or leader of family businesses. The course will appeal to those who are interested in succeeding or starting their own family business, as well as those interacting with family businesses as advisors, managers, or policy-makers.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "1409": {"id": "oUSXFaHJIwiSbMA75IObf", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "WPaQbAoMmUdkiVo6SuZK2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33077, "section": "SE01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 18, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "21 May - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1410": {"id": "NVmmSkMoPvLdYakZRQHqj", "course_id": "102230", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102230", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "People and Organisations (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMGMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7006", "CLASS_NBR": 92402, "SESSION_CD": "S02", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080307", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course explores behaviour in the workplace from an individual, group and organisational perspective. It seeks to develop an understanding of how individual attributes such as attitudes, personality, values and motivation, impact on employee performance. It also considers the role of groups and teams in supporting organisational outcomes, strategies for managing interpersonal and intergroup conflict, organisational communication and the importance of leadership in promoting positive employee behaviours. Topics examined from an organisational level perspective include culture, and stress management.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 29/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "1411": {"id": "NVmmSkMoPvLdYakZRQHqj", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "O59rOhVPpf4ZPabOa6y8L", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92402, "section": "SE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 7, "available": 33, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jan - 16 Feb", "days": "Tuesday, , Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1412": {"id": "989u4uctNAeYAaSUzDKUn", "course_id": "102230", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102230", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "People and Organisations (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMGMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7006", "CLASS_NBR": 95289, "SESSION_CD": "WI1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080307", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course explores behaviour in the workplace from an individual, group and organisational perspective. It seeks to develop an understanding of how individual attributes such as attitudes, personality, values and motivation, impact on employee performance. It also considers the role of groups and teams in supporting organisational outcomes, strategies for managing interpersonal and intergroup conflict, organisational communication and the importance of leadership in promoting positive employee behaviours. Topics examined from an organisational level perspective include culture, and stress management.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 08/07/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 10/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 01/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "1413": {"id": "989u4uctNAeYAaSUzDKUn", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "cnV_v9cJurUN9_BNUSsS0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95289, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 9, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "11 Jul - 11 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Jul - 18 Jul", "days": "Monday, Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1414": {"id": "8WTmhgJKdGyikn4oW9Cm-", "course_id": "102230", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102230", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "People and Organisations (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMGMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7006", "CLASS_NBR": 30055, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080307", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course explores behaviour in the workplace from an individual, group and organisational perspective. It seeks to develop an understanding of how individual attributes such as attitudes, personality, values and motivation, impact on employee performance. It also considers the role of groups and teams in supporting organisational outcomes, strategies for managing interpersonal and intergroup conflict, organisational communication and the importance of leadership in promoting positive employee behaviours. Topics examined from an organisational level perspective include culture, and stress management.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "1415": {"id": "8WTmhgJKdGyikn4oW9Cm-", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "5heg4WpfFXw-s9i8nypGk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30055, "section": "SE02", "size": 50, "enrolled": 31, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Feb - 18 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 30073, "section": "SE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 49, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jan - 16 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1416": {"id": "xTWro5ih1nMFAQCDW-FJv", "course_id": "102230", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102230", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "People and Organisations (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMGMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7006", "CLASS_NBR": 33050, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080307", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course explores behaviour in the workplace from an individual, group and organisational perspective. It seeks to develop an understanding of how individual attributes such as attitudes, personality, values and motivation, impact on employee performance. It also considers the role of groups and teams in supporting organisational outcomes, strategies for managing interpersonal and intergroup conflict, organisational communication and the importance of leadership in promoting positive employee behaviours. Topics examined from an organisational level perspective include culture, and stress management.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "1417": {"id": "xTWro5ih1nMFAQCDW-FJv", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "eGSOx0Ud7UhdPodd1HpUM", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33072, "section": "SE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 64, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "21 May - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1418": {"id": "Y1Nnlmh1wfgUU__1xSsu5", "course_id": "102230", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102230", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "People and Organisations (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMGMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7006", "CLASS_NBR": 36065, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080307", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course explores behaviour in the workplace from an individual, group and organisational perspective. It seeks to develop an understanding of how individual attributes such as attitudes, personality, values and motivation, impact on employee performance. It also considers the role of groups and teams in supporting organisational outcomes, strategies for managing interpersonal and intergroup conflict, organisational communication and the importance of leadership in promoting positive employee behaviours. Topics examined from an organisational level perspective include culture, and stress management.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "1419": {"id": "Y1Nnlmh1wfgUU__1xSsu5", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "2d35WRoQgQDwrWh_2C2Ny", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36059, "section": "SE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 43, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Sep - 21 Nov", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 36065, "section": "SE02", "size": 35, "enrolled": 29, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Sep - 21 Nov", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1420": {"id": "wimmZOno94gexDcq2FIFd", "course_id": "110523", "term": "4461", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110523", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4461", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Business Data & Cyber Security (M)", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMGMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7023OL", "CLASS_NBR": 61014, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMMGMT 2508, COMMGMT 7023", "ASSESSMENT": "Projects, reflective journal and exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Business Data & Cyber Security will prepare future professionals for negotiating the constantly changing use of data and information in a business world that requires constant cybersecurity awareness and vigilance. Value and vulnerability of business data for decision making and problem solving are a core focus. Information and cyber security awareness and methods are embedded throughout. Graduates of this course will have the skills required to apply cyber secure practices to their use of business data; analyse and communicate business information needs.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 18/12/2023", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 19/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 19/02/2024"}}]}, "1421": {"id": "wimmZOno94gexDcq2FIFd", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "dK1HMUf28aH5UeipHTutu", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 61014, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 8, "available": 292, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "1422": {"id": "27icYEhmbQhif96puULEy", "course_id": "110523", "term": "4463", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110523", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4463", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Business Data & Cyber Security (M)", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMGMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7023OL", "CLASS_NBR": 63014, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMMGMT 2508, COMMGMT 7023", "ASSESSMENT": "Projects, reflective journal and exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Business Data & Cyber Security will prepare future professionals for negotiating the constantly changing use of data and information in a business world that requires constant cybersecurity awareness and vigilance. Value and vulnerability of business data for decision making and problem solving are a core focus. Information and cyber security awareness and methods are embedded throughout. Graduates of this course will have the skills required to apply cyber secure practices to their use of business data; analyse and communicate business information needs.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 19/04/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 17/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 03/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 17/06/2024"}}]}, "1423": {"id": "27icYEhmbQhif96puULEy", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "o3yqG8yDYN-K62BFnAjlr", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 63014, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 4, "available": 296, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "1424": {"id": "k7ds_71UJobF8ylbVQrtG", "course_id": "110523", "term": "4465", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110523", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4465", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 5", "COURSE_TITLE": "Business Data & Cyber Security (M)", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMGMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7023OL", "CLASS_NBR": 65013, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMMGMT 2508, COMMGMT 7023", "ASSESSMENT": "Projects, reflective journal and exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Business Data & Cyber Security will prepare future professionals for negotiating the constantly changing use of data and information in a business world that requires constant cybersecurity awareness and vigilance. Value and vulnerability of business data for decision making and problem solving are a core focus. Information and cyber security awareness and methods are embedded throughout. Graduates of this course will have the skills required to apply cyber secure practices to their use of business data; analyse and communicate business information needs.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 09/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 06/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 23/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 07/10/2024"}}]}, "1425": {"id": "k7ds_71UJobF8ylbVQrtG", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "51WGiUIBZUOgmKFOeTwIt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 65013, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 21, "available": 279, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "1426": {"id": "fh3kmxkwbrh_nVhL5P6ZO", "course_id": "110814", "term": "4461", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110814", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4461", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Business Information Systems & Management (M)", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMGMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7024OL", "CLASS_NBR": 61017, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to students in the Master of Cyber Security Management stream", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Carousel 3: COMP SCI 7306OL, COMP SCI 7212OL, COMP SCI 7213OL, COMP SCI 7420OL", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMMGMT 2512, COMMGMT 2512OUA, COMMGMT 7024", "ASSESSMENT": "Case studies and assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Business Information Systems & Management (M) is a foundation course for the Graduate Certificate in Cyber Security - Management. It overviews the critical aspects of Information Management and Information Systems needed in all businesses in the 21st century. While primarily a business course, there will be consideration of the technical aspects necessary to be able to liaise meaningfully with IT departments and personnel. The predominant focus of the course will be the ability to leverage technology for business purposes. The course includes fundamental information management skills (eg: Spreadsheets & Databases) and focuses on the use of information to make business decisions and solve business problems.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 18/12/2023", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 19/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 19/02/2024"}}]}, "1427": {"id": "fh3kmxkwbrh_nVhL5P6ZO", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "IVSDWzxKOGzCSEzOIjoMe", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 61017, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 3, "available": 297, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "1428": {"id": "t8_7ygVkprXh98xC6u974", "course_id": "110814", "term": "4463", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110814", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4463", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Business Information Systems & Management (M)", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMGMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7024OL", "CLASS_NBR": 63017, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to students in the Master of Cyber Security Management stream", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Carousel 3: COMP SCI 7306OL, COMP SCI 7212OL, COMP SCI 7213OL, COMP SCI 7420OL", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMMGMT 2512, COMMGMT 2512OUA, COMMGMT 7024", "ASSESSMENT": "Case studies and assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Business Information Systems & Management (M) is a foundation course for the Graduate Certificate in Cyber Security - Management. It overviews the critical aspects of Information Management and Information Systems needed in all businesses in the 21st century. While primarily a business course, there will be consideration of the technical aspects necessary to be able to liaise meaningfully with IT departments and personnel. The predominant focus of the course will be the ability to leverage technology for business purposes. The course includes fundamental information management skills (eg: Spreadsheets & Databases) and focuses on the use of information to make business decisions and solve business problems.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 19/04/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 17/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 03/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 17/06/2024"}}]}, "1429": {"id": "t8_7ygVkprXh98xC6u974", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "NCp3emptqaf8erD2HiKJF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 63017, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 5, "available": 295, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "1430": {"id": "lJ910rv-c8bC85MUvT8oP", "course_id": "110814", "term": "4465", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110814", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4465", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 5", "COURSE_TITLE": "Business Information Systems & Management (M)", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMGMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7024OL", "CLASS_NBR": 65016, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to students in the Master of Cyber Security Management stream", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Carousel 3: COMP SCI 7306OL, COMP SCI 7212OL, COMP SCI 7213OL, COMP SCI 7420OL", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMMGMT 2512, COMMGMT 2512OUA, COMMGMT 7024", "ASSESSMENT": "Case studies and assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Business Information Systems & Management (M) is a foundation course for the Graduate Certificate in Cyber Security - Management. It overviews the critical aspects of Information Management and Information Systems needed in all businesses in the 21st century. While primarily a business course, there will be consideration of the technical aspects necessary to be able to liaise meaningfully with IT departments and personnel. The predominant focus of the course will be the ability to leverage technology for business purposes. The course includes fundamental information management skills (eg: Spreadsheets & Databases) and focuses on the use of information to make business decisions and solve business problems.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 09/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 06/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 23/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 07/10/2024"}}]}, "1431": {"id": "lJ910rv-c8bC85MUvT8oP", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "8wFZwcnL6FyTMJHcbVAfm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 65016, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 7, "available": 293, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "1432": {"id": "eHKhIPLuIU8QvaALMzFN9", "course_id": "110524", "term": "4461", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110524", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4461", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Information Risks, Threats & Controls (M)", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMGMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7025OL", "CLASS_NBR": 61015, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Restricted to students in Grad. Cert. in Cyber Security (Online), Grad Dip. in Cyber Security (Online) or Master of Cyber Security (Online) only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMMGMT 7023 or COMMGMT 7023OL and (COMP SCI 7210OL or POLIS 7024OL)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMMGMT 2507, COMMGMT 7025", "ASSESSMENT": "Quiz, Projects and reflective journal", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course Information Risks, Threats, & Controls consider a broad perspective of organisational vulnerabilities of the digital age, including Enterprise Risk Assessment. Topics addressed include recognition, analysis, and synthesis of risks, threats, and vulnerabilities, and measures to mitigate them, including policy, control, and implementation. Risk management and assurance are critical to all aspects of all businesses and on a broad level. While this course acknowledges the need to recognise and analyse risks, threats, and vulnerabilities across and within the various disciplinary structures of an organisation, (including fiscal risk, brand and reputation, production, operations, legal, and OH&S) it does so from the perspective of the responsibility for Information and Cyber Security plans to support and ensure the risk management of other departments and disciplines. The focus, throughout, is specifically on Information & Cyber Security and Data Privacy.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 18/12/2023", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 19/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 19/02/2024"}}]}, "1433": {"id": "eHKhIPLuIU8QvaALMzFN9", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "eP08uCdpzFIaRn0Qq7RSh", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 61015, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 7, "available": 293, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "1434": {"id": "bnWAzuMB_uUVRfrF3cx3a", "course_id": "110524", "term": "4463", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110524", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4463", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Information Risks, Threats & Controls (M)", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMGMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7025OL", "CLASS_NBR": 63015, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Restricted to students in Grad. Cert. in Cyber Security (Online), Grad Dip. in Cyber Security (Online) or Master of Cyber Security (Online) only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMMGMT 7023 or COMMGMT 7023OL and (COMP SCI 7210OL or POLIS 7024OL)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMMGMT 2507, COMMGMT 7025", "ASSESSMENT": "Quiz, Projects and reflective journal", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course Information Risks, Threats, & Controls consider a broad perspective of organisational vulnerabilities of the digital age, including Enterprise Risk Assessment. Topics addressed include recognition, analysis, and synthesis of risks, threats, and vulnerabilities, and measures to mitigate them, including policy, control, and implementation. Risk management and assurance are critical to all aspects of all businesses and on a broad level. While this course acknowledges the need to recognise and analyse risks, threats, and vulnerabilities across and within the various disciplinary structures of an organisation, (including fiscal risk, brand and reputation, production, operations, legal, and OH&S) it does so from the perspective of the responsibility for Information and Cyber Security plans to support and ensure the risk management of other departments and disciplines. The focus, throughout, is specifically on Information & Cyber Security and Data Privacy.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 19/04/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 17/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 03/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 17/06/2024"}}]}, "1435": {"id": "bnWAzuMB_uUVRfrF3cx3a", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "V4f2kMor8Ozj4GFRYWZpA", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 63015, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 5, "available": 295, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "1436": {"id": "nwIliKe7LcI-j0guVBzuW", "course_id": "110524", "term": "4465", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110524", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4465", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 5", "COURSE_TITLE": "Information Risks, Threats & Controls (M)", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMGMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7025OL", "CLASS_NBR": 65014, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Restricted to students in Grad. Cert. in Cyber Security (Online), Grad Dip. in Cyber Security (Online) or Master of Cyber Security (Online) only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMMGMT 7023 or COMMGMT 7023OL and (COMP SCI 7210OL or POLIS 7024OL)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMMGMT 2507, COMMGMT 7025", "ASSESSMENT": "Quiz, Projects and reflective journal", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course Information Risks, Threats, & Controls consider a broad perspective of organisational vulnerabilities of the digital age, including Enterprise Risk Assessment. Topics addressed include recognition, analysis, and synthesis of risks, threats, and vulnerabilities, and measures to mitigate them, including policy, control, and implementation. Risk management and assurance are critical to all aspects of all businesses and on a broad level. While this course acknowledges the need to recognise and analyse risks, threats, and vulnerabilities across and within the various disciplinary structures of an organisation, (including fiscal risk, brand and reputation, production, operations, legal, and OH&S) it does so from the perspective of the responsibility for Information and Cyber Security plans to support and ensure the risk management of other departments and disciplines. The focus, throughout, is specifically on Information & Cyber Security and Data Privacy.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 09/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 06/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 23/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 07/10/2024"}}]}, "1437": {"id": "nwIliKe7LcI-j0guVBzuW", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "EVTd2GaaMSemTNHSEJH2W", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 65014, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 1, "available": 299, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "1438": {"id": "OLHY22CXIF9CzLanUjYUT", "course_id": "110105", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110105", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Strategic Management (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMGMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7027", "CLASS_NBR": 33026, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignment, in class participation, report", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course focuses on the importance of strategic management in determining organisational performance through introducing the management concepts, skills and abilities relevant to an organisation's strategic capacity to create and capture value. Students can expect to learn about and critically apply contemporary strategic management thinking to modern-day organisations operating in dynamic and fast changing environments. Topics include an integrated approach to applying tools and frameworks to strategic analysis, formulating strategy and strategy implementation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "1439": {"id": "OLHY22CXIF9CzLanUjYUT", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "DCSAxwYw1U5n03npNURAL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33026, "section": "SE01", "size": 120, "enrolled": 93, "available": 27, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "20 May - 12 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 214/218, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1440": {"id": "Er76VHr4YnAxSwYox2GF_", "course_id": "111266", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111266", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Artificial Intelligence for Business", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMGMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7031", "CLASS_NBR": 36020, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "3 hours per session (Up to 18 hours per week for intensive mode)", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Artificial Intelligence (AI) is changing the world, it is impacting every industry and is forecast to be a multi-trillion dollar industry by the end of the decade. Many of the world's largest companies, including Google, Facebook and Amazon, heavily utilise AI throughout their businesses to outpace their competitors. \nBut what is Artificial Intelligence? And how can it be leveraged to improve a business? This course aims to answer these questions through exploring the types of AI that exist, how AI is currently being used to create value within businesses, and how this transformative technology can be harnessed to create new products and services. \nThroughout the course we will also explore the societal, economic and ethical questions that arise when applying AI in business.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "1441": {"id": "Er76VHr4YnAxSwYox2GF_", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "NtxLRllvlwNt6KmNfjuXw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36020, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 19, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Sep - 5 Sep", "days": "Tuesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Tuesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Nov - 7 Nov", "days": "Tuesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1442": {"id": "M8pkapkGzEPSJHtQLOnY8", "course_id": "111294", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111294", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Strategic and Sustainable Procurement", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMGMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7032", "CLASS_NBR": 33087, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Intensive(total 36 hours)", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Essay, Group Report, Portfolio, Engagement", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Procurement concerns with buying goods and services at the right place, for the right price, to the right quantity, and delivered at the right time to allow organisations to operate their supply chains both efficiently and effectively. Strategic and sustainable procurement is core to supply chain management considering a range of issues that procurement professionals must deal with such as make-or-buy decisions, sourcing strategies, supplier selection, strategic sourcing approaches, outsourcing and global sourcing, contracting, supplier integration and development, legal relationships, and negotiation. This course will introduce students to some of these issues across strategic and operational levels of purchasing, procurement, supply management and in light of legal, institutional, and moral sustainability (social and environmental) expectations from businesses.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "1443": {"id": "M8pkapkGzEPSJHtQLOnY8", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "_oG8YuklP_rCsdyjOllL-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33087, "section": "WR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 18, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Jun - 12 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Jun - 26 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Jul - 10 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 24 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Aug - 7 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1444": {"id": "x-1S1brRD2ej3jfeIWzgm", "course_id": "111291", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111291", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Operations Management", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMGMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7033", "CLASS_NBR": 36002, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Intensive (total 36 hours)", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Essay, Group Report, Portfolio, Engagement", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Managing operations is a fundamental component of business administration as it involves ensuring that business processes are efficiently yet dynamically designed considering the resources and capabilities required to satisfy customer requirements. Operations management encompasses a set of tasks, activities, and decisions that creates value through transforming inputs, such as labour and raw materials into outputs, such as services and goods. This course will introduce students to a variety of operations management tools, techniques, and methods to equip them with the knowledge and skills required to make informed decisions and improve organisational and supply chain performance. The knowledge and skills obtained through this course will be applicable to a variety of organisational entities including companies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), government agencies, and social enterprises.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "1445": {"id": "x-1S1brRD2ej3jfeIWzgm", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "jyOflEzkeX-gpNgPK1z6Z", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36002, "section": "WR01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 25, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Sep - 27 Sep", "days": "Wednesday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Wednesday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Nov - 8 Nov", "days": "Wednesday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1446": {"subject": "COMMLAW", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "108668", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110652", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110652", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110652", "term": "4410", "offer": 3}, {"course_id": "110652", "term": "4420", "offer": 3}, {"course_id": "110652", "term": "4420", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "104242", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104242", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105399", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108335", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108335", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108335", "term": "4433", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108335", "term": "4410", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "102238", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102238", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102238", "term": "4410", "offer": 3}, {"course_id": "102238", "term": "4420", "offer": 3}]}}, "1447": {"id": "6lmxWTdwGhFtqInTfV7sx", "course_id": "108668", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108668", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Legal Aspects of International Business", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMLAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "2502", "CLASS_NBR": 21141, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Law students studying a double degree with Commerce", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMMLAW 1004 or COMMLAW 2503", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENTREP 3007NA, ENTREP 3017", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course covers an introduction to International Law and comparison of different legal systems; State responsibility, including protection of the environment; International dispute resolution; The Multinational Enterprise, their structures and home State regulation, including regulation of anti-competitive conduct and sharp business practices such as bribery; Intellectual Property including trade marks, invention patents, product designs, copyright and confidential information/trade secrets. Other topics covered are Foreign Investment, International Trade in Goods, Contracts for International Sales of Goods, Transportation of Goods, Financing and Taxation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1448": {"id": "6lmxWTdwGhFtqInTfV7sx", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "QAZ68t7oWmms0pZTsQWe9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21141, "section": "TU01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 58, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "ml8BW_nn75LlmkWs2mZ8G", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24908, "section": "LE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 47, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 26486, "section": "LEC0", "size": 30, "enrolled": 11, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Note: This Lecture can be viewed on the web via MyUni and so has no time or location allocated to it. Students enrolling in the Lecture can attend the live lecture if space permits."}]}]}]}]}, "1449": {"id": "XX4JJdz_5rkhAYSq3Mxcs", "course_id": "110652", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110652", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Company and Business Law", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMLAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "2503", "CLASS_NBR": 13872, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMMLAW 1004, COMMLAW 2500", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces students to the operation of the Australian legal system and explores a range of legal issues that impact on business. Students are introduced to fundamental business law concepts and principles. The topics covered include an introduction to the Australian legal system, basic principles of negligence, contract and consumer protection law, the law of business structures, company law (including corporate personality, the corporate constitution and Replaceable Rules, directors' and officers' duties) and insolvency law.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1450": {"id": "XX4JJdz_5rkhAYSq3Mxcs", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "X7IU24bUjV8KEnK4ws1g2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10941, "section": "TU11", "size": 35, "enrolled": 33, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12320, "section": "TU12", "size": 35, "enrolled": 33, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13872, "section": "TU13", "size": 35, "enrolled": 35, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14984, "section": "TU10", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14985, "section": "TU08", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14989, "section": "TU03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14990, "section": "TU02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14991, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "6ydVn-feWlpNP0yy6spri", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14983, "section": "LE01", "size": 181, "enrolled": 174, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 16505, "section": "LEC0", "size": 74, "enrolled": 72, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Note: This Lecture can be viewed on the web via MyUni and so has no time or location allocated to it. Students enrolling in the Lecture can attend the live lecture if space permits."}]}]}]}]}, "1451": {"id": "vd7a3vKurbwKLlr5i_i1h", "course_id": "110652", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110652", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Company and Business Law", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMLAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "2503", "CLASS_NBR": 25128, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMMLAW 1004, COMMLAW 2500", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces students to the operation of the Australian legal system and explores a range of legal issues that impact on business. Students are introduced to fundamental business law concepts and principles. The topics covered include an introduction to the Australian legal system, basic principles of negligence, contract and consumer protection law, the law of business structures, company law (including corporate personality, the corporate constitution and Replaceable Rules, directors' and officers' duties) and insolvency law.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1452": {"id": "vd7a3vKurbwKLlr5i_i1h", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "ftkEpvNvK0k53wntSsWFK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21583, "section": "TU11", "size": 35, "enrolled": 33, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24910, "section": "TU10", "size": 35, "enrolled": 33, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24912, "section": "TU08", "size": 30, "enrolled": 31, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24913, "section": "TU07", "size": 30, "enrolled": 31, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24914, "section": "TU06", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24915, "section": "TU05", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24917, "section": "TU03", "size": 35, "enrolled": 34, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24918, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25128, "section": "TU13", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "ekuy9E0Jdr_NBI2mgv_57", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24909, "section": "LE01", "size": 220, "enrolled": 220, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 26487, "section": "LEC0", "size": 65, "enrolled": 62, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Note: This Lecture can be viewed on the web via MyUni and so has no time or location allocated to it. Students enrolling in the Lecture can attend the live lecture if space permits."}]}]}]}]}, "1453": {"id": "d_ItJMD_1DK7C_is8cuwD", "course_id": "110652", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110652", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Company and Business Law", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMLAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "2503MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 19336, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMMLAW 1004, COMMLAW 2500", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces students to the operation of the Australian legal system and explores a range of legal issues that impact on business. Students are introduced to fundamental business law concepts and principles. The topics covered include an introduction to the Australian legal system, basic principles of negligence, contract and consumer protection law, the law of business structures, company law (including corporate personality, the corporate constitution and Replaceable Rules, directors' and officers' duties) and insolvency law.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1454": {"id": "d_ItJMD_1DK7C_is8cuwD", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "3o3pCYSzgCzWLwuZQIWIX", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19336, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 3, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "is5ugZeM-YsK56nio_Chd", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19335, "section": "LE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 3, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1455": {"id": "UDScMvbrhIJK6UAclIYBY", "course_id": "110652", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110652", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Company and Business Law", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMLAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "2503MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 29195, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMMLAW 1004, COMMLAW 2500", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces students to the operation of the Australian legal system and explores a range of legal issues that impact on business. Students are introduced to fundamental business law concepts and principles. The topics covered include an introduction to the Australian legal system, basic principles of negligence, contract and consumer protection law, the law of business structures, company law (including corporate personality, the corporate constitution and Replaceable Rules, directors' and officers' duties) and insolvency law.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1456": {"id": "UDScMvbrhIJK6UAclIYBY", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "VO5yoNBCbcNINRpeuTMbL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29195, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 7, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "7BPLwtuwfkT2Y8jhSO-pX", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29194, "section": "LE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 7, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1457": {"id": "jIBHVQYQsr2J-SSfBAW98", "course_id": "110652", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110652", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Company and Business Law", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMLAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "2503UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 28865, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMMLAW 1004, COMMLAW 2500", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces students to the operation of the Australian legal system and explores a range of legal issues that impact on business. Students are introduced to fundamental business law concepts and principles. The topics covered include an introduction to the Australian legal system, basic principles of negligence, contract and consumer protection law, the law of business structures, company law (including corporate personality, the corporate constitution and Replaceable Rules, directors' and officers' duties) and insolvency law.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1458": {"id": "jIBHVQYQsr2J-SSfBAW98", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "1sHqOQlet6f5EjT0ei7WU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28865, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 0, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, 105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, 105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "yfWD6U5VMmCQxJt67Dd5B", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28867, "section": "LEC0", "size": 24, "enrolled": 0, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "1459": {"id": "LO9aoFIEhvMkIwru414vm", "course_id": "104242", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104242", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Income Tax Law III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMLAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "3500", "CLASS_NBR": 12529, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090911", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMMLAW 2500 or COMMLAW 2503 or (LAW 2598 for B.Laws students)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "LAW 3521", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an introduction to and overview of the fundamental concepts of income tax law. Topics include Introduction to Taxation, International Tax, Assessable Income, including taxation of capital gains and losses; Non-Assessable Income; Deductions; Tax Accounting; Tax Treatment of Tax Entities; Anti-avoidance; and Tax Administration. The course also provides an introduction to Fringe Benefits Tax and Goods and Services Tax.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1460": {"id": "LO9aoFIEhvMkIwru414vm", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "k_gdoPyJNGs5x1vqKFKfz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12529, "section": "TU06", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12531, "section": "TU04", "size": 30, "enrolled": 20, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12532, "section": "TU03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 19, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12534, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 25, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "yngyoa_vMbDxL0H-PQtrn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14992, "section": "LE01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 57, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 16506, "section": "LEC0", "size": 50, "enrolled": 35, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Note: This Lecture can be viewed on the web via MyUni and so has no time or location allocated to it. Students enrolling in the Lecture can attend the live lecture if space permits."}]}]}]}]}, "1461": {"id": "pvNnLJEWIOu4n1lUZMEkG", "course_id": "104242", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104242", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Income Tax Law III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMLAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "3500", "CLASS_NBR": 22398, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090911", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMMLAW 2500 or COMMLAW 2503 or (LAW 2598 for B.Laws students)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "LAW 3521", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an introduction to and overview of the fundamental concepts of income tax law. Topics include Introduction to Taxation, International Tax, Assessable Income, including taxation of capital gains and losses; Non-Assessable Income; Deductions; Tax Accounting; Tax Treatment of Tax Entities; Anti-avoidance; and Tax Administration. The course also provides an introduction to Fringe Benefits Tax and Goods and Services Tax.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1462": {"id": "pvNnLJEWIOu4n1lUZMEkG", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "uAkT4rTpSNUO-yIiVnskU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22394, "section": "TU02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22395, "section": "TU03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22397, "section": "TU05", "size": 30, "enrolled": 13, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22398, "section": "TU06", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "osxzYDSdGnICWUEQ2vE2m", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24919, "section": "LE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 59, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 1 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 26488, "section": "LEC0", "size": 80, "enrolled": 41, "available": 39, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Note: This Lecture can be viewed on the web via MyUni and so has no time or location allocated to it. Students enrolling in the Lecture can attend the live lecture if space permits."}]}]}]}]}, "1463": {"id": "TcEZRNXoe4Js83FZY3T7V", "course_id": "105399", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105399", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Business Tax & GST", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMLAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "3501", "CLASS_NBR": 22224, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "COMMLAW 3500", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The objective of the course is to help students understand the tax law and the application of key types of business taxes including the goods and services tax. Topics covered are: Introduction to Business Taxes, including a review of business tax reforms; Taxation of Business Income; Capital Gains Tax Special Topics, including roll-over relief and the application of the Small Business CGT concessions; Business Tax Entity Issues, including taxation of entity distributions, treatment of losses and entity consolidations; International Tax Issues, including transfer pricing; Goods and Services Tax; Tax Avoidance, Penalties & Offences; Remuneration Taxes, including fringe benefits tax and superannuation; Tax Planning, including on buying and selling a business; Tax Agent Responsibilities; State Business Taxes, including land tax, payroll tax and stamp duties.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1464": {"id": "TcEZRNXoe4Js83FZY3T7V", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "sjgIPGnRkwAGPsPT8Dwvi", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22223, "section": "LE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 11, "available": 39, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 26489, "section": "LEC0", "size": 10, "enrolled": 3, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Note: This Lecture can be viewed on the web via MyUni and so has no time or location allocated to it. Students enrolling in the Lecture can attend the live lecture if space permits."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "YbT-pypAOZv_Oe2FC5_BK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22224, "section": "TU01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 14, "available": 46, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "1465": {"id": "m-ZjlCRewYAxkyk4yrtZh", "course_id": "108335", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108335", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Business and Corporations Law", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMLAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "7012", "CLASS_NBR": 14826, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMMLAW 7012AMELB, COMMLAW 7012BMELB", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment for this course includes all of the following: Online Quiz, Online Quiz, Written Assessment (Individual or Group), Final Exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will introduce students to a range of legal issues that impact on business. Students will learn to identify areas of legal liability and risk and how to minimise legal risk. The topics covered in the course include an introduction to the Australian legal system, principles of contract law, consumer protection law, various business structures, the concept of corporate personality, company contracts, directors' duties and financial reporting requirements.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1466": {"id": "m-ZjlCRewYAxkyk4yrtZh", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "U-d-FyCxXOcbfwYYTXFkI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14826, "section": "TU01", "size": 65, "enrolled": 65, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "zr-J1CE4zwsTN-Hwcsgr5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14993, "section": "LE01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 46, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18711, "section": "LEC0", "size": 20, "enrolled": 19, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Note: This Lecture can be viewed on the web via MyUni and so has no time or location allocated to it. Students enrolling in the Lecture can attend the live lecture if space permits."}]}]}]}]}, "1467": {"id": "ik4E_UHR7zYCF7Vbl41u8", "course_id": "108335", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108335", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Business and Corporations Law", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMLAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "7012", "CLASS_NBR": 22392, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMMLAW 7012AMELB, COMMLAW 7012BMELB", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment for this course includes all of the following: Online Quiz, Online Quiz, Written Assessment (Individual or Group), Final Exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will introduce students to a range of legal issues that impact on business. Students will learn to identify areas of legal liability and risk and how to minimise legal risk. The topics covered in the course include an introduction to the Australian legal system, principles of contract law, consumer protection law, various business structures, the concept of corporate personality, company contracts, directors' duties and financial reporting requirements.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1468": {"id": "ik4E_UHR7zYCF7Vbl41u8", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "6FzfkaHd4jjQDWt-uZJpG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22392, "section": "TU01", "size": 65, "enrolled": 65, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "y30O3tQTEjEXhfE4FGoBB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24920, "section": "LE01", "size": 42, "enrolled": 42, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 28654, "section": "LEC0", "size": 23, "enrolled": 23, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "1469": {"id": "T3LwAp0GJZK6SBJ3rrb_S", "course_id": "108335", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108335", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Business and Corporations Law", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMLAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "7012", "CLASS_NBR": 30310, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMMLAW 7012AMELB, COMMLAW 7012BMELB", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment for this course includes all of the following: Online Quiz, Online Quiz, Written Assessment (Individual or Group), Final Exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will introduce students to a range of legal issues that impact on business. Students will learn to identify areas of legal liability and risk and how to minimise legal risk. The topics covered in the course include an introduction to the Australian legal system, principles of contract law, consumer protection law, various business structures, the concept of corporate personality, company contracts, directors' duties and financial reporting requirements.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "1470": {"id": "T3LwAp0GJZK6SBJ3rrb_S", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "UVzxHvd8ZAFL39NVGk4pP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30029, "section": "TU01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 70, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Feb - 5 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 504, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Feb - 5 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 505, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Feb - 19 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 504, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Feb - 19 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 505, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 18 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 504, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 18 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 505, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Apr - 8 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 504, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Apr - 8 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 505, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "pTm0qm2kNAY7vhcgdXE7x", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30028, "section": "LE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 70, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jan - 29 Jan", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "12 Feb - 12 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "11 Mar - 11 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "25 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "1471": {"id": "uZOFL4E_-8zRExIR_uCA9", "course_id": "108335", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108335", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Business and Corporations Law", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMLAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "7012MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 19338, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMMLAW 7012AMELB, COMMLAW 7012BMELB", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment for this course includes all of the following: Online Quiz, Online Quiz, Written Assessment (Individual or Group), Final Exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will introduce students to a range of legal issues that impact on business. Students will learn to identify areas of legal liability and risk and how to minimise legal risk. The topics covered in the course include an introduction to the Australian legal system, principles of contract law, consumer protection law, various business structures, the concept of corporate personality, company contracts, directors' duties and financial reporting requirements.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1472": {"id": "uZOFL4E_-8zRExIR_uCA9", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "-CzE-hJbEqpQmy3W2L5Bk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19338, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 1, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "SE11A8589TpnBtFEA-JZE", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19337, "section": "LE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 1, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1473": {"id": "baq6evyfhLy8Ud376NsqQ", "course_id": "102238", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102238", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Income Taxation (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMLAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "7013", "CLASS_NBR": 12535, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090911", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMMLAW 7012", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an introduction to and overview of the fundamental concepts of income tax law. Topics include Introduction to Taxation, International Tax, Assessable Income, including taxation of capital gains and losses; Non-Assessable Income; Deductions; Tax Accounting; Tax Treatment of Tax Entities; Anti-avoidance; and Tax Administration. The course also provides an introduction to Fringe Benefits Tax, Goods and Services Tax and the tax law research process.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1474": {"id": "baq6evyfhLy8Ud376NsqQ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "2REMQJOXqj7ZV8yoOK8ry", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12535, "section": "TU02", "size": 60, "enrolled": 55, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "LeAMYpK_CqSvJvJga7Kk9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14994, "section": "LE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 40, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 16507, "section": "LEC0", "size": 20, "enrolled": 15, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Note: This Lecture can be viewed on the web via MyUni and so has no time or location allocated to it. Students enrolling in the Lecture can attend the live lecture if space permits."}]}]}]}]}, "1475": {"id": "UoNcmtUDRFbnejPVIlKeY", "course_id": "102238", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102238", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Income Taxation (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMLAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "7013", "CLASS_NBR": 22230, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090911", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMMLAW 7012", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an introduction to and overview of the fundamental concepts of income tax law. Topics include Introduction to Taxation, International Tax, Assessable Income, including taxation of capital gains and losses; Non-Assessable Income; Deductions; Tax Accounting; Tax Treatment of Tax Entities; Anti-avoidance; and Tax Administration. The course also provides an introduction to Fringe Benefits Tax, Goods and Services Tax and the tax law research process.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1476": {"id": "UoNcmtUDRFbnejPVIlKeY", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "6O9jtcJHl7db_6M0rNI92", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22230, "section": "TU03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 31, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24239, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 31, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "JkizqdZhpTy65wNm21t5p", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24921, "section": "LE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 62, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "1477": {"id": "Abuek1wWXhN8OZQu9VdES", "course_id": "102238", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102238", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Income Taxation (M)", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMLAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "7013MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 19305, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMMLAW 7012 or (COMMLAW 7012AMELB and COMMLAW 7012BMELB)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an introduction to and overview of the fundamental concepts of income tax law. Topics include Introduction to Taxation, International Tax, Assessable Income, including taxation of capital gains and losses; Non-Assessable Income; Deductions; Tax Accounting; Tax Treatment of Tax Entities; Anti-avoidance; and Tax Administration. The course also provides an introduction to Fringe Benefits Tax, Goods and Services Tax and the tax law research process.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1478": {"id": "Abuek1wWXhN8OZQu9VdES", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "GP7dD7AaXyyIICmBv0r61", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19305, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 1, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "PcYqjihhg0n3rTp7lRZ_l", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19304, "section": "LE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 1, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1479": {"id": "wdoFNc7NHI9x8qUE1jig8", "course_id": "102238", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102238", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Income Taxation (M)", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMMLAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "7013MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 29172, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMMLAW 7012 or (COMMLAW 7012AMELB and COMMLAW 7012BMELB)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an introduction to and overview of the fundamental concepts of income tax law. Topics include Introduction to Taxation, International Tax, Assessable Income, including taxation of capital gains and losses; Non-Assessable Income; Deductions; Tax Accounting; Tax Treatment of Tax Entities; Anti-avoidance; and Tax Administration. The course also provides an introduction to Fringe Benefits Tax, Goods and Services Tax and the tax law research process.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1480": {"id": "wdoFNc7NHI9x8qUE1jig8", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "aZoHAhjVWc7FeQcleIpvE", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29172, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 1, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "u7W8Zgn2DOQKu-c7jhUG1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29171, "section": "LE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 1, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1481": {"subject": "COMP SCI", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "104852", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111449", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104852", "term": "4410", "offer": 3}, {"course_id": "110293", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111601", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110293", "term": "4420", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "110293", "term": "4420", "offer": 3}, {"course_id": "110294", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111602", 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{"course_id": "110027", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110028", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110028", "term": "4433", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111195", "term": "4461", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111195", "term": "4465", "offer": 1}]}}, "1482": {"id": "HIkkJbZYLOzhykIYmM7-i", "course_id": "104852", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104852", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Puzzle Based Learning", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "1010", "CLASS_NBR": 10002, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "SACE level 2 Mathematical Methods", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam and/or assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The focus of this course is on getting students to think about framing and solving unstructured problems (those that are not encountered at the end of some textbook chapter). The general objective is to increase the student's mathematical awareness and problem-solving skills by discussing a variety of puzzles. The puzzle-based learning approach has a long tradition as the first mathematical puzzles were found in Sumerian texts that date back to around 2,500 BC The puzzles selected for the course satisfy most of the following criteria: a) Generality: educational puzzles explain some universal mathematical problem-solving principles; b) Simplicity: educational puzzles are easy to state and easy to remember; c) Eureka factor: educational puzzles often frustrate the problem-solver! Eventually a Eureka! moment is reached. The Eureka factor also implies that educational puzzles often have elementary solutions that are not obvious; d) Entertainment factor: educational puzzles are very entertaining!\n\nSuch educational puzzles are used to illustrate basic concepts of critical thinking, mathematics, and problem-solving. The course presents some problem-solving rules and covers issues of understanding the problem and the role of intuition in problem-solving activities. Further, some mathematical problem-solving principles are discussed and elements of modelling, constraint-processing, optimization, probability, statistics, simulation, pattern recognition, and strategy are introduced.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1483": {"id": "HIkkJbZYLOzhykIYmM7-i", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "1rOWkfWZCKJ7shHSm0EZ8", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12998, "section": "LE01", "size": 250, "enrolled": 166, "available": 84, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "vCGf5ZTl7vLdOSir7EqLf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10002, "section": "WR12", "size": 6, "enrolled": 5, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12709, "section": "WR11", "size": 20, "enrolled": 17, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12982, "section": "WR09", "size": 20, "enrolled": 18, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12983, "section": "WR08", "size": 20, "enrolled": 18, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12984, "section": "WR07", "size": 20, "enrolled": 18, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12985, "section": "WR06", "size": 20, "enrolled": 19, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12986, "section": "WR05", "size": 22, "enrolled": 13, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12987, "section": "WR04", "size": 18, "enrolled": 5, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12988, "section": "WR03", "size": 18, "enrolled": 17, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12989, "section": "WR02", "size": 18, "enrolled": 17, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12990, "section": "WR01", "size": 18, "enrolled": 8, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13000, "section": "WR10", "size": 20, "enrolled": 11, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1484": {"id": "MALHwP4hWPa0YcUVfy67i", "course_id": "111449", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111449", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Puzzle Based Learning", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "1010MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 19307, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "SACE level 2 Mathematical Methods", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam and/or assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The focus of this course is on getting students to think about framing and solving unstructured problems (those that are not encountered at the end of some textbook chapter). The general objective is to increase the student's mathematical awareness and problem-solving skills by discussing a variety of puzzles. The puzzle-based learning approach has a long tradition as the first mathematical puzzles were found in Sumerian texts that date back to around 2,500 BC The puzzles selected for the course satisfy most of the following criteria: a) Generality: educational puzzles explain some universal mathematical problem-solving principles; b) Simplicity: educational puzzles are easy to state and easy to remember; c) Eureka factor: educational puzzles often frustrate the problem-solver! Eventually a Eureka! moment is reached. The Eureka factor also implies that educational puzzles often have elementary solutions that are not obvious; d) Entertainment factor: educational puzzles are very entertaining!\n\nSuch educational puzzles are used to illustrate basic concepts of critical thinking, mathematics, and problem-solving. The course presents some problem-solving rules and covers issues of understanding the problem and the role of intuition in problem-solving activities. Further, some mathematical problem-solving principles are discussed and elements of modelling, constraint-processing, optimization, probability, statistics, simulation, pattern recognition, and strategy are introduced.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1485": {"id": "MALHwP4hWPa0YcUVfy67i", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "dySawAheK785m5IwDD1LY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19307, "section": "WR01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 3, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 18 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "txsQ0vuifyVH3IN_viXsp", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19306, "section": "LE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 3, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 326, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 326, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 18 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 18 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1486": {"id": "jLVEP7_s81QQFpzNAhCq7", "course_id": "104852", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104852", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Puzzle Based Learning", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "1010UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 10003, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "SACE level 2 Mathematical Methods", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam and/or assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The focus of this course is on getting students to think about framing and solving unstructured problems (those that are not encountered at the end of some textbook chapter). The general objective is to increase the student's mathematical awareness and problem-solving skills by discussing a variety of puzzles. The puzzle-based learning approach has a long tradition as the first mathematical puzzles were found in Sumerian texts that date back to around 2,500 BC The puzzles selected for the course satisfy most of the following criteria: a) Generality: educational puzzles explain some universal mathematical problem-solving principles; b) Simplicity: educational puzzles are easy to state and easy to remember; c) Eureka factor: educational puzzles often frustrate the problem-solver! Eventually a Eureka! moment is reached. The Eureka factor also implies that educational puzzles often have elementary solutions that are not obvious; d) Entertainment factor: educational puzzles are very entertaining!\n\nSuch educational puzzles are used to illustrate basic concepts of critical thinking, mathematics, and problem-solving. The course presents some problem-solving rules and covers issues of understanding the problem and the role of intuition in problem-solving activities. Further, some mathematical problem-solving principles are discussed and elements of modelling, constraint-processing, optimization, probability, statistics, simulation, pattern recognition, and strategy are introduced.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1487": {"id": "jLVEP7_s81QQFpzNAhCq7", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "MsdhSig31bKs0IVv25-eQ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12999, "section": "LE01", "size": 48, "enrolled": 36, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "gQnj3eA18Pu5GM5_mlyyv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10003, "section": "WR12", "size": 18, "enrolled": 11, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12710, "section": "WR11", "size": 2, "enrolled": 2, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12991, "section": "WR07", "size": 2, "enrolled": 2, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12992, "section": "WR06", "size": 2, "enrolled": 2, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12993, "section": "WR05", "size": 2, "enrolled": 1, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12994, "section": "WR04", "size": 4, "enrolled": 3, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12995, "section": "WR03", "size": 4, "enrolled": 3, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12996, "section": "WR02", "size": 4, "enrolled": 4, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12997, "section": "WR01", "size": 4, "enrolled": 4, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13001, "section": "WR10", "size": 2, "enrolled": 1, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13002, "section": "WR09", "size": 2, "enrolled": 1, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13003, "section": "WR08", "size": 2, "enrolled": 2, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tuition", "id": "8487dkyjPHf-O0TF-yY6g", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12410, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 17, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Darling West, 204, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Darling West, 204, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12411, "section": "TT02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 19, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Darling West, 203, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Darling West, 203, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1488": {"id": "kceT36p7x_jzlZJFfDACr", "course_id": "110293", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110293", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Computer Systems, Networks and Security", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "1013", "CLASS_NBR": 22512, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 10 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to Bachelor of Information Technology students.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exams, written assessment, programming assignments, presentations, quizzes.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed for students enrolled in the Bachelor of Information Technology. This course provides a basis in the core IT skills of computer system organisation and design, applied computer networking, and fundamental concepts in computer and network security. The course covers computer architecture, low level machine representations, local area networking, wide area networking, cyber hygiene, cyber security, and ethical professional practice.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1489": {"id": "kceT36p7x_jzlZJFfDACr", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "SOnvT47MnNBdnsk-B4u0x", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22850, "section": "LE01", "size": 173, "enrolled": 105, "available": 68, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "BXm_ATrS_TM5cp4T1EnDd", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22512, "section": "WR07", "size": 30, "enrolled": 21, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 31 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Aug - 28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Sep - 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This course provides a basis in the core IT skills of computer system organisation and design, applied computer networking, and fundamental concepts in computer and network security. The course covers computer architecture, low level machine representations, local area networking, wide area networking, cyber hygiene, cyber security, and ethical professional practice.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1491": {"id": "kv7Q41qsKheU4GjoMWuGC", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "PhhzPhmCFZLelTwGHPQoQ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29189, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 0, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "8gVe1qX08KryPcE9f_L4r", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29209, "section": "LE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 0, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "9nlxfws05oldaoovfmwJ3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29210, "section": "PR01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 0, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29211, "section": "WR01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 0, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1492": {"id": "CsoWy8VnQDVcqei9SEnGy", "course_id": "110293", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110293", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Computer Systems, Networks and Security", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "1013UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 22513, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 10 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to University of Adelaide College students progressing to Bachelor of Information Technology students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "COMP SCI 1015, COMP SCI 1101 or COMP SCI 1102", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exams, written assessment, programming assignments, presentations, quizzes.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed for students enrolled in the Bachelor of Information Technology. This course provides a basis in the core IT skills of computer system organisation and design, applied computer networking, and fundamental concepts in computer and network security. The course covers computer architecture, low level machine representations, local area networking, wide area networking, cyber hygiene, cyber security, and ethical professional practice.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1493": {"id": "CsoWy8VnQDVcqei9SEnGy", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "F0buW86wQ37DppgTojnzB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22279, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 19, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Darling West, B04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Darling West, B04, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22280, "section": "TT02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 19, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 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11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22856, "section": "PR02", "size": 15, "enrolled": 14, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22857, "section": "PR01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 14, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "ZQw_VEDP9VvjM85TMSS6U", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22854, "section": "LE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 56, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "1494": {"id": "5K2yJ9XV7qcxnPOIkOGgS", "course_id": "110293", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110293", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Computer Systems, Networks and Security", "CAMPUS": "UofA College Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "UACM", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "1013UACM", "CLASS_NBR": 29293, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 10 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exams, written assessment, programming assignments, presentations, quizzes.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed for students enrolled in the Bachelor of Information Technology. This course provides a basis in the core IT skills of computer system organisation and design, applied computer networking, and fundamental concepts in computer and network security. The course covers computer architecture, low level machine representations, local area networking, wide area networking, cyber hygiene, cyber security, and ethical professional practice.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1495": {"id": "5K2yJ9XV7qcxnPOIkOGgS", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "mMDf9BFwWUaXa52yXXlUL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29292, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 16, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "DXkcf_GX60WXmOfbZ0_i-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29291, "section": "LE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 16, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "0R2H-y59bomrHaN_DcDRL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29293, "section": "WR01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 16, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29294, "section": "PR01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 16, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1496": {"id": "Z7jCYQdQb29QwZo9ozKts", "course_id": "110294", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110294", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Information Technology Project", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "1014", "CLASS_NBR": 22859, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 10 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to Bachelor of Information Technology students.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "PROJMGNT 1001, COMP SCI 1015", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exams, written assessment, presentations, project development and management.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed for students enrolled in the Bachelor of Information Technology. \nThe course builds on earlier project management courses to provide a focus on IT project management, using two student-led projects. The course topics include project specification, IT specific methodologies, project \n coping, analysis tools, human factors, logic, ethics, and presentation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1497": {"id": "Z7jCYQdQb29QwZo9ozKts", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "h9T4hC09n0ZEx7nHloqv0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21509, "section": "SE01", "size": 173, "enrolled": 113, "available": 60, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "JpPWRoKTMCj0lMucBKIhB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22859, "section": "WR04", "size": 35, "enrolled": 18, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22860, "section": "WR03", "size": 35, "enrolled": 32, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22861, "section": "WR02", "size": 36, "enrolled": 31, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22862, "section": "WR01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 32, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1498": {"id": "NwZ9yHZV1yY2FTwr7WOVT", "course_id": "111602", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111602", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Information Technology Project", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "1014MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 29212, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 10 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PROJMGNT 1001, COMP SCI 1015", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exams, written assessment, presentations, project development and management", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed for students enrolled in the Bachelor of Information Technology. The course builds on earlier project management courses to provide a focus on IT project management, using two student-led projects. The course topics include project specification, IT specific methodologies, project coping, analysis tools, human factors, logic, ethics, and presentation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1499": {"id": "NwZ9yHZV1yY2FTwr7WOVT", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "TdzWZmexujPUe5I9GfCuW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29191, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 0, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "CkRy-sZglafMt0WuKtUz1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29190, "section": "SE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 0, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29212, "section": "WR01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 0, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1500": {"id": "4w848JRZv8TSj0U8AAzYu", "course_id": "110294", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110294", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Information Technology Project", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "1014UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 22863, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 10 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to University of Adelaide College students progressing to Bachelor of Information Technology", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "PROJMGNT 1001, COMP SCI 1015", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exams, written assessment, presentations, project development and management.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed for students enrolled in the Bachelor of Information Technology. \nThe course builds on earlier project management courses to provide a focus on IT project management, using two student-led projects. The course topics include project specification, IT specific methodologies, project \n coping, analysis tools, human factors, logic, ethics, and presentation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1501": {"id": "4w848JRZv8TSj0U8AAzYu", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "sp_nLXvtV3pTIryw70Vok", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21510, "section": "SE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 57, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tuition", "id": "mhXlVVZ_cx6k20Omg-WdP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22277, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 19, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 316, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22278, "section": "TT02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 19, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 115, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 115, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29548, "section": "TT03", "size": 24, "enrolled": 19, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 316, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "Ixmw1K_VOAMAM0TQWsQuo", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22863, "section": "WR04", "size": 15, "enrolled": 13, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22864, "section": "WR03", "size": 15, "enrolled": 15, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22865, "section": "WR02", "size": 14, "enrolled": 14, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22866, "section": "WR01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 15, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1502": {"id": "EXsYc0Wl9xD2zftFON48I", "course_id": "110294", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110294", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Information Technology Project", "CAMPUS": "UofA College Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "UACM", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "1014UACM", "CLASS_NBR": 29174, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 10 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exams, written assessment, presentations, project development and management.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed for students enrolled in the Bachelor of Information Technology. \nThe course builds on earlier project management courses to provide a focus on IT project management, using two student-led projects. The course topics include project specification, IT specific methodologies, project \n coping, analysis tools, human factors, logic, ethics, and presentation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1503": {"id": "EXsYc0Wl9xD2zftFON48I", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "QKRy5bMJEIa4miMB8q5wU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29175, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 10, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "VcxW7lBNkKf38T9qBZUT6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29173, "section": "SE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 10, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29174, "section": "WR01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 10, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1504": {"id": "tfAKXN-6p6-SWXXoeIUDs", "course_id": "110298", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110298", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Applied Programming", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "1015", "CLASS_NBR": 13007, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 10 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Not suitable for BCompSc, B(Adv)Comp Sc, BMaCompSc, or BEng students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 1008, COMP SCI 1101, COMP SCI 1201, COMP SCI 2202, COMP SCI 2202A, ENG 1002, ENG 1003", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, workshops, prac work, prac exams, on-line quizzes", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Introduction to Applied Programming is designed for students who are enrolled in the Bachelor of Information Technology. The course introduces the fundamental concepts of procedural and event driven programming, with a focus on approaches to programming relevant for IT, including scripting languages. Students take a practical approach to learning the fundamental topics in programming, including, data types and algorithms, functions, control structures, arrays, GUI, files, as well as the mechanics of running, testing, and debugging.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1505": {"id": "tfAKXN-6p6-SWXXoeIUDs", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "115VCxQORuuo9F5Dif3eF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10961, "section": "LE01", "size": 160, "enrolled": 99, "available": 61, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "NoHKBhtPtpIbQD-VtNr2Y", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13004, "section": "PR03", "size": 34, "enrolled": 21, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13005, "section": "PR02", "size": 47, "enrolled": 41, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13006, "section": "PR01", "size": 48, "enrolled": 37, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "KfcH1xiSzv7JEA13t6zP4", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13007, "section": "WR03", "size": 40, "enrolled": 34, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13008, "section": "WR02", "size": 47, "enrolled": 25, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13009, "section": "WR01", "size": 48, "enrolled": 40, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "1506": {"id": "xIEn8oLMflWLWdbli01BM", "course_id": "110298", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110298", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Applied Programming", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "1015", "CLASS_NBR": 22869, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 10 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Not suitable for BCompSc, B(Adv)Comp Sc, BMaCompSc, or BEng students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 1008, COMP SCI 1101, COMP SCI 1201, COMP SCI 2202, COMP SCI 2202A, ENG 1002, ENG 1003", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, workshops, prac work, prac exams, on-line quizzes", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Introduction to Applied Programming is designed for students who are enrolled in the Bachelor of Information Technology. The course introduces the fundamental concepts of procedural and event driven programming, with a focus on approaches to programming relevant for IT, including scripting languages. Students take a practical approach to learning the fundamental topics in programming, including, data types and algorithms, functions, control structures, arrays, GUI, files, as well as the mechanics of running, testing, and debugging.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1507": {"id": "xIEn8oLMflWLWdbli01BM", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "QrIfHf3UDXzHYD-k3kM25", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20853, "section": "LE01", "size": 120, "enrolled": 43, "available": 77, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 28 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "dGQY8NTeLsvr7sOhbkbHK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22867, "section": "PR02", "size": 58, "enrolled": 25, "available": 33, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22868, "section": "PR01", "size": 58, "enrolled": 18, "available": 40, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "7KeXbzQHkdnaBEBFvzYNd", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22869, "section": "WR02", "size": 58, "enrolled": 5, "available": 53, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22870, "section": "WR01", "size": 58, "enrolled": 38, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "1508": {"id": "vd2gsaF1fSBX5I-73G6uM", "course_id": "111603", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111603", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Applied Programming", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "1015MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 19341, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 10 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 1008, COMP SCI 1101, COMP SCI 1201, COMP SCI 2202, COMP SCI 2202A, ENG 1002, ENG 1003", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, workshops, practical work, practical exams, on-line quizzes", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Introduction to Applied Programming is designed for students who are enrolled in the Bachelor of Information Technology. The course introduces the fundamental concepts of procedural and event driven programming, with a focus on approaches to programming relevant for IT, including scripting languages. Students take a practical approach to learning the fundamental topics in programming, including, data types and algorithms, functions, control structures, arrays, GUI, files, as well as the mechanics of running, testing, and debugging.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1509": {"id": "vd2gsaF1fSBX5I-73G6uM", "class_list": [{"association_group": "", "groups": []}]}, "1510": {"id": "FKZSeegIuJm7JGrpxwxow", "course_id": "110298", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110298", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Applied Programming", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "1015UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 13013, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 10 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to University of Adelaide College students progressing to Bachelor of Information Technology students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 1101", "ASSESSMENT": "Written assessment, programming practicals, practical examinations, presentations, in-class and on-line quizzes", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Introduction to Applied Programming is designed for students who are enrolled in the Bachelor of Information Technology. The course introduces the fundamental concepts of procedural and event driven programming, with a focus on approaches to programming relevant for IT, including scripting languages. Students take a practical approach to learning the fundamental topics in programming, including, data types and algorithms, functions, control structures, arrays, GUI, files, as well as the mechanics of running, testing, and debugging.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1511": {"id": "FKZSeegIuJm7JGrpxwxow", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "aFrCdDKv13Llr_atPvAwD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13013, "section": "WR03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 19, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13014, "section": "WR02", "size": 13, "enrolled": 7, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13015, "section": "WR01", "size": 12, "enrolled": 10, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tuition", "id": "SBPgNc3mQYTjfrA8AWkN4", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12408, "section": "TT01", "size": 22, "enrolled": 20, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, 204, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, 204, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12409, "section": "TT02", "size": 22, "enrolled": 16, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Darling West, 104, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Darling West, 104, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "NxPoNv0vdEoPx4HE_buZw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13010, "section": "PR03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 19, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13011, "section": "PR02", "size": 13, "enrolled": 8, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13012, "section": "PR01", "size": 12, "enrolled": 9, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "IDHKyfra8LsX3cU_i2hhO", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10962, "section": "LE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 36, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "1512": {"id": "D0xqqiA3rGda8Yjjfj-Zj", "course_id": "110298", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110298", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Applied Programming", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "1015UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 22873, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 10 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to University of Adelaide College students progressing to Bachelor of Information Technology students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 1101", "ASSESSMENT": "Written assessment, programming practicals, practical examinations, presentations, in-class and on-line quizzes", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Introduction to Applied Programming is designed for students who are enrolled in the Bachelor of Information Technology. The course introduces the fundamental concepts of procedural and event driven programming, with a focus on approaches to programming relevant for IT, including scripting languages. Students take a practical approach to learning the fundamental topics in programming, including, data types and algorithms, functions, control structures, arrays, GUI, files, as well as the mechanics of running, testing, and debugging.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1513": {"id": "D0xqqiA3rGda8Yjjfj-Zj", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "MnOHduAiSqrKKCj6E9ghp", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20852, "section": "LE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 28 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "C5_z-NEGyq23fM_C7taZO", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22871, "section": "PR02", "size": 2, "enrolled": 0, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22872, "section": "PR01", "size": 2, "enrolled": 0, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "jl6hqM2npcswIRFqOBbA2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22873, "section": "WR02", "size": 2, "enrolled": 0, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22874, "section": "WR01", "size": 2, "enrolled": 0, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "1514": {"id": "h1euS33AdOz1mdJ4WBx1m", "course_id": "110298", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110298", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Applied Programming", "CAMPUS": "UofA College Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "UACM", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "1015UACM", "CLASS_NBR": 19311, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 10 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 1101", "ASSESSMENT": "Written assessment, programming practicals", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Introduction to Applied Programming is designed for students who are enrolled in the Bachelor of Information Technology. The course introduces the fundamental concepts of procedural and event driven programming, with a focus on approaches to programming relevant for IT, including scripting languages. Students take a practical approach to learning the fundamental topics in programming, including, data types and algorithms, functions, control structures, arrays, GUI, files, as well as the mechanics of running, testing, and debugging.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1515": {"id": "h1euS33AdOz1mdJ4WBx1m", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "NbwaRUsHlN73vVTOhC3FD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19308, "section": "LE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 12, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "xHKd7G8SeBik2qKzwHBTc", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19311, "section": "WR01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 12, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "qCWcXYFKQsXOOjWO8ZZRA", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19309, "section": "PR01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 12, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19310, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 12, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1516": {"id": "vvhdwge5BCYl02ZDm0DJW", "course_id": "105877", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105877", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Object Oriented Programming", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "1102", "CLASS_NBR": 10004, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Not available to B. Information Technology students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "COMP SCI 1201, ENG 1002, MECH ENG 1100, MECH ENG 1101, MECH ENG 1102, MECH ENG 1103, MECH ENG 1104 or MECH ENG 1105; SACE Stage 1 Mathematics or equivalent", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 2009, COMP SCI 1202, COMP SCI 2202, COMP SCI 2202B", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam and/or assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces object-oriented programming to students with a background in the procedural paradigm. The course begins with a brief review of statements, flow control and data types emphasising pointers, array processing and structured data types. It then introduces the object-oriented programming paradigm, focusing on encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism and abstraction, with a gentle introduction to object-oriented analysis and design fundamentals. Other topics include building 2D games using object-oriented programming, an overview of programming language principles and memory management.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1517": {"id": "vvhdwge5BCYl02ZDm0DJW", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "2_zeOU7rhnzUKeWpLXdip", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13021, "section": "LE01", "size": 400, "enrolled": 250, "available": 150, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "zauR8YiXglliCflOiPk9_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10004, "section": "WR07", "size": 40, "enrolled": 35, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12711, "section": "WR06", "size": 56, "enrolled": 44, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13016, "section": "WR05", "size": 52, "enrolled": 37, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 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1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13020, "section": "WR01", "size": 54, "enrolled": 25, "available": 29, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "EgG97DJgjU7CB_UUvXBzL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12712, "section": "PR07", "size": 78, "enrolled": 20, "available": 58, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13022, "section": "PR06", "size": 52, "enrolled": 47, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13023, "section": "PR05", "size": 44, "enrolled": 38, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13024, "section": "PR04", "size": 52, "enrolled": 26, "available": 26, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13025, "section": "PR03", "size": 52, "enrolled": 48, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13026, "section": "PR02", "size": 52, "enrolled": 32, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13027, "section": "PR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 39, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "1518": {"id": "fTKCvIjV1SSQyIWEBAMvz", "course_id": "105877", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105877", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Object Oriented Programming", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "1102", "CLASS_NBR": 22516, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Not available to B. Information Technology students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "COMP SCI 1201, ENG 1002, MECH ENG 1100, MECH ENG 1101, MECH ENG 1102, MECH ENG 1103, MECH ENG 1104 or MECH ENG 1105; SACE Stage 1 Mathematics or equivalent", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 2009, COMP SCI 1202, COMP SCI 2202, COMP SCI 2202B", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam and/or assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces object-oriented programming to students with a background in the procedural paradigm. The course begins with a brief review of statements, flow control and data types emphasising pointers, array processing and structured data types. It then introduces the object-oriented programming paradigm, focusing on encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism and abstraction, with a gentle introduction to object-oriented analysis and design fundamentals. Other topics include building 2D games using object-oriented programming, an overview of programming language principles and memory management.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1519": {"id": "fTKCvIjV1SSQyIWEBAMvz", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "HZEKBJYg1o0xXU1FwM4bj", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22882, "section": "LE01", "size": 480, "enrolled": 385, "available": 95, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "tvVKQyEM6neFtJvbrve6V", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22516, "section": "WR08", "size": 59, "enrolled": 58, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22875, "section": "WR07", "size": 59, "enrolled": 56, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 28 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22876, "section": "WR06", "size": 36, "enrolled": 35, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 28 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22877, "section": "WR05", "size": 34, "enrolled": 31, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 29 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22878, "section": "WR04", "size": 59, "enrolled": 38, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 28 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22879, "section": "WR03", "size": 62, "enrolled": 52, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 29 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22880, "section": "WR02", "size": 65, "enrolled": 57, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 29 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22881, "section": "WR01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 58, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 28 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "p5Olb8O70lmBrzAj0bYhG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22517, "section": "PR08", "size": 57, "enrolled": 54, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 1 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22883, "section": "PR07", "size": 54, "enrolled": 52, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22884, "section": "PR06", "size": 54, "enrolled": 52, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22885, "section": "PR05", "size": 50, "enrolled": 46, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22886, "section": "PR04", "size": 55, "enrolled": 38, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22887, "section": "PR03", "size": 54, "enrolled": 52, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22888, "section": "PR02", "size": 57, "enrolled": 52, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22889, "section": "PR01", "size": 39, "enrolled": 39, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 1 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "1520": {"id": "DgQQfUfsuejQmyQ870L2D", "course_id": "105877", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105877", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Object Oriented Programming", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "1102UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 10007, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "COMP SCI 1101, COMP SCI 1201, ENG 1002, MECH ENG 1100, MECH ENG 1101, MECH ENG 1102, MECH ENG 1103, MECH ENG 1104 or MECH ENG 1105; SACE Stage 1 Mathematics or equivalent", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 1009, COMP SCI 1202, COMP SCI 2202, COMP SCI 2202B", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam and/or assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces object-oriented programming to students with a background in the procedural paradigm. The course begins with a brief review of statements, flow control and data types emphasising pointers, array processing and structured data types. It then introduces the object-oriented programming paradigm, focusing on encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism and abstraction, with a gentle introduction to object-oriented analysis and design fundamentals. Other topics include building 2D games using object-oriented programming, an overview of programming language principles and memory management.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1521": {"id": "DgQQfUfsuejQmyQ870L2D", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "6PyCEvWQgMspPk1MHBkoH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19019, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 5, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 310, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 310, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19020, "section": "TT02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 5, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 106, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 106, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "F-1d-LbsRLrS4m0H9oEar", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10007, "section": "WR07", "size": 8, "enrolled": 4, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12714, "section": "WR06", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13035, "section": "WR05", "size": 8, "enrolled": 3, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13036, "section": "WR04", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13037, "section": "WR03", "size": 6, "enrolled": 2, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13038, "section": "WR02", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13039, "section": "WR01", "size": 2, "enrolled": 1, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "mAm-7-URGdBxQcuz9JM4c", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12713, "section": "PR07", "size": 2, "enrolled": 1, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13029, "section": "PR06", "size": 4, "enrolled": 2, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13030, "section": "PR05", "size": 2, "enrolled": 0, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13031, "section": "PR04", "size": 4, "enrolled": 3, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13032, "section": "PR03", "size": 4, "enrolled": 0, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13033, "section": "PR02", "size": 4, "enrolled": 1, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13034, "section": "PR01", "size": 4, "enrolled": 3, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "kuai2535OEOapQKNdDm-F", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13028, "section": "LE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 10, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "1522": {"id": "B18wyAof2Ihjnmhzdbghe", "course_id": "105877", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105877", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Object Oriented Programming", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "1102UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 22519, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "COMP SCI 1101, COMP SCI 1201, ENG 1002, MECH ENG 1100, MECH ENG 1101, MECH ENG 1102, MECH ENG 1103, MECH ENG 1104 or MECH ENG 1105; SACE Stage 1 Mathematics or equivalent", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 1009, COMP SCI 1202, COMP SCI 2202, COMP SCI 2202B", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam and/or assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces object-oriented programming to students with a background in the procedural paradigm. The course begins with a brief review of statements, flow control and data types emphasising pointers, array processing and structured data types. It then introduces the object-oriented programming paradigm, focusing on encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism and abstraction, with a gentle introduction to object-oriented analysis and design fundamentals. Other topics include building 2D games using object-oriented programming, an overview of programming language principles and memory management.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1523": {"id": "B18wyAof2Ihjnmhzdbghe", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "1spnqgzglAdHsg5sUKTaC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22284, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 12, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Darling West, B04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Darling West, B04, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22285, "section": "TT02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 9, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Darling West, 104, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Darling West, 104, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "KOywveJlJ8RyPr1Abg5vL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22518, "section": "PR08", "size": 3, "enrolled": 1, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 1 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22891, "section": "PR07", "size": 6, "enrolled": 3, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22892, "section": "PR06", "size": 6, "enrolled": 2, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22893, "section": "PR05", "size": 6, "enrolled": 3, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22894, "section": "PR04", "size": 5, "enrolled": 3, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22895, "section": "PR03", "size": 6, "enrolled": 5, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22896, "section": "PR02", "size": 3, "enrolled": 1, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22897, "section": "PR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 3, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 1 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "fQSeQr-dP2BNOGfZzB4gb", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22519, "section": "WR08", "size": 6, "enrolled": 1, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22898, "section": "WR07", "size": 6, "enrolled": 2, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 28 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22899, "section": "WR06", "size": 6, "enrolled": 3, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 28 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22900, "section": "WR05", "size": 8, "enrolled": 4, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 29 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22901, "section": "WR04", "size": 6, "enrolled": 6, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 28 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22902, "section": "WR03", "size": 3, "enrolled": 2, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 29 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22903, "section": "WR02", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 29 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22904, "section": "WR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 3, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 28 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Vrn5VjCt9FFmVL_Y33tE-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22890, "section": "LE01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 21, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "1524": {"id": "WPt3zCnLs-orzuW1NGNR-", "course_id": "106541", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106541", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Grand Challenges in Computer Science", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "1104", "CLASS_NBR": 22520, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to B.Comp Sc (Advanced) students only, or by permission of the Head of School. Non-B.Comp Sc (Advanced) students must achieve a GPA of at least 6 in Computer Science courses before being considered for entry", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "COMP SCI 1101, COMP SCI 1201, ENG 1002, ENG 1003, MECH ENG 1100, MECH ENG 1101, MECH ENG 1102, MECH ENG 1103, MECH ENG 1104 or MECH ENG 1105", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments and/or Group Project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an introduction to key research areas in Computer Science and the 'Grand Challenges'. Topics include AI, Algorithms, Distributed Systems, Networking, Data Mining and Hardware; scholarship and writing in the discipline, critical analysis and thinking skills.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1525": {"id": "WPt3zCnLs-orzuW1NGNR-", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "YcnBqTetufORsGHMof67m", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21508, "section": "SE01", "size": 200, "enrolled": 66, "available": 134, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 29 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "GOBbSvlJCAp04vsPHh_QF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22520, "section": "WR03", "size": 60, "enrolled": 21, "available": 39, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 1 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22905, "section": "WR02", "size": 60, "enrolled": 15, "available": 45, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22906, "section": "WR01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 30, "available": 30, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Project", "id": "--T9Evwr1ekDrrutuvEGi", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22521, "section": "PJ04", "size": 31, "enrolled": 26, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Project", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 1 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM106, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22907, "section": "PJ03", "size": 32, "enrolled": 12, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Project", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 29 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22908, "section": "PJ02", "size": 31, "enrolled": 11, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Project", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM106, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22909, "section": "PJ01", "size": 32, "enrolled": 17, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Project", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "1526": {"id": "eGPB-DoN45i5Y86g4RFMj", "course_id": "108366", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108366", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Software Engineering", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "1106", "CLASS_NBR": 22522, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 1015, COMP SCI 1101, COMP SCI 1102, COMP SCI 1201, ENG 1002, ENG 1003, MECH ENG 1100, MECH ENG 1101, MECH ENG 1102, MECH ENG 1103, MECH ENG 1104 or MECH ENG 1105", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 2006", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam and/or assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides a general introduction to software engineering. It introduces concepts such as software processes and agile methods, and essential software development activities, from initial specification through to system maintenance. Formalisms and tools to assist in software development are also presented, including common design patterns and UML notation. There is a focus on software testing, from unit testing to the testing of software releases. Project management , software security, professional software engineering practice, ICT codes of ethics, and IT governance will also be covered. Case studies provide practical examples for many of these concepts.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1527": {"id": "eGPB-DoN45i5Y86g4RFMj", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "xZ63UDoDMqOmXn_Z6vEVU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22927, "section": "LE01", "size": 499, "enrolled": 389, "available": 110, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "5GN2TEeJE3K117DRyXn5T", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22522, "section": "WR18", "size": 27, "enrolled": 26, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22910, "section": "WR17", "size": 27, "enrolled": 26, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22911, "section": "WR16", "size": 27, "enrolled": 25, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22912, "section": "WR15", "size": 27, "enrolled": 24, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22913, "section": "WR14", "size": 27, "enrolled": 7, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22914, "section": "WR13", "size": 27, "enrolled": 25, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22915, "section": "WR12", "size": 27, "enrolled": 18, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22916, "section": "WR11", "size": 27, "enrolled": 26, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22917, "section": "WR10", "size": 27, "enrolled": 23, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 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11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22923, "section": "WR04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22924, "section": "WR03", "size": 24, "enrolled": 20, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22925, "section": "WR02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 23, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22926, "section": "WR01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 22, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1528": {"id": "_70IK6cfETqz7fx7XDZWp", "course_id": "108366", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108366", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Software Engineering", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "1106UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 22523, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 1101, COMP SCI 1102, COMP SCI 1201, ENG 1002, ENG 1003, MECH ENG 1100, MECH ENG 1101, MECH ENG 1102, MECH ENG 1103, MECH ENG 1104 or MECH ENG 1105", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 2006", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam and/or assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides a general introduction to software engineering. It introduces concepts such as software processes and agile methods, and essential software development activities, from initial specification through to system maintenance. Formalisms and tools to assist in software development are also presented, including common design patterns and UML notation. There is a focus on software testing, from unit testing to the testing of software releases. Project management , software security, professional software engineering practice, ICT codes of ethics, and IT governance will also be covered. Case studies provide practical examples for many of these concepts.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1529": {"id": "_70IK6cfETqz7fx7XDZWp", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "YT3g65m2gyD-q8vyjkvpO", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22928, "section": "LE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 50, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tuition", "id": "Qs3PRhmykHWv3o3k6lwEL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22281, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 18, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 314, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 314, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22282, "section": "TT02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 17, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 114, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 114, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22283, "section": "TT03", "size": 24, "enrolled": 15, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 106, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 106, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "RSDXcnZD-xU32eqELPzmG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22523, "section": "WR18", "size": 3, "enrolled": 2, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 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23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22931, "section": "WR08", "size": 6, "enrolled": 6, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22932, "section": "WR07", "size": 6, "enrolled": 6, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22933, "section": "WR06", "size": 6, "enrolled": 5, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22934, "section": "WR05", "size": 6, "enrolled": 4, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22935, "section": "WR04", "size": 5, "enrolled": 4, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22936, "section": "WR03", "size": 6, "enrolled": 6, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22937, "section": "WR02", "size": 6, "enrolled": 5, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22938, "section": "WR01", "size": 6, "enrolled": 5, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1530": {"id": "Uv7KEG-wqqDQOB2KFj6Yk", "course_id": "111539", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111539", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Artificial Intelligence Technologies", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "1400", "CLASS_NBR": 21104, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020119", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Not available to BCompSci, B MathsCompSci, BCompSci(Adv) and BE(Hons)(Soft) students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "TECH 1004, TECH 1004UAC", "ASSESSMENT": "Practical exercises, workshops, case studies and a final exam.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will provide students with introductory knowledge and skills in the application of modern AI tools and techniques. The course introduces Python, a key language for developing modern AI applications. The course then demonstrates how to run, modify and build Python implementations of current AI technologies including, standard and new machine learning and deep learning tools. The course will have a strong emphasis how to best make use of the large range of materials, and tutorials that are released with new AI frameworks. In particular, the course will develop a high-level understanding of the key concepts and terminology allowing students to make use of new frameworks as they emerge. Assessment can include practical exercises, workshops, case studies and a final exam.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1531": {"id": "Uv7KEG-wqqDQOB2KFj6Yk", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "UNeEjawR1IsL-zj6yIXQH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21104, "section": "SE01", "size": 89, "enrolled": 71, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "ge8NC4U-DnXjQuGDJsIXI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21100, "section": "PR02", "size": 38, "enrolled": 34, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24515, "section": "PR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 37, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "1532": {"id": "9sPOwpRlQqYLNhi3HWwNZ", "course_id": "111551", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111551", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Artificial Intelligence Technologies", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "1400MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 29192, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020119", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Practical exercises, workshops, case studies and a final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will provide students with introductory knowledge and skills in the application of modern AI tools and techniques. The course introduces Python, a key language for developing modern AI applications. The course then demonstrates how to run, modify and build Python implementations of current AI technologies including, standard and new machine learning and deep learning tools. The course will have a strong emphasis how to best make use of the large range of materials, and tutorials that are released with new AI frameworks. In particular, the course will develop a high-level understanding of the key concepts and terminology allowing students to make use of new frameworks as they emerge. Assessment can include practical exercises, workshops, case studies and a final exam.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1533": {"id": "9sPOwpRlQqYLNhi3HWwNZ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "zUYqj8xt1JtY_0rH_m1Pw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29192, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 0, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "19qz19uAC1j5AEDW8ZY_1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29196, "section": "SE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 0, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29213, "section": "PR01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 0, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1534": {"id": "NWQCGKRPuQGbe0k9Cj_f8", "course_id": "111539", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111539", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Artificial Intelligence Technologies", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "1400UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 29546, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020119", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "TECH 1004UAC", "ASSESSMENT": "Practical exercises, workshops, case studies and a final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will provide students with introductory knowledge and skills in the application of modern AI tools and techniques. The course introduces Python, a key language for developing modern AI applications. The course then demonstrates how to run, modify and build Python implementations of current AI technologies including, standard and new machine learning and deep learning tools. The course will have a strong emphasis how to best make use of the large range of materials, and tutorials that are released with new AI frameworks. In particular, the course will develop a high-level understanding of the key concepts and terminology allowing students to make use of new frameworks as they emerge. Assessment can include practical exercises, workshops, case studies and a final exam.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1535": {"id": "NWQCGKRPuQGbe0k9Cj_f8", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "NgNtlFMdWa0FeSRuQvdMm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21102, "section": "SE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 58, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "Z1IjtOOmt9zJwYQI_HaQh", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21101, "section": "PR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21103, "section": "PR02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tuition", "id": "nOq4XoDVAKnqbzzvaohA-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22273, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 20, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, 203, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, 203, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22274, "section": "TT02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 19, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 106, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 106, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29546, "section": "TT03", "size": 24, "enrolled": 19, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 316, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1536": {"id": "2_9s5KoMM-wlwHbY8Pj13", "course_id": "111552", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111552", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Artificial Intelligence Technologies", "CAMPUS": "UofA College Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "UACM", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "1400UACM", "CLASS_NBR": 29178, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020119", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Practical exercises, workshops, case studies and a final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will provide students with introductory knowledge and skills in the application of modern AI tools and techniques. The course introduces Python, a key language for developing modern AI applications. The course then demonstrates how to run, modify and build Python implementations of current AI technologies including, standard and new machine learning and deep learning tools. The course will have a strong emphasis how to best make use of the large range of materials, and tutorials that are released with new AI frameworks. In particular, the course will develop a high-level understanding of the key concepts and terminology allowing students to make use of new frameworks as they emerge. Assessment can include practical exercises, workshops, case studies and a final exam.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1537": {"id": "2_9s5KoMM-wlwHbY8Pj13", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "jjZ6HISUluXNjVBDg443p", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29178, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 16, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "IQ_n99LlvyatyoLgUtzQQ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29176, "section": "PR01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 16, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29177, "section": "SE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 16, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1538": {"id": "ktTmsPV2c1HfWLeNykCC4", "course_id": "111540", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111540", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Cyber Security", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "1500", "CLASS_NBR": 29648, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020113", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Not available to BCompSci, B MathsCompSci, BCompSci(Adv), and BE(Hons)(Soft) students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "TECH 1005, TECH 1005UAC", "ASSESSMENT": "Practical exercises, workshops, case studies and a final exam.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will provide students with foundational knowledge and skills in managing cybersecurity risks and threats at an organisational level.\nStudents will learn the nature and magnitude of current cyber threats; case studies in threat prevention and incident handling; strategies for organisational risk management of cyber threats; organisational mechanisms policies and procedures for minimising the risks and costs associated with breaches; current trends and developments in threats and mitigation; resources identifying new threats and approaches to mitigation. Assessment can include, practical exercises, quizzes, case-studies, presentations and a final exam.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1539": {"id": "ktTmsPV2c1HfWLeNykCC4", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "7w-vZN22bnAGnTY1Ihg1i", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24516, "section": "LE01", "size": 140, "enrolled": 74, "available": 66, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "mptcEYb0Pn0HIqPSOwPbv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24517, "section": "PR01", "size": 26, "enrolled": 24, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24518, "section": "PR02", "size": 22, "enrolled": 21, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24519, "section": "PR03", "size": 22, "enrolled": 20, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29647, "section": "PR04", "size": 30, "enrolled": 9, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "9lFVlW5K9L0dKbbD-jrFM", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24520, "section": "WR01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24521, "section": "WR02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 22, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24522, "section": "WR03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29648, "section": "WR04", "size": 30, "enrolled": 6, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1540": {"id": "J4_pC2qzKcb5F9SnKw5CK", "course_id": "111604", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111604", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Cyber Security", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "1500MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 29216, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020113", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "TECH 1005, TECH 1005UAC, TECH 1005UACM, TECH 1005MELB", "ASSESSMENT": "Practical exercises, workshops, case studies, final exam.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will provide students with foundational knowledge and skills in managing cybersecurity risks and threats at an organisational level. Students will learn the nature and magnitude of current cyber threats; case studies in threat prevention and incident handling; strategies for organisational risk management of cyber threats; organisational mechanisms policies and procedures for minimising the risks and costs associated with breaches; current trends and developments in threats and mitigation; resources identifying new threats and approaches to mitigation. Assessment can include, practical exercises, quizzes, case-studies, presentations and a final exam.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1541": {"id": "J4_pC2qzKcb5F9SnKw5CK", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "zplfRBVWiwT9Fc7qDQnaM", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29193, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 0, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "BXqB9WO1FLcXNVXe-mQoZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29214, "section": "LE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 0, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "IcCEpBZWsu_tB7W1sbkPc", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29215, "section": "PR01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 0, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29216, "section": "WR01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 0, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "1542": {"id": "JLEJpqpjkZ9ZCELPkzwTz", "course_id": "111540", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111540", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Cyber Security", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "1500UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 21099, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020113", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "TECH 1005UAC", "ASSESSMENT": "Practical exercises, workshops, case studies and a final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will provide students with foundational knowledge and skills in managing cybersecurity risks and threats at an organisational level.\nStudents will learn the nature and magnitude of current cyber threats; case studies in threat prevention and incident handling; strategies for organisational risk management of cyber threats; organisational mechanisms policies and procedures for minimising the risks and costs associated with breaches; current trends and developments in threats and mitigation; resources identifying new threats and approaches to mitigation. Assessment can include, practical exercises, quizzes, case-studies, presentations and a final exam.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1543": {"id": "JLEJpqpjkZ9ZCELPkzwTz", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "h3CDYDisyV7wEE1wuR2X_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22275, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 18, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 102, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22276, "section": "TT02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 19, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, B04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, B04, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29547, "section": "TT03", "size": 24, "enrolled": 19, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 316, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "N4w4MwFLaaVtJyREIarSl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21094, "section": "PR01", "size": 19, "enrolled": 18, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21095, "section": "PR02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 19, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21096, "section": "PR03", "size": 20, "enrolled": 19, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "xk0Lwef4C_bnfhD09Jq5Q", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21097, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 17, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21098, "section": "WR02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 20, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21099, "section": "WR03", "size": 20, "enrolled": 19, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "FMwu_4CU71QijXnso8iRU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21093, "section": "LE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 56, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "1544": {"id": "k0NTPlWMnvM_Z4yxuEwfr", "course_id": "111553", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111553", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Cyber Security", "CAMPUS": "UofA College Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "UACM", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "1500UACM", "CLASS_NBR": 29298, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020113", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will provide students with foundational knowledge and skills in managing cybersecurity risks and threats at an organisational level.\nStudents will learn the nature and magnitude of current cyber threats; case studies in threat prevention and incident handling; strategies for organisational risk management of cyber threats; organisational mechanisms policies and procedures for minimising the risks and costs associated with breaches; current trends and developments in threats and mitigation; resources identifying new threats and approaches to mitigation. Assessment can include, practical exercises, quizzes, case-studies, presentations and a final exam.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1545": {"id": "k0NTPlWMnvM_Z4yxuEwfr", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "oJBAagcKF6psdi_MLXUFy", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29297, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 16, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "iYmzVxD_pDy8v2EevJu8i", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29295, "section": "LE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 16, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "bMnW4shhmljXh1RDIlTL2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29296, "section": "PR01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 16, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29298, "section": "WR01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 16, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "1546": {"id": "I_NkCY4EF11lmW83jqNbj", "course_id": "001956", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "001956", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Computer Systems", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "2000", "CLASS_NBR": 15562, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020117", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2.5 hours per weeks", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "One of COMP SCI 1102, COMP SCI 1202, COMP SCI 2202 or COMP SCI 2202B or (Both of COMP SCI 1015 and COMP SCI 1013)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MATHS 1012 or MATHS 1004 or MATHS 1008", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam and/or assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces the elements of computer systems from the level of basic hardware gates, through to compilers, languages and applications. The aim is to give an overview of the layered nature of computer systems and how the use of simple interfaces can make the design of complex and powerful systems possible. Topics covered include: digital logic, memory, processors, assembly language, virtual machines, recursive descent parsing, code generation and operating systems.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1547": {"id": "I_NkCY4EF11lmW83jqNbj", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "S1GiMjXMQ7e8i2cNyb0Tq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12285, "section": "LE01", "size": 320, "enrolled": 260, "available": 60, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "MThNzWw_u2NaIUT6yn-xm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11467, "section": "WR07", "size": 50, "enrolled": 38, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12287, "section": "WR06", "size": 40, "enrolled": 36, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12288, "section": "WR05", "size": 50, "enrolled": 18, "available": 32, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12289, "section": "WR04", "size": 40, "enrolled": 37, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12290, "section": "WR03", "size": 41, "enrolled": 36, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12291, "section": "WR02", "size": 40, "enrolled": 22, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12292, "section": "WR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 38, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15562, "section": "WR08", "size": 40, "enrolled": 35, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "1548": {"id": "MkgY5O9evPKm1XMoFUrWw", "course_id": "001956", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "001956", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Computer Systems", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "2000", "CLASS_NBR": 21512, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020117", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2.5 hours per weeks", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "One of COMP SCI 1102, COMP SCI 1202, COMP SCI 2202 or COMP SCI 2202B or (Both of COMP SCI 1015 and COMP SCI 1013)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MATHS 1012 or MATHS 1004 or MATHS 1008", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam and/or assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces the elements of computer systems from the level of basic hardware gates, through to compilers, languages and applications. The aim is to give an overview of the layered nature of computer systems and how the use of simple interfaces can make the design of complex and powerful systems possible. Topics covered include: digital logic, memory, processors, assembly language, virtual machines, recursive descent parsing, code generation and operating systems.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1549": {"id": "MkgY5O9evPKm1XMoFUrWw", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "agoRjBr4FGD7T3xUNsCkn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22202, "section": "LE01", "size": 440, "enrolled": 392, "available": 48, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "ScDexoi0DReCMMRTbmne0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21512, "section": "WR09", "size": 50, "enrolled": 46, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22186, "section": "WR08", "size": 50, "enrolled": 46, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22187, "section": "WR07", "size": 40, "enrolled": 37, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22188, "section": "WR06", "size": 50, "enrolled": 49, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22189, "section": "WR05", "size": 40, "enrolled": 28, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22190, "section": "WR04", "size": 50, "enrolled": 48, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22191, "section": "WR03", "size": 46, "enrolled": 41, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22192, "section": "WR02", "size": 50, "enrolled": 49, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22193, "section": "WR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 48, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "1550": {"id": "LNksXxNXLUpmAAXN_280r", "course_id": "001956", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "001956", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 4, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Computer Systems", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "2000MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 19313, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020117", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2.5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "One of COMP SCI 1102, COMP SCI 1202, COMP SCI 2202 or COMP SCI 2202B or (Both of COMP SCI 1015UACM and COMP SCI 1013UACM)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MATHS 1012 or MATHS 1004 or MATHS 1008", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam and/or assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces the elements of computer systems from the level of basic hardware gates, through to compilers, languages and applications. The aim is to give an overview of the layered nature of computer systems and how the use of simple interfaces can make the design of complex and powerful systems possible. Topics covered include: digital logic, memory, processors, assembly language, virtual machines, recursive descent parsing, code generation and operating systems.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1551": {"id": "LNksXxNXLUpmAAXN_280r", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "Tt2wsNJI9mF1J7QBKAOlW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19313, "section": "WR01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 4, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Y_Gpkpe39ozoV_Jblrlp7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19312, "section": "LE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 4, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1552": {"id": "jab-9Z3Wp0c7kss9TKONA", "course_id": "001956", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "001956", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 4, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Computer Systems", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "2000MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 29180, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020117", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2.5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "One of COMP SCI 1102, COMP SCI 1202, COMP SCI 2202 or COMP SCI 2202B or (Both of COMP SCI 1015UACM and COMP SCI 1013UACM)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MATHS 1012 or MATHS 1004 or MATHS 1008", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam and/or assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces the elements of computer systems from the level of basic hardware gates, through to compilers, languages and applications. The aim is to give an overview of the layered nature of computer systems and how the use of simple interfaces can make the design of complex and powerful systems possible. Topics covered include: digital logic, memory, processors, assembly language, virtual machines, recursive descent parsing, code generation and operating systems.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1553": {"id": "jab-9Z3Wp0c7kss9TKONA", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "PjnCzTGjWv81OYbXjCISa", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29179, "section": "LE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 2, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "eLBkjHAJ581Lxu0SGGJl4", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29180, "section": "WR01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 2, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "1554": {"id": "6mdOa0Eux9mpLJ_hHh5wg", "course_id": "102482", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102482", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Systems Programming", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "2005", "CLASS_NBR": 11468, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2.5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "One of COMP SCI 1102, COMP SCI 1202, COMP SCI 2202, COMP SCI 2009 or COMP SCI 2202B", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam and/or assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Introduction to C for C++ programmers. UNIX tools; design philosophy, command line options, combining programs using pipes and I/O redirection. File systems and memory. Profiling tools, binary tools, debugging tools. Basic shell scripting. Build tools. Signal and handling, synchronous and asynchronous I/O. Introduction to threads and concurrency. Timers and their uses.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1555": {"id": "6mdOa0Eux9mpLJ_hHh5wg", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "xuTq_hQegYKSRSl2Ezftj", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15154, "section": "LE01", "size": 230, "enrolled": 179, "available": 51, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "JLdGzxUq21rVHg3qb8KPB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11468, "section": "WR07", "size": 30, "enrolled": 10, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15155, "section": "WR06", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM106, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15156, "section": "WR05", "size": 29, "enrolled": 28, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM106, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15157, "section": "WR04", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15158, "section": "WR03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15159, "section": "WR02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15160, "section": "WR01", "size": 29, "enrolled": 28, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM106, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "1556": {"id": "K_vR4JSvcw93ZNZCw_0LY", "course_id": "106963", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106963", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Topics in Computer Science", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "2008", "CLASS_NBR": 14320, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "2 contact hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to students enrolled in B. Computer Science (Advanced)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 1104", "CO_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 1103 or COMP SCI 2103", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments and/or project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Introduction to a specialised area of Computer Science. Topics include theoretical and applied aspects of Computer Science. Combines guided reading and research with a significant individual or group project component.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1557": {"id": "K_vR4JSvcw93ZNZCw_0LY", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "dG2EbiPT6fL62fNrOaOtG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14320, "section": "LE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 18, "available": 32, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "1558": {"id": "gSOz5VqFZ0ihOvMuM0rsH", "course_id": "106963", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106963", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Topics in Computer Science", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "2008", "CLASS_NBR": 24264, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "2 contact hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to students enrolled in B. Computer Science (Advanced)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 1104", "CO_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 1103 or COMP SCI 2103", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments and/or project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Introduction to a specialised area of Computer Science. Topics include theoretical and applied aspects of Computer Science. Combines guided reading and research with a significant individual or group project component.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1559": {"id": "gSOz5VqFZ0ihOvMuM0rsH", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "gdrMSxWs4kccMvFdmkaJQ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24264, "section": "LE01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 69, "available": 31, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "1560": {"id": "MLGzwVUwht8VQnyyhaFQs", "course_id": "110300", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110300", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Programming for IT Specialists", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "2009", "CLASS_NBR": 11470, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Not available to B.Comp Sci / B.Comp Sci Advanced / B.Maths Comp Sci students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 1015", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 1102, COMP SCI 1202, COMP SCI 2202, COMP SCI 2202B", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, workshops, prac work, prac exams, on-line quizzes", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Programming for IT Specialists builds on the programming knowledge developed in COMP SCI 1015 and provides students with a solid coding foundation to undertake Information Technology work at the professional level. Students are introduced to multiple object-orientated languages that are heavily used for systems work, including compiled and interpreted languages, as well as the data structures and algorithms vital to working in the systems area. Students will develop be assessed through programming assignments, weekly quizzes, project work, and a final examination. The course uses current technology and real examples to provide an authentic and useful development environment.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1561": {"id": "MLGzwVUwht8VQnyyhaFQs", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "rr9EcNFv2kSrYgKHYvmWR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15161, "section": "LE01", "size": 150, "enrolled": 84, "available": 66, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "BMynjcSmo-bDfVPnCdt2N", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11469, "section": "PR02", "size": 60, "enrolled": 48, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15162, "section": "PR01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 36, "available": 34, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "7S_2ZA1sTVPVyLjefZmOx", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11470, "section": "WR02", "size": 60, "enrolled": 51, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15163, "section": "WR01", "size": 56, "enrolled": 33, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "1562": {"id": "QqHizoJ9JV3w1MYWaaLEr", "course_id": "110300", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110300", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Programming for IT Specialists", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "2009", "CLASS_NBR": 25023, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Not available to B.Comp Sci / B.Comp Sci Advanced / B.Maths Comp Sci students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 1015", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 1102, COMP SCI 1202, COMP SCI 2202, COMP SCI 2202B", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, workshops, prac work, prac exams, on-line quizzes", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Programming for IT Specialists builds on the programming knowledge developed in COMP SCI 1015 and provides students with a solid coding foundation to undertake Information Technology work at the professional level. Students are introduced to multiple object-orientated languages that are heavily used for systems work, including compiled and interpreted languages, as well as the data structures and algorithms vital to working in the systems area. Students will develop be assessed through programming assignments, weekly quizzes, project work, and a final examination. The course uses current technology and real examples to provide an authentic and useful development environment.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1563": {"id": "QqHizoJ9JV3w1MYWaaLEr", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "LmrZrbWPZlSm8P2OaSfbU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25021, "section": "LE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 34, "available": 26, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "B2mu9YbCzclm4PnwqXaba", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25022, "section": "PR01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 34, "available": 26, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "Wh1xEgim5w6F7qWxS1_s2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25023, "section": "WR01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 34, "available": 26, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "1564": {"id": "peDJF1Zxjk-Dc3hms4rNj", "course_id": "110300", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110300", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Programming for IT Specialists", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "2009MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 19425, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 1015UACM", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 1102, COMP SCI 1202, COMP SCI 2202, COMP SCI 2202B", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Programming for IT Specialists builds on the programming knowledge developed in COMP SCI 1015 and provides students with a solid coding foundation to undertake Information Technology work at the professional level. Students are introduced to multiple object-orientated languages that are heavily used for systems work, including compiled and interpreted languages, as well as the data structures and algorithms vital to working in the systems area. Students will develop be assessed through programming assignments, weekly quizzes, project work, and a final examination. The course uses current technology and real examples to provide an authentic and useful development environment.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1565": {"id": "peDJF1Zxjk-Dc3hms4rNj", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "MagZhQEsXFbumY5Rt6gCu", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19423, "section": "LE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 2, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "cEjMGahJ0Uteeir7JmnPT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19424, "section": "PR01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 2, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19425, "section": "WR01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 2, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "1566": {"id": "yxWSe6NvtWrKRiRzoFayt", "course_id": "107592", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107592", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Algorithm Design & Data Structures", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "2103", "CLASS_NBR": 14897, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020111", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Not available to B. Information Technology students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 1102", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 1103, COMP SCI 2202, COMP SCI 2202B", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam and/or assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course is structured to take students from an introductory knowledge of C++ to a higher level, as well as addressing some key areas of computer programming and algorithm design. Topics include: review of class hierarchies, inheritance, friends, polymorphism and type systems; recursion; OO design principles, abstract data types, testing and software reuse; introductory data structures: linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, heaps, algorithmic strategies for searching and sorting data in these structures; introductory complexity analysis.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1567": {"id": "yxWSe6NvtWrKRiRzoFayt", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "PR9MOQq3ZznlG8K9PzGnq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11148, "section": "LE01", "size": 500, "enrolled": 404, "available": 96, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "jW65-yPORLVXRuK39RDaM", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11471, "section": "PR11", "size": 31, "enrolled": 29, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM106, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13412, "section": "PR12", "size": 40, "enrolled": 32, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15164, "section": "PR10", "size": 40, "enrolled": 37, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15165, "section": "PR09", "size": 40, "enrolled": 34, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15166, "section": "PR08", "size": 40, "enrolled": 39, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15167, "section": "PR07", "size": 40, "enrolled": 38, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 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5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "7bScrrwA-0qoGldS4QN3U", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11472, "section": "WR14", "size": 30, "enrolled": 26, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 30 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 May - 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28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15177, "section": "WR10", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 18 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Apr - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 29 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 May - 13 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 May - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15178, "section": "WR09", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 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Information Technology students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 1102", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 1103, COMP SCI 2202, COMP SCI 2202B", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam and/or assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course is structured to take students from an introductory knowledge of C++ to a higher level, as well as addressing some key areas of computer programming and algorithm design. Topics include: review of class hierarchies, inheritance, friends, polymorphism and type systems; recursion; OO design principles, abstract data types, testing and software reuse; introductory data structures: linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, heaps, algorithmic strategies for searching and sorting data in these structures; introductory complexity analysis.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1569": {"id": "Fa_z0tTEd3QjVZOvfVG91", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "5X07ICCeAA_ue58JZUNAf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21109, "section": "LE01", "size": 250, "enrolled": 199, "available": 51, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "6Hx7vTPT5C8m9nTQkviFb", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25024, "section": "PR06", "size": 80, "enrolled": 44, "available": 36, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 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27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1570": {"id": "VplaP6sHHXGw4TJXeJvDq", "course_id": "106384", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106384", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Algorithm & Data Structure Analysis", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "2201", "CLASS_NBR": 14752, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020111", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "One of COMP SCI 1103, COMP SCI 1203, COMP SCI 2103, COMP SCI 2202 or COMP SCI 2202B", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 2004", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam and/or assignments.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an introduction to program development techniques with a focus on\u00a0basic ideas of correctness and proof. The course introduces, among others, notions of complexity and analysis, recursion, abstract data types, representation of lists, stacks, queues, sets, trees and hash tables, graphs and Graph Traversal. The course allows students to experience different approaches to problem solving.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1571": {"id": "VplaP6sHHXGw4TJXeJvDq", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "0LjnU47Jx2DyLi-yxaEBT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15200, "section": "LE01", "size": 150, "enrolled": 129, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "mcBwqkfdFyjj3-QGmJC-2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11188, "section": "WR15", "size": 10, "enrolled": 7, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 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The course introduces, among others, notions of complexity and analysis, recursion, abstract data types, representation of lists, stacks, queues, sets, trees and hash tables, graphs and Graph Traversal. The course allows students to experience different approaches to problem solving.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1573": {"id": "x-oT2gMFBZbYCzQDRp56d", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "kSVWTKpjdiMte6T0G9Ac6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25040, "section": "LE01", "size": 400, "enrolled": 319, "available": 81, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "aPM9etGlb3WXBLFgKNw-T", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25041, "section": "WR20", "size": 15, "enrolled": 13, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 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25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM213, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25059, "section": "WR02", "size": 15, "enrolled": 8, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25060, "section": "WR01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 19, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 31 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Aug - 28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 28930, "section": "WR21", "size": 17, "enrolled": 14, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Aug - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 28931, "section": "WR22", "size": 17, "enrolled": 15, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 425, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 425, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Aug - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 425, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 425, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 425, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 425, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 28933, "section": "WR23", "size": 17, "enrolled": 17, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1574": {"id": "y4kigF1mrVdiXBSV_NEKS", "course_id": "107032", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107032", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Problem Solving & Software Development", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "2203", "CLASS_NBR": 25184, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "One of COMP SCI 1103, COMP SCI 1203, COMP SCI 2103, COMP SCI 2202, COMP SCI 2009 or COMP SCI 2202B", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, practicals and practical exams", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course presents students with open-ended and complex programming problems that focus on developing their software design and implementation skills. The course will also introduce software engineering principles, and particularly approaches to software quality.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1575": {"id": "y4kigF1mrVdiXBSV_NEKS", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "_GQbrpNB0RhkbwJhmIktD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25184, "section": "WR01", "size": 136, "enrolled": 82, "available": 54, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "VupA9rzsT2eWUhCggv1vs", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21176, "section": "PR02", "size": 80, "enrolled": 56, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23049, "section": "PR03", "size": 68, "enrolled": 26, "available": 42, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "1576": {"id": "s07KY8ksapb3KrHZWVqVD", "course_id": "111448", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111448", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Problem Solving & Software Development", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "2203MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 29284, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "One of COMP SCI 1103, COMP SCI 1203, COMP SCI 2103, COMP SCI 2202, COMP SCI 2009 or COMP SCI 2202B", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, practicals and practical exams", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course presents students with open-ended and complex programming problems that focus on developing their software design and implementation skills. The course will also introduce software engineering principles, and particularly approaches to software quality.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1577": {"id": "s07KY8ksapb3KrHZWVqVD", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "2DVUtS1ukGjKHDDQB0Pzp", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29284, "section": "WR01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 2, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "2MS4nGdFO8JOO9wWuD6vq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29285, "section": "PR01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 2, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1578": {"id": "8SuyS5rtHc_3UUaN318za", "course_id": "108284", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108284", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Software Engineering Workshop I", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "2205", "CLASS_NBR": 11475, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BE(Software) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "COMP SCI 1106 or COMP SCI 2006", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments and individual and group projects.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides software engineering students with the fundamental knowledge and practical understanding of methods, approaches, and tools for requirements engineering in different software paradigms. Topics include: deriving and reasoning about the appropriate description of a desired system, modelling and analysis knowledge and skills, documenting and evaluating requirements, and conceptual design. The course will also focus on team work and communication skills, requirements prioritisation and negotiation, and automated software engineering tools relevant to requirement and modelling phases of software engineering.\nThe course will be delivered in seminar or workshop styles and a large number of assessment tasks will be project based in order to give the students skills and experience of working in a team environment.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1579": {"id": "8SuyS5rtHc_3UUaN318za", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "davNmAhlXhxj5Tbajqvqg", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11240, "section": "WR01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 15, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11475, "section": "WR02", "size": 27, "enrolled": 9, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM106, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "Vv5yDnRLshNMq4vX1giRl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11239, "section": "LE01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 24, "available": 56, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1580": {"id": "rOCbNAyZtUTewbF6nlDGr", "course_id": "108284", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108284", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Software Engineering Workshop I", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "2205UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 11474, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 1106", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments and individual and group projects", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides software engineering students with the fundamental knowledge and practical understanding of methods, approaches, and tools for requirements engineering in different software paradigms. Topics include: deriving and reasoning about the appropriate description of a desired system, modelling and analysis knowledge and skills, documenting and evaluating requirements, and conceptual design. The course will also focus on team work and communication skills, requirements prioritisation and negotiation, and automated software engineering tools relevant to requirement and modelling phases of software engineering.\nThe course will be delivered in seminar or workshop styles and a large number of assessment tasks will be project based in order to give the students skills and experience of working in a team environment.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1581": {"id": "rOCbNAyZtUTewbF6nlDGr", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "vtU_da788T2QtZLm9SNkJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11237, "section": "LE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "LUUOJnwCQ6_fdDIwRSDL0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11238, "section": "WR01", "size": 4, "enrolled": 0, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11474, "section": "WR02", "size": 4, "enrolled": 0, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM106, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "1582": {"id": "D328G75wrWjeJh4SNk78h", "course_id": "108285", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108285", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Software Engineering Workshop II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "2206", "CLASS_NBR": 21179, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BE(Software) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 2205", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments and design projects.\u00a0", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course teaches methods, approaches, and tools for systematically designing and analysing software. There is a focus on approaches for both high-level and low-level software design. The course will also cover topics related to measuring design attributes and design quality evaluation. The course particularly focuses on creativity in software design and sketching for early design concept, including topics such as co-evolution of requirements and design, design fictions, and personas.\nThe course will be delivered in seminar or workshop style and a large number of assessment tasks will be project based in order to give the students skills and experience of coming up with divergent and unique solutions to problems while working in teams on software design projects.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1583": {"id": "D328G75wrWjeJh4SNk78h", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "CXqiR91eiNPjG2I7TGBnB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21179, "section": "WR02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 12, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM106, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21180, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 11, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM106, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "u0Ek2f1arEFIra0KmK2tx", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21178, "section": "LE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 23, "available": 37, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1584": {"id": "SOqYRy1as9l1W0e_qb_w0", "course_id": "108960", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108960", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Web & Database Computing", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "2207", "CLASS_NBR": 11476, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020113", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 1102, COMP SCI 1202, COMP SCI 2009, COMP SCI 2202 or (COMP SCI 1013 and COMP SCI 1015)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 1003, COMP SCI 1105, COMP SCI 2002", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam and/or assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "A modern introduction to designing and creating web-based applications. The course covers client-server architecture, database fundamentals and the principles behind writing software that functions over networks. Widely used web development languages and environments are compared and will be used by students to implement their own applications.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1585": {"id": "SOqYRy1as9l1W0e_qb_w0", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "0brpdqiCoNfYHRAXm4wEn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11248, "section": "LE01", "size": 550, "enrolled": 506, "available": 44, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "IH2FJB6Uk4mFBp-4Cev0Q", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11241, "section": "WR07", "size": 80, "enrolled": 77, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11242, "section": "WR06", "size": 80, "enrolled": 77, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11243, "section": "WR05", "size": 74, "enrolled": 56, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11244, "section": "WR04", "size": 80, "enrolled": 75, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11245, "section": "WR03", "size": 80, "enrolled": 29, "available": 51, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11246, "section": "WR02", "size": 80, "enrolled": 35, "available": 45, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11247, "section": "WR01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 77, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11476, "section": "WR08", "size": 80, "enrolled": 80, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "1586": {"id": "mvQjgvjZiu3DCAgf3M7ar", "course_id": "108960", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108960", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Web & Database Computing", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "2207MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 19427, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020113", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 1102, COMP SCI 1202, COMP SCI 2009, COMP SCI 2202 or (COMP SCI 1013 and COMP SCI 1015)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 1003, COMP SCI 1105, COMP SCI 2002", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam and/or assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "A modern introduction to designing and creating web-based applications. The course covers client-server architecture, database fundamentals and the principles behind writing software that functions over networks. Widely used web development languages and environments are compared and will be used by students to implement their own applications.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1587": {"id": "mvQjgvjZiu3DCAgf3M7ar", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "bQz3qmWRUZyVgJehB25wn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19427, "section": "WR01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 2, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "u6XcFVC7mpjSzQKBgEYgP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19426, "section": "LE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 2, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1588": {"id": "dkk-X8ZqBn4ejUtqYrDLB", "course_id": "110301", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110301", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Databases and Ethical Data", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "2208", "CLASS_NBR": 29660, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 1015 or COMP SCI 1102", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "COMP SCI 2207", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam and practical assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Databases have come a long way in the past decades and, rather than focusing purely on relational databases and SQL, this course introduces students to contemporary database applications and concepts, to develop a deep and thorough understanding of the principles that underpin all contemporary database systems. Students will be introduced to relational, NoSQL, and distributed database models, with an emphasis on the design, configuration, and ongoing maintenance of these systems. The course will cover consistency models, the evolution of transactional processing, and existing examples of all of the database types. With all of the data that is stored in systems, there are important questions of whether certain data should be collected, how it should be stored, how it should be processed, and whether answers can be shared from this data. Students will cover relevant ethical studies around the use of data, including the impact of local and international legislation such as the Australian Privacy Act and the European General Data Protection Regulation. This course will be assessed through programming assignments, small projects, lecture quizzes, contributions to group discussions, and written assignments. The majority of assessment is individual but some elements are group based to develop non-technical skills.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1589": {"id": "dkk-X8ZqBn4ejUtqYrDLB", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "nPPCzpaIc1sKuGMRQXVL5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21511, "section": "SE01", "size": 210, "enrolled": 174, "available": 36, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "vMfxfVpAjFMCtz5R3c8_g", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21181, "section": "PR02", "size": 70, "enrolled": 66, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21182, "section": "PR01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 41, "available": 29, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21513, "section": "PR03", "size": 70, "enrolled": 67, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "PsJxvW6_R5Z5UE-_eZkpo", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21183, "section": "WR04", "size": 35, "enrolled": 26, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21184, "section": "WR03", "size": 42, "enrolled": 38, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21185, "section": "WR02", "size": 35, "enrolled": 30, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21186, "section": "WR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 37, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21514, "section": "WR05", "size": 35, "enrolled": 33, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29659, "section": "WR06", "size": 30, "enrolled": 10, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1590": {"id": "4uHtIQgRi7TSb6fVaYUn9", "course_id": "110301", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110301", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Databases and Ethical Data", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "2208MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 29287, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 1015UACM or COMP SCI 1102", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "COMP SCI 2207MELB", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exams and practical assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Databases have come a long way in the past decades and, rather than focusing purely on relational databases and SQL, this course introduces students to contemporary database applications and concepts, to develop a deep and thorough understanding of the principles that underpin all contemporary database systems. Students will be introduced to relational, NoSQL, and distributed database models, with an emphasis on the design, configuration, and ongoing maintenance of these systems. The course will cover consistency models, the evolution of transactional processing, and existing examples of all of the database types. With all of the data that is stored in systems, there are important questions of whether certain data should be collected, how it should be stored, how it should be processed, and whether answers can be shared from this data. Students will cover relevant ethical studies around the use of data, including the impact of local and international legislation such as the Australian Privacy Act and the European General Data Protection Regulation. This course will be assessed through programming assignments, small projects, lecture quizzes, contributions to group discussions, and written assignments. The majority of assessment is individual but some elements are group based to develop non-technical skills.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1591": {"id": "4uHtIQgRi7TSb6fVaYUn9", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "U3Dyl0ST80smW8Gf2wBVt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29286, "section": "SE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 2, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "r4RKZbayJp-RslZ8xnqYw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29287, "section": "WR01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 2, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29288, "section": "PR01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 2, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1592": {"id": "1ISHnoDlqsU3zscod3hNH", "course_id": "002328", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "002328", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Computer Networks & Applications", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "3001", "CLASS_NBR": 11477, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020113", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2.5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(COMP SCI 2009 and COMP SCI 2208) or COMP SCI 2103", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam and/or assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Introduction to networks and digital communications with a focus on Internet protocols: Application layer architectures (client/server, peer-to-peer) and protocols (HTTP-web, SMTP-mail, etc), Transport layer operation: (reliable transport, congestion and flow control, UDP, TCP); Network layer operation - (routing, addressing, IPv4 and IPv6), Data Link layer operation (error detection/correction, access control, Ethernet, 802.11), Layer 2/3 protocols (MPLS); security, selected current topics such as: multimedia protocols, quality of Service, mobility, wireless networking, emerging protocols, network management.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1593": {"id": "1ISHnoDlqsU3zscod3hNH", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "a1l27aYZuiDb1krs0R-mW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11277, "section": "LE01", "size": 310, "enrolled": 242, "available": 68, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "IDsb7yOoQQV4prjp5EPWv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11266, "section": "WR09", "size": 23, "enrolled": 21, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "14 Mar - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11267, "section": "WR08", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 May - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11268, "section": "WR07", "size": 23, "enrolled": 18, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 May - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11269, "section": "WR06", "size": 23, "enrolled": 18, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 May - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11270, "section": "WR05", "size": 23, "enrolled": 20, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}, {"dates": "10 May - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11271, "section": "WR04", "size": 15, "enrolled": 15, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "14 Mar - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11272, "section": "WR03", "size": 23, "enrolled": 21, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Mar - 13 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11273, "section": "WR02", "size": 23, "enrolled": 20, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Mar - 13 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11274, "section": "WR01", "size": 23, "enrolled": 21, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 May - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11275, "section": "WR11", "size": 35, "enrolled": 28, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 May - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11276, "section": "WR10", "size": 17, "enrolled": 17, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 May - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11477, "section": "WR12", "size": 35, "enrolled": 20, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 May - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1594": {"id": "pOQgXIr9nH2uoeUeJ4_s2", "course_id": "002328", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "002328", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 6, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Computer Networks & Applications", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "3001MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 19430, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020113", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2.5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(COMP SCI 2009 and COMP SCI 2208) or COMP SCI 2103", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam and/or assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Introduction to networks and digital communications with a focus on Internet protocols: Application layer architectures (client/server, peer-to-peer) and protocols (HTTP-web, SMTP-mail, etc), Transport layer operation: (reliable transport, congestion and flow control, UDP, TCP); Network layer operation - (routing, addressing, IPv4 and IPv6), Data Link layer operation (error detection/correction, access control, Ethernet, 802.11), Layer 2/3 protocols (MPLS); security, selected current topics such as: multimedia protocols, quality of Service, mobility, wireless networking, emerging protocols, network management.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1595": {"id": "pOQgXIr9nH2uoeUeJ4_s2", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "ByUj1_ZRaU5mcM2IUp4xF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19429, "section": "LE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 1, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "HUDIcdmC-UI-iVxkEkE9w", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19430, "section": "WR01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 1, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "11 Mar - 11 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Apr - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "6 May - 6 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "1596": {"id": "XipwBUwL9gIhnTdU0KCZF", "course_id": "004468", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "004468", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Operating Systems", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "3004", "CLASS_NBR": 28961, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020117", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2.5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "One of COMP SCI 2103, COMP SCI 2202, COMP SCI 2009 or COMP SCI 2202B", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "COMP SCI 2000", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam and/or assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "OS purposes: resource management and the extended virtual computer; historical development. Processes: critical sections and mutual exclusion, semaphores, monitors, classical problems, deadlock; process scheduling. Input and Output: hardware and software control. \nMemory management: multi-programming; swapping; virtual memory, paging and symbolic segmentation; File System: operations, implementation, performance. Operating System Security and Protection mechanisms:\nprotection domains, access lists, capability systems, principle of minimum privilege, security threats and attacks, encryption, and authentication", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1597": {"id": "XipwBUwL9gIhnTdU0KCZF", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "FZO7MkBtdTl6HsBIKYYEE", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21217, "section": "LE01", "size": 450, "enrolled": 390, "available": 60, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "s-5oahR3_zCzlHQGKAciH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21187, "section": "WR15", "size": 24, "enrolled": 23, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "23 Aug - 23 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "6 Sep - 6 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 4 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "18 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21188, "section": "WR14", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Aug - 7 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Aug - 21 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Sep - 4 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 2 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21189, "section": "WR13", "size": 24, "enrolled": 24, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Aug - 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5 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21191, "section": "WR11", "size": 20, "enrolled": 20, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Aug - 23 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Sep - 6 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 4 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21192, "section": "WR10", "size": 24, "enrolled": 22, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Aug - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 Aug - 20 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Sep - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21193, "section": "WR09", "size": 28, "enrolled": 26, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Aug - 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21 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Sep - 4 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 2 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1598": {"id": "esnI1pr2qYMW7Lnl0XoXZ", "course_id": "004468", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "004468", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Operating Systems", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "3004MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 29290, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020117", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2.5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "One of COMP SCI 2103, COMP SCI 2202, COMP SCI 2009 or COMP SCI 2202B", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "COMP SCI 2000MELB/COMP SCI 2000UACM", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam and/or assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "OS purposes: resource management and the extended virtual computer; historical development. Processes: critical sections and mutual exclusion, semaphores, monitors, classical problems, deadlock; process scheduling. Input and Output: hardware and software control. \nMemory management: multi-programming; swapping; virtual memory, paging and symbolic segmentation; File System: operations, implementation, performance. Operating System Security and Protection mechanisms:\nprotection domains, access lists, capability systems, principle of minimum privilege, security threats and attacks, encryption, and authentication", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1599": {"id": "esnI1pr2qYMW7Lnl0XoXZ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "E7tkD1BzH8_OwdYFsFla3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29289, "section": "LE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 2, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "dTm-w7dFBBHtJQt4m8lR5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29290, "section": "WR01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 2, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Aug - 8 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Aug - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 5 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "1600": {"id": "YjQpkp5Q44hCjL35v4y3I", "course_id": "006263", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "006263", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Software Engineering & Project", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "3006", "CLASS_NBR": 26445, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Not available to BE(Software) students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "One of COMP SCI 1103, COMP SCI 1203, COMP SCI 2103, COMP SCI 2202 or COMP SCI 2202B", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "(COMP SCI 1106 or COMP SCI 2006) and COMP SCI 2201", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 3015B, COMP SCI 3018, COMP SCI 3303, COMP SCI 3304, COMP SCI 3310, COMP SCI 3311, COMP SCI 3312, COMP SCI 3313", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments and/or project.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "Offered in odd years", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Within the context of a semester-long, group-based software engineering project, this course provides an introduction to the production of high quality software solutions to large tasks. Among the topics covered in this course are the following: models of the software life-cycle, requirements analysis and specification, program design techniques and paradigms, software specification techniques, configuration management and version control, quality assurance, integration and testing, project management, risk analysis, case study of ethical considerations in Software Engineering.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1601": {"id": "YjQpkp5Q44hCjL35v4y3I", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Ked2mGzijpog_F2OVmWq8", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26450, "section": "LE01", "size": 200, "enrolled": 138, "available": 62, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Project", "id": "32eiM3Oh1nualgFgsCVlX", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26445, "section": "PJ05", "size": 40, "enrolled": 33, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Project", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Aug - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 26446, "section": "PJ04", "size": 40, "enrolled": 16, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Project", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 26447, "section": "PJ03", "size": 40, "enrolled": 37, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Project", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Aug - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 26448, "section": "PJ02", "size": 40, "enrolled": 21, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Project", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 26449, "section": "PJ01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 31, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Project", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "1602": {"id": "_ISvXwxzYxlBcqLf1JbLi", "course_id": "006378", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "006378", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Artificial Intelligence", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "3007", "CLASS_NBR": 11298, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020119", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2.5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "One of COMP SCI 1103, COMP SCI 1203, COMP SCI 2009, COMP SCI 2103, COMP SCI 2202 or COMP SCI 2202B", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Mathematics background in probability and statistics as covered in STATS 1000, MATHS 1004, SACE Stage 2 Mathematical Methods, or the online courses (MathTrackX: Probability and MathTrackX: Statistics)", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam and/or assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is an introductory course on Artificial Intelligence. The topics may include: AI methodology and fundamentals; intelligent agents; search algorithms; game playing; machine learning; uncertainty and probability theory; probabilistic reasoning in AI; Bayesian networks; decision making, and reinforcement learning. Several assignments will be given to enable the student to gain practical experience in using these techniques.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1603": {"id": "_ISvXwxzYxlBcqLf1JbLi", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "HqHeJlpX_IVFNAtMTxZeC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11323, "section": "LE01", "size": 290, "enrolled": 242, "available": 48, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "P-SnDy9ZC_EmvFPtz3y5K", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11298, "section": "WR12", "size": 25, "enrolled": 11, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 30 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 May - 14 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11299, "section": "WR11", "size": 25, "enrolled": 22, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 30 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 May - 14 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11300, "section": "WR10", "size": 25, "enrolled": 20, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 May - 1 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 May - 15 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11301, "section": "WR09", "size": 25, "enrolled": 26, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 May - 3 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 May - 17 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11302, "section": "WR08", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 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6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 May - 1 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 May - 15 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1604": {"id": "0gFtYBzw5oi_Yg-zJ-ydU", "course_id": "006378", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "006378", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 4, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Artificial Intelligence", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "3007MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 19433, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020119", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2.5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "One of COMP SCI 1103, COMP SCI 1203, COMP SCI 2009, COMP SCI 2103, COMP SCI 2202 or COMP SCI 2202B", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Mathematics background in probability and statistics as covered in STATS 1000, MATHS 1004, SACE Stage 2 Mathematical Methods, or the online courses (MathTrackX: Probability and MathTrackX: Statistics)", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam and/or assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is an introductory course on Artificial Intelligence. The topics may include: AI methodology and fundamentals; intelligent agents; search algorithms; game playing; machine learning; uncertainty and probability theory; probabilistic reasoning in AI; Bayesian networks; decision making, and reinforcement learning. Several assignments will be given to enable the student to gain practical experience in using these techniques.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1605": {"id": "0gFtYBzw5oi_Yg-zJ-ydU", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "B3f16d5lP7gVPTnK9WABY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19432, "section": "LE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 2, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "rOPsQUirmKWQEA9dxksP_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19433, "section": "WR01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 2, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "3 May - 3 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "17 May - 17 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "1606": {"id": "A75pLa-BKqhV-M2gNlcan", "course_id": "009877", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "009877", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Distributed Systems", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "3012", "CLASS_NBR": 21108, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020113", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2.5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "One of COMP SCI 1103, COMP SCI 1203, COMP SCI 2103, COMP SCI 2202, COMP SCI 2009 or COMP SCI 2202B", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "COMP SCI 2000 and COMP SCI 3001", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments and/or group projects, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "A selection of topics from the following: the challenges faced in constructing client/server software: partial system failures, multiple address spaces, absence of a single clock, latency of communication, heterogeneity, absence of a trusted operating system, system management, binding and naming. Techniques for meeting these challenges: RPC and middleware, naming and directory services, distributed transaction processing, 'thin' clients, data replication, cryptographic security, mobile code. Introduction to Java RMI.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1607": {"id": "A75pLa-BKqhV-M2gNlcan", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "WtE7OckBSrITOianNsfxy", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21108, "section": "WR01", "size": 130, "enrolled": 105, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "34N74lfpiPrjmFQhwXp3P", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21339, "section": "PR06", "size": 28, "enrolled": 25, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "18 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21340, "section": "PR05", "size": 23, "enrolled": 17, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "29 Aug - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21341, "section": "PR04", "size": 20, "enrolled": 12, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 29 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "12 Aug - 12 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 14 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21342, "section": "PR03", "size": 12, "enrolled": 13, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 31 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "14 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "28 Aug - 28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21343, "section": "PR02", "size": 22, "enrolled": 19, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21344, "section": "PR01", "size": 22, "enrolled": 19, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 29 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "12 Aug - 12 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 14 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "1608": {"id": "7R-scLWBY5P3uFCRl0AvR", "course_id": "106962", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106962", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Topics in Computer Science", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "3020", "CLASS_NBR": 14319, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to students enrolled in B. Computer Science (Advanced)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 2008", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments and/or project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Specialised study within an area of Computer Science, guided by a supervisor. Topics include theoretical and applied aspects of Computer Science. Combines guided reading and research with a significant individual or group project component.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1609": {"id": "7R-scLWBY5P3uFCRl0AvR", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "gZGBOul0EcYKM_7VYtLyR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14319, "section": "LE01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 40, "available": 60, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "1610": {"id": "GoEg7FiFxO1n_30YvcoWW", "course_id": "106962", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106962", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Topics in Computer Science", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "3020", "CLASS_NBR": 24263, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to students enrolled in B. Computer Science (Advanced)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 2008", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments and/or project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Specialised study within an area of Computer Science, guided by a supervisor. Topics include theoretical and applied aspects of Computer Science. Combines guided reading and research with a significant individual or group project component.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1611": {"id": "GoEg7FiFxO1n_30YvcoWW", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "v86C2-u0blH834JeHpvrF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24263, "section": "LE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 6, "available": 44, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "1612": {"id": "sEg3IGZ9aA4j0Yi3YQsQw", "course_id": "110302", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110302", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Industry Project in Information Technology", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "3021", "CLASS_NBR": 25142, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Information Technology students only.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Presentations, reports and group work in an industry supervised environment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is a capstone course for students enrolled in the Bachelor of Information Technology. The course builds on earlier project management courses to provide an industry based project with a focus on IT project management. The course topics include project specification, IT specific methodologies, project scoping, analysis tools, human factors, logic, ethics, and presentation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1613": {"id": "sEg3IGZ9aA4j0Yi3YQsQw", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "7kESOpNkXbmJTS_r-Upmg", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25142, "section": "WR01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 60, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1614": {"id": "mjQoAE1f-eQwWDHrqofC9", "course_id": "110302", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110302", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Industry Project in Information Technology", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "3021MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 29299, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Presentations, reports and group work in an industry supervised environment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is a capstone course for students enrolled in the Bachelor of Information Technology. The course builds on earlier project management courses to provide an industry based project with a focus on IT project management. The course topics include project specification, IT specific methodologies, project scoping, analysis tools, human factors, logic, ethics, and presentation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1615": {"id": "mjQoAE1f-eQwWDHrqofC9", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "q2FDu5lrKFeBzmw-b6Djh", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29299, "section": "WR01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 0, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1616": {"id": "wOJfMmMKoC-LanrNLtyt6", "course_id": "108286", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108286", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Parallel and Distributed Computing", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "3305", "CLASS_NBR": 19118, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2.5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "One of COMP SCI 1103, COMP SCI 1203, COMP SCI 2103, COMP SCI 2202, COMP SCI 2009 or COMP SCI 2202B", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "COMP SCI 2000", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam and/or assignments and/or quizzes", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "A selection of topics from the following: the challenges faced in constructing parallel and distributed applications, including testing, debugging and performance evaluation. Various implementation techniques, paradigms, architectures and programming languages including: Flynn's taxonomy, MPI, MapReduce, OpenMP, GPGPU, concurrency and multi-threading.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1617": {"id": "wOJfMmMKoC-LanrNLtyt6", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "5oA6gk4baghuCuDKlB7M5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11324, "section": "LE01", "size": 148, "enrolled": 71, "available": 77, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "3uRjHqaTsBSQOPD1dvi_-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11326, "section": "WR04", "size": 23, "enrolled": 9, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Mar - 13 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Jun - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11327, "section": "WR03", "size": 23, "enrolled": 11, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 May - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 May - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Jun - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11328, "section": "WR02", "size": 23, "enrolled": 5, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Mar - 13 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 May - 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8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Jun - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11478, "section": "WR05", "size": 23, "enrolled": 20, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Mar - 29 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 May - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 May - 24 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Jun - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19118, "section": "WR06", "size": 23, "enrolled": 7, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Mar - 29 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 May - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 May - 24 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Jun - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1618": {"id": "16dzoDcV_BNrU0ax0L1fY", "course_id": "108955", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108955", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Secure Programming", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "3307", "CLASS_NBR": 21515, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2.5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "One of COMP SCI 1103, COMP SCI 1203, COMP SCI 2103, COMP SCI 2202, COMP SCI 2202B or COMP SCI 2009", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "COMP SCI 2000", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 4406, COMP SCI 4806", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam and/or assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The purpose of the course is to learn about secure software, including its design, implementation and maintenance. During the course students will be exposed to a selection of topics from the following: performing threat modelling, issues in authentication and authorisation, auditing for security, input sanitising, TOCTOU vulnerabilities, memory management issues, fixing vulnerabilities and patch distribution. The course requires previous programming experience and some understanding of computer systems.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1619": {"id": "16dzoDcV_BNrU0ax0L1fY", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "GRPTOH6uBKEoIfCp96ZOa", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25185, "section": "SE01", "size": 217, "enrolled": 205, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "a9gviFaWDSJd3anp3Z5Wk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21359, "section": "WR06", "size": 42, "enrolled": 41, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21360, "section": "WR05", "size": 32, "enrolled": 31, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "30 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "25 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21361, "section": "WR04", "size": 44, "enrolled": 41, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 31 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Aug - 28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21362, "section": "WR03", "size": 32, "enrolled": 15, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Aug - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21363, "section": "WR02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 16, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21364, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 15, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Aug - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21515, "section": "WR07", "size": 60, "enrolled": 46, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1620": {"id": "ezUzeFmeOTZYjr0Y35lfp", "course_id": "108955", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108955", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Secure Programming", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "3307MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 29301, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2.5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "One of COMP SCI 1103, COMP SCI 1203, COMP SCI 2103, COMP SCI 2202, COMP SCI 2202B or COMP SCI 2009MELB", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "COMP SCI 2000MELB", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 4406, COMP SCI 4806", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam and/or assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The purpose of the course is to learn about secure software, including its design, implementation and maintenance. During the course students will be exposed to a selection of topics from the following: performing threat modelling, issues in authentication and authorisation, auditing for security, input sanitising, TOCTOU vulnerabilities, memory management issues, fixing vulnerabilities and patch distribution. The course requires previous programming experience and some understanding of computer systems.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1621": {"id": "ezUzeFmeOTZYjr0Y35lfp", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "n2fPX8eX_WTX91ThPrnOi", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29300, "section": "SE01", "size": 2, "enrolled": 1, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Notes for SET Timetabling Team by Olaf Maennel: class size total for 7307_3307 and 3307MELB should not exceed 231. Total Range Force licenses is 231."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "zOaMjJVBXAgVEr5SLRUhG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29301, "section": "WR01", "size": 2, "enrolled": 1, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1622": {"id": "dCrI4_ciVmrFzOJigfTFu", "course_id": "109252", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109252", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Cybersecurity Fundamentals", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "3308", "CLASS_NBR": 14527, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020199", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "One of COMP SCI 1103, COMP SCI 1203, COMP SCI 2009, COMP SCI 2103, COMP SCI 2202 or COMP SCI 2202B", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "COMP SCI 2005", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, practicals, and exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, students will be introduced to real-world cybersecurity challenges that organisations face, and learn to apply knowledge and skills gained through other Computer Science courses to address them. The challenges will be examined both from the attacker's perspective (how systems are exploited) and the defender's perspectives (how to secure systems or respond to threats).\nCommon attack and defence strategies for software, web applications, networks, operating systems, cryptographic systems and humans will be explored. The course will also introduce cyber security management concepts, including security operations, risk management, security engineering and security architecture, as well as provide guidance on different career paths specialising in cybersecurity. This course focuses on hand-on activities, and students are encouraged to participate in public and industry cybersecurity challenges, including capture-the-flag competitions.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1623": {"id": "dCrI4_ciVmrFzOJigfTFu", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "HxX1tH1QtSaiAZWeY1O9W", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13877, "section": "LE01", "size": 280, "enrolled": 226, "available": 54, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "20coz_7p_ZEahAN6YiocY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11479, "section": "WR07", "size": 36, "enrolled": 33, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13878, "section": "WR06", "size": 35, "enrolled": 26, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13879, "section": "WR05", "size": 36, "enrolled": 34, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13880, "section": "WR04", "size": 39, "enrolled": 34, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13881, "section": "WR03", "size": 35, "enrolled": 13, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13882, "section": "WR02", "size": 35, "enrolled": 29, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13883, "section": "WR01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 27, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14527, "section": "WR08", "size": 37, "enrolled": 30, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "1624": {"id": "NEobGkIGPIV52QYiuwh_P", "course_id": "109252", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109252", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Cybersecurity Fundamentals", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "3308MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 19435, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020199", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "One of COMP SCI 1103, COMP SCI 1203, COMP SCI 2009, COMP SCI 2103, COMP SCI 2202 or COMP SCI 2202B", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "COMP SCI 2005", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, practicals, final project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, students will be introduced to real-world cybersecurity challenges that organisations face, and learn to apply knowledge and skills gained through other Computer Science courses to address them. The challenges will be examined both from the attacker's perspective (how systems are exploited) and the defender's perspectives (how to secure systems or respond to threats).\nCommon attack and defence strategies for software, web applications, networks, operating systems, cryptographic systems and humans will be explored. The course will also introduce cyber security management concepts, including security operations, risk management, security engineering and security architecture, as well as provide guidance on different career paths specialising in cybersecurity. This course focuses on hand-on activities, and students are encouraged to participate in public and industry cybersecurity challenges, including capture-the-flag competitions.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1625": {"id": "NEobGkIGPIV52QYiuwh_P", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "N8Hnpjd_kBvB7umiIjZpB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19434, "section": "LE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 2, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 29 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 May - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "hmxOx1Q-xQk8r8Pb2uREn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19435, "section": "WR01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 2, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "15 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 29 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "6 May - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "1626": {"id": "7ktMyOzy7ouSiWWVK2jkP", "course_id": "109409", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109409", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Software Engineering & Project (Artificial Intelligence)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "3310", "CLASS_NBR": 29654, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020119", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Not available to BE(Software) students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "One of COMP SCI 1103, COMP SCI 1203, COMP SCI 2103, COMP SCI 2202 or COMP SCI 2202B", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 3006, COMP SCI 3015B, COMP SCI 3018, COMP SCI 3303, COMP SCI 3304, COMP SCI 3311, COMP SCI 3312, COMP SCI 3313", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam and/or assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Within the context of a software engineering project, this course covers the production of high quality software solutions to large tasks. Topics covered in this course will be selected to contain a significant artificial intelligence component. Among the topics covered in this course are the following: models of the software life-cycle, requirements analysis and specification, program design techniques and paradigms, software specification techniques, configuration management and version control, quality assurance, integration and testing, project management, risk analysis, case study of ethical considerations in Software Engineering.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1627": {"id": "7ktMyOzy7ouSiWWVK2jkP", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "6OI8P9aCfg77TuNS8XwZE", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21322, "section": "LE01", "size": 150, "enrolled": 118, "available": 32, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Project", "id": "aFooahr-LWVFZWW2J1Ec1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21326, "section": "PJ04", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Project", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Aug - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21327, "section": "PJ03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Project", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Aug - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21328, "section": "PJ02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Project", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Aug - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21329, "section": "PJ01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Project", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Aug - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29654, "section": "PJ05", "size": 30, "enrolled": 1, "available": 29, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Project", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Aug - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "1628": {"id": "_eOwA6YIhRYQz_ycFzHjN", "course_id": "109410", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109410", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Software Engineering & Project (Data Science)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "3311", "CLASS_NBR": 21330, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Not available to BE(Software) students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "One of COMP SCI 1103, COMP SCI 1203, COMP SCI 2103, COMP SCI 2202 or COMP SCI 2202B", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 3006, COMP SCI 3015B, COMP SCI 3018, COMP SCI 3303, COMP SCI 3304, COMP SCI 3310, COMP SCI 3312, COMP SCI 3313", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam and/or assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Within the context of a software engineering project, this course covers the production of high quality software solutions to large tasks. Topics covered in this course will be selected to contain a significant data science component. Among the topics covered in this course are the following: models of the software life-cycle, requirements analysis and specification, program design techniques and paradigms, software specification techniques, configuration management and version control, quality assurance, integration and testing, project management, risk analysis, case study of ethical considerations in Software Engineering.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1629": {"id": "_eOwA6YIhRYQz_ycFzHjN", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "keTVUV-pVpGm5zUSXJPkY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21323, "section": "LE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 37, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Project", "id": "lzY3FGZRECut1RvHjYFtq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21330, "section": "PJ01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 37, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Project", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Aug - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "1630": {"id": "MM-y6Y5IFrGplJ_LsayBJ", "course_id": "109411", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109411", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Software Engineering & Project (Cybersecurity)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "3312", "CLASS_NBR": 29655, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020199", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Not available to BE(Software) students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "One of COMP SCI 1103, COMP SCI 1203, COMP SCI 2103, COMP SCI 2202 or COMP SCI 2202B", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 3006, COMP SCI 3015B, COMP SCI 3018, COMP SCI 3303, COMP SCI 3304, COMP SCI 3310, COMP SCI 3311, COMP SCI 3313", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam and/or assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Within the context of a software engineering project, this course covers the production of high quality software solutions to large tasks. Topics covered in this course will be selected to contain a significant cybersecurity component. Among the topics covered in this course are the following: models of the software life-cycle, requirements analysis and specification, program design techniques and paradigms, software specification techniques, configuration management and version control, quality assurance, integration and testing, project management, risk analysis, case study of ethical considerations in Software Engineering.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1631": {"id": "MM-y6Y5IFrGplJ_LsayBJ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "de6_7nuTgKdWiM6X-kU8k", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21324, "section": "LE01", "size": 120, "enrolled": 78, "available": 42, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Project", "id": "BE4EwwyhWrMtVbljm7mcH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21331, "section": "PJ02", "size": 40, "enrolled": 39, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Project", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21332, "section": "PJ01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 39, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Project", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29655, "section": "PJ03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 0, "available": 30, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Project", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "1632": {"id": "Pn2UmOs_2SeR5hrLZ-8h2", "course_id": "109412", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109412", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Software Engineering & Project (Distributed Systems & Networking)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "3313", "CLASS_NBR": 21333, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020113", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Not available to BE(Software) students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "One of COMP SCI 1103, COMP SCI 1203, COMP SCI 2103, COMP SCI 2202 or COMP SCI 2202B", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 3006, COMP SCI 3015B, COMP SCI 3018, COMP SCI 3303, COMP SCI 3304, COMP SCI 3310, COMP SCI 3311, COMP SCI 3312", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam and/or assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Within the context of a software engineering project, this course covers the production of high quality software solutions to large tasks. Topics covered in this course will be selected for relevance to distributed systems and networks. Among the topics covered in this course are the following: models of the software life-cycle, requirements analysis and specification, program design techniques and paradigms, software specification techniques, configuration management and version control, quality assurance, integration and testing, project management, risk analysis, case study of ethical considerations in Software Engineering.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1633": {"id": "Pn2UmOs_2SeR5hrLZ-8h2", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "jcf0zl4MSz8-WE-Ml-QMm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21325, "section": "LE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 12, "available": 28, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Project", "id": "eVD98b85oFfjcsvzxqp_p", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21333, "section": "PJ01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 12, "available": 28, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Project", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Aug - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "1634": {"id": "Rfdc8b2ZbFE49984Drygc", "course_id": "109413", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109413", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Statistical Machine Learning", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "3314", "CLASS_NBR": 29600, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020119", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week.", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 2201 or COMP SCI 2009", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Basic probability theory and linear algebra as taught in MATHS 1004 or MATHS 1012", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 4401, COMP SCI 4801", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam and/or assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Statistical Machine Learning is concerned with algorithms that automatically improve their performance through 'learning'. For example, computer programs that learn to detect humans in images/video; predict stock markets, and rank web pages. Statistical machine learning has emerged mainly from computer science and artificial intelligence, and has connections to a variety of related subjects including statistics, applied mathematics and pattern analysis. Applications include image and audio signal analysis, data mining, bioinformatics and exploratory data analysis in natural science and engineering. This is an introductory course on statistical machine learning which presents an overview of many fundamental concepts, popular techniques, and algorithms in statistical machine learning. It covers basic topics such as dimensionality reduction, linear classification and regression as well as more recent topics such as ensemble learning/boosting, support vector machines, kernel methods and manifold learning. This course will provide the students the basic ideas and intuition behind modern statistical machine learning methods. After studying this course, students will understand how, why, and when machine learning works on practical problems.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1635": {"id": "Rfdc8b2ZbFE49984Drygc", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "vB_nkpM6rffUw_kDfTTFw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20877, "section": "LE01", "size": 230, "enrolled": 189, "available": 41, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "qVaI8nCCWPjwgfQGjCJSw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21516, "section": "WR08", "size": 29, "enrolled": 27, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Aug - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23868, "section": "WR07", "size": 20, "enrolled": 15, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Aug - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23869, "section": "WR06", "size": 20, "enrolled": 21, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 4 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23870, "section": "WR05", "size": 21, "enrolled": 19, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "30 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 4 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "25 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23871, "section": "WR04", "size": 20, "enrolled": 16, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "30 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 4 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "25 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23872, "section": "WR03", "size": 24, "enrolled": 22, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Aug - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23873, "section": "WR02", "size": 14, "enrolled": 7, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Aug - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23874, "section": "WR01", "size": 32, "enrolled": 30, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Aug - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29600, "section": "WR09", "size": 37, "enrolled": 32, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Aug - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1636": {"id": "sMuGLc4havj4tGu0xYDJs", "course_id": "109413", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109413", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Statistical Machine Learning", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "3314MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 29303, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020119", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 2201 or COMP SCI 2009", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Basic probability theory and linear algebra as taught in MATHS 1004 or MATHS 1012", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 4401, COMP SCI 4801", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam and/or assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Statistical Machine Learning is concerned with algorithms that automatically improve their performance through 'learning'. For example, computer programs that learn to detect humans in images/video; predict stock markets, and rank web pages. Statistical machine learning has emerged mainly from computer science and artificial intelligence, and has connections to a variety of related subjects including statistics, applied mathematics and pattern analysis. Applications include image and audio signal analysis, data mining, bioinformatics and exploratory data analysis in natural science and engineering. This is an introductory course on statistical machine learning which presents an overview of many fundamental concepts, popular techniques, and algorithms in statistical machine learning. It covers basic topics such as dimensionality reduction, linear classification and regression as well as more recent topics such as ensemble learning/boosting, support vector machines, kernel methods and manifold learning. This course will provide the students the basic ideas and intuition behind modern statistical machine learning methods. After studying this course, students will understand how, why, and when machine learning works on practical problems.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1637": {"id": "sMuGLc4havj4tGu0xYDJs", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "T02UP_2-Syz0UYBOXqzv4", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29302, "section": "LE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 0, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "SwkmAbpwEQw5tuUvuiGTU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29303, "section": "WR01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 0, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Aug - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "1638": {"id": "TuCk2YCuVrJOASAjmiiQx", "course_id": "109414", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109414", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Computer Vision", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "3315", "CLASS_NBR": 14898, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020119", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 2009 or COMP SCI 2103", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Mathematics background in linear algebra and probability as covered in MATHS 1004, SACE Stage 2 Mathematical Methods, or the online courses (MathTrackX: Probability and MathTrackX: Polynomials, Functions & Graphs)", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 4022, COMP SCI 4122", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments and group project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Over the last 40 years, researchers in artificial intelligence have endeavoured to develop computers with the capacity to 'see' the world around them. This course aims to convey the nature of some of the fundamental problems in vision, and to explain a variety of techniques used to overcome them. Vision is a rapidly evolving area of computer science, and new and emerging approaches to these problems are discussed along with more 'classical' techniques. Various vision problems are considered, including: feature detection in images, e.g. edge detection, and the accumulation of edge data to form lines; recovery of 3D shape from images, e.g. the use of a stereo image pair to derive 3D surface information; forming image mosaics; video surveillance techniques, e.g. tracking objects in video; motion detection in video images, e.g. counting number of moving objects in a video; recognising and classifying objects in images, e.g. searching a video for a particular object. Several assignments will be given to enable the student to gain practical experience in tackling some of these problems.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1639": {"id": "TuCk2YCuVrJOASAjmiiQx", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "G7bCM4SsUKxJDKwyYu3hx", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13884, "section": "LE01", "size": 290, "enrolled": 219, "available": 71, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "CBlZlxxEniZcwkWF_69Ov", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11480, "section": "WR06", "size": 40, "enrolled": 33, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 May - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "31 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13885, "section": "WR05", "size": 40, "enrolled": 27, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 May - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "31 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13886, "section": "WR04", "size": 40, "enrolled": 35, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Mar - 13 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13887, "section": "WR03", "size": 40, "enrolled": 38, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Mar - 13 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13888, "section": "WR02", "size": 39, "enrolled": 37, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "14 Mar - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13889, "section": "WR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 20, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "10 May - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "31 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14898, "section": "WR07", "size": 40, "enrolled": 29, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Mar - 13 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 218, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1640": {"id": "8H255kCP35-MPU1bUNdvR", "course_id": "109414", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109414", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Computer Vision", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "3315MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 19437, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020119", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 2009 or COMP SCI 2103", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Mathematics background in linear algebra and probability as covered in MATHS 1004, SACE Stage 2 Mathematical Methods, or the online courses (MathTrackX: Probability and MathTrackX: Polynomials, Functions & Graphs)", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 4022, COMP SCI 4122", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments and group project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Over the last 40 years, researchers in artificial intelligence have endeavoured to develop computers with the capacity to 'see' the world around them. This course aims to convey the nature of some of the fundamental problems in vision, and to explain a variety of techniques used to overcome them. Vision is a rapidly evolving area of computer science, and new and emerging approaches to these problems are discussed along with more 'classical' techniques. Various vision problems are considered, including: feature detection in images, e.g. edge detection, and the accumulation of edge data to form lines; recovery of 3D shape from images, e.g. the use of a stereo image pair to derive 3D surface information; forming image mosaics; video surveillance techniques, e.g. tracking objects in video; motion detection in video images, e.g. counting number of moving objects in a video; recognising and classifying objects in images, e.g. searching a video for a particular object. Several assignments will be given to enable the student to gain practical experience in tackling some of these problems.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1641": {"id": "8H255kCP35-MPU1bUNdvR", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "upvSr0F1mSLKOVcRAnHeZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19436, "section": "LE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 1, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Jun - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "8YXz1BG4lKP-cjUatH4lx", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19437, "section": "WR01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 1, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Apr - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "6 May - 6 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "27 May - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "1642": {"id": "7DZiAIEVZL8qnLiMhpWXi", "course_id": "109415", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109415", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Evolutionary Computation", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "3316", "CLASS_NBR": 21596, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020119", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "One of COMP SCI 1103, COMP SCI 1203, COMP SCI 2009, COMP SCI 2103, COMP SCI 2202 or COMP SCI 2202B", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Mathematics background in probability and statistics as covered in STATS 1000, MATHS 1004, SACE Stage 2 Mathematical Methods, or the online courses (MathTrackX: Probability and MathTrackX: Statistics)", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 4095, COMP SCI 4195", "ASSESSMENT": "Group and individual assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "History of evolutionary computation; major areas: genetic algorithms, evolution strategies, evolution programming, genetic programming, classifier systems; constraint handling; multi-objective cases; dynamic environments; parallel implementations; coevolutionary systems; parameter control; hybrid approaches; commercial applications.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1643": {"id": "7DZiAIEVZL8qnLiMhpWXi", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "kC-wwnmfFQHd4ltfc0Dhh", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21137, "section": "LE01", "size": 160, "enrolled": 116, "available": 44, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "rteBzO9cXVncfQuKU_sdT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21596, "section": "WR03", "size": 40, "enrolled": 40, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21597, "section": "WR02", "size": 60, "enrolled": 47, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21598, "section": "WR01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 29, "available": 31, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1644": {"id": "ykK9cBCyCPSpyMBKAMIju", "course_id": "110303", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110303", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Using Machine Learning Tools", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "3317", "CLASS_NBR": 19797, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020119", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 2009 or COMP SCI 2103 or COMP SCI 2202", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments and quizzes", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "An introduction to the use and application of key machine learning tools. Students will learn to build software that uses pre-existing toolkits as appropriate to solve a variety of machine learning problems. The course will have a practical focus using case studies and worked examples, with an emphasis on ensuring that solutions are valid and verifiable.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1645": {"id": "ykK9cBCyCPSpyMBKAMIju", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "2ANOsp5PXNZ42wUe11a34", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10158, "section": "LE01", "size": 290, "enrolled": 260, "available": 30, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "yeSBHKIBtSELpFxH7UFCR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10159, "section": "WR01", "size": 32, "enrolled": 31, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10160, "section": "WR02", "size": 46, "enrolled": 34, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10407, "section": "WR03", "size": 32, "enrolled": 32, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12315, "section": "WR04", "size": 46, "enrolled": 41, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12316, "section": "WR05", "size": 31, "enrolled": 31, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM106, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13080, "section": "WR08", "size": 32, "enrolled": 31, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14525, "section": "WR06", "size": 32, "enrolled": 28, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14526, "section": "WR07", "size": 32, "enrolled": 32, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "1646": {"id": "HQUO8KsAPWzQplJgYQEny", "course_id": "111360", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111360", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Software Engineering in Industry", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "3318", "CLASS_NBR": 25276, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "4 contact hours a week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Software) students only.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 2206", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Have you ever wondered how all these software engineering concepts will ever be put into practice? Who actually uses scrum or (gasp!) waterfall and how? This course will involve lectures and research into topics concerning current software engineering methodologies and techniques. The course will include significant industry engagement through module lectures and industry case studies from local industry, focusing on how software engineering methodologies are implemented. Lectures will be accompanied by opportunities to engage with real development teams through which students will gain a better understanding of the software engineering products produced and the challenges involved in producing these products. Students will be guided to conduct preliminary research on selected topics relevant to software engineering industry practice. Students will be asked to produce two research reports which present their understanding, findings, and critical assessment of software engineering practices in industry.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1647": {"id": "HQUO8KsAPWzQplJgYQEny", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "yFwiiARUF5xrjh5jZkdFY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25274, "section": "LE01", "size": 90, "enrolled": 3, "available": 87, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "The Braggs, 427, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "The Braggs, 427, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "OGuVF0a_qxfrdkVWlguZz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25276, "section": "WR02", "size": 45, "enrolled": 3, "available": 42, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 25 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 5 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1648": {"id": "JoWwDMTuxhMz9KmcYxhQx", "course_id": "107809", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107809", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Computer Science Honours Research Project Part A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "4015A", "CLASS_NBR": 15880, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 10 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments and/or project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is an advanced research project conducted individually under the guidance of an academic supervisor. It continues over two semesters and gives students the chance to investigate and contribute to an area at the cutting edge of computer science. Project topics vary from year to year depending on staff availability and research focus.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "1649": {"id": "JoWwDMTuxhMz9KmcYxhQx", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "TpHFdv46P_WFacdLIis46", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15880, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 13, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "1650": {"id": "M7le09o1MdKV_OtG6Ym2S", "course_id": "107809", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107809", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Computer Science Honours Research Project Part A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "4015A", "CLASS_NBR": 25890, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 10 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments and/or project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is an advanced research project conducted individually under the guidance of an academic supervisor. It continues over two semesters and gives students the chance to investigate and contribute to an area at the cutting edge of computer science. Project topics vary from year to year depending on staff availability and research focus.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "1651": {"id": "M7le09o1MdKV_OtG6Ym2S", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "8bkBIfjivDivUp4YWl6Mt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25890, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "1652": {"id": "_5eJbAL5uDuXRudmJAygI", "course_id": "107810", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107810", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Computer Science Honours Research Project Part B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "4015B", "CLASS_NBR": 15881, "SESSION_CD": "FM2", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 10 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 4015A in previous Semester", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments and/or project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is an advanced research project conducted individually under the guidance of an academic supervisor. It continues over two semesters and gives students the chance to investigate and contribute to an area at the cutting edge of computer science. Project topics vary from year to year depending on staff availability and research focus.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1653": {"id": "_5eJbAL5uDuXRudmJAygI", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "2pVCjFs5uSQsi5Uefj0Xc", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15881, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "1654": {"id": "pCt-82mIaq578XsyvDZZW", "course_id": "107810", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107810", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Computer Science Honours Research Project Part B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "4015B", "CLASS_NBR": 25891, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 10 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 4015A in previous Semester", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments and/or project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is an advanced research project conducted individually under the guidance of an academic supervisor. It continues over two semesters and gives students the chance to investigate and contribute to an area at the cutting edge of computer science. Project topics vary from year to year depending on staff availability and research focus.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1655": {"id": "pCt-82mIaq578XsyvDZZW", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "BoFTHHtLLQFbnoKb6WlUr", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25891, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 11, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "1656": {"id": "BX5So1KRk50qABpHTD6_h", "course_id": "103641", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103641", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Software Process Improvement", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "4023", "CLASS_NBR": 11481, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 2201", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 4123", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is a guided study of software process grounded by practical personal experience. All software engineering is based on one or more processes that guide how software is developed with particular time, cost or quality goals. Process improvement aims to learn from current practice and objectively assess potential improvements. This will be explored by practicing a simplified form of the Personal Software Process and studying a number of process related topics drawn from: the goal question metric paradigm; appropriate automation; configuration management; project tracking and control; quality assurance; cost of quality; continuous integration; DevOps; software distribution; Infrastructure, Platform and Software as a Service; leveraging social media and the internet.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1657": {"id": "BX5So1KRk50qABpHTD6_h", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "YUcSIF0lb3u-uqmJKz9Xt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13894, "section": "LE01", "size": 31, "enrolled": 17, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "T9aqGH0SSZl9jO0WpUinm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11481, "section": "PR04", "size": 13, "enrolled": 12, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13895, "section": "PR03", "size": 8, "enrolled": 2, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13896, "section": "PR02", "size": 8, "enrolled": 3, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "1658": {"id": "PTtNuV3oIcr2pZbn1SoJm", "course_id": "105879", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105879", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Mobile and Wireless Systems", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "4092", "CLASS_NBR": 28498, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020113", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(COMP SCI 1102, COMP SCI 3001, COMP SCI 2103 and COMP SCI 3012) and (COMP SCI 3006 or COMP SCI 3310 or COMP SCI 3311 or COMP SCI 3312 or COMP SCI 3313); All courses from first brackets and one of the courses from second brackets", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 4192", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments and/or group projects", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course examines the characteristics of mobile and wireless networks and the impact of these characteristics on the development of software and supporting protocols. Topics covered include: mobile and wireless application design and development environments, middleware support, protocol requirements for ad-hoc and sensor networks, wireless & mobile security vulnerabilities and standards, supporting reliable communication in lossy and intermittently connected networks; challenges and architectures for wireless mobility - 4G networks, Wi-Fi, Wi-Max, Bluetooth, Mobile IP, convergence of voice and data networks.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1659": {"id": "PTtNuV3oIcr2pZbn1SoJm", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "XcpH9FCiimpM_0wGx7EmN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20040, "section": "WR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 9, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 28498, "section": "WR02", "size": 10, "enrolled": 5, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "lxHHgP9XjSvtnaKxT83u5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20039, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 14, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 25 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "8 Aug - 8 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "9 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Nov - 1 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G29D/G29E, Non Teaching Venue"}]}]}]}]}, "1660": {"id": "0weQYrQnyKPX_aaWuLcPi", "course_id": "111029", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111029", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Hot Topics in IoT Security", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "4106", "CLASS_NBR": 36005, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "029901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "COMP SCI 3307, COMP SCI 3308, COMP SCI 3001", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, assignments, and projects", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "With the growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) and its impact on every aspect of modern life, security is increasingly more important. Security in IoT is the act of securing Internet of Things devices and the networks they're connected to. IoT devices include industrial machines, smart energy grids, building automation, as well as personal IoT devices. In this course you will study aspects of computer security and privacy as they affect IoT devices and networks. We will cover a selection of topics including cloud encryption, software and hardware attacks, update management, and many more.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "1661": {"id": "0weQYrQnyKPX_aaWuLcPi", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "obQHHDMxpVyBSglH6FEcW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36005, "section": "WR02", "size": 1, "enrolled": 0, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Sep - 22 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 36048, "section": "WR01", "size": 1, "enrolled": 0, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Sep - 21 Nov", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "JxqnYqrwSEPFDH0YYjbhw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36280, "section": "LEC0", "size": 1, "enrolled": 0, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "1662": {"id": "2xqDXjVuX99P9DL8eF-UW", "course_id": "108692", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108692", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Software Process Improvement", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "4123", "CLASS_NBR": 11482, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 2201", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 4023", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam and/or assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is a guided study of software process grounded by practical personal experience. All software engineering is based on one or more processes that guide how software is developed with particular time, cost or quality goals. Process improvement aims to learn from current practice and objectively assess potential improvements. This will be explored by practicing a simplified form of the Personal Software Process and studying a number of process related topics drawn from: the goal question metric paradigm; appropriate automation; configuration management; project tracking and control; quality assurance; cost of quality; continuous integration; DevOps; software distribution; Infrastructure, Platform and Software as a Service; leveraging social media and the internet.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1663": {"id": "2xqDXjVuX99P9DL8eF-UW", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "io935EAtnc479DIYrud0E", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13901, "section": "LE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 11, "available": 29, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "9qw9MDCZ9d9XTGfMAx1Q9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11482, "section": "PR04", "size": 5, "enrolled": 4, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13898, "section": "PR03", "size": 4, "enrolled": 3, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13899, "section": "PR02", "size": 4, "enrolled": 4, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "1664": {"id": "f1jb-7YFkBGLarbPUbSxB", "course_id": "108687", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108687", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Mobile and Wireless Systems Hons", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "4192", "CLASS_NBR": 28500, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020113", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "COMP SCI 1102, COMP SCI 3001, COMP SCI 2103, COMP SCI 3012, COMP SCI 1102, COMP SCI 3001, COMP SCI 2103, COMP SCI 3012, One of COMP SCI 3006 or COMP SCI 3310 or COMP SCI 3311 or COM SCI 3312 or COMP SCI 3313", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 4092", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam and/or assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course examines the characteristics of mobile and wireless networks and the impact of these characteristics on the development of software and supporting protocols. Topics covered include: mobile and wireless application design and development environments, middleware support, protocol requirements for ad-hoc and sensor networks, wireless & mobile security vulnerabilities and standards, supporting reliable communication in lossy and intermittently connected networks; challenges and architectures for wireless mobility - 4G networks, Wi-Fi, Wi-Max, Bluetooth, Mobile IP, convergence of voice and data networks.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1665": {"id": "f1jb-7YFkBGLarbPUbSxB", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "uqhg3A9I5BNeYZogC69vL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20042, "section": "WR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 28500, "section": "WR02", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "v1heZw7bVKmmKxvseRgsK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20041, "section": "SE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 1, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 25 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "8 Aug - 8 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "9 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Nov - 1 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G29D/G29E, Non Teaching Venue"}]}]}]}]}, "1666": {"id": "XDFbnnkiBijnhd6u4Cbuj", "course_id": "108289", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108289", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Methods in Software Engineering and Computer Science", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "4405", "CLASS_NBR": 10048, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam and/or assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will prepare students for advanced research by examining how to plan, conduct and report on empirical investigations. The course will cover techniques applicable to each of the steps of a research project, including formulating research questions, theory building, data analysis (using both qualitative and quantitative methods), building evidence, assessing validity, and publishing. It will particularly focus on research involving software, developing statistical tools to measure software performance and the ways in which people interact with software tools.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1667": {"id": "XDFbnnkiBijnhd6u4Cbuj", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "S-MfKOWN1eOhzJaMT7QNi", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10048, "section": "LE01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 17, "available": 53, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1668": {"id": "-3OgnzxTnRbFTAbYKPRO0", "course_id": "108958", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108958", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Algorithms", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "4407", "CLASS_NBR": 10050, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020109", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 2201", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 3301, COMP SCI 4807", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam and/or assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The development of a sound theoretical understanding of advanced algorithms and practical problem solving skills using them. Advanced algorithm topics chosen from: Dynamic Programming, Linear Programming, Matching, Max Flow / Min Cut, P and NP, Approximation Algorithms, Randomized Algorithms, Computational Geometry.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1669": {"id": "-3OgnzxTnRbFTAbYKPRO0", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "fhJEVY0yHq7jC2s3vq29U", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10058, "section": "LE01", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "COMP SCI 4407/4807/7407 Advanced Algorithms is cancelled for 2024. ******Alternative courses recommended for POSTGRAD students: COMP SCI 7409 Search Based Software Engineering or COMP SCI 7305 Parallel and Distributed Computing ********Alternative courses for Undergraduate and Honours students are: COMP SCI 4409 Search Based Software Engineering or COMP SCI 3305 Parallel and Distributed Computing"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "1670": {"id": "G6R7tmy9bGCdArygJQCop", "course_id": "109075", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109075", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Search Based Software Engineering", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "4409", "CLASS_NBR": 13495, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 2201", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 4809", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam and/or assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Many activities in software engineering involve an element of search. Some examples include selection of requirements, localisation and correction of defects, and the optimisation of test coverage. The fast-growing field of Search-Based Software Engineering (SBSE) applies computing resources to these search problems to improve the efficiency and quality of software engineering processes.\nThis course aims to introduce students to a wide range of SBSE terminology, techniques, and processes. The concepts taught in the lectures will be practised and reinforced by participation in three projects, and one seminar with a written essay on a recent SBSE-related conference article.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1671": {"id": "G6R7tmy9bGCdArygJQCop", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "1hQnUXEH8egLD8ZTzwYzO", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13495, "section": "LE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 9, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "1672": {"id": "COoBMoQtM8sm4GLJNZoUI", "course_id": "109819", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109819", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Event Driven Computing", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "4411", "CLASS_NBR": 29664, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2.5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 2201", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "COMP SCI 2103", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 4811", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam and/or assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Event-driven systems are the backbone of modern computer systems and services. This course explores the fundamental principles behind these systems; Finite State Automata, their behaviour and implementation; Correspondence with regular expressions; Examples of embedded systems; Introduction to interconnected state machines, Petri Nets, and concurrency. We'll also explore modern approaches to event-driven systems; Reactive Programming; event streams, and observable data.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1673": {"id": "COoBMoQtM8sm4GLJNZoUI", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "vPR7AT0q9EqxcGAReKm2k", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25186, "section": "SE01", "size": 19, "enrolled": 18, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "o1JsxzF__2DT9ZlA8va-D", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20043, "section": "WR01", "size": 16, "enrolled": 16, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21517, "section": "WR02", "size": 3, "enrolled": 1, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29664, "section": "WR03", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1674": {"id": "wbfCv0HOl5sxdKVwOFfsm", "course_id": "109879", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109879", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Secure Software Engineering", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "4412", "CLASS_NBR": 29636, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 2201", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 4812", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments and quizzes", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will introduce the theoretical concepts and practical approaches and tools that support the security concerns in the whole systems development lifecycle resulting in software that is secure by default. The course will cover a wide range of software security topics ranging from as security as a cross-cutting concern, methodological approaches to improving software security during different phases of software development lifecycle, integrating secure software development principles and patterns into software development processes, contemporary paradigm of secure continuous software engineering, DevSecOps. The course will be offered in a workshop style mode with small and large parts of software development projects being the major types of assessment tasks.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1675": {"id": "wbfCv0HOl5sxdKVwOFfsm", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "RJP94Vf8g7DWV1Ce5H4CC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20683, "section": "LE01", "size": 8, "enrolled": 8, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "K5JdbETqHzMlZnzpHR62x", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20684, "section": "WR01", "size": 7, "enrolled": 7, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "29 Aug - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29636, "section": "WR02", "size": 1, "enrolled": 1, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "1676": {"id": "sVWUAPx9Qbel7Z7DffzZc", "course_id": "109877", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109877", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Software Engineering Research Project A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "4414A", "CLASS_NBR": 16177, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "BEng (Software) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ENG 3304, COMP SCI 2201", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments and/or project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This project-based course is aimed at providing students with an opportunity to apply Software Engineering processes, knowledge, understanding, skills, and research to an industrially sourced project. The projects are jointly supervised by academic supervisors and the external clients, who propose projects. The students are assigned to different small teams that are expected to work collaboratively on the assigned project that will involve aspects of researching state-of-the art technologies and their application, as well as prototype development. Students are expected to demonstrate the application of software engineering principles and practices by following defined processes, which are tracked using online repositories and communication tools.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "1677": {"id": "sVWUAPx9Qbel7Z7DffzZc", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Ey9zsJLIuLwXR74QuGGWd", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16177, "section": "01NT", "size": 40, "enrolled": 19, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "1678": {"id": "c5adMmH8p6vxF0RCsIxVa", "course_id": "109878", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109878", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Software Engineering Research Project B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "4414B", "CLASS_NBR": 26188, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "BEng (Software) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 4414A", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments and/or project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The final year research project is aimed at providing students with an opportunity to apply Software Engineering knowledge, understanding, and skills to an industrially sourced project. The projects are jointlysupervised by academic supervisors and the external clients, who propose projects. The students are assigned to different small teams that are expected to work collaboratively on the assigned project that will involve aspects of research and development. Students are expected to demonstrate the application of software engineering principles and\npractices by following defined processes, which are tracked using online\nrepositories and communication tools. The project also provides a pathway to enrolment in a higher degree by research.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1679": {"id": "c5adMmH8p6vxF0RCsIxVa", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "TkUDtgnwNr-9-xI6Xb76X", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26188, "section": "01NT", "size": 40, "enrolled": 18, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "1680": {"id": "nkSU-cPjEHFemC48mvVAn", "course_id": "110401", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110401", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Applied Machine Learning UG", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "4416", "CLASS_NBR": 20046, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020111", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Software Engineering Students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 4816", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments; Group projects based.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course surveys the practical application of machine learning in modern organisations and society. Case studies will be used to demonstrate current best practice as well as common pitfalls. You will learn processes for tool-selection based on requirements and available resources; verifying and validating discovered models and how to apply results in real environments; and information resources for tracking technological advances.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1681": {"id": "nkSU-cPjEHFemC48mvVAn", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "d7hEnfmQngNyv3M7BusZH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20875, "section": "LE01", "size": 14, "enrolled": 2, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "xvdqyXJwiCCbTOKrwmczK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20046, "section": "WR03", "size": 10, "enrolled": 2, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Aug - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20047, "section": "WR02", "size": 2, "enrolled": 0, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20048, "section": "WR01", "size": 2, "enrolled": 0, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Aug - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1682": {"id": "y7QBGToD6XPVVR_dlmjvC", "course_id": "110402", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110402", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Applied Natural Language Processing UG", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "4417", "CLASS_NBR": 11483, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020111", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Software Engineering Students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course examines machine learning techniques that obtain leading results on the problem of natural language processing (NLP). NLP is a critical step towards effective communication between people and machines. You will learn how to represent words and text, the use of deep recurrent models for text prediction, and issues that separate NLP from other application domains. This will be reinforced by applying deep learning tools to NLP through examples and practical projects", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1683": {"id": "y7QBGToD6XPVVR_dlmjvC", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "da9aQNJsHsdhI_o5ZiMQB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10059, "section": "LE01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 4, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "tJ3814HwIGr1MUnKxdjWU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10060, "section": "WR02", "size": 5, "enrolled": 2, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 May - 1 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 May - 15 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 May - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11483, "section": "WR03", "size": 5, "enrolled": 2, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 2 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 May - 16 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1684": {"id": "zFlRjRf6cq4X5ogPi7FqB", "course_id": "109070", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109070", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Algorithms", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "4807", "CLASS_NBR": 10052, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020109", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 2201", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 3301, COMP SCI 4407", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam and/or assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The development of a sound theoretical understanding of advanced algorithms and practical problem solving skills using them. Advanced algorithm topics chosen from: Dynamic Programming, Linear Programming, Matching, Max Flow / Min Cut, P and NP, Approximation Algorithms, Randomized Algorithms, Computational Geometry.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1685": {"id": "zFlRjRf6cq4X5ogPi7FqB", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "N9Nffh8nuny2TFQkWK3DM", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10056, "section": "LE01", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "COMP SCI 4407/4807/7407 Advanced Algorithms is cancelled for 2024. ******Alternative courses recommended for POSTGRAD students: COMP SCI 7409 Search Based Software Engineering or COMP SCI 7305 Parallel and Distributed Computing ********Alternative courses for Undergraduate and Honours students are: COMP SCI 4409 Search Based Software Engineering or COMP SCI 3305 Parallel and Distributed Computing"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "1686": {"id": "-_xyVEe-JkkGddxpZEdt8", "course_id": "109820", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109820", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Event Driven Computing", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "4811", "CLASS_NBR": 29665, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2.5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 2201", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "COMP SCI 2103", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 4411", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam and/or assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Event-driven systems are the backbone of modern computer systems and services. This course explores the fundamental principles behind these systems; Finite State Automata, their behaviour and implementation; Correspondence with regular expressions; Examples of embedded systems; Introduction to interconnected state machines, Petri Nets, and concurrency. We'll also explore modern approaches to event-driven systems; Reactive Programming; event streams, and observable data.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1687": {"id": "-_xyVEe-JkkGddxpZEdt8", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "H3NyqJw1IWCKIkwc6Sfeb", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25187, "section": "SE01", "size": 9, "enrolled": 8, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "H1NxS_HJNBYuLJkcr7hR1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20044, "section": "WR01", "size": 4, "enrolled": 3, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21518, "section": "WR02", "size": 5, "enrolled": 5, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29665, "section": "WR03", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1688": {"id": "ntilbjO6cZ4U9VFkvMxfm", "course_id": "109880", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109880", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Secure Software Engineering", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "4812", "CLASS_NBR": 29634, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 2201", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 4412", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam and / or assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will introduce the theoretical concepts and practical approaches and tools that support the security concerns in the whole systems development lifecycle resulting in software that is secure by default. The course will cover a wide range of software security topics ranging from as security as a cross-cutting concern, methodological approaches to improving software security during different phases of software development lifecycle, integrating secure software development principles and patterns into software development processes, contemporary paradigm of secure continuous software engineering, DevSecOps. The course will be offered in a workshop style mode with small and large parts of software development projects being the major types of assessment tasks.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1689": {"id": "ntilbjO6cZ4U9VFkvMxfm", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "QTsb0ifhrIC8EidU8OWNk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20679, "section": "LE01", "size": 7, "enrolled": 6, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "p1qYV4W0qt_eL71BDkCsD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20680, "section": "WR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 4, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "29 Aug - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29634, "section": "WR02", "size": 2, "enrolled": 2, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "1690": {"id": "XM-Qe1jcNuHfZao_4tKCj", "course_id": "110403", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110403", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Applied Machine Learning Honours", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "4816", "CLASS_NBR": 20054, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020111", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "COMP SCI 7317", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 4416", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments; Group projects based.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course surveys the practical application of machine learning in modern organisations and society. Case studies will be used to demonstrate current best practice as well as common pitfalls. You will learn processes for tool-selection based on requirements and available resources; verifying and validating discovered models and how to apply results in real environments; and information resources for tracking technological advances", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1691": {"id": "XM-Qe1jcNuHfZao_4tKCj", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "sYu8v8QvqAYovK1NMjjy9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20874, "section": "LE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 8, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "kuFo9DgvOgYUeT_2ihrVV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20049, "section": "WR02", "size": 10, "enrolled": 3, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20050, "section": "WR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 4, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Aug - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20054, "section": "WR03", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Aug - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1692": {"id": "MfpPqtUZwbmS6kF6Le9oT", "course_id": "110404", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110404", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Applied Natural Language Processing Honours", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "4817", "CLASS_NBR": 11484, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020111", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "COMP SCI 7317", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course examines machine learning techniques that obtain leading results on the problem of natural language processing (NLP). NLP is a critical step towards effective communication between people and machines. You will learn how to represent words and text, the use of deep recurrent models for text prediction, and issues that separate NLP from other application domains. This will be reinforced by applying deep learning tools to NLP through examples and practical projects.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1693": {"id": "MfpPqtUZwbmS6kF6Le9oT", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "bZVqoJVfrzqJx_NIcKTzN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10062, "section": "LE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 11, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "LGXKsuXH0OzGNKiLHvBeH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10063, "section": "WR02", "size": 14, "enrolled": 5, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 May - 1 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 May - 15 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 May - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11484, "section": "WR03", "size": 10, "enrolled": 6, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 2 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 May - 16 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1694": {"id": "1CJ1sPEJQMkTH4AUrchvh", "course_id": "002618", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "002618", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Specialised Programming", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7007", "CLASS_NBR": 19781, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Practical exam and/or assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Computational problem-solving with a focus on group learning and practice. Lecture topics cover general solution categories including: brute-force, divide and conquer, dynamic programming, greedy algorithms and search techniques", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1695": {"id": "1CJ1sPEJQMkTH4AUrchvh", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "hS05G5wWO4dh-eHSkLrZC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10068, "section": "LE01", "size": 143, "enrolled": 71, "available": 72, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "kAtyal0eFR1v4jvxAXL58", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10069, "section": "PR01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 62, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19781, "section": "PR02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 9, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM106, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "1696": {"id": "ScfkLJzgV_7CT_6oz7BnO", "course_id": "002618", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "002618", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Specialised Programming", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7007", "CLASS_NBR": 29595, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Practical exam and/or assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Computational problem-solving with a focus on group learning and practice. Lecture topics cover general solution categories including: brute-force, divide and conquer, dynamic programming, greedy algorithms and search techniques", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1697": {"id": "ScfkLJzgV_7CT_6oz7BnO", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "I4y-fLNmCj1p5-Wm3g2v_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20055, "section": "LE01", "size": 120, "enrolled": 63, "available": 57, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "97VSMgZTZ8M_JER8gM-0F", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20056, "section": "PR01", "size": 61, "enrolled": 38, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29595, "section": "PR02", "size": 80, "enrolled": 25, "available": 55, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "1698": {"id": "KEdwa5WciiOZBnRuwu76g", "course_id": "003675", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "003675", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Software Engineering & Project", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7015", "CLASS_NBR": 29656, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Master of Computing & Innovation, Graduate Diploma of Computer Science, Certificate in Computer Science, Master of Software Engineering Students Only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 7103, COMP SCI 7202, (COMP SCI 7210 and COMP SCI 7211), COMP SCI 7202B or COMP SCI 7208", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "COMP SCI 7082 or COMP SCI 7201", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments and/or project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Within the context of a semester long group-based software engineering project, this course provides an introduction to the production of high quality software solutions to large tasks. Among the topics covered in this course are the following: models of the software life-cycle, requirements analysis and specification, program design techniques and paradigms, software specification techniques, configuration management and version control, quality assurance, integration and testing, project management, risk analysis, case study of ethical considerations in Software Engineering.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1699": {"id": "KEdwa5WciiOZBnRuwu76g", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "nFx4s0AYnEobbthbJslsy", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21338, "section": "LE01", "size": 180, "enrolled": 149, "available": 31, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Project", "id": "jYgzt6KNMjBnNEnaJBBh2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21334, "section": "PJ04", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Project", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21335, "section": "PJ03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Project", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21336, "section": "PJ02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Project", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Aug - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21337, "section": "PJ01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Project", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Aug - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29608, "section": "PJ05", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Project", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Aug - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29656, "section": "PJ06", "size": 30, "enrolled": 2, "available": 28, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Project", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Aug - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "1700": {"id": "bXY3U0Nc_QZsx7UHHQZJG", "course_id": "003675", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "003675", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Software Engineering & Project", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7015MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 29442, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 7103, COMP SCI 7202, (COMP SCI 7210 and COMP SCI 7211), COMP SCI 7202B or COMP SCI 7208", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "COMP SCI 7082 or COMP SCI 7201", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments and/or project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Within the context of a semester long group-based software engineering project, this course provides an introduction to the production of high quality software solutions to large tasks. Among the topics covered in this course are the following: models of the software life-cycle, requirements analysis and specification, program design techniques and paradigms, software specification techniques, configuration management and version control, quality assurance, integration and testing, project management, risk analysis, case study of ethical considerations in Software Engineering.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1701": {"id": "bXY3U0Nc_QZsx7UHHQZJG", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "qkZtdjMK6ObBnj1Lfm0QR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29433, "section": "LE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 3, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "oODP5NjuG3ay6DIm153AE", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29442, "section": "PJ01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 3, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Project", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1702": {"id": "L74zmy8aZi1ePcfVl-TK3", "course_id": "005711", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "005711", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Software Process Improvement", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7023", "CLASS_NBR": 11485, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 7007", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam and/or assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is a guided study of software process grounded by practical personal experience. All software engineering is based on one or more processes that guide how software is developed with particular time, cost or quality goals. Process improvement aims to learn from current practice and objectively assess potential improvements. This will be explored by practicing a simplified form of the Personal Software Process and studying a number of process related topics drawn from: the goal question metric paradigm; appropriate automation; configuration management; project tracking and control; quality assurance; cost of quality; continuous integration; DevOps; software distribution; Infrastructure, Platform and Software as a Service; leveraging social media and the internet.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1703": {"id": "L74zmy8aZi1ePcfVl-TK3", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "EM3jv-ENuSik3yFxMOnnU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13890, "section": "LE01", "size": 77, "enrolled": 44, "available": 33, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "7lBn_jzc2ybog1kpxzCUG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11485, "section": "PR04", "size": 21, "enrolled": 9, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13891, "section": "PR03", "size": 28, "enrolled": 11, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13892, "section": "PR02", "size": 28, "enrolled": 24, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "1704": {"id": "RYjcwYX23Ar38vJ9INu-V", "course_id": "006794", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "006794", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Computer Networks & Applications", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7039", "CLASS_NBR": 11486, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020113", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2.5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 7082 or COMP SCI 7201", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam and/or assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Introduction to networks and digital communications with a focus on Internet protocols: Application layer architectures (client/server, peer-to-peer) and protocols (HTTP-web, SMTP-mail, etc), Transport layer operation: (reliable transport, congestion and flow control, UDP, TCP); Network layer operation - (routing, addressing, IPv4 and IPv6), Data Link layer operation (error detection/correction, access control, Ethernet, 802.11), Layer 2/3 protocols (MPLS); security, selected current topics such as: multimedia protocols, quality of Service, mobility, wireless networking, emerging protocols, network management.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1705": {"id": "RYjcwYX23Ar38vJ9INu-V", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "FwYmAdUSUbBeOPAt4kF9g", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11260, "section": "LE01", "size": 200, "enrolled": 100, "available": 100, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "b_9ntNqwhLS68BeSHf2p5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11255, "section": "WR05", "size": 17, "enrolled": 4, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}, {"dates": "10 May - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11256, "section": "WR04", "size": 15, "enrolled": 15, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "14 Mar - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11257, "section": "WR03", "size": 17, "enrolled": 4, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Mar - 13 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11258, "section": "WR02", "size": 17, "enrolled": 16, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Mar - 13 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11259, "section": "WR01", "size": 17, "enrolled": 9, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 May - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11261, "section": "WR10", "size": 11, "enrolled": 7, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 May - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11262, "section": "WR09", "size": 17, "enrolled": 16, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "14 Mar - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11263, "section": "WR08", "size": 11, "enrolled": 5, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 May - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11264, "section": "WR07", "size": 17, "enrolled": 3, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 May - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11265, "section": "WR06", "size": 17, "enrolled": 13, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 May - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11278, "section": "WR11", "size": 5, "enrolled": 3, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 May - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11486, "section": "WR12", "size": 5, "enrolled": 5, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 May - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1706": {"id": "e7nGcX1TCB57YORU1Lj-V", "course_id": "006794", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "006794", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Computer Networks & Applications", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7039MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 19431, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020113", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2.5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 7082 or COMP SCI 7201", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam and/or assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Introduction to networks and digital communications with a focus on Internet protocols: Application layer architectures (client/server, peer-to-peer) and protocols (HTTP-web, SMTP-mail, etc), Transport layer operation: (reliable transport, congestion and flow control, UDP, TCP); Network layer operation - (routing, addressing, IPv4 and IPv6), Data Link layer operation (error detection/correction, access control, Ethernet, 802.11), Layer 2/3 protocols (MPLS); security, selected current topics such as: multimedia protocols, quality of Service, mobility, wireless networking, emerging protocols, network management.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1707": {"id": "e7nGcX1TCB57YORU1Lj-V", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "1VwwPL2TCLv81du2pXbE2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19428, "section": "LE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 3, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "EenhzFTC6KHDPX2Ub0_bn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19431, "section": "WR01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 3, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "11 Mar - 11 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Apr - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "6 May - 6 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "1708": {"id": "XIINL_nCBs0yy0KkAfyNu", "course_id": "009516", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "009516", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Artificial Intelligence", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7059", "CLASS_NBR": 11310, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020119", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2.5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 7103, COMP SCI 7202, COMP SCI 7202B, COMP SCI 7208 or COMP SCI 7211 or COMP SCI 7201", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "COMP SCI 7082 or COMP SCI 7201", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam and/or assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is an introductory course on Artificial Intelligence. The topics may include: AI methodology and fundamentals; intelligent agents; search algorithms; game playing; machine learning; uncertainty and probability theory; probabilistic reasoning in AI; Bayesian networks; decision making, and reinforcement learning. Several assignments will be given to enable the student to gain practical experience in using these techniques.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1709": {"id": "XIINL_nCBs0yy0KkAfyNu", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "dTRHVrlQs0Dc9JVQJErKo", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11322, "section": "LE01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 29, "available": 41, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "YYFkkVh5tbpygZofnrnRD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11310, "section": "WR12", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 30 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 May - 14 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11311, "section": "WR11", "size": 5, "enrolled": 2, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 30 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 May - 14 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11312, "section": "WR10", "size": 5, "enrolled": 4, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 May - 1 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 May - 15 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11313, "section": "WR09", "size": 5, "enrolled": 3, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 May - 3 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 May - 17 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11314, "section": "WR08", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 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16 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11316, "section": "WR06", "size": 5, "enrolled": 2, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 30 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 May - 14 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11317, "section": "WR05", "size": 5, "enrolled": 2, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 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17 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11320, "section": "WR02", "size": 5, "enrolled": 3, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 2 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 May - 16 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11321, "section": "WR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 4, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 May - 1 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 May - 15 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1710": {"id": "6e7eyNhZ4LMZKPF0mCtGt", "course_id": "009901", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "009901", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Operating Systems", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7064", "CLASS_NBR": 28958, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020117", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2.5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 7103, COMP SCI 7202, COMP SCI 7202B, COMP SCI 7208 or COMP SCI 7211", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "COMP SCI 7081, exposure to C programming as in COMP SCI 7088 & one of COMP SCI 7082 or COMP SCI 7201", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 3004", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam and/or assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "OS purposes: resource management and the extended virtual computer; historical development. Processes: critical sections and mutual exclusion, semaphores, monitors, classical problems, deadlock; process scheduling. Input and Output: hardware and software control. Memory management: multi-programming; swapping; virtual memory, paging and symbolic segmentation; File System: operations, implementation, performance. Operating System Security and Protection mechanisms: protection domains, access lists, capability systems, principle of minimum privilege, security threats and attacks, encryption, and authentication.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1711": {"id": "6e7eyNhZ4LMZKPF0mCtGt", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Y4HkfdQTM_O3ZqQB5CHDR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21218, "section": "LE01", "size": 160, "enrolled": 93, "available": 67, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "tJgQ-uvjzamTcr0fFfLSU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21202, "section": "WR15", "size": 6, "enrolled": 6, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "23 Aug - 23 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "6 Sep - 6 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 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21 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Sep - 4 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 2 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1712": {"id": "8Jf8Yw5ceAa4RsxkE56w0", "course_id": "009901", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "009901", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Operating Systems", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7064MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 29441, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020117", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2.5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 7103, COMP SCI 7202, COMP SCI 7202B, COMP SCI 7208 or COMP SCI 7211", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "COMP SCI 7081, exposure to C programming as in COMP SCI 7088 & one of COMP SCI 7082 or COMP SCI 7201", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam and/or assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "OS purposes: resource management and the extended virtual computer; historical development. Processes: critical sections and mutual exclusion, semaphores, monitors, classical problems, deadlock; process scheduling. Input and Output: hardware and software control. Memory management: multi-programming; swapping; virtual memory, paging and symbolic segmentation; File System: operations, implementation, performance. Operating System Security and Protection mechanisms: protection domains, access lists, capability systems, principle of minimum privilege, security threats and attacks, encryption, and authentication.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1713": {"id": "8Jf8Yw5ceAa4RsxkE56w0", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "DP7WTJa7AoMZQpzmpxnMe", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29440, "section": "LE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 4, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "pIQMPzy5-TCnBS5PWw4c2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29441, "section": "WR01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 4, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Aug - 8 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Aug - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 5 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "1714": {"id": "iB5gAtxN3vhcKikpZvBO5", "course_id": "100763", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "100763", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Distributed Systems", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7076", "CLASS_NBR": 21107, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020113", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2.5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 7103, COMP SCI 7202, COMP SCI 7202B, COMP SCI 7208 or COMP SCI 7211; M Computer Science only exempted from Pre-requisite", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "COMP SCI 7081 & COMP SCI 7082 or COMP SCI 7201", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 3012", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments and/or group projects", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "A selection of topics from the following: the challenges faced in constructing client/server software: partial system failures, multiple address spaces, absence of a single clock, latency of communication, heterogeneity, absence of a trusted operating system, system management, binding and naming. Techniques for meeting these challenges: RPC and middleware, naming and directory services, distributed transaction processing, 'thin' clients, data replication, cryptographic security, mobile code. Introduction to Java RMI.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1715": {"id": "iB5gAtxN3vhcKikpZvBO5", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "yy35wnGINnAJ-qn1rGtM_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21107, "section": "WR01", "size": 200, "enrolled": 155, "available": 45, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "rq_ZYFIuow-EFLdF_HT_u", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21345, "section": "PR06", "size": 28, "enrolled": 26, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "18 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21346, "section": "PR05", "size": 33, "enrolled": 22, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "29 Aug - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21347, "section": "PR04", "size": 36, "enrolled": 28, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 29 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "12 Aug - 12 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 14 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21348, "section": "PR03", "size": 44, "enrolled": 28, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 31 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "14 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "28 Aug - 28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21349, "section": "PR02", "size": 34, "enrolled": 31, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21350, "section": "PR01", "size": 34, "enrolled": 20, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 29 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "12 Aug - 12 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 14 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "1716": {"id": "kG3Qn89j5gv6jb_hJdnK9", "course_id": "111618", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111618", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Distributed Systems", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7076MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 29527, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020113", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2.5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 7103, COMP SCI 7202, COMP SCI 7202B, COMP SCI 7208 or COMP SCI 7211; M Computer Science only exempted from Pre-requisite", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "COMP SCI 7081 & COMP SCI 7082 or COMP SCI 7201", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments and/or group projects", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "A selection of topics from the following: the challenges faced in constructing client/server software: partial system failures, multiple address spaces, absence of a single clock, latency of communication, heterogeneity, absence of a trusted operating system, system management, binding and naming. Techniques for meeting these challenges: RPC and middleware, naming and directory services, distributed transaction processing, 'thin' clients, data replication, cryptographic security, mobile code. Introduction to Java RMI.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1717": {"id": "kG3Qn89j5gv6jb_hJdnK9", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "gVrLJunHQpYOag9ztJ6Vl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29527, "section": "WR01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 3, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "a7_RUzEO9pOCFD3CHpOB_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29526, "section": "PR01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 3, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 29 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Aug - 12 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 14 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29534, "section": "LEC0", "size": 24, "enrolled": 3, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "1718": {"id": "96IeX5gxOtsRrgz8T1g6n", "course_id": "102691", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102691", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Computer Systems", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7081", "CLASS_NBR": 15563, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020117", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2.5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Master of Computing and Innovation, Master of Data Science, Grad Cert & Grad Dip in Cyber Security, Master of Cyber Security, Grad Dip in Computer Science and Grad Cert in Computer Science students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(COMP SCI 7103 or COMP SCI 7202 or COMP SCI 7202B or COMP SCI 7208) or (COMP SCI 7210 and COMP SCI 7211)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Mathematics as taught in MATHS 1012 or MATHS 1008 and MATHS 1004", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 2000", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam and/or assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces the elements of computer systems from the level of basic hardware gates, through to compilers, languages and applications. The aim is to give an overview of the layered nature of computer systems and how the use of simple interfaces can make the design of complex and powerful systems possible. Topics covered include: digital logic, memory, processors, assembly language, virtual machines, recursive descent parsing, code generation and operating systems.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1719": {"id": "96IeX5gxOtsRrgz8T1g6n", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "dwN0TSjgSC-uDev2MmdOO", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12286, "section": "LE01", "size": 160, "enrolled": 85, "available": 75, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "Yx7GDYXMZKzfw7bLyFW1R", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11487, "section": "WR07", "size": 10, "enrolled": 7, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12293, "section": "WR06", "size": 20, "enrolled": 18, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12294, "section": "WR05", "size": 10, "enrolled": 6, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12295, "section": "WR04", "size": 4, "enrolled": 3, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12296, "section": "WR03", "size": 19, "enrolled": 17, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12297, "section": "WR02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 18, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12298, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 7, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15563, "section": "WR08", "size": 20, "enrolled": 9, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "1720": {"id": "7gugXyQ_CcmPpl37yeNov", "course_id": "102691", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102691", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Computer Systems", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7081", "CLASS_NBR": 21797, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020117", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2.5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Master of Computing and Innovation, Master of Data Science, Grad Cert & Grad Dip in Cyber Security, Master of Cyber Security, Grad Dip in Computer Science and Grad Cert in Computer Science students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(COMP SCI 7103 or COMP SCI 7202 or COMP SCI 7202B or COMP SCI 7208) or (COMP SCI 7210 and COMP SCI 7211)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Mathematics as taught in MATHS 1012 or MATHS 1008 and MATHS 1004", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 2000", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam and/or assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces the elements of computer systems from the level of basic hardware gates, through to compilers, languages and applications. The aim is to give an overview of the layered nature of computer systems and how the use of simple interfaces can make the design of complex and powerful systems possible. Topics covered include: digital logic, memory, processors, assembly language, virtual machines, recursive descent parsing, code generation and operating systems.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1721": {"id": "7gugXyQ_CcmPpl37yeNov", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "FnME2EvDgLK7JjS0ik1G-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22201, "section": "LE01", "size": 140, "enrolled": 94, "available": 46, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "0joBGfnJDXagCa-wNlXZ7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21519, "section": "WR08", "size": 12, "enrolled": 12, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21797, "section": "WR09", "size": 12, "enrolled": 6, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22194, "section": "WR07", "size": 22, "enrolled": 19, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22195, "section": "WR06", "size": 12, "enrolled": 10, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22196, "section": "WR05", "size": 22, "enrolled": 13, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22197, "section": "WR04", "size": 12, "enrolled": 6, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22198, "section": "WR03", "size": 10, "enrolled": 10, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22199, "section": "WR02", "size": 12, "enrolled": 11, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22200, "section": "WR01", "size": 12, "enrolled": 7, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "1722": {"id": "all8aqXIVBJDgs9PHDz1t", "course_id": "102691", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102691", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Computer Systems", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7081MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 19611, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020117", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2.5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(COMP SCI 7103 or COMP SCI 7202 or COMP SCI 7202B or COMP SCI 7208) or (COMP SCI 7210 and COMP SCI 7211)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Mathematics as taught in MATHS 1012 or MATHS 1008 and MATHS 1004", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 2000", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam and/or assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces the elements of computer systems from the level of basic hardware gates, through to compilers, languages and applications. The aim is to give an overview of the layered nature of computer systems and how the use of simple interfaces can make the design of complex and powerful systems possible. Topics covered include: digital logic, memory, processors, assembly language, virtual machines, recursive descent parsing, code generation and operating systems.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1723": {"id": "all8aqXIVBJDgs9PHDz1t", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "WXjV3ALsFzLuG6huUXsJ0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19610, "section": "LE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 3, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "go241KDN_j2El53mvUFpg", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19611, "section": "WR01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 3, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "1724": {"id": "sjyYRqNJ0pjJ0bsnp0vZq", "course_id": "102691", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102691", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Computer Systems", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7081MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 29434, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020117", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2.5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(COMP SCI 7103 or COMP SCI 7202 or COMP SCI 7202B or COMP SCI 7208) or (COMP SCI 7210 and COMP SCI 7211)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Mathematics as taught in MATHS 1012 or MATHS 1008 and MATHS 1004", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 2000", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam and/or assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces the elements of computer systems from the level of basic hardware gates, through to compilers, languages and applications. The aim is to give an overview of the layered nature of computer systems and how the use of simple interfaces can make the design of complex and powerful systems possible. Topics covered include: digital logic, memory, processors, assembly language, virtual machines, recursive descent parsing, code generation and operating systems.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1725": {"id": "sjyYRqNJ0pjJ0bsnp0vZq", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "o1pP5VcZtZHKBq0fCVZYq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29435, "section": "LE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 3, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "aRmBq94kKUHfAInGHjy0Y", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29434, "section": "WR01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 3, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "1726": {"id": "WsTZCa4PB6ALTFnF9L7M5", "course_id": "102707", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102707", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Systems Programming", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7088", "CLASS_NBR": 11491, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2.5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 7103, COMP SCI 7202, COMP SCI 7202B, COMP SCI 7208 or COMP SCI 7211", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "COMP SCI 7082 or COMP SCI 7201", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam and/or assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Introduction to C for C++ programmers. UNIX tools; design philosophy, command line options, combining programs using pipes and I/O redirection. File systems and memory. Profiling tools, binary tools, debugging tools. Basic shell scripting. Build tools. Signal and handling, synchronous and asynchronous I/O. Introduction to threads and concurrency. Timers and their uses.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1727": {"id": "WsTZCa4PB6ALTFnF9L7M5", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "svky8nfSg_w_jlDPbOc2f", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11279, "section": "LE01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 7, "available": 28, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "TdoDqU4BPIjQsMAAwSd6m", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11280, "section": "WR02", "size": 5, "enrolled": 3, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11281, "section": "WR01", "size": 2, "enrolled": 1, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM106, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11282, "section": "WR04", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11283, "section": "WR03", "size": 2, "enrolled": 0, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11491, "section": "WR07", "size": 5, "enrolled": 2, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "1728": {"id": "uekMWIrbaMhc3dMG4b362", "course_id": "103268", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103268", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Mobile and Wireless Systems", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7092", "CLASS_NBR": 28499, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020113", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 7007, COMP SCI 7076 and COMP SCI 7411", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "COMP SCI 1102, COMP SCI 2103 or COMP SCI 7103, COMP SCI 7039, COMP SCI 2103 or COMP SCI 7103", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 4191, COMP SCI 4092", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments and/or group projects", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course examines the characteristics of mobile and wireless networks and the impact of these characteristics on the development of software and supporting protocols. Topics covered include: mobile and wireless application design and development environments, middleware support, protocol requirements for ad-hoc and sensor networks, wireless & mobile security vulnerabilities and standards, supporting reliable communication in lossy and intermittently connected networks; challenges and architectures for wireless mobility - 4G networks, Wi-Fi, Wi-Max, Bluetooth, Mobile IP, convergence of voice and data networks.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1729": {"id": "uekMWIrbaMhc3dMG4b362", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "bJzfZGaSjZwvuSnEOZV5h", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20038, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 26, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 28499, "section": "WR02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 20, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "scxhC8OeAChdrp4X-nV4e", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20037, "section": "SE01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 46, "available": 34, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 25 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "8 Aug - 8 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "9 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Nov - 1 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G29D/G29E, Non Teaching Venue"}]}]}]}]}, "1730": {"id": "-Rr_8m6Uz5HlydsihW2Nt", "course_id": "104853", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104853", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Master of Computing & Innovation Project", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7098", "CLASS_NBR": 10070, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M Comp Inn students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Pitch presentation, progress report and project demonstration (group), individual final report", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course offers an introduction to the development and management of large software projects. Topics covered in this course include the application of: software specification, risk analysis, project management, quality assurance and the study of ethical considerations.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1731": {"id": "-Rr_8m6Uz5HlydsihW2Nt", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "enQlz5GR-58g8ZA6cqh84", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10072, "section": "LE01", "size": 143, "enrolled": 131, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "C-4vv0_JZ82P-dkwt2kSc", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10070, "section": "WR02", "size": 90, "enrolled": 90, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10071, "section": "WR01", "size": 64, "enrolled": 41, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 30 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 May - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 May - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1732": {"id": "onzx2MlFgHOMX2KywNX-p", "course_id": "104853", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104853", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Master of Computing & Innovation Project", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7098MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 19613, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Pitch presentation, progress report and project demonstration (group), individual final report", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course offers an introduction to the development and management of large software projects. Topics covered in this course include the application of: software specification, risk analysis, project management, quality assurance and the study of ethical considerations.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1733": {"id": "onzx2MlFgHOMX2KywNX-p", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Dv8yFVs-ABXbGnYqsg_qY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19612, "section": "LE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 3, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "tstPd9fBul5TwdJDttNqw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19613, "section": "WR01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 3, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "1734": {"id": "crcByEaO9ebnmqi_J6mM9", "course_id": "111368", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111368", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Project Master Computer Science \u2013 Part A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7100A", "CLASS_NBR": 16304, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "031305", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Master of Computer Science students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 7007", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 7099A", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual Project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The project is an advanced research project conducted individually under the guidance of an academic supervisor. It continues over two semesters and gives students the chance to investigate and contribute to an area at the cutting edge of computer science. Project topics vary from year to year depending on staff availability and research focus.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "1735": {"id": "crcByEaO9ebnmqi_J6mM9", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "9OImphGhYrsSuAVK_xc9v", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16304, "section": "01NT", "size": 90, "enrolled": 29, "available": 61, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "1736": {"id": "9I-aEoFO2N93glwyPUB0A", "course_id": "111368", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111368", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Project Master Computer Science \u2013 Part A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7100A", "CLASS_NBR": 26335, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "031305", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Master of Computer Science students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 7007", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 7099A", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual Project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The project is an advanced research project conducted individually under the guidance of an academic supervisor. It continues over two semesters and gives students the chance to investigate and contribute to an area at the cutting edge of computer science. Project topics vary from year to year depending on staff availability and research focus.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "1737": {"id": "9I-aEoFO2N93glwyPUB0A", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "0V6p89-9ToQvHr3dnrXvP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26335, "section": "01NT", "size": 100, "enrolled": 26, "available": 74, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "1738": {"id": "oloki2J92jA2ccixI7Ua1", "course_id": "111369", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111369", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Project Master Computer Science \u2013 Part B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7100B", "CLASS_NBR": 18963, "SESSION_CD": "FM2", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "031305", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Master of Computer Science students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 7100A", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 7099B", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual Project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The project is an advanced research project conducted individually under the guidance of an academic supervisor. It continues over two semesters and gives students the chance to investigate and contribute to an area at the cutting edge of computer science. Project topics vary from year to year depending on staff availability and research focus.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1739": {"id": "oloki2J92jA2ccixI7Ua1", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "6wA9Q_O54PIlY3JLumXwZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18963, "section": "01NT", "size": 90, "enrolled": 16, "available": 74, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "1740": {"id": "4QMq0-0YVsAh_kUfFCqgj", "course_id": "111369", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111369", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Project Master Computer Science \u2013 Part B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7100B", "CLASS_NBR": 26336, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "031305", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Master of Computer Science students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 7100A", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 7099B", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual Project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The project is an advanced research project conducted individually under the guidance of an academic supervisor. 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Project topics vary from year to year depending on staff availability and research focus.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1741": {"id": "4QMq0-0YVsAh_kUfFCqgj", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "laUb4ENj2JRCvUfcUhho-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26336, "section": "01NT", "size": 100, "enrolled": 27, "available": 73, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "1742": {"id": "WCa5LtgSXl09zOokuLKES", "course_id": "111089", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111089", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Cyber Security Research Project Part A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7101A", "CLASS_NBR": 30009, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to students in the Master of Cyber Security", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 7308 or COMP SCI 7307", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Milestone presentations and reports", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is an advanced research project conducted individually under the guidance of an academic supervisor. 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Project topics vary from year to year depending on staff availability and research focus.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "1743": {"id": "WCa5LtgSXl09zOokuLKES", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "FtUc7N7ByYbiRBo8TZKuJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30009, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 10, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jan - 22 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1744": {"id": "4HApKU2ddp2eSKJBeCwwm", "course_id": "111089", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111089", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Cyber Security Research Project Part A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7101A", "CLASS_NBR": 33094, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to students in the Master of Cyber Security", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 7308 or COMP SCI 7307", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Milestone presentations and reports", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is an advanced research project conducted individually under the guidance of an academic supervisor. 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Project topics vary from year to year depending on staff availability and research focus.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "1745": {"id": "4HApKU2ddp2eSKJBeCwwm", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "WrzP3IPYJE8O0MfPaUn1A", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33094, "section": "WR01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 11, "available": 49, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 May - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9pm", "end_time": "9:30pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "1746": {"id": "BF7pP8SjoLSJtjGZK5d7h", "course_id": "111089", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111089", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Cyber Security Research Project Part A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7101A", "CLASS_NBR": 36098, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to students in the Master of Cyber Security", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 7308 or COMP SCI 7307", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Milestone presentations and reports", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is an advanced research project conducted individually under the guidance of an academic supervisor. 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Project topics vary from year to year depending on staff availability and research focus.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "1747": {"id": "BF7pP8SjoLSJtjGZK5d7h", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "O0KTlhyOBwl9LW9uSUTfg", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36098, "section": "WR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 3, "available": 37, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Sep - 20 Nov", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9pm", "end_time": "9:30pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "1748": {"id": "lKPMboc1LGNq5kZ-7HQHA", "course_id": "111090", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111090", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Cyber Security Research Project Part B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7101B", "CLASS_NBR": 30010, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to students in the Master of Cyber Security", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 7101A", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "COMP SCI 7308", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Milestone presentations and reports", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is an advanced research project conducted individually under the guidance of an academic supervisor. 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Project topics vary from year to year depending on staff availability and research focus.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "1749": {"id": "lKPMboc1LGNq5kZ-7HQHA", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "aJQB7ExWbS8qKvB2wurp3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30010, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 4, "available": 26, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jan - 22 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1750": {"id": "0uW8vV2vjTRnJa8R7jTNb", "course_id": "111090", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111090", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Cyber Security Research Project Part B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7101B", "CLASS_NBR": 33095, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to students in the Master of Cyber Security", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 7101A", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "COMP SCI 7308", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Milestone presentations and reports", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is an advanced research project conducted individually under the guidance of an academic supervisor. 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Project topics vary from year to year depending on staff availability and research focus.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "1751": {"id": "0uW8vV2vjTRnJa8R7jTNb", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "ug86fkUVLbTWa5olG05YL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33095, "section": "WR01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 9, "available": 51, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 May - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9pm", "end_time": "9:30pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "1752": {"id": "lYEj1t0RpdvpiSS-RnyFF", "course_id": "111090", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111090", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Cyber Security Research Project Part B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7101B", "CLASS_NBR": 36099, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to students in the Master of Cyber Security", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 7101A", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "COMP SCI 7308", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Milestone presentations and reports", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is an advanced research project conducted individually under the guidance of an academic supervisor. 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Project topics vary from year to year depending on staff availability and research focus.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "1753": {"id": "lYEj1t0RpdvpiSS-RnyFF", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "lCRf2by-NHlnjRFBa6YOt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36099, "section": "WR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 12, "available": 28, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Sep - 22 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9pm", "end_time": "9:30pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "1754": {"id": "wplL3qM1TSWhZsl0LA10_", "course_id": "111091", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111091", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Cyber Security Industry Project Part A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7102A", "CLASS_NBR": 30141, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students in the Master of Cyber Security", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 7308 or COMP SCI 7307", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Milestone presentations and reports", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is a project course giving students the chance to conduct applied research in a real world cyber security problem domain. As part of the project students will present their work to an audience and write a major report detailing their results. The project is conducted individually under the guidance of an academic supervisor and may also involve an industrial partner. Project topics vary from year to year depending on staff and industry supervisor availability.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "1755": {"id": "wplL3qM1TSWhZsl0LA10_", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "SZQnbn78fGRRAQLW8FPIr", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30141, "section": "01NT", "size": 50, "enrolled": 11, "available": 39, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop"}]}]}]}, "1756": {"id": "q0-FS0uwqHsutS2A0QkOP", "course_id": "111091", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111091", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Cyber Security Industry Project Part A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7102A", "CLASS_NBR": 33116, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students in the Master of Cyber Security", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 7308 or COMP SCI 7307", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Milestone presentations and reports", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is a project course giving students the chance to conduct applied research in a real world cyber security problem domain. As part of the project students will present their work to an audience and write a major report detailing their results. The project is conducted individually under the guidance of an academic supervisor and may also involve an industrial partner. Project topics vary from year to year depending on staff and industry supervisor availability.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "1757": {"id": "q0-FS0uwqHsutS2A0QkOP", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "eoSPnMmuFbfxtXFH939fz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33116, "section": "01NT", "size": 60, "enrolled": 7, "available": 53, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop"}]}]}]}, "1758": {"id": "Indcdto_4qx-M0giKD07N", "course_id": "111091", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111091", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Cyber Security Industry Project Part A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7102A", "CLASS_NBR": 36130, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students in the Master of Cyber Security", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 7308 or COMP SCI 7307", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Milestone presentations and reports", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is a project course giving students the chance to conduct applied research in a real world cyber security problem domain. As part of the project students will present their work to an audience and write a major report detailing their results. The project is conducted individually under the guidance of an academic supervisor and may also involve an industrial partner. Project topics vary from year to year depending on staff and industry supervisor availability.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "1759": {"id": "Indcdto_4qx-M0giKD07N", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "KY1j_jQXbyG7zvhjLRCHV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36130, "section": "01NT", "size": 40, "enrolled": 4, "available": 36, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop"}]}]}]}, "1760": {"id": "fcWc0axPHvdYAHoOFpew_", "course_id": "111092", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111092", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Cyber Security Industry Project Part B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7102B", "CLASS_NBR": 30142, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to students in the Master of Cyber Security", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 7102A", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "COMP SCI 7308", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Milestone presentations and reports", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is a project course giving students the chance to conduct applied research in a real world cyber security problem domain. As part of the project students will present their work to an audience and write a major report detailing their results. The project is conducted individually under the guidance of an academic supervisor and may also involve an industrial partner. Project topics vary from year to year depending on staff and industry supervisor availability", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "1761": {"id": "fcWc0axPHvdYAHoOFpew_", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "yOBesh4BlPZumacgiqU7r", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30142, "section": "01NT", "size": 50, "enrolled": 3, "available": 47, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop"}]}]}]}, "1762": {"id": "l081GqIvvzKng3tug-V1w", "course_id": "111092", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111092", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Cyber Security Industry Project Part B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7102B", "CLASS_NBR": 33117, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to students in the Master of Cyber Security", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 7102A", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "COMP SCI 7308", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Milestone presentations and reports", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is a project course giving students the chance to conduct applied research in a real world cyber security problem domain. As part of the project students will present their work to an audience and write a major report detailing their results. The project is conducted individually under the guidance of an academic supervisor and may also involve an industrial partner. Project topics vary from year to year depending on staff and industry supervisor availability", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "1763": {"id": "l081GqIvvzKng3tug-V1w", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "ZS7a8E0CchFdCY-Pe2mgC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33117, "section": "01NT", "size": 60, "enrolled": 11, "available": 49, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop"}]}]}]}, "1764": {"id": "bMA9-43mgkyIbgg1Ghfmp", "course_id": "111092", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111092", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Cyber Security Industry Project Part B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7102B", "CLASS_NBR": 36131, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to students in the Master of Cyber Security", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 7102A", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "COMP SCI 7308", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Milestone presentations and reports", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is a project course giving students the chance to conduct applied research in a real world cyber security problem domain. As part of the project students will present their work to an audience and write a major report detailing their results. The project is conducted individually under the guidance of an academic supervisor and may also involve an industrial partner. Project topics vary from year to year depending on staff and industry supervisor availability", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "1765": {"id": "bMA9-43mgkyIbgg1Ghfmp", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "UsXWP8NEV1gz0k_K1YN3C", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36131, "section": "01NT", "size": 40, "enrolled": 7, "available": 33, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop"}]}]}]}, "1766": {"id": "-g3K3fmx768RxfNYdXtKV", "course_id": "108957", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108957", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Algorithm Design and Data Structures", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7103", "CLASS_NBR": 11493, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020111", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Enrolment only by approval of Head of School", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 7211, COMP SCI 7202, COMP SCI 7202B, COMP SCI 7208, COMP SCI 2103", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam and/or assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course is structured to take students from an introductory knowledge of C++ to a higher level, as well as addressing some key areas of computer programming and algorithm design. Topics include: review of class hierarchies, inheritance, friends, polymorphism and type systems; recursion; OO design principles, abstract data types, testing and software reuse; introductory data structures: linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, heaps, algorithmic strategies for searching and sorting data in these structures; introductory complexity analysis.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1767": {"id": "-g3K3fmx768RxfNYdXtKV", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "T2cyCJtDSCLhw-jrIw28w", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11149, "section": "LE01", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Approval from Head of School required to enrol in this course. See course outline for eligibility. To request enrolment, contact postgraduate course advisor"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "7s8R1laA2cb-vDDKXOX4f", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11492, "section": "PR11", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM106, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15187, "section": "PR02", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15188, "section": "PR01", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "vJMVULwyOPVMC7tp0fr0W", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11493, "section": "WR14", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 30 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 May - 14 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 May - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15189, "section": "WR02", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 30 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 May - 14 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 May - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15190, "section": "WR01", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 May - 1 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 May - 15 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1768": {"id": "CM7EfWDw1bY1VauuGl9az", "course_id": "108957", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108957", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Algorithm Design and Data Structures", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7103", "CLASS_NBR": 25038, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020111", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Enrolment only by approval of Head of School", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 7211, COMP SCI 7202, COMP SCI 7202B, COMP SCI 7208, COMP SCI 2103", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam and/or assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course is structured to take students from an introductory knowledge of C++ to a higher level, as well as addressing some key areas of computer programming and algorithm design. Topics include: review of class hierarchies, inheritance, friends, polymorphism and type systems; recursion; OO design principles, abstract data types, testing and software reuse; introductory data structures: linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, heaps, algorithmic strategies for searching and sorting data in these structures; introductory complexity analysis.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1769": {"id": "CM7EfWDw1bY1VauuGl9az", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "8s_IQZ_URmOLHOfAZS3kq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21110, "section": "LE01", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Approval from Head of School required to enrol in this course. See course outline for eligibility. To request enrolment, contact postgraduate course advisor"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "MUtBi9NUJxSHP_d4NIoeK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25036, "section": "PR02", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25037, "section": "PR01", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "L1tGIcytG96-bVFDnkWDt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25038, "section": "WR02", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25039, "section": "WR01", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1770": {"id": "hga7B5YlS1ZzQtvb99TMy", "course_id": "111053", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111053", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Hot Topics in IoT Security", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7106", "CLASS_NBR": 36004, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "029901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "COMP SCI 7307, COMP SCI 7308, COMP SCI 7039", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 4106", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, assignments, and projects", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "With the growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) and its impact on every aspect of modern life, security is increasingly more important. Security in IoT is the act of securing Internet of Things devices and the networks they're connected to. IoT devices include industrial machines, smart energy grids, building automation, as well as personal IoT devices. In this course you will study aspects of computer security and privacy as they affect IoT devices and networks. We will cover a selection of topics including cloud encryption, software and hardware attacks, update management, and many more.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "1771": {"id": "hga7B5YlS1ZzQtvb99TMy", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "n2u2zEvPkQCSlDaNXuN07", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36004, "section": "WR02", "size": 56, "enrolled": 55, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Sep - 22 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 36035, "section": "WR01", "size": 79, "enrolled": 56, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Sep - 21 Nov", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "JvevlVpjkoFdUc3arQrA6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36281, "section": "LEC0", "size": 136, "enrolled": 111, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "1772": {"id": "RyuSRcwrqAvYnd4UQ7xUw", "course_id": "106387", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106387", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Algorithm & Data Structure Analysis", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7201", "CLASS_NBR": 14753, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020111", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 7103, COMP SCI 7202, (COMP SCI 7210 and COMP SCI 7211), COMP SCI 7202B or COMP SCI 7208", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 7082, COMP SCI 2201", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam and/or assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an introduction to program development techniques with a focus on basic ideas of correctness and proof. The course introduces, among others, notions of complexity and analysis, recursion, abstract data types, representation of lists, stacks, queues, sets, trees and hash tables, graphs and Graph Traversal. The course allows students to experience different approaches to problem solving.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1773": {"id": "RyuSRcwrqAvYnd4UQ7xUw", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "w5kr65DM1Y2nn78h1wPr4", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15211, "section": "LE01", "size": 150, "enrolled": 89, "available": 61, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "t7Suy1Tho0wu2WKRdRc1j", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11189, "section": "WR15", "size": 10, "enrolled": 2, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 May - 1 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 May - 15 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11488, "section": "WR14", "size": 8, "enrolled": 7, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hartley, 122a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hartley, 122a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 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17 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "31 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15202, "section": "WR09", "size": 8, "enrolled": 3, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 May - 1 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 May - 15 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 May - 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The course introduces, among others, notions of complexity and analysis, recursion, abstract data types, representation of lists, stacks, queues, sets, trees and hash tables, graphs and Graph Traversal. The course allows students to experience different approaches to problem solving.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1775": {"id": "jj74IQ0LZQL2ln0lfvY5R", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "KCINuZT-kyE6SHE_sRT1-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25061, "section": "LE01", "size": 120, "enrolled": 80, "available": 40, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "UOUxnKIvNPJ7ceD6Z66G8", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25062, "section": "WR20", "size": 5, "enrolled": 5, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 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The course introduces, among others, notions of complexity and analysis, recursion, abstract data types, representation of lists, stacks, queues, sets, trees and hash tables, graphs and Graph Traversal. The course allows students to experience different approaches to problem solving.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1777": {"id": "mjkmGv6jBuLKon917nVuO", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "An-klCGOmB5vKu7IVupHG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19614, "section": "LE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 3, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 18 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Feb - 18 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "dl8lo0_OAQYzp3luGWPHp", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19615, "section": "WR01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 3, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Apr - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "1778": {"id": "YNEfC8o2RcsUpzTx3vBgj", "course_id": "110237", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110237", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Research Project Part A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7205A", "CLASS_NBR": 30011, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020199", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Meetings as negotiated with supervisors.", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Master Machine Learning students only.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research Project, reports, outcomes and presentations.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will prepare students for advanced research in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning by conducting an individual research project under the supervision of an academic supervisor. Project topics are selected from year to year based on staff availability and research expertise.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "1779": {"id": "YNEfC8o2RcsUpzTx3vBgj", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "H3mRyAWx_u3gq1LJ-25PY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30011, "section": "WR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 16, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jan - 29 Jan", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9pm", "end_time": "9:30pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "1780": {"id": "v2OO0S2LbQPNrUd9u0e38", "course_id": "110237", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110237", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Research Project Part A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7205A", "CLASS_NBR": 33092, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020199", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Meetings as negotiated with supervisors.", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Master Machine Learning students only.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research Project, reports, outcomes and presentations.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will prepare students for advanced research in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning by conducting an individual research project under the supervision of an academic supervisor. Project topics are selected from year to year based on staff availability and research expertise.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "1781": {"id": "v2OO0S2LbQPNrUd9u0e38", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "H2vpeuDFPZjB6WZeSgQ1l", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33092, "section": "WR01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 20, "available": 40, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "21 May - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9pm", "end_time": "9:30pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "1782": {"id": "6kZUmWV-y5iSHAHEC430J", "course_id": "110237", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110237", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Research Project Part A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7205A", "CLASS_NBR": 36096, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020199", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Meetings as negotiated with supervisors.", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Master Machine Learning students only.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research Project, reports, outcomes and presentations.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will prepare students for advanced research in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning by conducting an individual research project under the supervision of an academic supervisor. Project topics are selected from year to year based on staff availability and research expertise.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "1783": {"id": "6kZUmWV-y5iSHAHEC430J", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "8PsFjopzPiatyaqTBV41N", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36096, "section": "WR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 21, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Sep - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9pm", "end_time": "9:30pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "1784": {"id": "TXLcOXEQ_TP2ha9TWgMRi", "course_id": "110238", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110238", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Research Project Part B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7205B", "CLASS_NBR": 30012, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020199", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Meetings as negotiated with supervisors.", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Master Machine Learning students only.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 7205A", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research Project, reports, outcomes and presentations.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course follows from Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Research Project Part A. This course prepares for advanced research in the field of Machine Learning by conducting an individual research project under the supervision of an academic supervisor. Project topics are selected from year to year based on staff availability and research expertise.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "1785": {"id": "TXLcOXEQ_TP2ha9TWgMRi", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "VJln6SdmgGZJgHRU4xsm6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30012, "section": "WR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 10, "available": 30, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jan - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9pm", "end_time": "9:30pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "1786": {"id": "MaiZzg5DFOdv7WZFn9X4W", "course_id": "110238", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110238", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Research Project Part B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7205B", "CLASS_NBR": 33093, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020199", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Meetings as negotiated with supervisors.", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Master Machine Learning students only.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 7205A", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research Project, reports, outcomes and presentations.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course follows from Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Research Project Part A. This course prepares for advanced research in the field of Machine Learning by conducting an individual research project under the supervision of an academic supervisor. Project topics are selected from year to year based on staff availability and research expertise.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "1787": {"id": "MaiZzg5DFOdv7WZFn9X4W", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "WS0n-Q-Uiy2DZmRTHCLPj", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33093, "section": "WR01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 15, "available": 55, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "20 May - 20 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9pm", "end_time": "9:30pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "1788": {"id": "IKiHLq-uyO6DOAhkGU_TS", "course_id": "110238", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110238", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Research Project Part B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7205B", "CLASS_NBR": 36097, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020199", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Meetings as negotiated with supervisors.", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Master Machine Learning students only.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 7205A", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research Project, reports, outcomes and presentations.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course follows from Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Research Project Part A. This course prepares for advanced research in the field of Machine Learning by conducting an individual research project under the supervision of an academic supervisor. Project topics are selected from year to year based on staff availability and research expertise.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "1789": {"id": "IKiHLq-uyO6DOAhkGU_TS", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "oVO-6MAjcrdXA8-eUXfS_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36097, "section": "WR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 20, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Sep - 2 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9pm", "end_time": "9:30pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "1790": {"id": "QRfrXIFG-wuM5jv67CEDp", "course_id": "110239", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110239", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Industry Project Part A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7206A", "CLASS_NBR": 30134, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020199", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Meetings as negotiated with supervisors.", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Master Machine Learning students only.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research Project, reports, outcomes and presentations.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is a project course giving students the chance to conduct applied research in a real world artificial intelligence and machine learning problem domain. As part of the project students will present their work to an audience and write a major report detailing their results. The project is conducted individually under the guidance of an academic supervisor and may also involve an industrial partner. Project topics vary from year to year depending on staff and industry supervisor availability. It will be better if students have some working experience or are currently employed by companies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "1791": {"id": "QRfrXIFG-wuM5jv67CEDp", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "Wyp6_Ss_559rs1ie17gml", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30134, "section": "01NT", "size": 40, "enrolled": 2, "available": 38, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop"}]}]}]}, "1792": {"id": "XamdDVhGfKxjRjEActkZ5", "course_id": "110239", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110239", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Industry Project Part A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7206A", "CLASS_NBR": 33110, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020199", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Meetings as negotiated with supervisors.", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Master Machine Learning students only.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research Project, reports, outcomes and presentations.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is a project course giving students the chance to conduct applied research in a real world artificial intelligence and machine learning problem domain. 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It will be better if students have some working experience or are currently employed by companies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "1793": {"id": "XamdDVhGfKxjRjEActkZ5", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "LvRKXewMh3homkKtASoYO", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33110, "section": "01NT", "size": 60, "enrolled": 2, "available": 58, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop"}]}]}]}, "1794": {"id": "CDbXWRkufYi-xRPlcWpII", "course_id": "110239", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110239", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Industry Project Part A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7206A", "CLASS_NBR": 36124, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020199", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Meetings as negotiated with supervisors.", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Master Machine Learning students only.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research Project, reports, outcomes and presentations.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is a project course giving students the chance to conduct applied research in a real world artificial intelligence and machine learning problem domain. 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It will be better if students have some working experience or are currently employed by companies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "1795": {"id": "CDbXWRkufYi-xRPlcWpII", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "c4AL1Z-JqUmbZ7v6DYvE5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36124, "section": "01NT", "size": 40, "enrolled": 1, "available": 39, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop"}]}]}]}, "1796": {"id": "rnKclhZq39LLR1jecAkDp", "course_id": "110240", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110240", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Industry Project Part B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7206B", "CLASS_NBR": 30135, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020199", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Meetings as negotiated with supervisors.", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Master Machine Learning students only.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 7206A", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research Project, reports, outcomes and presentations.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course follows from Master of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Industry Project Part A. This is a project course giving students the chance to conduct applied research in a real world cyber security problem domain. As part of the project students will present their work to an audience and write a major report detailing their results. The project is conducted individually under the guidance of an academic supervisor and may also involve an industrial partner. Project topics vary from year to year depending on staff and industry supervisor availability. It will be better if students have some working experience or are currently employed by companies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "1797": {"id": "rnKclhZq39LLR1jecAkDp", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "xSBwBFnFJQorDr3Nx8exB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30135, "section": "01NT", "size": 40, "enrolled": 2, "available": 38, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop"}]}]}]}, "1798": {"id": "xeWr8_YzVF-Pl1fh6Uxqd", "course_id": "110240", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110240", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Industry Project Part B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7206B", "CLASS_NBR": 33111, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020199", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Meetings as negotiated with supervisors.", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Master Machine Learning students only.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 7206A", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research Project, reports, outcomes and presentations.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course follows from Master of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Industry Project Part A. This is a project course giving students the chance to conduct applied research in a real world cyber security problem domain. As part of the project students will present their work to an audience and write a major report detailing their results. The project is conducted individually under the guidance of an academic supervisor and may also involve an industrial partner. Project topics vary from year to year depending on staff and industry supervisor availability. It will be better if students have some working experience or are currently employed by companies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "1799": {"id": "xeWr8_YzVF-Pl1fh6Uxqd", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "OoxPNnUQi6bCz1ICAZggI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33111, "section": "01NT", "size": 60, "enrolled": 2, "available": 58, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop"}]}]}]}, "1800": {"id": "JUMCieMqRJFUrG4nLrMdp", "course_id": "110240", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110240", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Industry Project Part B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7206B", "CLASS_NBR": 36125, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020199", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Meetings as negotiated with supervisors.", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Master Machine Learning students only.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 7206A", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research Project, reports, outcomes and presentations.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course follows from Master of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Industry Project Part A. This is a project course giving students the chance to conduct applied research in a real world cyber security problem domain. As part of the project students will present their work to an audience and write a major report detailing their results. The project is conducted individually under the guidance of an academic supervisor and may also involve an industrial partner. Project topics vary from year to year depending on staff and industry supervisor availability. It will be better if students have some working experience or are currently employed by companies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "1801": {"id": "JUMCieMqRJFUrG4nLrMdp", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "2vFrbJexxOvLkOlYBT7yT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36125, "section": "01NT", "size": 40, "enrolled": 1, "available": 39, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop"}]}]}]}, "1802": {"id": "c7if7-kSzoucn3-Li-IFR", "course_id": "108959", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108959", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Web and Database Computing", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7207", "CLASS_NBR": 11494, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020113", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Master of Computing and Innovation, Graduate Diploma in Computer Science and Graduate Certificate in Computer Science students only.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "COMP SCI 7202; or equivalent", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam and/or assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "A modern introduction to designing and creating web-based applications. The course covers client-server architecture, database fundamentals, and the principles behind writing software that functions over networks. Widely used web development languages and environments are compared and will be used by students to implement their own applications.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1803": {"id": "c7if7-kSzoucn3-Li-IFR", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Cq7aWfdjccbFRdqvldSPm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11251, "section": "LE01", "size": 32, "enrolled": 27, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "67TBvf4HWKK7CkOhla-Ck", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11249, "section": "WR02", "size": 4, "enrolled": 3, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11250, "section": "WR01", "size": 4, "enrolled": 4, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11252, "section": "WR05", "size": 10, "enrolled": 10, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11253, "section": "WR04", "size": 4, "enrolled": 4, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11254, "section": "WR03", "size": 4, "enrolled": 3, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11494, "section": "WR08", "size": 3, "enrolled": 3, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "1804": {"id": "ePaAPAQyvgqOf1GCCFR9u", "course_id": "111619", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111619", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Web and Database Computing", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7207MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 19712, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020113", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "COMP SCI 7202; or equivalent", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam and/or assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "A modern introduction to designing and creating web-based applications. The course covers client-server architecture, database fundamentals, and the principles behind writing software that functions over networks. Widely used web development languages and environments are compared and will be used by students to implement their own applications.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1805": {"id": "ePaAPAQyvgqOf1GCCFR9u", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "5AkE_Uj1nXCRC3VF3Rjsj", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19712, "section": "WR01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 3, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "eVGeLtusx4y-EkeGDeguE", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19711, "section": "LE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 3, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1806": {"id": "um1vVOSwungPUqaYeJhlx", "course_id": "109254", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109254", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Big Data Analysis and Project", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7209", "CLASS_NBR": 33273, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020111", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Master of Data Science, Master of Cyber Security (and nested programs), and Master of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Master of Computing and Innovation, Master of Computer Science students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Basic Python knowledge and skills", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Project report and presentation, assessments and quizzes", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The purpose of this course is to help you further develop your data science skills and knowledge, as well as demonstrate autonomy, initiative and accountability by completing a medium-scale data science project using real-world datasets. This project will entail assessing, selecting and applying relevant data science techniques, principles and theory to a data science problem. You will consider the nature of your data and identify any social or ethical concerns, as well as appropriate ethical frameworks for data management. As part of this learning experience, you will develop, hone and demonstrate your professional communicative competence.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "1807": {"id": "um1vVOSwungPUqaYeJhlx", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "6SgThgsk3AtE6gWJYO56C", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33057, "section": "WR01", "size": 56, "enrolled": 42, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 May - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 33079, "section": "WR02", "size": 54, "enrolled": 37, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "21 May - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 33267, "section": "WR03", "size": 60, "enrolled": 40, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "20 May - 12 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 33273, "section": "WR04", "size": 30, "enrolled": 10, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 May - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1808": {"id": "upyGf4n8H3PzPihwdMFUi", "course_id": "110022", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110022", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Foundations of Computer Science A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7210", "CLASS_NBR": 19780, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020111", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 7202, COMP SCI 7208, COMP SCI 7103", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will develop your coding and problem-solving skills with a focus on data and data science. You will learn fundamental programming concepts such as data, selection, iteration, functional decomposition, data organisation as well as how to apply these programming fundamental knowledge to practical problems. You will build fundamental software development skills including the use of the Python programming language and tools, debugging, object-oriented design, basic data structures, and fundamentals of good programming practice, style and design.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1809": {"id": "upyGf4n8H3PzPihwdMFUi", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "4RvqTaikqPFGWdRPMM_cG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10348, "section": "WR01", "size": 56, "enrolled": 44, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10349, "section": "WR02", "size": 48, "enrolled": 37, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "PFr1GFMHXU9od_gkx7cg2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19154, "section": "LE01", "size": 133, "enrolled": 81, "available": 52, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "1810": {"id": "sJ5KAMPv3O0IsrW8ASu7L", "course_id": "110022", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110022", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Foundations of Computer Science A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7210", "CLASS_NBR": 20312, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020111", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 7202, COMP SCI 7208, COMP SCI 7103", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will develop your coding and problem-solving skills with a focus on data and data science. You will learn fundamental programming concepts such as data, selection, iteration, functional decomposition, data organisation as well as how to apply these programming fundamental knowledge to practical problems. You will build fundamental software development skills including the use of the Python programming language and tools, debugging, object-oriented design, basic data structures, and fundamentals of good programming practice, style and design.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1811": {"id": "sJ5KAMPv3O0IsrW8ASu7L", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "e6acW1tOF2OJ1pFN13kQb", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20305, "section": "WR01", "size": 68, "enrolled": 34, "available": 34, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20312, "section": "WR02", "size": 34, "enrolled": 27, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "enMlN0FpgVaQ3mq1ALMIT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28963, "section": "LE01", "size": 113, "enrolled": 61, "available": 52, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "1812": {"id": "1zFkYJHwB1oyMeoWyrCaJ", "course_id": "110022", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110022", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Foundations of Computer Science A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7210", "CLASS_NBR": 30316, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020111", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 7202, COMP SCI 7208, COMP SCI 7103", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will develop your coding and problem-solving skills with a focus on data and data science. You will learn fundamental programming concepts such as data, selection, iteration, functional decomposition, data organisation as well as how to apply these programming fundamental knowledge to practical problems. You will build fundamental software development skills including the use of the Python programming language and tools, debugging, object-oriented design, basic data structures, and fundamentals of good programming practice, style and design.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "1813": {"id": "1zFkYJHwB1oyMeoWyrCaJ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "IGTcbAaZWy2wptMxcW7gv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30008, "section": "WR01", "size": 63, "enrolled": 62, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jan - 22 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Jan - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "31 Jan - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 30037, "section": "WR02", "size": 63, "enrolled": 63, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jan - 22 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Jan - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Feb - 25 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 30316, "section": "WR03", "size": 40, "enrolled": 29, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jan - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "31 Jan - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Feb - 25 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "1GG-dG_-z79eRrZe84E30", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30047, "section": "LE01", "size": 166, "enrolled": 154, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jan - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Feb - 25 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "1814": {"id": "-2e6jRgp7Qye56tqFOU7-", "course_id": "110022", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110022", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Foundations of Computer Science A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7210", "CLASS_NBR": 33088, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020111", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 7202, COMP SCI 7208, COMP SCI 7103", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will develop your coding and problem-solving skills with a focus on data and data science. You will learn fundamental programming concepts such as data, selection, iteration, functional decomposition, data organisation as well as how to apply these programming fundamental knowledge to practical problems. You will build fundamental software development skills including the use of the Python programming language and tools, debugging, object-oriented design, basic data structures, and fundamentals of good programming practice, style and design.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "1815": {"id": "-2e6jRgp7Qye56tqFOU7-", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "omkGnYj3x2WaS1uVhix9s", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33006, "section": "WR01", "size": 63, "enrolled": 56, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 May - 12 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "28 May - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "30 May - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 33088, "section": "WR02", "size": 63, "enrolled": 26, "available": 37, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 May - 12 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "28 May - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "30 May - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "2zT0t5m7AvD-jpHD7H9in", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33045, "section": "LE01", "size": 126, "enrolled": 82, "available": 44, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "20 May - 12 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "13 Jun - 13 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "20 Jun - 4 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "11 Jul - 11 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "18 Jul - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "1816": {"id": "vkixWt4ptjQkRKtK8_peP", "course_id": "110022", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110022", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Foundations of Computer Science A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7210", "CLASS_NBR": 36337, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020111", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 7202, COMP SCI 7208, COMP SCI 7103", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will develop your coding and problem-solving skills with a focus on data and data science. You will learn fundamental programming concepts such as data, selection, iteration, functional decomposition, data organisation as well as how to apply these programming fundamental knowledge to practical problems. You will build fundamental software development skills including the use of the Python programming language and tools, debugging, object-oriented design, basic data structures, and fundamentals of good programming practice, style and design.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "1817": {"id": "vkixWt4ptjQkRKtK8_peP", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "44el30PF6SiD5qEa97OQt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36007, "section": "WR01", "size": 63, "enrolled": 53, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Sep - 18 Nov", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Sep - 20 Nov", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "6 Sep - 22 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 36024, "section": "WR02", "size": 63, "enrolled": 62, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Sep - 18 Nov", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Sep - 20 Nov", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "6 Sep - 22 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 36337, "section": "WR03", "size": 70, "enrolled": 52, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Sep - 18 Nov", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Sep - 19 Nov", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "19 Sep - 19 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Sep - 21 Nov", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "d8jtH1IPATjqFpt5TLoxS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36056, "section": "LE01", "size": 190, "enrolled": 167, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Sep - 20 Nov", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "6 Sep - 22 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "1818": {"id": "tP6WorEnVLn5-0KaCncVU", "course_id": "111605", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111605", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Foundations of Computer Science A", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7210MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 19325, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020111", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 7202, COMP SCI 7208, COMP SCI 7103", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will develop your coding and problem-solving skills with a focus on data and data science. You will learn fundamental programming concepts such as data, selection, iteration, functional decomposition, data organisation as well as how to apply these programming fundamental knowledge to practical problems. You will build fundamental software development skills including the use of the Python programming language and tools, debugging, object-oriented design, basic data structures, and fundamentals of good programming practice, style and design.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1819": {"id": "tP6WorEnVLn5-0KaCncVU", "class_list": [{"association_group": "", "groups": []}]}, "1820": {"id": "toyop7ErHcrAt5B1m9NKj", "course_id": "111605", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111605", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Foundations of Computer Science A", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7210MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 29200, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020111", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 7202, COMP SCI 7208, COMP SCI 7103", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will develop your coding and problem-solving skills with a focus on data and data science. You will learn fundamental programming concepts such as data, selection, iteration, functional decomposition, data organisation as well as how to apply these programming fundamental knowledge to practical problems. You will build fundamental software development skills including the use of the Python programming language and tools, debugging, object-oriented design, basic data structures, and fundamentals of good programming practice, style and design.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1821": {"id": "toyop7ErHcrAt5B1m9NKj", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "EM9tCntu9xG-Gl9bX9cgN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29199, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 0, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "VoXzyH59h3yNCKr85Jb7p", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29198, "section": "LE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 0, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29200, "section": "WR01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 0, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "1822": {"id": "EzPE_hWeJyYEHFHkMdfqx", "course_id": "110012", "term": "4461", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110012", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4461", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Foundations of Computer Science - Python A", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7210OL", "CLASS_NBR": 61002, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020111", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Grad Cert in Data Sci (Applied) (OL), Grad Dip in Data Sci (Applied) (OL), Master of Data Sci (Applied) (OL) OR Grad Cert in Cyber Security (OL), Grad Dip in Cyber Security (OL) OR Master of Cyber Security (OL)Only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments and/or exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will develop your coding and problem-solving skills with a focus on data and data science. You will learn algorithm design as well as fundamental programming concepts such as data, selection, iteration and functional decomposition, data abstraction and organisation. You will build fundamental software development skills including the use of the Python programming language and tools, debugging, testing and fundamentals of good programming practice, style and design.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 18/12/2023", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 19/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 19/02/2024"}}]}, "1823": {"id": "EzPE_hWeJyYEHFHkMdfqx", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "RhY7KMHgAlxXpjuRU2Tgs", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 61002, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 26, "available": 274, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop"}]}]}]}, "1824": {"id": "f2aCTr5rkQA_gTk6Sfmfc", "course_id": "110012", "term": "4462", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110012", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4462", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Foundations of Computer Science - Python A", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7210OL", "CLASS_NBR": 62004, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020111", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Grad Cert in Data Sci (Applied) (OL), Grad Dip in Data Sci (Applied) (OL), Master of Data Sci (Applied) (OL) OR Grad Cert in Cyber Security (OL), Grad Dip in Cyber Security (OL) OR Master of Cyber Security (OL)Only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments and/or exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will develop your coding and problem-solving skills with a focus on data and data science. You will learn algorithm design as well as fundamental programming concepts such as data, selection, iteration and functional decomposition, data abstraction and organisation. You will build fundamental software development skills including the use of the Python programming language and tools, debugging, testing and fundamentals of good programming practice, style and design.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 16/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 15/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 08/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 22/04/2024"}}]}, "1825": {"id": "f2aCTr5rkQA_gTk6Sfmfc", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "gDpIgFuayJrtncsNd5fmw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 62004, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 3, "available": 297, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop"}]}]}]}, "1826": {"id": "eH54a41_xFt-zik7Nl2ZD", "course_id": "110012", "term": "4464", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110012", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4464", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "Foundations of Computer Science - Python A", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7210OL", "CLASS_NBR": 64004, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020111", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Grad Cert in Data Sci (Applied) (OL), Grad Dip in Data Sci (Applied) (OL), Master of Data Sci (Applied) (OL) OR Grad Cert in Cyber Security (OL), Grad Dip in Cyber Security (OL) OR Master of Cyber Security (OL)Only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments and/or exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will develop your coding and problem-solving skills with a focus on data and data science. You will learn algorithm design as well as fundamental programming concepts such as data, selection, iteration and functional decomposition, data abstraction and organisation. You will build fundamental software development skills including the use of the Python programming language and tools, debugging, testing and fundamentals of good programming practice, style and design.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 14/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 29/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 12/08/2024"}}]}, "1827": {"id": "eH54a41_xFt-zik7Nl2ZD", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "5PN_xOAPebjObd580be5x", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 64004, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 0, "available": 300, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop"}]}]}]}, "1828": {"id": "FMoAGEuDDbMrwhmoukqb4", "course_id": "110012", "term": "4465", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110012", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4465", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 5", "COURSE_TITLE": "Foundations of Computer Science - Python A", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7210OL", "CLASS_NBR": 65002, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020111", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Grad Cert in Data Sci (Applied) (OL), Grad Dip in Data Sci (Applied) (OL), Master of Data Sci (Applied) (OL) OR Grad Cert in Cyber Security (OL), Grad Dip in Cyber Security (OL) OR Master of Cyber Security (OL)Only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments and/or exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will develop your coding and problem-solving skills with a focus on data and data science. You will learn algorithm design as well as fundamental programming concepts such as data, selection, iteration and functional decomposition, data abstraction and organisation. You will build fundamental software development skills including the use of the Python programming language and tools, debugging, testing and fundamentals of good programming practice, style and design.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 09/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 06/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 23/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 07/10/2024"}}]}, "1829": {"id": "FMoAGEuDDbMrwhmoukqb4", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "XZ08tTjFzv1OZlgRB8hMl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 65002, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 14, "available": 286, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop"}]}]}]}, "1830": {"id": "mka8slvi39PjhThjcU1fw", "course_id": "110012", "term": "4466", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110012", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4466", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 6", "COURSE_TITLE": "Foundations of Computer Science - Python A", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7210OL", "CLASS_NBR": 66004, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020111", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Grad Cert in Data Sci (Applied) (OL), Grad Dip in Data Sci (Applied) (OL), Master of Data Sci (Applied) (OL) OR Grad Cert in Cyber Security (OL), Grad Dip in Cyber Security (OL) OR Master of Cyber Security (OL)Only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments and/or exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will develop your coding and problem-solving skills with a focus on data and data science. You will learn algorithm design as well as fundamental programming concepts such as data, selection, iteration and functional decomposition, data abstraction and organisation. You will build fundamental software development skills including the use of the Python programming language and tools, debugging, testing and fundamentals of good programming practice, style and design.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 04/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 01/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 18/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 02/12/2024"}}]}, "1831": {"id": "mka8slvi39PjhThjcU1fw", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "MrtbkWnfPUx_IiylRok_x", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 66004, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 4, "available": 296, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop"}]}]}]}, "1832": {"id": "A7x53ZuxgOtlSIF8Lw25z", "course_id": "110022", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110022", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Foundations of Computer Science A", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7210UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 10355, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020111", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 7202, COMP SCI 7208, COMP SCI 7103", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will develop your coding and problem-solving skills with a focus on data and data science. You will learn fundamental programming concepts such as data, selection, iteration, functional decomposition, data organisation as well as how to apply these programming fundamental knowledge to practical problems. You will build fundamental software development skills including the use of the Python programming language and tools, debugging, object-oriented design, basic data structures, and fundamentals of good programming practice, style and design.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1833": {"id": "A7x53ZuxgOtlSIF8Lw25z", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "M1UzZ8O7F9Tbz2abFUztm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10350, "section": "WR01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 14, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10355, "section": "WR02", "size": 8, "enrolled": 8, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 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You will learn fundamental programming concepts such as data, selection, iteration, functional decomposition, data organisation as well as how to apply these programming fundamental knowledge to practical problems. You will build fundamental software development skills including the use of the Python programming language and tools, debugging, object-oriented design, basic data structures, and fundamentals of good programming practice, style and design.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1835": {"id": "ipwi4ndHiTCj7zecSa0V3", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "-_JxBcoovXr2P-i3Na2Nc", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20306, "section": "WR01", "size": 12, "enrolled": 12, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 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You will learn fundamental programming concepts such as data, selection, iteration, functional decomposition, data organisation as well as how to apply these programming fundamental knowledge to practical problems. You will build fundamental software development skills including the use of the Python programming language and tools, debugging, object-oriented design, basic data structures, and fundamentals of good programming practice, style and design.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1837": {"id": "aL_EG-wpySrE2RC2R8Tts", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "k0f7bz4TPUd7SqI8EMsuX", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19394, "section": "LE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 4, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "yWWq5LgaQ0-Ls1QgzXs-h", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19384, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 4, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19385, "section": "WR01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 4, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "1838": {"id": "aIZwaMLs25g4OamkG2-U7", "course_id": "110022", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110022", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Foundations of Computer Science A", "CAMPUS": "UofA College Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "UACM", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7210UACM", "CLASS_NBR": 29258, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020111", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 7202, COMP SCI 7208, COMP SCI 7103", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will develop your coding and problem-solving skills with a focus on data and data science. You will learn fundamental programming concepts such as data, selection, iteration, functional decomposition, data organisation as well as how to apply these programming fundamental knowledge to practical problems. You will build fundamental software development skills including the use of the Python programming language and tools, debugging, object-oriented design, basic data structures, and fundamentals of good programming practice, style and design.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1839": {"id": "aIZwaMLs25g4OamkG2-U7", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "T49V0f7r8-jlxUwFrPUhP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29257, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 6, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "tGGaap115Ug6zz8NCotUt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29258, "section": "WR01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 6, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29265, "section": "LE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 6, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1840": {"id": "vHp-ZJb9nqMzNyK-VvdY-", "course_id": "110023", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110023", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Foundations of Computer Science B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7211", "CLASS_NBR": 10354, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020111", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 7210; Master of Computing and Innovation students are permitted to enrol into COMP SCI 7210 and COMP SCI 7211 concurrently", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 7202, COMP SCI 7208, COMP SCI 7103", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Introduces fundamental concepts of building data science applications in Python. Object oriented fundamentals x001A methods, and classes. Algorithms and problem solving - problem solving processes and strategies. Computational complexity of algorithms. Software development tools and techniques - testing: black box, requirements. Representation and manipulation of large scale data sets.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1841": {"id": "vHp-ZJb9nqMzNyK-VvdY-", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "DrWofsp0xvKI-OLcOn9e4", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10353, "section": "WR01", "size": 68, "enrolled": 49, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10354, "section": "WR02", "size": 50, "enrolled": 27, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "-yxC1mmCFvZ8tqF7C0-1q", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19156, "section": "LE01", "size": 135, "enrolled": 76, "available": 59, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "1842": {"id": "Z0mzeK1SCjdWiOTJI-Tqs", "course_id": "110023", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110023", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Foundations of Computer Science B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7211", "CLASS_NBR": 20310, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020111", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 7210; Master of Computing and Innovation students are permitted to enrol into COMP SCI 7210 and COMP SCI 7211 concurrently", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 7202, COMP SCI 7208, COMP SCI 7103", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Introduces fundamental concepts of building data science applications in Python. Object oriented fundamentals x001A methods, and classes. Algorithms and problem solving - problem solving processes and strategies. Computational complexity of algorithms. Software development tools and techniques - testing: black box, requirements. Representation and manipulation of large scale data sets.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1843": {"id": "Z0mzeK1SCjdWiOTJI-Tqs", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "pblvFWH6Fv8lLkkFXk5wy", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20309, "section": "WR01", "size": 68, "enrolled": 20, "available": 48, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20310, "section": "WR02", "size": 46, "enrolled": 24, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "GtDq4N4VP4xRPRinDsIPs", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28965, "section": "LE01", "size": 125, "enrolled": 44, "available": 81, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "1844": {"id": "yjy27IhhsO2B5TNUupVn6", "course_id": "110023", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110023", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Foundations of Computer Science B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7211", "CLASS_NBR": 30292, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020111", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 7210; Master of Computing and Innovation students are permitted to enrol into COMP SCI 7210 and COMP SCI 7211 concurrently", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 7202, COMP SCI 7208, COMP SCI 7103", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Introduces fundamental concepts of building data science applications in Python. Object oriented fundamentals x001A methods, and classes. Algorithms and problem solving - problem solving processes and strategies. Computational complexity of algorithms. Software development tools and techniques - testing: black box, requirements. Representation and manipulation of large scale data sets.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "1845": {"id": "yjy27IhhsO2B5TNUupVn6", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "mLWGPXl-q8k8p76dXs-Qi", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30007, "section": "WR01", "size": 63, "enrolled": 61, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jan - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Feb - 25 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Feb - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 30019, "section": "WR02", "size": 63, "enrolled": 46, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jan - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Feb - 25 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Feb - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 30292, "section": "WR03", "size": 80, "enrolled": 19, "available": 61, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jan - 22 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Jan - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Feb - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "cL7Lgx3oFfROvIqJgkqJu", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30069, "section": "LE01", "size": 206, "enrolled": 126, "available": 80, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jan - 31 Jan", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Feb - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "7 Feb - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "1846": {"id": "tzLLTz8EtG0Q02BVhPH1g", "course_id": "110023", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110023", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Foundations of Computer Science B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7211", "CLASS_NBR": 33265, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020111", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 7210; Master of Computing and Innovation students are permitted to enrol into COMP SCI 7210 and COMP SCI 7211 concurrently", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 7202, COMP SCI 7208, COMP SCI 7103", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Introduces fundamental concepts of building data science applications in Python. Object oriented fundamentals x001A methods, and classes. Algorithms and problem solving - problem solving processes and strategies. Computational complexity of algorithms. Software development tools and techniques - testing: black box, requirements. Representation and manipulation of large scale data sets.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "1847": {"id": "tzLLTz8EtG0Q02BVhPH1g", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "mNbkNKXTwU5389vzb1AhS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33005, "section": "WR01", "size": 63, "enrolled": 60, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 May - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "29 May - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "31 May - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 33089, "section": "WR02", "size": 63, "enrolled": 54, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 May - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "30 May - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "31 May - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 33265, "section": "WR03", "size": 45, "enrolled": 32, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 May - 12 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "29 May - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "31 May - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "1E6xZxv-fkP5RJbsK43aB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33069, "section": "LE01", "size": 172, "enrolled": 146, "available": 26, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "21 May - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 May - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "11 Jun - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "1848": {"id": "D0UheM1_dgOZ2Gvvky7RO", "course_id": "110023", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110023", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Foundations of Computer Science B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7211", "CLASS_NBR": 36023, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020111", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 7210; Master of Computing and Innovation students are permitted to enrol into COMP SCI 7210 and COMP SCI 7211 concurrently", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 7202, COMP SCI 7208, COMP SCI 7103", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Introduces fundamental concepts of building data science applications in Python. Object oriented fundamentals x001A methods, and classes. Algorithms and problem solving - problem solving processes and strategies. Computational complexity of algorithms. Software development tools and techniques - testing: black box, requirements. Representation and manipulation of large scale data sets.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "1849": {"id": "D0UheM1_dgOZ2Gvvky7RO", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "vd-G2GUGgj6wTL87yD8jy", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36006, "section": "WR01", "size": 63, "enrolled": 62, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Sep - 19 Nov", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Sep - 20 Nov", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 21 Nov", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 36023, "section": "WR02", "size": 63, "enrolled": 27, "available": 36, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Sep - 19 Nov", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 21 Nov", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "6 Sep - 22 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "fqJz4XGEXkBuTVWqS3R4e", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36073, "section": "LE01", "size": 126, "enrolled": 89, "available": 37, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Sep - 20 Nov", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 21 Nov", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "1850": {"id": "iCJNRg0B3XYUtI9slaMzG", "course_id": "111606", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111606", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Foundations of Computer Science B", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7211MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 19453, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020111", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 7210; Master of Computing and Innovation students are permitted to enrol into COMP SCI 7210 and COMP SCI 7211 concurrently", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 7202, COMP SCI 7208, COMP SCI 7103", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Introduces fundamental concepts of building data science applications in Python. Object oriented fundamentals x 001A methods, and classes. Algorithms and problem solving - problem solving processes and strategies. Computational complexity of algorithms. Software development tools and techniques - testing: black box, requirements. Representation and manipulation of large scale data sets.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1851": {"id": "iCJNRg0B3XYUtI9slaMzG", "class_list": [{"association_group": "", "groups": []}]}, "1852": {"id": "zvbaLGn7FS5yMBIIBWvNn", "course_id": "111606", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111606", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Foundations of Computer Science B", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7211MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 29320, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020111", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 7210; Master of Computing and Innovation students are permitted to enrol into COMP SCI 7210 and COMP SCI 7211 concurrently", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 7202, COMP SCI 7208, COMP SCI 7103", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Introduces fundamental concepts of building data science applications in Python. Object oriented fundamentals x 001A methods, and classes. Algorithms and problem solving - problem solving processes and strategies. Computational complexity of algorithms. Software development tools and techniques - testing: black box, requirements. Representation and manipulation of large scale data sets.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1853": {"id": "zvbaLGn7FS5yMBIIBWvNn", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "-5ja_Lm5e0J-sszaNHQL5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29319, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 0, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "U9EonzNI7RMILY9LESwVi", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29318, "section": "LE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 0, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29320, "section": "WR01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 0, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "1854": {"id": "11DIz9e1UPn1fYdIBt7hb", "course_id": "110013", "term": "4463", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110013", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4463", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Foundations of Computer Science - Python B", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7211OL", "CLASS_NBR": 63002, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020111", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Graduate Diploma in Data Science (Applied) OL OR Master of Data Science (Applied) OL Only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Carousel 1 Courses: COMP SCI 7212OL, COMP SCI 7210OL, DATA 7201OL & DATA 7202OL or MATHS 7203OL", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Assumed knowledge programming experience as would be gained from COMP SCI 7210OL.", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 7202OL", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments and/or exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Introduces fundamental concepts of building data science applications in Python. Object oriented fundamentals \u2013 methods, and classes. Algorithms and problem solving - problem solving processes and strategies. Computational complexity of algorithms. Software development tools and techniques - testing: black box, requirements. Representation and manipulation of large scale data sets.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 19/04/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 17/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 03/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 17/06/2024"}}]}, "1855": {"id": "11DIz9e1UPn1fYdIBt7hb", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "FqOtp_C3EuXSogrsUj0jF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 63002, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 18, "available": 282, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop"}]}]}]}, "1856": {"id": "fKAQw2yk58vOrTep1M0pb", "course_id": "110023", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110023", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Foundations of Computer Science B", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7211UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 10352, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020111", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Assumed knowledge programming experience as would be gained from COMP SCI 7210/COMP SCI 7210UAC", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 7202, COMP SCI 7208, COMP SCI 7103", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Introduces fundamental concepts of building data science applications in Python. Object oriented fundamentals x001A methods, and classes. Algorithms and problem solving - problem solving processes and strategies. Computational complexity of algorithms. Software development tools and techniques - testing: black box, requirements. Representation and manipulation of large scale data sets.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1857": {"id": "fKAQw2yk58vOrTep1M0pb", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "MadgtxPPfw7sfwi7JwMFl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10351, "section": "WR01", "size": 12, "enrolled": 2, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10352, "section": "WR02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 20, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "QExYl6PDJyV9-36tboFaC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19157, "section": "LE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 22, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 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Object oriented fundamentals x001A methods, and classes. Algorithms and problem solving - problem solving processes and strategies. Computational complexity of algorithms. Software development tools and techniques - testing: black box, requirements. Representation and manipulation of large scale data sets.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1859": {"id": "C4n5PzkSwa47fWSOxcZTr", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "DG724pbTFlnH6f1r-gQPc", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20307, "section": "WR01", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20308, "section": "WR02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 24, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "AVml3_WjlR3IIaH_8GQTY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28966, "section": "LE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 24, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "OB-pJJhIlIxtqN7EFjPiK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24671, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 24, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Darling West, 204, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Darling West, 204, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1860": {"id": "QjczhjG3mK5yRd0JeMbkX", "course_id": "110023", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110023", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Foundations of Computer Science B", "CAMPUS": "UofA College Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "UACM", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7211UACM", "CLASS_NBR": 19387, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020111", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Assumed knowledge programming experience as would be gained from COMP SCI 7210/COMP SCI 7210UACM", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 7202, COMP SCI 7208, COMP SCI 7103", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Introduces fundamental concepts of building data science applications in Python. Object oriented fundamentals x001A methods, and classes. Algorithms and problem solving - problem solving processes and strategies. Computational complexity of algorithms. Software development tools and techniques - testing: black box, requirements. Representation and manipulation of large scale data sets.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1861": {"id": "QjczhjG3mK5yRd0JeMbkX", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "NEv8Pm_C_0qVzPcCTjxZB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19395, "section": "LE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 4, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "13CW9qN-Ixx65M5FTEFLE", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19386, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 4, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19387, "section": "WR01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 4, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "1862": {"id": "5sUF_gYdfcfzYfDESLzha", "course_id": "110023", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110023", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Foundations of Computer Science B", "CAMPUS": "UofA College Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "UACM", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7211UACM", "CLASS_NBR": 29260, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020111", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Assumed knowledge programming experience as would be gained from COMP SCI 7210/COMP SCI 7210UACM", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 7202, COMP SCI 7208, COMP SCI 7103", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Introduces fundamental concepts of building data science applications in Python. Object oriented fundamentals x001A methods, and classes. Algorithms and problem solving - problem solving processes and strategies. Computational complexity of algorithms. Software development tools and techniques - testing: black box, requirements. Representation and manipulation of large scale data sets.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1863": {"id": "5sUF_gYdfcfzYfDESLzha", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "YEvAZ4WOl9chRULUA96X1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29259, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 6, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "1KKVmWp1vQg4Aav-VH22C", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29260, "section": "WR01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 6, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29266, "section": "LE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 6, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1864": {"id": "pI9sdU9IGuF4FblyV0Lj0", "course_id": "110024", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110024", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Human and Ethical Factors in Computer Science", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7212", "CLASS_NBR": 30024, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam and/or assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, students will be introduced to two important areas in contemporary computing: human factors and ethical theory and practice. In human factors, students will study all areas that assist us in performing work in an appropriate manner.\nIn ethics, students will study those areas that discuss whether the tasks that we seek to achieve fit our definitions of what is right for individuals, companies, and our society. \nBy combining these two areas of study, participants will be introduced to tools, thinking, and analyses to establish whether the computing tasks they are being asked to perform are fit for purpose in terms of both usage and ethics.\nAt the end of this course, students will have a sound understanding of key issues in ethics and human factors, be able to compare approaches and propose solutions, and have participated in a number of authentic activities to give them confidence as future professional practitioners in this sphere.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "1865": {"id": "pI9sdU9IGuF4FblyV0Lj0", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "26W9WWRDJkmmAYBdf_S5Q", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30023, "section": "WR01", "size": 77, "enrolled": 57, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jan - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 30024, "section": "WR02", "size": 56, "enrolled": 55, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jan - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1866": {"id": "DX0fYnDCtCZyaLHH7MveV", "course_id": "110024", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110024", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Human and Ethical Factors in Computer Science", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7212", "CLASS_NBR": 33264, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam and/or assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, students will be introduced to two important areas in contemporary computing: human factors and ethical theory and practice. In human factors, students will study all areas that assist us in performing work in an appropriate manner.\nIn ethics, students will study those areas that discuss whether the tasks that we seek to achieve fit our definitions of what is right for individuals, companies, and our society. \nBy combining these two areas of study, participants will be introduced to tools, thinking, and analyses to establish whether the computing tasks they are being asked to perform are fit for purpose in terms of both usage and ethics.\nAt the end of this course, students will have a sound understanding of key issues in ethics and human factors, be able to compare approaches and propose solutions, and have participated in a number of authentic activities to give them confidence as future professional practitioners in this sphere.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "1867": {"id": "DX0fYnDCtCZyaLHH7MveV", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "1LQx6aT6AzC7YXjp6pAcJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33027, "section": "WR01", "size": 54, "enrolled": 52, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "20 May - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Jun - 12 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 Jun - 12 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 33264, "section": "WR02", "size": 70, "enrolled": 17, "available": 53, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "21 May - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1868": {"id": "mfBTlICL7MTuhkYgUi2mM", "course_id": "110024", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110024", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Human and Ethical Factors in Computer Science", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7212", "CLASS_NBR": 36321, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam and/or assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, students will be introduced to two important areas in contemporary computing: human factors and ethical theory and practice. In human factors, students will study all areas that assist us in performing work in an appropriate manner.\nIn ethics, students will study those areas that discuss whether the tasks that we seek to achieve fit our definitions of what is right for individuals, companies, and our society. \nBy combining these two areas of study, participants will be introduced to tools, thinking, and analyses to establish whether the computing tasks they are being asked to perform are fit for purpose in terms of both usage and ethics.\nAt the end of this course, students will have a sound understanding of key issues in ethics and human factors, be able to compare approaches and propose solutions, and have participated in a number of authentic activities to give them confidence as future professional practitioners in this sphere.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "1869": {"id": "mfBTlICL7MTuhkYgUi2mM", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "3AwQo_r2za6ZohqCn7GPK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36022, "section": "WR01", "size": 85, "enrolled": 85, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Sep - 19 Nov", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 36321, "section": "WR02", "size": 80, "enrolled": 69, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 18 Nov", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1870": {"id": "CMGoiFxnJdwTdHdPel388", "course_id": "110018", "term": "4463", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110018", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4463", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Human and Ethical Factors in Computer Science", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7212OL", "CLASS_NBR": 63003, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Grad Cert in Data Sci (Applied) (OL), Grad Dip in Data Sci (Applied) (OL), Master of Data Sci (Applied) (OL) OR Grad Cert in Cyber Security (OL), Grad Dip in Cyber Security (OL) OR Master of Cyber Security (OL)Only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignment and/or exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, students will be introduced to two important areas in contemporary computing: human factors and ethical theory and practice. In human factors, students will study all areas that assist us in performing work in an appropriate manner.\nIn ethics, students will study those areas that discuss whether the tasks that we seek to achieve fit our definitions of what is right for individuals, companies, and our society. \nBy combining these two areas of study, participants will be introduced to tools, thinking, and analyses to establish whether the computing tasks they are being asked to perform are fit for purpose in terms of both usage and ethics.\nAt the end of this course, students will have a sound understanding of key issues in ethics and human factors, be able to compare approaches and propose solutions, and have participated in a number of authentic activities to give them confidence as future professional practitioners in this sphere.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 19/04/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 17/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 03/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 17/06/2024"}}]}, "1871": {"id": "CMGoiFxnJdwTdHdPel388", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "ZM_kmaxpA21Z7Sg1WctJa", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 63003, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 30, "available": 270, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop"}]}]}]}, "1872": {"id": "-VlmOgGmWDJ2m27H3RzE8", "course_id": "110789", "term": "4464", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110789", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4464", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "Applied Privacy", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7213OL", "CLASS_NBR": 64017, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "GDip.Cyber Security(OL) M.Cyber Security(OL)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Carousel 2 Courses: COMP SCI 7308OL and COMMGMT 7025OL", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is to introduce students to understand privacy properties, apply privacy practices, and ultimately bring them to up to the frontier of modern privacy techniques that enterprises and governments have adopted. The course tries to prepare students to understand what the risks to human related privacy are and to rethink how to design and build products and systems with privacy and respect for their target users across countries in which they may operate. The course will also introduce the concept of pure provable privacy - differential privacy - and show how it is being put into practice. Differential privacy was initially incepted at Microsoft Research, and the theoretical and technical impact of differential privacy is profound in global industries, which has already been deployed by Google, Apple, Uber, and US Census Bureau. Finally, the course will show ways of achieving differentially private mechanisms through a practical translation and explore the limits of the use of differentially private techniques in synthetic data generation by demonstrating practical attacks that thwart privacy properties.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 14/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 29/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 12/08/2024"}}]}, "1873": {"id": "-VlmOgGmWDJ2m27H3RzE8", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "8w5V1aWDNs2ZNrCrYiKuP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 64017, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 8, "available": 292, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop"}]}]}]}, "1874": {"id": "5uRKhXoD-Vu36ugFp19up", "course_id": "110790", "term": "4462", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110790", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4462", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Human-Centred Security", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7214OL", "CLASS_NBR": 62017, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "M. Cyber Security(OL)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Carousel 3 Courses: COMP SCI 7306OL, 7213OL, COMP SCI 7212OL, COMP SCI 7420OL", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Human-Centred Security course will expand students\u2019 understanding of cyber security beyond the sphere of technology by addressing the role human behaviour plays in securing and subverting systems. The course takes a transdisciplinary approach combining academic research from a range of disciplines (such as computer science, psychology, international relations and political science) with practitioner experience, to explore ways of creating solutions to complex cyber security problems. The course is grounded in security theory so that students can develop an understanding of what it means to be cyber secure as an individual, as a society and as a nation state. Students will explore the relationships between people and technology from the perspective of users, designers and developers of technology, as well as policy makers. \n \nAt a practical level, students will learn how to evaluate tools to understand and shape cyber security behaviours. They will be able to generate ways of conducting transdisciplinary research to design solutions to complex cyber security problems. Students will develop expertise that enables them to critique cyber security strategies and policies. The course will enable students to generate productive security dialogues across communities.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 16/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 15/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 08/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 22/04/2024"}}]}, "1875": {"id": "5uRKhXoD-Vu36ugFp19up", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "0iDfapKSsFzCjz38UedYu", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 62017, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 5, "available": 295, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop"}]}]}]}, "1876": {"id": "vjaJTWU6EW6sf3Ob70Pel", "course_id": "110790", "term": "4464", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110790", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4464", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "Human-Centred Security", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7214OL", "CLASS_NBR": 64018, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "M. Cyber Security(OL)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Carousel 3 Courses: COMP SCI 7306OL, 7213OL, COMP SCI 7212OL, COMP SCI 7420OL", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Human-Centred Security course will expand students\u2019 understanding of cyber security beyond the sphere of technology by addressing the role human behaviour plays in securing and subverting systems. The course takes a transdisciplinary approach combining academic research from a range of disciplines (such as computer science, psychology, international relations and political science) with practitioner experience, to explore ways of creating solutions to complex cyber security problems. The course is grounded in security theory so that students can develop an understanding of what it means to be cyber secure as an individual, as a society and as a nation state. Students will explore the relationships between people and technology from the perspective of users, designers and developers of technology, as well as policy makers. \n \nAt a practical level, students will learn how to evaluate tools to understand and shape cyber security behaviours. They will be able to generate ways of conducting transdisciplinary research to design solutions to complex cyber security problems. Students will develop expertise that enables them to critique cyber security strategies and policies. The course will enable students to generate productive security dialogues across communities.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 14/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 29/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 12/08/2024"}}]}, "1877": {"id": "vjaJTWU6EW6sf3Ob70Pel", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "v03F0Zt-7_n7tylwmVQCl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 64018, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 5, "available": 295, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop"}]}]}]}, "1878": {"id": "M5sOXn7HDKB_3bPW62_Oo", "course_id": "110790", "term": "4466", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110790", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4466", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 6", "COURSE_TITLE": "Human-Centred Security", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7214OL", "CLASS_NBR": 66017, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "M. Cyber Security(OL)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Carousel 3 Courses: COMP SCI 7306OL, 7213OL, COMP SCI 7212OL, COMP SCI 7420OL", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Human-Centred Security course will expand students\u2019 understanding of cyber security beyond the sphere of technology by addressing the role human behaviour plays in securing and subverting systems. The course takes a transdisciplinary approach combining academic research from a range of disciplines (such as computer science, psychology, international relations and political science) with practitioner experience, to explore ways of creating solutions to complex cyber security problems. The course is grounded in security theory so that students can develop an understanding of what it means to be cyber secure as an individual, as a society and as a nation state. Students will explore the relationships between people and technology from the perspective of users, designers and developers of technology, as well as policy makers. \n \nAt a practical level, students will learn how to evaluate tools to understand and shape cyber security behaviours. They will be able to generate ways of conducting transdisciplinary research to design solutions to complex cyber security problems. Students will develop expertise that enables them to critique cyber security strategies and policies. The course will enable students to generate productive security dialogues across communities.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 04/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 01/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 18/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 02/12/2024"}}]}, "1879": {"id": "M5sOXn7HDKB_3bPW62_Oo", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "N0yz6ji1uXdnirOnbkUSm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 66017, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 6, "available": 294, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop"}]}]}]}, "1880": {"id": "2Pif4XToU7d8Y_y4V4HdW", "course_id": "108287", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108287", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Parallel and Distributed Computing", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7305", "CLASS_NBR": 19117, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2.5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 7103, COMP SCI 7202, COMP SCI 7202B, COMP SCI 7208 or COMP SCI 7211", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "COMP SCI 7081", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam and/or assignments and/or quizzes", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "A selection of topics from the following: the challenges faced in constructing parallel and distributed applications, including testing, debugging and performance evaluation. Various implementation techniques, paradigms, architectures and programming languages including: Flynn's taxonomy, MPI, MapReduce, OpenMP, GPGPU, concurrency and multi-threading.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1881": {"id": "2Pif4XToU7d8Y_y4V4HdW", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "eBzqkFZF_ouI6v_ChiBIJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11325, "section": "LE01", "size": 42, "enrolled": 18, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Master of Computer Science students are exempted from the pre-requisite requirements. *************For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "A7wGWHhtbtNBQ_ZGMQQ81", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11330, "section": "WR04", "size": 7, "enrolled": 2, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Mar - 13 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Jun - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11331, "section": "WR03", "size": 7, "enrolled": 6, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 May - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 May - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Jun - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11332, "section": "WR02", "size": 7, "enrolled": 4, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Mar - 13 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Jun - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11333, "section": "WR01", "size": 7, "enrolled": 1, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Mar - 13 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Jun - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11489, "section": "WR05", "size": 7, "enrolled": 2, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Mar - 29 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 May - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 May - 24 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Jun - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19117, "section": "WR06", "size": 7, "enrolled": 3, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Mar - 29 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 May - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 May - 24 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Jun - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1882": {"id": "S9TXQiceVYY26TQ8Ol2eg", "course_id": "109068", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109068", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Mining Big Data", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7306", "CLASS_NBR": 15453, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020113", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 7201; Master Computer Science students are exempted from this pre-requisite requirement", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MATH 7027, (COMP SCI 7317 or COMP SCI 7327 or MATH 7107)", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 7403", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes and assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Web and Internet Commerce provide extremely large datasets from which important information can be extracted by data mining. This course will cover practical algorithms for solving key problems in mining of massive datasets. It focuses on parallel algorithmic techniques that are used for large datasets in the area of cloud computing. Furthermore, stream processing algorithms for data streams that arrive constantly, page ranking algorithms for web search, and online advertisement systems are studied in detail.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1883": {"id": "S9TXQiceVYY26TQ8Ol2eg", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "_D5Amff3LFR_Sq1-0KRT5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10871, "section": "LE01", "size": 230, "enrolled": 205, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "1HLTNkTQUlxniUsJKfSCE", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11334, "section": "WR02", "size": 64, "enrolled": 48, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11335, "section": "WR01", "size": 120, "enrolled": 112, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15453, "section": "WR03", "size": 56, "enrolled": 45, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1884": {"id": "ujJr7PvYtOmrKfqkaNd7-", "course_id": "109068", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109068", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Mining Big Data", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7306", "CLASS_NBR": 30298, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020113", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 7201; Master Computer Science students are exempted from this pre-requisite requirement", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MATH 7027, (COMP SCI 7317 or COMP SCI 7327 or MATH 7107)", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 7403", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes and assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Web and Internet Commerce provide extremely large datasets from which important information can be extracted by data mining. This course will cover practical algorithms for solving key problems in mining of massive datasets. It focuses on parallel algorithmic techniques that are used for large datasets in the area of cloud computing. Furthermore, stream processing algorithms for data streams that arrive constantly, page ranking algorithms for web search, and online advertisement systems are studied in detail.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "1885": {"id": "ujJr7PvYtOmrKfqkaNd7-", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "EqAjloihoXlVS2gUFacWA", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30039, "section": "LE01", "size": 231, "enrolled": 168, "available": 63, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jan - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "4SZYFk4Tdirw_paM1fb9x", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30040, "section": "WR01", "size": 54, "enrolled": 52, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Feb - 7 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Feb - 21 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Mar - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 Apr - 17 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 30119, "section": "WR03", "size": 54, "enrolled": 48, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Feb - 8 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Feb - 22 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Mar - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Apr - 25 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 30120, "section": "WR02", "size": 54, "enrolled": 45, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Feb - 8 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Feb - 22 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Mar - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Apr - 25 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 30298, "section": "WR04", "size": 77, "enrolled": 23, "available": 54, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Feb - 7 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Feb - 21 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Mar - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1886": {"id": "pas59sv1OsWtYwgms4_uH", "course_id": "110972", "term": "4462", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110972", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4462", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to System Security", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7306OL", "CLASS_NBR": 62022, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Unpublished Course - Contact Not Available", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "", "QUOTA_TXT": "quota NA", "RESTRICTION": "", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Unpublished Course - No eligibility Req", "PRE_REQUISITE": "prereq NA", "CO_REQUISITE": "coreq NA", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "assume NA", "INCOMPATIBLE": "restriction NA", "ASSESSMENT": "Unpublished Course - NA", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "biennial NA", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "", "SYLLABUS": "The purpose of the course is to introduce students to the area of system security. It covers the basics of cryptography, authentication, and authorisation. It also covers the basics of software, system, and hardware security. Finally, it introduces a selection of some more advanced topics.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 16/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 15/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 08/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 22/04/2024"}}]}, "1887": {"id": "pas59sv1OsWtYwgms4_uH", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "63C-ktG4PbewEwg8Htg_G", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 62022, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 17, "available": 283, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop"}]}]}]}, "1888": {"id": "o2hGcsy4aAzIkOf_I9krb", "course_id": "110972", "term": "4466", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110972", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4466", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 6", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to System Security", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7306OL", "CLASS_NBR": 66021, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Unpublished Course - Contact Not Available", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "", "QUOTA_TXT": "quota NA", "RESTRICTION": "", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Unpublished Course - No eligibility Req", "PRE_REQUISITE": "prereq NA", "CO_REQUISITE": "coreq NA", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "assume NA", "INCOMPATIBLE": "restriction NA", "ASSESSMENT": "Unpublished Course - NA", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "biennial NA", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "", "SYLLABUS": "The purpose of the course is to introduce students to the area of system security. It covers the basics of cryptography, authentication, and authorisation. It also covers the basics of software, system, and hardware security. Finally, it introduces a selection of some more advanced topics.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 04/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 01/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 18/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 02/12/2024"}}]}, "1889": {"id": "o2hGcsy4aAzIkOf_I9krb", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "E_rgvWN6rH_pBRBEknK__", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 66021, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 4, "available": 296, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop"}]}]}]}, "1890": {"id": "yxv1g68VZueEE6qG6B_7f", "course_id": "109069", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109069", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Secure Programming", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7307", "CLASS_NBR": 29138, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2.5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma and Master of Cyber Security, Master of Data Science or Master of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Master of Computing and Innovation, Grad Cert and Grad Dip in Computer Science students only.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 7103, COMP SCI 7202, COMP SCI 7202B, COMP SCI 7208 or COMP SCI 7211", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 7406, COMP SCI 3307", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam and/or assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The purpose of this course is to learn about secure software, including its design, implementation and maintenance. You will investigate a range of recent real-world attacks in order to understand the significance of the learning that you will do in this course. Throughout this course, you will be building foundation knowledge about a broad range of potential attacks and vulnerabilities. You will get hands-on experience reproducing attacks in an ethical way so you are able to prevent and protect yourself against attacks. This course requires previous programming experience and some understanding of computer systems.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1891": {"id": "yxv1g68VZueEE6qG6B_7f", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "XqTY_RVn98EXpdLpvDNhS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29133, "section": "WR02", "size": 10, "enrolled": 4, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29134, "section": "WR03", "size": 10, "enrolled": 1, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Aug - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29135, "section": "WR04", "size": 10, "enrolled": 3, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 31 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Aug - 28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29136, "section": "WR05", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "30 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "25 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "4lYT9x_8l-l6p1VtnVfMt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29131, "section": "LE01", "size": 22, "enrolled": 8, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "1892": {"id": "F-buT31yrz0ME5kT2kbZa", "course_id": "109069", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109069", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Secure Programming", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7307", "CLASS_NBR": 33269, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2.5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma and Master of Cyber Security, Master of Data Science or Master of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Master of Computing and Innovation, Grad Cert and Grad Dip in Computer Science students only.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 7103, COMP SCI 7202, COMP SCI 7202B, COMP SCI 7208 or COMP SCI 7211", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 7406, COMP SCI 3307", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam and/or assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The purpose of this course is to learn about secure software, including its design, implementation and maintenance. You will investigate a range of recent real-world attacks in order to understand the significance of the learning that you will do in this course. Throughout this course, you will be building foundation knowledge about a broad range of potential attacks and vulnerabilities. You will get hands-on experience reproducing attacks in an ethical way so you are able to prevent and protect yourself against attacks. This course requires previous programming experience and some understanding of computer systems.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "1893": {"id": "F-buT31yrz0ME5kT2kbZa", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "GoB6M9oEEh4AOueeDvz5c", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33058, "section": "WR01", "size": 77, "enrolled": 48, "available": 29, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Jun - 12 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Jun - 26 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Jul - 10 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 24 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Aug - 7 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 33269, "section": "WR02", "size": 40, "enrolled": 6, "available": 34, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Jun - 14 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Jun - 28 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Jul - 12 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 26 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "I7VrwaxgDHbcYQox02M_Y", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33059, "section": "LE01", "size": 77, "enrolled": 54, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "20 May - 12 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1894": {"id": "9Wy6HIFX8aNpCkw2zV4cu", "course_id": "109253", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109253", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Cybersecurity Fundamentals", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7308", "CLASS_NBR": 18786, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020199", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 7103, COMP SCI 7202, COMP SCI 7202B, COMP SCI 7208 or COMP SCI 7211", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "COMP SCI 7088", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments and exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, students will be introduced to real-world cybersecurity challenges that organisations face, and learn to apply knowledge and skills gained through other Computer Science courses to address them. The challenges will be examined both from the attacker's perspective (how systems are exploited) and the defender's perspectives (how to secure systems or respond to threats).\nCommon attack and defence strategies for software, web applications, networks, operating systems, cryptographic systems and humans will be explored. The course will also introduce cybersecurity management concepts, including security operations, risk management, security engineering and security architecture, as well as provide guidance on different career paths specialising in cybersecurity. This course focuses on hands-on activities, and students are encouraged to participate in public and industry cybersecurity challenges, including capture-the-flag competitions.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1895": {"id": "9Wy6HIFX8aNpCkw2zV4cu", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "0qilMp9vMMZL_fgRBHO7p", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18778, "section": "LE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 16, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "Wr9oQdMNGn9iclmTyJeKq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18779, "section": "WR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 3, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18780, "section": "WR02", "size": 5, "enrolled": 2, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18781, "section": "WR03", "size": 5, "enrolled": 4, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18782, "section": "WR04", "size": 1, "enrolled": 0, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18783, "section": "WR05", "size": 4, "enrolled": 2, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18784, "section": "WR06", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18785, "section": "WR07", "size": 4, "enrolled": 3, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18786, "section": "WR08", "size": 2, "enrolled": 1, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "1896": {"id": "9yX9fa_nsJbY0epDbyGWv", "course_id": "109253", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109253", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Cybersecurity Fundamentals", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7308", "CLASS_NBR": 30025, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020199", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 7103, COMP SCI 7202, COMP SCI 7202B, COMP SCI 7208 or COMP SCI 7211", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "COMP SCI 7088", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments and exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, students will be introduced to real-world cybersecurity challenges that organisations face, and learn to apply knowledge and skills gained through other Computer Science courses to address them. The challenges will be examined both from the attacker's perspective (how systems are exploited) and the defender's perspectives (how to secure systems or respond to threats).\nCommon attack and defence strategies for software, web applications, networks, operating systems, cryptographic systems and humans will be explored. The course will also introduce cybersecurity management concepts, including security operations, risk management, security engineering and security architecture, as well as provide guidance on different career paths specialising in cybersecurity. This course focuses on hands-on activities, and students are encouraged to participate in public and industry cybersecurity challenges, including capture-the-flag competitions.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "1897": {"id": "9yX9fa_nsJbY0epDbyGWv", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "W0iANBdakm-5B4KhVjfnU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30025, "section": "WR02", "size": 56, "enrolled": 53, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jan - 22 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 30113, "section": "WR01", "size": 44, "enrolled": 24, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Feb - 25 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "QEjss7hvGrnn5MZHclz_2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30117, "section": "LE01", "size": 112, "enrolled": 77, "available": 35, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jan - 22 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "1898": {"id": "QbljzW3_MzYkh_NucpefY", "course_id": "109253", "term": "4462", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109253", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4462", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Cybersecurity Fundamentals", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7308OL", "CLASS_NBR": 62002, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020199", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Carousel 1 Courses: COMMGMT 7023OL, COMP SCI 7210OL or POLIS 7024OL", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, practicals, final project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, students will be introduced to real-world cybersecurity challenges that organisations face, and learn to apply knowledge and skills gained through other Computer Science courses to address them. The challenges will be examined both from the attacker's perspective (how systems are exploited) and the defender's perspectives (how to secure systems or respond to threats).\nCommon attack and defence strategies for software, web applications, networks, operating systems, cryptographic systems and humans will be explored. The course will also introduce cybersecurity management concepts, including security operations, risk management, security engineering and security architecture, as well as provide guidance on different career paths specialising in cybersecurity. This course focuses on hands-on activities, and students are encouraged to participate in public and industry cybersecurity challenges, including capture-the-flag competitions.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 16/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 15/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 08/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 22/04/2024"}}]}, "1899": {"id": "QbljzW3_MzYkh_NucpefY", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "L7nKw3464iXulR9u5tksS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 62002, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 6, "available": 294, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop"}]}]}]}, "1900": {"id": "i1I31vB5G7hzSUpPXZCQh", "course_id": "109253", "term": "4464", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109253", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4464", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "Cybersecurity Fundamentals", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7308OL", "CLASS_NBR": 64002, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020199", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Carousel 1 Courses: COMMGMT 7023OL, COMP SCI 7210OL or POLIS 7024OL", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, practicals, final project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, students will be introduced to real-world cybersecurity challenges that organisations face, and learn to apply knowledge and skills gained through other Computer Science courses to address them. The challenges will be examined both from the attacker's perspective (how systems are exploited) and the defender's perspectives (how to secure systems or respond to threats).\nCommon attack and defence strategies for software, web applications, networks, operating systems, cryptographic systems and humans will be explored. The course will also introduce cybersecurity management concepts, including security operations, risk management, security engineering and security architecture, as well as provide guidance on different career paths specialising in cybersecurity. This course focuses on hands-on activities, and students are encouraged to participate in public and industry cybersecurity challenges, including capture-the-flag competitions.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 14/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 29/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 12/08/2024"}}]}, "1901": {"id": "i1I31vB5G7hzSUpPXZCQh", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "u6hf0x-szUCS8dhcPl08D", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 64002, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 3, "available": 297, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop"}]}]}]}, "1902": {"id": "WMn7XrcL9BSS2crPyeofJ", "course_id": "109253", "term": "4466", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109253", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4466", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 6", "COURSE_TITLE": "Cybersecurity Fundamentals", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7308OL", "CLASS_NBR": 66002, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020199", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Carousel 1 Courses: COMMGMT 7023OL, COMP SCI 7210OL or POLIS 7024OL", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, practicals, final project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, students will be introduced to real-world cybersecurity challenges that organisations face, and learn to apply knowledge and skills gained through other Computer Science courses to address them. The challenges will be examined both from the attacker's perspective (how systems are exploited) and the defender's perspectives (how to secure systems or respond to threats).\nCommon attack and defence strategies for software, web applications, networks, operating systems, cryptographic systems and humans will be explored. The course will also introduce cybersecurity management concepts, including security operations, risk management, security engineering and security architecture, as well as provide guidance on different career paths specialising in cybersecurity. This course focuses on hands-on activities, and students are encouraged to participate in public and industry cybersecurity challenges, including capture-the-flag competitions.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 04/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 01/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 18/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 02/12/2024"}}]}, "1903": {"id": "WMn7XrcL9BSS2crPyeofJ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "9fCT7dwHsCGVQKofDWRUK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 66002, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 5, "available": 295, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop"}]}]}]}, "1904": {"id": "1aIkIZ5Tgt7AUzh7_wQzU", "course_id": "109780", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109780", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Statistical Machine Learning", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7314", "CLASS_NBR": 29599, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020119", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Grad Cert, Grad Dip and M. Cyber Security, Grad Cert, Grad Dip and M Data Science, Grad Cert, Grad Dip and M Artif Intell & Machine Learning, Grad Cert, Grad Dip and M Computer Science, M. Comp&Innov; M Comp Science are exempted from thepre-requisites", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(COMP SCI 7210 and COMP SCI 7211) or COMP SCI 7201 or COMP SCI7202; M Computer Science students are exempted from this pre-requisite requirement.", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MATH 7027 and (COMP SCI 7317 or COMP SCI 7327 or MATH 7107)", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 3314", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments and/or quizzes and/or written exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is an introductory course on statistical machine learning that will present you with an overview of several essential principles, popular techniques, and algorithms in statistical machine learning, as well as examples of their applications. You will build skills in developing algorithms using basic machine learning principles and theory. After completing this course, you will understand how, why and when machine learning can be utilised in real-world situations.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1905": {"id": "1aIkIZ5Tgt7AUzh7_wQzU", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "jxn_P47NRf46mtLeg_xGw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22175, "section": "LE01", "size": 180, "enrolled": 147, "available": 33, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "tpD6OOOzcg5T7eOMkhoDN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21520, "section": "WR08", "size": 19, "enrolled": 10, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Aug - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23875, "section": "WR07", "size": 21, "enrolled": 15, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Aug - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23876, "section": "WR06", "size": 19, "enrolled": 18, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 4 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23877, "section": "WR05", "size": 22, "enrolled": 19, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "30 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 4 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "25 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23878, "section": "WR04", "size": 22, "enrolled": 19, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "30 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 4 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "25 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23879, "section": "WR03", "size": 24, "enrolled": 22, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Aug - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23880, "section": "WR02", "size": 31, "enrolled": 18, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Aug - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23881, "section": "WR01", "size": 16, "enrolled": 14, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Aug - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29599, "section": "WR09", "size": 17, "enrolled": 12, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Aug - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1906": {"id": "qHE4QhJwpA4Euu_Hkuo5Q", "course_id": "109780", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109780", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Statistical Machine Learning", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7314", "CLASS_NBR": 33251, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020119", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Grad Cert, Grad Dip and M. Cyber Security, Grad Cert, Grad Dip and M Data Science, Grad Cert, Grad Dip and M Artif Intell & Machine Learning, Grad Cert, Grad Dip and M Computer Science, M. Comp&Innov; M Comp Science are exempted from thepre-requisites", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(COMP SCI 7210 and COMP SCI 7211) or COMP SCI 7201 or COMP SCI7202; M Computer Science students are exempted from this pre-requisite requirement.", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MATH 7027 and (COMP SCI 7317 or COMP SCI 7327 or MATH 7107)", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 3314", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments and/or quizzes and/or written exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is an introductory course on statistical machine learning that will present you with an overview of several essential principles, popular techniques, and algorithms in statistical machine learning, as well as examples of their applications. You will build skills in developing algorithms using basic machine learning principles and theory. After completing this course, you will understand how, why and when machine learning can be utilised in real-world situations.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "1907": {"id": "qHE4QhJwpA4Euu_Hkuo5Q", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "n_6zatrobsdmIFTLGl-uV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33037, "section": "LE01", "size": 170, "enrolled": 135, "available": 35, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 May - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "obADKe9uy4DSjvJzr2okV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33060, "section": "WR01", "size": 54, "enrolled": 53, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Jun - 14 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Jun - 28 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Jul - 12 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 26 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 33090, "section": "WR02", "size": 53, "enrolled": 51, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Jun - 13 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Jun - 27 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Jul - 11 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 25 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 33251, "section": "WR03", "size": 60, "enrolled": 31, "available": 29, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Jun - 14 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Jun - 28 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Jul - 12 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 26 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1908": {"id": "2nznWtoxHG5VKKuHSeKHG", "course_id": "111450", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111450", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Statistical Machine Learning", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7314MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 29438, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020119", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(COMP SCI 7210 and COMP SCI 7211) or COMP SCI 7201 or COMP SCI7202; M Computer Science students are exempted from this pre-requisite requirement.", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MATH 7027, COMP SCI 7317 or COMP SCI 7327 or MATH 7107", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 3314", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments and/or quizzes and/or written exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is an introductory course on statistical machine learning that will present you with an overview of several essential principles, popular techniques, and algorithms in statistical machine learning, as well as examples of their applications. You will build skills in developing algorithms using basic machine learning principles and theory. After completing this course, you will understand how, why and when machine learning can be utilised in real-world situations.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1909": {"id": "2nznWtoxHG5VKKuHSeKHG", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "RVmWLkNkwzjlecmklZCjI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29439, "section": "LE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 3, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "LKwJc2-4NiI00FTGX52Qw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29438, "section": "WR01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 3, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Aug - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "1910": {"id": "ZGKAMU9jnx521d8eT7SUa", "course_id": "109781", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109781", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Computer Vision", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7315", "CLASS_NBR": 33250, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020119", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Students enrolled in the Grad Cert, Grad Diploma and Master of Cyber Security, Master of Data Science, Grad Cert, Grad Dip and Master of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Master Computing and Innovation, Grad Dip Computer Science", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 7202 or (COMP SCI 7210 and COMP SCI 7211)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 3315, COMP SCI 7022", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments and group project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Computer vision enables computers and systems to see and understand digital images, videos and other visual inputs with cameras, data and algorithms. You will apply computer vision concepts to business, entertainment, transportation, healthcare, manufacturing and everyday life. In this course, you will learn about some of the fundamental problems in vision, and have opportunities to explore traditional and emerging approaches to solving real-world problems.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "1911": {"id": "ZGKAMU9jnx521d8eT7SUa", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "LHmTiUWCip9-_P0lZJ0li", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33061, "section": "WR01", "size": 54, "enrolled": 44, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 May - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 Jun - 17 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Jul - 8 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Jul - 29 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 33250, "section": "WR02", "size": 54, "enrolled": 46, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 Jun - 20 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Jul - 11 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "HlZkDeyCNnGwHeYQUNowI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33062, "section": "LE01", "size": 108, "enrolled": 90, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "21 May - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "1912": {"id": "hpOGL2TWpGjZR9CzoSPa6", "course_id": "109782", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109782", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Evolutionary Computation", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7316", "CLASS_NBR": 23882, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020119", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "COMP SCI 7059 and COMP SCI 7201", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 3316, COMP SCI 7093", "ASSESSMENT": "Group and individual assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "History of evolutionary computation; major areas: genetic algorithms, evolution strategies, evolution programming, genetic programming, classifier systems;\nconstraint handling; multi-objective cases; dynamic environments; parallel implementations; coevolutionary systems; parameter control; hybrid approaches; \ncommercial applications.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1913": {"id": "hpOGL2TWpGjZR9CzoSPa6", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "iny4ZABJij3iDpnDcJXcR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21138, "section": "LE01", "size": 48, "enrolled": 9, "available": 39, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "jAzGyhE3-MtrQIVbAn02U", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23882, "section": "WR03", "size": 8, "enrolled": 2, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23883, "section": "WR02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23884, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 4, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1914": {"id": "N8FBvQB5o8fYyq1SEVLzG", "course_id": "110025", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110025", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Using Machine Learning Tools PG", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7317", "CLASS_NBR": 33271, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020119", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Students enrolled in Grad Cert, Grad Dipl and M Cyber Security, M Data Science, Grad Cert, Grad Dip and Master of Artif Intellig& Machine Learning, M Comp & Innovation or M Computer Science, GDip.Eng and M.Eng only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 7202 or (COMP SCI 7210 and COMP SCI 7211); M. Computer Science students are exempted from this pre-req requirement", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Programming experience", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments & quizzes", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, the students will learn about the fundamentals of machine learning and how to utilise and apply some of the most commonly used tools. The students will learn how to create software that allows the use of pre-existing toolkits when appropriate in order to solve a variety of machine learning problems. The course will have a strong practical component, with case studies and worked examples being used to emphasise the importance of legitimate and verifiable solutions.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "1915": {"id": "N8FBvQB5o8fYyq1SEVLzG", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "FypSBauyMYDQl3TVPJMUU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33064, "section": "LE01", "size": 275, "enrolled": 260, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 May - 12 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "19 Jun - 19 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Jun - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "19HsBbyAV221y8AF0NFJa", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33002, "section": "WR02", "size": 63, "enrolled": 62, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 May - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 33016, "section": "WR03", "size": 63, "enrolled": 64, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "20 May - 12 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 33063, "section": "WR01", "size": 68, "enrolled": 68, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "20 May - 12 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 33271, "section": "WR04", "size": 80, "enrolled": 66, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "21 May - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "1916": {"id": "8XWEyZGA_7PPKbgxA07My", "course_id": "110025", "term": "4463", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110025", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4463", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Using Machine Learning Tools PG", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7317OL", "CLASS_NBR": 63004, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020119", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to students in the Master Data Sci. (Applied) (OL).", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Carousel 2 Courses: COMP SCI 7211OL, DATA 7301OL, DATA 7302OL & MATHS 7027OL", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Programming experience", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments and quizzes", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, the students will learn about the fundamentals of machine learning and how to utilise and apply some of the most commonly used tools. The students will learn how to create software that allows the use of pre-existing toolkits when appropriate in order to solve a variety of machine learning problems. The course will have a strong practical component, with case studies and worked examples being used to emphasise the importance of legitimate and verifiable solutions.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 19/04/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 17/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 03/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 17/06/2024"}}]}, "1917": {"id": "8XWEyZGA_7PPKbgxA07My", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "EAwGEN9Li-2TSj1bu6ld9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 63004, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 17, "available": 283, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "1918": {"id": "wGvUTGeVVDYw1-RJtTisv", "course_id": "110026", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110026", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Deep Learning Fundamentals", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7318", "CLASS_NBR": 36335, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020111", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 7202 or (COMP SCI 7210 and COMP SCI 7211)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments and/or quizzes", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces key concepts underlying the development of deep learning techniques. These include: the place of deep learning in the context of statistics and machine learning; the definition, training and validation of deep models. A range of common models and their applications will be presented. The foundational ideas presented in this course will equip students to understand and interpret future developments in this fast moving field.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "1919": {"id": "wGvUTGeVVDYw1-RJtTisv", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "wkNWWZ_h7kRFdiSs6nHj4", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36008, "section": "WR02", "size": 64, "enrolled": 37, "available": 27, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Sep - 20 Nov", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 36049, "section": "WR01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 69, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Sep - 21 Nov", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 36074, "section": "WR03", "size": 64, "enrolled": 61, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Sep - 20 Nov", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 36324, "section": "WR04", "size": 91, "enrolled": 87, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Sep - 21 Nov", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 36335, "section": "WR05", "size": 60, "enrolled": 28, "available": 32, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Sep - 18 Nov", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "RgUGOLWlIwocDvBTrw4ov", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36050, "section": "LE01", "size": 233, "enrolled": 266, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Sep - 19 Nov", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 36345, "section": "LE02", "size": 80, "enrolled": 16, "available": 64, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This is a live streamed and recorded lecture. You are required to login to MyUni in order to watch the live streamed Lecture online in ECHO 360 during the timetabled time or watch the recording at a later time."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Sep - 19 Nov", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "1920": {"id": "usWJBZ3q-EOU4Bo0SZbGM", "course_id": "110521", "term": "4464", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110521", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4464", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "Big Data Analysis & Industry Project", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7319OL", "CLASS_NBR": 64015, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020111", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Master of Data Science (Applied) OL Only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Carousel 2 Courses: COMP SCI 7211OL, DATA 7301OL, DATA 7302OL & MATHS 7027OL", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, students will complete a medium-scale, industry-inspired, data science project. This project will involve evaluating, selecting and applying relevant data science techniques, principles and theory to a data science problem. Working with a real-world, industry-motivated dataset, students will develop their data science skills and knowledge and demonstrate autonomy, initiative and accountability. Students will need to reflect on the nature of their data and identify any social and ethical concerns and identify appropriate ethical frameworks for data management. As part of the course students will deliver a written and oral presentation of their project design, plan, methodologies, and outcomes.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 14/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 29/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 12/08/2024"}}]}, "1921": {"id": "usWJBZ3q-EOU4Bo0SZbGM", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "8xSDcQMUzycXVOMXwQNcC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 64015, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 20, "available": 280, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop"}]}]}]}, "1922": {"id": "12ldA_c_0Ma5MR6mheTVo", "course_id": "111087", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111087", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Concepts in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7327", "CLASS_NBR": 30054, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020119", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 7059, COMP SCI 3007", "ASSESSMENT": "Practical exercises, workshops, case studies and/or final exam.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will provide students with introductory knowledge and skills in the application of modern AI tools and techniques. The course introduces Python, a key language for developing modern AI applications. The course then demonstrates how to run, modify and build Python implementations of current AI technologies including, standard and new machine learning and deep learning tools. The course will have a strong emphasis how to best make use of the large range of materials, and tutorials that are released with new AI frameworks. In particular, the course will develop a high-level understanding of the key concepts and terminology allowing students to make use of new frameworks as they emerge. Assessment can include practical exercises, workshops, case studies and a final exam.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "1923": {"id": "12ldA_c_0Ma5MR6mheTVo", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "FQwZ6y6Ftbqe1AEtqa1V9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30054, "section": "WR01", "size": 63, "enrolled": 60, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jan - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "0454qjZa80oy_IFe8dF2c", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30110, "section": "PR01", "size": 63, "enrolled": 60, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jan - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "1924": {"id": "5uHJFq2gxgOzz4sXmqZMc", "course_id": "111087", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111087", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Concepts in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7327", "CLASS_NBR": 33049, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020119", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 7059, COMP SCI 3007", "ASSESSMENT": "Practical exercises, workshops, case studies and/or final exam.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will provide students with introductory knowledge and skills in the application of modern AI tools and techniques. The course introduces Python, a key language for developing modern AI applications. The course then demonstrates how to run, modify and build Python implementations of current AI technologies including, standard and new machine learning and deep learning tools. The course will have a strong emphasis how to best make use of the large range of materials, and tutorials that are released with new AI frameworks. In particular, the course will develop a high-level understanding of the key concepts and terminology allowing students to make use of new frameworks as they emerge. Assessment can include practical exercises, workshops, case studies and a final exam.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "1925": {"id": "5uHJFq2gxgOzz4sXmqZMc", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "WWcAW3kJLD5EavGAC7Pjx", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33049, "section": "WR01", "size": 63, "enrolled": 18, "available": 45, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 May - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "9EjtalmP6nM0tcYXBjY2s", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33015, "section": "PR01", "size": 63, "enrolled": 18, "available": 45, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 May - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "1926": {"id": "5InhFF-VyZpQS6OcC8LFo", "course_id": "111087", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111087", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Concepts in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7327", "CLASS_NBR": 36062, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020119", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 7059, COMP SCI 3007", "ASSESSMENT": "Practical exercises, workshops, case studies and/or final exam.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will provide students with introductory knowledge and skills in the application of modern AI tools and techniques. The course introduces Python, a key language for developing modern AI applications. The course then demonstrates how to run, modify and build Python implementations of current AI technologies including, standard and new machine learning and deep learning tools. The course will have a strong emphasis how to best make use of the large range of materials, and tutorials that are released with new AI frameworks. In particular, the course will develop a high-level understanding of the key concepts and terminology allowing students to make use of new frameworks as they emerge. Assessment can include practical exercises, workshops, case studies and a final exam.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "1927": {"id": "5InhFF-VyZpQS6OcC8LFo", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "GbeSvxZ4ACRwD3dq_Nbyi", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36062, "section": "WR01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 59, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Sep - 20 Nov", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "jRDuG9CXmPdu3Rj7qmDr5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36016, "section": "PR01", "size": 63, "enrolled": 53, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Sep - 21 Nov", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 36341, "section": "PR02", "size": 63, "enrolled": 6, "available": 57, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Sep - 22 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "1928": {"id": "2xlaXvR2iF5aq1JqauTK0", "course_id": "111088", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111088", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Concepts in Cyber Security", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7328", "CLASS_NBR": 30114, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020199", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 3308, COMP SCI 7308", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, projects, workshop participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will provide students with foundational knowledge and skills in managing cybersecurity risks and threats at an organisational level. Students will learn the nature and magnitude of current cyber threats; case studies in threat prevention and incident handling; strategies for organisational risk management of cyber threats; organisational mechanisms policies and procedures for minimising the risks and costs associated with breaches; current trends and developments in threats and mitigation; resources identifying new threats and approaches to mitigation. Assessment can include, practical exercises, quizzes, case-studies, presentations and a final exam.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "1929": {"id": "2xlaXvR2iF5aq1JqauTK0", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "nRg-1LKqeNpInRPV-epXT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30114, "section": "WR01", "size": 54, "enrolled": 40, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Feb - 25 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "9dQ4ndPVM8XVulj6lmx6E", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30111, "section": "PR01", "size": 54, "enrolled": 40, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Feb - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1930": {"id": "ex0c3FVqmgBQIno9tqD5l", "course_id": "111088", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111088", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Concepts in Cyber Security", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7328", "CLASS_NBR": 33066, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020199", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 3308, COMP SCI 7308", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, projects, workshop participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will provide students with foundational knowledge and skills in managing cybersecurity risks and threats at an organisational level. Students will learn the nature and magnitude of current cyber threats; case studies in threat prevention and incident handling; strategies for organisational risk management of cyber threats; organisational mechanisms policies and procedures for minimising the risks and costs associated with breaches; current trends and developments in threats and mitigation; resources identifying new threats and approaches to mitigation. Assessment can include, practical exercises, quizzes, case-studies, presentations and a final exam.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "1931": {"id": "ex0c3FVqmgBQIno9tqD5l", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "bLKlbOCUdqx-in43XCXYD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33066, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 18, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 May - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "PBvLmsXYrHBvaJUdBfPwT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33065, "section": "PR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 18, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 May - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1932": {"id": "Z6IKU8lDstz4_ZAkqSrMF", "course_id": "111088", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111088", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Concepts in Cyber Security", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7328", "CLASS_NBR": 36052, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020199", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 3308, COMP SCI 7308", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, projects, workshop participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will provide students with foundational knowledge and skills in managing cybersecurity risks and threats at an organisational level. Students will learn the nature and magnitude of current cyber threats; case studies in threat prevention and incident handling; strategies for organisational risk management of cyber threats; organisational mechanisms policies and procedures for minimising the risks and costs associated with breaches; current trends and developments in threats and mitigation; resources identifying new threats and approaches to mitigation. Assessment can include, practical exercises, quizzes, case-studies, presentations and a final exam.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "1933": {"id": "Z6IKU8lDstz4_ZAkqSrMF", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "C8CVMXkfMlUobIpRoaREb", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36052, "section": "WR01", "size": 64, "enrolled": 62, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Sep - 18 Nov", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "qTvzcIXbCMcS2Z45DAVRg", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36051, "section": "PR01", "size": 64, "enrolled": 62, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Sep - 18 Nov", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1934": {"id": "4NWd0GXhtllCcfOzYxzOv", "course_id": "108290", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108290", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Methods in Software Engineering and Computer Science", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7405", "CLASS_NBR": 10049, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam and/or assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will prepare students for advanced research by examining how to plan, conduct and report on empirical investigations. The course will cover techniques applicable to each of the steps of a research project, including formulating research questions, theory building, data analysis (using both qualitative and quantitative methods), building evidence, assessing validity, and publishing. It will particularly focus on research involving software, developing statistical tools to measure software performance and the ways in which people interact with software tools.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1935": {"id": "4NWd0GXhtllCcfOzYxzOv", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "4LmvHzOFvV1QO-6ybhjjP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10049, "section": "LE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 2, "available": 38, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1936": {"id": "aZ-gL8gASeFr9OviGJbaa", "course_id": "109071", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109071", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Algorithms", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7407", "CLASS_NBR": 10054, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020109", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 7201; M Computer Science students are exempted from this pre-requisite requirement.", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 7301", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam and/or assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The development of a sound theoretical understanding of advanced algorithms and practical problem solving skills using them. Advanced algorithm topics chosen from: Dynamic Programming, Linear Programming, Matching, Max Flow / Min Cut, P and NP, Approximation Algorithms, Randomized Algorithms, Computational Geometry.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1937": {"id": "aZ-gL8gASeFr9OviGJbaa", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "uxQbh4RNE0Tl3EUi6qInt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10057, "section": "LE01", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "COMP SCI 4407/4807/7407 Advanced Algorithms is cancelled for 2024.
******Alternative courses recommended for POSTGRAD students:

COMP SCI 7409 Search Based Software Engineering or

COMP SCI 7305 Parallel and Distributed Computing

********Alternative courses for Undergraduate and Honours students are:
COMP SCI 4409 Search Based Software Engineering or
COMP SCI 3305 Parallel and Distributed Computing"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "1938": {"id": "7rE0wE6TdfEsXzroxB_W8", "course_id": "109076", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109076", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Search Based Software Engineering", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7409", "CLASS_NBR": 13494, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam and/or assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Many activities in software engineering involve an element of search. Some examples include selection of requirements, localisation and correction of defects, and the optimisation of test coverage. The fast-growing field of Search-Based Software Engineering (SBSE) applies computing resources to these search problems to improve the efficiency and quality of software engineering processes.\nThis course aims to introduce students to a wide range of SBSE terminology, techniques, and processes. The concepts taught in the lectures will be practised and reinforced by participation in three projects, and one seminar with a written essay on a recent SBSE-related conference article.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1939": {"id": "7rE0wE6TdfEsXzroxB_W8", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "1ISF2RCN39Le0LGqKT9bn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13494, "section": "LE01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 65, "available": 35, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "1940": {"id": "MNheHYSm6JmTXB3smpJQh", "course_id": "109821", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109821", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Event Driven Computing", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7411", "CLASS_NBR": 29663, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2.5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 7202 or (COMP SCI 7210 and COMP SCI 7211); M Computer Science only exempted from Pre-requisite", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "COMP SCI 7082 or COMP SCI 7201", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 4811, COMP SCI 4411, COMP SCI 7089", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam and/or assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Event-driven systems are the backbone of modern computer systems and services. This course explores the fundamental principles behind these systems; Finite State Automata, their behaviour and implementation; Correspondence with regular expressions; Examples of embedded systems; Introduction to interconnected state machines, Petri Nets, and concurrency. We'll also explore modern approaches to event-driven systems; Reactive Programming; event streams, and observable data.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1941": {"id": "MNheHYSm6JmTXB3smpJQh", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "5cur8hPQTPIPRLjgFWiXy", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25188, "section": "SE01", "size": 150, "enrolled": 128, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "P6vfD3X59UZe70XOmlziL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20045, "section": "WR01", "size": 71, "enrolled": 63, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21521, "section": "WR02", "size": 69, "enrolled": 36, "available": 33, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29663, "section": "WR03", "size": 40, "enrolled": 29, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1942": {"id": "1r5S8i4DWdQyXP4HRRXo8", "course_id": "109881", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109881", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Secure Software Engineering", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7412", "CLASS_NBR": 29635, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 7210, COMP SCI 7211", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 4412, COMP SCI 4812", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments and quizzes", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will introduce the theoretical concepts and practical approaches and tools that support the security concerns in the whole systems development lifecycle resulting in software that is secure by default. The course will cover a wide range of software security topics ranging from as security as a cross-cutting concern, methodological approaches to improving software security during different phases of software development lifecycle, integrating secure software development principles and patterns into software development processes, contemporary paradigm of secure continuous software engineering, DevSecOps. The course will be offered in a workshop style mode with small and large parts of software development projects being the major types of assessment tasks.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1943": {"id": "1r5S8i4DWdQyXP4HRRXo8", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "XEshdXMOFZXPicwqaSVTl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20681, "section": "LE01", "size": 94, "enrolled": 96, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "ne8qIZlzsDs2WWmB909zn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20682, "section": "WR01", "size": 56, "enrolled": 58, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "29 Aug - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29635, "section": "WR02", "size": 41, "enrolled": 38, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "1944": {"id": "akIw6Z4A1a5mEsmCnb0EV", "course_id": "109881", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109881", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Secure Software Engineering", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7412", "CLASS_NBR": 36331, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 7210, COMP SCI 7211", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 4412, COMP SCI 4812", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments and quizzes", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will introduce the theoretical concepts and practical approaches and tools that support the security concerns in the whole systems development lifecycle resulting in software that is secure by default. The course will cover a wide range of software security topics ranging from as security as a cross-cutting concern, methodological approaches to improving software security during different phases of software development lifecycle, integrating secure software development principles and patterns into software development processes, contemporary paradigm of secure continuous software engineering, DevSecOps. The course will be offered in a workshop style mode with small and large parts of software development projects being the major types of assessment tasks.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "1945": {"id": "akIw6Z4A1a5mEsmCnb0EV", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "QGDHn4reOX-aA7r7ifbVB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36102, "section": "LE01", "size": 136, "enrolled": 50, "available": 86, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Sep - 18 Nov", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "OOVy4ZMS_gBpEmTSAWrQQ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36103, "section": "WR01", "size": 68, "enrolled": 50, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "27 Sep - 27 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "8 Nov - 8 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Nov - 22 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "1946": {"id": "x8bJXYLnrktvj5_avywcu", "course_id": "111620", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111620", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Secure Software Engineering", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7412MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 29525, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 7210, COMP SCI 7211", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 4412, COMP SCI 4812", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments and quizzes", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will introduce the theoretical concepts and practical approaches and tools that support the security concerns in the whole systems development lifecycle resulting in software that is secure by default. The course will cover a wide range of software security topics ranging from as security as a cross-cutting concern, methodological approaches to improving software security during different phases of software development lifecycle, integrating secure software development principles and patterns into software development processes, contemporary paradigm of secure continuous software engineering, DevSecOps. The course will be offered in a workshop style mode with small and large parts of software development projects being the major types of assessment tasks.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1947": {"id": "x8bJXYLnrktvj5_avywcu", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "AtM87LuINWwdIV5P5jzB5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29525, "section": "WR01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 6, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "F6a5cyyZ1QkmSQxJfy5xW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29524, "section": "LE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 6, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1948": {"id": "z9mBxtaMIUObXCGeFW2gw", "course_id": "110522", "term": "4461", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110522", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4461", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Methods", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7415OL", "CLASS_NBR": 61013, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020111", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Master of Data Sci (Applied) OL", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will prepare students to design effective work place research that will align with industry professional standards. Students will be introduced to design principles, methodologies and tools, such as controlled experiments, statistical tests, surveys and sampling, analysis of quantitative data and how to evaluate threats to validity of the research. In addition, students will also explore how to effectively evaluate published research and communicate research results to peers and colleagues in the workplace.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 18/12/2023", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 19/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 19/02/2024"}}]}, "1949": {"id": "z9mBxtaMIUObXCGeFW2gw", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "tuhKeSLURDJUzYsAXS8Ez", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 61013, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 19, "available": 281, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop"}]}]}]}, "1950": {"id": "eDcATO9Q-wMqCX_oA36bO", "course_id": "110027", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110027", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Applied Machine Learning", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7416", "CLASS_NBR": 20051, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020111", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "COMP SCI 7317", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 4816, COMP SCI 4416", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments; Group projects based.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course surveys the practical application of machine learning in modern organisations and society. Case studies will be used to demonstrate current best practice as well as common pitfalls. You will learn processes for tool-selection based on requirements and available resources; verifying and validating discovered models and how to apply results in real environments; and information resources for tracking technological advances.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1951": {"id": "eDcATO9Q-wMqCX_oA36bO", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "k5vjSDVmo4Wc-QKFgSVa1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20876, "section": "LE01", "size": 166, "enrolled": 98, "available": 68, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "bkACzt9hGJomLOOrPfDsz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20051, "section": "WR03", "size": 55, "enrolled": 32, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Aug - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20052, "section": "WR02", "size": 66, "enrolled": 39, "available": 27, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20053, "section": "WR01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 27, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Aug - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1952": {"id": "fBUpMYRlfOHYXW3MkJYFS", "course_id": "110028", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110028", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Applied Natural Language Processing", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7417", "CLASS_NBR": 11490, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020111", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(COMP SCI 7210 and COMP SCI 7211) or COMP SCI 7201; M. Computer Science students are exempted from this pre-requisite.", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MATH 7027 and (COMP SCI 7317 or COMP SCI 7327 or MATH 7107)", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual assignments, quizzes and mini projects", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course examines machine learning techniques that obtain leading results on the problem of natural language processing (NLP). NLP is a critical step towards effective communication between people and machines. The course teaches how to represent words and text and use both classical and modern machine learning models and Generative AI for text understanding, prediction and generation. This will be reinforced by applying NLP tools to solve practical problems through examples, workshops and projects.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1953": {"id": "fBUpMYRlfOHYXW3MkJYFS", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "rAgL1zcfCwuKakPbejxoh", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10065, "section": "LE01", "size": 150, "enrolled": 56, "available": 94, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "WglVlPOWYVfJ1wXPaQ9Y1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10066, "section": "WR02", "size": 45, "enrolled": 31, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 May - 1 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 May - 15 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 May - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11490, "section": "WR03", "size": 80, "enrolled": 25, "available": 55, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 2 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 May - 16 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1954": {"id": "SMdbuUlWZQMs8KaMLunWD", "course_id": "110028", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110028", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Applied Natural Language Processing", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7417", "CLASS_NBR": 30297, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020111", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(COMP SCI 7210 and COMP SCI 7211) or COMP SCI 7201; M. Computer Science students are exempted from this pre-requisite.", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MATH 7027 and (COMP SCI 7317 or COMP SCI 7327 or MATH 7107)", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual assignments, quizzes and mini projects", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course examines machine learning techniques that obtain leading results on the problem of natural language processing (NLP). NLP is a critical step towards effective communication between people and machines. The course teaches how to represent words and text and use both classical and modern machine learning models and Generative AI for text understanding, prediction and generation. This will be reinforced by applying NLP tools to solve practical problems through examples, workshops and projects.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "1955": {"id": "SMdbuUlWZQMs8KaMLunWD", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Y4TDmwjpP4EZWYJ1_kzrT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30115, "section": "LE01", "size": 230, "enrolled": 104, "available": 126, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For an enriching and interactive learning experience, it is highly recommended to attend the lecture in person. While the lecture will be recorded, it is primarily intended for review purposes and for individuals who cannot attend due to special circumstances. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jan - 22 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "E2rBq4Ay9rT-QHFyR_Pqa", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30053, "section": "WR02", "size": 54, "enrolled": 41, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Feb - 9 Feb", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Feb - 23 Feb", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 30116, "section": "WR01", "size": 54, "enrolled": 44, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Feb - 9 Feb", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Feb - 23 Feb", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Apr - 19 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 30297, "section": "WR03", "size": 54, "enrolled": 19, "available": 35, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Feb - 9 Feb", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Feb - 23 Feb", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1956": {"id": "_IyH38u5xWCw4E3Vx6GQk", "course_id": "111195", "term": "4461", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111195", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4461", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Methods for Cyber Security", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7420OL", "CLASS_NBR": 61024, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Grad Dip of Cyber Security (OL) and Master of Cyber Security (OL) only.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will prepare students for advanced research in cyber security that aligns with professional standards and the recent qualitative and quantitative research methods and techniques used in the cyber community. Research will include the use of reports and investigations on recent cyber attacks. Students will be introduced to the steps required for a research project such as, formulating a research question, evaluating threats to validity, literature review, collecting and analysing qualitative and quantitative data and how to present your research outcomes. The course will particularly focus on how to effectively evaluate published cyber security research and communicate research results to peers and colleagues in the cyber security community.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 18/12/2023", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 19/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 19/02/2024"}}]}, "1957": {"id": "_IyH38u5xWCw4E3Vx6GQk", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "DtjzI9h2MUxyo3QdqfZru", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 61024, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 16, "available": 284, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop"}]}]}]}, "1958": {"id": "tzZLxeDq2XUTWXg9f7Vcc", "course_id": "111195", "term": "4465", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111195", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4465", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 5", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Methods for Cyber Security", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "COMP SCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "7420OL", "CLASS_NBR": 65023, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Grad Dip of Cyber Security (OL) and Master of Cyber Security (OL) only.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will prepare students for advanced research in cyber security that aligns with professional standards and the recent qualitative and quantitative research methods and techniques used in the cyber community. Research will include the use of reports and investigations on recent cyber attacks. Students will be introduced to the steps required for a research project such as, formulating a research question, evaluating threats to validity, literature review, collecting and analysing qualitative and quantitative data and how to present your research outcomes. The course will particularly focus on how to effectively evaluate published cyber security research and communicate research results to peers and colleagues in the cyber security community.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 09/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 06/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 23/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 07/10/2024"}}]}, "1959": {"id": "tzZLxeDq2XUTWXg9f7Vcc", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "0C5wRpvgUsg5Pa7Utj5R6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 65023, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 8, "available": 292, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop"}]}]}]}, "1960": {"subject": "CONMGNT", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "110649", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110650", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110792", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110793", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110794", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110795", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110796", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110799", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110797", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111297", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110804", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110806", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111559", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111560", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109383", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109383", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109384", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109384", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110541", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111018", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111019", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111020", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111254", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111255", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110748", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}]}}, "1961": {"id": "D8wYSxbW_uDLXAH74YtkR", "course_id": "110649", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110649", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Civil Engineering Construction Materials", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CONMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "1000", "CLASS_NBR": 23408, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, quizzes, practicals.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will give students a detailed understanding of materials commonly employed in civil engineering and construction (steel, timber, masonry, concrete, asphalt, glazing) including their methods of manufacture, material properties, and life-cycle impact. The course will provide detailed guidance on material preparation (e.g. material manufacture and concrete and asphalt mix design) and material testing that are commonly employed in the construction and civil engineering disciplines.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1962": {"id": "D8wYSxbW_uDLXAH74YtkR", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "PSAiFLF4FCRXTra7EnjgP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23408, "section": "WR01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 62, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "U4S9X4Ldxe69tuqYnL1Bn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23406, "section": "PR02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 31, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NG29, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NG29, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23407, "section": "PR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 31, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NG29, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NG29, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "1963": {"id": "mbQ0huv-zsaQ0cSko0Z1v", "course_id": "110650", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110650", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Construction Estimation and Quantity Surveying", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CONMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "1001", "CLASS_NBR": 23409, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, quizzes, tutorials.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will introduce students to the principles of construction estimation considering project management theory and principles as well as bidding practices in the construction industry. The course considers: first principles estimating, basic macro/micro economic principles, cost planning and\nmanagement, assembling project bids, tendering, contracts and bills of quantities.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1964": {"id": "mbQ0huv-zsaQ0cSko0Z1v", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "QBblIDh8l3RWVTZxLEvtR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23409, "section": "WR01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 45, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Note: Priority for Bachelor of Construction Management students only. Please complete the course full form and you will be added to a waitlist for enrolment:"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 7 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "21 Aug - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "rf_ebXMAroA4e1F0erorZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23410, "section": "LE01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 45, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Note: Priority for Bachelor of Construction Management students only. Please complete the course full form and you will be added to a waitlist for enrolment:"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "14 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Fieldwork", "id": "W1JWuQSNGeNXjc3WxFPE5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28921, "section": "FL01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 45, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Fieldwork", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Note: Priority for Bachelor of Construction Management students only. Please complete the course full form and you will be added to a waitlist for enrolment:"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "14 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}]}]}]}]}, "1965": {"id": "5-jv8_G-vuR-yS4PwRL-H", "course_id": "110792", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110792", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Construction Safety", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CONMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "1004", "CLASS_NBR": 13808, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Unpublished Course - Contact Not Available", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "", "QUOTA_TXT": "quota NA", "RESTRICTION": "", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Unpublished Course - No eligibility Req", "PRE_REQUISITE": "prereq NA", "CO_REQUISITE": "coreq NA", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "assume NA", "INCOMPATIBLE": "restriction NA", "ASSESSMENT": "Unpublished Course - NA", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "biennial NA", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "", "SYLLABUS": "Safety is one of the most critical aspects of a construction project. This course provides a framework for developing a culture of safety and the management of occupational health on site. Students will study the legal obligations set in place by the Work Health and Safety Act, and best practice for the implementation of health and safety procedures and controls with specific emphasis on site safety and supervision as well as safety in design.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1966": {"id": "5-jv8_G-vuR-yS4PwRL-H", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "8yXlB9399021khv7h3Ryx", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13808, "section": "WR01", "size": 90, "enrolled": 52, "available": 38, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Apr - 12 Apr", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Apr - 12 Apr", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Apr - 18 Apr", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Apr - 18 Apr", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1967": {"id": "vwhlgqP5nN9zqU2JV8Tj6", "course_id": "110793", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110793", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Construction Project Management: fundamentals", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CONMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "1006", "CLASS_NBR": 15264, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Unpublished Course - Contact Not Available", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "", "QUOTA_TXT": "quota NA", "RESTRICTION": "", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Unpublished Course - No eligibility Req", "PRE_REQUISITE": "prereq NA", "CO_REQUISITE": "coreq NA", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "assume NA", "INCOMPATIBLE": "restriction NA", "ASSESSMENT": "Unpublished Course - NA", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "biennial NA", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "", "SYLLABUS": "This course will introduce students to construction project management theory and practice including the fundamentals of time, cost and quality. Students will learn about the stages of the project life cycle and the importance of people in projects. This course will cover the fundamental management techniques to successfully work with clients and project stakeholders. This element of the course is essential for career development with employers actively recruiting for employees with people management skills.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1968": {"id": "vwhlgqP5nN9zqU2JV8Tj6", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "O2LqB6xcVpTonVH6ALrxS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15264, "section": "WR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 44, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Mar - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1969": {"id": "hV7UG_WcnNOVACV_VJtnj", "course_id": "110794", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110794", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Building and Landscape Architecture", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CONMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "1008", "CLASS_NBR": 10356, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours a week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exams, quizzes, practicals", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will provide students with a brief introduction to building and landscape architecture, the land and building markets, including what makes a new building financially viable. It will provide a basic understanding the urban regulatory environment in which development occurs, and describe the ways in which buildings and landscapes are designed, including the role of the various professionals in that process. Finally, the course will consider the outputs of the design process as an input into the construction process.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1970": {"id": "hV7UG_WcnNOVACV_VJtnj", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "x-a6_roxmi-a3lMnQEYr3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10356, "section": "TU01", "size": 55, "enrolled": 47, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "VvB7BmSJ9qJqLnCJmu8sc", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18934, "section": "LE01", "size": 55, "enrolled": 47, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "1971": {"id": "Cbrh-O3zGOIFkrnycX-Xs", "course_id": "110795", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110795", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Digital Design and Construction: fundamentals", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CONMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "1010", "CLASS_NBR": 10357, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, quizzes, practicals", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will provide students a detailed understanding of information to be managed across the lifecycle of building and civil projects, both traditionally and with digital approach. The course will provide students basic understanding of Digital Construction, including Building Information Modelling, and illustrate the workflow in projects using a Digital Construction approach.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1972": {"id": "Cbrh-O3zGOIFkrnycX-Xs", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "uFFAFeWnXT2WL2ll8cz2k", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10357, "section": "TU01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 64, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "n14k2ujptc2031tcEhWZD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12755, "section": "LE01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 64, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "1973": {"id": "lExbrOFAotWvWxQNMHF1x", "course_id": "110796", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110796", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Construction Law and Contracts", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CONMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "2000", "CLASS_NBR": 10754, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "040307", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Essay, quiz and group assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The two areas of this course, whilst generally thought of in different terms, are inextricably joined and key to the success of a construction project. They are also critical areas to be understood and relied upon when conflicts arise in projects. Contract administration is a role generally undertaken by a Quantity Surveyor and is a critical part of any project that requires an understanding of the project in terms of the construction components, cashflow, progress claims, variations, bonds, insurances and contractual claims including the relevant clauses in the forms of contracts. The contract administrator plays an essential role in carrying out critical responsibilities and contributes to the success of a project. Quantity Surveyors therefore have legal liabilities in the course of providing their professional service and some jurisdictions require Quantity Surveyors to be registered.\nThe course briefly investigates the Australian legal system along with building related law and the avenues available for conflict and dispute resolution generally referred to in standard building contracts. The various regulations applicable to building requirements are also reviewed and how they apply not just to builders but also the construction professionals involved. Building contracts are a key part of any construction project. Various forms of contract, their application and effect on projects are discussed together with how unfair contract clauses or contracts are assessed by the courts.\nThe structure and the role of the Australian Institute of Quantity Surveyors (AIQS), as the internationally recognised peak professional standards body for Quantity Surveyors in Australia, is reviewed including its structure, by-laws, and code of conduct assessed, with regards to how they are applied to Quantity Surveyors within their role in the project and project team.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1974": {"id": "lExbrOFAotWvWxQNMHF1x", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Cgi79qIf-nLwHqsBwsAO5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10753, "section": "LE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 46, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "xT05AfVd78TGSX81Gq37_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10754, "section": "TU01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 46, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}]}]}]}]}, "1975": {"id": "FnHNpVroBh9LpNymf7QgH", "course_id": "110799", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110799", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Transport and Traffic Management", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CONMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "2001", "CLASS_NBR": 26461, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Unpublished Course - Contact Not Available", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "", "QUOTA_TXT": "quota NA", "RESTRICTION": "", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Unpublished Course - No eligibility Req", "PRE_REQUISITE": "prereq NA", "CO_REQUISITE": "coreq NA", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "assume NA", "INCOMPATIBLE": "restriction NA", "ASSESSMENT": "Unpublished Course - NA", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "biennial NA", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "", "SYLLABUS": "Elements of the road traffic system, road safety and management. Surveying topics include: setting out, linear measurement, leveling, theodolite and horizontal and vertical curves.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1976": {"id": "FnHNpVroBh9LpNymf7QgH", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "8ot0Nki3_hI0kOAF6N1cN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24500, "section": "LE01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 32, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "4P06TS5BZavWIKkw4RXEU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24501, "section": "PR01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 32, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "KUriQY_gBCu2SLeBPdOux", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26461, "section": "TU01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 32, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 2 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G13, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "1977": {"id": "Wfps-hseEqpLE7AgfGzk-", "course_id": "110797", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110797", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Construction Project Management: Risk and Quality", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CONMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "2002", "CLASS_NBR": 10693, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Unpublished Course - Contact Not Available", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "", "QUOTA_TXT": "quota NA", "RESTRICTION": "", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Unpublished Course - No eligibility Req", "PRE_REQUISITE": "prereq NA", "CO_REQUISITE": "coreq NA", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "assume NA", "INCOMPATIBLE": "restriction NA", "ASSESSMENT": "Unpublished Course - NA", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "biennial NA", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "", "SYLLABUS": "The course explores the management of project risk and quality in the construction sector. It further develops the key concepts and specialised techniques necessary to understand and practise these core project management competencies that were introduce in CONMGNT 1006. Students will learn how to identify, analyse and plan for project risks and develop appropriate risk mitigation strategies as well as quality management plans.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1978": {"id": "Wfps-hseEqpLE7AgfGzk-", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "ai1EfZs0o3qssvZq0qraB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10692, "section": "TU01", "size": 48, "enrolled": 38, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "Gm7Ep3EsVqXaSeMO5P_BK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10693, "section": "WR01", "size": 48, "enrolled": 38, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "1979": {"id": "HX4yPk256bys1Zw2DsZJ1", "course_id": "111297", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111297", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Building Services", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CONMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "2022", "CLASS_NBR": 20327, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030905", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Essay, exam and quiz", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to give students a comprehensive understanding of the services deployed in buildings, the factors that drive their use, the planning, design, construction and operational choices that influence capital costs, life cycle performance and associated impacts on other public infrastructure. \nAs construction managers, students will gain empathy for this critical element of buildings of all kinds, serving as a basis for delivering projects in the full spectrum of engagement; from full development and design and construct, through to project management, classical construction only and facilities management contracts.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1980": {"id": "HX4yPk256bys1Zw2DsZJ1", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "9p5ZZd2NQw5iPNBlj7iWb", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24881, "section": "LE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 36, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "Ww5m0Yx_Lu4al9w3VZe8_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20327, "section": "WR02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 19, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 511, Studio"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 511, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20328, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 17, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 511, Studio"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 511, Studio"}]}]}]}]}, "1981": {"id": "GUnQJk3AkZIfcO8xrxSpA", "course_id": "110804", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110804", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Construction Project Management: Organisations", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CONMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "3001", "CLASS_NBR": 22426, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "040303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CONMGNT 1006 and CONMGNT 2002", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Examination, Project, Presentation, Quizzes", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course explores the management of organisations and people in the construction industry. It will\nprovide students with knowledge and skills of the most appropriate ways of improving construction project performance and effectiveness by understanding the human and organisational behaviours in the\nconstruction sector. The course further develops the key concepts and specialised knowledge necessary to understand and practice marketing principles, business management, leadership and communication.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1982": {"id": "GUnQJk3AkZIfcO8xrxSpA", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "KzoFOK1UnT7U60uAentvl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22426, "section": "WR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 13, "available": 37, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 509, Studio"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 509, Studio"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "iZkihjhF2gECArfOHgXIn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22425, "section": "LE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 13, "available": 37, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "1983": {"id": "Ob-scoT1lCVt-jjksbI9l", "course_id": "110806", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110806", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Civil Engineering Works and Construction", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CONMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "3005", "CLASS_NBR": 12769, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "040303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CEME 2004 or CIVILENG 2004", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Groundworks underpin integrity and severability of buildings and infrastructures. This course provides insight into the evaluation, construction and practice of groundworks by applying the fundamentals of soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering. The course explores the purpose, types, design and construction of temporary works, dewatering, excavations and slopes, basements and retention structures, and foundations.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1984": {"id": "Ob-scoT1lCVt-jjksbI9l", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "29e1hD8sTUIPPQPHQwyP1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12768, "section": "LE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 10, "available": 40, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 527, East Gallery"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 527, East Gallery"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "PQkpGwJtWpPqkM0LS1FIl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12769, "section": "WR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 10, "available": 40, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 527, East Gallery"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 527, East Gallery"}]}]}]}]}, "1985": {"id": "5tHmBQSbXf1KhFyA4q4o7", "course_id": "111559", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111559", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Building Services", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CONMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "4022", "CLASS_NBR": 20321, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030905", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 48 units at Levels I and II of the Program", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CONMGNT 2022, CONMGNT 7002", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to give students a comprehensive understanding of the services deployed in buildings, the factors that drive their use, the planning, design, construction and operational choices that influence capital costs, life cycle performance and associated impacts on other public infrastructure. \n\nIn this course, students will gain empathy for this critical element of buildings of all kinds, serving as a basis for delivering projects in the full spectrum of engagement; from full development and design and construct, through to project management, classical construction only and facilities management contracts.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1986": {"id": "5tHmBQSbXf1KhFyA4q4o7", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "enjsnpk6pbrBu89aWvEWG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24227, "section": "LE01", "size": 8, "enrolled": 5, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "z59u4ecIluR0XFHLX6RgS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20322, "section": "WR02", "size": 5, "enrolled": 5, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 511, Studio"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 511, Studio"}]}]}]}]}, "1987": {"id": "VyqL0YZDXsQ3KEONBm8Oj", "course_id": "111560", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111560", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Construction Law and Contract Administration", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CONMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "4050", "CLASS_NBR": 18742, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "040307", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 48 units at Levels I and II of the Program", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The two areas of this course, construction law and contract administration are inextricably joined and key to the success of a construction project. They are also critical areas to be understood and relied upon when conflicts arise in projects. Contract administration is a role generally undertaken by a Quantity Surveyor and is a critical part of any project that requires an understanding of the project in terms of the construction components, cash-flow, progress claims, variations, bonds, insurances and contractual claims including the relevant clauses in the forms of contracts. The contract administrator plays an essential role in carrying out critical responsibilities and contributes to the success of a project. Quantity Surveyors therefore have legal liabilities in the course of providing their professional service and some jurisdictions require Quantity Surveyors to be registered. \n\nThe course looks at aspects of the Australian legal system that relate to building and construction, in particular with respect to licenses, contracts, relevant legislation and the avenues available for conflict and dispute resolution. Building contracts are a key part of any construction project. Various forms of contract, their application and effect on projects are discussed together with how unfair contract clauses or contracts are assessed by the courts. \n\nThe structure and the role of the Australian Institute of Quantity Surveyors (AIQS), as the internationally recognised peak professional standards body for Quantity Surveyors in Australia, is reviewed including its structure, by-laws, and code of conduct assessed, with regards to how they are applied to Quantity Surveyors within their role in the project and project team.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1988": {"id": "VyqL0YZDXsQ3KEONBm8Oj", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "R1s62IShHdESAXJgdmudl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14050, "section": "LE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 2, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "ACwI83yFfFldcJgdcjgwg", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14249, "section": "TU02", "size": 2, "enrolled": 0, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 511, Studio"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 511, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14250, "section": "TU01", "size": 1, "enrolled": 1, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18742, "section": "TU04", "size": 1, "enrolled": 1, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 511, Studio"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 511, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18743, "section": "TU03", "size": 1, "enrolled": 0, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 528, Studio"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 528, Studio"}]}]}]}]}, "1989": {"id": "G1Ws7JpiQb3XEmdV4jwrp", "course_id": "109383", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109383", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Dissertation (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CONMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7000", "CLASS_NBR": 10100, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ARCH 7042", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Literature review, final research proposal", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "To develop a proposal for an independent research study or project which addresses a question or topic relevant to the management of building or civil engineering projects. Students will find and refine a research topic, which is based on extensive literature review. A research proposal will be submitted to document these research ideas as well as a preliminary research design.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1990": {"id": "G1Ws7JpiQb3XEmdV4jwrp", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "5wYBld6hGbWAAqcY7Znez", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10098, "section": "LE01", "size": 150, "enrolled": 5, "available": 145, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "49frN-xaOL0fFqq11h8aG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10099, "section": "PR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 528, Studio"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 528, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10102, "section": "PR04", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 527, East Gallery"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 527, East Gallery"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "K2NpEPkDcK2Uots7fsTtL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10100, "section": "WR01", "size": 150, "enrolled": 5, "available": 145, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "1991": {"id": "MPE_aPzFAiT45gWTSnYFk", "course_id": "109383", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109383", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Dissertation (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CONMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7000", "CLASS_NBR": 20125, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ARCH 7042", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Literature review, final research proposal", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "To develop a proposal for an independent research study or project which addresses a question or topic relevant to the management of building or civil engineering projects. Students will find and refine a research topic, which is based on extensive literature review. A research proposal will be submitted to document these research ideas as well as a preliminary research design.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1992": {"id": "MPE_aPzFAiT45gWTSnYFk", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "HLWe4Hwfvsd2EY6H2wTD-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20126, "section": "LE01", "size": 150, "enrolled": 108, "available": 42, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "CAGS-4TUEgbPXJTJCRkc9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20125, "section": "WR01", "size": 150, "enrolled": 108, "available": 42, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "xQw35u0NoMWkSyDqghq-8", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20129, "section": "PR04", "size": 22, "enrolled": 21, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 539, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 539, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20130, "section": "PR03", "size": 55, "enrolled": 54, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 539, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 539, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20131, "section": "PR02", "size": 33, "enrolled": 33, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 539, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 539, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "1993": {"id": "1GBgJ7_7QEkLLNQHSYkbi", "course_id": "109384", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109384", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Dissertation", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CONMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7001", "CLASS_NBR": 13521, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CONMGNT 7000", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Construction management, construction economics, academic writing, statistical analysis", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Interim report, final dissertation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "An independent research study or project, which addresses a question or topic relevant to the management of building or civil engineering projects. Based on the research proposal developed in Research Dissertation (M), students will conduct the research, collect data, analyse data and submit the final dissertation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "1994": {"id": "1GBgJ7_7QEkLLNQHSYkbi", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Studio", "id": "2ZqYWntKGmyV2KkOF7VyD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13521, "section": "ST01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Studio", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG07, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "oQPw2Rgu4F93z6sEjyFbu", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18712, "section": "LEC0", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "1995": {"id": "TxTbC290EdroR2zZEADQF", "course_id": "109384", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109384", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Dissertation", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CONMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7001", "CLASS_NBR": 23596, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CONMGNT 7000", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Construction management, construction economics, academic writing, statistical analysis", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Interim report, final dissertation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "An independent research study or project, which addresses a question or topic relevant to the management of building or civil engineering projects. Based on the research proposal developed in Research Dissertation (M), students will conduct the research, collect data, analyse data and submit the final dissertation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1996": {"id": "TxTbC290EdroR2zZEADQF", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Studio", "id": "Xnn6AWscKBTmUqh-YL7iB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23596, "section": "ST01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 1, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Studio", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "H5_zZvaywxKX34pESFUSE", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28655, "section": "LEC0", "size": 10, "enrolled": 1, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "1997": {"id": "Xc7hxq9jMr8E0TqWreUGH", "course_id": "110541", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110541", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Building Services and Environment", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CONMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7002", "CLASS_NBR": 29609, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030905", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to Master of Construction Management students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Essay, exam and quiz", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course explains the design and operation of building services and the associated environmental issues of buildings. It is designed to give students a comprehensive understanding of the services deployed in buildings, the factors that drive their use, the planning, design, construction and operational choices that influence capital costs, life cycle performance and associated impacts on other public infrastructure. \nAs construction managers, students will gain empathy for this critical element of buildings of all kinds, serving as a basis for delivering projects in the full spectrum of engagement; from full development and design and construct, through to project management, classical construction only and facilities management contracts. The course is also suitable for students in built environment related majors, including architecture, construction management, property, planning and civil engineering.\nThis course aims to provide a holistic explanation of how buildings should operate to ensure occupants\u2019 comfort with low environmental impacts. It covers three knowledge domains, namely 1) building service systems such as water, power, gas, sewage, telecommunication and vertical transportation; 2) building science such as lighting, acoustics, thermal comfort and indoor air quality; and 3) environmental science of buildings such as energy efficiency, Total Building Performance, and passive environmental controls.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "1998": {"id": "Xc7hxq9jMr8E0TqWreUGH", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "RBDO4Okpe_PoIdCu4ZahF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21961, "section": "LE01", "size": 200, "enrolled": 191, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "FjszQ_1XndiziqoDgGdeP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20324, "section": "WR03", "size": 45, "enrolled": 43, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 511, Studio"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 511, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20325, "section": "WR02", "size": 45, "enrolled": 43, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 511, Studio"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 511, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20326, "section": "WR01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 77, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29609, "section": "WR04", "size": 50, "enrolled": 28, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}]}]}]}]}, "1999": {"id": "an1-ZqOOn5TD9upMfMNYM", "course_id": "111018", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111018", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Construction Management and Technology 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CONMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7046", "CLASS_NBR": 22821, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Class quiz, discussion paper and group assignment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to explore the management of building and civil engineering projects in the following aspects: health and safety, stakeholder management, site logistics and sustainability. These are critical success factors in building and civil engineering projects. This course will examine management strategies as well as technologies to address these critical issues throughout the life cycle of projects.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2000": {"id": "an1-ZqOOn5TD9upMfMNYM", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "kTxDF_pVcAt1x169N0EvD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22821, "section": "TU04", "size": 90, "enrolled": 80, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23589, "section": "TU02", "size": 70, "enrolled": 69, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23590, "section": "TU01", "size": 90, "enrolled": 85, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "_XyqPPnGhkoK-zH2l7KyM", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21136, "section": "LE01", "size": 250, "enrolled": 234, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2001": {"id": "-L8DpxckabEZaQiavxJjP", "course_id": "111019", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111019", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Cost Planning and Management", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CONMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7047", "CLASS_NBR": 14049, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Class quiz, discussion paper and building tender assignment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to explore the management of cost elements in building and civil engineering projects. All projects require planning and managing cost throughout the various project stages. These cost planning and management exercises are crucial to achieve the project success. This course will examine strategies designed to achieve optimum financial performance at both the project level and the business level.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2002": {"id": "-L8DpxckabEZaQiavxJjP", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "xszEurXSwSduYHIV1DJT3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14970, "section": "TU01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 5, "available": 45, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "rkTGJ30xTg759TLOsu2CE", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14969, "section": "LE01", "size": 160, "enrolled": 5, "available": 155, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2003": {"id": "RXqg3jzvgc5fRsEKebWDO", "course_id": "111020", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111020", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Construction Management and Technology 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CONMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7048", "CLASS_NBR": 19771, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Class quiz, individual scheduling assessment, individual BIM assessment, group case study report", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to explore the technical aspects of managing building and civil engineering projects in the following areas: construction techniques and structural systems, construction management processes, building information modelling, and construction scheduling techniques including Program Evaluation Review Technique (PERT), activity on node (AOA) and activity on arrow (AON) networks. Understanding these techniques ensures effective management of construction projects.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2004": {"id": "RXqg3jzvgc5fRsEKebWDO", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "y5mHVgQIYD1LUXHN9QZUk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11233, "section": "LE01", "size": 270, "enrolled": 237, "available": 33, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "Aht58O6cRqJJiRZGMGa2J", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10560, "section": "WR04", "size": 55, "enrolled": 53, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Apr - 22 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 539, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12958, "section": "WR03", "size": 55, "enrolled": 52, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Apr - 22 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 539, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12959, "section": "WR02", "size": 55, "enrolled": 54, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Apr - 22 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 539, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12960, "section": "WR01", "size": 55, "enrolled": 53, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Apr - 22 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 539, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19771, "section": "WR05", "size": 40, "enrolled": 25, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 539, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "qB1yUoGvIrtNqe-qew_wU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13520, "section": "SE01", "size": 270, "enrolled": 237, "available": 33, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2005": {"id": "t1BKPVYV5wjT7SUsGJRxa", "course_id": "111254", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111254", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Measurement & Estimating", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CONMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7049", "CLASS_NBR": 24021, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "040307", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted in Master of Construction Management", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual assessment, group assessment, in-class quiz", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Measurement requires an understanding of not just drawings but also building trades and elements, construction methodology, use of building materials and building codes and regulations. Construction professionals are required to apply various key skills on a daily basis and the ability to quantify and apply costs against the thousands of items used in any building project is useful across all professions.\nThe Quantity Surveyor is required to conceptualise a completed project at very early stages and application of the correct costs against building trades including for elements not yet designed, is an important skill so the developer has an accurate budget with which to secure finance.\nThe Quantity Surveyor\u2019s core skill is measurement. This course will show how to apply the understanding of building plans into a schedule of quantities and rates that determine budgets for new projects. The course will also demonstrate how the latest modelling software assists in creating cost budgets and producing Bills of Quantities. In addition, the expanding role of the Quantity Surveyor and their skills along with the role within the project team will be explored including how conceptual cost plans are developed into tender documents prepared for competitive market tendering.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2006": {"id": "t1BKPVYV5wjT7SUsGJRxa", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "hHPKu05p-Lt-t7NSbnSpU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24888, "section": "LE01", "size": 440, "enrolled": 422, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "o0W6d_vla_S3hBnosIg0t", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22729, "section": "PR04", "size": 56, "enrolled": 56, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22730, "section": "PR03", "size": 84, "enrolled": 83, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22731, "section": "PR02", "size": 55, "enrolled": 55, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 539, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22732, "section": "PR01", "size": 55, "enrolled": 55, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 539, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29572, "section": "PR05", "size": 56, "enrolled": 55, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29592, "section": "PR06", "size": 70, "enrolled": 69, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29610, "section": "PR07", "size": 50, "enrolled": 49, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "_awuKdPmHgpXxXRC_imFy", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24019, "section": "TU03", "size": 120, "enrolled": 118, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "18 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24020, "section": "TU02", "size": 95, "enrolled": 97, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24021, "section": "TU04", "size": 120, "enrolled": 110, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "18 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24889, "section": "TU01", "size": 95, "enrolled": 97, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2007": {"id": "AwRis2x3xZm0rM_WM8_zn", "course_id": "111255", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111255", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Construction Law & Contract Administration", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CONMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7050", "CLASS_NBR": 18740, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "040307", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted in Master of Construction Management", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual assessment, group assessment, in-class quiz", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The two areas of this course, construction law and contract administration are inextricably joined and key to the success of a construction project. They are also critical areas to be understood and relied upon when conflicts arise in projects. Contract administration is a role generally undertaken by a Quantity Surveyor and is a critical part of any project that requires an understanding of the project in terms of the construction components, cash-flow, progress claims, variations, bonds, insurances and contractual claims including the relevant clauses in the forms of contracts. The contract administrator plays an essential role in carrying out critical responsibilities and contributes to the success of a project. Quantity Surveyors therefore have legal liabilities in the course of providing their professional service and some jurisdictions require Quantity Surveyors to be registered.\n\nThe course briefly investigates the Australian legal system along with building related law and the avenues available for conflict and dispute resolution generally referred to in standard building contracts. The various regulations applicable to building requirements are also reviewed and how they apply not just to builders but also the construction professionals involved. Building contracts are a key part of any construction project. Various forms of contract, their application and effect on projects are discussed together with how unfair contract clauses or contracts are assessed by the courts. \n\nThe structure and the role of the Australian Institute of Quantity Surveyors (AIQS), as the internationally recognised peak professional standards body for Quantity Surveyors in Australia, is reviewed including its structure, by-laws, and code of conduct assessed, with regards to how they are applied to Quantity Surveyors within their role in the project and project team.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2008": {"id": "AwRis2x3xZm0rM_WM8_zn", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "c4diDHrygR4s1IFLIX1n7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11191, "section": "LE01", "size": 233, "enrolled": 210, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "Eh4UkBzBy5MtCzKVdYdIA", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11192, "section": "TU01", "size": 113, "enrolled": 90, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11193, "section": "TU02", "size": 40, "enrolled": 40, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 511, Studio"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 511, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18740, "section": "TU04", "size": 40, "enrolled": 40, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 511, Studio"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 511, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18741, "section": "TU03", "size": 40, "enrolled": 40, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 528, Studio"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 528, Studio"}]}]}]}]}, "2009": {"id": "nmKGDP0hCMVtqY120F0UR", "course_id": "110748", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110748", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Construction Management Professional Practice", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CONMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7700", "CLASS_NBR": 92020, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "040303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to Master of Construction Management students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Reflective journal, presentation, industry evaluation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an opportunity for students to experience a working environment in an organization related to construction management in which to observe and apply their knowledge and skills for the degree. Students are expected to reflect upon their experience and learning in form of reflective journal and presentation. Students may involve in a series of on-site and offsite duties such as: site meeting, measurement, documentation, and presentation to a client. Students may also be involved in clerical work and administration in order to gain insight into the day-to-day functioning of a business.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 09/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "2010": {"id": "nmKGDP0hCMVtqY120F0UR", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "_5sUAFbW33suE_qAHMNt8", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92020, "section": "WR01", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Jan - 8 Jan", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 513, Studio"}, {"dates": "22 Jan - 22 Jan", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 513, Studio"}, {"dates": "5 Feb - 5 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 513, Studio"}]}]}]}]}, "2011": {"subject": "CORPFIN", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "108672", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108672", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108672", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108672", "term": "4410", "offer": 6}, {"course_id": "108672", "term": "4420", "offer": 6}, {"course_id": "108672", "term": "4410", "offer": 4}, {"course_id": "108672", "term": "4420", "offer": 4}, {"course_id": "108672", "term": "4448", "offer": 4}, {"course_id": "108672", "term": "4410", "offer": 5}, {"course_id": "108672", "term": "4420", "offer": 5}, {"course_id": "108672", "term": "4448", "offer": 5}, {"course_id": "104244", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104244", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105402", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105402", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105402", "term": "4410", "offer": 3}, {"course_id": "105402", "term": "4420", "offer": 3}, {"course_id": "109403", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109403", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109403", "term": "4410", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "110638", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110638", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110638", "term": "4410", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "110638", "term": "4420", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "111262", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111262", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111262", "term": "4410", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "110351", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110352", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110353", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110354", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110354", "term": "4415", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104246", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104246", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104246", "term": "4410", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "110639", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110639", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110639", "term": "4420", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "110640", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110640", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110640", "term": "4420", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "110641", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110641", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110641", "term": "4410", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "108671", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108671", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108699", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108700", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108702", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107867", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "103453", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109957", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "101384", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "101384", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "101384", "term": "4433", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "101384", "term": "4436", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "101384", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "101384", "term": "4410", "offer": 6}, {"course_id": "101384", "term": "4420", "offer": 6}, {"course_id": "101384", "term": "4410", "offer": 4}, {"course_id": "101384", "term": "4420", "offer": 4}, {"course_id": "101384", "term": "4410", "offer": 5}, {"course_id": "101384", "term": "4420", "offer": 5}, {"course_id": "102244", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102244", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102244", "term": "4410", "offer": 3}, {"course_id": "102244", "term": "4420", "offer": 3}, {"course_id": "102245", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102245", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102245", "term": "4410", "offer": 3}, {"course_id": "102245", "term": "4420", "offer": 3}, {"course_id": "102247", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102247", "term": "4410", "offer": 3}, {"course_id": "102964", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109364", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108670", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108670", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111458", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111458", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108670", "term": "4410", "offer": 3}, {"course_id": "108670", "term": "4420", "offer": 3}, {"course_id": "108670", "term": "4410", "offer": 4}, {"course_id": "108670", "term": "4420", "offer": 4}, {"course_id": "102331", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102331", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102331", "term": "4410", "offer": 3}, {"course_id": "102331", "term": "4420", "offer": 3}, {"course_id": "102339", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102339", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102339", "term": "4410", "offer": 3}, {"course_id": "102339", "term": "4420", "offer": 3}, {"course_id": "105700", "term": "4410", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "105700", "term": "4420", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "105700", "term": "4410", "offer": 3}, {"course_id": "105700", "term": "4420", "offer": 3}, {"course_id": "111174", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111239", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109155", "term": "4436", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109156", "term": "4442", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "103463", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}]}}, "2012": {"id": "2Qt1zMFu3634oq5bymauq", "course_id": "108672", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108672", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Business Finance", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "1002", "CLASS_NBR": 92013, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course examines firm investment and distribution decisions in the context of a capital market structure and efficiency. Valuation methods are developed for valuing projects and securities. Basic portfolio theory is discussed to develop simple asset pricing models and used for determining the cost of capital for use in investment evaluation. The implications of different financing options (debt and equity) are considered and elementary capital structure theorems are presented, in relation to which the dividend decisions are analysed. The question of market efficiency is considered and its implications for trading strategies are discussed.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 09/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "2013": {"id": "2Qt1zMFu3634oq5bymauq", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "zRB8dB_3nHPvs-WFfMjl0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92013, "section": "LE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 45, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Jan - 8 Feb", "days": "Tuesday, Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2014": {"id": "PCNKRxpYe5WKNITbCkixy", "course_id": "108672", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108672", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Business Finance", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "1002", "CLASS_NBR": 19801, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course examines firm investment and distribution decisions in the context of a capital market structure and efficiency. Valuation methods are developed for valuing projects and securities. Basic portfolio theory is discussed to develop simple asset pricing models and used for determining the cost of capital for use in investment evaluation. The implications of different financing options (debt and equity) are considered and elementary capital structure theorems are presented, in relation to which the dividend decisions are analysed. The question of market efficiency is considered and its implications for trading strategies are discussed.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2015": {"id": "PCNKRxpYe5WKNITbCkixy", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "13CeCfhOQa2aoAZi5Cq5N", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11586, "section": "TU16", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13281, "section": "TU15", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13282, "section": "TU14", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13283, "section": "TU13", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13284, "section": "TU12", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13285, "section": "TU11", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13286, "section": "TU10", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13287, "section": "TU09", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13288, "section": "TU08", "size": 25, "enrolled": 22, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13289, "section": "TU07", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13290, "section": "TU06", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13291, "section": "TU05", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13292, "section": "TU04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13293, "section": "TU03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13294, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13295, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 23, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19753, "section": "TU17", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19774, "section": "TU18", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19785, "section": "TU19", "size": 25, "enrolled": 21, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19801, "section": "TU20", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "CT31zDZU_aVpuPEuAuYET", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13810, "section": "LE01", "size": 420, "enrolled": 400, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19775, "section": "LEC0", "size": 80, "enrolled": 68, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This Lecture can be viewed on the web via MyUni and so has no time or location allocated to it. Students enrolling in the Lecture can attend the live lecture if space permits."}]}]}]}]}, "2016": {"id": "wnhesQYdcxtJR2733DeTS", "course_id": "108672", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108672", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Business Finance", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "1002", "CLASS_NBR": 20674, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course examines firm investment and distribution decisions in the context of a capital market structure and efficiency. Valuation methods are developed for valuing projects and securities. Basic portfolio theory is discussed to develop simple asset pricing models and used for determining the cost of capital for use in investment evaluation. The implications of different financing options (debt and equity) are considered and elementary capital structure theorems are presented, in relation to which the dividend decisions are analysed. The question of market efficiency is considered and its implications for trading strategies are discussed.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2017": {"id": "wnhesQYdcxtJR2733DeTS", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "q8Go9uHBUnZjCsaxMsb40", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20265, "section": "TU10", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 28 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20674, "section": "TU12", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 28 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20675, "section": "TU11", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 1 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23206, "section": "TU09", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23207, "section": "TU08", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 1 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23208, "section": "TU07", "size": 25, "enrolled": 20, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 1 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23209, "section": "TU06", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 28 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23210, "section": "TU05", "size": 25, "enrolled": 12, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23211, "section": "TU04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 29 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23212, "section": "TU03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 1 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23213, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 28 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23214, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 28 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "zYq5cQUyR6VpOM5aikRz2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23841, "section": "LE01", "size": 300, "enrolled": 273, "available": 27, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2018": {"id": "RjN4YXmNmlpMfnZeQXX9K", "course_id": "108672", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108672", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 6, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Business Finance", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "1002MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 19442, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course examines firm investment and distribution decisions in the context of a capital market structure and efficiency. Valuation methods are developed for valuing projects and securities. Basic portfolio theory is discussed to develop simple asset pricing models and used for determining the cost of capital for use in investment evaluation. The implications of different financing options (debt and equity) are considered and elementary capital structure theorems are presented, in relation to which the dividend decisions are analysed. The question of market efficiency is considered and its implications for trading strategies are discussed.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2019": {"id": "RjN4YXmNmlpMfnZeQXX9K", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "r8oynFszVzQcINpe23mI8", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19442, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 2, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "mE0IvxvfSG7DoUP4P8cx5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19562, "section": "LEC0", "size": 24, "enrolled": 2, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "2020": {"id": "VRRmd9_kxECDdjSjjp0O_", "course_id": "108672", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108672", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 6, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Business Finance", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "1002MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 29627, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course examines firm investment and distribution decisions in the context of a capital market structure and efficiency. Valuation methods are developed for valuing projects and securities. Basic portfolio theory is discussed to develop simple asset pricing models and used for determining the cost of capital for use in investment evaluation. The implications of different financing options (debt and equity) are considered and elementary capital structure theorems are presented, in relation to which the dividend decisions are analysed. The question of market efficiency is considered and its implications for trading strategies are discussed.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2021": {"id": "VRRmd9_kxECDdjSjjp0O_", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "VyMTIiUkI8_mEhZyvDEWo", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29308, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 0, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29627, "section": "TT02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 0, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "1d5lX4B59vA6XaPOQTW-y", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29324, "section": "LEC0", "size": 48, "enrolled": 0, "available": 48, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "2022": {"id": "xHUUO7D-TLld2u2RYXVJw", "course_id": "108672", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108672", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 4, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Business Finance", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "1002UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 19686, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course examines firm investment and distribution decisions in the context of a capital market structure and efficiency. Valuation methods are developed for valuing projects and securities. Basic portfolio theory is discussed to develop simple asset pricing models and used for determining the cost of capital for use in investment evaluation. The implications of different financing options (debt and equity) are considered and elementary capital structure theorems are presented, in relation to which the dividend decisions are analysed. The question of market efficiency is considered and its implications for trading strategies are discussed.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2023": {"id": "xHUUO7D-TLld2u2RYXVJw", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "J3L8_nsSLmfMJ78BLwnHp", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12412, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 18, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 109, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 109, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 109, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 109, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12413, "section": "TT02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 19, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, B04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, 204, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, B04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, 204, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18905, "section": "TT03", "size": 24, "enrolled": 23, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 310, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 310, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 301, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18906, "section": "TT04", "size": 24, "enrolled": 17, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 310, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 310, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 301, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19686, "section": "TT05", "size": 24, "enrolled": 14, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 109, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 109, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "c-OP46io6cqjf_4zdaE8t", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16539, "section": "LEC0", "size": 120, "enrolled": 91, "available": 29, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "2024": {"id": "BXw1R4_sWDoQUwjf6z4-U", "course_id": "108672", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108672", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 4, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Business Finance", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "1002UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 22287, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course examines firm investment and distribution decisions in the context of a capital market structure and efficiency. Valuation methods are developed for valuing projects and securities. Basic portfolio theory is discussed to develop simple asset pricing models and used for determining the cost of capital for use in investment evaluation. The implications of different financing options (debt and equity) are considered and elementary capital structure theorems are presented, in relation to which the dividend decisions are analysed. The question of market efficiency is considered and its implications for trading strategies are discussed.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2025": {"id": "BXw1R4_sWDoQUwjf6z4-U", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "SAB0gDaydGDY-Kx0MyKrT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22286, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 14, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Darling West, B03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Darling West, 204, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Darling West, B03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Darling West, 204, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22287, "section": "TT02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 15, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Darling West, 204, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, 204, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Darling West, 204, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, 204, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "iiu7vg_orD9OJ2CXY1rk3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28871, "section": "LEC0", "size": 48, "enrolled": 29, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "2026": {"id": "8M0XmE7kMTyYyT_yaoO19", "course_id": "108672", "term": "4448", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108672", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 4, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4448", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "Business Finance", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "1002UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 46306, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course examines firm investment and distribution decisions in the context of a capital market structure and efficiency. Valuation methods are developed for valuing projects and securities. Basic portfolio theory is discussed to develop simple asset pricing models and used for determining the cost of capital for use in investment evaluation. The implications of different financing options (debt and equity) are considered and elementary capital structure theorems are presented, in relation to which the dividend decisions are analysed. The question of market efficiency is considered and its implications for trading strategies are discussed.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 14/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 14/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 19/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 11/12/2024"}}]}, "2027": {"id": "8M0XmE7kMTyYyT_yaoO19", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "Wq3GmmYh7itguBds8NZpl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46270, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 9, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Oct - 9 Dec", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hartley, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 11 Dec", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 46306, "section": "TT02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 15, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Oct - 11 Dec", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 310, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 12 Dec", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 310, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "hyL4SwSu5qCrrs3XqE8PM", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46310, "section": "LEC0", "size": 48, "enrolled": 24, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "2028": {"id": "19hq1AhCqd_WJ2M7G9-nE", "course_id": "108672", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108672", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 5, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Business Finance", "CAMPUS": "UofA College Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "UACM", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "1002UACM", "CLASS_NBR": 19443, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course examines firm investment and distribution decisions in the context of a capital market structure and efficiency. Valuation methods are developed for valuing projects and securities. Basic portfolio theory is discussed to develop simple asset pricing models and used for determining the cost of capital for use in investment evaluation. The implications of different financing options (debt and equity) are considered and elementary capital structure theorems are presented, in relation to which the dividend decisions are analysed. The question of market efficiency is considered and its implications for trading strategies are discussed.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2029": {"id": "19hq1AhCqd_WJ2M7G9-nE", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "jAMLNMCeQJlnLL7vkKGJP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19443, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 3, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "y4YlJaSAF-efFB7Fd2XIi", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19564, "section": "LEC0", "size": 24, "enrolled": 3, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "2030": {"id": "_B4XVEbsgoUWwxxL0uDYq", "course_id": "108672", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108672", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 5, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Business Finance", "CAMPUS": "UofA College Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "UACM", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "1002UACM", "CLASS_NBR": 29626, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course examines firm investment and distribution decisions in the context of a capital market structure and efficiency. Valuation methods are developed for valuing projects and securities. Basic portfolio theory is discussed to develop simple asset pricing models and used for determining the cost of capital for use in investment evaluation. The implications of different financing options (debt and equity) are considered and elementary capital structure theorems are presented, in relation to which the dividend decisions are analysed. The question of market efficiency is considered and its implications for trading strategies are discussed.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2031": {"id": "_B4XVEbsgoUWwxxL0uDYq", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "nfAXZGNgnd3CZ7Uf5A-ZI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29217, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 20, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29626, "section": "TT02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 9, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "iB-iG0bpqEbXDYeXGgI8W", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29325, "section": "LEC0", "size": 48, "enrolled": 29, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "2032": {"id": "lSg98QY9gf5lIv5IFx48y", "course_id": "108672", "term": "4448", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108672", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 5, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4448", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "Business Finance", "CAMPUS": "UofA College Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "UACM", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "1002UACM", "CLASS_NBR": 46225, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course examines firm investment and distribution decisions in the context of a capital market structure and efficiency. Valuation methods are developed for valuing projects and securities. Basic portfolio theory is discussed to develop simple asset pricing models and used for determining the cost of capital for use in investment evaluation. The implications of different financing options (debt and equity) are considered and elementary capital structure theorems are presented, in relation to which the dividend decisions are analysed. The question of market efficiency is considered and its implications for trading strategies are discussed.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 14/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 14/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 19/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 11/12/2024"}}]}, "2033": {"id": "lSg98QY9gf5lIv5IFx48y", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "AB7ocxnEnmd9XcS8LZCLk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46225, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 4, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Oct - 11 Dec", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 12 Dec", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "JvXONc2Z8mxdCB2CWKzj6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46255, "section": "LEC0", "size": 24, "enrolled": 4, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "2034": {"id": "QBMPsxKMVt3osQX7FiW8Z", "course_id": "104244", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104244", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Financial Institutions Management", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "2501", "CLASS_NBR": 13299, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CORPFIN 1002 or (CORPFIN 1002UACA and CORPFIN 1002UACB)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ECON 1000, ECON 1008, ECON 1009, ECON 1012", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an introduction to the management of financial institutions and intermediaries. The course focuses on the importance of ensuring good risk management within institutions to manage the varied types of risk that they may be exposed to. Students are first introduced to the important roles of financial institutions. The course then examines the principles of the theory and practice of defining and measuring various types of risk these institutions can be exposed to, and effective policies and strategies for successful risk management. Students are also introduced to international standards of banking practice and how they impact the functioning of the institutions.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2035": {"id": "QBMPsxKMVt3osQX7FiW8Z", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "b3js3_1n8F4AnbUJSVlwN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13299, "section": "TU06", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13301, "section": "TU04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13302, "section": "TU03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13303, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 6, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13304, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "WR-qzuGV0vfanBx-jy4cZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13296, "section": "LE01", "size": 125, "enrolled": 103, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2036": {"id": "nIw4pVx-_3aR9KuuatlR9", "course_id": "104244", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104244", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Financial Institutions Management", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "2501", "CLASS_NBR": 23216, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CORPFIN 1002 or (CORPFIN 1002UACA and CORPFIN 1002UACB)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ECON 1000, ECON 1008, ECON 1009, ECON 1012", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an introduction to the management of financial institutions and intermediaries. The course focuses on the importance of ensuring good risk management within institutions to manage the varied types of risk that they may be exposed to. Students are first introduced to the important roles of financial institutions. The course then examines the principles of the theory and practice of defining and measuring various types of risk these institutions can be exposed to, and effective policies and strategies for successful risk management. Students are also introduced to international standards of banking practice and how they impact the functioning of the institutions.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2037": {"id": "nIw4pVx-_3aR9KuuatlR9", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "b7XJdHAChiXM_O4IHaDZr", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23216, "section": "TU06", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 1 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23217, "section": "TU05", "size": 25, "enrolled": 22, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 29 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23218, "section": "TU04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 28 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23219, "section": "TU03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23220, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 28 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23221, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 22, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 29 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "-rj8_R1SdTlvR8N9oLMyC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23215, "section": "LE01", "size": 150, "enrolled": 142, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 1 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2038": {"id": "dsokox75Xk1dHKol1LhlQ", "course_id": "105402", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105402", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Business Valuation", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "2502", "CLASS_NBR": 10255, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CORPFIN 1002 or (CORPFIN 1002UACA and CORPFIN 1002UACB)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The purpose of this course is to present the fundamental principles of securities and business valuations. Participants in the course will learn how to derive the intrinsic value of equity and create arbitrage opportunities for bonds. Students will also learn how to estimate a company's growth rates and decompose its return on equity multiple. The course covers the following valuation models: the capital asset pricing model and its variants (such as the Fama-French three-factor model and the Carhart four-factor model), discounted cash flow models, and relative valuation models that utilise price and enterprise value multiples. Furthermore, the course explores the following topics on bond valuation: spot and forward rate calculations using bootstrapping, the term structure of interest rates, and arbitrage opportunities arising from the simultaneous trading of multiple bonds.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2039": {"id": "dsokox75Xk1dHKol1LhlQ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "CjOZFnlbA4E5PeCiNWa1C", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10255, "section": "TU10", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13306, "section": "TU09", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13307, "section": "TU08", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13308, "section": "TU06", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13309, "section": "TU05", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13310, "section": "TU04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13311, "section": "TU03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13312, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13313, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19777, "section": "TU07", "size": 25, "enrolled": 21, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 22 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "R25gvQQcsw7I2dEc9X985", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13305, "section": "LE01", "size": 250, "enrolled": 241, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2040": {"id": "AkCSrRviATaRXgKPOi0qM", "course_id": "105402", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105402", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Business Valuation", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "2502", "CLASS_NBR": 20266, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CORPFIN 1002 or (CORPFIN 1002UACA and CORPFIN 1002UACB)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The purpose of this course is to present the fundamental principles of securities and business valuations. Participants in the course will learn how to derive the intrinsic value of equity and create arbitrage opportunities for bonds. Students will also learn how to estimate a company's growth rates and decompose its return on equity multiple. The course covers the following valuation models: the capital asset pricing model and its variants (such as the Fama-French three-factor model and the Carhart four-factor model), discounted cash flow models, and relative valuation models that utilise price and enterprise value multiples. Furthermore, the course explores the following topics on bond valuation: spot and forward rate calculations using bootstrapping, the term structure of interest rates, and arbitrage opportunities arising from the simultaneous trading of multiple bonds.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2041": {"id": "AkCSrRviATaRXgKPOi0qM", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "V072R50aIb6IUttMT_B5H", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20266, "section": "TU09", "size": 27, "enrolled": 23, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 1 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20267, "section": "TU08", "size": 27, "enrolled": 22, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 1 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23223, "section": "TU07", "size": 27, "enrolled": 22, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 1 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23224, "section": "TU06", "size": 27, "enrolled": 22, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 1 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23225, "section": "TU05", "size": 27, "enrolled": 27, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, 144, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, 144, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 28 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, 144, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23226, "section": "TU04", "size": 27, "enrolled": 23, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 29 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23227, "section": "TU02", "size": 27, "enrolled": 22, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 28 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "piucTmxY9F_A2LIMqVUe-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23222, "section": "LE01", "size": 189, "enrolled": 161, "available": 28, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2042": {"id": "TGR3oIfCqKnnCpIUDgY26", "course_id": "105402", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105402", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Business Valuation", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "2502MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 19389, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CORPFIN 1002 or (CORPFIN 1002UACA and CORPFIN 1002UACB)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The purpose of this course is to present the fundamental principles of securities and business valuations. Participants in the course will learn how to derive the intrinsic value of equity and create arbitrage opportunities for bonds. Students will also learn how to estimate a company's growth rates and decompose its return on equity multiple. The course covers the following valuation models: the capital asset pricing model and its variants (such as the Fama-French three-factor model and the Carhart four-factor model), discounted cash flow models, and relative valuation models that utilise price and enterprise value multiples. Furthermore, the course explores the following topics on bond valuation: spot and forward rate calculations using bootstrapping, the term structure of interest rates, and arbitrage opportunities arising from the simultaneous trading of multiple bonds.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2043": {"id": "TGR3oIfCqKnnCpIUDgY26", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "PCqwv4ySNYs75dzF3DOXt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19389, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 2, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Y87pIBvFmgyS5i0xTXy0l", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19388, "section": "LE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 2, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2044": {"id": "MydNXJhVinQ9fpgak0zWf", "course_id": "105402", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105402", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Business Valuation", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "2502MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 29262, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CORPFIN 1002 or (CORPFIN 1002UACA and CORPFIN 1002UACB)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The purpose of this course is to present the fundamental principles of securities and business valuations. Participants in the course will learn how to derive the intrinsic value of equity and create arbitrage opportunities for bonds. Students will also learn how to estimate a company's growth rates and decompose its return on equity multiple. The course covers the following valuation models: the capital asset pricing model and its variants (such as the Fama-French three-factor model and the Carhart four-factor model), discounted cash flow models, and relative valuation models that utilise price and enterprise value multiples. Furthermore, the course explores the following topics on bond valuation: spot and forward rate calculations using bootstrapping, the term structure of interest rates, and arbitrage opportunities arising from the simultaneous trading of multiple bonds.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2045": {"id": "MydNXJhVinQ9fpgak0zWf", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "sTZdny4LfafiYuwwNYg7o", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29262, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 2, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "lvFsqvwfbpGtBVQNUNsOh", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29261, "section": "LE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 2, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2046": {"id": "FGjzJHKyJPsLm_CUUZUt1", "course_id": "109403", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109403", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Business Data Analytics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "2503", "CLASS_NBR": 15528, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ECON 1008 or ECON 1008OUA", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Mid-term test, group assignment and final examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The purpose of this course is to improve students analytical skills by covering the fundamentals of data-driven decision making. Students will first be introduced to the computing and programming skills necessary to solve business analytic problems. These include the essentials of data warehousing and data wrangling, as well as providing an overview of cybersecurity and the ethics of handling data. Students will have the ability to apply these skills to real-world business issues.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2047": {"id": "FGjzJHKyJPsLm_CUUZUt1", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "FtRgxwj8PmoFM5AngvJIm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13315, "section": "WR04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13316, "section": "WR03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13317, "section": "WR02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15528, "section": "WR05", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "Bpf_zigUH3iQEYaE4k1QW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13314, "section": "LE01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 95, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2048": {"id": "cMW3Yetzxk1gi_r8yD6Vp", "course_id": "109403", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109403", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Business Data Analytics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "2503", "CLASS_NBR": 25529, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ECON 1008 or ECON 1008OUA", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Mid-term test, group assignment and final examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The purpose of this course is to improve students analytical skills by covering the fundamentals of data-driven decision making. Students will first be introduced to the computing and programming skills necessary to solve business analytic problems. These include the essentials of data warehousing and data wrangling, as well as providing an overview of cybersecurity and the ethics of handling data. Students will have the ability to apply these skills to real-world business issues.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2049": {"id": "cMW3Yetzxk1gi_r8yD6Vp", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "pDDXlQhheYiBIIEST8PGi", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23231, "section": "WR03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23232, "section": "WR02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23233, "section": "WR01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25529, "section": "WR07", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25531, "section": "WR05", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "Sjk3dTcenp2DMpX89hL3y", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23229, "section": "LE01", "size": 125, "enrolled": 120, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2050": {"id": "5X71nzV9fG3sRGi8hNkzI", "course_id": "109403", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109403", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Business Data Analytics", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "2503MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 19391, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ECON 1008 or ECON 1008OUA", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Mid-term test, group assignment and final examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The purpose of this course is to improve students analytical skills by covering the fundamentals of data-driven decision making. Students will first be introduced to the computing and programming skills necessary to solve business analytic problems. These include the essentials of data warehousing and data wrangling, as well as providing an overview of cybersecurity and the ethics of handling data. Students will have the ability to apply these skills to real-world business issues.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2051": {"id": "5X71nzV9fG3sRGi8hNkzI", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "zfwG776Y8cTydZcsBTZqq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19391, "section": "WR01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 7, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "8qsMVb5WbILIMeghIe6HV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19390, "section": "LE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 7, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2052": {"id": "UrwbvBCcV48xuq7NXtmRt", "course_id": "110638", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110638", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Alternative Investments", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "2505", "CLASS_NBR": 14258, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CORPFIN 1002 or (CORPFIN 1002UACA and CORPFIN 1002UACB)", "CO_REQUISITE": "CORPFIN 2502", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CORPFIN 3504", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed in the first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The purpose of this course is to present the principles of alternative investments in management. The course provides a detailed analysis of various classes of alternative investments in the financial markets. Alternative investment classes range from considering the role that venture capital, to real estate to artwork play in a well-diversified portfolio. The theoretical part of the course is meant to collect, systematize and deepen students\u2019 understanding of a given investment category, while the practical part of each focuses on an analysis of the current state of development of alternative investments on the global market and outlines the prospects of future market development.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2053": {"id": "UrwbvBCcV48xuq7NXtmRt", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "LUsZEjmPuT8-tlGrG8VIL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14258, "section": "TU03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 16, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14259, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 20, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "LE2og_KwcloyG2uKVbH2k", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14257, "section": "LE01", "size": 75, "enrolled": 36, "available": 39, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2054": {"id": "kbO90hk0KoG362eLy3lq7", "course_id": "110638", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110638", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Alternative Investments", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "2505", "CLASS_NBR": 24230, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CORPFIN 1002 or (CORPFIN 1002UACA and CORPFIN 1002UACB)", "CO_REQUISITE": "CORPFIN 2502", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CORPFIN 3504", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed in the first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The purpose of this course is to present the principles of alternative investments in management. The course provides a detailed analysis of various classes of alternative investments in the financial markets. Alternative investment classes range from considering the role that venture capital, to real estate to artwork play in a well-diversified portfolio. The theoretical part of the course is meant to collect, systematize and deepen students\u2019 understanding of a given investment category, while the practical part of each focuses on an analysis of the current state of development of alternative investments on the global market and outlines the prospects of future market development.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2055": {"id": "kbO90hk0KoG362eLy3lq7", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "AXX-PHz9GNyWL52TuKsQk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24230, "section": "TU04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24231, "section": "TU03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 13, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24232, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24233, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "rFdv0Cph2g3UNWerOsLes", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24229, "section": "LE01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 84, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2056": {"id": "FNYy07SEiVHc46uFuj7cY", "course_id": "110638", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110638", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Alternative Investments", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "2505MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 19393, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CORPFIN 1002 or (CORPFIN 1002UACA and CORPFIN 1002UACB)", "CO_REQUISITE": "CORPFIN 2502", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CORPFIN 3504", "ASSESSMENT": "exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The purpose of this course is to present the principles of alternative investments in management. The course provides a detailed analysis of various classes of alternative investments in the financial markets. Alternative investment classes range from considering the role that venture capital, to real estate to artwork play in a well-diversified portfolio. The theoretical part of the course is meant to collect, systematize and deepen students\u2019 understanding of a given investment category, while the practical part of each focuses on an analysis of the current state of development of alternative investments on the global market and outlines the prospects of future market development.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2057": {"id": "FNYy07SEiVHc46uFuj7cY", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "pjXEKZPoknEV1GrPEegFm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19393, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 5, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "vjhIRBmgiNG4y9bV9Dv4F", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19392, "section": "LE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 5, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2058": {"id": "v6-3A1-TQmozEVjT2ul8N", "course_id": "110638", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110638", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Alternative Investments", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "2505MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 29264, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CORPFIN 1002 or (CORPFIN 1002UACA and CORPFIN 1002UACB)", "CO_REQUISITE": "CORPFIN 2502", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CORPFIN 3504", "ASSESSMENT": "exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The purpose of this course is to present the principles of alternative investments in management. The course provides a detailed analysis of various classes of alternative investments in the financial markets. Alternative investment classes range from considering the role that venture capital, to real estate to artwork play in a well-diversified portfolio. The theoretical part of the course is meant to collect, systematize and deepen students\u2019 understanding of a given investment category, while the practical part of each focuses on an analysis of the current state of development of alternative investments on the global market and outlines the prospects of future market development.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2059": {"id": "v6-3A1-TQmozEVjT2ul8N", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "e8UxBJ0lz8Cx5ASZXSSTn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29264, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 3, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "jtHUAYcf9p14F_7ct8WeC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29263, "section": "LE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 3, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2060": {"id": "FH9tuhQyLt6FQhRW7sAZd", "course_id": "111262", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111262", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Options, Futures & Risk Management", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "2506", "CLASS_NBR": 10257, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CORPFIN 1002 or (CORPFIN 1002UACA and CORPFIN 1002UACB)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "SACE Stage 2 Mathematical Studies; discrete & continuous compounding, how financial markets operate, stock & bond price valuation procedures, algebra & simple differentiation", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CORPFIN 3502, CORPFIN 2504", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignment, Trading games and Exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces students to the derivative markets, examining how hedgers, speculators, and arbitrageurs use financial futures, forwards, and options. Applications developed at The University of Adelaide are employed to complement the study of derivative securities and their relationships to various underlying factors. The course then considers the pricing of derivatives and the use of binomial trees to demonstrate no-arbitrage and risk-neutral valuation arguments, as well as the Black-Scholes-Merton approach. There is an emphasis on the use of options and futures strategies for hedging and risk management to achieve interesting payoff patterns.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2061": {"id": "FH9tuhQyLt6FQhRW7sAZd", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "UQd_QcL-viyS6iDiVFZA6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10256, "section": "TU08", "size": 25, "enrolled": 22, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10257, "section": "TU10", "size": 25, "enrolled": 17, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13320, "section": "TU09", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13321, "section": "TU07", "size": 25, "enrolled": 19, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13324, "section": "TU04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13325, "section": "TU03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 22, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13327, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 21, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "pCYceKd5ZJcOPSYOF5-EX", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13319, "section": "LE01", "size": 200, "enrolled": 149, "available": 51, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2062": {"id": "v6Ak-rSZM_v--Jlq7C7VG", "course_id": "111262", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111262", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Options, Futures & Risk Management", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "2506", "CLASS_NBR": 23235, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CORPFIN 1002 or (CORPFIN 1002UACA and CORPFIN 1002UACB)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "SACE Stage 2 Mathematical Studies; discrete & continuous compounding, how financial markets operate, stock & bond price valuation procedures, algebra & simple differentiation", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CORPFIN 3502, CORPFIN 2504", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignment, Trading games and Exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces students to the derivative markets, examining how hedgers, speculators, and arbitrageurs use financial futures, forwards, and options. Applications developed at The University of Adelaide are employed to complement the study of derivative securities and their relationships to various underlying factors. The course then considers the pricing of derivatives and the use of binomial trees to demonstrate no-arbitrage and risk-neutral valuation arguments, as well as the Black-Scholes-Merton approach. There is an emphasis on the use of options and futures strategies for hedging and risk management to achieve interesting payoff patterns.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2063": {"id": "v6Ak-rSZM_v--Jlq7C7VG", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "FOors9IgomxVg6IR_WwEV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20268, "section": "TU06", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Napier, 144, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Napier, 144, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23235, "section": "TU09", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23236, "section": "TU08", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23237, "section": "TU07", "size": 25, "enrolled": 22, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23238, "section": "TU05", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23239, "section": "TU04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23241, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23242, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "CHvQfqiY_kY12OqNz1Yu1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23234, "section": "LE01", "size": 201, "enrolled": 188, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2064": {"id": "rPLDuxfWtTqtGZnwCBi1o", "course_id": "111262", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111262", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Options, Futures & Risk Management", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "2506MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 19343, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CORPFIN 1002 or (CORPFIN 1002UACA and CORPFIN 1002UACB)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "SACE Stage 2 Mathematical Studies; discrete & continuous compounding, how financial markets operate, stock & bond price valuation procedures, algebra & simple differentiation", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CORPFIN 3502, CORPFIN 2504", "ASSESSMENT": "Online test, online test/trading games, assignment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces students to the derivative markets, examining how hedgers, speculators, and arbitrageurs use financial futures, forwards, and options. Applications developed at The University of Adelaide are employed to complement the study of derivative securities and their relationships to various underlying factors. The course then considers the pricing of derivatives and the use of binomial trees to demonstrate no-arbitrage and risk-neutral valuation arguments, as well as the Black-Scholes-Merton approach. There is an emphasis on the use of options and futures strategies for hedging and risk management to achieve interesting payoff patterns.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2065": {"id": "rPLDuxfWtTqtGZnwCBi1o", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "riPMocHt3PBkltnkMLgys", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19343, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 4, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "r0bLqtCH9VW3ONnWI3ji-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19342, "section": "LE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 4, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2066": {"id": "sgZf3HudcCVeA7WNLlHKp", "course_id": "110351", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110351", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Tax Superannuation and Estate Planning", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "3003", "CLASS_NBR": 13148, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CORPFIN 6003", "ASSESSMENT": "online tests and exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course covers tax planning generally and also business tax planning, and estate and superannuation planning. The tax planning section focuses on an overview of the Australian tax system and tax planning principles, taxation of employee remuneration, taxation of investment income including capital gains tax, taxation of investment structures, and international taxation. As well as providing students with knowledge of fundamental concepts of Australian income tax law and basic tax planning principles, specific strategies for tax planning are covered for each of these topics. The business tax planning section covers income tax issues for business, specific anti-avoidance issues for business entities, and tax issues in buying and selling a business. The estate planning section deals with the process of planning and implementing the orderly transfer of a person's wealth in the event of their death for the benefit of their intended beneficiaries. This section focuses on what are estate and non-estate assets, estate planning objectives, strategies to achieve objectives, specific strategies for estate planning, taxation issues relating to deceased estates and the estate administration process. The section also covers superannuation and the treatment of superannuation benefits during a person's lifetime and at their death.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2067": {"id": "sgZf3HudcCVeA7WNLlHKp", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "DSR-Pw2e40Eo4CuxsM4yb", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13148, "section": "SE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 56, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2068": {"id": "VhfjGyb8Iw4dXUg2NTWzM", "course_id": "110352", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110352", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Global Wealth Management", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "3004", "CLASS_NBR": 23243, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CORPFIN 2501 or CORPFIN 2502", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CORPFIN 6013", "ASSESSMENT": "Tests, group assignment and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Course description: This course looks at the structure and strategies of the Wealth Management industry in the Asia-Pacific region. It explores the needs of high net worth investors and the asset classes in which they invest. The rapid growth of private banking and family offices are explored in detail. Private Banking is an exclusive subset of wealth management.\nWe will examine traditional services offered by private banks and investment banks, as well as the newer solutions in this space. Emphasis will be placed on understanding the client segmentation and asset allocation strategies of private banks in Asia. In addition, we explore the needs, behaviours and investment strategies of millennials, next generation investors, endowments and foundations. Sustainable investing and impact investing will be explored as they become a key area of interest for both wealth managers and investors.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2069": {"id": "VhfjGyb8Iw4dXUg2NTWzM", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "gCok25Vjmh4vvPr7yRVlG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23243, "section": "SE01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 22, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This class has been scheduled in Nexus10 room 1.08 Financial Markets Lab."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 108, Financial Markets Lab"}, {"dates": "8 Aug - 8 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 220, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 108, Financial Markets Lab"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 108, Financial Markets Lab"}]}]}]}]}, "2070": {"id": "AYYD6J9EW5phq1hITU-Yy", "course_id": "110353", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110353", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Fintech and Disruption in Financial Services", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "3005", "CLASS_NBR": 23244, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Case study, group assignment and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The financial services sector is undergoing substantial upheaval and disruption as a result of technology advancements. The course examines the impact of FinTechs on the financial services industry's structure, as well as how they are disrupting a variety of financial transactions such as payments, lending, credit, and investment, as well as the regulatory environment. The course examines rivals, technologies, public policy challenges, and the possibilities for collaboration between incumbents and disruptors in each of these areas.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2071": {"id": "AYYD6J9EW5phq1hITU-Yy", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "pzd_7U5xdq-h760z6maVN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23244, "section": "SE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 28, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2072": {"id": "1Jbf21JuychKKUr9L_gTi", "course_id": "110354", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110354", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Blockchain Crypto and Big Data", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "3006", "CLASS_NBR": 11360, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Case study, group assignment and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is an introductory course on Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies and Big Data in Financial Services. The topics will include: Blockchain fundamentals; the impact of Blockchain on financial services, introduction to cryptocurrencies, the future of money, Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs), big data, customer data and privacy, financial services business models and the impact of artificial intelligence and machine learning. Test and assignments will be given to enable the student to gain practical experience in using these techniques", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2073": {"id": "1Jbf21JuychKKUr9L_gTi", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "dl-trtR9crPmZjaJ_Rqal", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11360, "section": "SE02", "size": 60, "enrolled": 61, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2074": {"id": "h9YhJ4Asee-adpBva13Vi", "course_id": "110354", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110354", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Blockchain Crypto and Big Data", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "3006", "CLASS_NBR": 95012, "SESSION_CD": "WI1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Case study, group assignment and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is an introductory course on Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies and Big Data in Financial Services. The topics will include: Blockchain fundamentals; the impact of Blockchain on financial services, introduction to cryptocurrencies, the future of money, Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs), big data, customer data and privacy, financial services business models and the impact of artificial intelligence and machine learning. Test and assignments will be given to enable the student to gain practical experience in using these techniques", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 08/07/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 10/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 01/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "2075": {"id": "h9YhJ4Asee-adpBva13Vi", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "yv1nImry9PtMXXaV7qUBw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95012, "section": "SE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 49, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jun - 28 Jun", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2076": {"id": "xgF8OB-aIMsLsw9cCWlDn", "course_id": "104246", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104246", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Portfolio Theory & Management", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "3501", "CLASS_NBR": 11336, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CORPFIN 2502", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "SACE Stage 2 Mathematical Studies", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is an in-depth study of investment portfolios: the theory behind them, construction techniques, asset classes employed and their management. Asset classes examined in the context of portfolio construction will include Equities (both developed and emerging markets), Fixed Income Securities, Commodities, Real Estate, and Alternate Investments. Course participants will revisit and enhance their knowledge of the theoretical foundations of asset pricing, market efficiency and the Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT). Course participants will then develop an Investment Policy Statement (or a Statement of Advice) for an institutional investor, quantitatively forecast characteristics of various asset classes in an economy, and then create an investment portfolio to satisfy the investment requirements. Students will learn various strategies to test the portfolio constructed, issues that impact portfolio performance in achieving investment objectives, and finally evaluate its performance.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2077": {"id": "xgF8OB-aIMsLsw9cCWlDn", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "gyjCoDDy0t-Yd1_PQdeuN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11336, "section": "TU10", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11337, "section": "TU09", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13329, "section": "TU08", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13330, "section": "TU07", "size": 25, "enrolled": 17, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13331, "section": "TU06", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13335, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13336, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "_F72RhgwojfwktL1vNUzJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13328, "section": "LE01", "size": 175, "enrolled": 160, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2078": {"id": "dbSI4jtNku8nWyMXfPXNx", "course_id": "104246", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104246", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Portfolio Theory & Management", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "3501", "CLASS_NBR": 23246, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CORPFIN 2502", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "SACE Stage 2 Mathematical Studies", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is an in-depth study of investment portfolios: the theory behind them, construction techniques, asset classes employed and their management. Asset classes examined in the context of portfolio construction will include Equities (both developed and emerging markets), Fixed Income Securities, Commodities, Real Estate, and Alternate Investments. Course participants will revisit and enhance their knowledge of the theoretical foundations of asset pricing, market efficiency and the Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT). Course participants will then develop an Investment Policy Statement (or a Statement of Advice) for an institutional investor, quantitatively forecast characteristics of various asset classes in an economy, and then create an investment portfolio to satisfy the investment requirements. Students will learn various strategies to test the portfolio constructed, issues that impact portfolio performance in achieving investment objectives, and finally evaluate its performance.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2079": {"id": "dbSI4jtNku8nWyMXfPXNx", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "naXYr80GmfoqNfELo4Fdp", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23246, "section": "TU07", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23247, "section": "TU06", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23248, "section": "TU05", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23249, "section": "TU04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23251, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23252, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "7MwQKd_XOiVI7cNinLude", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23245, "section": "LE01", "size": 150, "enrolled": 148, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2080": {"id": "9NDG6y5cw9WvuMyr5ShPn", "course_id": "104246", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104246", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Portfolio Theory & Management", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "3501MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 19345, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CORPFIN 2502", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "SACE Stage 2 Mathematical Studies", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is an in-depth study of investment portfolios: the theory behind them, construction techniques, asset classes employed and their management. Asset classes examined in the context of portfolio construction will include Equities (both developed and emerging markets), Fixed Income Securities, Commodities, Real Estate, and Alternate Investments. Course participants will revisit and enhance their knowledge of the theoretical foundations of asset pricing, market efficiency and the Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT). Course participants will then develop an Investment Policy Statement (or a Statement of Advice) for an institutional investor, quantitatively forecast characteristics of various asset classes in an economy, and then create an investment portfolio to satisfy the investment requirements. Students will learn various strategies to test the portfolio constructed, issues that impact portfolio performance in achieving investment objectives, and finally evaluate its performance.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2081": {"id": "9NDG6y5cw9WvuMyr5ShPn", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "LfTaKcyjkjDW0IkPZetQM", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19345, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 3, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Gh_OSBQJD9ImO-E2yfuBG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19344, "section": "LE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 3, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2082": {"id": "_7F0d9RHW0b2LvVm4ztP4", "course_id": "110639", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110639", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Corporate Regulations and Ethics in Finance", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "3505", "CLASS_NBR": 13339, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CORPFIN 1002 or (CORPFIN 1002UACA and CORPFIN 1002UACB)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/ tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces business regulations and professional ethics in finance. At a firm level, the course covers corporate social responsibility and business regulations. At an individual level, the course covers the CFA Institute Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct. These topics are crucial for managing modern corporations and reinforce the role of finance professionals in a dynamic business environment and their significance to society in general.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2083": {"id": "_7F0d9RHW0b2LvVm4ztP4", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "BYn1AmFdJ6z2rNKQ506OW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13339, "section": "TU05", "size": 25, "enrolled": 14, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Mar - 13 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13340, "section": "TU04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13341, "section": "TU03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 22, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Mar - 13 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13343, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "UYvgvHJSgXuILUmFpPY6b", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13337, "section": "LE01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 85, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2084": {"id": "RLSk1_0qjwYHJ_JcHdTBZ", "course_id": "110639", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110639", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Corporate Regulations and Ethics in Finance", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "3505", "CLASS_NBR": 23255, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CORPFIN 1002 or (CORPFIN 1002UACA and CORPFIN 1002UACB)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/ tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces business regulations and professional ethics in finance. At a firm level, the course covers corporate social responsibility and business regulations. At an individual level, the course covers the CFA Institute Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct. These topics are crucial for managing modern corporations and reinforce the role of finance professionals in a dynamic business environment and their significance to society in general.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2085": {"id": "RLSk1_0qjwYHJ_JcHdTBZ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "09otKR8r76qZgtGd9dT7K", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23255, "section": "TU04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 26, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23257, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 28, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23258, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 22, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, 205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, 205, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "qPxndO5rau0f1sZtBryOm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23253, "section": "LE01", "size": 75, "enrolled": 76, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2086": {"id": "71czsn_dj3F-GWaMNSSeH", "course_id": "110639", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110639", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Corporate Regulations and Ethics in Finance", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "3505MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 29219, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CORPFIN 1002 or (CORPFIN 1002UACA and CORPFIN 1002UACB)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces business regulations and professional ethics in finance. At a firm level, the course covers corporate social responsibility and business regulations. At an individual level, the course covers the CFA Institute Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct. These topics are crucial for managing modern corporations and reinforce the role of finance professionals in a dynamic business environment and their significance to society in general.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2087": {"id": "71czsn_dj3F-GWaMNSSeH", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "3YVZyhO8vQMka6CRxsSlN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29219, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 3, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "NHzxyPL672NxIH1SnXl9T", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29218, "section": "LE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 3, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2088": {"id": "8Zd4NsLqMesi4wnz8gX1P", "course_id": "110640", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110640", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Takeovers, Corporate Restructuring and Governance", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "3506", "CLASS_NBR": 13345, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CORPFIN 2502", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CORPFIN 3503", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides students with a basis for understanding mergers and acquisitions and corporate restructuring in the framework of strategic planning issues facing managers in all companies, small and large. Topics covered include the strategic rationale for business combinations, both theory and practice; transaction structuring and financing; takeover tactics and defence; valuation and pricing of targets; and other forms of corporate restructuring, including private equity, LBOs and divestitures.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2089": {"id": "8Zd4NsLqMesi4wnz8gX1P", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "ssM4ICMSzwaFu1uDrUjpI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13345, "section": "TU05", "size": 25, "enrolled": 16, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13346, "section": "TU04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13347, "section": "TU03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13348, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "judeofzd6gunPy-pFhwxI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13344, "section": "LE01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 91, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2090": {"id": "q9WhXZ3mlbSzEacFWe_We", "course_id": "110640", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110640", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Takeovers, Corporate Restructuring and Governance", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "3506", "CLASS_NBR": 23260, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CORPFIN 2502", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CORPFIN 3503", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides students with a basis for understanding mergers and acquisitions and corporate restructuring in the framework of strategic planning issues facing managers in all companies, small and large. Topics covered include the strategic rationale for business combinations, both theory and practice; transaction structuring and financing; takeover tactics and defence; valuation and pricing of targets; and other forms of corporate restructuring, including private equity, LBOs and divestitures.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2091": {"id": "q9WhXZ3mlbSzEacFWe_We", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "rdpalLPmglhMBG38xh_8F", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23260, "section": "TU06", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23261, "section": "TU05", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23262, "section": "TU04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23264, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "CVExdcvyP7bBkQF1ZkS1Z", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23259, "section": "LE01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 98, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2092": {"id": "WT28Cinwr31AcNw1mAuyz", "course_id": "110640", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110640", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Takeovers, Corporate Restructuring and Governance", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "3506MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 29221, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CORPFIN 2502", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CORPFIN 3503", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides students with a basis for understanding mergers and acquisitions and corporate restructuring in the framework of strategic planning issues facing managers in all companies, small and large. Topics covered include the strategic rationale for business combinations, both theory and practice; transaction structuring and financing; takeover tactics and defence; valuation and pricing of targets; and other forms of corporate restructuring, including private equity, LBOs and divestitures.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2093": {"id": "WT28Cinwr31AcNw1mAuyz", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "uL2_riSP0llZxtigtxgtF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29221, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 5, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Ay_2gSKviARBEPsxV9b0u", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29220, "section": "LE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 5, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2094": {"id": "GmnHItO36GHNjAkIPly3p", "course_id": "110641", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110641", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Topics in Corporate Finance", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "3507", "CLASS_NBR": 13360, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CORPFIN 1002 or (CORPFIN 1002UACA and CORPFIN 1002UACB)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CORPFIN 3500", "ASSESSMENT": "Exams/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course looks at theoretical issues in corporate finance and their practical application. Topics include capital structure and the preferences for debt or equity as suggested by agency models, including leases, pecking order theory and timing models; dividend policy; convertible securities and executive compensation; initial public offerings; internal capital markets and diversification.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2095": {"id": "GmnHItO36GHNjAkIPly3p", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "_18dKvaQXrq_YmdyUZVO4", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13351, "section": "TU08", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13352, "section": "TU07", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13354, "section": "TU05", "size": 25, "enrolled": 19, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13356, "section": "TU03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 18, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13358, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13360, "section": "TU09", "size": 25, "enrolled": 19, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "hNNT0-RVhSQVU49BOOoq7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13350, "section": "LE01", "size": 200, "enrolled": 127, "available": 73, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2096": {"id": "Ssnr06R0FndqOdwWIry5D", "course_id": "110641", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110641", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Topics in Corporate Finance", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "3507", "CLASS_NBR": 23267, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CORPFIN 1002 or (CORPFIN 1002UACA and CORPFIN 1002UACB)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CORPFIN 3500", "ASSESSMENT": "Exams/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course looks at theoretical issues in corporate finance and their practical application. Topics include capital structure and the preferences for debt or equity as suggested by agency models, including leases, pecking order theory and timing models; dividend policy; convertible securities and executive compensation; initial public offerings; internal capital markets and diversification.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2097": {"id": "Ssnr06R0FndqOdwWIry5D", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "Y68al1mdfpnIZvY-Y-LFz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23267, "section": "TU07", "size": 26, "enrolled": 24, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23268, "section": "TU06", "size": 26, "enrolled": 26, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23271, "section": "TU03", "size": 26, "enrolled": 25, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23273, "section": "TU01", "size": 27, "enrolled": 25, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "zgbQK83toRQbSDRzXZJ7l", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23266, "section": "LE01", "size": 125, "enrolled": 100, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2098": {"id": "xLk_DAq95jrq3MDnsHkTN", "course_id": "110641", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110641", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Topics in Corporate Finance", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "3507MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 19347, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CORPFIN 1002 or (CORPFIN 1002UACA and CORPFIN 1002UACB)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CORPFIN 3500", "ASSESSMENT": "Exams/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course looks at theoretical issues in corporate finance and their practical application. Topics include capital structure and the preferences for debt or equity as suggested by agency models, including leases, pecking order theory and timing models; dividend policy; convertible securities and executive compensation; initial public offerings; internal capital markets and diversification.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2099": {"id": "xLk_DAq95jrq3MDnsHkTN", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "Ahh-ucH3trv_PjNHxOntq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19347, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 5, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "BBKVT8-U5Ru15Em-ACTnF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19346, "section": "LE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 5, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2100": {"id": "iMhcZrxIjDR4KgSXtx6Ic", "course_id": "108671", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108671", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Quantitative Methods (H)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "4033", "CLASS_NBR": 12955, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/ major project / mid-semester test as prescribed at first seminar", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The purpose of this course is to provide an introduction to both basic and advanced analytical tools for business disciplines. Beginning with simple statistical methods, the course builds to more robust analytical techniques such as multivariate linear regression. Emphasis is placed on theoretical understanding of concepts as well as the application of key methodologies used by industry. This course also aims to promote a critical perspective on the use of statistical and econometric information.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2101": {"id": "iMhcZrxIjDR4KgSXtx6Ic", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "QhedySpbu474sJA8Vg4iF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13368, "section": "SE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "Y3MK2R0nz6gKQV2_2sdev", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12955, "section": "WR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Apr - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 220, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "2102": {"id": "75yIQ5PlLeiFl1hCgokxj", "course_id": "108671", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108671", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Quantitative Methods (H)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "4033", "CLASS_NBR": 29612, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/ major project / mid-semester test as prescribed at first seminar", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The purpose of this course is to provide an introduction to both basic and advanced analytical tools for business disciplines. Beginning with simple statistical methods, the course builds to more robust analytical techniques such as multivariate linear regression. Emphasis is placed on theoretical understanding of concepts as well as the application of key methodologies used by industry. This course also aims to promote a critical perspective on the use of statistical and econometric information.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2103": {"id": "75yIQ5PlLeiFl1hCgokxj", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "JIaBF6loe48GHPF4omayn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29611, "section": "SE01", "size": 1, "enrolled": 0, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "arj6Uv4THswjChqe0EbV0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29612, "section": "WR01", "size": 1, "enrolled": 0, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, 220, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, 220, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "2104": {"id": "yUomaLstessihpE9Qn0pC", "course_id": "108699", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108699", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Equity Valuation & Analysis (H)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "4039", "CLASS_NBR": 13364, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours per Semester", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course analyses companies from a fundamental perspective in order to derive the intrinsic value of stocks. Topics include fundamental analysis and determination of growth; discount cash flows models including dividend discount models and free cash flow models; relative valuation models including price-earnings and price-book multiples; estimating the discount rate; valuation of firms in financial distress, investment in other firms, and mergers and acquisitions.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2105": {"id": "yUomaLstessihpE9Qn0pC", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "PG4q7Q9IsjfgAdJbeXkzB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13364, "section": "SE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2106": {"id": "3QQEfGRVe9fLop1hanEqr", "course_id": "108700", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108700", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Fixed Income Securities (H)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "4040", "CLASS_NBR": 13369, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course examines the valuation of fixed-income securities, the market operations and management of risk. Topics include: valuation of bonds, term structure of interest rate, measuring and managing interest rate risk, corporate bond market, passive and active bond portfolio management, performance measurement, securitisation and interest rate derivatives.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2107": {"id": "3QQEfGRVe9fLop1hanEqr", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "9MBmGbF1p9nY3t0jK0pbz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13369, "section": "SE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2108": {"id": "ul24NMN4ej0G0NUWpMvkm", "course_id": "108702", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108702", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Applied Financial Institutions Management (H)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "4048", "CLASS_NBR": 13372, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/presentation/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture & presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course focuses on the risk management within financial institutions to manage the varied types of risk that they may be exposed to. The course applies the theories of defining and measuring various types of risk these institutions can be exposed to, and identifies effective policies and strategies for successful risk management. The course also examines international standards of banking practice and the impact on risk management of the institutions.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2109": {"id": "ul24NMN4ej0G0NUWpMvkm", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "8STdBGwIzOG7HpxwgL5H2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13372, "section": "SE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, 204, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, 204, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2110": {"id": "NB7v-3NtGBuIBEahiDq-A", "course_id": "107867", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107867", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Finance (H)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "4102", "CLASS_NBR": 15896, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an in-depth look at some of the main theoretical and research perspectives that have contributed to the academic literature in finance. Students will develop their ability to critically review issues in financial economics and corporate finance. Financial economics topics include asset pricing models, market efficiency, behavioural finance, trading mechanisms, and volatility. Corporate finance topics include capital structure, signalling models, executive compensation, and takeovers. This is a readings-based course in which students will critically review scholarly research articles each week. It will be the responsibility of students to select additional readings for each session. It is suggested that this should be a shared responsibility with students taking turns to choose an disseminate material among course lecturers and other class members ahead of time, for each class. Students are to come to each session prepared to summarise and comment on what they have read. It is anticipated that a minimum of five to eight hours of preparation time will be required. Class presentations are expected to be comprehensive, requiring not only mastery of the arguments, but also to be supported by visual material. Participation marks will be awarded for the demonstration of effective reading and an understanding of the arguments presented.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2111": {"id": "NB7v-3NtGBuIBEahiDq-A", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "q-P8zuHrKopf6caOvHvop", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15896, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "2112": {"id": "qoH4m2958jv9L_zpAzXkc", "course_id": "103453", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103453", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Tax, Estate and Wealth Planning", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "6003", "CLASS_NBR": 13373, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "CORPFIN 7005", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CORPFIN 3003", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam and assignments as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course covers tax planning generally and also business tax planning, and estate and wealth planning. The tax planning section focuses on an overview of the Australian tax system and tax planning principles, taxation of employee remuneration, taxation of investment income, taxation of investment structures, and international taxation. As well as providing students with knowledge of fundamental concepts of Australian income tax law and basic tax planning principles, specific strategies for tax planning are covered for each of these topics. The business tax planning section covers income tax issues for business, specific anti-avoidance issues for business entities, and tax issues in buying and selling a business. The estate planning section deals with the process of planning and implementing the orderly transfer of a person's wealth in the event of their death for the benefit of their intended beneficiaries. This section focuses on what are estate and non-estate assets, estate planning objectives, strategies to achieve objectives, specific strategies for estate planning, taxation issues relating to deceased estates and the estate administration process. The wealth planning section focuses on superannuation and insurance in building and protecting wealth.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2113": {"id": "qoH4m2958jv9L_zpAzXkc", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "7knVLDwP95BDncnj2BVDx", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13373, "section": "SE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 66, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2114": {"id": "6gHUofsrBJx5NnKEOc4Ri", "course_id": "109957", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109957", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Wealth Management in Asia", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "6013", "CLASS_NBR": 23278, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CORPFIN 7005", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CORPFIN 6004", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is taught by both academic and industry instructors and focuses on the Wealth Management industry in the Asia Pacific region. It explores the needs of high net worth investors and the asset classes that they invest in. It examines diversification of risk management and portfolio performance measurement. The vital importance of asset allocation, both strategic and tactical are explained and workshopped. The rapid growth of private banking and family offices are explored in detail. Private Banking is an exclusive subset of wealth management. We will examine traditional services offered by private banks as well as the newer solutions in this space. Emphasis will be placed on understanding the client segmentation strategies of private banks in Asia. In addition, we explore the needs, behaviours and investment strategies of the HNW and UHNW clients with a focus on China, Singapore, Hong Kong, Australia and India, that the Private Banks seek to serve with such solutions.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2115": {"id": "6gHUofsrBJx5NnKEOc4Ri", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "G3JtDHHE_PHXc1ZnVPvsd", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23278, "section": "SE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 47, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2116": {"id": "covrsvklX6E6YzLWiOkts", "course_id": "101384", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "101384", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Principles of Finance (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "7005", "CLASS_NBR": 10745, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces you to the world of modern finance, especially to the financial operations of a business. It covers the concepts of time value of money, basic asset valuation, risk and return paradigm, capital budgeting and financing decisions. Upon completion, students will be able to value bonds and stocks, estimate asset returns according to their risk characteristics and identify capital projects that maximize shareholder's wealth using a wide range of analytical tools. They will also develop a good understanding on how firms finance their capital expenditure.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2117": {"id": "covrsvklX6E6YzLWiOkts", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "MM0GpYV-tTJJ2lbIgJ-tq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10745, "section": "SE06", "size": 50, "enrolled": 49, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13374, "section": "SE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 40, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13375, "section": "SE03", "size": 50, "enrolled": 45, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13376, "section": "SE02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14370, "section": "SE04", "size": 50, "enrolled": 46, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14954, "section": "SE05", "size": 50, "enrolled": 42, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2118": {"id": "2-ep0PYPAsjvTEYve0anQ", "course_id": "101384", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "101384", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Principles of Finance (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "7005", "CLASS_NBR": 20669, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces you to the world of modern finance, especially to the financial operations of a business. It covers the concepts of time value of money, basic asset valuation, risk and return paradigm, capital budgeting and financing decisions. Upon completion, students will be able to value bonds and stocks, estimate asset returns according to their risk characteristics and identify capital projects that maximize shareholder's wealth using a wide range of analytical tools. They will also develop a good understanding on how firms finance their capital expenditure.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2119": {"id": "2-ep0PYPAsjvTEYve0anQ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "0Lk7EnOInTa-J5TXNYWWy", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20669, "section": "SE06", "size": 50, "enrolled": 50, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 29 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21351, "section": "SE05", "size": 50, "enrolled": 49, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 29 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21352, "section": "SE04", "size": 50, "enrolled": 47, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23279, "section": "SE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 50, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 28 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23280, "section": "SE03", "size": 15, "enrolled": 15, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23281, "section": "SE02", "size": 50, "enrolled": 41, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 28 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2120": {"id": "z-qnkuq_tmEImVFIW-pXV", "course_id": "101384", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "101384", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Principles of Finance (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "7005", "CLASS_NBR": 30020, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces you to the world of modern finance, especially to the financial operations of a business. It covers the concepts of time value of money, basic asset valuation, risk and return paradigm, capital budgeting and financing decisions. Upon completion, students will be able to value bonds and stocks, estimate asset returns according to their risk characteristics and identify capital projects that maximize shareholder's wealth using a wide range of analytical tools. They will also develop a good understanding on how firms finance their capital expenditure.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "2121": {"id": "z-qnkuq_tmEImVFIW-pXV", "class_list": [{"association_group": "", "groups": []}]}, "2122": {"id": "D6nO-hgGBI6o4fUFlqm4L", "course_id": "101384", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "101384", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Principles of Finance (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "7005", "CLASS_NBR": 33033, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces you to the world of modern finance, especially to the financial operations of a business. It covers the concepts of time value of money, basic asset valuation, risk and return paradigm, capital budgeting and financing decisions. Upon completion, students will be able to value bonds and stocks, estimate asset returns according to their risk characteristics and identify capital projects that maximize shareholder's wealth using a wide range of analytical tools. They will also develop a good understanding on how firms finance their capital expenditure.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "2123": {"id": "D6nO-hgGBI6o4fUFlqm4L", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "F6t6Ikyw5ECE6g5pcH6DV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33022, "section": "SE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 33, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 May - 19 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 26 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2124": {"id": "h5oujTOSggPAjKhV9-kQF", "course_id": "101384", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "101384", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Principles of Finance (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "7005", "CLASS_NBR": 36038, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces you to the world of modern finance, especially to the financial operations of a business. It covers the concepts of time value of money, basic asset valuation, risk and return paradigm, capital budgeting and financing decisions. Upon completion, students will be able to value bonds and stocks, estimate asset returns according to their risk characteristics and identify capital projects that maximize shareholder's wealth using a wide range of analytical tools. They will also develop a good understanding on how firms finance their capital expenditure.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "2125": {"id": "h5oujTOSggPAjKhV9-kQF", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "Qnfj4U8z-Hr3P7AdXT--7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36017, "section": "SE01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 37, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Sep - 22 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2126": {"id": "qIHJ_EX16J7uTf7fazxP6", "course_id": "101384", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "101384", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 6, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Principles of Finance (M)", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "7005MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 19314, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces you to the world of modern finance, especially to the financial operations of a business. It covers the concepts of time value of money, basic asset valuation, risk and return paradigm, capital budgeting and financing decisions. Upon completion, students will be able to value bonds and stocks, estimate asset returns according to their risk characteristics and identify capital projects that maximize shareholder's wealth using a wide range of analytical tools. They will also develop a good understanding on how firms finance their capital expenditure.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2127": {"id": "qIHJ_EX16J7uTf7fazxP6", "class_list": [{"association_group": "", "groups": []}]}, "2128": {"id": "fdkFQHeGzVMv4AkKauYUX", "course_id": "101384", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "101384", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 6, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Principles of Finance (M)", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "7005MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 29181, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces you to the world of modern finance, especially to the financial operations of a business. It covers the concepts of time value of money, basic asset valuation, risk and return paradigm, capital budgeting and financing decisions. Upon completion, students will be able to value bonds and stocks, estimate asset returns according to their risk characteristics and identify capital projects that maximize shareholder's wealth using a wide range of analytical tools. They will also develop a good understanding on how firms finance their capital expenditure.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2129": {"id": "fdkFQHeGzVMv4AkKauYUX", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "xnFhGYTF9CZeGI6hMYjSL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29181, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 0, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 29 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "lcIonj8fo8nQfNakLl72V", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29223, "section": "SE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 0, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 29 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2130": {"id": "97Dmn2F8KQ4LaEF_6vJYL", "course_id": "101384", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "101384", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 4, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Principles of Finance (M)", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "7005UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 14777, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces you to the world of modern finance, especially to the financial operations of a business. It covers the concepts of time value of money, basic asset valuation, risk and return paradigm, capital budgeting and financing decisions. Upon completion, students will be able to value bonds and stocks, estimate asset returns according to their risk characteristics and identify capital projects that maximize shareholder's wealth using a wide range of analytical tools. They will also develop a good understanding on how firms finance their capital expenditure.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2131": {"id": "97Dmn2F8KQ4LaEF_6vJYL", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "TazQSju8vh8bsI3a8GExM", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15334, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 17, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "hG5aOOa72pRDSvbTEblCb", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14777, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 17, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 314, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 314, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2132": {"id": "Ut4ocZkK58a057GTJOgSV", "course_id": "101384", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "101384", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 4, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Principles of Finance (M)", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "7005UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 29558, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces you to the world of modern finance, especially to the financial operations of a business. It covers the concepts of time value of money, basic asset valuation, risk and return paradigm, capital budgeting and financing decisions. Upon completion, students will be able to value bonds and stocks, estimate asset returns according to their risk characteristics and identify capital projects that maximize shareholder's wealth using a wide range of analytical tools. They will also develop a good understanding on how firms finance their capital expenditure.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2133": {"id": "Ut4ocZkK58a057GTJOgSV", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "ai2Y7A_Aqo80Dn2Z8x5BL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25210, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 25, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tuition", "id": "ZkhL3Tbl3HLYCCquwot7J", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24668, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 15, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 28 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 316, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29558, "section": "TT02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 10, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, G05, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2134": {"id": "BssIvhAKljvIIbWZ8L7Vm", "course_id": "101384", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "101384", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 5, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Principles of Finance (M)", "CAMPUS": "UofA College Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "UACM", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "7005UACM", "CLASS_NBR": 19348, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces you to the world of modern finance, especially to the financial operations of a business. It covers the concepts of time value of money, basic asset valuation, risk and return paradigm, capital budgeting and financing decisions. Upon completion, students will be able to value bonds and stocks, estimate asset returns according to their risk characteristics and identify capital projects that maximize shareholder's wealth using a wide range of analytical tools. They will also develop a good understanding on how firms finance their capital expenditure.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2135": {"id": "BssIvhAKljvIIbWZ8L7Vm", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "f6LqajtKsXWuVThO8y9EC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19350, "section": "SE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 9, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "1PlkS1AC_Qxqa0b6SpESC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19348, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 9, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2136": {"id": "RHCK1MzSxpHBPzrzRrmVw", "course_id": "101384", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "101384", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 5, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Principles of Finance (M)", "CAMPUS": "UofA College Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "UACM", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "7005UACM", "CLASS_NBR": 29222, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces you to the world of modern finance, especially to the financial operations of a business. It covers the concepts of time value of money, basic asset valuation, risk and return paradigm, capital budgeting and financing decisions. Upon completion, students will be able to value bonds and stocks, estimate asset returns according to their risk characteristics and identify capital projects that maximize shareholder's wealth using a wide range of analytical tools. They will also develop a good understanding on how firms finance their capital expenditure.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2137": {"id": "RHCK1MzSxpHBPzrzRrmVw", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "EFzhXexab0qWhktQhDSKj", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29222, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 9, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 29 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "0zHo72J-ga_vApkJodQ0T", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29224, "section": "SE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 9, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 29 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2138": {"id": "VqytCqCL0kgCxKlIrgYTw", "course_id": "102244", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102244", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Funds Management (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "7019", "CLASS_NBR": 11520, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CORPFIN 7039, CORPFIN 7040", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exams/assignments/test/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an in-depth study of mutual funds, including the theory underpinning their construction techniques, and the asset classes employed in their management. The asset classes examined will primarily be equities and fixed income securities from the developed markets. However, non-core asset classes (e.g., commodities, real estate), equities and fixed income securities from developing markets, and alternative investments will also be examined. Course participants will revisit and enhance their knowledge of the theoretical foundations of asset pricing, market efficiency, and Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT). Students will then be exposed to the managed funds industry, and be required to apply their theoretical knowledge to understand the process of developing, managing, and evaluating these investment vehicles. Students will learn various strategies to evaluate a selection of Australian and US mutual funds, and understand the issues that impact fund performance in the context of achieving investment objectives.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2139": {"id": "VqytCqCL0kgCxKlIrgYTw", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "8a6sYDHtI68DYlYRwu3Ce", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11520, "section": "SE03", "size": 50, "enrolled": 47, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13377, "section": "SE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 48, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2140": {"id": "TvGJ4vpLwgz8WECr744zt", "course_id": "102244", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102244", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Funds Management (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "7019", "CLASS_NBR": 23282, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CORPFIN 7039, CORPFIN 7040", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exams/assignments/test/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an in-depth study of mutual funds, including the theory underpinning their construction techniques, and the asset classes employed in their management. The asset classes examined will primarily be equities and fixed income securities from the developed markets. However, non-core asset classes (e.g., commodities, real estate), equities and fixed income securities from developing markets, and alternative investments will also be examined. Course participants will revisit and enhance their knowledge of the theoretical foundations of asset pricing, market efficiency, and Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT). Students will then be exposed to the managed funds industry, and be required to apply their theoretical knowledge to understand the process of developing, managing, and evaluating these investment vehicles. Students will learn various strategies to evaluate a selection of Australian and US mutual funds, and understand the issues that impact fund performance in the context of achieving investment objectives.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2141": {"id": "TvGJ4vpLwgz8WECr744zt", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "C3ApLCb9yStF503TeEt_u", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23282, "section": "SE02", "size": 45, "enrolled": 45, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23283, "section": "SE01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 34, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 1 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2142": {"id": "Hx32d9utqRqxMnE5Ngecj", "course_id": "102244", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102244", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Funds Management (M)", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "7019MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 19351, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "CORPFIN 7039, CORPFIN 7040", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exams/assignments/test/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an in-depth study of mutual funds, including the theory underpinning their construction techniques, and the asset classes employed in their management. The asset classes examined will primarily be equities and fixed income securities from the developed markets. However, non-core asset classes (e.g., commodities, real estate), equities and fixed income securities from developing markets, and alternative investments will also be examined. Course participants will revisit and enhance their knowledge of the theoretical foundations of asset pricing, market efficiency, and Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT). Students will then be exposed to the managed funds industry, and be required to apply their theoretical knowledge to understand the process of developing, managing, and evaluating these investment vehicles. Students will learn various strategies to evaluate a selection of Australian and US mutual funds, and understand the issues that impact fund performance in the context of achieving investment objectives.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2143": {"id": "Hx32d9utqRqxMnE5Ngecj", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "LuKVRIpmNmCOOf2KsEsds", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19351, "section": "SE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 2, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2144": {"id": "3dNl7GmHt5aAnUIel7BGQ", "course_id": "102244", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102244", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Funds Management (M)", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "7019MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 29225, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "CORPFIN 7039, CORPFIN 7040", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exams/assignments/test/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an in-depth study of mutual funds, including the theory underpinning their construction techniques, and the asset classes employed in their management. The asset classes examined will primarily be equities and fixed income securities from the developed markets. However, non-core asset classes (e.g., commodities, real estate), equities and fixed income securities from developing markets, and alternative investments will also be examined. Course participants will revisit and enhance their knowledge of the theoretical foundations of asset pricing, market efficiency, and Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT). Students will then be exposed to the managed funds industry, and be required to apply their theoretical knowledge to understand the process of developing, managing, and evaluating these investment vehicles. Students will learn various strategies to evaluate a selection of Australian and US mutual funds, and understand the issues that impact fund performance in the context of achieving investment objectives.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2145": {"id": "3dNl7GmHt5aAnUIel7BGQ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "_vnJ9rhaQhUk3yEV-x2YY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29225, "section": "SE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 1, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 1 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2146": {"id": "tfU14uypKiXteybHOavgc", "course_id": "102245", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102245", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Derivatives (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "7020", "CLASS_NBR": 13379, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CORPFIN 7039 and CORPFIN 7040 or (CORPFIN 7039AMELB and CORPFIN 7039BMELB and CORPFIN 7040AMELB and CORPFIN 7040BMELB)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignment, Trading games and Exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course examines the function and operation derivative markets serve in finance. To begin, the course identifies relationships that must hold in such markets if there are to be no arbitrage opportunities. The course then covers options pricing using the Binomial and Black-Scholes approach, as well as describing a wide range of futures and options dealing strategies, along with their applications to hedging and risk management. Currency and fixed-interest derivatives are also considered as well as options on futures and some alternative exotic options. Applications developed at the University of Adelaide are used to complement the study of derivative securities.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2147": {"id": "tfU14uypKiXteybHOavgc", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "q3jI9AyqDOVzniV5YKkJj", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13378, "section": "SE01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 43, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13379, "section": "SE02", "size": 45, "enrolled": 40, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2148": {"id": "dHu21KakHPs0gCzqjLz76", "course_id": "102245", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102245", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Derivatives (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "7020", "CLASS_NBR": 23285, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CORPFIN 7039 and CORPFIN 7040 or (CORPFIN 7039AMELB and CORPFIN 7039BMELB and CORPFIN 7040AMELB and CORPFIN 7040BMELB)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignment, Trading games and Exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course examines the function and operation derivative markets serve in finance. To begin, the course identifies relationships that must hold in such markets if there are to be no arbitrage opportunities. The course then covers options pricing using the Binomial and Black-Scholes approach, as well as describing a wide range of futures and options dealing strategies, along with their applications to hedging and risk management. Currency and fixed-interest derivatives are also considered as well as options on futures and some alternative exotic options. Applications developed at the University of Adelaide are used to complement the study of derivative securities.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2149": {"id": "dHu21KakHPs0gCzqjLz76", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "E64H9GINkILyxFvch6929", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23284, "section": "SE01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 39, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23285, "section": "SE02", "size": 45, "enrolled": 31, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2150": {"id": "z99AtDyOjXDRcEoP3RfEi", "course_id": "102245", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102245", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Derivatives (M)", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "7020MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 19352, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CORPFIN 7039 and CORPFIN 7040 or (CORPFIN 7039AMELB and CORPFIN 7039BMELB and CORPFIN 7040AMELB and CORPFIN 7040BMELB)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online test, trading games, assignment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course examines the function and operation derivative markets serve in finance. To begin, the course identifies relationships that must hold in such markets if there are to be no arbitrage opportunities. The course then covers options pricing using the Binomial and Black-Scholes approach, as well as describing a wide range of futures and options dealing strategies, along with their applications to hedging and risk management. Currency and fixed-interest derivatives are also considered as well as options on futures and some alternative exotic options. Applications developed at the University of Adelaide are used to complement the study of derivative securities.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2151": {"id": "z99AtDyOjXDRcEoP3RfEi", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "TKpN-wZYPAb9n4zMJ8O1F", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19352, "section": "SE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 2, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2152": {"id": "L6ieKlUszpLJnYpBGGkac", "course_id": "102245", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102245", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Derivatives (M)", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "7020MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 29226, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CORPFIN 7039 and CORPFIN 7040 or (CORPFIN 7039AMELB and CORPFIN 7039BMELB and CORPFIN 7040AMELB and CORPFIN 7040BMELB)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online test, trading games, assignment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course examines the function and operation derivative markets serve in finance. To begin, the course identifies relationships that must hold in such markets if there are to be no arbitrage opportunities. The course then covers options pricing using the Binomial and Black-Scholes approach, as well as describing a wide range of futures and options dealing strategies, along with their applications to hedging and risk management. Currency and fixed-interest derivatives are also considered as well as options on futures and some alternative exotic options. Applications developed at the University of Adelaide are used to complement the study of derivative securities.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2153": {"id": "L6ieKlUszpLJnYpBGGkac", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "vCI_tiI7UsqXJqi9qPpSf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29226, "section": "SE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 1, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2154": {"id": "n24haPbd4iS_hEHBRhQpy", "course_id": "102247", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102247", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Corporate Finance (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "7022", "CLASS_NBR": 13380, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ACCTING 7019 and CORPFIN 7005 and ECON 7200 and (CORPFIN 7033 or CORPFIN 7033MELB) or (CORPFIN 7033AUACM and CORPFIN 7033BUACM)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The objective of the course is to gain an appreciation of the theoretical controversies surrounding corporate finance policies, leading to formulation of financing strategies. Topics include competing capital structure theories including financial distress and agency costs, optimal dividend policy and taxation, IPOs in equity markets, motives for convertibles and warrants, rationales for corporate diversification including internal capital markets and agency theory. In each topic we will focus on the real-world applications of corporate finance tools and theories to address issues commonly faced by corporate managers, investors, and entrepreneurs.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2155": {"id": "n24haPbd4iS_hEHBRhQpy", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "WRG1wtqaoDpn2byER-TaI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13380, "section": "SE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 36, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2156": {"id": "uOoUk91IB5VbehakYR5-R", "course_id": "102247", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102247", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Corporate Finance (M)", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "7022MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 19353, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ACCTING 7019 and CORPFIN 7005 and ECON 7200 and (CORPFIN 7033 or CORPFIN 7033MELB) or (CORPFIN 7033AUACM and CORPFIN 7033BUACM)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The objective of the course is to gain an appreciation of the theoretical controversies surrounding corporate finance policies, leading to formulation of financing strategies. Topics include competing capital structure theories including financial distress and agency costs, optimal dividend policy and taxation, IPOs in equity markets, motives for convertibles and warrants, rationales for corporate diversification including internal capital markets and agency theory. In each topic we will focus on the real-world applications of corporate finance tools and theories to address issues commonly faced by corporate managers, investors, and entrepreneurs.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2157": {"id": "uOoUk91IB5VbehakYR5-R", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "kp8o4op3CRzakTydZ9BHz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19353, "section": "SE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 3, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2158": {"id": "BtvFIgFACHUTFT9eMglcP", "course_id": "102964", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102964", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Financial Modelling Techniques (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "7023", "CLASS_NBR": 24234, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CORPFIN 7005 and (CORPFIN 7033 or CORPFIN 7033MELB) or (CORPFIN 7033AUACM and CORPFIN 7033BUACM)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an in-depth understanding of financial models used in assessing investment opportunities. Topics covered include corporate valuation, Monte Carlo simulations, option and bond pricing, and value at risk. Through hands-on exercises using Excel and VBA, students will learn to build these models. By the end of the course, students will be able to apply these models to make informed investment decisions. This course is essential for professionals in investment banking, asset management, and financial advisory roles. The course provides students with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in the dynamic world of financial modelling and investment evaluation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2159": {"id": "BtvFIgFACHUTFT9eMglcP", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "2XeQmQwcWAjvadhC8Ta-w", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24234, "section": "SE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 33, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2160": {"id": "K56gvQsY0KEy3z3qAPHEQ", "course_id": "109364", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109364", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Empirical Corporate Finance", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "7024", "CLASS_NBR": 16134, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CORPFIN 7005 and (CORPFIN 7033 or CORPFIN 7033MELB) or (CORPFIN 7033AUACM and CORPFIN 7033BUACM)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/presentation as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course explores advanced theoretical tools and empirical techniques to evaluate contemporary issues in empirical corporate finance research. The course assumes a sound knowledge of the economic theory relating to the foundations of corporate finance. Students are challenged to think critically and broadly across different areas of corporate finance and the literature that bridges corporate finance theory and empirical corporate finance. By the end of the course, students will be familiar with some of the most advanced work in empirical corporate finance, the major empirical approaches utilised, and a solid understanding of what constitutes a strong corporate finance research paper.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2161": {"id": "K56gvQsY0KEy3z3qAPHEQ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "Vvwi_iSOAt7AXBezJOV1L", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16134, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 3, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "2162": {"id": "2mZDTwx5SmuDKBzUTvf33", "course_id": "108670", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108670", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Quantitative Methods (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "7033", "CLASS_NBR": 10747, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMMERCE 7003NA, CORPFIN 7033MELB", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/ major project / mid-Semester test as prescribed at first seminar", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The purpose of this course is to provide an introduction to both basic and advanced analytical tools for business disciplines. Beginning with simple statistical methods, the course builds to more robust analytical techniques such as multivariate linear regression. Emphasis is placed on theoretical understanding of concepts as well as the application of key methodologies used by industry. This course also aims to promote a critical perspective on the use of statistical and econometric information.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2163": {"id": "2mZDTwx5SmuDKBzUTvf33", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "kpB1PWymyRq0PycPBty8s", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10746, "section": "SE05", "size": 50, "enrolled": 48, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "9pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "9pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13361, "section": "SE03", "size": 50, "enrolled": 50, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Schulz, 218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13362, "section": "SE02", "size": 50, "enrolled": 47, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13363, "section": "SE01", "size": 32, "enrolled": 32, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14955, "section": "SE04", "size": 50, "enrolled": 48, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "ANT8IXpx-J176Zb1e5Ix5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10747, "section": "WR05", "size": 50, "enrolled": 48, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Apr - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 220, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12950, "section": "WR04", "size": 50, "enrolled": 50, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Apr - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, 220, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12951, "section": "WR03", "size": 50, "enrolled": 49, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Apr - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, 220, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12952, "section": "WR02", "size": 50, "enrolled": 46, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Apr - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 220, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12953, "section": "WR01", "size": 32, "enrolled": 32, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Apr - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, 207, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "9w85mmT75pYqV3mV8z8tJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18604, "section": "LEC0", "size": 232, "enrolled": 225, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}]}]}, "2164": {"id": "nHXWC7F-JinRCFEuDJFFk", "course_id": "108670", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108670", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Quantitative Methods (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "7033", "CLASS_NBR": 20671, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMMERCE 7003NA, CORPFIN 7033MELB", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/ major project / mid-Semester test as prescribed at first seminar", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The purpose of this course is to provide an introduction to both basic and advanced analytical tools for business disciplines. Beginning with simple statistical methods, the course builds to more robust analytical techniques such as multivariate linear regression. Emphasis is placed on theoretical understanding of concepts as well as the application of key methodologies used by industry. This course also aims to promote a critical perspective on the use of statistical and econometric information.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2165": {"id": "nHXWC7F-JinRCFEuDJFFk", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "8Ur78Dnf1LpFMADzAAjV2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20670, "section": "SE05", "size": 55, "enrolled": 52, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22804, "section": "SE04", "size": 55, "enrolled": 50, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23274, "section": "SE03", "size": 55, "enrolled": 49, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23275, "section": "SE02", "size": 55, "enrolled": 45, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 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16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, 220, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22800, "section": "WR04", "size": 55, "enrolled": 47, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 207, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 207, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22801, "section": "WR03", "size": 55, "enrolled": 53, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, 220, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, 220, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22802, "section": "WR02", "size": 55, "enrolled": 51, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Sep - 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Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}]}]}, "2166": {"id": "cqvJIozlCqDW2yQriCfQe", "course_id": "111458", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111458", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Quantitative Methods (M)", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "7033MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 19355, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMMERCE 7003NA, CORPFIN 7033", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The purpose of this course is to provide an introduction to both basic and advanced analytical tools for business disciplines. Beginning with simple statistical methods, the course builds to more robust analytical techniques such as multivariate linear regression. Emphasis is placed on theoretical understanding of concepts as well as the application of key methodologies used by industry. This course also aims to promote a critical perspective on the use of statistical and econometric information.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2167": {"id": "cqvJIozlCqDW2yQriCfQe", "class_list": [{"association_group": "", "groups": []}]}, "2168": {"id": "Aq6fTCRPktOlKjvfCljzb", "course_id": "111458", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111458", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Quantitative Methods (M)", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "7033MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 29230, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMMERCE 7003NA, CORPFIN 7033", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The purpose of this course is to provide an introduction to both basic and advanced analytical tools for business disciplines. Beginning with simple statistical methods, the course builds to more robust analytical techniques such as multivariate linear regression. Emphasis is placed on theoretical understanding of concepts as well as the application of key methodologies used by industry. This course also aims to promote a critical perspective on the use of statistical and econometric information.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2169": {"id": "Aq6fTCRPktOlKjvfCljzb", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "UlehslIs1l4WCS8HQDCp_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29182, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 1, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 28 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "Sx0O6c7naGw2BKCv5nECb", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29229, "section": "SE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 1, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29230, "section": "WR01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 1, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2170": {"id": "cIP9WhUWFgcKBmLDfaXr2", "course_id": "108670", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108670", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Quantitative Methods (M)", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "7033UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 12954, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMMERCE 7003NA, CORPFIN 7033MELB", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The purpose of this course is to provide an introduction to both basic and advanced analytical tools for business disciplines. Beginning with simple statistical methods, the course builds to more robust analytical techniques such as multivariate linear regression. Emphasis is placed on theoretical understanding of concepts as well as the application of key methodologies used by industry. This course also aims to promote a critical perspective on the use of statistical and econometric information.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2171": {"id": "cIP9WhUWFgcKBmLDfaXr2", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "QNQ9rLb_BTgDamAytYQSO", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15335, "section": "SE01", "size": 18, "enrolled": 16, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "_PKsiST1cCAp5vjyRxPiE", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19178, "section": "LEC0", "size": 18, "enrolled": 16, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "IGGUXj0rtqqnHA3uLymoE", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12954, "section": "WR01", "size": 18, "enrolled": 16, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Apr - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, 207, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14778, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 16, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 113, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2172": {"id": "e-rEMTtc5a2ANFE4qPwTI", "course_id": "108670", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108670", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Quantitative Methods (M)", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "7033UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 22805, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMMERCE 7003NA, CORPFIN 7033MELB", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The purpose of this course is to provide an introduction to both basic and advanced analytical tools for business disciplines. Beginning with simple statistical methods, the course builds to more robust analytical techniques such as multivariate linear regression. Emphasis is placed on theoretical understanding of concepts as well as the application of key methodologies used by industry. This course also aims to promote a critical perspective on the use of statistical and econometric information.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2173": {"id": "e-rEMTtc5a2ANFE4qPwTI", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "yHPGF8w4Rfao4KfptQtBf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25211, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 25, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tuition", "id": "h69t2bLZboGd9DQJpTRxA", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24669, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 5, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 316, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29559, "section": "TT02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 20, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 316, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "dFwXF6h3zS9HkDX8sXCEk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22805, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 25, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, 207, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, 207, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29007, "section": "LEC0", "size": 30, "enrolled": 25, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}]}]}, "2174": {"id": "3cSyve4a_XfxlyVXG4-fs", "course_id": "108670", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108670", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 4, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Quantitative Methods (M)", "CAMPUS": "UofA College Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "UACM", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "7033UACM", "CLASS_NBR": 19358, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMMERCE 7003NA, CORPFIN 7033MELB", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The purpose of this course is to provide an introduction to both basic and advanced analytical tools for business disciplines. Beginning with simple statistical methods, the course builds to more robust analytical techniques such as multivariate linear regression. Emphasis is placed on theoretical understanding of concepts as well as the application of key methodologies used by industry. This course also aims to promote a critical perspective on the use of statistical and econometric information.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2175": {"id": "3cSyve4a_XfxlyVXG4-fs", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "NW03OklaQC03HbRYVv4kN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19356, "section": "SE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 9, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "eFdRcALMKMbNdTortLewz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19357, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 9, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19358, "section": "WR01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 9, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Apr - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2176": {"id": "s_aZWeCs_Ij5hf_FzDXry", "course_id": "108670", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108670", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 4, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Quantitative Methods (M)", "CAMPUS": "UofA College Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "UACM", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "7033UACM", "CLASS_NBR": 29232, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMMERCE 7003NA, CORPFIN 7033MELB", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The purpose of this course is to provide an introduction to both basic and advanced analytical tools for business disciplines. Beginning with simple statistical methods, the course builds to more robust analytical techniques such as multivariate linear regression. Emphasis is placed on theoretical understanding of concepts as well as the application of key methodologies used by industry. This course also aims to promote a critical perspective on the use of statistical and econometric information.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2177": {"id": "s_aZWeCs_Ij5hf_FzDXry", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "N4evaHxrrlIgqiZUufLNN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29231, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 10, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "_Od4KegRgpCtYzpMhY0qQ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29228, "section": "SE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 10, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29232, "section": "WR01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 10, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2178": {"id": "V1VO4089iU0ZY_V_MqBlw", "course_id": "102331", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102331", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Equity Valuation & Analysis (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "7039", "CLASS_NBR": 10261, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours per Semester", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ACCTING 7019 and CORPFIN 7005", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "CORPFIN 7033, COMMERCE 7033, ECON 7200", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course analyses companies from a fundamental perspective in order to derive the intrinsic value of stocks. Topics include fundamental analysis and determination of growth; discount cash flows models including dividend discount models and free cash flow models; relative valuation models including price-earnings and price-book multiples; estimating the discount rate; valuation of firms in financial distress, investment in other firms, and mergers and acquisitions.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2179": {"id": "V1VO4089iU0ZY_V_MqBlw", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "Xr1fE7s--j0sBDMehsbTX", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10261, "section": "SE04", "size": 40, "enrolled": 30, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13365, "section": "SE03", "size": 40, "enrolled": 37, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13367, "section": "SE01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 36, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2180": {"id": "dOJMG8dAzE46IH2Tec6E0", "course_id": "102331", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102331", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Equity Valuation & Analysis (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "7039", "CLASS_NBR": 20676, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours per Semester", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ACCTING 7019 and CORPFIN 7005", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "CORPFIN 7033, COMMERCE 7033, ECON 7200", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course analyses companies from a fundamental perspective in order to derive the intrinsic value of stocks. Topics include fundamental analysis and determination of growth; discount cash flows models including dividend discount models and free cash flow models; relative valuation models including price-earnings and price-book multiples; estimating the discount rate; valuation of firms in financial distress, investment in other firms, and mergers and acquisitions.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2181": {"id": "dOJMG8dAzE46IH2Tec6E0", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "cEUzJY4AE7aIP9dtnwKDd", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20271, "section": "SE04", "size": 45, "enrolled": 37, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 1 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20676, "section": "SE05", "size": 45, "enrolled": 33, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24744, "section": "SE03", "size": 45, "enrolled": 38, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2182": {"id": "bEbbAigWwalUmO889e0Q7", "course_id": "102331", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102331", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Equity Valuation & Analysis (M)", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "7039MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 19359, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ACCTING 7019 and CORPFIN 7005", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "CORPFIN 7033, COMMERCE 7033, ECON 7200", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course analyses companies from a fundamental perspective in order to derive the intrinsic value of stocks. Topics include fundamental analysis and determination of growth; discount cash flows models including dividend discount models and free cash flow models; relative valuation models including price-earnings and price-book multiples; estimating the discount rate; valuation of firms in financial distress, investment in other firms, and mergers and acquisitions.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2183": {"id": "bEbbAigWwalUmO889e0Q7", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "lrwj9P_FBkzbpdEupyVd9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19359, "section": "SE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 2, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2184": {"id": "zmExAAARyqTAp4OAx9iXx", "course_id": "102331", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102331", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Equity Valuation & Analysis (M)", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "7039MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 29233, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ACCTING 7019 and CORPFIN 7005", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "CORPFIN 7033, COMMERCE 7033, ECON 7200", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course analyses companies from a fundamental perspective in order to derive the intrinsic value of stocks. Topics include fundamental analysis and determination of growth; discount cash flows models including dividend discount models and free cash flow models; relative valuation models including price-earnings and price-book multiples; estimating the discount rate; valuation of firms in financial distress, investment in other firms, and mergers and acquisitions.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2185": {"id": "zmExAAARyqTAp4OAx9iXx", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "5tLU6z4_NmK5M0hB9COz8", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29233, "section": "SE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 8, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 28 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2186": {"id": "8lBKmsPyIaWby4tU-Ka3G", "course_id": "102339", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102339", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Fixed Income Securities (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "7040", "CLASS_NBR": 13370, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CORPFIN 7005 and (CORPFIN 7033 or CORPFIN 7033MELB) and (ECON 7200 or ECON 7202)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course examines the valuation of fixed-income securities, the market operations and management of risk. Topics include: valuation of bonds, term structure of interest rate, measuring and managing interest rate risk, corporate bond market, passive and active bond portfolio management, performance measurement, securitisation and interest rate derivatives.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2187": {"id": "8lBKmsPyIaWby4tU-Ka3G", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "6cUDFlIRvAMYXb8qtU5tY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13370, "section": "SE02", "size": 45, "enrolled": 46, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13371, "section": "SE01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 31, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2188": {"id": "bQcn9zAUGVsym5PM6lNTa", "course_id": "102339", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102339", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Fixed Income Securities (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "7040", "CLASS_NBR": 23288, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CORPFIN 7005 and (CORPFIN 7033 or CORPFIN 7033MELB) and (ECON 7200 or ECON 7202)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course examines the valuation of fixed-income securities, the market operations and management of risk. Topics include: valuation of bonds, term structure of interest rate, measuring and managing interest rate risk, corporate bond market, passive and active bond portfolio management, performance measurement, securitisation and interest rate derivatives.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2189": {"id": "bQcn9zAUGVsym5PM6lNTa", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "ehbQbtm3Qq5fli6teLeFD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23288, "section": "SE02", "size": 50, "enrolled": 46, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23289, "section": "SE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 50, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2190": {"id": "aUPz_J7iiY0-tsU65dGiT", "course_id": "102339", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102339", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Fixed Income Securities (M)", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "7040MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 19360, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CORPFIN 7005 and (CORPFIN 7033 or CORPFIN 7033MELB) and (ECON 7200 or ECON 7202)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course examines the valuation of fixed-income securities, the market operations and management of risk. Topics include: valuation of bonds, term structure of interest rate, measuring and managing interest rate risk, corporate bond market, passive and active bond portfolio management, performance measurement, securitisation and interest rate derivatives.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2191": {"id": "aUPz_J7iiY0-tsU65dGiT", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "WznwIQipbiGfeD2DbId3g", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19360, "section": "SE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 5, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Mar - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2192": {"id": "jamaiIOHr7nD5rJQ95B3N", "course_id": "102339", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102339", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Fixed Income Securities (M)", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "7040MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 29234, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CORPFIN 7005 and (CORPFIN 7033 or CORPFIN 7033MELB) and (ECON 7200 or ECON 7202)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course examines the valuation of fixed-income securities, the market operations and management of risk. Topics include: valuation of bonds, term structure of interest rate, measuring and managing interest rate risk, corporate bond market, passive and active bond portfolio management, performance measurement, securitisation and interest rate derivatives.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2193": {"id": "jamaiIOHr7nD5rJQ95B3N", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "MLGBVtLq_RbJMLHyai8Oz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29234, "section": "SE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 6, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 1 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2194": {"id": "a91RNPEspV65Gg1toQJma", "course_id": "105700", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105700", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Real Estate Valuation and Investment (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "7049", "CLASS_NBR": 13381, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CORPFIN 7005", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Real estate is a significant investment focus in managing investor portfolios. This course looks at the issues in financing and investing in real estate, with an emphasis on commercial real estate. It covers the general context of real estate as an investment, including the role and contribution of property trusts versus direct investment, and discusses what differentiates real estate from other assets. Valuation models are investigated, including cash flow models, comparative valuation, and the influence of real options values. Real estate investment financing is investigated, looking at project financing as well as general investment. Lastly, issues in project development are considered. Building on the Adelaide Business School\u2019s existing links with the American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association, the course covers the tools used by direct investors and advisors to make better decisions with respect to real estate investment. This relies on case studies of Australian and international projects and investment outcomes to illustrate the issues involved.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2195": {"id": "a91RNPEspV65Gg1toQJma", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "nGMChFtjjBWau_Og8iH9x", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13381, "section": "SE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 47, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2196": {"id": "eWQVWCH8Nl-_X4GPss0TK", "course_id": "105700", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105700", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Real Estate Valuation and Investment (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "7049", "CLASS_NBR": 23291, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CORPFIN 7005", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Real estate is a significant investment focus in managing investor portfolios. This course looks at the issues in financing and investing in real estate, with an emphasis on commercial real estate. It covers the general context of real estate as an investment, including the role and contribution of property trusts versus direct investment, and discusses what differentiates real estate from other assets. Valuation models are investigated, including cash flow models, comparative valuation, and the influence of real options values. Real estate investment financing is investigated, looking at project financing as well as general investment. Lastly, issues in project development are considered. Building on the Adelaide Business School\u2019s existing links with the American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association, the course covers the tools used by direct investors and advisors to make better decisions with respect to real estate investment. This relies on case studies of Australian and international projects and investment outcomes to illustrate the issues involved.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2197": {"id": "eWQVWCH8Nl-_X4GPss0TK", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "o86GbKuJEuSPJMxRaABRv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23291, "section": "SE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 48, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2198": {"id": "4TnE6kqQWgrb76wwKZBPu", "course_id": "105700", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105700", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Real Estate Valuation and Investment (M)", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "7049MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 19361, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CORPFIN 7005", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Real estate is a significant investment focus in managing investor portfolios. This course looks at the issues in financing and investing in real estate, with an emphasis on commercial real estate. It covers the general context of real estate as an investment, including the role and contribution of property trusts versus direct investment, and discusses what differentiates real estate from other assets. Valuation models are investigated, including cash flow models, comparative valuation, and the influence of real options values. Real estate investment financing is investigated, looking at project financing as well as general investment. Lastly, issues in project development are considered. Building on the Adelaide Business School\u2019s existing links with the American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association, the course covers the tools used by direct investors and advisors to make better decisions with respect to real estate investment. This relies on case studies of Australian and international projects and investment outcomes to illustrate the issues involved.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2199": {"id": "4TnE6kqQWgrb76wwKZBPu", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "geG6VB0Jh2sdYL0iWeS29", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19361, "section": "SE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 4, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2200": {"id": "bWxh03rtMUZeL2EF3ACgh", "course_id": "105700", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105700", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Real Estate Valuation and Investment (M)", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "7049MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 29236, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CORPFIN 7005", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Real estate is a significant investment focus in managing investor portfolios. This course looks at the issues in financing and investing in real estate, with an emphasis on commercial real estate. It covers the general context of real estate as an investment, including the role and contribution of property trusts versus direct investment, and discusses what differentiates real estate from other assets. Valuation models are investigated, including cash flow models, comparative valuation, and the influence of real options values. Real estate investment financing is investigated, looking at project financing as well as general investment. Lastly, issues in project development are considered. Building on the Adelaide Business School\u2019s existing links with the American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association, the course covers the tools used by direct investors and advisors to make better decisions with respect to real estate investment. This relies on case studies of Australian and international projects and investment outcomes to illustrate the issues involved.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2201": {"id": "bWxh03rtMUZeL2EF3ACgh", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "Hyiudg3lvhu_-wDhFpw0f", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29236, "section": "SE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 2, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 28 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2202": {"id": "o1og4v0TH8B1wU3ZRJr3l", "course_id": "111174", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111174", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Fintech and Disruption in Financial Services (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "7055", "CLASS_NBR": 13149, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CORPFIN 3005", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The financial services industry is experiencing unprecedented change and disruption brought about by technological innovation. The course explores the impact that FinTechs are having on the structure of the financial services industry and how they are disrupting a range of financial transactions including payments, lending, credit and investing plus the regulatory environment. For each area, the course focuses on the competitors, technologies, public policy issues and the potential for collaboration between incumbents and disruptors.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2203": {"id": "o1og4v0TH8B1wU3ZRJr3l", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "6BXW86cbqS37212DWKDZC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13149, "section": "SE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 51, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2204": {"id": "7c1Ty4oTDgZPVnyBl3Mq1", "course_id": "111239", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111239", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Applied Blockchain and Smart Contracts (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "7056", "CLASS_NBR": 24235, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CORPFIN 3006", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments and tests", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an introduction to \u2018Blockchain and Smart Contracts\u2019 with particular application to Financial Services. The course will provide an understanding of the functionality and utility of Blockchains and explore a range of use cases, such as cryptocurrencies. The course will include a focus on smart contracts and how such technology can be enhanced using Big Data and AI. The course will focus on understanding the key implications and opportunities from such technologies for the financial services industry now and in the future.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2205": {"id": "7c1Ty4oTDgZPVnyBl3Mq1", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "_tBVrEsc4Y3ymwcbiy3vd", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24235, "section": "SE01", "size": 52, "enrolled": 53, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2206": {"id": "B25bjP0G1zdf1SM3jTguO", "course_id": "109155", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109155", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Managerial Finance", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "7101", "CLASS_NBR": 33235, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available for Executive Master of Business Administration, Graduate Diploma and Graduate Certificate students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces you to the world of modern finance, with a focus on understanding how important financial decisions are determined within the firm. It covers the concepts of time value of money, asset valuation, the risk and return paradigm, capital budgeting and payout decisions. Upon completion, students will be able to value bonds and stocks, estimate asset returns according to their risk characteristics, and choose projects that maximize shareholder's wealth using a wide range of analytical tools. They will also develop a good understanding on how firms finance their capital expenditure on their investment and how payout levels are determined.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "2207": {"id": "B25bjP0G1zdf1SM3jTguO", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "rb2bg8MAIiQVeHQyCZKXX", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33235, "section": "SE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 19, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 May - 25 May", "days": "Friday, Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 704/705, MBA Suite"}, {"dates": "21 Jun - 22 Jun", "days": "Friday, Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 704/705, MBA Suite"}, {"dates": "19 Jul - 20 Jul", "days": "Friday, Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 704/705, MBA Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "2208": {"id": "w7HKnJxlL_hwV4sR5onub", "course_id": "109156", "term": "4442", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109156", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4442", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Managerial Finance", "CAMPUS": "Ngee Ann Academy", "CAMPUS_CD": "NGA", "COUNTRY": "SGP", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "7101NA", "CLASS_NBR": 40020, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available for Adelaide Master of Business Administration, Graduate Diploma and Graduate Certificate students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces you to the world of modern finance, with a focus on understanding how important financial decisions are determined within the firm. It covers the concepts of time value of money, asset valuation, the risk and return paradigm, capital budgeting and payout decisions. Upon completion, students will be able to value bonds and stocks, estimate asset returns according to their risk characteristics, and choose projects that maximize shareholder's wealth using a wide range of analytical tools. They will also develop a good understanding on how firms finance their capital expenditure on their investment and how payout levels are determined.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 07/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 18/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 10/04/2024"}}]}, "2209": {"id": "w7HKnJxlL_hwV4sR5onub", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "U6Haymr8bCocUzUXOMGy3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 40020, "section": "01NA", "size": 25, "enrolled": 5, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "2210": {"id": "5lluaSaJxycwP3g8Ho1pU", "course_id": "103463", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103463", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Finance (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CORPFIN", "CATALOG_NBR": "7102", "CLASS_NBR": 15681, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an in-depth look at some of the main theoretical and research perspectives that have contributed to the academic literature in finance. Students will develop their ability to critically review issues in financial economics and corporate finance. Financial economics topics include asset pricing models, market efficiency, behavioural finance, trading mechanisms, and volatility. Corporate finance topics include capital structure, signalling models, executive compensation, and takeovers. This is a readings-based course in which students will critically review scholarly research articles each week. It will be the responsibility of students to select additional readings for each session. It is suggested that this should be a shared responsibility with students taking turns to choose and disseminate material among course lecturers and other class members ahead of time, for each class. Students are to come to each session prepared to summarise and comment on what they have read. It is anticipated that a minimum of five to eight hours of preparation time will be required. Class presentations are expected to be comprehensive, requiring not only mastery of the arguments, but also to be supported by visual material. Participation marks will be awarded for the demonstration of effective reading and an understanding of the arguments presented.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2211": {"id": "5lluaSaJxycwP3g8Ho1pU", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "_qKHXbndXgStP_AVBz1hl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15681, "section": "01NT", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "2212": {"subject": "CRARTS", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "109462", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109464", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109466", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "2213": {"id": "tqExaYPKkEuU42HtYYINC", "course_id": "109462", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109462", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Creativity and the Adelaide Festival", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CRARTS", "CATALOG_NBR": "2002", "CLASS_NBR": 14827, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "109999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week plus attendance at Festival events. NOTE: course commences in Orientation Week.", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Priority will be given to BCtveArts students, however, course is available to all students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 12 units of Level I undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Reflective journal and event review, Event-based research project, Event-based creative project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "How is a work of art made? How much can we learn from and be inspired by the creative processes of other artists? In this course we will investigate the process behind the creation of artworks in a range of forms, focusing on three interrelated areas: creativity, collaboration, and curation. The course is run in partnership with the Adelaide Festival, which provides students with discounted tickets to selected productions, including Indigenous, theatrical and musical performances and visual art exhibitions, and students also attend sessions at Writers' Week. Students research the origins of a selected work, touching on its relation to conventions of genre, its performance history, the creative decisions that underpin its current iteration, collaborative inputs, and so forth. Students also have the option of responding to the artwork in their chosen creative form. With input from Festival staff, we will consider the role of the Festival itself, developing an understanding of the curatorial and commissioning roles of festivals in the broader arts ecology. NOTE: This course is taught as an intensive, beginning in Orientation week when the Festival begins. At the Orientation week seminar the structure and assessment tasks for the course will be explained and tickets will be distributed. Students need to be aware that the first three weeks of the course (Orientation Week and Weeks 1 & 2) are very intensive, since they are expected to attend six Festival productions plus a session at Writers Week in addition to the course seminars. Only students 18 years or older are permitted to enrol in the course, because Festival productions may contain material of a sexually explicit or confronting nature.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2214": {"id": "tqExaYPKkEuU42HtYYINC", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "gxfDGOSoZn3JPTa_NLBjb", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18894, "section": "LEC0", "size": 16, "enrolled": 16, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "l86YK75-aqz80vTcMAQ6J", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14827, "section": "SE01", "size": 16, "enrolled": 16, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "21 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2215": {"id": "qeCdASqX3z2xQ73-7OeuG", "course_id": "109464", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109464", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Creative Arts Internship", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CRARTS", "CATALOG_NBR": "3001", "CLASS_NBR": 26149, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "109999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Creative Arts students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2216": {"id": "qeCdASqX3z2xQ73-7OeuG", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "4xWgkzhq1opMPZzgOpbGx", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26149, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment into this course is by application only.\u00a0 Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}]}]}]}]}, "2217": {"id": "5XSGe7MSpZxsqpU5YlKxo", "course_id": "109466", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109466", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "The Art of the Possible: Forging an Arts Career", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CRARTS", "CATALOG_NBR": "3002", "CLASS_NBR": 23997, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "109999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 15 units of undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Reflective Journal, Portfolio, Participation, Teamwork", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course allows students to execute an actual festival celebrating the creative outputs from students across the university such as music, media, creative writing, VR, among others. The Art of the Possible Festival was launched in 2021 and received national recognition. Through real world challenges presented by putting together a festival, this course will equip students with some of the skills they will need to launch a career in their chosen field. They will hear from and interact with experts in the field about their experiences and insights working in the creative arts. Students will learn collaboration, production, marketing etc skills in the process of producing the festival. The course also features guest presenters from creative industries including leadership, management, marketing, social networks, design, digital asset management etc to help guide students through their journey.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2218": {"id": "5XSGe7MSpZxsqpU5YlKxo", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "dWzOvMQh9N-6jPtdCAozI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23996, "section": "LE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 24, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG19, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG19, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "3-ZR-HIXUkAVfIX5kujMI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23997, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 24, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2219": {"subject": "CRIM", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "108151", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109201", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108152", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110468", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111521", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108147", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108340", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110469", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111522", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "2220": {"id": "p6sz7Mu8x7jaxw9KhYDHF", "course_id": "108151", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108151", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Explaining Crime and Deviance", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CRIM", "CATALOG_NBR": "1001", "CLASS_NBR": 28528, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "099903", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "GSSA 1010", "ASSESSMENT": "Online weekly quiz, Research Exercise, Hypothetical Report, Research Essay, Tutorial participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course offers an introduction to the field of criminology by examining the nature of crime as well as exploring the key theories which seek to explain why people commit crime. While the first part of the course briefly introduces the concept of crime, its social construction and its various representations, the second component covers an array of theoretical arguments concerning possible explanations as to why crimes are committed, and how certain \u2018deviant\u2019 acts become problematised. Topics covered in this latter section include criminological arguments drawing on Classicism, Biological and Psychological Positivism, Sociological Positivism, Subcultural Theories, Interactionism and Labelling, Social Control Theories, Cultural and Critical Perspectives, and Contemporary Classicism. Ultimately the question is posed whether the insights offered into the varied motivations to commit crime are practically useful in its prevention or reduction.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2221": {"id": "p6sz7Mu8x7jaxw9KhYDHF", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "a2eNVCWs1s7_ZLM3kbeRl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22500, "section": "LE01", "size": 400, "enrolled": 320, "available": 80, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "3M8KS3YgDcTc6q943SX3R", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24339, "section": "TU17", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24340, "section": "TU16", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24344, "section": "TU12", "size": 30, "enrolled": 20, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24346, "section": "TU10", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24347, "section": "TU09", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24349, "section": "TU07", "size": 30, "enrolled": 26, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24351, "section": "TU05", "size": 28, "enrolled": 28, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24352, "section": "TU04", "size": 30, "enrolled": 19, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24353, "section": "TU03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, 205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, 205, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24354, "section": "TU02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 24, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24355, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 28528, "section": "TU18", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "2222": {"id": "TZZ1Rq0BYF_W8JvHOoiwP", "course_id": "109201", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109201", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Crime and Criminal Justice", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CRIM", "CATALOG_NBR": "1002", "CLASS_NBR": 11056, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "099903", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online weekly quiz 24%, Research Exercise 6%, Hypothetical Report 30%, Research Essay 40%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course explores the various institutions, practices and procedures of the criminal justice system, as well as the range of theoretical, practical and philosophical challenges faced in achieving 'justice'. Students will be introduced to the mechanics of how the criminal justice system in Australia operates - and in particular, explore the interconnected nature of policing, the judiciary, and corrections. They will examine the effectiveness of these components, and investigate the key issues impacting contemporary criminal justice administration. In doing so, students will evaluate available evidence, and be encouraged to think critically about the aims, processes and potential failings of each of the components of the criminal justice system. Finally, students will also study the widespread impact of punishment across various groups within the community, including offenders, victims, families and the wider public.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2223": {"id": "TZZ1Rq0BYF_W8JvHOoiwP", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "PlYGNc7aNdY5gDZfJr4ie", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14528, "section": "LE01", "size": 400, "enrolled": 254, "available": 146, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "NIS7KejzIn8CT9YyKUkXr", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11056, "section": "SE19", "size": 35, "enrolled": 32, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11057, "section": "SE17", "size": 35, "enrolled": 31, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11058, "section": "SE15", "size": 30, "enrolled": 24, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11060, "section": "SE12", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11061, "section": "SE10", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11063, "section": "SE06", "size": 30, "enrolled": 26, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11064, "section": "SE05", "size": 30, "enrolled": 27, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11065, "section": "SE04", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11066, "section": "SE03", "size": 32, "enrolled": 27, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2224": {"id": "e8Hf7cJ_JPnZ9_xKjZFRL", "course_id": "108152", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108152", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Policing and Crime Control", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CRIM", "CATALOG_NBR": "2001", "CLASS_NBR": 21737, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "099903", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CRIM 1001", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "GSSA 2113", "ASSESSMENT": "Critical essay (1000 word) 30%, Group presentation 20%, Individual report (3000 word) 40%, Seminar Participation 10%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course explores the various methods employed to control crime and deviance in contemporary society. Students will examine current forms of policing and crime control, trace the historical lineage of these approaches, and examine the rapid evolution and deployment of technology in this space. This course considers the broader political, social and cultural influences upon crime control practices, including the possibilities for resistance. Students will critically explore various state-centric, but also private approaches to the control of crime and how these approaches merge with, and influence, our everyday lives.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2225": {"id": "e8Hf7cJ_JPnZ9_xKjZFRL", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "y2Uz0GFUPRt9I9oo7dWNR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21736, "section": "LE01", "size": 130, "enrolled": 109, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "6WwQ8bb6s0r3cutmVKjxa", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21737, "section": "WR04", "size": 40, "enrolled": 38, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21738, "section": "WR03", "size": 40, "enrolled": 35, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21739, "section": "WR02", "size": 40, "enrolled": 36, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2226": {"id": "Fl5pef37x1bW7FqG5TZan", "course_id": "110468", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110468", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Cybercrime and Cyber-Deviance", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CRIM", "CATALOG_NBR": "2004", "CLASS_NBR": 18608, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "099903", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CRIM 3006", "ASSESSMENT": "Midterm Test, Research Briefing Report, Strategy White Paper, attendance at drafting session", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will provide students with a detailed understanding of cybercrime \u2013 exploring the reasons why cybercrimes occur, as well as how they can be policed and prevented. This will be accomplished in three parts. First, students will develop a deep knowledge of both historical and contemporary forms of cybercrime, such as hacking, phishing, illicit online trading, cyber-violence, amongst others. Next, students will explore the application of relevant criminological theories to explain cyber-deviance and better understand offender pathways into cybercrime. Finally, students will critically appraise and evaluate the current state of policing, crime control and prevention strategies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2227": {"id": "Fl5pef37x1bW7FqG5TZan", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "qNNwhu9JLJysRWm1qV0X6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13199, "section": "SE03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14818, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 27, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18608, "section": "SE05", "size": 35, "enrolled": 29, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18803, "section": "SE04", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "vOsPuvwMvhGMHhIxpj7n5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13477, "section": "LE01", "size": 200, "enrolled": 114, "available": 86, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2228": {"id": "jlix5-29eoRnqnsCFN0AN", "course_id": "111521", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111521", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Criminal Network Analysis", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CRIM", "CATALOG_NBR": "2007", "CLASS_NBR": 28833, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "099903", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Broad Understanding of Research Methods", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CRIM 3007", "ASSESSMENT": "Mid Term Tests, Data Blogs, Video Presentation, Active Participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course explores how crime is organised, and how it can be controlled using criminal network analysis. Students will be introduced to the fundamental concepts, methods, and tools used to analyse various types of criminal networks - such as cybercrime, organised crime, and the trade in illicit goods and wildlife. To this end, this laboratory-based course provides students with applied analytical training using real crime data. It also examines the practical applications of criminal network analysis for law enforcement and intelligence purposes.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2229": {"id": "jlix5-29eoRnqnsCFN0AN", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "dtzAS8A4xW0BGdx300VaV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23066, "section": "LE01", "size": 150, "enrolled": 60, "available": 90, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "08LBbIVbBNpJObFjdDEOD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23069, "section": "PR01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, 107, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, 107, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 28745, "section": "PR03", "size": 22, "enrolled": 20, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Napier, 107, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Napier, 107, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 28833, "section": "PR04", "size": 17, "enrolled": 17, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, 107, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, 107, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "2230": {"id": "fYWNbiqz-Sq3hPY6YUdPk", "course_id": "108147", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108147", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Contemporary Issues in Criminology", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CRIM", "CATALOG_NBR": "3001", "CLASS_NBR": 19807, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "099903", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "GSSA 2112", "ASSESSMENT": "Workshop participation, Mid-Semester test, Case study essay, Video presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course explores a range of contemporary issues in the field of criminology. Students will examine various topics, which include both emerging theoretical, as well as practical, debates surrounding the study of crime and deviance, policing, punishment, and social inequality. \nNote that the specific subject matter covered in this course will change from year-to-year to reflect timely issues facing the discipline.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2231": {"id": "fYWNbiqz-Sq3hPY6YUdPk", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "y2pzqPMbd4CsBczGk5_Cl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18802, "section": "LE01", "size": 90, "enrolled": 29, "available": 61, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "aCSC_3914GawTytYfrHda", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13167, "section": "WR02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 25, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2232": {"id": "Xk9fdn4krDxEA-qolzaTP", "course_id": "108340", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108340", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Criminological Research", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CRIM", "CATALOG_NBR": "3002", "CLASS_NBR": 23073, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "099903", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BCrim, BCrim&BLaws, BPsych, Criminology Major students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "SOCI 2012 or GEOG 2132 or PSYCHOL 1004 or PSYCHOL 2004", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Broad understanding of social research methods", "INCOMPATIBLE": "GWSI 3017, GSSA 3017, GSSA 3018, SOCI 3010", "ASSESSMENT": "Concept proposal, Mid-term exam, Research proposal", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is the capstone course for the Bachelor of Criminology. The aim of Criminological Research is to apply students' knowledge and understanding of research - how and why it is done and to expose students to different theoretical perspectives and methodologies employed by researchers in conducting research in criminology. Students will undertake an independent research project from design (formulate a research question, the methods used to obtain data, fieldwork, the interpretation of data collected and the writing up of research findings). Students will also be taught about ethical considerations in social research and how the research findings inform social change.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2233": {"id": "Xk9fdn4krDxEA-qolzaTP", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "VKiuXkR0jwWTwYIc_rPMx", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23072, "section": "LE01", "size": 110, "enrolled": 98, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "wXiKajpEjTVkuzjt4n7PI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20973, "section": "WR01", "size": 54, "enrolled": 53, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23073, "section": "WR03", "size": 50, "enrolled": 45, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2234": {"id": "376SZFW9powPs7BOhY0ZB", "course_id": "110469", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110469", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Cybercrime and Cyber-Deviance", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CRIM", "CATALOG_NBR": "3006", "CLASS_NBR": 18609, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "099903", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CRIM 2004", "ASSESSMENT": "Midterm Test, Research Briefing Report, Strategy White Paper, attendance at drafting session", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will provide students with a detailed understanding of cybercrime \u2013 exploring the reasons why cybercrimes occur, as well as how they can be policed and prevented. This will be accomplished in three parts. First, students will develop a deep knowledge of both historical and contemporary forms of cybercrime, such as hacking, phishing, illicit online trading, cyber-violence, amongst others. Next, students will explore the application of relevant criminological theories to explain cyber-deviance and better understand offender pathways into cybercrime. Finally, students will critically appraise and evaluate the current state of policing, crime control and prevention strategies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2235": {"id": "376SZFW9powPs7BOhY0ZB", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "J2-N9USfTYx9fxgKnLY2b", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14819, "section": "SE01", "size": 26, "enrolled": 26, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14820, "section": "SE03", "size": 24, "enrolled": 22, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18609, "section": "SE05", "size": 35, "enrolled": 34, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18804, "section": "SE04", "size": 22, "enrolled": 13, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "DfDZJIWxs_TMcmDb6m4hM", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13478, "section": "LE01", "size": 120, "enrolled": 95, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2236": {"id": "Wdr_2630h9bOZlwcu_MYO", "course_id": "111522", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111522", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Criminal Network Analysis", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CRIM", "CATALOG_NBR": "3007", "CLASS_NBR": 28834, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "099903", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Broad understanding of research methods", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CRIM 2007", "ASSESSMENT": "Mid term test, Data blogs, Video Presentation, Active Participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course explores how crime is organised, and how it can be controlled using criminal network analysis. Students will be introduced to the fundamental concepts, methods, and tools used to analyse various types of criminal networks - such as cybercrime, organised crime, and the trade in illicit goods and wildlife. To this end, this laboratory-based course provides students with applied analytical training using real crime data. It also examines the practical applications of criminal network analysis for law enforcement and intelligence purposes.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2237": {"id": "Wdr_2630h9bOZlwcu_MYO", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "1Fa9galQ9mjh42vy4gHUe", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23067, "section": "LE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 56, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "UG42qott7gt8HIJ5EhCQ_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23071, "section": "PR01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 18, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, 107, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, 107, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 28746, "section": "PR03", "size": 15, "enrolled": 16, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Napier, 107, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Napier, 107, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 28834, "section": "PR04", "size": 22, "enrolled": 22, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, 107, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, 107, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "2238": {"subject": "CRWR", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "106356", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106369", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107179", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111404", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111250", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111444", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107198", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107200", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111454", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}]}}, "2239": {"id": "54dESyb2Br-yMFoRLVf32", "course_id": "106356", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106356", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Creative Writing: The Essentials", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CRWR", "CATALOG_NBR": "1001", "CLASS_NBR": 10483, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "109900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ENGL 1101", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENGL 2062", "ASSESSMENT": "1000-word critical reflection on close reading of set texts, 2000-word creative portfolio, Participation in online feedback forums", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is a practical introduction to creative writing through prose (fiction and non-fiction), poetry, and writing for performance. It covers ways to maintain a reflective writing practice, including revision and editing. The course includes exercises and assignments designed to develop the creative writer\u2019s craft, and a selection of readings in a range of forms and styles. Through writing practice and reflection, the course explores contemporary developments in different literary forms, introducing students to issues, techniques, and contexts of contemporary writing. The course aims to develop skills in creative writing, critical reading and analysis, and in research practices relevant to creative writers.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2240": {"id": "54dESyb2Br-yMFoRLVf32", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "1ldDMrezaSAi97N5ThoKJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10473, "section": "LE01", "size": 180, "enrolled": 95, "available": 85, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "4q7fFmKQVqVJPgZuOwY51", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10474, "section": "TU04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 200, Writing Studio"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 200, Writing Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10476, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 200, Writing Studio"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 200, Writing Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10477, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 26, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 200, Writing Studio"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 200, Writing Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10483, "section": "TU05", "size": 25, "enrolled": 22, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 200, Writing Studio"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 200, Writing Studio"}]}]}]}]}, "2241": {"id": "FdBfCSxyYEQBibOLgihKR", "course_id": "106369", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106369", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "The Politics of Writing", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CRWR", "CATALOG_NBR": "2006", "CLASS_NBR": 20421, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "109900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 12 units of Level I undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "1500 word creative writing piece in poetry or prose (20%), 2000 word creative writing piece in poetry or prose (40%), 1500 word exegetical essay (30%), participation (10%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Why do we write? What authors have inspired us? Many of the books and stories we admire have been conceived during times of crisis and transformation. To what extent, and in what ways, is the literary imagination conditioned by its social contexts? What is political today? And how might we navigate the tensions between the aesthetic and the political in our own work? These and other questions form the basis of this course by challenging students to draw on their reading and life experiences to write creatively. Students will examine the work of Australian and international writers who might be considered 'political' in different ways. In so doing, students are encouraged to frame their work 'politically'. Readings will include speeches, poetry, short fiction, comics, essays, and novels, to demonstrate the wide range of 'political' writing in circulation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2242": {"id": "FdBfCSxyYEQBibOLgihKR", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "looAu4XNiTfTyjTrK0c9K", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20419, "section": "LE01", "size": 90, "enrolled": 47, "available": 43, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "FUVAUxmnXL850DykRLA2q", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20421, "section": "TU02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 25, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 200, Writing Studio"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 200, Writing Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20422, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 22, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 200, Writing Studio"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 200, Writing Studio"}]}]}]}]}, "2243": {"id": "HIBbVYOYHPpuGSPvCWVNi", "course_id": "107179", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107179", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "The Writer's Voice: Intersections in Writing", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CRWR", "CATALOG_NBR": "2013", "CLASS_NBR": 10479, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091523", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 12 units of Level I undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Advanced writing and reading skills in English", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment: 1000 word writing piece A (20%), 2000 word writing piece B (40%), 1500 exegetical essay (30%), participation (10%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course investigates the idea of the writer's voice (or voices) through reading and writing. 'Voice' is a mysterious concept. Students will explore the usefulness of 'voice' (or voices) as a concept in other writers' work, and student-writers will ask whether they are consciously trying to develop what they might call 'voice', to consider whether it is useful to try to define or pinpoint their own 'voice', or if they should leave that to critics. In so doing, students will be encouraged to identify what attracts them to particular authors and pieces of writing. This course will challenge them to (where applicable) rethink their work after being exposed to a range of writing and to frame it as it relates to competing traditions. The texts we will read together will be selected for the multiplicity of voices they reveal, and will include novels, poetry, memoir and short fiction. Assessment will consist of: two pieces of creative writing (which can include creative non-fiction); an exegetical essay (investigating the research components of their work) and seminar participation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2244": {"id": "HIBbVYOYHPpuGSPvCWVNi", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "MsQlui97Ml_tpZcojgTcM", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10478, "section": "LE01", "size": 110, "enrolled": 70, "available": 40, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "YoL22JwVCA7hThtH6IQn7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10479, "section": "TU03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 22, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 200, Writing Studio"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 200, Writing Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10480, "section": "TU02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 17, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 200, Writing Studio"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 200, Writing Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10481, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 31, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 200, Writing Studio"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 200, Writing Studio"}]}]}]}]}, "2245": {"id": "1OraicATPPp7PCB-btOpj", "course_id": "111404", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111404", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Experimental Writing: Games, Constraints and AI", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CRWR", "CATALOG_NBR": "2018", "CLASS_NBR": 23998, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "109999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "12 units of Level I study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CRWR 2005", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "Even years only", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Experimental and avant-garde writing has long been a driver of more mainstream literary innovation. This course will introduce students to an array of experimental techniques, including approaches that have been central to Surrealism, Modernism, and OULIPO. Together we will engage with examples of pathbreaking experimental works, including some of the most breathtakingly audacious writing being published today. Working with found texts, collage, cut-ups, manifestos, game forms, the intersection of text and image, and digital technologies including AI, students will produce a portfolio of poetry, fiction, nonfiction, drama, screenwriting, or multiple forms. To produce their portfolios, students will make use of established techniques, as well as devising their own methods of formal constraint and literary innovation. They will be encouraged to approach the refinement of their practice and poetics as both a literary craft and an art pursued for its own ends that may stand liberated from the demands of the market.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2246": {"id": "1OraicATPPp7PCB-btOpj", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Od5YpEX5fYZN5Hgj6Y-ge", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20423, "section": "LE01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 44, "available": 36, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "jhzXNbHB-TwaKfRXHZWHp", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23998, "section": "TU02", "size": 40, "enrolled": 18, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 200, Writing Studio"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 200, Writing Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23999, "section": "TU01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 26, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 200, Writing Studio"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 200, Writing Studio"}]}]}]}]}, "2247": {"id": "CZOZiLbO8TmkwG2kSiXhW", "course_id": "111250", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111250", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Creative Practice: Form, Theory, Process", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CRWR", "CATALOG_NBR": "3008", "CLASS_NBR": 23302, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091599", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "15 units of Creative Writing courses", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Participation (online forums), Research Essay, Creative Project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will allow students to explore current theorizations of creative practice across forms, engage with other writers\u2019 reflections on their own practice, and produce a creative project of original work in their chosen form, as well as a theoretically informed critical essay. Guided by a series of readings, we will consider the ethical imperatives of contemporary creative practice, our responsibility to ourselves and society as creative practitioners, and what it means to develop one\u2019s practice over the course of a writing life. We will explore questions that may include: the establishment, maintenance, and curation of the personal creative archive (notes, drafts, revisions, etc.); processes of publishing in the contemporary market (whether mainstream or alternative approaches); and how to lay the groundwork for a creative practice that is sustainable over a lifetime. We will think about how to negotiate a range of creative problems, which may include: overcoming writer\u2019s block; working through disagreements with collaborators, agents, editors, or other interested parties; establishing a community of trusted readers; and identifying when a project needs to be radically reimagined or put aside until a later date. Students will be required to produce a coherent project of creative work in preparation for further study, alongside a critical essay that demonstrates capacity to engage in original critical argument informed by a body of theory relevant to their chosen form. This course is intended as preparation for future work at Honours level and beyond. Course readings and focus will be determined by the convenor and are likely to change from year to year.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2248": {"id": "CZOZiLbO8TmkwG2kSiXhW", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "DRAFoP70-EZ_HrU-dbMG8", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23302, "section": "SE01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 18, "available": 27, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 200, Writing Studio"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 200, Writing Studio"}]}]}]}]}, "2249": {"id": "KEjDj-jyxrUq-2i1tRQ4b", "course_id": "111444", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111444", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Truth & Lies: Lyric Essay, Life Writing, Reportage", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CRWR", "CATALOG_NBR": "3009", "CLASS_NBR": 14035, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "109999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "6 units of Level II study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Close reading exercise (1500 words), Creative portfolio (3000 words), Seminar participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "Offered in even years only", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "What are the claims of truth when we sit down to write a work of creative nonfiction? What do we owe subjects of life writing in terms of veracity, even when those subjects might be our own selves? This course explores the development of the vast and varied field of creative nonfiction, introducing students to some of the most thrilling work and urgent critical debates in a genre that spans life writing, cultural reportage, and lyric essay, amongst a number of other forms. Students will produce their own works of creative nonfiction and close readings of set texts.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2250": {"id": "KEjDj-jyxrUq-2i1tRQ4b", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "APLBq27zVYSw2P-_dOf4D", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10482, "section": "LE01", "size": 90, "enrolled": 65, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "1ZsQeFcinDWCDQKICuRBd", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14035, "section": "TU02", "size": 45, "enrolled": 21, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 200, Writing Studio"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 200, Writing Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14036, "section": "TU01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 44, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 200, Writing Studio"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 200, Writing Studio"}]}]}]}]}, "2251": {"id": "UApd_dQkhvj0L4seutt0u", "course_id": "107198", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107198", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Creative Writing Project", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CRWR", "CATALOG_NBR": "4001", "CLASS_NBR": 11835, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091501", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Completed degree (72 units) including 24 units of Creative Writing major or a Minor sequence in English with a portfolio of creative work.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "7000 word paper", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Honours Creative Writing Project provides an opportunity to undertake an advanced project in Creative Writing. In support of this, the course aims to develop writing skills and techniques across a range of genres, forms, and styles. Topics to be covered may include: genre, point of view, characterization, narrative structure, voice, experimental approaches to writing, publishing trends, as well as concept development, editing and rewriting, reading and reviewing, development of knowledge of a broad field of writing, and current critical trends in response to particular forms or genres. The course provides students with an opportunity to develop a creative project using techniques appropriate to the form and genre of writing undertaken, which may include: fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, drama, writing for screen, and experimental forms.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2252": {"id": "UApd_dQkhvj0L4seutt0u", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "5noUaZQK53VxGSAhx-dJZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11835, "section": "SE01", "size": 8, "enrolled": 9, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2253": {"id": "OzxYoWiNNOQwFuoel07aD", "course_id": "107200", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107200", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Creative Writing Thesis", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CRWR", "CATALOG_NBR": "4003", "CLASS_NBR": 21804, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091501", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Completed degree (72 units) including 24 units of Creative Writing major or minor in English with portfolio of creative work", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "12,000 word creative paper with 3000 word exegesis 15,000 words in total (100%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Honours Creative Writing Thesis provides an opportunity to undertake an advanced level creative project in Creative Writing. The aim of the course is to provide students with an opportunity to develop a creative project of their own choice and to develop creative writing skills appropriate to the genre of form of writing undertaken. Workshops will develop skills in creative project concept and development, editing and re-writing, reading and reviewing, development of knowledge of broad field of writing and current critical reception of chosen form or genre. Students will work closely with a supervisor in individual supervision meetings.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2254": {"id": "OzxYoWiNNOQwFuoel07aD", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "0JrzQ6c7HiV-UI0FwgoWA", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21804, "section": "SE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 7, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2255": {"id": "T0KA5LtWzjZRABUQz2CQT", "course_id": "111454", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111454", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Theorising Creative Practice", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CRWR", "CATALOG_NBR": "4006", "CLASS_NBR": 14034, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "109999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Completed degree (72 units) including 24 units of Creative Writing Major or a Minor in English with a portfolio of creative work.", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CRWR 4002", "ASSESSMENT": "Seminar participation, Essay (2500 words), Essay (4000 words)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides students with an overview of critical, theoretical, and craft-focused approaches to the discipline of Creative Writing. The primary aim is to develop students\u2019command of various methodologies of creative practice, including those articulated by other writers. Topics to be covered may include: culturally specific approaches to understanding creative practice; creativity as revolutionary act; gender and sexuality; embodied practice; creative practice as therapy; class and precarity; the post-human; writing in relation to the other arts.Students will produce two extended essays exploring ways of critically and theoretically framing practice-based research projects as preparation for the exegetical component of their Honours thesis; these essays may be \u2018creative\u2019, i.e. in the form of lyric or cross-genre essays.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2256": {"id": "T0KA5LtWzjZRABUQz2CQT", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "Gv2SXnzPiVlP4Nb_Zlp4y", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14034, "section": "TU01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 7, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2257": {"subject": "CULTST", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "110551", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110552", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "2258": {"id": "n9u8LEccZBM1VPGtLsvTb", "course_id": "110551", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110551", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Approaches to Culture", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CULTST", "CATALOG_NBR": "1001", "CLASS_NBR": 14007, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENGL 1111", "ASSESSMENT": "Discussion Boards, Writing Portfolio (1200 words), Research Essay (1500 words).", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The contemporary humanities and social sciences are the product of a \u2018cultural turn\u2019: away from dry, functionalist theories of society and towards an appreciation of culture as the medium in which meanings are made and shared, and identities are formed. This course will introduce students to a number of ways to understand culture, and equip them with a variety of tools for analysing the cultures of everyday life. The course content includes topics such as fashion, taste, race, gender, online (sub)cultures, and the environment. It includes Indigenous perspectives on the relationship between nature and culture and addresses contemporary debates about identity. Approaches to Culture will introduce first year students to several of the major thinkers in the Humanities and Social Sciences, whose influence continues to be felt across the disciplines. The course is also the entry point for the Cultural Studies major.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2259": {"id": "n9u8LEccZBM1VPGtLsvTb", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "LT3I_OkBl5MSR9Win43we", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14006, "section": "LE01", "size": 140, "enrolled": 89, "available": 51, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "WVESivxy6A1534lxTnMlB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14007, "section": "SE05", "size": 20, "enrolled": 13, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG11, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG11, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14008, "section": "SE04", "size": 20, "enrolled": 20, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG11, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG11, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14009, "section": "SE03", "size": 20, "enrolled": 20, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14767, "section": "SE02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 19, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14768, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 17, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG11, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG11, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2260": {"id": "ss8jrdhtVCkk0GjGsMF_0", "course_id": "110552", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110552", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Cultural Environments: Method & Epistemic Crisis", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CULTST", "CATALOG_NBR": "3001", "CLASS_NBR": 24654, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "CULTST 1001", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENGL 3041", "ASSESSMENT": "Discussion boards, Abstract & Annotated Bibliography, Research Essay , Presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Nature has often been considered the opposite of culture. This capstone course surveys the history of this opposition and considers the implications of analytical approaches that reinterpret or challenge this assumed tension. Students explore a series of moments in which decisive interventions, under particular historical conditions, reoriented understandings of the presumed binaries nature / culture, and nature / nurture. How were specific disciplinary vocabularies reoriented, and to what effect? What new critical orthodoxies developed, and how have they, in turn, come to be disrupted? Examples might include: structuralist cultural analysis, the rise of poststructuralism, gender studies and queer theory, the rise of affect studies, the descriptive turn, decolonial activism and the turn to indigenous knowledge systems, artificial intelligence, quantum entanglement, and the anthropocene. In light of recent and ongoing crises\u2014the rise of populist politics, global pandemic, and the climate emergency\u2014the course concludes by encouraging speculation about the future of a range of disciplines as a result of ongoing developments in how \u2018nature\u2019 and \u2018culture\u2019 are understood in light of epistemic change.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2261": {"id": "ss8jrdhtVCkk0GjGsMF_0", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "14nRgI0egxVWjymxwtGmd", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28806, "section": "LEC0", "size": 10, "enrolled": 2, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "BmT9GBpsZIfnRtv7mAp9g", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24654, "section": "SE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 2, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG07, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2262": {"subject": "CYBER", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "110787", "term": "4461", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110787", "term": "4463", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110787", "term": "4465", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110788", "term": "4462", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110788", "term": "4464", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110788", "term": "4466", "offer": 1}]}}, "2263": {"id": "cQgtqnm9mKXyfCJXE1ePg", "course_id": "110787", "term": "4461", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110787", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4461", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Cyber Security Research Project Part A", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CYBER", "CATALOG_NBR": "7103AOL", "CLASS_NBR": 61016, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "M. Cyber Security(OL)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students will undertake an individual applied research project based within a workplace or industry context. \n\nThis is an advanced research project conducted individually under the guidance of an academic supervisor. It gives students the chance to investigate and contribute to an area at the cutting edge of cyber security. As part of the project, students will present their work to an audience and write a major report detailing their results.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 18/12/2023", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 19/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 19/02/2024"}}]}, "2264": {"id": "cQgtqnm9mKXyfCJXE1ePg", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "GzEO18URY5e5qU0GsirWy", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 61016, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 4, "available": 296, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop"}]}]}]}, "2265": {"id": "0SNpnHkrd7NYrEDWXm3Zc", "course_id": "110787", "term": "4463", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110787", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4463", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Cyber Security Research Project Part A", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CYBER", "CATALOG_NBR": "7103AOL", "CLASS_NBR": 63016, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "M. Cyber Security(OL)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students will undertake an individual applied research project based within a workplace or industry context. \n\nThis is an advanced research project conducted individually under the guidance of an academic supervisor. It gives students the chance to investigate and contribute to an area at the cutting edge of cyber security. As part of the project, students will present their work to an audience and write a major report detailing their results.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 19/04/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 17/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 03/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 17/06/2024"}}]}, "2266": {"id": "0SNpnHkrd7NYrEDWXm3Zc", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "Mh-PNbTVrD8bZ7y_Ulhqx", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 63016, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 4, "available": 296, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop"}]}]}]}, "2267": {"id": "SitPqh58TjlQ-pOGxnC2J", "course_id": "110787", "term": "4465", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110787", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4465", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 5", "COURSE_TITLE": "Cyber Security Research Project Part A", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CYBER", "CATALOG_NBR": "7103AOL", "CLASS_NBR": 65015, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "M. Cyber Security(OL)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students will undertake an individual applied research project based within a workplace or industry context. \n\nThis is an advanced research project conducted individually under the guidance of an academic supervisor. It gives students the chance to investigate and contribute to an area at the cutting edge of cyber security. As part of the project, students will present their work to an audience and write a major report detailing their results.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 09/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 06/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 23/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 07/10/2024"}}]}, "2268": {"id": "SitPqh58TjlQ-pOGxnC2J", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "Dz0d9fk1tru8xDAJZ4rf9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 65015, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 4, "available": 296, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop"}]}]}]}, "2269": {"id": "hE1u7mfSbqMUCAVcoQCdW", "course_id": "110788", "term": "4462", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110788", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4462", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Cyber Security Research Project Part B", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CYBER", "CATALOG_NBR": "7103BOL", "CLASS_NBR": 62016, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students will undertake an individual applied research project based within a workplace or industry context.\n \nThis is an advanced research project conducted individually under the guidance of an academic supervisor. It gives students the chance to investigate and contribute to an area at the cutting edge of cyber security. As part of the project, students will present their work to an audience and write a major report detailing their results.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 16/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 15/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 08/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 22/04/2024"}}]}, "2270": {"id": "hE1u7mfSbqMUCAVcoQCdW", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "YHEch0nHDGQEm6nVap_gQ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 62016, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 4, "available": 296, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop"}]}]}]}, "2271": {"id": "uFnbUKXRul6CSy8MldGt5", "course_id": "110788", "term": "4464", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110788", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4464", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "Cyber Security Research Project Part B", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CYBER", "CATALOG_NBR": "7103BOL", "CLASS_NBR": 64016, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students will undertake an individual applied research project based within a workplace or industry context.\n \nThis is an advanced research project conducted individually under the guidance of an academic supervisor. It gives students the chance to investigate and contribute to an area at the cutting edge of cyber security. As part of the project, students will present their work to an audience and write a major report detailing their results.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 14/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 29/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 12/08/2024"}}]}, "2272": {"id": "uFnbUKXRul6CSy8MldGt5", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "sgZbIDE6jN1a9TO5zKZbC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 64016, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 4, "available": 296, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop"}]}]}]}, "2273": {"id": "8WKZD60kDee4yjAtaNjTb", "course_id": "110788", "term": "4466", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110788", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4466", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 6", "COURSE_TITLE": "Cyber Security Research Project Part B", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "CYBER", "CATALOG_NBR": "7103BOL", "CLASS_NBR": 66016, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students will undertake an individual applied research project based within a workplace or industry context.\n \nThis is an advanced research project conducted individually under the guidance of an academic supervisor. It gives students the chance to investigate and contribute to an area at the cutting edge of cyber security. As part of the project, students will present their work to an audience and write a major report detailing their results.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 04/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 01/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 18/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 02/12/2024"}}]}, "2274": {"id": "8WKZD60kDee4yjAtaNjTb", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "ZifqjQ4ngZuqqr7DLsJVs", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 66016, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 4, "available": 296, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop"}]}]}]}, "2275": {"subject": "DATA", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "110016", "term": "4464", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110014", "term": "4462", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110014", "term": "4466", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110520", "term": "4462", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110015", "term": "4464", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110017", "term": "4462", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110017", "term": "4466", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110518", "term": "4461", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110518", "term": "4463", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110518", "term": "4465", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110984", "term": "4462", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110984", "term": "4464", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110984", "term": "4466", "offer": 1}]}}, "2276": {"id": "7hiJkDCsLacKvSvqvfaGZ", "course_id": "110016", "term": "4464", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110016", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4464", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "Data Taming, Modelling and Visualisation", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DATA", "CATALOG_NBR": "7201OL", "CLASS_NBR": 64006, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020111", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Graduate Certificate in Data Science (Applied) OL, Graduate Diploma in Data Science (Applied) OL OR Master of Data Science (Applied) OL Only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments and/or examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "A practical introduction to finding relationships in data using statistical methods. The course introduces the principles of taming and tidying data, types of data, exploratory data analysis and visualisation, data transformation, as well as model fitting and interpretation. A focus will be to introduce R programming for data science applications, particularly through real-world case studies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 14/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 29/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 12/08/2024"}}]}, "2277": {"id": "7hiJkDCsLacKvSvqvfaGZ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "w50LFW1IyIBOYCL3LePwG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 64006, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 19, "available": 281, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop"}]}]}]}, "2278": {"id": "CCmgwHreww0PwZ0X3z5fY", "course_id": "110014", "term": "4462", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110014", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4462", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Applied Data Science", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DATA", "CATALOG_NBR": "7202OL", "CLASS_NBR": 62005, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020111", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Graduate Certificate in Data Science (Applied) OL, Graduate Diploma in Data Science (Applied) OL OR Master of Data Science (Applied) OL Only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MATHS 7203OL", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignment and/or exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "An introduction to the role and application of data science in modern organisations and society. Case studies will be used to demonstrate current best practice as well as common pitfalls. Processes for data collection, analysis, verification and validation. The use of data for modelling, prediction and decision support. An overview of widely used tools for data analysis and modelling.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 16/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 15/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 08/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 22/04/2024"}}]}, "2279": {"id": "CCmgwHreww0PwZ0X3z5fY", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "5OY9D-wJuOBcnSBJeeGOH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 62005, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 5, "available": 295, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "2280": {"id": "FcRiCfst-dUtfKNLfqaed", "course_id": "110014", "term": "4466", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110014", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4466", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 6", "COURSE_TITLE": "Applied Data Science", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DATA", "CATALOG_NBR": "7202OL", "CLASS_NBR": 66005, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020111", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Graduate Certificate in Data Science (Applied) OL, Graduate Diploma in Data Science (Applied) OL OR Master of Data Science (Applied) OL Only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MATHS 7203OL", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignment and/or exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "An introduction to the role and application of data science in modern organisations and society. Case studies will be used to demonstrate current best practice as well as common pitfalls. Processes for data collection, analysis, verification and validation. The use of data for modelling, prediction and decision support. An overview of widely used tools for data analysis and modelling.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 04/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 01/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 18/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 02/12/2024"}}]}, "2281": {"id": "FcRiCfst-dUtfKNLfqaed", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "x5e8aZBBdyuBMMLrNDMIk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 66005, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 6, "available": 294, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "2282": {"id": "ypj2CFhxe0ZMnl3OoT4nS", "course_id": "110520", "term": "4462", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110520", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4462", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Working with Big Data", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DATA", "CATALOG_NBR": "7203OL", "CLASS_NBR": 62015, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020111", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Master of Data Science (Applied) OL only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Carousel 2 Courses: COMP SCI 7211OL, DATA 7301OL, DATA 7302OL & MATHS 7027OL", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Use big data tools to explore large data sets. Discover practical algorithms used for solving problems when mining of massive datasets. It focuses on parallel algorithmic techniques that are used for large datasets in the area of cloud computing. Furthermore, stream processing algorithms for data streams that arrive constantly, page ranking algorithms for web search, and online advertisement systems are studied in detail.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 16/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 15/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 08/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 22/04/2024"}}]}, "2283": {"id": "ypj2CFhxe0ZMnl3OoT4nS", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "MSFpsqV0SZ-ooZDUJ2JUU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 62015, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 18, "available": 282, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "2284": {"id": "q48obDvcnrkbssuOctrC1", "course_id": "110015", "term": "4464", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110015", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4464", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "Applications of Data Science", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DATA", "CATALOG_NBR": "7301OL", "CLASS_NBR": 64005, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020111", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Graduate Diploma in Data Science (Applied) OL OR Master of Data Science (Applied) OL Only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Carousel 1 Courses: COMP SCI 7212OL, COMP SCI 7210OL, DATA 7201OL & DATA 7202OL or MATHS 7203OL", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "DATA 7201OL", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignment and/or exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "A practical introduction to data modelling, analysis and prediction using contemporary software packages. An overview of common techniques and their implementation in software libraries. Selection of tools and techniques that are appropriate for different types and scale of data. Validation and interpretation of process outputs.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 14/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 29/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 12/08/2024"}}]}, "2285": {"id": "q48obDvcnrkbssuOctrC1", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "MY-E7tkNA3ePW04v13OKw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 64005, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 17, "available": 283, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "2286": {"id": "-NPMga6FBraRratCbWmUB", "course_id": "110017", "term": "4462", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110017", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4462", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Real Data: Modern Methods for Finding Hidden Patterns", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DATA", "CATALOG_NBR": "7302OL", "CLASS_NBR": 62006, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020111", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Graduate Diploma in Data Science (Applied) OL OR Master of Data Science (Applied) OL Only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Carousel 1 Courses: COMP SCI 7212OL, COMP SCI 7210OL, DATA 7201OL & DATA 7202OL or MATHS 7203OL", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignment and/or exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course builds upon DATA 7201OL Data Taming, to introduce advanced modern techniques for extracting meaningful information from real-world, messy datasets. The course covers methods such as generalised linear models, classification, advanced regression techniques, and unsupervised statistical learning. A particular focus will be data wrangling techniques for non-standard, big, \u201cmessy data\u201d: natural language processing, networks and longitudinal data. The course teaches advanced R programming techniques for data science.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 16/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 15/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 08/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 22/04/2024"}}]}, "2287": {"id": "-NPMga6FBraRratCbWmUB", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "tYDi39TB345XuqE9b1smJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 62006, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 19, "available": 281, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "2288": {"id": "hQzf2LZDNfHzpzHUPqapx", "course_id": "110017", "term": "4466", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110017", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4466", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 6", "COURSE_TITLE": "Real Data: Modern Methods for Finding Hidden Patterns", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DATA", "CATALOG_NBR": "7302OL", "CLASS_NBR": 66006, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020111", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Graduate Diploma in Data Science (Applied) OL OR Master of Data Science (Applied) OL Only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Carousel 1 Courses: COMP SCI 7212OL, COMP SCI 7210OL, DATA 7201OL & DATA 7202OL or MATHS 7203OL", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignment and/or exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course builds upon DATA 7201OL Data Taming, to introduce advanced modern techniques for extracting meaningful information from real-world, messy datasets. The course covers methods such as generalised linear models, classification, advanced regression techniques, and unsupervised statistical learning. A particular focus will be data wrangling techniques for non-standard, big, \u201cmessy data\u201d: natural language processing, networks and longitudinal data. The course teaches advanced R programming techniques for data science.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 04/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 01/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 18/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 02/12/2024"}}]}, "2289": {"id": "hQzf2LZDNfHzpzHUPqapx", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "9rJCcZZ2ga0Nml-SZjHk1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 66006, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 14, "available": 286, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "2290": {"id": "9t2Re6gtaDeyBajIrHZ3h", "course_id": "110518", "term": "4461", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110518", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4461", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Data Science Research Project A", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DATA", "CATALOG_NBR": "7303AOL", "CLASS_NBR": 61012, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020111", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "M. Data Sci (Applied) (OL)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Undertake an individual applied research project based within a workplace or industry context. This can form part of your portfolio you use for future job applications.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 18/12/2023", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 19/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 19/02/2024"}}]}, "2291": {"id": "9t2Re6gtaDeyBajIrHZ3h", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "1zRSW16RgI9gJSu2ogqwa", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 61012, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 6, "available": 294, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "2292": {"id": "5UAXpQIezmGKUPm5vbwTL", "course_id": "110518", "term": "4463", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110518", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4463", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Data Science Research Project A", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DATA", "CATALOG_NBR": "7303AOL", "CLASS_NBR": 63013, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020111", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "M. 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This can form part of your portfolio you use for future job applications.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 19/04/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 17/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 03/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 17/06/2024"}}]}, "2293": {"id": "5UAXpQIezmGKUPm5vbwTL", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "yR3jD5RrFonkVNmwjgDbZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 63013, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 4, "available": 296, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "2294": {"id": "xkdYWQmnjQ0FMddLosy8v", "course_id": "110518", "term": "4465", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110518", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4465", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 5", "COURSE_TITLE": "Data Science Research Project A", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DATA", "CATALOG_NBR": "7303AOL", "CLASS_NBR": 65012, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020111", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "M. 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This can form part of your portfolio you use for future job applications.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 09/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 06/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 23/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 07/10/2024"}}]}, "2295": {"id": "xkdYWQmnjQ0FMddLosy8v", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "u5ImdUzxyBlCR9mJ0MVx0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 65012, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 4, "available": 296, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "2296": {"id": "obnrFMGfn0JNYj8p2y2eU", "course_id": "110984", "term": "4462", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110984", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4462", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Data Science Research Project B", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DATA", "CATALOG_NBR": "7303BOL", "CLASS_NBR": 62023, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020111", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Undertake an individual applied research project based within a workplace or industry context. This can form part of your portfolio you use for future job applications.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 16/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 15/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 08/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 22/04/2024"}}]}, "2297": {"id": "obnrFMGfn0JNYj8p2y2eU", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "SqlYYu8w-6rFNpDtLwkrU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 62023, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 6, "available": 294, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "2298": {"id": "4mzP__YWSIMWPZjHXeqtN", "course_id": "110984", "term": "4464", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110984", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4464", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "Data Science Research Project B", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DATA", "CATALOG_NBR": "7303BOL", "CLASS_NBR": 64024, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020111", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Undertake an individual applied research project based within a workplace or industry context. This can form part of your portfolio you use for future job applications.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 14/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 29/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 12/08/2024"}}]}, "2299": {"id": "4mzP__YWSIMWPZjHXeqtN", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "A0RYTcPAhSTPi4MLDWmNE", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 64024, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 4, "available": 296, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "2300": {"id": "2VDTDaD7luJHm1u9iObII", "course_id": "110984", "term": "4466", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110984", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4466", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 6", "COURSE_TITLE": "Data Science Research Project B", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DATA", "CATALOG_NBR": "7303BOL", "CLASS_NBR": 66022, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020111", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Undertake an individual applied research project based within a workplace or industry context. This can form part of your portfolio you use for future job applications.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 04/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 01/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 18/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 02/12/2024"}}]}, "2301": {"id": "2VDTDaD7luJHm1u9iObII", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "g2wQEhuV04Fl3GGJKVtA3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 66022, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 4, "available": 296, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "2302": {"subject": "DENT", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "005770", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105564", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105570", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "006626", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106010", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106012", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109605", "term": "4446", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "009494", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106442", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106444", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "009097", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106890", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106893", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108391", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108391", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108393", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108393", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108385", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108385", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108386", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108386", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108388", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108388", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111572", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111572", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111573", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111339", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111339", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111340", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111340", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111341", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111341", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "006753", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107334", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107335", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107013", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107013", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107311", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107311", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107323", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107323", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107602", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107603", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107828", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107831", 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{"course_id": "107307", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107307", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109804", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109804", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109805", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109806", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109807", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109808", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109809", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109810", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109810", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109811", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109811", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109813", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109813", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "2303": {"id": "vpz-_FTfwuQTWJLg2xUoQ", "course_id": "005770", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "005770", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "First Annual B.D.S. Examination", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DENT", "CATALOG_NBR": "1000HO", "CLASS_NBR": 25621, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Restricted to BDS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "DENT 1005AHO", "CO_REQUISITE": "DENT 1005BHO", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment of applied theory and clinical knowledge and skills.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This examination assesses core aspects and understanding required for competent patient care relevant for the current year level. It requires integration of core learning from the current year of the BDS.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2304": {"id": "vpz-_FTfwuQTWJLg2xUoQ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "cHfzU61x_Fj_kTaIeZCOT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25621, "section": "01HO", "size": 80, "enrolled": 64, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "2305": {"id": "mwjJrxAb6b4SOBVMC_Sby", "course_id": "105564", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105564", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Dental Science and Practice I Part 1", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DENT", "CATALOG_NBR": "1005AHO", "CLASS_NBR": 16529, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 24 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BDS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Formative assessment tasks, Summative Examinations/Tests/Case Scenarios, Clinical and Practical Assessments, Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "From a patient care focus, this stream introduces students to the practice of dentistry and provides a foundation for understanding the normal structure and function of the oral cavity, evidence-based maintenance of patients' health and dentistry as a career. By working through a series of interactive learning activities, students develop an integrated knowledge base related to evidence-based patient care and related clinical skills and professional behaviours. These integrated learning activities present various practice situations that focus on the initial phases of patient care and are supported by class meetings, laboratory, tutorial and clinical exercises. Learning is also supported by independent study and discussion of findings in class. Students work in a collaborative environment to learn to critically evaluate themselves, and plan and implement strategies for improvement. The stream emphasises the scientific basis of dentistry and integrated knowledge of the structure and function of selected body systems, including the normal appearance of oral soft and hard tissues, and main features of the masticatory system and key functions of a healthy body such as nutrient supply and waste removal, respiration, transport and movement, as a basis for the analysis of patients' oral health; reviews important ethical issues in dentistry; develops individual and group learning skills; provides clinical experiences related to the review of occupational health and safety, creation of dental records from patient histories and oral examination, the oral ecosystem in terms of balance and imbalance, preventive dentistry and maintenance of patients' oral health, at both individual and population health levels; and introduces students to behavioural sciences as applied to dentistry.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "2306": {"id": "mwjJrxAb6b4SOBVMC_Sby", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "244_cqUswjBax-S_Hw5i6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16527, "section": "LE01", "size": 90, "enrolled": 74, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "uShHBxAtYaFG8BxkmDjsF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16529, "section": "WR01", "size": 120, "enrolled": 74, "available": 46, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S211a&b, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S211a&b, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Jun - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG25, Vernon-Roberts Museum"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "OArOURz37xxGQm1wLrpR5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10166, "section": "PL01", "size": 90, "enrolled": 74, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Placement", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "External, TAFE, Clinic Gilles Plains"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "External, TAFE, Clinic Gilles Plains"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "External, TAFE, Clinic Gilles Plains"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "External, TAFE, Clinic Gilles Plains"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10943, "section": "CL01", "size": 90, "enrolled": 74, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Clinical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1041a&b, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1041a&b, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "2307": {"id": "vo0XPX4zAmfuMGjfRvv88", "course_id": "105570", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105570", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Dental Science and Practice I Part 2", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DENT", "CATALOG_NBR": "1005BHO", "CLASS_NBR": 23656, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 25 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BDS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "DENT 1005AHO", "CO_REQUISITE": "DENT 1000HO", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Formative assessment tasks, Summative Examinations/Tests/Case Scenarios, Clinical and Practical Assessments, Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "From a patient care focus, this stream introduces students to the practice of dentistry and provides a foundation for understanding the normal structure and function of the oral cavity, evidence-based maintenance of patients' health and dentistry as a career. By working through a series of interactive learning activities, students develop an integrated knowledge base related to evidence-based patient care and related clinical skills and professional behaviours. These integrated learning activities present various practice situations that focus on the initial phases of patient care and are supported by class meetings, laboratory, tutorial and clinical exercises. Learning is also supported by independent study and discussion of findings in class. Students work in a collaborative environment to learn to critically evaluate themselves, and plan and implement strategies for improvement. The stream emphasises the scientific basis of dentistry and integrated knowledge of the structure and function of selected body systems, including the normal appearance of oral soft and hard tissues, and main features of the masticatory system and key functions of a healthy body such as nutrient supply and waste removal, respiration, transport and movement, as a basis for the analysis of patients' oral health; reviews important ethical issues in dentistry; develops individual and group learning skills; provides clinical experiences related to the review of occupational health and safety, creation of dental records from patient histories and oral examination, the oral ecosystem in terms of balance and imbalance, preventive dentistry and maintenance of patients' oral health, at both individual and population health levels; and introduces students to behavioural sciences as applied to dentistry.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2308": {"id": "vo0XPX4zAmfuMGjfRvv88", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "r6SvuMhw4JjuknoIreTI9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26506, "section": "LE01", "size": 90, "enrolled": 72, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "KbfyGqq13tW36BErhad5t", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23656, "section": "WR02", "size": 120, "enrolled": 2, "available": 118, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop"}, {"class_nbr": 26516, "section": "WR01", "size": 90, "enrolled": 70, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S211a&b, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S211a&b, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Clinical", "id": "YGNTC3MgFmfOAKMj0cMmO", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20838, "section": "CL01", "size": 90, "enrolled": 72, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Clinical", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1041a&b, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1041a&b, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23657, "section": "PL01", "size": 90, "enrolled": 72, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Placement", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "2309": {"id": "Z_jUanGehgijbwxW6tdwz", "course_id": "006626", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "006626", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Second Annual B.D.S. Examination", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DENT", "CATALOG_NBR": "2000HO", "CLASS_NBR": 25623, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Restricted to BDS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "DENT 2005AHO in addition to the previous year core courses", "CO_REQUISITE": "DENT 2005BHO", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment of applied theory and clinical knowledge and skills.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This examination assesses core aspects and understanding required for competent patient care relevant for the current year level. It requires integration of core learning from the current and previous years of the BDS.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2310": {"id": "Z_jUanGehgijbwxW6tdwz", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "sCizHZfGukPW9MMgh-eYQ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25623, "section": "01HO", "size": 80, "enrolled": 76, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "2311": {"id": "Pmqu-7Fb_22b_xny670Kg", "course_id": "106010", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106010", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Dental Science and Practice II Part 1", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DENT", "CATALOG_NBR": "2005AHO", "CLASS_NBR": 13493, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 28 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BDS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "DENT 1005AHO, DENT 1005BHO and DENT 1000HO", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Formative assessment tasks, Summative Examinations/Tests/Case Scenarios, Clinical and Practical Assessments, Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This stream has a patient care focus and builds on the knowledge acquired in first year. The aim is to develop an understanding of the changes that occur to the oral cavity when an imbalance develops in the oral ecosystem. The emphasis will be to maintain a healthy balance through prevention and minimal restoration where necessary.\n\nBy working through a series of interactive learning activities, students will develop and integrate knowledge relating to evidence-based patient care including clinical skills and professional behaviours. These integrated learning activities will be supported by class meetings, laboratory, tutorial and clinical sessions. Learning will also be supported by independent study and discussion of findings in class. Students will work in a collaborative environment to learn to critically evaluate themselves, and plan and implement strategies for improvement. The stream emphasises the scientific basis of dentistry by integrating knowledge of the structure and function of the body, especially of the head and neck region, and also aspects of microbiology, immunology and pathology, with an emphasis on developing the skills to examine, assess risk and systematically manage healthy patients with minor oral conditions.\nThere is a strong emphasis on the acquisition of manual dexterity skills relating to operative dentistry while building on knowledge relating to a preventive approach to oral health. Students will further their experience in behavioural science by examining and managing patients.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "2312": {"id": "Pmqu-7Fb_22b_xny670Kg", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "9xgV2lM1F6tQgdbrhLIfV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18571, "section": "LE01", "size": 90, "enrolled": 79, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "12 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "13 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Feb - 22 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}, {"dates": "15 Feb - 22 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}, {"dates": "15 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "16 Feb - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 29 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 29 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}, {"dates": "7 Mar - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}, {"dates": "7 Mar - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}, {"dates": "14 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}, {"dates": "14 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 25 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 25 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "2 May - 2 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}, {"dates": "2 May - 2 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}, {"dates": "9 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}, {"dates": "9 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}, {"dates": "16 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}, {"dates": "16 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Clinical", "id": "p5U3tcuLlDdF419YvYVu2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11992, "section": "CL01", "size": 90, "enrolled": 79, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Clinical", "meetings": [{"dates": "14 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "20 Feb - 5 Apr", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1041a&b, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "20 Feb - 13 Mar", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday", "start_time": "5:30pm", "end_time": "8:30pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday", "start_time": "5:30pm", "end_time": "8:30pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1041a&b, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "26 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday", "start_time": "5:30pm", "end_time": "8:30pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday", "start_time": "5:30pm", "end_time": "8:30pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1041a&b, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1041a&b, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday", "start_time": "5:30pm", "end_time": "8:30pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "WbHT1DWfKXtyBnR1T6myQ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13493, "section": "TU01", "size": 90, "enrolled": 79, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "12 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Jun - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S211a&b, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "2313": {"id": "j910PQmX7y65Y7nj6QTXc", "course_id": "106012", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106012", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Dental Science and Practice II Part 2", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DENT", "CATALOG_NBR": "2005BHO", "CLASS_NBR": 23447, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 28 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BDS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "DENT 2005AHO", "CO_REQUISITE": "DENT 2000HO", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Formative assessment tasks, Summative Examinations/Tests/Case Scenarios, Clinical and Practical Assessments, Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This stream has a patient care focus and builds on the knowledge acquired in first year. The aim is to develop an understanding of the changes that occur to the oral cavity when an imbalance develops in the oral ecosystem. The emphasis will be to maintain a healthy balance through prevention and minimal restoration where necessary.\n\nBy working through a series of interactive learning activities, students will develop and integrate knowledge relating to evidence-based patient care including clinical skills and professional behaviours. These integrated learning activities will be supported by class meetings, laboratory, tutorial and clinical sessions. Learning will also be supported by independent study and discussion of findings in class. Students will work in a collaborative environment to learn to critically evaluate themselves, and plan and implement strategies for improvement. The stream emphasises the scientific basis of dentistry by integrating knowledge of the structure and function of the body, especially of the head and neck region, and also aspects of microbiology, immunology and pathology, with an emphasis on developing the skills to examine, assess risk and systematically manage healthy patients with minor oral conditions.\nThere is a strong emphasis on the acquisition of manual dexterity skills relating to operative dentistry while building on knowledge relating to a preventive approach to oral health. Students will further their experience in behavioural science by examining and managing patients.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2314": {"id": "j910PQmX7y65Y7nj6QTXc", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "V38wCnqAlvqCCw0b7UK1s", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21962, "section": "LE01", "size": 90, "enrolled": 77, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "Z5bkZWWylOLq_rACbf4ix", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22405, "section": "PR02", "size": 45, "enrolled": 33, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SB02, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 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25 Oct", "days": "Wednesday, Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1041a&b, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5:30pm", "end_time": "8:30pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "External, SADS, Clinic Marion"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1041a&b, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23447, "section": "TU01", "size": 90, "enrolled": 77, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2315": {"id": "SeN_P2Sd-3k4livf5kP6c", "course_id": "109605", "term": "4446", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109605", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4446", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "International Dental and Oral Health Study Tour", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DENT", "CATALOG_NBR": "2006EX", "CLASS_NBR": 44066, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 25 hours structured learning activities per week for the two-week clinical placement. Up to 20 hours for independent immersion experiences. Additional pre-departure and post-arrival learning activities contact hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor Dental Surgery or Bachelor Oral Health students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(DENT 1005AHO, DENT 1005BHO, DENT 1000HO and DENT 2005AHO) or (ORALHLTH 2202AHO, ORALHLTH 2202BHO, ORALHLTH 2200BHO and ORALHLTH 3202AHO)", "CO_REQUISITE": "(DENT 2005BHO and DENT 2000HO) or (ORALHLTH 3202BHO and ORALHLTH 3200HO)", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "This intensive course includes a range of pre-placement, placement and post-placement assessment activities which include pre-departure training, tutor summary of clinical performance, reflective portfolio and an oral presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course consists of a two-week international dental/oral health placement, introducing Bachelor of Oral Health (BOH) and Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) students to international culture and society. Students will be placed in a variety of dental settings including metro and rural locations and participate in community outreach activities. Students will gain a global perspective on dental and oral health issues. The international dental/oral health placement experience will further develop cultural awareness and basic language skills. The placement is available to second year students currently enrolled in Bachelor of Dental Surgery Program and third year students currently enrolled in the Bachelor of Oral Health Program.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 22/07/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 22/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 27/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 18/09/2024"}}]}, "2316": {"id": "SeN_P2Sd-3k4livf5kP6c", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "sik4TXLuDdCHrIivVpJPB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 44066, "section": "01EX", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement"}]}]}]}, "2317": {"id": "HqGH-Q3lYWpuVV7TeqYv4", "course_id": "009494", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "009494", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Third Annual B.D.S. Examination", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DENT", "CATALOG_NBR": "3000HO", "CLASS_NBR": 25631, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Restricted to BDS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "DENT 3005AHO in addition to all previous years' core courses", "CO_REQUISITE": "DENT 3005BHO", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment of applied theory and clinical knowledge and skills.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This examination assesses core aspects and understanding required for competent patient care relevant for the current year level. It requires integration of core learning from the current and previous years of the BDS.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2318": {"id": "HqGH-Q3lYWpuVV7TeqYv4", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "LcfV4XYuVe_cMP-LtX46G", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25631, "section": "01HO", "size": 80, "enrolled": 75, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "2319": {"id": "fV1V8cqAam_c6BA6Ed27C", "course_id": "106442", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106442", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Dental Science and Practice III Part 1", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DENT", "CATALOG_NBR": "3005AHO", "CLASS_NBR": 13903, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 28 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BDS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "DENT 2005AHO, DENT 2005BHO and DENT 2000HO", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Formative assessment tasks, Summative Examinations/Tests/Case Scenarios, Clinical and Practical Assessments, Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Dental Science and Practice III provides students with the opportunity to develop as dental professionals who, upon successful completion of the course, will be able to manage patients with a wide range of common dental problems. The focus of the course is to emphasise an holistic, preventively-based approach to oral health care, with a minimally invasive approach if restorative treatment is required. Students will be expected to apply and integrate knowledge and understanding of relevant sciences in managing their patients and demonstrate high levels of professionalism, including an ability to effectively self-assess and a desire to continue to learn and grow as a member of the dental profession.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "2320": {"id": "fV1V8cqAam_c6BA6Ed27C", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "zU3ZEw2JtsNBMIzGk0Bmc", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10790, "section": "LE01", "size": 90, "enrolled": 75, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jan - 24 Jan", "days": "Monday, Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "AHMS, 1059a, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Jan - 23 Jan", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "23 Jan - 23 Jan", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "24 Jan - 24 Jan", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "25 Jan - 25 Jan", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Jan - 29 Jan", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Jan - 29 Jan", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Jan - 30 Jan", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "30 Jan - 31 Jan", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "31 Jan - 14 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "1 Feb - 8 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "1 Feb - 1 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "2 Feb - 16 Feb", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Feb - 12 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "5 Feb - 12 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "6 Feb - 6 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "6 Feb - 6 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "7 Feb - 7 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "8 Feb - 15 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "9 Feb - 9 Feb", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Feb - 13 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Feb - 15 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "20 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "20 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "20 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Clinical", "id": "_Yd1pHwKeVSfJSwFTnCd4", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10107, "section": "CL02", "size": 45, "enrolled": 31, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Clinical", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jan - 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The focus of the course is to emphasise an holistic, preventively-based approach to oral health care, with a minimally invasive approach if restorative treatment is required. Students will be expected to apply and integrate knowledge and understanding of relevant sciences in managing their patients and demonstrate high levels of professionalism, including an ability to effectively self-assess and a desire to continue to learn and grow as a member of the dental profession.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2322": {"id": "X0xS7rsgtqKMOZpWufuet", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "dcAIqaFNaJchjra9rxnfD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20855, "section": "LE01", "size": 90, "enrolled": 75, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Jul - 15 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "9pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "16 Jul - 17 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "16 Jul - 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Examination", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DENT", "CATALOG_NBR": "4000HO", "CLASS_NBR": 25630, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BDS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "DENT 4004AHO in addition to all previous years' core courses", "CO_REQUISITE": "DENT 4004BHO", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment of applied theory and clinical knowledge and skills.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This examination assesses core aspects and understanding required for competent patient care relevant for the current year level. It requires integration of core learning from the current and previous years of the BDS.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2324": {"id": "GHR2EMyMuvhVVcY2nNf2X", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "Dj2fIDFAC7XvOkjBGWidZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25630, "section": "01HO", "size": 80, "enrolled": 72, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "2325": {"id": "hoL08UOOak7Wa5PYZA_Ha", "course_id": "106890", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106890", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Dental Science and Practice IV Part 1", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DENT", "CATALOG_NBR": "4004AHO", "CLASS_NBR": 11172, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 28 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BDS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "DENT 3005AHO, DENT 3005BHO and DENT 3000HO", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Formative assessment tasks, Summative Examinations/Tests/Case Scenarios, Clinical and Practical Assessments, Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Dental Science and Practice IV provides students with the opportunity to develop as dental professionals who, upon successful completion of the course, will be able to manage patients with an increasingly complex range of dental problems. The focus of the course is to emphasise a holistic, preventively-based approach to oral health care, with a minimally invasive approach if restorative treatment is required. Students will be expected to apply and integrate knowledge and understanding of relevant biological and medical sciences in managing their patients and demonstrate high levels of professionalism, including an ability to self-assess effectively and a desire to continue to learn and grow as a member of the dental profession.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "2326": {"id": "hoL08UOOak7Wa5PYZA_Ha", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "8tNsGwdVku17Om5vog8r1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10208, "section": "PR01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 45, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Jan - 19 Jan", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1041a, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "9 Jan - 19 Jan", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1041a, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 Jan - 25 Jan", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1041a, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 Jan - 23 Jan", "days": "Monday, Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1041b, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "24 Jan - 24 Jan", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Jan - 24 Jan", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1041a, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "30 Jan - 30 Jan", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Jan - 30 Jan", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1041a, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "31 Jan - 31 Jan", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "2 Feb - 2 Feb", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "2 Feb - 2 Feb", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 11172, "section": "PR02", "size": 45, "enrolled": 34, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Jan - 19 Jan", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1041b, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "9 Jan - 19 Jan", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1041b, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 Jan - 25 Jan", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1041b, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 Jan - 23 Jan", "days": "Monday, Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1041a, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "24 Jan - 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5 Apr", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "6 Feb - 5 Apr", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "2327": {"id": "zJ3a6xTpwxvTbJrrUjV3c", "course_id": "106893", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106893", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Dental Science and Practice IV Part 2", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DENT", "CATALOG_NBR": "4004BHO", "CLASS_NBR": 29099, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 28 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BDS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "DENT 4004AHO", "CO_REQUISITE": "DENT 4000HO", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Formative assessment tasks, Summative Examinations/Tests/Case Scenarios, Clinical and Practical Assessments, Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Dental Science and Practice IV provides students with the opportunity to develop as dental professionals who, upon successful completion of the course, will be able to manage patients with an increasingly complex range of dental problems. The focus of the course is to emphasise a holistic, preventively-based approach to oral health care, with a minimally invasive approach if restorative treatment is required. Students will be expected to apply and integrate knowledge and understanding of relevant biological and medical sciences in managing their patients and demonstrate high levels of professionalism, including an ability to self-assess effectively and a desire to continue to learn and grow as a member of the dental profession.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2328": {"id": "zJ3a6xTpwxvTbJrrUjV3c", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Ut9lV6hk4mm0IQnYyo2Nx", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24626, "section": "LE01", "size": 90, "enrolled": 78, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 16 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "22 Jul - 16 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "22 Jul - 16 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "22 Jul - 16 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "22 Jul - 16 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "29 Jul - 16 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "18 Nov - 2 Dec", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "18 Nov - 2 Dec", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "18 Nov - 2 Dec", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "18 Nov - 2 Dec", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "18 Nov - 2 Dec", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "18 Nov - 2 Dec", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Clinical", "id": "ZkJUOUbVuIIHi_1swcJ9A", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24698, "section": "CL01", "size": 90, "enrolled": 78, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Clinical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students please refer to MyUni for the sub-timetable."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 20 Sep", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "23 Jul - 20 Sep", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "19 Nov - 6 Dec", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "19 Nov - 6 Dec", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": " "}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "zLac4P_ndTKB8fo372k9F", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29099, "section": "WR01", "size": 90, "enrolled": 78, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 22 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}]}]}]}]}, "2329": {"id": "zvktXrRvO34WMoNrkA7pu", "course_id": "108391", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108391", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Methods & Ethics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DENT", "CATALOG_NBR": "4005", "CLASS_NBR": 15981, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week (2 hour seminar, 1 hour supervisor meeting)", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Restricted to Bachelor of Science in Dentistry (Honours) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research Proposal, Research Proposal Presentation, and Literature Review", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The material presented is designed to assist students to develop research skills. The series of seminars, delivered in Semester 1, provides an appreciation of the scientific method and of ethics as well as practical aspects of biostatistics, experimental design, research methodology, laboratory safety and infection control, use of computers and bibliographic databases, preparation of initial research proposal, evaluation of research papers, scientific writing and presentation of research findings.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2330": {"id": "zvktXrRvO34WMoNrkA7pu", "class_list": [{"association_group": "", "groups": []}]}, "2331": {"id": "7WiEGcIVAU9mex8P8rMCJ", "course_id": "108391", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108391", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Methods & Ethics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DENT", "CATALOG_NBR": "4005", "CLASS_NBR": 25987, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week (2 hour seminar, 1 hour supervisor meeting)", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Restricted to Bachelor of Science in Dentistry (Honours) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research Proposal, Research Proposal Presentation, and Literature Review", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The material presented is designed to assist students to develop research skills. 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The series of seminars, delivered in Semester 1, provides an appreciation of the scientific method and of ethics as well as practical aspects of biostatistics, experimental design, research methodology, laboratory safety and infection control, use of computers and bibliographic databases, preparation of initial research proposal, evaluation of research papers, scientific writing and presentation of research findings.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2334": {"id": "Dec7iA3UaA6-twxYCYN1O", "class_list": [{"association_group": "", "groups": []}]}, "2335": {"id": "7hJHI6AF33ZIko4sq6e4_", "course_id": "108393", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108393", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Methods & Ethics Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DENT", "CATALOG_NBR": "4006B", "CLASS_NBR": 28686, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week (2 hour seminar, 1 hour supervisor meeting)", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Restricted to Bachelor of Science in Dentistry (Honours) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "DENT 4006A in previous Semester", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research Proposal, Research Proposal Presentation, and Literature Review", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The material presented is designed to assist students to develop research skills. 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Students will be guided and supported by their supervisor(s) but the onus is on the individual student to be organised and self-directed in their studies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "2338": {"id": "pKu3aQqI1NffUGUt4BaRr", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "tLCMeN9mwRP7xc-H4K5p8", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15978, "section": "01NT", "size": 6, "enrolled": 2, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "2339": {"id": "0nraPhrvQpVm5BuGcCJgV", "course_id": "108385", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108385", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Dental Research Project Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DENT", "CATALOG_NBR": "4400A", "CLASS_NBR": 25984, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "40 weeks full time", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences (Honours)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research Project & Thesis, Negotiated Research Piece and Research Presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course offers an opportunity to explore in some depth a specific aspect of dental science, or a discipline related to dentistry, of particularly interest to the student. 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Students will be guided and supported by their supervisor(s) but the onus is on the individual student to be organised and self-directed in their studies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "2340": {"id": "0nraPhrvQpVm5BuGcCJgV", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "wsRMZyM_QV8Z9JMYHk0hY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25984, "section": "01NT", "size": 25, "enrolled": 0, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "2341": {"id": "KP9W0SnPTp29_jN8NeNud", "course_id": "108386", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108386", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Dental Research Project Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DENT", "CATALOG_NBR": "4400B", "CLASS_NBR": 15979, "SESSION_CD": "FM2", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "40 weeks full time", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences (Honours)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "DENT 4400A", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research Project & Thesis, Negotiated Research Piece and Research Presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course offers an opportunity to explore in some depth a specific aspect of dental science, or a discipline related to dentistry, of particularly interest to the student. 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Students will be guided and supported by their supervisor(s) but the onus is on the individual student to be organised and self-directed in their studies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2342": {"id": "KP9W0SnPTp29_jN8NeNud", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "bpsybvO5H-DJ8AGs8FHUQ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15979, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "2343": {"id": "eAeN4NosuV7tAFgVHMlP_", "course_id": "108386", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108386", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Dental Research Project Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DENT", "CATALOG_NBR": "4400B", "CLASS_NBR": 25985, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "40 weeks full time", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences (Honours)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "DENT 4400A", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research Project & Thesis, Negotiated Research Piece and Research Presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course offers an opportunity to explore in some depth a specific aspect of dental science, or a discipline related to dentistry, of particularly interest to the student. 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Students will be guided and supported by their supervisor(s) but the onus is on the individual student to be organised and self-directed in their studies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2344": {"id": "eAeN4NosuV7tAFgVHMlP_", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "MKVH7R8qt3_4Z4_VFBuOf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25985, "section": "01NT", "size": 25, "enrolled": 2, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "2345": {"id": "a8nusPpGJmCAHOFDFh9ph", "course_id": "108388", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108388", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Dental Science T/Y Final", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DENT", "CATALOG_NBR": "4410B", "CLASS_NBR": 15980, "SESSION_CD": "TYD", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "40 weeks full time", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Restricted to Bachelor of Science in Dentistry (Honours) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "DENT 4410A", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research Project & Thesis, Negotiated Research Piece and Research Presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course offers an opportunity to explore in some depth a specific aspect of dental science, or a discipline related to dentistry, of particularly interest to the student. 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Students will be guided and supported by their supervisor(s) but the onus is on the individual student to be organised and self-directed in their studies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2346": {"id": "a8nusPpGJmCAHOFDFh9ph", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "Z-8ivFY6iCuR6vTF_bEQ1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15980, "section": "01NT", "size": 2, "enrolled": 1, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "2347": {"id": "4dSG3YHKNGcDV5M5JtUoT", "course_id": "108388", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108388", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Dental Science T/Y Final", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DENT", "CATALOG_NBR": "4410B", "CLASS_NBR": 25986, "SESSION_CD": "TYD", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "40 weeks full time", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Restricted to Bachelor of Science in Dentistry (Honours) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "DENT 4410A", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research Project & Thesis, Negotiated Research Piece and Research Presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course offers an opportunity to explore in some depth a specific aspect of dental science, or a discipline related to dentistry, of particularly interest to the student. 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Students will be guided and supported by their supervisor(s) but the onus is on the individual student to be organised and self-directed in their studies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2348": {"id": "4dSG3YHKNGcDV5M5JtUoT", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "bE2T6lZLJnWbSCR7_APCF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25986, "section": "01NT", "size": 2, "enrolled": 0, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "2349": {"id": "u8WFZnmlQEagROvT_a7Lm", "course_id": "111572", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111572", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Dental Research Project T/Y Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DENT", "CATALOG_NBR": "4420A", "CLASS_NBR": 16391, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 10 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences (Honours)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research Project & Thesis, Negotiated Research Piece and Research Presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course offers an opportunity to explore in some depth a specific aspect of dental science, or a discipline related to dentistry, of particularly interest to the student. 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Students will be guided and supported by their supervisor(s) but the onus is on the individual student to be organised and self-directed in their studies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 07/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "2350": {"id": "u8WFZnmlQEagROvT_a7Lm", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "CclVM8N6cb2_s5UvVgo6D", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16391, "section": "01NT", "size": 25, "enrolled": 14, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "2351": {"id": "ayNxSBMFWpQQ8G67TXFrv", "course_id": "111572", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111572", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Dental Research Project T/Y Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DENT", "CATALOG_NBR": "4420A", "CLASS_NBR": 26421, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 10 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences (Honours)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research Project & Thesis, Negotiated Research Piece and Research Presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course offers an opportunity to explore in some depth a specific aspect of dental science, or a discipline related to dentistry, of particularly interest to the student. 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Students will be guided and supported by their supervisor(s) but the onus is on the individual student to be organised and self-directed in their studies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "2352": {"id": "ayNxSBMFWpQQ8G67TXFrv", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "rcb7IA-JRHKnK04taE6Xg", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26421, "section": "01NT", "size": 25, "enrolled": 2, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "2353": {"id": "ddu1qyUIVUA4RBSLMC6C0", "course_id": "111573", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111573", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Dental Research Project T/Y Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DENT", "CATALOG_NBR": "4420B", "CLASS_NBR": 28924, "SESSION_CD": "TYB", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 10 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences (Honours)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "DENT 4420A", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research Project & Thesis, Negotiated Research Piece and Research Presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course offers an opportunity to explore in some depth a specific aspect of dental science, or a discipline related to dentistry, of particularly interest to the student. 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Students will be guided and supported by their supervisor(s) but the onus is on the individual student to be organised and self-directed in their studies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "2354": {"id": "ddu1qyUIVUA4RBSLMC6C0", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "VitCOikiS8g25Iz2lr_39", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28924, "section": "01NT", "size": 25, "enrolled": 12, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "2355": {"id": "r2vkNZiynJdVgvR5er6op", "course_id": "111339", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111339", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Dental Science T/Y Part A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DENT", "CATALOG_NBR": "4710A", "CLASS_NBR": 16285, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 10 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Restricted to Bachelor of Science in Dentistry (Honours) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research Project & Thesis, Negotiated Research Piece and Research Presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course offers an opportunity to explore in some depth a specific aspect of dental science, or a discipline related to dentistry, of particularly interest to the student. 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Students will be guided and supported by their supervisor(s) but the onus is on the individual student to be organised and self-directed in their studies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 07/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "2356": {"id": "r2vkNZiynJdVgvR5er6op", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "3aswyeVkq3PZCdroQYPk0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16285, "section": "01NT", "size": 1, "enrolled": 0, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "2357": {"id": "ARYOderohtKoqhp_S95xU", "course_id": "111339", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111339", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Dental Science T/Y Part A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DENT", "CATALOG_NBR": "4710A", "CLASS_NBR": 26315, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 10 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Restricted to Bachelor of Science in Dentistry (Honours) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research Project & Thesis, Negotiated Research Piece and Research Presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course offers an opportunity to explore in some depth a specific aspect of dental science, or a discipline related to dentistry, of particularly interest to the student. 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Students will be guided and supported by their supervisor(s) but the onus is on the individual student to be organised and self-directed in their studies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "2358": {"id": "ARYOderohtKoqhp_S95xU", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "ZyISK2lLl8wVyVgSYD3RR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26315, "section": "01NT", "size": 1, "enrolled": 1, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "2359": {"id": "Jkk1OzQsoFieAnz8nrCSN", "course_id": "111340", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111340", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Dental Science T/Y Part B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DENT", "CATALOG_NBR": "4710B", "CLASS_NBR": 19761, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 10 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Restricted to Bachelor of Science in Dentistry (Honours) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "DENT 4005 and DENT 4710A", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research Project & Thesis, Negotiated Research Piece and Research Presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course offers an opportunity to explore in some depth a specific aspect of dental science, or a discipline related to dentistry, of particularly interest to the student. 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Students will be guided and supported by their supervisor(s) but the onus is on the individual student to be organised and self-directed in their studies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2360": {"id": "Jkk1OzQsoFieAnz8nrCSN", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "rgGImk3o1wsf6fva1kCsn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19761, "section": "01NT", "size": 25, "enrolled": 12, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "2361": {"id": "CkZf7cvAvA8j-ezMZteKX", "course_id": "111340", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111340", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Dental Science T/Y Part B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DENT", "CATALOG_NBR": "4710B", "CLASS_NBR": 28687, "SESSION_CD": "TYB", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 10 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Restricted to Bachelor of Science in Dentistry (Honours) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "DENT 4005 and DENT 4710A", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research Project & Thesis, Negotiated Research Piece and Research Presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course offers an opportunity to explore in some depth a specific aspect of dental science, or a discipline related to dentistry, of particularly interest to the student. 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Students will be guided and supported by their supervisor(s) but the onus is on the individual student to be organised and self-directed in their studies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "2362": {"id": "CkZf7cvAvA8j-ezMZteKX", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "7JkFg3qTyCrIZ7FuBLgIi", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28687, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "2363": {"id": "jvnKkpNIlobLtqeezrUaW", "course_id": "111341", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111341", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Dental Science T/Y Part C", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DENT", "CATALOG_NBR": "4710C", "CLASS_NBR": 18745, "SESSION_CD": "TYD", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 10 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Restricted to Bachelor of Science in Dentistry (Honours) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "DENT 4710B", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Two assignments (Research Project & Negotiated Research Piece) Final Oral Presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course offers an opportunity to explore in some depth a specific aspect of dental science, or a discipline related to dentistry, of particularly interest to the student. Underpinning a research-based degree, the main component of the course is a research project, leading to the production of a research report or thesis. Honours project in dentistry requires commitment and a mature approach to learning. Students will be guided and supported by their supervisor(s) but the onus is on the individual student to be organised and self-directed in their studies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2364": {"id": "jvnKkpNIlobLtqeezrUaW", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "-vR4ivc6c-QZsGNWkn4Gw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18745, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 1, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "2365": {"id": "72UplyF0Y2rpqfRYn8STA", "course_id": "111341", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111341", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Dental Science T/Y Part C", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DENT", "CATALOG_NBR": "4710C", "CLASS_NBR": 28688, "SESSION_CD": "TYD", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 10 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Restricted to Bachelor of Science in Dentistry (Honours) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "DENT 4710B", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Two assignments (Research Project & Negotiated Research Piece) Final Oral Presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course offers an opportunity to explore in some depth a specific aspect of dental science, or a discipline related to dentistry, of particularly interest to the student. Underpinning a research-based degree, the main component of the course is a research project, leading to the production of a research report or thesis. Honours project in dentistry requires commitment and a mature approach to learning. Students will be guided and supported by their supervisor(s) but the onus is on the individual student to be organised and self-directed in their studies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2366": {"id": "72UplyF0Y2rpqfRYn8STA", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "K6L7Ig8XFG1oQWJfhmuEz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28688, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 7, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "2367": {"id": "-jBq37h0jYEeTF9ldMB6g", "course_id": "006753", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "006753", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Fifth Annual (Final) B.D.S. Examination", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DENT", "CATALOG_NBR": "5000HO", "CLASS_NBR": 25624, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BDS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "DENT 4004AHO, DENT 4004BHO, DENT 4000HO, DENT 5005AHO", "CO_REQUISITE": "DENT 5005BHO", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment of applied theory and clinical knowledge and skills.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This examination assesses core aspects and understanding required for competent patient care relevant for the current year level. It requires integration of core learning from the current and previous years of the BDS.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2368": {"id": "-jBq37h0jYEeTF9ldMB6g", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "wjMA8Wi0x39Yw0sLl2vJU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25624, "section": "01HO", "size": 80, "enrolled": 62, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "2369": {"id": "mKooY91XVzd6yrVIIXIis", "course_id": "107334", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107334", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Dental Science and Practice V Part 1", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DENT", "CATALOG_NBR": "5005AHO", "CLASS_NBR": 18922, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 26 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BDS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "DENT 4004AHO, DENT 4004BHO and DENT 4000HO", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Formative assessment tasks, Summative Examinations/Tests/Case Scenarios, Clinical and Practical Assessments, Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Dental Science and Practice V provides students with the opportunity to develop as dental professionals who, upon successful completion of the course, will be able to manage patients with an increasingly complex range of dental problems. The focus of the course is to emphasise a holistic, preventive-based approach to oral health care, with a minimally invasive approach if restorative treatment is required. Students will be expected to apply and integrate knowledge and understanding of relevant biological and medical sciences in managing their patients and demonstrate high levels of professionalism, including an ability to self-assess effectively and a desire to continue to learn and grow as a member of the dental profession.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "2370": {"id": "mKooY91XVzd6yrVIIXIis", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "haz5i0lZFeDq1Jm9FeeGw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18922, "section": "LE01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 63, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Jan - 8 Jan", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "8 Jan - 12 Jan", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "9 Jan - 9 Jan", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S211a&b, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "10 Jan - 12 Jan", "days": "Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Monday, Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 22 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214/218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2371": {"id": "_USY2p1QG4N8KiDIZbkQX", "course_id": "107335", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107335", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Dental Science and Practice V Part 2", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DENT", "CATALOG_NBR": "5005BHO", "CLASS_NBR": 28789, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 26 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BDS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "DENT 5005AHO", "CO_REQUISITE": "DENT 5000HO", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Formative assessment tasks, Summative Examinations/Tests/Case Scenarios, Clinical and Practical Assessments, Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Dental Science and Practice V provides students with the opportunity to develop as dental professionals who, upon successful completion of the course, will be able to manage patients with an increasingly complex range of dental problems. The focus of the course is to emphasise a holistic, preventive-based approach to oral health care, with a minimally invasive approach if restorative treatment is required. Students will be expected to apply and integrate knowledge and understanding of relevant biological and medical sciences in managing their patients and demonstrate high levels of professionalism, including an ability to self-assess effectively and a desire to continue to learn and grow as a member of the dental profession.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2372": {"id": "_USY2p1QG4N8KiDIZbkQX", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "8C0hebhoGoXDHqa87XMPF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28789, "section": "LE01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 63, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "21 Aug - 21 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "21 Aug - 21 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "22 Aug - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Aug - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Aug - 23 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "23 Aug - 23 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}]}]}]}]}, "2373": {"id": "is3ixuK8xoF-edDjt2EFf", "course_id": "107013", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107013", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Methods, Experimental Design & Ethics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DENT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7200", "CLASS_NBR": 15827, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Doctor of Clinical Dentistry only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Participation in seminar, short test in biostatistics, evaluation and written critique of given scientific paper", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course of seminars and workshops aims to provide students with an appreciation of research methods, experimental design and ethics as they apply to research in dentistry.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2374": {"id": "is3ixuK8xoF-edDjt2EFf", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "bfiEHJqPfHS1YnmiOv6Cr", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15827, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 5, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "2375": {"id": "TyZ7FhFcjuZZlrqH3rWaq", "course_id": "107013", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107013", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Methods, Experimental Design & Ethics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DENT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7200", "CLASS_NBR": 25835, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Doctor of Clinical Dentistry only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Participation in seminar, short test in biostatistics, evaluation and written critique of given scientific paper", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course of seminars and workshops aims to provide students with an appreciation of research methods, experimental design and ethics as they apply to research in dentistry.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2376": {"id": "TyZ7FhFcjuZZlrqH3rWaq", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "eDV0CmIRSBFKyw98kobdJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25835, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "2377": {"id": "fqBxE-ifr0mlzac00ex1y", "course_id": "107311", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107311", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Specialist Clinical Endodontics I Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DENT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7212A", "CLASS_NBR": 15844, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 18 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Doctor of Clinical Dentistry only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Clinical assessment, Assignment (essay), tutorial paper(s), Tutorial participation and oral presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The endodontic DClinDent postgraduate program covers the morphology, physiology and pathology of the human tooth and in particular the dental pulp, root and peri-radicular tissues. Emphasis is placed on the biology of the normal pulp, crown root and peri-radicular tissues and the aetiology, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases and injuries that affect these tissues. Endodontic theory and modern methods of treatment are covered as comprehensively as possible during clinical sessions.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "2378": {"id": "fqBxE-ifr0mlzac00ex1y", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "4ABRfUQ8KPr4qBePNHSUJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15844, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 1, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "2379": {"id": "QncHI7hptO4eRWm8S4tIE", "course_id": "107311", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107311", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Specialist Clinical Endodontics I Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DENT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7212A", "CLASS_NBR": 25852, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 18 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Doctor of Clinical Dentistry only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Clinical assessment, Assignment (essay), tutorial paper(s), Tutorial participation and oral presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The endodontic DClinDent postgraduate program covers the morphology, physiology and pathology of the human tooth and in particular the dental pulp, root and peri-radicular tissues. Emphasis is placed on the biology of the normal pulp, crown root and peri-radicular tissues and the aetiology, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases and injuries that affect these tissues. Endodontic theory and modern methods of treatment are covered as comprehensively as possible during clinical sessions.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "2380": {"id": "QncHI7hptO4eRWm8S4tIE", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "CTKEhzMN4LhYWbClnxC7O", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25852, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "2381": {"id": "Ln_vina4jk_SVjXgiBaYq", "course_id": "107323", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107323", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Specialist Clinical Endodontics I Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DENT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7212B", "CLASS_NBR": 15849, "SESSION_CD": "FM2", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 18 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Doctor of Clinical Dentistry only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "DENT 7212A in previous Semester", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Clinical assessment, assignment (essay), tutorial paper(s), tutorial participation, oral presentations and exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The endodontic Doctor of Clinical Dentistry postgraduate program covers the morphology, physiology and pathology of the human tooth and in particular the dental pulp, root and peri-radicular tissues. 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Endodontic theory and modern methods of treatment are covered as comprehensively as possible during clinical sessions.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2382": {"id": "Ln_vina4jk_SVjXgiBaYq", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "cTmOpUpcCXuBM8a7ozLjX", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15849, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "2383": {"id": "D8n-3BD-qhudaFy-R_SMZ", "course_id": "107323", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107323", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Specialist Clinical Endodontics I Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DENT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7212B", "CLASS_NBR": 25857, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 18 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Doctor of Clinical Dentistry only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "DENT 7212A in previous Semester", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Clinical assessment, assignment (essay), tutorial paper(s), tutorial participation, oral presentations and exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The endodontic Doctor of Clinical Dentistry postgraduate program covers the morphology, physiology and pathology of the human tooth and in particular the dental pulp, root and peri-radicular tissues. Emphasis is placed on the biology of the normal pulp, crown root and peri-radicular tissues and the aetiology, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases and injuries that affect these tissues. Endodontic theory and modern methods of treatment are covered as comprehensively as possible during clinical sessions.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2384": {"id": "D8n-3BD-qhudaFy-R_SMZ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "5vsJQZSqZ5FT1Orxp5gfS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25857, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 1, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "2385": {"id": "5akVyEWB7SfTJqr2Xqwmc", "course_id": "107602", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107602", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Specialist Clinical Endodontics II Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DENT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7213A", "CLASS_NBR": 15862, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 18 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Doctor of Clinical Dentistry only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "DENT 7212A and DENT 7212B", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Clinical assessment, Assignment (essay), tutorial paper(s), Tutorial participation and oral presentations and final examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The endodontic DClinDent postgraduate program covers the morphology, physiology and pathology of the human tooth and in particular the dental pulp, root and peri-radicular tissues. Emphasis is placed on the biology of the normal pulp, crown root and peri-\u00acradicular tissues and the aetiology, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases and injuries that affect these tissues. Endodontic theory and modern methods of treatment are covered as comprehensively as possible during clinical sessions.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "2386": {"id": "5akVyEWB7SfTJqr2Xqwmc", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "r0GUP8fMUtel8ySy6K8BD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15862, "section": "01NT", "size": 4, "enrolled": 0, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical"}]}]}]}, "2387": {"id": "bg4dbWqtSb050etZ2392M", "course_id": "107603", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107603", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Specialist Clinical Endodontics II Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DENT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7213B", "CLASS_NBR": 25871, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 18 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Doctor of Clinical Dentistry only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "DENT 7213A in previous Semester", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Clinical assessment , Assignment (essay), tutorial paper(s), Tutorial participation and oral presentations", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The endodontic DClinDent postgraduate program covers the morphology, physiology and pathology of the human tooth and in particular the dental pulp, root and peri-radicular tissues. Emphasis is placed on the biology of the normal pulp, crown root and peri-\u00acradicular tissues and the aetiology, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases and injuries that affect these tissues. Endodontic theory and modern methods of treatment are covered as comprehensively as possible during clinical sessions.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2388": {"id": "bg4dbWqtSb050etZ2392M", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "YEON5YKfq_c_7QIm9gClk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25871, "section": "01NT", "size": 4, "enrolled": 0, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical"}]}]}]}, "2389": {"id": "Zp3KvPjZFPFWw5r-4_vIF", "course_id": "107828", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107828", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Specialist Clinical Endodontics III Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DENT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7214A", "CLASS_NBR": 15884, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 18 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Doctor of Clinical Dentistry only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "DENT 7213A and DENT 7213B", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Clinical assessment, Research dissertation draft, tutorial paper(s), Tutorial performance, oral presentations and final examinations.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The endodontic DClinDent postgraduate program covers the morphology, physiology and pathology of the human tooth and in particular the dental pulp, root and peri-radicular tissues. Emphasis is placed on the biology of the normal pulp, crown root and peri-\u00acradicular tissues and the aetiology, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases and injuries that affect these tissues. Endodontic theory and modern methods of treatment are covered as comprehensively as possible during clinical sessions.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "2390": {"id": "Zp3KvPjZFPFWw5r-4_vIF", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "iHiGjuX7ToTHiUKSX1JGW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15884, "section": "01NT", "size": 4, "enrolled": 1, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical"}]}]}]}, "2391": {"id": "zbmY3VDuhAcxKobaSwFWI", "course_id": "107831", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107831", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Specialist Clinical Endodontics III Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DENT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7214B", "CLASS_NBR": 25895, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 18 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Doctor of Clinical Dentistry only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "DENT 7214A in previous Semester", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Clinical assessment , Assignment (essay), tutorial paper(s), Tutorial participation and oral presentations", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The endodontic DClinDent postgraduate program covers the morphology, physiology and pathology of the human tooth and in particular the dental pulp, root and peri-radicular tissues. Emphasis is placed on the biology of the normal pulp, crown root and peri-\u00acradicular tissues and the aetiology, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases and injuries that affect these tissues. Endodontic theory and modern methods of treatment are covered as comprehensively as possible during clinical sessions.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2392": {"id": "zbmY3VDuhAcxKobaSwFWI", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "Egl1qW7qxlSCF_kO2xwI-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25895, "section": "01NT", "size": 4, "enrolled": 1, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical"}]}]}]}, "2393": {"id": "TILc6k80LPyAjfEiIPkCE", "course_id": "107315", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107315", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Specialist Clinical Orthodontics I Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DENT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7232A", "CLASS_NBR": 15845, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 24 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Doctor of Clinical Dentistry only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Clinical assessment, Seminar performance, Case Studies, essay", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The University of Adelaide's postgraduate Doctor of Clinical Dentistry program in Orthodontics is of three years duration and leads to the specialist degree of Doctor of Clinical Dentistry. This is course is part of a specific program designed to lead to specialist registration in the field of Orthodontics. The course comprises a mix of coursework, clinical work, and is designed to conform to the Educational Requirements of the University of Adelaide and the Australian Society of Orthodontists.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "2394": {"id": "TILc6k80LPyAjfEiIPkCE", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "NSnvzx7BlPhe9UFKsFVbs", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15845, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 3, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "2395": {"id": "jrgaRUDkif8FsizrFYpAO", "course_id": "107315", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107315", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Specialist Clinical Orthodontics I Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DENT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7232A", "CLASS_NBR": 25853, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 24 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Doctor of Clinical Dentistry only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Clinical assessment, Seminar performance, Case Studies, essay", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The University of Adelaide's postgraduate Doctor of Clinical Dentistry program in Orthodontics is of three years duration and leads to the specialist degree of Doctor of Clinical Dentistry. This is course is part of a specific program designed to lead to specialist registration in the field of Orthodontics. The course comprises a mix of coursework, clinical work, and is designed to conform to the Educational Requirements of the University of Adelaide and the Australian Society of Orthodontists.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "2396": {"id": "jrgaRUDkif8FsizrFYpAO", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "tTsrShmtzohUpD5N3hk0m", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25853, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "2397": {"id": "4FTHpolq2LbZJK8D8atSl", "course_id": "107341", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107341", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Specialist Clinical Orthodontics I Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DENT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7232B", "CLASS_NBR": 15850, "SESSION_CD": "FM2", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 24 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Doctor of Clinical Dentistry only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "DENT 7232A in previous Semester", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Clinical assessment, Seminar performance, Case Studies, essay and examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The University of Adelaide's postgraduate Doctor of Clinical Dentistry program in Orthodontics is of three years duration and leads to the specialist degree of Doctor of Clinical Dentistry. 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The course comprises a mix of coursework, clinical work, and is designed to conform to the Educational Requirements of the University of Adelaide and the Australian Society of Orthodontists.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2400": {"id": "iuDzphnYNlwhgUmtP4d-o", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "vjP1tbLGu3VgRWou89l0j", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25858, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 3, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "2401": {"id": "_GbNa1QeDZHIZg56U45dI", "course_id": "107606", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107606", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Specialist Clinical Orthodontics II Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DENT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7233A", "CLASS_NBR": 15863, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 24 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Doctor of Clinical Dentistry only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "DENT 7232B", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Clinical assessment, Seminar performance and literature reviews, Case Studies", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The University of Adelaide's postgraduate Doctor of Clinical Dentistry program in Orthodontics is of three years duration and leads to the specialist degree of Doctor of Clinical Dentistry. This course is part of a specific program designed to lead to specialist registration in the field of Orthodontics. The course comprises a mix of coursework, clinical work, and is designed to conform to the Educational Requirements of the University of Adelaide and the Australian Society of Orthodontists.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "2402": {"id": "_GbNa1QeDZHIZg56U45dI", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "vS4duwQoensZjvd6FYmNU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15863, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 3, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical"}]}]}]}, "2403": {"id": "EQa7pMd00fXuxgOetMuKR", "course_id": "107607", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107607", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Specialist Clinical Orthodontics II Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DENT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7233B", "CLASS_NBR": 25872, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 38 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Doctor of Clinical Dentistry only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "DENT 7233A", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Clinical assessment, seminar performance, case studies", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The University of Adelaide's postgraduate Doctor of Clinical Dentistry program in Orthodontics is of three years duration and leads to the specialist degree of Doctor of Clinical Dentistry. 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The course comprises a mix of coursework, clinical work, a research project and is designed to conform to the Educational Requirements of the University of Adelaide and the Australian Society of Orthodontists.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2404": {"id": "EQa7pMd00fXuxgOetMuKR", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "XpvcncHdRYIfJ_R3qXdGz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25872, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 3, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical"}]}]}]}, "2405": {"id": "ewKwv9bVXaKJ6XprAG5Ou", "course_id": "107885", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107885", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Specialist Clinical Orthodontics III Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DENT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7234A", "CLASS_NBR": 15903, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 24 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Doctor of Clinical Dentistry only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "DENT 7233A and DENT 7233B", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Clinical assessment, seminar performance and literature reviews, case studies and research project progress toward thesis production for assessment.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The University of Adelaide's postgraduate Doctor of Clinical Dentistry program in Orthodontics is of three years duration and leads to the specialist degree of Doctor of Clinical Dentistry. 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The course comprises a mix of coursework, clinical work, and is designed to conform to the Educational Requirements of the University of Adelaide and the Australian Society of Orthodontists.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "2406": {"id": "ewKwv9bVXaKJ6XprAG5Ou", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "Ntfx_6mUr17Qb785aU2EP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15903, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 3, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical"}]}]}]}, "2407": {"id": "G5AnSNqRvLGVaevRcqFl8", "course_id": "107886", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107886", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Specialist Clinical Orthodontics III Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DENT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7234B", "CLASS_NBR": 25907, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 38 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Doctor of Clinical Dentistry only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "DENT 7234A in previous Semester", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Clinical assessment, seminar performance, case studies, research dissertation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The University of Adelaide's postgraduate Doctor of Clinical Dentistry program in Orthodontics is of three years duration and leads to the specialist degree of Doctor of Clinical Dentistry. 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The course comprises a mix of coursework, clinical work, a research project and is designed to conform to the Educational Requirements of the University of Adelaide and the Australian Society of Orthodontists.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2408": {"id": "G5AnSNqRvLGVaevRcqFl8", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "0C__aIWPHbBi8wQ96V-Ff", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25907, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 3, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical"}]}]}]}, "2409": {"id": "C7LasjsaC8-5VCP_zASuC", "course_id": "107317", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107317", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Specialist Clinical Periodontics I Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DENT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7252A", "CLASS_NBR": 15846, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 21 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Doctor of Clinical Dentistry only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Clinical assessment, Assignments (essay) and Case presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The University of Adelaide's postgraduate Doctor of Clinical Dentistry program in Periodontics is of three years duration and leads to the degree of Doctor of Clinical Dentistry. 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This is a specific program plan designed to lead to a specialist registration in the field of Periodontics. The course comprises a mix of coursework, clinical work, didactics and a research project and is designed to conform to the Educational Requirements of the University of Adelaide, the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Periodontics and the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2414": {"id": "QlNO17ckcQRXS3reMvOAf", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "SlFBswUUcVanaqQKWZihc", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15857, "section": "01NT", "size": 6, "enrolled": 0, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical"}]}]}]}, "2415": {"id": "SaOIGBMSji1sSYLXIgGLZ", "course_id": "107441", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107441", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Specialist Clinical Periodontics I Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DENT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7252B", "CLASS_NBR": 25866, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 21 hour per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Doctor of Clinical Dentistry only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "DENT 7252A in previous Semester", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Clinical assessment, Assignments (essay) and Case presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The University of Adelaide's postgraduate Doctor of Clinical Dentistry program in Periodontics is of three years duration and leads to the degree of Doctor of Clinical Dentistry. 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The course comprises a mix of coursework, clinical work, didactics and a research project and is designed to conform to the Educational Requirements of the University of Adelaide, the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Periodontics and the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2416": {"id": "SaOIGBMSji1sSYLXIgGLZ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "pgDsMJpCZLiIwcaWj7gRh", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25866, "section": "01NT", "size": 6, "enrolled": 1, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical"}]}]}]}, "2417": {"id": "URt0MSDn32URjltUprZP0", "course_id": "107608", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107608", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Specialist Clinical Periodontics II Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DENT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7253A", "CLASS_NBR": 15864, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 21 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Doctor of Clinical Dentistry only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "DENT 7252B", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Clinical assessment, Assignments (essay) and Case presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The University of Adelaide's postgraduate Doctor of Clinical Dentistry program in Periodontics is of three years duration and leads to the degree of Doctor of Clinical Dentistry. 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This is a specific program plan designed to lead to a specialist registration in the field of Periodontics. The course comprises a mix of coursework, clinical work, didactics and a research project and is designed to conform to the Educational Requirements of the University of Adelaide, the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Periodontics and the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2420": {"id": "Qksyc8oTW1kbh-t1CEWsQ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "XZ2knW7TK7-xENGW7QxrV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25874, "section": "01NT", "size": 4, "enrolled": 1, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical"}]}]}]}, "2421": {"id": "QCRzDWgkOhqanOOjL_0sE", "course_id": "107855", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107855", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Specialist Clinical Periodontics III Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DENT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7254A", "CLASS_NBR": 15891, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 21 hour per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Doctor of Clinical Dentistry only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "DENT 7253A and 7253B", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Clinical assessment, Assignments (essay) and Case presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The University of Adelaide's postgraduate Doctor of Clinical Dentistry program in Periodontics is of three years duration and leads to the degree of Doctor of Clinical Dentistry. 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The course comprises a mix of coursework, clinical work, didactics and a research project and is designed to conform to the Educational Requirements of the University of Adelaide, the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Periodontics and the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "2422": {"id": "QCRzDWgkOhqanOOjL_0sE", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "lN4n7vpOs9JTEYL9LJVUd", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15891, "section": "01NT", "size": 6, "enrolled": 2, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical"}]}]}]}, "2423": {"id": "VYd8YB7YLJ_ttoZqG5Nal", "course_id": "107856", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107856", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Specialist Clinical Periodontics III Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DENT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7254B", "CLASS_NBR": 25901, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 21 hour per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Doctor of Clinical Dentistry only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "DENT 7254A in previous Semester", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Clinical assessment, Assignments (essay) and Case presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The University of Adelaide's postgraduate Doctor of Clinical Dentistry program in Periodontics is of three years duration and leads to the degree of Doctor of Clinical Dentistry. 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The course comprises a mix of coursework, clinical work, didactics and a research project and is designed to conform to the Educational Requirements of the University of Adelaide, the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Periodontics and the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2424": {"id": "VYd8YB7YLJ_ttoZqG5Nal", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "sPq7kCfuj9sBcYxMhZDcx", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25901, "section": "01NT", "size": 5, "enrolled": 2, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical"}]}]}]}, "2425": {"id": "TmgD482xHHRvJynu9NCjH", "course_id": "107318", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107318", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Specialist Clinical Prosthodontics I Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DENT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7262A", "CLASS_NBR": 15847, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 21 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Doctor of Clinical Dentistry only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Registrable BDS, minimum two years general dental experience, evidence of performance or study at a graduate level", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Clinical assessment, Seminar participation and presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Doctorate in Clinical Dentistry in Prosthodontics is a three-year, full time training program leading to a specialist qualification in Prosthodontics. 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The program comprises a mix of the following:\n- Clinical treatment of patients referred for specialist prosthodontic treatment, under the supervision of prosthodontic teaching staff \n- Didactic, clinical and case presentation seminars \n- A major research project in prosthodontics culminating in a thesis and journal article submitted for publication. \nThe program conforms to the educational requirements of the University of Adelaide and is accredited by the Australian Dental Council.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2448": {"id": "auUEc31F2yaBeYTvkmyKC", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "ZlShnZNTPXS9fc3XiZkvv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25899, "section": "01NT", "size": 4, "enrolled": 0, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical"}]}]}]}, "2449": {"id": "_zs9MYhDTeeQfbLY1rQtY", "course_id": "107319", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107319", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Specialist Clinical Special Needs Dentistry I Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DENT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7272A", "CLASS_NBR": 15848, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 19 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Doctor of Clinical Dentistry only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Clinical assessment, seminar paper(s), Seminar participation and oral presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Special Needs Dentistry is that part of Dentistry concerned with the oral health of people adversely affected by intellectual disability, medical, physical or psychiatric issues. 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The course comprises a mix of coursework, clinical work, action/clinical research, research training and a research project and is designed to conform to the educational requirements of the Board of Studies in Special Needs Dentistry of the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "2450": {"id": "_zs9MYhDTeeQfbLY1rQtY", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "O67mdmQu5r-I7JAQpNyAt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15848, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "2451": {"id": "WxV1Oer_n0gxNSZn8KNVJ", "course_id": "107319", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107319", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Specialist Clinical Special Needs Dentistry I Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DENT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7272A", "CLASS_NBR": 25856, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 19 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Doctor of Clinical Dentistry only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Clinical assessment, seminar paper(s), Seminar participation and oral presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Special Needs Dentistry is that part of Dentistry concerned with the oral health of people adversely affected by intellectual disability, medical, physical or psychiatric issues. 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The course comprises a mix of coursework, clinical work, action/clinical research, research training and a research project and is designed to conform to the educational requirements of the Board of Studies in Special Needs Dentistry of the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "2452": {"id": "WxV1Oer_n0gxNSZn8KNVJ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "AQ-vzlR-2qdSy_GlsVz8M", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25856, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "2453": {"id": "eq4F6JiuPJOUUqejUjzTV", "course_id": "107343", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107343", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Specialist Clinical Special Needs Dentistry I Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DENT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7272B", "CLASS_NBR": 15852, "SESSION_CD": "FM2", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 19 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Doctor of Clinical Dentistry only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "DENT 7272A in previous Semester", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Clinical assessment, Seminar paper(s), Seminar participation and oral presentation, log book, case report, examinations", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Special Needs Dentistry is that part of Dentistry concerned with the oral health of people adversely affected by intellectual disability, medical, physical or psychiatric issues. 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The course comprises a mix of coursework, clinical work, action/clinical research, research training and a research project and is designed to conform to the educational requirements of the Board of Studies in Special Needs Dentistry of the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2454": {"id": "eq4F6JiuPJOUUqejUjzTV", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "DMygyQlM7MVfol0lO-3Lz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15852, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "2455": {"id": "D0rZFP0xuexNI6qbmRWKo", "course_id": "107343", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107343", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Specialist Clinical Special Needs Dentistry I Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DENT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7272B", "CLASS_NBR": 25860, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 19 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Doctor of Clinical Dentistry only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "DENT 7272A in previous Semester", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Clinical assessment, Seminar paper(s), Seminar participation and oral presentation, log book, case report, examinations", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Special Needs Dentistry is that part of Dentistry concerned with the oral health of people adversely affected by intellectual disability, medical, physical or psychiatric issues. 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The course comprises a mix of coursework, clinical work, action/clinical research, research training and a research project and is designed to conform to the educational requirements of the Board of Studies in Special Needs Dentistry of the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2456": {"id": "D0rZFP0xuexNI6qbmRWKo", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "AE9stm65o1PEklUVmI3Ux", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25860, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "2457": {"id": "pjpGPL4Ca2n3i69h0pA-t", "course_id": "107611", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107611", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Specialist Clinical Special Needs Dentistry II Pt 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DENT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7273A", "CLASS_NBR": 15865, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 19 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Doctor of Clinical Dentistry only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "DENT 7272B", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Clinical assessment, seminar paper(s), seminar participation and oral presentations", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Special Needs Dentistry is that part of Dentistry concerned with the oral health of people adversely affected by intellectual disability, medical, physical or psychiatric issues. 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The program plan comprises a mix of coursework, clinical work, action/clinical research, research training and a research project and is designed to conform to the Educational Requirements of the Board of Studies in Special Needs Dentistry of the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "2458": {"id": "pjpGPL4Ca2n3i69h0pA-t", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "u0w6S2znOeSWfCnBMGDwA", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15865, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 1, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical"}]}]}]}, "2459": {"id": "6npXazH0pOOLekgK71YIR", "course_id": "107612", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107612", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Specialist Clinical Special Needs Dentistry II Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DENT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7273B", "CLASS_NBR": 25873, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 19 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Doctor of Clinical Dentistry only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "DENT 7273A", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Clinical assessment, seminar paper(s), Seminar performance and oral presentations, Log book, case report, examinations", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Special Needs Dentistry is that part of Dentistry concerned with the oral health of people adversely affected by intellectual disability, medical, physical or psychiatric issues. 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The program plan comprises a mix of coursework, clinical work, action/clinical research, research training and a research project and is designed to conform to the Educational Requirements of the Board of Studies in Special Needs Dentistry of the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2460": {"id": "6npXazH0pOOLekgK71YIR", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "0xjwHG4Nrfl8Ss-WeROOJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25873, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 1, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical"}]}]}]}, "2461": {"id": "_35S0w1njoqK9REAU-9LK", "course_id": "107853", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107853", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Specialist Clinical Special Needs Dentistry III Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DENT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7274A", "CLASS_NBR": 15889, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 19 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Doctor of Clinical Dentistry only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "DENT 7273A and DENT 7273B", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Clinical assessment, Seminar presentations", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Special Needs Dentistry III Part 1 covers six units of the 72 unit Program. 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The program plan comprises a mix of coursework, clinical work, action/clinical research, research training and a research project and is designed to conform to the Educational Requirements of the Board of Studies in Special Needs Dentistry of the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "2462": {"id": "_35S0w1njoqK9REAU-9LK", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "cHUmPLgF450RJXdoAdEK0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15889, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 1, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical"}]}]}]}, "2463": {"id": "cKf1R-o2FBtiuBqheAoMK", "course_id": "107854", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107854", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Specialist Clinical Special Needs Dentistry III Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DENT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7274B", "CLASS_NBR": 15890, "SESSION_CD": "FM2", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 19 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Doctor of Clinical Dentistry only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "DENT 7274A in previous Semester", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Clinical assessment/log book, oral presentations, Clinical Performance Review, Case presentations and examinations , Research Dissertation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Special Needs Dentistry III Part 2 is the final 12 unit course of the 72 unit program. 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The program plan comprises a mix of coursework, clinical work, action/clinical research, research training and a research project and is designed to conform to the Educational Requirements of the Board of Studies in Special Needs Dentistry of the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2464": {"id": "cKf1R-o2FBtiuBqheAoMK", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "poAqt8eryz-29y9mgqgEN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15890, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical"}]}]}]}, "2465": {"id": "BskPhfqpf8db8KrgWX06J", "course_id": "107854", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107854", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Specialist Clinical Special Needs Dentistry III Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DENT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7274B", "CLASS_NBR": 25900, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 19 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Doctor of Clinical Dentistry only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "DENT 7274A in previous Semester", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Clinical assessment/log book, oral presentations, Clinical Performance Review, Case presentations and examinations , Research Dissertation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Special Needs Dentistry III Part 2 is the final 12 unit course of the 72 unit program. Special Needs Dentistry is concerned with the oral health of people adversely affected by intellectual disability, medical, physical or psychiatric issues. The University of Adelaide's postgraduate program in Special Needs Dentistry is of three years duration and leads to the degree of Doctor of Clinical Dentistry. This is a specific program plan designed to lead to specialist registration in the field of Special Needs Dentistry. The program plan comprises a mix of coursework, clinical work, action/clinical research, research training and a research project and is designed to conform to the Educational Requirements of the Board of Studies in Special Needs Dentistry of the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2466": {"id": "BskPhfqpf8db8KrgWX06J", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "WaCf6jrPZIUy9ojBJTIUW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25900, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 1, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical"}]}]}]}, "2467": {"id": "c-hjHc1gQ5UTQw8jo9kqT", "course_id": "107307", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107307", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Doctor of Clinical Dentistry Research A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DENT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7280", "CLASS_NBR": 15843, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 1 hour per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Doctor of Clinical Dentistry Students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "DENT 7200", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Literature review, Research project.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The research required for the Doctor of Clinical Dentistry program includes dedicated time for this component. This course represents time allocated to this activity for Semester 2 of the first year of the program.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2468": {"id": "c-hjHc1gQ5UTQw8jo9kqT", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "zHV9-cOuUmsqbOXfmOcQH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15843, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical"}]}]}]}, "2469": {"id": "-UXbG6JpG1aQLAkbA-pTy", "course_id": "107307", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107307", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Doctor of Clinical Dentistry Research A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DENT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7280", "CLASS_NBR": 25851, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 1 hour per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Doctor of Clinical Dentistry Students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "DENT 7200", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Literature review, Research project.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The research required for the Doctor of Clinical Dentistry program includes dedicated time for this component. This course represents time allocated to this activity for Semester 2 of the first year of the program.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2470": {"id": "-UXbG6JpG1aQLAkbA-pTy", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "YjbQCTW3irwL4zMC6lEYZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25851, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 5, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical"}]}]}]}, "2471": {"id": "jlrjiySdYRU6BKwymBKIe", "course_id": "109804", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109804", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Spec Clin Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology I Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DENT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7331A", "CLASS_NBR": 16170, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 12 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Doctor of Clinical Dentistry students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Refer to Course Outlines for full information", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The University of Adelaide postgraduate Doctor of Clinical Dentistry program in Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology is of three years duration and leads to the degree of Doctor of Clinical Dentistry. This course is part of a specific program designed to lead to a specialist registration in the field of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology. The course comprises a mix of coursework, diagnostic histopathology and some clinical work.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "2472": {"id": "jlrjiySdYRU6BKwymBKIe", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "FQ4fkd3kz9hhPvg2uODWf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16170, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "2473": {"id": "UW_-7Fkp7aIHzXAcZJ8pz", "course_id": "109804", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109804", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Spec Clin Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology I Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DENT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7331A", "CLASS_NBR": 26180, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 12 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Doctor of Clinical Dentistry students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Refer to Course Outlines for full information", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The University of Adelaide postgraduate Doctor of Clinical Dentistry program in Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology is of three years duration and leads to the degree of Doctor of Clinical Dentistry. This course is part of a specific program designed to lead to a specialist registration in the field of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology. The course comprises a mix of coursework, diagnostic histopathology and some clinical work.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "2474": {"id": "UW_-7Fkp7aIHzXAcZJ8pz", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "2X7Y_JWhWp-S8GykcRzkr", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26180, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "2475": {"id": "7iKeL2iHI4R0B7GQ3nqnG", "course_id": "109805", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109805", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Spec Clin Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology I Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DENT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7331B", "CLASS_NBR": 26181, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 12 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Doctor of Clinical Dentistry Only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "DENT 7331A in previous Semester", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Case book reports, seminar participation and examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The University of Adelaide postgraduate Doctor of Clinical Dentistry program in Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology is of three years duration and leads to the degree of Doctor of Clinical Dentistry. This course is part of a specific program designed to lead to a specialist registration in the field of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology. The course comprises a mix of coursework, diagnostic histopathology and some clinical work.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2476": {"id": "7iKeL2iHI4R0B7GQ3nqnG", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "-Vh1a69PjyHjDsCp6KQkk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26181, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "2477": {"id": "MZlF3zRbyPDG-izkdCvnQ", "course_id": "109806", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109806", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Spec Clin Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology II Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DENT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7332A", "CLASS_NBR": 16171, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 12 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Doctor of Clinical Dentistry only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Casebook reports, seminar participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The University of Adelaide postgraduate Doctor of Clinical Dentistry program in Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology is of three years duration and leads to the degree of Doctor of Clinical Dentistry. 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The course comprises a mix of coursework, diagnostic histopathology and some clinical work.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "2478": {"id": "MZlF3zRbyPDG-izkdCvnQ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "pr2YVSRra0IITB5b4uUoR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16171, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical"}]}]}]}, "2479": {"id": "9oDeJ0Hq0mxBT_fuHTSzG", "course_id": "109807", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109807", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Spec Clin Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology II Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DENT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7332B", "CLASS_NBR": 26182, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 12 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Doctor of Clinical Dentistry only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "DENT 7332A in the previous Semester", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Casebook reports, seminar participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The University of Adelaide postgraduate Doctor of Clinical Dentistry program in Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology is of three years duration and leads to the degree of Doctor of Clinical Dentistry. 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The course comprises a mix of coursework, diagnostic histopathology and some clinical work.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2480": {"id": "9oDeJ0Hq0mxBT_fuHTSzG", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "fp5dX0ahP70QgT2Fldabx", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26182, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical"}]}]}]}, "2481": {"id": "QXkUEcbOIzpAhV1nKqOX3", "course_id": "109808", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109808", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Spec Clin Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology III Pt 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DENT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7333A", "CLASS_NBR": 16172, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 12 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Doctor of Clinical Dentistry only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "DENT 7332A and DENT 7332B", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The University of Adelaide postgraduate Doctor of Clinical Dentistry program in Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology is of three years duration and leads to the degree of Doctor of Clinical Dentistry. 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The course comprises a mix of coursework, diagnostic histopathology and some clinical work.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "2482": {"id": "QXkUEcbOIzpAhV1nKqOX3", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "RXmfALOixgnOQejAZ_5Xl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16172, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical"}]}]}]}, "2483": {"id": "2eizmu0XMyqcg-keZ2t_P", "course_id": "109809", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109809", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Spec Clin Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology III Pt 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DENT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7333B", "CLASS_NBR": 26183, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 12 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Doctor of Clinical Dentistry only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "DENT 7333A in the previous Semester", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Casebook reports, seminar presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The University of Adelaide postgraduate Doctor of Clinical Dentistry program in Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology is of three years duration and leads to the degree of Doctor of Clinical Dentistry. 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The course comprises a mix of coursework, diagnostic histopathology and some clinical work.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2484": {"id": "2eizmu0XMyqcg-keZ2t_P", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "5MKZ7B7Wvf2dzUfb94wZW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26183, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical"}]}]}]}, "2485": {"id": "Hli6gtZAfC57MeknDqf6a", "course_id": "109810", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109810", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Spec Clin Oral & Maxillofacial Path I T/Y Cont", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DENT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7431A", "CLASS_NBR": 16173, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Doctor of Clinical Dentistry students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Refer to Course Outlines for full information", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The University of Adelaide postgraduate Doctor of Clinical Dentistry program in Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology is of three years duration and leads to the degree of Doctor of Clinical Dentistry. 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The course comprises a mix of coursework, diagnostic histopathology and some clinical work.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 07/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "2486": {"id": "Hli6gtZAfC57MeknDqf6a", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "5ICB5Q0765IgbN6tCOBOn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16173, "section": "01NT", "size": 2, "enrolled": 0, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical"}]}]}]}, "2487": {"id": "NJJWg9g5QCoxv-moThUMc", "course_id": "109810", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109810", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Spec Clin Oral & Maxillofacial Path I T/Y Cont", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DENT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7431A", "CLASS_NBR": 26184, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Doctor of Clinical Dentistry students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Refer to Course Outlines for full information", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The University of Adelaide postgraduate Doctor of Clinical Dentistry program in Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology is of three years duration and leads to the degree of Doctor of Clinical Dentistry. 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The course comprises a mix of coursework, diagnostic histopathology and some clinical work.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "2488": {"id": "NJJWg9g5QCoxv-moThUMc", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "6b_pwub4SFI2oE_NHmUEw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26184, "section": "01NT", "size": 2, "enrolled": 0, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical"}]}]}]}, "2489": {"id": "QfocRVlmLnQMtW0Kk2HR7", "course_id": "109811", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109811", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Spec Clin Oral & Maxillofacial Path II T/Y Cont", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DENT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7432A", "CLASS_NBR": 16174, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Doctor of Clinical Dentistry students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "DENT 7431A and DENT 7432B", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The University of Adelaide postgraduate Doctor of Clinical Dentistry program in Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology is of three years duration and leads to the degree of Doctor of Clinical Dentistry. 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The course comprises a mix of coursework, diagnostic histopathology and some clinical work.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 07/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "2490": {"id": "QfocRVlmLnQMtW0Kk2HR7", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "Jn0UAqiMxlF7v9hnXx__3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16174, "section": "01NT", "size": 2, "enrolled": 0, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical"}]}]}]}, "2491": {"id": "bCFTPu4uc7qLQ56fH0wzb", "course_id": "109811", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109811", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Spec Clin Oral & Maxillofacial Path II T/Y Cont", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DENT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7432A", "CLASS_NBR": 26185, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Doctor of Clinical Dentistry students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "DENT 7431A and DENT 7432B", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The University of Adelaide postgraduate Doctor of Clinical Dentistry program in Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology is of three years duration and leads to the degree of Doctor of Clinical Dentistry. 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The course comprises a mix of coursework, diagnostic histopathology and some clinical work.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "2492": {"id": "bCFTPu4uc7qLQ56fH0wzb", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "4_6CbnFCewNA5_dl75tq8", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26185, "section": "01NT", "size": 2, "enrolled": 0, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical"}]}]}]}, "2493": {"id": "t3qwLuFsLBvL4nMFD6Dqm", "course_id": "109813", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109813", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Spec Clin Oral & Maxillofacial Path III T/Y Cont", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DENT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7433A", "CLASS_NBR": 16175, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Doctor of Clinical Dentistry students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Refer to Course Outlines for full information", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The University of Adelaide postgraduate Doctor of Clinical Dentistry program in Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology is of three years duration and leads to the degree of Doctor of Clinical Dentistry. This course is part of a specific program designed to lead to a specialist registration in the field of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology. The course comprises a mix of coursework, diagnostic histopathology and some clinical work.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 07/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "2494": {"id": "t3qwLuFsLBvL4nMFD6Dqm", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "I8aFINGdqlp5Cd_TT4Bfy", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16175, "section": "01NT", "size": 2, "enrolled": 0, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical"}]}]}]}, "2495": {"id": "MZUoDM04I2BjH59AaaauO", "course_id": "109813", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109813", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Spec Clin Oral & Maxillofacial Path III T/Y Cont", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DENT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7433A", "CLASS_NBR": 26186, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Doctor of Clinical Dentistry students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Refer to Course Outlines for full information", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The University of Adelaide postgraduate Doctor of Clinical Dentistry program in Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology is of three years duration and leads to the degree of Doctor of Clinical Dentistry. This course is part of a specific program designed to lead to a specialist registration in the field of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology. The course comprises a mix of coursework, diagnostic histopathology and some clinical work.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "2496": {"id": "MZUoDM04I2BjH59AaaauO", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "jEhd9RL2kTCjShgPlHJNT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26186, "section": "01NT", "size": 2, "enrolled": 0, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical"}]}]}]}, "2497": {"subject": "DESST", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "106533", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106533", "term": "4448", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "106530", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106530", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106527", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106534", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106521", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106521", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106521", "term": "4448", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "106524", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106524", "term": "4448", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "106535", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106525", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106522", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106522", "term": "4415", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "106536", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106531", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106528", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106537", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106523", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106532", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106538", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106526", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106529", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "012493", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "002493", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "2498": {"id": "6GkUPlp_485ULP__TiY9w", "course_id": "106533", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106533", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Design Studio I", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DESST", "CATALOG_NBR": "1503", "CLASS_NBR": 10636, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "040105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "'up to 6 hours per week' + 1 x 3hr Practical on Hand Tools (Innovation/Creation Studio)", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "A quota will apply", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, project-based learning, physical model making, hand-drawing", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Theme: site/context/place. \nThis foundation course introduces design as a speculative process of inquiry and experimentation. It involves knowledge acquisition and the preliminary development of skills to conceptualise, resolve and present well-reasoned landscape and architectural ideas through analogue drawing and physical model-making. The course introduces the design process as well as techniques of analysis and critique of design outcomes. Fundamental engineering principles applicable to architecture and landscapes are introduced with emphasis on the manipulation of the ground plane. This course engages students with learning to design through iterative processes integrating considerations of site and topography, placemaking, precedent, human scale, principles of site engineering and material and physical data. \nStudents will complete compulsory training in the Innovation and Creation Studios of the Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology. Design Studio I students are required to complete 2 \u2018Hot Courses\u2019 on safety induction (approximately 20 minutes online) and Hand Tools (3 hours) in a supervised environment in fully-equipped workshops as a foundation for future design studios.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2499": {"id": "6GkUPlp_485ULP__TiY9w", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "VogCUI0bYuVzCuxBmA0iw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10635, "section": "LE01", "size": 130, "enrolled": 95, "available": 35, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Studio", "id": "rUr_hTgrjvRgBjZyvoyVV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10636, "section": "ST03", "size": 23, "enrolled": 13, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Studio", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 534, Studio"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 534, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10637, "section": "ST02", "size": 50, "enrolled": 42, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Studio", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 534, Studio"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 534, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10638, "section": "ST01", "size": 43, "enrolled": 40, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Studio", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 534, Studio"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 534, Studio"}]}]}]}]}, "2500": {"id": "skLMjWcfDSKqAyl8D0h4x", "course_id": "106533", "term": "4448", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106533", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4448", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "Design Studio I", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DESST", "CATALOG_NBR": "1503EX", "CLASS_NBR": 46059, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "040105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Unpublished Course - Contact Not Available", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "", "QUOTA_TXT": "quota NA", "RESTRICTION": "", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Unpublished Course - No eligibility Req", "PRE_REQUISITE": "prereq NA", "CO_REQUISITE": "coreq NA", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "assume NA", "INCOMPATIBLE": "restriction NA", "ASSESSMENT": "Unpublished Course - NA", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "biennial NA", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "", "SYLLABUS": "Theme: site/context/place. \nThis foundation course introduces design as a speculative process of inquiry and experimentation. It involves knowledge acquisition and the preliminary development of skills to conceptualise, resolve and present well-reasoned landscape and architectural ideas through analogue drawing and physical model-making. The course introduces the design process as well as techniques of analysis and critique of design outcomes. Fundamental engineering principles applicable to architecture and landscapes are introduced with emphasis on the manipulation of the ground plane. This course engages students with learning to design through iterative processes integrating considerations of site and topography, placemaking, precedent, human scale, principles of site engineering and material and physical data. \nStudents will complete compulsory training in the Innovation and Creation Studios of the Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology. Design Studio I students are required to complete 2 \u2018Hot Courses\u2019 on safety induction (approximately 20 minutes online) and Hand Tools (3 hours) in a supervised environment in fully-equipped workshops as a foundation for future design studios.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 14/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 14/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 19/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 11/12/2024"}}]}, "2501": {"id": "skLMjWcfDSKqAyl8D0h4x", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Jt-DcZLzoJOW4G9xl26Ic", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46059, "section": "01EX", "size": 120, "enrolled": 1, "available": 119, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "2502": {"id": "UkxzZCW41B9_-kutiUXiY", "course_id": "106530", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106530", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Representation I", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DESST", "CATALOG_NBR": "1504", "CLASS_NBR": 12961, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "040100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "A quota will apply", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to B.ArchDes & B.E(Arch) & B.E(Civil) & B. Creative Arts students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, physical model making, digital models, hand drawing and digital drawing", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course introduces the traditions and origins of representation in architecture and landscape architecture, including: architectural drafting conventions, fundamental drawing principles and graphic techniques. Several different methods of graphic communication and their relationship to the design process are explored, including freehand sketching and drawing plans, sections and elevations. Rendering, one and two-point perspective, axonometric drawing, composition and graphic layout skills will also be introduced. The course uses both a laboratory and studio format that aims to develop both hand drawing and computer aided graphics skills including Photoshop and InDesign.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2503": {"id": "UkxzZCW41B9_-kutiUXiY", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "LoYOBSyD7pT92U2F2RAl-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15348, "section": "TU03", "size": 40, "enrolled": 7, "available": 33, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 534, Studio"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 6 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 534, Studio"}, {"dates": "27 May - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 534, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15349, "section": "TU02", "size": 40, "enrolled": 21, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 534, Studio"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 6 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 534, Studio"}, {"dates": "27 May - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 534, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15350, "section": "TU01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 36, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 534, Studio"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 6 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 534, Studio"}, {"dates": "27 May - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 534, Studio"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "oWY4aULzUywsAMq8pLTRS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12961, "section": "WR03", "size": 40, "enrolled": 5, "available": 35, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "13 May - 20 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 539, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12962, "section": "WR02", "size": 40, "enrolled": 28, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "13 May - 20 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 539, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12963, "section": "WR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 31, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "13 May - 20 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 539, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "7xPIPQ6d98TigpnODPBS6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14321, "section": "LE01", "size": 165, "enrolled": 64, "available": 101, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2504": {"id": "-fJiWphdZfxC_Whvc7orn", "course_id": "106530", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106530", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Representation I", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DESST", "CATALOG_NBR": "1504", "CLASS_NBR": 22812, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "040100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "A quota will apply", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to B.ArchDes & B.E(Arch) & B.E(Civil) & B. Creative Arts students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, physical model making, digital models, hand drawing and digital drawing", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course introduces the traditions and origins of representation in architecture and landscape architecture, including: architectural drafting conventions, fundamental drawing principles and graphic techniques. Several different methods of graphic communication and their relationship to the design process are explored, including freehand sketching and drawing plans, sections and elevations. Rendering, one and two-point perspective, axonometric drawing, composition and graphic layout skills will also be introduced. The course uses both a laboratory and studio format that aims to develop both hand drawing and computer aided graphics skills including Photoshop and InDesign.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2505": {"id": "-fJiWphdZfxC_Whvc7orn", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "hhxeDEMnXcDWunxZX_fO5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25281, "section": "TU01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 26, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 534, Studio"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 534, Studio"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "Ubu7ZZ_55BYP5fRGiaalZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22812, "section": "WR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 26, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 539, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "kJ0T4gGnCmZs_JCMEfVR3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24266, "section": "LE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 26, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "2506": {"id": "XfIBO6wwygnRHGU3LfszB", "course_id": "106527", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106527", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "History Theory I", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DESST", "CATALOG_NBR": "1505", "CLASS_NBR": 10925, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "040100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "A quota will apply", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to B.ArchDes & B.E(Arch) & B. Creative Arts students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online discussion boards, slide test/Quiz, essay and graphic analyses (hand drawing and/or digital drawing)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course frames contemporary architecture, landscape architecture and urban design in the historical and theoretical contexts of previous design experience and debates. Focusing on key developments since the 20th century, the recent past is explored and explained in terms of its relevance to present issues and tendencies in design theory and practice. \n\nThis course aims to develop and apply skills in critical reading and interpretation, including the establishment of an argument. Students will be exposed to a range of relevant criticism and scholarship employing different research methods. They will develop basic research skills and an understanding of academic writing conventions.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2507": {"id": "XfIBO6wwygnRHGU3LfszB", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "z8LdRtQ74DasaqKzMObV-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14423, "section": "LE01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 86, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "bFIuvCC0D-V52fpC4Ee4T", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10927, "section": "TU04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 17, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 29 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 524, West Gallery"}, {"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 534, Studio"}, {"dates": "2 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 534, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10928, "section": "TU03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 534, Studio"}, {"dates": "2 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 534, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10929, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 22, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 534, Studio"}, {"dates": "2 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 534, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10930, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 534, Studio"}, {"dates": "2 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 534, Studio"}]}]}]}]}, "2508": {"id": "w5SUdDwHPI1e3gZ2anGHp", "course_id": "106534", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106534", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Design Studio II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DESST", "CATALOG_NBR": "1506", "CLASS_NBR": 28509, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "040101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "'up to 6 hours per week' + 1 x 4hr Practical on Drills and Drilling (Innovation/Creation Studio)", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "A quota will apply", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to B.ArchDes and B.E(Arch) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "DESST 1504 or DESST 1029", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, project-based learning, physical model making, digital models, hand drawing and digital drawing", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Theme: ideation/surface/narrative. \nThis course further develops design as a speculative process of inquiry and experimentation. It involves knowledge acquisition and the continuing development of skills to conceptualise, resolve and present well-reasoned architectural ideas through drawing, physical and digital modelling supported by laboratory sessions. The course also continues students? development of techniques of analysis and critique of design outcomes to sharpen their perception of space with emphasis on narrative and human experience through the design of a small to medium scale occupiable structure. Students will learn to design through iterative processes integrating critically observed aspects of the built environment as well as considerations of: site, human experience and emotive responses to space, human scale, structural engineering principles and material and physical data. Rhino will be introduced in this course to enhance students? experimentation with form, space and surface. \nStudents will complete compulsory training in the Innovation and Creation Studios of the Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology. Design Studio II students are required to complete a \u2018Hot Course\u2019 on Drills and Drilling (4 hours) in a supervised environment in fully-equipped workshops as a foundation for future design studios.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2509": {"id": "w5SUdDwHPI1e3gZ2anGHp", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Studio", "id": "DbbrmwYntggQ5k8RcKrAu", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25280, "section": "ST01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 38, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Studio", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 534, Studio"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 534, Studio"}, {"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 534, Studio"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 534, Studio"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "yh6l3sOikGKeVk1xwquMl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28511, "section": "WR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 38, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Aug - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 539, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Sep - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 539, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 539, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "4alaZhX_uGa0Xjflp3T7E", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25277, "section": "LE01", "size": 120, "enrolled": 72, "available": 48, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 28 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}, {"association_group": "11", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Studio", "id": "1Skqwo0ZxolG9MyuqhHNU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25279, "section": "ST02", "size": 40, "enrolled": 34, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Studio", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 534, Studio"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 534, Studio"}, {"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 534, Studio"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 534, Studio"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "RDAmPkttU8ns9N0zXhZHz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28510, "section": "WR02", "size": 50, "enrolled": 34, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Aug - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 539, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Sep - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 539, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 539, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "EaMwOmN6yJQfF_S93DWmJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25277, "section": "LE01", "size": 120, "enrolled": 72, "available": 48, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 28 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2510": {"id": "Iwn_IJ-82L47DW6IELrZp", "course_id": "106521", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106521", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Construction I", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DESST", "CATALOG_NBR": "1507", "CLASS_NBR": 92156, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030903", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "A quota will apply", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to B. ArchDes, B.E(Arch), B.ConsMgmt, B. ConsMgmt(Hons) and Assoc. Deg.ConsMgmt students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, physical model making and hand drawing", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is an introduction to the construction and engineering principles of architecture, landscapes and urban environments. It will initiate the topics of: representation and documentation; history and theory; materials and detailing; construction and design; and engineering structure and fabric. \n\nThe course aims to develop foundational knowledge, skills and understanding in the areas of: the relationship between construction, engineering and design; the representation of construction in a historical and theoretical context; construction materials, detailing and structures. AutoCAD will be introduced.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 09/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "2511": {"id": "Iwn_IJ-82L47DW6IELrZp", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "VZK_MRbMJbjApNOlgz2JB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92156, "section": "WR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 11, "available": 39, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "12 Jan - 16 Feb", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 539, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "C7Jad6hdOQrRcTU6_PdOq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92154, "section": "LE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 11, "available": 39, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Jan - 13 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "owPm_rv-hqwlSM5xad6qm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92155, "section": "TU01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 11, "available": 39, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Jan - 13 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 534, Studio"}]}]}]}]}, "2512": {"id": "n6BqU7QVVWxgc4nshCEo9", "course_id": "106521", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106521", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Construction I", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DESST", "CATALOG_NBR": "1507", "CLASS_NBR": 23177, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030903", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "A quota will apply", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to B. ArchDes, B.E(Arch), B.ConsMgmt, B. ConsMgmt(Hons) and Assoc. Deg.ConsMgmt students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, physical model making and hand drawing", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is an introduction to the construction and engineering principles of architecture, landscapes and urban environments. It will initiate the topics of: representation and documentation; history and theory; materials and detailing; construction and design; and engineering structure and fabric. \n\nThe course aims to develop foundational knowledge, skills and understanding in the areas of: the relationship between construction, engineering and design; the representation of construction in a historical and theoretical context; construction materials, detailing and structures. AutoCAD will be introduced.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2513": {"id": "n6BqU7QVVWxgc4nshCEo9", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "wxqMNVIoQ8Bncnog4qO35", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25285, "section": "WR01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 33, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 539, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "nnVX1C2y8myiUXvVOErpk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25289, "section": "TU01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 33, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 534, Studio"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 534, Studio"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "RDnJYjH8TJINeJsahDo4O", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25282, "section": "LE01", "size": 140, "enrolled": 118, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}, {"association_group": "11", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "QsI4lamkKjiuNEWkthiuS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25284, "section": "WR02", "size": 35, "enrolled": 30, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 539, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "hwQVHSuUdPeZTIfughnSI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25288, "section": "TU02", "size": 35, "enrolled": 30, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 534, Studio"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 534, Studio"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "3kh9xM8N5A_NU8HF_iPGI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25282, "section": "LE01", "size": 140, "enrolled": 118, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}, {"association_group": "12", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "pLe5D7lCx0FNqPiwKxEdY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25283, "section": "WR03", "size": 35, "enrolled": 29, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 539, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "jGDteoDG6-Qk2RdaeqkcU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25287, "section": "TU03", "size": 35, "enrolled": 29, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 534, Studio"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 534, Studio"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "MNAoiQ8p6XkyhVaThUm6z", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25282, "section": "LE01", "size": 140, "enrolled": 118, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}, {"association_group": "13", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "3n5RkAp8KnWIo9uuFz6wT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23177, "section": "WR04", "size": 35, "enrolled": 26, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 539, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "EgOZRhY-Ej-qyfbE2kMEe", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25286, "section": "TU04", "size": 35, "enrolled": 26, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 534, Studio"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 534, Studio"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "XbHWbT1ULrib6Ha-LSP2_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25282, "section": "LE01", "size": 140, "enrolled": 118, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2514": {"id": "KFkejosyDz_K5HYFJo6zV", "course_id": "106521", "term": "4448", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106521", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4448", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "Construction I", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DESST", "CATALOG_NBR": "1507EX", "CLASS_NBR": 46057, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030903", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Nantong students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is an introduction to the construction and engineering principles of architecture, landscapes and urban environments. It will initiate the topics of: representation and documentation; history and theory; materials and detailing; construction and design; and engineering structure and fabric. \n\nThe course aims to develop foundational knowledge, skills and understanding in the areas of: the relationship between construction, engineering and design; the representation of construction in a historical and theoretical context; construction materials, detailing and structures. AutoCAD will be introduced.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 14/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 14/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 19/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 11/12/2024"}}]}, "2515": {"id": "KFkejosyDz_K5HYFJo6zV", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "jsb6qJpPK9zefiwiyyXax", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46057, "section": "01EX", "size": 30, "enrolled": 2, "available": 28, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "2516": {"id": "NpfU0R_ye1yQQPi4fEiTG", "course_id": "106524", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106524", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Environment I", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DESST", "CATALOG_NBR": "1508", "CLASS_NBR": 20578, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "A quota will apply", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to B.ArchDes and B.E(Arch) & B. Creative Arts students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, physical model making, digital models, hand drawing, digital drawing", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course explores the notion that designers respond to pressing environmental, cultural, social and economic issues in the design and creation of our built environments. The course introduces the historical, political and ethical contexts and processes of environmental design. The relationship between climates, environments and design as both built structures and landscapes is explored at a variety of scales. This course introduces students to the complex built environment and engineering contexts for the development of projects destined to shape our inevitably changing built environments.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2517": {"id": "NpfU0R_ye1yQQPi4fEiTG", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "s1aUXHGzV8MY2z5kjS1Dp", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20578, "section": "TU03", "size": 17, "enrolled": 12, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 534, Studio"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 534, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20579, "section": "TU02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 16, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 534, Studio"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 534, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20580, "section": "TU01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 38, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 534, Studio"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 534, Studio"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "4sM_AiNVdw4fmUfOI7LXA", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20577, "section": "LE01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 66, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2518": {"id": "3LUHrW6f9CSj8i7rYZuas", "course_id": "106524", "term": "4448", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106524", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4448", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "Environment I", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DESST", "CATALOG_NBR": "1508EX", "CLASS_NBR": 46058, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "A quota of 50 applies", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Nantong students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course explores the notion that designers respond to pressing environmental, cultural, social and economic issues in the design and creation of our built environments. The course introduces the historical, political and ethical contexts and processes of environmental design. The relationship between climates, environments and design as both built structures and landscapes is explored at a variety of scales. This course introduces students to the complex built environment and engineering contexts for the development of projects destined to shape our inevitably changing built environments.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 14/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 14/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 19/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 11/12/2024"}}]}, "2519": {"id": "3LUHrW6f9CSj8i7rYZuas", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "MlvbaJAHmQA2MPOl7DQm1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46058, "section": "01EX", "size": 50, "enrolled": 0, "available": 50, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "2520": {"id": "kk7c8dVBemeWpFYSDUuTj", "course_id": "106535", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106535", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Design Studio III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DESST", "CATALOG_NBR": "2516", "CLASS_NBR": 10918, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "040103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "A quota will apply", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to B.ArchDest students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "DESST 1506 or DESST 1029", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, project-based learning, physical model making, digital models, hand drawing and digital drawing", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Theme: dwelling/sustainability/regeneration. \nUnder the theme of regenerative design, this course introduces students to the knowledge and skills required to develop and resolve design proposals at domestic scale with attention to architectural, engineering and structural details. This course introduces students to the knowledge and skills required to develop design proposals for sustainable housing by considering the local, national as well as international contexts. Students will apply passive thermal design principles including orientation, shading, material selection and thermal comfort in their developed designs. Design Studio III will consider design proposals and supporting infrastructure that analyses and critiques the concept of sustainable architecture and development in a warming environment, through drawing, digital and physical modelling.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2521": {"id": "kk7c8dVBemeWpFYSDUuTj", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "K3piJ3uhPyxzqjsY4sogC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13527, "section": "LE01", "size": 115, "enrolled": 75, "available": 40, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 26 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Mar - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 539, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Mar - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 539, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 18 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 539, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 18 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 539, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 29 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "6 May - 6 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 539, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "6 May - 6 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 539, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "13 May - 13 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 510, Studio"}, {"dates": "20 May - 20 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Studio", "id": "hJLx__j_sDlcywsn0ec0i", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10918, "section": "ST05", "size": 21, "enrolled": 21, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Studio", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 509, Studio"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 509, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13528, "section": "ST04", "size": 21, "enrolled": 19, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Studio", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 511, Studio"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 511, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13530, "section": "ST02", "size": 21, "enrolled": 16, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Studio", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 511, Studio"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 511, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13531, "section": "ST01", "size": 21, "enrolled": 19, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Studio", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 509, Studio"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 509, Studio"}]}]}]}]}, "2522": {"id": "WuXvOvypjLNv-caKBXH68", "course_id": "106525", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106525", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Environment II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DESST", "CATALOG_NBR": "2517", "CLASS_NBR": 14424, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030905", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "A quota will apply", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to B.ArchDes & B.E(Arch) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "DESST 1508 or DESST 1028", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, physical model making, digital models, hand drawing and digital drawing", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course focuses on the relationship between humans, the environment and sustainable design at a building and site level. Topics covered include human thermal comfort, bioclimatic architecture, low energy design, water sensitive design, waste management, materials, on-site power generation, user issues, as well as environmental performance assessments and life-cycle energy and cost analysis. It provides the necessary skills to evaluate and knowledge to design a self-sufficient minimum or zero carbon small scale building. Building Performance Simulation tools (such as Design Builder, or Rhino/Grasshopper and related plugins) will be introduced in this course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2523": {"id": "WuXvOvypjLNv-caKBXH68", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "WchWcrwqVfP9YACvBnf6W", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10368, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 511, Studio"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 511, Studio"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "W1Y0UzHCwzMzytJiXlXEZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14428, "section": "WR01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 539, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 539, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "d7Re1XgPFa4NB7r8hHrbN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12793, "section": "LE01", "size": 120, "enrolled": 88, "available": 32, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}, {"association_group": "11", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "-7G5jrjNZZdZCaxS7wB8j", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10367, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 510, Studio"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 510, Studio"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "H4zYNqa06lD65Hb3eSMvK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14427, "section": "WR02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 539, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 539, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "IfI2iiDojcaNcbDSaVKtU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12793, "section": "LE01", "size": 120, "enrolled": 88, "available": 32, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}, {"association_group": "13", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "rxDEQ7mxM08r-Nem0eqRf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10365, "section": "TU04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 510, Studio"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 510, Studio"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "aQeQh3czcCRoyiwhyk3QS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14425, "section": "WR04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": " "}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "QF88TqvnwSR8LjlxYVCYL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12793, "section": "LE01", "size": 120, "enrolled": 88, "available": 32, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}, {"association_group": "14", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "iLH035ci98t96eMlTbRi4", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10364, "section": "TU05", "size": 25, "enrolled": 17, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 511, Studio"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 511, Studio"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "zsOE6UP5CSJbLJuLXAhDc", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14424, "section": "WR05", "size": 25, "enrolled": 17, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 539, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 539, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "gtUEYTIxrvho_lOniaXb1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12793, "section": "LE01", "size": 120, "enrolled": 88, "available": 32, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2524": {"id": "n1SJBk6o6mSywx0sd_snZ", "course_id": "106522", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106522", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Construction II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DESST", "CATALOG_NBR": "2518", "CLASS_NBR": 14419, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030903", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "A quota will apply", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to B. ArchDes, B.E(Arch), B.ConsMgmt, B. ConsMgmt(Hons) and Assoc. Deg.ConsMgmt students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "DESST 1507 or a 3 unit Level I course", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, physical model making, digital models, hand drawing & digital drawing", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course students will study the construction of architecture, landscapes and urban environments. The course will build on the topics introduced in Construction 1: history and theory; representation and documentation; materials and detailing; construction and design; and engineering structure and fabric. The topics of: plants and planting; irrigation; grading; civil structural principles; and digital construction documentation will be introduced in this course. AutoCAD and REVIT will primarily be used.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2525": {"id": "n1SJBk6o6mSywx0sd_snZ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "qmpx5RV-JKL5cENj5vJsg", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10639, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 20, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 511, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10640, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 21, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 528, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14421, "section": "TU04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 18, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 511, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14422, "section": "TU03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Construction Management - BConMgt Students ONLY

Please complete the course full form at the following link to request enrolment:"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 511, Studio"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "EnfCtWnVCDqkB-i_lv45l", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14419, "section": "WR02", "size": 53, "enrolled": 33, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 539, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14420, "section": "WR01", "size": 53, "enrolled": 50, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 539, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "w8bmyYcI34BRlADjKT8zR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15344, "section": "LE01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 83, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 22 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 May - 13 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2526": {"id": "B3_0Qpaq4g_e2kjXAOfg9", "course_id": "106522", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106522", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Construction II", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DESST", "CATALOG_NBR": "2518EX", "CLASS_NBR": 95095, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030903", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Nantong students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "DESST 1507", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course students will study the construction of architecture, landscapes and urban environments. The course will build on the topics introduced in Construction 1: history and theory; representation and documentation; materials and detailing; construction and design; and engineering structure and fabric. The topics of: plants and planting; irrigation; grading; civil structural principles; and digital construction documentation will be introduced in this course. AutoCAD and REVIT will primarily be used.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 24/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 28/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 11/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 17/07/2024"}}]}, "2527": {"id": "B3_0Qpaq4g_e2kjXAOfg9", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "E3tpC15FC_KWM_hlPsRSe", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95095, "section": "01EX", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This course is available to Nantong students only."}]}]}]}]}, "2528": {"id": "-ARKjh5h8uz5N209NF-tM", "course_id": "106536", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106536", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Design Studio IV", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DESST", "CATALOG_NBR": "2519", "CLASS_NBR": 20186, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "040100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "A quota will apply", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to B. ArchDes, B.E(Arch), B.ConsMgmt, B. ConsMgmt(Hons) and Assoc. Deg.ConsMgmt students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "DESST 2516", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, project-based learning, physical model making, hand drawing, digital models and digital drawing", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Theme: archive/culture/program. \n\nThis course comprises a number of independent discipline-based but interrelated studios and enable students to choose their design studio with an architecture, landscape architecture, construction management or urban design focus. These interrelated design studios emphasise design approaches that privilege archival evidence, historical data or design typology as a point of departure. Analysis and interpretation of that material will be used to generate designs with more complex programs that are communicated using appropriate disciplinary conventions with consistent learning outcomes and assessment criteria for each studio group. Students have the opportunity to explore challenging topics including homelessness, humanitarian issues, well-being, adaptive reuse, equity and diversity and more. Students can elect to take this studio as an overseas studio when such opportunities arise.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2529": {"id": "-ARKjh5h8uz5N209NF-tM", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Studio", "id": "Pq2NujsqtFvXwtLAdp6yZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20186, "section": "ST06", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Studio", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Construction Management - BConMgt Students ONLY

Please complete the course full form at the following link to request enrolment:"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 8 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 524, West Gallery"}, {"dates": "14 Aug - 28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 539, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 524, West Gallery"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 524, West Gallery"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23176, "section": "ST05", "size": 22, "enrolled": 17, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Studio", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a, Studio"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25294, "section": "ST04", "size": 22, "enrolled": 17, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Studio", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522b, Studio"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522b, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25295, "section": "ST03", "size": 22, "enrolled": 6, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Studio", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 528, Studio"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 528, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25297, "section": "ST01", "size": 22, "enrolled": 3, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Studio", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 29 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 511, Studio"}, {"dates": "5 Aug - 12 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 539, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "19 Aug - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 511, Studio"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 7 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 511, Studio"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 539, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "2530": {"id": "-jdGi5Aof2r6Eg0JwS5zX", "course_id": "106531", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106531", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Representation II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DESST", "CATALOG_NBR": "2520", "CLASS_NBR": 26470, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "040100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "A quota will apply", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to B.ArchDes students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "DESST1504, DESST1506", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, project-based learning, digital drawing", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course explores progressive orthographic representational skills and techniques for innovative communication in architecture and landscape architecture. Students explore how digital techniques and tools influence architectural creation in the 21st Century in practical and theoretical contexts. The focus is on the representation of spatial-geometric concepts to enable students to develop professional workflows between 3D models and 2D drawings in Rhino; emphasis is on two-dimensional line drawings and their effective presentation. The course is supported by laboratory workshop sessions that focus on enhancing students\u2019 skills.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2531": {"id": "-jdGi5Aof2r6Eg0JwS5zX", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "6iNK29pOu2ZZVgBQYVaZd", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20316, "section": "LE01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 44, "available": 56, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "UsHMyc9YmDU7mHiCjlMft", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26470, "section": "TU02", "size": 40, "enrolled": 6, "available": 34, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 539, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 539, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 26471, "section": "TU01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 38, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 539, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 539, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "2532": {"id": "arSZa1KKgrjRslBEc5v42", "course_id": "106528", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106528", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "History Theory II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DESST", "CATALOG_NBR": "2521", "CLASS_NBR": 20582, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "040100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "A quota will apply", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to B.ArchDes and B.E(Arch) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "DESST 1505", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, physical model making, digital models, hand drawing and digital drawing", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Building on History Theory I, this course will expand and deepen the frameworks of historical and theoretical understanding that necessarily underpin current knowledge and practice in the disciplines of architecture, landscape architecture and urban design. The course focuses on the long history of Modernity (16th - 20th c.) as a process of globalisation, and its conceptual, formal, spatial and technological consequences for the development of the environmental design disciplines. Throughout the course disciplinary concerns will be considered within their social, cultural, political and environmental contexts. \n\nStudents will enhance their research and academic writing skills and consider other modes of interpreting and understanding historical and theoretical concerns.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2533": {"id": "arSZa1KKgrjRslBEc5v42", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "yEiS-K-40gsu8td2gvewi", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20582, "section": "TU06", "size": 20, "enrolled": 8, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 509, Studio"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 509, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20583, "section": "TU05", "size": 20, "enrolled": 10, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 510, Studio"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 510, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20586, "section": "TU02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 19, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 510, Studio"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 510, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20587, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 19, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 509, Studio"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 509, Studio"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "Ujd5P1iFh9ZjThAAfdXXT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20581, "section": "LE01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 56, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2534": {"id": "MOl4ub3DIqMaXRfwdyLxJ", "course_id": "106537", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106537", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Design Studio V", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DESST", "CATALOG_NBR": "3513", "CLASS_NBR": 18723, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "040101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "A quota will apply", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to B. ArchDes, B.E(Arch), B.ConsMgmt, B. ConsMgmt(Hons) and Assoc. Deg.ConsMgmt students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "DESST 2519 or DESST 2501", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, project-based learning, physical model making, hand drawing and advanced digital drawing and fabrication", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Theme: impression/modularity/system\nThis course explores the design possibilities of the cultural, environmental and programmatic contexts for a mixed-use, medium to large scale building in a dense urban context. Beginning with impressions of the site, students create propositions that explore meaning, space, form, structure, modularity, engineering systems and materiality. The course provides the necessary knowledge and skills to generate complex, resolved designs. It develops critical skills required to attain a high level of architectural and construction judgement. Students will develop ambitious designs through advanced digital and 3D modelling articulating proposals that comprehensively represent the intellectual and physical attributes of their schemes. This course assumes advanced knowledge of Rhino.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2535": {"id": "MOl4ub3DIqMaXRfwdyLxJ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Studio", "id": "xdXNUfM9I6jT0_NIiRSaU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10645, "section": "ST03", "size": 20, "enrolled": 17, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Studio", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 528, Studio"}, {"dates": "29 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 528, Studio"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 528, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10646, "section": "ST02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 18, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Studio", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 511, Studio"}, {"dates": "29 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 511, Studio"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 511, Studio"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "TTVEwl8ZnY3xwfVTQCTfb", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10641, "section": "LE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 35, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "NOTE: Available to B. ArchDes, B.E(Arch) only."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18724, "section": "WR01", "size": 55, "enrolled": 35, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 539, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}, {"association_group": "11", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Studio", "id": "RU_wNmMJA7OMdjSV7CeoM", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10643, "section": "ST05", "size": 20, "enrolled": 18, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Studio", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 511, Studio"}, {"dates": "29 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 511, Studio"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 511, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10644, "section": "ST04", "size": 20, "enrolled": 20, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Studio", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 528, Studio"}, {"dates": "29 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 528, Studio"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 528, Studio"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "8-mt8vlrc_G0_UykeVzJk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18710, "section": "LE02", "size": 60, "enrolled": 38, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "NOTE: Available to B. ArchDes, B.E(Arch) only"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18723, "section": "WR02", "size": 55, "enrolled": 38, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 539, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}, {"association_group": "12", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Studio", "id": "vY41TMjWA7H8SM1sgcUP8", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19230, "section": "ST07", "size": 50, "enrolled": 9, "available": 41, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Studio", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Construction Management (Hossein Omrany) BConMgt Students ONLY Please complete the course full form at the following link to request enrolment:

This class does not have any timetabled Lectures or Workshop sessions. Please check MyUni for further information."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}]}]}]}]}, "2536": {"id": "231-qSZwIQDM4hoJ2Juxt", "course_id": "106523", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106523", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Construction III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DESST", "CATALOG_NBR": "3514", "CLASS_NBR": 16485, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030903", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "A quota will apply", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to B. ArchDes, B.E(Arch),B.E(Civil), B.E.(Hons)(Civil), B.ConsMgmt, B. ConsMgmt(Hons) and Assoc. Deg.ConsMgmt students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "DESST 2518", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, physical model making, digital models, hand drawing and digital drawing", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course students will study the construction of architecture, landscapes and urban environments. The course will build on the topics introduced in Construction II: history and theory; representation and documentation; materials and detailing; engineering structure and fabric; structural engineering principles; plants; grading and drainage; and digital documentation. The topics of: building codes, regulations, standards, specifications, building procurement and contracts; and parametric modelling will be introduced in this course. Revit and Building Information Modelling (BIM) will be introduced.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2537": {"id": "231-qSZwIQDM4hoJ2Juxt", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "hNQvm3T1NUfqJUiwVROcy", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11463, "section": "LE01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 82, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "pczCyZ2FlYfUGRWX3n-M-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10687, "section": "WR02", "size": 50, "enrolled": 32, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 539, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 539, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15096, "section": "WR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 50, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 539, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 539, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "2538": {"id": "oefn8a6zohoXUjxu-5Sga", "course_id": "106532", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106532", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Representation III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DESST", "CATALOG_NBR": "3515", "CLASS_NBR": 16489, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "040100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "A quota will apply", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to B.ArchDes students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "DESST 2520 or DESST 2503", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Project-based learning, advanced digital drawing, rendering and fabrication", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course will explore techniques of rendering and develop your visualisation skills through the program of blender, as well as 3d scanning and physical model making.\u00a0\n\nThis course explores innovative representational ideas and techniques in both a practical and theoretical context in the discipline of architecture and landscape architecture. Students will explore how physical and digital techniques and tools influence architecture and landscape architecture in the 21st Century through advanced digital modelling and visualisation, including data modelling, video and advanced rendering, and model making. Photography, rendering, 3d-scanning, and hand-skills will be taught alongside the conceptual framework of cinema in an exploration of the increasingly visual culture of the discipline. The course is supported by tutorial sessions that focus on advancing students physical and digital skills.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2539": {"id": "oefn8a6zohoXUjxu-5Sga", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "GUEmNwLFDD1Sa81q8vbxy", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10648, "section": "LE01", "size": 110, "enrolled": 68, "available": 42, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "OZR3FNhzpEU6Susd4Cy9R", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16489, "section": "TU02", "size": 55, "enrolled": 19, "available": 36, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 539, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 539, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 16490, "section": "TU01", "size": 55, "enrolled": 49, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 539, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 539, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "2540": {"id": "7Tqk6ZSWbM1LuTByS61ZP", "course_id": "106538", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106538", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Design Studio VI", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DESST", "CATALOG_NBR": "3516", "CLASS_NBR": 23386, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "040105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "A quota will apply", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to B.ArchDes students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "DESST 3513 or DESST 3027", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, project-based learning, physical model making, hand drawing and advanced digital drawing and fabrication", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Theme: institution/complexity/specialisation. \n\nThis course comprises a number of independent discipline-based but interrelated studios and enable students to focus on architecture, landscape architecture, construction management or urban design as they consider their preferred area of specialisation in preparation for their professional Masters degree. \n\nThis course explores design proposals for spatially complex structures that uniquely respond to a specific set of requirements for a medium to large scale institutional program (building, landscape or infrastructure). Cultural, environmental and programmatic parameters are examined. Propositions are inclusive of consideration of meaning, space, form, structures, engineering systems and materiality. Analysis and interpretation of these parameters will be used to generate designs with complex programs that are communicated using appropriate disciplinary conventions with consistent learning outcomes and assessment criteria for each studio group.\n\nThe course provides the necessary knowledge and skills to generate complex, resolved designs. It develops critical skills required to attain a high level of architectural and construction judgement. Students will develop ambitious designs through advanced digital and 3D modelling to articulate proposals that comprehensively represent the intellectual and physical attributes of their schemes.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2541": {"id": "7Tqk6ZSWbM1LuTByS61ZP", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Studio", "id": "Tb_xSsn7yk7mRPveNedt9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23386, "section": "ST05", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Studio", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 527, East Gallery"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 527, East Gallery"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25298, "section": "ST04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 14, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Studio", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 524, West Gallery"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 524, West Gallery"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25299, "section": "ST03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 15, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Studio", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 528, Studio"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 528, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25300, "section": "ST02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 13, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Studio", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 509, Studio"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 509, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25301, "section": "ST01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 4, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Studio", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 510, Studio"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 510, Studio"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "hQW-wOLLnLA4dqtb6-pG0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24265, "section": "LE01", "size": 125, "enrolled": 71, "available": 54, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2542": {"id": "F95oR7WQ9-4geDSU3beD8", "course_id": "106526", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106526", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Environment III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DESST", "CATALOG_NBR": "3517", "CLASS_NBR": 20720, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030905", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "A quota will apply", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to B. ArchDes, B.E(Arch), B.ConsMgmt, B. ConsMgmt(Hons) and Assoc. Deg.ConsMgmt students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "DESST 2517", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, posters, technical report, digital models, hand drawing and digital drawing", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students in this course will consider cities, landscapes and urban environments as complex living systems within, sustainability and liveability contexts. They will use environmental assessment literature, instrument, software and tools to understand \n\nEnvironmental issues of landscape and urban design including: public space quality, plants, climate change, resources, microclimate, transport, water, waste, agriculture and energy. The course aims to develop skills in critical thinking and knowledge of the technological, building codes standards, scientific and socio-cultural factors that drive and define the problems that designers engage with to make positive contributions.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2543": {"id": "F95oR7WQ9-4geDSU3beD8", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "tGNR3iIj3pp46K-B_bqIx", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20565, "section": "TU03", "size": 36, "enrolled": 29, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Aug - 12 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 511, Studio"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 511, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20566, "section": "TU02", "size": 37, "enrolled": 36, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Aug - 12 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 511, Studio"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 511, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20567, "section": "TU01", "size": 37, "enrolled": 33, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Aug - 12 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 511, Studio"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 511, Studio"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "66Nda0UNfFb1LBi_Uo1pj", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20720, "section": "WR02", "size": 55, "enrolled": 46, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 29 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 539, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "19 Aug - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 539, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 7 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 539, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20721, "section": "WR01", "size": 55, "enrolled": 52, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 29 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 539, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "19 Aug - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 539, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 7 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 539, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "qYaJmxvj50uBduwO0TKlC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25221, "section": "LE01", "size": 110, "enrolled": 98, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 22 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "7 Oct - 14 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2544": {"id": "6G8azMYuknwhXvsR0HALS", "course_id": "106529", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106529", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "History Theory III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DESST", "CATALOG_NBR": "3518", "CLASS_NBR": 20315, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "040100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "A quota will apply", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to B.ArchDes students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "DESST 2521 or DESST 2502", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Historical research, mapping and architectural heritage documentation (hand drawing and/or digital drawing), professional report writing, essay", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Complementing the global breadth of the foundation survey courses, History Theory I & II, this course takes an in-depth local historical approach to examine the role of the designed environment and associated design disciplines in the construction of specific places and societies. The course focuses on the colonial-modern history of South Australia and the transformation of the cultural landscape of its First Nations custodians, the Kaurna people, through the design and building of the city we know today as Adelaide. Articulating multiple story-lines and theoretical perspectives through indigenous and other expert collaborators, the course attempts a deeper critical reading of contemporary Australian landscape, architecture and urbanism. It will also introduce students to relevant areas of critical inquiry and scholarship in which academic staff and/or visiting researchers are engaged in the school. \n\nStudents will enhance their foundation skills in academic research and writing, as well as the professional documentation and interpretation of built and landscape heritage through empirical inquiry using primary historical sources.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2545": {"id": "6G8azMYuknwhXvsR0HALS", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Y9ZnX9GlviwKnP7zgYSHZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24365, "section": "LE01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 73, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "zKXOBYuc1u775E5AfPHz9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20315, "section": "WR01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 73, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}]}]}]}]}, "2546": {"id": "KTpgHCccqJNu40oQw1A--", "course_id": "012493", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "012493", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Design Studies Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DESST", "CATALOG_NBR": "4001A", "CLASS_NBR": 15618, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "040101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students will be required to undertake supervised research in one or two advanced topics, thereby developing a thorough understanding of appropriate research techniques. The outcome of this research will be submitted in the form of a thesis, substantial essay or research report including a survey of the literature relevant to the topic(s) chosen. The range of topics to be offered in any year will depend on staff availability.\nTopics expected to be offered from time to time include:\nArchitectural & Landscape Architectural History\nAustralian Architectural & Landscape Architectural History\nAustralian Urban Design History & Practice\nComputer-Aided Design\nComputer Applications in Architecture, Landscape Architecture or Urban Design\nConservation in the Built Environment\nCriticism and Architecture & Landscape Architecture\nCross-Cultural Architectural & Landscape Architectural Topics\nDryland Landscape Design\nHeritage Conservation & Cultural Landscapes\nIslamic Architecture & Garden Design\nIssues in Sustainable Architecture & Urban Design\nPlants in Design\nProject Management\nSouth East Asian Architecture & Landscape Architecture\nTheories in Modern Architecture & Landscape Architecture\nThermal Design of Buildings\nUrban Design Histories & Theories\nUrban Design in Islamic or South East Asian Places\nUrban Ecology.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "2547": {"id": "KTpgHCccqJNu40oQw1A--", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "z9sJxpw7Wv5J9sFcsO49y", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15618, "section": "01NT", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "2548": {"id": "WAss4gBWNEv-GvpIugTSs", "course_id": "002493", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "002493", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Design Studies Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DESST", "CATALOG_NBR": "4001B", "CLASS_NBR": 25613, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "040101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "DESST 4001A in previous Semester", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students will be required to undertake supervised research in one or two advanced topics, thereby developing a thorough understanding of appropriate research techniques. The outcome of this research will be submitted in the form of a thesis, substantial essay or research report including a survey of the literature relevant to the topic(s) chosen. The range of topics to be offered in any year will depend on staff availability.\nTopics expected to be offered from time to time include:\nArchitectural & Landscape Architectural History\nAustralian Architectural & Landscape Architectural History\nAustralian Urban Design History & Practice\nComputer-Aided Design\nComputer Applications in Architecture, Landscape Architecture or Urban Design\nConservation in the Built Environment\nCriticism and Architecture & Landscape Architecture\nCross-Cultural Architectural & Landscape Architectural Topics\nDry-land Landscape Design\nHeritage Conservation & Cultural Landscapes\nIslamic Architecture & Garden Design\nIssues in Sustainable Architecture & Urban Design\nPlants in Design\nProject Management\nSouth East Asian Architecture & Landscape Architecture\nTheories in Modern Architecture & Landscape Architecture\nThermal Design of Buildings\nUrban Design Histories & Theories\nUrban Design in Islamic or South East Asian Places\nUrban Ecology.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2549": {"id": "WAss4gBWNEv-GvpIugTSs", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "GUXZtb6fDOmUVdO7C4P0u", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25613, "section": "01NT", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "2550": {"subject": "DEVT", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "103727", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110040", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110040", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110040", "term": "4415", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110040", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110044", "term": "4415", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110044", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104597", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111243", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108363", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108052", "term": "4415", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109704", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110043", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110043", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110043", "term": "4415", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110043", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110045", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108364", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107394", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107395", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "2551": {"id": "DgBwu7vRcX80bMd87fUBr", "course_id": "103727", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103727", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to International Development", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DEVT", "CATALOG_NBR": "1001", "CLASS_NBR": 19176, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Tutorial participation, Tutorial group work, Reflective quizzes, Student learning portfolio", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an in-depth introduction to the multi-disciplinary field of international development. It introduces students to key concepts and debates in international development, the history of development policies and practices, and the range of multilateral, bilateral and non-governmental organizations that are currently engaged in the field of development. Through case-studies, the course looks at major development issues, such as governance and security, health, education, environmental and natural resource management, and legal reform. Particular attention is paid to the current international development framework of Sustainable Development Goals and the primary goal of eradicating global poverty. In all of these ways, the course encourages students to think critically about what development is, about how and by whom it is carried out and, most importantly of all, about what it can achieve.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2552": {"id": "DgBwu7vRcX80bMd87fUBr", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "N1RRVSpR4JZIkYmBsqzxY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18752, "section": "LEC0", "size": 140, "enrolled": 113, "available": 27, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "G50pFK27IXJc5K2jZpVw-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13783, "section": "SE04", "size": 36, "enrolled": 35, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13785, "section": "SE02", "size": 38, "enrolled": 34, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19176, "section": "SE06", "size": 30, "enrolled": 26, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19762, "section": "SE03", "size": 40, "enrolled": 18, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2553": {"id": "xFU3Dpl9hJAb8HinhGouz", "course_id": "110040", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110040", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Tetra Tech International Development Internship", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DEVT", "CATALOG_NBR": "2010EX", "CLASS_NBR": 92203, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 30 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "A quota of 6 applies", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BIntDev students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 12 units of Level I undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "DEVT 3010EX", "ASSESSMENT": "Research proposal (30%), Research report (70%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Tetra Tech International Development Internships are work-integrated learning experiences for students in the Bachelor of International Development program. It gives students first hand involvement with an organisation working in international development. The internships are offered in Semester 1 and 2, and as a Winter and Summer course. Student interns will spend one day per week during the semester, or in an intensive block of two weeks (Winter and Summer schools) at Tetra Tech International Development in Adelaide. The number of participating students will be determined by an internal quota and the assessment of a formal application process which takes into consideration overall academic merit and demonstrated relevant skills required for the internship.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 09/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "2554": {"id": "xFU3Dpl9hJAb8HinhGouz", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "gwifCMipK0leqoA13oxuT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92203, "section": "01EX", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment into this course is by application only.\u00a0 Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}]}]}]}]}, "2555": {"id": "2KLrQz4aXHddZyzhzfQOs", "course_id": "110040", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110040", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Tetra Tech International Development Internship", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DEVT", "CATALOG_NBR": "2010EX", "CLASS_NBR": 16193, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 30 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "A quota of 6 applies", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BIntDev students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 12 units of Level I undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "DEVT 3010EX", "ASSESSMENT": "Research proposal (30%), Research report (70%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Tetra Tech International Development Internships are work-integrated learning experiences for students in the Bachelor of International Development program. It gives students first hand involvement with an organisation working in international development. The internships are offered in Semester 1 and 2, and as a Winter and Summer course. Student interns will spend one day per week during the semester, or in an intensive block of two weeks (Winter and Summer schools) at Tetra Tech International Development in Adelaide. The number of participating students will be determined by an internal quota and the assessment of a formal application process which takes into consideration overall academic merit and demonstrated relevant skills required for the internship.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2556": {"id": "2KLrQz4aXHddZyzhzfQOs", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "n-w0vxLilQtG6ZrTrMrIl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16193, "section": "01EX", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment into this course is by application only.\u00a0 Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}]}]}]}]}, "2557": {"id": "vKLszkF_loKNvV-u6FIP1", "course_id": "110040", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110040", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Tetra Tech International Development Internship", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DEVT", "CATALOG_NBR": "2010EX", "CLASS_NBR": 95115, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 30 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "A quota of 6 applies", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BIntDev students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 12 units of Level I undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "DEVT 3010EX", "ASSESSMENT": "Research proposal (30%), Research report (70%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Tetra Tech International Development Internships are work-integrated learning experiences for students in the Bachelor of International Development program. It gives students first hand involvement with an organisation working in international development. The internships are offered in Semester 1 and 2, and as a Winter and Summer course. Student interns will spend one day per week during the semester, or in an intensive block of two weeks (Winter and Summer schools) at Tetra Tech International Development in Adelaide. The number of participating students will be determined by an internal quota and the assessment of a formal application process which takes into consideration overall academic merit and demonstrated relevant skills required for the internship.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 24/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 28/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 11/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 17/07/2024"}}]}, "2558": {"id": "vKLszkF_loKNvV-u6FIP1", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "_n7DfYYbkM8IgenQCtArT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95115, "section": "01EX", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment into this course is by application only.\u00a0 Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}]}]}]}]}, "2559": {"id": "jiL_JoPHydMoqQ8rLO8VS", "course_id": "110040", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110040", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Tetra Tech International Development Internship", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DEVT", "CATALOG_NBR": "2010EX", "CLASS_NBR": 26204, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 30 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "A quota of 6 applies", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BIntDev students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 12 units of Level I undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "DEVT 3010EX", "ASSESSMENT": "Research proposal (30%), Research report (70%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Tetra Tech International Development Internships are work-integrated learning experiences for students in the Bachelor of International Development program. It gives students first hand involvement with an organisation working in international development. The internships are offered in Semester 1 and 2, and as a Winter and Summer course. Student interns will spend one day per week during the semester, or in an intensive block of two weeks (Winter and Summer schools) at Tetra Tech International Development in Adelaide. The number of participating students will be determined by an internal quota and the assessment of a formal application process which takes into consideration overall academic merit and demonstrated relevant skills required for the internship.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2560": {"id": "jiL_JoPHydMoqQ8rLO8VS", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "AqYPez8Fdsj2HrQp2F7Aj", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26204, "section": "01EX", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment into this course is by application only.\u00a0 Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}]}]}]}]}, "2561": {"id": "G01qJMrV5OPSzVCOd9Qn0", "course_id": "110044", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110044", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "International Development Study Tour", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DEVT", "CATALOG_NBR": "2011EX", "CLASS_NBR": 95117, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 30 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "12 units of Level I undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "DEVT 3011EX", "ASSESSMENT": "Reflective journal (30%); report (70%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course offers students an opportunity to develop methodological and practical skills about international development issues in the context of a study tour to another country. Students will experience development in practice in a particular country-specific context of development. Students will apply their knowledge of development in an intercultural and international context. The focus and topics of the study tour may vary depending on the study tour and country visited.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 24/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 28/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 11/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 17/07/2024"}}]}, "2562": {"id": "G01qJMrV5OPSzVCOd9Qn0", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Fieldwork", "id": "r0TDBNZGsq3qrMNO7HS_K", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95117, "section": "01EX", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Fieldwork", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Note: Enrolment into this course is by selection only. Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}]}]}]}]}, "2563": {"id": "lZNURjsvji124030rWBPW", "course_id": "110044", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110044", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "International Development Study Tour", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DEVT", "CATALOG_NBR": "2011EX", "CLASS_NBR": 29593, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 30 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "12 units of Level I undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "DEVT 3011EX", "ASSESSMENT": "Reflective journal (30%); report (70%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course offers students an opportunity to develop methodological and practical skills about international development issues in the context of a study tour to another country. Students will experience development in practice in a particular country-specific context of development. Students will apply their knowledge of development in an intercultural and international context. The focus and topics of the study tour may vary depending on the study tour and country visited.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2564": {"id": "lZNURjsvji124030rWBPW", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Fieldwork", "id": "xz5IidTHE3FigWsgDvZVL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29593, "section": "01EX", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Fieldwork"}]}]}]}, "2565": {"id": "uX4ZemhZuJd4bFt-mLpkn", "course_id": "104597", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104597", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Empowerment, Gender & Community Development", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DEVT", "CATALOG_NBR": "2101", "CLASS_NBR": 21957, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 12 units of Level I undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ANTH 2021, ANTH 3021, DEVT 2001, DEVT 3001", "ASSESSMENT": "Poster or Essay, Report or Essay, Workshop participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course investigates crucial interconnections between empowerment, gender and community development, examining the ways in which gender and community participation, influence development policies, processes and programs; and the extent to which development, gendered relations, and communities are transformed in the process. It examines key concepts and theoretical frameworks of development with a particular focus on the intersection of development terms such as community, participation, sustainability, gender, equality & empowerment, in light of current issues in development discourse and critical analysis of development practice and policy. In the course, then, we explore the use of certain concepts and ideals, such as empowerment, gender equality, sustainable development, as well as central issues in development practice and policy. These include the interaction between poverty and gender; the empowerment of women through work and microfinance/credit; and the proposed empowerment of communities (and countries) through the \u2018girl effect\u2019. The complexities of corporate community development are also examined, as is the practice of tourism (volunteer/cultural) as sustainable community development; the issue of gendered violence, legislation and human rights at the level of local communities; and an analysis of the Sustainable Development Goals from the standpoint of gender and the community.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2566": {"id": "uX4ZemhZuJd4bFt-mLpkn", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "kIuNsd9qmIvZyOtTx2-Ms", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28677, "section": "LEC0", "size": 62, "enrolled": 56, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "O5PGouha3UCj7W16tpFph", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21957, "section": "WR03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 27, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21958, "section": "WR02", "size": 32, "enrolled": 29, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "2567": {"id": "CNRf6rbGDZE8QPk8cq8Xn", "course_id": "111243", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111243", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Humanitarian, Emergency and Risk Communication", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DEVT", "CATALOG_NBR": "2103", "CLASS_NBR": 13793, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100799", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 15 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Participation, Small Group Work, Humanitarian Communication Design Exercise (2500 words)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Communication is an integral part of any emergency or humanitarian response. The importance of effective and timely communication is particularly high where the situation may be rapidly evolving and the need for information is high. Effective communication enables vulnerable populations to take informed decisions to mitigate the effects of threats and take protective and preventive action. This intensive practical course will guide students through the development of a country specific communication strategy designed to address a humanitarian or emergency situation. It encourages practical skills development in the areas of humanitarian and emergency communication design including: the risk communication cycle, risk research, communication planning, implementation, situational awareness, message design, accountability to disaster affected populations, humanitarian journalism, advocacy and evaluation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2568": {"id": "CNRf6rbGDZE8QPk8cq8Xn", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "ADM0MpyMDpY5X5e3-56iD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13793, "section": "SE01", "size": 55, "enrolled": 38, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2569": {"id": "ItSv-ytz33CTDJb2t9Jcv", "course_id": "108363", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108363", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "How to Change the World", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DEVT", "CATALOG_NBR": "2200", "CLASS_NBR": 21756, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 12 units of Level I undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Level I knowledge of International Development", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Small Group Work, Essay, Project Design", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This interdisciplinary skills-oriented course examines how projects are put together (designed) in order to bring about meaningful and positive change. It does this by investigating the project design process, as well as how projects are managed and evaluated. Students pursue an individual project design as their main assessed output. This design is self-selected and can address any issue of importance to students' own disciplines, such as how to reduce crime, how to increase access to disability services or how to promote disaster recovery (to name but a few potential projects). Using material derived from International Development sector organisations such as DFAT and UKAID students explore key project design elements, including: (i) undertaking formative social, political and economic analysis; (ii) setting objectives; (iii) defining, monitoring activities; (iv) considering gender; (v) thinking about sustainability and the environment; (vi) how to capture the impacts associated with development programs. The course is heavily geared towards small group discovery, with small groups undertaking practical exercises that build real-world skills relevant to multiple disciplines.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2570": {"id": "ItSv-ytz33CTDJb2t9Jcv", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "DwKs35LgPKRKnaEhRBCO2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21756, "section": "SE01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 32, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2571": {"id": "PrfcW92ieeqJMjF_cMiYb", "course_id": "108052", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108052", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Rights and Development", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DEVT", "CATALOG_NBR": "3003", "CLASS_NBR": 95278, "SESSION_CD": "WI1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours. NOTE: this is an intensive two weeks winter course", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 6 units of Level II undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "DEVT 2002", "ASSESSMENT": "The assessment format and weightings of assignments will be negotiated with students in the first workshop", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is about the linkages between human rights and international development with a main focus on whether human rights-based approaches can facilitate the realisation of international development goals, such as overcoming global poverty, improving international and national inequalities, and achieving sustainable development goals. This course provides an introduction to human rights and how they are linked to questions of social change and economic, social, political and human development. Through case studies from the developing world, we examine key debates: What are human rights, how can these be applied in the context of international/national development, and what effects do they produce in practice? What are the main features of rights-based approaches to international development and how do these differ from other approaches? What are the limits of human rights for achieving sustainable development goals?", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 08/07/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 10/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 01/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "2572": {"id": "PrfcW92ieeqJMjF_cMiYb", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "e-9lIxT0IvESPqL_MuJ4L", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95278, "section": "WR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 30, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Jul - 12 Jul", "days": "Monday, Wednesday, Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Jul - 12 Jul", "days": "Monday, Wednesday, Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2573": {"id": "lDx6tel5ri22u_GsNBY_w", "course_id": "109704", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109704", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Climate Change and Sustainable Development", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DEVT", "CATALOG_NBR": "3007", "CLASS_NBR": 29005, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 contact hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 12 units of Level I undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "DEVT 3006, GEOG 3020", "ASSESSMENT": "Tutorial participation, Climate change policy brief, Tutorial group work, Student learning portfolio", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course explores sustainable development in the context of climate change. Sustainable development has emerged as the global norm and dominant approach to reconcile the goals of economic development, environmental quality and social equity. It has been enshrined in the post-2015 international development agenda as Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Climate change is one of the SDGs because it is a global challenge and affects the achievements of all other SDGs. \n\nThe course investigates how climate change and sustainable development are linked, and how both are combined in local, national, regional and international policy-making about environment and development challenges such as poverty, global inequalities, loss of biodiversity, and the deterioration of global ecosystems. The main purpose of the course is to examine the ways in which state, private sector and civil society interact on national and international levels to address climate change and sustainable development issues through better policy making and governance models and frameworks of sustainability. Major issues covered in the course, such as the global governance of climate change, and forest and energy governance, are explored through case studies from Australia and various other regions of the world.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2574": {"id": "lDx6tel5ri22u_GsNBY_w", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "TLzRjpzGPCQG9nfyFC9C4", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23826, "section": "SE02", "size": 42, "enrolled": 41, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29005, "section": "SE03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 21, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "2575": {"id": "zgrxZo3HfuNxatNPyqGb7", "course_id": "110043", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110043", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Tetra Tech International Development Internship", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DEVT", "CATALOG_NBR": "3010EX", "CLASS_NBR": 92204, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 30 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "A quota of 6 applies", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BIntDev students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "6 units of Level II undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research proposal (30%), Research report (70%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Tetra Tech International Development Internships are work-integrated learning experiences for students in the Bachelor of International Development program. It gives students first hand involvement with an organisation working in international development. The internships are offered in Semester 1 and 2, and as a Winter and Summer course. Student interns will spend one day per week during the semester, or in an intensive block of two weeks (Winter and Summer schools) at Tetra Tech International Development in Adelaide. The number of participating students will be determined by an internal quota and the assessment of a formal application process which takes into consideration overall academic merit and demonstrated relevant skills required for the internship.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 09/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "2576": {"id": "zgrxZo3HfuNxatNPyqGb7", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "ciEl7xeMjf3IXl-qEvj6p", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92204, "section": "01EX", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment into this course is by application only.\u00a0 Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}]}]}]}]}, "2577": {"id": "35OSZ9_We5wFKAX-LqtZ4", "course_id": "110043", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110043", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Tetra Tech International Development Internship", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DEVT", "CATALOG_NBR": "3010EX", "CLASS_NBR": 16194, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 30 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "A quota of 6 applies", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BIntDev students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "6 units of Level II undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research proposal (30%), Research report (70%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Tetra Tech International Development Internships are work-integrated learning experiences for students in the Bachelor of International Development program. It gives students first hand involvement with an organisation working in international development. The internships are offered in Semester 1 and 2, and as a Winter and Summer course. Student interns will spend one day per week during the semester, or in an intensive block of two weeks (Winter and Summer schools) at Tetra Tech International Development in Adelaide. The number of participating students will be determined by an internal quota and the assessment of a formal application process which takes into consideration overall academic merit and demonstrated relevant skills required for the internship.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2578": {"id": "35OSZ9_We5wFKAX-LqtZ4", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "ZI7xW4jyoR6JdydDiChkb", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16194, "section": "01EX", "size": 0, "enrolled": 1, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment into this course is by application only.\u00a0 Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}]}]}]}]}, "2579": {"id": "A4IXEeFIKsNMYJ-XILAym", "course_id": "110043", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110043", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Tetra Tech International Development Internship", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DEVT", "CATALOG_NBR": "3010EX", "CLASS_NBR": 95116, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 30 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "A quota of 6 applies", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BIntDev students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "6 units of Level II undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research proposal (30%), Research report (70%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Tetra Tech International Development Internships are work-integrated learning experiences for students in the Bachelor of International Development program. It gives students first hand involvement with an organisation working in international development. The internships are offered in Semester 1 and 2, and as a Winter and Summer course. Student interns will spend one day per week during the semester, or in an intensive block of two weeks (Winter and Summer schools) at Tetra Tech International Development in Adelaide. The number of participating students will be determined by an internal quota and the assessment of a formal application process which takes into consideration overall academic merit and demonstrated relevant skills required for the internship.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 24/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 28/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 11/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 17/07/2024"}}]}, "2580": {"id": "A4IXEeFIKsNMYJ-XILAym", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "vTGMKExXL_CW4-gHWNy2l", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95116, "section": "01EX", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment into this course is by application only.\u00a0 Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}]}]}]}]}, "2581": {"id": "56bQGrZps8AkHcIp2Hb63", "course_id": "110043", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110043", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Tetra Tech International Development Internship", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DEVT", "CATALOG_NBR": "3010EX", "CLASS_NBR": 26205, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 30 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "A quota of 6 applies", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BIntDev students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "6 units of Level II undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research proposal (30%), Research report (70%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Tetra Tech International Development Internships are work-integrated learning experiences for students in the Bachelor of International Development program. It gives students first hand involvement with an organisation working in international development. The internships are offered in Semester 1 and 2, and as a Winter and Summer course. Student interns will spend one day per week during the semester, or in an intensive block of two weeks (Winter and Summer schools) at Tetra Tech International Development in Adelaide. The number of participating students will be determined by an internal quota and the assessment of a formal application process which takes into consideration overall academic merit and demonstrated relevant skills required for the internship.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2582": {"id": "56bQGrZps8AkHcIp2Hb63", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "ycRb_L-Qt7GVvSRocinh1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26205, "section": "01EX", "size": 0, "enrolled": 1, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment into this course is by application only.\u00a0 Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}]}]}]}]}, "2583": {"id": "KV81zZ9VnhmNlHvTTUA6x", "course_id": "110045", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110045", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "International Development Study Tour", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DEVT", "CATALOG_NBR": "3011EX", "CLASS_NBR": 29667, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 30 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "6 units of Level II undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "DEVT 2011EX", "ASSESSMENT": "Reflective journal (30%); Report (70%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course offers students an opportunity to develop methodological and practical skills about international development issues in the context of a study tour to another country. Students will experience development in practice in a particular country-specific context of development. Students will apply their knowledge of development in an intercultural and international context. The focus and topics of the study tour may vary depending on the study tour and country visited.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2584": {"id": "KV81zZ9VnhmNlHvTTUA6x", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Fieldwork", "id": "VoxuNbHQAez5DjIGR-2kd", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29667, "section": "01EX", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Fieldwork", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 15 Nov", "days": "", "start_time": "", "end_time": "", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "2585": {"id": "qE0K8pGd6cWg8_w3AMkDn", "course_id": "108364", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108364", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "International Development Practice", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DEVT", "CATALOG_NBR": "3200", "CLASS_NBR": 21757, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of International Development students and those with a major in International Development", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 15 units of Level I and II undergraduate study in the major in International Development.", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Participation, Presentation, Development Design or Research Essay (6000 words)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This capstone course for International Development students (Bachelor/Major) enables students to address an issue relating to international development practice in depth. The course offers a twin track and enables students to choose between developing an in-depth development project design or a major research essay tackling an issue related to development practice as their main assessed output. Over the course of the semester students will engage in independent learning/working, intensive seminar-based formative work, deliver a number of short presentations that focus on key elements of their project designs or research essay, as well as receiving individual supervision on the projects.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2586": {"id": "qE0K8pGd6cWg8_w3AMkDn", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "cSZB7jEFndDg9XFqaPlWt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21757, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 14, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2587": {"id": "fTIpKhT_Pv-ltFqaCtvhI", "course_id": "107394", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107394", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Hons International Development Thesis A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DEVT", "CATALOG_NBR": "4004A", "CLASS_NBR": 19738, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Completed Bachelor Degree with a Major in Development Studies at a Distinction average", "INCOMPATIBLE": "DEVT 4003", "ASSESSMENT": "15,000 word thesis (100%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is based on the production of a 15,000 word dissertation. This will be the primary objective of the course, and the planning, researching and writing of the thesis will be done by the student under supervision by staff members and the course coordinator/s. A dissertation seminar will be a part of the course and is designed to support students through the stages of producing a dissertation. It aims to assist students to arrive and articulate a relevant topic; to turn this topic into an l problem appropriate to the task of writing a thesis; to aid in the consideration of useful theoretical perspectives; to help identify and locate material and relevant literature; to create tasks that address the chosen problem; and help in the creation of a dissertation structure. Topics pertaining to the processes of research, writing and time management will also be covered in the seminars. Students are expected to give structured presentations on aspects of their research projects and dissertations, with a view to workshopping and refining work-in-progress.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "2588": {"id": "fTIpKhT_Pv-ltFqaCtvhI", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "Lh-azXp2o6t1yA7G-kReR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19738, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 1, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "2589": {"id": "OrW9I-1HxCD3_UEHkhL8U", "course_id": "107395", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107395", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Hons International Development Thesis B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "DEVT", "CATALOG_NBR": "4004B", "CLASS_NBR": 29480, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Bachelor of Development Studies or completed degree (72 units) with a 24 unit Major in Development Studies", "INCOMPATIBLE": "DEVT 4003", "ASSESSMENT": "15,000 word thesis (100%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is based on the production of a 15,000 word dissertation. This will be the primary objective of the course, and the planning, researching and writing of the thesis will be done by the student under supervision by staff members and the course coordinator/s. A dissertation seminar will be a part of the course and is designed to support students through the stages of producing a dissertation. It aims to assist students to arrive and articulate a relevant topic; to turn this topic into an l problem appropriate to the task of writing a thesis; to aid in the consideration of useful theoretical perspectives; to help identify and locate material and relevant literature; to create tasks that address the chosen problem; and help in the creation of a dissertation structure. Topics pertaining to the processes of research, writing and time management will also be covered in the seminars. Students are expected to give structured presentations on aspects of their research projects and dissertations, with a view to workshopping and refining work-in-progress.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2590": {"id": "OrW9I-1HxCD3_UEHkhL8U", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "3II6IpynKBXBt3vzm5gpx", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29480, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 1, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "2591": {"subject": "ECON", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "003565", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "007263", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "009101", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "009101", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "009101", "term": "4410", "offer": 7}, {"course_id": "111198", "term": "4436", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "009101", "term": "4410", "offer": 5}, {"course_id": "009101", "term": "4420", "offer": 5}, {"course_id": "009101", "term": "4448", "offer": 5}, {"course_id": "009101", "term": "4410", "offer": 6}, {"course_id": "102701", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102701", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102701", "term": "4410", "offer": 6}, {"course_id": "102701", "term": "4420", "offer": 6}, {"course_id": "105106", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107472", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108149", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108149", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108149", "term": "4420", "offer": 6}, {"course_id": "108149", "term": "4410", "offer": 4}, {"course_id": "108149", "term": "4420", "offer": 4}, {"course_id": "108149", "term": "4420", "offer": 5}, {"course_id": "108149", "term": "4448", "offer": 5}, {"course_id": "110197", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104900", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105046", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105046", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104903", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106436", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108669", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110361", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110361", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110362", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110362", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110363", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110364", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105506", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105507", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105508", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105509", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105510", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105511", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105513", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105515", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105517", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107799", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108266", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110365", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108011", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107801", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108012", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108013", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108014", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108015", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108016", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110554", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "002747", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "004587", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "004806", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "005633", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "006807", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "007669", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "008565", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "008917", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "008917", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109857", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109857", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "008959", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "005611", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "003660", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "006107", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "006126", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102351", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102351", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102351", "term": "4433", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102351", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102351", "term": "4410", "offer": 7}, {"course_id": "102351", "term": "4420", "offer": 7}, {"course_id": "102351", "term": "4410", "offer": 5}, {"course_id": "102351", "term": "4420", "offer": 5}, {"course_id": "102351", "term": "4433", "offer": 5}, {"course_id": "102351", "term": "4410", "offer": 6}, {"course_id": "102351", "term": "4420", "offer": 6}, {"course_id": "103342", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106065", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109856", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106068", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106438", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106437", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108267", "term": "4446", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "110366", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110366", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110556", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110556", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110367", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110367", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110557", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110557", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110368", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110396", "term": "4461", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110396", "term": "4465", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111562", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111562", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "2592": {"id": "2NN2J09u3krAEY5atLxVa", "course_id": "003565", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "003565", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Australia in the Global Economy I", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "1002", "CLASS_NBR": 11609, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically, tutorial work, essays or papers, group presentation and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "How has the global economy shaped Australia? How has Australia become so rich? What are the current economic issues Australia faces? Lectures will look into some of Australia's economic history as well as examining some of the country's current issues such as labour markets and industrial relations, international trade and finance, Australia's political economy, its agriculture, mining and manufacturing sectors. The course will deepen students' understanding of the world around us and its impact on the way we live and work.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2593": {"id": "2NN2J09u3krAEY5atLxVa", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "c9G4HjUlY55Xtgvmm7KJg", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11609, "section": "TU04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 15, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11610, "section": "TU03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 14, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11611, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 9, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11612, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Mar - 13 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "wIysRtgG7uE1ZVS_kuMr6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11608, "section": "LE01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 62, "available": 38, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2594": {"id": "zAg5O3syKWt699A91cqX_", "course_id": "007263", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "007263", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Mathematical Economics I", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "1005", "CLASS_NBR": 11613, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Not suitable for BCompSc, BCompGraphics or BEng(Software Engineering) students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 1010, MATHS 1004, MATHS 1009, MATHS 1010, MATHS 1013, MATHS 1011, MATHS 1012", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically assignments, mid-Semester test & final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course is intended for students without sufficient SACE Stage 2 Maths who wish to obtain knowledge of mathematical techniques suitable for economic analysis. It assumes very little prerequisite knowledge. The approach is informal and aims to show students how to do and apply the mathematics they require for a successful study of economics. Economic applications are considered although this course aims to teach the mathematics not the economics. Topics covered include basic algebra, simple finance, calculus and matrix algebra.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2595": {"id": "zAg5O3syKWt699A91cqX_", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "5dgmgDKJfOapfzHlnFo-U", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11613, "section": "TU04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11614, "section": "TU03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 12, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11615, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 13, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11616, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "b7BPFnVNDfwG-dprPoJoz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16491, "section": "LE01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 73, "available": 27, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2596": {"id": "Or3CMQ8H9rpYdXhaB7PpS", "course_id": "009101", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "009101", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Data Analytics I", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "1008", "CLASS_NBR": 19788, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "A quota may apply", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Not suitable for students enrolled in B.Eco(Adv) program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 1008OUA, ECON 1011, WINEMKTG 1015EX, STATS 1000, STATS 1004, STATS 1005, STATS 1504", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically tutorial participation and/or exercises, assignments, tests and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In today's world, good decision making relies on data and data analysis. This course helps students develop the understanding that they will need to make informed decisions using data and to communicate the results effectively. The course is an introduction to the essential concepts, tools and methods of statistics for students in business, economics and similar disciplines, though these tools are also useful in many other real-world settings. The focus is on concepts, reasoning, interpretation, and thinking that build upon computation, formulae and theory. Students will be required to clearly and effectively communicate and visualize their ideas, analyses, and results. The course covers two main branches of statistical data analysis: descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics includes data collection, exploration, and interpretation through numerical and graphical techniques such as charts and visual representations. Inferential statistics includes the selection and application of correct and suitable statistical techniques in order to make estimates or test claims about data based on a sample. By the end of this course, students should understand and know how to use statistics in real-world settings. Students will also develop some understanding of the limitations and misuse of statistical inference as well as the ethics of data analysis and statistics.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2597": {"id": "Or3CMQ8H9rpYdXhaB7PpS", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "QoCtvy1XIX8Jp3Xqwkv3Q", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11617, "section": "TU11", "size": 27, "enrolled": 26, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11618, "section": "TU10", "size": 27, "enrolled": 25, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11619, "section": "TU09", "size": 27, "enrolled": 25, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11620, "section": "TU08", "size": 27, "enrolled": 22, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11621, "section": "TU07", "size": 27, "enrolled": 27, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11623, "section": "TU05", "size": 27, "enrolled": 25, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11624, "section": "TU04", "size": 27, "enrolled": 27, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11625, "section": "TU03", "size": 27, "enrolled": 25, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11627, "section": "TU01", "size": 27, "enrolled": 25, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15318, "section": "TU12", "size": 27, "enrolled": 26, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19788, "section": "TU13", "size": 27, "enrolled": 13, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "_qTv6yXIIYgbmZt-OhTfT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13763, "section": "LE01", "size": 297, "enrolled": 266, "available": 31, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "15 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2598": {"id": "93mnqMYOziC2z89s3CsZB", "course_id": "009101", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "009101", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Data Analytics I", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "1008", "CLASS_NBR": 20273, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "A quota may apply", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Not suitable for students enrolled in B.Eco(Adv) program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 1008OUA, ECON 1011, WINEMKTG 1015EX, STATS 1000, STATS 1004, STATS 1005, STATS 1504", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically tutorial participation and/or exercises, assignments, tests and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In today's world, good decision making relies on data and data analysis. This course helps students develop the understanding that they will need to make informed decisions using data and to communicate the results effectively. The course is an introduction to the essential concepts, tools and methods of statistics for students in business, economics and similar disciplines, though these tools are also useful in many other real-world settings. The focus is on concepts, reasoning, interpretation, and thinking that build upon computation, formulae and theory. Students will be required to clearly and effectively communicate and visualize their ideas, analyses, and results. The course covers two main branches of statistical data analysis: descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics includes data collection, exploration, and interpretation through numerical and graphical techniques such as charts and visual representations. Inferential statistics includes the selection and application of correct and suitable statistical techniques in order to make estimates or test claims about data based on a sample. By the end of this course, students should understand and know how to use statistics in real-world settings. Students will also develop some understanding of the limitations and misuse of statistical inference as well as the ethics of data analysis and statistics.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2599": {"id": "93mnqMYOziC2z89s3CsZB", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "xLrxdJRab8tKaoFlcxJi3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20273, "section": "TU15", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20274, "section": "TU14", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21614, "section": "TU12", "size": 30, "enrolled": 25, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21615, "section": "TU11", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21617, "section": "TU09", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21619, "section": "TU07", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21620, "section": "TU06", "size": 28, "enrolled": 20, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21621, "section": "TU05", "size": 30, "enrolled": 27, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21622, "section": "TU04", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21623, "section": "TU03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 26, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, 205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, 205, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21624, "section": "TU02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 18, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21625, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 24, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25158, "section": "TU13", "size": 28, "enrolled": 27, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "755clAzLY8_0ydM9LiE6y", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23809, "section": "LE01", "size": 400, "enrolled": 344, "available": 56, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2600": {"id": "8CfwNZeiexDrTg2SXk3Ho", "course_id": "009101", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "009101", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 7, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Data Analytics I", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "1008MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 19660, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "A quota may apply", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students/Not suitable for students enrolled in B.Eco(Adv) program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 1008OUA, ECON 1011, WINEMKTG 1015EX, STATS 1000, STATS 1004, STATS 1005, STATS 1504", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically tutorial participation and/or exercises, assignments, tests and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In today's world, good decision making relies on data and data analysis. This course helps students develop the understanding that they will need to make informed decisions using data and to communicate the results effectively. The course is an introduction to the essential concepts, tools and methods of statistics for students in business, economics and similar disciplines, though these tools are also useful in many other real-world settings. The focus is on concepts, reasoning, interpretation, and thinking that build upon computation, formulae and theory. Students will be required to clearly and effectively communicate and visualize their ideas, analyses, and results. The course covers two main branches of statistical data analysis: descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics includes data collection, exploration, and interpretation through numerical and graphical techniques such as charts and visual representations. Inferential statistics includes the selection and application of correct and suitable statistical techniques in order to make estimates or test claims about data based on a sample. By the end of this course, students should understand and know how to use statistics in real-world settings. Students will also develop some understanding of the limitations and misuse of statistical inference as well as the ethics of data analysis and statistics.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2601": {"id": "8CfwNZeiexDrTg2SXk3Ho", "class_list": [{"association_group": "", "groups": []}]}, "2602": {"id": "BWBsPtabWQnX39XeGmQPS", "course_id": "111198", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111198", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Data Analytics I", "CAMPUS": "Open Universities Australia", "CAMPUS_CD": "OUA", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "1008OUA", "CLASS_NBR": 33129, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "A quota may apply", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide Open Universities Australia students/Not suitable for students enrolled in BEc(Adv) program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 1008, ECON 1011, WINEMKTG 1015EX, STATS 1000, STATS 1004, STATS 1005, STATS 1504", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically, tutorial participation and/or exercises, assignments, tests and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In today's world, good decision making relies on data and data analysis. This course helps students develop the understanding that they will need to make informed decisions using data and to communicate the results effectively. The course is an introduction to the essential concepts, tools and methods of statistics for students in business, economics and similar disciplines, though these tools are also useful in many other real-world settings. The focus is on concepts, reasoning, interpretation, and thinking that build upon computation, formulae and theory. Students will be required to clearly and effectively communicate and visualize their ideas, analyses, and results. The course covers two main branches of statistical data analysis: descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics includes data collection, exploration, and interpretation through numerical and graphical techniques such as charts and visual representations. Inferential statistics includes the selection and application of correct and suitable statistical techniques in order to make estimates or test claims about data based on a sample. By the end of this course, students should understand and know how to use statistics in real-world settings. Students will also develop some understanding of the limitations and misuse of statistical inference as well as the ethics of data analysis and statistics.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "2603": {"id": "BWBsPtabWQnX39XeGmQPS", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "kMxSZOwDV3PohNkJCth2O", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33129, "section": "01OU", "size": 100, "enrolled": 2, "available": 98, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "2604": {"id": "eLZKljlQNFop0Lvg7S_CL", "course_id": "009101", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "009101", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 5, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Data Analytics I", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "1008UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 12414, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "A quota may apply", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Not suitable for students enrolled in B.Eco(Adv) program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 1008OUA, ECON 1011, WINEMKTG 1015EX, STATS 1000, STATS 1004, STATS 1005, STATS 1504", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically, tutorial participation and/or exercises, assignments, tests and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In today's world, good decision making relies on data and data analysis. This course helps students develop the understanding that they will need to make informed decisions using data and to communicate the results effectively. The course is an introduction to the essential concepts, tools and methods of statistics for students in business, economics and similar disciplines, though these tools are also useful in many other real-world settings. The focus is on concepts, reasoning, interpretation, and thinking that build upon computation, formulae and theory. Students will be required to clearly and effectively communicate and visualize their ideas, analyses, and results. The course covers two main branches of statistical data analysis: descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics includes data collection, exploration, and interpretation through numerical and graphical techniques such as charts and visual representations. Inferential statistics includes the selection and application of correct and suitable statistical techniques in order to make estimates or test claims about data based on a sample. By the end of this course, students should understand and know how to use statistics in real-world settings. Students will also develop some understanding of the limitations and misuse of statistical inference as well as the ethics of data analysis and statistics.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2605": {"id": "eLZKljlQNFop0Lvg7S_CL", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "txzgKHT4EGrviyT1N0OMx", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12414, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 9, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, 104, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, 104, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 301, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "TjEQnIt8q_QmEWJijkv12", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16540, "section": "LEC0", "size": 24, "enrolled": 9, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "2606": {"id": "H4X5Ic3qpmZNsniWH-qMd", "course_id": "009101", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "009101", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 5, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Data Analytics I", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "1008UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 29550, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "A quota may apply", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Not suitable for students enrolled in B.Eco(Adv) program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 1008OUA, ECON 1011, WINEMKTG 1015EX, STATS 1000, STATS 1004, STATS 1005, STATS 1504", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically, tutorial participation and/or exercises, assignments, tests and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In today's world, good decision making relies on data and data analysis. This course helps students develop the understanding that they will need to make informed decisions using data and to communicate the results effectively. The course is an introduction to the essential concepts, tools and methods of statistics for students in business, economics and similar disciplines, though these tools are also useful in many other real-world settings. The focus is on concepts, reasoning, interpretation, and thinking that build upon computation, formulae and theory. Students will be required to clearly and effectively communicate and visualize their ideas, analyses, and results. The course covers two main branches of statistical data analysis: descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics includes data collection, exploration, and interpretation through numerical and graphical techniques such as charts and visual representations. Inferential statistics includes the selection and application of correct and suitable statistical techniques in order to make estimates or test claims about data based on a sample. By the end of this course, students should understand and know how to use statistics in real-world settings. Students will also develop some understanding of the limitations and misuse of statistical inference as well as the ethics of data analysis and statistics.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2607": {"id": "H4X5Ic3qpmZNsniWH-qMd", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "86i9t-VMT7fToWjad4Ag5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22288, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 16, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, 105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, 105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22289, "section": "TT02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 21, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, 104, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, B04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, 104, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, B04, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22290, "section": "TT03", "size": 24, "enrolled": 19, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, 204, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, 204, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29550, "section": "TT04", "size": 24, "enrolled": 18, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hartley, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hartley, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 108, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "otzYJYQJ2L36dMGAWdiSN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28872, "section": "LEC0", "size": 96, "enrolled": 74, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "2608": {"id": "TwchVupe2CdsnDHEsQBvy", "course_id": "009101", "term": "4448", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "009101", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 5, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4448", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "Data Analytics I", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "1008UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 46045, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "A quota may apply", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Not suitable for students enrolled in B.Eco(Adv) program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 1008OUA, ECON 1011, WINEMKTG 1015EX, STATS 1000, STATS 1004, STATS 1005, STATS 1504", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically, tutorial participation and/or exercises, assignments, tests and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In today's world, good decision making relies on data and data analysis. This course helps students develop the understanding that they will need to make informed decisions using data and to communicate the results effectively. The course is an introduction to the essential concepts, tools and methods of statistics for students in business, economics and similar disciplines, though these tools are also useful in many other real-world settings. The focus is on concepts, reasoning, interpretation, and thinking that build upon computation, formulae and theory. Students will be required to clearly and effectively communicate and visualize their ideas, analyses, and results. The course covers two main branches of statistical data analysis: descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics includes data collection, exploration, and interpretation through numerical and graphical techniques such as charts and visual representations. Inferential statistics includes the selection and application of correct and suitable statistical techniques in order to make estimates or test claims about data based on a sample. By the end of this course, students should understand and know how to use statistics in real-world settings. Students will also develop some understanding of the limitations and misuse of statistical inference as well as the ethics of data analysis and statistics.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 14/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 14/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 19/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 11/12/2024"}}]}, "2609": {"id": "TwchVupe2CdsnDHEsQBvy", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "Yw-O3Co2_j1eeNRAu11lM", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46045, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 0, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Oct - 9 Dec", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Badger, 125, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 11 Dec", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hartley, G06, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "YsB4F21nVSvKFDYHdNzVr", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46107, "section": "LEC0", "size": 24, "enrolled": 0, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "2610": {"id": "4atgxrjLVbhSYRTK-xA6X", "course_id": "009101", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "009101", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 6, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Data Analytics I", "CAMPUS": "UofA College Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "UACM", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "1008UACM", "CLASS_NBR": 19659, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "A quota may apply", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students/Not suitable for students enrolled in B.Eco(Adv) program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 1008OUA, ECON 1011, WINEMKTG 1015EX, STATS 1000, STATS 1004, STATS 1005, STATS 1504", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically tutorial participation and/or exercises, assignments, tests and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In today's world, good decision making relies on data and data analysis. This course helps students develop the understanding that they will need to make informed decisions using data and to communicate the results effectively. The course is an introduction to the essential concepts, tools and methods of statistics for students in business, economics and similar disciplines, though these tools are also useful in many other real-world settings. The focus is on concepts, reasoning, interpretation, and thinking that build upon computation, formulae and theory. Students will be required to clearly and effectively communicate and visualize their ideas, analyses, and results. The course covers two main branches of statistical data analysis: descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics includes data collection, exploration, and interpretation through numerical and graphical techniques such as charts and visual representations. Inferential statistics includes the selection and application of correct and suitable statistical techniques in order to make estimates or test claims about data based on a sample. By the end of this course, students should understand and know how to use statistics in real-world settings. Students will also develop some understanding of the limitations and misuse of statistical inference as well as the ethics of data analysis and statistics.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2611": {"id": "4atgxrjLVbhSYRTK-xA6X", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "Ww-IQ3oGFPa1FfhjmXwFJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19250, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 9, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19659, "section": "TT02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 17, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "cSzkfK1feCUbmHppTtefn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19565, "section": "LEC0", "size": 48, "enrolled": 26, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "2612": {"id": "eo5zprZfYI1DiNVfZAJgR", "course_id": "102701", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102701", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "International Financial Institutions and Markets I", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "1009", "CLASS_NBR": 11628, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "A quota may apply", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically, participation, online quizzes and assignments, and a final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an introduction to the institutions, markets and securities that form the basis of modern financial and monetary systems. Australian as well as international economies and their financial systems will be considered with reference to current financial news and current affairs. This course also introduces some of the main concepts and methods used in financial and monetary economics and provides a sound basis for students progressing to the study of monetary economics, financial economics and international finance at higher levels within the University. At the same time, it is a valuable, self contained and up-to-date overview of international financial markets and institutions for non-specialists.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2613": {"id": "eo5zprZfYI1DiNVfZAJgR", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "-VQXU8f9Wfvjeeo0LTXQQ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11628, "section": "TU06", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11629, "section": "TU05", "size": 25, "enrolled": 13, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11630, "section": "TU04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 21, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}, {"dates": "14 Mar - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11631, "section": "TU03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11632, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 19, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11633, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 9, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 22 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "oxTACOPYMJ8N4LRSMQ0z3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13764, "section": "LE01", "size": 150, "enrolled": 110, "available": 40, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2614": {"id": "BnPbGIrQZSUDPdnXsbSui", "course_id": "102701", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102701", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "International Financial Institutions and Markets I", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "1009", "CLASS_NBR": 20275, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "A quota may apply", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically, participation, online quizzes and assignments, and a final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an introduction to the institutions, markets and securities that form the basis of modern financial and monetary systems. Australian as well as international economies and their financial systems will be considered with reference to current financial news and current affairs. This course also introduces some of the main concepts and methods used in financial and monetary economics and provides a sound basis for students progressing to the study of monetary economics, financial economics and international finance at higher levels within the University. At the same time, it is a valuable, self contained and up-to-date overview of international financial markets and institutions for non-specialists.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2615": {"id": "BnPbGIrQZSUDPdnXsbSui", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "PXtkq8bF4CpZybWJ6DfGT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20275, "section": "TU06", "size": 28, "enrolled": 28, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21627, "section": "TU05", "size": 28, "enrolled": 27, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21628, "section": "TU04", "size": 28, "enrolled": 26, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21629, "section": "TU03", "size": 28, "enrolled": 28, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21630, "section": "TU02", "size": 28, "enrolled": 27, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21631, "section": "TU01", "size": 28, "enrolled": 28, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "Ds4hPbF4nH8XLGOpJ7clD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23810, "section": "LE01", "size": 136, "enrolled": 134, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29094, "section": "LEC0", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This Lecture can be viewed on the web via MyUni and so has no time or location allocated to it. Students enrolling in the Lecture can attend the live lecture if space permits."}]}]}]}]}, "2616": {"id": "ahwG6f_jCgOi96hYNjZfH", "course_id": "102701", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102701", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 6, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "International Financial Institutions and Markets I", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "1009UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 12415, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "A quota may apply", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically, participation, online quizzes and assignments, and a final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an introduction to the institutions, markets and securities that form the basis of modern financial and monetary systems. Australian as well as international economies and their financial systems will be considered with reference to current financial news and current affairs. This course also introduces some of the main concepts and methods used in financial and monetary economics and provides a sound basis for students progressing to the study of monetary economics, financial economics and international finance at higher levels within the University. At the same time, it is a valuable, self contained and up-to-date overview of international financial markets and institutions for non-specialists.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2617": {"id": "ahwG6f_jCgOi96hYNjZfH", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "4m728JtEr3eFnGDHU4Tr0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12415, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 7, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 301, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "4_gqAbSqtbv6qLYKeOZTD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16541, "section": "LEC0", "size": 24, "enrolled": 7, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "2618": {"id": "X7XKsqQv4VsfZAKFFn_XQ", "course_id": "102701", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102701", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 6, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "International Financial Institutions and Markets I", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "1009UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 22293, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "A quota may apply", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically, participation, online quizzes and assignments, and a final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an introduction to the institutions, markets and securities that form the basis of modern financial and monetary systems. Australian as well as international economies and their financial systems will be considered with reference to current financial news and current affairs. This course also introduces some of the main concepts and methods used in financial and monetary economics and provides a sound basis for students progressing to the study of monetary economics, financial economics and international finance at higher levels within the University. At the same time, it is a valuable, self contained and up-to-date overview of international financial markets and institutions for non-specialists.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2619": {"id": "X7XKsqQv4VsfZAKFFn_XQ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "GA-CgqbkKK4b9jQyhQ17B", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22293, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 3, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 101, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 101, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "f939ew16Ak7pSOEJnL4UM", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28873, "section": "LEC0", "size": 24, "enrolled": 3, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "2620": {"id": "QuIHa8MS107hQQ7c_FP07", "course_id": "105106", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105106", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Mathematical Economics I", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "1010", "CLASS_NBR": 21626, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Not suitable for BCompSc, BCompGraphics or BEng(Software Engineering) students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Satisfactory level of achievement in SACE Stage 2 Mathematical Methods, Specialist Mathematics or equivalent", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MATHS 1009, MATHS 1010, MATHS 1013, MATHS 1011, MATHS 1012", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically exam, test & homework", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course focuses on the mathematical methods and models that are required to understand current economics and to investigate economic models. Topics may include limits, sequences and series, combinatorics, set theory; univariate and multivariate calculus; matrix algebra and systems of linear equations; and applications in economic models.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2621": {"id": "QuIHa8MS107hQQ7c_FP07", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "U9maJzgFvbOj8iK24IRg0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21626, "section": "WR01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 50, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "AbR9GdE2XK4nQdXLe9ZrW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21634, "section": "LE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 50, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2622": {"id": "ITwto460DwJ9ojcjGBM27", "course_id": "107472", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107472", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Quantitative Methods for Economic Analysis I", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "1011", "CLASS_NBR": 21633, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to B.Economics (Advanced) students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically, reports, test & final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is a course in statistics that focuses on developing analytical techniques and research skills. Enrolment is restricted to the BEc (Adv) students. By the end of the course, students will have an understanding of the complex nature of quantitative research. Students collaborate to set up a real life economic question, collect appropriate data, analyse the data and report on the question. Topics will include sample surveying, regression and correlation analysis, interval estimation and hypothesis testing.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2623": {"id": "ITwto460DwJ9ojcjGBM27", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "PD1jm_IasGWhqu5xUjVoc", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21632, "section": "TU01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 20, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, 220, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, 220, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "gSHSSLcjdBMP4TXc5uN9s", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21633, "section": "WR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 20, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2624": {"id": "x6fY7nQZrlNmZjJMSXUM1", "course_id": "108149", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108149", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Principles of Economics I", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "1012", "CLASS_NBR": 11634, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 1000, ECON 1004, WINEMKTG 1026EX, ECON 1012AUACM, ECON 1012BUACM", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically, tutorial assignments, quizzes and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an introduction to a broad range of economic concepts, theories and analytical techniques. It considers both microeconomics - the analysis of choices made by individual decision-making units (households and firms) - and macroeconomics - the analysis of the economy as a whole. The use of a market, supply and demand, model will be the fundamental model in which trade-offs and choices will be considered through comparison of costs and benefits of actions. Production and market structure will be analysed at the firm level. Macroeconomic issues regarding the interaction of goods and services markets, labour and money at an aggregate level will be modelled. The role of government policy to address microeconomic market failures and macroeconomic objectives will be examined.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2625": {"id": "x6fY7nQZrlNmZjJMSXUM1", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "I1Bt2P8Qa_RWH4FuZIYtY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11634, "section": "TU17", "size": 27, "enrolled": 27, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11635, "section": "TU16", "size": 27, "enrolled": 25, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11636, "section": "TU15", "size": 27, "enrolled": 25, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11637, "section": "TU14", "size": 27, "enrolled": 25, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11638, "section": "TU13", "size": 27, "enrolled": 27, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11639, "section": "TU12", "size": 27, "enrolled": 27, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11640, "section": "TU11", "size": 27, "enrolled": 26, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11641, "section": "TU10", "size": 27, "enrolled": 26, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11642, "section": "TU09", "size": 27, "enrolled": 27, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11644, "section": "TU07", "size": 27, "enrolled": 25, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11645, "section": "TU06", "size": 27, "enrolled": 26, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11646, "section": "TU05", "size": 27, "enrolled": 25, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11647, "section": "TU04", "size": 27, "enrolled": 26, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11648, "section": "TU03", "size": 27, "enrolled": 25, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11649, "section": "TU02", "size": 27, "enrolled": 19, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11650, "section": "TU01", "size": 27, "enrolled": 27, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "cLVB6yaryJ4DHyBjtadFu", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13765, "section": "LE01", "size": 432, "enrolled": 408, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2626": {"id": "Nvzwrj_jwRF4xtoaRLe08", "course_id": "108149", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108149", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Principles of Economics I", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "1012", "CLASS_NBR": 21635, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 1000, ECON 1004, WINEMKTG 1026EX, ECON 1012AUACM, ECON 1012BUACM", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically, tutorial assignments, quizzes and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an introduction to a broad range of economic concepts, theories and analytical techniques. It considers both microeconomics - the analysis of choices made by individual decision-making units (households and firms) - and macroeconomics - the analysis of the economy as a whole. The use of a market, supply and demand, model will be the fundamental model in which trade-offs and choices will be considered through comparison of costs and benefits of actions. Production and market structure will be analysed at the firm level. Macroeconomic issues regarding the interaction of goods and services markets, labour and money at an aggregate level will be modelled. The role of government policy to address microeconomic market failures and macroeconomic objectives will be examined.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2627": {"id": "Nvzwrj_jwRF4xtoaRLe08", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "qfDngQNAOZwsWwKDp-8sl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21635, "section": "TU12", "size": 30, "enrolled": 26, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21636, "section": "TU11", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21637, "section": "TU10", "size": 28, "enrolled": 26, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21638, "section": "TU09", "size": 30, "enrolled": 25, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Schulz, 218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Schulz, 218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21641, "section": "TU06", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21642, "section": "TU05", "size": 30, "enrolled": 26, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21643, "section": "TU04", "size": 30, "enrolled": 25, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21644, "section": "TU03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21645, "section": "TU02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21646, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "3mMW1GxyD3K3Fa1BBvh-l", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23811, "section": "LE01", "size": 298, "enrolled": 272, "available": 26, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2628": {"id": "KyoVAPiv7w8SxhM2W5QSb", "course_id": "108149", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108149", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 6, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Principles of Economics I", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "1012MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 29304, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 1000, ECON 1004, WINEMKTG 1026EX, ECON 1012AUACM, ECON 1012BUACM", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically, tutorial assignments, quizzes and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an introduction to a broad range of economic concepts, theories and analytical techniques. It considers both microeconomics - the analysis of choices made by individual decision-making units (households and firms) - and macroeconomics - the analysis of the economy as a whole. The use of a market, supply and demand, model will be the fundamental model in which trade-offs and choices will be considered through comparison of costs and benefits of actions. Production and market structure will be analysed at the firm level. Macroeconomic issues regarding the interaction of goods and services markets, labour and money at an aggregate level will be modelled. The role of government policy to address microeconomic market failures and macroeconomic objectives will be examined.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2629": {"id": "KyoVAPiv7w8SxhM2W5QSb", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "DUmZ_OnyVKG4KNRHmIi5n", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29304, "section": "TT01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 0, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "juQgW7MiVBZXkIydjGhgV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29343, "section": "LEC0", "size": 50, "enrolled": 0, "available": 50, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "2630": {"id": "ZF3WP2SABm0ftvBZHrixM", "course_id": "108149", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108149", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 4, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Principles of Economics I", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "1012UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 12417, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 1000, ECON 1004, WINEMKTG 1026EX, ECON 1012AUACM, ECON 1012BUACM", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically, tutorial assignments, quizzes and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an introduction to a broad range of economic concepts, theories and analytical techniques. It considers both microeconomics - the analysis of choices made by individual decision-making units (households and firms) - and macroeconomics - the analysis of the economy as a whole. The use of a market, supply and demand, model will be the fundamental model in which trade-offs and choices will be considered through comparison of costs and benefits of actions. Production and market structure will be analysed at the firm level. Macroeconomic issues regarding the interaction of goods and services markets, labour and money at an aggregate level will be modelled. The role of government policy to address microeconomic market failures and macroeconomic objectives will be examined.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2631": {"id": "ZF3WP2SABm0ftvBZHrixM", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "810hveNqHepe-VVJcP57a", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12416, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 19, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 109, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Darling West, 204, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 109, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Darling West, 204, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12417, "section": "TT02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 20, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Darling West, B04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, 105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Darling West, B04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, 105, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "3qCYKGeYrOvTNAWLG0oI8", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16542, "section": "LEC0", "size": 48, "enrolled": 39, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "2632": {"id": "KCJuvXmWUQfACG3PKVFQw", "course_id": "108149", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108149", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 4, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Principles of Economics I", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "1012UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 22295, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 1000, ECON 1004, WINEMKTG 1026EX, ECON 1012AUACM, ECON 1012BUACM", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically, tutorial assignments, quizzes and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an introduction to a broad range of economic concepts, theories and analytical techniques. It considers both microeconomics - the analysis of choices made by individual decision-making units (households and firms) - and macroeconomics - the analysis of the economy as a whole. The use of a market, supply and demand, model will be the fundamental model in which trade-offs and choices will be considered through comparison of costs and benefits of actions. Production and market structure will be analysed at the firm level. Macroeconomic issues regarding the interaction of goods and services markets, labour and money at an aggregate level will be modelled. The role of government policy to address microeconomic market failures and macroeconomic objectives will be examined.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2633": {"id": "KCJuvXmWUQfACG3PKVFQw", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "M19EcyyNKoS_coFrg_vSs", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22294, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 19, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 310, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, 203, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 310, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, 203, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22295, "section": "TT02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 17, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Darling West, 105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Darling West, 203, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Darling West, 105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Darling West, 203, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "NhV_ltzdSXzUA771TUMpR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28874, "section": "LEC0", "size": 48, "enrolled": 36, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "2634": {"id": "bhUuyYlgcYzBX7kWpiNCT", "course_id": "108149", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108149", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 5, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Principles of Economics I", "CAMPUS": "UofA College Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "UACM", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "1012UACM", "CLASS_NBR": 29305, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 1000, ECON 1004, WINEMKTG 1026EX, ECON 1012AUACM, ECON 1012BUACM", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically, tutorial assignments, quizzes and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an introduction to a broad range of economic concepts, theories and analytical techniques. It considers both microeconomics - the analysis of choices made by individual decision-making units (households and firms) - and macroeconomics - the analysis of the economy as a whole. The use of a market, supply and demand, model will be the fundamental model in which trade-offs and choices will be considered through comparison of costs and benefits of actions. Production and market structure will be analysed at the firm level. Macroeconomic issues regarding the interaction of goods and services markets, labour and money at an aggregate level will be modelled. The role of government policy to address microeconomic market failures and macroeconomic objectives will be examined.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2635": {"id": "bhUuyYlgcYzBX7kWpiNCT", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "MK5qDhKm-scx8WLlYZ-kY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29305, "section": "TT01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 22, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "tmfJSsl4kNqS8qrbEgWHo", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29326, "section": "LEC0", "size": 50, "enrolled": 22, "available": 28, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "2636": {"id": "Cp_shrxdOmoOLNTAnaz4n", "course_id": "108149", "term": "4448", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108149", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 5, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4448", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "Principles of Economics I", "CAMPUS": "UofA College Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "UACM", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "1012UACM", "CLASS_NBR": 46226, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 1000, ECON 1004, WINEMKTG 1026EX, ECON 1012AUACM, ECON 1012BUACM", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically, tutorial assignments, quizzes and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an introduction to a broad range of economic concepts, theories and analytical techniques. It considers both microeconomics - the analysis of choices made by individual decision-making units (households and firms) - and macroeconomics - the analysis of the economy as a whole. The use of a market, supply and demand, model will be the fundamental model in which trade-offs and choices will be considered through comparison of costs and benefits of actions. Production and market structure will be analysed at the firm level. Macroeconomic issues regarding the interaction of goods and services markets, labour and money at an aggregate level will be modelled. The role of government policy to address microeconomic market failures and macroeconomic objectives will be examined.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 14/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 14/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 19/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 11/12/2024"}}]}, "2637": {"id": "Cp_shrxdOmoOLNTAnaz4n", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "S_L3j0NKpnWYU64Mfa-33", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46226, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 4, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Oct - 9 Dec", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 10 Dec", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "aGBl3NsRHCqzlQOB2tvHd", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46256, "section": "LEC0", "size": 24, "enrolled": 4, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "2638": {"id": "zQ7Hz7AYlkLRXEJyQFzsO", "course_id": "110197", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110197", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Using Big Data for Economic and Social Problems I", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "1013", "CLASS_NBR": 21649, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically, active participation, group project, mid-term exam and final assignment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will show how 'big data' can be used to understand and solve some of the most important social and economic problems of our time. The course will give students an introduction to important relevant economic concepts and frontier research in applied economics and social science related to policy making. Topics may include equality of opportunity, discrimination, education, health care, and climate change besides others. The course will also provide an introduction to data visualisation, data management, and basic statistical methods and data analysis techniques relevant for big data approaches, which may include regression analysis, causal inference, and quasi-experimental methods.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2639": {"id": "zQ7Hz7AYlkLRXEJyQFzsO", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "wKQCA4NpBpMuu5092VizG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20866, "section": "TU03", "size": 27, "enrolled": 24, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, 228, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, 228, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21648, "section": "TU01", "size": 27, "enrolled": 26, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, 228, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, 228, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "s9TWT2kmc0Q9j-KzOums8", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21649, "section": "WR01", "size": 54, "enrolled": 50, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2640": {"id": "oLdjnDJfSf2BFmiQgCkEr", "course_id": "104900", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104900", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "International Trade & Investment Policy II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "2500", "CLASS_NBR": 21652, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ECON 1012, ECON 1005 or ECON 1010", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically, tutorial assignments and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "How has globalization changed Australia and other economies across the globe? Why have flows of goods and services, foreign direct investment and migration increased so tremendously in recent times? And how should we evaluate these phenomena? Who wins and who loses from globalization? What does it imply for workers, consumers, and firms? And how does government policy influence it? The course will expose students both to classical trade theories as well as more recent developments such as the new (new) trade theory. A specific focus will be put on using simple economic models to analyse policy-relevant questions. As this is an introductory undergraduate course in international trade, no previous knowledge of international economics is assumed.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2641": {"id": "oLdjnDJfSf2BFmiQgCkEr", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "wkWmkYHsRK7rZDYi716-6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21652, "section": "TU02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 22, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "_A5X89RVBqgM_dVa1MUj3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21650, "section": "LE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 22, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2642": {"id": "I1OK3Rc9Tr_olaIfCxQN4", "course_id": "105046", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105046", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Intermediate Macroeconomics II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "2507", "CLASS_NBR": 11652, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ECON 1012, ECON 1005 or ECON 1010", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically, tutorial problems, assignments, midterm and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The first year Principles of Economics course provided a broad overview of macroeconomics. In this course, the aim is to delve a little deeper into the subject. Macroeconomics is concerned with the behaviour of the economy as a whole. In particular it addresses the big issues which affect us on a day to day basis. As macroeconomists we want to know why some countries grow more quickly than others, why some experience high inflation while others have stable prices and why all countries experience recessions and booms. Furthermore, we want to know if government policy can have an impact on these factors.\nThe aim of this course is to provide tools that allow for a deeper understanding of these issues. It is intended that this course leads on from the first year Principles of Economics course and provides a smooth transition for those intending to pursue macroeconomics in later years.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2643": {"id": "I1OK3Rc9Tr_olaIfCxQN4", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "jDvpSUPABVLmU9MCOl9r3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11652, "section": "TU04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11653, "section": "TU03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 12, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11654, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 22, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11655, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 17, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "g674R-JX4NsJ_bEqh-7yF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11651, "section": "LE01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 75, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2644": {"id": "QYeSMujLOdSLFuh7TwcxN", "course_id": "105046", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105046", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Intermediate Macroeconomics II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "2507", "CLASS_NBR": 21655, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ECON 1012, ECON 1005 or ECON 1010", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically, tutorial problems, assignments, midterm and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The first year Principles of Economics course provided a broad overview of macroeconomics. In this course, the aim is to delve a little deeper into the subject. Macroeconomics is concerned with the behaviour of the economy as a whole. In particular it addresses the big issues which affect us on a day to day basis. As macroeconomists we want to know why some countries grow more quickly than others, why some experience high inflation while others have stable prices and why all countries experience recessions and booms. Furthermore, we want to know if government policy can have an impact on these factors.\nThe aim of this course is to provide tools that allow for a deeper understanding of these issues. It is intended that this course leads on from the first year Principles of Economics course and provides a smooth transition for those intending to pursue macroeconomics in later years.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2645": {"id": "QYeSMujLOdSLFuh7TwcxN", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "tOTafu262JYYUB6bOejL3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21655, "section": "TU04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 18, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21656, "section": "TU03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 20, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21657, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 15, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21658, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 16, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "5Rg_9Mw9yzb7EFidEr4nA", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21654, "section": "LE01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 69, "available": 31, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2646": {"id": "UGw-ZOaETUbg3jrNfmGHH", "course_id": "104903", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104903", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Financial Economics II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "2508", "CLASS_NBR": 11657, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "A quota will apply", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ECON 1009 or ECON 1012", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically, quizzes, assignments, and final exam.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to provide both a self contained study of the principles of financial economics, and a bridge to higher level courses in economics and finance, including third year international finance. It typically includes a critical discussion of the efficient markets theory, an overview of quantitative methods in finance, considers risk aversion in the context of utility theory, examines portfolio theory, the Capital Asset Pricing Model and multi-factor asset pricing models, covers bond pricing, duration and convexity, behavioural finance theory, an introduction to the economics of financial crises, and introduces the top down approach to investment decisions. The emphasis is on a thorough coverage of modern finance theory as applied to investment analysis, balanced with a consideration of new developments in the discipline, and of the application of both old and new theoretical perspectives to understand the current environment for financial investment decisions.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2647": {"id": "UGw-ZOaETUbg3jrNfmGHH", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "N5hdXLW3a7jbLenEEseEW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11657, "section": "TU09", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11658, "section": "TU08", "size": 25, "enrolled": 26, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11659, "section": "TU07", "size": 25, "enrolled": 21, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11660, "section": "TU06", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11661, "section": "TU05", "size": 25, "enrolled": 14, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11662, "section": "TU04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 22, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11663, "section": "TU03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 21, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G13, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11664, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "f-KtCWmRyuGlZ8-P5BXLy", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11656, "section": "LE01", "size": 200, "enrolled": 153, "available": 47, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19265, "section": "LEC0", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This Lecture can be viewed on the web via MyUni and so has no time or location allocated to it. Students enrolling in the Lecture can attend the live lecture if space permits."}]}]}]}]}, "2648": {"id": "v4m8cS8cnNylYQWTMDVy2", "course_id": "106436", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106436", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Behavioural Economics II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "2511", "CLASS_NBR": 11668, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ECON 1005 or ECON 1010", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically, homework assignments, mid-Semester tests, tutorial presentation, final exam.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides a non-technical introduction to behavioural economics. Behavioural economics analyses regularities in actual individual and strategic decision making and documents departures from behaviour predicted by classical economic theory. Behavioural economics explains these departures by incorporating psychological aspects into economic theories. This course will help you understand why people make the decisions they make, improve your own decision making, and predict how others behave in situations in which they interact with you strategically.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2649": {"id": "v4m8cS8cnNylYQWTMDVy2", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "EW4GebICltkdj0msb2ZSa", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11668, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 15, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11669, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 13, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "I9E8k_-GZJ6MzG8KuuABJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11666, "section": "LE01", "size": 75, "enrolled": 28, "available": 47, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2650": {"id": "R-44uhQAZo-pPBoU29nXh", "course_id": "108669", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108669", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Global Economic History II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "2513", "CLASS_NBR": 21396, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ECON 1012, ECON 1008 or ECON 1011", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically project work, mid-term exam and final assignment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course covers important aspects of the historical evolution of the global economy from hunter gatherer societies, through the industrial revolution until today. The analysis of long-term economic development over the last two centuries includes historical developments of economic ideas and concepts and how these shaped economic policy and development. With a global outlook it focuses on topics which are relevant to an understanding of current economic issues ranging from industrialization processes to international financial and trade arrangements to the rise of the welfare state and government intervention in the economy.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2651": {"id": "R-44uhQAZo-pPBoU29nXh", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "WAPYpCz6lYltYPbPvHR-U", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21396, "section": "TU04", "size": 50, "enrolled": 46, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, 207, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, 207, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21661, "section": "TU02", "size": 50, "enrolled": 36, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 220, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 220, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "hp5IOMMAT7Vgq5QbfKLmq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21659, "section": "SE01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 82, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2652": {"id": "PAS6ebEHNTceCg9qm7dNh", "course_id": "110361", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110361", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Managerial Economics II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "2514", "CLASS_NBR": 11957, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Not suitable for students enrolled in B.Eco(Adv) program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ECON 1012, ECON 1005 or ECON 1010", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 2516", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically assignments, mid-term test and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course builds on the microeconomic principles studied in the Level I Economics courses and provides an analysis of the way decisions are made by individual economic agents. It develops a basis for evaluating the efficiency and equity implications of various market structures, and a perspective on the appropriate role of government. Included are the study of consumer choice, production and cost, market structure, and market failure. Managerial Economics II will continue on the emphasis on applications as in Principles of Economics I.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2653": {"id": "PAS6ebEHNTceCg9qm7dNh", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "kkFDPS4emhzLwZxy0EKcE", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11671, "section": "TU04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 11, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11672, "section": "TU03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11673, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11957, "section": "TU05", "size": 25, "enrolled": 14, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "DxWfABmDrlehWOJg-okfl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11670, "section": "LE01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 74, "available": 26, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2654": {"id": "3ycw_609V0_9NZOT81-vk", "course_id": "110361", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110361", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Managerial Economics II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "2514", "CLASS_NBR": 21665, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Not suitable for students enrolled in B.Eco(Adv) program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ECON 1012, ECON 1005 or ECON 1010", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 2516", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically assignments, mid-term test and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course builds on the microeconomic principles studied in the Level I Economics courses and provides an analysis of the way decisions are made by individual economic agents. It develops a basis for evaluating the efficiency and equity implications of various market structures, and a perspective on the appropriate role of government. Included are the study of consumer choice, production and cost, market structure, and market failure. Managerial Economics II will continue on the emphasis on applications as in Principles of Economics I.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2655": {"id": "3ycw_609V0_9NZOT81-vk", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "5hsxSbD2_ajIaxmGHnCz-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20458, "section": "TU03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 18, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21665, "section": "TU04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 14, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21667, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 22, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "JcgJoaGlfqJWYMiW_ILan", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21663, "section": "LE01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 54, "available": 46, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2656": {"id": "i3qs7v-8Ybctl2RStFCFw", "course_id": "110362", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110362", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Intermediate Applied Econometrics II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "2515", "CLASS_NBR": 11676, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091903", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Not suitable for students enrolled in B.Eco(Adv) program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ECON 1012, ECON 1005 or ECON 1010, ECON 1008 or ECON 1011", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 2517", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically assignments, mid-term test and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an introduction to the econometric techniques used to analyse data sets in economics, business and finance. It builds on basic statistics, inference and regression as covered in introductory statistics courses but does not include time series econometrics. The focus is on understanding the methods involved, using statistical software to provide the results and then interpreting and commenting on these results. The course reviews basic statistics, regression and inference, and then introduces multiple regression analysis, which remains the most commonly used statistical technique in econometrics. The remainder of the course considers various practical aspects of linear regression models and may include dummy variables, different functional forms and the consequences of violation of the classical regression assumptions.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2657": {"id": "i3qs7v-8Ybctl2RStFCFw", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "csPtmjMPl91U7P5YxRJAj", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11676, "section": "TU06", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, 220, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, 220, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11677, "section": "TU05", "size": 25, "enrolled": 16, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 220, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 220, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11678, "section": "TU04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 22, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, 228, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, 228, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11679, "section": "TU03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 19, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, 228, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, 228, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11680, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 16, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, 228, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, 228, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "E1rbava0h4oJPxl8XdjPG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11675, "section": "LE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 57, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19190, "section": "LEC0", "size": 90, "enrolled": 40, "available": 50, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This Lecture can be viewed on the web via MyUni and so has no time or location allocated to it. Students enrolling in the Lecture can attend the live lecture if space permits."}]}]}]}]}, "2658": {"id": "rxXf7J4gPVq2Xy4oQvfBU", "course_id": "110362", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110362", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Intermediate Applied Econometrics II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "2515", "CLASS_NBR": 21718, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091903", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Not suitable for students enrolled in B.Eco(Adv) program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ECON 1012, ECON 1005 or ECON 1010, ECON 1008 or ECON 1011", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 2517", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically assignments, mid-term test and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an introduction to the econometric techniques used to analyse data sets in economics, business and finance. It builds on basic statistics, inference and regression as covered in introductory statistics courses but does not include time series econometrics. The focus is on understanding the methods involved, using statistical software to provide the results and then interpreting and commenting on these results. The course reviews basic statistics, regression and inference, and then introduces multiple regression analysis, which remains the most commonly used statistical technique in econometrics. The remainder of the course considers various practical aspects of linear regression models and may include dummy variables, different functional forms and the consequences of violation of the classical regression assumptions.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2659": {"id": "rxXf7J4gPVq2Xy4oQvfBU", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "3vidaEo3B-TFxmH52J0Xj", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21718, "section": "TU05", "size": 25, "enrolled": 16, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, 220, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 29 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, 220, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21719, "section": "TU04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 15, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, 220, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 29 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, 220, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21720, "section": "TU03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 13, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, 228, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, 228, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21721, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 6, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 220, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 220, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21722, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 6, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 220, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 220, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "HvYyCZaOnl4TV45idDxru", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21723, "section": "LE01", "size": 125, "enrolled": 56, "available": 69, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 1 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2660": {"id": "74Ilv5rU-z-j-oH2GvaXY", "course_id": "110363", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110363", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Intermediate Microeconomics II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "2516", "CLASS_NBR": 21668, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to B.Economics (Advanced) students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ECON 1012, ECON 1010", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 2506, ECON 2512", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically assignments, mid-term test and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course builds on the microeconomic principles studied in the Level I Economics courses and provides a rigorous analysis of the way in which the market system functions as a mechanism for coordinating the independent choices of individual economic agents. It develops a basis for evaluating the efficiency and equity implications of competition and other market structures, and a perspective on the appropriate role of government. Included are the study of consumer choice, production and cost, market structure, and market failure. Intermediate Microeconomics II will put a strong emphasis on the mastery of theoretical concepts and analytical tools, with some applications to real world problems.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2661": {"id": "74Ilv5rU-z-j-oH2GvaXY", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "lMPS03jdE77nK6zhZxZeY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21668, "section": "WR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 14, "available": 26, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "a_219oPxH6qXynFJdSKCU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21669, "section": "LE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 14, "available": 26, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2662": {"id": "fMEdPPYszoyqm28Z_B4-E", "course_id": "110364", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110364", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Intermediate Econometrics II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "2517", "CLASS_NBR": 21671, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091903", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to B.Economics (Advanced) students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ECON 1012, ECON 1010, ECON 1011", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 2504", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically assignments, mid-term test and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an in-depth introduction to the advanced econometric techniques used to analyse data sets in economics, business and finance. It builds on statistics, inference and regression but does not include time series econometrics. The focus is on understanding the theory of the methods involved, as well as interpreting and commenting on the results obtained using statistical software. The course introduces multiple regression analysis, which remains the most commonly used statistical technique in econometrics. It considers various aspects of linear regression models and may include dummy variables, different functional forms and the consequences of violation of the classical regression assumptions.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2663": {"id": "fMEdPPYszoyqm28Z_B4-E", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "eNF2fI_oQW7mtFumid8Fw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21671, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 16, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, 217, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, 217, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, 207, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "ytPd5nPyntQeGvtoQCP3t", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21670, "section": "LE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 16, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2664": {"id": "LZIHu7B_TGoCAsgjCzM5L", "course_id": "105506", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105506", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Resource and Environmental Economics III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "3500", "CLASS_NBR": 11683, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ECON 2514 or ECON 2516", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically a project, presentations, tutorial assignments and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course studies the application of economic analysis to the management of the environmental and natural resources. We will consider the role of economic theory in understanding and solving environmental and resource problems and discuss empirical examinations of the theory. Domestic and international policy implications will be addressed. A key assessment component will involve students undertaking a significant policy project regarding a topical resource or environmental issue. Topics that may be covered include: air and water pollution, sustainability, plastic bags, household energy use, renewable and non-renewable resource management (fisheries, forests, and minerals), and the impact of trade.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2665": {"id": "LZIHu7B_TGoCAsgjCzM5L", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "bPTOmv_gBTPtRLB572z5t", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11683, "section": "TU03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 20, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G13, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11684, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 15, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G13, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "I8sAvjTrXe1H-1kKq6aE5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11682, "section": "LE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 35, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2666": {"id": "HOzmyrYA2tnC_TNATd8l1", "course_id": "105507", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105507", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Development Economics III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "3501", "CLASS_NBR": 10010, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ECON 2514 or ECON 2516", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically, tutorial work, mid-Semester test, assignment and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is an intermediate undergraduate course in development economics. The course will typically cover topics such as: the meaning and measurement of economic development; growth theories; poverty and income distribution; the role of geography and institutions; fertility and population growth; the role of credit markets and microfinance; health and nutrition, education, female empowerment.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2667": {"id": "HOzmyrYA2tnC_TNATd8l1", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "LOGLVjtPUCverMZJ3Phjr", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10010, "section": "TU03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 19, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11687, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 15, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "oj0oxuqc3x_Ra5EfV1od3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11686, "section": "LE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 34, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2668": {"id": "UMk130LDHkZnFwtSGoYJn", "course_id": "105508", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105508", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Econometrics III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "3502", "CLASS_NBR": 21673, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091903", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to B.Economics (Advanced) students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ECON 2517", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically group and individual assignments and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course reviews the multiple linear regression and introduces advanced topics in econometrics such as pooling cross sections across time, advanced panel data, instrumental variables, limited dependent variable models and sample selection correction, and advanced time series topics. The focus is on understanding the methods involved, using statistical software (STATA or R or Matlab) to provide the results and then interpreting and commenting on these results. Particular attention is paid to the econometric theory, to the application of econometrics to real-world problems, and to the interpretation of the estimation results.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2669": {"id": "UMk130LDHkZnFwtSGoYJn", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "_fMK_aG76gnrA-AKHzcfe", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21673, "section": "WR01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 17, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, 228, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, 228, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "e28ScGY1i14szWj_rD2lA", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21672, "section": "LE01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 17, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2670": {"id": "bMzzv1y8y57bikveiIDPG", "course_id": "105509", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105509", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Game Theory III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "3503", "CLASS_NBR": 21678, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically assignments, mid-Semester exam, final exam and participation.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an introduction to Game Theory. Game Theory is a mathematical framework which makes possible the analysis of the decision making process of interdependent subjects. It is aimed at explaining and predicting how individuals behave in a specific strategic situation, and therefore help improve decision making. A situation is strategic if the outcome of a decision problem depends on the choices of more than one person. Most decision problems in real life are strategic. \nThe course will explain in depth the standard equilibrium concepts (such as Nash Equilibrium, Subgame-Perfect Nash Equilibrium, and others) in Game Theory. To illustrate the concepts, real-world examples, case studies, and classroom experiments might be used.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2671": {"id": "bMzzv1y8y57bikveiIDPG", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "Vel10XHfwufwXtVlqCTJg", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21674, "section": "TU02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 21, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21675, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 15, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "pYZohXvq7Z58qJ7fwRB47", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21678, "section": "WR01", "size": 48, "enrolled": 36, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2672": {"id": "FtJDoX9XzUiYkrGUNR6EE", "course_id": "105510", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105510", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Labour Economics III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "3504", "CLASS_NBR": 11693, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ECON 2514 or ECON 2516", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically project, assignments, and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to introduce students to economic models of the labour market, both theoretical and empirical. Illustrations from current policy debates are used. After completing this course, students will be able to describe key features of the labour market, analyse models of the labour market in order to make predictions concerning the impact of public policy recommendations, and evaluate existing data relating to these predictions. Topics may include the supply of labour and accumulation of human capital; demand for labour in competitive and non-competitive markets; labour unions; the determination of equilibrium wages; wage discrimination; policies such as minimum wage laws, welfare reform, and trade.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2673": {"id": "FtJDoX9XzUiYkrGUNR6EE", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "XPsdrY2gdXkHTs6QJYqMf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11693, "section": "TU02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 25, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "YiA9z9ify7vJtxCt4SeKj", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13766, "section": "LE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 25, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2674": {"id": "m6u4nIGDWjmOLaO-y9qpg", "course_id": "105511", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105511", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "International Trade III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "3506", "CLASS_NBR": 13415, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ECON 2514 or ECON 2516", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically tutorial assignments, mid-term test and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course deals with the theory and practice of international trade and of trade-related policies. It focuses on analysing the gains from trade, the changing patterns of trade, the income distributional consequences of liberalising foreign trade, the relationship between trade, investment, and economic growth, and the reasons for and consequences of trade policies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2675": {"id": "m6u4nIGDWjmOLaO-y9qpg", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "_bqWeR5NqUeAFRXTsx88e", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11698, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11699, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 15, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13415, "section": "TU05", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "UPjyk15Ev4MvxB0TtdU6x", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11695, "section": "LE01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 61, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2676": {"id": "E2N-_O7GfwdycmuCWOEE3", "course_id": "105513", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105513", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Public Economics III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "3508", "CLASS_NBR": 21680, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ECON 2514 or ECON 2516", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically mid-Semester test and final exam and (optional) essay", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course investigates the role of the public sector in the economic arena. We will attempt to explain why government intervention is needed, how it influences the behaviour of the private sector and what the welfare effects of such influences are. We will also survey political economy, which regards actions of the public sector as determined by political processes. Topics covered may include welfare economics, market failures, and political economy.\n\nStudents are expected to be familiar with one variable calculus and optimization techniques at the level required in Managerial Economics II or Intermediate Microeconomics II.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2677": {"id": "E2N-_O7GfwdycmuCWOEE3", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "Ma3rWUieTsI7k1SoUiszn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21680, "section": "TU01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 33, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "dWKCTLDoAk5kLzxN1KVix", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23812, "section": "LE01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 33, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2678": {"id": "ahM1DiV7hW9s9ZGaFYhJS", "course_id": "105515", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105515", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "International Finance III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "3510", "CLASS_NBR": 21682, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ECON 1012", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically, online quizzes, mid-term and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course deals with the analysis of three important and related macroeconomics issues in open economies: exchange rates, capital flows and financial crises. The objectives of the course are two-fold: to introduce and critically evaluate the main relevant economic theories, models and empirical works in these three key areas of International Finance; and to apply these analytical tools to build an understanding of relevant economic developments and policy issues in the global markets. There will be discussions of relevant current events relating to Australia, our main trading partners and the rest of the world.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2679": {"id": "ahM1DiV7hW9s9ZGaFYhJS", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "svBhvZFb9RfEOHSeeRwZe", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21682, "section": "TU05", "size": 25, "enrolled": 16, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21683, "section": "TU04", "size": 15, "enrolled": 9, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21684, "section": "TU03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21685, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 20, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21686, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "W8OWBjAozYNKc2a6B4ED_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21681, "section": "LE01", "size": 125, "enrolled": 93, "available": 32, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2680": {"id": "-Hkt7N8E0yImpm3JmKCkJ", "course_id": "105517", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105517", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Money, Banking and Financial Markets III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "3511", "CLASS_NBR": 10748, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ECON 2507or ECON 2508, ECON 1005 or ECON 1010", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically a mid-Semester test, assignments, tutorial participation and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course links the fields of macroeconomics and central banking. The role of money in the economy and the impact of monetary policy on the macroeconomy are examined. The course aims at providing students with the means to analyse monetary questions and institutions. It is not a course designed to further technical expertise in the instruments used in financial markets.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2681": {"id": "-Hkt7N8E0yImpm3JmKCkJ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "VVjDkrhghA-XWNNAsEP-C", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10748, "section": "TU07", "size": 25, "enrolled": 21, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11700, "section": "TU05", "size": 25, "enrolled": 18, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11701, "section": "TU04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11702, "section": "TU03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 7, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11703, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 21, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11704, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 20, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "QWsplHiju4SIlxK0ww1zR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13767, "section": "LE01", "size": 150, "enrolled": 112, "available": 38, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2682": {"id": "WkYJGJa1zr7QbBZ8QKDTi", "course_id": "107799", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107799", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Economic Analysis III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "3523", "CLASS_NBR": 21688, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to B.Economics (Advanced) students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(ECON 2507 and ECON 2506) or (ECON 2507 and ECON 2516)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 3525", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically, assignments, mid-term test, student presentation & final exam or project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is a capstone course that focuses on applying economic modelling and analytical techniques acquired during the BEc(Adv) degree to important contemporary economic questions. By the end of the course, the students will have learned how advanced economic research is employing economic theory and analytical tools\u00a0to investigate real-world issues. Specifically, the course will aim to make connections between economic theory and a variety of econometric methods and offer students both a clear understanding and some hands-on experience in empirical identification of causal linkages", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2683": {"id": "WkYJGJa1zr7QbBZ8QKDTi", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "fb7XkNaXG-QqubFGrc9EL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21687, "section": "LE01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 19, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "a_1AM4PNuB3QsJhK_DD4z", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21688, "section": "WR01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 19, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2684": {"id": "yNc6Tv10I3D2HrEwdxwji", "course_id": "108266", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108266", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Economic Policy Analysis III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "3525", "CLASS_NBR": 21690, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week in Weeks 1-10 and up to 5 hours per week in weeks 11-12.", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ECON 2507, ECON 2514, ECON 2515", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 3523", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically, progress reports and a final presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is about the design and evaluation of economic and social policies. It provides students with the theoretical tools needed to design such policies and with the empirical tools needed to evaluate them. Students will apply these tools to write policy reports for the policy maker. Case studies and empirical examples will be discussed, and will offer a model for the issues which students are required to research and write about. This course is the capstone experience for the B.Ec.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2685": {"id": "yNc6Tv10I3D2HrEwdxwji", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "2U7_Z8MWASfPXIooSLYYa", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21690, "section": "WR04", "size": 36, "enrolled": 34, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21692, "section": "WR02", "size": 35, "enrolled": 34, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "1cvFRIl0zXFaDB1A0Ssiq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21689, "section": "SE01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 68, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2686": {"id": "njOI9c5PGFalejE_YKANx", "course_id": "110365", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110365", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Applied Econometrics III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "3530", "CLASS_NBR": 11707, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091903", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Not suitable for students enrolled in B.Eco(Adv) program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ECON 2515", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 3502", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically assignments, mid-term test and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course covers the estimation, inference and identification of linear regression models. It focuses on applying econometric techniques to real-world problems, and on interpreting the estimation results. The first part of the course includes a review on statistics and an introduction to large sample theory. The second part of the course focuses on issues in linear regressions including model misspecification, measurement errors, and endogenous regressors. Topics typically include instrumental variable regressions and panel data. The course will include the use of STATA, a standard software for econometric and statistical analysis.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2687": {"id": "njOI9c5PGFalejE_YKANx", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "ohDuY3Ito38vF_dqh6_on", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11707, "section": "TU04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 15, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, 228, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, 228, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11708, "section": "TU03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, 220, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, 220, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11710, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 15, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, 228, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, 228, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "4fg7Ox84KUlnAD0fKVKQ5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11705, "section": "LE01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 54, "available": 46, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2688": {"id": "x8n06iYGYS_JAI21Y1rIu", "course_id": "108011", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108011", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Behavioural Game Theory and Experiments IV (H)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "4009", "CLASS_NBR": 25532, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students enrolled in the Bachelor of Economics (Honours) program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 7229", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically, task in the design of an experiment, assignment and mid-term test", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course covers fundamental findings in behavioural economics such as social preferences (envy, greed, altruism) reciprocity and bounded rationality [first six weeks]. In the second part, the empirical side of behavioural economics is taught. The methodology of experimental economics is explained using a real research project the students will be designing and conducting.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2689": {"id": "x8n06iYGYS_JAI21Y1rIu", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "cO-dB-7UfgtHsSWjXxU2T", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25532, "section": "LE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, 217, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, 217, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, 217, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, 217, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "2690": {"id": "_Tt8NSK90kh9EG0RTL47b", "course_id": "107801", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107801", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Economics Thesis", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "4010", "CLASS_NBR": 28530, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students enrolled in the B.Ec (Honours) program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ECON 4011; ECON 4012; ECON 4014; one other Level IV ECON course", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "8,000 - 12,000 word thesis, 100%. Typically, the grade for the oral defence of the thesis will count for up to 20% of this overall thesis grade.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Honours Economics Thesis is designed to provide high-achieving, high-ability students with the tools to undertake individual research. During the Thesis development process, students are expected to (i) learn how to identify research questions, (ii) obtain the ability to map economic theory into coherent explanations of real-world problems, and (iii) learn how to confront economic theory with real-world data. In addition, students should learn valuable presentation skills and writing skills. Part of this learning process may be formalised in a weekly Thesis workshop. Individual learning and development should occur under the mentorship of a student's Thesis supervisor.\n\nThis thesis course must be commenced and completed within one semester.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2691": {"id": "_Tt8NSK90kh9EG0RTL47b", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "c7oxE8jbPkuI3mr5CStnZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28530, "section": "LE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 7, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "class is scheduled in Nexus 10 room 3.01 (level 3 , Nexus10)."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "2692": {"id": "pHSF2hnKlutyqkHedrmUJ", "course_id": "108012", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108012", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Microeconomic Theory IV (H)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "4011", "CLASS_NBR": 11711, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students enrolled in the Bachelor of Economics (Honours) program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 7121", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically mid-Semester test and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces key advanced methods and theories of contemporary microeconomics. Topics may include the economic behaviour of individual units, in particular consumers and firms; expected utility and uncertainty; welfare economics; information economics; and auction theory.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2693": {"id": "pHSF2hnKlutyqkHedrmUJ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "w8DoPeWtKN0Pk5VPSQmEP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13768, "section": "LE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 6, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "ueNmMYr2epbMAh0S1wB9x", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11711, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 6, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2694": {"id": "IzV38OOuYQ5YHwpkFGN60", "course_id": "108013", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108013", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Macroeconomics IV (H)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "4012", "CLASS_NBR": 13769, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students enrolled in the Bachelor of Economics (Honours) program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 7122", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically individual assignments, midterm and final exam or project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course serves as an introduction to advanced methods and theories in macroeconomics. Techniques may include a more formal treatment of comparative statics, dynamics and stability analysis and may involve matrix algebra as well as simple differential and difference equations. The course typically introduces the student to dynamic stochastic general equilibrium models and the theory of rational expectations equilibrium as a tool to construct models for policy examination.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2695": {"id": "IzV38OOuYQ5YHwpkFGN60", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "gtGprmBx20AmiHohyk9gf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13769, "section": "LE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 6, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2696": {"id": "2kbnGcu1HBO7O_XDVS3vq", "course_id": "108014", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108014", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Time Series Econometrics IV (H)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "4013", "CLASS_NBR": 20018, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students enrolled in the Bachelor of Economics (Honours) program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ECON 4014", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 7223", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically homework problem sets, Just in time teaching (JiTT), empirical project, mid-term test & final exam.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of this course is to study time series methods in econometrics. Students are expected to have knowledge in statistics and Level IV econometrics or equivalent. Topics typically include stationarity, unit roots, autoregressive moving average (ARMA), forecasting, maximum likelihood estimation (MLE), vector autoregression (VAR), structural vector autoregression (SVAR), and co-integration. The emphasis is on understanding the methods and applying them to real-world data.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2697": {"id": "2kbnGcu1HBO7O_XDVS3vq", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Ml-92_xxFTK4l1UsEN5oI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20017, "section": "LE01", "size": 14, "enrolled": 3, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 217, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 217, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "Nr4EGeqYNzJOyGGk8fee9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20018, "section": "WR01", "size": 14, "enrolled": 3, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 217, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 217, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "2698": {"id": "X32FTha1KLTvRyAU3k7Vi", "course_id": "108015", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108015", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Econometrics IV (H)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "4014", "CLASS_NBR": 11713, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students enrolled in the Bachelor of Economics (Honours) program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 7204", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically homework problem sets, Just in time teaching (JiTT), empirical projects & final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The objective of this course is to study more advanced topics in econometrics. Students are expected to have knowledge in statistics and multiple regression models at the level of Econometrics III/PG or equivalent. Topics typically include linear regression models, instrument variables (IV) estimation, generalized method of moment (GMM), maximum likelihood estimation (MLE), limited dependent variable (LDV) models, treatment effect and sample selection corrections, panel data methods, Monte Carlo simulations and bootstrap methods. The emphasis is on understanding the models and the related theories. Through the course, we will apply the theories developed to real-world data and interpret the estimation results in many different respects.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2699": {"id": "X32FTha1KLTvRyAU3k7Vi", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "mhuMPh1lTLTnqgnJrLCTS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11712, "section": "LE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 6, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "vrFxhlricYt_eC0MWWWSn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11713, "section": "WR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 6, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, 217, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, 217, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "2700": {"id": "LsRzCboLeX16O7PrAqJ1O", "course_id": "108016", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108016", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Public Economics IV (H)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "4015", "CLASS_NBR": 11714, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students enrolled in the Bachelor of Economics (Honours) program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically, assignments and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course deals with theoretical foundations of public economics with a focus on public goods. The topics covered may include efficiency in allocation of public goods, private and public provision of public goods, externalities, VCG mechanisms, congestion etc. Students will do presentations of public economics topics of their choice to get a broader view of the subject .", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2701": {"id": "LsRzCboLeX16O7PrAqJ1O", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "NFfZmI37_54bwr3hgLy2w", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11714, "section": "LE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 6, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2702": {"id": "XROjkSHuTepjnu_Yks2IJ", "course_id": "110554", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110554", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Econometrics for Business Research IV(H)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "4018", "CLASS_NBR": 11715, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091903", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week, some weeks up to 5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students enrolled in the Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) or Bachelor of Finance (Honours)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ECON 2515", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 3502", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically, group and individual assignments, project and final exam.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course focuses on the estimation, inference and identification of linear regression models. Particular attention is paid to the econometric theory, to the application of econometrics to real-world problems, and to the interpretation of the estimation results. The first part of the course includes a review on statistics and an introduction to large sample theory. The second part of the course focuses on issues in linear regressions including model misspecification, measurement errors, and endogenous regressors. Topics typically include instrumental variable regressions and panel data. The course will include the use of STATA, a standard software for econometric and statistical analysis.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2703": {"id": "XROjkSHuTepjnu_Yks2IJ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "_BLdp4IFLc9sUOpSAMEmE", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13770, "section": "TU01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, 228, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, 228, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "7QjkPrTS4nW12j2MnzJHp", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11715, "section": "WR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, 207, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, 207, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "YEITq-tvs7LMYu8ycIM4l", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11716, "section": "LE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2704": {"id": "XjIMnMHIrVCGJQu0hgprC", "course_id": "002747", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "002747", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Resource & Environmental Economics PG", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "7016", "CLASS_NBR": 11718, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ECON 7241", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 3500", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically a project, presentations, tutorial assignments and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course studies the application of economic analysis to the management of the environmental and natural resources. We will consider the role of economic theory in understanding and solving environmental and resource problems and discuss empirical examinations of the theory. Policy implications will be addressed with particular attention paid to analysing practical applications of the theories in different social, economic and political environments. A key assessment component will involve students undertaking a practical analysis of a resource or environmental policy of relevance to themselves or country of origin. Topics that may be covered include: air and water pollution, sustainability, plastic bags, household energy use, renewable and non-renewable resource management (fisheries, forests, and minerals), and the impact of trade.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2705": {"id": "XjIMnMHIrVCGJQu0hgprC", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "OxiYtEq_THGvNBTDeJk_H", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11718, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 15, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "nWkEv1QCXfj68W1P0Z80s", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11717, "section": "LE01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 15, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2706": {"id": "7SDPoWPplNKkNKcPiIddJ", "course_id": "004587", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "004587", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Public Economics PG", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "7032", "CLASS_NBR": 20936, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ECON 7241", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 3508", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically a mid-Semester test and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course investigates the role of the public sector in the economic arena. We will attempt to explain why government intervention is needed, how it influences the behaviour of the private sector and what the welfare effects of such influences are. We will also survey political economy, which regards actions of the public sector as determined by political processes. Topics covered may include welfare economics, market failures, innovation policy, and political economy.\nStudents are expected to be familiar with one variable calculus and optimization techniques at the level of Managerial Economics IID or equivalent.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2707": {"id": "7SDPoWPplNKkNKcPiIddJ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "QFiYUvxkj8_Fx-w7kbag8", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20936, "section": "TU01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 8, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "WXFW1Fj-w_vZuYM53eN25", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23813, "section": "LE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 8, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2708": {"id": "JD-1kKH-05vayBYxzQG1T", "course_id": "004806", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "004806", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "International Trade and Investment Policy IID", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "7036", "CLASS_NBR": 20868, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ECON 7200", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 2500", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically tutorial assignments and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "How has globalization changed Australia and other economies across the globe? Why have flows of goods and services, foreign direct investment and migration increased so tremendously in recent times? And how should we evaluate these phenomena? Who wins and who loses from globalization? What does it imply for workers, consumers, and firms? And how does government policy influence it? The course will expose students both to classical trade theories as well as more recent developments such as the new (new) trade theory. A specific focus will be put on using simple economic models to analyse policy-relevant questions. As this is an introductory postgraduate course in international trade, no previous knowledge of international economics is assumed.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2709": {"id": "JD-1kKH-05vayBYxzQG1T", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "DOr-26GVUQI3SPs8VxSiQ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20868, "section": "TU02", "size": 4, "enrolled": 4, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "NV1-Sn82Xv9Et_vFkqONW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21697, "section": "LE01", "size": 4, "enrolled": 4, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2710": {"id": "F99tmoxwDH1s2heDEj8lz", "course_id": "005633", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "005633", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "International Finance PG", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "7044", "CLASS_NBR": 20869, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ECON 7200 or ECON 7222", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 3510", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically, online quizzes, assignments, mid-term and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course deals with the analysis of three important and related macroeconomics issues in open economies: exchange rates, capital flows and financial crises. The objectives of the course are two-fold: to introduce and critically evaluate the main relevant economic theories, models and empirical works in these three key areas of International Finance; and to apply these analytical tools to build an understanding of relevant economic developments and policy issues in the global markets. The basic tenets of international finance are presented through a core textbook, assigned readings and online lectures.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2711": {"id": "F99tmoxwDH1s2heDEj8lz", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "_HKFXFfgiM65w0zkHGkgo", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20869, "section": "TU02", "size": 10, "enrolled": 7, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "cytEkckrFVlewUY8Vn7cC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21699, "section": "LE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 7, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2712": {"id": "-JXWy2ic4tnXGA-0YQexQ", "course_id": "006807", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "006807", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Development Economics PG", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "7058", "CLASS_NBR": 10974, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ECON 7241", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 3501", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically mid-Semester test, tutorial work & final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is an intermediate postgraduate course in development economics. The course will typically cover topics such as: the meaning and measurement of economic development; growth theories; poverty and income distribution; the role of geography and institutions; fertility and population growth; the role of credit markets and microfinance; health and nutrition, education, female empowerment.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2713": {"id": "-JXWy2ic4tnXGA-0YQexQ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "Ss6Mvn7a8nxywFdDba9Ll", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10974, "section": "TU02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 7, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG11, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG11, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "S9Wqh7UkD_zDYEs-1-0Lb", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11719, "section": "LE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 7, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2714": {"id": "Zc_dfc0RN5lfPsTY3zNEf", "course_id": "007669", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "007669", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Game Theory PG", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "7062", "CLASS_NBR": 21702, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ECON 7241", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 3503", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically assignments, mid-Semester test, participation & final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an introduction to Game Theory. Game Theory is a mathematical framework which makes possible the analysis of the decision making process of interdependent subjects. It is aimed at explaining and predicting how individuals behave in a specific strategic situation, and therefore help improve decision making. A situation is strategic if the outcome of a decision problem depends on the choices of more than one person. Most decision problems in real life are strategic. \nThe course will explain in depth the standard equilibrium concepts (such as Nash Equilibrium, Subgame-Perfect Nash Equilibrium, and others) in Game Theory. To illustrate the concepts, real-world examples, case studies, and classroom experiments might be used.\nStudents will also participate in a group project involving the use of Game Theory to model contemporary issues.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2715": {"id": "Zc_dfc0RN5lfPsTY3zNEf", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "q-prrlPfAfO-GOdN1VfRd", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21701, "section": "TU01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 3, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "bWLP2W3rfFu5cWwWM-YG1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21702, "section": "WR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 3, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2716": {"id": "n4c2rXkNpHGeP4HuSDyPJ", "course_id": "008565", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "008565", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Labour Economics PG", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "7070", "CLASS_NBR": 18888, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ECON 7011", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 3504", "ASSESSMENT": "Case study, tutorial participation, essay and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to introduce students to economic models of the labour market, both theoretical and empirical. Illustrations from current policy debates are used. After completing this course, students will be able to describe key features of the labour market, analyse models of the labour market in order to make predictions concerning the impact of public policy recommendations, and evaluate existing data relating to these predictions. Topics include the supply of labour and accumulation of human capital; the demand for labour in competitive and non-competitive markets; \nthe determination of equilibrium wages; wage discrimination; labour unions; and policies such as minimum wage laws, welfare reform, and trade.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2717": {"id": "n4c2rXkNpHGeP4HuSDyPJ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "FLxnLi4kOLn1-4U15gcB9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18888, "section": "TU02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG19, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG19, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "dtx0dVs96uf0fx1dAjPhH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13771, "section": "LE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2718": {"id": "tN78m5AepBfMwMrCRW-dq", "course_id": "008917", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "008917", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Intermediate Macroeconomics IID", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "7071", "CLASS_NBR": 14601, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 2507, ECON 7071UAC", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically mid-semester test, assignments and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Macroeconomics is concerned with the behaviour of the economy as a whole. In particular it addresses the big issues which affect us on a day to day basis. As macroeconomists we want to know why some countries grow more quickly than others, why some experience high rates of unemployment and why all countries experience recessions and booms. Furthermore, we want to know if government policy can have an impact on these factors. The aim of this course is to provide these tools that allow for and give a deeper understanding of these issues.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2719": {"id": "tN78m5AepBfMwMrCRW-dq", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "-ugKXFbU-XQKhG_BdGlQY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14601, "section": "TU02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 5, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "jMc_A-7ZsK5wBEmPw513_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11745, "section": "LE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 5, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2720": {"id": "6EeRZJ8TpZmBCh29RYhAl", "course_id": "008917", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "008917", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Intermediate Macroeconomics IID", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "7071", "CLASS_NBR": 21704, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 2507, ECON 7071UAC", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically mid-semester test, assignments and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Macroeconomics is concerned with the behaviour of the economy as a whole. In particular it addresses the big issues which affect us on a day to day basis. As macroeconomists we want to know why some countries grow more quickly than others, why some experience high rates of unemployment and why all countries experience recessions and booms. Furthermore, we want to know if government policy can have an impact on these factors. The aim of this course is to provide these tools that allow for and give a deeper understanding of these issues.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2721": {"id": "6EeRZJ8TpZmBCh29RYhAl", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "d5vj7XCagQJDtSDXVbDo3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21704, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "eT4FdY4v2UllfggXco1A9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21703, "section": "LE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2722": {"id": "dXTyVj-oaDtVsUudRqpy2", "course_id": "109857", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109857", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Intermediate Macroeconomics IID", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "7071UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 14602, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 2507, ECON 7071", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically, mid-semester test, assignments and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Macroeconomics is concerned with the behaviour of the economy as a whole. In particular it addresses the big issues which affect us on a day to day basis. As macroeconomists we want to know why some countries grow more quickly than others, why some experience high rates of unemployment and why all countries experience recessions and booms. Furthermore, we want to know if government policy can have an impact on these factors. The aim of this course is to provide these tools that allow for and give a deeper understanding of these issues.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2723": {"id": "dXTyVj-oaDtVsUudRqpy2", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "_E7pFSzCalg-qlkwlZrCo", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14602, "section": "TU02", "size": 3, "enrolled": 0, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "yLE2RtehBia1envTVAqpZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11722, "section": "LE01", "size": 3, "enrolled": 0, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2724": {"id": "tCyvxGHVJfDw0kLYO9TE7", "course_id": "109857", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109857", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Intermediate Macroeconomics IID", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "7071UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 21706, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 2507, ECON 7071", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically, mid-semester test, assignments and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Macroeconomics is concerned with the behaviour of the economy as a whole. In particular it addresses the big issues which affect us on a day to day basis. As macroeconomists we want to know why some countries grow more quickly than others, why some experience high rates of unemployment and why all countries experience recessions and booms. Furthermore, we want to know if government policy can have an impact on these factors. The aim of this course is to provide these tools that allow for and give a deeper understanding of these issues.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2725": {"id": "tCyvxGHVJfDw0kLYO9TE7", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "G23KX9NyifcSvaUQFqrXx", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21706, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "GMmOz5f7k3lEymBMifa0y", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21705, "section": "LE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2726": {"id": "R5tanfePsrlWv2RiBiYH9", "course_id": "008959", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "008959", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "International Trade PG", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "7072", "CLASS_NBR": 14603, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080311", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ECON 7241", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 3506", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically mid-semester test, assignments and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course deals with the theory and practice of international trade and of trade-related policies. It focuses on analysing the gains from trade, the changing patterns of trade, the income distributional consequences of liberalising foreign trade, the relationship between trade, investment, and economic growth, and the reasons for and consequences of trade policies.\nThe course relies predominantly on a standard collection international trade models to understand the motivations behind modern trade policies. During the weekly seminar, students then analyse the efficacy of trade policy, considering both intended and unintended consequences of policy choices with particular attention paid to the changing geopolitical environment in which these policies exist.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2727": {"id": "R5tanfePsrlWv2RiBiYH9", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "3-n5LR9CMY2tdVOJYgUBv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11725, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14603, "section": "TU02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 5, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "5Eaw-rKaCNKI8rJpBMoLt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11724, "section": "LE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 5, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2728": {"id": "h1rkiipHi-t7LxFc8cBxJ", "course_id": "005611", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "005611", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Money, Banking and Financial Markets PG", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "7114", "CLASS_NBR": 11726, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "081101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ECON 7071", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 3511", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically, tutorial work, mid-Semester test, & final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course links the fields of macroeconomics and central banking. The role of money in the economy and the impact of monetary policy on the macroeconomy are examined. The course aims at providing students with the means to analyse monetary questions and institutions. It is not a course designed to further technical expertise in the instruments used in financial markets. Theories will be introduced during the lectures. Practical applications to current issues in money and banking will be discussed during the tutorials", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2729": {"id": "h1rkiipHi-t7LxFc8cBxJ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "UbfAzlf1S0R0UAGbTxngz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11726, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 5, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "O4yrg1WGWXOpuhb7stpHS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10015, "section": "LE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 5, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2730": {"id": "LtYTsLJfsUA1GD_r8mylK", "course_id": "003660", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "003660", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Public Economics IV", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "7115", "CLASS_NBR": 11727, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ECON 7032 or ECON 7121", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically, assignments & final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course deals with theoretical foundations of public economics with a focus on public goods. The topics covered may include efficiency in allocation of public goods, private and public provision of public goods, externalities, VCG mechanisms, congestion etc. Students will do presentations of public economics topics of their choice to get a broader view of the subject .", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2731": {"id": "LtYTsLJfsUA1GD_r8mylK", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "2rxc6bkMAnZ06eD7Tgs__", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11727, "section": "LE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2732": {"id": "rmYGIWVWs5q_ERRQqR-3v", "course_id": "006107", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "006107", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Microeconomic Theory IV", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "7121", "CLASS_NBR": 11728, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ECON 7241", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 4011", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically mid-Semester test & final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces key advanced methods and theories of contemporary microeconomics. Topics may include the economic behaviour of individual units, in particular consumers and firms; expected utility and uncertainty; welfare economics; information economics; and auction theory.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2733": {"id": "rmYGIWVWs5q_ERRQqR-3v", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "rPX6PTiOvcUlSWFbkyzWz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10016, "section": "LE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "_fVcUeGe5w8DM5a-E3PXf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11728, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2734": {"id": "2NCmT2taWhXi7woRTroPn", "course_id": "006126", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "006126", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Macroeconomics IV", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "7122", "CLASS_NBR": 10017, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ECON 7071", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 4012", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically includes individual assignments, midterm and final exam or project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course serves as an introduction to advanced methods and theories in macroeconomics. Techniques may include a more formal treatment of comparative statics, dynamics and stability analysis and may involve matrix algebra as well as simple differential and difference equations. The course typically introduces the student to dynamic stochastic general equilibrium models and the theory of rational expectations equilibrium as a tool to construct models for policy examination.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2735": {"id": "2NCmT2taWhXi7woRTroPn", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "YieNPRL4b-fpXO_kSvTHK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10017, "section": "LE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2736": {"id": "0ksUYa2zKp9B_Y6qvlOPD", "course_id": "102351", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102351", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Economic Principles (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "7200", "CLASS_NBR": 11338, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week, more if offered intensively", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 7222, ECON 7200AUACM, ECON 7200BUACM", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically assignments, case study analyses, group or individual projects, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is an introductory course in economics, which introduces students to the principles, concepts, data and analytical frameworks that economists use to understand the world around us. Students develop an understanding of how the economy works and how individuals, firms and governments make decisions and interact with one another in markets and other environments. The course also focuses on the ability of students to communicate about real-world issues and public policy debates through the lens of economics.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2737": {"id": "0ksUYa2zKp9B_Y6qvlOPD", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "zCJ26dT4QY-4wkutch09D", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10562, "section": "TU08", "size": 28, "enrolled": 28, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11338, "section": "TU12", "size": 28, "enrolled": 26, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 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3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15146, "section": "TU03", "size": 28, "enrolled": 28, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15147, "section": "TU02", "size": 28, "enrolled": 27, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 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4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2738": {"id": "HG6FNekz8ZgqXaq9xlDhF", "course_id": "102351", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102351", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Economic Principles (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "7200", "CLASS_NBR": 21357, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week, more if offered intensively", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 7222, ECON 7200AUACM, ECON 7200BUACM", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically assignments, case study analyses, group or individual projects, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is an introductory course in economics, which introduces students to the principles, concepts, data and analytical frameworks that economists use to understand the world around us. Students develop an understanding of how the economy works and how individuals, firms and governments make decisions and interact with one another in markets and other environments. The course also focuses on the ability of students to communicate about real-world issues and public policy debates through the lens of economics.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2739": {"id": "HG6FNekz8ZgqXaq9xlDhF", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "H51gVJb_noMP9DRwvfzxJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20460, "section": "TU07", "size": 35, "enrolled": 32, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 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Students develop an understanding of how the economy works and how individuals, firms and governments make decisions and interact with one another in markets and other environments. The course also focuses on the ability of students to communicate about real-world issues and public policy debates through the lens of economics.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "2741": {"id": "_V0plW4r8WKALzcs42r3O", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "lVsJaOeW1Jz9pVG2ycKYm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30002, "section": "LE01", "size": 68, "enrolled": 67, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Feb - 18 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2742": {"id": "9MNwfOqp6MvCI7EQg4iDy", "course_id": "102351", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102351", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Economic Principles (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "7200", "CLASS_NBR": 36036, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week, more if offered intensively", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 7222, ECON 7200AUACM, ECON 7200BUACM", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically assignments, case study analyses, group or individual projects, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is an introductory course in economics, which introduces students to the principles, concepts, data and analytical frameworks that economists use to understand the world around us. 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The course also focuses on the ability of students to communicate about real-world issues and public policy debates through the lens of economics.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "2743": {"id": "9MNwfOqp6MvCI7EQg4iDy", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "S0Qp5KT0ypBIvymgMOcPF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36036, "section": "LE01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 76, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Sep - 21 Nov", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2744": {"id": "9zGU85RumKs_qzRQciTcC", "course_id": "102351", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102351", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 7, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Economic Principles (M)", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "7200MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 19446, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week, more if offered intensively", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 7222, ECON 7200AUACM, ECON 7200BUACM", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically assignments, case study analyses, group or individual projects, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is an introductory course in economics, which introduces students to the principles, concepts, data and analytical frameworks that economists use to understand the world around us. Students develop an understanding of how the economy works and how individuals, firms and governments make decisions and interact with one another in markets and other environments. The course also focuses on the ability of students to communicate about real-world issues and public policy debates through the lens of economics.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2745": {"id": "9zGU85RumKs_qzRQciTcC", "class_list": [{"association_group": "", "groups": []}]}, "2746": {"id": "LwuiW7MTUiyIP6UR7bjcv", "course_id": "102351", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102351", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 7, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Economic Principles (M)", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "7200MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 29188, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week, more if offered intensively", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 7222, ECON 7200AUACM, ECON 7200BUACM", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically assignments, case study analyses, group or individual projects, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is an introductory course in economics, which introduces students to the principles, concepts, data and analytical frameworks that economists use to understand the world around us. Students develop an understanding of how the economy works and how individuals, firms and governments make decisions and interact with one another in markets and other environments. The course also focuses on the ability of students to communicate about real-world issues and public policy debates through the lens of economics.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2747": {"id": "LwuiW7MTUiyIP6UR7bjcv", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "xGGExDBGKpnZj8wWr0gne", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29187, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 0, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "kQM_YCklH8mRwq_bok3jM", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29186, "section": "LE01", "size": 48, "enrolled": 0, "available": 48, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29188, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 0, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2748": {"id": "lyuDyEHB54rTVPkWG_qjP", "course_id": "102351", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102351", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 5, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Economic Principles (M)", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "7200UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 11038, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week, more if offered intensively", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 7222, ECON 7200AUACM, ECON 7200BUACM", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically assignments, case study analyses, group or individual projects, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is an introductory course in economics, which introduces students to the principles, concepts, data and analytical frameworks that economists use to understand the world around us. Students develop an understanding of how the economy works and how individuals, firms and governments make decisions and interact with one another in markets and other environments. The course also focuses on the ability of students to communicate about real-world issues and public policy debates through the lens of economics.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2749": {"id": "lyuDyEHB54rTVPkWG_qjP", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "nNaygc4NX9PCHSAM5P_L1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11038, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 15, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "aPo7BNe9WfZ2sN_2Th9Zp", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11039, "section": "LE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 15, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14781, "section": "TT01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 15, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 314, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 314, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2750": {"id": "Bi3q7AeEZSKgxDEYD9HWs", "course_id": "102351", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102351", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 5, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Economic Principles (M)", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "7200UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 29544, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week, more if offered intensively", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 7222, ECON 7200AUACM, ECON 7200BUACM", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically assignments, case study analyses, group or individual projects, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is an introductory course in economics, which introduces students to the principles, concepts, data and analytical frameworks that economists use to understand the world around us. Students develop an understanding of how the economy works and how individuals, firms and governments make decisions and interact with one another in markets and other environments. The course also focuses on the ability of students to communicate about real-world issues and public policy debates through the lens of economics.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2751": {"id": "Bi3q7AeEZSKgxDEYD9HWs", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "eRxYTQUxsAPwUyBXunb0R", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20940, "section": "TU01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 15, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29544, "section": "TU02", "size": 15, "enrolled": 10, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tuition", "id": "V8T4W7fVkB4PmEBRjOCP1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24672, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 14, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Darling West, B03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Darling West, B03, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29560, "section": "TT02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 11, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, B03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, B03, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "2v6svUrc27KKi1ECioHIq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20008, "section": "LE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 25, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2752": {"id": "cPuxAqKbQemeYzWLAtZeM", "course_id": "102351", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102351", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 5, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Economic Principles (M)", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "7200UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 30082, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week, more if offered intensively", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 7222, ECON 7200AUACM, ECON 7200BUACM", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically assignments, case study analyses, group or individual projects, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is an introductory course in economics, which introduces students to the principles, concepts, data and analytical frameworks that economists use to understand the world around us. Students develop an understanding of how the economy works and how individuals, firms and governments make decisions and interact with one another in markets and other environments. The course also focuses on the ability of students to communicate about real-world issues and public policy debates through the lens of economics.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "2753": {"id": "cPuxAqKbQemeYzWLAtZeM", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "N-sO_ebmxaxwtv1jwh3fo", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30003, "section": "LE01", "size": 11, "enrolled": 9, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Feb - 18 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "_SxKNsd4apr_sWAejWyCE", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30082, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 9, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jan - 22 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 114, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2754": {"id": "y4Ax6jmHum0sVuZuEh2TC", "course_id": "102351", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102351", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 6, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Economic Principles (M)", "CAMPUS": "UofA College Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "UACM", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "7200UACM", "CLASS_NBR": 19449, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week, more if offered intensively", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 7222, ECON 7200AUACM, ECON 7200BUACM", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically assignments, case study analyses, group or individual projects, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is an introductory course in economics, which introduces students to the principles, concepts, data and analytical frameworks that economists use to understand the world around us. Students develop an understanding of how the economy works and how individuals, firms and governments make decisions and interact with one another in markets and other environments. The course also focuses on the ability of students to communicate about real-world issues and public policy debates through the lens of economics.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2755": {"id": "y4Ax6jmHum0sVuZuEh2TC", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "Sp0ZYZOvZE97GJYOwaIhf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19449, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 9, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "hQysJiFAHxfbd93ctUA5j", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19447, "section": "LE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 9, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19448, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 9, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2756": {"id": "mmaORfoqTiwysH8Jx6AQy", "course_id": "102351", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102351", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 6, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Economic Principles (M)", "CAMPUS": "UofA College Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "UACM", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "7200UACM", "CLASS_NBR": 29185, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week, more if offered intensively", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 7222, ECON 7200AUACM, ECON 7200BUACM", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically assignments, case study analyses, group or individual projects, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is an introductory course in economics, which introduces students to the principles, concepts, data and analytical frameworks that economists use to understand the world around us. Students develop an understanding of how the economy works and how individuals, firms and governments make decisions and interact with one another in markets and other environments. The course also focuses on the ability of students to communicate about real-world issues and public policy debates through the lens of economics.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2757": {"id": "mmaORfoqTiwysH8Jx6AQy", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "690beVaRYxs_dTerlxnEg", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29184, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 11, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "xbeOUtx4rCUoXjHSRYl4t", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29183, "section": "LE01", "size": 48, "enrolled": 11, "available": 37, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29185, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 11, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2758": {"id": "YB13NCIxazpaO3JcTlYNP", "course_id": "103342", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103342", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Econometrics IV", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "7204", "CLASS_NBR": 11730, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091903", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ECON 7243", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 4014", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically homework problem sets, Just in time teaching (JiTT), empirical projects & final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The objective of this course is to study more advanced topics in econometrics. Students are expected to have knowledge in statistics and multiple regression models at the level of Econometrics III/PG or equivalent. Topics typically include linear regression models, instrument variables (IV) estimation, generalized method of moment (GMM), maximum likelihood estimation (MLE), limited dependent variable (LDV) models, treatment effect and sample selection corrections, panel data methods, Monte Carlo simulations and bootstrap methods. The emphasis is on understanding the models and the related theories. Through the course, we will apply the theories developed to real-world data and interpret the estimation results in many different respects.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2759": {"id": "YB13NCIxazpaO3JcTlYNP", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "sb_bkA5g9Mg6WOJbM4pLm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11729, "section": "LE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 4, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "cQ5s4Vv-JhyncfIs0Yhtk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11730, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 4, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, 217, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, 217, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "2760": {"id": "qGXA7Zo4xxlSMrhdyWTv-", "course_id": "106065", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106065", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Applied Economic Principles", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "7222", "CLASS_NBR": 11731, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week, more when offered in intensive mode.", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 7200, ECON 7222UAC", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically, assignments, case study analyses, group or individual projects & exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is an introductory course in economics, which introduces students to the principles, concepts, data and analytical frameworks that economists use to understand the world around us. Students develop an understanding of how the economy works and how individuals, firms and governments make decisions and interact with one another in markets and other environments. This course prepares Economics students for further study and focuses on their ability to communicate about real-world issues and public policy debates through the lens of economics.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2761": {"id": "qGXA7Zo4xxlSMrhdyWTv-", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "pm-hQ0RNP_JOb5atuA2x8", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11731, "section": "TU01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 2, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "bBNdKokbGJu4nB0V8ZwGZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11732, "section": "LE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 2, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2762": {"id": "jztX5Ic9HQnlLVsxZnnGU", "course_id": "109856", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109856", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Applied Economic Principles", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "7222UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 11734, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week, more when offered in intensive mode", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Not available to Postgraduate Coursework Business School Programs", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 7200, ECON 7224, ECON 7222, Introductory Macroeconomics and Microeconomics.", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically, assignments, case study analyses, group or individual projects & exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is an introductory course in economics, which introduces students to the principles, concepts, data and analytical frameworks that economists use to understand the world around us. Students develop an understanding of how the economy works and how individuals, firms and governments make decisions and interact with one another in markets and other environments. This course prepares Economics students for further study and focuses on their ability to communicate about real-world issues and public policy debates through the lens of economics.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2763": {"id": "jztX5Ic9HQnlLVsxZnnGU", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "s-4Jmr3a0Xx4dsl5Npog4", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11734, "section": "TU01", "size": 3, "enrolled": 0, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "7-neb_b5C9vFA_trPAYEF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11733, "section": "LE01", "size": 3, "enrolled": 0, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2764": {"id": "cPZvnMwId01onxMs_7dch", "course_id": "106068", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106068", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Time Series Econometrics IV", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "7223", "CLASS_NBR": 21709, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091903", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ECON 7204", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 4013", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically homework problem sets, Just in time teaching (JiTT), empirical projects, & final exam.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of this course is to study time series methods in econometrics. Students are expected to have knowledge in statistics and Level IV econometrics or equivalent. Topics typically include stationarity, unit roots, autoregressive moving average (ARMA), forecasting, maximum likelihood estimation (MLE), vector autoregression (VAR), structural vector autoregression (SVAR), and co-integration. The emphasis is on understanding the methods and applying them to real-world data.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2765": {"id": "cPZvnMwId01onxMs_7dch", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "l6sxDg7DZ_eKTEC9ZP37-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21708, "section": "LE01", "size": 14, "enrolled": 2, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 217, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 217, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "SLnki9Oq7jkchI1LT_ZkA", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21709, "section": "WR01", "size": 14, "enrolled": 2, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 217, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 217, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "2766": {"id": "0hke8lFCgIDWmH-jL5sZo", "course_id": "106438", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106438", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Behavioural Economics IID", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "7228", "CLASS_NBR": 11736, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ECON 7200", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 2511", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically, homework assignments, mid-Semester tests, tutorial presentation, final exam.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides a non-technical introduction to behavioural economics. Behavioural economics analyses regularities in actual individual and strategic decision making and documents departures from behaviour predicted by classical economic theory. Behavioural economics explains these departures by incorporating psychological aspects into economic theories. This course will help you understand why people make the decisions they make, improve your own decision making, and predict how others behave in situations in which they interact with you strategically.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2767": {"id": "0hke8lFCgIDWmH-jL5sZo", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "Reuac7V3Cid4tHE6oAg_j", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11736, "section": "TU01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 4, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "VDq6ZC9-R3iNup4QmXW-u", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11735, "section": "LE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 4, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2768": {"id": "G6kEdcnkvyyAprzEcBRkg", "course_id": "106437", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106437", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Behavioural Game Theory and Experiments IV", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "7229", "CLASS_NBR": 25533, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to students enrolled in Economics Postgraduate Coursework programs only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ECON 3503 or ECON 7062", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 4009", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically, task in the design of an experiment, assignment and mid-term test", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course covers fundamental findings in behavioural economics such as social preferences (envy, greed, altruism) reciprocity and bounded rationality [first six weeks].\nIn the second part, the empirical side of behavioural economics is taught. The methodology of experimental economics is explained using a real research project the students will be designing and conducting.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2769": {"id": "G6kEdcnkvyyAprzEcBRkg", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "uE0vcflNpzPv8iM6gdutJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25533, "section": "LE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 5, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, 217, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, 217, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, 217, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, 217, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "2770": {"id": "yyO-n6XB1h4tUJiR3_fjb", "course_id": "108267", "term": "4446", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108267", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4446", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Economics for Management", "CAMPUS": "Ngee Ann Academy", "CAMPUS_CD": "NGA", "COUNTRY": "SGP", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "7239NA", "CLASS_NBR": 44048, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available for Executive Master of Business Administration, Graduate Diploma and Graduate Certificate students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 7200", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically, assignments, tests & final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an introduction to economic thinking and its relevance and application to managing organisations. The first part of the course deals with microeconomic issues such consumer choice and the structure of markets, including perfect competition, monopoly and oligopoly, and the competitive regulatory environment. The second part deals with macroeconomics such as the determinants of the aggregate level of output and employment, and elements in the determination of macroeconomic policy including interest rates, inflation and foreign trade and capital flows. The focus of the course is on fundamental tenets of economics in relation to current issues and their implications for managers and competitive organisations.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 22/07/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 22/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 27/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 18/09/2024"}}]}, "2771": {"id": "yyO-n6XB1h4tUJiR3_fjb", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "0sKPXr3PaaGmmFeeDdwfd", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 44048, "section": "01NA", "size": 35, "enrolled": 15, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "2772": {"id": "7FbU-yLbq9JKIqBpHsrGS", "course_id": "110366", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110366", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Managerial Economics IID", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "7241", "CLASS_NBR": 11738, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 7011, ECON 2506, ECON 2514, ECON 2516", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically assignments, mid-term test and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course builds on the microeconomic principles studied in introductory Economics courses and provides an analysis of the way decisions are made\nby individual economic agents. It develops a basis for evaluating the efficiency and equity implications of various market structures, and a perspective on the appropriate role of government. Included are the study of consumer choice, production and cost, market structure, and market failure. Managerial Economics IID will focus on applications to real world problems.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2773": {"id": "7FbU-yLbq9JKIqBpHsrGS", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "3VS5kMuXRoVOncM3kBncA", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11738, "section": "TU01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 8, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "LR4E96y-sirlLnZwpOPC9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11737, "section": "LE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 8, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2774": {"id": "nec26fgq5-QZ96hyCl7V7", "course_id": "110366", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110366", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Managerial Economics IID", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "7241", "CLASS_NBR": 21711, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 7011, ECON 2506, ECON 2514, ECON 2516", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically assignments, mid-term test and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course builds on the microeconomic principles studied in introductory Economics courses and provides an analysis of the way decisions are made\nby individual economic agents. It develops a basis for evaluating the efficiency and equity implications of various market structures, and a perspective on the appropriate role of government. Included are the study of consumer choice, production and cost, market structure, and market failure. Managerial Economics IID will focus on applications to real world problems.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2775": {"id": "nec26fgq5-QZ96hyCl7V7", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "DN_RtH1F5yO2SHZxsGQDE", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21711, "section": "TU01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 8, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "WdO7kvTHSXWhgRailKkE5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21710, "section": "LE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 8, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2776": {"id": "1UvtPGOJylmjXs1VDSbT5", "course_id": "110556", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110556", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Managerial Economics IID", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "7241UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 11740, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to UAC PMP students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ECON 7222UAC", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 7011UAC, ECON 2506, ECON 2514, ECON 2516", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically assignments, mid-term test and final exam.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course builds on the microeconomic principles studied in introductory Economics courses and provides an analysis of the way decisions are made by individual economic agents. It develops a basis for evaluating the efficiency and equity implications of various market structures, and a perspective on the appropriate role of government. Included are the study of consumer choice, production and cost, market structure, and market failure. Managerial Economics IID will focus on applications to real world problems.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2777": {"id": "1UvtPGOJylmjXs1VDSbT5", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "AAd2bNZAFEIT8ovfSljmb", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11740, "section": "TU01", "size": 3, "enrolled": 0, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "c9pCTUDnep49TUBqQnmL7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11739, "section": "LE01", "size": 3, "enrolled": 0, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2778": {"id": "Z9dRQg7tWO_V_F-vv6JR2", "course_id": "110556", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110556", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Managerial Economics IID", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "7241UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 21713, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to UAC PMP students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ECON 7222UAC", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 7011UAC, ECON 2506, ECON 2514, ECON 2516", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically assignments, mid-term test and final exam.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course builds on the microeconomic principles studied in introductory Economics courses and provides an analysis of the way decisions are made by individual economic agents. It develops a basis for evaluating the efficiency and equity implications of various market structures, and a perspective on the appropriate role of government. Included are the study of consumer choice, production and cost, market structure, and market failure. Managerial Economics IID will focus on applications to real world problems.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2779": {"id": "Z9dRQg7tWO_V_F-vv6JR2", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "p8lIfleIq7B6uhhjAulTx", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21713, "section": "TU01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "o8QDeeRITwdTAB8TzH5SE", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21712, "section": "LE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2780": {"id": "Ww0-pjyGho0mpk39q-oCC", "course_id": "110367", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110367", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Intermediate Applied Econometrics IID", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "7242", "CLASS_NBR": 10018, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091903", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Introductory Statistics, Microeconomics and Macroeconomics", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 7051, ECON 2504, ECON 2515", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically assignments, mid-term test and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an introduction to the econometric techniques used to analyse data sets in economics, business and finance. It builds on basic statistics, inference and regression as covered in introductory statistics courses but does not include time series econometrics. The focus is on understanding the methods involved, using statistical software to provide the results and then interpreting and commenting on these results. The course reviews basic statistics, regression and inference, and then introduces multiple regression analysis, which remains the most commonly used statistical technique in econometrics. The remainder of the course considers various practical aspects of linear regression models and may include dummy variables, different functional forms and the consequences of violation of the classical regression assumptions.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2781": {"id": "Ww0-pjyGho0mpk39q-oCC", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "28nMdH_RSbQd6Q3SDTVS5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10018, "section": "TU01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 2, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, 220, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, 220, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "RyI_M6L69Jfk8JZGsyQ_W", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11741, "section": "LE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 2, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2782": {"id": "nTT8fHEJPqKaUb_83CRL_", "course_id": "110367", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110367", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Intermediate Applied Econometrics IID", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "7242", "CLASS_NBR": 21715, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091903", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Introductory Statistics, Microeconomics and Macroeconomics", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 7051, ECON 2504, ECON 2515", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically assignments, mid-term test and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an introduction to the econometric techniques used to analyse data sets in economics, business and finance. It builds on basic statistics, inference and regression as covered in introductory statistics courses but does not include time series econometrics. The focus is on understanding the methods involved, using statistical software to provide the results and then interpreting and commenting on these results. The course reviews basic statistics, regression and inference, and then introduces multiple regression analysis, which remains the most commonly used statistical technique in econometrics. The remainder of the course considers various practical aspects of linear regression models and may include dummy variables, different functional forms and the consequences of violation of the classical regression assumptions.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2783": {"id": "nTT8fHEJPqKaUb_83CRL_", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "nJfAysMvzLsXPEzLyBklD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21715, "section": "TU01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 5, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, 220, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 29 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, 220, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "9chLz-Jm0qCxxP8nD7zJb", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21714, "section": "LE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 5, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 1 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2784": {"id": "oA5bTFfPvzxnAQpox0bKS", "course_id": "110557", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110557", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Intermediate Applied Econometrics IID", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "7242UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 10019, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091903", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to UAC PMP students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 7051", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically assessments, mid-term test and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an introduction to the econometric techniques used to analyse data sets in economics, business and finance. It builds on basic statistics, inference and regression as covered in introductory statistics courses but does not include time series econometrics. The focus is on understanding the methods involved, using statistical software to provide the results and then interpreting and commenting on these results. The course reviews basic statistics, regression and inference, and then introduces multiple regression analysis, which remains the most commonly used statistical technique in econometrics. The remainder of the course considers various practical aspects of linear regression models and may include dummy variables, different functional forms and the consequences of violation of the classical regression assumptions.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2785": {"id": "oA5bTFfPvzxnAQpox0bKS", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "0Inj12b28a1-IstFHUt-4", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10019, "section": "TU01", "size": 3, "enrolled": 0, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, 220, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, 220, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "n-jX2t4_OcGfP6YvrxfZ8", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11747, "section": "LE01", "size": 3, "enrolled": 0, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2786": {"id": "1Bt9iSURjEVA4ILo2U7yI", "course_id": "110557", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110557", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Intermediate Applied Econometrics IID", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "7242UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 21717, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091903", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to UAC PMP students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 7051", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically assessments, mid-term test and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an introduction to the econometric techniques used to analyse data sets in economics, business and finance. It builds on basic statistics, inference and regression as covered in introductory statistics courses but does not include time series econometrics. The focus is on understanding the methods involved, using statistical software to provide the results and then interpreting and commenting on these results. The course reviews basic statistics, regression and inference, and then introduces multiple regression analysis, which remains the most commonly used statistical technique in econometrics. The remainder of the course considers various practical aspects of linear regression models and may include dummy variables, different functional forms and the consequences of violation of the classical regression assumptions.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2787": {"id": "1Bt9iSURjEVA4ILo2U7yI", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "BdDX4119fG_mldFHAzpp0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21717, "section": "TU01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, 220, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 29 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, 220, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "YntMwH8XA0cj-jqorfFtw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21716, "section": "LE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 1 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2788": {"id": "_OIoB1dc5ko8-Z72FxKvl", "course_id": "110368", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110368", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Applied Econometrics PG", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "7243", "CLASS_NBR": 11743, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091903", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 7001, ECON 3502, ECON 3530", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically assignments, mid-term test and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course covers the estimation, inference and identification of linear regression models. It focuses on applying econometric techniques to real-world problems, and on interpreting the estimation results. The first part of the course includes a review on statistics and an introduction to large sample theory. The second part of the course focuses on issues in linear regressions including model misspecification, measurement errors, and endogenous regressors. Topics typically include instrumental variable regressions and panel data. The course will include the use of STATA, a standard software for econometric and statistical analysis.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2789": {"id": "_OIoB1dc5ko8-Z72FxKvl", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "PIyE1P4G-f8AsKRKnwY0p", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11743, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, 228, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, 228, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "tbU-HvdMtGsINXsN1BLGZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11742, "section": "LE01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2790": {"id": "VsPuRkZoBQrYdx0OO1Tvq", "course_id": "110396", "term": "4461", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110396", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4461", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Managerial Economics", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "7244OL", "CLASS_NBR": 61010, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to Master of Business Administration - Online, Master of Business Administration - Online (Health Management) and Graduate Diploma students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MANAGEMT 7123OL, MANAGEMT 7124OL, MANAGEMT 7125OL, MANAGEMT 7126OL", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Enterprises, public-sector organisations and not-for-profits operate in a highly dynamic and often very competitive economic environment, within which they must pursue their organisational goals, constrained by limited financial and other resources. A deep and extensive understanding of this environment is essential for effective managerial decision-making. Valuable topics for managers in this course include scarcity and opportunity costs; money and finance; the macroeconomic environment; behavioural economics; competition and pricing; strategic decisions; market failure; innovation; globalisation; and the growing significance of ecological sustainability and climate change policy for business.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 18/12/2023", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 19/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 19/02/2024"}}]}, "2791": {"id": "VsPuRkZoBQrYdx0OO1Tvq", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "L3Eo-3YG-CUWzHe8wmBlv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 61010, "section": "01OL", "size": 100, "enrolled": 64, "available": 36, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "2792": {"id": "ApUXEbgiERE4vYvh3AxOp", "course_id": "110396", "term": "4465", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110396", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4465", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 5", "COURSE_TITLE": "Managerial Economics", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "7244OL", "CLASS_NBR": 65010, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to Master of Business Administration - Online, Master of Business Administration - Online (Health Management) and Graduate Diploma students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MANAGEMT 7123OL, MANAGEMT 7124OL, MANAGEMT 7125OL, MANAGEMT 7126OL", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Enterprises, public-sector organisations and not-for-profits operate in a highly dynamic and often very competitive economic environment, within which they must pursue their organisational goals, constrained by limited financial and other resources. A deep and extensive understanding of this environment is essential for effective managerial decision-making. Valuable topics for managers in this course include scarcity and opportunity costs; money and finance; the macroeconomic environment; behavioural economics; competition and pricing; strategic decisions; market failure; innovation; globalisation; and the growing significance of ecological sustainability and climate change policy for business.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 09/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 06/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 23/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 07/10/2024"}}]}, "2793": {"id": "ApUXEbgiERE4vYvh3AxOp", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "jKlPv1QpFFQ0vsOUHawCS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 65010, "section": "01OL", "size": 100, "enrolled": 38, "available": 62, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "2794": {"id": "V9fGdzyQHkUejxmBJcJo6", "course_id": "111562", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111562", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Cost-Benefit Analysis", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "7245", "CLASS_NBR": 15585, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "For Master of Economics and Resource Policy Graduate Diploma in Economics and Resource Policy Graduate Certificate in Economics and Resource Policy", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides hands-on experience in structuring assessment of, and applying modelling solutions to, real-world problems of resource use and allocation. Students will develop skills to assess decision-making outcomes at operational (e.g. farm or department) and higher (i.e. agricultural system or jurisdictional) levels. \nThe course begins with an introduction to a set of clear theoretical foundations as a basis for skill development. A selection of analytical frameworks for conducting cost-benefit analysis will follow. Techniques learned will allow students to assess the current state of business or policy setting and evaluate potential improvements to enhance profitability, sustainability, and human outcomes while accounting for the limited business, government or social resources.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2795": {"id": "V9fGdzyQHkUejxmBJcJo6", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "zHVzvmRR1X3kokWE9ifb8", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15583, "section": "TU02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 20, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "HFxlSZPqKL83PqSzfgj8G", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15585, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 20, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2796": {"id": "yTpYfUrflvwMSnNXuCxhl", "course_id": "111562", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111562", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Cost-Benefit Analysis", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ECON", "CATALOG_NBR": "7245", "CLASS_NBR": 25599, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "For Master of Economics and Resource Policy Graduate Diploma in Economics and Resource Policy Graduate Certificate in Economics and Resource Policy", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides hands-on experience in structuring assessment of, and applying modelling solutions to, real-world problems of resource use and allocation. Students will develop skills to assess decision-making outcomes at operational (e.g. farm or department) and higher (i.e. agricultural system or jurisdictional) levels. \nThe course begins with an introduction to a set of clear theoretical foundations as a basis for skill development. A selection of analytical frameworks for conducting cost-benefit analysis will follow. Techniques learned will allow students to assess the current state of business or policy setting and evaluate potential improvements to enhance profitability, sustainability, and human outcomes while accounting for the limited business, government or social resources.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2797": {"id": "yTpYfUrflvwMSnNXuCxhl", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "_kcrbGyZpKVXLWCwjIdCt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25598, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 10, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "JQF00PnMYuhmg74l2G19u", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25599, "section": "WR01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 10, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2798": {"subject": "EDUC", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "104583", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104583", "term": "4405", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "106676", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106676", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106679", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106680", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106681", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106681", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106682", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106683", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106684", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106684", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106685", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106686", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106686", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106715", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108926", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109191", "term": "4405", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "109191", "term": "4415", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "110780", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108106", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104566", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105370", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109192", "term": "4405", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "109192", "term": "4415", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "109064", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109793", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110631", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110630", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111014", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110959", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110959", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110885", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110886", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110887", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110888", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110890", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110891", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110893", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110894", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110897", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110900", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110901", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110907", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110908", 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"term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111293", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111293", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108924", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108923", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108922", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108921", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108918", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108917", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108915", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108914", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108911", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109556", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}]}}, "2799": {"id": "4FaKtKTu8g0M8G3plC2O8", "course_id": "104583", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104583", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Schools and Society", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1001", "CLASS_NBR": 18718, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Weekly: 50 minute lecture - 90 minute tutorial - 40 minute structured online learning.", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "School Culture Proposal, Branched Scenario Reflection, Documentary Analysis", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will help students develop an understanding of the role of teaching and of schooling in society. Students will discover the broader context of schooling in Australia and its impact on culture, socioeconomic and gender equality, education, work and wellbeing. Students will understand the legal and professional framework for teaching and grasp how impactful and important teachers really are. Students will critically evaluate schools and consider their role as emerging teachers in the profession.\n\nAll Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary) students will participate in the School of Education's eLearning Program, that requires students to own an iPad with pencil and keyboard. The University of Adelaide will assist students with procurement upon enrolment.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2800": {"id": "4FaKtKTu8g0M8G3plC2O8", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "ULx5XHGPBYeJSQHxNk0Oh", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18892, "section": "LEC0", "size": 250, "enrolled": 124, "available": 126, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "mA4ITw5H3jUFQhVRbD9bW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11286, "section": "TU07", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11287, "section": "TU06", "size": 30, "enrolled": 12, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11288, "section": "TU05", "size": 30, "enrolled": 21, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11289, "section": "TU04", "size": 30, "enrolled": 16, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11290, "section": "TU03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 20, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11291, "section": "TU02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 17, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18718, "section": "TU09", "size": 35, "enrolled": 10, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "2801": {"id": "Y5DYeN1fN9Ed4C4IvxB7d", "course_id": "104583", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104583", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Schools and Society", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1001OL", "CLASS_NBR": 92167, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "School Culture Proposal, Branched Scenario Reflection, Documentary Analysis", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will help students develop an understanding of the role of teaching and of schooling in society. Students will discover the broader context of schooling in Australia and its impact on culture, socioeconomic and gender equality, education, work and wellbeing. Students will understand the legal and professional framework for teaching and grasp how impactful and important teachers really are. Students will critically evaluate schools and consider their role as emerging teachers in the profession.\n\nAll Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary) students will participate in the School of Education's eLearning Program, that requires students to own an iPad with pencil and keyboard. The University of Adelaide will assist students with procurement upon enrolment.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 09/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "2802": {"id": "Y5DYeN1fN9Ed4C4IvxB7d", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "lB1_8E-FNth_DCeV3gVoT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92167, "section": "01OL", "size": 50, "enrolled": 20, "available": 30, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "2803": {"id": "ZBSHrG22SsmXUaTCRd0jA", "course_id": "106676", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106676", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "ICT Literacy", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1003", "CLASS_NBR": 12920, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "029999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to University Preparatory Program or Wirltu Yarlu Preparatory Program students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Four Summative Assignments on Computer and Web Literacies (90%), Five Active Participation Quizzes (10%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to provide UPP students with a general understanding of computing skills and to develop and extend their capacities in the use of software necessary for university studies and in the workplace. The course focuses on the Microsoft Office suite including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, culminating in a create task. During the course, we also explore websites and other online platforms for develop ICT literacies. The course is not just technical in nature, but also develops students communication, management, and organisation skills through the enabling us of information and communication technologies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2804": {"id": "ZBSHrG22SsmXUaTCRd0jA", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "f9g4l-4J8z3DP9s_Lc1-b", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12920, "section": "LE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 21, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, 106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, 106, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "2805": {"id": "fQ9URPQDaA_JsIwq4Sv24", "course_id": "106676", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106676", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "ICT Literacy", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1003", "CLASS_NBR": 21372, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "029999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to University Preparatory Program or Wirltu Yarlu Preparatory Program students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Four Summative Assignments on Computer and Web Literacies (90%), Five Active Participation Quizzes (10%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to provide UPP students with a general understanding of computing skills and to develop and extend their capacities in the use of software necessary for university studies and in the workplace. The course focuses on the Microsoft Office suite including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, culminating in a create task. During the course, we also explore websites and other online platforms for develop ICT literacies. The course is not just technical in nature, but also develops students communication, management, and organisation skills through the enabling us of information and communication technologies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2806": {"id": "fQ9URPQDaA_JsIwq4Sv24", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "yQFq7rkTRNQDZDoto5dq6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21372, "section": "LE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 16, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, 106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, 106, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "2807": {"id": "h53CRpx8mU3FrzI5ilIma", "course_id": "106679", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106679", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Science for University A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1006", "CLASS_NBR": 12922, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to University Preparatory Program or Wirltu Yarlu Preparatory Program students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Short Critical Review; Group Presentation; In-class tests; Essay; Major Scientific Critical Review", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course offers students of both 'Preparation for University Program' and 'The Wirltu Yarlu University Preparatory Program' the opportunity to advance their science skills in preparation for future university study in a variety of disciplines such as health sciences, engineering and applied science.\n\nThe aim of this course is for students to learn and understand scientific concepts and theories and apply this knowledge to real-world contexts. Students will also gain an understanding of the scientific process and learn to interpret and write scientific papers. The course will cover some of the fundamental theories and concepts in physics and biology, including Newton's laws and the genetic code. \n\nStudents will be assessed on conducting an experiment and writing a scientific report as well as their understanding of some key concepts and theories in physics and biology. \n\nOn completion of this course, it is expected for students to be able to collect and present data, critically evaluate scientific papers and apply scientific theories and concepts to a range of real life situations.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2808": {"id": "h53CRpx8mU3FrzI5ilIma", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "KfOlPMeVDFV_wAbQeiZRE", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12921, "section": "LE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 40, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "qjwN3OPHusDlJ2CbYQDmn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12922, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12923, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 17, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2809": {"id": "I4DuLvlERLhe3yzLywpKP", "course_id": "106680", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106680", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Science for University B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1007", "CLASS_NBR": 22785, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to University Preparatory Program or Wirltu Yarlu Preparatory Program students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Participation in group work; Group Problem-solving; In-class tests; Laboratory Reports", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course offers students of both the University Preparatory Program (UPP) and The Wirltu Yarlu University Preparatory Program the opportunity to advance their science skills in preparation for future university study in a variety of science disciplines at the University of Adelaide. Along with Science for University A, it is compulsory for UPP students who wish to study a Bachelor of Science at the University of Adelaide.\n\nScience for University B focuses on Chemistry and Geology, and the application of theories and concepts to practical situations in the physical world. The purpose is not to provide Year 12-level content knowledge but to familiarise students with some of the basic concepts and processes in the study of Chemistry and Geology so that they can approach future studies in sciences at University with a sense of preparedness.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2810": {"id": "I4DuLvlERLhe3yzLywpKP", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "MIBLm1xCbdUcI1tK3snHG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22784, "section": "LE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 38, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 29 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "GYw5EMiXOhJjK7L1YhCgt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22785, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 18, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22786, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 20, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2811": {"id": "SQ_ZFO51LRvuAM6f1M97E", "course_id": "106681", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106681", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "University Culture", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1008", "CLASS_NBR": 12924, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "120105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to University Preparatory Program or Wirltu Yarlu Preparatory Program students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Reflective Journal x 3; Gathering Cultural Knowledge Essay; Learning Mode Ethnography Essay; Academic discussion on Learning Mode Ethnography process", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course explores the University of Adelaide as a culture of its own, and places students as ethnographers or anthropologists of this culture through immersion. University is a place where people think, act and communicate differently to how they do in other contexts, and this course makes cultural expectations explicit as well as exploring the processes required to adjust to them. Most students should undertake this course as the first course in their University Preparatory Program.\n\nStudents in this course have the opportunity to experience the usual university learning modes of the lecture and tutorial, and reflect upon their own prior and current experiences of learning with a view to establishing the goals they have for their own study. In particular, students undertake an ethnography task whereby they audit classes right across the University, not in order to gather content knowledge but to observe and analyse social interaction and modes of learning. This enables them to become familiar with the processes and expectations of university learning and plan their own learning in alignment with university culture", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2812": {"id": "SQ_ZFO51LRvuAM6f1M97E", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "fd3butAeHfquk5IG6wAIa", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12926, "section": "LE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 46, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "jEulOW-e5_N6HjbZ-uwYG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12924, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12925, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2813": {"id": "d9blEzuWE9hNaflflXjAZ", "course_id": "106681", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106681", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "University Culture", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1008", "CLASS_NBR": 22788, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "120105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to University Preparatory Program or Wirltu Yarlu Preparatory Program students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Reflective Journal x 3; Gathering Cultural Knowledge Essay; Learning Mode Ethnography Essay; Academic discussion on Learning Mode Ethnography process", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course explores the University of Adelaide as a culture of its own, and places students as ethnographers or anthropologists of this culture through immersion. University is a place where people think, act and communicate differently to how they do in other contexts, and this course makes cultural expectations explicit as well as exploring the processes required to adjust to them. Most students should undertake this course as the first course in their University Preparatory Program.\n\nStudents in this course have the opportunity to experience the usual university learning modes of the lecture and tutorial, and reflect upon their own prior and current experiences of learning with a view to establishing the goals they have for their own study. In particular, students undertake an ethnography task whereby they audit classes right across the University, not in order to gather content knowledge but to observe and analyse social interaction and modes of learning. This enables them to become familiar with the processes and expectations of university learning and plan their own learning in alignment with university culture", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2814": {"id": "d9blEzuWE9hNaflflXjAZ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "beeoL7VxzNMMeYCU5GNiB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22787, "section": "LE01", "size": 29, "enrolled": 27, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "GJihaZWyKQTZGl0lDXI6P", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22788, "section": "TU02", "size": 29, "enrolled": 27, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 1 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2815": {"id": "aglylFnpaOMLdVI5DnCEA", "course_id": "106682", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106682", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "English Literacy for University", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1009", "CLASS_NBR": 22791, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "120103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to University Preparatory Program or Wirltu Yarlu Preparatory Program students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Basic fluency in spoken and written English required", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Weekly journals; In-class tests; In-class academic discussions of set readings", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to help improve students' English skills. Students will develop effective self-learning tools in order to take control of their own language learning that will extend beyond the limits of this course. The course focuses on fundamental language skills but is open to both non-native speakers of English and native speakers wishing to improve their language skills. The course will assist students in conducting self-directed learning through reading, writing and listening. Students are free to choose much of their own study material, from their own disciplines of interest, however substantial demonstration of out-of-class study is required and forms a significant component of assessment.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2816": {"id": "aglylFnpaOMLdVI5DnCEA", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "HzD3KOvNBH23h58AVhz9N", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22790, "section": "LE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 31, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 29 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "zo7hB7AQ1YrBqMpaB5uNJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22791, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 19, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22792, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 12, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 29 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2817": {"id": "eNMqZ9WhX5kpWyERsdMGb", "course_id": "106683", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106683", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Academic Literacy for University", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1010", "CLASS_NBR": 15450, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "120103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to University Preparatory Program or Wirltu Yarlu Preparatory Program students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Personal development plans x 2; Annotated bibliography; Multiple-choice questionnaires; Wikipedia research activity; Oral presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to introduce students to the literacies required for academic study at a tertiary institution. Language use at university differs from 'generic' language use in many ways, and these differences will be explored through discussion and practice. Students will consider the contextual use of language in academic settings, extend their skills and capacities in listening and reading a variety of texts for a variety of purposes, and practice these skills in a supported process. The course will explore the genres of written texts at university, and the differences between different types of assignment. There will be a particular focus on developing students' research literacies.\n\nThis is not a course designed to address specific English language expression; students requiring this should undertake EDUC 1009 English Literacy for University. The course is geared toward providing students with skills in negotiating the complex linguistic terrain of tertiary study.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2818": {"id": "eNMqZ9WhX5kpWyERsdMGb", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Yat3JKkrnyHGH0alGX9nq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15448, "section": "LE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 32, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "aAWtIIKiAgsxAzw_73RPI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15449, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 19, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG11, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG11, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15450, "section": "TU02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 13, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG11, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG11, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2819": {"id": "KU8Jo4lksUGmk2oDcPKtL", "course_id": "106684", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106684", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Reasoning with Numbers: Statistical Literacy", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1011", "CLASS_NBR": 12927, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "120103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to University Preparatory Program or Wirltu Yarlu Preparatory Program students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Mini-quizzes on statistics x 2; Statistics group presentation; Essay on application of statistics to real-life contexts", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course covers broad quantitative skills in the context of academic reasoning and argumentation: it aims to make students literate in the use of numbers and the basic analysis of data for academic purposes. Students will be introduced to some basic statistical concepts such as summarising data, statistical distributions, basic hypothesis testing, and probability. Assessment will consist of an online quiz, a summary of a statistical paper, and a research activity where students analyses data and then present their analysis.\n\nThis course will be useful for students entering courses where mathematical and statistical skills are necessary, such as Psychology, Health Sciences, or Business and Commerce disciplines. This course is compulsory for University Preparatory Program students wishing to undertaken studies in Nursing or Health Sciences.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2820": {"id": "KU8Jo4lksUGmk2oDcPKtL", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "yKyrP-O_EllLImeDp__31", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12927, "section": "LE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, 106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, 106, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "2821": {"id": "D9orHJyvEEUim3GULbUYK", "course_id": "106684", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106684", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Reasoning with Numbers: Statistical Literacy", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1011", "CLASS_NBR": 22793, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "120103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to University Preparatory Program or Wirltu Yarlu Preparatory Program students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Mini-quizzes on statistics x 2; Statistics group presentation; Essay on application of statistics to real-life contexts", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course covers broad quantitative skills in the context of academic reasoning and argumentation: it aims to make students literate in the use of numbers and the basic analysis of data for academic purposes. Students will be introduced to some basic statistical concepts such as summarising data, statistical distributions, basic hypothesis testing, and probability. Assessment will consist of an online quiz, a summary of a statistical paper, and a research activity where students analyses data and then present their analysis.\n\nThis course will be useful for students entering courses where mathematical and statistical skills are necessary, such as Psychology, Health Sciences, or Business and Commerce disciplines. This course is compulsory for University Preparatory Program students wishing to undertaken studies in Nursing or Health Sciences.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2822": {"id": "D9orHJyvEEUim3GULbUYK", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "dj6PEQipNTkWNfhM_MG14", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22793, "section": "LE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 18, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, 106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, 106, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "2823": {"id": "a37MflRhsGnImE4Uhj4Ii", "course_id": "106685", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106685", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Preparation for the Study of Social Sciences", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1012", "CLASS_NBR": 22945, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to University Preparatory Program or Wirltu Yarlu Preparatory Program students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Short Media Analysis; Essay; Group class presentation; Online discussion board; Class participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will introduce students to the Social Sciences, a very broad and diverse area of study, enabling them to focus on an inquiry that most interests related to topics covered. Beginning by exploring what Social Sciences are, the course will then focus on systems, histories and impacts across a variety of disciplines and fields. Students will engage with issues and debates that typify academic studies in these areas, and reflect on their own identities and societal positions as well as critiquing and analyzing media texts that pervade popular culture.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2824": {"id": "a37MflRhsGnImE4Uhj4Ii", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "nEGgewKJFbf79QVQPNC9x", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22944, "section": "LE01", "size": 51, "enrolled": 49, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "1iTOow673KGCuk1lm99H0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22945, "section": "TU02", "size": 26, "enrolled": 26, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 29 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22946, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 29 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2825": {"id": "ehjc8hOcXYf5TuxpLFbE1", "course_id": "106686", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106686", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "University Research", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1013", "CLASS_NBR": 13041, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "120105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to University Preparatory Program or Wirltu Yarlu Preparatory Program students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "EDUC 1008", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research activity portfolio; Essay plan; Draft paragraphs; Major research essay", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is the second core course of the University Preparatory Program, and can be considered the capstone course of the Program in that it gives students a final preparation for their degree studies. It is also available for students who already have entry into their degree program or have started it, as it builds their capacity to undertake secondary research in a variety of disciplines. This course revolves around a single major research project which draws in all the facets of research activity at the University of Adelaide. Students will build on their skills in critical analysis, note-taking and the systematic collection and analysis of data in the form of scholarly written sources. They will conduct a solo guided enquiry with assignments which build incrementally towards a major research essay in response to a partly self-defined research question.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2826": {"id": "ehjc8hOcXYf5TuxpLFbE1", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "LaLgwvgQ-iW1RuYSGgJjV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13040, "section": "LE01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 19, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "FU9PrfHqMdYQ2q2wVS6EF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13041, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 19, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Napier, 144, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Napier, 144, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2827": {"id": "NPRLlTyyGNAcdr3_oXkJ0", "course_id": "106686", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106686", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "University Research", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1013", "CLASS_NBR": 22941, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "120105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to University Preparatory Program or Wirltu Yarlu Preparatory Program students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "EDUC 1008", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research activity portfolio; Essay plan; Draft paragraphs; Major research essay", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is the second core course of the University Preparatory Program, and can be considered the capstone course of the Program in that it gives students a final preparation for their degree studies. It is also available for students who already have entry into their degree program or have started it, as it builds their capacity to undertake secondary research in a variety of disciplines. This course revolves around a single major research project which draws in all the facets of research activity at the University of Adelaide. Students will build on their skills in critical analysis, note-taking and the systematic collection and analysis of data in the form of scholarly written sources. They will conduct a solo guided enquiry with assignments which build incrementally towards a major research essay in response to a partly self-defined research question.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2828": {"id": "NPRLlTyyGNAcdr3_oXkJ0", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "77jyPMiWCMzRcJ9sat9dL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22940, "section": "LE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 39, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "-QPtBofv8gNt6nNEWAWYc", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22941, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 22, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22942, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 17, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 1 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2829": {"id": "kHTiYZsFf3BWpoPNRFLhO", "course_id": "106715", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106715", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Prep for the Study of Nursing & Health Sciences", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1014", "CLASS_NBR": 22943, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "069999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to University Preparatory Program or Wirltu Yarlu Preparatory Program students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Anatomy and Physiology test; Short Essay on issues in Public Health; Reflective learning journal; In-class exam on Drug Calculations", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to build on semester one coursework with specific disciplinary preparation for study in Health Sciences and Nursing. The course aims to cover key skills such as basic statistics for Health Science, drug calculations, basic human perspectives in Biological Science and introductions to public health. There will also be a focus on the interrelation of literacy and numeracy skills and placement within class-based practical sessions within the Faculty of Health Sciences with a view to exploring the opportunities and demands of careers in Health. An explicit focus on reflective practice will enable students to prepare for further studies in Health Science", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2830": {"id": "kHTiYZsFf3BWpoPNRFLhO", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "ACUsqCn2V5rdyzZH1AKyU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22943, "section": "LE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 27, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 28 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2831": {"id": "DVPlfUTL78rFZnzQtJ0Yh", "course_id": "108926", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108926", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Preparation for the Study of Humanities", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1015", "CLASS_NBR": 13044, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to University Preparatory Program or Wirltu Yarlu Preparatory Program students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Class participation 15%, Essay plan (2-3 pages) 20%, Major essay (1500 words) 40%, Primary Analysis Blog (500 words) 25%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will introduce students to the Humanities, a broad and diverse area of study. Beginning by exploring what the Humanities consists of, the course will then focus on various disciplines within the Humanities, including History, Indigenous Studies, Media, and Cultural Studies. Students will engage with issues and debates that typify academic inquires in these areas, and reflect on their own identities and societal positions as well as critiquing and analyzing texts that pervade popular culture.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2832": {"id": "DVPlfUTL78rFZnzQtJ0Yh", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Lz7RGcHFHd3toocn1Og5C", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13043, "section": "LE01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 35, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "EWcLkQZsSIQyDJIeDogNE", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13044, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 11, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13045, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2833": {"id": "Hh8BtHEmkqG_d1mQvIPue", "course_id": "109191", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109191", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Academic English I", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1016OL", "CLASS_NBR": 92070, "SESSION_CD": "S02", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "079999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "4 hours per week for 4 weeks", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENGL 1110, ENGL 1112, ENGL 2110, EDUC 2003", "ASSESSMENT": "Online grammar quiz 5%, Online punctuation quiz 5%, Online academic honesty quiz 5%, Essay plan presentation 50%, Final essay (hurdle requirement) 35%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students undertaking this course will develop their skills in reading, writing and speaking English in an intensive study situation. They will read selected English academic texts (or extracts from them), learn skills for understanding these texts, and develop written and spoken responses to them. The course is appropriate for both students whose first language is not English and for native speakers of English. Students will develop transferable skills in critical thinking, research, the evaluation of secondary sources and the planning and drafting of academic assignments.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 29/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "2834": {"id": "Hh8BtHEmkqG_d1mQvIPue", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "vx0TfpmXr7pHouylK4ECC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92070, "section": "TU03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 22, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jan - 13 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "26 Jan - 16 Feb", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 92071, "section": "TU02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 25, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jan - 12 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "24 Jan - 14 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 92072, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 17, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jan - 12 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "24 Jan - 14 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "2835": {"id": "n9fIaDJ1VnyZQEBktxTrj", "course_id": "109191", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109191", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Academic English I", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1016OL", "CLASS_NBR": 95071, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "079999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "4 hours per week for 4 weeks", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENGL 1110, ENGL 1112, ENGL 2110, EDUC 2003", "ASSESSMENT": "Online grammar quiz 5%, Online punctuation quiz 5%, Online academic honesty quiz 5%, Essay plan presentation 50%, Final essay (hurdle requirement) 35%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students undertaking this course will develop their skills in reading, writing and speaking English in an intensive study situation. They will read selected English academic texts (or extracts from them), learn skills for understanding these texts, and develop written and spoken responses to them. The course is appropriate for both students whose first language is not English and for native speakers of English. Students will develop transferable skills in critical thinking, research, the evaluation of secondary sources and the planning and drafting of academic assignments.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 24/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 28/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 11/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 17/07/2024"}}]}, "2836": {"id": "n9fIaDJ1VnyZQEBktxTrj", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "YcdJTJm2fmbI6SSe-elcq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95071, "section": "TU02", "size": 45, "enrolled": 42, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jun - 15 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "26 Jun - 10 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "18 Jul - 18 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 95072, "section": "TU01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 41, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jun - 15 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "26 Jun - 10 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "16 Jul - 16 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "2837": {"id": "Vg9BUAxFJcrUeIPYVSzgV", "course_id": "110780", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110780", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Online Educational Media", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1017OL", "CLASS_NBR": 26248, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "079999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "156 Hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Educational media project 60%, discussion boards 40%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will introduce the different types of media which can be used online in an educational context. It will provide examples of these types of media and the ways in which they can be evaluated, and introduce the educational theories and frameworks that support their use.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2838": {"id": "Vg9BUAxFJcrUeIPYVSzgV", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "XdB5zYygIFwi5MsLtLhct", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26248, "section": "01OL", "size": 60, "enrolled": 49, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop"}]}]}]}, "2839": {"id": "o9P7SUjR4-9k7tLkf_m58", "course_id": "108106", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108106", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Teaching and Learning", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1100", "CLASS_NBR": 21153, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to students in B.Teach double degree programs only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "EDUC 1001", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "EDUC 1002", "ASSESSMENT": "Planning and Implementing a Lesson, Analysis of a Teaching Situation, ePortfolio, School Placement (Hurdle)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides opportunities for students to understand the notion of teaching as a standards-based profession. Students will gain an initial understanding of curriculum theory with an emphasis on the Australian curriculum the SACE and the International Baccalaureate. Students will have opportunities to develop effective teaching and learning strategies. The topic demonstrates a variety of instructional approaches for students' learning and is designed to engage for student learning and is designed to engage students with the processes involved in planning, implementing and evaluating teaching and learning programs. A major focus of the course allows students to gain a broad knowledge of, understanding of and respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories, cultures and languages, drawing on historical and philosophical knowledge, including learning a rudimentary knowledge of the Kaurna language. For students studying the Bachelor of Teaching, it is a graduation requirement that they demonstrate they have met the required levels of personal literacy and numeracy broadly equivalent to the top 30% of the population. All Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary) students participate in the School of Education's eLearning Program that requires students to own an iPad with pencil and keyboard. The University of Adelaide will assist students with procurement upon enrolment.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2840": {"id": "o9P7SUjR4-9k7tLkf_m58", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "sNNVWSie_kc_XX9gCqOae", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28804, "section": "LEC0", "size": 260, "enrolled": 90, "available": 170, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled.
Placements will be allocated from February. If you enrol after 30 April there may be significant delays in your placement allocation. If we cannot find you a placement, you should consider delaying this course until next year. Please contact if you need advice on changing your Study Plan."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "Gx9drU7zQ3__68hgfX6wN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21153, "section": "TU11", "size": 24, "enrolled": 22, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23767, "section": "TU09", "size": 25, "enrolled": 13, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23768, "section": "TU08", "size": 25, "enrolled": 18, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23772, "section": "TU04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 21, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23775, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 16, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2841": {"id": "mLtXRE3l6a-0orCGXbXN5", "course_id": "104566", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104566", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Issues in Contemporary Education", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "2001", "CLASS_NBR": 18610, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "EDUC 1001", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Reflexive written piece, Focus inquiry, Group presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to assist pre-service teachers to critically deconstruct and reflect on contemporary issues that impact the education system, teachers and students. These contemporary issues in the contexts of schools and their communities include socio-cultural issues such as information disorder, gender equity, sexuality diversity, First Nations sovereignty, racism, whiteness, poverty, privilege, and the politics of inclusive education. Inclusion for all students is considered relative to key policy documents, notably the Teaching for Effective Learning (TfEL) framework, the 'Keeping Safe Child Protection Curriculum' (KS:CPC), the Australian Curriculum (AC), and the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (APST). Importantly, this course will introduce students to Culturally Responsive Pedagogies (CRP), which provide a vehicle for valuing the cultural assets and existing funds of knowledge of all students, expanding the curriculum, positioning students as co-learners and knowledge producers, and valuing the body (as well as mind) as a vehicle for learning and knowledge production. The core skill of planning for issues involving diversity are also reinforced, building on prior learning in these areas.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2842": {"id": "mLtXRE3l6a-0orCGXbXN5", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "MkVOM53RdnKyF7Cx06p6c", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13046, "section": "SE01", "size": 220, "enrolled": 98, "available": 122, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "XHE_F9P4uDmYJKOw_CVQR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11293, "section": "TU04", "size": 30, "enrolled": 17, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11294, "section": "TU03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11295, "section": "TU02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 19, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11296, "section": "TU01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 15, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18588, "section": "TU05", "size": 30, "enrolled": 13, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18610, "section": "TU06", "size": 30, "enrolled": 10, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2843": {"id": "VIOedB6spvCGrww8Aeg3m", "course_id": "105370", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105370", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Responsive Teaching Practice", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "2002", "CLASS_NBR": 22780, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to students in B.Teach double degree programs only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "EDUC 1100 and EDUC 2001", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Professional Experience (School Placement) Hurdle Requirement, Discussion Board Contribution and Response, Team Funding Pitch Based on Research Translation, Action research design", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course enables you to engage with published research and to conduct action research in a manner that enables you to be responsive to the changing dynamics of classroom and society, while on Professional Placement in High Schools during the semester. You will collaboratively examine a range of methodologies and analyse research studies that inform understandings about issues in curriculum and pedagogy and design your own action research project to inform your ability to adopt responsive practices to your teaching. As all students participate in the School of Education's eLearning Program, you need to own or borrow an iPad with pencil and keyboard.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2844": {"id": "VIOedB6spvCGrww8Aeg3m", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "y8Pzn5q1LNZIb6e3E-jI-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28802, "section": "LEC0", "size": 210, "enrolled": 93, "available": 117, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled.
Placements will be allocated from February. If you enrol after 30 April there may be significant delays in your placement allocation. If we cannot find you a placement, you should consider delaying this course until next year. Please contact if you need advice on changing your Study Plan."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "lQFOCCxXdADpJN8XslscX", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22780, "section": "SE04", "size": 35, "enrolled": 21, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22781, "section": "SE03", "size": 35, "enrolled": 12, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22782, "section": "SE02", "size": 35, "enrolled": 35, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22783, "section": "SE01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 25, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2845": {"id": "G6TuIJAhugyOxPOavsJw2", "course_id": "109192", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109192", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Academic English II", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "2003OL", "CLASS_NBR": 92073, "SESSION_CD": "S02", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "079999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "4 hours per week for 4 weeks", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENGL 1110, ENGL 1112, ENGL 2110, EDUC 1016", "ASSESSMENT": "Online grammar quiz 5%, Online punctuation quiz 5%, Online academic honesty quiz 5%, Essay plan presentation 50%, Final essay (hurdle requirement) 35%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students undertaking this course will develop their skills in reading, writing and speaking English in an intensive study situation. They will read selected English academic texts (or extracts from them), learn skills for understanding these texts, and develop written and spoken responses to them. The course is appropriate for both students whose first language is not English and for native speakers of English. Students will develop transferable skills in critical thinking, research, the evaluation of secondary sources and the planning and drafting of academic assignments.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 29/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "2846": {"id": "G6TuIJAhugyOxPOavsJw2", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "9Z_cFgMdSDMNHCmlj15wd", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92073, "section": "TU03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 17, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jan - 13 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "26 Jan - 16 Feb", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 92074, "section": "TU02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 27, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jan - 12 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "24 Jan - 14 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 92075, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 14, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jan - 12 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "24 Jan - 14 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "2847": {"id": "HhSSZHp8cw0KQ5nYi2IBE", "course_id": "109192", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109192", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Academic English II", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "2003OL", "CLASS_NBR": 95073, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "079999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "4 hours per week for 4 weeks", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENGL 1110, ENGL 1112, ENGL 2110, EDUC 1016", "ASSESSMENT": "Online grammar quiz 5%, Online punctuation quiz 5%, Online academic honesty quiz 5%, Essay plan presentation 50%, Final essay (hurdle requirement) 35%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students undertaking this course will develop their skills in reading, writing and speaking English in an intensive study situation. They will read selected English academic texts (or extracts from them), learn skills for understanding these texts, and develop written and spoken responses to them. The course is appropriate for both students whose first language is not English and for native speakers of English. Students will develop transferable skills in critical thinking, research, the evaluation of secondary sources and the planning and drafting of academic assignments.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 24/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 28/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 11/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 17/07/2024"}}]}, "2848": {"id": "HhSSZHp8cw0KQ5nYi2IBE", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "V12wNAmoQk0deidIip8LM", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95073, "section": "TU02", "size": 36, "enrolled": 34, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jun - 15 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "26 Jun - 10 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "18 Jul - 18 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 95074, "section": "TU01", "size": 34, "enrolled": 32, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jun - 15 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "26 Jun - 10 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "16 Jul - 16 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "2849": {"id": "xLz56dBuVAagqReeODgHH", "course_id": "109064", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109064", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Managing Teaching in the Diverse Classroom", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3003", "CLASS_NBR": 22987, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "EDUC 2001", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "EDUC 4201, EDUC 6201", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to assist beginning teachers to encounter and reflect upon classroom practice to achieve insight and responsiveness in the flow of student interactions. You will examine the various elements that combine to maintain and foster a positive classroom environment and master a range of teacher actions that build the environment as an effective context to encourage learning. Streamable video clips of unedited classroom footage provide rich, real world discussion points. Insights are then applied through your own teaching in a simulated classroom.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2850": {"id": "xLz56dBuVAagqReeODgHH", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "SPdoocXDJ7VxLrPSL4AQA", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23411, "section": "LE01", "size": 160, "enrolled": 99, "available": 61, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "e0aYTglHYskgsdLkeCTIg", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22987, "section": "TU07", "size": 30, "enrolled": 25, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24975, "section": "TU05", "size": 30, "enrolled": 24, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24976, "section": "TU04", "size": 30, "enrolled": 21, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24977, "section": "TU03", "size": 29, "enrolled": 29, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2851": {"id": "a8PyipQi8SRoVpORybse2", "course_id": "109793", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109793", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Critical Pedagogies in the Secondary Years", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3006", "CLASS_NBR": 15269, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to students in the following program only: BTSBE or BTSM or BTSBM or BTSBS", "PRE_REQUISITE": "EDUC 1100 and EDUC 2002", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "EDUC 1001, EDUC 2001", "INCOMPATIBLE": "EDUC 3005", "ASSESSMENT": "Participation and engagement 10%, Reading journal 15%, Evaluating a teacher\u2019s practice 25%, Articulating a teaching approach 50%, School Placement (0%) Hurdle requirement", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will investigate the principles and practices of senior secondary years pedagogy. Students will explore the senior secondary years as distinctive phases of schooling that address the wellbeing and age appropriate needs of learners. The course asks students to develop their expertise by working collaboratively to evaluate and design pedagogical strategies that attend to curriculum demands identified by the Australian Curriculum, the SACE Board and other accredited frameworks by negotiation. This will also involve working on designing learning and assessment which integrates content from across the curriculum or the teaching of a single discipline. Students will be asked to enrich these learning designs through the use of digital technologies and deploying such pedagogical lenses as Indigenous perspectives, critical pedagogy, place-based pedagogy and communities of thinking. The course will support students to address the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers in their ongoing e-portfolio work and understand the impact of various reform strategies on building teaching capacity, ensuring accountability, delivering adequate resources and improving learning.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2852": {"id": "a8PyipQi8SRoVpORybse2", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "_-zm3D_XNDA3ZFxPjIQcO", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18895, "section": "LEC0", "size": 120, "enrolled": 100, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled.
Placements will be allocated from February. If you enrol after 30 April there may be significant delays in your placement allocation. If we cannot find you a placement, you should consider delaying this course until next year. Please contact if you need advice on changing your Study Plan."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "2lbO7pMfJRYvly7gHJhib", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15269, "section": "TU04", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15270, "section": "TU03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 23, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15271, "section": "TU02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 23, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15272, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 25, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2853": {"id": "kSPIU-0gUxHXIr50xA1Sd", "course_id": "110631", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110631", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Pedagogical Engagement for Learning", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3007", "CLASS_NBR": 23104, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to students doing a Bachelor of Media with a major in Educational Media only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "EDUC 2001", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "EDUC 6552, EDUC 7552", "ASSESSMENT": "Reflective discussion board entries 15%, Unit and lesson plan 40%, Group Project 25%,Eportfolio 20%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces students to a range of pedagogic strategies applicable to all levels of learning, with a particular focus on flexible, diverse and inclusive student-centered pedagogical approaches. Focusing on skills for 21st century learners, students will model and reflect on pedagogic strategies and their theoretical justifications, and consider the critical importance of planning, trialing and reflecting on pedagogic strategies. Constructive alignment between learning philosophy, curriculum, unit of inquiry, lesson, pedagogy and impact on learning will be a key theme, as will enhancing student engagement through the use of educational technology and online strategies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2854": {"id": "kSPIU-0gUxHXIr50xA1Sd", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "icRCkWJ34Eibg_MRKpYKo", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23104, "section": "SE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This class is for students doing a Bachelor of Media with a major in Educational Media."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2855": {"id": "_cREWqxkPta8nbR9bZi0f", "course_id": "110630", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110630", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Online Learning", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3008OL", "CLASS_NBR": 22680, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070111", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "EDUC 2001", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "EDUC 7063", "ASSESSMENT": "Mobile Learning in the Classroom 30%, Discussion in Online Learning Communities 30%, Individual lesson plan 40%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces online learning within an educational context. It focuses on educational technologies, which support both asynchronous and synchronous interactions among teachers, students and content. The participant will gain an understanding of how various online educational technologies enhance higher order learning", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2856": {"id": "_cREWqxkPta8nbR9bZi0f", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "BDKwGX_OHrp49hCLG_aJi", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22680, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "2857": {"id": "EmAVMvIc7SxX6PwZzZX7U", "course_id": "111014", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111014", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Education Project: Self-Directed Study", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3009", "CLASS_NBR": 12321, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to students undertaking an Education major", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Students must have successfully passed 12 units of EDUC courses including EDUC 2001", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Project Proposal (500 words), Annotated Bibliography and Abstract (2000 words), Project with accompanying commentary (4000 words)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Focussed in Education, but could relate to one of the student\u2019s other subject area specialisations (eg. History) or;\nRelate to one fo the following areas: curriculum; teacher education; pedagogy; technology; media; gender; cultural difference; international perspective(s); workplace education or wellbeing or;\nA topic created in consultation with the course coordinator.\n\nStudents will work under the supervision of an Education academic. The Project structure includes:\nA commentary and justification of 3-4 thousand words, with an associated project designed for a learning process, such as a media production (eg. a learning app), workplace professional learning module, documentary or other project (in consultation with the course coordinator).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2858": {"id": "EmAVMvIc7SxX6PwZzZX7U", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "fyFNGA1ZGpiDiW1LaNbM5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12321, "section": "SE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, 204, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, 204, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2859": {"id": "XykZp0eLqa9HBtFjYozfH", "course_id": "110959", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110959", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Prof Experience B & Assess for Graduate Teaching", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4090", "CLASS_NBR": 19289, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "6 x 3 hours + placement", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to students in B.Teach double degree programs only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "EDUC 4211 or EDUC 4215 or EDUC 4221 or EDUC 4206", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Placement, AfGT (composed of video recording with reflection and essays). The AfGT is an assessment component determined by the Program\u2019s accreditation authority.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Professional Experience is central to the Initial Teacher Education (ITE) program at the University of Adelaide's School of Education. This course prepares Pre-service teachers for the final in-school teaching placement. It is the culmination of a series of developmentally sequenced Professional Experience placements preparing Pre-service teachers for their final secondary school placement in a Department for Education, Independent, Lutheran or Catholic Education school. All Pre-service teachers will be required to meet all placement and Assessment for Graduate Teaching (AfGT) assessments aligned to the Australian Professional Standard for Teachers (APST) to successfully meet the capstone requirements of this subject.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2860": {"id": "XykZp0eLqa9HBtFjYozfH", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "cWzKY3irUbDsz6WWpOwvc", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19289, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 6, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "2861": {"id": "aK_wYSDCT86K8cpY2G4pc", "course_id": "110959", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110959", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Prof Experience B & Assess for Graduate Teaching", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4090", "CLASS_NBR": 24531, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "6 x 3 hours + placement", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to students in B.Teach double degree programs only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "EDUC 4211 or EDUC 4215 or EDUC 4221 or EDUC 4206", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Placement, AfGT (composed of video recording with reflection and essays). The AfGT is an assessment component determined by the Program\u2019s accreditation authority.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Professional Experience is central to the Initial Teacher Education (ITE) program at the University of Adelaide's School of Education. This course prepares Pre-service teachers for the final in-school teaching placement. It is the culmination of a series of developmentally sequenced Professional Experience placements preparing Pre-service teachers for their final secondary school placement in a Department for Education, Independent, Lutheran or Catholic Education school. All Pre-service teachers will be required to meet all placement and Assessment for Graduate Teaching (AfGT) assessments aligned to the Australian Professional Standard for Teachers (APST) to successfully meet the capstone requirements of this subject.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2862": {"id": "aK_wYSDCT86K8cpY2G4pc", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "Z5hRKwfP1zgyACYJXpNUV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24531, "section": "SE01", "size": 150, "enrolled": 108, "available": 42, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Placements will be allocated from February. If you enrol after 1 April there may be significant delays in your placement allocation. If we cannot find you a placement, you should consider delaying this course until next year. Please contact if you need advice on changing your Study Plan."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 20 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2863": {"id": "ddqFyIlD4GNzZK1M7LMek", "course_id": "110885", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110885", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Accounting Curriculum & Pedagogy (UG)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4105", "CLASS_NBR": 12336, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Pass in 6 courses of Accounting", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "EDUC 4508A and 4508B", "ASSESSMENT": "A series of 8-10 lessons plans, A unit of work (inclusive of lesson plans), Designing an assessment task, Grading/marking criteria", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The focus of this course and its companion Curriculum and Pedagogy is learning and teaching theory and its application in practice for teaching. This includes planning, developing and assessing learning for diverse student cohorts in line with the Australian and SACE Curriculum requirements in this subject specialisation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2864": {"id": "ddqFyIlD4GNzZK1M7LMek", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "DwsUsfkxpwr6lA7tus4_O", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12336, "section": "TU01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Jun - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2865": {"id": "A8bYhRq5GzoXWkPPUdYEE", "course_id": "110886", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110886", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Biology Curriculum & Pedagogy (UG)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4106", "CLASS_NBR": 13452, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Pass in 6 courses of Biological Science", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "EDUC 4510A and 4510B", "ASSESSMENT": "A series of 8-10 lessons plans, A unit of work (inclusive of lesson plans), Designing an assessment task, Grading/marking criteria", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The focus of this course and its companion Curriculum and Pedagogy is learning and teaching theory and its application in practice for teaching. This includes planning, developing and assessing learning for diverse student cohorts in line with the Australian and SACE Curriculum requirements in this subject specialisation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2866": {"id": "A8bYhRq5GzoXWkPPUdYEE", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "hDV421cy-DUIUCK1KilUB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13452, "section": "TU01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 9, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 25 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Jun - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2867": {"id": "Uk9DIXT4AexYgw_ujKS-u", "course_id": "110887", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110887", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Business Studies Curriculum & Pedagogy (UG)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4107", "CLASS_NBR": 12337, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Pass in 6 courses of Business Studies", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "EDUC 4511A and 4511B", "ASSESSMENT": "A series of 8-10 lessons plans, A unit of work (inclusive of lesson plans), Designing an assessment task, Grading/marking criteria", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The focus of this course and its companion Curriculum and Pedagogy is learning and teaching theory and its application in practice for teaching. This includes planning, developing and assessing learning for diverse student cohorts in line with the Australian and SACE Curriculum requirements in this subject specialisation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2868": {"id": "Uk9DIXT4AexYgw_ujKS-u", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "s28rHT2MKsBo5bfCL0D56", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12337, "section": "TU01", "size": 14, "enrolled": 12, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Jun - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2869": {"id": "agunQslfsdf0UXEOnlY_0", "course_id": "110888", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110888", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Chemistry Curriculum & Pedagogy (UG)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4108", "CLASS_NBR": 12338, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Pass in 6 courses of Chemistry", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "EDUC 4512A and 4512B", "ASSESSMENT": "A series of 8-10 lessons plans, A unit of work (inclusive of lesson plans), Designing an assessment task, Grading/marking criteria", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The focus of this course and its companion Curriculum and Pedagogy is learning and teaching theory and its application in practice for teaching. This includes planning, developing and assessing learning for diverse student cohorts in line with the Australian and SACE Curriculum requirements in this subject specialisation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2870": {"id": "agunQslfsdf0UXEOnlY_0", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "pQj7993p0Zq_iLt2PDD_9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12338, "section": "TU01", "size": 12, "enrolled": 9, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Jun - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2871": {"id": "E8yAOJvGTIc6yp5kfrpSH", "course_id": "110890", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110890", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Chinese Curriculum & Pedagogy (UG)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4109", "CLASS_NBR": 15389, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Pass in 6 courses of Chinese Language", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "EDUC 4513A and 4513B", "ASSESSMENT": "A series of 8-10 lessons plans, A unit of work (inclusive of lesson plans), Designing an assessment task, Grading/marking criteria", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The focus of this course and its companion Curriculum and Pedagogy is learning and teaching theory and its application in practice for teaching. This includes planning, developing and assessing learning for diverse student cohorts in line with the Australian and SACE Curriculum requirements in this subject specialisation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2872": {"id": "E8yAOJvGTIc6yp5kfrpSH", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "iDoNRH_Li2eZuC2cLwXYn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12339, "section": "TU01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 6, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Jun - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15389, "section": "TU02", "size": 11, "enrolled": 7, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 25 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Jun - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2873": {"id": "NXFJw_aF1OJCKghjlC3-S", "course_id": "110891", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110891", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Classroom Music Curriculum & Pedagogy (UG)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4110", "CLASS_NBR": 12340, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Degree in Music or a Pass in 6 courses of Music", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "EDUC 4514A and 4514B", "ASSESSMENT": "A series of 8-10 lessons plans, A unit of work (inclusive of lesson plans), Designing an assessment task, Grading/marking criteria", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The focus of this course and its companion Curriculum and Pedagogy is learning and teaching theory and its application in practice for teaching. 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This includes planning, developing and assessing learning for diverse student cohorts in line with the Australian and SACE Curriculum requirements in this subject specialisation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2876": {"id": "lbPaFSWLvbEjrxmDvqRfM", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "qAw7A7Bugdw9bYKBaZz3G", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12341, "section": "TU01", "size": 7, "enrolled": 5, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Napier, 107, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Napier, 107, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Jun - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Napier, 107, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "2877": {"id": "n9JBN4sbVCPotUjxtKaQm", "course_id": "110894", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110894", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Earth & Environmental Science Curr & Ped (UG)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4112", "CLASS_NBR": 12329, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Pass 18 units (or the equivalent of 6 courses) in Earth and Environmental Sciences", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "EDUC 4545A and 4545B", "ASSESSMENT": "A series of 8-10 lessons plans, A unit of work (inclusive of lesson plans), Designing an assessment task, Grading/marking criteria", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The focus of this course and its companion Curriculum and Pedagogy is learning and teaching theory and its application in practice for teaching. This includes planning, developing and assessing learning for diverse student cohorts in line with the Australian and SACE Curriculum requirements in this subject specialisation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2878": {"id": "n9JBN4sbVCPotUjxtKaQm", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "MLEOQYSOR6Vy8PPXRewY0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12329, "section": "TU01", "size": 6, "enrolled": 3, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 22 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Jun - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2879": {"id": "7ntYpGWSHoL8hIMpBlbru", "course_id": "110897", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110897", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Economics Curriculum & Pedagogy (UG)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4113", "CLASS_NBR": 12342, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Pass in 6 courses of Economics", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "EDUC 4515A and 4515B", "ASSESSMENT": "A series of 8-10 lessons plans, A unit of work (inclusive of lesson plans), Designing an assessment task, Grading/marking criteria", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The focus of this course and its companion Curriculum and Pedagogy is learning and teaching theory and its application in practice for teaching. This includes planning, developing and assessing learning for diverse student cohorts in line with the Australian and SACE Curriculum requirements in this subject specialisation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2880": {"id": "7ntYpGWSHoL8hIMpBlbru", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "pBnsbPWPdAxdRxH1R2Rlq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12342, "section": "TU01", "size": 6, "enrolled": 4, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Jun - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2881": {"id": "053uMRf8RF0ikeuhJWBNQ", "course_id": "110900", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110900", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "English as an Add Lang/Dialect Curr & Ped (UG)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4114", "CLASS_NBR": 10418, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Pass in 6 courses of Linguistics. Linguistics studies must be in English.", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "EDUC 4516A and 4516B", "ASSESSMENT": "A series of 8-10 lessons plans, A unit of work (inclusive of lesson plans), Designing an assessment task, Grading/marking criteria", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The focus of this course and its companion Curriculum and Pedagogy is learning and teaching theory and its application in practice for teaching. This includes planning, developing and assessing learning for diverse student cohorts in line with the Australian and SACE Curriculum requirements in this subject specialisation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2882": {"id": "053uMRf8RF0ikeuhJWBNQ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "gJGZEXa5Nk1xDn5Qm1rfX", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10418, "section": "TU03", "size": 4, "enrolled": 1, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 25 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Jun - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10419, "section": "TU02", "size": 7, "enrolled": 1, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Jun - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10420, "section": "TU01", "size": 7, "enrolled": 0, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Jun - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2883": {"id": "PZqqk9CrrZJyfWNNSyuQE", "course_id": "110901", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110901", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "English Curriculum & Pedagogy (UG)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4115", "CLASS_NBR": 10421, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Pass in 6 courses of literature", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "EDUC 4519A and 4519B, EDUC 4532A and 4532B", "ASSESSMENT": "A series of 8-10 lessons plans, A unit of work (inclusive of lesson plans), Designing an assessment task, Grading/marking criteria", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The focus of this course and its companion Curriculum and Pedagogy is learning and teaching theory and its application in practice for teaching. This includes planning, developing and assessing learning for diverse student cohorts in line with the Australian and SACE Curriculum requirements in this subject specialisation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2884": {"id": "PZqqk9CrrZJyfWNNSyuQE", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "5RBI2SkpX6sQQmlKbQ3z-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10421, "section": "TU03", "size": 14, "enrolled": 11, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 25 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Jun - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10422, "section": "TU01", "size": 21, "enrolled": 21, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Jun - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15386, "section": "TU02", "size": 16, "enrolled": 12, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Jun - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2885": {"id": "d8S9LAJA1hVeoYHfu7Hoo", "course_id": "110907", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110907", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "French Curriculum & Pedagogy (UG)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4116", "CLASS_NBR": 15390, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Pass in 6 courses of French language", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "EDUC 4518A and 4518B", "ASSESSMENT": "A series of 8-10 lessons plans, A unit of work (inclusive of lesson plans), Designing an assessment task, Grading/marking criteria", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The focus of this course and its companion Curriculum and Pedagogy is learning and teaching theory and its application in practice for teaching. This includes planning, developing and assessing learning for diverse student cohorts in line with the Australian and SACE Curriculum requirements in this subject specialisation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2886": {"id": "d8S9LAJA1hVeoYHfu7Hoo", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "zMhJB8ROBSnZ9WIrpi3G9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12343, "section": "TU01", "size": 4, "enrolled": 0, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Jun - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15390, "section": "TU02", "size": 3, "enrolled": 1, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 25 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Jun - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2887": {"id": "UCSepUYc-4A-4nYbc68y_", "course_id": "110908", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110908", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Geography Curriculum & Pedagogy (UG)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4117", "CLASS_NBR": 12344, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Pass in 6 courses of Geography", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "EDUC 4520A and 4520B", "ASSESSMENT": "A series of 8-10 lessons plans, A unit of work (inclusive of lesson plans), Designing an assessment task, Grading/marking criteria", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The focus of this course and its companion Curriculum and Pedagogy is learning and teaching theory and its application in practice for teaching. 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This includes planning, developing and assessing learning for diverse student cohorts in line with the Australian and SACE Curriculum requirements in this subject specialisation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2906": {"id": "R76O9RyfqytxuA3C3gh-H", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "QjaBBqqUiFsx84Rgo32rW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10616, "section": "TU02", "size": 23, "enrolled": 23, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 25 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Jun - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12347, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 8, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Jun - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2907": {"id": "PqNs_Yj0EEeNOLCXjmKrC", "course_id": "110953", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110953", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Media Studies Curriculum & Pedagogy (UG)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4127", "CLASS_NBR": 12351, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Pass 18 units (or the equivalent of 6 courses) in Media Studies", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "EDUC 4547A and 4547B", "ASSESSMENT": "A series of 8-10 lessons plans, A unit of work (inclusive of lesson plans from assessment task 1, part A), Designing an assessment task (inclusive of lesson plans from assessment task 1, part A & B) , grading / marking criteria", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The focus of this course and its companion Curriculum and Pedagogy is learning and teaching theory and its application in practice for teaching. This includes planning, developing and assessing learning for diverse student cohorts in line with the Australian and SACE Curriculum requirements in this subject specialisation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2908": {"id": "PqNs_Yj0EEeNOLCXjmKrC", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "lah9X-kQzlgnJGrpH3zSQ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12351, "section": "TU01", "size": 11, "enrolled": 8, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Napier, 107, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Napier, 107, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Jun - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Napier, 107, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "2909": {"id": "ZyK6TWbs9XMRCJjVq10uJ", "course_id": "110954", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110954", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Modern Greek Curriculum & Pedagogy (UG)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4128", "CLASS_NBR": 15402, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Pass in 6 courses of Modern Greek Language", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "EDUC 4538A and 4538B", "ASSESSMENT": "A series of 8-10 lessons plans, A unit of work (inclusive of lesson plans from assessment task 1, part A), Designing an assessment task (inclusive of lesson plans from assessment task 1, part A & B) , grading / marking criteria", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The focus of this course and its companion Curriculum and Pedagogy is learning and teaching theory and its application in practice for teaching. This includes planning, developing and assessing learning for diverse student cohorts in line with the Australian and SACE Curriculum requirements in this subject specialisation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2910": {"id": "ZyK6TWbs9XMRCJjVq10uJ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "rTeavGyuQGgAZvNzWVVOu", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12352, "section": "TU01", "size": 2, "enrolled": 0, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Jun - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15402, "section": "TU02", "size": 2, "enrolled": 0, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 25 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Jun - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2911": {"id": "9uM-Yy7XBO8hFaXznLakx", "course_id": "110955", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110955", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Other Language Curriculum & Pedagogy (UG)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4129", "CLASS_NBR": 15403, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Pass in 6 courses of a relevant language approved by the Head of School of Education", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "EDUC 4536A and 4536B", "ASSESSMENT": "A series of 8-10 lessons plans, A unit of work (inclusive of lesson plans from assessment task 1, part A), Designing an assessment task (inclusive of lesson plans from assessment task 1, part A & B) , grading / marking criteria", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The focus of this course and its companion Curriculum and Pedagogy is learning and teaching theory and its application in practice for teaching. 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This includes planning, developing and assessing learning for diverse student cohorts in line with the Australian and SACE Curriculum requirements in this subject specialisation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2914": {"id": "7KHs3f0vHYlfRrh509HrE", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "Q_VKGSp6yIJMIgM9PkJk2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12354, "section": "TU01", "size": 7, "enrolled": 3, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}, {"dates": "7 Jun - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "2915": {"id": "mJjeLL9B3MRCXP1CguCVR", "course_id": "110957", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110957", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Psychology Curriculum & Pedagogy (UG)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4131", "CLASS_NBR": 12355, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Major in Psychology or equivalent", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "EDUC 4540A and 4540B", "ASSESSMENT": "A series of 8-10 lessons plans, A unit of work (inclusive of lesson plans from assessment task 1, part A), Designing an assessment task (inclusive of lesson plans from assessment task 1, part A & B) , grading / marking criteria", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The focus of this course and its companion Curriculum and Pedagogy is learning and teaching theory and its application in practice for teaching. This includes planning, developing and assessing learning for diverse student cohorts in line with the Australian and SACE Curriculum requirements in this subject specialisation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2916": {"id": "mJjeLL9B3MRCXP1CguCVR", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "hQro_wlaJgUgPCwFg0OZG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12355, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 16, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 22 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Jun - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2917": {"id": "hIvcT7iBNSH9X47nrK2nY", "course_id": "110952", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110952", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Science Curriculum and Pedagogy (UG)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4132", "CLASS_NBR": 12350, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 contact hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Pass in 4 courses in Science over a range of Science topics aligned to topics within the Australian Science Curriculum", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "EDUC 4529A and 4529B", "ASSESSMENT": "A series of 8-10 lessons plans, A unit of work (inclusive of lesson plans), Designing an assessment task, Grading/marking criteria", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The focus of this course and its companion Curriculum and Pedagogy is learning and teaching theory and its application in practice for teaching. This includes planning, developing and assessing learning for diverse student cohorts in line with the Australian and SACE Curriculum requirements in this subject specialisation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2918": {"id": "hIvcT7iBNSH9X47nrK2nY", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "FNlaqE7sQxhG0v-uRP4MK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12350, "section": "TU01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Jun - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2919": {"id": "OJ042x2ZSGyWw0PE0ejn-", "course_id": "110958", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110958", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Scientific Studies/STEM Curriculum & Pedagogy (UG)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4133", "CLASS_NBR": 12356, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 contact hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Pass 18 units (or equivalent) of courses from one or a combination of the following specialisations: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Computer Science", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "EDUC 4548A and 4548B", "ASSESSMENT": "A series of 8-10 lessons plans, A unit of work (inclusive of lesson plans), Designing an assessment task, Grading/marking criteria", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The focus of this course and its companion Curriculum and Pedagogy is learning and teaching theory and its application in practice for teaching. This includes planning, developing and assessing learning for diverse student cohorts in line with the Australian and SACE Curriculum requirements in this subject specialisation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2920": {"id": "OJ042x2ZSGyWw0PE0ejn-", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "Dp37T94kj5eUr1b2XXncu", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12356, "section": "TU01", "size": 2, "enrolled": 0, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 22 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Jun - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2921": {"id": "ou4ypZkaZi9cQF2z6XSqj", "course_id": "110951", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110951", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Spanish Curriculum and Pedagogy (UG)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4134", "CLASS_NBR": 15405, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "A pass in 6 courses of Spanish Language", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "EDUC 4535A and 4535B", "ASSESSMENT": "A series of 8-10 lessons plans, A unit of work (inclusive of lesson plans), Designing an assessment task, Grading/marking criteria", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The focus of this course and its companion Curriculum and Pedagogy is learning and teaching theory and its application in practice for teaching. This includes planning, developing and assessing learning for diverse student cohorts in line with the Australian and SACE Curriculum requirements in this subject specialisation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2922": {"id": "ou4ypZkaZi9cQF2z6XSqj", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "a-BN4uAv5Eipieab4mpzt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12349, "section": "TU01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Jun - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15405, "section": "TU02", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 25 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Jun - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2923": {"id": "v0cyvoel6AuMxl1YZIpnb", "course_id": "110949", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110949", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Vietnamese Curriculum and Pedagogy (UG)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4135", "CLASS_NBR": 15407, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Pass in 6 courses of Vietnamese Language", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "EDUC 4537A and 4537B", "ASSESSMENT": "A series of 8-10 lessons plans, A unit of work (inclusive of lesson plans), Designing an assessment task, Grading/marking criteria", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The focus of this course and its companion Curriculum and Pedagogy is learning and teaching theory and its application in practice for teaching. This includes planning, developing and assessing learning for diverse student cohorts in line with the Australian and SACE Curriculum requirements in this subject specialisation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2924": {"id": "v0cyvoel6AuMxl1YZIpnb", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "0mbudYYPj3IO8Z9iTiH4g", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12348, "section": "TU01", "size": 2, "enrolled": 0, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Jun - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15407, "section": "TU02", "size": 2, "enrolled": 0, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 25 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Jun - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2925": {"id": "lF1aSF85fUhAoNWzvSz8a", "course_id": "109795", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109795", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Professional Experience A and Classroom Management", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4211", "CLASS_NBR": 18654, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "2 x 3 hours of pre-placement workshops/lectures, 25 days placement", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "EDUC 3003 and (EDUC 3006 or EDUC 3005)", "CO_REQUISITE": "EDUC 4217", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Placement", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "EDUC 4211 supports the first of two 25-day placements in the final year of the Bachelor of Teaching degree. This Professional Experience course prepares final-year pre-service teachers for their school placement and also equips pre-service teachers with the foundational concepts and practical skills for effective classroom behaviour management.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2926": {"id": "lF1aSF85fUhAoNWzvSz8a", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "y8SMN5rB3-brkwDumgcvJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18654, "section": "SE01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 5, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Placements will be allocated from February. If you enrol after 1 April there may be significant delays in your placement allocation. If we cannot find you a placement, you should consider delaying this course until next year. Please contact if you need advice on changing your Study Plan."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2927": {"id": "xE5lRPTH6M_T_fTskfKdI", "course_id": "109797", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109797", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Education Research Skills", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4213", "CLASS_NBR": 25124, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "EDUC 1001 and EDUC 2001", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Multimedia sequence for literacy and numeracy development, Report: accounts and analyses, Plan for facilitating research-based learning for diverse learners", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Education Research Skills will build on your learning in Research as Teaching Practice (EDUC 2002), to develop the ways that you facilitate secondary student research skills, including in the senior years. The course prompts thinking about research approaches, including Indigenous approaches, that lead to sustainable practices, the use of information and communication technologies, and the development of literacy and numeracy when secondary students work in inquiry mode. You will apply your understanding of research-based learning practices in secondary school during the Professional Placement and report your findings after the placement.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2928": {"id": "xE5lRPTH6M_T_fTskfKdI", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "sD6vnBIbG7BvBdo9RNbEH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28803, "section": "LEC0", "size": 140, "enrolled": 105, "available": 35, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "CiIBfNMg0RirFo2mjTlVF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25124, "section": "TU04", "size": 35, "enrolled": 26, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 20 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25125, "section": "TU03", "size": 40, "enrolled": 16, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 21 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25126, "section": "TU02", "size": 40, "enrolled": 33, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 21 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25127, "section": "TU01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 30, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 20 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "2929": {"id": "4R7vmUriYMKktDFn17Bjr", "course_id": "110485", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110485", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Professional Experience A and Classroom Management", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4215", "CLASS_NBR": 18656, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "6 x 3 hours + placement", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to students in B.Teach double degree programs only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "EDUC 3003 and (EDUC 3006 or EDUC 3005)", "CO_REQUISITE": "EDUC 4217", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Curriculum and Pedagogy in two teaching areas, Literacy and Numeracy Test for Initial Teacher Education Students (LANTITE)", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Placement", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Professional Experience placement is central to the Initial Teacher Education program. EDUC 4215 is the first of two placements in the final year of the Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary) degree. This 25-day Professional Experience course prepares final year Pre-service teachers for their secondary year\u2019s school placement in a Department for Education, Independent, Lutheran or Catholic school.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2930": {"id": "4R7vmUriYMKktDFn17Bjr", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "0-KoFtcsi8L7jSdK7F5e9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18656, "section": "SE01", "size": 125, "enrolled": 97, "available": 28, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Placements will be allocated from February. If you enrol after 1 April there may be significant delays in your placement allocation. If we cannot find you a placement, you should consider delaying this course until next year. Please contact if you need advice on changing your Study Plan."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2931": {"id": "3m6qjAbhn_WKcx3xgoBfT", "course_id": "110857", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110857", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Curriculum, Assessment & Policy", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4217", "CLASS_NBR": 13698, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "EDUC 3003 and (EDUC 3001 or EDUC 3005 or EDUC 3006)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Critical reflective responses using the '4Rs' process to four (4) prescribed readings, Analytical assignment, Short answer responses to weekly questions and reflections", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Curriculum Construction introduces all aspects of curriculum development, interpretation and implementation. Students will develop an understanding of both the theoretical and practical components of curriculum construction", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2932": {"id": "3m6qjAbhn_WKcx3xgoBfT", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "_otrdd0mrAhlTh7umgS60", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18897, "section": "LEC0", "size": 150, "enrolled": 109, "available": 41, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "HgLLwHb58dBVP-1RQynEG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13698, "section": "TU05", "size": 30, "enrolled": 22, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13699, "section": "TU04", "size": 35, "enrolled": 35, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13700, "section": "TU03", "size": 40, "enrolled": 14, "available": 26, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13701, "section": "TU02", "size": 35, "enrolled": 31, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 25 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13702, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 7, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 25 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2933": {"id": "z8ClnnXBop3_VoSDsmI12", "course_id": "110861", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110861", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Foundations of Education", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4218", "CLASS_NBR": 25177, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "EDUC 3003 and (EDUC 3006 or EDUC 3005)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Group presentation, A personal reflective statement about your teaching, Short answer responses to weekly questions and reflections", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Foundations of Education uses multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary research as a means to understand education as a field, and how it is applied to teaching as an educational practice. Students will be introduced to different ways of looking at education, supported by links to classic and contemporary research.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2934": {"id": "z8ClnnXBop3_VoSDsmI12", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "7z9hpMVFu9QZDTBy1tf8i", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21985, "section": "LE01", "size": 145, "enrolled": 108, "available": 37, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 19 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "7 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "whhP5vNJhQ17M9D8lzIqx", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25177, "section": "TU04", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 19 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25178, "section": "TU03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 20 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25179, "section": "TU02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 25, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 21 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25180, "section": "TU01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 27, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 21 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "2935": {"id": "OWDnx2ZCusxIxB8NLllUG", "course_id": "110976", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110976", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Professional Experience 5 day", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4219", "CLASS_NBR": 16243, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "4 hour seminar in Week 1, 7 hours per day whilst on placement", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to students in B.Teach double degree programs only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Successful completion Curriculum and Pedagogy courses in 2 subject specialisations, 45 day placement", "CO_REQUISITE": "EDUC 4220", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Placement 100%,", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Professional Experience is central to the Initial Teacher Education program. This 5-day Professional Experience course prepares final year Pre-service teachers for their secondary school placement in a Department for Education, Independent, Lutheran or Catholic school.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2936": {"id": "OWDnx2ZCusxIxB8NLllUG", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "6J4tCxNljHdcjlUuJ7Ie3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16243, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 1, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "2937": {"id": "dKzaUDHYZu64jFmdpwq85", "course_id": "110976", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110976", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Professional Experience 5 day", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4219", "CLASS_NBR": 26255, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "4 hour seminar in Week 1, 7 hours per day whilst on placement", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to students in B.Teach double degree programs only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Successful completion Curriculum and Pedagogy courses in 2 subject specialisations, 45 day placement", "CO_REQUISITE": "EDUC 4220", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Placement 100%,", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Professional Experience is central to the Initial Teacher Education program. This 5-day Professional Experience course prepares final year Pre-service teachers for their secondary school placement in a Department for Education, Independent, Lutheran or Catholic school.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2938": {"id": "dKzaUDHYZu64jFmdpwq85", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "ldZwbkoa8PfjjIkv2_re2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26255, "section": "01NT", "size": 50, "enrolled": 5, "available": 45, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "2939": {"id": "RtMcx8K3XDg4KnHlspxxn", "course_id": "110978", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110978", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Professional Experience A and Classroom Management", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4221", "CLASS_NBR": 15323, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "6 x 3 hours + placement", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to students in B.Teach double degree programs only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(EDUC 3002 or EDUC 3005 or EDUC 3006) and successful completion Curriculum and Pedagogy courses in 2 subject specialisations", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Placement", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Professional Experience is central to the Initial Teacher Education program. This 45-day Professional Experience course prepares final year Pre-service teachers for their secondary school placement in a Department for Education, Independent, Lutheran or Catholic school.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2940": {"id": "RtMcx8K3XDg4KnHlspxxn", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "Xn6KpSl-1Min0BFZ8srsc", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15323, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 10, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "2941": {"id": "SleZhR88hoTbj0mv72Y-_", "course_id": "110978", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110978", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Professional Experience A and Classroom Management", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4221", "CLASS_NBR": 29605, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "6 x 3 hours + placement", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to students in B.Teach double degree programs only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(EDUC 3002 or EDUC 3005 or EDUC 3006) and successful completion Curriculum and Pedagogy courses in 2 subject specialisations", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Placement", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Professional Experience is central to the Initial Teacher Education program. This 45-day Professional Experience course prepares final year Pre-service teachers for their secondary school placement in a Department for Education, Independent, Lutheran or Catholic school.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2942": {"id": "SleZhR88hoTbj0mv72Y-_", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "THBoyk5paOBGP3Uu1u4Ef", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29605, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 1, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "2943": {"id": "xSYiUTWbCMywAX1F92w4h", "course_id": "104847", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104847", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Educational Leadership in Diverse Contexts", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7013", "CLASS_NBR": 10964, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Literature Review (35%), Essay (45%), Discussion Boards (20%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will develop students' understanding of contemporary issues in leadership in diverse global contexts. These factors contribute to educational policy and practices and the changing role of leadership in educational contexts. Students will evaluate leadership models and strategies and their impact on teacher and student capacity, and develop skills to effectively lead and manage within diverse contexts, both locally and internationally.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2944": {"id": "xSYiUTWbCMywAX1F92w4h", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "_8VPjKb3rwJppNGuX0fbR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10964, "section": "SE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 59, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Mar - 16 Mar", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 May - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 May - 11 May", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2945": {"id": "7L2o2nVvPGXQUc7-XYHDN", "course_id": "104739", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104739", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Multicultural Society and Educational Policy", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7016", "CLASS_NBR": 13723, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Evaluative and reflective analysis 20%, Tutorial presentation 20%, Contribution to class discussion 10%, Evaluative essay 50%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course explores culturally plural societies, the construction of schools, and how these relate to social and educational policies. The course is designed with a student-centred learning focus. It is, in part, determined by their decision-making process as part of a critical pedagogical approach. There is thus considerable flexibility in the program. Key themes relating to 'core' values are explored in the context of cultural and educational theories. \nHistorical, political, philosophical, social and economic perspectives can be included in the analysis of educational systems both in Australia and internationally. These, as well as alternative orientations to cultural pluralism, are examined regarding epistemologies, curriculum, school organisations and educational policy.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2946": {"id": "7L2o2nVvPGXQUc7-XYHDN", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "xVEhYJxmlCF5EeNkF2-W7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13723, "section": "SE01", "size": 42, "enrolled": 38, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 1 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Mar - 2 Mar", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "31 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Jun - 1 Jun", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2947": {"id": "hYgirxTuqpThRQf66tcUV", "course_id": "104743", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104743", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Psychological Theories of Education", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7018", "CLASS_NBR": 21371, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Reports 10%, Group presentation 20%, Essay (750-1000 words) 25%, Essay (2500-3000 words) 45%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Learning is central to education. Research in neuroscience is having an increasing impact on our understanding of learning. By looking at the brain, scientists are studying the very complex processes that underpin our memory, speech and language, thinking and reasoning, reading and mathematics. The course explores links between our own experiences as educators, various perspectives from cognitive psychology, and neuroscientific findings. It also addresses several 'neuromyths', where neuroscientific findings seem to have been extrapolated somewhat too far into educational practice.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2948": {"id": "hYgirxTuqpThRQf66tcUV", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "qF74RbVD9qP8EJBR0ai__", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21371, "section": "SE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 30, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2949": {"id": "bTq8q4p1t6G34x748skoP", "course_id": "104745", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104745", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Qualitative Approaches to Research", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7020", "CLASS_NBR": 23806, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070111", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours per Semester", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "EDUC 7065", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Essay \u2013 short answer response to questions, Individual oral presentation, Qualitative literature review", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides students with an introduction to a range of qualitative research methods and clarifies these in relation to qualitative methodologies, theoretical perspectives and philosophical debates. The course also addresses data analysis and complex questions of validity and reliability in qualitative approaches.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2950": {"id": "bTq8q4p1t6G34x748skoP", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "hB-VR_O_eg8Y-5kLyOuv1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23806, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 20, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Napier, 205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Napier, 205, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2951": {"id": "neNa_bm7tBS8cxvqvlLv-", "course_id": "105253", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105253", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Quantitative Approaches to Research", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7021", "CLASS_NBR": 12386, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070111", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Two intensive blocks of 15 hours each plus structured online activities", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "EDUC 7065", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Practical portfolio 30%, Report 1 35%, Report 2 35%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This topic aims to prepare students to select and employ appropriate analytical procedures for the examination of data collected in surveys, quasi-experimental research studies and longitudinal studies as well as to draw appropriate conclusions and interpret the research findings from such studies. The course concentrates on an understanding of and on the use of the analytical procedures of linear regression, multiple regression, path analysis, factor analysis, cluster analysis, partial least squares path analysis, and structural equation modelling using SPSS, AMOS and MPlus. In addition, the problems of multilevel analysis are examined and an understanding and experience in the use of the analytical procedure of hierarchical linear modelling is provided both for studies of growth and of school and classroom effects. The HLM and MPlus programs are introduced as appropriate procedures for multilevel analysis. The implications of the choice of a particular multivariate analytical procedure for the design of quantitative research studies in the social and behavioural sciences are considered.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2952": {"id": "neNa_bm7tBS8cxvqvlLv-", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "7fqkqOFFfOEbIcubvtmnY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12386, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 4, "available": 26, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Feb - 23 Feb", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 228, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Feb - 24 Feb", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 228, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "24 May - 24 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 228, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "25 May - 25 May", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 228, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "2953": {"id": "mAE83gUyq-HcJe1iyHON7", "course_id": "104892", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104892", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Education Major Project (6 Unit)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7031", "CLASS_NBR": 15735, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MEd or MTeach students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "EDUC 7054", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "EDUC 7020 or EDUC 7021", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Major project 10,000 words (100%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The project reports on a research project of secondary data, or a small primary data study not requiring ethics approval, conducted with the guidance of an academic supervisor. You will critically analyse and evaluate existing knowledge about a problem in order to investigate the problem. Your conclusions may include implications for better educational practice and further research studies. Progress will be monitored through weekly meetings between the supervisor and the student", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2954": {"id": "mAE83gUyq-HcJe1iyHON7", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "C29QAbRWJyEzHGMUpDct9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15735, "section": "01NT", "size": 40, "enrolled": 17, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "2955": {"id": "MOVTp-m4jHW3G9c3Wv6MV", "course_id": "104892", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104892", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Education Major Project (6 Unit)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7031", "CLASS_NBR": 25749, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MEd or MTeach students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "EDUC 7054", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "EDUC 7020 or EDUC 7021", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Major project 10,000 words (100%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The project reports on a research project of secondary data, or a small primary data study not requiring ethics approval, conducted with the guidance of an academic supervisor. You will critically analyse and evaluate existing knowledge about a problem in order to investigate the problem. Your conclusions may include implications for better educational practice and further research studies. Progress will be monitored through weekly meetings between the supervisor and the student", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2956": {"id": "MOVTp-m4jHW3G9c3Wv6MV", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "C3D2qM_tSlWjEmyBRQ-pN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25749, "section": "01NT", "size": 40, "enrolled": 12, "available": 28, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "2957": {"id": "k6yAomTIdv0HmzAXhKLmN", "course_id": "108093", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108093", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Education Dissertation Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7033A", "CLASS_NBR": 15944, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "By negotiation with supervisor", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "EDUC 7054", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Research Design and Qualitative Approaches to Research OR Introduction to Qualitative Research", "INCOMPATIBLE": "EDUC 7033", "ASSESSMENT": "Literature Review Task, Dissertation Task", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The outcome of this course is the completion of a dissertation. The dissertation reports a research project conducted with the guidance of an academic supervisor. lt should make a contribution to education knowledge. You will critically analyse and evaluate existing knowledge about a problem of interest to you and design and conduct a research project investigating the problem. Your conclusions should include implications for better educational practice.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "2958": {"id": "k6yAomTIdv0HmzAXhKLmN", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "R3bFXutSfSPm4AuygakHE", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15944, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 11, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "2959": {"id": "U_x0UGOhr_2KSc-xON0uT", "course_id": "108093", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108093", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Education Dissertation Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7033A", "CLASS_NBR": 25949, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "By negotiation with supervisor", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "EDUC 7054", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Research Design and Qualitative Approaches to Research OR Introduction to Qualitative Research", "INCOMPATIBLE": "EDUC 7033", "ASSESSMENT": "Literature Review Task, Dissertation Task", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The outcome of this course is the completion of a dissertation. The dissertation reports a research project conducted with the guidance of an academic supervisor. lt should make a contribution to education knowledge. You will critically analyse and evaluate existing knowledge about a problem of interest to you and design and conduct a research project investigating the problem. Your conclusions should include implications for better educational practice.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "2960": {"id": "U_x0UGOhr_2KSc-xON0uT", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "BK0T6gc5jn2SkRX43KCTg", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25949, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 7, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "2961": {"id": "DJTpov2N24IJoQcKBSi5C", "course_id": "108094", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108094", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Education Dissertation Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7033B", "CLASS_NBR": 15945, "SESSION_CD": "FM2", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "By negotiation with supervisor", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "EDUC 7033A, EDUC 7054", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "EDUC 7020, EDUC 7021 or equivalent", "INCOMPATIBLE": "EDUC 7033", "ASSESSMENT": "Literature Review, Dissertation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The outcome of this course is the completion of a dissertation. The dissertation reports a research project conducted with the guidance of an academic supervisor. lt should make a contribution to education knowledge. You will critically analyse and evaluate existing knowledge about a problem of interest to you and design and conduct a research project investigating the problem. Your conclusions should include implications for better educational practice.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2962": {"id": "DJTpov2N24IJoQcKBSi5C", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "J25aQrKlk777obX5UlxlG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15945, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 4, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "2963": {"id": "t90EnVKckVYfGIfZk0Hj_", "course_id": "108094", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108094", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Education Dissertation Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7033B", "CLASS_NBR": 25950, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "By negotiation with supervisor", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "EDUC 7033A, EDUC 7054", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "EDUC 7020, EDUC 7021 or equivalent", "INCOMPATIBLE": "EDUC 7033", "ASSESSMENT": "Literature Review, Dissertation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The outcome of this course is the completion of a dissertation. The dissertation reports a research project conducted with the guidance of an academic supervisor. lt should make a contribution to education knowledge. You will critically analyse and evaluate existing knowledge about a problem of interest to you and design and conduct a research project investigating the problem. Your conclusions should include implications for better educational practice.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2964": {"id": "t90EnVKckVYfGIfZk0Hj_", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "QxKxnd1pQSoT1-Ck5YHPo", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25950, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 11, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "2965": {"id": "Nfh-G9xlL_KSvXQ-FDfO3", "course_id": "106406", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106406", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Design", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7054", "CLASS_NBR": 19806, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070111", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "EDUC 7001", "ASSESSMENT": "Research proposal (60%), Reflective blogs (20%), Seminar presentation 20%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an introduction to all elements of designing a research project from developing a researchable question to ethical issues. It supports students in becoming critical consumers of research and provides strategies for searching for and critiquing literature. It also provides guidance on writing a research proposal.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2966": {"id": "Nfh-G9xlL_KSvXQ-FDfO3", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "uVPL64SJrjYHyIB0hiDTw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13267, "section": "SE01", "size": 56, "enrolled": 53, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Mar - 16 Mar", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 May - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 May - 11 May", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19806, "section": "SE02", "size": 5, "enrolled": 4, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "16 Mar - 16 Mar", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "10 May - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "11 May - 11 May", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "2967": {"id": "9parHDbTymMuyjF6ZqakX", "course_id": "106406", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106406", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Design", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7054OL", "CLASS_NBR": 23344, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070111", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an introduction to all elements of designing a research project from developing a researchable question to ethical issues. It supports students in becoming critical consumers of research and provides strategies for searching for and critiquing literature. It also provides guidance on writing a research proposal.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2968": {"id": "9parHDbTymMuyjF6ZqakX", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "MWxtOb13L_GQ0lQ9l8FES", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23344, "section": "SE01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 75, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "2969": {"id": "vKDYwCdGX9BE0ZobMYXsn", "course_id": "106408", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106408", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Communication", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7055", "CLASS_NBR": 13782, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070111", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online Quizzes; Summarising Assignment; Group Presentation; Individual Research Report", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "'Science isn't finished until it's communicated.' (Sir Mark Walport, U.K. Government Chief Scientific Adviser). This course aims to develop the skills associated with the effective communication of complex ideas, including research and project management skills, disciplinary literacies and knowledge-building, and improved written and verbal research communication skills.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2970": {"id": "vKDYwCdGX9BE0ZobMYXsn", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "HKD0X11-jQNJeMxoTm-Ti", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13782, "section": "TU01", "size": 61, "enrolled": 60, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2971": {"id": "sm8c8RQrN1w2oK9fz1y3H", "course_id": "106408", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106408", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Communication", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7055", "CLASS_NBR": 22640, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070111", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online Quizzes; Summarising Assignment; Group Presentation; Individual Research Report", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "'Science isn't finished until it's communicated.' (Sir Mark Walport, U.K. Government Chief Scientific Adviser). This course aims to develop the skills associated with the effective communication of complex ideas, including research and project management skills, disciplinary literacies and knowledge-building, and improved written and verbal research communication skills.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2972": {"id": "sm8c8RQrN1w2oK9fz1y3H", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "8CYaE-hyBgZ5rUtkfukC9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22640, "section": "TU01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 47, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2973": {"id": "xAIMMsRxM8O0uEozJS1wa", "course_id": "107001", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107001", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Mentoring for Teachers", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7060OL", "CLASS_NBR": 23303, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Classroom teachers in their roles as mentors are crucial in facilitating preservice teachers development within the school context. Quality mentoring has a profound effect on the success of preservice teachers, teachers and the school community. \nTeaching & Learning Modes: Fully Online or Intensive Workshop", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2974": {"id": "xAIMMsRxM8O0uEozJS1wa", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "M0RyERkIXhZfOGrncmCm7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23303, "section": "SE01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 28, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "17 Aug - 17 Aug", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "14 Sep - 14 Sep", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "2975": {"id": "5rFtufcxkRR14PJt4pva5", "course_id": "108105", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108105", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Online Learning", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7063OL", "CLASS_NBR": 23824, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070111", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Discussion in Online Learning Communities, Online Learning Portfolio", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces online learning within an educational context. It focuses on educational technologies, which support both asynchronous and synchronous interactions among teachers, students and content. The participant will gain an understanding of how various online educational technologies enhance higher order learning", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2976": {"id": "5rFtufcxkRR14PJt4pva5", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "Mp735Ad92049XbNCtqTSU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23824, "section": "SE01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 65, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "2977": {"id": "BBNnBXktqLFi2jTrfkgTg", "course_id": "109702", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109702", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Wellbeing in Education", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7064", "CLASS_NBR": 13266, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Literature Review (35%), Essay (45%), Discussion Boards (20%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, students will analyse and critique developments in wellbeing education in diverse contexts. The subject examines the philosophical underpinnings of wellbeing education, scientifically informed approaches and its impact on learning. Students will learn about a range of theories of wellbeing and flourishing relevant to education from across the world.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2978": {"id": "BBNnBXktqLFi2jTrfkgTg", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "a1fhuad0A8v8EXvGpix5T", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13266, "section": "SE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 60, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Feb - 23 Feb", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214/218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Feb - 24 Feb", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214/218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 May - 24 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 May - 25 May", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214/218, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2979": {"id": "9_d2P-ZN4V6HABHw5KW-O", "course_id": "109766", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109766", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Mixed Methods Research", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7065", "CLASS_NBR": 20857, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "36 hours intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "EDUC 7011", "ASSESSMENT": "Short answer question 40%; Quiz 10%; Report 50%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In Introduction to Education Research students will be introduced to qualitative and quantitative methodologies, theoretical perspectives and methods. Emphasis will be on understanding the suitability of various qualitative and quantitative methods used to collect and analyse data. The course will enable student to critically evaluate the suitability of various approaches to the design of their own research projects.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2980": {"id": "9_d2P-ZN4V6HABHw5KW-O", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "e0Aj3kZQfktAtCWzTB9VJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20857, "section": "WR01", "size": 76, "enrolled": 73, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 26 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 207, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "27 Jul - 27 Jul", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "6 Sep - 6 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Sep - 7 Sep", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214/218, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2981": {"id": "Hq4CWx0jNq0loWrqsOClQ", "course_id": "109767", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109767", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Leading Self and Others", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7066", "CLASS_NBR": 22580, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Literature Review (35%), Essay (45%), Discussion Boards (20%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Knowing oneself is a fundamental step in leading others. In this course, students will explore the theory of personal leadership. Recent developments in education highlight the complexities of leadership roles. These include issues of increased compliance, and challenges facing educational settings have emphasised the need for educational leaders to know and understand themselves first before leading teams. Students in this course will evaluate the impact of personal leadership in a diversity of contexts using a case study approach.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2982": {"id": "Hq4CWx0jNq0loWrqsOClQ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "Ig3aZuPi_mqvxqc-NgRuh", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22580, "section": "WR01", "size": 55, "enrolled": 25, "available": 30, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Aug - 3 Aug", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Oct - 12 Oct", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2983": {"id": "1q8rlzo6rbiEo29NLcuQM", "course_id": "109768", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109768", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Leading Wellbeing", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7067OL", "CLASS_NBR": 26507, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Literature Review (35%), Essay (45%), Discussion Boards (20%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Issues of wellbeing in education require a distinct approach to leadership. Many wellbeing initiatives have limited impact because leaders use strategies that are not aligned with wellbeing theory and objectives. This course focuses on best-practice approaches to positive wellbeing education. Students will interpret and evaluate evidence-based strategies and the processes to accelerate positive change. In this course, students will also create a plan for sustainable wellbeing initiatives in a diverse range of educational cultures and contexts, integrating theory into action.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2984": {"id": "1q8rlzo6rbiEo29NLcuQM", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "OHc0odWjqCj4OASjnuBm2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26507, "section": "WR01", "size": 55, "enrolled": 18, "available": 37, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 26 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "27 Jul - 27 Jul", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "6 Sep - 6 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "7 Sep - 7 Sep", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "2985": {"id": "OWGFgCN795Nu4wTZ0WZca", "course_id": "109769", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109769", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Leading Positive Change", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7068", "CLASS_NBR": 10799, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "36 hours blended intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Literature Review (35%), Essay (45%), Discussion Boards (20%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, students will explore positive leadership theory. This approach focuses on the process of creating pathways for positive leadership and is illustrated by examples of outcomes that far exceed what is expected in education. The course examines evidence-based principles, including appreciative inquiry, which aims to promote educational outcomes including exceptional performance, better interpersonal skills, and positive emotions. Finally, students in this course will examine the process required to develop the best of humanity or virtuousness in education and what that means for leadership in general.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2986": {"id": "OWGFgCN795Nu4wTZ0WZca", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "NSsFHMjDf3DRk2XvQ41ne", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10799, "section": "WR01", "size": 56, "enrolled": 32, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 1 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Mar - 2 Mar", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Apr - 27 Apr", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2987": {"id": "OG_eE1j34-SyUWW-y8H_m", "course_id": "109772", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109772", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Contemporary Issues in Wellbeing Education", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7071", "CLASS_NBR": 22251, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Literature Review (35%), Essay (45%), Discussion Boards (20%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Wellbeing is increasingly seen as a significant issue in educational settings. Schools and school systems are being challenged to improve the quality of care offered to students. This course focuses on contemporary issues in education from around the world. Students will explore current developments and trends in wellbeing science and its impact on schools and schooling. Students will also analyse and evaluate how wellbeing education can help to create flourishing communities. Upon successful completion of this course, students will have critical knowledge and understanding of current themes of wellbeing literature and be able to critique wellbeing interventions.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2988": {"id": "OG_eE1j34-SyUWW-y8H_m", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "Ipw_r2Off11LipDJ0226j", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22251, "section": "WR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 18, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Aug - 10 Aug", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 4 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Oct - 5 Oct", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2989": {"id": "iW5xeCpIWR4aML9WW_1qA", "course_id": "110960", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110960", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Prof Experience III & Assess for Graduate Teaching", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7090", "CLASS_NBR": 16241, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week + 20 day placement", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Master of Teaching (Secondary) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "EDUC 7210 AND EDUC 7211", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Placement, AfGT (composed of video recording with reflection and essays). The AfGT is an assessment component determined by the Program\u2019s accreditation authority.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Professional Experience is central to the Initial Teacher Education (ITE) program at the University of Adelaide's School of Education. This 20-day placement course prepares Pre-service teachers for the final in-school teaching placement. It is the culmination of a series of developmentally sequenced Professional Experience placements preparing Pre-service teachers for their final secondary school placement in a Department for Education, Independent, Lutheran or Catholic Education school. All Pre-service teachers will be required to meet all placement and Assessment for Graduate Teaching (AfGT) assessments aligned to the Australian Professional Standard for Teachers (APST) to successfully meet the capstone requirements of this course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2990": {"id": "iW5xeCpIWR4aML9WW_1qA", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "9USbRnQKxGjICakPBY4Qv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16241, "section": "01NT", "size": 150, "enrolled": 53, "available": 97, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Placements will be allocated from February. If you enrol after 1 April there may be significant delays in your placement allocation. If we cannot find you a placement, you should consider delaying this course until next year. Please contact if you need advice on changing your Study Plan."}]}]}]}]}, "2991": {"id": "1g-HlVV0ER2oMJ92RqV6E", "course_id": "110960", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110960", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Prof Experience III & Assess for Graduate Teaching", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7090", "CLASS_NBR": 29119, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week + 20 day placement", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Master of Teaching (Secondary) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "EDUC 7210 AND EDUC 7211", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Placement, AfGT (composed of video recording with reflection and essays). The AfGT is an assessment component determined by the Program\u2019s accreditation authority.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Professional Experience is central to the Initial Teacher Education (ITE) program at the University of Adelaide's School of Education. This 20-day placement course prepares Pre-service teachers for the final in-school teaching placement. It is the culmination of a series of developmentally sequenced Professional Experience placements preparing Pre-service teachers for their final secondary school placement in a Department for Education, Independent, Lutheran or Catholic Education school. All Pre-service teachers will be required to meet all placement and Assessment for Graduate Teaching (AfGT) assessments aligned to the Australian Professional Standard for Teachers (APST) to successfully meet the capstone requirements of this course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "2992": {"id": "1g-HlVV0ER2oMJ92RqV6E", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "Z_ICOyfx8cpALTVIcmNmf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29119, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 10, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "2993": {"id": "qvECNEYEARCPU5pOW5_C8", "course_id": "110904", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110904", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Accounting Curriculum and Pedagogy", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7105", "CLASS_NBR": 12357, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MTS and MTMS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Pass in 6 courses of Accounting", "INCOMPATIBLE": "EDUC 6508A and 6508B, EDUC 7508A and 7508B", "ASSESSMENT": "A series of 8-10 lessons plans, A unit of work (inclusive of lesson plans), Designing an assessment task, Grading/marking criteria", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The focus of this course and its companion Curriculum and Pedagogy is learning and teaching theory and its application in practice for teaching. This includes planning, developing and assessing learning for diverse student cohorts in line with the Australian and SACE Curriculum requirements in this subject specialisation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2994": {"id": "qvECNEYEARCPU5pOW5_C8", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "8YTFAMv8CPg76WLYhR2V9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12357, "section": "TU01", "size": 8, "enrolled": 1, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Jun - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2995": {"id": "k8oSIrJsbjJJLGg7oqr3D", "course_id": "110905", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110905", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Biology Curriculum & Pedagogy", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7106", "CLASS_NBR": 13453, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MTS and MTMS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Pass in 6 courses of Biological Science", "INCOMPATIBLE": "EDUC 6510A and 6510B, EDUC 7510A and 7510B", "ASSESSMENT": "A series of 8-10 lessons plans, A unit of work (inclusive of lesson plans), Designing an assessment task, Grading/marking criteria", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The focus of this course and its companion Curriculum and Pedagogy is learning and teaching theory and its application in practice for teaching. This includes planning, developing and assessing learning for diverse student cohorts in line with the Australian and SACE Curriculum requirements in this subject specialisation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "2996": {"id": "k8oSIrJsbjJJLGg7oqr3D", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "emtNJW1YaGbnDciqVrCnS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13453, "section": "TU01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 8, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 25 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Jun - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "2997": {"id": "Obg-hv0E-NclDICreD_le", "course_id": "110906", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110906", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Business Studies Curriculum and Pedagogy", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7107", "CLASS_NBR": 12358, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MTS and MTMS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Pass in 6 courses of Business Studies", "INCOMPATIBLE": "EDUC 6511A and 6511B, EDUC 7511A and 7511B", "ASSESSMENT": "A series of 8-10 lessons plans, A unit of work (inclusive of lesson plans), Designing an assessment task, Grading/marking criteria", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The focus of this course and its companion Curriculum and Pedagogy is learning and teaching theory and its application in practice for teaching. 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This includes planning, developing and assessing learning for diverse student cohorts in line with the Australian and SACE Curriculum requirements in this subject specialisation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3000": {"id": "ff8C_aFw775zSbfnxb5ra", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "rjUsESj3oG2Sak9V7_4N-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12359, "section": "TU01", "size": 7, "enrolled": 5, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Jun - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3001": {"id": "Z2BxD9cdfDkzGNMr01Nj3", "course_id": "110911", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110911", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Chinese Curriculum & Pedagogy", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7109", "CLASS_NBR": 15388, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MTS and MTMS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Pass in 6 courses of Chinese Language", "INCOMPATIBLE": "EDUC 6513A and 6513B, EDUC 7513A and 7513B", "ASSESSMENT": "A series of 8-10 lessons plans, A unit of work (inclusive of lesson plans), Designing an assessment task, Grading/marking criteria", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The focus of this course and its companion Curriculum and Pedagogy is learning and teaching theory and its application in practice for teaching. 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This includes planning, developing and assessing learning for diverse student cohorts in line with the Australian and SACE Curriculum requirements in this subject specialisation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3006": {"id": "-mOtVRPOFpP6TDHxYVO_I", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "oFY_LrzDm9k3PIdqF4RFk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12362, "section": "TU01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 2, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Napier, 107, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Napier, 107, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Jun - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Napier, 107, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "3007": {"id": "mYw92fU1dGcTcpfW6OBUb", "course_id": "110914", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110914", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Earth & Environmental Science Curr & Ped", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7112", "CLASS_NBR": 12363, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MTS and MTMS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Pass 18 units (or the equivalent of 6 courses) in Earth and Environmental Sciences", "INCOMPATIBLE": "EDUC 7545A and EDUC 7545B", "ASSESSMENT": "A series of 8-10 lessons plans, A unit of work (inclusive of lesson plans), Designing an assessment task, Grading/marking criteria", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The focus of this course and its companion Curriculum and Pedagogy is learning and teaching theory and its application in practice for teaching. This includes planning, developing and assessing learning for diverse student cohorts in line with the Australian and SACE Curriculum requirements in this subject specialisation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3008": {"id": "mYw92fU1dGcTcpfW6OBUb", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "Exqwg7jooaCEyuVehWuMs", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12363, "section": "TU01", "size": 3, "enrolled": 1, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 22 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Jun - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3009": {"id": "gHowgmjNp_hSk5vS1bGkN", "course_id": "110915", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110915", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Economics Curriculum and Pedagogy", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7113", "CLASS_NBR": 12364, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MTS and MTMS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Pass in 6 courses of Economics", "INCOMPATIBLE": "EDUC 6515A and 6515B and EDUC7515A and 7515B", "ASSESSMENT": "A series of 8-10 lessons plans, A unit of work (inclusive of lesson plans), Designing an assessment task, Grading/marking criteria,", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The focus of this course and its companion Curriculum and Pedagogy is learning and teaching theory and its application in practice for teaching. This includes planning, developing and assessing learning for diverse student cohorts in line with the Australian and SACE Curriculum requirements in this subject specialisation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3010": {"id": "gHowgmjNp_hSk5vS1bGkN", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "4_kiZtDQ43KO6QktoBl-g", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12364, "section": "TU01", "size": 7, "enrolled": 1, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Jun - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3011": {"id": "In649HNVB-085a7TMHHNh", "course_id": "110916", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110916", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "English as an Add Lang/Dialect Curr & Ped", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7114", "CLASS_NBR": 10423, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MTS and MTMS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Pass in 6 courses of Linguistics. Linguistics studies must be in English", "INCOMPATIBLE": "EDUC 6516A and 6516B, EDUC 7516A and 7516B", "ASSESSMENT": "A series of 8-10 lessons plans, A unit of work (inclusive of lesson plans), Designing an assessment task, Grading/marking criteria", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The focus of this course and its companion Curriculum and Pedagogy is learning and teaching theory and its application in practice for teaching. This includes planning, developing and assessing learning for diverse student cohorts in line with the Australian and SACE Curriculum requirements in this subject specialisation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3012": {"id": "In649HNVB-085a7TMHHNh", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "FgkXVr3xNCCiugUmMHfM0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10423, "section": "TU03", "size": 7, "enrolled": 5, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 25 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Jun - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10424, "section": "TU02", "size": 4, "enrolled": 1, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Jun - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10425, "section": "TU01", "size": 6, "enrolled": 0, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Jun - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3013": {"id": "_JnGDOBf-NK5lRjt-YZHb", "course_id": "110926", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110926", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "English Curriculum and Pedagogy", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7115", "CLASS_NBR": 10426, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MTS and MTMS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Pass in 6 courses of English literature", "INCOMPATIBLE": "EDUC 6519A and 6519B, EDUC 7532A and 7532B, EDUC 7519A and 7519B", "ASSESSMENT": "A series of 8-10 lessons plans, A unit of work (inclusive of lesson plans from assessment task 1, part A), Designing an assessment task (inclusive of lesson plans from assessment task 1, part A & B) , grading / marking criteria", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The focus of this course and its companion Curriculum and Pedagogy is learning and teaching theory and its application in practice for teaching. This includes planning, developing and assessing learning for diverse student cohorts in line with the Australian and SACE Curriculum requirements in this subject specialisation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3014": {"id": "_JnGDOBf-NK5lRjt-YZHb", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "YeDVLReczOuGKBh53hvKv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10426, "section": "TU03", "size": 5, "enrolled": 3, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 25 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Jun - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10427, "section": "TU01", "size": 6, "enrolled": 5, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Jun - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15387, "section": "TU02", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Jun - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3015": {"id": "kOwT5TKLhFzAqIvdlXdKR", "course_id": "110927", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110927", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "French Curriculum and Pedagogy", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7116", "CLASS_NBR": 15392, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MTS and MTMS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Pass in 6 courses of French language", "INCOMPATIBLE": "EDUC 6518A and 6518B, EDUC 7518A and 7518B", "ASSESSMENT": "A series of 8-10 lessons plans, A unit of work (inclusive of lesson plans from assessment task 1, part A), Designing an assessment task (inclusive of lesson plans from assessment task 1, part A & B) , grading/marking criteria", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The focus of this course and its companion Curriculum and Pedagogy is learning and teaching theory and its application in practice for teaching. This includes planning, developing and assessing learning for diverse student cohorts in line with the Australian and SACE Curriculum requirements in this subject specialisation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3016": {"id": "kOwT5TKLhFzAqIvdlXdKR", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "R3K2BjRoxwGmtZ5ZbdWlW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12365, "section": "TU01", "size": 2, "enrolled": 0, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Jun - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15392, "section": "TU02", "size": 2, "enrolled": 0, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 25 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Jun - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3017": {"id": "B10Yq0Pg51XlCEh-HYjsW", "course_id": "110928", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110928", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Geography Curriculum & Pedagogy", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7117", "CLASS_NBR": 12366, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MTS and MTMS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Pass in 6 courses of Geography", "INCOMPATIBLE": "EDUC 6520A and 6520B, EDUC 7520A and 7520B", "ASSESSMENT": "A series of 8-10 lessons plans, A unit of work (inclusive of lesson plans from assessment task 1, part A), Designing an assessment task (inclusive of lesson plans from assessment task 1, part A & B) , grading / marking criteria", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The focus of this course and its companion Curriculum and Pedagogy is learning and teaching theory and its application in practice for teaching. This includes planning, developing and assessing learning for diverse student cohorts in line with the Australian and SACE Curriculum requirements in this subject specialisation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3018": {"id": "B10Yq0Pg51XlCEh-HYjsW", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "6WOyrPER2LC3AMJMk1B9I", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12366, "section": "TU01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 3, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 22 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Jun - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3019": {"id": "l4tHjs_DzajN1hhNB4UJi", "course_id": "110929", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110929", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "German Curriculum and Pedagogy", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7118", "CLASS_NBR": 15393, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MTS and MTMS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Pass in 6 courses of German Language", "INCOMPATIBLE": "EDUC 6521A and 6521B, EDUC 7521A and 7521B", "ASSESSMENT": "A series of 8-10 lessons plans, A unit of work (inclusive of lesson plans from assessment task 1, part A), Designing an assessment task (inclusive of lesson plans from assessment task 1, part A & B) , grading / marking criteria", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The focus of this course and its companion Curriculum and Pedagogy is learning and teaching theory and its application in practice for teaching. This includes planning, developing and assessing learning for diverse student cohorts in line with the Australian and SACE Curriculum requirements in this subject specialisation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3020": {"id": "l4tHjs_DzajN1hhNB4UJi", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "HGfsxmlzYk81j50llpY0A", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12367, "section": "TU01", "size": 2, "enrolled": 0, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Jun - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15393, "section": "TU02", "size": 2, "enrolled": 1, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 25 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Jun - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3021": {"id": "9JrW9UYrGqHliSYPx757H", "course_id": "110930", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110930", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "History Curriculum & Pedagogy", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7119", "CLASS_NBR": 11169, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "3 hours week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MTS and MTMS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Pass in 6 courses of History", "INCOMPATIBLE": "EDUC 7522A and EDUC 7522B,EDUC 6522A and EDUC 6522B", "ASSESSMENT": "A series of 8-10 lessons plans, A unit of work (inclusive of lesson plans), Designing an assessment task, Grading/marking criteria", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The focus of this course and its companion Curriculum and Pedagogy is learning and teaching theory and its application in practice for teaching. This includes planning, developing and assessing learning for diverse student cohorts in line with the Australian and SACE Curriculum requirements in this subject specialisation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3022": {"id": "9JrW9UYrGqHliSYPx757H", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "DzB6JRmMfnbA_6-B8hB06", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11169, "section": "TU02", "size": 6, "enrolled": 3, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Jun - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12368, "section": "TU01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 2, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Jun - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3023": {"id": "VZ8dy_E1Q0hJ6_WLuCTk8", "course_id": "110931", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110931", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Humanities & Social Sciences Curr & Ped", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7120", "CLASS_NBR": 12369, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MTS and MTMS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "EDUC 6534A and 6534B, EDUC 7534A and 7534B", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Pass 4 courses from one or a combination of the following areas: Politics, Philosophy, History, Humanities, Law, Geography, International Relations, Anthropology, Social Science, Sociology, and Asian Studies.", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "A series of 8-10 lessons plans, A unit of work (inclusive of lesson plans), Designing an assessment task, Grading/marking criteria", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The focus of this course and its companion Curriculum and Pedagogy is learning and teaching theory and its application in practice for teaching. This includes planning, developing and assessing learning for diverse student cohorts in line with the Australian and SACE Curriculum requirements in this subject specialisation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3024": {"id": "VZ8dy_E1Q0hJ6_WLuCTk8", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "HdghX8t71XBwDXN8a3-0P", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12369, "section": "TU01", "size": 11, "enrolled": 5, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 22 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Jun - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3025": {"id": "O3hcsbx3eRdf3G-HofPdv", "course_id": "110932", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110932", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Indonesian Curriculum & Pedagogy", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7121", "CLASS_NBR": 15395, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MTS and MTMS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Pass in 6 courses of Indonesian Language", "INCOMPATIBLE": "EDUC 6523A and 6523B, EDUC 7523A and 7523B", "ASSESSMENT": "A series of 8-10 lessons plans, A unit of work (inclusive of lesson plans), Designing an assessment task, Grading/marking criteria", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The focus of this course and its companion Curriculum and Pedagogy is learning and teaching theory and its application in practice for teaching. 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This includes planning, developing and assessing learning for diverse student cohorts in line with the Australian and SACE Curriculum requirements in this subject specialisation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3034": {"id": "vZElXl5xbIiiRemvAjaMM", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "1MoI-ibnqGlP2vcPrh9SI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12374, "section": "TU01", "size": 4, "enrolled": 1, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 22 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Jun - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3035": {"id": "LWC3ErmkVDptSp4B7c0oO", "course_id": "110937", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110937", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Mathematics Curriculum & Pedagogy", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7126", "CLASS_NBR": 10617, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MTS and MTMS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Pass in 6 courses in Mathematics including Mathematics 1A & 1B", "INCOMPATIBLE": "EDUC 6528A and 6528B, EDUC 6533A and EDUC 6533B, EDUC 7528A and 7528B, EDUC 7533A and 7533B", "ASSESSMENT": "A series of 8-10 lessons plans, A unit of work (inclusive of lesson plans), Designing an assessment task, Grading/marking criteria", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The focus of this course and its companion Curriculum and Pedagogy is learning and teaching theory and its application in practice for teaching. This includes planning, developing and assessing learning for diverse student cohorts in line with the Australian and SACE Curriculum requirements in this subject specialisation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3036": {"id": "LWC3ErmkVDptSp4B7c0oO", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "RHgDtSwJQWcxZQcnKeKPF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10617, "section": "TU02", "size": 7, "enrolled": 7, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 25 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Jun - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12375, "section": "TU01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 5, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Jun - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3037": {"id": "rA2EysWqHO9jPyAUu8v5o", "course_id": "110938", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110938", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Media Studies Curriculum & Pedagogy", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7127", "CLASS_NBR": 12376, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MTS and MTMS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Pass 18 units (or the equivalent of 6 courses) in Media Studies", "INCOMPATIBLE": "EDUC 7547A and 7547B", "ASSESSMENT": "A series of 8-10 lessons plans, A unit of work (inclusive of lesson plans), Designing an assessment task, Grading/marking criteria", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The focus of this course and its companion Curriculum and Pedagogy is learning and teaching theory and its application in practice for teaching. 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This includes planning, developing and assessing learning for diverse student cohorts in line with the Australian and SACE Curriculum requirements in this subject specialisation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3046": {"id": "YGY3eb2hP7KeZTss_2lfs", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "_oXwnc7JUAvhvVftIndPn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12380, "section": "TU01", "size": 9, "enrolled": 5, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 22 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Jun - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3047": {"id": "ENz07ABJHmzHZsP59VhgR", "course_id": "110943", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110943", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Science Curriculum & Pedagogy", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7132", "CLASS_NBR": 12381, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MTS and MTMS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Pass in 4 courses in Science over a range of Science topics aligned to topics within the Australian Science Curriculum", "INCOMPATIBLE": "EDUC 6529A and 6529B, EDUC 7529A and 7529B", "ASSESSMENT": "A series of 8-10 lessons plans, A unit of work (inclusive of lesson plans), Designing an assessment task, Grading/marking criteria", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The focus of this course and its companion Curriculum and Pedagogy is learning and teaching theory and its application in practice for teaching. This includes planning, developing and assessing learning for diverse student cohorts in line with the Australian and SACE Curriculum requirements in this subject specialisation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3048": {"id": "ENz07ABJHmzHZsP59VhgR", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "iVnU2wtmc7fKlPP0ri3Ci", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12381, "section": "TU01", "size": 9, "enrolled": 5, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Jun - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3049": {"id": "mWO_Urv65XonfASdkRKW0", "course_id": "110944", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110944", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Scientific Studies/STEM Curriculum & Pedagogy", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7133", "CLASS_NBR": 12382, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MTS and MTMS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Pass 18 units of courses from one or a combination of the following specialisations: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Computer Science", "INCOMPATIBLE": "EDUC 7548A and EDUC 7548B", "ASSESSMENT": "A series of 8-10 lessons plans, A unit of work (inclusive of lesson plans), Designing an assessment task, Grading/marking criteria", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The focus of this course and its companion Curriculum and Pedagogy is learning and teaching theory and its application in practice for teaching. This includes planning, developing and assessing learning for diverse student cohorts in line with the Australian and SACE Curriculum requirements in this subject specialisation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3050": {"id": "mWO_Urv65XonfASdkRKW0", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "HZy0oaeRG3vCK4Ol5J2aP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12382, "section": "TU01", "size": 4, "enrolled": 2, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 22 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Jun - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3051": {"id": "4uANahG-ohNrcJwhWguOV", "course_id": "110945", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110945", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Spanish Curriculum & Pedagogy", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7134", "CLASS_NBR": 15404, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MTS and MTMS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Pass in 6 courses of Spanish Language", "INCOMPATIBLE": "EDUC 6535A and 6535B, EDUC 7535A and 7535B", "ASSESSMENT": "A series of 8-10 lessons plans, A unit of work (inclusive of lesson plans), Designing an assessment task, Grading/marking criteria", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The focus of this course and its companion Curriculum and Pedagogy is learning and teaching theory and its application in practice for teaching. This includes planning, developing and assessing learning for diverse student cohorts in line with the Australian and SACE Curriculum requirements in this subject specialisation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3052": {"id": "4uANahG-ohNrcJwhWguOV", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "HICHijkFLmuus_wyEHQrL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12383, "section": "TU01", "size": 3, "enrolled": 1, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Jun - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15404, "section": "TU02", "size": 3, "enrolled": 0, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 25 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Jun - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3053": {"id": "8MPnoMMkxPOlILp1Si0xe", "course_id": "110946", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110946", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Vietnamese Curriculum & Pedagogy", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7135", "CLASS_NBR": 15406, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MTS and MTMS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Pass in 6 courses of Vietnamese Language", "INCOMPATIBLE": "EDUC 6537A and 6537B, EDUC 7537A and 7537B", "ASSESSMENT": "A series of 8-10 lessons plans, A unit of work (inclusive of lesson plans), Designing an assessment task, Grading/marking criteria", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The focus of this course and its companion Curriculum and Pedagogy is learning and teaching theory and its application in practice for teaching. This includes planning, developing and assessing learning for diverse student cohorts in line with the Australian and SACE Curriculum requirements in this subject specialisation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3054": {"id": "8MPnoMMkxPOlILp1Si0xe", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "UuHGypaRYDky9hYsLK3c-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12384, "section": "TU01", "size": 2, "enrolled": 0, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Jun - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15406, "section": "TU02", "size": 2, "enrolled": 0, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 25 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Jun - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3055": {"id": "PjfpF9FgOKpJXu_asTyAq", "course_id": "110947", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110947", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Agricultural Science Curriculum & Pedagogy", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7136", "CLASS_NBR": 12385, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MTS and MTMS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Pass in 6 courses of Agricultural Science", "INCOMPATIBLE": "EDUC 6542A and 6542B, EDUC 7542A and 7542B", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The focus of this course and its companion Curriculum and Pedagogy is learning and teaching theory and its application in practice for teaching. This includes planning, developing and assessing learning for diverse student cohorts in line with the Australian and SACE Curriculum requirements in this subject specialisation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3056": {"id": "PjfpF9FgOKpJXu_asTyAq", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "rQ8JLG6zHgu_-x3yPYGyG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12385, "section": "TU01", "size": 3, "enrolled": 1, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 22 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Jun - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3057": {"id": "Gy04a9NXoSW527pRokdet", "course_id": "108925", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108925", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Managing Teaching in Diverse Classrooms", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7202", "CLASS_NBR": 24852, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "EDUC 3003, EDUC 4202, EDUC 6202", "ASSESSMENT": "Handbook 70%, Reflections 30%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course designed to assist beginning teachers to encounter, reflect upon and simulate classroom practice, and to achieve insight and responsiveness in the flow of classroom interactions. You will examine the various elements that combine to maintain and foster a positive classroom environment and master a range of teacher actions that build the environment as an effective context to encourage learning. Streamable video clips of unedited classroom footage provide rich, real world discussion points. Insights are then applied through your teaching in a simulated classroom", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3058": {"id": "Gy04a9NXoSW527pRokdet", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Q8v6siMwpq7HgjtlSjMn0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24851, "section": "LE01", "size": 65, "enrolled": 44, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "RxqR-l0RWI6rtE8wcOjKa", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24852, "section": "TU03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 23, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24853, "section": "TU02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 21, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3059": {"id": "xWLHmKM-1oZsumAnaAU7b", "course_id": "109828", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109828", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Professional Experience I and Classroom Management", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7210", "CLASS_NBR": 18653, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "6 x 3 hours + placement", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Master of Teaching (Middle and Secondary) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "EDUC 7217 and successful completion of Curriculum and Pedagogy courses in 2 subject specialisations", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Professional Placement", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Professional Experience placement is central to the Initial Teacher Education program. EDUC 7210 is the first of three placements in the Master of Teaching degree. This 25-day Professional Experience course prepares Pre-service teachers for their secondary school placement in a Department for Education, Independent, Lutheran or Catholic school.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3060": {"id": "xWLHmKM-1oZsumAnaAU7b", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "gqFIEF4v5pOQzSFx6Xfkn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18653, "section": "SE01", "size": 75, "enrolled": 50, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Placements will be allocated from February. If you enrol after 1 April there may be significant delays in your placement allocation. If we cannot find you a placement, you should consider delaying this course until next year. Please contact if you need advice on changing your Study Plan."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "3061": {"id": "s9Ofdw-R9wMEUIW8SFNKr", "course_id": "109828", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109828", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Professional Experience I and Classroom Management", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7210", "CLASS_NBR": 21373, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "6 x 3 hours + placement", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Master of Teaching (Middle and Secondary) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "EDUC 7217 and successful completion of Curriculum and Pedagogy courses in 2 subject specialisations", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Professional Placement", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Professional Experience placement is central to the Initial Teacher Education program. EDUC 7210 is the first of three placements in the Master of Teaching degree. This 25-day Professional Experience course prepares Pre-service teachers for their secondary school placement in a Department for Education, Independent, Lutheran or Catholic school.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3062": {"id": "s9Ofdw-R9wMEUIW8SFNKr", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "neocgQ47d9F9HQQD5xXac", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21373, "section": "SE01", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 20 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "3063": {"id": "0Dnsb-vx5qp5ft2m5piAx", "course_id": "109829", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109829", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Professional Experience II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7211", "CLASS_NBR": 19281, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "25 days of School Placements = 187 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Master of Teaching (Secondary) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "EDUC 7210", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Curriculum and Pedagogy courses in two teaching areas", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Professional Placement", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Professional Experience placement is central to the Initial Teacher Education program. EDUC 7211 is the second of three placements in the Master of Teaching degree. This 25-day Professional Experience course prepares Pre-service teachers for their secondary school placement in a Department for Education, Independent, Lutheran or Catholic school.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3064": {"id": "0Dnsb-vx5qp5ft2m5piAx", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "rlReocCBEhZgalJWQr487", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19281, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 7, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "3065": {"id": "gWBaV7SEto8k6YwJDv-iS", "course_id": "109829", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109829", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Professional Experience II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7211", "CLASS_NBR": 23304, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "25 days of School Placements = 187 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Master of Teaching (Secondary) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "EDUC 7210", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Curriculum and Pedagogy courses in two teaching areas", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Professional Placement", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Professional Experience placement is central to the Initial Teacher Education program. EDUC 7211 is the second of three placements in the Master of Teaching degree. This 25-day Professional Experience course prepares Pre-service teachers for their secondary school placement in a Department for Education, Independent, Lutheran or Catholic school.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3066": {"id": "gWBaV7SEto8k6YwJDv-iS", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "_b9faRbUd-mz5lIXAx8pY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23304, "section": "SE01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 45, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Placements will be allocated from February. If you enrol after 1 April there may be significant delays in your placement allocation. If we cannot find you a placement, you should consider delaying this course until next year. Please contact if you need advice on changing your Study Plan."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 20 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "3067": {"id": "Oee9tXZ54PD1LGBPLXfoB", "course_id": "110860", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110860", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Curriculum, Assessment & Policy", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7217", "CLASS_NBR": 13703, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070199", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Critical reflective responses using the '4Rs' process to four (4) prescribed readings, Analytical assignment, Short answer responses to weekly questions and reflections", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Curriculum Construction introduces all aspects of curriculum development, interpretation and implementation. Students will develop an understanding of both the theoretical and practical components of curriculum construction.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3068": {"id": "Oee9tXZ54PD1LGBPLXfoB", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "_C7n49EufZ1YteDAiXvM6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18898, "section": "LEC0", "size": 100, "enrolled": 50, "available": 50, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "B8SX9lfLFK59GW6kSoeDv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13703, "section": "TU03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 17, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13704, "section": "TU02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13705, "section": "TU01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 5, "available": 35, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "3069": {"id": "MIvgrzteAqAyb0tDYI2WP", "course_id": "110862", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110862", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Foundations of Education", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7218", "CLASS_NBR": 19811, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Group presentation, A personal reflective statement about your teaching, Short answer responses to weekly questions and reflections", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Foundations of Education uses multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary research as a means to understand education as a field, and how it is applied to teaching as an educational practice. Students will be introduced to different ways of looking at education, supported by links to classic and contemporary research.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3070": {"id": "MIvgrzteAqAyb0tDYI2WP", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "HJmXjnOo10m83_IyIhzuP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19811, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "3071": {"id": "kz2VAsw2lNe69rcYPu6Ld", "course_id": "110862", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110862", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Foundations of Education", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7218", "CLASS_NBR": 29637, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Group presentation, A personal reflective statement about your teaching, Short answer responses to weekly questions and reflections", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Foundations of Education uses multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary research as a means to understand education as a field, and how it is applied to teaching as an educational practice. Students will be introduced to different ways of looking at education, supported by links to classic and contemporary research.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3072": {"id": "kz2VAsw2lNe69rcYPu6Ld", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "NjYL7cRHIWZIiIRvxgwyd", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23825, "section": "LE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 47, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 19 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "7 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "rHs-GqY2nMmrL0RWxsru4", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25183, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 28736, "section": "TU04", "size": 30, "enrolled": 15, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29637, "section": "TU05", "size": 3, "enrolled": 3, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "3073": {"id": "dVYO_532ABFOu2Nx7D1JK", "course_id": "111289", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111289", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Teaching in the Supportive Classroom", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7219", "CLASS_NBR": 29576, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Case study, Toolbox of evidence-based teaching strategies, Online quizzes x 2", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Australian schools and classrooms are typified by their increasing diversity. Students need to be provided with school and classroom learning environments that are engaging and supportive of their ontologies and are inclusive and respectful of their cultures, wellbeing and learning needs. These need to be underpinned by teacher knowledge of specific strategies to address challenges to student learning, especially those relating to student behaviour, difference and disabilities. This course provides initial teacher education students with contemporary theories, knowledge and pedagogies to create classroom management strategies that effectively address differences in and barriers to school student engagement with learning.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3074": {"id": "dVYO_532ABFOu2Nx7D1JK", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "DPqm-T3kU4NGzl2y79ef_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24056, "section": "LE01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 74, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 21 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "dQaR516BA9-wtCFTbgXjW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20075, "section": "TU02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}, {"dates": "31 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20076, "section": "TU01", "size": 29, "enrolled": 29, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 21 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29576, "section": "TU04", "size": 20, "enrolled": 16, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 8 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "3075": {"id": "1peAOpgCabVLEY5cZIRHt", "course_id": "111292", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111292", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Critical and Culturally Responsive Teaching", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7220", "CLASS_NBR": 20077, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Master of Teaching (Secondary) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Personal reflection, Research project, Group presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Australia's student population is growing super-diverse, yet most Australian teachers are white. The student-teacher relationship is therefore one where unintentional cultural blind spots may impact the educational experiences of both teachers and students. Australian teachers also face a challenging task: to cater equitably for cultural diversity while satisfying policy frameworks standardised on the language and cultural knowledge of the Anglo mainstream. This course is designed to assist emergent teachers to understand and proactively navigate this paradox. It explores critical pedagogies for cultural diversity, and is grounded in awareness that First Nations sovereignty is our collective starting point. The course draws from a rigorous sociological literature base and raises questions pertaining to class, race, gender, sexuality, history, social justice, and politics. The course addresses two aims: 1) to develop Pre-Service Teachers' (PSTs) sociological imaginations, or the capacity to look beyond the individual to appreciate the relationship between personal experience and wider society. And 2) to engage PSTs in culturally responsive practice informed by sociological knowledge", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3076": {"id": "1peAOpgCabVLEY5cZIRHt", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "vKg6t3-ExYzdtsLJME4ru", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28782, "section": "LEC0", "size": 100, "enrolled": 34, "available": 66, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "wwQedMGTY1wJz_m1hkj9b", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20077, "section": "TU04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 20, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 21 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20080, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 14, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3077": {"id": "gEX-wXQrRauy9R2V6xKrI", "course_id": "111293", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111293", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Teaching Dissertation", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7221", "CLASS_NBR": 18636, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "4 x 2 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Master of Teaching (Secondary) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "EDUC 7559A, EDUC 7559B, EDUC 7557, EDUC 7054", "ASSESSMENT": "Research proposal, Teaching dissertation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides a brief introduction to all elements of designing a research project, the Teaching Dissertation. It provides strategies for searching for and critiquing literature and developing a research proposal. The course provides guidance on writing the Teaching Dissertation as well as ongoing supervision of the research process.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3078": {"id": "gEX-wXQrRauy9R2V6xKrI", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "IO10aXY0LZJYjuh_w_LRd", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18636, "section": "01NT", "size": 1, "enrolled": 3, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "3079": {"id": "3jTwfuEA9cQOPPwXW4m3J", "course_id": "111293", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111293", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Teaching Dissertation", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7221", "CLASS_NBR": 22965, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "4 x 2 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Master of Teaching (Secondary) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "EDUC 7559A, EDUC 7559B, EDUC 7557, EDUC 7054", "ASSESSMENT": "Research proposal, Teaching dissertation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides a brief introduction to all elements of designing a research project, the Teaching Dissertation. It provides strategies for searching for and critiquing literature and developing a research proposal. The course provides guidance on writing the Teaching Dissertation as well as ongoing supervision of the research process.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3080": {"id": "3jTwfuEA9cQOPPwXW4m3J", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "uviG6D1lyIS8tKdgvHl1R", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22965, "section": "SE01", "size": 56, "enrolled": 46, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3081": {"id": "lVJhfEkAeSZ6kUJv-jl1J", "course_id": "108924", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108924", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Language Analysis for English Teachers", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7418", "CLASS_NBR": 11419, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070199", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Blended Delivery; 2 intensive periods (4 days total) per Semester plus online work", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "EDUC 5418", "ASSESSMENT": "Literature Review (35%), Essay (45%), Discussion Boards (20%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an introduction to how the English language works. It aims to familiarise students with the systems of language and enable them to analyse language at the levels of phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics and pragmatics (sociolinguistic aspects). It aims to increase their awareness of the function of English and to provide students with an understanding of the implications for teaching and learning English as an additional language.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3082": {"id": "lVJhfEkAeSZ6kUJv-jl1J", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "UC_-94FHLRFWtH7COMCWD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11419, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Mar - 23 Mar", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 May - 17 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 May - 18 May", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3083": {"id": "9Fckb4mUsMmu3K4h6rRZx", "course_id": "108923", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108923", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Intercultural Competencies in Eng Lang Teaching", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7419", "CLASS_NBR": 21219, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070199", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Blended Delivery; 2 intensive periods (4 days total) per Semester plus online work", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "EDUC 5419", "ASSESSMENT": "Online Discussion Posts 20%, Literature Review 35%, Research Essay 45%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The focus of this course is on how language and culture are interconnected. The course explores language development as a socio-cultural activity and its implications for ELT pedagogy. Students will be encouraged to critically analyse language in context and how differences can lead to cross-cultural misunderstanding. The students will be expected to explore current debates in language and culture and examine the issues which arise for the ELT teacher.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3084": {"id": "9Fckb4mUsMmu3K4h6rRZx", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "afo24z7_JUeFSqCF5tggD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21219, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 21, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Aug - 10 Aug", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 4 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Oct - 5 Oct", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3085": {"id": "M916cChJfFgKaRwa87Beh", "course_id": "108922", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108922", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "English Language Teaching in Practice", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7420", "CLASS_NBR": 20856, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070199", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Blended Delivery; 2 intensive periods (4 days total) per Semester plus online work", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "EDUC 5420", "ASSESSMENT": "Literature Review (35%), Essay (45%), Discussion Boards (20%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to prepare students to plan, implement and evaluate English language curriculum and syllabus in a range of ELT situations. Students will be encouraged to critically analyse learners\u2019 needs and teaching resources to develop language teaching materials and lesson plans as part of a Teaching Practice program with volunteer students. Students will critically reflect on their own teaching practice and further develop their analytical and reflective skills by observing other teachers in practice to explore the relationship between theory and practice.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3086": {"id": "M916cChJfFgKaRwa87Beh", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "X2OAXMlAQsI03uY-Cax9a", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20856, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 16, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Aug - 3 Aug", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Sep - 6 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Sep - 7 Sep", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3087": {"id": "4ZZPJTKXgD9vQpM21hGdh", "course_id": "108921", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108921", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "English Language Teaching Methodology", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7421", "CLASS_NBR": 10801, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070199", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Blended Delivery \u2013 2 intensive periods (total 4 days) per Semester plus online work", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "EDUC 5421", "ASSESSMENT": "Literature Review (35%), Essay (45%), Discussion Boards (20%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course focuses on practical methods of language teaching specifically the four macro skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening and the rationale behind lesson staging/scaffolding when presenting these skills. Students will be introduced to techniques for teaching vocabulary, pronunciation and form as well as learn how to design effective tasks and practice situations. It looks at strategies to check meaning and correct errors. Students are encouraged to adopt a critical and reflective approach to practice through peer teaching and develop an informed view of teaching and the learners.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3088": {"id": "4ZZPJTKXgD9vQpM21hGdh", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "8Mgb_MG0ypJZ6FGbqkk7A", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10801, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 15, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Feb - 23 Feb", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Feb - 24 Feb", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 May - 24 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 May - 25 May", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3089": {"id": "PG5bpiA5ATiSrF0anP5Wt", "course_id": "108918", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108918", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Education Policies & Systems", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7550", "CLASS_NBR": 19812, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070111", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "EDUC 6550", "ASSESSMENT": "Literature Review (35%), Essay (45%), Discussion Boards (20%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The history of education and educational philosophy will be analysed in terms of the impact on educational policy in schooling, training and/or higher education in contemporary times and in the future. Policy will be critiqued through many frameworks to understanding the complicated relationship between policy and practice and the implications for educators at the level of curriculum, pedagogy and assessment. The process of informing, shaping, implementing and evaluating educational policy will also be explored in the context of change and educational reform. The course will examine educational policy from ethical, sociological, cultural, international, comparative and historical perspectives.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3090": {"id": "PG5bpiA5ATiSrF0anP5Wt", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "EOtXQgi1r7ZJhg1T7Wf6U", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14271, "section": "SE01", "size": 56, "enrolled": 53, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Mar - 9 Mar", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214/218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 May - 3 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 May - 4 May", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214/218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19812, "section": "SE02", "size": 5, "enrolled": 2, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "9 Mar - 9 Mar", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "3 May - 3 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "4 May - 4 May", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "3091": {"id": "litrxyG9YFTQkotzi5eI-", "course_id": "108917", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108917", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Curriculum Development and Innovation", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7551", "CLASS_NBR": 11092, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070111", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "EDUC 6551", "ASSESSMENT": "10 Quizzes/Discussion Board Entries 10%, Flipping the Classroom for Higher Order Thinking 30%, Evaluative framework 20%, The Coherent Curriculum 40%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces students to the ideas and procedures involved in curriculum development, innovation and evaluation. It will enable students to ensure that the approaches to learning and teaching benefit from the use of ICT in advancing the understanding and appreciation of knowledge as well as of innovative practice.\nThe course first examines some general and basic issues related to designing a curriculum. Some curriculum design models will be considered and their implications for multimedia approaches to learning, teaching and assessment discussed. Consideration will also be given to teaching of values, as well as design, development and evaluation of curricula and the implementation of innovative curricula.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3092": {"id": "litrxyG9YFTQkotzi5eI-", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "h6mMsAqpiTbZLrJkP00Bc", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12804, "section": "LE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 59, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "lswW3q75WGfdoW_EKLd76", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11092, "section": "TU01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 59, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3093": {"id": "85wVUxTjsrQwIdhlR6Xfi", "course_id": "108915", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108915", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Pedagogical Engagement for Learning", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7552", "CLASS_NBR": 25416, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "EDUC 6552", "ASSESSMENT": "Reflective discussion board entries 15%, Unit and lesson plan 40%, Group Project 25%,Eportfolio 20%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces students to a range of pedagogic strategies applicable to all levels of learning, with a particular focus on flexible, diverse and inclusive student-centred pedagogical approaches. Focussing on skills for 21st century learners, students will model and reflect on pedagogic strategies and their theoretical justifications, and consider the critical importance of planning, trialling and reflecting on pedagogic strategies. Constructive alignment between learning philosophy, curriculum, unit of inquiry, lesson, pedagogy and impact on learning will be a key theme, as will enhancing student engagement through the use of educational technology and online strategies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3094": {"id": "85wVUxTjsrQwIdhlR6Xfi", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "TTZEqT0EEgwaBIvXHIZHS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25416, "section": "SE01", "size": 85, "enrolled": 77, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3095": {"id": "FYeLL64KTZ9HNzttwQJft", "course_id": "108914", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108914", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Assessment & Evaluation", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7553", "CLASS_NBR": 29650, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "10 Minute presentation 15%, 2,000 word Assessment Design 50%, 500 word Peer Assessment Report 20%, 500 word Report 15%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course examines the purposes, paradigms and types of assessment and evaluation used in education.\nThe key roles of assessment in learning and teaching, including feedback are discussed. The role of evaluation and the analysis of assessment data to inform practice are explored.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3096": {"id": "FYeLL64KTZ9HNzttwQJft", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "Shyr-aYyMmkqYZYL5cugA", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22167, "section": "SE01", "size": 56, "enrolled": 54, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29650, "section": "SE03", "size": 45, "enrolled": 24, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3097": {"id": "hf0CMG-KEWzPKX5QtuMHz", "course_id": "108911", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108911", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Education for Inclusion", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7555", "CLASS_NBR": 14961, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Reflexive writing piece (500 words), Group theory-into-practice presentation, Individual research paper (2000 words)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, pre-service teachers (PSTs) are positioned as co-learners and knowledge producers who are supported to engage in socio-cultural explorations of educational inclusion and exclusion. The course draws from a critical knowledge base that includes history, politics, and sociology of education, and applies lenses for analysis such as race and class. This enables PSTs\u2019 to explore contemporary educational issues while developing informed standpoints on questions of social justice and the fundamental purposes of education. Specific consideration is given to the educational experiences of First Nations and culturally diverse, high poverty students for whom educational policy has historically failed. PSTs will demonstrate understanding of these issues and implications for their teaching through individual and collaborative assessment pieces that bridge the research-teaching nexus.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3098": {"id": "hf0CMG-KEWzPKX5QtuMHz", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "2hpOivStujpLBuJ1oP2EV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14958, "section": "LE01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 14, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "datLTpY1i9QAzOB4adhEf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14961, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 14, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3099": {"id": "-k0QvHaSDrflWN3XtNOGp", "course_id": "109556", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109556", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Critical Pedagogies in the Secondary Years", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EDUC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7558", "CLASS_NBR": 12299, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "070105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Master of Teaching (Secondary) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Double entry journal, Evaluation of a teacher\u2019s practice, Case study: responding to a pedagogical challenge", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will explore concepts important to the development of expertise in middle and secondary school pedagogy. Students will investigate a variety of pedagogical approaches to be implemented at each stage of secondary schooling. The investigations will ask students to design learning which sets performance expectations that acknowledge difference in the classroom and promotes safe learning environments. Each investigation will orient to a different stage of schooling and focus, such as cultural diversity; critical thought; accountable communities of practice within and across school subjects; student capacity to act upon their ideas and make connections with the world beyond school. The course responds to the APST for graduate teachers and other reform agendas designed to build teacher resources and skills.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3100": {"id": "-k0QvHaSDrflWN3XtNOGp", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "4urP1K_h1-xAlFlQ9_Qyc", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18751, "section": "LEC0", "size": 70, "enrolled": 57, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "PVvtNhu2DSsasvi7h9kps", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12299, "section": "WR01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 57, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3101": {"subject": "ELEC ENG", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "108277", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108277", "term": "4410", "offer": 3}, {"course_id": "108279", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108279", "term": "4410", "offer": 3}, {"course_id": "108280", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108280", "term": "4420", "offer": 3}, {"course_id": "111301", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108965", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108966", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108967", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108969", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109847", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110989", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109272", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109269", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109277", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109274", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109273", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109783", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105964", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105968", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105973", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106931", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110233", "term": "4415", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110515", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110241", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109419", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110290", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110287", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110289", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110286", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110288", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110542", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110235", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "100279", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "101943", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102490", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102792", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102796", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "103891", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110234", "term": "4415", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105981", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105978", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105979", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105980", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106003", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106178", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110242", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110990", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111599", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110543", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108651", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "3102": {"id": "elknKOEimd9zpCuSGqhAm", "course_id": "108277", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108277", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Analog Electronics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ELEC ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "1100", "CLASS_NBR": 13117, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "031301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Typically 2 hours per week, up to 6 hours in weeks with practicals", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ELEC ENG 1009, ELEC ENG 1101", "ASSESSMENT": "Final exam, mid-semester tests, online tests, tutorial participation and practical work", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course develops a basic understanding of the fundamentals and principles of analog circuits and electronic devices in electrical and electronic engineering. This understanding is a critical step towards being able to design new electronic circuits or use them appropriately as part of a larger engineering system. Hence the course seeks to develop foundational concepts and skills, but does so through a series of application-oriented topics such as the design of DC power supplies, speed control of electric motors, and audio amplification and tone control. Learning opportunities include: online presentations with integrated practice exercises; tutorials in which small teams work together to explore, discuss, analyse and explain electronic circuits; and practicals in which theory is put to practical application. Important topics covered include: the key electrical variables and the application of fundamental circuit laws and theorems to DC and AC resistive circuits; power supply applications of diodes and switch-mode transistors; the operating principles of DC, induction and synchronous machines; analysis of simple operational and single-MOSET amplifiers; methods of systematic circuit analysis; and steady state sinusoidal analysis of RLC circuits. The course is designed to be one of the first undertaken by new students in electrical and electronic engineering such that successfully completing the course will provide the necessary foundation for more specialist learning in analog and radio frequency electronics and electrical power systems.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3103": {"id": "elknKOEimd9zpCuSGqhAm", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "_K82dn5yz0gSW6SZsDG5R", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14845, "section": "LE01", "size": 233, "enrolled": 150, "available": 83, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 11 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 22 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "6 May - 6 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "20 May - 20 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "uZGijSj0Ntol9y8brUnSJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13117, "section": "WR02", "size": 70, "enrolled": 67, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13118, "section": "WR01", "size": 90, "enrolled": 83, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "sW6AFkbmQnDBLnBphksLZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14448, "section": "PR03", "size": 38, "enrolled": 35, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, 305318&319, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, 305318&319, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, 305318&319, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14449, "section": "PR02", "size": 38, "enrolled": 24, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, 305318&319, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, 305318&319, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, 305318&319, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14450, "section": "PR01", "size": 54, "enrolled": 54, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, 305318&319, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, 305318&319, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, 305318&319, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15278, "section": "PR04", "size": 38, "enrolled": 37, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM318, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM318, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 20 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM318, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "id": "HIfLfSrr1mPLUayUj4YYd", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13819, "section": "AS01", "size": 233, "enrolled": 150, "available": 83, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "17 May - 17 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "7 Jun - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "3104": {"id": "Gbu69YNB7gXBNNynDxpWp", "course_id": "108277", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108277", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Analog Electronics", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ELEC ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "1100UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 13119, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "031301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Typically 2 hours per week, up to 6 hours in weeks with practicals", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ELEC ENG 1101UAC", "ASSESSMENT": "Final exam, mid-semester tests, online tests, tutorial participation and practical work", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course develops a basic understanding of the fundamentals and principles of analog circuits and electronic devices in electrical and electronic engineering. This understanding is a critical step towards being able to design new electronic circuits or use them appropriately as part of a larger engineering system. Hence the course seeks to develop foundational concepts and skills, but does so through a series of application-oriented topics such as the design of DC power supplies, speed control of electric motors, and audio amplification and tone control. Learning opportunities include: online presentations with integrated practice exercises; tutorials in which small teams work together to explore, discuss, analyse and explain electronic circuits; and practicals in which theory is put to practical application. Important topics covered include: the key electrical variables and the application of fundamental circuit laws and theorems to DC and AC resistive circuits; power supply applications of diodes and switch-mode transistors; the operating principles of DC, induction and synchronous machines; analysis of simple operational and single-MOSET amplifiers; methods of systematic circuit analysis; and steady state sinusoidal analysis of RLC circuits. The course is designed to be one of the first undertaken by new students in electrical and electronic engineering such that successfully completing the course will provide the necessary foundation for more specialist learning in analog and radio frequency electronics and electrical power systems.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3105": {"id": "Gbu69YNB7gXBNNynDxpWp", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "IWyNDsgWyhWZROLI4Il0n", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13119, "section": "WR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 8, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "QVIuot-tlfSe_BydliI0F", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11236, "section": "PR02", "size": 10, "enrolled": 8, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, 305318&319, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, 305318&319, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, 305318&319, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "BzQ-OeBEfSrZCawhQEtQ6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14846, "section": "LE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 8, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 11 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 22 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "6 May - 6 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "20 May - 20 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "O1gAegjC9lcACIFha6ktE", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12419, "section": "TT01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 8, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 108, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13820, "section": "AS01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 8, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "17 May - 17 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "7 Jun - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "3106": {"id": "nXy99GHIyzdJpPA7qZ8S2", "course_id": "108279", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108279", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Electronic Systems", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ELEC ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "1101", "CLASS_NBR": 13120, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "031301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Typically 2 hours per week, up to 6 hours in weeks with practicals", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ELEC ENG 1100, ELEC ENG 1101UAC", "ASSESSMENT": "Final exam, mid-semester tests, online tests, tutorial participation and practical work", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course develops a basic understanding of the fundamentals and principles of analog and digital circuits and electronic devices. This understanding is a critical step towards being able to design new electronic circuits or use them appropriately as part of a larger engineering system. Hence the course seeks to develop foundational concepts and skills, but does so through a series of application-oriented topics such as the design of DC power supplies, speed control of electric motors, audio amplification and simple digital control. Learning opportunities include: online presentations with integrated practice exercises; tutorials in which small teams work together to explore, discuss, analyse and explain electronic circuits; and practicals in which theory is put to practical application. Important topics covered include: the key electrical variables and the application of fundamental circuit laws and theorems to DC and AC resistive circuits; power supply applications of diodes and switch-mode transistors; the operating principles of DC, induction and synchronous machines; analysis of simple operational and single-MOSET amplifiers; Boolean logic and binary arithmetic; and combinational and sequential logic circuits. The course is designed to be a broad introduction to electronic systems for students from diverse engineering disciplines. Completing the course will provide the necessary foundation to understand the role, capabilities and constraints of electronics in contemporary engineering systems.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3107": {"id": "nXy99GHIyzdJpPA7qZ8S2", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "EVst_MKvs1NCeswvKnOaF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14847, "section": "LE01", "size": 380, "enrolled": 348, "available": 32, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 13 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "8 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "CM9BnVxx_n-9c3Kd38WxD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13120, "section": "WR04", "size": 90, "enrolled": 87, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Mar - 13 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13121, "section": "WR03", "size": 90, "enrolled": 89, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13122, "section": "WR02", "size": 90, "enrolled": 85, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Schulz, 214/218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13123, "section": "WR01", "size": 90, "enrolled": 87, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "ZhNJzQRf3G8LK-W-4aQGK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14452, "section": "PR05", "size": 66, "enrolled": 31, "available": 35, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, 305318&319, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "26 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, 305318&319, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, 305318&319, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14453, "section": "PR04", "size": 76, "enrolled": 74, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, 305318&319, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, 305318&319, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, 305318&319, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, 305318&319, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14454, "section": "PR03", "size": 76, "enrolled": 76, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, 305318&319, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, 305318&319, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 20 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, 305318&319, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14455, "section": "PR02", "size": 76, "enrolled": 74, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, 305318&319, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, 305318&319, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, 305318&319, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 24 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, 305318&319, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14456, "section": "PR01", "size": 58, "enrolled": 56, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, 305318&319, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "26 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, 305318&319, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, 305318&319, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19747, "section": "PR06", "size": 38, "enrolled": 37, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM319, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM319, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 20 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM319, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "id": "lexShVvsQyuVF6LRywAQ0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13821, "section": "AS01", "size": 380, "enrolled": 348, "available": 32, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "17 May - 17 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "7 Jun - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "3108": {"id": "6ocs54VD22YwlQMQ5vjGb", "course_id": "108279", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108279", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Electronic Systems", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ELEC ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "1101UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 13124, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "031301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Typically 2 hours per week, up to 6 hours in weeks with practicals", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ELEC ENG 1100, ELEC ENG 1101", "ASSESSMENT": "Final exam, mid-semester tests, online tests, tutorial participation and practical work", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course develops a basic understanding of the fundamentals and principles of analog and digital circuits and electronic devices. This understanding is a critical step towards being able to design new electronic circuits or use them appropriately as part of a larger engineering system. Hence the course seeks to develop foundational concepts and skills, but does so through a series of application-oriented topics such as the design of DC power supplies, speed control of electric motors, audio amplification and simple digital control. Learning opportunities include: online presentations with integrated practice exercises; tutorials in which small teams work together to explore, discuss, analyse and explain electronic circuits; and practicals in which theory is put to practical application. Important topics covered include: the key electrical variables and the application of fundamental circuit laws and theorems to DC and AC resistive circuits; power supply applications of diodes and switch-mode transistors; the operating principles of DC, induction and synchronous machines; analysis of simple operational and single-MOSET amplifiers; Boolean logic and binary arithmetic; and combinational and sequential logic circuits. The course is designed to be a broad introduction to electronic systems for students from diverse engineering disciplines. Completing the course will provide the necessary foundation to understand the role, capabilities and constraints of electronics in contemporary engineering systems.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3109": {"id": "6ocs54VD22YwlQMQ5vjGb", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Assessment", "id": "dfJeqCBDvRbIfV2VFINKN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13822, "section": "AS01", "size": 18, "enrolled": 5, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "17 May - 17 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "7 Jun - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "x48ys2uyplVh4X4Ok-UPr", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12300, "section": "PR01", "size": 18, "enrolled": 5, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, 305318&319, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "26 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, 305318&319, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, 305318&319, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tuition", "id": "vCLWZzhI3H15WTaAfZfWw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12420, "section": "TT01", "size": 18, "enrolled": 5, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 101, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 101, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "ZTehqji_osMSkYPQp3bZN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13124, "section": "WR01", "size": 18, "enrolled": 5, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14848, "section": "LE01", "size": 18, "enrolled": 5, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 13 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "8 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "3110": {"id": "j5HfXqfJLJgqbZ5zq9Q4o", "course_id": "108280", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108280", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Digital Electronics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ELEC ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "1102", "CLASS_NBR": 29631, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "031303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Typically 2 hours per week, up to 6 hours in weeks with practicals", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Mid-semester tests, online quizzes, tutorial participation, assignment and practical work", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an introduction to the control of engineering systems using microprocessors, sensors and actuators. Within this context it introduces the fundamentals of combinational logic, Boolean algebra, digital arithmetic, sequential logic, and microprocessor instruction set architecture and I/O. Learning opportunities include: online presentations with integrated practice exercises; tutorials in which small teams work together to explore, discuss, analyse and explain digital electronic circuits; and practicals in which theory is put to useful application. The course is designed to be one of the first undertaken by new students in electrical and electronic engineering such that its successful completion will provide the necessary foundation for more specialist learning in digital microelectronics and computer engineering.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3111": {"id": "j5HfXqfJLJgqbZ5zq9Q4o", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "ZQpFLXQcIdgSBsqSddmVf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21487, "section": "LE01", "size": 150, "enrolled": 142, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 24 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "9Ti0aj-06SSdYFzfyDraJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20607, "section": "WR01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 55, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21984, "section": "WR02", "size": 60, "enrolled": 59, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29631, "section": "WR03", "size": 50, "enrolled": 28, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "Vp-8r4pghBcAPXlLe1KRf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20609, "section": "PR03", "size": 50, "enrolled": 54, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, 305318&319, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, 305318&319, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, 305318&319, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, 305318&319, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20610, "section": "PR02", "size": 51, "enrolled": 49, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "29 Aug - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, 305318&319, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, 305318&319, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, 305318&319, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, 305318&319, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21677, "section": "PR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 39, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "28 Aug - 28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, 305318&319, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, 305318&319, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, 305318&319, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, 305318&319, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "id": "72byaDWWlrjHtP5wd5HLo", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21491, "section": "AS01", "size": 285, "enrolled": 142, "available": 143, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Aug - 23 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "3112": {"id": "dQYkrkZ8Ok7EBP66NaQy-", "course_id": "108280", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108280", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Digital Electronics", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ELEC ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "1102UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 28508, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "031303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Typically 2 hours per week, up to 6 hours in weeks with practicals", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Mid-semester tests, assignment, tutorial preparation and demonstration of tutorial outcomes.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an introduction to the control of engineering systems using microprocessors, sensors and actuators. Within this context it introduces the fundamentals of combinational logic, Boolean algebra, digital arithmetic, sequential logic, and microprocessor instruction set architecture and I/O. Learning opportunities include: online presentations with integrated practice exercises; tutorials in which small teams work together to explore, discuss, analyse and explain digital electronic circuits; and practicals in which theory is put to useful application. The course is designed to be one of the first undertaken by new students in electrical and electronic engineering such that its successful completion will provide the necessary foundation for more specialist learning in digital microelectronics and computer engineering.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3113": {"id": "dQYkrkZ8Ok7EBP66NaQy-", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "Kd1hMbOPPlKsDXP1NGg8N", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28508, "section": "WR02", "size": 15, "enrolled": 7, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "qPJ515_Q7svQM-LOQ2Ugt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21488, "section": "LE01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 7, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 24 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Assessment", "id": "Rd98DpECVAzrXD9h0HwNz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21493, "section": "AS01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 7, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Aug - 23 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "33bHumyNIH48yZllBVjO0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20611, "section": "PR01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 7, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "28 Aug - 28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, 305318&319, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, 305318&319, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, 305318&319, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, 305318&319, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22296, "section": "TT01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 7, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 109, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 109, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Oct - 7 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 101, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 109, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3114": {"id": "ThYqNsORPMaFopivdWjmb", "course_id": "111301", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111301", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Circuits and Systems", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ELEC ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "2017", "CLASS_NBR": 14334, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "031300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 8 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Electrical & Electronic)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ELEC ENG 1100", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ELEC ENG 2011, ELEC ENG 2007", "ASSESSMENT": "Tutorials, Tests, Practicals, Exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course develops key concepts in linear signals and systems, principally using electric circuits as the focus. Second order circuits are covered in detail, before generalisation to higher orders and developing concepts such as resonance and frequency responses. The spectral interpretation of signals and systems are developed formally with the Fourier transform. Dynamical responses of linear systems are treated systematically in the Laplace domain; the transfer function description of linear, time-invariant systems is introduced and applied to the analysis of electrical systems. Feedback systems are studied to introduce the concept of bounded-input, bounded-output (BIBO) stability. The course includes practical exercises using industry standard software packages to design and simulate electrical systems\u2019 performance.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3115": {"id": "ThYqNsORPMaFopivdWjmb", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "Mpd1VDUaxctCaAUPgMMeW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14334, "section": "WR01", "size": 90, "enrolled": 87, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "jnwN-247jymoayg_X3Q2D", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11691, "section": "PR02", "size": 48, "enrolled": 39, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "20 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 6 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM319, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 6 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM318, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11692, "section": "PR01", "size": 48, "enrolled": 48, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "20 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM318, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM319, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "id": "rFt-4O69k_j7AtB6JHQ1c", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10186, "section": "AS01", "size": 120, "enrolled": 87, "available": 33, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 May - 23 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3116": {"id": "oumd47qnz2G9ihcK59q7G", "course_id": "108965", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108965", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Digital Systems", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ELEC ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "2100", "CLASS_NBR": 24940, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "031303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Typically up to 2 hours per week but up to 5 hours in the weeks with practicals", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ELEC ENG 1102", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ELEC ENG 3028", "ASSESSMENT": "Workshop Preparation, Tests, Exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course develops engineering capabilities pertaining to the design of digital electronic systems. Designs for contemporary implementation technologies are expressed using circuit schematics and SystemVerilog, at levels of abstraction from CMOS transistor circuits up to processor microarchitecture. System architecture, microarchitecture and interfacing concepts are developed through an extended case study of a commercial microprocessor. The course operates as a flipped classroom with students attending weekly 2-hour workshops. Preparatory lectures, reading and exercise questions are completed before workshops. Workshop problems are more open-ended and typically require discussion in small groups, practical design, simulation and implementation using computers and reconfigurable logic circuits.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3117": {"id": "oumd47qnz2G9ihcK59q7G", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "AY7bzq2oBr0V2QLO06_h2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24940, "section": "WR02", "size": 50, "enrolled": 42, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24941, "section": "WR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 50, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "id": "1WP5b2PdPV2kfklFUNlQ-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23849, "section": "AS01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 92, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 5 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "3118": {"id": "W5eQfxxbhAa5p6Zgd3YTq", "course_id": "108966", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108966", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Electronics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ELEC ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "2101", "CLASS_NBR": 19586, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "031300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 8 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ELEC ENG 1100", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ELEC ENG 2105 or ELEC ENG 2008", "ASSESSMENT": "Tutorials, Tests, Practicals, Exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course covers the operating principles, analysis and applications of semiconductor devices underpinning electronic systems. It builds on the foundational electrical concepts developed at Level I and provides an in-depth exploration of important non-linear devices: diodes, bipolar junction transistors and field-effect transistors. Equivalent circuit models for these devices are developed and applied to the analysis and design of practical systems, such as voltage rectifiers and amplifiers. Important system concepts are introduced along the way, including amplifier types and gains. The course is delivered on campus, with lectures available to view online and intensive face-to-face workshops. It also includes a practical component which develop key technical skills such as operating test and measurement instruments.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3119": {"id": "W5eQfxxbhAa5p6Zgd3YTq", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "kYCBOHd0LRipXDCO9ivel", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12139, "section": "WR01", "size": 54, "enrolled": 54, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14968, "section": "WR02", "size": 60, "enrolled": 57, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19586, "section": "WR03", "size": 48, "enrolled": 17, "available": 31, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "D5dXdqvcaDNol9r-OTVbg", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14431, "section": "PR02", "size": 48, "enrolled": 51, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "21 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM318, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM319, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "9 May - 23 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM318, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "9 May - 23 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM319, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14432, "section": "PR01", "size": 48, "enrolled": 53, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "20 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM318, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM319, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "8 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM318, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "8 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM319, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19587, "section": "PR03", "size": 40, "enrolled": 24, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM318, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM319, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "7 May - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM318, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "7 May - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM319, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "fkl60gLFkRs-z0IDUAgns", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11075, "section": "LE01", "size": 162, "enrolled": 128, "available": 34, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "21 May - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19142, "section": "AS01", "size": 162, "enrolled": 128, "available": 34, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "16 May - 16 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "3120": {"id": "0wlq51fl66mrgR-kgMFJN", "course_id": "108967", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108967", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Electric Energy Conversion", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ELEC ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "2102", "CLASS_NBR": 14430, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "031303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ELEC ENG 1100 or ELEC ENG 1101", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ELEC ENG 3021", "ASSESSMENT": "Workshop preparation and participation, online tests, in-class quiz, practicals and written exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides a general introduction to power engineering. It focuses mainly on the principles, modelling and analysis of DC and AC electrical machines and transformers. The principles of electric drives and power systems are also discussed.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3121": {"id": "0wlq51fl66mrgR-kgMFJN", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "x0d-lazBWu1phjsg_iiLS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14430, "section": "WR01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 85, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 29 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 May - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "AY0uB38Dxfd8J7ssTGDAM", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10333, "section": "PR06", "size": 3, "enrolled": 1, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NG06, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 30 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NG06, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "21 May - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NG06, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10334, "section": "PR05", "size": 18, "enrolled": 16, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NG06, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 29 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NG06, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "20 May - 20 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NG06, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10335, "section": "PR04", "size": 18, "enrolled": 17, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NG06, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 May - 2 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NG06, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 May - 23 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NG06, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10336, "section": "PR03", "size": 18, "enrolled": 17, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Mar - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NG06, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NG06, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "14 May - 14 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NG06, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10337, "section": "PR02", "size": 18, "enrolled": 17, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "18 Mar - 18 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NG06, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 22 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NG06, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "13 May - 13 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NG06, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10338, "section": "PR01", "size": 18, "enrolled": 17, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NG06, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NG06, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "17 May - 17 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NG06, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "id": "sTt2RLoOQ6RCnNtEwLWqA", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10177, "section": "AS01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 85, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12205, "section": "LE01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 85, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Apr - 22 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "3122": {"id": "1CRUO4vGhr9hS6S3VYOEB", "course_id": "108969", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108969", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Digital Signal Processing", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ELEC ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "2104", "CLASS_NBR": 22060, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "031303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MATHS 1012", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ELEC ENG 1100 or ELEC ENG 1101", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ELEC ENG 3033", "ASSESSMENT": "Tests, quizzes, tutorial, assignments.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Discrete time (DT) signals and systems are commonplace in engineering. It is essential for practicing electrical and electronic engineers to have a sound foundation in DT concepts and fluency in linear processing of DT signals. It is a core course in the Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Electrical and Electronic) program.\n\nStudents will learn the fundamental principles and techniques of DT signals and systems, apply linear processing to solve practical problems in electronic, computer and information engineering. These skills will be developed concurrently in both time and transform (z and Fourier) Fourier domains.\n\nThe course is delivered on campus, with an in-person component centred around workshops, and supported by tutorials. Learning activities include group discussions and individual written and Matlab exercises.\n\nAssessment activities include workshop and tutorial participation, individual assignments, tests and a final exam. The set of assessments is designed to allow students to demonstrate their knowledge in DSP and skills in solving problems with DSP techniques.\n \nUpon completion of the course, students will be able to apply linear digital processing methods to engineering analysis and problem solving. It will provide students with a foundation to pursue more advanced studies in areas including, but not limited to: control, telecommunications, biomedical engineering and machine learning.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3123": {"id": "1CRUO4vGhr9hS6S3VYOEB", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "LoEM4PGCSMRfRIXsKq3EG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22060, "section": "WR01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 92, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "ky4NZwhWDKfNDuZyqx0-G", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20289, "section": "TU03", "size": 40, "enrolled": 29, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20291, "section": "TU01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 23, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25143, "section": "TU04", "size": 40, "enrolled": 40, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3124": {"id": "MKdz47xo5S_yGm9Yq14MV", "course_id": "109847", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109847", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Vector Calculus & Electromagnetics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ELEC ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "2106", "CLASS_NBR": 20203, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "031301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MATHS 1012", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MATHS 2202", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, tests, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The first half of the course covers calculus in several variables, vectors, curves, surfaces, gradients, line integrals, surface integrals, vector fields, Green's and Stokes's theorems, cylindrical and spherical coordinates. The second half of the course builds on the first half and provides the foundations of electromagnetic theory for applications in electrical and electronic engineering. Topics include electrostatics, Gauss's law, magnetostatics, Ampere's law, electric and magnetic fields in materials.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3125": {"id": "MKdz47xo5S_yGm9Yq14MV", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "lOG1vLsgyD2Wa5DDanu90", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20203, "section": "WR01", "size": 120, "enrolled": 89, "available": 31, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "D8pX2Wa7kKcFoD-dA_LDl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20293, "section": "PR04", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20294, "section": "PR03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 34, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20296, "section": "PR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 25, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}, {"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "id": "p5dqB0zW4QQIFYKnAts4-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20204, "section": "AS01", "size": 120, "enrolled": 89, "available": 31, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Aug - 19 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 214/218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 14 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 214/218, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3126": {"id": "k8nL_X8Nmm3DlcS9HEC_M", "course_id": "110989", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110989", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Computer Architecture", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ELEC ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "3088", "CLASS_NBR": 10682, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "031399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 2103 or COMP SCI 2202", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 3005", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, Assignments, Practicals, Written exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course covers the fundamental aspects of computer design. It is suitable for anyone who wants to learn how computers function in-depth and understand the trade-offs inherent in the design of computer systems. Topics covered include: quantifying cost and performance; instruction set architecture; program behaviour and measurement of instruction set use; processor datapaths and control; pipelining, handling pipeline hazards; memory hierarchies and performance; I/O devices, controllers and drivers; I/O and system performance. A variety of assessments will be undertaken during the course, including extensive use of programming assignments.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3127": {"id": "k8nL_X8Nmm3DlcS9HEC_M", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "7v373kRjO327REc-OafiD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13390, "section": "LE01", "size": 51, "enrolled": 37, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "Y9aH4CzYo9uoGSvM-rdOF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10682, "section": "WR01", "size": 51, "enrolled": 37, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 30 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 May - 14 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 May - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Jun - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "id": "T2G1M5wrxqbGOmHamrTb5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11689, "section": "AS01", "size": 51, "enrolled": 37, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "There is no ASSESSMENT in 2024. Please ignore this ASM01 timetable."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Jun - 8 Jun", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "3128": {"id": "-D1WUVb__PmtNsxIw4fpF", "course_id": "109272", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109272", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Control", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ELEC ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "3101", "CLASS_NBR": 14436, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "031301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(MATHS 2201 and MATHS 2202) or (MATHS 2106 and MATHS 2107 and ELEC ENG 2104)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ELEC ENG 2101", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ELEC ENG 3027", "ASSESSMENT": "Practical, tests and written exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course studies feedback control principles and practical control of dynamical systems. The course topics include PID control, dynamical systems modelling, small-signal stability and linearisation, time- and frequency-domain response and analysis, state-space modelling and control system design. An integrated part of the course is hands-on practicals to model, design and implement a real-time servo motion control of a bench-top experiment set.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3129": {"id": "-D1WUVb__PmtNsxIw4fpF", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "MYr_Id4fwdovoToiMGwCc", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14433, "section": "LE01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 63, "available": 37, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "21 May - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "Huj3Xbd899m2tgFAT7R-v", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12202, "section": "PR03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 26, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 May - 16 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12203, "section": "PR02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 17, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 May - 16 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12204, "section": "PR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 20, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 14 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "F9Y9EUkw1jqa27v6nwcXv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14436, "section": "TU03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 May - 3 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 May - 17 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "31 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14437, "section": "TU02", "size": 40, "enrolled": 26, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 May - 3 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 May - 17 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "31 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14438, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 7, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 May - 3 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 May - 17 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "31 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "id": "oV2ZAuQ1DRmX6JvjRvWIj", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14011, "section": "AS01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 63, "available": 37, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "14 May - 14 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "3130": {"id": "TP4BrxTnaEl5OdL4Ad6_q", "course_id": "109269", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109269", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Engineering Electromagnetics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ELEC ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "3103", "CLASS_NBR": 14443, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "031301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(MATHS 2201 or MATHS 2106) and (MATHS 2202 or MATHS 2107 or ELEC ENG 2106)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ELEC ENG 2101", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ELEC ENG 2009", "ASSESSMENT": "Tutorial, tests, practical and written exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course builds up on electro- and magneto-statics to complete the foundations of electromagnetic theory by including time-varying phenomena. As such, the course focusses on electrodynamic fields and waves, with their applications in electrical and electronic engineering. \nTopics include: Brief review of electrostatics and magnetostatics, electric and magnetic fields in materials, Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction, capacitance and inductance in circuit models, differential and integral forms of Maxwell's equations, boundary field conditions, electromagnetic waves, scattering of plane waves from media boundaries, guided-waves and transmission lines, radiation, antenna fundamentals, propagation of electromagnetic waves.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3131": {"id": "TP4BrxTnaEl5OdL4Ad6_q", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "UCx2Bn2I1wI4GuZwSRLSS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12253, "section": "LE01", "size": 90, "enrolled": 69, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "361q9aBZkCy3DGmOwmujy", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11446, "section": "PR05", "size": 16, "enrolled": 17, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "16 May - 16 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM305, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11457, "section": "PR04", "size": 16, "enrolled": 17, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "15 May - 15 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM305, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11458, "section": "PR03", "size": 16, "enrolled": 12, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 May - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "17 May - 17 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM305, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "24 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11459, "section": "PR02", "size": 16, "enrolled": 16, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 May - 1 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "8 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM305, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "15 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11460, "section": "PR01", "size": 16, "enrolled": 7, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 May - 17 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "24 May - 24 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM305, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "31 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "ndd0wl9gdl3Iv-cBUeu3U", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14443, "section": "TU04", "size": 20, "enrolled": 8, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14444, "section": "TU03", "size": 20, "enrolled": 20, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hartley, 122a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hartley, 122a, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14445, "section": "TU02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 20, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hartley, 122a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hartley, 122a, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14446, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 21, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hartley, 122a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hartley, 122a, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "id": "VMNrUTjsv7_kKDMi634Uo", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11445, "section": "AS01", "size": 180, "enrolled": 69, "available": 111, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 May - 1 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "3132": {"id": "2svqmLr0bZ0j5A4lFFPqC", "course_id": "109277", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109277", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Electric Drive Systems", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ELEC ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "3104", "CLASS_NBR": 24726, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "031301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(ELEC ENG 1100 or ELEC ENG 1101) and ELEC ENG 2101", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ELEC ENG 3112, ELEC ENG 4059", "ASSESSMENT": "Tests and written exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces power electronics and electric drive systems. It includes the following topics. Characteristics of power electronic devices and their switching performance, power losses and thermal design. Classes of power converters: rectifiers; AC-AC converters; DC-DC converters, inverters. Voltage and current source converters. Hard and soft-switching and resonant circuits. Power supplies (uninterruptible, switched mode). Advanced energy-efficient motor drives: review of motor theory, power electronic control principles, vector and servo drives (stepper, DC, induction, brushless PM and switched-reluctance). Modulation methods. Theory motor and drive selection and application. System design, implementation and control, and computer interfacing. Electromagnetic interference.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3133": {"id": "2svqmLr0bZ0j5A4lFFPqC", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "amuGV1L-WwHi8N9dBviWU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24291, "section": "LE01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "C28q2cdy1WFlAtSVXZCjr", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22122, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24726, "section": "WR01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3134": {"id": "iFHDKHTkj65WJAEMbac-r", "course_id": "109274", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109274", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Telecommunications Principles", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ELEC ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "3108", "CLASS_NBR": 23850, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "031301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ELEC ENG 2104", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ELEC ENG 2101", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ELEC ENG 3034", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments with open-ended investigation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an introduction to telecommunications technologies in common use, with an emphasis on mobile systems. Topics include: Plain old telephone system; Common channel signalling; PDH, SDH, ATM and IP, QoS on packet networks and principles of error correction coding; Second and third generation cellular systems (GSM to UMTS)", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3135": {"id": "iFHDKHTkj65WJAEMbac-r", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "6uMjO_fMbDr3ST6GCMdS-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23850, "section": "SE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 38, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3136": {"id": "dPAg7b1SwplW2mxIa2-HC", "course_id": "109273", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109273", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Electric Power Systems", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ELEC ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "3110", "CLASS_NBR": 21676, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "031301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ELEC ENG 2102", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ELEC ENG 3031", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, Assignments, Quiz, Tutorial preparation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Overview of modern power systems. Review of single and three-phase AC networks. Representation of synchronous machines for stability analysis. Principles of power and frequency control. Principles of reactive power and voltage control. Steady-state performance using load-flow analysis. Network fault analysis. Small and large-signal rotor-angle stability analysis. Principles of power system protection.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3137": {"id": "dPAg7b1SwplW2mxIa2-HC", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Qd-aUPrxR0mgTNjryKlow", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21676, "section": "LE01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 28, "available": 52, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 25 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Aug - 8 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Aug - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Aug - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 7 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "id": "AHfbdjhCfg8LAyY9Yz1Q0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20197, "section": "AS01", "size": 90, "enrolled": 28, "available": 62, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Aug - 12 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Aug - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 14 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3138": {"id": "I7gVpn5kTIaAIqDuQgye0", "course_id": "109783", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109783", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Electric Drive Systems M", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ELEC ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "3112", "CLASS_NBR": 24727, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "031301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ELEC ENG 1101, ELEC ENG 2105", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ELEC ENG 3104, ELEC ENG 4059", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, Quizzes", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces power electronics and electric drive systems. It includes the following topics. Characteristics of power electronic devices and their switching performance, power losses and thermal design. Classes of power converters: rectifiers; AC-AC converters; DC-DC converters, inverters. Voltage and current source converters. Hard and soft-switching and resonant circuits. Power supplies (uninterruptible, switched mode). Advanced energy-efficient motor drives: review of motor theory, power electronic control principles, vector and servo drives (stepper, DC, induction, brushless PM and switch-reluctance). Modulation methods. Theory motor and drive selection and application. System design, implementation and control, and computer interfacing. Electromagnetic interference.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3139": {"id": "I7gVpn5kTIaAIqDuQgye0", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "O7_Fmi_iWKBIX92n7x4Fu", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24292, "section": "LE01", "size": 2, "enrolled": 1, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "CHtrDYe056TGh9We9JHe_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22123, "section": "TU01", "size": 2, "enrolled": 1, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24727, "section": "WR01", "size": 2, "enrolled": 1, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3140": {"id": "C7Qw5MZyqJiznQvO3bOoX", "course_id": "105964", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105964", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Telecommunications Systems", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ELEC ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "4054", "CLASS_NBR": 23852, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "031399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ELEC ENG 3108 or ELEC ENG 4046 or equivalent", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments with open-ended investigation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Multimedia communication principles. Fourth generation (LTE) cellular systems. Fifth generation (new radio) cellular systems. Advanced communication signal processing including multi-user detection, massive MIMO, phased array antenna techniques, advanced packet scheduling.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3141": {"id": "C7Qw5MZyqJiznQvO3bOoX", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "67IA6j9fgqGXa1QSeQN_H", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23852, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 8, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "3142": {"id": "rqoLC-OT-UXJx-qEwcs1s", "course_id": "105968", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105968", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Power Quality & Condition Monitoring", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ELEC ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "4058", "CLASS_NBR": 10342, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "031301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ELEC ENG 2102", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Workshop preparation and participation, online tests, in-class quizzes and practical reports", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will address power quality issues and condition monitoring techniques used in electrical and industrial systems. A brief overview of power systems and three-phase machines will be given, and the course will cover various issues under two major sections.\nPower Quality: Electromagnetic interference and interactions in energy systems, types of power quality issues, regulations, standards, prevention techniques, measurements and analysis and real-time tests.\nCondition Monitoring: Importance, types and features of faults, test methods, sensors and measurement techniques, traditional and advanced diagnostic methods, case studies and real-time tests.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3143": {"id": "rqoLC-OT-UXJx-qEwcs1s", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "dPlqFwIdJ6-0b1fbRyWh8", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10342, "section": "WR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 27, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 May - 15 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "yVutCgpzUzypG8JlKqaKM", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10340, "section": "PR02", "size": 18, "enrolled": 15, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NG06, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NG06, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10341, "section": "PR01", "size": 18, "enrolled": 12, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 May - 1 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NG06, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "15 May - 15 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NG06, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "id": "iBcCFrz7yDASeo4ryQf2m", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10178, "section": "AS01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 27, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11452, "section": "LE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 27, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 17 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 May - 16 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "3144": {"id": "UkBLH8WKn4m0GIWSOdIzE", "course_id": "105973", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105973", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Communications", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ELEC ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "4063", "CLASS_NBR": 10675, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "031399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ELEC ENG 2104", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes and assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Frequency Domain Analysis; Amplitude Modulation; Synchronous Demodulation; Double Sideband Suppressed Carrier; Single Sideband Suppressed Carrier; Vestigial Sideband Modulation; Frequency Modulation; Radio and Television Broadcasting: Correlation Functions; Power Spectral Density; Cyclostationary Processes; Linear Time Invariant Systems; Gaussian Processes; White Noise; Noise Bandwidth; Narrowband Noise; Effect of Noise in Analog Systems; Information Theory and Source Coding; Information Content; Joint and Conditional Entropy; Source Coding Theorem; Huffman Codes; Mutual Information; Pulse Code Modulation; Differential Pulse Code Modulation; Pulse Position Modulation; Pulse Amplitude Modulation; Two Dimensional Signals; Carrier Modulation; Amplitude Shift Keying; Phase Shift Keying; Frequency Shift Keying; Quadrature Amplitude Modulation; The Matched Filter; Receiver for Carrier Systems; Probability of Error; Constellation Diagrams; Carrier and Clock Recovery; Digital Transmission in Bandlimited Channels; Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing; Channel Capacity and Coding; Hamming Distance; Linear Block Codes; Hamming Codes; Review Optical Waveguides; Dispersion and Distortion Effects; Single-Mode and Multi-mode Optical Fibres; Light emitting diodes; Lasers; Photoelectric effects; PIN photodiodes; Avalanche Photodiodes; Receiver circuits; Noise and Detection.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3145": {"id": "UkBLH8WKn4m0GIWSOdIzE", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "ofWafUHi1_UYCFOConjA0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10675, "section": "SE01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 32, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3146": {"id": "oK22kmTTRq4B-XJ7aZvWf", "course_id": "106931", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106931", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Antennas & Propagation", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ELEC ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "4067", "CLASS_NBR": 22044, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "031307", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Some basic communication and electromagnetic theory", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quiz, Assignments, Exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Antennas and propagation effects play a crucial, even though often overlooked, role in RF systems. In practice, the design of a working system such as mobile phone networks, WiFi, RFID, Satellite communication and GPS requires a good understanding of these components. This course teaches the fundamentals of antenna and propagation and shows the application in practical examples. The course covers the theory of radiation, fundamental antenna parameters and concepts, wire antennas such as dipoles and loop antennas, antenna arrays, aperture antennas (e.g. horns), microstrip antennas, numerical analysis, communication & radar systems and propagation effects.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3147": {"id": "oK22kmTTRq4B-XJ7aZvWf", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "ceT3P8EhRK27eB8XoI_sZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22044, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 12, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "bJ19WdfgElkYeDS85_MDI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24389, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 12, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3148": {"id": "MKT6p1NTn27Hau87TXvmZ", "course_id": "110233", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110233", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Digital Security Estonia Study Tour", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ELEC ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "4070EX", "CLASS_NBR": 95120, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "031307", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Full time study tour 15-18 days inclusive of weekends. There are additional expenses associated with this tour which include airfares and participation fees set against a specific budget each year.", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "Students must be enrolled in a research course or have provided evidence of other study/activity recognised as equivalent. For undergraduate EEE students these are: ELEC ENG 4068A/B/4101A/B/4104A/B/4105A/B. Other research courses may be considered", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Students are expected to have a sufficient technical background to participate in this course. For example, COMP SCI 3001; ELEC ENG 3108, or equivalent industry experience", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Submission of pre-tour briefing materials, participation in course activities, post-tour reflective essay, and submission of post-course survey.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "A full time intensive study tour, to be held in Tallinn, Estonia, and related locations for students in their final years of study. \nThis course develops the skills related to cyber security topics through immersion in the digital society of Estonia, a post-soviet powerhouse in digital government and operational cyber security. Students have the opportunity to participate in active cyber security exercises of opportunity, visit and meet with senior government officials and leading cyber security research and development teams in the private sector, and develop written and oral research communication skills.\nThe course consists of:\n- Living and working in Tallinn, Estonia for the duration of the course.\n- Immersion in the digital society of Estonia, visiting a number of historical and showcase exhibits to illustrate the evolution from a soviet republic to a leading e-Society with a strong cyber security sector.\n- Meetings with leading government officials, the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence, and private sector businesses, with a focus on cyber security at a nation-state level, and emphasis on hybrid warfare countermeasures.\n- Participation in the annual Cyber Security Summer School, organised by partner universities - Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech)\n- Development of key professional and personal skills through teamwork, team leadership, and challenge exercises.\nOr equivalent event if these are not offered in any given year.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 24/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 28/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 11/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 17/07/2024"}}]}, "3149": {"id": "MKT6p1NTn27Hau87TXvmZ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "sm_LHawxqcumopg3SUe_S", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95120, "section": "01EX", "size": 10, "enrolled": 7, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "3150": {"id": "DDYbRHSXJv2NJvksd-Z5U", "course_id": "110515", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110515", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Mobile Phone Forensic Process and Analysis", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ELEC ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "4080", "CLASS_NBR": 92132, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "031307", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Intensive mode", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Students are assumed to have an appropriate background in law, engineering, computer science or police investigation techniques.", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "2 x assignments, final report", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This immersive course introduces students to the principles of Chain of Evidence and the process of forensic analysis, by considering mobile phone devices from the point of discovery/seizure through triage and securement at the crime scene, unlocking, imaging, analysis and preparation of an expert witness report and affidavit suitable for presentation in South Australian criminal courts. \nThe technical characteristics of mobile phone devices and inherent logs, databases, files and other records will be introduced. \nStudents will also be introduced to the principles of mobile phone networks and network records, and the interpretation of Call Data Records and other data available from Mobile Network Carriage Service Providers.\nStudents will use appropriate licensed data analysis tools to investigate phone contents and network records.\nStudents will be exposed through practice to relevant laws related to telecommunications interception, privacy and Court practice.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 09/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "3151": {"id": "DDYbRHSXJv2NJvksd-Z5U", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "fxJz2cWosvFs_kQNIY9tc", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92132, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 10, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jan - 9 Feb", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Jan - 9 Feb", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Feb - 16 Feb", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 126, Law Moot Court"}]}]}]}]}, "3152": {"id": "-i-33vu05ipu3TBzZCf1D", "course_id": "110241", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110241", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Electricity Market and Power System Operation", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ELEC ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "4087", "CLASS_NBR": 28747, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "031301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ELEC ENG 3110", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, we learn about the wholesale electricity market and power system operation in terms of energy and ancillary services. The course provides a broad knowledge of the evolution of the power system industry and electricity market over time, rules and regulations, various energy and ancillary services markets and transmission system operation with a focus on Australian Electricity Market. \n\nIntroduction to deregulation and electricity market: History of power industry, vertically-integrated utility, Problems with regulation, What is deregulation and why is it needed, what should be deregulated, Types of markets, Evolution of deregulation, Entities in the deregulated electricity industry, Types of market in terms of trading arrangement, Open electricity energy markets Market principles and electricity market economics: Modelling consumers, Modelling suppliers, Market equilibrium, Pareto efficiency, Global welfare, Theory of firm: short-run and long-run costs, Marginal cost fallacies, Scarcity rent, Economy of scale and scope, Profit and fixed cost recovery, Market power, Optimisation and market equilibrium problem Ancillary services (AS) market: Definition, Different types of AS for balancing issues, network issues, and system restoration, Compulsory provision of AS, AS market, demand-side AS provision, Impact of AS market on the spot prices, co-optimisation of energy and AS markets, Contingency analysis Transmission system operation: Introduction to the transmission system, Decentralised trading over a transmission network, Physical transmission rights, Issues related to physical transmission rights, Centralised trading over a transmission network, Unconstrained/Constrained transmission system with/without losses, Nodal marginal prices, Variable/fixed/non-technical losses", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3153": {"id": "-i-33vu05ipu3TBzZCf1D", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "WW5waXnmXoZ6SJ1LnEWkd", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24396, "section": "LE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 20, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 4 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "18 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "Wq_0yReVlAUVUloPHrPja", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28747, "section": "WR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 20, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Assessment", "id": "ABw21sJNngiZwD2RXO7Qu", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28951, "section": "AS01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 20, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Aug - 23 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3154": {"id": "TP_BJCkkJLTp5LBbxYgNZ", "course_id": "109419", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109419", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Business Management Systems", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ELEC ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "4100", "CLASS_NBR": 21453, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "031399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Completion of at least two years of an engineering degree", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ELEC ENG 4064", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments and workshops", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course covers essential features of business management systems and ethical considerations for professional engineering practice. Topics include: Business governance and social accountability; Business processes and business process management; Structure and content of a business management system (BMS) covering all business functions, including OH&S; Configuration control of the BMS; Relationship to quality assurance; ISO 9001 accreditation; Quality management and reliability; Enablement of the BMS using IT; Importance of training in use of the BMS; financial governance: Basic financial accounting and reporting including time value of money; Accounting for project planning and control; Relationship to project management; engineering governance and engineering management: Engineering planning and control; Engineering functional management; Lifecycle management, Product safety; Authorization of outputs; Ethics: Engineers Australia Code of Ethics, embeddding ethical considerations in BMS. This course uses written assignments as assessments and include a mix of group and individual work throughout the semester.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3155": {"id": "TP_BJCkkJLTp5LBbxYgNZ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "dDlDSp-iLjAMyRTkP9WYk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21453, "section": "WR02", "size": 42, "enrolled": 36, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Nov - 1 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24385, "section": "WR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 45, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 28 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3156": {"id": "Ldc1x4f9r0Rw_1KnoSg6t", "course_id": "110290", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110290", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Real-Time and Embedded Systems", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ELEC ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "4105", "CLASS_NBR": 22045, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "031305", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(ELEC ENG 2100 or COMP SCI 1201) and (ENG 1002 or COMP SCI 1101)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ELEC ENG 1100", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ELEC ENG 3105, ELEC ENG 4056", "ASSESSMENT": "Computer Exercises, Quiz, Examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides a first Introduction into Real Time systems. Systems that provide time-bound response are prevalent in many industrial applications. This course uses the C as the teaching programming language. Important issues for Real Time systems are explored: synchronisation, communication and scheduling. Concepts are illustrated and reinforced through simulation of a Real Time system. This is a core course for several BE(Hons)(E&E) majors, and an admissible elective in other BE(Hons)(E&E) majors. Assessments include computer laboratory exercises, a quiz and a final examination.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3157": {"id": "Ldc1x4f9r0Rw_1KnoSg6t", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "PlxC1VXUgiQIr6hPxYmT1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22045, "section": "WR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 22, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "MHXtOVRSIsFMiorKTGfBy", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20605, "section": "TU02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 11, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "14 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM213, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Aug - 28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM213, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM213, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM213, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM213, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20606, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 11, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Aug - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "g1ie_7DnfQksyrQbDMAzT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22133, "section": "PR02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 12, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Aug - 7 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NG06, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "4 Sep - 4 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NG06, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 2 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NG06, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NG06, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22134, "section": "PR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 10, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Aug - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM318, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 Sep - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM318, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM318, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM318, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "3158": {"id": "Db87JSkDxHAPk28HLHK3x", "course_id": "110287", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110287", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Radio Frequency Systems", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ELEC ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "4106", "CLASS_NBR": 22046, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "031301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ELEC ENG 2101", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ELEC ENG 3103", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ELEC ENG 3106, ELEC ENG 3018", "ASSESSMENT": "Tests, practicals, and written exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces the basics of RF Engineering. It covers a broad range of topics around RF devices and systems. The course illustrates how different building blocks such as amplifiers, oscillators and mixers, as well as guiding structures including transmission lines and waveguides, work together to build RF transmitters and receivers. It introduces important parameters and concepts related to these components, such as scattering matrices, impedance matching and non-linearities. The course shows how the electromagnetic theory applies to RF systems, and is a pathway towards more advanced courses on antennas & propagation and telecommunications.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3159": {"id": "Db87JSkDxHAPk28HLHK3x", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "vwlwZv8tOT_UBbKJ2GdXl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22046, "section": "WR01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 37, "available": 33, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "JRDihOemVDhbHsuIfuoxt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20300, "section": "PR02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 20, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 25 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM305, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "8 Aug - 8 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM305, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 Aug - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM305, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 5 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM305, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20301, "section": "PR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 17, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 23 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM305, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "6 Aug - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM305, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "20 Aug - 20 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM305, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 Sep - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM305, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "s33Y4gaH4Kyge7SmAMKQ9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20302, "section": "TU01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 37, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Aug - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Aug - 19 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Sep - 2 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 14 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3160": {"id": "Dg0I9KPTVUBozofI2Mhro", "course_id": "110289", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110289", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Autonomous Systems", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ELEC ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "4107", "CLASS_NBR": 22132, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "031301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ELEC ENG 2104 or MECH ENG 3032", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ELEC ENG 3101, MATHS 2201 or MATHS 2106, MATHS 2202 or MATHS 2107", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ELEC ENG 3107", "ASSESSMENT": "Tests, Practicals, Examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an introduction to the perception, orientation, cognition, decision and motion control featured in autonomous systems. Topics include the operating principles of motion sensing, sensor fusion, state estimation, localisation, modelling and control of autonomous vehicles, and the theory and applications of reinforcement learning in autonomous operations. The course includes practicals to perform sensing and motion control of autonomous vehicles, and an assignment on reinforcement learning. Assessments include practicals and report, tests and a final exam.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3161": {"id": "Dg0I9KPTVUBozofI2Mhro", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "Qiguzr4pJRVcnw7pJ2Zge", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22132, "section": "WR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 29, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM319, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM318, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "jrk_ZdaZhsMiMgFIvjAX-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24386, "section": "LE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 29, "available": 31, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "21 Aug - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "bwjAnplODbLX683TNINS1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24388, "section": "PR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 29, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "12 Aug - 12 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}, {"dates": "21 Aug - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM305, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "id": "mN2TKMyQj3NkQSM-bM7LF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23848, "section": "AS01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 29, "available": 31, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24387, "section": "TU01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 29, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Aug - 7 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Aug - 21 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Sep - 4 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 2 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3162": {"id": "VqSVE5Cd8mul1uqdD8qmb", "course_id": "110286", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110286", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Digital Microelectronics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ELEC ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "4109", "CLASS_NBR": 10677, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "031301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ELEC ENG 2101. Study the pre-req in same semester is OK.", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ELEC ENG 2100", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ELEC ENG 3109, ELEC ENG 4053", "ASSESSMENT": "Tests, Computer Labs, Examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course examines the design and technologies underlying modern digital microelectronic systems. The list of topics include: Introduction to fabrication processes; Design rules (revisited); Transistor models (revisited from second year electronics); Layout issues; ASIC design flow; VLSI design methodology and leaf cell design; Performance estimation of CMOS complex gates and interconnected modules using logical effort; Interconnect types and issues, clock distribution, design margin, reliability and scaling; Static and dynamic CMOS logic families and adders design; Memories-static and dynamic RAMS, Pseudo-NMOS and dynamic PLA; Low power design and system level consideration. Assessments include tests, computer labs and a final examination.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3163": {"id": "VqSVE5Cd8mul1uqdD8qmb", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "EiaDtVj_CiM-WHn4_nJ9f", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12208, "section": "LE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 41, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "LvHvN_agcIh-1MINlUe-O", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10677, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 22, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "14 Mar - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 25 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 May - 23 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Jun - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10678, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 19, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Mar - 13 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Jun - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "p5wZfrpM6t8Wijnz_Qw3D", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12211, "section": "PR02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12212, "section": "PR01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 16, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "id": "3nRW9-rfQZ6bpPTMTVDiC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10168, "section": "AS01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 41, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 May - 3 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "31 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3164": {"id": "7lNYjo1oSvxd6juVssskl", "course_id": "110288", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110288", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Distributed Generation Technologies", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ELEC ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "4111", "CLASS_NBR": 22126, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "031301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ELEC ENG 1100 or ELEC ENG 1101", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ELEC ENG 2102, ELEC ENG 2101 or ELEC ENG 2105", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ELEC ENG 3111, ELEC ENG 4062", "ASSESSMENT": "Tests and practical assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an introduction to distributed generation. It provides an overview of distributed energy resources, including: generator sets, combustion turbines, photovoltaic systems including converters and control (maximum power point tracking), micro-turbines, fuel cells and energy storage technologies; wind turbines, converter and control aspects. Principles of control of distributed generation systems. Electric power distribution systems, installation, interconnection and integration. Economic and financial aspects of distributed generation, the regulatory environment and standards. Assessments include quizzes and practical assignments.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3165": {"id": "7lNYjo1oSvxd6juVssskl", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "YFZ44YhHcJjBGaCk_aLsu", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24294, "section": "LE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 24, "available": 36, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "Z2sH-8F6omc8361OUjwR-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21496, "section": "PR03", "size": 18, "enrolled": 8, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM318, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 5 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM318, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21497, "section": "PR02", "size": 0, "enrolled": 7, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM318, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "6 Sep - 6 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM318, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21498, "section": "PR01", "size": 18, "enrolled": 9, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "14 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM318, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "4 Sep - 4 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM318, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "yVjHegt9CFOhHM6lK0Vfn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22126, "section": "WR01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 24, "available": 36, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3166": {"id": "0ot5--Mz7nNqPlD0DbaAF", "course_id": "110542", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110542", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Signal Processing Applications", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ELEC ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "4112", "CLASS_NBR": 13170, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "031303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ELEC ENG 2104", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Linear systems (discrete & continuous), linear algebra, probability theory, Fourier & Z transforms & Matlab", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Signal processing is a critical part of modern engineering systems, thanks to advances in computer hardware. Its versatility and high performance relative to cost have made them indispensable in a diverse range of applications. This course will provide students with an advanced understanding of signal processing principles and develop skills suitable for a wide range of applications. It is an elective course in the Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Electrical and Electronic) program.\n\nStudents will learn the mathematical concepts underpinning signal processing techniques and apply them to solve problems in applications such as spectrum estimation, adaptive and optimum filtering, time-frequency analysis, multi-rate systems and wavelets.\n\nThe course is delivered on campus, with an in-person component centred around workshops, and supported by tutorials. Learning activities at the scheduled sessions include group discussions and Matlab exercises.\n\nAssessment activities include workshop and tutorial participation, individual assignments and tests. The set of assessments is designed to allow students to demonstrate their ability to apply signal processing techniques to solve real engineering problems.\n\nUpon completion of the course, students will be able to recommend and implement signal processing algorithms suitable for a wide range of engineering applications. These skills will allow students to work effectively as electrical and electronic engineers, or to pursue higher degrees by research.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3167": {"id": "0ot5--Mz7nNqPlD0DbaAF", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "clx6yWCGh7OZXw4OD4d3Y", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13170, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 26, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "s-9T6OJjB9goKaKv9hOzD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12213, "section": "PR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 26, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM106, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "3168": {"id": "AANUNfapIxiFkvfbmw11o", "course_id": "110235", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110235", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Mobile Phone Forensic Process and Analysis", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ELEC ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7010", "CLASS_NBR": 92133, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "031307", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Intensive mode", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Students are assumed to have an appropriate background in law, engineering, computer science or police investigation techniques.", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "2 x Assignments, Final Report", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This immersive course introduces students to the principles of Chain of Evidence and the process of forensic analysis, by considering mobile phone devices from the point of discovery/seizure through triage and securement at the crime scene, unlocking, imaging, analysis and preparation of an expert witness report and affidavit suitable for presentation in South Australian criminal courts. \nThe technical characteristics of mobile phone devices and inherent logs, databases, files and other records will be introduced. This may include advanced features such as health database records and encrypted messaging applications. Of particular note are standard and extended security features including authentication, encryption and data protection.\nStudents will also be introduced to the principles of mobile phone networks and network records, and the interpretation of Call Data Records and other data available from Mobile Network Carriage Service Providers, including Lawful Call Intercept, and A and B party and data connections.\nStudents will use appropriate licensed data analysis tools to investigate phone contents and network records.\nStudents will be exposed through practice to relevant laws related to telecommunications interception, privacy and Court practice.\nDue to sensitive content, it may be necessary to provide unclassified content to mainstream students; while cleared students may be able to access sensitive, protected content in some parts of the course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 09/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "3169": {"id": "AANUNfapIxiFkvfbmw11o", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "hfn6lhdnuxr1ycFS_BCXs", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92133, "section": "SE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jan - 9 Feb", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Jan - 9 Feb", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Feb - 16 Feb", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 126, Law Moot Court"}]}]}]}]}, "3170": {"id": "yuIGJkgZ6WB4xeNbWL4t1", "course_id": "100279", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "100279", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Principles of RF Engineering", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ELEC ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7033", "CLASS_NBR": 22047, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "031303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Undergraduate course in electronics, some familiarity with electromagnetic ideas", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ELEC ENG 3018, ELEC ENG 3106, ELEC ENG 4106", "ASSESSMENT": "Practicals, test, exam, assignment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces the basics of RF Engineering. It covers a broad range of topics around RF devices and systems. The course illustrates how different building blocks such as amplifiers, oscillators and mixers, as well as guiding structures including transmission lines and waveguides, work together to build RF transmitters and receivers. It introduces important parameters and concepts related to these components, such as scattering matrices, impedance matching and non-linearities. The course shows how the electromagnetic theory applies to RF systems, and is a pathway towards more advanced courses on antennas & propagation and telecommunications.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3171": {"id": "yuIGJkgZ6WB4xeNbWL4t1", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "TZxeg7VFeOxvPxJGpOM2f", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22047, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "LwwKUzLVBe79vIWD38a1z", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20297, "section": "PR02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 9, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 29 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM305, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "12 Aug - 12 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM305, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "26 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM305, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM305, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20298, "section": "PR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 19, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM305, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM305, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM305, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM305, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "Wovu3Di9oD67-LZ7rxOCs", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20299, "section": "TU01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 28, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Aug - 8 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Aug - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 5 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3172": {"id": "8vzJIuiFS8ymwhk6GOIK5", "course_id": "101943", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "101943", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Power Quality & Fault Diagnostics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ELEC ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7046", "CLASS_NBR": 10346, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "031301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ELEC ENG 7069", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Workshop preparation and participation, online tests, in-class quizzes and practical reports", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will address power quality issues and condition monitoring techniques used in electrical and industrial systems. A brief overview of power systems and three-phase machines will be given, and the course will cover various issues under two major sections.\nPower Quality: Electromagnetic interference and interactions in energy systems, types of power quality issues, regulations, standards, prevention techniques, measurements and analysis and real-time tests.\nCondition Monitoring: Importance, types and features of faults, test methods, sensors and measurement techniques, traditional and advanced diagnostic methods, case studies and real-time tests.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3173": {"id": "8vzJIuiFS8ymwhk6GOIK5", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "RM-Py_Z4quzDapWx7H5EZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10346, "section": "WR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 27, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 May - 15 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "dP2qoiok79EkUFOUzv1n-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10344, "section": "PR02", "size": 18, "enrolled": 9, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NG06, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NG06, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10345, "section": "PR01", "size": 18, "enrolled": 18, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 May - 1 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NG06, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "15 May - 15 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NG06, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "id": "DFy1rntv8RFf_h1gub6EL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10187, "section": "AS01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 27, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11453, "section": "LE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 27, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 17 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 May - 16 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "3174": {"id": "cdFVXW1SQpT3KzC6VpY2i", "course_id": "102490", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102490", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Power Electronics Systems", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ELEC ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7049", "CLASS_NBR": 24725, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "031399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Undergraduate courses in electronic circuits and devices", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ELEC ENG 4059, ELEC ENG 3104", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, quizzes", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Characteristics of power electronic devices, switching characteristics of devices, power losses and thermal design. Classes of power converters and their operations: rectifiers; AC -AC Converters; DC-DC Converters; Inverters. Voltage and current source converters. Hard and soft-switching and resonant circuits. Power supplies (uninterruptible, switchmode)\nAdvanced energy-efficient motor drives: review of motor theory, power electronic control principles, vector and servo drives (stepper, DC, induction, brushless PM and switched-reluctance). Modulation methods. Theory motor and drive selection and application. System design, implementation and control, and computer interfacing. EMI in Power Electronics Systems.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3175": {"id": "cdFVXW1SQpT3KzC6VpY2i", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "zpM5L3jHTCjZj84Dxk-Fi", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24290, "section": "LE01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 63, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "vOT-BqPmOFyoagfW-T1fk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22124, "section": "TU01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 63, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24725, "section": "WR01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 63, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3176": {"id": "2RDBWw5eNZxPz0VU1YTtl", "course_id": "102792", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102792", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Digital Microelectronic Systems PG", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ELEC ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7051", "CLASS_NBR": 10679, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "031399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Linear circuit analysis techniques, operation & characteristic of field effect transistor, binary numbers representation, digital arithmetic operation using binary system", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ELEC ENG 4053, ELEC ENG 3109, ELEC ENG 4109", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam, test, computer labs, major project work", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Introduction to fabrication processes, design rules (revisited); Transistor models (revisited from third year electronics); Layout issues; ASIC design flow; VLSI design methodology and leaf cell design; Performance estimation of CMOS complex gates and interconnected modules using logical effort; Interconnect issues; Clock distribution; Design margin, reliability and scaling; Static and dynamic CMOS logic families and adders design; Memories - static and dynamic RAMS; Pseudon-NMOS and dynamic PLA; Low power design and system level consideration.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3177": {"id": "2RDBWw5eNZxPz0VU1YTtl", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "7A5xbjnQhSOA44tB6vHnE", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12207, "section": "LE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 7, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "NPA0YLhXwVDACvNowoeIN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10679, "section": "TU02", "size": 10, "enrolled": 3, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "14 Mar - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 25 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 May - 23 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Jun - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10680, "section": "TU01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 4, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Mar - 13 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Jun - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "JejEOYbuIkMb_3VD1OmnD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12209, "section": "PR02", "size": 10, "enrolled": 5, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12210, "section": "PR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 2, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "id": "NEb-p0JahGTekKD8p6R9L", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10167, "section": "AS01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 7, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 May - 3 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "31 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3178": {"id": "By3moEh8Hcu55qO5AtLFu", "course_id": "102796", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102796", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Antennas & Propagation", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ELEC ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7055", "CLASS_NBR": 22043, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "031307", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Some basic communications and electromagnetic theory", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ELEC ENG 4067", "ASSESSMENT": "Quiz, Assignments, Exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Antennas and propagation effects play a crucial, even though often overlooked, role in RF systems. In practice, the design of a working system such as mobile phone networks, WiFi, RFID, Satellite communication and GPS requires a good understanding of these components. This course teaches the fundamentals of antenna and propagation and shows the application in practical examples. The course covers the theory of radiation, fundamental antenna parameters and concepts, wire antennas such as dipoles and loop antennas, antenna arrays, aperture antennas (e.g. horns), microstrip antennas, numerical analysis, communication & radar systems and propagation effects.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3179": {"id": "By3moEh8Hcu55qO5AtLFu", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "j8UzVgIw-oCFus0flpMqS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22043, "section": "WR01", "size": 13, "enrolled": 3, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "ArT9aoHeI0_2hNe_ec1lg", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24390, "section": "TU01", "size": 13, "enrolled": 3, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3180": {"id": "G3xke_op42DUf-SIlSuKt", "course_id": "103891", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103891", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Electric Energy Systems", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ELEC ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7069", "CLASS_NBR": 12844, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "031301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Undergraduate courses in Electrical and Electronic Engineering.", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam, tutorials, online tests and practicals", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Modelling and analysis of electric energy systems: single-phase and three-phase circuits (real and reactive power, per-unit systems); Electromechanical energy conversion (construction, modelling and characteristics of transformers, DC, induction and synchronous machines); Electric energy transmission and distribution (modelling of transmission lines, system analysis, control of voltage, power and frequency).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3181": {"id": "G3xke_op42DUf-SIlSuKt", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "wbaxEZZVfQ71MwqtVbweO", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10462, "section": "LE01", "size": 51, "enrolled": 41, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Apr - 22 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "pK-juOc9RiJBXteZUdfTW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10463, "section": "PR02", "size": 18, "enrolled": 17, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NG06, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 May - 2 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NG06, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 May - 23 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NG06, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10464, "section": "PR01", "size": 18, "enrolled": 17, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NG06, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NG06, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "24 May - 24 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NG06, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19786, "section": "PR03", "size": 15, "enrolled": 7, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NG06, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 30 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NG06, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "21 May - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NG06, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "VkEwjRruz99tVDXtXhmIc", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12844, "section": "WR01", "size": 51, "enrolled": 41, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 29 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 May - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "HDSRkw7ROSqDeB2AsyvC1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10465, "section": "TU01", "size": 51, "enrolled": 41, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 May - 3 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 May - 17 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "31 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11036, "section": "AS01", "size": 51, "enrolled": 41, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "3182": {"id": "n5MJH3iqgU1L0d0TQTSZ4", "course_id": "110234", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110234", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Digital Security Estonia Study Tour - PG", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ELEC ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7070EX", "CLASS_NBR": 95121, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "031307", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Full time study tour 15-18 days inclusive of weekends. There are additional expenses associated with this tour which include airfares and participation fees set against a specific budget each year.", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "Students must be enrolled in a research course or have provided evidence of other study/activity recognised as equivalent. For undergraduate EEE students these are: ELEC ENG 4068A/B/4101A/B/4104A/B/4105A/B. Other research courses may be considered", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Students are expected to have a sufficient technical background to participate in this course. For example, COMP SCI 3001; ELEC ENG 3108, or equivalent industry experience", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Submission of pre-tour briefing materials, participation in course activities, post-tour reflective essay, and submission of post-course survey.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "A full time intensive study tour, to be held in Tallinn, Estonia, and related locations for students in their final years of study. \nThis course develops the skills related to cyber security topics through immersion in the digital society of Estonia, a post-soviet powerhouse in digital government and operational cyber security. Students have the opportunity to participate in active cyber security exercises of opportunity, visit and meet with senior government officials and leading cyber security research and development teams in the private sector, and develop written and oral research communication skills.\nThe course consists of:\n- Living and working in Tallinn, Estonia for the duration of the course.\n- Immersion in the digital society of Estonia, visiting a number of historical and showcase exhibits to illustrate the evolution from a soviet republic to a leading e-Society with a strong cyber security sector.\n- Meetings with leading government officials, the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence, and private sector businesses, with a focus on cyber security at a nation-state level, and emphasis on hybrid warfare countermeasures.\n- Participation in the annual Cyber Security Summer School, organised by partner universities - Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech)\n- Development of key professional and personal skills through teamwork, team leadership, and challenge exercises.\nOr equivalent event if these are not offered in any given year.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 24/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 28/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 11/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 17/07/2024"}}]}, "3183": {"id": "n5MJH3iqgU1L0d0TQTSZ4", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "OSU-phWJ6ahDiPkmNFIPw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95121, "section": "01EX", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "3184": {"id": "3v6Hbzjtsz4KLMxlh4O5j", "course_id": "105981", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105981", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Power Systems PG", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ELEC ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7074", "CLASS_NBR": 20194, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "031399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ELEC ENG 7069", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, practical assignments, exam, tutorial preparation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Overview of modern power systems. Review of single and three-phase AC networks. Representation of synchronous machines for stability analysis. Principles of power and frequency control. Principles of reactive power and voltage control. Steady-state performance using load-flow analysis. Network fault analysis. Small and large-signal rotor-angle stability analysis. Principles of power system protection.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3185": {"id": "3v6Hbzjtsz4KLMxlh4O5j", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "uno4CTS87C3Zo8Drx04Rr", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20194, "section": "LE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 39, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 25 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Aug - 8 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Aug - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Aug - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 7 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "id": "p1zu7T8nkYlp4dLgR8wNG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20198, "section": "AS01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 39, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Aug - 12 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Aug - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 14 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3186": {"id": "B20FdamH1PSbtTaNF_ixr", "course_id": "105978", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105978", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Distributed Generation Technologies", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ELEC ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7075", "CLASS_NBR": 22125, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "031399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ELEC ENG 4062, ELEC ENG 3111", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes and practicals", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Introduction to distributed generation; Overview of distributed energy resources, including generator sets, combustion turbines, photovoltaic systems including converters and control (maximum power point tracking), microturbines, fuel cells and energy storage technologies; wind turbines, converter and control aspects; Principles of control of distributed generation systems; Electric power distribution systems, installation, interconnection and integration; Economic and financial aspects of distributed generation, the regulatory environment and standards.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3187": {"id": "B20FdamH1PSbtTaNF_ixr", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "nkRzAJGANgRMKzTkrEqQT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24293, "section": "LE01", "size": 90, "enrolled": 51, "available": 39, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "opqXY5CXtbK6T20JtK7tk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21499, "section": "PR03", "size": 18, "enrolled": 18, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Aug - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM318, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM318, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21500, "section": "PR02", "size": 18, "enrolled": 15, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Aug - 23 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM318, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM318, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21501, "section": "PR01", "size": 18, "enrolled": 18, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "21 Aug - 21 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM318, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM318, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "x-RTUkrO7g75DKb915e9o", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22125, "section": "WR01", "size": 90, "enrolled": 51, "available": 39, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3188": {"id": "Pe6vazugM0YA0j3PwrQQq", "course_id": "105979", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105979", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Principles of Signal Processing", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ELEC ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7079", "CLASS_NBR": 24381, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "031399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Undergraduate courses in electronic engineering and linear systems", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ELEC ENG 3033, ELEC ENG 2104", "ASSESSMENT": "Tests, Quizzes, Tutorials and Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Discrete time (DT) signals and systems are commonplace in engineering. It is essential for practicing electronic engineers to have a sound foundation in DT concepts and fluency in linear processing of DT signals. It is a core course in the Electronic specialisation, and an elective in the Electrical specialisation of the Master of Engineering program.\n\nStudents will learn the fundamental principles and techniques of DT signals and systems, apply linear processing to solve practical problems in electronic, computer and information engineering. These skills will be developed concurrently in both time and transform (z and Fourier) Fourier domains.\n\nThe course is delivered on campus, with an in-person component centred around workshops, and supported by tutorials. Learning activities include group discussions and individual written and Matlab exercises.\n\nAssessment activities include workshop and tutorial participation, individual assignments, tests and a final exam. The set of assessments is designed to allow students to demonstrate their knowledge in DSP and skills in solving problems with DSP techniques.\n \nUpon completion of the course, students will be able to apply linear digital processing methods to engineering analysis and problem solving. It will allow students to work or pursue further studies in areas including, but not limited to: control, telecommunications, biomedical engineering and machine learning.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3189": {"id": "Pe6vazugM0YA0j3PwrQQq", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "2dVuBRUYL3xynMe2db9nG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24381, "section": "WR01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 29, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "7Is8K2RIsAJ8cHB18l7Pu", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20292, "section": "TU01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 29, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3190": {"id": "D4NxQqSEEskVB9Ws9wdqO", "course_id": "105980", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105980", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Principles of Communication Systems", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ELEC ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7080", "CLASS_NBR": 10676, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "031399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ELEC ENG 7079", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ELEC ENG 4063", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes and assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Frequency Domain Analysis; Amplitude Modulation; Synchronous Demodulation; Double Sideband Suppressed Carrier; Single Sideband Suppressed Carrier; Vestigial Sideband Modulation; Frequency Modulation; Radio and Television Broadcasting: Correlation Functions; Power Spectral Density; Cyclostationary Processes; Linear Time Invariant Systems; Gaussian Processes; White Noise; Noise Bandwidth; Narrowband Noise; Effect of Noise in Analog Systems; Information Theory and Source Coding; Information Content; Joint and Conditional Entropy; Source Coding Theorem; Huffman Codes; Mutual Information; Pulse Code Modulation; Differential Pulse Code Modulation; Pulse Position Modulation; Pulse Amplitude Modulation; Two Dimensional Signals; Carrier Modulation; Amplitude Shift Keying; Phase Shift Keying; Frequency Shift Keying; Quadrature Amplitude Modulation; The Matched Filter; Receiver for Carrier Systems; Probability of Error; Constellation Diagrams; Carrier and Clock Recovery; Digital Transmission in Bandlimited Channels; Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing; Channel Capacity and Coding; Hamming Distance; Linear Block Codes; Hamming Codes; Review Optical Waveguides; Dispersion and Distortion Effects; Single-Mode and Multi-mode Optical Fibres; Light emitting diodes; Lasers; Photoelectric effects; PIN photodiodes; Avalanche Photodiodes; Receiver circuits; Noise and Detection.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3191": {"id": "D4NxQqSEEskVB9Ws9wdqO", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "q78GFflhN5tq-8E-JEYZS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10676, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 17, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3192": {"id": "NfDGX61gt2lDF323-htwv", "course_id": "106003", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106003", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Telecommunications Systems", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ELEC ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7081", "CLASS_NBR": 23851, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "031399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Undergraduate course on telecommunications.", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ELEC ENG 7083", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments with open-ended investigation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Multimedia communication principles. Fourth generation (LTE) cellular systems. Fifth generation (new radio) cellular systems. Advanced communication signal processing including multi-user detection, massive MIMO, phased array antenna techniques, advanced packet scheduling", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3193": {"id": "NfDGX61gt2lDF323-htwv", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "ity9tiXBl7ut_zUXBR0Ka", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23851, "section": "SE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 9, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "3194": {"id": "-sVHlW4FFu4_EubObRJjE", "course_id": "106178", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106178", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Principles of Control Systems", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ELEC ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7082", "CLASS_NBR": 14442, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "031399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Undergraduate courses in linear systems, linear algebra and complex analysis", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ELEC ENG 3027, ELEC ENG 3101", "ASSESSMENT": "Final exam, Class tests and practicals", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course studies feedback control principles and practical control of dynamical systems. The course topics include PID control, dynamical systems modelling, small-signal stability and linearisation, time- and frequency-domain response and analysis, state-space modelling and control system design. An integrated part of the course is hands-on practicals to model, design and implement a real-time servo motion control of a bench-top experiment set.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3195": {"id": "-sVHlW4FFu4_EubObRJjE", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "j6UOkePcVFwxigd6-pI5H", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14434, "section": "LE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 58, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "21 May - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "JNsfhJxDLCngypbw909rb", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12199, "section": "PR03", "size": 20, "enrolled": 20, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 May - 16 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12200, "section": "PR02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 19, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 May - 16 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12201, "section": "PR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 19, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 14 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "RP3HHg3xP-RYqTRyFaCTi", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14442, "section": "TU01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 58, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 May - 3 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 May - 17 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "31 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "id": "v0hkkg52QG7Ifz4_bMfZr", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14014, "section": "AS01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 58, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "14 May - 14 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "3196": {"id": "cv9yo5WAJKJyVaJeIR8U5", "course_id": "110242", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110242", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Electricity Market and Power System Operation -PG", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ELEC ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7087", "CLASS_NBR": 28748, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "031301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Master of Engineering (Electrical) and Master of Engineering students.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ELEC ENG 7074", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, we learn about the wholesale electricity market and power system operation in terms of energy and ancillary services. The course provides a broad knowledge of the evolution of the power system industry and electricity market over time, rules and regulations, various energy and ancillary services markets and transmission system operation with a focus on Australian Electricity Market. \n\nIntroduction to deregulation and electricity market: History of power industry, vertically-integrated utility, Problems with regulation, What is deregulation and why is it needed, what should be deregulated, Types of markets, Evolution of deregulation, Entities in the deregulated electricity industry, Types of market in terms of trading arrangement, Open electricity energy markets Market principles and electricity market economics: Modelling consumers, Modelling suppliers, Market equilibrium, Pareto efficiency, Global welfare, Theory of firm: short-run and long-run costs, Marginal cost fallacies, Scarcity rent, Economy of scale and scope, Profit and fixed cost recovery, Market power, Optimisation and market equilibrium problem Ancillary services (AS) market: Definition, Different types of AS for balancing issues, network issues, and system restoration, Compulsory provision of AS, AS market, demand-side AS provision, Impact of AS market on the spot prices, co-optimisation of energy and AS markets, Contingency analysis Transmission system operation: Introduction to the transmission system, Decentralised trading over a transmission network, Physical transmission rights, Issues related to physical transmission rights, Centralised trading over a transmission network, Unconstrained/Constrained transmission system with/without losses, Nodal marginal prices, Variable/fixed/non-technical losses", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3197": {"id": "cv9yo5WAJKJyVaJeIR8U5", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "XjFf-2H-F1frI4bv9NdCG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24395, "section": "LE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 7, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 4 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "18 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "Q9p1CgCXB5BgSPV_UiHpp", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28748, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 7, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Assessment", "id": "bI6jUNO7CYYvsXHT03LnK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28952, "section": "AS01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 7, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Aug - 23 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3198": {"id": "Y44JGk1d0CEQb-eCl58h5", "course_id": "110990", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110990", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Computer Architecture", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ELEC ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7088", "CLASS_NBR": 10684, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "031399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP SCI 7026 or ELEC ENG 3088", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, Assignments, Practicals, Written exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course covers the fundamental aspects of computer design. It is suitable for anyone who wants to learn how computers function in-depth and understand the trade-offs inherent in the design of computer systems. Topics covered include: quantifying cost and performance; instruction set architecture; program behaviour and measurement of instruction set use; processor datapaths and control; pipelining, handling pipeline hazards; memory hierarchies and performance; I/O devices, controllers and drivers; I/O and system performance. A variety of assessments will be undertaken during the course, including extensive use of programming assignments.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3199": {"id": "Y44JGk1d0CEQb-eCl58h5", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "zhFgudSasckbdXDk6p5Xj", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15117, "section": "LE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 2, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "wAO4tnEnXnYUEmWPjdex1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10684, "section": "WR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 2, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 30 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 May - 14 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 May - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Jun - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "id": "9JxEwA2Jnf6KOk4UmUDEU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11690, "section": "AS01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 2, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "There is no ASSESSMENT in 2024. Please ignore this ASM01 timetable."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Jun - 8 Jun", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "3200": {"id": "xJXIK9Yts3mgjo3N30Q8-", "course_id": "111599", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111599", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Real Time and Embedded Systems", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ELEC ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7105", "CLASS_NBR": 28881, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "031305", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week (average)", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ELEC ENG 4105", "ASSESSMENT": "Computer exercise, tests, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course covers real time systems in modern electrical and electronic engineering. Systems that provide time-bound response are prevalent in many industrial applications. This course uses the C as the teaching programming language. Important issues for Real Time systems are explored: synchronisation, communication and scheduling. Concepts are illustrated and reinforced through simulation of a Real Time system. Assessments include computer laboratory exercises, a quiz and a final examination.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3201": {"id": "xJXIK9Yts3mgjo3N30Q8-", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "tHf39v1d1Qb5E20eCxDvZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28879, "section": "PR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Aug - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM318, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 Sep - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM318, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM318, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM318, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "btYI0mZCc_f1W-bFG7p3F", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28880, "section": "TU01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Aug - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "RZWvSMCBjXVVTnZpx1UnK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28881, "section": "WR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3202": {"id": "qfrigInV34udMzj3To5n3", "course_id": "110543", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110543", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Signal Processing Applications PG", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ELEC ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7112", "CLASS_NBR": 13171, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "031303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ELEC ENG 7079", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Linear systems (discrete & continuous), linear algebra, probability theory, Fourier & Z transforms & Matlab", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Signal processing is a critical part of modern engineering systems, thanks to advances in computer hardware. Its versatility and high performance relative to cost have made them indispensable in a diverse range of applications. This course will provide students with an advanced understanding of signal processing principles and develop skills suitable for a wide range of applications. It is an elective course for both Electrical and Electronic specialisations of the Master of Engineering program.\n\nStudents will learn the mathematical concepts underpinning signal processing techniques and apply them to solve problems in applications such as spectrum estimation, adaptive and optimum filtering, time-frequency analysis, multi-rate systems and wavelets.\n\nThe course is delivered on campus, with an in-person component centred around workshops, and supported by tutorials. Learning activities at the scheduled sessions include group discussions and Matlab exercises.\n\nAssessment activities include workshop and tutorial participation, individual assignments and tests. The set of assessments is designed to allow students to demonstrate their ability to apply signal processing techniques to solve real engineering problems.\n\nUpon completion of the course, students will be able to recommend and implement signal processing algorithms suitable for a wide range of engineering applications. These skills will allow students to work effectively as electrical and electronic engineers, or to pursue higher degrees by research.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3203": {"id": "qfrigInV34udMzj3To5n3", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "gFmY9GpzGoj6fEXQAXRSd", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13171, "section": "WR01", "size": 4, "enrolled": 3, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "_wOcRTFf3Ttl5nJUm_Xnt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12214, "section": "PR01", "size": 4, "enrolled": 3, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM106, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "3204": {"id": "WrbMJV_DaxXoGvaADB_3n", "course_id": "108651", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108651", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Business Management Systems PG", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ELEC ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7164", "CLASS_NBR": 29630, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "031399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ELEC ENG 4064, ELEC ENG 4100", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments and workshops", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course covers essential features of business management systems and ethical considerations for professional engineering practice. Topics include: Business governance and social accountability; Business processes and business process management; Structure and content of a business management system (BMS) covering all business functions, including OH&S; Configuration control of the BMS; Relationship to quality assurance; ISO 9001 accreditation; Quality management and reliability; Enablement of the BMS using IT; Importance of training in use of the BMS; financial governance: Basic financial accounting and reporting including time value of money; Accounting for project planning and control; Relationship to project management; engineering governance and engineering management: Engineering planning and control; Engineering functional management; Lifecycle management, Product safety; Authorization of outputs; Ethics: Engineers Australia Code of Ethics, embeddding ethical considerations in BMS. This course uses written assignments as assessments and include a mix of group and individual work throughout the semester.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3205": {"id": "WrbMJV_DaxXoGvaADB_3n", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "mt66vlbzzOA8982qMrHqi", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21455, "section": "WR02", "size": 82, "enrolled": 78, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Oct - 29 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24384, "section": "WR01", "size": 82, "enrolled": 76, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 28 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29598, "section": "WR03", "size": 72, "enrolled": 67, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 29 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29630, "section": "WR04", "size": 82, "enrolled": 81, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3206": {"subject": "ENG", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "109596", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109596", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109759", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109759", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109759", "term": "4410", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "109759", "term": "4420", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "109760", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109760", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109760", "term": "4410", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "109760", "term": "4420", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "109888", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109888", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109888", "term": "4410", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "109888", "term": "4420", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "109845", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109845", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111451", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109846", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109846", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109839", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109839", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109839", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111371", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111371", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111372", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111372", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110338", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109844", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110975", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111373", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111373", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111374", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111374", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110974", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110841", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110841", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111607", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111607", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110842", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110842", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110843", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110843", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110381", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110381", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110889", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110889", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110889", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "3207": {"id": "6oRa_yM0XlfyLisC4DFHZ", "course_id": "109596", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109596", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Engineering", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "1001", "CLASS_NBR": 10109, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "039900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 8 Hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Not available for non-English language background international students doing an Engineering degree with an English language score for admission or via a Foundation Studies Program. Engineering students falling in this category should enrol in ENG 1011", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "SACE Stage 2 Mathematical Methods", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENG 1011, CHEM ENG 1010, MECH ENG 1006", "ASSESSMENT": "Group project, topic focused quizzes, oral presentation, individual assignments'", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "As a student engineer, you are part of the engineering profession. In this course, you will develop your identity as a modern engineer who will collaboratively contribute to sustainable and equitable communities. This course will broadly introduce the engineering profession and highlight the socio-technical and interdisciplinary nature of engineering. The themes of the course will enable students to: distinguish and practise professional conduct; communicate and interact in a style appropriate to academic and professional contexts, including oral, written, and graphical styles; explain the engineering method from problem formulation through the complete life cycle; generate and assess ideas and solution alternatives for engineering problem solving; critically evaluate proposed engineering solutions in terms of sustainability, economic, environmental and social considerations; and apply basic project management strategies and processes. These themes will be explored through a variety of team and project-based learning activities.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3208": {"id": "6oRa_yM0XlfyLisC4DFHZ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "C-BOVo1UHiUaV69cXS_mZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10109, "section": "WR04", "size": 120, "enrolled": 117, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10110, "section": "WR03", "size": 109, "enrolled": 105, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10111, "section": "WR02", "size": 144, "enrolled": 138, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10112, "section": "WR01", "size": 112, "enrolled": 105, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "wpPU4Kj7N24cB0gEXBxA3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12218, "section": "PR13", "size": 50, "enrolled": 31, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12219, "section": "PR12", "size": 50, "enrolled": 49, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12220, "section": "PR11", "size": 50, "enrolled": 49, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12221, "section": "PR10", "size": 50, "enrolled": 49, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12222, "section": "PR09", "size": 50, "enrolled": 47, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12223, "section": "PR08", "size": 45, "enrolled": 40, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12225, "section": "PR06", "size": 45, "enrolled": 28, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12226, "section": "PR05", "size": 45, "enrolled": 45, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12227, "section": "PR04", "size": 45, "enrolled": 40, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12228, "section": "PR03", "size": 45, "enrolled": 42, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12229, "section": "PR02", "size": 45, "enrolled": 45, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "LlyvZbTH5vrZmIooV3dbf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10470, "section": "LE01", "size": 500, "enrolled": 465, "available": 35, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture class is not required and does not need to be attended."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Jun - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "7pm", "end_time": "7:30pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "3209": {"id": "xphtSSLPvHOKAaPhuqrmr", "course_id": "109596", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109596", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Engineering", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "1001", "CLASS_NBR": 23991, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "039900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 8 Hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Not available for non-English language background international students doing an Engineering degree with an English language score for admission or via a Foundation Studies Program. Engineering students falling in this category should enrol in ENG 1011", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "SACE Stage 2 Mathematical Methods", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENG 1011, CHEM ENG 1010, MECH ENG 1006", "ASSESSMENT": "Group project, topic focused quizzes, oral presentation, individual assignments'", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "As a student engineer, you are part of the engineering profession. In this course, you will develop your identity as a modern engineer who will collaboratively contribute to sustainable and equitable communities. This course will broadly introduce the engineering profession and highlight the socio-technical and interdisciplinary nature of engineering. The themes of the course will enable students to: distinguish and practise professional conduct; communicate and interact in a style appropriate to academic and professional contexts, including oral, written, and graphical styles; explain the engineering method from problem formulation through the complete life cycle; generate and assess ideas and solution alternatives for engineering problem solving; critically evaluate proposed engineering solutions in terms of sustainability, economic, environmental and social considerations; and apply basic project management strategies and processes. These themes will be explored through a variety of team and project-based learning activities.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3210": {"id": "xphtSSLPvHOKAaPhuqrmr", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "MJHP53ITmE471hqlFri1e", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22141, "section": "PR06", "size": 40, "enrolled": 26, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22142, "section": "PR05", "size": 40, "enrolled": 22, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 12 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22144, "section": "PR03", "size": 40, "enrolled": 36, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22145, "section": "PR02", "size": 31, "enrolled": 20, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 12 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22146, "section": "PR01", "size": 38, "enrolled": 30, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "QLSDBoPVufNzZ7fneHp1A", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20136, "section": "WR02", "size": 90, "enrolled": 62, "available": 28, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23991, "section": "WR04", "size": 87, "enrolled": 72, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "LPRM_l0HcrQ42gvvPH51g", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20428, "section": "LE01", "size": 180, "enrolled": 134, "available": 46, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture class is not required and does not need to be attended."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "7pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "3211": {"id": "MysUQlFZ8feNh9JbUGk3U", "course_id": "109759", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109759", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Programming (Matlab and C)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "1002", "CLASS_NBR": 19748, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Core course for students in BMech, BEE, BCS, BSoftware, BMaCompSc, BMaSc, and BMaSc(Adv) & double degrees with these primary Programs. Course is available as an elective to students in other programs. Not available to B. Information Technology students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENG 1003, COMP SCI 1012, COMP SCI 1015, COMP SCI 1101, COMP SCI 1201, CHEM ENG 1011, C&ENVENG 1012", "ASSESSMENT": "Practicals, Project, Exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "All modern engineering projects use programming for data analysis and problem solving. This course introduces the fundamental concepts of procedural programming using the MATLAB programming environment. Programming topics include: MATLAB syntax and semantics; data types, control structures, and functions; working with files and data; and the mechanics of running, testing, and debugging code. Problem-solving topics include: the role of algorithms in the problem-solving process; implementation strategies for algorithms; and the concept and properties of algorithms. This course continues with a C module, which introduces low-level programming concepts including memory and pointers, used for microprocessor programming in later years.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3212": {"id": "MysUQlFZ8feNh9JbUGk3U", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "0FtV1DYSGmLqJDCMfbWWv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14841, "section": "SE01", "size": 420, "enrolled": 411, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 22 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19748, "section": "SE02", "size": 150, "enrolled": 95, "available": 55, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 18 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 22 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "vyVb6qKj0kqIHswYnmHZN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12606, "section": "PR10", "size": 27, "enrolled": 27, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 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2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12678, "section": "PR22", "size": 30, "enrolled": 5, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12679, "section": "PR21", "size": 30, "enrolled": 16, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "3213": {"id": "emRfwjg9mC2X0ljSizNTr", "course_id": "109759", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109759", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Programming (Matlab and C)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "1002", "CLASS_NBR": 24721, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Core course for students in BMech, BEE, BCS, BSoftware, BMaCompSc, BMaSc, and BMaSc(Adv) & double degrees with these primary Programs. Course is available as an elective to students in other programs. Not available to B. Information Technology students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENG 1003, COMP SCI 1012, COMP SCI 1015, COMP SCI 1101, COMP SCI 1201, CHEM ENG 1011, C&ENVENG 1012", "ASSESSMENT": "Practicals, Project, Exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "All modern engineering projects use programming for data analysis and problem solving. This course introduces the fundamental concepts of procedural programming using the MATLAB programming environment. Programming topics include: MATLAB syntax and semantics; data types, control structures, and functions; working with files and data; and the mechanics of running, testing, and debugging code. Problem-solving topics include: the role of algorithms in the problem-solving process; implementation strategies for algorithms; and the concept and properties of algorithms. This course continues with a C module, which introduces low-level programming concepts including memory and pointers, used for microprocessor programming in later years.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3214": {"id": "emRfwjg9mC2X0ljSizNTr", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "c3wIXThyuedM5IS2sb54U", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24721, "section": "SE01", "size": 470, "enrolled": 443, "available": 27, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 2 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "VOLlQoMavgeSsUsNvKcQ9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22427, "section": "PR10", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22428, "section": "PR09", "size": 26, "enrolled": 31, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 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This course introduces the fundamental concepts of procedural programming using the MATLAB programming environment. Programming topics include: MATLAB syntax and semantics; data types, control structures, and functions; working with files and data; and the mechanics of running, testing, and debugging code. Problem-solving topics include: the role of algorithms in the problem-solving process; implementation strategies for algorithms; and the concept and properties of algorithms. This course continues with a C module, which introduces low-level programming concepts including memory and pointers, used for microprocessor programming in later years.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3216": {"id": "ksg9VrrV72kJjpsRp1n22", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "hlM9W-enI3oeulDRe0nZ-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14842, "section": "SE01", "size": 55, "enrolled": 44, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 22 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 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This course introduces the fundamental concepts of procedural programming using the MATLAB programming environment. Programming topics include: MATLAB syntax and semantics; data types, control structures, and functions; working with files and data; and the mechanics of running, testing, and debugging code. Problem-solving topics include: the role of algorithms in the problem-solving process; implementation strategies for algorithms; and the concept and properties of algorithms. This course continues with a C module, which introduces low-level programming concepts including memory and pointers, used for microprocessor programming in later years.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3218": {"id": "6FUGhoVLKuHzwPi62UehQ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "4M-UxYHF0ajVP3a-qgLVC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24722, "section": "SE01", "size": 48, "enrolled": 44, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 2 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tuition", "id": "lGPu0igUTNZfi7enC1h_u", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22298, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 22, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 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21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29658, "section": "PR18", "size": 6, "enrolled": 5, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "3219": {"id": "49z6jxfwClHCBV4zgOohC", "course_id": "109760", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109760", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Programming (Matlab and Excel)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "1003", "CLASS_NBR": 19751, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Core course for students in BChem, BPetro, BCivil, BEnviro, BMining, BArch&Struct and double degrees with these primary Programs. Course is available as an elective to students in other programs. Not available to B. Information Technology students.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENG 1002, COMP SCI 1012, COMP SCI 1015, COMP SCI 1101, COMP SCI 1201, CHEM ENG 1011 or C&ENVENG 1012", "ASSESSMENT": "Practicals, Project, Exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "All modern engineering projects use programming for data analysis and problem solving. This course introduces the fundamental concepts of procedural programming using the MATLAB programming environment. Programming topics include: MATLAB syntax and semantics; data types, control structures, and functions; working with files and data; and the mechanics of running, testing, and debugging code. Problem-solving topics include: the role of algorithms in the problem-solving process; implementation strategies for algorithms; and the concept and properties of algorithms. The course continues with an Excel module, which consists of data analysis and algorithm development using industry-standard spreadsheet approaches.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3220": {"id": "49z6jxfwClHCBV4zgOohC", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "Gs92VrwVM31IfkqpD97BD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14843, "section": "SE01", "size": 87, "enrolled": 87, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 22 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19751, "section": "SE02", "size": 50, "enrolled": 17, "available": 33, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 18 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 22 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "ETog-a1WnJbwL0rT4v82G", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12626, "section": "PR01", "size": 23, "enrolled": 12, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12630, "section": "PR07", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12631, "section": "PR06", "size": 20, "enrolled": 18, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12632, "section": "PR05", "size": 20, "enrolled": 20, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12633, "section": "PR04", "size": 21, "enrolled": 21, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12635, "section": "PR02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 8, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "3221": {"id": "CO-yK6APTCmnwQTOlHU-x", "course_id": "109760", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109760", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Programming (Matlab and Excel)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "1003", "CLASS_NBR": 24723, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Core course for students in BChem, BPetro, BCivil, BEnviro, BMining, BArch&Struct and double degrees with these primary Programs. Course is available as an elective to students in other programs. Not available to B. Information Technology students.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENG 1002, COMP SCI 1012, COMP SCI 1015, COMP SCI 1101, COMP SCI 1201, CHEM ENG 1011 or C&ENVENG 1012", "ASSESSMENT": "Practicals, Project, Exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "All modern engineering projects use programming for data analysis and problem solving. This course introduces the fundamental concepts of procedural programming using the MATLAB programming environment. Programming topics include: MATLAB syntax and semantics; data types, control structures, and functions; working with files and data; and the mechanics of running, testing, and debugging code. Problem-solving topics include: the role of algorithms in the problem-solving process; implementation strategies for algorithms; and the concept and properties of algorithms. The course continues with an Excel module, which consists of data analysis and algorithm development using industry-standard spreadsheet approaches.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3222": {"id": "CO-yK6APTCmnwQTOlHU-x", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "HLnaiUd68v1PP9NC6Cq_8", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24723, "section": "SE01", "size": 110, "enrolled": 94, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 2 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "Gk4kvZuqFbUTXHIdizoBs", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22450, "section": "PR04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 22, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22451, "section": "PR03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 22, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22452, "section": "PR02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22453, "section": "PR01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "3223": {"id": "zLBky0gwq4kjCyWVUljbY", "course_id": "109760", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109760", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Programming (Matlab and Excel)", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "1003UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 12424, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENG 1002, COMP SCI 1012, COMP SCI 1101, COMP SCI 1201, CHEM ENG 1011 or C&ENVENG 1012", "ASSESSMENT": "Practicals, Project, Exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "All modern engineering projects use programming for data analysis and problem solving. This course introduces the fundamental concepts of procedural programming using the MATLAB programming environment. Programming topics include: MATLAB syntax and semantics; data types, control structures, and functions; working with files and data; and the mechanics of running, testing, and debugging code. Problem-solving topics include: the role of algorithms in the problem-solving process; implementation strategies for algorithms; and the concept and properties of algorithms. The course continues with an Excel module, which consists of data analysis and algorithm development using industry-standard spreadsheet approaches.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3224": {"id": "zLBky0gwq4kjCyWVUljbY", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "dYby-Pzq8YM-iUlcGf2pA", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14844, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 6, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 22 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "jsuuFSafJSjPaSUiR2VyW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12651, "section": "PR07", "size": 3, "enrolled": 2, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12653, "section": "PR05", "size": 5, "enrolled": 2, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12654, "section": "PR04", "size": 2, "enrolled": 1, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12657, "section": "PR01", "size": 2, "enrolled": 1, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "eWe21vSh5FT6tkRts5bWy", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12424, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 6, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Hartley, G06, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Hartley, G06, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3225": {"id": "-7yMa7s1g8pmA0zNsPu4A", "course_id": "109760", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109760", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Programming (Matlab and Excel)", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "1003UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 22300, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "020100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENG 1002, COMP SCI 1012, COMP SCI 1101, COMP SCI 1201, CHEM ENG 1011 or C&ENVENG 1012", "ASSESSMENT": "Practicals, Project, Exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "All modern engineering projects use programming for data analysis and problem solving. This course introduces the fundamental concepts of procedural programming using the MATLAB programming environment. Programming topics include: MATLAB syntax and semantics; data types, control structures, and functions; working with files and data; and the mechanics of running, testing, and debugging code. Problem-solving topics include: the role of algorithms in the problem-solving process; implementation strategies for algorithms; and the concept and properties of algorithms. The course continues with an Excel module, which consists of data analysis and algorithm development using industry-standard spreadsheet approaches.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3226": {"id": "-7yMa7s1g8pmA0zNsPu4A", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "5v7b7rd7bU8yilCzUr8uS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24724, "section": "SE01", "size": 3, "enrolled": 0, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 2 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "YSKWsS4gOyehjZ4cs9MXZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22456, "section": "PR01", "size": 3, "enrolled": 0, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 26455, "section": "PR03", "size": 2, "enrolled": 0, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "ZsSjW2l2n9v7vBsLk1F3p", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22300, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 0, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 310, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 310, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3227": {"id": "qc2XUEqdy207hFKwy18tA", "course_id": "109888", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109888", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Engineering EAL", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "1011", "CLASS_NBR": 10113, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 Hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "SACE Stage 2 Mathematical Methods", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENG 1001, CHEM ENG 1010, MECH ENG 1006", "ASSESSMENT": "Group project, topic focused quizzes, oral presentation, individual assignments'", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "As a student engineer, you are part of the engineering profession. In this course, you will develop your identity as a modern engineer who will collaboratively contribute to sustainable and equitable communities. This course will broadly introduce the engineering profession and highlight the socio-technical and interdisciplinary nature of engineering. The themes of the course will enable students to: distinguish and practise professional conduct; communicate and interact in a style appropriate to academic and professional contexts, including oral, written, and graphical styles; explain the engineering method from problem formulation through the complete life cycle; generate and assess ideas and solution alternatives for engineering problem solving; critically evaluate proposed engineering solutions in terms of sustainability, economic, environmental and social considerations; and apply basic project management strategies and processes. These themes will be explored through a variety of team and project-based learning activities. In addition, this course provides a particular focus on developing the critical thinking skills and language skills necessary for effective communication as a student engineer.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3228": {"id": "qc2XUEqdy207hFKwy18tA", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "uYWc9F5136Lkyz75Uwd2u", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10490, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 18, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "HJX190a09ANKHSrwXXaDl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10114, "section": "WR03", "size": 3, "enrolled": 7, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10115, "section": "WR02", "size": 5, "enrolled": 6, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10116, "section": "WR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 5, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "WhKEptI7EHTEFCyX2a8VQ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12239, "section": "PR08", "size": 5, "enrolled": 4, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12241, "section": "PR06", "size": 5, "enrolled": 4, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12242, "section": "PR05", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12243, "section": "PR04", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12244, "section": "PR03", "size": 5, "enrolled": 4, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12245, "section": "PR02", "size": 5, "enrolled": 4, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Em_sTbWt9akdjR2rP2xvr", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10471, "section": "LE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 18, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Jun - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "7pm", "end_time": "7:30pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "3229": {"id": "ah83Ii0P7oFyOsNqw13uc", "course_id": "109888", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109888", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Engineering EAL", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "1011", "CLASS_NBR": 23992, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 Hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "SACE Stage 2 Mathematical Methods", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENG 1001, CHEM ENG 1010, MECH ENG 1006", "ASSESSMENT": "Group project, topic focused quizzes, oral presentation, individual assignments'", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "As a student engineer, you are part of the engineering profession. In this course, you will develop your identity as a modern engineer who will collaboratively contribute to sustainable and equitable communities. This course will broadly introduce the engineering profession and highlight the socio-technical and interdisciplinary nature of engineering. The themes of the course will enable students to: distinguish and practise professional conduct; communicate and interact in a style appropriate to academic and professional contexts, including oral, written, and graphical styles; explain the engineering method from problem formulation through the complete life cycle; generate and assess ideas and solution alternatives for engineering problem solving; critically evaluate proposed engineering solutions in terms of sustainability, economic, environmental and social considerations; and apply basic project management strategies and processes. These themes will be explored through a variety of team and project-based learning activities. In addition, this course provides a particular focus on developing the critical thinking skills and language skills necessary for effective communication as a student engineer.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3230": {"id": "ah83Ii0P7oFyOsNqw13uc", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "fu8UwVQUvbHZf--gLQXbT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20431, "section": "TU02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 7, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "JJiXWKWxwhCta47v3yyg5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20138, "section": "WR02", "size": 10, "enrolled": 5, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23992, "section": "WR04", "size": 10, "enrolled": 2, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "4RiaBnpWgpeFTHqMM2_mZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22148, "section": "PR03", "size": 5, "enrolled": 3, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22149, "section": "PR02", "size": 5, "enrolled": 2, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 12 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22150, "section": "PR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 2, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "EgubZVdMXL7MyVrpluzlH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20429, "section": "LE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 7, "available": 33, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture class is not required and does not need to be attended."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "7pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "3231": {"id": "yBqKuXUo1FqT_uvs8In4T", "course_id": "109888", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109888", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Engineering EAL", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "1011UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 10117, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 Hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENG 1000, CHEM ENG 1010, MECH ENG 1006", "ASSESSMENT": "Tutorials, Peer assessment, Oral presentation, Group report, Reflective practice", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "As a student engineer, you are part of the engineering profession. In this course, you will develop your identity as a modern engineer who will collaboratively contribute to sustainable and equitable communities. This course will broadly introduce the engineering profession and highlight the socio-technical and interdisciplinary nature of engineering. The themes of the course will enable students to: distinguish and practise professional conduct; communicate and interact in a style appropriate to academic and professional contexts, including oral, written, and graphical styles; explain the engineering method from problem formulation through the complete life cycle; generate and assess ideas and solution alternatives for engineering problem solving; critically evaluate proposed engineering solutions in terms of sustainability, economic, environmental and social considerations; and apply basic project management strategies and processes. These themes will be explored through a variety of team and project-based learning activities. In addition, this course provides a particular focus on developing the critical thinking skills and language skills necessary for effective communication as a student engineer.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3232": {"id": "yBqKuXUo1FqT_uvs8In4T", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "swODtosx0VWuLSKIsTagM", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10492, "section": "TU01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 13, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "qbwW_gREeqYLez-4cklYc", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10118, "section": "WR03", "size": 9, "enrolled": 9, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10119, "section": "WR02", "size": 1, "enrolled": 1, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10120, "section": "WR01", "size": 4, "enrolled": 3, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "56-5VESczAQtUoyi2Muis", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12231, "section": "PR08", "size": 8, "enrolled": 7, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12233, "section": "PR06", "size": 2, "enrolled": 1, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12235, "section": "PR04", "size": 2, "enrolled": 2, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12237, "section": "PR02", "size": 8, "enrolled": 3, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "fqbauSmQglNh23CfQGBUb", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10472, "section": "LE01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 13, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Jun - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "7pm", "end_time": "7:30pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 12421, "section": "TT01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 13, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 108, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3233": {"id": "WiY8vIKrENK_xODqLws95", "course_id": "109888", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109888", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Engineering EAL", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "1011UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 23993, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 Hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENG 1000, CHEM ENG 1010, MECH ENG 1006", "ASSESSMENT": "Tutorials, Peer assessment, Oral presentation, Group report, Reflective practice", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "As a student engineer, you are part of the engineering profession. In this course, you will develop your identity as a modern engineer who will collaboratively contribute to sustainable and equitable communities. This course will broadly introduce the engineering profession and highlight the socio-technical and interdisciplinary nature of engineering. The themes of the course will enable students to: distinguish and practise professional conduct; communicate and interact in a style appropriate to academic and professional contexts, including oral, written, and graphical styles; explain the engineering method from problem formulation through the complete life cycle; generate and assess ideas and solution alternatives for engineering problem solving; critically evaluate proposed engineering solutions in terms of sustainability, economic, environmental and social considerations; and apply basic project management strategies and processes. These themes will be explored through a variety of team and project-based learning activities. In addition, this course provides a particular focus on developing the critical thinking skills and language skills necessary for effective communication as a student engineer.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3234": {"id": "WiY8vIKrENK_xODqLws95", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "pKsMtfd_XeYsoxM4nW4Up", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20433, "section": "TU02", "size": 28, "enrolled": 15, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "nn9a_Iq_lJi1S6HhT2e8c", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20140, "section": "WR02", "size": 17, "enrolled": 5, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23993, "section": "WR04", "size": 12, "enrolled": 10, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "b0w4wHrug2dogZFREBChT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22152, "section": "PR03", "size": 5, "enrolled": 3, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22153, "section": "PR02", "size": 14, "enrolled": 7, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 12 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22154, "section": "PR01", "size": 7, "enrolled": 5, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "4PQlpeQZAj2q6CHil72l0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20430, "section": "LE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 15, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture class is not required and does not need to be attended."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "7pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22297, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 15, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 101, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 101, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3235": {"id": "1cb5Aspr4nM4JW4lT0oZr", "course_id": "109845", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109845", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Systems Engineering and Industry Practice", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "3004", "CLASS_NBR": 14553, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "039900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 48 units at Levels I and II of the Program", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ENG 1001 or TECH 1003", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ELEC ENG 3100, MECH ENG 3027, MECH ENG 3105", "ASSESSMENT": "Online quizzes and tests, individual assessment, group assessment, peer assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Good engineering solutions require consideration of systems thinking, including elements such as stakeholder requirements, life cycle management, and design documentation. This course will show how to apply a systems engineering approach to all of the elements of a universal engineering project: the consideration of the various stages of design, which include problem identification, concept generation, concept selection and design embodiment; and the fundamentals of good design practice, including aesthetics, ergonomics and safety. This course provides graphical, written and spoken language development in professional engineering industry contexts, as well as an awareness of the importance of career planning. Industry concerns such as ethical practice, sustainability, and environmental impact are strongly emphasised.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3236": {"id": "1cb5Aspr4nM4JW4lT0oZr", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "40pQLGuBcJxzgESdu1JSG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14553, "section": "PJ03", "size": 70, "enrolled": 65, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14554, "section": "PJ02", "size": 70, "enrolled": 58, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14555, "section": "PJ01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 67, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "6u4O4c71ky8-XIOVyVtlO", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12173, "section": "LE01", "size": 250, "enrolled": 190, "available": 60, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "3237": {"id": "LGNQccWR0a-6EljVQ8snF", "course_id": "109845", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109845", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Systems Engineering and Industry Practice", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "3004", "CLASS_NBR": 24965, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "039900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 48 units at Levels I and II of the Program", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ENG 1001 or TECH 1003", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ELEC ENG 3100, MECH ENG 3027, MECH ENG 3105", "ASSESSMENT": "Online quizzes and tests, individual assessment, group assessment, peer assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Good engineering solutions require consideration of systems thinking, including elements such as stakeholder requirements, life cycle management, and design documentation. This course will show how to apply a systems engineering approach to all of the elements of a universal engineering project: the consideration of the various stages of design, which include problem identification, concept generation, concept selection and design embodiment; and the fundamentals of good design practice, including aesthetics, ergonomics and safety. This course provides graphical, written and spoken language development in professional engineering industry contexts, as well as an awareness of the importance of career planning. Industry concerns such as ethical practice, sustainability, and environmental impact are strongly emphasised.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3238": {"id": "LGNQccWR0a-6EljVQ8snF", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "M_RBeoOHHAU_mp6M7BjNd", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24506, "section": "PJ02", "size": 48, "enrolled": 43, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24507, "section": "PJ01", "size": 66, "enrolled": 65, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24965, "section": "PJ03", "size": 72, "enrolled": 71, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "Sw7_jrvnul9OKbasoHVpo", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24697, "section": "LE01", "size": 190, "enrolled": 179, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "3239": {"id": "Dx6yJMRVnfhrDgUzlv0EX", "course_id": "111451", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111451", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Systems Engineering and Industry Practice", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "3004MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 29201, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "039900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 48 units at Levels I and II of the Program", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ENG 1001 or TECH 1003", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ELEC ENG 3100, MECH ENG 3027, MECH ENG 3105", "ASSESSMENT": "Online quizzes and tests, individual assessment, group assessment, peer assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Good engineering solutions require consideration of systems thinking, including elements such as stakeholder requirements, life cycle management, and design documentation. This course will show how to apply a systems engineering approach to all of the elements of a universal engineering project: the consideration of the various stages of design, which include problem identification, concept generation, concept selection and design embodiment; and the fundamentals of good design practice, including aesthetics, ergonomics and safety. This course provides graphical, written and spoken language development in professional engineering industry contexts, as well as an awareness of the importance of career planning. Industry concerns such as ethical practice, sustainability, and environmental impact are strongly emphasised.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3240": {"id": "Dx6yJMRVnfhrDgUzlv0EX", "class_list": [{"association_group": "", "groups": []}]}, "3241": {"id": "4q2ySdTLixt0xpjFETqFj", "course_id": "109846", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109846", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Methods and Project Management", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "3005", "CLASS_NBR": 14550, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "039900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Engineering students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ENG 1001 or ENG 1011, (MATHS 2106 and MATHS 2107). At least 48 units of Level I & II Bachelor of Engineering courses including these courses.", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ENG 1001 or ENG 1011 or ENG 1011UAC or ENG 1001UAC", "INCOMPATIBLE": "C&ENVENG 3222 or MINING 3222, MECH ENG 3027, ELEC ENG 3102", "ASSESSMENT": "Online quizzes and tests, individual assessment, group assessment, peer assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will develop your ability to execute and deliver engineering projects in research and industry. The foundations of project management are covered: precise definition of objectives; planning, executing and monitoring projects; risk and failure analysis; and project management methodologies. Techniques for advanced engineering practice will be developed: critical review of literature and research gap analysis; data and information literacy; written, oral, and graphical communication; document preparation and version control; reproducibility, verification, and validation of engineering models. This course will also cover research ethics. Students will work in groups to develop a project plan and literature review for a research project as a precursor to the engineering honours project.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3242": {"id": "4q2ySdTLixt0xpjFETqFj", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "Az_08RN6Sq_5mVnDduODV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14550, "section": "WR03", "size": 70, "enrolled": 46, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214/218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14551, "section": "WR02", "size": 70, "enrolled": 53, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14552, "section": "WR01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 63, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Schulz, 214/218, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "HU3KfI79AkhONgO2_NAT9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12250, "section": "PR03", "size": 65, "enrolled": 60, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12251, "section": "PR02", "size": 60, "enrolled": 41, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "21 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12252, "section": "PR01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 50, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19722, "section": "PR04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 11, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "21 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "id": "AwQAR4dWaiUoBAl8W1u58", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12387, "section": "AS01", "size": 250, "enrolled": 162, "available": 88, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Apr - 30 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14549, "section": "LE01", "size": 250, "enrolled": 162, "available": 88, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "29 Mar - 29 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "7 May - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "3243": {"id": "EVrrv8eRuO9Dlz7LPJWVB", "course_id": "109846", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109846", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Methods and Project Management", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "3005", "CLASS_NBR": 24503, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "039900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Engineering students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ENG 1001 or ENG 1011, (MATHS 2106 and MATHS 2107). At least 48 units of Level I & II Bachelor of Engineering courses including these courses.", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ENG 1001 or ENG 1011 or ENG 1011UAC or ENG 1001UAC", "INCOMPATIBLE": "C&ENVENG 3222 or MINING 3222, MECH ENG 3027, ELEC ENG 3102", "ASSESSMENT": "Online quizzes and tests, individual assessment, group assessment, peer assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will develop your ability to execute and deliver engineering projects in research and industry. The foundations of project management are covered: precise definition of objectives; planning, executing and monitoring projects; risk and failure analysis; and project management methodologies. Techniques for advanced engineering practice will be developed: critical review of literature and research gap analysis; data and information literacy; written, oral, and graphical communication; document preparation and version control; reproducibility, verification, and validation of engineering models. This course will also cover research ethics. Students will work in groups to develop a project plan and literature review for a research project as a precursor to the engineering honours project.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3244": {"id": "EVrrv8eRuO9Dlz7LPJWVB", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "xTar8OskLfGHmhnC8kqUg", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24503, "section": "WR03", "size": 91, "enrolled": 83, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24504, "section": "WR02", "size": 90, "enrolled": 73, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24505, "section": "WR01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 67, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "nuza6KZnLP7K4iTa9V7Ja", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22156, "section": "PR03", "size": 80, "enrolled": 77, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Aug - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22157, "section": "PR02", "size": 70, "enrolled": 68, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22158, "section": "PR01", "size": 68, "enrolled": 67, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29646, "section": "PR04", "size": 63, "enrolled": 11, "available": 52, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "id": "qXsxl9hi3q8LbTBxpbFY5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22254, "section": "AS01", "size": 400, "enrolled": 223, "available": 177, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24502, "section": "LE01", "size": 250, "enrolled": 223, "available": 27, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "3245": {"id": "-8D8at42m5vaC5xsKbi9d", "course_id": "109839", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109839", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Engineering Internship UG", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "3100", "CLASS_NBR": 92200, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "039900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to undergraduate engineering students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ENG 3004 Interdisciplinary Professional Practice", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Journals, table of Stage 1 competencies, host organisation feedback, reflective report", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to encourage Engineering students to reflect on their internship experience/s and demonstrate how exposure to a professional environment has helped to develop a range of professional competencies and employability skills. Students will align internship tasks and objectives to the Engineers Australia Stage 1 competencies and consider individual strengths and areas for personal improvement by reflecting on what they have discovered about themselves throughout their study experience.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 09/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "3246": {"id": "-8D8at42m5vaC5xsKbi9d", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "f-QffKrcBLwyExkyUIITH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92200, "section": "01NT", "size": 1000, "enrolled": 77, "available": 923, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical"}]}]}]}, "3247": {"id": "aj59ZIebhEgu9271m9Q8u", "course_id": "109839", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109839", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Engineering Internship UG", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "3100", "CLASS_NBR": 16176, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "039900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to undergraduate engineering students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ENG 3004 Interdisciplinary Professional Practice", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Journals, table of Stage 1 competencies, host organisation feedback, reflective report", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to encourage Engineering students to reflect on their internship experience/s and demonstrate how exposure to a professional environment has helped to develop a range of professional competencies and employability skills. Students will align internship tasks and objectives to the Engineers Australia Stage 1 competencies and consider individual strengths and areas for personal improvement by reflecting on what they have discovered about themselves throughout their study experience.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3248": {"id": "aj59ZIebhEgu9271m9Q8u", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "bbccJ8SINJBUCKxvQhoDO", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16176, "section": "01NT", "size": 1000, "enrolled": 253, "available": 747, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical"}]}]}]}, "3249": {"id": "RFOL2uHKRpbHqmStoYgmG", "course_id": "109839", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109839", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Engineering Internship UG", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "3100", "CLASS_NBR": 26187, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "039900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to undergraduate engineering students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ENG 3004 Interdisciplinary Professional Practice", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Journals, table of Stage 1 competencies, host organisation feedback, reflective report", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to encourage Engineering students to reflect on their internship experience/s and demonstrate how exposure to a professional environment has helped to develop a range of professional competencies and employability skills. Students will align internship tasks and objectives to the Engineers Australia Stage 1 competencies and consider individual strengths and areas for personal improvement by reflecting on what they have discovered about themselves throughout their study experience.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3250": {"id": "RFOL2uHKRpbHqmStoYgmG", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "CJOguHIHHobBZw8agMC2j", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26187, "section": "01NT", "size": 1000, "enrolled": 154, "available": 846, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical"}]}]}]}, "3251": {"id": "4eq8exCMZwuZ_PiNCwMQL", "course_id": "111371", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111371", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Engineering Research Project - Part A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "4002A", "CLASS_NBR": 12839, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "039900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ENG 3005 or ELEC ENG 3102 or MECH ENG 3027 & Minimum completion of 72 units", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Research Project is the capstone experience for the Bachelor of Engineering (Honours). 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Assessments include formal oral and written deliverables at a graduate standard. \n\nResearch Project Part A and Part B must be undertaken in consecutive semesters and acceptable progress is required in Part A before continuing in Part B.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "3252": {"id": "4eq8exCMZwuZ_PiNCwMQL", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "_nJMXVduojGcbsu0dO9zl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15151, "section": "PJ01", "size": 350, "enrolled": 314, "available": 36, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This time is reserved for meeting with your project group; it can be overridden in the case of a clash with another course."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "E9IBa2AgCzE9muJGbOq03", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12839, "section": "SE01", "size": 350, "enrolled": 314, "available": 36, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This time is reserved for meeting with your project group; it can be overridden in the case of a clash with another course."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "11 Jun - 12 Jun", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "3253": {"id": "rYBfp7SqdEoWrPJeC4C1a", "course_id": "111371", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111371", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Engineering Research Project - Part A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "4002A", "CLASS_NBR": 29124, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "039900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ENG 3005 or ELEC ENG 3102 or MECH ENG 3027 & Minimum completion of 72 units", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Research Project is the capstone experience for the Bachelor of Engineering (Honours). 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Assessments include formal oral and written deliverables at a graduate standard. \n\nResearch Project Part A and Part B must be undertaken in consecutive semesters and acceptable progress is required in Part A before continuing in Part B.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "3254": {"id": "rYBfp7SqdEoWrPJeC4C1a", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "gud-zhklA5k-abqcBxPRq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29123, "section": "PJ01", "size": 500, "enrolled": 47, "available": 453, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This time is reserved for meeting with your project group; it can be overridden in the case of a clash with another course."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "RWQdmqZBrbxXLdvcJRoT-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29124, "section": "SE01", "size": 500, "enrolled": 47, "available": 453, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This time is reserved for meeting with your project group; it can be overridden in the case of a clash with another course."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "3255": {"id": "H5WjMb7iUvureopYD5nJu", "course_id": "111372", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111372", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Engineering Research Project - Part B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "4002B", "CLASS_NBR": 19285, "SESSION_CD": "FM2", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "039900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ENG 4002A", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Research Project is the capstone experience for the Bachelor of Engineering (Honours). In this two-semester course, students work in small groups to solve authentic engineering problems with an emphasis on professional project management and communication. Academic supervisors in each engineering school provide offerings ranging in style from detailed design-build-test projects, industry-focused projects, or research-orientated projects. Projects involve technical components including theoretical analyses, simulations, and experiments. Assessments include formal oral and written deliverables at a graduate standard. \n\nResearch Project Part A and Part B must be undertaken in consecutive semesters and acceptable progress is required in Part A before continuing in Part B.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3256": {"id": "H5WjMb7iUvureopYD5nJu", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "tDIsLyYFeOybnfLIUQWn9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19284, "section": "PJ01", "size": 300, "enrolled": 30, "available": 270, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This time is reserved for meeting with your project group; it can be overridden in the case of a clash with another course."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": " "}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": " "}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "Kx8JmxOcD7IOpmzoTXdcI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19285, "section": "SE01", "size": 300, "enrolled": 30, "available": 270, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This time is reserved for meeting with your project group; it can be overridden in the case of a clash with another course."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "11 Jun - 12 Jun", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "3257": {"id": "eaHkKjhlSO0Np3Yqe_RZh", "course_id": "111372", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111372", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Engineering Research Project - Part B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "4002B", "CLASS_NBR": 29122, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "039900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ENG 4002A", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Research Project is the capstone experience for the Bachelor of Engineering (Honours). In this two-semester course, students work in small groups to solve authentic engineering problems with an emphasis on professional project management and communication. Academic supervisors in each engineering school provide offerings ranging in style from detailed design-build-test projects, industry-focused projects, or research-orientated projects. Projects involve technical components including theoretical analyses, simulations, and experiments. Assessments include formal oral and written deliverables at a graduate standard. \n\nResearch Project Part A and Part B must be undertaken in consecutive semesters and acceptable progress is required in Part A before continuing in Part B.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3258": {"id": "eaHkKjhlSO0Np3Yqe_RZh", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "vYJ_M5axUY9O4-nKd761Y", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29121, "section": "PJ01", "size": 500, "enrolled": 307, "available": 193, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This time is reserved for meeting with your project group; it can be overridden in the case of a clash with another course."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": " "}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": " "}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "Wy818A3xOAHVKLnnb77hV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29122, "section": "SE01", "size": 500, "enrolled": 307, "available": 193, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This time is reserved for meeting with your project group; it can be overridden in the case of a clash with another course."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "3259": {"id": "HrNtHq2VKoNhIeQNCo0wv", "course_id": "110338", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110338", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Defence Leadership", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "4010", "CLASS_NBR": 10493, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Unpublished Course - Contact Not Available", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "", "QUOTA_TXT": "quota NA", "RESTRICTION": "", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Unpublished Course - No eligibility Req", "PRE_REQUISITE": "prereq NA", "CO_REQUISITE": "coreq NA", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "assume NA", "INCOMPATIBLE": "restriction NA", "ASSESSMENT": "Unpublished Course - NA", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "biennial NA", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "", "SYLLABUS": "Students will understand what makes defence leadership stand apart from others and why it is a critical component of a nation's defence capability. A successful military leader demonstrates commitment to the welfare of individual soldiers while also understanding that accomplishment of the assigned mission objectives may require high degrees of personal risk not found in typical professions. This course will examine the historic qualities defining military leadership on the battlefields of old and study its relevance to the increasingly electronic modern equivalent. Important texts will be sampled and central themes examined via case study and guest lecture. Designed for those seeking a career within the defence sector, students will learn how to interact within the defence leadership environment.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3260": {"id": "HrNtHq2VKoNhIeQNCo0wv", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "GSICToA9CNhI8oE7B5Qsw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10493, "section": "WR01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 90, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Apr - 19 Apr", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Apr - 19 Apr", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3261": {"id": "YzgLfsz_xk-qwy8kLdnEN", "course_id": "109844", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109844", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Complex Systems Engineering", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "4020", "CLASS_NBR": 20435, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "039999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hrs per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ENG 3004", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENG 7020", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Most interesting engineering interventions occur in complicated and complex systems. These systems display emergent behaviour that cannot always be foreseen or forecast. This course will build upon fundamental systems engineering knowledge, exploring the theory of complex systems and introducing structured systems engineering methodologies to help understand and manage systems design and evolution in this environment. Topics may include system of systems engineering, decision theory, optimisation for design, queueing theory, network design and advanced model-based systems engineering.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3262": {"id": "YzgLfsz_xk-qwy8kLdnEN", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "LtxM-7uDOBCQD0eY6mFRY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20435, "section": "WR01", "size": 73, "enrolled": 71, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "FDm2dLwxph6XrTo_XzB32", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22138, "section": "PR01", "size": 73, "enrolled": 71, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "3263": {"id": "jUvMjcK9e9aK8nl79Na_P", "course_id": "110975", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110975", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Essentials of Humanitarian Engineering", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "4021", "CLASS_NBR": 15222, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "039900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hrs per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Must have completed a minimum of 24 units at 2nd year, and 12 units in 3rd year.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, assignments, reports", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The role of engineers in response to humanitarian crises emergencies and disasters as well as development fields is highly complex. This course is a non-discipline-specific course that introduces students to the humanitarian/development continuum, and the roles engineers play in supporting these fields.\nAt the end of the course, students will be expected understand and apply knowledge related to the Humanitarian Charter, UN/partner organisation response structure, application of Sphere standards to disaster responses, and a general understanding of critical topics such as Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH); logistics and supply chain management; ICT; security; Information Management; and planning, including Disaster Risk Reduction, and Monitoring and Evaluating actions. Students will be able to apply this knowledge across the humanitarian/development continuum.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3264": {"id": "jUvMjcK9e9aK8nl79Na_P", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "hPSh66Cenu4cJSk1IeL6u", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15222, "section": "WR02", "size": 40, "enrolled": 35, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3265": {"id": "kQkEWXJUQln2AwlvBFPYJ", "course_id": "111373", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111373", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Masters Engineering Research Project - Part A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7002A", "CLASS_NBR": 10191, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "039999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 12 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to M.Engineering and Master Material Engineering students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ELEC ENG 7164, ENG 7057, PROJMGNT 5021. 12 units of Core Courses include these courses, plus 12 units of Foundation Courses according to specialty. (Not applicable for Master Material Engineering students)", "CO_REQUISITE": "MATHS 7025", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CHEM ENG 7046A, CHEM ENG 7120A, CHEM ENG 7122A, C&ENVENG 7049A, C&ENVENG 7050A", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In the two-Semester M.Eng Research Project, students undertake an AQF9 research project and demonstrate deep discipline understanding in their field of study. Students work directly under the supervision of world-leading research academics, with potential for industry collaboration. These courses strengthen and apply the project management and research skills of the students with a focus on engineering communication and the integration of advanced technical methodologies.\n\nResearch Project Part A and Part B must be undertaken in consecutive Semesters and acceptable progress is required in Part A before continuing in Part B.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "3266": {"id": "kQkEWXJUQln2AwlvBFPYJ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "JASZnAaLv_ncGTdMNecU-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15152, "section": "PJ01", "size": 200, "enrolled": 102, "available": 98, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This time is reserved for meeting with your project group; it can be overridden in the case of a clash with another course."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": " "}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": " "}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "Io_EzoipFMufnQ0XNfiHB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10191, "section": "SE01", "size": 200, "enrolled": 102, "available": 98, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This time is reserved for the Masters Projects Conference Day seminars. All project students are required to attend all sessions."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Jun - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "3267": {"id": "OQiQa7m-8mjHndmCQQcsM", "course_id": "111373", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111373", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Masters Engineering Research Project - Part A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7002A", "CLASS_NBR": 29129, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "039999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 12 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to M.Engineering and Master Material Engineering students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ELEC ENG 7164, ENG 7057, PROJMGNT 5021. 12 units of Core Courses include these courses, plus 12 units of Foundation Courses according to specialty. (Not applicable for Master Material Engineering students)", "CO_REQUISITE": "MATHS 7025", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CHEM ENG 7046A, CHEM ENG 7120A, CHEM ENG 7122A, C&ENVENG 7049A, C&ENVENG 7050A", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In the two-Semester M.Eng Research Project, students undertake an AQF9 research project and demonstrate deep discipline understanding in their field of study. Students work directly under the supervision of world-leading research academics, with potential for industry collaboration. These courses strengthen and apply the project management and research skills of the students with a focus on engineering communication and the integration of advanced technical methodologies.\n\nResearch Project Part A and Part B must be undertaken in consecutive Semesters and acceptable progress is required in Part A before continuing in Part B.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "3268": {"id": "OQiQa7m-8mjHndmCQQcsM", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "Qy5MkoIB2XXEWJupDtPsh", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29125, "section": "PJ01", "size": 200, "enrolled": 94, "available": 106, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This time is reserved for meeting with your project group; it can be overridden in the case of a clash with another course."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": " "}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": " "}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "YydAGNCo8h4N3gxMkq7xa", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29129, "section": "SE01", "size": 200, "enrolled": 94, "available": 106, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This time is reserved for the Masters Projects Conference Day seminars. All project students are required to attend all sessions."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "3269": {"id": "2LsWNWaK1FaONtbLlhkm2", "course_id": "111374", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111374", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Masters Engineering Research Project - Part B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7002B", "CLASS_NBR": 19288, "SESSION_CD": "FM2", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "039999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 12 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to M.Engineering students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ENG 7057, MATHS 7025, ENG 7002A", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CHEM ENG 7046B, CHEM ENG 7120B, CHEM ENG 7122B, C&ENVENG 7049B, C&ENVENG 7050B", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In the two-Semester M.Eng Research Project, students undertake an AQF9 research project and demonstrate deep discipline understanding in their field of study. Students work directly under the supervision of world-leading research academics, with potential for industry collaboration. These courses strengthen and apply the project management and research skills of the students with a focus on engineering communication and the integration of advanced technical methodologies.\n\nResearch Project Part A and Part B must be undertaken in consecutive Semesters and acceptable progress is required in Part A before continuing in Part B.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3270": {"id": "2LsWNWaK1FaONtbLlhkm2", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "IedSbBvJ7BCaZ7SmSs8M-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19287, "section": "PJ01", "size": 200, "enrolled": 60, "available": 140, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This time is reserved for meeting with your project group; it can be overridden in the case of a clash with another course."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": " "}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": " "}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Performance", "id": "bVlqDhehRbSCjFRDmCzEE", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19286, "section": "PF01", "size": 200, "enrolled": 60, "available": 140, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Performance", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Consult your Course Coordinator please if this session is going as scheduled or not."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Jun - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 19288, "section": "SE01", "size": 200, "enrolled": 60, "available": 140, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This time is reserved for the Masters Projects Conference Day seminars. All project students are required to attend all sessions."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Jun - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "3271": {"id": "ml0X86hr_fWJOCuoxCVSW", "course_id": "111374", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111374", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Masters Engineering Research Project - Part B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7002B", "CLASS_NBR": 29128, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "039999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 12 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to M.Engineering students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ENG 7057, MATHS 7025, ENG 7002A", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CHEM ENG 7046B, CHEM ENG 7120B, CHEM ENG 7122B, C&ENVENG 7049B, C&ENVENG 7050B", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In the two-Semester M.Eng Research Project, students undertake an AQF9 research project and demonstrate deep discipline understanding in their field of study. Students work directly under the supervision of world-leading research academics, with potential for industry collaboration. These courses strengthen and apply the project management and research skills of the students with a focus on engineering communication and the integration of advanced technical methodologies.\n\nResearch Project Part A and Part B must be undertaken in consecutive Semesters and acceptable progress is required in Part A before continuing in Part B.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3272": {"id": "ml0X86hr_fWJOCuoxCVSW", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "LgNxhlEp7pG3OQ6BZfKjU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29126, "section": "PJ01", "size": 200, "enrolled": 99, "available": 101, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This time is reserved for meeting with your project group; it can be overridden in the case of a clash with another course."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": " "}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": " "}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Performance", "id": "MOfZK_KKc000Q3dx4mhF3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29127, "section": "PF01", "size": 200, "enrolled": 99, "available": 101, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Performance", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 29128, "section": "SE01", "size": 200, "enrolled": 99, "available": 101, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This time is reserved for the Masters Projects Conference Day seminars. All project students are required to attend all sessions."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "3273": {"id": "134Og9DBxh8ghQNJYsgwy", "course_id": "110974", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110974", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Complex Systems Engineering PG", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7020", "CLASS_NBR": 20479, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "039999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hrs per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MECH ENG 7056", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENG 4020", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Most interesting engineering interventions occur in complicated and complex systems. These systems display emergent behaviour that cannot always be foreseen or forecast. This course will build upon fundamental systems engineering knowledge, exploring the theory of complex systems and introducing structured systems engineering methodologies to help understand and manage systems design and evolution in this environment. Topics may include system of systems engineering, decision theory, optimisation for design, queueing theory, network design and advanced model-based systems engineering.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3274": {"id": "134Og9DBxh8ghQNJYsgwy", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "-xoGXDJtGp75d2-HRohSp", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20479, "section": "WR01", "size": 7, "enrolled": 2, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "A-HDoqZrTmndhZ5l2ymw9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22139, "section": "PR01", "size": 7, "enrolled": 2, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "3275": {"id": "FI2y05geBHXO26q1lwi7O", "course_id": "110841", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110841", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Communication & Critical Thinking", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7057", "CLASS_NBR": 11585, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "120103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, Online Quizzes and Tasks", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Communication and Critical Thinking course develops the critical thinking and logical argumentation skills necessary for post-graduate level communication. This course explores communication in a cross cultural and discipline specific setting, and provides strategies for effective academic and professional writing and seminar presentations, taking into account communicative purpose and audience. Workshops and assessment provide practice in locating, analysing and evaluating appropriate sources of information, and synthesising evidence to support a sound viewpoint. The course is particularly designed to enable students with English as an additional language to maximize their capacity to learn and interact effectively in an English speaking academic and professional environment.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3276": {"id": "FI2y05geBHXO26q1lwi7O", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "miCulml2hi9O5-V57Hjb7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11585, "section": "WR05", "size": 72, "enrolled": 68, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14556, "section": "WR04", "size": 70, "enrolled": 65, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14557, "section": "WR03", "size": 81, "enrolled": 77, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14558, "section": "WR02", "size": 47, "enrolled": 50, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 30 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 May - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "psiYe2zn5CYtEEs0M6Igm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11461, "section": "SE01", "size": 150, "enrolled": 146, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12842, "section": "SE02", "size": 140, "enrolled": 114, "available": 26, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "fTUGjnunEVNKJIcgkHE6p", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12840, "section": "LE01", "size": 280, "enrolled": 260, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "3277": {"id": "bfbYhZ7C_NweUOWeBdzpu", "course_id": "110841", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110841", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Communication & Critical Thinking", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7057", "CLASS_NBR": 24509, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "120103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, Online Quizzes and Tasks", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Communication and Critical Thinking course develops the critical thinking and logical argumentation skills necessary for post-graduate level communication. This course explores communication in a cross cultural and discipline specific setting, and provides strategies for effective academic and professional writing and seminar presentations, taking into account communicative purpose and audience. Workshops and assessment provide practice in locating, analysing and evaluating appropriate sources of information, and synthesising evidence to support a sound viewpoint. The course is particularly designed to enable students with English as an additional language to maximize their capacity to learn and interact effectively in an English speaking academic and professional environment.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3278": {"id": "bfbYhZ7C_NweUOWeBdzpu", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "x40HmrCeWicQSspjg3U4Z", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24509, "section": "WR04", "size": 77, "enrolled": 60, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24510, "section": "WR03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, 205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, 205, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24511, "section": "WR02", "size": 36, "enrolled": 34, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24512, "section": "WR01", "size": 48, "enrolled": 50, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "veF8Ypx5qwmYIHnRB6ugX", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22727, "section": "SE02", "size": 124, "enrolled": 54, "available": 70, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24991, "section": "SE01", "size": 124, "enrolled": 120, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "qWGRM2UNLDkUpaciZgf4w", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22725, "section": "LE01", "size": 200, "enrolled": 174, "available": 26, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 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The course is particularly designed to enable students with English as an additional language to maximize their capacity to learn and interact effectively in an English speaking academic and professional environment.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3280": {"id": "61Bd5gGQpdr3aCRHzlH6g", "class_list": [{"association_group": "", "groups": []}]}, "3281": {"id": "aQUx-udqysXvxLJMHm0oI", "course_id": "111607", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111607", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Communication & Critical Thinking", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7057MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 29313, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "120103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, Online Quizzes and Tasks", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Communication and Critical Thinking course develops the critical thinking and logical argumentation skills necessary for post-graduate level communication. 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The course is particularly designed to enable students with English as an additional language to maximize their capacity to learn and interact effectively in an English speaking academic and professional environment.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3282": {"id": "aQUx-udqysXvxLJMHm0oI", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "pXAbAXAy7V68QmW45IDlX", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29312, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 0, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "NXN6oTVJXUMxM1RxL364R", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29310, "section": "LE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 0, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "Z0n7V0OE7rM3hifayF2Ja", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29311, "section": "SE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 0, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29313, "section": "WR01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 0, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3283": {"id": "TibwOhMkibkjyo_9rCPER", "course_id": "110842", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110842", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Communication & Critical Thinking", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7057UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 14561, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "120103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, Online Quizzes and Tasks", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Communication and Critical Thinking course develops the critical thinking and logical argumentation skills necessary for post-graduate level communication. This course explores communication in a cross cultural and discipline specific setting, and provides strategies for effective academic and professional writing and seminar presentations, taking into account communicative purpose and audience. Workshops and assessment provide practice in locating, analysing and evaluating appropriate sources of information, and synthesising evidence to support a sound viewpoint. The course is particularly designed to enable students with English as an additional language to maximize their capacity to learn and interact effectively in an English speaking academic and professional environment.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3284": {"id": "TibwOhMkibkjyo_9rCPER", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "2-vib04ofTWK8hHZamSI9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14560, "section": "WR01", "size": 8, "enrolled": 8, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14561, "section": "WR02", "size": 15, "enrolled": 14, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 30 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 May - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "-HVJ-fStJSUuMMrGUGStB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12843, "section": "SE02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 22, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "d5Pb0CKVE76SI7Y-RrvmZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12841, "section": "LE01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 22, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14785, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 22, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Hartley, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Hartley, G05, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3285": {"id": "occ0mjhce-7ueN6vccAom", "course_id": "110842", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110842", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Communication & Critical Thinking", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7057UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 24514, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "120103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, Online Quizzes and Tasks", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Communication and Critical Thinking course develops the critical thinking and logical argumentation skills necessary for post-graduate level communication. 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The course is particularly designed to enable students with English as an additional language to maximize their capacity to learn and interact effectively in an English speaking academic and professional environment.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3286": {"id": "occ0mjhce-7ueN6vccAom", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "pOtgnrPSMkiGuzYdyaHw9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24513, "section": "WR01", "size": 12, "enrolled": 11, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24514, "section": "WR02", "size": 12, "enrolled": 12, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 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The course provides strategies for effective academic and professional writing and seminar presentations, taking into account communicative purpose and audience in a cross cultural setting. Workshops and assessment are designed to develop critical thinking and evidence-based logical argumentation skills, and provide practice in locating, analysing and evaluating appropriate sources of information.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3288": {"id": "l2GM-_liCcLUKTmcOGTvX", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "8Qd8vXPPDSIA8N-UN5Ljx", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19403, "section": "LE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 4, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "9gP0q9HSj_axtbE3DVlSK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19404, "section": "WR01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 4, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "T2pM2hjv0cammYAJNpgV1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19405, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 4, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19406, "section": "SE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 4, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3289": {"id": "VYxKqOPYKDgFsItaI33jG", "course_id": "110843", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110843", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Communication & Critical Thinking", "CAMPUS": "UofA College Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "UACM", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7057UACM", "CLASS_NBR": 29317, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "120103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, Online Quizzes and Tasks", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Communication and Critical Thinking provides strategies and practice in developing skills to enable students with English as an additional language to maximise their capacity to learn and to interact effectively in an English speaking academic and professional environment. The course provides strategies for effective academic and professional writing and seminar presentations, taking into account communicative purpose and audience in a cross cultural setting. Workshops and assessment are designed to develop critical thinking and evidence-based logical argumentation skills, and provide practice in locating, analysing and evaluating appropriate sources of information.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3290": {"id": "VYxKqOPYKDgFsItaI33jG", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "DS7omnwa4A2RVqpHrGxzI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29316, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 3, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "O69in5zmtJPpq-eEd8xk_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29314, "section": "LE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 3, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 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24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3291": {"id": "7yFlCE5nXDFb4cum1A5J5", "course_id": "110381", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110381", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Nicolas Baudin Research", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7100", "CLASS_NBR": 16225, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "039900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is for inbound Nicolas Baudin Research students who will be completing research at the University of Adelaide", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3292": {"id": "7yFlCE5nXDFb4cum1A5J5", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "CCxLM_8B1UOdaTCbA1i97", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16225, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement"}]}]}]}, "3293": {"id": "WFFPvXf1klTOlDYI-M4U1", "course_id": "110381", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110381", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Nicolas Baudin Research", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7100", "CLASS_NBR": 26236, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "039900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is for inbound Nicolas Baudin Research students who will be completing research at the University of Adelaide", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3294": {"id": "WFFPvXf1klTOlDYI-M4U1", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "ThkjCi49E9Xok6iNPn_0C", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26236, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement"}]}]}]}, "3295": {"id": "y00LSwuslabVEpTi0Yrj7", "course_id": "110889", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110889", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Internship PG", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7110", "CLASS_NBR": 92212, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "039900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 296 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to postgraduate engineering students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Journals, table of Stage 1 competencies, host organisation feedback, reflective report", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to encourage Engineering students to reflect on their internship experience/s and demonstrate how exposure to a professional environment has helped to develop a range of professional competencies and employability skills. Students will align internship tasks and objectives to the Engineers Australia Stage 1 competencies and consider individual strengths and areas for personal improvement by reflecting on what they have discovered about themselves throughout their study experience.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 09/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "3296": {"id": "y00LSwuslabVEpTi0Yrj7", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "8fjA6vZKq8FvMY739k8cA", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92212, "section": "01NT", "size": 100, "enrolled": 5, "available": 95, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical"}]}]}]}, "3297": {"id": "FatVUAje_rsATjCERSXQi", "course_id": "110889", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110889", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Internship PG", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7110", "CLASS_NBR": 16240, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "039900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 296 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to postgraduate engineering students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Journals, table of Stage 1 competencies, host organisation feedback, reflective report", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to encourage Engineering students to reflect on their internship experience/s and demonstrate how exposure to a professional environment has helped to develop a range of professional competencies and employability skills. Students will align internship tasks and objectives to the Engineers Australia Stage 1 competencies and consider individual strengths and areas for personal improvement by reflecting on what they have discovered about themselves throughout their study experience.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3298": {"id": "FatVUAje_rsATjCERSXQi", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "D7en4cMLzCMRBeJZVrAQc", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16240, "section": "01NT", "size": 100, "enrolled": 71, "available": 29, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical"}]}]}]}, "3299": {"id": "QF-kHjSr54bu-ofr1yYHY", "course_id": "110889", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110889", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Internship PG", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7110", "CLASS_NBR": 26253, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "039900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 296 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to postgraduate engineering students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Journals, table of Stage 1 competencies, host organisation feedback, reflective report", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to encourage Engineering students to reflect on their internship experience/s and demonstrate how exposure to a professional environment has helped to develop a range of professional competencies and employability skills. Students will align internship tasks and objectives to the Engineers Australia Stage 1 competencies and consider individual strengths and areas for personal improvement by reflecting on what they have discovered about themselves throughout their study experience.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3300": {"id": "QF-kHjSr54bu-ofr1yYHY", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "nyDR6C8rAuc6M3RMYJ8RC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26253, "section": "01NT", "size": 100, "enrolled": 63, "available": 37, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical"}]}]}]}, "3301": {"subject": "ENGL", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "003808", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109211", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110852", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110987", "term": "4415", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111437", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110856", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110859", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111446", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108075", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109220", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109224", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109561", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107204", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107206", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108576", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108577", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}]}}, "3302": {"id": "UkAR1rdRGpjqkg3KXQJGY", "course_id": "003808", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "003808", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to English Literature", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENGL", "CATALOG_NBR": "1101", "CLASS_NBR": 12908, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091523", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Advanced reading and writing skills", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Participation, Quizzes, Close Reading, Research Essay, Take-home exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Romantic poet Percy Bysshe Shelley proclaimed poets \u2018the unacknowledged legislators of the world.\u2019 But can poetry, by which Shelley means literature more broadly, really change the world? In this introductory course, students will read some influential works in English literary history, and encounter debates about the function, power and reach of literary texts that will lead them to consider whether literature can truly effect change in the real world. Students will examine a variety of texts and genres, including novels, life writing, drama, and poetry, together with contemporary approaches to reading them. The course will develop the skills essential to English literary studies, including a discipline-specific vocabulary, and skills in literary and critical analysis, grammatically correct written expression, and research.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3303": {"id": "UkAR1rdRGpjqkg3KXQJGY", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "N5QgzqDrR1UVYOXl6tLwf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14016, "section": "LE01", "size": 250, "enrolled": 136, "available": 114, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "4oOQXnoWvwgIpTaQlBeKx", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12908, "section": "SE06", "size": 33, "enrolled": 26, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12910, "section": "SE04", "size": 35, "enrolled": 29, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12911, "section": "SE03", "size": 33, "enrolled": 15, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12912, "section": "SE02", "size": 35, "enrolled": 33, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12913, "section": "SE01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 33, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "3304": {"id": "-F_n9Glb9lsEp4pzWN5k1", "course_id": "109211", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109211", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Beginning Shakespeare", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENGL", "CATALOG_NBR": "1109", "CLASS_NBR": 21387, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091599", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENGL 1107, ENGL 2216", "ASSESSMENT": "Online quizzes 20%, Textual Analysis 30%, Research Essay 40%, Participation 10%.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will look closely at four Shakespeare plays, one each from the major genres of comedy, tragedy, tragi-comedy (romance), and history. Topics covered will include character, form, spectacle, theme, sources, the original conditions of production and performance, and the reproduction of Shakespeare's plays in a contemporary context. Students will be introduced to a range of critical approaches to Shakespeare's plays, and will be encouraged to reflect on questions of canonicity, cultural value and authority, and the politics of production and reproduction. The course is suitable for students with little or no prior knowledge of Shakespeare, those wishing to become more familiar with the playwright's work, and those aiming to teach Shakespeare.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3305": {"id": "-F_n9Glb9lsEp4pzWN5k1", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "2DpK0So3yYJ4Yii0l-zGm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28463, "section": "LEC0", "size": 116, "enrolled": 108, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "1rH6ydPhn8PLEwO1jmSuM", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21387, "section": "WR02", "size": 56, "enrolled": 53, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21388, "section": "WR01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 55, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 200, Writing Studio"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 200, Writing Studio"}]}]}]}]}, "3306": {"id": "dZ_O4m0VZiAlkU35bM5ZD", "course_id": "110852", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110852", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Writing and Composition", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENGL", "CATALOG_NBR": "1112", "CLASS_NBR": 22768, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091501", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online Quizzes, Writing Portfolio (1200 words), Short Essays (1200 words)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides comprehensive instruction in the fundamentals of academic writing, with particular attention to grammar and syntax, argumentative structure, scholarly norms and expectations, voice and diction, and the elements of style. Drawing on a wealth of literary illustrations, and developing a student-centered practical learning methodology, the course fits out a transferable writing tool-box for students expecting to write essays, prepare reports, sit examinations, and progressively build a persuasive critical 'persona' in their written compositions. It serves as a foundation in the art of written expression and argumentation and extensively develops high-level communication skills for all who expect to reflect, impress, and be persuasive in their future written work.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3307": {"id": "dZ_O4m0VZiAlkU35bM5ZD", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "eKp-TpVjJF9SoIx7ogsK0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23994, "section": "LE01", "size": 160, "enrolled": 148, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "wgPpD-zAF8w8HVCJucS_z", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22768, "section": "TU06", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22770, "section": "TU04", "size": 29, "enrolled": 27, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22771, "section": "TU03", "size": 32, "enrolled": 30, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 200, Writing Studio"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 200, Writing Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22772, "section": "TU02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22773, "section": "TU01", "size": 32, "enrolled": 31, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3308": {"id": "S6-GkT1tU7gg8GDSrsWr9", "course_id": "110987", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110987", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "The Art of Public Speaking: Presentation and Power", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENGL", "CATALOG_NBR": "1113", "CLASS_NBR": 95037, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091599", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "8 hours per week (4 weeks for a Winter School Intensive)", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Short Speech and Exegesis, Group Presentation, Major Speech and Exegesis, Participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Learning to speak effectively in public is possibly the most important skill set students can acquire. Mastering public speaking allows you to communicate effectively at work, in the university setting and in all areas of public life. Understanding public speaking and how persuasion works in speech, is vital to understanding and participating in democratic culture. This course introduces students to public speaking. Students will develop their skills in presentation and oral communication techniques in English. Students will learn to write and deliver powerful speeches in real world settings, develop knowledge of public speaking as an art form, and will practise using appropriate technologies to enhance their public presentations.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 24/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 28/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 11/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 17/07/2024"}}]}, "3309": {"id": "S6-GkT1tU7gg8GDSrsWr9", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "7HfSVbopWvydA_A8GXwmW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95037, "section": "WR01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 35, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jun - 16 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Jun - 10 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Jun - 27 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Jun - 27 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Jun - 5 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Jun - 5 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Jul - 4 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Jul - 4 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Jul - 11 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "11 Jul - 11 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Jul - 12 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Jul - 12 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 Jul - 17 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "17 Jul - 17 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Jul - 18 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "18 Jul - 18 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Jul - 19 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Jul - 19 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "3310": {"id": "1QgZ5ZQh57DOZCl0FQ__r", "course_id": "111437", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111437", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Australian Classics: Literature and Film", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENGL", "CATALOG_NBR": "2066", "CLASS_NBR": 10485, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091523", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENGL 3048", "ASSESSMENT": "Close Textual Analysis Exercise, In Class Presentation, Essay, In Class Test", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course explores a range of Australian literary, dramatic and filmic texts that have come to be regarded as 'classics'. It examines texts in their historical context, discovering the ways the texts may have appealed to original and later audiences, such as ourselves. The course also encourages questions about why these specific films and works of literature, drama and film, attained the status of Australian 'classics'. We will consider the texts as art and as representations of culture at the time of first publication, staging or release, as well as over the longer term.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3311": {"id": "1QgZ5ZQh57DOZCl0FQ__r", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "S4atHTcPiwp96Kds7T4zp", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10484, "section": "LE01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 39, "available": 61, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "9UTei3lb72EKYMdtSxzKD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10485, "section": "TU04", "size": 30, "enrolled": 17, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10488, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 22, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3312": {"id": "xOOJuEI1Psw4XEFp2EY1a", "course_id": "110856", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110856", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Queering Utopia", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENGL", "CATALOG_NBR": "2077", "CLASS_NBR": 20425, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091599", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "6 units of undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online quizzes, Close Reading, Presentation and Report, Research Essay", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course engages a broad definition of \u2018queer\u2019\u2014as adjective, noun, and verb\u2014to consider how representative writers, thinkers, and performers have worked to unsettle sex and gender binaries and challenge normative gendered constructions of the body, family, community, race, and nation. It encourages students to explore the usefulness of gender studies, feminism, queer and trans* theories as frames for reading, and to develop capacities for the analysis and interpretation of literary and other cultural production from the late nineteenth century to the present. Considering cultural objects in a range of media and genres (from printed texts to performance art, from poetry, fiction and life-writing to comix, drama and film) and representing a wide spectrum of LGBTQ*IA+ experiences and identifications, the course asks how such work has queered the past and explored alternative futures, laying claim to new possibilities for art, politics, and embodied subjectivity.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3313": {"id": "xOOJuEI1Psw4XEFp2EY1a", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "JdGc-JHxdtWhJlgmN9QnI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20424, "section": "LE01", "size": 130, "enrolled": 48, "available": 82, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "35fnMT7u_GYV382f5VbaJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20425, "section": "TU03", "size": 38, "enrolled": 32, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20426, "section": "TU02", "size": 38, "enrolled": 16, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3314": {"id": "iGX9YoDIS2ju3IHSdlBC1", "course_id": "110859", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110859", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Trans-Tasman Currents", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENGL", "CATALOG_NBR": "2078", "CLASS_NBR": 23756, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091523", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "12 units at Level I in Arts", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "High level capacity in reading and writing in English", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online quizzes, Seminar Essay, Research Essay", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will consider a range of texts from Australia, Aotearoa New Zealand and the Pacific from the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Texts will include poetry, short fiction, novels and films, which will be considered in terms of their historical and literary contexts, together with approaches to style, genre and technique. Literary analysis will take account of factors including nation, canon formation, critical race and whiteness, Indigeneity, colonisation, place, class, gender, and sexuality.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3315": {"id": "iGX9YoDIS2ju3IHSdlBC1", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "H0TERAE9yFPZwrQqfh3XS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23754, "section": "LE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 42, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "ogo9OrYwB3vHqH0hae2Wy", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23756, "section": "TU02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 20, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, 205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, 205, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23757, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 22, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "3316": {"id": "DNbHmVcNsp7nsxJVvO8zq", "course_id": "111446", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111446", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Victorian Afterlives: Adapting the Victorian Novel", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENGL", "CATALOG_NBR": "2080", "CLASS_NBR": 13695, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091523", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "6 units of Level I study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENGL 2051", "ASSESSMENT": "Seminar participation, Seminar presentation, Seminar paper, Research essay", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "Offered in even years only", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course will provide a grounding in the Victorian period, and an understanding of its politics of Empire, gender and sexuality, class and race, but it will also focus on theories of intertextuality and adaptation to explore the literary and cinematic afterlives of key nineteenth-century British novels by canonical authors such as Charlotte Bronte, Charles Dickens, Wilkie Collins and Joseph Conrad. We will track Victorian tropes such as the self-made man, the orphan child, sexual propriety, female vengeance and the asylum narrative in adaptations of some seminal Victorian texts and investigate why they continue to have such purchase on the popular imagination.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3317": {"id": "DNbHmVcNsp7nsxJVvO8zq", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "NythP0_BlJGZgjBsnnsgb", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13694, "section": "LE01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 69, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "Un4VPIL4ts0vDG0mOA4Zd", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13695, "section": "SE03", "size": 35, "enrolled": 33, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13697, "section": "SE01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 36, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3318": {"id": "2jTM7ffdfKoS_pN8Ue5us", "course_id": "108075", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108075", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Body Culture Text", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENGL", "CATALOG_NBR": "3044", "CLASS_NBR": 13691, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091523", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 6 units of Level II undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENGL 2061", "ASSESSMENT": "Seminar presentation 10%, Short analysis 15%, Essay 25%, Participation 10%, Take-home exam 40%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "Course offered in even years", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The broad aim of this course is to look at texts and topics that raise issues of embodiment and identity using contemporary theories and methodologies from literary and cultural studies. The course is organised around literary texts and cultural topics and the primary focus is on examining these texts and topics. However, students are expected to read widely in literary and cultural studies and to situate their analyses of texts and topics by engaging with theories, methodologies and debates that are introduced in the course. These theories, methodologies and debates will be concerned with identities and how they are constructed in relation to some or all of the following as they relate to the body: race (including whiteness); indigeneities; gender; sexualities (both heterosexualities and non-heterosexualities) and body modifications.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3319": {"id": "2jTM7ffdfKoS_pN8Ue5us", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "KSwjeH82ineV1x3Ysirg9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13689, "section": "LE01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 75, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "Ptg16eUeVjN9tgSYTicih", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13691, "section": "TU02", "size": 42, "enrolled": 41, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13692, "section": "TU01", "size": 38, "enrolled": 34, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3320": {"id": "fKWC6rlTFFVkY__omobya", "course_id": "109220", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109220", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Ways of Reading", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENGL", "CATALOG_NBR": "3050", "CLASS_NBR": 23429, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091523", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to students undertaking an English Major only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 15 units of English Major courses", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research essay (including annotated bibliography), Portfolio (short written exercises, discussion boards, quizzes and group project)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is the capstone for the English major. It is designed to consolidate, deepen and extend students\u2019 knowledge and skills in literary studies. Students will have the opportunity to engage with literary works from a range of periods, places and genres, and will learn about and experiment with some of the core \u2018ways of reading\u2019 that have shaped the discipline over the past century while being introduced to emergent and cutting-edge theories and practices in literary studies. In the process, students will become conversant with the history of the discipline and the major theories that inform the study of literature. They will also develop skills in various methods of formalist and contextual analysis while enhancing their understanding of how literature works and of how to respond to it in resonantly meaningful ways. Students will have the opportunity to develop a major selfinitiated research project within the course, as well to collaborate in groups to prepare a portfolio through which transferrable professional skills will be honed.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3321": {"id": "fKWC6rlTFFVkY__omobya", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "-0jfGuH0BiDBURmRO9kO5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23431, "section": "LE01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 54, "available": 26, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "EulzZqAQuiUmVpeETS-9B", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23429, "section": "SE02", "size": 40, "enrolled": 32, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23430, "section": "SE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 22, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 29 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3322": {"id": "apg7OAblJ5-mOKwPhU6CN", "course_id": "109224", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109224", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Modernisms", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENGL", "CATALOG_NBR": "3051", "CLASS_NBR": 23751, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091523", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 6 units of study at Level I undergraduate study. To undertake this course as part of a major in English, students need a minimum of 3 units in English at Level II or at Level II in Creative Writing cross-listed with the major in English.", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ENGL 1101", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENGL 2052", "ASSESSMENT": "On-line quiz 10%, Seminar presentation 10%, Seminar essay (1500 words) 30%, Major essay (3000 words) 50%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Modernism is best understood as a cultural and artistic response to the changing conditions of modernity in the early twentieth century, a period marked by World War One, increasing urbanisation and industrialisation, struggles for labour rights and women's rights, decolonisation, and the emergence of mass culture and advanced technologies. This course examines the emergence of literary Modernism, predominantly in Europe and North America, but it will also touch on Modernist texts from New Zealand and Australia. One of the key themes of the course is that different strands of Modernism arose at different times across different locations, hence the title Modernisms. Text to be studied include short stories by Katherine Mansfield, a novella by Franz Kafka, the ballet The Rite of Spring, novels by James Joyce, Virginia Woolf and William Faulkner, and poetry by T.S. Eliot, Mina Loy and 'Ern Malley'. We will study how these texts interpret and express the sometimes confusing experience of modernity, showing a range of ideas concerning politics and aesthetics, tradition and the avant-garde, gender, identity and nation. We will explore the impact of new ideas about time, the mind and language on literature, as well as charting ways in which Modernist writers reacted to, reflected on, or tried to give shape to the social and political tumult of their times.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3323": {"id": "apg7OAblJ5-mOKwPhU6CN", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "B4B_hOIHutUsvqq7DRbBV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23749, "section": "LE01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 77, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "P1b1I4IWAKdtgtHwIF3_9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23751, "section": "SE03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 26, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23752, "section": "SE02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23753, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 23, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3324": {"id": "o3Y_Ux6lh5LUQ_os-S1FL", "course_id": "109561", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109561", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Writing Southern Worlds", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENGL", "CATALOG_NBR": "3106", "CLASS_NBR": 13787, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091523", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 12 units of undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ENGL 1101 and/or ENGL 1106", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENGL 2047", "ASSESSMENT": "Research Essay 40%, 8 x Short Exercises 60%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will introduce students to and deepen their understandings of literatures of the south and world literary debates. Students will encounter a range of representational forms - including fiction, poetry and film - from various locations in the geographic, global and/or post-colonial south, and including works from Africa, Australasia, the Caribbean, South America, South Asia, and islands of the Indian and Pacific oceans. They will also engage with key questions arising from various theories of the south and different ideas of southness (including the geographical south or southern hemisphere, the Global South, and the postcolonial south) along with related debates on world literature (including positions that foreground global circulation, metropolitan acclaim, and the world-making potential of literature). Through careful attention to the specificities of particular texts and locales, we will be asking and responding to questions such as: What is a world? How does literature represent or make worlds? What defines the south? Can we speak of a southern aesthetic? What prospects on the world are presented by literatures of the south?", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3325": {"id": "o3Y_Ux6lh5LUQ_os-S1FL", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "RchWR4SLatdct4jM3eiNO", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13693, "section": "LE01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 67, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "YueiqMHXxF0UbOh_6ycQ6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13787, "section": "TU03", "size": 40, "enrolled": 36, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13789, "section": "TU01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 31, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3326": {"id": "-jM-FUHS42SfHFTC2iOZX", "course_id": "107204", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107204", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours English Critical Thinking", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENGL", "CATALOG_NBR": "4001", "CLASS_NBR": 14586, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091500", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Completed degree (72 units) including 24 units of English OR a Minor sequence of 18 units in English for students with a Creative Writing Major of 24 units", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "500 word participation exercise (10%), 2500 word essay (30%), 4000 word essay (60%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an opportunity to undertake advanced level study in literary theory and critical approaches in the discipline of English. The aim of the Honours Critical Thinking course is to develop students' understanding of the nature of criticism and the often unspoken assumptions that underlie various modes of critical analysis. Students will have the opportunity to develop high-order analytic and writing skills appropriate to the discipline of English. Topics to be covered will address core methodologies in literary study and key scholarly approaches to reading and writing about literature.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3327": {"id": "-jM-FUHS42SfHFTC2iOZX", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "5vWyP4SSrmpJ9U-G_dQLZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14586, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 5, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3328": {"id": "YsdK5URO3cTSacdfvJGkt", "course_id": "107206", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107206", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours English Thesis", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENGL", "CATALOG_NBR": "4003", "CLASS_NBR": 24532, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091500", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Completed degree (72 units) including 24 units of English OR a Minor sequence of 18 units in English for students with a Creative Writing Major of 24 units", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "15,000 word thesis (100%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Honours English Thesis provides an opportunity to undertake advanced level literary research in the discipline of English. The aim of the course is to enable students to explore a specialised literary topic of their own choice and to develop high-order research and writing skills appropriate to its study. Topics to be covered in the two hour thesis writing workshop each week may include advanced library research methods; the conventions of the research proposal, literature review, thesis argumentation and abstract in the discipline of English; key scholarly approaches to literary research and the assumptions that inform them. Students will also confer with their individual supervisors each week across the semester.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3329": {"id": "YsdK5URO3cTSacdfvJGkt", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "ORJtEwnrP8vobFPBlzWAp", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24532, "section": "TU01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 5, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG11, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG11, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3330": {"id": "xU03xM7mI56nLwXatxgGl", "course_id": "108576", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108576", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours English Research Essay", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENGL", "CATALOG_NBR": "4100", "CLASS_NBR": 14962, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091500", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Completed degree (72 units) including 24 units of English OR a minor sequence of 18 units in English for students with a Creative Writing major of 24 units", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Completed degree (72 units) including 24 units of English OR a minor sequence of 18 units in English for students with a Creative Writing major of 24 units", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENGL 4002", "ASSESSMENT": "Class participation assessment, Close reading assignment (1,500 words), Research proposal, Research essay (5,000 words)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an opportunity to undertake advanced-level research in the discipline of English. The aim of the course is to allow students to develop theoretical and methodological skills during an exploration of a specialised theme and to develop high-order research and writing skills appropriate to its study. Topics covered may include advanced research methods, key scholarly approaches to the students' area of literary research and the assumptions that inform them, current approaches to the scholarly essay form.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3331": {"id": "xU03xM7mI56nLwXatxgGl", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "eKd4u9bRtY1AS4kGG_NhC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14962, "section": "SE01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 4, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG19, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG19, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3332": {"id": "xWypdrhcOOwnAgkvnEZU4", "course_id": "108577", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108577", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours English Thesis B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENGL", "CATALOG_NBR": "4101B", "CLASS_NBR": 16047, "SESSION_CD": "FM2", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091501", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Completed degree (72 units) including 24 units of English OR a minor sequence of 18 units in English for students with a Creative Writing major of 24 units", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Completed degree (72 units) including 24 units of English OR a minor sequence of 18 units in English for students with a Creative Writing major of 24 units", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENGL 4003, ENGL 4004B", "ASSESSMENT": "15,000 word thesis (100%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Honours English Thesis provides an opportunity to undertake advanced level literary research in the discipline of English. The aim of the course is to enable students to explore a specialised literary topic of their own choice and to develop high-order research and writing skills appropriate to its study. Topics to be covered in the two hour thesis writing workshop each week may include advanced library research methods; the conventions of the research proposal, literature review, thesis argumentation and abstract in the discipline of English; key scholarly approaches to literary research and the assumptions that inform them. Students will also confer with their individual supervisors each week across the semester.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3333": {"id": "xWypdrhcOOwnAgkvnEZU4", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "oo8yZqq5Np78YbqQ5VVGp", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16047, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "3334": {"subject": "ENTREP", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "110549", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110549", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110549", "term": "4420", "offer": 4}, {"course_id": "111192", "term": "4433", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111192", "term": "4436", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111192", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110549", "term": "4410", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "110549", "term": "4420", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "110549", "term": "4448", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "110549", "term": "4410", "offer": 3}, {"course_id": "110549", "term": "4420", "offer": 3}, {"course_id": "110550", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110550", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110550", "term": "4410", "offer": 4}, {"course_id": "111178", "term": "4433", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111178", "term": "4436", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111178", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110550", "term": "4410", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "110550", "term": "4420", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "110550", "term": "4448", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "110550", "term": "4410", "offer": 3}, {"course_id": "109593", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109593", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109593", "term": "4410", "offer": 4}, {"course_id": "111188", "term": "4433", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111188", "term": "4436", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111188", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109593", "term": "4410", "offer": 3}, {"course_id": "109593", "term": "4420", "offer": 3}, {"course_id": "109593", "term": "4448", "offer": 3}, {"course_id": "109593", "term": "4410", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "109588", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109282", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109282", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109587", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108529", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108529", "term": "4415", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108529", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108534", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108534", "term": "4415", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108557", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108557", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109590", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109584", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109583", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109582", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109581", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111285", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108707", "term": "4415", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108572", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111189", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108573", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109649", "term": "4433", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109649", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109962", "term": "4433", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109962", "term": "4410", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "109962", "term": "4420", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "109650", "term": "4433", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109650", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109963", "term": "4433", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111273", "term": "4433", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111272", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111271", "term": "4433", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111284", "term": "4436", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108567", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108558", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108558", "term": "4415", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108558", "term": "4436", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111286", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108564", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108564", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108563", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108563", "term": "4415", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108708", "term": "4415", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108724", "term": "4433", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108724", "term": "4436", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108725", "term": "4433", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108725", "term": "4436", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108725", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108574", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108574", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108575", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108575", "term": "4433", "offer": 1}]}}, "3335": {"id": "mPSBlxjz8yDmIn0xdEV_n", "course_id": "110549", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110549", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Business Lifecycles", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENTREP", "CATALOG_NBR": "1000", "CLASS_NBR": 14198, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMMGMT 3005, ENTREP 1000AUACM, ENTREP 1000BUACM, ENTREP 1000OUA", "ASSESSMENT": "Simulation, tests, multiple choice quizzes and reflective journal", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course uses a lifecycle perspective of the firm to develop students' understanding of the interrelated nature of the different business disciplines required to establish and grow a business successfully. With the use of an online business simulation game, student groups compete with each other in growing a business in a virtual world while learning about the role of entrepreneurship, strategy, marketing, finance, business structures, management, accounting, taxation, and exit and succession planning. The course will appeal to those who are interested in starting up and/or owning a business, managing a business, as well as those intending in becoming business advisors, leaders or policymakers.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3336": {"id": "mPSBlxjz8yDmIn0xdEV_n", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "ehEqiO-t-blcMwAs8VLPA", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14198, "section": "WR16", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, 144, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, 144, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14199, "section": "WR15", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14200, "section": "WR14", "size": 25, "enrolled": 22, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Napier, 205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Napier, 205, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14201, "section": "WR13", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, 144, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, 144, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14202, "section": "WR12", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14203, "section": "WR11", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14204, "section": "WR10", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14205, "section": "WR09", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14206, "section": "WR08", "size": 25, "enrolled": 22, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14207, "section": "WR07", "size": 25, "enrolled": 22, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14208, "section": "WR06", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14209, "section": "WR05", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14210, "section": "WR04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14211, "section": "WR03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14212, "section": "WR02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14213, "section": "WR01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "5M_hOjFMf_eIT5WjxamEP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12181, "section": "LE01", "size": 400, "enrolled": 377, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "3337": {"id": "8LolhrTSILZuVvZC6vkWh", "course_id": "110549", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110549", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Business Lifecycles", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENTREP", "CATALOG_NBR": "1000", "CLASS_NBR": 24181, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMMGMT 3005, ENTREP 1000AUACM, ENTREP 1000BUACM, ENTREP 1000OUA", "ASSESSMENT": "Simulation, tests, multiple choice quizzes and reflective journal", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course uses a lifecycle perspective of the firm to develop students' understanding of the interrelated nature of the different business disciplines required to establish and grow a business successfully. With the use of an online business simulation game, student groups compete with each other in growing a business in a virtual world while learning about the role of entrepreneurship, strategy, marketing, finance, business structures, management, accounting, taxation, and exit and succession planning. The course will appeal to those who are interested in starting up and/or owning a business, managing a business, as well as those intending in becoming business advisors, leaders or policymakers.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3338": {"id": "8LolhrTSILZuVvZC6vkWh", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "71efB-hLJjf9YLa-m63xu", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24181, "section": "WR15", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24182, "section": "WR14", "size": 25, "enrolled": 22, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24183, "section": "WR13", "size": 25, "enrolled": 22, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24184, "section": "WR12", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24186, "section": "WR10", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24187, "section": "WR09", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Napier, 144, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Napier, 144, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24188, "section": "WR08", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24189, "section": "WR07", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24191, "section": "WR05", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24192, "section": "WR04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24193, "section": "WR03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 22, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, 144, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, 144, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "t6wLFa5wa4Xs9LbmWZkXI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22100, "section": "LE01", "size": 350, "enrolled": 257, "available": 93, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "3339": {"id": "Zzl_xfPPx4g0_c-qGrQvj", "course_id": "110549", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110549", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 4, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Business Lifecycles", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENTREP", "CATALOG_NBR": "1000MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 29502, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMMGMT 3005, ENTREP 1000AUACM, ENTREP 1000BUACM, ENTREP 1000OUA", "ASSESSMENT": "Simulation, tests, multiple choice quizzes and reflective journal", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course uses a lifecycle perspective of the firm to develop students' understanding of the interrelated nature of the different business disciplines required to establish and grow a business successfully. With the use of an online business simulation game, student groups compete with each other in growing a business in a virtual world while learning about the role of entrepreneurship, strategy, marketing, finance, business structures, management, accounting, taxation, and exit and succession planning. The course will appeal to those who are interested in starting up and/or owning a business, managing a business, as well as those intending in becoming business advisors, leaders or policymakers.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3340": {"id": "Zzl_xfPPx4g0_c-qGrQvj", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "g7sv2w4WVKgLCu-Dw19WB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29502, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 0, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "xaXGVXUtB252iVCOzidFf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29522, "section": "LEC0", "size": 24, "enrolled": 0, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "3341": {"id": "LgZgmekCjLEbuoqXLP3Ge", "course_id": "111192", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111192", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Business Lifecycles", "CAMPUS": "Open Universities Australia", "CAMPUS_CD": "OUA", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENTREP", "CATALOG_NBR": "1000OUA", "CLASS_NBR": 30149, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide Open Universities Australia students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMMGMT 3005, ENTREP 1000AUACM, ENTREP 1000BUACM, ENTREP 1000", "ASSESSMENT": "Simulations, tests, multiple choice quizzes and reflective journal", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course uses a lifecycle perspective of the firm to develop students\u2019 understanding of the interrelated nature of the different business disciplines required to establish and grow a business successfully. With the use of an online business simulation game, student groups compete with each other in growing a business in a virtual world while learning about the role of entrepreneurship, strategy, marketing, finance, business structures, management, accounting, taxation, and exit and succession planning. The course will appeal to those who are interested in starting up their own business, as well as those intending in becoming business advisors, leaders or policymakers.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "3342": {"id": "LgZgmekCjLEbuoqXLP3Ge", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "iUs-wuL5-X-BN7OS6OGvK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30149, "section": "01OU", "size": 100, "enrolled": 12, "available": 88, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "3343": {"id": "BbkZ1qqXhoyNVHWw840mF", "course_id": "111192", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111192", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Business Lifecycles", "CAMPUS": "Open Universities Australia", "CAMPUS_CD": "OUA", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENTREP", "CATALOG_NBR": "1000OUA", "CLASS_NBR": 33127, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide Open Universities Australia students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMMGMT 3005, ENTREP 1000AUACM, ENTREP 1000BUACM, ENTREP 1000", "ASSESSMENT": "Simulations, tests, multiple choice quizzes and reflective journal", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course uses a lifecycle perspective of the firm to develop students\u2019 understanding of the interrelated nature of the different business disciplines required to establish and grow a business successfully. With the use of an online business simulation game, student groups compete with each other in growing a business in a virtual world while learning about the role of entrepreneurship, strategy, marketing, finance, business structures, management, accounting, taxation, and exit and succession planning. The course will appeal to those who are interested in starting up their own business, as well as those intending in becoming business advisors, leaders or policymakers.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "3344": {"id": "BbkZ1qqXhoyNVHWw840mF", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "UIni_tk5AleS8Zjpt0NkW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33127, "section": "01OU", "size": 100, "enrolled": 17, "available": 83, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "3345": {"id": "_2EsVp5L3OPT3Zh4uA1-0", "course_id": "111192", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111192", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Business Lifecycles", "CAMPUS": "Open Universities Australia", "CAMPUS_CD": "OUA", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENTREP", "CATALOG_NBR": "1000OUA", "CLASS_NBR": 36141, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide Open Universities Australia students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMMGMT 3005, ENTREP 1000AUACM, ENTREP 1000BUACM, ENTREP 1000", "ASSESSMENT": "Simulations, tests, multiple choice quizzes and reflective journal", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course uses a lifecycle perspective of the firm to develop students\u2019 understanding of the interrelated nature of the different business disciplines required to establish and grow a business successfully. With the use of an online business simulation game, student groups compete with each other in growing a business in a virtual world while learning about the role of entrepreneurship, strategy, marketing, finance, business structures, management, accounting, taxation, and exit and succession planning. The course will appeal to those who are interested in starting up their own business, as well as those intending in becoming business advisors, leaders or policymakers.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "3346": {"id": "_2EsVp5L3OPT3Zh4uA1-0", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "5ZRa2HL9jKcNfmQ_dxA8u", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36141, "section": "01OU", "size": 100, "enrolled": 12, "available": 88, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "3347": {"id": "uJBKa-HWIfQubIUMW4k-X", "course_id": "110549", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110549", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Business Lifecycles", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENTREP", "CATALOG_NBR": "1000UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 19678, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMMGMT 3005, ENTREP 1000AUACM, ENTREP 1000BUACM, ENTREP 1000OUA", "ASSESSMENT": "Simulation, tests, multiple choice quizzes and reflective journal", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course uses a lifecycle perspective of the firm to develop students' understanding of the interrelated nature of the different business disciplines required to establish and grow a business successfully. With the use of an online business simulation game, student groups compete with each other in growing a business in a virtual world while learning about the role of entrepreneurship, strategy, marketing, finance, business structures, management, accounting, taxation, and exit and succession planning. The course will appeal to those who are interested in starting up and/or owning a business, managing a business, as well as those intending in becoming business advisors, leaders or policymakers.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3348": {"id": "uJBKa-HWIfQubIUMW4k-X", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "J8ppvhgCebHo_JUr1lTXq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14018, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 20, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Badger, 125, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Darling West, 203, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Badger, 125, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Darling West, 203, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19678, "section": "TT02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 14, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hartley, G06, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hartley, G06, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hartley, G06, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hartley, G06, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "yvYRHmRdrx7IGVdv5zVhb", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16543, "section": "LEC0", "size": 48, "enrolled": 34, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "3349": {"id": "p5mK2dWRRMHuSElIQq81w", "course_id": "110549", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110549", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Business Lifecycles", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENTREP", "CATALOG_NBR": "1000UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 22302, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMMGMT 3005, ENTREP 1000AUACM, ENTREP 1000BUACM, ENTREP 1000OUA", "ASSESSMENT": "Simulation, tests, multiple choice quizzes and reflective journal", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course uses a lifecycle perspective of the firm to develop students' understanding of the interrelated nature of the different business disciplines required to establish and grow a business successfully. With the use of an online business simulation game, student groups compete with each other in growing a business in a virtual world while learning about the role of entrepreneurship, strategy, marketing, finance, business structures, management, accounting, taxation, and exit and succession planning. The course will appeal to those who are interested in starting up and/or owning a business, managing a business, as well as those intending in becoming business advisors, leaders or policymakers.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3350": {"id": "p5mK2dWRRMHuSElIQq81w", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "IYtXTmj6mvMTbCwOPA1rn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22301, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 21, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Darling West, B03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Badger, 125, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Darling West, B03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Badger, 125, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22302, "section": "TT02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 12, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, 204, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hartley, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, 204, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hartley, G05, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "7kKi-ytrnn2JGOhGTRDfh", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28875, "section": "LEC0", "size": 48, "enrolled": 33, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "3351": {"id": "2M3uHc3YdCbQyVQUn8I8Q", "course_id": "110549", "term": "4448", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110549", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4448", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "Business Lifecycles", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENTREP", "CATALOG_NBR": "1000UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 46047, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMMGMT 3005, ENTREP 1000AUACM, ENTREP 1000BUACM, ENTREP 1000OUA", "ASSESSMENT": "Simulation, tests, multiple choice quizzes and reflective journal", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course uses a lifecycle perspective of the firm to develop students' understanding of the interrelated nature of the different business disciplines required to establish and grow a business successfully. With the use of an online business simulation game, student groups compete with each other in growing a business in a virtual world while learning about the role of entrepreneurship, strategy, marketing, finance, business structures, management, accounting, taxation, and exit and succession planning. The course will appeal to those who are interested in starting up and/or owning a business, managing a business, as well as those intending in becoming business advisors, leaders or policymakers.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 14/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 14/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 19/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 11/12/2024"}}]}, "3352": {"id": "2M3uHc3YdCbQyVQUn8I8Q", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "VV7_bnK1QSx7cEjqvizxR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46047, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 14, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Oct - 9 Dec", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Badger, 125, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 10 Dec", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 105, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "YfSbxJkzy94ZX2M_Ma4TF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46108, "section": "LEC0", "size": 24, "enrolled": 14, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "3353": {"id": "T7Yywf1rALR3UJQwYV1ju", "course_id": "110549", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110549", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Business Lifecycles", "CAMPUS": "UofA College Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "UACM", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENTREP", "CATALOG_NBR": "1000UACM", "CLASS_NBR": 19671, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMMGMT 3005, ENTREP 1000AUACM, ENTREP 1000BUACM, ENTREP 1000OUA", "ASSESSMENT": "Simulation, tests, multiple choice quizzes and reflective journal", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course uses a lifecycle perspective of the firm to develop students' understanding of the interrelated nature of the different business disciplines required to establish and grow a business successfully. With the use of an online business simulation game, student groups compete with each other in growing a business in a virtual world while learning about the role of entrepreneurship, strategy, marketing, finance, business structures, management, accounting, taxation, and exit and succession planning. The course will appeal to those who are interested in starting up and/or owning a business, managing a business, as well as those intending in becoming business advisors, leaders or policymakers.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3354": {"id": "T7Yywf1rALR3UJQwYV1ju", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "EIT4Tr0nVDH-qFKPMga45", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19671, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 8, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Mar - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "TSocmTQtaMeEwEg_4nXvS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19672, "section": "LEC0", "size": 24, "enrolled": 8, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "3355": {"id": "9cNSQzaNiKoI8THo878Rg", "course_id": "110549", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110549", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Business Lifecycles", "CAMPUS": "UofA College Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "UACM", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENTREP", "CATALOG_NBR": "1000UACM", "CLASS_NBR": 29503, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMMGMT 3005, ENTREP 1000AUACM, ENTREP 1000BUACM, ENTREP 1000OUA", "ASSESSMENT": "Simulation, tests, multiple choice quizzes and reflective journal", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course uses a lifecycle perspective of the firm to develop students' understanding of the interrelated nature of the different business disciplines required to establish and grow a business successfully. With the use of an online business simulation game, student groups compete with each other in growing a business in a virtual world while learning about the role of entrepreneurship, strategy, marketing, finance, business structures, management, accounting, taxation, and exit and succession planning. The course will appeal to those who are interested in starting up and/or owning a business, managing a business, as well as those intending in becoming business advisors, leaders or policymakers.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3356": {"id": "9cNSQzaNiKoI8THo878Rg", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "pe2ydXGBLq9GAg7fJYMBv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29503, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 1, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "oFu3dlCjRISJm7MHmAXvk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29523, "section": "LEC0", "size": 24, "enrolled": 1, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "3357": {"id": "p4qOtJcZF4B2eylNuIJc7", "course_id": "110550", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110550", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Personal Professional Development", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENTREP", "CATALOG_NBR": "1002", "CLASS_NBR": 14214, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PROF 1000, ENTREP 1002AUACM, ENTREP 1002BUACM, ENTREP 1002OUA", "ASSESSMENT": "Simulations, tests, multiple choice quizzes and reflective journal", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to provide students with the skills necessary to begin their development as a business professional. As students develop their skills and knowledge in their chosen profession it is important that they also develop a broader set of skills and identity as a professional.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3358": {"id": "p4qOtJcZF4B2eylNuIJc7", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "6KSiqjGcV4Br61ocIr6uw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14214, "section": "WR18", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14215, "section": "WR17", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 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As students develop their skills and knowledge in their chosen profession it is important that they also develop a broader set of skills and identity as a professional.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3360": {"id": "Ne96iWIBUga5HfeGaeca2", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "wJxVDvj8FsJdgh9kPqxQv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24197, "section": "WR13", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24198, "section": "WR12", "size": 25, "enrolled": 21, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 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As students develop their skills and knowledge in their chosen profession it is important that they also develop a broader set of skills and identity as a professional.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3362": {"id": "6xNW1rT-toO-au2nHwcn-", "class_list": [{"association_group": "", "groups": []}]}, "3363": {"id": "yasQCVZLRyxyVHrRfqrQL", "course_id": "111178", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111178", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Personal Professional Development", "CAMPUS": "Open Universities Australia", "CAMPUS_CD": "OUA", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENTREP", "CATALOG_NBR": "1002OUA", "CLASS_NBR": 30143, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide Open Universities Australia students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PROF 1000, ENTREP 1002AUACM, ENTREP 1002BUACM, ENTREP 1002", "ASSESSMENT": "Simulations, tests, multiple choice quizzes and reflective journal", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to provide students with the skills necessary to begin their development as a business professional. 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As students develop their skills and knowledge in their chosen profession it is important that they also develop a broader set of skills and identity as a professional.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3372": {"id": "ur0oEn93aw-S2Oul89q6P", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "itodU2mf_J4CHKA6WgOD4", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22310, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 17, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 316, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22311, "section": "TT02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 16, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, 104, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 101, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, 104, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 101, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22312, "section": "TT03", "size": 24, "enrolled": 18, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 106, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 310, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 106, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 310, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29552, "section": "TT04", "size": 24, "enrolled": 14, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 316, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "MZbR7LOrgoZc1M8i1Wfkm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28876, "section": "LEC0", "size": 96, "enrolled": 65, "available": 31, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "3373": {"id": "U1Zq_ziZ6UHGmo-OTXgi4", "course_id": "110550", "term": "4448", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110550", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4448", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "Personal Professional Development", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENTREP", "CATALOG_NBR": "1002UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 46052, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PROF 1000, ENTREP 1002AUACM, ENTREP 1002BUACM, ENTREP 1002OUA", "ASSESSMENT": "Simulations, tests, multiple choice quizzes and reflective journal", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to provide students with the skills necessary to begin their development as a business professional. As students develop their skills and knowledge in their chosen profession it is important that they also develop a broader set of skills and identity as a professional.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 14/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 14/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 19/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 11/12/2024"}}]}, "3374": {"id": "U1Zq_ziZ6UHGmo-OTXgi4", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "d1ZH9m5FEAU00LBLgRz-w", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46051, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 7, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Oct - 11 Dec", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 11 Dec", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, B03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 12 Dec", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, 104, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 46052, "section": "TT02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 17, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Oct - 10 Dec", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Badger, 125, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 10 Dec", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Badger, 125, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 13 Dec", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Darling West, 203, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "jyoq75Jp7rtmMeEiA-9ao", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46109, "section": "LEC0", "size": 48, "enrolled": 24, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "3375": {"id": "lCzYiZ4MCp3cUnoXLFUNi", "course_id": "110550", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110550", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Personal Professional Development", "CAMPUS": "UofA College Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "UACM", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENTREP", "CATALOG_NBR": "1002UACM", "CLASS_NBR": 19663, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PROF 1000, ENTREP 1002AUACM, ENTREP 1002BUACM, ENTREP 1002OUA", "ASSESSMENT": "Simulations, tests, multiple choice quizzes and reflective journal", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to provide students with the skills necessary to begin their development as a business professional. As students develop their skills and knowledge in their chosen profession it is important that they also develop a broader set of skills and identity as a professional.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3376": {"id": "lCzYiZ4MCp3cUnoXLFUNi", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "bq5x9OqLOncOn4MM9oSkZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19362, "section": "TT01", "size": 27, "enrolled": 18, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19663, "section": "TT02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 16, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "AW-z2FySXIIR9aDoXYp2s", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19566, "section": "LEC0", "size": 50, "enrolled": 34, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "3377": {"id": "5FvX81hcNtx8DSxoBHclk", "course_id": "109593", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109593", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Entrepreneurial Foundations and Mindset", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENTREP", "CATALOG_NBR": "1011", "CLASS_NBR": 14232, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENTREP 1001, ENTREP 2001, TECHCOMM 2001, ENTREP 1011AUACM, ENTREP 1011BUACM, ENTREP 1011OUA", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual and group assignments, presentation, participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course focuses on the development of new skills and the cultivation of an entrepreneurial mindset. Skills learnt in this course prepare students for creating their own entrepreneurial career path, becoming a valued corporate team member (intrapreneur), or using their own enterprising skills within government or the not-for-profit sector. Students will understand the theoretical concepts behind the nature and importance of entrepreneurship, use a number of tools/frameworks/models to identify and assess opportunities, and engage in experiential learning activities to develop their entrepreneurial mindset.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3378": {"id": "5FvX81hcNtx8DSxoBHclk", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "XDIWZYHYeHQAOeBVDndE-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12182, "section": "LE01", "size": 350, "enrolled": 314, "available": 36, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "fE_Stty7EFmHkqddplsGa", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14232, "section": "TU16", "size": 25, "enrolled": 21, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Napier, 144, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Napier, 144, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14233, "section": "TU15", "size": 25, "enrolled": 22, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, 205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, 205, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14234, "section": "TU14", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, 144, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, 144, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14235, "section": "TU13", "size": 25, "enrolled": 7, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14236, "section": "TU12", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 22 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14238, "section": "TU10", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14239, "section": "TU09", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14240, "section": "TU08", "size": 25, "enrolled": 22, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14241, "section": "TU07", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Mar - 13 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14242, "section": "TU06", "size": 25, "enrolled": 22, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14243, "section": "TU05", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14245, "section": "TU03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 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25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, 144, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G13, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, 144, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3379": {"id": "uzEegmyKHnmoTUAsMLM3H", "course_id": "109593", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109593", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Entrepreneurial Foundations and Mindset", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENTREP", "CATALOG_NBR": "1011", "CLASS_NBR": 24210, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENTREP 1001, ENTREP 2001, TECHCOMM 2001, ENTREP 1011AUACM, ENTREP 1011BUACM, ENTREP 1011OUA", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual and group assignments, presentation, participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course focuses on the development of new skills and the cultivation of an entrepreneurial mindset. Skills learnt in this course prepare students for creating their own entrepreneurial career path, becoming a valued corporate team member (intrapreneur), or using their own enterprising skills within government or the not-for-profit sector. Students will understand the theoretical concepts behind the nature and importance of entrepreneurship, use a number of tools/frameworks/models to identify and assess opportunities, and engage in experiential learning activities to develop their entrepreneurial mindset.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3380": {"id": "uzEegmyKHnmoTUAsMLM3H", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "9-PkHDsRwd5pvzAlic6rO", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23169, "section": "LE01", "size": 375, "enrolled": 359, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "Iwia5A-nKYQwZovNvIVEH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24210, "section": "TU15", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, 205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, 205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 28 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, 205, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24211, "section": "TU14", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 1 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24212, "section": "TU13", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 1 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24213, "section": "TU12", "size": 25, "enrolled": 26, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 29 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24214, "section": "TU11", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 28 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24215, "section": "TU10", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24216, "section": "TU09", "size": 25, "enrolled": 22, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, 205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, 205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 28 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, 205, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24217, "section": "TU08", "size": 25, "enrolled": 26, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24218, "section": "TU07", "size": 25, "enrolled": 26, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 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Skills learnt in this course prepare students for creating their own entrepreneurial career path, becoming a valued corporate team member (intrapreneur), or using their own enterprising skills within government or the not-for-profit sector. Students will understand the theoretical concepts behind the nature and importance of entrepreneurship, use a number of tools/frameworks/models to identify and assess opportunities, and engage in experiential learning activities to develop their entrepreneurial mindset.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3382": {"id": "IkN3Q23LAjjBy_QNSKBZG", "class_list": [{"association_group": "", "groups": []}]}, "3383": {"id": "_MhigI-NmW6ojrgwiSRUY", "course_id": "111188", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111188", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Entrepreneurship Foundations and Mindset", "CAMPUS": "Open Universities Australia", "CAMPUS_CD": "OUA", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENTREP", "CATALOG_NBR": "1011OUA", "CLASS_NBR": 30147, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide Open Universities Australia students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENTREP 1001, ENTREP 2001, TECHCOMM 2001, ENTREP 1011AUACM, ENTREP 1011BUACM, ENTREP 1011", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual and group assignments, presentation, participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Want to learn new skills to cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset? How about transforming your approach to problem solving or opportunity recognition? Skills learnt in this course prepare you for creating your own entrepreneurial career path, being a valued corporate team member (intrapreneur), or to use your enterprising skills for working within government or the not-for-profit sector. You will understand the theoretical concepts behind the nature and importance of entrepreneurship, use a number of tools/frameworks/models to identify and assess opportunities, be creative in resourcing and marketing of a start-up, and learn how critical customers, risk and ethics are in developing a potential new venture.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "3384": {"id": "_MhigI-NmW6ojrgwiSRUY", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "x10IwOs4fNv1cuicRTClK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30147, "section": "01OU", "size": 100, "enrolled": 10, "available": 90, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jan - 26 Apr", "days": "", "start_time": "", "end_time": "", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "3385": {"id": "YHmI5xEqLJZhT9Zxs-Vk6", "course_id": "111188", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111188", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Entrepreneurship Foundations and Mindset", "CAMPUS": "Open Universities Australia", "CAMPUS_CD": "OUA", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENTREP", "CATALOG_NBR": "1011OUA", "CLASS_NBR": 33126, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide Open Universities Australia students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENTREP 1001, ENTREP 2001, TECHCOMM 2001, ENTREP 1011AUACM, ENTREP 1011BUACM, ENTREP 1011", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual and group assignments, presentation, participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Want to learn new skills to cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset? How about transforming your approach to problem solving or opportunity recognition? Skills learnt in this course prepare you for creating your own entrepreneurial career path, being a valued corporate team member (intrapreneur), or to use your enterprising skills for working within government or the not-for-profit sector. You will understand the theoretical concepts behind the nature and importance of entrepreneurship, use a number of tools/frameworks/models to identify and assess opportunities, be creative in resourcing and marketing of a start-up, and learn how critical customers, risk and ethics are in developing a potential new venture.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "3386": {"id": "YHmI5xEqLJZhT9Zxs-Vk6", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "43Uoz0tuxLzHnMS-80mN1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33126, "section": "01OU", "size": 100, "enrolled": 19, "available": 81, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "3387": {"id": "XCSMyblCsMm11bVE4690c", "course_id": "111188", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111188", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Entrepreneurship Foundations and Mindset", "CAMPUS": "Open Universities Australia", "CAMPUS_CD": "OUA", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENTREP", "CATALOG_NBR": "1011OUA", "CLASS_NBR": 36137, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide Open Universities Australia students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENTREP 1001, ENTREP 2001, TECHCOMM 2001, ENTREP 1011AUACM, ENTREP 1011BUACM, ENTREP 1011", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual and group assignments, presentation, participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Want to learn new skills to cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset? 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You will understand the theoretical concepts behind the nature and importance of entrepreneurship, use a number of tools/frameworks/models to identify and assess opportunities, be creative in resourcing and marketing of a start-up, and learn how critical customers, risk and ethics are in developing a potential new venture.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "3388": {"id": "XCSMyblCsMm11bVE4690c", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "hbrbX1DEH69nFcVayMQZz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36137, "section": "01OU", "size": 100, "enrolled": 14, "available": 86, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "3389": {"id": "SBMlSDPg6cGfjiSnpUbja", "course_id": "109593", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109593", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Entrepreneurial Foundations and Mindset", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENTREP", "CATALOG_NBR": "1011UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 19679, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENTREP 1001, ENTREP 2001, TECHCOMM 2001, ENTREP 1011AUACM, ENTREP 1011BUACM, ENTREP 1011OUA", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual and group assignments, presentation, participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course focuses on the development of new skills and the cultivation of an entrepreneurial mindset. 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Students will understand the theoretical concepts behind the nature and importance of entrepreneurship, use a number of tools/frameworks/models to identify and assess opportunities, and engage in experiential learning activities to develop their entrepreneurial mindset.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3390": {"id": "SBMlSDPg6cGfjiSnpUbja", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "7UHDErijJMcQw9n7VHpGE", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12425, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 22, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 109, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 114, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 109, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 114, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19679, "section": "TT02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 16, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 103, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 103, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 102, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "YOql_X872yxx1GBtPIQsH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16545, "section": "LEC0", "size": 48, "enrolled": 38, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "3391": {"id": "yerrtIyEQ74isdSBoSl21", "course_id": "109593", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109593", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Entrepreneurial Foundations and Mindset", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENTREP", "CATALOG_NBR": "1011UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 22309, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENTREP 1001, ENTREP 2001, TECHCOMM 2001, ENTREP 1011AUACM, ENTREP 1011BUACM, ENTREP 1011OUA", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual and group assignments, presentation, participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course focuses on the development of new skills and the cultivation of an entrepreneurial mindset. 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Students will understand the theoretical concepts behind the nature and importance of entrepreneurship, use a number of tools/frameworks/models to identify and assess opportunities, and engage in experiential learning activities to develop their entrepreneurial mindset.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3392": {"id": "yerrtIyEQ74isdSBoSl21", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "Z0GTpNq8aA5yxM0O3vw2X", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22304, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 14, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 109, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 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Students will understand the theoretical concepts behind the nature and importance of entrepreneurship, use a number of tools/frameworks/models to identify and assess opportunities, and engage in experiential learning activities to develop their entrepreneurial mindset.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 14/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 14/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 19/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 11/12/2024"}}]}, "3394": {"id": "3h5gvX9YR00NUao7_AqtG", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "5zVMuDnlsSVk4eLzCfVv_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46049, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 14, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Oct - 9 Dec", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 13 Dec", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Darling West, 204, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 13 Dec", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Darling West, 204, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "y3wuLxXlQech0KsP38gyA", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46110, "section": "LEC0", "size": 24, "enrolled": 14, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "3395": {"id": "A1v0Bmw7OlBmX-xwDggx4", "course_id": "109593", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109593", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Entrepreneurial Foundations and Mindset", "CAMPUS": "UofA College Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "UACM", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENTREP", "CATALOG_NBR": "1011UACM", "CLASS_NBR": 19661, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENTREP 1001, ENTREP 2001, TECHCOMM 2001, ENTREP 1011AUACM, ENTREP 1011BUACM, ENTREP 1011OUA", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual and group assignments, presentation, participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course focuses on the development of new skills and the cultivation of an entrepreneurial mindset. Skills learnt in this course prepare students for creating their own entrepreneurial career path, becoming a valued corporate team member (intrapreneur), or using their own enterprising skills within government or the not-for-profit sector. Students will understand the theoretical concepts behind the nature and importance of entrepreneurship, use a number of tools/frameworks/models to identify and assess opportunities, and engage in experiential learning activities to develop their entrepreneurial mindset.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3396": {"id": "A1v0Bmw7OlBmX-xwDggx4", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "j3fTOJcpGosprBElQzASG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19363, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 9, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19661, "section": "TT02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 13, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "LW-gIPXwY9Nn5o229F2Fw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19567, "section": "LEC0", "size": 48, "enrolled": 22, "available": 26, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "3397": {"id": "fkgT_jLMsNOTTu162W2qs", "course_id": "109588", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109588", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Design Thinking: Problems to Practice", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENTREP", "CATALOG_NBR": "1020", "CLASS_NBR": 14248, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "3 per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignment, Group Project, Presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Design thinking has earned a leading role in many organisations for its ability to trigger innovation efforts through creative problem-solving. Analytical thinking dissects ideas into component parts, but design thinking reframes problems and prioritises ideas into optimal innovative solutions through human-centred processes. Customers today expect a personalised experience. Companies that nurture creativity and strategically incorporate design thinking across the organisation are 3.5 times more likely to outperform revenue growth of rival firms. Hence, employers actively seek staff with creative problem-solving skills to use their agility and flexibility to assist workplaces to adapt to challenges triggered by constantly evolving technologies and a continually changing environment. In this highly interactive course you will develop an immediate working knowledge of the design thinking methodology and numerous supporting tools and techniques.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3398": {"id": "fkgT_jLMsNOTTu162W2qs", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "PDKuafGCdX-EisPTE2pev", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10990, "section": "WR04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 22, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10991, "section": "WR03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10992, "section": "WR02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10993, "section": "WR01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14248, "section": "WR05", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 22 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, 205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "CM4y5Gx7N3tUD_KhxB5R0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10989, "section": "LE01", "size": 125, "enrolled": 121, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3399": {"id": "kl5E1rcz8325OrSf8S4Pg", "course_id": "109282", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109282", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Digital Technology Entrepreneurship", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENTREP", "CATALOG_NBR": "2010", "CLASS_NBR": 92116, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENTREP 4001, TECHCOMM 4001", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual and group assignments, presentation, participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course explores online business and the emerging category of NoCode software tools. NoCode tools are a new powerful category of software that allow anyone to build products and services online, with or without having a computer programming background. We think these tools will reshape both entrepreneurship and industry in years to come, and this course will give you experience in using them to build things online. Shopify, Airtable, Squarespace, Webflow, Canva and many others are tools and companies are examples of tools that will be explored. You will also learn how to navigate career choices in light of these emerging digital tools that have potential to undermine traditional career paths. Course modules also cover theory such as disruption, entrepreneurial competition, network effects and platform technologies, using the internet to find resources and team members to build a business, plus the role of growth and scaling. You will learn through a mix of useful assessment, hands on experience, reflection on strategy, with the course designed to help you consider becoming a digital entrepreneur now or when you finish your degree.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 09/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "3400": {"id": "kl5E1rcz8325OrSf8S4Pg", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "30VRzGWqgxItpdUnv6iCJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92116, "section": "WR01", "size": 55, "enrolled": 46, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Jan - 19 Jan", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3401": {"id": "o8MgGkWH-Rvt0e9eyLiwY", "course_id": "109282", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109282", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Digital Technology Entrepreneurship", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENTREP", "CATALOG_NBR": "2010", "CLASS_NBR": 22101, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENTREP 4001, TECHCOMM 4001", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual and group assignments, presentation, participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course explores online business and the emerging category of NoCode software tools. NoCode tools are a new powerful category of software that allow anyone to build products and services online, with or without having a computer programming background. We think these tools will reshape both entrepreneurship and industry in years to come, and this course will give you experience in using them to build things online. Shopify, Airtable, Squarespace, Webflow, Canva and many others are tools and companies are examples of tools that will be explored. You will also learn how to navigate career choices in light of these emerging digital tools that have potential to undermine traditional career paths. Course modules also cover theory such as disruption, entrepreneurial competition, network effects and platform technologies, using the internet to find resources and team members to build a business, plus the role of growth and scaling. You will learn through a mix of useful assessment, hands on experience, reflection on strategy, with the course designed to help you consider becoming a digital entrepreneur now or when you finish your degree.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3402": {"id": "o8MgGkWH-Rvt0e9eyLiwY", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "_LLWsGTrOWDfX4e4fVOyj", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22101, "section": "WR01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 51, "available": 29, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3403": {"id": "oREUSv7aMEf1FnhKi-8sa", "course_id": "109587", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109587", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Exploring Innovation", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENTREP", "CATALOG_NBR": "2014", "CLASS_NBR": 12183, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignment, presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In any field, most people end up doing the same thing as everyone else, staying close to known standards and norms of behaviour. This is fine but can be limiting, and ultimately great unique achievements require innovation. Innovation is the pursuit of something different that if achieved can lead to dramatic improvements. This course provides a deep look at the concept of innovation, exploring history, popular interpretations, and key theory. It will help you better recognise the need for innovation in your future careers and business endeavours.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3404": {"id": "oREUSv7aMEf1FnhKi-8sa", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "YIudOeYBPO0E6wN_rx2My", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12183, "section": "SE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 54, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3405": {"id": "IialRwHfJLQ2nDsUwGni6", "course_id": "108529", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108529", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Innovation and Creativity", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENTREP", "CATALOG_NBR": "3000", "CLASS_NBR": 92117, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week in Semester. Intensive in Summer Semester", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual assignments, group presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Innovation and creativity are two powerful human pursuits. They are responsible for so much human prosperity and your capacity to both understand and harness them in your personal and professional projects are certainly a determinant of your future success. In this course we will replace vague notions of creativity and innovation as buzzwords, and instead give you a clear understanding for the importance of them both, as well as a practical tool kit that will allow you to pursue them more reliably. It will give you advantage relative to others with potential to dramatically alter the decisions you make. The course itself also has a focus on these tools, with a range of modern materials, delivering a fun and memorable experience.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 09/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "3406": {"id": "IialRwHfJLQ2nDsUwGni6", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "rgTq13ZfwhJ5sy2PLU_cs", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92117, "section": "SE01", "size": 110, "enrolled": 64, "available": 46, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jan - 2 Feb", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3407": {"id": "Yr77H0_MT5PqQuFAb9Z7Z", "course_id": "108529", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108529", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Innovation and Creativity", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENTREP", "CATALOG_NBR": "3000", "CLASS_NBR": 95066, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week in Semester. Intensive in Summer Semester", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual assignments, group presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Innovation and creativity are two powerful human pursuits. They are responsible for so much human prosperity and your capacity to both understand and harness them in your personal and professional projects are certainly a determinant of your future success. In this course we will replace vague notions of creativity and innovation as buzzwords, and instead give you a clear understanding for the importance of them both, as well as a practical tool kit that will allow you to pursue them more reliably. It will give you advantage relative to others with potential to dramatically alter the decisions you make. The course itself also has a focus on these tools, with a range of modern materials, delivering a fun and memorable experience.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 24/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 28/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 11/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 17/07/2024"}}]}, "3408": {"id": "Yr77H0_MT5PqQuFAb9Z7Z", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "Wxsf9aqvvZq4yps-LJnzD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95066, "section": "SE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 60, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Jul - 5 Jul", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3409": {"id": "BVIb2L9UXyhn0T3dOA4aC", "course_id": "108529", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108529", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Innovation and Creativity", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENTREP", "CATALOG_NBR": "3000", "CLASS_NBR": 24225, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week in Semester. Intensive in Summer Semester", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual assignments, group presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Innovation and creativity are two powerful human pursuits. They are responsible for so much human prosperity and your capacity to both understand and harness them in your personal and professional projects are certainly a determinant of your future success. In this course we will replace vague notions of creativity and innovation as buzzwords, and instead give you a clear understanding for the importance of them both, as well as a practical tool kit that will allow you to pursue them more reliably. It will give you advantage relative to others with potential to dramatically alter the decisions you make. The course itself also has a focus on these tools, with a range of modern materials, delivering a fun and memorable experience.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3410": {"id": "BVIb2L9UXyhn0T3dOA4aC", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "4KO0dPaW-kWTBySnLcusI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22102, "section": "SE01", "size": 165, "enrolled": 160, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "wcKS5vYK43SnhsXBCnl5y", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22103, "section": "WR05", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22104, "section": "WR04", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22105, "section": "WR03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22106, "section": "WR02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24225, "section": "WR07", "size": 25, "enrolled": 22, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24226, "section": "WR06", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, 144, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, 144, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3411": {"id": "BqCZ94lq_SbRzrtOOIEao", "course_id": "108534", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108534", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Energy Management, Economics & Policy", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENTREP", "CATALOG_NBR": "3006", "CLASS_NBR": 12184, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week in Semester 1; Intensive in Winter School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENTREP 7037", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual and group assignments, quizzes", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "You will develop an understanding of tangible ways to profitably reduce fossil fuel consumption and transition to clean and renewable energy with consideration of technical, economic, financing and policy aspects. You will be able to focus on energy management opportunities for specific industries, energy saving opportunities for a range of commonly used industrial processes and technologies, and explore the application of course material to real world situations. Delivery is via a very interactive industry style small group discovery model and provides you with valuable industry-ready knowledge and skills.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3412": {"id": "BqCZ94lq_SbRzrtOOIEao", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "QXRJO436v57puHKpKoYdG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12184, "section": "SE01", "size": 75, "enrolled": 60, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3413": {"id": "U4p5oDDg-klg6joG9sibR", "course_id": "108534", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108534", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Energy Management, Economics & Policy", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENTREP", "CATALOG_NBR": "3006", "CLASS_NBR": 95069, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week in Semester 1; Intensive in Winter School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENTREP 7037", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual and group assignments, quizzes", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "You will develop an understanding of tangible ways to profitably reduce fossil fuel consumption and transition to clean and renewable energy with consideration of technical, economic, financing and policy aspects. You will be able to focus on energy management opportunities for specific industries, energy saving opportunities for a range of commonly used industrial processes and technologies, and explore the application of course material to real world situations. Delivery is via a very interactive industry style small group discovery model and provides you with valuable industry-ready knowledge and skills.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 24/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 28/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 11/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 17/07/2024"}}]}, "3414": {"id": "U4p5oDDg-klg6joG9sibR", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "XGgNke3cqOFvqBATk6_yr", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95069, "section": "SE01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 83, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Jul - 12 Jul", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3415": {"id": "9_55DLCnJwd1Mg47haSJ2", "course_id": "108557", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108557", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Entrepreneurship Research Project", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENTREP", "CATALOG_NBR": "3008", "CLASS_NBR": 19808, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available for BInnovEntr students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Eight B.Innovation & Entrepreneurship Core Courses including all Level II courses and ENTREP 3016", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Knowledge of the content of core courses for the B.Innovation & Entrepreneurship", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual assignments, participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This capstone course enables you to gain experience and develop your knowledge in entrepreneurship into high level practical skills. You enhance your interpersonal skills, analytical ability, and business acumen to the stage where you are confident of starting and running a new venture or are able to independently research topics of interest. Knowledge covered and application of activities enable you to demonstrate the practical skills in researching, planning, and executing a business plan for a new venture or a market research document; exhibit an ability to assess the risks and opportunities in operationalising a business plan or market research; present a high level of competence in comprehension of the entrepreneurial process and ability to communicate that knowledge to others; compile a high level research paper on an entrepreneurial construct that may help in building your envisaged career path.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3416": {"id": "9_55DLCnJwd1Mg47haSJ2", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "CIvNdIHiE577jTU3A203H", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19808, "section": "PJ01", "size": 0, "enrolled": 1, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "3417": {"id": "JGKegO2cJcBXQvGyzl0s_", "course_id": "108557", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108557", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Entrepreneurship Research Project", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENTREP", "CATALOG_NBR": "3008", "CLASS_NBR": 25571, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available for BInnovEntr students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Eight B.Innovation & Entrepreneurship Core Courses including all Level II courses and ENTREP 3016", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Knowledge of the content of core courses for the B.Innovation & Entrepreneurship", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual assignments, participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This capstone course enables you to gain experience and develop your knowledge in entrepreneurship into high level practical skills. You enhance your interpersonal skills, analytical ability, and business acumen to the stage where you are confident of starting and running a new venture or are able to independently research topics of interest. Knowledge covered and application of activities enable you to demonstrate the practical skills in researching, planning, and executing a business plan for a new venture or a market research document; exhibit an ability to assess the risks and opportunities in operationalising a business plan or market research; present a high level of competence in comprehension of the entrepreneurial process and ability to communicate that knowledge to others; compile a high level research paper on an entrepreneurial construct that may help in building your envisaged career path.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3418": {"id": "JGKegO2cJcBXQvGyzl0s_", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "JHtGHjXKiA3-UKdeIVOO7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25571, "section": "PJ01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 9, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 215, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 215, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3419": {"id": "zD6dcy0dlptAc7faDfqGl", "course_id": "109590", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109590", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Startup Methodologies", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENTREP", "CATALOG_NBR": "3011", "CLASS_NBR": 22108, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENTREP 3001, TECHCOMM 3001", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual and group assignments, participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Entrepreneurship is an act that occurs under conditions of extreme uncertainty. Despite the uncertainty, entrepreneurs- 'must act when we cannot foresee consequences; we must plan when we cannot know; we must organize when we cannot control' (La Porte, 1975, p. 345). You will explore key methodologies for planning and starting businesses. The course covers concepts of uncertainty and forecasting, the role of trial and error and the scientific method in entrepreneurial planning. You engage in a deep look at alternative methodologies, including the lean startup methodology as well as business plans. It is an interactive class, using a significant amount of experimentation in the delivery method, and a structure that applies first-hand experience in the methodologies presented.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3420": {"id": "zD6dcy0dlptAc7faDfqGl", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "81KaGp6TqrQTEA9tSQkS_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22108, "section": "SE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 35, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3421": {"id": "-jWDivAvCLRbc9pPKo3ZH", "course_id": "109584", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109584", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Entrepreneurial Leadership", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENTREP", "CATALOG_NBR": "3015", "CLASS_NBR": 12186, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual and group assignment, quizzes", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Leadership skills are critical in the value creation process of successfully bringing a new venture to life. You will examine the relationship between entrepreneurship, value creation and the entrepreneurial leader's role in driving innovation and growth. Key skills learnt will facilitate development of capabilities to adapt leadership approaches/practices in a variety of business and organisational contexts. You will explore and discuss issues such as judgement of when to use various leadership techniques; building a culture of creativity and innovation; assessing when and how to grow the business; developing a shared purpose, company values and vision that inform recruiting, developing and reward systems, as well as being able to identify potential negative issues that occur in different roles within an entrepreneurial team.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3422": {"id": "-jWDivAvCLRbc9pPKo3ZH", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "naXxgaM3xZiUmMUuo4LGl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12186, "section": "SE01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 70, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "3423": {"id": "wxqjMjTO9UpiclYWkjtlw", "course_id": "109583", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109583", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Entrepreneurship Research in Practice", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENTREP", "CATALOG_NBR": "3016", "CLASS_NBR": 11869, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available for BInnovEntr students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual and group assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course provides students with practical knowledge on quantitative and qualitative research methods, techniques for critical literature evaluation, and skills to execute a research plan. Students will be asked to identify a relevant entrepreneurship research problem informed by practice and theory, and to consider various research approaches and methods. The outcome is that students will be able to effectively design, undertake and communicate research issues. This course is a pre-requisite for the ENTREP 3008.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3424": {"id": "wxqjMjTO9UpiclYWkjtlw", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "G2TpQkSmmceTlR-AgOpr2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11869, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 9, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "nk64m-pb1VZVHxwk3MooM", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11868, "section": "LE01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 9, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "3425": {"id": "PKznOw7wVVlCwZmVO-zHo", "course_id": "109582", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109582", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Social Enterprise", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENTREP", "CATALOG_NBR": "3019", "CLASS_NBR": 24702, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, group presentation, quizzes, participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Doing business while doing good! This course explores different models of social enterprise and evaluates them in context of the local/global challenges they aim to address. You obtain a valuable foundation for planning a career pathway in social entrepreneurship. You will understand what social enterprise is and its relation to sustainable development and social impact, learn how to measure social impact, plus discuss various pathways to create change whether through a startup venture, supporting social entrepreneurs in creative ways, or serving as a director of a board. From the public, private or not-for-profit sector, you will identify and develop a social enterprise opportunity that provides potential to scale.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3426": {"id": "PKznOw7wVVlCwZmVO-zHo", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "BEryVsb0tVe-SnRgJ5eVL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24702, "section": "SE01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 12, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Sep - 6 Sep", "days": "Monday, Wednesday, Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 4 Oct", "days": "Monday, Wednesday, Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3427": {"id": "t8Ftyc6cRWrw1juuVLLPq", "course_id": "109581", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109581", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Corporate Entrepreneurship in Organisations", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENTREP", "CATALOG_NBR": "3020", "CLASS_NBR": 22109, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Established companies are progressively creating new business opportunities as an imperative for maintaining competitive advantage, retaining market share and continued success. Maturing technologies and aging product portfolios require businesses to create, develop, and sustain innovative new businesses. This course will explore how to innovate and apply entrepreneurship principles in the corporate setting. You will develop knowledge on navigating barriers to create, develop and scale innovative initiatives that do not typically fit within established systems, processes, and cultures.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3428": {"id": "t8Ftyc6cRWrw1juuVLLPq", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "eMC3xXwqwdKvau993hJCV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22109, "section": "SE01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 10, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 215, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 215, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3429": {"id": "065O5NEHAbgTbP6X5vAUd", "course_id": "111285", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111285", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Emerging Industry - Industrial Hemp and Medicinal Cannabis", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENTREP", "CATALOG_NBR": "3029", "CLASS_NBR": 92057, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will provide an introduction to the Industrial Hemp and Medicinal Cannabis Industries with a focus on identifying entrepreneurial business and policy opportunities. The course will introduce current products in each industry along with diversification opportunities. The course will cover the current state of each industry and its associated markets along with the current regulatory frameworks in order to identify potential entrepreneurial and public policy opportunities to enhance each industry. The course is intended to provide an understanding of these emerging industries and allow students to conceive of professional roles and associated opportunities as the industries develop.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 09/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "3430": {"id": "065O5NEHAbgTbP6X5vAUd", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "bFoiXa4D-LWP8Bt4vvAK-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92057, "section": "SE01", "size": 75, "enrolled": 31, "available": 44, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Jan - 12 Jan", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3431": {"id": "mu06UprLQLlFvuTXbIIt1", "course_id": "108707", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108707", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Entrepreneurship Study Tour UG", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENTREP", "CATALOG_NBR": "3050", "CLASS_NBR": 95246, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "Placements will be offered through an interview process.", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "One Semester of successful undergraduate study", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Global Innovation Program is an in-country immersive program that prepares students for potential future careers within the Singaporean startup and innovation landscape. It provides access to educational and professional resources that help catalyse students\u2019 development, so that they are well prepared to operate in both APAC and global business contexts. Over two action-packed weeks, students will participate in an intensive sequence of workshops and speaker sessions that provide an intimate insight into Singapore\u2019s startup ecosystem and global business practices. Workshops will facilitate practical application of knowledge and skills essential to the startup ideation process, including customer discovery, growth marketing, pitching and fundraising. Expert industry mentors will be made available through small cluster discussion sessions, to support students with refinement and iteration of their business ideas. Site visits to startups and major tech companies will contextualise learning and provide opportunities for students to experience the Singaporean startup environment at first hand. At a time when development of innovative future-of-work mindsets, skillsets and toolsets is critical to a graduate\u2019s employability, this program is specifically designed for students to rapidly absorb up-to-the-moment industry expertise in an APAC context so that they can prepare for careers of today\u2026 and tomorrow.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 24/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 28/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 11/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 17/07/2024"}}]}, "3432": {"id": "mu06UprLQLlFvuTXbIIt1", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "DshNxg2iSS3a0sOpl8VNN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95246, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment is by selection only. Please apply through SMART on the Study Overseas page."}]}]}]}]}, "3433": {"id": "Y3dJQui7a7gPClBv7vKqY", "course_id": "108572", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108572", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "eChallenge", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENTREP", "CATALOG_NBR": "3900", "CLASS_NBR": 26511, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENTREP 7900", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual and group assignments, and presentations", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Assessing viability of your ideas in a systematic manner is an integral requirement for any career path, not only if you want to embark an entrepreneurial career. Evidence suggests that your time at University is one of the best times to gain this experience. The eChallenge is a course designed to offer you a chance to perceive ideas from the perspective of pain experienced by or gain obtained by customers, develop innovative solutions using creative strategies, test ideas by interacting with customers, mentors and industry practitioners, and finally pitch ideas to a panel of investors from industry. Building your network during the industry interactions is an added benefit. Added to this, the course offers a range of cash and in-kind prizes, with winners announced at a black-tie awards dinner for all participants with industry veterans and investors. The course is the first step into entrepreneurship for many who have gone on to great entrepreneurial endeavours, as well as an enriching personal learning experience for all. For more information, go to:", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3434": {"id": "Y3dJQui7a7gPClBv7vKqY", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "2t6sB_VUKH8eEKlnB29vI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22110, "section": "SE01", "size": 130, "enrolled": 126, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 26511, "section": "SE02", "size": 65, "enrolled": 61, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "3435": {"id": "Y0o7v-_ubOQVJP9iO8f5y", "course_id": "111189", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111189", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "eChallenge", "CAMPUS": "Open Universities Australia", "CAMPUS_CD": "OUA", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENTREP", "CATALOG_NBR": "3900OUA", "CLASS_NBR": 36138, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide Open Universities Australia students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENTREP 3900", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignment, presentations, quizzes, participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Assessing viability of your ideas in a systematic manner is an integral requirement for any career path, not only if you want to embark an entrepreneurial career. Evidence suggests that your time at University is one of the best times to gain this experience. The eChallenge is a course designed to offer you a chance to perceive ideas from the perspective of pain experienced by or gain obtained by customers, develop innovative solutions using creative strategies, test ideas by interacting with customers, mentors and industry practitioners, and finally pitch ideas to a panel of investors from industry. Building your network during the industry interactions is an added benefit. Added to this, the course offers a range of cash and in-kind prizes, with winners announced at a black-tie awards dinner for all participants with industry veterans and investors. The course is the first step into entrepreneurship for many who have gone on to great entrepreneurial endeavours, as well as an enriching personal learning experience for all. For more information, go to:", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "3436": {"id": "Y0o7v-_ubOQVJP9iO8f5y", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "3FNN3rQQSxNGpN_T2nkBI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36138, "section": "01OU", "size": 100, "enrolled": 1, "available": 99, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Sep - 22 Nov", "days": "", "start_time": "", "end_time": "", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "3437": {"id": "ep8DlUXQkoZh6H_KeTdg5", "course_id": "108573", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108573", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Tech eChallenge", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENTREP", "CATALOG_NBR": "3901", "CLASS_NBR": 14813, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual and group assignments, and presentations", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Tech eChallenge represents one of the tracks under the eChallenge umbrella suite of programs. Whereas the Australian eChallenge (ENTREP 3900) embraces business/entrepreneurial innovation and commercialisation, the Tech eChallenge focuses on technological innovation with the emphasis on product design and the development of a prototype that has market relevance for different streams including not limited to MedTech, AgTech, EdTech and FinTech. Receiving instruction and guidance from experienced mentors, underpinned by theory, students develop prototypes that address a market need and then present these to a panel of judges where they receive feedback about their innovations. Those who complete the Tech eChallenge are able to enter the Australian eChallenge to develop entrepreneurial strategies for commercialising their prototypes and launching entrepreneurial ventures. For more information, please see:", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3438": {"id": "ep8DlUXQkoZh6H_KeTdg5", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "vBjkScYy7F7V-H2uUzBW-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14813, "section": "SE01", "size": 110, "enrolled": 115, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3439": {"id": "q_jZDRNflkV7VghMEm059", "course_id": "109649", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109649", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Entrepreneurial Concepts and Mindset", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENTREP", "CATALOG_NBR": "5036", "CLASS_NBR": 30058, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENTREP 5016, TECHCOMM 5016, ENTREP 5036UAC", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual and group assignments, quizzes, participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to encourage students to develop an entrepreneurial mindset and provides an understanding of the nature of enterprise and entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship is both a way of thinking and of doing. It involves 'building something from nothing' and successful entrepreneurs know how to manage and mitigate uncertainty and risk. The course introduces the role of the entrepreneur, innovation and technology in the entrepreneurial process. The focus is the development of growth oriented and innovative ventures - whether for-profit or not-for-profit -. The course is relevant to a) those individuals thinking about starting a business, b) those who are already in business - large or small, c) those who are interested in commercialising their own innovations or of others, and d) those who advise entrepreneurs or engage in policy making in the entrepreneurship area. Developing an entrepreneurial mindset and enterprising skill set is critical for constantly changing markets or workplaces. As such, this course advances students career readiness by instilling an entrepreneurship mindset, an orientation towards opportunity and a propensity towards action.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "3440": {"id": "q_jZDRNflkV7VghMEm059", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "bThlvlWBw2PHD8vFvSoBc", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30090, "section": "SE01", "size": 110, "enrolled": 112, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Feb - 21 Feb", "days": "Monday, Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214/218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Monday, Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214/218, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3441": {"id": "O4vRADqs1O247kUqD8Pcl", "course_id": "109649", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109649", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Entrepreneurial Concepts and Mindset", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENTREP", "CATALOG_NBR": "5036", "CLASS_NBR": 36064, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENTREP 5016, TECHCOMM 5016, ENTREP 5036UAC", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual and group assignments, quizzes, participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to encourage students to develop an entrepreneurial mindset and provides an understanding of the nature of enterprise and entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship is both a way of thinking and of doing. It involves 'building something from nothing' and successful entrepreneurs know how to manage and mitigate uncertainty and risk. The course introduces the role of the entrepreneur, innovation and technology in the entrepreneurial process. The focus is the development of growth oriented and innovative ventures - whether for-profit or not-for-profit -. The course is relevant to a) those individuals thinking about starting a business, b) those who are already in business - large or small, c) those who are interested in commercialising their own innovations or of others, and d) those who advise entrepreneurs or engage in policy making in the entrepreneurship area. Developing an entrepreneurial mindset and enterprising skill set is critical for constantly changing markets or workplaces. As such, this course advances students career readiness by instilling an entrepreneurship mindset, an orientation towards opportunity and a propensity towards action.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "3442": {"id": "O4vRADqs1O247kUqD8Pcl", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "r9s3BvJQTYZDWfDJDrOy3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36087, "section": "SE01", "size": 120, "enrolled": 110, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Sep - 25 Sep", "days": "Monday, Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214/218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Nov - 6 Nov", "days": "Monday, Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214/218, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3443": {"id": "19vf17pF91GAvHoG6WIce", "course_id": "109962", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109962", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Entrepreneurial Concepts and Mindset", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENTREP", "CATALOG_NBR": "5036UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 30083, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENTREP 5016, TECHCOMM 5016, ENTREP 5036", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual and group assignments, quizzes, participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to encourage students to develop an entrepreneurial mindset and provides an understanding of the nature of enterprise and entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship is both a way of thinking and of doing. It involves 'building something from nothing' and successful entrepreneurs know how to manage and mitigate uncertainty and risk. The course introduces the role of the entrepreneur, innovation and technology in the entrepreneurial process. The focus is the development of growth oriented and innovative ventures - whether for-profit or not-for-profit -. The course is relevant to a) those individuals thinking about starting a business, b) those who are already in business - large or small, c) those who are interested in commercialising their own innovations or of others, and d) those who advise entrepreneurs or engage in policy making in the entrepreneurship area. Developing an entrepreneurial mindset and enterprising skill set is critical for constantly changing markets or workplaces. As such, this course advances students career readiness by instilling an entrepreneurship mindset, an orientation towards opportunity and a propensity towards action.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "3444": {"id": "19vf17pF91GAvHoG6WIce", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "YVGTebY8h3znAUkn9XhFL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30077, "section": "SE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 3, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Feb - 21 Feb", "days": "Monday, Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214/218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Monday, Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214/218, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "WQCRSlvQgmzTHHzd448ca", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30083, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 3, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Feb - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 106, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3445": {"id": "PaVFT5EREO8cTNEn8ADdp", "course_id": "109962", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109962", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Entrepreneurial Concepts and Mindset", "CAMPUS": "UofA College Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "UACM", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENTREP", "CATALOG_NBR": "5036UACM", "CLASS_NBR": 19687, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENTREP 5016, TECHCOMM 5016, ENTREP 5036", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual and group assignments, quizzes, participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to encourage students to develop an entrepreneurial mindset and provides an understanding of the nature of enterprise and entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship is both a way of thinking and of doing. It involves 'building something from nothing' and successful entrepreneurs know how to manage and mitigate uncertainty and risk. The course introduces the role of the entrepreneur, innovation and technology in the entrepreneurial process. The focus is the development of growth oriented and innovative ventures - whether for-profit or not-for-profit -. The course is relevant to a) those individuals thinking about starting a business, b) those who are already in business - large or small, c) those who are interested in commercialising their own innovations or of others, and d) those who advise entrepreneurs or engage in policy making in the entrepreneurship area. Developing an entrepreneurial mindset and enterprising skill set is critical for constantly changing markets or workplaces. As such, this course advances students career readiness by instilling an entrepreneurship mindset, an orientation towards opportunity and a propensity towards action.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3446": {"id": "PaVFT5EREO8cTNEn8ADdp", "class_list": [{"association_group": "", "groups": []}]}, "3447": {"id": "VqioDz4s2TbF0XFS6DI1V", "course_id": "109962", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109962", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Entrepreneurial Concepts and Mindset", "CAMPUS": "UofA College Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "UACM", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENTREP", "CATALOG_NBR": "5036UACM", "CLASS_NBR": 29529, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENTREP 5016, TECHCOMM 5016, ENTREP 5036", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual and group assignments, quizzes, participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to encourage students to develop an entrepreneurial mindset and provides an understanding of the nature of enterprise and entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship is both a way of thinking and of doing. It involves 'building something from nothing' and successful entrepreneurs know how to manage and mitigate uncertainty and risk. The course introduces the role of the entrepreneur, innovation and technology in the entrepreneurial process. The focus is the development of growth oriented and innovative ventures - whether for-profit or not-for-profit -. The course is relevant to a) those individuals thinking about starting a business, b) those who are already in business - large or small, c) those who are interested in commercialising their own innovations or of others, and d) those who advise entrepreneurs or engage in policy making in the entrepreneurship area. Developing an entrepreneurial mindset and enterprising skill set is critical for constantly changing markets or workplaces. As such, this course advances students career readiness by instilling an entrepreneurship mindset, an orientation towards opportunity and a propensity towards action.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3448": {"id": "VqioDz4s2TbF0XFS6DI1V", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "zpQX_Unb6fpUhdgsEIUu5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29529, "section": "01UC", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "3449": {"id": "qbQz3_rtWgfnD7bBewUJa", "course_id": "109650", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109650", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "New Venture Creation", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENTREP", "CATALOG_NBR": "5038", "CLASS_NBR": 30097, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Intensive in Trimester, up to 3 hours per week in Semester", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENTREP 5018, TECHCOMM 5018", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual and group assignments, quizzes", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is aimed at exposing the students to modern approaches to new venture creation. It focuses on the nexus between the entrepreneurial team, their opportunity and the iterative process of venture development they engage with. It is designed for anyone who needs to assess, develop or create potential business or project opportunities that are mainly, but not exclusively, based on a technological concept or a social innovation. Screening techniques are introduced that will address the new venture value proposition: including analysis of the underlying business concept, the base technology, benefits to customers, and fit with potential markets. Models for new venture development which include consideration of the resourcing requirements, the competitive landscape, team development and future strategies will be treated in depth; and a comprehensive model for new venture validation will be developed during the course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "3450": {"id": "qbQz3_rtWgfnD7bBewUJa", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "oo7sAd4cMKgPz3tD6Bks2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30097, "section": "SE01", "size": 110, "enrolled": 80, "available": 30, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Feb - 7 Feb", "days": "Monday, Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214/218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Monday, Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214/218, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3451": {"id": "FkwmAJxaMyju3cbBgWzXr", "course_id": "109650", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109650", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "New Venture Creation", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENTREP", "CATALOG_NBR": "5038", "CLASS_NBR": 36043, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Intensive in Trimester, up to 3 hours per week in Semester", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENTREP 5018, TECHCOMM 5018", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual and group assignments, quizzes", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is aimed at exposing the students to modern approaches to new venture creation. It focuses on the nexus between the entrepreneurial team, their opportunity and the iterative process of venture development they engage with. It is designed for anyone who needs to assess, develop or create potential business or project opportunities that are mainly, but not exclusively, based on a technological concept or a social innovation. Screening techniques are introduced that will address the new venture value proposition: including analysis of the underlying business concept, the base technology, benefits to customers, and fit with potential markets. Models for new venture development which include consideration of the resourcing requirements, the competitive landscape, team development and future strategies will be treated in depth; and a comprehensive model for new venture validation will be developed during the course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "3452": {"id": "FkwmAJxaMyju3cbBgWzXr", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "tfr9TEJpzOkpxU9Ar60tQ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36043, "section": "SE01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 97, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "16 Sep - 18 Sep", "days": "Monday, Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214/218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Monday, Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214/218, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3453": {"id": "J-hi1WXPaXg2ZNyGoGRCT", "course_id": "109963", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109963", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "New Venture Creation", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENTREP", "CATALOG_NBR": "5038UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 30085, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENTREP 5018, TECHCOMM 5018", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual and group assignments, quizzes", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is aimed at exposing the students to modern approaches to new venture creation. It focuses on the nexus between the entrepreneurial team, their opportunity and the iterative process of venture development they engage with. It is designed for anyone who needs to assess, develop or create potential business or project opportunities that are mainly, but not exclusively, based on a technological concept or a social innovation. Screening techniques are introduced that will address the new venture value proposition: including analysis of the underlying business concept, the base technology, benefits to customers, and fit with potential markets. Models for new venture development which include consideration of the resourcing requirements, the competitive landscape, team development and future strategies will be treated in depth; and a comprehensive model for new venture validation will be developed during the course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "3454": {"id": "J-hi1WXPaXg2ZNyGoGRCT", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "Z92rZAB0x8xA2yA2dM4VI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30098, "section": "SE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Feb - 7 Feb", "days": "Monday, Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214/218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Monday, Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214/218, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "wyey1HVJ_sB2cNtMd-NAG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30085, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 0, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Feb - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 114, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3455": {"id": "n5089Rg4XHBcQm2WE3l7f", "course_id": "111273", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111273", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Leading New Product Innovation", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENTREP", "CATALOG_NBR": "7000", "CLASS_NBR": 30099, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Few if any organisations have a clear view of the future; time is better spent building toward the future through product life cycle management. An organisation needs to constantly think one step ahead of its competitors to address contemporary and unforeseen challenges. Innovation is the life blood for organisations to sustain or grow their market position. This course will provide you with the capability to use theory, frameworks and techniques to develop, experiment and evaluate potential innovative ideas to stay relevant and drive growth in the modern consumer landscape. Through hands-on experiential workshops you will develop a future-focused innovation mindset with a bias towards flexibility and action as aspects of the unknown future begin to emerge. You will foster and apply your knowledge to address biases, embrace change, and to cultivate and champion a thriving innovation environment within an organisation. You will acquire skills to identify the crucial drivers of innovation and how to leverage customer research, key internal resources, structures and company culture to differentiate your organisation in a stagnant, saturated or highly competitive market. This course is suitable for promoting and leading enhanced and/or new product innovations whether a startup, purpose-driven social enterprise, or within a typical corporate setting.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "3456": {"id": "n5089Rg4XHBcQm2WE3l7f", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "6pT-yWcVm76w3gFUMUXR-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30099, "section": "WR01", "size": 36, "enrolled": 36, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "14 Feb - 16 Feb", "days": "Wednesday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "15 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G13, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3457": {"id": "47sbw1M9dHflKaHDA-31_", "course_id": "111272", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111272", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Navigating Commercialisation Pathways", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENTREP", "CATALOG_NBR": "7001", "CLASS_NBR": 36088, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to provide the knowledge and skills to enable students to understand and successfully navigate commercialisation pathways. Beginning with the critical evaluation of research and technological innovations, the course will explain the process of commercialisation, its fundamental elements, and how this translates to market activities. The course introduces intellectual property, explores options for how this may be protected, and considers the exploitation potential associated with these options. The context of the commercialisation ecosystem is analysed, from a technological (and market) perspective, in order to plan and design a commercialisation pathway aligned with a particular innovation. The course will explain key strategic decisions to be considered around commercialisation: including organizational form; technology; resources and capabilities; customers; collaborators and competitors. The course will create a community of practice, in which students will contribute informed insights that reflect the individual, organisational and/or entrepreneurial leadership issues associated with technology commercialisation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "3458": {"id": "47sbw1M9dHflKaHDA-31_", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "DpaEMmbiJVDlyYip-1UDc", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36088, "section": "WR01", "size": 32, "enrolled": 34, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "11 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Wednesday, Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Wednesday, Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Nov - 15 Nov", "days": "Wednesday, Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3459": {"id": "z0ehej7BJ2cMrKiC4Q8SX", "course_id": "111271", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111271", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Strategic Innovation Management", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENTREP", "CATALOG_NBR": "7002", "CLASS_NBR": 30078, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course explores the link between technological innovation and the achievement of organisational goals. It introduces the basics of strategic management: internal and external analysis, strategy formulation, and strategy implementation. In particular it focuses on the strategic role of technological innovation. It addresses questions such as How is technology, product and process innovation shaping our industry? What are the future scenarios? What are the innovative capabilities of our organization? How could we improve them? How does technological innovation contribute to our firm's competitive position? How could it contribute? What competitive stance do/should we take with respect to technological innovation?", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "3460": {"id": "z0ehej7BJ2cMrKiC4Q8SX", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "OVYP4twIdonS_t5ut430R", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30078, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 18, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 28 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 Apr - 17 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3461": {"id": "PXDDdfbeVv_TyudIxFyWl", "course_id": "111284", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111284", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Entrepreneurial Business Development", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENTREP", "CATALOG_NBR": "7003", "CLASS_NBR": 33078, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to students enrolled in Master\u2019s of Technology Innovation and Leadership", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Business development is a critical components of the establishment of a successful business. They are crucial for low-tech and high-tech firms, start-ups and established businesses, and for-profit or not-for-profit organizations. This course takes a deep dive into the business development process \u2013 customer discovery, validation, creation and building- while integrating elements of business development activities that help establish long-term relationships with customers. This unit will develop students\u2019 ability to identify their target customer and market, test and validate their assumptions with customers in relation to a new product or technology, articulate and pitch (sell) the value proposition of their product or technology to prospective customers. This subject will equip students with the following skills: customer interviewing and/or surveying, business proposal writing, pitching and selling skills.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "3462": {"id": "PXDDdfbeVv_TyudIxFyWl", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "cdvc_KWb8eQ4bk83lGyzg", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33078, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 15, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "11 Jun - 13 Jun", "days": "Tuesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Jul - 25 Jul", "days": "Tuesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3463": {"id": "8nNzGgOpmaJR7wuGAQfyv", "course_id": "108567", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108567", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Social Entrepreneurship", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENTREP", "CATALOG_NBR": "7019", "CLASS_NBR": 36089, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ENTREP 5016 or ENTREP 5036", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, group presentation, quizzes, participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Doing business while doing good. This course explores different models of social enterprise and evaluates them in the context of local/global challenges they aim to address. You will understand what social enterprise is and its relation to sustainable development and social impact, learn how to measure social impact, plus discuss various pathways to create change whether through a start-up venture, supporting social entrepreneurs in creative ways, or serving as a director of a board. This course is relevant to entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs that have a social, environmental or non-profit focus.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "3464": {"id": "8nNzGgOpmaJR7wuGAQfyv", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "EAHnlXMu-xdU7P6wm2lLZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36089, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 17, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Sep - 6 Sep", "days": "Monday, Wednesday, Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 4 Oct", "days": "Monday, Wednesday, Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3465": {"id": "O0DkP_RloIqPnVOM-hy1r", "course_id": "108558", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108558", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Creativity and Innovation", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENTREP", "CATALOG_NBR": "7022", "CLASS_NBR": 92055, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ENTREP 5016 or ENTREP 5036", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual and group assignments/presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The closer you get to the top of organisations, the starker the importance of creativity and innovation. Equally, spend any time with an entrepreneur and quickly they will promote the importance of creativity and innovation too. For this reason, if you are, or plan to be either an entrepreneur or manager, having a clear and articulate understanding for these concepts will give you tremendous advantage. This course will do more than reinforce the vague notions of innovation and creativity as buzzwords but will instead give you a practical toolkit to both understand and more reliably harness innovation in organisations and personal projects. The course itself also has a focus on these tools, with a range of modern materials, delivering a fun and memorable experience.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 09/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "3466": {"id": "O0DkP_RloIqPnVOM-hy1r", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "6QLa4yEw0GD_RCeeh5G7I", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92055, "section": "SE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 26, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jan - 2 Feb", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3467": {"id": "uHJ0uDqDO6lMEz4m20jRG", "course_id": "108558", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108558", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Creativity and Innovation", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENTREP", "CATALOG_NBR": "7022", "CLASS_NBR": 95046, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ENTREP 5016 or ENTREP 5036", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual and group assignments/presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The closer you get to the top of organisations, the starker the importance of creativity and innovation. Equally, spend any time with an entrepreneur and quickly they will promote the importance of creativity and innovation too. For this reason, if you are, or plan to be either an entrepreneur or manager, having a clear and articulate understanding for these concepts will give you tremendous advantage. This course will do more than reinforce the vague notions of innovation and creativity as buzzwords but will instead give you a practical toolkit to both understand and more reliably harness innovation in organisations and personal projects. The course itself also has a focus on these tools, with a range of modern materials, delivering a fun and memorable experience.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 24/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 28/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 11/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 17/07/2024"}}]}, "3468": {"id": "uHJ0uDqDO6lMEz4m20jRG", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "FoLR4OE6zo6jF8DOMzAwe", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95046, "section": "SE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 48, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Jul - 5 Jul", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3469": {"id": "bNqNdMHwuofRDkxnt9tQ5", "course_id": "108558", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108558", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Creativity and Innovation", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENTREP", "CATALOG_NBR": "7022", "CLASS_NBR": 33086, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ENTREP 5016 or ENTREP 5036", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual and group assignments/presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The closer you get to the top of organisations, the starker the importance of creativity and innovation. Equally, spend any time with an entrepreneur and quickly they will promote the importance of creativity and innovation too. For this reason, if you are, or plan to be either an entrepreneur or manager, having a clear and articulate understanding for these concepts will give you tremendous advantage. This course will do more than reinforce the vague notions of innovation and creativity as buzzwords but will instead give you a practical toolkit to both understand and more reliably harness innovation in organisations and personal projects. The course itself also has a focus on these tools, with a range of modern materials, delivering a fun and memorable experience.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "3470": {"id": "bNqNdMHwuofRDkxnt9tQ5", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "DOlwQ-GmPmeDpvIvmElAq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33086, "section": "SE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 57, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Jun - 6 Jun", "days": "Tuesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Jul - 18 Jul", "days": "Tuesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3471": {"id": "3RL-Sx7LphPDsuvPpgWbm", "course_id": "111286", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111286", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Emerging Industry - Industrial Hemp and Medicinal Cannabis", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENTREP", "CATALOG_NBR": "7029", "CLASS_NBR": 92056, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENTREP 3029", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will provide an introduction to the Industrial Hemp and Medicinal Cannabis Industries with a focus on identifying entrepreneurial business and policy opportunities. The course will introduce current products in each industry along with diversification opportunities. The course will cover the current state of each industry and its associated markets along with the current regulatory frameworks in order to identify potential entrepreneurial and public policy opportunities to enhance each industry. The course is intended to provide an understanding of these emerging industries and allow students to conceive of professional roles and associated opportunities as the industries develop.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 09/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "3472": {"id": "3RL-Sx7LphPDsuvPpgWbm", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "MkfevwNqZooSpWbop1YK3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92056, "section": "SE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 2, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Jan - 12 Jan", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3473": {"id": "2TLU-bnRXNuKXiYK8M7kD", "course_id": "108564", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108564", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Digital Entrepreneurship", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENTREP", "CATALOG_NBR": "7036", "CLASS_NBR": 92049, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual and group assignments, presentation, participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course explores online business and the emerging category of NoCode software tools. NoCode tools are a new powerful category of software that allow anyone to build products and services online, with or without having a computer programming background. We think these tools will reshape both entrepreneurship and industry in years to come, and this course will give you experience in using them to build things online. Shopify, Airtable, Squarespace, Webflow, Canva and many others are tools and companies are examples of tools that will be explored. You will also learn how to navigate career choices in light of these emerging digital tools that have potential to undermine traditional career paths. Course modules also cover theory such as disruption, entrepreneurial competition, network effects and platform technologies, using the internet to find resources and team members to build a business, plus the role of growth and scaling. You will learn through a mix of useful assessment, hands on experience, reflection on strategy, with the course designed to help you consider becoming a digital entrepreneur now or when you finish your degree.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 09/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "3474": {"id": "2TLU-bnRXNuKXiYK8M7kD", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "TC7u9IiDocQ-10HutuJkf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92049, "section": "SE01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 10, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Jan - 19 Jan", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3475": {"id": "5Myva4u-zEi7i8oB82n3f", "course_id": "108564", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108564", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Digital Entrepreneurship", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENTREP", "CATALOG_NBR": "7036", "CLASS_NBR": 22111, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual and group assignments, presentation, participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course explores online business and the emerging category of NoCode software tools. NoCode tools are a new powerful category of software that allow anyone to build products and services online, with or without having a computer programming background. We think these tools will reshape both entrepreneurship and industry in years to come, and this course will give you experience in using them to build things online. Shopify, Airtable, Squarespace, Webflow, Canva and many others are tools and companies are examples of tools that will be explored. You will also learn how to navigate career choices in light of these emerging digital tools that have potential to undermine traditional career paths. Course modules also cover theory such as disruption, entrepreneurial competition, network effects and platform technologies, using the internet to find resources and team members to build a business, plus the role of growth and scaling. You will learn through a mix of useful assessment, hands on experience, reflection on strategy, with the course designed to help you consider becoming a digital entrepreneur now or when you finish your degree.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3476": {"id": "5Myva4u-zEi7i8oB82n3f", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "Lj5NoGC9nY2d5i1gR1ZnZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22111, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 17, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3477": {"id": "VO5x2Ez_yOxxX08n5h44C", "course_id": "108563", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108563", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Energy Management, Economics & Policy", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENTREP", "CATALOG_NBR": "7037", "CLASS_NBR": 12185, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week in Semester 1; Intensive in Winter School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENTREP 3006", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual and group assignments, quizzes", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "You will develop an understanding of tangible ways to profitably reduce fossil fuel consumption and transition to clean and renewable energy with consideration of technical, economic, financing and policy aspects. You will be able to focus on energy management opportunities for specific industries, energy saving opportunities for a range of commonly used industrial processes and technologies, and explore the application of course material to real world situations. Delivery is via a very interactive industry style small group discovery model and provides you with valuable industry-ready knowledge and skills.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3478": {"id": "VO5x2Ez_yOxxX08n5h44C", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "06y-7Sbsr4fvoY851OzsC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12185, "section": "SE01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 27, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3479": {"id": "W79glUWPpIhTJBlM7zaKu", "course_id": "108563", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108563", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Energy Management, Economics & Policy", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENTREP", "CATALOG_NBR": "7037", "CLASS_NBR": 95070, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week in Semester 1; Intensive in Winter School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENTREP 3006", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual and group assignments, quizzes", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "You will develop an understanding of tangible ways to profitably reduce fossil fuel consumption and transition to clean and renewable energy with consideration of technical, economic, financing and policy aspects. You will be able to focus on energy management opportunities for specific industries, energy saving opportunities for a range of commonly used industrial processes and technologies, and explore the application of course material to real world situations. Delivery is via a very interactive industry style small group discovery model and provides you with valuable industry-ready knowledge and skills.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 24/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 28/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 11/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 17/07/2024"}}]}, "3480": {"id": "W79glUWPpIhTJBlM7zaKu", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "XLOi4TLe81POwOd_SeJU5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95070, "section": "SE01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 15, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Jul - 12 Jul", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3481": {"id": "0nlGRrVXafJ691D9HgVTi", "course_id": "108708", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108708", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Entrepreneurship Study Tour PG", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENTREP", "CATALOG_NBR": "7050", "CLASS_NBR": 95247, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "Placements will be offered through an interview process", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "One Semester of successful postgraduate study", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Global Innovation Program is an in-country immersive program that prepares students for potential future careers within the Singaporean startup and innovation landscape. It provides access to educational and professional resources that help catalyse students\u2019 development, so that they are well prepared to operate in both APAC and global business contexts. Over two action-packed weeks, students will participate in an intensive sequence of workshops and speaker sessions that provide an intimate insight into Singapore\u2019s startup ecosystem and global business practices. Workshops will facilitate practical application of knowledge and skills essential to the startup ideation process, including customer discovery, growth marketing, pitching and fundraising. Expert industry mentors will be made available through small cluster discussion sessions, to support students with refinement and iteration of their business ideas. Site visits to startups and major tech companies will contextualise learning and provide opportunities for students to experience the Singaporean startup environment at first hand. At a time when development of innovative future-of-work mindsets, skillsets and toolsets is critical to a graduate\u2019s employability, this program is specifically designed for students to rapidly absorb up-to-the-moment industry expertise in an APAC context so that they can prepare for careers of today\u2026 and tomorrow.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 24/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 28/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 11/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 17/07/2024"}}]}, "3482": {"id": "0nlGRrVXafJ691D9HgVTi", "class_list": [{"association_group": "", "groups": []}]}, "3483": {"id": "tSKT1IG5fV5KSMY2p-kVk", "course_id": "108724", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108724", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research in Entrepreneurship Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENTREP", "CATALOG_NBR": "7061A", "CLASS_NBR": 30026, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available for MAppInnovEntr and MInnovEntr students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ENTREP 5038 and ENTREP 7022 and ENTREP 7028 and ENTREP 7048 and ENTREP 7059 and ENTREP 7060 and COMMERCE 7039 and (ENTREP 7049 or TECHCOMM 7049) and (ENTREP 5036 or ENTREP 5036UAC)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENTREP 5028A, ENTREP 5028B, TECHCOMM 5028A, TECHCOMM 5028B, TECHCOMM 5029, ENTREP 5029", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments. presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Research in Entrepreneurship Parts 1&2 (12 units) offers candidates a pathway to increase their research capabilities to a standard compatible with entry into a PhD program. Research can be conducted in one of three broadly defined areas, namely; the new enterprise creation process, the strategic management of growth/innovation relevant to new or established organisations, or the factors, resources, institutions and policy domains that support, stimulate or propel new enterprise creation. A candidate will develop and present their proposed topic to their Supervisor for approval during Part 1 of this course and can expect to develop a research ethics application, collect data and prepare a minor thesis to a publishable standard.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "3484": {"id": "tSKT1IG5fV5KSMY2p-kVk", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "OE1v1hIShtR2tkY7WMyMM", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30026, "section": "PJ01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 4, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jan - 17 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3485": {"id": "n_GykK2Ak6ikTnSXyHRLb", "course_id": "108724", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108724", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research in Entrepreneurship Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENTREP", "CATALOG_NBR": "7061A", "CLASS_NBR": 33039, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available for MAppInnovEntr and MInnovEntr students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ENTREP 5038 and ENTREP 7022 and ENTREP 7028 and ENTREP 7048 and ENTREP 7059 and ENTREP 7060 and COMMERCE 7039 and (ENTREP 7049 or TECHCOMM 7049) and (ENTREP 5036 or ENTREP 5036UAC)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENTREP 5028A, ENTREP 5028B, TECHCOMM 5028A, TECHCOMM 5028B, TECHCOMM 5029, ENTREP 5029", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments. presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Research in Entrepreneurship Parts 1&2 (12 units) offers candidates a pathway to increase their research capabilities to a standard compatible with entry into a PhD program. Research can be conducted in one of three broadly defined areas, namely; the new enterprise creation process, the strategic management of growth/innovation relevant to new or established organisations, or the factors, resources, institutions and policy domains that support, stimulate or propel new enterprise creation. A candidate will develop and present their proposed topic to their Supervisor for approval during Part 1 of this course and can expect to develop a research ethics application, collect data and prepare a minor thesis to a publishable standard.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "3486": {"id": "n_GykK2Ak6ikTnSXyHRLb", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "2qibNa7qfn8w7QTY1T1FS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33039, "section": "PJ01", "size": 8, "enrolled": 1, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 May - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 215, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3487": {"id": "SFsrOeXPFlcl9luv7ia-D", "course_id": "108725", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108725", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research in Entrepreneurship Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENTREP", "CATALOG_NBR": "7061B", "CLASS_NBR": 30027, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available for MAppInnovEntr and MInnovEntr students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ENTREP 7061A and ENTREP 5038 and ENTREP 7022 and ENTREP 7028 and ENTREP 7048 and ENTREP 7059 and ENTREP 7060 and COMMERCE 7039 and (ENTREP 7049 or TECHCOMM 7049) and (ENTREP 5036 or ENTREP 5036UAC)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENTREP 5028A, ENTREP 5028B, TECHCOMM 5028A, TECHCOMM 5028B, TECHCOMM 5029, ENTREP 5029", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments. presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Research in Entrepreneurship Parts 1&2 (12 units) offers candidates a pathway to increase their research capabilities to a standard compatible with entry into a PhD program. Research can be conducted in one of three broadly defined areas, namely; the new enterprise creation process, the strategic management of growth/innovation relevant to new or established organisations, or the factors, resources, institutions and policy domains that support, stimulate or propel new enterprise creation. A candidate will conduct the research developed in the proposal in Part 1 of this course. This includes and not limited to data collection, qualitative or quantitative analysis, interpretation of findings in relation to existing literature and assessing the contribution of the research. This allow the student to develop a strategy for the potential PhD.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "3488": {"id": "SFsrOeXPFlcl9luv7ia-D", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "YE5mC0wbJJBANlnxfBjZS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30027, "section": "PJ01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jan - 17 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3489": {"id": "3KNJehwFqhRkDZDuHDL5e", "course_id": "108725", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108725", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research in Entrepreneurship Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENTREP", "CATALOG_NBR": "7061B", "CLASS_NBR": 33040, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available for MAppInnovEntr and MInnovEntr students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ENTREP 7061A and ENTREP 5038 and ENTREP 7022 and ENTREP 7028 and ENTREP 7048 and ENTREP 7059 and ENTREP 7060 and COMMERCE 7039 and (ENTREP 7049 or TECHCOMM 7049) and (ENTREP 5036 or ENTREP 5036UAC)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENTREP 5028A, ENTREP 5028B, TECHCOMM 5028A, TECHCOMM 5028B, TECHCOMM 5029, ENTREP 5029", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments. presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Research in Entrepreneurship Parts 1&2 (12 units) offers candidates a pathway to increase their research capabilities to a standard compatible with entry into a PhD program. Research can be conducted in one of three broadly defined areas, namely; the new enterprise creation process, the strategic management of growth/innovation relevant to new or established organisations, or the factors, resources, institutions and policy domains that support, stimulate or propel new enterprise creation. A candidate will conduct the research developed in the proposal in Part 1 of this course. This includes and not limited to data collection, qualitative or quantitative analysis, interpretation of findings in relation to existing literature and assessing the contribution of the research. This allow the student to develop a strategy for the potential PhD.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "3490": {"id": "3KNJehwFqhRkDZDuHDL5e", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "P6pZHGKM9nj7nJW0eKUhz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33040, "section": "PJ01", "size": 8, "enrolled": 5, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 May - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 215, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3491": {"id": "NbeWopO4ITO7NlTpNlp4c", "course_id": "108725", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108725", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research in Entrepreneurship Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENTREP", "CATALOG_NBR": "7061B", "CLASS_NBR": 36047, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available for MAppInnovEntr and MInnovEntr students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ENTREP 7061A and ENTREP 5038 and ENTREP 7022 and ENTREP 7028 and ENTREP 7048 and ENTREP 7059 and ENTREP 7060 and COMMERCE 7039 and (ENTREP 7049 or TECHCOMM 7049) and (ENTREP 5036 or ENTREP 5036UAC)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENTREP 5028A, ENTREP 5028B, TECHCOMM 5028A, TECHCOMM 5028B, TECHCOMM 5029, ENTREP 5029", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments. presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Research in Entrepreneurship Parts 1&2 (12 units) offers candidates a pathway to increase their research capabilities to a standard compatible with entry into a PhD program. Research can be conducted in one of three broadly defined areas, namely; the new enterprise creation process, the strategic management of growth/innovation relevant to new or established organisations, or the factors, resources, institutions and policy domains that support, stimulate or propel new enterprise creation. A candidate will conduct the research developed in the proposal in Part 1 of this course. This includes and not limited to data collection, qualitative or quantitative analysis, interpretation of findings in relation to existing literature and assessing the contribution of the research. This allow the student to develop a strategy for the potential PhD.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "3492": {"id": "NbeWopO4ITO7NlTpNlp4c", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "QRjCLEvoOQFqaHT02Pcye", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36047, "section": "PJ01", "size": 8, "enrolled": 1, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Sep - 21 Nov", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 215, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3493": {"id": "1W-wxHlQY_bL8Uq050O1X", "course_id": "108574", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108574", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "eChallenge", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENTREP", "CATALOG_NBR": "7900", "CLASS_NBR": 92400, "SESSION_CD": "S02", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "TECHCOMM 3900, ENTREP 3900", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual and group assignments, and presentations", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Assessing viability of your ideas in a systematic manner is an integral requirement for any career path, not only if you want to embark an entrepreneurial career. Evidence suggests that your time at University is one of the best times to gain this experience. The eChallenge is a course designed to offer you a chance to perceive ideas from the perspective of pain experienced by or gain obtained by customers, develop innovative solutions using creative strategies, test ideas by interacting with customers, mentors and industry practitioners, and finally pitch ideas to a panel of investors from industry. Building your network during the industry interactions is an added benefit. Added to this, the course offers a range of cash and in-kind prizes, with winners announced at a black-tie awards dinner for all participants with industry veterans and investors. The course is the first step into entrepreneurship for many who have gone on to great entrepreneurial endeavours, as well as an enriching personal learning experience for all. For more information, go to:", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 29/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "3494": {"id": "1W-wxHlQY_bL8Uq050O1X", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "vbPCPpk_4Iy-_D30j2_Eg", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92400, "section": "SE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 8, "available": 32, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Feb - 22 Feb", "days": "Monday, , Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3495": {"id": "VLsf-18jyqMcI6F3Js0ys", "course_id": "108574", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108574", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "eChallenge", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENTREP", "CATALOG_NBR": "7900", "CLASS_NBR": 36090, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "TECHCOMM 3900, ENTREP 3900", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual and group assignments, and presentations", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Assessing viability of your ideas in a systematic manner is an integral requirement for any career path, not only if you want to embark an entrepreneurial career. Evidence suggests that your time at University is one of the best times to gain this experience. The eChallenge is a course designed to offer you a chance to perceive ideas from the perspective of pain experienced by or gain obtained by customers, develop innovative solutions using creative strategies, test ideas by interacting with customers, mentors and industry practitioners, and finally pitch ideas to a panel of investors from industry. Building your network during the industry interactions is an added benefit. Added to this, the course offers a range of cash and in-kind prizes, with winners announced at a black-tie awards dinner for all participants with industry veterans and investors. The course is the first step into entrepreneurship for many who have gone on to great entrepreneurial endeavours, as well as an enriching personal learning experience for all. For more information, go to:", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "3496": {"id": "VLsf-18jyqMcI6F3Js0ys", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "ft9fQl0W2cMw3nY6V75uQ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36090, "section": "SE01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 89, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Sep - 19 Nov", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3497": {"id": "Hjf7ooVtbn8ujanGQ28K3", "course_id": "108575", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108575", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Tech eChallenge", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENTREP", "CATALOG_NBR": "7901", "CLASS_NBR": 14814, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "TECHCOMM 3901, ENTREP 3901", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual and group assignments, and presentations", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Tech eChallenge represents one of the tracks under the eChallenge umbrella suite of programs. Whereas the Australian eChallenge (ENTREP 7900) embraces business/entrepreneurial innovation and commercialisation, the Tech eChallenge focuses on technological innovation with the emphasis on product design and the development of a prototype that has market relevance for different streams including not limited to MedTech, AgTech, EdTech and FinTech. Receiving instruction and guidance from experienced mentors, underpinned by theory, students develop prototypes that address a market need and then present these to a panel of judges where they receive feedback about their innovations. Those who complete the Tech eChallenge are able to enter the Australian eChallenge to develop entrepreneurial strategies for commercialising their prototypes and launching entrepreneurial ventures. For more information, please see:", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3498": {"id": "Hjf7ooVtbn8ujanGQ28K3", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "td6d71re2KYWuZHiepo8c", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14814, "section": "SE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 5, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3499": {"id": "cGxAszUYH6RyLDMYsJZ2X", "course_id": "108575", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108575", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Tech eChallenge", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENTREP", "CATALOG_NBR": "7901", "CLASS_NBR": 30100, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "TECHCOMM 3901, ENTREP 3901", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual and group assignments, and presentations", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Tech eChallenge represents one of the tracks under the eChallenge umbrella suite of programs. Whereas the Australian eChallenge (ENTREP 7900) embraces business/entrepreneurial innovation and commercialisation, the Tech eChallenge focuses on technological innovation with the emphasis on product design and the development of a prototype that has market relevance for different streams including not limited to MedTech, AgTech, EdTech and FinTech. Receiving instruction and guidance from experienced mentors, underpinned by theory, students develop prototypes that address a market need and then present these to a panel of judges where they receive feedback about their innovations. Those who complete the Tech eChallenge are able to enter the Australian eChallenge to develop entrepreneurial strategies for commercialising their prototypes and launching entrepreneurial ventures. For more information, please see:", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "3500": {"id": "cGxAszUYH6RyLDMYsJZ2X", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "ffruTb5N9K7aWmbaJTAuS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30100, "section": "SE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 4, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "3501": {"subject": "ENV BIOL", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "008954", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "005740", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104300", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104301", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104302", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104303", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108491", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108618", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109329", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "002072", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "002094", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "103104", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109303", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108367", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111558", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108415", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109065", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109337", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108513", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108513", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108514", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108514", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108515", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108515", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108516", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108516", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109469", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109469", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109469", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109469", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109469", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109469", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109470", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109470", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108517", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108517", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108517", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108517", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108517", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108517", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108518", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108518", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111040", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111040", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111041", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111041", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111042", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111042", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111043", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111043", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111045", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111045", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111045", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111045", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111045", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111045", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111046", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111046", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "3502": {"id": "hbyKYBIp_NIG97iQGzc7b", "course_id": "008954", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "008954", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Ecological Issues I", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENV BIOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "1002", "CLASS_NBR": 22214, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010905", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week, plus field trip", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Tests, written assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The principal aim of this course is to provide students with knowledge that will enable them to participate actively in an informed debate about environmental problems. It provides students with an opportunity to learn about the 'scientific method' and to practice using it during laboratory and field practicals that are written up as assignments. It also supports students\u2019 learning and understanding of science communication by including assignments formatted as scientific posters, blog posts, and more traditional reports. The lectures cover the significant environmental issues of resource utilisation, pollution and waste; ecosystem services and ecological footprints; global cycles; Australian landscapes and soils; biodiversity, grazing and Traditional Ecological Knowledge; invasive species; freshwater and marine ecosystems; climate change; past extinction events and paleoecology (what can we learn from the past?); and environmental management. As a result, the students will come away from the course with a better understanding and ability to communicate the major ecological issues facing the environment today, their causes and severity, and what can/is being done to address them. There is the opportunity to discuss problems and assignments in tutorials. Details of field trips and lab practicals are communicated at the start of the course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3503": {"id": "hbyKYBIp_NIG97iQGzc7b", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "lqhaC3T8cIxHEIOy3roHI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24985, "section": "LE01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 67, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Jul - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 6 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "19 Aug - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "yu-Tf33Tn2vUX22p8p8mk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22218, "section": "TU02", "size": 35, "enrolled": 33, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Aug - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2:30pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "27 Aug - 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further details available at beginning of Semester", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to teach students the core principles of modern ecology, to provide basic skills for the conduct of field studies, and to foster the development of scientific analysis of ecological systems. The topics are integrated into a conceptual framework that will allow students the analysis of real situations. Topics include the description and study of biological populations and communities, the factors that determine their properties and dynamics, the\nproperties of fragmented systems, the patterns and consequences of species diversity, and the biotic and abiotic factors that control the dynamics of ecological systems. Case studies are used to illustrate the underlying theory, and the application of the ecological theory to the management of natural resources for exploitation and conservation. The course is relevant for students interested in furthering their understanding of the basic ecological principles, in the management of rangelands, fisheries, forests, and human made systems, and in the conservation of natural ecosystems.\nDetails of field trip communicated at start of the course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3505": {"id": "DsCaq2Z8E6gDjrqWHqlJk", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "O798g0m9e0wiZWE1nIVz0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22586, "section": "LE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Fieldwork", "id": "MCj2iRxkNRwBI0no0hehS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20559, "section": "FL01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Fieldwork", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Aug - 3 Aug", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}, {"dates": "17 Aug - 17 Aug", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}, {"dates": "31 Aug - 31 Aug", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}, {"dates": "12 Oct - 12 Oct", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "Uz9VOYYKocfCQMqzzz1Yh", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22587, "section": "PR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 25 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "8 Aug - 8 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 Aug - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 5 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22593, "section": "PR02", "size": 15, "enrolled": 0, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 26 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "9 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 Aug - 23 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "6 Sep - 6 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 4 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "18 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "3506": {"id": "RYUn2lTm3g3f8s82sXJUF", "course_id": "104300", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104300", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Botany II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENV BIOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "2500", "CLASS_NBR": 10913, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "BIOLOGY 1101 or BIOLOGY 1401 or BIOLOGY 1001", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, practical reports & assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "A general introduction to the biology of plants. Lectures and practicals cover plant structure, function, classification, diversity, evolution and responses to environmental stress. Provides a valuable basis for future plant-related courses.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3507": {"id": "RYUn2lTm3g3f8s82sXJUF", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "2vIyUNBC_wi5XkD1BPwG-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16488, "section": "LE01", "size": 190, "enrolled": 133, "available": 57, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "bjbcWxIyt9vx0jrzdgOkj", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10913, "section": "PR02", "size": 80, "enrolled": 65, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10938, "section": "PR01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 68, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "3508": {"id": "-nltPirlLMlq1O6VSOMg8", "course_id": "104301", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104301", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Evolutionary Biology II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENV BIOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "2501", "CLASS_NBR": 22592, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010905", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "BIOLOGY 1101 or BIOLOGY 1401 & BIOLOGY 1201 or BIOLOGY 1202 or BIOLOGY 1001", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Practical reports, essay, quiz, partial online exams", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course addresses key components of evolutionary biology from the perspective of molecular evolution, from the perspective of individual organisms evolving attributes to cope with and exploit spatially and/or temporally variable and different environments, and from a macro-evolutionary perspective. Natural selection, sexual selection, kin selection and inclusive fitness are used to develop an understanding of the behavioural, morphological and physiological adaptations of individual organisms to their environments, as well as an understanding of the interactions and co-evolutionary processes that occur between organisms both intra- and inter-specific (reproductive strategies, mating systems, competition, predator-prey, plant-herbivore, host-parasite, mutualisms, facilitation). Molecular evolution and population genetics provide the mechanics for evolution. Knowledge of these and biogeographic changes are used to develop the ideas of species and speciation, to construct phylogenies, and to interpret the fossil record and patterns of extinction", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3509": {"id": "-nltPirlLMlq1O6VSOMg8", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "kQe5_skssu1rU2jHrCfmf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22591, "section": "LE01", "size": 185, "enrolled": 120, "available": 65, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "7GZPDOdyYgDo63cBXrrIv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22592, "section": "PR02", "size": 75, "enrolled": 45, "available": 30, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 4 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "18 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24655, "section": "PR01", "size": 75, "enrolled": 75, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "3510": {"id": "fVUwLOWqL5rxh6jzLuEga", "course_id": "104302", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104302", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Ecology II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENV BIOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "2502", "CLASS_NBR": 20694, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010905", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week, plus field trip", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "BIOLOGY 1101 or BIOLOGY 1401 or BIOLOGY 1001 or BIOLOGY 1202", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENV BIOL 2005", "ASSESSMENT": "Practical, field work, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces the core principles of modern ecology, provides basic skills for the conduction of field studies, and fosters the development of the skills needed for the scientific analysis of ecological systems. The topics are integrated into a conceptual framework that allows students to analyse real situations. Topics include the description and study of biological populations and communities, the factors that determine their properties and dynamics, the patterns and consequences of species diversity, and the biotic and abiotic factors that control the dynamics of ecological systems. Across these topics, the impact of human activities on ecosystem processes is discussed. Case studies are used to illustrate the underlying theory, and the application of the ecological theory to the management of natural resources for use and conservation. The course is relevant for students interested in furthering their understanding of ecological principles, in the management of rangelands, wildlife, fisheries, forests, and human made systems, and in the conservation of natural ecosystems.\nDetails of field trip communicated at start of the course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3511": {"id": "fVUwLOWqL5rxh6jzLuEga", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "AzaOIeSJYTR1H-gxQIwxA", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22588, "section": "LE01", "size": 190, "enrolled": 133, "available": 57, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "J3z_PFouJJAzadgL-Slva", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20694, "section": "PR03", "size": 39, "enrolled": 36, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 24 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Johnson, 111, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "7 Aug - 7 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Johnson, 111, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "21 Aug - 21 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Johnson, 111, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Sep - 4 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Johnson, 111, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 2 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Johnson, 111, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Johnson, 111, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22589, "section": "PR01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 55, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 25 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "8 Aug - 8 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 Aug - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 5 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22590, "section": "PR02", "size": 65, "enrolled": 42, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 26 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "9 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 Aug - 23 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "6 Sep - 6 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 4 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "18 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Fieldwork", "id": "jbSAxjD8Ruancpnz1bkuk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21919, "section": "FL01", "size": 190, "enrolled": 133, "available": 57, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Fieldwork", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Aug - 3 Aug", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}, {"dates": "17 Aug - 17 Aug", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}, {"dates": "31 Aug - 31 Aug", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}, {"dates": "12 Oct - 12 Oct", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}]}]}]}]}, "3512": {"id": "XcvSci-N1BgXwSK14FKA9", "course_id": "104303", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104303", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Zoology II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENV BIOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "2503", "CLASS_NBR": 11845, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010915", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "BIOLOGY 1101 or BIOLOGY 1401 & BIOLOGY 1201 or BIOLOGY 1202 or BIOLOGY 1001", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENV BIOL 2530", "ASSESSMENT": "Practical work, essay, online assessments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will introduce you to the diversity of invertebrate and vertebrate animals that inhabit marine, freshwater terrestrial environments. Concepts of phylogeny will be introduced and the enormous diversity of animals will be examined in a phylogenetic framework. Major events in animal evolution will be provided with a strong focus on how animal form matches function at all levels. We will discuss the features of the major groups of invertebrates and focus on their origins and diversification. The biology of the vertebrates will follow groups from fishes to terrestrial vertebrates, including the amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. We will flavour these with interesting lectures on animal adaptations and some of the major evolutionary hurdles in vertebrate evolution. Topics in animal physiology relevant to both vertebrates and invertebrates will include the flow of energy through organisms, the process of respiration and the function of the nervous and sensory systems as well as functional morphology.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3513": {"id": "XcvSci-N1BgXwSK14FKA9", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "tuTDgyFlCPVaH8Tim94tg", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10914, "section": "LE01", "size": 171, "enrolled": 129, "available": 42, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 15 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 May - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "oSu2fs_LKabrDSALjXtPZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10915, "section": "PR01", "size": 57, "enrolled": 54, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 340, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 340, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "6 May - 6 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 340, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "20 May - 20 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 340, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10916, "section": "PR02", "size": 57, "enrolled": 41, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "The Braggs, 340, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "The Braggs, 340, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "7 May - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "The Braggs, 340, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "21 May - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "The Braggs, 340, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11845, "section": "PR03", "size": 57, "enrolled": 34, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 340, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 340, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "6 May - 6 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 340, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "20 May - 20 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 340, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "3514": {"id": "usEF7yiH2_vey4Bo6Ftqo", "course_id": "108491", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108491", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Plant Identification II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENV BIOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "2510", "CLASS_NBR": 20821, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010905", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week during 2nd half of the Semester; up to 40 hours per week in Mid-Semester break", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "6 units of Level I BIOLOGY, Environmental Biology courses or equivalent; ENV BIOL 2500", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENV BIOL 2515", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes (in practicals), oral presentation, assignments, mid-term and final tests", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students gain a basic understanding of the diversity of plants and develop specialised technical skills in the identification of vascular plants. This course has an atypical distribution of contact hours and student workload during the semester; learning activities include online preparation ahead of the focus intensive one week face-to-face period within the mid-semester break, after which students have face-to-face workshops to support their project.\nThe course is taught in the context of the origins of Australian plant diversity with special emphasis on selected and iconic Australian plant groups. Native and introduced plant groups are emphasised in practical studies and some emphasis will be placed on understanding the status of rare, threatened and priority weed plant groups. Field and practical experience will include study of plant diversity of local natural and managed habitats. Skills developed in this course include the description and identification of vascular plants along with a basic understanding of land based non-vascular plant groups. The skills developed will provide a sound basis contributing to investigating evolutionary processes and describing biodiversity.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3515": {"id": "usEF7yiH2_vey4Bo6Ftqo", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "FbIYFGBso3QPwbxcNJRgC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20820, "section": "PR01", "size": 120, "enrolled": 82, "available": 38, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "16 Sep - 20 Sep", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 350, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "16 Sep - 20 Sep", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "16 Sep - 20 Sep", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 340, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "Uathx8R35RivDfVq29cPY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20821, "section": "WR01", "size": 120, "enrolled": 82, "available": 38, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3516": {"id": "8a8H_QKo_fZXSRYlRFhGx", "course_id": "108618", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108618", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Animal Identification (Wildlife Conservation) II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENV BIOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "2520", "CLASS_NBR": 13544, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "34 hours in week 1; 40 hours in week 2; 2 hours in each of weeks 8, 9,10 &11", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "BSc (Wildlife Conservation Biology) or Bachelor of Marine and Wildlife Conservation students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "BIOLOGY 1101 or BIOLOGY 1401 or equivalent, BIOLOGY 1202 or BIOLOGY 1001", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, field identification skills, data management, project report", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This short intensive course, in the mid semester break, provides a basic understanding of the diversity of vertebrates and the policies, ethics and compliances associated with working on them. Specialist skills in the use of morphological, genetic and behavioural techniques used in the identification of amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals will be taught. The course includes a 5-day field camp, during which field-based skills in trapping, handling, identification, tagging and collection of morphological data will be taught. This includes the use of modern techniques for remotely sensing the presence of wildlife. Students will develop skills necessary for biological surveys and undertaking field research involving vertebrates, and gain understanding of the ethical obligations when undertaking such research.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3517": {"id": "8a8H_QKo_fZXSRYlRFhGx", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "s82d5Mi-2aHqFX4ajqJji", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13544, "section": "WR01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 68, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This course is available to B Marine and Wildlife Conservation students only."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Apr - 10 Apr", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Fieldwork", "id": "JSw8aCnMLm12Rc9OASmqf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13541, "section": "FL01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 47, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Fieldwork", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This course is available to B Marine and Wildlife Conservation students only."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Apr - 19 Apr", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19599, "section": "FL02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 21, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Fieldwork", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This course is available to B Marine and Wildlife Conservation students only."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Apr - 19 Apr", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "C9kh16TQKTIrHqRrvRtFC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13543, "section": "TU01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 68, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This course is available to B Marine and Wildlife Conservation students only."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "1 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Owc2FqRCQUR5Pt6Cvu-eC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10685, "section": "LE01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 68, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This course is available to B Marine and Wildlife Conservation students only."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Apr - 12 Apr", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13542, "section": "PR01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 68, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This course is available to B Marine and Wildlife Conservation students only."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Apr - 12 Apr", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "3518": {"id": "rHaE2Bl-IrDVvk7MpJzV7", "course_id": "109329", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109329", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Zoology II (Marine Biology)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENV BIOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "2530", "CLASS_NBR": 14404, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010915", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BSc (Marine Biology) or Bachelor of Marine and Wildlife Conservation students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "(BIOLOGY 1101 or BIOLOGY 1001 or BIOLOGY 1401) and (BIOLOGY 1201 or BIOLOGY 1202)", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENV BIOL 2503", "ASSESSMENT": "Practical work, essay, online assessments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will introduce you to the diversity of invertebrate and vertebrate animals that inhabit marine, freshwater terrestrial environments. Concepts of phylogeny will be introduced and the enormous diversity of animals will be examined in a phylogenetic framework. Major events in animal evolution will be provided with a strong focus on how animal form matches function at all levels. We will discuss the features of the major groups of invertebrates and focus on their origins and diversification. The biology of the vertebrates will follow groups from fishes to terrestrial vertebrates, including the amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. We will flavour these with interesting lectures on animal adaptations and some of the major evolutionary hurdles in vertebrate evolution. Topics in animal physiology relevant to both vertebrates and invertebrates will include the flow of energy through organisms, the process of respiration and the function of the nervous and sensory systems as well as functional morphology.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3519": {"id": "rHaE2Bl-IrDVvk7MpJzV7", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "GY9mRuUe7TMEfUbebwYsK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13875, "section": "LE01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 29, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 15 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 May - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "Kmm8ibY_sIUT3VhOoNG6i", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13876, "section": "PR01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 14, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 340, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 340, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "6 May - 6 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 340, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "20 May - 20 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 340, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15574, "section": "PR03", "size": 15, "enrolled": 14, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 340, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 340, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "6 May - 6 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 340, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "20 May - 20 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 340, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15575, "section": "PR02", "size": 15, "enrolled": 1, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "The Braggs, 340, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "The Braggs, 340, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "7 May - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "The Braggs, 340, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "21 May - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "The Braggs, 340, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "Z7djmWMW3L938833dHrjF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14404, "section": "WR01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 29, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3520": {"id": "UXPiL3toL6B95HSqOPxgd", "course_id": "002072", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "002072", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Freshwater Ecology III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENV BIOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "3004", "CLASS_NBR": 10021, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010905", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week, plus field camp", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "3 units of Level II Environmental Biology courses", "INCOMPATIBLE": "WRM 7024", "ASSESSMENT": "Essay, exam, field report", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course provides theoretical understanding and practical implications of the ecology and restoration of freshwater habitats. It distinguishes habitats of lakes, wetlands, streams and rivers by varying circulation types, nutrient cycles and food webs. Complementary practicals will be conducted in order to provide skills for the identification of algae, zooplankton and water plants as well as for monitoring, assessment and management of drinking water reservoirs, urban and floodplain wetlands, and rivers.\nThis course will include a field camp up to 5 days. Details will be provided at the start of the course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3521": {"id": "UXPiL3toL6B95HSqOPxgd", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "NTmzyUPqNmG22Au48mhSb", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12744, "section": "LE01", "size": 102, "enrolled": 45, "available": 57, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "VCcwArtgcpX2vJqhCoE-S", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12745, "section": "PR01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 45, "available": 35, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "18 Mar - 18 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 29 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "9Qgr7b8lVZd6_20T8pACJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10021, "section": "WR01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 45, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Mawson, G12, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10404, "section": "FL01", "size": 102, "enrolled": 45, "available": 57, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Fieldwork", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "The Freshwater Ecology and Concepts in Ecology Field camps will both be held in Calperum. Students enrolling in both courses will be required to complete a clash override form and Faculty of SET (Sciences, Engineering and Technology) staff will override this clash for you. However, this clash will not cause you problems because students attending the Freshwater Ecology camp (8-10 April) will be required to remain in Calperum to continue on and attend the other field camp for Concepts of Ecology (10-13 April)."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Apr - 10 Apr", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}]}]}]}]}, "3522": {"id": "mU1puvvgA5jbpvFcUCWum", "course_id": "002094", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "002094", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Marine Ecology III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENV BIOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "3010", "CLASS_NBR": 21577, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010907", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ENV BIOL 2502", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENV BIOL 3500", "ASSESSMENT": "Field trip report, seminars, final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to provide an understanding of the patterns of abundance and diversity of marine plants and animals and the processes that structure these patterns. Emphasis is placed on the challenges in understanding the complexity of marine systems and the solutions to quantifying them. In addition, throughout the course students should gain an understanding of the use of coherent logical procedures and rigorous experimental design to provide practical evidence for the development of theory and solutions to environmental and conservation problems in coastal habitats. The habitats and organisms used to illustrate lectures are derived from ecological studies of subtidal rocky and coral reefs, intertidal rocky reefs, mangrove forests, salt marshes, seagrass meadows, urban structures and pelagic habitats. The field camp in the mid-semester break combines these components in a practical setting.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3523": {"id": "mU1puvvgA5jbpvFcUCWum", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "M7qD50tXx-2nLIg16aB6i", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21577, "section": "LE01", "size": 120, "enrolled": 79, "available": 41, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Fieldwork", "id": "686-29glkux1H15cFJVM2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21576, "section": "FL01", "size": 120, "enrolled": 79, "available": 41, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Fieldwork", "meetings": [{"dates": "16 Sep - 19 Sep", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "3524": {"id": "jKp0B3op8Yt_XE_HwLf-j", "course_id": "103104", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103104", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Concepts in Ecology III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENV BIOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "3121", "CLASS_NBR": 12743, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010905", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week, plus field trip", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ENV BIOL 2502", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, practical assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course addresses advanced ecological concepts, building upon Ecology II, and providing a common anchor to other Ecology courses in Year III. It deals with populations, communities and ecosystems, and examines various approaches to their studies, including experiments and models. Students are provided with both an understanding of theoretical ecology as well as a foundation for ecological applications. Details of the 4 day compulsory field trip communicated at start of the course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3525": {"id": "jKp0B3op8Yt_XE_HwLf-j", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "N9I5WQY-5fMR1GPTRQTNX", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12742, "section": "LE01", "size": 120, "enrolled": 74, "available": 46, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Fieldwork", "id": "J-NSFllI5mNMOsg8TIci2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12550, "section": "FL01", "size": 120, "enrolled": 74, "available": 46, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Fieldwork", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "The Freshwater Ecology and Concepts in Ecology Field camps will both be held in Calperum. Students enrolling in both courses will be required to complete a clash override form and Faculty of SET (Sciences, Engineering and Technology) staff will override this clash for you. However, this clash will not cause you problems because students attending the Freshwater Ecology camp (8-10 April) will be required to remain in Calperum to continue on and attend the other field camp for Concepts of Ecology (10-13 April)."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "10 Apr - 13 Apr", "days": "Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "OHum4rLNGlVipkiIQjA6A", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12743, "section": "PR01", "size": 120, "enrolled": 74, "available": 46, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "3526": {"id": "cYgTzxl2ZgcVYSxgDrUCL", "course_id": "109303", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109303", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Marine & Wildlife Conservation III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENV BIOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "3505", "CLASS_NBR": 24994, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010907", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to students specializing in Marine & Wildlife Conservation Biology", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENV BIOL 3500", "ASSESSMENT": "Graphical Abstract, Science Blog, Seminar, Poster", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to provide an understanding of the patterns of abundance and diversity of marine plants and animals and the processes that structure these patterns. The course focuses on the practical measurement and interpretation used to assess variation in ecological pattern and process, with some emphasis on human driven impacts. Particular emphasis is placed on temperate coasts for which the Australian population is largest and most dense, and its coastal-ocean problems are most expensive and intense. This course involves field trips and laboratory research that responds to tests of hypotheses that are developed during tutorials.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3527": {"id": "cYgTzxl2ZgcVYSxgDrUCL", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "R_6dRZYXzhihnpIXcxkKn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23886, "section": "PR01", "size": 72, "enrolled": 33, "available": 39, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 340, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 340, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "fr9LcaaHhqrIvr3x42Z9M", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24994, "section": "TU01", "size": 72, "enrolled": 33, "available": 39, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3528": {"id": "sbnHSMAL2tx_MCLnwJizY", "course_id": "108367", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108367", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Methods: Ecology, Marine & Wildlife III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENV BIOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "3510", "CLASS_NBR": 11558, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010905", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "6 units Level II ENV BIOL courses & STATS 1000 or STATS 1004 or equivalent", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENV BIOL 3006, ENV BIOL 3520, ENV BIOL 3540, ENV BIOL 3530", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes (in practicals), assignments, and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "An introduction to systematic methods of collection, analysis and reporting of field and laboratory ecological data, and basic experimental design in ecology, marine biology and wildlife conservation. Lectures outline the quantitative nature of ecological research and the value of robust experimental methods. Some knowledge of basic statistics is required. Experimental design will be emphasised, and the elements of statistical tests, particularly linear modelling, will be considered in a variety of ecological contexts. Practical work involves use of computers and software, and will complement methods introduced in lectures. Workshops will be used to collect field-type ecological data and provide specialised expertise in data analysis applications to the fields of ecology, marine biology and wildlife conservation .", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3529": {"id": "sbnHSMAL2tx_MCLnwJizY", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "1Lrg3xjjVDAFHDdcqafZk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14092, "section": "LE01", "size": 120, "enrolled": 74, "available": 46, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "-9qJJ1XU5alvwiDnUxWRZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11558, "section": "PR01", "size": 120, "enrolled": 74, "available": 46, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 340, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 340, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "3530": {"id": "Dszxzrv1nc_TvKLgTl141", "course_id": "111558", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111558", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Molecular Methods in Ecology and Evolution", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENV BIOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "3545", "CLASS_NBR": 11200, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010905", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ENV BIOL 2501", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, exams, practical work and field trip reports", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an in-depth exploration of the molecular approaches, techniques and concepts used in the fields of ecology and evolution. This course is designed to equip students with the necessary knowledge and practical skills to effectively integrate molecular biology techniques into their ecological and evolutionary studies. \nThroughout the course, students will delve into a range of molecular methods, such as DNA sequencing, genotyping, and phylogenetic analyses, and explore their significance and application in ecological and evolutionary research. By combining theoretical knowledge with hands-on laboratory exercises and data analysis, students will develop a comprehensive understanding of how molecular tools can be employed to address critical questions in ecology and evolution. \nThe course will cover a range of topics, including genetic diversity and population genetics, molecular systematics and phylogenetics, molecular ecology, and molecular evolution. Students will learn to design and execute experiments, collect and analyze molecular data, and interpret the results in the context of ecological and evolutionary processes, and environmental detection and monitoring. Additionally, ethical considerations and challenges associated with molecular research will be addressed. \nThrough interactive lectures, discussions, and practical sessions, students will gain proficiency in laboratory techniques, data interpretation, and critical thinking. They will also explore recent advancements in molecular methods and their applications in the rapidly evolving field of environmental DNA. \nBy the end of the course, students will have a solid foundation in molecular methods and their applications, enabling them to conduct independent research projects and contribute to cutting-edge studies in ecology and evolution. They will be equipped with the skills necessary to navigate the ever-expanding field of molecular biology and apply these techniques to unravel the complex interactions between organisms and their environments, as well as the evolutionary processes shaping biodiversity.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3531": {"id": "Dszxzrv1nc_TvKLgTl141", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "G_EGVTOag_BLGDXz-1eBQ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11200, "section": "WR01", "size": 72, "enrolled": 33, "available": 39, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "8R1Akrj8JHLLtzKrQ6oCq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11199, "section": "PR01", "size": 72, "enrolled": 33, "available": 39, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 340, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 340, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "3532": {"id": "WTY0U__C-k0oJI9sEgVjT", "course_id": "108415", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108415", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Evolution of Australian Biota III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENV BIOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "3560", "CLASS_NBR": 21578, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010905", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 12 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ENV BIOL 2501", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ENV BIOL 2500 and ENV BIOL 2503 and (ENV BIOL 3545 or ENV BIOL 3510 or ENV BIOL 3535)", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENV BIOL 3230, ENV BIOL 3122, ENV BIOL 3123 or ENV BIOL 3550", "ASSESSMENT": "Mid-term and final in-term tests and essays", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to provide advanced theoretical understanding of modern advances in techniques for systematics, evolution and the fossil record and the application of these to the study of the evolution and conservation of biodiversity. Students will investigate a range of key topics in evolutionary biology and apply critical thinking by assessing current literature in the area. Topics will include: past climates and habitats and how they have shaped the present day Australian biota; evolutionary trees; morphological and molecular systematics, ancient DNA; molecular clocks; biogeography; extinction; and computational challenges for processing and interpreting large-scale genomic data in phylogeography. Several themes will be explored in detail throughout the course; in particular, adaptations displayed by native animals and plants to arid, nutrient-stressed, aquatic and/or marine environments.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3533": {"id": "WTY0U__C-k0oJI9sEgVjT", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "DkMgHP-kj9QTuAeoIfwuU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21578, "section": "LE01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 65, "available": 35, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "3534": {"id": "u4-6P31aFBKV9CgQj9bty", "course_id": "109065", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109065", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Conservation Biology III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENV BIOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "3580", "CLASS_NBR": 25208, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010905", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 8 hours per week (overall 4 hours per week (weeks 1-2); up to 12 hours per week for weeks 3-8", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ENV BIOL 2502; ENV BIOL 3121", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENV BIOL 3008", "ASSESSMENT": "Workshop reports, Exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will use existing theoretical understandings in conservation biology coupled with the ecological and evolutionary techniques for management and restoration of natural systems to address wildlife conservation issues. The course will focus on diverse Australian and international systems and cover the effects of introduced herbivores, carnivores, competitors, pathogens, vegetation clearance, habitat fragmentation, habitat degradation, and remedial actions on flora, fauna and ecological processes (e.g. pollination, gene flow, animal dispersal). Edge effects, corridors, succession, managing declining species, invasive species management, managing abundant species, conservation genetics, wildlife trafficking, biological and mechanical control of unwanted species, rehabilitation of degraded habitats, re-introduction and translocation biology will also be covered. Establishing adequate and effective monitoring programs, reserve design and risk assessment, as well as social and political factors in decision making will provide additional practical elements (associated with decision-making) to the course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3535": {"id": "u4-6P31aFBKV9CgQj9bty", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "x642qd4TET1iS6kKT3Vhx", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23075, "section": "LE01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 86, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "F88gwfdx7lAuv2KpRTOiy", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23076, "section": "WR01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 44, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1:30pm", "end_time": "3:30pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1:30pm", "end_time": "3:30pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25208, "section": "WR02", "size": 45, "enrolled": 42, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3:30pm", "end_time": "5:30pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3:30pm", "end_time": "5:30pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3536": {"id": "bJrG65SVO9NgaF4wuYeNP", "course_id": "109337", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109337", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Evolutionary Biology III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENV BIOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "3590", "CLASS_NBR": 23887, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010905", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 11 hours per week and a 4 day field trip", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ENV BIOL 2501", "CO_REQUISITE": "ENV BIOL 3560", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ENV BIOL 2500, ENV BIOL 2503, ENV BIOL 3535", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENV BIOL 3230, ENV BIOL 3122, ENV BIOL 3123, ENV BIOL 3550", "ASSESSMENT": "Project report, practical reports, oral presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to provide advanced practical experience in systematics, evolution and the fossil record and the application of these to the study of the evolution and conservation of biodiversity. Students will use research approaches employed in a range of key topics in evolutionary biology and apply critical thinking through practical, project, and fieldwork. Practical and project topics may include: past climates and habitats and how they have shaped the present day Australian biota; evolutionary trees; morphological and molecular systematics, ancient DNA; molecular clocks; biogeography; extinction; and computational challenges for processing and interpreting large-scale genomic data in phylogeography. The course will include a compulsory 4-day field camp to study the extinct terrestrial biota of South Australia.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3537": {"id": "bJrG65SVO9NgaF4wuYeNP", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "GzqD6YGnvouG_aIqasA_k", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23887, "section": "PR01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 20, "available": 40, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "The Braggs, 340, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "The Braggs, 340, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Fieldwork", "id": "mcvK0nmfw3ZKHH1_u4Ceo", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21549, "section": "FL01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 20, "available": 40, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Fieldwork", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Sep - 26 Sep", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}]}]}]}]}, "3538": {"id": "A8bc6Sb9xllgj53ymViMv", "course_id": "108513", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108513", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Ecology and Environmental Science (Hons) Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENV BIOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "4050A", "CLASS_NBR": 16035, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010905", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 10 Hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "BSc Honours Ecology & Environmental Science", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENV BIOL 4000A/B, ENV BIOL 4005A/B, ENV BIOL 4015A/B", "ASSESSMENT": "Literature review & Research Proposal; Broadening Essay; Short Essay", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is part of the Honours in Ecology and Environmental Science degree and runs in parallel with ENV BIOL 4060A/B Honours Ecology and Environmental Science Project. The aim of this course is to help you build essential research, critical thinking and science communication skills. You will develop and improve your ability to synthesise and review the scientific literature, present oral summaries of your research project, and develop technical and analytical skills involved with data analysis and interpretation. In carrying out these tasks you will develop an ability to collect and evaluate information, dissect complex ideas, identify gaps in knowledge, develop an interesting viewpoint, assemble a persuasive argument and draw valid conclusions. An important component is the development of a research proposal that will be implemented and executed in the course ENV BIOL 4050A/B (Honours Ecology and Environmental Science Project 1 & 2).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "3539": {"id": "A8bc6Sb9xllgj53ymViMv", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "76XZ2AYykshond8ZoE4a2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16035, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Full Year - part 1"}]}]}]}]}, "3540": {"id": "eHOzJwCVKoZvPYJfWK8gb", "course_id": "108513", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108513", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Ecology and Environmental Science (Hons) Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENV BIOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "4050A", "CLASS_NBR": 26038, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010905", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 10 Hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "BSc Honours Ecology & Environmental Science", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENV BIOL 4000A/B, ENV BIOL 4005A/B, ENV BIOL 4015A/B", "ASSESSMENT": "Literature review & Research Proposal; Broadening Essay; Short Essay", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is part of the Honours in Ecology and Environmental Science degree and runs in parallel with ENV BIOL 4060A/B Honours Ecology and Environmental Science Project. The aim of this course is to help you build essential research, critical thinking and science communication skills. You will develop and improve your ability to synthesise and review the scientific literature, present oral summaries of your research project, and develop technical and analytical skills involved with data analysis and interpretation. In carrying out these tasks you will develop an ability to collect and evaluate information, dissect complex ideas, identify gaps in knowledge, develop an interesting viewpoint, assemble a persuasive argument and draw valid conclusions. An important component is the development of a research proposal that will be implemented and executed in the course ENV BIOL 4050A/B (Honours Ecology and Environmental Science Project 1 & 2).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "3541": {"id": "eHOzJwCVKoZvPYJfWK8gb", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "2I4CmvdaI2eeL5mmcdBJF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26038, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Full Mid-Year 1"}]}]}]}]}, "3542": {"id": "bs8CCJsyDdvMWsORV57aC", "course_id": "108514", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108514", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Ecology and Environmental Science (Hons) Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENV BIOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "4050B", "CLASS_NBR": 16036, "SESSION_CD": "FM2", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010905", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 10 Hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "BSc Honours Ecology & Environmental Science", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ENV BIOL 4050A in previous Semester", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENV BIOL4000A/B, ENV BIOL 4005A/B, ENV BIOL 4015A/B", "ASSESSMENT": "Literature review & Research Proposal; Broadening Essay; Short Essay", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is part of the Honours in Ecology and Environmental Science degree and runs in parallel with ENV BIOL 4060A/B Honours Ecology and Environmental Science Project. The aim of this course is to help you build essential research, critical thinking and science communication skills. You will develop and improve your ability to synthesise and review the scientific literature, present oral summaries of your research project, and develop technical and analytical skills involved with data analysis and interpretation. In carrying out these tasks you will develop an ability to collect and evaluate information, dissect complex ideas, identify gaps in knowledge, develop an interesting viewpoint, assemble a persuasive argument and draw valid conclusions. An important component is the development of a research proposal that will be implemented and executed in the course ENV BIOL 4050A/B (Honours Ecology and Environmental Science Project 1 & 2).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3543": {"id": "bs8CCJsyDdvMWsORV57aC", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "L2boBtCb1YdOeO4-C_pE3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16036, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Full Mid Year 2"}]}]}]}]}, "3544": {"id": "CHYIli7RJCm0tSLtv48Uz", "course_id": "108514", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108514", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Ecology and Environmental Science (Hons) Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENV BIOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "4050B", "CLASS_NBR": 26039, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010905", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 10 Hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "BSc Honours Ecology & Environmental Science", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ENV BIOL 4050A in previous Semester", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENV BIOL4000A/B, ENV BIOL 4005A/B, ENV BIOL 4015A/B", "ASSESSMENT": "Literature review & Research Proposal; Broadening Essay; Short Essay", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is part of the Honours in Ecology and Environmental Science degree and runs in parallel with ENV BIOL 4060A/B Honours Ecology and Environmental Science Project. The aim of this course is to help you build essential research, critical thinking and science communication skills. You will develop and improve your ability to synthesise and review the scientific literature, present oral summaries of your research project, and develop technical and analytical skills involved with data analysis and interpretation. In carrying out these tasks you will develop an ability to collect and evaluate information, dissect complex ideas, identify gaps in knowledge, develop an interesting viewpoint, assemble a persuasive argument and draw valid conclusions. An important component is the development of a research proposal that will be implemented and executed in the course ENV BIOL 4050A/B (Honours Ecology and Environmental Science Project 1 & 2).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3545": {"id": "CHYIli7RJCm0tSLtv48Uz", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "biGheuEShWWdN1vfutc_L", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26039, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Full Year - part 2"}]}]}]}]}, "3546": {"id": "AnvCAUegJmiL_jicemq2Z", "course_id": "108515", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108515", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Ecology and Environmental Science Project Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENV BIOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "4060A", "CLASS_NBR": 16037, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 7.5, "EFTLS": 0.3125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010905", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 30 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "BSc Honours Ecology & Environmental Science", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENV BIOL 4000A/B, ENV BIOL 4005A/B, ENV BIOL 4020A/B", "ASSESSMENT": "Research project, seminar presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The focus of this course is about the execution of a piece of original research, and on implementing the research proposal developed in the Adv Ecol & Env Sci (Hons) course (ENV BIOL 4050A/B). The two courses are closely aligned and are designed to be done in parallel at the same time, and interact. The two courses complement each other and form the Honours program in Ecology and Environmental Science. Students investigate an area of Ecology and Environmental Science and discover interesting phenomena to observe, one or more original questions to answer and corresponding hypotheses to test. The project includes the design, execution, analysis and reporting of a discrete research project. The student is largely responsible for the conduct of the project, but receives counsel and direction from a member of staff with relevant expertise.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "3547": {"id": "AnvCAUegJmiL_jicemq2Z", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "D_tZhXnc75q5ba5xWY8IM", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16037, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Full Year - part 1"}]}]}]}]}, "3548": {"id": "29LWSmMAMmdKlYF2Le9e3", "course_id": "108515", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108515", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Ecology and Environmental Science Project Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENV BIOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "4060A", "CLASS_NBR": 26040, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 7.5, "EFTLS": 0.3125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010905", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 30 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "BSc Honours Ecology & Environmental Science", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENV BIOL 4000A/B, ENV BIOL 4005A/B, ENV BIOL 4020A/B", "ASSESSMENT": "Research project, seminar presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The focus of this course is about the execution of a piece of original research, and on implementing the research proposal developed in the Adv Ecol & Env Sci (Hons) course (ENV BIOL 4050A/B). The two courses are closely aligned and are designed to be done in parallel at the same time, and interact. The two courses complement each other and form the Honours program in Ecology and Environmental Science. Students investigate an area of Ecology and Environmental Science and discover interesting phenomena to observe, one or more original questions to answer and corresponding hypotheses to test. The project includes the design, execution, analysis and reporting of a discrete research project. The student is largely responsible for the conduct of the project, but receives counsel and direction from a member of staff with relevant expertise.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "3549": {"id": "29LWSmMAMmdKlYF2Le9e3", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "0c8PTGXAq9-NV-lYgRZoN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26040, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Full Mid-Year 1"}]}]}]}]}, "3550": {"id": "1TfoAZ5QiMqRT7y5S5qoU", "course_id": "108516", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108516", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Ecology and Environmental Science Project Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENV BIOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "4060B", "CLASS_NBR": 16038, "SESSION_CD": "FM2", "UNITS": 7.5, "EFTLS": 0.3125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010905", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 30 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "BSc Honours Ecology & Environmental Science", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENV BIOL 4000A/B, ENV BIOL 4005A/B, ENV BIOL 4020A/B", "ASSESSMENT": "Research project, seminar presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The focus of this course is about the execution of a piece of original research, and on implementing the research proposal developed in the Adv Ecol & Env Sci (Hons) course (ENV BIOL 4050A/B). The two courses are closely aligned and are designed to be done in parallel at the same time, and interact. The two courses complement each other and form the Honours program in Ecology and Environmental Science. Students investigate an area of Ecology and Environmental Science and discover interesting phenomena to observe, one or more original questions to answer and corresponding hypotheses to test. The project includes the design, execution, analysis and reporting of a discrete research project. The student is largely responsible for the conduct of the project, but receives counsel and direction from a member of staff with relevant expertise.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3551": {"id": "1TfoAZ5QiMqRT7y5S5qoU", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "3nxsXh323wi0K6aVf5HMZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16038, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Full Mid Year 2"}]}]}]}]}, "3552": {"id": "HRjIU2F3DlErztKHOXKtl", "course_id": "108516", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108516", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Ecology and Environmental Science Project Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENV BIOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "4060B", "CLASS_NBR": 26041, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 7.5, "EFTLS": 0.3125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010905", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 30 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "BSc Honours Ecology & Environmental Science", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENV BIOL 4000A/B, ENV BIOL 4005A/B, ENV BIOL 4020A/B", "ASSESSMENT": "Research project, seminar presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The focus of this course is about the execution of a piece of original research, and on implementing the research proposal developed in the Adv Ecol & Env Sci (Hons) course (ENV BIOL 4050A/B). The two courses are closely aligned and are designed to be done in parallel at the same time, and interact. The two courses complement each other and form the Honours program in Ecology and Environmental Science. Students investigate an area of Ecology and Environmental Science and discover interesting phenomena to observe, one or more original questions to answer and corresponding hypotheses to test. The project includes the design, execution, analysis and reporting of a discrete research project. The student is largely responsible for the conduct of the project, but receives counsel and direction from a member of staff with relevant expertise.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3553": {"id": "HRjIU2F3DlErztKHOXKtl", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "AUUHxq1TO5ZMlcGE18Uqm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26041, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Full Year - part 2"}]}]}]}]}, "3554": {"id": "5i3E5mJUTn4oFVk2mLjYV", "course_id": "109469", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109469", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Evolution and Palaeobiology Project (Two-Year) Continuing", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENV BIOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "4065A", "CLASS_NBR": 16145, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 3.75, "EFTLS": 0.15625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 15 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "BSc Honours Evolution & Palaeobiology", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research project, presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is part of the Honours in Evolution and Palaeobiology degree and runs in parallel with ENV BIOL 4040A/B Advanced Evolution & Palaeobiology Honours. The course will introduce you to all aspects of research, including design, experimentation, interpretation and communication of results. You will implement the research proposal developed in the Advanced Evolution & Palaeobiology Honours course (ENV BIOL 4040A/B) and conduct a substantial research project, under the supervision of an academic mentor, which will be written up in the format of a thesis. Assessment includes the thesis and interview (90%) and a final research seminar (10%).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 07/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "3555": {"id": "5i3E5mJUTn4oFVk2mLjYV", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "dXCNwrc42_TD3h8hl1XTl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16145, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Two Year Part 1"}]}]}]}]}, "3556": {"id": "Orulppqwq27EqGuNjKXl9", "course_id": "109469", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109469", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Evolution and Palaeobiology Project (Two-Year) Continuing", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENV BIOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "4065A", "CLASS_NBR": 16145, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 3.75, "EFTLS": 0.15625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 15 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "BSc Honours Evolution & Palaeobiology", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research project, presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is part of the Honours in Evolution and Palaeobiology degree and runs in parallel with ENV BIOL 4040A/B Advanced Evolution & Palaeobiology Honours. 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Assessment includes the thesis and interview (90%) and a final research seminar (10%).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 07/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "3557": {"id": "Orulppqwq27EqGuNjKXl9", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "ORHgcRbCl5vtDL-dSzVRm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16145, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Two Year Part 1"}]}]}]}]}, "3558": {"id": "7XFWCs_WV5AaXW_vto9mn", "course_id": "109469", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109469", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Evolution and Palaeobiology Project (Two-Year) Continuing", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENV BIOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "4065A", "CLASS_NBR": 16145, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 3.75, "EFTLS": 0.15625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 15 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "BSc Honours Evolution & Palaeobiology", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research project, presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is part of the Honours in Evolution and Palaeobiology degree and runs in parallel with ENV BIOL 4040A/B Advanced Evolution & Palaeobiology Honours. 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Assessment includes the thesis and interview (90%) and a final research seminar (10%).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 07/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "3559": {"id": "7XFWCs_WV5AaXW_vto9mn", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "U3jaN5CoKrRdWVWjnarRy", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16145, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Two Year Part 1"}]}]}]}]}, "3560": {"id": "tjkr-9pe4Jtcyazjk-Rfd", "course_id": "109469", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109469", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Evolution and Palaeobiology Project (Two-Year) Continuing", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENV BIOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "4065A", "CLASS_NBR": 26150, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 3.75, "EFTLS": 0.15625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 15 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "BSc Honours Evolution & Palaeobiology", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research project, presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is part of the Honours in Evolution and Palaeobiology degree and runs in parallel with ENV BIOL 4040A/B Advanced Evolution & Palaeobiology Honours. 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Assessment includes the thesis and interview (90%) and a final research seminar (10%).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "3561": {"id": "tjkr-9pe4Jtcyazjk-Rfd", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "IASzNyI-IS2So0qiJNXSo", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26150, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Two Year Part 1"}]}]}]}]}, "3562": {"id": "iYkpPCOJqdBPmHi77n1-k", "course_id": "109469", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109469", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Evolution and Palaeobiology Project (Two-Year) Continuing", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENV BIOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "4065A", "CLASS_NBR": 26150, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 3.75, "EFTLS": 0.15625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 15 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "BSc Honours Evolution & Palaeobiology", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research project, presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is part of the Honours in Evolution and Palaeobiology degree and runs in parallel with ENV BIOL 4040A/B Advanced Evolution & Palaeobiology Honours. 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Assessment includes the thesis and interview (90%) and a final research seminar (10%).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "3563": {"id": "iYkpPCOJqdBPmHi77n1-k", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "tLZ8iTN0JhVQkm4rr0Zjg", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26150, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Two Year Part 1"}]}]}]}]}, "3564": {"id": "3BlwS1hxVz6_9SkiZ8Mu0", "course_id": "109469", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109469", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Evolution and Palaeobiology Project (Two-Year) Continuing", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENV BIOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "4065A", "CLASS_NBR": 26150, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 3.75, "EFTLS": 0.15625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 15 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "BSc Honours Evolution & Palaeobiology", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research project, presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is part of the Honours in Evolution and Palaeobiology degree and runs in parallel with ENV BIOL 4040A/B Advanced Evolution & Palaeobiology Honours. 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Assessment includes the thesis and interview (90%) and a final research seminar (10%).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "3565": {"id": "3BlwS1hxVz6_9SkiZ8Mu0", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "leo3aM5SVREIsBbtTbHTk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26150, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Two Year Part 1"}]}]}]}]}, "3566": {"id": "uTC3vDky67gFlQGYmCAoR", "course_id": "109470", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109470", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Evolution and Palaeobiology Project (Two-Year) Final", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENV BIOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "4065B", "CLASS_NBR": 16146, "SESSION_CD": "TYD", "UNITS": 3.75, "EFTLS": 0.15625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 15 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "BSc Honours Evolution & Palaeobiology", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research project, presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is part of the Honours in Evolution and Palaeobiology degree and runs in parallel with ENV BIOL 4040A/B Advanced Evolution & Palaeobiology Honours. 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Assessment includes the thesis and interview (90%) and a final research seminar (10%).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3567": {"id": "uTC3vDky67gFlQGYmCAoR", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "_ppHeDOF8uIEZBeFcztGS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16146, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Two Year Part 4"}]}]}]}]}, "3568": {"id": "BxBQ3nZ0UiIZB2U1q4-CD", "course_id": "109470", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109470", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Evolution and Palaeobiology Project (Two-Year) Final", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENV BIOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "4065B", "CLASS_NBR": 26151, "SESSION_CD": "TYD", "UNITS": 3.75, "EFTLS": 0.15625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 15 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "BSc Honours Evolution & Palaeobiology", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research project, presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is part of the Honours in Evolution and Palaeobiology degree and runs in parallel with ENV BIOL 4040A/B Advanced Evolution & Palaeobiology Honours. The course will introduce you to all aspects of research, including design, experimentation, interpretation and communication of results. You will implement the research proposal developed in the Advanced Evolution & Palaeobiology Honours course (ENV BIOL 4040A/B) and conduct a substantial research project, under the supervision of an academic mentor, which will be written up in the format of a thesis. Assessment includes the thesis and interview (90%) and a final research seminar (10%).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3569": {"id": "BxBQ3nZ0UiIZB2U1q4-CD", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "CznNO94F5zw_38WIAVGj2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26151, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Two Year Part 4"}]}]}]}]}, "3570": {"id": "bxanv0_3KMindVa-Nto9n", "course_id": "108517", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108517", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Ecology and Environmental Science Project (T/Y) Cont", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENV BIOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "4070A", "CLASS_NBR": 16039, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 3.75, "EFTLS": 0.15625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010905", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 15 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "BSc Honours Ecology & Environmental Science", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENV BIOL 4000AB/ENV BIOL 4005A/B, ENV BIOL 4030A/B", "ASSESSMENT": "Research project, seminar presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The focus of this course is about the execution of a piece of original research, and on implementing the research proposal developed in the Adv Ecol & Env Sci (Hons) course (ENV BIOL 4050A/B). The two courses are closely aligned and are designed to be done in parallel at the same time, and interact. The two courses complement each other and form the Honours program in Ecology and Environmental Science. Students investigate an area of Ecology and Environmental Science and discover interesting phenomena to observe, one or more original questions to answer and corresponding hypotheses to test. The project includes the design, execution, analysis and reporting of a discrete research project. The student is largely responsible for the conduct of the project, but receives counsel and direction from a member of staff with relevant expertise.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 07/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "3571": {"id": "bxanv0_3KMindVa-Nto9n", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "Vlv18pxMg-Uhojnnrg4nL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16039, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Two Year Part 1"}]}]}]}]}, "3572": {"id": "2buIhjbStmnBEZLxSHxF_", "course_id": "108517", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108517", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Ecology and Environmental Science Project (T/Y) Cont", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENV BIOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "4070A", "CLASS_NBR": 16039, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 3.75, "EFTLS": 0.15625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010905", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 15 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "BSc Honours Ecology & Environmental Science", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENV BIOL 4000AB/ENV BIOL 4005A/B, ENV BIOL 4030A/B", "ASSESSMENT": "Research project, seminar presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The focus of this course is about the execution of a piece of original research, and on implementing the research proposal developed in the Adv Ecol & Env Sci (Hons) course (ENV BIOL 4050A/B). 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The student is largely responsible for the conduct of the project, but receives counsel and direction from a member of staff with relevant expertise.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 07/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "3573": {"id": "2buIhjbStmnBEZLxSHxF_", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "U7tdPP7F6I0QhmkqJbG1g", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16039, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Two Year Part 1"}]}]}]}]}, "3574": {"id": "_jnmytP_ZBU4_R3uXkLDN", "course_id": "108517", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108517", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Ecology and Environmental Science Project (T/Y) Cont", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENV BIOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "4070A", "CLASS_NBR": 16039, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 3.75, "EFTLS": 0.15625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010905", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 15 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "BSc Honours Ecology & Environmental Science", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENV BIOL 4000AB/ENV BIOL 4005A/B, ENV BIOL 4030A/B", "ASSESSMENT": "Research project, seminar presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The focus of this course is about the execution of a piece of original research, and on implementing the research proposal developed in the Adv Ecol & Env Sci (Hons) course (ENV BIOL 4050A/B). 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The student is largely responsible for the conduct of the project, but receives counsel and direction from a member of staff with relevant expertise.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 07/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "3575": {"id": "_jnmytP_ZBU4_R3uXkLDN", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "4l10Jy0Ny0FGyixi2nrbA", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16039, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Two Year Part 1"}]}]}]}]}, "3576": {"id": "97oNEIfciZxyJOlNaxI72", "course_id": "108517", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108517", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Ecology and Environmental Science Project (T/Y) Cont", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENV BIOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "4070A", "CLASS_NBR": 26042, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 3.75, "EFTLS": 0.15625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010905", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 15 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "BSc Honours Ecology & Environmental Science", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENV BIOL 4000AB/ENV BIOL 4005A/B, ENV BIOL 4030A/B", "ASSESSMENT": "Research project, seminar presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The focus of this course is about the execution of a piece of original research, and on implementing the research proposal developed in the Adv Ecol & Env Sci (Hons) course (ENV BIOL 4050A/B). 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The student is largely responsible for the conduct of the project, but receives counsel and direction from a member of staff with relevant expertise.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "3577": {"id": "97oNEIfciZxyJOlNaxI72", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "ckZsxo316B_tYK0W6h7I2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26042, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Two Year Part 1"}]}]}]}]}, "3578": {"id": "C19GNaZHC0b3orp9nTj9w", "course_id": "108517", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108517", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Ecology and Environmental Science Project (T/Y) Cont", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENV BIOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "4070A", "CLASS_NBR": 26042, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 3.75, "EFTLS": 0.15625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010905", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 15 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "BSc Honours Ecology & Environmental Science", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENV BIOL 4000AB/ENV BIOL 4005A/B, ENV BIOL 4030A/B", "ASSESSMENT": "Research project, seminar presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The focus of this course is about the execution of a piece of original research, and on implementing the research proposal developed in the Adv Ecol & Env Sci (Hons) course (ENV BIOL 4050A/B). 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The student is largely responsible for the conduct of the project, but receives counsel and direction from a member of staff with relevant expertise.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "3579": {"id": "C19GNaZHC0b3orp9nTj9w", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "9sxx5rG9DxmtiHC8ZOjkC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26042, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Two Year Part 1"}]}]}]}]}, "3580": {"id": "jWM82tE9tPlo-IPbeGs80", "course_id": "108517", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108517", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Ecology and Environmental Science Project (T/Y) Cont", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENV BIOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "4070A", "CLASS_NBR": 26042, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 3.75, "EFTLS": 0.15625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010905", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 15 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "BSc Honours Ecology & Environmental Science", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENV BIOL 4000AB/ENV BIOL 4005A/B, ENV BIOL 4030A/B", "ASSESSMENT": "Research project, seminar presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The focus of this course is about the execution of a piece of original research, and on implementing the research proposal developed in the Adv Ecol & Env Sci (Hons) course (ENV BIOL 4050A/B). 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The student is largely responsible for the conduct of the project, but receives counsel and direction from a member of staff with relevant expertise.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "3581": {"id": "jWM82tE9tPlo-IPbeGs80", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "SokM254ctxrU2HhCTGqZV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26042, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Two Year Part 1"}]}]}]}]}, "3582": {"id": "AWkTFE81lmMVnUcmWP7zf", "course_id": "108518", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108518", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Ecology and Environmental Science Project (T/Y) Final", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENV BIOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "4070B", "CLASS_NBR": 16040, "SESSION_CD": "TYD", "UNITS": 3.75, "EFTLS": 0.15625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010905", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 15 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "BSc Honours Ecology & Environmental Science", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENV BIOL 4000A/B, ENV BIOL 4005A/B, ENV BIOL 4030A/B", "ASSESSMENT": "Research project, seminar presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The focus of this course is about the execution of a piece of original research, and on implementing the research proposal developed in the Adv Ecol & Env Sci (Hons) course (ENV BIOL 4050A/B). 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The student is largely responsible for the conduct of the project, but receives counsel and direction from a member of staff with relevant expertise.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3583": {"id": "AWkTFE81lmMVnUcmWP7zf", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "ptAr7TDjpmWPGTXSHr5Dw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16040, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Two Year Part 4"}]}]}]}]}, "3584": {"id": "0SZKII09zBxFlp3t-6kOL", "course_id": "108518", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108518", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Ecology and Environmental Science Project (T/Y) Final", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENV BIOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "4070B", "CLASS_NBR": 26043, "SESSION_CD": "TYD", "UNITS": 3.75, "EFTLS": 0.15625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010905", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 15 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "BSc Honours Ecology & Environmental Science", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENV BIOL 4000A/B, ENV BIOL 4005A/B, ENV BIOL 4030A/B", "ASSESSMENT": "Research project, seminar presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The focus of this course is about the execution of a piece of original research, and on implementing the research proposal developed in the Adv Ecol & Env Sci (Hons) course (ENV BIOL 4050A/B). 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The student is largely responsible for the conduct of the project, but receives counsel and direction from a member of staff with relevant expertise.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3585": {"id": "0SZKII09zBxFlp3t-6kOL", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "mVhUF4f60xFHkBC001F10", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26043, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Two Year Part 4"}]}]}]}]}, "3586": {"id": "obfQgAV9cY4tKFNs8zIAS", "course_id": "111040", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111040", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (Hons) Pt 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENV BIOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "4080A", "CLASS_NBR": 16256, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010905", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Unpublished Course - Contact Not Available", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "", "QUOTA_TXT": "quota NA", "RESTRICTION": "", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Unpublished Course - No eligibility Req", "PRE_REQUISITE": "prereq NA", "CO_REQUISITE": "coreq NA", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "assume NA", "INCOMPATIBLE": "restriction NA", "ASSESSMENT": "Unpublished Course - NA", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "biennial NA", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "", "SYLLABUS": "", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", 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The interconnectedness of the environmental system is emphasized, including concepts of sustainability, resilience, pollution (air, water, noise and solid waste), community engagement, and legislative and regulatory requirements. Students will be required to document the causes and impacts of a historical environmental disaster, engage in a community debate on a controversial development proposal, and write an environmental impact statement for a large infrastructure project (e.g. mine site, new hospital).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3620": {"id": "uCWVcGTWV9UEX8YpO7elx", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "TqsPzKUf5ke5G-ES23WIO", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10232, "section": "WR01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 36, "available": 34, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 22 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214/218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "sd0KhBsUebUCO89aOi0LY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10230, "section": "LE01", "size": 90, "enrolled": 36, "available": 54, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Project", "id": "cKf3Dkv2aiMKtp9R9Y0p5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10231, "section": "PJ01", "size": 90, "enrolled": 36, "available": 54, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Project", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "3621": {"id": "YauD83NFnUOQOKufGNjwR", "course_id": "111434", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111434", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Environmental Engineering", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENV ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "1001UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 10235, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "039901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment, in-class quiz", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This subject provides an introductory overview to different aspects of Environmental Engineering. The interconnectedness of the environmental system is emphasized, including concepts of sustainability, resilience, pollution (air, water, noise and solid waste), community engagement, and legislative and regulatory requirements. Students will be required to document the causes and impacts of a historical environmental disaster, engage in a community debate on a controversial development proposal, and write an environmental impact statement for a large infrastructure project (e.g. mine site, new hospital).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3622": {"id": "YauD83NFnUOQOKufGNjwR", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "lPb_PeYMy7PCrT-JySZ8T", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10235, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 8, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 22 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214/218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "5GMmsC5hrFHU8iBcqbIND", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10233, "section": "LE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 8, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Project", "id": "EqzheVi9SckNeTF5SsIDm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10234, "section": "PJ01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 8, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Project", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "kwf0tPgry2ljEaqCgdb9N", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19696, "section": "TT01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 8, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 114, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 114, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3623": {"id": "tvlRz7fnNVdpHgL4Nbt7d", "course_id": "111523", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111523", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Resources and Energy in a Circular Economy", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENV ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "1003", "CLASS_NBR": 22391, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "039901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment, in-class quiz, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The dominant linear economy (make> use > dispose), wastes resources, is economically inefficient and leads to environmental damage. In a circular economy, the maximum value is extracted from resources in use, then products and materials are recovered and regenerated at the end of each service life. This course will introduce students to the systems thinking that is required to develop technological solutions and businesses models that contribute to making our economy more circular. The course will conduct a basic lifecycle assessment to quantify environmental impacts for different product options, will consider case studies of best practice for a variety of circular strategies and will critically analyse data to identify possible strategies relating to the circular economy on campus.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3624": {"id": "tvlRz7fnNVdpHgL4Nbt7d", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "FgYZdXf5PjgAOPXt1Dr4i", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22391, "section": "WR01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 32, "available": 28, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 218, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "CXCJAeL-JwB0ot-sMe-GP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22390, "section": "LE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 32, "available": 28, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "3625": {"id": "81TUI0Eu6npZta8ZKx4OK", "course_id": "111425", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111425", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Climate & Environmental Impact Modelling", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENV ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "2006", "CLASS_NBR": 25455, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "039901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ENG 1003, CEME 1001 or ENV ENG 1001", "INCOMPATIBLE": "C&ENVENG 3029, C&ENVENG 7029, CEME 7206 or ENV ENG 7206", "ASSESSMENT": "Tests/Quizzes, Assignments/Projects", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "As the impacts of climate and environmental change become increasingly apparent, the need to better understand the likely impact of these changes, as well as the relative effectivenss of potential mitigation strategies, is paramount. As these changes occur in the future under conditions that have not been experienced previously, we need to rely on models to make these assessments under considerable amounts of uncertainty. Consequently, it is essential to understand different modelling approaches, how relevant models are developed, what potential pitfalls are, how to deal with uncertainty, and how to best use models for assessing the impact of climate and environmental change and identify the most effective mitigation strategies. In order to equip course participants with the skills for achieving these outcomes, this course addresses the major steps in the development of environmental models, and how they are used for decision-making, with a particular emphasis on water quality and responding to potential climate change impacts. Topics to be covered include one or more of the following: model specification (types of models e.g. process-driven models, artificial neural networks, environmental processes, model complexity, model application), model calibration (different optimisation methods, including gradient methods and evolutionary algorithms), model validation (structural, replicative and predictive validity) and stochastic modelling (types of uncertainty, random variables, risk-based performance measures and reliability analysis, including Monte Carlo simulation), environmental decision-making (multi-objective trade-offs, multi-criteria decision analysis). These topics are explored through a project on managing dissolved oxygen and salinity in a river system under climate and population change.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3626": {"id": "81TUI0Eu6npZta8ZKx4OK", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "Q6r30-8kv2_At-oRoENJU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25455, "section": "WR01", "size": 46, "enrolled": 48, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "DyF5vrQFM0q5SdiEYDYTV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25454, "section": "SE01", "size": 46, "enrolled": 48, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3627": {"id": "6RXONQXV3CE2_yOIIPEbI", "course_id": "111517", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111517", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Integrated Environment Planning and Impact Assessment", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENV ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "3007", "CLASS_NBR": 20234, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "039901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The growing local and global reach of the impacts of human development on the natural environment necessitate the use of an integrated systems approach towards understanding, modelling and decision making in human-environmental systems. The inter-connectedness of these systems means that traditional modelling paradigms need to be expanded to account for the array of key socio-techno-ecological processes. For environmental engineers working at the interface between human development and the natural environment, spatial, dynamic and integrated assessment modelling techniques, coupled with scenario-based strategies to deal with deep uncertainty, are becoming increasingly important approaches. This course will focus on a systems approach to conceptualising human-environmental systems\u2019 problems, and adopt spatio-dynamic modelling and deep uncertainty framing tools and for the purpose of planning and decision-making.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3628": {"id": "6RXONQXV3CE2_yOIIPEbI", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "R2DetMmch5TeSQWYufLi7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20234, "section": "WR01", "size": 27, "enrolled": 23, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "888JYeViD5n8dIxq2g41J", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28785, "section": "PR01", "size": 27, "enrolled": 23, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "12 Aug - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM106, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "3629": {"id": "WFS1xWvyeuXKyz0XBymni", "course_id": "111400", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111400", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Integrated Natural Hazard Risk Management", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENV ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "4005", "CLASS_NBR": 92410, "SESSION_CD": "S02", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "039901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 39 hours per week (based on four weeks of intensive study)", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "GEOG 2129, CEME 2006 or ENV ENG 2006", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CEME 7405 or ENV ENG 7405", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment for this course consists of a mixture of quizzes and reports", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Climate and natural hazard risks such as bushfires, floods, sea level rise and heatwaves are increasing as a result of climate change, population growth, an ageing population and economic development. This course provides participants with the opportunity to explore (i) different approaches to quantifying climate and natural hazard risk, (ii) how these risks could change into the future in response to population and climate change and (iii) how risk can be reduced using a range of strategies, including structural measures, land management, land use planning and changes to building codes. This is done in the context of the risks associated with bushfires, heatwaves, riverine flooding and sea level rise. Participants also have the opportunity to apply the above concepts as part of daily and weekly projects, as well as a major project of their choice, enabling them to explore topics such as how risk could change over time under different plausible future scenarios, what the most effective risk reduction strategies might be, how to best manage risks from multiple hazards, what strategies are most effective for increasing community resilience, how to present hazard risk information to best engage communities in natural hazard risk reduction activities, how to present hazard risk information to communities most effectively, or other relevant topics of their choice. This course will provide participants with the basic tools to undertake such analyses using GIS, as well as connecting participants with relevant literature, open-source data and models.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 29/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "3630": {"id": "WFS1xWvyeuXKyz0XBymni", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Ko7MlKEJ6j-UkNZaVKZ4i", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92409, "section": "LE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 34, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "12 Feb - 23 Feb", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "12 Feb - 23 Feb", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Project", "id": "QiXZ-AlNPvXU8-ZP4nACW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92410, "section": "PJ01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 34, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Project", "meetings": [{"dates": "12 Feb - 23 Feb", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "3631": {"id": "qn3iMhGs1rIrslbSu2s-m", "course_id": "111439", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111439", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Climate Risk and Resilience", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENV ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "4006", "CLASS_NBR": 22746, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "039901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MATHS 2107", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online quizzes, Design Projects and Exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Climate risk is emerging as a key risk driver for systems as diverse as critical infrastructure (water, energy, transport, communications) and the built environment (buildings and cities), agri-food and fibre production systems, human health, finance and insurance, and the natural environment. These climate risks include physical risks (arising from the physical manifestation of climate change), transition risks (because of transition to a carbon-neutral economy) and systemic risks (because of interconnections between sectors and systems). This course will highlight the roles, responsibilities, and ethical considerations for engineers and other risk professionals in the identification, evaluation and management of climate risk, and provide students with a suite of theories, methods and tools to support risk assessments. A particular focus will be placed on evaluating risks in complex systems that are beyond the scope or control of individual actors (e.g. organisations). Finally, this course will provide overview of emerging concepts of system resilience, and students will learn about methods both to support adaptive planning and to enhance system resilience.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3632": {"id": "qn3iMhGs1rIrslbSu2s-m", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "KNJBJEZVN6juct2GG-2if", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22746, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "Z2NuTac6Yrg-dT2cly8Lv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22745, "section": "PR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "3633": {"id": "2ElLVyKS9jMh-C6LudXuU", "course_id": "111520", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111520", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Remediation of Soil & Groundwater Pollution", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENV ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "4008", "CLASS_NBR": 12892, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "039901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Tutorial questions, computer exercises, design project, final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course deals with the theoretical principles and practical engineering methodologies associated with the remediation of contaminated soil and groundwater. Topics to be considered are as follows: Industrial and agricultural contamination of soil and groundwater. Potential hazards to human health and the environment. Epidemiology. Planning and legislative issues in land-use change and redevelopment. International approaches. Site investigation: preliminary, exploratory, detailed and monitoring. Hydrogeology of site: trial pits, drilling, coring, sampling and pumping tests. Soil gas and vapour tests. Risk assessment: source-pathway-receptor concept; estimation, evaluation and control of risk. Modelling of pollutant transport above and below ground: advection, dispersion, absorption and transformation. Remediation options: removal, containment, hydraulic, thermal, physical, chemical, biological, and stabilisation. On-site and off-site options. Selection of options: feasibility, effectiveness, cost. Formal ranking procedures. Design and implementation: specification, technical design, project planning, supervision, documentation and reporting. Health and safety and environmental protection issues. Post project monitoring plan.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3634": {"id": "2ElLVyKS9jMh-C6LudXuU", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "GiTTNsINDwjN4-DeI_dtp", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12509, "section": "LE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 36, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "vx4hej7a3bw0Z9LxLncqI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12511, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 20, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12892, "section": "TU02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 16, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "3635": {"id": "O-c3Xo_A2008Kp4bTzs1W", "course_id": "111411", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111411", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Decision Making for Sustainable Solutions", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENV ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "4009", "CLASS_NBR": 22253, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "039901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "CEME 1001 or ENV ENG 1001, CEME 1003 or ENV ENG 1003, CEME 2003 or CIVILENG 2003, CEME 2006 or ENV ENG 2006, CEME 3004 or ENV ENG 3004, CEME 3005 or CIVILENG 3005, CEME 3007 or ENV ENG 3007, CEME 4010 or ENV ENG 4010", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Many real-world engineering studies belong to the class of wicked problems. This means that they are generally ill-formulated, lack clear direction and information, have many clients and decision-makers with conflicting values and do not have a 'right' or 'wrong' solution. In this course, students will gain first-hand experience of working on a wicked engineering problem (e.g. renewable energy transition, water resources allocation and management) by adopting the role of one of the stakeholder groups involved. This will provide an opportunity for students to utilise and build on a range of the technical and professional skills they have acquired during their degree program and to explore a range of factors affecting environmental decision-making that need to be considered to achieve sustainable outcomes. These include the need to understand different perspectives on an issue, the need for trade-offs and compromise between competing objectives, the importance of communication, research, critical thinking and negotiation skills, the importance of using appropriate evidence to support arguments and the importance of acting ethically and professionally.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3636": {"id": "O-c3Xo_A2008Kp4bTzs1W", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "7jQ3NqaUE1F1PEcZrZ-L2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22253, "section": "WR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 22, "available": 28, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3637": {"id": "9HF0Xh5j42QoTXIMwMByU", "course_id": "111525", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111525", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Water Resource Systems for Changing Climates", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENV ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "4010", "CLASS_NBR": 28946, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "039901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "CEME 3004 or CIVILENG 3004", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online quizzes and design projects", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Designing large-scale water supply systems or local-scale urban stormwater systems requires excellent knowledge of hydrology and climate science, water quality, statistics and risk estimation, and a diversity of catchment modelling tools. This course will develop the fundamental understanding as well as the engineering design tools and principles to design the water supply and drainage infrastructure needed to meet the demands of an increasing population and changing climate over the 21st century. Topics will be covered from the following: (1) water sensitive urban design approaches to managing urban stormwater quantity and quality; (2) reservoir modelling, including continuous rainfall-runoff modelling, yield assessments and water demand estimation; (3) climate change impact assessments; (4) stochastic generation of rainfall time series; and (5) environmental flow requirements.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3638": {"id": "9HF0Xh5j42QoTXIMwMByU", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "mTHMsaUkcGJvyVli9M-1q", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22388, "section": "LE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 42, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Project", "id": "4rAOIcWsRfCpA4uvhMWxP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28943, "section": "PJ01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 17, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Project", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 28946, "section": "PJ02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 25, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Project", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "3639": {"id": "El_9oZA12K1zeRHhiq6Y-", "course_id": "111518", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111518", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Integrated Environment Planning and Impact Assessment", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENV ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7007", "CLASS_NBR": 20236, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "039901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The growing local and global reach of the impacts of human development on the natural environment necessitate the use of an integrated systems approach towards understanding, modelling and decision making in human-environmental systems. The interconnectedness of these systems means that traditional modelling paradigms need to be expanded to account for the array of key socio-techno-ecological processes. For environmental engineers working at the interface between human development and the natural environment, spatial, dynamic and integrated assessment modelling techniques, coupled with scenario-based strategies to deal with deep uncertainty, are becoming increasingly important approaches. This course will focus on a systems approach to conceptualising human-environmental systems\u2019 problems, and adopt spatio-dynamic modelling and deep uncertainty framing tools and for the purpose of planning and decision-making", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3640": {"id": "El_9oZA12K1zeRHhiq6Y-", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "h59wsKjFq3wBs7y5Nx26j", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20236, "section": "WR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 5, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "5PRwoEkFvhdy3a2DpJ_CV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28786, "section": "PR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 5, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "12 Aug - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM106, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "3641": {"id": "vycP31PkGVM2uVlNVStRm", "course_id": "111436", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111436", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Climate & Environmental Impact Modelling", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENV ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7206", "CLASS_NBR": 25453, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "039901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ENG 1003, CEME 1001 or ENV ENG 1001 or equivalent", "INCOMPATIBLE": "C&ENVENG 4087, C&ENVENG 3029, CEME 2006 or ENV ENG 2006", "ASSESSMENT": "Tests/quizzes, assignments/projects", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "As the impacts of climate and environmental change become increasingly apparent, the need to better understand the likely impact of these changes, as well as the relative effectivenss of potential mitigation strategies, is paramount. As these changes occur in the future under conditions that have not been experienced previously, we need to rely on models to make these assessments under considerable amounts of uncertainty. Consequently, it is essential to understand different modelling approaches, how relevant models are developed, what potential pitfalls are, how to deal with uncertainty, and how to best use models for assessing the impact of climate and environmental change and identify the most effective mitigation strategies. In order to equip course participants with the skills for achieving these outcomes, this course addresses the major steps in the development of environmental models, and how they are used for decision-making, with a particular emphasis on water quality and responding to potential climate change impacts. Topics to be covered include one or more of the following: model specification (types of models (e.g. process-driven, artificial neural networks), environmental processes, model complexity, model application), model calibration (different optimisation methods, including gradient methods and evolutionary algorithms (including genetic and ant colony optimisation algorithms), model validation (structural, replicative and predictive validity) and stochastic modelling (types of uncertainty, random variables, risk-based performance measures and reliability analysis, including Monte Carlo simulation and the first-order reliability method deep uncertainty), environmental decision-making (multi-objective trade offs, multi-criteria decision analysis). These topics are explored through a project on managing dissolved oxygen and salinity in a river system under climate and population change.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3642": {"id": "vycP31PkGVM2uVlNVStRm", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "ycLNcQ9YNI8caJYOMGgBF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25453, "section": "WR01", "size": 18, "enrolled": 22, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "vZ6Ld1DrvV_wBtJhhKWKG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25452, "section": "SE01", "size": 18, "enrolled": 22, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3643": {"id": "-iL6kvkt1tVrfnx7UAflX", "course_id": "111401", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111401", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Integrated Natural Hazard Risk Management", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENV ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7405", "CLASS_NBR": 92412, "SESSION_CD": "S02", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "039901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 39 hours per week (based on four weeks of intensive study)", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CEME 4005 or ENV ENG 4005", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment for this course consists of a mixture of quizzes and reports.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Climate and natural hazard risks such as bushfires, floods, sea level rise and heatwaves are increasing as a result of climate change, population growth, an ageing population and economic development. This course provides participants with the opportunity to explore (i) different approaches to quantifying climate and natural hazard risk, (ii) how these risks could change into the future in response to population and climate change and (iii) how risk can be reduced using a range of strategies, including structural measures, land management, land use planning and changes to building codes. This is done in the context of the risks associated with bushfires, heatwaves, riverine flooding and sea level rise. Participants also have the opportunity to apply the above concepts as part of daily and weekly projects, as well as a project of their choice, enabling them to explore topics such as how risk could change over time under different plausible future scenarios, what the most effective risk reduction strategies might be, how to best manage risks from multiple hazards, what strategies are most effective for increasing community resilience, how to present hazard risk information to best engage communities in natural hazard risk reduction activities, how to present hazard risk information to communities most effectively, or other relevant topics of their choice. This course will provide participants with the basic tools to undertake such analyses using GIS, as well as connecting participants with relevant literature, open-source data and models.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 29/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "3644": {"id": "-iL6kvkt1tVrfnx7UAflX", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "pD4ALrMKrDwv6a27FDjcJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92411, "section": "LE01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 2, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "12 Feb - 23 Feb", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "12 Feb - 23 Feb", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Project", "id": "r2E27bpY5l3nErTbvEAKr", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92412, "section": "PJ01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 2, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Project", "meetings": [{"dates": "12 Feb - 23 Feb", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "3645": {"id": "L11llMxzDLOam-1Qkwli9", "course_id": "111441", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111441", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Climate Risk and Resilience", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENV ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7406", "CLASS_NBR": 22748, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "039901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MATHS 2107", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online quizzes, Design Projects and Exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Climate risk is emerging as a key risk driver for systems as diverse as critical infrastructure (water, energy, transport, communications) and the built environment (buildings and cities), agri-food and fibre production systems, human health, finance and insurance, and the natural environment. These climate risks include physical risks (arising from the physical manifestation of climate change), transition risks (because of transition to a carbon-neutral economy) and systemic risks (because of interconnections between sectors and systems). This course will highlight the roles, responsibilities, and ethical considerations for engineers and other risk professionals in the identification, evaluation and management of climate risk, and provide students with a suite of theories, methods and tools to support risk assessments. A particular focus will be placed on evaluating risks in complex systems that are beyond the scope or control of individual actors (e.g. organisations). Finally, this course will provide overview of emerging concepts of system resilience, and students will learn about methods both to support adaptive planning and to enhance system resilience.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3646": {"id": "L11llMxzDLOam-1Qkwli9", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "n8g4OxsMQI7F4h6jKsNpO", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22748, "section": "WR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 9, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "7x17rm6WE-VARGC4VAOkD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22747, "section": "PR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 9, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "3647": {"id": "hhZ8IePQMNncnHeG1x2D0", "course_id": "111519", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111519", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Remediation of Soil & Groundwater Pollution", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENV ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7408", "CLASS_NBR": 12890, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "039901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Tutorial questions, computer exercises, design project, final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course deals with the theoretical principles and practical engineering methodologies associated with the remediation of contaminated soil and groundwater. Topics to be considered are as follows: Industrial and agricultural contamination of soil and groundwater. Potential hazards to human health and the environment. Epidemiology. Planning and legislative issues in land-use change and redevelopment. International approaches. Site investigation: preliminary, exploratory, detailed and monitoring. Hydrogeology of site: trial pits, drilling, coring, sampling and pumping tests. Soil gas and vapour tests. Risk assessment: source-pathway-receptor concept; estimation, evaluation and control of risk. Modelling of pollutant transport above and below ground: advection, dispersion, absorption and transformation. Remediation options: removal, containment, hydraulic, thermal, physical, chemical, biological, and stabilisation. On-site and off-site options. Selection of options: feasibility, effectiveness, cost. Formal ranking procedures. Design and implementation: specification, technical design, project planning, supervision, documentation and reporting. Health and safety and environmental protection issues. Post project monitoring plan.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3648": {"id": "hhZ8IePQMNncnHeG1x2D0", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "r4PdJyFgFMrmX5jiXiC98", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12506, "section": "LE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 35, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "ZSCYa5FBqKkTDOeGJc51S", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12508, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 21, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12890, "section": "TU02", "size": 15, "enrolled": 14, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "3649": {"id": "PH5upqojzCv-ME8G9vfDm", "course_id": "111524", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111524", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Water Resource Systems for Changing Climates", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ENV ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7410", "CLASS_NBR": 28944, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "039901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "CEME 7304 or ENV ENG 7304", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online quizzes and design projects", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Designing large-scale water supply systems or local-scale urban stormwater systems requires excellent knowledge of hydrology and climate science, water quality, statistics and risk estimation, and a diversity of catchment modelling tools. This course will develop the fundamental understanding as well as the engineering design tools and principles to design the water supply and drainage infrastructure needed to meet the demands of an increasing population and changing climate over the 21st century. Topics will be covered from the following: (1) water sensitive urban design approaches to managing urban stormwater quantity and quality; (2) reservoir modelling, including continuous rainfall-runoff modelling, yield assessments and water demand estimation; (3) climate change impact assessments; (4) stochastic generation of rainfall time series; and (5) environmental flow requirements.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3650": {"id": "PH5upqojzCv-ME8G9vfDm", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "UHsGP5qdvMZVPNKvnKKBM", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22387, "section": "LE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 7, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Project", "id": "Go3cX9YNzSCoMYWkHiFqT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28944, "section": "PJ02", "size": 10, "enrolled": 6, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Project", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 28945, "section": "PJ01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 1, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Project", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "3651": {"subject": "EUST", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "111561", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111455", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "3652": {"id": "QPmCHzO-HcDsQ0ecOS02Y", "course_id": "111561", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111561", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Europe on Screen: Nation, History, and Ideology", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EUST", "CATALOG_NBR": "2116", "CLASS_NBR": 16520, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "6 units of level I undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "online quizzes x 4, Essay, Take-home exam.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Co-taught in English by faculty members in the Department of European Languages and Linguistics (DELL), this course will introduce you to a range of films produced in Europe over the course of the twentieth century and to the approaches we can use to analyse them. You will explore the major film movements that developed during this period. You will also analyse films from the three European languages taught in DELL: French, Spanish, and German. You will explore how language, geographical barriers, and historical/political contexts influence national film production in Europe and discover the ongoing vitality of popular European cinema. In all cases, you will look closely at some of the genres and stars that have emerged in specific national contexts and examine the formal characteristics of a range of films from across the continent.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "3653": {"id": "QPmCHzO-HcDsQ0ecOS02Y", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "h0VZ94QiXAtklsPcxNWxW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16519, "section": "LE01", "size": 54, "enrolled": 41, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "htknKm8MlBOcTISxRFeAv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16520, "section": "SE01", "size": 54, "enrolled": 41, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3654": {"id": "1FJN-44JLG6-f0peHUj-X", "course_id": "111455", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111455", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Reading Women: Power and Politics in Europe and Beyond", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EUST", "CATALOG_NBR": "3016", "CLASS_NBR": 21437, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091599", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "6 units of undergraduate study", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, Group Oral Presentation, Reflective Journal, Final Project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will explore ways in which women adopt, adapt, and challenge literary traditions and history through the lenses of Cultural Studies. Students will analyse texts (in English translation) originally written in the three European languages taught in the Department of European Languages, but with the aim to exceed geographical boundaries by exploring continental and widely accepted views alongside extra-continental perspectives. While the women portrayed in this course may change, the content of this course will remain centred on theory and discourses of literary and artistic canonisation, gender, race, ethnicity, sexuality, class, public humanities, and history.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "3655": {"id": "1FJN-44JLG6-f0peHUj-X", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "pac-woH2isEW8cOCI278o", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21437, "section": "WR01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 21, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "3f70WLjZr5STFQmksXb8Y", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21436, "section": "SE01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 21, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "3656": {"subject": "EXCHANGE", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "100079", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "100079", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108597", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108597", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "100080", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "100080", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105420", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, 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"ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "", "CENSUS_DT": "Sat 31/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4156": {"id": "TkDiN_KhgMmhhWwjbr5zI", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "C1qqPp0_ZM4FJXz0JUSl3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25724, "section": "TRF", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}, {"class_nbr": 25725, "section": "THE", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "4157": {"id": "cIpCcFhEZJ0PZ19dN-142", "course_id": "103902", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103902", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGRS", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Research", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Exchange Research Project", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "EXCHANGE", "CATALOG_NBR": "8000ECO", "CLASS_NBR": 15713, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Visiting Higher Degree by Research students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Exchange Research Project", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "", "CENSUS_DT": "Sun 31/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4158": {"id": "cIpCcFhEZJ0PZ19dN-142", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": 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25727, "section": "THE", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "4161": {"subject": "FILM", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "110872", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111236", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111001", "term": "4415", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111238", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110083", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110463", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111241", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110892", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110998", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110999", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "4162": {"id": "DjM7mTZs_vVGL4-oH57FN", "course_id": "110872", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110872", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Film Studies", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "FILM", "CATALOG_NBR": "1005", "CLASS_NBR": 11176, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ENGL 1105", "ASSESSMENT": "Graded discussion boards, Essay, Take home exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Film is one of the most important, pervasive and influential cultural forms of our time. You probably already know a lot about movies from watching them for entertainment, but what if you could enrich your experience? You will learn to analyse, research and discuss feature films from a range of periods, including both historically important and recent films so you will learn about the development of film over time. You will also study films from a range of countries and cultures, which will encourage you to develop cross-cultural awareness. The course is in three modules. In the first, you will learn about film techniques, including visual, sound, and editing techniques. In the second, you will study four films from a key director in depth, and in the third, you will explore a key genre. This course is transformative: it has the capacity to permanently enhance your understanding of film and the media you encounter every day.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4163": {"id": "DjM7mTZs_vVGL4-oH57FN", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "3-oA26EFbeWPaE2_RSgOw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12972, "section": "LE01", "size": 143, "enrolled": 117, "available": 26, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "0b5YBjBs3rdrraeWu6O3V", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11176, "section": "TU05", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11177, "section": "TU04", "size": 30, "enrolled": 12, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11178, "section": "TU03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 26, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11179, "section": "TU02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 27, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11180, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 22, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4164": {"id": "uGKCRnWCKU3JjMHLaaMYh", "course_id": "111236", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111236", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Hollywood Film", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "FILM", "CATALOG_NBR": "1006", "CLASS_NBR": 23299, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "FILM 2005, ENGL 2057", "ASSESSMENT": "Discussion Board Posts, Essay 1, Essay 2", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Hollywood is the most powerful film industry in the world. Most of us are familiar with its products as consumers seeking entertainment, but this course adopts an analytic view to reveal that there is so much more to be enjoyed. Taking this course will permanently enrich your understanding of the films you see every day. It covers Hollywood's history from the early twentieth century to the present day. You will have the opportunity to engage with key films and genres, and you will consider influential critical perspectives. You will acquire a detailed understanding of the significance of Hollywood as an artistic, industrial and ideological centre. Course activities and assessments will help you develop skills research, analysis and communication that are transferable to many contexts.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4165": {"id": "uGKCRnWCKU3JjMHLaaMYh", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "ywisOyCNo82u1Ktb_E4-d", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23298, "section": "LE01", "size": 110, "enrolled": 92, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "jo4kK3AMFIlVZUSEDQIIA", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23299, "section": "TU03", "size": 35, "enrolled": 26, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23300, "section": "TU02", "size": 35, "enrolled": 33, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23301, "section": "TU01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 33, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4166": {"id": "Odmg7qD4IL6X9XJjq5GLa", "course_id": "111001", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111001", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Making Movies: Introduction to Digital Filmmaking", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "FILM", "CATALOG_NBR": "2006", "CLASS_NBR": 95024, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Storyboard, Critical Reflection, Digital Artefact", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Today, filmmakers are everybody: we all record and transmit audio-visual materials with our smartphones. The more we can learn about the art of motion pictures, the better we will be able to make meanings out of the world around us using captured images and sounds. This course immerses students in the practicalities, the aesthetics, and the contingencies of movie-making; it actively guides students in the production of their own short \u2018films\u2019 using contemporary digital technology. Ideas like framing, cutting, setting, movement, composition, colour, texture, filtering, cropping, zooming, close-ups, and so on, are fundamental to the art of motion pictures. Here you will learn the fundamentals and help shape your own artistic approach.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 24/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 28/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 11/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 17/07/2024"}}]}, "4167": {"id": "Odmg7qD4IL6X9XJjq5GLa", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "PXwUYXZ1cKppeZxn6O9vu", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95252, "section": "LEC0", "size": 80, "enrolled": 70, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "gMbQ7EXiP_LDYX4WshxD7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95006, "section": "WR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 36, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jun - 1 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Jun - 15 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Jun - 27 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Jun - 27 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Jul - 4 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Jul - 4 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Jul - 15 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Jul - 11 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Jul - 18 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Jul - 18 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 95024, "section": "WR02", "size": 40, "enrolled": 34, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jun - 16 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Jun - 16 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Jun - 19 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Jun - 19 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4168": {"id": "XcMJRZfHBc9lo73AD5-bC", "course_id": "111238", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111238", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Contemporary Approaches to Cinema", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "FILM", "CATALOG_NBR": "2007", "CLASS_NBR": 23830, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "3 units of undergraduate study in Film Studies", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Graded discussion boards, Short Essay, Long Essay, Take Home examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The study of cinema has been transformed from the earliest days of its inception as a field of serious scholarly inquiry, and this transformation has affected not only the way films are studied, but the language of film criticism more generally, the curation of festivals, the promotion of talents, and even the production of films. How we approach a medium helps to set the terms of debate for what that medium is and should be doing. So, what are the questions we are currently putting to cinema? What are we looking for? Why? In this course, you will encounter a range of critical approaches to film that are helping to define the meaning of cinema for the 21st century: from critical race studies, through queer theory, contemporary feminism, ecological theory, and indigenous studies, on to neo-formalism, affect theory, animation theory, and the emergence of \u2018slow cinema\u2019. Screening films in concert with important essays and monographs that have helped reshape the field of cinema studies in recent years, the course will equip you with all the essential ingredients for your own informed and intelligent contemporary approach to film.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4169": {"id": "XcMJRZfHBc9lo73AD5-bC", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "cVVB1qEPQgK9RRTaoqxKN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23828, "section": "LE01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 51, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 29 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "YnlDeRdiirs7ZbS1ErSiT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23830, "section": "TU02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23831, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 22, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "31 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4170": {"id": "w9G73u_p9a6f6-XIxN7qO", "course_id": "110083", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110083", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Curation & Cinephilia: The Adelaide Film Festival", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "FILM", "CATALOG_NBR": "3002", "CLASS_NBR": 22574, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "At least 6 units of Level II undergraduate study, including at least 3 units of Level II FILM courses", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research Project 20%, Mini-Essay 20%, Film Review 10%, Reflective Journal 50%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course charts the development of international film festival cultures and their historical and contemporary role in art house and national cinemas. In the first part of the course, we will examine in detail the history of selected film festivals (such as Cannes, Venice, Sundance and Toronto) and demonstrate how the year-round festival circuit facilitates global flows of films across the world. Moving from the old to the new, from the national to the transnational, from the state-funded and controlled to the independent and the grass-roots, we shall explore how film festivals involve a number of timely concerns: cultural exchange, political economy, the communal experience of film screenings, and the construction of national identities.\nIn the second half of the course, we will go behind the scenes at Adelaide's annual Adelaide Film Festival to investigate the processes behind the curation, exhibition and distribution of the films selected to appear at the Festival, and the logistical challenges at play during the planning phase. We will go on to consider the role of the Festival itself, and highlight how such an event can enrich the community in a local and international perspective.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4171": {"id": "w9G73u_p9a6f6-XIxN7qO", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "iE_qu5mvO0p2HyMwQcIP4", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22574, "section": "WR01", "size": 43, "enrolled": 35, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4172": {"id": "JzwIHzmmQ1ozGw8ay_xfa", "course_id": "110463", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110463", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Screening the World: Global Film Aesthetics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "FILM", "CATALOG_NBR": "3004", "CLASS_NBR": 22336, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "3 hours per week, plus 4 ad hoc screenings during the course of the Semester", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Minimum of 15 units in the Major must be completed before taking the capstone", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research portfolio, Mini-research essay, Major-research dissertation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is the capstone for the Film major and acts as a bridge into Honours/MPhil. The course will introduce students to the cinemas of Asia, South and Central America, Africa, the Middle East and Europe. The approach is to get us thinking about cinemas other than Hollywood and the Anglophone world in order to develop a sensitivity in our critical engagement with cinema and to build upon knowledge of other cinemas, and the aesthetics, narratives and practices that shape them. Students will be introduced to a wide range of films from across the globe that are often never exhibited outside of their national and cultural context. We seek to consider world cinema as a dynamic circulation of transnational flows: moving away from cinema as an assemblage of disparate histories, the course maps changes across time, space, language and cultures. Relevant theoretical, analytical and historical perspectives will be studied and applied to various films to address ideas of cross-cultural interconnectedness in a globalised, media-saturated culture.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4173": {"id": "JzwIHzmmQ1ozGw8ay_xfa", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "hjqBKIXKVU_QKeKf9-RgO", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26490, "section": "LEC0", "size": 22, "enrolled": 18, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "XaF9BT0s02NBOUomN8Uk_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22336, "section": "SE01", "size": 22, "enrolled": 18, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4174": {"id": "08gA98wNbzYzs4XIPdhgK", "course_id": "111241", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111241", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Asian Film Studies", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "FILM", "CATALOG_NBR": "3006", "CLASS_NBR": 13388, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hour per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "At least 6 units of Level II undergraduate study", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MDIA 3313", "ASSESSMENT": "Online quizzes, Review Essay, Creative project (1500 words), Participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Asian Film Studies focuses on cinematic output from the Asian region, an increasing force in global media production. It develops understandings of the particular modes of popular screen media content emerging from Asia. The course identifies the growing body of film studies literature that focuses on Asia's changing engagement with the cinema. It draws on ideas of cultural and geographic proximity to illustrate the increasingly dynamic sphere of Pan-Asian collaboration in film production and distribution. The course also investigates Australian involvement in the Asian film industry through co-productions, shooting locations, funding agreements and as a post-production hub. Themes of localisation, nationalism and globalisation are explored within the context of popular and independent cinema. The course includes video production activities aimed toward a better understanding of the cinematic techniques and auteur styles found in Asian film.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4175": {"id": "08gA98wNbzYzs4XIPdhgK", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "DCXUvtQfu0-m65LnkFwgU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13387, "section": "WR01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 52, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13388, "section": "WR02", "size": 55, "enrolled": 31, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4176": {"id": "4N1-MqW-mqqTJH0mFwrKV", "course_id": "110892", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110892", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Film Theory", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "FILM", "CATALOG_NBR": "4001", "CLASS_NBR": 15028, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "A Credit standard in undergraduate study which is usually determined by a minimum requirement of 65% average in all Level II and Level III courses. All Honours proposals will be assessed by the Honours coordinator before an offer is made.", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Students are expected to write 6000 words, or equivalent. Typically this is in the form of two essays (2 x 3000 words) or one extended essay (6000 words), but assessment may vary across topics.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to provide students with a range of advanced film theories, methodologies and research frameworks to carry out sophisticated research and help them draw their thesis or creative work closer to questions around film research in the 21st century. Different staff members with expertise in different fields of film studies will lead students through a carefully devised set of themes and topics. Through the seminars and the written assessment tasks, students will acquire a comprehensive understanding of key debates in film studies and will apply critical analysis to questions that interest them.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4177": {"id": "4N1-MqW-mqqTJH0mFwrKV", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "rFa3JWVAP-GQHikbiRwuS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15028, "section": "WR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 6, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 215, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 215, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4178": {"id": "2Br-ZBw4bTtmKoSk7C5f3", "course_id": "110998", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110998", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Film Thesis Workshop", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "FILM", "CATALOG_NBR": "4003", "CLASS_NBR": 14010, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "1 hour per week with thesis supervisor", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "A Credit standard in undergraduate study which is usually determined by a minimum requirement of 65% average in all Level II and Level III courses. All Honours proposals will be assessed by the Honours coordinator before an offer is made.", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Collaborative manuscript workshop1000 words, Oral presentation and associated powerpoint 1000 words equivalent, Research proposal 3000 words", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course represents advanced learning, scholarship and research in the discipline of Film Studies. It extends students' knowledge and research skills in film culture(s), building on the learning and research capabilities gained in levels 1 to 3 of the Film Studies major. It is designed to help students develop research and writing skills necessary for the research thesis.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4179": {"id": "2Br-ZBw4bTtmKoSk7C5f3", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "cDx5WnhxQZ96WweYDtZsa", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14010, "section": "SE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 6, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 215, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 30 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 215, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 May - 6 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 215, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 May - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 215, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4180": {"id": "8gzBIJ9OkLWooK2HzBK8i", "course_id": "110999", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110999", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Film Thesis", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "FILM", "CATALOG_NBR": "4004", "CLASS_NBR": 26258, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "1 hour per week with thesis supervisor", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "A Credit standard in undergraduate study which is usually determined by a minimum requirement of 65% average in all Level II and Level III courses. All Honours proposals will be assessed by the Honours coordinator before an offer is made.", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "A 15,000-word thesis based on a substantial, sophisticated and well-document argument.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course represents advanced learning, scholarship and research in the discipline of Film Studies. It extends students' knowledge and research skills in film culture(s), building on the learning and research capabilities gained in levels 1 to 3 of the Film Studies major.\nBy requiring students to devise and produce a research thesis or creative project, the thesis component provides students with the research skills necessary for further study in research postgraduate programmes.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4181": {"id": "8gzBIJ9OkLWooK2HzBK8i", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "gAgXwDCIfTe-LPMFcsa0b", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26258, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 6, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "4182": {"subject": "FOOD SC", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "008355", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "008355", "term": "4410", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "003288", "term": "4410", "offer": 3}, {"course_id": "003288", "term": "4410", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "105364", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105364", "term": "4420", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "104336", "term": "4420", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "106109", "term": "4410", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "106519", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "004631", "term": "4420", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "110107", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111550", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107739", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107637", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107637", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110768", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108499", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111548", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108428", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108428", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108429", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108429", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108430", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108430", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108431", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108431", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108432", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108432", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108432", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108432", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108432", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108432", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108433", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108433", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110225", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110545", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111320", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111325", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111322", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111323", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111324", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111326", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111329", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111328", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111332", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111333", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111319", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111321", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111334", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}]}}, "4183": {"id": "Wq5CIq7M8mmXVLYz5oqs1", "course_id": "008355", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "008355", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "'Farm-Gate to Fork' - Food Production I", "CAMPUS": "Regency Park", "CAMPUS_CD": "REGPK", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "FOOD SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1000RG", "CLASS_NBR": 14910, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019905", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Restricted to Bachelor of Food and Nutrition Science students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written final exam, online quiz, practical reports and written assignment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an introduction to food production in Australia from farm gate to fork. Students participate in food production practicals, applying knowledge and skills across each of the food groups guided by industry experts. Students will refer to the evidence-base to differentiate between common food myths and the science underpinning safe and suitable food production. Students experience the role of a food technologist in commercial food production.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4184": {"id": "Wq5CIq7M8mmXVLYz5oqs1", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "zGTSdZ4Fkm343pvyVYbFJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14909, "section": "LE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 15, "available": 35, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "External, TAFE, Regency Park"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "External, TAFE, Regency Park"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "ecZLF3cB9JH5CsPz_4_wu", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14910, "section": "PR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 15, "available": 35, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, TAFE, Regency Park"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, TAFE, Regency Park"}]}]}]}]}, "4185": {"id": "5iAC4l65tqQT3SblJ293Z", "course_id": "008355", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "008355", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "'Farm-Gate to Fork' - Food Production I", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "FOOD SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1000UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 12433, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019905", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam and assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an introduction to food production in Australia from farm gate to fork. Students participate in food production practicals, applying knowledge and skills across each of the food groups guided by industry experts. Students will refer to the evidence-base to differentiate between common food myths and the science underpinning safe and suitable food production. Students experience the role of a food technologist in commercial food production.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4186": {"id": "5iAC4l65tqQT3SblJ293Z", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "yEPs1cmsEuHh2ZkLTJX3H", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11182, "section": "LE01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 8, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "External, TAFE, Regency Park"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "External, TAFE, Regency Park"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "Cp2gylU5PbQUfJcUWAZ62", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11183, "section": "PR01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 8, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, TAFE, Regency Park"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, TAFE, Regency Park"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12433, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 8, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 101, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 101, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4187": {"id": "_vwoH_ljdrCFF-VQ0I6be", "course_id": "003288", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "003288", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Nutrition I", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "FOOD SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1001UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 10633, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019905", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online test, written assignment, practical report, diet diary, final examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an overview of fundamental knowledge in food and nutrition. Students will learn about dietary guidelines and healthy eating; nutrient reference values; food composition including the six classes of nutrients and non-nutrient components of food; the major roles and functions of the principal nutrients and the metabolism of these nutrients in the human body; nutritional characteristics of the Five Food Groups; functional foods; concepts of energy balance; nutrient calculations; energy density of foods; assessment of diet quality and the impact of diet on nutritional status and health. Students will be introduced to the principles of nutrition research and the translation of nutrition research into nutrient recommendations, dietary guidelines and recommended daily food patterns. Students will also learn about report writing and how to evaluate and synthesize scientific literature and communicating in the context of nutrition.\n\nStudents will develop a sound knowledge of food composition, an understanding of the fundamental concepts of nutrition and the links between food, nutrition and health. Students will apply knowledge gained during the course to estimate energy requirements and assess diet quality of individuals.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4188": {"id": "_vwoH_ljdrCFF-VQ0I6be", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "-N1CdeZPRtbSkXQLy9ZOY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11186, "section": "LE01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 9, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "fRfsGMq9lww7qwm7hYpeq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10633, "section": "WR01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 9, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 110, Food Innovation Lab"}, {"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 110, Food Innovation Lab"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "povUb1joYK3LrroXMlFzo", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11187, "section": "PR01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 9, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 110, Food Innovation Lab"}, {"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 110, Food Innovation Lab"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12434, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 9, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 312, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 312, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4189": {"id": "5b9yDKLdYrLE2MPo3lfTH", "course_id": "003288", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "003288", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Nutrition I", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "FOOD SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1001WT", "CLASS_NBR": 10632, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019905", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online test, written assignment, practical report, diet diary, final examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an overview of fundamental knowledge in food and nutrition. Students will learn about dietary guidelines and healthy eating; nutrient reference values; food composition including the six classes of nutrients and non-nutrient components of food; the major roles and functions of the principal nutrients and the metabolism of these nutrients in the human body; nutritional characteristics of the Five Food Groups; functional foods; concepts of energy balance; nutrient calculations; energy density of foods; assessment of diet quality and the impact of diet on nutritional status and health. Students will be introduced to the principles of nutrition research and the translation of nutrition research into nutrient recommendations, dietary guidelines and recommended daily food patterns. Students will also learn about report writing and how to evaluate and synthesize scientific literature and communicating in the context of nutrition.\n\nStudents will develop a sound knowledge of food composition, an understanding of the fundamental concepts of nutrition and the links between food, nutrition and health. Students will apply knowledge gained during the course to estimate energy requirements and assess diet quality of individuals.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4190": {"id": "5b9yDKLdYrLE2MPo3lfTH", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "5p54YeRFE_abqZGTqw2-U", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12596, "section": "LE01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 58, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 110, Food Innovation Lab"}, {"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 29 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 110, Food Innovation Lab"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 May - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 110, Food Innovation Lab"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "H8uEGbB23J-5H9AvRuu2k", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10632, "section": "WR01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 58, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 110, Food Innovation Lab"}, {"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 110, Food Innovation Lab"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "lwYddmA-V7pF1T_LU-ADc", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14179, "section": "PR01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 58, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 110, Food Innovation Lab"}, {"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 29 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 110, Food Innovation Lab"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 29 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 May - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 110, Food Innovation Lab"}, {"dates": "13 May - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4191": {"id": "Icfp4APwQTvDJbkYdoT55", "course_id": "105364", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105364", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "The Science and Technology of Food Production I", "CAMPUS": "Regency Park", "CAMPUS_CD": "REGPK", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "FOOD SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1002RG", "CLASS_NBR": 24809, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030307", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Food and Nutrition Science students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online quizzes, practical reports, case study, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students will apply food science and processing technologies relevant to the key food production sectors in Australia. This course provides students with the opportunity to manufacture processed food under simulated industry conditions in compliance with legal requirements. Students will be involved in production runs for at least 4 different food groups. Students will be expected to implement safe food manufacturing practices.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4192": {"id": "Icfp4APwQTvDJbkYdoT55", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "yONl5sztctxhQEL13a-Y3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24808, "section": "LE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 16, "available": 34, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "External, TAFE, Regency Park"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "External, TAFE, Regency Park"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "QB9YFb_-PMwI99tlmUhsI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24809, "section": "PR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 16, "available": 34, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "External, TAFE, Regency Park"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "External, TAFE, Regency Park"}]}]}]}]}, "4193": {"id": "Vg1rsTiC6r_SgwdScs7Qo", "course_id": "105364", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105364", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "The Science and Technology of Food Production I", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "FOOD SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1002UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 22314, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030307", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments and exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students will apply food science and processing technologies relevant to the key food production sectors in Australia. This course provides students with the opportunity to manufacture processed food under simulated industry conditions in compliance with legal requirements. Students will be involved in production runs for at least 4 different food groups. Students will be expected to implement safe food manufacturing practices.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4194": {"id": "Vg1rsTiC6r_SgwdScs7Qo", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "2s9IKd4IPBaSTVwhss4FQ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21129, "section": "LE01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 6, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "External, TAFE, Regency Park"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "External, TAFE, Regency Park"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "T8aZNz1m8R_Qm7STXUnzV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21130, "section": "PR01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 6, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "External, TAFE, Regency Park"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "External, TAFE, Regency Park"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22314, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 6, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 109, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 109, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4195": {"id": "9R9WkPoygRm27uhEp390-", "course_id": "104336", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104336", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Food Microbiology II", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "FOOD SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "2502WT", "CLASS_NBR": 23842, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010911", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "PLANT SC 2520WT", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "online tests, practical report, research project, final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course focuses on the significance of the presence and/or growth of microorganisms in foods and their importance in the production and safety of foods. Topics covered include: types of microorganisms found in food (beneficial, pathogenic and spoilage); the effect different environmental conditions have on microbial existence in foods and in food processing environments; public health aspects of food microbiology; applications of microorganisms in food processing; and detection and enumeration of microorganisms of interest in food. The practical component of this course gives students the opportunity to develop hands-on skills in conventional and rapid methods for testing food products, including microbial indicators.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4196": {"id": "9R9WkPoygRm27uhEp390-", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "FWNqHHJxh5BXbPSBzY8uX", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22734, "section": "LE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 31, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 29 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Aug - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "12 Aug - 19 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "2 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "7 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "rQo56Vx_9qTyImJVIIgpz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22733, "section": "PR01", "size": 32, "enrolled": 31, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 29 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G18, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 Jul - 29 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G09, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "5 Aug - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 110, Food Innovation Lab"}, {"dates": "5 Aug - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Aug - 19 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G18, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "12 Aug - 19 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G09, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "26 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 110, Food Innovation Lab"}, {"dates": "26 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G18, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G09, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 110, Food Innovation Lab"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G18, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "7 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G09, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "fKx2NFw9prw-mt8AhWonO", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23842, "section": "TU01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 31, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 29 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Aug - 19 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4197": {"id": "qYn8aatUXmbeb8IpeoQJT", "course_id": "106109", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106109", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Food Quality & Regulation II", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "FOOD SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "2505WT", "CLASS_NBR": 14272, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019905", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exercises x 3, online quizzes x 4, final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces the regulatory requirements related to food quality and safety. This includes principles of quality assurance and management, HACCP (hazard analysis of critical control points), VACCP (vulnerability assessment critical control points), TACCP (threat assessment critical control point) system implementation, flow charts and identification of hazards and critical points, ISO and NATA accreditation. \n\nThe course provides students with opportunities for practical experience in generating nutritional panels for food products using a variety of tools, such as the FSANZ Nutrition Panel Calculator and software programs such as FoodWorks Nutrition Labelling and the Allergen Bureau\u2019s VITAL program. \n\nStudents gain theoretical knowledge in hygiene and sanitation, including good manufacturing practices, chemistry and application of cleaners and sanitisers, verification of sanitiser action, equipment design to minimise process failure and health risk. Product recall and national and international food legislation including the role of FSANZ, Food Standards Code, legislation hierarchy and audit are also covered. Participation in an audit process and compulsory visits to local industrial sites and organisations further develops familiarity with all aspects of food quality and regulation.\n\nField trips to food industry are an important component of this course and further extend students\u2019 understanding of course content and industry application.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4198": {"id": "qYn8aatUXmbeb8IpeoQJT", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "6fTAQVWUb7X6T2-oWhbeP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14273, "section": "LE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 36, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "t09yOmdCcttD8PbaWyth9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14272, "section": "TU01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 36, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 131, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 129, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 131, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 129, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "zAOLFa4ivrWL6GS2AKubd", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14274, "section": "PR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 36, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 110, Food Innovation Lab"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 15 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 110, Food Innovation Lab"}, {"dates": "22 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 110, Food Innovation Lab"}, {"dates": "29 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "4199": {"id": "csY7jBG1NjpiWkdHUfzIe", "course_id": "106519", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106519", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Nutrition II", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "FOOD SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "2510WT", "CLASS_NBR": 21471, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019905", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "FOOD SC 1001WT or equivalent", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Practical reports, assignment, oral presentation, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "To provide an overview of nutrition, diet, lifestyle and health. This includes consideration of the nutritional requirements of a healthy human throughout the life stages, as well as specific requirements in the instance of food allergy and food intolerance.\n\nNutrition, lifestyle factors and chronic disease are a focus of this course, with emphasis on the links between diet: obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer and osteoporosis. As a contrast, malnutrition, underweight, world hunger and the global environment are also considered. Different nutritional assessment methods, including dietary collection methods are discussed.\n\nStudents are required to critically research the association between a specified chronic disease and diet, prepare a scientific report and translate their findings into a document which provides relevant nutritional advice to the general population.\n\nUse of a dietary analysis program to analyse a weighed food record allows comparison of the analysis against current nutrient reference values and healthy eating guidelines. It also gives students an insight into the advantages and disadvantages of the various methods of collecting dietary intake data.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4200": {"id": "csY7jBG1NjpiWkdHUfzIe", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "2uEtzPfDi7DeDhpDw6GRQ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21469, "section": "LE01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 37, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Aug - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "wzyfE9b8_4SEG8UKtlhgD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21470, "section": "PR01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 37, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 131, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 129, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 131, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 129, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 131, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 129, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "XkQrSga6lh3EsaFbHUFSt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21471, "section": "TU01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 37, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 110, Food Innovation Lab"}, {"dates": "24 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4201": {"id": "tTdtW0UJGpP2pIRZG2YXt", "course_id": "004631", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "004631", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Food Product Development III", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "FOOD SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3021WT", "CLASS_NBR": 24380, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019905", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Food and Nutrition Science students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "FOOD SC 2502WT, FOOD SC 2505WT", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "FOOD SC 3540WT", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online tests, written assignments and oral presentations", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students learn how to design, formulate, produce, package and market foods under industry conditions. Theoretical knowledge and technical skills are applied across the various stages of product development, including application of industry targets and government regulations. Current trends and new processing techniques are explored. Students experiment with food ingredients and their functions, chemical composition, sensory characteristics and investigate ways to develop more sustainable, nutritious, safe and healthy food supplies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4202": {"id": "tTdtW0UJGpP2pIRZG2YXt", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "F9ogAjbkpkhhJfYCzEFXq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24378, "section": "LE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 20, "available": 30, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "BWenx_7YMHBTCRFCPnimm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24379, "section": "PR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 20, "available": 30, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 110, Food Innovation Lab"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 110, Food Innovation Lab"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "CZTX3WEc763ijTwH0j2Jx", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24380, "section": "WR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 20, "available": 30, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 110, Food Innovation Lab"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 110, Food Innovation Lab"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4203": {"id": "iAvXH-_FupZwgPh7dwVP5", "course_id": "110107", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110107", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Sensory Evaluation of Foods III", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "FOOD SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3028WT", "CLASS_NBR": 20718, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019905", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Final exam and assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The role of sensory evaluation in marketing of food and beverages, physiological and psychological factors affecting sensory perception, relationships between sensory properties and product acceptability, measurement of sensory perception, design and conduct of sensory evaluation experiments, difference testing, preference testing, panel selection procedures, taste and aroma profiling, texture profiling, shelf life determination, sensory quality control, product development and optimisation, strategies for developing sensory evaluation programs. A range of food and beverage products will be assessed using the techniques and principles present in the lecture program.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4204": {"id": "iAvXH-_FupZwgPh7dwVP5", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "7togmEzjHcmCuwmvoRFrC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22234, "section": "LE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 23, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "taG7tCt6YsbVSCGTLweVO", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20718, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 23, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 131, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 129, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 131, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 129, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "tX6-rLyB1bHEWA20-UVhy", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22235, "section": "PR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 23, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 110, Food Innovation Lab"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 110, Food Innovation Lab"}]}]}]}]}, "4205": {"id": "H8mG4yQaq7zE0blD4LI04", "course_id": "111550", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111550", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Nutrition Health and Metabolism", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "FOOD SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3029WT", "CLASS_NBR": 21490, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061307", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Biol and Chem OR BIOCHEM OR Equivalent of 6 units of Level I Biology and Chemistry", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Groups assessments, case studies, literature review, quizzes, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Nutrition metabolism will focus on the impact of macronutrient metabolism on healthy ageing processes and include how microbiome and our genetics may mediate these processes. A growing area of research is nutritional genomics which looks at how nutrients impact genes and also the reverse; how gene variations that exist between individuals impact how we metabolise food. We will investigate the scientific evidence and nutritional physiology behind dietary interventions and explore the importance of developing personalised diets. In this course we will investigate how nutrition is communicated to the public through media and social media and challenge the scientific evidence for these health claims We will explore how our eating habits, preferences and requirements change as we age and impacted by social media, advertising and self-awareness.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4206": {"id": "H8mG4yQaq7zE0blD4LI04", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "mzJzWlBC6Ex-SDTr_oZtd", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21489, "section": "LE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 27, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "tTFxoaZmMhaGMpGodWX4A", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21490, "section": "WR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 27, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG25, Vernon-Roberts Museum"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG25, Vernon-Roberts Museum"}]}]}]}]}, "4207": {"id": "OURORFEKDUNFudki3TnGa", "course_id": "107739", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107739", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Public Health Nutrition III", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "FOOD SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3505WT", "CLASS_NBR": 12782, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "069901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "FOOD SC 2510WT or HLTH SC 2100", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written assignment, online test, tutorial group activity tasks, practical report final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course develops students' understanding of public health nutrition with a focus placed on the importance of building a sustainable, nutritious and healthy food supply for all. \n\nHealth inequities, as explained by the social determinants of health, and their impact on nutritional health and well-being are covered in detail. Consideration is given to factors which influence consumer food choices, dietary habits and food consumption patterns including social, cultural and environmental factors. An overview of the different types of food systems as well as historical events which have influenced the Australian diet over time, are used to illustrate how people's day-to-day living circumstances can impact on their food choices and consumption patterns. Students are introduced to major nutrition and health policies which underpin intervention programs and initiatives aiming to promote healthy eating behaviours in consumers and/or healthy food production in food industry. Students are required to design and plan a nutrition intervention project around the recommendations of one or more of these policies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4208": {"id": "OURORFEKDUNFudki3TnGa", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "BmyKRnVa4K1HafHcMRFLD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13116, "section": "LE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 32, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "is_2nk1wwgLKUb-gifBOs", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12781, "section": "PR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 32, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Apr - 14 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 110, Food Innovation Lab"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "E2IntzQo2a815R3y7SobA", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12782, "section": "WR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 32, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15568, "section": "TU01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 32, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 27 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Mar - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 129, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "5 Mar - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 May - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4209": {"id": "n5AV0ugIDy4ra_1V94PTX", "course_id": "107637", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107637", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Nutrition and Food Science Internship", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "FOOD SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3520WT", "CLASS_NBR": 13192, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "069901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 12 hours per week, if the placement is undertaken as per the timetable. However, variations as to how and when the 120 hours of work experience can be negotiated with the course coordinator", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Food and Nutrition Science students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "FOOD SC 2510WT, FOOD SC 1000RG, FOOD SC 2505RG, FOOD SC 2505WT, FOOD SC 1002RG, FOOD SC 2502RG, FOOD SC 2502WT, (BIOCHEM 2501 or PLANT SC 2500WT)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "FOOD SC 3500RG", "ASSESSMENT": "Project proposal, daily diary, oral presentation, final written project report", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides students with an opportunity to apply their knowledge and understanding of food science, nutrition and human health in a public health nutrition/community or research organisation, or in a food industry setting. Students gain practical experience of a chosen industry, its management systems, framework and structures. During the internship, students are required to work independently and as a member of a team to design, implement and evaluate a nutrition-based project, relevant to their host organisation. This inteernship provides students with insight into the different processes involved in building and promoting a sustainable nutritious and healthy food supply for society. \n A working understanding of several areas will need to be demonstrated. This may include, but is not limited to, areas such as healthy eating and dietary guidelines, relevant public health nutrition strategies/programs, nutritional reformulation of food products/recipes, development and revision of resource materials, marketing, distribution of product/resources, teamwork, evaluation processes. Hands-on experience of the integration of food science, nutrition and health aspects into the structure of the host organisation, and an awareness of occupational health and safety procedures will be gained, adding to the understanding of course material studied at levels 1 and 2.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4210": {"id": "n5AV0ugIDy4ra_1V94PTX", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "fC2ZEKPCPAcmPF0RotG7c", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13389, "section": "PL01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 20, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 May - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "Edq0zpm9n_EhSVOYGtx-G", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13192, "section": "WR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 20, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 110, Food Innovation Lab"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 129, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 110, Food Innovation Lab"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 129, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "1 May - 1 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 110, Food Innovation Lab"}, {"dates": "15 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 110, Food Innovation Lab"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "fjl_oGrFzE0SA0PwLM0s-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13510, "section": "TU01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 20, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 28 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 205, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4211": {"id": "TbB1LV9_3RuX51yzlgAFg", "course_id": "107637", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107637", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Nutrition and Food Science Internship", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "FOOD SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3520WT", "CLASS_NBR": 23103, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "069901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 12 hours per week, if the placement is undertaken as per the timetable. However, variations as to how and when the 120 hours of work experience can be negotiated with the course coordinator", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Food and Nutrition Science students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "FOOD SC 2510WT, FOOD SC 1000RG, FOOD SC 2505RG, FOOD SC 2505WT, FOOD SC 1002RG, FOOD SC 2502RG, FOOD SC 2502WT, (BIOCHEM 2501 or PLANT SC 2500WT)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "FOOD SC 3500RG", "ASSESSMENT": "Project proposal, daily diary, oral presentation, final written project report", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides students with an opportunity to apply their knowledge and understanding of food science, nutrition and human health in a public health nutrition/community or research organisation, or in a food industry setting. Students gain practical experience of a chosen industry, its management systems, framework and structures. During the internship, students are required to work independently and as a member of a team to design, implement and evaluate a nutrition-based project, relevant to their host organisation. This inteernship provides students with insight into the different processes involved in building and promoting a sustainable nutritious and healthy food supply for society. \n A working understanding of several areas will need to be demonstrated. This may include, but is not limited to, areas such as healthy eating and dietary guidelines, relevant public health nutrition strategies/programs, nutritional reformulation of food products/recipes, development and revision of resource materials, marketing, distribution of product/resources, teamwork, evaluation processes. Hands-on experience of the integration of food science, nutrition and health aspects into the structure of the host organisation, and an awareness of occupational health and safety procedures will be gained, adding to the understanding of course material studied at levels 1 and 2.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4212": {"id": "TbB1LV9_3RuX51yzlgAFg", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "M8VFUdtitGVCp7d4wtCcX", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23309, "section": "PL01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 7, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "Ee5uy119D8m8JBjRUkNME", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23103, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 7, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 110, Food Innovation Lab"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 129, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 110, Food Innovation Lab"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "z0GojXOp-cIm_NT7qxZWa", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23580, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 7, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 25 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Woolhouse Library, 2.19, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4213": {"id": "To6_4-Sy3Ize8K0R5iRPg", "course_id": "110768", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110768", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Food Chemistry III", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "FOOD SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3540WT", "CLASS_NBR": 10932, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019905", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to Bachelor of Food and Nutrition Science students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "BIOCHEM 2501", "INCOMPATIBLE": "FOOD SC 2500RG", "ASSESSMENT": "Written assignments (Q&A tasks), practical reports, online quizzes, final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course covers important concepts of the chemical, physical and functional properties of food constituents and the chemical changes these constituents undergo during handling, processing and storage including those that limit food shelf life. Food chemistry is of central importance to food science, it is interdisciplinary in nature due to the intersection of engineering, biological, and physical sciences which are used to study the nature of foods, the causes of deterioration, the principles underlying food processing, and the improvement of foods from a consumer and sustainability perspective. \n\nThe aim of the course is to provide the students with a deep understanding of how food components contribute to overall quality of foods; and to enable students to evaluate and explain how the highly complex nature of food may result in a multitude of desired and undesired reactions which are controlled by a variety of parameters.\n\nStudents learn about the chemistry and analysis of food and its components.\n\nHow to interpret the food legislation prescribed by the Food Standards Code, and gain practical experience in analysing food components.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4214": {"id": "To6_4-Sy3Ize8K0R5iRPg", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "9AtRz6TbY91jS_bBj_CKa", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10013, "section": "LE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 27, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Plant Genomics Centre, 126/127, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 25 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Plant Genomics Centre, 126/127, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 2 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "9 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Plant Genomics Centre, 126/127, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "16 May - 16 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "23 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Plant Genomics Centre, 126/127, Meeting Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "8FUPxqL0ZN_tEmFugr-X_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10932, "section": "TU01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 27, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 25 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 205, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "xCtrzd5ZopJOBaza1poKs", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11767, "section": "PR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 27, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G20, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 25 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G20, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 May - 2 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 110, Food Innovation Lab"}, {"dates": "9 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G20, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "16 May - 16 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 110, Food Innovation Lab"}, {"dates": "23 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G20, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "4215": {"id": "tVnq05jRNjL53UByQRJiN", "course_id": "108499", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108499", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Brewing Technology & Beer Production III", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "FOOD SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3550WT", "CLASS_NBR": 12528, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019905", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Viticulture and Oenology and Bachelor of Applied Biology students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(CHEM 1100 or CHEM 1101 or CHEM 1611), (CHEM 1200 or CHEM1201 or CHEM 1621), (BIOLOGY 1101 or BIOLOGY 1401 or BIOLOGY 1001), BIOLOGY 1202", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CHEM ENG 4074WT", "ASSESSMENT": "Reports, Proposals, Sensory Tests, Presentation and Final Examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Brewing Technology and Beer Production III will offer students a comprehensive introduction to the science and technology underpinning the composition and manufacture of beer. Students will gain a detailed theoretical understanding of the role of the raw ingredients of beer production (water, fermentable materials, flavouring materials, yeasts and bacteria) and the processes by which these are used in beer formulation and creation. Through participation in sensory classes, compulsory visits to industrial sites including maltings and large and small-scale breweries, and practical exercises in brewing at small and intermediate scales, students will become familiar with all aspects of beer production, and be able to design, brew and evaluate beers.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4216": {"id": "tVnq05jRNjL53UByQRJiN", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "xyeHxuWmA2BGPaPenN7cJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12527, "section": "LE01", "size": 48, "enrolled": 43, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Wine Science, 110, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "8XNWecMzpOYcmc59ZG-SL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12528, "section": "PR01", "size": 48, "enrolled": 43, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Wine Science, 110, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 May - 1 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Wine Science, Winery, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "8 May - 15 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Wine Science, 110, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Wine Science, Winery, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "29 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Wine Science, 110, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4217": {"id": "jo7SICdiCQ9DE9ERiEaNb", "course_id": "111548", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111548", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Food Processing, Preservation & Packaging Techniques III", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "FOOD SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3580WT", "CLASS_NBR": 10171, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019905", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "FOOD SC 1000WT, FOOD SC 2502WT", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, Practical Reports Group Project Poster and Presentation, Final Exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides students with an extensive understanding of food manufacturing, processing techniques, and preservation methods along with principles of packaging. This comprehensive course integrates knowledge from diverse areas, namely chemical, microbiological, nutritional, and engineering aspects of food processing and preservation. \n \nThe first half of the course introduces students to the range of processing techniques that are used in food manufacturing. This includes an exploration of the principles of each process, the processing equipment used, operating conditions, and the effects of processing on food-contaminating microorganisms. The latter half of the course focuses on various food preservation methods applicable to diverse food categories, including fresh fruits and vegetables, grains and pulses, fish, red meat, and milk. \n \nAdditionally, the course delves into the principles of packaging, linking it to processing, preservation, distribution, and promotion of food products. Students will understand the role of different packaging materials in relation to food safety, quality, and shelf life. The course also considers the National Packaging Targets, emphasizing the goal of achieving a circular economy for packaging. \n \nPractical exercises, workshops/tutorials, and team-based activities will further enhance student experience, providing a hands-on approach to commonly applied technologies and Good Manufacturing Practices in compliance with government regulations.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4218": {"id": "jo7SICdiCQ9DE9ERiEaNb", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "bYjMzeYQef4a-OkdVaCNB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10169, "section": "LE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 15, "available": 35, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "AKt_zQIqVxrlOvB68KyaD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10170, "section": "PR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 15, "available": 35, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 110, Food Innovation Lab"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 110, Food Innovation Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10171, "section": "TU01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 15, "available": 35, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Southern Barns General, G2/G3, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Southern Barns General, G2/G3, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4219": {"id": "JHriwITS8yqAdaZPw3y1k", "course_id": "108428", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108428", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Food and Nutrition Science (Hons) Pt 1", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "FOOD SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4050AWT", "CLASS_NBR": 15995, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019905", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Mixed mode - flexible and/or intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available 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"ASSESSMENT": "Exams and/or assignments, Research Proposal, Literature Review", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This modular course covers a range of advanced topics in Food and Nutrition Science, the methods of presentation and assessment of which vary according to module.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4226": {"id": "rziOo0-Kz4v0-BBrSsKMM", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "mq1H_3iK9S0qELPD96ISU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26002, "section": "01WT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "4227": {"id": "Lm1LKvIc13eibwmlR4v6O", "course_id": "108430", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, 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"DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This research project is selected at the start of the Honours year following consultation with the Honours Coordinator and depends on availability of research supervisors in any particular year.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "4228": {"id": "Lm1LKvIc13eibwmlR4v6O", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "rY5Rb87Yb_u0rHibi6LQn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15997, "section": "01WT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "4229": {"id": "KBXYIp1PUFkG8N1IOTlsy", "course_id": "108430", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108430", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, 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"DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This research project is selected at the start of the Honours year following consultation with the Honours Coordinator and depends on availability of research supervisors in any particular year.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "4230": {"id": "KBXYIp1PUFkG8N1IOTlsy", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "CUwmHLnXnlm4n3-62k5d9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26003, "section": "01WT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "4231": {"id": "luC5R5O3NVVK8v8bVMPTj", "course_id": "108431", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108431", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", 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start of the Honours year following consultation with the Honours Coordinator and depends on availability of research supervisors in any particular year.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4232": {"id": "luC5R5O3NVVK8v8bVMPTj", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "W1hCxHPOHxAaOHFmTUvgL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15998, "section": "01WT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "4233": {"id": "ARkdMApKif6GgxuaSDpjv", "course_id": "108431", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108431", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Food and Nutrition Science Project Pt 2", 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"CATALOG_NBR": "4070AWT", "CLASS_NBR": 15999, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019905", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "FOOD SC 4000AWT, FOOD SC 4000BWT, FOOD SC 4030AWT or FOOD SC 4030BWT", "ASSESSMENT": "Thesis, Thesis Defence, Seminar & Supervisor assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This research project is selected at the start of the Honours year following consultation with the Honours Coordinator and depends on availability of research supervisors in any particular year.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 07/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "4236": {"id": "rnpwPZzSqZeapUrmkE379", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "NIAiimSwc3ZE9qfWpVZqv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15999, "section": "01WT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "4237": {"id": "b9i5IEYQph7dg9VCokwz4", "course_id": "108432", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108432", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Food & Nutrition Science Project (T/Y)Cont", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "FOOD SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4070AWT", "CLASS_NBR": 15999, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019905", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "FOOD SC 4000AWT, FOOD SC 4000BWT, FOOD SC 4030AWT or FOOD SC 4030BWT", "ASSESSMENT": "Thesis, Thesis Defence, Seminar & Supervisor assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This research project is selected at the start of the Honours year following consultation with the Honours Coordinator and depends on availability of research supervisors in any particular year.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 07/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "4238": {"id": "b9i5IEYQph7dg9VCokwz4", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "iimoIbWnNWCkqGdRmSHGh", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15999, "section": "01WT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "4239": {"id": "eQBtdWlxu2jbzYwGAhXDo", "course_id": "108432", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108432", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Food & Nutrition Science Project (T/Y)Cont", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "FOOD SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4070AWT", "CLASS_NBR": 15999, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019905", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "By 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"eQBtdWlxu2jbzYwGAhXDo", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "NAeBw7xFcl8HRVFZSnnRq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15999, "section": "01WT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "4241": {"id": "3kyk77ziDUJCTRXHVaBC-", "course_id": "108432", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108432", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Food & Nutrition Science Project (T/Y)Cont", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "FOOD SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4070AWT", "CLASS_NBR": 26005, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019905", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "FOOD SC 4000AWT, FOOD SC 4000BWT, FOOD SC 4030AWT or FOOD SC 4030BWT", "ASSESSMENT": "Thesis, Thesis Defence, Seminar & Supervisor assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This research project is selected at the start of the Honours year following consultation with the Honours Coordinator and depends on availability of research supervisors in any particular year.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "4242": {"id": "3kyk77ziDUJCTRXHVaBC-", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "RBl3P3P_rPHpeu9I-6PoE", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26005, "section": "01WT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "4243": {"id": "iRwjhtAVQyzZA7E6t23Ed", "course_id": "108432", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108432", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Food & Nutrition Science Project (T/Y)Cont", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "FOOD SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4070AWT", "CLASS_NBR": 26005, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019905", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "FOOD SC 4000AWT, FOOD SC 4000BWT, FOOD SC 4030AWT or FOOD SC 4030BWT", "ASSESSMENT": "Thesis, Thesis Defence, Seminar & Supervisor assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This research project is selected at the start of the Honours year following consultation with the Honours Coordinator and depends on availability of research supervisors in any particular year.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "4244": {"id": "iRwjhtAVQyzZA7E6t23Ed", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "CLvTUomNmmyHHSLPhN5P5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26005, "section": "01WT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "4245": {"id": "Faz3wEp2gVVvwUA5d6-5W", "course_id": "108432", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108432", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Food & Nutrition Science Project (T/Y)Cont", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "FOOD SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4070AWT", "CLASS_NBR": 26005, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019905", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "FOOD SC 4000AWT, FOOD SC 4000BWT, FOOD SC 4030AWT or FOOD SC 4030BWT", "ASSESSMENT": "Thesis, Thesis Defence, Seminar & Supervisor assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This research project is selected at the start of the Honours year following consultation with the Honours Coordinator and depends on availability of research supervisors in any particular year.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "4246": {"id": "Faz3wEp2gVVvwUA5d6-5W", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "M3h7fLgjueQMWpYLNQoFd", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26005, "section": "01WT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "4247": {"id": "rdTVP33zp29kUukW6tZvr", "course_id": "108433", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108433", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Food & Nutrition Science Project (T/Y)Final", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "FOOD SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4070BWT", "CLASS_NBR": 16000, "SESSION_CD": "TYD", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019905", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "FOOD SC 4000AWT, FOOD SC 4000BWT, FOOD SC 4030AWT or FOOD SC 4030BWT", "ASSESSMENT": "Thesis, Thesis Defence, Seminar & Supervisor assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This research project is selected at the start of the Honours year following consultation with the Honours Coordinator and depends on availability of research supervisors in any particular year.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4248": {"id": "rdTVP33zp29kUukW6tZvr", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "yX1O-QSaXtbRsd5EDak98", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16000, "section": "01WT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "4249": {"id": "ENEgd364MHdvpT6st1VRm", "course_id": "108433", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108433", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Food & Nutrition Science Project (T/Y)Final", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "FOOD SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4070BWT", "CLASS_NBR": 26006, "SESSION_CD": "TYD", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019905", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "FOOD SC 4000AWT, FOOD SC 4000BWT, FOOD SC 4030AWT or FOOD SC 4030BWT", "ASSESSMENT": "Thesis, Thesis Defence, Seminar & Supervisor assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This research project is selected at the start of the Honours year following consultation with the Honours Coordinator and depends on availability of research supervisors in any particular year.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4250": {"id": "ENEgd364MHdvpT6st1VRm", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "bg4Q1sNL7nzzvMlWZQcau", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26006, "section": "01WT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "4251": {"id": "211pE3_mfBVvTS-BJ7bUR", "course_id": "110225", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110225", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Brewing Technology and Beer Production", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "FOOD SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7000WT", "CLASS_NBR": 13190, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019905", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 10 hours per week (weeks 7-13)", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to Master of Science and Master of Viticulture and Oenology students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Level I Chemistry and Biology (or equivalent)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "FOOD SC 3550WT", "ASSESSMENT": "Reports, proposals, sensory tests, presentation, final examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Brewing Technology and Beer Production III will offer students a comprehensive introduction to the science and technology underpinning the composition and manufacture of beer. Students will gain a detailed theoretical understanding of the role of the raw ingredients of beer production (water, fermentable materials, flavouring materials, yeasts and bacteria) and the processes by which these are used in beer formulation and creation. Through participation in sensory classes, compulsory visits to industrial sites including maltings and large and small-scale breweries, and practical exercises in brewing at small and intermediate scales, students will become familiar with all aspects of beer production, and be able to design, brew and evaluate beers.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4252": {"id": "211pE3_mfBVvTS-BJ7bUR", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "EAi4_jUUCyG5FsrQrzeeV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13189, "section": "LE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 2, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Wine Science, 110, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "hn3Th12HzE71QJttFslYV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13190, "section": "PR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 2, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Wine Science, 110, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 May - 1 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Wine Science, Winery, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "8 May - 15 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Wine Science, 110, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Wine Science, Winery, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "29 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Wine Science, 110, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4253": {"id": "48RFDwsgHCEFF9PABrZL_", "course_id": "110545", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110545", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Foundations in Food & Nutrition", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "FOOD SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7001WT", "CLASS_NBR": 14013, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010911", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online Tests; Assessment of diet quality; Nutrition Project; Workshops Participation and Discussion", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an overview of fundamental knowledge in food and nutrition. Students will learn about dietary guidelines and healthy eating; nutrient reference values; food composition including the six classes of nutrients and non-nutrient components of food; the major roles and functions of the principal nutrients and the metabolism of these nutrients in the human body; nutritional characteristics of the Five Food Groups; functional foods; concepts of energy balance; nutrient calculations; energy density of foods; assessment of diet quality and the impact of diet on nutritional status and health. Students will be introduced to the principles of nutrition research and the translation of nutrition research into nutrient recommendations, dietary guidelines and recommended daily food patterns. Students will also learn about report writing and how to evaluate and synthesize scientific literature and communicating in the context of nutrition.\n\nStudents will develop a sound knowledge of food composition, an understanding of the fundamental concepts of nutrition and the links between food, nutrition and health. Students will apply knowledge gained during the course to estimate energy requirements and assess diet quality of individuals.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4254": {"id": "48RFDwsgHCEFF9PABrZL_", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "rlCa0-pNpCa80GSeJhKSi", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11832, "section": "LE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 14, "available": 36, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "PNStoY53Vu4kDIeOOM_II", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11833, "section": "PR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 14, "available": 36, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 110, Food Innovation Lab"}, {"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 110, Food Innovation Lab"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "4JN8ej0eZ02E8kvmESY9t", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14013, "section": "WR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 14, "available": 36, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 110, Food Innovation Lab"}, {"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 110, Food Innovation Lab"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4255": {"id": "m6K8XWIx6kmvjEDxA-net", "course_id": "111320", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111320", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Sensory Food Science", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "FOOD SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7028WT", "CLASS_NBR": 22807, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019905", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written Assignments, Online Quizzes, Exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The role of sensory evaluation in marketing of food and beverages, physiological and psychological factors affecting sensory perception, relationships between sensory properties and product acceptability, measurement of sensory perception, design and conduct of sensory evaluation experiments, difference testing, preference testing, panel selection procedures, taste and aroma profiling, texture profiling, shelf life determination, sensory quality control, product development and optimisation, strategies for developing sensory evaluation programs. A range of food and beverage products will be assessed using the techniques and principles present in the lecture program.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4256": {"id": "m6K8XWIx6kmvjEDxA-net", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Z8N5RYtztwl06jDoHEZ7p", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24007, "section": "LE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 20, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "_p77vCiDKSL_XaM8oi9fG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22806, "section": "PR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 20, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 110, Food Innovation Lab"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 110, Food Innovation Lab"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "ssVFfzIXQ-oXewdosDnYU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22807, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 20, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 131, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 129, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 131, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 129, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "4257": {"id": "1B_-r8j7G7i7evJ9R31wl", "course_id": "111325", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111325", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Nutrition Metabolism", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "FOOD SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7029WT", "CLASS_NBR": 21044, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061307", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Biology and Chemistry OR BIOCHEM OR Equivalent of 6 units of Level I Biology and Chemistry", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Groups assessments, case studies, literature review, quizzes", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Nutrition metabolism will focus on early life nutrition, healthy ageing and nutritional genomics. We know that a healthy start to life is very important and that adverse nutritional exposures early in life can impact future chronic disease risk. In this course we will investigate how this may occur and how nutrition and lifestyle changes may reverse these adverse effects. In addition, we know that worldwide we are living longer and this comes with an additional set of nutritional challenges. We will explore the role of nutrition in the ageing process and how our eating habits, preferences and requirements change as we age. Finally, a growing area of research is nutritional genomics which looks at how nutrients impact genes and also the reverse; how gene variations that exist between individuals may impact the way we process certain nutrients. This is extremely important especially if we want to adopt a personalised nutrition/diet approach.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4258": {"id": "1B_-r8j7G7i7evJ9R31wl", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "MY_wO6j3ezYsX8q1KGmYR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21043, "section": "LE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 32, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "iheaZ-fLyoZ7SKeDkqu9K", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21044, "section": "WR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 32, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 205, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4259": {"id": "i5ua15J3MgolyBZ6w9WXV", "course_id": "111322", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111322", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advances in Food and Nutrition", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "FOOD SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7030WT", "CLASS_NBR": 19188, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061307", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "FOOD SC 7029WT", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, Case Studies, Group Assignment, Executive Summary", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will cover new and innovative topics in the food and nutrition area. The focus will be on emerging technologies and trends within food and nutrition with examples taken from across the world. Some of the things that will be investigated include alternative meat products, alternative sources of protein, new food product developments and new methods in food processing. Students will be immersed in case studies supplied by food industry representatives who will discuss novel and innovative technologies they are developing or need developed to improve sustainability. Students will work both individually and in groups on relevant and current food and nutrition challenges.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4260": {"id": "i5ua15J3MgolyBZ6w9WXV", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "N2w_-_-D8mf-9sJEjgcZm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19186, "section": "LE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 27, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Charles Hawker, 205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Charles Hawker, 205, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "il43kJ5wdNEa806albONz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19187, "section": "PR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 27, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Please ignore this class as it will no longer be used."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "31 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9pm", "end_time": "9:30pm", "location": " "}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "DZpNkBf6610gYFjFfxmle", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19188, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 27, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 205, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4261": {"id": "piz1adhPRPy6v7HQ0kfg6", "course_id": "111323", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111323", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Innovations in Food Processing", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "FOOD SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7031WT", "CLASS_NBR": 20171, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061307", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Upon completion of this course students will develop an advanced knowledge and understanding of process and engineering principles of food processing methods like heating, cooling, freezing, drying, crystallisation, extrusion technology, fermentations, fractionation, non-thermal technologies and kinetics of physico-chemical changes during processing. The focus will be on innovative and current technologies currently in use or being developed in the food industry.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4262": {"id": "piz1adhPRPy6v7HQ0kfg6", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "SOB6b9duQ2g3aGck-9Q7w", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20171, "section": "WR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 46, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "7GU46qnCTM-PsAzRDPWJN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20170, "section": "PR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 46, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 110, Food Innovation Lab"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 110, Food Innovation Lab"}]}]}]}]}, "4263": {"id": "vibPMllBgN4fQO-5f36h-", "course_id": "111324", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111324", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Global Food Safety", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "FOOD SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7032WT", "CLASS_NBR": 12836, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061307", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will provide an advanced understanding of scientific principles and concepts related to food safely and quality standards. The importance of quality assurance in producing safe and quality foods in Australian and international food standard codes will be covered. Topics will include international and national quality management standards, microbial factors in food quality, risk analysis and management, the Food Safety Code, Codex Alimentarius, global food safety, Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP), Vulnerability Assessment Critical Control Points (VACCP), Threat Assessment Critical Control Points (TACCP) quality auditing and improvement, food allergen management, safety and quality of plant foods, dairy, meat, seafood, GM foods and Australia\u2019s native foods.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4264": {"id": "vibPMllBgN4fQO-5f36h-", "class_list": [{"association_group": "", "groups": []}]}, "4265": {"id": "MkabxY2JFtZjBX2xCreMY", "course_id": "111326", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111326", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Sensory and Flavour Science", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "FOOD SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7033WT", "CLASS_NBR": 11448, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061307", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will explore how sensory and flavour science guides the development and commercial strategy within the food industry. Sensory and flavour science plays a critical role steering decisions through the food product development process, in food formulation, in quality control of food products, and in the innovation and development of healthier food products. The course will examine how food scientists can use method in food formulation to optimise the sensory properties of food, and provide an in-depth study of flavour generation by biochemical and chemical means, how flavour is delivered to the senses and perceived by humans, and how flavour can be analysed both with instruments or through sensory panels.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4266": {"id": "MkabxY2JFtZjBX2xCreMY", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "JKCjNZg5_8x3VkaAe610P", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12822, "section": "LE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 26, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Charles Hawker, 205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Charles Hawker, 205, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "Hh4LuGYyW-YjeyLq6_iIW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11448, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 26, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Plant Genomics Centre, 126, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Plant Genomics Centre, 126, Meeting Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "dGb1O3ErcqwkOb3vpP-Ik", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12823, "section": "PR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 26, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Southern Barns Sensory, G2, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 1 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Southern Barns Sensory, G2, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "15 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Southern Barns Sensory, G2, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "4267": {"id": "j1qcKnEAYUW_OloslWwX0", "course_id": "111329", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111329", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Methods and Data Analysis (Food and Nutrition)", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "FOOD SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7034WT", "CLASS_NBR": 22724, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061307", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course students will gain an understanding of the skills required to design and undertake research within the food and nutrition area. Considerations will include legal and ethical requirements in planning research projects, experimental design, analytical methods and communication of results to a variety of audiences.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4268": {"id": "j1qcKnEAYUW_OloslWwX0", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "DoCve6woa0F5urXqOsP1L", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22724, "section": "WR01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 24, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 205, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "Q8ePNWmwRTilonkDL3Q6d", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23616, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 24, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 129, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 129, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "4269": {"id": "jPPifiEmWqrjR3H1md92j", "course_id": "111328", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111328", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Food and Nutrition Science Capstone Project Part A", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "FOOD SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7035AWT", "CLASS_NBR": 29541, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061307", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students will carry out a research project or internship in the food and nutritional sciences with supervision by a specialist in the area. Students will be required to determine the research problem and determine the hypothesis and experimental design to answer the research question. The students will then undertake the research, collect data, analyse the findings and present the results in both written and oral forms. Students will meet with their supervisors regularly throughout the course of the research project or internship.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "4270": {"id": "jPPifiEmWqrjR3H1md92j", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "I002IYQMGaRTfDW3ZZ6RV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29541, "section": "WR01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 102, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4271": {"id": "ZA-ZnPBOMgXUda0q4gNhI", "course_id": "111332", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111332", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Food Quality and Regulation", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "FOOD SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7205WT", "CLASS_NBR": 12826, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010911", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces the regulatory requirements related to food quality and safety. This includes principles of quality assurance and management, HACCP (hazard analysis of critical control points), VACCP (vulnerability assessment critical control points), TACCP (threat assessment critical control point) system implementation, flow charts and identification of hazards and critical points, ISO and NATA accreditation. The course provides students with opportunities for practical experience in generating nutritional panels for food products using a variety of tools, such as the FSANZ Nutrition Panel Calculator and software programs such as FoodWorks Nutrition Labelling and the Allergen Bureau?s VITAL program. Students gain theoretical knowledge in hygiene and sanitation, including good manufacturing practices, chemistry and application of cleaners and sanitisers, verification of sanitiser action, equipment design to minimise process failure and health risk. Product recall and national and international food legislation including the role of FSANZ, Food Standards Code, legislation hierarchy and audit are also covered. Participation in an audit process and compulsory visits to local industrial sites and organisations further develops familiarity with all aspects of food quality and regulation. Field trips to food industry are an important component of this course and further extend students? understanding of course content and industry application.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4272": {"id": "ZA-ZnPBOMgXUda0q4gNhI", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "wPyhTj-1MDq65j85Hi9eb", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12824, "section": "LE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 16, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "cVkjkApAOz7CMWRC5tHon", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12825, "section": "PR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 16, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 110, Food Innovation Lab"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 15 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 110, Food Innovation Lab"}, {"dates": "22 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 110, Food Innovation Lab"}, {"dates": "29 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "yHGuVn0Gqwqvpaq89OB57", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12826, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 16, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 131, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 129, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 131, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 129, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "4273": {"id": "W3T_TUTurh8MbFXzXKl1z", "course_id": "111333", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111333", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Public Health Nutrition", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "FOOD SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7305WT", "CLASS_NBR": 12828, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010911", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course develops students' understanding of public health nutrition with a focus placed on the importance of building a sustainable, nutritious and healthy food supply for all. Health inequities, as explained by the social determinants of health, and their impact on nutritional health and well-being are covered in detail. Consideration is given to factors which influence consumer food choices, dietary habits and food consumption patterns including social, cultural and environmental factors. An overview of the different types of food systems as well as historical events which have influenced the Australian diet over time, are used to illustrate how people's day-to-day living circumstances can impact on their food choices and consumption patterns. Students are introduced to major nutrition and health policies which underpin intervention programs and initiatives aiming to promote healthy eating behaviours in consumers and/or healthy food production in food industry. Students are required to design and plan a nutrition intervention project around the recommendations of one or more of these policies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4274": {"id": "W3T_TUTurh8MbFXzXKl1z", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "x_Mcs9ArleQAcKG8bIaaY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12827, "section": "LE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 17, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "uI77xnZEMIF64H9v_Bz8H", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12829, "section": "PR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 17, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Apr - 14 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 110, Food Innovation Lab"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "a5IxGVOnB8PQYv6w3h2mp", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12828, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 17, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12830, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 17, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 27 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Mar - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 129, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "5 Mar - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 May - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4275": {"id": "XkTwtOuSDhLO8ASAVe6c-", "course_id": "111319", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111319", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Food Microbiology PG", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "FOOD SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7502WT", "CLASS_NBR": 24013, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010911", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Practical reports, Research Project, Online Quizzes, Exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course focuses on the significance of the presence and/or growth of microorganisms in foods and their importance in the production and safety of foods. Topics covered include: types of microorganisms found in food (beneficial, pathogenic and spoilage); the effect different environmental conditions have on microbial existence in foods and in food processing environments; public health aspects of food microbiology; applications of microorganisms in food processing; and detection and enumeration of microorganisms of interest in food. The practical component of this course gives students the opportunity to develop hands-on skills in conventional and rapid methods for testing food products, including microbial indicators.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4276": {"id": "XkTwtOuSDhLO8ASAVe6c-", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "NMWBjYw2A8bajQPYS5HRK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24011, "section": "LE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 21, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 29 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Aug - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "12 Aug - 19 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "2 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "7 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "zsh60qGA5R7KwKt64BAdh", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24012, "section": "PR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 21, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 29 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G18, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 Jul - 29 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G09, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "5 Aug - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 110, Food Innovation Lab"}, {"dates": "5 Aug - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Aug - 19 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G18, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "12 Aug - 19 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G09, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "26 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 110, Food Innovation Lab"}, {"dates": "26 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G18, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G09, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 110, Food Innovation Lab"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G18, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "7 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G09, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "IVgRCITlAWsbTQWRr2Riu", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24013, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 21, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 29 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Aug - 19 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4277": {"id": "zuE8ddTRwYuH7_2kTaMzd", "course_id": "111321", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111321", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Nutrition and Health Across Life-Stages", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "FOOD SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7510WT", "CLASS_NBR": 24010, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019905", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Group Presentation, Written Assignments, Practical Reports, Exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "To provide an overview of nutrition, diet, lifestyle and health. This includes consideration of the nutritional requirements of a healthy human throughout the life stages, as well as specific requirements in the instance of food allergy and food intolerance. Nutrition, lifestyle factors and chronic disease are a focus of this course, with emphasis on the links between diet: obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer and osteoporosis. As a contrast, malnutrition, underweight, world hunger and the global environment are also considered. Different nutritional assessment methods, including dietary collection methods are discussed. Students are required to critically research the association between a specified chronic disease and diet, prepare a scientific report and translate their findings into a document which provides relevant nutritional advice to the general population. Use of a dietary analysis program to analyse a weighed food record allows comparison of the analysis against current nutrient reference values and healthy eating guidelines. It also gives students an insight into the advantages and disadvantages of the various methods of collecting dietary intake data.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4278": {"id": "zuE8ddTRwYuH7_2kTaMzd", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "eHlfFb6OS3Nd5utoLNKti", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24008, "section": "LE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 20, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Aug - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "qrfoaVq-P7faTDXF3KY1U", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24009, "section": "PR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 20, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 131, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 129, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 131, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 129, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 131, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 129, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "yPHR8shUSuhb_qdwyL2GH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24010, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 20, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 110, Food Innovation Lab"}, {"dates": "24 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "4279": {"id": "rUqJ2eTu1e6XJhIlu_TlB", "course_id": "111334", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111334", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Food Chemistry and Analysis", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "FOOD SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7540WT", "CLASS_NBR": 12833, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010911", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course covers important concepts of the chemical, physical and functional properties of food constituents and the chemical changes these constituents undergo during handling, processing and storage including those that limit food shelf life. Food chemistry is of central importance to food science, it is interdisciplinary in nature due to the intersection of engineering, biological, and physical sciences which are used to study the nature of foods, the causes of deterioration, the principles underlying food processing, and the improvement of foods from a consumer and sustainability perspective. The aim of the course is to provide the students with a deep understanding of how food components contribute to overall quality of foods; and to enable students to evaluate and explain how the highly complex nature of food may result in a multitude of desired and undesired reactions which are controlled by a variety of parameters. Students learn about the chemistry and analysis of food and its components. How to interpret the food legislation prescribed by the Food Standards Code, and gain practical experience in analysing food components.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4280": {"id": "rUqJ2eTu1e6XJhIlu_TlB", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "G3iCN6FGCqditrhgfv_lM", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12831, "section": "LE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 15, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Plant Genomics Centre, 126/127, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 25 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Plant Genomics Centre, 126/127, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 2 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "9 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Plant Genomics Centre, 126/127, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "16 May - 16 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "23 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Plant Genomics Centre, 126/127, Meeting Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "C5NY4EZTQfMjbt3H6Pnsf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12832, "section": "PR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 15, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G20, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 25 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G20, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 May - 2 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 110, Food Innovation Lab"}, {"dates": "9 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G20, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "16 May - 16 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 110, Food Innovation Lab"}, {"dates": "23 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G20, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "WdkHehjYNV2VXSu4o_8-a", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12833, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 15, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 25 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 205, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4281": {"subject": "FREN", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "002520", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "002520", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "001962", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "001962", "term": "4405", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "111270", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104515", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104516", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104517", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104518", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111267", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104521", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104522", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107207", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107208", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107209", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107210", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107211", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107403", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "4282": {"id": "VWxE6jD14q8ojZL1LQiRI", "course_id": "002520", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "002520", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Beginners French A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "FREN", "CATALOG_NBR": "1002", "CLASS_NBR": 13073, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "Not available to students who obtained B- or higher in SACE Stage 2 French or equivalent", "ASSESSMENT": "Regular assignments, tests, written exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces students to the language and culture of contemporary France. In addition to intensive language training in the four basic skills - listening, speaking, reading and writing - various aspects of French society and culture will be introduced through audio and video extracts and short texts. The emphasis throughout will be on communicative skills, both oral and written.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4283": {"id": "VWxE6jD14q8ojZL1LQiRI", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "18OhAghh_hexzApZqlZtB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14335, "section": "LE01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 80, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "79GF-2Mg3qu79LZ05fIie", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13073, "section": "WR05", "size": 24, "enrolled": 22, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Napier, 106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Napier, 106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13074, "section": "WR04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 21, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, 107, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, 107, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13075, "section": "WR03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 20, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, 106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, 106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18582, "section": "WR02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 17, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Napier, 107, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Napier, 107, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4284": {"id": "Md_RPODGtmRxwyinWIVfx", "course_id": "002520", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "002520", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Beginners French A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "FREN", "CATALOG_NBR": "1002", "CLASS_NBR": 22993, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "Not available to students who obtained B- or higher in SACE Stage 2 French or equivalent", "ASSESSMENT": "Regular assignments, tests, written exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces students to the language and culture of contemporary France. In addition to intensive language training in the four basic skills - listening, speaking, reading and writing - various aspects of French society and culture will be introduced through audio and video extracts and short texts. The emphasis throughout will be on communicative skills, both oral and written.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4285": {"id": "Md_RPODGtmRxwyinWIVfx", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "VRiIGqbSD09LHdosXSzps", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24298, "section": "LE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 30, "available": 30, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "BwMpF-DKNZgNj0K8pbmq6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22993, "section": "WR04", "size": 20, "enrolled": 15, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Napier, 106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Napier, 106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22994, "section": "WR03", "size": 20, "enrolled": 15, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Napier, 107, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Napier, 107, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4286": {"id": "s9P5FVUHVpHnE0WZMOCao", "course_id": "001962", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "001962", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Beginners French B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "FREN", "CATALOG_NBR": "1003", "CLASS_NBR": 22989, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "FREN 1002", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Regular assignments, tests, written exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces students to the language and culture of contemporary France. In addition to intensive language training in the four basic skills - listening, speaking, reading and writing - various aspects of French society and culture will be introduced through audio and video extracts and short texts. The emphasis throughout will be on communicative skills, both oral and written.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4287": {"id": "s9P5FVUHVpHnE0WZMOCao", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "Cbe6ygoHPv-QpiGb4_gFP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22989, "section": "WR03", "size": 20, "enrolled": 9, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, 106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, 106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22990, "section": "WR02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 14, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Napier, 107, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Napier, 107, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22991, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 18, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, 107, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, 107, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "tX5SlA-smaMEfy2its6Si", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24296, "section": "LE01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 41, "available": 39, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "4288": {"id": "KG3oEo1zreMwjJgCjXKCi", "course_id": "001962", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "001962", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Beginners French B", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "FREN", "CATALOG_NBR": "1003OL", "CLASS_NBR": 92435, "SESSION_CD": "S01", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "FREN 1002", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online exercises 10%, Tests 20%, Oral test 15%, Cultural project 15%, Participation 10%, Final Test 30%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces students to the language and culture of contemporary France. In addition to intensive language training in the four basic skills - listening, speaking, reading and writing - various aspects of French society and culture will be introduced through audio and video extracts and short texts. The emphasis throughout will be on communicative skills, both oral and written.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 23/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 25/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 07/02/2024"}}]}, "4289": {"id": "KG3oEo1zreMwjJgCjXKCi", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "DWQBo6yK5oBplTR7ia6NS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92435, "section": "WR01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 6, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jan - 9 Feb", "days": "Tuesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Jan - 9 Feb", "days": "Tuesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Feb - 16 Feb", "days": "Tuesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Feb - 16 Feb", "days": "Tuesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4290": {"id": "ECfH7cuMhVcAw-8_dbN9Y", "course_id": "111270", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111270", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Contemporary France", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "FREN", "CATALOG_NBR": "2013", "CLASS_NBR": 25329, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091599", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "FREN 2201", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes/Comprehension tests, Oral Presentation, Abstract for Mini Conference, Essay", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Taught through the Department of European Languages, and Linguistics, this course provides a comprehensive introduction to contemporary France through the prisms of history, politics, society, and culture. It is designed to contribute to your understanding of how a modern French citizen thinks and feels in the twentieth-first century. Taught in French at the intermediate level, the course provides opportunities for students to improve their language skills in the areas of speaking, writing, listening and reading. Through this course you will develop: 1) an understanding of some of the most important issues currently facing France;\n2) an awareness of France\u2019s place in the world, and 3) an appreciation of France\u2019s diverse and dynamic culture.\n\nStudents enrolling in Contemporary France will undertake activities and discussions using a variety of literary and audio-visual texts such as literature, film and music. This textual engagement will afford students the opportunity to acquire cultural knowledge as well as sociolinguistic competence pertinent to French Studies. The course will examine life in France from different perspectives and voices, from its diversified artistic landscape to its taste for intellectualism, and what led to the development of French culture as we know it today. Does the well-known national motto 'Libert\u00e9, Egalit\u00e9, Fraternit\u00e9' still represent an ultimately deeply divided society? An analysis of different media of expression will serve to feed current debates and give the keys to understand the place of the French in France and the place of France in the world.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4291": {"id": "ECfH7cuMhVcAw-8_dbN9Y", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "komM-CMe-7OehWAC9lkMH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24295, "section": "LE01", "size": 28, "enrolled": 12, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "1SQTBtQVwz9o9bBZQy-rB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25329, "section": "TU01", "size": 28, "enrolled": 12, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4292": {"id": "nPlLFDuGAwVJ8pbCPa_l_", "course_id": "104515", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104515", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Intermediate French A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "FREN", "CATALOG_NBR": "2201", "CLASS_NBR": 13076, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "FREN 1003 or SACE Stage 2 French (Grade of B-or higher)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "FREN 1012", "ASSESSMENT": "Regular tests, assignments, language exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course builds on and consolidates the language skills acquired in the first year beginners' course. This will involve the development of written language skills - composition, comprehension, translation, grammar - and spoken language skills - speaking, pronunciation, listening.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4293": {"id": "nPlLFDuGAwVJ8pbCPa_l_", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "C5Tnwc1hN-Fr6S3stqZ3g", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18564, "section": "LEC0", "size": 56, "enrolled": 49, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "a7y6H0U-l-lZC0vb2sQ26", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13076, "section": "WR03", "size": 28, "enrolled": 21, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, 107, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, 107, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13077, "section": "WR02", "size": 28, "enrolled": 28, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, 107, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, 107, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4294": {"id": "7FPas9D9pmSnF7mqc2g1P", "course_id": "104516", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104516", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Intermediate French B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "FREN", "CATALOG_NBR": "2202", "CLASS_NBR": 22997, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "FREN 2201", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "FREN 1012, FREN 2003", "ASSESSMENT": "Regular tests, assignments, language exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course continues the intensive language training undertaken in French IIA: Language. It similarly aims to develop written language skills - composition, comprehension, translation, grammar - and spoken language skills - speaking, listening, pronunciation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4295": {"id": "7FPas9D9pmSnF7mqc2g1P", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "OfDF3CyjrbShhFpcwSh87", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28480, "section": "LEC0", "size": 40, "enrolled": 32, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "EtshMZ3PZNRMosoNXlE8U", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22996, "section": "WR01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 16, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, 107, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, 107, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22997, "section": "WR02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 16, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Napier, 106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 122a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Napier, 106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 122a, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4296": {"id": "bteB5RZ1MPRA8KgkmBDK2", "course_id": "104517", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104517", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Upper-Intermediate French A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "FREN", "CATALOG_NBR": "3201", "CLASS_NBR": 18573, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "FREN 2202", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "12 units in French", "INCOMPATIBLE": "FREN 2212 or FREN 3002", "ASSESSMENT": "Regular tests, assignments, language examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Language training in spoken and written French builds on the skills and knowledge acquired in second year (beginners' stream). The course will include grammar exercises, written expression, oral expression and translation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4297": {"id": "bteB5RZ1MPRA8KgkmBDK2", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "MJdD2tlzemMBKFuytCbUU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18573, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 16, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, 107, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, 107, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "cxPxrVLRxG8NYGA5XOx6p", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10816, "section": "PR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 16, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Napier, 106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Napier, 106, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "4298": {"id": "-Z3tAWzM8VPEH_bmH0ymb", "course_id": "104518", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104518", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Upper-Intermediate French B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "FREN", "CATALOG_NBR": "3202", "CLASS_NBR": 22998, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "FREN 3201", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "FREN 2212, FREN 3211, FREN 3003", "ASSESSMENT": "Regular tests, assignments, language examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Language training in spoken and written French builds on the skills and knowledge acquired in French IIIA: Language. The course will include grammar exercises, written expression, oral expression and translation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4299": {"id": "-Z3tAWzM8VPEH_bmH0ymb", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "utHkEtNQIHIPe9obhff4G", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22998, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 12, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG11, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG11, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "mE7kR0Rnun5u8NTxB8u_s", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20750, "section": "PR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 12, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, 107, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, 107, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "4300": {"id": "0qQJIsZdOxh9tYrTdQp62", "course_id": "111267", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111267", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to French and Francophone Literature", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "FREN", "CATALOG_NBR": "3205", "CLASS_NBR": 13072, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091599", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "FREN 2202", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Oral presentation, 2 x quizzes, Essay, Group Research Project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Introduction to French Literature is a core Topics course of the Department of European Languages, and Linguistics. Taught at a lower-advanced level entirely in the target language, the course introduces students to the study of literature through a focus on canonical and popular literary texts.\nAlthough the specific focus of the course will vary from semester to semester, you can expect to encounter a broad range of genres and historical periods. This course is designed to be a forum where students can use their encounter with literature to hone their language skills in the areas of speaking, writing, listening and reading.\n\nFor students enrolling through the discipline of French Studies, this course will focus on various fiction (novel, poetry, theatre) and non-fiction texts from France and French-speaking countries and regions outside of France, adopting a global perspective including the socio-economic and political realities and the cultural and artistic climate of the Francophone world in all its diversity. Students will have the opportunity to read and analyse several texts during the semester, in their entirety or through excerpts, and to discuss issues important for understanding French and Francophone societies from the Middle Ages to the present. Each week or fortnight will be devoted to the study of a particular movement, idea or literary trend and its stylistic and linguistic specificities, to understand its mechanisms and determine the impact it has had in its given period and geography.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4301": {"id": "0qQJIsZdOxh9tYrTdQp62", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "pZOAzdYClyZ6WnBywM4mW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13072, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 8, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "bpGjwol6XU5domW7-jv1O", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13071, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 8, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG07, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4302": {"id": "D0UO1xZNMeVJadL0mo_yM", "course_id": "104521", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104521", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced French A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "FREN", "CATALOG_NBR": "3211", "CLASS_NBR": 18587, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "FREN 2212 or FREN 3202", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "12 units in French", "INCOMPATIBLE": "FREN 3011", "ASSESSMENT": "Regular tests, assignments, language examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course gives tuition in translation, phonetics, advanced grammar and syntax, through regular assignments and class exercises (oral and written). It also seeks to develop research skills for language related questions.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4303": {"id": "D0UO1xZNMeVJadL0mo_yM", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "F1Cz6c0VaeMZembTWw48S", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18587, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 8, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, 107, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG19, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, 107, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG19, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4304": {"id": "LmNbktw1_sZddRy-CdW_o", "course_id": "104522", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104522", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced French B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "FREN", "CATALOG_NBR": "3212", "CLASS_NBR": 24297, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "FREN 3211", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Regular tests, assignments, language examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course builds on the work undertaken in French IIISA: Language and gives tuition in stylistics, translation, register, advanced grammar and syntax, through regular assignments and class exercises (oral and written). It also seeks to develop research skills for language related questions.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4305": {"id": "LmNbktw1_sZddRy-CdW_o", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "v3VVqKE0Ux8kjPokjfRuS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24297, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 5, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, 107, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, 107, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4306": {"id": "IIZJtF4-gKksHFq6wIOOx", "course_id": "107207", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107207", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours French Culture A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "FREN", "CATALOG_NBR": "4001", "CLASS_NBR": 14540, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Completed degree (72 units) including 24 units French Studies Major or completed Diploma of Languages", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "1500 word essay in French (15%), 3000 word essay in French (30%), oral presentation (15%), 2 class tests (40%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course involves advanced learning, scholarship and research in the area of French Studies. It is the final stage of formal language tuition in the French language as well as extending students' knowledge and research skills in French and Francophone cultures, building on the learning and research capabilities gained in levels 1 to 3 of the French Studies major. The course focuses on skills of higher order spoken and written expression, through tasks such as formal oral presentations and academic writing exercises. It provides research training based on the skills of textual analysis and documentary searches in relation to specific forms of cultural expression, such as literature, film, media and social issues.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4307": {"id": "IIZJtF4-gKksHFq6wIOOx", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "jDpGvC83f1s09LWDyhK3Q", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15258, "section": "SE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG07, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "xYHj9IPjUZ42GoiayKVRh", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14540, "section": "WR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4308": {"id": "pOgxhfFYFsNiXeWi_M19i", "course_id": "107208", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107208", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours French Culture B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "FREN", "CATALOG_NBR": "4002", "CLASS_NBR": 25121, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Completed degree (72 units) including 24 units French Studies Major or completed Diploma of Languages", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "1500 word essay in French (15%), 3000 word essay in French (30%), oral presentation (15%), 2 class tests (40%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course involves advanced learning, scholarship and research in the area of French Studies. It is the final stage of formal language tuition in the French language as well as extending students' knowledge and research skills in French and Francophone cultures, building on the learning and research capabilities gained in levels 1 to 3 of the French Studies major. The course focuses on skills of higher order spoken and written expression, through tasks such as formal oral presentations and academic writing exercises. It provides research training based on the skills of textual analysis and documentary searches in relation to specific forms of cultural expression, such as literature, film, media and social issues.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4309": {"id": "pOgxhfFYFsNiXeWi_M19i", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "TZwFewVDssXLQl1OWveJY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20845, "section": "LE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "FQiOLCCUuzv1pKbcnMUOC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25121, "section": "SE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4310": {"id": "3Iy-a1FkDdjCzu_1uul0Q", "course_id": "107209", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107209", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours French Language A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "FREN", "CATALOG_NBR": "4003", "CLASS_NBR": 11967, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Completed degree (72 units) including 24 units French Studies Major or completed Diploma of Languages", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "4 x literary translations (20%), 4 x oral presentations (20%), 2 x formal writing tasks (20%), literary translation test (20%), oral test (20%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course represents advanced learning, scholarship and research in the area of French Studies. It is the final stage of formal language tuition in the French language as well as extending students' knowledge and research skills in French and Francophone cultures, building on the learning and research capabilities gained in levels 1 to 3 of the French Studies major. It focuses on skills of higher order spoken and written expression, through tasks such as literary translations and academic writing exercises. It will also develop skills of textual analysis and documentary scholarship in relation to specific forms of cultural expression, such as literature, film, media and social issues.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4311": {"id": "3Iy-a1FkDdjCzu_1uul0Q", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "rQrAs1QtP5UB7qOFnVmjp", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11967, "section": "WR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, 107, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG19, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, 107, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG19, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4312": {"id": "slzayk4tUSgtEHM6X0P76", "course_id": "107210", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107210", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours French Language B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "FREN", "CATALOG_NBR": "4004", "CLASS_NBR": 21953, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Completed degree (72 units) including 24 units French Studies Major or completed Diploma of Languages", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "4 x literary translations (20%), 4 x oral presentations (20%), 2 x formal writing tasks (20%), literary translation test (20%), oral test (20%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course represents advanced learning, scholarship and research in the area of French Studies. It is the final stage of formal language tuition in the French language as well as extending students' knowledge and research skills in French and Francophone cultures, building on the learning and research capabilities gained in levels 1 to 3 of the French Studies major. It focuses on skills of higher order spoken and written expression, through tasks such as literary translations and academic writing exercises. It will also develop skills of textual analysis and documentary scholarship in relation to specific forms of cultural expression, such as literature, film, media and social issues.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4313": {"id": "slzayk4tUSgtEHM6X0P76", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "8dUXHhuPOkY60t9APc_V1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21953, "section": "WR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, 107, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, 107, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4314": {"id": "uFTN6Cguxa9rOpKvU88pm", "course_id": "107211", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107211", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours French Studies Thesis Pt 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "FREN", "CATALOG_NBR": "4005A", "CLASS_NBR": 15838, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "1 hour per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Completed degree (72 units) including 24 units French Studies Major or completed Diploma of Languages", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "12,000 word thesis in French (100%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course represents advanced learning, scholarship and research in the discipline of French Studies. It is the final stage of formal language tuition in the French language as well as extending students' knowledge and research skills in French and Francophone cultures, building on the learning and research capabilities gained in levels 1 to 3 of the French Studies major. By requiring students to devise and produce a research thesis, the thesis component provides students with the research skills necessary for further study in research postgraduate programmes. It provides research training based on the skills of textual analysis and documentary searches in relation to specific forms of cultural expression, such as literature, film, media and contemporary debates. It requires students to develop a research question, collect data using on-line resources, plan and complete the project within the specified time frame.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "4315": {"id": "uFTN6Cguxa9rOpKvU88pm", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "2gD1XNnenzVljn5oB2zV2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15838, "section": "01NT", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "4316": {"id": "mOGIjFpuRM9CQMXCTu0Zw", "course_id": "107403", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107403", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours French Studies Thesis Pt 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "FREN", "CATALOG_NBR": "4005B", "CLASS_NBR": 25862, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "1 hour per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Completed degree (72 units) including 24 units French Studies Major or completed Diploma of Languages", "PRE_REQUISITE": "FREN 4005A", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "12,000 word thesis in French (100%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course represents advanced learning, scholarship and research in the discipline of French Studies. It is the final stage of formal language tuition in the French language as well as extending students' knowledge and research skills in French and Francophone cultures, building on the learning and research capabilities gained in levels 1 to 3 of the French Studies major. By requiring students to devise and produce a research thesis, the thesis component provides students with the research skills necessary for further study in research postgraduate programmes. It provides research training based on the skills of textual analysis and documentary searches in relation to specific forms of cultural expression, such as literature, film, media and contemporary debates. It requires students to develop a research question, collect data using on-line resources, plan and complete the project within the specified time frame.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4317": {"id": "mOGIjFpuRM9CQMXCTu0Zw", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "6QFjM3Spa5jQO_9UWKozQ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25862, "section": "01NT", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "4318": {"subject": "GEND", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "108834", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108834", "term": "4410", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "108920", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108920", "term": "4420", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "108830", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108830", "term": "4410", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "108840", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110475", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110475", "term": "4420", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "108831", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108831", "term": "4410", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "108839", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111399", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "4319": {"id": "AjivtShlb1hu4VuAXE1M_", "course_id": "108834", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108834", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Gender Studies", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEND", "CATALOG_NBR": "1106", "CLASS_NBR": 13048, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090313", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "GSSA 1004", "ASSESSMENT": "Attendance & Participation 10%, Tutorial presentation 15%, Minor Essay 30%, Major essay 40%, Quiz 5%.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Gender is encountered in every aspect of our lives. It informs public debate, legislation, how much money we earn, who dies younger and our exposure to risk and sexual violence. The course is an introduction to gender studies and key theoretical frameworks that are fundamental to how we think about gender, sex and sexualities. We will examine different understandings of gender, exploring historical, contemporary and cross-cultural debates, and the politics surrounding gender relations, identities and (in)equities. The ways that ethnicity, racism, power and class influence and give meaning to gender debates in an Australian and international context will also be a central concern.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4320": {"id": "AjivtShlb1hu4VuAXE1M_", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Sn3Y0B8G5fMkoLaIvzeD1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18565, "section": "LEC0", "size": 110, "enrolled": 83, "available": 27, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "WEItdo35b3h8EzU_L46iP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13047, "section": "TU06", "size": 26, "enrolled": 20, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13048, "section": "TU10", "size": 26, "enrolled": 21, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13049, "section": "TU07", "size": 26, "enrolled": 22, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13079, "section": "TU02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 20, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4321": {"id": "zLgsyXpFbH3qUEZC4kf1K", "course_id": "108834", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108834", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Gender Studies", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEND", "CATALOG_NBR": "1106OL", "CLASS_NBR": 16090, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090313", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week online", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "GSSA 1006", "ASSESSMENT": "Online participation 10%, Lead discussant 15%, Minor Essay 30%, Major Essay 40%, Quiz 5%.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Gender is encountered in every aspect of our lives. It informs public debate, legislation, how much money we earn, who dies younger and our exposure to risk and sexual violence. The course is an introduction to gender studies and key theoretical frameworks that are fundamental to how we think about gender, sex and sexualities. We will examine different understandings of gender, exploring historical, contemporary and cross-cultural debates, and the politics surrounding gender relations, identities and (in)equities. The ways that ethnicity, racism, power and class influence and give meaning to gender debates in an Australian and international context will also be a central concern.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4322": {"id": "zLgsyXpFbH3qUEZC4kf1K", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "PWngb3AQXUQq2ZHBZf1rg", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16090, "section": "01OL", "size": 100, "enrolled": 21, "available": 79, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "4323": {"id": "2rK91mfA-fbD7ZSLjdxFm", "course_id": "108920", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108920", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Gender and work in a changing world", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEND", "CATALOG_NBR": "1107", "CLASS_NBR": 23000, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090313", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "GSSA 1003", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, Interactive Group Tutorial Exercise, Written Assignment, Tutorial participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Gender identities have proliferated in recent years, but has this changed our working lives? This course will take a critical, intersectional look at the world of work, both paid and unpaid, and explore how it is changing. Labour can be gendered, sexual, emotional or aesthetic, and often this work is largely invisible and undervalued. We will look at the origins of categories like the \u2018breadwinner\u2019 and the \u2018housewife\u2019 and whether they are now outdated. We will discuss what counts as \u2018masculine\u2019 or \u2018feminine\u2019 work, and what happens when people challenge these expectations. On a more international level, we will look at how work and care are globalised, and how this contributes to exploitation and modern slavery. We will ask questions such as: Why do we still have a gender pay gap? Why does paid work seem to get more and more insecure and casualised, especially for young people? What happens to Indigenous, migrant, queer or trans people in the workplace? What gendered effects might climate change, pandemics and artificial intelligence have on working life? And what can be done to make work more equitable in the future? Discussions will be based on existing research with a focus on what we still need to know (and do) to make working lives more liveable for all.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4324": {"id": "2rK91mfA-fbD7ZSLjdxFm", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "MR073pC-KWvdfI3VxHTP4", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28481, "section": "LEC0", "size": 120, "enrolled": 48, "available": 72, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "BB7BRkt3sDlYHUuYdIXZn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23000, "section": "TU04", "size": 30, "enrolled": 19, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Aug - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23002, "section": "TU02", "size": 40, "enrolled": 29, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Aug - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4325": {"id": "1f9IkEMmVfkAkRksiFl-O", "course_id": "108920", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108920", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Gender and work in a changing world", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEND", "CATALOG_NBR": "1107OL", "CLASS_NBR": 26091, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090313", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week online", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "GSSA 1003 or GSSA 1003EX", "ASSESSMENT": "Quiz (4 quizzes) Weeks 3, 6, 8 and 11 20%, Interactive Group Tutorial Exercise 15%, Written Assignment 1 (500 words) 20%, Written Assignment 2 (1500 words) 40%, On-line tutorial participation 5%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Gender identities have proliferated in recent years, but has this changed our working lives? This course will take a critical, intersectional look at the world of work, both paid and unpaid, and explore how it is changing. Labour can be gendered, sexual, emotional or aesthetic, and often this work is largely invisible and undervalued. We will look at the origins of categories like the \u2018breadwinner\u2019 and the \u2018housewife\u2019 and whether they are now outdated. We will discuss what counts as \u2018masculine\u2019 or \u2018feminine\u2019 work, and what happens when people challenge these expectations. On a more international level, we will look at how work and care are globalised, and how this contributes to exploitation and modern slavery. We will ask questions such as: Why do we still have a gender pay gap? Why does paid work seem to get more and more insecure and casualised, especially for young people? What happens to Indigenous, migrant, queer or trans people in the workplace? What gendered effects might climate change, pandemics and artificial intelligence have on working life? And what can be done to make work more equitable in the future? Discussions will be based on existing research with a focus on what we still need to know (and do) to make working lives more liveable for all.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4326": {"id": "1f9IkEMmVfkAkRksiFl-O", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "KIZXKJcPTvVDV2nNczDkP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26091, "section": "01OL", "size": 100, "enrolled": 20, "available": 80, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "4327": {"id": "qZUGtnLsSrEACv4FsxTTT", "course_id": "108830", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108830", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Encountering Human Rights: Global Citizenship II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEND", "CATALOG_NBR": "2016", "CLASS_NBR": 14344, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090313", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 12 units of Level I undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "GEND 3016/EX, GSSA 2019/EX, GSSA 3002/EX", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, Group presentation, Participation, Research essay", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Since the ratification of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948, a global human rights industry has emerged, making human rights abuses ever more visible, yet global injustices and abuses are arguably as common and entrenched as ever. This course will take a critical approach both to human rights violations, and to the human rights discourses and campaigns that seek to remedy them. We will look at case studies involving rights issues in globalised contexts, for instance refugees, human trafficking, international women's rights campaigns and global Indigenous movements. We will explore the ways in which universal rights have been embraced, problematised and reconfigured as they travel the globe. We will also look at different ways of presenting rights issues - through reports, campaigns, and visual documentary - seeking the most effective ways of presenting rights issues to global publics. Considering these questions we will explore our own reactions to human rights imagery and victims' testimonies, and discuss the most productive ways to respond to the ways in which we are positioned as global citizens with a responsibility for responding to rights issues. The course will offer the opportunity to pursue individual interest in a particular rights issue, and is suitable for those who want to take their interest in social justice into advocacy, campaign or development work, for those who want to cover human rights issues in creative or media work, and for those who simply want to think about how to be ethical and engaged global citizens.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4328": {"id": "qZUGtnLsSrEACv4FsxTTT", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "wX7V4kql7X_dePggNdpHL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18566, "section": "LEC0", "size": 60, "enrolled": 53, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "4R3HbFneep0UV5Beu6lzj", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14344, "section": "WR04", "size": 21, "enrolled": 18, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14345, "section": "WR03", "size": 20, "enrolled": 15, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14347, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 20, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4329": {"id": "hVc-xhgYMOCPR6bxOOF6V", "course_id": "108830", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108830", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Encountering Human Rights: Global Citizenship II", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEND", "CATALOG_NBR": "2016OL", "CLASS_NBR": 16088, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090313", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week online", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 12 units of Level I undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "GEND 3016/EX, GSSA 2019/EX, GSSA 3002/EX", "ASSESSMENT": "Short essay (500 word) 30%, Group presentation 20%, Research essay (2,000 word) 40%, Tutorial participation 10%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Since the ratification of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948, a global human rights industry has emerged, making human rights abuses ever more visible, yet global injustices and abuses are arguably as common and entrenched as ever. This course will take a critical approach both to human rights violations, and to the human rights discourses and campaigns that seek to remedy them. We will look at case studies involving rights issues in globalised contexts, for instance refugees, human trafficking, international women's rights campaigns and global Indigenous movements. We will explore the ways in which universal rights have been embraced, problematised and reconfigured as they travel the globe. We will also look at different ways of presenting rights issues - through reports, campaigns, and visual documentary - seeking the most effective ways of presenting rights issues to global publics. Considering these questions we will explore our own reactions to human rights imagery and victims' testimonies, and discuss the most productive ways to respond to the ways in which we are positioned as global citizens with a responsibility for responding to rights issues. The course will offer the opportunity to pursue individual interest in a particular rights issue, and is suitable for those who want to take their interest in social justice into advocacy, campaign or development work, for those who want to cover human rights issues in creative or media work, and for those who simply want to think about how to be ethical and engaged global citizens.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4330": {"id": "hVc-xhgYMOCPR6bxOOF6V", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "sfkUFkbqygPJEmXFQ0oSx", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16088, "section": "01OL", "size": 120, "enrolled": 59, "available": 61, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "4331": {"id": "LEiTJOOsQAtxNYFeskPh9", "course_id": "108840", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108840", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Gender, Bodies and Health II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEND", "CATALOG_NBR": "2017", "CLASS_NBR": 21443, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090313", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 12 units of Level I undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "GSSA 2102, GSSA 3001, GEND 3017", "ASSESSMENT": "Tutorial participation, Advocacy letter 1000 words, Major Research Portfolio 2 x online quizzes", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course examines how our experiences of health and illness are profoundly influenced by cultural norms of gender and sexuality. You will be introduced to major theoretical approaches to the social study of gendered and sexed bodies from feminist/gender/queer scholars, exploring how historical and contemporary constructions of \u2018un/healthy bodies\u2019 are made through the intersecting politics of gender and sex, scientific racism, contested knowledges and discrimination. Through a range of global case studies (such as sexual \u2018dysfunction\u2019, trans health, digital health, reproductive injustice and pharmaceutical markets) we will investigate how contemporary debates about bodies and health are shaped by differing political contexts, which in turn shape health care, health inequities, and embodied experiences of all people.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4332": {"id": "LEiTJOOsQAtxNYFeskPh9", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "aidrYKDFpF6ihbC-gKl71", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28482, "section": "LEC0", "size": 100, "enrolled": 35, "available": 65, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "wGHBxIhDQ9Xhiur_J4GWY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21443, "section": "TU05", "size": 20, "enrolled": 8, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21444, "section": "TU04", "size": 20, "enrolled": 17, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21446, "section": "TU02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 10, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4333": {"id": "GNIf4Kv8Pb785LW1G30Ba", "course_id": "110475", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110475", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Gender and Crime", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEND", "CATALOG_NBR": "2020", "CLASS_NBR": 21448, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090313", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 12 units of Level I undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online quizzes 25%, Participation 10%, Presentation 25%, Research Essay 40%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Why are mass shootings mostly conducted by young men? Why are victims of rape questioned about their clothing and behaviour, and why are conviction rates for sexual assault so low? Why do men commit more crime than women, and why is this gap shrinking? How is family violence gendered? Why are we fascinated by female serial killers or suicide bombers? Why are so many young Aboriginal men in prison and why is so little being done about this? Why is there so much debate about whether abortion or sex work should be criminalised? What forms of sexual relationships or behaviours have been defined as criminal? \n\nThis course draws from concepts in gender studies & masculinities studies, feminist thought and queer theory, to undertake a critical, interdisciplinary approach to gender, sexuality and race in law, crime, and the criminal justice system. We begin by exploring the ways gender and crime are socially constructed, and move on to explore contemporary case studies and debates, looking at the varied ways in which our social expectations about gender and our social definitions of crime interact to create gendered versions of criminal activities, and gendered responses to those activities. Considering both social realities and cultural representations of crime (eg: TV shows), we will explore the relationships between different kinds of masculinities (as a tool for understanding men and criminal behaviour), femininities, and crime. This will include studying the ways in which racialised identities, sexualities, and social class intersect with gender to produce different forms of crime, often with differing outcomes and far-reaching impacts on people\u2019s lives.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4334": {"id": "GNIf4Kv8Pb785LW1G30Ba", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "ZNmRHFJ1JjWxovNWRJtXJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28483, "section": "LEC0", "size": 200, "enrolled": 130, "available": 70, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "MOVVTHiUO1euctkN50ORP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21448, "section": "TU05", "size": 30, "enrolled": 27, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21449, "section": "TU04", "size": 35, "enrolled": 34, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21450, "section": "TU03", "size": 40, "enrolled": 40, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21452, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4335": {"id": "kQvRLklp_k8f92ru__Gc-", "course_id": "110475", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110475", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Gender and Crime", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEND", "CATALOG_NBR": "2020OL", "CLASS_NBR": 26239, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090313", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week online", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 12 units of Level I undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "GEND 3020", "ASSESSMENT": "Online quizzes 25%, Online Participation 10%, Case study/presentation 25%, Research essay 40%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Why are mass shootings mostly conducted by young men? Why are victims of rape questioned about their clothing and behaviour, and why are conviction rates for sexual assault so low? Why do men commit more crime than women, and why is this gap shrinking? How is family violence gendered? Why are we fascinated by female serial killers or suicide bombers? Why are so many young Aboriginal men in prison and why is so little being done about this? Why is there so much debate about whether abortion or sex work should be criminalised? What forms of sexual relationships or behaviours have been defined as criminal? \n\nThis course draws from concepts in gender studies & masculinities studies, feminist thought and queer theory, to undertake a critical, interdisciplinary approach to gender, sexuality and race in law, crime, and the criminal justice system. We begin by exploring the ways gender and crime are socially constructed, and move on to explore contemporary case studies and debates, looking at the varied ways in which our social expectations about gender and our social definitions of crime interact to create gendered versions of criminal activities, and gendered responses to those activities. Considering both social realities and cultural representations of crime (eg: TV shows), we will explore the relationships between different kinds of masculinities (as a tool for understanding men and criminal behaviour), femininities, and crime. This will include studying the ways in which racialised identities, sexualities, and social class intersect with gender to produce different forms of crime, often with differing outcomes and far-reaching impacts on people\u2019s lives.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4336": {"id": "kQvRLklp_k8f92ru__Gc-", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Pad8T7x5FAD7V2Jik48sN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26239, "section": "01OL", "size": 90, "enrolled": 72, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "4337": {"id": "3reKlb89jfO64yCH07o2c", "course_id": "108831", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108831", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Encountering Human Rights: Global Citizenship III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEND", "CATALOG_NBR": "3016", "CLASS_NBR": 14348, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090313", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 6 units of Level II undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "GEND 2016/EX, GSSA 2019/EX, GSSA 3002/EX", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, Group presentation, Participation, Research essay", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Since the ratification of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948, a global human rights industry has emerged, making human rights abuses ever more visible, yet global injustices and abuses are arguably as common and entrenched as ever. This course will take a critical approach both to human rights violations, and to the human rights discourses and campaigns that seek to remedy them. We will look at case studies involving rights issues in globalised contexts, for instance refugees, human trafficking, international women's rights campaigns and global Indigenous movements. We will explore the ways in which universal rights have been embraced, problematised and reconfigured as they travel the globe. We will also look at different ways of presenting rights issues - through reports, campaigns, and visual documentary - seeking the most effective ways of presenting rights issues to global publics. Considering these questions we will explore our own reactions to human rights imagery and victims' testimonies, and discuss the most productive ways to respond to the ways in which we are positioned as global citizens with a responsibility for responding to rights issues. The course will offer the opportunity to pursue individual interest in a particular rights issue, and is suitable for those who want to take their interest in social justice into advocacy, campaign or development work, for those who want to cover human rights issues in creative or media work, and for those who simply want to think about how to be ethical and engaged global citizens.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4338": {"id": "3reKlb89jfO64yCH07o2c", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "yAkm3DMEh-5K6Axyq2qGb", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18567, "section": "LEC0", "size": 60, "enrolled": 51, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "8rTU9K3srY-uL3WrvfIZX", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14348, "section": "WR04", "size": 19, "enrolled": 20, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14349, "section": "WR03", "size": 18, "enrolled": 16, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14351, "section": "WR01", "size": 19, "enrolled": 15, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4339": {"id": "m99WkBoF2HdSK-pv9NL_h", "course_id": "108831", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108831", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Encountering Human Rights: Global Citizenship III", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEND", "CATALOG_NBR": "3016OL", "CLASS_NBR": 16089, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090313", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week online", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 6 units of Level II undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "GEND 2016/EX, GSSA 2019/EX, GSSA 3002/EX", "ASSESSMENT": "Short essay (500 word) 30%, Group presentation 20%, Research essay (2,000 word) 40%, Tutorial presentation 10%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Since the ratification of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948, a global human rights industry has emerged, making human rights abuses ever more visible, yet global injustices and abuses are arguably as common and entrenched as ever. This course will take a critical approach both to human rights violations, and to the human rights discourses and campaigns that seek to remedy them. We will look at case studies involving rights issues in globalised contexts, for instance refugees, human trafficking, international women's rights campaigns and global Indigenous movements. We will explore the ways in which universal rights have been embraced, problematised and reconfigured as they travel the globe. We will also look at different ways of presenting rights issues - through reports, campaigns, and visual documentary - seeking the most effective ways of presenting rights issues to global publics. Considering these questions we will explore our own reactions to human rights imagery and victims' testimonies, and discuss the most productive ways to respond to the ways in which we are positioned as global citizens with a responsibility for responding to rights issues. The course will offer the opportunity to pursue individual interest in a particular rights issue, and is suitable for those who want to take their interest in social justice into advocacy, campaign or development work, for those who want to cover human rights issues in creative or media work, and for those who simply want to think about how to be ethical and engaged global citizens.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4340": {"id": "m99WkBoF2HdSK-pv9NL_h", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "oxV7qY8uX90-elKybSCye", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16089, "section": "01OL", "size": 120, "enrolled": 49, "available": 71, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "4341": {"id": "BC2DMQ5wcsE6bl6pLD3HA", "course_id": "108839", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108839", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Gender, Bodies and Health III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEND", "CATALOG_NBR": "3017", "CLASS_NBR": 21438, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090313", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 6 units of Level II undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "GSSA 2102, GSSA 3001, GWSI 2102, GEND 2017", "ASSESSMENT": "Tutorial participation, Advocacy letter 1000 words, Major Research Portfolio 2 x online quizzes", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course examines how our experiences of health and illness are profoundly influenced by cultural norms of gender and sexuality. You will be introduced to major theoretical approaches to the social study of gendered and sexed bodies from feminist/gender/queer scholars, exploring how historical and contemporary constructions of \u2018un/healthy bodies\u2019 are made through the intersecting politics of gender and sex, scientific racism, contested knowledges and discrimination. Through a range of global case studies (such as sexual \u2018dysfunction\u2019, trans health, digital health, reproductive injustice and pharmaceutical markets) we will investigate how contemporary debates about bodies and health are shaped by differing political contexts, which in turn shape health care, health inequities, and embodied experiences of all people.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4342": {"id": "BC2DMQ5wcsE6bl6pLD3HA", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "CDBMtKVWrAFpcyJAm0Q9N", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28484, "section": "LEC0", "size": 80, "enrolled": 41, "available": 39, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "ACEAq2lMbSGyHszpB5iw0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21438, "section": "TU05", "size": 17, "enrolled": 14, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21439, "section": "TU04", "size": 17, "enrolled": 11, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21441, "section": "TU02", "size": 17, "enrolled": 16, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4343": {"id": "l-TNA879OLAH2jEvUoTp1", "course_id": "111399", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111399", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Gender and Sexualities in the Digital Age", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEND", "CATALOG_NBR": "3020", "CLASS_NBR": 24877, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090313", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "GEND 3018", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, Group Presentation, Essay, Participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The age of globalisation, the internet, social media and digital culture has been marked by new forms and understandings of identities, and new social issues and problems, ranging from climate change to artificial intelligence. Feminist theory, critical men and masculinity studies, queer theory, feminist science and technology studies, intersectionality, and disability studies/crip theory are well-placed to help us understand this period in history, as these theories have often been at the\nforefront of efforts aimed at exploring identities, critiquing power relations, and imagining possible futures. Topics will feature voices from intersecting and diverse sexual and cultural identities, including First Nation Peoples, People of Colour, migrants and refugees. Students will have the opportunity to apply theory-based knowledge through an analysis of a variety of cultural texts and technologies, for example, digital or media platforms, creative works and performance, or scientific\nresearch and technological innovations. Along the way we will discover new ways to understand ourselves and society, new approaches to contemporary problems, and ideas for changing the world for the better.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4344": {"id": "l-TNA879OLAH2jEvUoTp1", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "KJcQp24KlMsUVNzcXU2Pt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28665, "section": "LEC0", "size": 70, "enrolled": 68, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "IGGP_YVkvHAIM-aGeJcyB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24877, "section": "WR01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 68, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4345": {"subject": "GENETICS", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "104282", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104283", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "103559", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110531", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "103561", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "103562", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106978", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "4346": {"id": "-eD1d_J3tnR6kycF4K9Sc", "course_id": "104282", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104282", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Genetics IIA: Foundation of Genetics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GENETICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "2510", "CLASS_NBR": 15336, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010909", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 8 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(BIOLOGY 1101, BIOLOGY 1401 or BIOLOGY 1001) and (BIOLOGY 1201 or BIOLOGY 1202); Students enrolled in BIOLOGY 1101, 1101ND or 1401 or 1001 only should contact the Course Coordinator to request permission to enrol", "CO_REQUISITE": "One of SCIENCE 2100, SCIENCE 2101 or SCIENCE 2102; This co-requisite is the practical component that is worth 20% of your course.", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, tutorial and practical component assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Genetics IIA aims to provide a broad understanding of some of the foundation concepts of genetics. We begin with examining different patterns of inheritance and the nature of genetic linkage and recombination, and discuss mutations and the connection between genotype and phenotype. Further topics include the regulation of gene expression in prokaryotes and eukaryotes.\n\nPRACTICAL COMPONENT worth 20% of the grade: \nStudents enrolled in this course will need to also enrol in a separate course which is the practical component (one of SCIENCE 2100 or SCIENCE 2101 or SCIENCE 2102). To determine which practical to enrol into you are required to read the document on: \n \nplease scroll down to 'Level 2 BIOCHEM, GENETICS, MICRO courses'.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4347": {"id": "-eD1d_J3tnR6kycF4K9Sc", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "czB42FPqXugR5N8c1C_Su", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10615, "section": "LE01", "size": 160, "enrolled": 92, "available": 68, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "If you think you have the right pre-requisite to enrol but the system is not letting you please contact Dr Christopher Wong via email:


4. CLICK ON THIS LINK 'Find out which Practical to enrol into'
CONTACT FOR MORE INFORMATION."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "7667v6KYxD5CvPeExxWlo", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11546, "section": "TU01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 34, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11547, "section": "TU02", "size": 40, "enrolled": 16, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11549, "section": "TU04", "size": 40, "enrolled": 20, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15336, "section": "TU05", "size": 40, "enrolled": 22, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4348": {"id": "IhRQuDA4ZdkndkRQpSFHF", "course_id": "104283", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104283", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Genetics IIB: Function and Diversity of Genomes", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GENETICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "2520", "CLASS_NBR": 20814, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010909", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 8 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(BIOLOGY 1101, BIOLOGY 1401 or BIOLOGY 1001) and (BIOLOGY 1201 or BIOLOGY 1202); Students enrolled in BIOLOGY 1101, 1101ND or 1401 or 1001 only should contact the Course Coordinator to request permission to enrol", "CO_REQUISITE": "One of SCIENCE 2200, SCIENCE 2201 or SCIENCE 2202; This co-requisite is the practical component that is worth 20% of your course.", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "GENETICS 2510", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, tutorial and practical component assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Genetics IIB aims to build an appreciation of the power of genetic analysis. Building on the foundation concepts developed in Genetics IIA, topics include concepts in human genetics and genetic dissection of developmental processes. Genetics IIB also provides a foundation to modern genetics analysis of evolutionary processes, including the genetics of populations.\n\nPRACTICAL COMPONENT worth 20% of the grade: \nStudents enrolled in this course will need to also enrol in a separate course which is the practical component (one of SCIENCE 2200, SCIENCE 2201 or SCIENCE 2202). To determine which practical to enrol into you are required to read the document on: \n \nplease scroll down to 'Level 2 BIOCHEM, GENETICS, MICRO courses'.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4349": {"id": "IhRQuDA4ZdkndkRQpSFHF", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "9qQLOqZ8V8X-7stzB02JI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21806, "section": "LE01", "size": 120, "enrolled": 70, "available": 50, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "If you think you have the right pre-requisite to enrol but the system is not letting you please contact Dr Christopher Wong via email:


4. CLICK ON THIS LINK 'Find out which Practical to enrol into'
CONTACT FOR MORE INFORMATION."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "3Ug8yhCsHaFBnSO7rbuDV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20736, "section": "TU02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 22, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20814, "section": "TU05", "size": 30, "enrolled": 11, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21568, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 11, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25020, "section": "TU04", "size": 30, "enrolled": 26, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4350": {"id": "cIJ9Wc73L-HN-5jqDAyTW", "course_id": "103559", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103559", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Genes, Genomes and Molecular Evolution III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GENETICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "3111", "CLASS_NBR": 13165, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010909", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 19 hours per fortnight", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "GENETICS 2510 and GENETICS 2520; or equivalent", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "GENETICS 3110", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, practical component, written reports", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The DNA molecules that comprise the informational basis of inheritance in living organisms are collectively referred to as the genome. In this course the organisation, origin and mechanisms of change of prokaryotic and eukaryotic genomes are explored using cytogenetic and molecular genetic analyses. Topics include - structure and function of genomes and chromosomes; chromosomes in disease; the roles of natural selection and chance as drivers of molecular evolution.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4351": {"id": "cIJ9Wc73L-HN-5jqDAyTW", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "3uxYe-ArH3NphKc18x0Ab", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14457, "section": "LE01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 28, "available": 52, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "If you think you have the right pre-requisite to enrol but the system is not letting you please contact Dr Christopher Wong via email:"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "NCKja4BROTIt9ZsltjT3l", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13165, "section": "WR01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 28, "available": 52, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "lR1JLv7-Lmf7LWsSxlmUn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14458, "section": "PR01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 28, "available": 52, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, 350, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, 350, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, 350, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, 350, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, 350, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "4352": {"id": "4x8kD0xmVYwN9x-XUNb0h", "course_id": "110531", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110531", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Genes, Genomes and Molecular Evolution (Theory) III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GENETICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "3113", "CLASS_NBR": 11783, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "GENETICS 2510 and GENETICS 2520", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "GENETICS 3110, GENETICS 3111", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The DNA molecules that comprise the informational basis of inheritance in living organisms are collectively referred to as the genome. In this course the organisation, origin and mechanisms of change of prokaryotic and eukaryotic genomes are explored using cytogenetic and molecular genetic analyses. Topics include - structure and function of genomes and chromosomes; chromosomes in disease; the roles of natural selection and chance as drivers of molecular evolution.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4353": {"id": "4x8kD0xmVYwN9x-XUNb0h", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "cU4N1xhvJowMOqXU3-2q3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11782, "section": "LE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 9, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "If you think you have the right pre-requisite to enrol but the system is not letting you please contact Dr Christopher Wong via email:"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "mv81XJmB8abIJ2eox3jOQ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11783, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 9, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "4354": {"id": "yvUtu5rdd5xQRPtQan2W7", "course_id": "103561", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103561", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Gene Expression & Human & Developmental Genetics III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GENETICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "3211", "CLASS_NBR": 24646, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010909", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 12 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "GENETICS 2510 and GENETICS 2520; or equivalent", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "GENETICS 3212, GENETICS 3520", "ASSESSMENT": "Research reports, Literature reviews/presentations, In-workshop written or on-line examinations and off-site, extended on-line MCQ examinations.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The material taught in this course is organised around the theme of genes - how genes function and their roles in animal and plant development and disease. The aim is to give students an appreciation, at an advanced level, of the mechanisms that control gene expression, the genetic determination of developmental pathways, the various types of human genetic mutation that lead to disease, the pathogenic pathways from genotype to phenotype and the legal regulatory framework for research in genetics. The practical component of the course will extend students' familiarity with various laboratory and/or analytical techniques used in human and developmental genetics through a number of laboratory and scientific literature research projects. Attendance at the majority of workshops during this course must be given priority as there is assessment during every workshop. There is no final exam for this course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4355": {"id": "yvUtu5rdd5xQRPtQan2W7", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "lhGWwgvUMCW0KX_5luXfA", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24646, "section": "WR01", "size": 65, "enrolled": 16, "available": 49, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "I-CND7PwjXqWNc3Ysm2Fe", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24398, "section": "PR01", "size": 65, "enrolled": 16, "available": 49, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "If you think you have the right pre-requisite to enrol but the system is not letting you please contact Dr Christopher Wong via email:"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, 350, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, 350, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, 350, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, 350, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "4356": {"id": "gT4wnoRHDsYNdDJG2N4ew", "course_id": "103562", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103562", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Gene Expression & Human & Developmental Genetics (Biomed) III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GENETICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "3212", "CLASS_NBR": 24648, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010909", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 12 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BSc (Biomedical Science) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "GENETICS 2510 and GENETICS 2520; or equivalent", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "GENETICS 3211, GENETICS 3520", "ASSESSMENT": "Research reports, Literature reviews/presentations, In-workshop written or on-line examinations and off-site, extended on-line MCQ examinations.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The material taught in this course is organised around the theme of genes - how genes function and their roles in animal and plant development and disease. The aim is to give students an appreciation, at an advanced level, of the mechanisms that control gene expression, the genetic determination of developmental pathways, the various types of human genetic mutation that lead to disease, the pathogenic pathways from genotype to phenotype and the legal regulatory framework for research in genetics. Attendance at the majority of workshops during the course must be given priority as there is assessment during every workshop. There is no final exam for this course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4357": {"id": "gT4wnoRHDsYNdDJG2N4ew", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "A6_uJQtoD-2raOvzeylh_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24648, "section": "WR01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 6, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "XT-NXiGZ5uV1H_q7qCWSx", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24397, "section": "PR01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 6, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "If you think you have the right pre-requisite to enrol but the system is not letting you please contact Dr Christopher Wong via email:"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, 350, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, 350, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, 350, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, 350, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "4358": {"id": "CEnBKAihCNJ0DGOrza0FC", "course_id": "106978", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106978", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Gene Expression & Human & Developmental Genetics (Theory) III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GENETICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "3520", "CLASS_NBR": 24647, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010909", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "GENETICS 2510 and GENETICS 2520", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "GENETICS 3211, GENETICS 3212", "ASSESSMENT": "In-workshop written or on-line tests and off-site, extended on-line MCQ examinations.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The material taught in this course is organised around the theme of genes - how genes function and their roles in animal and plant development and disease. The aim is to give students an appreciation, at an advanced level, of the mechanisms that control gene expression, the genetic determination of developmental pathways, the various types of human genetic mutation that lead to disease and the pathogenic pathways from genotype to phenotype and the legal regulatory framework for research in genetics. Attendance at the majority of workshops during this course must be given priority as there is assessment during every workshop. There is no final exam for this course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4359": {"id": "CEnBKAihCNJ0DGOrza0FC", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "sDaRbcBtkemXHHg8vXMgZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24647, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 9, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "If you think you have the right pre-requisite to enrol but the system is not letting you please contact Dr Christopher Wong via email:"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "4360": {"subject": "GEOG", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "106300", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106301", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106302", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106303", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106304", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106324", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106306", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106313", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106336", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110559", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109529", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109198", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108146", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108100", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108102", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108103", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109925", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109499", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109500", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109502", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109503", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109507", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109510", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109511", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109512", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109514", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109515", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109515", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111447", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109521", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109521", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109522", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109522", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109523", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109523", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109524", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109524", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109531", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109531", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109532", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109532", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "4361": {"id": "PI76lA8ORBsT-MmvesLmY", "course_id": "106300", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106300", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Globalisation, Justice and a Crowded Planet", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOG", "CATALOG_NBR": "1101", "CLASS_NBR": 20166, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090309", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Average computer skills", "INCOMPATIBLE": "GEST 1001", "ASSESSMENT": "Media portfolio, Country Profile presentation, Take-home exam, Tutorial attendance and participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Globalisation is a fundamentally geographical concept as it influences the way we think about human interactions across time and space. But the nature, extent and impacts of globalisation continue to be widely debated. This course examines different ways of conceptualising globalisation and investigates the nature of local-global relations. Students will be introduced to the political, economic and cultural processes of globalisation and, drawing on local and international case studies, they will consider the social and environmental consequences of these processes for people living in different locations. In particular, the course investigates whether and how processes of globalisation operate to create, maintain and deepen inequality, poverty and injustice amongst individuals, groups, regions and nations. The course also explores population growth and migratory shifts and considers the role that these demographic changes have in broader processes of globalisation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4362": {"id": "PI76lA8ORBsT-MmvesLmY", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "QQKMuxNVjiIFeJZN8YD9A", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25139, "section": "LE01", "size": 90, "enrolled": 40, "available": 50, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "Jyj4IWpTBcA0z1Hd6Ubis", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20166, "section": "TU03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 14, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20167, "section": "TU02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 16, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG11, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG11, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20168, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 10, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4363": {"id": "L-IrC3JxQ-ECryuUqsNuW", "course_id": "106301", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106301", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Physical Geography and human environmental impacts", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOG", "CATALOG_NBR": "1102", "CLASS_NBR": 18583, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week, plus a one-day field trip", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online quizzes, Field work report (or alternative), Short in-class presentation, Active participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course examines the heavy burden humans have placed on Planet Earth. The functioning of the environment is analysed in order to understand human impacts. A key feature of the course is a focus on the solutions to environmental problems at local to global scales. In the course we first consider indigenous peoples' management of the Australian landscape. Then follows an examination of global climate change. Turning to the water cycle, we focus on how the crucial resource of water has been degraded in Australia and around the world. Finally, we examine biological process and the challenges of biodiversity loss, invasive species, fire and forest management, and the importance of wetlands. A one-day field trip focusses on rehabilitation of degraded environments.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4364": {"id": "L-IrC3JxQ-ECryuUqsNuW", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Cx3t0RFBzP6WyJH-woMY6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13100, "section": "LE01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 66, "available": 34, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "4hYbGJ6Hp31ng-HxsLI1A", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13102, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, 144, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, 106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, 144, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, 106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 30 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, 106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "7 May - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, 144, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18583, "section": "TU04", "size": 24, "enrolled": 18, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Napier, 106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Napier, 106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "2 May - 2 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Napier, 106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "9 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18584, "section": "TU03", "size": 23, "enrolled": 24, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Napier, 106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Napier, 106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "2 May - 2 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Napier, 106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "9 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4365": {"id": "Fl9Dfj_XoPhuKFtNguawX", "course_id": "106302", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106302", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Economy, Environment and Place", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOG", "CATALOG_NBR": "1103", "CLASS_NBR": 23023, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090309", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Tutorial participation and exercises, Online quiz, Essay, Exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course examines the interface between human economic activities and contemporary environmental issues. The course is designed to provide students with an opportunity to explore a variety of alternative pathways to green economies. The course critically analyses the mainstream economic way of thinking from philosophical and ethical perspectives. The course considers community-based natural resource management, Buddhist economics and ecology, and sustainable agriculture. In addition to academic resources, the course uses newspapers, novels, lyrics and movies to communicate the subject matter.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4366": {"id": "Fl9Dfj_XoPhuKFtNguawX", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "z7SBWf6M7V8hydu2nZS-z", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23022, "section": "LE01", "size": 68, "enrolled": 58, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "Ipr8gu9qNOLsHfXzrIkgP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23023, "section": "TU03", "size": 20, "enrolled": 18, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG19, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG19, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23024, "section": "TU02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 22, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23025, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 18, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4367": {"id": "fBwlSwXoc31a2SDRg11sG", "course_id": "106303", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106303", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Sustainability and Society", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOG", "CATALOG_NBR": "1104", "CLASS_NBR": 10882, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090309", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Tutorial paper (15%), tutorial participation (10%), essay (35%), exam (40%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The study of geography, population and environment tend to be treated quite separately, but there are strong and important relationships between them. Understanding these relationships is essential in a world that is facing multiple environmental, social and economic challenges, from food security, biodiversity loss, population pressure and climate change. The development of sustainable ways of living is essential to our future survival. In this course we focus on the interaction between people and place, and the role of place, scale and space in the development of policy and other solutions to build sustainable societies. We introduce the idea of sustainability and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We find out how key geographical concepts like place, space and scale can assist us to build sustainable ways of living. We show how geography can help investigate - and find solutions for - issues like climate change, coastal management, urban planning, food security, Indigenous sovereignty, and biodiversity management, amongst others. Case studies from across the world and Australia provide a global focus and will build skills in critical thinking about and building solutions that create sustainable societies across social, environmental, cultural and economic domains. A particular focus is the changing spatial distribution of the population with issues like urbanisation, 'sea change' and rural depopulation and their inter-relationship with the environment being explored. Another will be the factors influencing population growth and migration. Indigenous Australians and their special relationship with the environment is discussed separately. The course will give students a solid introductory grounding in the key concepts in and relationships people and place and how they can nurture sustainable societies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4368": {"id": "fBwlSwXoc31a2SDRg11sG", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "naB1JNWqm1WmgvlYgV-CL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14797, "section": "LE01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 49, "available": 31, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "t_8VvvDYs6R8p18dxI0b_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10882, "section": "TU04", "size": 24, "enrolled": 15, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10884, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 12, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10885, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 22, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4369": {"id": "1pmOrw4fK4AOxmqPiDoQ-", "course_id": "106304", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106304", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introductory Geographic Information Systems (GIS)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOG", "CATALOG_NBR": "2129", "CLASS_NBR": 18817, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "031199", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 12 units of Level I undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "This course assumes students have a basic level of computer literacy and familiarity with Microsoft Windows, Word and Excel", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Weekly content assessment, Final practical assessment, Final theoretical assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course is based on spatial (geographic) data, and how it can be utilised within a Geographic Information System (GIS) environment to solve real-world problems. It introduces students to both the theory and practice of GIS.\nYou will be introduced to fundamental concepts of GIS, including: the input, storage and management of data; analysing and modelling geographic data; and the various outputs (maps and charts) from a GIS. \nLectures cover fundamental concepts of spatial analysis and mapping within a GIS. These include projections and coordinate systems; vector and raster data models; map design and spatial data visualisation techniques; spatial analysis tools and methods; data quality issues; and how GIS has been used in different industries. \nWorkshops build on the content covered in lectures, providing an opportunity to develop the practical skills necessary for performing spatial analysis tasks and the creation of high-quality maps, using commercial GIS software.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4370": {"id": "1pmOrw4fK4AOxmqPiDoQ-", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "QBoEzIwj76k_cuePSinN1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18893, "section": "LEC0", "size": 200, "enrolled": 102, "available": 98, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "u6sGPhpGgWiNQ_ZSdWO4X", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14256, "section": "WR03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 20, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, 106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, 106, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15586, "section": "WR06", "size": 25, "enrolled": 8, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Napier, 106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Napier, 106, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15588, "section": "WR04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 18, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Napier, 106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Napier, 106, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15589, "section": "WR02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 19, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, 107, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, 107, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15590, "section": "WR01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, 107, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, 107, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18817, "section": "WR07", "size": 25, "enrolled": 14, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Napier, 106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Napier, 106, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "4371": {"id": "EVSALNrrY8vy3Xjy7Z6Bf", "course_id": "106324", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106324", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Urban Futures", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOG", "CATALOG_NBR": "2135", "CLASS_NBR": 15320, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090309", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 12 units of Level I undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Participation and Exercises (30%), Group assignment (30%), Major assignment or take home exam (40%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "More than half the world's population live in cities, making humanity a predominantly urban species. Drawing on Australian and international examples, this course explores the processes, potentialities and problems of urbanisation. It introduces students to different ways of explaining growth and change within cities; the diversity which exists across cities; different ways of experiencing the city; and how urban inequalities - such as in housing - are exacerbated and addressed. Students will examine the environmental consequences of urbanisation, prospects for creating sustainable cities and the role of urban governance in securing social and environmental justice.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4372": {"id": "EVSALNrrY8vy3Xjy7Z6Bf", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "ZhOkMIMuMTcrHdWVe5L6X", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18754, "section": "LEC0", "size": 52, "enrolled": 49, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "2FsE58VTch2-R_oatBMQp", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15320, "section": "TU02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 24, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, 144, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, 144, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15321, "section": "TU01", "size": 28, "enrolled": 25, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4373": {"id": "Vnes19IBoTr02RP3wGX15", "course_id": "106306", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106306", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Global Population and Health", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOG", "CATALOG_NBR": "2138", "CLASS_NBR": 15437, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 12 units of Level I undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Tutorial participation, Quizzes, Research essay, Take home final task", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to introduce students to demographic and geographical perspectives in the study of population health. It provides students with the theoretical foundation, empirical knowledge, and analytical techniques to unravel the differences between countries in the uneven spread of diseases, deaths and pandemics like HIV/AIDS in the 1980s and more recently COVID-19, their determinants and access to resources. It examines health variations across diverse populations and between individuals differentiated by demographic, social, economic, cultural and political characteristics. There will be a particular focus on population mobility (temporary and permanent) and health. There is a pressing need for a better understanding of the intersections between climate (environmental) change, mobility, and human health to inform policy responses that address the health challenges and needs of migrants and prioritise access to resources and services for vulnerable populations in all countries. While this course focuses on the Australian people, health, and pandemic situations, students will learn about the significant demographic and health issues in different regions, especially in the Asia-Pacific region. The course will examine health, pandemic and disease patterns, causal mechanisms, and different outcomes in diverse populations and discuss the policy and interventions needed to address population and health inequality challenges.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4374": {"id": "Vnes19IBoTr02RP3wGX15", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "henX5GvCJn5KK3vr-0vny", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10688, "section": "LE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 30, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "MaLAPFLQcsTbkrqpt_16m", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15437, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 14, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15438, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 16, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4375": {"id": "Pdg9-Rm68NbNNYaNlixhF", "course_id": "106313", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106313", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Environmental Management", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOG", "CATALOG_NBR": "2139", "CLASS_NBR": 10135, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 12 units of Level I undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Tutorial participation and exercises (20%), 2000 word essay (40%), exam (40%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course will provide a critical survey of the contemporary field of environmental policy, planning and management in the Australian and international contexts. The course is centrally concerned with understanding deliberate efforts to translate environmental knowledge into action in order to achieve particular outcomes in the way landscapes, societies and/or natural ecosystems are used and managed. It will also consider how the objectives for land and resource use are shaped, fashioned and contested in democratic and non-democratic settings. The course will introduce students to the dominant management models that have been applied historically. This work will set the scene for an analysis of contemporary approaches to environmental policy making, planning and management. The course will critically examine contemporary thinking on these environmental themes including: sustainable use practices, political-ecology, decentralised environmental management, NGO and community-based approaches, social learning, and regional and urban planning. A feature of the course's examination of contemporary approaches will be in-depth critical analyses of prominent cases of environmental management, including Regional Forest Agreements and the Murray Darling Basin Authority in the Australian context, and the emerging international environmental challenges for climate change adaptation, agro-ecosystems, biodiversity conservation and megacities.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4376": {"id": "Pdg9-Rm68NbNNYaNlixhF", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "M2ArsioG9RqmmvtBOWkIK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12260, "section": "LE01", "size": 65, "enrolled": 40, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 30 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "14 May - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "mYinMI57q-yPKUylJ1LF0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10135, "section": "TU04", "size": 20, "enrolled": 13, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG19, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG19, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG19, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10136, "section": "TU03", "size": 20, "enrolled": 16, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10137, "section": "TU02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 11, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG11, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG11, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG11, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4377": {"id": "S5qJCc_aMv-a3P3gr-ZH2", "course_id": "106336", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106336", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Climate Change", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOG", "CATALOG_NBR": "2142", "CLASS_NBR": 28625, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010700", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 12 units of Level I undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online quiz (20%), Report (30%), Roundtable presentation (20%), Take home exam (30%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Climate change is the greatest challenge for humanity in the 21st century and is particularly compelling for Australia. This course addresses this issue with reference to Australian and international case studies. In order to understand current global climate change, the course examines the record of historic and prehistoric climate before considering the scientific prognosis for climate change as summarised in the scientific reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. The impacts of climate change on both society and the physical environment are then considered. The course will explore options to mitigate, and adapt to, the impacts of climate change. In particular, there will be an intensive examination of how climate change and its impacts on the environment can be managed.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4378": {"id": "S5qJCc_aMv-a3P3gr-ZH2", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "s7sSr3JvHqWcO-zluHlDN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22117, "section": "LE01", "size": 90, "enrolled": 63, "available": 27, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "HHQDc4zeipLIZLVGJvU0d", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28625, "section": "TU04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 16, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Napier, 106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Napier, 106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 28626, "section": "TU03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 22, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Napier, 106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Napier, 106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 28627, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, 106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, 106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4379": {"id": "RSHB6lFt8NWPNTAT5PmMH", "course_id": "110559", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110559", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Migration and Development", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOG", "CATALOG_NBR": "2161", "CLASS_NBR": 22211, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090309", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 12 units of Level I undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "GEOG 3026, GEOG 2133, GEST 2023, GEST 3023, GEST 2033", "ASSESSMENT": "Tutorial participation, Quizzes, Research essay, Population mobility case study report", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The past three decades have witnessed a marked change in the nature of human mobility: the growing importance of migration (international, internal), and increasing temporary, multidirectional, and circular movements, particularly those associated with widespread labour mobility and students. This course introduces students to the causes, processes, and consequences of diverse forms of population mobility between and within nations. It focuses on the relationship between migration, demographic and social change, economic development (especially urbanisation), climate (environmental) change, health issues (the COVID-19 pandemic), and geopolitical issues. It addresses the causal relationship between diverse forms of mobility and environmental stresses (especially climate change) but also includes humanitarian refugee movements. Fundamental theories that link mobility to economic and social development are discussed, especially the evolution of transnational theory, diaspora, and policy relationships between countries. While the course discusses global patterns and issues, there is a focus on Australia and the Asia-Pacific region to illustrate the main patterns of mobility and development outcomes. Students will develop critical knowledge and highly transferable skills, including critical thinking, problem-solving, data analysis, and high-level professional capacities in research and presentation \u2013 which employers highly value.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4380": {"id": "RSHB6lFt8NWPNTAT5PmMH", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "nfcCllLr3dehcqfAiKM_P", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22210, "section": "LE01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 23, "available": 57, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "6Zjl4CJojmA9PmPaOLOgU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22211, "section": "TU02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 23, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4381": {"id": "RxnpdvLjANgU5jPW3hlGU", "course_id": "109529", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109529", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Cities and Sustainability", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOG", "CATALOG_NBR": "2201", "CLASS_NBR": 21590, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090309", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 12 units of Level I undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online quiz 20%, Participation 10%, Essay 30%, Exam 40%.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "As cities grow and develop their environmental impacts are concentrated locally but have impacts across the globe. Informed by a critical use of urban political ecology, this course focuses on the complex interaction between the social and material processes of urbanisation and environmental change. Students will be introduced to: the way urban development alters soils, water systems and biodiversity; energy and resource flows within and through cities; the contribution of cities to climate change and the impacts of climate change on cities. In the process of exploring these issues, students will be introduced to measures aimed at addressing the environmental impacts of urbanisation and creating more sustainable cities.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4382": {"id": "RxnpdvLjANgU5jPW3hlGU", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "pftnwCO7JijI8gaXrsB6Y", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21590, "section": "SE01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 23, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4383": {"id": "mtsxOq1BLGo0GHT8g4zEE", "course_id": "109198", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109198", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Tourism and Environment", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOG", "CATALOG_NBR": "3010", "CLASS_NBR": 24686, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "092101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Tutorial participation and exercises, Seminar presentation, Report, Essay", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Tourism has become one of the largest industries in the world in terms of employment and international trade. On the other hand, public concerns have been growing for the environmental, ecological, and social impacts of tourism, such as the overuse of natural resources, carbon emissions, neoliberalism-driven tourism industry. This course investigates the relationship between tourism and natural environments. The course considers the recreational, educational, and economic aspects of tourism associated with protected areas, agricultural landscapes, green open spaces, and cultural assets. The course first discusses environmental attitudes and preferences in the use of the natural and cultural resources, and then choice of travel modes. The course next introduces a broad range of sustainable tourism models, including agro-tourism, sports (e.g cycling, bush-walking) tourism, and culture tourism. The course also brings attention to pro-poor tourism, which is an important instrument to help the poor in developing countries to combat poverty, as well as community-based ecotourism, which can consolidate indigenous knowledge, engage local communities, and triggers local economic development.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4384": {"id": "mtsxOq1BLGo0GHT8g4zEE", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "QTRjlQ1E6bsJcIDxcxKOG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22116, "section": "LE01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 52, "available": 28, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "GL146Cxs5jBDgQlD2gSZ5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24686, "section": "TU03", "size": 24, "enrolled": 21, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24687, "section": "TU02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 20, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG19, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG19, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24688, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 11, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG19, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG19, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4385": {"id": "p-Yb7hEGLVV_JzKnIsyM8", "course_id": "108146", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108146", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Food Security", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOG", "CATALOG_NBR": "3022", "CLASS_NBR": 10141, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090309", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 6 units of Level II undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "GEOG 2146", "ASSESSMENT": "Workshop attendance 5%, Report outline 10%, History paper 20%, Politics paper 30%, Oral presentation 5%, Exam 30%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course will examine the geographical components of food security globally in the historic, modern and post-modern eras. Case studies will be drawn from Australian and international contexts to examine humanity's changing relationship with the systems of production, supply, ecology, economy and society fundamental to the provision of and access to sufficient, nutritious food. The roles of food and agriculture in the context of historical societal development will also be discussed. The types of issues that will be introduced include: pre-modern or traditional agriculture; the origin and development of agricultural biodiversity; the relationship between food supply and cultural identity; the agrarian transition/Green revolution; modernisation and the creation of marginalisation; agriculture and environmental management; new technological developments and their application; famines; the political-ecologies of agriculture; the emerging alternative roles of agriculture to food production; and the future roles of alternative systems based on diversity and location. Students will be guided through the development of an in-depth critique of the historical processes relating to a food commodity, system or a region of their choice. The outcomes of these investigations will be presented in written form in a series of short reports and in oral form as a presentation to their peers. A final examination will allow students to present on their understanding of the course's major themes.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4386": {"id": "p-Yb7hEGLVV_JzKnIsyM8", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "22WCzLm7lP4yFrCtyLXOA", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14636, "section": "LE01", "size": 85, "enrolled": 76, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 29 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "14 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 29 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 2 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "13 May - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "16 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "UV_DMlR2440WBpD0B6M1I", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10141, "section": "WR04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 29 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, 106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "14 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, 106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, 106, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10143, "section": "WR02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, 106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, 106, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10144, "section": "WR01", "size": 27, "enrolled": 27, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, 107, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, 107, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, 107, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "4387": {"id": "Bl1D_j8MP2jHdyP6riDNe", "course_id": "108100", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108100", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Geography Matters", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOG", "CATALOG_NBR": "3024", "CLASS_NBR": 23320, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090309", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to students undertaking a Geography, Environment & Population Major only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 15 units of Geography, Environment and Population Major courses", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Basic knowledge of Geography", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Key concepts essay 30%, Tutorial portfolio 20%, Field trip report 40%, Attendance 10%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is the capstone course for the Major in Geography and Environmental Studies. The course provides students with an opportunity to apply (and further develop) their geography and environmental analytic skills by investigating a practical problem in the field. The centrepiece of the course is a fieldtrip to the area under investigation. Each year, a practical problem or issue is selected. These field problems all require analysis from both social science and physical geography perspectives.\n\nStudents form groups and are tasked with investigating and analysing the issue and recommending possible responses. Fieldwork is underpinned by a series of lectures which provide major philosophical and theoretical approaches to geographical and environmental problems. The analysis of data collected in fieldwork and the preparation of group reports is supported by a series of workshops.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4388": {"id": "Bl1D_j8MP2jHdyP6riDNe", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "gW4kZ5l8VCdN8ikui1QOG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23320, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 7, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4389": {"id": "u4cYhIs_f-N3Dj59twhD-", "course_id": "108102", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108102", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Environmental Policy and Management Internship", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOG", "CATALOG_NBR": "3025", "CLASS_NBR": 14957, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "A quota of 20 applies", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BEnvPolicyMgt or Geography, Environment & Population Major/Minor students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "24 units of Geography, Environment and Population courses at an average of Credit level or above.", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Final report, Seminar presentation, Active participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course allows students to spend up to two days per week during the Semester or, undertake a two week block of concentrated interaction, working as an intern with a community, business/industry or government agency engaged in environmental policy, planning and management activities, or with an individual or group engaged in environmental research. During their internships students can choose or will be assigned specific projects by their 'sponsors' and will prepare reports on the methodology and results of their projects. The course coordinator will assist students to identify suitable sponsors and projects and will monitor student progress in weekly seminars.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4390": {"id": "u4cYhIs_f-N3Dj59twhD-", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "88uaZdwsFrM_1uwWGaT0c", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14957, "section": "WR01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 12, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4391": {"id": "QyIjFAk0slX2rjPvP4HL2", "course_id": "108103", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108103", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Geographic Information Systems (GIS)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOG", "CATALOG_NBR": "3027", "CLASS_NBR": 25600, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090309", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours a week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "GEOG 2129 or SOIL&WAT 3020WT or SOIL&WAT 3007WT or SPATIAL 3020WT or SPATIAL 3007WT or another introductory GIS course approved by the Course Coordinator plus another 3 units of Level II undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "It will be assumed students have proficiency at research and written skills for Level III as well as basic familiarity with GIS systems", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Workshop portfolio, Minor practical report, Major practical report", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course builds upon the foundation GIS knowledge and skills acquired at the introductory level and guides students in the development of increasingly sophisticated spatial analysis capabilities. \nTheory will include detail of the principles that underpin the spatial modelling and analysis techniques employed in the practical exercises. \nThe course has a strong practical focus, and students will gain experience in field data collection; network analysis; and the construction, manipulation and interpretation of raster data sets in a GIS environment. Students will learn how to interpret and present the results of spatial data analysis through high-quality reports.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4392": {"id": "QyIjFAk0slX2rjPvP4HL2", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "0F0Pb6TS-46Ft8KDozgRa", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28765, "section": "LEC0", "size": 30, "enrolled": 13, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "lX1Z5SKYA0edNsWKD_NgO", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25600, "section": "WR02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 13, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, 107, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, 107, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "4393": {"id": "4YIaMY_NwEwoobpz6EMeg", "course_id": "109925", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109925", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Environmental Policy and Management", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOG", "CATALOG_NBR": "3030", "CLASS_NBR": 22213, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090309", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to students of Bachelor of Environmental Policy and Management only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 6 units of Level II undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online quizzes 20%, Textual Analysis 30%, Research Essay 40%, Participation 10%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is the capstone course for the Bachelor of Environmental Policy and Management. The world is facing increasing environmental challenges, including biodiversity loss, desertification, fisheries depletion, air and other forms of pollution and of course climate change. A wide range and suite of management and policies are needed to address them. This course reintroduces students to the key issues and then outlines a wide range of policies and environmental management frameworks. The course covers technical, statutory, social, and political policies. Using a field trip and a mini internship, the course focuses on building student skills so they are work ready and able to use their knowledge to apply the most appropriate environmental management policy or framework.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4394": {"id": "4YIaMY_NwEwoobpz6EMeg", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "WfCuEK6fWV2O2wpY0dKIf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22213, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 16, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4395": {"id": "jAzO8xuyyjgqyNNq2oAzB", "course_id": "109499", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109499", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Design and Methods", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7001", "CLASS_NBR": 10145, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "GEST 5001, GEOG 5001, GEST 5010, GEOG 5010", "ASSESSMENT": "Seminar Journal (30%), Group verbal (25%), 1000 word minor essay (10%), literature review (35%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will provide students with a strong foundation in the conceptualisation and operationalisation of research, how to design a research project and 'hands-on' skills in the utilisation of different research methods. Students will be exposed to a wide range of research methods and will learn key principles of research design. Topics to be covered in detail include sampling, surveying, interviewing, case study analysis, focus groups, interviewing and analysing and presenting data. Intellectual and methodological debates will be discussed in order to assist students to develop informed opinions and a critical appreciation for other's research. The imperative for ethical research practice will be presented. Students will be equipped with the knowledge and ability to undertake methodologically sound, original research projects and will develop a set of transferable workplace skills.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4396": {"id": "jAzO8xuyyjgqyNNq2oAzB", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "sUXSAUUZXR0QhaKvbuKUp", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10145, "section": "SE01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 26, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4397": {"id": "veHJJuPSR5SsgcGtDtLJW", "course_id": "109500", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109500", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Environmental Planning and Governance", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7002", "CLASS_NBR": 22089, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "GEST 5002, GEOG 5002", "ASSESSMENT": "Take home exam 40%, research essay 40%, tutorial presentation and participation 20%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will critically examine approaches to environmental planning and governance in Australia and internationally. The course will introduce students to the rational planning model which has long-dominated planning strategies in Australia. It will then shift focus and explore how sustainable development is influencing planning via theories of ecology, the interrelationship between values and knowledge, a restructured public sphere and the emergence of new actors. Students will be asked to critique relevant recent Australian environmental planning decisions in relation to criteria of sustainable development. The course will move on to critically examine contemporary thinking about environmental governance including state and market-based approaches, decentralised environmental management, the role of NGOs, community based approaches and regional planning. International cases of environmental management which highlight the linkages between national or regional environmental governance structures and natural resource management outcomes will be analysed.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4398": {"id": "veHJJuPSR5SsgcGtDtLJW", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "GJPBAlbOihFvfCZRJzjvm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22089, "section": "WR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 46, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4399": {"id": "4mfMD0Wq7rLTOf2iqdsaX", "course_id": "109502", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109502", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Environmental Economics and Policy", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7004", "CLASS_NBR": 13392, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "GEST 5004,GEOG 5004", "ASSESSMENT": "Seminar participation and presentation, Reflective journal, Essay", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces various environmental policy instruments in response to contemporary local and global environmental problems and discusses the economic concepts and principles embedded in the policy instruments. The course examines conventional command-and-control strategies and an array of pollution control alternatives that are based on market incentives. The course investigates more decentralised approaches including property rights approach, (e.g. community-based environmental management). The course also discusses ecological approaches including precautionary principle and safe minimum standard.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4400": {"id": "4mfMD0Wq7rLTOf2iqdsaX", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "sPJqoSPf2ynYO5SV7d9jP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13392, "section": "SE01", "size": 27, "enrolled": 26, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4401": {"id": "duCDr3xb-ZFi7fHfhK6uW", "course_id": "109503", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109503", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Community Engagement", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7005", "CLASS_NBR": 10139, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "GEST 5005, GEOG 5005", "ASSESSMENT": "Short essay (20%), engagement plan and evaluation framework (35%), media engagement task 15%, seminar presentation 20%, seminar participation 10%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In recent years, community engagement has become a central dimension of governance as well as policy development and service delivery. However efforts to directly involve citizens in policy processes have been bedevilled by crude understandings of the issues involved, and by poor selection of techniques for engaging citizens. This course will provide a critical interrogation of the central conceptual issues as well as an examination of how to design a program of effective community engagement. This course begins by asking: Why involve citizens in planning and policymaking? This leads to an examination of the politics of planning, conceptualisations of 'community' and, to the tension between local and professional knowledge in policy making. This course will also analyse different types of citizen engagement and examine how to design a program of public participation for policy making. Approaches to evaluating community engagement programs will also be a component of the course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4402": {"id": "duCDr3xb-ZFi7fHfhK6uW", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "p-1qmlvk-MBessJFlmPvl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10139, "section": "SE01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 15, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4403": {"id": "0bs1s9vWvgtp0TbHSOsxB", "course_id": "109507", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109507", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Applied Spatial Analysis", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7007", "CLASS_NBR": 23318, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "031199", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Previous GIS experience would be an advantage", "INCOMPATIBLE": "GEOG 5007, GEST 5007", "ASSESSMENT": "Weekly workshop assignments, Minor report, Major report", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is suitable for those with or without previous Geographical Information Systems (GIS) experience.\n\nThe course is based on spatial (geographic) data, and how it can be utilised within a GIS environment. This includes the input, storage, and management of spatial data; analysing and modelling spatial data; and the various outputs (maps and charts) from a GIS. It illustrates the use of that data to solve real-world problems in a wide variety of applications. The coursework has a strong practical focus, and students will gain experience in field data collection, and the construction, manipulation, and interpretation of data in a GIS environment.\n\nLectures provide the theoretical foundation of the principles behind the fundamental concepts of spatial analysis and mapping within a GIS. This includes the vector and raster data models; projections and coordinate systems; spatial analysis tools and methods; map design and spatial data visualisation techniques; where and how to source spatial data; data quality issues; and how GIS has been used in different industries and fields of research. \n\nPractical workshop sessions build on the content covered in lectures, guiding students in the development of increasingly sophisticated spatial analysis capabilities and the creation of high-quality maps, using commercial GIS software. Students will learn how to interpret and present the results of spatial data analysis through high-quality technical reports.\n\nStudents with existing skills in GIS analysis are encouraged to develop and apply data analysis techniques to propose, construct and carry out a major research project in an area of their own interest.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4404": {"id": "0bs1s9vWvgtp0TbHSOsxB", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "bBfUm4T1dNlaU9wSg6SDI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28753, "section": "LEC0", "size": 20, "enrolled": 6, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "Ct-aJoK9_EwY0mUVUizYk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23318, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 6, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, 107, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, 107, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "yFF08On9gHhhNpc0Ro2RG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23319, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 6, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Napier, 106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Napier, 106, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "4405": {"id": "Bz3f9GLoMaHcMxvk1yMYs", "course_id": "109510", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109510", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Methods", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7009", "CLASS_NBR": 10146, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to GDPUP, MPUP students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "GEST 5001, GEST 5010, GEOG 5001, GEOG 5010", "ASSESSMENT": "Literature review (30%), research proposal (30%), 1000 word minor essay (10%), in-class journal and verbals (30%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of this course is to develop students' knowledge and understanding of the role and conduct of quantitative and qualitative research methods in planning [and urban design]. Intellectual and methodological debates will be discussed in order to assist students to develop informed opinions and a critical appreciation for other's research. The imperative for ethical research practice will be presented. The course equips students with the skills to review and conduct methodologically sound research as a part of their professional work. Students develop the skills to recognise and reflect on the strengths and limitations of different research methodologies, understand the links between theory and practice, critically assess research, and address ethical and practical issues. The course takes a step-by-step approach to the design and implementation of quantitative and qualitative techniques including case study and precedent studies, surveys, interviews, focus groups, participant observation, textual and media analysis. How to manage and analyse data (including computer assisted), and how to write up and present findings are core components of this course. Students will be equipped with the knowledge and ability to undertake original research projects and develop a set of transferable workplace skills.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4406": {"id": "Bz3f9GLoMaHcMxvk1yMYs", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "VG61svapXE83_cek5IaOD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10146, "section": "SE01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 22, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4407": {"id": "PJeK8jw_9So1lhCbLRG11", "course_id": "109511", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109511", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Sustainable Cities: Climate Change and Planning", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7013", "CLASS_NBR": 21920, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Completed degree (72 units)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "GEOG 5091, GEOG 5092, GEOG 7014", "ASSESSMENT": "Two tutorial presentations on key topic 40%, review essay 40%, online module 20%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Increasingly both the developed and developing world are acknowledging significant challenges to environmental sustainability at the global, regional and local scales. Human-induced climate change is one driver of this concern, but others include concerns with water quality and availability, the impact of air pollution on human health and the loss of valuable agricultural land. The challenges are further exacerbated by the need to consider cultural, social and economic sustainability, alongside the more commonly discussed environmental issues. Cities lie at the forefront of sustainability challenges: the majority of the world's population lives in an urban area, and cities are the focus of the overwhelming majority of economic activity and resource consumption. This course examines issues of environmental sustainability in cities and the ways in which governments and communities can plan and act to achieve more sustainable outcomes. The course examines issues around urban design, transport planning and provision, planning regulations, housing supply, economic structure and waste management and handling.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4408": {"id": "PJeK8jw_9So1lhCbLRG11", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "7FG3Xgyjs2Zu06VP0cHT5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21592, "section": "SE01", "size": 22, "enrolled": 20, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "Yhldbg2XcycJTKC8iYTQA", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21920, "section": "TU01", "size": 22, "enrolled": 20, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4409": {"id": "LpaMRoyGpq-aPRqmwwU_X", "course_id": "109512", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109512", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Sustainable Cities: Planning for Climate Change", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7014", "CLASS_NBR": 21921, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Completed degree (72 units)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "GEOG 5091, GEOG 5092, GEOG 7013", "ASSESSMENT": "Two tutorial presentations on key topic 40%, review essay 40%, online module 20%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Increasingly both the developed and developing world are acknowledging significant challenges to environmental sustainability at the global, regional and local scales. Human-induced climate change is one driver of this concern, but others include concerns with water quality and availability, the impact of air pollution on human health and the loss of valuable agricultural land. The challenges are further exacerbated by the need to consider cultural, social and economic sustainability, alongside the more commonly discussed environmental issues. Cities lie at the forefront of sustainability challenges: the majority of the world's population lives in an urban area, and cities are the focus of the overwhelming majority of economic activity and resource consumption. This course examines issues of environmental sustainability in cities and the ways in which governments and communities can plan and act to achieve more sustainable outcomes. The course examines issues around urban design, transport planning and provision, planning regulations, housing supply, economic structure and waste management and handling.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4410": {"id": "LpaMRoyGpq-aPRqmwwU_X", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "KxXdEGbdp6Cc5xKRsYjrg", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21591, "section": "SE01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 15, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "ZBuVXD229DnU0dMCq20Hr", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21921, "section": "TU01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 15, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4411": {"id": "Lz-xxHIJtGepnACv0FeFN", "course_id": "109514", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109514", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Engaging Communities: Techniques and Analysis", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7016", "CLASS_NBR": 10140, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Completed degree (72 units)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "GEST 5005, GEOG 5005, GEOG 5094", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In recent years, community engagement has become a central dimension of governance as well as policy development and service delivery. However efforts to directly involve citizens in policy processes have been bedevilled by crude understandings of the issues involved, and by poor selection of techniques for engaging citizens. This course will provide a critical interrogation of the central conceptual issues as well as an examination of how to design a program of effective community engagement. This course begins by asking: Why involve citizens in planning and policymaking? This leads to an examination of the politics of planning, conceptualisations of 'community' and, to the tension between local and professional knowledge in policy making. This course will also analyse different types of citizen engagement and examine how to design a program of public participation for policy making. Approaches to evaluating community engagement programs will also be a component of the course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4412": {"id": "Lz-xxHIJtGepnACv0FeFN", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "0BH52K_Hs6M2Pugev05po", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10140, "section": "WR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 39, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4413": {"id": "x4g3wTXVWD68wavIfzCX6", "course_id": "109515", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109515", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Dissertation Environmental Policy & Management", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7017", "CLASS_NBR": 14040, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MEnvPolicyMgt students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Dissertation on an Environmental Policy and Management topic approved by the Convenor of the Environmental Policy and Management program.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4414": {"id": "x4g3wTXVWD68wavIfzCX6", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "h1V8m1fQ80ruszJL9wsI7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14040, "section": "RC01", "size": 7, "enrolled": 8, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4415": {"id": "gfltYuysDssDdyu1WA8AK", "course_id": "109515", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109515", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Dissertation Environmental Policy & Management", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7017", "CLASS_NBR": 24004, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MEnvPolicyMgt students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Dissertation on an Environmental Policy and Management topic approved by the Convenor of the Environmental Policy and Management program.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4416": {"id": "gfltYuysDssDdyu1WA8AK", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "4o-wkd__v5MzHiFEKDSAr", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24004, "section": "RC01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 5, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4417": {"id": "7sOWzkkROxhaH9cy7cdN3", "course_id": "111447", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111447", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Cities and Housing", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7020", "CLASS_NBR": 13391, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "GEOG 5093, GEOG 7015", "ASSESSMENT": "Posters, Policy briefing, Presentation, Attendance and community contribution", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course explores the nature of where we live, how it has developed over time, how it shapes our lives, and what we can do about it. Taking an interdisciplinary approach, this course provides a comprehensive introduction to the key concepts of urbanisation and housing in Australia and beyond. Over half of the world\u2019s population lives in urban areas and this is predicted to increase to over two-thirds by 2050, up from under one-third in 1950. Urbanisation has therefore been a significant social change, bringing with it a number of benefits and challenges. How we live in urban areas, our homes, are central to our lives. Housing affects our social, economic, physical, and mental well-being. Despite this centrality housing holds an uncertain position in social policy. This course will guide students through an examination of the key concepts of urbanisation and housing, and introduce students to approaches enabling them collect and synthesise evidence. During the course, students will be asked to consider the major causal factors influencing urban growth and housing, their socio-economic impacts, and policy interventions used by governments. The course will address important concepts including demographic change and migration, social inequality, social harms and (in)justice, and urban citizenship. Readings will be provided but students are encouraged to find additional texts appropriate to their specific interests.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4418": {"id": "7sOWzkkROxhaH9cy7cdN3", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "SbGt9EGF-sQl01BDLDJ8W", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13391, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 15, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4419": {"id": "sWEj2QA2Hqs5rwn33wXW5", "course_id": "109521", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109521", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Dissertation Environmental Policy & Management Pt1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7024A", "CLASS_NBR": 14041, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MEnvPolicyMgt students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Dissertation on an Environmental Policy and Management topic approved by the Convenor of the Environmental Policy and Management program.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "4420": {"id": "sWEj2QA2Hqs5rwn33wXW5", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "k3DDQnI_h9sDQylACpr3a", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14041, "section": "RC01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 4, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4421": {"id": "6PSeMa9BmouH6KPm6MKvt", "course_id": "109521", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109521", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Dissertation Environmental Policy & Management Pt1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7024A", "CLASS_NBR": 24005, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MEnvPolicyMgt students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Dissertation on an Environmental Policy and Management topic approved by the Convenor of the Environmental Policy and Management program.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "4422": {"id": "6PSeMa9BmouH6KPm6MKvt", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "QYrRjQkVN1HXEltqg2Jtr", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24005, "section": "RC01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 4, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 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4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4425": {"id": "m2QXFq9KHakKHsj6K8E57", "course_id": "109522", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109522", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Dissertation Environmental Policy & Management Pt2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7024B", "CLASS_NBR": 24006, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MEnvPolicy&Mgt students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Dissertation on an Environmental Policy and Management topic approved by the Convenor of the Environmental Policy and Management program.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4426": {"id": "m2QXFq9KHakKHsj6K8E57", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "uhf46Bps6puD5AeEN_qUb", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24006, "section": "RC01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 4, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4427": {"id": "k1DBevOA7Su9Dso3mkksQ", "course_id": "109523", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109523", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Dissertation Env Pol & Mgt (Applied) Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7026A", "CLASS_NBR": 14043, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MEnvPolicy&Policy(App) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "24 units in the MEnvPolicy&Policy(App)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "20000-24000 word internal and external assessment of research dissertation on a theme appropriate to Environmental Policy and Management", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Major Dissertation Environmental Policy & Management (Applied) Pt 1 & 2, involves the undertaking of a full-year (Semester 1 and 2) research project and the submission by the due date of a dissertation on the project of approximately 20-24000 words, with an accompanying seminar. The Dissertation Environmental Policy & Management (Applied) T/Y will have two years (four consecutive Semesters) to complete the dissertation and seminar.\n \nStudents are asked to nominate the topic area for their research project and to identify potential dissertation supervisors. Students may consult anyone who has expertise or information relevant to their research projects, but there is no provision for external supervision at the Masters level. The exact topic for the research project is normally decided through consultation between the student and the dissertation supervisor, but is subject to approval by the Masters Co-ordinator. A suitable member of staff, with whom the student should meet regularly, supervises the dissertation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "4428": {"id": "k1DBevOA7Su9Dso3mkksQ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "EKAx35SDdq1_K-sujtu6f", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14043, "section": "RC01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4429": {"id": "r-fce70POQpHsVNQ2myWQ", "course_id": "109523", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109523", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Dissertation Env Pol & Mgt (Applied) Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7026A", "CLASS_NBR": 24002, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MEnvPolicy&Policy(App) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "24 units in the MEnvPolicy&Policy(App)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "20000-24000 word internal and external assessment of research dissertation on a theme appropriate to Environmental Policy and Management", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Major Dissertation Environmental Policy & Management (Applied) Pt 1 & 2, involves the undertaking of a full-year (Semester 1 and 2) research project and the submission by the due date of a dissertation on the project of approximately 20-24000 words, with an accompanying seminar. The Dissertation Environmental Policy & Management (Applied) T/Y will have two years (four consecutive Semesters) to complete the dissertation and seminar.\n \nStudents are asked to nominate the topic area for their research project and to identify potential dissertation supervisors. Students may consult anyone who has expertise or information relevant to their research projects, but there is no provision for external supervision at the Masters level. The exact topic for the research project is normally decided through consultation between the student and the dissertation supervisor, but is subject to approval by the Masters Co-ordinator. A suitable member of staff, with whom the student should meet regularly, supervises the dissertation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "4430": {"id": "r-fce70POQpHsVNQ2myWQ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "afvHWrYDQEE0HmGLDEj0s", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24002, "section": "RC01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4431": {"id": "GPGycE2MvkSHLsiokQXkQ", "course_id": "109524", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109524", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Dissertation Env Pol & Mgt (Applied) Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7026B", "CLASS_NBR": 14039, "SESSION_CD": "FM2", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MEnvPolicy&Policy(App) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "24 units in the MEnvPolicy&Policy(App)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "20000-24000 word internal and external assessment of research dissertation on a theme appropriate to Environmental Policy and Management", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Major Dissertation Environmental Policy & Management (Applied) involves the undertaking of a full-year (consecutive Semesters eg Semester 1 and 2) research project and the submission by the due date of a dissertation on the project of approximately 20-24000 words, with an accompanying seminar. The Dissertation Environmental Policy & Management (Applied) T/Y will have two years (four consecutive Semesters) to complete the dissertation and seminar.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4432": {"id": "GPGycE2MvkSHLsiokQXkQ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "lYj9o-JHne1m7ZZyBzZh_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14039, "section": "RC01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4433": {"id": "YEDaXxoqRCjBZIwI2G16a", "course_id": "109524", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109524", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Dissertation Env Pol & Mgt (Applied) Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7026B", "CLASS_NBR": 24003, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MEnvPolicy&Policy(App) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "24 units in the MEnvPolicy&Policy(App)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "20000-24000 word internal and external assessment of research dissertation on a theme appropriate to Environmental Policy and Management", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Major Dissertation Environmental Policy & Management (Applied) involves the undertaking of a full-year (consecutive Semesters eg Semester 1 and 2) research project and the submission by the due date of a dissertation on the project of approximately 20-24000 words, with an accompanying seminar. The Dissertation Environmental Policy & Management (Applied) T/Y will have two years (four consecutive Semesters) to complete the dissertation and seminar.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4434": {"id": "YEDaXxoqRCjBZIwI2G16a", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "Zah69zjRg1srSheb8PcvY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24003, "section": "RC01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4435": {"id": "jMP8i4e3ZpDwapDl9xNHV", "course_id": "109531", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109531", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Dissertation EnvPol&Mgt (Applied) (Two-Year) Cont", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7027A", "CLASS_NBR": 14037, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MEnvPolicy&Policy(App) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "24 units in the MEnvPolicy&Policy(App)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "20000-24000 word internal and external assessment of research dissertation on a theme appropriate to Environmental Policy and Management", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Major Dissertation Environmental Policy & Management (Applied) Pt 1 & 2 involves the undertaking of a full-year (Semester 1 and 2) research project and the submission by the due date of a dissertation on the project of approximately 20-24000 words, with an accompanying seminar. 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The Dissertation Environmental Policy & Management (Applied) T/Y will have two years (four consecutive Semesters) to complete the dissertation and seminar.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "4438": {"id": "bY8H1ciJfKrBEHMMnzHEm", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "jtkC0N1FsZ2a89QRcy1Cl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24000, "section": "RC01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4439": {"id": "x1sdxA14y9wdX8xvFdX_h", "course_id": "109532", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109532", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Dissertation EnvPol&Mgt (Applied) (Two-Year) Final", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7027B", "CLASS_NBR": 14038, "SESSION_CD": "TYD", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MEnvPolicy&Policy(App) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "24 units in the MEnvPolicy&Policy(App)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "20000-24000 word internal and external assessment of research dissertation on a theme appropriate to Environmental Policy and Management", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Major Dissertation Environmental Policy & Management (Applied) Pt 1 & 2 involves the undertaking of a full-year (Semester 1 and 2) research project and the submission by the due date of a dissertation on the project of approximately 20000-24000 words, with an accompanying seminar. The Dissertation Environmental Policy & Management (Applied) T/Y will have two years (four consecutive Semesters) to complete the dissertation and seminar.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4440": {"id": "x1sdxA14y9wdX8xvFdX_h", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "L06lfAY_EIX5ctlL4jxL1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14038, "section": "RC01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4441": {"id": "u7gMv6BIeL8aln1de2JQI", "course_id": "109532", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109532", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Dissertation EnvPol&Mgt (Applied) (Two-Year) Final", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7027B", "CLASS_NBR": 24001, "SESSION_CD": "TYD", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MEnvPolicy&Policy(App) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "24 units in the MEnvPolicy&Policy(App)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "20000-24000 word internal and external assessment of research dissertation on a theme appropriate to Environmental Policy and Management", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Major Dissertation Environmental Policy & Management (Applied) Pt 1 & 2 involves the undertaking of a full-year (Semester 1 and 2) research project and the submission by the due date of a dissertation on the project of approximately 20000-24000 words, with an accompanying seminar. The Dissertation Environmental Policy & Management (Applied) T/Y will have two years (four consecutive Semesters) to complete the dissertation and seminar.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4442": {"id": "u7gMv6BIeL8aln1de2JQI", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "kVaSkQhlG7wMNdhob4Tyy", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24001, "section": "RC01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4443": {"subject": "GEOLOGY", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "012136", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "012136", "term": "4420", "offer": 3}, {"course_id": "103109", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "103109", "term": "4410", "offer": 3}, {"course_id": "111208", "term": "4415", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104307", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104308", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104304", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104531", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107440", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110979", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102628", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102633", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102636", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109889", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109890", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106480", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107439", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110980", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110981", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111047", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111048", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111048", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111049", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111049", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111050", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111051", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111051", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111052", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111054", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111054", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111055", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111055", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111056", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111056", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111057", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111057", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111058", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111058", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111059", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111060", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111061", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111061", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111062", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111062", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111063", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111063", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111064", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111064", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111065", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109312", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110216", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110218", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}]}}, "4444": {"id": "JjZm9aLeJ8cGUwzRWptj4", "course_id": "012136", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "012136", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Planet Earth", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "1100", "CLASS_NBR": 21047, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010703", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week, plus field work", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "GEOLOGY 1104", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exams, assignments, practical work", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Volcanoes; the only earth process not trying to kill Australians. Why is it that we have no active volcanoes? Will that always be the case? Why does Australia have earthquakes? Could we have a 10.0 magnitude quake? As Will Durant said 'Civilisation exists by geological consent, subject to change without notice'. Enrol in Planet Earth to find answers to these questions.\nWe'll play games of stones, where you'll learn to classify every mineral and rock you're bound to see in your life. Field trips will take us to the coast to see rocks in their natural habitat, you'll learn how to read history from the Earth, and enjoy the opportunity to apply classroom knowledge to the real world. \nSuccessful completion of this course will allow continuation to Level II Geology courses.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4445": {"id": "JjZm9aLeJ8cGUwzRWptj4", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "3aPpxRBPiYJCaSMjcxt4z", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20735, "section": "LE01", "size": 230, "enrolled": 152, "available": 78, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "_IQiQ-YAU4V5oDVcOYSpe", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21047, "section": "WR03", "size": 60, "enrolled": 58, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21048, "section": "WR02", "size": 50, "enrolled": 46, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21049, "section": "WR01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 48, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Fieldwork", "id": "6_glb2yyKYJq4-y5W9LSu", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21175, "section": "FL02", "size": 80, "enrolled": 77, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Fieldwork", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Sep - 8 Sep", "days": "", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22738, "section": "FL01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 75, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Fieldwork", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Sep - 7 Sep", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}]}]}]}]}, "4446": {"id": "8CdtU-m_IERaxrgUwL5mG", "course_id": "012136", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "012136", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Planet Earth", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "1100UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 21050, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010703", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "GEOLOGY 1104BR, GEOLOGY 1104UAC", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exams, assignments, practical work", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Volcanoes; the only earth process not trying to kill Australians. Why is it that we have no active volcanoes? Will that always be the case? Why does Australia have earthquakes? Could we have a 10.0 magnitude quake? As Will Durant said 'Civilisation exists by geological consent, subject to change without notice'. Enrol in Planet Earth to find answers to these questions.\nWe'll play games of stones, where you'll learn to classify every mineral and rock you're bound to see in your life. Field trips will take us to the coast to see rocks in their natural habitat, you'll learn how to read history from the Earth, and enjoy the opportunity to apply classroom knowledge to the real world. \nSuccessful completion of this course will allow continuation to Level II Geology courses.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4447": {"id": "8CdtU-m_IERaxrgUwL5mG", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "aADFyHxI7dTqLerVZOwB_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20360, "section": "LE01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 12, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Fieldwork", "id": "Fqu400GFhhBjA71S-g-G0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20359, "section": "FL01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 12, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Fieldwork", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Sep - 7 Sep", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "YVCOL-OQJHKjvqUXtdIxy", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21050, "section": "WR02", "size": 15, "enrolled": 12, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22315, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 12, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 108, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4448": {"id": "NSz4P70LUhqV_XwLfQhGf", "course_id": "103109", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103109", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Building a Habitable Planet", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "1103", "CLASS_NBR": 15591, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010703", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week, plus field work", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exams, assignments, practical work", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is about Earth's transformation to a habitable planet. It starts with the construction of the planet in the solar nebula, to Earth's transformation to a warm wet greenhouse planet, through the evolution and extinction events that shaped and still shape life on the planet. We look at the water world that is our earth; the hydrosphere, atmosphere and the oceans. We finish with a look at our human effects on the earth system, and take a look at our extraordinary Australian environment. We undertake a day long field excursion to see some of this environment first-hand.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4449": {"id": "NSz4P70LUhqV_XwLfQhGf", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "94wAASSGsn_ujdkKZagfv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10796, "section": "LE01", "size": 230, "enrolled": 195, "available": 35, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Fieldwork", "id": "opsD0jjLQlUXYDgqwmByC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12846, "section": "FL01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 89, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Fieldwork", "meetings": [{"dates": "11 May - 11 May", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13277, "section": "FL02", "size": 115, "enrolled": 106, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Fieldwork", "meetings": [{"dates": "12 May - 12 May", "days": "", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "gm5j2AmIpw4Na-KA1yC5d", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13508, "section": "PR02", "size": 65, "enrolled": 54, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13509, "section": "PR01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 59, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15591, "section": "PR03", "size": 90, "enrolled": 82, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4450": {"id": "EK2opNJAZ2VuBoZT_wnQ6", "course_id": "103109", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103109", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Building a Habitable Planet", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "1103UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 12436, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010703", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exams, assignments, practical work", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is about Earth's transformation to a habitable planet. It starts with the construction of the planet in the solar nebula, to Earth's transformation to a warm wet greenhouse planet, through the evolution and extinction events that shaped and still shape life on the planet. We look at the water world that is our earth; the hydrosphere, atmosphere and the oceans. We finish with a look at our human effects on the earth system, and take a look at our extraordinary Australian environment. We undertake a day long field excursion to see some of this environment first-hand.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4451": {"id": "EK2opNJAZ2VuBoZT_wnQ6", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "KUNajWKwG_j2YED6IqnZx", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12435, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 7, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Darling West, 203, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Darling West, 203, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12436, "section": "TT02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 9, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Darling West, 203, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Darling West, 203, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Fieldwork", "id": "YkjMAYjPDrrTZE90n_CQz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10401, "section": "FL01", "size": 17, "enrolled": 8, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Fieldwork", "meetings": [{"dates": "11 May - 11 May", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13278, "section": "FL02", "size": 16, "enrolled": 8, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Fieldwork", "meetings": [{"dates": "12 May - 12 May", "days": "", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "PurNrf8gfo8n1120oBvJR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10402, "section": "LE01", "size": 33, "enrolled": 16, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10403, "section": "PR02", "size": 33, "enrolled": 16, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4452": {"id": "jSep-puS6Hts6kdMHMBHw", "course_id": "111208", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111208", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Extra-Terrestrial Geoscience", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "1300", "CLASS_NBR": 95052, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010703", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Short course, two weeks, 7 hours per day", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Practicals, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Planet Earth has until recently been a geologist's natural laboratory, and with increasing space exploration and new technologies geologists have new laboratories to study: New and exciting other worlds. This course provides an opportunity to use the skills of a geologist to observe and understand these other worlds, how did they form and how have they evolved through time? This course will introduce students to the geophysical, geochemical, geochronological and stratigraphic datasets used by geologists to understand internal and surface processes of different planets. Do these planets have water? Can they support life?", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 24/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 28/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 11/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 17/07/2024"}}]}, "4453": {"id": "jSep-puS6Hts6kdMHMBHw", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "69TQuVHGRcvK5Tw4qWii9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95051, "section": "PR01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 51, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Jul - 5 Jul", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}, {"dates": "8 Jul - 11 Jul", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "naViS6LhtzQFuXW8IbRVt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95052, "section": "WR01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 51, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Jul - 12 Jul", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}, {"dates": "12 Jul - 12 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Johnson, 111, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "12 Jul - 12 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Mawson, G12, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "4454": {"id": "UX-SFTFq-9cnf4RoHRK0t", "course_id": "104307", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104307", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Sedimentary Geology II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "2500", "CLASS_NBR": 12750, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010703", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "GEOLOGY 1100 or GEOLOGY 1103 or GEOLOGY 1005", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PETROENG 2005", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, practicals, lecture tests", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Sediments, both ancient and recent, cover much of the earth's surface. Sediments are immensely important economically, as the host of petroleum and mineral deposits, and to the environment, as aquifers, sinks for contaminants, and the home to a large part of the biosphere. The sedimentary record is also the ultimate repository of the annals of Earth's history. By deciphering the clues held in this record, geologists have reconstructed the history of the earth surface environment, traced the evolution of life, and determined past climate changes. The sedimentology component of this course will provide a broad background to 1) the description of sedimentary rocks and recognition of sedimentary structures, 2) processes by which sediments are transported, deposited, and converted into rocks, 3) the tectonic setting and features of environments in which sediments accumulate, and 4) use of stratigraphy as a tool in Earth history. The Palaeontology component of this course will be an introduction to the fossil record, with an emphasis on the patterns of evolution during the Phanerozoic and the application of biostratigraphy.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4455": {"id": "UX-SFTFq-9cnf4RoHRK0t", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "bO1acELdOzxWU210KqcGy", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12748, "section": "LE01", "size": 90, "enrolled": 77, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "uRwvb_S42Mums5dcsb3mc", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12749, "section": "PR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 37, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}, {"dates": "14 Mar - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, G12, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "14 Mar - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 23 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}, {"dates": "30 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}, {"dates": "30 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S127, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "6 Jun - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12750, "section": "PR02", "size": 40, "enrolled": 40, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}, {"dates": "14 Mar - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, G12, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "14 Mar - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 23 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}, {"dates": "30 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, G12, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "30 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}, {"dates": "6 Jun - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4456": {"id": "w1jz0yIY5UFtB8e-5NWdg", "course_id": "104308", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104308", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Structural Geology II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "2501", "CLASS_NBR": 12914, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010703", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week (weeks 1-6 only), plus 7 day field trip", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PETROENG 2005, for BEng (Petroleum) students only", "CO_REQUISITE": "GEOLOGY 2500 for all students except BEng (Petroleum) students and BEng (Civil) students", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "GEOLOGY 1100 or GEOLOGY 1103", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, in-Semester quizzes, field map and report", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "How does the Earth respond to applied force? This course looks at how rocks deform and change shape, and how we can recognise and use structures within rocks to determine ancient magnitudes and orientations of stress fields. Students will be introduced to techniques of recording and analysing structural data and taught how to map rock sequences in the field and interrogate a region to determine how it formed and what has happened to the area since formation.\nDetails of field trip communicated at start of the course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4457": {"id": "w1jz0yIY5UFtB8e-5NWdg", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Fieldwork", "id": "N_zkJ1hoC7YHMsyjr5V3X", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12848, "section": "FL01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 46, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Fieldwork", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Apr - 7 Apr", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}, {"dates": "8 Apr - 12 Apr", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}, {"dates": "18 May - 18 May", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "m_ZKRVKKjplUSVEYMPvSn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12914, "section": "WR01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 46, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4458": {"id": "U-7Qjhln2XqJYJ2ytW28h", "course_id": "104304", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104304", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Igneous and Metamorphic Geology II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "2502", "CLASS_NBR": 22597, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010703", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "GEOLOGY 1100", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Practical work, examinations, written assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to give a fundamental background in mineralogy (mineral chemistry, classification and structure) and in the origin, occurrence, identification and classification of igneous and metamorphic rocks. It includes examination of minerals and rocks in hand specimen and thin section.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4459": {"id": "U-7Qjhln2XqJYJ2ytW28h", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "qj9PTBRbiIf5poaWw7DjX", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22596, "section": "LE01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 52, "available": 28, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "5NPhsSpvKAFvxp2pwLEx_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22573, "section": "PR01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 34, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22597, "section": "PR02", "size": 45, "enrolled": 18, "available": 27, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4460": {"id": "KfOvW2NB6kURvkgmUnYlS", "course_id": "104531", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104531", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Mineral Resources II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "2504", "CLASS_NBR": 22595, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010703", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Lecture tests, practical exam, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course looks at the minerals industry and the geology and mineralogy of major ore deposits including copper, gold and iron. This information will be integrated with introductory material on the exploration process, mining methods, minerals processing, metals markets and socio-economic factors.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4461": {"id": "KfOvW2NB6kURvkgmUnYlS", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "tzSW1iPzeRRuVdFYYYRpe", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22594, "section": "LE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 31, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "cGqWjhUmxnYQ-BHeihzEy", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22595, "section": "PR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 31, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 4 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, G12, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4462": {"id": "AY1zJs1TRRJf6c1lbDm9r", "course_id": "107440", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107440", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Geochemistry II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "2505", "CLASS_NBR": 21052, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010703", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "GEOLOGY 1100 or GEOLOGY 1005, & GEOLOGY 1103", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "CHEM 1100 & CHEM 1200 or CHEM 1101 & CHEM 1201", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Tests, problem sets, projects", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course focuses on the chemistry of the natural world and the chemical evolution of the Earth over geological time. We will discuss practical and theoretical geochemistry, with an emphasis on how chemical principles are used to study Earth Sciences. The course is composed of three modules: (a) geochemical fundamentals; (b) natural and anthropogenically perturbed aspects of the Earth's hydrosphere and atmosphere and their interactions with rocks, sediments, soils and the biosphere; and (c) the origin and evolution of Earth (crust-mantle-core) through nuclear and high temperature chemical processes.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4463": {"id": "AY1zJs1TRRJf6c1lbDm9r", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "VG6O5FTfNe36I06fAdfiv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21051, "section": "WR02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Mawson, G12, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Mawson, G12, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21052, "section": "WR03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 16, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Mawson, G12, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Mawson, G12, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "4464": {"id": "ceL7l57lZ1BcZCZgiwsNn", "course_id": "110979", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110979", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Geophysics II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "2515", "CLASS_NBR": 14048, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010705", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Not available to B. Science (Mineral Geoscience) students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "GEOLOGY 3500", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will introduce a series of geophysical techniques that can be applied to determine the physical characteristics of the Earth's lithosphere, with direct application to the detection and mapping of mineral and energy resources in three dimensions. We will take a generic view, that economic concentrations of mineral and energy resources are geological anomalies that are defined by extreme localised enrichments (of specific elements, minerals, liquids, gases or heat) and are recognisable by steep gradients in a range of measurable geophysical properties. The course will be divided into modules covering geophysical exploration techniques commonly used in minerals and energy exploration, (gravity, magnetic, electrical, electro-magnetic and seismic surveys). We will examine the theoretical basis of each technique, the methods of data collection, presentation and analysis, and appropriate, geologically constrained, interpretation of the data. Students will explore an industry style data base and softwares to solve a geophysical based problem.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4465": {"id": "ceL7l57lZ1BcZCZgiwsNn", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "evaDn3Co3IqMqDSh-5gj7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14047, "section": "LE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 20, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 29 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 30 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "7 May - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "I7vpyv3v5fCTku-xXXZ4c", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14048, "section": "PR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 20, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, G12, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "14 Mar - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, G12, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "2 May - 2 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 2 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, G12, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "9 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, G12, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "4466": {"id": "iLz6X6_b_yhncPmnYLCqL", "course_id": "102628", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102628", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Tectonics III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "3013", "CLASS_NBR": 12751, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010703", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week, plus field trip. Other students may apply to Head of Geology for exemption", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "GEOLOGY 2501 or equivalent", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "GEOLOGY 2500 & GEOLOGY 2502", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "In class tests, practical assignments, seminar, field trip reports", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will develop knowledge of the Earth as a four-dimensional dynamic system. The megascopic structure of the earth - oceanic and continental crust and lithosphere, and the asthenosphere, will be introduced and compared. The basic dynamic potentials acting on the Earth (heat, gravity) will be examined, and their diverse first order effects explored (isostasy, convection, exhumation, pluming). The concepts of rifting and ocean formation will be examined, as will those of subduction and mantle plumes. Processes of orogenesis will be examined in depth. Recent and Mesozoic evidence (structural, geochemical, geophysical, sedimentological) for the operation of these processes will be examined. We will examine evidence and constraints on interpretation of these processes operating in past geological eras: the Palaeozoic, Proterozoic and Archaean. Emphasis will be placed upon understanding examples from the tectonic evolution of the Australian Plate. \nDetails of field trip will be communicated at start of the course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4467": {"id": "iLz6X6_b_yhncPmnYLCqL", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "DkZisP_UOs_LGLRcHXo_9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14166, "section": "LE01", "size": 55, "enrolled": 49, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "MJRQoSB0Ntg0a-xCPvC1F", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12751, "section": "PR01", "size": 55, "enrolled": 49, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5:30pm", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5:30pm", "location": "Mawson, G12, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5:30pm", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5:30pm", "location": "Mawson, G12, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Fieldwork", "id": "IBZddqO4Iw4x9LIdwSx9v", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12847, "section": "FL01", "size": 55, "enrolled": 49, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Fieldwork", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "The field trip dates may change to 15th-18th April. Students will be advised as soon as dates are finalised."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Apr - 18 Apr", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}]}]}]}]}, "4468": {"id": "V_CsZ4H51DKy6pKEkc7wE", "course_id": "102633", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102633", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Igneous and Metamorphic Geology III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "3016", "CLASS_NBR": 12747, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010703", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "GEOLOGY 2502", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Practical reports, exams", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course examines the origin and evolution of igneous and metamorphic rocks. It focuses on both descriptive work and theoretical background related to rock formation and development.\n\nIgneous Geology: This section examines the controls on the generation and differentiation of silicate melts within the earth and the contribution these processes have made to the composition of the crust and mantle through time. It also uses the basis of elemental and isotope geochemistry to understand these processes. We examine case studies of magma generation in key tectonic settings on the earth through time.\n\nMetamorphic Geology: This examines the nature and change of sub-solidus mineral assemblages and textures in rocks. This information provides a sound basis with which to examine orogenic processes.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4469": {"id": "V_CsZ4H51DKy6pKEkc7wE", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "tCIRt_76HgvncsQVsvKZS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12746, "section": "LE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 51, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "e6utEvNHyK2-23Ho35qhD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11049, "section": "PR01", "size": 29, "enrolled": 26, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Mawson, G12, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Mawson, G12, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Mawson, G12, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "7 Jun - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12747, "section": "PR02", "size": 29, "enrolled": 25, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Mawson, G12, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Mawson, G12, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Mawson, G12, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "7 Jun - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4470": {"id": "o-jprCF_x7rLu0kuA4k5s", "course_id": "102636", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102636", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Field Geoscience Program III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "3019", "CLASS_NBR": 24884, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010703", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "12 hours of workshops plus a 10 day field trip in the mid-Semester break", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "GEOLOGY 2501, GEOLOGY 3013 & GEOLOGY 3016", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "GEOLOGY 2500 & GEOLOGY 2502", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Field work assignments, workshop reports", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides a comprehensive introduction to independent geological mapping and the construction of geological maps. You will develop the skills required to interpret and solve geological relationships at a variety of scales, and synthesise them into four-dimensional models that describe the geological evolution of terrains. These skills include hand specimen and outcrop geology, mapping and stratigraphic analysis at a range of scales, aerial photo interpretation, remote sensing and the integration of geophysical datasets into geological mapping and interpretation. Thus, the course will draw upon the principals of structural geology and combine them with an understanding of sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rock systems. Fieldwork will focus on the Precambrian terrains of southern and/or central Australia, however the acquired skills will be transferable into any aged geological system.\nThis course will include a field trip with 10 days of field mapping. Details will be provided at the start of the course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4471": {"id": "o-jprCF_x7rLu0kuA4k5s", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "Id6Jgo97OUiGrcWfYxzMb", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24884, "section": "WR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 43, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Fieldwork", "id": "YzLLVbxazKtkjE89-H8fR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24289, "section": "FL01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 43, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Fieldwork", "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Sep - 22 Sep", "days": "Thursday, Friday, Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}, {"dates": "23 Sep - 28 Sep", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}]}]}]}]}, "4472": {"id": "Wino-3uxgyy_zSt4ZvOO1", "course_id": "109889", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109889", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Geophysics IIIA: Potential Fields and Geothermics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "3022", "CLASS_NBR": 10870, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010705", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MATHS 1013 or SACE Stage 2 Specialist Maths or equivalent, GEOLOGY 2515 or (PHYSICS 1100 & PHYSICS 1200) or (PHYSICS 1101 & PHYSICS 1201)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "GEOLOGY 1100 or GEOLOGY 1300", "INCOMPATIBLE": "GEOLOGY 3008", "ASSESSMENT": "Problem sets, practical reports and unit tests", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Geophysicists are employed in a wide range of industries, including petroleum and mineral exploration, groundwater, contaminants and salinity evaluation, state and government geological surveys, defence science and academic research. This course investigates potential field-based geophysical techniques and diffusive heat flow, covering topics in gravity, magnetics, and steady-state and transient geothermics. We start with the underlying mathematical basis and examine applications at global, exploration and environmental scales. The course also involves methods of geophysical data analysis, modelling, visualisation and interpretation through a series of computer laboratories. The course is aimed at students from a range of numerate scientific backgrounds including geoscience, physics, engineering, mathematics and computer sciences.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4473": {"id": "Wino-3uxgyy_zSt4ZvOO1", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "C3qFyJpg8Hi9fjbX8yFy7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10869, "section": "LE01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 16, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Mar - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "WN8i4yD8Pnm0oR_1XCkIE", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10870, "section": "PR01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 16, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Mawson, G12, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Mawson, G12, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "4474": {"id": "GARB-A4sMjWxtcknjKbDG", "course_id": "109890", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109890", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Geophysics IIIB: Electromagnetics and Seismology", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "3023", "CLASS_NBR": 20786, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010705", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "GEOLOGY 3022 or MATHS 1013 or SACE Stage 2 Specialist Maths or equivalent, GEOLOGY 2515 or (PHYSICS 1100 & PHYSICS 1200) or (PHYSICS 1101 & PHYSICS 1201)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "GEOLOGY 1100 or GEOLOGY 1300", "INCOMPATIBLE": "GEOLOGY 3008", "ASSESSMENT": "Problem sets, practical reports and unit tests", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Geophysicists are employed in a wide range of industries, including petroleum and mineral exploration, groundwater, contaminants and salinity evaluation, state and government geological surveys, defence science and academic research. This course investigates diffusive and wave-based geophysical techniques, covering topics in earthquake seismology, active seismic techniques, and time-domain and frequency-domain electromagnetics. We start with the underlying mathematical basis and examine applications at global, exploration and environmental scales. The course also involves methods of geophysical data analysis, modelling, visualisation and interpretation through a series of computer laboratories. The course is aimed at students from a range of numerate scientific backgrounds including geoscience, physics, engineering, mathematics and computer sciences.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4475": {"id": "GARB-A4sMjWxtcknjKbDG", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "RF-VdGi810HefyiVngvgV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20785, "section": "LE01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 20, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 1 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "K1YXeVEX4Zu3vtqE2xTIp", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20786, "section": "PR01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 20, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Mawson, G12, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Mawson, G12, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Nov - 1 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4476": {"id": "OV6erPNpnfpdKPldosi1u", "course_id": "106480", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106480", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Exploration Methods III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "3500", "CLASS_NBR": 11749, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010703", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "GEOLOGY 3017, GEOLOGY 2515 and GEOLOGY 3018", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, practical exercises, tests", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will introduce a series of geological and geophysical techniques that can be applied to determine the physical characteristics of the Earth's lithosphere, with direct application to the detection and mapping of mineral and energy resources in three dimensions. We will take a generic view, that economic concentrations of mineral and energy resources are geological anomalies that are defined by extreme localised enrichments (of specific elements, minerals, liquids, gases or heat) and are recognisable by steep gradients in a range of measurable geophysical properties. The course will be divided into modules covering geophysical exploration techniques commonly used in minerals and energy exploration, (gravity, magnetic, electrical, electro-magnetic and seismic surveys). We will examine the theoretical basis of each technique, the methods of data collection, presentation and analysis, and appropriate, geologically constrained, interpretation of the data. Students will explore an industry style data base and softwares with the aim of developing an exploration and targeting model for hydrocarbon resources.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4477": {"id": "OV6erPNpnfpdKPldosi1u", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "dX3x4zqVaUF5XEIpxrrQb", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11748, "section": "LE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 16, "available": 34, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 29 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 30 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "7 May - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "JedLyoc8TXJn6eWiwdlia", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11749, "section": "PR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 16, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, G12, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "14 Mar - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, G12, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "2 May - 2 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 2 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, G12, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "9 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, G12, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "4478": {"id": "MPGH_Ni3Iq8reVm7Sm00P", "course_id": "107439", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107439", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Earth Systems History III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "3505", "CLASS_NBR": 25193, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010703", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "GEOLOGY 2500 or GEOLOGY 2505", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "GEOLOGY 3014", "ASSESSMENT": "In-class tests; Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course studies the fundamental geological and biological processes comprising the Earth System. It focuses on the interactions between the biosphere and the geosphere as the Earth System evolved, and on how those processes can be deciphered through the analysis and interpretation of sedimentary archives. The course will highlight the approaches used to interpret those archives, particularly the geochemical and physical techniques used to quantitatively constrain past climate and biogeochemical cycles, and those used to determine the age and rate of sedimentary deposits. The application of these techniques will be illustrated alongside a narrative of some of the key transitions in Earth's history, including the origins of the atmosphere, ocean and life, carbon cycle fluctuations through time, the expansion and demise of global ice ages and the role of humans in the modern Earth system. With a strong focus upon critical analysis and debate, the course will provide a scientific grounding relevant to a variety of contemporary issues, including resources, climate change and sustainability.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4479": {"id": "MPGH_Ni3Iq8reVm7Sm00P", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "8PqmlYljgnGWH8p-pB68J", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25193, "section": "WR01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 61, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 111, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, G12, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 111, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, G12, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 111, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, G12, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4480": {"id": "oYsV8g7wpyZvhX77seQuh", "course_id": "110980", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110980", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Energy Resources III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "3515", "CLASS_NBR": 14046, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010703", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "GEOLOGY 1103 and GEOLOGY 2500 and GEOLOGY 2501", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course covers the processes and systems that control the formation and storage of energy resources (e.g. water, hydrogen, heat (geothermal) and hydrocarbons) in sedimentary basins. This course will examine the formation of different types of sedimentary basins, the geological settings and climates that control the sediments and structures we observe within them and the burial and uplift histories of basins, all of which set up the present-day setting where energy resources can be stored naturally or anthropogenically (e.g. CO2 injection for storage). Thus, this course draws upon sedimentary, structural and igneous geology, stratigraphy, geochemistry and geodynamics. The course introduces stratigraphic, geophysical and geochemical techniques that can be applied to the detection and mapping of energy resources and location for storage of CO2. Practical work emphasises the integration of different types of data at a regional scale to understand the geology of a basin and its potential for energy resources and storage at all scales from small to large.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4481": {"id": "oYsV8g7wpyZvhX77seQuh", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "GAfK9OtVpzq2-a7KVxxD5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14045, "section": "LE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 21, "available": 29, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "91Nm4cSipiZ2-lKcdms2s", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14046, "section": "PR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 21, "available": 29, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4482": {"id": "lLceDKUUG4cNKq6cCiVOv", "course_id": "110981", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110981", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Mineral Resources III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "3525", "CLASS_NBR": 23037, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010703", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "GEOLOGY 2504", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "GEOLOGY 1100 and GEOLOGY 2502", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Practicals, exams", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course covers the processes that control the formation of ore deposits and mineral resources. Mineral resource forming processes are examined in the framework of the tectonic, petrogenetic and geochemical evolution of the Earth's crust on local, regional and global geological scales. Thus, the course draws upon igneous and metamorphic processes, geochemistry and structural geology. The course also introduces geochemical techniques that can be applied to the detection and mapping of mineral resources and quantifying the environmental impact of mining. Practical work emphasises the mesoscopic recognition of ore minerals and textures in both hand sample and drill core, and the methods of data collection presentation and analysis of geochemical data in mapping ore deposits.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4483": {"id": "lLceDKUUG4cNKq6cCiVOv", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "3yX-dU4AKIfFkwPJsFAnl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23036, "section": "LE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 40, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "VN9pqoza7_rM2ZhXJoYDp", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23037, "section": "PR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 40, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S127, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4484": {"id": "u4bNQrVgfO9pqRicZl4kV", "course_id": "111047", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111047", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Environmental Geoscience (Hons) Pt 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "4100A", "CLASS_NBR": 12497, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010703", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Mixed mode - flexible and/or intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "GEOLOGY 4110", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Seminars, fieldtrip, short courses and thesis support tasks", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course forms part of the honours program in Environmental Geoscience. It consists of research, writing and presentation tasks towards your major research project, short courses and a major field camp. This course equips honours students with a wide range of skills for graduate employment programs or further postgraduate research.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "4485": {"id": "u4bNQrVgfO9pqRicZl4kV", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "Eknz6uhHjoXfkYLbhv2nb", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12497, "section": "SE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 2, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 21 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Fieldwork", "id": "EDo389hjlxGqxWToTkIC0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12496, "section": "FL01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 2, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Fieldwork", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 3 Mar", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}, {"dates": "4 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Project", "id": "VzqKCKlLFEarEe2GW6X5X", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18637, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 2, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "4486": {"id": "ESNJ44UopReE9WmwITryk", "course_id": "111048", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111048", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Environmental Geoscience (Hons) Pt 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "4100B", "CLASS_NBR": 19828, "SESSION_CD": "FM2", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010703", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Mixed mode - flexible and/or intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "GEOLOGY 4110", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Seminars, fieldtrip, short courses and thesis support tasks", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course forms part of the honours program in Environmental Geoscience. It consists of research, writing and presentation tasks towards your major research project, short courses and a major field camp. This course equips honours students with a wide range of skills for graduate employment programs or further postgraduate research.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4487": {"id": "ESNJ44UopReE9WmwITryk", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "4_VzljVaFYaBy7Ay-Qvgl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19828, "section": "SE01", "size": 1, "enrolled": 1, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 14 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Fieldwork", "id": "naZcRbbckCHXkDp2Rpy1q", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19827, "section": "FL01", "size": 1, "enrolled": 1, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Fieldwork", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 3 Mar", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}, {"dates": "4 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Project", "id": "kp2lWl3vwF4dHhq6JO5sl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19829, "section": "01NT", "size": 1, "enrolled": 1, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "4488": {"id": "qiA6tfIfUpoyW8RAnMXlE", "course_id": "111048", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111048", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Environmental Geoscience (Hons) Pt 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "4100B", "CLASS_NBR": 22367, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010703", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Mixed mode - flexible and/or intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "GEOLOGY 4110", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Seminars, fieldtrip, short courses and thesis support tasks", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course forms part of the honours program in Environmental Geoscience. It consists of research, writing and presentation tasks towards your major research project, short courses and a major field camp. This course equips honours students with a wide range of skills for graduate employment programs or further postgraduate research.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4489": {"id": "qiA6tfIfUpoyW8RAnMXlE", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "o6RQMrny-GHB5oxsHpUiV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22367, "section": "SE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 2, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Project", "id": "rcZHVLIMRltc3DSYx2P7o", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28568, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 2, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "4490": {"id": "_1g-7EsQOd30BkaTsmSor", "course_id": "111049", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111049", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Environmental Geoscience Project Pt 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "4110A", "CLASS_NBR": 16262, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010703", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Mixed mode - flexible and/or intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "GEOLOGY 4100", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Seminars, thesis", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course forms part of the honours program in Environmental Geoscience. 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This course equips honours students with a knowledge of research process as well as a wide range of field and/or laboratory skills and project management.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "4491": {"id": "_1g-7EsQOd30BkaTsmSor", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "OHhkH7r1vsmMP6Z01F2bR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16262, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 2, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "4492": {"id": "O-f2YubnGOyO4l670a2St", "course_id": "111049", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111049", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Environmental Geoscience Project Pt 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "4110A", "CLASS_NBR": 26277, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010703", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Mixed mode - flexible and/or intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "GEOLOGY 4100", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Seminars, thesis", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course forms part of the honours program in Environmental Geoscience. It consists of independent research, guided by a supervisor. This course equips honours students with a knowledge of research process as well as a wide range of field and/or laboratory skills and project management.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "4493": {"id": "O-f2YubnGOyO4l670a2St", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "Q93ymnCOJVxm3gYRWNtJy", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26277, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "4494": {"id": "iZyyb5TPiilSIddlmD9hb", "course_id": "111050", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111050", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Environmental Geoscience Project Pt 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "4110B", "CLASS_NBR": 26278, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010703", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Mixed mode - flexible and/or intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "GEOLOGY 4100", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Seminars, thesis", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course forms part of the honours program in Environmental Geoscience. It consists of independent research, guided by a supervisor. This course equips honours students with a knowledge of research process as well as a wide range of field and/or laboratory skills and project management.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4495": {"id": "iZyyb5TPiilSIddlmD9hb", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "zQk0xW5Yy1lxlTdiuOaC6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26278, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 2, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "4496": {"id": "E0_0jjrQcRBIBBBENpyBE", "course_id": "111051", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111051", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Environmental Geoscience Project (T/Y) Cont", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "4120A", "CLASS_NBR": 16263, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010703", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Mixed mode - flexible and/or intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "GEOLOGY 4100", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Seminars, thesis", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course forms part of the honours program in Environmental Geoscience. It consists of independent research, guided by a supervisor. This course equips honours students with a knowledge of research process as well as a wide range of field and/or laboratory skills and project management.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 07/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "4497": {"id": "E0_0jjrQcRBIBBBENpyBE", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "7venPUXHUY2rv5WsoPnGH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16263, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "4498": {"id": "LR-4nLAu70Jqzn_PoVxf3", "course_id": "111051", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111051", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Environmental Geoscience Project (T/Y) Cont", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "4120A", "CLASS_NBR": 26279, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010703", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Mixed mode - flexible and/or intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "GEOLOGY 4100", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Seminars, thesis", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course forms part of the honours program in Environmental Geoscience. It consists of independent research, guided by a supervisor. This course equips honours students with a knowledge of research process as well as a wide range of field and/or laboratory skills and project management.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "4499": {"id": "LR-4nLAu70Jqzn_PoVxf3", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "K4MTJbUqZoMSlCPZDX3pl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26279, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "4500": {"id": "EuwHd5z8s7zrunb7eoT7m", "course_id": "111052", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111052", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Environmental Geoscience Project (T/Y) Final", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "4120B", "CLASS_NBR": 26280, "SESSION_CD": "TYD", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010703", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Mixed mode - flexible and/or intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "GEOLOGY 4100", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Seminars, thesis", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course forms part of the honours program in Environmental Geoscience. It consists of independent research, guided by a supervisor. This course equips honours students with a knowledge of research process as well as a wide range of field and/or laboratory skills and project management.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4501": {"id": "EuwHd5z8s7zrunb7eoT7m", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "lp98TeyoGj4MStsbWaKRU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26280, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "4502": {"id": "7gUb6hxn6cdRSFNz2uHCh", "course_id": "111054", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111054", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Geology (Hons) Pt 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "4130A", "CLASS_NBR": 12501, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010703", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Mixed mode - flexible and/or intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "GEOLOGY 4140", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Seminars, New Zealand fieldtrip, short courses and thesis support tasks", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course forms part of the honours program in Geology. It consists of research, writing and presentation tasks towards your major research project, short courses and a major field camp to New Zealand. This course equips honours students with a wide range of skills for graduate employment programs or further postgraduate research.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "4503": {"id": "7gUb6hxn6cdRSFNz2uHCh", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "JEiaTGH_cmlW_TClAGLAt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12501, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 13, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 21 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Fieldwork", "id": "mtBHrJkpw0iZ2aNpazjnw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12500, "section": "FL01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 13, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Fieldwork", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 3 Mar", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "4 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Project", "id": "5nh31NHgoc_ZnPZKkyFDP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18638, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 13, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "4504": {"id": "51hQnMXuygjiYLHLZrbm4", "course_id": "111054", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111054", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Geology (Hons) Pt 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "4130A", "CLASS_NBR": 20398, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010703", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Mixed mode - flexible and/or intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "GEOLOGY 4140", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Seminars, New Zealand fieldtrip, short courses and thesis support tasks", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course forms part of the honours program in Geology. It consists of research, writing and presentation tasks towards your major research project, short courses and a major field camp to New Zealand. This course equips honours students with a wide range of skills for graduate employment programs or further postgraduate research.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "4505": {"id": "51hQnMXuygjiYLHLZrbm4", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "z6A40HH29P7tljjeGuW80", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20398, "section": "SE01", "size": 1, "enrolled": 0, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Jul - 1 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Project", "id": "9tUSd4ICMc9aKvuVnmxEF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28569, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "4506": {"id": "EcFbNpJYota-2PfucYKFu", "course_id": "111055", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111055", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Geology (Hons) Pt 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "4130B", "CLASS_NBR": 19652, "SESSION_CD": "FM2", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010703", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Mixed mode - flexible and/or intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "GEOLOGY 4140", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Seminars, New Zealand field trip, short courses and thesis support tasks", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course forms part of the honours program in Geology. 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This course equips honours students with a wide range of skills for graduate employment programs or further postgraduate research.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4507": {"id": "EcFbNpJYota-2PfucYKFu", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "_sdWPIypz_hmqZxsQzu-X", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19657, "section": "01NT", "size": 5, "enrolled": 5, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Fieldwork", "id": "a_snRJ04RtmyP2HSF4Dnb", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19651, "section": "FL01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 5, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Fieldwork", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 3 Mar", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "4 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "v5-HdD92eeJh91uCA1S-b", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19652, "section": "SE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 5, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 14 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "4508": {"id": "GpAHh_DjrXNeeSYZaDJFS", "course_id": "111055", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111055", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Geology (Hons) Pt 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "4130B", "CLASS_NBR": 22369, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010703", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Mixed mode - flexible and/or intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "GEOLOGY 4140", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Seminars, New Zealand field trip, short courses and thesis support tasks", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course forms part of the honours program in Geology. 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This course equips honours students with a wide range of skills for graduate employment programs or further postgraduate research.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4509": {"id": "GpAHh_DjrXNeeSYZaDJFS", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "dGfYb3qrJgzupn4bIahbR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22369, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 13, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Project", "id": "OaGSU6XLdDlojsVYyhXyi", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28570, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 13, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "4510": {"id": "VD5yLwFzTZ4Q0lyWoNSTs", "course_id": "111056", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111056", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Geology Project Pt 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "4140A", "CLASS_NBR": 16264, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010703", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "GEOLOGY 4130", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "GEOLOGY 4160, GEOLOGY 4170", "ASSESSMENT": "Seminars, thesis", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course forms part of the honours program in Geology. It consists of independent research, guided by a supervisor. This course equips honours students with a knowledge of research process as well as a wide range of field and/or laboratory skills and project management.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "4511": {"id": "VD5yLwFzTZ4Q0lyWoNSTs", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "ZCutb6BmY1DgNxfRyp8zv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16264, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 13, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "4512": {"id": "ukdyDlXD3BXYFgJYu54bA", "course_id": "111056", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111056", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Geology Project Pt 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "4140A", "CLASS_NBR": 26281, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010703", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "GEOLOGY 4130", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "GEOLOGY 4160, GEOLOGY 4170", "ASSESSMENT": "Seminars, thesis", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course forms part of the honours program in Geology. It consists of independent research, guided by a supervisor. This course equips honours students with a knowledge of research process as well as a wide range of field and/or laboratory skills and project management.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "4513": {"id": "ukdyDlXD3BXYFgJYu54bA", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "e_ny1dUn9nx-bGOR2XUQt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26281, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "4514": {"id": "LIkFWE56MgbC_RuJJT0wP", "course_id": "111057", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111057", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Geology Project Pt 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "4140B", "CLASS_NBR": 19647, "SESSION_CD": "FM2", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010703", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "GEOLOGY 4160, GEOLOGY 4170", "ASSESSMENT": "Seminars, thesis", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course forms part of the honours program in Geology. It consists of independent research, guided by a supervisor. This course equips honours students with a knowledge of research process as well as a wide range of field and/or laboratory skills and project management.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4515": {"id": "LIkFWE56MgbC_RuJJT0wP", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "OA0IBeRgWuAZuaC4bcwMl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19647, "section": "01NT", "size": 5, "enrolled": 5, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "4516": {"id": "G9MnIMHuhmTWd4e4oGly5", "course_id": "111057", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111057", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Geology Project Pt 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "4140B", "CLASS_NBR": 26282, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010703", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "GEOLOGY 4160, GEOLOGY 4170", "ASSESSMENT": "Seminars, thesis", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course forms part of the honours program in Geology. It consists of independent research, guided by a supervisor. This course equips honours students with a knowledge of research process as well as a wide range of field and/or laboratory skills and project management.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4517": {"id": "G9MnIMHuhmTWd4e4oGly5", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "Ll6VuKFA3dDixWHPJG-48", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26282, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 13, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "4518": {"id": "inoikzJ9e09eWrTW_-Gmq", "course_id": "111058", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111058", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Geology Project (T/Y) Continuing", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "4150A", "CLASS_NBR": 16265, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010703", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Seminars, thesis", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course forms part of the honours program in Geology. It consists of independent research, guided by a supervisor. This course equips honours students with a knowledge of research process as well as a wide range of field and/or laboratory skills and project management.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 07/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "4519": {"id": "inoikzJ9e09eWrTW_-Gmq", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "yZiaConvhzbUIAe11Uyic", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16265, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "4520": {"id": "PtMN_i904LRO2_iCOxupb", "course_id": "111058", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111058", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Geology Project (T/Y) Continuing", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "4150A", "CLASS_NBR": 26283, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010703", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Seminars, thesis", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course forms part of the honours program in Geology. 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This course equips honours students with a knowledge of research process as well as a wide range of field and/or laboratory skills and project management.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "4521": {"id": "PtMN_i904LRO2_iCOxupb", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "dZOTaI8tpLOm9_x9uQOXl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26283, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "4522": {"id": "yTXGUnAQhNEzcIfxFaCsM", "course_id": "111059", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111059", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Geology Project (T/Y) Final", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "4150B", "CLASS_NBR": 26284, "SESSION_CD": "TYD", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010703", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Seminars, thesis", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course forms part of the honours program in Geology. It consists of independent research, guided by a supervisor. This course equips honours students with a knowledge of research process as well as a wide range of field and/or laboratory skills and project management.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4523": {"id": "yTXGUnAQhNEzcIfxFaCsM", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "QT9TAIVpjhSSCGqSOt8YH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26284, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "4524": {"id": "_HbeH-Yb6cn3eR399JNeS", "course_id": "111060", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111060", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Geophysics (Hons) Pt 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "4160A", "CLASS_NBR": 12499, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010705", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Mixed mode - flexible and/or intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "GEOLOGY 4170", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "GEOLOGY 4130, GEOLOGY 4140", "ASSESSMENT": "Seminars, New Zealand fieldtrip, short courses and thesis support tasks", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course forms part of the honours program in Geophysics. 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This course equips honours students with a wide range of skills for graduate employment programs or further postgraduate research.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "4525": {"id": "_HbeH-Yb6cn3eR399JNeS", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "dw6zt9y7C4fTcR6hjL3DF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12499, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 21 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Fieldwork", "id": "Ad9XYPAetycQWE2Rnpj9N", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12498, "section": "FL01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Fieldwork", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 3 Mar", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "4 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Project", "id": "8ZRKGkjFLcSpGRXx2dDRj", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18639, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "4526": {"id": "UE3EgIgPBYaZDSDs9IdAG", "course_id": "111061", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111061", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Geophysics (Hons) Pt 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "4160B", "CLASS_NBR": 19654, "SESSION_CD": "FM2", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010705", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Mixed mode - flexible and/or intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "GEOLOGY 4170", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "GEOLOGY 4130, GEOLOGY 4140", "ASSESSMENT": "Seminars, New Zealand fieldtrip, short courses and thesis support tasks", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course forms part of the honours program in Geophysics. It consists of research, writing and presentation tasks towards your major research project, short courses, geophysics short course and a major field camp to New Zealand. This course equips honours students with a wide range of skills for graduate employment programs or further postgraduate research.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4527": {"id": "UE3EgIgPBYaZDSDs9IdAG", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "853594z6D54I2pUapj1Gf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19658, "section": "01NT", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Fieldwork", "id": "JOW6KFhNvMnkAcIfP7fO8", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19653, "section": "FL01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Fieldwork", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 3 Mar", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "4 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "4S4MBop5_4L8ff4O2iRi8", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19654, "section": "SE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 14 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "4528": {"id": "PhOLzAgIhe3i7VjK4kWua", "course_id": "111061", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111061", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Geophysics (Hons) Pt 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "4160B", "CLASS_NBR": 22368, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010705", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Mixed mode - flexible and/or intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "GEOLOGY 4170", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "GEOLOGY 4130, GEOLOGY 4140", "ASSESSMENT": "Seminars, New Zealand fieldtrip, short courses and thesis support tasks", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course forms part of the honours program in Geophysics. It consists of research, writing and presentation tasks towards your major research project, short courses, geophysics short course and a major field camp to New Zealand. This course equips honours students with a wide range of skills for graduate employment programs or further postgraduate research.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4529": {"id": "PhOLzAgIhe3i7VjK4kWua", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "3uc9xvQdYDSbeuQ0RbF8H", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22368, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Project", "id": "7szF4zQG_2hfIE58sgSn0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28571, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "4530": {"id": "ccRlKA_Jvkl7OLzWwI-t1", "course_id": "111062", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111062", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Geophysics Project Pt 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "4170A", "CLASS_NBR": 16266, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 7.5, "EFTLS": 0.3125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010705", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "GEOLOGY 4160", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "GEOLOGY 4130, GEOLOGY 4140", "ASSESSMENT": "Thesis project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course forms part of the honours program in Geology. It consists of independent research, guided by a supervisor. This course equips honours students with a knowledge of research process as well as a wide range of field and/or laboratory skills and project management.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "4531": {"id": "ccRlKA_Jvkl7OLzWwI-t1", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "jSZSLz015_ez7TfujEjhf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16266, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "4532": {"id": "2EjhGm5pcJ697tKXo0-EH", "course_id": "111062", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111062", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Geophysics Project Pt 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "4170A", "CLASS_NBR": 26285, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 7.5, "EFTLS": 0.3125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010705", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "GEOLOGY 4160", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "GEOLOGY 4130, GEOLOGY 4140", "ASSESSMENT": "Thesis project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course forms part of the honours program in Geology. It consists of independent research, guided by a supervisor. This course equips honours students with a knowledge of research process as well as a wide range of field and/or laboratory skills and project management.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "4533": {"id": "2EjhGm5pcJ697tKXo0-EH", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "MbZ8xNCfv7d8yMEu2xzTz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26285, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "4534": {"id": "5Vx9yvIDr8KohhwTU_cWQ", "course_id": "111063", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111063", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Geophysics Project Pt 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "4170B", "CLASS_NBR": 19648, "SESSION_CD": "FM2", "UNITS": 7.5, "EFTLS": 0.3125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010705", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "GEOLOGY 4160", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "GEOLOGY 4130, GEOLOGY 4140", "ASSESSMENT": "Thesis project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This research project is selected at the start of the Honours year following consultation with the Honours Coordinator and depends on availability of research supervisors in any particular year.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4535": {"id": "5Vx9yvIDr8KohhwTU_cWQ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "JgToGDyfW-7PIc2sL0yyn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19648, "section": "01NT", "size": 1, "enrolled": 0, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "4536": {"id": "F4n1dP4w8OUxEUVqk7Fuo", "course_id": "111063", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111063", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Geophysics Project Pt 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "4170B", "CLASS_NBR": 26286, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 7.5, "EFTLS": 0.3125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010705", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "GEOLOGY 4160", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "GEOLOGY 4130, GEOLOGY 4140", "ASSESSMENT": "Thesis project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This research project is selected at the start of the Honours year following consultation with the Honours Coordinator and depends on availability of research supervisors in any particular year.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4537": {"id": "F4n1dP4w8OUxEUVqk7Fuo", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "UFpvykQi4jQdDr9S1QH5d", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26286, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "4538": {"id": "qfIY7BaK7i3ChD-uSUNDE", "course_id": "111064", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111064", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Geophysics Project (T/Y) Continuing", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "4180A", "CLASS_NBR": 16267, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 3.75, "EFTLS": 0.15625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010705", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "GEOLOGY 4160", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "GEOLOGY 4130, GEOLOGY 4140", "ASSESSMENT": "Thesis project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course forms part of the honours program in Geology. It consists of independent research, guided by a supervisor. This course equips honours students with a knowledge of research process as well as a wide range of field and/or laboratory skills and project management.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 07/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "4539": {"id": "qfIY7BaK7i3ChD-uSUNDE", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "u_vBGMPp4es9oxhb8Ai_i", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16267, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "4540": {"id": "EwEdoDH0kzetNVzqPH76N", "course_id": "111064", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111064", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Geophysics Project (T/Y) Continuing", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "4180A", "CLASS_NBR": 26287, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 3.75, "EFTLS": 0.15625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010705", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "GEOLOGY 4160", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "GEOLOGY 4130, GEOLOGY 4140", "ASSESSMENT": "Thesis project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course forms part of the honours program in Geology. It consists of independent research, guided by a supervisor. This course equips honours students with a knowledge of research process as well as a wide range of field and/or laboratory skills and project management.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "4541": {"id": "EwEdoDH0kzetNVzqPH76N", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "pdbV8QGiDNH1OLhzTre4o", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26287, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "4542": {"id": "VQ5yA4Y9pf80nO3AEab8E", "course_id": "111065", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111065", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Geophysics Project (T/Y) Final", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "4180B", "CLASS_NBR": 26288, "SESSION_CD": "TYD", "UNITS": 3.75, "EFTLS": 0.15625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010705", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "GEOLOGY 4160", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "GEOLOGY 4130, GEOLOGY 4140", "ASSESSMENT": "Thesis project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course forms part of the honours program in Geology. It consists of independent research, guided by a supervisor. This course equips honours students with a knowledge of research process as well as a wide range of field and/or laboratory skills and project management.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4543": {"id": "VQ5yA4Y9pf80nO3AEab8E", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "wiAuR6KGa61E6bGLhXjXB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26288, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "4544": {"id": "1a8pKS1kvbvo6dovVq8yc", "course_id": "109312", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109312", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Igneous and Metamorphic Geology", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "7030", "CLASS_NBR": 12919, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010703", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Practical work, examination, written assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Mineralogy (mineral chemistry, classification and structure) , minimum optical mineralogy and crystallography required to use the petrographic microscope. Petrography, mineralogy, classification of igneous and metamorphic rocks. Introduction to methods of rock and mineral analysis (XRD, XRF, electron microprobe).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4545": {"id": "1a8pKS1kvbvo6dovVq8yc", "class_list": [{"association_group": "", "groups": []}]}, "4546": {"id": "put8GtF_7kVRWSVUwU6bU", "course_id": "110216", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110216", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Exploration Methods", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "7060", "CLASS_NBR": 14662, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010703", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Unpublished Course - Contact Not Available", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "", "QUOTA_TXT": "quota NA", "RESTRICTION": "", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Unpublished Course - No eligibility Req", "PRE_REQUISITE": "prereq NA", "CO_REQUISITE": "coreq NA", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "assume NA", "INCOMPATIBLE": "restriction NA", "ASSESSMENT": "Unpublished Course - NA", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "biennial NA", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "", "SYLLABUS": "", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4547": {"id": "put8GtF_7kVRWSVUwU6bU", "class_list": [{"association_group": "", "groups": []}]}, "4548": {"id": "zRPTYzjPsWrub-ktC-pAt", "course_id": "110218", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110218", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Concepts in Earth Science", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GEOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "7070", "CLASS_NBR": 16209, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010799", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Mixed mode - flexible and/or intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students in the Master of Science program specialisation Earth Science", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Literature review, research seminar, written summaries of scientific seminars, short course(s)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course forms part of the Master of Science. (Earth Science) program. It consists of a (1) short course in data analysis and statistics (2) thesis support sessions and (3) writing and presentation tasks towards the research project of the program. This course equips post-graduate students with a wide range of transferable skills that are relevant to research in Earth Science as well as for graduate employment programs.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4549": {"id": "zRPTYzjPsWrub-ktC-pAt", "class_list": [{"association_group": "", "groups": []}]}, "4550": {"subject": "GERM", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "001718", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "001718", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "002110", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "002110", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104953", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104953", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104953", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104533", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104534", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111263", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104954", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104954", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104954", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104537", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104538", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104539", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104540", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111264", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107074", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107074", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107216", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107216", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107708", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107710", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107925", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "4551": {"id": "yz1rgdnZkqRBWiZkcaMGo", "course_id": "001718", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "001718", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Beginners German A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GERM", "CATALOG_NBR": "1002", "CLASS_NBR": 13059, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091503", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "Not available to students who obtained B or higher in SACE Stage 2 German", "ASSESSMENT": "Regular assessments, tests, end-of-Semester test, oral exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces students to the language and culture of contemporary Germany. It provides intensive language training in the four basic skills - listening, speaking, reading and writing - and introduces students to relevant aspects of German culture and society.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4552": {"id": "yz1rgdnZkqRBWiZkcaMGo", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "xHOud48V-o5BrMizTJsC6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13060, "section": "WR02", "size": 27, "enrolled": 25, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13061, "section": "WR01", "size": 27, "enrolled": 17, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4553": {"id": "FsD4uxIzG9C5LVPDpIzHT", "course_id": "001718", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "001718", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Beginners German A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GERM", "CATALOG_NBR": "1002", "CLASS_NBR": 22986, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091503", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "Not available to students who obtained B or higher in SACE Stage 2 German", "ASSESSMENT": "Regular assessments, tests, end-of-Semester test, oral exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces students to the language and culture of contemporary Germany. It provides intensive language training in the four basic skills - listening, speaking, reading and writing - and introduces students to relevant aspects of German culture and society.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4554": {"id": "FsD4uxIzG9C5LVPDpIzHT", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "qdSo21CR47IDIjnVJSWOm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22986, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 17, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4555": {"id": "em1WK54Zzfs4g0o4_xC-i", "course_id": "002110", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "002110", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Beginners German B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GERM", "CATALOG_NBR": "1003", "CLASS_NBR": 92436, "SESSION_CD": "S01", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091503", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "GERM 1002", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "Not available to students who obtained B or higher in SACE Stage 2 German", "ASSESSMENT": "Regular assessments, tests, end-of-Semester test, oral exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is a sequel to Beginners German A. It continues the intensive language training undertaken in German IA. Aspects of German culture will again form an integral part of language instruction throughout the semester.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 23/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 25/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 07/02/2024"}}]}, "4556": {"id": "em1WK54Zzfs4g0o4_xC-i", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "J5_4niSc5JSK-mKtcEqtv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92436, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 8, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jan - 14 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Jan - 15 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Jan - 12 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Jan - 13 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4557": {"id": "_XgPFNd1LTz0pN2r-KyYR", "course_id": "002110", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "002110", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Beginners German B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GERM", "CATALOG_NBR": "1003", "CLASS_NBR": 21733, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091503", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "GERM 1002", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "Not available to students who obtained B or higher in SACE Stage 2 German", "ASSESSMENT": "Regular assessments, tests, end-of-Semester test, oral exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is a sequel to Beginners German A. It continues the intensive language training undertaken in German IA. Aspects of German culture will again form an integral part of language instruction throughout the semester.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4558": {"id": "_XgPFNd1LTz0pN2r-KyYR", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "yc6ee0C_xKRqS_VgQh7gC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21733, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 18, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4559": {"id": "ENQFK9ApbVpDRkunAfzAD", "course_id": "104953", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104953", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "German in Germany", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GERM", "CATALOG_NBR": "2021EX", "CLASS_NBR": 92168, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091503", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "January - February at Stuttgart Winter University", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 12 units of Level I undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "As specified for specific language and culture courses taken as part of the Stuttgart Winter University program", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course consists of five to six weeks of full time study at Stuttgart Winter University. The course is divided into two components running concurrently: (a) an intensive language course and (b) a cultural/historical program. The culture courses have integrated excursions which are a mandatory part of the course program. For details, contact the German Studies Department or Global Learning.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 09/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "4560": {"id": "ENQFK9ApbVpDRkunAfzAD", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "bXFmI1eRGkzPa7nO1rBeG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92168, "section": "01EX", "size": 0, "enrolled": 2, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Note: Enrolment into this course is by selection only. Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}]}]}]}]}, "4561": {"id": "ILYlrcLcyYxeGWkmiAWz6", "course_id": "104953", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104953", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "German in Germany", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GERM", "CATALOG_NBR": "2021EX", "CLASS_NBR": 15736, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091503", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "January - February at Stuttgart Winter University", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 12 units of Level I undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "As specified for specific language and culture courses taken as part of the Stuttgart Winter University program", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course consists of five to six weeks of full time study at Stuttgart Winter University. The course is divided into two components running concurrently: (a) an intensive language course and (b) a cultural/historical program. The culture courses have integrated excursions which are a mandatory part of the course program. For details, contact the German Studies Department or Global Learning.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4562": {"id": "ILYlrcLcyYxeGWkmiAWz6", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "O12jAGRLw7biElgZUEgD3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15736, "section": "01EX", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Note: Enrolment into this course is by selection only. Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}]}]}]}]}, "4563": {"id": "1xv9UgmI3KY4oWiC1u9kS", "course_id": "104953", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104953", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "German in Germany", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GERM", "CATALOG_NBR": "2021EX", "CLASS_NBR": 25750, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091503", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "January - February at Stuttgart Winter University", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 12 units of Level I undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "As specified for specific language and culture courses taken as part of the Stuttgart Winter University program", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course consists of five to six weeks of full time study at Stuttgart Winter University. The course is divided into two components running concurrently: (a) an intensive language course and (b) a cultural/historical program. The culture courses have integrated excursions which are a mandatory part of the course program. For details, contact the German Studies Department or Global Learning.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4564": {"id": "1xv9UgmI3KY4oWiC1u9kS", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "8STuQwPaefeSH3LNFtsUe", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25750, "section": "01EX", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Note: Enrolment into this course is by selection only. Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}]}]}]}]}, "4565": {"id": "oZbDdtm_jrCUYqRXAHwQU", "course_id": "104533", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104533", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Intermediate German A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GERM", "CATALOG_NBR": "2203", "CLASS_NBR": 13062, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091503", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "GERM 1003, new SACE Stage 2 Continuers' German with a scaled grade of B or higher", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Regular assessments, tests, end-of-Semester test, conversation tutorial (participation, performance, oral exam or equivalent)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed for students who have studied German at high school to Year 12 level (or equivalent) or who have successfully completed Beginners German A and B. It aims to further develop students' proficiency in the four language skills - listening, speaking, reading and writing - through a combination of readings and reproductive and creative exercises. It also aims to enhance students' intercultural understanding through the use of authentic texts that focus on aspects of contemporary German culture and society and promote comparison and discussion.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4566": {"id": "oZbDdtm_jrCUYqRXAHwQU", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "HXEIxANrl0ePnWpMnv-T5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13062, "section": "WR02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 14, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13063, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 12, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 28 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4567": {"id": "NwUSeShNnrTYFnmhbZ_KW", "course_id": "104534", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104534", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Intermediate German B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GERM", "CATALOG_NBR": "2204", "CLASS_NBR": 22984, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091503", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "GERM 2203, new SACE Stage 2 Continuers' German with a scaled grade of B or higher", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Regular assessments, tests, end-of-Semester test, conversation tutorial (participation, performance, oral exam or equivalent)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Building on Intermediate German A, this course is aimed to further develop students' proficiency in the four language skills - listening, speaking, reading and writing \u2013 and provide students with a greater understanding of various aspects of German society and culture.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4568": {"id": "NwUSeShNnrTYFnmhbZ_KW", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "wFOHh1P1SmO3OOLV_2456", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22984, "section": "WR01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 19, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4569": {"id": "3c-l5Y2n9C46DJWtc8hwB", "course_id": "111263", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111263", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Contemporary Germany", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GERM", "CATALOG_NBR": "2225", "CLASS_NBR": 20339, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091599", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "GERM 2203", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes/Comprehension tests, Oral presentation, Abstract for mini-conference, Essay", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Taught through the Department of European Languages, and Linguistics, this course provides a comprehensive introduction to contemporary Germany through the prisms of history, politics, society, and culture. It is designed to contribute to your understanding of how a modern German citizen thinks and feels in the twentieth-first century. Taught in German at the intermediate level, the course provides opportunities for students to improve their language skills in the areas of speaking, writing, listening and reading. Through this course you will develop: 1) an understanding of some of the most important issues currently facing Germany\n2) an awareness of Germany\u2019s place in the world, and 3) an appreciation of Germany\u2019s diverse and dynamic culture.\n\nFor students enrolling through German Studies, Contemporary Germany will focus on various aspects of the society and culture that are distinctively German. These include constructions of regional and national identities, questions of German citizenship and immigration, educational and political structures in contemporary Germany. The range of topics also includes the social market economy and welfare state underpinning contemporary German society, as well as present environmental debates. We will also focus on the capital city Berlin as a symbol of Germany\u2019s broader transformation since reunification. Frequently located at the symbolic centre of the European Union, Germany is often regarded as the epitome of the successful modern European State. We examine that success (or otherwise) as a function of Germany\u2019s ability to work through its twentieth-century traumas. Workshops and Seminars will be in German.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4570": {"id": "3c-l5Y2n9C46DJWtc8hwB", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Vj__VIEDxriGsGzmlhiOl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28735, "section": "LEC0", "size": 20, "enrolled": 6, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "7XBAz1pdm0OEmMuix0s0Y", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20339, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 6, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4571": {"id": "D0V0C8Y7elVvnHohR7LZk", "course_id": "104954", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104954", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "German in Germany", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GERM", "CATALOG_NBR": "3021EX", "CLASS_NBR": 92169, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091503", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "January - February at Stuttgart Winter University", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "GERM 2204 or GERM 2212", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "As specified for specific language and culture courses taken as part of the Stuttgart Winter University program", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course consists of five to six weeks full time study at Stuttgart Winter University. The course is divided into two components running concurrently: (a) an intensive language course and (b) a cultural/historical program. The culture courses have integrated excursions which are a mandatory part of the course program. For details, contact the German Studies Department or Global Learning.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 09/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "4572": {"id": "D0V0C8Y7elVvnHohR7LZk", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "lo7OVMEB8caIuoM7fvCkB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92169, "section": "01EX", "size": 0, "enrolled": 2, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Note: Enrolment into this course is by selection only. Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}]}]}]}]}, "4573": {"id": "9bhAzv6nU7cq8SfcFMIpK", "course_id": "104954", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104954", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "German in Germany", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GERM", "CATALOG_NBR": "3021EX", "CLASS_NBR": 15737, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091503", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "January - February at Stuttgart Winter University", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "GERM 2204 or GERM 2212", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "As specified for specific language and culture courses taken as part of the Stuttgart Winter University program", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course consists of five to six weeks full time study at Stuttgart Winter University. The course is divided into two components running concurrently: (a) an intensive language course and (b) a cultural/historical program. The culture courses have integrated excursions which are a mandatory part of the course program. For details, contact the German Studies Department or Global Learning.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4574": {"id": "9bhAzv6nU7cq8SfcFMIpK", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "GjruTfWq-SiBy5A2JgOyJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15737, "section": "01EX", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Note: Enrolment into this course is by selection only. Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}]}]}]}]}, "4575": {"id": "0BtgvHZ1fP4_4W04txuU7", "course_id": "104954", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104954", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "German in Germany", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GERM", "CATALOG_NBR": "3021EX", "CLASS_NBR": 25751, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091503", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "January - February at Stuttgart Winter University", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "GERM 2204 or GERM 2212", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "As specified for specific language and culture courses taken as part of the Stuttgart Winter University program", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course consists of five to six weeks full time study at Stuttgart Winter University. The course is divided into two components running concurrently: (a) an intensive language course and (b) a cultural/historical program. The culture courses have integrated excursions which are a mandatory part of the course program. For details, contact the German Studies Department or Global Learning.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4576": {"id": "0BtgvHZ1fP4_4W04txuU7", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "5HVdeCfEuGk86e9MZePfQ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25751, "section": "01EX", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Note: Enrolment into this course is by selection only. Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}]}]}]}]}, "4577": {"id": "IZ3h3zMJdH8Ga0IDKY4bG", "course_id": "104537", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104537", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Upper-Intermediate German A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GERM", "CATALOG_NBR": "3203", "CLASS_NBR": 15026, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091503", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "GERM 2204", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Regular assessments, tests, end-of-Semester test, conversation tutorial (participation, performance, oral exam or equivalent)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Building on the language work undertaken in Intermediate German A and B, this course is aimed to further develop students' proficiency in the four language skills - listening, speaking, reading and writing - through a combination of readings and reproductive and creative exercises. It also aims to enhance students' intercultural understanding through the use of authentic texts that focus on aspects of contemporary German society and promote comparison and discussion.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4578": {"id": "IZ3h3zMJdH8Ga0IDKY4bG", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "JN3cAQiDm76CheyEJt8-n", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15025, "section": "SE02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 12, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "5XlogEjWOBrHxlSphwca5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15026, "section": "TU02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 12, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG19, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG19, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4579": {"id": "BbaRfMp-tgyB4iAvNXCqY", "course_id": "104538", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104538", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Upper-Intermediate German B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GERM", "CATALOG_NBR": "3204", "CLASS_NBR": 22982, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091503", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "GERM 3203", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Regular assessments, tests, end-of-Semester test, conversation tutorial (participation, performance, oral exam or equivalent)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Building on the language sections of Upper-Intermediate German A, this course is aimed to further develop students' proficiency in the four language skills - listening, speaking, reading and writing - through a combination of readings and reproductive and creative exercises. It also aims to enhance students' intercultural understanding through the use of authentic texts that focus on aspects of contemporary society in German-speaking countries and promote comparison and discussion.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4580": {"id": "BbaRfMp-tgyB4iAvNXCqY", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "s8QjP8bG7_NSu9WJlUozu", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22982, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 6, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG19, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG19, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "ELyd-DuZ_LS_x7mLW9QZq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22981, "section": "TU01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 6, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG11, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG11, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4581": {"id": "u-hZSIQznS6cdxbP8apQw", "course_id": "104539", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104539", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced German A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GERM", "CATALOG_NBR": "3211", "CLASS_NBR": 15024, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091503", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "GERM 3204", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written response, Oral Presentation, Minor research project, Grammar assignment/homework, Major research project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Building on the language courses Upper-Intermediate German A and B, this course aims to further develop students' language skills (comprehension, communication, grammar) through immersion into German as a working language, the study of relevant texts and aspects of the language. Students attend one lecture, one grammar tutorial and one seminar per week. The exposure to language and the training of listening, reading, speaking and writing will be embedded in the thematic framework of a particular historical epoch. The courses Advanced German A and B are designed to enable students to achieve and practice on a level of language competence corresponding with the proficiency level C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4582": {"id": "u-hZSIQznS6cdxbP8apQw", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "MHdPeDFcj130a_2NSfGKY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15023, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 5, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "WLfh0p7uE3bH_x1BMvIx4", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15024, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 5, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG11, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG11, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4583": {"id": "wOCqTA_9yl4lnH_1iR881", "course_id": "104540", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104540", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced German B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GERM", "CATALOG_NBR": "3212", "CLASS_NBR": 24937, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091503", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "No part of this course may be counted toward any other course in German Studies", "PRE_REQUISITE": "GERM 3211", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "GERM 3012", "ASSESSMENT": "Written response, Oral presentation, Minor research project, Grammar assignment/homework, Major research project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Building on Advanced German A this course aims to further develop students' language skills (comprehension, communication, grammar) through immersion into German as a working language, the study of relevant texts and aspects of the language. Students attend one lecture, one grammar tutorial and one seminar per week. The exposure to language and the training of listening, reading, speaking and writing will be embedded in the thematic framework of a particular historical epoch. The courses Advanced German A and B are designed to enable students to achieve and practice on a level of language competence corresponding with the proficiency level C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4584": {"id": "wOCqTA_9yl4lnH_1iR881", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "cwuy-uv-Iq27oUbnibiH_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24936, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG19, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG19, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "qu1JJNeqfi94PI1HayFXo", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24937, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4585": {"id": "qn6AKqtNcse9KnJh4ayWN", "course_id": "111264", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111264", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to German Literature", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GERM", "CATALOG_NBR": "3225", "CLASS_NBR": 20210, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091599", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "GERM 2204", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "GERM 2203", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Oral presentation, Quizzes x 2, Essay, Group research project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Introduction to German Literature is a core Topics course of the Department of European Languages, and Linguistics. Taught at a lower-advanced level entirely in the target language, the course introduces students to the study of literature through a focus on canonical and popular literary texts.\nAlthough the specific focus of the course will vary from semester to semester, you can expect to encounter a broad range of genres and historical periods. This course is designed to be a forum where students can use their encounter with literature to hone their language skills in the areas of speaking, writing, listening and reading.\n\nFor students enrolling through German Studies, the course introduces you to German Literature and its cultural contexts. Course readings, presented in the form of short texts or excerpts, gradually increase in linguistic and thematic complexity. They are taken from a range of literary genres, including poetry, the short story and the novel, and cover the major literary periods from the 18th to the 21st centuries. A focus throughout the course: developing language tools to read, understand and critically interpret German literary texts and to effectively communicate ideas about those texts orally and in writing. Taught entirely in German.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4586": {"id": "qn6AKqtNcse9KnJh4ayWN", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "7mOniJC0FDQUcKGSRweIm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28807, "section": "LEC0", "size": 35, "enrolled": 7, "available": 28, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "OCXtVyOp5FK0Do2z6JRI6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20210, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 7, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4587": {"id": "W6EclfYYC94rbCrs19XMN", "course_id": "107074", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107074", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours German Language", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GERM", "CATALOG_NBR": "4001", "CLASS_NBR": 15837, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091503", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Completed degree (72 units) including 24 units German Studies major or completed Diploma of Languages", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Class test in German (20%), Semester test in German (35%), oral presentation in German (10%), oral test in German (15%), take home work (20%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course aims to build on the language and learning skills acquired in levels 1-3 of the German Studies major. Through a range of tasks including the discussion of contemporary issues, textual analysis, translation and advanced grammar, it focuses on developing a more sophisticated understanding of German society, culture and language and on the development of higher order spoken and written expression. The course aims to provide students with the level of language competence they will require to write a 12,000 word Honours thesis in German.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4588": {"id": "W6EclfYYC94rbCrs19XMN", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "SRPo5lZdk7RrCwtsvmoNh", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15837, "section": "01NT", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "4589": {"id": "nNITwjpQ9CzcgDqgGQgXk", "course_id": "107074", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107074", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours German Language", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GERM", "CATALOG_NBR": "4001", "CLASS_NBR": 25845, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091503", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Completed degree (72 units) including 24 units German Studies major or completed Diploma of Languages", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Class test in German (20%), Semester test in German (35%), oral presentation in German (10%), oral test in German (15%), take home work (20%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course aims to build on the language and learning skills acquired in levels 1-3 of the German Studies major. Through a range of tasks including the discussion of contemporary issues, textual analysis, translation and advanced grammar, it focuses on developing a more sophisticated understanding of German society, culture and language and on the development of higher order spoken and written expression. The course aims to provide students with the level of language competence they will require to write a 12,000 word Honours thesis in German.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4590": {"id": "nNITwjpQ9CzcgDqgGQgXk", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "Yo5V91NSYBwp74FOVqgpt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25845, "section": "01NT", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "4591": {"id": "msZX34ImM4RtlLBmbEh_J", "course_id": "107216", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107216", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours German Culture", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GERM", "CATALOG_NBR": "4003", "CLASS_NBR": 15839, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091503", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Completed degree (72 units) including 24 units of German Studies Major or completed Diploma of Languages", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Oral presentation in German (25%), 1500-2000 word essay in German (15%), 3500-4000 word research project in German (40%), class tests on textual analysis (20%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will focus on great texts of German literature from the time of the French Revolution to the present. Students will read and analyse the texts, examine them in their social and historical context and consider their impact on the development of German culture and their contemporary significance. The course aims to provide students with an advanced knowledge and understanding of important aspects of German cultural history, advanced skills in critical analysis and interpretation and advanced comprehension and written and oral communication skills in German.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4592": {"id": "msZX34ImM4RtlLBmbEh_J", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "mfxkSj60yEmVu49BjWGZ7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15839, "section": "01NT", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "4593": {"id": "iIV8PJJQKzdFUHDEJLRYL", "course_id": "107216", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107216", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours German Culture", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GERM", "CATALOG_NBR": "4003", "CLASS_NBR": 25847, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091503", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Completed degree (72 units) including 24 units of German Studies Major or completed Diploma of Languages", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Oral presentation in German (25%), 1500-2000 word essay in German (15%), 3500-4000 word research project in German (40%), class tests on textual analysis (20%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will focus on great texts of German literature from the time of the French Revolution to the present. Students will read and analyse the texts, examine them in their social and historical context and consider their impact on the development of German culture and their contemporary significance. The course aims to provide students with an advanced knowledge and understanding of important aspects of German cultural history, advanced skills in critical analysis and interpretation and advanced comprehension and written and oral communication skills in German.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4594": {"id": "iIV8PJJQKzdFUHDEJLRYL", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "JRmKfYiT7eZIfZ2UTNlB-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25847, "section": "01NT", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "4595": {"id": "wFHA6VwQ2-RTooDy62UXR", "course_id": "107708", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107708", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours German Studies Thesis A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GERM", "CATALOG_NBR": "4005A", "CLASS_NBR": 25878, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091503", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "1 hour per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Completed degree (72 units) including 24 units German Studies Major or equivalent", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "12,000 word thesis in German (100%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Because it gives students the opportunity to follow their interests and develop their research skills, the thesis is the key to a successful Honours year and prepares students for further research in German language and culture should they wish to continue to the higher degrees, ie the MA or the PhD. The thesis provides students with the opportunity to explore an area of German language or culture which particularly interests them. Students are required to devise and produce a thesis, to explore available resources on and relevant theoretical approaches to their chosen topic, to engage critically with primary and secondary material and to complete their project within a specified time frame. The thesis component of the Honours program is designed to prepare students for further research in German language and culture should they wish to continue to do higher degrees.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "4596": {"id": "wFHA6VwQ2-RTooDy62UXR", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "FR-limVkGpkRca0aZ563e", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25878, "section": "01NT", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "4597": {"id": "lXjZfpAU15bi0-RRyMM3k", "course_id": "107710", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107710", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours German Studies Thesis B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GERM", "CATALOG_NBR": "4005B", "CLASS_NBR": 15869, "SESSION_CD": "FM2", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091503", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "1 hour per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "GERM 4005A in previous Semester. Completed degree (72 units) including 24 units German Studies Major or equivalent", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "12,000 word thesis in German (100%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Because it gives students the opportunity to follow their interests and develop their research skills, the thesis is the key to a successful Honours year and prepares students for further research in German language and culture should they wish to continue to the higher degrees, ie the MA or the PhD. The thesis provides students with the opportunity to explore an area of German language or culture which particularly interests them. Students are required to devise and produce a thesis, to explore available resources on and relevant theoretical approaches to their chosen topic, to engage critically with primary and secondary material and to complete their project within a specified time frame. The thesis component of the Honours program is designed to prepare students for further research in German language and culture should they wish to continue to do higher degrees.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4598": {"id": "lXjZfpAU15bi0-RRyMM3k", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "1aMB3TbUlZVeN3shSpq2a", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15869, "section": "01NT", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "4599": {"id": "mRBtseD7LKS8NM0pGoQoL", "course_id": "107925", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107925", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours German Studies Thesis", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "GERM", "CATALOG_NBR": "4007", "CLASS_NBR": 25915, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091503", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Completed degree (72 units) including 24 units German Studies major or completed Diploma of Languages", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "12,000 word thesis in German (100%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Because it gives students the opportunity to follow their interests and develop their research skills, the thesis is the key to a successful Honours year and prepares students for further research in German language and culture should they wish to continue to the higher degrees, ie the MA or the PhD. The thesis provides students with the opportunity to explore an area of German language or culture which particularly interests them. Students are required to devise and produce a thesis, to explore available resources on and relevant theoretical approaches to their chosen topic, to engage critically with primary and secondary material and to complete their project within a specified time frame. The thesis component of the Honours program is designed to prepare students for further research in German language and culture should they wish to continue to do higher degrees.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4600": {"id": "mRBtseD7LKS8NM0pGoQoL", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "cWHiSYhQN7LVkk3sSZFoh", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25915, "section": "01NT", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "4601": {"subject": "HEALTH", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "110243", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110243", "term": "4420", "offer": 2}]}}, "4602": {"id": "QtK23U7D_I5xtzBFWFc6p", "course_id": "110243", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110243", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Ethical Challenges in Modern Health Care", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HEALTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7000", "CLASS_NBR": 25122, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Seminar question summary & facilitation, tutorial participation, Essay Plan, Essay", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides students with ethical and philosophical tools to evaluate contemporary and emerging ethical challenges in modern health care and preventative health. These modern challenges occur both at the interpersonal level (e.g. practitioner-patient relations) and at broader levels (e.g. communities and populations).\n\nModern health care and delivery is beginning to recognise the importance of more integrated or systems-based approaches to health. This more integrated approach to health was urged by the 2010 Lancet Commission report, Health professionals for a new century. That report also highlighted new infectious, environmental, and behavioural causes of poor health and the need for greater contextual understanding rather than a narrow technical health focus.\n\nThis course reflects some of this emphasis. Because it addresses and compares health care at both the interpersonal and the population levels, it will be relevant to students interested in public and practitioner-patient health care, in synergies between those approaches, and in interprofessional teamwork that can overcome disciplinary silos.\n\nExamples of current challenges that may be covered in the course include the ethics of: preventative healthcare and health promotion; health nudging; domestic and international health advocacy; Ethical issues at the beginning and end of life, resource allocation; global justice and vulnerability.\n\nTo allow students to address these current and emerging issues, the course introduces them to relevant core ethical theories/approaches such as consequentialism, deontology, virtue ethics, the four principles approach; and to ethical concepts/principles such as beneficence, non-maleficence, respect for autonomy, justice, proportionality, necessity, patient-centred care, human dignity, and rights.\n\nThe course teaches and encourages critical ethical thinking about cutting-edge health issues using hot-topic questions in health to enable students to ethically evaluate and develop strategies for addressing current and emerging health challenges at various levels of health care and prevention.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4603": {"id": "QtK23U7D_I5xtzBFWFc6p", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "OT8fVb_5tW8mnDgDifgx2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28907, "section": "LEC0", "size": 60, "enrolled": 33, "available": 27, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "iGvrV1NA8-YkeYI3s8k9r", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21805, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 17, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25122, "section": "SE02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 16, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "4604": {"id": "kqAF3iuiwL75Sq4k7ay6C", "course_id": "110243", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110243", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Ethical Challenges in Modern Health Care", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HEALTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7000UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 24683, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to University of Adelaide College Students Only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Seminar question summary & facilitation, tutorial participation, Essay Plan, Essay", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides students with ethical and philosophical tools to evaluate contemporary and emerging ethical challenges in modern health care and preventative health. These modern challenges occur both at the interpersonal level (e.g. practitioner-patient relations) and at broader levels (e.g. communities and populations).\n\nModern health care and delivery is beginning to recognise the importance of more integrated or systems-based approaches to health. This more integrated approach to health was urged by the 2010 Lancet Commission report, Health professionals for a new century. That report also highlighted new infectious, environmental, and behavioural causes of poor health and the need for greater contextual understanding rather than a narrow technical health focus.\n\nThis course reflects some of this emphasis. Because it addresses and compares health care at both the interpersonal and the population levels, it will be relevant to students interested in public and practitioner-patient health care, in synergies between those approaches, and in interprofessional teamwork that can overcome disciplinary silos.\n\nExamples of current challenges that may be covered in the course include the ethics of: preventative healthcare and health promotion; health nudging; domestic and international health advocacy; Ethical issues at the beginning and end of life, resource allocation; global justice and vulnerability.\n\nTo allow students to address these current and emerging issues, the course introduces them to relevant core ethical theories/approaches such as consequentialism, deontology, virtue ethics, the four principles approach; and to ethical concepts/principles such as beneficence, non-maleficence, respect for autonomy, justice, proportionality, necessity, patient-centred care, human dignity, and rights.\n\nThe course teaches and encourages critical ethical thinking about cutting-edge health issues using hot-topic questions in health to enable students to ethically evaluate and develop strategies for addressing current and emerging health challenges at various levels of health care and prevention.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4605": {"id": "kqAF3iuiwL75Sq4k7ay6C", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "rcDjic1gDJRDv-3b-6nmC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29102, "section": "LEC0", "size": 19, "enrolled": 7, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "j5Lf2BdgdwGHagA7aZ8SQ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21587, "section": "SE02", "size": 8, "enrolled": 0, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21588, "section": "SE01", "size": 11, "enrolled": 7, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "kN6OvJ8mCLDOFrWNeyfe3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24683, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 7, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hartley, G06, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hartley, G06, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4606": {"subject": "HIST", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "107189", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107212", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110880", "term": "4405", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "104409", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104433", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104890", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110458", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109203", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108110", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108116", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108306", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110108", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107221", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107222", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107223", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107223", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111156", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111157", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110870", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110884", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}]}}, "4607": {"id": "_vr4dF_GGg617nilXcZig", "course_id": "107189", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107189", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Empires in World History", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HIST", "CATALOG_NBR": "1108", "CLASS_NBR": 16486, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090305", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Using Primary Sources 1 20%, Using Primary Sources 2 20%, Primary Sources for Empire 30%, Historical knowledge and understanding 30%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "From the beginning of recorded history to the twentieth century, the world has been shaped by the rise and fall of empires. They are our first attempt at a political unit larger than city or ethnic identity, and the concept has been remarkably resilient across the globe. This course explores how and why this idea of empire developed; how they were organised, how they were kept together, how rulers and ruled interacted, and how and why empires disintegrated. We will focus on a small number of world empires, beginning with two which have had an enduring cultural impact, that is, the empire of Alexander the Great and of Rome. We will then move to more recent empires from across the world. This is more than political history. We investigate the impact of empire on language, art, culture, religion, the economy, the environment and, of course, political ideas of identity. The course has three main objectives. Firstly, it provides an introduction to the study of history at university level. Students will receive training in the practice of history by learning how to interpret and use primary and secondary sources (in translation) and how to frame an evidence-based historical argument. Secondly, the course furnishes students with an overview of the 'big picture' of world history across the last 2,500 years. Students will acquire essential contextual knowledge which will enrich their understanding of almost any subsequent course they take in history, classical studies or the humanities. Thirdly, the course introduces students to civilisations that are quite different and in some ways alien to our own, and yet which in many ways are similar. In our interconnected world, an understanding of the historical roots of different cultures is a prerequisite for global citizenship.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4608": {"id": "_vr4dF_GGg617nilXcZig", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "h_07tZC_kNcS5dzrEhNs7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13480, "section": "LE01", "size": 300, "enrolled": 190, "available": 110, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "_1p18LDrVTiCYGuBYWcxv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10876, "section": "TU07", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10877, "section": "TU06", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10878, "section": "TU04", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10880, "section": "TU02", "size": 22, "enrolled": 22, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10881, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 24, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 16486, "section": "TU09", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, 144, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, 144, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 16487, "section": "TU05", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 218, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4609": {"id": "iLdOcUTFBwVDZmh2A6lui", "course_id": "107212", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107212", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Revolutions that Changed the World", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HIST", "CATALOG_NBR": "1109", "CLASS_NBR": 22950, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090305", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Using Secondary Sources 1 20%, Using Secondary Sources 2 20%, Group Activity 30%, Historical Knowledge and Understanding 30%.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will look at some of the great 'turning points' of history that have shaped the world in which we live. This might include the Renaissance and Reformation of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, the 'Scientific Revolution' of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the Industrial Revolution of the nineteenth century, the 'Sexual Revolution' of the twentieth century, as well as great political revolutions such as the American, French, Russian and Chinese. Students will actively engage with the central question of why human history in the last 500 years has witnessed periods of profound transformation. Were they driven primarily by technological and economic developments, or were new ideas and philosophies the most important agents of rapid historical change? What role was played in these transformations by individuals and by governments? What exactly do we mean by the term 'revolution', and how legitimately can the word be applied to the events that we cover in this course? \n\nThis course has three main objectives. Firstly, it will ask students to engage with some of most important debates about the factors that led to rapid historical change. Secondly, the course furnishes students with an overview of the 'big picture' of world history across the last 500 years. Students will acquire essential contextual knowledge which will enrich their understanding of almost any subsequent course they take in history or the humanities. Thirdly, the course will facilitate students' understanding of the world in which they live by exploring some of the key developments that have shaped our common history. The course allows for insights into our own rapidly changing era by exploring other revolutionary episodes in our past. Note: this course is very different from the 'revolutions' component of SACE.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4610": {"id": "iLdOcUTFBwVDZmh2A6lui", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "yhG5oINWMOagxiZE9HJTs", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22964, "section": "LE01", "size": 300, "enrolled": 167, "available": 133, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "gKJ_nnLUESiHWSbdGQHs_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22950, "section": "TU14", "size": 30, "enrolled": 24, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22952, "section": "TU12", "size": 27, "enrolled": 25, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22953, "section": "TU11", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, 144, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, 144, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22954, "section": "TU10", "size": 28, "enrolled": 28, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22956, "section": "TU08", "size": 22, "enrolled": 21, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22961, "section": "TU03", "size": 21, "enrolled": 21, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22962, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, 205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, 205, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4611": {"id": "Veny9zl6bZdHqIildVyIC", "course_id": "110880", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110880", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Identities in History: Who Are We?", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HIST", "CATALOG_NBR": "1110OL", "CLASS_NBR": 92211, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090305", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Primary Source Assignment, Research Assignment, Synoptic Assignment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Who do you think you are? How we think about our identity is shaped by our historical and cultural context. This course explores how different types of identities - national, gender, sexual, religious, family - are thought about in particular historical periods and places and how exploring identities enables us to better understand human experience and processes of historical change. We explore the ideas that shape identity concepts (such as the invention of the nationstate or new medical research), the 'tools' people use \nto display and produce identity (such as clothing, flags or religious symbols), and how both of these evolve over time. This course reflects on what we mean by identity, why and when it is important, and the relationship between the individual and wider society and culture. It provides an introduction to the study of history at university, teaching students how to use primary and secondary sources and how these are used to make a historical argument. Through being introduced to a wide range of cultures and time periods, students will acquire important contextual knowledge that will support their learning at upper levels. Finally students will learn to critically engage with the concept of identity and how it shapes our lives today.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 09/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "4612": {"id": "Veny9zl6bZdHqIildVyIC", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "kAcJwcfo4p1WsQOxpKSSu", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92211, "section": "01OL", "size": 60, "enrolled": 48, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop"}]}]}]}, "4613": {"id": "YcH2lmmA2rSnY-2i855xz", "course_id": "104409", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104409", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Australia and the World", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HIST", "CATALOG_NBR": "2051", "CLASS_NBR": 21427, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090305", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 12 units of Level I undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "HIST 2004, HIST 3004", "ASSESSMENT": "Research essay (2500 word) 50%, Group debate or Critical review (2000 word) 30%, Quiz 20%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course examines Australian history from 1901 until the present. Australians have variously been described as a nation of sporting champions, yet we lose more often than we win; of 'battling' when we live in relative wealth; and of settling in the 'outback' while we sprawl into cities. We've been characterised as a 'classless' society and an equal one, which is at odds with the experience of many women and unemployed people. We've been introduced as descendants of convicts and 'Poms' when our families are just as likely to have emigrated from Eastern Europe or Asia or lived on this land for thousands of years. Students in this course will learn how each of these descriptions have been evoked for a purpose. They are used by politicians willing to appeal to a particular constituency, and by opponents in debates about federation, immigration, aboriginal rights, welfare, the status of women, and the possibility of Australia becoming a republic. In this course, the trajectory of these debates, which have shaped Australian identity, will be explored in addition to the social effects of the 1930s Depression, the legacy of the Menzies and Whitlam Governments, Australia's participation in war and its place in the global village. Students will have the opportunity to recall our long-felt deference to Britain, our more recent acceptance of our Aboriginal heritage, our brief flirtation as an Asian nation, and our current 'coalition' with the United States, and ponder where our future might lay.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4614": {"id": "YcH2lmmA2rSnY-2i855xz", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "aouux_VXEKV-dwAOmH6J_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21425, "section": "LE01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 57, "available": 43, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "S36U0FnuPhT3XjgsTamAf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21427, "section": "TU03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 17, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21428, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21429, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 17, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4615": {"id": "4Hbqo2t-aXkEBIpCGB8Qr", "course_id": "104433", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104433", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Fascism and National Socialism", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HIST", "CATALOG_NBR": "2057", "CLASS_NBR": 22091, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090305", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 12 units of Level I undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "HIST 2014 or HIST 3014", "ASSESSMENT": "Tutorial attendance and participation, Short essay, Online test, Research essay", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Extreme right wing ideologies of the twentieth century and European social movements or parties that claimed to be based on them provide the focus of this course. Broadly, it covers the period 1900-1945. Major themes discussed in lectures and seminars include the intellectual and cultural origins of fascism; political and social dislocation following World War I; Italian fascism, its nature, its appeal and its leaders; the distinguishing features of National Socialism in Germany (notably anti-Semitism and policies of exclusion and repression); social and cultural life in Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany (with particular emphasis on young people, women and the Churches); and degrees of cooperation, collaboration and resistance in occupied Europe. We will also discuss the changing perceptions of Fascism over time and current debates on its nature.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4616": {"id": "4Hbqo2t-aXkEBIpCGB8Qr", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "XfP9TNwfUAzpjW2vdImN1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21430, "section": "LE01", "size": 130, "enrolled": 87, "available": 43, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "CvLYl7r-9S1AQU1Q5Jm3U", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22091, "section": "TU04", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Napier, 205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Napier, 205, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22092, "section": "TU03", "size": 29, "enrolled": 28, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22093, "section": "TU01", "size": 32, "enrolled": 31, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4617": {"id": "4kwKw3njButnbxxLRhHME", "course_id": "104890", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104890", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Heresy and Witchcraft in Medieval Europe", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HIST", "CATALOG_NBR": "2069", "CLASS_NBR": 11406, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090305", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 12 units of Level I undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "HIST 2033 or HIST 3033", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes 10%, Research Essay 40%, Tutorial Group Assessment Task 20%, Take Home Test 30%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course explores belief and deviancy in medieval Europe. After identifying religious and cultural orthodoxy, it embarks upon an analysis of dissent. Divergence from sanctioned ideology and ritual ranged from the spiritual and social challenge of medieval heresies, through popular beliefs in the magical powers of people and objects, to the witch craze of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Using a wide variety of original documents and historical interpretations, the course aims to understand and explain conflicting belief systems and the rise of intolerance in the pre-modern world.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4618": {"id": "4kwKw3njButnbxxLRhHME", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "8iCCfXRDPe28TajsboMHd", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18753, "section": "LEC0", "size": 170, "enrolled": 131, "available": 39, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "w_x38kjXyrONCf2cgisjm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11406, "section": "TU05", "size": 35, "enrolled": 31, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11408, "section": "TU03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, 205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, 205, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11409, "section": "TU02", "size": 45, "enrolled": 41, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11410, "section": "TU01", "size": 34, "enrolled": 31, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4619": {"id": "tRAVJCc-Gkznwh_5kuJkN", "course_id": "110458", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110458", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Plagues and Pandemics: Lessons from the past", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HIST", "CATALOG_NBR": "2097OL", "CLASS_NBR": 92210, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090305", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 12 units of Level I undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Reflective exercises 30%; Historiographical Essay 30%; Research Project 40%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In 2020, CoVid19 stopped the world, closing borders, workplaces, and everyday activities, as humanity attempted to reckon with a disease that threatened the lives of a large part of the population. Yet, if pandemics of this scale are rare, CoVid19 is not unique in world history. Indeed, managing plagues and pandemics has been a critical part of the human experience from the medieval to the modern day. This course explores this history using a series of case studies from the Black Death in the fourteenth century to Aids in the late twentieth century. As well as introducing students to some significant plagues and pandemics, this course explores emotional responses to plague, such as the anxieties of managing disease, fear and scapegoating of those thought to be responsible, the loneliness of isolation, and the grief response to mass death. If pandemics stop the world, they can also enable remarkable social, economic, cultural and scientific change in their aftermath. This course highlights the significant ways humans have sought to transform the world following plagues and pandemics, and how these events have been significant markers of historical change. The key aim of the course is not only to help students better understand their current experiences, but to prepare them for the opportunities that will arise as we move forward into a new world after this latest pandemic .", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 09/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "4620": {"id": "tRAVJCc-Gkznwh_5kuJkN", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "YgAL0MLhlNUDiC_dZu5Ao", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92210, "section": "01OL", "size": 100, "enrolled": 76, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "4621": {"id": "7CmFdz8L_2JH4fud3NF6k", "course_id": "109203", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109203", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Emotion in Historical Perspective", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HIST", "CATALOG_NBR": "3015", "CLASS_NBR": 11411, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090305", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours a week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 6 units of Level II undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "HIST 2091", "ASSESSMENT": "Structured learning outcome questions (c.1000 words) 20%, Methodology essay (1500 words) 30%, Research essay (2500 words) 50%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "How we feel and what counts as an emotion changes across time and geographical space. This course introduces students to the history of emotions, highlighting how our emotional worlds, how we feel and show our feelings, what language we use to express emotion, and the social acceptability of particular emotional expressions, have changed over time. Students will encounter some of the key concepts or approaches used by historians to understand how emotions worked in the past, and a range of examples from the medieval to the modern and across the world that highlight the diversity of emotional experience. Key issues that can be explored by students include how emotions are involved in national identity and the making of communities; how emotions are shaped by gender or within families; how the media uses emotion to shape public opinion; and the role of emotion in legal practices and the creation of justice. More generally, we will consider how emotions make history. Through lectures, workshops and structured learning activities, students will have the opportunity to try out some of key history of emotion concepts by applying them to original historical sources. In learning about the past, students might also come to better understand the operation of emotion in the present. This is an interdisciplinary course and may appeal to students interested in emotion in psychology, biology, anthropology, literature and philosophy, as well as history.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4622": {"id": "7CmFdz8L_2JH4fud3NF6k", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "Res6FUgqdKp82q1NNCATA", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11411, "section": "WR02", "size": 60, "enrolled": 58, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11412, "section": "WR01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 34, "available": 26, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4623": {"id": "hHZF72qXQGohUw6wqP8oY", "course_id": "108110", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108110", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Early Modern Europe", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HIST", "CATALOG_NBR": "3037", "CLASS_NBR": 22094, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090305", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 6 units of Level II undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "HIST 2063", "ASSESSMENT": "Quiz, Research essay, Research challenge, Take-home test", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The sixteenth and seventeenth centuries are often claimed by historians to represent the transition between the medieval and modern worlds. The aim of this course is to examine this notion that the early modern era witnessed the rise of modernity. It will do so by discussing the 'key' transformations, including the Black Death, Renaissance, Reformation and Scientific Revolution, but also those aspects of the period which do not seem that modern, like the witch hunts. Through lectures, tutorials and a particular emphasis on primary documents, students will be challenged to consider just what constitutes 'modern' and 'medieval' thought and practice. Moreover, the notion of 'great events' in history and how aptly labels like 'renaissance' periodize our study of the past will be considered. In addition, through a-v material, art and extracts from their writings, the images, sounds and words of da Vinci, Luther, Copernicus and the witches will bring this fascinating period of history alive.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4624": {"id": "hHZF72qXQGohUw6wqP8oY", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "SvxGtl3n58UFxLd4v48CI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28587, "section": "LEC0", "size": 100, "enrolled": 93, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "cznvJpgzQWOfURRbp8-O0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22094, "section": "TU03", "size": 33, "enrolled": 32, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22095, "section": "TU02", "size": 32, "enrolled": 30, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22096, "section": "TU01", "size": 32, "enrolled": 31, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4625": {"id": "G8uAMm9dETAUgyKfeduwX", "course_id": "108116", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108116", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Aboriginal Peoples and the Colonial World", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HIST", "CATALOG_NBR": "3052", "CLASS_NBR": 23621, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090305", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 6 units of Level II undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "HIST 2081", "ASSESSMENT": "Participation 20%, 2 x Quizzes 20%, Minor essay (1500 word) 20%, Major essay (3000 word) 40%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course offers a comparative study of the relations between Indigenous people and Anglo-European settlers in societies linked by their colonial origins: Australia, Canada, and New Zealand. It considers European ideas about race, land tenure and civilisation that accompanied the spread of settler colonialism from the seventeenth century. The course also explores how Aboriginal peoples responded to the coming of Europeans to their lands. Issues to be covered include: the bases for cooperation between Indigenous peoples and settlers, the causes of conflict between them, land rights, frontier violence, assimilation, Indigenous resistance, and the basis of citizenship in settler societies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4626": {"id": "G8uAMm9dETAUgyKfeduwX", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "NTGd6B-vGivW81SgQzCwI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23620, "section": "LE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 34, "available": 26, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "z0oICjgU_JiRkkxDxxgDJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23621, "section": "WR02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 17, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, 144, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, 144, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23622, "section": "WR01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 17, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4627": {"id": "j-kUvGYrUr-K9kGE7KGPb", "course_id": "108306", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108306", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Doing History", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HIST", "CATALOG_NBR": "3056", "CLASS_NBR": 21431, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090305", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to students undertaking a History or a Classics Major only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 15 units of History Major courses or 15 units of Classics Major courses", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "This course is designed as the capstone of the History and Classics Major; it is expected students will have sufficient pertinent expertise through Level I & II courses to achieve this.", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Source methodology essay, Literature review and Research plan, Research essay", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is History's capstone course. It is a required unit for students completing their major in History. The course has therefore been designed to round out undergraduate studies in History. It involves reading about and discussing the different ways historians work, as well as their motivation and their goals. More than that, students will also be conducting original research and 'doing history' at an advanced level. Additional components of the course will include a discussion of ethics in working with sensitive historical sources and producing historical writing for a range of audiences. Assessment tasks include a literature survey and research plan and a source methodology essay both of which bear on the research project and the final research paper. \n\nThe attributes you will build in this course are not simply relevant to historians or history teachers. The critical evaluation of evidence of all kinds is central to any number of careers and it is an essential skill for informed and engaged citizens. Moreover, it is also an essential life skill: the ability to 'read between the lines', to recognise and then assess the strengths and weaknesses of views or opinions based on the evidence underpinning them is the key to dealing with many of the problems we face daily, individually and collectively.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4628": {"id": "j-kUvGYrUr-K9kGE7KGPb", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "9hgj254wCnmxfNH2909Ao", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28805, "section": "LEC0", "size": 80, "enrolled": 56, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "WLZB83N2VrFJVVeW2azl1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21431, "section": "SE03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 26, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21432, "section": "SE02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 11, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21433, "section": "SE01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 19, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, 205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, 205, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4629": {"id": "lAZ-VpAJdstc8FMnYTwEA", "course_id": "110108", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110108", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "History of Warfare", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HIST", "CATALOG_NBR": "3071", "CLASS_NBR": 11414, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090305", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 6 units of Level II undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Primary source analysis, Research mission, Take-home test", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Warfare has been an important part of human life for at least 5,000 years. In this course, we look at the evolution of warfare over time and explore issues such as military technology, generalship, fortifications, supply, decisive battles, irregular warfare, as well as the experiences of common soldiers and the interaction of soldiers with civilians. The course is designed to be highly flexible to allow students to focus on a conflict of their choice (for example the Napoleonic Wars, the American Civil War, World War I or World War II). But we shall also be pooling our knowledge of specific wars in order to address larger questions about the character, development, and outcome of military conflicts.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4630": {"id": "lAZ-VpAJdstc8FMnYTwEA", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "SBP-E7yyv3EiG904VTK_J", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11413, "section": "LE01", "size": 138, "enrolled": 126, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "B6gfTLC2w72pb-53EjXEt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11414, "section": "WR03", "size": 48, "enrolled": 42, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11415, "section": "WR02", "size": 50, "enrolled": 45, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11416, "section": "WR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 39, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4631": {"id": "5bSMLkkgtUMw00Vz3zxoE", "course_id": "107221", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107221", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours History Common Course", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HIST", "CATALOG_NBR": "4001", "CLASS_NBR": 10213, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090305", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Completed degree (72 units) including 24 units of History Major", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "3000 word essay 1 (50%), 3000 word essay 2 (50%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is a compulsory coursework subject for all History Honours students. It comprises a series of reflections on the nature of history as a form of knowledge (theory) and the ways in which historians acquire that knowledge (method). It examines the possibilities and pitfalls of using a variety of sources of historical evidence (such as letters and oral testimony), and explores some of the ideological underpinnings of particular approaches to history (such as feminism, Marxism, and postmodernism).\n\nDuring the course, students will be exposed to a range of approaches to researching and writing history. They will learn about how to use primary sources located in archival institutions, and consider the potential and possible problems with using documentary, oral, and visual sources of evidence in writing their own historical works. They will discover why feminist, Marxist and empiricist historians often disagree with each other, even when discussing the same event or topic. They will be introduced to different approaches to writing a thesis, enhancing their skills in critical analysis along the way. And they will ponder questions such as: `is it possible to be objective?', `what is the nature of historical truth', `is memory a reliable source of evidence?' and so forth.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4632": {"id": "5bSMLkkgtUMw00Vz3zxoE", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "Y0CJVFbb2WOMLhh_uXXDg", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10213, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 9, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hartley, 122a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hartley, 122a, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4633": {"id": "lfIoPtcD98Y3W0Wo6Pqeh", "course_id": "107222", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107222", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours History Special Course", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HIST", "CATALOG_NBR": "4002", "CLASS_NBR": 10211, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090305", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Completed degree (72 units) normally including 24 units of History Major", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Will vary depending on the special subjects chosen by the students and those offered by staff members. Generally it will consist of either (a) a single essay (6-7,000 words) weighted at 100%; (b) 2 x 3-4,000 word research essays weighted at 50% each", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an advanced approach to a field of study (ie a geographical area, time-period and/or theme) within the discipline of History. Different staff members with expertise in different fields of historical inquiry will lead small groups of students through carefully devised curricula. Through the seminars and the written assessment students will acquire a sound understanding of key historical debates and will apply critical analysis to historical questions that interest them.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4634": {"id": "lfIoPtcD98Y3W0Wo6Pqeh", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "qSdQz554Iuw6yaHCB2fmg", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10211, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 9, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, 205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, 205, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4635": {"id": "oa_XQIpiYfnfAMgFKnEfj", "course_id": "107223", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107223", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours History Thesis", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HIST", "CATALOG_NBR": "4003", "CLASS_NBR": 15840, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090305", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "1 hour per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "HIST 4001 and HIST 4002. Completed degree (72 units) including 24 units of History Major", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "15,000 word thesis (100%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course students will choose a thesis topic in consultation with their supervisor. Students will attend a Thesis Writing Workshop, devise their research topic, refine their methodology and conduct preliminary research. The thesis will be 15,000 words in length.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4636": {"id": "oa_XQIpiYfnfAMgFKnEfj", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "ZeDN3Er50PYMKkYzbhRds", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15840, "section": "01NT", "size": 25, "enrolled": 0, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 28 Jun", "days": "", "start_time": "", "end_time": "", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "4637": {"id": "MXFdadhb_8lLkT9OIWrQt", "course_id": "107223", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107223", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours History Thesis", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HIST", "CATALOG_NBR": "4003", "CLASS_NBR": 25848, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090305", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "1 hour per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "HIST 4001 and HIST 4002. Completed degree (72 units) including 24 units of History Major", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "15,000 word thesis (100%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course students will choose a thesis topic in consultation with their supervisor. Students will attend a Thesis Writing Workshop, devise their research topic, refine their methodology and conduct preliminary research. The thesis will be 15,000 words in length.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4638": {"id": "MXFdadhb_8lLkT9OIWrQt", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "ovoplp3mjxLV6o_iBQA-f", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25848, "section": "01NT", "size": 25, "enrolled": 9, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop"}]}]}]}, "4639": {"id": "HOq4ruxLOMmXeWMCCwDwB", "course_id": "111156", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111156", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours History Thesis A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HIST", "CATALOG_NBR": "4005A", "CLASS_NBR": 26291, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090305", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Completed degree (72 units) including 24 units of History Major", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "HIST 4003", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is the first of two courses which needs to be completed by part time students only. It must be taken in the first year of the part time Honours program. Students will choose a thesis topic in consultation with their supervisor. Students will attend a Thesis Writing Workshop, devise their research topic, refine their methodology and conduct preliminary research. The thesis will be 15,000 words in length and has to be finalized after completing HIST 4005B, which is the second thesis course for part time students.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4640": {"id": "HOq4ruxLOMmXeWMCCwDwB", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "WZbNuyiuFIPf6yFlNCDMQ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26291, "section": "01NT", "size": 25, "enrolled": 0, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "4641": {"id": "_K7A29POiPQJjKT2Z-2EJ", "course_id": "111157", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111157", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours History Thesis B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HIST", "CATALOG_NBR": "4005B", "CLASS_NBR": 26292, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090305", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Completed degree (72 units) including 24 units of History Major", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "HIST 4003", "ASSESSMENT": "15000 word thesis (100%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is the second of two courses which needs to be completed by part time students only. It must be taken in the second year of the part time Honours program. Students will choose a thesis topic in consultation with their supervisor. Students will attend a Thesis Writing Workshop, devise their research topic, refine their methodology and conduct preliminary research. The thesis will be 15,000 words in length.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4642": {"id": "_K7A29POiPQJjKT2Z-2EJ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "iUAhjhposGbzPPMApFc6R", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26292, "section": "01NT", "size": 25, "enrolled": 0, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "4643": {"id": "mqrJ6LFzqxorYwq0Ox_3k", "course_id": "110870", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110870", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Masters History Special Course", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HIST", "CATALOG_NBR": "7002", "CLASS_NBR": 16239, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090305", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "HIST 4002 where the content has significant overlap, Course Coordinator permission is required.", "ASSESSMENT": "Two essays or one extended essay", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an advanced approach to a field of study (ie a geographical area, time-period and/or theme) within the discipline of History. Different staff members with expertise in different fields of historical inquiry will lead small groups of students through carefully devised curricula. Through the seminars and the written assessment, students will acquire a sound understanding of key historical debates and will apply critical analysis to historical quest ions that interest them.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4644": {"id": "mqrJ6LFzqxorYwq0Ox_3k", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "swi5pgmnIlVgye569xVBl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16239, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop"}]}]}]}, "4645": {"id": "m2CP_ADqTJNZ2T-bYXJFN", "course_id": "110884", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110884", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "The Archive", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HIST", "CATALOG_NBR": "7004", "CLASS_NBR": 14017, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090305", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Group Presentation, Archive Task, Research Essay", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The archive has been a key site in the production of the past. The 'logic' of the archive - the choices by archivists about what to keep and dispose of, the history of the institution and its collection policies, the educational systems that produce archivists - comes to bear on the past by determining what is known and what is lost. Historians often have strong feelings about archives - described by some commentators as 'archive fever'. This course explores how the archive has been theorised and interpreted by historians and observers of historical practice. It is designed to provide students with the tools to more critically engage with the records used to produce historical knowledge, to better understand the archive as domain of knowledge production, and to gain insight into the operation of archives as institutions.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4646": {"id": "m2CP_ADqTJNZ2T-bYXJFN", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "ywZRbHHDUmuDOjHZqt7vy", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14017, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 17, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG19, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG19, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4647": {"subject": "HLTH SC", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "108328", "term": "4410", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "108328", "term": "4420", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "111610", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108331", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109009", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109009", "term": "4410", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "108330", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108330", "term": "4420", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "109018", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110406", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110413", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110419", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110408", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110411", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110414", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110420", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109037", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106038", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109016", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109038", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110380", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110448", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110428", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109025", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109032", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109032", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109033", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109033", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109035", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109035", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109039", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109039", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109040", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109040", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109041", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, 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"offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106504", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109017", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109019", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109020", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106505", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107888", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110200", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110200", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110201", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110201", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110497", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110503", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111597", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111306", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111306", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111309", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111309", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111311", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111311", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111313", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111313", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111314", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111314", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111315", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111315", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111304", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111304", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111305", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111305", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111307", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111307", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111308", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111308", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111310", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111310", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111312", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111312", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "4648": {"id": "QKZmlVw3R8QOd869yo4qx", "course_id": "108328", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108328", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Forensic Sciences", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1000OL", "CLASS_NBR": 15970, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019903", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "HLTH SC 1000", "ASSESSMENT": "Online quizzes", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of this course is to provide students with an overview of a variety of topics within the area of Forensic Sciences including Crime scene Investigation, Forensic photography, Digital Forensics, Ballistics, Fingerprinting, Court and police organisational structures and Forensic DNA analysis. Topics to be covered also include identification of the deceased and disaster victim identification structures. It is not intended to provide students with a detailed knowledge of any of these areas, but rather to give insight into how they may be applied in criminal investigations.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4649": {"id": "QKZmlVw3R8QOd869yo4qx", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "6mdQKtbzs1qrfEf-ASsi5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15970, "section": "01OL", "size": 400, "enrolled": 258, "available": 142, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "4650": {"id": "WiwzDrdnA6jNlWHmd36pq", "course_id": "108328", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108328", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Forensic Sciences", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1000OL", "CLASS_NBR": 25976, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019903", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "HLTH SC 1000", "ASSESSMENT": "Online quizzes", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of this course is to provide students with an overview of a variety of topics within the area of Forensic Sciences including Crime scene Investigation, Forensic photography, Digital Forensics, Ballistics, Fingerprinting, Court and police organisational structures and Forensic DNA analysis. Topics to be covered also include identification of the deceased and disaster victim identification structures. It is not intended to provide students with a detailed knowledge of any of these areas, but rather to give insight into how they may be applied in criminal investigations.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4651": {"id": "WiwzDrdnA6jNlWHmd36pq", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "DMWpphdy_rXJMBdl7M-5O", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25976, "section": "01OL", "size": 400, "enrolled": 223, "available": 177, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "4652": {"id": "iD7AP0c16S4IAYRI-YJBi", "course_id": "111610", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111610", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Forensic Sciences", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1000UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 28923, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019903", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "HLTH SC 1000OL, HLTH SC 1000", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of this course is to provide students with an overview of a variety of topics within the area of Forensic Sciences including Crime scene Investigation, Forensic photography, Digital Forensics, Ballistics, Fingerprinting, Court and police organisational structures and Forensic DNA analysis. Topics to be covered also include identification of the deceased and disaster victim identification structures. It is not intended to provide students with a detailed knowledge of any of these areas, but rather to give insight into how they may be applied in criminal investigations.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4653": {"id": "iD7AP0c16S4IAYRI-YJBi", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "WUly-fP7o44TdClYxBA9s", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28922, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 17, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Darling West, B04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Darling West, B04, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 28923, "section": "TT02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 9, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, B03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, B03, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "c7InPNninoiPpE8pfl05m", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28940, "section": "LEC0", "size": 48, "enrolled": 26, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "4654": {"id": "l8imfQr2D4X8BZ0j0nClu", "course_id": "108331", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108331", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Essentials of Neuroscience", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1001", "CLASS_NBR": 23449, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week (3 hours lecture), 1 hour weekly tutorial", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Tutorial exercises, critical analysis of scientific literature; quizzes; mid-semester exam; end of semester exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to introduce students to essential concepts in the field of neuroscience. The course will begin with a basic introduction to the brain and history of neuroscience. Later modules will explore the cellular composition of the nervous system, the process of neuronal communication, basic gross neuroanatomy, the neural basis of sensation and perception and the relationship between the brain and human behaviour. Each module consists of a lecture series, revision session and weekly tutorial session. Tutorials include small group activities and worksheets designed to reinforce key course concepts. In addition, the course will feature 'research spotlight' sessions, which are designed to introduce students to neuroscience research currently being conducted at the University of Adelaide.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4655": {"id": "l8imfQr2D4X8BZ0j0nClu", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "af9y27R3WFnaCEKkyehCj", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28900, "section": "SE01", "size": 250, "enrolled": 204, "available": 46, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Aug - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "sh8uzKfo2NKlApHRX1x1U", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21105, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 16, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21106, "section": "TU02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 16, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21522, "section": "TU06", "size": 20, "enrolled": 18, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21523, "section": "TU05", "size": 20, "enrolled": 10, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21524, "section": "TU04", "size": 20, "enrolled": 19, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21584, "section": "TU10", "size": 20, "enrolled": 19, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23310, "section": "TU07", "size": 20, "enrolled": 7, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23311, "section": "TU08", "size": 20, "enrolled": 19, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23449, "section": "TU17", "size": 20, "enrolled": 19, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24625, "section": "TU03", "size": 20, "enrolled": 15, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24690, "section": "TU11", "size": 20, "enrolled": 16, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24705, "section": "TU14", "size": 20, "enrolled": 19, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24706, "section": "TU15", "size": 20, "enrolled": 10, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4656": {"id": "jyx_5JjMHtEcpARKdU9L_", "course_id": "109009", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109009", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Create. Communicate. Connect with Health and Medical Sciences", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1002", "CLASS_NBR": 10506, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "069999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Students enrolled in a Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences or Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences (Adv).", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Workshop attendance 10%, writing and researching skills 35%, group work skills 30%, career awareness portfolio 25%.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Have you ever wondered what a career in the health and medical sciences encompasses and the attributes that you need to excel in this field? This course will explore these questions through three modules, each with a different focus, and will include contributions from health and medical sciences teachers and professionals. The learning outcomes of this course will be achieved through weekly workshops and small group discovery experience (SGDE).\n\u2022 The first module will focus on the development of academic, research, communication and independent learning skills that are required for success in health and medical sciences careers.\n\u2022 The second module will enhance student\u2019s skills and confidence in oral, written and interpersonal communication equipping students with the capacity to provide and communicate solutions and knowledge to others.\n\u2022 The third module will facilitate students to begin connecting with previous health and medical science graduates to explore potential career pathways.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4657": {"id": "jyx_5JjMHtEcpARKdU9L_", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "nxI9tFNuv-Gh5HkIxre0M", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19225, "section": "LEC0", "size": 300, "enrolled": 278, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "uZuOEpLwce47s2j_dCtoU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10506, "section": "WR10", "size": 42, "enrolled": 42, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10942, "section": "WR09", "size": 42, "enrolled": 40, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13772, "section": "WR07", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S336a&b, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S336a&b, Meeting Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13773, "section": "WR06", "size": 42, "enrolled": 41, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S336a&b, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S336a&b, Meeting Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13774, "section": "WR05", "size": 42, "enrolled": 40, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13775, "section": "WR04", "size": 42, "enrolled": 35, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 403, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13776, "section": "WR03", "size": 42, "enrolled": 39, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S336a&b, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S336a&b, Meeting Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13777, "section": "WR02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 17, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG25, Vernon-Roberts Museum"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG25, Vernon-Roberts Museum"}]}]}]}]}, "4658": {"id": "wevGMV2P0iZig_XWcF3dQ", "course_id": "109009", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109009", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Create. Communicate. Connect with Health and Medical Sciences", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1002UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 19120, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "069999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Tutorial attendance 10%, Workshop attendance 12%, Online quizzes 21%, SGDE task 30%, Written essay 20%, Career seminars 7%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Have you ever wondered what a career in the health and medical sciences encompasses and the attributes that you need to excel in this field? This course will explore these questions through three modules, each with a different focus, and will include contributions from health and medical sciences teachers and professionals. The learning outcomes of this course will be achieved through weekly workshops and small group discovery experience (SGDE).\n\u2022 The first module will focus on the development of academic, research, communication and independent learning skills that are required for success in health and medical sciences careers.\n\u2022 The second module will enhance student\u2019s skills and confidence in oral, written and interpersonal communication equipping students with the capacity to provide and communicate solutions and knowledge to others.\n\u2022 The third module will facilitate students to begin connecting with previous health and medical science graduates to explore potential career pathways.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4659": {"id": "wevGMV2P0iZig_XWcF3dQ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "6hrX45Y1teGAFBtm9jbZe", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19270, "section": "LEC0", "size": 48, "enrolled": 31, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tuition", "id": "DQi1ZdDxu8fbtxBkdDjC-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12437, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 17, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Darling West, 105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Darling West, 105, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12438, "section": "TT02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 14, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, 203, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, 203, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "PjT2n4CaicAZy29tfsSe6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15582, "section": "WR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 10, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG25, Vernon-Roberts Museum"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG25, Vernon-Roberts Museum"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19120, "section": "WR02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 21, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S336a&b, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S336a&b, Meeting Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4660": {"id": "Y6GJXqXqE2yU0Xt029vMB", "course_id": "108330", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108330", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Principles of Human Health and Disease", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1005", "CLASS_NBR": 25590, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010913", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ANAT SC 1102 (or approval from the course coordinator)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "SACE Stage 1 & 2 or IB Biology or equivalent", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "On-line examinations, online quizzes, report based on an online seminar, tutorial participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Foundation concepts in anatomy, physiology, pharmacology and pathology will be presented via lectures clustered into six themes. Each theme will begin with a case-study description of human clinical symptoms, followed by a guided exploration of the case to gain greater understanding of the basic concepts that underlie human health and disease. Past themes have included endocrine disorders, cardiovascular disease, respiratory disorders, neurodegenerative disease, cancer and reproductive disorders (subject to change each year). Lectures are supported by recommended readings, tutorials and study exercises. Online concept check quizzes promote regular revision of main concepts throughout the semester. Two special 'Ask-An-Expert' guest lectures at the end of term will feature invited world-class research scientists in Adelaide who will speak to students about cutting-edge research relevant to a lecture theme, and answer questions.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4661": {"id": "Y6GJXqXqE2yU0Xt029vMB", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "_8QxgE_MQHXCO9_0K5wew", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28994, "section": "LEC0", "size": 150, "enrolled": 105, "available": 45, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "NKmI9axC6y5PshOVu_uoa", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20380, "section": "SE01", "size": 150, "enrolled": 105, "available": 45, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "HJdki_ernSNL2vYZuPaXy", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25583, "section": "TU03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 25, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 31 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S416, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S416, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Aug - 28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S416, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S416, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S416, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S416, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25587, "section": "TU06", "size": 30, "enrolled": 10, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 31 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S416, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S416, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Aug - 28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S416, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S416, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S416, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S416, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25588, "section": "TU05", "size": 30, "enrolled": 25, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 29 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Aug - 12 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Oct - 7 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25592, "section": "TU11", "size": 30, "enrolled": 19, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S416, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S416, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S416, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S416, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S416, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S416, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25593, "section": "TU10", "size": 30, "enrolled": 17, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S416, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S416, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S416, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S416, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S416, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S416, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25594, "section": "TU09", "size": 30, "enrolled": 9, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 29 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Aug - 12 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Oct - 7 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "id": "7rRdbhmRC3UxetB3uhzD-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22171, "section": "AS01", "size": 150, "enrolled": 105, "available": 45, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Aug - 19 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "19 Aug - 19 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S127, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S127, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "28 Oct - 28 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "28 Oct - 28 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S127, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "4662": {"id": "SisqdPgGJ2hU7Mf90CTKW", "course_id": "108330", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108330", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Principles of Human Health and Disease", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1005UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 23847, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010913", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ANAT SC 1102 (or approval from the course coordinator)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "In-class examinations; online quizzes; active engagement at two special lectures; tutorial participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Foundation concepts in anatomy, physiology, pharmacology and pathology will be presented via lectures clustered into six themes. Each theme will begin with a case-study description of human clinical symptoms, followed by a guided exploration of the case to gain greater understanding of the basic concepts that underlie human health and disease. Past themes have included endocrine disorders, cardiovascular disease, respiratory disorders, neurodegenerative disease, cancer and reproductive disorders (subject to change each year). Lectures are supported by recommended readings, tutorials and study exercises. Online concept check quizzes promote regular revision of main concepts throughout the semester. Two special 'Ask-An-Expert' guest lectures at the end of term will feature invited world-class research scientists in Adelaide who will speak to students about cutting-edge research relevant to a lecture theme, and answer questions.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4663": {"id": "SisqdPgGJ2hU7Mf90CTKW", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Related Class: Assessment", "id": "3HpYII6ckS7MFyD4TxKjw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22172, "section": "AS01", "size": 75, "enrolled": 0, "available": 75, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Aug - 19 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "19 Aug - 19 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S127, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S127, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "28 Oct - 28 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "28 Oct - 28 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S127, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "TpYwHaMUzcPqHhl4F3bPM", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23847, "section": "SE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4664": {"id": "yZs1Q_jaTOJ7UjfsCVl5j", "course_id": "109018", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109018", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Clinical Skills and Simulation", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1006", "CLASS_NBR": 20753, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060199", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to students enrolled in BHlthMedSc (Advanced)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Reflective Essay submitted electronically in Canvas; Small group presentation with self-assessment and confidential feedback on one another\u2019s contributions to assessment; Observed Structured Clinical Examination; Participation and contribution in class", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Using the state of the art facilities of the Adelaide Health Simulation Centre, the course will introduce students to healthcare delivery in Australia. They will develop clinical skills used by health professionals through simulation, a best practice approach to health care related learning and other modes of teaching. Students will develop and foster knowledge and skills in basic life support, measurement of vital signs and communicating with patients whilst gaining an understanding of how the health care system in Australia works, appreciating the roles of different members of healthcare teams and exploring challenges facing the Australian health care system.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4665": {"id": "yZs1Q_jaTOJ7UjfsCVl5j", "class_list": [{"association_group": "11", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "p36Ko14J5W31RywytyW6N", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25569, "section": "LE01", "size": 31, "enrolled": 30, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "AHMS, G030, Lecture Theatre 1"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "AHMS, G030, Lecture Theatre 1"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "pbKyTpsmVN7ezRGLl51SA", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20756, "section": "WR01", "size": 31, "enrolled": 30, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 29 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Aug - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Aug - 19 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Sep - 2 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 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This information will provide the basis for the study of the major organ systems of the body. Each week we will investigate a new body system, focusing particularly on its structure and function. By the end of semester you will have great foundational knowledge of how the human body works.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4667": {"id": "iJin-FzOnF4rlZdqGgOoa", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "_FKiasHyB4Jg76lfg8_1W", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11596, "section": "WR05", "size": 65, "enrolled": 60, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N424/N425, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N424/N425, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11597, "section": "WR04", "size": 65, "enrolled": 55, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N424/N425, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N424/N425, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11598, "section": "WR03", "size": 65, "enrolled": 61, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N424/N425, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N424/N425, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11599, "section": "WR02", "size": 65, "enrolled": 58, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N424/N425, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N424/N425, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11600, "section": "WR01", "size": 65, "enrolled": 64, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N424/N425, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N424/N425, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "uVhd2VcwSRdCtUln3YPQ7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10504, "section": "LE01", "size": 330, "enrolled": 298, "available": 32, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "4668": {"id": "ej_25qRJaM5dbzkguQNgF", "course_id": "110413", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110413", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Communication in Professional Practice", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1401", "CLASS_NBR": 19719, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "069999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Hons) or Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Hons) or Bachelor of Speech Pathology (Hons)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Final Examination, assignment and continuous assessment tasks", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, students will explore the importance of communication as a foundation to practice as a health professional. They will examine how personal and cultural factors, values and life experiences may influence professional communication as well as developing communication skills for culturally safe and reflective practice as a health professional. Students will study concepts of professionalism, ethics, inter-professional collaborative practice and digital literacy. This course will enable students to develop an understanding of teamwork involving individuals cooperating and collaborating towards a shared goal.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4669": {"id": "ej_25qRJaM5dbzkguQNgF", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "kzGdMu2vrWN8KlxZIMC_I", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10216, "section": "WR05", "size": 65, "enrolled": 56, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N424/N425, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N424/N425, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10217, "section": "WR04", "size": 65, "enrolled": 58, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14871, "section": "WR03", "size": 65, "enrolled": 61, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14872, "section": "WR02", "size": 65, "enrolled": 63, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N424/N425, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N424/N425, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14873, "section": "WR01", "size": 65, "enrolled": 64, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N424/N425, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N424/N425, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4670": {"id": "b-wfQ6HUyj-vwL9us_69o", "course_id": "110419", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110419", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Foundations of Health and Wellbeing", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1402", "CLASS_NBR": 22970, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Hons) or Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Hons) or Bachelor of Speech Pathology (Hons)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Final examination, various assignments and continuous assessment tasks", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students will examine key theories underpinning concepts in contemporary health and wellbeing. Students will investigate the complex range of interactions that influence the health and wellbeing of individuals, communities and populations. As health is a dynamic concept, students will identify and discuss the social, environmental and individual determinants of health and wellbeing within an Australian and global context.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4671": {"id": "b-wfQ6HUyj-vwL9us_69o", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "c8DOa2tQiA2O8eBCEWhwP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20711, "section": "WR08", "size": 30, "enrolled": 26, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N425, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N425, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20712, "section": "WR07", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N424, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N424, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20713, "section": "WR06", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N425, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N425, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20714, "section": "WR05", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N424, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N424, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20715, "section": "WR04", "size": 30, "enrolled": 27, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N425, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N425, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20716, "section": "WR03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N424, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N424, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21122, "section": "WR02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N108, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21123, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22970, "section": "WR10", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 403, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22971, "section": "WR09", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4672": {"id": "fHPNhz5VYPDPH8NgeFkq7", "course_id": "110408", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110408", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Biosciences for Human Health B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1403", "CLASS_NBR": 21608, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010913", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Hons) or Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Hons) or Bachelor of Speech Pathology (Hons)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "HLTH SC 1400 or ANAT SC 1102 or ANAT SC 1103", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Final examination, various assignments and continuous assessment tasks", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, students are introduced to the study of anatomy. An overview of anatomical terminology, basic tissue types and a variety of techniques used to visualize the human body will be given followed by a more detailed study of the anatomy ofthe musculoskeletal and nervous systems. Anatomical principles and terminology will be applied to relevant body systems and the concept of integrated function of multiple systems in one body region will be introduced through the study of the trunk. Students will be taught via a blended on-line and face-to-face approach.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4673": {"id": "fHPNhz5VYPDPH8NgeFkq7", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "gbKxYeuXuVtObVr0W1ACf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21609, "section": "WR05", "size": 61, "enrolled": 58, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21610, "section": "WR04", "size": 61, "enrolled": 58, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N424/N425, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N424/N425, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21611, "section": "WR03", "size": 61, "enrolled": 59, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N424/N425, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N424/N425, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21612, "section": "WR02", "size": 61, "enrolled": 57, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N424/N425, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N424/N425, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21613, "section": "WR01", "size": 61, "enrolled": 61, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N424/N425, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N424/N425, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "8qrbamroaMYna51jJmhME", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25413, "section": "LE01", "size": 305, "enrolled": 293, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "4674": {"id": "TpRuf5ZHQhtYylzwaVeZp", "course_id": "110411", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110411", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Evidence Based Practice in Allied Health 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1404", "CLASS_NBR": 19720, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "069999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Hons) or Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Hons) or Bachelor of Speech Pathology (Hons)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Final examination, various assignments and continuous assessment tasks", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces students to the use of research-based evidence in professional health care practice. Working in interprofessional teams and using a range of case scenarios, students will develop research skills in areas relevant to their field of practice. Through online activities and workshops, students will learn about the role of evidence-based practice in health. Students will be exposed to a range of study areas including systematic approaches to acquiring evidence, critical appraisal of the literature, interpretation of research design, descriptive and inferential statistics and assessment of research outcomes. Students will learn how an evidence-based approach in health informs clinical practice as well as developing research skills to determine the most appropriate intervention techniques for application in a given clinical population. Finally, students will learn to appreciate the complex interaction between social, economic and environmental influences that contribute to sustainability thinking in health research.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4675": {"id": "TpRuf5ZHQhtYylzwaVeZp", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "zqXELaeRbW8cjB1qi8KKU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15569, "section": "WR05", "size": 65, "enrolled": 55, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15570, "section": "WR04", "size": 65, "enrolled": 63, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15571, "section": "WR03", "size": 65, "enrolled": 63, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15572, "section": "WR02", "size": 65, "enrolled": 60, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15573, "section": "WR01", "size": 65, "enrolled": 59, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4676": {"id": "cFucmFb8J0Il-AgFTGIAk", "course_id": "110414", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110414", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Psychological Foundations for Allied Health", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1405", "CLASS_NBR": 28814, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Hons) or Bachelor of Speech Pathology (Hons)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Final Examination, various assignments and continuous assessment tasks", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course students will explore a range of psychological theories and how they apply in Allied Health. This includes a focus on personality and what makes a person unique, how people work together, and what happens to a person in times of stress or illness. Students will also examine the processes that drive a person to do the things that they do and how they feel about them. The impact of culture will be explored through scenarios with linguistically and culturally diverse communities, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4677": {"id": "cFucmFb8J0Il-AgFTGIAk", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "j03tTzO2zIU1EVwgVrYtG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28814, "section": "WR05", "size": 60, "enrolled": 45, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 28815, "section": "WR04", "size": 60, "enrolled": 54, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S336a&b, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S336a&b, Meeting Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 28816, "section": "WR03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N112, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 28818, "section": "WR01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 57, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S336a&b, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S336a&b, Meeting Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "e4nHJWTddMrh0V7AaQoZ0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29078, "section": "LEC0", "size": 200, "enrolled": 185, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "4678": {"id": "Lk4KjsTzbLJ0wEYIAddBG", "course_id": "110420", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110420", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Behavioural Neuroscience", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1406", "CLASS_NBR": 20019, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Hons)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Final examination, various assignments and continuous assessment tasks", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The ability to sense and respond to our environment is critical to the survival of all living things, from the simplest of single celled organisms right up to complicated animals like us. In this course, students will explore how we sense our environment, and how our brains use this information to guide behaviour. Students will focus on four broad areas; first, students will investigate the senses, including smell, taste, vision, hearing, and touch. Then, learn how hormones affect multiple body systems with implications for occupational engagement. Next, students will learn about the internal processes that keep human bodies working efficiently. Finally, students will uncover the mechanisms of learning and memory.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4679": {"id": "Lk4KjsTzbLJ0wEYIAddBG", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "LqHqsavQ3faFb39-L3Iis", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20019, "section": "WR04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N403, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22825, "section": "WR03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N403, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23654, "section": "WR02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N403, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23655, "section": "WR01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 22, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "h5ewNHZzBeyMNfP5h2L7Z", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20493, "section": "SE02", "size": 50, "enrolled": 46, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "20 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20494, "section": "SE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 49, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "20 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "aRlkJa-I0BkPDvKoWCiam", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24931, "section": "LE01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 95, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "4680": {"id": "wtFgfbpDLjQ-IakNGd7bu", "course_id": "109037", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109037", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research to Reality: Synthesising Health Solutions", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "2012", "CLASS_NBR": 11825, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "069999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "BHlthMedSc (Advanced) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "HLTH SC 2105", "ASSESSMENT": "Project proposal (including: problem identification; needs assessment; search strategy; literature evaluation), peer assessment, and professionalism (preparation and engagement)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Hacking health uses the principles of Translational Science to develop students' skills in engaging with literature, scientific writing, critical thinking, and knowledge evaluation and synthesis. This course will provide students with the skills and practical knowledge to: (i) creatively assess current health challenges in the community and collaboratively develop innovative solutions; (ii) identify and appraise current knowledge of interventions and strategies for effectiveness; (iii) scope the role for potential new interventions; (iv) consider the determinants of successful implementation of new or existing interventions.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4681": {"id": "wtFgfbpDLjQ-IakNGd7bu", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "lHn258SMFL4GVwOWcmhwO", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19174, "section": "LEC0", "size": 100, "enrolled": 87, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "Zk6GV8582QhqFEPHL4iWH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10014, "section": "WR02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 13, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG25, Vernon-Roberts Museum"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG25, Vernon-Roberts Museum"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10446, "section": "WR03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG25, Vernon-Roberts Museum"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG25, Vernon-Roberts Museum"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11825, "section": "WR04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG25, Vernon-Roberts Museum"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG25, Vernon-Roberts Museum"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12206, "section": "WR01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 26, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S336a&b, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S336a&b, Meeting Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4682": {"id": "y2crDFgV3kv9L4iKyb11c", "course_id": "106038", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106038", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Fundamentals in Human Nutrition", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "2100", "CLASS_NBR": 21506, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "069901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ANAT SC 1102 (and at least 15 units of other Level I courses) or MEDIC ST 1000B", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Examinations and assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course investigates how dietary components, macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins and fats) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals), influence health and disease at the whole organism, organ, cellular and molecular level. It will introduce students to fundamental principles in cellular metabolism and nutritional physiology related to dietary components. Students will investigate how basic physiological, cellular and molecular processes are influenced and regulated by dietary components and how diet can affect overall human health and disease. Students will be able to critically assess nutritional status and both develop and critique basic nutritional interventions designed to improve human health and wellbeing. There will be opportunity for each student confidentially to critically analyze their own dietary intake within the framework of the Australian Dietary Guidelines. The concepts covered in lectures will be reinforced with practical workshops and tutorials.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4683": {"id": "y2crDFgV3kv9L4iKyb11c", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "57h1S52l2o2fjqs3C6boC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29006, "section": "LEC0", "size": 100, "enrolled": 53, "available": 47, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "2DqRZXhtBnGZAxdh1NDDI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20215, "section": "TU01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 27, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21506, "section": "TU02", "size": 45, "enrolled": 26, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "Od9A1A2qA2zDwMGU5qJUj", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28901, "section": "SE02", "size": 45, "enrolled": 13, "available": 32, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Aug - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 5 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 28902, "section": "SE01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 40, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Aug - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4684": {"id": "thgonYi9ypoetWS4Vn9hn", "course_id": "109016", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109016", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Essential Understanding of Disease and Treatment", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "2104", "CLASS_NBR": 12174, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060113", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ANAT SC 1102 or BIOLOGY 1101", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ANAT SC 1103 or BIOLOGY 1201", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PHARM 2100 , PATHOL 2200", "ASSESSMENT": "Online quizzes, mid-semester test, participation in tutorials and CBL, final examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course provides a general introduction to pathology and basic pharmacological concepts and principles needed to understand mechanisms of disease and treatment. Topics covered include the classification, causes and mechanisms of basic tissue processes which underlie disease and how drugs interact with cellular target molecules, as well as for the cellular and physiological responses resulting from such interactions. These concepts will be illustrated by examining major drug classes and their use in the treatment of major human diseases.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4685": {"id": "thgonYi9ypoetWS4Vn9hn", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "EWW__qtsSbjEzouW3Nl1z", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13201, "section": "LE01", "size": 360, "enrolled": 226, "available": 134, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Assessment", "id": "duX68pvwP2LejUccOO479", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12273, "section": "AS01", "size": 360, "enrolled": 226, "available": 134, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "FL9Jg4P6VKQgOHw3IDehn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12794, "section": "TU03", "size": 120, "enrolled": 89, "available": 31, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12795, "section": "TU02", "size": 120, "enrolled": 68, "available": 52, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12796, "section": "TU01", "size": 120, "enrolled": 69, "available": 51, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4686": {"id": "iimO-6R_rpZv3hVJc80qo", "course_id": "109038", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109038", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Reflect. Research. Resolve Questions in Health", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "2105", "CLASS_NBR": 14825, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "069999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week. This course requires face-to-face attendance; students are not able to complete it online.", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BHlthMedSci students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "HLTH SC 1002", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "HLTH SC 2012", "ASSESSMENT": "Writing and Research Skills 60%, Group Work Skills 30% , Workshop Attendance 10%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course involves the interactive, student-centred exploration of specific real-world health problems written to stimulate collaborative analysis and investigation. Students will work in teams to consider a contemporary health challenge, either: Maternal Health, Planetary Health, Addiction and Mental Health, or Nutritional Health, from a range of perspectives (medical science, public health etc.) expanding their research, problem solving and teamwork skills. In addition, students will conduct a Health Problem Literature Intervention Review utilising evidence synthesis, culminating in an evidence-based intervention recommendation for decision-makers. Critical thinking skills will be developed in all aspects of the reflection, research and resolution of the health issue.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4687": {"id": "iimO-6R_rpZv3hVJc80qo", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "7gAsE2BNi29Hcsi_BzSLF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10797, "section": "WR04", "size": 40, "enrolled": 38, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12937, "section": "WR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 28, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15441, "section": "WR02", "size": 40, "enrolled": 32, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15442, "section": "WR03", "size": 48, "enrolled": 45, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "SDkpJ27lSv-naEwMWJpKK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12715, "section": "TU10", "size": 20, "enrolled": 20, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 30 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 May - 14 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 May - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12716, "section": "TU09", "size": 20, "enrolled": 20, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 30 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 May - 14 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 May - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12718, "section": "TU07", "size": 20, "enrolled": 17, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Hartley, 122a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Hartley, 122a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Hartley, 122a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 May - 3 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Hartley, 122a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 May - 17 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Hartley, 122a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "31 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Hartley, 122a, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12719, "section": "TU06", "size": 21, "enrolled": 19, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 May - 1 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 May - 15 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12721, "section": "TU04", "size": 20, "enrolled": 16, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "The Braggs, 425, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "The Braggs, 425, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "The Braggs, 425, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 30 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "The Braggs, 425, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 May - 14 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "The Braggs, 425, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 May - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "The Braggs, 425, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12722, "section": "TU03", "size": 20, "enrolled": 13, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hartley, 122a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hartley, 122a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hartley, 122a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 30 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hartley, 122a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 May - 14 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hartley, 122a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 May - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hartley, 122a, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12723, "section": "TU02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 20, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 May - 3 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 May - 17 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "31 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12724, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 18, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S416, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S416, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S416, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 May - 1 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S416, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 May - 15 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S416, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S416, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4688": {"id": "UfCXIfN2-l-n5kTc7krn7", "course_id": "110380", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110380", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Precision Medicine: Disease, Treatment & Prevention", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "2108", "CLASS_NBR": 23820, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019907", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ANAT SC 1102 or BIOLOGY 1101 or MEDIC ST 1000B", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "HLTH SC 2104", "INCOMPATIBLE": "HLTH SC 2103 and HLTH SC 2107", "ASSESSMENT": "Students will complete formative quizzes, participate in large group tutorials/case-based learning sessions, complete 3x online assignments, 3x in-semester exams", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "A major source of improvements in health outcomes in modern medicine have come from a precision medicine approach. Precision medicine involves the use of biomarkers, genetic information and state-of-the art imaging to ensure that the patient receives the right diagnosis; receives the right medicine for them and at the right dose for the right duration. This course will provide an overview of contemporary issues in pathology and pharmacology and expand on concepts developed in Essential Understanding of Disease and Treatment. Students will learn contemporary concepts in modern pharmacology, including basic pharmacokinetic concepts and drug-drug interactions, precision medicine and modern drug development. They will develop an understanding of the unique pathological and pharmacological factors impacting on different population groups and disease outcomes and how this can be exploited in precision medicine for both disease treatment and prevention.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4689": {"id": "UfCXIfN2-l-n5kTc7krn7", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "mIoL_ZKd17KRy_2GIMldS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29087, "section": "LEC0", "size": 210, "enrolled": 175, "available": 35, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Please note that this class does not have any face to face sessions."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "arQUlyLgO63tNyMwJV57O", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23821, "section": "WR02", "size": 92, "enrolled": 86, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 31 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 214/218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 214/218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Aug - 28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 214/218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 214/218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 214/218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 214/218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23822, "section": "WR01", "size": 92, "enrolled": 89, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 31 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 214/218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 214/218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Aug - 28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 214/218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 214/218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 214/218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 214/218, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "bXckklH3p1Qs2t5_gWI0B", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29088, "section": "SE01", "size": 210, "enrolled": 175, "available": 35, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Aug - 8 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 5 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "4690": {"id": "wWvHlA_8gngKDaMhFMXf3", "course_id": "110448", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110448", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Evidence Based Practice in Allied Health 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "2400", "CLASS_NBR": 14978, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "069999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Hons) or Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Hons) or Bachelor of Speech Pathology (Hons)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Final Examination, assignment and continuous assessment tasks", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, students will learn to formulate practice-related questions, search for evidence, evaluate the evidence, apply the evidence and reflect on their performance. Students will also develop an understanding of research processes as an essential tool for research evidence in practice. Relevant aspects of research methods will be introduced, and students will acquire knowledge relating to the selection and use of measures and/or tests that are used in research and practice.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4691": {"id": "wWvHlA_8gngKDaMhFMXf3", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "EwjHaoNqh5IkwgfvPGz8n", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14949, "section": "WR04", "size": 60, "enrolled": 48, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N424/N425, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N424/N425, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14978, "section": "WR06", "size": 60, "enrolled": 54, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N424/N425, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N424/N425, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14979, "section": "WR05", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14980, "section": "WR03", "size": 60, "enrolled": 45, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14981, "section": "WR02", "size": 60, "enrolled": 52, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N424/N425, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N424/N425, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14982, "section": "WR01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 45, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4692": {"id": "6x8MpeEXVLIIhjcy3h801", "course_id": "110428", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110428", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Development Across the Lifespan for Allied Health", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "2401", "CLASS_NBR": 23618, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Honours) or Bachelor of Speech Pathology (Honours)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "HLTH SC 1405 and HLTH SC 1406", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Final examination, various assignments and continuous assessment tasks", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course students will learn about human development from the earliest period of prenatal development through infancy, childhood, adolescence, and into adulthood and older age. Through lectures, required reading, and online activities students will be introduced to the key theories and research, and will use these to think about how each aspect of development lays the foundation for the next phase and the importance of context for development. Online activities, quizzes, and tutorials will provide students with the opportunity to apply their understanding of development, clinical and community contexts, and specific case studies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4693": {"id": "6x8MpeEXVLIIhjcy3h801", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "qBRHYIoehz5_KCqOVokxR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23618, "section": "TU04", "size": 40, "enrolled": 17, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S336a&b, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S336a&b, Meeting Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23978, "section": "TU03", "size": 40, "enrolled": 41, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24033, "section": "TU01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 40, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4694": {"id": "Wde5ot3VI7r_PUvF5rB7B", "course_id": "109025", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109025", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Reproductive Health Matters", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3006", "CLASS_NBR": 21124, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060107", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PUB HLTH 2007 or MEDIC ST 1000B", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "PUB HLTH 1001", "INCOMPATIBLE": "OB&GYNAE 3000", "ASSESSMENT": "Participation, Essay plan, 2 Written Essays, Quizzes, Final Exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, students will consider reproductive health from clinical, epidemiological and social perspectives. Topics will include the occurrence and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, sex education and contraception, and health care in pregnancy. Historical trends in maternal and neonatal outcomes will be considered and the basis for significant improvements since the 19th century. Reproductive health of Aboriginal people and other disadvantaged groups will receive special attention, along with strategies to reduce inequalities in reproductive health. Students will have opportunities to hear from scientists and practitioners with relevant expertise. Active learning will be encouraged, for example, through guided reading and group exercises. Students will enhance skills in analysis of literature and in creating a coherent written account of a body of work.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4695": {"id": "Wde5ot3VI7r_PUvF5rB7B", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "5FUXJdKlpAwT1Zfymq963", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29019, "section": "LEC0", "size": 30, "enrolled": 21, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "WsE7L91JpsKDHIxTZSxBq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21124, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 21, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG25, Vernon-Roberts Museum"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG25, Vernon-Roberts Museum"}]}]}]}]}, "4696": {"id": "oszA-cWAHZ7LpoCxFQ6el", "course_id": "109032", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109032", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Placement (Clinical Trials) Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3008A", "CLASS_NBR": 13578, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060199", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to BHlthMedSc and BHlthMedSc (Adv) students. Students may only complete the 6 units of research placement within their chosen major.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "HLTH SC 1002 or HLTH SC 1006 and HLTH SC 2105 or HLTH SC 1006 and HLTH SC 2012 and the pre-requisite courses at Level II for this major. Must have 18 units of Level II courses, including the listed Level II courses", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual research proposal (summative); Group introductory oral seminar (summative); Supervisor assessment (summative)\u201d and \u201cOnline quizzes (summative)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Research Placement course is a capstone experience designed to develop research skills in third-year BHlthMedSc students through a year-long research placement related to their major. Students will design a project, learn research methodology in performing the project, analyse, interpret and communicate the findings of a research project or internship placement under academic supervision in a Small Group Discovery Experience. Some research placements will require a GPA > 5.5.\n\nThe research placement experience will be supported by workshop modules and journal club sessions. These will include:\n1. Common modules on core competencies (eg research integrity, research ethics), \n2. Major-specific modules including journal clubs to develop evaluation skills\n3. A fixed number of skills modules selected according to skills required for the specific placement and the student's existing skills/courses already completed (e.g. systematic review principles, laboratory research design). \n\nEach student will document their research activities with a final written report, and in addition will communicate their research findings at an end-of-year symposium.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4697": {"id": "oszA-cWAHZ7LpoCxFQ6el", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "wCav7cJhCnIq--3dK7lit", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13578, "section": "WR03", "size": 5, "enrolled": 3, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 18 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13579, "section": "WR02", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 18 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13580, "section": "WR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 4, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 18 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "YBVEelHTYfoJemBIfOqKu", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13565, "section": "LE01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 7, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 1 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "4698": {"id": "V8Uk0mmglsQYwO2NmnRd3", "course_id": "109032", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109032", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Placement (Clinical Trials) Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3008A", "CLASS_NBR": 23629, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060199", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to BHlthMedSc and BHlthMedSc (Adv) students. Students may only complete the 6 units of research placement within their chosen major.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "HLTH SC 1002 or HLTH SC 1006 and HLTH SC 2105 or HLTH SC 1006 and HLTH SC 2012 and the pre-requisite courses at Level II for this major. Must have 18 units of Level II courses, including the listed Level II courses", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual research proposal (summative); Group introductory oral seminar (summative); Supervisor assessment (summative)\u201d and \u201cOnline quizzes (summative)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Research Placement course is a capstone experience designed to develop research skills in third-year BHlthMedSc students through a year-long research placement related to their major. Students will design a project, learn research methodology in performing the project, analyse, interpret and communicate the findings of a research project or internship placement under academic supervision in a Small Group Discovery Experience. Some research placements will require a GPA > 5.5.\n\nThe research placement experience will be supported by workshop modules and journal club sessions. These will include:\n1. Common modules on core competencies (eg research integrity, research ethics), \n2. Major-specific modules including journal clubs to develop evaluation skills\n3. A fixed number of skills modules selected according to skills required for the specific placement and the student's existing skills/courses already completed (e.g. systematic review principles, laboratory research design). \n\nEach student will document their research activities with a final written report, and in addition will communicate their research findings at an end-of-year symposium.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4699": {"id": "V8Uk0mmglsQYwO2NmnRd3", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "vFYHx1N8qoFsnCC0lMwDp", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23629, "section": "WR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 2, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 12 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "oVEw8RhGLK8HloZxOUcdn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23628, "section": "LE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 2, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 22 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "4700": {"id": "FK5MQBUGM1J9Hyt6ir9WN", "course_id": "109033", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109033", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Placement (Clinical Trials) Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3008B", "CLASS_NBR": 13595, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060199", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to BHlthMedSc and BHlthMedSc (Adv) students. Students may only complete the 6 units of research placement within their chosen major.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "HLTH SC 3008A", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Journal clubs (summative), Workshop (Careers) (formative), Final report (summative), Poster presentation (summative), Abstract (summative), Curriculum Vitae (summative), Research Supervisor\u2019s Mark (summative)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Research Placement course is a capstone experience designed to develop research skills in third-year BHlthMedSc students through a year-long research placement related to their major. Students will design a project, learn research methodology in performing the project, analyse, interpret and communicate the findings of a research project or internship placement under academic supervision in a Small Group Discovery Experience. Some research placements will require a GPA > 5.5.\n\nThe research placement experience will be supported by workshop modules and journal club sessions. These will include:\n1. Common modules on core competencies (eg research integrity, research ethics), \n2. Major-specific modules including journal clubs to develop evaluation skills\n3. A fixed number of skills modules selected according to skills required for the specific placement and the student's existing skills/courses already completed (e.g. systematic review principles, laboratory research design). \n\nEach student will document their research activities with a final written report, and in addition will communicate their research findings at an end-of-year symposium.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4701": {"id": "FK5MQBUGM1J9Hyt6ir9WN", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "eRtaLWzj0BnviOaKNCN-9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13596, "section": "WR02", "size": 1, "enrolled": 0, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S416, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13597, "section": "WR01", "size": 2, "enrolled": 2, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "qflV1yWCSBfDP7cTA7Bpk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13588, "section": "LE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 2, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "4702": {"id": "RhfNRj-KzOVIbOY6rQiuR", "course_id": "109033", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109033", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Placement (Clinical Trials) Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3008B", "CLASS_NBR": 23641, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060199", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to BHlthMedSc and BHlthMedSc (Adv) students. Students may only complete the 6 units of research placement within their chosen major.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "HLTH SC 3008A", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Journal clubs (summative), Workshop (Careers) (formative), Final report (summative), Poster presentation (summative), Abstract (summative), Curriculum Vitae (summative), Research Supervisor\u2019s Mark (summative)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Research Placement course is a capstone experience designed to develop research skills in third-year BHlthMedSc students through a year-long research placement related to their major. Students will design a project, learn research methodology in performing the project, analyse, interpret and communicate the findings of a research project or internship placement under academic supervision in a Small Group Discovery Experience. Some research placements will require a GPA > 5.5.\n\nThe research placement experience will be supported by workshop modules and journal club sessions. These will include:\n1. Common modules on core competencies (eg research integrity, research ethics), \n2. Major-specific modules including journal clubs to develop evaluation skills\n3. A fixed number of skills modules selected according to skills required for the specific placement and the student's existing skills/courses already completed (e.g. systematic review principles, laboratory research design). \n\nEach student will document their research activities with a final written report, and in addition will communicate their research findings at an end-of-year symposium.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4703": {"id": "RhfNRj-KzOVIbOY6rQiuR", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "gk9ap3Z7RSeDAzLpnbm8t", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23641, "section": "WR02", "size": 4, "enrolled": 2, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S416, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23642, "section": "WR01", "size": 4, "enrolled": 4, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "vAM6oDDMN6i41w13RweJD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23639, "section": "LE01", "size": 8, "enrolled": 6, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "4704": {"id": "z7aGsdq1HeWK3UViBsqIY", "course_id": "109035", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109035", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Placement (Medical Sciences) Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3009A", "CLASS_NBR": 13566, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to BHlthMedSc and BHlthMedSc (Adv) students. Students may only complete the 6 units of research placement within their chosen major.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "HLTH SC 1002 or HLTH SC 1006 and HLTH SC 2105 or HLTH SC 1006 and HLTH SC 2012 ;and the pre-requisite courses at Level II for this major. Must have 18 units of Level II courses, including the listed Level II courses", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual research proposal (summative); Group introductory oral seminar (summative); Supervisor assessment (summative)\u201d and \u201cOnline quizzes (summative)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Research Placement course is a capstone experience designed to develop research skills in third-year BHlthMedSc students through a year-long research placement related to their major. Students will design a project, learn research methodology in performing the project, analyse, interpret and communicate the findings of a research project or internship placement under academic supervision in a Small Group Discovery Experience. Some research placements will require a GPA > 5.5.\n\nThe research placement experience will be supported by workshop modules and journal club sessions. These will include:\n1. Common modules on core competencies (eg research integrity, research ethics), \n2. Major-specific modules including journal clubs to develop evaluation skills\n3. A fixed number of skills modules selected according to skills required for the specific placement and the student's existing skills/courses already completed (e.g. systematic review principles, laboratory research design). \n\nEach student will document their research activities with a final written report, and in addition will communicate their research findings at an end-of-year symposium.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4705": {"id": "z7aGsdq1HeWK3UViBsqIY", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "NcNkO_9DQNTPuCpUhSSvG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13566, "section": "WR03", "size": 20, "enrolled": 17, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 18 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13567, "section": "WR02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 9, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 18 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13568, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 14, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 18 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "ElsuLZX4-FqWb6MLH5VLU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13560, "section": "LE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 40, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 1 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "4706": {"id": "AH40Lot_LBvM89h-0RP15", "course_id": "109035", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109035", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Placement (Medical Sciences) Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3009A", "CLASS_NBR": 23630, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to BHlthMedSc and BHlthMedSc (Adv) students. Students may only complete the 6 units of research placement within their chosen major.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "HLTH SC 1002 or HLTH SC 1006 and HLTH SC 2105 or HLTH SC 1006 and HLTH SC 2012 ;and the pre-requisite courses at Level II for this major. Must have 18 units of Level II courses, including the listed Level II courses", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual research proposal (summative); Group introductory oral seminar (summative); Supervisor assessment (summative)\u201d and \u201cOnline quizzes (summative)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Research Placement course is a capstone experience designed to develop research skills in third-year BHlthMedSc students through a year-long research placement related to their major. Students will design a project, learn research methodology in performing the project, analyse, interpret and communicate the findings of a research project or internship placement under academic supervision in a Small Group Discovery Experience. Some research placements will require a GPA > 5.5.\n\nThe research placement experience will be supported by workshop modules and journal club sessions. These will include:\n1. Common modules on core competencies (eg research integrity, research ethics), \n2. Major-specific modules including journal clubs to develop evaluation skills\n3. A fixed number of skills modules selected according to skills required for the specific placement and the student's existing skills/courses already completed (e.g. systematic review principles, laboratory research design). \n\nEach student will document their research activities with a final written report, and in addition will communicate their research findings at an end-of-year symposium.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4707": {"id": "AH40Lot_LBvM89h-0RP15", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "eGdc2vL6GSsLCQ8zJfE1p", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23630, "section": "WR01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 11, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 12 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "e38-BjYa7IpW0c_h8sddL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23623, "section": "LE01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 11, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 22 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "4708": {"id": "Ei3-FTQFNJN6Zq8XySUpZ", "course_id": "109039", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109039", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Placement (Medical Sciences) Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3009B", "CLASS_NBR": 13590, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to BHlthMedSc and BHlthMedSc (Adv) students. Students may only complete the 6 units of research placement within their chosen major.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "HLTH SC 3009A", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Journal clubs (summative), Workshop (Careers) (formative), Final report (summative), Poster presentation (summative), Abstract (summative), Curriculum Vitae (summative), Research Supervisor\u2019s Mark (summative)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Research Placement course is a capstone experience designed to develop research skills in third-year BHlthMedSc students through a year-long research placement related to their major. Students will design a project, learn research methodology in performing the project, analyse, interpret and communicate the findings of a research project or internship placement under academic supervision in a Small Group Discovery Experience. Some research placements will require a GPA > 5.5.\n\nThe research placement experience will be supported by workshop modules and journal club sessions. These will include:\n1. Common modules on core competencies (eg research integrity, research ethics), \n2. Major-specific modules including journal clubs to develop evaluation skills\n3. A fixed number of skills modules selected according to skills required for the specific placement and the student's existing skills/courses already completed (e.g. systematic review principles, laboratory research design). \n\nEach student will document their research activities with a final written report, and in addition will communicate their research findings at an end-of-year symposium.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4709": {"id": "Ei3-FTQFNJN6Zq8XySUpZ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "boLywNmwMH1roskWsvrfK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13590, "section": "WR03", "size": 5, "enrolled": 5, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S416, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13591, "section": "WR02", "size": 5, "enrolled": 4, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S416, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13592, "section": "WR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 9, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "s81SNGrj7R28JbW7q8j1L", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13584, "section": "LE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 18, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "4710": {"id": "UGuBiyGkHQoUdooN5yuKI", "course_id": "109039", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109039", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Placement (Medical Sciences) Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3009B", "CLASS_NBR": 29270, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to BHlthMedSc and BHlthMedSc (Adv) students. Students may only complete the 6 units of research placement within their chosen major.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "HLTH SC 3009A", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Journal clubs (summative), Workshop (Careers) (formative), Final report (summative), Poster presentation (summative), Abstract (summative), Curriculum Vitae (summative), Research Supervisor\u2019s Mark (summative)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Research Placement course is a capstone experience designed to develop research skills in third-year BHlthMedSc students through a year-long research placement related to their major. Students will design a project, learn research methodology in performing the project, analyse, interpret and communicate the findings of a research project or internship placement under academic supervision in a Small Group Discovery Experience. Some research placements will require a GPA > 5.5.\n\nThe research placement experience will be supported by workshop modules and journal club sessions. These will include:\n1. Common modules on core competencies (eg research integrity, research ethics), \n2. Major-specific modules including journal clubs to develop evaluation skills\n3. A fixed number of skills modules selected according to skills required for the specific placement and the student's existing skills/courses already completed (e.g. systematic review principles, laboratory research design). \n\nEach student will document their research activities with a final written report, and in addition will communicate their research findings at an end-of-year symposium.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4711": {"id": "UGuBiyGkHQoUdooN5yuKI", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "7kjKcFHPHSRbaYXxafWYA", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23649, "section": "WR02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 19, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23650, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 18, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "tyRG2o694vpD-oUshfsJE", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23635, "section": "LE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 37, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "4712": {"id": "RZqlAz91Fmbzp7NhWo_UD", "course_id": "109040", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109040", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Placement (Neuroscience) Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3010A", "CLASS_NBR": 13569, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060199", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to BHlthMedSc and BHlthMedSc (Adv) students. Students may only complete the 6 units of research placement within their chosen major.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "HLTH SC 1002 or HLTH SC 1006 and HLTH SC 2105 or HLTH SC 1006 and HLTH SC 2012 and the pre-requisite courses at Level II for this major. Must have 18 units of Level II courses, including the listed Level II courses", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual research proposal (summative); Group introductory oral seminar (summative); Journal club presentation (formative)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Research Placement course is a capstone experience designed to develop research skills in third-year BHlthMedSc students through a year-long research placement related to their major. Students will design a project, learn research methodology in performing the project, analyse, interpret and communicate the findings of a research project or internship placement under academic supervision in a Small Group Discovery Experience. Some research placements will require a GPA > 5.5.\n\nThe research placement experience will be supported by workshop modules and journal club sessions. These will include:\n1. Common modules on core competencies (eg research integrity, research ethics), \n2. Major-specific modules including journal clubs to develop evaluation skills\n3. A fixed number of skills modules selected according to skills required for the specific placement and the student's existing skills/courses already completed (e.g. systematic review principles, laboratory research design). \n\nEach student will document their research activities with a final written report, and in addition will communicate their research findings at an end-of-year symposium.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4713": {"id": "RZqlAz91Fmbzp7NhWo_UD", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "rYVhc7RGoh0J3nXn-82pG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13569, "section": "WR03", "size": 13, "enrolled": 10, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 18 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13570, "section": "WR02", "size": 13, "enrolled": 2, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 18 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13571, "section": "WR01", "size": 14, "enrolled": 3, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 18 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "C-YXgd6Cjlqz7DtBQ-wC9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13561, "section": "LE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 15, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 1 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "4714": {"id": "dAYlAS9StXMenrJSG4vte", "course_id": "109040", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109040", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Placement (Neuroscience) Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3010A", "CLASS_NBR": 23631, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060199", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to BHlthMedSc and BHlthMedSc (Adv) students. Students may only complete the 6 units of research placement within their chosen major.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "HLTH SC 1002 or HLTH SC 1006 and HLTH SC 2105 or HLTH SC 1006 and HLTH SC 2012 and the pre-requisite courses at Level II for this major. Must have 18 units of Level II courses, including the listed Level II courses", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual research proposal (summative); Group introductory oral seminar (summative); Journal club presentation (formative)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Research Placement course is a capstone experience designed to develop research skills in third-year BHlthMedSc students through a year-long research placement related to their major. Students will design a project, learn research methodology in performing the project, analyse, interpret and communicate the findings of a research project or internship placement under academic supervision in a Small Group Discovery Experience. Some research placements will require a GPA > 5.5.\n\nThe research placement experience will be supported by workshop modules and journal club sessions. These will include:\n1. Common modules on core competencies (eg research integrity, research ethics), \n2. Major-specific modules including journal clubs to develop evaluation skills\n3. A fixed number of skills modules selected according to skills required for the specific placement and the student's existing skills/courses already completed (e.g. systematic review principles, laboratory research design). \n\nEach student will document their research activities with a final written report, and in addition will communicate their research findings at an end-of-year symposium.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4715": {"id": "dAYlAS9StXMenrJSG4vte", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "e0kKFxX8NAL0vISug8dFK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23631, "section": "WR01", "size": 12, "enrolled": 10, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 12 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "nP5fQDUc57EQjE9Moxqbl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23624, "section": "LE01", "size": 12, "enrolled": 10, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 22 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "4716": {"id": "8EiElc8uOgqbULddpplCS", "course_id": "109041", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109041", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Placement (Neuroscience) Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3010B", "CLASS_NBR": 13593, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060199", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to BHlthMedSc and BHlthMedSc (Adv) students. Students may only complete the 6 units of research placement within their chosen major.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "HLTH SC 3010A", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Journal clubs (summative), Workshop (Careers) (formative), Final report (summative), Poster presentation (summative), Abstract (summative), Curriculum Vitae (summative), Research Supervisor\u2019s Mark (summative)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Research Placement course is a capstone experience designed to develop research skills in third-year BHlthMedSc students through a year-long research placement related to their major. Students will design a project, learn research methodology in performing the project, analyse, interpret and communicate the findings of a research project or internship placement under academic supervision in a Small Group Discovery Experience. Some research placements will require a GPA > 5.5.\n\nThe research placement experience will be supported by workshop modules and journal club sessions. These will include:\n1. Common modules on core competencies (eg research integrity, research ethics), \n2. Major-specific modules including journal clubs to develop evaluation skills\n3. A fixed number of skills modules selected according to skills required for the specific placement and the student's existing skills/courses already completed (e.g. systematic review principles, laboratory research design). \n\nEach student will document their research activities with a final written report, and in addition will communicate their research findings at an end-of-year symposium.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4717": {"id": "8EiElc8uOgqbULddpplCS", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "WHKby6n3wYV3ptNKGn7CT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13593, "section": "WR02", "size": 6, "enrolled": 6, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13594, "section": "WR01", "size": 4, "enrolled": 4, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S416, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "ArNzHxglh0Aakzi8RNCAk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13587, "section": "LE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 10, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "4718": {"id": "PHFwvhZCTeE8hT-U65Dh6", "course_id": "109041", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109041", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Placement (Neuroscience) Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3010B", "CLASS_NBR": 23651, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060199", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to BHlthMedSc and BHlthMedSc (Adv) students. Students may only complete the 6 units of research placement within their chosen major.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "HLTH SC 3010A", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Journal clubs (summative), Workshop (Careers) (formative), Final report (summative), Poster presentation (summative), Abstract (summative), Curriculum Vitae (summative), Research Supervisor\u2019s Mark (summative)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Research Placement course is a capstone experience designed to develop research skills in third-year BHlthMedSc students through a year-long research placement related to their major. Students will design a project, learn research methodology in performing the project, analyse, interpret and communicate the findings of a research project or internship placement under academic supervision in a Small Group Discovery Experience. Some research placements will require a GPA > 5.5.\n\nThe research placement experience will be supported by workshop modules and journal club sessions. These will include:\n1. Common modules on core competencies (eg research integrity, research ethics), \n2. Major-specific modules including journal clubs to develop evaluation skills\n3. A fixed number of skills modules selected according to skills required for the specific placement and the student's existing skills/courses already completed (e.g. systematic review principles, laboratory research design). \n\nEach student will document their research activities with a final written report, and in addition will communicate their research findings at an end-of-year symposium.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4719": {"id": "PHFwvhZCTeE8hT-U65Dh6", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "wuFO4stmj7i5H4oFxRb16", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23651, "section": "WR02", "size": 10, "enrolled": 5, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S416, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23652, "section": "WR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 10, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "fTwtLDx2xNZlM1t-X_LgA", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23638, "section": "LE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 15, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "4720": {"id": "DPzM8NLJhBuADYj5l7iGR", "course_id": "109042", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109042", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Placement (Nutritional Health) Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3011A", "CLASS_NBR": 13572, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "069901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to BHlthMedSc, BHlthMedSc (Adv) and BHlthSc (Adv) students. Students may only complete the 6 units of research placement within their chosen Major.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "HLTH SC 1002 or HLTH SC 1006 and HLTH SC 2105 or HLTH SC 1006 and HLTH SC 2012 and the pre-requisite courses at Level II for this major. Must have 18 units of Level II courses, including the listed Level II courses", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual research proposal (summative); Group introductory oral seminar (summative); Journal club presentation (formative)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Research Placement course is a capstone experience designed to develop research skills in third-year BHlthMedSc students through a year-long research placement related to their major. Students will design a project, learn research methodology in performing the project, analyse, interpret and communicate the findings of a research project or internship placement under academic supervision in a Small Group Discovery Experience. Some research placements will require a GPA > 5.5.\n\nThe research placement experience will be supported by workshop modules and journal club sessions. These will include:\n1. Common modules on core competencies (eg research integrity, research ethics), \n2. Major-specific modules including journal clubs to develop evaluation skills\n3. A fixed number of skills modules selected according to skills required for the specific placement and the student's existing skills/courses already completed (e.g. systematic review principles, laboratory research design). \n\nEach student will document their research activities with a final written report, and in addition will communicate their research findings at an end-of-year symposium.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4721": {"id": "DPzM8NLJhBuADYj5l7iGR", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "Ke65WAn_7qhJv7LTbIQhh", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13572, "section": "WR03", "size": 5, "enrolled": 2, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 18 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13573, "section": "WR02", "size": 5, "enrolled": 2, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 18 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13574, "section": "WR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 18 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "8b2fYpa2H8bmQMFKoeYZ2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13562, "section": "LE01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 5, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 1 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "4722": {"id": "-mjAOrLqKkIgiBXocfGuo", "course_id": "109042", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109042", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Placement (Nutritional Health) Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3011A", "CLASS_NBR": 23632, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "069901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to BHlthMedSc, BHlthMedSc (Adv) and BHlthSc (Adv) students. Students may only complete the 6 units of research placement within their chosen Major.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "HLTH SC 1002 or HLTH SC 1006 and HLTH SC 2105 or HLTH SC 1006 and HLTH SC 2012 and the pre-requisite courses at Level II for this major. Must have 18 units of Level II courses, including the listed Level II courses", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual research proposal (summative); Group introductory oral seminar (summative); Journal club presentation (formative)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Research Placement course is a capstone experience designed to develop research skills in third-year BHlthMedSc students through a year-long research placement related to their major. Students will design a project, learn research methodology in performing the project, analyse, interpret and communicate the findings of a research project or internship placement under academic supervision in a Small Group Discovery Experience. Some research placements will require a GPA > 5.5.\n\nThe research placement experience will be supported by workshop modules and journal club sessions. These will include:\n1. Common modules on core competencies (eg research integrity, research ethics), \n2. Major-specific modules including journal clubs to develop evaluation skills\n3. A fixed number of skills modules selected according to skills required for the specific placement and the student's existing skills/courses already completed (e.g. systematic review principles, laboratory research design). \n\nEach student will document their research activities with a final written report, and in addition will communicate their research findings at an end-of-year symposium.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4723": {"id": "-mjAOrLqKkIgiBXocfGuo", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "kfJu8asCPtZrRA8CUSnnp", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23632, "section": "WR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 12 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "WSFzQRohZgKqL15btebMk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23625, "section": "LE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 22 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "4724": {"id": "5qUu8uRzfyGFw4ypWM2nY", "course_id": "109043", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109043", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Placement (Nutritional Health) Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3011B", "CLASS_NBR": 13598, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "069901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to BHlthMedSc, BHlthMedSc (Adv) and BHlthSc (Adv) students. Students may only complete the 6 units of research placement within their chosen Major.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "HLTH SC 3011A", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Journal clubs (summative), Workshop (Careers) (formative), Final report (summative), Poster presentation (summative), Abstract (summative), Curriculum Vitae (summative), Research Supervisor\u2019s Mark (summative)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Research Placement course is a capstone experience designed to develop research skills in third-year BHlthMedSc students through a year-long research placement related to their major. Students will design a project, learn research methodology in performing the project, analyse, interpret and communicate the findings of a research project or internship placement under academic supervision in a Small Group Discovery Experience. Some research placements will require a GPA > 5.5.\n\nThe research placement experience will be supported by workshop modules and journal club sessions. These will include:\n1. Common modules on core competencies (eg research integrity, research ethics), \n2. Major-specific modules including journal clubs to develop evaluation skills\n3. A fixed number of skills modules selected according to skills required for the specific placement and the student's existing skills/courses already completed (e.g. systematic review principles, laboratory research design). \n\nEach student will document their research activities with a final written report, and in addition will communicate their research findings at an end-of-year symposium.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4725": {"id": "5qUu8uRzfyGFw4ypWM2nY", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "bVEIMrhh3tReX0hGpmQky", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13600, "section": "WR01", "size": 1, "enrolled": 0, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "9mAAZ0YJKzKp-mihLv7Qw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13585, "section": "LE01", "size": 1, "enrolled": 0, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "4726": {"id": "ZNGFFkhmTWeEwmGzpzLIk", "course_id": "109043", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109043", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Placement (Nutritional Health) Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3011B", "CLASS_NBR": 23643, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "069901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to BHlthMedSc, BHlthMedSc (Adv) and BHlthSc (Adv) students. Students may only complete the 6 units of research placement within their chosen Major.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "HLTH SC 3011A", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Journal clubs (summative), Workshop (Careers) (formative), Final report (summative), Poster presentation (summative), Abstract (summative), Curriculum Vitae (summative), Research Supervisor\u2019s Mark (summative)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Research Placement course is a capstone experience designed to develop research skills in third-year BHlthMedSc students through a year-long research placement related to their major. Students will design a project, learn research methodology in performing the project, analyse, interpret and communicate the findings of a research project or internship placement under academic supervision in a Small Group Discovery Experience. Some research placements will require a GPA > 5.5.\n\nThe research placement experience will be supported by workshop modules and journal club sessions. These will include:\n1. Common modules on core competencies (eg research integrity, research ethics), \n2. Major-specific modules including journal clubs to develop evaluation skills\n3. A fixed number of skills modules selected according to skills required for the specific placement and the student's existing skills/courses already completed (e.g. systematic review principles, laboratory research design). \n\nEach student will document their research activities with a final written report, and in addition will communicate their research findings at an end-of-year symposium.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4727": {"id": "ZNGFFkhmTWeEwmGzpzLIk", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "_uA6uLrZHFxeFV8Dm6NWR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23643, "section": "WR02", "size": 3, "enrolled": 2, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S416, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23644, "section": "WR01", "size": 3, "enrolled": 3, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "9dBmiLGFHnjMthmRDWadX", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23636, "section": "LE01", "size": 6, "enrolled": 5, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "4728": {"id": "HVt1_6J5lcGanrdOFwGyo", "course_id": "109044", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109044", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Placement (Public Health) Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3012A", "CLASS_NBR": 13581, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to BHlthMedSc and BHlthMedSc (Adv) students. Students may only complete the 6 units of research placement within their chosen major.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "HLTH SC 1002 or HLTH SC 1006 and HLTH SC 2105 or HLTH SC 1006 and HLTH SC 2012 and the pre-requisite courses at Level II for this major. Must have 18 units of Level II courses, including the listed Level II courses", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual research proposal (summative); Group introductory oral seminar (summative)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Research Placement course is a capstone experience designed to develop research skills in third-year BHlthMedSc students through a year-long research placement related to their major. Students will design a project, learn research methodology in performing the project, analyse, interpret and communicate the findings of a research project or internship placement under academic supervision in a Small Group Discovery Experience. Some research placements will require a GPA > 5.5.\n\nThe research placement experience will be supported by workshop modules and journal club sessions. These will include:\n1. Common modules on core competencies (eg research integrity, research ethics), \n2. Major-specific modules including journal clubs to develop evaluation skills\n3. A fixed number of skills modules selected according to skills required for the specific placement and the student's existing skills/courses already completed (e.g. systematic review principles, laboratory research design). \n\nEach student will document their research activities with a final written report, and in addition will communicate their research findings at an end-of-year symposium.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4729": {"id": "HVt1_6J5lcGanrdOFwGyo", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "-nKvVa4iEf7p5uwDUK8aT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13581, "section": "WR03", "size": 5, "enrolled": 4, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 18 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13582, "section": "WR02", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 18 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13583, "section": "WR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 18 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "IiNvCj9qErxNNJ5fPhlDT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13563, "section": "LE01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 5, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 1 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "4730": {"id": "e-ANEj5AJ7XXxzdG5fK0Q", "course_id": "109044", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109044", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Placement (Public Health) Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3012A", "CLASS_NBR": 23633, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to BHlthMedSc and BHlthMedSc (Adv) students. Students may only complete the 6 units of research placement within their chosen major.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "HLTH SC 1002 or HLTH SC 1006 and HLTH SC 2105 or HLTH SC 1006 and HLTH SC 2012 and the pre-requisite courses at Level II for this major. Must have 18 units of Level II courses, including the listed Level II courses", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual research proposal (summative); Group introductory oral seminar (summative)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Research Placement course is a capstone experience designed to develop research skills in third-year BHlthMedSc students through a year-long research placement related to their major. Students will design a project, learn research methodology in performing the project, analyse, interpret and communicate the findings of a research project or internship placement under academic supervision in a Small Group Discovery Experience. Some research placements will require a GPA > 5.5.\n\nThe research placement experience will be supported by workshop modules and journal club sessions. These will include:\n1. Common modules on core competencies (eg research integrity, research ethics), \n2. Major-specific modules including journal clubs to develop evaluation skills\n3. A fixed number of skills modules selected according to skills required for the specific placement and the student's existing skills/courses already completed (e.g. systematic review principles, laboratory research design). \n\nEach student will document their research activities with a final written report, and in addition will communicate their research findings at an end-of-year symposium.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4731": {"id": "e-ANEj5AJ7XXxzdG5fK0Q", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "pxYdEMv3Uj4ttF_rLuNEs", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23633, "section": "WR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 3, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 12 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "QPHxGKaFBEPJ4Dl9AWjbM", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23626, "section": "LE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 3, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 22 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "4732": {"id": "o5RoG7wCoGtyoFzCUVoPp", "course_id": "109045", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109045", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Placement (Public Health) Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3012B", "CLASS_NBR": 13601, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to BHlthMedSc and BHlthMedSc (Adv) students. Students may only complete the 6 units of research placement within their chosen major.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "HLTH SC 3012A", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Journal clubs (summative), Workshop (Careers) (formative), Final report (summative), Poster presentation (summative), Abstract (summative), Curriculum Vitae (summative), Research Supervisor\u2019s Mark (summative)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Research Placement course is a capstone experience designed to develop research skills in third-year BHlthMedSc students through a year-long research placement related to their major. Students will design a project, learn research methodology in performing the project, analyse, interpret and communicate the findings of a research project or internship placement under academic supervision in a Small Group Discovery Experience. Some research placements will require a GPA > 5.5.\n\nThe research placement experience will be supported by workshop modules and journal club sessions. These will include:\n1. Common modules on core competencies (eg research integrity, research ethics), \n2. Major-specific modules including journal clubs to develop evaluation skills\n3. A fixed number of skills modules selected according to skills required for the specific placement and the student's existing skills/courses already completed (e.g. systematic review principles, laboratory research design). \n\nEach student will document their research activities with a final written report, and in addition will communicate their research findings at an end-of-year symposium.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4733": {"id": "o5RoG7wCoGtyoFzCUVoPp", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "Zq6wg0ZKBT41FwKlEvree", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13602, "section": "WR02", "size": 1, "enrolled": 1, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S416, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13603, "section": "WR01", "size": 1, "enrolled": 1, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "5Sw9M4xUA7jOGQs0Ljyg3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13586, "section": "LE01", "size": 2, "enrolled": 2, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "4734": {"id": "n97KouxmJqApCh0nbDPMQ", "course_id": "109045", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109045", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Placement (Public Health) Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3012B", "CLASS_NBR": 23645, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to BHlthMedSc and BHlthMedSc (Adv) students. Students may only complete the 6 units of research placement within their chosen major.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "HLTH SC 3012A", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Journal clubs (summative), Workshop (Careers) (formative), Final report (summative), Poster presentation (summative), Abstract (summative), Curriculum Vitae (summative), Research Supervisor\u2019s Mark (summative)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Research Placement course is a capstone experience designed to develop research skills in third-year BHlthMedSc students through a year-long research placement related to their major. Students will design a project, learn research methodology in performing the project, analyse, interpret and communicate the findings of a research project or internship placement under academic supervision in a Small Group Discovery Experience. Some research placements will require a GPA > 5.5.\n\nThe research placement experience will be supported by workshop modules and journal club sessions. These will include:\n1. Common modules on core competencies (eg research integrity, research ethics), \n2. Major-specific modules including journal clubs to develop evaluation skills\n3. A fixed number of skills modules selected according to skills required for the specific placement and the student's existing skills/courses already completed (e.g. systematic review principles, laboratory research design). \n\nEach student will document their research activities with a final written report, and in addition will communicate their research findings at an end-of-year symposium.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4735": {"id": "n97KouxmJqApCh0nbDPMQ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "JsKeE2qhIbAgDWHGjQvuw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23645, "section": "WR02", "size": 2, "enrolled": 3, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S416, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23646, "section": "WR01", "size": 2, "enrolled": 2, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "Y0lRV5ZILGXnIEv-R_z5V", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23637, "section": "LE01", "size": 4, "enrolled": 5, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "4736": {"id": "bWD3q1piaaeaXqJPAP6pR", "course_id": "109046", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109046", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Placement (Reproductive & Childhood Health) Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3013A", "CLASS_NBR": 13575, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060199", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to BHlthMedSc, BHlthMedSc (Adv) and BHlthSc (Adv) students. Students may only complete the 6 units of research placement within their chosen Major.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "HLTH SC 1002 or HLTH SC 1006 and HLTH SC 2105 or HLTH SC 1006 and HLTH SC 2012 and the pre-requisite courses at Level II for this major. Must have 18 units of Level II courses, including the listed Level II courses", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual research proposal (summative); Group introductory oral seminar (summative); Journal club presentation (formative)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Research Placement course is a capstone experience designed to develop research skills in third-year BHlthMedSc students through a year-long research placement related to their major. Students will design a project, learn research methodology in performing the project, analyse, interpret and communicate the findings of a research project or internship placement under academic supervision in a Small Group Discovery Experience. Some research placements will require a GPA > 5.5.\n\nThe research placement experience will be supported by workshop modules and journal club sessions. These will include:\n1. Common modules on core competencies (eg research integrity, research ethics), \n2. Major-specific modules including journal clubs to develop evaluation skills\n3. A fixed number of skills modules selected according to skills required for the specific placement and the student's existing skills/courses already completed (e.g. systematic review principles, laboratory research design). \n\nEach student will document their research activities with a final written report, and in addition will communicate their research findings at an end-of-year symposium.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4737": {"id": "bWD3q1piaaeaXqJPAP6pR", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "CojzG9DSA3NcmbrCX72xY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13575, "section": "WR03", "size": 5, "enrolled": 4, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 18 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13576, "section": "WR02", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 18 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13577, "section": "WR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 5, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 18 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "CFgQknvIGQm-k_rwqDoT5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13564, "section": "LE01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 9, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 1 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "4738": {"id": "MEn4SayfDJV6rFE7nxCjj", "course_id": "109046", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109046", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Placement (Reproductive & Childhood Health) Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3013A", "CLASS_NBR": 23634, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060199", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to BHlthMedSc, BHlthMedSc (Adv) and BHlthSc (Adv) students. Students may only complete the 6 units of research placement within their chosen Major.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "HLTH SC 1002 or HLTH SC 1006 and HLTH SC 2105 or HLTH SC 1006 and HLTH SC 2012 and the pre-requisite courses at Level II for this major. Must have 18 units of Level II courses, including the listed Level II courses", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual research proposal (summative); Group introductory oral seminar (summative); Journal club presentation (formative)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Research Placement course is a capstone experience designed to develop research skills in third-year BHlthMedSc students through a year-long research placement related to their major. Students will design a project, learn research methodology in performing the project, analyse, interpret and communicate the findings of a research project or internship placement under academic supervision in a Small Group Discovery Experience. Some research placements will require a GPA > 5.5.\n\nThe research placement experience will be supported by workshop modules and journal club sessions. These will include:\n1. Common modules on core competencies (eg research integrity, research ethics), \n2. Major-specific modules including journal clubs to develop evaluation skills\n3. A fixed number of skills modules selected according to skills required for the specific placement and the student's existing skills/courses already completed (e.g. systematic review principles, laboratory research design). \n\nEach student will document their research activities with a final written report, and in addition will communicate their research findings at an end-of-year symposium.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4739": {"id": "MEn4SayfDJV6rFE7nxCjj", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "zuwbjYZhVcHNTUZTICLo0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23634, "section": "WR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 4, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 12 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "TBjuqt6-0UMOnMRohnRyC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23627, "section": "LE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 4, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 22 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "4740": {"id": "Zdtsyi9JJwcWjP6qKSZqC", "course_id": "109047", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109047", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Placement (Reproductive & Childhood Health) Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3013B", "CLASS_NBR": 13604, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060199", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to BHlthMedSc, BHlthMedSc (Adv) and BHlthSc (Adv) students. Students may only complete the 6 units of research placement within their chosen Major.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "HLTH SC 3013A", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Journal clubs (summative), Workshop (Careers) (formative), Final report (summative), Poster presentation (summative), Abstract (summative), Curriculum Vitae (summative), Research Supervisor\u2019s Mark (summative)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Research Placement course is a capstone experience designed to develop research skills in third-year BHlthMedSc students through a year-long research placement related to their major. Students will design a project, learn research methodology in performing the project, analyse, interpret and communicate the findings of a research project or internship placement under academic supervision in a Small Group Discovery Experience. Some research placements will require a GPA > 5.5.\n\nThe research placement experience will be supported by workshop modules and journal club sessions. These will include:\n1. Common modules on core competencies (eg research integrity, research ethics), \n2. Major-specific modules including journal clubs to develop evaluation skills\n3. A fixed number of skills modules selected according to skills required for the specific placement and the student's existing skills/courses already completed (e.g. systematic review principles, laboratory research design). \n\nEach student will document their research activities with a final written report, and in addition will communicate their research findings at an end-of-year symposium.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4741": {"id": "Zdtsyi9JJwcWjP6qKSZqC", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "RdqQeUDeZUmvjwSnI3lZA", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13605, "section": "WR02", "size": 1, "enrolled": 1, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S416, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13606, "section": "WR01", "size": 1, "enrolled": 0, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "ibMWXHvH-TA8LMhySOGnB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13589, "section": "LE01", "size": 2, "enrolled": 1, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "4742": {"id": "7mR8mjcIOk-4uBvKX_rHn", "course_id": "109047", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109047", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Placement (Reproductive & Childhood Health) Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3013B", "CLASS_NBR": 23647, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060199", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to BHlthMedSc, BHlthMedSc (Adv) and BHlthSc (Adv) students. Students may only complete the 6 units of research placement within their chosen Major.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "HLTH SC 3013A", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Journal clubs (summative), Workshop (Careers) (formative), Final report (summative), Poster presentation (summative), Abstract (summative), Curriculum Vitae (summative), Research Supervisor\u2019s Mark (summative)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Research Placement course is a capstone experience designed to develop research skills in third-year BHlthMedSc students through a year-long research placement related to their major. Students will design a project, learn research methodology in performing the project, analyse, interpret and communicate the findings of a research project or internship placement under academic supervision in a Small Group Discovery Experience. Some research placements will require a GPA > 5.5.\n\nThe research placement experience will be supported by workshop modules and journal club sessions. These will include:\n1. Common modules on core competencies (eg research integrity, research ethics), \n2. Major-specific modules including journal clubs to develop evaluation skills\n3. A fixed number of skills modules selected according to skills required for the specific placement and the student's existing skills/courses already completed (e.g. systematic review principles, laboratory research design). \n\nEach student will document their research activities with a final written report, and in addition will communicate their research findings at an end-of-year symposium.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4743": {"id": "7mR8mjcIOk-4uBvKX_rHn", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "8Q8FKCAmRdiJVNbRRXwTd", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23647, "section": "WR02", "size": 4, "enrolled": 2, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S416, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23648, "section": "WR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 5, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "KBoKU2f324C8k5o_-SM1M", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23640, "section": "LE01", "size": 9, "enrolled": 7, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "4744": {"id": "nZ7H2CbWOn6KcKCVCmsDo", "course_id": "110160", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110160", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Work Integrated Learning (Public Health)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3014", "CLASS_NBR": 11076, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PUB HLTH 1001 and PUB HLTH 2007 and PUB HLTH 2200 and be enrolled in at least 6 units of PUB HLTH courses at Level III", "CO_REQUISITE": "6 units of Level III courses", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "HLTH SC 3012A, HLTH SC 3012B", "ASSESSMENT": "Project proposal, reflective journal, oral presentation, final project written report, supervisor report, class participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "Y", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides students with the opportunity to combine workplace experience in public health settings with academic study. During the course, students complete a substantial project that involves the application of public health research skills and knowledge to a work environment. Students are allocated placements from a range of offerings which include government and non-government agencies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4745": {"id": "nZ7H2CbWOn6KcKCVCmsDo", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "RoCDOZox5e6zOjxkDXhWz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11076, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 9, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 18 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, 425, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 May - 20 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, 425, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4746": {"id": "M_fln59Ls6d2S0azpboS8", "course_id": "110160", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110160", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Work Integrated Learning (Public Health)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3014", "CLASS_NBR": 20984, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PUB HLTH 1001 and PUB HLTH 2007 and PUB HLTH 2200 and be enrolled in at least 6 units of PUB HLTH courses at Level III", "CO_REQUISITE": "6 units of Level III courses", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "HLTH SC 3012A, HLTH SC 3012B", "ASSESSMENT": "Project proposal, reflective journal, oral presentation, final project written report, supervisor report, class participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "Y", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides students with the opportunity to combine workplace experience in public health settings with academic study. During the course, students complete a substantial project that involves the application of public health research skills and knowledge to a work environment. Students are allocated placements from a range of offerings which include government and non-government agencies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4747": {"id": "M_fln59Ls6d2S0azpboS8", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "IACT6mF_ZIwQHLI-Nduam", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20984, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 12, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 12 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 14 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4748": {"id": "9XhF9ZaQMEpYFmFNm2jGR", "course_id": "111318", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111318", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Work Integrated Learning (Clinical Trials)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3015", "CLASS_NBR": 10631, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "069999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to BHlthMedSc and BHlthMedSc (Adv) students Completing a major in Clinical Trials", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Presentations, online quizzes, supervisor assessment and completion of competencies", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides students with the opportunity to combine workplace experience in a clinical trial setting with academic study. During the course students are expected to gain experience in a clinical trial environment whilst applying their research, problem solving, teamwork, communication, and critical reflection skills. Students are allocated placements from a range of offerings which include government and non-government agencies. In addition to addressing workplace experience in a clinical trial setting, this course will provide students with an opportunity to develop and use in-demand transferable skills that are relevant to a number of different jobs and highly valued by various Some research placements will require a GPA>5.5.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4749": {"id": "9XhF9ZaQMEpYFmFNm2jGR", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "7KNhq-acKzg6x7V0uH2LV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10631, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 6, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4750": {"id": "uXnyIyK_JgUZDUyOhgWbj", "course_id": "111318", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111318", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Work Integrated Learning (Clinical Trials)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3015", "CLASS_NBR": 20562, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "069999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to BHlthMedSc and BHlthMedSc (Adv) students Completing a major in Clinical Trials", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Presentations, online quizzes, supervisor assessment and completion of competencies", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides students with the opportunity to combine workplace experience in a clinical trial setting with academic study. During the course students are expected to gain experience in a clinical trial environment whilst applying their research, problem solving, teamwork, communication, and critical reflection skills. Students are allocated placements from a range of offerings which include government and non-government agencies. In addition to addressing workplace experience in a clinical trial setting, this course will provide students with an opportunity to develop and use in-demand transferable skills that are relevant to a number of different jobs and highly valued by various Some research placements will require a GPA>5.5.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4751": {"id": "uXnyIyK_JgUZDUyOhgWbj", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "_4hn5hfwex1pe2ataZu7c", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20562, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 8, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4752": {"id": "1KYwhFqsFRos27UL9isG1", "course_id": "111554", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111554", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Integrated Learning - Hlth & Medical Sci", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3016", "CLASS_NBR": 10817, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060199", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 9 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to students enrolled in Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences and Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences (Advanced) completing a major in medical sciences, nutritional health, neuroscience, and reproductive and childhood health.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "All Program and Major core subjects at Level I and II and at least 18 units of Level II courses in total", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Practical and research core competencies, poster assignment, presentations, supervisor assessment, final report, cv formation and attendance diary.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides students with the opportunity to combine workplace experience in a research laboratory with academic study through a Semester-long research placement related to their Major. Within the RIL experience, students will be assigned to a project and supervisor and learn specific research methodology in performing the project. They will apply their problem solving, teamwork, communication, and critical reflection skills, to analyse, interpret and communicate the findings of a small research project, conducted under supervision. \nThe RIL experience will be supported by a range of research competencies (workshop online modules: which may include ethical considerations, safe working practices, creating a CV) and practical competencies (in-person workshops which may include training in pipette and centrifuge use, preparation of solutions and sterile technique and supervisor-taught competencies related to the specific project). Students will also develop effective written and oral communication skills through presenting an introductory research seminar, documenting their research activities with a final written report, and in addition will communicate their research findings at an end-of-Semester conference.\nRequirements: Students must have a GPA greater or equal to 5.5 across the Program. Some projects may\nalso require approval from supervisors for students to undertake the project.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4753": {"id": "1KYwhFqsFRos27UL9isG1", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "Epso2pGX80AR5MvcihvOo", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10817, "section": "WR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 47, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S211a&b, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "Pk6-5EDwLT3nj_bDSaVGR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19238, "section": "LE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 47, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "4754": {"id": "cxppYGC2Oh9e0wftkYPfC", "course_id": "111554", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111554", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Integrated Learning - Hlth & Medical Sci", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3016", "CLASS_NBR": 20758, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060199", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 9 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to students enrolled in Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences and Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences (Advanced) completing a major in medical sciences, nutritional health, neuroscience, and reproductive and childhood health.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "All Program and Major core subjects at Level I and II and at least 18 units of Level II courses in total", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Practical and research core competencies, poster assignment, presentations, supervisor assessment, final report, cv formation and attendance diary.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides students with the opportunity to combine workplace experience in a research laboratory with academic study through a Semester-long research placement related to their Major. Within the RIL experience, students will be assigned to a project and supervisor and learn specific research methodology in performing the project. They will apply their problem solving, teamwork, communication, and critical reflection skills, to analyse, interpret and communicate the findings of a small research project, conducted under supervision. \nThe RIL experience will be supported by a range of research competencies (workshop online modules: which may include ethical considerations, safe working practices, creating a CV) and practical competencies (in-person workshops which may include training in pipette and centrifuge use, preparation of solutions and sterile technique and supervisor-taught competencies related to the specific project). Students will also develop effective written and oral communication skills through presenting an introductory research seminar, documenting their research activities with a final written report, and in addition will communicate their research findings at an end-of-Semester conference.\nRequirements: Students must have a GPA greater or equal to 5.5 across the Program. Some projects may\nalso require approval from supervisors for students to undertake the project.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4755": {"id": "cxppYGC2Oh9e0wftkYPfC", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "p91bdnWD3qN7f4jSf8oqL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20758, "section": "WR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 25, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 8 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S211a&b, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "CkXBJuqv6hgGTVoGQJ-99", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29073, "section": "LE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 25, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "4756": {"id": "AK4bPw1TKuLpa-2zC2skq", "course_id": "106504", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106504", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Exercise, Nutrition & Metabolism", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3100", "CLASS_NBR": 12821, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "069901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "HLTH SC 2100 or PHYSIOL 2510 or PHYSIOL 2520", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual assignment, Group discovery project, Online quizzes and, final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Optimal nutrition forms the foundation for good health and peak physical performance. Food provides both the macronutrients as fuel for exercise and the micronutrients for efficiently extracting and transferring energy into kinetic energy for movement. The search for the exact \u2018nutritional balance\u2019 for optimal metabolic function has consumed scientists and ignited public interest in the field. Yet, there remains a great deal of anecdotal dogma in the public domain regarding nutrition advice much of which is unsupported scientifically. \nDrawing its content from recent published scientific research this course explores how nutritional composition impacts on the regulation of body mass, exercise performance, and training responsiveness. Modules will cover the optimal fuel mix, fluid and electrolyte balance for peak physical performance. Further more, in response to the escalation in the incidence of metabolic diseases in Australia we shall address the interrelated roles of nutrition and physical activity for prevention and treatment of obesity and cardiovascular disease.\n\nDuring practical sessions students will have the opportunity to learn skills to assess body composition and markers of metabolic health. Course assignments will focus on applying their new found knowledge to design simple evidence based nutritional plans for exercise and a small group discovery project exploring the science behind sports nutrition supplements.\n\nThis course will provide insight into the development and application of evidence-based nutritional practices and the knowledge gained will be of great benefit to those interested in sports and/or nutritional science.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4757": {"id": "AK4bPw1TKuLpa-2zC2skq", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "ucmefxGuwmtXrnZrKW9xD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19177, "section": "LEC0", "size": 40, "enrolled": 32, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "nFMZHk5lyyW3yiWa_qjnY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10157, "section": "PR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 19, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "14 Mar - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 25 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 May - 23 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Jun - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12741, "section": "PR02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 13, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 2 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 May - 16 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "1gV3L-cphzr9nd5ilCqb1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12821, "section": "TU02", "size": 40, "enrolled": 32, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4758": {"id": "j-omleaX4TbD2KiXj5tPh", "course_id": "109017", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109017", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Clinical Trials Management: Principles and Practice", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3101", "CLASS_NBR": 23823, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060199", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "HLTH SC 2104 or PUB HLTH 2007 or MEDIC ST 1000B", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "PUB HLTH 3009", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Students will complete individual assignments, group study management plan and presentation, participate in tutorials and engage in workshops. There will be both a mid-semester examination and an end of course examination.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will teach the practical aspects of clinical trial conduct such as synopsis and protocol writing, principles of informed consent, study conduct and follow up, adverse event reporting, report writing, as well as the principles of Good Clinical Practice. This will be done within the regulatory and reporting framework for clinical trials.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4759": {"id": "j-omleaX4TbD2KiXj5tPh", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "uyK2bbjf6uAbxN38R-ulg", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20454, "section": "LE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 37, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "WybyTusKdwrQ3F1hpDC3V", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23823, "section": "WR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 37, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4760": {"id": "qlk-1npCnNnifM8LdZqop", "course_id": "109019", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109019", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Innovating Health", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3102", "CLASS_NBR": 13779, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "069999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "B. Health & Medical Science (Advanced)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "HLTH SC 2012", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual and group assignments, quizzes during semester, participation, peer assessment.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Innovating health is a level 3 core course for the BHMS (advanced) program - designed to give you skills to become leaders in all fields of human health. The course teaches you skills and approaches to translate a concept into reality, including: how to identify and evaluate opportunities; the attributes and thinking patterns of successful innovators; evaluating actual and potential solutions and their impact; identifying and obtaining the resources you actually need to deliver a project; working in teams and utilising your networks; written and oral presentation skills.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4761": {"id": "qlk-1npCnNnifM8LdZqop", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "6TIhY0novbmCPJzlzyf1u", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13191, "section": "SE01", "size": 84, "enrolled": 77, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "RvFHqhXVLnf0l9JcOfHIj", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13779, "section": "WR02", "size": 42, "enrolled": 42, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S336a&b, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S336a&b, Meeting Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13780, "section": "WR01", "size": 42, "enrolled": 35, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S336a&b, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S336a&b, Meeting Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4762": {"id": "JztiieAyosJyKxIYTioTR", "course_id": "109020", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109020", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Infant, Child and Adolescent Health", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3103", "CLASS_NBR": 13781, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060109", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PUB HLTH 2007", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Participation, peer assessment, essay plan, 2 written essays, quizzes, final exam.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students will investigate infant, child and adolescent health from clinical, epidemiological and social perspectives. Topics will include parenting, social and emotional development, and a range of infectious diseases, non-communicable conditions and mental health disorders. Changes in occurrence over time, prevention and management of these diseases, conditions and disorders will be considered. Health across childhood of Aboriginal people and other disadvantaged groups will receive special attention, along with strategies to reduce inequalities in infant, child and adolescent health. Students will have opportunities to hear from scientists and practitioners with relevant expertise. Active learning will be encouraged, for example, through guided reading and group exercises. Students will enhance skills in analysis of literature and in creating a coherent written account of a body of work.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4763": {"id": "JztiieAyosJyKxIYTioTR", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "HZEz8fHqsDjTlAST_Ip7_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19231, "section": "LEC0", "size": 30, "enrolled": 19, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "qHdy_BUGCaw1kRa5tkcvD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13781, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 19, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4764": {"id": "X90yurwioTpZH251thbjy", "course_id": "106505", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106505", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Life Span Nutrition", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3200", "CLASS_NBR": 24751, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "069901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PHYSIOL 2520 or MEDIC ST 1000B", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "HLTH SC 2100, HLTH SC 3100", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Formal written examinations and assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course investigates how nutrition requirements and challenges change throughout the human lifecycle and how alteration in nutritional requirements impact on human health. The course will begin by investigating the influence of nutrition prior to and during conception. Students will then be taught about the importance of good maternal nutrition during pregnancy and lactation and the impact of poor nutritional balance on fetal and infant development and maternal health. The course will cover the assessment of normal growth and body development during childhood and adolescence and will conclude with a full review of current literature and research on nutrient needs and factors affecting the nutritional status of adults and the elderly. The section on adult nutrition aims to address the role of nutrition in causing and preventing degenerative diseases and the nutritional, physiological, metabolic and sociological determinants of obesity. On completion of the course students will be able to critically assess nutritional requirements and nutritional health in accordance with ontogenic status. In addition they will have the knowledge both to develop and critique nutritional interventions designed to improve human health and well-being at specific age associated time points.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4765": {"id": "X90yurwioTpZH251thbjy", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "2BTXnpX-3jD3csxqiOUQ8", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24533, "section": "LE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 15, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG25, Vernon-Roberts Museum"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG25, Vernon-Roberts Museum"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "I7zQp4GOH98byGEhMzGWW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24751, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 15, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG25, Vernon-Roberts Museum"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG25, Vernon-Roberts Museum"}]}]}]}]}, "4766": {"id": "qk4KoMV7JzDZKokCG_rVU", "course_id": "107888", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107888", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Human Motor Behaviour and Learning", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3201", "CLASS_NBR": 21058, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "069903", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PHYSIOL 2510 or HLTH SC 2101 or MEDIC ST 1000B", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "PHYSIOL 3120", "INCOMPATIBLE": "Not available to students who completed HLTH SC 3201 Exercise, Movement & Cognition. This course has had a title change from Exercise, Movement & Cognition to Human Motor Behaviour & Learning.", "ASSESSMENT": "Test 1 (Theme 1; 15%), Test 2 (Theme 2; 15%), Test 3 (Theme 3; 15%), Test 4 (Theme 4; 15%), Practical Reports (40%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Human Motor Behaviour and Learning is a third-year course that consists of short online lectures, workshops, practicals and small group discovery component. In this course, students will be introduced to the theory and application of knowledge in the field of human movement; with an emphasis on the role of the nervous system in influencing optimal motor control and learning. Students will also be exposed to changes in motor control and learning across the lifespan as well as with abnormalities (including Stroke and Parkinson\u2019s disease). The practical component will provide the hands-on experience with conducting experiments relevant to movement control and learning and reinforce concepts covered in lecture.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4767": {"id": "qk4KoMV7JzDZKokCG_rVU", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "5NPjivUS6ji1zsOU0wncz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21058, "section": "WR01", "size": 72, "enrolled": 65, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "No more places will be opened for this class in 2024. Please contact the course coordinator if you have further questions."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 6 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "D5UUo_r4QFXQKSCZrGn5I", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22041, "section": "PR06", "size": 18, "enrolled": 17, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "No more places will be opened for this class in 2024. Please contact the course coordinator if you have further questions."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Aug - 8 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S416, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 5 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S416, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S416, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S416, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23416, "section": "PR03", "size": 18, "enrolled": 16, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "No more places will be opened for this class in 2024. Please contact the course coordinator if you have further questions."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S416, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Sep - 6 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S416, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S416, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S416, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23741, "section": "PR04", "size": 18, "enrolled": 15, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "No more places will be opened for this class in 2024. Please contact the course coordinator if you have further questions."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S416, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Sep - 6 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S416, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S416, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S416, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24644, "section": "PR02", "size": 18, "enrolled": 17, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "No more places will be opened for this class in 2024. Please contact the course coordinator if you have further questions."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S416, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Sep - 6 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S416, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S416, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S416, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Assessment", "id": "vE2byWpQeGfgTvFhmUOff", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22173, "section": "AS01", "size": 72, "enrolled": 65, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "No more places will be opened for this class in 2024. Please contact the course coordinator if you have further questions."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Nov - 1 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4768": {"id": "6UX1Bqm3jgGUcuRUzO-Ij", "course_id": "110200", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110200", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Research Communication & Engagement", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4200", "CLASS_NBR": 10499, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 12 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to admitted BHMS (Honours) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "A course covering topics relating to the development of key skills required for communicating health and medical research and its significance to a broad range of audiences. Students will develop skills in oral presentation strategies that engage and inspire their scientific peers as well as the broader community. Students will also work with a research mentor to plan, complete, and reflect on professional development activities that will build workplace capabilities matched to each student's aspirations.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4769": {"id": "6UX1Bqm3jgGUcuRUzO-Ij", "class_list": [{"association_group": "", "groups": []}]}, "4770": {"id": "5tdsVb_2FiyzzmWUXuohS", "course_id": "110200", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110200", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Research Communication & Engagement", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4200", "CLASS_NBR": 20438, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 12 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to admitted BHMS (Honours) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "A course covering topics relating to the development of key skills required for communicating health and medical research and its significance to a broad range of audiences. Students will develop skills in oral presentation strategies that engage and inspire their scientific peers as well as the broader community. Students will also work with a research mentor to plan, complete, and reflect on professional development activities that will build workplace capabilities matched to each student's aspirations.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4771": {"id": "5tdsVb_2FiyzzmWUXuohS", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "9KCf9VJU1VdLDQWWxx4fm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20438, "section": "WR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 16, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 16 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S127, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "7 Oct - 28 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S127, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "TbXfN00wCaZUvDlub2Tnw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21995, "section": "LE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 16, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Aug - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Aug - 19 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Sep - 2 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Sep - 16 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 14 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Oct - 28 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4772": {"id": "cQab4eAqeSytm58WJltIU", "course_id": "110201", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110201", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Foundation Research Skills", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4201OL", "CLASS_NBR": 16201, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 12 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to admitted BHMS Honours students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "A course covering topics relating to the development of key skills associated with conducting research across multiple health and medical science disciplines. Students will attain foundation research skills including safe working practices, professional integrity and cultural awareness, data record keeping and analysis, ethical practice, publishing standards, and the ability to critically assess scientific literature. These skills will be applied to generate a compelling grant proposal related to the student's area of research.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4773": {"id": "cQab4eAqeSytm58WJltIU", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "hr8JRbjh5fVb7uSqNq_Y2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16201, "section": "01OL", "size": 80, "enrolled": 61, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "4774": {"id": "7295fumuFdZCDwpCF20ke", "course_id": "110201", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110201", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Foundation Research Skills", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4201OL", "CLASS_NBR": 26213, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 12 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to admitted BHMS Honours students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "A course covering topics relating to the development of key skills associated with conducting research across multiple health and medical science disciplines. Students will attain foundation research skills including safe working practices, professional integrity and cultural awareness, data record keeping and analysis, ethical practice, publishing standards, and the ability to critically assess scientific literature. These skills will be applied to generate a compelling grant proposal related to the student's area of research.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4775": {"id": "7295fumuFdZCDwpCF20ke", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "gFz4PY6Pk8sFHCVU034Re", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26213, "section": "01OL", "size": 80, "enrolled": 9, "available": 71, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "4776": {"id": "SJSUC9Nbt1FOdeDVMNAFz", "course_id": "110497", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110497", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Allied Health Research Project Planning", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4400", "CLASS_NBR": 25136, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "069999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Hons) or Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Hons) or Bachelor of Speech Pathology (Hons)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "PICO framework and search strategy, written research project plan and oral presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, students will learn about research and the theoretical constructs in developing an ethical research question. Students will apply and extend the knowledge and skills developed in first- and second-year research and evidence-based practice courses and discipline specific subjects to plan a research project in your discipline. Students will develop either a systematic review protocol or a proposal for a research project including: identification of a research question that can meaningfully extend knowledge on a topic, a review of the literature and design of a research method. The course will enhance students\u2019 knowledge of the varied philosophical underpinnings and methodological approaches to conceiving and designing research in health and human services. Students will subsequently undertake the proposal in the final year subject, Allied Health Honours Research Project.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4777": {"id": "SJSUC9Nbt1FOdeDVMNAFz", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "_idf1F0nI5PQCypGSfMuE", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25136, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 21, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4778": {"id": "BIFuDaTxvX3PeJEjX5DBC", "course_id": "110503", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110503", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Allied Health Honours Research Project A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4401A", "CLASS_NBR": 19192, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "069999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor Physiotherapy (Honours) or Bachelor Occupational Therapy (Honours) or Bachelor Speech Pathology (Honours)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "HLTH SC 4400", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Oral presentations and written assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, students will undertake the research project developed in Allied Health Research Project Planning. Students will develop experience with project planning, ethics requirements, potential participant recruitment and obtaining informed consent, the collection and analysis of data, interpretation of the results and dissemination of findings through preparation of a journal-ready manuscript and oral presentation. Students will work closely with an experienced researcher who will supervise progress and provide advice throughout project. Upon successful completion of the course, students will have demonstrated an ability to work relatively independently to undertake a research project suitable for publication and presentation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "4779": {"id": "BIFuDaTxvX3PeJEjX5DBC", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "2tjgl3emD6fyN4YTmcyhU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19192, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 12, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N112, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4780": {"id": "Wx7zlgm_S3BcNQaT-CShv", "course_id": "111597", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111597", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Allied Health Honours Research Project B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4401B", "CLASS_NBR": 29014, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "069999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor Physiotherapy (Honours) or Bachelor Occupational Therapy (Honours) or Bachelor Speech Pathology (Honours) students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "HLTH SC 4401A", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, students will undertake the research project developed in Allied Health Research Project Planning. Students will develop experience with project planning, ethics requirements, potential participant recruitment and obtaining informed consent, the collection and analysis of data, interpretation of the results and dissemination of findings through preparation of a journal-ready manuscript and oral presentation. Students will work closely with an experienced researcher who will supervise progress and provide advice throughout project. Upon successful completion of the course, students will have demonstrated an ability to work relatively independently to undertake a research project suitable for publication and presentation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4781": {"id": "Wx7zlgm_S3BcNQaT-CShv", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "YJUCOXnS3wmEEim35YrAx", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29014, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 12, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N112, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4782": {"id": "l28MhaIHpYGIxcaj1_X-A", "course_id": "111306", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111306", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Biomedicine Research Project Part A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4500A", "CLASS_NBR": 16282, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students enrolled in Honours Degree of Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Linked Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course forms the main basis of an honours project conducted in the School of Biomedicine. Students will be expected to engage in a novel, independent research project under the guidance of a principal supervisor and co-supervisor(s) focussed on key research areas in Anatomy, Pathology, Pharmacology, Physiology, or Reproduction and Development. To complete the course, students will be required to prepare and deliver a project proposal and resource pro-forma. This course provides an advanced insight into the scientific research process and develops professional attributes and skills.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "4783": {"id": "l28MhaIHpYGIxcaj1_X-A", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "wpCsrBEdS-O-t0xLo0moC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16282, "section": "01NT", "size": 40, "enrolled": 15, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement"}]}]}]}, "4784": {"id": "gKLriDIn_nAzS1O1IMan5", "course_id": "111306", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111306", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Biomedicine Research Project Part A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4500A", "CLASS_NBR": 26309, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students enrolled in Honours Degree of Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Linked Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course forms the main basis of an honours project conducted in the School of Biomedicine. 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This course provides an advanced insight into the scientific research process and develops professional attributes and skills.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "4785": {"id": "gKLriDIn_nAzS1O1IMan5", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "meK8tBvBLroe5KVRZaNQm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26309, "section": "01NT", "size": 40, "enrolled": 2, "available": 38, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement"}]}]}]}, "4786": {"id": "q1eATH_v9CUhYK6x4ho_Y", "course_id": "111309", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111309", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Biomedicine Research Project Part B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4500B", "CLASS_NBR": 19050, "SESSION_CD": "FM2", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students enrolled in Honours Degree of Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences", "PRE_REQUISITE": "HLTH SC 4500A", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course forms the main basis of an honours project conducted in the School of Biomedicine. 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This course provides an advanced insight into the scientific research process and develops professional attributes and skills.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4787": {"id": "q1eATH_v9CUhYK6x4ho_Y", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "FCi-9VYDI8JvjvWrlTsKk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19050, "section": "01NT", "size": 40, "enrolled": 6, "available": 34, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement"}]}]}]}, "4788": {"id": "jSjdTDltpItWkquwd20Oe", "course_id": "111309", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111309", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Biomedicine Research Project Part B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4500B", "CLASS_NBR": 26312, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students enrolled in Honours Degree of Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences", "PRE_REQUISITE": "HLTH SC 4500A", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course forms the main basis of an honours project conducted in the School of Biomedicine. 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This course provides an advanced insight into the scientific research process and develops professional attributes and skills.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4789": {"id": "jSjdTDltpItWkquwd20Oe", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "WPSva6ryZ39z1IyUPa-2L", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26312, "section": "01NT", "size": 40, "enrolled": 15, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement"}]}]}]}, "4790": {"id": "q0r1TdtXWGwxIRYH9TtkB", "course_id": "111311", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111311", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Biomedicine Research Project Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4510A", "CLASS_NBR": 16284, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students enrolled in Honours Degree of Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Linked Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course forms the main basis of an honours project conducted in the School of Biomedicine. 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This course provides an advanced insight into the scientific research process and develops professional attributes and skills.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 07/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "4791": {"id": "q0r1TdtXWGwxIRYH9TtkB", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "etgAYiAVcYmh8hhTKqKle", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16284, "section": "01NT", "size": 40, "enrolled": 2, "available": 38, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement"}]}]}]}, "4792": {"id": "t6X_P7haKGHzmd6Y1vl5g", "course_id": "111311", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111311", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Biomedicine Research Project Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4510A", "CLASS_NBR": 26313, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students enrolled in Honours Degree of Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Linked Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course forms the main basis of an honours project conducted in the School of Biomedicine. 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This course provides an advanced insight into the scientific research process and develops professional attributes and skills.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "4793": {"id": "t6X_P7haKGHzmd6Y1vl5g", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "Xv6951Q59qPsR04K0NuxG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26313, "section": "01NT", "size": 40, "enrolled": 0, "available": 40, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement"}]}]}]}, "4794": {"id": "M8uBcXIkrpKMoZyrseOf3", "course_id": "111313", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111313", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Biomedicine Research Project Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4510B", "CLASS_NBR": 19053, "SESSION_CD": "TYB", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students enrolled in Honours Degree of Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences", "PRE_REQUISITE": "HLTH SC 4510A", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Linked Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course forms the main basis of an honours project conducted in the School of Biomedicine. 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This course provides an advanced insight into the scientific research process and develops professional attributes and skills.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "4797": {"id": "LRC9Y7wzIqdurQw_2AOmj", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "ygPwPHmypBHvswb4LOu4q", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26314, "section": "01NT", "size": 40, "enrolled": 2, "available": 38, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement"}]}]}]}, "4798": {"id": "ODQ7PKEiSfrHxarHnlVZC", "course_id": "111314", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111314", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Biomedicine Research Project Part 3", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4510C", "CLASS_NBR": 19054, "SESSION_CD": "TYC", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students enrolled in Honours Degree of Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences", "PRE_REQUISITE": "HLTH SC 4510B", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Linked Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course forms the main basis of an honours project conducted in the School of Biomedicine. 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This course provides an advanced insight into the scientific research process and develops professional attributes and skills.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4799": {"id": "ODQ7PKEiSfrHxarHnlVZC", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "KZReip1g89BgmApesUE_J", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19054, "section": "01NT", "size": 40, "enrolled": 0, "available": 40, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement"}]}]}]}, "4800": {"id": "saERxoY72DkQepN62pbTD", "course_id": "111314", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111314", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Biomedicine Research Project Part 3", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4510C", "CLASS_NBR": 28905, "SESSION_CD": "TYC", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students enrolled in Honours Degree of Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences", "PRE_REQUISITE": "HLTH SC 4510B", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Linked Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course forms the main basis of an honours project conducted in the School of Biomedicine. 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This course provides an advanced insight into the scientific research process and develops professional attributes and skills.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4801": {"id": "saERxoY72DkQepN62pbTD", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "DETW66LGeE26mdrsMuTrk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28905, "section": "01NT", "size": 40, "enrolled": 0, "available": 40, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement"}]}]}]}, "4802": {"id": "PA3eUlXW6JHScJ957IqzU", "course_id": "111315", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111315", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Biomedicine Research Project Part 4", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4510D", "CLASS_NBR": 19560, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students enrolled in Honours Degree of Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences", "PRE_REQUISITE": "HLTH SC 4510C", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Linked Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course forms the main basis of an honours project conducted in the School of Biomedicine. 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This course provides an advanced insight into the scientific research process and develops professional attributes and skills.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "4809": {"id": "tN6QNMfF8QpL4or_jQpIT", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "cUiQh1cWU1GTW4tUQ4o0r", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26307, "section": "01NT", "size": 40, "enrolled": 3, "available": 37, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement"}]}]}]}, "4810": {"id": "KvNkBHHVdTlykWI8AXFCG", "course_id": "111305", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111305", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Medical Research Project Part B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4600B", "CLASS_NBR": 19048, "SESSION_CD": "FM2", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students enrolled in Honours Degree of Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences", "PRE_REQUISITE": "HLTH SC 4600A", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Linked Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course forms the main basis of an honours project conducted in the Adelaide Medical School. 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This course provides an advanced insight into the scientific research process and develops professional attributes and skills.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4811": {"id": "KvNkBHHVdTlykWI8AXFCG", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "PFUpDr9cusuWC4ieMdxNI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19048, "section": "01NT", "size": 40, "enrolled": 3, "available": 37, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement"}]}]}]}, "4812": {"id": "C1h5IOOKeeE3S3lC86MJS", "course_id": "111305", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111305", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Medical Research Project Part B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4600B", "CLASS_NBR": 26308, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students enrolled in Honours Degree of Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences", "PRE_REQUISITE": "HLTH SC 4600A", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Linked Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course forms the main basis of an honours project conducted in the Adelaide Medical School. 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This course provides an advanced insight into the scientific research process and develops professional attributes and skills.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4813": {"id": "C1h5IOOKeeE3S3lC86MJS", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "mbrenYzBEEuxAh3t1joCu", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26308, "section": "01NT", "size": 40, "enrolled": 17, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement"}]}]}]}, "4814": {"id": "8B7HwNq1Nk4HnzycjblNk", "course_id": "111307", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111307", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Medical Research Project Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4610A", "CLASS_NBR": 16283, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students enrolled in Honours Degree of Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "HLTH SC 4200, HLTH SC 4201OL", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Linked Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course forms the main basis of an honours project conducted in the Adelaide Medical School. Students will be expected to engage in a novel, independent research project under the guidance of a principal supervisor and co-supervisor(s). To complete the course, students will be required to prepare and deliver a project proposal and resource pro-forma. This course provides an advanced insight into the scientific research process and develops professional attributes and skills.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 07/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "4815": {"id": "8B7HwNq1Nk4HnzycjblNk", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "HggcDEed81ISXHbgUeQyX", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16283, "section": "01NT", "size": 40, "enrolled": 2, "available": 38, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement"}]}]}]}, "4816": {"id": "N1IL7NEjPqGzzuu4AZ0Te", "course_id": "111307", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111307", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Medical Research Project Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4610A", "CLASS_NBR": 26310, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students enrolled in Honours Degree of Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "HLTH SC 4200, HLTH SC 4201OL", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Linked Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course forms the main basis of an honours project conducted in the Adelaide Medical School. 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This course provides an advanced insight into the scientific research process and develops professional attributes and skills.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "4817": {"id": "N1IL7NEjPqGzzuu4AZ0Te", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "Jnc2ErNqNbii7ud31fjfu", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26310, "section": "01NT", "size": 40, "enrolled": 0, "available": 40, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement"}]}]}]}, "4818": {"id": "VN0X3_kQWbNOOKbft_X1I", "course_id": "111308", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111308", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Medical Research Project Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4610B", "CLASS_NBR": 19049, "SESSION_CD": "TYB", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students enrolled in Honours Degree of Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences", "PRE_REQUISITE": "HLTH SC 4610A", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Linked Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course forms the main basis of an honours project conducted in the Adelaide Medical School. 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This course provides an advanced insight into the scientific research process and develops professional attributes and skills.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 07/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "4819": {"id": "VN0X3_kQWbNOOKbft_X1I", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "vLNX9SpxvNUwfGmGuJ8Sp", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19049, "section": "01NT", "size": 40, "enrolled": 0, "available": 40, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement"}]}]}]}, "4820": {"id": "WezniVJhTNcc79bLwVp7M", "course_id": "111308", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111308", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Medical Research Project Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4610B", "CLASS_NBR": 26311, "SESSION_CD": "TYB", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students enrolled in Honours Degree of Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences", "PRE_REQUISITE": "HLTH SC 4610A", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Linked Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course forms the main basis of an honours project conducted in the Adelaide Medical School. 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This course provides an advanced insight into the scientific research process and develops professional attributes and skills.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "4821": {"id": "WezniVJhTNcc79bLwVp7M", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "2cOwZeZniepjeVRsvO_T6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26311, "section": "01NT", "size": 40, "enrolled": 2, "available": 38, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement"}]}]}]}, "4822": {"id": "GB9HkLcKzKeFwWy86oH7P", "course_id": "111310", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111310", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Medical Research Project Part 3", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4610C", "CLASS_NBR": 19051, "SESSION_CD": "TYC", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences (Honours)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "HLTH SC 4610B", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course forms the main basis of an honours project conducted in the Adelaide Medical School. 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This course provides an advanced insight into the scientific research process and develops professional attributes and skills.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4823": {"id": "GB9HkLcKzKeFwWy86oH7P", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "SDCmChSZOaRohnMB_uK12", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19051, "section": "01NT", "size": 40, "enrolled": 4, "available": 36, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement"}]}]}]}, "4824": {"id": "ZzoYPAaS2JsHAGq_7LsZd", "course_id": "111310", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111310", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Medical Research Project Part 3", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4610C", "CLASS_NBR": 28903, "SESSION_CD": "TYC", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences (Honours)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "HLTH SC 4610B", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course forms the main basis of an honours project conducted in the Adelaide Medical School. 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This course provides an advanced insight into the scientific research process and develops professional attributes and skills.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4825": {"id": "ZzoYPAaS2JsHAGq_7LsZd", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "FfzEDm7gaJVDuzxF1Mfni", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28903, "section": "01NT", "size": 40, "enrolled": 0, "available": 40, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement"}]}]}]}, "4826": {"id": "d4veHXniJtWTPqIojQp7E", "course_id": "111312", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111312", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Medical Research Project Part 4", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4610D", "CLASS_NBR": 19052, "SESSION_CD": "TYD", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences (Honours)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "HLTH SC 4610C", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Linked Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course forms the main basis of an honours project conducted in the Adelaide Medical School. 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This course provides an advanced insight into the scientific research process and develops professional attributes and skills.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4827": {"id": "d4veHXniJtWTPqIojQp7E", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "qpF8BVrUkpKTMQRZ_O8w1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19052, "section": "01NT", "size": 40, "enrolled": 0, "available": 40, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement"}]}]}]}, "4828": {"id": "IoWRyR7TCx2L7m9Lxs5vT", "course_id": "111312", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111312", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Medical Research Project Part 4", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HLTH SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4610D", "CLASS_NBR": 28904, "SESSION_CD": "TYD", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences (Honours)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "HLTH SC 4610C", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Linked Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course forms the main basis of an honours project conducted in the Adelaide Medical School. 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This course provides an advanced insight into the scientific research process and develops professional attributes and skills.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4829": {"id": "IoWRyR7TCx2L7m9Lxs5vT", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "w03HMSAtTP7IZNuqG6JLV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28904, "section": "01NT", "size": 40, "enrolled": 4, "available": 36, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement"}]}]}]}, "4830": {"subject": "HORTICUL", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "108434", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108434", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108435", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108435", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108436", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108436", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108437", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108437", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "4831": {"id": "BP0RH2ZvvbQN-SJfowZM1", "course_id": "108434", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108434", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Horticulture (Hons) Pt 1", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HORTICUL", "CATALOG_NBR": "4050AWT", "CLASS_NBR": 16001, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Mixed mode - flexible and/or intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "HORTICUL 4003AWT/BWT, HORTICUL 4010AWT/BWT", "ASSESSMENT": "Exams and/or assignments, Research Proposal, Literature Review", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This modular course covers a range of advanced topics in Horticulture, the methods of presentation and assessment of which vary according to module.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "4832": {"id": "BP0RH2ZvvbQN-SJfowZM1", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "9hrf8gdwL5P5jM5l6kgK2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16001, "section": "01WT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "4833": {"id": "ShE53DRFe99XnpyCo3YPJ", "course_id": "108434", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108434", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Horticulture (Hons) Pt 1", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HORTICUL", "CATALOG_NBR": "4050AWT", "CLASS_NBR": 26007, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Mixed mode - flexible and/or intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "HORTICUL 4003AWT/BWT, HORTICUL 4010AWT/BWT", "ASSESSMENT": "Exams and/or assignments, Research Proposal, Literature Review", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This modular course covers a range of advanced topics in Horticulture, the methods of presentation and assessment of which vary according to module.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "4834": {"id": "ShE53DRFe99XnpyCo3YPJ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "krdIuWBDM4fMok5UuE7bJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26007, "section": "01WT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "4835": {"id": "Z8H6juyOl9F8xAmFU5VMs", "course_id": "108435", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108435", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Horticulture (Hons) Pt 2", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HORTICUL", "CATALOG_NBR": "4050BWT", "CLASS_NBR": 16002, "SESSION_CD": "FM2", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Mixed mode - flexible and/or intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "HORTICUL 4050AWT in previous Semester", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "HORTICUL 4003AWT/BWT, HORTICUL 4010AWT/BWT", "ASSESSMENT": "Exams and/or assignments, Research Proposal, Literature Review", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This modular course covers a range of advanced topics in Horticulture, the methods of presentation and assessment of which vary according to module.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4836": {"id": "Z8H6juyOl9F8xAmFU5VMs", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "w8t9kJZ8x_NGMc30VWiHX", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16002, "section": "01WT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "4837": {"id": "Ic0xnkgE2kKW578ktcGeX", "course_id": "108435", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108435", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Horticulture (Hons) Pt 2", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HORTICUL", "CATALOG_NBR": "4050BWT", "CLASS_NBR": 26008, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Mixed mode - flexible and/or intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "HORTICUL 4050AWT in previous Semester", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "HORTICUL 4003AWT/BWT, HORTICUL 4010AWT/BWT", "ASSESSMENT": "Exams and/or assignments, Research Proposal, Literature Review", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This modular course covers a range of advanced topics in Horticulture, the methods of presentation and assessment of which vary according to module.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4838": {"id": "Ic0xnkgE2kKW578ktcGeX", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "m1cinzkCxDXfWn5a9Da5J", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26008, "section": "01WT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "4839": {"id": "N8JsvXzUxxM5zMNieisk3", "course_id": "108436", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108436", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Horticulture Project Pt 1", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HORTICUL", "CATALOG_NBR": "4060AWT", "CLASS_NBR": 16003, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "HORTICUL 4003AWT/BWT, HORTICUL 4020AWT/BWT", "ASSESSMENT": "Thesis, Thesis Defence, Seminar & Supervisor assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This research project is selected at the start of the Honours year following consultation with the Honours Coordinator and depends on availability of research supervisors in any particular year.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "4840": {"id": "N8JsvXzUxxM5zMNieisk3", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "fwoLwqo1GlQ2oIW4ULGLy", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16003, "section": "01WT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "4841": {"id": "ESLdXDirnynwYxw7zg0g-", "course_id": "108436", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108436", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Horticulture Project Pt 1", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HORTICUL", "CATALOG_NBR": "4060AWT", "CLASS_NBR": 26009, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "HORTICUL 4003AWT/BWT, HORTICUL 4020AWT/BWT", "ASSESSMENT": "Thesis, Thesis Defence, Seminar & Supervisor assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This research project is selected at the start of the Honours year following consultation with the Honours Coordinator and depends on availability of research supervisors in any particular year.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "4842": {"id": "ESLdXDirnynwYxw7zg0g-", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "413C3bk3Z-FW9WdMNHi2Z", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26009, "section": "01WT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "4843": {"id": "ElAdOIcGw76W73jsbvN5o", "course_id": "108437", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108437", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Horticulture Project Pt 2", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HORTICUL", "CATALOG_NBR": "4060BWT", "CLASS_NBR": 16004, "SESSION_CD": "FM2", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "HORTICUL 4003AWT/BWT, HORTICUL 4020AWT/BWT", "ASSESSMENT": "Thesis, Thesis Defence, Seminar & Supervisor assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This research project is selected at the start of the Honours year following consultation with the Honours Coordinator and depends on availability of research supervisors in any particular year.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4844": {"id": "ElAdOIcGw76W73jsbvN5o", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "J-Coskke-YEH5c83v06fq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16004, "section": "01WT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "4845": {"id": "-JvrO7ATuMeKpL89J-2Zc", "course_id": "108437", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108437", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Horticulture Project Pt 2", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "HORTICUL", "CATALOG_NBR": "4060BWT", "CLASS_NBR": 26010, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "HORTICUL 4003AWT/BWT, HORTICUL 4020AWT/BWT", "ASSESSMENT": "Thesis, Thesis Defence, Seminar & Supervisor assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This research project is selected at the start of the Honours year following consultation with the Honours Coordinator and depends on availability of research supervisors in any particular year.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4846": {"id": "-JvrO7ATuMeKpL89J-2Zc", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "DBdA8uAT3s2gr7wkiXaRE", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26010, "section": "01WT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "4847": {"subject": "INDO", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "107755", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107756", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107770", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "103960", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "103960", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107805", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107805", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111570", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107759", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107764", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107765", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107767", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "4848": {"id": "3iRB3d_1_v-mB2dDfRMpu", "course_id": "107755", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107755", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introductory Indonesian Part 1", "CAMPUS": "Flinders University", "CAMPUS_CD": "FLIND", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "INDO", "CATALOG_NBR": "1201", "CLASS_NBR": 15871, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091500", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "INDO 1001", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The national language of Australia\u2019s largest neighbour, Indonesian the third most-spoken Asian language and among the few to use the Latin alphabet. With Indonesia emerging as one of the powerhouse economies of the 21st century, it has never been more important for Australians to learn the language. This topic is tailored to beginner-level language learners \u2013 students with no prior knowledge of the language \u2013 and focuses on developing basic speaking, reading, writing and listening skills. Students are introduced to the sounds and structures of the language, learn core grammatical concepts, and are exposed to relevant aspects of Indonesian culture and society.\n", "ISLOP": true, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"DATE_CHECK_STATUS": "Students will need to confirm Critical Dates with Flinders University."}}]}, "4849": {"id": "3iRB3d_1_v-mB2dDfRMpu", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "p7QSgE6I2xZoqy0W49irh", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15871, "section": "01FL", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Please refer to the below website for enrolment advice into this course:"}]}]}]}]}, "4850": {"id": "WfUY5OHc7Xbwo9Zdp3jpT", "course_id": "107756", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107756", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introductory Indonesian Part 2", "CAMPUS": "Flinders University", "CAMPUS_CD": "FLIND", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "INDO", "CATALOG_NBR": "1202", "CLASS_NBR": 25880, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091500", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "INDO 1201, INDO 1001", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "INDO 1002", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This topic builds on the core elements of the language studied in Part 1. It aims to further cultivate students\u2019 proficiency in written and spoken Indonesian, while providing a robust conceptual grounding in the structures and patterns of the language. Students are encouraged to learn collaboratively to improve active communication skills. At the conclusion of their first year of study, students can use Indonesian to interpret and convey written and verbal information across a range of social contexts.\n", "ISLOP": true, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"DATE_CHECK_STATUS": "Students will need to confirm Critical Dates with Flinders University."}}]}, "4851": {"id": "WfUY5OHc7Xbwo9Zdp3jpT", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "vbxxSY9RWD-wfneVBS2RV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25880, "section": "01FL", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Please refer to the below website for enrolment advice into this course:"}]}]}]}]}, "4852": {"id": "MmE50bFZ6v55IY76FuCXz", "course_id": "107770", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107770", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Indonesian Culture and Society", "CAMPUS": "Flinders University", "CAMPUS_CD": "FLIND", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "INDO", "CATALOG_NBR": "2001", "CLASS_NBR": 25889, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091500", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Indonesia is among the most diverse countries on Earth, comprised of more than 17000 islands, home to more than 1300 distinct ethnic groups, and with more than one million years of hominid habitation. Indonesia\u2019s location at the nexus between the Asian and Australian continents and the Indian and Pacific Oceans has contributed to the emergence of rich and varied socio-cultural traditions, which continue to evolve in response to the forces of modernisation, globalisation and state formation. This topic examines Indonesian society and culture with a particular focus on \u2018tradition\u2019 and \u2018modernity\u2019; Islam and minority religions; the construction of indigeneity, family, class, gender and sexuality; popular cultural expression; and artistic innovation. This topic is taught in English and is open to any interested participants.\n", "ISLOP": true, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"DATE_CHECK_STATUS": "Students will need to confirm Critical Dates with Flinders University."}}]}, "4853": {"id": "MmE50bFZ6v55IY76FuCXz", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "OEhlEx-tPwwiL631E8muv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25889, "section": "01FL", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Please refer to the below website for enrolment advice into this course:"}]}]}]}]}, "4854": {"id": "vJmrkWsnolHQRRs4G1L-M", "course_id": "103960", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103960", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Indonesian In-Country", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "INDO", "CATALOG_NBR": "2004", "CLASS_NBR": 18796, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091513", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "For students who wish to study at an Indonesian University. Indonesian language and other courses can be studied. For further information, contact the Centre for Asian Studies.\n", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4855": {"id": "vJmrkWsnolHQRRs4G1L-M", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "4igOt8Y_FpHfcYL4Gb2qZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18796, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "4856": {"id": "2_7OPFUdo6j-3nbOBVNnc", "course_id": "103960", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103960", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Indonesian In-Country", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "INDO", "CATALOG_NBR": "2004", "CLASS_NBR": 28704, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091513", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "For students who wish to study at an Indonesian University. Indonesian language and other courses can be studied. For further information, contact the Centre for Asian Studies.\n", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4857": {"id": "2_7OPFUdo6j-3nbOBVNnc", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "utX90G77GjQnPpVddj3i4", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28704, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "4858": {"id": "ICwp41AuxTNcFEGV9qvZV", "course_id": "107805", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107805", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Indonesian for Special Purposes", "CAMPUS": "Flinders University", "CAMPUS_CD": "FLIND", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "INDO", "CATALOG_NBR": "2005", "CLASS_NBR": 18798, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091500", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This topic will be taught as an independent study through consultation with the topic convener in order to cater to a particular student or group of students. The topic will enable students to investigate a particular issue, aspect or interest related to contemporary Indonesia. Students will develop high-level language and intercultural capabilities, as well as research and analysis skills. \nAssessment will take the form of a final assignment in Indonesian tailored to the student/s\u2019 particular focus.\n", "ISLOP": true, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"DATE_CHECK_STATUS": "Students will need to confirm Critical Dates with Flinders University."}}]}, "4859": {"id": "ICwp41AuxTNcFEGV9qvZV", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "id": "DsvXieKT-7Mp7w_ljgJgh", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18798, "section": "01FL", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Please refer to the below website for enrolment advice into this course:"}]}]}]}]}, "4860": {"id": "qoW--pv0Pea0ciWtR4Mku", "course_id": "107805", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107805", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Indonesian for Special Purposes", "CAMPUS": "Flinders University", "CAMPUS_CD": "FLIND", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "INDO", "CATALOG_NBR": "2005", "CLASS_NBR": 28705, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091500", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This topic will be taught as an independent study through consultation with the topic convener in order to cater to a particular student or group of students. The topic will enable students to investigate a particular issue, aspect or interest related to contemporary Indonesia. Students will develop high-level language and intercultural capabilities, as well as research and analysis skills. \nAssessment will take the form of a final assignment in Indonesian tailored to the student/s\u2019 particular focus.\n", "ISLOP": true, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"DATE_CHECK_STATUS": "Students will need to confirm Critical Dates with Flinders University."}}]}, "4861": {"id": "qoW--pv0Pea0ciWtR4Mku", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "id": "dBMnb1LsQ1IXhfOSH7kfs", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28705, "section": "01FL", "size": 15, "enrolled": 0, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Please refer to the below website for enrolment advice into this course:"}]}]}]}]}, "4862": {"id": "CLQOxK0_nrNpEdLD9bewo", "course_id": "111570", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111570", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Indonesian Politics and Development", "CAMPUS": "Flinders University", "CAMPUS_CD": "FLIND", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "INDO", "CATALOG_NBR": "2105", "CLASS_NBR": 18725, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091513", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "2000 word essay, 500 word article, 1000 word presentation, in-class test", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Demographically, politically and economically, Indonesia is among the most important countries in Asia. This topic explores the major political issues, processes and events that have shaped Indonesia since 1945. It discusses Indonesia\u2019s anti-colonial struggle, state formation, democracy and authoritarianism, Islamic politics and other major ideological currents, the role of the armed forces, violence and separatism, and issues around diversity and inclusion. Students are introduced to various scholarly interpretations of Indonesian politics and development, and are equipped with skills and knowledge that can support careers in government, business, education and more. This topic is taught in English and is open to any interested participants.\n\nThis topic aims to: \n- Examine Indonesia\u2019s political history and institutions, major ideological and societal forces, and developmental challenges;\n- Evaluate the role of religious diversity, ethnicity, class, geography and history in shaping contemporary political outcomes;\n- Introduce major concepts and debates relevant to the study of Indonesian politics and development, including oligarchy, patrimonialism, corruption and clientelism; democratisation and authoritarianism, nationalism, separatism and religious activism;\n- Discuss and analyse Indonesia\u2019s present and future political and developmental trajectories, including their relevance to Australia and the broader region.", "ISLOP": true, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"DATE_CHECK_STATUS": "Students will need to confirm Critical Dates with Flinders University."}}]}, "4863": {"id": "CLQOxK0_nrNpEdLD9bewo", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "aRnHLbMNpWPru2EcQvoH6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18725, "section": "01FL", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Please refer to the below website for enrolment advice into this course:"}]}]}]}]}, "4864": {"id": "FOL_sunvjiBtBs2VRcIL4", "course_id": "107759", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107759", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Intermediate Indonesian Part 1", "CAMPUS": "Flinders University", "CAMPUS_CD": "FLIND", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "INDO", "CATALOG_NBR": "2201", "CLASS_NBR": 15874, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091500", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "INDO 1011, INDO 2101", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This topic consolidates and expands students\u2019 knowledge of Indonesian vocabulary, grammar, and syntactical structures. It places increased emphasis on speaking and listening skills, incorporating additional audio-visual material and collaborative exercises. The incorporation of broad cultural themes builds students\u2019 knowledge of contemporary Indonesia and allows them to apply their language skills to practical social contexts. Graduates of Year 12 Indonesian may be eligible to enrol directly in this topic without completing Introductory Indonesian Part 1 and Part 2.\n", "ISLOP": true, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"DATE_CHECK_STATUS": "Students will need to confirm Critical Dates with Flinders University."}}]}, "4865": {"id": "FOL_sunvjiBtBs2VRcIL4", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "sc8DDQmBj0E5C-NAX4-0X", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15874, "section": "01FL", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Please refer to the below website for enrolment advice into this course:"}]}]}]}]}, "4866": {"id": "EeN6h6jnllsnCyzsKKNXr", "course_id": "107764", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107764", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Intermediate Indonesian Part 2", "CAMPUS": "Flinders University", "CAMPUS_CD": "FLIND", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "INDO", "CATALOG_NBR": "2202", "CLASS_NBR": 25887, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091500", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "INDO 2201", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "INDO 1012, INDO 2102", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This topic builds on the knowledge acquired in Part 1, encouraging students to engage with increasingly sophisticated linguistic structures. Through engagement with relevant social issues and authentic learning materials, students continue to develop the core skills of reading and listening comprehension, written expression and spoken fluency. At the conclusion of intermediate-level study, students are able to communicate concrete and abstract ideas using moderately complex language across diverse social contexts.\n", "ISLOP": true, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"DATE_CHECK_STATUS": "Students will need to confirm Critical Dates with Flinders University."}}]}, "4867": {"id": "EeN6h6jnllsnCyzsKKNXr", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "mM1b0Pz6pExVa5dANAtWB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25887, "section": "01FL", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Please refer to the below website for enrolment advice into this course:"}]}]}]}]}, "4868": {"id": "Rw-K8n8QPJ2WVYy3pcyra", "course_id": "107765", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107765", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Upper Intermediate Indonesian Part 1", "CAMPUS": "Flinders University", "CAMPUS_CD": "FLIND", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "INDO", "CATALOG_NBR": "3201", "CLASS_NBR": 15879, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091500", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "INDO 2201 and INDO 2202", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "INDO 2211, INDO 3101", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This topic develops students\u2019 knowledge of advanced Indonesian language, and moves towards full classroom immersion in the language. Through two thematic modules focusing on Indonesian popular culture and modern political history, students further consolidate and extend their proficiency in the four key skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening. The incorporation of authentic written and audio-visual materials helps students understand and use the language across a range of registers, and equips them with extensive knowledge of the Indonesian language across varied social and cultural contexts.\n", "ISLOP": true, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"DATE_CHECK_STATUS": "Students will need to confirm Critical Dates with Flinders University."}}]}, "4869": {"id": "Rw-K8n8QPJ2WVYy3pcyra", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "MkGIxLMtLBUXKToi53u-X", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15879, "section": "01FL", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Please refer to the below website for enrolment advice into this course:"}]}]}]}]}, "4870": {"id": "2epaa9542y7fbqt1v7zaF", "course_id": "107767", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107767", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Upper Intermediate Indonesian Part 2", "CAMPUS": "Flinders University", "CAMPUS_CD": "FLIND", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "INDO", "CATALOG_NBR": "3202", "CLASS_NBR": 25888, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091500", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "INDO 3201", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "INDO 2212, INDO 3102", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This topic consolidates students\u2019 knowledge of advanced Indonesian language, applying a full classroom immersion approach. Through two thematic modules focusing on Indonesian development and socio-cultural diversity, students further consolidate and extend their proficiency in the four key skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening. The incorporation of authentic written and audio-visual materials helps equip students with a thorough understanding of linguistic diversity and register. At the conclusion of upper intermediate-level study, students should be able to converse freely with native speakers, write in complex and grammatically accurate Indonesian, and successfully comprehend a range of written and audio-visual materials.\n", "ISLOP": true, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"DATE_CHECK_STATUS": "Students will need to confirm Critical Dates with Flinders University."}}]}, "4871": {"id": "2epaa9542y7fbqt1v7zaF", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "L4pau21-2arx94QxN3wLQ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25888, "section": "01FL", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Please refer to the below website for enrolment advice into this course:"}]}]}]}]}, "4872": {"subject": "INTBUS", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "109634", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111186", "term": "4436", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111186", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109634", "term": "4410", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "109635", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111197", "term": "4433", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111197", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109636", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111185", "term": "4436", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105401", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111190", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106358", "term": "4433", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106358", "term": "4436", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106359", "term": "4433", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106359", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106148", "term": "4436", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106148", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106150", "term": "4436", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106153", "term": "4433", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106153", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106161", "term": "4436", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110359", "term": "4433", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110359", "term": "4436", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110359", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110360", "term": "4433", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110360", "term": "4436", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110360", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}]}}, "4873": {"id": "beKTyNdQJxDBLGSsRAOwC", "course_id": "109634", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109634", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "International Business Environment", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "INTBUS", "CATALOG_NBR": "1000", "CLASS_NBR": 11877, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080311", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "INTBUS 2500, INTBUS 1000OUA", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course explores the international business environment in which organisations operate. The course examines the structure and features of the international markets, how organisations engage with these markets, and how they respond to its complexities. Students are introduced to useful theoretical and analytical frameworks that are crucial to understanding the opportunities and risks derived from the political, economic, social, technological and institutional environment of countries. The course also reviews aspects of global institutions, such as the World Trade Organization (WTO) and International Monetary Fund (IMF), which set global rules that profoundly affect business strategy and human welfare. Through this course, students are introduced to fundamental skills and competencies for further development towards an international business profession.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4874": {"id": "beKTyNdQJxDBLGSsRAOwC", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "5QcSWH8fwg1SpZOr96MFz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14798, "section": "LE01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 90, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "408RdCa49AOme4GkWw8nm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11877, "section": "TU04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11878, "section": "TU03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11879, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 15, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11880, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4875": {"id": "uFvXSh_79VWzz6qa0TAT6", "course_id": "111186", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111186", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "International Business Environment", "CAMPUS": "Open Universities Australia", "CAMPUS_CD": "OUA", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "INTBUS", "CATALOG_NBR": "1000OUA", "CLASS_NBR": 33124, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080311", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide Open Universities Australia students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "INTBUS 1000, INTBUS 2500", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course explores the international business environment in which organisations operate. The course examines the structure and features of the international markets, how organisations engage with these markets, and how they respond to its complexities. Students are introduced to useful theoretical and analytical frameworks that are crucial to understanding the opportunities and risks derived from the political, economic, social, technological and institutional environment of countries. The course also reviews aspects of global institutions, such as the World Trade Organization (WTO) and International Monetary Fund (IMF), which set global rules that profoundly affect business strategy and human welfare. Through this course, students are introduced to fundamental skills and competencies for further development towards an international business profession.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "4876": {"id": "uFvXSh_79VWzz6qa0TAT6", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "F0-PQLFKqCnOq-sneOj5d", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33124, "section": "01OU", "size": 100, "enrolled": 0, "available": 100, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "4877": {"id": "5gspzMYNJYnn-x_B9otDU", "course_id": "111186", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111186", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "International Business Environment", "CAMPUS": "Open Universities Australia", "CAMPUS_CD": "OUA", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "INTBUS", "CATALOG_NBR": "1000OUA", "CLASS_NBR": 36327, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080311", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide Open Universities Australia students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "INTBUS 1000, INTBUS 2500", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course explores the international business environment in which organisations operate. The course examines the structure and features of the international markets, how organisations engage with these markets, and how they respond to its complexities. Students are introduced to useful theoretical and analytical frameworks that are crucial to understanding the opportunities and risks derived from the political, economic, social, technological and institutional environment of countries. The course also reviews aspects of global institutions, such as the World Trade Organization (WTO) and International Monetary Fund (IMF), which set global rules that profoundly affect business strategy and human welfare. Through this course, students are introduced to fundamental skills and competencies for further development towards an international business profession.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "4878": {"id": "5gspzMYNJYnn-x_B9otDU", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "GP3sIljoM73KhMVp0fYwL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36327, "section": "01OU", "size": 100, "enrolled": 7, "available": 93, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "4879": {"id": "H1nGa_MWbfTrUVCxonWeE", "course_id": "109634", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109634", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "International Business Environment", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "INTBUS", "CATALOG_NBR": "1000UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 19681, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080311", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "INTBUS 2500, INTBUS 1000OUA", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course explores the international business environment in which organisations operate. The course examines the structure and features of the international markets, how organisations engage with these markets, and how they respond to its complexities. Students are introduced to useful theoretical and analytical frameworks that are crucial to understanding the opportunities and risks derived from the political, economic, social, technological and institutional environment of countries. The course also reviews aspects of global institutions, such as the World Trade Organization (WTO) and International Monetary Fund (IMF), which set global rules that profoundly affect business strategy and human welfare. Through this course, students are introduced to fundamental skills and competencies for further development towards an international business profession.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4880": {"id": "H1nGa_MWbfTrUVCxonWeE", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "MIRdR3RmUpq1fcREva7Q2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12439, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 23, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Darling West, 203, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Darling West, B03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Darling West, 203, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Darling West, B03, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12440, "section": "TT02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 20, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 115, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 114, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 115, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 114, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12441, "section": "TT03", "size": 24, "enrolled": 11, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 312, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hartley, G06, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 312, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hartley, G06, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19681, "section": "TT04", "size": 24, "enrolled": 15, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Darling West, B03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Darling West, B04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Darling West, B03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Darling West, B04, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "R0OlIh6PCNkg9q5JvxfFv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16546, "section": "LEC0", "size": 96, "enrolled": 69, "available": 27, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "4881": {"id": "FOv2b-Dvi4ou_2MVTgaDQ", "course_id": "109635", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109635", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "International Business Operations", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "INTBUS", "CATALOG_NBR": "2001", "CLASS_NBR": 21871, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080311", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "INTBUS 2500, INTBUS 2001OUA", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course prepares students for working in an organisation that operates internationally. Students are exposed to different aspects that underpin internationalisation decisions of a firm. They also learn about the input of different functional units within organisations in the success of its international operationists. The broad content themes include international strategy and organisation; entrepreneurial nature of international expansion; different modes of foreign market entry; internationalisation of service firm; international marketing, human resource management, and sourcing. Finally, students have an opportunity to explore ethics and corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the international context. The course develops skills in analysing cross-border business scenarios, identifying opportunities and risks entailed in various internationalisation decisions, appreciating the complexity of international business operations, and including ethics and social responsibility as significant factors shaping a firm's behaviour in a home and host country(ies).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4882": {"id": "FOv2b-Dvi4ou_2MVTgaDQ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "hJXyEQnXaQq79kTqtoPUR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20800, "section": "LE01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 106, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "7SbxsAz1N5XZIDBHMTOgB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20801, "section": "TU04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 27, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20802, "section": "TU03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 26, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20803, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 26, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, 144, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, 144, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21871, "section": "TU05", "size": 25, "enrolled": 27, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, 144, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, 144, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4883": {"id": "pm0KLJqYrtX6Dxemc1r6X", "course_id": "111197", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111197", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "International Business Operations", "CAMPUS": "Open Universities Australia", "CAMPUS_CD": "OUA", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "INTBUS", "CATALOG_NBR": "2001OUA", "CLASS_NBR": 30152, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080311", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide Open Universities Australia students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "INTBUS 2001, INTBUS 2500", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course prepares students for working in an organisation that operates internationally. Students are exposed to different aspects that underpin internationalisation decisions of a firm. They also learn about the input of different functional units within organisations in the success of its international operationists. The broad content themes include international strategy and organisation; entrepreneurial nature of international expansion; different modes of foreign market entry; internationalisation of service firm; international marketing, human resource management, and sourcing. Finally, students have an opportunity to explore ethics and corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the international context. The course develops skills in analysing cross-border business scenarios, identifying opportunities and risks entailed in various internationalisation decisions, appreciating the complexity of international business operations, and including ethics and social responsibility as significant factors shaping a firm's behaviour in a home and host country(ies).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "4884": {"id": "pm0KLJqYrtX6Dxemc1r6X", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "FOX1CNTn5WLSv4wmCFLvd", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30152, "section": "01OU", "size": 100, "enrolled": 3, "available": 97, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jan - 26 Apr", "days": "", "start_time": "", "end_time": "", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "4885": {"id": "7Ux7JvebdKiv7jLNUXNeh", "course_id": "111197", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111197", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "International Business Operations", "CAMPUS": "Open Universities Australia", "CAMPUS_CD": "OUA", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "INTBUS", "CATALOG_NBR": "2001OUA", "CLASS_NBR": 36144, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080311", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide Open Universities Australia students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "INTBUS 2001, INTBUS 2500", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course prepares students for working in an organisation that operates internationally. Students are exposed to different aspects that underpin internationalisation decisions of a firm. They also learn about the input of different functional units within organisations in the success of its international operationists. The broad content themes include international strategy and organisation; entrepreneurial nature of international expansion; different modes of foreign market entry; internationalisation of service firm; international marketing, human resource management, and sourcing. Finally, students have an opportunity to explore ethics and corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the international context. The course develops skills in analysing cross-border business scenarios, identifying opportunities and risks entailed in various internationalisation decisions, appreciating the complexity of international business operations, and including ethics and social responsibility as significant factors shaping a firm's behaviour in a home and host country(ies).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "4886": {"id": "7Ux7JvebdKiv7jLNUXNeh", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "H55VMfAkN3Q-5J87v8T_B", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36144, "section": "01OU", "size": 100, "enrolled": 4, "available": 96, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "4887": {"id": "G7IpGNS0G7UQq6gTDnX-Z", "course_id": "109636", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109636", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Internationalisation of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "INTBUS", "CATALOG_NBR": "3002", "CLASS_NBR": 20799, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080311", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "INTBUS 3002OUA", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual project, topic dialogues, group in-class exercises, quizzes, case studies and participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course explores how increasing globalisation, rapid technological change and pressures on sustainability have all opened expansive international opportunities, while also fuelling significant threats for today's small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The course highlights the role of international markets for sustainability of small and medium sized organisations which build their competitive edge on creative problem-solving. While this is key to growth and winning against competition, it is resource-intensive and therefore often only profitable by reaching critical mass internationally. Students explore how in today's highly dynamic and interconnected world, enterprises are well-served to use the principles of effectuation to take an iterative path forward using resources at hand as contingencies are identified. Students learn about assessing affordable losses and potential gain, as well as how to co-create with diverse stakeholders to have wide-reaching impact. Further attention is paid to how the internationalisation process has effects on enterprise operations regarding intellectual property (IP), risk management, governance and financing.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4888": {"id": "G7IpGNS0G7UQq6gTDnX-Z", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "KHlPrPRCjF2GAVds-56hj", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20799, "section": "SE01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 64, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4889": {"id": "0RCu7Dwl8kEoMjg5FrC3d", "course_id": "111185", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111185", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Internationalisation of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises", "CAMPUS": "Open Universities Australia", "CAMPUS_CD": "OUA", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "INTBUS", "CATALOG_NBR": "3002OUA", "CLASS_NBR": 33123, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080311", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide Open Universities Australia students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "INTBUS 3002", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual project, topic dialogues, group in-class exercises, quizzes, case studies and participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course explores how increasing globalisation, rapid technological change and pressures on sustainability have all opened expansive international opportunities, while also fuelling significant threats for today's small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The course highlights the role of international markets for sustainability of small and medium sized organisations which build their competitive edge on creative problem-solving. While this is key to growth and winning against competition, it is resource-intensive and therefore often only profitable by reaching critical mass internationally. Students explore how in today's highly dynamic and interconnected world, enterprises are well-served to use the principles of effectuation to take an iterative path forward using resources at hand as contingencies are identified. Students learn about assessing affordable losses and potential gain, as well as how to co-create with diverse stakeholders to have wide-reaching impact. Further attention is paid to how the internationalisation process has effects on enterprise operations regarding intellectual property (IP), risk management, governance and financing.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "4890": {"id": "0RCu7Dwl8kEoMjg5FrC3d", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "j2x-GQyRcsPHWvI6j9iZ4", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33123, "section": "01OU", "size": 100, "enrolled": 1, "available": 99, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "4891": {"id": "qeONGn1SjL8lFK-MdbCnL", "course_id": "105401", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105401", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Corporate Responsibility for Global Business", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "INTBUS", "CATALOG_NBR": "3501", "CLASS_NBR": 10887, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080311", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "INTBUS 2500 or INTBUS 2001 and ECON 1008 or STATS 1000", "INCOMPATIBLE": "INTBUS 3501OUA", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to explore contemporary social and ethical challenges facing global corporations in our increasingly globalised and inter-connected world. Through analysis of recent developments in Corporate Social Responsibility, triple bottom-line accounting and sustainability requirements, students will examine issues such as ethics and leadership, the shareholder-stakeholder debate, corruption, the changing trade environment as well as how modern corporations are dealing with the challenges of poverty, climate change and dangerous conflict situations. The aim is to increase students ability to apply critical analysis and ethical principles to practical problems that they will face in the workplace and to engage with and influence ongoing debates on the future role of global corporations in contributing to a more prosperous and sustainable global environment.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4892": {"id": "qeONGn1SjL8lFK-MdbCnL", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "PlYRfd_t5m3ZQ_lralmQV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10887, "section": "SE01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 52, "available": 28, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4893": {"id": "ws8zhNK0MrWdzJNA6XGSe", "course_id": "111190", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111190", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Corporate Responsibility for Global Business", "CAMPUS": "Open Universities Australia", "CAMPUS_CD": "OUA", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "INTBUS", "CATALOG_NBR": "3501OUA", "CLASS_NBR": 36139, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080311", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide Open Universities Australia students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "INTBUS 2001OUA, ECON 1008OUA", "INCOMPATIBLE": "INTBUS 3501", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The content of this course covers corporate social responsibility (CSR) and performance (CSP), the shareholder-stakeholder debate, corporate governance in global business, ethical foundations of CSR, strategic CSR, implementation of CSR as part of corporate strategy, challenges at the base of the pyramid (BoP), social entrepreneurship and social business around the world.\nComponents of this course can include a group or individual discovery learning project, of which primary goals are (1) to train students in applying their knowledge, analytical and critical thinking skills to a practical problem in the field of CSR/corporate responsibility for global business; (2) to assist students in developing their own project in the form of a CSR strategy, social entrepreneurship or social business implementation plan; 3) to train students in developing skills in effective and efficient team and self management in a real business environment.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "4894": {"id": "ws8zhNK0MrWdzJNA6XGSe", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "0SPZg6yQ8E-Qz-p9jJAV4", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36139, "section": "01OU", "size": 100, "enrolled": 3, "available": 97, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Sep - 22 Nov", "days": "", "start_time": "", "end_time": "", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "4895": {"id": "VXYxr64rgZpagWWEtLmHu", "course_id": "106358", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106358", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Cross-Cultural Management and Negotiation (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "INTBUS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7015", "CLASS_NBR": 30070, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours per Trimester", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "COMMGMT 7006", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMMGMT 7015", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/ group projects as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course explores the effect of cultural differences on organisational behaviour and negotiation in the global context. It exposes students to issues and problems that inevitably arise in international business when managers have to deal with culturally determined differences in values, attitudes and behaviours. The course assists students in developing cross-cultural communication competence and management and negotiation skills to successfully solve problems and capitalise on opportunities in a multicultural environment. Specific topics include understanding the foundations of culture and cultural frameworks; cross-cultural verbal and non-verbal communication and communication styles; motivation, leadership and decision making across cultures; negotiation and conflict resolution in global business settings; understanding organisational culture; managing multicultural teams and culturally diverse organisations. Students have an opportunity to study concepts and theories from cross-cultural psychology and management. They apply the acquired knowledge and gain relevant skills during hands-on activities such as scenario-based discussions, case studies and simulations.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "4896": {"id": "VXYxr64rgZpagWWEtLmHu", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "bXcBL8-MGKewehNxHr1xv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30070, "section": "SE01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 14, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Feb - 1 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Feb - 15 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 29 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Mar - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Apr - 11 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4897": {"id": "QqF7j8CNhDiGn1V4bsqLa", "course_id": "106358", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106358", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Cross-Cultural Management and Negotiation (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "INTBUS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7015", "CLASS_NBR": 33070, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours per Trimester", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "COMMGMT 7006", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMMGMT 7015", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/ group projects as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course explores the effect of cultural differences on organisational behaviour and negotiation in the global context. It exposes students to issues and problems that inevitably arise in international business when managers have to deal with culturally determined differences in values, attitudes and behaviours. The course assists students in developing cross-cultural communication competence and management and negotiation skills to successfully solve problems and capitalise on opportunities in a multicultural environment. Specific topics include understanding the foundations of culture and cultural frameworks; cross-cultural verbal and non-verbal communication and communication styles; motivation, leadership and decision making across cultures; negotiation and conflict resolution in global business settings; understanding organisational culture; managing multicultural teams and culturally diverse organisations. Students have an opportunity to study concepts and theories from cross-cultural psychology and management. They apply the acquired knowledge and gain relevant skills during hands-on activities such as scenario-based discussions, case studies and simulations.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "4898": {"id": "QqF7j8CNhDiGn1V4bsqLa", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "ha8DAgb4b20JcDLi6rQ9Z", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33070, "section": "SE01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 35, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Jun - 13 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Jun - 27 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Jul - 11 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 25 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Aug - 8 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4899": {"id": "zv__7Uzdmu1cSovQh2SXw", "course_id": "106359", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106359", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Managing Multinational Corporations", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "INTBUS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7016", "CLASS_NBR": 30079, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours per Trimester", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "INTBUS 7500, COMMGMT 7006, MARKETNG 7104, ECON 7200, ACCTNG 7025", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/group projects as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course addresses specific practical managerial challenges faced by large and small multinational corporations, such as managing organizational complexity, international strategic alliances, mergers and acquisitions, international human resource assignments, political risk, corporate diplomacy and government relationships, innovation in multinational corporations, multinational operations and financial management, among others. The emphasis of this course varies on an annual basis mirroring contemporary trends and events in the global economy. This course is delivered by experts of international standing in their particular field who employ proven and highly effective teaching methods at their discretion, such as simulations, case studies and experiential learning projects.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "4900": {"id": "zv__7Uzdmu1cSovQh2SXw", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "RawaZe65iqXSQgaoIsVrC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30079, "section": "SE01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 28, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jan - 5 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1:30pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Feb - 19 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1:30pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Mar - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1:30pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1:30pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Apr - 22 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1:30pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4901": {"id": "W3R8NaYIiBS3E7jrByoAT", "course_id": "106359", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106359", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Managing Multinational Corporations", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "INTBUS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7016", "CLASS_NBR": 36340, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours per Trimester", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "INTBUS 7500, COMMGMT 7006, MARKETNG 7104, ECON 7200, ACCTNG 7025", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/group projects as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course addresses specific practical managerial challenges faced by large and small multinational corporations, such as managing organizational complexity, international strategic alliances, mergers and acquisitions, international human resource assignments, political risk, corporate diplomacy and government relationships, innovation in multinational corporations, multinational operations and financial management, among others. The emphasis of this course varies on an annual basis mirroring contemporary trends and events in the global economy. This course is delivered by experts of international standing in their particular field who employ proven and highly effective teaching methods at their discretion, such as simulations, case studies and experiential learning projects.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "4902": {"id": "W3R8NaYIiBS3E7jrByoAT", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "Wcu7jh7V45rRfpGNfyhl8", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36077, "section": "SE01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 32, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Sep - 23 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1:30pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 14 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1:30pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Oct - 25 Nov", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1:30pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 36340, "section": "SE02", "size": 35, "enrolled": 14, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Sep - 23 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1:30pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 14 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1:30pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "28 Oct - 25 Nov", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1:30pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "4903": {"id": "b5WadM29lsZl6A5VfGjG6", "course_id": "106148", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106148", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Fundamentals of International Business (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "INTBUS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7500", "CLASS_NBR": 33075, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080311", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours per Trimester", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ECON 7200, ACCTING 7025, MARKETNG 7104", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/group work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course prepares graduate students for managing the international operations of a firm in the globalised business environment while analysing factors that facilitate integration into an international, regional and global marketplace. The broad content themes include regionalisation, globalisation and the multinational enterprise; theory of trade and investment; conducting business in different political, economic and socio-cultural systems; the impact of economic development and social change; the role of international law and international organisations and institutions; and the opportunities and challenges of operating business internationally. This interdisciplinary course uses team-based learning, case studies and country risk analyses. Students develop skills in comparative analysis, international risk assessment, identifying international business opportunities, and determining the ethical course of action in international business.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "4904": {"id": "b5WadM29lsZl6A5VfGjG6", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "Q97GGqRgR4PqeNN3MOc2x", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33075, "section": "SE01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 8, "available": 27, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "21 May - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Jun - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Jun - 18 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Jul - 2 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Jul - 16 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4905": {"id": "yVhXqfOzb_KHlTETZas0l", "course_id": "106148", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106148", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Fundamentals of International Business (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "INTBUS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7500", "CLASS_NBR": 36338, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080311", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours per Trimester", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ECON 7200, ACCTING 7025, MARKETNG 7104", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/group work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course prepares graduate students for managing the international operations of a firm in the globalised business environment while analysing factors that facilitate integration into an international, regional and global marketplace. The broad content themes include regionalisation, globalisation and the multinational enterprise; theory of trade and investment; conducting business in different political, economic and socio-cultural systems; the impact of economic development and social change; the role of international law and international organisations and institutions; and the opportunities and challenges of operating business internationally. This interdisciplinary course uses team-based learning, case studies and country risk analyses. Students develop skills in comparative analysis, international risk assessment, identifying international business opportunities, and determining the ethical course of action in international business.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "4906": {"id": "yVhXqfOzb_KHlTETZas0l", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "FCdvAd8NwwBPPQzZdFJS4", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36075, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Oct - 29 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Nov - 19 Nov", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 36338, "section": "SE02", "size": 35, "enrolled": 9, "available": 26, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "29 Oct - 29 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "12 Nov - 19 Nov", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "4907": {"id": "7Hklnk3Xc9044DPQWTR82", "course_id": "106150", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106150", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Global Business Analysis (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "INTBUS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7501", "CLASS_NBR": 33003, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080311", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours per Trimester", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(ACCTING 7025 or ACCTING 7025OL) and COMMERCE 7039 and COMMGMT 7006 and ECON 7200 and INTBUS 7500 and MARKETNG 7104", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/group work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course addresses challenges arising from and in emerging economies and their implications for business and economy. The content themes are updated annually and may include (but are not limited to) multinationals from and in emerging economies, corporate social responsibility in the global market place, global competitive dynamics, state-business relationships, among other possibilities. This course adopts a problem-based and discussion-based learning approach. It places high emphasis on skill development, in particular, rigorous analytical skills, research skills, argumentation, critical thinking and judgement skills. An applied research project in international business is an integral part of this course. To do so effectively, this course requires active engagement of all course participants in a collective knowledge sharing and learning process.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "4908": {"id": "7Hklnk3Xc9044DPQWTR82", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "csmphHhOutUqxMPtJFKtu", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33003, "section": "SE01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 14, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 May - 23 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Jun - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 Jun - 20 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Jul - 4 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Jul - 18 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4909": {"id": "IR2Sgbij1jj_ssiADSJE2", "course_id": "106153", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106153", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "International Entrepreneurship and Innovation (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "INTBUS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7503", "CLASS_NBR": 30004, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080311", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours per Trimester", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "COMMGMT 7104, ECON 7200, ACCTNG 7025, INTBUS 7500, COMMERCE 7039, COMMGMT 7006", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course analyses how international opportunity identification and exploitation are often critical to the firm's long term growth and survival and often results in the firm seeking to exploit those opportunities by entering overseas markets. The course focuses on the development of skills to identify and evaluate international business opportunities by ventures that aspire to become international or extend the scope of existing international operations. Specific topics include understanding entrepreneurship and innovation as a process; opportunity identification competencies; cross-border expansion opportunities and challenges that entrepreneurs' face such as, for example, market entry, resourcing international operations (e.g. exporting), forming alliances, managing growth, and cross-border financing in different regions of the world. The course thereby provides students with the opportunity to focus on specific issues facing small to medium sized enterprises, some of which are also family run firms. Students develop an understanding of the constraints and advantages in developing a new venture and managing the additional burden of internationalization, which for some new ventures is rapid or accelerated.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "4910": {"id": "IR2Sgbij1jj_ssiADSJE2", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "y_pC4dd9LkYeCDWF4RbNH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30004, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 21, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Feb - 8 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Feb - 22 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Mar - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Apr - 18 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4911": {"id": "lohF8kg-WDuENprbd4IWe", "course_id": "106153", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106153", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "International Entrepreneurship and Innovation (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "INTBUS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7503", "CLASS_NBR": 36339, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080311", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours per Trimester", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "COMMGMT 7104, ECON 7200, ACCTNG 7025, INTBUS 7500, COMMERCE 7039, COMMGMT 7006", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course analyses how international opportunity identification and exploitation are often critical to the firm's long term growth and survival and often results in the firm seeking to exploit those opportunities by entering overseas markets. The course focuses on the development of skills to identify and evaluate international business opportunities by ventures that aspire to become international or extend the scope of existing international operations. Specific topics include understanding entrepreneurship and innovation as a process; opportunity identification competencies; cross-border expansion opportunities and challenges that entrepreneurs' face such as, for example, market entry, resourcing international operations (e.g. exporting), forming alliances, managing growth, and cross-border financing in different regions of the world. The course thereby provides students with the opportunity to focus on specific issues facing small to medium sized enterprises, some of which are also family run firms. Students develop an understanding of the constraints and advantages in developing a new venture and managing the additional burden of internationalization, which for some new ventures is rapid or accelerated.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "4912": {"id": "lohF8kg-WDuENprbd4IWe", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "6DepEWCREBMM9QehNOhx2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36003, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "31 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Nov - 21 Nov", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 36339, "section": "SE02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 21, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "31 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "14 Nov - 21 Nov", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "4913": {"id": "hQUfsZ5wEkHxje5Er8RR0", "course_id": "106161", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106161", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "International Business Strategy (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "INTBUS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7506", "CLASS_NBR": 33076, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080311", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours per Trimester", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(ACCTING 7025 or ACCTING 7025OL) and COMMERCE 7039 and COMMGMT 7006 and ECON 7200 and INTBUS 7500 and MARKETNG 7104", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/group work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course focuses on the development of skills to understand the issues that managers face in operating in international markets and supply chains. Students will develop an understanding of the conceptual frameworks that clarify the relationships between the business environment, domestic and global strategies. They will also have the opportunity to develop an applied research project that focuses on a key strategic decision facing senior management involved in entering an overseas market for the first time; or expanding existing operations into a new foreign market as part of a corporate strategy. This course addresses how multinational firms leverage their capabilities and competencies to create competitive advantages in international and global markets. Topics include assessing foreign markets attractiveness; understanding the impact of institutional differences across countries entry mode choice, international strategic alliances, competitive dynamics, global innovation, strategies and structures and assessing the challenges of corporate governance and corporate social responsibility for international business. The course will include problem-based learning, with case study workshops, as an integral part of the program", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "4914": {"id": "hQUfsZ5wEkHxje5Er8RR0", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "mu0LEVlojQrIRDPjpSFOi", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33076, "section": "SE01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 21, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 May - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Jun - 11 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Jun - 25 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Jul - 9 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Jul - 23 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Aug - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G13, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4915": {"id": "EQ4xQG-PP5vHdz3st_vqo", "course_id": "110359", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110359", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Project in International Business (A)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "INTBUS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7510", "CLASS_NBR": 30136, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080311", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Mandatory introduction session with supervisor, self paced learning and consultation with supervisors every 2 weeks", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(ACCTING 7025 or ACCTING 7025OL) and COMMERCE 7039 and COMMGMT 7006 and ECON 7200 and INTBUS 7500 and INTBUS 7501 and INTBUS 7506 and MARKETNG 7104", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "INTBUS 7505", "ASSESSMENT": "Identification of research problem, literature review, study design and ethics application", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Master of International Management students who wish to pursue research pathways are required to complete this course to qualify for PhD or MPhil entry. This course provides students with an opportunity to identify a viable research topic, conduct literature review, formulate research questions or hypothesis, select appropriate research methodology, undertake research design and compete ethics approval to conduct a field study", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "4916": {"id": "EQ4xQG-PP5vHdz3st_vqo", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "R_UND1BmO__3PqQP-kQ0m", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30136, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "4917": {"id": "6dDBEj3--M_HevJrOdXp0", "course_id": "110359", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110359", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Project in International Business (A)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "INTBUS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7510", "CLASS_NBR": 33112, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080311", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Mandatory introduction session with supervisor, self paced learning and consultation with supervisors every 2 weeks", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(ACCTING 7025 or ACCTING 7025OL) and COMMERCE 7039 and COMMGMT 7006 and ECON 7200 and INTBUS 7500 and INTBUS 7501 and INTBUS 7506 and MARKETNG 7104", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "INTBUS 7505", "ASSESSMENT": "Identification of research problem, literature review, study design and ethics application", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Master of International Management students who wish to pursue research pathways are required to complete this course to qualify for PhD or MPhil entry. This course provides students with an opportunity to identify a viable research topic, conduct literature review, formulate research questions or hypothesis, select appropriate research methodology, undertake research design and compete ethics approval to conduct a field study", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "4918": {"id": "6dDBEj3--M_HevJrOdXp0", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "QvlaIJONVkgUdyMOhei-T", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33112, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "4919": {"id": "v3xj9W-qgmC6qC2h6UPwZ", "course_id": "110359", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110359", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Project in International Business (A)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "INTBUS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7510", "CLASS_NBR": 36126, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080311", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Mandatory introduction session with supervisor, self paced learning and consultation with supervisors every 2 weeks", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(ACCTING 7025 or ACCTING 7025OL) and COMMERCE 7039 and COMMGMT 7006 and ECON 7200 and INTBUS 7500 and INTBUS 7501 and INTBUS 7506 and MARKETNG 7104", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "INTBUS 7505", "ASSESSMENT": "Identification of research problem, literature review, study design and ethics application", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Master of International Management students who wish to pursue research pathways are required to complete this course to qualify for PhD or MPhil entry. This course provides students with an opportunity to identify a viable research topic, conduct literature review, formulate research questions or hypothesis, select appropriate research methodology, undertake research design and compete ethics approval to conduct a field study", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "4920": {"id": "v3xj9W-qgmC6qC2h6UPwZ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "Oq0jlEzzaUfkiiI5OIdTC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36126, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "4921": {"id": "et6ElU-LNeEaapn0KDOLu", "course_id": "110360", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110360", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Project in International Business (B)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "INTBUS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7511", "CLASS_NBR": 30137, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080311", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Mandatory introduction session with supervisor, self paced learning and consultation with supervisors every 2 weeks", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "INTBUS 7510", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "INTBUS 7505", "ASSESSMENT": "Data analysis, academic paper", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Master of International Management students who wish to pursue research pathways are required to complete this course to qualify for PhD or MPhil entry. This course provides students with an opportunity to analyse data, present their reach findings and produce an academic paper of publishable quality that conforms to protocols of academic presentation and research practice", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "4922": {"id": "et6ElU-LNeEaapn0KDOLu", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "YLHvfi8zK4mFULHGmFdXn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30137, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "4923": {"id": "ZwCbWhxeN5ijAa6tuvSG0", "course_id": "110360", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110360", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Project in International Business (B)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "INTBUS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7511", "CLASS_NBR": 33113, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080311", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Mandatory introduction session with supervisor, self paced learning and consultation with supervisors every 2 weeks", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "INTBUS 7510", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "INTBUS 7505", "ASSESSMENT": "Data analysis, academic paper", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Master of International Management students who wish to pursue research pathways are required to complete this course to qualify for PhD or MPhil entry. This course provides students with an opportunity to analyse data, present their reach findings and produce an academic paper of publishable quality that conforms to protocols of academic presentation and research practice", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "4924": {"id": "ZwCbWhxeN5ijAa6tuvSG0", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "S2rE-DKmJSftNpTvFLFXj", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33113, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "4925": {"id": "ejBFHsScJwIbhd_y1AmPI", "course_id": "110360", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110360", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Project in International Business (B)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "INTBUS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7511", "CLASS_NBR": 36127, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080311", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Mandatory introduction session with supervisor, self paced learning and consultation with supervisors every 2 weeks", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "INTBUS 7510", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "INTBUS 7505", "ASSESSMENT": "Data analysis, academic paper", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Master of International Management students who wish to pursue research pathways are required to complete this course to qualify for PhD or MPhil entry. This course provides students with an opportunity to analyse data, present their reach findings and produce an academic paper of publishable quality that conforms to protocols of academic presentation and research practice", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "4926": {"id": "ejBFHsScJwIbhd_y1AmPI", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "fp2kSz1bgFq5xVfHOk-Sr", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36127, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "4927": {"subject": "ITAL", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "106259", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106260", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111579", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106261", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106262", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106263", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106264", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106982", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106983", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110346", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110347", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "4928": {"id": "9ZVCrLFG44PUemiRXM-2A", "course_id": "106259", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106259", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introductory Italian Part 1", "CAMPUS": "Flinders University", "CAMPUS_CD": "FLIND", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ITAL", "CATALOG_NBR": "1201", "CLASS_NBR": 15791, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Periodic written & oral tests, class participation, written assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This topic is designed for beginners in Italian, and consists of language and culture classes. Emphasis is placed on the comprehension and use of spoken and written Italian, as well as aspects of Italian culture. The program, which pre-supposes regular attendance at all scheduled classes, includes both seminar-type instruction and tutorials. Students will be expected to participate interactively in a spoken language-learning process where comprehension and communication skills, both written and oral, will be developed.\n", "ISLOP": true, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"DATE_CHECK_STATUS": "Students will need to confirm Critical Dates with Flinders University."}}]}, "4929": {"id": "9ZVCrLFG44PUemiRXM-2A", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "AbksZreNdgyfOIGHe89wI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15791, "section": "01FL", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Please refer to the below website for enrolment advice into this course:"}]}]}]}]}, "4930": {"id": "V5IurOGXObJUVC4U6j8fD", "course_id": "106260", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106260", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introductory Italian Part 2", "CAMPUS": "Flinders University", "CAMPUS_CD": "FLIND", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ITAL", "CATALOG_NBR": "1202", "CLASS_NBR": 25803, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ITAL 1201", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Periodic written & oral tests, class participation, written assignments, final written exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The topic develops further the basic language skills acquired in the first semester and extends the students' proficiency in both spoken and written Italian.\nFurther emphasis is placed on the comprehension and use of both spoken and written Italian. The program, which pre-supposes regular attendance at all scheduled classes, includes both seminar-type instruction and tutorials where students will be expected to participate interactively in the language-learning process, and where comprehension and communication skills, both written and spoken, will be further developed.\n", "ISLOP": true, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"DATE_CHECK_STATUS": "Students will need to confirm Critical Dates with Flinders University."}}]}, "4931": {"id": "V5IurOGXObJUVC4U6j8fD", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "oW1qEU0R8s2drVfsazneT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25803, "section": "01FL", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Please refer to the below website for enrolment advice into this course:"}]}]}]}]}, "4932": {"id": "T4w9SkuPz4eQIQBMurhKz", "course_id": "111579", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111579", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Italian Style", "CAMPUS": "Flinders University", "CAMPUS_CD": "FLIND", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ITAL", "CATALOG_NBR": "2003", "CLASS_NBR": 28906, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "One unquestionable point about Italian culture is a quest for everything bello (beautiful) and buono (delicious). Think of architecture, art, cultural heritage, industrial design, fashion, food & wine, just to mention a few points which are synonym with dolce vita. Most of these have become part of world-renowned brands and of our daily life (can you think of our lives without sipping a cappuccino or having a plate of pasta?). What makes Italian style so special, and why is it so highly considered?", "ISLOP": true, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"DATE_CHECK_STATUS": "Students will need to confirm Critical Dates with Flinders University."}}]}, "4933": {"id": "T4w9SkuPz4eQIQBMurhKz", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "qja_HxDJGuMerru8C4rkJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28906, "section": "01FL", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Please refer to the below website for enrolment advice into this course:"}]}]}]}]}, "4934": {"id": "PqXruUObP_V_i5_iO17Ux", "course_id": "106261", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106261", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Intermediate Italian Part 1", "CAMPUS": "Flinders University", "CAMPUS_CD": "FLIND", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ITAL", "CATALOG_NBR": "2201", "CLASS_NBR": 15792, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ITAL 1202", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "This course is for students who have attained a level equivalent to SACE Continuers OR have completed First year of Italian in the Beginners stream. If you are uncertain as to whether you should enrol, please contact the course coordinator.", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Periodic written & oral tests, class participation, written assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this topic students will build on their previously developed knowledge and skills in Italian. Emphasis is placed on oral-aural comprehension, as well as on understanding and use of both spoken and written Italian.\n", "ISLOP": true, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"DATE_CHECK_STATUS": "Students will need to confirm Critical Dates with Flinders University."}}]}, "4935": {"id": "PqXruUObP_V_i5_iO17Ux", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "05FpvfyPLCB7SFtSPLInR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15792, "section": "01FL", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Please refer to the below website for enrolment advice into this course:"}]}]}]}]}, "4936": {"id": "B00BJxrYAVcthSOoDfW0r", "course_id": "106262", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106262", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Intermediate Italian Part 2", "CAMPUS": "Flinders University", "CAMPUS_CD": "FLIND", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ITAL", "CATALOG_NBR": "2202", "CLASS_NBR": 25804, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ITAL 2201", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Periodic written & oral tests, class participation, written assignments, final written exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this topic students will continue to build on their knowledge and skills in Italian. Emphasis is placed on oral-aural comprehension, as well as on understanding and use of both spoken and written Italian.\n", "ISLOP": true, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"DATE_CHECK_STATUS": "Students will need to confirm Critical Dates with Flinders University."}}]}, "4937": {"id": "B00BJxrYAVcthSOoDfW0r", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "QPOu4n2h5aTVcXm0EghLL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25804, "section": "01FL", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Please refer to the below website for enrolment advice into this course:"}]}]}]}]}, "4938": {"id": "CEoIznewn3rc2Sb4MNpoD", "course_id": "106263", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106263", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Upper Intermediate Italian Part 1", "CAMPUS": "Flinders University", "CAMPUS_CD": "FLIND", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ITAL", "CATALOG_NBR": "3201", "CLASS_NBR": 15793, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ITAL 2202", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Periodic written & oral tests, tutorial participation, written assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to strengthen and extend the students' proficiency in the four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing in Italian. Classes will cover upper intermediate features of the Italian language, particularly syntax and stylistics, appropriate to this level.\n", "ISLOP": true, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"DATE_CHECK_STATUS": "Students will need to confirm Critical Dates with Flinders University."}}]}, "4939": {"id": "CEoIznewn3rc2Sb4MNpoD", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "arJi3lJ1FF7tQZMtNkdLT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15793, "section": "01FL", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Please refer to the below website for enrolment advice into this course:"}]}]}]}]}, "4940": {"id": "t3ZP9gZeNWXkPBb62RrQw", "course_id": "106264", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106264", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Upper Intermediate Italian Part 2", "CAMPUS": "Flinders University", "CAMPUS_CD": "FLIND", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ITAL", "CATALOG_NBR": "3202", "CLASS_NBR": 25805, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ITAL 3201", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Periodic written & oral tests, tutorial participation, written assignments, final written exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to develop further the students' proficiency in the four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Classes will cover features of the Italian language, particularly syntax and stylistics, appropriate to this level. Students will use and produce a range of complex texts in Italian.\n", "ISLOP": true, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"DATE_CHECK_STATUS": "Students will need to confirm Critical Dates with Flinders University."}}]}, "4941": {"id": "t3ZP9gZeNWXkPBb62RrQw", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "4QA7Tzf8a1woM48raIekN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25805, "section": "01FL", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Please refer to the below website for enrolment advice into this course:"}]}]}]}]}, "4942": {"id": "HnMAXHHdWVEM8xhKCwV7l", "course_id": "106982", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106982", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Italian Cinema", "CAMPUS": "Flinders University", "CAMPUS_CD": "FLIND", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ITAL", "CATALOG_NBR": "3214", "CLASS_NBR": 18797, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "ALL readings are available in English and ALL films to be accessed for this topic are available with English sub-titles. Lectures/seminars will be conducted in English.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 12 units of Level I undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Students who are taking this topic as part of their Italian Major are expected to have a third level knowledge of Italian culture.", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This topic is designed to provide students with background knowledge of the historical and artistic developments that have characterised Italian cinema in the last fifty years; however, the segment provides an overview of the main currents and genres, from silent film to the 'white telephones' films of the Fascist era, from world-acclaimed Neorealism to the Commedia all italiana, from the great masters of the 1960s to the award-winning works of later directors such as Moretti, Salvatores, Virzi, Sorrentino.\n\n\nLanguage requirements: ALL films to be accessed for this topic are available with English sub-titles. Lectures/seminars will be conducted in English.", "ISLOP": true, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"DATE_CHECK_STATUS": "Students will need to confirm Critical Dates with Flinders University."}}]}, "4943": {"id": "HnMAXHHdWVEM8xhKCwV7l", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Ywapk9iTbpAZKOiC4eFGA", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18797, "section": "01FL", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Please refer to the below website for enrolment advice into this course:"}]}]}]}]}, "4944": {"id": "VuDRL7w7cjnEUbHpmBCeI", "course_id": "106983", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106983", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "The Italian Mafia: Origin and Representations", "CAMPUS": "Flinders University", "CAMPUS_CD": "FLIND", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ITAL", "CATALOG_NBR": "3215", "CLASS_NBR": 15826, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "ALL readings are available in English and ALL films to be accessed for this topic are available with English sub-titles. Lectures/seminars will be conducted in English.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 12 units of Level I undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This topic is designed to provide students with an in-depth understanding of the mafia, its history, its activities and its role in Italian society. Through historical, social, cultural and political changes that have characterised Sicily and Italy, the topic traces the historical evolution of the mafia phenomenon from its origin in the Middle Ages to the present day. It will also analyse sociological aspects of this organised crime syndicate such as its codes and culture, its structures of power, its business activities and its relationships with politics, politicians and religion.\nThis topic will also examine how literature and cinema represent the complexity of the mafia to explore issues of justice, politics, and morality, and it will raise awareness of certain Sicilian and Italian controversial cultural stereotypes.\nThe topic will also provide an overview of other contemporary criminal groups of Italy such as Camorra, 'Ndrangheta and Sacra Corona Unita.\n\n\nLanguage requirements: ALL readings are available in English and ALL films to be accessed for this topic are available with English sub-titles. Lectures/seminars will be conducted in English.", "ISLOP": true, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"DATE_CHECK_STATUS": "Students will need to confirm Critical Dates with Flinders University."}}]}, "4945": {"id": "VuDRL7w7cjnEUbHpmBCeI", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "SCoECMGTOYvxel_kk1Wdw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15826, "section": "01FL", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Please refer to the below website for enrolment advice into this course:"}]}]}]}]}, "4946": {"id": "V31I1gPkuuzjQkdukAnz1", "course_id": "110346", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110346", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Language for Interaction", "CAMPUS": "Flinders University", "CAMPUS_CD": "FLIND", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ITAL", "CATALOG_NBR": "3303", "CLASS_NBR": 16219, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ITAL 3202", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Intermediate to low advanced language skills in Italian.", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This topic is designed to consolidate and strengthen the students' proficiency in the four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing in their language of choice, whilst considering momentous aspects of the cultures and societies where French, Indonesian, Italian, Modern Greek and Spanish are spoken. Classes will cover advanced features of the chosen language appropriate with this level, particularly syntax and stylistics, as featured in a selection of authentic written, aural and/or visual texts. Regular offerings include literature, cinema, theatre, traditions and migration.\n", "ISLOP": true, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"DATE_CHECK_STATUS": "Students will need to confirm Critical Dates with Flinders University."}}]}, "4947": {"id": "V31I1gPkuuzjQkdukAnz1", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "v54Nvu2LrB1MjuJ6HiaJO", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16219, "section": "01FL", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Please refer to the below website for enrolment advice into this course:"}]}]}]}]}, "4948": {"id": "GMaOAXfRmFH1MSkqnRrSB", "course_id": "110347", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110347", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Language for Translation", "CAMPUS": "Flinders University", "CAMPUS_CD": "FLIND", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ITAL", "CATALOG_NBR": "3304", "CLASS_NBR": 26231, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ITAL 3303", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Intermediate to advanced language skills in Italian.", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This topic provides an introduction to the theory and practice of translation for students who have no experience of translation. It further develops linguistic learning outcomes and involves the translation of texts in various styles, including journalism, advertising and literature, from French, Italian, Spanish Modern Greek or Indonesian into English and, where applicable, from English into French, Indonesian, Italian, Modern Greek or Spanish.\nAt a theoretical level, the topic introduces the issues involved in translation and the problems raised by the translation of various genres. It also aims to introduce strategies to resolve difficulties in the areas of vocabulary, idioms, cultural equivalence, and syntax. This is a problem-based course and active participation is required of students in language-specific tutorials and on-line discussion groups, where students will discuss problems encountered in their assignments and their application of strategies to resolve them.\n", "ISLOP": true, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"DATE_CHECK_STATUS": "Students will need to confirm Critical Dates with Flinders University."}}]}, "4949": {"id": "GMaOAXfRmFH1MSkqnRrSB", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "a3dsc53vUBjqKc0nRkPJw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26231, "section": "01FL", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Please refer to the below website for enrolment advice into this course:"}]}]}]}]}, "4950": {"subject": "JAPN", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "002909", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "003902", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104710", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104711", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104714", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104721", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "4951": {"id": "oskG7V5_Ivf0g4CBcyp-J", "course_id": "002909", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "002909", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Japanese IA", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "JAPN", "CATALOG_NBR": "1001", "CLASS_NBR": 14877, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091515", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "This course is for (total) beginners with little or no previous knowledge of Japanese.", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Script Test 1, Script Test 2, mid-Semester Test, Oral Test, Final Written Exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Japanese IA is designed for beginners with little or no previous knowledge of Japanese. This course is also ideal for those who wish to consolidate their basic knowledge of Kanji, vocabulary and grammar. The course offers instruction and practice in the four skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking, while introducing the basic grammar and vocabulary of modern Japanese as well as the basic writing system, hiragana, katakana and beginners kanji. In classes, emphasis will be placed on developing students' basic communication skills in both spoken and written Japanese to build a solid foundation at the beginner level. The aims of the course are: i) to enhance and consolidate the introductory grammar; ii) to expand knowledge and use of vocabulary in both conversational and written contexts; iii) to develop communication skills/strategies; iv) to become familiar with hiragana, katakana and basic kanji; v) to become efficient and independent language learners. Entry criteria for students with Year 12 SACE grades can be found at:", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4952": {"id": "oskG7V5_Ivf0g4CBcyp-J", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "jNVgN9fDBc7VOv9Y9ERAq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14882, "section": "LE01", "size": 250, "enrolled": 146, "available": 104, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "7Ko9Cf8UEZB98aj5bUQVt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14877, "section": "SE05", "size": 42, "enrolled": 37, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14878, "section": "SE04", "size": 42, "enrolled": 39, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14880, "section": "SE02", "size": 42, "enrolled": 37, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14881, "section": "SE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 33, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4953": {"id": "F40tHHeuxejEe-3V7rAGP", "course_id": "003902", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "003902", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Japanese IB", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "JAPN", "CATALOG_NBR": "1002", "CLASS_NBR": 24769, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091515", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "JAPN 1001", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Test 1, Test 2, Oral Test, Final Written Exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Japanese IB course continues instruction and practice in the four skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking, whilst enabling students to broaden and consolidate their basic knowledge of the Japanese language acquired in Japanese IA. In order to provide a solid foundation at the beginner level in both written and spoken Japanese, literacy skills will be emphasised to further develop towards the elementary level, and communication skills will be reinforced through aural-oral practice in classes.\nThe basic aims of Japanese IB are: i) to enhance and consolidate the introductory grammar; ii) to expand knowledge and use of vocabulary in both conversational and written contexts; iii) to develop communication skills/strategies; iv) to become familiar with new kanji; v) to become efficient and independent language learners.\n\nEntry criteria for students with Year 12 SACE grades can be found at:", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4954": {"id": "F40tHHeuxejEe-3V7rAGP", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "nJLEiRQo522g4lacwCfav", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24767, "section": "LE01", "size": 150, "enrolled": 56, "available": 94, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "uv6GqfeTznJutJF7THxIS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24769, "section": "SE03", "size": 50, "enrolled": 16, "available": 34, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24770, "section": "SE02", "size": 50, "enrolled": 21, "available": 29, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24771, "section": "SE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 19, "available": 31, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4955": {"id": "U_MoP_25tVRVDJHx-N965", "course_id": "104710", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104710", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Japanese IIA", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "JAPN", "CATALOG_NBR": "2201", "CLASS_NBR": 14886, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091515", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "JAPN 1002", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "JAPN 2001", "ASSESSMENT": "Test 1 (including Listening Section), Test 2 (including Listening Section), Oral Assessment/s, Final Exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Japanese IIA is designed to develop knowledge of the grammar, vocabulary and kanji introduced at the lower elementary level, whilst offering instruction and practice in the four skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking. Throughout the course, emphasis is placed on developing students' communication skills in both spoken and written Japanese to consolidate a solid foundation at the lower elementary level. The aims of the course are: i) to develop and consolidate the lower elementary grammar; ii) to expand knowledge and use of vocabulary in both conversational and written contexts; iii) to develop communication skills/strategies; iv) to become familiar with new kanji characters and their combinations; v) to become efficient and independent language learners. Entry criteria for students with Year 12 SACE grades can be found at:", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4956": {"id": "U_MoP_25tVRVDJHx-N965", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "sGsnXEMzgmCBw2JLcfr2g", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14885, "section": "LE01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 31, "available": 39, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "NyCufQenzCqNdecpgO6PG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14886, "section": "SE01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 31, "available": 39, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "4957": {"id": "WIuMqRpomWLXbjmBdaLnA", "course_id": "104711", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104711", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Japanese IIB", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "JAPN", "CATALOG_NBR": "2202", "CLASS_NBR": 24775, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091515", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "JAPN 2001 or JAPN 2201", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "JAPN 2002", "ASSESSMENT": "Test x 2, Oral Examination, Final Examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Japanese IIB course continues instruction and practice in the four skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking, while further enhancing the knowledge of grammar, vocabulary and kanji at the lower elementary level. To complete the lower elementary grammar, vocabulary and kanji in this course, increased emphasis is placed on developing students' communication skills in both spoken and written Japanese to further consolidate a solid foundation at the lower elementary level. The aims of the course are:\ni) to enhance and complete the lower elementary grammar;\nii) to expand knowledge and use of vocabulary in both conversational and written contexts;\niii) to develop communication skills/strategies;\niv) to become familiar with new kanji characters and their combinations;\nv) to become efficient and independent language learners.\n\nEntry criteria for students with Year 12 SACE grades can be found at:", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4958": {"id": "WIuMqRpomWLXbjmBdaLnA", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "tk09D5o1PRTbeDs2oWetZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24772, "section": "LE01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 32, "available": 38, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "XiXdbadYpiuMLQvKpTuSB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24775, "section": "SE02", "size": 70, "enrolled": 32, "available": 38, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "4959": {"id": "SoRmpo9fdq5H7QyacRcRq", "course_id": "104714", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104714", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Japanese IIIA", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "JAPN", "CATALOG_NBR": "3201", "CLASS_NBR": 14884, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091515", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "JAPN 2002 or JAPN 2202 or JAPN 1012", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "JAPN 3001", "ASSESSMENT": "Test 1 20%, Test 2 25%, Oral Assignments 15%, Listening Test 10%, Final Test 30%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Japanese IIIA continues instruction and practice in the four skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking to further develop students' Japanese language competence at the higher elementary level. Throughout the course, emphasis is placed on enhancing students' communication skills in both spoken and written Japanese to consolidate a solid foundation at the higher elementary level. The aims of the course are: i) to build and consolidate the higher elementary grammar; ii) to expand knowledge and use of vocabulary in both conversational and written contexts; iii) to develop communication skills/strategies; iv) to develop reading and writing skills using a substantial number of characters and their combinations; v) to become efficient and independent language learners. This course is not available for first year students.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4960": {"id": "SoRmpo9fdq5H7QyacRcRq", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "6bOYHBKbm8pYbsT2RNRpb", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14883, "section": "LE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 34, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "v1eXod9j6efLp6AJ_wKOb", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14884, "section": "SE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 34, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "4961": {"id": "wV178cFmJvESA-PfI3oh2", "course_id": "104721", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104721", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Japanese IIIB", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "JAPN", "CATALOG_NBR": "3202", "CLASS_NBR": 24774, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091515", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "JAPN 3201", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "JAPN 3002", "ASSESSMENT": "Test 1 20%, Test 2: 25%, Oral Assessment/s 15%, Listening Test 10%, Final Test 30%.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Japanese IIIB completes the higher elementary grammar and further extends students' knowledge of vocabulary and Kanji, in order to progress to the intermediate level. Through instruction and practice in the four skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking, increased emphasis is placed on enhancing students' communication skills in both spoken and written Japanese to further consolidate a solid foundation at the higher elementary level. The aims of the course are: i) to complete the higher elementary grammar and to enhance the knowledge in advance usages of various grammatical combinations; ii) to expand knowledge and use of vocabulary in both conversational and written contexts; iii) to develop communication skills/strategies; iv) to develop reading and writing skills using a substantial number of characters and their combinations; v) to become efficient and independent language learners.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4962": {"id": "wV178cFmJvESA-PfI3oh2", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "oJYQVIlT4rhh49p5KC0DZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24773, "section": "LE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 33, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "xazy9PMaHCYNkAYMUyQhd", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24774, "section": "SE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 33, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "4963": {"subject": "LARCH", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "106738", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106744", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106753", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106755", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106759", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106760", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "4964": {"id": "kQot6_eyZ8Ybo_v9FvXZW", "course_id": "106738", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106738", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Studio Cultures: Landscape Architecture (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LARCH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7028", "CLASS_NBR": 10658, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "040105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M.LArch students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "High level of knowledge of Photoshop, Rhino and InDesign software programs", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Essays, written assignments, illustrated verbal presentations, preparation of variety of other graphic, visual and physical model-based materials", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This design studio focuses on the issues of cultural sensibility and critical self-reflection in the design process. The studio project will engage with cultural, historical, political, social, technical, environmental and civil contexts to develop contemporary designs.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4965": {"id": "kQot6_eyZ8Ybo_v9FvXZW", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Studio", "id": "CZd2jZSrhSx6t6bOiYST7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10658, "section": "ST01", "size": 28, "enrolled": 23, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Studio", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 528, Studio"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 524, West Gallery"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 528, Studio"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 524, West Gallery"}]}]}]}]}, "4966": {"id": "mZBTPdGyO1Jm2lmrfHH86", "course_id": "106744", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106744", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Landscape Architecture Technologies (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LARCH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7029", "CLASS_NBR": 13548, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "DESST 1507 and DESST 2518", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Essays, written assignments, illustrated verbal presentations, preparation of variety of other graphic, visual and physical model-based materials", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course develops knowledge foundations in landscape architecture technologies as they relate to documenting and implementing contemporary landscape architecture projects. The course covers the design and documentation of earthworks, hardscape works, landscape structures, and landscape infrastructure. The course will develop skills such as design modelling, design detailing, contour manipulation and documentation relevant to contemporary landscape architecture. Landscape materials and elements such as vehicular and pedestrian circulation systems, retaining walls, deck framing, drainage and irrigation, soils and substrates, water features and systems, lighting and other technologies are introduced along with a range of emerging technologies relating to green infrastructure and constructed ecologies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4967": {"id": "mZBTPdGyO1Jm2lmrfHH86", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Studio", "id": "oH6QoIwu3tROvkhSoIUbT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13548, "section": "ST01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Studio", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 510, Studio"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 510, Studio"}]}]}]}]}, "4968": {"id": "ykdV19wibKcZeN-UGVSwo", "course_id": "106753", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106753", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Studio: Landscape Architecture (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LARCH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7031", "CLASS_NBR": 10656, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "040105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M.LArch, M.Plan and M.Plan (UD) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Essays, written assignments, illustrated verbal presentations, preparation of variety of other graphic, visual and physical model-based materials", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This studio provides opportunities for exploration of themes in contemporary landscape architecture including interrelationships with planning, ecology and infrastructure. The themes and sites will be ambitious in scale, including urban parks, post-industrial or urban renewal projects, consistent with effective consideration of the scale of ecological systems and the influence of planning policy. Models and digital modelling are typically emphasized in this studio. Students will also be introduced to extracting data using GIS software. Students will develop advanced integrated design strategies through site investigations, case studies and theoretical speculation. Advanced design resolution is required demonstrating critical application of strategic understandings to a specifically contextualised site.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4969": {"id": "ykdV19wibKcZeN-UGVSwo", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "v2SpGOZNfjh2np4k67J8Y", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10655, "section": "LE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 29, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Studio", "id": "tQijeDbnhT5k3tJHi1qQA", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10656, "section": "ST02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 10, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Studio", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 511, Studio"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 511, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10657, "section": "ST01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 19, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Studio", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 511, Studio"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 511, Studio"}]}]}]}]}, "4970": {"id": "TAtODDA-bAvGA1yqeIJmX", "course_id": "106755", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106755", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Ecology (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LARCH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7032", "CLASS_NBR": 10359, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "040105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Essays, written assignments, illustrated verbal presentations, preparation of variety of other graphic, visual and physical model-based materials", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Advanced Ecology develops knowledge in ecological design and living systems as they relate to contemporary landscape architecture. The course covers a range of topics and techniques pertinent to the design and implementation of ecologically engaging and functioning landscapes. Topics include but are not limited to ecology and ecosystems, nature and habitat restoration, hydrology and land form, civil techniques and detailing, horticulture and planting design and documentation, planting installation and maintenance.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4971": {"id": "TAtODDA-bAvGA1yqeIJmX", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Yav5nxtqVzlinFkkLgNaZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10360, "section": "LE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 37, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 3 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Studio", "id": "LbXv0XhUfQGlcIG__Pe3y", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10359, "section": "ST01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 37, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Studio", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 3 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}, {"dates": "10 May - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}]}]}]}]}, "4972": {"id": "19j6ftHmn0AktDfbS15GZ", "course_id": "106759", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106759", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Final Landscape Architecture Project (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LARCH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7033", "CLASS_NBR": 23347, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "040105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 12 hours per week. KEPP UP TO @ HOURS", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M.LArch students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "LARCH 7028, LARCH 7029, LARCH 7032, ARCH 7034, ARCH 7042,", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Design Project and model", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is the capstone course for the Master of Landscape Architecture degree. The course requires students to synthesize and demonstrate proficiency of prior learning through the development of an individual landscape design project of medium to high complexity. As the culmination of the master\u2019s program the design project must demonstrate a practical and critical engagement with key knowledge areas including research through design, landscape architecture culture and theory, urban design, planting design and landscape detailing that are introduced throughout the master\u2019s program. The course is delivered in an intensive and immersive studio format engaging with local landscapes, industry, and people of the place. The design project is supported by a critical illustrated essay which discusses the relevance of the proposed design to contemporary landscape architectural theory and debates. Specific details and the focus site for the studio will be defined by the coordinator according to current topical areas of interest.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4973": {"id": "19j6ftHmn0AktDfbS15GZ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Studio", "id": "YG3pBrfN67ltLw2PIA-fo", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23347, "section": "ST02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 20, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Studio", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 510, Studio"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 511, Studio"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 511, Studio"}, {"dates": "7 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 510, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24966, "section": "ST01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 11, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Studio", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 510, Studio"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 511, Studio"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 511, Studio"}, {"dates": "7 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 510, Studio"}]}]}]}]}, "4974": {"id": "gS97N3wmC7WkDVimGkuv6", "course_id": "106760", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106760", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Final Landscape Architecture Dissertation (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LARCH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7034", "CLASS_NBR": 22811, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "040105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M.LArch students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically assessment will be 30% - Seminar Paper (eg. literature review, or equivalent) and Presentation, 70% - Final Research Project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students undertake supervised research into a topic of medium to high complexity, relating to one of the schools identified research areas of Urbanism, Design Research, or History, Theory and Culture. The actual topic of research will be developed by the student in discussion with the supervising staff member. The final outcome in the form of a rigorous research paper suitable for submission to a relevant academic journal, or a design project developed as a mode of research will need to demonstrate an in-depth understanding of the relevant literature and context, as well as the methods relating to the chosen area of research.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4975": {"id": "gS97N3wmC7WkDVimGkuv6", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "hcDKRjSvxFptmQcfPWfWo", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22811, "section": "RC01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 427, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 427, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 427, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "4976": {"subject": "LAW", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "107691", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104943", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104943", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104991", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106781", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106871", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109188", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109187", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109186", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104995", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105010", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105011", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105037", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105057", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105078", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105080", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105082", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105088", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105088", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105100", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105087", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107383", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107692", "term": "4415", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108034", "term": "4415", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109189", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109190", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105020", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105022", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105028", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105113", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105115", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105058", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105036", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105036", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105036", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105084", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105086", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105605", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105605", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105605", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106014", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106223", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106231", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106232", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106433", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108264", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108951", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110304", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110304", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110341", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110341", "term": 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"offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111389", "term": "4415", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111027", "term": "4444", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "111028", "term": "4420", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "111026", "term": "4410", "offer": 2}]}}, "4977": {"id": "Pl8QN5BMBuqLVS3szyTp8", "course_id": "107691", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107691", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Law", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "1100", "CLASS_NBR": 25129, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Not available for LLB, B.Criminology with B.Laws and BArts Advanced with B.Laws students.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "LAW 1501", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces students to the Australian legal system, touching upon a variety of topics. These include sources of law, the legal profession, the purpose and role of the Constitution, and institutions such as parliament, the executive and courts. Students will become familiar with reading legislation and case-based common law reasoning", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4978": {"id": "Pl8QN5BMBuqLVS3szyTp8", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "5hjDRayxr8cV8ydJsSjRQ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22736, "section": "SE04", "size": 30, "enrolled": 26, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22737, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 27, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25129, "section": "SE06", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25130, "section": "SE05", "size": 30, "enrolled": 11, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "6bDBzXXMbkYZ--l7PMRVC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22735, "section": "LE01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 57, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 26485, "section": "LEC0", "size": 40, "enrolled": 36, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Note: This Lecture can be viewed on the web via MyUni and so has no time or location allocated to it. Students enrolling in the Lecture can attend the live lecture if space permits."}]}]}]}]}, "4979": {"id": "4Llb8VxXHKLgYx4OTDKMT", "course_id": "104943", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104943", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "ULAW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate Law (LLB)", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Foundations of Law", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "1501", "CLASS_NBR": 15037, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to LLB and B.Criminology with B.Laws and BArts Advanced with B.Laws students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "LAW 1507 or LAW 1504", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "LAW 1100", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically will include group work in seminars, written assignments during the Semester and an exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides a foundation in the core legal skills of case reading and analysis, legal research, statutory interpretation and problem solving. It also introduces students to basic legal philosophy, and incorporates a module introducing students to Australian Indigenous legal systems and their interaction with the colonial legal system in Australia.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4980": {"id": "4Llb8VxXHKLgYx4OTDKMT", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "L5FBmXoHKjZJCtawotlJE", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10859, "section": "SE02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 23 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10860, "section": "SE04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 26, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 23 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10861, "section": "SE05", "size": 25, "enrolled": 20, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 13 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 24 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10862, "section": "SE07", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10866, "section": "SE12", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 20 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10867, "section": "SE13", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10868, "section": "SE14", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 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3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "4981": {"id": "QIFvj9ROshP4VcoakCa37", "course_id": "104943", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104943", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "ULAW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate Law (LLB)", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Foundations of Law", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "1501", "CLASS_NBR": 22939, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to LLB and B.Criminology with B.Laws and BArts Advanced with B.Laws students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "LAW 1507 or LAW 1504", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "LAW 1100", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically will include group work in seminars, written assignments during the Semester and an exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides a foundation in the core legal skills of case reading and analysis, legal research, statutory interpretation and problem solving. It also introduces students to basic legal philosophy, and incorporates a module introducing students to Australian Indigenous legal systems and their interaction with the colonial legal system in Australia.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4982": {"id": "QIFvj9ROshP4VcoakCa37", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "e-JDKZZ7_LJL077ZF0T0s", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20917, "section": "SE01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 27, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22939, "section": "SE03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 18, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23326, "section": "SE02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Fk2cSeRbLn393uMH3L8nC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24701, "section": "LE01", "size": 75, "enrolled": 70, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "4983": {"id": "Bh-NjyT9tZTZcAsQTJ5au", "course_id": "104991", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104991", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "ULAW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate Law (LLB)", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Principles of Public Law", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "1504", "CLASS_NBR": 24043, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to LLB and B.Criminology with B.Laws and BArts Advanced with B.Laws students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "LAW 1501", "CO_REQUISITE": "LAW 1501 for Mid-year entry students only", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically will include online quizzes, a small-group research project, individual written work, an oral presentation and an exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "An introduction to the role and content of public law in the Australian legal system. Selected topics will include: introduction to Federal and State Constitutions, both written and in common law; historical background and theories of constitutionalism, including an introduction to the doctrine of separation of powers and the nature of legislative, executive and judicial power at both Commonwealth and State levels; the exercise of judicial power and the role of the judiciary; the roles of and interactions between courts, parliaments and the executive; representative and responsible government, including the relation of citizens and their parliaments and the structure of government administration; Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and the Constitution; and the protection of human rights in Australia. The course provides a foundation for Australian Constitutional Law and Administrative Law.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4984": {"id": "Bh-NjyT9tZTZcAsQTJ5au", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "74-usBIYNxOp70UHdeVd5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20879, "section": "SE02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20880, "section": "SE04", "size": 30, "enrolled": 31, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20881, "section": "SE05", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20882, "section": "SE10", "size": 25, "enrolled": 19, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20883, "section": "SE12", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20884, "section": "SE13", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23089, "section": "SE09", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23090, "section": "SE11", "size": 30, "enrolled": 31, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24042, "section": "SE14", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24043, "section": "SE15", "size": 30, "enrolled": 27, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "v4SlYzENLiKeiKjrqNbX3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20320, "section": "LE01", "size": 295, "enrolled": 278, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "4985": {"id": "P_mw7QxKHw2wTlso91_pp", "course_id": "106781", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106781", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "ULAW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate Law (LLB)", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Tort Law", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "1507", "CLASS_NBR": 15035, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to LLB and B.Criminology with B.Laws and BArts Advanced with B.Laws students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "LAW 1501", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment is likely to be an interim assignment and a final examination.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides a general introduction to the law of torts with a particular focus on negligence, encompassing duty of care; breach and standard of care; causation and remoteness; damages; defences; and vicarious liability. The interaction between the Civil Liability Act 1936 (SA) and common law is considered in assessing the different stages of a negligence analysis. A representative range of other torts are also considered, and may include trespass to the person, nuisance, trespass to land, trespass to goods, and defamation. At least one intentional tort will be considered. Remedies and defences to these torts are also explored.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4986": {"id": "P_mw7QxKHw2wTlso91_pp", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "54-U-p0tPckp8rjM0mLPO", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13435, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "20 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13436, "section": "SE02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 26, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13437, "section": "SE03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13438, "section": "SE05", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "20 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13439, "section": "SE06", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "20 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13440, "section": "SE07", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "21 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13444, "section": "SE13", "size": 30, "enrolled": 26, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14599, "section": "SE04", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15035, "section": "SE15", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15036, "section": "SE14", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "21 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "jiVckp23De6qcJY1uG14g", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13434, "section": "LE01", "size": 360, "enrolled": 287, "available": 73, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "14 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "4987": {"id": "8x_2Uylii2IonfUuFDrmA", "course_id": "106871", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106871", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "ULAW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate Law (LLB)", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "International Law", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "1508", "CLASS_NBR": 24993, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090909", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to LLB, Bachelor of Criminology with Bachelor of Laws, Bachelor of Teaching (Middle) with Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary) with Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Teaching with Bachelor of Arts only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "LAW 1501", "CO_REQUISITE": "LAW 1501 for Mid-year entry students only", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "LAW 2520", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically to include interim assessment and/or final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides students with an introduction to law in its global context in this age of trans-national and inter-jurisdictional practice, with particular focus on public international law and its role in shaping the international legal order. The course commences with an introduction to the development and nature of public international law as well as distinctive elements of international legal reasoning. It then addresses key features of international law, with topics chosen from: the sources of international law with emphasis on customary international law and the law of treaties; international fact finding; the structure of the international community and participants in the international legal system; the peaceful settlement of international disputes; state responsibility; jurisdiction and immunity; international maritime law and the law of the sea; the use of force; international human rights; the law of armed conflict and International Space Law.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4988": {"id": "8x_2Uylii2IonfUuFDrmA", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "LqWnYFWUogy4uxYvV45Rc", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21435, "section": "SE02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 26, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23122, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23123, "section": "SE03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23124, "section": "SE05", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23125, "section": "SE06", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23126, "section": "SE08", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23127, "section": "SE10", "size": 30, "enrolled": 26, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23128, "section": "SE11", "size": 30, "enrolled": 19, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24696, "section": "SE09", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24993, "section": "SE14", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29581, "section": "SE0", "size": 0, "enrolled": 11, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This class is for University of Adelaide Headstart Students only."}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "yk6ZWzH7zNjWgNlIWw35s", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23121, "section": "LE01", "size": 311, "enrolled": 283, "available": 28, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "4989": {"id": "5vg38k2g-EIVMN7-vO5S1", "course_id": "109188", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109188", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "ULAW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate Law (LLB)", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Commercial Transactions", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "1509", "CLASS_NBR": 14095, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to LLB, Bachelor of Criminology with Bachelor of Laws, Bachelor of Teaching (Middle) with Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary) with Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Teaching with Bachelor of Arts only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "LAW 1501", "CO_REQUISITE": "LAW 1501 for Mid-year entry students and graduate entry students only", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "LAW 1003, LAW 1503", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment is likely to be an interim assignment and a final examination.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces students to a variety of subjects relevant to commercial transactions and provides a foundation for subsequent courses addressing related concepts. The course introduces students to commerce in Australia, including the various business structures and regulators, and provides an overview of contract law (a subject covered in more detail in other courses). Other subjects to be covered include sale of goods; commercial leases; insurance law; personal property law and the Personal Property Securities legislation; competition regulation and the Australian Consumer Law; basic concepts of taxation; and international commercial transactions.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4990": {"id": "5vg38k2g-EIVMN7-vO5S1", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "4J98bpVtFg7Oke5fn54lU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12539, "section": "SE11", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12541, "section": "SE09", "size": 30, "enrolled": 27, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12542, "section": "SE08", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12543, "section": "SE07", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12544, "section": "SE06", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12545, "section": "SE05", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12546, "section": "SE04", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12547, "section": "SE03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12549, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 31, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14095, "section": "SE12", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "NOkmJS9Jc7dxDFsWVfJMc", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14318, "section": "LE01", "size": 200, "enrolled": 197, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 16492, "section": "LEC0", "size": 100, "enrolled": 99, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Note: This Lecture can be viewed on the web via MyUni and so has no time or location allocated to it. Students enrolling in the Lecture can attend the live lecture if space permits."}]}]}]}]}, "4991": {"id": "Ml0Td8DHBpEG993gM0OrL", "course_id": "109187", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109187", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "ULAW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate Law (LLB)", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Contract Law", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "1510", "CLASS_NBR": 24095, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to LLB and B.Criminology with B.Laws and BArts Advanced with B.Laws students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "LAW 1501", "CO_REQUISITE": "LAW 1501 for Mid-year entry students only", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "LAW 1003, LAW 1503", "ASSESSMENT": "Likely to include online quizzes, one or more interim assignments and a final examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course acquaints students with the common law rules relating to enforceable agreements and puts those rules in their practical perspective. The course is not directly concerned with the statutory modifications made with respect to specific classes of contract (eg sale of goods), or with the more general controls imposed by the Australian Consumer Law, which are dealt with in other courses, though it will refer to those regimes and explain their relevance. The following topics will be covered: formation; privity of contract; terms and interpretation; performance and termination; vitiating factors; remedies for breach of contract.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4992": {"id": "Ml0Td8DHBpEG993gM0OrL", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "jImktXoY3VpZPAWgk2taC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24095, "section": "SE12", "size": 38, "enrolled": 38, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24253, "section": "SE10", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24254, "section": "SE09", "size": 30, "enrolled": 26, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24255, "section": "SE08", "size": 29, "enrolled": 29, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24257, "section": "SE06", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24258, "section": "SE05", "size": 29, "enrolled": 29, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24259, "section": "SE04", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24260, "section": "SE03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 27, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24261, "section": "SE02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 25, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24262, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 32, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "9sw-ZRGhXXoyCxeuu97Q6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24252, "section": "LE01", "size": 309, "enrolled": 292, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 29 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "4993": {"id": "hBKyzlRH6zkPu-wbTgj7b", "course_id": "109186", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109186", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "ULAW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate Law (LLB)", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Property Law", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "1511", "CLASS_NBR": 22049, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to LLB and B.Criminology with B.Laws and BArts Advanced with B.Laws students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "LAW 1509 or LAW 1503", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "LAW 1005, LAW 1506", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment is likely to be an interim assignment and a final examination.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will discuss important features of the Australian common law and statutory provisions relating to property, with a focus on land law. The principal aim is to acquaint students with the fundamental proprietary interests and to teach students how to apply the relevant laws and concepts to practical situations where such interests are in dispute. The following topics will be considered: Meaning and purposes of the concept of property; an overview of chattels and persona l property; possession, seisin and title; the nature and type of proprietary interests; creation and enforceability of legal and equitable interests in land; creation and enforceability of equitable interest; statutory schemes of registration i.e. the Torrens system of land title registration; native title law; acquisition and disposal of proprietary interests; concurrent ownership; subsidiary interests in land (especially, easements, mortgages and restrictive covenants.)", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "4994": {"id": "hBKyzlRH6zkPu-wbTgj7b", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "J4wNmtGwAIr70CUW53jXv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22049, "section": "SE11", "size": 38, "enrolled": 35, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 1 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22050, "section": "SE10", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22051, "section": "SE09", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22052, "section": "SE08", "size": 38, "enrolled": 38, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22054, "section": "SE05", "size": 30, "enrolled": 27, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22055, "section": "SE04", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 29 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22056, "section": "SE03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 29 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22057, "section": "SE02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 27, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 29 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22058, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 27, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 29 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "_f_cGKpbuFGOmKzzE1NFN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22048, "section": "LE01", "size": 215, "enrolled": 210, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 26469, "section": "LEC0", "size": 71, "enrolled": 61, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Note: This Lecture can be viewed on the web via MyUni and so has no time or location allocated to it. Students enrolling in the Lecture can attend the live lecture if space permits."}]}]}]}]}, "4995": {"id": "R9XWi9Pj1ebcnKVgF-XmY", "course_id": "104995", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104995", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "ULAW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate Law (LLB)", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Australian Constitutional Law", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "2501", "CLASS_NBR": 11012, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to LLB and B.Criminology with B.Laws and BArts Advanced with B.Laws students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "LAW 1504", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "LAW 2003", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically will include participation in seminars, online quizzes, interim written assessment and exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course discusses selected topics relating to the Australian constitutional system. Topics include Commonwealth and State legislative power, including constitutional interpretation; the process of characterisation and an examination of heads of power specified in s51 of the Australian Constitution; the legal relations between the Commonwealth and the States and the resolution of inconsistencies between laws; implications in The Australian Constitution; Commonwealth and State social and economic relations; and constitutional rights.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4996": {"id": "R9XWi9Pj1ebcnKVgF-XmY", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "EI-k1B6oA_s_wpCcDiUD5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10850, "section": "SE05", "size": 30, "enrolled": 33, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 28 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Mar - 13 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10851, "section": "SE06", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 May - 1 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 May - 15 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10853, "section": "SE08", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 May - 3 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 May - 17 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "31 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10854, "section": "SE09", "size": 30, "enrolled": 31, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 29 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Mar - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 22 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 May - 23 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11012, "section": "SE14", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 28 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}, {"dates": "13 Mar - 13 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}, {"dates": "8 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}, {"dates": "22 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11013, "section": "SE13", "size": 30, "enrolled": 31, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}, {"dates": "1 May - 1 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}, {"dates": "15 May - 15 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}, {"dates": "29 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12537, "section": "SE04", "size": 30, "enrolled": 31, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 May - 1 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 May - 15 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12538, "section": "SE03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 28 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Mar - 13 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15443, "section": "SE10", "size": 30, "enrolled": 31, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 2 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 May - 16 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "Wb0dQo-fMydZGVPiPF16S", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10847, "section": "LE01", "size": 181, "enrolled": 164, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 16493, "section": "LEC0", "size": 119, "enrolled": 111, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Note: This Lecture can be viewed on the web via MyUni and so has no time or location allocated to it. Students enrolling in the Lecture can attend the live lecture if space permits."}]}]}]}]}, "4997": {"id": "h2M0R_TRTcAScA641UINb", "course_id": "105010", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105010", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "ULAW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate Law (LLB)", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Equity", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "2502", "CLASS_NBR": 15310, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to LLB and B.Criminology with B.Laws and BArts Advanced with B.Laws students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "LAW 1503 or LAW 1510", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "LAW 2005", "ASSESSMENT": "To be advised, but likely to include an interim problem question essay (with a word limit of 2,500 words) worth 40% and a Take-Home Assignment of 6 hours duration (with a word limit of 4,000 words) worth 60%. This is provisional only.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course will begin by considering the historical basis and development of equity. The following areas will then be examined in detail: 1) equitable estoppel; 2) fiduciary obligations; 3) express trusts; (4) resulting and constructive trusts; (5) undue influence and (6) unconscionable conduct or \u2018catching bargains\u2019. Particular attention will be paid to the creation of express trusts, the rights, powers and duties of trustees, and remedies for breaches of trust and fiduciary obligation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "4998": {"id": "h2M0R_TRTcAScA641UINb", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "ZB3O44X7OpCZFwEdxsWCQ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10855, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10857, "section": "SE06", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10858, "section": "SE08", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12027, "section": "SE03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12140, "section": "SE07", "size": 30, "enrolled": 33, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14478, "section": "SE04", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15310, "section": "SE10", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15311, "section": "SE02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "Thc-oP0Ujfcqo_rKJ6JMQ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11204, "section": "LE01", "size": 175, "enrolled": 173, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 16494, "section": "LEC0", "size": 66, "enrolled": 64, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Note: This Lecture can be viewed on the web via MyUni and so has no time or location allocated to it. Students enrolling in the Lecture can attend the live lecture if space permits."}]}]}]}]}, "4999": {"id": "weFrq_RqWkroftv1mBekr", "course_id": "105011", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105011", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "ULAW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate Law (LLB)", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Administrative Law", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "2504", "CLASS_NBR": 25414, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to LLB and B.Criminology with B.Laws and BArts Advanced with B.Laws students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "LAW 1504", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "LAW 2002", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically to include class participation, online quiz, interim problem or research essay, and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The 4 main aims of the course are: 1) to teach the basic principles that govern review of administrative action by courts and tribunals; 2) to provide a critical analysis of that system; 3) to teach students to apply those principles in complex factual situations; 4) to teach students to interpret statutes while problem solving. A particular focus is placed upon judicial review, including its fundamental concepts of jurisdiction, ultra vires, and procedural fairness. The course will also cover review 'on the merits' by administrative tribunals. The course will emphasise the practical significance of the administrative law in substantive areas such as freedom of information and migration law.\nTopics include: State and Commonwealth avenues of review; the distinction between judicial review and review 'on the merits'; error of law and error of fact; justiciability and standing; procedural fairness; grounds of review; jurisdictional error, privative clauses and judicial review remedies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5000": {"id": "weFrq_RqWkroftv1mBekr", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "ZmrsPdvW-x0vEinG0Yt-m", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20016, "section": "SE08", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20776, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 23, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20777, "section": "SE02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20778, "section": "SE03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20779, "section": "SE04", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20780, "section": "SE05", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20781, "section": "SE06", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20782, "section": "SE07", "size": 25, "enrolled": 16, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20783, "section": "SE09", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25414, "section": "SE11", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "M2hkpoPRbIOSMhAnxUAKm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20784, "section": "LE01", "size": 175, "enrolled": 161, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 26472, "section": "LEC0", "size": 122, "enrolled": 112, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Note: This Lecture can be viewed on the web via MyUni and so has no time or location allocated to it. Students enrolling in the Lecture can attend the live lecture if space permits."}]}]}]}]}, "5001": {"id": "bnKy0HWyCv8PKW67sB4m-", "course_id": "105037", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105037", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "ULAW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate Law (LLB)", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Comparative Law", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "2508", "CLASS_NBR": 10512, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090909", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to LLB and B.Criminology with B.Laws and BArts Advanced with B.Laws students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "LAW 1501", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "LAW 1502 & LAW 1503", "INCOMPATIBLE": "LAW 3016", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically to include optional research essay and end-of-Semester exam.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students are introduced to comparative law as a method of legal enquiry, which is of significant import to the cosmopolitan lawyer who often requires knowledge of more than one legal system. Students consider the practical aims and theoretical underpinnings of the comparative legal method and examine the historical development of the process of comparing rules, principles, and institutions of different countries. Emphasis is placed on the contemporary use of the comparative method in both public and private law by legal actors such as lawyers, judges, and legislators. Students develop an international perspective by making substantive connections between the Australian common law and a range of legal traditions, questioning whether national legal systems and institutions are converging or whether differing economic, political, and social contexts preserve legal diversity.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5002": {"id": "bnKy0HWyCv8PKW67sB4m-", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "SC88f6IBGxjncaiG9uK6_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10512, "section": "LE01", "size": 90, "enrolled": 61, "available": 29, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5003": {"id": "vCaOr9iLpUQIEi_Nyk2Td", "course_id": "105057", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105057", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "ULAW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate Law (LLB)", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Environmental Law", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "2511", "CLASS_NBR": 24660, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to LLB and B.Criminology with B.Laws and BArts Advanced with B.Laws students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "LAW 1501", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "LAW 2501", "INCOMPATIBLE": "LAW 2070", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically to include class participation, quiz & written work (comprising two assignments).", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "An introduction to the concepts and principles which underpin environmental law from the international to the local level. The course will address: principles of international environmental law; Constitutional responsibilities and roles relating to the environment; environmental planning through environmental impact assessment and land-use law; environmental protection and pollution law; water resources law; and the protection of biological diversity.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5004": {"id": "vCaOr9iLpUQIEi_Nyk2Td", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "b8x8ljGQhaAgg16-t2iVe", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24659, "section": "SE02", "size": 80, "enrolled": 75, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24660, "section": "SE05", "size": 38, "enrolled": 34, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25524, "section": "SE01", "size": 38, "enrolled": 36, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "wcKXwSJHuWntit0o_jbwP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24875, "section": "LE01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 93, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 26473, "section": "LEC0", "size": 55, "enrolled": 52, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Note: This Lecture can be viewed on the web via MyUni and so has no time or location allocated to it. Students enrolling in the Lecture can attend the live lecture if space permits."}]}]}]}]}, "5005": {"id": "Q-I1I32c5OceusFCC0yAr", "course_id": "105078", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105078", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "ULAW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate Law (LLB)", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Family Law", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "2512", "CLASS_NBR": 24714, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to LLB and B.Criminology with B.Laws and BArts Advanced with B.Laws students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "LAW 1501", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "LAW 1506", "INCOMPATIBLE": "LAW 2015", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically to include an interim assignment and a written exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The law of marriage, defacto relationships and divorce. The protection of children under the Family Law Act including parentage, parental responsibility, custody, and access. Matrimonial and defacto property rights, binding financial agreements, and spousal maintenance. Legal ethics in the practice of family law.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5006": {"id": "Q-I1I32c5OceusFCC0yAr", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "oRLbkfkF82KtSZymIpuTm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24714, "section": "SE02", "size": 74, "enrolled": 72, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24715, "section": "SE01", "size": 74, "enrolled": 73, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "uG5OAiP7saCeeyBBLv5tR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24713, "section": "LE01", "size": 90, "enrolled": 88, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 26475, "section": "LEC0", "size": 58, "enrolled": 57, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Note: This Lecture can be viewed on the web via MyUni and so has no time or location allocated to it. Students enrolling in the Lecture can attend the live lecture if space permits."}]}]}]}]}, "5007": {"id": "RUZUlgu7lZRHU1SzSzGK4", "course_id": "105080", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105080", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "ULAW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate Law (LLB)", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Human Rights: International & National Perspectives", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "2513", "CLASS_NBR": 12758, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090909", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to LLB, Bachelor of Criminology with Bachelor of Laws, Bachelor of Teaching (Middle) with Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary) with Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Teaching with Bachelor of Arts only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "LAW 1501 and LAW 1508", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "LAW 2085", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically to include class participation, an essay and an option for a presentation.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of this course is to have students consider the legal, philosophical and sociological underpinnings of human rights; students will be encouraged to think critically about the views they hold and the values reflected in the Australian and international legal systems. The course will focus on the United Nations and its role in formulating, interpreting and monitoring human rights. A further component of the course will be the protection of human rights in Australia.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5008": {"id": "RUZUlgu7lZRHU1SzSzGK4", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "drLe9lKzDLZcvYv8Hluxy", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11561, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12758, "section": "SE03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 27, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12759, "section": "SE02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "caV2jByb5YbhCc3JjCDIs", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12757, "section": "LE01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 44, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 16495, "section": "LEC0", "size": 46, "enrolled": 43, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Note: This Lecture can be viewed on the web via MyUni and so has no time or location allocated to it. Students enrolling in the Lecture can attend the live lecture if space permits."}]}]}]}]}, "5009": {"id": "uopoVunRnsFj_jkAVSmU0", "course_id": "105082", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105082", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "ULAW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate Law (LLB)", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Intellectual Property Law", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "2514", "CLASS_NBR": 18585, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to LLB and B.Criminology with B.Laws and BArts Advanced with B.Laws students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "LAW 1506 or LAW 1511", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "LAW 2059", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically to include interim assessment case analysis and an exam.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims, through a treatment of laws relating to trademarks, confidential information, designs and copyright, to examine the protection provided by the law in regard to ideas, inventions, information and other forms of creative effort. The course also aims to explore how the law must balance interests and protect investment while taking into account public welfare and technological developments. The course will explore the interrelationships between the different regimes of IP protection addressed. It will also consider practical issues arising in relation to selected issues, such as specific technological developments (e.g., generative AI and the designs regime) and the capacity of IP regimes to be more culturally accommodating (e.g., indigenous cultural and intellectual property rights). Students completing this course should have a basic grounding in the law of the area, its limitations, policies, and objectives, including the basic features of the various systems of protection, as well as key emerging challenges in this area of law.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5010": {"id": "uopoVunRnsFj_jkAVSmU0", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "PgZoqZWy_ICrh-weLW59i", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14839, "section": "SE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 50, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18585, "section": "SE07", "size": 50, "enrolled": 50, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18586, "section": "SE06", "size": 49, "enrolled": 47, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "HnWIrbCJ56_fmynqQIzzw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14837, "section": "LE01", "size": 90, "enrolled": 87, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 16496, "section": "LEC0", "size": 60, "enrolled": 60, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Note: This Lecture can be viewed on the web via MyUni and so has no time or location allocated to it. Students enrolling in the Lecture can attend the live lecture if space permits."}]}]}]}]}, "5011": {"id": "2_oxYj7KzQqQiVz5r5EZW", "course_id": "105088", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105088", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "ULAW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate Law (LLB)", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Medical Law and Ethics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "2516", "CLASS_NBR": 92106, "SESSION_CD": "S03", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to LLB and B.Criminology with B.Laws and BArts Advanced with B.Laws students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "LAW 1501 and LAW 1507", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "LAW 2021", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically to include assignments, quizzes, and practical activity.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course focuses on the legal relationship between medical practitioners and their patients. It considers the legal implications of the provision of medical advice, diagnosis and treatment. The course considers the torts of negligence and battery in the medical context as well as other selected topics, such as privacy and confidentiality of health information, medical treatment of minors, medico-legal issues in end-of-life care, and the legal implications of evolving technology used in medical treatment. The course also provides an introduction to bioethics, examining ethical theories and principles involved in medical decision-making.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 07/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/03/2024"}}]}, "5012": {"id": "2_oxYj7KzQqQiVz5r5EZW", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "bcsJX5Yk4ESAGfocVaCs-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92069, "section": "SE01", "size": 72, "enrolled": 70, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "At this time LAW 2516 Medical Law and Ethics (summer) has reached final capacity and we are unable to add any more spaces.

If the course is an elective, you can find more information about choosing electives on the ABLE Faculty website.

If you need assistance selecting an alternative course or would like to discuss your study plan further with your Student Adviser."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jan - 2 Feb", "days": "Monday, Wednesday, Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "29 Jan - 2 Feb", "days": "Monday, Wednesday, Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Feb - 8 Feb", "days": "Monday, , Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Feb - 8 Feb", "days": "Monday, , Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "OdSTHfdrW5XCUXDKhREa5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92106, "section": "WR01", "size": 72, "enrolled": 70, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Attendance on Wed 7th February is a compulsory component of the course. During this day students will have an inter-disciplinary learning experience with Medical Students and will spend a half-day at the Medical School. Students must manage any conflicts with other courses or commitments, as failure to attend on the 7th February will result in a failure of the course."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Feb - 7 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "5013": {"id": "uvVm4yv7b2pcNEwXYirFe", "course_id": "105088", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105088", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "ULAW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate Law (LLB)", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Medical Law and Ethics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "2516", "CLASS_NBR": 36063, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to LLB and B.Criminology with B.Laws and BArts Advanced with B.Laws students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "LAW 1501 and LAW 1507", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "LAW 2021", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically to include assignments, quizzes, and practical activity.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course focuses on the legal relationship between medical practitioners and their patients. It considers the legal implications of the provision of medical advice, diagnosis and treatment. The course considers the torts of negligence and battery in the medical context as well as other selected topics, such as privacy and confidentiality of health information, medical treatment of minors, medico-legal issues in end-of-life care, and the legal implications of evolving technology used in medical treatment. The course also provides an introduction to bioethics, examining ethical theories and principles involved in medical decision-making.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "5014": {"id": "uvVm4yv7b2pcNEwXYirFe", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "WeTzB8uud_MXTDyqRt7UI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36026, "section": "SE01", "size": 72, "enrolled": 50, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "16 Sep - 20 Sep", "days": "Monday, Wednesday, Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "16 Sep - 20 Sep", "days": "Monday, Wednesday, Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Sep - 26 Sep", "days": "Monday, , Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Sep - 26 Sep", "days": "Monday, , Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "CFH2pv-Hx3KvmyfiSlBKI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36063, "section": "WR01", "size": 72, "enrolled": 50, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Attendance on Wed 25th September is a compulsory component of the course. During this day students will have an inter-disciplinary learning experience with Medical Students and will spend a half-day at the Medical School. Students must manage any conflicts with other courses or commitments, as failure to attend on the 25th September will result in a failure of the course."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Sep - 25 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "5015": {"id": "I2t-1T-kEGcaGOQMmOGG6", "course_id": "105100", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105100", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "ULAW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate Law (LLB)", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Succession", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "2523", "CLASS_NBR": 13155, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to LLB and B.Criminology with B.Laws and BArts Advanced with B.Laws students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "LAW 1506 or LAW 1511", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "LAW 2062", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically to include a problem style assignment, an essay style assignment, and an exam.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Acquaints students with the basic principles of the devolution and distribution of property upon death of the owner. Death is a major occasion for the transfer of property and the principles relating to it form an important part of any legal practice. Whilst the course concentrates upon the rules and practice relating to devolution of property on death, various aspects of social policy are considered. The following topics will be covered: wills; distribution upon intestacy; family provision; probate and administration, and the choice of law principles that govern the law applicable to succession issues which are connected to more than one jurisdiction.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5016": {"id": "I2t-1T-kEGcaGOQMmOGG6", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "Wk1gOl-RjuXaaIf7Yg3aC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13151, "section": "SE02", "size": 50, "enrolled": 50, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13152, "section": "SE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 48, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13155, "section": "SE03", "size": 50, "enrolled": 50, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "Kqchw-6n8byabU9DUDJJk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13150, "section": "LE01", "size": 90, "enrolled": 90, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 16497, "section": "LEC0", "size": 60, "enrolled": 58, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Note: This Lecture can be viewed on the web via MyUni and so has no time or location allocated to it. Students enrolling in the Lecture can attend the live lecture if space permits."}]}]}]}]}, "5017": {"id": "evyjAQXj1OTbOT_pwbixf", "course_id": "105087", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105087", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "ULAW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate Law (LLB)", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Legal Theory", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "2526", "CLASS_NBR": 11364, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to LLB, Bachelor of Criminology with Bachelor of Laws, Bachelor of Teaching (Middle) with Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary) with Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Teaching with Bachelor of Arts only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "LAW 1501", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "LAW 2064", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically to include essay and class participation.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course explores jurisprudence, which takes as its focus the philosophy and theory of law. It explores the answers that have been offered to two major questions: what is law, and what ought law to be. The major schools of thought in relation to the nature of law include natural law, analytic jurisprudence, legal positivism, historical jurisprudence, sociological jurisprudence, legal realism, critical legal studies, interpretivism, therapeutic jurisprudence, and general (global) jurisprudence. In relation to what law ought to be (normative jurisprudence), major schools of thought include virtue jurisprudence, deontology, utilitarianism, and the work of John Rawls.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5018": {"id": "evyjAQXj1OTbOT_pwbixf", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "l2nWbinBnVsL9jPgleTir", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11364, "section": "LE01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 73, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "5019": {"id": "xItC19kxZESjKQ94F6hdx", "course_id": "107383", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107383", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "ULAW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate Law (LLB)", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "International Humanitarian Law and Advocacy", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "2563", "CLASS_NBR": 12158, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to LLB and B.Criminology with B.Laws and BArts Advanced with B.Laws students only, Advocacy/Moot Team by selection only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "LAW 1508", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research Stream: 2 online quizzes (10%), 1500 word problem question (30%) and Essay 4000 words (60%); Advocacy Stream: Online quiz (10%); Memorial Drafting (30%) and Advocacy Proficiency (60%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "International Humanitarian Law (IHL), also known as the Law of Armed Conflict, is a set of rules that seeks to balance military priorities when engaging in armed conflict with humanitarian concern for those who are impacted by such operations. This body of law comprises at its core the four 1949 Geneva Conventions and the three 1977 Additional Protocols, as well as a myriad of associated treaty and customary international law that dates back to the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. After decades of promise, International Criminal Law has now found its place as a vibrant and entrenched part of the international legal panoply. The liberal dream of harnessing law's power and authority to restrain and criminalize aberrant violence in armed conflict has been realized. There is now a cascade of International Courts and Tribunals dispensing justice routinely and assigning legal culpability to individuals who have breached the growing body of applicable law. This course will examine both substantive IHL and the emerging principles of international criminal law that seek to criminalise aberrant behaviour on the battlefield. Specific topics to be covered include:- dichotomy between the rules applicable to resort to force (jus ad bellum) and the rules applicable when engaging in armed conflict (jus in bello);- the rules of distinction, proportionality and precautions;- the intersection with international human rights law;- the domestic legal incorporation of IHL;- the normative interplay between law applicable to international and non-international armed conflict;- the law of naval and air warfare; - IHL and Space Operations ; - the role of ethical/moral values when advising military command on the application of the law in the battlefield and principles of international criminal law relating to individual and command responsibility.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5020": {"id": "xItC19kxZESjKQ94F6hdx", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "CmmnaDwndM7_EacrAIJj4", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10511, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "9pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 126, Law Moot Court"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "9pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 126, Law Moot Court"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12158, "section": "SE03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 24, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "9pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "9pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12159, "section": "SE02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "9pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "9pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "23KmN2mvg_3EyW9N8kyQI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10510, "section": "LE01", "size": 90, "enrolled": 82, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "5021": {"id": "2wDE9rAuwTlZitlIVmttg", "course_id": "107692", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107692", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "ULAW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate Law (LLB)", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Statutory Interpretation", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "2566", "CLASS_NBR": 95043, "SESSION_CD": "WI1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "3 hours per week (when averaged over the Semester)", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to LLB and B.Criminology with B.Laws and BArts Advanced with B.Laws students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "LAW 1501", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "LAW 1504", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Statutory interpretation is the process by which legislative instruments are given meaning so that they can be understood and applied. This subject will systematically examine the body of law that is relevant when determining the intention of Parliament as expressed in legislative instruments. The rules, approaches and practices required by statute or developed at common law are considered and applied to both state and federal legislation. In addition to developing students' interpretation skills the subject will also focus on legal research and opinion writing.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 08/07/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 10/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 01/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "5022": {"id": "2wDE9rAuwTlZitlIVmttg", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "4IysKIGb7rS6uYwpHg4on", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95043, "section": "SE01", "size": 90, "enrolled": 76, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Jul - 5 Jul", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Jul - 18 Jul", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5023": {"id": "ZkRLc5i52E_NXSkdZ7_0c", "course_id": "108034", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108034", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "ULAW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate Law (LLB)", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Biodiversity, Planning and Regional Australia Study Tour", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "2567", "CLASS_NBR": 95107, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "LAW 1501, LAW 1504", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically to include an interim assessment and research essay", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course takes students into regional Australia to examine the impact of federal and state laws on our diverse environments, towns and peoples in remote isolated regions. We will visit Port Augusta to learn about the interaction of Aboriginal people with the courts and the legal system, Woomera Rocket Range to learn about the history of weapons testing in SA, the opal mining town of Andamooka, the mining town at Roxby Downs including the Olympic Dam Uranium Mine, and the Arid Recovery conservation lands. Then we head down to Iga Warta Aboriginal Cultural Centre in the Gammon Ranges and spend a couple of days immersed in Aboriginal culture and modern day issues of mining, land rights, and justice access issues in remote townships in Australia. Finally a day in the Flinders Ranges to relax and reflect. We visit diverse small towns on the way. We look at conservation, biodiversity, mining law and practice, the impact of mining on Aboriginal people, the unique issues that people in remote communities face in terms of justice access, the way pastoral lands which make up the bulk of this space are regulated, and challenges for the future. The course is general in nature \u2013 you don\u2019t have to have studied any related courses to participate, but you will learn about how all these legal social and justice issues intersect in remote Australia. \n \nThe course will assist students to develop perspectives and understanding of biodiversity and planning mining and land management law as well as focus on the intersection of Indigenous interests with all of these issues, and enrich Indigenous cultural awareness. It will focus on developing legal analysis skills within a practical and holistic context and it will also focus on legal research.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 24/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 28/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 11/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 17/07/2024"}}]}, "5024": {"id": "ZkRLc5i52E_NXSkdZ7_0c", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "wpkQoXaU0UZRu8aDOwqGY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95107, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 36, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "5025": {"id": "s_FpsZ7xVptJrwhpSdGj4", "course_id": "109189", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109189", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "ULAW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate Law (LLB)", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Corporate Law", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "2598", "CLASS_NBR": 21743, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week (when averaged over the Semester)", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to LLB and B.Criminology with B.Laws and BArts Advanced with B.Laws students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "LAW 1501", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "LAW 2502, LAW 1509, LAW 1510", "INCOMPATIBLE": "LAW 2004, LAW 2505", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment: Assessment is likely to be online quizzes, an interim assignment and a final examination.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course examines corporate law in Australia today, including: regulation of companies under Corporations Act; the incorporation process and its consequences; internal regulation and dealing with outsiders; share capital, company membership and disclosure obligations; the duties and liabilities of directors and other officers of a corporation; members' powers and remedies; and the regulation of corporations in financial difficulty including the administration and the winding up processes.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5026": {"id": "s_FpsZ7xVptJrwhpSdGj4", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "pl2lftTsjNypkD_Bjyijm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21743, "section": "SE12", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21744, "section": "SE11", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21745, "section": "SE10", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21746, "section": "SE07", "size": 30, "enrolled": 31, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21747, "section": "SE06", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21748, "section": "SE05", "size": 38, "enrolled": 37, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21749, "section": "SE04", "size": 38, "enrolled": 37, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21751, "section": "SE02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21752, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "xhDiYWDGgTIFSmQtqR5Nt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21742, "section": "LE01", "size": 180, "enrolled": 176, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 29 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 4 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 26480, "section": "LEC0", "size": 107, "enrolled": 105, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Note: This Lecture can be viewed on the web via MyUni and so has no time or location allocated to it. Students enrolling in the Lecture can attend the live lecture if space permits."}]}]}]}]}, "5027": {"id": "5gCwEkmgHhmR9Ay5WdHo6", "course_id": "109190", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109190", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "ULAW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate Law (LLB)", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Criminal Law", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "2599", "CLASS_NBR": 14587, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to LLB and B.Criminology with B.Laws and BArts Advanced with B.Laws students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "LAW 1501", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "LAW 1004, LAW 2503", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically to include one quiz, one problem question, one advocacy exercise, one invigilated exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Criminal Law introduces the Australian criminal justice system, principles of criminal responsibility, and the classification of criminal offences according to seriousness (summary, minor indictable and major indictable) and liability (full fault, strict liability and absolute liability). The bulk of the semester is dedicated to examining and, applying to practical situations, (i) the elements of the substantive offences of dishonesty, unlawful killing, sexual offences, indecent filming and assault and cause harm offences;(ii) the defences of self-defence and mental impairment; and (iii) extended liability through the law of attempt. The course uses a 'case file approach' to seminars and assessment to provide students with practical skills to assist them to transition into legal practice.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5028": {"id": "5gCwEkmgHhmR9Ay5WdHo6", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "FU0-IrmesZrz_48LvTkif", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14587, "section": "SE10", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14588, "section": "SE09", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14590, "section": "SE07", "size": 30, "enrolled": 32, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14591, "section": "SE06", "size": 30, "enrolled": 26, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14592, "section": "SE05", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14593, "section": "SE04", "size": 29, "enrolled": 29, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14594, "section": "SE03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14595, "section": "SE02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14596, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "H5ZRB-zpIGutDdBoPl7Kz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11786, "section": "LE01", "size": 200, "enrolled": 198, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 16498, "section": "LEC0", "size": 71, "enrolled": 67, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Note: This Lecture can be viewed on the web via MyUni and so has no time or location allocated to it. Students enrolling in the Lecture can attend the live lecture if space permits."}]}]}]}]}, "5029": {"id": "NPalffi3wtvbef5gpOr-P", "course_id": "105020", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105020", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "ULAW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate Law (LLB)", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Dispute Resolution and Ethics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "3501", "CLASS_NBR": 15317, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to LLB and B.Criminology with B.Laws and BArts Advanced with B.Laws students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "LAW 2504 or LAW 2505 or LAW 2598", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "LAW 3001 and LAW 3002", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically to include participation in seminars, written work and examination.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will cover procedures applicable to the resolution of civil disputes, including conciliation, mediation, arbitration and judgment, together with the ethical obligations that lawyers bring to these procedures. Through problem solving and practical role plays students will be critically introduced to the nature of civil process in South Australian and Federal courts and the respective roles and responsibilities of parties (including their legal representatives), mediators, arbitrators and judges in commencing, continuing and conducting these processes. Particular topics of court adjudication under an adversary system will include: the cost of litigation; initiation and service of process and jurisdiction: joinder of parties and claims; the definition of issues through pleadings and admissions; obtaining evidence through disclosure, inspection and interrogatories and the limits imposed by privileges and immunities; interlocutory injunctions; pre-trial conferences; mediation; judgment without trial including settlement; the nature of judgment; rights of appeal; and the enforcement of judgments. Duties owed by lawyers to the law, the court, clients, other lawyers and the community will be considered in theory and in practice, both particularly in relation to dispute resolution and more generally, as well as the concept of professional misconduct and wider questions of a lawyer's personal ethics and conflicting duties and values.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5030": {"id": "NPalffi3wtvbef5gpOr-P", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "QeoRKFxW95tmOgS7Mv_MV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11787, "section": "SE03", "size": 24, "enrolled": 22, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14178, "section": "SE06", "size": 24, "enrolled": 23, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14665, "section": "SE07", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This class is for Hons students only."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15306, "section": "SE10", "size": 24, "enrolled": 21, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15307, "section": "SE04", "size": 24, "enrolled": 24, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15308, "section": "SE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 18, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15313, "section": "SE02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 22, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15314, "section": "SE05", "size": 24, "enrolled": 21, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15315, "section": "SE08", "size": 24, "enrolled": 24, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15316, "section": "SE11", "size": 24, "enrolled": 23, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15317, "section": "SE12", "size": 24, "enrolled": 24, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "FCYBfkDZy-5cJhtvm7k6D", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15312, "section": "LE01", "size": 143, "enrolled": 128, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 16499, "section": "LEC0", "size": 110, "enrolled": 94, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Note: This Lecture can be viewed on the web via MyUni and so has no time or location allocated to it. Students enrolling in the Lecture can attend the live lecture if space permits."}]}]}]}]}, "5031": {"id": "-SKf840LZkRZiOoznzGlY", "course_id": "105022", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105022", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "ULAW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate Law (LLB)", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Evidence and Advocacy", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "3502", "CLASS_NBR": 20015, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to LLB and B.Criminology with B.Laws and BArts Advanced with B.Laws students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "LAW 3501 and (LAW 2503 or LAW 2599) and LAW 2504 and (LAW 2505 or LAW 2598)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "LAW 2504, LAW 2505, LAW 2598", "INCOMPATIBLE": "LAW 3003 and LAW 3007", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically to include participation in seminar, written work, mock trial exercises and examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Evidence & Advocacy is the study of 'proof'; particularly, what is proof in legal proceedings and how do we prove matters as fact. Through problem solving and practical/interactive role plays, students will critically analyse the laws of evidence applicable to the proof of facts in South Australian and Australian Federal courts. These laws determine the evidence which will be received by courts to establish material facts, the form in which such evidence must be presented and the uses to which such evidence can be put by the court. \nLaws applicable to civil and criminal proceedings are examined with a concentration on the evidential constrictions applicable to criminal proceedings. In this context, criminal procedure is itself examined, particularly police investigative process and prosecution and defence obligations prior to and at trial. \nThe Course relies on an interdisciplinary framework of study for students to actively ascertain the techniques, limitations and requirements for eliciting, challenging and scrutinising evidence for the purpose of considering whether it amounts to proof. Students will gain an understanding and appreciation for the neuro-psychology, physiological, forensic and mathematical disciplines which inform and shape proof in law.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5032": {"id": "-SKf840LZkRZiOoznzGlY", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "o3uj1qLCI-gw3XUnlv0aA", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20015, "section": "SE13", "size": 24, "enrolled": 23, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 1 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23328, "section": "SE04", "size": 24, "enrolled": 24, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25148, "section": "SE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25149, "section": "SE02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 26, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 1 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25151, "section": "SE05", "size": 24, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 1 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25153, "section": "SE07", "size": 24, "enrolled": 23, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 29 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25154, "section": "SE08", "size": 24, "enrolled": 24, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 1 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25155, "section": "SE09", "size": 24, "enrolled": 24, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 1 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25156, "section": "SE10", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This class is for Hons student only."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 1 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29649, "section": "SE12", "size": 25, "enrolled": 21, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 1 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "Fw2WzsbeFcDahuIa-z6pq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25147, "section": "LE01", "size": 118, "enrolled": 117, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 29 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 26481, "section": "LEC0", "size": 103, "enrolled": 98, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Note: This Lecture can be viewed on the web via MyUni and so has no time or location allocated to it. Students enrolling in the Lecture can attend the live lecture if space permits."}]}]}]}]}, "5033": {"id": "mUTlPwwGuhoP8UmAXstd5", "course_id": "105028", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105028", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "ULAW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate Law (LLB)", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Aboriginal Peoples and the Law", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "3505", "CLASS_NBR": 36033, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to LLB and B.Criminology with B.Laws and BArts Advanced with B.Laws students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "LAW 1501", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "LAW 2026", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically to include group work and an essay or exam.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "A critical analysis of the legal and historical relationships between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal peoples. The course will consider topics chosen from: the theory, policy and law relating to Aboriginal sovereignty, self-government, native title, cultural heritage protection, customary law and identity and constitutional recognition. It will look at Aboriginal challenges to government law and policy, including reparations for the stolen generations and claims of genocide. The course will analyse these topics predominantly through a series of major case studies, and studies of particular legislative schemes.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "5034": {"id": "mUTlPwwGuhoP8UmAXstd5", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "QbX5NgWIQf9He9SExkaDV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36033, "section": "SE01", "size": 18, "enrolled": 18, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "The field trip will be held in the week of 16-20 September 2024. The exact days will be confirmed closer to the date."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Sep - 4 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Sep - 20 Sep", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "23 Sep - 27 Sep", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5035": {"id": "IjtqjSVQEFOL9oCD6D3Ad", "course_id": "105113", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105113", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "ULAW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate Law (LLB)", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Adelaide Law Review part A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "3506A", "CLASS_NBR": 10131, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 1.5, "EFTLS": 0.0625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to LLB students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "LAW 1501", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "LAW 2027 and LAW 2028", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically to include editorial activities, case notes, participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Adelaide Law Review has been since 1962 the flagship publication of the Law School. The journal is peer reviewed and is committed to the publication of legal scholarship of the highest quality. The Course will introduce students to legal publishing and editing. Further students will consider the legal journal as a means of legal education. This course will involve students in the production of the annual editions of the journal. Students will consider the role of legal publications, critically analyse submitted material and comment upon a diverse range of legal scholarship. In addition students will develop skills in advanced legal writing, copy-editing and journal production.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "5036": {"id": "IjtqjSVQEFOL9oCD6D3Ad", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "Tx13NId5eQG8beZLvhK1R", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10131, "section": "SE01", "size": 0, "enrolled": 9, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Please note enrolment into this course is by selection only. Please contact if you have any enquiry regarding enrolment in this course."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 126, Law Moot Court"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 126, Law Moot Court"}]}]}]}]}, "5037": {"id": "Gp3aLu9o8DlIw9kpMLC9e", "course_id": "105115", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105115", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "ULAW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate Law (LLB)", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Adelaide Law Review part B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "3506B", "CLASS_NBR": 20153, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 1.5, "EFTLS": 0.0625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hour per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to LLB students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "LAW 1501", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "LAW 2027 and LAW 2028", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically to include editorial activities, case notes, participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Adelaide Law Review has been since 1962 the flagship publication of the Law School. The journal is peer reviewed and is committed to the publication of legal scholarship of the highest quality. The Course will introduce students to legal publishing and editing. Further students will consider the legal journal as a means of legal education. This course will involve students in the production of the annual editions of the journal. Students will consider the role of legal publications, critically analyse submitted material and comment upon a diverse range of legal scholarship. In addition students will develop skills in advanced legal writing, copy-editing and journal production.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5038": {"id": "Gp3aLu9o8DlIw9kpMLC9e", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "S0lpq6T1Sh2cREeU5hze5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20153, "section": "SE01", "size": 0, "enrolled": 9, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 126, Law Moot Court"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 126, Law Moot Court"}]}]}]}]}, "5039": {"id": "YXeb86Bs-Q0eOdSLyDRN4", "course_id": "105058", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105058", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "ULAW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate Law (LLB)", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Anti-discrimination and Equality Law", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "3509", "CLASS_NBR": 23047, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to LLB and B.Criminology with B.Laws and BArts Advanced with B.Laws students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "LAW 1501", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "LAW 1504, LAW 2501, LAW 2504", "INCOMPATIBLE": "LAW 3014", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically will include class participation, written assignment and exam.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course will cover aspects of Australian anti-discrimination and equality law at both Federal and State levels. Analysis of the law will be placed in a broader context: justifications for anti-discrimination law and the principle of non-discrimination will be examined. The scope of existing Federal and State prohibitions on discrimination, and exceptions to prohibitions, will be considered, as will mechanisms for enforcing the legislation and remedies. The course will make clear the assumptions that underlie traditional thinking concerning anti-discrimination legislation, and expose these to critical scrutiny.\n\nIn previous years the assessment in this courses included a portfolio of a number of pieces of written interim work submitted by a group of students (25%), a peer and self assessed group work mark (10%) and a final take home examination (65%), however the precise nature of the assessment tasks and weighting may be subject to change.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5040": {"id": "YXeb86Bs-Q0eOdSLyDRN4", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "67Ofe2-zUQhzM7MHAV97y", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23047, "section": "SE02", "size": 45, "enrolled": 44, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 31 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "14 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "28 Aug - 28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23048, "section": "SE01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 41, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 24 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "7 Aug - 7 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "21 Aug - 21 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Sep - 4 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 2 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "Yj3aVCU2u-yxAgC56dF8D", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23046, "section": "LE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 55, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 26482, "section": "LEC0", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Note: This Lecture can be viewed on the web via MyUni and so has no time or location allocated to it. Students enrolling in the Lecture can attend the live lecture if space permits."}]}]}]}]}, "5041": {"id": "QbxRczjXKXI5naBLWpaCh", "course_id": "105036", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105036", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "ULAW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate Law (LLB)", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Clinical Legal Education", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "3510", "CLASS_NBR": 92115, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 18 hours a week attendance in Summer Semester. Up to 10 hours per week in Semester 1 and Semester 2", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to LLB students only. Course participation will be by way of selection.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "LAW 3501, LAW 2504", "INCOMPATIBLE": "LAW 3080", "ASSESSMENT": "May include: Written journal; participation in and attendance at seminars; online learning activities; placement performance; project work either individual or in groups.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course is designed to demonstrate the operation of theoretical and doctrinal law in a legal environment. Students are placed for one day per week* in a legal office, supervised by a legal practitioner, and participate actively in all aspects of the work at the office, including client interviewing, community education, and case work. These placements occur at legal advice clinics run by Adelaide Law School at the Adelaide Magistrates Court, Adelaide Legal Outreach Service, Equal Opportunity Legal Advice Service, Administrative Appeals Tribunal Legal Advice Service, and Entrepeneur and Venture Advice Clinic. The concurrent seminar program builds on students' experiences on placement, examining issues such as lawyer/client relationships, legal ethics, professionals and professions, justice access, and the role of our legal system in society, with explicit focus on cultural competence in relation to Aboriginal clients. * When offered over summer course entails 2 days of placement each week for 6 weeks between January and end of February.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 09/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "5042": {"id": "QbxRczjXKXI5naBLWpaCh", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "Dwl3OreMZJFgJaZJ7czyy", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92115, "section": "SE01", "size": 0, "enrolled": 20, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Please note enrolment into this course is by selection only. Please refer to the Law School Intranet for further course details."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Jan - 8 Jan", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 505, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Jan - 15 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 505, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Feb - 22 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5043": {"id": "1KnzDI7LJ6g4csOIZQ2N6", "course_id": "105036", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105036", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "ULAW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate Law (LLB)", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Clinical Legal Education", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "3510", "CLASS_NBR": 11785, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 18 hours a week attendance in Summer Semester. Up to 10 hours per week in Semester 1 and Semester 2", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to LLB students only. Course participation will be by way of selection.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "LAW 3501, LAW 2504", "INCOMPATIBLE": "LAW 3080", "ASSESSMENT": "May include: Written journal; participation in and attendance at seminars; online learning activities; placement performance; project work either individual or in groups.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course is designed to demonstrate the operation of theoretical and doctrinal law in a legal environment. Students are placed for one day per week* in a legal office, supervised by a legal practitioner, and participate actively in all aspects of the work at the office, including client interviewing, community education, and case work. These placements occur at legal advice clinics run by Adelaide Law School at the Adelaide Magistrates Court, Adelaide Legal Outreach Service, Equal Opportunity Legal Advice Service, Administrative Appeals Tribunal Legal Advice Service, and Entrepeneur and Venture Advice Clinic. The concurrent seminar program builds on students' experiences on placement, examining issues such as lawyer/client relationships, legal ethics, professionals and professions, justice access, and the role of our legal system in society, with explicit focus on cultural competence in relation to Aboriginal clients. * When offered over summer course entails 2 days of placement each week for 6 weeks between January and end of February.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5044": {"id": "1KnzDI7LJ6g4csOIZQ2N6", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "DHqwn3WzV-0v4NeYUANBC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11785, "section": "SE01", "size": 0, "enrolled": 26, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Please note enrolment into this course is by selection only. Please refer to the Law School Intranet for further course details."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Feb - 23 Feb", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 505, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 505, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 2 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 505, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 May - 16 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 505, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5045": {"id": "dPaaIBrBqs6aqYK-fw7_b", "course_id": "105036", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105036", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "ULAW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate Law (LLB)", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Clinical Legal Education", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "3510", "CLASS_NBR": 21741, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 18 hours a week attendance in Summer Semester. Up to 10 hours per week in Semester 1 and Semester 2", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to LLB students only. Course participation will be by way of selection.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "LAW 3501, LAW 2504", "INCOMPATIBLE": "LAW 3080", "ASSESSMENT": "May include: Written journal; participation in and attendance at seminars; online learning activities; placement performance; project work either individual or in groups.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course is designed to demonstrate the operation of theoretical and doctrinal law in a legal environment. Students are placed for one day per week* in a legal office, supervised by a legal practitioner, and participate actively in all aspects of the work at the office, including client interviewing, community education, and case work. These placements occur at legal advice clinics run by Adelaide Law School at the Adelaide Magistrates Court, Adelaide Legal Outreach Service, Equal Opportunity Legal Advice Service, Administrative Appeals Tribunal Legal Advice Service, and Entrepeneur and Venture Advice Clinic. The concurrent seminar program builds on students' experiences on placement, examining issues such as lawyer/client relationships, legal ethics, professionals and professions, justice access, and the role of our legal system in society, with explicit focus on cultural competence in relation to Aboriginal clients. * When offered over summer course entails 2 days of placement each week for 6 weeks between January and end of February.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5046": {"id": "dPaaIBrBqs6aqYK-fw7_b", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "IsdJqymJ-CQ-5GUKOecqP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21741, "section": "SE01", "size": 0, "enrolled": 27, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Please note enrolment into this course is by selection only. Please refer to the Law School Intranet for further course details."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Jul - 19 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 505, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 505, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 505, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 505, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5047": {"id": "GSOGeFRd7u-bcEZ6wNqTr", "course_id": "105084", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105084", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "ULAW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate Law (LLB)", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Mooting", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "3516", "CLASS_NBR": 92170, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "LAW 1501 and LAW 1508", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students are eligible to participate in this course by application and competitive selection only. This course offers students the opportunity to work on complex and cutting-edge questions of law through preparation for, and participation in, a distinguished legal moot competition. In the process, students will develop and refine advanced legal research and advocacy skills. The moot competitions will usually include the Philip C Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition, the pre-eminent global mooting competition in international law. Students will be expected to attend induction and moot training sessions, and then to undertake intensive legal research, prepare written submissions and develop oral submissions which are then refined through mooting practice.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 09/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "5048": {"id": "GSOGeFRd7u-bcEZ6wNqTr", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "TXooj3M-3SlolO2qpove_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92170, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 5, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Please note enrolment into this course is by selection only. Students enrolling without going through the correct selection process will have their enrolment cancelled."}]}]}]}]}, "5049": {"id": "MFdwyMqt1EbJl56GvPI1K", "course_id": "105086", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105086", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "ULAW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate Law (LLB)", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Law of Work", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "3517", "CLASS_NBR": 20367, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to LLB and B.Criminology with B.Laws and BArts Advanced with B.Laws students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "LAW 1501 and (LAW 1510 or LAW 1503)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "LAW 3044", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically to include a letter of advice and a research essay.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course examines the law governing work as it is evolving in the global era. It explores a range of regulatory mechanisms deployed in this area, focusing on Australian law but also including international norms. Topics covered include: the Australian regulatory system; the subject of the law of work, including the distinction between employees and independent contractors, and non-standard forms of work; the contract of employment, and common law rights and responsibilities at work; legislated safety net conditions and awards; security at work, including dismissal law; freedom of association; enterprise bargaining, and resolving conflicts at work under the law.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5050": {"id": "MFdwyMqt1EbJl56GvPI1K", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "UFzlGyJDXi7XlI6vuw3cz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20367, "section": "SE02", "size": 35, "enrolled": 34, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20368, "section": "SE01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 72, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "RlgM1K2Uk1qbCG8Jck0Mm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20366, "section": "LE01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 73, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 26483, "section": "LEC0", "size": 35, "enrolled": 33, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Note: This Lecture can be viewed on the web via MyUni and so has no time or location allocated to it. Students enrolling in the Lecture can attend the live lecture if space permits."}]}]}]}]}, "5051": {"id": "L-Itf9gQHhpNolUrpZRk0", "course_id": "105605", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105605", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "ULAW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate Law (LLB)", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Law and Justice Internship", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "3527", "CLASS_NBR": 92177, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to LLB students only. Enrolment is by selection only, please consult with Course Coordinator for eligibility.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "LAW 2504", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically to include the preparation of a portfolio related to the placement and a research essay.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course helps to make students 'career ready' by placing them in 'internships' with host institutions for a period of between 22 and 25 days in total. Semester 1 and 2 enrolments ordinarily involve two intensive weeks over non-teaching weeks, eg summer or winter break, followed by one day per week over the semester (with each day being a 7 1/2 hour day) or five weeks intensive over the summer semester. The internships enable students to build on their understanding of the theory of law by gaining an appreciation of its practical operation. The course aims to give depth and context to students' existing knowledge of law. Students will be required to complete an agreed research task under the supervision of the course coordinator. The research task will be negotiated between the student and the course coordinator, and will build on the work the student completes during the internship. It is expected that students will also be involved in day-to-day activities of their internship office and gain a broad understanding of the operation of law generally. During the internship, students will be asked to reflect on legal processes and on the development of their legal skills.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 09/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "5052": {"id": "L-Itf9gQHhpNolUrpZRk0", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "uOwVLQ8GZEgkU3HwirPSm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92177, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 13, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Please note enrolment into this course is by selection only. Please contact if you have any enquiry regarding enrolment in this course."}]}]}]}]}, "5053": {"id": "elBTLsOPakxWh2It9MqNW", "course_id": "105605", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105605", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "ULAW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate Law (LLB)", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Law and Justice Internship", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "3527", "CLASS_NBR": 15765, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to LLB students only. Enrolment is by selection only, please consult with Course Coordinator for eligibility.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "LAW 2504", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically to include the preparation of a portfolio related to the placement and a research essay.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course helps to make students 'career ready' by placing them in 'internships' with host institutions for a period of between 22 and 25 days in total. Semester 1 and 2 enrolments ordinarily involve two intensive weeks over non-teaching weeks, eg summer or winter break, followed by one day per week over the semester (with each day being a 7 1/2 hour day) or five weeks intensive over the summer semester. The internships enable students to build on their understanding of the theory of law by gaining an appreciation of its practical operation. The course aims to give depth and context to students' existing knowledge of law. Students will be required to complete an agreed research task under the supervision of the course coordinator. The research task will be negotiated between the student and the course coordinator, and will build on the work the student completes during the internship. It is expected that students will also be involved in day-to-day activities of their internship office and gain a broad understanding of the operation of law generally. During the internship, students will be asked to reflect on legal processes and on the development of their legal skills.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5054": {"id": "elBTLsOPakxWh2It9MqNW", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "Ebe3bnEz3c0uIxAPqNoWx", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15765, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 12, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Note:\u00a0 Enrolment into this course is by application only.\u00a0 Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}]}]}]}]}, "5055": {"id": "lJ4prMZRXZiKSHXVEKiWi", "course_id": "105605", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105605", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "ULAW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate Law (LLB)", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Law and Justice Internship", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "3527", "CLASS_NBR": 25779, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to LLB students only. Enrolment is by selection only, please consult with Course Coordinator for eligibility.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "LAW 2504", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically to include the preparation of a portfolio related to the placement and a research essay.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course helps to make students 'career ready' by placing them in 'internships' with host institutions for a period of between 22 and 25 days in total. Semester 1 and 2 enrolments ordinarily involve two intensive weeks over non-teaching weeks, eg summer or winter break, followed by one day per week over the semester (with each day being a 7 1/2 hour day) or five weeks intensive over the summer semester. The internships enable students to build on their understanding of the theory of law by gaining an appreciation of its practical operation. The course aims to give depth and context to students' existing knowledge of law. Students will be required to complete an agreed research task under the supervision of the course coordinator. The research task will be negotiated between the student and the course coordinator, and will build on the work the student completes during the internship. It is expected that students will also be involved in day-to-day activities of their internship office and gain a broad understanding of the operation of law generally. During the internship, students will be asked to reflect on legal processes and on the development of their legal skills.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5056": {"id": "lJ4prMZRXZiKSHXVEKiWi", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "irrp8xOQWN1NMTTefSRAA", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25779, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 17, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Note:\u00a0 Enrolment into this course is by application only.\u00a0 Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}]}]}]}]}, "5057": {"id": "uVSD51UnpsaECDyumLDfy", "course_id": "106014", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106014", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "ULAW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate Law (LLB)", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Contract Law: Selected Issues", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "3531", "CLASS_NBR": 10451, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to LLB and B.Criminology with B.Laws and BArts Advanced with B.Laws students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "LAW 1503 or LAW 1510", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "LAW 2117", "ASSESSMENT": "To be advised, but likely to include a research essay and a take-home exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will examine recent developments and emerging issues in the law of contract. Possible topics will include: autonomous smart contracts and the blockchain, contractual renegotiation, obligations of good faith and fair dealing, comic contracting; requirements to disclose information in pre-contractual negotiations; standard form contracting and the consumer law; the use of exclusion and indemnity clauses; internationalisation; illegality and public policy; digital contracting; approaches to contractual interpretation; unconscionability and financial transactions; implying terms; and more.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5058": {"id": "uVSD51UnpsaECDyumLDfy", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "xsoSpNWdRg8lQrDC_LRnY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10451, "section": "SE01", "size": 90, "enrolled": 86, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "U2clL5wDvPKp92LLCz3hF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10450, "section": "LE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 57, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 16500, "section": "LEC0", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "5059": {"id": "Z0OR0c1pV58LyDp2R1ywe", "course_id": "106223", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106223", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "ULAW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate Law (LLB)", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Sports Law", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "3533", "CLASS_NBR": 20365, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to LLB and B.Criminology with B.Laws and BArts Advanced with B.Laws students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(LAW 1503 or LAW 1510) and LAW 1507 and (LAW 2503 or LAW 2599)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment in a course of this kind would typically include one or more of the following: an exam (either invigilated or take-home), a research essay, a class presentation, and/or assessment of contributions to class discussion.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In the last fifty years, sports law has emerged as one of the most important and controversial fields of law. It overlaps with contract law, employment law, competition law, intellectual property law, criminal law, tort law and many other fields. There are also many legal issues specific to sport such as policy responses to doping and drug use, athlete behaviour and discipline, corruption, and selection processes. This course will examine a number of these legal fields in the sporting context and analyse the way in which sport and the law interact. The course will provide an overview of some of the unique legal issues which arise in modern elite and professional sports at a national and international level. Topics covered will include: national and international governance of sport and sporting organisations; employment and contract law issues concerning elite athletes; discrimination in sport; IP and marketing; labour market controls and issues such as salary caps; animals in sport; disciplinary tribunals and the regulation of athlete behaviour; anti-doping policy and cases; restrictive trade practices; and civil/criminal liability for sporting injuries.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5060": {"id": "Z0OR0c1pV58LyDp2R1ywe", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "gcHoKQGIxAVFIWilF9KbB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20365, "section": "SE01", "size": 90, "enrolled": 90, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "5rNNu1bNJWmMhbSYmW9UL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20364, "section": "LE01", "size": 69, "enrolled": 67, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 26484, "section": "LEC0", "size": 21, "enrolled": 23, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Note: This Lecture can be viewed on the web via MyUni and so has no time or location allocated to it. Students enrolling in the Lecture can attend the live lecture if space permits."}]}]}]}]}, "5061": {"id": "Op7DouRt9i8UdoinY6A57", "course_id": "106231", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106231", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "ULAW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate Law (LLB)", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Law Reform Part A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "3534A", "CLASS_NBR": 12028, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 1.5, "EFTLS": 0.0625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to LLB students only. Enrolment is by invitation only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "LAW 2501 and LAW 2504", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically to include written literature and case reviews and written research projects on law reform topics, presentations and class participation.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will examine theories, practices and processes for achieving reform of the law. The course will operate in conjunction with the South Australian Law Reform Institute and students will participate in the references being undertaken or potentially undertaken by the Institute.\nThe topics to be covered in the course include:\n- theories of law reform;\n- the institutions through which the law is reformed;\n- the roles of the community, the executive, the Parliament, the bureaucracy, law reform bodies commissions and courts in progressing law reform;\n- the roles of the news media and new media;\n-the role and function of the South Australian Law Reform Institute\n- legal policy analysis for law reform;\n- Aboriginal aspects of law reform;\n- modern law reform consultation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "5062": {"id": "Op7DouRt9i8UdoinY6A57", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "n_UAaiFZEvUrBlyjT-tpt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12028, "section": "SE01", "size": 0, "enrolled": 17, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Please contact if you have any enquiry regarding enrolment in this course."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 126, Law Moot Court"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 126, Law Moot Court"}]}]}]}]}, "5063": {"id": "uh52snpV7ulP8lA2Nh9pI", "course_id": "106232", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106232", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "ULAW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate Law (LLB)", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Law Reform Part B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "3534B", "CLASS_NBR": 21994, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 1.5, "EFTLS": 0.0625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to LLB students only. Enrolment is by invitation only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "LAW 2501 and LAW 2504", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically to include written literature and case reviews and written research projects on law reform topics, presentations and class participation.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will examine theories, practices and processes for achieving reform of the law. The course will operate in conjunction with the South Australian Law Reform Institute and students will participate in the references being undertaken or potentially undertaken by the Institute.\nThe topics to be covered in the course include:\nThe topics to be covered in the course include:\n- theories of law reform;\n- the institutions through which the law is reformed;\n- the roles of the community, the executive, the Parliament, the bureaucracy, law reform bodies commissions and courts in progressing law reform;\n- the roles of the news media and new media;\n-the role and function of the South Australian Law Reform Institute\n- legal policy analysis for law reform;\n- Aboriginal aspects of law reform;\n- modern law reform consultation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5064": {"id": "uh52snpV7ulP8lA2Nh9pI", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "vbBzHZcurTPAAgt9QqgFN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21994, "section": "SE01", "size": 0, "enrolled": 16, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 126, Law Moot Court"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 126, Law Moot Court"}]}]}]}]}, "5065": {"id": "wlPHhFTeRucykcfIEtZaL", "course_id": "106433", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106433", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "ULAW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate Law (LLB)", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Media Law", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "3535", "CLASS_NBR": 20461, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week (when averaged over the Semester)", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to LLB and B.Criminology with B.Laws and BArts Advanced with B.Laws students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "LAW 1504", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "LAW 2107 or LAW 2108", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment in a course of this kind would typically include one or more of the following: an exam, a research essay, a class presentation, and/or assessment of contributions to class discussion.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will consider socio-legal and critical perspectives on contemporary global developments related to the legal regulation of media, and freedom of speech and expression. Topics to be covered may include theoretical approaches to the legal regulation of freedom of speech and expression; sedition, hate speech, pornography and obscenity; theoretical and global perspectives on platform governance and content regulation on social media platforms; continuities and distinctions between the legal regulation of online speech and speech on older forms of media; law and policy debates around internet shutdowns; law and platform virality; the regulation of end-to-end encrypted platforms; the intersection between the regulation of content on social media and issues related to privacy and surveillance; and the relationship between the regulation of media content and media infrastructures. This course will draw on case studies that relate to governance mechanisms that regulate speech on global platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and WhatsApp.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5066": {"id": "wlPHhFTeRucykcfIEtZaL", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "upMOJZ8lg-SvBZSjHcD2Z", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20461, "section": "LE01", "size": 89, "enrolled": 89, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5067": {"id": "1xM1V8BmtnSXATlPqKveW", "course_id": "108264", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108264", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "ULAW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate Law (LLB)", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Surveillance, Security, AI and Big Data", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "3603", "CLASS_NBR": 36325, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "LAW 1501", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "LAW 1501", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Combination of the following: online test, case/issue summary and research essay", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will explore the implications of the new intensive data gathering arising from the ubiquitous media technologies that surround us. It will cover theories of surveillance and then look at the practices of data gathering and consider the impact on areas such as freedom of expression, privacy, and identity. The course will consider the domestic and international legal frameworks around big data use, including from a national security perspective. The prevalence of predictive algorithms and the uses to which they are being put will be interrogated, and the possibilities for future policy directions explored, with an emphasis on the areas of transparency and accountability", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "5068": {"id": "1xM1V8BmtnSXATlPqKveW", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "1xIpISuM3ZQ-FbC4HRuDE", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36325, "section": "LE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 43, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "16 Sep - 20 Sep", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Sep - 27 Sep", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "5069": {"id": "qb-t9irvRZ5VvW6KfSKxJ", "course_id": "108951", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108951", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "ULAW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate Law (LLB)", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Corporate Governance", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "3605", "CLASS_NBR": 18830, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to LLB and B.Criminology with B.Laws and BArts Advanced with B.Laws students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "LAW 1501", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "LAW1510; LAW2502; LAW2598", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "To be advised, but likely to include an interim research paper (with a word limit of 2,500 words) worth 40% and an exam of 2 hours duration (plus 10 minutes reading time) worth 60%. This is provisional only.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Corporate governance is the structures and processes which affect the way in which businesses - particularly large businesses - are governed and controlled, and the decision-making processes which affect their behaviour. There are inherent difficulties in managing corporate behaviour, and punishing misbehaviour, when dealing with the corporate form. These difficulties have been subject to continual public scrutiny, from the Global Financial Crisis on the 2000s, to the Royal Commission into Banking and Financial Services in the 2010s and beyond. This subject provides analysis of the key legal rules, practices and codes of conduct which collectively contribute to corporate governance in Australia and globally.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5070": {"id": "qb-t9irvRZ5VvW6KfSKxJ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "imPbIksUBBrbDfiWmzr18", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10513, "section": "LE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 46, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18792, "section": "LEC0", "size": 30, "enrolled": 18, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This Lecture can be viewed on the web via MyUni and so has no time or location allocated to it. Students enrolling in the Lecture can attend the live lecture if space permits."}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "db7yAzvvQ0y_ZXXhwObYN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18830, "section": "SE01", "size": 90, "enrolled": 64, "available": 26, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "5071": {"id": "RDMCfqdrvFiN07-t9aeSv", "course_id": "110304", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110304", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "ULAW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate Law (LLB)", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Law Research Project", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "3608", "CLASS_NBR": 16215, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to LLB students only. Enrolment is by selection only, please consult with Course Coordinator for eligibility.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "LAW 1508", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research Essay (3500 Words), diary summaries, Participation and Project Advancement", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course enables students to pursue legal research undertaken under the supervision of Adelaide Law School staff, either solely in collaboration with school staff members or in partnership with an external organisation which supports the student through an internship or similar opportunity. Students will undertake legal research, complete reflections as they progress, and submit a research essay demonstrating the research skills they have mastered through participation in the course. Students and staff will be encouraged to publish and otherwise promote the outcome of their research collaborations where that does not contravene the arrangement with any external partners. Enrolment in this course will be by application.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5072": {"id": "RDMCfqdrvFiN07-t9aeSv", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "gg6j7inzjQM5Tarye8xR1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16215, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 1, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Note:\u00a0 Enrolment into this course is by application only.\u00a0 Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}]}]}]}]}, "5073": {"id": "DLol-Uxevw8Gn8yOEFw5N", "course_id": "110304", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110304", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "ULAW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate Law (LLB)", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Law Research Project", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "3608", "CLASS_NBR": 26227, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to LLB students only. Enrolment is by selection only, please consult with Course Coordinator for eligibility.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "LAW 1508", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research Essay (3500 Words), diary summaries, Participation and Project Advancement", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course enables students to pursue legal research undertaken under the supervision of Adelaide Law School staff, either solely in collaboration with school staff members or in partnership with an external organisation which supports the student through an internship or similar opportunity. Students will undertake legal research, complete reflections as they progress, and submit a research essay demonstrating the research skills they have mastered through participation in the course. Students and staff will be encouraged to publish and otherwise promote the outcome of their research collaborations where that does not contravene the arrangement with any external partners. Enrolment in this course will be by application.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5074": {"id": "DLol-Uxevw8Gn8yOEFw5N", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "ZvyKY3J2QMwQ3SvWxHD2t", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26227, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 8, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Note:\u00a0 Enrolment into this course is by application only.\u00a0 Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}]}]}]}]}, "5075": {"id": "ZN8LkbDlsQN2CI02q040y", "course_id": "110341", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110341", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "ULAW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate Law (LLB)", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Legal Practice Internship", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "3609", "CLASS_NBR": 92208, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically a combination of a placement report, video on substantive law and legal practice, and a research report", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course supports students undertaking internships with a legal practice to appreciate the operation of the law in practice and develop their practical legal skills, while undertaking academic assessment on topics related to legal practice. Students are responsible for obtaining their own placement of at least 20 days in a legal practice, where they are required to participate actively in all aspects of the work at the office, such as client interviewing, research, drafting and case file management. This course provides a compulsory induction equipping students with basic skills that will form a foundation for the internship and assessment which follows.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 09/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "5076": {"id": "ZN8LkbDlsQN2CI02q040y", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "JQ2LBe1yFe2iSeUKaIhc2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92208, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 38, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Please note enrolment into this course is by selection only. Please refer to the Law School Intranet for further course details."}]}]}]}]}, "5077": {"id": "ZkZpqIjXhWkcyzcG2ifN2", "course_id": "110341", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110341", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "ULAW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate Law (LLB)", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Legal Practice Internship", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "3609", "CLASS_NBR": 16218, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically a combination of a placement report, video on substantive law and legal practice, and a research report", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course supports students undertaking internships with a legal practice to appreciate the operation of the law in practice and develop their practical legal skills, while undertaking academic assessment on topics related to legal practice. Students are responsible for obtaining their own placement of at least 20 days in a legal practice, where they are required to participate actively in all aspects of the work at the office, such as client interviewing, research, drafting and case file management. This course provides a compulsory induction equipping students with basic skills that will form a foundation for the internship and assessment which follows.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5078": {"id": "ZkZpqIjXhWkcyzcG2ifN2", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "9rS7lsOcn1y0HTNgXJZmH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16218, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 15, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Note:\u00a0 Enrolment into this course is by application only.\u00a0 Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}]}]}]}]}, "5079": {"id": "pU5iDCUXo_Tk12NCch5Yt", "course_id": "110341", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110341", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "ULAW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate Law (LLB)", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Legal Practice Internship", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "3609", "CLASS_NBR": 26230, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically a combination of a placement report, video on substantive law and legal practice, and a research report", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course supports students undertaking internships with a legal practice to appreciate the operation of the law in practice and develop their practical legal skills, while undertaking academic assessment on topics related to legal practice. Students are responsible for obtaining their own placement of at least 20 days in a legal practice, where they are required to participate actively in all aspects of the work at the office, such as client interviewing, research, drafting and case file management. This course provides a compulsory induction equipping students with basic skills that will form a foundation for the internship and assessment which follows.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5080": {"id": "pU5iDCUXo_Tk12NCch5Yt", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "3q9wLg_7GlLFSivO-WRhG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26230, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 15, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Note:\u00a0 Enrolment into this course is by application only.\u00a0 Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}]}]}]}]}, "5081": {"id": "T_Sng6RAvV_DVCTcexYp4", "course_id": "110467", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110467", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "ULAW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate Law (LLB)", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Selected Issues in Criminal Law and Procedure", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "3610", "CLASS_NBR": 11363, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090905", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to LLB and B.Criminology with B.Laws and BArts Advanced with B.Laws students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "LAW 2599", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "LAW 1501", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically to include a class presentation and a choice between a final exam and a research essay", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will explore a series of topics in criminal law in greater depth than is possible in the compulsory course. Comparisons among the law of the Australian States and with other countries, both within and outside the common-law world, will be made. Topics will be chosen for their contemporary relevance, practical importance and suitability for in-depth academic analysis. The topics may include: whether the criminal law should be codified; sexual offences and the concept of consent; the law of intoxication; the law of complicity; child exploitation material and related offences; the impact of technology on the substantive criminal law (e.g. revenge porn) and on criminal procedure (e.g. juries and social media); double jeopardy and D.N.A. evidence; identity fraud; the role of the Director of Public Prosecutions and defence counsel, both generally and in relation to victims; propensity issues in criminal evidence : the rape shield law and similar fact evidence; the right to silence; the interaction between constitutional and criminal law; sentencing; and other issues as selected by the teaching staff. On completion of this course students will be able to analyse at an advanced level important current topics in the criminal law (including the law of evidence) from a variety of perspectives. Students will also have the ability to apply criminal law to complex issues and critique the operation of criminal law from a variety of perspectives.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5082": {"id": "T_Sng6RAvV_DVCTcexYp4", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "2SRjsMZNH7Rt-1zP2dy0b", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11363, "section": "LE01", "size": 90, "enrolled": 97, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "5083": {"id": "0LYb7N4L-WzCeHzsRUqtT", "course_id": "110963", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110963", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "ULAW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate Law (LLB)", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Employment Law: Selected Issues", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "3611", "CLASS_NBR": 10406, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week(fortnightly seminar)", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to LLB and B.Criminology with B.Laws and BArts Advanced with B.Laws students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "LAW 1501 and LAW 1510", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research assignment and Research Essay", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course examines selected issues in employment law. It provides a thematic overview of a range of contemporary topics pertinent to the legal regulation of work relationships from an Australian perspective, adopting comparative approaches where relevant. It deals with a range of pressing issues facing governments, employers and workers in an industrial, social and political context. Potential topics may include: the role of courts and parliament in regulating employment; the contractual model of employment;post-employment restraints; freedom of expression, social media and the work/life boundary; digital platform work and the gig economy; casualisation of the workforce; wage theft; unpaid internships and the transition from education to work; vulnerable workers; leave entitlements; women in the workplace; employment and public health; and future projections for change to Australia\u2019s employment law. While LAW 3517 Law of Work is not a prerequisite, students who have not undertaken that course will be expected to undertake preliminary study (for which material will be supplied) on some of the general concepts covered in that course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5084": {"id": "0LYb7N4L-WzCeHzsRUqtT", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "OaCu_8It-YH6tLbuASs80", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10406, "section": "SE01", "size": 90, "enrolled": 79, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 May - 3 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "17 May - 17 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "31 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "7SZfwIjYP5R1KxWTEWDKm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10405, "section": "LE01", "size": 59, "enrolled": 52, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 16501, "section": "LEC0", "size": 31, "enrolled": 27, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Note: This Lecture can be viewed on the web via MyUni and so has no time or location allocated to it. Students enrolling in the Lecture can attend the live lecture if space permits."}]}]}]}]}, "5085": {"id": "GcxmQBxcyyF586nA_wipb", "course_id": "108316", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108316", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "ULAW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate Law (LLB)", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Dispute Resolution & Ethics (Hons)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "6001", "CLASS_NBR": 10408, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to Bachelor of Laws Honours students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This compulsory course is one of two award-winning capstone courses that prepare our students for the Graduate Diploma In Legal Practice (taught at AOF level 9) and their professional life. In this course students must demonstrate a clear and coherent exposition of knowledge of law, legal practice and dispute resolution and be able to communicate these effectively in complex situations to a range of audiences with varying needs. This course requires the review, analysis, consolidation and synthesis of knowledge gained in previous courses throughout their degree to propose solutions for complex legal problems.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5086": {"id": "GcxmQBxcyyF586nA_wipb", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "V-XQKHXawY29LIB58HpQk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14966, "section": "LE01", "size": 0, "enrolled": 15, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "wSD5ApISnyOi6KqkN95Mv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15333, "section": "SE07", "size": 0, "enrolled": 15, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5087": {"id": "uPp9j2A64aEYLHdeMyqPD", "course_id": "108317", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108317", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "ULAW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate Law (LLB)", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Evidence and Advocacy (Hons)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "6002", "CLASS_NBR": 20369, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to Bachelor of Laws Honours students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically to include participation in seminar, written work, mock trial exercises and examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Evidence & Advocacy is the study of 'proof'; particularly, what is proof in legal proceedings and how do we prove matters as fact. Through problem solving and practical/interactive role plays, students will critically analyse the laws of evidence applicable to the proof of facts in South Australian and Australian Federal courts. These laws determine the evidence which will be received by courts to establish material facts, the form in which such evidence must be presented and the uses to which such evidence can be put by the court. \nLaws applicable to civil and criminal proceedings are examined with a concentration on the evidential constrictions applicable to criminal proceedings. In this context, criminal procedure is itself examined, particularly police investigative process and prosecution and defence obligations prior to and at trial. \nThe Course relies on an interdisciplinary framework of study for students to actively ascertain the techniques, limitations and requirements for eliciting, challenging and scrutinising evidence for the purpose of considering whether it amounts to proof. Students will gain an understanding and appreciation for the neuro-psychology, physiological, forensic and mathematical disciplines which inform and shape proof in law.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5088": {"id": "uPp9j2A64aEYLHdeMyqPD", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "v1kXvwQjhGqGdHh_KW2So", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24887, "section": "LE01", "size": 0, "enrolled": 15, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 29 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "HCQAGr63y4bUm9oMuUkMu", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20371, "section": "SE10", "size": 0, "enrolled": 15, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 1 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5089": {"id": "MQ9OMedo9SzSmtRbG45CF", "course_id": "108318", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108318", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "ULAW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate Law (LLB)", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Adelaide Law Review part A (Hons)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "6003A", "CLASS_NBR": 14477, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 1.5, "EFTLS": 0.0625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to Bachelor of Laws Honours students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Adelaide Law Review part A and part B explores the field of law at a sophisticated level through critical analysis of existing law and policy. These subjects require students to review, analyse and synthesise scholarly research of experienced scholars in the field of law. This subject requires students to exercise critical thinking and judgment in their analysis of existing legal policy and develop new understanding of research pathways through the review of legal scholarship. Students demonstrate these skills through the drafting of proposed legal reform, advising and editing researchers on their scholarly writing and reporting.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "5090": {"id": "MQ9OMedo9SzSmtRbG45CF", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "BQ_Yw_yZy-sa2_nt8S2--", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14477, "section": "SE01", "size": 0, "enrolled": 5, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 126, Law Moot Court"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 126, Law Moot Court"}]}]}]}]}, "5091": {"id": "oHZ1U4pIKJscuMnLpAFvj", "course_id": "108319", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108319", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "ULAW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate Law (LLB)", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Adelaide Law Review part B (Hons)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "6003B", "CLASS_NBR": 24440, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 1.5, "EFTLS": 0.0625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to Bachelor of Laws Honours students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Adelaide Law Review part A and part B explores the field of law at a sophisticated level through critical analysis of existing law and policy. These subjects require students to review, analyse and synthesise scholarly research of experienced scholars in the field of law. This subject requires students to exercise critical thinking and judgment in their analysis of existing legal policy and develop new understanding of research pathways through the review of legal scholarship. Students demonstrate these skills through the drafting of proposed legal reform, advising and editing researchers on their scholarly writing and reporting.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5092": {"id": "oHZ1U4pIKJscuMnLpAFvj", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "bfT_Qy7Fnasm1SIadWOi9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24440, "section": "SE01", "size": 0, "enrolled": 5, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 126, Law Moot Court"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 126, Law Moot Court"}]}]}]}]}, "5093": {"id": "zTEpNTQ62ni9LGIBtB1pl", "course_id": "108320", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108320", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "ULAW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate Law (LLB)", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Law Reform Part A (Hons)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "6004A", "CLASS_NBR": 14180, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 1.5, "EFTLS": 0.0625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to Bachelor of Laws Honours students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Adelaide Law Reform A and B explores the field of law at a sophisticated level through critical analysis of existing law and policy. These subjects require students to review, analyse and synthesise the scholarly research of experienced scholars in the field of law. This subject requires students to exercise critical thinking and judgment in their analysis of existing legal policy and develop new understanding of research pathways through the review of legal scholarship. Students demonstrate these skills through the drafting of proposed legal reform, advising and editing researchers on their scholarly writing and reporting.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "5094": {"id": "zTEpNTQ62ni9LGIBtB1pl", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "2KPVtwJSezM7kr1CU7ujs", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14180, "section": "SE01", "size": 0, "enrolled": 5, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 126, Law Moot Court"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 126, Law Moot Court"}]}]}]}]}, "5095": {"id": "wYuZdFRTFGy2tol4hnytE", "course_id": "108321", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108321", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "ULAW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate Law (LLB)", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Law Reform Part B (Hons)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "6004B", "CLASS_NBR": 24149, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 1.5, "EFTLS": 0.0625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to Bachelor of Laws Honours students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Adelaide Law Reform A and B explores the field of law at a sophisticated level through critical analysis of existing law and policy. These subjects require students to review, analyse and synthesise the scholarly research of experienced scholars in the field of law. This subject requires students to exercise critical thinking and judgment in their analysis of existing legal policy and develop new understanding of research pathways through the review of legal scholarship. Students demonstrate these skills through the drafting of proposed legal reform, advising and editing researchers on their scholarly writing and reporting.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5096": {"id": "wYuZdFRTFGy2tol4hnytE", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "ZzPSUhNEhlxkBmjHKx61r", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24149, "section": "SE01", "size": 0, "enrolled": 5, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 126, Law Moot Court"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 126, Law Moot Court"}]}]}]}]}, "5097": {"id": "-a391_vbJ0_17ptj3-lz_", "course_id": "108322", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108322", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "ULAW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate Law (LLB)", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Research and Writing", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "6005", "CLASS_NBR": 11526, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to Bachelor of Laws Honours students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Research skills are developed explicitly in Honours Research and Writing which introduces students to law relevant research design processes Including (but not limited to): the development of researchable questions, appropriate research methodologies, critical review of legal scholarship and peer review processes as well as communication of research in an academic format. This course is assessed through the development, and written and oral presentation of a formal research proposal. Students will also be assessed on their ability to critically evaluate the work of others.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5098": {"id": "-a391_vbJ0_17ptj3-lz_", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "mRU2wvzLZkX6gA734kt-d", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11526, "section": "SE01", "size": 0, "enrolled": 15, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 126, Law Moot Court"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 126, Law Moot Court"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 126, Law Moot Court"}]}]}]}]}, "5099": {"id": "g_i6W0Ob31eL4S094MMDr", "course_id": "108323", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108323", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "ULAW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate Law (LLB)", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Dissertation", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "6006", "CLASS_NBR": 25974, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to Bachelor of Laws Honours students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In Honours Dissertation students undertake a substantial piece of research in the form of the 12,000 word research dissertation. These capabilities are augmented by the Compulsory companion courses as outlined above. This course builds on the research skills developed explicitly in Honours Research and Writing. Students will be assessed on their ability to research and write their dissertation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5100": {"id": "g_i6W0Ob31eL4S094MMDr", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "TsvKiWoNhsUatxqsAJXG_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25974, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 16, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "5101": {"id": "OuhEwDcnS37fE8gqFnsse", "course_id": "111627", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111627", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "ULAW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate Law (LLB)", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Law and Justice Internship (Hons)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "6007", "CLASS_NBR": 92479, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "The course places students in 'internships' for a total period of between 22 and 25 days, with each day being a 7.5 hour day. The exact dates and number of dates will be determined between the student and the course coordinator", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to Bachelor of Laws Honours students. Enrolment is by selection only, please consult with Course Coordinator for eligibility.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "LAW 2504", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "LAW 3527", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course helps to make students 'career ready' by placing them in 'internships' with host institutions for a period of between 22 and 25 days in total. Semester 1 and 2 enrolments ordinarily involve two intensive weeks over non-teaching weeks, e.g. Summer or Winter break, followed by one day per week over the Semester (with each day being a 7.5 hour day) or five weeks intensive over the Summer Semester. The internships enable students to build on their understanding of the theory of law by gaining an appreciation of its practical operation. The course aims to give depth and context to students' existing knowledge of law. Students will be required to complete an agreed research task under the supervision of the course coordinator. The research task will be negotiated between the student and the course coordinator and will build on the work the student completes during the internship. It is expected that students will also be involved in day-to-day activities of their internship office and gain a broad understanding of the operation of law generally. During the internship, students will be asked to reflect on legal processes and on the development of their legal skills.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 09/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "5102": {"id": "OuhEwDcnS37fE8gqFnsse", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "dMlgd21wA6unFl768pA4A", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92479, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 2, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "5103": {"id": "AyXyGJ7jIsluRhyTocq_X", "course_id": "111627", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111627", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "ULAW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate Law (LLB)", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Law and Justice Internship (Hons)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "6007", "CLASS_NBR": 19838, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "The course places students in 'internships' for a total period of between 22 and 25 days, with each day being a 7.5 hour day. The exact dates and number of dates will be determined between the student and the course coordinator", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to Bachelor of Laws Honours students. Enrolment is by selection only, please consult with Course Coordinator for eligibility.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "LAW 2504", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "LAW 3527", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course helps to make students 'career ready' by placing them in 'internships' with host institutions for a period of between 22 and 25 days in total. Semester 1 and 2 enrolments ordinarily involve two intensive weeks over non-teaching weeks, e.g. Summer or Winter break, followed by one day per week over the Semester (with each day being a 7.5 hour day) or five weeks intensive over the Summer Semester. The internships enable students to build on their understanding of the theory of law by gaining an appreciation of its practical operation. The course aims to give depth and context to students' existing knowledge of law. Students will be required to complete an agreed research task under the supervision of the course coordinator. The research task will be negotiated between the student and the course coordinator and will build on the work the student completes during the internship. It is expected that students will also be involved in day-to-day activities of their internship office and gain a broad understanding of the operation of law generally. During the internship, students will be asked to reflect on legal processes and on the development of their legal skills.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5104": {"id": "AyXyGJ7jIsluRhyTocq_X", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "l5q2AIxh-4aebg1Q55OTM", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19838, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 3, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "5105": {"id": "Gf1w0wP7XItvt5S0yNcKr", "course_id": "111627", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111627", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "ULAW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate Law (LLB)", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Law and Justice Internship (Hons)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "6007", "CLASS_NBR": 29574, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "The course places students in 'internships' for a total period of between 22 and 25 days, with each day being a 7.5 hour day. The exact dates and number of dates will be determined between the student and the course coordinator", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to Bachelor of Laws Honours students. Enrolment is by selection only, please consult with Course Coordinator for eligibility.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "LAW 2504", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "LAW 3527", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course helps to make students 'career ready' by placing them in 'internships' with host institutions for a period of between 22 and 25 days in total. Semester 1 and 2 enrolments ordinarily involve two intensive weeks over non-teaching weeks, e.g. Summer or Winter break, followed by one day per week over the Semester (with each day being a 7.5 hour day) or five weeks intensive over the Summer Semester. The internships enable students to build on their understanding of the theory of law by gaining an appreciation of its practical operation. The course aims to give depth and context to students' existing knowledge of law. Students will be required to complete an agreed research task under the supervision of the course coordinator. The research task will be negotiated between the student and the course coordinator and will build on the work the student completes during the internship. It is expected that students will also be involved in day-to-day activities of their internship office and gain a broad understanding of the operation of law generally. During the internship, students will be asked to reflect on legal processes and on the development of their legal skills.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5106": {"id": "Gf1w0wP7XItvt5S0yNcKr", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "o4GJtxyEtAppNiwbh4DL0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29574, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "5107": {"id": "FOXcnOGv24fZB2pXD5HIG", "course_id": "106797", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106797", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Civil Litigation Practice", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "6502", "CLASS_NBR": 13815, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090913", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to GDLP students only. Not available for Study Abroad & Exchange", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "LAW 3501", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment in this course will include letter of advice, drafting pleadings, preparing a deed of settlement and responding to an offer to settle.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of the course is to provide an understanding of civil litigation practice and enable you as an entry-level lawyer to conduct civil litigation in first instance matters in at least one State or Territory court of general jurisdiction, in a timely and cost-effective manner. This course is not designed as a refresher course in civil litigation rather it builds on academic knowledge in a practical setting. Topics include: initiating a claim and pleadings, interlocutory applications, disclosure, gathering and presenting evidence and settlement and enforcement. The course is offered in partnership with South Australian practitioners.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5108": {"id": "FOXcnOGv24fZB2pXD5HIG", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "_MSodmh-jo3SV8OESO7kD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13815, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 15, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students please be advised to check the critical dates carefully as they vary according to the study term - GDLP courses are intensives and timetabled in semesters, terms and trimesters."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 504, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 504, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5109": {"id": "wUXKpU4OgVgqD8SixEPnA", "course_id": "106797", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106797", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Civil Litigation Practice", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "6502", "CLASS_NBR": 22220, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090913", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to GDLP students only. Not available for Study Abroad & Exchange", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "LAW 3501", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment in this course will include letter of advice, drafting pleadings, preparing a deed of settlement and responding to an offer to settle.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of the course is to provide an understanding of civil litigation practice and enable you as an entry-level lawyer to conduct civil litigation in first instance matters in at least one State or Territory court of general jurisdiction, in a timely and cost-effective manner. This course is not designed as a refresher course in civil litigation rather it builds on academic knowledge in a practical setting. Topics include: initiating a claim and pleadings, interlocutory applications, disclosure, gathering and presenting evidence and settlement and enforcement. The course is offered in partnership with South Australian practitioners.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5110": {"id": "wUXKpU4OgVgqD8SixEPnA", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "sfI7SisFBBdcYeAR3U3mp", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22220, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 11, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students please be advised to check the critical dates carefully as they vary according to the study term - GDLP courses are intensives and timetabled in semesters, terms and trimesters."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 515, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 515, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5111": {"id": "f7OibmChKOG4GTmobKHAn", "course_id": "106797", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106797", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Civil Litigation Practice", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "6502OL", "CLASS_NBR": 15811, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090913", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Online", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to GDLP students only. Not available for Study Abroad & Exchange", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "LAW 3501", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment in this course will include letter of advice, drafting pleadings, preparing a deed of settlement and responding to an offer to settle.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of the course is to provide an understanding of civil litigation practice and enable you as an entry-level lawyer to conduct civil litigation in first instance matters in at least one State or Territory court of general jurisdiction, in a timely and cost-effective manner. This course is not designed as a refresher course in civil litigation rather it builds on academic knowledge in a practical setting. Topics include: initiating a claim and pleadings, interlocutory applications, disclosure, gathering and presenting evidence and settlement and enforcement. The course is offered in partnership with South Australian practitioners.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5112": {"id": "f7OibmChKOG4GTmobKHAn", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "wZuZSi71fUnz2Sl5gQikA", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15811, "section": "01OL", "size": 30, "enrolled": 10, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "5113": {"id": "4fyGOtvf2WEwcqAIEtGhj", "course_id": "106797", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106797", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Civil Litigation Practice", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "6502OL", "CLASS_NBR": 25823, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090913", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Online", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to GDLP students only. Not available for Study Abroad & Exchange", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "LAW 3501", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment in this course will include letter of advice, drafting pleadings, preparing a deed of settlement and responding to an offer to settle.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of the course is to provide an understanding of civil litigation practice and enable you as an entry-level lawyer to conduct civil litigation in first instance matters in at least one State or Territory court of general jurisdiction, in a timely and cost-effective manner. This course is not designed as a refresher course in civil litigation rather it builds on academic knowledge in a practical setting. Topics include: initiating a claim and pleadings, interlocutory applications, disclosure, gathering and presenting evidence and settlement and enforcement. The course is offered in partnership with South Australian practitioners.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5114": {"id": "4fyGOtvf2WEwcqAIEtGhj", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "FV7q_utf_VRQJQgzixr-n", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25823, "section": "01OL", "size": 30, "enrolled": 8, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "5115": {"id": "Iu18PfsgG_nyS1t4FTneC", "course_id": "106797", "term": "4444", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106797", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4444", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Civil Litigation Practice", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "6502OL", "CLASS_NBR": 42011, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090913", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Online", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to GDLP students only. Not available for Study Abroad & Exchange", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "LAW 3501", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment in this course will include letter of advice, drafting pleadings, preparing a deed of settlement and responding to an offer to settle.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of the course is to provide an understanding of civil litigation practice and enable you as an entry-level lawyer to conduct civil litigation in first instance matters in at least one State or Territory court of general jurisdiction, in a timely and cost-effective manner. This course is not designed as a refresher course in civil litigation rather it builds on academic knowledge in a practical setting. Topics include: initiating a claim and pleadings, interlocutory applications, disclosure, gathering and presenting evidence and settlement and enforcement. The course is offered in partnership with South Australian practitioners.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 29/04/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 29/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 04/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 26/06/2024"}}]}, "5116": {"id": "Iu18PfsgG_nyS1t4FTneC", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "vl3qrpuROIaB4xiLQlYxZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 42011, "section": "01OL", "size": 30, "enrolled": 7, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "5117": {"id": "xCAj0gqpV_n6Sedf6rD0E", "course_id": "106797", "term": "4448", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106797", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4448", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "Civil Litigation Practice", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "6502OL", "CLASS_NBR": 46061, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090913", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Online", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to GDLP students only. Not available for Study Abroad & Exchange", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "LAW 3501", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment in this course will include letter of advice, drafting pleadings, preparing a deed of settlement and responding to an offer to settle.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of the course is to provide an understanding of civil litigation practice and enable you as an entry-level lawyer to conduct civil litigation in first instance matters in at least one State or Territory court of general jurisdiction, in a timely and cost-effective manner. This course is not designed as a refresher course in civil litigation rather it builds on academic knowledge in a practical setting. Topics include: initiating a claim and pleadings, interlocutory applications, disclosure, gathering and presenting evidence and settlement and enforcement. The course is offered in partnership with South Australian practitioners.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 14/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 14/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 19/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 11/12/2024"}}]}, "5118": {"id": "xCAj0gqpV_n6Sedf6rD0E", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "VzN_ex_pZGF7qi-vP5R_5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46061, "section": "01OL", "size": 30, "enrolled": 9, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "5119": {"id": "tBuGzUxlI3s-NRIKGcCEJ", "course_id": "106844", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106844", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Commercial and Corporate Practice", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "6503", "CLASS_NBR": 12303, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090913", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to GDLP students only. Not available for Study Abroad & Exchange.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "LAW 2598", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment in this course will include a combination of the following: Advising on setting up a company structure, sale of a business and purchase of shares and the tax implications on selling a business and/or shares.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of the course is to provide an understanding of commercial and corporate legal practice to enable you as an entry-level lawyer to conduct standard commercial transactions such as the sale and purchase of a small business; understand the relevant risks associated with such a transaction for both parties; set up simple business structures using entities such as companies, trusts and partnerships; provide basic advice on finance and securities and on the obligations of companies and their officers; and appreciate the type of advice needed to assess the revenue implications of standard commercial transactions. This course is not designed as a refresher course in corporate law; rather it builds on academic knowledge in a practical setting. Topics include: creating commercial structures, franchising, commercial transactions, loans and securities, administration and taxation. \n\nThe course is offered in partnership with South Australian practitioners.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5120": {"id": "tBuGzUxlI3s-NRIKGcCEJ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "TQfl7Ruz24T1lyw_WNOlR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12303, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 11, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students please be advised to check the critical dates carefully as they vary according to the study term - GDLP courses are intensives and timetabled in semesters, terms and trimesters."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "16 Mar - 16 Mar", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 515, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Mar - 23 Mar", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 515, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5121": {"id": "izY2CEBebdNscS2puEAlt", "course_id": "106844", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106844", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Commercial and Corporate Practice", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "6503OL", "CLASS_NBR": 92183, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090913", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Online", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to GDLP students only. Not available for Study Abroad & Exchange.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "LAW 2598", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment in this course will include a combination of the following: Advising on setting up a company structure, sale of a business and purchase of shares and the tax implications on selling a business and/or shares.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of the course is to provide an understanding of commercial and corporate legal practice to enable you as an entry-level lawyer to conduct standard commercial transactions such as the sale and purchase of a small business; understand the relevant risks associated with such a transaction for both parties; set up simple business structures using entities such as companies, trusts and partnerships; provide basic advice on finance and securities and on the obligations of companies and their officers; and appreciate the type of advice needed to assess the revenue implications of standard commercial transactions. This course is not designed as a refresher course in corporate law; rather it builds on academic knowledge in a practical setting. Topics include: creating commercial structures, franchising, commercial transactions, loans and securities, administration and taxation. \n\nThe course is offered in partnership with South Australian practitioners.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 09/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "5122": {"id": "izY2CEBebdNscS2puEAlt", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "p8iKdc7uH6O1OWSiHi384", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92183, "section": "01OL", "size": 30, "enrolled": 22, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "5123": {"id": "-ndP--anYnLMPwpo9-hv4", "course_id": "106844", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106844", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Commercial and Corporate Practice", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "6503OL", "CLASS_NBR": 33104, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090913", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Online", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to GDLP students only. Not available for Study Abroad & Exchange.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "LAW 2598", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment in this course will include a combination of the following: Advising on setting up a company structure, sale of a business and purchase of shares and the tax implications on selling a business and/or shares.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of the course is to provide an understanding of commercial and corporate legal practice to enable you as an entry-level lawyer to conduct standard commercial transactions such as the sale and purchase of a small business; understand the relevant risks associated with such a transaction for both parties; set up simple business structures using entities such as companies, trusts and partnerships; provide basic advice on finance and securities and on the obligations of companies and their officers; and appreciate the type of advice needed to assess the revenue implications of standard commercial transactions. This course is not designed as a refresher course in corporate law; rather it builds on academic knowledge in a practical setting. Topics include: creating commercial structures, franchising, commercial transactions, loans and securities, administration and taxation. \n\nThe course is offered in partnership with South Australian practitioners.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "5124": {"id": "-ndP--anYnLMPwpo9-hv4", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "GNIuI9GkogTTJDMdyQxU_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33104, "section": "01OL", "size": 30, "enrolled": 16, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "5125": {"id": "M2u1NAi15Rl-DzcejPGMc", "course_id": "106844", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106844", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Commercial and Corporate Practice", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "6503OL", "CLASS_NBR": 36119, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090913", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Online", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to GDLP students only. Not available for Study Abroad & Exchange.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "LAW 2598", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment in this course will include a combination of the following: Advising on setting up a company structure, sale of a business and purchase of shares and the tax implications on selling a business and/or shares.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of the course is to provide an understanding of commercial and corporate legal practice to enable you as an entry-level lawyer to conduct standard commercial transactions such as the sale and purchase of a small business; understand the relevant risks associated with such a transaction for both parties; set up simple business structures using entities such as companies, trusts and partnerships; provide basic advice on finance and securities and on the obligations of companies and their officers; and appreciate the type of advice needed to assess the revenue implications of standard commercial transactions. This course is not designed as a refresher course in corporate law; rather it builds on academic knowledge in a practical setting. Topics include: creating commercial structures, franchising, commercial transactions, loans and securities, administration and taxation. \n\nThe course is offered in partnership with South Australian practitioners.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "5126": {"id": "M2u1NAi15Rl-DzcejPGMc", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "WkXgDdFhL8OGUq4dFW1al", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36119, "section": "01OL", "size": 30, "enrolled": 16, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "5127": {"id": "iVr8eukBhbYFtppROts5w", "course_id": "106845", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106845", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Property Law Practice", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "6504", "CLASS_NBR": 95025, "SESSION_CD": "WI1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090913", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to GDLP students only. Not available for Study Abroad & Exchange.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment in this course will include the following: Drafting tasks, preparation of relevant forms, short answer questions, lease preparation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of the course is to provide an understanding of property law to enable you as an entry-level lawyer to: convey, lease and mortgage real property; and provide general advice on standard matters arising under local government, planning, environmental or other legislation relating to land use in the relevant State or Territory. Topics include transferring title, conveyancing, mortgages and leases. \n\nThe course is offered in partnership with South Australian practitioners and agencies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 08/07/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 10/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 01/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "5128": {"id": "iVr8eukBhbYFtppROts5w", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "uipWz41rc9ml6g3OsYIeb", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95025, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 6, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students please be advised to check the critical dates carefully as they vary according to the study term - GDLP courses are intensives and timetabled in semesters, terms and trimesters."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Jul - 3 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 515, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Jul - 10 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 515, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5129": {"id": "w3hJOXBmfUkZ_ZKL50kSY", "course_id": "106845", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106845", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Property Law Practice", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "6504", "CLASS_NBR": 30005, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090913", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to GDLP students only. Not available for Study Abroad & Exchange.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment in this course will include the following: Drafting tasks, preparation of relevant forms, short answer questions, lease preparation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of the course is to provide an understanding of property law to enable you as an entry-level lawyer to: convey, lease and mortgage real property; and provide general advice on standard matters arising under local government, planning, environmental or other legislation relating to land use in the relevant State or Territory. Topics include transferring title, conveyancing, mortgages and leases. \n\nThe course is offered in partnership with South Australian practitioners and agencies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "5130": {"id": "w3hJOXBmfUkZ_ZKL50kSY", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "E1wbbPdhK7aK_v2Nu4Mh8", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30005, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 10, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students please be advised to check the critical dates carefully as they vary according to the study term - GDLP courses are intensives and timetabled in semesters, terms and trimesters."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Feb - 2 Feb", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 515, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Feb - 9 Feb", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 515, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5131": {"id": "GoQh9SQHcdMw1m_rak4Kk", "course_id": "106845", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106845", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Property Law Practice", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "6504OL", "CLASS_NBR": 15812, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090913", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Online", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to GDLP students only. Not available for Study Abroad & Exchange.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment in this course will include the following: Drafting tasks, preparation of relevant forms, short answer questions, lease preparation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of the course is to provide an understanding of property law to enable you as an entry-level lawyer to: convey, lease and mortgage real property; and provide general advice on standard matters arising under local government, planning, environmental or other legislation relating to land use in the relevant State or Territory. Topics include transferring title, conveyancing, mortgages and leases. \n\nThe course is offered in partnership with South Australian practitioners and agencies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5132": {"id": "GoQh9SQHcdMw1m_rak4Kk", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "WrdUgKkvec4DbkrAxP7lc", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15812, "section": "01OL", "size": 30, "enrolled": 15, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "5133": {"id": "ZRm8DYLSNazoDxwf0nLEy", "course_id": "106845", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106845", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Property Law Practice", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "6504OL", "CLASS_NBR": 95096, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090913", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Online", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to GDLP students only. Not available for Study Abroad & Exchange.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment in this course will include the following: Drafting tasks, preparation of relevant forms, short answer questions, lease preparation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of the course is to provide an understanding of property law to enable you as an entry-level lawyer to: convey, lease and mortgage real property; and provide general advice on standard matters arising under local government, planning, environmental or other legislation relating to land use in the relevant State or Territory. Topics include transferring title, conveyancing, mortgages and leases. \n\nThe course is offered in partnership with South Australian practitioners and agencies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 24/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 28/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 11/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 17/07/2024"}}]}, "5134": {"id": "ZRm8DYLSNazoDxwf0nLEy", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "2A0h45KIUZH84nZx4OBin", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95096, "section": "01OL", "size": 30, "enrolled": 10, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "5135": {"id": "7bbfA9o9MM37OEnK46en8", "course_id": "106845", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106845", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Property Law Practice", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "6504OL", "CLASS_NBR": 30128, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090913", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Online", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to GDLP students only. Not available for Study Abroad & Exchange.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment in this course will include the following: Drafting tasks, preparation of relevant forms, short answer questions, lease preparation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of the course is to provide an understanding of property law to enable you as an entry-level lawyer to: convey, lease and mortgage real property; and provide general advice on standard matters arising under local government, planning, environmental or other legislation relating to land use in the relevant State or Territory. Topics include transferring title, conveyancing, mortgages and leases. \n\nThe course is offered in partnership with South Australian practitioners and agencies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "5136": {"id": "7bbfA9o9MM37OEnK46en8", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "tShYKwb2r9IVRGowZGnQx", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30128, "section": "01OL", "size": 30, "enrolled": 7, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "5137": {"id": "EyyE3we_V4BQWo5M4j4o9", "course_id": "106845", "term": "4448", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106845", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4448", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "Property Law Practice", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "6504OL", "CLASS_NBR": 46062, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090913", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Online", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to GDLP students only. Not available for Study Abroad & Exchange.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment in this course will include the following: Drafting tasks, preparation of relevant forms, short answer questions, lease preparation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of the course is to provide an understanding of property law to enable you as an entry-level lawyer to: convey, lease and mortgage real property; and provide general advice on standard matters arising under local government, planning, environmental or other legislation relating to land use in the relevant State or Territory. Topics include transferring title, conveyancing, mortgages and leases. \n\nThe course is offered in partnership with South Australian practitioners and agencies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 14/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 14/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 19/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 11/12/2024"}}]}, "5138": {"id": "EyyE3we_V4BQWo5M4j4o9", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "Zwwn6gFS_2gZ3oEHBxIrn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46062, "section": "01OL", "size": 30, "enrolled": 11, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "5139": {"id": "dwaGNgCdiOz2_luOO9mGC", "course_id": "106846", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106846", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Professional Obligations", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "6505", "CLASS_NBR": 95027, "SESSION_CD": "WI1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090913", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to GDLP students only. Not available for Study Abroad & Exchange.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment in this course will include the following: Advising on ethical dilemmas a lawyer may encounter, trust accounting workbook and questions relating to legal costs.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of the course is to provide an understanding of your professional obligations as a legal practitioner. An entry-level lawyer should act ethically and demonstrate professional responsibility and professional courtesy in all dealings with clients, the courts, the community and other lawyers. You should have sufficient knowledge, skills and values to maintain trust and general account records according to law and good practice, to the extent usually permitted and expected of an employed solicitor. The topics included are: ethics and regulation, trusts, office accounting, legal costs and risk management. The issues raised in this course are highly relevant for other GDLP courses and legal practice.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 08/07/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 10/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 01/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "5140": {"id": "dwaGNgCdiOz2_luOO9mGC", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "2wI9h-YPGNBAXxydyLR9H", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95027, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 17, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students please be advised to check the critical dates carefully as they vary according to the study term - GDLP courses are intensives and timetabled in semesters, terms and trimesters."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Jul - 19 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 515, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 26 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 515, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5141": {"id": "dI9oaSoZc5xl4YmCFb-Hl", "course_id": "106846", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106846", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Professional Obligations", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "6505", "CLASS_NBR": 30044, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090913", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to GDLP students only. Not available for Study Abroad & Exchange.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment in this course will include the following: Advising on ethical dilemmas a lawyer may encounter, trust accounting workbook and questions relating to legal costs.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of the course is to provide an understanding of your professional obligations as a legal practitioner. An entry-level lawyer should act ethically and demonstrate professional responsibility and professional courtesy in all dealings with clients, the courts, the community and other lawyers. You should have sufficient knowledge, skills and values to maintain trust and general account records according to law and good practice, to the extent usually permitted and expected of an employed solicitor. The topics included are: ethics and regulation, trusts, office accounting, legal costs and risk management. The issues raised in this course are highly relevant for other GDLP courses and legal practice.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "5142": {"id": "dI9oaSoZc5xl4YmCFb-Hl", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "G0aytpTDytmhs0nDVr738", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30044, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 8, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students please be advised to check the critical dates carefully as they vary according to the study term - GDLP courses are intensives and timetabled in semesters, terms and trimesters."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "16 Feb - 16 Feb", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 515, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Feb - 23 Feb", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 515, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5143": {"id": "NdGvlbNIxzJyPXV9WSs92", "course_id": "106846", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106846", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Professional Obligations", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "6505OL", "CLASS_NBR": 95097, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090913", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Online", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to GDLP students only. Not available for Study Abroad & Exchange.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment in this course will include the following: Advising on ethical dilemmas a lawyer may encounter, trust accounting workbook and questions relating to legal costs.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of the course is to provide an understanding of your professional obligations as a legal practitioner. An entry-level lawyer should act ethically and demonstrate professional responsibility and professional courtesy in all dealings with clients, the courts, the community and other lawyers. You should have sufficient knowledge, skills and values to maintain trust and general account records according to law and good practice, to the extent usually permitted and expected of an employed solicitor. The topics included are: ethics and regulation, trusts, office accounting, legal costs and risk management. The issues raised in this course are highly relevant for other GDLP courses and legal practice.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 24/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 28/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 11/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 17/07/2024"}}]}, "5144": {"id": "NdGvlbNIxzJyPXV9WSs92", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "swnhZIHR3-M4yPDF4pqmL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95097, "section": "01OL", "size": 30, "enrolled": 7, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "5145": {"id": "eLESkemYO4LuKM4SapYaj", "course_id": "106846", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106846", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Professional Obligations", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "6505OL", "CLASS_NBR": 30129, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090913", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Online", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to GDLP students only. Not available for Study Abroad & Exchange.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment in this course will include the following: Advising on ethical dilemmas a lawyer may encounter, trust accounting workbook and questions relating to legal costs.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of the course is to provide an understanding of your professional obligations as a legal practitioner. An entry-level lawyer should act ethically and demonstrate professional responsibility and professional courtesy in all dealings with clients, the courts, the community and other lawyers. You should have sufficient knowledge, skills and values to maintain trust and general account records according to law and good practice, to the extent usually permitted and expected of an employed solicitor. The topics included are: ethics and regulation, trusts, office accounting, legal costs and risk management. The issues raised in this course are highly relevant for other GDLP courses and legal practice.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "5146": {"id": "eLESkemYO4LuKM4SapYaj", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "2roGocJ0bAKcVq-Giq3Vn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30129, "section": "01OL", "size": 30, "enrolled": 13, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "5147": {"id": "bc_QiPGECdwNRHRDBcZ2C", "course_id": "106846", "term": "4444", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106846", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4444", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Professional Obligations", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "6505OL", "CLASS_NBR": 42012, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090913", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Online", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to GDLP students only. Not available for Study Abroad & Exchange.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment in this course will include the following: Advising on ethical dilemmas a lawyer may encounter, trust accounting workbook and questions relating to legal costs.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of the course is to provide an understanding of your professional obligations as a legal practitioner. An entry-level lawyer should act ethically and demonstrate professional responsibility and professional courtesy in all dealings with clients, the courts, the community and other lawyers. You should have sufficient knowledge, skills and values to maintain trust and general account records according to law and good practice, to the extent usually permitted and expected of an employed solicitor. The topics included are: ethics and regulation, trusts, office accounting, legal costs and risk management. The issues raised in this course are highly relevant for other GDLP courses and legal practice.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 29/04/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 29/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 04/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 26/06/2024"}}]}, "5148": {"id": "bc_QiPGECdwNRHRDBcZ2C", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "t4r7Mft494YeUMXKjYsDl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 42012, "section": "01OL", "size": 30, "enrolled": 8, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "5149": {"id": "j4SJxdDyo14qtTcVy20mr", "course_id": "106846", "term": "4448", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106846", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4448", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "Professional Obligations", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "6505OL", "CLASS_NBR": 46063, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090913", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Online", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to GDLP students only. Not available for Study Abroad & Exchange.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment in this course will include the following: Advising on ethical dilemmas a lawyer may encounter, trust accounting workbook and questions relating to legal costs.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of the course is to provide an understanding of your professional obligations as a legal practitioner. An entry-level lawyer should act ethically and demonstrate professional responsibility and professional courtesy in all dealings with clients, the courts, the community and other lawyers. You should have sufficient knowledge, skills and values to maintain trust and general account records according to law and good practice, to the extent usually permitted and expected of an employed solicitor. The topics included are: ethics and regulation, trusts, office accounting, legal costs and risk management. The issues raised in this course are highly relevant for other GDLP courses and legal practice.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 14/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 14/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 19/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 11/12/2024"}}]}, "5150": {"id": "j4SJxdDyo14qtTcVy20mr", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "9tNEWTfUdJ6AMPZfdvdDI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46063, "section": "01OL", "size": 30, "enrolled": 13, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "5151": {"id": "L3pMmpzR5C5ZzDIzehV_O", "course_id": "106847", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106847", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Criminal Law Practice", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "6506", "CLASS_NBR": 95028, "SESSION_CD": "WI1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090913", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to GDLP students only. Not available for Study Abroad & Exchange.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment in this course will include the following: making a plea and bail application. Advocacy demonstration and short answer questions.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is aimed at graduates who would like to develop the knowledge and skills required to act for the defence or prosecution in criminal law practice. There is a strong practical focus in this course.Topics include, but are not limited to: the role of the prosecution and defence, advise clients before arrest, seek bail, make pleas, participate in minor contested hearings and assist in preparing cases for trial (including identifying and gathering evidence needed to support a client\u2019s case, the organisation of evidence, briefing witnesses and preparing a brief for counsel). \n\nThe course is offered in partnership with South Australian practitioners, courts and agencies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 08/07/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 10/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 01/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "5152": {"id": "L3pMmpzR5C5ZzDIzehV_O", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "UyUBcKtmitGnV-0hHY1Cy", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95028, "section": "PR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 10, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students please be advised to check the critical dates carefully as they vary according to the study term - GDLP courses are intensives and timetabled in semesters, terms and trimesters."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 24 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 515, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "31 Jul - 31 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 515, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5153": {"id": "XcQIlNBoC59A5-h90_e5X", "course_id": "106847", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106847", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Criminal Law Practice", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "6506OL", "CLASS_NBR": 92184, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090913", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Online", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to GDLP students only. Not available for Study Abroad & Exchange.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment in this course will include the following: making a plea and bail application. Advocacy demonstration and short answer questions.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is aimed at graduates who would like to develop the knowledge and skills required to act for the defence or prosecution in criminal law practice. There is a strong practical focus in this course.Topics include, but are not limited to: the role of the prosecution and defence, advise clients before arrest, seek bail, make pleas, participate in minor contested hearings and assist in preparing cases for trial (including identifying and gathering evidence needed to support a client\u2019s case, the organisation of evidence, briefing witnesses and preparing a brief for counsel). \n\nThe course is offered in partnership with South Australian practitioners, courts and agencies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 09/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "5154": {"id": "XcQIlNBoC59A5-h90_e5X", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "3NO7S009d0JaOzM8Mi9Kf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92184, "section": "01OL", "size": 30, "enrolled": 12, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical"}]}]}]}, "5155": {"id": "SoJSSNiN9WaNezKtAB-Te", "course_id": "106847", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106847", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Criminal Law Practice", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "6506OL", "CLASS_NBR": 95098, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090913", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Online", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to GDLP students only. Not available for Study Abroad & Exchange.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment in this course will include the following: making a plea and bail application. Advocacy demonstration and short answer questions.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is aimed at graduates who would like to develop the knowledge and skills required to act for the defence or prosecution in criminal law practice. There is a strong practical focus in this course.Topics include, but are not limited to: the role of the prosecution and defence, advise clients before arrest, seek bail, make pleas, participate in minor contested hearings and assist in preparing cases for trial (including identifying and gathering evidence needed to support a client\u2019s case, the organisation of evidence, briefing witnesses and preparing a brief for counsel). \n\nThe course is offered in partnership with South Australian practitioners, courts and agencies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 24/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 28/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 11/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 17/07/2024"}}]}, "5156": {"id": "SoJSSNiN9WaNezKtAB-Te", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "P1YeOc2d78IHaa5UIvZps", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95098, "section": "01OL", "size": 30, "enrolled": 7, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical"}]}]}]}, "5157": {"id": "0Ao2_X9PhYcPyCSQDfG0e", "course_id": "106843", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106843", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Family Law Practice", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "6507", "CLASS_NBR": 30043, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090913", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to GDLP students only. Not available for Study Abroad & Exchange.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment in this course will include the following: Draft order, children's matters and letter of advice - property settlement.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of the course is to provide an understanding of family law practice and to enable you, as an entry-level lawyer who practises in family law, to advise and take action in relation to parenting matters, spouse maintenance and child support problems, identify appropriate dispute-resolution processes for such matters in the light of the client's circumstances and concerns; and advise clients on pre-action procedures. \n\nThe course is offered in partnership with South Australian practitioners and agencies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "5158": {"id": "0Ao2_X9PhYcPyCSQDfG0e", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "UftlZjLdqACCFQNm-QoJF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30043, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 6, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students please be advised to check the critical dates carefully as they vary according to the study term - GDLP courses are intensives and timetabled in semesters, terms and trimesters."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "10 Feb - 10 Feb", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 515, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 Feb - 17 Feb", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 515, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5159": {"id": "dcdvTDkhLIGHLDq47Xifp", "course_id": "106843", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106843", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Family Law Practice", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "6507", "CLASS_NBR": 36040, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090913", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to GDLP students only. Not available for Study Abroad & Exchange.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment in this course will include the following: Draft order, children's matters and letter of advice - property settlement.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of the course is to provide an understanding of family law practice and to enable you, as an entry-level lawyer who practises in family law, to advise and take action in relation to parenting matters, spouse maintenance and child support problems, identify appropriate dispute-resolution processes for such matters in the light of the client's circumstances and concerns; and advise clients on pre-action procedures. \n\nThe course is offered in partnership with South Australian practitioners and agencies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "5160": {"id": "dcdvTDkhLIGHLDq47Xifp", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "IFv5b8-hV9pAiP4CI8hQh", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36040, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 12, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students please be advised to check the critical dates carefully as they vary according to the study term - GDLP courses are intensives and timetabled in semesters, terms and trimesters."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Sep - 6 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 515, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 515, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5161": {"id": "ndGEpsCispXePSQOsLA8C", "course_id": "106848", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106848", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Employment and Industrial Relations Practice", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "6508", "CLASS_NBR": 12304, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090913", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to GDLP students only. Not available for Study Abroad & Exchange.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment in this course will include the following: Short answer questions, letter of advice and attendance at a mock conciliation conference.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces the practice of Employment and Industrial Relations law in South Australia and aims to provide an introduction to: \n- the fundamentals of employment law;\n- implied terms, National Employment Standards, Awards and Agreements;\n- the different jurisdictions in which employment claims may be litigated, including the Fair Work Commission, the Industrial Relations Commission of South Australia, the South Australian Industrial Relations Court, the Workers Compensation Tribunal, the Equal Opportunity Commission, the Australian Human Rights Commission and the State and federal civil courts.\n- common law and statutory remedies for recovery of employment entitlements;\n- remedies for termination of employment, including unfair dismissal claims and general protections disputes;\n- workers compensation claims including the processes for commencing a claim and disputing decisions; and\n- discrimination in employment.\n \nThe course is offered in partnership with South Australian practitioners and agencies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5162": {"id": "ndGEpsCispXePSQOsLA8C", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "qO5oEsehqGx8k_XSH2vwB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12304, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 7, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students please be advised to check the critical dates carefully as they vary according to the study term - GDLP courses are intensives and timetabled in semesters, terms and trimesters."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Apr - 19 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 515, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 515, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 May - 4 May", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, District Court of SA"}]}]}]}]}, "5163": {"id": "jKMLmpO-pwVYFDIamLZJI", "course_id": "106861", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106861", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Planning and Environmental Law Practice", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "6509", "CLASS_NBR": 95026, "SESSION_CD": "WI1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090913", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to GDLP students only. Not available for Study Abroad & Exchange.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment in this course will include the following: planning application workbook and letter of advice.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of the course is to provide an overview of planning and environmental legislation in South Australia, the jurisdiction of the Environment, Resource and Development Court, and the roles of the Environment Protection Authority and planning authorities. The course will enable you as an entry-level lawyer, to advise and generally assist clients on the relevant law and planning process; apply for approvals and consents under relevant planning legislation; object to applications; initiate or defend planning or environmental actions. \n\nThe course is offered in partnership with South Australian practitioners and agencies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 08/07/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 10/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 01/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "5164": {"id": "jKMLmpO-pwVYFDIamLZJI", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "D1nEww5h9JkCYBMHd7JWF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95026, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 5, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students please be advised to check the critical dates carefully as they vary according to the study term - GDLP courses are intensives and timetabled in semesters, terms and trimesters."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Jul - 13 Jul", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 515, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 Jul - 20 Jul", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 515, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5165": {"id": "ZmCDbpRuRZK4PYWm08i-x", "course_id": "106860", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106860", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Wills and Estates Practice", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "6510", "CLASS_NBR": 22222, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090913", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to GDLP students only. Not available for Study Abroad & Exchange.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment in this course will include the following: short answer questions, draft will and letter of advice, obtaining probate and estate litigation.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of the course is to develop your understanding of wills and estate practice to enable you as an entry-level lawyer to give practical advice to a client, draft simple wills, administer deceased estates, and take action to solve problems about wills and estates. \n\nThe course is offered in partnership with South Australian practitioners and agencies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5166": {"id": "ZmCDbpRuRZK4PYWm08i-x", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "G1CtOFY296h0MThHJCkG0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22222, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 7, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students please be advised to check the critical dates carefully as they vary according to the study term - GDLP courses are intensives and timetabled in semesters, terms and trimesters."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 515, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Aug - 23 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 515, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5167": {"id": "r9Ml5Xs9o7Af0uu33JriX", "course_id": "106860", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106860", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Wills and Estates Practice", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "6510OL", "CLASS_NBR": 15813, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090913", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Online", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to GDLP students only. Not available for Study Abroad & Exchange.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment in this course will include the following: short answer questions, draft will and letter of advice, obtaining probate and estate litigation.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of the course is to develop your understanding of wills and estate practice to enable you as an entry-level lawyer to give practical advice to a client, draft simple wills, administer deceased estates, and take action to solve problems about wills and estates. \n\nThe course is offered in partnership with South Australian practitioners and agencies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5168": {"id": "r9Ml5Xs9o7Af0uu33JriX", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "0Jy9AZZgzxfg_FH3j7rx_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15813, "section": "01OL", "size": 30, "enrolled": 15, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "5169": {"id": "I4OePrpX-YpcZgPA4oWmo", "course_id": "106860", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106860", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Wills and Estates Practice", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "6510OL", "CLASS_NBR": 25824, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090913", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Online", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to GDLP students only. Not available for Study Abroad & Exchange.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment in this course will include the following: short answer questions, draft will and letter of advice, obtaining probate and estate litigation.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of the course is to develop your understanding of wills and estate practice to enable you as an entry-level lawyer to give practical advice to a client, draft simple wills, administer deceased estates, and take action to solve problems about wills and estates. \n\nThe course is offered in partnership with South Australian practitioners and agencies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5170": {"id": "I4OePrpX-YpcZgPA4oWmo", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "BLScLOagD791-muu7PNQF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25824, "section": "01OL", "size": 30, "enrolled": 4, "available": 26, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "5171": {"id": "gB9duH0HZ7aXuXZS6JoO5", "course_id": "109764", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109764", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Administrative Law Practice", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "6511OL", "CLASS_NBR": 33107, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090913", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Online", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to GDLP students only. Not available for Study Abroad & Exchange.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment in this course will include the following: FOI Checklist, oral assessment held at the AAT Tribunal, short answer questions, draft letter.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of the course is to provide an understanding of administrative law practice to enable a graduate entry level lawyer perform the following tasks; obtain information for clients under freedom of information legislation; seek review of administrative decisions, including drafting written submissions, and representing parties before courts and administrative tribunals. The information covered in this course refers to State and Federal administrative law and practice and proceedings before both State and Federal courts and tribunals. This course is not designed as a refresher course in administrative law; rather it builds on academic knowledge in a practical setting. The course is offered in partnership with South Australian practitioners.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "5172": {"id": "gB9duH0HZ7aXuXZS6JoO5", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "lzuy1MwOkeAl-FCATNrGG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33107, "section": "01OL", "size": 30, "enrolled": 11, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "5173": {"id": "w_dgivjg09mLiT_cDCpk4", "course_id": "111023", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111023", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Work Experience Placement", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "6515", "CLASS_NBR": 12302, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090913", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to GDLP students only. Not available for Study Abroad & Exchange.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "LAW 6516OL", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course requires students to complete two mandatory topics, Interviewing and Advising plus Legal Drafting in addition to engaging in 105 hours of legal work experience under the instruction and guidance of a 'Placement Supervisor'. During the period of work experience students will engage in activities including: legal research, written communication and drafting legal documents, using Court Registries and Public Records Offices, negotiation, advocacy and practice management.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5174": {"id": "w_dgivjg09mLiT_cDCpk4", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "hTuPyyLYXPM8yXFTQlIEG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12302, "section": "SE01", "size": 0, "enrolled": 15, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "11 Mar - 11 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 515, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5175": {"id": "FALGUi8bZpIDbK4hcU3t4", "course_id": "111023", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111023", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Work Experience Placement", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "6515", "CLASS_NBR": 33038, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090913", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to GDLP students only. Not available for Study Abroad & Exchange.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "LAW 6516OL", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course requires students to complete two mandatory topics, Interviewing and Advising plus Legal Drafting in addition to engaging in 105 hours of legal work experience under the instruction and guidance of a 'Placement Supervisor'. During the period of work experience students will engage in activities including: legal research, written communication and drafting legal documents, using Court Registries and Public Records Offices, negotiation, advocacy and practice management.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "5176": {"id": "FALGUi8bZpIDbK4hcU3t4", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "IEOMBWIcp5TvB56dLpzHN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33038, "section": "SE01", "size": 0, "enrolled": 14, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Jun - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 515, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5177": {"id": "j3O9Q-B9fRB2fz2r2zA1N", "course_id": "111023", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111023", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Work Experience Placement", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "6515", "CLASS_NBR": 36041, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090913", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to GDLP students only. Not available for Study Abroad & Exchange.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "LAW 6516OL", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course requires students to complete two mandatory topics, Interviewing and Advising plus Legal Drafting in addition to engaging in 105 hours of legal work experience under the instruction and guidance of a 'Placement Supervisor'. During the period of work experience students will engage in activities including: legal research, written communication and drafting legal documents, using Court Registries and Public Records Offices, negotiation, advocacy and practice management.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "5178": {"id": "j3O9Q-B9fRB2fz2r2zA1N", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "Ul8-McW7WeCc_vA_wjzHr", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36041, "section": "SE01", "size": 0, "enrolled": 15, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "18 Sep - 18 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 515, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5179": {"id": "pv4KZLE-dZFGfjjfxye1m", "course_id": "111022", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111022", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Lawyer's Skills", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "6601", "CLASS_NBR": 22221, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090913", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to GDLP students only. Not available for Study Abroad & Exchange.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "LAW 6501", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment in this course will include a combination of the following: letters of advice, legal drafting, demonstration of advocacy skills.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course covers the general knowledge and skills needed to become a competent legal practitioner. Skills in this course will be further developed throughout the course and on placement. Topics include: negotiation, alternative dispute resolution and advocacy. As part of the advocacy component, you will make submission to, and obtain feedback from, senior members of the legal profession at the District Court. The course is offered in partnership with South Australian practitioners, courts and agencies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5180": {"id": "pv4KZLE-dZFGfjjfxye1m", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "YjWiBwx97KoGisOl0TWXI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22221, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 12, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students please be advised to check the critical dates carefully as they vary according to the study term - GDLP courses are intensives and timetabled in semesters, terms and trimesters."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Aug - 7 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 515, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 515, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 Aug - 17 Aug", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "3:30pm", "location": "External, External, Advocacy Coaching Clinic"}]}]}]}]}, "5181": {"id": "Bh5Pl1mRLB4Php_eA7zgM", "course_id": "111022", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111022", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Lawyer's Skills", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "6601", "CLASS_NBR": 30105, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090913", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to GDLP students only. Not available for Study Abroad & Exchange.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "LAW 6501", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment in this course will include a combination of the following: letters of advice, legal drafting, demonstration of advocacy skills.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course covers the general knowledge and skills needed to become a competent legal practitioner. Skills in this course will be further developed throughout the course and on placement. Topics include: negotiation, alternative dispute resolution and advocacy. As part of the advocacy component, you will make submission to, and obtain feedback from, senior members of the legal profession at the District Court. The course is offered in partnership with South Australian practitioners, courts and agencies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "5182": {"id": "Bh5Pl1mRLB4Php_eA7zgM", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "ntP5RqhifSDjAd3-yXMxi", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30105, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 13, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students please be advised to check the critical dates carefully as they vary according to the study term - GDLP courses are intensives and timetabled in semesters, terms and trimesters."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Feb - 24 Feb", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 515, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 28 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 515, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Mar - 2 Mar", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "3:30pm", "location": "External, External, Advocacy Coaching Clinic"}]}]}]}]}, "5183": {"id": "cKOiDgctsVoeobdr7Y3T-", "course_id": "111022", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111022", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Lawyer's Skills", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "6601OL", "CLASS_NBR": 26262, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090913", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Online", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to GDLP students only. Not available for Study Abroad & Exchange.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "LAW 6501", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment in this course will include a combination of the following: letters of advice, legal drafting, demonstration of advocacy skills.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course covers the general knowledge and skills needed to become a competent legal practitioner. Skills in this course will be further developed throughout the course and on placement. Topics include: negotiation, alternative dispute resolution and advocacy. As part of the advocacy component, you will make submission to, and obtain feedback from, senior members of the legal profession at the District Court. The course is offered in partnership with South Australian practitioners, courts and agencies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5184": {"id": "cKOiDgctsVoeobdr7Y3T-", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "uzWM3X97JLCDA48dEadIY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26262, "section": "01OL", "size": 30, "enrolled": 10, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "5185": {"id": "INKDGNHO4dZfZozWBdG9a", "course_id": "111022", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111022", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Lawyer's Skills", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "6601OL", "CLASS_NBR": 30138, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090913", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Online", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to GDLP students only. Not available for Study Abroad & Exchange.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "LAW 6501", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment in this course will include a combination of the following: letters of advice, legal drafting, demonstration of advocacy skills.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course covers the general knowledge and skills needed to become a competent legal practitioner. Skills in this course will be further developed throughout the course and on placement. Topics include: negotiation, alternative dispute resolution and advocacy. As part of the advocacy component, you will make submission to, and obtain feedback from, senior members of the legal profession at the District Court. The course is offered in partnership with South Australian practitioners, courts and agencies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "5186": {"id": "INKDGNHO4dZfZozWBdG9a", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "G639KRh_d1Nh94phDSR0G", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30138, "section": "01OL", "size": 30, "enrolled": 7, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "5187": {"id": "jj4Gg6wNziNveLd3jElyX", "course_id": "111022", "term": "4444", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111022", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4444", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Lawyer's Skills", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "6601OL", "CLASS_NBR": 42023, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090913", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Online", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to GDLP students only. Not available for Study Abroad & Exchange.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "LAW 6501", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment in this course will include a combination of the following: letters of advice, legal drafting, demonstration of advocacy skills.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course covers the general knowledge and skills needed to become a competent legal practitioner. Skills in this course will be further developed throughout the course and on placement. Topics include: negotiation, alternative dispute resolution and advocacy. As part of the advocacy component, you will make submission to, and obtain feedback from, senior members of the legal profession at the District Court. The course is offered in partnership with South Australian practitioners, courts and agencies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 29/04/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 29/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 04/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 26/06/2024"}}]}, "5188": {"id": "jj4Gg6wNziNveLd3jElyX", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "Qhq-7Yzk2dKv1KZ5dI8Go", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 42023, "section": "01OL", "size": 30, "enrolled": 9, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "5189": {"id": "XBK6IlE6NBStNWXSQ3N2d", "course_id": "007772", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "007772", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Dissertation (PG)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "7025", "CLASS_NBR": 15613, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "Students who apply to write a research dissertation will be selected on the basis of their academic records, and where the School can provide appropriate supervision for the research topic proposed.", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "New must have completed at least 9 units of PG Law courses including LAW 7187", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "12000 - 15000 word essay", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5190": {"id": "XBK6IlE6NBStNWXSQ3N2d", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "MMBvTYpT8R2XVbl_S55Dq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15613, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "5191": {"id": "pdB7-CYQmZKfeyY2gWc7D", "course_id": "007772", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "007772", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Dissertation (PG)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "7025", "CLASS_NBR": 25626, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "Students who apply to write a research dissertation will be selected on the basis of their academic records, and where the School can provide appropriate supervision for the research topic proposed.", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "New must have completed at least 9 units of PG Law courses including LAW 7187", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "12000 - 15000 word essay", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5192": {"id": "pdB7-CYQmZKfeyY2gWc7D", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "d-7B9q0ia1sg0IC7Eihqw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25626, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 1, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "5193": {"id": "gFYXUUQbE8Liq1y7jyfVl", "course_id": "001806", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "001806", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "AI and Technology: Legal and Security Issues", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "7042", "CLASS_NBR": 33007, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Students without a Bachelor of Laws must have completed LAW 7177", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Participation, assignments/research paper and/or exam as determined at first seminar", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Advances in technology - such as artificial intelligence and machine learning - are radically altering society. To what extent, however, are legal frameworks keeping pace? This course addresses legal and security issues arising from technological developments, ranging from general principles of international law through to specific laws of war, as well as domestic regulatory issues and resilience-building capacities. Students at the end of the course will have a developed understanding of how existing legal frameworks are being exploited by State and non-State actors to achieve strategic goals, and will understand the strengths and weaknesses of Australia\u2019s federalist structure in responding to them.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "5194": {"id": "gFYXUUQbE8Liq1y7jyfVl", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "oT3PUT0gBPwoLLzcgUf0N", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33007, "section": "SE01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 15, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "11 Jun - 13 Jun", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 505, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Jun - 13 Jun", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 504, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Jun - 13 Jun", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 515, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Jun - 14 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 505, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Jun - 14 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 504, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Jun - 14 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 515, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5195": {"id": "zgQHAVF-qP4KZNnKdz5oa", "course_id": "102589", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102589", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Regulation of Work: Current Issues", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "7061", "CLASS_NBR": 14774, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Students without a Bachelor of Laws must have completed LAW 7177", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Likely to include class discussion and participation, oral presentation and research paper.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course focuses upon the legal regulation of work in the global era. Students will consider the role of the ILO and other supranational institutions involved in labour regulation. In this context, students will also consider themes underpinning debate concerning the meaning of work, the scope and application of labour regulation and the new forms of regulation governing work. The course will draw upon an international and comparative perspective and students will be encouraged to share their own experiences of labour law in their jurisdiction. Topics include precarious work and decent work, migration and labour, trafficking and prostitution, the role of courts and parliament, freedom of expression and work/life boundaries, platform work and the gig economy, human capital and employee mobility and the law regulating dismissal.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5196": {"id": "zgQHAVF-qP4KZNnKdz5oa", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "aC-Ypk0KIW-JfjOF_Bs83", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14774, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 10, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 515, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 505, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5197": {"id": "VP0M2P1k_vueTsYQPMZSw", "course_id": "102607", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102607", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Counter Terrorism and National Security Law", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "7073", "CLASS_NBR": 36079, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Students without a Bachelor of Laws must have completed LAW 7177", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Participation, assignments/research paper and/or exam as determined at first seminar", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course traces the relevant Australian and international laws applicable to counter terrorism (CT) operations conducted by the ADF, addressing the spectrum of CT operations from overseas operations to domestic activities. It analyses intelligence and security legislation and international law, specifically assessing use of force paradigms and evidentiary processes for ADF involvement in CT prosecutions (both offshore and domestically). It briefly addresses oversight mechanisms relevant to these ADF operations. Students will submit an assessment critically analysing one developing legal issue relating to ADF CT operations.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "5198": {"id": "VP0M2P1k_vueTsYQPMZSw", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "sNiFLR6_Qpe5h9Iri9Lmi", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36079, "section": "SE01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 10, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Sep - 23 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 505, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Sep - 23 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 504, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Sep - 23 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 515, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Sep - 26 Sep", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 504, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Sep - 26 Sep", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 505, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Sep - 26 Sep", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 515, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Sep - 27 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 515, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Sep - 27 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 504, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Sep - 27 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 505, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5199": {"id": "cIoVn4bhYCrhrOL0s0cIf", "course_id": "104127", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104127", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Perspectives on Property Law & Society", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "7123", "CLASS_NBR": 20761, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "New students without a Bachelor of Laws must have completed LAW 7177", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "4,000 word paper 40%, exam 40%, class presentation 10%, class participation 10%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Property law, in Australia as elsewhere, lies at the very heart of any society and its legal system. This subject aims to give students an understanding of Australian property law, using South Australian legislation as the example. The first week challenges students to ask 'what is property, how is it justified, and why is it so central to social relationships'? This theoretical background is then explored via a practical consideration of the varieties of property found in the legal system. Whilst the relationship and distinctions between non-property, personal property and real property are examined, the focus of the rest of the course is on the law relating to landholding and land occupation- the definition and boundaries of land, their creation and transfer at general law and mainly now under the Torrens system (including the current reform in South Australia as it and other states move towards electronic conveyancing), and the relationships within the main forms of landholding in Australia, particularly the landlord and tenant relationship. \nThe course will also examine the law in relation to property financing, investment and security; planning and development, valuation, taxation (in outline) and (in outline) safety regulation and sustainability (e.g. energy efficiency, green building design, climate proofing, etc.) Perspectives integrated into the course and exercises will include negotiation and dispute resolution, and indigenous perspectives in relation to native title and development. Guest speakers are expected to be drawn from academics and practitioners in the fields of accounting, taxation and property valuation, as well as planning and commercial lease legal specialists. There will be an opportunity throughout the course, particularly in the research assignment, for comparative work in relation to other jurisdictions, and for students to draw on any interdisciplinary or other experience of the broader subject of Property.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5200": {"id": "cIoVn4bhYCrhrOL0s0cIf", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "QdDm-xzBrV6D5yUwqycKG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20761, "section": "SE01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 15, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "5201": {"id": "2s05wnisA4qckM2D4ww5u", "course_id": "106425", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106425", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Arbitration", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "7155", "CLASS_NBR": 10752, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "To include Participation, Assignment, Arbitration workshop and Final Examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an introduction to domestic commercial arbitration in Australia. Topics include, but are not limited to: the commercial arbitration legislation; an introduction to evidence; establishing the basis for arbitration; introduction to other forms of alternative dispute resolution; arbitrability; opening processes for formal arbitration; pre-hearing processes for formal hearings; conduct of formal arbitration hearings; completing formal arbitration hearings; mediation and other ADR processes; and powers of the courts under relevant legislation. The course consists of structured tutorials and discussion board exercises to be completed each week, in addition to two workshops, one at the beginning (half day) and towards the end of the semester (two days). The second workshop (held on a Friday and Saturday) includes extensive role play and arbitration exercises, and attendance and satisfactory participation is a compulsory part of the course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5202": {"id": "2s05wnisA4qckM2D4ww5u", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "uMiz0N3ZyETQO2tP2VjNz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10752, "section": "SE01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 6, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "The in person workshop will be taught in Sydney. Venue to be advised"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Feb - 24 Feb", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9:30am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "6 Mar - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "1 May - 1 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "17 May - 18 May", "days": "Friday, Saturday", "start_time": "9:30am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "29 May - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "5203": {"id": "MDxkWyMQRlSXHE6PfNT4U", "course_id": "106425", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106425", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Arbitration", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "7155OL", "CLASS_NBR": 14773, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "To include Participation, Assignment, Arbitration workshop and Final Examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an introduction to domestic commercial arbitration in Australia. Topics include, but are not limited to: the commercial arbitration legislation; an introduction to evidence; establishing the basis for arbitration; introduction to other forms of alternative dispute resolution; arbitrability; opening processes for formal arbitration; pre-hearing processes for formal hearings; conduct of formal arbitration hearings; completing formal arbitration hearings; mediation and other ADR processes; and powers of the courts under relevant legislation. The course consists of structured tutorials and discussion board exercises to be completed each week, in addition to two workshops, one at the beginning (half day) and towards the end of the semester (two days). The second workshop (held on a Friday and Saturday) includes extensive role play and arbitration exercises, and attendance and satisfactory participation is a compulsory part of the course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5204": {"id": "MDxkWyMQRlSXHE6PfNT4U", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "5vzhp5RM8ZGJQfAuU2w1M", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14773, "section": "SE01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 13, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Feb - 24 Feb", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9:30am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "6 Mar - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "1 May - 1 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "10 May - 11 May", "days": "Friday, Saturday", "start_time": "9:30am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "29 May - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "5205": {"id": "Q-Gg0dCfbLbxgl5Mw56On", "course_id": "106426", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106426", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Arbitration", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "7156", "CLASS_NBR": 26443, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "LAW 7155", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "To include Participation, Written Assignment, Arbitration workshop and final Examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course builds on Introduction to Arbitration (LAW 7155) and deals with advanced issues in commercial arbitration and dispute determination, including but not limited to: advanced issues under the Commercial Arbitration Act and allied legislation; waiver and estoppel; advanced law of evidence including expert evidence and conclaves; formal hearings and the conduct of arbitrations including witnesses, evidence and legal issues; completion of hearings and awards; writing the award; alternatives to hearings; an introduction to international commercial arbitration; costs and remedies. The Course consists of structured tutorials and discussion board exercises to be completed each week, in addition to two workshops, one at the beginning (half day) and one towards the end of the semester (two days). The second workshop (on a Friday and Saturday) includes extensive role play and arbitration exercises, and attendance and satisfactory participation is a compulsory part of the course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5206": {"id": "Q-Gg0dCfbLbxgl5Mw56On", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "NHda3e70Xvt3NRO8P2iE-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26443, "section": "SE01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 5, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "The in person workshop will be taught in Sydney. Venue to be advised"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "20 Jul - 20 Jul", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9:30am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "31 Jul - 31 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "14 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "28 Aug - 28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "27 Sep - 28 Sep", "days": "Friday, Saturday", "start_time": "9:30am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "23 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "30 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "5207": {"id": "TW4w7DWXUc3_VvISZDB0e", "course_id": "106426", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106426", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Arbitration", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "7156OL", "CLASS_NBR": 24665, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Online", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "LAW 7155", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "To include Participation, Written Assignment, Arbitration workshop and final Examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course builds on Introduction to Arbitration (LAW 7155) and deals with advanced issues in commercial arbitration and dispute determination, including but not limited to: advanced issues under the Commercial Arbitration Act and allied legislation; waiver and estoppel; advanced law of evidence including expert evidence and conclaves; formal hearings and the conduct of arbitrations including witnesses, evidence and legal issues; completion of hearings and awards; writing the award; alternatives to hearings; an introduction to international commercial arbitration; costs and remedies. The Course consists of structured tutorials and discussion board exercises to be completed each week, in addition to two workshops, one at the beginning (half day) and one towards the end of the semester (two days). The second workshop (on a Friday and Saturday) includes extensive role play and arbitration exercises, and attendance and satisfactory participation is a compulsory part of the course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5208": {"id": "TW4w7DWXUc3_VvISZDB0e", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "r4gpd4VIRKpYKmgHfVtJF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24665, "section": "SE01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 11, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "20 Jul - 20 Jul", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9:30am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "31 Jul - 31 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "14 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "28 Aug - 28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "20 Sep - 21 Sep", "days": "Friday, Saturday", "start_time": "9:30am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "23 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "30 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "5209": {"id": "Sp7lSqaSqE8djT0hCBmmI", "course_id": "106841", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106841", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Cyber Security and Cyber Conflict Law", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "7165", "CLASS_NBR": 24666, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090909", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Students without a Bachelor of Laws must have completed LAW 7177", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment in this course will include a combination of two or more of the following: interim written assessment; in-class presentation; assessment of contribution to class discussion; examination (invigilated or take-home); and/or research essay", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course covers the law and policy applicable to cyber security across a broad range of scenarios, including the regulation of cyber assets as critical infrastructure, the criminal law response to organised cybercrime, and the legal implications of cyberspace as a warfighting domain. Course participants will gain an understanding of data privacy rights and obligations at common law and under statute; the national and international regulation of cyber security, including the application of the Security of Critical Infrastructure Act 2018; the law applicable to cyber security implementation and responses to cyber incidents; corporate governance obligations, including director's duties; the national and international criminal law framework applicable to cybercrimes; the investigation of cybercrimes and the role of digital forensics; and the legal regulation of cyber conflict, including the application of the Laws of Armed Conflict (LOAC) and Law on the Use of Force to cyber operations.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5210": {"id": "Sp7lSqaSqE8djT0hCBmmI", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "l4uh7Zr9FNEIb6nELJJfe", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24666, "section": "SE01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 11, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 504, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 515, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 505, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5211": {"id": "0tp1CuW9XaSjdNaApnq8U", "course_id": "107716", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107716", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Australian Law", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "7177", "CLASS_NBR": 10149, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Not Available for Law graduates", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "LAW 7157", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This subject is a foundation subject for law postgraduate subjects taken in the Master of Business Law, Master of Comparative Law, and Master of Property. \nThe subject commences with an introduction to Australian law and its legal system, including:\n- legal system taxonomy, including public and private law, other families of legal systems, including the international legal system and the common law/civil law divide;\n- the historical background and the development of the Australian legal system;\n- the roles of the courts in Australia, court processes and hierarchies in Australia and the operation of the doctrine of precedent;\n- the separation of powers in Australia; and\n- the legislative system in Australia, law making processes and statutory interpretation.\nThrough a consideration of the law of contract, students will be introduced to issues of supremacy of law (legislation vs common law), The following topics will be covered:\n- creation and content of a contract (formation, privity, and terms);\n- performance and discharge of obligations (performance, breach, frustration, variation and discharge by agreement); and\n- remedies (enforcement and compensation)", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5212": {"id": "0tp1CuW9XaSjdNaApnq8U", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "drTXifI1rUii7Ktie05kI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10149, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 13, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 1 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 515, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 1 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 505, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 515, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 505, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 515, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 515, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 505, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5213": {"id": "8O6MB8fY-_6JbWFvlgDJi", "course_id": "107716", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107716", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Australian Law", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "7177", "CLASS_NBR": 20944, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Not Available for Law graduates", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "LAW 7157", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This subject is a foundation subject for law postgraduate subjects taken in the Master of Business Law, Master of Comparative Law, and Master of Property. \nThe subject commences with an introduction to Australian law and its legal system, including:\n- legal system taxonomy, including public and private law, other families of legal systems, including the international legal system and the common law/civil law divide;\n- the historical background and the development of the Australian legal system;\n- the roles of the courts in Australia, court processes and hierarchies in Australia and the operation of the doctrine of precedent;\n- the separation of powers in Australia; and\n- the legislative system in Australia, law making processes and statutory interpretation.\nThrough a consideration of the law of contract, students will be introduced to issues of supremacy of law (legislation vs common law), The following topics will be covered:\n- creation and content of a contract (formation, privity, and terms);\n- performance and discharge of obligations (performance, breach, frustration, variation and discharge by agreement); and\n- remedies (enforcement and compensation)", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5214": {"id": "8O6MB8fY-_6JbWFvlgDJi", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "yCxJbMuHzMLsM8sZdEPe_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20944, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 11, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 26 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 504, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 26 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 505, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Aug - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 504, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Aug - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 505, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Aug - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 504, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Aug - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 505, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 504, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 505, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5215": {"id": "II2SCKQ8KoQdJ9OjK9iMt", "course_id": "109250", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109250", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Law of Naval Warfare", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "7183", "CLASS_NBR": 30080, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Class participation, Short Issues paper and Research Essay", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces students to key issues and controversies in the law of naval warfare, challenging students to consider the application of the law of naval warfare to practical situations, to undertake legal research in this field at a high level, and to critique the operation of the law of naval warfare. Topics to be addressed will include some of: Regions of Operations; Distinction; Precautions in Attack; Vessels Exempt from Attack; Enemy Merchant Vessels and Civil Aircraft; Neutral Merchant Vessels and Civil Aircraft; Means of Warfare; Methods of Warfare; Measures Short of Attack; Protected Persons and Vessels. Assessment will include class participation, a short issues paper, and a research essay.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "5216": {"id": "II2SCKQ8KoQdJ9OjK9iMt", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "7YdOhhjBsH7x8ASOXXWwV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30080, "section": "SE01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 16, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Feb - 23 Feb", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4:30pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 505, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Feb - 23 Feb", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4:30pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 504, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5217": {"id": "ncLHzdsSQ1r8ks7b5BZ7_", "course_id": "109433", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109433", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Defence Contracting Law", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "7184", "CLASS_NBR": 36078, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 24 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online Quiz, Legal Problem and Essay", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course examines relevant law and policy governing contracting with the Department of Defence. Discrete themes covered include the Commonwealth procurement framework as it relates to Defence contracts, consideration of Australian Standard for Defence Contracting (ASDEFCON) suite of tendering and contracting templates and the Commonwealth contracting suite as well as exploration of cardinal clauses included in Defence contracts.. All topics covered in the course consider the nexus between legal doctrine and applicable government policies, foreshadowing a set of 'best-practice' principles.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "5218": {"id": "ncLHzdsSQ1r8ks7b5BZ7_", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "UXiAYO76rT_4ggqfmepMZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36078, "section": "SE01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 19, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "18 Sep - 20 Sep", "days": "Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 505, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Sep - 20 Sep", "days": "Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 504, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5219": {"id": "mzJUBAAZKAMD8yqoQZ0Zc", "course_id": "110149", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110149", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Legal Research and Writing", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "7187", "CLASS_NBR": 95237, "SESSION_CD": "WI1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "LAW 6005", "ASSESSMENT": "Oral Presentation, Research Proposal, Critical analysis of a piece of writing", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is concerned with the craft of scholarly research and writing in the field of law. Topics include the elements, ethics, and everyday life of a major research project; theoretical approaches to the study of law (and how these shape a project); techniques of reading and writing; the practice of giving and receiving feedback; and the purposes and politics of the university and an (inter)disciplinary training in law. The course is assessed through the development and peer review of a research proposal.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 08/07/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 10/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 01/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "5220": {"id": "mzJUBAAZKAMD8yqoQZ0Zc", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "p71foEpp8EbGwEugEVpiP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95237, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 5, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Jul - 10 Jul", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday", "start_time": "9:30am", "end_time": "4:30pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 505, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 Jul - 18 Jul", "days": "Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9:30am", "end_time": "4:30pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 505, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5221": {"id": "Mmog_vcYKcergCTgxNSjK", "course_id": "110340", "term": "4448", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110340", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4448", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "Commercial Space Law", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "7190", "CLASS_NBR": 46002, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Class participation, short issues paper and research essay", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course surveys the legal and policy issues associated with the commercial space industry. It gives an overview of applicable international treaties and the requirements imposed on States in relation to private commercial actors. It examines domestic Australian space law and draws comparisons with the law in other jurisdictions. Specific areas covered include launches and returns, responsibility and liability, artificial satellites, debris mitigation, space traffic management, spectrum allocation, off-Earth resource utilisation and space assets as critical infrastructure. The course also looks at commercial law issues such as contracting, trade law and dispute resolution. There will be a focus on understanding the law in the context of current and emerging industry trends, with expert presenters drawn from the commercial space sector, regulatory agencies, legal practice and academia.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 14/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 14/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 19/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 11/12/2024"}}]}, "5222": {"id": "Mmog_vcYKcergCTgxNSjK", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "2Ei77NJE9QpIB-gsU86hu", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46002, "section": "SE01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 15, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "14 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 504, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 515, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 505, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5223": {"id": "CnnnHwzO883EYraZLkYUS", "course_id": "110964", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110964", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Law Research Project", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "7194", "CLASS_NBR": 16242, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In Law Research Project, students will undertake research leading to the production of a 6,000 word research project report on a topic relating to a postgraduate law course they have completed. This course offers students the opportunity to build upon the learning undertaken in other postgraduate law courses by exploring an area of law at a higher level and in greater depth. Admission to this course will be by application.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5224": {"id": "CnnnHwzO883EYraZLkYUS", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "CzUBfVsHUmlfa_onjpm9v", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16242, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 3, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "5225": {"id": "8dC_77GH5LLWe1gLD1mLM", "course_id": "110964", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110964", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Law Research Project", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "7194", "CLASS_NBR": 26254, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In Law Research Project, students will undertake research leading to the production of a 6,000 word research project report on a topic relating to a postgraduate law course they have completed. This course offers students the opportunity to build upon the learning undertaken in other postgraduate law courses by exploring an area of law at a higher level and in greater depth. Admission to this course will be by application.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5226": {"id": "8dC_77GH5LLWe1gLD1mLM", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "yDI8Cc2kp1rGsvH4ChXZd", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26254, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 4, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "5227": {"id": "351OAvzW_ecDyFBwR_JZc", "course_id": "110964", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110964", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Law Research Project", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "7194", "CLASS_NBR": 36329, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In Law Research Project, students will undertake research leading to the production of a 6,000 word research project report on a topic relating to a postgraduate law course they have completed. This course offers students the opportunity to build upon the learning undertaken in other postgraduate law courses by exploring an area of law at a higher level and in greater depth. Admission to this course will be by application.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "5228": {"id": "351OAvzW_ecDyFBwR_JZc", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "Ic9-TxKelNvm0x78xCoYK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36329, "section": "01NT", "size": 5, "enrolled": 4, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "5229": {"id": "N6n5ITiQrDbJ19UyQGUl-", "course_id": "111389", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111389", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Nuclear Regulatory Law", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "7198", "CLASS_NBR": 95065, "SESSION_CD": "WI1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Students without a Bachelor of Laws or Juris Doctor must have completed LAW 7177, or seek a waiver of prerequisite based on previous study or experience.", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course will examine both international legal and domestic legal regulation relating to nuclear energy. There will be an introductory session on the science and engineering dimensions of nuclear energy so as to contextualise the legal framework. Particular focus upon the law relating to nuclear safety, safeguards and security will be undertaken with a close examination of relevant nuclear treaties, cases and case studies. Domestic law implementation of these treaties will be also be closely examined with particular attention paid to the domestic regulatory legal framework and its policy underpinnings and requirements. Special attention will be given the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and its composition, mandate and authority. Given the Defence focus of the course, there will also be close examination of the AUKUS arrangements and consideration given to the command and capabilities of nuclear powered submarines. Additional topics will include consideration of nuclear energy and human health and impacts upon the environment, nuclear trade, nuclear accidents and liability, nuclear waste management, relevant codes of practice, and finally, the role of South Australia (and applicable state law) in the nuclear fuel cycle.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 08/07/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 10/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 01/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "5230": {"id": "N6n5ITiQrDbJ19UyQGUl-", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "QODrnizvn4ta58IbxSgVH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95065, "section": "SE01", "size": 28, "enrolled": 28, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Jul - 5 Jul", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "5231": {"id": "Z_9edTrnw9ZY2nPcI4mov", "course_id": "111027", "term": "4444", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111027", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4444", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Military Administrative Law", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "7301", "CLASS_NBR": 42005, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Intensive (total 54 hours)", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Enrolment in this course is restricted to persons nominated by the Commonwealth.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quiz, Case note, Command Brief, Presentation and Essay", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Enrolment in this course is restricted to persons nominated by the Commonwealth.\nThis course examines advanced aspects of military administrative law, including:\n- processes for the making and review of military administrative decisions\n- the manner in which administrative law principles apply in the military environment\n- principles underpinning the constitution of, terms of reference of, and conduct of administrative inquiries\n- policy and management issues concerning the design, practice and impact of administrative law processes within the ADF\n- the manner in which broader regulatory regimes (which may include privacy, work health and safety, human rights etc) apply to the ADF.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 29/04/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 29/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 04/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 26/06/2024"}}]}, "5232": {"id": "Z_9edTrnw9ZY2nPcI4mov", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "GeHyjLLerP-fOMG4emF7b", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 42005, "section": "SE01", "size": 0, "enrolled": 17, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Apr - 3 May", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 505, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 3 May", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 504, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5233": {"id": "tRgoVA4Y8BmyiGNpa-R4h", "course_id": "111028", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111028", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Military Discipline Law", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "7302", "CLASS_NBR": 24667, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Intensive (total 54 hours)", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Enrolment in this course is restricted to persons nominated by the Commonwealth.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quiz, Case note, Command Brief, Presentation and Essay", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Enrolment in this course is restricted to persons nominated by the Commonwealth.\nThis course examines advanced aspects of military discipline law, including:\n- the purpose and operation of the military discipline system under the Defence Force Discipline Act 1982 (Cth)\n- the role and administration of the judicial aspect of the ADF discipline system\n- legal and policy issues regarding the scope of jurisdiction of the discipline system\n- the appeals and review process for Defence Force Discipline Act proceedings\n- the specialised investigative and evidentiary issues and developments relevant to the ADF discipline system\n- areas of potential future reform of the ADF discipline system.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5234": {"id": "tRgoVA4Y8BmyiGNpa-R4h", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "sLdgzuNB9r6GJZLAnYMwz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24667, "section": "SE01", "size": 0, "enrolled": 15, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "12 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4:30pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 505, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4:30pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 504, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5235": {"id": "CbutjX45F84Sr4Wj2Wqes", "course_id": "111026", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111026", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Military Operations Law", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LAW", "CATALOG_NBR": "7303", "CLASS_NBR": 14776, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Intensive (total 36 hours)", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Enrolment in this course is restricted to persons nominated by the Commonwealth", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quiz, Short-answer take-home exam, Essay", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Enrolment in this course is restricted to persons nominated by the Commonwealth. This course offers students the capacity to understand and apply:\n- the ADF Rules of Engagement process at the strategic level and its relationship to the strategic planning process\n- the processes and framework for Australia's international engagement as relevant to the Defence Force\n- the process and Constitutional law principles and issues of the Defence Aid to Civil Community and Defence Force Aid to the Civil Power regime at the strategic level including State/Territory Federal relationships, consultative mechanisms and the role of the CDF\n- the higher level application of international law effecting the general obligations of the State as relevant to the ADF and the overall strategic management of ADF operations\n- the treaty ratification process including in particular the ADF role and the formulation of National Impact Assessments\n- higher level United Nations processes and law\n- ethical and doctrinal concepts and their relationship to applicable law \n- the international Status of Forces Agreement process and practice, including jurisdictional issues, and cross servicing arrangements.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5236": {"id": "CbutjX45F84Sr4Wj2Wqes", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "HRwukwv0XfwCW8Lgz3ETh", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14776, "section": "SE01", "size": 0, "enrolled": 16, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4:30pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 505, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4:30pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 504, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5237": {"subject": "LING", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "110865", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "004435", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "004439", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105436", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109219", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104550", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110867", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108120", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108123", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108163", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108307", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109129", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109129", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110869", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107225", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107711", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107714", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110863", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110863", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111231", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111257", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}]}}, "5238": {"id": "xLe5fJyivJEoU2RotmCPI", "course_id": "110865", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110865", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Australian Indigenous Languages (Kaurna focus) I", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LING", "CATALOG_NBR": "1053", "CLASS_NBR": 15432, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091517", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "LING 2053, LING 2053, LING 7053, (LING 2039 or LING 3015), (LING 2014 or LING 3013) (One is allowed)", "ASSESSMENT": "Spelling & Pronunciation Quiz, Constructing a Kaurna Text, Research Essay, Class activities", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an introduction to the Indigenous languages of Australia with a particular focus on Kaurna, the language of the Adelaide Plains. Australia has arguably suffered the worst rate of language loss and extinction in the world with now only 12 of the original 250 to 300 languages being transmitted by natural means to the next generation. Kaurna is one of the few Indigenous languages which is reversing the trends and making a remarkable comeback. While focussing on the Kaurna language, the course covers a wide range of topics essential to understand Australian Indigenous languages, not only linguistically, but also culturally and sociologically. The sounds and spelling systems are introduced and their structure explored with a view to uncovering something of their genius and unique contribution to the rich tapestry of the world's languages. The interplay between linguistic and cultural meanings of Kaurna greetings, kinship and emotions will be explained in detail. In addition, the course will look at the use of Indigenous languages in the public sphere of Australian society, including education, law and health, making the course highly relevant to students who aim to gain highly specialised skills to work in such fields.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5239": {"id": "xLe5fJyivJEoU2RotmCPI", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "W_XWT7zanv4NVBXjGpLwJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15432, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 13, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "-Ns4EtNeptBfywHyqyXzm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15045, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 13, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5240": {"id": "snVoy_dw08n_gtefnWkf2", "course_id": "004435", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "004435", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "The Wonder of Language: an intro to Linguistics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LING", "CATALOG_NBR": "1101", "CLASS_NBR": 10209, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091521", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "4 x Practicals 15% each, Test 30%, Participation engagement (reflection journal) 10%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Language makes us human. Language allows humans to accumulate knowledge and transmit knowledge from one generation to the next and to communicate from one part of the world to the other. Language enables us to think, to analyse and to reflect. Different languages allow us to view the world in different ways. Language is much more than communication. \n\nLinguistics is the study of human language, its nature, its origins and its uses. This course will give students an overview of the field of modern linguistics and basic skills in linguistic analysis. The Wonder of Language develops understandings of the various subsystems of language including phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics and the lexicon. It also investigates how languages are learned and how they change over time. As language is involved in a large number of human activities, linguistics contributes to many other fields of inquiry, including anthropology, psychology, philosophy, law and the natural sciences.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5241": {"id": "snVoy_dw08n_gtefnWkf2", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Ln7Iyz_yiy9il-xFwpRMJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10618, "section": "LE01", "size": 119, "enrolled": 87, "available": 32, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "u7TgTrHlFGLDXpVOhLD5a", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10209, "section": "TU04", "size": 30, "enrolled": 22, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10619, "section": "TU03", "size": 22, "enrolled": 18, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10620, "section": "TU01", "size": 22, "enrolled": 20, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14429, "section": "TU02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 27, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5242": {"id": "6HUTt9PjV_tP_Ihp3b1Ln", "course_id": "004439", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "004439", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Language in Culture and Society", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LING", "CATALOG_NBR": "1102", "CLASS_NBR": 20068, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091521", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Practical task 20%, oral presentation 20%, essay 50%, reflective journal 10%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course looks at the use of language in society and its relationship to the culture(s) of its speakers. Students are introduced to the broad fields of socio-linguistics and anthropological linguistics. The course studies language variation across regions, ethnicity, social class, gender, age, religion, level of education etc. The course also looks at language as a window into the culture of its speakers, thus serving as a useful tool for anthropologists in coming to understand cultural institutions and the world-view of speakers. A major focus will be on how different languages and language varieties co-exist, complement or replace other languages and language varieties or even result in new languages.\nThe course will be activity-based and will encourage students to observe language as it is used around them. They may be required to collect and analyse authentic language data in use within the community.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5243": {"id": "6HUTt9PjV_tP_Ihp3b1Ln", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "_XPuSmSaKrtSIjqP6FfUv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24102, "section": "LE01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 68, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "CBeqg22ahQVyv7QDd45SA", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20068, "section": "TU04", "size": 30, "enrolled": 27, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 29 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24103, "section": "TU02", "size": 22, "enrolled": 18, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24104, "section": "TU01", "size": 37, "enrolled": 23, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5244": {"id": "66faRlZ9K_9hhEzrGkpxC", "course_id": "105436", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105436", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Australian Indigenous Languages", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LING", "CATALOG_NBR": "2014", "CLASS_NBR": 92104, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091517", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 15 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 12 units of Level I undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "LING 2009 and 3009", "ASSESSMENT": "Essay/practical investigation (25%), linguistic problems (50%), test (25%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "There were 250 or more Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages spoken in Australia at the time of first contact with Europeans. Now, according to the latest National Indigenous Languages Survey (NILS II), only 13 of these languages are transmitted by normal means from one generation to the next. Australia has arguably the worst rate of language loss in the world. These languages are Australia's unique and complex linguistic heritage, which at times challenge established linguistic doctrines and provide interesting lenses through which to view and categorise the world. This course will provide an introduction to Australia's Indigenous languages (including Aboriginal English varieties, koines and creoles), with a particular focus on the Indigenous languages of South Australia. It will investigate structural features of Australian languages (for example, sounds, spellings, vocabularies, grammars, semantics) as well as their place within Australian society. Particular emphasis will be given to attempts to maintain and revive Australia's unique linguistic heritage and the linguistic tools needed for language work. The course will also investigate a range of topics of social importance including interpreting and translation, language and the law, language and health, language and education, language and identity which are at the heart of Indigenous rights and the very survival of Indigenous peoples. Students will gain an awareness of Australia's Indigenous linguistic heritage, whilst at the same time extending and consolidating their understanding of linguistics, linguistic analysis and the tools it provides for language work.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 09/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "5245": {"id": "66faRlZ9K_9hhEzrGkpxC", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "g5CBT0w1n0I_wdY_y6XrG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92104, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 9, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jan - 7 Feb", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "qZ4S8bNhb6EGWfSKmiO7H", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92107, "section": "LE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 9, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jan - 7 Feb", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "5246": {"id": "d1theO8sKp9gt5rNTp-JX", "course_id": "109219", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109219", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Morphology and Syntax", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LING", "CATALOG_NBR": "2015", "CLASS_NBR": 10518, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091521", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours a week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 12 units of Level I undergraduate study including LING 1101", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Practical 1, 20%, Practical 2, 20%, Practical 3, 20%, Practical 4, 20%, Exam (1.5 hours) 20%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Morphology deals with the internal structure of words and their meaningful parts. Syntax is concerned with sentence structure - how words are combined together to form phrases, phrases combined together to form larger phrases, clauses and sentences, and how clauses are combined together to form complex sentences. Together, morphology and syntax comprise the core of the grammar of a language. Since grammar is no longer a major focus in schools, most students have little understanding of even the most basic notions such as being able to identify parts of speech, or understanding how large constructions are composed out of smaller units. Being able to identify constituents and agreement constraints will help students to improve and correct their academic writing. The course will be practical in focus and will teach students essential skills for the linguistic description and analysis of a language. Along with Phonology, this course is essential for all linguistics students and language teachers (English or otherwise).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5247": {"id": "d1theO8sKp9gt5rNTp-JX", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "cxzp2zUZyvAdda2fohhWj", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10517, "section": "LE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 15, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "i2j_vDb0zw9iOesUkqMlN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10518, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 15, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5248": {"id": "sFCl5ScQqgTf3d1ysLsZy", "course_id": "104550", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104550", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Cross Cultural Communication", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LING", "CATALOG_NBR": "2038", "CLASS_NBR": 20069, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091521", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 12 units of Level I undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "2 x 1000 words or equivalent practical assignments, 2500 word essay or equivalent report", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Misunderstandings often arise when speakers of different languages, or indeed speakers of the same language communicate. Some misunderstandings are easily identified and rectified or may be of little consequences. At other times there can be a complete breakdown in communication. Serious miscommunication can even result when neither party is aware that there is any problem. Both parties may think that the other is understanding perfectly what they are saying, though a major misunderstanding is unfolding resulting in misdiagnosis, mistreatment, gross injustice, financial penalty or the like.\n\nThe course seeks to identify and make explicit sources of misunderstanding through practical investigation of interactions in a range of contexts. It will specifically address the use of interpreters, the role of dialectal differences and different cultural scripts (including subcultures within the same language group). Practical means of identifying and minimising misunderstandings will be promoted.\n\nThis course will be of interest to a wide range of students, including students of Linguistics, Medicine, Nursing and other health professions, Law, Media, Education, Social Work, languages etc.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5249": {"id": "sFCl5ScQqgTf3d1ysLsZy", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "c5PghgjuOTWMXMIiepfAI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20560, "section": "LE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 50, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 1 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "ueAdVI1vxr-wIzkaNw2Kj", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20069, "section": "TU03", "size": 35, "enrolled": 33, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 29 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20561, "section": "TU01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 17, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5250": {"id": "p-qaupbMrWaZ-K97oHe3L", "course_id": "110867", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110867", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Australian Indigenous Languages (Kaurna focus) II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LING", "CATALOG_NBR": "2053", "CLASS_NBR": 13725, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091517", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "LING 1053, LING 3053, LING 7053, LING 2039 or LING 3015 and LING 2014 or LING 3013", "ASSESSMENT": "Spelling & Pronunciation Quiz, Constructing a Kaurna Text, Research Essay, Class activities", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an introduction to the Indigenous languages of Australia with a particular focus on Kaurna, the language of the Adelaide Plains. Australia has arguably suffered the worst rate of language loss and extinction in the world with now only 12 of the original 250 to 300 languages being transmitted by natural means to the next generation. Kaurna is one of the few Indigenous languages which is reversing the trends and making a remarkable comeback. While focussing on the Kaurna language, the course covers a wide range of topics essential to understand Australian Indigenous languages, not only linguistically, but also culturally and sociologically. The sounds and spelling systems are introduced and their structure explored with a view to uncovering something of their genius and unique contribution to the rich tapestry of the world's languages. The interplay between linguistic and cultural meanings of Kaurna greetings, kinship and emotions will be explained in detail. In addition, the course will look at the use of Indigenous languages in the public sphere of Australian society, including education, law and health, making the course highly relevant to students who aim to gain highly specialised skills to work in such fields.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5251": {"id": "p-qaupbMrWaZ-K97oHe3L", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "knO1QtpdYaswW0jIGB_JZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13725, "section": "TU01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 3, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "BwWCjtjpPKn5KzFp6-MhC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13724, "section": "SE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 3, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5252": {"id": "WMn87AgD1-YB1KCiL4ubH", "course_id": "108120", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108120", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Australian Indigenous Languages", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LING", "CATALOG_NBR": "3013", "CLASS_NBR": 92105, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091517", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 15 hours per week over 3 weeks", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 6 units of Level II undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "LING 2014", "ASSESSMENT": "2 x Practical investigation 25% each, essay (2500 word) 30%, tutorial presentation and participation (1000 word) 20%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "There were 250 or more Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages spoken in Australia at the time of first contact with Europeans. Now, according to the latest National Indigenous Languages Survey (NILS II), only 13 of these languages are transmitted by normal means from one generation to the next. Australia has arguably the worst rate of language loss in the world. These languages are Australia's unique and complex linguistic heritage, which at times challenge established linguistic doctrines and provide interesting lenses through which to view and categorise the world. This course will provide an introduction to Australia's Indigenous languages (including Aboriginal English varieties, koines and creoles), with a particular focus on the Indigenous languages of South Australia. It will investigate structural features of Australian languages (for example, sounds, spellings, vocabularies, grammars, semantics) as well as their place within Australian society. Particular emphasis will be given to attempts to maintain and revive Australia's unique linguistic heritage and the linguistic tools needed for language work. The course will also investigate a range of topics of social importance including interpreting and translation, language and the law, language and health, language and education, language and identity which are at the heart of Indigenous rights and the very survival of Indigenous peoples. Students will gain an awareness of Australia's Indigenous linguistic heritage, whilst at the same time extending and consolidating their understanding of linguistics, linguistic analysis and the tools it provides for language work.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 09/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "5253": {"id": "WMn87AgD1-YB1KCiL4ubH", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "5rqdpK8Np9HqsgTapahpa", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92105, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 5, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jan - 7 Feb", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "RwmIbPWMa8c3smhIZtmTQ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92108, "section": "LE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 5, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jan - 7 Feb", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "5254": {"id": "AiYcxZdY_sUARXV6_A7DG", "course_id": "108123", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108123", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Morphology and Syntax", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LING", "CATALOG_NBR": "3016", "CLASS_NBR": 10522, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091521", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 6 units of Level II undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "LING 2046", "ASSESSMENT": "3 x Data analysis task 18% each, Plan for research report (300 word) 10%, Research report (1500-2000 word) 36%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Morphology deals with the internal structure of words and their meaningful parts. Syntax is concerned with sentence structure \u2013 how words are combined together to form phrases, phrases combined together to form larger phrases, clauses and sentences, and how clauses are combined together to form complex sentences. Together, morphology and syntax comprise the core of the grammar of a language. Since grammar is no longer a major focus in schools, most students have little understanding of even the most basic notions such as being able to identify parts of speech, or understanding how large constructions are composed out of smaller units. Being able to identify constituents and agreement constraints will help students to improve and correct their academic writing. The course will be practical in focus and will teach students essential skills for the linguistic description and analysis of a language. Along with Phonology, this course is essential for all linguistics students and language teachers (English or otherwise).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5255": {"id": "AiYcxZdY_sUARXV6_A7DG", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "e5I4FItzEI-luh80pgOpq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10520, "section": "LE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 18, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "EH-98D5UZNX7S9_ZlyGZm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10522, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 18, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5256": {"id": "UOarHByvXveCUXLhOm18u", "course_id": "108163", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108163", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Revivalistics, Cross-fertilization & Wellbeing", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LING", "CATALOG_NBR": "3017", "CLASS_NBR": 10515, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091517", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 6 units of Level II undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "LING 2050", "ASSESSMENT": "Mid-point assignment (1000 word) 20%, Tutorial oral presentation 25%, Post-presentation paper (3500 word) 45%, Attendance & contribution 10%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course explores Revivalistics, a new trans-disciplinary field of enquiry surrounding language reclamation, revitalization and reinvigoration. It studies comparatively and systematically the universal constraints and global mechanisms on the one hand, and local peculiarities and idiosyncrasies on the other hand, apparent in revival attempts across various sociological backgrounds, all over the world. \nA branch of both linguistics and applied linguistics, Revival Linguistics combines scientific studies of native language acquisition and foreign language learning: Language reclamation is the most extreme case of second language learning. \n\nLinguicide (language killing) and glottophagy (language eating) have made Australia an Unlucky Country. With globalization, homogenization and coca-colonization there are more and more groups around the world added to the forlorn club of the lost-heritage peoples. Language revival is becoming increasingly relevant as people seek to recover their cultural autonomy, empower their spiritual and intellectual sovereignty, and improve their well-being. The course analyses the ethical, aesthetic and utilitarian benefits of language revival, e.g. historical justice, diversity and employability respectively. \nRevival Linguistics complements the established field of documentary linguistics, which records endangered languages before they fall asleep. It revises the fields of grammaticography (writing grammars) and lexicography (writing dictionaries): Grammars and dictionaries ought to be written for language reclamation, i.e. in a user-friendly way, for communities, not only for linguists, as well as employing a user-friendly spelling. \nFor linguists, the first stage of any language revival must involve a long period of observation and careful listening while learning, mapping and characterizing the specific needs, desires and potentials of an indigenous or minority or culturally endangered community. Only then can one inspire and assist. That said, there are linguistic constraints applicable to all revival attempts. Mastering them would help revivalists and First Nations leaders to work more efficiently.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5257": {"id": "UOarHByvXveCUXLhOm18u", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "pJizllimWEE_jYypdrX7R", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10514, "section": "LE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 23, "available": 37, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "YsUJ_UQil6TrNb1oI_HG4", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10515, "section": "TU02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 16, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10516, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 7, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5258": {"id": "F--xvvIWT4r-aDeJGpLUk", "course_id": "108307", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108307", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Perspectives on Language Variation & Change", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LING", "CATALOG_NBR": "3020", "CLASS_NBR": 24105, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091521", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week face-to-face + up to 6 on-line activity (MOOCS)", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to students undertaking a Linguistics Major only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 15 units of Linguistics Major courses", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "LING 1101, LING 1102", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Linguistic practical (eg comparative method or text analysis) 20%, Oral presentation 20%, Research report 60%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is the capstone course for the Linguistics Major. All languages vary internally in accordance with a range of parameters including the gender, age, social class, occupation, origins etc. of their speakers. Most languages have distinct regional and social varieties. They also vary according to the contexts in which they are used and the purposes for which they are employed. All living languages constantly change over time in response to innovations introduced by younger generations, technological change or contact with other languages or with other varieties of the same language. Drawing on descriptive and analytic skills developed during their undergraduate study of linguistics, students will undertake independent study of language variation and change, assembling their own body of data either through archival, library, internet research or field research.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5259": {"id": "F--xvvIWT4r-aDeJGpLUk", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "LJPNR6JZhj19d4HLeeHHr", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24105, "section": "SE01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 23, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "GR1hMnxiLpTOEwMyNRK25", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26505, "section": "LEC0", "size": 70, "enrolled": 23, "available": 47, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "5260": {"id": "fjN5TiVewC9x6EWRqk5QB", "course_id": "109129", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109129", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Directed Study III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LING", "CATALOG_NBR": "3036", "CLASS_NBR": 16114, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091500", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week arranged across the Semester", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Approval to be sought from Head of Linguistics prior to enrolment", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "LING 2051", "ASSESSMENT": "Study Proposal 25%, Draft Report 25%, Final Report 50%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Directed Study provides the opportunity for students to undertake a specific project in their linguistic program. Often this will be an individual project which is supervised in a one-to-one way by a staff member. The specific study is discussed with a staff member and the staff member offers guidance and support as the project develops. Meetings between the student and the staff member are periodic and at the request of the student or the staff member. The staff member may set semester milestones and timelines for the student to meet as part of the course. \nIn another scenario a student or group of students may engage with the course content of a masters level course, whilst enrolled in the Directed Study course. The course coordinator will accept the student as auditing the course and the supervisor of the student will adjust the assignment tasks and demands to the level of the appropriate undergraduate level. A Linguistics staff member will take responsibility for the assessment component of the course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5261": {"id": "fjN5TiVewC9x6EWRqk5QB", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "sHkVH8seHuenMSVSic4hN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16114, "section": "01NT", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "5262": {"id": "pFfppdIfM3djtw1mz8M2D", "course_id": "109129", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109129", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Directed Study III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LING", "CATALOG_NBR": "3036", "CLASS_NBR": 26115, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091500", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week arranged across the Semester", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Approval to be sought from Head of Linguistics prior to enrolment", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "LING 2051", "ASSESSMENT": "Study Proposal 25%, Draft Report 25%, Final Report 50%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Directed Study provides the opportunity for students to undertake a specific project in their linguistic program. Often this will be an individual project which is supervised in a one-to-one way by a staff member. The specific study is discussed with a staff member and the staff member offers guidance and support as the project develops. Meetings between the student and the staff member are periodic and at the request of the student or the staff member. The staff member may set semester milestones and timelines for the student to meet as part of the course. \nIn another scenario a student or group of students may engage with the course content of a masters level course, whilst enrolled in the Directed Study course. The course coordinator will accept the student as auditing the course and the supervisor of the student will adjust the assignment tasks and demands to the level of the appropriate undergraduate level. A Linguistics staff member will take responsibility for the assessment component of the course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5263": {"id": "pFfppdIfM3djtw1mz8M2D", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "PKQNMFGDfEEvCQd0rZ6qN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26115, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 5, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "5264": {"id": "oLuKG7ux_snw5NRXem2zg", "course_id": "110869", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110869", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Australian Indigenous Languages (Kaurna focus) III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LING", "CATALOG_NBR": "3053", "CLASS_NBR": 13727, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091517", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "LING 1053, LING 2053, LING 7053, (LING 2039 or LING 3015), (LING 2014 or LING 3013) (One is allowed)", "ASSESSMENT": "Spelling & Pronunciation Quiz, Constructing a Kaurna Text, Research Essay, Class activities", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an introduction to the Indigenous languages of Australia with a particular focus on Kaurna, the language of the Adelaide Plains. Australia has arguably suffered the worst rate of language loss and extinction in the world with now only 12 of the original 250 to 300 languages being transmitted by natural means to the next generation. Kaurna is one of the few Indigenous languages which is reversing the trends and making a remarkable comeback. While focussing on the Kaurna language, the course covers a wide range of topics essential to understand Australian Indigenous languages, not only linguistically, but also culturally and sociologically. The sounds and spelling systems are introduced and their structure explored with a view to uncovering something of their genius and unique contribution to the rich tapestry of the world's languages. The interplay between linguistic and cultural meanings of Kaurna greetings, kinship and emotions will be explained in detail. In addition, the course will look at the use of Indigenous languages in the public sphere of Australian society, including education, law and health, making the course highly relevant to students who aim to gain highly specialised skills to work in such fields.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5265": {"id": "oLuKG7ux_snw5NRXem2zg", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "6DLf1nRPZTuTeds4Vrq4V", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13726, "section": "SE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 7, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "BG4v7ZhTL0BgRgkHxVaWS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13727, "section": "TU01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 7, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5266": {"id": "Tq4nyqfwAYYoTYjybEjdF", "course_id": "107225", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107225", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Linguistics Research Methods", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LING", "CATALOG_NBR": "4009", "CLASS_NBR": 12138, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091500", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Completed degree (72 units) including 24 units Linguistics Major", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "1500 word individual presentation (25%), 3000 word literature review (30%), 3000 word draft research proposal (45%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces students to the range of research tools which are currently used in studies within the field of linguistics. The focus of the course is on the theoretical and empirical investigation of real-world problems in which language is central. Research is defined as a process of scientific investigation with the aim to create new knowledge. The process of research involves defining problems or issues which it may be useful to investigate more deeply or from an additional perspective or by using innovative resources. It involves collecting, organising, analysing and interpreting data, with the aim to contribute to an existing stock of knowledge. As part of the process of working with data students will be introduced to the broad field of research, differentiating between primary research, secondary research and the research paradigms of quantitative research and qualitative research. The course also introduces specific methodologies including observation, questionnaire, interview, focus group, ethnographic study, conversational analysis, text analysis and discourse analysis, all of which are currently used within Linguistics.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5267": {"id": "Tq4nyqfwAYYoTYjybEjdF", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "Ffek3v6aCoCYnnJc-1bXi", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12138, "section": "SE01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 0, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG19, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG19, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5268": {"id": "fmc4GF9XWH4phSS_LGhjC", "course_id": "107711", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107711", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Linguistics Thesis A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LING", "CATALOG_NBR": "4010A", "CLASS_NBR": 15870, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091500", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "1 hour per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Completed degree (72 units) including 24 units Linguistics Major", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "15,000 word thesis (100%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course is designed to prepare the student for independent research. This project of 15,000 words is based on extensive in primary and secondary sources materials. It involves the development of a sustained argument around a specific topic. That topic will be one of the students own choice, but is subject to approval by the Honours Coordinator and Supervisor.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "5269": {"id": "fmc4GF9XWH4phSS_LGhjC", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "wm1YEngqTFJhLvlFviMv3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15870, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "5270": {"id": "hryHV6Krs0vdy8fMe3RSK", "course_id": "107714", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107714", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Linguistics Thesis B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LING", "CATALOG_NBR": "4010B", "CLASS_NBR": 25879, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091500", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "1 hour per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Completed degree (72 units) including 24 units Linguistics Major", "PRE_REQUISITE": "LING 4010A", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "15,000 word thesis (100%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course is designed to prepare the student for independent research. This project of 15,000 words is based on extensive in primary and secondary sources materials. It involves the development of a sustained argument around a specific topic. That topic will be one of the students own choice, but is subject to approval by the Honours Coordinator and Supervisor.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5271": {"id": "hryHV6Krs0vdy8fMe3RSK", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "TKggtYJwEnKQw_EsD1DUG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25879, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "5272": {"id": "799s4M7w5-8KgIxqbw4UW", "course_id": "110863", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110863", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Linguistics Special Topic", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LING", "CATALOG_NBR": "4013", "CLASS_NBR": 16238, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091521", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the Honours program in Linguistics", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Total Assessment 6,000 words", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to give students an in-depth knowledge of specific fields associated with his/her research topic, usually by participating in an undergraduate course not previously taken, but with Honours-specific workload. The content will vary each year according to the availability of staff and the needs and interests of individual students, and will be subject to the approval of the Honours coordinator.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5273": {"id": "799s4M7w5-8KgIxqbw4UW", "class_list": [{"association_group": "", "groups": []}]}, "5274": {"id": "Ax1v_I7WZ-V1i9eA5cy83", "course_id": "110863", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110863", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Linguistics Special Topic", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LING", "CATALOG_NBR": "4013", "CLASS_NBR": 26252, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091521", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the Honours program in Linguistics", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Total Assessment 6,000 words", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to give students an in-depth knowledge of specific fields associated with his/her research topic, usually by participating in an undergraduate course not previously taken, but with Honours-specific workload. The content will vary each year according to the availability of staff and the needs and interests of individual students, and will be subject to the approval of the Honours coordinator.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5275": {"id": "Ax1v_I7WZ-V1i9eA5cy83", "class_list": [{"association_group": "", "groups": []}]}, "5276": {"id": "WwW3IqXJ1nmVuLp_EmsfW", "course_id": "111231", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111231", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Linguistic Thesis", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LING", "CATALOG_NBR": "4014", "CLASS_NBR": 26300, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091500", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Unpublished Course - Contact Not Available", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "", "QUOTA_TXT": "quota NA", "RESTRICTION": "", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Unpublished Course - No eligibility Req", "PRE_REQUISITE": "prereq NA", "CO_REQUISITE": "coreq NA", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "assume NA", "INCOMPATIBLE": "restriction NA", "ASSESSMENT": "Unpublished Course - NA", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "biennial NA", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "", "SYLLABUS": "The course is designed to prepare the student for independent research. This project of 15,000 words is based on extensive in primary and secondary sources materials. It involves the development of a sustained argument around a specific topic. That topic will be one of the student's own choice, but is subject to approval by the Honours Coordinator and Supervisor.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5277": {"id": "WwW3IqXJ1nmVuLp_EmsfW", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "cWxU3KPr9bs7R82stPLNw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26300, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "5278": {"id": "wXeeY3XEpuY8HtQ8bxQGv", "course_id": "111257", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111257", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Australian Indigenous Languages (Kaurna focus)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "LING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7504", "CLASS_NBR": 13729, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091517", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "LING 1053, LING 2053, LING 3053, LING 2039 or LING 3015 and LING 2014 or LING 3013", "ASSESSMENT": "Spelling & Pronunciation Quiz, Constructing a Kaurna Text, Research Essay, Class activities", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an introduction to the Indigenous languages of Australia with a particular focus on Kaurna, the language of the Adelaide Plains. Australia has arguably suffered the worst rate of language loss and extinction in the world with now only 12 of the original 250 to 300 languages being transmitted by natural means to the next generation. Kaurna is one of the few Indigenous languages which is reversing the trends and making a remarkable comeback. While focusing on the Kaurna language, the course covers a wide range of topics essential to understand Australian Indigenous languages, not only linguistically, but also culturally and sociologically. The sounds and spelling systems are introduced and their structure explored with a view to uncovering something of their genius and unique contribution to the rich tapestry of the world\u2019s languages. The interplay between linguistic and cultural meanings of Kaurna greetings, kinship and emotions will be explained in detail. In addition, the course will look at the use of Indigenous languages in the public sphere of Australian society, including education, law and health, making the course highly relevant to students who aim to gain highly specialised skills to work in such fields.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5279": {"id": "wXeeY3XEpuY8HtQ8bxQGv", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "1wjIn6NkJv2g9p24Y21m5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13729, "section": "TU01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "8wU_VOJEMJt99yHtMNxN0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13728, "section": "SE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5280": {"subject": "MANAGEMT", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "108400", "term": "4433", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108400", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108400", "term": "4442", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "003564", "term": "4436", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "006410", "term": "4405", "offer": 3}, {"course_id": "006410", "term": "4436", "offer": 3}, {"course_id": "006410", "term": "4448", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "006812", "term": "4433", "offer": 3}, {"course_id": "006812", "term": "4448", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "006936", "term": "4446", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "008242", "term": "4433", "offer": 3}, {"course_id": "008242", "term": "4439", "offer": 3}, {"course_id": "008242", "term": "4442", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "008283", "term": "4436", "offer": 3}, {"course_id": "008283", "term": "4439", "offer": 3}, {"course_id": "008283", "term": "4446", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "008279", "term": "4433", "offer": 3}, {"course_id": "008279", "term": "4439", "offer": 3}, {"course_id": "008279", "term": "4444", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "106725", "term": "4439", "offer": 3}, {"course_id": "106725", "term": "4444", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "107917", "term": "4433", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107917", "term": "4436", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107917", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107917", "term": "4442", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "107917", "term": "4444", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "107917", "term": "4446", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "107917", "term": "4448", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "110342", "term": "4433", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110342", "term": "4436", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110342", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110342", "term": "4442", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "110342", "term": "4444", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "110342", "term": "4446", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "110342", "term": "4448", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "110356", "term": "4433", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110356", "term": "4436", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110356", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110356", "term": "4442", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "110356", "term": "4444", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "110356", "term": "4446", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "110356", "term": "4448", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "111362", "term": "4433", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111362", "term": "4436", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111362", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110388", "term": "4463", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110389", "term": "4461", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110389", "term": "4465", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110387", "term": "4462", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110387", "term": "4466", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110386", "term": "4464", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110390", "term": "4464", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110391", "term": "4463", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110392", "term": "4461", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110392", "term": "4463", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110392", "term": "4465", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110393", "term": "4462", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110393", "term": "4464", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110393", "term": "4466", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110394", "term": "4462", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110394", "term": "4466", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110516", "term": "4461", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110516", "term": "4463", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110516", "term": "4465", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110517", "term": "4462", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110517", "term": "4464", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110517", "term": "4466", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110019", "term": "4433", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110019", "term": "4436", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110019", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110020", "term": "4433", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110020", "term": "4436", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110020", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107884", "term": "4448", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "111578", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111612", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}]}}, "5281": {"id": "bfN3PzjXOeerGOe9NEsmM", "course_id": "108400", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108400", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Innovation and Entrepreneurship", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MANAGEMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7000", "CLASS_NBR": 30269, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available for Executive Master of Business Administration, Graduate Diploma and Graduate Certificate students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Innovation is an idea, product or process that is new and adds value. It is at the heart of economic development and prosperity. In this course you will discover the role of entrepreneurship in innovation and recognise and analyse new venture opportunities. Anticipating the challenges that emerge from new ventures requires careful planning. You will explore different sources of new venture funding and learn how to pitch a new opportunity. This course will give you the skills on how to venture, as an entrepreneur beginning a start-up or in an established business championing a new project.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "5282": {"id": "bfN3PzjXOeerGOe9NEsmM", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "wsl6v8fahHRlxznqL2Bxi", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30269, "section": "LE01", "size": 36, "enrolled": 19, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Feb - 3 Feb", "days": "Friday, Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 704/705, MBA Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 2 Mar", "days": "Friday, Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 704/705, MBA Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Mar - 23 Mar", "days": "Friday, Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 704/705, MBA Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "5283": {"id": "DWIphLJR7SFbr52K0pzcQ", "course_id": "108400", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108400", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Innovation and Entrepreneurship", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MANAGEMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7000", "CLASS_NBR": 36256, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available for Executive Master of Business Administration, Graduate Diploma and Graduate Certificate students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Innovation is an idea, product or process that is new and adds value. It is at the heart of economic development and prosperity. In this course you will discover the role of entrepreneurship in innovation and recognise and analyse new venture opportunities. Anticipating the challenges that emerge from new ventures requires careful planning. You will explore different sources of new venture funding and learn how to pitch a new opportunity. This course will give you the skills on how to venture, as an entrepreneur beginning a start-up or in an established business championing a new project.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "5284": {"id": "DWIphLJR7SFbr52K0pzcQ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "7XvnhTZRz47xaDIgStPXZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36256, "section": "LE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 15, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "14 Sep - 14 Sep", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "20 Sep - 21 Sep", "days": "Friday, Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 706, MBA Suite"}, {"dates": "18 Oct - 19 Oct", "days": "Friday, Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 706, MBA Suite"}, {"dates": "15 Nov - 15 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 706, MBA Suite"}, {"dates": "16 Nov - 16 Nov", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, 706, MBA Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "5285": {"id": "Sx0FHj8ZO632YbPywjjVP", "course_id": "108400", "term": "4442", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108400", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4442", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Innovation and Entrepreneurship", "CAMPUS": "Ngee Ann Academy", "CAMPUS_CD": "NGA", "COUNTRY": "SGP", "SUBJECT": "MANAGEMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7000NA", "CLASS_NBR": 40008, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available for Adelaide Master of Business Administration, Graduate Diploma and Graduate Certificate students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Innovation is an idea, product or process that is new and adds value. It is at the heart of economic development and prosperity. In this course you will discover the role of entrepreneurship in innovation and recognise and analyse new venture opportunities. Anticipating the challenges that emerge from new ventures requires careful planning. You will explore different sources of new venture funding and learn how to pitch a new opportunity. This course will give you the skills on how to venture, as an entrepreneur beginning a start-up or in an established business championing a new project.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 07/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 18/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 10/04/2024"}}]}, "5286": {"id": "Sx0FHj8ZO632YbPywjjVP", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "HEqCffrYtnEJzTxPrJ1E6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 40008, "section": "01NA", "size": 20, "enrolled": 7, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "5287": {"id": "6vu3M0RMIorVrH377LukQ", "course_id": "003564", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "003564", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Business Law", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MANAGEMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7022", "CLASS_NBR": 33228, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available for Executive Master of Business Administration, Graduate Diploma and Graduate Certificate students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will introduce managers to a range of legal issues that impact on their business and on their duties and responsibilities as managers. There is an increasing trend in the law to make managers personally liable for breaches of the law by their business. The course will help managers to identify areas of legal liability and risk and suggest how to minimise legal risk.\nThe topics covered in the course include an introduction to the legal system, the law of business structures, contract law, intellectual property law, employment law, law of business torts, consumer protection law, competition law and electronic commerce law. In each topic, emphasis is placed on identifying the legal duties that apply to a manager and the legal liabilities that may be attracted by their actions.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "5288": {"id": "6vu3M0RMIorVrH377LukQ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "i84e4B8CDC4mzIUP9-A1q", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33228, "section": "SE01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 7, "available": 28, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 May - 25 May", "days": "Friday, Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 706, MBA Suite"}, {"dates": "5 Jul - 6 Jul", "days": "Friday, Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 706, MBA Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Aug - 3 Aug", "days": "Friday, Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 706, MBA Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "5289": {"id": "XOVWzjoCbhUOYFWmtsvhu", "course_id": "006410", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "006410", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Strategic Management", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MANAGEMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7044", "CLASS_NBR": 92158, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available for Executive Master of Business Administration, Graduate Diploma and Graduate Certificate students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Strategic management is concerned with the long-term direction, scope and performance of an organization. As such it draws on other disciplines (e.g. marketing, finance, economics, organisational behaviour) already covered in the MBA. Whether the overall 'strategy' of an organization emerges from the interplay of functional departments or is a 'grand plan' devised by one group, its implementation takes place at the functional/process level where goals, plans and actions need to align with other departments as part of a coherent orientation. Hence all managers need to understand how their roles and functions are part of the overall strategy of the organization.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 09/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "5290": {"id": "XOVWzjoCbhUOYFWmtsvhu", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "vrqFZGUsaSwzgjF6Kybyn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92158, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 5, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "The class on 2nd and 3rd February will be held in Nexus 10, Room 10.1."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Jan - 6 Jan", "days": "Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 704/705, MBA Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Feb - 3 Feb", "days": "Friday, Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "5291": {"id": "y0e-6ABWKvccd3y5Z4c27", "course_id": "006410", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "006410", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Strategic Management", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MANAGEMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7044", "CLASS_NBR": 33237, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available for Executive Master of Business Administration, Graduate Diploma and Graduate Certificate students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Strategic management is concerned with the long-term direction, scope and performance of an organization. As such it draws on other disciplines (e.g. marketing, finance, economics, organisational behaviour) already covered in the MBA. Whether the overall 'strategy' of an organization emerges from the interplay of functional departments or is a 'grand plan' devised by one group, its implementation takes place at the functional/process level where goals, plans and actions need to align with other departments as part of a coherent orientation. Hence all managers need to understand how their roles and functions are part of the overall strategy of the organization.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "5292": {"id": "y0e-6ABWKvccd3y5Z4c27", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "Ot4ooCVOFM0_6gM1Pvdiz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33237, "section": "SE01", "size": 36, "enrolled": 11, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 May - 1 Jun", "days": "Friday, Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 704/705, MBA Suite"}, {"dates": "28 Jun - 29 Jun", "days": "Friday, Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 704/705, MBA Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 26 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 704/705, MBA Suite"}, {"dates": "27 Jul - 27 Jul", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5293": {"id": "Cw88S4HTPqmwgJ2raQLzF", "course_id": "006410", "term": "4448", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "006410", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4448", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "Strategic Management", "CAMPUS": "Ngee Ann Academy", "CAMPUS_CD": "NGA", "COUNTRY": "SGP", "SUBJECT": "MANAGEMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7044NA", "CLASS_NBR": 46200, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available for Adelaide Master of Business Administration, Graduate Diploma and Graduate Certificate students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Strategic management is concerned with the long-term direction, scope and performance of an organization. As such it draws on other disciplines (e.g. marketing, finance, economics, organisational behaviour) already covered in the MBA. Whether the overall 'strategy' of an organization emerges from the interplay of functional departments or is a 'grand plan' devised by one group, its implementation takes place at the functional/process level where goals, plans and actions need to align with other departments as part of a coherent orientation. Hence all managers need to understand how their roles and functions are part of the overall strategy of the organization.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 14/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 14/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 19/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 11/12/2024"}}]}, "5294": {"id": "Cw88S4HTPqmwgJ2raQLzF", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "Uomdhp8-uSwggVm0fg5yR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46200, "section": "01NA", "size": 20, "enrolled": 12, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "5295": {"id": "1XK2okekYRxt-heTTiA9O", "course_id": "006812", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "006812", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Negotiation Skills", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MANAGEMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7046", "CLASS_NBR": 30270, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available for Executive Master of Business Administration, Graduate Diploma and Graduate Certificate students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The purpose of this course is threefold. The first is to explore the major concepts and theories of negotiation, as well as the dynamics of interpersonal and intergroup conflict and its resolution. This will involve studying the structural (eg parties, positions, interests) and process (cognitive, interactional) dynamics that are required for a sound critical understanding. The second objective is to develop practical skills applicable to a broad range of contexts. This involves direct training in identifying crucial elements of negotiation situations and implementing appropriate resolution strategies. The third objective is to develop teamwork skills by working within and through group exercises.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "5296": {"id": "1XK2okekYRxt-heTTiA9O", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "PqfQ3Vw_UsTspNKjs8WSB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30270, "section": "SE01", "size": 36, "enrolled": 13, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Feb - 3 Feb", "days": "Friday, Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 706, MBA Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 2 Mar", "days": "Friday, Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 706, MBA Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Mar - 23 Mar", "days": "Friday, Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 706, MBA Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "5297": {"id": "XcFwiSjYmbxCriPBX1KsJ", "course_id": "006812", "term": "4448", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "006812", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4448", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "Negotiation Skills", "CAMPUS": "Ngee Ann Academy", "CAMPUS_CD": "NGA", "COUNTRY": "SGP", "SUBJECT": "MANAGEMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7046NA", "CLASS_NBR": 46055, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available for Adelaide Master of Business Administration, Graduate Diploma and Graduate Certificate students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The purpose of this course is threefold. The first is to explore the major concepts and theories of negotiation, as well as the dynamics of interpersonal and intergroup conflict and its resolution. This will involve studying the structural (eg parties, positions, interests) and process (cognitive, interactional) dynamics that are required for a sound critical understanding. The second objective is to develop practical skills applicable to a broad range of contexts. This involves direct training in identifying crucial elements of negotiation situations and implementing appropriate resolution strategies. The third objective is to develop teamwork skills by working within and through group exercises.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 14/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 14/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 19/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 11/12/2024"}}]}, "5298": {"id": "XcFwiSjYmbxCriPBX1KsJ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "-VOsXVd7fLJYKFlBrCerY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46055, "section": "01NA", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "5299": {"id": "oM2VXO0wvAGEnpg7_LSlN", "course_id": "006936", "term": "4446", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "006936", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4446", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Managing in a Global Context", "CAMPUS": "Ngee Ann Academy", "CAMPUS_CD": "NGA", "COUNTRY": "SGP", "SUBJECT": "MANAGEMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7081NA", "CLASS_NBR": 44073, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available for Adelaide Master of Business Administration, Graduate Diploma and Graduate Certificate students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will prepare you for a leadership role in the globalised world. Such a role requires skills and a mindset to deal with uncertainty and complexity. The course uses cutting-edge practices to provide you with a developmental stretch of self-exploration and experimentation. You will learn about the practical impact of diversity in cultural, political, legal and economic systems on human behaviour and its effect on business activities in both local and international contexts. The course will equip you with skills to devise and implement effective communication, collaboration and consultation strategies to engage, support and manage stakeholders of diverse backgrounds to achieve organisational outcomes. You will also study, compare and contrast strategies that organisations use to seize opportunities and manage challenges presented by the international scale of business operations. As a result, you will be able to analyse and interpret the process of internationalisation of an enterprise and contribute to decisions about the internationalisation of an organisation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 22/07/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 22/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 27/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 18/09/2024"}}]}, "5300": {"id": "oM2VXO0wvAGEnpg7_LSlN", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "SqL9sDP2S_uBzlMPmkoif", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 44073, "section": "01NA", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "5301": {"id": "xwMxulgQhoLSR83A5P-jq", "course_id": "008242", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "008242", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Fundamentals of Leadership", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MANAGEMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7086", "CLASS_NBR": 30261, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available for Executive Master of Business Administration, Graduate Diploma and Graduate Certificate students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "'Corporate executives, strategic leaders, senior managers, and general managers of companies, business units, subsidiaries, divisions, and joint ventures among many other forms of high-level positions have specific roles, responsibilities, and duties that give them the legitimate authority to lead and manage their organizations' (Rainey 2014, p. xv). \n\nThis course will immerse in the knowledge, capabilities, and behaviours required to lead in complex and changing business environments, and with consideration for human motivation in business, the hybrid workplace, a diverse workforce, complex stakeholder groups, workplace system design, and leading innovation for competitive advantage.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "5302": {"id": "xwMxulgQhoLSR83A5P-jq", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "MbI9IYHmA33uqXgsQGSMD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30261, "section": "SE01", "size": 19, "enrolled": 16, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Feb - 10 Feb", "days": "Friday, Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 704/705, MBA Suite"}, {"dates": "8 Mar - 9 Mar", "days": "Friday, Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 704/705, MBA Suite"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 6 Apr", "days": "Friday, Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 704/705, MBA Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "5303": {"id": "zIeK8KcCGUTFR8HPVZ001", "course_id": "008242", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "008242", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Fundamentals of Leadership", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MANAGEMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7086", "CLASS_NBR": 36265, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available for Executive Master of Business Administration, Graduate Diploma and Graduate Certificate students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "'Corporate executives, strategic leaders, senior managers, and general managers of companies, business units, subsidiaries, divisions, and joint ventures among many other forms of high-level positions have specific roles, responsibilities, and duties that give them the legitimate authority to lead and manage their organizations' (Rainey 2014, p. xv). \n\nThis course will immerse in the knowledge, capabilities, and behaviours required to lead in complex and changing business environments, and with consideration for human motivation in business, the hybrid workplace, a diverse workforce, complex stakeholder groups, workplace system design, and leading innovation for competitive advantage.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "5304": {"id": "zIeK8KcCGUTFR8HPVZ001", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "mn_Pnle8KjYpZojvFEbHQ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36265, "section": "SE01", "size": 22, "enrolled": 23, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Sep - 14 Sep", "days": "Friday, Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 704/705, MBA Suite"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 12 Oct", "days": "Friday, Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 704/705, MBA Suite"}, {"dates": "8 Nov - 9 Nov", "days": "Friday, Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 704/705, MBA Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "5305": {"id": "jT5HQPTWRikUOvMZxoqKG", "course_id": "008242", "term": "4442", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "008242", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4442", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Fundamentals of Leadership", "CAMPUS": "Ngee Ann Academy", "CAMPUS_CD": "NGA", "COUNTRY": "SGP", "SUBJECT": "MANAGEMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7086NA", "CLASS_NBR": 40002, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to Adelaide Master of Business Administration, Graduate Diploma and Graduate Certificate students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "'Corporate executives, strategic leaders, senior managers, and general managers of companies, business units, subsidiaries, divisions, and joint ventures among many other forms of high-level positions have specific roles, responsibilities, and duties that give them the legitimate authority to lead and manage their organizations' (Rainey 2014, p. xv). \n\nThis course will immerse in the knowledge, capabilities, and behaviours required to lead in complex and changing business environments, and with consideration for human motivation in business, the hybrid workplace, a diverse workforce, complex stakeholder groups, workplace system design, and leading innovation for competitive advantage.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 07/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 18/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 10/04/2024"}}]}, "5306": {"id": "jT5HQPTWRikUOvMZxoqKG", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "gnvW9zTGYyWdabfuLVc8T", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 40002, "section": "01NA", "size": 20, "enrolled": 11, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "5307": {"id": "PX0Gfqex83ppwSdwHpxSw", "course_id": "008283", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "008283", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Managing Organisational Behaviour", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MANAGEMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7087", "CLASS_NBR": 33238, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080307", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available for Executive Master of Business Administration, Graduate Diploma and Graduate Certificate students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Class Engagement, Group Projects", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course acquaints students with the field of organisational behaviour (OB) and expects them to apply OB theories in effectively leading and managing modern organisations. Students are encouraged to adopt a scientific perspective in reassessing their own leadership approaches and rely on the best available evidence to inform managerial decision-making. The course covers a range of topics, including individual characteristics relevant to leadership (e.g., demographic traits, personality, and perceptions), interpersonal influence (e.g., motivating others, team-building, acquiring power, and leading others), as well as fostering constructive cultures (e.g., high-performance, inclusive, and ethical culture). The overarching objective of this course is to equip students with evidence-based practices that enable them to effectively navigate the challenges inherent in contemporary organisational contexts.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "5308": {"id": "PX0Gfqex83ppwSdwHpxSw", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "IgjCcRQkhEPzct--bYmq5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33238, "section": "SE01", "size": 36, "enrolled": 13, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 May - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, 704/705, MBA Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "5309": {"id": "5zvhgqPZKcqhe8jkLYigb", "course_id": "008283", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "008283", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Managing Organisational Behaviour", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MANAGEMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7087", "CLASS_NBR": 36266, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080307", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available for Executive Master of Business Administration, Graduate Diploma and Graduate Certificate students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Class Engagement, Group Projects", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course acquaints students with the field of organisational behaviour (OB) and expects them to apply OB theories in effectively leading and managing modern organisations. Students are encouraged to adopt a scientific perspective in reassessing their own leadership approaches and rely on the best available evidence to inform managerial decision-making. The course covers a range of topics, including individual characteristics relevant to leadership (e.g., demographic traits, personality, and perceptions), interpersonal influence (e.g., motivating others, team-building, acquiring power, and leading others), as well as fostering constructive cultures (e.g., high-performance, inclusive, and ethical culture). The overarching objective of this course is to equip students with evidence-based practices that enable them to effectively navigate the challenges inherent in contemporary organisational contexts.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "5310": {"id": "5zvhgqPZKcqhe8jkLYigb", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "XG4w9uYHB0JbBiuD8DDIj", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36266, "section": "SE01", "size": 36, "enrolled": 16, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Sep - 14 Sep", "days": "Friday, Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 706, MBA Suite"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 12 Oct", "days": "Friday, Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 706, MBA Suite"}, {"dates": "8 Nov - 9 Nov", "days": "Friday, Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 706, MBA Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "5311": {"id": "gpjxoi3gvVJhkM6OxQgAR", "course_id": "008283", "term": "4446", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "008283", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4446", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Managing Organisational Behaviour", "CAMPUS": "Ngee Ann Academy", "CAMPUS_CD": "NGA", "COUNTRY": "SGP", "SUBJECT": "MANAGEMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7087NA", "CLASS_NBR": 44047, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080307", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available for Adelaide Master of Business Administration, Graduate Diploma and Graduate Certificate students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Class Engagement, Group Projects", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course acquaints students with the field of organisational behaviour (OB) and expects them to apply OB theories in effectively leading and managing modern organisations. Students are encouraged to adopt a scientific perspective in reassessing their own leadership approaches and rely on the best available evidence to inform managerial decision-making. The course covers a range of topics, including individual characteristics relevant to leadership (e.g., demographic traits, personality, and perceptions), interpersonal influence (e.g., motivating others, team-building, acquiring power, and leading others), as well as fostering constructive cultures (e.g., high-performance, inclusive, and ethical culture). The overarching objective of this course is to equip students with evidence-based practices that enable them to effectively navigate the challenges inherent in contemporary organisational contexts.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 22/07/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 22/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 27/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 18/09/2024"}}]}, "5312": {"id": "gpjxoi3gvVJhkM6OxQgAR", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "0KPrg-Kr1V4BIMSm9LVKP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 44047, "section": "01NA", "size": 20, "enrolled": 17, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "5313": {"id": "VohaNDN4u7Kj_QNnieXa8", "course_id": "008279", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "008279", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Marketing for Leaders", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MANAGEMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7104", "CLASS_NBR": 30260, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Marketing is a critical function for all businesses, and the primary mechanism through which an organisation can shape and grow revenue. All business leaders need to understand the fundamental concepts and practices of marketing. In larger firms, marketing managers are primarily responsible for ensuring customer integration and market intelligence. This course offers an overview of professional marketing thought and action, explaining fundamentals tasks and means of analyses to help leaders evaluate a company's capacity for customer orientation, market evaluation, and opportunity to target specific markets. The course also involves an exploration of buyer behaviours, the significance of market information and analytics, and the need for business leaders to integrate product and service decisions with considerations of price, distribution and promotion.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "5314": {"id": "VohaNDN4u7Kj_QNnieXa8", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "gm7xluvVleRjHM1ja5T4L", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30260, "section": "SE01", "size": 36, "enrolled": 10, "available": 26, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jan - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, 704/705, MBA Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "5315": {"id": "M0z6oInljSO-q2JWQXK33", "course_id": "008279", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "008279", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Marketing for Leaders", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MANAGEMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7104", "CLASS_NBR": 36267, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Marketing is a critical function for all businesses, and the primary mechanism through which an organisation can shape and grow revenue. All business leaders need to understand the fundamental concepts and practices of marketing. In larger firms, marketing managers are primarily responsible for ensuring customer integration and market intelligence. This course offers an overview of professional marketing thought and action, explaining fundamentals tasks and means of analyses to help leaders evaluate a company's capacity for customer orientation, market evaluation, and opportunity to target specific markets. The course also involves an exploration of buyer behaviours, the significance of market information and analytics, and the need for business leaders to integrate product and service decisions with considerations of price, distribution and promotion.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "5316": {"id": "M0z6oInljSO-q2JWQXK33", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "LdlXNwPBxTBRAt5H4srUk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36267, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 10, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Sep - 7 Sep", "days": "Friday, Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 704/705, MBA Suite"}, {"dates": "27 Sep - 28 Sep", "days": "Friday, Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 704/705, MBA Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Nov - 2 Nov", "days": "Friday, Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 704/705, MBA Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "5317": {"id": "JIpxdvsdmTDypXHzJXb2p", "course_id": "008279", "term": "4444", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "008279", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4444", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Marketing for Leaders", "CAMPUS": "Ngee Ann Academy", "CAMPUS_CD": "NGA", "COUNTRY": "SGP", "SUBJECT": "MANAGEMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7104NA", "CLASS_NBR": 42044, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available for both Adelaide and Master of Business Administration, Graduate Diploma and Graduate Certificate students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Marketing is a critical function for all businesses, and the primary mechanism through which an organisation can shape and grow revenue. All business leaders need to understand the fundamental concepts and practices of marketing. In larger firms, marketing managers are primarily responsible for ensuring customer integration and market intelligence. This course offers an overview of professional marketing thought and action, explaining fundamentals tasks and means of analyses to help leaders evaluate a company's capacity for customer orientation, market evaluation, and opportunity to target specific markets. The course also involves an exploration of buyer behaviours, the significance of market information and analytics, and the need for business leaders to integrate product and service decisions with considerations of price, distribution and promotion.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 29/04/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 29/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 04/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 26/06/2024"}}]}, "5318": {"id": "JIpxdvsdmTDypXHzJXb2p", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "k1OP73yZ88ufxMsiIlp43", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 42044, "section": "01NA", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "5319": {"id": "GcH4mB9QWlpOza7_ZXXCq", "course_id": "106725", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106725", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Systems Thinking for Management", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MANAGEMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7115", "CLASS_NBR": 36263, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available for Executive Master of Business Administration, Graduate Diploma and Graduate Certificate students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Many of today's complex challenges cannot be tackled with the narrowly-focused, unconnected thinking of the past. Managers must make decisions and take action in complex environments in which finance, economics, markets, people and nature are interconnected and interdependent. In addition, this \u2018messy\u2019 interconnectedness blurs the boundaries between organisations, communities and fields of expertise \u2013 nothing is neat and tidy. This course will introduce you to the world of systems and systems thinking. We will consider the merits of looking at wholes, rather than unconnected parts, and we will explore ways in which managers can make use of the nature of systems, even in complex, unpredictable environments, to influence outcomes in a more profound way than can be achieved with \u2018linear\u2019 or \u2018mechanistic\u2019 thinking", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "5320": {"id": "GcH4mB9QWlpOza7_ZXXCq", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "CIaA3iGQA0UurFkCGUNDf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36263, "section": "SE01", "size": 36, "enrolled": 13, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Sep - 19 Nov", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, 706, MBA Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "5321": {"id": "bW43C7LvZO7CAzsUcEf_s", "course_id": "106725", "term": "4444", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106725", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4444", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Systems Thinking for Management", "CAMPUS": "Ngee Ann Academy", "CAMPUS_CD": "NGA", "COUNTRY": "SGP", "SUBJECT": "MANAGEMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7115NA", "CLASS_NBR": 42045, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available for Adelaide Master of Business Administration, Graduate Diploma and Graduate Certificate students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Many of today's complex challenges cannot be tackled with the narrowly-focused, unconnected thinking of the past. Managers must make decisions and take action in complex environments in which finance, economics, markets, people and nature are interconnected and interdependent. In addition, this \u2018messy\u2019 interconnectedness blurs the boundaries between organisations, communities and fields of expertise \u2013 nothing is neat and tidy. This course will introduce you to the world of systems and systems thinking. We will consider the merits of looking at wholes, rather than unconnected parts, and we will explore ways in which managers can make use of the nature of systems, even in complex, unpredictable environments, to influence outcomes in a more profound way than can be achieved with \u2018linear\u2019 or \u2018mechanistic\u2019 thinking", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 29/04/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 29/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 04/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 26/06/2024"}}]}, "5322": {"id": "bW43C7LvZO7CAzsUcEf_s", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "CXOC2yuEO2LLSwX5bh6gN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 42045, "section": "01NA", "size": 20, "enrolled": 7, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "5323": {"id": "IBA3AJmtZwFtNccDe8H-X", "course_id": "107917", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107917", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Enterprise Project", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MANAGEMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7117", "CLASS_NBR": 30262, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to Adelaide Master of Business Administration students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MANAGEMT 7120, MANAGEMT 7121, MANAGEMT 7122", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The purpose of this course is:\n1. To place the cumulative learning from MBA core courses in the context of social enterprise and explore the practical applications and ramifications. \n2. To apply the systemic action research approach to a social enterprise field research project. \nThis research project will be planned and undertaken collaboratively and reported on and evaluated individually. It will draw on all the knowledge, insights and capabilities developed in the previous courses of the Adelaide MBA. \nEach project group will have an academic supervisor who will ensure all the individuals in that group contribute to designing, generating and evaluating a Social Enterprise Acton research project. \nAll projects must be designed to conceive, establish, refine or grow a social enterprise which will operate commercially while addressing a social problem or opportunity. \nThe emphasis will be on systems awareness and identifying enduring, holistic solutions, rather than short-term fixes. \nStudents will be required to investigate, analyse and synthesise complex concepts and theories and to argue propositions, methodologies, conclusions and professional decisions with reference to relevant theory. That is to apply the learning gained from previous courses in the MBA.\nStudents will collaborate with community stakeholders. Well-developed communication, interpersonal and leadership skills will be required.\nThese projects will be designed in recognition that complex global and local challenges - challenges that affect natural, social and economic 'ecologies' - do not readily succumb to the mechanistic, reductionist thinking that has served humankind so well in other contexts. In these complex environments, we must make important decisions in which finance, economics, people and nature are all highly interconnected. Geographic and temporal horizons must be expanded. We must develop the capacity to engage with wholes, not just parts.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "5324": {"id": "IBA3AJmtZwFtNccDe8H-X", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "dlLFiWulrGpu5wbM1v9IP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30262, "section": "SE01", "size": 8, "enrolled": 1, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jan - 31 Jan", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, 706, MBA Suite"}, {"dates": "14 Feb - 14 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, 706, MBA Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 706, MBA Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "5325": {"id": "TQgh14L-HASMg-39Yr7rY", "course_id": "107917", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107917", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Enterprise Project", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MANAGEMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7117", "CLASS_NBR": 33231, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to Adelaide Master of Business Administration students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MANAGEMT 7120, MANAGEMT 7121, MANAGEMT 7122", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The purpose of this course is:\n1. To place the cumulative learning from MBA core courses in the context of social enterprise and explore the practical applications and ramifications. \n2. To apply the systemic action research approach to a social enterprise field research project. \nThis research project will be planned and undertaken collaboratively and reported on and evaluated individually. It will draw on all the knowledge, insights and capabilities developed in the previous courses of the Adelaide MBA. \nEach project group will have an academic supervisor who will ensure all the individuals in that group contribute to designing, generating and evaluating a Social Enterprise Acton research project. \nAll projects must be designed to conceive, establish, refine or grow a social enterprise which will operate commercially while addressing a social problem or opportunity. \nThe emphasis will be on systems awareness and identifying enduring, holistic solutions, rather than short-term fixes. \nStudents will be required to investigate, analyse and synthesise complex concepts and theories and to argue propositions, methodologies, conclusions and professional decisions with reference to relevant theory. That is to apply the learning gained from previous courses in the MBA.\nStudents will collaborate with community stakeholders. Well-developed communication, interpersonal and leadership skills will be required.\nThese projects will be designed in recognition that complex global and local challenges - challenges that affect natural, social and economic 'ecologies' - do not readily succumb to the mechanistic, reductionist thinking that has served humankind so well in other contexts. In these complex environments, we must make important decisions in which finance, economics, people and nature are all highly interconnected. Geographic and temporal horizons must be expanded. We must develop the capacity to engage with wholes, not just parts.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "5326": {"id": "TQgh14L-HASMg-39Yr7rY", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "rJSpJo7Q2eUd3avl6m0rS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33231, "section": "SE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 2, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, 706, MBA Suite"}, {"dates": "5 Jun - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, 706, MBA Suite"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 706, MBA Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "5327": {"id": "tz3pBS3ITPxwx1XjAW_cu", "course_id": "107917", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107917", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Enterprise Project", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MANAGEMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7117", "CLASS_NBR": 36258, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to Adelaide Master of Business Administration students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MANAGEMT 7120, MANAGEMT 7121, MANAGEMT 7122", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The purpose of this course is:\n1. To place the cumulative learning from MBA core courses in the context of social enterprise and explore the practical applications and ramifications. \n2. To apply the systemic action research approach to a social enterprise field research project. \nThis research project will be planned and undertaken collaboratively and reported on and evaluated individually. It will draw on all the knowledge, insights and capabilities developed in the previous courses of the Adelaide MBA. \nEach project group will have an academic supervisor who will ensure all the individuals in that group contribute to designing, generating and evaluating a Social Enterprise Acton research project. \nAll projects must be designed to conceive, establish, refine or grow a social enterprise which will operate commercially while addressing a social problem or opportunity. \nThe emphasis will be on systems awareness and identifying enduring, holistic solutions, rather than short-term fixes. \nStudents will be required to investigate, analyse and synthesise complex concepts and theories and to argue propositions, methodologies, conclusions and professional decisions with reference to relevant theory. That is to apply the learning gained from previous courses in the MBA.\nStudents will collaborate with community stakeholders. Well-developed communication, interpersonal and leadership skills will be required.\nThese projects will be designed in recognition that complex global and local challenges - challenges that affect natural, social and economic 'ecologies' - do not readily succumb to the mechanistic, reductionist thinking that has served humankind so well in other contexts. In these complex environments, we must make important decisions in which finance, economics, people and nature are all highly interconnected. Geographic and temporal horizons must be expanded. We must develop the capacity to engage with wholes, not just parts.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "5328": {"id": "tz3pBS3ITPxwx1XjAW_cu", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "MuL5DzqeSXLUT84byhte8", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36258, "section": "SE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Sep - 4 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, 706, MBA Suite"}, {"dates": "18 Sep - 18 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, 706, MBA Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Nov - 22 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, 706, MBA Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "5329": {"id": "SogXReYeIdd-eT3m4Guy5", "course_id": "107917", "term": "4442", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107917", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4442", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Enterprise Project", "CAMPUS": "Ngee Ann Academy", "CAMPUS_CD": "NGA", "COUNTRY": "SGP", "SUBJECT": "MANAGEMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7117NA", "CLASS_NBR": 40006, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to Adelaide Master of Business Administration students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The purpose of this course is:\n1. To place the cumulative learning from MBA core courses in the context of social enterprise and explore the practical applications and ramifications. \n2. To apply the systemic action research approach to a social enterprise field research project. \nThis research project will be planned and undertaken collaboratively and reported on and evaluated individually. It will draw on all the knowledge, insights and capabilities developed in the previous courses of the Adelaide MBA. \nEach project group will have an academic supervisor who will ensure all the individuals in that group contribute to designing, generating and evaluating a Social Enterprise Acton research project. \nAll projects must be designed to conceive, establish, refine or grow a social enterprise which will operate commercially while addressing a social problem or opportunity. \nThe emphasis will be on systems awareness and identifying enduring, holistic solutions, rather than short-term fixes. \nStudents will be required to investigate, analyse and synthesise complex concepts and theories and to argue propositions, methodologies, conclusions and professional decisions with reference to relevant theory. That is to apply the learning gained from previous courses in the MBA.\nStudents will collaborate with community stakeholders. Well-developed communication, interpersonal and leadership skills will be required.\nThese projects will be designed in recognition that complex global and local challenges - challenges that affect natural, social and economic 'ecologies' - do not readily succumb to the mechanistic, reductionist thinking that has served humankind so well in other contexts. In these complex environments, we must make important decisions in which finance, economics, people and nature are all highly interconnected. Geographic and temporal horizons must be expanded. We must develop the capacity to engage with wholes, not just parts.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 07/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 18/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 10/04/2024"}}]}, "5330": {"id": "SogXReYeIdd-eT3m4Guy5", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "17ZHo98yV1uxVuBOS9HbY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 40006, "section": "01NA", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "5331": {"id": "DX4Ts453SQl6GGFA6Y_N2", "course_id": "107917", "term": "4444", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107917", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4444", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Enterprise Project", "CAMPUS": "Ngee Ann Academy", "CAMPUS_CD": "NGA", "COUNTRY": "SGP", "SUBJECT": "MANAGEMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7117NA", "CLASS_NBR": 42013, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to Adelaide Master of Business Administration students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The purpose of this course is:\n1. To place the cumulative learning from MBA core courses in the context of social enterprise and explore the practical applications and ramifications. \n2. To apply the systemic action research approach to a social enterprise field research project. \nThis research project will be planned and undertaken collaboratively and reported on and evaluated individually. It will draw on all the knowledge, insights and capabilities developed in the previous courses of the Adelaide MBA. \nEach project group will have an academic supervisor who will ensure all the individuals in that group contribute to designing, generating and evaluating a Social Enterprise Acton research project. \nAll projects must be designed to conceive, establish, refine or grow a social enterprise which will operate commercially while addressing a social problem or opportunity. \nThe emphasis will be on systems awareness and identifying enduring, holistic solutions, rather than short-term fixes. \nStudents will be required to investigate, analyse and synthesise complex concepts and theories and to argue propositions, methodologies, conclusions and professional decisions with reference to relevant theory. That is to apply the learning gained from previous courses in the MBA.\nStudents will collaborate with community stakeholders. Well-developed communication, interpersonal and leadership skills will be required.\nThese projects will be designed in recognition that complex global and local challenges - challenges that affect natural, social and economic 'ecologies' - do not readily succumb to the mechanistic, reductionist thinking that has served humankind so well in other contexts. In these complex environments, we must make important decisions in which finance, economics, people and nature are all highly interconnected. Geographic and temporal horizons must be expanded. We must develop the capacity to engage with wholes, not just parts.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 29/04/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 29/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 04/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 26/06/2024"}}]}, "5332": {"id": "DX4Ts453SQl6GGFA6Y_N2", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "z07dXifrcQKPZRqdgmzlC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 42013, "section": "01NA", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "5333": {"id": "N854yhO2Hpr8OsvdJobzK", "course_id": "107917", "term": "4446", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107917", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4446", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Enterprise Project", "CAMPUS": "Ngee Ann Academy", "CAMPUS_CD": "NGA", "COUNTRY": "SGP", "SUBJECT": "MANAGEMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7117NA", "CLASS_NBR": 44012, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to Adelaide Master of Business Administration students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The purpose of this course is:\n1. To place the cumulative learning from MBA core courses in the context of social enterprise and explore the practical applications and ramifications. \n2. To apply the systemic action research approach to a social enterprise field research project. \nThis research project will be planned and undertaken collaboratively and reported on and evaluated individually. It will draw on all the knowledge, insights and capabilities developed in the previous courses of the Adelaide MBA. \nEach project group will have an academic supervisor who will ensure all the individuals in that group contribute to designing, generating and evaluating a Social Enterprise Acton research project. \nAll projects must be designed to conceive, establish, refine or grow a social enterprise which will operate commercially while addressing a social problem or opportunity. \nThe emphasis will be on systems awareness and identifying enduring, holistic solutions, rather than short-term fixes. \nStudents will be required to investigate, analyse and synthesise complex concepts and theories and to argue propositions, methodologies, conclusions and professional decisions with reference to relevant theory. That is to apply the learning gained from previous courses in the MBA.\nStudents will collaborate with community stakeholders. Well-developed communication, interpersonal and leadership skills will be required.\nThese projects will be designed in recognition that complex global and local challenges - challenges that affect natural, social and economic 'ecologies' - do not readily succumb to the mechanistic, reductionist thinking that has served humankind so well in other contexts. In these complex environments, we must make important decisions in which finance, economics, people and nature are all highly interconnected. Geographic and temporal horizons must be expanded. We must develop the capacity to engage with wholes, not just parts.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 22/07/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 22/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 27/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 18/09/2024"}}]}, "5334": {"id": "N854yhO2Hpr8OsvdJobzK", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "UExChxJa34u72CeOpxeG8", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 44012, "section": "01NA", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "5335": {"id": "_BfMMG57fDQMcQfoykg3-", "course_id": "107917", "term": "4448", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107917", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4448", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "Enterprise Project", "CAMPUS": "Ngee Ann Academy", "CAMPUS_CD": "NGA", "COUNTRY": "SGP", "SUBJECT": "MANAGEMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7117NA", "CLASS_NBR": 46067, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to Adelaide Master of Business Administration students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The purpose of this course is:\n1. To place the cumulative learning from MBA core courses in the context of social enterprise and explore the practical applications and ramifications. \n2. To apply the systemic action research approach to a social enterprise field research project. \nThis research project will be planned and undertaken collaboratively and reported on and evaluated individually. It will draw on all the knowledge, insights and capabilities developed in the previous courses of the Adelaide MBA. \nEach project group will have an academic supervisor who will ensure all the individuals in that group contribute to designing, generating and evaluating a Social Enterprise Acton research project. \nAll projects must be designed to conceive, establish, refine or grow a social enterprise which will operate commercially while addressing a social problem or opportunity. \nThe emphasis will be on systems awareness and identifying enduring, holistic solutions, rather than short-term fixes. \nStudents will be required to investigate, analyse and synthesise complex concepts and theories and to argue propositions, methodologies, conclusions and professional decisions with reference to relevant theory. That is to apply the learning gained from previous courses in the MBA.\nStudents will collaborate with community stakeholders. Well-developed communication, interpersonal and leadership skills will be required.\nThese projects will be designed in recognition that complex global and local challenges - challenges that affect natural, social and economic 'ecologies' - do not readily succumb to the mechanistic, reductionist thinking that has served humankind so well in other contexts. In these complex environments, we must make important decisions in which finance, economics, people and nature are all highly interconnected. Geographic and temporal horizons must be expanded. We must develop the capacity to engage with wholes, not just parts.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 14/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 14/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 19/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 11/12/2024"}}]}, "5336": {"id": "_BfMMG57fDQMcQfoykg3-", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "-ElPaJfnjfsBCCpIFhxfQ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46067, "section": "01NA", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "5337": {"id": "1zUr3CmYuFrPLDmX5cFm2", "course_id": "110342", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110342", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Enterprise Project (A)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MANAGEMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7120", "CLASS_NBR": 30263, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to Adelaide Master of Business Administration students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MANAGEMT 7117, MANAGEMT 7122", "ASSESSMENT": "Project brief, research presentation and reflective journal", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The combined purpose of the Enterprise Project parts A and B is: 1) To place the cumulative learning from MBA core courses in the context of enterprise and explore the practical applications and ramifications. 2) To apply a systemic action research approach to an enterprise field research project. \n\nThis research project will draw on all the knowledge, insights and capabilities developed in the previous courses of the Adelaide MBA. Each project group will have an academic supervisor who will ensure all the individuals in that group contribute to designing, generating and evaluating an enterprise action research project. All projects must be designed to conceive, establish, refine or grow a commercial enterprise. The emphasis will be on systems awareness and identifying enduring, holistic solutions, rather than short-term fixes. Students will be required to investigate, analyse and synthesise complex concepts and theories and to argue propositions, methodologies, conclusions and professional decisions with reference to relevant theory. \n\nStudents will collaborate with community stakeholders. Well-developed communication, interpersonal and leadership skills will be required. These projects will be designed in recognition that when engaging with complex global and local challenges - challenges that affect natural, social and economic 'ecologies' - we must make important decisions in which finance, economics, people and nature are all highly interconnected. \n\nPart A of the Enterprise Project will focus on:\n- Establishing the scope and identifying the importance of the research\n- The research problem and objectives\n- Conducting a literature review\n- Research design and the methods of sampling, data collection and analysis", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "5338": {"id": "1zUr3CmYuFrPLDmX5cFm2", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "8KqnPF-ifVN_ze8dn-oMm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30263, "section": "SE01", "size": 8, "enrolled": 2, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jan - 31 Jan", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, 706, MBA Suite"}, {"dates": "14 Feb - 14 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, 706, MBA Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 706, MBA Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "5339": {"id": "3i0w8akviHmlGk7vu_XZO", "course_id": "110342", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110342", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Enterprise Project (A)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MANAGEMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7120", "CLASS_NBR": 33232, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to Adelaide Master of Business Administration students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MANAGEMT 7117, MANAGEMT 7122", "ASSESSMENT": "Project brief, research presentation and reflective journal", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The combined purpose of the Enterprise Project parts A and B is: 1) To place the cumulative learning from MBA core courses in the context of enterprise and explore the practical applications and ramifications. 2) To apply a systemic action research approach to an enterprise field research project. \n\nThis research project will draw on all the knowledge, insights and capabilities developed in the previous courses of the Adelaide MBA. Each project group will have an academic supervisor who will ensure all the individuals in that group contribute to designing, generating and evaluating an enterprise action research project. All projects must be designed to conceive, establish, refine or grow a commercial enterprise. The emphasis will be on systems awareness and identifying enduring, holistic solutions, rather than short-term fixes. Students will be required to investigate, analyse and synthesise complex concepts and theories and to argue propositions, methodologies, conclusions and professional decisions with reference to relevant theory. \n\nStudents will collaborate with community stakeholders. Well-developed communication, interpersonal and leadership skills will be required. These projects will be designed in recognition that when engaging with complex global and local challenges - challenges that affect natural, social and economic 'ecologies' - we must make important decisions in which finance, economics, people and nature are all highly interconnected. \n\nPart A of the Enterprise Project will focus on:\n- Establishing the scope and identifying the importance of the research\n- The research problem and objectives\n- Conducting a literature review\n- Research design and the methods of sampling, data collection and analysis", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "5340": {"id": "3i0w8akviHmlGk7vu_XZO", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "vOAA6ZD30tQWThPvxPOWd", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33232, "section": "SE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, 706, MBA Suite"}, {"dates": "5 Jun - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, 706, MBA Suite"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 706, MBA Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "5341": {"id": "MRf7XYLNWHctnjG-fuGpA", "course_id": "110342", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110342", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Enterprise Project (A)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MANAGEMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7120", "CLASS_NBR": 36259, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to Adelaide Master of Business Administration students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MANAGEMT 7117, MANAGEMT 7122", "ASSESSMENT": "Project brief, research presentation and reflective journal", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The combined purpose of the Enterprise Project parts A and B is: 1) To place the cumulative learning from MBA core courses in the context of enterprise and explore the practical applications and ramifications. 2) To apply a systemic action research approach to an enterprise field research project. \n\nThis research project will draw on all the knowledge, insights and capabilities developed in the previous courses of the Adelaide MBA. Each project group will have an academic supervisor who will ensure all the individuals in that group contribute to designing, generating and evaluating an enterprise action research project. All projects must be designed to conceive, establish, refine or grow a commercial enterprise. The emphasis will be on systems awareness and identifying enduring, holistic solutions, rather than short-term fixes. Students will be required to investigate, analyse and synthesise complex concepts and theories and to argue propositions, methodologies, conclusions and professional decisions with reference to relevant theory. \n\nStudents will collaborate with community stakeholders. Well-developed communication, interpersonal and leadership skills will be required. These projects will be designed in recognition that when engaging with complex global and local challenges - challenges that affect natural, social and economic 'ecologies' - we must make important decisions in which finance, economics, people and nature are all highly interconnected. \n\nPart A of the Enterprise Project will focus on:\n- Establishing the scope and identifying the importance of the research\n- The research problem and objectives\n- Conducting a literature review\n- Research design and the methods of sampling, data collection and analysis", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "5342": {"id": "MRf7XYLNWHctnjG-fuGpA", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "w9FhvfuQ0qb1yo0O_V5sT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36259, "section": "SE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Sep - 4 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, 706, MBA Suite"}, {"dates": "18 Sep - 18 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, 706, MBA Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Nov - 22 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, 706, MBA Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "5343": {"id": "J4kyjBY38QWHgz1eV5buA", "course_id": "110342", "term": "4442", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110342", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4442", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Enterprise Project (A)", "CAMPUS": "Ngee Ann Academy", "CAMPUS_CD": "NGA", "COUNTRY": "SGP", "SUBJECT": "MANAGEMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7120NA", "CLASS_NBR": 40009, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to Adelaide Master of Business Administration students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MANAGEMT 7117", "ASSESSMENT": "Project brief, research presentation and reflective journal", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The combined purpose of the Enterprise Project parts A and B is: 1) To place the cumulative learning from MBA core courses in the context of enterprise and explore the practical applications and ramifications. 2) To apply a systemic action research approach to an enterprise field research project. \n\nThis research project will draw on all the knowledge, insights and capabilities developed in the previous courses of the Adelaide MBA. Each project group will have an academic supervisor who will ensure all the individuals in that group contribute to designing, generating and evaluating an enterprise action research project. All projects must be designed to conceive, establish, refine or grow a commercial enterprise. The emphasis will be on systems awareness and identifying enduring, holistic solutions, rather than short-term fixes. Students will be required to investigate, analyse and synthesise complex concepts and theories and to argue propositions, methodologies, conclusions and professional decisions with reference to relevant theory. \n\nStudents will collaborate with community stakeholders. Well-developed communication, interpersonal and leadership skills will be required. These projects will be designed in recognition that when engaging with complex global and local challenges - challenges that affect natural, social and economic 'ecologies' - we must make important decisions in which finance, economics, people and nature are all highly interconnected. \n\nPart A of the Enterprise Project will focus on:\n- Establishing the scope and identifying the importance of the research\n- The research problem and objectives\n- Conducting a literature review\n- Research design and the methods of sampling, data collection and analysis", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 07/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 18/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 10/04/2024"}}]}, "5344": {"id": "J4kyjBY38QWHgz1eV5buA", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "XE8E-_HRAXgVOk9hsoY0c", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 40009, "section": "01NA", "size": 10, "enrolled": 4, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "5345": {"id": "0Fe-apaBezOBSpDDCZULn", "course_id": "110342", "term": "4444", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110342", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4444", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Enterprise Project (A)", "CAMPUS": "Ngee Ann Academy", "CAMPUS_CD": "NGA", "COUNTRY": "SGP", "SUBJECT": "MANAGEMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7120NA", "CLASS_NBR": 42021, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to Adelaide Master of Business Administration students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MANAGEMT 7117", "ASSESSMENT": "Project brief, research presentation and reflective journal", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The combined purpose of the Enterprise Project parts A and B is: 1) To place the cumulative learning from MBA core courses in the context of enterprise and explore the practical applications and ramifications. 2) To apply a systemic action research approach to an enterprise field research project. \n\nThis research project will draw on all the knowledge, insights and capabilities developed in the previous courses of the Adelaide MBA. Each project group will have an academic supervisor who will ensure all the individuals in that group contribute to designing, generating and evaluating an enterprise action research project. All projects must be designed to conceive, establish, refine or grow a commercial enterprise. The emphasis will be on systems awareness and identifying enduring, holistic solutions, rather than short-term fixes. Students will be required to investigate, analyse and synthesise complex concepts and theories and to argue propositions, methodologies, conclusions and professional decisions with reference to relevant theory. \n\nStudents will collaborate with community stakeholders. Well-developed communication, interpersonal and leadership skills will be required. These projects will be designed in recognition that when engaging with complex global and local challenges - challenges that affect natural, social and economic 'ecologies' - we must make important decisions in which finance, economics, people and nature are all highly interconnected. \n\nPart A of the Enterprise Project will focus on:\n- Establishing the scope and identifying the importance of the research\n- The research problem and objectives\n- Conducting a literature review\n- Research design and the methods of sampling, data collection and analysis", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 29/04/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 29/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 04/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 26/06/2024"}}]}, "5346": {"id": "0Fe-apaBezOBSpDDCZULn", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "bavrIIQzSoMfM5cX3Ai0p", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 42021, "section": "01NA", "size": 10, "enrolled": 5, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "5347": {"id": "XLdKXdyxYtJURpiRSVHFx", "course_id": "110342", "term": "4446", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110342", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4446", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Enterprise Project (A)", "CAMPUS": "Ngee Ann Academy", "CAMPUS_CD": "NGA", "COUNTRY": "SGP", "SUBJECT": "MANAGEMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7120NA", "CLASS_NBR": 44019, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to Adelaide Master of Business Administration students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MANAGEMT 7117", "ASSESSMENT": "Project brief, research presentation and reflective journal", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The combined purpose of the Enterprise Project parts A and B is: 1) To place the cumulative learning from MBA core courses in the context of enterprise and explore the practical applications and ramifications. 2) To apply a systemic action research approach to an enterprise field research project. \n\nThis research project will draw on all the knowledge, insights and capabilities developed in the previous courses of the Adelaide MBA. Each project group will have an academic supervisor who will ensure all the individuals in that group contribute to designing, generating and evaluating an enterprise action research project. All projects must be designed to conceive, establish, refine or grow a commercial enterprise. The emphasis will be on systems awareness and identifying enduring, holistic solutions, rather than short-term fixes. Students will be required to investigate, analyse and synthesise complex concepts and theories and to argue propositions, methodologies, conclusions and professional decisions with reference to relevant theory. \n\nStudents will collaborate with community stakeholders. Well-developed communication, interpersonal and leadership skills will be required. These projects will be designed in recognition that when engaging with complex global and local challenges - challenges that affect natural, social and economic 'ecologies' - we must make important decisions in which finance, economics, people and nature are all highly interconnected. \n\nPart A of the Enterprise Project will focus on:\n- Establishing the scope and identifying the importance of the research\n- The research problem and objectives\n- Conducting a literature review\n- Research design and the methods of sampling, data collection and analysis", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 22/07/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 22/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 27/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 18/09/2024"}}]}, "5348": {"id": "XLdKXdyxYtJURpiRSVHFx", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "sasdahsnYHym5zAdvSFKi", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 44019, "section": "01NA", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "5349": {"id": "rtyc5S9Vb8Q1Zj-TCfJLo", "course_id": "110342", "term": "4448", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110342", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4448", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "Enterprise Project (A)", "CAMPUS": "Ngee Ann Academy", "CAMPUS_CD": "NGA", "COUNTRY": "SGP", "SUBJECT": "MANAGEMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7120NA", "CLASS_NBR": 46084, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to Adelaide Master of Business Administration students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MANAGEMT 7117", "ASSESSMENT": "Project brief, research presentation and reflective journal", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The combined purpose of the Enterprise Project parts A and B is: 1) To place the cumulative learning from MBA core courses in the context of enterprise and explore the practical applications and ramifications. 2) To apply a systemic action research approach to an enterprise field research project. \n\nThis research project will draw on all the knowledge, insights and capabilities developed in the previous courses of the Adelaide MBA. Each project group will have an academic supervisor who will ensure all the individuals in that group contribute to designing, generating and evaluating an enterprise action research project. All projects must be designed to conceive, establish, refine or grow a commercial enterprise. The emphasis will be on systems awareness and identifying enduring, holistic solutions, rather than short-term fixes. Students will be required to investigate, analyse and synthesise complex concepts and theories and to argue propositions, methodologies, conclusions and professional decisions with reference to relevant theory. \n\nStudents will collaborate with community stakeholders. Well-developed communication, interpersonal and leadership skills will be required. These projects will be designed in recognition that when engaging with complex global and local challenges - challenges that affect natural, social and economic 'ecologies' - we must make important decisions in which finance, economics, people and nature are all highly interconnected. \n\nPart A of the Enterprise Project will focus on:\n- Establishing the scope and identifying the importance of the research\n- The research problem and objectives\n- Conducting a literature review\n- Research design and the methods of sampling, data collection and analysis", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 14/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 14/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 19/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 11/12/2024"}}]}, "5350": {"id": "rtyc5S9Vb8Q1Zj-TCfJLo", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "cHJTJvRjfmzc-tb_emLiC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46084, "section": "01NA", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "5351": {"id": "qTUT0V2Ctp-432E-MC3rN", "course_id": "110356", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110356", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Enterprise Project (B)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MANAGEMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7121", "CLASS_NBR": 30264, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to Adelaide Master of Business Administration students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MANAGEMT 7117, MANAGEMT 7122", "ASSESSMENT": "Project brief, research presentation and reflective journal", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The combined purpose of the Enterprise Project parts A and B is: 1. To place the cumulative learning from MBA core courses in the context of enterprise and explore the practical applications and ramifications. 2. To apply a systemic action research approach to an enterprise field research project. \n\nThis research project will draw on all the knowledge, insights and capabilities developed in the previous courses of the Adelaide MBA. Each project group will have an academic supervisor who will ensure all the individuals in that group contribute to designing, generating and evaluating an enterprise action research project. All projects must be designed to conceive, establish, refine or grow a commercial enterprise. The emphasis will be on systems awareness and identifying enduring, holistic solutions, rather than short-term fixes. Students will be required to investigate, analyse and synthesise complex concepts and theories and to argue propositions, methodologies, conclusions and professional decisions with reference to relevant theory. \n\nStudents will collaborate with community stakeholders. Well-developed communication, interpersonal and leadership skills will be required. These projects will be designed in recognition that when engaging with complex global and local challenges - challenges that affect natural, social and economic 'ecologies' - we must make important decisions in which finance, economics, people and nature are all highly interconnected. \n\nPart B of the Enterprise Project will focus on:\n- The profile of the data\n- Data analysis\n- Findings and their relevance to the objectives and the research problem\n- Recommendations arising from the findings\n- Presentation of the research and findings to academic and client audiences", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "5352": {"id": "qTUT0V2Ctp-432E-MC3rN", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "4xKFkl4EgFVAMIWn9lZG6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30264, "section": "SE01", "size": 8, "enrolled": 4, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jan - 31 Jan", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, 706, MBA Suite"}, {"dates": "14 Feb - 14 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, 706, MBA Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 706, MBA Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "5353": {"id": "EVzZCFWo8BWgoiAE44uLX", "course_id": "110356", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110356", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Enterprise Project (B)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MANAGEMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7121", "CLASS_NBR": 33233, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to Adelaide Master of Business Administration students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MANAGEMT 7117, MANAGEMT 7122", "ASSESSMENT": "Project brief, research presentation and reflective journal", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The combined purpose of the Enterprise Project parts A and B is: 1. To place the cumulative learning from MBA core courses in the context of enterprise and explore the practical applications and ramifications. 2. To apply a systemic action research approach to an enterprise field research project. \n\nThis research project will draw on all the knowledge, insights and capabilities developed in the previous courses of the Adelaide MBA. Each project group will have an academic supervisor who will ensure all the individuals in that group contribute to designing, generating and evaluating an enterprise action research project. All projects must be designed to conceive, establish, refine or grow a commercial enterprise. The emphasis will be on systems awareness and identifying enduring, holistic solutions, rather than short-term fixes. Students will be required to investigate, analyse and synthesise complex concepts and theories and to argue propositions, methodologies, conclusions and professional decisions with reference to relevant theory. \n\nStudents will collaborate with community stakeholders. Well-developed communication, interpersonal and leadership skills will be required. These projects will be designed in recognition that when engaging with complex global and local challenges - challenges that affect natural, social and economic 'ecologies' - we must make important decisions in which finance, economics, people and nature are all highly interconnected. \n\nPart B of the Enterprise Project will focus on:\n- The profile of the data\n- Data analysis\n- Findings and their relevance to the objectives and the research problem\n- Recommendations arising from the findings\n- Presentation of the research and findings to academic and client audiences", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "5354": {"id": "EVzZCFWo8BWgoiAE44uLX", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "eKJPjBHQgF7xvWppW6BVT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33233, "section": "SE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 2, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, 706, MBA Suite"}, {"dates": "5 Jun - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, 706, MBA Suite"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 706, MBA Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "5355": {"id": "v0tnterljTdBk1smqUxIv", "course_id": "110356", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110356", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Enterprise Project (B)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MANAGEMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7121", "CLASS_NBR": 36260, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to Adelaide Master of Business Administration students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MANAGEMT 7117, MANAGEMT 7122", "ASSESSMENT": "Project brief, research presentation and reflective journal", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The combined purpose of the Enterprise Project parts A and B is: 1. To place the cumulative learning from MBA core courses in the context of enterprise and explore the practical applications and ramifications. 2. To apply a systemic action research approach to an enterprise field research project. \n\nThis research project will draw on all the knowledge, insights and capabilities developed in the previous courses of the Adelaide MBA. Each project group will have an academic supervisor who will ensure all the individuals in that group contribute to designing, generating and evaluating an enterprise action research project. All projects must be designed to conceive, establish, refine or grow a commercial enterprise. The emphasis will be on systems awareness and identifying enduring, holistic solutions, rather than short-term fixes. Students will be required to investigate, analyse and synthesise complex concepts and theories and to argue propositions, methodologies, conclusions and professional decisions with reference to relevant theory. \n\nStudents will collaborate with community stakeholders. Well-developed communication, interpersonal and leadership skills will be required. These projects will be designed in recognition that when engaging with complex global and local challenges - challenges that affect natural, social and economic 'ecologies' - we must make important decisions in which finance, economics, people and nature are all highly interconnected. \n\nPart B of the Enterprise Project will focus on:\n- The profile of the data\n- Data analysis\n- Findings and their relevance to the objectives and the research problem\n- Recommendations arising from the findings\n- Presentation of the research and findings to academic and client audiences", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "5356": {"id": "v0tnterljTdBk1smqUxIv", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "67Qfg_o_lyTbCQ_cRvmf0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36260, "section": "SE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Sep - 4 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, 706, MBA Suite"}, {"dates": "18 Sep - 18 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, 706, MBA Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Nov - 22 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, 706, MBA Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "5357": {"id": "jTNH6qpDyfIy_eSQLMDjz", "course_id": "110356", "term": "4442", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110356", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4442", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Enterprise Project (B)", "CAMPUS": "Ngee Ann Academy", "CAMPUS_CD": "NGA", "COUNTRY": "SGP", "SUBJECT": "MANAGEMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7121NA", "CLASS_NBR": 40010, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to Adelaide Master of Business Administration students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MANAGEMT 7117", "ASSESSMENT": "Project brief, research presentation and reflective journal", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The combined purpose of the Enterprise Project parts A and B is: 1. To place the cumulative learning from MBA core courses in the context of enterprise and explore the practical applications and ramifications. 2. To apply a systemic action research approach to an enterprise field research project. \n\nThis research project will draw on all the knowledge, insights and capabilities developed in the previous courses of the Adelaide MBA. Each project group will have an academic supervisor who will ensure all the individuals in that group contribute to designing, generating and evaluating an enterprise action research project. All projects must be designed to conceive, establish, refine or grow a commercial enterprise. The emphasis will be on systems awareness and identifying enduring, holistic solutions, rather than short-term fixes. Students will be required to investigate, analyse and synthesise complex concepts and theories and to argue propositions, methodologies, conclusions and professional decisions with reference to relevant theory. \n\nStudents will collaborate with community stakeholders. Well-developed communication, interpersonal and leadership skills will be required. These projects will be designed in recognition that when engaging with complex global and local challenges - challenges that affect natural, social and economic 'ecologies' - we must make important decisions in which finance, economics, people and nature are all highly interconnected. \n\nPart B of the Enterprise Project will focus on:\n- The profile of the data\n- Data analysis\n- Findings and their relevance to the objectives and the research problem\n- Recommendations arising from the findings\n- Presentation of the research and findings to academic and client audiences", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 07/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 18/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 10/04/2024"}}]}, "5358": {"id": "jTNH6qpDyfIy_eSQLMDjz", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "bmIRDs5EKkuRDAZ16cGq0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 40010, "section": "01NA", "size": 15, "enrolled": 11, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "5359": {"id": "VZgKZWVrLg63m-DVD8t6y", "course_id": "110356", "term": "4444", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110356", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4444", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Enterprise Project (B)", "CAMPUS": "Ngee Ann Academy", "CAMPUS_CD": "NGA", "COUNTRY": "SGP", "SUBJECT": "MANAGEMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7121NA", "CLASS_NBR": 42022, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to Adelaide Master of Business Administration students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MANAGEMT 7117", "ASSESSMENT": "Project brief, research presentation and reflective journal", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The combined purpose of the Enterprise Project parts A and B is: 1. To place the cumulative learning from MBA core courses in the context of enterprise and explore the practical applications and ramifications. 2. To apply a systemic action research approach to an enterprise field research project. \n\nThis research project will draw on all the knowledge, insights and capabilities developed in the previous courses of the Adelaide MBA. Each project group will have an academic supervisor who will ensure all the individuals in that group contribute to designing, generating and evaluating an enterprise action research project. All projects must be designed to conceive, establish, refine or grow a commercial enterprise. The emphasis will be on systems awareness and identifying enduring, holistic solutions, rather than short-term fixes. Students will be required to investigate, analyse and synthesise complex concepts and theories and to argue propositions, methodologies, conclusions and professional decisions with reference to relevant theory. \n\nStudents will collaborate with community stakeholders. Well-developed communication, interpersonal and leadership skills will be required. These projects will be designed in recognition that when engaging with complex global and local challenges - challenges that affect natural, social and economic 'ecologies' - we must make important decisions in which finance, economics, people and nature are all highly interconnected. \n\nPart B of the Enterprise Project will focus on:\n- The profile of the data\n- Data analysis\n- Findings and their relevance to the objectives and the research problem\n- Recommendations arising from the findings\n- Presentation of the research and findings to academic and client audiences", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 29/04/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 29/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 04/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 26/06/2024"}}]}, "5360": {"id": "VZgKZWVrLg63m-DVD8t6y", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "foqCz9C4okPC2ufEU2hQu", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 42022, "section": "01NA", "size": 10, "enrolled": 4, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "5361": {"id": "tOVZ8CVF6SlPM1rZ0wu5-", "course_id": "110356", "term": "4446", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110356", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4446", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Enterprise Project (B)", "CAMPUS": "Ngee Ann Academy", "CAMPUS_CD": "NGA", "COUNTRY": "SGP", "SUBJECT": "MANAGEMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7121NA", "CLASS_NBR": 44020, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to Adelaide Master of Business Administration students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MANAGEMT 7117", "ASSESSMENT": "Project brief, research presentation and reflective journal", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The combined purpose of the Enterprise Project parts A and B is: 1. To place the cumulative learning from MBA core courses in the context of enterprise and explore the practical applications and ramifications. 2. To apply a systemic action research approach to an enterprise field research project. \n\nThis research project will draw on all the knowledge, insights and capabilities developed in the previous courses of the Adelaide MBA. Each project group will have an academic supervisor who will ensure all the individuals in that group contribute to designing, generating and evaluating an enterprise action research project. All projects must be designed to conceive, establish, refine or grow a commercial enterprise. The emphasis will be on systems awareness and identifying enduring, holistic solutions, rather than short-term fixes. Students will be required to investigate, analyse and synthesise complex concepts and theories and to argue propositions, methodologies, conclusions and professional decisions with reference to relevant theory. \n\nStudents will collaborate with community stakeholders. Well-developed communication, interpersonal and leadership skills will be required. These projects will be designed in recognition that when engaging with complex global and local challenges - challenges that affect natural, social and economic 'ecologies' - we must make important decisions in which finance, economics, people and nature are all highly interconnected. \n\nPart B of the Enterprise Project will focus on:\n- The profile of the data\n- Data analysis\n- Findings and their relevance to the objectives and the research problem\n- Recommendations arising from the findings\n- Presentation of the research and findings to academic and client audiences", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 22/07/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 22/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 27/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 18/09/2024"}}]}, "5362": {"id": "tOVZ8CVF6SlPM1rZ0wu5-", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "TounUU0HLV3bltSpOa3zZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 44020, "section": "01NA", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "5363": {"id": "xTqXFoev8KviG4yZpxcNI", "course_id": "110356", "term": "4448", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110356", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4448", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "Enterprise Project (B)", "CAMPUS": "Ngee Ann Academy", "CAMPUS_CD": "NGA", "COUNTRY": "SGP", "SUBJECT": "MANAGEMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7121NA", "CLASS_NBR": 46085, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to Adelaide Master of Business Administration students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MANAGEMT 7117", "ASSESSMENT": "Project brief, research presentation and reflective journal", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The combined purpose of the Enterprise Project parts A and B is: 1. To place the cumulative learning from MBA core courses in the context of enterprise and explore the practical applications and ramifications. 2. To apply a systemic action research approach to an enterprise field research project. \n\nThis research project will draw on all the knowledge, insights and capabilities developed in the previous courses of the Adelaide MBA. Each project group will have an academic supervisor who will ensure all the individuals in that group contribute to designing, generating and evaluating an enterprise action research project. All projects must be designed to conceive, establish, refine or grow a commercial enterprise. The emphasis will be on systems awareness and identifying enduring, holistic solutions, rather than short-term fixes. Students will be required to investigate, analyse and synthesise complex concepts and theories and to argue propositions, methodologies, conclusions and professional decisions with reference to relevant theory. \n\nStudents will collaborate with community stakeholders. Well-developed communication, interpersonal and leadership skills will be required. These projects will be designed in recognition that when engaging with complex global and local challenges - challenges that affect natural, social and economic 'ecologies' - we must make important decisions in which finance, economics, people and nature are all highly interconnected. \n\nPart B of the Enterprise Project will focus on:\n- The profile of the data\n- Data analysis\n- Findings and their relevance to the objectives and the research problem\n- Recommendations arising from the findings\n- Presentation of the research and findings to academic and client audiences", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 14/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 14/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 19/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 11/12/2024"}}]}, "5364": {"id": "xTqXFoev8KviG4yZpxcNI", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "-0AJhPUPlwuRXnQJUcTOs", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46085, "section": "01NA", "size": 10, "enrolled": 5, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "5365": {"id": "DmYBYW49WNEAd60o_SGzR", "course_id": "111362", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111362", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Enterprise Project", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MANAGEMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7122", "CLASS_NBR": 30268, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "3 hours per week with workshops and individual supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to Executive Master of Business Administration students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Final course of the Executive Master of Business Administration programs", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MANAGEMT 7117, MANAGEMT 7120, MANAGEMT 7121", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is the culmination of applied learning from the MBA. Based on a foundation of rigorous research and real-world problem solving, students will work with organisations to address significant organisational, industry, and/or societal issues. Students will formalise a research question and project proposal, review extant literature, conduct primary and secondary research, analyse and synthesise data and ultimately reporting findings in both a presentation and written report. This research project will draw on all the knowledge, insights and capabilities developed in the previous courses of the MBA. Each project will be individually supervised and should make a clear contribution to an enterprise that makes a positive impact on people and the environment. The course also contains an important reflective element, where students are required to consider their journey through the MBA, analysing their leadership growth and other developments.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "5366": {"id": "DmYBYW49WNEAd60o_SGzR", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "yPJ8U8ZdktbPFpgSJGpfj", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30268, "section": "WR01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 13, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jan - 31 Jan", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, 706, MBA Suite"}, {"dates": "14 Feb - 14 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, 706, MBA Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 706, MBA Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "5367": {"id": "_ibquI8cClNWL_Oo-4H-Y", "course_id": "111362", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111362", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Enterprise Project", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MANAGEMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7122", "CLASS_NBR": 33236, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "3 hours per week with workshops and individual supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to Executive Master of Business Administration students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Final course of the Executive Master of Business Administration programs", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MANAGEMT 7117, MANAGEMT 7120, MANAGEMT 7121", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is the culmination of applied learning from the MBA. Based on a foundation of rigorous research and real-world problem solving, students will work with organisations to address significant organisational, industry, and/or societal issues. Students will formalise a research question and project proposal, review extant literature, conduct primary and secondary research, analyse and synthesise data and ultimately reporting findings in both a presentation and written report. This research project will draw on all the knowledge, insights and capabilities developed in the previous courses of the MBA. Each project will be individually supervised and should make a clear contribution to an enterprise that makes a positive impact on people and the environment. The course also contains an important reflective element, where students are required to consider their journey through the MBA, analysing their leadership growth and other developments.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "5368": {"id": "_ibquI8cClNWL_Oo-4H-Y", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "NV6p0bwm1ztkp88YrmQm8", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33236, "section": "WR01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 15, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, 706, MBA Suite"}, {"dates": "5 Jun - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, 706, MBA Suite"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 706, MBA Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "5369": {"id": "GfUStDHXF02FOjmLJgfTx", "course_id": "111362", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111362", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Enterprise Project", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MANAGEMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7122", "CLASS_NBR": 36262, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "3 hours per week with workshops and individual supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to Executive Master of Business Administration students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Final course of the Executive Master of Business Administration programs", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MANAGEMT 7117, MANAGEMT 7120, MANAGEMT 7121", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is the culmination of applied learning from the MBA. Based on a foundation of rigorous research and real-world problem solving, students will work with organisations to address significant organisational, industry, and/or societal issues. Students will formalise a research question and project proposal, review extant literature, conduct primary and secondary research, analyse and synthesise data and ultimately reporting findings in both a presentation and written report. This research project will draw on all the knowledge, insights and capabilities developed in the previous courses of the MBA. Each project will be individually supervised and should make a clear contribution to an enterprise that makes a positive impact on people and the environment. The course also contains an important reflective element, where students are required to consider their journey through the MBA, analysing their leadership growth and other developments.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "5370": {"id": "GfUStDHXF02FOjmLJgfTx", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "-iLHOI4VSr1OEMd-bQJ08", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36262, "section": "WR01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 6, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Sep - 4 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, 706, MBA Suite"}, {"dates": "18 Sep - 18 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Nexus10, 706, MBA Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Nov - 22 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, 706, MBA Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "5371": {"id": "u_TQwAuTpRBKBgBzuCjIe", "course_id": "110388", "term": "4463", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110388", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4463", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Leadership and Influencing", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MANAGEMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7123OL", "CLASS_NBR": 63009, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to Master of Business Administration (Health Management), Master of Business Administration (Online), Graduate Diploma and Graduate Certificate students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "An essential skill of leadership in our time is the ability to work with people to tackle challenges and changes which are not only technical in nature but which require people (including ourselves) to change. It involves our intellectual and emotional understanding of others and ourselves. Identifying the nature of the challenge, and hence the kind of leadership behaviours which are likely to be effective is a first step. Knowing our own personal preferences is a prerequisite to developing additional alternative responses.\nIn Leadership and Influencing, you will explore your evolving leadership story, your leadership philosophy and identify areas for ongoing development. Using current leadership and team development models you will diagnose the different kinds of challenges facing you, the capabilities of the people and teams with whom you are achieving outcomes and the context and culture in which you are working. We will consider the interaction of these elements both in stable and changing environments and the leadership behaviours and tools to move forward.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 19/04/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 17/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 03/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 17/06/2024"}}]}, "5372": {"id": "u_TQwAuTpRBKBgBzuCjIe", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "9DpTXqFA2G0B_XhUEwwQv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 63009, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 47, "available": 253, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "5373": {"id": "xlSM3tGC4InOGjfm7ZDwS", "course_id": "110389", "term": "4461", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110389", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4461", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Marketing for Managers", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MANAGEMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7124OL", "CLASS_NBR": 61008, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to Master of Business Administration (Health Management), Master of Business Administration (Online), Graduate Diploma and Graduate Certificate students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Marketing lies at the core of all enterprise activity. Whatever the character or size of your entity, its revenue and resources can come from only one place - the marketplace. Whether the enterprise is Private or Public Sector, Not for Profit or Start-up, all enterprises are dependent on interactions with customers, donors, buyers or clients. This is the central tenet to marketing.\nIn larger enterprises it is marketing managers who are primarily responsible for keeping their company close to these 'customers'. In the majority of today's enterprises this thinking is embedded into many roles. \nThis course offers an introduction to marketing thought and action. The course explains the nature and purpose of marketing and the fundamentals of each of the most important marketing tasks. It analyses the need for customer orientation, the evaluation of markets and the targeting of market opportunities. It examines consumer and buyer behaviour and the role of market information. In addition, the course explains how to integrate product and service decisions with those on pricing, distribution and promotion.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 18/12/2023", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 19/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 19/02/2024"}}]}, "5374": {"id": "xlSM3tGC4InOGjfm7ZDwS", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "gB5aNbbbja8mNd0FlcuNW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 61008, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 60, "available": 240, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "5375": {"id": "qeqYTeKo1hl_pykRUctM6", "course_id": "110389", "term": "4465", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110389", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4465", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 5", "COURSE_TITLE": "Marketing for Managers", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MANAGEMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7124OL", "CLASS_NBR": 65008, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to Master of Business Administration (Health Management), Master of Business Administration (Online), Graduate Diploma and Graduate Certificate students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Marketing lies at the core of all enterprise activity. Whatever the character or size of your entity, its revenue and resources can come from only one place - the marketplace. Whether the enterprise is Private or Public Sector, Not for Profit or Start-up, all enterprises are dependent on interactions with customers, donors, buyers or clients. This is the central tenet to marketing.\nIn larger enterprises it is marketing managers who are primarily responsible for keeping their company close to these 'customers'. In the majority of today's enterprises this thinking is embedded into many roles. \nThis course offers an introduction to marketing thought and action. The course explains the nature and purpose of marketing and the fundamentals of each of the most important marketing tasks. It analyses the need for customer orientation, the evaluation of markets and the targeting of market opportunities. It examines consumer and buyer behaviour and the role of market information. In addition, the course explains how to integrate product and service decisions with those on pricing, distribution and promotion.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 09/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 06/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 23/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 07/10/2024"}}]}, "5376": {"id": "qeqYTeKo1hl_pykRUctM6", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "_JpxHbX5eNrFOu6yGlL7C", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 65008, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 41, "available": 259, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "5377": {"id": "o3ZGQ-pvdZiAA1_3oSyB0", "course_id": "110387", "term": "4462", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110387", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4462", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Entrepreneurial Mindset", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MANAGEMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7125OL", "CLASS_NBR": 62011, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to Master of Business Administration (Health Management), Master of Business Administration (Online), Graduate Diploma and Graduate Certificate students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The term entrepreneurship is often poorly understood based on adoption of a very narrow definition of 'starting a new business'. Founding a start-up is only one pathway available to individuals who utilise the unique skill set that underpins the entrepreneurial mindset. Also referred to as a growth mindset, the skills and capabilities that characterise an entrepreneurial mindset enable creative agile thinking, ability to recognise opportunity in a crowded competitive market, an experimentation mentality that accepts failure as a positive learning approach to problem solving, a competency to navigate ambiguity and the uncertainty of a constantly changing environment, plus a strong bias to action. Employers are beginning to understand the importance of fluid decision-making and adaptive enterprising skills, acknowledging these may become a mandatory expectation in job descriptions for managers at the workplace of the future. \nWhether a leader or manager in a large corporate, a company director, a policy maker or advisor in government, achieving social good through a purpose-driven enterprise, succession pathway in a family business, intrapreneuring as a respected and valuable employee, or the founder of your own venture, the challenges within today's global marketplace will demand an entrepreneurial attitude and skill set that enables mastery in cultivating and evaluating profitable opportunities and calculated risk management.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 16/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 15/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 08/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 22/04/2024"}}]}, "5378": {"id": "o3ZGQ-pvdZiAA1_3oSyB0", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "n9nTC1e6Ea-qwl6HLgdlw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 62011, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 58, "available": 242, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "5379": {"id": "EZrwVnfhuTF0HxaEILddg", "course_id": "110387", "term": "4466", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110387", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4466", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 6", "COURSE_TITLE": "Entrepreneurial Mindset", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MANAGEMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7125OL", "CLASS_NBR": 66011, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to Master of Business Administration (Health Management), Master of Business Administration (Online), Graduate Diploma and Graduate Certificate students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The term entrepreneurship is often poorly understood based on adoption of a very narrow definition of 'starting a new business'. Founding a start-up is only one pathway available to individuals who utilise the unique skill set that underpins the entrepreneurial mindset. Also referred to as a growth mindset, the skills and capabilities that characterise an entrepreneurial mindset enable creative agile thinking, ability to recognise opportunity in a crowded competitive market, an experimentation mentality that accepts failure as a positive learning approach to problem solving, a competency to navigate ambiguity and the uncertainty of a constantly changing environment, plus a strong bias to action. Employers are beginning to understand the importance of fluid decision-making and adaptive enterprising skills, acknowledging these may become a mandatory expectation in job descriptions for managers at the workplace of the future. \nWhether a leader or manager in a large corporate, a company director, a policy maker or advisor in government, achieving social good through a purpose-driven enterprise, succession pathway in a family business, intrapreneuring as a respected and valuable employee, or the founder of your own venture, the challenges within today's global marketplace will demand an entrepreneurial attitude and skill set that enables mastery in cultivating and evaluating profitable opportunities and calculated risk management.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 04/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 01/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 18/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 02/12/2024"}}]}, "5380": {"id": "EZrwVnfhuTF0HxaEILddg", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "Svd6ZjilgxGoZL3r_WyON", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 66011, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 47, "available": 253, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "5381": {"id": "3ZkoYeTCJh1MV2DJ89KVx", "course_id": "110386", "term": "4464", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110386", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4464", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "Accounting and Financial Management", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MANAGEMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7126OL", "CLASS_NBR": 64011, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to Master of Business Administration (Health Management), Master of Business Administration (Online), Graduate Diploma and Graduate Certificate students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Throughout history, financial literacy has been the foundations for the prosperity of organisations, commerce and societies. The purpose of this course is to improve your financial literacy so you are able to assess the financial performance and financial standing of an organisation. You will be introduced to the language of accounting and key concepts, as well as the skills to interpret earnings statements, balance sheets, and cash flow reports. This course will also introduce you to key concepts for managing finances such as the time value of money, capital budgeting, how enterprises finance their capital expenditure and the risk-return paradigm.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 14/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 29/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 12/08/2024"}}]}, "5382": {"id": "3ZkoYeTCJh1MV2DJ89KVx", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "YZlomKQsuQYo-q6LAQsPn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 64011, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 40, "available": 260, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "5383": {"id": "otbc4RB9EqjNuuPP_EfG5", "course_id": "110390", "term": "4464", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110390", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4464", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "Innovation Management", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MANAGEMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7127OL", "CLASS_NBR": 64012, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to Master of Business Administration - Online, Master of Business Administration - Online (Health Management) and Graduate Diploma students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MANAGEMT 7123OL and MANAGEMT 7124OL and MANAGEMT 7125OL and MANAGEMT 7126OL", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course recognises that today\u2019s enterprise needs to gain competitive advantages in order to face the dynamic environment in which they operate. Innovative enterprises outperform their non-innovative counterparts in terms of growth, financial performance, and employment. Innovation leaders are essential organisational resources for achieving this. Although innovation is a fundamental driver of competitiveness, managing innovation is not an easy task. The ability of managers to turn ideas into actions is a critical component. This course will equip managers with know-how and tools to create, develop and manage enterprises encouraging innovative behaviours which will lead to successful innovation outputs.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 14/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 29/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 12/08/2024"}}]}, "5384": {"id": "otbc4RB9EqjNuuPP_EfG5", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "QU3TfPXkKJz-7lZQvvnWY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 64012, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 42, "available": 258, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "5385": {"id": "JFbH-ZPqGXDr90ptZCNew", "course_id": "110391", "term": "4463", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110391", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4463", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Managing People and Organisations", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MANAGEMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7128OL", "CLASS_NBR": 63010, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to Master of Business Administration - Online, Master of Business Administration - Online (Health Management) and Graduate Diploma students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MANAGEMT 7123OL and MANAGEMT 7124OL and MANAGEMT 7125OL and MANAGEMT 7126OL", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Organisation amplifies the leadership intent. Orchestrating the interaction between individuals, sections, organisational structures and culture to align with the organisation strategy and achieve its purpose, requires a detailed understanding of the system. In addition to direct influence, a leader needs to know how to use and influence the organisation\u2019s culture and processes, to manage its interdependencies and develop its people. In our dynamic work-world mobilising staff knowledge and passion, and supporting the learning needed to adjust to changes, is critical to remaining viable. Effective administrative structures, policies and processes can amplify the leader\u2019s intent, or block initiative. In this course we will examine the key influences and perspectives on the management of organisations, and tools to enhance ethical decision-making. The focus is primarily on human issues that affect and are dealt with by managers day-to-day. The ability to analyse and to think clearly and independently about these issues is the basis of effective management action. Throughout the course there is an emphasis on thinking about and asking important questions, rather than fixing on 'right' answers.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 19/04/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 17/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 03/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 17/06/2024"}}]}, "5386": {"id": "JFbH-ZPqGXDr90ptZCNew", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "Xoxz-h1_tg760v2zhHXmq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 63010, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 53, "available": 247, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "5387": {"id": "GgJo7UY8AtuncBfyT8Sv3", "course_id": "110392", "term": "4461", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110392", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4461", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Strategic Alignments", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MANAGEMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7129OL", "CLASS_NBR": 61009, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to Master of Business Administration - Online students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MANAGEMT 7127OL, MANAGEMT 7128OL, MANAGEMT 7131OL, ECON 7244OL", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Enterprise success depends on a well-defined strategy. Managers should be able to link the organisation\u2019s objectives, structure, resources and business environment in order to achieve higher enterprise performance. This can be accomplished by creating a clear sense of direction and developing an enterprise framework for discussion and alignment for decisions to be made. Managers play a core role in developing enterprise strategy that provides vision and direction, and to communicate and share that direction so that everyone understands how they can contribute. A three-step approach will be followed in this course: understanding the environment (what can be done?), selecting actions (what and why?), and implementation (How?).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 18/12/2023", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 19/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 19/02/2024"}}]}, "5388": {"id": "GgJo7UY8AtuncBfyT8Sv3", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "7ABJE73xh9xKyQ21KWYUj", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 61009, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 20, "available": 280, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "5389": {"id": "4eHnurt6--W7z7Ist4K0E", "course_id": "110392", "term": "4463", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110392", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4463", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Strategic Alignments", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MANAGEMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7129OL", "CLASS_NBR": 63011, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to Master of Business Administration - Online students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MANAGEMT 7127OL, MANAGEMT 7128OL, MANAGEMT 7131OL, ECON 7244OL", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Enterprise success depends on a well-defined strategy. Managers should be able to link the organisation\u2019s objectives, structure, resources and business environment in order to achieve higher enterprise performance. This can be accomplished by creating a clear sense of direction and developing an enterprise framework for discussion and alignment for decisions to be made. Managers play a core role in developing enterprise strategy that provides vision and direction, and to communicate and share that direction so that everyone understands how they can contribute. A three-step approach will be followed in this course: understanding the environment (what can be done?), selecting actions (what and why?), and implementation (How?).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 19/04/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 17/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 03/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 17/06/2024"}}]}, "5390": {"id": "4eHnurt6--W7z7Ist4K0E", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "RmxPs6zuln9Wlo4JGdkht", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 63011, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 23, "available": 277, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "5391": {"id": "0kcB6_wfYvkJFBmaYXPcn", "course_id": "110392", "term": "4465", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110392", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4465", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 5", "COURSE_TITLE": "Strategic Alignments", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MANAGEMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7129OL", "CLASS_NBR": 65009, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to Master of Business Administration - Online students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MANAGEMT 7127OL, MANAGEMT 7128OL, MANAGEMT 7131OL, ECON 7244OL", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Enterprise success depends on a well-defined strategy. Managers should be able to link the organisation\u2019s objectives, structure, resources and business environment in order to achieve higher enterprise performance. This can be accomplished by creating a clear sense of direction and developing an enterprise framework for discussion and alignment for decisions to be made. Managers play a core role in developing enterprise strategy that provides vision and direction, and to communicate and share that direction so that everyone understands how they can contribute. A three-step approach will be followed in this course: understanding the environment (what can be done?), selecting actions (what and why?), and implementation (How?).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 09/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 06/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 23/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 07/10/2024"}}]}, "5392": {"id": "0kcB6_wfYvkJFBmaYXPcn", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "uRTQ4zl5h1mxkf2GyRtXs", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 65009, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 22, "available": 278, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "5393": {"id": "9SUkG6wbZzWnX90Hr6RIn", "course_id": "110393", "term": "4462", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110393", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4462", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Systems Thinking", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MANAGEMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7130OL", "CLASS_NBR": 62012, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to Master of Business Administration - Online students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MANAGEMT 7127OL, MANAGEMT 7128OL, MANAGEMT 7131OL, ECON 7244OL", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Many of today's complex challenges cannot be tackled with the narrowly-focused, unconnected thinking of the past. Managers must make decisions and take action in complex environments in which finance, economics, markets, people and nature are interconnected and interdependent. This \u2018messy\u2019 interconnectedness blurs the boundaries between organisations, communities and fields of expertise \u2013 nothing is neat and tidy. Systems thinking focuses on the relationships among system elements and the interactions of the system with its environment, as opposed to focusing on the elements themselves. It is holistic (integrative) thinking instead of analytic (dissective) thinking. This course will introduce you to the world of systems and systems thinking. We will consider the merits of looking at wholes, rather than unconnected parts, and we will explore ways in which managers can make use of the nature of systems, even in complex, unpredictable environments, to influence outcomes in a more profound way than can be achieved with \u2018linear\u2019 or \u2018mechanistic\u2019 thinking.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 16/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 15/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 08/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 22/04/2024"}}]}, "5394": {"id": "9SUkG6wbZzWnX90Hr6RIn", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "ZjkP6zu4j9wMdB-CrJkrv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 62012, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 23, "available": 277, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "5395": {"id": "nae015YSmq1NGa9mpAu21", "course_id": "110393", "term": "4464", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110393", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4464", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "Systems Thinking", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MANAGEMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7130OL", "CLASS_NBR": 64013, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to Master of Business Administration - Online students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MANAGEMT 7127OL, MANAGEMT 7128OL, MANAGEMT 7131OL, ECON 7244OL", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Many of today's complex challenges cannot be tackled with the narrowly-focused, unconnected thinking of the past. Managers must make decisions and take action in complex environments in which finance, economics, markets, people and nature are interconnected and interdependent. This \u2018messy\u2019 interconnectedness blurs the boundaries between organisations, communities and fields of expertise \u2013 nothing is neat and tidy. Systems thinking focuses on the relationships among system elements and the interactions of the system with its environment, as opposed to focusing on the elements themselves. It is holistic (integrative) thinking instead of analytic (dissective) thinking. This course will introduce you to the world of systems and systems thinking. We will consider the merits of looking at wholes, rather than unconnected parts, and we will explore ways in which managers can make use of the nature of systems, even in complex, unpredictable environments, to influence outcomes in a more profound way than can be achieved with \u2018linear\u2019 or \u2018mechanistic\u2019 thinking.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 14/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 29/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 12/08/2024"}}]}, "5396": {"id": "nae015YSmq1NGa9mpAu21", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "48yMgH5BlpBw1VynC_ljX", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 64013, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 24, "available": 276, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "5397": {"id": "DSy8tcNDudUenEbalYZDH", "course_id": "110393", "term": "4466", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110393", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4466", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 6", "COURSE_TITLE": "Systems Thinking", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MANAGEMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7130OL", "CLASS_NBR": 66012, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to Master of Business Administration - Online students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MANAGEMT 7127OL, MANAGEMT 7128OL, MANAGEMT 7131OL, ECON 7244OL", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Many of today's complex challenges cannot be tackled with the narrowly-focused, unconnected thinking of the past. Managers must make decisions and take action in complex environments in which finance, economics, markets, people and nature are interconnected and interdependent. This \u2018messy\u2019 interconnectedness blurs the boundaries between organisations, communities and fields of expertise \u2013 nothing is neat and tidy. Systems thinking focuses on the relationships among system elements and the interactions of the system with its environment, as opposed to focusing on the elements themselves. It is holistic (integrative) thinking instead of analytic (dissective) thinking. This course will introduce you to the world of systems and systems thinking. We will consider the merits of looking at wholes, rather than unconnected parts, and we will explore ways in which managers can make use of the nature of systems, even in complex, unpredictable environments, to influence outcomes in a more profound way than can be achieved with \u2018linear\u2019 or \u2018mechanistic\u2019 thinking.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 04/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 01/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 18/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 02/12/2024"}}]}, "5398": {"id": "DSy8tcNDudUenEbalYZDH", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "aODxaUvolGYy3QTNRtOmI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 66012, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 25, "available": 275, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "5399": {"id": "YkX8wPK4oChIqK1KWbbZE", "course_id": "110394", "term": "4462", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110394", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4462", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research for Managers", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MANAGEMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7131OL", "CLASS_NBR": 62013, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to Master of Business Administration - Online, Master of Business Administration - Online (Health Management) and Graduate Diploma students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MANAGEMT 7123OL and MANAGEMT 7124OL and MANAGEMT 7125OL and MANAGEMT 7126OL", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces tools and knowledge to understand the importance of business research as a managerial decision-making tool that enterprises use to reduce uncertainty. It will cover differences between basic and applied research, the value of undertaking research, and the role that research plays in everyday practices such as strategy development. This course provides an overview of the research process, a framework, a structure, and the knowledge, skills and methodology to enable you to achieve success in a final research project for your MBA", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 16/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 15/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 08/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 22/04/2024"}}]}, "5400": {"id": "YkX8wPK4oChIqK1KWbbZE", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "uF_vr7to558c3zIBox_6G", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 62013, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 60, "available": 240, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "5401": {"id": "AwKXw45RnwrUjTEs3QS0t", "course_id": "110394", "term": "4466", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110394", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4466", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 6", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research for Managers", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MANAGEMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7131OL", "CLASS_NBR": 66013, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to Master of Business Administration - Online, Master of Business Administration - Online (Health Management) and Graduate Diploma students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MANAGEMT 7123OL and MANAGEMT 7124OL and MANAGEMT 7125OL and MANAGEMT 7126OL", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces tools and knowledge to understand the importance of business research as a managerial decision-making tool that enterprises use to reduce uncertainty. It will cover differences between basic and applied research, the value of undertaking research, and the role that research plays in everyday practices such as strategy development. This course provides an overview of the research process, a framework, a structure, and the knowledge, skills and methodology to enable you to achieve success in a final research project for your MBA", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 04/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 01/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 18/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 02/12/2024"}}]}, "5402": {"id": "AwKXw45RnwrUjTEs3QS0t", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "J2DGD_8Su56qxSqPgEUQw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 66013, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 35, "available": 265, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "5403": {"id": "bh-N_YFiiYn4byfkXPvQD", "course_id": "110516", "term": "4461", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110516", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4461", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Project Part A", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MANAGEMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7133AOL", "CLASS_NBR": 61011, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Master of Business Administration - Online and Master of Business Administration - Online (Health Management) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MANAGEMT 7123OL and MANAGEMT 7126OL and MANAGEMT 7124OL and MANAGEMT 7125OL and MANAGEMT 7128OL and MANAGEMT 7127OL and ECON 7244OL and MANAGEMT 7131OL and (MANAGEMT 7129OL and MANAGEMT 7130OL) or (PUB HLTH 7501OL or PUB HLTH 7500OL)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Weekly activities (small quizzes and discussion boards), case studies, presentations, self or peer assessment, essays, reports, reflections, group assignment and other assessments advise during the first section.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The purpose of the final research project is to take the learning out of the classroom and into the workplace and/or wider world through a research project using supervisor-based learning and the knowledge acquired in the Research for Managers course. Students are able to work in teams (from two to three students) or one-on-one with supervisors. The research project will involve conducting research, carrying out analysis, preparing a report, and making a final presentation. The student/s would submit a proposal at the end of the Research for Managers for approval, and so that a supervisor can be assigned.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 18/12/2023", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 19/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 19/02/2024"}}]}, "5404": {"id": "bh-N_YFiiYn4byfkXPvQD", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "kcZ_m0ItWEAVFxs-kNgnO", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 61011, "section": "01OL", "size": 200, "enrolled": 16, "available": 184, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "5405": {"id": "yTimPKcSihJkqAC6wsL1x", "course_id": "110516", "term": "4463", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110516", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4463", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Project Part A", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MANAGEMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7133AOL", "CLASS_NBR": 63012, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Master of Business Administration - Online and Master of Business Administration - Online (Health Management) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MANAGEMT 7123OL and MANAGEMT 7126OL and MANAGEMT 7124OL and MANAGEMT 7125OL and MANAGEMT 7128OL and MANAGEMT 7127OL and ECON 7244OL and MANAGEMT 7131OL and (MANAGEMT 7129OL and MANAGEMT 7130OL) or (PUB HLTH 7501OL or PUB HLTH 7500OL)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Weekly activities (small quizzes and discussion boards), case studies, presentations, self or peer assessment, essays, reports, reflections, group assignment and other assessments advise during the first section.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The purpose of the final research project is to take the learning out of the classroom and into the workplace and/or wider world through a research project using supervisor-based learning and the knowledge acquired in the Research for Managers course. Students are able to work in teams (from two to three students) or one-on-one with supervisors. The research project will involve conducting research, carrying out analysis, preparing a report, and making a final presentation. The student/s would submit a proposal at the end of the Research for Managers for approval, and so that a supervisor can be assigned.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 19/04/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 17/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 03/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 17/06/2024"}}]}, "5406": {"id": "yTimPKcSihJkqAC6wsL1x", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "5pu9cDDcRYrukDghjQifO", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 63012, "section": "01OL", "size": 200, "enrolled": 20, "available": 180, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "5407": {"id": "LcpRLBIOUlQn3JfXjyxOA", "course_id": "110516", "term": "4465", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110516", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4465", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 5", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Project Part A", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MANAGEMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7133AOL", "CLASS_NBR": 65011, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Master of Business Administration - Online and Master of Business Administration - Online (Health Management) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MANAGEMT 7123OL and MANAGEMT 7126OL and MANAGEMT 7124OL and MANAGEMT 7125OL and MANAGEMT 7128OL and MANAGEMT 7127OL and ECON 7244OL and MANAGEMT 7131OL and (MANAGEMT 7129OL and MANAGEMT 7130OL) or (PUB HLTH 7501OL or PUB HLTH 7500OL)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Weekly activities (small quizzes and discussion boards), case studies, presentations, self or peer assessment, essays, reports, reflections, group assignment and other assessments advise during the first section.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The purpose of the final research project is to take the learning out of the classroom and into the workplace and/or wider world through a research project using supervisor-based learning and the knowledge acquired in the Research for Managers course. Students are able to work in teams (from two to three students) or one-on-one with supervisors. The research project will involve conducting research, carrying out analysis, preparing a report, and making a final presentation. The student/s would submit a proposal at the end of the Research for Managers for approval, and so that a supervisor can be assigned.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 09/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 06/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 23/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 07/10/2024"}}]}, "5408": {"id": "LcpRLBIOUlQn3JfXjyxOA", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "el70W9uSJVjnqliiLa9w6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 65011, "section": "01OL", "size": 200, "enrolled": 42, "available": 158, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "5409": {"id": "PHIjreyFfXhzYRqJj5Qdc", "course_id": "110517", "term": "4462", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110517", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4462", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Project Part B", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MANAGEMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7133BOL", "CLASS_NBR": 62014, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Master of Business Administration - Online and Master of Business Administration - Online (Health Management) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MANAGEMT 7123OL and MANAGEMT 7126OL and MANAGEMT 7124OL and MANAGEMT 7125OL and MANAGEMT 7128OL and MANAGEMT 7127OL and ECON 7244OL and MANAGEMT 7131OL and (MANAGEMT 7129OL and MANAGEMT 7130OL) or (PUB HLTH 7501OL or PUB HLTH 7500OL)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Weekly activities (small quizzes and discussion boards), case studies, presentations, self or peer assessment, essays, reports, reflections, group assignment and other assessments advise during the first section.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The purpose of the final research project is to take the learning out of the classroom and into the workplace and/or wider world through a research project using supervisor-based learning and the knowledge acquired in the Research for Managers course. Students are able to work in teams (from two to three students) or one-on-one with supervisors. The research project will involve conducting research, carrying out analysis, preparing a report, and making a final presentation. The student/s would submit a proposal at the end of the Research for Managers for approval, and so that a supervisor can be assigned.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 16/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 15/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 08/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 22/04/2024"}}]}, "5410": {"id": "PHIjreyFfXhzYRqJj5Qdc", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "JrFapWXjcGV8b6sAXnn3F", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 62014, "section": "01OL", "size": 200, "enrolled": 14, "available": 186, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "5411": {"id": "pcUOUIM4z88yJ1Fl3WBAk", "course_id": "110517", "term": "4464", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110517", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4464", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Project Part B", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MANAGEMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7133BOL", "CLASS_NBR": 64014, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Master of Business Administration - Online and Master of Business Administration - Online (Health Management) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MANAGEMT 7123OL and MANAGEMT 7126OL and MANAGEMT 7124OL and MANAGEMT 7125OL and MANAGEMT 7128OL and MANAGEMT 7127OL and ECON 7244OL and MANAGEMT 7131OL and (MANAGEMT 7129OL and MANAGEMT 7130OL) or (PUB HLTH 7501OL or PUB HLTH 7500OL)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Weekly activities (small quizzes and discussion boards), case studies, presentations, self or peer assessment, essays, reports, reflections, group assignment and other assessments advise during the first section.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The purpose of the final research project is to take the learning out of the classroom and into the workplace and/or wider world through a research project using supervisor-based learning and the knowledge acquired in the Research for Managers course. Students are able to work in teams (from two to three students) or one-on-one with supervisors. The research project will involve conducting research, carrying out analysis, preparing a report, and making a final presentation. The student/s would submit a proposal at the end of the Research for Managers for approval, and so that a supervisor can be assigned.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 14/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 29/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 12/08/2024"}}]}, "5412": {"id": "pcUOUIM4z88yJ1Fl3WBAk", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "FzjjzJpDhYG76o2ibYDWf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 64014, "section": "01OL", "size": 200, "enrolled": 19, "available": 181, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "5413": {"id": "w6UT8LZFuJTXaaiS4et1R", "course_id": "110517", "term": "4466", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110517", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4466", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 6", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Project Part B", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MANAGEMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7133BOL", "CLASS_NBR": 66015, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Master of Business Administration - Online and Master of Business Administration - Online (Health Management) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MANAGEMT 7123OL and MANAGEMT 7126OL and MANAGEMT 7124OL and MANAGEMT 7125OL and MANAGEMT 7128OL and MANAGEMT 7127OL and ECON 7244OL and MANAGEMT 7131OL and (MANAGEMT 7129OL and MANAGEMT 7130OL) or (PUB HLTH 7501OL or PUB HLTH 7500OL)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Weekly activities (small quizzes and discussion boards), case studies, presentations, self or peer assessment, essays, reports, reflections, group assignment and other assessments advise during the first section.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The purpose of the final research project is to take the learning out of the classroom and into the workplace and/or wider world through a research project using supervisor-based learning and the knowledge acquired in the Research for Managers course. Students are able to work in teams (from two to three students) or one-on-one with supervisors. The research project will involve conducting research, carrying out analysis, preparing a report, and making a final presentation. The student/s would submit a proposal at the end of the Research for Managers for approval, and so that a supervisor can be assigned.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 04/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 01/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 18/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 02/12/2024"}}]}, "5414": {"id": "w6UT8LZFuJTXaaiS4et1R", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "9qN6U4ftJ9cXs5iZZ3K9Q", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 66015, "section": "01OL", "size": 200, "enrolled": 40, "available": 160, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "5415": {"id": "drXHw1t9WY59uVbMXhPeI", "course_id": "110019", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110019", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Defence Industry Leadership I: Leading Oneself", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MANAGEMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7150", "CLASS_NBR": 30132, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080307", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Learning journal, discussion boards, group projects and written assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Knowing and understanding oneself is fundamental in understanding and leading others. In this course, students will explore self-awareness in depth, and its application to their role in leading. Set within the defence industry context, students will apply that depth of self-awareness and study servant leadership, emotional intelligence, self-empowerment, communication and decision making. The concept of servant leadership is at the core. \nReadings, case studies, simulations, discussion boards and industry guest speakers will strongly reinforce learning. Assessments are practical and designed to further embed learning. The course will highlight your leadership strengths and help you identify an action plan for development and continued growth in leading.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "5416": {"id": "drXHw1t9WY59uVbMXhPeI", "class_list": [{"association_group": "", "groups": []}]}, "5417": {"id": "3kUlPp78OdSpwh4U28ZeU", "course_id": "110019", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110019", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Defence Industry Leadership I: Leading Oneself", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MANAGEMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7150", "CLASS_NBR": 33108, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080307", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Learning journal, discussion boards, group projects and written assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Knowing and understanding oneself is fundamental in understanding and leading others. In this course, students will explore self-awareness in depth, and its application to their role in leading. Set within the defence industry context, students will apply that depth of self-awareness and study servant leadership, emotional intelligence, self-empowerment, communication and decision making. The concept of servant leadership is at the core. \nReadings, case studies, simulations, discussion boards and industry guest speakers will strongly reinforce learning. Assessments are practical and designed to further embed learning. The course will highlight your leadership strengths and help you identify an action plan for development and continued growth in leading.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "5418": {"id": "3kUlPp78OdSpwh4U28ZeU", "class_list": [{"association_group": "", "groups": []}]}, "5419": {"id": "E6OnVZ5ytpR7yxPg9oh9t", "course_id": "110019", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110019", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Defence Industry Leadership I: Leading Oneself", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MANAGEMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7150", "CLASS_NBR": 36122, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080307", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Learning journal, discussion boards, group projects and written assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Knowing and understanding oneself is fundamental in understanding and leading others. In this course, students will explore self-awareness in depth, and its application to their role in leading. Set within the defence industry context, students will apply that depth of self-awareness and study servant leadership, emotional intelligence, self-empowerment, communication and decision making. The concept of servant leadership is at the core. \nReadings, case studies, simulations, discussion boards and industry guest speakers will strongly reinforce learning. Assessments are practical and designed to further embed learning. The course will highlight your leadership strengths and help you identify an action plan for development and continued growth in leading.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "5420": {"id": "E6OnVZ5ytpR7yxPg9oh9t", "class_list": [{"association_group": "", "groups": []}]}, "5421": {"id": "FnrtxYKyAf76WhF-p41At", "course_id": "110020", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110020", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Defence Industry Leadership II: Leading Others", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MANAGEMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7151", "CLASS_NBR": 30133, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080307", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours, plus 1.5 day leadership site visit", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Learning journal, discussions boards, group project and written assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "We live in a world that is increasingly volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) where leaders need to constantly adapt to cope with its challenges. In this course, students will explore their role in leading others with a focus on adaptive leadership concepts applied to the complex defence industry environment. Collaboration, leading outstanding teams, building networks and dealing with change (particularly that change caused by disruption) are the focus skills to support the adaptive leadership exploration. Readings, case studies, simulations, discussion boards and industry guest speakers will strongly reinforce learning. Assessments are practical and designed to further embed learning. \nThe course builds on previous learning to provide confidence and skills to thrive in a complex, long term industry.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "5422": {"id": "FnrtxYKyAf76WhF-p41At", "class_list": [{"association_group": "", "groups": []}]}, "5423": {"id": "1FM1iyylMD68mjLvh5QiE", "course_id": "110020", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110020", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Defence Industry Leadership II: Leading Others", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MANAGEMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7151", "CLASS_NBR": 33109, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080307", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours, plus 1.5 day leadership site visit", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Learning journal, discussions boards, group project and written assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "We live in a world that is increasingly volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) where leaders need to constantly adapt to cope with its challenges. In this course, students will explore their role in leading others with a focus on adaptive leadership concepts applied to the complex defence industry environment. Collaboration, leading outstanding teams, building networks and dealing with change (particularly that change caused by disruption) are the focus skills to support the adaptive leadership exploration. Readings, case studies, simulations, discussion boards and industry guest speakers will strongly reinforce learning. Assessments are practical and designed to further embed learning. \nThe course builds on previous learning to provide confidence and skills to thrive in a complex, long term industry.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "5424": {"id": "1FM1iyylMD68mjLvh5QiE", "class_list": [{"association_group": "", "groups": []}]}, "5425": {"id": "Qv3j7e0kxK3wCVm9zfJ2a", "course_id": "110020", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110020", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Defence Industry Leadership II: Leading Others", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MANAGEMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7151", "CLASS_NBR": 36123, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080307", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours, plus 1.5 day leadership site visit", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Learning journal, discussions boards, group project and written assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "We live in a world that is increasingly volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) where leaders need to constantly adapt to cope with its challenges. In this course, students will explore their role in leading others with a focus on adaptive leadership concepts applied to the complex defence industry environment. Collaboration, leading outstanding teams, building networks and dealing with change (particularly that change caused by disruption) are the focus skills to support the adaptive leadership exploration. Readings, case studies, simulations, discussion boards and industry guest speakers will strongly reinforce learning. Assessments are practical and designed to further embed learning. \nThe course builds on previous learning to provide confidence and skills to thrive in a complex, long term industry.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "5426": {"id": "Qv3j7e0kxK3wCVm9zfJ2a", "class_list": [{"association_group": "", "groups": []}]}, "5427": {"id": "uR7grhGHeypmdX7LoY-tx", "course_id": "107884", "term": "4448", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107884", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4448", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research for Decision Makers", "CAMPUS": "Ngee Ann Academy", "CAMPUS_CD": "NGA", "COUNTRY": "SGP", "SUBJECT": "MANAGEMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7250NA", "CLASS_NBR": 46202, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Certificate, Graduate Diploma and Master of Business Administration students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to develop skills in designing, conducting and evaluating action research in the context of management practice. Action research is a methodology commonly used by management practitioners to affect change. It is an iterative, cyclical, collaborative approach to identifying, critically and reflectively analysing, evaluating and synthesising data in relation to a given problem or question. Practitioners are simultaneously learners, researchers and agents for change. This approach is particularly useful when dealing with complex and complicated systems as it allows practitioners to respond to the emerging and changing needs as the situation changes with each iteration of the process. \nStudents will consider leading theories in this field, the relationship between action research and other common business research methodologies and the relationship between action research and complexity and systems theories.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 14/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 14/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 19/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 11/12/2024"}}]}, "5428": {"id": "uR7grhGHeypmdX7LoY-tx", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "s2YDOs-MUpCND6u26J4Ql", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46202, "section": "01NA", "size": 20, "enrolled": 10, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "5429": {"id": "Yf-DB5gx0EddMZlWayX77", "course_id": "111578", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111578", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "MBA Global Study Tour", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MANAGEMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7400", "CLASS_NBR": 92392, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "As places are limited, enrolment in this course is by an application process", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MANAGEMT 7086", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The global business landscape continues to change as industries emerge, practices evolve, and areas of growth and contraction adapt economic outlook. Leaders need to be prepared for change, and conversant in a range of contemporary issues that affect the management of complex organisations.\nIn this course, students will immerse in the corporate management system of a number of organisations based in Boston and New York and will consider the role of strategic leadership in the corporate direction(including governance), strategic direction, innovation practices, implementation and execution capability,and impacts of the local and global business environment on strategic decision making.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 09/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "5430": {"id": "Yf-DB5gx0EddMZlWayX77", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "o9CcRbIqUF9FnCllAFJgg", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92392, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 12, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Note: Enrolment into this course is by selection only. Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Jan - 23 Feb", "days": "", "start_time": "", "end_time": "", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "5431": {"id": "IxrujCbBB-feCeRYiB9xj", "course_id": "111612", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111612", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "MBA Global Study Tour", "CAMPUS": "Ngee Ann Academy", "CAMPUS_CD": "NGA", "COUNTRY": "SGP", "SUBJECT": "MANAGEMT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7400NA", "CLASS_NBR": 92463, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "As places are limited, enrolment in this course is by an application process", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MANAGEMT 7086NA", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The global business landscape continues to change as industries emerge, practices evolve, and areas of growth and contraction adapt economic outlook. Leaders need to be prepared for change, and conversant in a range of contemporary issues that affect the management of complex organisations.\nIn this course, students will immerse in the corporate management system of a number of organisations based in Boston and New York and will consider the role of strategic leadership in the corporate direction(including governance), strategic direction, innovation practices, implementation and execution capability, and impacts of the local and global business environment on strategic decision making.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 09/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "5432": {"id": "IxrujCbBB-feCeRYiB9xj", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "XCsniExbteYaDM1u_KZc5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92463, "section": "01NA", "size": 36, "enrolled": 3, "available": 33, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop"}]}]}]}, "5433": {"subject": "MARKETNG", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "107435", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107435", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107435", "term": "4420", "offer": 7}, {"course_id": "111184", "term": "4433", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111184", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107435", "term": "4410", "offer": 5}, {"course_id": "107435", "term": "4420", "offer": 5}, {"course_id": "107435", "term": "4448", "offer": 5}, {"course_id": "107435", "term": "4420", "offer": 6}, {"course_id": "107435", "term": "4448", "offer": 6}, {"course_id": "110562", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111593", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111317", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111317", "term": "4410", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "109637", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109637", "term": "4410", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "104253", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104253", "term": "4420", "offer": 4}, {"course_id": "109663", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111194", "term": "4433", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111194", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111316", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111316", "term": "4420", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "109640", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109640", "term": "4420", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "109667", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111594", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111179", "term": "4436", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110644", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111595", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110645", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111596", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104254", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104254", "term": "4420", "offer": 4}, {"course_id": "111196", "term": "4433", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111196", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106005", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106005", "term": "4420", "offer": 3}, {"course_id": "109648", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107864", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111204", "term": "4436", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111209", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111234", "term": "4436", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102248", "term": "4436", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102249", "term": "4436", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102250", "term": "4433", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102250", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102257", "term": "4433", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102257", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "103462", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107780", "term": "4433", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107780", "term": "4436", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107780", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107780", "term": "4433", "offer": 5}, {"course_id": "107839", "term": "4433", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111391", "term": "4433", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111391", "term": "4436", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111391", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111392", "term": "4436", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111392", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}]}}, "5434": {"id": "hr1H42CqLuVysIRxkmmCi", "course_id": "107435", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107435", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Marketing", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MARKETNG", "CATALOG_NBR": "1001", "CLASS_NBR": 14181, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MARKETNG 1001OUA, MARKETNG 2500, WINEMKTG 1013", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of the principles of Marketing. There will be a focus on the management of the marketing activities and how marketing relates to overall organisational functioning, including the management of exchange processes between business units and consumers and between firms. It will include topics such as environmental analysis, industry and competitor analysis, objective setting, marketing strategies and marketing mix components such as pricing, distribution, product and service development and promotion including both traditional and digital marketing communication. Additionally, the course will provide opportunities for the practical implementation of the concepts covered and the development of problem solving skills by means of face-to-face seminars and tutorials and online learning.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5435": {"id": "hr1H42CqLuVysIRxkmmCi", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "2NzI7erRW33l4ffqFa5Wr", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11915, "section": "TU11", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Napier, 144, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Napier, 144, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Napier, 144, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14181, "section": "TU14", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14182, "section": "TU13", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14725, "section": "TU10", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14726, "section": "TU09", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14727, "section": "TU08", "size": 25, "enrolled": 14, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14728, "section": "TU07", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}, {"dates": "26 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 314, Flinders Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14730, "section": "TU05", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14731, "section": "TU04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14732, "section": "TU03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14733, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14734, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "eKW4q2RpS2a4vqv4mRnt5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14724, "section": "LE01", "size": 300, "enrolled": 279, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "5436": {"id": "S5Jxnc20P5Ztapyx3BC83", "course_id": "107435", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107435", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Marketing", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MARKETNG", "CATALOG_NBR": "1001", "CLASS_NBR": 24150, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MARKETNG 1001OUA, MARKETNG 2500, WINEMKTG 1013", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of the principles of Marketing. There will be a focus on the management of the marketing activities and how marketing relates to overall organisational functioning, including the management of exchange processes between business units and consumers and between firms. It will include topics such as environmental analysis, industry and competitor analysis, objective setting, marketing strategies and marketing mix components such as pricing, distribution, product and service development and promotion including both traditional and digital marketing communication. Additionally, the course will provide opportunities for the practical implementation of the concepts covered and the development of problem solving skills by means of face-to-face seminars and tutorials and online learning.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5437": {"id": "S5Jxnc20P5Ztapyx3BC83", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "EjVqtft1PXXrPShREIzC5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21911, "section": "TU10", "size": 25, "enrolled": 22, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, 144, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, 144, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24150, "section": "TU11", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24629, "section": "TU09", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Napier, 205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Napier, 205, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24630, "section": "TU08", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24631, "section": "TU07", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24632, "section": "TU06", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24634, "section": "TU04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 19, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24636, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24637, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "gOnkUDQajyJqA1S7RuDYr", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24628, "section": "LE01", "size": 225, "enrolled": 211, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "5438": {"id": "CIche3LBGFVvLASQHc_0S", "course_id": "107435", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107435", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 7, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Marketing", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MARKETNG", "CATALOG_NBR": "1001MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 29306, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MARKETNG 1001OUA, MARKETNG 2500, WINEMKTG 1013", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of the principles of Marketing. There will be a focus on the management of the marketing activities and how marketing relates to overall organisational functioning, including the management of exchange processes between business units and consumers and between firms. It will include topics such as environmental analysis, industry and competitor analysis, objective setting, marketing strategies and marketing mix components such as pricing, distribution, product and service development and promotion including both traditional and digital marketing communication. Additionally, the course will provide opportunities for the practical implementation of the concepts covered and the development of problem solving skills by means of face-to-face seminars and tutorials and online learning.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5439": {"id": "CIche3LBGFVvLASQHc_0S", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "t4j21oKnPYB1Gf1IPfvHX", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29306, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 0, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "aFzLGBdPrzOAwdh4_q6PY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29344, "section": "LEC0", "size": 48, "enrolled": 0, "available": 48, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "5440": {"id": "s49OtQorkEHYv0EcILIs5", "course_id": "111184", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111184", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Marketing", "CAMPUS": "Open Universities Australia", "CAMPUS_CD": "OUA", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MARKETNG", "CATALOG_NBR": "1001OUA", "CLASS_NBR": 30146, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide Open Universities Australia students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MARKETNG 1001, MARKETNG 2500, WINEMKTG 1013", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of the principles of Marketing. There will be a focus on the management of the marketing activities and how marketing relates to overall organisational functioning, including the management of exchange processes between business units and consumers and between firms. It will include topics such as environmental analysis, industry and competitor analysis, objective setting, marketing strategies and marketing mix components such as pricing, distribution, product and service development and promotion including both traditional and digital marketing communication. Additionally, the course will provide opportunities for the practical implementation of the concepts covered and the development of problem solving skills by means of face-to-face seminars and tutorials and online learning.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "5441": {"id": "s49OtQorkEHYv0EcILIs5", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "ezlfSczV9D0536FoGcUzB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30146, "section": "01OU", "size": 100, "enrolled": 3, "available": 97, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "5442": {"id": "F_IK6FBS9Mb3LnD48ja_G", "course_id": "111184", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111184", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Marketing", "CAMPUS": "Open Universities Australia", "CAMPUS_CD": "OUA", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MARKETNG", "CATALOG_NBR": "1001OUA", "CLASS_NBR": 36136, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide Open Universities Australia students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MARKETNG 1001, MARKETNG 2500, WINEMKTG 1013", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of the principles of Marketing. 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Additionally, the course will provide opportunities for the practical implementation of the concepts covered and the development of problem solving skills by means of face-to-face seminars and tutorials and online learning.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "5443": {"id": "F_IK6FBS9Mb3LnD48ja_G", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "zt9JbcnGDpJKjqBj54lDW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36136, "section": "01OU", "size": 100, "enrolled": 9, "available": 91, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "5444": {"id": "_2UOvU78nZIjRHy9GIMIW", "course_id": "107435", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107435", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 5, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Marketing", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MARKETNG", "CATALOG_NBR": "1001UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 18907, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MARKETNG 1001OUA, MARKETNG 2500, WINEMKTG 1013", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of the principles of Marketing. There will be a focus on the management of the marketing activities and how marketing relates to overall organisational functioning, including the management of exchange processes between business units and consumers and between firms. It will include topics such as environmental analysis, industry and competitor analysis, objective setting, marketing strategies and marketing mix components such as pricing, distribution, product and service development and promotion including both traditional and digital marketing communication. Additionally, the course will provide opportunities for the practical implementation of the concepts covered and the development of problem solving skills by means of face-to-face seminars and tutorials and online learning.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5445": {"id": "_2UOvU78nZIjRHy9GIMIW", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "Zyc0t4JwaqKLx8y5CYjB7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12442, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 23, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, B03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, 105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, B03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, 105, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12443, "section": "TT02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 24, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, 203, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, 203, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 301, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12444, "section": "TT03", "size": 24, "enrolled": 21, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Darling West, B04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Darling West, B03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Darling West, B04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Darling West, B03, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18907, "section": "TT04", "size": 24, "enrolled": 19, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, B03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, 104, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, B03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, 104, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Ui29tbcDdUet12GjiU2dW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16547, "section": "LEC0", "size": 96, "enrolled": 87, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "5446": {"id": "3W04zkXa9Jl_LCm4jKVXg", "course_id": "107435", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107435", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 5, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Marketing", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MARKETNG", "CATALOG_NBR": "1001UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 28824, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MARKETNG 1001OUA, MARKETNG 2500, WINEMKTG 1013", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of the principles of Marketing. 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Additionally, the course will provide opportunities for the practical implementation of the concepts covered and the development of problem solving skills by means of face-to-face seminars and tutorials and online learning.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5447": {"id": "3W04zkXa9Jl_LCm4jKVXg", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "3AG5vN4kQQNUrRQguWIoP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22318, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 23, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Darling West, B03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Darling West, 204, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Darling West, B03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Darling West, 204, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22319, "section": "TT02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 21, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hartley, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hartley, G05, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22320, "section": "TT03", "size": 24, "enrolled": 21, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 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There will be a focus on the management of the marketing activities and how marketing relates to overall organisational functioning, including the management of exchange processes between business units and consumers and between firms. It will include topics such as environmental analysis, industry and competitor analysis, objective setting, marketing strategies and marketing mix components such as pricing, distribution, product and service development and promotion including both traditional and digital marketing communication. Additionally, the course will provide opportunities for the practical implementation of the concepts covered and the development of problem solving skills by means of face-to-face seminars and tutorials and online learning.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 14/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 14/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 19/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 11/12/2024"}}]}, "5449": {"id": "BoUyD-bOvsZsu5O7Vfqfa", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "RoESe_AlTpbEc_XhGcgIj", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46290, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 22, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10:30am", "end_time": "1:30pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "30 Oct - 11 Dec", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, 104, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "31 Oct - 12 Dec", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 316, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 46291, "section": "TT02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 16, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, B04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Oct - 9 Dec", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, B04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Nov - 13 Dec", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, B04, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "It_yeiNoUPXlaUFtXjxOi", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46311, "section": "LEC0", "size": 48, "enrolled": 38, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "5450": {"id": "ecPQ7H7D6PsJ28Fd_qlVh", "course_id": "107435", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107435", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 6, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Marketing", "CAMPUS": "UofA College Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "UACM", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MARKETNG", "CATALOG_NBR": "1001UACM", "CLASS_NBR": 29307, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MARKETNG 1001OUA, MARKETNG 2500, WINEMKTG 1013", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of the principles of Marketing. There will be a focus on the management of the marketing activities and how marketing relates to overall organisational functioning, including the management of exchange processes between business units and consumers and between firms. It will include topics such as environmental analysis, industry and competitor analysis, objective setting, marketing strategies and marketing mix components such as pricing, distribution, product and service development and promotion including both traditional and digital marketing communication. Additionally, the course will provide opportunities for the practical implementation of the concepts covered and the development of problem solving skills by means of face-to-face seminars and tutorials and online learning.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5451": {"id": "ecPQ7H7D6PsJ28Fd_qlVh", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "hmZarz4H12xdQjljZs_Hv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29307, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 20, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "--YxepxEu2WVS5dis916m", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29327, "section": "LEC0", "size": 48, "enrolled": 20, "available": 28, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "5452": {"id": "vCZUHR8D4VibQuIfTEuJ0", "course_id": "107435", "term": "4448", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107435", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 6, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4448", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Marketing", "CAMPUS": "UofA College Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "UACM", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MARKETNG", "CATALOG_NBR": "1001UACM", "CLASS_NBR": 46227, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MARKETNG 1001OUA, MARKETNG 2500, WINEMKTG 1013", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of the principles of Marketing. There will be a focus on the management of the marketing activities and how marketing relates to overall organisational functioning, including the management of exchange processes between business units and consumers and between firms. It will include topics such as environmental analysis, industry and competitor analysis, objective setting, marketing strategies and marketing mix components such as pricing, distribution, product and service development and promotion including both traditional and digital marketing communication. Additionally, the course will provide opportunities for the practical implementation of the concepts covered and the development of problem solving skills by means of face-to-face seminars and tutorials and online learning.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 14/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 14/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 19/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 11/12/2024"}}]}, "5453": {"id": "vCZUHR8D4VibQuIfTEuJ0", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "9gxJyXwYflv0eUE0W4hm0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46227, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 4, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Oct - 9 Dec", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 11 Dec", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "7pNTF8ZbqFqieKijpNfTB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46257, "section": "LEC0", "size": 24, "enrolled": 4, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "5454": {"id": "yUxelIdegzMUGL9V6q8iU", "course_id": "110562", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110562", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Digital Media in Business", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MARKETNG", "CATALOG_NBR": "2001", "CLASS_NBR": 14183, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Tests, assignments and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Digital media and technologies are causing a significant shift to a new business reality, and changing the way businesses connect with customers and other stakeholders. This course aims to develop students' understanding of contemporary business in the digital media environment. Students will develop an understanding of digital business models, digital customer journeys, and apply relevant theories and principles to address business challenges in a digital context.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5455": {"id": "yUxelIdegzMUGL9V6q8iU", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "PQ-UNvqGWVjQY-AxXCPtT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14183, "section": "TU07", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14639, "section": "TU06", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, 144, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, 144, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14640, "section": "TU05", "size": 25, "enrolled": 22, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Napier, 144, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Napier, 144, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14641, "section": "TU04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14642, "section": "TU03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, 144, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, 144, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14643, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14644, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Napier, 144, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Napier, 144, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "eaum26rcslbUjIbirPOKN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14799, "section": "LE01", "size": 175, "enrolled": 167, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "5456": {"id": "JQT_c7B1VrMvRSvO7oKow", "course_id": "111593", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111593", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Digital Media in Business", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MARKETNG", "CATALOG_NBR": "2001MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 19365, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Tests, Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Digital media and technologies are causing a significant shift to a new business reality, and changing the way businesses connect with customers and other stakeholders. This course aims to develop students' understanding of contemporary business in the digital media environment. Students will develop an understanding of digital business models, digital customer journeys, and apply relevant theories and principles to address business challenges in a digital context.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5457": {"id": "JQT_c7B1VrMvRSvO7oKow", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "DS3ePCxE0nQK9-J0Wujp7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19365, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 7, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "RVpETvBg2s_CAvzYejzpP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19364, "section": "LE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 7, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5458": {"id": "Weok9xzzkgKZTgTDO3mr5", "course_id": "111317", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111317", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Delivering Customer Insights", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MARKETNG", "CATALOG_NBR": "2006", "CLASS_NBR": 15548, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MARKETNG 1001 or MARKETNG 1001OUA", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MARKETNG 2505, MARKETNG 3006", "ASSESSMENT": "Exams/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will provide students with an in-depth understanding of the practice of market research, to identify and deliver customer insights. Working in a group, students will be conduct a practical market research project; working through all stages of the market research process including research design, data collection, analysis and interpretation of findings. Students will be required to understand and apply both qualitative and quantitative research techniques and will present the findings from their research in both written and oral formats.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5459": {"id": "Weok9xzzkgKZTgTDO3mr5", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "LOMAM2MW0UdtafUA3y4QF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14735, "section": "LE01", "size": 144, "enrolled": 120, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, 207, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, 207, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "2 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, 207, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "ruVC2un0DL3jdiqm7-YfB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15548, "section": "TU06", "size": 24, "enrolled": 24, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, 220, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, 220, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15549, "section": "TU05", "size": 24, "enrolled": 24, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 220, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 228, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "2 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 220, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15550, "section": "TU04", "size": 24, "enrolled": 24, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, 217, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, 228, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "2 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, 217, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15551, "section": "TU03", "size": 24, "enrolled": 20, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, 217, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 228, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, 217, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, 217, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15552, "section": "TU02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 15, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, 220, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, 220, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15553, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 13, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, 217, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, 228, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, 217, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, 217, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "5460": {"id": "0wavNZfG-vRb09roWU3pg", "course_id": "111317", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111317", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Delivering Customer Insights", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MARKETNG", "CATALOG_NBR": "2006MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 19367, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MARKETNG 1001 or MARKETNG 1001OUA", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MARKETNG 2505, MARKETNG 3006", "ASSESSMENT": "Exams/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will provide students with an in-depth understanding of the practice of market research, to identify and deliver customer insights. Working in a group, students will be conduct a practical market research project; working through all stages of the market research process including research design, data collection, analysis and interpretation of findings. Students will be required to understand and apply both qualitative and quantitative research techniques and will present the findings from their research in both written and oral formats.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5461": {"id": "0wavNZfG-vRb09roWU3pg", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "9oRZG3g5FDlrffPg6r_6b", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19367, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 5, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "-2PFe4dIQOsTBgMMDqJHq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19366, "section": "LE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 5, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5462": {"id": "cUHYeMAuR4g5eQyc7Ftr3", "course_id": "109637", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109637", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Marketing Strategy", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MARKETNG", "CATALOG_NBR": "2010", "CLASS_NBR": 14645, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MARKETNG 1001 or MARKETNG 1001OUA", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MARKETNG 3503", "ASSESSMENT": "Peer assessment, assignments, case studies and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course examines the development and implementation of marketing strategy by providing an understanding of the key considerations when developing marketing strategies. \nTopics: environmental analysis, portfolio analysis, forecasting, product-market definition, competitive analysis, strategic approaches and assessment of offerings, marketing strategy implementation. This course requires that students have a strong foundation of marketing knowledge gained from Introduction to Marketing (in particular a knowledge of market segmentation).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5463": {"id": "cUHYeMAuR4g5eQyc7Ftr3", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "S5ossm3_YCPjYTJJ-pI6J", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14645, "section": "TU09", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14647, "section": "TU06", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14648, "section": "TU05", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, 144, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, 144, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14649, "section": "TU04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14650, "section": "TU03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 19, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14651, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 10, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14652, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, 144, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, 144, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "xSIZkSImIuGmzRVj3mE2y", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14800, "section": "LE01", "size": 175, "enrolled": 152, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "5464": {"id": "A2YgluthpvAGrHSEz-XCw", "course_id": "109637", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109637", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Marketing Strategy", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MARKETNG", "CATALOG_NBR": "2010MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 19369, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MARKETNG 1001", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MARKETNG 3503", "ASSESSMENT": "Peer assessment, assignments, case studies and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course examines the development and implementation of marketing strategy by providing an understanding of the key considerations when developing marketing strategies. \nTopics: environmental analysis, portfolio analysis, forecasting, product-market definition, competitive analysis, strategic approaches and assessment of offerings, marketing strategy implementation. This course requires that students have a strong foundation of marketing knowledge gained from Introduction to Marketing (in particular a knowledge of market segmentation).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5465": {"id": "A2YgluthpvAGrHSEz-XCw", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "NC0dDTLt0mVx8CXA2UGYz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19369, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 6, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "1EjyhHkt9XN-8luMBwYqV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19368, "section": "LE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 6, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5466": {"id": "MefkmIYkENQcitd7FHfh5", "course_id": "104253", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104253", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Consumer Behaviour", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MARKETNG", "CATALOG_NBR": "2501", "CLASS_NBR": 20945, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MARKETNG 1001", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Every individual is a consumer. Understanding consumers and influences of consumer behaviour is crucial for explaining and predicting consumption related behaviour in individuals and organisations alike. Consumer Behaviour introduces the fundamental concepts, principles and theories of consumer behaviour and relates them to the practice of marketing. Drawing on both psychological and sociological viewpoints, this course covers individual factors, such as motivation and needs, perception, learning, personality and lifestyle attitudes and external socio-cultural factors such as family, social groups and group processes, social class, culture and subculture in the context of consumption. This prepares students for making informed decisions about how to manage and respond to the needs and wants of consumers.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5467": {"id": "MefkmIYkENQcitd7FHfh5", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "vWV0am1eimKpnLUDkHYz-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24691, "section": "LE01", "size": 267, "enrolled": 264, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "QiNxWm41yv1xAee4JphMd", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20945, "section": "TU10", "size": 25, "enrolled": 26, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20946, "section": "TU09", "size": 27, "enrolled": 27, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20947, "section": "TU08", "size": 27, "enrolled": 28, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20948, "section": "TU07", "size": 27, "enrolled": 26, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20949, "section": "TU06", "size": 27, "enrolled": 28, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20950, "section": "TU05", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20951, "section": "TU04", "size": 27, "enrolled": 26, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20952, "section": "TU03", "size": 27, "enrolled": 27, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20953, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20954, "section": "TU01", "size": 27, "enrolled": 27, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5468": {"id": "Jt-JIjllFtApmJTVXAT60", "course_id": "104253", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104253", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 4, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Consumer Behaviour", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MARKETNG", "CATALOG_NBR": "2501MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 29238, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MARKETNG 1001", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Every individual is a consumer. Understanding consumers and influences of consumer behaviour is crucial for explaining and predicting consumption related behaviour in individuals and organisations alike. Consumer Behaviour introduces the fundamental concepts, principles and theories of consumer behaviour and relates them to the practice of marketing. Drawing on both psychological and sociological viewpoints, this course covers individual factors, such as motivation and needs, perception, learning, personality and lifestyle attitudes and external socio-cultural factors such as family, social groups and group processes, social class, culture and subculture in the context of consumption. This prepares students for making informed decisions about how to manage and respond to the needs and wants of consumers.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5469": {"id": "Jt-JIjllFtApmJTVXAT60", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "n8JAcEPE5GeCLqYehlq1U", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29238, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 11, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "RPO8H14x5FL7hjlIPL6aL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29237, "section": "LE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 11, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5470": {"id": "LhnwquKTOaMphjMEsBYMc", "course_id": "109663", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109663", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Building & Managing Brands", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MARKETNG", "CATALOG_NBR": "2506", "CLASS_NBR": 14802, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MARKETNG 1001", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MARKETNG 2506OUA, MARKETNG 3505", "ASSESSMENT": "Exams/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "A company's brand will often be amongst the most valuable of their assets. Even startup companies and individuals need to be conscious of what their brand stands for. The 'Brand Manager' in a large company is responsible for the maintaining and growing the value of the company's brand. This course prepares student for this role, for 'products' that may be a good or a service, a tangible or an intangible. Industry standard brand metrics are used as an introduction to practical measurement and management and the course advances to the theory of brand equity, points of parity and points of difference. Brand co-creation is explored, with particular reference to social media marketing such as Facebook, Twitter and Blogs. The leveraging of brand equity into brand extensions (as with Virgin) is evaluated as a form of growth strategy.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5471": {"id": "LhnwquKTOaMphjMEsBYMc", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "kB_xevT4rd_sewP9CIPVS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14802, "section": "TU08", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14803, "section": "TU07", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14804, "section": "TU06", "size": 25, "enrolled": 16, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14805, "section": "TU05", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14806, "section": "TU04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 22, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14807, "section": "TU03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14808, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}, {"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "O1N8CtGi0eqVep6v_qtfe", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14801, "section": "LE01", "size": 175, "enrolled": 162, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "5472": {"id": "k1JSuZqTlFrIvBYfNePwk", "course_id": "111194", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111194", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Building and Managing Brands", "CAMPUS": "Open Universities Australia", "CAMPUS_CD": "OUA", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MARKETNG", "CATALOG_NBR": "2506OUA", "CLASS_NBR": 30150, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide Open Universities Australia students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MARKETNG 1001", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MARKETNG 2506, MARKETNG 3505", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "A company's brand will often be amongst the most valuable of their assets. Even start-up companies and individuals need to be conscious of what their brand stands for. The 'Brand Manager' in a large company is responsible for the maintaining and growing the value of the company's brand. This course prepares student for this role, for 'products' that may be a good or a service, a tangible or an intangible. Industry standard brand metrics are used as an introduction to practical measurement and management and the course advances to the theory of brand equity, points of parity and points of difference. Brand co-creation is explored, with particular reference to social media marketing such as Facebook, Twitter and Blogs. The leveraging of brand equity into brand extensions (as with Virgin) is evaluated as a form of growth strategy.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "5473": {"id": "k1JSuZqTlFrIvBYfNePwk", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "MIpQs5YP2fcYAhgiEGDI9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30150, "section": "01OU", "size": 100, "enrolled": 2, "available": 98, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "5474": {"id": "__zxuOQMj0D_PfsNrQlTc", "course_id": "111194", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111194", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Building and Managing Brands", "CAMPUS": "Open Universities Australia", "CAMPUS_CD": "OUA", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MARKETNG", "CATALOG_NBR": "2506OUA", "CLASS_NBR": 36142, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide Open Universities Australia students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MARKETNG 1001", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MARKETNG 2506, MARKETNG 3505", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "A company's brand will often be amongst the most valuable of their assets. Even start-up companies and individuals need to be conscious of what their brand stands for. The 'Brand Manager' in a large company is responsible for the maintaining and growing the value of the company's brand. This course prepares student for this role, for 'products' that may be a good or a service, a tangible or an intangible. Industry standard brand metrics are used as an introduction to practical measurement and management and the course advances to the theory of brand equity, points of parity and points of difference. Brand co-creation is explored, with particular reference to social media marketing such as Facebook, Twitter and Blogs. The leveraging of brand equity into brand extensions (as with Virgin) is evaluated as a form of growth strategy.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "5475": {"id": "__zxuOQMj0D_PfsNrQlTc", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "hez3zA0S8qgZ08OLbb-Kd", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36142, "section": "01OU", "size": 100, "enrolled": 1, "available": 99, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "5476": {"id": "1gfYsXgvJ8qho3YIvwFai", "course_id": "111316", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111316", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Marketing Analytics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MARKETNG", "CATALOG_NBR": "3002", "CLASS_NBR": 24151, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(MARKETNG 1001 or MARKETNG 1001OUA) and (ECON 1008 or ECON 1008OUA) and (MARKETNG 2006 or MARKETNG 3006)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MARKETNG 2002", "ASSESSMENT": "Tests, assignments and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course develops students\u2019 capabilities to use analytical tools and techniques to address marketing problems, with a focus on providing data to assist marketing decision-making. Marketing analytics enables marketers to measure, manage and analyse customer preferences and trends, as well as evaluate marketing performance to maximize its effectiveness. Students will develop an understanding how to use marketing analytics to predict outcomes. The course also examines the ethical and technical issues related to data privacy.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5477": {"id": "1gfYsXgvJ8qho3YIvwFai", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "iKGHlVtdKij3amuM--fKv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22511, "section": "LE01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 87, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "VLe3Mtk28Flqi4aauuhvy", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24151, "section": "TU05", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, 217, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, 217, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24152, "section": "TU04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 14, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, 217, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, 217, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24153, "section": "TU03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 228, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 228, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24155, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 228, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 228, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "5478": {"id": "SDkTM_aolId_WL1l2-U-u", "course_id": "111316", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111316", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Marketing Analytics", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MARKETNG", "CATALOG_NBR": "3002MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 29240, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(MARKETNG 1001 or MARKETNG 1001OUA) and (ECON 1008 or ECON 1008OUA) and (MARKETNG 2006 or MARKETNG 3006)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MARKETNG 2002", "ASSESSMENT": "Tests, assignments and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course develops students\u2019 capabilities to use analytical tools and techniques to address marketing problems, with a focus on providing data to assist marketing decision-making. Marketing analytics enables marketers to measure, manage and analyse customer preferences and trends, as well as evaluate marketing performance to maximize its effectiveness. Students will develop an understanding how to use marketing analytics to predict outcomes. The course also examines the ethical and technical issues related to data privacy.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5479": {"id": "SDkTM_aolId_WL1l2-U-u", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "-faHcc-4xDE2_Lx94dQHv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29240, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 3, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "jebrMi4d7eujapAn_kv4W", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29239, "section": "LE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 3, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "370 Docklands, 304, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "5480": {"id": "Dy8FQEhdCxPSNUZqEnmQs", "course_id": "109640", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109640", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Marketing Planning Project", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MARKETNG", "CATALOG_NBR": "3004", "CLASS_NBR": 24156, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(MARKETNG 1001 or MARKETNG 1001OUA) and MARKETNG 2010", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MARKETNG 3006", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MARKETNG 3503", "ASSESSMENT": "Tutorial participation, assignments, oral presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students work in groups to prepare a Marketing Plan for a local Adelaide business or not-for-profit organization. This is a capstone course in Marketing, which integrates market theory and management practices from all prior areas of study. Students will develop a marketing plan for a live client firm, on the basis of market theory, market research and the potential strategic directions available to their client. Students will be responsible for presenting their findings in both written and oral form to their clients.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5481": {"id": "Dy8FQEhdCxPSNUZqEnmQs", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "wTLNouoVpD4gnXS8jvuch", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24156, "section": "TU06", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24157, "section": "TU05", "size": 25, "enrolled": 21, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, 205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, 205, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24158, "section": "TU04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24159, "section": "TU03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24161, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 18, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "Nzu2iqolkATwNA0_dDNQ9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24692, "section": "LE01", "size": 150, "enrolled": 111, "available": 39, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "5482": {"id": "S80ScuEocpq9I1GdB6LhQ", "course_id": "109640", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109640", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Marketing Planning Project", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MARKETNG", "CATALOG_NBR": "3004MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 29242, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(MARKETNG 1001 or MARKETNG 1001OUA) and MARKETNG 2010", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MARKETNG 3006", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MARKETNG 3503", "ASSESSMENT": "Tutorial participation, assignments, oral presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students work in groups to prepare a Marketing Plan for a local Adelaide business or not-for-profit organization. This is a capstone course in Marketing, which integrates market theory and management practices from all prior areas of study. Students will develop a marketing plan for a live client firm, on the basis of market theory, market research and the potential strategic directions available to their client. Students will be responsible for presenting their findings in both written and oral form to their clients.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5483": {"id": "S80ScuEocpq9I1GdB6LhQ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "LFftyWKSNjk_CjKd4UkJD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29242, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 5, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "vedMqGmReEH-TgBfjEL30", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29241, "section": "LE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 5, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5484": {"id": "aWulUgdCRIEVet1kP584v", "course_id": "109667", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109667", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Marketing Communications in a Digital World", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MARKETNG", "CATALOG_NBR": "3005", "CLASS_NBR": 14184, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MARKETNG 2503, MARKETNG 3005OUA", "ASSESSMENT": "Exams/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course aims to provide students with an understanding of the communication aspects of marketing. It will cover the range of tools available to marketers for the purpose of promotion such as advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, sponsorship, publicity and public relations as well as the process by which these are integrated and planned.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5485": {"id": "aWulUgdCRIEVet1kP584v", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "8uGndJ9vstG3H7grB9kax", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14184, "section": "TU07", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14185, "section": "TU06", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14186, "section": "TU05", "size": 25, "enrolled": 21, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14187, "section": "TU04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 10, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14188, "section": "TU03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14189, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14190, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 13, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "HvSg6ecL1-NCCemsz17Lo", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14810, "section": "LE01", "size": 175, "enrolled": 140, "available": 35, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "13 Mar - 13 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "5486": {"id": "JA6btP6fNFymuXvZCAiT9", "course_id": "111594", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111594", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Marketing Communications in a Digital World", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MARKETNG", "CATALOG_NBR": "3005MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 19371, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MARKETNG 2503, MARKETNG 3005OUA", "ASSESSMENT": "Exams/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course aims to provide students with an understanding of the communication aspects of marketing. It will cover the range of tools available to marketers for the purpose of promotion such as advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, sponsorship, publicity and public relations as well as the process by which these are integrated and planned.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5487": {"id": "JA6btP6fNFymuXvZCAiT9", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "R9SiytH9zLCyUnY4VWsF3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19371, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 4, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "RjNEzIvXhsTvvbCYvGBgx", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19370, "section": "LE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 4, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5488": {"id": "cdYmF_rIzaTuX6cHBj7xi", "course_id": "111179", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111179", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Marketing Communications in a Digital World", "CAMPUS": "Open Universities Australia", "CAMPUS_CD": "OUA", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MARKETNG", "CATALOG_NBR": "3005OUA", "CLASS_NBR": 33120, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide Open Universities Australia students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MARKETNG 2503, MARKETNG 3005", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course aims to provide students with an understanding of the communication aspects of marketing. It will cover the range of tools available to marketers for the purpose of promotion such as advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, sponsorship, publicity and public relations as well as the process by which these are integrated and planned.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "5489": {"id": "cdYmF_rIzaTuX6cHBj7xi", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "448gPNX_HPCzD3f2V3tpX", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33120, "section": "01OU", "size": 100, "enrolled": 2, "available": 98, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "5490": {"id": "3JQDcKztbJlpALkroNM-n", "course_id": "110644", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110644", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Content Creation and Management", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MARKETNG", "CATALOG_NBR": "3007", "CLASS_NBR": 14191, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Tests, assignments an final exam as prescribed in first Lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will introduce and build on theories and concepts relevant content creation and the technologies to develop impactful digital content for contemporary business environments. Students will be shown various approaches to develop compelling narrative and digital design that engages customers in a dialogue with an organization across multiple channels. The course provides students an opportunity to develop a portfolio of digital content for an industry context", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5491": {"id": "3JQDcKztbJlpALkroNM-n", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "quaSJavqDvqWfsauNs1bF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14191, "section": "TU07", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, 217, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, 217, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14192, "section": "TU06", "size": 25, "enrolled": 27, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, 217, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, 217, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, 217, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14193, "section": "TU05", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, 217, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, 217, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, 217, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, 217, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, 217, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14195, "section": "TU03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 26, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 217, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 217, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14196, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, 217, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, 217, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, 217, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14197, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, 217, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, 217, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, 217, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, 217, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, 217, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "hXewsVSWswL0AgYFkUimE", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10994, "section": "LE01", "size": 152, "enrolled": 152, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "5492": {"id": "N9zSSOqC68aO0TBymuypS", "course_id": "111595", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111595", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Content Creation and Management", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MARKETNG", "CATALOG_NBR": "3007MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 19373, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Tests, assignments and final exam as prescribed in first Lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will introduce and build on theories and concepts relevant content creation and the technologies to develop impactful digital content for contemporary business environments. Students will be shown various approaches to develop compelling narrative and digital design that engages customers in a dialogue with an organization across multiple channels. The course provides students an opportunity to develop a portfolio of digital content for an industry context", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5493": {"id": "N9zSSOqC68aO0TBymuypS", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "lj3WnRW350ezLS1BA9PN5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19373, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 5, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 29 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "xlsokIDP1RsyIl81V2xZm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19372, "section": "LE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 5, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 29 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5494": {"id": "lHg9e8ZqtrzBD0fwEGqqk", "course_id": "110645", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110645", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Data Driven Customer Engagement", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MARKETNG", "CATALOG_NBR": "3008", "CLASS_NBR": 24162, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "tests, assignments and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This subject responds to business\u2019 growing emphasis and reliance on data and considers the use of data and analytics in digital marketing. It introduces students to the many ways data can help engage customers and track performance. Students utilise relevant digital tools and technologies concerning search engine optimisation (SEO), digital analytics, and other social media metrics including Google analytics. Emphasis is given to how data analytics supports digital marketing strategy and supports marketing-oriented, decision-making. Students also critically examine the consequences of digital marketing, and the limits and perils of big data.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5495": {"id": "lHg9e8ZqtrzBD0fwEGqqk", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "CTF-r_SqNZ28Ahzywb0iT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24162, "section": "TU05", "size": 25, "enrolled": 22, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, 217, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, 217, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24163, "section": "TU04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, 217, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, 217, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24164, "section": "TU03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 26, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, 217, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, 217, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24165, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 22, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, 217, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, 217, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24166, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 217, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 217, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "WpPsqFvR7EIY_3qZ1huT-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24693, "section": "LE01", "size": 125, "enrolled": 118, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5496": {"id": "JjqhY8al-s4jPj7aaLaBj", "course_id": "111596", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111596", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Data Driven Customer Engagement", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MARKETNG", "CATALOG_NBR": "3008MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 29244, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Tests, assignments and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course responds to business\u2019 growing emphasis and reliance on data and considers the use of data and analytics in digital marketing. It introduces students to the many ways data can help engage customers and track performance. Students utilise relevant digital tools and technologies concerning search engine optimisation (SEO), digital analytics, and other social media metrics including Google analytics. Emphasis is given to how data analytics supports digital marketing strategy and supports marketing-oriented, decision-making. Students also critically examine the consequences of digital marketing, and the limits and perils of big data.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5497": {"id": "JjqhY8al-s4jPj7aaLaBj", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "v7fdEzhIdwvnHZkuX3ITl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29244, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 6, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "zYx8qIvNHc1x9wx2bA07P", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29243, "section": "LE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 6, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5498": {"id": "aXJ2RBgiwkB0-EVLiBRrZ", "course_id": "104254", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104254", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Marketing to the World", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MARKETNG", "CATALOG_NBR": "3501", "CLASS_NBR": 24167, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MARKETNG 1001 or MARKETNG 1001OUA", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MARKETNG 2501", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MARKETNG 3501OUA", "ASSESSMENT": "Case study, Project Presentation, Strategy Pitch and Strategy Report and Exam as per first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "International marketing is a rapidly growing area within the disciplines of marketing and international business. Central to international marketing is the response of international rather than domestic buyers in the marketing environment, the types of decisions that are most feasible and the information required in decision making. During this course, the student will gain insights into the pressures created by the international economic, political, legal and cultural environmental influences on marketing planning. This course will enable students to learn analytical skills required to develop international marketing plans and develop the marketing mix elements in the international environment. Marketing to the World is one of five subjects in the marketing discipline and extends the knowledge developed in marketing management into the international rather than the domestic market. The major theories include, pathways of internationalisation, political and economic risk analysis, international planning, cultural distance, branding for international markets, international market entry, distribution strategies and adaptation versus standardisation. The conceptual material developed during this course will be implemented through class exercises, case studies and a major project.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5499": {"id": "aXJ2RBgiwkB0-EVLiBRrZ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "CYfPieYdrFlJm5zeXk1oe", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24167, "section": "TU08", "size": 25, "enrolled": 22, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24168, "section": "TU07", "size": 25, "enrolled": 26, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 1 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24169, "section": "TU06", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24170, "section": "TU05", "size": 25, "enrolled": 19, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24173, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 19, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24174, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Napier, 144, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Napier, 144, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "eOLEsQr4xpZJsl6etkfNi", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24694, "section": "LE01", "size": 175, "enrolled": 134, "available": 41, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 1 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "5500": {"id": "bB15MtCKWqMFY8l3443-r", "course_id": "104254", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104254", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 4, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Marketing to the World", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MARKETNG", "CATALOG_NBR": "3501MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 29246, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MARKETNG 1001 or MARKETNG 1001OUA", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MARKETNG 2501", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MARKETNG 3501OUA", "ASSESSMENT": "Case study, Project Presentation, Strategy Pitch and Strategy Report and Exam as per first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "International marketing is a rapidly growing area within the disciplines of marketing and international business. Central to international marketing is the response of international rather than domestic buyers in the marketing environment, the types of decisions that are most feasible and the information required in decision making. During this course, the student will gain insights into the pressures created by the international economic, political, legal and cultural environmental influences on marketing planning. This course will enable students to learn analytical skills required to develop international marketing plans and develop the marketing mix elements in the international environment. Marketing to the World is one of five subjects in the marketing discipline and extends the knowledge developed in marketing management into the international rather than the domestic market. The major theories include, pathways of internationalisation, political and economic risk analysis, international planning, cultural distance, branding for international markets, international market entry, distribution strategies and adaptation versus standardisation. The conceptual material developed during this course will be implemented through class exercises, case studies and a major project.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5501": {"id": "bB15MtCKWqMFY8l3443-r", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "R-8-tLpx5xXq3EIwkeFR6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29246, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 9, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 1 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "vzFPEGN1TfQsyJj1dRKHl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29245, "section": "LE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 9, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 1 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5502": {"id": "RJ_-blSr8zRwO1FpyOGd7", "course_id": "111196", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111196", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Marketing to the World", "CAMPUS": "Open Universities Australia", "CAMPUS_CD": "OUA", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MARKETNG", "CATALOG_NBR": "3501OUA", "CLASS_NBR": 30151, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide Open Universities Australia students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MARKETNG 1001OUA", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MARKETNG 3501", "ASSESSMENT": "Case study, Project Presentation, Strategy Pitch and Strategy Report and Exam as per first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "International marketing is a rapidly growing area within the disciplines of marketing and international business. Central to international marketing is the response of international rather than domestic buyers in the marketing environment, the types of decisions that are most feasible and the information required in decision making. During this course, the student will gain insights into the pressures created by the international economic, political, legal and cultural environmental influences on marketing planning. This course will enable students to learn analytical skills required to develop international marketing plans and develop the marketing mix elements in the international environment. Marketing to the World is one of five subjects in the marketing discipline and extends the knowledge developed in marketing management into the international rather than the domestic market. The major theories include, pathways of internationalisation, political and economic risk analysis, international planning, cultural distance, branding for international markets, international market entry, distribution strategies and adaptation versus standardisation. The conceptual material developed during this course will be implemented through class exercises, case studies and a major project.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "5503": {"id": "RJ_-blSr8zRwO1FpyOGd7", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "Tj5ohZrlgY02mKWDbWkIr", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30151, "section": "01OU", "size": 100, "enrolled": 1, "available": 99, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jan - 26 Apr", "days": "", "start_time": "", "end_time": "", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "5504": {"id": "vM25EGCQBFRKSxQnqTJyA", "course_id": "111196", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111196", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Marketing to the World", "CAMPUS": "Open Universities Australia", "CAMPUS_CD": "OUA", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MARKETNG", "CATALOG_NBR": "3501OUA", "CLASS_NBR": 36143, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide Open Universities Australia students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MARKETNG 1001OUA", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MARKETNG 3501", "ASSESSMENT": "Case study, Project Presentation, Strategy Pitch and Strategy Report and Exam as per first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "International marketing is a rapidly growing area within the disciplines of marketing and international business. Central to international marketing is the response of international rather than domestic buyers in the marketing environment, the types of decisions that are most feasible and the information required in decision making. During this course, the student will gain insights into the pressures created by the international economic, political, legal and cultural environmental influences on marketing planning. This course will enable students to learn analytical skills required to develop international marketing plans and develop the marketing mix elements in the international environment. Marketing to the World is one of five subjects in the marketing discipline and extends the knowledge developed in marketing management into the international rather than the domestic market. The major theories include, pathways of internationalisation, political and economic risk analysis, international planning, cultural distance, branding for international markets, international market entry, distribution strategies and adaptation versus standardisation. The conceptual material developed during this course will be implemented through class exercises, case studies and a major project.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "5505": {"id": "vM25EGCQBFRKSxQnqTJyA", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "WAcnRAY7G4Ba05lKuwidR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36143, "section": "01OU", "size": 100, "enrolled": 0, "available": 100, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "5506": {"id": "NqI_r31y3w_GRQK_8hfmK", "course_id": "106005", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106005", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Service Design and Marketing", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MARKETNG", "CATALOG_NBR": "3504", "CLASS_NBR": 24175, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MARKETNG 1001 or MARKETNG 1001OUA", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The role of service, its design and implementation is examined in the context of customer value creation. This course focuses on the key elements (culture, communications, strategy, operations, people and technology), that marketers must integrate to establish and sustain service excellence and provide customer value. A focus on the marketing mix for services, service encounter, human factor and service quality extends service as part of marketing beyond the realm of traditional service industries.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5507": {"id": "NqI_r31y3w_GRQK_8hfmK", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "JwxWB2DzJ9cpVrIykrQ9A", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24175, "section": "TU06", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 316, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24176, "section": "TU05", "size": 25, "enrolled": 20, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24177, "section": "TU04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 15, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24178, "section": "TU03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24179, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24180, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 15, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "x8fsR-gnp00hcSnDfd64x", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24695, "section": "LE01", "size": 150, "enrolled": 124, "available": 26, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "5508": {"id": "6Oek8YaVygfOsVysTsNcH", "course_id": "106005", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106005", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Service Design and Marketing", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MARKETNG", "CATALOG_NBR": "3504MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 29248, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MARKETNG 1001 or MARKETNG 1001OUA", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The role of service, its design and implementation is examined in the context of customer value creation. This course focuses on the key elements (culture, communications, strategy, operations, people and technology), that marketers must integrate to establish and sustain service excellence and provide customer value. A focus on the marketing mix for services, service encounter, human factor and service quality extends service as part of marketing beyond the realm of traditional service industries.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5509": {"id": "6Oek8YaVygfOsVysTsNcH", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "TJjkGLh8VSQsDd_agJCSF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29248, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 8, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "A64vjfMfqBMqKSSPRhSAN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29247, "section": "LE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 8, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5510": {"id": "ZXarUJe-hy72xdQuablpm", "course_id": "109648", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109648", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Contemporary Issues in Marketing", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MARKETNG", "CATALOG_NBR": "3510", "CLASS_NBR": 20870, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Seminar discussion, Group Project and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to provide students with an in-depth understanding of some of the main theoretical and research perspectives that have contributed to the academic knowledge in marketing. Consideration will be given to some of the important debates to which theorising about these different perspectives has given rise with the implications of these for both research and practice explored. Furthermore, the course intends to familiarise students with reading academic publications in marketing, developing their ability to critically analyse and evaluate such publications. Throughout the course, students are exposed to a wide range or methodologies used in business research as well as develop the ability to assess the validity of findings described in the scholarly literature.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5511": {"id": "ZXarUJe-hy72xdQuablpm", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "-1lim0IIISWsF1X8L2eKA", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20870, "section": "SE01", "size": 0, "enrolled": 7, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Please contact for enrolment help"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 29 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5512": {"id": "pAWe2ItRSIX7g2zDpSK_L", "course_id": "107864", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107864", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Theory in Marketing (H)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MARKETNG", "CATALOG_NBR": "4103", "CLASS_NBR": 15893, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to fulfil the following student learning objectives: -Gain an indepth understanding of the main theoretical and research perspectives that have contributed to the knowledge of marketing. - Investigate some of the important debates to which theorising about these different issues has given rise. -Explore the implications of these debates for both marketing research and marketing practice. -Become familiar with academic publications in marketing. -Develop an ability to critically analyse and evaluate such publications. - Improve oral and written communication skills.\nGenerally the course aims to give students a greater familiarity with methodologies used in marketing research as well as the ability to assess the validity of findings described in the current or recent marketing literature.\nTopics will arise throughout the course from theoretical and research perspectives that have influenced (and continue to influence) scholarly thinking about issues of central importance to the actual practice of marketing.\nThis is essentially a readings-based course in which students will critically review scholarly research articles each week in advance. Participation marks will be awarded for demonstration of effective reading and understanding the arguments presented.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5513": {"id": "pAWe2ItRSIX7g2zDpSK_L", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "gYtnaiyBpSk19kfRT0e_m", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15893, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 3, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "5514": {"id": "mZjLk3uH-bcjKZKtWlCZd", "course_id": "111204", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111204", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Analytics for Marketers", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MARKETNG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7001", "CLASS_NBR": 33025, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MARKETNG 7104, COMMERCE 7039", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This subject responds to businesses' increasing emphasis and reliance on big data and considers the use of analytics and advanced statistical methods in order to support marketing decision-making. In this subject, students will be able to develop practical and analytical skills relevant to address marketing problems, which involve measurement, management and assessment of customer preferences and firm performance to maximise marketing effectiveness, both offline and online. Students will be able to develop an understanding of descriptive analytics (e.g. Customer Lifetime Value, Net Promoter Score etc.) and predictive analytics (e.g. A/B testing and conjoint analysis), and their application. In addition, students will be exposed to a variety of methodological techniques essential to analyse big datasets, both quantitative (e.g. multiple and logistic regression, cluster analysis) and qualitative (e.g. text and sentiment analysis). The subject will also introduce students to digital marketing analytics and examines the ethical and technical issues related to data privacy and big data.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "5515": {"id": "mZjLk3uH-bcjKZKtWlCZd", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "-vwys8iiLZKWnWKsLg5fG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33025, "section": "SE01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 64, "available": 36, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "20 May - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 207, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "11 Jun - 11 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 207, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "17 Jun - 12 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 207, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "5516": {"id": "fctqc0-XNgrzTxZv2UsUN", "course_id": "111209", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111209", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Customer Experience in Services", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MARKETNG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7002", "CLASS_NBR": 36323, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MARKETNG 7104", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course examines customer experiences in services by reviewing core services marketing theories and concepts and then deepening these understandings based on the latest research into customers\u2019 experience when purchasing, accessing, or using services. Building on foundational insights from the service economy, this course also focuses on customer journey mapping by studying customer engagement and the service experience throughout the customer journey, as well as the barriers to accessing services for vulnerable groups of consumers.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "5517": {"id": "fctqc0-XNgrzTxZv2UsUN", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "xxrN_ua0PRRWg3PCBedqi", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36019, "section": "SE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 51, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Sep - 19 Nov", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 36323, "section": "SE02", "size": 50, "enrolled": 47, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Sep - 19 Nov", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5518": {"id": "FAQEsqXBi5kEAs3CVhw06", "course_id": "111234", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111234", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Digital Media Concepts and Applications", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MARKETNG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7003", "CLASS_NBR": 33266, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MARKETNG 7104", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course examines the key concepts of digital media in marketing, focusing on the areas that dominate the industry such as social media and search engine marketing. Building on the latest research in the area, the course examines the application of digital media in marketing, and tools and tactics for advancing marketing strategy in the digital environment. Emphasis is also placed on developing understandings of new and emerging digital technologies and the customer journey to inform marketing strategy and address challenges within the digital environment, such as privacy and policy, evolving online cultures, and vulnerability in the digital world.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "5519": {"id": "FAQEsqXBi5kEAs3CVhw06", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "bKkGi-73VGXKhtkTkgy65", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33024, "section": "SE01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 48, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "20 May - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, 207, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "17 Jun - 12 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, 207, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 33266, "section": "SE02", "size": 45, "enrolled": 40, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "20 May - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, 220, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "17 Jun - 12 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, 220, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "5520": {"id": "a9Qj4bZWX3iMVg-uE6Fq_", "course_id": "102248", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102248", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Understanding Consumers (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MARKETNG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7023", "CLASS_NBR": 33274, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MARKETNG 7104", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quiz, Project, Participation, Presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces the theory of consumer behaviour and relates it to the practice of marketing. It will present relevant material drawn from psychology, anthropology, social and behavioural sciences within the framework of the consumer decision process and its main influencing factors.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "5521": {"id": "a9Qj4bZWX3iMVg-uE6Fq_", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "3fQx1AEmZSUfw-yVnq0w8", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33018, "section": "TU04", "size": 20, "enrolled": 19, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "21 May - 25 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Jul - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 33019, "section": "TU03", "size": 20, "enrolled": 20, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 May - 26 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Jul - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 33020, "section": "TU02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 22, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 May - 26 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Jul - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 33021, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 23, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 May - 26 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Jul - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 33268, "section": "TU05", "size": 20, "enrolled": 20, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 May - 26 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Jul - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 33274, "section": "TU06", "size": 20, "enrolled": 20, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "21 May - 25 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Napier, 144, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Jul - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Napier, 144, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "BLTNAuX-9s7Ymdr4orddU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33017, "section": "LE01", "size": 127, "enrolled": 124, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 May - 26 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "10 Jul - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "5522": {"id": "9aXOO-Vf10stWpimUBGFz", "course_id": "102249", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102249", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Developing Global Markets (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MARKETNG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7024", "CLASS_NBR": 33023, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MARKETNG 7104", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course will analyse both external and internal factors which are likely to influence companies when developing international markets. During this course, the student will gain deep insights into the pressures created by the international economic, political, legal, cultural, demographic, competitive and distribution factors. This course will enable students to refine their deep analytical skills towards marketplace and demand trends and anticipate issues likely to affect companies. Theories and concepts will cover expansion into international markets, political, legal and economic risk analysis, consideration of factors such as culture, geography, logistics and emerging markets. Students will be asked to analyse whether the marketing mix needs adaptation for an international market. The conceptual material developed during this course will be implemented through analysis of current companies and events and a major project. Contemporary issues facing companies in the modern world will be explored.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "5523": {"id": "9aXOO-Vf10stWpimUBGFz", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "ziaTEr2GeCu2em2EMVAam", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33023, "section": "SE01", "size": 42, "enrolled": 41, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 May - 12 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Jun - 19 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Jun - 7 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5524": {"id": "OFa_HAtZmj9EmqF2oSK58", "course_id": "102250", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102250", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Digital Media and marketing Communications", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MARKETNG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7025", "CLASS_NBR": 30022, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MARKETNG 7005 or MARKETNG 7104 and MARKETNG 7023", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Marketing communications is considered one of the first and most important touchpoints brands have with their consumers. In an increasingly evolving and digital environment, all brands must consider how they can deliver a clear and consistent message to drive effective and successful marketing goals. This subject provides a strategic understanding of and practical skills to plan and implement integrated marketing communications campaigns. It investigates the changing relationship between marketing communications tools and the emergence of an evolving digital media landscape and explores the new opportunities and dynamics of marketing tools. This course transforms students into marketing communications professionals by building practical skills in working with media to develop campaigns, including campaign planning, media liaison, media planning and buying, campaign evaluation, and understanding audience factors. It also examines the ethical, legal and social aspects marketing communications must consider to remain successful in a contemporary and digital marketplace.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "5525": {"id": "OFa_HAtZmj9EmqF2oSK58", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "SQE64Py-nK78ol1V6OF_k", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30022, "section": "SE01", "size": 55, "enrolled": 54, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jan - 17 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5526": {"id": "bGrj8L1ezwv3f0m0lUe2X", "course_id": "102250", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102250", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Digital Media and marketing Communications", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MARKETNG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7025", "CLASS_NBR": 36018, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MARKETNG 7005 or MARKETNG 7104 and MARKETNG 7023", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Marketing communications is considered one of the first and most important touchpoints brands have with their consumers. In an increasingly evolving and digital environment, all brands must consider how they can deliver a clear and consistent message to drive effective and successful marketing goals. This subject provides a strategic understanding of and practical skills to plan and implement integrated marketing communications campaigns. It investigates the changing relationship between marketing communications tools and the emergence of an evolving digital media landscape and explores the new opportunities and dynamics of marketing tools. This course transforms students into marketing communications professionals by building practical skills in working with media to develop campaigns, including campaign planning, media liaison, media planning and buying, campaign evaluation, and understanding audience factors. It also examines the ethical, legal and social aspects marketing communications must consider to remain successful in a contemporary and digital marketplace.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "5527": {"id": "bGrj8L1ezwv3f0m0lUe2X", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "Z5PTlALU5FhorlW5JMJTb", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36018, "section": "SE01", "size": 55, "enrolled": 55, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Sep - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "31 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Nov - 21 Nov", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5528": {"id": "Ocb43XSrEr-EoKVw2Ijxa", "course_id": "102257", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102257", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Strategic Brand Management (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MARKETNG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7032", "CLASS_NBR": 30021, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MARKETNG 7104", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quiz, Project, Participation, Exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course examines the development and implementation of marketing strategy by providing a framework from which to identify and evaluate strategic options and programs. Topics: forecasting and contextual possibilities, product category life cycles and strategic implications, product-market definition, relationships with channels of distribution, relationships with customers, competitive analysis, models for marketing strategists, portfolio models, strategic assessment of offerings, marketing strategy implementation systems. This course requires that students have a strong foundation of marketing knowledge gained from Introduction to Marketing (in particular a knowledge of market segmentation).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "5529": {"id": "Ocb43XSrEr-EoKVw2Ijxa", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "au_YNfcYMe9q_M-Rd3K66", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30021, "section": "SE01", "size": 55, "enrolled": 49, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Feb - 18 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5530": {"id": "pmJtxJe0lV3Byw4QgoPUM", "course_id": "102257", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102257", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Strategic Brand Management (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MARKETNG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7032", "CLASS_NBR": 36021, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MARKETNG 7104", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quiz, Project, Participation, Exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course examines the development and implementation of marketing strategy by providing a framework from which to identify and evaluate strategic options and programs. Topics: forecasting and contextual possibilities, product category life cycles and strategic implications, product-market definition, relationships with channels of distribution, relationships with customers, competitive analysis, models for marketing strategists, portfolio models, strategic assessment of offerings, marketing strategy implementation systems. This course requires that students have a strong foundation of marketing knowledge gained from Introduction to Marketing (in particular a knowledge of market segmentation).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "5531": {"id": "pmJtxJe0lV3Byw4QgoPUM", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "O8KAR8uslATQpSZFTU448", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36021, "section": "SE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 24, "available": 26, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Sep - 21 Nov", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5532": {"id": "DtD8LA4H5qI4k6ZKbTB30", "course_id": "103462", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103462", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Theory in Marketing (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MARKETNG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7103", "CLASS_NBR": 15680, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam/assignments/tests/tutorial work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to fulfil the following student learning objectives: -Gain an indepth understanding of the main theoretical and research perspectives that have contributed to the knowledge of marketing. - Investigate some of the important debates to which theorising about these different issues has given rise. -Explore the implications of these debates for both marketing research and marketing practice. -Become familiar with academic publications in marketing. -Develop an ability to critically analyse and evaluate such publications. - Improve oral and written communication skills.\nGenerally the course aims to give students a greater familiarity with methodologies used in marketing research as well as the ability to assess the validity of findings described in the current or recent marketing literature.\nTopics will arise throughout the course from theoretical and research perspectives that have influenced (and continue to influence) scholarly thinking about issues of central importance to the actual practice of marketing.\nThis is essentially a readings-based course in which students will critically review scholarly research articles each week in advance. Participation marks will be awarded for demonstration of effective reading and understanding the arguments presented.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5533": {"id": "DtD8LA4H5qI4k6ZKbTB30", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "UhuUIIxHhCon4-RT2FwGk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15680, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Please note that enrolment into this course requires Marketing Program Director approval. Please refer to ABLE Academic Contacts for contact details."}]}]}]}]}, "5534": {"id": "JM0Ss_DtYkTQRSY6EBCFO", "course_id": "107780", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107780", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Marketing Management (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MARKETNG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7104", "CLASS_NBR": 30056, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MANAGEMT 7104", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments as outlined in the first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Marketing lies at the core of all business. Whatever the character or size of your entity, its profit can come from only one place; the marketplace. All businesses are dependent on the income they earn from their customers, clients or buyers. In most larger businesses it is marketing managers who are primarily responsible for keeping their company close to its customers. In any case, all those who have a direct responsibility for identifying, reaching and satisfying customers are engaged in marketing and everybody in a business needs to understand its marketplace activities. This course offers a complete introduction to professional marketing thought and action.\nThe course explains the nature and purpose of marketing, followed by the fundamentals of each of the most important marketing tasks. It analyses the business need for customer orientation, the evaluation of markets and the targeting of market opportunities. There is then assessment of buyer behaviour and the role of market information. In addition, the course explains how to integrate product and service decisions with those on pricing, distribution and promotion - and why this is necessary.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "5535": {"id": "JM0Ss_DtYkTQRSY6EBCFO", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "tI_P7MwYSMSHm1PT8RGM4", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30056, "section": "SE02", "size": 50, "enrolled": 49, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Feb - 18 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 30071, "section": "SE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 41, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jan - 16 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5536": {"id": "Ppu2BM9-JuiLJ6o12NyDU", "course_id": "107780", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107780", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Marketing Management (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MARKETNG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7104", "CLASS_NBR": 33051, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MANAGEMT 7104", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments as outlined in the first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Marketing lies at the core of all business. Whatever the character or size of your entity, its profit can come from only one place; the marketplace. All businesses are dependent on the income they earn from their customers, clients or buyers. In most larger businesses it is marketing managers who are primarily responsible for keeping their company close to its customers. In any case, all those who have a direct responsibility for identifying, reaching and satisfying customers are engaged in marketing and everybody in a business needs to understand its marketplace activities. This course offers a complete introduction to professional marketing thought and action.\nThe course explains the nature and purpose of marketing, followed by the fundamentals of each of the most important marketing tasks. It analyses the business need for customer orientation, the evaluation of markets and the targeting of market opportunities. There is then assessment of buyer behaviour and the role of market information. In addition, the course explains how to integrate product and service decisions with those on pricing, distribution and promotion - and why this is necessary.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "5537": {"id": "Ppu2BM9-JuiLJ6o12NyDU", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "rJ0Mi9Urkmco3i0bX2Igj", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33074, "section": "SE01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 71, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 May - 8 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5538": {"id": "NO99-Oc4v7V_WSs0a9kiM", "course_id": "107780", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107780", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Marketing Management (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MARKETNG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7104", "CLASS_NBR": 36066, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MANAGEMT 7104", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments as outlined in the first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Marketing lies at the core of all business. Whatever the character or size of your entity, its profit can come from only one place; the marketplace. All businesses are dependent on the income they earn from their customers, clients or buyers. In most larger businesses it is marketing managers who are primarily responsible for keeping their company close to its customers. In any case, all those who have a direct responsibility for identifying, reaching and satisfying customers are engaged in marketing and everybody in a business needs to understand its marketplace activities. This course offers a complete introduction to professional marketing thought and action.\nThe course explains the nature and purpose of marketing, followed by the fundamentals of each of the most important marketing tasks. It analyses the business need for customer orientation, the evaluation of markets and the targeting of market opportunities. There is then assessment of buyer behaviour and the role of market information. In addition, the course explains how to integrate product and service decisions with those on pricing, distribution and promotion - and why this is necessary.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "5539": {"id": "NO99-Oc4v7V_WSs0a9kiM", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "LpccYM74JuJLL-AAubBzL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36060, "section": "SE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 50, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Sep - 19 Nov", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 36066, "section": "SE02", "size": 40, "enrolled": 41, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Sep - 19 Nov", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5540": {"id": "qpGCxZx0xV2skED0OaeMq", "course_id": "107780", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107780", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 5, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Marketing Management (M)", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MARKETNG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7104UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 30084, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments as outlined in the first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Marketing lies at the core of all business. Whatever the character or size of your entity, its profit can come from only one place; the marketplace. All businesses are dependent on the income they earn from their customers, clients or buyers. In most larger businesses it is marketing managers who are primarily responsible for keeping their company close to its customers. In any case, all those who have a direct responsibility for identifying, reaching and satisfying customers are engaged in marketing and everybody in a business needs to understand its marketplace activities. This course offers a complete introduction to professional marketing thought and action.\nThe course explains the nature and purpose of marketing, followed by the fundamentals of each of the most important marketing tasks. It analyses the business need for customer orientation, the evaluation of markets and the targeting of market opportunities. There is then assessment of buyer behaviour and the role of market information. In addition, the course explains how to integrate product and service decisions with those on pricing, distribution and promotion - and why this is necessary.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "5541": {"id": "qpGCxZx0xV2skED0OaeMq", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "dNDBtinDq0g6nWKaeGMKH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30072, "section": "SE01", "size": 12, "enrolled": 9, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jan - 16 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "SrEsSWd9DLVpzYYuLRi6b", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30084, "section": "TT01", "size": 12, "enrolled": 9, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Feb - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 105, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5542": {"id": "jw5eu-1Enjqr1Ruddav3m", "course_id": "107839", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107839", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Project in Marketing (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MARKETNG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7120", "CLASS_NBR": 30108, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMMERCE 7039, MARKETNG 7104", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course provides graduate students with the opportunity to undertake a supervised research project on a marketing topic. Using qualitative and quantitative techniques of marketing research, you will conduct a research project on a marketing problem to address challenges facing any organisation \u2013 including market segmentation, targeting and positioning, estimating market potential, forecasting demand, advertising, pricing and more. It will develop students' knowledge of the scope of research, together with the processes and techniques used in marketing research. Specific topics include an introduction to research in marketing, research problem identification, research design, qualitative and quantitative methods, data collection instruments, qualitative and quantitative data analysis, reporting and presentation of results.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "5543": {"id": "jw5eu-1Enjqr1Ruddav3m", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "1UwoQSqY-pJ3w7AMe9yTE", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30108, "section": "SE01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 16, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jan - 30 Jan", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4:30pm", "location": "Nexus10, 706, MBA Suite"}, {"dates": "13 Feb - 13 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4:30pm", "location": "Nexus10, 706, MBA Suite"}, {"dates": "5 Mar - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4:30pm", "location": "Nexus10, 706, MBA Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4:30pm", "location": "Nexus10, 706, MBA Suite"}, {"dates": "16 Apr - 16 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4:30pm", "location": "Nexus10, 706, MBA Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "5544": {"id": "mefru2EktXafhzFv_uche", "course_id": "111391", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111391", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Project in Marketing Part A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MARKETNG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7121A", "CLASS_NBR": 30109, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to Master of Marketing students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "COMMERCE 7039", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MARKETNG 7104, MARKETNG 7023, MARKETNG 7025, MARKETNG 7032, ENTREP 5036", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MARKETNG 7120", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Research Project in Marketing is the capstone experience for the Master of Marketing. The course provides graduate students with the opportunity to undertake a supervised research project on a marketing topic. The project can be either industry-focused, or research-orientated. Students will conduct a literature review, fine-tune a research proposal, conduct the research, collect data, analyse data, clearly present the findings, and submit an 8000-word research thesis. It will develop students' knowledge of the scope of research, together with the processes and techniques used in marketing research. Specific topics include an introduction to research in marketing, research problem identification, research design, qualitative and quantitative methods, data collection instruments, qualitative and quantitative data analysis, reporting and presentation of results. Assessments include formal oral and written deliverables at a graduate standard. Research Project in Marketing Part A and Part B must be undertaken in consecutive trimesters and a passing grade is required in Part A before continuing in Part B.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "5545": {"id": "mefru2EktXafhzFv_uche", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "cjAOLyra3oUn0QmBdDsbS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30109, "section": "SE01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 11, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jan - 29 Jan", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Feb - 12 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Mar - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Apr - 15 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5546": {"id": "50PCq_HEVZUHXrAqmTwCO", "course_id": "111391", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111391", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Project in Marketing Part A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MARKETNG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7121A", "CLASS_NBR": 33042, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to Master of Marketing students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "COMMERCE 7039", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MARKETNG 7104, MARKETNG 7023, MARKETNG 7025, MARKETNG 7032, ENTREP 5036", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MARKETNG 7120", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Research Project in Marketing is the capstone experience for the Master of Marketing. The course provides graduate students with the opportunity to undertake a supervised research project on a marketing topic. The project can be either industry-focused, or research-orientated. Students will conduct a literature review, fine-tune a research proposal, conduct the research, collect data, analyse data, clearly present the findings, and submit an 8000-word research thesis. It will develop students' knowledge of the scope of research, together with the processes and techniques used in marketing research. Specific topics include an introduction to research in marketing, research problem identification, research design, qualitative and quantitative methods, data collection instruments, qualitative and quantitative data analysis, reporting and presentation of results. Assessments include formal oral and written deliverables at a graduate standard. Research Project in Marketing Part A and Part B must be undertaken in consecutive trimesters and a passing grade is required in Part A before continuing in Part B.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "5547": {"id": "50PCq_HEVZUHXrAqmTwCO", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "tx1IH85YbBwWQFk6Gci5h", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33042, "section": "SE01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 14, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 May - 24 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Jun - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Jun - 28 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Jul - 19 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5548": {"id": "kHLbSn9c2I6xvVnAZmvUq", "course_id": "111391", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111391", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Project in Marketing Part A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MARKETNG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7121A", "CLASS_NBR": 36301, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to Master of Marketing students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "COMMERCE 7039", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MARKETNG 7104, MARKETNG 7023, MARKETNG 7025, MARKETNG 7032, ENTREP 5036", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MARKETNG 7120", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Research Project in Marketing is the capstone experience for the Master of Marketing. The course provides graduate students with the opportunity to undertake a supervised research project on a marketing topic. The project can be either industry-focused, or research-orientated. Students will conduct a literature review, fine-tune a research proposal, conduct the research, collect data, analyse data, clearly present the findings, and submit an 8000-word research thesis. It will develop students' knowledge of the scope of research, together with the processes and techniques used in marketing research. Specific topics include an introduction to research in marketing, research problem identification, research design, qualitative and quantitative methods, data collection instruments, qualitative and quantitative data analysis, reporting and presentation of results. Assessments include formal oral and written deliverables at a graduate standard. Research Project in Marketing Part A and Part B must be undertaken in consecutive trimesters and a passing grade is required in Part A before continuing in Part B.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "5549": {"id": "kHLbSn9c2I6xvVnAZmvUq", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "qZ3HD61wBot3uMG4Fngwk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36301, "section": "SE01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 12, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Sep - 5 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Sep - 19 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "31 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Nov - 21 Nov", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5550": {"id": "L1DbR3BJ83AvfJuNTY0B6", "course_id": "111392", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111392", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Project in Marketing Part B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MARKETNG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7121B", "CLASS_NBR": 33041, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to Master of Marketing students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MARKETNG 7121A, COMMERCE 7039", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "EENTREP 5036, MARKETNG 7104, MARKTNG 7023, MARKETNG 7025, MARKETNG 7032", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MARKETNG 7120", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The purpose of the Research Project in Marketing (B) is to enable students to analyse real-world marketing problems or opportunities. In this part of the course, students will present their draft research findings to their supervisors, peers and industry partners (where relevant). Feedback from the presentations will then be used to develop the final research report. Whilst the structure of the Final Research Project Report can be different between projects, students are expected to follow the guidelines and discuss with their supervisors if a modification of the Report structure is needed.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "5551": {"id": "L1DbR3BJ83AvfJuNTY0B6", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "xN_pYyQtYOrK3uGHUcSd-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33041, "section": "SE01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 10, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 220, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "28 Jun - 28 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Jul - 19 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5552": {"id": "mvsNSbvO18wKn4oBoHQin", "course_id": "111392", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111392", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Project in Marketing Part B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MARKETNG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7121B", "CLASS_NBR": 36044, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to Master of Marketing students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MARKETNG 7121A, COMMERCE 7039", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "EENTREP 5036, MARKETNG 7104, MARKTNG 7023, MARKETNG 7025, MARKETNG 7032", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MARKETNG 7120", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The purpose of the Research Project in Marketing (B) is to enable students to analyse real-world marketing problems or opportunities. In this part of the course, students will present their draft research findings to their supervisors, peers and industry partners (where relevant). Feedback from the presentations will then be used to develop the final research report. Whilst the structure of the Final Research Project Report can be different between projects, students are expected to follow the guidelines and discuss with their supervisors if a modification of the Report structure is needed.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "5553": {"id": "mvsNSbvO18wKn4oBoHQin", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "l1FEREixm0eADIrQpTztz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36044, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 15, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG19, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, 228, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 14 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G13, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Oct - 28 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G13, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Nov - 18 Nov", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G13, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5554": {"subject": "MAT ENG", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "111527", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111528", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111427", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111432", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111529", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111530", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111546", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111514", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}]}}, "5555": {"id": "OXXVBgtQHIN7jOeKZTVBi", "course_id": "111527", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111527", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Materials Characterisation", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MAT ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7101", "CLASS_NBR": 20242, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exams, assessments, in-class quiz", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course will be to introduce fundamental technological principles and applications of advanced characterisation techniques (e.g. TEM, SEM, AFM, STM, XPS, Raman, UV-visible-NIR, FTIR, photoluminescence) used to establish the physical and chemical properties of materials at the nanoscale.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5556": {"id": "OXXVBgtQHIN7jOeKZTVBi", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "o2TQKbveRNDQAqkALGiA_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20242, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 9, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "The Braggs, 425, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "The Braggs, 425, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "_oBUal9NydDKs-R5CMj8f", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20504, "section": "PR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 9, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N211, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N211, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "bt6vZSNfK7W359W79bXNH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28723, "section": "LEC0", "size": 20, "enrolled": 9, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "5557": {"id": "_SZ_HsJ0WXytz9i_0xt9q", "course_id": "111528", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111528", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Computation for Materials Engineering", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MAT ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7102", "CLASS_NBR": 20511, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exams, assessments, in-class quiz", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an introduction to modelling and simulation of materials, covering force-field based atomistic and molecular simulation, and first principle calculation based on quantum mechanics. Students will learn how to use computation as new tools to predict functional material properties. Students will also learn how to design materials and structures from the bottom up - to make lighter, stronger, more efficient, and less expensive materials. In this subject, students will get hands-on training in both the fundamentals and applications of these exciting new methods to key engineering problems, such as energy, optical, and quantum.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5558": {"id": "_SZ_HsJ0WXytz9i_0xt9q", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "WIVndhLu9SwQSTdSPCDK6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26495, "section": "LE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 10, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N120, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N120, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "japfsdh9VbXa-A8-nKjeY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20511, "section": "PR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 10, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N120, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N120, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "5559": {"id": "jmfqjIHYd8dJQ_bMcfj8D", "course_id": "111427", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111427", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Engineering of 2D Materials", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MAT ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7103", "CLASS_NBR": 25421, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hour per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, quizzes, tests, final examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The new field of two dimensional (2D) materials has seen exponential growth since the isolation of graphene, a single atomic layer of carbon atoms in 2004. The course will describe how a number of key aspects of the broader field of nanomaterials are applied to study 2D materials, including methods of production such as liquid phase exfoliation, characterisation techniques such as Raman spectroscopy and electron microscopy, and the production of nano-electronic and nano-composite structures. The course will cover fundamental and applied concepts of 2D materials engineering, and will be delivered through a combination of lectures and tutorials. The course should highlight the significance of emerging 2D materials in modern society, and contextualise the selection of engineering materials on the basis of their characteristics and end use applications.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5560": {"id": "jmfqjIHYd8dJQ_bMcfj8D", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "Ho_MQM3HlZnsnIP8EI2fW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25421, "section": "WR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 10, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 2 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM213, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 14 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM213, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "x3cb3nM8qpuTFdVf9X9zJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20503, "section": "PR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 10, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Aug - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N211, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "20 Aug - 20 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N211, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 Sep - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N211, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N211, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N211, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "E2VDzuaJml-kyaqFoWRh7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25420, "section": "SE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 10, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG07, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5561": {"id": "YT6pMVi9u_7eIVDSAEDWn", "course_id": "111432", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111432", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Engineering of Optical Materials", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MAT ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7104", "CLASS_NBR": 15457, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, quizzes, tests, final examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will introduce fundamental and applied principles of materials for optical engineering. This will include photonic crystal structures, principles of light-matter interactions and light modulation and control. The course will cover fundamental and applied concepts of photonics engineering, and will be delivered through a combination of lectures and tutorials. The course should highlight the significance of optical materials engineering in modern society, and contextualise the selection of engineering materials on the basis of their characteristics and end use applications.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5562": {"id": "YT6pMVi9u_7eIVDSAEDWn", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "kLT6Yb5WMsiwdH5Eo0o6S", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15457, "section": "TU01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 6, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG07, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "NEAnI4VruX5OgbAyz29lZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18768, "section": "LEC0", "size": 20, "enrolled": 6, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "5563": {"id": "cKH2I58ys6qn8pdJodoY1", "course_id": "111529", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111529", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Materials Engineering for Catalysis", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MAT ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7105", "CLASS_NBR": 20244, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, quizzes, tests, final examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will introduce concepts and history of catalysis, to introduce traditional and advanced functional and nanoscale materials for diverse catalytic applications in bio-production, environmental purification, clean fuel product, and petrochemical industrial processes. The materials include metals, metal alloys, zeolites, metal oxides, nanocarbon, microporous and mesoporous materials, and carbonaceous materials. The course will highlight the significance of catalyst materials engineering in modern society, and contextualise the selection of catalysts on the basis of their characteristics and end-use applications.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5564": {"id": "cKH2I58ys6qn8pdJodoY1", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "XmNv_76Q5w_ikqyjPVQ4x", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20244, "section": "TU01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 5, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "7EAyG_JOD5GzxaztlobJf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20243, "section": "PR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 5, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N211, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N211, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "TIC5Oaxjd_6KyN0kuqmXp", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28724, "section": "LEC0", "size": 15, "enrolled": 5, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "5565": {"id": "nrqYYzKsAj823tbLqOqF5", "course_id": "111530", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111530", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Materials Engineering for Energy", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MAT ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7106", "CLASS_NBR": 10240, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, quizzes, tests, final examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to introduce materials for possible future energy systems, including energy storage by battery/supercapacitor, energy conversion/generation by electrocatalysis and photocatalysis. The course will cover both the chemistry part and the materials design part of new energy-related materials. The course should highlight the significance of energy materials engineering in modern society, and contextualise the selection of energy materials on the basis of their characteristics and end use applications.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5566": {"id": "nrqYYzKsAj823tbLqOqF5", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "kv8uM1Z5l7xtAW6rFx98-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10240, "section": "TU01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 9, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG07, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "zmiFa8NY1-sBsF0unTSH-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18769, "section": "LEC0", "size": 10, "enrolled": 9, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "5567": {"id": "ZqdvtIzl3sfYI-cq0DvrY", "course_id": "111546", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111546", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Engineering Solid-State Devices", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MAT ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7107", "CLASS_NBR": 13183, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments and oral exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The objective of the course will be to introduce fundamental and applied principles of advanced semiconductor materials. This will include; An introduction to Quantum Physics for semiconductors; An introduction to the Physics of Semiconductors; An introduction to the Physics of PN-junctions, PNP-junctions and NPN-junctions. A good background on the significance of the Complementary-Metal-Oxide Semiconductors (CMOS) technologies and of several transistors geometries are discussed in the lectures; A discussion on the limitations, advantages and problems of several semiconductor technologies is also carried out during the lectures. An introduction to more complicated CMOS devices; and Next-generation of semiconductors devices such as Coulomb Blockade devices concludes the semiconductor devices section of the course. The final set of lectures does focus on the techniques for the Synthesis of Semiconductors; Wafer Preparation Methods; Characterisation of Semiconductors. conventional and state-of-the-art fabrication techniques, and chemical and physical properties of semiconductor materials.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5568": {"id": "ZqdvtIzl3sfYI-cq0DvrY", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "E7UVBviyxP61h_7y2Abhc", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13183, "section": "TU01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 3, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG07, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "Og-siipFpcnwiY-WNGLbJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18572, "section": "LE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 3, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "5569": {"id": "Lw8d4JutdvQUTKtVgDJbn", "course_id": "111514", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111514", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Fundamentals of Materials", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MAT ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7110", "CLASS_NBR": 15456, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, quizzes, tests, final examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides a fundamental understanding of the core area of physical chemistry in materials engineering, based around the theme of systems, states and processes. It also aims to introduce how physical models explain chemical properties and reactivity of materials. Topics covered are chemical thermodynamics and equilibria, and kinetics. Through this course students will learn how matter behaves on atomic and molecular levels, how this behaviour determines the microscopic and macroscopic properties of matter and how chemical reactions take place.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5570": {"id": "Lw8d4JutdvQUTKtVgDJbn", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "N4m69s4Cqu4t2F9FI8veb", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15456, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 7, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "clVGLbKWG29rBC4mEc-49", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15455, "section": "PR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 7, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG08, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "IYlOTmnR08LzNdpdw7XFt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18770, "section": "LEC0", "size": 20, "enrolled": 7, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "5571": {"subject": "MATHS", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "109685", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109685", "term": "4420", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "110011", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110779", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "101975", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "101975", "term": "4410", "offer": 3}, {"course_id": "101976", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "101976", "term": "4420", "offer": 3}, {"course_id": "019786", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "019786", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "019786", "term": "4410", "offer": 5}, {"course_id": "019786", "term": "4420", "offer": 5}, {"course_id": "009786", "term": "4405", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "009786", "term": "4410", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "009786", "term": "4420", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "009786", "term": "4410", "offer": 5}, {"course_id": "009786", "term": "4420", "offer": 5}, {"course_id": "013617", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "013617", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107264", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104831", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104833", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104834", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104837", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104838", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110041", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110042", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106934", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106944", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107265", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107896", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109284", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109284", "term": "4410", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "109418", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108647", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108647", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108648", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108648", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108649", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108649", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109683", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108735", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108650", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109684", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110010", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110010", "term": "4433", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110010", "term": "4436", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110010", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110021", "term": "4461", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110021", "term": "4465", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106946", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111081", "term": "4433", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111081", "term": "4436", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111081", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111082", "term": "4433", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111082", "term": "4436", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111082", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104830", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104832", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104835", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104836", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104836", "term": "4436", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104839", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111070", "term": "4433", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111085", "term": "4433", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111085", "term": "4436", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111085", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109089", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109089", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109090", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109090", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109091", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109091", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109092", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109092", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111258", "term": "4462", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111258", "term": "4466", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111356", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111356", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111357", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111357", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111358", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111358", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111359", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111359", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "5572": {"id": "ZHD1RlD7nkemixBHWRBur", "course_id": "109685", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109685", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Mathematics for Data Science I", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "1004", "CLASS_NBR": 23514, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Not available for BMaSc or BMaSc(Adv) students or BMaSc (Hons) [Direct Entry]", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least a C- in SACE Stage 2 Mathematical Methods or IB Mathematics: at least 3 in Applications and Interpretations HL; or 4 in Analysis and Approaches SL", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MATHS 1008, MATHS 1010, MATHS 1012", "ASSESSMENT": "On-going assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Data science is one of the highest-paying graduate jobs, for those with the relevant mathematical training. This course introduces fundamental mathematical concepts relevant to data and computer science and provides a basis for further study in data science, statistics and cybersecurity. Topics covered are probability: sets, counting, probability axioms, Bayes theorem; applications of calculus: integration and continuous probability distributions, series approximations; linear algebra: vectors and matrices, matrix algebra, vector spaces, eigenvalues and diagonalisation. The course draws connections between each of these fundamental mathematical concepts and modern data science applications and introduces mathematical applications using Python programming.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5573": {"id": "ZHD1RlD7nkemixBHWRBur", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "6fY8Hzg_nJoTgOZY8jRHa", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23480, "section": "PR08", "size": 29, "enrolled": 29, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 25 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "8 Aug - 8 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Aug - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 5 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23481, "section": "PR07", "size": 44, "enrolled": 36, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 26 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "9 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Aug - 23 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "6 Sep - 6 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 4 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "18 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23482, "section": "PR06", "size": 62, "enrolled": 61, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 22 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "5 Aug - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "19 Aug - 19 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Sep - 2 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 14 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23483, "section": "PR05", "size": 32, "enrolled": 31, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 23 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "6 Aug - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "20 Aug - 20 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Sep - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 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13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23551, "section": "AS01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 57, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "eWYPALBbUCBcANLENKVRS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23552, "section": "SE01", "size": 420, "enrolled": 335, "available": 85, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 22 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "5574": {"id": "cB-9x1CLd7v19oK3O74IX", "course_id": "109685", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109685", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Mathematics for Data Science I", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "1004UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 22326, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least a C- in SACE Stage 2 Mathematical Methods ,or IB Mathematics: at least 3 in Applications and Interpretations HL; or 4 in Analysis and Approaches SL", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MATHS 1008, MATHS 1010, MATHS 1012", "ASSESSMENT": "On-going assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Data science is one of the highest-paying graduate jobs, for those with the relevant mathematical training. This course introduces fundamental mathematical concepts relevant to data and computer science and provides a basis for further study in data science, statistics and cybersecurity. Topics covered are probability: sets, counting, probability axioms, Bayes theorem; applications of calculus: integration and continuous probability distributions, series approximations; linear algebra: vectors and matrices, matrix algebra, vector spaces, eigenvalues and diagonalisation. The course draws connections between each of these fundamental mathematical concepts and modern data science applications and introduces mathematical applications using Python programming.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5575": {"id": "cB-9x1CLd7v19oK3O74IX", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "pAnJbGN7q6ABndKgJz6zr", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23488, "section": "PR08", "size": 3, "enrolled": 3, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 25 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "8 Aug - 8 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Aug - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 5 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23489, "section": "PR07", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 26 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "9 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Aug - 23 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "6 Sep - 6 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 4 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "18 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23490, "section": "PR06", "size": 6, "enrolled": 5, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 22 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "5 Aug - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "19 Aug - 19 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Sep - 2 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 14 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23491, "section": "PR05", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 23 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "6 Aug - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "20 Aug - 20 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Sep - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23492, "section": "PR04", "size": 15, "enrolled": 11, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 26 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "9 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Aug - 23 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "6 Sep - 6 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 4 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "18 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23493, "section": "PR03", "size": 11, "enrolled": 10, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 22 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "5 Aug - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "19 Aug - 19 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Sep - 2 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 14 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23494, "section": "PR02", "size": 18, "enrolled": 15, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 26 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "9 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Aug - 23 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "6 Sep - 6 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 4 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "18 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23495, "section": "PR01", "size": 6, "enrolled": 5, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 22 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "5 Aug - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "19 Aug - 19 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Sep - 2 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 14 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tuition", "id": "dW9-HJd61RiTH2L92JB2a", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22324, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 14, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Darling West, 105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Darling West, 105, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22325, "section": "TT02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 15, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 301, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22326, "section": "TT03", "size": 24, "enrolled": 20, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 301, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Assessment", "id": "zftD0yEMUavghgbf6WnAw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23553, "section": "AS08", "size": 8, "enrolled": 8, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23554, "section": "AS07", "size": 6, "enrolled": 5, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23555, "section": "AS06", "size": 6, "enrolled": 4, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23556, "section": "AS05", "size": 6, "enrolled": 3, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23557, "section": "AS04", "size": 9, "enrolled": 6, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23558, "section": "AS03", "size": 9, "enrolled": 7, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23559, "section": "AS02", "size": 9, "enrolled": 7, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23560, "section": "AS01", "size": 9, "enrolled": 9, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "o3ruyC3ywHFNTG-2FuLO5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23561, "section": "SE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 49, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 22 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "5576": {"id": "POzQONvUiGGt2ssm7ULOZ", "course_id": "110011", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110011", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Critical Evaluation in Data Science", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "1005", "CLASS_NBR": 10732, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In an increasingly data-centric world, a working understanding of data analytics and quantitative methods is essential, for all members of society. When presented with claims in the media that are accompanied by statistics, diagrams, and outputs from technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning, how can we learn to separate useful information from pseudoscience? In other words, how can we learn to not be fooled by statistics? \nThe aim of this course is to improve students' data literacy, through a largely non-technical introduction to some of the foundational concepts in statistical thinking. The course will teach students from all backgrounds how to interpret and critically appraise claims made by machine learning and quantitative data science methods, and understand both the possibilities and pitfalls of these emerging sciences. It assumes no technical background and is taught largely through case studies of applications of data science outside of academia. \nThe course teaches some fundamental quantitative methods for dealing with and interpreting data, as well as visualisation techniques using computer software tools such as Tableau. \nTopics include: how to translate mathematical jargon into understandable language; measuring and talking about uncertainty using probability; how to easily make clear charts and data visualisations; demystifying fundamental statistical ideas (correlation versus causation, distinguishing between significant and important results); explaining and predicting with statistical models; the ethics of data science.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5577": {"id": "POzQONvUiGGt2ssm7ULOZ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "EWDcf1reqqDIN_O3kVSWJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10732, "section": "SE01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 64, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "heG3Qe-nbdMQbTfigAoNQ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13275, "section": "PR02", "size": 35, "enrolled": 31, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13276, "section": "PR01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 33, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "5578": {"id": "Ll5aDRgFVhbGZJPef6BkU", "course_id": "110779", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110779", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Data Taming & Prediction", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "1006", "CLASS_NBR": 20662, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "APP DATA 2015", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is a practical introduction to the practice of wrangling, finding relationships in, and making predictions from, messy datasets using statistical methods. The course introduces the principle of tidy data, types of data and data formats, exploratory data analysis, data transformation, as well as model fitting and prediction using statistical machine learning tools. A focus will be to introduce R programming for data science applications, particularly through real-world case studies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5579": {"id": "Ll5aDRgFVhbGZJPef6BkU", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "cOEPmB-Hg-O5idZjpJ9Ph", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20662, "section": "SE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 44, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "P3l5KUHaf-UbJfmGcnLn4", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20660, "section": "PR02", "size": 17, "enrolled": 13, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM106, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20661, "section": "PR01", "size": 19, "enrolled": 19, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM106, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29590, "section": "PR03", "size": 20, "enrolled": 12, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM106, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "5580": {"id": "3Xm_7BMJP4y5wP6lpLBjv", "course_id": "101975", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "101975", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Financial Mathematics I", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "1009", "CLASS_NBR": 10738, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Not available to BMaSc, BMaSc (Adv), BMaCompSc or BCompSc students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "At least C- in SACE Stage 2 Mathematical Methods; or IB Mathematics: at least 3 in applications and interpretations HL, or 4 in analysis and approaches SL", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 1005, ECON 1010, MATHS 1011, MATHS 1012, MATHS 1013", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Together with MATHS 1010 Applications of Quantitative Methods in Finance I, this course provides an introduction to the basic mathematical concepts and techniques used in finance and business, highlighting the inter-relationships of the mathematics and developing problem solving skills with a particular emphasis on financial and business applications.\n\nTopics covered are: polynomial, exponential and logarithmic functions; limits, sequences, interest rates and annuities; linear equations, matrices and determinants; Leontief economic models; optimisation (linear programming).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5581": {"id": "3Xm_7BMJP4y5wP6lpLBjv", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "tmsy58qFjv7GZL1ITC01N", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10733, "section": "SE01", "size": 150, "enrolled": 89, "available": 61, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 26 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Assessment", "id": "Xlj45pU4X6hbEaZgS4_ZW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10563, "section": "AS04", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10564, "section": "AS03", "size": 40, "enrolled": 18, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10565, "section": "AS02", "size": 35, "enrolled": 24, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10566, "section": "AS01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 17, "available": 28, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10743, "section": "AS05", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "tS8hVzQ_QSLwp5GXcrbsz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10738, "section": "WR06", "size": 30, "enrolled": 23, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10739, "section": "WR05", "size": 30, "enrolled": 25, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10742, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 22, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18616, "section": "WR03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 19, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5582": {"id": "E8s44eMAl0ao3vCXEFNJt", "course_id": "101975", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "101975", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Financial Mathematics I", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "1009UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 12445, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "At least C- in SACE Stage 2 Mathematical Methods; or IB Mathematics: at least 3 in applications and interpretations HL; or 4 in analysis and approaches SL", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 1005, ECON 1010, MATHS 1011, MATHS 1012, MATHS 1013", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Together with MATHS 1010 Applications of Quantitative Methods in Finance I, this course provides an introduction to the basic mathematical concepts and techniques used in finance and business, highlighting the inter-relationships of the mathematics and developing problem solving skills with a particular emphasis on financial and business applications.\n\nTopics covered are: polynomial, exponential and logarithmic functions; limits, sequences, interest rates and annuities; linear equations, matrices and determinants; Leontief economic models; optimisation (linear programming).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5583": {"id": "E8s44eMAl0ao3vCXEFNJt", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "gDrZjjdw3Z1lmg-HZ9gQb", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10734, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 11, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 26 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Assessment", "id": "EABgNm8xiegn7FRFXKAe5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10567, "section": "AS04", "size": 10, "enrolled": 4, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10568, "section": "AS03", "size": 10, "enrolled": 3, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10569, "section": "AS02", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10570, "section": "AS01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 4, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10744, "section": "AS05", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "OWxMusecChRzhpdUmi8nT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12445, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 11, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 207, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 207, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "5584": {"id": "xrgdFpNxCoYw7u3earPml", "course_id": "101976", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "101976", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Applications of Quantitative Methods in Finance I", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "1010", "CLASS_NBR": 20663, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Not available to BMaSc, BMaSc (Adv), BMaSc (Hons) [Direct Entry], BMaCompSc or BCompSc students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MATHS 1009", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 1005, ECON 1010, MATHS 1004, MATHS 1011, MATHS 1012, MATHS 1013", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Together with MATHS 1009 Introduction to Financial Mathematics I, this course provides an introduction to the basic mathematical concepts and techniques used in finance and business, highlighting the inter-relationships of the mathematics and developing problem solving skills with a particular emphasis on financial and business applications.\n\nTopics covered are: differential and integral calculus with applications; separable differential equations; functions of two real variables; Lagrange multipliers; sample spaces, conditional probability; an introduction to Markov chains; probability distributions (binomial, normal) and expected value.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5585": {"id": "xrgdFpNxCoYw7u3earPml", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "-0aw4_CelY7BRCyWCHx5K", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20667, "section": "SE01", "size": 110, "enrolled": 61, "available": 49, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 22 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Assessment", "id": "fNxIjxXKu2CbmegIdFVnT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20548, "section": "AS01", "size": 65, "enrolled": 49, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Sep - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24556, "section": "AS03", "size": 65, "enrolled": 12, "available": 53, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Sep - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "06oqd1_TibVAzyUVCsTP9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20663, "section": "WR04", "size": 30, "enrolled": 13, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20665, "section": "WR02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 25, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20666, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 23, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5586": {"id": "3fHJ-T34XEZ2lwQEVfElu", "course_id": "101976", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "101976", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Applications of Quantitative Methods in Finance I", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "1010UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 22321, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MATHS 1009", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 1005, ECON 1010, MATHS 1004, MATHS 1011, MATHS 1012, MATHS 1013", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Together with MATHS 1009 Introduction to Financial Mathematics I, this course provides an introduction to the basic mathematical concepts and techniques used in finance and business, highlighting the inter-relationships of the mathematics and developing problem solving skills with a particular emphasis on financial and business applications.\n\nTopics covered are: differential and integral calculus with applications; separable differential equations; functions of two real variables; Lagrange multipliers; sample spaces, conditional probability; an introduction to Markov chains; probability distributions (binomial, normal) and expected value.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5587": {"id": "3fHJ-T34XEZ2lwQEVfElu", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "SY0jV4-CtJApcUu0PxjZD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20668, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 11, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 22 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Assessment", "id": "o780nlvo6rCriU5JuaPLt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24557, "section": "AS01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 2, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Sep - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24558, "section": "AS03", "size": 10, "enrolled": 9, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Sep - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "W4_QeTwW0eTY_8gCtqqsa", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22321, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 11, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Darling West, B03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Darling West, B03, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5588": {"id": "HQna1OndJ-FfeqpEaDZHg", "course_id": "019786", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "019786", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Mathematics IA", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "1011", "CLASS_NBR": 14670, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least a C- in both SACE Stage 2 Mathematical Methods and SACE Stage 2 Specialist Mathematics; or at least 3 in IB Mathematics: analysis and approaches HL; or MATHS 1013.", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "At least B in both SACE Stage 2 Mathematical Methods and SACE Stage 2 Specialist Mathematics. Students who have not achieved this standard are strongly advised to take MATHS 1013 before attempting MATHS 1011.", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 1005, ECON 1010, MATHS 1009, MATHS 1010", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course, together with MATHS 1012 Mathematics IB, provides an introduction to the basic concepts and techniques of calculus and linear algebra, emphasising their inter-relationships and applications to engineering, the sciences and financial areas, introduces students to the use of computers in mathematics, and develops problem solving skills with both theoretical and practical problems. \n\nTopics covered are - Calculus: Functions of one variable, differentiation and its applications, the definite integral, techniques of integration. Algebra: Systems of linear equations, subspaces, matrices, optimisation, determinants, applications of linear algebra.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5589": {"id": "HQna1OndJ-FfeqpEaDZHg", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "yingJiQrNi04rPxMqA5-F", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14666, "section": "SE02", "size": 300, "enrolled": 292, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 26 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14667, "section": "SE01", "size": 500, "enrolled": 383, "available": 117, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 26 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Assessment", "id": "nbi7Ein1uJ0AJanqY6x-y", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10571, "section": "AS14", "size": 75, "enrolled": 71, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10572, "section": "AS13", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10573, "section": "AS12", "size": 60, "enrolled": 53, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10574, "section": "AS11", "size": 70, "enrolled": 60, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10575, "section": "AS10", "size": 35, "enrolled": 24, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10576, "section": "AS09", "size": 70, "enrolled": 64, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10577, "section": "AS08", "size": 40, "enrolled": 34, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10578, "section": "AS07", "size": 50, "enrolled": 49, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10579, "section": "AS06", "size": 70, "enrolled": 65, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10580, "section": "AS05", "size": 39, "enrolled": 39, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10581, "section": "AS04", "size": 55, "enrolled": 52, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10582, "section": "AS03", "size": 50, "enrolled": 42, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10583, "section": "AS02", "size": 60, "enrolled": 59, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10584, "section": "AS01", "size": 39, "enrolled": 38, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "5LiOLWS58R8O0yNYStGgH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14670, "section": "WR29", "size": 30, "enrolled": 27, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14671, "section": "WR28", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14672, "section": "WR27", "size": 30, "enrolled": 25, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14673, "section": "WR26", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 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Students who have not achieved this standard are strongly advised to take MATHS 1013 before attempting MATHS 1011.", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 1005, ECON 1010, MATHS 1009, MATHS 1010", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course, together with MATHS 1012 Mathematics IB, provides an introduction to the basic concepts and techniques of calculus and linear algebra, emphasising their inter-relationships and applications to engineering, the sciences and financial areas, introduces students to the use of computers in mathematics, and develops problem solving skills with both theoretical and practical problems. \n\nTopics covered are - Calculus: Functions of one variable, differentiation and its applications, the definite integral, techniques of integration. Algebra: Systems of linear equations, subspaces, matrices, optimisation, determinants, applications of linear algebra.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5591": {"id": "VyeknRsSq6zgh32EEpmYd", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "82YeY_JkN4g5PF74AKsNX", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24560, "section": "SE01", "size": 400, "enrolled": 287, "available": 113, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 22 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Assessment", "id": "acO1H1T91hOsLn6hXRmgj", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20514, "section": "AS05", "size": 50, "enrolled": 50, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Aug - 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12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24573, "section": "WR03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 25, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24574, "section": "WR02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24575, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5592": {"id": "ZeTawqg08wNQAJRo0V1Az", "course_id": "019786", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "019786", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 5, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Mathematics IA", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "1011UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 12446, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least a C- in both SACE Stage 2 Mathematical Methods and SACE Stage 2 Specialist Mathematics; or at least 3 in IB Mathematics: analysis and approaches HL; or MATHS 1013.", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "At least B in both SACE Stage 2 Mathematical Methods (formerly Mathematical Studies) and SACE Stage 2 Specialist Mathematics. Students who have not achieved this standard are strongly advised to take MATHS 1013 before attempting MATHS 1011.", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 1005, ECON 1010, MATHS 1009, MATHS 1010", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course, together with MATHS 1012 Mathematics IB, provides an introduction to the basic concepts and techniques of calculus and linear algebra, emphasising their inter-relationships and applications to engineering, the sciences and financial areas, introduces students to the use of computers in mathematics, and develops problem solving skills with both theoretical and practical problems. \n\nTopics covered are - Calculus: Functions of one variable, differentiation and its applications, the definite integral, techniques of integration. Algebra: Systems of linear equations, subspaces, matrices, optimisation, determinants, applications of linear algebra.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5593": {"id": "ZeTawqg08wNQAJRo0V1Az", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "F5tDHRP5OuiEj14IIgwy6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14668, "section": "SE02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 26 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14669, "section": "SE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 20, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 26 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Assessment", "id": "BSsUkTFJhdeHhOSAb92z8", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10585, "section": "AS02", "size": 5, "enrolled": 4, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14699, "section": "AS13", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14700, "section": "AS12", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14701, "section": "AS11", "size": 5, "enrolled": 5, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14703, "section": "AS09", "size": 5, "enrolled": 5, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14704, "section": "AS08", "size": 5, "enrolled": 3, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14705, "section": "AS07", "size": 5, "enrolled": 3, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14706, "section": "AS06", "size": 5, "enrolled": 2, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14707, "section": "AS05", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14709, "section": "AS03", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "gy7FogsiQzcqlDrkIxRr7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12446, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 23, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Darling West, B04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Darling West, B04, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5594": {"id": "FXXkA-1pbdhK4VEazClNE", "course_id": "019786", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "019786", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 5, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Mathematics IA", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "1011UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 29555, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least a C- in both SACE Stage 2 Mathematical Methods and SACE Stage 2 Specialist Mathematics; or at least 3 in IB Mathematics: analysis and approaches HL; or MATHS 1013.", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "At least B in both SACE Stage 2 Mathematical Methods (formerly Mathematical Studies) and SACE Stage 2 Specialist Mathematics. Students who have not achieved this standard are strongly advised to take MATHS 1013 before attempting MATHS 1011.", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 1005, ECON 1010, MATHS 1009, MATHS 1010", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course, together with MATHS 1012 Mathematics IB, provides an introduction to the basic concepts and techniques of calculus and linear algebra, emphasising their inter-relationships and applications to engineering, the sciences and financial areas, introduces students to the use of computers in mathematics, and develops problem solving skills with both theoretical and practical problems. \n\nTopics covered are - Calculus: Functions of one variable, differentiation and its applications, the definite integral, techniques of integration. Algebra: Systems of linear equations, subspaces, matrices, optimisation, determinants, applications of linear algebra.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5595": {"id": "FXXkA-1pbdhK4VEazClNE", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "msHiDVV8i0960gxMvl4I6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24561, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 23, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 22 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tuition", "id": "DmubWLG_bCNhWc9QfNBje", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22322, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 12, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Darling West, 105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Darling West, 105, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29555, "section": "TT02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 11, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 207, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 207, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Assessment", "id": "K4WUvCTDKYnJAKkC2QIek", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24576, "section": "AS05", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24577, "section": "AS04", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Aug - 28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24578, "section": "AS03", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Aug - 28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24579, "section": "AS02", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24580, "section": "AS01", "size": 19, "enrolled": 13, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24581, "section": "AS09", "size": 5, "enrolled": 3, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Aug - 28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24582, "section": "AS08", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Aug - 28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24583, "section": "AS07", "size": 5, "enrolled": 3, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24584, "section": "AS06", "size": 5, "enrolled": 3, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "5596": {"id": "HRKAydse5sb4-Wk4A-kac", "course_id": "009786", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "009786", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Mathematics IB", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "1012", "CLASS_NBR": 92138, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MATHS 1011", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 1005, ECON 1010, MATHS 1004, MATHS 1009, MATHS 1010", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course, together with MATHS 1011 Mathematics IA, provides an introduction to the basic concepts and techniques of calculus and linear algebra, emphasising their inter-relationships and applications to engineering, the sciences and financial areas, introduces students to the use of computers in mathematics, and develops problem solving skills with both theoretical and practical problems. \n\nTopics covered are: Calculus: Differential equations, sequences and series, power series, calculus in two variables. Algebra: Subspaces, rank theorem, linear transformations, orthogonality, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, applications of linear algebra.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 09/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "5597": {"id": "HRKAydse5sb4-Wk4A-kac", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "K6IPncHvxXSK4CyVfuPqs", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92394, "section": "SE01", "size": 190, "enrolled": 173, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Jan - 6 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Jan - 19 Jan", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Jan - 25 Jan", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Feb - 9 Feb", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "a78AnGp4tIxVlzUxUJ5bZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92138, "section": "WR06", "size": 31, "enrolled": 28, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Jan - 5 Jan", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Jan - 9 Feb", "days": "Tuesday, , Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 92139, "section": "WR05", "size": 31, "enrolled": 30, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Jan - 5 Jan", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Jan - 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Algebra: Subspaces, rank theorem, linear transformations, orthogonality, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, applications of linear algebra.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5599": {"id": "-ZJiICUGWGhro73bABcrq", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "IAIz3CBeFVfGU0NT3jKFk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14710, "section": "SE01", "size": 170, "enrolled": 151, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Assessment", "id": "jPKq6PT7npZPppf1nUXch", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10587, "section": "AS06", "size": 45, "enrolled": 44, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Apr - 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Algebra: Subspaces, rank theorem, linear transformations, orthogonality, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, applications of linear algebra.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5601": {"id": "WVRRfyi4ikxiOLOOqR53z", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "hbCao8OI173DxfawkNrFx", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24586, "section": "SE01", "size": 750, "enrolled": 555, "available": 195, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Assessment", "id": "IWVt9b3AEItylu5R9zULf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20527, "section": "AS17", "size": 50, "enrolled": 50, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Sep - 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3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20541, "section": "AS01", "size": 75, "enrolled": 54, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Sep - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 28490, "section": "AS08", "size": 55, "enrolled": 53, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Sep - 4 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 28491, "section": "AS07", "size": 35, "enrolled": 35, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Sep - 4 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "_1ns2CJ3lavbwqdd_4eai", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24589, "section": "WR22", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 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11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24597, "section": "WR14", "size": 30, "enrolled": 26, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24598, "section": "WR13", "size": 30, "enrolled": 31, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 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10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24608, "section": "WR03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24609, "section": "WR02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 32, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24610, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5602": {"id": "lDbBuoi_eSLGXXTKcUWpb", "course_id": "009786", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "009786", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 5, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Mathematics IB", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "1012UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 12447, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MATHS 1011", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 1005, ECON 1010, MATHS 1004, MATHS 1009, MATHS 1010", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course, together with MATHS 1011 Mathematics IA, provides an introduction to the basic concepts and techniques of calculus and linear algebra, emphasising their inter-relationships and applications to engineering, the sciences and financial areas, introduces students to the use of computers in mathematics, and develops problem solving skills with both theoretical and practical problems. \n\nTopics covered are: Calculus: Differential equations, sequences and series, power series, calculus in two variables. Algebra: Subspaces, rank theorem, linear transformations, orthogonality, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, applications of linear algebra.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5603": {"id": "lDbBuoi_eSLGXXTKcUWpb", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "rmzSXXBCntCvEnzDllc4Y", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14711, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 5, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Assessment", "id": "hsgelacCuBaFhdGPzBxct", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10593, "section": "AS01", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14718, "section": "AS04", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14719, "section": "AS03", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14720, "section": "AS02", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14721, "section": "AS06", "size": 10, "enrolled": 3, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14722, "section": "AS05", "size": 10, "enrolled": 2, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "FSZlVa5ufNsvASbGnF2zS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12447, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 5, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 312, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 312, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5604": {"id": "EMa1FHF9k8IqroehlN0DX", "course_id": "009786", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "009786", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 5, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Mathematics IB", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "1012UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 22323, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MATHS 1011", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 1005, ECON 1010, MATHS 1004, MATHS 1009, MATHS 1010", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course, together with MATHS 1011 Mathematics IA, provides an introduction to the basic concepts and techniques of calculus and linear algebra, emphasising their inter-relationships and applications to engineering, the sciences and financial areas, introduces students to the use of computers in mathematics, and develops problem solving skills with both theoretical and practical problems. \n\nTopics covered are: Calculus: Differential equations, sequences and series, power series, calculus in two variables. Algebra: Subspaces, rank theorem, linear transformations, orthogonality, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, applications of linear algebra.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5605": {"id": "EMa1FHF9k8IqroehlN0DX", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "dSRP0m8hteOSUkvcTjNRH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24587, "section": "SE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 8, "available": 32, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Assessment", "id": "hql9Esz7r02LQainT6wwm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20542, "section": "AS02", "size": 5, "enrolled": 2, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Sep - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20543, "section": "AS01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Sep - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24611, "section": "AS06", "size": 5, "enrolled": 2, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Sep - 5 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24613, "section": "AS04", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Sep - 5 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24614, "section": "AS03", "size": 5, "enrolled": 2, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Sep - 5 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24616, "section": "AS17", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Sep - 6 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24618, "section": "AS15", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Sep - 5 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24620, "section": "AS13", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Sep - 6 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24622, "section": "AS11", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Sep - 4 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24624, "section": "AS09", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Sep - 5 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 28506, "section": "AS08", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Sep - 4 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 28507, "section": "AS07", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Sep - 4 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "BSIVtu_zWH-zITFo9wC1u", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22323, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 8, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Darling West, 105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Darling West, 105, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5606": {"id": "XBwKCmiIq8EAXNc-yWXa4", "course_id": "013617", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "013617", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Mathematics IM", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "1013", "CLASS_NBR": 13103, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Not available to students with an A- or better in both SACE Stage 2 Mathematical Methods and SACE Stage 2 Specialist Mathematics.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least a C- in SACE Stage 2 Mathematical Methods; or IB Mathematics: at least 3 in applications and interpretations HL, or 4 in analysis and approaches SL", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 1005, ECON 1010, MATHS 1009, MATHS 1010", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides the necessary additional mathematics to prepare students for MATHS 1011 Mathematics IA. This course develops logical thinking and problem solving skills with an emphasis on applications. Topics covered are: mathematical notation, mathematical induction, complex numbers, functions (composition, inverse, graphing), vectors and parametric curves, integration techniques, rates of change and differential equations.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5607": {"id": "XBwKCmiIq8EAXNc-yWXa4", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "3fVyBrY-mPzQgHJTBJ9RB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13758, "section": "SE01", "size": 290, "enrolled": 258, "available": 32, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 26 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Assessment", "id": "njEo0c_UnSHdKaaoQVK53", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10594, "section": "AS09", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10595, "section": "AS08", "size": 75, "enrolled": 69, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10597, "section": "AS06", "size": 65, "enrolled": 60, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10599, "section": "AS04", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10601, "section": "AS02", "size": 75, "enrolled": 58, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10602, "section": "AS01", "size": 75, "enrolled": 71, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "NIbQHh_lGTY5786YR0IZY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13103, "section": "WR10", "size": 30, "enrolled": 26, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13104, "section": "WR09", "size": 30, "enrolled": 23, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13105, "section": "WR08", "size": 30, "enrolled": 25, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13106, "section": "WR07", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13107, "section": "WR06", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13108, "section": "WR05", "size": 30, "enrolled": 24, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13109, "section": "WR04", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13110, "section": "WR03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13111, "section": "WR02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 25, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13112, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 27, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5608": {"id": "nLXBJS0jsMim7UTqYwdqb", "course_id": "013617", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "013617", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Mathematics IM", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "1013", "CLASS_NBR": 23800, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Not available to students with an A- or better in both SACE Stage 2 Mathematical Methods and SACE Stage 2 Specialist Mathematics.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least a C- in SACE Stage 2 Mathematical Methods; or IB Mathematics: at least 3 in applications and interpretations HL, or 4 in analysis and approaches SL", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 1005, ECON 1010, MATHS 1009, MATHS 1010", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides the necessary additional mathematics to prepare students for MATHS 1011 Mathematics IA. This course develops logical thinking and problem solving skills with an emphasis on applications. Topics covered are: mathematical notation, mathematical induction, complex numbers, functions (composition, inverse, graphing), vectors and parametric curves, integration techniques, rates of change and differential equations.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5609": {"id": "nLXBJS0jsMim7UTqYwdqb", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "Eab-Z3jroQ6HDuDCZiClV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23805, "section": "SE01", "size": 130, "enrolled": 92, "available": 38, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 22 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Assessment", "id": "9ZMt-ozag_n5je3Nw8kQr", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20544, "section": "AS03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 20, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Sep - 6 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20545, "section": "AS02", "size": 40, "enrolled": 30, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Sep - 6 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20546, "section": "AS01", "size": 55, "enrolled": 42, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Sep - 6 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "KhJQqNJP7TvWU4sUXCddj", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23800, "section": "WR05", "size": 30, "enrolled": 27, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23802, "section": "WR03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 25, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23803, "section": "WR02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 26, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23804, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 14, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5610": {"id": "fBufq8jmpIjvDWCN0S9b7", "course_id": "107264", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107264", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Mathematical Perspectives I", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "1015", "CLASS_NBR": 13760, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 contact hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMaSc (Adv) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of this course is to develop foundational research skills in the mathematical sciences. It will be taught as three small group workshops per week and assessed through guided discovery projects. Students will be required to participate proactively in the small groups workshops and by involvement in open-ended problems, independent reading and completion of the guided discovery projects.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5611": {"id": "fBufq8jmpIjvDWCN0S9b7", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "sABnAmW73RyW9hjyH8_CN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13760, "section": "SE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 17, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 13 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Schulz, 218, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "6B5rlbahLYjUssiVzrgtB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13759, "section": "PR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 17, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "13 Mar - 13 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "5612": {"id": "hsW_BRcIo3SDzxSbfwycS", "course_id": "104831", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104831", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Real Analysis II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "2100", "CLASS_NBR": 29616, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MATHS 1012", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Much of mathematics relies on our ability to be able to solve equations, if not in explicit exact forms, then at least in being able to establish the existence of solutions. To do this requires a knowledge of so-called 'analysis', which in many respects is just Calculus in very general settings. The foundations for this work are commenced in Real Analysis, a course that develops this basic material in a systematic and rigorous manner in the context of real-valued functions of a real variable. Topics covered include: Basic set theory. The real numbers and their basic properties. Sequences: convergence, subsequences, Cauchy sequences. Open, closed, and compact sets of real numbers. Continuous functions and uniform continuity. The Riemann integral. Differentiation and Mean Value theorems. The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Series. Power series and Taylor series. Convergence of sequences and series of functions.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5613": {"id": "hsW_BRcIo3SDzxSbfwycS", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "BSuPtBJOFN0tkeVFK-e8T", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22165, "section": "SE01", "size": 84, "enrolled": 69, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "TTJuDKy5oxTQTGYFrO7oH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22162, "section": "WR02", "size": 28, "enrolled": 20, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22163, "section": "WR01", "size": 28, "enrolled": 25, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29616, "section": "WR03", "size": 28, "enrolled": 24, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5614": {"id": "y73w2A_pkm8HUlNsmMG0s", "course_id": "104833", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104833", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Multivariable & Complex Calculus II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "2101", "CLASS_NBR": 13506, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3.5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MATHS 1012", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MATHS 2202, ELEC ENG 2106", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The mathematics required to describe most 'real life' systems involves functions of more than one variable, so the differential and integral calculus developed in a first course in Calculus must be extended to functions of more variables. In this course, the key results of one-variable calculus are extended to higher dimensions: differentiation, integration, and the link between them provided by the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus are all generalised. The machinery developed can be applied to another generalisation of one-variable Calculus, namely to complex calculus, and the course also provides an introduction to this subject. The material covered in this course forms the basis for mathematical analysis and application across an extremely broad range of areas, essential for anyone studying the hard sciences, engineering, or mathematical economics/finance.\n\nTopics covered are: introduction to multivariable calculus; differentiation of scalar- and vector-valued functions; higher-order derivatives, extrema, Lagrange multipliers and the implicit function theorem; integration over regions, volumes, paths and surfaces; Green's, Stokes' and Gauss's theorems; differential forms; curvilinear coordinates; an introduction to complex numbers and functions; complex differentiation; complex integration and Cauchy's theorems; and conformal mappings.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5615": {"id": "y73w2A_pkm8HUlNsmMG0s", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "uy-ttuQeqAyzw2sXFz9AZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13501, "section": "SE01", "size": 190, "enrolled": 158, "available": 32, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "nRD6gaV-CBoreqtXWbnCD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13502, "section": "WR04", "size": 40, "enrolled": 36, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13503, "section": "WR03", "size": 40, "enrolled": 31, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13504, "section": "WR02", "size": 40, "enrolled": 40, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13505, "section": "WR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 27, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13506, "section": "WR05", "size": 40, "enrolled": 24, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 218, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5616": {"id": "gZCYyctjcOvBYxqmVO63n", "course_id": "104834", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104834", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Differential Equations II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "2102", "CLASS_NBR": 10707, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3.5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MATHS 1012", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MATHS 2201, MATHS 2106", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Most 'real life' systems that are described mathematically, be they physical, biological, financial or economic, are described by means of differential equations. Our ability to predict the way in which these systems evolve or behave is determined by our ability to model these systems and find solutions of the equations explicitly or approximately. Every application and differential equation presents its own challenges, but there are various classes of differential equations, and for some of these there are established approaches and methods for solving them. \n \nTopics covered are: first order ordinary differential equations (ODEs), higher order ODEs, systems of ODEs, series solutions of ODEs, interpretation of solutions, Fourier analysis and solution of linear partial differential equations using the method of separation of variables.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5617": {"id": "gZCYyctjcOvBYxqmVO63n", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "fRFqgBvm1NEjkZIm5M5JR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10717, "section": "SE01", "size": 144, "enrolled": 133, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "Ge5O6XMvQa7oVErSKDHUH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10707, "section": "WR05", "size": 28, "enrolled": 26, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10708, "section": "WR04", "size": 29, "enrolled": 26, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10709, "section": "WR03", "size": 29, "enrolled": 28, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10710, "section": "WR02", "size": 29, "enrolled": 25, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10711, "section": "WR01", "size": 29, "enrolled": 28, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5618": {"id": "CZEij92BXvPjEQCN4x1E5", "course_id": "104837", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104837", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Probability & Statistics II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "2103", "CLASS_NBR": 12264, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3.5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MATHS 1012 or MATHS 1004", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Probability theory is the branch of mathematics that deals with modelling uncertainty. It is important because of its direct application in areas such as genetics, finance and telecommunications. It also forms the fundamental basis for many other areas in the mathematical sciences including statistics, modern optimisation methods and risk modelling. This course provides an introduction to probability theory, random variables and Markov processes. \n\nTopics covered are: probability axioms, conditional probability; Bayes' theorem; discrete random variables, moments, bounding probabilities, probability generating functions, standard discrete distributions; continuous random variables, uniform, normal, Cauchy, exponential, gamma and chi-square distributions, transformations, the Poisson process; bivariate distributions, marginal and conditional distributions, independence, covariance and correlation, linear combinations of two random variables, bivariate normal distribution; sequences of independent random variables, the weak law of large numbers, the central limit theorem; definition and properties of a Markov chain and probability transition matrices; methods for solving equilibrium equations, absorbing Markov chains.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5619": {"id": "CZEij92BXvPjEQCN4x1E5", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "GQd_9SbTWwTOw7Bdh6nXG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12269, "section": "SE01", "size": 160, "enrolled": 124, "available": 36, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "_Qx7QD1GzU5wI-yI7JQRJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12264, "section": "WR04", "size": 40, "enrolled": 10, "available": 30, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12265, "section": "WR03", "size": 40, "enrolled": 38, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12266, "section": "WR02", "size": 40, "enrolled": 38, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12267, "section": "WR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 38, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5620": {"id": "Ylksi8f6wOc7adWmvMDFf", "course_id": "104838", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104838", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Numerical Methods II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "2104", "CLASS_NBR": 20628, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3.5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MATHS 1012 and (COMP SCI 1012 or COMP SCI 1101 or COMP SCI 1102 or COMP SCI 1201 or ENG 1002 or ENG 1003 or MECH ENG 1100 or MECH ENG 1102 or MECH ENG 1103 or MECH ENG 1104 or MECH ENG 1105 or C&ENVENG 1012).", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MATHS 2102 or MATHS 2201 or MATHS 2106", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MATHS 2107", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "To explore complex systems, physicists, engineers, financiers and mathematicians require computational methods since mathematical models are only rarely solvable algebraically. Numerical methods, based upon sound computational mathematics, are the basic algorithms underpinning computer predictions in modern systems science. Such methods include techniques for simple optimisation, interpolation from the known to the unknown, linear algebra underlying systems of equations, ordinary differential equations to simulate systems, and stochastic simulation under random influences.\n\nTopics covered are: the mathematical and computational foundations of the numerical approximation and solution of scientific problems; simple optimisation; vectorisation; clustering; polynomial and spline interpolation; pattern recognition; integration and differentiation; solution of large scale systems of linear and nonlinear equations; modelling and solution with sparse equations; explicit schemes to solve ordinary differential equations; random numbers; stochastic system simulation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5621": {"id": "Ylksi8f6wOc7adWmvMDFf", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "85_DnQUlKIrKdoyFYybsW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20628, "section": "WR02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 19, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Aug - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20629, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 19, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 29 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Aug - 12 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Oct - 7 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "1d712l4FvR1EKdwZHlZKb", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20634, "section": "PR02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 12, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 24 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "7 Aug - 7 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "21 Aug - 21 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Sep - 4 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 2 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20635, "section": "PR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 26, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 25 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "8 Aug - 8 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Aug - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 5 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Assessment", "id": "Ks730dl07-zok_4tTsJ_X", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25117, "section": "AS02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 14, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25118, "section": "AS01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 24, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "5622": {"id": "7-gCEPiHWR8_17W7o1rJp", "course_id": "110041", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110041", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Differential Equations for Engineers II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "2106", "CLASS_NBR": 10719, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week.", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Engineering students only.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MATHS 1012", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Basic Matlab programming skills such as would be obtained from ENG 1002 or ENG 1003 or COMP SCI 1012 or COMP SCI 1101 or COMP SCI 1102 or COMP SCI 1201 or MECH ENG 1100 or MECH ENG 1102 or MECH ENG 1103 or MECH ENG 1104 or MECH ENG 1105 or C&ENVENG 1012", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MATHS 2102, MATHS 2201", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, examination.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Mathematical models are used to understand, predict and optimise engineering\nsystems. Many of these systems are deterministic and are modelled using differential equations. This course provides an introduction to differential equations and their applications in engineering. The following topics are covered: Linear ordinary differential equations of second and higher order, series solutions, Fourier series, Laplace transforms, partial differential equations, Fourier transforms.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5623": {"id": "7-gCEPiHWR8_17W7o1rJp", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "rwaG-y3nx8DglAAWjPboO", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10731, "section": "SE01", "size": 550, "enrolled": 505, "available": 45, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "rapVdgzK_Q5UfxyBuHfey", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10719, "section": "WR12", "size": 45, "enrolled": 45, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10720, "section": "WR11", "size": 45, "enrolled": 44, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10721, "section": "WR10", "size": 42, "enrolled": 42, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10722, "section": "WR09", "size": 42, "enrolled": 42, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10723, "section": "WR08", "size": 42, "enrolled": 41, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10724, "section": "WR07", "size": 45, "enrolled": 42, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10725, "section": "WR06", "size": 42, "enrolled": 42, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10726, "section": "WR05", "size": 42, "enrolled": 39, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10727, "section": "WR04", "size": 42, "enrolled": 40, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10728, "section": "WR03", "size": 45, "enrolled": 41, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10729, "section": "WR02", "size": 45, "enrolled": 43, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10730, "section": "WR01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 44, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5624": {"id": "l2OIJJ8uv0EfpFPEVfRUc", "course_id": "110042", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110042", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Statistics & Numerical Methods II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "2107", "CLASS_NBR": 28787, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week.", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Engineering students only.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MATHS 1012 and (ENG 1002 or ENG 1003 or COMP SCI 1012 or COMP SCI 1101 or COMP SCI 1102 or COMP SCI 1201 or MECH ENG 1100 or MECH ENG 1102 or MECH ENG 1103 or MECH ENG 1104 or MECH ENG 1105 or C&ENVENG 1012)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ECON 1008, MATHS 2104, STATS 1000, STATS 1004, STATS 1005, STATS 1504", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, examination.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Statistics and data analysis are an essential part of a modern engineer's toolkit. So are numerical methods for solving a variety of mathematical problems that arise in engineering practice. The course provides an introduction to probability and statistics; inference for population means, multiple population means and categorical variables; and linear regression. The course also covers interpolation methods, numerical integration, linear systems and factorisations, iterative solutions of linear and nonlinear systems, and numerical methods in ordinary differential equations. Applications in engineering are emphasised throughout.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5625": {"id": "l2OIJJ8uv0EfpFPEVfRUc", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "0m7NQUnZOfWal3iWDx-6a", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20659, "section": "SE01", "size": 510, "enrolled": 512, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "rWUeMiS68RODDFkXmx6ar", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20636, "section": "WR10", "size": 40, "enrolled": 40, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 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14 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20655, "section": "PR04", "size": 40, "enrolled": 41, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 26 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "9 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Aug - 23 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "6 Sep - 6 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 4 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "18 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20656, "section": "PR03", "size": 70, "enrolled": 70, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 23 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "6 Aug - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "20 Aug - 20 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Sep - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20657, "section": "PR02", "size": 40, "enrolled": 38, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 24 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "7 Aug - 7 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "21 Aug - 21 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Sep - 4 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 2 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20658, "section": "PR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 40, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 25 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "8 Aug - 8 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Aug - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 5 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "5626": {"id": "-4fHQkM5rn3UiRYUqJSNM", "course_id": "106934", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106934", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Mathematical Perspectives II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "2203", "CLASS_NBR": 22166, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3.5 contact hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMaSc(Adv) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MATHS 1012 and MATHS 1015", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of this course is to foster a broad appreciation of the mathematical sciences with an exposure to the areas of major research strength within the School. It will be taught in four three week blocks covering Mechanics, Operations research, Pure Mathematics and Statistics. Students will be required to participate proactively in the course by possible involvement in open ended problems, independent reading and mini projects.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5627": {"id": "-4fHQkM5rn3UiRYUqJSNM", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "VOeXnAZZng-bev9SGr5P1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22166, "section": "SE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 9, "available": 31, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5628": {"id": "X7p97M2QPwlZYi8DvmY2x", "course_id": "106944", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106944", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Financial Modelling: Tools & Techniques III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "3012", "CLASS_NBR": 25098, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MATHS 1010 or MATHS 1011 or ECON 1010", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Familiarity with Excel spreadsheets", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing Assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The growth of the range of financial products that are traded on financial markets or are available at other financial institutions, is a notable feature of the finance industry. A major factor contributing to this growth has been the development of sophisticated methods to price these products. The significance to the finance industry of developing a method for pricing options (financial derivatives) was recognized by the awarding of the Nobel Prize in Economics to Myron Scholes and Robert Merton in 1997. The mathematics upon which their method is built is stochastic calculus in continuous time. Binomial lattice type models provide another approach for pricing options. These models are formulated in discrete time and the examination of their structure and application in various financial settings takes place in a mathematical context that is less technically demanding than when time is continuous. This course discusses the binomial framework, shows how discrete-time models currently used in the financial industry are formulated within this framework and uses the models to compute prices and construct hedges to manage financial risk. Spreadsheets are used to facilitate computations where appropriate. \n \nTopics covered are: The no-arbitrage assumption for financial markets; no-arbitrage inequalities; formulation of the one-step binomial model; basic pricing formula; the Cox-Ross-Rubinstein (CRR) model; application to European style options, exchange rates and interest rates; formulation of the n-step binomial model; backward induction formula; forward induction formula; n-step CRR model; relationship to Black-Scholes; forward and future contracts; exotic options; path dependent options; implied volatility trees; implied binomial trees; interest rate models; hedging; real options; implementing the models using EXCEL spreadsheets.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5629": {"id": "X7p97M2QPwlZYi8DvmY2x", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "maxEwbmk2r-UivWANq78s", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25095, "section": "SE01", "size": 140, "enrolled": 132, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "pg2LrjAhUR0ATFI10yRXW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25098, "section": "WR05", "size": 30, "enrolled": 20, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25099, "section": "WR04", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25100, "section": "WR03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 27, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25101, "section": "WR02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 27, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25102, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5630": {"id": "xk5vIHQfxrQ1-VU9LvMqs", "course_id": "107265", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107265", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Mathematical Perspectives III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "3020", "CLASS_NBR": 25116, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 contact hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMaSc(Adv) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MATHS 2203", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MATHS 3021", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of this course is to develop research skills in the mathematical sciences. The student will undertake a research project in one of the areas of research strength of the School of Mathematical Sciences: Mechanics, Pure Mathematics and Statistics & Stochastics. Students will be required to meet weekly with a supervisor and to prepare a written final report and, in addition, give a seminar based on that report.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5631": {"id": "xk5vIHQfxrQ1-VU9LvMqs", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "RgT-7XUGa8zORvm5DYbkb", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25116, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 25, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5632": {"id": "6AFU14GR4jp9LK5MbHpCU", "course_id": "107896", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107896", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Capstone Project in Mathematical Sciences III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "3021", "CLASS_NBR": 20497, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Not available to BMaSc(Adv) students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "9 units of Mathematical Sciences at Level II or higher", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MATHS 3020", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is a capstone course in the mathematical sciences. Each student will work in a small group on a project. Research skills and written and oral communication skills will be developed. Ongoing written reporting, oral presentations, a project report, and participation in group work are required.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5633": {"id": "6AFU14GR4jp9LK5MbHpCU", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "0Awb0fjSR32788oloDe_Y", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20497, "section": "SE04", "size": 20, "enrolled": 10, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Hartley, 122a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hartley, 122a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Hartley, 122a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hartley, 122a, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25113, "section": "SE03", "size": 20, "enrolled": 15, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "The Braggs, 425, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, 425, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "The Braggs, 425, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, 425, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25114, "section": "SE02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 14, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM106, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25115, "section": "SE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 0, "available": 60, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}, {"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5634": {"id": "Vdqn_-d-oj5gygqwEhU9K", "course_id": "109284", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109284", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Professional Practice III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "3025", "CLASS_NBR": 15235, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Not available to BSc or BTeach students, or to students in double degrees combined with the BSc or BTeach.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 1102, COMP SCI 2009, MATHS 1004 or MATHS 1012", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MATHS 3015, PROF 3883", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students need to learn how to operate effectively in a professional environment in order to be successful in their careers. This course is composed of two main components: finding and winning your next job; and achieving success in the workplace. More specifically, the first component will cover opportunity awareness, how to develop your personal brand and how to succeed in the selection processes. The second component will cover professional ethics, teamwork, meeting behaviours, self-awareness and awareness of others, relationship building, persuasion, and oral and written communication - both formal and informal, including social media.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5635": {"id": "Vdqn_-d-oj5gygqwEhU9K", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "6FUxpyG9HP3I7cy8--4P3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15234, "section": "SE01", "size": 414, "enrolled": 399, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "9skvZhL5-uWOexipZdcPe", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15235, "section": "WR23", "size": 18, "enrolled": 17, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15236, "section": "WR22", "size": 18, "enrolled": 19, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15237, "section": "WR21", "size": 18, "enrolled": 19, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM213, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 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4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM213, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM213, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15242, "section": "WR16", "size": 18, "enrolled": 18, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM213, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM213, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15243, "section": "WR15", "size": 18, "enrolled": 16, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 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3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM213, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM213, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15247, "section": "WR11", "size": 18, "enrolled": 18, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15248, "section": "WR10", "size": 18, "enrolled": 18, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM213, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 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5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15257, "section": "WR01", "size": 18, "enrolled": 18, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5636": {"id": "KyjEXy9c-wbkbaoFl74yH", "course_id": "109284", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109284", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Professional Practice III", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "3025MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 19374, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Not available to BSc or BTeach students, or to students in double degrees combined with the BSc or BTeach.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMP SCI 1102, COMP SCI 2009, MATHS 1004 or MATHS 1012", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MATHS 3015, PROF 3883", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students need to learn how to operate effectively in a professional environment in order to be successful in their careers. This course is composed of two main components: finding and winning your next job; and achieving success in the workplace. More specifically, the first component will cover opportunity awareness, how to develop your personal brand and how to succeed in the selection processes. The second component will cover professional ethics, teamwork, meeting behaviours, self-awareness and awareness of others, relationship building, persuasion, and oral and written communication - both formal and informal, including social media.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5637": {"id": "KyjEXy9c-wbkbaoFl74yH", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "RSWz9O02g5RmCohtpW8Kh", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19375, "section": "SE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 2, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "AM_jbqQk95XenTscTg4y6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19374, "section": "WR01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 2, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5638": {"id": "qyohCS_jp8FFq2saKtVLp", "course_id": "109418", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109418", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Cryptography III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "3026", "CLASS_NBR": 23562, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "029901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MATHS 1004 or MATHS 1008 or MATHS 1011 or MATHS 1013", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "On-going assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Cryptography is a vital aspect of cybersecurity. This course introduces modern cryptographic techniques in the context of information security in the workplace. It provides a sound understanding of the different types of cryptosystems available, the practical issues of applying cryptographic methods and key issues in the management of information security. Topics covered are introduction to cryptography: encryption, decryption, attacks; symmetric encryption: stream and block ciphers, AES, block cipher modes; hash functions; message authentication; public key cryptography; data integrity; digital signature schemes; authentication; cryptographic protocols; key management; applications: credit card transactions, wireless LAN, mobile telecommunications.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5639": {"id": "qyohCS_jp8FFq2saKtVLp", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "fYpmHX1SZb6vOP-wsNw2e", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23577, "section": "SE01", "size": 130, "enrolled": 120, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "ogHuSxH6QHI6CGSMsmbb2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23562, "section": "WR05", "size": 50, "enrolled": 44, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23564, "section": "WR03", "size": 26, "enrolled": 24, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23565, "section": "WR02", "size": 27, "enrolled": 27, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23566, "section": "WR01", "size": 27, "enrolled": 25, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5640": {"id": "Wdqz4z_P-omGqflUI3fog", "course_id": "108647", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108647", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Project in Mathematical Sciences A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "4005A", "CLASS_NBR": 16059, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMaSc (Hons) and BMaSc (Hons) [Direct Entry] students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students undertake a detailed study under the guidance of a supervisor and document their work in the form of a written report or thesis. The topic of the project is decided by the supervisor in conjunction with the student. Students not only increase their discipline knowledge, but develop critical analysis and technical writing skills that are highly useful for many occupations and essential for postgraduate research degrees.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 07/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "5641": {"id": "Wdqz4z_P-omGqflUI3fog", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "8yb1vj09cUylKZN8E8QNM", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16059, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 6, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "5642": {"id": "lX83EDhZ_pPG9cEbmku53", "course_id": "108647", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108647", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Project in Mathematical Sciences A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "4005A", "CLASS_NBR": 26059, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMaSc (Hons) and BMaSc (Hons) [Direct Entry] students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students undertake a detailed study under the guidance of a supervisor and document their work in the form of a written report or thesis. The topic of the project is decided by the supervisor in conjunction with the student. Students not only increase their discipline knowledge, but develop critical analysis and technical writing skills that are highly useful for many occupations and essential for postgraduate research degrees.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "5643": {"id": "lX83EDhZ_pPG9cEbmku53", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "wPK-lg2bPVjIMdKT6-XST", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26059, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 8, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "5644": {"id": "5iCLW3pxr9a5S8TeOM34t", "course_id": "108648", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108648", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Project in Mathematical Sciences B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "4005B", "CLASS_NBR": 16060, "SESSION_CD": "TYB", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMaSc (Hons) and BMaSc (Hons) [Direct Entry] students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MATHS 4005A in previous Semester", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students undertake a detailed study under the guidance of a supervisor and document their work in the form of a written report or thesis. The topic of the project is decided by the supervisor in conjunction with the student. Students not only increase their discipline knowledge, but develop critical analysis and technical writing skills that are highly useful for many occupations and essential for postgraduate research degrees.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 07/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "5645": {"id": "5iCLW3pxr9a5S8TeOM34t", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "pxlLF20yBlUPNBLCe7W24", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16060, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 11, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "5646": {"id": "NrSEh0eJasx9VKat3NeNL", "course_id": "108648", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108648", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Project in Mathematical Sciences B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "4005B", "CLASS_NBR": 26060, "SESSION_CD": "TYB", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMaSc (Hons) and BMaSc (Hons) [Direct Entry] students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MATHS 4005A in previous Semester", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students undertake a detailed study under the guidance of a supervisor and document their work in the form of a written report or thesis. The topic of the project is decided by the supervisor in conjunction with the student. Students not only increase their discipline knowledge, but develop critical analysis and technical writing skills that are highly useful for many occupations and essential for postgraduate research degrees.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "5647": {"id": "NrSEh0eJasx9VKat3NeNL", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "LCLjHitZOWvhDQEDewb6-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26060, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "5648": {"id": "rGDOJ1ry6MlTUcx0IXAgb", "course_id": "108649", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108649", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Project in Mathematical Sciences C", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "4005C", "CLASS_NBR": 16061, "SESSION_CD": "TYD", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMaSc (Hons) and BMaSc (Hons) [Direct Entry] students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MATHS 4005A/B in previous Semesters", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Thesis and seminar presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students undertake a detailed study under the guidance of a supervisor and document their work in the form of a written report or thesis. The topic of the project is decided by the supervisor in conjunction with the student. Students not only increase their discipline knowledge, but develop critical analysis and technical writing skills that are highly useful for many occupations and essential for postgraduate research degrees.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5649": {"id": "rGDOJ1ry6MlTUcx0IXAgb", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "BZQt6UxLrfuIkEO-cCxRs", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16061, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 9, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "5650": {"id": "n5CW4cB4FKcwh0_j910xB", "course_id": "108649", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108649", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Project in Mathematical Sciences C", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "4005C", "CLASS_NBR": 26061, "SESSION_CD": "TYD", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMaSc (Hons) and BMaSc (Hons) [Direct Entry] students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MATHS 4005A/B in previous Semesters", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Thesis and seminar presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students undertake a detailed study under the guidance of a supervisor and document their work in the form of a written report or thesis. The topic of the project is decided by the supervisor in conjunction with the student. Students not only increase their discipline knowledge, but develop critical analysis and technical writing skills that are highly useful for many occupations and essential for postgraduate research degrees.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5651": {"id": "n5CW4cB4FKcwh0_j910xB", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "qrmdMYoKy5n75BEX5aMKY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26061, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 7, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "5652": {"id": "JRnuCRekfBp76iCm7wfjo", "course_id": "109683", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109683", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Cryptography Honours", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "4026", "CLASS_NBR": 23567, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "029901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Honours students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MATHS 1004 or MATHS 1008 or MATHS 1011 or MATHS 1013", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MATHS 3026", "ASSESSMENT": "On-going assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Cryptography is a vital aspect of cybersecurity. This course introduces modern cryptographic techniques in the context of information security in the workplace. It provides a sound understanding of the different types of cryptosystems available, the practical issues of applying cryptographic methods and key issues in the management of information security. Topics covered are introduction to cryptography: encryption, decryption, attacks; symmetric encryption: stream and block ciphers, AES, block cipher modes; hash functions; message authentication; public key cryptography; data integrity; digital signature schemes; authentication; cryptographic protocols; key management; applications: credit card transactions, wireless LAN, mobile telecommunications.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5653": {"id": "JRnuCRekfBp76iCm7wfjo", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "6DV6vO0nPZv3F_p7X6oa2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23578, "section": "SE01", "size": 8, "enrolled": 0, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "KSsCHlPFkEIoLFaeV8f9z", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23567, "section": "WR05", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23569, "section": "WR03", "size": 1, "enrolled": 0, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23570, "section": "WR02", "size": 2, "enrolled": 0, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23571, "section": "WR01", "size": 1, "enrolled": 0, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5654": {"id": "-a_IUMyIwFo0DtDe4aklg", "course_id": "108735", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108735", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Financial Modelling: Tools & Techniques - Honours", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "4112", "CLASS_NBR": 25111, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Honours students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MATHS 1010 or MATHS 1011 or ECON 1010", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Familiarity with Excel spreadsheets", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MATHS 3012", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing Assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The growth of the range of financial products that are traded on financial markets or are available at other financial institutions, is a notable feature of the finance industry. A major factor contributing to this growth has been the development of sophisticated methods to price these products. The significance to the finance industry of developing a method for pricing options (financial derivatives) was recognized by the awarding of the Nobel Prize in Economics to Myron Scholes and Robert Merton in 1997. The mathematics upon which their method is built is stochastic calculus in continuous time. Binomial lattice type models provide another approach for pricing options. These models are formulated in discrete time and the examination of their structure and application in various financial settings takes place in a mathematical context that is less technically demanding than when time is continuous. This course discusses the binomial framework, shows how discrete-time models currently used in the financial industry are formulated within this framework and uses the models to compute prices and construct hedges to manage financial risk. Spreadsheets are used to facilitate computations where appropriate. \n \nTopics covered are: The no-arbitrage assumption for financial markets; no-arbitrage inequalities; formulation of the one-step binomial model; basic pricing formula; the Cox-Ross-Rubinstein (CRR) model; application to European style options, exchange rates and interest rates; formulation of the n-step binomial model; backward induction formula; forward induction formula; n-step CRR model; relationship to Black-Scholes; forward and future contracts; exotic options; path dependent options; implied volatility trees; implied binomial trees; interest rate models; hedging; real options; implementing the models using EXCEL spreadsheets.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5655": {"id": "-a_IUMyIwFo0DtDe4aklg", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "NK2xxvIq7MIGQcbxGb-Pl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25097, "section": "SE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "X0ZK6XpnHAF2pqEP7ujDp", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25106, "section": "WR03", "size": 2, "enrolled": 0, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25107, "section": "WR02", "size": 2, "enrolled": 0, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25108, "section": "WR01", "size": 2, "enrolled": 0, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25111, "section": "WR05", "size": 2, "enrolled": 0, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25112, "section": "WR04", "size": 2, "enrolled": 0, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5656": {"id": "T9gYRH8bc179szhMrt4y8", "course_id": "108650", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108650", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Methods and Statistics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7025", "CLASS_NBR": 29641, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Not available to MMaSc students.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "STATS 7053", "ASSESSMENT": "Examination, Statistics assignment, Research Methods assignment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Fundamental concepts of probability theory and statistics. Applications of statistical methods in engineering and the use of statistical software in modern data analysis. Good research practice, procedures, ethics and data management. Skills in building an argument and communicating it orally and in writing.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5657": {"id": "T9gYRH8bc179szhMrt4y8", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Assessment", "id": "jP4M9z7oO33FdWKoHkhqG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20403, "section": "AS02", "size": 50, "enrolled": 51, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Assessment", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Please check MyUni for information about this class"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "5:30pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 20404, "section": "AS01", "size": 120, "enrolled": 116, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Assessment", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Please check MyUni for information about this class."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 28589, "section": "AS05", "size": 50, "enrolled": 48, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Assessment", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Please check MyUni for information about this class"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 28590, "section": "AS04", "size": 50, "enrolled": 47, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Assessment", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Please check MyUni for information about this class"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "5:30pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 28591, "section": "AS03", "size": 50, "enrolled": 49, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Assessment", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Please check MyUni for information about this class"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "5:30pm", "location": " "}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "Nvmb7AjFmVnOvtAThddVx", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23466, "section": "WR07", "size": 40, "enrolled": 40, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23467, "section": "WR06", "size": 40, "enrolled": 39, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 31 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Aug - 28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23468, "section": "WR05", "size": 40, "enrolled": 39, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Aug - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23469, "section": "WR04", "size": 40, "enrolled": 40, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23470, "section": "WR03", "size": 40, "enrolled": 38, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Aug - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23471, "section": "WR02", "size": 40, "enrolled": 39, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 31 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Aug - 28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23472, "section": "WR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 37, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 31 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Aug - 28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29641, "section": "WR08", "size": 40, "enrolled": 39, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 29 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Aug - 12 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Oct - 7 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "U6CAcSysOcfMXLi3aonox", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23473, "section": "PR07", "size": 40, "enrolled": 39, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 25 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "8 Aug - 8 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Aug - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 5 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23474, "section": "PR06", "size": 40, "enrolled": 39, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 25 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "8 Aug - 8 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Aug - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 5 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23475, "section": "PR05", "size": 40, "enrolled": 35, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 22 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "5 Aug - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "19 Aug - 19 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Sep - 2 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 14 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23476, "section": "PR04", "size": 40, "enrolled": 39, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 23 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "6 Aug - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "20 Aug - 20 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Sep - 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2 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 14 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23478, "section": "PR02", "size": 40, "enrolled": 39, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 25 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "8 Aug - 8 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Aug - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 5 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23479, "section": "PR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 39, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 22 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "5 Aug - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "19 Aug - 19 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Sep - 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30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 14 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "NBgEJdkEa1pZjWExMYGj-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23465, "section": "SE01", "size": 320, "enrolled": 311, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "5658": {"id": "lldPaWqcpr3o4NQcrE1SP", "course_id": "109684", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109684", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Cryptography PG", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7026", "CLASS_NBR": 23572, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "029901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MATHS 7027", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "On-going assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Cryptography is a vital aspect of cybersecurity. This course introduces modern cryptographic techniques in the context of information security in the workplace. It provides a sound understanding of the different types of cryptosystems available, the practical issues of applying cryptographic methods and key issues in the management of information security. Topics covered are introduction to cryptography: encryption, decryption, attacks; symmetric encryption: stream and block ciphers, AES, block cipher modes; hash functions; message authentication; public key cryptography; data integrity; digital signature schemes; authentication; cryptographic protocols; key management; applications: credit card transactions, wireless LAN, mobile telecommunications.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5659": {"id": "lldPaWqcpr3o4NQcrE1SP", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "TAVVy-ZA0O7NWjysBwypX", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23579, "section": "SE01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 12, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "t8T58Fg6l4On8XDOCc_v_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23572, "section": "WR05", "size": 8, "enrolled": 5, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23574, "section": "WR03", "size": 4, "enrolled": 4, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23575, "section": "WR02", "size": 8, "enrolled": 1, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23576, "section": "WR01", "size": 8, "enrolled": 2, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5660": {"id": "VQroLXdZF-p9z2QNXRqJ1", "course_id": "110010", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110010", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Mathematical Foundations of Data Science", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7027", "CLASS_NBR": 29482, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Not available to MMaSc students.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "SACE Stage 2 Mathematical Methods", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, ongoing assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces fundamental mathematical concepts relevant to computer science and provides a basis for further postgraduate study in data science, statistical machine learning, and cybersecurity. Topics covered are include: probability: sets, counting, probability axioms, Bayes theorem; optimisation and calculus: differentiation, integration, functions of several variables, series approximations; linear algebra: vector and matrices, matrix algebra, vector spaces; discrete mathematics and statistics: linear regression, linear least squares, regularisation. Applications of the theory to data science and machine learning will be developed.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5661": {"id": "VQroLXdZF-p9z2QNXRqJ1", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "WWOtEQzBKLawlGJ4M1WZq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29482, "section": "SE01", "size": 0, "enrolled": 2, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "5662": {"id": "hhYYcNmy60fH00e6wJNCF", "course_id": "110010", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110010", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Mathematical Foundations of Data Science", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7027", "CLASS_NBR": 30313, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Not available to MMaSc students.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "SACE Stage 2 Mathematical Methods", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, ongoing assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces fundamental mathematical concepts relevant to computer science and provides a basis for further postgraduate study in data science, statistical machine learning, and cybersecurity. Topics covered are include: probability: sets, counting, probability axioms, Bayes theorem; optimisation and calculus: differentiation, integration, functions of several variables, series approximations; linear algebra: vector and matrices, matrix algebra, vector spaces; discrete mathematics and statistics: linear regression, linear least squares, regularisation. Applications of the theory to data science and machine learning will be developed.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "5663": {"id": "hhYYcNmy60fH00e6wJNCF", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Assessment", "id": "vGXKgcII0D1EXh_eiPYx0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30062, "section": "AS02", "size": 55, "enrolled": 54, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "18 Mar - 18 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 30063, "section": "AS01", "size": 55, "enrolled": 53, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "18 Mar - 18 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 30311, "section": "AS03", "size": 55, "enrolled": 44, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "18 Mar - 18 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "EKGW4wTfUjSkati8WyhMh", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30013, "section": "PR02", "size": 32, "enrolled": 28, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Feb - 1 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "15 Feb - 15 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 29 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "14 Mar - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "11 Apr - 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23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "5664": {"id": "5SbAE3fXxa4Wcq0Xxg2Rp", "course_id": "110010", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110010", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Mathematical Foundations of Data Science", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7027", "CLASS_NBR": 33011, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Not available to MMaSc students.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "SACE Stage 2 Mathematical Methods", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, ongoing assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces fundamental mathematical concepts relevant to computer science and provides a basis for further postgraduate study in data science, statistical machine learning, and cybersecurity. Topics covered are include: probability: sets, counting, probability axioms, Bayes theorem; optimisation and calculus: differentiation, integration, functions of several variables, series approximations; linear algebra: vector and matrices, matrix algebra, vector spaces; discrete mathematics and statistics: linear regression, linear least squares, regularisation. Applications of the theory to data science and machine learning will be developed.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "5665": {"id": "5SbAE3fXxa4Wcq0Xxg2Rp", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "VjrOycq4VTbKIskoAREt2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33014, "section": "SE01", "size": 110, "enrolled": 90, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 May - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "RcDVwbzpF1i_TGlX3txk8", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33008, "section": "PR03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 25, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "21 May - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Jun - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "18 Jun - 18 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Jul - 2 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "16 Jul - 16 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 33009, "section": "PR02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "21 May - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Jun - 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19 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Jul - 3 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "17 Jul - 17 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "31 Jul - 31 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "scW7pL58pFYEKxHDKcnQB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33011, "section": "WR03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Jun - 14 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Jun - 28 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Jul - 12 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 26 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 33012, "section": "WR02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 26, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Jun - 14 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Jun - 28 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Jul - 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10 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 24 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Aug - 7 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "id": "EjxWTZmKnLZ2ke7xYalW4", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33053, "section": "AS01", "size": 110, "enrolled": 90, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Jul - 9 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "5666": {"id": "0H9rcZtEy9M8m0nIyai5U", "course_id": "110010", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110010", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Mathematical Foundations of Data Science", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7027", "CLASS_NBR": 36343, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Not available to MMaSc students.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "SACE Stage 2 Mathematical Methods", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, ongoing assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces fundamental mathematical concepts relevant to computer science and provides a basis for further postgraduate study in data science, statistical machine learning, and cybersecurity. Topics covered are include: probability: sets, counting, probability axioms, Bayes theorem; optimisation and calculus: differentiation, integration, functions of several variables, series approximations; linear algebra: vector and matrices, matrix algebra, vector spaces; discrete mathematics and statistics: linear regression, linear least squares, regularisation. Applications of the theory to data science and machine learning will be developed.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "5667": {"id": "0H9rcZtEy9M8m0nIyai5U", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Assessment", "id": "iaTL592xUVlyqk53Ga0HK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36068, "section": "AS03", "size": 60, "enrolled": 53, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 36069, "section": "AS02", "size": 60, "enrolled": 58, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 36070, "section": "AS01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 52, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "KEuxxCL2hC8rbNTKHAH2D", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36010, "section": "WR05", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Sep - 24 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Nov - 5 Nov", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Nov - 19 Nov", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 36011, "section": "WR04", "size": 30, "enrolled": 27, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Sep - 24 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Nov - 5 Nov", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Nov - 19 Nov", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 36012, "section": "WR03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 25, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Sep - 27 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Nov - 8 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Nov - 22 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 36013, "section": "WR02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 23, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Sep - 27 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Nov - 8 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Nov - 22 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 36014, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Sep - 26 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Nov - 7 Nov", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Nov - 21 Nov", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 36343, "section": "WR06", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Sep - 25 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Nov - 6 Nov", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 Nov - 20 Nov", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "KWj_LXhTiqul81c0YJK-T", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36148, "section": "PR05", "size": 30, "enrolled": 23, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Sep - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "17 Sep - 17 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "29 Oct - 29 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "12 Nov - 12 Nov", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 36149, "section": "PR04", "size": 30, "enrolled": 27, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Sep - 4 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "18 Sep - 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17 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "29 Oct - 29 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "12 Nov - 12 Nov", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM106, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "OjO7r1IVnP33Ry0sWgI9j", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36015, "section": "SE01", "size": 180, "enrolled": 163, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Sep - 21 Nov", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "5668": {"id": "gf0oZWuDx24nzX9uryYP6", "course_id": "110021", "term": "4461", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110021", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4461", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Mathematical Foundations of Data Science", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7027OL", "CLASS_NBR": 61003, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Graduate Diploma in Data Science (Applied) OL OR Master of Data Science (Applied) OL Only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Carousel 1 Courses: COMP SCI 7212OL, COMP SCI 7210OL, DATA 7201OL and DATA 7202OL or MATHS 7203OL", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "SACE Stage 2 Mathematical Methods", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, ongoing assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces fundamental mathematical concepts relevant to computer science and provides a basis for further postgraduate study in data science, statistical machine learning, and cybersecurity. Topics covered are probability: sets, counting, probability axioms, Bayes theorem; optimisation and calculus: differentiation, integration, functions of several variables, series approximations; linear algebra: vector and matrices, matrix algebra, vector spaces; discrete mathematics and statistics: linear regression, linear least squares, regularisation. Applications of the theory to data science and machine learning will be developed.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 18/12/2023", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 19/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 19/02/2024"}}]}, "5669": {"id": "gf0oZWuDx24nzX9uryYP6", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "pWfuvBqqQH8mia85EyU54", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 61003, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 17, "available": 283, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "5670": {"id": "BGNOYWliJ8JJaAoL02GQc", "course_id": "110021", "term": "4465", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110021", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4465", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 5", "COURSE_TITLE": "Mathematical Foundations of Data Science", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7027OL", "CLASS_NBR": 65003, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Graduate Diploma in Data Science (Applied) OL OR Master of Data Science (Applied) OL Only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Carousel 1 Courses: COMP SCI 7212OL, COMP SCI 7210OL, DATA 7201OL and DATA 7202OL or MATHS 7203OL", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "SACE Stage 2 Mathematical Methods", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, ongoing assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces fundamental mathematical concepts relevant to computer science and provides a basis for further postgraduate study in data science, statistical machine learning, and cybersecurity. Topics covered are probability: sets, counting, probability axioms, Bayes theorem; optimisation and calculus: differentiation, integration, functions of several variables, series approximations; linear algebra: vector and matrices, matrix algebra, vector spaces; discrete mathematics and statistics: linear regression, linear least squares, regularisation. Applications of the theory to data science and machine learning will be developed.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 09/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 06/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 23/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 07/10/2024"}}]}, "5671": {"id": "BGNOYWliJ8JJaAoL02GQc", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "w5eAxffieopjAfHDFrFhI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 65003, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 12, "available": 288, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "5672": {"id": "OWKk5q4ex7b6l4w4v4hTh", "course_id": "106946", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106946", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Financial Modelling: Tools & Techniques", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7070", "CLASS_NBR": 25109, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ECON 1010 or MATHS 1010 or MATHS 1011; familiarity with Excel spreadsheets", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing Assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The growth of the range of financial products that are traded on financial markets or are available at other financial institutions, is a notable feature of the finance industry. A major factor contributing to this growth has been the development of sophisticated methods to price these products. The significance to the finance industry of developing a method for pricing options (financial derivatives) was recognized by the awarding of the Nobel Prize in Economics to Myron Scholes and Robert Merton in 1997. The mathematics upon which their method is built is stochastic calculus in continuous time. Binomial lattice type models provide another approach for pricing options. These models are formulated in discrete time and the examination of their structure and application in various financial settings takes place in a mathematical context that is less technically demanding than when time is continuous. This course discusses the binomial framework, shows how discrete-time models currently used in the financial industry are formulated within this framework and uses the models to compute prices and construct hedges to manage financial risk. Spreadsheets are used to facilitate computations where appropriate. \n \nTopics covered are: The no-arbitrage assumption for financial markets; no-arbitrage inequalities; formulation of the one-step binomial model; basic pricing formula; the Cox-Ross-Rubinstein (CRR) model; application to European style options, exchange rates and interest rates; formulation of the n-step binomial model; backward induction formula; forward induction formula; n-step CRR model; relationship to Black-Scholes; forward and future contracts; exotic options; path dependent options; implied volatility trees; implied binomial trees; interest rate models; hedging; real options; implementing the models using EXCEL spreadsheets.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5673": {"id": "OWKk5q4ex7b6l4w4v4hTh", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "PyBd87GQ_rj_iIaQ6wrKJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25096, "section": "SE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "IqecIUEFnEblbP2plBLPv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25103, "section": "WR03", "size": 2, "enrolled": 0, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25104, "section": "WR02", "size": 2, "enrolled": 0, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25105, "section": "WR01", "size": 2, "enrolled": 0, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25109, "section": "WR05", "size": 2, "enrolled": 0, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25110, "section": "WR04", "size": 2, "enrolled": 0, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5674": {"id": "AA6-XCy3IUf7hqKwJbVlj", "course_id": "111081", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111081", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Data Science Research Project Part A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7097A", "CLASS_NBR": 30139, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M Data Sci students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MATHS 7027 and COMP SCI 7211 and MATHS 7107", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Milestone presentations and reports", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will prepare students for advanced research by examining how to plan, conduct and report on empirical investigations with an emphasis on data science.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "5675": {"id": "AA6-XCy3IUf7hqKwJbVlj", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "Bd5G8M8kQtGQ9BuWrPbnN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30139, "section": "01NT", "size": 50, "enrolled": 47, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "5676": {"id": "3qNVpXjy-5Uq4xoIA9rVq", "course_id": "111081", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111081", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Data Science Research Project Part A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7097A", "CLASS_NBR": 33114, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M Data Sci students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MATHS 7027 and COMP SCI 7211 and MATHS 7107", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Milestone presentations and reports", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will prepare students for advanced research by examining how to plan, conduct and report on empirical investigations with an emphasis on data science.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "5677": {"id": "3qNVpXjy-5Uq4xoIA9rVq", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "T8t5yLEj9xbl_bRNFygbB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33114, "section": "01NT", "size": 60, "enrolled": 48, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "5678": {"id": "Bp3qUSzeYb3PfBC-KH05r", "course_id": "111081", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111081", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Data Science Research Project Part A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7097A", "CLASS_NBR": 36128, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M Data Sci students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MATHS 7027 and COMP SCI 7211 and MATHS 7107", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Milestone presentations and reports", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will prepare students for advanced research by examining how to plan, conduct and report on empirical investigations with an emphasis on data science.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "5679": {"id": "Bp3qUSzeYb3PfBC-KH05r", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "ovo4aaQ1rw8jGjVY1eCI7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36128, "section": "01NT", "size": 40, "enrolled": 35, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "5680": {"id": "9fwpZ8ExE9TVvlkm6IH6F", "course_id": "111082", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111082", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Data Science Research Project Part B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7097B", "CLASS_NBR": 30140, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M Data Sci students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MATHS 7097A", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Milestone presentations and reports", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course completes the research project commenced in MATHS 7097A. Students will implement, evaluate and report on an open problem in data science using skills and techniques acquired during their studies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "5681": {"id": "9fwpZ8ExE9TVvlkm6IH6F", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "78vVkhZe37ZKOHFaeAbJZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30140, "section": "01NT", "size": 50, "enrolled": 25, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "5682": {"id": "uFmNEa998PQAUDzjZxYa7", "course_id": "111082", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111082", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Data Science Research Project Part B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7097B", "CLASS_NBR": 33115, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M Data Sci students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MATHS 7097A", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Milestone presentations and reports", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course completes the research project commenced in MATHS 7097A. Students will implement, evaluate and report on an open problem in data science using skills and techniques acquired during their studies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "5683": {"id": "uFmNEa998PQAUDzjZxYa7", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "Eg8xYzHuREKAp3_j4Mybe", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33115, "section": "01NT", "size": 50, "enrolled": 46, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "5684": {"id": "N3r8DvPvP6dHK2QMMX2h4", "course_id": "111082", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111082", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Data Science Research Project Part B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7097B", "CLASS_NBR": 36129, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M Data Sci students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MATHS 7097A", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Milestone presentations and reports", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course completes the research project commenced in MATHS 7097A. Students will implement, evaluate and report on an open problem in data science using skills and techniques acquired during their studies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "5685": {"id": "N3r8DvPvP6dHK2QMMX2h4", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "tcWw8S7KQtdbTX8MJutLi", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36129, "section": "01NT", "size": 60, "enrolled": 49, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "5686": {"id": "Yb8ss0OjcO115pyG6UpWH", "course_id": "104830", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104830", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Real Analysis", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7100", "CLASS_NBR": 29615, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MATHS 1012", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Much of mathematics relies on our ability to be able to solve equations, if not in explicit exact forms, then at least in being able to establish the existence of solutions. To do this requires a knowledge of so-called 'analysis', which in many respects is just Calculus in very general settings. The foundations for this work are commenced in Real Analysis, a course that develops this basic material in a systematic and rigorous manner in the context of real-valued functions of a real variable. Topics covered include: Basic set theory. The real numbers and their basic properties. Sequences: convergence, subsequences, Cauchy sequences. Open, closed, and compact sets of real numbers. Continuous functions and uniform continuity. The Riemann integral. Differentiation and Mean Value theorems. The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Series. Power series and Taylor series. Convergence of sequences and series of functions.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5687": {"id": "Yb8ss0OjcO115pyG6UpWH", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "WWXWFMGpORQd6sSDvECbm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22164, "section": "SE01", "size": 6, "enrolled": 0, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "H0NNdpROMY3BkkYTPM7UE", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22160, "section": "WR02", "size": 2, "enrolled": 0, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22161, "section": "WR01", "size": 2, "enrolled": 0, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29615, "section": "WR03", "size": 2, "enrolled": 0, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5688": {"id": "uwRO-HdUBPnl7NO8m7C6k", "course_id": "104832", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104832", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Multivariable and Complex Calculus", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7101", "CLASS_NBR": 13496, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3.5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MATHS 1012", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, exam.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The mathematics required to describe most 'real life' systems involves functions of more than one variable, so the differential and integral calculus developed in a first course in Calculus must be extended to functions of more variables. In this course, the key results of one-variable calculus are extended to higher dimensions: differentiation, integration, and the link between them provided by the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus are all generalised. The machinery developed can be applied to another generalisation of one-variable Calculus, namely to complex calculus, and the course also provides an introduction to this subject. The material covered in this course forms the basis for mathematical analysis and application across an extremely broad range of areas, essential for anyone studying the hard sciences, engineering, or mathematical economics/finance.\n\nTopics covered are: introduction to multivariable calculus; differentiation of scalar- and vector-valued functions; higher-order derivatives, extrema and Lagrange multipliers; integration over regions, volumes, paths and surfaces; Green's, Stokes' and Gauss's theorems; an introduction to complex numbers and functions; complex differentiation; complex integration and Cauchy's theorems.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5689": {"id": "uwRO-HdUBPnl7NO8m7C6k", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "G6ezpNYK9OCkkWsCEAR1X", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13500, "section": "SE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "26fGeYB6M1S0UnQn6G9_o", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11181, "section": "WR01", "size": 2, "enrolled": 0, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13496, "section": "WR05", "size": 2, "enrolled": 0, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13497, "section": "WR04", "size": 2, "enrolled": 0, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13498, "section": "WR03", "size": 2, "enrolled": 0, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13499, "section": "WR02", "size": 2, "enrolled": 0, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 218, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5690": {"id": "EfiM8HH8wsQg3B96lQTP2", "course_id": "104835", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104835", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Differential Equations", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7102", "CLASS_NBR": 10712, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3.5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MATHS 1012", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Most 'real life' systems that are described mathematically, be they physical, biological, financial or economic, are described by means of differential equations. Our ability to predict the way in which these systems evolve or behave is determined by our ability to model these systems and find solutions of the equations explicitly or approximately. Every application and differential equation presents its own challenges, but there are various classes of differential equations, and for some of these there are established approaches and methods for solving them. \n \nTopics covered are: first order ordinary differential equations (ODEs), higher order ODEs, systems of ODEs, series solutions of ODEs, interpretation of solutions, Fourier analysis and solution of linear partial differential equations using the method of separation of variables.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5691": {"id": "EfiM8HH8wsQg3B96lQTP2", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "VB41cUvcsmmMYiG9QMXK4", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10718, "section": "SE01", "size": 6, "enrolled": 0, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "YI-wLzFvcraXbeb6wCbPU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10712, "section": "WR05", "size": 2, "enrolled": 0, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10713, "section": "WR04", "size": 1, "enrolled": 0, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10714, "section": "WR03", "size": 1, "enrolled": 0, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10715, "section": "WR02", "size": 1, "enrolled": 0, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10716, "section": "WR01", "size": 1, "enrolled": 0, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5692": {"id": "WFzYYTuzYuuPXd6L8S0wa", "course_id": "104836", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104836", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Probability & Statistics PG", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7103", "CLASS_NBR": 12270, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3.5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MATHS 7027", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, you will get an introduction to probability theory, random variables and Markov processes. You will learn how to deal with modelling uncertainty, which has direct real-world application in areas such as genetics, finance and telecommunications. It is also the basis for many other areas in mathematical sciences, including statistics, modern optimisation methods and risk modelling.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5693": {"id": "WFzYYTuzYuuPXd6L8S0wa", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "vHLja8ziNr6cL7bf5ICN-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12268, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 8, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "ft5pERogYoZUWORSoQrrG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12261, "section": "WR03", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12262, "section": "WR02", "size": 5, "enrolled": 2, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12263, "section": "WR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 2, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12270, "section": "WR04", "size": 5, "enrolled": 3, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5694": {"id": "yPvaJ-YjYQSVqnv_xd4MV", "course_id": "104836", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104836", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Probability & Statistics PG", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7103", "CLASS_NBR": 33034, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3.5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MATHS 7027", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, you will get an introduction to probability theory, random variables and Markov processes. You will learn how to deal with modelling uncertainty, which has direct real-world application in areas such as genetics, finance and telecommunications. It is also the basis for many other areas in mathematical sciences, including statistics, modern optimisation methods and risk modelling.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "5695": {"id": "yPvaJ-YjYQSVqnv_xd4MV", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "6zY_ouX4IdOXjNwEK5Qhv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33036, "section": "SE01", "size": 140, "enrolled": 111, "available": 29, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "21 May - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "65SlHQOTfu8jsO_ppD3CU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33034, "section": "WR03", "size": 40, "enrolled": 29, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "20 May - 17 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Jun - 15 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Jul - 12 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 33035, "section": "WR02", "size": 50, "enrolled": 50, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "21 May - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 33067, "section": "WR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 32, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 May - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5696": {"id": "NnE5ivu-6flumKTDrozUc", "course_id": "104839", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104839", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Numerical Methods", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7104", "CLASS_NBR": 20630, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3.5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MATHS 2102 or MATHS 2201 or MATHS 2106 and (COMP SCI 1012 or COMP SCI 1101 or COMP SCI 1102 or COMP SCI 1201, or ENG 1002 or ENG 1003 or MECH ENG 1100, MECH ENG 1102, MECH ENG 1103, MECH ENG 1104, MECH ENG 1105 or C&ENVENG 1012)", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "To explore complex systems, physicists, engineers, financiers and mathematicians require computational methods since mathematical models are only rarely solvable algebraically. Numerical methods, based upon sound computational mathematics, are the basic algorithms underpinning computer predictions in modern systems science. Such methods include techniques for simple optimisation, interpolation from the known to the unknown, linear algebra underlying systems of equations, ordinary differential equations to simulate systems, and stochastic simulation under random influences.\n\nTopics covered are: the mathematical and computational foundations of the numerical approximation and solution of scientific problems; simple optimisation; vectorisation; clustering; polynomial and spline interpolation; pattern recognition; integration and differentiation; solution of large scale systems of linear and nonlinear equations; modelling and solution with sparse equations; explicit schemes to solve ordinary differential equations; random numbers; stochastic system simulation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5697": {"id": "NnE5ivu-6flumKTDrozUc", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "opsqV05YSdjJH_lBwpkzX", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20630, "section": "WR02", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Aug - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20631, "section": "WR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 29 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Aug - 12 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Oct - 7 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "z1wIGoKBpqTZvAyDyRzlo", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20626, "section": "PR02", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 24 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "7 Aug - 7 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "21 Aug - 21 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Sep - 4 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 2 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20627, "section": "PR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 25 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "8 Aug - 8 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Aug - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 5 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Assessment", "id": "znyHcnBXDuQkLdF789o-z", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25119, "section": "AS02", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25120, "section": "AS01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "5698": {"id": "LsLeJtKayoO5xOSr_xaXZ", "course_id": "111070", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111070", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Data Literacy", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7105", "CLASS_NBR": 30031, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Not available to students in the MMaSc", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In an increasingly data-centric world, a working understanding of data analytics and quantitative methods is essential, for all members of society. When presented with claims in the media that are accompanied by statistics, diagrams, and outputs from technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning, how can we learn to separate useful information from pseudoscience? In other words, how can we learn to not be fooled by statistics? \nThe aim of this course is to improve students' data literacy, through a largely non-technical introduction to some of the foundational concepts in statistical thinking. The course will teach students from all backgrounds how to interpret and critically appraise claims made by machine learning and quantitative data science methods, and understand both the possibilities and pitfalls of these emerging sciences. It assumes no technical background and is taught largely through case studies of applications of data science outside of academia. \nThe course teaches some fundamental quantitative methods for dealing with and interpreting data, as well as visualisation techniques using simple spreadsheets. \nTopics include: how to translate mathematical jargon into understandable language; measuring and talking about uncertainty using probability; how to easily make clear charts and data visualisations; demystifying fundamental statistical ideas (correlation versus causation, distinguishing between significant and important results); explaining and predicting with statistical models; the ethics of data science.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "5699": {"id": "LsLeJtKayoO5xOSr_xaXZ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "CgcDKd5zKEut9SBpx52Ad", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30031, "section": "SE01", "size": 150, "enrolled": 132, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jan - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "gxaxw_QpMWQU5ESMO78v7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30032, "section": "PR01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 69, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jan - 5 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "12 Feb - 19 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Feb - 22 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 30294, "section": "PR02", "size": 56, "enrolled": 55, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jan - 22 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 30315, "section": "PR03", "size": 40, "enrolled": 8, "available": 32, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jan - 22 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "5700": {"id": "SsW_PUjzGcXeUESzDJva5", "course_id": "111085", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111085", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Data Taming", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7107", "CLASS_NBR": 30101, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Not available to students in the MMaSc", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is a practical introduction to the practice of wrangling, finding relationships in, and making predictions from, messy datasets using statistical methods. The course introduces the principles of tidy data, types of data and data formats, exploratory data analysis, data transformation, as well as model fitting and prediction using statistical machine learning tools. A focus will be to introduce R programming for data science applications, particularly through real-world case studies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "5701": {"id": "SsW_PUjzGcXeUESzDJva5", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "coH-Ll06S2OAI4RE9zGWE", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30101, "section": "SE01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 89, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jan - 22 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "Gz7BiPStz8eEpMeOdit9Q", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30034, "section": "PR01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 69, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Feb - 17 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 30295, "section": "PR02", "size": 35, "enrolled": 20, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Feb - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5702": {"id": "2NjYuVqF7TEGG99Tl2Ryu", "course_id": "111085", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111085", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Data Taming", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7107", "CLASS_NBR": 33031, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Not available to students in the MMaSc", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is a practical introduction to the practice of wrangling, finding relationships in, and making predictions from, messy datasets using statistical methods. The course introduces the principles of tidy data, types of data and data formats, exploratory data analysis, data transformation, as well as model fitting and prediction using statistical machine learning tools. A focus will be to introduce R programming for data science applications, particularly through real-world case studies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "5703": {"id": "2NjYuVqF7TEGG99Tl2Ryu", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "B5a2-tp2gqMsptLgOC6XO", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33031, "section": "SE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 39, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "20 May - 12 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 218, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "7GDrL2Lu6ITJwuej6S9t0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33029, "section": "PR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 39, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 May - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "5704": {"id": "pHQ7WspDGZusQDNHnQfBm", "course_id": "111085", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111085", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Data Taming", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7107", "CLASS_NBR": 36030, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Not available to students in the MMaSc", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is a practical introduction to the practice of wrangling, finding relationships in, and making predictions from, messy datasets using statistical methods. The course introduces the principles of tidy data, types of data and data formats, exploratory data analysis, data transformation, as well as model fitting and prediction using statistical machine learning tools. A focus will be to introduce R programming for data science applications, particularly through real-world case studies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "5705": {"id": "pHQ7WspDGZusQDNHnQfBm", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "HrP8Yy2wnJfVi-UckqZlk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36030, "section": "SE01", "size": 150, "enrolled": 122, "available": 28, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Sep - 21 Nov", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "CzP_sKCgx1I4pp5W8SSKm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36028, "section": "PR01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 60, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "20 Sep - 20 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "27 Sep - 22 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 36322, "section": "PR02", "size": 60, "enrolled": 34, "available": 26, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "20 Sep - 20 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "27 Sep - 22 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 36332, "section": "PR03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Sep - 22 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "5706": {"id": "XKLHFHOt8Gc1tQk4xWXDX", "course_id": "109089", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109089", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Masters Project in Mathematical Sciences A - Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7200A", "CLASS_NBR": 16106, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "MMaSc students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students undertake a detailed study under the guidance of a supervisor and document their work in the form of a thesis. The topic of the project is decided by the supervisor in conjunction with the student. Students not only increase their discipline knowledge, but develop critical analysis and technical writing skills that are highly useful for many occupations and essential for postgraduate research degrees.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 07/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "5707": {"id": "XKLHFHOt8Gc1tQk4xWXDX", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "55axiKVhR09-9KUy5mkt_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16106, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "5708": {"id": "DNu2nLirlNVvmH_vxKLLg", "course_id": "109089", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109089", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Masters Project in Mathematical Sciences A - Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7200A", "CLASS_NBR": 26107, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "MMaSc students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students undertake a detailed study under the guidance of a supervisor and document their work in the form of a thesis. The topic of the project is decided by the supervisor in conjunction with the student. Students not only increase their discipline knowledge, but develop critical analysis and technical writing skills that are highly useful for many occupations and essential for postgraduate research degrees.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "5709": {"id": "DNu2nLirlNVvmH_vxKLLg", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "F5JWDGRjrjXuwFJ5ChznQ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26107, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "5710": {"id": "ipYDyT6dpjEHDshvXDp2w", "course_id": "109090", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109090", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Masters Project in Mathematical Sciences B - Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7200B", "CLASS_NBR": 16107, "SESSION_CD": "TYB", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "MMaSc students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students undertake a detailed study under the guidance of a supervisor and document their work in the form of a thesis. The topic of the project is decided by the supervisor in conjunction with the student. Students not only increase their discipline knowledge, but develop critical analysis and technical writing skills that are highly useful for many occupations and essential for postgraduate research degrees.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 07/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "5711": {"id": "ipYDyT6dpjEHDshvXDp2w", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "7R0OK_6UhAMSzHLACI2DK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16107, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "5712": {"id": "Oad_GhZLWJbdM3v9N25kO", "course_id": "109090", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109090", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Masters Project in Mathematical Sciences B - Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7200B", "CLASS_NBR": 26108, "SESSION_CD": "TYB", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "MMaSc students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students undertake a detailed study under the guidance of a supervisor and document their work in the form of a thesis. The topic of the project is decided by the supervisor in conjunction with the student. Students not only increase their discipline knowledge, but develop critical analysis and technical writing skills that are highly useful for many occupations and essential for postgraduate research degrees.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "5713": {"id": "Oad_GhZLWJbdM3v9N25kO", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "JLpadCe1wDreMRoTDVGBn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26108, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "5714": {"id": "QWAdAJSjBpAavHDvCiEht", "course_id": "109091", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109091", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Masters Project in Mathematical Sciences C - Part 3", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7200C", "CLASS_NBR": 16108, "SESSION_CD": "TYC", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "MMaSc students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students undertake a detailed study under the guidance of a supervisor and document their work in the form of a thesis. The topic of the project is decided by the supervisor in conjunction with the student. Students not only increase their discipline knowledge, but develop critical analysis and technical writing skills that are highly useful for many occupations and essential for postgraduate research degrees.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5715": {"id": "QWAdAJSjBpAavHDvCiEht", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "UcgClHfX0hnhbiaMc0l4o", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16108, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "5716": {"id": "jI8Y_j7nOcTBGHDTihM3N", "course_id": "109091", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109091", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Masters Project in Mathematical Sciences C - Part 3", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7200C", "CLASS_NBR": 26109, "SESSION_CD": "TYC", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "MMaSc students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students undertake a detailed study under the guidance of a supervisor and document their work in the form of a thesis. The topic of the project is decided by the supervisor in conjunction with the student. Students not only increase their discipline knowledge, but develop critical analysis and technical writing skills that are highly useful for many occupations and essential for postgraduate research degrees.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5717": {"id": "jI8Y_j7nOcTBGHDTihM3N", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "tDTNhII9gyQYIRejFVS0C", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26109, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "5718": {"id": "Jz1Y7rqhwUdwmeIcMG3uK", "course_id": "109092", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109092", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Masters Project in Mathematical Sciences D - Part 4", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7200D", "CLASS_NBR": 16109, "SESSION_CD": "TYD", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "MMaSc students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Thesis and seminar presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students undertake a detailed study under the guidance of a supervisor and document their work in the form of a thesis. The topic of the project is decided by the supervisor in conjunction with the student. Students not only increase their discipline knowledge, but develop critical analysis and technical writing skills that are highly useful for many occupations and essential for postgraduate research degrees.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5719": {"id": "Jz1Y7rqhwUdwmeIcMG3uK", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "UQCqPVAgzXD-LnNj47eg6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16109, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "5720": {"id": "2OERjdoBQ-OkNquJW8LzL", "course_id": "109092", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109092", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Masters Project in Mathematical Sciences D - Part 4", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7200D", "CLASS_NBR": 26110, "SESSION_CD": "TYD", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "MMaSc students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Thesis and seminar presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students undertake a detailed study under the guidance of a supervisor and document their work in the form of a thesis. The topic of the project is decided by the supervisor in conjunction with the student. Students not only increase their discipline knowledge, but develop critical analysis and technical writing skills that are highly useful for many occupations and essential for postgraduate research degrees.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5721": {"id": "2OERjdoBQ-OkNquJW8LzL", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "dHaPKVnxe3qQoBA1bYELY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26110, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "5722": {"id": "IGlrIza0JxRQsp1Ss7dli", "course_id": "111258", "term": "4462", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111258", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4462", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Applied Data Science and Mathematics", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7203OL", "CLASS_NBR": 62025, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Pearson Online Programs", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Stage 1 Mathematical Methods", "INCOMPATIBLE": "DATA 7202OL", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, you will be introduced to the role and application of data science in modern organisations and societies and the fundamental mathematical tools used by data scientists. The course includes processes for data collection, analysis, verification and validation. The mathematical tools include functions and graphs, and basic concepts of calculus related to probability and statistics.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 16/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 15/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 08/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 22/04/2024"}}]}, "5723": {"id": "IGlrIza0JxRQsp1Ss7dli", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "04v4vMa2JjFKBsfoDcb69", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 62025, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 15, "available": 285, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "5724": {"id": "lH53KZM95KOAAg2p_2TMQ", "course_id": "111258", "term": "4466", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111258", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4466", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 6", "COURSE_TITLE": "Applied Data Science and Mathematics", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7203OL", "CLASS_NBR": 66024, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Pearson Online Programs", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Stage 1 Mathematical Methods", "INCOMPATIBLE": "DATA 7202OL", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, you will be introduced to the role and application of data science in modern organisations and societies and the fundamental mathematical tools used by data scientists. The course includes processes for data collection, analysis, verification and validation. The mathematical tools include functions and graphs, and basic concepts of calculus related to probability and statistics.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 04/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 01/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 18/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 02/12/2024"}}]}, "5725": {"id": "lH53KZM95KOAAg2p_2TMQ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "CdjvarnJ7sB70X6CxJokK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 66024, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 16, "available": 284, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "5726": {"id": "GyAQA5VqGJoKfPxKJFK-P", "course_id": "111356", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111356", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Mathematical Sciences Masters Project A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7300A", "CLASS_NBR": 16299, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "MMaSc students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students undertake a detailed study under the guidance of a supervisor and document their work in the form of a thesis. The topic of the project is decided by the supervisor in conjunction with the student. Students not only increase their discipline knowledge, but develop critical analysis and technical writing skills that are highly useful for many occupations and essential for postgraduate research degrees.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 07/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "5727": {"id": "GyAQA5VqGJoKfPxKJFK-P", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "1GPdzxP3Go30yw6tW7UOQ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16299, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "5728": {"id": "8QMXBGd-ojd2rOY9sq8Ld", "course_id": "111356", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111356", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Mathematical Sciences Masters Project A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7300A", "CLASS_NBR": 26330, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "MMaSc students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students undertake a detailed study under the guidance of a supervisor and document their work in the form of a thesis. 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Students not only increase their discipline knowledge, but develop critical analysis and technical writing skills that are highly useful for many occupations and essential for postgraduate research degrees.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "5729": {"id": "8QMXBGd-ojd2rOY9sq8Ld", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "B3DKLHszM27o46bnX9c0u", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26330, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "5730": {"id": "0yYOwhW2jaLXfh_ru6wPF", "course_id": "111357", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111357", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Mathematical Sciences Masters Project B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7300B", "CLASS_NBR": 16300, "SESSION_CD": "TYB", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "MMaSc students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students undertake a detailed study under the guidance of a supervisor and document their work in the form of a thesis. 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Students not only increase their discipline knowledge, but develop critical analysis and technical writing skills that are highly useful for many occupations and essential for postgraduate research degrees.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 07/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "5731": {"id": "0yYOwhW2jaLXfh_ru6wPF", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "YqBug9DOBrnK4iBwM85kv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16300, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 28 Jun", "days": "", "start_time": "", "end_time": "", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "5732": {"id": "DJ1v1EfZ6ST6ujdcXUJCD", "course_id": "111357", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111357", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Mathematical Sciences Masters Project B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7300B", "CLASS_NBR": 26331, "SESSION_CD": "TYB", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "MMaSc students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students undertake a detailed study under the guidance of a supervisor and document their work in the form of a thesis. 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Students not only increase their discipline knowledge, but develop critical analysis and technical writing skills that are highly useful for many occupations and essential for postgraduate research degrees.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "5733": {"id": "DJ1v1EfZ6ST6ujdcXUJCD", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "FSDhSdM_aw_p-7r-mDkeY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26331, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "5734": {"id": "o9c-e-uxw7PFmeLMLzSuc", "course_id": "111358", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111358", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Mathematical Sciences Masters Project C", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7300C", "CLASS_NBR": 16301, "SESSION_CD": "TYC", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "MMaSc students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students undertake a detailed study under the guidance of a supervisor and document their work in the form of a thesis. 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Students not only increase their discipline knowledge, but develop critical analysis and technical writing skills that are highly useful for many occupations and essential for postgraduate research degrees.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5735": {"id": "o9c-e-uxw7PFmeLMLzSuc", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "CBI6isVyUBEdy5wQ1cWMa", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16301, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 28 Jun", "days": "", "start_time": "", "end_time": "", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "5736": {"id": "UbTbF_Z33jWBpFh4APIUv", "course_id": "111358", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111358", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Mathematical Sciences Masters Project C", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7300C", "CLASS_NBR": 26332, "SESSION_CD": "TYC", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "MMaSc students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students undertake a detailed study under the guidance of a supervisor and document their work in the form of a thesis. The topic of the project is decided by the supervisor in conjunction with the student. Students not only increase their discipline knowledge, but develop critical analysis and technical writing skills that are highly useful for many occupations and essential for postgraduate research degrees.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5737": {"id": "UbTbF_Z33jWBpFh4APIUv", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "yGLQthy0RUTk7v39RrB9U", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26332, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "5738": {"id": "4xib_hCopQmgh-7XvTGKE", "course_id": "111359", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111359", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Mathematical Sciences Masters Project D", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7300D", "CLASS_NBR": 16302, "SESSION_CD": "TYD", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "MMaSc students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Thesis and seminar presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students undertake a detailed study under the guidance of a supervisor and document their work in the form of a thesis. The topic of the project is decided by the supervisor in conjunction with the student. Students not only increase their discipline knowledge, but develop critical analysis and technical writing skills that are highly useful for many occupations and essential for postgraduate research degrees.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5739": {"id": "4xib_hCopQmgh-7XvTGKE", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "UV6e3nKT9bxUPhcptbYcu", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16302, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "5740": {"id": "uLcXMYF2_hKDECc3vpCc9", "course_id": "111359", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111359", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Mathematical Sciences Masters Project D", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MATHS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7300D", "CLASS_NBR": 26333, "SESSION_CD": "TYD", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "MMaSc students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Thesis and seminar presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students undertake a detailed study under the guidance of a supervisor and document their work in the form of a thesis. The topic of the project is decided by the supervisor in conjunction with the student. Students not only increase their discipline knowledge, but develop critical analysis and technical writing skills that are highly useful for many occupations and essential for postgraduate research degrees.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5741": {"id": "uLcXMYF2_hKDECc3vpCc9", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "eTVWKogGhDR1gUrfd14ke", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26333, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "5742": {"subject": "MDIA", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "100225", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106361", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109706", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110068", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110106", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110115", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110117", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110118", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110121", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110853", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110991", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110119", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110123", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110124", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110125", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110128", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110129", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110474", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104876", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104880", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106809", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108829", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110851", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111246", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109236", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109236", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107170", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109208", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109601", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110132", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110133", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110134", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110135", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110136", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110130", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110858", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111440", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107228", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107229", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108590", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109385", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109385", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110178", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110179", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110180", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110181", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110182", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110182", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110183", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110471", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110470", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110472", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110473", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110560", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110560", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110561", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110561", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111420", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111265", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}]}}, "5743": {"id": "QIdGbqsoRXjX_nlxvEdlr", "course_id": "100225", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "100225", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Key Concepts in Media", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MDIA", "CATALOG_NBR": "1002", "CLASS_NBR": 10263, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100700", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MDIA 1014OL", "ASSESSMENT": "Online test, Digital media analysis, Major essay, Participation.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course explores why digital media is being seen as creatively, socially, and politically transformative. What is 'collective intelligence' and how is it empowered by digital tools? How are 'amateur' media makers impacting on mainstream media practices? This course explores the important questions being asked about new digital technologies and encourages critical, reflexive thinking about social media sites. It addresses the links between earlier communication forms and media institutions, through to contemporary digital and mobile technologies. Using online concept videos, large group seminars, and small group tutorials, Key Concepts functions as an introduction to the Bachelor of Media degree and the Media Major in the Bachelor of Arts. This course orientates students to the key ideas they will develop through their studies such as forms of media interactivity and methods of media analysis, and selected theories and debates about media's historical role in shaping social, cultural, economic, and political relations.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5744": {"id": "QIdGbqsoRXjX_nlxvEdlr", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "HK17EGWxJ03lt_PxOPvx9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18614, "section": "LEC0", "size": 300, "enrolled": 182, "available": 118, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "GthUdC3benKgl_fnhvA7i", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10263, "section": "TU09", "size": 30, "enrolled": 26, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S106, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10265, "section": "TU07", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S106, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10266, "section": "TU06", "size": 30, "enrolled": 19, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S106, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10267, "section": "TU05", "size": 30, "enrolled": 27, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S106, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10268, "section": "TU04", "size": 30, "enrolled": 26, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 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11 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 22 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "6 May - 6 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "20 May - 20 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14401, "section": "SE02", "size": 60, "enrolled": 50, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "7 May - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "21 May - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14402, "section": "SE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 62, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "11 Mar - 11 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 22 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 May - 6 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 May - 20 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5745": {"id": "nFm7d-0Z7yR7mWNsGO8MD", "course_id": "106361", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106361", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Digital Platforms", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MDIA", "CATALOG_NBR": "1007", "CLASS_NBR": 13827, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100700", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "500 word skills assignment, 1500 word theory assignment, 2000 word e-activities, participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Digital media have become fundamental to many ways that we communicate, interact and learn. In this workshop-based class, you will gain a better understanding of the systems, processes and history of digital media through a multimodal digital design project on a topic of your choice. To develop this project, students will learn the basics of digital photography, web development, social media analytics, graphic design software and other digital platforms. This hands-on, practice-based learning is supported by theoretical and historical perspectives on digital platforms, with consideration given to the ways that they work on both technological and social levels. You will learn to apply principles to practice in response to the rise of a media-driven, technology-oriented economy worldwide. Digital Platforms functions as an introduction to digital media practices and is a fundamental course for students who are looking to communicate online in more effective and creative ways.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5746": {"id": "nFm7d-0Z7yR7mWNsGO8MD", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "n32NrprTmjuNncSVMoP8i", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12738, "section": "LE01", "size": 230, "enrolled": 202, "available": 28, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "XPoinTpbHUqiX4tLQ1XFC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10371, "section": "WR07", "size": 30, "enrolled": 27, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 408, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 408, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10372, "section": "WR06", "size": 30, "enrolled": 26, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 408, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 408, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10373, "section": "WR05", "size": 30, "enrolled": 24, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 408, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 408, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10374, "section": "WR04", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 408, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 408, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10375, "section": "WR03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 27, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Schulz, 408, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Schulz, 408, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10376, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 408, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 408, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13827, "section": "WR10", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Schulz, 408, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Schulz, 408, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13828, "section": "WR08", "size": 30, "enrolled": 13, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 408, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 408, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "5747": {"id": "WqoSZ78RDBeQnnI6OPQKh", "course_id": "109706", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109706", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Key Concepts in Media Studies Online", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MDIA", "CATALOG_NBR": "1014OL", "CLASS_NBR": 26166, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100799", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours structured learning activity per week, completed to students' own schedule", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MDIA 1002", "ASSESSMENT": "Online quiz, Digital Media Analysis, Essay, Participation in online activities", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This wholly online course explores why digital media is being seen as creatively, socially, and politically transformative. What is 'collective intelligence' and how is it empowered by digital tools? How are 'amateur' media makers impacting on mainstream media practices? This course explores the important questions being asked about new digital technologies and encourages critical, reflexive thinking about social media sites. It addresses the links between earlier communication forms and media institutions, and contemporary digital and mobile technologies. For students outside the media programs, this course introduces students to forms of media interactivity and methods of media analysis, as well as selected theories and debates about media's historical role in shaping social, cultural, economic, and political relations. Designed to allow students to proceed through the weekly content at their own pace and in their own time, this course allows students to develop key literacies in media studies through online learning.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5748": {"id": "WqoSZ78RDBeQnnI6OPQKh", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "e6uTk2kJtc5BYptPO036B", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26166, "section": "01OL", "size": 120, "enrolled": 99, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "5749": {"id": "u_izm4vxnvcohZu0qlPYg", "course_id": "110068", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110068", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Screen and Sound Industries", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MDIA", "CATALOG_NBR": "1015", "CLASS_NBR": 10779, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MDIA 1004", "ASSESSMENT": "Online quizzes 10%, Screen or Sound Analysis 30%, Major Assignment 50%, Participation 10%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course investigates how screen and sound industries are being reshaped in a changing media landscape. You will gain knowledge about the history, evolution and proliferation of screen and sound industries, including television, film, video games, and podcasting, and examine current shifts in the production and consumption of screen and sound products. Topics will include: screen and sound industry trends; audience engagement; emerging business models; production conventions and genres; streaming entertainment platforms and algorithms; and promotion and advertising strategies. You will gain foundational skills in media analysis and knowledge of the relationships between screen and sound products, industries and audiences. You will have the opportunity to undertake a practical option related to screen or sound script writing as part of your assessment.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5750": {"id": "u_izm4vxnvcohZu0qlPYg", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "deFphicABp-wdigPGjIb5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18618, "section": "LEC0", "size": 250, "enrolled": 75, "available": 175, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "0jLUVsIBqB4UnQnkiAPxr", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10779, "section": "WR04", "size": 32, "enrolled": 12, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10780, "section": "WR03", "size": 32, "enrolled": 32, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10781, "section": "WR02", "size": 32, "enrolled": 31, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5751": {"id": "4RhJlcUXQxpPLJzeJqTlD", "course_id": "110106", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110106", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Superheroes: Cinema and Comics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MDIA", "CATALOG_NBR": "1016", "CLASS_NBR": 22979, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100799", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Data Visualisation and Reflection, Research Essay and Annotations, Major Project, Participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "One of the of the most popular forms of media of the early 21st century is inter-connected superhero films inspired by comic books. In this course, you will gain a deeper understanding of these films and comics, their historical influences, and the roles they have played in wider cultural debates about identity, power, ethics and society. We will use cutting edge digital tools to research these films and build important skills in data collection and analysis.\nDuring classes, we will use digital humanities methodologies to conduct critical and participatory viewings of the films. You will approach each film with a research question and work with other students to generate data. Over the course of the semester, we will collaboratively build a database that charts a variety of factors across the series of films, including characters, emotions, themes, and influences.\nUsing this crowd-sourced data, theoretical readings, and the comics that inspired the films, you will dive deep into the patterns, meanings and cultural codes that lie beneath the surface of these massively influential movies. You will be able to demonstrate your understanding of these movies by producing data visualizations, critical responses and creative reflections. In this way you will gain critical thinking skills, expand your digital capabilities, and develop a deeper understanding of the roles popular media play in society.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5752": {"id": "4RhJlcUXQxpPLJzeJqTlD", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "2ZvF4JrO2ltwfe4voXNsd", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22979, "section": "WR01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 45, "available": 35, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "5753": {"id": "YICSl2U_RzgK7nPClYR9Z", "course_id": "110115", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110115", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "3D Imaging", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MDIA", "CATALOG_NBR": "1017", "CLASS_NBR": 11214, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100799", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online quizzes 20%, Proposal and Justification 15%, Reflective Journal 20%, Final Project 45%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces students to foundational skills and theories of producing three dimensional images, models, and textures with digital technologies. Key concepts covered in this course include 3D modelling fundamentals and theories, introduction to key tools and software, identifying and analysing end use scenarios for 3D models, and engaging in basic modelling. In 3D Imaging, students in the Immersive Media, Story Production, and Visual Design majors will ground their practical skills within a theoretical context, while students in other programs will gain insight into the practice, challenges, and capabilities of producing 3D models", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5754": {"id": "YICSl2U_RzgK7nPClYR9Z", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "MB_ikza2vWUVd1NRAxt8u", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18619, "section": "LEC0", "size": 170, "enrolled": 137, "available": 33, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "kq02LBiz4mpalR7bMMOaf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11207, "section": "WR03", "size": 32, "enrolled": 30, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S118, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S118, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11214, "section": "WR07", "size": 32, "enrolled": 30, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S118, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S118, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11215, "section": "WR06", "size": 32, "enrolled": 26, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S118, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S118, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13829, "section": "WR04", "size": 31, "enrolled": 22, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S118, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S118, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15434, "section": "WR01", "size": 32, "enrolled": 29, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S118, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S118, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "5755": {"id": "4PRXPsPJN5iP4mM1xi8Ea", "course_id": "110117", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110117", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Design Fundamentals", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MDIA", "CATALOG_NBR": "1018", "CLASS_NBR": 13816, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100799", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Story map, Peer assessment, Video essay and exegesis, Participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Designs of images, stories and technologies are central to the ways that we engage with the world. However, our capacity to make, share, and evaluate designs has radically expanded throughout history, with profound impacts. In this course, you will engage with histories of designs and design cultures from around the world and locate cutting edge media production within this historical context to better understand how to put compelling designs into practice. Key concepts that this course introduces include theories of aesthetics, narrative structures and philosophies of design and ethics. Design Fundamentals introduces students in the Story Production, Visual Design and Immersive Media courses to central concerns of their field, as well as providing a focused engagement with design and technology for students in other programs.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5756": {"id": "4PRXPsPJN5iP4mM1xi8Ea", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "rLQ-pnKTXoebpmuQsf3Ch", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18620, "section": "LEC0", "size": 100, "enrolled": 80, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "An5jEvEzPzSqnuYDk84mj", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10106, "section": "WR01", "size": 34, "enrolled": 25, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 407, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 23 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 407, Keyboard Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13816, "section": "WR03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 27, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S106, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15540, "section": "WR02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S106, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "5757": {"id": "lG29_zS6u0LMCL2OxwrZ7", "course_id": "110118", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110118", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Image and Brand", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MDIA", "CATALOG_NBR": "1019", "CLASS_NBR": 26514, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100799", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 contact hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quiz 20%, Group Presentation 30%, Case Study Report 40%, Active Participation 10%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Positioning a product, company, or person in relation to consumers, audiences, fans or employers is central to gaining attention and providing value, yet whether looking at this on an individual basis or engaging with the most powerful organisations in the world, effective communication is often hit and miss. There are myriad approaches to understanding the interaction between individuals, organisations, and groups to fit different situations and contexts. In Image and Brand, you will be introduced to key perspectives from audience research, identity theory, organisational communication, visual communications, and persona studies, applying these approaches to case studies from around the world. This course provides the theoretical framework and social and cultural context for students in the Visual Design, Social Media and Digital Promotion, and Photographic Imaging majors, as well as an introduction to influential ideas on identity and branding for students in other programs.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5758": {"id": "lG29_zS6u0LMCL2OxwrZ7", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "nHbWulGyANXM7pJEpBo-0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28552, "section": "LEC0", "size": 150, "enrolled": 132, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "CvUG-yGkwDsJ4ebVCSkcy", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21143, "section": "WR04", "size": 30, "enrolled": 23, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S106, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21398, "section": "WR03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S106, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22988, "section": "WR01", "size": 32, "enrolled": 30, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S118, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S118, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25340, "section": "WR02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 27, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S106, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 26514, "section": "WR06", "size": 30, "enrolled": 23, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S106, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "5759": {"id": "KFo3Ux0MAI2YAzbwk3O-6", "course_id": "110121", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110121", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Media Professions and Identities", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MDIA", "CATALOG_NBR": "1020", "CLASS_NBR": 22073, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100799", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MDIA 3310", "ASSESSMENT": "Blog/Vlog, Media Skills Project, Professional Practice Assessment Report, Participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "As a diverse and fast-changing field, it is important to start thinking early about what area or areas of media you are interested in working within. This course prepares students for diverse fields of media work by introducing them to the variety of positions and types of employment that could be of interest and contextualising this variety with critical engagement with theory and practice. Media Professions and Identities introduces students to the expectations of a range of professional media and communications roles within a variety of organisations, including fast-developing media industries, government service and community organisations. You will explore the changing nature of professional media careers and the role of communications professionals in broader industry, government and community environments, and position yourself in response to possible future careers.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5760": {"id": "KFo3Ux0MAI2YAzbwk3O-6", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Yx2yuFlE1n25dHftG14CU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28553, "section": "LEC0", "size": 300, "enrolled": 151, "available": 149, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "zR4NlmmoOpCOP4DfGRfAa", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22073, "section": "TU08", "size": 30, "enrolled": 25, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22074, "section": "TU06", "size": 30, "enrolled": 23, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22075, "section": "TU05", "size": 30, "enrolled": 25, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22076, "section": "TU04", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22077, "section": "TU03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22078, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 21, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5761": {"id": "jnR1JzDbGPLBz2i783XBh", "course_id": "110853", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110853", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Foundations of News", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MDIA", "CATALOG_NBR": "1021", "CLASS_NBR": 25553, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100703", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MDIA 2333", "ASSESSMENT": "News analysis, News-gathering exercise, News Research Project, Short online quizzes.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is an introduction to fundamental principles of journalism practice. Through a focus on news gathering and engaging news audiences, it covers essential knowledge and skills required for journalists to function in the contemporary media environment. It explores how news stories are researched, effective use of sources and source material, interview techniques and elements of professionalism that impact on how journalists conduct their work. It examines news production in the context of news rooms and the influences of factors such as changing technology, as well as exploring growing areas such as fact-checking.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5762": {"id": "jnR1JzDbGPLBz2i783XBh", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "hd_aWNdG6P4bd35sfzuV5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25552, "section": "LE01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 55, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "u6FvmB5vrwG8pF88qhWrx", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25553, "section": "WR02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 27, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S106, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25554, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S106, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "5763": {"id": "t5HK0ElIiSjZPE9KpFrW8", "course_id": "110991", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110991", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Virtual Reality Design", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MDIA", "CATALOG_NBR": "1022", "CLASS_NBR": 25169, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100700", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online Activities, Reflective Essay, Critical Analysis, Attendance/Participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The history of immersive technology (including VR (Virtual Reality)) spans many decades, with modern iterations of the technology finally providing convincing embodiment and presence. In this course, you will not only be introduced to the history of immersive technology, you will also critically assess the technology from a design perspective through hands-on experience with cutting edge hardware, software and gaming platforms.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5764": {"id": "t5HK0ElIiSjZPE9KpFrW8", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "GHlVB49gMbDNAig6E83j5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28554, "section": "LEC0", "size": 80, "enrolled": 64, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "fwnPDY51sQBZrEiZ9w99v", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25169, "section": "WR04", "size": 17, "enrolled": 17, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, 203, Virtual Reality Lab"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, 203, Virtual Reality Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25170, "section": "WR03", "size": 17, "enrolled": 16, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Napier, 203, Virtual Reality Lab"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Napier, 203, Virtual Reality Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25171, "section": "WR02", "size": 17, "enrolled": 16, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Napier, 203, Virtual Reality Lab"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Napier, 203, Virtual Reality Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25172, "section": "WR01", "size": 17, "enrolled": 15, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, 203, Virtual Reality Lab"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, 203, Virtual Reality Lab"}]}]}]}]}, "5765": {"id": "4Z-rC_jexGxSCetwtNU68", "course_id": "110119", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110119", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Motion Principles", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MDIA", "CATALOG_NBR": "2220", "CLASS_NBR": 15541, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100799", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 12 units of undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Prior 3d modelling knowledge (MDIA 1017)", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Participation, Written Report, Major Assignment (video)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The sensation and illusion of 'motion' is central to the way we experience a myriad of media, from interface design on websites and apps, to digital games, immersive media, film, and animation. In this course, students will engage with techniques and contexts for the design of motion and 3d animation within media studies and aligned disciplines. Reflection on theory and practical exercises will enable students to develop their skills in producing the representation of motion, as well as apply this learning to their own creative works. For students in media production majors (Visual Design, Story Production, and Immersive Media), this course will provide the conceptual grounding for their advanced production courses, while students in other programs will be able to engage critically with a range of approaches to studying and producing motion.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5766": {"id": "4Z-rC_jexGxSCetwtNU68", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "7-9ggB_vwKPNFRAYU_X79", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18621, "section": "LEC0", "size": 70, "enrolled": 51, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "FmwDgfJKV0T8gWySAcHMl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12980, "section": "TU02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 27, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S118, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S118, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15541, "section": "TU03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 24, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S118, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S118, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "5767": {"id": "CPnN-nwMVfttiIbkAe57-", "course_id": "110123", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110123", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Graphic Design", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MDIA", "CATALOG_NBR": "2222", "CLASS_NBR": 14296, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100799", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MDIA 1019 or MDIA 1018", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "At least 12 units of Level I undergraduate study", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MDIA 1011, MDIA 2214, MDIA 2215, MDIA 3317", "ASSESSMENT": "Skills-based task, Project proposal, Project, Reflection", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Graphic design is integral to a range of forms of visual communication. This course introduces students to key principles and practices of graphic design in both print and digital formats. It contextualises these within the broader field of visual communication and takes a problem-based learning approach to their application. The course covers a range of fundamental concepts in graphic design to provide opportunities to investigate graphic design problems and to apply and reflect on solutions to these. It can be taken as a stand-alone elective or as preparation for the project-based courses in the Visual Design major.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5768": {"id": "CPnN-nwMVfttiIbkAe57-", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "k4HBcDjagyVO6_zLZGp4o", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18622, "section": "LEC0", "size": 80, "enrolled": 59, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "e269WX8zb9KU7NpJb_YGZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14296, "section": "WR03", "size": 32, "enrolled": 30, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 407, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 407, Keyboard Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15322, "section": "WR02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Schulz, 408, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Schulz, 408, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "5769": {"id": "6P5AWhpaNp6OGQeRjFJB1", "course_id": "110124", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110124", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Virtual Reality Design and Development", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MDIA", "CATALOG_NBR": "2223", "CLASS_NBR": 10969, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100799", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "12 units of Level I undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MDIA 1013", "ASSESSMENT": "Online quizzes, reflective essay, 3D modelling assignment, final project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "VR (Virtual Reality), MR (Mixed Reality) and AR (Augmented Reality) are technologies that are quickly changing the way we consume media, play games, educate, and communicate. In this course, you will not only be introduced to these technologies through hands-on experience, but you will also learn key skills associated with designing and developing software for these platforms. Putting emphasis on production workflow, you will learn how to import 3D models into Unity3D and apply simple game mechanics.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5770": {"id": "6P5AWhpaNp6OGQeRjFJB1", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "-QfiejUdPIqS0o-apcd2i", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18623, "section": "LEC0", "size": 130, "enrolled": 82, "available": 48, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "C9OV2af9OI5dcr73fm87N", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10969, "section": "WR05", "size": 19, "enrolled": 19, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Napier, 203, Virtual Reality Lab"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Napier, 203, Virtual Reality Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10970, "section": "WR04", "size": 19, "enrolled": 18, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, 203, Virtual Reality Lab"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, 203, Virtual Reality Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10971, "section": "WR03", "size": 19, "enrolled": 10, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, 203, Virtual Reality Lab"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, 203, Virtual Reality Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10972, "section": "WR02", "size": 19, "enrolled": 19, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Napier, 203, Virtual Reality Lab"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Napier, 203, Virtual Reality Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10973, "section": "WR01", "size": 19, "enrolled": 16, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Napier, 203, Virtual Reality Lab"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Napier, 203, Virtual Reality Lab"}]}]}]}]}, "5771": {"id": "Ve9JoBwK3K5gluucsZski", "course_id": "110125", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110125", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Virtual Reality Design and Development II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MDIA", "CATALOG_NBR": "2224", "CLASS_NBR": 20859, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100799", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MDIA 2223 or MDIA 1013 or demonstrated immersive technology development experience (portfolio of work required)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "3D modelling fundamentals, Unity Game engine understanding and immersive technology design comprehension", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online quizzes, Reflective essay, Project formulation, Game engine final project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course expands on Virtual Reality Design and Development I by applying core design theory to immersive technology development. Allocated project work will provide students with an opportunity to gain insight into the specific roles associated with VR creation, as well as a deeper understanding of game engines, spatial sound, programming and 3D modelling.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5772": {"id": "Ve9JoBwK3K5gluucsZski", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "5APyKZUGkXtTH4c7ybi43", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28555, "section": "LEC0", "size": 80, "enrolled": 23, "available": 57, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "Ji4dKtX6xNYogBaGT5Dgc", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20859, "section": "WR03", "size": 17, "enrolled": 12, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Napier, 203, Virtual Reality Lab"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Napier, 203, Virtual Reality Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20861, "section": "WR01", "size": 17, "enrolled": 11, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Napier, 203, Virtual Reality Lab"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Napier, 203, Virtual Reality Lab"}]}]}]}]}, "5773": {"id": "XIsC1QQzFxYB1pe45Jxzk", "course_id": "110128", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110128", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Media Relations", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MDIA", "CATALOG_NBR": "2227", "CLASS_NBR": 14355, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100799", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 9 units of MDIA courses", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MDIA 7005", "ASSESSMENT": "Online exercises, Media release and exegesis, Campaign analysis, Participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces you to the theory and practice of media relations. Media engagement is now central to the communications strategies of the NGO, government and corporate sectors. You will develop knowledge about media relations strategies and tactics across a variety of contexts, analyse media campaigns, and develop practical skills in media relations writing, research and strategy. For students in the Social Media and Digital Promotion major, this course will provide essential theoretical and practical grounding for your advanced production courses, while students in other programs will develop their understanding of a range of media relations concepts and practices.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5774": {"id": "XIsC1QQzFxYB1pe45Jxzk", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "SjIEr2mosjpmiq5uDFX7x", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18624, "section": "LEC0", "size": 100, "enrolled": 99, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "TJTMgUNebY5Mg1EUxh_74", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14354, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Schulz, 408, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "1 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Schulz, 408, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14355, "section": "TU03", "size": 41, "enrolled": 42, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "1 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14356, "section": "TU02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 408, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 408, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "5775": {"id": "0MrS3Q4v2BTqYv4mbXNNl", "course_id": "110129", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110129", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Narrative and Games", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MDIA", "CATALOG_NBR": "2228", "CLASS_NBR": 22079, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100799", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 12 units of Level I undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Prior 3D modelling knowledge (MDIA 1017)", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Participation, Written Report, Major Assignments (game prototype).", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Digital Games have been a core cultural and technological industry within the creative economy. In this course, students will gain understanding of the nuances of gameplay and apply its concepts to a range of game genres. By critically reflecting upon theories (such as narratology and ludology), students will contextualise their engagement with games both as players and as producers through the history, philosophy, and practice of digital games. This will include discussing key contemporary features, and learning basic concepts when designing and producing a game to develop useful understandings for their own creative practice", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5776": {"id": "0MrS3Q4v2BTqYv4mbXNNl", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "xmGgycYFZ1Y7y4bF0PnOE", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28556, "section": "LEC0", "size": 64, "enrolled": 61, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "lvpUuWzU7YSGzs9N-Lfei", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22079, "section": "WR02", "size": 32, "enrolled": 30, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S118, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S118, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22080, "section": "WR01", "size": 32, "enrolled": 31, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S118, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S118, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "5777": {"id": "WV-9aY7YOUdznhPy-qwhz", "course_id": "110474", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110474", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Graphic Design Digital Studio", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MDIA", "CATALOG_NBR": "2229", "CLASS_NBR": 22081, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100501", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MDIA 2222", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Task-based Participation, Reflective Visual Journal, Individual Design Project, Group Design Project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students will be introduced to the collaborative nature of studio production whether in person/onsite, or via a virtual/remote presence, in order to be better prepared for the evolving and increasingly global digital graphic and visual communication design industry. The course allows students to integrate and apply design theory and principles learned in the MDIA 2222 Graphic Design course in a simulated design studio context. Digital software skills are developed in order to produce design artefacts and solutions. Students select and apply design processes to structured visual communication briefs that replicate the problem-based approaches adopted by designers in contemporary studios. Students gain insight into the practice, challenges, and capabilities of producing visual communication design solutions across a range of print and digital media. Students work individually and in groups, creating and then pitching graphic design solutions applicable to a variety of visual communication media.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5778": {"id": "WV-9aY7YOUdznhPy-qwhz", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "iTzdN26jfyfmqV2ay-1_d", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28557, "section": "LEC0", "size": 60, "enrolled": 20, "available": 40, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "5Rvu1mfOSl7FxIOZ0kCy4", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22081, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 20, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S106, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "5779": {"id": "XPvOX7dWoJ9LGJK1VaRWl", "course_id": "104876", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104876", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Researching Media", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MDIA", "CATALOG_NBR": "2302", "CLASS_NBR": 14357, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100700", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 12 units of Level I undergraduate study, including 3 units of MDIA Level I courses", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MDIA 2204", "ASSESSMENT": "2 Online Quizzes, First Assignment, Second Assignment, Participation and attendance.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Research is central to all media activity, whether carried out in commercial, public or academic contexts. This course aims to bring together the theoretical and practical elements of research in the media. Students will be exposed to various research methodologies, both quantitative and qualitative, as they affect the changing media landscape and its evaluation. Students will be exposed to different theoretical paradigms of media research, analysis of competing frameworks for defining the media as object of study, and to debate on issues such as research ethics, intellectual property, effective communication of research findings and cultural sensitivity, among others.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5780": {"id": "XPvOX7dWoJ9LGJK1VaRWl", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "L7_BKK4iLtk12SKsWoflS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18625, "section": "LEC0", "size": 230, "enrolled": 174, "available": 56, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "8zsvyOolVsIi-Sb1Dsus1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14357, "section": "TU07", "size": 35, "enrolled": 31, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 23 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14359, "section": "TU05", "size": 30, "enrolled": 27, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14360, "section": "TU04", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 23 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14361, "section": "TU03", "size": 29, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 23 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14362, "section": "TU02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 27, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14363, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, 205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, 205, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5781": {"id": "8YU4fjWyB9jEZHlYSU2an", "course_id": "104880", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104880", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Approaches to Media", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MDIA", "CATALOG_NBR": "2306", "CLASS_NBR": 20862, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100700", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 12 units of Level I undergraduate study, including 3 units of MDIA Level I courses", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MDIA 3303", "ASSESSMENT": "Online Exercises, Media Analysis, Active participation and engagement", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course examines the impacts of media on industry and society. It introduces students to theories of media representation, audiences, economies, practices and infrastructures to interrogate the power contemporary media texts and industries, and their role in shaping our experiences as media producers and consumers. You will consider key concepts in media and communications studies, and be introduced to key thinkers in this field. Issues for discussion will vary from year to year, but may include topics such as media industries and contemporary work; health communication; media and environment; media and disability; privacy and surveillance; and media metrics and algorithms.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5782": {"id": "8YU4fjWyB9jEZHlYSU2an", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "uxA7GqpaCvO8DJPDq1MR7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20862, "section": "WR03", "size": 60, "enrolled": 60, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20863, "section": "WR02", "size": 60, "enrolled": 59, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20864, "section": "WR01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 59, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5783": {"id": "r688BqwjLZWYIRqUoTjkn", "course_id": "106809", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106809", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Writing the News", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MDIA", "CATALOG_NBR": "2334", "CLASS_NBR": 14822, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100700", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "At least 12 units of Level I undergraduate study", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Print & broadcast news stories, sourced news story and reflection, news writing to deadline, hard/soft news writing", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces students to the fundamentals of writing for a range of news media platforms. News language, news story structure and news values are key elements of writing for news media, and the course focuses on practical application of these principles across online, print, audio, video and social media platforms. The course incorporates exploration of both \u2018hard\u2019 and \u2018soft\u2019 news, and introduces students to a range of news forms.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5784": {"id": "r688BqwjLZWYIRqUoTjkn", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "McnpCEZ-XVpE1tudIjCwI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13068, "section": "LE01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 54, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "OMDF0Kfo4s3ENy-Si7ERz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13069, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 25, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S106, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14822, "section": "WR04", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S106, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "5785": {"id": "GuD1WevN9sW_RHH4jNau7", "course_id": "108829", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108829", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Stories on Screen", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MDIA", "CATALOG_NBR": "2336", "CLASS_NBR": 20723, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MDIA 1007 and (MDIA 1002 or MDIA 1014OL)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MDIA 1006", "ASSESSMENT": "Concept design, Pitch, Story Production, Distribution Plan, Reflection Statement", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course looks at the development, production, and use of small screen online stories which has become an avenue of expression leading to new forms of social networking and a means through which story is re-made for different media. The course examines techniques of story production through a range of digital media which will lead to the development and production of stories by students. The capacity for storytelling has developed through the availability of convergent communication technologies, particularly consumer grade technologies such as those in DSLR cameras, smart phones and tablets. The availability of these technologies has meant that new skills and techniques of writing and producing are necessary which fit with computer and mobile screen technologies and other parameters of these new media forms. The subject will cover the relatively short history of this new field of media production, linking it to older forms of storytelling in terms of connection to comparative and Indigenous precursors and uses. Building on theory covered in first year core Media courses, this course will cover an analysis of the 'producer' as an autonomous media producer and the development of a computer mediated aesthetics. Theories of narrative form, visuals, sound, music, subjectivity and identity will form part of the course with an examination of forms of collective and political engagement that develop out of online stories. New mainstream genres which grow out of older forms such as the diary or the journal will be discussed. The course has a practical focus which will encourage the production of new forms of narrative through exercises and the use of skills developed in class.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5786": {"id": "GuD1WevN9sW_RHH4jNau7", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "bpOrEj9Q9oDltpbrOWfmn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28558, "section": "LEC0", "size": 250, "enrolled": 146, "available": 104, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "v_Z1fcwrkhm7PgvfGylWx", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20723, "section": "WR07", "size": 30, "enrolled": 23, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 408, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 408, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20724, "section": "WR06", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 408, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 408, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20725, "section": "WR05", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 408, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 408, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20727, "section": "WR03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 18, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 408, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 408, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20728, "section": "WR02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Schulz, 408, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Schulz, 408, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20729, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 18, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 408, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 408, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "5787": {"id": "xXC49NjSrJBOWLbAgrKQw", "course_id": "110851", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110851", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Social Issues in Journalism", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MDIA", "CATALOG_NBR": "2338", "CLASS_NBR": 25555, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100703", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 contact hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MDIA 3328", "ASSESSMENT": "Online quizzes, Argument Essay, Research Essay, Participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will provide students with an in depth and sophisticated understanding of the major social, cultural and political factors shaping journalism in liberal democracies today. Students will gain an appreciation of the ways in which journalistic practices, values and ethics are shaped by, and shape, the surrounding social environment. A critical approach to important issues \u2013 from Black Lives Matter to Google news \u2013 will equip students with the necessary tools to be able to identify and negotiate industry debates and change the way journalism is done.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5788": {"id": "xXC49NjSrJBOWLbAgrKQw", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "EjARRlMTfbHH7Ggr4HzyW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28559, "section": "LEC0", "size": 120, "enrolled": 110, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "-qjXDUaAnigmcRpoTa9Z8", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25555, "section": "TU03", "size": 41, "enrolled": 39, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25556, "section": "TU02", "size": 41, "enrolled": 36, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25557, "section": "TU01", "size": 36, "enrolled": 35, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5789": {"id": "5F4WZ1WDL2olGzL-qrYlK", "course_id": "111246", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111246", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Media Policy and Media Law III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MDIA", "CATALOG_NBR": "3203", "CLASS_NBR": 11216, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100700", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 15 units of MDIA undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MDIA 2301, MDIA 2202", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, Case Study Review, Comparative Analysis, Essay, Participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course examines the various media law, policy and regulatory frameworks in Australia that affect media establishments and how they enhance or constrain media institutions and the public in their communication activities. It will also examine the media regulatory frameworks of other countries. The course will examine the success or failure of existing media policy and regulations in a technologically dynamic media environment.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5790": {"id": "5F4WZ1WDL2olGzL-qrYlK", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "UHNRW4C9EZ0kjK-tiVrJz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18626, "section": "LEC0", "size": 200, "enrolled": 100, "available": 100, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "Wko7nLGHQOfVJIS3fI8YV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11216, "section": "TU06", "size": 30, "enrolled": 11, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11217, "section": "TU04", "size": 35, "enrolled": 17, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11218, "section": "TU01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 12, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13065, "section": "TU05", "size": 35, "enrolled": 34, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13066, "section": "TU03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 21, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13067, "section": "TU02", "size": 35, "enrolled": 5, "available": 30, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 24 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5791": {"id": "-J7_y9NU5pFt9W8rvpYnN", "course_id": "109236", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109236", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Media Industry Transitions", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MDIA", "CATALOG_NBR": "3207", "CLASS_NBR": 11917, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100799", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to B Media and Media major students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 9 units of MDIA courses", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MDIA 3332", "ASSESSMENT": "Reflective analysis 30%, Host evaluation report or group presentation 20%, Final report 40%, Participation & professionalism 10%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course prepares students for the transition from undergraduate degree to professional employment and/or further study. Students choose one of two pathways. Pathway A involves a self-organised industry placement of 100 hours, and an opportunity to gain experience in a media industry sector by working with a supervisor in an internal or external host organisation. All placement paperwork must be completed and signed off prior to commencement. Pathway B allows students to design and undertake a self-directed desktop research project using public domain materials and focusing on an industry-relevant research question. The project can be a standalone piece of desktop research, or can be designed as a preliminary study for future research. Through industry and peer-to-peer networking activities, supported by a seminar program, Media Industry Transitions provides opportunities for students to put into practice and extend what they have learned throughout their degree.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5792": {"id": "-J7_y9NU5pFt9W8rvpYnN", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "AjhWsFF_iHtA1965QlMGz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11917, "section": "WR02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 21, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11918, "section": "WR01", "size": 65, "enrolled": 54, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5793": {"id": "hLDJVZGGjuYSrFO_J4OVk", "course_id": "109236", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109236", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Media Industry Transitions", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MDIA", "CATALOG_NBR": "3207", "CLASS_NBR": 21125, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100799", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to B Media and Media major students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 9 units of MDIA courses", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MDIA 3332", "ASSESSMENT": "Reflective analysis 30%, Host evaluation report or group presentation 20%, Final report 40%, Participation & professionalism 10%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course prepares students for the transition from undergraduate degree to professional employment and/or further study. Students choose one of two pathways. Pathway A involves a self-organised industry placement of 100 hours, and an opportunity to gain experience in a media industry sector by working with a supervisor in an internal or external host organisation. All placement paperwork must be completed and signed off prior to commencement. Pathway B allows students to design and undertake a self-directed desktop research project using public domain materials and focusing on an industry-relevant research question. The project can be a standalone piece of desktop research, or can be designed as a preliminary study for future research. Through industry and peer-to-peer networking activities, supported by a seminar program, Media Industry Transitions provides opportunities for students to put into practice and extend what they have learned throughout their degree.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5794": {"id": "hLDJVZGGjuYSrFO_J4OVk", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "xbIpxS-w5T33YvoqpiJxD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21125, "section": "WR02", "size": 40, "enrolled": 34, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21126, "section": "WR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 16, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5795": {"id": "yhuMknHJpAxZiev6_6W0j", "course_id": "107170", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107170", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Photographic Imaging IV", "CAMPUS": "Adelaide College of ArtsandDes", "CAMPUS_CD": "ACAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MDIA", "CATALOG_NBR": "3316", "CLASS_NBR": 10377, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100700", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "A quota of 22 applies", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMedia, BCtveArts students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MDIA 2213", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "A very high level of understanding of SLR camera operations and computer graphic applications, such as Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Lightroom", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written photographic Brief, Research, critique, skills development and feedback in visual diary, Presentation of high resolution Professional quality images, Presentation of a digital folio, Participation and attendance", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course builds on the photographic and visual communication skills acquired in Photographic Imaging III. It allows the student to specialise in a field or fields of their own choice by creating a study contract (in conjunction with staff) outlining their preferred area of learning. At the end of the course, the student will have produced an industry standard body of work suitable for marketing and promoting their skills and in an area that is of most interest and relevance to them. The course promotes a self-directed approach guided by interaction from staff and the appointment of an industry practitioner (photographer) acting as a mentor. This collaboration promotes the dissemination of current skills and the refinement of techniques in an environment that promotes experimentation, innovation and excellence.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5796": {"id": "yhuMknHJpAxZiev6_6W0j", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "LSRMXF-AkavBirIS13_tj", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10377, "section": "WR01", "size": 22, "enrolled": 8, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "External, TAFE, Adelaide City"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "External, TAFE, Adelaide City"}]}]}]}]}, "5797": {"id": "xtqSvb0E8sgh-bEuGMqU0", "course_id": "109208", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109208", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Popular Media: Text, Audience, Industry", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MDIA", "CATALOG_NBR": "3331", "CLASS_NBR": 11844, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100799", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MDIA 2306", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Weekly reading tests x 10, Group Textual Analysis, Group Audience analysis, Franchise report, Reflection on participation.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Popular franchise media dominate the contemporary English language screen media landscape. This course aims to analyse franchise media products from three separate directions: as texts, through audience analysis, and through examination of industrial structures. Students will work in teams, focusing on their choice (from given options) of franchise, applying the overlying theoretical and analytical frameworks to their specific case study. The first portion of the course will focus on the texts themselves, analysing how they make meaning using different media studies approaches. The second part of the course will focus on media users \u2013 fandoms and audiences \u2013 as well as interrogating the celebrity structures associated with the contemporary media industry. Thirdly, the industrial structures of mass media production will be investigated. The course work will build on the ideas and theories developed across the core courses in the media program, allowing students to apply their learning to a specific case study. The final assignment asks students to combine these three approaches into an integrated report on their franchise media product, demonstrating a cohesive understanding of the interdependence of text, industry, and audience.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5798": {"id": "xtqSvb0E8sgh-bEuGMqU0", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "y_ZCVuGbDFn5x_TZV9REx", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11844, "section": "SE02", "size": 60, "enrolled": 40, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5799": {"id": "XRSKF4yT5mcRH9g9hap3h", "course_id": "109601", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109601", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Long-form Journalism", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MDIA", "CATALOG_NBR": "3333", "CLASS_NBR": 10378, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100703", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Priority is given to BMedia students enrolled in the Journalism major but available to other students who meet the prerequisites", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MDIA 1021 or MDIA 2333 or MDIA 2334", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MDIA 3329", "ASSESSMENT": "Presentation, Minor Long-form piece, Research and planning report, Major long-form piece", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides students with an opportunity to explore ideas of journalism as storytelling, and to develop and apply skills in researching, writing and producing long-form journalism across a range of media platforms. Students will critically engage with feature writing, documentary, podcasting and web journalism to inform and develop their own practice in these areas.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5800": {"id": "XRSKF4yT5mcRH9g9hap3h", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "qab-lszHviKshA8jr5_Xq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10378, "section": "WR01", "size": 32, "enrolled": 23, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 407, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 407, Keyboard Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "5801": {"id": "62dNDkrfM9bhjmTxkpOmw", "course_id": "110132", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110132", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "The Digital Image", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MDIA", "CATALOG_NBR": "3336", "CLASS_NBR": 21149, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100799", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 12 units of undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "At least 6 units of MDIA courses", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, Media Analysis, Portfolio and Exegesis, Participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Every time we take a photo, peruse social media, or scroll Netflix, we see and use digital images. What makes us look and keep looking? How are these images affecting us? What role does context and culture play in the meanings the images generate? This course unites theoretical perspectives and understandings of the digital image with media analysis, critical and creative thinking, photography workshops, and reflective practice to encourage you to consider the specific challenges and opportunities of digital technology and culture. We will examine key media texts, technologies, and examples of the intersection between visuality and the digital. Using smart phones and digital cameras, this course encourages you to become a mobile and dynamic photographer. You will become a critically reflective practitioner and develop your technical and professional photography skills while also learning about digital culture, ethical practices, and the contemporary media ecology. We will consider emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, non-fungible tokens, and crypto, as well as Instagram filters, selfies, and archiving.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5802": {"id": "62dNDkrfM9bhjmTxkpOmw", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "DN6_KdU6_dcj0TOW0JBVd", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28560, "section": "LEC0", "size": 110, "enrolled": 100, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "mguzkVAY3fKS29djqVuGo", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21149, "section": "WR03", "size": 34, "enrolled": 33, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 407, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "27 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 407, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 407, Keyboard Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22407, "section": "WR01", "size": 33, "enrolled": 33, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 407, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "29 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 407, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 407, Keyboard Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24883, "section": "WR02", "size": 34, "enrolled": 34, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Schulz, 407, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "27 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Schulz, 407, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Schulz, 407, Keyboard Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "5803": {"id": "V8YJf54kXzYFlmZ-3gIYf", "course_id": "110133", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110133", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Immersive Media Production Project", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MDIA", "CATALOG_NBR": "3337", "CLASS_NBR": 22408, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100799", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Students enrolled in B Media (Immersive Media)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MDIA 2224", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Proposal, Project, Exegesis", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an opportunity for students to work on a collaborative project either focused on immersive media or across media fields. Students will extend their understanding and knowledge of immersive media by preparing a project proposal, undertaking a production-focused project and reflecting on their experiences. The work produced will contribute to their professional portfolio and will provide opportunities to consolidate, synthesise and extend their learning in their chosen area. Where possible, projects will be undertaken with students in other media specialisations to maximise opportunities for self-directed and collaborative learning.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5804": {"id": "V8YJf54kXzYFlmZ-3gIYf", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "bJVQGu66TJVe7XBaa9aiT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22408, "section": "WR01", "size": 7, "enrolled": 6, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S118, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S118, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "5805": {"id": "0XUmTk6C6rWlsuWXYrOWK", "course_id": "110134", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110134", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Social Media & Digital Promotion: Project", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MDIA", "CATALOG_NBR": "3338", "CLASS_NBR": 22409, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100799", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Students enrolled in B Media (Social Media and Digital Promotion)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MDIA 2227", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Proposal 30%, Project 40%, Exegesis 30%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an opportunity for students to work on a collaborative project either focused on social media and digital promotion or across media fields. Students will extend their understanding and knowledge of social media and digital promotion by preparing a project proposal, undertaking a production-focused project and reflecting on their experiences. The work produced will contribute to their professional portfolio and will provide opportunities to consolidate, synthesise and extend their learning in their chosen area. Where possible, projects will be undertaken with students in other media specialisations to maximise opportunities for self-directed and collaborative learning.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5806": {"id": "0XUmTk6C6rWlsuWXYrOWK", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "YNCHyrimhCv_6BOy84OiR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22409, "section": "WR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 8, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Schulz, 407, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Schulz, 407, Keyboard Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "5807": {"id": "1S0ngn3PvU8TvY8_1YGW9", "course_id": "110135", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110135", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Story Production Project", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MDIA", "CATALOG_NBR": "3339", "CLASS_NBR": 22410, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100799", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Students enrolled in B Media (Story Production)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Proposal 30%, Project 40%, Exegesis 30%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an opportunity for students to work on a collaborative project either focused on story production or across media fields. Students will extend their understanding and knowledge of story production by preparing a project proposal, undertaking a production-focused project and reflecting on their experiences. The work produced will contribute to their professional portfolio and will provide opportunities to consolidate, synthesise and extend their learning in their chosen area. Where possible, projects will be undertaken with students in other media specialisations to maximise opportunities for self-directed and collaborative learning.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5808": {"id": "1S0ngn3PvU8TvY8_1YGW9", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "sfYQig8ygVE7nBSNH-fjz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22410, "section": "WR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 3, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S118, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S118, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "5809": {"id": "7ZNMpWojVACBJwrOBvKX3", "course_id": "110136", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110136", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Visual Design Production Project", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MDIA", "CATALOG_NBR": "3340", "CLASS_NBR": 25138, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100799", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Students enrolled in B Media (Visual Design)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MDIA 2222", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Proposal 30%, Project 40%, Exegesis 30%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an opportunity for students to work on a collaborative project either focused on visual design or across media fields. Students will extend their understanding and knowledge of visual design by preparing a project proposal, undertaking a production-focused project and reflecting on their experiences. The work produced will contribute to their professional portfolio and will provide opportunities to consolidate, synthesise and extend their learning in their chosen area. Where possible, projects will be undertaken with students in other media specialisations to maximise opportunities for self-directed and collaborative learning.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5810": {"id": "7ZNMpWojVACBJwrOBvKX3", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "IsHkfcADyq7AszQa5hfHh", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25138, "section": "WR01", "size": 19, "enrolled": 18, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S118, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S118, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "5811": {"id": "LaynxIWYJ9LjLx-1Qrpgv", "course_id": "110130", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110130", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Digital Promotion", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MDIA", "CATALOG_NBR": "3341", "CLASS_NBR": 24938, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100799", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 contact hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MDIA 1002 or MDIA 1014OL or MARKETNG 2506 or MARKETNG 2506OUA (Prereq not required by B.Media/Media Major/Minor students", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MDIA 7004", "ASSESSMENT": "Social media audit and analysis, Portfolio and exegesis, Participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, you will develop advanced knowledge and practical skills in digital promotion. You will enhance your skills in communicating and promoting a range of brands and identities - including personal brands, businesses, charities, and sporting clubs - in a rapidly changing digital environment. Topics covered will include social media management, using and interpreting social media analytics, and digital content production. Advanced Digital Promotion can be taken as part of the Social Media and Digital Promotion major or as a standalone third-year elective.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5812": {"id": "LaynxIWYJ9LjLx-1Qrpgv", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "yJlMefVCYeIAjgeFkrSEe", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28561, "section": "LEC0", "size": 160, "enrolled": 146, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "CZ_jSBnnSFGMaCljFVnWA", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24938, "section": "TU05", "size": 32, "enrolled": 33, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S118, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S118, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24939, "section": "TU03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25558, "section": "TU02", "size": 32, "enrolled": 31, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S118, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S118, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25559, "section": "TU01", "size": 32, "enrolled": 25, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S118, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S118, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 28656, "section": "TU04", "size": 32, "enrolled": 28, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S118, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S118, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "5813": {"id": "T4peFuCxQXxiSPAjuBerj", "course_id": "110858", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110858", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Journalism Capstone", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MDIA", "CATALOG_NBR": "3343", "CLASS_NBR": 26515, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100703", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 contact hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(MDIA 2338 or MDIA 3328) and MDIA 3333", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Journalism Project Proposal, Major Journalism Project, Reflection on Major Project, Participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will allow students to undertake a journalism \u2018passion project\u2019 in which they explore different ideas around journalism production, theory and practice. Students will produce a piece of journalism by choosing their own medium, approach and style. They will then reflect on this production, and what their particular project adds to and says about journalism today. The course will provide students with cutting edge journalism practice skills while situating their work in wider theoretical debates around best practice and the future of journalism.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5814": {"id": "T4peFuCxQXxiSPAjuBerj", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "TPZEJbFdacaKaQvYmShuc", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26515, "section": "SE02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 15, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S106, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "5815": {"id": "ek5qjnyQ9gThBK6IfdsY3", "course_id": "111440", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111440", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Youth, Digital Media & Risk", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MDIA", "CATALOG_NBR": "3344", "CLASS_NBR": 14627, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100799", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 contact hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "At least 12 units of undergraduate study", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Group Report, Individual group report reflection, essay", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides students with an understanding of contemporary youth risks related to their digital media use in everyday life. Its key focus will be on how young people engage in and negotiate risks. How do young people navigate the gendered challenges of online dating? What are their experiences of precarity in the digital economy? From interrogating common myths like 'digital natives', to nuanced analyses of how and why young people share nudes on social media, this course moves students between an examination of theoretical and empirical accounts of contemporary youth digital cultures, concepts of risk, and broader social theories that can be used to understand and approach digital youth culture phenomena.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5816": {"id": "ek5qjnyQ9gThBK6IfdsY3", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Ahqi8U3qwPT9BDCrsj7UJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18627, "section": "LEC0", "size": 120, "enrolled": 75, "available": 45, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "S3h6qXbJNpxwL5rpr77S1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14627, "section": "WR04", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S118, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S118, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14628, "section": "WR03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 17, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S118, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S118, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14629, "section": "WR02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S118, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S118, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "5817": {"id": "s84icDHOjB-VvG8QS8Xdn", "course_id": "107228", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107228", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Media Research Methods", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MDIA", "CATALOG_NBR": "4002", "CLASS_NBR": 10949, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100700", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "A credit standard in undergraduate study, which is usually determined by a minimum requirement of 70% average in all Level II and Level III courses taken at undergraduate level.", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MDIA 7007", "ASSESSMENT": "Short essay x 2, Group presentation, Research design for Honours thesis.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course supports students to develop an advanced understanding of a range of approaches to research within media studies. Discipline specific approaches to online research and qualitative methods are complimented by exploration of qualitative and computational research. As well as critically engaging with a range of advanced media methodologies and research frameworks, students will address research at the applied, theoretical and philosophical levels, and includes weekly insights from active researchers into how these methods are used in their research. Some key questions include: What role does previous literature play in ongoing research? How do the methods we choose in our research shape the kinds of knowledge we produce? What kinds of insights can be gained through different methodologies? What are the politics and ethics of different research methods? What are the central themes of media research and why? How do you structure a research proposal? How do you find and keep track of resources? How do you structure a literature review? How do you structure an argument? Throughout the course, students gain practical experience in a range of approaches to research design and data analysis, use this to develop a research design appropriate for a thesis project at Honour\u2019s level study.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5818": {"id": "s84icDHOjB-VvG8QS8Xdn", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "HxlWj8a-je0OrNBjC4Q18", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10949, "section": "SE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 3, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5819": {"id": "tttAJLq73mDfIr9ENbaT6", "course_id": "107229", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107229", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Media Thesis", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MDIA", "CATALOG_NBR": "4003", "CLASS_NBR": 25849, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100700", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 1 hour per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "A Credit standard in undergraduate study, which is usually determined by a minimum requirement of 70% average in all Level II and Level III courses taken at undergraduate level.", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "15,000 word thesis (100%) or Media Honours Project - approx 15 min video; 60 min radio; eq. 10,000 words multimedia (50%) plus a 6000-8000 word Project Exegesis (50%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of the Honours program is to provide students with a stronger and more focused intellectual context in which to carry out research in their areas of specialisation in the media. It is designed to extend the academic and creative synergies of the Bachelor of Media Degree into higher degree and professional industry application. \nIt is expected that by the end of the program students would be able to carry out independent research in either a higher degree or an industry-related specialisation. It is also expected that students would have developed awareness and critical skills necessary for a proper understanding of the ethical implications of professional and scholarly conduct.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5820": {"id": "tttAJLq73mDfIr9ENbaT6", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "VWEoqVa1ZhN-Wqrodhv60", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25849, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 3, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "5821": {"id": "c0f5Tb941qd15gXNZlglJ", "course_id": "108590", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108590", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Advanced Media Theory", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MDIA", "CATALOG_NBR": "4100", "CLASS_NBR": 10379, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100700", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "A Credit standard in undergraduate study, which is usually determined by a minimum requirement of 70% average in all Level II and Level III courses taken at undergraduate level.", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MDIA 4001", "ASSESSMENT": "1000 word summary essay , 2500 word short essay, 4000 word major essay, seminar participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to provide students with a range of advanced media theories, methodologies and research frameworks to carry out sophisticated research. It focuses on research theories relevant to the exploration of cultures and requires students to carry out activities that relate to contemporary media research and, where relevant, draw their major project dissertation or creative work closer to questions around research in the 21st Century. A major theme running through the course is the historical, cultural and social significance of the media as one of the most important contemporary topics debated in both academic research circles and the public sphere.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5822": {"id": "c0f5Tb941qd15gXNZlglJ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "gp6AXVsy2mHOJ5I8TVTa8", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10379, "section": "SE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 3, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5823": {"id": "XX98Bv7v29jDz4tMZp397", "course_id": "109385", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109385", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Media Master Thesis", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MDIA", "CATALOG_NBR": "7003", "CLASS_NBR": 10944, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100700", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "M.Media programs", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Complete 6 units of research training courses", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MDIA 7008, MDIA 7014A, MDIA 7014B", "ASSESSMENT": "Key Research Investigation 8000 words, Long-form Essay, Active Participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides students with the opportunity to undertake an original and independent media-based project of their own choice. The dissertation style project will be the result of planning, research and writing that will help the student to further develop academic skills, in research, critical analysis and writing, to an advanced level. Students will be supervised by an academic staff member in a workshop format. The supervisor will help with the development of the research topic and questions and provide regular support and feedback for the students. The combination of independent research with the guidance and support of the academic supervisor is the essential learning and teaching part of this final year component of the Media Master program", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5824": {"id": "XX98Bv7v29jDz4tMZp397", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "19V6ZP7kB7Ig-P195_hPS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10944, "section": "SE02", "size": 15, "enrolled": 7, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 215, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 215, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5825": {"id": "5_6KmZ_Ha_cSn7cd2qbw_", "course_id": "109385", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109385", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Media Master Thesis", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MDIA", "CATALOG_NBR": "7003", "CLASS_NBR": 22775, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100700", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "M.Media programs", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Complete 6 units of research training courses", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MDIA 7008, MDIA 7014A, MDIA 7014B", "ASSESSMENT": "Key Research Investigation 8000 words, Long-form Essay, Active Participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides students with the opportunity to undertake an original and independent media-based project of their own choice. The dissertation style project will be the result of planning, research and writing that will help the student to further develop academic skills, in research, critical analysis and writing, to an advanced level. Students will be supervised by an academic staff member in a workshop format. The supervisor will help with the development of the research topic and questions and provide regular support and feedback for the students. The combination of independent research with the guidance and support of the academic supervisor is the essential learning and teaching part of this final year component of the Media Master program", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5826": {"id": "5_6KmZ_Ha_cSn7cd2qbw_", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "h6BtFwOnukbnL_a2_CMv0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22775, "section": "SE01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 14, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 24 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Aug - 7 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Aug - 21 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Sep - 4 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 2 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5827": {"id": "imSPgtCbml--dGWjG9eg7", "course_id": "110178", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110178", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Social Media Management", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MDIA", "CATALOG_NBR": "7004", "CLASS_NBR": 22778, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100799", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MDIA 3341", "ASSESSMENT": "Social media audit and analysis, Portfolio of practical media production, Social Media Strategy Proposal.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course equips you with advanced skills in social media management. You will enhance your skills in communicating and promoting brands and identities (including businesses, charities, sporting clubs and personal brands) in a rapidly changing media environment. You will develop knowledge of digital content strategy, planning and evaluating digital communication, and using and interpreting social media analytics. You will also develop your practical skills in digital content creation and produce a portfolio of practical media work.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5828": {"id": "imSPgtCbml--dGWjG9eg7", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "_7FUwI7tyIBEG9hpdJTDo", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22778, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 27, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S106, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "5829": {"id": "q-oj2Tc1VHwEm1vnUs-yE", "course_id": "110179", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110179", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Media Relations", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MDIA", "CATALOG_NBR": "7005", "CLASS_NBR": 12915, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100799", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MDIA 2227", "ASSESSMENT": "Online activities, media release and exegesis, communication plan", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces you to the theory and practice of media relations. It focuses on the role of media relations in a rapidly changing media environment, with an emphasis on the needs and expectations of different media, how to build effective media relationships, and the communication strategies used within the NGO, government and corporate sectors. You will enhance your understanding of media relations strategies and tactics across a variety of contexts and media platforms, design and plan a media campaign, and develop practical skills in media relations writing, research, strategy and evaluation", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5830": {"id": "q-oj2Tc1VHwEm1vnUs-yE", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "OOa-YqNAk--LRtcitjhhn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18629, "section": "LEC0", "size": 60, "enrolled": 41, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "b3yNYWBb5jT4PWKy50nF0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12915, "section": "WR02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 16, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 408, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "1 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 408, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15542, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 25, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 408, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 408, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "5831": {"id": "zLyGJt4v5X2_cdjar3N_i", "course_id": "110180", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110180", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Risk and Crisis Communication", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MDIA", "CATALOG_NBR": "7006", "CLASS_NBR": 18617, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100799", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Essay, Group presentation/pitch, Exegesis", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course focuses on the role of strategic communication in managing situations of risk and crisis. You will consider risk and crisis communication in local, national and international contexts and across NGO, government and corporate sectors. You will identify issues and strategies for managing risks, plan effective communication strategies to prevent issues from becoming risks, and examine how new technologies and a changing media environment can influence the response of stakeholders. Other topics covered include issues of trust, credibility and control; corporate social responsibility (CSR); and the ethical and legal requirements for communications practitioners in Australia.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5832": {"id": "zLyGJt4v5X2_cdjar3N_i", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "Lkl6n5Mn-3ozCHgmkKGzT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14582, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 17, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 408, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 408, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18617, "section": "WR03", "size": 34, "enrolled": 29, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 407, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 407, Keyboard Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "5833": {"id": "NyLS1yZTHTHqp43lWYPSb", "course_id": "110181", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110181", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Media Masters Research Methods", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MDIA", "CATALOG_NBR": "7007", "CLASS_NBR": 10948, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100799", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Conversion pathway students (48 units) should have completed at least 12 units of Masters of Media (Strat Comm) or MIMT level coursework prior to enrolling in MDIA 7007", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MDIA 4002", "ASSESSMENT": "Short essay x 2, Group Presentation, Research design for thesis.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course supports students to develop an advanced understanding of a range of approaches to research within media studies. Discipline specific approaches to online research and qualitative methods are complimented by exploration of qualitative and computational research. As well as critically engaging with a range of advanced media methodologies and research frameworks, students will address research at the applied, theoretical and philosophical levels, and includes weekly insights from active researchers into how these methods are used in their research. Some key questions include: What role does previous literature play in ongoing research? How do the methods we choose in our research shape the kinds of knowledge we produce? What kinds of insights can be gained through different methodologies? What are the politics and ethics of different research methods? What are the central themes of media research and why? How do you structure a research proposal? How do you find and keep track of resources? How do you structure a literature review? How do you structure an argument? Throughout the course, students gain practical experience in a range of approaches to research design and data analysis, and use this to develop a research design appropriate for a thesis project at Master\u2019s level study.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5834": {"id": "NyLS1yZTHTHqp43lWYPSb", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "0Utxr-SOELa7Lorx3JtYC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10948, "section": "SE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 27, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5835": {"id": "-_QDh_v4lRx0V7SEhiHSu", "course_id": "110182", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110182", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Media Masters Research Project", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MDIA", "CATALOG_NBR": "7008", "CLASS_NBR": 16200, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100799", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 1 hour per week supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "M. Media Programs", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Complete 6 units of research training courses", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "6 units from MDIA 7007, EDUC 7020, EDUC 7054 and/or EDUC 7055", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MDIA 7003, MDIA 7014A, MDIA 7014B", "ASSESSMENT": "15,000 word research thesis 100% OR Industry or practice-based project: practical work equivalent to 8000 words plus 6000-8000 word exegesis", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In the Media Masters Research Project, you will undertake advanced level research in the discipline of Media. Working with an assigned supervisor on an agreed topic of your choice, you will develop and design an independent research project in an industry-related specialisation. You will extend and apply the academic and industry knowledge you have gained throughout your coursework subjects to \u2018traditional\u2019, industry- or practice-based research. This work may serve as a stepping stone to a professional industry pathway or a research higher degree.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5836": {"id": "-_QDh_v4lRx0V7SEhiHSu", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "ShJKCRZVL5OSXwegqqVM5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16200, "section": "01NT", "size": 15, "enrolled": 8, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "5837": {"id": "lLnGe67h4zxjzz50k_znR", "course_id": "110182", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110182", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Media Masters Research Project", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MDIA", "CATALOG_NBR": "7008", "CLASS_NBR": 26212, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100799", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 1 hour per week supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "M. Media Programs", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Complete 6 units of research training courses", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "6 units from MDIA 7007, EDUC 7020, EDUC 7054 and/or EDUC 7055", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MDIA 7003, MDIA 7014A, MDIA 7014B", "ASSESSMENT": "15,000 word research thesis 100% OR Industry or practice-based project: practical work equivalent to 8000 words plus 6000-8000 word exegesis", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In the Media Masters Research Project, you will undertake advanced level research in the discipline of Media. Working with an assigned supervisor on an agreed topic of your choice, you will develop and design an independent research project in an industry-related specialisation. You will extend and apply the academic and industry knowledge you have gained throughout your coursework subjects to \u2018traditional\u2019, industry- or practice-based research. This work may serve as a stepping stone to a professional industry pathway or a research higher degree.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5838": {"id": "lLnGe67h4zxjzz50k_znR", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "FTfharfU1RmERq1Gn71nC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26212, "section": "01NT", "size": 15, "enrolled": 14, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "5839": {"id": "cuFozqWsWHTtETDbC5DyX", "course_id": "110183", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110183", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Leadership in Strategic Communication", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MDIA", "CATALOG_NBR": "7009", "CLASS_NBR": 28603, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100799", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to students enrolled in the Master of Media, GradDip, and GCert (Strategic Communication) only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "12 units of Level VII MDIA courses", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Internship Pathway: Reflective analysis, Host evaluation, Final report, Participation and professionalism. Industry Research Pathway: Reflective analysis, Research or professional development report, Participation and professionalism", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will focus on professional development in strategic communication. You will learn about different career paths, and will focus on topics including career planning, leadership and management skills, workplace communication, freelancing, and workplace culture. You will have the choice of two pathways. Pathway A involves a self-organised industry internship of 100 hours. You will gain experience in your chosen industry sector by working with a supervisor in an internal or external host organisation. All placements must be approved and all paperwork completed prior to commencement. Pathway B allows you to design and undertake a self-directed research or professional development project, as approved by the Course Coordinator. You will identify an industry-relevant research question or professional development strategy related to your career goals and industry interests. Through industry and peer-to-peer networking activities, supported by a seminar program, this course will enhance your understanding of contemporary industry trends and workplace cultures, and assist you in the transition to the next phase of your career.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5840": {"id": "cuFozqWsWHTtETDbC5DyX", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "NXjk_tkOmWafs1OMEgdtw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28604, "section": "TU01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 36, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5841": {"id": "t443ogPsKw8x_c_U4LOrt", "course_id": "110471", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110471", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Immersive Media Design", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MDIA", "CATALOG_NBR": "7010", "CLASS_NBR": 14583, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100700", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online Activities 15%, Written Assignment 35%, Design Brief 50%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The design paradigms associated with immersive media technology are in a constant state of experimental change. Adequate design choices not only provide users with comfortable immersive technology experiences, but also have the potential to impact platform dependency and technological applicability. In this course, students will form deep contextual understanding of the physiological and technological design paradigms associated with immersive media development. Through facilitated hands-on experimentation with various platforms, software frameworks and game-engines, students will form critical analysis of existing systems of design and develop new knowledge in relation to next-generation technologies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5842": {"id": "t443ogPsKw8x_c_U4LOrt", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "z95dHZ6ZvPPp5ezR73QZ_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18632, "section": "LEC0", "size": 36, "enrolled": 12, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "qIrgGmme0t4DshqQhK-bp", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14583, "section": "WR01", "size": 19, "enrolled": 12, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Napier, 203, Virtual Reality Lab"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Napier, 203, Virtual Reality Lab"}]}]}]}]}, "5843": {"id": "FEDimNPfbCnFURhUoyGkR", "course_id": "110470", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110470", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Immersive Media Asset Generation", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MDIA", "CATALOG_NBR": "7011", "CLASS_NBR": 25131, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100700", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MDIA 7010", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online Activities 25%, Practical Assignment 1 35%, Practical Assignment 2 40%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Without digital assets, immersive media content would not be immersive. Asset generation in this space can differ from other mediums, as robust optimisation is paramount to success. In this course, students will cover all aspects of asset creation/development for immersive media technologies \u2013 everything from 3D modelling, photogrammetry, and texturing through to audio recording and sound design. Students will have the opportunity to become adept at using numerous industry standard software packages and platforms, as well as receiving guidance to experiment with their own artistic visions.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5844": {"id": "FEDimNPfbCnFURhUoyGkR", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "xZMj5HhWEMvKzBhjCWgrG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28566, "section": "LEC0", "size": 36, "enrolled": 11, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "rARnxpl5J_xqv5XUlcGjg", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25131, "section": "WR01", "size": 19, "enrolled": 11, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Napier, 203, Virtual Reality Lab"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Napier, 203, Virtual Reality Lab"}]}]}]}]}, "5845": {"id": "gGzc17zXknos5rgPHv6ei", "course_id": "110472", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110472", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Immersive Media Business", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MDIA", "CATALOG_NBR": "7012", "CLASS_NBR": 14584, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100700", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online Activities 20%, Written Assignment 40%, Technical Forecast 40%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The immersive media industry is one of the fastest growing, most applicably diverse media areas we have witnessed for decades. In this course, students will not only explore the historical milestones that have brought us to this level of technological feasibility, but also the business practices currently in use within both entertainment and simulation contexts. Students will additionally have the opportunity to explore the ethical controversies/concerns facing the immersive media industry as it matures.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5846": {"id": "gGzc17zXknos5rgPHv6ei", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "D3vUDAvLYS_YzHajUjsLj", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18641, "section": "LEC0", "size": 36, "enrolled": 11, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "1WmqRH88kVXdeXFFiXE5o", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14584, "section": "WR01", "size": 19, "enrolled": 11, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Napier, 203, Virtual Reality Lab"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Napier, 203, Virtual Reality Lab"}]}]}]}]}, "5847": {"id": "Trn13p9UDKlbwOHzcPqri", "course_id": "110473", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110473", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Immersive Media Development", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MDIA", "CATALOG_NBR": "7013", "CLASS_NBR": 24529, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100700", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MDIA 7010", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online Activities 20%, Applied Assignment 1 20%, Applied Assignment 2 60%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, students will author and develop cutting-edge standalone immersive media experiences. Students will not only have the opportunity to explore managerial methods and techniques commonly used in the immersive media industry, but will also cover technical topics relevant to next-generation creative professionals. These topics include game-engine use and initial setup methods, SDK (Software Development Kit) integration, asset management, lighting techniques, rendering methods, coding and scripting differences, and platform-oriented final build optimisation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5848": {"id": "Trn13p9UDKlbwOHzcPqri", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "ArLxECIyGtHq8Sz1KxPQm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28573, "section": "LEC0", "size": 36, "enrolled": 11, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "vvFH0wuoOplYx7BY2kDpZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24529, "section": "WR01", "size": 19, "enrolled": 11, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Napier, 203, Virtual Reality Lab"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Napier, 203, Virtual Reality Lab"}]}]}]}]}, "5849": {"id": "r10erYrVwmBBGkh0Ok7wT", "course_id": "110560", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110560", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Media Masters Research Project A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MDIA", "CATALOG_NBR": "7014A", "CLASS_NBR": 16230, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100799", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 1 hour per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to students completing their M. Media program part-time only.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Complete 3 units of research training courses", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MDIA 7008, MDIA 7003", "ASSESSMENT": "15,000 word research thesis or Industry or practice-based project 100%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "You will undertake advanced level research in the discipline of Media. Working with an assigned supervisor on an agreed topic of your choice, you will develop and design an independent research project in an industry-related specialisation. You will extend and apply the academic and industry knowledge you have gained throughout your coursework subjects to traditional, industry- or practice-based research. This work may serve as a stepping stone to a professional industry pathway or a research higher degree.\nNote: Media Masters Research A is for students undertaking the Media Masters Research Project part-time over more than one semester; you will also need to complete Media Masters Research B. If you intend to undertake your research project full-time in one semester, you should enrol in MDIA 7008 Media Masters Research Project.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "5850": {"id": "r10erYrVwmBBGkh0Ok7wT", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "vVhEf9VGjNSBlaEC-DRpz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16230, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "5851": {"id": "M9dzxYUUC-YSj69_l7hhF", "course_id": "110560", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110560", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Media Masters Research Project A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MDIA", "CATALOG_NBR": "7014A", "CLASS_NBR": 26243, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100799", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 1 hour per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to students completing their M. Media program part-time only.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Complete 3 units of research training courses", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MDIA 7008, MDIA 7003", "ASSESSMENT": "15,000 word research thesis or Industry or practice-based project 100%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "You will undertake advanced level research in the discipline of Media. Working with an assigned supervisor on an agreed topic of your choice, you will develop and design an independent research project in an industry-related specialisation. You will extend and apply the academic and industry knowledge you have gained throughout your coursework subjects to traditional, industry- or practice-based research. This work may serve as a stepping stone to a professional industry pathway or a research higher degree.\nNote: Media Masters Research A is for students undertaking the Media Masters Research Project part-time over more than one semester; you will also need to complete Media Masters Research B. If you intend to undertake your research project full-time in one semester, you should enrol in MDIA 7008 Media Masters Research Project.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "5852": {"id": "M9dzxYUUC-YSj69_l7hhF", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "GYYIJ0OJ5DhOB0KP8y4LQ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26243, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "5853": {"id": "DcexHdLNQl7bEzEY83M9j", "course_id": "110561", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110561", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Media Masters Research Project B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MDIA", "CATALOG_NBR": "7014B", "CLASS_NBR": 16231, "SESSION_CD": "FM2", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100799", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 1 hour per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to students completing their M. Media program part-time only.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Complete 3 units of research training courses", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MDIA 7008, MDIA 7003", "ASSESSMENT": "15,000 word research thesis or Industry or practice-based project 100%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "You will undertake advanced level research in the discipline of Media. Working with an assigned supervisor on an agreed topic of your choice, you will develop and design an independent research project in an industry-related specialisation. You will extend and apply the academic and industry knowledge you have gained throughout your coursework subjects to traditional, industry- or practice-based research. This work may serve as a stepping stone to a professional industry pathway or a research higher degree.\nNote: Media Masters Research B is for students undertaking the Media Masters Research Project part-time over more than one semester; you will also need to complete Media Masters Research A. If you intend to undertake your research project full-time in one semester, you should enrol in MDIA 7008 Media Masters Research Project.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5854": {"id": "DcexHdLNQl7bEzEY83M9j", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "GCz9DeNwobd5JVuFCkBEV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16231, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "5855": {"id": "TZ1NdXPJHjiJFEfOMWK2v", "course_id": "110561", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110561", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Media Masters Research Project B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MDIA", "CATALOG_NBR": "7014B", "CLASS_NBR": 26244, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100799", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 1 hour per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to students completing their M. Media program part-time only.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Complete 3 units of research training courses", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MDIA 7008, MDIA 7003", "ASSESSMENT": "15,000 word research thesis or Industry or practice-based project 100%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "You will undertake advanced level research in the discipline of Media. Working with an assigned supervisor on an agreed topic of your choice, you will develop and design an independent research project in an industry-related specialisation. You will extend and apply the academic and industry knowledge you have gained throughout your coursework subjects to traditional, industry- or practice-based research. This work may serve as a stepping stone to a professional industry pathway or a research higher degree.\nNote: Media Masters Research B is for students undertaking the Media Masters Research Project part-time over more than one semester; you will also need to complete Media Masters Research A. If you intend to undertake your research project full-time in one semester, you should enrol in MDIA 7008 Media Masters Research Project.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5856": {"id": "TZ1NdXPJHjiJFEfOMWK2v", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "kCOWpXMzUBdCsZniNQa6A", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26244, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "5857": {"id": "c0tc9NWOw-badG2tRVo8V", "course_id": "111420", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111420", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Communicating with Impact", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MDIA", "CATALOG_NBR": "7015", "CLASS_NBR": 28544, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100799", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Verbal Presentation, Written Task, Communication Plan", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Strategic communication is used to listen, persuade, promote, lead, manage, organise - to make an impact. Communicating with Impact focuses on the development and application of professional communication in a range of sectors and contexts. You will learn how to apply communication and public relations theories to communicate strategically with the public in corporate, not-for-profit, government and public sector contexts. This includes creating impactful communication in written and spoken format, and across a range of media platforms. You will develop an understanding of how to use research to set communication objectives, how to set meaningful objectives, how to craft culturally appropriate communication that makes an impact, and how to evaluate the success of your activities. This course provides a grounding in the key concepts that will continue to be built on throughout your degree.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5858": {"id": "c0tc9NWOw-badG2tRVo8V", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "-3xDaXVmmmYc1AIxE4D6D", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28574, "section": "LEC0", "size": 60, "enrolled": 59, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "KdflPTBwsujjg9kHhqElf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28544, "section": "TU02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, 106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, 106, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 28545, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S118, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S118, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "5859": {"id": "Uf9GVl9VnG-JZxVHCU8Bi", "course_id": "111265", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111265", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Virtual Reality Design and Development", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MDIA", "CATALOG_NBR": "7223", "CLASS_NBR": 13070, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online self guided, Reflective Essay, 3D modelling and Asset Generation, Game Engine (Practical Final Project).", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "VR (Virtual Reality), MR (Mixed Reality) and AR (Augmented Reality) are technologies that are quickly changing the way we consume media, play games, educate, and communicate. Research surrounding the use of these technologies is now prevalent in areas such as medicine, museum studies, psychology, architecture, historical visualisation and engineering, just to name a few. In this course, you will not onlycritically assess VR software design in relation to physiological impact from a research focused perspective, you will also acquire core production skills in 3D asset generation, immersive sound and game-engine manipulation for VR frameworks. This course culminates in you designing and creating your own stand-alone VR experience running on the latest HMDs (Head Mounted Displays).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5860": {"id": "Uf9GVl9VnG-JZxVHCU8Bi", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "pYfZkiwOf1Phf4lzMJBSY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18642, "section": "LEC0", "size": 20, "enrolled": 15, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "yHhyt_xEwcHEyd7E_Sehw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13070, "section": "TU01", "size": 19, "enrolled": 15, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Napier, 203, Virtual Reality Lab"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Napier, 203, Virtual Reality Lab"}]}]}]}]}, "5861": {"subject": "MECH ENG", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "103972", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "103972", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "103972", "term": "4420", "offer": 3}, {"course_id": "002137", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "101887", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "101893", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "101895", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104408", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104410", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "101879", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102460", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104413", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104414", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104415", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104416", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104417", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104419", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110532", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109851", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110965", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104434", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104437", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104439", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104441", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104429", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104442", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104443", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104446", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104447", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104450", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104450", "term": "4405", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "104454", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104458", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104462", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104464", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111633", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "101919", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "101920", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "101923", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "101924", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "101925", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "101926", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "101926", "term": "4405", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "101928", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "101929", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "101930", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "103545", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "103545", "term": "4410", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "103570", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "103910", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104223", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104223", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104224", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104224", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104430", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109442", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110005", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "103648", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "103976", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "103978", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105589", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105590", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105591", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105593", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105594", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105595", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105596", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110966", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111608", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110533", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110962", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}]}}, "5862": {"id": "suXVnTnYN1lvK1WD869xa", "course_id": "103972", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103972", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MECH ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "1007", "CLASS_NBR": 92114, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Total: 52 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MATHS 1011 or MATHS 1013.", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Mid-Semester test, assignments, laboratory classes and exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course teaches students how to apply Newtonian physics to analyse relatively simple physical mechanisms. - with some emphasis on commonly encountered engineering applications. It follows on from the Statics course, but considers systems that are not in equilibrium i.e. with velocity and acceleration. Some of the topics covered are pure kinematics (a mathematical description of motion only), while others are kinetic (determine motion in problems involving the concepts of force and energy). The course is restricted to 2-D (planar) mechanisms.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 09/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "5863": {"id": "suXVnTnYN1lvK1WD869xa", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "_DSDieXVMZgamKDkhWNDL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92114, "section": "TU01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 42, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Jan - 16 Feb", "days": "Wednesday, Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "4G3VQ-3sh00B9wZSLYrEW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92022, "section": "LE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 42, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Jan - 8 Feb", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "w6oyiLsgqPQ8dShjbIoWi", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92113, "section": "PR01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 42, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jan - 7 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "5864": {"id": "8njtm48qXyRwVvdKp2bgD", "course_id": "103972", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103972", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MECH ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "1007", "CLASS_NBR": 24138, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Total: 52 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MATHS 1011 or MATHS 1013.", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Mid-Semester test, assignments, laboratory classes and exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course teaches students how to apply Newtonian physics to analyse relatively simple physical mechanisms. - with some emphasis on commonly encountered engineering applications. It follows on from the Statics course, but considers systems that are not in equilibrium i.e. with velocity and acceleration. Some of the topics covered are pure kinematics (a mathematical description of motion only), while others are kinetic (determine motion in problems involving the concepts of force and energy). The course is restricted to 2-D (planar) mechanisms.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5865": {"id": "8njtm48qXyRwVvdKp2bgD", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "c1oGNSfmK0iXGSFbjqedC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24057, "section": "TU09", "size": 32, "enrolled": 28, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 4 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "18 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24058, "section": "TU08", "size": 45, "enrolled": 30, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S127, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S127, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S127, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S127, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 4 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S127, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "18 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S127, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24059, "section": "TU07", "size": 45, "enrolled": 41, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24060, "section": "TU06", "size": 45, "enrolled": 40, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 29 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "12 Aug - 12 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "7 Oct - 7 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 14 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "21 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24061, "section": "TU05", "size": 32, "enrolled": 26, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 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3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S127, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S127, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "r5tVFcF-3LrJI_16UWySo", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24066, "section": "WR01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 48, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24132, "section": "WR07", "size": 60, "enrolled": 37, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "11 Sep - 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21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "5866": {"id": "dEqfJLysNFiRE7CH4B_y-", "course_id": "103972", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103972", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MECH ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "1007UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 24745, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MATHS 1011 or MATHS 1013.", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Mid-Semester test, assignments, laboratory classes and exams", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course teaches students how to apply Newtonian physics to analyse relatively simple physical mechanisms. - with some emphasis on commonly encountered engineering applications. It follows on from the Statics course, but considers systems that are not in equilibrium i.e. with velocity and acceleration. Some of the topics covered are pure kinematics (a mathematical description of motion only), while others are kinetic (determine motion in problems involving the concepts of force and energy). The course is restricted to 2-D (planar) mechanisms.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5867": {"id": "dEqfJLysNFiRE7CH4B_y-", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "WUWWVIuEEncfD8xBN9OpB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23079, "section": "TU03", "size": 10, "enrolled": 8, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 31 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "14 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "28 Aug - 28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "RIKkKiCT9iGZx-hJUlS_4", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24078, "section": "PR04", "size": 6, "enrolled": 5, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 31 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "28 Aug - 28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24081, "section": "PR11", "size": 4, "enrolled": 3, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "14 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "piktqCyNLU-wO2oysrQQy", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24082, "section": "WR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 8, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "UHBHISNEnmC2NuGrKCqba", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20406, "section": "LE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 8, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22327, "section": "TT01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 8, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 103, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 103, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5868": {"id": "XtE_sMYWPQoAN2vCFxosm", "course_id": "002137", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "002137", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Stress Analysis & Design", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MECH ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "2002", "CLASS_NBR": 22249, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Mechanical) & associated double degree students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MECH ENG 1007 & (C&ENVENG 1010 or CEME 1004 or CIVILENG 1004)", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CEME 2001 or CIVILENG 2001", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, quizzes, finite element labs, laboratory experiments, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Concept of stress and strain, characterisation of stress-strain curves and failure of metals, plastics and wood, Hooke's law in tension/compression and shear, axially loaded members, Saint-Venant's principle, non-linear deformation, statically indeterminate structures, thermal stresses, torsion of circular bars and tubes, bending, stresses in beams, combined loading, deflection of beams, buckling instability, analysis of stress and strain, Mohr's circle, generalized Hooke's law, strain energy, energy methods, elementary theories of plasticity and failure, intro to design of columns, shafts, pressure vessels, welded joints, fasteners and springs and Finite Element Analysis.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5869": {"id": "XtE_sMYWPQoAN2vCFxosm", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "8t2OHMH-VeQzywuo0Mjlr", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22248, "section": "LE01", "size": 250, "enrolled": 241, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "25V0MJLInIr1CyIMDF_J-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22001, "section": "PR20", "size": 13, "enrolled": 12, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Sep - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115c, Flexible Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22002, "section": "PR19", "size": 13, "enrolled": 13, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Sep - 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27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115c, Flexible Lab"}, {"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22020, "section": "PR06", "size": 13, "enrolled": 13, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115c, Flexible Lab"}, {"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "pYK83pZPxlcj9nUuGA-B4", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22249, "section": "TU01", "size": 250, "enrolled": 241, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "id": "yLKGFV3tcbDWGjbzfVwQ_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25482, "section": "AS01", "size": 250, "enrolled": 241, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "5870": {"id": "6QVH6aIdap4PBWitLt0_E", "course_id": "101887", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "101887", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Dynamics & Control I", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MECH ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "2019", "CLASS_NBR": 24495, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to all programs offered by the School of Mechanical Engineering.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MECH ENG 1007, MATHS 2106 & ELEC ENG 1101", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, laboratory experiments, final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students will be introduced to various applications of feedback control systems and develop fundamentals associated with modelling, analysis, design and simulation of automatic control systems. This course also aims to introduce the basic concepts of machine dynamics and their engineering applications, and deals with the analysis, kinematic design and application of a variety of mechanisms.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5871": {"id": "6QVH6aIdap4PBWitLt0_E", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "GOgDN_HBAPDiNaJgF4aEk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24495, "section": "WR01", "size": 240, "enrolled": 233, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "gW44lfHYrxF3LsA_Ve9Mf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22028, "section": "PR05", "size": 21, "enrolled": 21, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Aug - 28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 2 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22029, "section": "PR04", "size": 21, "enrolled": 21, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Aug - 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4 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22035, "section": "PR07", "size": 21, "enrolled": 22, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Sep - 4 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22036, "section": "PR06", "size": 21, "enrolled": 21, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Aug - 28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 2 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22037, "section": "PR11", "size": 21, "enrolled": 19, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "21 Aug - 21 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}, {"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22038, "section": "PR10", "size": 21, "enrolled": 21, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "21 Aug - 21 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}, {"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 28607, "section": "PR12", "size": 21, "enrolled": 17, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "21 Aug - 21 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}, {"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Studio", "id": "G4QKp6h9KtGceZkxeRqem", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22039, "section": "ST01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 22, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Studio", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115a, Flexible Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29049, "section": "ST10", "size": 24, "enrolled": 21, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Studio", "meetings": [{"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115a, Flexible Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29050, "section": "ST09", "size": 24, "enrolled": 24, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Studio", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Aug - 23 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115a, Flexible Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29051, "section": "ST08", "size": 24, "enrolled": 24, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Studio", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Aug - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115a, Flexible Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29052, "section": "ST07", "size": 24, "enrolled": 24, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Studio", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Sep - 5 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115a, Flexible Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29053, "section": "ST06", "size": 24, "enrolled": 22, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Studio", "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115a, Flexible Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29054, "section": "ST05", "size": 24, "enrolled": 24, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Studio", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Aug - 7 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115a, Flexible Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29055, "section": "ST04", "size": 24, "enrolled": 24, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Studio", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115a, Flexible Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29056, "section": "ST03", "size": 24, "enrolled": 24, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Studio", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115a, Flexible Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29057, "section": "ST02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 24, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Studio", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115a, Flexible Lab"}]}]}]}]}, "5872": {"id": "tT6nV8pB-hzoFvp1XrN4z", "course_id": "101893", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "101893", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Materials & Manufacturing", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MECH ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "2020", "CLASS_NBR": 18952, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030305", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Mechanical) & associated double degree students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "CHEM ENG 1009", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Extend the fundamental understanding of the structure - property relationship of materials introduced in previous courses; mechanical behaviour, testing and manufacturing properties of metals and alloys; strengthening of materials (alloying, heat-treatment); manufacturing processes, design considerations and economics for forming and shaping engineering materials (casting, forging, rolling, extrusion, drawing, sheet-metal forming and machining).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5873": {"id": "tT6nV8pB-hzoFvp1XrN4z", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "0HbwkcBvUeMq7NYeoKxel", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15544, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18945, "section": "WR06", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18947, "section": "WR04", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18948, "section": "WR03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 26, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18952, "section": "WR08", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18953, "section": "WR07", "size": 30, "enrolled": 25, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "4CP_UC6gBjMbH-TYzu_8c", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18957, "section": "LE01", "size": 190, "enrolled": 168, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "5874": {"id": "_CNIdO8zZo884847c_T4W", "course_id": "101895", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "101895", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Thermo-Fluids I", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MECH ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "2021", "CLASS_NBR": 12969, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Mechanical), Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Mining), Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Petroleum) & associated double degree students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MATHS 1011 & MATHS 1012, C&ENVENG 1010 or CEME 1004 or CIVILENG 1004 & MECH ENG 1007", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, practicals, final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course has two components: \nIn Thermodynamics I students are introduced to engineering thermodynamics, dealing with the application of the first and second laws of thermodynamics to the thermodynamic performance analysis of typical thermo-mechanical plant components, using condensable vapours or gases as the working fluid. The course includes energy and entropy balance for closed and open systems \n\nIn Fluid Mechanics students are introduced to basic fluid mechanics including: kinematics and dynamics of fluid flows; conservation laws applied to fluid flow; Euler, Bernoulli, Navier-Stokes equations; dimensional analysis; differential and integral flow analysis; flow visualisation and other experimental techniques.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5875": {"id": "_CNIdO8zZo884847c_T4W", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "jJrBR6hVS7i7y9g1IcOyC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12969, "section": "TU01", "size": 250, "enrolled": 243, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "13 Mar - 13 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "UG0Yoyl_e8ODEiQl8wJQn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11371, "section": "PR11", "size": 20, "enrolled": 20, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 May - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S137, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11372, "section": "PR10", "size": 20, "enrolled": 19, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S137, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11373, "section": "PR09", "size": 20, "enrolled": 20, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 May - 3 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S137, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11375, "section": "PR07", "size": 20, "enrolled": 20, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S137, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11376, "section": "PR06", "size": 20, "enrolled": 20, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Mar - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S137, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11377, "section": "PR05", "size": 20, "enrolled": 20, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "20 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S137, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11378, "section": "PR04", "size": 20, "enrolled": 20, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S137, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11379, "section": "PR03", "size": 20, "enrolled": 19, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "14 Mar - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S137, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11380, "section": "PR02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 19, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S137, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11381, "section": "PR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 20, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S137, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19025, "section": "PR08", "size": 20, "enrolled": 19, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S137, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19697, "section": "PR12", "size": 20, "enrolled": 4, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "21 Mar - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S137, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19743, "section": "PR13", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S137, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19744, "section": "PR14", "size": 20, "enrolled": 20, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Apr - 30 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S137, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "5876": {"id": "WEruH3f_Kn1ZskyOgWfaY", "course_id": "104408", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104408", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Design Practice", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MECH ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "2100", "CLASS_NBR": 15516, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Mechanical), Bachelor of Technology & associated double degree students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MATHS 1012, (C&ENVENG 1010 or CEME 1004 or CIVILENG 1004), MECH ENG 1007", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, projects, practical, exam, hands-on training", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is an introduction to engineering design. It will also look at design of some specific mechanical sub-systems. Students will also learn effective communication skills by means of engineering reports and graphical communication. The course is divided into two major components: \n\nIn Design for Function a number of power transmitting sub-systems, commonly used in mechanical design will be looked at. Students will design such sub-systems using both first principles and according to standard processes. Students will learn such fundamental aspects of design as using sources of design information; accuracy of engineering quantities; material selection; fabrication methods, and tolerances and fits. \n\nIn Design Graphics students\u2019 graphical communication skills, including manual and computer aided drawing skills, are developed. This builds on existing knowledge learned in previous courses. Design graphics fundamentals are reviewed and extended, with hands-on training in the form of multiple assessments using state-of-the-art Computer Aided Design (CAD) software.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5877": {"id": "WEruH3f_Kn1ZskyOgWfaY", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "6D21GaJc2B9kwJbmcAUUX", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15516, "section": "WR02", "size": 120, "enrolled": 110, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15517, "section": "WR01", "size": 120, "enrolled": 116, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Studio", "id": "SlGfckre_X7wpjAp-Outj", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12075, "section": "ST21", "size": 6, "enrolled": 6, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Studio", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S211, 3D Printing Lab"}, {"dates": "17 May - 17 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, SG10, Creation Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12076, "section": "ST20", "size": 6, "enrolled": 6, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Studio", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Apr - 22 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S211, 3D Printing Lab"}, {"dates": "14 May - 14 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, SG10, Creation Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12077, "section": "ST19", "size": 6, "enrolled": 6, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Studio", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S211, 3D Printing Lab"}, {"dates": "14 May - 14 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, SG10, Creation Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12078, "section": "ST18", "size": 6, "enrolled": 5, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Studio", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, SG10, Creation Studio"}, {"dates": "30 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S211, 3D Printing Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12079, "section": "ST17", "size": 6, "enrolled": 6, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Studio", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, SG10, Creation Studio"}, {"dates": "30 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S211, 3D Printing Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12080, "section": "ST16", "size": 6, "enrolled": 5, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Studio", "meetings": [{"dates": "10 May - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, SG10, Creation Studio"}, {"dates": "28 May - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S211, 3D Printing Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12081, "section": "ST15", "size": 6, "enrolled": 6, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Studio", "meetings": [{"dates": "10 May - 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2 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S211, 3D Printing Lab"}, {"dates": "24 May - 24 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, SG10, Creation Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12112, "section": "ST26", "size": 6, "enrolled": 5, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Studio", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Apr - 30 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S211, 3D Printing Lab"}, {"dates": "23 May - 23 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, SG10, Creation Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12113, "section": "ST25", "size": 6, "enrolled": 4, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Studio", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Apr - 30 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S211, 3D Printing Lab"}, {"dates": "23 May - 23 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, SG10, Creation Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12114, "section": "ST24", "size": 6, "enrolled": 3, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Studio", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Apr - 22 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S211, 3D Printing Lab"}, {"dates": "16 May - 16 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, SG10, Creation Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12115, "section": "ST23", "size": 6, "enrolled": 6, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Studio", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S211, 3D Printing Lab"}, {"dates": "16 May - 16 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, SG10, Creation Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12116, "section": "ST22", "size": 6, "enrolled": 4, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Studio", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S211, 3D Printing Lab"}, {"dates": "17 May - 17 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, SG10, Creation Studio"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "_z_dz76Xd1NgPCkjSsGw9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14850, "section": "PR09", "size": 24, "enrolled": 24, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, SG10, Creation Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14851, "section": "PR08", "size": 24, "enrolled": 24, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Mar - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, SG10, Creation Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14852, "section": "PR07", "size": 24, "enrolled": 23, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "21 Mar - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, SG10, Creation Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14853, "section": "PR06", "size": 24, "enrolled": 24, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, SG10, Creation Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14854, "section": "PR05", "size": 24, "enrolled": 24, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, SG10, Creation Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14855, "section": "PR04", "size": 24, "enrolled": 22, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "14 Mar - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, SG10, Creation Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14856, "section": "PR03", "size": 24, "enrolled": 23, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, SG10, Creation Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14857, "section": "PR02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 23, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, SG10, Creation Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14858, "section": "PR01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 24, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, SG10, Creation Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19757, "section": "PR10", "size": 24, "enrolled": 15, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, SG10, Creation Studio"}]}]}]}]}, "5878": {"id": "RtrVAepM56gpNB1_2OHTG", "course_id": "104410", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104410", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Mechatronics IM", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MECH ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "2101", "CLASS_NBR": 28998, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Mechanical) & associated double degree students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MECH ENG 1007 & MECH ENG 2021", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Group projects and practicals, final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "To provide an introduction to the application of mechatronic engineering. To give framework of knowledge that allows students to develop an interdisciplinary understanding and integrated approach to practical and applied engineering problems. Small group practical sessions will be used to provide important hands-on experience with electro-pneumatic system and PLC based projects. The course emphasises how to use the philosophy of mechatronics to design and analyse commonly used electro-pneumatic actuators, solid mechanical and temperature sensors, programmable logic controllers, digital systems, and measurement systems. Student-centred learning method is used to encourage students to learn actively whenever and wherever you choose to.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5879": {"id": "RtrVAepM56gpNB1_2OHTG", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "FvD_DgoF2l4WxPe5--Bev", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22567, "section": "PR04", "size": 80, "enrolled": 80, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22568, "section": "PR03", "size": 75, "enrolled": 69, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22570, "section": "PR01", "size": 75, "enrolled": 76, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "DQeG3qHMUuFPykdP_lItE", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28998, "section": "WR02", "size": 120, "enrolled": 119, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 29 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 28999, "section": "WR01", "size": 120, "enrolled": 106, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "g-Y94sBC7rDhDxLKDxlMo", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28997, "section": "LE01", "size": 240, "enrolled": 225, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "5880": {"id": "EGQ2CMIHr7XT-SmuESWe0", "course_id": "101879", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "101879", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Mechanics of Materials", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MECH ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "3026", "CLASS_NBR": 12797, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "031501", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "BE(Mechanical & Aerospace) and associated double degree students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "CHEM ENG 1009, MECH ENG 2002, MATHS 2202", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, quizzes, laboratory classes, final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course teaches the fundamentals for the analysis of materials and structures in engineering with a specific focus on aircraft and space structures. The lectures are split into two parallel modules: Solid Mechanics and Materials. The Solid Mechanics module covers general material relating to the analysis of stresses, strains, deformation, and strength in solid materials and simple components. Specific topics include stress and strain tensors, elasticity, plasticity, elementary solutions of theories of elasticity and plasticity, principles of minimum potential energy, and finite element modelling. The second module, Materials is focused on the application of materials in design of aerospace components and structures. Topics covered include the application of monolithic materials; metals, polymers and ceramics and composite materials (Metal matrix \u2013MMC\u2019s, Polymer matrix- PMC\u2019s and ceramic matrix \u2013 CMC\u2019s). For composite materials, design, fabrication, properties and applications are discussed.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5881": {"id": "EGQ2CMIHr7XT-SmuESWe0", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "amuDw9BBq7flTwENcyajy", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12797, "section": "TU03", "size": 22, "enrolled": 18, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 3 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12798, "section": "TU02", "size": 45, "enrolled": 14, "available": 31, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 3 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12799, "section": "TU01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 44, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "14 Mar - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 2 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Assessment", "id": "6FieX_eYzZ9RnkM2sBghr", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12047, "section": "AS01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 76, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "r0kq7gn_OVHaxzLHHd2fd", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12051, "section": "PR07", "size": 18, "enrolled": 6, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "21 May - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S237, Structures and Mat Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12052, "section": "PR06", "size": 18, "enrolled": 9, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "14 May - 14 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S237, Structures and Mat Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12053, "section": "PR05", "size": 18, "enrolled": 6, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 May - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S237, Structures and Mat Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12054, "section": "PR04", "size": 18, "enrolled": 12, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Apr - 30 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S237, Structures and Mat Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12055, "section": "PR03", "size": 18, "enrolled": 9, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S237, Structures and Mat Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12056, "section": "PR02", "size": 18, "enrolled": 16, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S237, Structures and Mat Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12057, "section": "PR01", "size": 18, "enrolled": 18, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S237, Structures and Mat Lab"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "XhZW4R1esLh5psE8ivhGX", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12060, "section": "LE01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 76, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "5882": {"id": "wKpP0OCe7btXCzD2QsLOI", "course_id": "102460", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102460", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Micro-Controller Programming", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MECH ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "3032", "CLASS_NBR": 22571, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "031303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ENG 1002", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MECH ENG 7072", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The focus of this course is on the programming and use of micro-controllers in mechatronics applications. Assuming basic knowledge of the C programming language, the material is presented in a combination of lectures, tutorials and hands-on laboratory sessions. The build process of micro-controller software is examined in detail thereby providing the language for understanding compiler handbooks, on-line publications and micro-controller datasheets. The newly developed skills are then applied in a number of practical case studies covering typical mechatronics applications including servo-mechanisms, sensor interfacing, real-time issues and inter-platform communication. Emphasis will be laid on the confident use of the C programming language using a variety of programming environments. Fault finding techniques will be introduced, ranging from low-level in-circuit debugging to source-level debugging on simulators and evaluation boards. Small-group projects and case studies will be used to provide important hands-on experience with micro-controller based projects.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5883": {"id": "wKpP0OCe7btXCzD2QsLOI", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "v8hrUQK2eMJfY2lXCCN7F", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22571, "section": "WR01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 75, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 4 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "s8mOg52AhWwovlIIbeYYT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20400, "section": "PR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 36, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 28934, "section": "PR02", "size": 40, "enrolled": 39, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Project", "id": "2387qLUNp80hLzkgTkUXB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28681, "section": "PJ01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 35, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Project", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 28935, "section": "PJ02", "size": 40, "enrolled": 40, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Project", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "id": "U6kMiqdLrlcNFA6rRCEiY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28680, "section": "AS01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 75, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5884": {"id": "iMqxENIkR21OY_phuBR3-", "course_id": "104413", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104413", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Aeronautical Engineering", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MECH ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "3100", "CLASS_NBR": 12567, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Engineering students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MECH ENG 2021, MECH ENG 2002", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, laboratory reports, final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is an introductory course to Aeronautical Engineering. In this course you will learn about Aircraft types, Atmosphere Properties, Aircraft Geometries, Forces and Moments, Aerodynamics, Flight Performance, Stability and Control, Thrust, Aircraft Loads, and Helicopter Aerodynamics. The assumed knowledge for this course includes fluid mechanics and thermodynamics in particular understanding of laminar and turbulent flow, control volume analysis, different types of engines, and different types of thermodynamic cycles. The material is presented in a combination of lectures, tutorials and hands-on laboratory sessions.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5885": {"id": "iMqxENIkR21OY_phuBR3-", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "7NTTXvgH2E1prDU4bL_H_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12567, "section": "WR01", "size": 130, "enrolled": 107, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "LyB5-ONqeMwMuVeWnoU5Q", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11500, "section": "PR02", "size": 8, "enrolled": 6, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S238, Flight Sim Lab"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S217, Aerospace Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11810, "section": "PR08", "size": 8, "enrolled": 7, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S238, Flight Sim Lab"}, {"dates": "6 May - 6 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S217, Aerospace Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12568, "section": "PR10", "size": 8, "enrolled": 8, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S238, Flight Sim Lab"}, {"dates": "15 May - 15 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S217, Aerospace Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12569, "section": "PR09", "size": 8, "enrolled": 8, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S238, Flight Sim Lab"}, {"dates": "9 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S217, Aerospace Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12570, "section": "PR07", "size": 8, "enrolled": 8, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S238, Flight Sim Lab"}, {"dates": "8 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S217, Aerospace Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12571, "section": "PR06", "size": 8, "enrolled": 8, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "21 Mar - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S238, Flight Sim Lab"}, {"dates": "2 May - 2 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S217, Aerospace Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12572, "section": "PR05", "size": 8, "enrolled": 8, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Mar - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S238, Flight Sim Lab"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 30 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S217, Aerospace Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12573, "section": "PR04", "size": 8, "enrolled": 8, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Mar - 13 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S238, Flight Sim Lab"}, {"dates": "1 May - 1 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S217, Aerospace Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12574, "section": "PR03", "size": 8, "enrolled": 8, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S238, Flight Sim Lab"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S217, Aerospace Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12575, "section": "PR01", "size": 8, "enrolled": 7, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S238, Flight Sim Lab"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 25 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S217, Aerospace Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12585, "section": "PR13", "size": 8, "enrolled": 8, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S238, Flight Sim Lab"}, {"dates": "21 May - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S217, Aerospace Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12586, "section": "PR12", "size": 8, "enrolled": 8, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "20 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S238, Flight Sim Lab"}, {"dates": "22 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S217, Aerospace Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12587, "section": "PR11", "size": 8, "enrolled": 8, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "18 Mar - 18 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S238, Flight Sim Lab"}, {"dates": "13 May - 13 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S217, Aerospace Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12592, "section": "PR14", "size": 8, "enrolled": 7, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "14 Mar - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S238, Flight Sim Lab"}, {"dates": "23 May - 23 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S217, Aerospace Lab"}]}]}]}]}, "5886": {"id": "AN8FqXVDvUovNET1NjhZM", "course_id": "104414", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104414", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Applied Aerodynamics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MECH ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "3101", "CLASS_NBR": 23592, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours lectures/tutorials and 3 hours laboratories per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MECH ENG 2021", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MECH ENG 1007, at least 6 units of Level II Applied Mathematics courses and MECH ENG 2021", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Laboratory classes, assignments, final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of this course is to introduce students to the fundamentals and practical aspects of incompressible and compressible flows and the design and operation of flow systems, including pipe networks, automobiles and flight vehicles. The course content includes: flow of inviscid and viscous fluids; laminar and turbulent flow in pipes and boundary layers; losses in pipe systems; lift and drag forces on moving bodies, aerofoil theory; incompressible-flow machines; fundamentals of compressible flow; 1-D compressible pipe flow; compressible flow nozzles; Rayleigh flow; Fanno flow; external compressible flow around bodies including transonic and supersonic vehicles; design considerations; experimental techniques.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5887": {"id": "AN8FqXVDvUovNET1NjhZM", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "q8lceRVeVMvCRw7wQxfAu", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23592, "section": "TU01", "size": 150, "enrolled": 136, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "1ZbuzPctCIJRDqLKNfLcC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21261, "section": "PR23", "size": 7, "enrolled": 7, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Aug - 23 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11:30am", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2:30pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S213, KC Wind Tunnel"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21262, "section": "PR22", "size": 7, "enrolled": 7, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1:30pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2:30pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S213, KC Wind Tunnel"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21263, "section": "PR20", "size": 7, "enrolled": 7, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Sep - 4 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2:30pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S213, KC Wind Tunnel"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11:30am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21264, "section": "PR19", "size": 7, "enrolled": 5, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Sep - 4 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10:30am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S213, KC Wind Tunnel"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11:30am", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21265, "section": "PR18", "size": 7, "enrolled": 7, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "20 Aug - 20 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1:30pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "4 Sep - 4 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2:30pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S213, KC Wind Tunnel"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21266, "section": "PR17", "size": 7, "enrolled": 6, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Aug - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1:30pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "6 Sep - 6 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10:30am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S213, KC Wind Tunnel"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21268, "section": "PR15", "size": 7, "enrolled": 4, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "12 Aug - 12 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1:30pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "6 Sep - 6 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2:30pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S213, KC Wind Tunnel"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21269, "section": "PR14", "size": 7, "enrolled": 5, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11:30am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "6 Sep - 6 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10:30am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S213, KC Wind Tunnel"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21270, "section": "PR13", "size": 7, "enrolled": 6, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Aug - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1:30pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "4 Sep - 4 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10:30am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S213, KC Wind Tunnel"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21271, "section": "PR12", "size": 7, "enrolled": 6, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Aug - 8 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11:30am", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10:30am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S213, KC Wind Tunnel"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21272, "section": "PR11", "size": 7, "enrolled": 7, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2:30pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S213, KC Wind Tunnel"}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11:30am", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21273, "section": "PR10", "size": 7, "enrolled": 6, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Aug - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11:30am", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "30 Aug - 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12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10:30am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S213, KC Wind Tunnel"}]}]}]}]}, "5888": {"id": "WEIilZtO9Neg1me9B-FpC", "course_id": "104415", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104415", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Heat Transfer & Thermodynamics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MECH ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "3102", "CLASS_NBR": 18964, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BE(Mechanical), BE(Mechanical & Aerospace), BE(Mechanical & Automotive), BE(Computational), BE(Mechatronic), BE(Mechanical & Sports), BE (Mechanical & Sustainable Energy) and associated double and combined degree students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MECH ENG 2021", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "6 units of Level II Applied Maths courses & MECH ENG 2021", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Laboratory class, assignments, final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is an introduction to Heat transfer and the further study of Thermodynamics. The Heat transfer part of the course covers the mechanisms and basic calculations of 3 heat transfer modes: conduction, convection and radiation, and Heat exchanger design and performance estimation calculations. The Thermodynamics part of the course mainly introduce the applications of thermodynamic principles in variouse cycles, including Vapour power cycles; Gas power cycles and refrigeration cycles; This part also covers some advanced topics in thermodynamics, eg. Exergy analysis, non-reacting mixtures and psychrometry, and reacting processes and combustion. At the end of the course students are expected to have the knowledge to be able to assist design, assess and compare different heat transfer and thermodynamic systems, factoring in economic impacts.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5889": {"id": "WEIilZtO9Neg1me9B-FpC", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "nZjqSaIqw-NI39LBwkdEV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15409, "section": "TU01", "size": 230, "enrolled": 210, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "gV94tPgwyqgaVpOA5tln-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16417, "section": "PR21", "size": 12, "enrolled": 2, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3:30pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, SG10, Creation Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 16418, "section": "PR20", "size": 12, "enrolled": 6, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3:30pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, SG10, Creation Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 16419, "section": "PR19", "size": 12, "enrolled": 11, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10:30am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, SG10, Creation Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 16420, "section": "PR18", "size": 12, "enrolled": 6, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3:30pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, SG10, Creation Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 16421, "section": "PR17", "size": 12, "enrolled": 12, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10:30am", "location": "Engineering Sth, SG10, Creation Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 16422, "section": "PR16", "size": 12, "enrolled": 12, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10:30am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, SG10, Creation Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 16423, "section": "PR15", "size": 12, "enrolled": 12, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10:30am", "location": "Engineering Sth, SG10, Creation Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 16424, "section": "PR14", "size": 12, "enrolled": 9, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3:30pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, SG10, Creation Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 16425, "section": "PR13", "size": 12, "enrolled": 10, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3:30pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, SG10, Creation Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 16426, "section": "PR12", "size": 12, "enrolled": 12, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "20 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10:30am", "location": "Engineering Sth, SG10, Creation Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 16427, "section": "PR11", "size": 12, "enrolled": 12, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "20 Mar - 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22 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S137, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18965, "section": "WR18", "size": 12, "enrolled": 12, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S137, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18966, "section": "WR17", "size": 12, "enrolled": 12, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "18 Mar - 18 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S137, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18967, "section": "WR16", "size": 12, "enrolled": 6, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S137, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18968, "section": "WR15", "size": 12, "enrolled": 5, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 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6 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S137, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18973, "section": "WR10", "size": 12, "enrolled": 12, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 May - 1 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S137, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18974, "section": "WR09", "size": 12, "enrolled": 12, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Apr - 29 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S137, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18975, "section": "WR08", "size": 12, "enrolled": 12, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S137, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18976, "section": "WR07", "size": 12, "enrolled": 12, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Apr - 22 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S137, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18977, "section": "WR06", "size": 12, "enrolled": 10, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Apr - 29 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S137, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18978, "section": "WR05", "size": 12, "enrolled": 12, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S137, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18979, "section": "WR04", "size": 12, "enrolled": 12, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S137, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18980, "section": "WR03", "size": 12, "enrolled": 12, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "20 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S137, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18981, "section": "WR02", "size": 12, "enrolled": 12, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Mar - 13 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S137, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18982, "section": "WR01", "size": 12, "enrolled": 11, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S137, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "5890": {"id": "jxcJF5PvzIg2bftCXffac", "course_id": "104416", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104416", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Manufacturing Systems", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MECH ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "3103", "CLASS_NBR": 10148, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week including industry seminars", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MECH ENG 2020", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Weekly quiz, assignments and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Manufacturing engineering and quality engineering are core systems used by organisations in the process of developing new products and getting them into production. Topics include: technological and manufacturing paradigms and the process of innovation, supporting systems, methodologies and techniques comprising design for manufacture and assembly, failure mode effect analysis, process control plans, statistical process control, and 8D problem solving. A number of subject-matter experts from industry will present specific manufacturing and quality engineering systems and techniques, together with specific case studies to illustrate their application.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5891": {"id": "jxcJF5PvzIg2bftCXffac", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "nONZY9sRDXr4JQBtYy39W", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10148, "section": "TU01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 30, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 30 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 May - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 May - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5892": {"id": "RsF-psTHRTYPHyEpxg8c_", "course_id": "104417", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104417", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Space Vehicle Design", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MECH ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "3104", "CLASS_NBR": 22967, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4.5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MECH ENG 1007, MECH ENG 2021, 6 units of Level II Applied Maths courses", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, project, experiment, final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of the course is to introduce the students to the basic theories and design criteria of space vehicles. Historical developments in space flight are explained as are the basic rocket equations, as well as the principles of rocket staging and its optimisation. The course includes orbital and trajectory theory, where two-body motion, manoeuvres and special trajectories are described. Numerical integration will be introduced. Individual subsystems are covered in detail. A section about rocket propulsion focuses on performance, propulsion requirements and various propellant systems (monopropellant, bipropellant, solid, cold gas and electrical and electromagnetic propulsion systems). Also covered are environmental control and life support systems, electrical power subsystems, communications and thermal control systems.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5893": {"id": "RsF-psTHRTYPHyEpxg8c_", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "ido3WRlRcMLzI36MOzres", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22967, "section": "TU01", "size": 120, "enrolled": 112, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "l8CzPXkglT97FT7VMlNzD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23180, "section": "PR10", "size": 12, "enrolled": 12, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Aug - 28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10:30am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115c, Flexible Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23181, "section": "PR09", "size": 12, "enrolled": 11, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Aug - 28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10:30am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115c, Flexible Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23182, "section": "PR08", "size": 12, "enrolled": 12, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "21 Aug - 21 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2:30pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115c, Flexible Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23183, "section": "PR07", "size": 12, "enrolled": 12, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "21 Aug - 21 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2:30pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115c, Flexible Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23184, "section": "PR06", "size": 12, "enrolled": 12, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "14 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2:30pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115c, Flexible Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23185, "section": "PR05", "size": 12, "enrolled": 11, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "14 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2:30pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115c, Flexible Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23186, "section": "PR04", "size": 12, "enrolled": 12, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "14 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10:30am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115c, Flexible Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23187, "section": "PR03", "size": 12, "enrolled": 10, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Aug - 7 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10:30am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115c, Flexible Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23188, "section": "PR02", "size": 12, "enrolled": 9, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 31 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10:30am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115c, Flexible Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23189, "section": "PR01", "size": 12, "enrolled": 11, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "14 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10:30am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115c, Flexible Lab"}]}]}]}]}, "5894": {"id": "Hcz5_aY06Wk6O52nMmKrF", "course_id": "104419", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104419", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Mechatronics II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MECH ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "3106", "CLASS_NBR": 14106, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Mechanical), Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Mining) & associated double degree students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MECH ENG 2101, MECH ENG 2019", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Projects, practicals, final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will equip students with advanced knowledge in programmable logic controller (PLC) technology to solve problems related to mechatronic systems. Small-group projects and practicals will be used to provide important hands-on experience to solve mechatronic engineering problems. Students will also gain a modern and practical understanding on remote control via human-machine interface (HMI) based on the supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) technology. Student-centred learning method is used to encourage students to learn actively whenever and wherever you choose to.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5895": {"id": "Hcz5_aY06Wk6O52nMmKrF", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "688_IkjRWVVFaziMMk96g", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15512, "section": "PR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 37, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "nmzH9JZpzRK225ztNyPT_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12281, "section": "LE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 37, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "5896": {"id": "J1cEUTWMxkqEEP8L2FFmY", "course_id": "110532", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110532", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Acoustics and Vibrations", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MECH ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "3111", "CLASS_NBR": 23456, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hrs per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MECH ENG 1007, MECH ENG 2019", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MECH ENG 3028, MECH ENG 7047", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, assignments, practical, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Acoustics and vibrations are one of the core pillars of the mechanical engineering discipline, with applications that range from civil structures, architectural and environmental systems, and all forms of mechanical systems including transport vehicles and aircraft.\nThis course introduces the fundamental concepts of acoustics, including characterisation and quantification of sound sources, exposure to noise, and noise control, mitigation, and psychoacoustics. Vibration systems are covered in detail from lumped parameter models through to continuous and multi-degree of freedom systems. Design of vibration control devices, such as vibration isolators and vibration absorbers, is also considered.\nA strong emphasis is placed on frequency response characteristics for both acoustics and vibration applications, including practical exposure to spectral analysis and its application to predictive maintenance using machine condition monitoring.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5897": {"id": "J1cEUTWMxkqEEP8L2FFmY", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "yQ11dxqRC09RTc0K89eRT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21065, "section": "TU01", "size": 210, "enrolled": 178, "available": 32, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "H33DYWV2onBnv2d-ft7b3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23456, "section": "WR04", "size": 50, "enrolled": 47, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23457, "section": "WR03", "size": 55, "enrolled": 54, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23458, "section": "WR02", "size": 55, "enrolled": 41, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23459, "section": "WR01", "size": 55, "enrolled": 36, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "3605Y81wGaPdIwqfd-bHE", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25228, "section": "PR26", "size": 8, "enrolled": 8, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1:30pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115a, Flexible Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25229, "section": "PR25", "size": 8, "enrolled": 8, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1:30pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115a, Flexible Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25230, "section": "PR24", "size": 8, "enrolled": 8, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10:30am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115a, Flexible Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25231, "section": "PR23", "size": 8, "enrolled": 3, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 29 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1:30pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115a, Flexible Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25233, "section": "PR21", "size": 8, "enrolled": 5, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10:30am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115a, Flexible Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25234, "section": "PR20", "size": 8, "enrolled": 8, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10:30am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115a, Flexible Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25235, "section": "PR19", "size": 8, "enrolled": 8, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10:30am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115a, Flexible Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25236, "section": "PR18", "size": 8, "enrolled": 8, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10:30am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115a, Flexible Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25237, "section": "PR17", "size": 8, "enrolled": 8, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Aug - 19 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1:30pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115a, Flexible Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25238, "section": "PR16", "size": 8, "enrolled": 7, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10:30am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115a, Flexible Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25239, "section": "PR15", "size": 8, "enrolled": 7, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Sep - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10:30am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115a, Flexible Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25240, "section": "PR14", "size": 8, "enrolled": 2, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10:30am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115a, Flexible Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25241, "section": "PR13", "size": 8, "enrolled": 7, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "20 Aug - 20 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10:30am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115a, Flexible Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25242, "section": "PR12", "size": 8, "enrolled": 8, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Aug - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10:30am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115a, Flexible Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25243, "section": "PR11", "size": 8, "enrolled": 7, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Aug - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10:30am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115a, Flexible Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25244, "section": "PR10", "size": 8, "enrolled": 7, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Aug - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1:30pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115a, Flexible Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25245, "section": "PR09", "size": 8, "enrolled": 8, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10:30am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115a, Flexible Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25246, "section": "PR08", "size": 8, "enrolled": 8, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Sep - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10:30am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115a, Flexible Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25247, "section": "PR07", "size": 8, "enrolled": 8, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 29 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10:30am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115a, Flexible Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25248, "section": "PR06", "size": 8, "enrolled": 7, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Sep - 2 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10:30am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115a, Flexible Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25249, "section": "PR05", "size": 8, "enrolled": 8, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10:30am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115a, Flexible Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25250, "section": "PR04", "size": 8, "enrolled": 8, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Aug - 19 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10:30am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115a, Flexible Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25251, "section": "PR03", "size": 8, "enrolled": 8, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "12 Aug - 12 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10:30am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115a, Flexible Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25252, "section": "PR02", "size": 8, "enrolled": 7, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Aug - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10:30am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115a, Flexible Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25253, "section": "PR01", "size": 8, "enrolled": 7, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Aug - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10:30am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115a, Flexible Lab"}]}]}]}]}, "5898": {"id": "og5rFwoMN3-1_J5q2zr5k", "course_id": "109851", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109851", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Renewable Power Technologies", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MECH ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "4064", "CLASS_NBR": 11170, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MECH ENG 2021", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MECH ENG 4144, MECH ENG 4145", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces students to the mechanical aspects (primarily fluid mechanics and thermodynamics) of renewable power technology and generation. The course focuses on the fundamental and applied sciences related to wind power, hydropower, ocean (wave and tidal) power, solar-thermal and geo-thermal heating, solar thermal powered cooling, heat storage and solar PV systems, as well as broader issues related to technology implementation. \n\nAt the end of the course students are expected to have the knowledge to be able to help design, assess and compare different sustainable power generation systems, factoring in economic and environmental impacts.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5899": {"id": "og5rFwoMN3-1_J5q2zr5k", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "yf4oRSNwGcCdaCpiy6t4P", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11170, "section": "TU02", "size": 46, "enrolled": 46, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12558, "section": "TU01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 47, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5900": {"id": "b9wveLFdCHhYF7-VvvM7T", "course_id": "110965", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110965", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Modern Control Systems", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MECH ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "4080", "CLASS_NBR": 11807, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MECH ENG 2019, MECH ENG 3111", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MECH ENG 3028, MECH ENG 4123", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, assessments, reports, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This hands-on course addresses how to control complex dynamic systems using modern state-space techniques. This involves time domain descriptions of dynamic systems using state-space system models. The characteristics responsible for the dynamic response (poles, zeros, eigenvalues) are presented. Control laws using state-space methods are introduced, including specification of controller characteristics, pole placement, and optimal (LQR) control. State observers are presented, including observer design using both pole placement and optimal (Kalman) observers. The implementation of state space controllers and Kalman filters in digital systems is also covered. The learning objectives of the course are achieved using various assessments, including weekly laboratories in which students design control systems for a series of experimental apparatus.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5901": {"id": "b9wveLFdCHhYF7-VvvM7T", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "McE72k0iE7TlBzzgE35iG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11807, "section": "WR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 39, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 26 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}, {"dates": "1 Apr - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 20 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}, {"dates": "27 May - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "ZYaFiNU4HrSjrjFJhM5CD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12118, "section": "PR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 39, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "5902": {"id": "KztYtYMcZDRQDYXST3OI5", "course_id": "104434", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104434", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Topics in Aerospace Engineering", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MECH ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "4100", "CLASS_NBR": 22399, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MECH ENG 2019", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MECH ENG 7063", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, Quizzes, Exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This student-centred course propels aspiring aerospace engineers into the intricacies of aircraft stability, equipping them to shape the future of flight. Through a dynamic blend of online and in-person lectures, tutorials, and workshops, students embark on a transformative journey that unlocks their potential to innovate and create. \n \nGain insight into the factors that influence aircraft equilibrium, deciphering static stability intricacies that drive design decisions. Navigate the complex realm of 3D aircraft motion with mastery of rigid body dynamics, a cornerstone for advanced control systems. Analyse pitch axis oscillations to ensure seamless longitudinal dynamics and delve into lateral stability for optimised roll and yaw control. Overcome flexibility-induced issues, confront the challenges of aeroelasticity, and harmonize aerodynamics and structural dynamics expertise. Transcend theory by applying principles to real-world problems, honing the skills to innovate and excel in aerospace engineering. \n \nEmbrace a flexible and immersive learning environment that blends online and in-person engagement. Engage with dynamic lectures, and collaborate in interactive tutorials, and workshops. \nDemonstrate your mastery through assignments, quizzes, and a comprehensive semester-end examination. These assessments will gauge your grasp of the intricate concepts, ensuring you're ready to conquer the aerospace engineering frontier. \n \nUpon successful completion of this course, you will possess a robust toolkit to navigate the complexities of aircraft stability and dynamics. You'll be primed to solve practical flight dynamics challenges and steer aircraft toward new performance frontiers.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5903": {"id": "KztYtYMcZDRQDYXST3OI5", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "IF7NkDi0Sax_JKMVG4O9_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28695, "section": "LE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 35, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "dOUvE-go9ploRTkX-yn8g", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22399, "section": "TU01", "size": 43, "enrolled": 35, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "39OvNWaqA2kwN5JN2cdNf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25309, "section": "PR02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 15, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Aug - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25310, "section": "PR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 20, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Aug - 2 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "5904": {"id": "zrHh3K7lIAywBTAwS7GVX", "course_id": "104437", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104437", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced PID Control", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MECH ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "4102", "CLASS_NBR": 22402, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MECH ENG 1007, MECH ENG 2019, MECH ENG 3028", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Tutorials, assignments, laboratory project, online exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course covers a variety of advanced topics in automatic control system design with a focus on PID control. Major topics include: system identification for low-order systems, frequency domain analysis of stability and sensitivity, and PID tuning laws and their derivation. Techniques used to analyse and accommodate uncertainty and disturbances in practical systems are taught. Matlab/Simulink is the programming environment used to design and analyse the control systems both theoretically and using hands-on control system apparatus in the lab. Students attend weekly face-to-face laboratory sessions to learn control systems by building them from scratch with a variety of apparatus. Remote students undertake equivalent modules in a virtual Matlab environment.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5905": {"id": "zrHh3K7lIAywBTAwS7GVX", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "EzSKBqQ26DbSHMbYCOIuh", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22402, "section": "WR02", "size": 35, "enrolled": 33, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22403, "section": "WR01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 18, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "7oCtmP3Y6HVLGGHsyzn3h", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25313, "section": "PR02", "size": 35, "enrolled": 31, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25314, "section": "PR01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 20, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "bUB7AB1rFNm5yjEwLDHTN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28810, "section": "LEC0", "size": 70, "enrolled": 51, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "5906": {"id": "YnyGfNDjyqOcu31wuCfOg", "course_id": "104439", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104439", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Topics in Fluid Mechanics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MECH ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "4104", "CLASS_NBR": 14327, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours lectures/tutorials and 3 hours laboratories per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MECH ENG 1007, MECH ENG 2021, MECH ENG 3101, 6 units of Level II Applied Mathematics courses", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, laboratory experiments, final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course builds on the concepts learned in core thermofluid courses and extends these to provide practical interpretive and predictive methods. The syllabus begins with a practical and theoretical overview of modern flow measurement techniques, turbulence theory and potential flow theory, followed by methods used to interpret velocity and flow data such as flow topology. These are applied to fundamental flow cases such as free shear flow then specific applications of these flow cases are given through the study of internal flow systems and external flows around air, ground and sea-going vehicles. These include wind tunnels, race cars, high-performance yachts, swimmers, sports balls, cars, birds and fish.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5907": {"id": "YnyGfNDjyqOcu31wuCfOg", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "KdtjduGfidnJbWrirKhDX", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15515, "section": "TU01", "size": 36, "enrolled": 28, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "__f1iwfkZJxrgADlaRrcR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12122, "section": "PR06", "size": 6, "enrolled": 4, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S213, KC Wind Tunnel"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12123, "section": "PR04", "size": 6, "enrolled": 6, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S213, KC Wind Tunnel"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12125, "section": "PR02", "size": 6, "enrolled": 6, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S213, KC Wind Tunnel"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12126, "section": "PR01", "size": 6, "enrolled": 1, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S213, KC Wind Tunnel"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19184, "section": "PR07", "size": 6, "enrolled": 6, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S213, KC Wind Tunnel"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19185, "section": "PR05", "size": 6, "enrolled": 5, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S213, KC Wind Tunnel"}]}]}]}]}, "5908": {"id": "0PN0mze_FioSphtzN0nDI", "course_id": "104441", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104441", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Vibrations", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MECH ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "4105", "CLASS_NBR": 22565, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to all programs offered by the School of Mechanical Engineering", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MECH ENG 3028, in particular an understanding of the principles of vibrations, including the influence of mass, stiffness and damping; an understanding of the concepts of vibration modes and natural frequencies; and familiarity with Matlab.", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, laboratory experiment, final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students will be introduced to the vibrations of complex systems including multi-degree-of-freedom and continuous systems. System modelling via the use of energy analysis and its application to complex vibrating systems will be discussed. The fundamentals of vibrations of continuous systems such as strings, beams and plates will be explained. Nonlinearities in vibration behaviour of mechanical systems will be analysed and the fundamentals of flow-induced vibrations and dynamics of Micro- Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) will be explained.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5909": {"id": "0PN0mze_FioSphtzN0nDI", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "WicHlgPxyk1_djFII8s0N", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22554, "section": "LE01", "size": 42, "enrolled": 27, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "69F5Lav13fXXn5nW1iihC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22559, "section": "PR06", "size": 7, "enrolled": 2, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115b, Flexible Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22560, "section": "PR05", "size": 7, "enrolled": 3, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Sep - 2 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115b, Flexible Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22561, "section": "PR04", "size": 7, "enrolled": 7, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115b, Flexible Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22562, "section": "PR03", "size": 7, "enrolled": 7, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Aug - 19 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115b, Flexible Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22563, "section": "PR02", "size": 7, "enrolled": 4, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "12 Aug - 12 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115b, Flexible Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22564, "section": "PR01", "size": 7, "enrolled": 4, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Aug - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115b, Flexible Lab"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "OBfNAw287axtlcEm4qVni", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22565, "section": "WR02", "size": 22, "enrolled": 10, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "21 Aug - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22566, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 17, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "20 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM106, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "zfoTOn7Yf9NHCd8OxFAk_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20276, "section": "TU01", "size": 42, "enrolled": 27, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5910": {"id": "1fBoCJ-V1zXxC4etdn-vQ", "course_id": "104429", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104429", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Aerospace Propulsion", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MECH ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "4106", "CLASS_NBR": 15116, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "6 units of Level II Applied Maths, MECH ENG 3100, MECH ENG 3104", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MECH ENG 7053", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, project, laboratory experiment, quiz, final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Introduction to air-breathing (gas turbines, ramjets, ducted rockets, scramjets) jet propulsion systems. Prediction of thrust, combustion reactions, specific fuel consumption and operating performance. Aerothermodynamics of inlets, combustors, nozzles, compressors, turbines. Review of space propulsion systems. Introduction to alternative future space propulsion systems. Chemical rocket and jet engine combustion including thermochemistry, chemical kinetics and the combustion chamber and instabilities. Jet engine noise and emissions. Overview of jet engine systems such as thrust reversal, internal air, starting and ignition, controls and instrumentation, power plant testing and installation, maintenance.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5911": {"id": "1fBoCJ-V1zXxC4etdn-vQ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "QyLcv3hg5WWrWxnpaFgqE", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13053, "section": "TU01", "size": 90, "enrolled": 83, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "rrKEc1NSPYFiIC1YMo8wH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15355, "section": "PR10", "size": 8, "enrolled": 6, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, SG27, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15356, "section": "PR09", "size": 8, "enrolled": 7, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, SG27, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15357, "section": "PR08", "size": 8, "enrolled": 7, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, SG27, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15358, "section": "PR07", "size": 8, "enrolled": 8, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "21 Mar - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, SG27, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15359, "section": "PR06", "size": 8, "enrolled": 8, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 May - 6 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, SG27, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15360, "section": "PR05", "size": 8, "enrolled": 7, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 May - 2 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, SG27, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15361, "section": "PR04", "size": 8, "enrolled": 8, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Apr - 29 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, SG27, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15362, "section": "PR03", "size": 8, "enrolled": 8, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Apr - 22 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, SG27, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15363, "section": "PR02", "size": 8, "enrolled": 7, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, SG27, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15364, "section": "PR01", "size": 8, "enrolled": 8, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "20 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, SG27, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19646, "section": "PR11", "size": 8, "enrolled": 3, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, SG27, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19745, "section": "PR12", "size": 8, "enrolled": 6, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "18 Mar - 18 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, SG27, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "5912": {"id": "8xL9GotOpJcZMtW5gIWqS", "course_id": "104442", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104442", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Air conditioning", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MECH ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "4107", "CLASS_NBR": 25523, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4.5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MECH ENG 3020 OR MECH ENG 3102", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, practical, final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is a practical introduction to design of air conditioning systems. It looks at such aspects of design as vapour compression cycles; heat transfer in two-phase flow; types, selection and operation of refrigeration plant; psychrometrics; climatic data and its use; load estimation and analysis; constant and variable air volume systems; human comfort and health; cooling and dehumidifying coils; controls; fans and duct systems; system balancing and stimulation; energy efficiency in buildings.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5913": {"id": "8xL9GotOpJcZMtW5gIWqS", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "HUmx0BpqTmOFySNPwdEsc", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25316, "section": "WR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 30, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25523, "section": "WR02", "size": 40, "enrolled": 30, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Aug - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "TvfAWC4KJkoABAnEhpqKs", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25485, "section": "TU01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 60, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "L8TFTPqY2wdrcTx3M5WRl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25506, "section": "PR10", "size": 8, "enrolled": 8, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115c, Flexible Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25507, "section": "PR09", "size": 8, "enrolled": 7, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Sep - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115c, Flexible Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25508, "section": "PR08", "size": 8, "enrolled": 6, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115c, Flexible Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25509, "section": "PR07", "size": 8, "enrolled": 8, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115c, Flexible Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25510, "section": "PR06", "size": 8, "enrolled": 5, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115c, Flexible Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25511, "section": "PR05", "size": 8, "enrolled": 7, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "20 Aug - 20 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115c, Flexible Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25512, "section": "PR04", "size": 8, "enrolled": 6, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Aug - 19 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115c, Flexible Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25513, "section": "PR03", "size": 8, "enrolled": 8, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Aug - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115c, Flexible Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25514, "section": "PR02", "size": 8, "enrolled": 5, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Aug - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115c, Flexible Lab"}]}]}]}]}, "5914": {"id": "GUXOc9lqtINRef024yG98", "course_id": "104443", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104443", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Aircraft Design", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MECH ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "4108", "CLASS_NBR": 28612, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MECH ENG 3101, MECH ENG 3100", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, Project, Laboratory Report, Final Exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This a specialised course dedicated to Aircraft Design. In this course you will learn about Aircraft design methodology, Technical task preparation, team working, Aircraft design organisation, Aircraft weight calculation, mission fuel weight, Sensitivity analysis, Standard requirements, First estimation of aircraft design parameters, Sizing, Drag polar estimation at low speed, Matching diagram, Aircraft three view and drawings, Overall configuration design, Fuselage design, Propulsion system selection and integration, Wing design considerations, Empennage design considerations, Landing gear design and integration, Weight and balance analysis, Stability and control analysis. The material is presented in a combination of lectures, tutorials, hands-on laboratory sessions, and a group design project.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5915": {"id": "GUXOc9lqtINRef024yG98", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "HqRo8s_vICQAT7QhmdD76", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28612, "section": "WR01", "size": 150, "enrolled": 93, "available": 57, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "hBPMAlWZfgGxKT8sUO_kP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21774, "section": "PR13", "size": 8, "enrolled": 4, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S238, Flight Sim Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21775, "section": "PR12", "size": 8, "enrolled": 7, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Sep - 2 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S238, Flight Sim Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21776, "section": "PR11", "size": 8, "enrolled": 8, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Sep - 5 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S238, Flight Sim Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21777, "section": "PR10", "size": 8, "enrolled": 8, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Aug - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S238, Flight Sim Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21778, "section": "PR09", "size": 8, "enrolled": 8, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S238, Flight Sim Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21779, "section": "PR08", "size": 8, "enrolled": 8, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "20 Aug - 20 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S238, Flight Sim Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21780, "section": "PR07", "size": 8, "enrolled": 8, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Aug - 19 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S238, Flight Sim Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21781, "section": "PR06", "size": 8, "enrolled": 7, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "12 Aug - 12 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S238, Flight Sim Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21782, "section": "PR05", "size": 8, "enrolled": 7, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "12 Aug - 12 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S238, Flight Sim Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21783, "section": "PR04", "size": 8, "enrolled": 8, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Aug - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S238, Flight Sim Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21784, "section": "PR03", "size": 8, "enrolled": 8, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Aug - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S238, Flight Sim Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21785, "section": "PR02", "size": 8, "enrolled": 6, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 29 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S238, Flight Sim Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21786, "section": "PR01", "size": 8, "enrolled": 6, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 29 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S238, Flight Sim Lab"}]}]}]}]}, "5916": {"id": "t4RFuZhQ7YulaTZCad00u", "course_id": "104446", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104446", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "CFD for Engineering Applications", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MECH ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "4111", "CLASS_NBR": 14939, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MECH ENG 2021, MECH ENG 3102, MECH ENG 3101", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online Quizzes, Assignment, CFD Project, Final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The undergraduate course \u2018CFD for Engineering Applications\u2019 equips students with the necessary skills, knowledge and hands-on experience to effectively use computational fluid dynamics (CFD) techniques to solve engineering problems related to flow dynamics, heat transfer and multiphase flows. The curriculum encompasses various topics such as governing equations, discretisation schemes, numerical methods, turbulence modelling, mesh quality and independence test, numerical errors, and boundary conditions.\n\n\u2018CFD for Engineering Applications\u2019 is a core course for the Mechanical Engineering Major in the Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering programs and is also a general elective course for other majors in the Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering programs.\n\nThe course offers online lectures for flexible access and 11-12 face-to-face practical sessions held in computer suites at the North Terrace campus. Students actively engage in project-based learning and group work by using CFD software in practical exercises. \n\nAssessment activities comprise a group project, an individual assignment, online quizzes and a final exam, all designed to assess students\u2019 understanding of CFD fundamentals and proficiency in applying CFD in engineering applications. \n\nUpon successful completion of the course, students will possess a solid understanding of the fundamental CFD techniques and will be able to use CFD to solve basic engineering problems.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5917": {"id": "t4RFuZhQ7YulaTZCad00u", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "9ZXrr0JIWFK0HJMou5jkV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14939, "section": "PR02", "size": 40, "enrolled": 36, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14940, "section": "PR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 40, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "5f0NogC43xQ84L3B0hnoh", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18955, "section": "LE01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 76, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "5918": {"id": "rS7VxMvl85j8OxalWw8iV", "course_id": "104447", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104447", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Combustion Technologies & High Temperature Processes", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MECH ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "4112", "CLASS_NBR": 12280, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MECH ENG 2021, MECH ENG 3102, MECH ENG 3101", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CHEM ENG 4046", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, Design Project, Final Exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course covers the basics of thermal energy technologies that are common for combustion and fuels, with an emphasis on high temperature production processes. The Paris Agreement requires elimination of global, energy-based greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050, and this will demand a staggering transformation since 80% of current energy systems rely on the combustion of fossil fuels. This move to increasing fractions of renewable energy, including renewable hydrogen, biomass, waste and concentrated solar thermal, is driven by the need to mitigate GHG emissions and is expected to take around 50 years. The deployment of carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS) technology alongside existing fossil fuel energy production is also expected. Managing these changes brings many technical challenges, since any change in fuel composition or energy mix will influence the design of the combustion system, fuel consumption and pollutant emissions. The course will equip participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to address these challenges. It covers the understanding, analysis and design of modern combustion systems to account for fuel properties, maximise output and minimise air pollution. Combustion involves both mixing of the fuel and oxidant and the subsequent chemical reactions. The course therefore involves consideration of both combustion aerodynamics and fuel properties. It covers fuel selection, alternative and waste fuels, the design principles involved in reducing pollutant emissions, modelling, applications of combustion for power generation and minerals processing, hybridising combustion with concentrated solar thermal energy and fuel upgrading using solar thermal energy.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5919": {"id": "rS7VxMvl85j8OxalWw8iV", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "x8FveFJ6MsXcZntCXC0gB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12326, "section": "PJ01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 24, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 29 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Assessment", "id": "i7vrF44y8QWaSL1_fXY-R", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12279, "section": "AS01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 24, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "-wz5NylB2OR1owpR64CHP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12280, "section": "WR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 24, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5920": {"id": "YgD_Sri2yLLrt7nhxTPbq", "course_id": "104450", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104450", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Engineering Acoustics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MECH ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "4115", "CLASS_NBR": 92031, "SESSION_CD": "S01", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 12 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(MECH ENG 3028 or MECH ENG 3111). Plus 6 units of Level II Applied Maths courses", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MECH ENG 4115EX, MECH ENG 7027, MECH ENG 7027EX", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, Laboratory experiments, Final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The fundamentals of sound wave description and propagation, noise control techniques, the hearing mechanism, acoustic instrumentation, noise criteria, psychoacoustics, sound source types and radiated sound fields, outdoor sound propagation, sound power measurement techniques, sound in enclosed spaces, sound transmission loss, acoustic enclosures, acoustic barriers, pipe lagging and reactive and dissipative mufflers.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 23/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 25/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 07/02/2024"}}]}, "5921": {"id": "YgD_Sri2yLLrt7nhxTPbq", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "COBvkdBiWBbqvIZrvKOWb", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92031, "section": "WR01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 26, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jan - 26 Jan", "days": "Monday, Wednesday, Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Jan - 26 Jan", "days": "Monday, Wednesday, Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Jan - 2 Feb", "days": "Monday, Wednesday, Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Jan - 2 Feb", "days": "Monday, Wednesday, Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Feb - 9 Feb", "days": "Monday, Wednesday, Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Feb - 9 Feb", "days": "Monday, Wednesday, Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "uXcEhz-lCkOa1Ru0JctMV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92024, "section": "PR03", "size": 8, "enrolled": 8, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Feb - 8 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, SG07a, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 92025, "section": "PR02", "size": 8, "enrolled": 6, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Feb - 8 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, SG07a, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 92026, "section": "PR01", "size": 8, "enrolled": 7, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Feb - 6 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, SG07a, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 92028, "section": "PR06", "size": 8, "enrolled": 5, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Feb - 13 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, SG07a, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "5922": {"id": "LDSmVJS29F8v9FBBlz7-1", "course_id": "104450", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104450", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Engineering Acoustics", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MECH ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "4115EX", "CLASS_NBR": 92044, "SESSION_CD": "S01", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 12 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(MECH ENG 3028 or MECH ENG 3111). Plus 6 units of Level II Applied Maths courses", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MECH ENG 4115, MECH ENG 7027, MECH ENG 7027EX", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, Final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The fundamentals of sound wave description and propagation, noise control techniques, the hearing mechanism, acoustic instrumentation, noise criteria, psychoacoustics, sound source types and radiated sound fields, outdoor sound propagation, sound power measurement techniques, sound in enclosed spaces, sound transmission loss, acoustic enclosures, acoustic barriers, pipe lagging and reactive and dissipative mufflers.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 23/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 25/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 07/02/2024"}}]}, "5923": {"id": "LDSmVJS29F8v9FBBlz7-1", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "x_lz9T1yzSTb5kmGw9cXE", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92044, "section": "WR01", "size": 2, "enrolled": 2, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For external students only. Please complete the course full form to request enrolment:"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jan - 26 Jan", "days": "Monday, Wednesday, Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Jan - 26 Jan", "days": "Monday, Wednesday, Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Jan - 2 Feb", "days": "Monday, Wednesday, Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Jan - 2 Feb", "days": "Monday, Wednesday, Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Feb - 9 Feb", "days": "Monday, Wednesday, Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Feb - 9 Feb", "days": "Monday, Wednesday, Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "tRDF09u4xfwr9bdU4m1ih", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92043, "section": "PR01", "size": 2, "enrolled": 2, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Please ignore this prac class. Students will do a practical in their own time."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Feb - 6 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, SG07a, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "5924": {"id": "88fPdKnw5YjxFtH5iFjaW", "course_id": "104454", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104454", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Finite Element Analysis of Structures", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MECH ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "4118", "CLASS_NBR": 13052, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "((MATHS 1011 and MATHS 1012 and MECH ENG 1007 and MECH ENG 2002) and (CEME 1004 or CIVILENG 1004 or C&ENVENG 1010)) and (MATHS 2201 or MATHS 2106) and (MATHS 2202 or MATHS 2107)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MECH ENG 3102, MECH ENG 3026 and MECH ENG 3028 (or MECH ENG 3111)\u00a0(or equivalent courses)", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Final Exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course will equip students with the necessary knowledge to use finite element analysis to solve problems related to solid mechanics, dynamics, heat-transfer and acoustics. FEA is a design/research tool that is extensively used in industry and research institutions. Students will also gain hands-on experience in using finite element analysis software ANSYS to solve realistic engineering problems.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5925": {"id": "88fPdKnw5YjxFtH5iFjaW", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "ZJoUfqf1RdTJp1gZGrdfx", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13052, "section": "WR01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 73, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Assessment", "id": "fkDoNqz46nlRpSZNZbwli", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15499, "section": "AS01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 34, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "4 Jun - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15506, "section": "AS02", "size": 40, "enrolled": 39, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "4 Jun - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "D7UXk9csu6x6APS0UuIQZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15500, "section": "PR02", "size": 40, "enrolled": 39, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15501, "section": "PR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 34, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "5926": {"id": "zBn3xdXb7FjaL0Iz1MgMU", "course_id": "104458", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104458", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Materials Selection & Failure Analysis", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MECH ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "4121", "CLASS_NBR": 11838, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MECH ENG 2020", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Mini research projects for teams of 3-5 students & Tutorials, Quizzes, Final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "To introduce students to various tools that can be used to select the appropriate material and fabrication route for a given application. Examination of various failure modes to identify failure mechanism in real life examples. Apply material selection and failure analysis techniques to failure prevention. Reviews of available materials, manufacturing processes and mechanical behaviour of materials including fracture, fatigue, creep, corrosion and wear are also included in this course. In addition the effect of materials' production and fabrication on the environment is discussed briefly.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5927": {"id": "zBn3xdXb7FjaL0Iz1MgMU", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "DW9sBLu2Gbgk9qyXXhD0m", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11837, "section": "LE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 38, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "IDiiDt5rZz93h50TdPSMc", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11836, "section": "SE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 38, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "16 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "jsBJwf2bgMnqBEeZiO82a", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11838, "section": "TU01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 38, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5928": {"id": "aEeGt8hy12BtzAJz5G4yx", "course_id": "104462", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104462", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Robotics M", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MECH ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "4124", "CLASS_NBR": 11496, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MATHS 1012, MECH ENG 2019, MECH ENG 3028", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, Assignments, Project, Final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course focuses on robotic manipulators and is supplemented by advanced robotics topics. Robotic manipulator course topics include: classification of robotic systems; transformation of coordinates; kinematics and inverse kinematics; Jacobians and robot dynamics; trajectory generation; modelling; and, control. Advanced robotics topics may include: safety issues; wheeled mobile robots; machine vision basics; robot plume tracing, mobile robot trajectory generation; robotics in mining; kalman filtering; robotic arm calibration; and other new robotics related developments.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5929": {"id": "aEeGt8hy12BtzAJz5G4yx", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "nucfxzX6IGxlNKr7zdQ3z", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11496, "section": "WR02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 9, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15518, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "mlZIFUbUhqjBR7f5puVvi", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10934, "section": "LE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 39, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "H52J5D9Ss4oTCJTJLrMj7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15511, "section": "TU01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 39, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5930": {"id": "KVHd_QzX2oPc4hiE9U2Hx", "course_id": "104464", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104464", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Topics in Welded Structures", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MECH ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "4126", "CLASS_NBR": 92038, "SESSION_CD": "S04", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Intensive - 10 days", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MECH ENG 2020", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, Lab experiments, Final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course presents the concepts behind welding and joining technology. These include welding and joining techniques, equipment and consumables, weldability of engineering materials, economics, standards, health and safety, testing and repair. The concepts are then applied to the design and fabrication of engineering components, process plant and structures. The importance of selecting the correct welding process and parameters for a particular application will be demonstrated by investigating several case studies. Since a weld/joint can have a profound effect on the performance of a component depending on the in-service conditions it experiences, the influence of service environment will be investigated. At the end of the course students should have the concepts to assist in the selection of processes and parameters to make appropriately designed, sound joints, fit for service in the operating environment.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 02/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 08/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 22/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 29/01/2024"}}]}, "5931": {"id": "KVHd_QzX2oPc4hiE9U2Hx", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "-B_TU3fhjjQhJYH9IbwlY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92042, "section": "LE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 29, "available": 31, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Jan - 17 Jan", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "DZhJg5FrhW8OZiaPl4MuU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92038, "section": "WR01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 29, "available": 31, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "11 Jan - 18 Jan", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "ueNtzvprzlToRrDvhW4of", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92040, "section": "TU01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 29, "available": 31, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "12 Jan - 19 Jan", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5932": {"id": "9St869eyq03_TbKMGedjz", "course_id": "111633", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111633", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Submarine Design", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MECH ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "4842", "CLASS_NBR": 29675, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "031700", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 40 hours per week - intensive mode", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Project, final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Introduction to submarine design gives the student an understanding of the basic principles of submarine design in a complex modern multi-platform system. The course gives a general introduction to the operational requirements for submarines and what architecture and technologies can deliver the capability. Areas covered are the submarine design and development process and all its phases: the different design philosophies from all countries since WWII, the platform and combat systems, pressure hull design considerations, but also how to balance a submarine design (e.g. weight and buoyancy relations, overall submarine performance,). How to ensure sea worthiness for submarines: fit for purpose, safe to operate and environmentally compliant. Students will deliver a submarine concept design project using the software Paramarine.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5933": {"id": "9St869eyq03_TbKMGedjz", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "xOezL0l4r1fZyoF68Pdvl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29672, "section": "LE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2:30pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "PK-ijEz3A-hV6b_4Ad7mJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29674, "section": "PR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "b4xc0PV9AY2HZHpBa9LZK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29675, "section": "WR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G13, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "vaQIlQjWgRH6M3DFziKE7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29673, "section": "PJ01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Project", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Aug - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM106, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29677, "section": "SE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM213, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM213, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 5 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM213, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 Sep - 20 Sep", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G13, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5934": {"id": "z1jA60sqTkAvxvzV5UYkS", "course_id": "101919", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "101919", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Materials Selection & Failure Analysis", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MECH ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7020", "CLASS_NBR": 11841, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030305", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MECH ENG 2020 or equivalent", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Mini research projects for teams of 3-5 students & tutorials, quizzes, final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "To introduce students to various tools that can be used to select the appropriate material and fabrication route for a given application. Examination of various failure modes to identify failure mechanism in real life examples. Apply material selection and failure analysis techniques to failure prevention. Reviews of available materials, manufacturing processes and mechanical behaviour of materials including fracture, fatigue, creep, corrosion and wear are also included in this course. In addition the effect of materials' production and fabrication on the environment is discussed briefly.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5935": {"id": "z1jA60sqTkAvxvzV5UYkS", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "xFUULfEJh1IS5PAxvkal3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11840, "section": "LE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 13, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "XgszlA9aYGS5n14MS4yWA", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11839, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 13, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "16 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "4rpQoyc6-UoAJGmmT4mjf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11841, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 13, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5936": {"id": "5iZTFxPbgIFis-mcrBTFh", "course_id": "101920", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "101920", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Combustion Technologies & High Temperature Processes", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MECH ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7021", "CLASS_NBR": 12278, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, design project, final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course covers the basics of thermal energy technologies that are common for combustion and fuels, with an emphasis on high temperature production processes. The Paris Agreement requires elimination of global, energy-based greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050, and this will demand a staggering transformation since 80% of current energy systems rely on the combustion of fossil fuels. This move to increasing fractions of renewable energy, including renewable hydrogen, biomass, waste and concentrated solar thermal, is driven by the need to mitigate GHG emissions and is expected to take around 50 years. The deployment of carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS) technology alongside existing fossil fuel energy production is also expected. Managing these changes brings many technical challenges, since any change in fuel composition or energy mix will influence the design of the combustion system, fuel consumption and pollutant emissions. The course will equip participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to address these challenges. It covers the understanding, analysis and design of modern combustion systems to account for fuel properties, maximise output and minimise air pollution. Combustion involves both mixing of the fuel and oxidant and the subsequent chemical reactions. The course therefore involves consideration of both combustion aerodynamics and fuel properties. It covers fuel selection, alternative and waste fuels, the design principles involved in reducing pollutant emissions, modelling, applications of combustion for power generation and minerals processing, hybridising combustion with concentrated solar thermal energy and fuel upgrading using solar thermal energy.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5937": {"id": "5iZTFxPbgIFis-mcrBTFh", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "yqLvRvsQNH2NNsd0VMw57", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12327, "section": "PJ01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 29 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Assessment", "id": "C3kw9oK-VNDrUVyTvgmxV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12277, "section": "AS01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "eZ9X9S9LbzBryN9XerX0e", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12278, "section": "WR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5938": {"id": "z3sHB01cs9QxOct9_9dq9", "course_id": "101923", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "101923", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Robotics M", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MECH ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7024", "CLASS_NBR": 11497, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MATHS 1012, MECH ENG 2019, MECH ENG 3028, or equivalent.", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, Assignments, Project, Final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course focuses on robotic manipulators and is supplemented by advanced robotics topics. Robotic manipulator course topics include: classification of robotic systems; transformation of coordinates; kinematics and inverse kinematics; Jacobians and robot dynamics; trajectory generation; modelling; and, control. Advanced robotics topics may include: safety issues; wheeled mobile robots; machine vision basics; robot plume tracing, mobile robot trajectory generation; robotics in mining; kalman filtering; robotic arm calibration; and other new robotics related developments.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5939": {"id": "z3sHB01cs9QxOct9_9dq9", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "xsmKn2lmaH-VuDKpoQaf5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11497, "section": "WR02", "size": 5, "enrolled": 3, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15519, "section": "WR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 5, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "APMmXt1Nxy_NuUZyTYdsK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10935, "section": "LE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 8, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "KyThYPGXF61iWc2y9oNdv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15510, "section": "TU01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 8, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5940": {"id": "LQHFjctQ1KA1mSqbmaCN2", "course_id": "101924", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "101924", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Topics in Welded Structures", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MECH ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7025", "CLASS_NBR": 92037, "SESSION_CD": "S04", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030305", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Intensive - 10 days", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MECH ENG 2020", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, laboratory experiments, final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course presents the concepts behind welding and joining technology. These include welding and joining techniques, equipment and consumables, weldability of engineering materials, economics, standards, health and safety, testing and repair. The concepts are then applied to the design and fabrication of engineering components, process plant and structures. The importance of selecting the correct welding process and parameters for a particular application will be demonstrated by investigating several case studies. Since a weld/joint can have a profound effect on the performance of a component depending on the in-service conditions it experiences, the influence of service environment will be investigated. At the end of the course students should have the concepts to assist in the selection of processes and parameters to make appropriately designed, sound joints, fit for service in the operating environment.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 02/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 08/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 22/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 29/01/2024"}}]}, "5941": {"id": "LQHFjctQ1KA1mSqbmaCN2", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "bNMNjVqYMr5wAcNNmNU-j", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92041, "section": "LE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 5, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Jan - 17 Jan", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "EkvNeazBVRf6JtO6V8YOj", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92037, "section": "WR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 5, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "11 Jan - 18 Jan", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "ifrGny0wMLXiOFb0v9mIG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92039, "section": "TU01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 5, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "12 Jan - 19 Jan", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5942": {"id": "Nr6LgVx6Lrmy9LHs5jwEo", "course_id": "101925", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "101925", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Topics in Fluid Mechanics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MECH ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7026", "CLASS_NBR": 14328, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours lectures/tutorials and 3 hours laboratories per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MECH ENG 1007, MECH ENG 2021, MECH ENG 3101, 6 units of Level II Applied Mathematics courses; or equivalent", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, laboratory experiments, final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course builds on the concepts learned in core thermofluids courses and extends these to provide practical interpretive and predictive methods. The syllabus begins with a practical and theoretical overview of modern flow measurement techniques, turbulence theory and potential flow theory, followed by methods used to interpret velocity and flow data such as flow topology. These are applied to fundamental flow cases such as free shear flows, then specific applications of these flow cases are given through the study of internal flow systems and external flows around air, ground and sea-going vehicles. These include wind tunnels, race cars, high-performance yachts, swimmers, sports balls, cars, birds and fish.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5943": {"id": "Nr6LgVx6Lrmy9LHs5jwEo", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "ajPCgQmn8n4VFtu8273Ti", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15514, "section": "TU01", "size": 36, "enrolled": 25, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "du9rd-RfzvzhYyr4GKiPd", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12128, "section": "PR05", "size": 6, "enrolled": 5, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S213, KC Wind Tunnel"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12129, "section": "PR04", "size": 6, "enrolled": 6, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S213, KC Wind Tunnel"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12130, "section": "PR03", "size": 6, "enrolled": 6, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S213, KC Wind Tunnel"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12131, "section": "PR02", "size": 6, "enrolled": 6, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S213, KC Wind Tunnel"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12132, "section": "PR01", "size": 6, "enrolled": 2, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S213, KC Wind Tunnel"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19183, "section": "PR06", "size": 6, "enrolled": 0, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S213, KC Wind Tunnel"}]}]}]}]}, "5944": {"id": "nkqu2RdVwqevN9TbycyFB", "course_id": "101926", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "101926", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Engineering Acoustics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MECH ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7027", "CLASS_NBR": 92036, "SESSION_CD": "S01", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 12 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(MECH ENG 7047 or MECH ENG 7111); or equivalent and 6 units of Level II Applied Maths courses", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MECH ENG 4115, MECH ENG 4115EX, MECH ENG 7027EX", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, laboratory experiments, final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The fundamentals of sound wave description and propagation, noise control techniques, the hearing mechanism, acoustic instrumentation, noise criteria, psychoacoustics, sound source types and radiated sound fields, outdoor sound propagation, sound power measurement techniques, sound in enclosed spaces, sound transmission loss, acoustic enclosures, acoustic barriers, pipe lagging and reactive and dissipative mufflers.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 23/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 25/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 07/02/2024"}}]}, "5945": {"id": "nkqu2RdVwqevN9TbycyFB", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "DvRSTvx9wxkIl-InXLBrB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92036, "section": "WR01", "size": 9, "enrolled": 7, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jan - 26 Jan", "days": "Monday, Wednesday, Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Jan - 26 Jan", "days": "Monday, Wednesday, Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Jan - 2 Feb", "days": "Monday, Wednesday, Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Jan - 2 Feb", "days": "Monday, Wednesday, Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Feb - 9 Feb", "days": "Monday, Wednesday, Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Feb - 9 Feb", "days": "Monday, Wednesday, Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "iqrF0hp-DJXmkAnJdXMpx", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92035, "section": "PR01", "size": 9, "enrolled": 7, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Feb - 6 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, SG07a, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "5946": {"id": "pg_ePJNB_nCf4Vi7QWb4Z", "course_id": "101926", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "101926", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Engineering Acoustics", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MECH ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7027EX", "CLASS_NBR": 92046, "SESSION_CD": "S01", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 12 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(MECH ENG 7047 or MECH ENG 7111); or equivalent and 6 units of Level II Applied Maths courses", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MECH ENG 4115, MECH ENG 4115EX, MECH ENG 7027", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The fundamentals of sound wave description and propagation, noise control techniques, the hearing mechanism, acoustic instrumentation, noise criteria, psychoacoustics, sound source types and radiated sound fields, outdoor sound propagation, sound power measurement techniques, sound in enclosed spaces, sound transmission loss, acoustic enclosures, acoustic barriers, pipe lagging and reactive and dissipative mufflers.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 23/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 25/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 07/02/2024"}}]}, "5947": {"id": "pg_ePJNB_nCf4Vi7QWb4Z", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "QaBbCvE8N3PWyrO0CGqdX", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92046, "section": "WR01", "size": 1, "enrolled": 0, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For external students only. Please complete the course full form to request enrolment:"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jan - 26 Jan", "days": "Monday, Wednesday, Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Jan - 26 Jan", "days": "Monday, Wednesday, Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Jan - 2 Feb", "days": "Monday, Wednesday, Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Jan - 2 Feb", "days": "Monday, Wednesday, Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Feb - 9 Feb", "days": "Monday, Wednesday, Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Feb - 9 Feb", "days": "Monday, Wednesday, Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "rIx7gMRza9SilWf1OdJdm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92045, "section": "PR01", "size": 1, "enrolled": 0, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Please ignore this prac class. Students will do a practical in their own time."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Feb - 6 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, SG07a, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "5948": {"id": "-lQU2l-2G5g1gtTeziN3J", "course_id": "101928", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "101928", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced PID Control", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MECH ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7028", "CLASS_NBR": 22400, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, tutorials, laboratory project, written exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course covers a variety of advanced topics in automatic control system design with a focus on PID control. Major topics include: system identification for low-order systems, frequency domain analysis of stability and sensitivity, and PID tuning laws and their derivation. Techniques used to analyse and accommodate uncertainty and disturbances in practical systems are taught. Matlab/Simulink is the programming environment used to design and analyse the control systems both theoretically and using hands-on control system apparatus in the lab. Students attend weekly face-to-face laboratory sessions to learn control systems by building them from scratch with a variety of apparatus. Remote students undertake equivalent modules in a virtual Matlab environment.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5949": {"id": "-lQU2l-2G5g1gtTeziN3J", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "rSjTnB2ntuiJN_yZCjSvD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22400, "section": "WR02", "size": 10, "enrolled": 9, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22401, "section": "WR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 7, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "9ew4bEvBRucp0vMCAIHNn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25311, "section": "PR02", "size": 10, "enrolled": 10, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25312, "section": "PR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 6, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "IMuZt_7gD0iW3K9x2SlJq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28811, "section": "LEC0", "size": 20, "enrolled": 16, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "5950": {"id": "5_BhYAUCAYjTHkrlVipe4", "course_id": "101929", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "101929", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Air conditioning", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MECH ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7029", "CLASS_NBR": 25522, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, practical, final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is a practical introduction to design of air conditioning systems. It looks at such aspects of design as vapour compression cycles; heat transfer in two-phase flow; types, selection and operation of refrigeration plant; psychrometrics; climatic data and its use; load estimation and analysis; constant and variable air volume systems; human comfort and health; cooling and dehumidifying coils; controls; fans and duct systems; system balancing and stimulation; energy efficiency in buildings.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5951": {"id": "5_BhYAUCAYjTHkrlVipe4", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "_qmGao8UWLYdsYF1ZSzoi", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25315, "section": "WR01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 10, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25522, "section": "WR02", "size": 15, "enrolled": 13, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Aug - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "Pfpg8cg6vcVmzYLsr6VmO", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25484, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 23, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "1PmImaHKnnB3si2fZ9ecz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25497, "section": "PR04", "size": 8, "enrolled": 8, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Sep - 2 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115c, Flexible Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25498, "section": "PR03", "size": 8, "enrolled": 7, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "12 Aug - 12 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115c, Flexible Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25499, "section": "PR02", "size": 8, "enrolled": 8, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Aug - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115c, Flexible Lab"}]}]}]}]}, "5952": {"id": "1Twyu-ngt0Vghb-zR5Lc7", "course_id": "101930", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "101930", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Vibrations", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MECH ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7030", "CLASS_NBR": 22552, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MECH ENG 3028, in particular an understanding of the principles of vibrations, including the influence of mass, stiffness and damping; an understanding of the concepts of vibration modes and natural frequencies; and familiarity with Matlab.", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, Laboratory Experiment, Final Exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students will be introduced to the vibrations of complex systems including multi-degree-of-freedom and continuous systems. System modelling via the use of energy analysis and its application to complex vibrating systems will be discussed. The fundamentals of vibrations of continuous systems such as strings, beams and plates will be explained. Nonlinearities in vibration behaviour of mechanical systems will be analysed and the fundamentals of flow-induced vibrations and dynamics of Micro- Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) will be explained.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5953": {"id": "1Twyu-ngt0Vghb-zR5Lc7", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "oP3G66SY_y3btjaTCXeZr", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22541, "section": "LE01", "size": 28, "enrolled": 27, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "kOnCGwYLhEeIyoZQFOIEq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22548, "section": "PR04", "size": 7, "enrolled": 6, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115b, Flexible Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22549, "section": "PR03", "size": 7, "enrolled": 7, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Aug - 19 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115b, Flexible Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22550, "section": "PR02", "size": 7, "enrolled": 7, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "12 Aug - 12 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115b, Flexible Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22551, "section": "PR01", "size": 7, "enrolled": 7, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Aug - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115b, Flexible Lab"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "whQrZIoRKTOaiAA9jswvZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22552, "section": "WR02", "size": 15, "enrolled": 14, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "21 Aug - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22553, "section": "WR01", "size": 13, "enrolled": 13, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "20 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM106, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "TzSNDUnC3KeSUqAZLJFzO", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20277, "section": "TU01", "size": 28, "enrolled": 27, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5954": {"id": "ROlTcDMjnNBqTxU4_GVqk", "course_id": "103545", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103545", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Submarine Design", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MECH ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7042", "CLASS_NBR": 25019, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "031700", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 40 hours per week - intensive mode", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students in the Master/Grad Dip/Grad Cert of Marine Engineering (now called Master/Grad Dip/Grad Cert of Maritime Engineering)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "It is assumed that students have a general technical knowledge obtained by a Bachelor of Engineering degree or equivalent and some relevant work experience. This course is aimed at students from all technical backgrounds (systems, engineering mechanical,", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Project, final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Introduction to submarine design gives the student an understanding of the basic principles of submarine design in a complex modern multi-platform system. The course gives a general introduction to the operational requirements for submarines and what architecture and technologies can deliver the capability. Areas covered are the submarine design and development process and all its phases: the different design philosophies from all countries since WWII, the platform and combat systems, pressure hull design considerations, but also how to balance a submarine design (eg weight and buoyancy relations, overall submarine performance,). How to ensure sea worthiness for submarines: fit for purpose, safe to operate and environmentally compliant. Students will deliver a submarine concept design project using the software Paramarine.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5955": {"id": "ROlTcDMjnNBqTxU4_GVqk", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "WtdsPEPim0eJHiB7hlLnl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25082, "section": "LE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 26, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2:30pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "5Tg8-AQPalFKnbhhRH_3N", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24759, "section": "PR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 26, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "92IgdZc9cSVjI1CiFGGN1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25019, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 26, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G13, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "sNC39ar0p8w7Vm6QJx_r_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25083, "section": "PJ01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 26, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Project", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Aug - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM106, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25084, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 26, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM213, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM213, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 5 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM213, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 Sep - 20 Sep", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G13, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5956": {"id": "3fCd0aojB9D8oqk7sl7bY", "course_id": "103545", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103545", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Submarine Design", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MECH ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7042EX", "CLASS_NBR": 15695, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "031700", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 40 hours per week - intensive mode", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to Master of Marine Engineering students invited to participate in ENSTA BRETAGNE dual program.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "It is assumed that students have a general technical knowledge obtained by a Bachelor of Engineering degree or equivalent, and some relevant work experience.", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Project, final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Introduction to submarine design gives the student an understanding of the basic principles of submarine design in a complex modern multi-platform system. The course gives a general introduction to the operational requirements for submarines and what architecture and technologies can deliver the capability. Areas covered are the submarine design and development process and all its phases: the different design philosophies from all countries since WWII, the platform and combat systems, pressure hull design considerations, but also how to balance a submarine design (eg weight and buoyancy relations, overall submarine performance,). How to ensure sea worthiness for submarines: fit for purpose, safe to operate and environmentally compliant. Students will deliver a submarine concept design project using the software Paramarine.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5957": {"id": "3fCd0aojB9D8oqk7sl7bY", "class_list": [{"association_group": "", "groups": []}]}, "5958": {"id": "4bZjTDi3ilLx_CgR8Wddi", "course_id": "103570", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103570", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "CFD for Engineering Applications", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MECH ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7045", "CLASS_NBR": 15351, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MECH ENG 2021, MECH ENG 3102, MECH ENG 3101 (or equivalent courses)", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online Quizzes, Assignment, CFD Project, Final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course \u2018CFD for Engineering Applications\u2019 equips students with the necessary skills, knowledge and hands-on experience to effectively use computational fluid dynamics (CFD) techniques to solve engineering problems related to flow dynamics, heat transfer and multiphase flows. The curriculum encompasses various topics such as governing equations, discretisation schemes, numerical methods, turbulence modelling, mesh quality and independence test, numerical errors, and boundary conditions.\n\n\u2018CFD for Engineering Applications\u2019 is an elective course for the Master of Engineering (Mechanical) program.\n\nThe course offers online lectures for flexible access and 11-12 face-to-face practical sessions held in computer suites at the North Terrace campus. Students actively engage in project-based learning and group work by using CFD software in practical exercises. \n\nAssessment activities comprise a group project, an individual assignment, online quizzes and a final exam, all designed to assess students\u2019 understanding of CFD fundamentals and proficiency in applying CFD in engineering applications. \n\nUpon successful completion of the course, students will possess a solid understanding of the fundamental CFD techniques and will be able to use CFD to solve basic engineering problems.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5959": {"id": "4bZjTDi3ilLx_CgR8Wddi", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "sRIzDx8_vSsvKyoTafPTH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15351, "section": "PR02", "size": 5, "enrolled": 2, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15352, "section": "PR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 2, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "lPnF6X0Agb-CRpiuMBJn9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18954, "section": "LE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 4, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "5960": {"id": "xbHrz0o6Adu4f4faY5YmD", "course_id": "103910", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103910", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Submarine Design", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MECH ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7046", "CLASS_NBR": 15221, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "031700", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 40 hours per week - intensive mode", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students in the Master/Grad Dip/Grad Cert of Marine Engineering (now called Master/Grad Dip/Grad Cert of Maritime Engineering)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Project, Final Exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Submarine Design builds on the Introductory course by expanding on a number of submarine systems and exploring specific technology areas. Areas covered are the resistance and powering, hydrodynamics and stability of submarines, pressure hull design, designing for shock and low signatures (stealth), and specific submarine systems in the areas; electrical, mechanical, safety, combat systems and Air Independent Propulsion (AIP). Whilst focusing on understanding the systems, the course will explore beyond design with building techniques and maintenance aspects (logistic engineering).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5961": {"id": "xbHrz0o6Adu4f4faY5YmD", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "UOY6g0yaNLmxjQRNW43Rq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15219, "section": "LE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 26, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM106, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "kpWMSa5KEEZw41a0MNfvS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14937, "section": "PR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 26, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Project", "id": "hN_otIcOxbby5esWhtjaS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15220, "section": "PJ01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 26, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Project", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "17 May - 17 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "sEy59Ckux94qGhqGWRgFl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15221, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 26, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G13, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Apr - 19 Apr", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G13, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 2 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G13, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 May - 16 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5962": {"id": "gDkP2pCL3rWUN6OhDCGS5", "course_id": "104223", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104223", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Marine Engineering Research Project A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MECH ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7049A", "CLASS_NBR": 15731, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "031700", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 20 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students in the Master of Marine Engineering (now called Master of Maritime Engineering)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Group project plan and interim seminar, individual interim paper.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In the two-semester M.Eng Research Project, students undertake an AQF9 research project and demonstrate deep discipline understanding in their field of study. Students work directly under the supervision of world-leading research academics, with potential for industry collaboration. These courses strengthen and apply the project management and research skills of the students with a focus on engineering communication and the integration of advanced technical methodologies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "5963": {"id": "gDkP2pCL3rWUN6OhDCGS5", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "HSD6w-MJ05hr8vgL_bQEg", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15731, "section": "01NT", "size": 5, "enrolled": 3, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "5964": {"id": "pZ0XgsbB-RuhzwbEVYgRF", "course_id": "104223", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104223", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Marine Engineering Research Project A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MECH ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7049A", "CLASS_NBR": 25744, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "031700", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 20 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students in the Master of Marine Engineering (now called Master of Maritime Engineering)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Group project plan and interim seminar, individual interim paper.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In the two-semester M.Eng Research Project, students undertake an AQF9 research project and demonstrate deep discipline understanding in their field of study. Students work directly under the supervision of world-leading research academics, with potential for industry collaboration. These courses strengthen and apply the project management and research skills of the students with a focus on engineering communication and the integration of advanced technical methodologies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "5965": {"id": "pZ0XgsbB-RuhzwbEVYgRF", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "nG3F-31yoiksraiV1UI-x", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25744, "section": "01NT", "size": 5, "enrolled": 2, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "5966": {"id": "picy_R9m1Z7a8N_fbIQFa", "course_id": "104224", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104224", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Marine Engineering Research Project B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MECH ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7049B", "CLASS_NBR": 15732, "SESSION_CD": "FM2", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "031700", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 20 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students in the Master of Marine Engineering (now called Master of Maritime Engineering)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MECH ENG 7049A in previous Semester", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Group final seminar, individual final paper.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In the two-semester M.Eng Research Project, students undertake an AQF9 research project and demonstrate deep discipline understanding in their field of study. Students work directly under the supervision of world-leading research academics, with potential for industry collaboration. These courses strengthen and apply the project management and research skills of the students with a focus on engineering communication and the integration of advanced technical methodologies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5967": {"id": "picy_R9m1Z7a8N_fbIQFa", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "mVmuFWngr7iuPRsASt-hU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15732, "section": "01NT", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "5968": {"id": "l0MRMEAcMGk3hmOXOWGHL", "course_id": "104224", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104224", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Marine Engineering Research Project B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MECH ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7049B", "CLASS_NBR": 25745, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "031700", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 20 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students in the Master of Marine Engineering (now called Master of Maritime Engineering)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MECH ENG 7049A in previous Semester", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Group final seminar, individual final paper.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In the two-semester M.Eng Research Project, students undertake an AQF9 research project and demonstrate deep discipline understanding in their field of study. Students work directly under the supervision of world-leading research academics, with potential for industry collaboration. These courses strengthen and apply the project management and research skills of the students with a focus on engineering communication and the integration of advanced technical methodologies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5969": {"id": "l0MRMEAcMGk3hmOXOWGHL", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Noo2fs0ud2ZWgIpk-Jnoq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25745, "section": "01NT", "size": 5, "enrolled": 3, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "5970": {"id": "OeyNBjALP-tSdK1HeDcvt", "course_id": "104430", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104430", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Aerospace Propulsion", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MECH ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7053", "CLASS_NBR": 15377, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MECH ENG 3102", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MECH ENG 4106", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, project, laboratory experiment, quiz, final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Introduction to air-breathing (gas turbines, ramjets, ducted rockets, scramjets) jet propulsion systems. Prediction of thrust, combustion reactions, specific fuel consumption and operating performance. Aerothermodynamics of inlets, combustors, nozzles, compressors, turbines. Review of space propulsion systems. Introduction to alternative future space propulsion systems. Chemical rocket and jet engine combustion including thermochemistry, chemical kinetics and the combustion chamber and instabilities. Jet engine noise and emissions. Overview of jet engine systems such as thrust reversal, internal air, starting and ignition, controls and instrumentation, power plant testing and installation, maintenance.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5971": {"id": "OeyNBjALP-tSdK1HeDcvt", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "9cuVzdWoRshcFeQCZ-Dbm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13054, "section": "TU01", "size": 6, "enrolled": 3, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "EibxroV3xYc6aJPwFCrgy", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15375, "section": "PR02", "size": 8, "enrolled": 3, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, SG27, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "frfXyYwQLvPGcHghmmuBC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15377, "section": "WR03", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15378, "section": "WR02", "size": 5, "enrolled": 2, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 25 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15379, "section": "WR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 25 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "5972": {"id": "XS8uY930BC_ceI2hVZSA6", "course_id": "109442", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109442", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Systems Engineering 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MECH ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7056", "CLASS_NBR": 92023, "SESSION_CD": "S01", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Delivered in Intensive mode", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "It is assumed that students have a general technical knowledge obtained by a Bachelor of Engineering degree or equivalent, and some relevant work experience.", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Project, Assignment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Systems engineering is an interdisciplinary approach to enable the realisation of successful systems. It involves considering the complete problem context and system lifecycle; defining the customer needs and functionality early; codifying the requirements; and performing design synthesis and validation accordingly. This course introduces the fundamental concepts and techniques of systems engineering and demonstrates how they can be applied to solve problems. It covers the key processes for engineering systems from the technical, technical management, agreement and organisation-enabling domains. Participants will learn from practicing certified systems engineering professionals and will have the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the concepts and processes introduced through group discussion, individual assignments and team projects.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 23/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 25/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 07/02/2024"}}]}, "5973": {"id": "XS8uY930BC_ceI2hVZSA6", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "lDuhplDM0bkrw9MtTyXhg", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92023, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 19, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "16 Jan - 17 Jan", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Jan - 25 Jan", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5974": {"id": "-nx2O43l5CxMxmxgB_CCF", "course_id": "110005", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110005", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Master of Maritime Internship", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MECH ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7057", "CLASS_NBR": 26203, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "031701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Internship over 24 week period", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Dual Master of Maritime Engineering students only (Agreement between the University of Adelaide and ENSTA Bretagne)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MECH ENG 7042, MECH ENG 7046", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MECH ENG 7042, MECH ENG 7046, MECH ENG 7077", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Reports and presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This internship course is only applicable to students undertaking the Master of Maritime Engineering Agreement between The University of Adelaide and ENSTA Bretagne. Students will undertake a 24-week internship after two semesters of study in France and Australia. It will build and apply skills developed to relevant workplace settings, including training in career development skills and employability. Included within the internship are opportunities to produce original projects to demonstrate analytical, research and problem-solving skills; graduate-ready qualities that are essential for future employment. An understanding of the value of industry and professional networks and their importance to lifelong learning and career progression will be developed. The internship component will directly add to the student experience and resume, while providing an environment to consolidate confidence and an ability to contribute to the workplace. The internship will focus on building employability in the area of Maritime Engineering and related industries and business.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5975": {"id": "-nx2O43l5CxMxmxgB_CCF", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "vDDuSBI1CgUtqmr7vxuLG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26203, "section": "01NT", "size": 15, "enrolled": 0, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "5976": {"id": "AJouJgNVCQ08gqoJS42zm", "course_id": "103648", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103648", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Finite Element Analysis of Structures", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MECH ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7059", "CLASS_NBR": 11809, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MATHS 1011, MATHS 1012, CEME 1004 or CIVILENG 1004 or C&ENVENG 1010, MECH ENG 1007, MECH ENG 2002, MATHS 2106, MATHS 2107, MECH ENG 3102, MECH ENG 3026, MECH ENG 3028 (or MECH ENG 3111) (or equivalent courses)", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course will equip students with the necessary knowledge to use finite element analysis to solve problems related to solid mechanics, dynamics, heat-transfer and acoustics. FEA is a design/research tool that is extensively used in industry and research institutions. Students will also gain hands-on experience in using finite element analysis software ANSYS to solve realistic engineering problems.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5977": {"id": "AJouJgNVCQ08gqoJS42zm", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "ah8Ygkbo5T2Y2sK0I3g07", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11809, "section": "WR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 34, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Assessment", "id": "I63EWDgA6MiOur-YWSmeU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15502, "section": "AS01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 18, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "4 Jun - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15505, "section": "AS02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 16, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "4 Jun - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "vBFvXzLOR-se5FILfVO4f", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15503, "section": "PR02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 19, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15504, "section": "PR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 15, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "5978": {"id": "Gq3gkBqFSo4kAYNVDECXM", "course_id": "103976", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103976", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Aircraft Design", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MECH ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7062", "CLASS_NBR": 28611, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "031501", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MECH ENG 3100, MECH ENG 3101, MECH ENG 7066, MECH ENG 7068", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MECH ENG 4100, MECH ENG 7063", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, Project, Laboratory Report, Final Exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This a specialised course dedicated to Aircraft Design. In this course you will learn about Aircraft design methodology, Technical task preparation, team working, Aircraft design organisation, Aircraft weight calculation, mission fuel weight, Sensitivity analysis, Standard requirements, First estimation of aircraft design parameters, Sizing, Drag polar estimation at low speed, Matching diagram, Aircraft three view and drawings, Overall configuration design, Fuselage design, Propulsion system selection and integration, Wing design considerations, Empennage design considerations, Landing gear design and integration, Weight and balance analysis, Stability and control analysis. The material is presented in a combination of lectures, tutorials, hands-on laboratory sessions, and a group design project.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5979": {"id": "Gq3gkBqFSo4kAYNVDECXM", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "nwRIfdi8eCuly0tlpc3Rn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28611, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 14, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "lb0yYUSkB6G5R2VHCH-sw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21771, "section": "PR02", "size": 8, "enrolled": 7, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Aug - 19 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S238, Flight Sim Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21772, "section": "PR01", "size": 8, "enrolled": 7, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S238, Flight Sim Lab"}]}]}]}]}, "5980": {"id": "RF7Tsv82ByqeTpXSLCxq5", "course_id": "103978", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103978", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Topics in Aerospace Engineering", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MECH ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7063", "CLASS_NBR": 21727, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "031501", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MECH ENG 2019", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MECH ENG 4100", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, Quizzes, Exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This student-centred course propels aspiring aerospace engineers into the intricacies of aircraft stability, equipping them to shape the future of flight. Through a dynamic blend of online and in-person lectures, tutorials, and workshops, students embark on a transformative journey that unlocks their potential to innovate and create. \n \nGain insight into the factors that influence aircraft equilibrium, deciphering static stability intricacies that drive design decisions. Navigate the complex realm of 3D aircraft motion with mastery of rigid body dynamics, a cornerstone for advanced control systems. Analyse pitch axis oscillations to ensure seamless longitudinal dynamics and delve into lateral stability for optimised roll and yaw control. Overcome flexibility-induced issues, confront the challenges of aeroelasticity, and harmonize aerodynamics and structural dynamics expertise. Transcend theory by applying principles to real-world problems, honing the skills to innovate and excel in aerospace engineering. \n \nEmbrace a flexible and immersive learning environment that blends online and in-person engagement. Engage with dynamic lectures, and collaborate in interactive tutorials, and workshops. \nDemonstrate your mastery through assignments, quizzes, and a comprehensive semester-end examination. These assessments will gauge your grasp of the intricate concepts, ensuring you're ready to conquer the aerospace engineering frontier. \n \nUpon successful completion of this course, you will possess a robust toolkit to navigate the complexities of aircraft stability and dynamics. You'll be primed to solve practical flight dynamics challenges and steer aircraft toward new performance frontiers.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5981": {"id": "RF7Tsv82ByqeTpXSLCxq5", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "t8ullrT_0itopHDvHfrd6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28696, "section": "LE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "JmH7-2RyP1UcRN6k6Ck4a", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21727, "section": "TU01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "P5E9R4HpiAJ0QKTx34EH-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25307, "section": "PR02", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Aug - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25308, "section": "PR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Aug - 2 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "5982": {"id": "dG2m1PbCBkig139lgrgN7", "course_id": "105589", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105589", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Aeronautical Engineering", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MECH ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7066", "CLASS_NBR": 12576, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MECH ENG 2021, MECH ENG 2002", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, Laboratory Reports, Final Exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is an introductory course to Aeronautical Engineering. In this course you will learn about Aircraft types, Atmosphere Properties, Aircraft Geometries, Forces and Moments, Aerodynamics, Flight Performance, Stability and Control, Thrust, Aircraft Loads, and Helicopter Aerodynamics. The assumed knowledge for this course includes fluid mechanics and thermodynamics in particular understanding of laminar and turbulent flow, control volume analysis, different types of engines, and different types of thermodynamic cycles. The material is presented in a combination of lectures, tutorials and hands-on laboratory sessions.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5983": {"id": "dG2m1PbCBkig139lgrgN7", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "_PES67Zb_VfYHTuq5TuGc", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12576, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 17, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "NG1E2DiPr0cSznqHZ2Yap", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11501, "section": "PR02", "size": 8, "enrolled": 3, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S238, Flight Sim Lab"}, {"dates": "16 May - 16 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S217, Aerospace Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12581, "section": "PR03", "size": 8, "enrolled": 8, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S238, Flight Sim Lab"}, {"dates": "24 May - 24 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S217, Aerospace Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12582, "section": "PR01", "size": 8, "enrolled": 6, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S238, Flight Sim Lab"}, {"dates": "14 May - 14 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S217, Aerospace Lab"}]}]}]}]}, "5984": {"id": "qV4U4G-3a4_M-jzZwIBNh", "course_id": "105590", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105590", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Mechanics of Materials", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MECH ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7067", "CLASS_NBR": 12800, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "CHEM ENG 1009, MECH ENG 2002, MATHS 2202", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, quizzes, finite element labs, laboratory experiment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course teaches the fundamentals for the analysis of materials and structures in engineering with a specific focus on aircraft and space structures. The lectures are split into two parallel modules: Solid Mechanics and Materials. The Solid Mechanics module covers general material relating to the analysis of stresses, strains, deformation, and strength in solid materials and simple components. Specific topics include stress and strain tensors, elasticity, plasticity, elementary solutions of theories of elasticity and plasticity, principles of minimum potential energy, and finite element modelling. The second module, Materials is focused on the application of materials in design of aerospace components and structures. Topics covered include the application of monolithic materials; metals, polymers and ceramics and composite materials. (Metal matrix \u2013MMC\u2019s, Polymer matrix- PMC\u2019s and ceramic matrix \u2013 CMC\u2019s). For composite materials, design, fabrication, properties and applications are discussed.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5985": {"id": "qV4U4G-3a4_M-jzZwIBNh", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "5jmtGcMFQmg1ntDiAdHhh", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12800, "section": "TU03", "size": 20, "enrolled": 9, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 3 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12801, "section": "TU02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 3 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12802, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "14 Mar - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 2 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Assessment", "id": "q8WEpVOjLRdVD1CesPa9T", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12058, "section": "AS01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 62, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "s-6_gHemthAxemBApyPYR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12066, "section": "PR04", "size": 18, "enrolled": 10, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Apr - 30 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S237, Structures and Mat Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12067, "section": "PR03", "size": 18, "enrolled": 18, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S237, Structures and Mat Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12068, "section": "PR02", "size": 18, "enrolled": 18, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S237, Structures and Mat Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12069, "section": "PR01", "size": 18, "enrolled": 16, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S237, Structures and Mat Lab"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "HwzPkg01PMcGNazBJAQh2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12059, "section": "LE01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 62, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "5986": {"id": "g54r2Iunw8BiOSvc_Y2VY", "course_id": "105591", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105591", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Applied Aerodynamics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MECH ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7068", "CLASS_NBR": 23593, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours lectures/tutorials and 3 hours laboratories per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MECH ENG 1007, at least 6 units of Level II Applied Mathematics courses and MECH ENG 2021; or equivalent", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Laboratory experiments, assignments, final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of this course is to introduce students to the fundamentals and practical aspects of incompressible and compressible flows and the design and operation of flow systems, including pipe networks, automobiles and flight vehicles. The course content includes: flow of inviscid and viscous fluids; laminar and turbulent flow in pipes and boundary layers; losses in pipe systems; lift and drag forces on moving bodies, aerofoil theory; incompressible-flow machines; fundamentals of compressible flow; 1-D compressible pipe flow; compressible flow nozzles; Rayleigh flow; Fanno flow; external compressible flow around bodies including transonic and supersonic vehicles; design considerations; experimental techniques.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5987": {"id": "g54r2Iunw8BiOSvc_Y2VY", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "BJZe5kRetgbU9irfNCq4C", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23593, "section": "TU01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 75, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "mfqLv24wPvhSVEY1R-0KY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21241, "section": "PR13", "size": 8, "enrolled": 8, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Aug - 23 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2:30pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2:30pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S213, KC Wind Tunnel"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21242, "section": "PR12", "size": 8, "enrolled": 8, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "12 Aug - 12 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1:30pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 5 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2:30pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S213, KC Wind Tunnel"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21243, "section": "PR11", "size": 8, "enrolled": 8, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Sep - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11:30am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 5 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2:30pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S213, KC Wind Tunnel"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21244, "section": "PR10", "size": 8, "enrolled": 8, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Aug - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11:30am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10:30am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S213, KC Wind Tunnel"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21245, "section": "PR09", "size": 8, "enrolled": 8, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Sep - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11:30am", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10:30am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S213, KC Wind Tunnel"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21246, "section": "PR08", "size": 8, "enrolled": 8, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11:30am", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "6 Sep - 6 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2:30pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S213, KC Wind Tunnel"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21247, "section": "PR07", "size": 8, "enrolled": 8, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11:30am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S213, KC Wind Tunnel"}, {"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11:30am", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21248, "section": "PR06", "size": 8, "enrolled": 5, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Aug - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1:30pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10:30am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S213, KC Wind Tunnel"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21252, "section": "PR02", "size": 8, "enrolled": 8, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11:30am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S213, KC Wind Tunnel"}, {"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11:30am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21253, "section": "PR01", "size": 8, "enrolled": 6, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Aug - 28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10:30am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S213, KC Wind Tunnel"}, {"dates": "2 Sep - 2 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1:30pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, NLG7, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "5988": {"id": "-oov361w3WBe8rWB1G5y9", "course_id": "105593", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105593", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Heat Transfer & Thermodynamics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MECH ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7070", "CLASS_NBR": 18983, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Laboratory class, assignments, final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is an introduction to Heat transfer and the further study of Thermodynamics. The Heat transfer part of the course covers the mechanisms and basic calculations of 3 heat transfer modes: conduction, convection and radiation, and Heat exchanger design and performance estimation calculations. The Thermodynamics part of the course mainly introduce the applications of thermodynamic principles in variouse cycles, including Vapour power cycles; Gas power cycles and refrigeration cycles; This part also covers some advanced topics in thermodynamics, eg. Exergy analysis, non-reacting mixtures and psychrometry, and reacting processes and combustion. At the end of the course students are expected to have the knowledge to be able to assist design, assess and compare different heat transfer and thermodynamic systems, factoring in economic impacts.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5989": {"id": "-oov361w3WBe8rWB1G5y9", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "clzhQHjNja_kETuTjmI-T", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15410, "section": "TU01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 47, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "IHowdmKIhKY06JAhC8YRH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16447, "section": "PR06", "size": 12, "enrolled": 7, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3:30pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, SG10, Creation Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 16448, "section": "PR05", "size": 12, "enrolled": 5, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3:30pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, SG10, Creation Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 16449, "section": "PR04", "size": 12, "enrolled": 5, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10:30am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, SG10, Creation Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 16450, "section": "PR03", "size": 12, "enrolled": 11, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3:30pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, SG10, Creation Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 16451, "section": "PR02", "size": 12, "enrolled": 9, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3:30pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, SG10, Creation Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 16452, "section": "PR01", "size": 12, "enrolled": 10, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3:30pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, SG10, Creation Studio"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "XHJu_35NzucRyycPVjGzN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18983, "section": "WR05", "size": 12, "enrolled": 10, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S137, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18984, "section": "WR04", "size": 12, "enrolled": 5, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S137, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18985, "section": "WR03", "size": 12, "enrolled": 12, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "18 Mar - 18 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S137, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18986, "section": "WR02", "size": 12, "enrolled": 12, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S137, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18987, "section": "WR01", "size": 12, "enrolled": 8, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S137, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "5990": {"id": "A1BVpc9zXkHyerKVsRv43", "course_id": "105594", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105594", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Mechatronics II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MECH ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7071", "CLASS_NBR": 14107, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Projects, practicals, final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will equip students with advanced knowledge in programmable logic controller (PLC) technology to solve problems related to mechatronic systems. Small-group projects and practicals will be used to provide important hands-on experience to solve mechatronic engineering problems. Students will also gain a modern and practical understanding on remote control via human-machine interface (HMI) based on the supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) technology. .", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5991": {"id": "A1BVpc9zXkHyerKVsRv43", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "1SkB42XDM0_A3KQzd3tCg", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15513, "section": "PR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 17, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "Tli3rpfKqt5duJh4gwZiu", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12282, "section": "LE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 17, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "5992": {"id": "wlRt-dqU17SovAJGhnwpK", "course_id": "105595", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105595", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Micro-Controller Programming", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MECH ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7072", "CLASS_NBR": 22572, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Masters Mechatronic, Graduate Diploma Mechatronic students and Masters of Marine Engineering only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ENG 1002", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MECH ENG 3032", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The focus of this course is on the programming and use of micro-controllers in mechatronics applications. Assuming basic knowledge of the C programming language, the material is presented in a combination of lectures, tutorials and hands-on laboratory sessions. The build process of microcontroller software is examined in detail thereby providing the language of understanding compiler handbooks, on-line publications and micro-controller datasheets. The new skills are then applied in a number of practical case studies covering typical mechatronics applications including servo-mechanisms, sensor interfacing, real-time issues and inter-platform communications. Emphasis will be laid on the confident use of the C programming language using a variety of programming environments. Fault finding techniques will be introduced, ranging from low-level in-circuit debugging to source-level debugging on simulators and evaluation boards. Small-group projects and case studies will be used to provide important hands-on experience with micro-controller based projects.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5993": {"id": "wlRt-dqU17SovAJGhnwpK", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "yIUXajQzw9BY63Yg5x2zW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22572, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 18, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 4 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "gBqYTjPzRNlShUCjEFhef", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20402, "section": "PR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 18, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Project", "id": "uH0VAdWZzyqFDOQwJxQgp", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28679, "section": "PJ01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 18, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Project", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "id": "8H6IsCjsyDX0UGnmAwspS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28682, "section": "AS01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 18, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "5994": {"id": "7GIwW1X7BrdxkTEW2ZC6H", "course_id": "105596", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105596", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Space Vehicle Design", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MECH ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7073", "CLASS_NBR": 22968, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4.5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MECH ENG 3104", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, project, experiment, final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of the course is to introduce the students to the basic theories and design criteria of space vehicles. Historical developments in space flight are explained as are the basic rocket equations, as well as the principles of rocket staging and its optimisation. The course includes orbital and trajectory theory, where two-body motion, manoeuvres and special trajectories are described. Numerical integration will be introduced. Individual subsystems are covered in detail. A section about rocket propulsion focuses on performance, propulsion requirements and various propellant systems (monopropellant, bipropellant, solid, cold gas and electrical and electromagnetic propulsion systems). Also covered are environmental control and life support systems, electrical power subsystems, communications and thermal control systems.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5995": {"id": "7GIwW1X7BrdxkTEW2ZC6H", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "j9TWK7yGoIwfNiUCySU5e", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22968, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 16, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "f_RyqtByPrNT4ATTipBSY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23199, "section": "PR03", "size": 10, "enrolled": 8, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Aug - 7 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10:30am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115c, Flexible Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23200, "section": "PR02", "size": 10, "enrolled": 5, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "21 Aug - 21 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10:30am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115c, Flexible Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23201, "section": "PR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 3, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 31 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10:30am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115c, Flexible Lab"}]}]}]}]}, "5996": {"id": "ncvDWmsPiZng4llL0eOm6", "course_id": "110966", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110966", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Modern Control Systems", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MECH ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7080", "CLASS_NBR": 11808, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MECH ENG 7111", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MECH ENG 7047, MECH ENG 7034", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, assessments, reports, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This hands-on course addresses how to control complex dynamic systems using modern state-space techniques. This involves time domain descriptions of dynamic systems using state-space system models. The characteristics responsible for the dynamic response (poles, zeros, eigenvalues) are presented. Control laws using state-space methods are introduced, including specification of controller characteristics, pole placement, and optimal (LQR) control. State observers are presented, including observer design using both pole placement and optimal (Kalman) observers. The implementation of state space controllers and Kalman filters in digital systems is also covered. The learning objectives of the course are achieved using various assessments, including weekly laboratories in which students design control systems for a series of experimental apparatus.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "5997": {"id": "ncvDWmsPiZng4llL0eOm6", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "CSmCxc9_O1v961u0FMn_i", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11808, "section": "WR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 3, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 26 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}, {"dates": "1 Apr - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 20 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}, {"dates": "27 May - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "12Is8gmfnOiXnguRewDBM", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12120, "section": "PR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 3, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S311, CARM Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "5998": {"id": "RAFoXkmB5i1ZHfPPcHmgp", "course_id": "111608", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111608", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Naval Nuclear Propulsion and Stewardship", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MECH ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7081", "CLASS_NBR": 29106, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "031701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to students eligible to have an Australian security clearance", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MECH ENG 7042, MECH ENG 7046", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, Tests, Essay, Project, Exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course considers the nuclear propulsion plants of nuclear-powered submarines with a focus on their design, development, and operational support required to ensure their safe, reliable and long-lived operation. \nThe course is designed to provide students with a blend of academic knowledge and real-world experience, equipping them with a deep understanding of naval nuclear propulsion and its importance. The course is suitable for students interested in naval engineering, defence, or nuclear technology. \n \nStudents gain a comprehensive understanding of the principles and technologies behind nuclear propulsion, including the first principles governing nuclear power generation, reactor design concepts, nuclear fuel cycles, and safety measures. This knowledge is applied to various submarine classes and their architecture, ensuring seaworthiness. Students also explore the lifecycle of nuclear submarines, from design to decommissioning, and examine nuclear stewardship within the context of Australian regulations and social acceptability. Moreover, students delve into the challenges and opportunities presented by the AUKUS endeavour in Australia. \n \nBy the end of the course, students possess a deep understanding of naval nuclear propulsion, safety, and stewardship, making them well-prepared for careers in naval engineering, defence technology, and policy-making.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "5999": {"id": "RAFoXkmB5i1ZHfPPcHmgp", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "-cuW5aQIMt6WgXjRE2CUO", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29105, "section": "LE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 20, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "yYVPv0p-RkN-7saAXSane", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29106, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 20, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Napier, 144, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Sep - 6 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Napier, 144, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 4 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Napier, 144, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Napier, 144, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "y2BhJ_c4fENgKf_iqjjLU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29107, "section": "PR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 20, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 Aug - 20 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29108, "section": "PJ01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 20, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Project", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6000": {"id": "ELkRbzp0N_k79m14itGx6", "course_id": "110533", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110533", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Acoustics and Vibrations PG", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MECH ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7111", "CLASS_NBR": 23463, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hrs per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "6 units of Level II Applied Maths courses, MECH ENG 1007, MECH ENG 2019", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MECH ENG 7047", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, assignments, practical, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Acoustics and vibrations are one of the core pillars of the mechanical engineering discipline, with applications that range from civil structures, architectural and environmental systems, and all forms of mechanical systems including transport vehicles and aircraft.\nThis course introduces the fundamental concepts of acoustics, including characterisation and quantification of sound sources, exposure to noise, and noise control, mitigation, and psychoacoustics. Vibration systems are covered in detail from lumped parameter models through to continuous and multi-degree of freedom systems. Design of vibration control devices, such as vibration isolators and vibration absorbers, is also considered.\nA strong emphasis is placed on frequency response characteristics for both acoustics and vibration applications, including practical exposure to spectral analysis and its application to predictive maintenance using machine condition monitoring.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6001": {"id": "ELkRbzp0N_k79m14itGx6", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "TvmPA-27wFFeVK3dirAbu", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21066, "section": "TU01", "size": 90, "enrolled": 76, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "6pkQxIHS6hvPix3wYUT5N", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23463, "section": "WR02", "size": 40, "enrolled": 30, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23464, "section": "WR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 46, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "umPWO5cJbeuGgShVDNUa6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25254, "section": "PR08", "size": 8, "enrolled": 8, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Sep - 2 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1:30pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115a, Flexible Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25255, "section": "PR07", "size": 8, "enrolled": 7, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 29 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10:30am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115a, Flexible Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25256, "section": "PR06", "size": 8, "enrolled": 8, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Sep - 2 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10:30am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115a, Flexible Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25257, "section": "PR05", "size": 8, "enrolled": 8, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10:30am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115a, Flexible Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25258, "section": "PR04", "size": 8, "enrolled": 7, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "20 Aug - 20 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10:30am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115a, Flexible Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25259, "section": "PR03", "size": 8, "enrolled": 7, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "12 Aug - 12 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10:30am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115a, Flexible Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25260, "section": "PR02", "size": 8, "enrolled": 7, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Aug - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10:30am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115a, Flexible Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25261, "section": "PR01", "size": 8, "enrolled": 7, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Aug - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10:30am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115a, Flexible Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25268, "section": "PR10", "size": 8, "enrolled": 7, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Aug - 19 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10:30am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115a, Flexible Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25269, "section": "PR09", "size": 8, "enrolled": 8, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "12 Aug - 12 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1:30pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115a, Flexible Lab"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29666, "section": "PR11", "size": 8, "enrolled": 2, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1:30pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S115a, Flexible Lab"}]}]}]}]}, "6002": {"id": "wH-RWM28bM980O3fdL_Ef", "course_id": "110962", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110962", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Renewable Power Technologies", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MECH ENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7164", "CLASS_NBR": 11171, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MECH ENG 2021 or equivalent", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MECH ENG 7075, MECH ENG 7076", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces students to the mechanical aspects (primarily fluid mechanics and thermodynamics) of renewable power technology and generation. The course focuses on the fundamental and applied sciences related to wind power, hydropower, ocean (wave and tidal) power, solar-thermal and geo-thermal heating, solar thermal powered cooling, heat storage and solar PV systems, as well as broader issues related to technology implementation. \n\nAt the end of the course students are expected to have the knowledge to be able to help design, assess and compare different sustainable power generation systems, factoring in economic and environmental impacts.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6003": {"id": "wH-RWM28bM980O3fdL_Ef", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "uRX-OBWGs5UYmDjFNnOnv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11171, "section": "TU02", "size": 12, "enrolled": 12, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12559, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6004": {"subject": "MEDIC ST", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "110971", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110968", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109319", "term": "4448", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111134", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111135", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111136", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111137", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111138", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "101565", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "101566", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106180", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106181", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106182", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106183", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106184", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106185", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106186", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106187", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106188", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106189", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106190", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106191", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109321", "term": "4448", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109322", "term": "4448", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102386", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "003192", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102166", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102166", "term": "4410", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "102177", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102177", "term": "4420", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "102168", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102168", "term": "4410", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "102178", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102178", "term": "4420", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "102169", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102169", "term": "4410", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "102179", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102179", "term": "4420", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "102171", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102171", "term": "4410", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "102182", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102182", "term": "4420", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "105202", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105202", "term": "4410", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "105203", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105203", "term": "4420", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "106192", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106192", "term": "4410", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "106193", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106193", "term": "4420", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "106194", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106194", "term": "4410", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "106195", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106195", "term": "4420", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "109325", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109326", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109323", "term": "4448", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109324", "term": "4448", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109334", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109335", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106546", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106547", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106548", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106549", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106554", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106555", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106559", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106560", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106564", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106572", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106573", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106574", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106575", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106576", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109909", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106578", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "6005": {"id": "ZUH8q9XkRxuLTu4Alhix3", "course_id": "110971", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110971", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Foundations of Medicine", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MEDIC ST", "CATALOG_NBR": "1501", "CLASS_NBR": 15529, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Weekly lectures, workshops, practicals, tutorials, seminars and SBL sessions", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Restricted to Bachelor of Medical Studies students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment of professional capabilities, clinical competencies, knowledge application and clinical reasoning", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will present an integrated curriculum across the four domains of medicine (Science & Scholarship, Health & Society, Professionalism & Leadership and Clinical Practice). A number of curriculum threads will also be introduced including Indigenous health and Inter-professional learning (IPL). As part of Science and Scholarship, the course will deliver an overview of the human body and arrangement into systems dedicated to core functions (respiration, metabolism, movement, reproduction and defence) with a focus on the molecular and cellular basis of health and disease.\nIn Clinical Practice students will be introduced a simulated clinical environment and scenarios with an overview of the major aspects of history taking and physical examination, bedside, laboratory and imaging investigations and appropriate behaviour in the clinical setting.\nThe Health and Society domain will introduce basic principles of epidemiology, healthcare systems in the local, national and international setting, and public health initiatives required to maintain health at the population level.\nIn the Professionalism and Leadership domain, students will be introduced to legal and ethical basis of medical practice and bioethical principles guiding the application of medical research and scientific advances. Students will also explore professional aspects of scientific writing and reflective practice.\nThe course will be delivered in a multimodal format, including online content delivery, face to face lectures, scenario-based learning, workshops and practical sessions.\nAssessment will include written assignments, oral presentations, online quizzes, demonstration of clinical and professional skills and written tests.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6006": {"id": "ZUH8q9XkRxuLTu4Alhix3", "class_list": [{"association_group": "11", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "LStSjxXYU0aiFt1mQkFl2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10894, "section": "PR02", "size": 45, "enrolled": 43, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 29 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S336a&b, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "7 Mar - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "14 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S336a&b, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S336a&b, Meeting Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10895, "section": "PR01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 44, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 29 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SB02, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "7 Mar - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "14 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SB02, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SB02, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Clinical", "id": "z7gIr7g7UfSzMnuF4jEt0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10909, "section": "CL04", "size": 23, "enrolled": 22, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Clinical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S111b, Health Suite B"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S111b, Health Suite B"}, {"dates": "7 May - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 8052a&b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10910, "section": "CL03", "size": 23, "enrolled": 23, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Clinical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S111a, Health Suite A"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S111a, Health Suite A"}, {"dates": "7 May - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 1068, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10911, "section": "CL02", "size": 23, "enrolled": 19, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Clinical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 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5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 22 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, 220, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10896, "section": "LE01", "size": 180, "enrolled": 167, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, G030, Lecture Theatre 1"}, {"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "AHMS, G030, Lecture Theatre 1"}, {"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, G030, Lecture Theatre 1"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, G030, Lecture Theatre 1"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, G030, Lecture Theatre 1"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "AHMS, G030, Lecture Theatre 1"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, G030, Lecture Theatre 1"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, G030, Lecture Theatre 1"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "AHMS, G030, Lecture Theatre 1"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, G030, Lecture Theatre 1"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, G030, Lecture Theatre 1"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, G030, Lecture Theatre 1"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "AHMS, G030, Lecture Theatre 1"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, G030, Lecture Theatre 1"}]}]}]}]}, "6007": {"id": "p2wTdEoxLV2eku6XxmrkS", "course_id": "110968", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110968", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Medical Studies 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MEDIC ST", "CATALOG_NBR": "1502", "CLASS_NBR": 22739, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Weekly lectures, seminars, workshops, practicals, tutorials and SBL sessions", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Restricted to Bachelor of Medical Studies students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MEDIC ST 1501", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment of professional capabilities, clinical competencies, knowledge application and clinical reasoning", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is the second course in the Bachelor of Medical Studies program. Students will build on the foundational knowledge and skills acquired in the Foundations of Medicine course to develop a comprehensive understanding of the anatomy and physiology of the haematological, cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Students will also explore the basis of common pathologies associated with the haematological, cardiovascular and respiratory systems and the associated basic management used in medical practice. In clinical practice, students will continue to learn skills required for medical practice: emphasis is placed on developing the clinical interviewing skills required to elicit and record a clinical history and to develop competence in the generic physical examination approach for the haematological, cardiovascular and respiratory systems. The emphasis of the Health and Society domain in this course is on the social determinants of population health and prevention. In the professionalism and leadership domain, students will develop a deeper understanding of medical ethics, as well as continuing their learning around self-care and wellbeing. They will begin to explore how the doctor fits into a healthcare team. Key mechanisms, concepts and issues will be explored using a variety of teaching modes, including lectures (delivered face to face and online), practical classes, workshops and seminars. Medical Studies 1 continues with Scenario Based Learning (SBL) which was introduced in the Foundation course. Scenarios explore common pathologies relevant to the systems studied and align with learning across Clinical Practice, Health and Society and Professionalism and Leadership to provide an integrated student experience that covers all aspects of a patient presentation. Assessment will be a mix of written assignments, oral presentations, on-line quizzes, demonstration of clinical and professional skills and written tests.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6008": {"id": "p2wTdEoxLV2eku6XxmrkS", "class_list": [{"association_group": "11", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "lHnR_vv-UDpp8vpI4We_j", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20893, "section": "PR01", "size": 90, "enrolled": 90, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SB02, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 2 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, 2050, Simulation Suite 1"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 2 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, 2081, Simulation Suite 2"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SB02, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "Ef8m-uDQJpqYeCI00-JeQ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20384, "section": "SE03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 5052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Aug - 12 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 7052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Aug - 19 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, 1068, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 5 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, 1068, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 5052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, 1068, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20385, "section": "SE02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, 6052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Aug - 12 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 6052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, 1068, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 5 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, 6052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, 6052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, 1068, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20386, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 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11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}, {"dates": "29 Aug - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 220, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20894, "section": "LE01", "size": 180, "enrolled": 167, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, G030, Lecture Theatre 1"}, {"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "AHMS, G030, Lecture Theatre 1"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "AHMS, G030, Lecture Theatre 1"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, G030, Lecture Theatre 1"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, G030, Lecture Theatre 1"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "AHMS, G030, Lecture Theatre 1"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "AHMS, G030, Lecture Theatre 1"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, G030, Lecture Theatre 1"}]}]}]}]}, "6009": {"id": "S4DkXEnWE2tRqkoc6vPhp", "course_id": "109319", "term": "4448", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109319", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4448", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "MBBS Year 2 Summer Course", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MEDIC ST", "CATALOG_NBR": "2105", "CLASS_NBR": 46072, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MBBS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "15 units of Year 2 MBBS Program including MICRO 2506 and exam course in current academic year. Completed and attended core structured learning activities of failed course (or equivalent with Dean of Medicine approval)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The MBBS curriculum for the first three years is structured into three domains presented as three separate courses: the scientific basis of medicine (SBM); clinical practice (CP) and medical professional and personal development (MPPD). The curriculum is fully integrated across these three domains and the spiral nature of the curriculum means that knowledge, skills and attitudes are revisited and built upon at each year level. MBBS year 2 summer school course is available for students who have achieved a pass or NGP in second year exam course, medical microbiology and Immunology II and two of the three domains (SBM, CP, MPPD) in the current academic year and have attended and completed core structured learning activities of the failed domain. The remedial course will allow students the opportunity to achieve the required competencies for year 2 by targeting specific areas of weakness within the relevant failed domain.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 14/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 14/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 19/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 11/12/2024"}}]}, "6010": {"id": "S4DkXEnWE2tRqkoc6vPhp", "class_list": [{"association_group": "", "groups": []}]}, "6011": {"id": "G2qUvVJcZIiUuA9t34-ZX", "course_id": "111134", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111134", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Medical Studies 2A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MEDIC ST", "CATALOG_NBR": "2501", "CLASS_NBR": 12017, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 19 hours contact per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to Bachelor of Medical Studies students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MEDIC ST 1501 and MEDIC ST 1502", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Tests, competency assessments, assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is the third course in the Bachelor of Medical Studies program. Students will build on the foundational knowledge and skills acquired in the Foundations of Medicine and Medical Studies 1 courses to develop a comprehensive understanding of the anatomy and physiology of the neurological and musculoskeletal systems. Students will also explore the basis of common pathologies associated with the neurological and musculoskeletal systems, relevant basic management strategies used in medical practice and the impact of health and disease at both an individual and societal level. \n\nIn clinical practice, students will continue to learn skills required for medical practice: emphasis is placed on developing the clinical interviewing skills required to elicit a clinical history and to develop competence in the generic physical examination approaches for the neurological and musculoskeletal systems. The emphasis of the Health and Society domain in this course will be understanding key measures used to assess health impact and the role of social of social determinants on health inequalities. \n\nTo develop skills in the Professionalism and Leadership domain, students will participate in interprofessional learning activities, explore medical ethics and law in practice and continued promotion of self-care and wellbeing. Key mechanisms, concepts and issues will be explored using a variety of teaching modes, including lectures (delivered face to face and online), practical classes, tutorials, workshops and seminars. Medical Studies 2A will also employ discovery-learning pedagogy through Scenario Based Learning (SBL) sessions. Scenarios explore common pathologies relevant to the systems studied and horizontally-align with learning across Clinical Practice, Health and Society and Professionalism and Leadership to provide an integrated student experience that covers all aspects of patient presentation. \n\nAssessment will be via a mix of written assignments, oral presentations, online quizzes, practical demonstration of clinical skills and written tests.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6012": {"id": "G2qUvVJcZIiUuA9t34-ZX", "class_list": [{"association_group": "11", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "wDO8yOSZszK8_lr6WEbVL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12556, "section": "PR02", "size": 44, "enrolled": 44, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S211a&b, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SB02, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "8 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S211a&b, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S211a&b, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SB02, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SB02, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S211a&b, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 May - 3 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 May - 17 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "31 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12557, "section": "PR01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 45, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SB02, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S211a&b, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 1 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Mar - 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Students build on the knowledge and skills acquired in the previous courses in the program. The central theme of Medical Studies 2B is Metabolism. Students will explore the major roles of the endocrine, digestive and urinary systems in maintaining life and the consequences when these systems become diseased or disordered. \n\nKey mechanisms, concepts and issues will be explored using a variety of teaching modes, including lectures (delivered face to face and online), practical classes, workshops and simulated events. Clinically relevant scenarios will continue to be used to frame concepts across the domains of Science & Scholarship, Clinical Practice, Health & Society and Professionalism & Leadership. \n\nAssessment will be a mix of written assignments, on-line quizzes, practical demonstration of clinical skills and written exams.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6014": {"id": "00Eqf5KxM1wAEpkpsl_Ml", "class_list": [{"association_group": "11", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "_kUSKEgPsoaQpya5jvMcL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20772, "section": "PR02", "size": 44, "enrolled": 38, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SB02, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 Aug - 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In this course, students will explore human reproduction and key stages of the lifespan. Topics will cover embryology and foetal development, child development and childhood diseases, puberty and adolescent health, mental health, sexual health, pregnancy, reproductive and other cancers, aging and end of life. To gain exposure to healthcare, students will complete clinical placements within general practices, community medical clinics and/or hospitals. Clinical scenarios will continue to be used to frame and integrate concepts across the domains of Science & Scholarship, Clinical Practice, Health & Society and Professionalism & Leadership. Concepts and issues will be explored using a variety of teaching modes, including experiential learning opportunities, online and face to face lectures, workshops, practicals and simulation. Assessment will be a mix of written and oral assignments and tests, online quizzes and practical demonstration of clinical skills and professionalism.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6016": {"id": "U0w5WHik_qv3qhR4nym1D", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "u9CQNu_kBMmjk8ZlqFoVH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19099, "section": "WR04", "size": 42, "enrolled": 38, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students enrolling into this workshop MUST enrol into Seminar group 4, 5 or 6."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059b, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 1 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S336a&b, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "8 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SB02, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "15 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S336a&b, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059b, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SB02, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059b, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SB02, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, 220, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 30 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059b, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "10 May - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SB02, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "14 May - 14 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}, {"dates": "14 May - 14 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 2069/2070, Hospital Sim Suite 1a&b"}, {"dates": "24 May - 24 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SB02, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "28 May - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 2069/2070, Hospital Sim Suite 1a&b"}, {"dates": "28 May - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19100, "section": "WR03", "size": 42, "enrolled": 40, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students enrolling into this workshop MUST enrol into Seminar group 4, 5 or 6."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 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4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 5052a&b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19106, "section": "SE03", "size": 28, "enrolled": 28, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "20 Feb - 20 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12:30pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 7052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Feb - 21 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Feb - 21 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 2050, Simulation Suite 1"}, {"dates": "21 Feb - 21 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 2081, Simulation Suite 2"}, {"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, 7052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1:30pm", "location": "AHMS, 7052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1:30pm", "end_time": "2:30pm", "location": "AHMS, 7052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, 7052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, 7052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1:30pm", "location": "AHMS, 7052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1:30pm", "end_time": "2:30pm", "location": "AHMS, 7052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 30 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 7052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 May - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1:30pm", "location": "AHMS, 7052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 May - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1:30pm", "end_time": "2:30pm", "location": "AHMS, 7052a&b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19107, "section": "SE02", "size": 28, "enrolled": 28, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Feb - 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27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, 6052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1:30pm", "location": "AHMS, 6052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1:30pm", "end_time": "2:30pm", "location": "AHMS, 6052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 30 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 6052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 May - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1:30pm", "location": "AHMS, 6052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 May - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1:30pm", "end_time": "2:30pm", "location": "AHMS, 6052a&b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19108, "section": "SE01", "size": 28, "enrolled": 28, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Feb - 19 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 2050, Simulation Suite 1"}, {"dates": "19 Feb - 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23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1:30pm", "location": "AHMS, 5052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1:30pm", "end_time": "2:30pm", "location": "AHMS, 5052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 30 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 5052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 May - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1:30pm", "location": "AHMS, 5052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 May - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1:30pm", "end_time": "2:30pm", "location": "AHMS, 5052a&b, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "ZJ6TAxMbYiobWWhElDfVU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19098, "section": "LE01", "size": 180, "enrolled": 162, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "20 Feb - 20 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, G030, Lecture Theatre 1"}, {"dates": "20 Feb - 20 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3:30pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}, {"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, G030, Lecture Theatre 1"}, {"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, G030, Lecture Theatre 1"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, G030, Lecture Theatre 1"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 30 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "AHMS, G030, Lecture Theatre 1"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 30 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, G030, Lecture Theatre 1"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 30 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, G030, Lecture Theatre 1"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 30 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}, {"dates": "3 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19109, "section": "PL01", "size": 180, "enrolled": 162, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Placement", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "6017": {"id": "afbwzrJd_5TGfh2grwVSZ", "course_id": "111137", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111137", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Transition to Clinical Studies", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MEDIC ST", "CATALOG_NBR": "3502", "CLASS_NBR": 28974, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 25 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to Bachelor of Medical Studies students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MEDIC ST 1501, MEDIC ST 1502, MEDIC ST 2501, MEDIC ST 2502, MEDIC ST 3501", "CO_REQUISITE": "MEDIC ST 3503", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written assignments, practical assessments, online quizzes and tests, clinical supervisor reports.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The final course of the Bachelor of Medical Studies degree centres on readiness for clinical medicine to ensure that students have the fundamental knowledge and skills to support further learning in a clinical setting. Development of the skills from the previous courses is facilitated by exposure of the students to real patients in a variety of settings (including hospitals and primary care). This form of learning enables students to progress their skills under supervision, so that they develop competence in performing both systemic and focused histories, systemic and focused physical examinations and as well as advancing clinical reasoning skills. By being placed in an immersive environment, students will gain experience and understanding of the workings of hospital and community-based systems, enhancing capabilities to learn in a clinical setting.\n\nSituated learning in the clinical environment is supported by a variety of teaching modes, relating to essential knowledge and skills needed for success in clinical training. The course will integrate concepts from the Domains of Science and Scholarship, Clinical Practice, Health & Society and Professionalism & Leadership, and include applied pharmacology and prescribing, medical imaging, patient safety, the national healthcare system, clinical handover, procedural skills, population health and screening and cultural competence. \n\nConcepts and issues are delivered via blended learning with a mix of on-line and face to face sessions, including lectures, small group discussions, practical sessions, simulations and interactive group sessions. Students will consider one global health challenge in detail and discuss best practice strategies to address it as well as how these strategies might translate to other healthcare challenges.\n\nAssessment will be a mix of written assignments, practical assessments, online quizzes and tests, and clinical supervisor reports.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6018": {"id": "afbwzrJd_5TGfh2grwVSZ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "11", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "QvU1ZOldP2qSgPTY20L0d", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22677, "section": "SE02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For students who are allocated NAHLN for their clinical placement."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 6052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, 7052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, 7052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Sep - 16 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 6052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 Sep - 17 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 2069/2070, Hospital Sim Suite 1a&b"}, {"dates": "17 Sep - 17 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 6052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Sep - 18 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059b, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "19 Sep - 19 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 Sep - 20 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2069/2070, Hospital Sim Suite 1a&b"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 6052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, 7052a&b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22678, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 23, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For students who are allocated NAHLN for their clinical placement."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 7052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, 6052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 2069/2070, Hospital Sim Suite 1a&b"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, 6052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Sep - 16 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}, {"dates": "16 Sep - 16 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 5052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 Sep - 17 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}, {"dates": "17 Sep - 17 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 Sep - 17 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 5052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 Sep - 17 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2081, Simulation Suite 2"}, {"dates": "17 Sep - 17 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}, {"dates": "17 Sep - 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21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "AHMS, G030, Lecture Theatre 1"}, {"dates": "7 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, G030, Lecture Theatre 1"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, G030, Lecture Theatre 1"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, G030, Lecture Theatre 1"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, G030, Lecture Theatre 1"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22659, "section": "PL01", "size": 180, "enrolled": 167, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Placement", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "6019": {"id": "0ZUu4E97L2LebzpxHdFVd", "course_id": "111138", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111138", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Skills Development", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MEDIC ST", "CATALOG_NBR": "3503", "CLASS_NBR": 22681, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to Bachelor of Medical Studies students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MEDIC ST 1501, MEDIC ST 1502, MEDIC ST 2501, MEDIC ST 2502, MEDIC ST 3501", "CO_REQUISITE": "MEDIC ST 3502", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "A combination of written and oral presentations and contributions in group-based tutorials", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Through a program of tutorials, online learning and assignments, students will develop their knowledge and understanding of the principles of research, evidence-based practice and clinical reasoning that underpin the practice of medicine. Students will integrate information gained in preceding courses to assess strengths and weaknesses of a current medical issue, develop expert knowledge and write a research proposal. Assessments for this course will be a mix of written and oral assignments, as well as contributions in weekly tutorials.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6020": {"id": "0ZUu4E97L2LebzpxHdFVd", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "LYBE23_8kGt3l8bNfxQOZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24760, "section": "LE01", "size": 180, "enrolled": 167, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 25 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, G030, Lecture Theatre 1"}, {"dates": "29 Aug - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, G030, Lecture Theatre 1"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "-MJbdLSP6Sa0lWxcEYQT_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22681, "section": "TU09", "size": 19, "enrolled": 17, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 7052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 7052a&b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22682, "section": "TU08", "size": 19, "enrolled": 17, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 6052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 6052a&b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22683, "section": "TU07", "size": 19, "enrolled": 19, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 5052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 5052a&b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22684, "section": "TU06", "size": 19, "enrolled": 19, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 7052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 7052a&b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22685, "section": "TU05", "size": 19, "enrolled": 19, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 6052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 6052a&b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22686, "section": "TU04", "size": 19, "enrolled": 19, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 5052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 5052a&b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22687, "section": "TU03", "size": 19, "enrolled": 19, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "AHMS, 7052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "AHMS, 7052a&b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22688, "section": "TU02", "size": 19, "enrolled": 19, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "AHMS, 6052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "AHMS, 6052a&b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22689, "section": "TU01", "size": 19, "enrolled": 19, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "AHMS, 5052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "AHMS, 5052a&b, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6021": {"id": "ZSPNA1YH3I-m0-BVLOLap", "course_id": "101565", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "101565", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Fourth Year MBBS Exam Part 1", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MEDIC ST", "CATALOG_NBR": "4000AHO", "CLASS_NBR": 15656, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MEDIC ST 3000A, MEDIC ST 3000B, MEDIC 3102AHO, MEDIC ST 3102BHO, MEDIC ST 3103A, MEDIC ST 3103B, MEDIC ST 3104AOL and MEDIC ST 3104BOL in addition to all previous years core courses, or by approval of the Dean of Medicine", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "6022": {"id": "ZSPNA1YH3I-m0-BVLOLap", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "yIp2ltkAhDz3lcMWy9sBg", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15656, "section": "01HO", "size": 200, "enrolled": 165, "available": 35, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment in this Course is compulsory for all MBBS Year 4 students."}]}]}]}]}, "6023": {"id": "z3u3P-5zRVBjeTAItJIRR", "course_id": "101566", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "101566", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Fourth Year MBBS Exam Part 2", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MEDIC ST", "CATALOG_NBR": "4000BHO", "CLASS_NBR": 25671, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MEDIC ST 4000AHO, MEDIC ST 4013AHO, MEDIC ST 4014AHO, MEDIC ST 4015AHO, MEDIC ST 4016AHO, MEDIC ST 4017AHO and MEDIC ST 4018AHO in addition to all previous years core courses, or by approval of the Dean of Medicine", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6024": {"id": "z3u3P-5zRVBjeTAItJIRR", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "1k900OilOtBcZRDHZ_vru", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25671, "section": "01HO", "size": 200, "enrolled": 165, "available": 35, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment in this Course is compulsory for all MBBS Year 4 students."}]}]}]}]}, "6025": {"id": "cD3VKgCNVNLvKZqKd6K-Q", "course_id": "106180", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106180", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Medical and Scientific Attachment 1 Part 1", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MEDIC ST", "CATALOG_NBR": "4013AHO", "CLASS_NBR": 15782, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 1, "EFTLS": 0.04166666666666667, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Attachments, common program & research", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MBBS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MEDIC ST 3000A, MEDIC ST 3000B, MEDIC 3102AHO, MEDIC ST 3102BHO, MEDIC ST 3103A, MEDIC ST 3103B, MEDIC ST 3104AOL and MEDIC ST 3104BOL in addition to all previous years core courses, or by approval of the Dean of Medicine", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Details provided at start of year", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students will be offered options for three-week medical and scientific attachments. These attachments will have a structured program of learning activities and offer a student the opportunity for: immersion in a broad spectrum of clinical or non-clinical specialty areas and their scientific underpinning. In some instances these may be used to undertake additional research.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "6026": {"id": "cD3VKgCNVNLvKZqKd6K-Q", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "vwClUXcQ74TtFNUXnd4IW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15782, "section": "01HO", "size": 200, "enrolled": 165, "available": 35, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment in this Course is compulsory for all MBBS Year 4 students."}]}]}]}]}, "6027": {"id": "g5ZDI3FxPbo6ZDr9f5IL6", "course_id": "106181", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106181", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Medical and Scientific Attachment 1 Part 2", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MEDIC ST", "CATALOG_NBR": "4013BHO", "CLASS_NBR": 25794, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 1, "EFTLS": 0.04166666666666667, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Attachments, common program & research", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MBBS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MEDIC ST 4000AHO, MEDIC ST 4013AHO, MEDIC ST 4014AHO, MEDIC ST 4015AHO, MEDIC ST 4016AHO, MEDIC ST 4017AHO and MEDIC ST 4018AHO in addition to all previous years core courses, or by approval of the Dean of Medicine", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Details provided at start of year", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students will be offered options for three-week medical and scientific attachments. These attachments will have a structured program of learning activities and offer a student the opportunity for: immersion in a broad spectrum of clinical or non-clinical specialty areas and their scientific underpinning. In some instances these may be used to undertake additional research.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6028": {"id": "g5ZDI3FxPbo6ZDr9f5IL6", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "aS3NM8aAkOSU4cLj9R8dt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25794, "section": "01HO", "size": 200, "enrolled": 165, "available": 35, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment in this Course is compulsory for all MBBS Year 4 students."}]}]}]}]}, "6029": {"id": "sLrHNB6QB2aeMrvOv3zMu", "course_id": "106182", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106182", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Medical and Scientific Attachment 2 Part 1", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MEDIC ST", "CATALOG_NBR": "4014AHO", "CLASS_NBR": 15783, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 1, "EFTLS": 0.04166666666666667, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Attachments, common program & research", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MBBS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MEDIC ST 3000A, MEDIC ST 3000B, MEDIC 3102AHO, MEDIC ST 3102BHO, MEDIC ST 3103A, MEDIC ST 3103B, MEDIC ST 3104AOL and MEDIC ST 3104BOL in addition to all previous years core courses, or by approval of the Dean of Medicine", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Details provided at start of year", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students will be offered options for three-week medical and scientific attachments. These attachments will have a structured program of learning activities and may be used to offer a student the opportunity for: immersion in a broad spectrum of clinical or non-clinical specialty areas and their scientific underpinning; additional research; or directed remediation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "6030": {"id": "sLrHNB6QB2aeMrvOv3zMu", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "id": "wOrb84EajVtjjLe_aGpW8", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15783, "section": "01HO", "size": 200, "enrolled": 164, "available": 36, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment in this Course is compulsory for all MBBS Year 4 students."}]}]}]}]}, "6031": {"id": "wt0OAYPY8zbvAvPfi7vz7", "course_id": "106183", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106183", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Medical and Scientific Attachment 2 Part 2", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MEDIC ST", "CATALOG_NBR": "4014BHO", "CLASS_NBR": 25795, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 1, "EFTLS": 0.04166666666666667, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Attachments, common program & research", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MBBS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MEDIC ST 4000AHO, MEDIC ST 4013AHO, MEDIC ST 4014AHO, MEDIC ST 4015AHO, MEDIC ST 4016AHO, MEDIC ST 4017AHO and MEDIC ST 4018AHO in addition to all previous years core courses, or by approval of the Dean of Medicine", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Details provided at start of year", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students will be offered options for three-week medical and scientific attachments. These attachments will have a structured program of learning activities and may be used to offer a student the opportunity for: immersion in a broad spectrum of clinical or non-clinical specialty areas and their scientific underpinning; additional research; or directed remediation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6032": {"id": "wt0OAYPY8zbvAvPfi7vz7", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "id": "8L2t4QSaQtoQCsBJCdgSW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25795, "section": "01HO", "size": 200, "enrolled": 164, "available": 36, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment in this Course is compulsory for all MBBS Year 4 students."}]}]}]}]}, "6033": {"id": "Bx9uiNeAQsomACqdGWtfJ", "course_id": "106184", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106184", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Medical Home Unit Part 1", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MEDIC ST", "CATALOG_NBR": "4015AHO", "CLASS_NBR": 12504, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Attachments, common program & research", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MBBS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MEDIC ST 3000A, MEDIC ST 3000B, MEDIC 3102AHO, MEDIC ST 3102BHO, MEDIC ST 3103A, MEDIC ST 3103B, MEDIC ST 3104AOL and MEDIC ST 3104BOL in addition to all previous years core courses, or by approval of the Dean of Medicine", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Details provided at start of year", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The clinical attachments are a program of clinical education through a selection of placements so that students can gain competence in history-taking, patient examination and management. This includes problem formulation, investigations, treatment (pharmacological and non-pharmacological), counselling, good communication skills, the practice of empathetic medicine and a sound knowledge base that allows diagnosis and management of common disorders to be carried out under appropriate supervision. Some students will have the opportunity to undertake their training in a rural or remote setting.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "6034": {"id": "Bx9uiNeAQsomACqdGWtfJ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "0tCwvbUqcalsekMNG92Fv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10448, "section": "SE02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 19, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For students who are allocated RAH placement commencing on 18th March"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Jan - 15 Jan", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}, {"dates": "15 Jan - 15 Jan", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12:30pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}, {"dates": "9 Feb - 9 Feb", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2050, Simulation Suite 1"}, {"dates": "23 Feb - 23 Feb", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2050, Simulation Suite 1"}, {"dates": "8 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2050, Simulation Suite 1"}, {"dates": "22 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2050, Simulation Suite 1"}, {"dates": "10 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Apr - 12 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Apr - 19 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2050, Simulation Suite 1"}, {"dates": "3 May - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10449, "section": "SE01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 21, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For Students who are allocated RAH placement commencing on 15th January"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Jan - 15 Jan", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}, {"dates": "15 Jan - 15 Jan", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12:30pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}, {"dates": "19 Jan - 19 Jan", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Feb - 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15 Jan", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}, {"dates": "15 Jan - 15 Jan", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12:30pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}, {"dates": "19 Jan - 19 Jan", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Feb - 2 Feb", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Feb - 6 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}, {"dates": "7 Feb - 21 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Feb - 9 Feb", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "9 Feb - 9 Feb", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "16 Feb - 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19 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2081, Simulation Suite 2"}, {"dates": "3 May - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10922, "section": "SE03", "size": 15, "enrolled": 10, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For students who are allocated QEH placement commencing on 15th January"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Jan - 15 Jan", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}, {"dates": "15 Jan - 15 Jan", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12:30pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}, {"dates": "19 Jan - 19 Jan", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Feb - 2 Feb", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Feb - 6 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}, {"dates": "7 Feb - 21 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Feb - 9 Feb", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2081, Simulation Suite 2"}, {"dates": "16 Feb - 16 Feb", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Feb - 29 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Feb - 23 Feb", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2081, Simulation Suite 2"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 1 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2081, Simulation Suite 2"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2081, Simulation Suite 2"}, {"dates": "19 Apr - 19 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2081, Simulation Suite 2"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12504, "section": "SE07", "size": 90, "enrolled": 84, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Shell class for students who are allocated to a Medical Home Unit placement in Semester 2"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Jan - 15 Jan", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}, {"dates": "15 Jan - 15 Jan", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12:30pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}]}]}]}]}, "6035": {"id": "jJNG_Bnrtj_6S9BlVHnqn", "course_id": "106185", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106185", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Medical Home Unit Part 2", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MEDIC ST", "CATALOG_NBR": "4015BHO", "CLASS_NBR": 28849, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Attachments, common program & research", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MBBS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MEDIC ST 4000AHO, MEDIC ST 4013AHO, MEDIC ST 4014AHO, MEDIC ST 4015AHO, MEDIC ST 4016AHO, MEDIC ST 4017AHO and MEDIC ST 4018AHO in addition to all previous years core courses, or by approval of the Dean of Medicine", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "details provided at start of year", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The clinical attachments are a program of clinical education through a selection of placements so that students can gain competence in history-taking, patient examination and management. This includes problem formulation, investigations, treatment (pharmacological and non-pharmacological), counselling, good communication skills, the practice of empathetic medicine and a sound knowledge base that allows diagnosis and management of common disorders to be carried out under appropriate supervision. Some students will have the opportunity to undertake their training in a rural or remote setting.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6036": {"id": "jJNG_Bnrtj_6S9BlVHnqn", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "MBHthZnTtgI9PlgUDA1Un", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20407, "section": "SE02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 21, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For students who are allocated RAH placement commencing 26th of August"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Jul - 5 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2050, Simulation Suite 1"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 26 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2050, Simulation Suite 1"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2050, Simulation Suite 1"}, {"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}, {"dates": "6 Sep - 6 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2050, Simulation Suite 1"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 20 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Sep - 2 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Sep - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "27 Sep - 27 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2050, Simulation Suite 1"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20408, "section": "SE01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 22, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For students who are allocated RAH placement commencing 24th of June"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jun - 25 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}, {"dates": "3 Jul - 3 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Jul - 5 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2050, Simulation Suite 1"}, {"dates": "12 Jul - 19 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 Jul - 24 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Jul - 25 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 26 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2050, Simulation Suite 1"}, {"dates": "2 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2050, Simulation Suite 1"}, {"dates": "6 Sep - 6 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2050, Simulation Suite 1"}, {"dates": "27 Sep - 27 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2050, Simulation Suite 1"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20815, "section": "SE06", "size": 15, "enrolled": 12, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For students who are allocated LMH and Modbury placement commencing 26th of August"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Jul - 5 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "5 Jul - 5 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 26 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 26 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}, {"dates": "6 Sep - 6 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "6 Sep - 6 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 20 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Sep - 2 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Sep - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "27 Sep - 27 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "27 Sep - 27 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20816, "section": "SE05", "size": 15, "enrolled": 11, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For students who are allocated LMH and Modbury placement commencing 24th of June"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jun - 25 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}, {"dates": "3 Jul - 3 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Jul - 5 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "5 Jul - 5 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "12 Jul - 19 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 Jul - 24 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Jul - 25 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 26 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 26 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "2 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "6 Sep - 6 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "6 Sep - 6 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "27 Sep - 27 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "27 Sep - 27 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20817, "section": "SE04", "size": 15, "enrolled": 10, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For students who are allocated QEH placement commencing 26th of August"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Jul - 5 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2081, Simulation Suite 2"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 26 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2081, Simulation Suite 2"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2081, Simulation Suite 2"}, {"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}, {"dates": "6 Sep - 6 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2081, Simulation Suite 2"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 20 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Sep - 2 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Sep - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "27 Sep - 27 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2081, Simulation Suite 2"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20818, "section": "SE03", "size": 15, "enrolled": 9, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For students who are allocated QEH placement commencing 24th of June"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jun - 25 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}, {"dates": "3 Jul - 3 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Jul - 5 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2081, Simulation Suite 2"}, {"dates": "12 Jul - 19 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 Jul - 24 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Jul - 25 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 26 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2081, Simulation Suite 2"}, {"dates": "2 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2081, Simulation Suite 2"}, {"dates": "6 Sep - 6 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2081, Simulation Suite 2"}, {"dates": "27 Sep - 27 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2081, Simulation Suite 2"}]}, {"class_nbr": 28849, "section": "SE07", "size": 90, "enrolled": 80, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Shell class for students who are allocated to a Medical Home Unit placement in Semester 1"}]}]}]}]}, "6037": {"id": "VVTR30BAPMW-xU9P42b1_", "course_id": "106186", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106186", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Surgical Home Unit Part 1", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MEDIC ST", "CATALOG_NBR": "4016AHO", "CLASS_NBR": 18926, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Attachments, common program & research", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MBBS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MEDIC ST 3000A, MEDIC ST 3000B, MEDIC 3102AHO, MEDIC ST 3102BHO, MEDIC ST 3103A, MEDIC ST 3103B, MEDIC ST 3104AOL and MEDIC ST 3104BOL in addition to all previous years core courses, or by approval of the Dean of Medicine", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Details provided at start of year", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The clinical attachments are a program of clinical education through a selection of placements so that students will be competent in history-taking, patient examination and management. This includes problem formulation, investigations, treatment (pharmacological and non-pharmacological), counselling, good communication skills, the practice of empathetic medicine and a sound knowledge base that allows diagnosis and management of common disorders to be carried out under appropriate supervision. Some students will have the opportunity to undertake their training for an extended period of time in a rural or remote setting.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "6038": {"id": "VVTR30BAPMW-xU9P42b1_", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "uPvlTPXH7LFws2YLHqGOY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11959, "section": "SE01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 16, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For students who are allocated RAH placement commencing on 15th January"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "16 Jan - 16 Jan", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "17 Jan - 17 Jan", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "AHMS, 2056, Scrub Training Room"}, {"dates": "17 Jan - 17 Jan", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "AHMS, 2069/2070, Hospital Sim Suite 1a&b"}, {"dates": "17 Jan - 17 Jan", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}, {"dates": "15 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 207, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12696, "section": "SE04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 18, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For students who are allocated LMH/QEH/MODBURY placement commencing on 18th March"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "18 Mar - 18 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "AHMS, 2069/2070, Hospital Sim Suite 1a&b"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "AHMS, 2056, Scrub Training Room"}, {"dates": "17 May - 17 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 207, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12697, "section": "SE03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 13, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For students who are allocated RAH placement commencing on 18th March"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "18 Mar - 18 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "AHMS, 2069/2070, Hospital Sim Suite 1a&b"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "AHMS, 2056, Scrub Training Room"}, {"dates": "17 May - 17 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 207, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12855, "section": "SE02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 10, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For students who are allocated LMH/QEH/MODBURY placement commencing on 15th January"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "16 Jan - 16 Jan", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "17 Jan - 17 Jan", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "AHMS, 2069/2070, Hospital Sim Suite 1a&b"}, {"dates": "17 Jan - 17 Jan", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}, {"dates": "17 Jan - 17 Jan", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "AHMS, 2056, Scrub Training Room"}, {"dates": "15 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 207, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18926, "section": "SEM0", "size": 120, "enrolled": 108, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Shell class for students who are allocated to a Surgical Home Unit placement in Semester 2 or a RURAL clinical placement."}]}]}]}]}, "6039": {"id": "2S_t7Pbp-yv784k6ebSuz", "course_id": "106187", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106187", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Surgical Home Unit Part 2", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MEDIC ST", "CATALOG_NBR": "4016BHO", "CLASS_NBR": 28850, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Attachments, common program & research", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MBBS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MEDIC ST 4000AHO, MEDIC ST 4013AHO, MEDIC ST 4014AHO, MEDIC ST 4015AHO, MEDIC ST 4016AHO, MEDIC ST 4017AHO and MEDIC ST 4018AHO in addition to all previous years core courses, or by approval of the Dean of Medicine", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Details provided at start of year", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The clinical attachments are a program of clinical education through a selection of placements so that students will be competent in history-taking, patient examination and management. This includes problem formulation, investigations, treatment (pharmacological and non-pharmacological), counselling, good communication skills, the practice of empathetic medicine and a sound knowledge base that allows diagnosis and management of common disorders to be carried out under appropriate supervision. Some students will have the opportunity to undertake their training for an extended period of time in a rural or remote setting.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6040": {"id": "2S_t7Pbp-yv784k6ebSuz", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "ux07zn3BL2d9J3h6EU-ej", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20943, "section": "SE02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 15, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For students who are allocated LMH/QEH/MODBURY placement commencing on 24th June"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jun - 24 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "25 Jun - 25 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "AHMS, 2050, Simulation Suite 1"}, {"dates": "25 Jun - 25 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "AHMS, 2081, Simulation Suite 2"}, {"dates": "25 Jun - 25 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "AHMS, 2056, Scrub Training Room"}, {"dates": "23 Aug - 23 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 207, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21134, "section": "SE01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 17, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For students who are allocated RAH placement commencing on 24th June"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jun - 24 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "25 Jun - 25 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "AHMS, 2050, Simulation Suite 1"}, {"dates": "25 Jun - 25 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "AHMS, 2081, Simulation Suite 2"}, {"dates": "25 Jun - 25 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "AHMS, 2056, Scrub Training Room"}, {"dates": "23 Aug - 23 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 207, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22742, "section": "SE04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 17, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For students who are allocated LMH/QEH/MODBURY placement commencing on 26th August"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "AHMS, 2050, Simulation Suite 1"}, {"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "AHMS, 2081, Simulation Suite 2"}, {"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "AHMS, 2056, Scrub Training Room"}, {"dates": "25 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 207, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22743, "section": "SE03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 12, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For students who are allocated RAH placement commencing on 26th August"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "AHMS, 2050, Simulation Suite 1"}, {"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "AHMS, 2081, Simulation Suite 2"}, {"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "AHMS, 2056, Scrub Training Room"}, {"dates": "25 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 207, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 28850, "section": "SEM0", "size": 120, "enrolled": 104, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Shell class for students who are allocated to a Surgical Home Unit placement in Semester 1 or a RURAL clinical placement."}]}]}]}]}, "6041": {"id": "5cCN1ELOa_CVRDgSqkfAO", "course_id": "106188", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106188", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Psychiatry Part 1", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MEDIC ST", "CATALOG_NBR": "4017AHO", "CLASS_NBR": 11993, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 2, "EFTLS": 0.08333333333333334, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Attachments, common program & research", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MBBS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MEDIC ST 3000A, MEDIC ST 3000B, MEDIC 3102AHO, MEDIC ST 3102BHO, MEDIC ST 3103A, MEDIC ST 3103B, MEDIC ST 3104AOL and MEDIC ST 3104BOL in addition to all previous years core courses, or by approval of the Dean of Medicine", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Details provided at start of year", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The clinical attachments are a program of clinical education through a selection of placements so that students will be competent in history-taking, patient examination and management. This includes problem formulation, investigations, treatment (pharmacological and non-pharmacological), counselling, good communication skills, the practice of empathetic medicine and a sound knowledge base that allows diagnosis and management of common disorders to be carried out under appropriate supervision. Some students will have the opportunity to undertake their training for an extended period of time in a rural or remote setting.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "6042": {"id": "5cCN1ELOa_CVRDgSqkfAO", "class_list": [{"association_group": "11", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "tCInu5r7ftCQf7lQQiHLo", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10133, "section": "LE01", "size": 32, "enrolled": 28, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For Students who are allocated Psychiatry placement commencing on 15th January"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "16 Jan - 18 Jan", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "16 Jan - 18 Jan", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "22 Jan - 22 Jan", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "22 Jan - 22 Jan", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "Px8WzmoyjsgM8nKsmttUP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11995, "section": "TU01", "size": 32, "enrolled": 28, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Jan - 19 Jan", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 5052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Jan - 19 Jan", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 5052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Jan - 26 Jan", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S111a/b, Health Suites Combined"}, {"dates": "26 Jan - 26 Jan", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S116, Immersion Room"}, {"dates": "2 Feb - 23 Feb", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 5052a&b, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}, {"association_group": "12", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "kYG5FIB8plIMac9ZODLfL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10132, "section": "LE02", "size": 32, "enrolled": 30, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For Students who are allocated Psychiatry placement commencing on 26th February"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 29 Feb", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "26 Feb - 29 Feb", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "nbb5cHEJVf34Jul74i6IL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11994, "section": "TU02", "size": 32, "enrolled": 30, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 1 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 5052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 1 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 5052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S111a/b, Health Suites Combined"}, {"dates": "8 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S116, Immersion Room"}, {"dates": "15 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 5052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 5052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 5052a&b, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}, {"association_group": "13", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "wkw952jcng8CsrHjgnMV5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10130, "section": "LE03", "size": 32, "enrolled": 27, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For Students who are allocated Psychiatry placement commencing on 8th April"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Apr - 11 Apr", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "8 Apr - 11 Apr", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "3r2wvlii_yqztlyRcmT_9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11993, "section": "TU03", "size": 32, "enrolled": 27, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "12 Apr - 12 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 5052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Apr - 12 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 5052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Apr - 19 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S111a/b, Health Suites Combined"}, {"dates": "19 Apr - 19 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S116, Immersion Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 5052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 May - 1 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 5052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 May - 17 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 5052a&b, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}, {"association_group": "14", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "ki4XpvdUjg9uXfQJMHNkj", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18927, "section": "LEC0", "size": 96, "enrolled": 80, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Shell class for students who are allocated to a Psychiatry placement in Semester 2"}]}]}]}]}, "6043": {"id": "KHS8XvJhWsz7ks7XnRniC", "course_id": "106189", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106189", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Psychiatry Part 2", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MEDIC ST", "CATALOG_NBR": "4017BHO", "CLASS_NBR": 21053, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 2, "EFTLS": 0.08333333333333334, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Attachments, common program & research", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MBBS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MEDIC ST 4000AHO, MEDIC ST 4013AHO, MEDIC ST 4014AHO, MEDIC ST 4015AHO, MEDIC ST 4016AHO, MEDIC ST 4017AHO and MEDIC ST 4018AHO in addition to all previous years core courses, or by approval of the Dean of Medicine", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Details provided at start of year", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The clinical attachments are a program of clinical education through a selection of placements so that students will be competent in history-taking, patient examination and management. This includes problem formulation, investigations, treatment (pharmacological and non-pharmacological), counselling, good communication skills, the practice of empathetic medicine and a sound knowledge base that allows diagnosis and management of common disorders to be carried out under appropriate supervision. Some students will have the opportunity to undertake their training for an extended period of time in a rural or remote setting.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6044": {"id": "KHS8XvJhWsz7ks7XnRniC", "class_list": [{"association_group": "11", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "LWp8ZQdpynOtj1RlurpkP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20156, "section": "LE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 26, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For Students who are allocated Psychiatry placement commencing on 24th June"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jun - 27 Jun", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "24 Jun - 27 Jun", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "L2zpAIrCVMFKAYQwHNIKR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21055, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 26, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Jun - 28 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 5052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Jun - 28 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 5052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Jul - 5 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S111a/b, Health Suites Combined"}, {"dates": "5 Jul - 5 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S116, Immersion Room"}, {"dates": "12 Jul - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 5052a&b, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}, {"association_group": "12", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "UoRQ_HCi6f23A15XxSEHe", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20155, "section": "LE02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 27, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For Students who are allocated Psychiatry placement commencing on 6th August"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Aug - 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Some students will have the opportunity to undertake their training for an extended period of time in a rural or remote setting.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "6046": {"id": "bg44TSl7tWIebTANrz1O2", "class_list": [{"association_group": "11", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "xILDZZ8SKQWWmK0zcW2yk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11285, "section": "WR01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 9, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For Students who are allocated TQEH placement commencing on 15th January"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "16 Jan - 16 Jan", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "AHMS, 2050, Simulation Suite 1"}, {"dates": "17 Jan - 31 Jan", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2:30pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S111a/b, Health Suites Combined"}, {"dates": "17 Jan - 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16 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "AHMS, 2056, Scrub Training Room"}, {"dates": "18 Sep - 2 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2:30pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S111a/b, Health Suites Combined"}, {"dates": "18 Sep - 2 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2:30pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SB02, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "25 Sep - 25 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 5052b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S111b, Health Suite B"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 1068, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 5052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "4:30pm", "location": " "}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "aEshK8MADAINChzqvT5Xe", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25213, "section": "LE06", "size": 22, "enrolled": 14, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "16 Sep - 16 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "AHMS, 5052b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 5052b, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "1dIEakNHoUB-4P5F3Mrkz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25216, "section": "TU06", "size": 22, "enrolled": 14, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Sep - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "24 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}, {"association_group": "17", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "Fm1XAaudg61OtvvDnE7ov", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28920, "section": "WRK0", "size": 90, "enrolled": 85, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Shell class for students who are allocated to a Musculoskeletal Medicine placement in Semester 1"}]}]}]}]}, "6049": {"id": "MtqBLITwyW9TNhOUsTaJF", "course_id": "109321", "term": "4448", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109321", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4448", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "MBBS Year 4 Summer Course (4 Units)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MEDIC ST", "CATALOG_NBR": "4205", "CLASS_NBR": 46074, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 4, "EFTLS": 0.1666666666666667, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MBBS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "20 units of Year 4 MBBS Program including exam course in the current academic year. Attended and completed core structured learning activities of the failed course (or equivalent with Dean of Medicine approval)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The MBBS program in years 4-6 is delivered as rotation-based clinical attachments covering the breadth of clinical medicine. Learning and teaching methods fuse workplace-based practical learning approaches with on-line and face-to-face small and large group learning in discipline-based tutorial series as well as teaching series. The years 4-6 program is structured around core, selective and elective options with core and elective attachments being taught concurrently to ensure sufficient clinical placements. MBBS year 4 summer school course is available for students who have achieved a pass in five of the six core MBBS year 4 courses (clinical attachments) including the end of year examination course in the current academic year and have attended and completed core structured learning activities of the failed course. The remedial course will allow students the opportunity to achieve the required competencies for year 4 by targeting specific areas of weakness within the relevant failed course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 14/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 14/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 19/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 11/12/2024"}}]}, "6050": {"id": "MtqBLITwyW9TNhOUsTaJF", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "lu2AdZvt8NtQR08q7rm_r", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46074, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "6051": {"id": "uqzPMNLYmyFGL9i_q0Kc5", "course_id": "109322", "term": "4448", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109322", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4448", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "MBBS Year 4 Summer Course (6 Units)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MEDIC ST", "CATALOG_NBR": "4305", "CLASS_NBR": 46075, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MBBS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "18 units of Year 4 MBBS Program including exam course in the current academic year. Attended and completed core structured learning activities of the failed course (or equivalent with Dean of Medicine approval)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The MBBS program in years 4-6 is delivered as rotation-based clinical attachments covering the breadth of clinical medicine. Learning and teaching methods fuse workplace-based practical learning approaches with on-line and face-to-face small and large group learning in discipline-based tutorial series as well as teaching series. The years 4-6 program is structured around core, selective and elective options with core and elective attachments being taught concurrently to ensure sufficient clinical placements. MBBS year 4 summer school course is available for students who have achieved a pass in five of the six core MBBS year 4 courses (clinical attachments) including the end of year examination course in the current academic year and have attended and completed core structured learning activities of the failed course. The remedial course will allow students the opportunity to achieve the required competencies for year 4 by targeting specific areas of weakness within the relevant failed course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 14/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 14/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 19/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 11/12/2024"}}]}, "6052": {"id": "uqzPMNLYmyFGL9i_q0Kc5", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "UNFBxJHV8RY5i9iyonlLd", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46075, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "6053": {"id": "zfnIQ8ljA4GcpJQ6aOeEl", "course_id": "102386", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102386", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Fifth Year MBBS Examination Part 1", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MEDIC ST", "CATALOG_NBR": "5000AHO", "CLASS_NBR": 15669, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MEDIC ST 4000AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4013AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4014AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4015AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4016AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4017AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4018AHO/BHO, or by approval of the Dean of Medicine", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "6054": {"id": "zfnIQ8ljA4GcpJQ6aOeEl", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "fKOLw6p9wWpyMxPSuFfaK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15669, "section": "01HO", "size": 200, "enrolled": 190, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment in this Course is compulsory for all MBBS Year 5 students."}]}]}]}]}, "6055": {"id": "7FbEeEFowmevEoQba7en1", "course_id": "003192", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "003192", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Fifth Year MBBS Examination Part 2", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MEDIC ST", "CATALOG_NBR": "5000BHO", "CLASS_NBR": 25615, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MEDIC ST 5000AHO, MEDIC ST 5005AHO, MEDIC ST 5006AHO MEDIC ST 5007AHO, MEDIC ST 5009AHO, MEDIC ST 5014AHO, MEDIC ST 5015AHO and MEDIC ST 5016AHO in addition to all previous years core courses, or by approval of the Dean of Medicine", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6056": {"id": "7FbEeEFowmevEoQba7en1", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "-EQLa4U_vnk_qbRJ1iPDp", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25615, "section": "01HO", "size": 200, "enrolled": 189, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment in this Course is compulsory for all MBBS Year 5 students."}]}]}]}]}, "6057": {"id": "zLdkowfF9WyQG0s9vqynI", "course_id": "102166", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102166", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Medical and Scientific Attachment 3 Part 1", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MEDIC ST", "CATALOG_NBR": "5005AHO", "CLASS_NBR": 15662, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 1, "EFTLS": 0.04166666666666667, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Attachments, common program & research", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MBBS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MEDIC ST 4000AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4013AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4014AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4015AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4016AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4017AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4018AHO/BHO, or by approval of the Dean of Medicine", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Details provided at start of year", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students will be offered options for three-week medical and scientific attachments. These attachments will have a structured program of learning activities and may be used to offer a student the opportunity for: immersion in a broad spectrum of clinical or non-clinical specialty areas and their scientific underpinning; additional research; or directed remediation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "6058": {"id": "zLdkowfF9WyQG0s9vqynI", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "-N892gizDCIuIzxj7r5XL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15662, "section": "01HO", "size": 180, "enrolled": 149, "available": 31, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment in this Course is compulsory for all MBBS Year 5 students who are on city clinical placements. Rural placement students see separate Course."}]}]}]}]}, "6059": {"id": "5djbzNNsT66pIKx-PlEWc", "course_id": "102166", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102166", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Medical and Scientific Attachment 3 Part 1", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MEDIC ST", "CATALOG_NBR": "5005ARU", "CLASS_NBR": 15663, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 1, "EFTLS": 0.04166666666666667, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Attachments, common program and research", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MBBS students on Rural Placement only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MEDIC ST 4000AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4013AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4014AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4015AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4016AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4017AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4018AHO/BHO, or by approval of the Dean of Medicine", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Details provided at start of year", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students will be offered options for three-week medical and scientific attachments. These attachments will have a structured program of learning activities and may be used to offer a student the opportunity for: immersion in a broad spectrum of clinical or non-clinical specialty areas and their scientific underpinning; additional research; or directed remediation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "6060": {"id": "5djbzNNsT66pIKx-PlEWc", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "dENoJe4p6ypZmw6xhYnTW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15663, "section": "01HO", "size": 50, "enrolled": 41, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment in this Course is compulsory for all MBBS Year 5 students who are on rural clinical placements. City placement students see separate Course."}]}]}]}]}, "6061": {"id": "okkArrF1vkD4HSvsYaaiI", "course_id": "102177", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102177", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Medical and Scientific Attachment 3 Part 2", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MEDIC ST", "CATALOG_NBR": "5005BHO", "CLASS_NBR": 25679, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 1, "EFTLS": 0.04166666666666667, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Attachments, common program & research", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MBBS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MEDIC ST 5000ARU, MEDIC ST 5005ARU, MEDIC ST 5006ARU MEDIC ST 5007ARU, MEDIC ST 5009ARU, MEDIC ST 5014ARU, MEDIC ST 5015ARU and MEDIC ST 5016ARU in addition to all previous years core courses, or by approval of the Dean of Medicine", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Details provided at start of year", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students will be offered options for three-week medical and scientific attachments. These attachments will have a structured program of learning activities and may be used to offer a student the opportunity for: immersion in a broad spectrum of clinical or non-clinical specialty areas and their scientific underpinning; additional research; or directed remediation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6062": {"id": "okkArrF1vkD4HSvsYaaiI", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "DYmNAe6teuIexN865vDrT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25679, "section": "01HO", "size": 200, "enrolled": 147, "available": 53, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment in this Course is compulsory for all MBBS Year 5 students who are on city clinical placements. Rural placement students see separate Course."}]}]}]}]}, "6063": {"id": "BOFfigH8m03K01scsTKQ0", "course_id": "102177", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102177", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Medical and Scientific Attachment 3 Part 2", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MEDIC ST", "CATALOG_NBR": "5005BRU", "CLASS_NBR": 25680, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 1, "EFTLS": 0.04166666666666667, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Attachments, common program & research", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MBBS rural placement students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MEDIC ST 5000AHO, MEDIC ST 5005ARU, MEDIC ST 5006ARU MEDIC ST 5007ARU, MEDIC ST 5009ARU, MEDIC ST 5014ARU, MEDIC ST 5015ARU and MEDIC ST 5016ARU in addition to all previous years core courses, or by approval of the Dean of Medicine", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Details provided at start of year", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students will be offered options for three-week medical and scientific attachments. These attachments will have a structured program of learning activities and may be used to offer a student the opportunity for: immersion in a broad spectrum of clinical or non-clinical specialty areas and their scientific underpinning; additional research; or directed remediation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6064": {"id": "BOFfigH8m03K01scsTKQ0", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "E0HmJ_5flD5fPyF2lPXoD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25680, "section": "01HO", "size": 50, "enrolled": 41, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment in this Course is compulsory for all MBBS Year 5 students who are on rural clinical placements. City placement students see separate Course."}]}]}]}]}, "6065": {"id": "j4NcBrxgv5SH5EuBe2NFW", "course_id": "102168", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102168", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Medical and Scientific Attachment 4 Part 1", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MEDIC ST", "CATALOG_NBR": "5006AHO", "CLASS_NBR": 15664, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 1, "EFTLS": 0.04166666666666667, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Attachments, common program & research", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MBBS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MEDIC ST 4000AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4013AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4014AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4015AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4016AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4017AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4018AHO/BHO, or by approval of the Dean of Medicine", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Details provided at start of year", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students will be offered options for three-week medical and scientific attachments. These attachments will have a structured program of learning activities and may be used to offer a student the opportunity for: immersion in a broad spectrum of clinical or non-clinical specialty areas and their scientific underpinning; additional research; or directed remediation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "6066": {"id": "j4NcBrxgv5SH5EuBe2NFW", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "id": "pn7l9qZFwkHUkh7_R0Dkb", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15664, "section": "01HO", "size": 180, "enrolled": 148, "available": 32, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment in this Course is compulsory for all MBBS Year 5 students who are on city clinical placements. Rural placement students see separate Course."}]}]}]}]}, "6067": {"id": "vHRRMlk3Rp1tRqIqi6qrX", "course_id": "102168", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102168", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Medical and Scientific Attachment 4 Part 1", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MEDIC ST", "CATALOG_NBR": "5006ARU", "CLASS_NBR": 15665, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 1, "EFTLS": 0.04166666666666667, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Attachments, common program & research", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MBBS students on rural placement only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MEDIC ST 4000AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4013AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4014AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4015AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4016AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4017AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4018AHO/BHO, or by approval of the Dean of Medicine", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Details provided at start of year", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students will be offered options for three-week medical and scientific attachments. These attachments will have a structured program of learning activities and may be used to offer a student the opportunity for: immersion in a broad spectrum of clinical or non-clinical specialty areas and their scientific underpinning; additional research; or directed remediation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "6068": {"id": "vHRRMlk3Rp1tRqIqi6qrX", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "id": "quW-4BuO7930S4pnIt1cQ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15665, "section": "01HO", "size": 50, "enrolled": 42, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment in this Course is compulsory for all MBBS Year 5 students who are on rural clinical placements. City placement students see separate Course."}]}]}]}]}, "6069": {"id": "7r7mhwOVMsO1sWXZZ4git", "course_id": "102178", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102178", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Medical and Scientific Attachment 4 Part 2", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MEDIC ST", "CATALOG_NBR": "5006BHO", "CLASS_NBR": 25681, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 1, "EFTLS": 0.04166666666666667, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Attachments, common program & research", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MBBS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MEDIC ST 5000AHO, MEDIC ST 5005AHO, MEDIC ST 5006AHO MEDIC ST 5007AHO, MEDIC ST 5009AHO, MEDIC ST 5014AHO, MEDIC ST 5015AHO and MEDIC ST 5016AHO in addition to all previous years core courses, or by approval of the Dean of Medicine", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Details provided at start of year", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students will be offered options for three-week medical and scientific attachments. These attachments will have a structured program of learning activities and may be used to offer a student the opportunity for: immersion in a broad spectrum of clinical or non-clinical specialty areas and their scientific underpinning; additional research; or directed remediation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6070": {"id": "7r7mhwOVMsO1sWXZZ4git", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "id": "-GAhW_43OhcSslLObBg2u", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25681, "section": "01HO", "size": 180, "enrolled": 146, "available": 34, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment in this Course is compulsory for all MBBS Year 5 students who are on city clinical placements. Rural placement students see separate Course."}]}]}]}]}, "6071": {"id": "MwlV1IiBv2oLScF6vIuqo", "course_id": "102178", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102178", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Medical and Scientific Attachment 4 Part 2", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MEDIC ST", "CATALOG_NBR": "5006BRU", "CLASS_NBR": 25682, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 1, "EFTLS": 0.04166666666666667, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Attachments, common program & research", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MBBS students on rural placement only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MEDIC ST 5000AHO, MEDIC ST 5005ARU, MEDIC ST 5006ARU MEDIC ST 5007ARU, MEDIC ST 5009ARU, MEDIC ST 5014ARU, MEDIC ST 5015ARU and MEDIC ST 5016ARU in addition to all previous years core courses, or by approval of the Dean of Medicine", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Details provided at start of year", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students will be offered options for three-week medical and scientific attachments. These attachments will have a structured program of learning activities and may be used to offer a student the opportunity for: immersion in a broad spectrum of clinical or non-clinical specialty areas and their scientific underpinning; additional research; or directed remediation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6072": {"id": "MwlV1IiBv2oLScF6vIuqo", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "id": "FTpXo9PZ0nm9Vl6cpB4dl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25682, "section": "01HO", "size": 50, "enrolled": 41, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment in this Course is compulsory for all MBBS Year 5 students who are on rural clinical placements. City placement students see separate Course."}]}]}]}]}, "6073": {"id": "2IFiIeO38GqpFd_7eTHei", "course_id": "102169", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102169", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Medical and Scientific Attachment 5 Part 1", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MEDIC ST", "CATALOG_NBR": "5007AHO", "CLASS_NBR": 15666, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 1, "EFTLS": 0.04166666666666667, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Attachments, common program & research", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MBBS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MEDIC ST 4000AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4013AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4014AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4015AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4016AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4017AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4018AHO/BHO, or by approval of the Dean of Medicine", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Details provided at start of year", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students will be offered options for three-week medical and scientific attachments. These attachments will have a structured program of learning activities and may be used to offer a student the opportunity for: immersion in a broad spectrum of clinical or non-clinical specialty areas and their scientific underpinning; additional research; or directed remediation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "6074": {"id": "2IFiIeO38GqpFd_7eTHei", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "id": "O6JnFHhfswTpsbtNBKFiX", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15666, "section": "01HO", "size": 180, "enrolled": 149, "available": 31, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment in this Course is compulsory for all MBBS Year 5 students who are on city clinical placements. Rural placement students see separate Course."}]}]}]}]}, "6075": {"id": "ipe86mHGJecD6XkNS-WzE", "course_id": "102169", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102169", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Medical and Scientific Attachment 5 Part 1", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MEDIC ST", "CATALOG_NBR": "5007ARU", "CLASS_NBR": 15667, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 1, "EFTLS": 0.04166666666666667, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Attachments, common program & research", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MBBS students on rural placement only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MEDIC ST 4000AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4013AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4014AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4015AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4016AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4017AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4018AHO/BHO, or by approval of the Dean of Medicine", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Details provided at start of year", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students will be offered options for three-week medical and scientific attachments. These attachments will have a structured program of learning activities and may be used to offer a student the opportunity for: immersion in a broad spectrum of clinical or non-clinical specialty areas and their scientific underpinning; additional research; or directed remediation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "6076": {"id": "ipe86mHGJecD6XkNS-WzE", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "id": "NBbNh99T_JYLq8XuOKoxw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15667, "section": "01HO", "size": 50, "enrolled": 41, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment in this Course is compulsory for all MBBS Year 5 students who are on rural clinical placements. City placement students see separate Course."}]}]}]}]}, "6077": {"id": "jw9nO9TvjY3fgI78AvqEN", "course_id": "102179", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102179", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Medical and Scientific Attachment 5 Part 2", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MEDIC ST", "CATALOG_NBR": "5007BHO", "CLASS_NBR": 25683, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 1, "EFTLS": 0.04166666666666667, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Attachments, common program & research", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MBBS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MEDIC ST 5000AHO, MEDIC ST 5005AHO, MEDIC ST 5006AHO MEDIC ST 5007AHO, MEDIC ST 5009AHO, MEDIC ST 5014AHO, MEDIC ST 5015AHO and MEDIC ST 5016AHO in addition to all previous years core courses, or by approval of the Dean of Medicine", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Details provided at start of year", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students will be offered options for three-week medical and scientific attachments. These attachments will have a structured program of learning activities and may be used to offer a student the opportunity for: immersion in a broad spectrum of clinical or non-clinical specialty areas and their scientific underpinning; additional research; or directed remediation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6078": {"id": "jw9nO9TvjY3fgI78AvqEN", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "id": "-6gvrjERVxQZaMWbqlRko", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25683, "section": "01HO", "size": 180, "enrolled": 147, "available": 33, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment in this Course is compulsory for all MBBS Year 5 students who are on city clinical placements. Rural placement students see separate Course."}]}]}]}]}, "6079": {"id": "ol3_ShmXCaXSKqaI_MwJZ", "course_id": "102179", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102179", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Medical and Scientific Attachment 5 Part 2", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MEDIC ST", "CATALOG_NBR": "5007BRU", "CLASS_NBR": 25684, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 1, "EFTLS": 0.04166666666666667, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Attachments, common program & research", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MBBS students on rural placement only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MEDIC ST 5000AHO, MEDIC ST 5005ARU, MEDIC ST 5006ARU MEDIC ST 5007ARU, MEDIC ST 5009ARU, MEDIC ST 5014ARU, MEDIC ST 5015ARU and MEDIC ST 5016ARU in addition to all previous years core courses, or by approval of the Dean of Medicine", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Details provided at start of year", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students will be offered options for three-week medical and scientific attachments. These attachments will have a structured program of learning activities and may be used to offer a student the opportunity for: immersion in a broad spectrum of clinical or non-clinical specialty areas and their scientific underpinning; additional research; or directed remediation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6080": {"id": "ol3_ShmXCaXSKqaI_MwJZ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "id": "PZgAENhXZmMSmsMD1qZhJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25684, "section": "01HO", "size": 50, "enrolled": 41, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment in this Course is compulsory for all MBBS Year 5 students who are on rural clinical placements. City placement students see separate Course."}]}]}]}]}, "6081": {"id": "WVS_FdfpHq3WtoDiyXfNV", "course_id": "102171", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102171", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Geriatrics and General Practice Part 1", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MEDIC ST", "CATALOG_NBR": "5009AHO", "CLASS_NBR": 11437, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 2, "EFTLS": 0.08333333333333334, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Attachments, common program & research", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MBBS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MEDIC ST 4000AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4013AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4014AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4015AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4016AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4017AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4018AHO/BHO, or by approval of the Dean of Medicine", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Details provided at start of year", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The clinical attachments are a program of clinical education through a selection of placements so that students will be competent in history-taking, patient examination and management. This includes problem formulation, investigations, treatment (pharmacological and non-pharmacological), counselling, good communication skills, the practice of empathetic medicine, and a sound knowledge base that allows diagnosis and management of common disorders to be carried out under appropriate supervision. Some students will have the opportunity to undertake their training for an extended period of time in a rural or remote setting.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "6082": {"id": "WVS_FdfpHq3WtoDiyXfNV", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "bMJ8etZRn1-6ktLF_DRYv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10872, "section": "SE03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 26, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For Students who are allocated Geriatrics & GP placement commencing on 8th April"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Jan - 15 Jan", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10:30am", "location": "AHMS, G030, Lecture Theatre 1"}, {"dates": "2 Feb - 2 Feb", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2081, Simulation Suite 2"}, {"dates": "15 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2081, Simulation Suite 2"}, {"dates": "12 Apr - 12 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2081, Simulation Suite 2"}, {"dates": "15 Apr - 19 Apr", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2081, Simulation Suite 2"}, {"dates": "10 May - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S116, Immersion Room"}, {"dates": "10 May - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S111a/b, Health Suites Combined"}, {"dates": "13 May - 17 May", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 10873, "section": "SE02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 24, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For Students who are allocated Geriatrics & GP placement commencing on 26th February"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Jan - 15 Jan", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10:30am", "location": "AHMS, G030, Lecture Theatre 1"}, {"dates": "2 Feb - 2 Feb", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2050, Simulation Suite 1"}, {"dates": "4 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "15 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2050, Simulation Suite 1"}, {"dates": "22 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S111a/b, Health Suites Combined"}, {"dates": "22 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S116, Immersion Room"}, {"dates": "1 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "12 Apr - 12 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2050, Simulation Suite 1"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2050, Simulation Suite 1"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10917, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 25, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For Students who are allocated Geriatrics & GP placement commencing on 15th January"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Jan - 15 Jan", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10:30am", "location": "AHMS, G030, Lecture Theatre 1"}, {"dates": "22 Jan - 26 Jan", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "2 Feb - 2 Feb", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "2 Feb - 2 Feb", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "16 Feb - 16 Feb", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S111a/b, Health Suites Combined"}, {"dates": "16 Feb - 16 Feb", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S116, Immersion Room"}, {"dates": "19 Feb - 23 Feb", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "15 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "15 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "12 Apr - 12 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "12 Apr - 12 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11437, "section": "SE04", "size": 90, "enrolled": 74, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Shell class for students who are allocated to a Geriatrics & GP placement in Semester 2"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Jan - 15 Jan", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10:30am", "location": "AHMS, G030, Lecture Theatre 1"}]}]}]}]}, "6083": {"id": "IU46gG15pNDu7Qak2T6ww", "course_id": "102171", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102171", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Geriatrics and General Practice Part 1", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MEDIC ST", "CATALOG_NBR": "5009ARU", "CLASS_NBR": 15668, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 2, "EFTLS": 0.08333333333333334, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Attachments, common program & research", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MBBS students on rural placement only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MEDIC ST 4000AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4013AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4014AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4015AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4016AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4017AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4018AHO/BHO, or by approval of the Dean of Medicine", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Details provided at start of year", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The clinical attachments are a program of clinical education through a selection of placements so that students will be competent in history-taking, patient examination and management. This includes problem formulation, investigations, treatment (pharmacological and non-pharmacological), counselling, good communication skills, the practice of empathetic medicine, and a sound knowledge base that allows diagnosis and management of common disorders to be carried out under appropriate supervision. Some students will have the opportunity to undertake their training for an extended period of time in a rural or remote setting.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "6084": {"id": "IU46gG15pNDu7Qak2T6ww", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "3ZuId4G1mwOOa76weWSYT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15668, "section": "01HO", "size": 50, "enrolled": 41, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment in this Course is compulsory for all MBBS Year 5 students who are on rural clinical placements. City placement students see separate Course."}]}]}]}]}, "6085": {"id": "9eof8CR0e8JQI_n6K5TDH", "course_id": "102182", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102182", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Geriatrics and General Practice Part 2", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MEDIC ST", "CATALOG_NBR": "5009BHO", "CLASS_NBR": 28858, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 2, "EFTLS": 0.08333333333333334, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Attachments, common program & research", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MBBS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MEDIC ST 5000AHO, MEDIC ST 5005AHO, MEDIC ST 5006AHO MEDIC ST 5007AHO, MEDIC ST 5009AHO, MEDIC ST 5014AHO, MEDIC ST 5015AHO and MEDIC ST 5016AHO in addition to all previous years core courses, or by approval of the Dean of Medicine", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Details provided at start of year", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The clinical attachments are a program of clinical education through a selection of placements so that students will be competent in history-taking, patient examination and management. This includes problem formulation, investigations, treatment (pharmacological and non-pharmacological), counselling, good communication skills, the practice of empathetic medicine, and a sound knowledge base that allows diagnosis and management of common disorders to be carried out under appropriate supervision. Some students will have the opportunity to undertake their training for an extended period of time in a rural or remote setting.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6086": {"id": "9eof8CR0e8JQI_n6K5TDH", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "KSlIrJvZ9A_ugN_G1rgY1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20792, "section": "SE03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 25, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For Students who are allocated Geriatrics & GP placement commencing on 16th September"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Jul - 19 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2081, Simulation Suite 2"}, {"dates": "9 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2081, Simulation Suite 2"}, {"dates": "30 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2081, Simulation Suite 2"}, {"dates": "23 Sep - 27 Sep", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 4 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S116, Immersion Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 4 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S111a/b, Health Suites Combined"}, {"dates": "18 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2081, Simulation Suite 2"}, {"dates": "21 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 20793, "section": "SE02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 25, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For Students who are allocated Geriatrics & GP placement commencing on 6th August"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Jul - 19 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2050, Simulation Suite 1"}, {"dates": "9 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2050, Simulation Suite 1"}, {"dates": "12 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "23 Aug - 23 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S111a/b, Health Suites Combined"}, {"dates": "23 Aug - 23 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S116, Immersion Room"}, {"dates": "30 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2050, Simulation Suite 1"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "18 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2050, Simulation Suite 1"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20794, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 26, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For Students who are allocated Geriatrics & GP placement commencing on 24th June"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Jul - 5 Jul", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "12 Jul - 12 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S111a/b, Health Suites Combined"}, {"dates": "12 Jul - 12 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S116, Immersion Room"}, {"dates": "19 Jul - 19 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "19 Jul - 19 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "29 Jul - 2 Aug", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "9 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "9 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "30 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "30 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "18 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "18 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}]}, {"class_nbr": 28858, "section": "SE04", "size": 90, "enrolled": 72, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Shell class for students who are allocated to a Geriatrics & GP placement in Semester 1"}]}]}]}]}, "6087": {"id": "azuXrG8fARIuqD2UIB9IH", "course_id": "102182", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102182", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Geriatrics and General Practice Part 2", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MEDIC ST", "CATALOG_NBR": "5009BRU", "CLASS_NBR": 25685, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 2, "EFTLS": 0.08333333333333334, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Attachments, common program & research", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MBBS students on rural placement only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MEDIC ST 5000AHO, MEDIC ST 5005ARU, MEDIC ST 5006ARU MEDIC ST 5007ARU, MEDIC ST 5009ARU, MEDIC ST 5014ARU, MEDIC ST 5015ARU and MEDIC ST 5016ARU in addition to all previous years core courses, or by approval of the Dean of Medicine", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Details provided at start of year", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The clinical attachments are a program of clinical education through a selection of placements so that students will be competent in history-taking, patient examination and management. This includes problem formulation, investigations, treatment (pharmacological and non-pharmacological), counselling, good communication skills, the practice of empathetic medicine, and a sound knowledge base that allows diagnosis and management of common disorders to be carried out under appropriate supervision. Some students will have the opportunity to undertake their training for an extended period of time in a rural or remote setting.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6088": {"id": "azuXrG8fARIuqD2UIB9IH", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "85qz53FvTzzN5WkwUWzIs", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25685, "section": "01HO", "size": 50, "enrolled": 41, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment in this Course is compulsory for all MBBS Year 5 students who are on rural clinical placements. City placement students see separate Course."}]}]}]}]}, "6089": {"id": "aynNPbb9QIXvF4HMQVuSL", "course_id": "105202", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105202", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Anaesthesia, Pain Medicine & Intensive Care V Pt1", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MEDIC ST", "CATALOG_NBR": "5014AHO", "CLASS_NBR": 11804, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 1, "EFTLS": 0.04166666666666667, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Attachments, common program & research", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MBBS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MEDIC ST 4000AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4013AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4014AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4015AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4016AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4017AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4018AHO/BHO, or by approval of the Dean of Medicine", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Based on attendance, knowledge, participation in discussions and short projects", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The clinical attachments are a program of clinical education through a selection of placements so that students will be competent in history-taking, patient examination and management. This includes problem formulation, investigations, treatment (pharmacological and non-pharmacological), counselling, good communication skills, the practice of empathetic medicine, and a sound knowledge base that allows diagnosis and management of common disorders to be carried out under appropriate supervision. Some students will have the opportunity to undertake their training for an extended period of time in a rural or remote setting.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "6090": {"id": "aynNPbb9QIXvF4HMQVuSL", "class_list": [{"association_group": "11", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "id": "WXoTpzqi5IIeEmy4nGKiH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12694, "section": "CL02", "size": 15, "enrolled": 15, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Feb - 13 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1:30pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2069/2070, Hospital Sim Suite 1a&b"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12695, "section": "CL01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 8, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Feb - 15 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1:30pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2069/2070, Hospital Sim Suite 1a&b"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "5CPrbRJIqzVS9FPzKbqBF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11806, "section": "PR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 23, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For Students who are allocated APIC placement commencing on 5th February"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "20 Feb - 22 Feb", "days": "Tuesday, Thursday", "start_time": "1:30pm", "end_time": "4:30pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}, {"dates": "20 Feb - 22 Feb", "days": "Tuesday, Thursday", "start_time": "1:30pm", "end_time": "4:30pm", "location": "AHMS, 2069/2070, Hospital Sim Suite 1a&b"}]}]}]}, {"association_group": "12", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "id": "dqioOKCQqtr7SJ2MNF3r8", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12692, "section": "CL04", "size": 15, "enrolled": 11, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "meetings": [{"dates": "21 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1:30pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12693, "section": "CL03", "size": 16, "enrolled": 16, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1:30pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2069/2070, Hospital Sim Suite 1a&b"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "82CEzmTxsD9f1N4jDsyIT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11805, "section": "PR02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 27, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For Students who are allocated APIC placement commencing on 18th March"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Tuesday, Thursday", "start_time": "1:30pm", "end_time": "4:30pm", "location": "AHMS, 2081, Simulation Suite 2"}]}]}]}, {"association_group": "13", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "id": "xgK7Rjxc5ErAcrVnvOLKe", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12690, "section": "CL06", "size": 15, "enrolled": 8, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1:30pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12691, "section": "CL05", "size": 15, "enrolled": 15, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Apr - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1:30pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "pKssxObIbKE5fSsNO98-_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11804, "section": "PR03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 23, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For Students who are allocated APIC placement commencing on 29th April"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "14 May - 16 May", "days": "Tuesday, Thursday", "start_time": "1:30pm", "end_time": "4:30pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}, {"dates": "14 May - 16 May", "days": "Tuesday, Thursday", "start_time": "1:30pm", "end_time": "4:30pm", "location": "AHMS, 2069/2070, Hospital Sim Suite 1a&b"}]}]}]}, {"association_group": "14", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "id": "rPKdS0sE_iHda6s3-ngJf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18938, "section": "CLN0", "size": 90, "enrolled": 76, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Shell class for students who are allocated to a APIC placement in Semester 2"}]}]}]}]}, "6091": {"id": "-f-eOQpUG4lpOvwLtKW8T", "course_id": "105202", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105202", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Anaesthesia, Pain Medicine & Intensive Care V Pt1", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MEDIC ST", "CATALOG_NBR": "5014ARU", "CLASS_NBR": 11365, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 1, "EFTLS": 0.04166666666666667, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Attachments, common program & research", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MBBS students on rural placement only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MEDIC ST 4000AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4013AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4014AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4015AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4016AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4017AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4018AHO/BHO, or by approval of the Dean of Medicine", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Details provided at start of year", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The clinical attachments are a program of clinical education through a selection of placements so that students will be competent in history-taking, patient examination and management. This includes problem formulation, investigations, treatment (pharmacological and non-pharmacological), counselling, good communication skills, the practice of empathetic medicine, and a sound knowledge base that allows diagnosis and management of common disorders to be carried out under appropriate supervision. Some students will have the opportunity to undertake their training for an extended period of time in a rural or remote setting.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "6092": {"id": "-f-eOQpUG4lpOvwLtKW8T", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "id": "gaExEg9yRHVgwHDagcVME", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11365, "section": "CL01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 41, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment in one of these Clinical groups is compulsory for all MBBS Year 5 students who are on rural clinical placements. City placement students see separate Course."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}, {"dates": "29 Mar - 29 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}, {"dates": "12 Apr - 19 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}, {"dates": "10 May - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}]}]}]}]}, "6093": {"id": "IsnT629xZRXWoG5TFCGwc", "course_id": "105203", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105203", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Anaesthesia, Pain Medicine & Intensive Care V Pt 2", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MEDIC ST", "CATALOG_NBR": "5014BHO", "CLASS_NBR": 21759, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 1, "EFTLS": 0.04166666666666667, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Attachments, common program & research", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MBBS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MEDIC ST 5000AHO, MEDIC ST 5005AHO, MEDIC ST 5006AHO MEDIC ST 5007AHO, MEDIC ST 5009AHO, MEDIC ST 5014AHO, MEDIC ST 5015AHO and MEDIC ST 5016AHO in addition to all previous years core courses, or by approval of the Dean of Medicine", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Based on attendance, knowledge, participation in discussions and short projects", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The clinical attachments are a program of clinical education through a selection of placements so that students will be competent in history-taking, patient examination and management. This includes problem formulation, investigations, treatment (pharmacological and non-pharmacological), counselling, good communication skills, the practice of empathetic medicine, and a sound knowledge base that allows diagnosis and management of common disorders to be carried out under appropriate supervision. Some students will have the opportunity to undertake their training for an extended period of time in a rural or remote setting.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6094": {"id": "IsnT629xZRXWoG5TFCGwc", "class_list": [{"association_group": "11", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "id": "3Oc5ApUM4RQzp210DohBq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24950, "section": "CL01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 13, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Jun - 4 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1:30pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2069/2070, Hospital Sim Suite 1a&b"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24951, "section": "CL02", "size": 15, "enrolled": 11, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jun - 2 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1:30pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2069/2070, Hospital Sim Suite 1a&b"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "117AqbjgmUrWnH_6N03J_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20405, "section": "PR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 24, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For Students who are allocated APIC placement commencing on 24th June"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Jul - 11 Jul", "days": "Tuesday, Thursday", "start_time": "1:30pm", "end_time": "4:30pm", "location": "AHMS, 2081, Simulation Suite 2"}]}]}]}, {"association_group": "12", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "id": "D7vy8fukE1rx8P98GZ2Lz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24952, "section": "CL03", "size": 15, "enrolled": 15, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Aug - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1:30pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2069/2070, Hospital Sim Suite 1a&b"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24953, "section": "CL04", "size": 15, "enrolled": 11, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1:30pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2069/2070, Hospital Sim Suite 1a&b"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "nsLqKW1TVDASgP65M5G_H", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21760, "section": "PR02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 26, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For Students who are allocated APIC placement commencing on 5th August"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "20 Aug - 22 Aug", "days": "Tuesday, Thursday", "start_time": "1:30pm", "end_time": "4:30pm", "location": "AHMS, 2081, Simulation Suite 2"}]}]}]}, {"association_group": "13", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "id": "Ijm7WZaP5MGtqL9RNAVxt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21761, "section": "CL06", "size": 15, "enrolled": 10, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Sep - 26 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1:30pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2069/2070, Hospital Sim Suite 1a&b"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21762, "section": "CL05", "size": 15, "enrolled": 15, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "meetings": [{"dates": "17 Sep - 24 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1:30pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2069/2070, Hospital Sim Suite 1a&b"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "mebce_nOM8pBh13loOSXq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21759, "section": "PR03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 25, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For Students who are allocated APIC placement commencing on 16th September"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Oct - 3 Oct", "days": "Tuesday, Thursday", "start_time": "1:30pm", "end_time": "4:30pm", "location": "AHMS, 2081, Simulation Suite 2"}]}]}]}, {"association_group": "14", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "id": "0qjCrI3WDFdveeqG5B0vU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28898, "section": "CLN0", "size": 90, "enrolled": 73, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Shell class for students who are allocated to a APIC placement in Semester 1"}]}]}]}]}, "6095": {"id": "x4rhkC-xvSVuyGCb_QsYb", "course_id": "105203", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105203", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Anaesthesia, Pain Medicine & Intensive Care V Pt 2", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MEDIC ST", "CATALOG_NBR": "5014BRU", "CLASS_NBR": 25757, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 1, "EFTLS": 0.04166666666666667, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Attachments, common program & research", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MBBS students on rural placement only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MEDIC ST 5000AHO, MEDIC ST 5005ARU, MEDIC ST 5006ARU MEDIC ST 5007ARU, MEDIC ST 5009ARU, MEDIC ST 5014ARU, MEDIC ST 5015ARU and MEDIC ST 5016ARU in addition to all previous years core courses, or by approval of the Dean of Medicine", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Based on attendance, participation in discussions and knowledge", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The clinical attachments are a program of clinical education through a selection of placements so that students will be competent in history-taking, patient examination and management. This includes problem formulation, investigations, treatment (pharmacological and non-pharmacological), counselling, good communication skills, the practice of empathetic medicine, and a sound knowledge base that allows diagnosis and management of common disorders to be carried out under appropriate supervision. Some students will have the opportunity to undertake their training for an extended period of time in a rural or remote setting.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6096": {"id": "x4rhkC-xvSVuyGCb_QsYb", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "id": "9u3Pin9XQcDG3jpJo3RPn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25757, "section": "01HO", "size": 50, "enrolled": 41, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment in one of these Clinical groups is compulsory for all MBBS Year 5 students who are on rural clinical placements. City placement students see separate Course."}]}]}]}]}, "6097": {"id": "XJ21rqgyCBFqdy2Kli6Di", "course_id": "106192", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106192", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Paediatrics and Child Health Part 1", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MEDIC ST", "CATALOG_NBR": "5015AHO", "CLASS_NBR": 19058, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Attachments, common program & research", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MBBS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MEDIC ST 4000AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4013AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4014AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4015AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4016AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4017AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4018AHO/BHO, or by approval of the Dean of Medicine", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Details provided at start of year", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The clinical attachments are a program of clinical education through a selection of placements so that students will be competent in history-taking, patient examination and management. This includes problem formulation, investigations, treatment (pharmacological and non-pharmacological), counselling, good communication skills, the practice of empathetic medicine, and a sound knowledge base that allows diagnosis and management of common disorders to be carried out under appropriate supervision. Some students will have the opportunity to undertake their training for an extended period of time in a rural or remote setting.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "6098": {"id": "XJ21rqgyCBFqdy2Kli6Di", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "id": "RrQYGCaxh5Ey3tmJXnK7m", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11768, "section": "CL02", "size": 40, "enrolled": 34, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For Students who are allocated Paeds and Child Health placement commencing on 18th March"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Mar - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 1068, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 29 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}, {"dates": "17 May - 17 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11769, "section": "CL01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 33, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For Students who are allocated Paeds and Child Health placement commencing on 15th January"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "16 Jan - 16 Jan", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 1068, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Jan - 16 Jan", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 2081, Simulation Suite 2"}, {"dates": "5 Feb - 12 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}, {"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19058, "section": "CLN0", "size": 80, "enrolled": 74, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Shell class for students who are allocated to a Paeds and Child Health placement in Semester 2"}]}]}]}]}, "6099": {"id": "q8eRLzpR8t2LsfYlsUOMP", "course_id": "106192", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106192", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Paediatrics and Child Health Part 1", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MEDIC ST", "CATALOG_NBR": "5015ARU", "CLASS_NBR": 10825, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "attachments, common program & research", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MBBS students on rural placement only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MEDIC ST 4000AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4013AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4014AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4015AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4016AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4017AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4018AHO/BHO, or by approval of the Dean of Medicine", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "details provided at start of year", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The clinical attachments are a program of clinical education through a selection of placements so that students will be competent in history-taking, patient examination and management. This includes problem formulation, investigations, treatment (pharmacological and non-pharmacological), counselling, good communication skills, the practice of empathetic medicine, and a sound knowledge base that allows diagnosis and management of common disorders to be carried out under appropriate supervision. Some students will have the opportunity to undertake their training for an extended period of time in a rural or remote setting.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "6100": {"id": "q8eRLzpR8t2LsfYlsUOMP", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "id": "7wBT3aFzxhx9w7gx8CoB7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10825, "section": "CL01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 41, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment in this Course is compulsory for all MBBS Year 5 students who are on rural clinical placements. City placement students see separate Course. Rural students please refer to MyUni Rural Medicine for more information."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Jan - 15 Jan", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10:30am", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Jan - 15 Jan", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10:30am", "end_time": "2:30pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Jan - 15 Jan", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10:30am", "end_time": "2:30pm", "location": "AHMS, 2078, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Jan - 15 Jan", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10:30am", "end_time": "2:30pm", "location": "AHMS, 2077, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Jan - 15 Jan", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10:30am", "end_time": "2:30pm", "location": "AHMS, 2076, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Jan - 15 Jan", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10:30am", "end_time": "2:30pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}, {"dates": "15 Jan - 15 Jan", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10:30am", "end_time": "2:30pm", "location": "AHMS, 2069/2070, Hospital Sim Suite 1a&b"}, {"dates": "15 Jan - 15 Jan", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2:30pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Jan - 16 Jan", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2069/2070, Hospital Sim Suite 1a&b"}, {"dates": "16 Jan - 16 Jan", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2078, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Jan - 16 Jan", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2077, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Jan - 16 Jan", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2076, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Jan - 16 Jan", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}, {"dates": "16 Jan - 16 Jan", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 Jan - 17 Jan", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 Jan - 17 Jan", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2:30pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 Jan - 17 Jan", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2:30pm", "end_time": "4:30pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}, {"dates": "17 Jan - 17 Jan", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2:30pm", "end_time": "4:30pm", "location": "AHMS, 2069/2070, Hospital Sim Suite 1a&b"}, {"dates": "18 Jan - 18 Jan", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2076, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Jan - 18 Jan", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2077, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Jan - 18 Jan", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2078, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Jan - 18 Jan", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Jan - 18 Jan", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2069/2070, Hospital Sim Suite 1a&b"}, {"dates": "18 Jan - 18 Jan", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}, {"dates": "19 Jan - 19 Jan", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6101": {"id": "TCU3K0D1mTfnISp2l81Bx", "course_id": "106193", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106193", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Paediatrics and Child Health Part 2", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MEDIC ST", "CATALOG_NBR": "5015BHO", "CLASS_NBR": 28908, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Attachments, common program & research", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MBBS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MEDIC ST 5000AHO, MEDIC ST 5005AHO, MEDIC ST 5006AHO MEDIC ST 5007AHO, MEDIC ST 5009AHO, MEDIC ST 5014AHO, MEDIC ST 5015AHO and MEDIC ST 5016AHO in addition to all previous years core courses, or by approval of the Dean of Medicine", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Details provided at start of year", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The clinical attachments are a program of clinical education through a selection of placements so that students will be competent in history-taking, patient examination and management. This includes problem formulation, investigations, treatment (pharmacological and non-pharmacological), counselling, good communication skills, the practice of empathetic medicine, and a sound knowledge base that allows diagnosis and management of common disorders to be carried out under appropriate supervision. Some students will have the opportunity to undertake their training for an extended period of time in a rural or remote setting.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6102": {"id": "TCU3K0D1mTfnISp2l81Bx", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "id": "xNky4p75wjQIwAB7wgDlj", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21730, "section": "CL02", "size": 40, "enrolled": 36, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For Students who are allocated Paeds and Child Health placement commencing on 26th August"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 1068, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 2069/2070, Hospital Sim Suite 1a&b"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 16 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}, {"dates": "18 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}, {"dates": "30 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21731, "section": "CL01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 36, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For Students who are allocated Paeds and Child Health placement commencing on 24th June"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jun - 25 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 2069/2070, Hospital Sim Suite 1a&b"}, {"dates": "25 Jun - 25 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 1068, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Jul - 22 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}, {"dates": "12 Aug - 19 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}, {"dates": "30 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S127, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 28908, "section": "CLN0", "size": 80, "enrolled": 67, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Shell class for students who are allocated to a Paeds and Child Health placement in Semester 1"}]}]}]}]}, "6103": {"id": "Je6UfoklKoU6xL4KmO6WV", "course_id": "106193", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106193", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Paediatrics and Child Health Part 2", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MEDIC ST", "CATALOG_NBR": "5015BRU", "CLASS_NBR": 25796, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "attachments, common program & research", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MBBS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MEDIC ST 5000AHO, MEDIC ST 5005ARU, MEDIC ST 5006ARU MEDIC ST 5007ARU, MEDIC ST 5009ARU, MEDIC ST 5014ARU, MEDIC ST 5015ARU and MEDIC ST 5016ARU in addition to all previous years core courses, or by approval of the Dean of Medicine", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "details provided at start of year", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The clinical attachments are a program of clinical education through a selection of placements so that students will be competent in history-taking, patient examination and management. This includes problem formulation, investigations, treatment (pharmacological and non-pharmacological), counselling, good communication skills, the practice of empathetic medicine, and a sound knowledge base that allows diagnosis and management of common disorders to be carried out under appropriate supervision. Some students will have the opportunity to undertake their training for an extended period of time in a rural or remote setting.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6104": {"id": "Je6UfoklKoU6xL4KmO6WV", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "id": "ZeMJMSJFelnvpaoz--IPy", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25796, "section": "01HO", "size": 50, "enrolled": 41, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment in this Course is compulsory for all MBBS Year 5 students who are on rural clinical placements. City placement students see separate Course."}]}]}]}]}, "6105": {"id": "er4nqLfB-jsegsCBgUmM_", "course_id": "106194", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106194", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Human Reproductive Health Part 1", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MEDIC ST", "CATALOG_NBR": "5016AHO", "CLASS_NBR": 19060, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Attachments, common program & research", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MBBS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MEDIC ST 4000AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4013AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4014AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4015AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4016AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4017AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4018AHO/BHO, or by approval of the Dean of Medicine", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Details provided at start of year", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The clinical attachments are a program of clinical education through a selection of placements so that students will be competent in history-taking, patient examination and management. This includes problem formulation, investigations, treatment (pharmacological and non-pharmacological), counselling, good communication skills, the practice of empathetic medicine, and a sound knowledge base that allows diagnosis and management of common disorders to be carried out under appropriate supervision.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "6106": {"id": "er4nqLfB-jsegsCBgUmM_", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "id": "AYhBxWCJEAMosFy8MWn6Y", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13553, "section": "CL02", "size": 40, "enrolled": 35, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For Students who are allocated Human Reproductive Health placement commencing on 18th March"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 13554, "section": "CL01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 33, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For Students who are allocated Human Reproductive Health placement commencing on 15th January"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jan - 25 Jan", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 19060, "section": "CLN0", "size": 80, "enrolled": 73, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Shell class for students who are allocated to a Human Reproductive Health placement in Semester 2"}]}]}]}]}, "6107": {"id": "jLg5ZvWM6K15G0Eju0E0r", "course_id": "106194", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106194", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Human Reproductive Health Part 1", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MEDIC ST", "CATALOG_NBR": "5016ARU", "CLASS_NBR": 15784, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "attachments, common program & research", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MBBS students on rural placement only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MEDIC ST 4000AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4013AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4014AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4015AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4016AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4017AHO/BHO, MEDIC ST 4018AHO/BHO, or by approval of the Dean of Medicine", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Details provided at start of year", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The clinical attachments are a program of clinical education through a selection of placements so that students will be competent in history-taking, patient examination and management. This includes problem formulation, investigations, treatment (pharmacological and non-pharmacological), counselling, good communication skills, the practice of empathetic medicine, and a sound knowledge base that allows diagnosis and management of common disorders to be carried out under appropriate supervision.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "6108": {"id": "jLg5ZvWM6K15G0Eju0E0r", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "id": "HjGwiR-n1MMKHxhxH62ZN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15784, "section": "01HO", "size": 50, "enrolled": 41, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment in this Course is compulsory for all MBBS Year 5 students who are on rural clinical placements. City placement students see separate Course."}]}]}]}]}, "6109": {"id": "2ddy9ccJndK3usxiOXoYO", "course_id": "106195", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106195", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Human Reproductive Health Part 2", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MEDIC ST", "CATALOG_NBR": "5016BHO", "CLASS_NBR": 28909, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Attachments, common program & research", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MBBS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MEDIC ST 5000AHO, MEDIC ST 5005AHO, MEDIC ST 5006AHO MEDIC ST 5007AHO, MEDIC ST 5009AHO, MEDIC ST 5014AHO, MEDIC ST 5015AHO and MEDIC ST 5016AHO in addition to all previous years core courses, or by approval of the Dean of Medicine", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Details provided at start of year", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The clinical attachments are a program of clinical education through a selection of placements so that students will be competent in history-taking, patient examination and management. This includes problem formulation, investigations, treatment (pharmacological and non-pharmacological), counselling, good communication skills, the practice of empathetic medicine, and a sound knowledge base that allows diagnosis and management of common disorders to be carried out under appropriate supervision.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6110": {"id": "2ddy9ccJndK3usxiOXoYO", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "id": "NieXciHau6HbzK4qnRS-j", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20002, "section": "CL02", "size": 40, "enrolled": 36, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For Students who are allocated Human Reproductive Health placement commencing on 26th August"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Sep - 5 Sep", "days": "Monday, Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 20003, "section": "CL01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 35, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For Students who are allocated Human Reproductive Health placement commencing on 24th June"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Jul - 4 Jul", "days": "Monday, Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 28909, "section": "CLN0", "size": 80, "enrolled": 68, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Shell class for students who are allocated to a Human Reproductive Health placement in Semester 1"}]}]}]}]}, "6111": {"id": "E3ByTHReqfP1sf6tTIKje", "course_id": "106195", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106195", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Human Reproductive Health Part 2", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MEDIC ST", "CATALOG_NBR": "5016BRU", "CLASS_NBR": 25797, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Attachments, common program & research", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MBBS students on rural placement only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MEDIC ST 5000AHO, MEDIC ST 5005ARU, MEDIC ST 5006ARU MEDIC ST 5007ARU, MEDIC ST 5009ARU, MEDIC ST 5014ARU, MEDIC ST 5015ARU and MEDIC ST 5016ARU in addition to all previous years core courses, or by approval of the Dean of Medicine", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Details provided at start of year", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The clinical attachments are a program of clinical education through a selection of placements so that students will be competent in history-taking, patient examination and management. This includes problem formulation, investigations, treatment (pharmacological and non-pharmacological), counselling, good communication skills, the practice of empathetic medicine, and a sound knowledge base that allows diagnosis and management of common disorders to be carried out under appropriate supervision.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6112": {"id": "E3ByTHReqfP1sf6tTIKje", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "id": "gh3O0Z1BQQXo_pb6qPzYh", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25797, "section": "01HO", "size": 50, "enrolled": 41, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For Students who are allocated Human Reproductive Health placement commencing on 27 August."}]}]}]}]}, "6113": {"id": "tgs-SMrnVjDxek_Oc6joO", "course_id": "109325", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109325", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Human Reproductive Health Exchange", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MEDIC ST", "CATALOG_NBR": "5017HO", "CLASS_NBR": 13184, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Aarhus inbound exchange students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Details provided at start of the course", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The clinical attachments are a program of clinical education through a selection of placements so that students will be competent in history-taking, patient examination and management. This includes problem formulation, investigations, treatment (pharmacological and non-pharmacological), counselling, good communication skills, the practice of empathetic medicine, and a sound knowledge base that allows diagnosis and management of common disorders to be carried out under appropriate supervision. Some students will have the opportunity to undertake their training for an extended period of time in a rural or remote setting.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6114": {"id": "tgs-SMrnVjDxek_Oc6joO", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "id": "J0fEELfVn7B4JpLzob0V0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13184, "section": "CL02", "size": 4, "enrolled": 2, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 13185, "section": "CL01", "size": 4, "enrolled": 4, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jan - 25 Jan", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "6115": {"id": "-LG_tFsnt0KKUuXLwLEQd", "course_id": "109326", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109326", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Paediatrics and Child Health Inbound Exchange", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MEDIC ST", "CATALOG_NBR": "5018HO", "CLASS_NBR": 14815, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Details provided at the start of the course", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The clinical attachments are a program of clinical education through a selection of placements so that students will be competent in history-taking, patient examination and management. This includes problem formulation, investigations, treatment (pharmacological and non-pharmacological), counselling, good communication skills, the practice of empathetic medicine, and a sound knowledge base that allows diagnosis and management of common disorders to be carried out under appropriate supervision. Some students will have the opportunity to undertake their training for an extended period of time in a rural or remote setting.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6116": {"id": "-LG_tFsnt0KKUuXLwLEQd", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "id": "Y57xc-poOGkap0NgWGWO-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14815, "section": "CL02", "size": 4, "enrolled": 4, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Mar - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 1068, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 29 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}, {"dates": "17 May - 17 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14816, "section": "CL01", "size": 4, "enrolled": 2, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "meetings": [{"dates": "16 Jan - 16 Jan", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 1068, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Jan - 16 Jan", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 2081, Simulation Suite 2"}, {"dates": "5 Feb - 12 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}, {"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}]}]}]}]}, "6117": {"id": "_H3AFaMbX4rEa9gTxISg7", "course_id": "109323", "term": "4448", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109323", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4448", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "MBBS Year 5 Summer Course (4 Units)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MEDIC ST", "CATALOG_NBR": "5205", "CLASS_NBR": 46076, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 4, "EFTLS": 0.1666666666666667, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MBBS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "20 units of Year 5 MBBS program including exam course in the current academic year. Attended and completed core structured learning activities of the failed course (or equivalent with Dean of Medicine approval)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The MBBS program in years 4-6 is delivered as rotation-based clinical attachments covering the breadth of clinical medicine. Learning and teaching methods fuse workplace-based practical learning approaches with on-line and face-to-face small and large group learning in discipline-based tutorial series as well as teaching series. The years 4-6 program is structured around core, selective and elective options with core and elective attachments being taught concurrently to ensure sufficient clinical placements. MBBS Year 5 summer school course is available for students who have achieved a pass in in six of the seven MBBS year 5 core courses (clinical attachments) including the end of year examination course in the current academic year and have attended and completed core structured learning activities of the failed course. The remedial course will allow students the opportunity to achieve the required competencies for year 5 by targeting specific areas of weakness within the relevant failed course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 14/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 14/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 19/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 11/12/2024"}}]}, "6118": {"id": "_H3AFaMbX4rEa9gTxISg7", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "2dJsqkF7fDnih9FuGZGdf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46076, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "6119": {"id": "1dGz2Z0vy9ZnLhxeRjHOn", "course_id": "109324", "term": "4448", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109324", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4448", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "MBBS Year 5 Summer Course (6 Units)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MEDIC ST", "CATALOG_NBR": "5305", "CLASS_NBR": 46077, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MBBS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "18 units of Year 5 MBBS program including exam course in the current academic year. Attended and completed core structured learning activities of the failed course (or equivalent with Dean of Medicine approval)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The MBBS program in years 4-6 is delivered as rotation-based clinical attachments covering the breadth of clinical medicine. Learning and teaching methods fuse workplace-based practical learning approaches with on-line and face-to-face small and large group learning in discipline-based tutorial series as well as teaching series. The years 4-6 program is structured around core, selective and elective options with core and elective attachments being taught concurrently to ensure sufficient clinical placements. MBBS Year 5 summer school course is available for students who have achieved a pass in in six of the seven MBBS year 5 core courses (clinical attachments) including the end of year examination course in the current academic year and have attended and completed core structured learning activities of the failed course. The remedial course will allow students the opportunity to achieve the required competencies for year 5 by targeting specific areas of weakness within the relevant failed course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 14/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 14/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 19/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 11/12/2024"}}]}, "6120": {"id": "1dGz2Z0vy9ZnLhxeRjHOn", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "i08P60sZdEK6D3NlMo5dI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46077, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "6121": {"id": "yTtDKH8bZujka44_6uTUk", "course_id": "109334", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109334", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Final (Sixth Year) MBBS Assessment Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MEDIC ST", "CATALOG_NBR": "6000A", "CLASS_NBR": 16131, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "MBBS Students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "All MBBS5 Metro and/or Rural courses, in addition to all previous years core courses, or by approval of the Dean of Medicine", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Refer to Course Outlines", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is the final year of the MBBS degree. This course also includes the Dean's elective, a compulsory 4 week elective experience often taken overseas.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "6122": {"id": "yTtDKH8bZujka44_6uTUk", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "yvOVJmMlTaJsu3zm9iPve", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16131, "section": "01NT", "size": 180, "enrolled": 168, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment in this Course is compulsory for all MBBS Year 6 students."}]}]}]}]}, "6123": {"id": "pYA6XXn31GCcA_wz22Uy6", "course_id": "109335", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109335", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Final (Sixth Year) MBBS Assessment Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MEDIC ST", "CATALOG_NBR": "6000B", "CLASS_NBR": 26133, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "MBBS Students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MEDIC ST 6000A, MEDIC ST 6015AHO, MEDIC ST 6016AHO, MEDIC ST 6017AHO, MEDIC ST 6018AHO, MEDIC ST 6019AHO, MEDIC ST 6020AHO, MEDIC ST 6021AHO, MEDIC ST 6022AHO, or by approval of the Dean of Medicine", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Refer to Course Outlines", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is the final year of the MBBS degree. This course also includes the Dean's elective, a compulsory 4 week elective experience often taken overseas.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6124": {"id": "pYA6XXn31GCcA_wz22Uy6", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "d5QQ7-isQWRx9lO7u-YmI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26133, "section": "01NT", "size": 180, "enrolled": 168, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment in this Course is compulsory for all MBBS Year 6 students."}]}]}]}]}, "6125": {"id": "TnfNK6xc7kFs2_kPCaAee", "course_id": "106546", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106546", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Medicine Internship VI Part 1", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MEDIC ST", "CATALOG_NBR": "6015AHO", "CLASS_NBR": 15802, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 1.5, "EFTLS": 0.0625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "6 week placement", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MBBS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "All MBBS5 Metro and/or Rural courses, in addition to all previous years core courses, or by approval of the Dean of Medicine", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "To be advised at the start of the year", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "To prepare students for internship by providing, in a dynamic clinical context, opportunities to practise skills and further prior learning. Students will be Included as part of the ward team, with a defined role and clear (but limited) responsibility to achieve work readiness.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "6126": {"id": "TnfNK6xc7kFs2_kPCaAee", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "ey0ybec4stD0Lb9t8aY0-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15802, "section": "01HO", "size": 180, "enrolled": 168, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment in this Course is compulsory for all MBBS Year 6 students."}]}]}]}]}, "6127": {"id": "I3jtffoh7W31t5SXEcjYh", "course_id": "106547", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106547", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Medicine Internship VI Part 2", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MEDIC ST", "CATALOG_NBR": "6015BHO", "CLASS_NBR": 25812, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 1.5, "EFTLS": 0.0625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "6 week placement", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MBBS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MEDIC ST 6000A, MEDIC ST 6015AHO, MEDIC ST 6016AHO, MEDIC ST 6017AHO, MEDIC ST 6018AHO, MEDIC ST 6019AHO, MEDIC ST 6020AHO, MEDIC ST 6021AHO, MEDIC ST 6022AHO, or by approval of the Dean of Medicine", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "To be advised at the start of the year", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "To prepare students for internship by providing, in a dynamic clinical context, opportunities to practise skills and further prior learning. Students will be Included as part of the ward team, with a defined role and clear (but limited) responsibility to achieve work readiness.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6128": {"id": "I3jtffoh7W31t5SXEcjYh", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "Hli7ytVmSnqLqL_sxMCHd", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25812, "section": "01HO", "size": 180, "enrolled": 168, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment in this Course is compulsory for all MBBS Year 6 students."}]}]}]}]}, "6129": {"id": "lDHDlWRZ0NA9zO3Y3DFNe", "course_id": "106548", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106548", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Surgery Internship VI Part 1", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MEDIC ST", "CATALOG_NBR": "6016AHO", "CLASS_NBR": 15803, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 1.5, "EFTLS": 0.0625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "6 week placement", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MBBS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "All MBBS5 Metro and/or Rural courses, in addition to all previous years core courses, or by approval of the Dean of Medicine", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "To be advised at the start of the year", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students undertake a 6 week placement conducted in the major teaching hospitals.\nYear 6 Teaching Series to be conducted on Wednesday afternoons during the Internship semester. The series focuses on practical knowledge needed by interns.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "6130": {"id": "lDHDlWRZ0NA9zO3Y3DFNe", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "atizLlHR2aX4YS0a4rtQb", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15803, "section": "01HO", "size": 180, "enrolled": 168, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment in this Course is compulsory for all MBBS Year 6 students."}]}]}]}]}, "6131": {"id": "x08Jn8IYAD7pDNUbX4djn", "course_id": "106549", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106549", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Surgery Internship VI Part 2", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MEDIC ST", "CATALOG_NBR": "6016BHO", "CLASS_NBR": 25813, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 1.5, "EFTLS": 0.0625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "6 week placement", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MBBS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MEDIC ST 6000A, MEDIC ST 6015AHO, MEDIC ST 6016AHO, MEDIC ST 6017AHO, MEDIC ST 6018AHO, MEDIC ST 6019AHO, MEDIC ST 6020AHO, MEDIC ST 6021AHO, MEDIC ST 6022AHO, or by approval of the Dean of Medicine", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "To be advised at the start of the year", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students undertake a 6 week placement in a major teaching hospital. \nYear 6 Teaching Series focuses on practical knowledge needed by interns.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6132": {"id": "x08Jn8IYAD7pDNUbX4djn", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "dpnKsKq0WCls7uJbJQk8w", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25813, "section": "01HO", "size": 180, "enrolled": 168, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment in this Course is compulsory for all MBBS Year 6 students."}]}]}]}]}, "6133": {"id": "s6PXsm13uE9Dy8u1TF62N", "course_id": "106554", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106554", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Emergency Department Internship VI Part 1", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MEDIC ST", "CATALOG_NBR": "6017AHO", "CLASS_NBR": 19061, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 1.5, "EFTLS": 0.0625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "6 week placement", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MBBS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "All MBBS5 Metro and/or Rural courses, in addition to all previous years core courses, or by approval of the Dean of Medicine", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "To be advised at the start of the year", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students undertake a 6 week placement in a major teaching hospital.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "6134": {"id": "s6PXsm13uE9Dy8u1TF62N", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "EM_KxTDI4YSpHC3XoVZ_f", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15039, "section": "PR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 10, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For students who are allocated LMH/Modbury placement commencing on 15th January."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Feb - 9 Feb", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2069/2070, Hospital Sim Suite 1a&b"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15040, "section": "PR02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 9, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For students who are allocated LMH/Modbury placement commencing on 26th February."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2069/2070, Hospital Sim Suite 1a&b"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15041, "section": "PR03", "size": 20, "enrolled": 9, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For students who are allocated LMH/Modbury placement commencing on 8th April."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "10 May - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2069/2070, Hospital Sim Suite 1a&b"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15042, "section": "PR04", "size": 20, "enrolled": 18, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For students who are allocated RAH/WCH/QEH placement commencing on 15th January."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "16 Feb - 16 Feb", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}, {"dates": "16 Feb - 16 Feb", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2069/2070, Hospital Sim Suite 1a&b"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15043, "section": "PR05", "size": 20, "enrolled": 19, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For students who are allocated RAH/WCH/QEH placement commencing on 26th February."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2069/2070, Hospital Sim Suite 1a&b"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15044, "section": "PR06", "size": 20, "enrolled": 17, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For students who are allocated RAH/WCH/QEH placement commencing on 8th April."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "17 May - 17 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}, {"dates": "17 May - 17 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2069/2070, Hospital Sim Suite 1a&b"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19061, "section": "PRA0", "size": 90, "enrolled": 86, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For students who are allocated to an Emergency Department Internship placement in Semester 2."}]}]}]}]}, "6135": {"id": "qXYTJuCPGq_WCTwYkabR4", "course_id": "106555", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106555", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Emergency Department Internship VI Part 2", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MEDIC ST", "CATALOG_NBR": "6017BHO", "CLASS_NBR": 28914, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 1.5, "EFTLS": 0.0625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "6 week placement", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MBBS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MEDIC ST 6000A, MEDIC ST 6015AHO, MEDIC ST 6016AHO, MEDIC ST 6017AHO, MEDIC ST 6018AHO, MEDIC ST 6019AHO, MEDIC ST 6020AHO, MEDIC ST 6021AHO, MEDIC ST 6022AHO, or by approval of the Dean of Medicine", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "To be advised at the start of the year", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students undertake a 6 week placement in a major teaching hospital", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6136": {"id": "qXYTJuCPGq_WCTwYkabR4", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "9_m1dGTDvaTiRg4bdDGj6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24954, "section": "PR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 10, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For students who are allocated LMH/Modbury placement commencing on 1st July."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 26 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2069/2070, Hospital Sim Suite 1a&b"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24955, "section": "PR02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 10, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For students who are allocated LMH/Modbury placement commencing on 12th August."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Sep - 6 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2069/2070, Hospital Sim Suite 1a&b"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24956, "section": "PR03", "size": 20, "enrolled": 12, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For students who are allocated LMH/Modbury placement commencing on 23rd September."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "18 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2069/2070, Hospital Sim Suite 1a&b"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24957, "section": "PR04", "size": 20, "enrolled": 20, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For students who are allocated RAH/WCH/QEH placement commencing on 1st July."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}, {"dates": "2 Aug - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2069/2070, Hospital Sim Suite 1a&b"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24958, "section": "PR05", "size": 20, "enrolled": 18, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For students who are allocated RAH/WCH/QEH placement commencing on 12th August."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2069/2070, Hospital Sim Suite 1a&b"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24959, "section": "PR06", "size": 20, "enrolled": 17, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For students who are allocated RAH/WCH/QEH placement commencing on 23rd September."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}, {"dates": "25 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2069/2070, Hospital Sim Suite 1a&b"}]}, {"class_nbr": 28914, "section": "PRA0", "size": 100, "enrolled": 81, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For students who are allocated to an Emergency Department Internship placement in Semester 1."}]}]}]}]}, "6137": {"id": "a0i_aWnY-3l5lhY6hGwSF", "course_id": "106559", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106559", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Medicine Selective VI Part 1", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MEDIC ST", "CATALOG_NBR": "6018AHO", "CLASS_NBR": 15804, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 1.5, "EFTLS": 0.0625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "4 week placement", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MBBS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "All MBBS5 Metro and/or Rural courses, in addition to all previous years core courses, or by approval of the Dean of Medicine", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "To be advised at the start of the year", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "A Selective is a Specialist/Community or Ambulatory Placement. Each Selective is 4 weeks in duration. Students must do a Selective in Medicine, Primary Care, Psychiatry and Surgery.\n\nStudents must take at least one rural-based Selective (with the exemption of International students who are not required to do a rural placement). \n\nNote 1: Students that have already fulfilled their 4 weeks rural total (Commonwealth requirement before graduation) may wish to apply for a rural Selective exemption.\n Selective selection is from a pre-determined list of available Selectives.\nIndividual 'once-off/self-created' Selectives may be negotiated (interstate/overseas) for student's Medicine, Surgery, Primary Care OR Psychiatry Selective. Only ONE self-created Selective may be created in Year 6. The self-created Selective must be approved by the relevant Discipline before it can be accepted.\n\nNote 2: Some students may be required to complete a directed elective in place of their Medicine or Surgery Selective, based on decisions made at the Year 5 Board of Examiners.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "6138": {"id": "a0i_aWnY-3l5lhY6hGwSF", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "A6eg5IxELm1rEkRRqLYco", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15804, "section": "01HO", "size": 180, "enrolled": 168, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment in this Course is compulsory for all MBBS Year 6 students."}]}]}]}]}, "6139": {"id": "wY2Ylftu7McUO4FQJX-IS", "course_id": "106560", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106560", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Medicine Selective VI Part 2", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MEDIC ST", "CATALOG_NBR": "6018BHO", "CLASS_NBR": 25814, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 1.5, "EFTLS": 0.0625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "4 week placement", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MBBS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MEDIC ST 6000A, MEDIC ST 6015AHO, MEDIC ST 6016AHO, MEDIC ST 6017AHO, MEDIC ST 6018AHO, MEDIC ST 6019AHO, MEDIC ST 6020AHO, MEDIC ST 6021AHO, MEDIC ST 6022AHO, or by approval of the Dean of Medicine", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "To be advised at the start of the year", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "A Selective is a Specialist/Community or Ambulatory Placement. Each Selective is 4 weeks in duration. Students must do a Selective in Medicine, Primary Care, Psychiatry and Surgery.\n\nStudents must take at least one rural-based Selective (with the exemption of International students who are not required to do a rural placement). \n\nNote 1: Students that have already fulfilled their 4 weeks rural total (Commonwealth requirement before graduation) may wish to apply for a rural Selective exemption.\n Selective selection is from a pre-determined list of available Selectives.\nIndividual 'once-off/self-created' Selectives may be negotiated (interstate/overseas) for student's Medicine, Surgery, Primary Care OR Psychiatry Selective. Only ONE self-created Selective may be created in Year 6. The self-created Selective must be approved by the relevant Discipline before it can be accepted.\n\nNote 2: Some students may be required to complete a directed elective in place of their Medicine or Surgery Selective, based on decisions made at the Year 5 Board of Examiners.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6140": {"id": "wY2Ylftu7McUO4FQJX-IS", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "epHyfIeIG1GX-jt-2Gp-8", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25814, "section": "01HO", "size": 180, "enrolled": 168, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment in this Course is compulsory for all MBBS Year 6 students."}]}]}]}]}, "6141": {"id": "kakeFlMlm0OZvsI3LaXu-", "course_id": "106564", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106564", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Primary Care Selective VI Part 1", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MEDIC ST", "CATALOG_NBR": "6019AHO", "CLASS_NBR": 15805, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 1.5, "EFTLS": 0.0625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "4 week placement", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MBBS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "All MBBS5 Metro and/or Rural courses, in addition to all previous years core courses, or by approval of the Dean of Medicine", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "To be advised at the start of the year", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "A Selective is a Specialist/Community or Ambulatory Placement. Each Selective is 4 weeks in duration. Students must do a Selective in Medicine, Primary Care, Psychiatry and Surgery.\n\nStudents must take at least one rural-based Selective (with the exemption of International students who are not required to do a rural placement). \n\nNote 1: Students that have already fulfilled their 4 weeks rural total (Commonwealth requirement before graduation) may wish to apply for a rural Selective exemption.\n Selective selection is from a pre-determined list of available Selectives.\nIndividual 'once-off/self-created' Selectives may be negotiated (interstate/overseas) for student's Medicine, Surgery, Primary Care OR Psychiatry Selective. Only ONE self-created Selective may be created in Year 6. The self-created Selective must be approved by the relevant Discipline before it can be accepted.\n\nNote 2: Some students may be required to complete a directed elective in place of their Medicine or Surgery Selective, based on decisions made at the Year 5 Board of Examiners.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "6142": {"id": "kakeFlMlm0OZvsI3LaXu-", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "FcRFE_rvreLmOCeAEpjrK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15805, "section": "01HO", "size": 180, "enrolled": 168, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment in this Course is compulsory for all MBBS Year 6 students."}]}]}]}]}, "6143": {"id": "S1z7Ew-11CDGniKi1tT3v", "course_id": "106572", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106572", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Primary Care Selective VI Part 2", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MEDIC ST", "CATALOG_NBR": "6019BHO", "CLASS_NBR": 25815, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 1.5, "EFTLS": 0.0625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "4 week placement", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MBBS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MEDIC ST 6000A, MEDIC ST 6015AHO, MEDIC ST 6016AHO, MEDIC ST 6017AHO, MEDIC ST 6018AHO, MEDIC ST 6019AHO, MEDIC ST 6020AHO, MEDIC ST 6021AHO, MEDIC ST 6022AHO, or by approval of the Dean of Medicine", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "To be advised at the start of the year", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "A Selective is a Specialist/Community or Ambulatory Placement. Each Selective is 4 weeks in duration. Students must do a Selective in Medicine, Primary Care, Psychiatry and Surgery.\n\nStudents must take at least one rural-based Selective (with the exemption of International students who are not required to do a rural placement). \n\nNote 1: Students that have already fulfilled their 4 weeks rural total (Commonwealth requirement before graduation) may wish to apply for a rural Selective exemption.\n Selective selection is from a pre-determined list of available Selectives.\nIndividual 'once-off/self-created' Selectives may be negotiated (interstate/overseas) for student's Medicine, Surgery, Primary Care OR Psychiatry Selective. Only ONE self-created Selective may be created in Year 6. The self-created Selective must be approved by the relevant Discipline before it can be accepted.\n\nNote 2: Some students may be required to complete a directed elective in place of their Medicine or Surgery Selective, based on decisions made at the Year 5 Board of Examiners.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6144": {"id": "S1z7Ew-11CDGniKi1tT3v", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "6P-FJKDte6yBSbj5RW7AQ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25815, "section": "01HO", "size": 180, "enrolled": 168, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment in this Course is compulsory for all MBBS Year 6 students."}]}]}]}]}, "6145": {"id": "3JGi17sq_sy2Csrse4yxI", "course_id": "106573", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106573", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Psychiatry Selective VI Part 1", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MEDIC ST", "CATALOG_NBR": "6020AHO", "CLASS_NBR": 19069, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 1.5, "EFTLS": 0.0625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "4 week placement to be located at teaching hospitals and the AHMS", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MBBS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "All MBBS5 Metro and/or Rural courses, in addition to all previous years core courses, or by approval of the Dean of Medicine", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "To be advised at the start of the year", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "A Selective is a Specialist/Community or Ambulatory Placement. Each Selective is 4 weeks in duration. Students must do a Selective in Medicine, Primary Care, Psychiatry and Surgery.\n\nStudents must take at least one rural-based Selective (with the exemption of International students who are not required to do a rural placement). \n\nNote 1: Students that have already fulfilled their 4 weeks rural total (Commonwealth requirement before graduation) may wish to apply for a rural Selective exemption.\n Selective selection is from a pre-determined list of available Selectives.\nIndividual 'once-off/self-created' Selectives may be negotiated (interstate/overseas) for student's Medicine, Surgery, Primary Care OR Psychiatry Selective. Only ONE self-created Selective may be created in Year 6. The self-created Selective must be approved by the relevant Discipline before it can be accepted.\n\nNote 2: Some students may be required to complete a directed elective in place of their Medicine or Surgery Selective, based on decisions made at the Year 5 Board of Examiners.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "6146": {"id": "3JGi17sq_sy2Csrse4yxI", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "g3w_j9JN3JmzBU-FXA1Ep", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11827, "section": "TU05", "size": 20, "enrolled": 19, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For students who are allocated Psychiatry Selective placement commencing on 8th May."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "8 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 1068, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 May - 20 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4:30pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "31 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 1068, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11828, "section": "TU04", "size": 20, "enrolled": 17, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For students who are allocated Psychiatry Selective placement commencing on 10th April."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "10 Apr - 10 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 1068, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 Apr - 17 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4:30pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "3 May - 3 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 1068, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11829, "section": "TU03", "size": 20, "enrolled": 17, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For students who are allocated Psychiatry Selective placement commencing on 13th March."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Mar - 13 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 1068, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4:30pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 1068, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11830, "section": "TU02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 18, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For students who are allocated Psychiatry Selective placement commencing on 14th February."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "14 Feb - 14 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 1068, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 28 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4:30pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "8 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 1068, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11831, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 16, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For students who are allocated Psychiatry Selective placement commencing on 17th January."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "17 Jan - 17 Jan", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 1068, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Jan - 29 Jan", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4:30pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "9 Feb - 9 Feb", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 1068, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19069, "section": "TUT0", "size": 90, "enrolled": 81, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For students who are allocated to a Psychiatry Selective placement in Semester 2."}]}]}]}]}, "6147": {"id": "V5Vp2lM9p7rbA2eP02qcA", "course_id": "106574", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106574", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Psychiatry Selective VI Part 2", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MEDIC ST", "CATALOG_NBR": "6020BHO", "CLASS_NBR": 28915, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 1.5, "EFTLS": 0.0625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "4 week placement to be located at teaching hospitals and the AHMS", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MBBS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MEDIC ST 6000A, MEDIC ST 6015AHO, MEDIC ST 6016AHO, MEDIC ST 6017AHO, MEDIC ST 6018AHO, MEDIC ST 6019AHO, MEDIC ST 6020AHO, MEDIC ST 6021AHO, MEDIC ST 6022AHO, or by approval of the Dean of Medicine", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "To be advised at the start of the year", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "A Selective is a Specialist/Community or Ambulatory Placement. Each Selective is 4 weeks in duration. Students must do a Selective in Medicine, Primary Care, Psychiatry and Surgery.\n\nStudents must take at least one rural-based Selective (with the exemption of International students who are not required to do a rural placement). \n\nNote 1: Students that have already fulfilled their 4 weeks rural total (Commonwealth requirement before graduation) may wish to apply for a rural Selective exemption.\n Selective selection is from a pre-determined list of available Selectives.\nIndividual 'once-off/self-created' Selectives may be negotiated (interstate/overseas) for student's Medicine, Surgery, Primary Care OR Psychiatry Selective. Only ONE self-created Selective may be created in Year 6. The self-created Selective must be approved by the relevant Discipline before it can be accepted.\n\nNote 2: Some students may be required to complete a directed elective in place of their Medicine or Surgery Selective, based on decisions made at the Year 5 Board of Examiners.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6148": {"id": "V5Vp2lM9p7rbA2eP02qcA", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "c-iFsCDolTwwdYRHU0GPW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21799, "section": "TU05", "size": 20, "enrolled": 18, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For students who are allocated Psychiatry Selective placement from 9th October."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 1068, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4:30pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "1 Nov - 1 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 1068, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21800, "section": "TU04", "size": 20, "enrolled": 17, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For students who are allocated Psychiatry Selective placement from 11th September."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 1068, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Sep - 23 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4:30pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 4 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 1068, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21801, "section": "TU03", "size": 20, "enrolled": 17, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For students who are allocated Psychiatry Selective placement from 14th August."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "14 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 1068, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Aug - 28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4:30pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "6 Sep - 6 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 1068, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21802, "section": "TU02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 19, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For students who are allocated Psychiatry Selective placement from 17th July."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "17 Jul - 17 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 1068, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Jul - 29 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4:30pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "9 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 1068, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21803, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 10, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For students who are allocated Psychiatry Selective placement from 19th June."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Jun - 19 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 1068, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Jul - 3 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4:30pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "12 Jul - 12 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 1068, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 28915, "section": "TUT0", "size": 90, "enrolled": 87, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For students who are allocated to a Psychiatry Selective placement in Semester 1."}]}]}]}]}, "6149": {"id": "uQ02QzLNaOQ9u_yU6VorP", "course_id": "106575", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106575", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Surgery Selective VI Part 1", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MEDIC ST", "CATALOG_NBR": "6021AHO", "CLASS_NBR": 15806, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 1.5, "EFTLS": 0.0625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "4 week placement", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MBBS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "All MBBS5 Metro and/or Rural courses, in addition to all previous years core courses, or by approval of the Dean of Medicine", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "To be advised at the start of the year", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "A Selective is a Specialist/Community or Ambulatory Placement. Each Selective is 4 weeks in duration. Students must do a Selective in Medicine, Primary Care, Psychiatry and Surgery.\n\nStudents must take at least one rural-based Selective (with the exemption of International students who are not required to do a rural placement). \n\nNote 1: Students that have already fulfilled their 4 weeks rural total (Commonwealth requirement before graduation) may wish to apply for a rural Selective exemption.\n Selective selection is from a pre-determined list of available Selectives.\nIndividual 'once-off/self-created' Selectives may be negotiated (interstate/overseas) for student's Medicine, Surgery, Primary Care OR Psychiatry Selective. Only ONE self-created Selective may be created in Year 6. The self-created Selective must be approved by the relevant Discipline before it can be accepted.\n\nNote 2: Some students may be required to complete a directed elective in place of their Medicine or Surgery Selective, based on decisions made at the Year 5 Board of Examiners.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "6150": {"id": "uQ02QzLNaOQ9u_yU6VorP", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "CcDOHs8xuQ6NVQOuqVkbN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15806, "section": "01HO", "size": 180, "enrolled": 168, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment in this Course is compulsory for all MBBS Year 6 students."}]}]}]}]}, "6151": {"id": "gbLR8fs0Lki0FJXhobZlX", "course_id": "106576", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106576", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Surgery Selective VI Part 2", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MEDIC ST", "CATALOG_NBR": "6021BHO", "CLASS_NBR": 25816, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 1.5, "EFTLS": 0.0625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "4 week placement", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MBBS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MEDIC ST 6000A, MEDIC ST 6015AHO, MEDIC ST 6016AHO, MEDIC ST 6017AHO, MEDIC ST 6018AHO, MEDIC ST 6019AHO, MEDIC ST 6020AHO, MEDIC ST 6021AHO, MEDIC ST 6022AHO, or by approval of the Dean of Medicine", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "To be advised at the start of the year", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "A Selective is a Specialist/Community or Ambulatory Placement. Each Selective is 4 weeks in duration. Students must do a Selective in Medicine, Primary Care, Psychiatry and Surgery.\n\nStudents must take at least one rural-based Selective (with the exemption of International students who are not required to do a rural placement). \n\nNote 1: Students that have already fulfilled their 4 weeks rural total (Commonwealth requirement before graduation) may wish to apply for a rural Selective exemption.\n Selective selection is from a pre-determined list of available Selectives.\nIndividual 'once-off/self-created' Selectives may be negotiated (interstate/overseas) for student's Medicine, Surgery, Primary Care OR Psychiatry Selective. Only ONE self-created Selective may be created in Year 6. The self-created Selective must be approved by the relevant Discipline before it can be accepted.\n\nNote 2: Some students may be required to complete a directed elective in place of their Medicine or Surgery Selective, based on decisions made at the Year 5 Board of Examiners.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6152": {"id": "gbLR8fs0Lki0FJXhobZlX", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "BM82PKz1W5kGLguf53-H8", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25816, "section": "01HO", "size": 180, "enrolled": 168, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment in this Course is compulsory for all MBBS Year 6 students."}]}]}]}]}, "6153": {"id": "rtMl05W6_rP6Tr9wU7wfJ", "course_id": "109909", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109909", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Transition to Internship Part 1", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MEDIC ST", "CATALOG_NBR": "6022AHO", "CLASS_NBR": 12811, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 1.5, "EFTLS": 0.0625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MBBS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "All MBBS5 Metro and/or Rural courses, in addition to all previous years core courses, or by approval of the Dean of Medicine", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Year 5 MBBS examinations", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Refer to Course Outline", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This work-ready program aims to equip students for internship through mixture of didactic lectures, interactive small group workshops, simulation sessions, online modules as well as completion of assignments and e-portfolio tasks. One whole day per week during internship semester is devoted to the program. Assignments include a cultural awareness guided case study reflection, review of a coroner's case, teaching skills and simulation-based assessment tasks. Students are also required to complete modules from the National Prescribing Curriculum and an Essential Competencies Portfolio.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "6154": {"id": "rtMl05W6_rP6Tr9wU7wfJ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "11", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "OLL7hLItTPUbpF0D_ZPOl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11369, "section": "LE01", "size": 83, "enrolled": 81, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Jan - 15 Jan", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10:30am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, G030, Lecture Theatre 1"}, {"dates": "17 Jan - 17 Jan", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 6052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 Jan - 17 Jan", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 5052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 Jan - 17 Jan", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, G030, Lecture Theatre 1"}, {"dates": "24 Jan - 24 Jan", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Jan - 24 Jan", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 6052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Jan - 24 Jan", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, G030, Lecture Theatre 1"}, {"dates": "14 Feb - 21 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, G030, Lecture Theatre 1"}, {"dates": "14 Feb - 21 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 6052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Feb - 21 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Apr - 17 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 6052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Apr - 17 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, G030, Lecture Theatre 1"}, {"dates": "10 Apr - 17 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "88UIK7JpA9KOM_mKYSNFY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14297, "section": "PR06", "size": 14, "enrolled": 13, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Year 6 students attending TTIP sessions in Semester 1 need to choose one of these Practicals."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jan - 31 Jan", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 7052b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "31 Jan - 31 Jan", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}, {"dates": "31 Jan - 31 Jan", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 6052a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Feb - 7 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}, {"dates": "7 Feb - 7 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Feb - 13 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2b"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 7052b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 13 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 6052a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 5052b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 15 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 7052b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 1 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 15 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 6052a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 May - 15 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 5052b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14298, "section": "PR05", "size": 14, "enrolled": 13, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Year 6 students attending TTIP sessions in Semester 1 need to choose one of these Practicals."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jan - 31 Jan", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 7052a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "31 Jan - 31 Jan", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 2069/2070, Hospital Sim Suite 1a&b"}, {"dates": "31 Jan - 31 Jan", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 6052b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Feb - 7 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2081, Simulation Suite 2"}, {"dates": "13 Feb - 13 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071, Hospital Sim Suite 2a"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 7052a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 13 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 2069/2070, Hospital Sim Suite 1a&b"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 6052b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 5052a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 2069/2070, Hospital Sim Suite 1a&b"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 15 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 7052a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 1 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 2069/2070, Hospital Sim Suite 1a&b"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 15 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 6052b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 May - 15 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 5052a, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14299, "section": "PR04", "size": 14, "enrolled": 14, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Year 6 students attending TTIP sessions in Semester 1 need to choose one of these Practicals."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jan - 31 Jan", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}, {"dates": "31 Jan - 31 Jan", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 6052a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "31 Jan - 31 Jan", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 7052b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Feb - 7 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2077, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Feb - 7 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2078, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Feb - 13 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2050, Simulation Suite 1"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 13 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 6052a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 7052b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 5052b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 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One whole day per week during internship semester is devoted to the program. Assignments include a cultural awareness guided case study reflection, review of a coroner's case, teaching skills and simulation-based assessment tasks. Students are also required to complete modules from the National Prescribing Curriculum and an Essential Competencies Portfolio.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6156": {"id": "VsoJiTjsq3Nn0IqiC7LbI", "class_list": [{"association_group": "11", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "RBqHNz9Ahq7tbgK07-yem", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20903, "section": "PR06", "size": 14, "enrolled": 14, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Year 6 students attending TTIP sessions in Semester 2 need to choose one of these Practicals."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 7052b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 7 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 2069/2070, Hospital Sim Suite 1a&b"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 6052b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Aug - 21 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 8052b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Aug - 28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 2069/2070, Hospital Sim Suite 1a&b"}, {"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 7052b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 6052b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 8052b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Sep - 25 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}, {"dates": "25 Sep - 25 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 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28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 6052b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 7052b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 7 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2069/2070, Hospital Sim Suite 1a&b"}, {"dates": "14 Aug - 21 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 8052b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Aug - 28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2069/2070, Hospital Sim Suite 1a&b"}, {"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 6052b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 7052b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 8052b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Sep - 25 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2069/2070, Hospital Sim Suite 1a&b"}, {"dates": "25 Sep - 25 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 6052b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 7052b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2069/2070, Hospital Sim Suite 1a&b"}, {"dates": "23 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 8052b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Oct - 29 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 5052a, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22085, "section": "PR01", "size": 14, "enrolled": 14, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Year 6 students attending TTIP sessions in Semester 2 need to choose one of these Practicals."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 6052a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 7052a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 7 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}, {"dates": "14 Aug - 21 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 8052a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Aug - 28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}, {"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 6052a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 7052a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 8052a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Sep - 25 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2050, Simulation Suite 1"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 6052a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 7052a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}, {"dates": "23 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 8052a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Oct - 29 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 5052b, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "fkWICgogysJk2sPVBuqXf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23867, "section": "LE01", "size": 87, "enrolled": 87, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Jul - 17 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 6052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Jul - 17 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Jul - 17 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, G030, Lecture Theatre 1"}, {"dates": "4 Sep - 4 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 7052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Sep - 4 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 6052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Sep - 4 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "18 Sep - 18 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Sep - 18 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 6052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Sep - 18 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, G030, Lecture Theatre 1"}, {"dates": "30 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 6052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, G030, Lecture Theatre 1"}]}]}]}, {"association_group": "12", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "9skHgbq3JLTxO1jXow_Bb", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28916, "section": "PRA0", "size": 83, "enrolled": 81, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Year 6 MBBS students who will be attending TTIP in Semester 1 need to enrol in this class."}]}]}]}]}, "6157": {"subject": "MEDICINE", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "109114", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108475", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108476", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108476", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108477", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108477", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "6158": {"id": "ghXc_HmMQyj5cNZG3FRKV", "course_id": "109114", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109114", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Medicine Lateral Entry Bridging Program", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MEDICINE", "CATALOG_NBR": "4001", "CLASS_NBR": 11565, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "1 hour in Semester", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to lateral entry MBBS Students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Provided at the start of the year", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course gives access to key information for orientation and preparation for clinical practice in Australia to all commencing International lateral entry students, beginning with ensuring mandatory clearances such as immunisation and police checks are completed prior to entering the hospital setting and providing an opportunity for completion of modules on hand hygiene, prescribing, personal protective equipment use.\nIt also covers the following: \nCultural competencies and familiarisation with practice in a new setting; Training in basic life support and venepuncture; Assessment of the application of current knowledge to clinical cases; and Review of skills in history taking and clinical examination as per expectations of commencing Year 4 students in the MBBS.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6159": {"id": "ghXc_HmMQyj5cNZG3FRKV", "class_list": [{"association_group": "", "groups": []}]}, "6160": {"id": "nbkB0eaZ4zVsk2vszLAwJ", "course_id": "108475", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108475", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Medicine Research Project Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MEDICINE", "CATALOG_NBR": "4400B", "CLASS_NBR": 18841, "SESSION_CD": "FM2", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "For BHlthMedSc(Hons) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MEDICINE 4400A and HLTH SC 4201OL and HLTH SC 4200", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research Proposal Seminar, Conference Poster Presentation, Thesis, Thesis Oral Defence, Supervisor Assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, students will search the literature relating to their project and write a formal literature review. They will use this as the basis for developing a research question that they will address by designing a research project. They will then collect and analyse data for their project, and report the outcomes in both oral and written forms. Throughout the course, they will apply the skills developed during the Honours Medicine Research Skills course, which runs in parallel with their research project.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6161": {"id": "nbkB0eaZ4zVsk2vszLAwJ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "", "groups": []}]}, "6162": {"id": "FVVvENOyYvmKlACOjiElb", "course_id": "108476", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108476", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Medicine Research Project (Two-Year) Continuing", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MEDICINE", "CATALOG_NBR": "4410A", "CLASS_NBR": 18842, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "For BHlthMedSc(Hons) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "HLTH SC 4201OL or HLTH SC 4200", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research Proposal Seminar, Conference Poster Presentation, Thesis, Thesis Oral Defence, Supervisor Assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, students will search the literature relating to their project and write a formal literature review. They will use this as the basis for developing a research question that they will address by designing a research project. They will then collect and analyse data for their project, and report the outcomes in both oral and written forms. Throughout the course, they will apply the skills developed during the Honours Medicine Research Skills course, which runs in parallel with their research project.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 07/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "6163": {"id": "FVVvENOyYvmKlACOjiElb", "class_list": [{"association_group": "", "groups": []}]}, "6164": {"id": "zCKFT-tC3z_Qbp4T1Yuv4", "course_id": "108476", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108476", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Medicine Research Project (Two-Year) Continuing", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MEDICINE", "CATALOG_NBR": "4410A", "CLASS_NBR": 28760, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "For BHlthMedSc(Hons) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "HLTH SC 4201OL or HLTH SC 4200", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research Proposal Seminar, Conference Poster Presentation, Thesis, Thesis Oral Defence, Supervisor Assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, students will search the literature relating to their project and write a formal literature review. They will use this as the basis for developing a research question that they will address by designing a research project. They will then collect and analyse data for their project, and report the outcomes in both oral and written forms. Throughout the course, they will apply the skills developed during the Honours Medicine Research Skills course, which runs in parallel with their research project.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "6165": {"id": "zCKFT-tC3z_Qbp4T1Yuv4", "class_list": [{"association_group": "", "groups": []}]}, "6166": {"id": "YPOTpM0_9fWpt8slmKfiB", "course_id": "108477", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108477", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Medicine Research Project (Two-Year) Final", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MEDICINE", "CATALOG_NBR": "4410B", "CLASS_NBR": 18843, "SESSION_CD": "TYD", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "For BHlthMedSc(Hons) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MEDICINE 4410A and HLTH SC 4201OL and HLTH SC 4200", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research Proposal Seminar, Conference Poster Presentation, Thesis, Thesis Oral Defence, Supervisor Assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, students will search the literature relating to their project and write a formal literature review. They will use this as the basis for developing a research question that they will address by designing a research project. They will then collect and analyse data for their project, and report the outcomes in both oral and written forms. Throughout the course, they will apply the skills developed during the Honours Medicine Research Skills course, which runs in parallel with their research project.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6167": {"id": "YPOTpM0_9fWpt8slmKfiB", "class_list": [{"association_group": "", "groups": []}]}, "6168": {"id": "goHe2JJMiwJp7lRs3dVP0", "course_id": "108477", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108477", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Medicine Research Project (Two-Year) Final", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MEDICINE", "CATALOG_NBR": "4410B", "CLASS_NBR": 28761, "SESSION_CD": "TYD", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "For BHlthMedSc(Hons) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MEDICINE 4410A and HLTH SC 4201OL and HLTH SC 4200", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research Proposal Seminar, Conference Poster Presentation, Thesis, Thesis Oral Defence, Supervisor Assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, students will search the literature relating to their project and write a formal literature review. They will use this as the basis for developing a research question that they will address by designing a research project. They will then collect and analyse data for their project, and report the outcomes in both oral and written forms. Throughout the course, they will apply the skills developed during the Honours Medicine Research Skills course, which runs in parallel with their research project.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6169": {"id": "goHe2JJMiwJp7lRs3dVP0", "class_list": [{"association_group": "", "groups": []}]}, "6170": {"subject": "MGRE", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "106273", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106274", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106275", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106276", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106277", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106278", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106281", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110348", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110349", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "6171": {"id": "gFQ53HW57sW87wi66x2uY", "course_id": "106273", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106273", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introductory Modern Greek Part 1", "CAMPUS": "Flinders University", "CAMPUS_CD": "FLIND", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MGRE", "CATALOG_NBR": "1201", "CLASS_NBR": 15794, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments; Tests; Oral; Tutorial participation.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The topic is designed for students who have had no or limited formal instruction in the Modern Greek language. Students receive a systematic introduction to the Modern Greek language in order to gradually develop and improve their communication and written skills.\n", "ISLOP": true, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"DATE_CHECK_STATUS": "Students will need to confirm Critical Dates with Flinders University."}}]}, "6172": {"id": "gFQ53HW57sW87wi66x2uY", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "2uJcKaHpkSqg0GzlQmPK3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15794, "section": "01FL", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Please refer to the below website for enrolment advice into this course:"}]}]}]}]}, "6173": {"id": "R2KhcRjgDP6I8C8ULCsop", "course_id": "106274", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106274", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introductory Modern Greek Part 2", "CAMPUS": "Flinders University", "CAMPUS_CD": "FLIND", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MGRE", "CATALOG_NBR": "1202", "CLASS_NBR": 25806, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MGRE 1201", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignment; Aural; Oral; Test; Tutorial participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The topic further develops the basic language skills acquired in Part 1. The language class reviews the fundamental aspects of Greek grammar, introduces students to the writing of simple passages and includes class interaction for the improvement of communication skills.\n", "ISLOP": true, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"DATE_CHECK_STATUS": "Students will need to confirm Critical Dates with Flinders University."}}]}, "6174": {"id": "R2KhcRjgDP6I8C8ULCsop", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "nhrlS-_L14OMZc9CnWZEH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25806, "section": "01FL", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Please refer to the below website for enrolment advice into this course:"}]}]}]}]}, "6175": {"id": "81BOcPRfToPVBxlp0qbI5", "course_id": "106275", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106275", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Intermediate Modern Greek Part 1", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MGRE", "CATALOG_NBR": "2201OL", "CLASS_NBR": 15795, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MGRE 1202", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MGRE 2101, MGRE 2121, MGRE 2121C, MGRE 2123, MGRE 2123C", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments; tests; tutorial presentation; tutorial participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This topic is for students who have attained a level equivalent to SACE Continuers OR have completed First year of Modern Greek in the Beginners stream. In this topic, emphasis is placed on oral-aural comprehension, as well as on understanding and use of both spoken and written Modern Greek.\n", "ISLOP": true, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"DATE_CHECK_STATUS": "Students will need to confirm Critical Dates with Flinders University."}}]}, "6176": {"id": "81BOcPRfToPVBxlp0qbI5", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "2Gl5fRrgDjx7a-tAcIjHK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15795, "section": "01OL", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "6177": {"id": "yTirVKymcJOTA14oGzZky", "course_id": "106276", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106276", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Intermediate Modern Greek Part 2", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MGRE", "CATALOG_NBR": "2202OL", "CLASS_NBR": 25807, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MGRE 2201", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MGRE 2102, MGRE 2122C, MGRE 2124, MGRE 2122, MGRE 2124C", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments; tests; tutorial presentation; tutorial participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this topic emphasis is placed on extending further students' oral-aural comprehension, as well as their understanding and use of both spoken and written Modern Greek.\n", "ISLOP": true, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"DATE_CHECK_STATUS": "Students will need to confirm Critical Dates with Flinders University."}}]}, "6178": {"id": "yTirVKymcJOTA14oGzZky", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "qPIn0BQKhO7G1wGwuTBkP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25807, "section": "01OL", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "6179": {"id": "xMp6KLJXldQ9mSyu7U-Y4", "course_id": "106277", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106277", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Upper Intermediate Modern Greek Part 1", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MGRE", "CATALOG_NBR": "3201OL", "CLASS_NBR": 15796, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MGRE 2202", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments; tests; tutorial presentation; tutorial participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This topic is designed to strengthen and extend the students' proficiency in the four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Classes will cover advanced features of the Modern Greek language, particularly syntax and stylistics, appropriate with this level.\n", "ISLOP": true, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"DATE_CHECK_STATUS": "Students will need to confirm Critical Dates with Flinders University."}}]}, "6180": {"id": "xMp6KLJXldQ9mSyu7U-Y4", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "723z-qkUFTzd5DkXsW4Wv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15796, "section": "01OL", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "6181": {"id": "kkn7S0ZPQOOEnPBkKJQp_", "course_id": "106278", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106278", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Upper Intermediate Modern Greek Part 2", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MGRE", "CATALOG_NBR": "3202OL", "CLASS_NBR": 25808, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MGRE 3201", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments; tests; tutorial presentation; tutorial participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This topic is designed to develop further the students' proficiency in the four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Classes will cover advanced features of the Modern Greek language, particularly syntax and stylistics, appropriate with this level. Students will use and produce a range of complex texts in Modern Greek.\n", "ISLOP": true, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"DATE_CHECK_STATUS": "Students will need to confirm Critical Dates with Flinders University."}}]}, "6182": {"id": "kkn7S0ZPQOOEnPBkKJQp_", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "2EyaBN3rCLuVLrr-OjNun", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25808, "section": "01OL", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "6183": {"id": "zHWhlESHH5pUPkhaLjoTK", "course_id": "106281", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106281", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Homer's Odyssey: Wanderings & Divine Interventions", "CAMPUS": "Flinders University", "CAMPUS_CD": "FLIND", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MGRE", "CATALOG_NBR": "3211", "CLASS_NBR": 92182, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MGRE 2202 and (MGRE 2211 or MGRE 2212)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Essays; tests; tutorial presentation; tutorial participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This topic examines Homer's epic poem The Odyssey. Through a variety of written and audio-visual resources the epic genre will be examined, as well as the life and works of Homer. A number of themes will be explored, including some of the main characters (mortal and divine) in the work, notions of journey home, and the religious, social and political life of the Ancient Greek World. Elements of the Odyssey will be traced from ancient to contemporary contexts, through different literary texts and the visual arts.\n", "ISLOP": true, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"DATE_CHECK_STATUS": "Students will need to confirm Critical Dates with Flinders University."}}]}, "6184": {"id": "zHWhlESHH5pUPkhaLjoTK", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "f_iBLhAqrLZdRwwGc6wdX", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92182, "section": "01FL", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Please refer to the below website for enrolment advice into this course:"}]}]}]}]}, "6185": {"id": "aoeWpXB-jxmSFbAmbhPfn", "course_id": "110348", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110348", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Language for Interaction", "CAMPUS": "Flinders University", "CAMPUS_CD": "FLIND", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MGRE", "CATALOG_NBR": "3303", "CLASS_NBR": 16220, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MGRE 3202", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Intermediate to low advanced language skills in Modern Greek.", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This topic is designed to consolidate and strengthen the students' proficiency in the four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing in their language of choice, whilst considering momentous aspects of the cultures and societies where French, Indonesian, Italian, Modern Greek and Spanish are spoken. Classes will cover advanced features of the chosen language appropriate with this level, particularly syntax and stylistics, as featured in a selection of authentic written, aural and/or visual texts. Regular offerings include literature, cinema, theatre, traditions and migration.\n", "ISLOP": true, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"DATE_CHECK_STATUS": "Students will need to confirm Critical Dates with Flinders University."}}]}, "6186": {"id": "aoeWpXB-jxmSFbAmbhPfn", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "WXP3lAEYuzEp4v6sfhiDu", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16220, "section": "01FL", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Please refer to the below website for enrolment advice into this course:"}]}]}]}]}, "6187": {"id": "8tlUTh077833FxDuBtKL1", "course_id": "110349", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110349", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Language for Translation", "CAMPUS": "Flinders University", "CAMPUS_CD": "FLIND", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MGRE", "CATALOG_NBR": "3304", "CLASS_NBR": 26232, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MGRE 3303", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Intermediate to advanced language skills in Modern Greek", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This topic provides an introduction to the theory and practice of translation for students who have no experience of translation. It further develops linguistic learning outcomes and involves the translation of texts in various styles, including journalism, advertising and literature, from French, Italian, Spanish Modern Greek or Indonesian into English and, where applicable, from English into French, Indonesian, Italian, Modern Greek or Spanish.\nAt a theoretical level, the topic introduces the issues involved in translation and the problems raised by the translation of various genres. It also aims to introduce strategies to resolve difficulties in the areas of vocabulary, idioms, cultural equivalence, and syntax. This is a problem-based course and active participation is required of students in language-specific tutorials and on-line discussion groups, where students will discuss problems encountered in their assignments and their application of strategies to resolve them.\n", "ISLOP": true, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"DATE_CHECK_STATUS": "Students will need to confirm Critical Dates with Flinders University."}}]}, "6188": {"id": "8tlUTh077833FxDuBtKL1", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "vbXzgavXjK60yshXG3amm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26232, "section": "01FL", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Please refer to the below website for enrolment advice into this course:"}]}]}]}]}, "6189": {"subject": "MICRO", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "104286", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104287", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104290", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104291", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "004236", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "007025", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110529", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "019345", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "009345", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106979", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "6190": {"id": "IFkJ6etwe9LemqPNy8Pgf", "course_id": "104286", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104286", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Microbiology II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MICRO", "CATALOG_NBR": "2500", "CLASS_NBR": 10194, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010911", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week (3 hours per week plus 4 hours for Practical A/B/C)", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(BIOLOGY 1101, BIOLOGY 1101ND, BIOLOGY 1401 or BIOLOGY 1001) and (BIOLOGY 1201 or BIOLOGY 1202); Alternatively a Pass or higher in ANAT SCI 1102 and ANAT SCI 1103 or equivalent", "CO_REQUISITE": "One of SCIENCE 2100 or SCIENCE 2101 or SCIENCE 2102; This co requisite is the practical component that is worth 20% of your course.", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MICRO 2502, MICRO 2504, MICRO 2000; or equivalent", "ASSESSMENT": "Theory tests, In-class quizzes, Practical assessments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is an introduction to microbiology that provides a strong grounding in fundamental aspects of the basic biology of bacteria as well as a strong grounding in molecular biology and microbial genetics. Emphasis is placed on the study of infectious diseases of humans, other animals and plants. Topics covered include: introduction to microorganisms and their environment, microbial structure and function; microbial molecular biology and genetics; bacterial viruses; structure; an introduction to pathogen-host interactions; new and emerging pathogens of humans and other animals; infectious disease and mechanisms by which microbial pathogens interact with animals and plants; biotechnological applications of bacteria. \n\nPRACTICAL COMPONENT worth 20% of the grade: \nStudents enrolled in this course will need to also enrol in a separate course which is the practical component (one of SCIENCE 2100 or SCIENCE 2101 or SCIENCE 2102). To determine which practical to enrol into you are required to read the document on: \n \nplease scroll down to 'Level 2 BIOCHEM, GENETICS, MICRO courses'.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6191": {"id": "IFkJ6etwe9LemqPNy8Pgf", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "aIUGkRvEfnJNIRd0EGwZA", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10192, "section": "SE01", "size": 140, "enrolled": 91, "available": 49, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "If you think you have the right pre-requisite to enrol but the system is not letting you please contact Dr Christopher Wong via email:


4. CLICK ON THIS LINK 'Find out which Practical to enrol into'
CONTACT FOR MORE INFORMATION."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "6 May - 6 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "20 May - 20 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Jun - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "ZqmeaAhVwEPHn0PntiQ1o", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10193, "section": "WR01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 56, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students need to attend a minimum of eight (8) workshops and two (2) seminars to engage with the assessment tasks in this course"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10194, "section": "WR02", "size": 70, "enrolled": 35, "available": 35, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students need to attend a minimum of eight (8) workshops and two (2) seminars to engage with the assessment tasks in this course"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6192": {"id": "CAJxCtyA39fdTP-wdadm5", "course_id": "104287", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104287", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Immunology & Virology II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MICRO", "CATALOG_NBR": "2501", "CLASS_NBR": 28670, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010911", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(BIOLOGY 1101, BIOLOGY 1101ND, BIOLOGY 1401 or BIOLOGY 1001) and (BIOLOGY 1201 or BIOLOGY 1202); Alternatively a Pass or higher in ANAT SCI 1102 and ANAT SCI 1103 or equivalent", "CO_REQUISITE": "One of SCIENCE 2200, SCIENCE 2201 or SCIENCE 2202; This co-requisite is the practical component that is worth 20% of your course.", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MICRO 2500, MICRO 2502, MICRO 2504, MICRO 2000A or MICRO 2001A", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MICRO 2503, MICRO 2505 or MICRO 2000B; or equivalent", "ASSESSMENT": "Test, tutorial & practical assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces Immunology and Virology and is complementary to Microbiology II and equivalent courses. An integrated approach is used to study the mechanisms by which our immune system deals with pathogens. Topics covered in the Immunology section comprise innate and adaptive immunity, including T and B cell development, cell mediated and humoral immunity; receptors and cytokines; inflammatory responses; tolerance and autoimmunity; immunity to intra- and extra-cellular organisms such as bacteria, viruses and macroparasites. Topics covered in the Virology section include: information on structure, replication and classification of eukaryotic viruses; virus-host interactions; epidemiology of virus infections; virus vaccines, antiviral drugs and viral diagnostics. \n\nPRACTICAL COMPONENT worth 20% of the grade: \nStudents enrolled in this course will need to also enrol in a separate course which is the practical component (one of SCIENCE 2200 or SCIENCE 2201 or SCIENCE 2202). To determine which practical to enrol into you are required to read the document on: \n \nplease scroll down to 'Level 2 BIOCHEM, GENETICS, MICRO courses'.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6193": {"id": "CAJxCtyA39fdTP-wdadm5", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "nxDPVZuIO-86AFMHkZfrQ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24400, "section": "LE01", "size": 120, "enrolled": 98, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "If you think you have the right pre-requisite to enrol but the system is not letting you please contact Dr Christopher Wong via email:


4. CLICK ON THIS LINK 'Find out which Practical to enrol into'
CONTACT FOR MORE INFORMATION."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "bOAR3bhNj9E34PGpLxTtw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21571, "section": "TU01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 16, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM213, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM213, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21572, "section": "TU02", "size": 15, "enrolled": 15, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21573, "section": "TU03", "size": 15, "enrolled": 13, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21574, "section": "TU04", "size": 15, "enrolled": 11, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG19, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG19, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21575, "section": "TU05", "size": 15, "enrolled": 12, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22808, "section": "TU06", "size": 15, "enrolled": 17, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 28670, "section": "TU07", "size": 15, "enrolled": 14, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG19, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG19, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6194": {"id": "zoBMZ1BeorRLou23oEh2b", "course_id": "104290", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104290", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Microbiology II (Biotechnology)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MICRO", "CATALOG_NBR": "2504", "CLASS_NBR": 10196, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010911", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week (3 hours per week plus 4 hours for Practical A/B/C)", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BSc (Biotechnology) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(BIOLOGY 1101, BIOLOGY 1101ND, BIOLOGY 1401 or BIOLOGY 1001) and (BIOLOGY 1201 or BIOLOGY 1202)", "CO_REQUISITE": "One of SCIENCE 2100, SCIENCE 2101 or SCIENCE 2102; This co-requisite is the practical component that is worth 20% of your course.", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "(CHEM 1100 or CHEM 1101) and (CHEM 1200 or CHEM 1201)", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MICRO 2500, MICRO 2502, MICRO 2000, MICRO 2004 and MICRO 3003", "ASSESSMENT": "Theory tests, In-class quizzes, Practical assessments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is an introduction to microbiology that provides a strong grounding in fundamental aspects of the basic biology of bacteria and bacterial viruses as well as aspects of molecular biology and genetics. Emphasis is placed on biotechnological applications of bacteria such as the cloning of bacterial genes, expression of recombinant proteins for therapeutic and industrial uses and development of biological control agents. Topics covered include: introduction to microorganisms and their environment, microbial structure and function; microbial molecular biology and genetics; bacterial viruses; new and emerging pathogens of humans and other animals; mechanisms by which micro-organisms cause disease in plants and animals; biotechnological applications of bacteria. \n\nPRACTICAL COMPONENT worth 20% of the grade: \nStudents enrolled in this course will need to also enrol in a separate course which is the practical component (one of SCIENCE 2100 or SCIENCE 2101 or SCIENCE 2102). To determine which practical to enrol into you are required to read the document on: \n \nplease scroll down to 'Level 2 BIOCHEM, GENETICS, MICRO courses'.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6195": {"id": "zoBMZ1BeorRLou23oEh2b", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "p7DA0NNm8DiK3IyA_u3gF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10197, "section": "SE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 22, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "If you think you have the right pre-requisite to enrol but the system is not letting you please contact Dr Christopher Wong via email:


4. CLICK ON THIS LINK 'Find out which Practical to enrol into'
CONTACT FOR MORE INFORMATION."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "6 May - 6 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "20 May - 20 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Jun - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "09k9EwdB4kmfIpImnpjDR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10195, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 8, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students need to attend a minimum of eight (8) workshops and two (2) seminars to engage with the assessment tasks in this course"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10196, "section": "WR02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 14, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students need to attend a minimum of eight (8) workshops and two (2) seminars to engage with the assessment tasks in this course"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6196": {"id": "S-VhjQOodU4ZfEHdJuP0K", "course_id": "104291", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104291", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Immunology & Virology II (Biotechnology)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MICRO", "CATALOG_NBR": "2505", "CLASS_NBR": 21570, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010911", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BSc (Biotechnology) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(BIOLOGY 1101, BIOLOGY 1101ND, BIOLOGY 1401 or BIOLOGY 1001) and (BIOLOGY 1201 or BIOLOGY 1202)", "CO_REQUISITE": "One of SCIENCE 2200, SCIENCE 2201 or SCIENCE 2202; This co-requisite is the practical component that is worth 20% of your course.", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MICRO 2504, MICRO 2002 or MICRO 2004", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MICRO 2501, MICRO 2503, MICRO 2003B; or equivalent", "ASSESSMENT": "Test, tutorial and practical assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces Immunology and Virology and is complementary to Microbiology II and equivalent courses. An integrated approach is used to study the mechanisms by which our immune system deals with pathogens. Emphasis is also given to the fundamental roles of Immunology and Virology in Biotechnology. Topics covered in the Immunology section comprise innate and adaptive immunity, including T and B cell development, cell mediated and humoral immunity; receptors and cytokines; inflammatory responses; tolerance and autoimmunity; immunity to intra- and extra-cellular organisms such as bacteria, viruses and macroparasites. Topics covered in the Virology section include: information on structure, replication and classification of eukaryotic viruses; virus-host interactions; epidemiology of virus infections; virus vaccines, antiviral drugs and viral diagnostics. \nPRACTICAL COMPONENT worth 20% of the grade: Students enrolled in this course will need to also enrol in a separate course which is the practical component (one of SCIENCE 2200 or SCIENCE 2201 or SCIENCE 2202). To determine which practical to enrol into you are required to read the document on: please scroll down to 'Level 2 BIOCHEM, GENETICS, MICRO courses'.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6197": {"id": "S-VhjQOodU4ZfEHdJuP0K", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "st6zAfjqAWIOfezEnOU1P", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24399, "section": "LE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 13, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "If you think you have the right pre-requisite to enrol but the system is not letting you please contact Dr Christopher Wong via email:


4. CLICK ON THIS LINK 'Find out which Practical to enrol into'
CONTACT FOR MORE INFORMATION."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "Cgnf9De-HDtzo7gnZ-H_J", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21570, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 13, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6198": {"id": "0QxVZxUeToBjnJr8PYuGM", "course_id": "004236", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "004236", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Infection & Immunity IIIA", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MICRO", "CATALOG_NBR": "3000", "CLASS_NBR": 11989, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010911", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 8 hrs per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MICRO 2500 or MICRO 2504; or equivalent", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MICRO 3007, MICRO 3102", "ASSESSMENT": "Written assignments; Scientific Communication Assignment; Tests", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This advanced course examines the molecular basis of host-pathogen interactions for bacterial, viral and parasite infections of significant global and medical importance. This includes how these interactions contribute to the pathogenesis (i.e. mechanisms of disease) and subsequent transmission of the pathogens to new hosts, their dependence on access to nutrients and evasion of host clearance mechanisms. \n\nKey strategies used by pathogens to survive in the host, along with the importance of vaccines, antimicrobial drugs, the microbiome and tools used to research and identify pathogens will also be discussed. \n\nThe lecture program is complemented by tutorials, which extend skills in exploring and critically assessing the scientific literature, and practicals which develop advanced experimental skills for the study of pathogenic mechanisms.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6199": {"id": "0QxVZxUeToBjnJr8PYuGM", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "egTnXqQo8M3mhNz3dBrx4", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14461, "section": "LE01", "size": 140, "enrolled": 40, "available": 100, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "If you think you have the right pre-requisite to enrol but the system is not letting you please contact Dr Christopher Wong via email:"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "Jf1UX-JGdbJO7E_kW26nG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11552, "section": "TU01", "size": 16, "enrolled": 11, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 30 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 May - 14 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 May - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11553, "section": "TU02", "size": 14, "enrolled": 4, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 May - 3 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 May - 17 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "31 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11554, "section": "TU03", "size": 14, "enrolled": 5, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 30 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 May - 14 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 May - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11555, "section": "TU04", "size": 16, "enrolled": 15, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 2 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 May - 16 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11989, "section": "TU05", "size": 14, "enrolled": 5, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 May - 3 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 May - 17 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "31 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "Z2kF_VaOaMfJHqoYGnpzf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14462, "section": "PR01", "size": 72, "enrolled": 40, "available": 32, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, 350, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 29 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, 350, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "14 Mar - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, 350, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, 350, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, 350, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 25 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, 350, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "9 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, 350, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 May - 23 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, 350, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "6200": {"id": "5syG_AehIeS3Cqun7mkTX", "course_id": "007025", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "007025", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Infection and Immunity IIIB", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MICRO", "CATALOG_NBR": "3001", "CLASS_NBR": 20836, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010911", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 19 hours per fortnight", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MICRO 2501 or MICRO 2505; or equivalent", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MICRO 3000", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MICRO 3202, MICRO 3520", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam on lecture material, written reports, practical & tutorial assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is an advanced course in immunology and virology. The course includes detailed examination of the cellular and molecular biology of the immune system, immune responses to microbial pathogens and other antigenic stimuli and immunisation against infections in humans and animals. Detailed attention will be given to major virus infections and typical host immune responses, the experimental models used to study viruses and antiviral therapies including chemotherapies and vaccination. Topics to be covered include: differentiation and activation of leukocytes; functions of leukocyte subsets; cell biology of antigen processing and presentation; molecular recognition of antigen; molecular and cellular bases of inflammation; signal transduction in immune cells; characteristics and functions of cytokines; mechanisms of immunoregulation; cellular communication and leukocyte traffic through tissues; production and use of monoclonal antibodies; local immunity at mucosal surfaces; immunity to infectious agents, including bacteria, viruses and parasites; inflammatory and autoimmune diseases such as asthma and arthritis; control and prevention of infections; strategies for the design and use of vaccines and gene therapy; important diseases will be considered as specific examples. Viruses to be studied will include examples chosen from those responsible for hepatitis, human immunodeficiency, respiratory and gastrointestinal infections and diseases of the skin and nervous systems.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6201": {"id": "5syG_AehIeS3Cqun7mkTX", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "NU108GkVJraJ-uheW10AN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22947, "section": "LE01", "size": 130, "enrolled": 31, "available": 99, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "If you think you have the right pre-requisite to enrol but the system is not letting you please contact Dr Christopher Wong via email:"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "XBtWhA-LSqJGqoP9Ct1JP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20834, "section": "TU01", "size": 22, "enrolled": 12, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Aug - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20836, "section": "TU03", "size": 22, "enrolled": 19, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Aug - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "Wi5sXBio3EbFFtp5rqVZv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20980, "section": "PR01", "size": 62, "enrolled": 31, "available": 31, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, 350, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 25 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, 350, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "8 Aug - 8 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, 350, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 Aug - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, 350, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 5 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, 350, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 2 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, 350, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, 350, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "6202": {"id": "depOYiPkCKQiEGNwEI2n0", "course_id": "110529", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110529", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Infection & Immunity A (Theory) III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MICRO", "CATALOG_NBR": "3007", "CLASS_NBR": 11777, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "3 x 1 hour lectures per week, 1 x 2 hour tutorials/workshops per fortnight", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MICRO 2500 or MICRO 2504; or equivalent", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MICRO 3102, MICRO 3000", "ASSESSMENT": "Tutorials, problem solving questions, final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This advanced course examines the molecular basis of interactions of microbial pathogens with their environment and various hosts, especially those which infect humans. Bacterial pathogens of global and medical significance that will be highlighted in detail include: Streptococcus pneumonia, Salmonella sp., Shigella sp., Staphylococcus sp., Mycobacterium; and Neisseria sp. Particular emphasis is given to the use of molecular biological approaches for study of bacterial infectious disease pathogenesis, and biotechnological applications, including vaccine development will also be highlighted. Topics to be explored include: bacterial pathogens - global significance of infectious disease; principal approaches for investigating host-pathogen interactions; the role of innate immunity and defence mechanisms; the microbiota; virulence factors which promote colonisation and damage to the host; cell surface polysaccharides and proteins; role of antigenic and phase variation in virulence and disease; gene regulation, especially in relation to expression of virulence factors; stress responses; invasion and intracellular survival and multiplication; resistance and avoidance of innate host defences; bacterial toxins; antibiotic resistance; vaccines and therapeutic interventions; genomic approaches to analysis of virulence; parasites including malaria and viruses. The lecture program is complemented by tutorials, which extend skills in exploring and critically assessing the scientific literature, and practicals which develop advanced experimental skills for the study of bacterial pathogenic mechanisms.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6203": {"id": "depOYiPkCKQiEGNwEI2n0", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "HJpZd5JDur2vfpJIu62g8", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11776, "section": "LE01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 8, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "If you think you have the right pre-requisite to enrol but the system is not letting you please contact Dr Christopher Wong via email:"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "YD7qwEFX28nOj4yrii3GO", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11777, "section": "TU05", "size": 4, "enrolled": 2, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 May - 3 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 May - 17 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "31 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11778, "section": "TU04", "size": 2, "enrolled": 0, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 2 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 May - 16 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11779, "section": "TU03", "size": 4, "enrolled": 2, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 30 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 May - 14 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 May - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11780, "section": "TU02", "size": 4, "enrolled": 2, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 May - 3 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 May - 17 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "31 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11781, "section": "TU01", "size": 2, "enrolled": 2, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 30 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 May - 14 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 May - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6204": {"id": "kmcn1etnPhRFkwI7pUbKW", "course_id": "019345", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "019345", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Infection & Immunity IIIA (Biomedical Science)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MICRO", "CATALOG_NBR": "3102", "CLASS_NBR": 11551, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010911", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 19 hours per fortnight", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BSc (Biomedical Science) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MICRO 2500 or MICRO 2504; or equivalent", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MICRO 3000, MICRO 3007", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam on lecture material, practical component activities, performance in symposia/seminars", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This advanced course examines the molecular basis of interactions of microbial pathogens with their environment and various hosts, especially those which infect humans. Bacterial pathogens of global and medical significance that will be highlighted in detail include: Streptococcus pneumonia, Salmonella sp., Shigella sp., Staphylococcus sp., Mycobacterium; and Neisseria sp. Particular emphasis is given to the use of molecular biological approaches for study of bacterial infectious disease pathogenesis, and biotechnological applications, including vaccine development will also be highlighted. \n\nTopics to be explored include: bacterial pathogens - global significance of infectious disease; principal approaches for investigating host-pathogen interactions; the role of innate immunity and defence mechanisms; the microbiota; virulence factors which promote colonisation and damage to the host; cell surface polysaccharides and proteins; role of antigenic and phase variation in virulence and disease; gene regulation, especially in relation to expression of virulence factors; stress responses; invasion and intracellular survival and multiplication; resistance and avoidance of innate host defences; bacterial toxins; antibiotic resistance; vaccines and therapeutic interventions; genomic approaches to analysis of virulence; parasites including malaria and viruses. \n\nThe lecture program is complemented by tutorials, which extend skills in exploring and critically assessing the scientific literature, and practicals which develop advanced experimental skills for the study of bacterial pathogenic mechanisms.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6205": {"id": "kmcn1etnPhRFkwI7pUbKW", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "yfNLvKkcNrc4Azq0_IdFN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14459, "section": "LE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 15, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "If you think you have the right pre-requisite to enrol but the system is not letting you please contact Dr Christopher Wong via email:"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "1zNgOXSFTvD0YDWo-ETxu", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11550, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 9, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 30 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 May - 14 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 May - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11551, "section": "TU02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 6, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 May - 3 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 May - 17 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "31 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "FiLDMt2hmYIrqN2d-7Hk5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14460, "section": "PR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 15, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, 350, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 29 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, 350, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "14 Mar - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, 350, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, 350, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, 350, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 25 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, 350, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "9 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, 350, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 May - 23 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, 350, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "6206": {"id": "4aWtWF8T06YkE7LRSJXaj", "course_id": "009345", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "009345", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Infection and Immunity IIIB (Biomedical Science)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MICRO", "CATALOG_NBR": "3202", "CLASS_NBR": 20837, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010911", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 19 hours per fortnight", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BSc (Biomedical Science) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MICRO 2501 or MICRO 2505; or equivalent", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MICRO 3102", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MICRO 3001, MICRO 3520", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam on lecture material; written reports; practical & tutorial assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is an advanced course in immunology and virology. The course includes detailed examination of the cellular and molecular biology of the immune system, immune responses to microbial pathogens and other antigenic stimuli and immunisation against infections in humans and animals. Detailed attention will be given to major virus infections and typical host immune responses, the experimental models used to study viruses and antiviral therapies including chemotherapies and vaccination. Topics to be covered include: differentiation and activation of leukocytes; functions of leukocyte subsets; cell biology of antigen processing and presentation; molecular recognition of antigen; molecular and cellular bases of inflammation; signal transduction in immune cells; characteristics and functions of cytokines; mechanisms of immunoregulation; cellular communication and leukocyte traffic through tissues; production and use of monoclonal antibodies; local immunity at mucosal surfaces; immunity to infectious agents, including bacteria, viruses and parasites; inflammatory and autoimmune diseases such as asthma and arthritis; control and prevention of infections; strategies for the design and use of vaccines and gene therapy; important diseases will be considered as specific examples. Viruses to be studied will include examples chosen from those responsible for hepatitis, human immunodeficiency, respiratory and gastrointestinal infections and diseases of the skin and nervous systems.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6207": {"id": "4aWtWF8T06YkE7LRSJXaj", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "KxF0zGjTWICs1mdOS7x6n", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24401, "section": "LE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 13, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "If you think you have the right pre-requisite to enrol but the system is not letting you please contact Dr Christopher Wong via email:"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "12RmrL9l0vmM_yhxKDcMm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20837, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 13, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "PnBonXiM7p_IpsUvTdrOt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24402, "section": "PR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 13, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, 350, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 25 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, 350, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "8 Aug - 8 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, 350, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 Aug - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, 350, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 5 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, 350, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, 350, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "The Braggs, 350, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "6208": {"id": "wTQYB1xVq4i65HZ5LB0ug", "course_id": "106979", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106979", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Infection & Immunity B (Theory) III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MICRO", "CATALOG_NBR": "3520", "CLASS_NBR": 20983, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010911", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MICRO 2501 or MICRO 2505; or equivalent", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MICRO 3000", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MICRO 3202 and MICRO 3001", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is an advanced course that includes a detailed examination of the cellular and molecular biology of the immune system, immune responses to microbial pathogens and other antigenic stimuli and immunisation against infections in humans and animals. Topics to be covered include: differentiation and activation of leukocytes; functions of leukocyte subsets; cell biology of antigen processing and presentation; molecular recognition of antigen; molecular and cellular bases of inflammation; signal transduction in immune cells; characteristics and functions of cytokines; mechanisms of immunoregulation; cellular communication and leukocyte traffic through tissues; production and use of monoclonal antibodies; local immunity at mucosal surfaces; immunity to infectious agents, including bacteria, viruses and parasites; inflammatory and autoimmune diseases such as asthma and arthritis; control and prevention of infections; strategies for the design and use of vaccines and gene therapy; important diseases will be considered as specific examples.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6209": {"id": "wTQYB1xVq4i65HZ5LB0ug", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "3S4owSe3AoOXP7VZxg6df", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20796, "section": "LE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 17, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "If you think you have the right pre-requisite to enrol but the system is not letting you please contact Dr Christopher Wong via email:"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "ToTXlyyFBcLqMvEMh0ExQ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20981, "section": "TU01", "size": 12, "enrolled": 10, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Aug - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20983, "section": "TU03", "size": 12, "enrolled": 7, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Aug - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6210": {"subject": "MINING", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "103962", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "103962", "term": "4420", "offer": 3}, {"course_id": "104857", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111159", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111160", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111161", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109848", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111162", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111163", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105896", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111164", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111165", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111166", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111167", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111168", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111169", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}]}}, "6211": {"id": "dgM0VLfGyIo4X8fIZ4LWQ", "course_id": "103962", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103962", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Mining Engineering I", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MINING", "CATALOG_NBR": "1011", "CLASS_NBR": 24971, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "High school Physics & Maths", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Group report, quizzes (x 2), assignment, end-of-Semester course review examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides a basic introduction to the fundamental operations involved in mining engineering. Topics to be covered include stages in the life of a mine, resources evaluation, mine planning and design, surface and underground mining methods, drilling and blasting, rock support systems, haulage and hoisting, mineral processing, mine ventilation, mine safety and environment, future mining.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6212": {"id": "dgM0VLfGyIo4X8fIZ4LWQ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "yGsmvaWUKvOeAjVKZyjZQ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24968, "section": "LE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 24, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Project", "id": "_tEsH1jrHqVCVHPMbQgN-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24969, "section": "PJ01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 24, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Project", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "AX7AFXKWb9FCoYhL8IcXL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24971, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 24, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6213": {"id": "d0ky8CgJRlVMVW01jsN2J", "course_id": "103962", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103962", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Mining Engineering I", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MINING", "CATALOG_NBR": "1011UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 24972, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "High school Physics & Maths", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Site visit report, quizzes (x 2), assignment, final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides a basic introduction to the fundamental operations involved in mining engineering. Topics to be covered include stages in the life of a mine, resources evaluation, mine planning and design, surface and underground mining methods, drilling and blasting, rock support systems, haulage and hoisting, mineral processing, mine ventilation, mine safety and environment, future mining.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6214": {"id": "d0ky8CgJRlVMVW01jsN2J", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "0iYF2rt8ZjN7O9q_nJric", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24967, "section": "LE01", "size": 7, "enrolled": 4, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "20IcB3XRHb7i3vqBM_eMh", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24972, "section": "TU01", "size": 7, "enrolled": 4, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "8V-1L5dBUlTL6BRGXhgsj", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22328, "section": "TT01", "size": 7, "enrolled": 4, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 310, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 310, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24970, "section": "PJ01", "size": 7, "enrolled": 4, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Project", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "6215": {"id": "W5irZlq59XonxMTC3LjYF", "course_id": "104857", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104857", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Mining Systems", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MINING", "CATALOG_NBR": "3071", "CLASS_NBR": 18720, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MINING 1011", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quiz x 2; Tutorials; Exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course presents a systems approach to the principles, design and application of the major surface and underground mining methods together with the associated equipment, services and infrastructure.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6216": {"id": "W5irZlq59XonxMTC3LjYF", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "q35tr4vN9seKUIMgDIBVa", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18719, "section": "LE01", "size": 12, "enrolled": 8, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "RzyvcYS8pl_zljKfSfPc6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18720, "section": "TU01", "size": 12, "enrolled": 8, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 23 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6217": {"id": "c7BJaHvKDmwGWgO8L2nlx", "course_id": "111159", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111159", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Geomechanics and Excavation Engineering", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MINING", "CATALOG_NBR": "3076", "CLASS_NBR": 15556, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course aims to provide students with a basic knowledge in rock mechanics, rock excavations, geotechnical risks and hazards assessments, dynamic events, instrumentation and monitoring, and rock supports in mining operations. The course also gives an introduction to numerical modelling for mining geomechanical problems.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6218": {"id": "c7BJaHvKDmwGWgO8L2nlx", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "0RX4aNDye9qjeqB7eatI1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10621, "section": "LE01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 7, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "W2Q7RgFdd8MJQcP_ULB25", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10622, "section": "PR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 7, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "12 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG01, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 14 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG01, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "vosFjjE0pkkTbWWoPIsT7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10623, "section": "TU01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 7, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "S7_jJiVj_uQiuLZ52ZVx7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15556, "section": "WR01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 7, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "6219": {"id": "xM8HyRQC3fO5xY37gmGB9", "course_id": "111160", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111160", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Mine Safety Engineering", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MINING", "CATALOG_NBR": "3077", "CLASS_NBR": 21400, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides the theory and principles of mine safety management system and mine ventilation involving the subsurface environment in underground mining operations. Topics covered include: mine safety management systems, risk assessment, mine dust and gases; hazards and risks; mine fires and explosions; radiation; ventilation circuit design and analysis; ventilation surveys and monitoring; heat stress and other health and safety issues; current legislative requirements and operational standards; and management of mine ventilation systems.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6220": {"id": "xM8HyRQC3fO5xY37gmGB9", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "hr-04oR6sWO4365KhWs1m", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21399, "section": "LE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 9, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "Qzckpo6l1yncMc_r7hUEO", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21400, "section": "TU01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 9, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "6221": {"id": "vPDxMlqy42R0JHVBiwGFH", "course_id": "111161", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111161", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Resource Estimation and Mine Planning", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MINING", "CATALOG_NBR": "3078", "CLASS_NBR": 11367, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of this course is to introduce students to the principles of resource and reserve estimation for minerals deposits, as well as the principles and practical methodologies of mine planning and mine valuation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6222": {"id": "vPDxMlqy42R0JHVBiwGFH", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "xzqGMNJ0XFlPPAL9QAFHY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19197, "section": "LE01", "size": 13, "enrolled": 10, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "iofoSzskXZciCbXg27CfS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10380, "section": "PR01", "size": 13, "enrolled": 10, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "IUUB-TNwKKEGs7ojDBVrW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11367, "section": "TU01", "size": 13, "enrolled": 10, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6223": {"id": "IUDq0zifOemHlRxKvFCcG", "course_id": "109848", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109848", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Mine Automation", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MINING", "CATALOG_NBR": "4115", "CLASS_NBR": 23389, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, project presentation, project report", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of this course is to provide some basic training to students in the area of digital evolution in mining, including automated unit operations, data collection and data analytics, sensors and remote control, communications and Internet of Things (IoT), simulation and digital twins, system integration and system engineering.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6224": {"id": "IUDq0zifOemHlRxKvFCcG", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "1PFCH1ozDtUH0hO5bZh_B", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29015, "section": "LE01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 14, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "5SrEYTe9nZC1sGwthzqut", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23389, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 14, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6225": {"id": "BRDneIvgclrVzv56CoxDp", "course_id": "111162", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111162", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Mine Design and Feasibility Study", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MINING", "CATALOG_NBR": "4116", "CLASS_NBR": 13445, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MINING 3078", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Progress interviews, final project presentation, project report", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of this course is to introduce students to the principles of mine feasibility studies for metalliferous and coal mine deposits. Students will be able to develop in this course skills in optimal mine design, production scheduling, equipment selection, cost estimation and project evaluation for the preparation of a pre-feasibility study document.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6226": {"id": "BRDneIvgclrVzv56CoxDp", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "BN_L-x80-YOiZU05vqmtI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19181, "section": "LE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 13, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "gRCzVQspMaXZLEBS48b5B", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10382, "section": "PR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 13, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "a6qduUXw32f0O-SxbaCcT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13445, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 13, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM106, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "6227": {"id": "V3g5RmHSu579ZfR1KCkV_", "course_id": "111163", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111163", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Mining and Environment", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MINING", "CATALOG_NBR": "4117", "CLASS_NBR": 10628, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to provide a comprehensive and practical understanding of the impacts both positive and negative that mining may have on society and the environment. It also provides an appreciation of management principles and practices vital to a mine manager's successful running of a mining enterprise.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6228": {"id": "V3g5RmHSu579ZfR1KCkV_", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "zk-Esdgh2dCe9JM8raAkG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10627, "section": "LE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 14, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Project", "id": "vImYMhRqG-ufnFUlOMxIP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10628, "section": "PJ01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 14, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Project", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "6229": {"id": "zUTc66cKHHc5VNJ3dYS_p", "course_id": "105896", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105896", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Mining Systems", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MINING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7071", "CLASS_NBR": 13451, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes; Tutorials; Exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course presents a systems approach to the principles, design and application of the major surface and underground mining methods together with the associated equipment, services and infrastructure.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6230": {"id": "zUTc66cKHHc5VNJ3dYS_p", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Ib3VKHgUyNHYNjTGWgd5k", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13450, "section": "LE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 20, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "-o0WCSw_SruOOMgxm7Bar", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13451, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 20, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 23 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6231": {"id": "GHQGtg8K7vWrKrAbmMp_w", "course_id": "111164", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111164", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Geomechanics and Excavation Engineering", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MINING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7076", "CLASS_NBR": 15557, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course aims to provide students with a basic knowledge in rock mechanics, rock excavations, geotechnical risks and hazards assessments, dynamic events, instrumentation and monitoring, and rock supports in mining operations. The course also gives an introduction to numerical modelling for mining geomechanical problems.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6232": {"id": "GHQGtg8K7vWrKrAbmMp_w", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "iZt-RrTF42QA8BXXXtryp", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10624, "section": "LE01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 22, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "K7Q6haf2KsiUlDcN77HAz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10625, "section": "PR01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 22, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "12 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG01, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 14 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Annex, LG01, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "YW15nwKfjv4DThj5VX9ol", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10626, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 22, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "YQjrD4_iITBvFAoFSZoVS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15557, "section": "WR01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 22, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "6233": {"id": "3j-I7AFJhL2h6Ojez9kFc", "course_id": "111165", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111165", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Mine Safety Engineering", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MINING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7077", "CLASS_NBR": 21402, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides the theory and principles of mine safety management system and mine ventilation involving the subsurface environment in underground mining operations. Topics covered include: mine safety management systems, risk assessment, mine dust and gases; hazards and risks; mine fires and explosions; radiation; ventilation circuit design and analysis; ventilation surveys and monitoring; heat stress and other health and safety issues; current legislative requirements and operational standards; and management of mine ventilation systems.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6234": {"id": "3j-I7AFJhL2h6Ojez9kFc", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "6twsqgYCu9dGYCM8j16Gw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21401, "section": "LE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 26, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "l33Rz3KGLvzlj5sjuvCsP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21402, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 26, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "6235": {"id": "hLm_X0bxJtDBVrIkhifw4", "course_id": "111166", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111166", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Resource Estimation and Mine Planning", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MINING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7078", "CLASS_NBR": 11368, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of this course is to introduce students to the principles of resource and reserve estimation for minerals deposits, as well as the principles and practical methodologies of mine planning and mine valuation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6236": {"id": "hLm_X0bxJtDBVrIkhifw4", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "2t7DuXF8jP0NLZkL8lKZ7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19193, "section": "LE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 20, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "kLjQgfDsPiNroLbJAEppP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10381, "section": "PR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 20, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "jBWvuJKgM9D-2w9vhIerl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11368, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 20, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6237": {"id": "hb_-ToEPpTjgh2mEsJ_WV", "course_id": "111167", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111167", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Mine Automation", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MINING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7115", "CLASS_NBR": 21507, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, project presentation, project report", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of this course is to provide some basic training to students in the area of digital evolution in mining, including automated unit operations, data collection and data analytics, sensors and remote control, communications and Internet of Things (IoT), simulation and digital twins, system integration and system engineering.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6238": {"id": "hb_-ToEPpTjgh2mEsJ_WV", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "OG3qMd7eGXHvTExA3sGE4", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29016, "section": "LE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 11, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "eTSZEvWefCKMpP2-Z0tPy", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21507, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 11, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6239": {"id": "Xfh_vIwcwJNGSYbs83akZ", "course_id": "111168", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111168", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Mine Design and Feasibility Study", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MINING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7116", "CLASS_NBR": 13446, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MINING 7078", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Progress interviews, final project presentation, project report", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of this course is to introduce students to the principles of mine feasibility studies for metalliferous and coal mine deposits. Students will be able to develop in this course skills in optimal mine design, production scheduling, equipment selection, cost estimation and project evaluation for the preparation of a pre-feasibility study document.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6240": {"id": "Xfh_vIwcwJNGSYbs83akZ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "z0BastHLmus0J0GmRxosC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19182, "section": "LE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 1, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "Sw-YT45M_LVnplLtHidPJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10383, "section": "PR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 1, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "GnM2XzdK0WfXD74djy_CR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13446, "section": "TU01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 1, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM106, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM106, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "6241": {"id": "EyXXcJLKUXPI-8mVNgthi", "course_id": "111169", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111169", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Mining and Environment", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MINING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7117", "CLASS_NBR": 10630, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to provide a comprehensive and practical understanding of the impacts both positive and negative that mining may have on society and the environment. It also provides an appreciation of management principles and practices vital to a mine manager's successful running of a mining enterprise.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6242": {"id": "EyXXcJLKUXPI-8mVNgthi", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "rIgXmtO5Ad69hLq8V3n2A", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10629, "section": "LE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 3, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Project", "id": "F7nk5NL1jdef022lozPKg", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10630, "section": "PJ01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 3, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Project", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "6243": {"subject": "MUSCLASS", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "108150", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108150", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108185", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108185", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108190", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108190", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108191", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108191", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108186", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108186", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108187", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108187", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108192", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108192", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108193", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108193", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108188", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108188", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108189", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108189", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108194", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108194", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108195", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108195", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "6244": {"id": "pNuznGxRC0UbWPKbYFtPx", "course_id": "108150", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108150", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Classical Performance 1A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSCLASS", "CATALOG_NBR": "1200", "CLASS_NBR": 11953, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Audition", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MUSCLASS 1001, MUSCLASS 1100A", "ASSESSMENT": "Performance exam 60%, Week 6 assessment 10%, Tech & Rep exam 20%, Performance class 10%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students undertake intensive 1:1 tuition in their chosen instrument (9 hours per semester). Students must enrol in the relevant tuition class for their specialisation. Through the study of appropriate repertoire and technical exercises, students will develop their individual technical and musical potential, together with a sound understanding of interpretive principles and performance skills. Students are also expected to undertake a minimum of 10 hours per week of structured individual practice as designated by their instrumental teacher including repertoire study and a wide variety of technical exercises relevant to the student's chosen instrument. \nThrough the Performance Classes, students will be given the opportunity to develop a range of preparation and performance practice skills. Through the Technique and Repertoire Classes, students will develop a range of skills and approaches which will aid their technical development, and will be given the opportunity to present, perform, and discuss their current repertoire with fellow students as 'work in progress'.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6245": {"id": "pNuznGxRC0UbWPKbYFtPx", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "id": "rTl3atNMj6PwkGRD4aAc0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12725, "section": "PF01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 15, "available": 35, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Classical Performance Class"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "iRBwiXV-J0BLACbz3BDoy", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13675, "section": "WR06", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Woodwind"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 13 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13676, "section": "WR05", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Percussion"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 13 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13677, "section": "WR04", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Guitar"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "22 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "3 May - 17 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13678, "section": "WR03", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Brass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 13 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13679, "section": "WR02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 5, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - 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3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "1D8sgK55X174tjNKtpJJZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11953, "section": "WR07", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Vocal Studies - Sight Singing and Aural"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "1bHYtGXdurQvV27MwGNQE", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13159, "section": "SE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 2, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Vocal Studies Diction and Language"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6246": {"id": "Llcs1bXITUWfT_KInLX0K", "course_id": "108150", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108150", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Classical Performance 1A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSCLASS", "CATALOG_NBR": "1200", "CLASS_NBR": 21941, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Audition", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MUSCLASS 1001, MUSCLASS 1100A", "ASSESSMENT": "Performance exam 60%, Week 6 assessment 10%, Tech & Rep exam 20%, Performance class 10%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students undertake intensive 1:1 tuition in their chosen instrument (9 hours per semester). Students must enrol in the relevant tuition class for their specialisation. Through the study of appropriate repertoire and technical exercises, students will develop their individual technical and musical potential, together with a sound understanding of interpretive principles and performance skills. Students are also expected to undertake a minimum of 10 hours per week of structured individual practice as designated by their instrumental teacher including repertoire study and a wide variety of technical exercises relevant to the student's chosen instrument. \nThrough the Performance Classes, students will be given the opportunity to develop a range of preparation and performance practice skills. Through the Technique and Repertoire Classes, students will develop a range of skills and approaches which will aid their technical development, and will be given the opportunity to present, perform, and discuss their current repertoire with fellow students as 'work in progress'.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6247": {"id": "Llcs1bXITUWfT_KInLX0K", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "id": "KwDafZR6kS8-Y6VG_9-wd", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20097, "section": "PF01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 4, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Classical Performance Class"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "KHZx4pYCbzmJaEYUY8jC8", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23724, "section": "WR06", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Woodwind"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "19 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 7 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23725, "section": "WR05", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Percussion"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "19 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 7 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23726, "section": "WR04", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Guitar"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "23 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23727, "section": "WR03", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Brass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "19 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 7 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23728, "section": "WR02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - 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9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 7 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}]}]}]}, {"association_group": "11", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "id": "UmTIaKNF0ogrsR-XjQhFV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20742, "section": "PF02", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Vocal Studies Performance"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "Zps-i5wLVQzW7WZeLtY2K", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21941, "section": "WR07", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Vocal Studies - Sight Singing and Aural"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "ZslZ66xYt4Hoj9o-Y4xu-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23060, "section": "SE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Vocal Studies Diction and Language"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6248": {"id": "4BJjPjtjeW_eZA1XCCeyI", "course_id": "108185", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108185", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Classical Performance 1B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSCLASS", "CATALOG_NBR": "1201", "CLASS_NBR": 11954, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSCLASS 1200", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MUSCLASS 1002, MUSCLASS 1100B", "ASSESSMENT": "Performance exam 60%, Week 6 assessment 10%, Technique and repertoire technical assessment 20%, Performance class 10%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students undertake intensive 1:1 tuition in their chosen instrument (9 hours per semester). Students must enrol in the relevant tuition class for their specialisation. Through the study of appropriate repertoire and technical exercises, students will develop their individual technical and musical potential, together with a sound understanding of interpretive principles and performance skills. Students are also expected to undertake a minimum of 10 hours per week of structured individual practice as designated by their instrumental teacher including repertoire study and a wide variety of technical exercises relevant to the student's chosen instrument. \nThrough the Performance Classes, students will be given the opportunity to develop a range of preparation and performance practice skills. Through the Technique and Repertoire Classes, students will develop a range of skills and approaches which will aid their technical development, and will be given the opportunity to present, perform, and discuss their current repertoire with fellow students as 'work in progress'. Students are expected to further their development of their specialisation in Classical Performance 1B in advance of that achieved in Classical Performance 1A.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6249": {"id": "4BJjPjtjeW_eZA1XCCeyI", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "id": "XFKoLzjC2g36U3NpR74FL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15337, "section": "PF01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 4, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Classical Performance Class"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "8CubD0Kc3Ee3EoJ8hmJq-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13645, "section": "WR06", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Woodwind"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 13 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13646, "section": "WR05", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Percussion"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 13 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13647, "section": "WR04", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - 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1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "h0JdTUiJfGDIEQ2pkJPef", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11954, "section": "WR07", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Vocal Studies - Sight Singing and Aural"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "3p0YbR7sBT17aZDLI5qLy", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13160, "section": "SE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 1, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Vocal Studies Diction and Language"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6250": {"id": "vJkDHEWZaPaVXsMAk-Kvs", "course_id": "108185", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108185", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Classical Performance 1B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSCLASS", "CATALOG_NBR": "1201", "CLASS_NBR": 21942, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSCLASS 1200", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MUSCLASS 1002, MUSCLASS 1100B", "ASSESSMENT": "Performance exam 60%, Week 6 assessment 10%, Technique and repertoire technical assessment 20%, Performance class 10%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students undertake intensive 1:1 tuition in their chosen instrument (9 hours per semester). Students must enrol in the relevant tuition class for their specialisation. Through the study of appropriate repertoire and technical exercises, students will develop their individual technical and musical potential, together with a sound understanding of interpretive principles and performance skills. Students are also expected to undertake a minimum of 10 hours per week of structured individual practice as designated by their instrumental teacher including repertoire study and a wide variety of technical exercises relevant to the student's chosen instrument. \nThrough the Performance Classes, students will be given the opportunity to develop a range of preparation and performance practice skills. Through the Technique and Repertoire Classes, students will develop a range of skills and approaches which will aid their technical development, and will be given the opportunity to present, perform, and discuss their current repertoire with fellow students as 'work in progress'. Students are expected to further their development of their specialisation in Classical Performance 1B in advance of that achieved in Classical Performance 1A.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6251": {"id": "vJkDHEWZaPaVXsMAk-Kvs", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "id": "Zcp6aBaZzVnJuGa08X2Jx", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22536, "section": "PF01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 14, "available": 86, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Classical Performance Class"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "rQXZ8NGWcdTl2YA7ctZB-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23694, "section": "WR06", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Woodwind"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "19 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 7 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23695, "section": "WR05", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Percussion"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "19 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 7 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23696, "section": "WR04", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Guitar"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "23 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23697, "section": "WR03", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Brass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "19 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 7 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23698, "section": "WR02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 4, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Strings"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "19 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 7 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23699, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 4, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Keyboard"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "19 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 7 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}]}]}]}, {"association_group": "11", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "id": "qEs33xO4NzP3lfsv-pHSh", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20743, "section": "PF02", "size": 50, "enrolled": 2, "available": 48, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Vocal Studies Performance"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "7 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "XeJTYNETAjlzk90GYJ-8t", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21942, "section": "WR07", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Vocal Studies - Sight Singing and Aural"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "ZWTCM_IgrYrJlFS1jP0Lp", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23061, "section": "SE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 2, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Vocal Studies Diction and Language"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6252": {"id": "Wb40qemaSBaVqdaAlyjMT", "course_id": "108190", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108190", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Classical Performance Advanced 1A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSCLASS", "CATALOG_NBR": "1300", "CLASS_NBR": 19673, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus students only with approval of Course Coordinator", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Outstanding achievement at audition with a mark of 85 or higher", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MUSCLASS 1071, MUSCLASS 1100A", "ASSESSMENT": "Performance exam (25 minutes) 60%, Week 6 assessment 10%, Technique and repertoire 20%, Performance class 10%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is available BY PERMISSION ONLY. Entry will be determined on the basis of the pre-entry audition score and instrument sub-quotas. Students will undertake intensive 1:1 tuition in their chosen instrument (14 hours per semester). Students will further develop their individual technical and musical potential, together with a mature understanding of interpretive principles and performance skills through the study of appropriate repertoire and technical exercises. In consultation with their instrumental teacher, students will also undertake an extended study consisting of either, a discreet set of works designed specifically for technical development, an extended work, or orchestral excerpts relevant to their instrument. Students are also expected to undertake a minimum of 10 hours per week of structured individual practice as designated by their instrumental teacher including repertoire study and a wide variety of technical exercises relevant to the student's chosen instrument.\nThrough the Performance Classes, students will be given the opportunity to develop a range of preparation and performance practice skills. Through the Technique and Repertoire Classes, students will develop a range of skills and approaches which will aid their technical development, and will be given the opportunity to present, perform and discuss their current repertoire with fellow students as 'work in progress'.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6253": {"id": "Wb40qemaSBaVqdaAlyjMT", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "id": "cVVu5_nO4jHYRsDLDEoTd", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12728, "section": "PF01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 4, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Classical Performance Class"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "k6mfoColUMhbbFCi3k6Ao", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13609, "section": "WR06", "size": 10, "enrolled": 1, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Woodwind"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 13 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13610, "section": "WR05", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Percussion"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 13 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13611, "section": "WR04", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Guitar"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "22 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "3 May - 17 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13612, "section": "WR03", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Brass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 13 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13613, "section": "WR02", "size": 10, "enrolled": 2, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - 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3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "7w8PREiPR9sAq8ALZlFLV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19673, "section": "WR07", "size": 5, "enrolled": 2, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Vocal Studies - Sight Singing and Aural"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "VRm_C7-GeMAATusp6dZ7S", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19675, "section": "SE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 2, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Vocal Studies - Diction and Language"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6254": {"id": "jBWfOuYFbgrFJeenDMDWd", "course_id": "108190", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108190", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Classical Performance Advanced 1A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSCLASS", "CATALOG_NBR": "1300", "CLASS_NBR": 29463, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus students only with approval of Course Coordinator", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Outstanding achievement at audition with a mark of 85 or higher", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MUSCLASS 1071, MUSCLASS 1100A", "ASSESSMENT": "Performance exam (25 minutes) 60%, Week 6 assessment 10%, Technique and repertoire 20%, Performance class 10%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is available BY PERMISSION ONLY. Entry will be determined on the basis of the pre-entry audition score and instrument sub-quotas. Students will undertake intensive 1:1 tuition in their chosen instrument (14 hours per semester). Students will further develop their individual technical and musical potential, together with a mature understanding of interpretive principles and performance skills through the study of appropriate repertoire and technical exercises. In consultation with their instrumental teacher, students will also undertake an extended study consisting of either, a discreet set of works designed specifically for technical development, an extended work, or orchestral excerpts relevant to their instrument. Students are also expected to undertake a minimum of 10 hours per week of structured individual practice as designated by their instrumental teacher including repertoire study and a wide variety of technical exercises relevant to the student's chosen instrument.\nThrough the Performance Classes, students will be given the opportunity to develop a range of preparation and performance practice skills. Through the Technique and Repertoire Classes, students will develop a range of skills and approaches which will aid their technical development, and will be given the opportunity to present, perform and discuss their current repertoire with fellow students as 'work in progress'.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6255": {"id": "jBWfOuYFbgrFJeenDMDWd", "class_list": [{"association_group": "", "groups": []}]}, "6256": {"id": "XDdwsw0izzk6zJV77ee7F", "course_id": "108191", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108191", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Classical Performance Advanced 1B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSCLASS", "CATALOG_NBR": "1301", "CLASS_NBR": 19690, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus students only with approval of Course Coordinator", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Outstanding performance in MUSCLASS 1300", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MUSCLASS 1071, MUSCLASS 1100B", "ASSESSMENT": "Performance exam (25 minutes) 60%, Week 6 assessment 10%, Technique and repertoire 20%, Performance class 10%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is available BY PERMISSION ONLY. Entry will be determined on the basis of the pre-entry audition score and instrument sub-quotas.. Students will undertake intensive 1:1 tuition in their chosen instrument (14 hours per semester). Students will further develop their individual technical and musical potential, together with a mature understanding of interpretive principles and performance skills through the study of appropriate repertoire and technical exercises. In consultation with their instrumental teacher, students will also undertake an extended study consisting of either, a discreet set of works designed specifically for technical development, an extended work, or orchestral excerpts relevant to their instrument. Students are also expected to undertake a minimum of 10 hours per week of structured individual practice as designated by their instrumental teacher including repertoire study and a wide variety of technical exercises relevant to the student's chosen instrument. \nThrough the Performance Classes, students will be given the opportunity to develop a range of preparation and performance skills. Through the Technique and Repertoire Classes, students will develop a range of skills and approaches which will aid their technical development, and will be given the opportunity to present, perform and discuss their current repertoire with fellow students as 'work in progress'. Students are expected to further their development of their specialisation in Classical Performance Advanced 1B in advance of that achieved in Classical Performance Advanced 1A.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6257": {"id": "XDdwsw0izzk6zJV77ee7F", "class_list": [{"association_group": "", "groups": []}]}, "6258": {"id": "Dp1kpzkrjHqum3ARkne8t", "course_id": "108191", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108191", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Classical Performance Advanced 1B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSCLASS", "CATALOG_NBR": "1301", "CLASS_NBR": 29462, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus students only with approval of Course Coordinator", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Outstanding performance in MUSCLASS 1300", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MUSCLASS 1071, MUSCLASS 1100B", "ASSESSMENT": "Performance exam (25 minutes) 60%, Week 6 assessment 10%, Technique and repertoire 20%, Performance class 10%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is available BY PERMISSION ONLY. Entry will be determined on the basis of the pre-entry audition score and instrument sub-quotas.. Students will undertake intensive 1:1 tuition in their chosen instrument (14 hours per semester). Students will further develop their individual technical and musical potential, together with a mature understanding of interpretive principles and performance skills through the study of appropriate repertoire and technical exercises. In consultation with their instrumental teacher, students will also undertake an extended study consisting of either, a discreet set of works designed specifically for technical development, an extended work, or orchestral excerpts relevant to their instrument. Students are also expected to undertake a minimum of 10 hours per week of structured individual practice as designated by their instrumental teacher including repertoire study and a wide variety of technical exercises relevant to the student's chosen instrument. \nThrough the Performance Classes, students will be given the opportunity to develop a range of preparation and performance skills. Through the Technique and Repertoire Classes, students will develop a range of skills and approaches which will aid their technical development, and will be given the opportunity to present, perform and discuss their current repertoire with fellow students as 'work in progress'. Students are expected to further their development of their specialisation in Classical Performance Advanced 1B in advance of that achieved in Classical Performance Advanced 1A.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6259": {"id": "Dp1kpzkrjHqum3ARkne8t", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "id": "B09q0RHR_txja7P2FPNwt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22537, "section": "PF01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 5, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Classical Performance Class"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "uTtzc54eTtNEg0AGZ-jWq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23664, "section": "WR06", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Woodwind"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "19 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 7 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23665, "section": "WR05", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Percussion"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "19 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 7 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23666, "section": "WR04", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Guitar"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "23 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23667, "section": "WR03", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Brass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "19 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 7 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23668, "section": "WR02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Strings"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "19 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 7 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23669, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Keyboard"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "19 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 7 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}]}]}]}, {"association_group": "11", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "id": "78Ww4cO5kgYde1qPmWeq9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29464, "section": "PF02", "size": 10, "enrolled": 1, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "7 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "X_RGNBHcGcUaegGczlMNZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29462, "section": "WR07", "size": 2, "enrolled": 1, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "i_kIICLXTh6KKSLRUrAPn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29467, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6260": {"id": "jumWJ4ra09guK0F90yyhM", "course_id": "108186", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108186", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Classical Performance 2A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSCLASS", "CATALOG_NBR": "2200", "CLASS_NBR": 11955, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSCLASS 1201", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MUSCLASS 2010, MUSCLASS 2100A", "ASSESSMENT": "Performance exam 60%, Week 6 assessment 10%, Technique and repertoire 20%, Performance class 10%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students undertake intensive 1:1 tuition in their chosen instrument (9 hours per Semester). Students must enrol in the relevant tuition class for their specialisation. Through the study of appropriate repertoire and technical exercises, students will develop their individual technical and musical potential, together with a sound understanding of interpretive principles and performance skills. Students are also expected to undertake a minimum of 10 hours per week of structured individual practice as designated by their instrumental teacher including repertoire study and a wide variety of technical exercises relevant to the student's chosen instrument.\nThrough the Performance Classes, students will be given the opportunity to develop a range of preparation and performance practice skills. Through the Technique and Repertoire Classes, students will develop a range of skills and approaches which will aid their technical development, and will be given the opportunity to present, perform, and discuss their current repertoire with fellow students as 'work in progress'. Students are expected to further their development of their specialisation in Classical Performance 2A in advance of that achieved in Classical Performance 1B.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6261": {"id": "jumWJ4ra09guK0F90yyhM", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "id": "HUzI9DcInPivcyKvoswn7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12726, "section": "PF01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 15, "available": 35, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Classical Performance Class"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "eWrVQ-vWrnU8V3gGyj9yv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13651, "section": "WR06", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Woodwind"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 13 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13652, "section": "WR05", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Percussion"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 13 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13653, "section": "WR04", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - 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3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "ZXo-TKtMW4a3wEHQH8SZc", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11955, "section": "WR07", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Vocal Studies - Sight Singing and Aural"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "Y__8xxaJhiYulWNbZ-VYd", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13161, "section": "SE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 3, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Vocal Studies Diction and Language"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6262": {"id": "S9CKTKoEb9vkfAIcqLRDk", "course_id": "108186", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108186", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Classical Performance 2A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSCLASS", "CATALOG_NBR": "2200", "CLASS_NBR": 21943, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSCLASS 1201", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MUSCLASS 2010, MUSCLASS 2100A", "ASSESSMENT": "Performance exam 60%, Week 6 assessment 10%, Technique and repertoire 20%, Performance class 10%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students undertake intensive 1:1 tuition in their chosen instrument (9 hours per Semester). Students must enrol in the relevant tuition class for their specialisation. Through the study of appropriate repertoire and technical exercises, students will develop their individual technical and musical potential, together with a sound understanding of interpretive principles and performance skills. Students are also expected to undertake a minimum of 10 hours per week of structured individual practice as designated by their instrumental teacher including repertoire study and a wide variety of technical exercises relevant to the student's chosen instrument.\nThrough the Performance Classes, students will be given the opportunity to develop a range of preparation and performance practice skills. Through the Technique and Repertoire Classes, students will develop a range of skills and approaches which will aid their technical development, and will be given the opportunity to present, perform, and discuss their current repertoire with fellow students as 'work in progress'. Students are expected to further their development of their specialisation in Classical Performance 2A in advance of that achieved in Classical Performance 1B.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6263": {"id": "S9CKTKoEb9vkfAIcqLRDk", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "id": "1Q8CkdecgG_Cr4fIvtUZX", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20098, "section": "PF01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 4, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Classical Performance Class"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "KNKXP7TpXf6JkBGrnoPw1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23700, "section": "WR06", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Woodwind"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "19 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 7 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23701, "section": "WR05", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Percussion"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "19 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 7 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23702, "section": "WR04", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Guitar"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "23 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23703, "section": "WR03", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - 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9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "u7jcKuV7LDbc5lNTHy70p", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21943, "section": "WR07", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Vocal Studies - Sight Singing and Aural"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": " "}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "uejz1aM83wbzYObn2bu4D", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23062, "section": "SE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Vocal Studies Diction and Language"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6264": {"id": "K2sawBoa2UrRME1Lih0G6", "course_id": "108187", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108187", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Classical Performance 2B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSCLASS", "CATALOG_NBR": "2201", "CLASS_NBR": 11956, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSCLASS 2200", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MUSCLASS 2020, MUSCLASS 2100B", "ASSESSMENT": "Performance exam 60%, Week 6 assessment 10%, Technique and repertoire 20%, Performance class 10%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students undertake intensive 1:1 tuition in their chosen instrument (9 hours per Semester). Students must enrol in the relevant tuition class for their specialisation. Through the study of appropriate repertoire and technical exercises, students will develop their individual technical and musical potential, together with a sound understanding of interpretive principles and performance skills. Students are also expected to undertake a minimum of 10 hours per week of structured individual practice as designated by their instrumental teacher including repertoire study and a wide variety of technical exercises relevant to the student's chosen instrument.\nThrough the Performance Classes, students will be given the opportunity to develop a range of preparation and performance practice skills. Through the Technique and Repertoire Classes, students will develop a range of skills and approaches which will aid their technical development, and will be given the opportunity to present, perform, and discuss their current repertoire with fellow students as 'work in progress'. Students are expected to further their development of their specialisation in Classical Performance 2B in advance of that achieved in Classical Performance 2A.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6265": {"id": "K2sawBoa2UrRME1Lih0G6", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "id": "4YFakEI9jqsxaaky6AQXZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12145, "section": "PF01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 1, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Classical Performance Class"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "ZA99XfXmXE0cCsOG855Bp", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13657, "section": "WR06", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - 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Guitar"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "22 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "3 May - 17 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13660, "section": "WR03", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Brass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 13 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13661, "section": "WR02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - 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1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "qAKNnQd8uJ53Xsb2_2qbP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11956, "section": "WR07", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Vocal Studies - Sight Singing and Aural"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "mc4LfFkKkyDkcLReQ8Dvp", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13162, "section": "SE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Vocal Studies Diction and Language"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": " "}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "6266": {"id": "pif0LFIeTvjPtwPyH-8QV", "course_id": "108187", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108187", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Classical Performance 2B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSCLASS", "CATALOG_NBR": "2201", "CLASS_NBR": 21944, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSCLASS 2200", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MUSCLASS 2020, MUSCLASS 2100B", "ASSESSMENT": "Performance exam 60%, Week 6 assessment 10%, Technique and repertoire 20%, Performance class 10%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students undertake intensive 1:1 tuition in their chosen instrument (9 hours per Semester). Students must enrol in the relevant tuition class for their specialisation. Through the study of appropriate repertoire and technical exercises, students will develop their individual technical and musical potential, together with a sound understanding of interpretive principles and performance skills. Students are also expected to undertake a minimum of 10 hours per week of structured individual practice as designated by their instrumental teacher including repertoire study and a wide variety of technical exercises relevant to the student's chosen instrument.\nThrough the Performance Classes, students will be given the opportunity to develop a range of preparation and performance practice skills. Through the Technique and Repertoire Classes, students will develop a range of skills and approaches which will aid their technical development, and will be given the opportunity to present, perform, and discuss their current repertoire with fellow students as 'work in progress'. Students are expected to further their development of their specialisation in Classical Performance 2B in advance of that achieved in Classical Performance 2A.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6267": {"id": "pif0LFIeTvjPtwPyH-8QV", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "id": "9Jh3mnJlQRqULyiKZfKvw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22534, "section": "PF01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 15, "available": 35, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Classical Performance Class"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "Qa-fZt4hHFdkRLtawPBYw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23706, "section": "WR06", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Woodwind"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "19 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 7 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23707, "section": "WR05", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Percussion"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "19 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 7 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23708, "section": "WR04", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Guitar"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "23 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23709, "section": "WR03", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Brass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "19 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 7 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23710, "section": "WR02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Strings"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "19 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 7 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23711, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Keyboard"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "19 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 7 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}]}]}]}, {"association_group": "11", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "id": "r59w0QHwXbj-ixkU3ajqz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20745, "section": "PF02", "size": 50, "enrolled": 3, "available": 47, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Vocal Studies Performance"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "7 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "OwFVaAjdB01au-9X79QZb", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21944, "section": "WR07", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Vocal Studies - Sight Singing and Aural"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "hYar1JjRhwyM_5kadA9Pd", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23063, "section": "SE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 3, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Vocal Studies Diction and Language"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6268": {"id": "a9RlAl_TGkhrJK3D0mYa8", "course_id": "108192", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108192", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Classical Performance Advanced 2A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSCLASS", "CATALOG_NBR": "2300", "CLASS_NBR": 19750, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus students only with approval of Course Coordinator", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Outstanding achievement in Level I Classical Performance", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MUSCLASS 2070, MUSCLASS 2100A", "ASSESSMENT": "Performance exam (30 minutes) 60%, Week 6 assessment 10%, Technique and repertoire 20%, Performance class 10%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is available BY PERMISSION ONLY. Entry will be determined on the basis of the pre-entry audition score and instrument sub-quotas. Students will undertake intensive 1:1 tuition in their chosen instrument (14 hours per Semester). Students will further develop their individual technical and musical potential, together with a mature understanding of interpretive principles and performance skills through the study of appropriate repertoire and technical exercises. In consultation with their instrumental teacher, students will also undertake an extended study consisting of either, a discreet set of works designed specifically for technical development, an extended work, or orchestral excerpts relevant to their instrument. Students are also expected to undertake a minimum of 10 hours per week of structured individual practice as designated by their instrumental teacher including repertoire study and a wide variety of technical exercises relevant to the student's chosen instrument. \nThrough the Performance Classes, students will be given the opportunity to develop a range of preparation and performance practice skills. Through the Technique and Repertoire Classes, students will develop a range of skills and approaches which will aid their technical development, and will be given the opportunity to present, perform and discuss their current repertoire with fellow students as 'work in progress'. Students are expected to further their development of their specialisation in Classical Performance Advanced 2A in advance of that achieved in Classical Performance Advanced 1B.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6269": {"id": "a9RlAl_TGkhrJK3D0mYa8", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "id": "uJY0itxghV36hZXCGqauc", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12729, "section": "PF01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 5, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Classical Performance Class"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "6nAYUxRj2lFmC01vjQdtn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13621, "section": "WR06", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Woodwind"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 13 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13622, "section": "WR05", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Percussion"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 13 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13623, "section": "WR04", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Guitar"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "22 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "3 May - 17 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13624, "section": "WR03", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Brass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 13 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13625, "section": "WR02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Strings"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 13 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13626, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Keyboard"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 13 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}]}]}]}, {"association_group": "11", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "id": "RSJTtblidlX5Hy2EUYP-O", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19693, "section": "PF02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Vocal Studies Performance"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "6 May - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "kxKvaPfTt_t1dWWaWyf8q", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19704, "section": "SE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Vocal Studies - Diction and Language"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "Z0H5kPfHP-7ekigfnAG9G", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19750, "section": "WR07", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Vical Studies - Sight Singing and Aural"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6270": {"id": "xsvy_imr97uO7CK29oq1L", "course_id": "108192", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108192", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Classical Performance Advanced 2A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSCLASS", "CATALOG_NBR": "2300", "CLASS_NBR": 23670, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus students only with approval of Course Coordinator", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Outstanding achievement in Level I Classical Performance", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MUSCLASS 2070, MUSCLASS 2100A", "ASSESSMENT": "Performance exam (30 minutes) 60%, Week 6 assessment 10%, Technique and repertoire 20%, Performance class 10%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is available BY PERMISSION ONLY. Entry will be determined on the basis of the pre-entry audition score and instrument sub-quotas. Students will undertake intensive 1:1 tuition in their chosen instrument (14 hours per Semester). Students will further develop their individual technical and musical potential, together with a mature understanding of interpretive principles and performance skills through the study of appropriate repertoire and technical exercises. In consultation with their instrumental teacher, students will also undertake an extended study consisting of either, a discreet set of works designed specifically for technical development, an extended work, or orchestral excerpts relevant to their instrument. Students are also expected to undertake a minimum of 10 hours per week of structured individual practice as designated by their instrumental teacher including repertoire study and a wide variety of technical exercises relevant to the student's chosen instrument. \nThrough the Performance Classes, students will be given the opportunity to develop a range of preparation and performance practice skills. Through the Technique and Repertoire Classes, students will develop a range of skills and approaches which will aid their technical development, and will be given the opportunity to present, perform and discuss their current repertoire with fellow students as 'work in progress'. Students are expected to further their development of their specialisation in Classical Performance Advanced 2A in advance of that achieved in Classical Performance Advanced 1B.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6271": {"id": "xsvy_imr97uO7CK29oq1L", "class_list": [{"association_group": "", "groups": []}]}, "6272": {"id": "wBkElvB3oYJ4WJe7_eWyy", "course_id": "108193", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108193", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Classical Performance Advanced 2B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSCLASS", "CATALOG_NBR": "2301", "CLASS_NBR": 13627, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus students only with approval of Course Coordinator", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Outstanding achievement in Level I Classical Performance", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MUSCLASS 2071, MUSCLASS 2100B", "ASSESSMENT": "Performance exam (30 minutes) 60%, Week 6 assessment 10%, Technique and repertoire 20%, Performance class 10%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is available BY PERMISSION ONLY. Entry will be determined on the basis of the pre-entry audition score and instrument sub-quotas. Students will undertake intensive 1:1 tuition in their chosen instrument (14 hours per Semester). Students will further develop their individual technical and musical potential, together with a mature understanding of interpretive principles and performance skills through the study of appropriate repertoire and technical exercises. In consultation with their instrumental teacher, students will also undertake an extended study consisting of either, a discreet set of works designed specifically for technical development, an extended work, or orchestral excerpts relevant to their instrument. Students are also expected to undertake a minimum of 10 hours per week of structured individual practice as designated by their instrumental teacher including repertoire study and a wide variety of technical exercises relevant to the student's chosen instrument. \nThrough the Performance Classes, students will be given the opportunity to develop a range of preparation and performance practice skills. Through the Technique and Repertoire Classes, students will develop a range of skills and approaches which will aid their technical development, and will be given the opportunity to present, perform and discuss their current repertoire with fellow students as 'work in progress'.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6273": {"id": "wBkElvB3oYJ4WJe7_eWyy", "class_list": [{"association_group": "", "groups": []}]}, "6274": {"id": "geqj_7731QjmzriKA5z5I", "course_id": "108193", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108193", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Classical Performance Advanced 2B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSCLASS", "CATALOG_NBR": "2301", "CLASS_NBR": 29469, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus students only with approval of Course Coordinator", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Outstanding achievement in Level I Classical Performance", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MUSCLASS 2071, MUSCLASS 2100B", "ASSESSMENT": "Performance exam (30 minutes) 60%, Week 6 assessment 10%, Technique and repertoire 20%, Performance class 10%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is available BY PERMISSION ONLY. Entry will be determined on the basis of the pre-entry audition score and instrument sub-quotas. Students will undertake intensive 1:1 tuition in their chosen instrument (14 hours per Semester). Students will further develop their individual technical and musical potential, together with a mature understanding of interpretive principles and performance skills through the study of appropriate repertoire and technical exercises. In consultation with their instrumental teacher, students will also undertake an extended study consisting of either, a discreet set of works designed specifically for technical development, an extended work, or orchestral excerpts relevant to their instrument. Students are also expected to undertake a minimum of 10 hours per week of structured individual practice as designated by their instrumental teacher including repertoire study and a wide variety of technical exercises relevant to the student's chosen instrument. \nThrough the Performance Classes, students will be given the opportunity to develop a range of preparation and performance practice skills. Through the Technique and Repertoire Classes, students will develop a range of skills and approaches which will aid their technical development, and will be given the opportunity to present, perform and discuss their current repertoire with fellow students as 'work in progress'.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6275": {"id": "geqj_7731QjmzriKA5z5I", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "id": "K-wEvUeoSgA0ri2J-qBDR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22538, "section": "PF01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 6, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Classical Performance Class"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "S93yjBmnQyopKPKcXICnd", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23676, "section": "WR06", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Woodwind"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "19 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 7 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23677, "section": "WR05", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Percussion"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "19 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 7 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23678, "section": "WR04", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Guitar"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "23 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23679, "section": "WR03", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Brass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "19 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 7 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23680, "section": "WR02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Strings"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "19 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 7 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23681, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Keyboard"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "19 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 7 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}]}]}]}, {"association_group": "11", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "id": "E33o1CTY6iMXyTYjyg79I", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29468, "section": "PF02", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Vocal Studies Performance"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "7 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "jWeR89I1LTXl1NNKjYWSF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29469, "section": "WR07", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Vocal Studies - Sightsinging and Aural"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "aC-iTKJzEVcxR7mUi6vmS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29470, "section": "SE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Vocal Studies - Diction and Language"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6276": {"id": "69fdTbfstKpynItW54XSX", "course_id": "108188", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108188", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Classical Performance 3A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSCLASS", "CATALOG_NBR": "3200", "CLASS_NBR": 13663, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSCLASS 2201", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MUSCLASS 3001, MUSCLASS 3100A", "ASSESSMENT": "Performance exam (25 minutes) 60%, Week 6 assessment 10%, Technique and repertoire 20%, Performance class 10%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students undertake intensive 1:1 tuition in their chosen instrument (9 hours per Semester). Students must enrol in the relevant tuition class for their specialisation. Through the study of appropriate repertoire and technical exercises, students will develop their individual technical and musical potential, together with a sound understanding of interpretive principles and performance skills. Students are also expected to undertake a minimum of 10 hours per week of structured individual practice as designated by their instrumental teacher including repertoire study and a wide variety of technical exercises relevant to the student's chosen instrument.\nThrough the Performance Classes, students will be given the opportunity to develop a range of preparation and performance practice skills. Through the Technique and Repertoire Classes, students will develop a range of skills and approaches which will aid their technical development, and will be given the opportunity to present, perform, and discuss their current repertoire with fellow students as 'work in progress'. Students are expected to further their development of their specialisation in Classical Performance 3A in advance of that achieved in Classical Performance 2B.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6277": {"id": "69fdTbfstKpynItW54XSX", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "id": "alA-HhvMkutPmiPElEBEv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12727, "section": "PF01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 10, "available": 40, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Classical Performance Class"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "vauWnhubic_Br4AdAKGPe", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13663, "section": "WR06", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Woodwind"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 13 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13664, "section": "WR05", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Percussion"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 13 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13665, "section": "WR04", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Guitar"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "22 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "3 May - 17 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13666, "section": "WR03", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Brass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 13 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13667, "section": "WR02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Strings"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 13 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13668, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 4, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Keyboard"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 13 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}]}]}]}, {"association_group": "11", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "id": "OvDni_wH9glDGMYxIr5RO", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10806, "section": "PF02", "size": 50, "enrolled": 4, "available": 46, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Vocal Studies Performance"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "6 May - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "wS1Do1QS30TtPScRlRDak", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13163, "section": "SE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 4, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Vocal Studies Diction and Language"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6278": {"id": "CMydf92GaUPSGVeK-TH0m", "course_id": "108188", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108188", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Classical Performance 3A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSCLASS", "CATALOG_NBR": "3200", "CLASS_NBR": 23712, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSCLASS 2201", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MUSCLASS 3001, MUSCLASS 3100A", "ASSESSMENT": "Performance exam (25 minutes) 60%, Week 6 assessment 10%, Technique and repertoire 20%, Performance class 10%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students undertake intensive 1:1 tuition in their chosen instrument (9 hours per Semester). Students must enrol in the relevant tuition class for their specialisation. Through the study of appropriate repertoire and technical exercises, students will develop their individual technical and musical potential, together with a sound understanding of interpretive principles and performance skills. Students are also expected to undertake a minimum of 10 hours per week of structured individual practice as designated by their instrumental teacher including repertoire study and a wide variety of technical exercises relevant to the student's chosen instrument.\nThrough the Performance Classes, students will be given the opportunity to develop a range of preparation and performance practice skills. Through the Technique and Repertoire Classes, students will develop a range of skills and approaches which will aid their technical development, and will be given the opportunity to present, perform, and discuss their current repertoire with fellow students as 'work in progress'. Students are expected to further their development of their specialisation in Classical Performance 3A in advance of that achieved in Classical Performance 2B.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6279": {"id": "CMydf92GaUPSGVeK-TH0m", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "id": "PxBRWLBZg2qosfBnr8lZh", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20099, "section": "PF01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 2, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Classical Performance Class"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "5WKNRsKEITkJ2zDLEAka_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23712, "section": "WR06", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Woodwind"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "19 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 7 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23713, "section": "WR05", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Percussion"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "19 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 7 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23714, "section": "WR04", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Guitar"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "23 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23715, "section": "WR03", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Brass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "19 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 7 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23716, "section": "WR02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Strings"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23717, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Keyboard"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "19 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 7 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}]}]}]}, {"association_group": "11", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "id": "OVSoRBnNSJV6G0lLqXdmQ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20746, "section": "PF02", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Vocal Studies Performance"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "F-biqpXheo2c5AST4uLMy", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23064, "section": "SE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Vocal Studies Lyric and Diction"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6280": {"id": "7pi60j9dSOFhUOuv1vvnR", "course_id": "108189", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108189", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Classical Performance 3B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSCLASS", "CATALOG_NBR": "3201", "CLASS_NBR": 13669, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSCLASS 3200", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MUSCLASS 3002, MUSCLASS 3100B", "ASSESSMENT": "Performance exam (25 minutes) 60%, Program notes on repertoire (400 words) 10%, Technique and repertoire 20%, Performance class 10%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students undertake intensive 1:1 tuition in their chosen instrument (9 hours per Semester). Students must enrol in the relevant tuition class for their specialisation. Through the study of appropriate repertoire and technical exercises, students will develop their individual technical and musical potential, together with a sound understanding of interpretive principles and performance skills. Students are also expected to undertake a minimum of 10 hours per week of structured individual practice as designated by their instrumental teacher including repertoire study and a wide variety of technical exercises relevant to the student's chosen instrument.\nThrough the Performance Classes, students will be given the opportunity to develop a range of preparation and performance practice skills. Through the Technique and Repertoire Classes, students will develop a range of skills and approaches which will aid their technical development, and will be given the opportunity to present, perform, and discuss their current repertoire with fellow students as 'work in progress'. Students are expected to further their development of their specialisation in Classical Performance 3B in advance of that achieved in Classical Performance 3A. Students are encouraged to further their development of their specialisation in Classical Performance Honours.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6281": {"id": "7pi60j9dSOFhUOuv1vvnR", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "id": "SraqJz_lsfTSjg-8oEkif", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11929, "section": "PF01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 2, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Classical Performance Class"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "nx636PkL2DLGziXjHdXeZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13669, "section": "WR06", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Woodwind"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 13 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13670, "section": "WR05", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Percussion"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 13 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13671, "section": "WR04", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Guitar"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "22 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "3 May - 17 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13672, "section": "WR03", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Brass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 13 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13673, "section": "WR02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Strings"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 13 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13674, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Keyboard"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 13 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}]}]}]}, {"association_group": "11", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "id": "EBVTQcNB4ItIFHZ9EwwlO", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10807, "section": "PF02", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Vocal Studies Performance"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "OTyUioJCtXheCgkLFjmoj", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13164, "section": "SE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Vocal Studies"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6282": {"id": "UgQmTiMbZBayn35-utWkm", "course_id": "108189", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108189", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Classical Performance 3B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSCLASS", "CATALOG_NBR": "3201", "CLASS_NBR": 23718, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSCLASS 3200", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MUSCLASS 3002, MUSCLASS 3100B", "ASSESSMENT": "Performance exam (25 minutes) 60%, Program notes on repertoire (400 words) 10%, Technique and repertoire 20%, Performance class 10%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students undertake intensive 1:1 tuition in their chosen instrument (9 hours per Semester). Students must enrol in the relevant tuition class for their specialisation. Through the study of appropriate repertoire and technical exercises, students will develop their individual technical and musical potential, together with a sound understanding of interpretive principles and performance skills. Students are also expected to undertake a minimum of 10 hours per week of structured individual practice as designated by their instrumental teacher including repertoire study and a wide variety of technical exercises relevant to the student's chosen instrument.\nThrough the Performance Classes, students will be given the opportunity to develop a range of preparation and performance practice skills. Through the Technique and Repertoire Classes, students will develop a range of skills and approaches which will aid their technical development, and will be given the opportunity to present, perform, and discuss their current repertoire with fellow students as 'work in progress'. Students are expected to further their development of their specialisation in Classical Performance 3B in advance of that achieved in Classical Performance 3A. Students are encouraged to further their development of their specialisation in Classical Performance Honours.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6283": {"id": "UgQmTiMbZBayn35-utWkm", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "id": "1MGCOcUTbrSdGxrjz83QF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22535, "section": "PF01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 12, "available": 38, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Classical Performance Class"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "8KJcifqZEQLBHZawMHQiI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23718, "section": "WR06", "size": 20, "enrolled": 4, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Woodwind"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "19 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 7 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23719, "section": "WR05", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Percussion"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "19 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 7 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23720, "section": "WR04", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Guitar"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "23 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23721, "section": "WR03", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Brass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "19 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 7 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23722, "section": "WR02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Strings"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "19 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 7 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23723, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Keyboard"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "19 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 7 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}]}]}]}, {"association_group": "11", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "id": "94DdtBQEPbzoUCLxzsJcg", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20747, "section": "PF02", "size": 50, "enrolled": 1, "available": 49, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Vocal Studies Performance"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "7 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "OZM1W3nctcJeZKKhiqY-B", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23065, "section": "SE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Vocal Studies"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6284": {"id": "wMgHewwqtlVqlkWJRj6fp", "course_id": "108194", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108194", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Classical Performance Advanced 3A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSCLASS", "CATALOG_NBR": "3300", "CLASS_NBR": 13633, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus students only with approval of Course Coordinator", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Outstanding achievement in Level II Classical Performance", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MUSCLASS 3070, MUSCLASS 3100A", "ASSESSMENT": "Performance exam (30 minutes) 60%,Week 6 assessment 10%, Technique and repertoire 20%, Performance class 10%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is available BY PERMISSION ONLY. Entry will be determined on the basis of the pre-entry audition score and instrument sub-quotas. Students will undertake intensive 1:1 tuition in their chosen instrument (14 hours per Semester). Students will further develop their individual technical and musical potential, together with a mature understanding of interpretive principles and performance skills through the study of appropriate repertoire and technical exercises. In consultation with their instrumental teacher, students will also undertake an extended study consisting of either, a discreet set of works designed specifically for technical development, an extended work, or orchestral excerpts relevant to their instrument. Students are also expected to undertake a minimum of 10 hours per week of structured individual practice as designated by their instrumental teacher including repertoire study and a wide variety of technical exercises relevant to the student's chosen instrument. \nThrough the Performance Classes, students will be given the opportunity to develop a range of preparation and performance skills. Through the Technique and Repertoire Classes, students will develop a range of skills and approaches which will aid their technical development, and will be given the opportunity to present, perform and discuss their current repertoire with fellow students as 'work in progress'. Students are expected to further their development of their specialisation in Classical Performance Advanced 3A in advance of that achieved in Classical Performance Advanced 2B.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6285": {"id": "wMgHewwqtlVqlkWJRj6fp", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "id": "y2fWgwrkYuqWUk3sj6bK7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12730, "section": "PF01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 5, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Classical Performance Class"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "oSzq5gBX3mY9S9hLBqDGn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13633, "section": "WR06", "size": 10, "enrolled": 3, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Woodwind"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 13 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13634, "section": "WR05", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Percussion"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 13 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13635, "section": "WR04", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Guitar"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "22 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "3 May - 17 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13636, "section": "WR03", "size": 10, "enrolled": 1, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Brass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 13 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13637, "section": "WR02", "size": 10, "enrolled": 1, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Strings"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 13 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13638, "section": "WR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Keyboard"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 13 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}]}]}]}]}, "6286": {"id": "EU8EK8Qvkeh2bL_0rxovT", "course_id": "108194", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108194", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Classical Performance Advanced 3A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSCLASS", "CATALOG_NBR": "3300", "CLASS_NBR": 23682, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus students only with approval of Course Coordinator", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Outstanding achievement in Level II Classical Performance", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MUSCLASS 3070, MUSCLASS 3100A", "ASSESSMENT": "Performance exam (30 minutes) 60%,Week 6 assessment 10%, Technique and repertoire 20%, Performance class 10%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is available BY PERMISSION ONLY. Entry will be determined on the basis of the pre-entry audition score and instrument sub-quotas. Students will undertake intensive 1:1 tuition in their chosen instrument (14 hours per Semester). Students will further develop their individual technical and musical potential, together with a mature understanding of interpretive principles and performance skills through the study of appropriate repertoire and technical exercises. In consultation with their instrumental teacher, students will also undertake an extended study consisting of either, a discreet set of works designed specifically for technical development, an extended work, or orchestral excerpts relevant to their instrument. Students are also expected to undertake a minimum of 10 hours per week of structured individual practice as designated by their instrumental teacher including repertoire study and a wide variety of technical exercises relevant to the student's chosen instrument. \nThrough the Performance Classes, students will be given the opportunity to develop a range of preparation and performance skills. Through the Technique and Repertoire Classes, students will develop a range of skills and approaches which will aid their technical development, and will be given the opportunity to present, perform and discuss their current repertoire with fellow students as 'work in progress'. Students are expected to further their development of their specialisation in Classical Performance Advanced 3A in advance of that achieved in Classical Performance Advanced 2B.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6287": {"id": "EU8EK8Qvkeh2bL_0rxovT", "class_list": [{"association_group": "", "groups": []}]}, "6288": {"id": "2OVN2rUT0g6UKcPD4f0Dh", "course_id": "108195", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108195", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Classical Performance Advanced 3B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSCLASS", "CATALOG_NBR": "3301", "CLASS_NBR": 13639, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus students only with approval of Course Coordinator", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Outstanding achievement at Level II Classical Performance", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MUSCLASS 3071, MUSCLASS 3100B", "ASSESSMENT": "Performance exam (35 minutes) 60%, Completed portfolio 10%, Technique and repertoire 20%, Performance class 10%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is available BY PERMISSION ONLY. Entry will be determined on the basis of the pre-entry audition score and instrument sub-quotas. Students will undertake intensive 1:1 tuition in their chosen instrument (14 hours per semester). Students will further develop their individual technical and musical potential, together with a mature understanding of interpretive principles and performance skills through the study of appropriate repertoire and technical exercises. In consultation with their instrumental teacher, students will also undertake an extended study consisting of either, a discreet set of works designed specifically for technical development, an extended work, or orchestral excerpts relevant to their instrument. Students are also expected to undertake a minimum of 10 hours per week of structured individual practice as designated by their instrumental teacher including repertoire study and a wide variety of technical exercises relevant to the student's chosen instrument.\nThrough the Performance Classes, students will be given the opportunity to develop a range of preparation and performance skills. Through the Technique and Repertoire Classes, students will develop a range of skills and approaches which will aid their technical development, and will be given the opportunity to present, perform and discuss their current repertoire with fellow students as 'work in progress'. Students are expected to further their development of their specialisation in Classical Performance Advanced 3B in advance of that achieved in Classical Performance Advanced 3A.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6289": {"id": "2OVN2rUT0g6UKcPD4f0Dh", "class_list": [{"association_group": "", "groups": []}]}, "6290": {"id": "98ewIs1xr0vNH9hYZKgtV", "course_id": "108195", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108195", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Classical Performance Advanced 3B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSCLASS", "CATALOG_NBR": "3301", "CLASS_NBR": 23688, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus students only with approval of Course Coordinator", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Outstanding achievement at Level II Classical Performance", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MUSCLASS 3071, MUSCLASS 3100B", "ASSESSMENT": "Performance exam (35 minutes) 60%, Completed portfolio 10%, Technique and repertoire 20%, Performance class 10%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is available BY PERMISSION ONLY. Entry will be determined on the basis of the pre-entry audition score and instrument sub-quotas. Students will undertake intensive 1:1 tuition in their chosen instrument (14 hours per semester). Students will further develop their individual technical and musical potential, together with a mature understanding of interpretive principles and performance skills through the study of appropriate repertoire and technical exercises. In consultation with their instrumental teacher, students will also undertake an extended study consisting of either, a discreet set of works designed specifically for technical development, an extended work, or orchestral excerpts relevant to their instrument. Students are also expected to undertake a minimum of 10 hours per week of structured individual practice as designated by their instrumental teacher including repertoire study and a wide variety of technical exercises relevant to the student's chosen instrument.\nThrough the Performance Classes, students will be given the opportunity to develop a range of preparation and performance skills. Through the Technique and Repertoire Classes, students will develop a range of skills and approaches which will aid their technical development, and will be given the opportunity to present, perform and discuss their current repertoire with fellow students as 'work in progress'. Students are expected to further their development of their specialisation in Classical Performance Advanced 3B in advance of that achieved in Classical Performance Advanced 3A.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6291": {"id": "98ewIs1xr0vNH9hYZKgtV", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "id": "GE6Lnecf4oxHH0Ne_5vme", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22539, "section": "PF01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 5, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Classical Performance Class"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "zIzfPwlg0hflW34FVvnKC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23688, "section": "WR06", "size": 10, "enrolled": 2, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Woodwind"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "19 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 7 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23689, "section": "WR05", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Percussion"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "19 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 7 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23690, "section": "WR04", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Guitar"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "23 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23691, "section": "WR03", "size": 10, "enrolled": 2, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Brass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "19 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 7 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23692, "section": "WR02", "size": 10, "enrolled": 1, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Strings"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "19 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 7 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23693, "section": "WR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Technique and Repertoire - Keyboard"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "19 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 7 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}]}]}]}]}, "6292": {"subject": "MUSCOMP", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "106587", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106587", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106588", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106588", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109546", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109546", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109547", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109547", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108242", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106792", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106792", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106793", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106793", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109479", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109479", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109480", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109480", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108243", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108218", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107250", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107250", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107251", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107251", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109481", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109481", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109482", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109482", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108295", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108219", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "6293": {"id": "B-UmoiXcHtmCrXOqDGiZE", "course_id": "106587", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106587", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Composition 1A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSCOMP", "CATALOG_NBR": "1001", "CLASS_NBR": 15126, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus, BCtveArts students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP 1001, COMP 1500A/B", "ASSESSMENT": "Oral Presentation 30%, Creative Portfolio 70%.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course develops skills in the fundamentals of composition and expands knowledge of styles, structures, notation and score presentation. Composition seminar has a focus on technical studies in compositional methods and analysis.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6294": {"id": "B-UmoiXcHtmCrXOqDGiZE", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "S_e6EzS_55MbEyK2P5cFa", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15126, "section": "SE01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 4, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6295": {"id": "3MVDLniPQYP7mup-jndwd", "course_id": "106587", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106587", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Composition 1A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSCOMP", "CATALOG_NBR": "1001", "CLASS_NBR": 22113, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus, BCtveArts students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP 1001, COMP 1500A/B", "ASSESSMENT": "Oral Presentation 30%, Creative Portfolio 70%.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course develops skills in the fundamentals of composition and expands knowledge of styles, structures, notation and score presentation. Composition seminar has a focus on technical studies in compositional methods and analysis.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6296": {"id": "3MVDLniPQYP7mup-jndwd", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "cftt6sTg3dnGbHCbgB_ct", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22113, "section": "SE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "7 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}]}]}]}, "6297": {"id": "fBskHdYGwMmN997RbY5Lw", "course_id": "106588", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106588", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Composition 1B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSCOMP", "CATALOG_NBR": "1002", "CLASS_NBR": 12188, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus, BCtveArts students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSCOMP 1001", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP 1001, COMP 1500A/B", "ASSESSMENT": "Oral presentation 30%, Creative Portfolio 70%.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course develops skills in the fundamentals of composition and expands knowledge of styles, structures, notation and score presentation. Composition seminar has a focus on technical studies in compositional methods and analysis.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6298": {"id": "fBskHdYGwMmN997RbY5Lw", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "b_JMUIJhuJzFkOTVpVxOi", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12188, "section": "SE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6299": {"id": "VX_bfy50wKkqgiVie2UaD", "course_id": "106588", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106588", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Composition 1B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSCOMP", "CATALOG_NBR": "1002", "CLASS_NBR": 24990, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus, BCtveArts students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSCOMP 1001", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "COMP 1001, COMP 1500A/B", "ASSESSMENT": "Oral presentation 30%, Creative Portfolio 70%.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course develops skills in the fundamentals of composition and expands knowledge of styles, structures, notation and score presentation. Composition seminar has a focus on technical studies in compositional methods and analysis.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6300": {"id": "VX_bfy50wKkqgiVie2UaD", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "P_yqGmZoWvLgZ48SG9TiD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24990, "section": "SE01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 4, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}]}]}]}, "6301": {"id": "H_K9yo3XMnEYx8yashMSn", "course_id": "109546", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109546", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Composition Advanced 1A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSCOMP", "CATALOG_NBR": "1010", "CLASS_NBR": 12002, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus(Adv) students only by audition/interview", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Oral presentation 30%, Creative portfolio 70%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This BMus Advanced course at level 1A aims to develop skills in the practice of musical composition and seeks gradually to expand the student's knowledge of styles, structures, notation, and score presentation. The weekly composition seminar is equivalent to the parallel 'Technique and Repertoire' classes for performance students and addresses matters of compositional technique in relation to significant works from the repertoire. The student's own creative work is nurtured through weekly individual lessons with a specialist composition teacher.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6302": {"id": "H_K9yo3XMnEYx8yashMSn", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "cn9MsmVbO6CpNPQSXwKLO", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12002, "section": "SE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6303": {"id": "2zYTQVLDcabfZafNTBNi1", "course_id": "109546", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109546", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Composition Advanced 1A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSCOMP", "CATALOG_NBR": "1010", "CLASS_NBR": 20693, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus(Adv) students only by audition/interview", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Oral presentation 30%, Creative portfolio 70%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This BMus Advanced course at level 1A aims to develop skills in the practice of musical composition and seeks gradually to expand the student's knowledge of styles, structures, notation, and score presentation. The weekly composition seminar is equivalent to the parallel 'Technique and Repertoire' classes for performance students and addresses matters of compositional technique in relation to significant works from the repertoire. The student's own creative work is nurtured through weekly individual lessons with a specialist composition teacher.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6304": {"id": "2zYTQVLDcabfZafNTBNi1", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "ND8XT55azwIDzFFJlmXpc", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20693, "section": "SE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}]}]}]}, "6305": {"id": "nIWpvId6yj1aWhjaw-C7i", "course_id": "109547", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109547", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Composition Advanced 1B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSCOMP", "CATALOG_NBR": "1011", "CLASS_NBR": 10081, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus(Adv) students only by audition/interview", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSCOMP 1010", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Oral presentation 30%, Creative portfolio 70%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This BMus Advanced course at level 1B aims to develop skills in the practice of musical composition and seeks gradually to expand the student's knowledge of styles, structures, notation, and score presentation. The weekly composition seminar is equivalent to the parallel 'Technique and Repertoire' classes for performance students and addresses matters of compositional technique in relation to significant works from the repertoire. The student's own creative work is nurtured through weekly individual lessons with a specialist composition teacher.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6306": {"id": "nIWpvId6yj1aWhjaw-C7i", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "uCZSG8ivOGl4xw49fhXtf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10081, "section": "SE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6307": {"id": "Y2b2p2CIyMn9yepUTbWiB", "course_id": "109547", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109547", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Composition Advanced 1B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSCOMP", "CATALOG_NBR": "1011", "CLASS_NBR": 21973, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus(Adv) students only by audition/interview", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSCOMP 1010", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Oral presentation 30%, Creative portfolio 70%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This BMus Advanced course at level 1B aims to develop skills in the practice of musical composition and seeks gradually to expand the student's knowledge of styles, structures, notation, and score presentation. The weekly composition seminar is equivalent to the parallel 'Technique and Repertoire' classes for performance students and addresses matters of compositional technique in relation to significant works from the repertoire. The student's own creative work is nurtured through weekly individual lessons with a specialist composition teacher.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6308": {"id": "Y2b2p2CIyMn9yepUTbWiB", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "o3z9gLhxCPoNF0_G5Mhzp", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21973, "section": "SE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 1, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}]}]}]}, "6309": {"id": "IBtnwqTD7e-JAc7SWOia6", "course_id": "108242", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108242", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Orchestration 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSCOMP", "CATALOG_NBR": "1100", "CLASS_NBR": 14371, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Ability to read music notation", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MUSCOMP 2310", "ASSESSMENT": "2 x In class tests 25% each, major project 50%.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Orchestration 1 is designed primarily with the needs of composers in mind, and is a required course for students majoring in Musical Composition. The primary focus of this Level 1 course is on matters of Instrumentation, with the subtleties of orchestration, per se, being reserved for levels 2 and 3. The characteristics and capabilities of all the instruments from the European orchestral tradition will be examined, explained and demonstrated. Attention will be given to the ways of writing idiomatically for each instrument and instrumental family.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6310": {"id": "IBtnwqTD7e-JAc7SWOia6", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "qcRRwXwHxVpKPlKNF-v5S", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10700, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 7, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "dwdQ9oNwDEsttCQV4-KPm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14371, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 7, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}]}]}]}, "6311": {"id": "hRMYIf7CvEUEJgnEtsqf5", "course_id": "106792", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106792", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Composition 2A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSCOMP", "CATALOG_NBR": "2001", "CLASS_NBR": 10690, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus, BCtveArts students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSCOMP 1002", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Oral Presentation 30%, Creative Portfolio 70%.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The composition course seeks to develop advanced skills in a broad range of stylistic approaches for composing music primarily in the classical tradition. A comprehensive study of the artistic, theoretical and practical dimensions of music composition is delivered in a variety of modes including individual tuition and tutorial. The course covers the traditional framework of music composition including form, harmony, counterpoint, orchestration, notation and text setting, along with studies in aesthetics, contemporary media and music technology. Opportunities are provided for ensemble performance and interdisciplinary experience in the areas of film, dance and theatre. Attention is given to the practical, vocational aspects of creative music making and the course seeks to develop composers who are technically well equipped in both traditional and modern compositional practice.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6312": {"id": "hRMYIf7CvEUEJgnEtsqf5", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "1jYtkJsmBpIaaVgPyvdQQ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10690, "section": "SE01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 7, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6313": {"id": "d7F_9Vv8IHX2Rq2jgpDmr", "course_id": "106792", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106792", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Composition 2A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSCOMP", "CATALOG_NBR": "2001", "CLASS_NBR": 22114, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus, BCtveArts students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSCOMP 1002", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Oral Presentation 30%, Creative Portfolio 70%.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The composition course seeks to develop advanced skills in a broad range of stylistic approaches for composing music primarily in the classical tradition. A comprehensive study of the artistic, theoretical and practical dimensions of music composition is delivered in a variety of modes including individual tuition and tutorial. The course covers the traditional framework of music composition including form, harmony, counterpoint, orchestration, notation and text setting, along with studies in aesthetics, contemporary media and music technology. Opportunities are provided for ensemble performance and interdisciplinary experience in the areas of film, dance and theatre. Attention is given to the practical, vocational aspects of creative music making and the course seeks to develop composers who are technically well equipped in both traditional and modern compositional practice.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6314": {"id": "d7F_9Vv8IHX2Rq2jgpDmr", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "6md8a0Emz9s7kp9L8b399", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22114, "section": "SE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}]}]}]}, "6315": {"id": "H-7XPSzLUHjr2M-OtVDB5", "course_id": "106793", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106793", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Composition 2B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSCOMP", "CATALOG_NBR": "2002", "CLASS_NBR": 12189, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus, BCtveArts students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSCOMP 2001", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Oral presentation 30%, Creative Portfolio 70%.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The composition course seeks to develop advanced skills in a broad range of stylistic approaches for composing music primarily in the classical tradition. A comprehensive study of the artistic, theoretical and practical dimensions of music composition is delivered in a variety of modes including individual tuition and tutorial. The course covers the traditional framework of music composition including form, harmony, counterpoint, orchestration, notation and text setting, along with studies in aesthetics, contemporary media and music technology. Opportunities are provided for ensemble performance and interdisciplinary experience in the areas of film, dance and theatre. Attention is given to the practical, vocational aspects of creative music making and the course seeks to develop composers who are technically well equipped in both traditional and modern compositional practice.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6316": {"id": "H-7XPSzLUHjr2M-OtVDB5", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "Xiv0OCNOTr3AZAItfnEBs", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12189, "section": "SE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6317": {"id": "dCdu9qMC6TnpswiL-sWle", "course_id": "106793", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106793", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Composition 2B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSCOMP", "CATALOG_NBR": "2002", "CLASS_NBR": 20620, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus, BCtveArts students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSCOMP 2001", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Oral presentation 30%, Creative Portfolio 70%.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The composition course seeks to develop advanced skills in a broad range of stylistic approaches for composing music primarily in the classical tradition. A comprehensive study of the artistic, theoretical and practical dimensions of music composition is delivered in a variety of modes including individual tuition and tutorial. The course covers the traditional framework of music composition including form, harmony, counterpoint, orchestration, notation and text setting, along with studies in aesthetics, contemporary media and music technology. Opportunities are provided for ensemble performance and interdisciplinary experience in the areas of film, dance and theatre. Attention is given to the practical, vocational aspects of creative music making and the course seeks to develop composers who are technically well equipped in both traditional and modern compositional practice.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6318": {"id": "dCdu9qMC6TnpswiL-sWle", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "8m0BVAh3aGIitQ5nnq-EX", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20620, "section": "SE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 7, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}]}]}]}, "6319": {"id": "dI6GyUXXbyd0Itg-Xl6bO", "course_id": "109479", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109479", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Composition Advanced 2A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSCOMP", "CATALOG_NBR": "2010", "CLASS_NBR": 12003, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus(Adv) students only with approval of Course Coordinator", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSCOMP 1011 or outstanding level demonstrated at audition/interview sufficient to justify direct entry to Level II", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Oral presentation 30%, Creative portfolio 70%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6320": {"id": "dI6GyUXXbyd0Itg-Xl6bO", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "O9fJs1eRHgd8gDyh1ix6i", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12003, "section": "SE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6321": {"id": "aosF4270pNCKcgc8FaJ5s", "course_id": "109479", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109479", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Composition Advanced 2A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSCOMP", "CATALOG_NBR": "2010", "CLASS_NBR": 20387, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus(Adv) students only with approval of Course Coordinator", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSCOMP 1011 or outstanding level demonstrated at audition/interview sufficient to justify direct entry to Level II", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Oral presentation 30%, Creative portfolio 70%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6322": {"id": "aosF4270pNCKcgc8FaJ5s", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "l2a6FMyXzYu661SGltPD2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20387, "section": "SE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}]}]}]}, "6323": {"id": "BR7SzQOTSh4a8Irff0Wnt", "course_id": "109480", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109480", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Composition Advanced 2B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSCOMP", "CATALOG_NBR": "2011", "CLASS_NBR": 10430, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus (Adv) students only \u2013 by permission including audition/interview", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSCOMP 2010", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Oral presentation 30%, Creative portfolio 70%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This BMus Advanced course at level 2B aims to develop skills in the practice of musical composition and seeks gradually to expand the student\u2019s knowledge of styles, structures, notation, and score presentation. The weekly composition seminar is equivalent to the parallel \u201cTechnique and Repertoire\u201d classes for performance students and addresses matters of compositional technique in relation to significant works from the repertoire. The student\u2019s own creative work is nurtured through weekly individual lessons with a specialist composition teacher. At the second year level it is expected that the creative works will be longer and musically more developed than those submitted during the first year.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6324": {"id": "BR7SzQOTSh4a8Irff0Wnt", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "XKLrqW-WvV-Fd3eesdo5B", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10430, "section": "SE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6325": {"id": "mDMH2uhMyhjal8rTrmVC1", "course_id": "109480", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109480", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Composition Advanced 2B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSCOMP", "CATALOG_NBR": "2011", "CLASS_NBR": 21967, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus (Adv) students only \u2013 by permission including audition/interview", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSCOMP 2010", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Oral presentation 30%, Creative portfolio 70%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This BMus Advanced course at level 2B aims to develop skills in the practice of musical composition and seeks gradually to expand the student\u2019s knowledge of styles, structures, notation, and score presentation. The weekly composition seminar is equivalent to the parallel \u201cTechnique and Repertoire\u201d classes for performance students and addresses matters of compositional technique in relation to significant works from the repertoire. The student\u2019s own creative work is nurtured through weekly individual lessons with a specialist composition teacher. At the second year level it is expected that the creative works will be longer and musically more developed than those submitted during the first year.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6326": {"id": "mDMH2uhMyhjal8rTrmVC1", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "pnjBtw_HNm5S8h9o1glOZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21967, "section": "SE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}]}]}]}, "6327": {"id": "L00K_aYXe-yJBnZLX6rDx", "course_id": "108243", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108243", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Orchestration 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSCOMP", "CATALOG_NBR": "2100", "CLASS_NBR": 24309, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus, BCtveArts students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 12 units of Level I Music courses", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Ideally students will have completed Orchestration 1 before taking Orchestration 2. If not there is an expectation of assumed knowledge equivalent to Orchestration 1 (instrument ranges, transposing instruments, score layout).", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MUSCOMP 2310", "ASSESSMENT": "Take home paper 1 - 50% and Take home paper 2 - 50%.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Orchestration 2 is a second semester course building on the skills and knowledge about Instrumentation developed in Orchestration 1. The course addresses the knowledge and skills required to arrange for a classical-sized orchestra of essentially double woodwind configuration. The course will be delivered in weekly two-hour sessions in which the first hour will consist of lecture-style presentation of works from the orchestral repertory (via scores are recordings) followed by a second hour of tutorial format in which students will complete exercises in orchestration. These exercises will involve: reduction from full score to short score; orchestration from short score to full score. The tutorials will include tutor review and peer review of the exercises. The stylistic range of the examples used will be from Haydn and Mozart to Brahms and beyond.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6328": {"id": "L00K_aYXe-yJBnZLX6rDx", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "MX3ns6NpXpqvPWrzG7KUx", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20625, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 13, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "fXYpIyUTcKsqYiGeexG2E", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24309, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 13, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}]}]}]}, "6329": {"id": "2yimmGXPv7Okvjc4rNXgk", "course_id": "108218", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108218", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Music Analysis 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSCOMP", "CATALOG_NBR": "2101", "CLASS_NBR": 10429, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus, BCtveArts students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSSUPST 1001, MUSSUPST 1002", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Structural Segmentation 20%, Schenkerian Graph 30%, Analytical Project 50%.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Music Analysis 2 is designed primarily with the needs of composers in mind, and is a requirement for students majoring in musical composition. It is also available as a BMus elective and covers concepts that are relevant to performers (in the classical and jazz traditions), musicologists and others. At Level 2 the focus is on tonal music and analytical methods that can assist an understanding of how tonal music operates. Each two-hour session will be divided with the first hour consisting of lecture-style explanation of techniques and methods, and the second hour devoted to student-centred analytical exercises on pieces drawn from the classical repertory. The overall approach is empirical (in that it takes key works from the classical repertoire as the primary material and points of departure) rather than theoretical (as a defence of any particular theory or analytical method).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6330": {"id": "2yimmGXPv7Okvjc4rNXgk", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "4T873UOUmTj13hkvyMrvQ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10428, "section": "LE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 8, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "VNVizfByeNWGgZKZbnP4F", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10429, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 8, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}]}]}]}, "6331": {"id": "vFrGjav5fR4FG4XgbWI5B", "course_id": "107250", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107250", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Composition 3A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSCOMP", "CATALOG_NBR": "3001", "CLASS_NBR": 10963, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus, BCtveArts students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSCOMP 2002", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Oral Presentation 30%, Creative Portfolio 70%.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The composition course seeks to develop advanced skills in a broad range of stylistic approaches for composing music primarily in the classical tradition. A comprehensive study of the artistic, theoretical and practical dimensions of music composition is delivered in a variety of modes including individual tuition and tutorial. The course covers the traditional framework of music composition including form, harmony, counterpoint, orchestration, notation and text setting, along with studies in aesthetics, contemporary media and music technology. Opportunities are provided for ensemble performance and interdisciplinary experience in the areas of film, dance and theatre. Attention is given to the practical, vocational aspects of creative music making and the course seeks to develop composers who are technically well equipped in both traditional and modern compositional practice.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6332": {"id": "vFrGjav5fR4FG4XgbWI5B", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "kH7nLgleVcEZRhyEbk7zn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10963, "section": "SE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 7, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6333": {"id": "NCH14cnpe9XZmZxjBMiG3", "course_id": "107250", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107250", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Composition 3A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSCOMP", "CATALOG_NBR": "3001", "CLASS_NBR": 22115, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus, BCtveArts students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSCOMP 2002", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Oral Presentation 30%, Creative Portfolio 70%.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The composition course seeks to develop advanced skills in a broad range of stylistic approaches for composing music primarily in the classical tradition. A comprehensive study of the artistic, theoretical and practical dimensions of music composition is delivered in a variety of modes including individual tuition and tutorial. The course covers the traditional framework of music composition including form, harmony, counterpoint, orchestration, notation and text setting, along with studies in aesthetics, contemporary media and music technology. Opportunities are provided for ensemble performance and interdisciplinary experience in the areas of film, dance and theatre. Attention is given to the practical, vocational aspects of creative music making and the course seeks to develop composers who are technically well equipped in both traditional and modern compositional practice.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6334": {"id": "NCH14cnpe9XZmZxjBMiG3", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "Xr7UDM8SwGJ6wsQuHeFZ5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22115, "section": "SE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}]}]}]}, "6335": {"id": "DdWyaV-8dua_BEYdrMm-1", "course_id": "107251", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107251", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Composition 3B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSCOMP", "CATALOG_NBR": "3002", "CLASS_NBR": 12190, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus, BCtveArts students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSCOMP 3001", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Oral presentation 30%, Creative Portfolio 70%.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The composition course seeks to develop advanced skills in a broad range of stylistic approaches for composing music primarily in the classical tradition. A comprehensive study of the artistic, theoretical and practical dimensions of music composition is delivered in a variety of modes including individual tuition and tutorial. The course covers the traditional framework of music composition including form, harmony, counterpoint, orchestration, notation and text setting, along with studies in aesthetics, contemporary media and music technology. Opportunities are provided for ensemble performance and interdisciplinary experience in the areas of film, dance and theatre. Attention is given to the practical, vocational aspects of creative music making and the course seeks to develop composers who are technically well equipped in both traditional and modern compositional practice.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6336": {"id": "DdWyaV-8dua_BEYdrMm-1", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "8Qzx1DDMhtxXTXcocM8WY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12190, "section": "SE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6337": {"id": "VKidFRIObas-BQE-ojZaM", "course_id": "107251", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107251", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Composition 3B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSCOMP", "CATALOG_NBR": "3002", "CLASS_NBR": 20854, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus, BCtveArts students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSCOMP 3001", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Oral presentation 30%, Creative Portfolio 70%.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The composition course seeks to develop advanced skills in a broad range of stylistic approaches for composing music primarily in the classical tradition. A comprehensive study of the artistic, theoretical and practical dimensions of music composition is delivered in a variety of modes including individual tuition and tutorial. The course covers the traditional framework of music composition including form, harmony, counterpoint, orchestration, notation and text setting, along with studies in aesthetics, contemporary media and music technology. Opportunities are provided for ensemble performance and interdisciplinary experience in the areas of film, dance and theatre. Attention is given to the practical, vocational aspects of creative music making and the course seeks to develop composers who are technically well equipped in both traditional and modern compositional practice.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6338": {"id": "VKidFRIObas-BQE-ojZaM", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "GIMtOHDI9-0c7zfgJZa_W", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20854, "section": "SE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 6, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}]}]}]}, "6339": {"id": "TlJ2T3F7qsYeVpUMNko25", "course_id": "109481", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109481", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Composition Advanced 3A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSCOMP", "CATALOG_NBR": "3010", "CLASS_NBR": 12004, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus (Adv) students only \u2013 by permission including audition/interview", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSCOMP 2011", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Oral presentation 30%, Creative portfolio 70%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6340": {"id": "TlJ2T3F7qsYeVpUMNko25", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "lenIpWMBVl_nz4-NA72aQ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12004, "section": "SE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 3, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6341": {"id": "lb6Pi4lFrX3OCB8CnaFfU", "course_id": "109481", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109481", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Composition Advanced 3A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSCOMP", "CATALOG_NBR": "3010", "CLASS_NBR": 20388, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus (Adv) students only \u2013 by permission including audition/interview", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSCOMP 2011", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Oral presentation 30%, Creative portfolio 70%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6342": {"id": "lb6Pi4lFrX3OCB8CnaFfU", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "C7v83E8ectr-XKBzgj227", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20388, "section": "SE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}]}]}]}, "6343": {"id": "-1NNKJ-qgTgRBtCA4Xznv", "course_id": "109482", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109482", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Composition Advanced 3B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSCOMP", "CATALOG_NBR": "3011", "CLASS_NBR": 10431, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus (Adv) students only \u2013 by permission including audition/interview", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSCOMP 3010", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Oral presentation 30%, Creative portfolio 70%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6344": {"id": "-1NNKJ-qgTgRBtCA4Xznv", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "aedT-KgAVzD0i5K77v64F", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10431, "section": "SE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6345": {"id": "k3nhtExKtG_8c6_kiZszB", "course_id": "109482", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109482", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Composition Advanced 3B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSCOMP", "CATALOG_NBR": "3011", "CLASS_NBR": 21968, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus (Adv) students only \u2013 by permission including audition/interview", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSCOMP 3010", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Oral presentation 30%, Creative portfolio 70%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6346": {"id": "k3nhtExKtG_8c6_kiZszB", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "otZbqxvZ-tSBZK6HbEiX6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21968, "section": "SE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 2, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}]}]}]}, "6347": {"id": "_EVJDqJWvv9akYZ53NwC4", "course_id": "108295", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108295", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Orchestration 3", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSCOMP", "CATALOG_NBR": "3100", "CLASS_NBR": 13132, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus, BCtveArts students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Ideally students will have completed Orchestration 2 before taking Orchestration 3. If not there is an expectation of assumed knowledge equivalent to Orchestration 2.", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MUSCOMP 2310", "ASSESSMENT": "Take home paper 1, 50%, Take home paper 2, 50%.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Orchestration 3 is a second semester course building on the skills and knowledge about Instrumentation developed in Orchestration 2. The course addresses the knowledge and skills required to arrange for larger orchestral forces. The course will be delivered in weekly two-hour sessions in which the first hour will consist of lecture-style presentation of works from the orchestral repertory (via scores are recordings) followed by a second hour of tutorial format in which students will complete exercises in orchestration. These exercises will involve: reduction from full score to short score; orchestration from short score to full score. The tutorials will include tutor review and peer review of the exercises. The stylistic range of the examples will extend from the late romantic repertoire through to the present day.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6348": {"id": "_EVJDqJWvv9akYZ53NwC4", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "QSrsZTJFzXXrhW1cimjQu", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13131, "section": "LE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 8, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "FmIqnfkG8DWVl2dN-eKqc", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13132, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 8, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}]}]}]}, "6349": {"id": "o-66T_wsVkmFtH9DyqVE-", "course_id": "108219", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108219", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Music Analysis 3", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSCOMP", "CATALOG_NBR": "3101", "CLASS_NBR": 24308, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus, BCtveArts students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSSUPST 2001, MUSSUPST 2002", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Pitch-class set analysis 20%, Serial analysis 30%, Analytical project 50%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Music Analysis 3 is designed primarily with the needs of composers in mind, and is a requirement for students majoring in musical composition. It is also available as a BMus elective and covers concepts that are relevant to performers (in the classical and jazz traditions), musicologists and others. At Level 3 the focus is on post-tonal, non-tonal and atonal music, together with the analytical methods that can assist an understanding of how such music operates. Each two-hour session will be divided with the first hour consisting of lecture-style explanation of techniques and methods, and the second hour devoted to student-centred analytical exercises on pieces drawn from the classical (twentieth century) repertory. The overall approach is empirical (in that it takes key works from the repertoire as the primary material and points of departure) rather than theoretical (as a defence of any particular theory or analytical method).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6350": {"id": "o-66T_wsVkmFtH9DyqVE-", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "bw2_q5PrgofuHady5a2w7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24307, "section": "LE01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 8, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "kmg9A_wW5PpZ2lt66ttbZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24308, "section": "WR01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 8, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}]}]}]}, "6351": {"subject": "MUSEP", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "109239", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109240", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109241", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109242", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109243", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109244", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109245", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109246", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109247", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109732", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109732", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109735", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109735", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109736", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109736", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109737", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109737", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109738", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109738", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109741", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109741", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109743", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109743", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "6352": {"id": "fBR4oWv76I7AA3bFVBvXM", "course_id": "109239", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109239", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Foundations of Music Education 1A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSEP", "CATALOG_NBR": "1101", "CLASS_NBR": 10697, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Ability to read musical notation and participate in instrumental music making/singing", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Teaching materials task 30%, Article review and class presentation 30%, Seminar participation 10%, 1000 word essay 30%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces students to the essential principles and founding skills underlying music education in the 21st century. Students learn how to advocate for the importance of music education and explore the benefits that music education can offer to the community. Students develop their core music teaching skills through study of key educational resource materials, and begin to build their own folio of sequential learning plans. Theoretical principles of music learning are introduced, and the role of music education in child development and adolescence is discussed. The impact of music education upon child development is examined, along with the relationship between music and the brain. The value of singing in all forms of music education is explored and the concepts of general musicianship are established.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6353": {"id": "fBR4oWv76I7AA3bFVBvXM", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "ZoF5zf2tKA2zDX9qvL4rD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10697, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 13, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "Qu_xG-dE0OX1HZzPtUgN7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10530, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 13, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "14 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6354": {"id": "4vYmabHZpaKKmrffcESrE", "course_id": "109240", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109240", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Foundations of Music Education 1B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSEP", "CATALOG_NBR": "1102", "CLASS_NBR": 20622, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Ability to read musical notation and participate in instrumental music making/singing", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Improvisation and composition resource folio 30%, Teaching materials assignment and class presentation 30%, Seminar participation 10%, 1500 word essay 30%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course further develops understanding of key skills and principles underlying 21st century music education. Students will explore the importance of creative processes, including improvisation and composition, in music education. Students will learn how sequentially structured creative learning activities can be introduced in both studio instrumental and classroom teaching, for students of all ages and abilities. Students will engage in practical, creative musical activities in order to develop their understanding of creative processes as well as develop their own confidence in creative music making. Relevant research literature will be analysed and discussed to deepen understanding of the benefits of including creativity in music education, and to understand the historical background of this area. Educational psychological principles, particularly in regard to motivation and practising, will be further explored. The key educational methodologies widely used in the profession will be analysed, including Kodaly, Orff, Dalcroze, Suzuki and Yamaha. Students will learn about the key philosophies and aims of each methodology, as well as exploring lesson activities and plans linked to each method. Through this course students will strengthen their own creative abilities, diversify their skill set and further develop their folio of teaching materials.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6355": {"id": "4vYmabHZpaKKmrffcESrE", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "XBYLrQYHONYVRNUCWLPgL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20622, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 11, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "mJ6DLmOI75jiR07O12_pW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20476, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 11, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6356": {"id": "YSS2k1ZEvH4X211N0M8lk", "course_id": "109241", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109241", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Music Education Performance Studies 1A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSEP", "CATALOG_NBR": "1103", "CLASS_NBR": 11559, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to B.Mus and B.Teach/B.Mus students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Ability to read musical notation and participate in instrumental music making/ singing", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MUSCLASS 1200, MUSCLASS 1300, MUSCLASS 1400, MUSCOMP 1100, MUSJAZZ 1001, MUSJAZZ 1070, MUSPMACT 1201, MUSONIC 1210", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment tasks relevant to individual specialisation 50%, Assessment of ensemble participation 50%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course immerses music education students into the wealth of performance activities offered by the Conservatorium. Students will combine specialised training in their area of choice with ensemble experience in one of the Conservatorium's ensembles. Students will extend and develop their individual skills as musicians, will learn professional expectations of musicianship and will develop their own voice as performers and artistic communicators. Through involvement in rehearsals in which students gain experience with professional ensemble directors, students will develop effective practising strategies, rehearsal discipline and creative approaches to problem solving. Students will gain an understanding of the importance of teamwork, an awareness of professional standards and expectations, and be given opportunities to build effective working relationships with colleagues. Central to the course is a focus on professional standards and expectations.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6357": {"id": "YSS2k1ZEvH4X211N0M8lk", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "nKTWzTqhWwfUxCcYBdld4", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18672, "section": "01NT", "size": 30, "enrolled": 11, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "You MUST enrol in this component if you are in one of the following specialisations: Classical Performance, Classical Voice, Jazz Performance. This component is linked to your 1:1 lessons."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Rehearsal", "id": "j5qnuYaoX3HceFZ2h24VC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18722, "section": "RSL0", "size": 30, "enrolled": 11, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Rehearsal"}]}]}, {"association_group": "11", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "1AzFSAAd7kxWuH7En8ZDB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18673, "section": "02NT", "size": 30, "enrolled": 0, "available": 30, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Sonic Arts students enrol in this class"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "VY9JcJNhRNqCpahDs8BlT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11164, "section": "WR04", "size": 30, "enrolled": 0, "available": 30, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Sonic Arts Workshop"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "2 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "ZyMXx38eVR5cWWWivgxe0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15383, "section": "TU01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Sonic Arts tutorial"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "9urmOrnKwh9jp3LqFXkzD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18684, "section": "SEM0", "size": 30, "enrolled": 0, "available": 30, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}, {"association_group": "12", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "42Vv5fudbbsU5Xbwerl5a", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18674, "section": "03NT", "size": 30, "enrolled": 2, "available": 28, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Popular Music students enrol in this class"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "FWmsMoqt3VQb2qk0eBj5B", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11154, "section": "TU12", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Popular Music ensemble"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 28 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, B08, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, B08, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11155, "section": "TU11", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Popular Music ensemble"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 28 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G05, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G05, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11156, "section": "TU10", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Popular Music ensemble"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 28 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G06, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 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4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 20 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}]}]}]}, {"association_group": "13", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "WYfE4u_EhnIit1DhCnLfK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18675, "section": "04NT", "size": 30, "enrolled": 0, "available": 30, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Composition students enrol in this class."}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "WEoGh-aMIl870n8Q3-QPo", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15381, "section": "SE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Composition Seminar"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}, {"association_group": "14", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "Tj6krh7e07x06qo7m5bH4", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18676, "section": "05NT", "size": 30, "enrolled": 0, "available": 30, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "6358": {"id": "vjXrKlhzamGz3oFhxeTmH", "course_id": "109242", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109242", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Music Education Performance Studies 1B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSEP", "CATALOG_NBR": "1104", "CLASS_NBR": 24432, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to B.Mus and B.Teach/B.Mus students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Ability to read musical notation and participate in instrumental music making/singing", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MUSCLASS 1201, MUSCLASS 1301, MUSCLASS 1401, MUSJAZZ 1002, MUSONIC 1300, MUSJAZZ 1071", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual specialisation assessment 50%, Assessment of ensemble participation 50%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course immerses music education students into the wealth of performance activities offered by the Conservatorium. Students will combine specialised training in their area of choice with ensemble experience in one of the Conservatorium's ensembles. Students will extend and develop their individual skills as musicians, will learn professional expectations of musicianship and will develop their own voice as performers and artistic communicators. Ensemble rehearsal and performance focuses on the skills of reading, listening, intonation, blend, articulation, individual sound, improvisation and stylistic interpretation within the ensemble context. Through involvement in rehearsals in which students gain experience with professional ensemble directors, students will develop effective practising strategies, rehearsal discipline and creative approaches to problem solving. Students will gain an understanding of the importance of teamwork, an awareness of professional standards and expectations, and be given opportunities to build effective working relationships with colleagues. Central to the course is a focus on professional standards and expectations, with students building upon the learning established in Semester 1.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6359": {"id": "vjXrKlhzamGz3oFhxeTmH", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "EDFezs4l2cPtiMzHzxPdX", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28485, "section": "01NT", "size": 30, "enrolled": 10, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "You MUST enrol in this component if you are in one of the following specialisations: Classical Performance, Classical Voice, Jazz Performance. This component is linked to your 1:1 lessons"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Rehearsal", "id": "5UvmVBa05Hx5kVvRzEcRa", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28664, "section": "RSL0", "size": 30, "enrolled": 8, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "You MUST enrol in this component if you are in one of the following specialisations: Classical Performance, Classical Voice, Jazz Performance. This component is linked to your 1:1 lessons"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29569, "section": "RS20", "size": 30, "enrolled": 2, "available": 28, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Rehearsal", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}]}]}]}, {"association_group": "11", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "wM6fc7rRcCPkkXzpElZn4", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28486, "section": "02NT", "size": 30, "enrolled": 0, "available": 30, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Sonic Arts students enrol in this class."}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "8ShOXl_YkcGBFdv37Cqs4", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23415, "section": "WR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Sonic Arts students enrol in this class."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}]}]}, {"association_group": "12", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "AKy26oaLINZex03a3u0Ww", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28487, "section": "03NT", "size": 30, "enrolled": 3, "available": 27, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Popular Music students enrol in this class."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "HCvGiGCILfohLo3N6jXjj", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23414, "section": "WR02", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Popular Music students enrol in this class."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G03, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G03, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24432, "section": "WR09", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Popular Music students enrol in this class."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24433, "section": "WR08", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Popular Music students enrol in this class."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, B08, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, B08, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24434, "section": "WR07", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Popular Music students enrol in this class."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G10, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G10, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24435, "section": "WR06", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Popular Music students enrol in this class."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G07, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 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16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G05, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24438, "section": "WR03", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Popular Music students enrol in this class."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G04, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G04, Practice Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "u2OED1qzyizJvcQOZ9Yur", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24356, "section": "PR02", "size": 15, "enrolled": 2, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Popular Music students enrol in this class."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 407, Keyboard Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24357, "section": "PR01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 1, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Popular Music students enrol in this class."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Schulz, 407, Keyboard Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "jmVnGP74ng71TdW9h4uf_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23412, "section": "SE02", "size": 10, "enrolled": 3, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Popular Music students enrol in this class."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}]}]}]}, {"association_group": "13", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "yXsRIq3i7EXyWJ_NT3ZeK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28488, "section": "04NT", "size": 30, "enrolled": 0, "available": 30, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Popular Music students enrol in this class."}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "HLZu1gkiQlUeeZXAfC2a9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23413, "section": "SE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Popular Music students enrol in this class."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}]}]}]}, "6360": {"id": "9RqRtsQZMEHOhKHDdePjJ", "course_id": "109243", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109243", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Music Education in Theory and Practice 2A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSEP", "CATALOG_NBR": "2101", "CLASS_NBR": 10695, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Ability to read musical notation and participate in instrumental music making/singing", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Teaching materials assignment 1 20%, Teaching materials assignment 2 25%, Class presentation 25%, 1500 word essay 30%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course builds upon the essential skills and understanding established through the Foundations of Music Education courses. In this course, students are introduced to a range of learning activities that will enable them to teach musical literacy, including aural and theory skills, in an engaging and structured manner. The students will develop their understanding of the fundamental links between various musical skills, such as sight reading, memorisation, aural acuity and theoretical understanding. They will explore integrated learning plans and teaching methods that maximise the development of general musicianship. The course includes a focus on the skills essential for expressive musical performance, including: concentrated listening, critical appraisal, stylistic awareness, tone production, and sense of phrasing. The course also explores various approaches that can be undertaken to help to maximise engagement with classical and symphonic music with students of all ages.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6361": {"id": "9RqRtsQZMEHOhKHDdePjJ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "50w3b6LxlOP1OiqoyQ-_c", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10695, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 10, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 May - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "Ifqh4xIwdHmv-1eAJmeHz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10531, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 10, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 29 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6362": {"id": "1wDdLcZYsB6kRnlsGh5LA", "course_id": "109244", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109244", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Music Education in Theory and Practice 2B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSEP", "CATALOG_NBR": "2102", "CLASS_NBR": 20621, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Ability to read musical notation and participate in instrumental music making/singing", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Teaching materials assignment 1 20%, Teaching materials assignment 2 20%, Song writing assignment 30%, Essay (1500 words) 30%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course students are introduced to the important role that technology plays in enhancing and supporting music education in the 21st Century. Students will develop an understanding of various learning activities that use technology to develop musical understanding and skills, both in individual instrumental tuition and in the classroom context. The question of how to integrate the use of technology with more traditional forms of music education will also be explored. The role of jazz, pop music and world music in music education will then be investigated, with students deepening their knowledge of each of these genres of music. Students develop an understanding of the traditions, ethical considerations, stylistic practice and historical context of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Music. Students will develop their understanding of song writing in an educational context, both by studying examples of best practice and through engaging in practical song writing themselves. Through this subject students will broaden their skill sets as 21st Century music educators as well as develop a folio of professional level resource materials and learning activities.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6363": {"id": "1wDdLcZYsB6kRnlsGh5LA", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "iQbIzU98_wYiQyqTH3qpl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20621, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 11, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "h1IsWoaeJDtoA9gc8uMWn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20477, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 11, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6364": {"id": "b3wyk_vnAMCvA6HLY8XE4", "course_id": "109245", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109245", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Music Education Performance Studies 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSEP", "CATALOG_NBR": "2103", "CLASS_NBR": 24982, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Ability to read musical notation and participate in instrumental music making/singing", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Demonstration of individual performance skills in class 30%, Teaching materials assignment 20%, Assessment of ensemble participation 50%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students will receive training in key skills relating to professional performance standards as an instrumentalist, alongside developing an understanding of how to develop these skills in others. They will further develop their individual skill level as practising musicians, alongside their understanding of the key pedagogical principles involved in teaching instrumental music. All students will also gain ensemble experience in one of the Conservatorium's ensembles. Through involvement in rehearsals in which students gain experience with professional ensemble directors, students will develop effective practising strategies, rehearsal discipline and creative approaches to problem solving. Students will gain an understanding of the importance of teamwork, an awareness of professional standards and expectations, and be given opportunities to build effective working relationships with colleagues. Central to the course is a focus on professional standards and expectations, with students building upon the learning established in Level I Music Education Performance Studies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6365": {"id": "b3wyk_vnAMCvA6HLY8XE4", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "bclSfa8n52Ab98QlXQWlh", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24982, "section": "SE01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 8, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Rehearsal", "id": "03DubfgRMLs-H3OqGS8VB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24981, "section": "RS01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 8, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Rehearsal", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6366": {"id": "o7MVqGXf6aZTRPwHEEnUi", "course_id": "109246", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109246", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Music Education in Theory and Practice 3", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSEP", "CATALOG_NBR": "3101", "CLASS_NBR": 10696, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Ability to read musical notation and participate in instrumental music making/singing", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Rehearsal observations 20%, Arrangement task and class direction 30%, Essay (1500 words) 30%, Annotated bibliography 20%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course covers the key skills needed to foster participatory music making in group ensembles and classroom music lessons. Students will develop their skills in arranging music to suit varied instrumentation and levels of skill, as well as broaden their awareness of the essential characteristics of key genres of music. Students will discuss the motivational and psychological benefits of group music making and will develop the skills necessary to effectively direct rehearsals in a professional manner. Students will learn how to develop specific ensemble performance skills, such as intonation, balance, tone production and rhythmic security. Studies in class will be further supported by observing, and assisting where appropriate, ensemble and choral rehearsals in the Conservatorium and in the profession. Basic keyboard skills will also be covered to enable students to harmonise a given melody.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6367": {"id": "o7MVqGXf6aZTRPwHEEnUi", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "OA3WvkRHb_diX5ZhtjQIt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10696, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 19, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "Y7z_yM_j6KO6xFF0BY_gY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10532, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 19, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "14 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6368": {"id": "MrhaykqehDYXmhda6G81h", "course_id": "109247", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109247", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Music Education Performance Studies 3", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSEP", "CATALOG_NBR": "3102", "CLASS_NBR": 24984, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Ability to read musical notation and participate in instrumental music making/singing.", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment of ensemble/choir participation 50%, Portfolio of resource material for choir/ensemble direction 25%, Directing class choir/ensemble 25%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "All students will participate in a Music Education Choir/Ensemble, in which students will develop their singing, instrumental, ensemble and direction skills in a two hour weekly rehearsal. In Seminars students will explore the essential pedagogical principles underpinning professional standard choir/ensemble direction and rehearsal. They will explore core pedagogical repertoire that supports the sequential building of skills in student choirs/ ensembles, and will establish their own resource files of musical materials suitable for a variety of ages and ability levels. Students will be given opportunities to direct the choir/ensemble as well as to arrange music in a variety of styles. They will broaden their knowledge of varied genres of music as typically used in the profession, such as classical, jazz, pop, calypso, gospel and folk. Teaching methods that can maximise motivation, progress, concentration and focus within choral and instrumental ensembles will be discussed and explored in class.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6369": {"id": "MrhaykqehDYXmhda6G81h", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "Pl_fiKVQr1OYOQrCHdQPl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24984, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 15, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Rehearsal", "id": "KZhWCQ-rkMXWE-I3KKWmY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24983, "section": "RS01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 15, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Rehearsal", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6370": {"id": "-Yg1LetkIN4HJwLHH-RvV", "course_id": "109732", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109732", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Pedagogy Research Seminar IV", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSEP", "CATALOG_NBR": "7001", "CLASS_NBR": 12005, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to GDipMus(PerfPed), MMus(PerfPed) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MUSPED 6001", "ASSESSMENT": "1500 word assignment 20%, 1000 word assignment (1) 15%, 1000 word assignment (2) 15%, Folio 50%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "An initial ungraded but required bibliographic study will be followed by seminars focusing on teaching techniques and materials for pupils of various ages and levels of musical development. Consideration will be given to the development of pupils' aural acuity, general musicianship, and learning in a variety of genres and modes (including group and laboratory situations, the technology environment, preparation for examinations, competitions and recitals). Technical, stylistic and interpretive matters covering a wide variety of styles will be considered. Development of a professional teaching Log/portfolio.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6371": {"id": "-Yg1LetkIN4HJwLHH-RvV", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "vQxshssh9dMDc1tj5qhLm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12005, "section": "SE01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 1, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6372": {"id": "awAJQT93VBC6iIWD-1Lj9", "course_id": "109732", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109732", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Pedagogy Research Seminar IV", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSEP", "CATALOG_NBR": "7001", "CLASS_NBR": 21969, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to GDipMus(PerfPed), MMus(PerfPed) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MUSPED 6001", "ASSESSMENT": "1500 word assignment 20%, 1000 word assignment (1) 15%, 1000 word assignment (2) 15%, Folio 50%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "An initial ungraded but required bibliographic study will be followed by seminars focusing on teaching techniques and materials for pupils of various ages and levels of musical development. Consideration will be given to the development of pupils' aural acuity, general musicianship, and learning in a variety of genres and modes (including group and laboratory situations, the technology environment, preparation for examinations, competitions and recitals). Technical, stylistic and interpretive matters covering a wide variety of styles will be considered. Development of a professional teaching Log/portfolio.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6373": {"id": "awAJQT93VBC6iIWD-1Lj9", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "yDkl5MobCmhHO-NI8YeFd", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21969, "section": "SE01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 0, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}]}]}]}, "6374": {"id": "y8idsyUR0CmbzwbKzM7r8", "course_id": "109735", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109735", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Pedagogy Practicum IV", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSEP", "CATALOG_NBR": "7002", "CLASS_NBR": 12006, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to GDipMus(PerfPed), MMus(PerfPed) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MUSPED 6002", "ASSESSMENT": "Teaching placement 50%, 1500 word log 25%,1500 word evaluation 25%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Teaching observation, co-teaching and one teaching project with defined aims and duration will be undertaken within teaching programs approved by the Program Convenor. These activities will be monitored during seminars and through a written Teaching Log outlining the candidate's implementation and evaluation of the tasks undertaken. Students will develop an understanding of best practice in current pedagogy for their instrument and will explore how to plan and deliver extended units of work as well as detailed lesson plans. Students will learn how to assess their skills as teachers and to analyse areas for personal development as musicians and teachers.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6375": {"id": "y8idsyUR0CmbzwbKzM7r8", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "TrtRCaPHVEzfzlEhpUpZV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12006, "section": "SE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 2, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 215, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 215, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6376": {"id": "t-EsJaytoNTsKeyw1ZtmG", "course_id": "109735", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109735", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Pedagogy Practicum IV", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSEP", "CATALOG_NBR": "7002", "CLASS_NBR": 21970, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to GDipMus(PerfPed), MMus(PerfPed) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MUSPED 6002", "ASSESSMENT": "Teaching placement 50%, 1500 word log 25%,1500 word evaluation 25%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Teaching observation, co-teaching and one teaching project with defined aims and duration will be undertaken within teaching programs approved by the Program Convenor. These activities will be monitored during seminars and through a written Teaching Log outlining the candidate's implementation and evaluation of the tasks undertaken. Students will develop an understanding of best practice in current pedagogy for their instrument and will explore how to plan and deliver extended units of work as well as detailed lesson plans. Students will learn how to assess their skills as teachers and to analyse areas for personal development as musicians and teachers.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6377": {"id": "t-EsJaytoNTsKeyw1ZtmG", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "XZ5tfFevX0EovoU6UKtIl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21970, "section": "SE01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 1, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6378": {"id": "jMgYa6Ux4wMib4MreBK-3", "course_id": "109736", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109736", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Performance and Pedagogy IV A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSEP", "CATALOG_NBR": "7003", "CLASS_NBR": 16159, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to GDipMus(PerfPed), MMus(PerfPed) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Successful completion of B Mus or equivalent undergraduate degree", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Completed B Mus in the specialisation to be pursued or equivalent as determined by the Elder Conservatorium", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PERF 6016A, PERF 6016B", "ASSESSMENT": "25 minute lecture-demonstration and viva voce 60%, Program Notes 10%, Reflective log and journal 30%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course seeks to give participants in-depth practical experience of pedagogically significant repertoire from elementary and intermediate levels through the preparation and presentation of a lecture/demonstration. It is expected participants will perform illustrative extracts of a substantial nature to a high standard with a well-balanced, lucid commentary covering points of pedagogical significance, including a viva voce.\n\nParticipants are required to underpin their lecture/demonstration through the agency of good quality program notes. This course allows students to reflect on their own areas for personal development, alongside developing their awareness of sequential learning on their instrument. Students will explore how to create effective practice routines to meet the demands of various skills and challenges and will deepen their ability to analyse and interpret repertoire. Students will also develop their skills as communicators, both verbally and through musical performances and participate in performance classes.\n\nClear and detailed documentation in a Teaching Log/Portfolio of activities including lesson observations, reflections, rehearsal and concert observations and attendance at Elder Conservatorium performance-based activities.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6379": {"id": "jMgYa6Ux4wMib4MreBK-3", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "QJxdZbcDXZj1OAmCttw-i", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16159, "section": "01NT", "size": 15, "enrolled": 1, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition"}]}]}]}, "6380": {"id": "mXZi_2pTkpQ_0N7iHnK4-", "course_id": "109736", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109736", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Performance and Pedagogy IV A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSEP", "CATALOG_NBR": "7003", "CLASS_NBR": 26168, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to GDipMus(PerfPed), MMus(PerfPed) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Successful completion of B Mus or equivalent undergraduate degree", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Completed B Mus in the specialisation to be pursued or equivalent as determined by the Elder Conservatorium", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PERF 6016A, PERF 6016B", "ASSESSMENT": "25 minute lecture-demonstration and viva voce 60%, Program Notes 10%, Reflective log and journal 30%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course seeks to give participants in-depth practical experience of pedagogically significant repertoire from elementary and intermediate levels through the preparation and presentation of a lecture/demonstration. It is expected participants will perform illustrative extracts of a substantial nature to a high standard with a well-balanced, lucid commentary covering points of pedagogical significance, including a viva voce.\n\nParticipants are required to underpin their lecture/demonstration through the agency of good quality program notes. This course allows students to reflect on their own areas for personal development, alongside developing their awareness of sequential learning on their instrument. Students will explore how to create effective practice routines to meet the demands of various skills and challenges and will deepen their ability to analyse and interpret repertoire. Students will also develop their skills as communicators, both verbally and through musical performances and participate in performance classes.\n\nClear and detailed documentation in a Teaching Log/Portfolio of activities including lesson observations, reflections, rehearsal and concert observations and attendance at Elder Conservatorium performance-based activities.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6381": {"id": "mXZi_2pTkpQ_0N7iHnK4-", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "bElrWCGpLctY6t_PHUEKf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26168, "section": "01NT", "size": 15, "enrolled": 0, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition"}]}]}]}, "6382": {"id": "3mFmCKyUgENaz29_xhkE1", "course_id": "109737", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109737", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Performance and Pedagogy IV B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSEP", "CATALOG_NBR": "7004", "CLASS_NBR": 16160, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to GDipMus(PerfPed), MMus(PerfPed) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Successful completion of BMus or equivalent undergraduate degree", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Completed BMus in the specialisation to be pursued or equivalent as determined by the Elder Conservatorium of Music", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PERF 6015A, PERF 6015B", "ASSESSMENT": "25 minute recital 60%, Program Notes 10%, Reflective Journal and Log 20%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course seeks to give participants in-depth practical experience of pedagogically significant repertoire from intermediate to advanced levels through the preparation for and presentation of a recital. Students will develop their individual musicianship, interpretative skills, knowledge of stylistic conventions and technical skills. They will also further their understanding of how such skills can best be developed through methods of teaching and learning. They will explore the fundamental skills related to their specific instrument, and how such skills can be sequentially developed through technical exercises and selection of repertoire. Students will develop an understanding of the chief considerations that must be met to achieve a professional standard of performance and communication.\n\nClear and detailed documentation in a reflective journal of activities including lesson observations, reflections, rehearsal and concert observations and attendance at Elder Conservatorium based activities", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6383": {"id": "3mFmCKyUgENaz29_xhkE1", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "AMxvZ_FIWz1E0MILnoFN2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16160, "section": "01NT", "size": 15, "enrolled": 2, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition"}]}]}]}, "6384": {"id": "Tfspprr4XBhSXMJDhj15i", "course_id": "109737", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109737", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Performance and Pedagogy IV B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSEP", "CATALOG_NBR": "7004", "CLASS_NBR": 26169, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to GDipMus(PerfPed), MMus(PerfPed) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Successful completion of BMus or equivalent undergraduate degree", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Completed BMus in the specialisation to be pursued or equivalent as determined by the Elder Conservatorium of Music", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PERF 6015A, PERF 6015B", "ASSESSMENT": "25 minute recital 60%, Program Notes 10%, Reflective Journal and Log 20%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course seeks to give participants in-depth practical experience of pedagogically significant repertoire from intermediate to advanced levels through the preparation for and presentation of a recital. Students will develop their individual musicianship, interpretative skills, knowledge of stylistic conventions and technical skills. They will also further their understanding of how such skills can best be developed through methods of teaching and learning. They will explore the fundamental skills related to their specific instrument, and how such skills can be sequentially developed through technical exercises and selection of repertoire. Students will develop an understanding of the chief considerations that must be met to achieve a professional standard of performance and communication.\n\nClear and detailed documentation in a reflective journal of activities including lesson observations, reflections, rehearsal and concert observations and attendance at Elder Conservatorium based activities", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6385": {"id": "Tfspprr4XBhSXMJDhj15i", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "lbVgmrGv0PMuuA6ByN5U0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26169, "section": "01NT", "size": 15, "enrolled": 1, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition"}]}]}]}, "6386": {"id": "WCsh1NF_d0zUZchpKhTRv", "course_id": "109738", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109738", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Pedagogy Research Seminar V", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSEP", "CATALOG_NBR": "7005", "CLASS_NBR": 12007, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MMus(PerfPed) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSPED 6001 or MUSEP 5000 or MUSEP 7001", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research Proposal and article review, Research Project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course seeks to ensure participants are cognisant of a select but representative variety of materials and approaches concerning child development and educational psychology as they relate to their instrumental or vocal teaching discipline. It also seeks to promote an awareness of the historical and social contexts within which they will operate as instrumental/vocal teachers. Participants will focus on these issues by undertaking a research project that will investigate questions relevant to the pedagogical approaches and contexts under discussion. The project will be written and presented according to normal scholarly conventions and standards and may involve fieldwork in teaching programs on and off campus.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6387": {"id": "WCsh1NF_d0zUZchpKhTRv", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "0lwX3XGDphrfCv3WQfkjT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12007, "section": "SE01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 5, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6388": {"id": "SghrBLN1PdyK7b-S4cXjB", "course_id": "109738", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109738", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Pedagogy Research Seminar V", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSEP", "CATALOG_NBR": "7005", "CLASS_NBR": 21971, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MMus(PerfPed) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSPED 6001 or MUSEP 5000 or MUSEP 7001", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research Proposal and article review, Research Project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course seeks to ensure participants are cognisant of a select but representative variety of materials and approaches concerning child development and educational psychology as they relate to their instrumental or vocal teaching discipline. It also seeks to promote an awareness of the historical and social contexts within which they will operate as instrumental/vocal teachers. Participants will focus on these issues by undertaking a research project that will investigate questions relevant to the pedagogical approaches and contexts under discussion. The project will be written and presented according to normal scholarly conventions and standards and may involve fieldwork in teaching programs on and off campus.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6389": {"id": "SghrBLN1PdyK7b-S4cXjB", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "ltZRw2hgNIxQndkm7e9Vg", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21971, "section": "SE01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 2, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}]}]}]}, "6390": {"id": "cg_t15YtwNjML0Uvlx7To", "course_id": "109741", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109741", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Pedagogy Practicum V", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSEP", "CATALOG_NBR": "7006", "CLASS_NBR": 12008, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to GDipMus(PerfPed), MMus(PerfPed) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "2 x 500-word teaching projects 15%, 2 x 1000-word logs 15%, 1500-word evaluation of projects 20%, teaching placement 50%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Teaching observation, co-teaching and two major teaching projects with defined aims and duration will be undertaken within teaching programs approved by the Program Convenor. Each project will comprise a written curriculum, teaching implementation, written diagnosis and evaluation. Assessment tools for teaching practice will include video recordings as well as live scenarios. These activities will be monitored during seminar sessions. This course provides more formal opportunities for supervised practical application of techniques and skills investigated earlier in the degree.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6391": {"id": "cg_t15YtwNjML0Uvlx7To", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "e5rjFZTyh3MhCKYcnVR94", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12008, "section": "SE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 4, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "6392": {"id": "IR0tkG7HEsDk0rXGgbc8I", "course_id": "109741", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109741", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Pedagogy Practicum V", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSEP", "CATALOG_NBR": "7006", "CLASS_NBR": 21972, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to GDipMus(PerfPed), MMus(PerfPed) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "2 x 500-word teaching projects 15%, 2 x 1000-word logs 15%, 1500-word evaluation of projects 20%, teaching placement 50%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Teaching observation, co-teaching and two major teaching projects with defined aims and duration will be undertaken within teaching programs approved by the Program Convenor. Each project will comprise a written curriculum, teaching implementation, written diagnosis and evaluation. Assessment tools for teaching practice will include video recordings as well as live scenarios. These activities will be monitored during seminar sessions. This course provides more formal opportunities for supervised practical application of techniques and skills investigated earlier in the degree.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6393": {"id": "IR0tkG7HEsDk0rXGgbc8I", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "7Yp8SGtW0ABICkfc32bZd", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21972, "section": "SE01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 3, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6394": {"id": "VF9v5ZTe_3cbGr3VsaXK2", "course_id": "109743", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109743", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Performance and Pedagogy V", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSEP", "CATALOG_NBR": "7007", "CLASS_NBR": 16161, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MMus(PerfPed) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSEP 5003 or MUSEP 7004", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "50 minute lecture recital 60%, Program Notes 10%, Reflective journal and log 30%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The primary purpose of this course is to provide students with the opportunity to further develop both their performance skills and their level of pedagogical understanding. Students will prepare and deliver a lecture recital of 50 minutes duration, which may include a \u2018viva voce\u2019. In the lecture recital students will demonstrate their understanding of key repertoire and technical skills associated with their instrument, alongside their individual level of performance and musical interpretation. Preparatory work will be supervised individually or in small groups as approved by the Conservatorium and will involve the student in considerable time spent developing specialist knowledge, skills and insights bearing upon the program of works to be presented. A performance class will support the students\u2019 learning experience.\n\nClear and detailed documentation in a reflective journal of activities including lesson observations, reflections, rehearsal and concert observations and attendance at Elder Conservatorium based activities", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6395": {"id": "VF9v5ZTe_3cbGr3VsaXK2", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "4EWRyQzSUBfkxAF2DJa1A", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16161, "section": "01NT", "size": 15, "enrolled": 0, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "6396": {"id": "d0uDh2A_reP2yfm9hLp9j", "course_id": "109743", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109743", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Performance and Pedagogy V", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSEP", "CATALOG_NBR": "7007", "CLASS_NBR": 26170, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MMus(PerfPed) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSEP 5003 or MUSEP 7004", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "50 minute lecture recital 60%, Program Notes 10%, Reflective journal and log 30%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The primary purpose of this course is to provide students with the opportunity to further develop both their performance skills and their level of pedagogical understanding. Students will prepare and deliver a lecture recital of 50 minutes duration, which may include a \u2018viva voce\u2019. In the lecture recital students will demonstrate their understanding of key repertoire and technical skills associated with their instrument, alongside their individual level of performance and musical interpretation. Preparatory work will be supervised individually or in small groups as approved by the Conservatorium and will involve the student in considerable time spent developing specialist knowledge, skills and insights bearing upon the program of works to be presented. A performance class will support the students\u2019 learning experience.\n\nClear and detailed documentation in a reflective journal of activities including lesson observations, reflections, rehearsal and concert observations and attendance at Elder Conservatorium based activities", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6397": {"id": "d0uDh2A_reP2yfm9hLp9j", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "Vs1WvUF2O1OmoZdI7EBsx", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26170, "section": "01NT", "size": 15, "enrolled": 5, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "6398": {"subject": "MUSEUM", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "110898", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110899", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110997", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110997", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111280", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111280", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111280", "term": "4415", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111280", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111282", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111282", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111283", "term": "4415", "offer": 1}]}}, "6399": {"id": "o0Sh7YQmcRyN4EiJsgnTG", "course_id": "110898", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110898", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Making a Museum", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSEUM", "CATALOG_NBR": "7001", "CLASS_NBR": 11499, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online Activities, Research Essay, Seminar Participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "What is a museum? This course explores contemporary museum practice within global, national and local frameworks. It will chart the history and future of museums through a broad historical survey of the evolution of the museum, alongside a critical analysis of museum theory and curatorial practice. Using the South Australian Museum as key case study, students will have the unique opportunity to directly engage with the staff and collections of one of Australia's oldest and largest collecting institutions. This course blends history, theory, politics, and practical hands-on experience to ensure students gain a thorough understanding of museum practice today.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6400": {"id": "o0Sh7YQmcRyN4EiJsgnTG", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "raLw18gfqyrAAhJOB-KCs", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11499, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 23, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6401": {"id": "mEyVvMjM7vdt7w4T1F9pZ", "course_id": "110899", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110899", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "The Secret Life of Objects: Museums in Practice", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSEUM", "CATALOG_NBR": "7002", "CLASS_NBR": 21526, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Object significance assessment, online activities, presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course focuses on the life of objects as they move into, through and, sometimes, out of cultural institutions. It explores the complex histories of how objects have been acquired by museums and art galleries and how they continue to be managed, conserved and displayed by different institutions. Providing unprecedented access to local museums and the professionals who manage objects throughout their journeys, this course addresses key practical skills in museum practice including conservation, collection management, significance assessment and curation. Harnessing the diverse expertise of museum staff, scholars and heritage specialists, students will explore the broader principles, politics and ethics of contemporary custodianship.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6402": {"id": "mEyVvMjM7vdt7w4T1F9pZ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "KFSIgdRlKYcSEg7T6OejH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21526, "section": "SE01", "size": 22, "enrolled": 18, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6403": {"id": "dI92dSHSYAb78j0XfOkSZ", "course_id": "110997", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110997", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Curatorial and Museum Studies Research Thesis", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSEUM", "CATALOG_NBR": "7003", "CLASS_NBR": 16244, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "2 hrs per fortnight", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "24 Units of core courses and electives", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research Thesis 100%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is a supervised research thesis of 20,000 words to be undertaken in the field of Curatorial and Museum Studies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6404": {"id": "dI92dSHSYAb78j0XfOkSZ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "LQgPgGaVVkvAt1GvH8JnV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16244, "section": "01NT", "size": 16, "enrolled": 0, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "6405": {"id": "uM1Fv7UGidMswZyVc2RG4", "course_id": "110997", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110997", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Curatorial and Museum Studies Research Thesis", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSEUM", "CATALOG_NBR": "7003", "CLASS_NBR": 26257, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "2 hrs per fortnight", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "24 Units of core courses and electives", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research Thesis 100%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is a supervised research thesis of 20,000 words to be undertaken in the field of Curatorial and Museum Studies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6406": {"id": "uM1Fv7UGidMswZyVc2RG4", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "WZsgCYliK2gK1BEGsSVUj", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26257, "section": "01NT", "size": 16, "enrolled": 8, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "6407": {"id": "Gsg6Mlfe21w5Fy_ysmf5D", "course_id": "111280", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111280", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Museum Internship", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSEUM", "CATALOG_NBR": "7004", "CLASS_NBR": 92215, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 40 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to students enrolled in the Curatorial and Museum Studies or Art History graduate programs", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSEUM 7001", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Major assignment, Weekly reflections, Supervisor Report", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides hands-on practical experience working in a museum or art gallery. Interns will work within a professional setting and learn from industry specialists. Internship projects may relate to any area within museums such as curatorship, marketing, public programs, object or collection significance assessment, research, and fundraising. Internships will be negotiated together with the course convenor.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 09/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "6408": {"id": "Gsg6Mlfe21w5Fy_ysmf5D", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "hCF06DW1PsxuB8LurjYAm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92215, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 1, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment into this course is by application only.\u00a0 Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}]}]}]}]}, "6409": {"id": "WFbzQuU3t5XlTKebuBN1F", "course_id": "111280", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111280", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Museum Internship", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSEUM", "CATALOG_NBR": "7004", "CLASS_NBR": 16279, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 40 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to students enrolled in the Curatorial and Museum Studies or Art History graduate programs", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSEUM 7001", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Major assignment, Weekly reflections, Supervisor Report", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides hands-on practical experience working in a museum or art gallery. Interns will work within a professional setting and learn from industry specialists. Internship projects may relate to any area within museums such as curatorship, marketing, public programs, object or collection significance assessment, research, and fundraising. Internships will be negotiated together with the course convenor.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6410": {"id": "WFbzQuU3t5XlTKebuBN1F", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "UFc707nwtQ9A0GTDNJAPF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16279, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 3, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment into this course is by application only.\u00a0 Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}]}]}]}]}, "6411": {"id": "HJwbOQ681SYPHL_MYwbUw", "course_id": "111280", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111280", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Museum Internship", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSEUM", "CATALOG_NBR": "7004", "CLASS_NBR": 95123, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 40 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to students enrolled in the Curatorial and Museum Studies or Art History graduate programs", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSEUM 7001", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Major assignment, Weekly reflections, Supervisor Report", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides hands-on practical experience working in a museum or art gallery. Interns will work within a professional setting and learn from industry specialists. Internship projects may relate to any area within museums such as curatorship, marketing, public programs, object or collection significance assessment, research, and fundraising. Internships will be negotiated together with the course convenor.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 24/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 28/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 11/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 17/07/2024"}}]}, "6412": {"id": "HJwbOQ681SYPHL_MYwbUw", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "Nrg1gTgKVHHYKSL1vqg32", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95123, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment into this course is by application only.\u00a0 Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}]}]}]}]}, "6413": {"id": "08vZPn5NpPiWIXdlZr1a2", "course_id": "111280", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111280", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Museum Internship", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSEUM", "CATALOG_NBR": "7004", "CLASS_NBR": 26304, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 40 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to students enrolled in the Curatorial and Museum Studies or Art History graduate programs", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSEUM 7001", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Major assignment, Weekly reflections, Supervisor Report", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides hands-on practical experience working in a museum or art gallery. Interns will work within a professional setting and learn from industry specialists. Internship projects may relate to any area within museums such as curatorship, marketing, public programs, object or collection significance assessment, research, and fundraising. Internships will be negotiated together with the course convenor.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6414": {"id": "08vZPn5NpPiWIXdlZr1a2", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "jMyXTFk0cg61k8DUySYPj", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26304, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 8, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment into this course is by application only.\u00a0 Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}]}]}]}]}, "6415": {"id": "loudbpuBDOqQEL1vnBxpX", "course_id": "111282", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111282", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Museum Studies Minor Research Project", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSEUM", "CATALOG_NBR": "7006", "CLASS_NBR": 18581, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hour per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to students enrolled in the Curatorial and Museum Studies or Art History graduate programs", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Professional Journal, Student negotiated assessment, unique assignment related to exploring, researching", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course represents advanced learning, scholarship and research in the discipline of Museum and Curatorial Studies. It extends students' knowledge and research skills by participating in, and reporting on, a minor research project. The course is designed to help students develop research and writing skills necessary for the research thesis.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6416": {"id": "loudbpuBDOqQEL1vnBxpX", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "VG8Jje7P4dNqW8_JU_vtz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18581, "section": "RC01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 14, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6417": {"id": "SPQg4Dp0fJlLZwOtclCNm", "course_id": "111282", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111282", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Museum Studies Minor Research Project", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSEUM", "CATALOG_NBR": "7006", "CLASS_NBR": 28495, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hour per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to students enrolled in the Curatorial and Museum Studies or Art History graduate programs", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Professional Journal, Student negotiated assessment, unique assignment related to exploring, researching", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course represents advanced learning, scholarship and research in the discipline of Museum and Curatorial Studies. It extends students' knowledge and research skills by participating in, and reporting on, a minor research project. The course is designed to help students develop research and writing skills necessary for the research thesis.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6418": {"id": "SPQg4Dp0fJlLZwOtclCNm", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "ZYiyHmaDljqz98srLewnR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28495, "section": "RC01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 1, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 25 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM213, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM213, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM213, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6419": {"id": "pY7audm2HRivNJ_HteqRG", "course_id": "111283", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111283", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Museum Collections Management", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSEUM", "CATALOG_NBR": "7007", "CLASS_NBR": 95256, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "5 day intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to students enrolled in the Curatorial and Museum Studies or Art History graduate programs", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Collection Management Plan, Class Presentation, Online worksheet x 2.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course focuses on the management of museum and art gallery collections. Students will be introduced to the practical skills needed for best practice collection management as well as the history, philosophy, ethics, and legal requirements underpinning such practices. Working closely with local museums and art galleries, students will have the opportunity to hear from industry experts and experience collection management in practice.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 24/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 28/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 11/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 17/07/2024"}}]}, "6420": {"id": "pY7audm2HRivNJ_HteqRG", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "-kLo_oqyLwIhLclBNwuHB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95256, "section": "SE01", "size": 22, "enrolled": 13, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jun - 24 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "25 Jun - 25 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "26 Jun - 26 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "27 Jun - 27 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "28 Jun - 28 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "6421": {"subject": "MUSGEN", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "110113", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110116", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108233", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108234", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111543", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108210", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108211", "term": "4415", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108231", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108703", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108208", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108235", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108236", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108212", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108809", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109876", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110120", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109703", "term": "4415", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110455", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108237", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108238", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108238", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108374", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108374", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108374", "term": "4415", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108374", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108467", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108467", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108467", "term": "4415", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108467", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "6422": {"id": "ixETF-_cm0Kcz1npvx05-", "course_id": "110113", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110113", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "From Elvis to YouTube I", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSGEN", "CATALOG_NBR": "1003", "CLASS_NBR": 13280, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "No musical skills required, no other assumed knowledge", "INCOMPATIBLE": "GENMUS 1001, GENMUS 2030, MUSGEN 2001, MUSPMACT 2611, MUSPMACT 2612, MUSST 1000A", "ASSESSMENT": "1500 word written assignment, Exam 1, 1000 word written assignment, Exam 2", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "A survey of popular music of the Rock era. This course considers the stylistic, socio-cultural, economic, and technological aspects of popular music. Greatest attention is given to the stylistic evolution of popular music from the late 1950s (birth of Rock and Roll) through the end of the century (end of the \u2018Golden Age of Recording\u2019). Genres covered include Rhythm and Blues, Rock and Roll, Folk Rock, Country, The Beatles/British Invasion, Motown and Soul, Progressive Rock, Metal, Funk, Disco, Punk, Rap/Hip-Hop, Grunge, Alternative, Electronic Dance Music, Avant-Garde Rock and Mainstream Pop. The first part of the course looks at the pre-cursors of Rock-era music including Anglo-American Folk and early Blues. The latter part of the course samples artists and styles in the digital era of the past two decades, with emphasis on the impact that changes in technology and business practices have had on both the creation and consumption of popular music.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6423": {"id": "ixETF-_cm0Kcz1npvx05-", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "2ukCyOdli5_djo-pKxYWr", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13280, "section": "WR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 16, "available": 34, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6424": {"id": "kUM4VzWXuTpb2rmltMX0q", "course_id": "110116", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110116", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Musics of the World I", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSGEN", "CATALOG_NBR": "1004", "CLASS_NBR": 23205, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "GENMUS 1003, MUSGEN 2004, MUSGEN 3010, MUSST 1000B", "ASSESSMENT": "1500 word written assignment, Exam 1, 1000 word written assignment, Exam 2", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "An introduction to the music and performance of selected world cultures. Music is presented as a form of cultural expression which can be understood in both social and music-stylistic contexts. Students will gain an appreciation of culturally distinct elements of music as well as its more universal qualities. The music and cultural examples we explore draw from select regions of the world (including Australia, Africa, East Asia, Southwest Asia, North America and the Carribean) and range from ancient ceremonial practices, to traditional court- and folk traditions, to contemporary forms of 'world music' and pop.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6425": {"id": "kUM4VzWXuTpb2rmltMX0q", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "QScKLmuUA0w80GNGgbqvv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22498, "section": "LE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 17, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "VtEtBC5mbYI82GJ5Zj2yD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23205, "section": "WR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 17, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}]}]}]}, "6426": {"id": "bEn9wcUnNgxtexaeB6f6d", "course_id": "108233", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108233", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Music Professional Development 1A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSGEN", "CATALOG_NBR": "1201", "CLASS_NBR": 18679, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 8 hours per week depending on ensemble allocation", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Ensemble audition", "CO_REQUISITE": "Keyboard Musicianship requires MUSCLASS 1200 on piano", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MUSENS 1001A, ENS 1023A, ENS 1009A, ENS 1010A, ENS 1004A, ENS 1011A, ENS 1017A", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment 1: Parts assessment or equivalent 40%, Assessment 2: Parts assessment or equivalent 60%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides the opportunity to participate in specialist ensembles, both large and small, that cater for each student's instrument/voice and career goals. The course also offers components which can enhance professional skills, depending on the student's instrument/voice. Ensemble rehearsal and performance focusses on the skills of reading, listening, intonation, blend, articulation, individual sound, improvisation and, stylistic interpretation within the ensemble context. Through involvement in rehearsals in which students gain experience with professional ensemble directors, students will develop effective practising strategies, rehearsal discipline and creative approaches to problem solving. Students will gain an understanding of the importance of teamwork, an awareness of professional standards and expectations, and be given opportunities to build effective working relationships with colleagues. Central to the course is a focus on professional standards and expectations. Students will undertake two components, to be determined on the outcome of ensemble auditions. The components typically available are: Elder Conservatorium Chamber Orchestra, Elder Conservatorium Symphony Orchestra, Elder Conservatorium Wind Orchestra, Guitar Ensemble, Jazz Big Band, Latin Ensemble, Rhythm & Reading Ensemble, Small Jazz Ensemble, Elder Conservatorium Chorale (SATB choir), Bella Voce (female choir), Jazz Vocal Ensemble, Chamber Music, Keyboard Musicianship, and Music Journalism.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6427": {"id": "bEn9wcUnNgxtexaeB6f6d", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "id": "6HyCrTwMOYblUA6Ak1KDC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10082, "section": "RS21", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Chinese Orchestra. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 26 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10525, "section": "RS15", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Rhythm Matters. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10822, "section": "RS20", "size": 20, "enrolled": 4, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Brass Ensemble. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 20 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11026, "section": "RS19", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Stagecraft. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11077, "section": "RS18", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Piano Repertoire Workshop. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 11750, "section": "RS01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 10, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Elder Conservatorium Symphony Orchestra. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 25 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "14 May - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "16 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11754, "section": "RS02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 5, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Elder Conservatorium Wind Orchestra. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "20 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "1 May - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11755, "section": "RS03", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Guitar Ensemble. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "8 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11756, "section": "RS04", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Jazz Big Band. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 6 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "1 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "20 May - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "22 May - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11757, "section": "RS05", "size": 20, "enrolled": 5, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Jazz Vocal Ensemble. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G03, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G03, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G03, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "21 May - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G03, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "21 May - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "21 May - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "23 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11758, "section": "RS06", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Latin Ensemble. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 6 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "1 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "20 May - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "22 May - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11759, "section": "RS07", "size": 20, "enrolled": 12, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Rhythm & Reading Ensemble. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "6 Mar - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 6 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "1 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "20 May - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "22 May - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13178, "section": "RS22", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Small Ensemble Kunyu"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 6 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "20 May - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14412, "section": "RS26", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Small ensemble Pilyapilya"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "22 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "3 May - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "24 May - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14927, "section": "RS25", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Small Ensemble Puntu-untu"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "22 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "3 May - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "24 May - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15053, "section": "RS08", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Percussion Ensemble. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 29 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15078, "section": "RS09", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Elder Conservatorium Chamber Orchestra. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15081, "section": "RS10", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Elder Conservatorium Chorale. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 28 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "7pm", "end_time": "9:30pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "13 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "7pm", "end_time": "9:30pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "7pm", "end_time": "9:30pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15084, "section": "RS11", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Chamber Music. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15086, "section": "RS12", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Keyboard Musicianship. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week. This class is held in the Madley Building, MB19"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 27 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": " "}, {"dates": "12 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": " "}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": " "}, {"dates": "4 Jun - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 15087, "section": "RS13", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Accompanying. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "1 May - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15430, "section": "RS23", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Small Ensemble Parraitpa"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "21 May - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15431, "section": "RS24", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Small Ensemble Tintiniti"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "23 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18677, "section": "RSL0", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Choose this class if you have been allocated to Chamber Music (Piano) or Early Music or Negotiated Project. Also choose this class if you are not enrolled in a music program and therefore only doing one ensemble."}]}, {"class_nbr": 19789, "section": "RS28", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Smal ensemble Kudlyu"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19790, "section": "RS27", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Small Ensemble Yartapirriti"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "owTrcTWkMn480uVfWjV4e", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10083, "section": "WR21", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Chinese Orchestra. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "18 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10526, "section": "WR15", "size": 20, "enrolled": 5, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Rhythm Matters. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10823, "section": "WR20", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Brass Ensemble. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 20 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11027, "section": "WR19", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Stagecraft. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week.."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11079, "section": "WR18", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Piano Repertoire Workshop. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 11751, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Elder Conservatorium Symphony Orchestra. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 25 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "14 May - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "16 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11790, "section": "WR09", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Elder Conservatorium Chamber Orchestra. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11795, "section": "WR10", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Elder Conservatorium Chorale. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "7pm", "end_time": "9:30pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "1 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "7pm", "end_time": "9:30pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11796, "section": "WR11", "size": 20, "enrolled": 11, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Chamber Music. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 11798, "section": "WR12", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Keyboard Musicianship. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week. This class is held in the Madley Building, Room MB19."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "12 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": " "}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": " "}, {"dates": "4 Jun - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 11799, "section": "WR13", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Accompanying. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "1 May - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12935, "section": "WR25", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Small Ensemble Puntu-untu"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "22 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "3 May - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "24 May - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12936, "section": "WR24", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Small Ensemble Tintiniti"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "23 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13179, "section": "WR22", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Small Ensemble Kunyu"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 6 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "20 May - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14413, "section": "WR26", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Small Ensemble Pilyapilya"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "22 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "24 May - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14928, "section": "WR23", "size": 20, "enrolled": 4, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Small Ensemble Parraitpa"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "21 May - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15056, "section": "WR02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 5, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Elder Conservatorium Wind Orchestra. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "20 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "1 May - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15057, "section": "WR03", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Guitar Ensemble. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "12 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "15 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15058, "section": "WR04", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Jazz Big Band. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 6 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "1 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "20 May - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "22 May - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15059, "section": "WR05", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Jazz Vocal Ensemble. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G03, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G03, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G03, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "21 May - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G03, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "21 May - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "21 May - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "23 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15060, "section": "WR06", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Latin Ensemble. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 6 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "1 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "20 May - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "22 May - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15061, "section": "WR07", "size": 20, "enrolled": 5, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Rhythm & Reading Ensemble. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "6 Mar - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 6 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "1 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "20 May - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "22 May - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15075, "section": "WR08", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Percussion Ensemble. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Wee"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18679, "section": "WRK0", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Choose this class if you have been allocated to Chamber Music (Piano) or Early Music or Negotiated Project. Also choose this class if you are not enrolled in a music program and therefore only doing one ensemble."}]}, {"class_nbr": 19791, "section": "WR27", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Small Ensemble Yartapirriti"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19792, "section": "WR28", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Small ensemble Kudlyu"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6428": {"id": "2iIWYC4fq1wb37H8neDpF", "course_id": "108234", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108234", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Music Professional Development 1B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSGEN", "CATALOG_NBR": "1202", "CLASS_NBR": 28619, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 8 hours per week depending on ensemble allocation", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Ensemble audition", "CO_REQUISITE": "Keyboard Musicianship requires MUSCLASS 1201 on piano", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment 1: Parts assessment or equivalent 40%, Assessment 2: Parts assessment or equivalent 60%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides the opportunity to participate in specialist ensembles, both large and small, that cater for each student's instrument/voice and career goals. The course also offers components which can enhance professional skills, depending on the student's instrument/voice. Ensemble rehearsal and performance focusses on the skills of reading, listening, intonation, blend, articulation, individual sound, improvisation and, stylistic interpretation within the ensemble context. Through involvement in rehearsals in which students gain experience with professional ensemble directors, students will develop effective practising strategies, rehearsal discipline and creative approaches to problem solving. Students will gain an understanding of the importance of teamwork, an awareness of professional standards and expectations, and be given opportunities to build effective working relationships with colleagues. Central to the course is a focus on professional standards and expectations. Students will undertake two components, to be determined on the outcome of ensemble auditions. The components typically available are: Elder Conservatorium Chamber Orchestra, Elder Conservatorium Symphony Orchestra, Elder Conservatorium Wind Orchestra, Guitar Ensemble, Jazz Big Band, Latin Ensemble, Rhythm & Reading Ensemble, Small Jazz Ensemble, Elder Conservatorium Chorale (SATB choir), Bella Voce (female choir), Jazz Vocal Ensemble, Chamber Music, Keyboard Musicianship, and Music Journalism.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6429": {"id": "2iIWYC4fq1wb37H8neDpF", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "id": "rcUuJfnZeeMVjoM6VazyD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20070, "section": "RS21", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Chinese Orchestra. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20472, "section": "RS15", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Rhythm Matters. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21005, "section": "RS17", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Opera Scenes. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "6:30pm", "end_time": "10pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "6:30pm", "end_time": "10pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21166, "section": "RS23", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Small Ensemble Parraitpa"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "18 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21168, "section": "RS26", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Small Ensemble Pilyapilya"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "18 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21461, "section": "RS25", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Small Ensemble Puntu-untu"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 29 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "12 Aug - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24376, "section": "RS22", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Small Ensemble Kunyu"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 29 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B08, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "12 Aug - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B08, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B08, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B08, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25342, "section": "RS01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 7, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Elder Conservatorium Symphony Orchestra. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 20 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "1 Aug - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25343, "section": "RS02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 5, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Elder Conservatorium Wind Orchestra. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25344, "section": "RS03", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Guitar Ensemble. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25345, "section": "RS04", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Jazz Big Band. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "7 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25346, "section": "RS05", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Jazz Vocal Ensemble. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25347, "section": "RS06", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Latin Ensemble. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "7 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25348, "section": "RS07", "size": 20, "enrolled": 7, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Rhythm & Reading Ensemble. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "7 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25349, "section": "RS08", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Percussion Ensemble. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25350, "section": "RS09", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Elder Conservatorium Chamber Orchestra. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25351, "section": "RS10", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Elder Conservatorium Chorale. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "7pm", "end_time": "9:30pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "7pm", "end_time": "9:30pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25352, "section": "RS11", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Chamber Music. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25353, "section": "RS12", "size": 20, "enrolled": 4, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Keyboard Musicianship. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week. This class is held in the Madley Building, Room MB19."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": " "}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 25354, "section": "RS13", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Accompanying. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25602, "section": "RS18", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Piano Repertoire Workshop. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 28618, "section": "RSL0", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Choose this class if you have been allocated to Chamber Music (Piano) or Early Music or Negotiated Project. Also choose this class if you are not enrolled in a music program and therefore only doing one ensemble."}]}, {"class_nbr": 29486, "section": "RS27", "size": 10, "enrolled": 2, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Small Ensemble Yartapirriti"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29570, "section": "RS20", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Brass Ensemble. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "njnBdrAj8ZDwNv8V-JrSs", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20071, "section": "WR21", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Chinese Orchestra. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20473, "section": "WR15", "size": 20, "enrolled": 5, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Rhythm Matters. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21006, "section": "WR17", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Opera Scenes. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "6:30pm", "end_time": "10pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "6:30pm", "end_time": "10pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21169, "section": "WR22", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Small Ensemble Kunyu"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 29 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B08, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "12 Aug - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B08, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B08, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21170, "section": "WR23", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Small Ensemble Parraitpa"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "18 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21462, "section": "WR26", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Small Ensemble Pilyapilya"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "18 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21463, "section": "WR25", "size": 20, "enrolled": 4, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Small Ensemble Puntu-untu"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 29 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "12 Aug - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24377, "section": "WR27", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Small Ensemble Yartapirriti"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 29 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "12 Aug - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25355, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Elder Conservatorium Symphony Orchestra. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 20 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "1 Aug - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25356, "section": "WR02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Elder Conservatorium Wind Orchestra. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "14 Aug - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25357, "section": "WR03", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Guitar Ensemble. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25358, "section": "WR04", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Jazz Big Band. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "7 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25359, "section": "WR05", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Jazz Vocal Ensemble. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25360, "section": "WR06", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Latin Ensemble. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "7 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25361, "section": "WR07", "size": 20, "enrolled": 7, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Rhythm & Reading Ensemble. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "7 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25362, "section": "WR08", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Percussion Ensemble. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25363, "section": "WR09", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Elder Conservatorium Chamber Orchestra. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25364, "section": "WR10", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Elder Conservatorium Chorale. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "7pm", "end_time": "9:30pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "7pm", "end_time": "9:30pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25365, "section": "WR11", "size": 20, "enrolled": 4, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Chamber Music. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25366, "section": "WR12", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Keyboard Musicianship. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week. This class is held in the Madley Building, Room MB19."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": " "}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 25367, "section": "WR13", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Accompanying. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25603, "section": "WR18", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Piano Repertoire Workshop. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 28619, "section": "WRK0", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Choose this class if you have been allocated to Chamber Music (Piano) or Early Music or Negotiated Project. Also choose this class if you are not enrolled in a music program and therefore only doing one ensemble."}]}, {"class_nbr": 29571, "section": "WR20", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Brass Ensemble. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6430": {"id": "xd8XM3JD5zsKmOw1W8x4P", "course_id": "111543", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111543", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Life in Music", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSGEN", "CATALOG_NBR": "1301", "CLASS_NBR": 12312, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Students enrolled in Bachelor of Music or Bachelor of Music Advanced degrees only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Successful audition for the Bachelor of Music or Bachelor of Music Advanced degrees", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Artist Prose Biography & Resume, Written Program Notes pre concert talk script or Press Release, Reflective Essay/Journal, Music Research Assignment, Participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces Music students to the practical realities of preparing for a professional career as a musician, and to the day-to-day challenges and rewards of studying music in the intensive environment of a university. The course will inform students of the wide range of potential music careers and pathways available to suitably trained musicians (including the \u2018portfolio career\u2019), and to the skills required to negotiate their music studies while at university to enable them to transition into the professional music industry. The course will also introduce students to the basic skills, concepts and expectations relevant to music research and scholarship as well as the communications skills necessary to speak and write about music, music performance and music creation. The course will also enable the students to approach their music-making, their music-creation, and their music teaching with an informed sense of cultural and social sensitivity and a mature sense of the collegial and collaborative role of a musician in society. This course prepares students for a life in music.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6431": {"id": "xd8XM3JD5zsKmOw1W8x4P", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "WsM7ro8ZG9cQLyt4hQ8nw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13423, "section": "LE01", "size": 140, "enrolled": 98, "available": 42, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "PzrbteBMElSA7mGa3Tdge", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12312, "section": "TU08", "size": 40, "enrolled": 18, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Creative Practice"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12313, "section": "TU07", "size": 30, "enrolled": 16, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Music Education"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13425, "section": "TU05", "size": 40, "enrolled": 26, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Classical Music"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13426, "section": "TU04", "size": 40, "enrolled": 38, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Jazz"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6432": {"id": "xfZttlO44iQ7vjrtGTZJB", "course_id": "108210", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108210", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "From Elvis to YouTube II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSGEN", "CATALOG_NBR": "2001", "CLASS_NBR": 13279, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "GENMUS 1001, GENMUS 2030, MUSGEN 1003, MUSPMACT 2611, MUSPMACT 2612, MUSST 1000A", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam 1 (25%), Essay (40%), Exam 2 (35%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "A survey of popular music of the Rock era. This course considers the stylistic, socio-cultural, economic, and technological aspects of popular music. Greatest attention is given to the stylistic evolution of popular music from the late 1950s (birth of Rock and Roll) through the end of the century (end of the \u2018Golden Age of Recording\u2019). Genres covered include Rhythm and Blues, Rock and Roll, Folk Rock, Country, The Beatles/British Invasion, Motown and Soul, Progressive Rock, Metal, Funk, Disco, Punk, Rap/Hip-Hop, Grunge, Alternative, Electronic Dance Music, Avant-Garde Rock and Mainstream Pop. The first part of the course looks at the precursors of Rock-era music including Anglo-American Folk and early Blues. The latter part of the course samples artists and styles in the digital era of the past two decades, with emphasis on the impact that changes in technology and business practices have had on both the creation and consumption of popular music.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6433": {"id": "xfZttlO44iQ7vjrtGTZJB", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "EKteoKvM6EBINd0nIhniK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13279, "section": "WR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 31, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6434": {"id": "XQG_woFObYnstiKIPE_Db", "course_id": "108211", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108211", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "International Study Tour: Music", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSGEN", "CATALOG_NBR": "2002EX", "CLASS_NBR": 95109, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 30 hours per week for 3 weeks", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "A quota of 10 applies", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Reflective essay 50%, Attendance and participation 10%, Individual performance 40%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course enables University of Adelaide students to undertake a short study tour led by Adelaide teaching staff. Students will be expected to complete a number of intensively taught preliminary classes at Adelaide before travel overseas. While on location, students will undertake a series of seminars, masterclasses, performances and visits. This course is designed to enhance students understanding and appreciation of the contemporary musical world and gain a deeper insight into cultures of selected foreign countries. Topics may include detailed study of a traditional musical culture, enhanced through attending performances; study of different pedagogical approaches to music study, enhanced through attendance and participation in masterclasses; performance experience through playing in concerts, including with students from the destination country; study of the structural, economic and social foundations of the music profession in the destination country.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 24/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 28/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 11/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 17/07/2024"}}]}, "6435": {"id": "XQG_woFObYnstiKIPE_Db", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "YXJFdZ0FthrHeFaSix4-6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95109, "section": "01EX", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Note: Enrolment into this course is by selection only. Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}]}]}]}]}, "6436": {"id": "__v8KHr0hw9-1dIiL5pcj", "course_id": "108231", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108231", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Music, Media & Contemporary Society II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSGEN", "CATALOG_NBR": "2003", "CLASS_NBR": 22495, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 12 units of Level I undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Ability to play an instrument or read music is not required for this course", "INCOMPATIBLE": "GENMUS 2005, GENMUS 3005, MUSGEN 3014", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam 1 (25%), Essay (40%), Exam 2 (35%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course examines the use and meaning of music in a range of media contexts in contemporary society. It draws on examples of music media such as audio recordings, feature films, animated cartoons, television shows and advertisements, video games, radio, and background music. Part of the focus of the course is on the interconnectedness of musical practices brought about through music-oriented technology. This may be seen especially in the general impact of recording technology on all forms of music-making and consumption, but also in the business and promotional practices associated with the global music industry, and in issues related to music copyright. Throughout the course, an emphasis will be placed on developing students' ability to critically examine and discuss aspects of musical aesthetics, behaviour, function, and meaning.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6437": {"id": "__v8KHr0hw9-1dIiL5pcj", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "IYOX8rZVwnvD4PKs64jm3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22494, "section": "LE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 32, "available": 28, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "MRKnomxyj2U2Jogp_1uh3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22495, "section": "TU01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 32, "available": 38, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6438": {"id": "q6Y9ATAvnABmuQASPMo4Q", "course_id": "108703", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108703", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Musics of the World II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSGEN", "CATALOG_NBR": "2004", "CLASS_NBR": 22493, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "GENMUS 1003, MUSGEN 1004, MUSGEN 3010, MUSST 1000B", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam 1 (25%), Essay (2000 words) (40%), Exam 2 (35%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "An introduction to the music and performance of selected world cultures. Music is presented as a form of cultural expression which can be understood in both social and music-stylistic contexts. Students will gain an appreciation of culturally distinct elements of music as well as its more universal qualities. The music and cultural examples we explore draw from select regions of the world (including Australia, Africa, East Asia, Southwest Asia, North America and the Carribean) and range from ancient ceremonial practices, to traditional court- and folk traditions, to contemporary forms of 'world music' and pop.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6439": {"id": "q6Y9ATAvnABmuQASPMo4Q", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "IIltk6_7jbNvr_wvF1cLT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22499, "section": "LE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 9, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "sP48EhUo7mNK_Cg-BDqlV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22493, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 9, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}]}]}]}, "6440": {"id": "z1dITEOvv8H7jaEHjwme0", "course_id": "108208", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108208", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Foundations of Conducting", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSGEN", "CATALOG_NBR": "2010", "CLASS_NBR": 11570, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Priority is given to BMus students but available to all students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "GENMUS 2023, PERF 2023, PERF 2024, MUSGEN 3013", "ASSESSMENT": "Minor practical assessment 20%, Observation & review assignment 20%, Major practical assessment 50%, Class participation 10%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides students with an introduction to conducting techniques including all standard beat patterns; the initial development of expressive gestures and skills for reflection of musical character; use of the left hand; entries, releases, fermata, tempo and character changes); score reading, analysis and marking; developing appropriate aural skills; effective rehearsal techniques and planning; repertoire and resources, including set works; and an introduction to specific choral and instrumental techniques.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6441": {"id": "z1dITEOvv8H7jaEHjwme0", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "ptSNmaB3RMF_ndNdq6rey", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11570, "section": "WR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 18, "available": 32, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}]}]}]}, "6442": {"id": "Xvonrlj3lLxJ9EUHQTTBo", "course_id": "108235", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108235", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Music Professional Development 2A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSGEN", "CATALOG_NBR": "2201", "CLASS_NBR": 18681, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 8 hours per week depending on ensemble allocation", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Ensemble audition", "CO_REQUISITE": "Keyboard Musicianship requires MUSCLASS 2200 on piano", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment 1: Parts assessment or equivalent 40%, Assessment 2: Parts assessment or equivalent 60%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides the opportunity to participate in specialist ensembles, both large and small, that cater for each student's instrument/voice and career goals. The course also offers components which can enhance professional skills, depending on the student's instrument/voice. Ensemble rehearsal and performance focusses on the skills of reading, listening, intonation, blend, articulation, individual sound, improvisation and, stylistic interpretation within the ensemble context. Through involvement in rehearsals in which students gain experience with professional ensemble directors, students will develop effective practising strategies, rehearsal discipline and creative approaches to problem solving. Students will gain an understanding of the importance of teamwork, an awareness of professional standards and expectations, and be given opportunities to build effective working relationships with colleagues. Central to the course is a focus on professional standards and expectations. Students will undertake two components, to be determined on the outcome of ensemble auditions. The components typically available are: Elder Conservatorium Chamber Orchestra, Elder Conservatorium Symphony Orchestra, Elder Conservatorium Wind Orchestra, Chamber Music, Guitar Ensemble, Jazz Big Band, Latin Ensemble, Rhythm & Reading Ensemble, Small Jazz Ensemble, Elder Conservatorium Chorale (SATB choir), Bella Voce (female choir), Jazz Vocal Ensemble, Chamber Music, Accompanying, and Music Journalism.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6443": {"id": "Xvonrlj3lLxJ9EUHQTTBo", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "id": "PBcszzAka-wvbO-pbKvCC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10084, "section": "RS21", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Chinese Orchestra. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "18 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10527, "section": "RS15", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Rhythm Matters. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11752, "section": "RS01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 7, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Elder Conservatorium Symphony Orchestra. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 25 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "14 May - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "16 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11789, "section": "RS20", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Brass Ensemble. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 20 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13180, "section": "RS22", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Small ensemble Tudlya"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B20, Drumkit Studio"}, {"dates": "22 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B20, Drumkit Studio"}, {"dates": "3 May - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B20, Drumkit Studio"}, {"dates": "24 May - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B20, Drumkit Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13215, "section": "RS19", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Stagecraft. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13219, "section": "RS25", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Small ensemble Palti-palti"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "22 May - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14252, "section": "RS26", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal"}, {"class_nbr": 14542, "section": "RS02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Elder Conservatorium Wind Orchestra. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "20 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "1 May - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14544, "section": "RS03", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Guitar Ensemble. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "12 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "15 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14546, "section": "RS04", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Jazz Big Band. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14929, "section": "RS24", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Small ensemble Ngakala"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "1 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "22 May - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14930, "section": "RS12", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Keyboard Musicianship. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week. This class is held in the Madley Building, MB19"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "12 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": " "}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": " "}, {"dates": "4 Jun - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 15049, "section": "RS05", "size": 20, "enrolled": 4, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Jazz Vocal Ensemble. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G03, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G03, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G03, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15051, "section": "RS06", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Latin Ensemble. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15054, "section": "RS07", "size": 20, "enrolled": 7, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Rhythm & Reading Ensemble. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "6 Mar - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "1 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "22 May - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15073, "section": "RS08", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Percussion Ensemble. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 24 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15079, "section": "RS09", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Elder Conservatorium Chamber Orchestra. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 24 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15082, "section": "RS10", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Elder Conservatorium Chorale. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "7pm", "end_time": "9:30pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "1 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "7pm", "end_time": "9:30pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15085, "section": "RS11", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Chamber Music. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 15088, "section": "RS13", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Accompanying. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "1 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15429, "section": "RS23", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Small ensemble Tinkyadla"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B08, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B08, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "1 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B08, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "22 May - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B08, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15598, "section": "RS18", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Piano Repertoire Workshop. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 18680, "section": "RSL0", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Choose this class if you have been allocated to Chamber Music (Piano) or Early Music or Negotiated Project. Also choose this class if you are not enrolled in a music program and therefore only doing one ensemble."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "WbJEfzh4q_GQBDNvCbN2m", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10085, "section": "WR21", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Chinese Orchestra. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "18 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10528, "section": "WR15", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Rhythm Matters. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10824, "section": "WR20", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Brass Ensemble. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 20 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11753, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Elder Conservatorium Symphony Orchestra. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 25 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "14 May - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "16 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11791, "section": "WR09", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Elder Conservatorium Chamber Orchestra. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11792, "section": "WR10", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Elder Conservatorium Chorale. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "7pm", "end_time": "9:30pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "1 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "7pm", "end_time": "9:30pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11797, "section": "WR11", "size": 20, "enrolled": 8, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Chamber Music. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 11800, "section": "WR13", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Accompanying. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "1 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13181, "section": "WR22", "size": 20, "enrolled": 5, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Small ensemble Tudyla"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B20, Drumkit Studio"}, {"dates": "22 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B20, Drumkit Studio"}, {"dates": "3 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B20, Drumkit Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13216, "section": "WR19", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Stagecraft. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13217, "section": "WR24", "size": 20, "enrolled": 5, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Small ensemble Ngakala"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13218, "section": "WR25", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Small ensemble Palti-palti"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13535, "section": "WR23", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Small ensemble Tinkyadla"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B08, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B08, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "1 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B08, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14931, "section": "WR12", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Keyboard Musicianship. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week. This class is held in the Madley Building, Room MB19."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "12 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": " "}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": " "}, {"dates": "4 Jun - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 15062, "section": "WR02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 6, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Elder Conservatorium Wind Orchestra. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "20 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "1 May - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15063, "section": "WR03", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Guitar Ensemble. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "12 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "15 Mar - 29 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15064, "section": "WR04", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Jazz Big Band. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "1 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15065, "section": "WR05", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Jazz Vocal Ensemble. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G03, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G03, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G03, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "2 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15066, "section": "WR06", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Latin Ensemble. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "1 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15067, "section": "WR07", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Rhythm & Reading Ensemble. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "6 Mar - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "1 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "22 May - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15076, "section": "WR08", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Percussion Ensemble. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15599, "section": "WR18", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Piano Repertoire Workshop. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 18681, "section": "WRK0", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Choose this class if you have been allocated to Chamber Music (Piano) or Early Music or Negotiated Project. Also choose this class if you are not enrolled in a music program and therefore only doing one ensemble."}]}]}]}]}, "6444": {"id": "lMpqz-yfMZtpzMyZIN3s6", "course_id": "108236", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108236", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Music Professional Development 2B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSGEN", "CATALOG_NBR": "2202", "CLASS_NBR": 28621, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 8 hours per week depending on ensemble allocation", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "Accompanying requires MUSCLASS 2201 on piano", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment 1: Parts assessment or equivalent 40%, Assessment 2: Parts assessment or equivalent 60%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides the opportunity to participate in specialist ensembles, both large and small, that cater for each student's instrument/voice and career goals. The course also offers components which can enhance professional skills, depending on the student's instrument/voice. Ensemble rehearsal and performance focusses on the skills of reading, listening, intonation, blend, articulation, individual sound, improvisation and, stylistic interpretation within the ensemble context. Through involvement in rehearsals in which students gain experience with professional ensemble directors, students will develop effective practising strategies, rehearsal discipline and creative approaches to problem solving. Students will gain an understanding of the importance of teamwork, an awareness of professional standards and expectations, and be given opportunities to build effective working relationships with colleagues. Central to the course is a focus on professional standards and expectations. Students will undertake two components, to be determined on the outcome of ensemble auditions. The components typically available are: Elder Conservatorium Chamber Orchestra, Elder Conservatorium Symphony Orchestra, Elder Conservatorium Wind Orchestra, Guitar Ensemble, Jazz Big Band, Latin Ensemble, Rhythm & Reading Ensemble, Small Jazz Ensemble, Elder Conservatorium Chorale (SATB choir), Bella Voce (female choir), Jazz Vocal Ensemble, Chamber Music, Stagecraft, Accompanying, and Music Journalism.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6445": {"id": "lMpqz-yfMZtpzMyZIN3s6", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "id": "2SO2jmvmaON1SzLWhmU4J", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20074, "section": "RS21", "size": 25, "enrolled": 0, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Chinese Orchestra. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20475, "section": "RS15", "size": 25, "enrolled": 1, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Rhythm Matters. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20985, "section": "RS18", "size": 25, "enrolled": 0, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Piano Repertoire Workshop. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 20986, "section": "RS17", "size": 25, "enrolled": 4, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Opera Scenes. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "6:30pm", "end_time": "10pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "6:30pm", "end_time": "10pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20995, "section": "RS20", "size": 25, "enrolled": 0, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Brass Ensemble. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21171, "section": "RS23", "size": 25, "enrolled": 4, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Small Ensemble Tinkyadla"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "18 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21172, "section": "RS24", "size": 25, "enrolled": 4, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Small Ensemble Ngakala"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22176, "section": "RS08", "size": 25, "enrolled": 1, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Percussion Ensemble. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23117, "section": "RS25", "size": 25, "enrolled": 2, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Small Ensemble Palti-palti"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "18 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24847, "section": "RS12", "size": 25, "enrolled": 1, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Keyboard Musicianship. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week. This class is held in the Madley Building, Room MB19"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": " "}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 25368, "section": "RS01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 13, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Elder Conservatorium Symphony Orchestra. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 20 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "1 Aug - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25369, "section": "RS02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 5, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Elder Conservatorium Wind Orchestra. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "14 Aug - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25370, "section": "RS03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 3, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Guitar Ensemble. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "9 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25371, "section": "RS04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 2, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Jazz Big Band. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25372, "section": "RS05", "size": 25, "enrolled": 3, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Jazz Vocal Ensemble. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25373, "section": "RS06", "size": 25, "enrolled": 2, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Latin Ensemble. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 29 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 31 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "12 Aug - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "14 Aug - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "7 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25374, "section": "RS07", "size": 25, "enrolled": 3, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Rhythm & Reading Ensemble. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 29 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 31 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "12 Aug - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "14 Aug - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "7 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25375, "section": "RS09", "size": 25, "enrolled": 1, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Elder Conservatorium Chamber Orchestra. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25376, "section": "RS10", "size": 25, "enrolled": 3, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Elder Conservatorium Chorale. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "7pm", "end_time": "9:30pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "7pm", "end_time": "9:30pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25377, "section": "RS11", "size": 25, "enrolled": 0, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Chamber Music. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25378, "section": "RS13", "size": 25, "enrolled": 1, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Accompanying. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25604, "section": "RS26", "size": 25, "enrolled": 0, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal"}, {"class_nbr": 28620, "section": "RSL0", "size": 25, "enrolled": 0, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Choose this class if you have been allocated to Chamber Music (Piano) or Early Music or Negotiated Project. Also choose this class if you are not enrolled in a music program and therefore only doing one ensemble."}]}, {"class_nbr": 29093, "section": "RS22", "size": 25, "enrolled": 2, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Small Ensemble Tudlyu"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "cqXqy3oR8cMLnhwU18kcU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20688, "section": "WR15", "size": 25, "enrolled": 3, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Rhythm Matters. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20987, "section": "WR18", "size": 25, "enrolled": 0, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Piano Repertoire Workshop. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 20988, "section": "WR17", "size": 25, "enrolled": 2, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Opera Scenes. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "6:30pm", "end_time": "10pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "6:30pm", "end_time": "10pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20997, "section": "WR20", "size": 25, "enrolled": 1, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Brass Ensemble. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21173, "section": "WR21", "size": 25, "enrolled": 0, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Chinese Orchestra. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 29 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "12 Aug - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "7 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21753, "section": "WR25", "size": 25, "enrolled": 2, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Small Ensemble Palti-palti"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23118, "section": "WR24", "size": 25, "enrolled": 2, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Small Ensemble Ngaklala"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23119, "section": "WR23", "size": 25, "enrolled": 1, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Small Ensemble Tinkyadla"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24849, "section": "WR12", "size": 25, "enrolled": 1, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Keyboard Musicianship. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week. This class is held in the Madley Building, Room MB19"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": " "}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 25379, "section": "WR01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 3, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Elder Conservatorium Symphony Orchestra. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 20 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "1 Aug - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25380, "section": "WR02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 3, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Elder Conservatorium Wind Orchestra. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "14 Aug - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25381, "section": "WR03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 2, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Guitar Ensemble. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "9 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25382, "section": "WR04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 1, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Jazz Big Band. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25383, "section": "WR05", "size": 25, "enrolled": 3, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Jazz Vocal Ensemble. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25384, "section": "WR06", "size": 25, "enrolled": 3, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Latin Ensemble. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 29 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 31 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "12 Aug - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "14 Aug - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "7 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25385, "section": "WR07", "size": 25, "enrolled": 4, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Rhythm & Reading Ensemble. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 29 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 31 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "12 Aug - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "14 Aug - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "7 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25386, "section": "WR08", "size": 25, "enrolled": 0, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Percussion Ensemble. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25387, "section": "WR09", "size": 25, "enrolled": 6, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Elder Conservatorium Chamber Orchestra. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25388, "section": "WR10", "size": 25, "enrolled": 3, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Elder Conservatorium Chorale. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "7pm", "end_time": "9:30pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "7pm", "end_time": "9:30pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25389, "section": "WR11", "size": 25, "enrolled": 6, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Chamber Music. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25390, "section": "WR13", "size": 25, "enrolled": 1, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Accompanying. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25605, "section": "WR26", "size": 25, "enrolled": 2, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop"}, {"class_nbr": 28621, "section": "WRK0", "size": 25, "enrolled": 1, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Choose this class if you have been allocated to Chamber Music (Piano) or Early Music or Negotiated Project. Also choose this class if you are not enrolled in a music program and therefore only doing one ensemble."}]}, {"class_nbr": 29092, "section": "WR22", "size": 25, "enrolled": 5, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Small Ensemble Tudlya"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6446": {"id": "gOXy8L5QFG9bWY0bJiUNc", "course_id": "108212", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108212", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Jazz Arranging", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSGEN", "CATALOG_NBR": "3007", "CLASS_NBR": 20623, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSJAZZ 2101, MUSJAZZ 2102", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Voicing assignment 10%, Soli harmonisation assignment 15%, Trombone composition 15%, Voicing assignment - brass 10%, Voicing assignment - brass & saxophone 10%, String assignment 5%, Big band arrangement 35%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course will cover advanced techniques of textural and harmonic procedures in arranging for medium to large jazz ensembles. Topics will include: voicing saxes and brass in fourths, 'drop 2', 'drop 3', 'drop 2 and 4', 'clusters', 'spread voicings', melodic embellishment, re-harmonisation, melodic subdivision, the 5-part saxophone soli style, voicing 8 brass and effectively combining saxophones with brass, score analysis and study of styles of contemporary arrangers & composers. The basic principles of string writing will also be covered. Students will be required to create a big band arrangement for their major assignment, toward the end of the semester. To assist hands-on practical learning, tutorials will often be conducted in the keyboard laboratory. Small assignments will be also be played and discussed during tutorials with a view to develop accuracy of musical communication, language and style. The major assignment will be played and recorded by Big Band 1 if time permits. Alternatively, students may have their arrangements played and recorded by big bands in the community.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6447": {"id": "gOXy8L5QFG9bWY0bJiUNc", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "OcxA4f74rSKIB212JQANR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20623, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "gi888cvbuaOH31fvzOofg", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24086, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "6448": {"id": "ZAoMsA4n98cR_4wkA1QkK", "course_id": "108809", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108809", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Music, Health and Wellbeing", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSGEN", "CATALOG_NBR": "3011", "CLASS_NBR": 15411, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Annotated bibliography 30%, Essay 40%, Oral presentation 30%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an overview of the range of benefits that music can offer to the community. Students will gain an understanding of how music programmes in hospitals, nursing homes and schools utilise the unique qualities of music to improve quality of life and general wellbeing for all age groups, from premature babies to the elderly.\nRecent advances in neuroscience continue to expand our understanding of how music affects the human brain and body. Students will become familiar with ongoing research projects focused on the use of music to alleviate symptoms associated with behavioural disabilities and brain diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease. \nOther topics covered include: music and healthy ageing; music and language development; music and memory; music and early childhood development; music and autism; music and emotional wellbeing and music in the hospital setting. \nIn addition to its health benefits, music also has a valuable role to play in creating community cohesion. The course examines the impact of various participatory music programmes that aim to benefit children from low socio-economic areas; young offenders and prison inmates, and refugee populations.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6449": {"id": "ZAoMsA4n98cR_4wkA1QkK", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "dbkjCLAEiQO4JyrD_yoob", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11050, "section": "LE01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 39, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "nmLdIygEv7jOQxlYP5kbi", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15411, "section": "TU01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 39, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6450": {"id": "pAM6SA-5P6aygwX77u5V7", "course_id": "109876", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109876", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Foundations of Conducting", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSGEN", "CATALOG_NBR": "3013", "CLASS_NBR": 11571, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Priority is given to BMus students but available to all students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "GENMUS 2023, PERF 2023, PERF 2024, MUSGEN 2010", "ASSESSMENT": "Minor practical assessment 20%, Observation & review assignment 20%, Major practical assessment 50%, Class participation 10%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides students with an introduction to conducting techniques including all standard beat patterns; the initial development of expressive gestures and skills for reflection of musical character; use of the left hand; entries, releases, fermata, tempo and character changes); score reading, analysis and marking; developing appropriate aural skills; effective rehearsal techniques and planning; repertoire and resources, including set works; and an introduction to specific choral and instrumental techniques.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6451": {"id": "pAM6SA-5P6aygwX77u5V7", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "FOxZChhc8DCg-Up44O0k6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11571, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 12, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}]}]}]}, "6452": {"id": "DtqVVWCPY02GRGWis851N", "course_id": "110120", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110120", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Music, Media & Contemporary Society III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSGEN", "CATALOG_NBR": "3014", "CLASS_NBR": 22497, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "GENMUS 2005, GENMUS 3005, MUSGEN 2003", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam 1 (15%), Essay (35%), Exam 2 (30%), Video presentation (20%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course examines the use and meaning of music in a range of media contexts in contemporary society. It draws on examples of music media such as audio recordings, feature films, animated cartoons, television shows and advertisements, video games, radio, and background music. Part of the focus of the course is on the interconnectedness of musical practices brought about through music-oriented technology. This may be seen especially in the general impact of recording technology on all forms of music-making and consumption, but also in the business and promotional practices associated with the global music industry, and in issues related to music copyright. Throughout the course, an emphasis will be placed on developing students' ability to critically examine and discuss aspects of musical aesthetics, behaviour, function, and meaning.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6453": {"id": "DtqVVWCPY02GRGWis851N", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "-p37g7u0g5svEV2uycRDl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22496, "section": "LE01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 5, "available": 65, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "673GyUTyfGbmhCxORaums", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22497, "section": "TU01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 5, "available": 65, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6454": {"id": "yrzEZ1Nixn58CYvEaQQRt", "course_id": "109703", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109703", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "International Study Tour: Music", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSGEN", "CATALOG_NBR": "3015EX", "CLASS_NBR": 95112, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "4 hours pre departure; up to 30 hours per week for 2 weeks", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Subject to Elder Conservatorium approval, preference will be given to BMus students\u2019", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 12 units of Level I and Level II courses must be completed in one of the eight Music majors (specialisations)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "At least 24 units of Level I courses must be completed in the BMus or BMus(Adv)", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Reflective journal 50%, Attendance and participation 10%, Concert repertoire and awareness test and concert reviews 40%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course enables University of Adelaide students to undertake a short study tour led by Adelaide teaching staff. Students will be expected to complete a number of intensive preliminary classes at Adelaide before travelling overseas. While on location, students will observe a series of workshops, seminars, masterclasses and performances. This course is designed to enhance the students\u2019 musical understanding and appreciation of the contemporary musical world and gain a deeper insight into the cultures of selected foreign countries. Topics may include detailed study of a traditional musical culture, enhanced through attending performances; study of different pedagogical approaches to music study, enhanced through attendance and observation of masterclasses and performance experiences through hearing concerts, including the study of the structural, economic and social foundations of the music profession in the destination country.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 24/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 28/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 11/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 17/07/2024"}}]}, "6455": {"id": "yrzEZ1Nixn58CYvEaQQRt", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "Fz8BuZF7UMK1NLpvgypZX", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95112, "section": "01EX", "size": 15, "enrolled": 1, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "6456": {"id": "r6Na7WiyP_nPcmwV0SuR3", "course_id": "110455", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110455", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Conducting: Choral & Instrumental Techniques", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSGEN", "CATALOG_NBR": "3017", "CLASS_NBR": 22679, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available for BMus students only except by special permission of the Conservatorium", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSGEN 2010 or MUSGEN 3013", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MUSGEN 2010", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MUSGEN 3008, MUSGEN 3009, GENMUS 2023, PERF 2023, PERF 2024", "ASSESSMENT": "Minor practical assessment 10%, Observation and Review 20%, Written assignment 20%, Major practical assessment 50%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "Y", "SYLLABUS": "This course builds on the basic conducting skills developed in Foundations of Conducting and provides students with more specific skills and techniques for working with instrumental ensembles (including orchestras) and choirs. The course will enable students to acquire skills in: developing choral tone and diction; expressive conducting; developing a working knowledge of relevant instruments and the human voice; effective rehearsal; working with a variety of musical styles; repertoire and resources study including detailed score study of selected set works. Available to BMus students only except by special permission of the Conservatorium.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6457": {"id": "r6Na7WiyP_nPcmwV0SuR3", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "9_y8K49bpHO2Cara9PUXK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22679, "section": "WR01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 17, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}]}]}]}, "6458": {"id": "RitAJleof-79SMldvDkrU", "course_id": "108237", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108237", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Music Professional Development 3A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSGEN", "CATALOG_NBR": "3201", "CLASS_NBR": 18683, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 8 hours per week depending on ensemble allocation", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Ensemble audition", "CO_REQUISITE": "Accompanying requires MUSCLASS 3200 on piano", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment 1: Parts assessment or equivalent 40%, Assessment 2: Parts assessment or equivalent 60%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides the opportunity to participate in specialist ensembles, both large and small, that cater for each student's instrument/voice and career goals. The course also offers components which can enhance professional skills, depending on the student's instrument/voice. Ensemble rehearsal and performance focusses on the skills of reading, listening, intonation, blend, articulation, individual sound, improvisation and, stylistic interpretation within the ensemble context. Through involvement in rehearsals in which students gain experience with professional ensemble directors, students will develop effective practising strategies, rehearsal discipline and creative approaches to problem solving. Students will gain an understanding of the importance of teamwork, an awareness of professional standards and expectations, and be given opportunities to build effective working relationships with colleagues. Central to the course is a focus on professional standards and expectations. Students will undertake two components, to be determined on the outcome of ensemble auditions. The components typically available are: Elder Conservatorium Chamber Orchestra, Elder Conservatorium Symphony Orchestra, Elder Conservatorium Wind Orchestra, Guitar Ensemble, Jazz Big Band, Latin Ensemble, Rhythm & Reading Ensemble, Small Jazz Ensemble, Elder Conservatorium Chorale (SATB choir), Bella Voce (female choir), Jazz Vocal Ensemble, Chamber Music, Accompanying, and Music Journalism.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6459": {"id": "RitAJleof-79SMldvDkrU", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "id": "A6V0o4zHTpNdLLJQFAx8r", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10086, "section": "RS21", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Chinese Orchestra. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "18 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11028, "section": "RS19", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Stagecraft. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11030, "section": "RS24", "size": 20, "enrolled": 7, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Small Ensemble Paku-paku"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "1 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "22 May - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11166, "section": "RS15", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Rhythm Matters. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13182, "section": "RS23", "size": 20, "enrolled": 7, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Small Ensemble Waltha"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "22 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "3 May - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "24 May - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13269, "section": "RS25", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Small Ensemble Ngungana"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B20, Drumkit Studio"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B20, Drumkit Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14089, "section": "RS20", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Brass Ensemble. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 20 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14541, "section": "RS01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 7, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Elder Conservatorium Symphony Orchestra. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 25 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "14 May - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "16 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14543, "section": "RS02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 4, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Elder Conservatorium Wind Orchestra. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "20 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "1 May - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14545, "section": "RS03", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Guitar Ensemble. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "12 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "15 Mar - 29 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14547, "section": "RS04", "size": 20, "enrolled": 7, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Jazz Big Band. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14932, "section": "RS12", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Keyboard Musicianship. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week. This class is held in the Madley Building, Room MB19."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "12 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": " "}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": " "}, {"dates": "4 Jun - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 14933, "section": "RS11", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Chamber Music. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 15050, "section": "RS05", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Jazz Vocal Ensemble. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G03, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G03, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G03, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15052, "section": "RS06", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Latin Ensemble. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15055, "section": "RS07", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Rhythm & Reading Ensemble. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "6 Mar - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "1 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "22 May - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15074, "section": "RS08", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Percussion Ensemble. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 24 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15080, "section": "RS09", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Elder Conservatorium Chamber Orchestra. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 24 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15083, "section": "RS10", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Elder Conservatorium Chorale. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "7pm", "end_time": "9:30pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "1 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "7pm", "end_time": "9:30pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15089, "section": "RS13", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Accompanying. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "1 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15595, "section": "RS18", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Piano Repertoire Workshop. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 18682, "section": "RSL0", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Choose this class if you have been allocated to Chamber Music (Piano) or Early Music or Negotiated Project. Also choose this class if you are not enrolled in a music program and therefore only doing one ensemble."}]}, {"class_nbr": 19795, "section": "RS22", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Small Ensemble Winta"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B08, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "22 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B08, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "3 May - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B08, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "24 May - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B08, Practice Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "Wt43aSRzw9Us5Gs-czpZS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10087, "section": "WR21", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Chinese Orchestra. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "18 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10529, "section": "WR15", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Rhythm Matters. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11029, "section": "WR19", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Stagecraft. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11031, "section": "WR24", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Small Ensemble Paku-paku"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "1 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11772, "section": "WR07", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Rhythm & Reading Ensemble. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "6 Mar - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "1 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "22 May - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11793, "section": "WR09", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Elder Conservatorium Chamber Orchestra. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11794, "section": "WR10", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Elder Conservatorium Chorale. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "7pm", "end_time": "9:30pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "1 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "7pm", "end_time": "9:30pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11801, "section": "WR13", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Accompanying. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "1 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12933, "section": "WR23", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Small Ensemble Waltha"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "22 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "3 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12934, "section": "WR20", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Brass Ensemble. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 20 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13268, "section": "WR25", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Small Ensemble Ngungana"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B20, Drumkit Studio"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B20, Drumkit Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14548, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Elder Conservatorium Symphony Orchestra. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 25 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "14 May - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "16 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14934, "section": "WR12", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Keyboard Musicianship. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week. This class is held in the Madley Building, Room MB19."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "12 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": " "}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": " "}, {"dates": "4 Jun - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 14935, "section": "WR11", "size": 20, "enrolled": 6, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Chamber Music. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 15068, "section": "WR02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Elder Conservatorium Wind Orchestra. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "20 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "1 May - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15069, "section": "WR03", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Guitar Ensemble. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "12 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "15 Mar - 29 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15070, "section": "WR04", "size": 20, "enrolled": 5, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Jazz Big Band. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15071, "section": "WR05", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Jazz Vocal Ensemble. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G03, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G03, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G03, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15072, "section": "WR06", "size": 20, "enrolled": 6, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Latin Ensemble. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15077, "section": "WR08", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Percussion Ensemble. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15597, "section": "WR18", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Piano Repertoire Workshop. Please enrol after you have been allocated to your ensembles following auditions in O Week."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 18683, "section": "WRK0", "size": 20, "enrolled": 4, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Choose this class if you have been allocated to Chamber Music (Piano) or Early Music or Negotiated Project. Also choose this class if you are not enrolled in a music program and therefore only doing one ensemble."}]}, {"class_nbr": 19796, "section": "WR22", "size": 10, "enrolled": 5, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Small ensemble Winta"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B08, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "22 Mar - 29 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B08, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "3 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B08, Practice Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6460": {"id": "uX9iJseK0Rmad5j84ayyt", "course_id": "108238", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108238", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Music Professional Development 3B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSGEN", "CATALOG_NBR": "3202", "CLASS_NBR": 13871, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 8 hours per week depending on ensemble allocation", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Ensemble audition", "CO_REQUISITE": "Accompanying requires MUSCLASS 3201 on piano", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment 1: Parts assessment or equivalent 40%, Assessment 2: Parts assessment or equivalent 60%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides the opportunity to participate in specialist ensembles, both large and small, that cater for each student's instrument/voice and career goals. The course also offers components which can enhance professional skills, depending on the student's instrument/voice. Ensemble rehearsal and performance focusses on the skills of reading, listening, intonation, blend, articulation, individual sound, improvisation and, stylistic interpretation within the ensemble context. Through involvement in rehearsals in which students gain experience with professional ensemble directors, students will develop effective practising strategies, rehearsal discipline and creative approaches to problem solving. Students will gain an understanding of the importance of teamwork, an awareness of professional standards and expectations, and be given opportunities to build effective working relationships with colleagues. Central to the course is a focus on professional standards and expectations. Students will undertake two components, to be determined on the outcome of ensemble auditions. The components typically available are: Elder Conservatorium Chamber Orchestra, Elder Conservatorium Symphony Orchestra, Elder Conservatorium Wind Orchestra, Guitar Ensemble, Jazz Big Band, Latin Ensemble, Rhythm & Reading Ensemble, Small Jazz Ensemble, Elder Conservatorium Chorale (SATB choir), Bella Voce (female choir), Jazz Vocal Ensemble, Chamber Music, Accompanying, and Music Journalism.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6461": {"id": "uX9iJseK0Rmad5j84ayyt", "class_list": [{"association_group": "", "groups": []}]}, "6462": {"id": "c-asL7xRedyPE-0QzHr-c", "course_id": "108238", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108238", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Music Professional Development 3B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSGEN", "CATALOG_NBR": "3202", "CLASS_NBR": 28623, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 8 hours per week depending on ensemble allocation", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Ensemble audition", "CO_REQUISITE": "Accompanying requires MUSCLASS 3201 on piano", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment 1: Parts assessment or equivalent 40%, Assessment 2: Parts assessment or equivalent 60%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides the opportunity to participate in specialist ensembles, both large and small, that cater for each student's instrument/voice and career goals. The course also offers components which can enhance professional skills, depending on the student's instrument/voice. Ensemble rehearsal and performance focusses on the skills of reading, listening, intonation, blend, articulation, individual sound, improvisation and, stylistic interpretation within the ensemble context. Through involvement in rehearsals in which students gain experience with professional ensemble directors, students will develop effective practising strategies, rehearsal discipline and creative approaches to problem solving. Students will gain an understanding of the importance of teamwork, an awareness of professional standards and expectations, and be given opportunities to build effective working relationships with colleagues. Central to the course is a focus on professional standards and expectations. Students will undertake two components, to be determined on the outcome of ensemble auditions. The components typically available are: Elder Conservatorium Chamber Orchestra, Elder Conservatorium Symphony Orchestra, Elder Conservatorium Wind Orchestra, Guitar Ensemble, Jazz Big Band, Latin Ensemble, Rhythm & Reading Ensemble, Small Jazz Ensemble, Elder Conservatorium Chorale (SATB choir), Bella Voce (female choir), Jazz Vocal Ensemble, Chamber Music, Accompanying, and Music Journalism.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6463": {"id": "c-asL7xRedyPE-0QzHr-c", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "id": "Ds_NirCEK8_FiLdPJJCVM", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20072, "section": "RS24", "size": 20, "enrolled": 6, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Small Ensemble Paku-paku"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 31 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "14 Aug - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20474, "section": "RS15", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Rhythm Matters"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20990, "section": "RS18", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Piano Repertoire Workshop"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 20991, "section": "RS17", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Opera Scenes"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "6:30pm", "end_time": "10pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "6:30pm", "end_time": "10pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21001, "section": "RS20", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Brass Ensemble"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21174, "section": "RS22", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Small Ensemble Winta"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B08, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B08, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21754, "section": "RS21", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Chinese Orchestra"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 29 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "12 Aug - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "7 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24091, "section": "RS23", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Small Ensemble Waltha"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 31 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "14 Aug - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24842, "section": "RS12", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Keyboard Musicianship.This class is held in the Madley Building, Room MB19."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": " "}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 24843, "section": "RS11", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Chamber Music"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25391, "section": "RS01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 8, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Elder Conservatorium Symphony Orchestra"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 20 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "1 Aug - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25392, "section": "RS02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Elder Conservatorium Wind Orchestra"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "14 Aug - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25393, "section": "RS03", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Guitar Ensemble"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "9 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25394, "section": "RS04", "size": 20, "enrolled": 5, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Jazz Big Band"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25395, "section": "RS05", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Jazz Vocal Ensemble"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25396, "section": "RS06", "size": 20, "enrolled": 5, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Latin Ensemble"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 29 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 31 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "12 Aug - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "14 Aug - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "7 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25397, "section": "RS07", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Rhythm & Reading Ensemble"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 29 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 31 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "12 Aug - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "14 Aug - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "7 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25398, "section": "RS08", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Percussion Ensemble"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25399, "section": "RS09", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Elder Conservatorium Chamber Orchestra"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25400, "section": "RS10", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Elder Conservatorium Chorale"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "7pm", "end_time": "9:30pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "7pm", "end_time": "9:30pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25401, "section": "RS13", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Accompanying"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25606, "section": "RS25", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Small Ensemble Ngungana"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 28622, "section": "RSL0", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Choose this class if you have been allocated to Chamber Music (Piano) or Early Music or Negotiated Project. Also choose this class if you are not enrolled in a music program and therefore only doing one ensemble."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "eWrVpBY3_Tu7KpOu7x6or", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20073, "section": "WR24", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Small Ensemble Paku-paku"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20689, "section": "WR15", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Rhythm Matters"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20992, "section": "WR20", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Brass Ensemble"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20994, "section": "WR18", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Piano Repertoire Workshop"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 21755, "section": "WR21", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Chinese Orchestra"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 29 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "12 Aug - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "7 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24087, "section": "WR22", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Small Ensemble Winta"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B08, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B08, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24092, "section": "WR23", "size": 20, "enrolled": 7, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Small Ensemble Waltha"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24844, "section": "WR12", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Keyboard Musicianship.This class is held in the Madley Building, Room MB19."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": " "}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 24845, "section": "WR11", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Chamber Music"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24876, "section": "WR17", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Opera Scenes"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "6:30pm", "end_time": "10pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "6:30pm", "end_time": "10pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25402, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Elder Conservatorium Symphony Orchestra"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 20 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "1 Aug - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25403, "section": "WR02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 6, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Elder Conservatorium Wind Orchestra"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "14 Aug - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25404, "section": "WR03", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Guitar Ensemble"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "9 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25405, "section": "WR04", "size": 20, "enrolled": 6, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Jazz Big Band"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25406, "section": "WR05", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Jazz Vocal Ensemble"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25407, "section": "WR06", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Latin Ensemble"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 29 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 31 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "12 Aug - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "14 Aug - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "7 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25408, "section": "WR07", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Rhythm & Reading Ensemble"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 29 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 31 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "12 Aug - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "14 Aug - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "7 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25409, "section": "WR08", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Percussion Ensemble"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G12, Percussion Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25410, "section": "WR09", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Elder Conservatorium Chamber Orchestra"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25411, "section": "WR10", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Elder Conservatorium Chorale"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "7pm", "end_time": "9:30pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "7pm", "end_time": "9:30pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25412, "section": "WR13", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Accompanying"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25607, "section": "WR25", "size": 20, "enrolled": 4, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Small Ensemble Ngungana"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 28623, "section": "WRK0", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Choose this class if you have been allocated to Chamber Music (Piano) or Early Music or Negotiated Project. Also choose this class if you are not enrolled in a music program and therefore only doing one ensemble."}]}]}]}]}, "6464": {"id": "GXFXHmZpLN9MWIc70XQcp", "course_id": "108374", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108374", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Music Internship", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSGEN", "CATALOG_NBR": "3300EX", "CLASS_NBR": 92413, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 16 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Enrolment in a specialisation relevant to the internship and its host organisation", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Reflective Journals, Cover letter and CV, Host evaluation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Elder Conservatorium Internship Program involves Internships with Australian businesses, not-for-profit organizations, or organizations at the University of Adelaide. The Internship Program provides opportunities to experience hands-on environments to observe and apply students\u2019 knowledge and skills from their studies. Projects are negotiated between the Faculty and the sponsor within the host organization. Depending on the host organization's needs, they may include technical assistance in audio engineering, archiving, digital editing or production assistance in marketing, or any other negotiated project. Students may also be involved in observations, meetings, and administration to gain a clearer insight into the day-to-day functioning of the business or organization. Students must complete the program to the satisfaction of their host organization and an academic supervisor to be eligible to pass this course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 09/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "6465": {"id": "GXFXHmZpLN9MWIc70XQcp", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "7CISgDgZSppCupirn22wD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92413, "section": "WR01", "size": 0, "enrolled": 2, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Jan - 8 Jan", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Feb - 19 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6466": {"id": "8yeSMzQNcAMvOa0r2Lcnv", "course_id": "108374", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108374", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Music Internship", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSGEN", "CATALOG_NBR": "3300EX", "CLASS_NBR": 19233, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 16 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Enrolment in a specialisation relevant to the internship and its host organisation", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Reflective Journals, Cover letter and CV, Host evaluation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Elder Conservatorium Internship Program involves Internships with Australian businesses, not-for-profit organizations, or organizations at the University of Adelaide. The Internship Program provides opportunities to experience hands-on environments to observe and apply students\u2019 knowledge and skills from their studies. Projects are negotiated between the Faculty and the sponsor within the host organization. Depending on the host organization's needs, they may include technical assistance in audio engineering, archiving, digital editing or production assistance in marketing, or any other negotiated project. Students may also be involved in observations, meetings, and administration to gain a clearer insight into the day-to-day functioning of the business or organization. Students must complete the program to the satisfaction of their host organization and an academic supervisor to be eligible to pass this course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6467": {"id": "8yeSMzQNcAMvOa0r2Lcnv", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "9UENq5dvXK6fPByL2_zDZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19233, "section": "WR01", "size": 0, "enrolled": 10, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 27 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 May - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6468": {"id": "pLvDvQRJ4wr44xrG0HA1c", "course_id": "108374", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108374", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Music Internship", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSGEN", "CATALOG_NBR": "3300EX", "CLASS_NBR": 95279, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 16 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Enrolment in a specialisation relevant to the internship and its host organisation", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Reflective Journals, Cover letter and CV, Host evaluation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Elder Conservatorium Internship Program involves Internships with Australian businesses, not-for-profit organizations, or organizations at the University of Adelaide. The Internship Program provides opportunities to experience hands-on environments to observe and apply students\u2019 knowledge and skills from their studies. Projects are negotiated between the Faculty and the sponsor within the host organization. Depending on the host organization's needs, they may include technical assistance in audio engineering, archiving, digital editing or production assistance in marketing, or any other negotiated project. Students may also be involved in observations, meetings, and administration to gain a clearer insight into the day-to-day functioning of the business or organization. Students must complete the program to the satisfaction of their host organization and an academic supervisor to be eligible to pass this course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 24/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 28/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 11/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 17/07/2024"}}]}, "6469": {"id": "pLvDvQRJ4wr44xrG0HA1c", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "dycx-1wSyPr0lje_kI3dQ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95279, "section": "WR01", "size": 0, "enrolled": 4, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "10 Jun - 10 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Jul - 22 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6470": {"id": "zC5F-Jjn3BjprYsuuYrbe", "course_id": "108374", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108374", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Music Internship", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSGEN", "CATALOG_NBR": "3300EX", "CLASS_NBR": 29068, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 16 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Enrolment in a specialisation relevant to the internship and its host organisation", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Reflective Journals, Cover letter and CV, Host evaluation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Elder Conservatorium Internship Program involves Internships with Australian businesses, not-for-profit organizations, or organizations at the University of Adelaide. The Internship Program provides opportunities to experience hands-on environments to observe and apply students\u2019 knowledge and skills from their studies. Projects are negotiated between the Faculty and the sponsor within the host organization. Depending on the host organization's needs, they may include technical assistance in audio engineering, archiving, digital editing or production assistance in marketing, or any other negotiated project. Students may also be involved in observations, meetings, and administration to gain a clearer insight into the day-to-day functioning of the business or organization. Students must complete the program to the satisfaction of their host organization and an academic supervisor to be eligible to pass this course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6471": {"id": "zC5F-Jjn3BjprYsuuYrbe", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "00a7yHjURO-f2rcLImfwU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29068, "section": "WR01", "size": 0, "enrolled": 18, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 23 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}]}]}]}, "6472": {"id": "1FdN9GLdhB3oIdFquMl4J", "course_id": "108467", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108467", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Music Internship (PGCW)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSGEN", "CATALOG_NBR": "7300", "CLASS_NBR": 92196, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 16 hours per week on average", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MMus students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Current enrolment in the Master of Music degree in a specialisation relevant to the internship and its host organisation", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PERF 7021", "ASSESSMENT": "Participation in placement 40%, Journal/schedule log or record of involvement and engagement 20%, Negotiated task 40%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will allow students to select an activity that complements their major study. It will comprise activities that enhance specialist knowledge of music performance and/or pedagogy, and understanding of ethical practices, and contribute to professional growth to an advanced level that will assist with entry to the profession.\nAs a central part of this course, students will have the opportunity to spend time as 'interns' working within specified areas of either the private or public sector in South Australia, while completing an agreed performance, pedagogical, creative or research based task. The timeframe for these internships will range from several weeks to a complete semester.\nStudents will be allocated placements selected from among a range of offerings within the Adelaide professional music world. Final placement will depend upon the availability of a host organisation (selected from a list provided by the Conservatorium), the application of an internal quota, and the assessment of a formal application taking into consideration overall academic merit as well as relevant skills, knowledge and experience required for the specific internship.\nIn order to complete the process of placement allocation and enrolment, students should first submit their application to the Conservatorium for a place in the Music Internship by October 31st of the previous year (1st semester application), or by 30 April in the year of enrolment (2nd semester application). Successful applicants will be advised of their placement before the beginning of the relevant academic year and then will be able to enrol in the course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 09/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "6473": {"id": "1FdN9GLdhB3oIdFquMl4J", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Fieldwork", "id": "mfFXl5yHdBKqIc-o5Bnz9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92196, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Fieldwork", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment into this course is by application only.\u00a0 Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}]}]}]}]}, "6474": {"id": "-KOiQAFFzFrDe2X7qgm_3", "course_id": "108467", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108467", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Music Internship (PGCW)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSGEN", "CATALOG_NBR": "7300", "CLASS_NBR": 18840, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 16 hours per week on average", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MMus students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Current enrolment in the Master of Music degree in a specialisation relevant to the internship and its host organisation", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PERF 7021", "ASSESSMENT": "Participation in placement 40%, Journal/schedule log or record of involvement and engagement 20%, Negotiated task 40%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will allow students to select an activity that complements their major study. It will comprise activities that enhance specialist knowledge of music performance and/or pedagogy, and understanding of ethical practices, and contribute to professional growth to an advanced level that will assist with entry to the profession.\nAs a central part of this course, students will have the opportunity to spend time as 'interns' working within specified areas of either the private or public sector in South Australia, while completing an agreed performance, pedagogical, creative or research based task. The timeframe for these internships will range from several weeks to a complete semester.\nStudents will be allocated placements selected from among a range of offerings within the Adelaide professional music world. Final placement will depend upon the availability of a host organisation (selected from a list provided by the Conservatorium), the application of an internal quota, and the assessment of a formal application taking into consideration overall academic merit as well as relevant skills, knowledge and experience required for the specific internship.\nIn order to complete the process of placement allocation and enrolment, students should first submit their application to the Conservatorium for a place in the Music Internship by October 31st of the previous year (1st semester application), or by 30 April in the year of enrolment (2nd semester application). Successful applicants will be advised of their placement before the beginning of the relevant academic year and then will be able to enrol in the course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6475": {"id": "-KOiQAFFzFrDe2X7qgm_3", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Fieldwork", "id": "4tBc2F-4vckBB-baLFX-m", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18840, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Fieldwork", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment into this course is by application only.\u00a0 Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}]}]}]}]}, "6476": {"id": "P7PHo35uBeuj7yjg4EYsa", "course_id": "108467", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108467", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Music Internship (PGCW)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSGEN", "CATALOG_NBR": "7300", "CLASS_NBR": 95250, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 16 hours per week on average", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MMus students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Current enrolment in the Master of Music degree in a specialisation relevant to the internship and its host organisation", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PERF 7021", "ASSESSMENT": "Participation in placement 40%, Journal/schedule log or record of involvement and engagement 20%, Negotiated task 40%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will allow students to select an activity that complements their major study. It will comprise activities that enhance specialist knowledge of music performance and/or pedagogy, and understanding of ethical practices, and contribute to professional growth to an advanced level that will assist with entry to the profession.\nAs a central part of this course, students will have the opportunity to spend time as 'interns' working within specified areas of either the private or public sector in South Australia, while completing an agreed performance, pedagogical, creative or research based task. The timeframe for these internships will range from several weeks to a complete semester.\nStudents will be allocated placements selected from among a range of offerings within the Adelaide professional music world. Final placement will depend upon the availability of a host organisation (selected from a list provided by the Conservatorium), the application of an internal quota, and the assessment of a formal application taking into consideration overall academic merit as well as relevant skills, knowledge and experience required for the specific internship.\nIn order to complete the process of placement allocation and enrolment, students should first submit their application to the Conservatorium for a place in the Music Internship by October 31st of the previous year (1st semester application), or by 30 April in the year of enrolment (2nd semester application). Successful applicants will be advised of their placement before the beginning of the relevant academic year and then will be able to enrol in the course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 24/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 28/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 11/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 17/07/2024"}}]}, "6477": {"id": "P7PHo35uBeuj7yjg4EYsa", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Fieldwork", "id": "2CXRyEc8-Zf2mFSNeK9_8", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95250, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Fieldwork", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment into this course is by application only.\u00a0 Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}]}]}]}]}, "6478": {"id": "awgbOhDZI0m_mI8md8m01", "course_id": "108467", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108467", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Music Internship (PGCW)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSGEN", "CATALOG_NBR": "7300", "CLASS_NBR": 26035, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 16 hours per week on average", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MMus students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Current enrolment in the Master of Music degree in a specialisation relevant to the internship and its host organisation", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PERF 7021", "ASSESSMENT": "Participation in placement 40%, Journal/schedule log or record of involvement and engagement 20%, Negotiated task 40%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will allow students to select an activity that complements their major study. It will comprise activities that enhance specialist knowledge of music performance and/or pedagogy, and understanding of ethical practices, and contribute to professional growth to an advanced level that will assist with entry to the profession.\nAs a central part of this course, students will have the opportunity to spend time as 'interns' working within specified areas of either the private or public sector in South Australia, while completing an agreed performance, pedagogical, creative or research based task. The timeframe for these internships will range from several weeks to a complete semester.\nStudents will be allocated placements selected from among a range of offerings within the Adelaide professional music world. Final placement will depend upon the availability of a host organisation (selected from a list provided by the Conservatorium), the application of an internal quota, and the assessment of a formal application taking into consideration overall academic merit as well as relevant skills, knowledge and experience required for the specific internship.\nIn order to complete the process of placement allocation and enrolment, students should first submit their application to the Conservatorium for a place in the Music Internship by October 31st of the previous year (1st semester application), or by 30 April in the year of enrolment (2nd semester application). Successful applicants will be advised of their placement before the beginning of the relevant academic year and then will be able to enrol in the course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6479": {"id": "awgbOhDZI0m_mI8md8m01", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Fieldwork", "id": "C4HOvARGWn6cmkT8B8B1O", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26035, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Fieldwork", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment into this course is by application only.\u00a0 Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}]}]}]}]}, "6480": {"subject": "MUSHONS", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "107270", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107270", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108260", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108260", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108261", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108261", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108271", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108271", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108272", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108272", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109372", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109372", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "6481": {"id": "Qx-DS4FfzTh2Cn311GrlY", "course_id": "107270", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107270", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Music Research Methodology", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSHONS", "CATALOG_NBR": "4001", "CLASS_NBR": 14472, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to students admitted to relevant Honours program or MA Creative Practice in Music Specialisation students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Successful completion of BMus or equivalent/related undergraduate degree", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Commensurate with a strong result in the completion of Level III of the degree of B.Mus or demonstrated equivalent (as appropriate)", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research essay 80%, Research project topic proposal 15%, Oral presentation 5%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The primary purpose of the 6,000 word research paper is to provide preparation for postgraduate studies by research, whether in Composition, Classical Performance, Jazz Performance, Performance and Pedagogy, Musicology, Ethnomusicology, Music Education, Popular Music or Sonic Arts. Preparation of the research paper will be carried out under the supervision of the Honours Research Methodology Coordinator. Students are required to identify, articulate and investigate a research question relevant to one of the chosen specialisations listed above. There will be 12 research seminars in semester 1 in order to prepare students for this project. Students will be required to keep a weekly journal (2000 words weighted at 15%) documenting class discussion and including individual commentary. Students will be required to make class presentations on a regular basis as they prepare and construct the 6000 word research paper itself (weighted at 85%). Full-time and part-time students must undertake Honours Music Research Methodology as an unbroken sequence.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6482": {"id": "Qx-DS4FfzTh2Cn311GrlY", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "B48lKpEsP3ywWu9NT20q1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14472, "section": "SE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 18, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}]}]}]}, "6483": {"id": "Mu06AXtqvqGFH8kUJ2jK4", "course_id": "107270", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107270", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Music Research Methodology", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSHONS", "CATALOG_NBR": "4001", "CLASS_NBR": 22237, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to students admitted to relevant Honours program or MA Creative Practice in Music Specialisation students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Successful completion of BMus or equivalent/related undergraduate degree", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Commensurate with a strong result in the completion of Level III of the degree of B.Mus or demonstrated equivalent (as appropriate)", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research essay 80%, Research project topic proposal 15%, Oral presentation 5%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The primary purpose of the 6,000 word research paper is to provide preparation for postgraduate studies by research, whether in Composition, Classical Performance, Jazz Performance, Performance and Pedagogy, Musicology, Ethnomusicology, Music Education, Popular Music or Sonic Arts. Preparation of the research paper will be carried out under the supervision of the Honours Research Methodology Coordinator. Students are required to identify, articulate and investigate a research question relevant to one of the chosen specialisations listed above. There will be 12 research seminars in semester 1 in order to prepare students for this project. Students will be required to keep a weekly journal (2000 words weighted at 15%) documenting class discussion and including individual commentary. Students will be required to make class presentations on a regular basis as they prepare and construct the 6000 word research paper itself (weighted at 85%). Full-time and part-time students must undertake Honours Music Research Methodology as an unbroken sequence.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6484": {"id": "Mu06AXtqvqGFH8kUJ2jK4", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "UtAbPuFQm5gY9vv5RYn78", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22237, "section": "SE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 2, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}]}]}]}, "6485": {"id": "ClaE0_gZJJOLgFWZH-VyZ", "course_id": "108260", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108260", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Music Minor Project", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSHONS", "CATALOG_NBR": "4004", "CLASS_NBR": 10997, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 1 hour per week plus forum and ensemble participation if relevant", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to students admitted to relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Successful completion of BMus or equivalent/related undergraduate degree", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Commensurate with a strong result in the completion of Level III of the degree of B.Mus or demonstrated equivalent (as appropriate)", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Performance specialisations: Recital (25 minutes) 100%, Non-performance specialisations: Written paper (6000 words) or performed original composition of equivalent significance 100%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is intended to provide students with the skills and understanding to produce an initial written or performed project relevant to their specialisation. This will involve a performed program of approximately 25 minutes duration or a written work of approximately 6,000 words or original performed composition of equivalent musical significance. Projects must demonstrate adequate facility in the handling of appropriate creative ideas bearing upon the specialisation concerned and deemed to be at Honours level. Preparatory work will be supervised individually or in small groups as approved by the Conservatorium and will involve the student in developing knowledge, skills and insights bearing upon the project to be completed. Effective research and the development of creative output are central to this project. To assist with the completion of this project study will include individual or small group (maximum 4 students) supervisions/lessons with specialist conservatorium staff.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6486": {"id": "ClaE0_gZJJOLgFWZH-VyZ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "5ceXYVe47kuwZYUMci9nx", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18568, "section": "01NT", "size": 50, "enrolled": 9, "available": 41, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students in a CLASSICAL PERFORMANCE major enrol in this class"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Performance", "id": "KiSOU6vQCyxzRAhU_2LQm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14337, "section": "PF01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 9, "available": 31, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Performance", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students in a CLASSICAL PERFORMANCE major enrol in this class"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}]}]}]}, {"association_group": "11", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "m_5h_ygO7sDjrCCkWh6ee", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18569, "section": "02NT", "size": 50, "enrolled": 6, "available": 44, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students in a JAZZ PERFORMANCE Major enrol in this class"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Rehearsal", "id": "LBpfOq4eFCHr83FJi85LS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10997, "section": "RS01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 6, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students in a JAZZ PERFORMANCE Major enrol in this class"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Performance", "id": "wTOdmu9uwRz0bCNuO5Kfp", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14336, "section": "PF02", "size": 40, "enrolled": 6, "available": 34, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Performance", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students in a JAZZ PERFORMANCE Major enrol in this class"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}]}]}, {"association_group": "12", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "xYCvjRQtdefVu6A5qOqIG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18570, "section": "03NT", "size": 50, "enrolled": 0, "available": 50, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students in all Majors other than Classical or Jazz Performance enrol in this class."}]}]}]}]}, "6487": {"id": "AroDEOad4Xrm6YqTs4gnX", "course_id": "108260", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108260", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Music Minor Project", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSHONS", "CATALOG_NBR": "4004", "CLASS_NBR": 23345, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 1 hour per week plus forum and ensemble participation if relevant", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to students admitted to relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Successful completion of BMus or equivalent/related undergraduate degree", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Commensurate with a strong result in the completion of Level III of the degree of B.Mus or demonstrated equivalent (as appropriate)", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Performance specialisations: Recital (25 minutes) 100%, Non-performance specialisations: Written paper (6000 words) or performed original composition of equivalent significance 100%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is intended to provide students with the skills and understanding to produce an initial written or performed project relevant to their specialisation. This will involve a performed program of approximately 25 minutes duration or a written work of approximately 6,000 words or original performed composition of equivalent musical significance. Projects must demonstrate adequate facility in the handling of appropriate creative ideas bearing upon the specialisation concerned and deemed to be at Honours level. Preparatory work will be supervised individually or in small groups as approved by the Conservatorium and will involve the student in developing knowledge, skills and insights bearing upon the project to be completed. Effective research and the development of creative output are central to this project. To assist with the completion of this project study will include individual or small group (maximum 4 students) supervisions/lessons with specialist conservatorium staff.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6488": {"id": "AroDEOad4Xrm6YqTs4gnX", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "wW4CmVBff9TOhHespbOBW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28489, "section": "01NT", "size": 50, "enrolled": 3, "available": 47, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students in a CLASSICAL PERFORMANCE major enrol in this class"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Performance", "id": "sFnt38NzQsdXVNolsJwaj", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24300, "section": "PF01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 3, "available": 37, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Performance", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students in a CLASSICAL PERFORMANCE major enrol in this class"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}]}]}]}, {"association_group": "11", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "tkmfujfFO4n-WIU8BpoDp", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28493, "section": "02NT", "size": 50, "enrolled": 0, "available": 50, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students in a JAZZ PERFORMANCE Major enrol in this class"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Rehearsal", "id": "c0-eEU6snPjJhcTWF7GoJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23345, "section": "RS01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students in a JAZZ PERFORMANCE Major enrol in this class"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Performance", "id": "L_BwkIpXWphvjoEUiy1p1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24299, "section": "PF02", "size": 40, "enrolled": 0, "available": 40, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Performance", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students in a JAZZ PERFORMANCE Major enrol in this class"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}]}]}, {"association_group": "12", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "GeKiMImiZjJ9t5Ly1pHKa", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28494, "section": "03NT", "size": 50, "enrolled": 0, "available": 50, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students in all Majors other than Classical or Jazz Performance enrol in this class."}]}]}]}]}, "6489": {"id": "wiO9PF5KG25R-ItlBcwtg", "course_id": "108261", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108261", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Music Major Project", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSHONS", "CATALOG_NBR": "4005", "CLASS_NBR": 13814, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 1 hour per week plus forum and ensemble participation if relevant", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to students admitted to relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Successful completion of BMus or equivalent/related undergraduate degree", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Commensurate with a strong result in the completion of Level III of the degree of B.Mus or demonstrated equivalent (as appropriate)", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Performance specialisations: Recital (50 minute) 75%, Exegesis (3000 words) 25%, Non-performance specialisations: Written paper (12,000 words) OR original musical compositions(s) of equivalent significance 100%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The primary purpose of this course is to provide students with the skills and understanding to produce a significant written or performed project relevant to their specialisation. This will involve a performed program of approximately 50 minutes duration plus a 3000 word Exegesis, or a written paper of approximately 12,000 words or original composition of equivalent musical significance. Projects must demonstrate familiarity with and skills in the formulation of appropriate creative ideas bearing upon the specialisation concerned and deemed to be at Honours level. Preparatory work will be supervised individually or in small groups as approved by the Conservatorium and will involve the student in considerable time spent developing specialist knowledge, skills and insights bearing upon the project to be completed. Focused research and the development of finessed creative output are at the heart of this project. To assist with the completion of the project student study will include individual or small group (maximum 4 students) supervisions/lessons directed by specialist conservatorium staff.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6490": {"id": "wiO9PF5KG25R-ItlBcwtg", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "jhlr8IzMRG8JDLYxw3jv0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18591, "section": "01NT", "size": 50, "enrolled": 2, "available": 48, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students in a CLASSICAL PERFORMANCE major enrol in this class"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Performance", "id": "tUGg7jsiExmttnTFhbmDq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14338, "section": "PF01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 2, "available": 38, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Performance", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students in a CLASSICAL PERFORMANCE major enrol in this class"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}]}]}]}, {"association_group": "11", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "e4fFyJ2meX4mE9u-7LEhY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18592, "section": "02NT", "size": 50, "enrolled": 0, "available": 50, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students in a JAZZ PERFORMANCE Major enrol in this class"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Rehearsal", "id": "XY7zBA2aqODrhWiE4CZYy", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13814, "section": "RS01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students in a JAZZ PERFORMANCE Major enrol in this class"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Performance", "id": "DU1k1XKkyZA7C3rRwshHZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14343, "section": "PF02", "size": 40, "enrolled": 0, "available": 40, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Performance", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students in a JAZZ PERFORMANCE Major enrol in this class"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}]}]}, {"association_group": "12", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "HXTtYzARs6Bb7b89f3fRJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18593, "section": "03NT", "size": 50, "enrolled": 0, "available": 50, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students in all Majors other than Classical or Jazz Performance enrol in this class."}]}]}]}]}, "6491": {"id": "uhEHG3PEqUDAojX1Csogb", "course_id": "108261", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108261", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Music Major Project", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSHONS", "CATALOG_NBR": "4005", "CLASS_NBR": 20358, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 1 hour per week plus forum and ensemble participation if relevant", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to students admitted to relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Successful completion of BMus or equivalent/related undergraduate degree", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Commensurate with a strong result in the completion of Level III of the degree of B.Mus or demonstrated equivalent (as appropriate)", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Performance specialisations: Recital (50 minute) 75%, Exegesis (3000 words) 25%, Non-performance specialisations: Written paper (12,000 words) OR original musical compositions(s) of equivalent significance 100%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The primary purpose of this course is to provide students with the skills and understanding to produce a significant written or performed project relevant to their specialisation. This will involve a performed program of approximately 50 minutes duration plus a 3000 word Exegesis, or a written paper of approximately 12,000 words or original composition of equivalent musical significance. Projects must demonstrate familiarity with and skills in the formulation of appropriate creative ideas bearing upon the specialisation concerned and deemed to be at Honours level. Preparatory work will be supervised individually or in small groups as approved by the Conservatorium and will involve the student in considerable time spent developing specialist knowledge, skills and insights bearing upon the project to be completed. Focused research and the development of finessed creative output are at the heart of this project. To assist with the completion of the project student study will include individual or small group (maximum 4 students) supervisions/lessons directed by specialist conservatorium staff.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6492": {"id": "uhEHG3PEqUDAojX1Csogb", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "DAfVruC-jdAasC1Oi44f5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28513, "section": "01NT", "size": 50, "enrolled": 7, "available": 43, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students in a CLASSICAL PERFORMANCE Major enrol in this class."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Performance", "id": "HsW8nQz_klyRLdzgjhLeF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24306, "section": "PF01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 7, "available": 33, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Performance", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students in a CLASSICAL PERFORMANCE Major enrol in this class."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}]}]}]}, {"association_group": "11", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "S8EP0KxMWVC2IfXM4TQBt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28514, "section": "02NT", "size": 50, "enrolled": 6, "available": 44, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students in a JAZZ PERFORMANCE Major enrol in this class."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Rehearsal", "id": "E3vlewvI42rm5pdpmgZjq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20358, "section": "RS01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 6, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students in a JAZZ PERFORMANCE Major enrol in this class."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Performance", "id": "m668iM_BHo65iBaUvBuNU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24305, "section": "PF02", "size": 40, "enrolled": 6, "available": 34, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Performance", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students in a JAZZ PERFORMANCE Major enrol in this class."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}]}]}, {"association_group": "12", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "0Eb0e-OO-oK8y177NsTpR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28515, "section": "03NT", "size": 50, "enrolled": 0, "available": 50, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students in all Majors other than Classical or Jazz Performance enrol in this class."}]}]}]}]}, "6493": {"id": "s8K43OrCjNdqJh5p864HY", "course_id": "108271", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108271", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Music Major Project Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSHONS", "CATALOG_NBR": "4006A", "CLASS_NBR": 11083, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to students admitted to relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Successful completion of BMus or equivalent/related undergraduate degree", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Tasks are across both Part 1 and Part 2. Performance specialisations: 50 minute recital 75%, Exegesis (3000 words) 25%. Non-Performance specialisations: Written paper (12,000 words) or original composition(s) of equivalent significance 100%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The primary purpose of this course is to provide students with the skills and understanding to produce a significant written or performed project relevant to their specialisation. This will involve a performed program of approximately 50 minutes duration plus a 3000 word Exegesis, or a written paper of approximately 12,000 words or original composition of equivalent musical significance. Projects must demonstrate familiarity with and skills in the formulation of appropriate creative ideas bearing upon the specialisation concerned and deemed to be at Honours level. Preparatory work will be supervised individually or in small groups as approved by the Conservatorium and will involve the student in considerable time spent developing specialist knowledge, skills and insights bearing upon the project to be completed. Focused research and the development of finessed creative output are at the heart of this project. To assist with the completion of the project student study will include individual or small group (maximum 4 students) supervisions/lessons directed by specialist conservatorium staff.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "6494": {"id": "s8K43OrCjNdqJh5p864HY", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "jo-L3wS3besSrJ2JMPy-d", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18729, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 1, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students in a CLASSICAL PERFORMANCE Major enrol in this class."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Performance", "id": "LFez8-Lg2Inpox8_BJfEx", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14340, "section": "PF01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 1, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Performance", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students in a CLASSICAL PERFORMANCE Major enrol in this class."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}]}]}]}, {"association_group": "11", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "DOamQpcYQ_t5dCpPBdywE", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18730, "section": "02NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students in a JAZZ PERFORMANCE Major enrol in this class."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Rehearsal", "id": "B45htL6u6NFkZaJ7IwYKw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11083, "section": "RS01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students in a JAZZ PERFORMANCE Major enrol in this class."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Performance", "id": "YfA1TQPQNqApVltPIPoIQ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14339, "section": "PF02", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Performance", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students in a JAZZ PERFORMANCE Major enrol in this class."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}]}]}, {"association_group": "12", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "tWC_2-u1_04a6MT-cg0D6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18731, "section": "03NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 2, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students in all majors other than Classical or Jazz Performance enrol in this class."}]}]}]}]}, "6495": {"id": "1YkEe3stbL1TQ0ijTReqT", "course_id": "108271", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108271", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Music Major Project Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSHONS", "CATALOG_NBR": "4006A", "CLASS_NBR": 21012, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to students admitted to relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Successful completion of BMus or equivalent/related undergraduate degree", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Tasks are across both Part 1 and Part 2. Performance specialisations: 50 minute recital 75%, Exegesis (3000 words) 25%. Non-Performance specialisations: Written paper (12,000 words) or original composition(s) of equivalent significance 100%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The primary purpose of this course is to provide students with the skills and understanding to produce a significant written or performed project relevant to their specialisation. This will involve a performed program of approximately 50 minutes duration plus a 3000 word Exegesis, or a written paper of approximately 12,000 words or original composition of equivalent musical significance. Projects must demonstrate familiarity with and skills in the formulation of appropriate creative ideas bearing upon the specialisation concerned and deemed to be at Honours level. Preparatory work will be supervised individually or in small groups as approved by the Conservatorium and will involve the student in considerable time spent developing specialist knowledge, skills and insights bearing upon the project to be completed. Focused research and the development of finessed creative output are at the heart of this project. To assist with the completion of the project student study will include individual or small group (maximum 4 students) supervisions/lessons directed by specialist conservatorium staff.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "6496": {"id": "1YkEe3stbL1TQ0ijTReqT", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "f8UYGKOxgxaEpUjKu910B", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28671, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students in a CLASSICAL PERFORMANCE Major enrol in this class."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Performance", "id": "5XgCcANqNrRMccmx3Jbb-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24302, "section": "PF01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Performance", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students in a CLASSICAL PERFORMANCE Major enrol in this class."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}]}]}]}, {"association_group": "11", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "mHchMr9E37Jrzsxn62vKr", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28672, "section": "02NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students in a JAZZ PERFORMANCE Major enrol in this class."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Rehearsal", "id": "s8ATVR7ops-YElcWvEBGu", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21012, "section": "RS01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students in a JAZZ PERFORMANCE Major enrol in this class."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Performance", "id": "K2eHdd7bTFgQh8-IL6obB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24301, "section": "PF02", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Performance", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students in a JAZZ PERFORMANCE Major enrol in this class."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}]}]}, {"association_group": "12", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "dYPOUZ88SDsEbctyH_yE6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28673, "section": "03NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 1, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students in all majors other than Classical or Jazz Performance enrol in this class."}]}]}]}]}, "6497": {"id": "0BnbLAEKixhdG1ahdr-6D", "course_id": "108272", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108272", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Music Major Project Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSHONS", "CATALOG_NBR": "4006B", "CLASS_NBR": 11084, "SESSION_CD": "FM2", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to students admitted to relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSHONS 4006A", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Tasks are across both Part 1 and Part 2. Performance specialisations: 50 minute recital 75%, Exegesis (3000 words) 25%. Non-Performance specialisations: Written paper (12,000 words) or original composition(s) of equivalent significance 100%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The primary purpose of this course is to provide students with the skills and understanding to produce a significant written or performed project relevant to their specialisation. This will involve a performed program of approximately 50 minutes duration plus a 3000 word Exegesis, or a written paper of approximately 12,000 words or original composition of equivalent musical significance. Projects must demonstrate familiarity with and skills in the formulation of appropriate creative ideas bearing upon the specialisation concerned and deemed to be at Honours level. Preparatory work will be supervised individually or in small groups as approved by the Conservatorium and will involve the student in considerable time spent developing specialist knowledge, skills and insights bearing upon the project to be completed. Focused research and the development of finessed creative output are at the heart of this project. To assist with the completion of the project student study will include individual or small group (maximum 4 students) supervisions/lessons directed by specialist conservatorium staff.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6498": {"id": "0BnbLAEKixhdG1ahdr-6D", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "EVqa9iCS9wu0HXoaxGVMz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18732, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 1, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students in a CLASSICAL PERFORMANCE Major enrol in this class."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Performance", "id": "N20SliaAWq5pDfGShmGjA", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14342, "section": "PF01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 1, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Performance", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students in a CLASSICAL PERFORMANCE Major enrol in this class."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}]}]}]}, {"association_group": "11", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "zPo3lwojuHKuy8QKvWqvG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18733, "section": "02NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students in a JAZZ PERFORMANCE Major enrol in this class."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Rehearsal", "id": "XihVi3GbQ7BkNnSZt6HeQ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11084, "section": "RS01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students in a JAZZ PERFORMANCE Major enrol in this class."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Performance", "id": "BgIDMeO7XJzKnkQ37f4sh", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14341, "section": "PF02", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Performance", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students in a JAZZ PERFORMANCE Major enrol in this class."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}]}]}, {"association_group": "12", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "WgPJT4o07eX_rfTaxpMUi", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18734, "section": "03NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 2, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students in all majors other than Classical or Jazz Performance enrol in this class."}]}]}]}]}, "6499": {"id": "Go1vUb-H4VCEGEvggQcGS", "course_id": "108272", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108272", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Music Major Project Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSHONS", "CATALOG_NBR": "4006B", "CLASS_NBR": 21013, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to students admitted to relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSHONS 4006A", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Tasks are across both Part 1 and Part 2. Performance specialisations: 50 minute recital 75%, Exegesis (3000 words) 25%. Non-Performance specialisations: Written paper (12,000 words) or original composition(s) of equivalent significance 100%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The primary purpose of this course is to provide students with the skills and understanding to produce a significant written or performed project relevant to their specialisation. This will involve a performed program of approximately 50 minutes duration plus a 3000 word Exegesis, or a written paper of approximately 12,000 words or original composition of equivalent musical significance. Projects must demonstrate familiarity with and skills in the formulation of appropriate creative ideas bearing upon the specialisation concerned and deemed to be at Honours level. Preparatory work will be supervised individually or in small groups as approved by the Conservatorium and will involve the student in considerable time spent developing specialist knowledge, skills and insights bearing upon the project to be completed. Focused research and the development of finessed creative output are at the heart of this project. To assist with the completion of the project student study will include individual or small group (maximum 4 students) supervisions/lessons directed by specialist conservatorium staff.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6500": {"id": "Go1vUb-H4VCEGEvggQcGS", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "CxhqlPqdsoTOQRLj6zwcp", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28674, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 1, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students in a CLASSICAL PERFORMANCE Major enrol in this class."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Performance", "id": "jAEL-nsES8Qq3aMou6KUU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24304, "section": "PF01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 1, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Performance", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students in a CLASSICAL PERFORMANCE Major enrol in this class."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Elder Hall, G03, Elder Hall"}]}]}]}, {"association_group": "11", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "mmRaCOXjzjosevxjAC22F", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28675, "section": "02NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students in a JAZZ PERFORMANCE Major enrol in this class."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Rehearsal", "id": "oTyIHDp_KyVTgWE9iO1It", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21013, "section": "RS01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Rehearsal", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students in a JAZZ PERFORMANCE Major enrol in this class."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Performance", "id": "Fwdhkpp5_dy0u7cNkV-nm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24303, "section": "PF02", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Performance", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students in a JAZZ PERFORMANCE Major enrol in this class."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}]}]}, {"association_group": "12", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "pYKZc55DQCHWTlqJqQaxY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28676, "section": "03NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 1, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students in all majors other than Classical or Jazz Performance enrol in this class."}]}]}]}]}, "6501": {"id": "Ahzglm1PZblDo-SZy1kJk", "course_id": "109372", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109372", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Music Final Performance Popular Music", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSHONS", "CATALOG_NBR": "4008", "CLASS_NBR": 16135, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "1 hour per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "GPA 5 in completed Level III of Bachelor of Music in the Specialisation to be pursued", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Completed Level, I, II and III of Bachelor of Music in Popular Music or equivalent as determined by the Elder Conservatorium", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "35 Minute recital", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "With the guidance of a supervisor, students will present a Recital of up to 60 minutes. The content of the Recital will be the student's original creative work presented for the Honours Major Project. The Recital format is not prescribed, and will be negotiated with the supervisor as to the best approach for presenting the student's work publicly in the best light. This may include solo performance, small or large ensembles etc. Recital content will be subject to approval.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6502": {"id": "Ahzglm1PZblDo-SZy1kJk", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "dbKYL7tTY_r6dLJ5Kj7ul", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16135, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 1, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "6503": {"id": "KhZFRwnNFowIK7Cyx4QED", "course_id": "109372", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109372", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Music Final Performance Popular Music", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSHONS", "CATALOG_NBR": "4008", "CLASS_NBR": 26136, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "1 hour per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "GPA 5 in completed Level III of Bachelor of Music in the Specialisation to be pursued", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Completed Level, I, II and III of Bachelor of Music in Popular Music or equivalent as determined by the Elder Conservatorium", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "35 Minute recital", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "With the guidance of a supervisor, students will present a Recital of up to 60 minutes. The content of the Recital will be the student's original creative work presented for the Honours Major Project. The Recital format is not prescribed, and will be negotiated with the supervisor as to the best approach for presenting the student's work publicly in the best light. This may include solo performance, small or large ensembles etc. Recital content will be subject to approval.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6504": {"id": "KhZFRwnNFowIK7Cyx4QED", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "LpE_JHWTmWIDgzBGdLBQ7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26136, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 1, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "6505": {"subject": "MUSICOL", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "107309", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107310", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109131", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108239", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "6506": {"id": "N5x209J6JRvEGfwKHNzvK", "course_id": "107309", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107309", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Methods in Music Research", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSICOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "3001", "CLASS_NBR": 13431, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Basic proficiency with reading standard music notation is assumed, but experience or proficiency in musical performance is not required.", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MUSICOL 3002", "ASSESSMENT": "Weekly Reading Summary and Discussion, Oral presentation, Ethnographic Report, Transcription/Analysis Report, Historical Report", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course covers a broad range of methods used in research by musicologists today. These include (1) ethnographic methods such as field observation (including participant-observation), field documentation and interviewing techniques; (2) music transcription and analytical methods as applied to a wide range of notated musical forms and oral performance practices; computer aided methods for data collection and analyses of music and musical instruments; and (3) historical methods and approaches to collect and interpret musical past.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6507": {"id": "N5x209J6JRvEGfwKHNzvK", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "31OoqaoPRR7EJ1HX006_p", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13430, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 8, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "fL0kLfLrbHluMtfViwRI_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13431, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 8, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6508": {"id": "9CPG3BFnCiDgjLJ3lNFt5", "course_id": "107310", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107310", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Music Research 3", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSICOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "3002", "CLASS_NBR": 13433, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MUSICOL 3001", "ASSESSMENT": "Weekly Reports 20%, Literature Reviews 15%, Oral Presentation 15%, Research Project Proposal 50%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course develops knowledge and techniques relating to researching music in all its manifestations and the scholarly presentation of research outcomes. It lays the foundations for the further pursuit of advanced research projects in Honours and other postgraduate research degrees.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6509": {"id": "9CPG3BFnCiDgjLJ3lNFt5", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "Dl6l0jBnQulJt_wjH5d51", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13432, "section": "SE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 1, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "zkyGy3R5FvIbeCEdLlRoP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13433, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6510": {"id": "-FCE53-Kh3QJtC5CYRnX3", "course_id": "109131", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109131", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Music Research Arts", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSICOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "3085", "CLASS_NBR": 29082, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week plus placement", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to students undertaking a Music Major only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 15 units of Music major courses", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MUSICOL 3100, MUSICOL 3002", "ASSESSMENT": "Weekly Reports 20%, Literature Reviews 15%, Oral Presentation 15%, Research Project Proposal 50%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Music Research Arts is a capstone course for B. Arts/Music majors. The course develops knowledge and skills relating to researching music, its scholarly presentation and their application in professional life. Case studies with different theoretical and practical perspectives help to develop a deeper understanding of methodologies available to the music researcher as well as broadening knowledge of music and music-making in general. Major projects are expected to show engagement with one or two sub-disciplines of music studied in Music major coursework, typically musicology, music history, music theory and analysis, or media studies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6511": {"id": "-FCE53-Kh3QJtC5CYRnX3", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "0OJr9MQ8NLMHCGSnfDHu0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25582, "section": "SE01", "size": 18, "enrolled": 1, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "CvQhQEQicIDbHNj8fJQz2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29082, "section": "TU01", "size": 2, "enrolled": 1, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hartley, 122a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hartley, 122a, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6512": {"id": "5IaP7Mg4yB-XCVpob-yo8", "course_id": "108239", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108239", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Music Research Project", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSICOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "3100", "CLASS_NBR": 29081, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus students studying Musicology and MusEd&Ped only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSICOL 3001 or MUSEP 3101", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MUSICOL 3002", "ASSESSMENT": "Weekly Reports, Literature Reviews, Oral Presentation, Research Project Proposal", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Music Research and Professional Practice is a capstone course for B.Mus/Musicology and B.Mus/Music Education-Pedagogy students. The course develops knowledge and skills relating to researching music, its scholarly presentation and their application in professional life. Case studies with different theoretical and practical perspectives help the student to develop a further understanding of methodologies available to the researcher as well as broadening knowledge of music and its application to music-making and professional practice more generally. The seminar mode of learning enables students to explore key issues through problem-solving exercises and discussion. Students then have the opportunity to complete an agreed research project which may include spending a short time working with a private sector or industry partner depending upon availability.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6513": {"id": "5IaP7Mg4yB-XCVpob-yo8", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "zLk5ztGM6U8Nzg3PScdp9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23051, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 14, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "YLaz5nQH2zdGwLjDjQ0h5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29081, "section": "TU01", "size": 18, "enrolled": 14, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hartley, 122a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hartley, 122a, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6514": {"subject": "MUSJAZZ", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "106570", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106570", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106571", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106571", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108213", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107660", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107660", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107665", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109745", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109747", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106764", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106764", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106765", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106765", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107666", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107666", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107667", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108214", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108215", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107269", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107269", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107271", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107271", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107668", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107668", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107669", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108216", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}]}}, "6515": {"id": "g85PkH4Hfvo2fhgCd73aU", "course_id": "106570", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106570", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Jazz Performance 1A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSJAZZ", "CATALOG_NBR": "1001", "CLASS_NBR": 10835, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3.5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Audition", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "15 minute performance exam 60% (exam must be passed in order to pass the course), Masterclass workshop assessment (project and/or presentation basis) 20%, Teacher's assessment 20%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Specialisations are available in a variety of instruments, or in voice. Students receive individual tuition for their specialisation (9 hours per semester). Through the study of appropriate technical and jazz repertoire, students develop advanced technical skills together with a sound understanding of jazz style/interpretative principles. They are expected to perform their chosen repertoire with accuracy and fluency, displaying rhythmic control together with a well developed creative and expressive sense. They need to demonstrate jazz improvisation in appropriate styles and a strong conceptual understanding of the compositions performed together with an ability to communicate with their audience.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6516": {"id": "g85PkH4Hfvo2fhgCd73aU", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "id": "zoEDXTfBRFYSswU-a93KF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10032, "section": "PF01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 29, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Jazz Performance Forum"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "_qPrNvcYVFDRWeo62D8-e", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10828, "section": "WR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 4, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Bass Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "21 May - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10829, "section": "WR02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 5, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Drums Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "21 May - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10830, "section": "WR03", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Guitar Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "23 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10831, "section": "WR04", "size": 20, "enrolled": 4, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Piano Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "21 May - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 10832, "section": "WR05", "size": 20, "enrolled": 6, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Saxophone Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "21 May - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10834, "section": "WR07", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Trumpet and Trombone Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "21 May - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10835, "section": "WR08", "size": 20, "enrolled": 5, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Voice Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "23 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6517": {"id": "siJ44gK-8Yzf_1z38vnjf", "course_id": "106570", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106570", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Jazz Performance 1A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSJAZZ", "CATALOG_NBR": "1001", "CLASS_NBR": 20108, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3.5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Audition", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "15 minute performance exam 60% (exam must be passed in order to pass the course), Masterclass workshop assessment (project and/or presentation basis) 20%, Teacher's assessment 20%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Specialisations are available in a variety of instruments, or in voice. Students receive individual tuition for their specialisation (9 hours per semester). Through the study of appropriate technical and jazz repertoire, students develop advanced technical skills together with a sound understanding of jazz style/interpretative principles. They are expected to perform their chosen repertoire with accuracy and fluency, displaying rhythmic control together with a well developed creative and expressive sense. They need to demonstrate jazz improvisation in appropriate styles and a strong conceptual understanding of the compositions performed together with an ability to communicate with their audience.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6518": {"id": "siJ44gK-8Yzf_1z38vnjf", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "id": "A7swxJW88Bm7In7bqbA7A", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20022, "section": "PF01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Jazz Performance Forum"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "_-OdQ-1A7AlNputQ-dosT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20101, "section": "WR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Bass Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 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30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20105, "section": "WR05", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Saxophone Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20107, "section": "WR07", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Trumpet and Trombone Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 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They need to demonstrate jazz improvisation in appropriate styles and a strong conceptual understanding of the compositions performed together with an ability to communicate with their audience.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6520": {"id": "Awst2PBP4to54RDR8TYa4", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "id": "PO0SFc3tHOZHVZC6Uychx", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10033, "section": "PF01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 2, "available": 48, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Jazz Performance Forum"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "43HAEFTq_umLxJhFqyTRA", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11938, "section": "WR08", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Voice Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 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They need to demonstrate jazz improvisation in appropriate styles and a strong conceptual understanding of the compositions performed together with an ability to communicate with their audience.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6522": {"id": "q6EF_WPLS1MOwm-FXOY3r", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "id": "6k_WgAxkwunSxCdrQBNbR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20023, "section": "PF01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 23, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Jazz Performance Forum"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "EXa1Dvxmv3RDdzyqdogiS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20762, "section": "WR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 5, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Bass Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B08, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "23 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B08, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B08, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20763, "section": "WR02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Drums Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 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30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20766, "section": "WR05", "size": 20, "enrolled": 5, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Saxophone Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20768, "section": "WR07", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Trumpet and Trombone Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 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Topics include: analysis of various styles of jazz ranging from New Orleans to contemporary; musical concepts in jazz styles; roles of instruments; study of set works.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6524": {"id": "eI--WqB4auwxA1TujS4HP", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "ELS5XpnbqyCPh1qDJwNt6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24310, "section": "LE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 26, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "o5uxcevqDoCpnXHfpXx-e", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24311, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 26, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 31 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "14 Aug - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6525": {"id": "yjW52YqRphQN2kTta8-Ou", "course_id": "107660", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107660", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Jazz Performance Advanced 1A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSJAZZ", "CATALOG_NBR": "1070", "CLASS_NBR": 14380, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus students only with approval of Course Coordinator", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Audition", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MUSJAZZ 1001, MUSJAZZ 1090A", "ASSESSMENT": "25 minute technical/performance examination 60% (exam must be passed in order to pass the course); Teacher assessment 10%; Professional Portfolio 10%; Master class 20%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is available By Permission Only. Entry will be determined on the basis of the pre-entry audition score and instrument sub-quotas. Students receive individual tuition for their instrument/voice (14 hours per semester). Through the study of appropriate technical and jazz repertoire, students develop further advanced technical skills together with a high level of understanding in jazz style/interpretative principles. They are expected to perform their chosen repertoire with accuracy and fluency, displaying rhythmic control together with a very well developed creative and expressive sense. They need to demonstrate jazz improvisation in appropriate styles, exhibit a strong conceptual understanding of the compositions performed, together with an enhanced ability to communicate with their audience.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6526": {"id": "yjW52YqRphQN2kTta8-Ou", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "id": "nH7EpQcRsHblrJD9ef68X", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10038, "section": "PF01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 3, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Jazz Performance Forum"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "L2wcVEg5IYb1l8gyjlknk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14373, "section": "WR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Bass Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "21 May - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14374, "section": "WR02", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Drums Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "21 May - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14375, "section": "WR03", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Guitar Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "23 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14376, "section": "WR04", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Piano Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "21 May - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 14377, "section": "WR05", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Saxophone Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "21 May - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14379, "section": "WR07", "size": 10, "enrolled": 2, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Trumpet and Trombone Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "21 May - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14380, "section": "WR08", "size": 10, "enrolled": 1, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Voice Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "23 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6527": {"id": "_crR4EvoIceWHQCLpgzrF", "course_id": "107660", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107660", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Jazz Performance Advanced 1A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSJAZZ", "CATALOG_NBR": "1070", "CLASS_NBR": 21017, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus students only with approval of Course Coordinator", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Audition", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MUSJAZZ 1001, MUSJAZZ 1090A", "ASSESSMENT": "25 minute technical/performance examination 60% (exam must be passed in order to pass the course); Teacher assessment 10%; Professional Portfolio 10%; Master class 20%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is available By Permission Only. Entry will be determined on the basis of the pre-entry audition score and instrument sub-quotas. Students receive individual tuition for their instrument/voice (14 hours per semester). Through the study of appropriate technical and jazz repertoire, students develop further advanced technical skills together with a high level of understanding in jazz style/interpretative principles. They are expected to perform their chosen repertoire with accuracy and fluency, displaying rhythmic control together with a very well developed creative and expressive sense. They need to demonstrate jazz improvisation in appropriate styles, exhibit a strong conceptual understanding of the compositions performed, together with an enhanced ability to communicate with their audience.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6528": {"id": "_crR4EvoIceWHQCLpgzrF", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "id": "dAzhjJU6SkvrVftCbEH4a", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20028, "section": "PF01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Jazz Performance Forum"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "4k6szfFcCOLEpQ_VVQBVx", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21017, "section": "WR08", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Voice Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21018, "section": "WR07", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Trumpet and Trombone Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21020, "section": "WR05", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Saxophone Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21021, "section": "WR04", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Piano Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21022, "section": "WR03", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Guitar Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21023, "section": "WR02", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Drums Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21024, "section": "WR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Bass Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B08, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B08, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B08, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6529": {"id": "didn9XCx51jB_hJQnJlOI", "course_id": "107665", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107665", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Jazz Performance Advanced 1B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSJAZZ", "CATALOG_NBR": "1071", "CLASS_NBR": 24320, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus students only with approval of Course Coordinator", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSJAZZ 1070", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MUSJAZZ 1001, MUSJAZZ 1090B", "ASSESSMENT": "25 minute technical/performance examination 60% (exam must be passed in order to pass the course); Teacher assessment 10%; Professional Portfolio 10%; Master class 20%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is available BY PERMISSION ONLY. Entry will be determined on the basis of the pre-entry audition score and instrument sub-quotas. Students receive individual tuition for their instrument/voice (14 hours per semester). Through the study of appropriate technical and jazz repertoire, students develop further advanced technical skills together with a high level of understanding in jazz style/interpretative principles. They are expected to perform their chosen repertoire with accuracy and fluency, displaying rhythmic control together with a very well developed creative and expressive sense. They need to demonstrate jazz improvisation in appropriate styles, exhibit a strong conceptual understanding of the compositions performed, together with an enhanced ability to communicate with their audience.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6530": {"id": "didn9XCx51jB_hJQnJlOI", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "id": "RS2NE5GxZYov2hJQcnIwi", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20029, "section": "PF01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 3, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Jazz Performance"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "9KvtMsswuSdxHcv027UvA", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24313, "section": "WR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Bass Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B08, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B08, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B08, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24314, "section": "WR02", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Drums Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24315, "section": "WR03", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Guitar Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24316, "section": "WR04", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Piano Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24317, "section": "WR05", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Saxophone Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24319, "section": "WR07", "size": 10, "enrolled": 2, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Trumpet and Trombone Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24320, "section": "WR08", "size": 10, "enrolled": 1, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Voice Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6531": {"id": "1Q-RX7-NfXU08RBg0Q4-2", "course_id": "109745", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109745", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Jazz Musicianship 1A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSJAZZ", "CATALOG_NBR": "1101", "CLASS_NBR": 10762, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Students enrolled in a Bachelor of Music (Jazz Performance Major)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "AMEB Theory Level IV", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MUSSUPST 1001, MUSJAZZ 1500A", "ASSESSMENT": "Composition assignment (10%), Transcription assignment (15%), Mid-semester exam (15%), Workshop assessment/s (25%), Final exam (35%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course students will begin to develop the fundamental skills that provide the foundation for a career in jazz. Students will study tunes on the first year tunes list which at this point focuses on the blues, modal tunes and simple traditional jazz numbers. Students will analyse solos performed by the greats on some of these tunes, explore relevant chords and scales, learn important rhythmic patterns, create simple bass lines, and explore simple reharmonisation concepts. Students will also develop aural skills through interval recognition, rhythmic dictation, chord and scale recognition. One of the weekly sessions will be spent developing basic keyboard skills so the students can more easily grasp the concepts explored. Students will learn to play the relevant scales (one octave), simple jazz voicings and simple bass lines on the piano", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6532": {"id": "1Q-RX7-NfXU08RBg0Q4-2", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "hd3nVkveMCjC_-LGogH5A", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15567, "section": "SE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 34, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "aidJyioj6vseqQqo44WF5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10762, "section": "WR01", "size": 36, "enrolled": 34, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 29 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "3 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "PUDCHw3ItfciTnf_n9F1q", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14111, "section": "TU01", "size": 34, "enrolled": 34, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "22 May - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "22 May - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6533": {"id": "dRaJ90vEXKm9d0AS6X9ZF", "course_id": "109747", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109747", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Jazz Musicianship 1B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSJAZZ", "CATALOG_NBR": "1102", "CLASS_NBR": 22741, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to students enrolled in a Bachelor of Music (Jazz Performance Major) only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSJAZZ 1101", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "AMEB Theory Level IV", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MUSSUPST 1002, MUSJAZZ 1500B", "ASSESSMENT": "Composition assignment (10%), Transcription assignment (15%), Mid-semester exam (15%), Workshop assessment/s (25%), Final exam (35%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course students will continue to develop the fundamental skills that provide the foundation for a career in jazz. Students will study tunes on the first year tunes list which at this point focuses on traditional jazz tunes, riff-tunes from the Swing era and some simple jazz standards. Students will analyse solos performed by the greats on some of these tunes, explore relevant chords and scales, create simple bass lines, and explore simple reharmonisation concepts. Students will also develop aural skills through interval recognition, rhythmic dictation, chord and scale recognition. One of the weekly sessions will be spent continuing to develop core keyboard skills so the students can more easily grasp the concepts explored. Students will learn to play simple jazz accompaniments, basic bass lines and some jazz voicings on the piano.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6534": {"id": "dRaJ90vEXKm9d0AS6X9ZF", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "99X8fCMx_jn1Gm9mJVFqM", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25580, "section": "SE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 29, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "mp3VLEaNM5a_BZVsPTTEk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22741, "section": "TU01", "size": 34, "enrolled": 29, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 31 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "31 Jul - 31 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "14 Aug - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "14 Aug - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 2 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6535": {"id": "RZbtba-P0dYJ0KcXZ2-TY", "course_id": "106764", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106764", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Jazz Performance 2A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSJAZZ", "CATALOG_NBR": "2001", "CLASS_NBR": 10095, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "3 hours plus 9 hours 1:1 tuition per Semester", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "A quota of 100 applies", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSJAZZ 1001, MUSJAZZ 1002", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "20 minute performance examination 70% (exam must be passed in order to pass the course), jazz master class 20%, teacher's assessment 10%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Through the study of appropriate technical and jazz repertoire, students develop further advanced technical skills together with a high level of understanding in jazz style/interpretative principles. They are expected to perform their chosen repertoire with accuracy and fluency, displaying rhythmic control together with a very well developed creative and expressive sense. They need to demonstrate jazz improvisation in appropriate styles and a strong conceptual understanding of the compositions performed together with an ability to communicate with their audience.\nStudents must enrol in the relevant jazz masterclass for their instrument.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6536": {"id": "RZbtba-P0dYJ0KcXZ2-TY", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "id": "bcFCvqrGX6HjOgGdTmjzR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10034, "section": "PF01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 24, "available": 26, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Jazz Performance Forum"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "flKF8Gwaru7M5-iqHTap0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10088, "section": "WR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 4, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Bass Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "21 May - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10089, "section": "WR02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 4, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Drums Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "21 May - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10090, "section": "WR03", "size": 10, "enrolled": 2, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Guitar Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 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7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "21 May - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10095, "section": "WR08", "size": 20, "enrolled": 6, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Voice Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "23 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6537": {"id": "FSnXEb2xe9R9JVUtqoWHv", "course_id": "106764", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106764", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Jazz Performance 2A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSJAZZ", "CATALOG_NBR": "2001", "CLASS_NBR": 20116, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "3 hours plus 9 hours 1:1 tuition per Semester", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "A quota of 100 applies", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSJAZZ 1001, MUSJAZZ 1002", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "20 minute performance examination 70% (exam must be passed in order to pass the course), jazz master class 20%, teacher's assessment 10%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Through the study of appropriate technical and jazz repertoire, students develop further advanced technical skills together with a high level of understanding in jazz style/interpretative principles. They are expected to perform their chosen repertoire with accuracy and fluency, displaying rhythmic control together with a very well developed creative and expressive sense. They need to demonstrate jazz improvisation in appropriate styles and a strong conceptual understanding of the compositions performed together with an ability to communicate with their audience.\nStudents must enrol in the relevant jazz masterclass for their instrument.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6538": {"id": "FSnXEb2xe9R9JVUtqoWHv", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "id": "fTBjCZzUNuwOtmrN8eTQh", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20024, "section": "PF01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 1, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Jazz Performance Forum"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "VylPlp95QUM7etWpDgSJw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20109, "section": "WR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Bass Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B08, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "23 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B08, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B08, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20110, "section": "WR02", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Drums Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20111, "section": "WR03", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Guitar Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 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30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20115, "section": "WR07", "size": 10, "enrolled": 1, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Trumpet and Trombone Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20116, "section": "WR08", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Voice Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6539": {"id": "mO-acO-tb_1EO1-NRDzao", "course_id": "106765", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106765", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Jazz Performance 2B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSJAZZ", "CATALOG_NBR": "2002", "CLASS_NBR": 11930, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "3 hours plus 9 hours tuition per Semester", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "A quota of 100 applies", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSJAZZ 2001", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "20 minute performance examination 70% (exam must be passed in order to pass the course), jazz master class 20%, teacher's assessment 10%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Through the study of appropriate technical and jazz repertoire, students develop further advanced technical skills together with a high level of understanding in jazz style/interpretative principles. They are expected to perform their chosen repertoire with accuracy and fluency, displaying rhythmic control together with a very well developed creative and expressive sense. They need to demonstrate jazz improvisation in appropriate styles and a strong conceptual understanding of the compositions performed together with an ability to communicate with their audience.\nStudents must enrol in the relevant jazz masterclass for their instrument.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6540": {"id": "mO-acO-tb_1EO1-NRDzao", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "id": "82nDGC6tIXO-8P21KkY-8", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10035, "section": "PF01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Jazz Performance Forum"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 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5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "21 May - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11933, "section": "WR05", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Saxophone Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "21 May - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11934, "section": "WR04", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Piano Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "21 May - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 11935, "section": "WR03", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Guitar Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "23 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11936, "section": "WR02", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Drums Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "21 May - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11937, "section": "WR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Bass Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "21 May - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6541": {"id": "eVdNiez9wnW33LLCvxVXs", "course_id": "106765", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106765", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Jazz Performance 2B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSJAZZ", "CATALOG_NBR": "2002", "CLASS_NBR": 22657, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "3 hours plus 9 hours tuition per Semester", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "A quota of 100 applies", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSJAZZ 2001", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "20 minute performance examination 70% (exam must be passed in order to pass the course), jazz master class 20%, teacher's assessment 10%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Through the study of appropriate technical and jazz repertoire, students develop further advanced technical skills together with a high level of understanding in jazz style/interpretative principles. They are expected to perform their chosen repertoire with accuracy and fluency, displaying rhythmic control together with a very well developed creative and expressive sense. They need to demonstrate jazz improvisation in appropriate styles and a strong conceptual understanding of the compositions performed together with an ability to communicate with their audience.\nStudents must enrol in the relevant jazz masterclass for their instrument.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6542": {"id": "eVdNiez9wnW33LLCvxVXs", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "id": "2zV6u2xBtSZr4w-yO7d60", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20025, "section": "PF01", "size": 28, "enrolled": 21, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Jazz Performance Forum"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "CHIXd_L4NUSKa_nonHtfH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22650, "section": "WR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 4, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Bass Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B08, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B08, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B08, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22651, "section": "WR02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 4, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Drums Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22652, "section": "WR03", "size": 10, "enrolled": 2, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Guitar Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22653, "section": "WR04", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Piano Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22654, "section": "WR05", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Saxophone Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22656, "section": "WR07", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Trumpet and Trombone Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22657, "section": "WR08", "size": 20, "enrolled": 5, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Voice Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6543": {"id": "tAun7UHYbdJgDs5-SPK-H", "course_id": "107666", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107666", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Jazz Performance Advanced 2A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSJAZZ", "CATALOG_NBR": "2070", "CLASS_NBR": 14388, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus students only with approval of Course Coordinator", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSJAZZ 1071 or outstanding achievement in MUSJAZZ 1001", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MUSJAZZ 2001", "ASSESSMENT": "30 minute technical/performance exam 70% (exam must be passed in order to pass the course). Teacher assessment 10%, Professional portfolio 10%, Master class 10%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is available BY PERMISSION ONLY. Entry will be determined on the basis of the pre-entry audition score and instrument sub-quotas. Students receive individual tuition for their instrument/voice (14 hours per Semester). Through the study of appropriate technical and jazz repertoire, students develop further advanced technical skills together with a high level of understanding in jazz style/interpretative principles. They are expected to perform their chosen repertoire with accuracy and fluency, displaying rhythmic control together with a very well developed creative and expressive sense. They need to demonstrate jazz improvisation in appropriate styles, exhibit a strong conceptual understanding of the compositions performed, together with an enhanced ability to communicate with their audience.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6544": {"id": "tAun7UHYbdJgDs5-SPK-H", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "id": "fPb23SpbIw762vRwzDgj1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10040, "section": "PF01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 2, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Jazz Performance Forum"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "_xakv5fzHvpyV1gBOGOl5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14381, "section": "WR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 1, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Bass Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "21 May - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14382, "section": "WR02", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Drums Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "21 May - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14383, "section": "WR03", "size": 10, "enrolled": 1, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Guitar Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "23 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14384, "section": "WR04", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Piano Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "21 May - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 14385, "section": "WR05", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Saxophone Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "21 May - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14387, "section": "WR07", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Trumpet and Trombone Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "21 May - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14388, "section": "WR08", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Voice Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "23 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6545": {"id": "mt4uldbPc4LtGsUtlc3dk", "course_id": "107666", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107666", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Jazz Performance Advanced 2A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSJAZZ", "CATALOG_NBR": "2070", "CLASS_NBR": 21025, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus students only with approval of Course Coordinator", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSJAZZ 1071 or outstanding achievement in MUSJAZZ 1001", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MUSJAZZ 2001", "ASSESSMENT": "30 minute technical/performance exam 70% (exam must be passed in order to pass the course). Teacher assessment 10%, Professional portfolio 10%, Master class 10%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is available BY PERMISSION ONLY. Entry will be determined on the basis of the pre-entry audition score and instrument sub-quotas. Students receive individual tuition for their instrument/voice (14 hours per Semester). Through the study of appropriate technical and jazz repertoire, students develop further advanced technical skills together with a high level of understanding in jazz style/interpretative principles. They are expected to perform their chosen repertoire with accuracy and fluency, displaying rhythmic control together with a very well developed creative and expressive sense. They need to demonstrate jazz improvisation in appropriate styles, exhibit a strong conceptual understanding of the compositions performed, together with an enhanced ability to communicate with their audience.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6546": {"id": "mt4uldbPc4LtGsUtlc3dk", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "id": "_TXKwvZU2nWgycAtAzgQr", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20030, "section": "PF01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Jazz Performance Forum"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G11, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G11, Practice Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "k-HV6nJv3Ze-7jJQpcHAE", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21025, "section": "WR08", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Voice Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21026, "section": "WR07", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Trumpet and Trombone Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21028, "section": "WR05", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Saxophone Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21029, "section": "WR04", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Piano Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21030, "section": "WR03", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Guitar Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21031, "section": "WR02", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Drums Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21032, "section": "WR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Bass Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B08, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B08, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B08, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6547": {"id": "sWxzeGgn-IOYt1nAiN3Qt", "course_id": "107667", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107667", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Jazz Performance Advanced 2B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSJAZZ", "CATALOG_NBR": "2071", "CLASS_NBR": 24328, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus students only with approval of Course Coordinator", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSJAZZ 2070", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MUSJAZZ 2002, MUSJAZZ 2090B", "ASSESSMENT": "30 minute technical/performance exam 70% (exam must be passed in order to pass the course). Teacher assessment 10%, Professional portfolio 10%, Master class 10%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is available BY PERMISSION ONLY. Entry will be determined on the basis of the pre-entry audition score and instrument sub-quotas. Students receive individual tuition for their instrument/voice (14 hours per Semester). Through the study of appropriate technical and jazz repertoire, students develop further advanced technical skills together with a high level of understanding in jazz style/interpretative principles. They are expected to perform their chosen repertoire with accuracy and fluency, displaying rhythmic control together with a very well developed creative and expressive sense. They need to demonstrate jazz improvisation in appropriate styles, exhibit a strong conceptual understanding of the compositions performed, together with an enhanced ability to communicate with their audience.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6548": {"id": "sWxzeGgn-IOYt1nAiN3Qt", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "id": "bPEuo5iLDFoPlZvIsMQoJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20031, "section": "PF01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 1, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Jazz Performance Forum"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "-LPmVIK2HOmkoyEhvBVQ0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24321, "section": "WR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Bass Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B08, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B08, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B08, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24322, "section": "WR02", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Drums Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24323, "section": "WR03", "size": 10, "enrolled": 1, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Guitar Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24324, "section": "WR04", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Piano Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24325, "section": "WR05", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Saxophone Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24327, "section": "WR07", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Trumpet and Trombone Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24328, "section": "WR08", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Voice Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6549": {"id": "myZ-6rCKO-_7R8DrlWdn_", "course_id": "108214", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108214", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Jazz Musicianship 2A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSJAZZ", "CATALOG_NBR": "2101", "CLASS_NBR": 14372, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSJAZZ 1101", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MUSJAZZ 2400A, MUSJAZZ 2500A", "ASSESSMENT": "Scale Assignment, Blues Assignment, Written Exam, Practical Exam, Piano: Duo Assignment, Piano: Shells and Melodies Assignment, Piano: Composition/Arranging/Performance", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Jazz Theory, Improvisation, Keyboard Skills and Composition are all explored in this course through a study of relevant texts, audio/video resources, scores, and solo transcriptions. Theory and Improvisation are closely linked and involve the study of melodic, harmonic and rhythmic concepts in relation to standard jazz chord progressions and the 2nd year tunes list. All students benefit from studying fundamental Keyboard Skills. This class continues on from Jazz Musicianship 1B by exploring basic accompaniment skills, walking bass lines, chord shells, 2-3 note chord voicings, simple melody with LH accompaniment, two-hand co-ordination, and 4-way close voicings.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6550": {"id": "myZ-6rCKO-_7R8DrlWdn_", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "GwSfCxdsm3D_WSE13h1KL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10698, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "_Yt32KTbx6zWZuR1n80QA", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11133, "section": "TU01", "size": 34, "enrolled": 28, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "5 Mar - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "1 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "21 May - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "21 May - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "BPsbezIvzl_8q_ORDtOe4", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14372, "section": "WR01", "size": 34, "enrolled": 28, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "1 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "6551": {"id": "cOHWZ3iFVaBNoToEzKIBA", "course_id": "108215", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108215", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Jazz Musicianship 2B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSJAZZ", "CATALOG_NBR": "2102", "CLASS_NBR": 24312, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSJAZZ 2101", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MUSJAZZ 2400B, MUSJAZZ 2500B", "ASSESSMENT": "Reharmonisation Assignment, Written Exam, Practical Exam, Handwritten Rhythm Section Arranging Assignment, Unison Arranging Assignment, Contrafact/Arranging Assignment for four-five \u2018horns\u2019 and rhythm section", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Jazz Theory, Improvisation, Arranging and Composition are all explored in this course through study of relevant texts, audio/video resources, scores, and solo transcriptions. Theory and Improvisation are closely linked and involve the study of melodic, harmonic and rhythmic concepts in relation to standard jazz chord progressions and the 2nd year tunes list. Jazz Arranging and Composition techniques are investigated for small and medium-size jazz ensembles. Topics include: \u201cWhat is arranging?', score reading/notation, rhythm section writing, unison writing across different instrument types, and 4-5 part \u2018horn\u2019 section writing (with rhythm section). Where possible, students hear their work performed live by their classmates.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6552": {"id": "cOHWZ3iFVaBNoToEzKIBA", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "cwBAcpsDpioTw4MU3SMAd", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20624, "section": "SE01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 24, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "764U7I8GLqA_EXvJd54J6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21077, "section": "TU01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 24, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 31 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "14 Aug - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "OPYtNA_-uDjJ-rd4oHcTK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24312, "section": "WR01", "size": 34, "enrolled": 24, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 31 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "14 Aug - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "6553": {"id": "Vd4FbpdV7FqdjJmJ8oGA8", "course_id": "107269", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107269", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Jazz Performance 3A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSJAZZ", "CATALOG_NBR": "3001", "CLASS_NBR": 14471, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "3 hours plus 9 hours 1:1 tuition per Semester", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSJAZZ 2001, MUSJAZZ 2002", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "JAZZ 3000A/B", "ASSESSMENT": "25 minute performance examination 70% (exam must be passed in order to pass the course), Jazz Master class 20%, Teacher's Assessment 10%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Through the study of appropriate technical and jazz repertoire, students develop further advanced technical skills together with a high level of understanding in jazz style/interpretative principles. They are expected to perform their chosen repertoire with accuracy and fluency, displaying rhythmic control together with a very well developed creative and expressive sense. They need to demonstrate jazz improvisation in appropriate styles and a strong conceptual understanding of the compositions performed together with an ability to communicate with their audience. Students must enrol in the relevant jazz master class for their instrument.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6554": {"id": "Vd4FbpdV7FqdjJmJ8oGA8", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "id": "jqfnE4SEiwJqwCZHG1sJc", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10036, "section": "PF01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 23, "available": 47, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Jazz Performance Forum"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "unwML8e2qEDsfRiug4Rrk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14464, "section": "WR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 1, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Bass Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "21 May - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14465, "section": "WR02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 4, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Drums Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "21 May - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14466, "section": "WR03", "size": 10, "enrolled": 3, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Guitar Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "23 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14467, "section": "WR04", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Piano Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "21 May - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 14468, "section": "WR05", "size": 20, "enrolled": 5, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Saxophone Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "21 May - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14470, "section": "WR07", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Trumpet and Trombone Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "21 May - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14471, "section": "WR08", "size": 20, "enrolled": 5, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Voice Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "23 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6555": {"id": "l5fvv7WHLF2yChFQb8OuH", "course_id": "107269", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107269", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Jazz Performance 3A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSJAZZ", "CATALOG_NBR": "3001", "CLASS_NBR": 20123, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "3 hours plus 9 hours 1:1 tuition per Semester", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSJAZZ 2001, MUSJAZZ 2002", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "JAZZ 3000A/B", "ASSESSMENT": "25 minute performance examination 70% (exam must be passed in order to pass the course), Jazz Master class 20%, Teacher's Assessment 10%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Through the study of appropriate technical and jazz repertoire, students develop further advanced technical skills together with a high level of understanding in jazz style/interpretative principles. They are expected to perform their chosen repertoire with accuracy and fluency, displaying rhythmic control together with a very well developed creative and expressive sense. They need to demonstrate jazz improvisation in appropriate styles and a strong conceptual understanding of the compositions performed together with an ability to communicate with their audience. Students must enrol in the relevant jazz master class for their instrument.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6556": {"id": "l5fvv7WHLF2yChFQb8OuH", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "id": "RUgi_RjQWkRTIkIUSb7pA", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20026, "section": "PF01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 3, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Jazz Performance Forum"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "c4hT0JZ43PfQ_2LlHnE2G", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20100, "section": "WR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Bass Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B08, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B08, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B08, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20117, "section": "WR02", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Drums Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 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30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20120, "section": "WR05", "size": 10, "enrolled": 1, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Saxophone Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20122, "section": "WR07", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Trumpet and Trombone Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20123, "section": "WR08", "size": 10, "enrolled": 1, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Voice Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6557": {"id": "rylHi_bNvSbTKiQTCXjof", "course_id": "107271", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107271", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Jazz Performance 3B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSJAZZ", "CATALOG_NBR": "3002", "CLASS_NBR": 11946, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "3 hours plus 9 hours 1:1 tuition per Semester", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSJAZZ 3001", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "JAZZ 3000A/B", "ASSESSMENT": "25 minute performance examination 70% (exam must be passed in order to pass the course), Jazz Master class 20%, Teacher's Assessment 10%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Through the study of appropriate technical and jazz repertoire, students develop further advanced technical skills together with a high level of understanding in jazz style/interpretative principles. They are expected to perform their chosen repertoire with accuracy and fluency, displaying rhythmic control together with a very well developed creative and expressive sense. They need to demonstrate jazz improvisation in appropriate styles and a strong conceptual understanding of the compositions performed together with an ability to communicate with their audience. Students must enrol in the relevant jazz masterclass for their instrument.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6558": {"id": "rylHi_bNvSbTKiQTCXjof", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "id": "JZfSRqvrciHTW0iWYVV6L", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10037, "section": "PF01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Jazz Performance Forum"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "mJmyug1cof0TPO3CF0p2Y", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11946, "section": "WR08", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Voice Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "23 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11947, "section": "WR07", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Trumpet and Trombone Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "21 May - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11949, "section": "WR05", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Saxophone Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "21 May - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11950, "section": "WR04", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Piano Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "21 May - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 11951, "section": "WR03", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Guitar Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "23 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11952, "section": "WR02", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Drums Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "21 May - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12014, "section": "WR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Bass Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "21 May - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6559": {"id": "ySIQ9x1oqTzywJetFZA18", "course_id": "107271", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107271", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Jazz Performance 3B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSJAZZ", "CATALOG_NBR": "3002", "CLASS_NBR": 24410, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "3 hours plus 9 hours 1:1 tuition per Semester", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSJAZZ 3001", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "JAZZ 3000A/B", "ASSESSMENT": "25 minute performance examination 70% (exam must be passed in order to pass the course), Jazz Master class 20%, Teacher's Assessment 10%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Through the study of appropriate technical and jazz repertoire, students develop further advanced technical skills together with a high level of understanding in jazz style/interpretative principles. They are expected to perform their chosen repertoire with accuracy and fluency, displaying rhythmic control together with a very well developed creative and expressive sense. They need to demonstrate jazz improvisation in appropriate styles and a strong conceptual understanding of the compositions performed together with an ability to communicate with their audience. Students must enrol in the relevant jazz masterclass for their instrument.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6560": {"id": "ySIQ9x1oqTzywJetFZA18", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "id": "9SnMUpKoVG2C1ZXvPILlh", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20027, "section": "PF01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 21, "available": 49, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Jazz Performance Forum"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "GZcrppJ8vu85AA5eTJQsh", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24403, "section": "WR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 1, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Bass Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B08, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B08, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B08, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24404, "section": "WR02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 4, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Drums Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24405, "section": "WR03", "size": 10, "enrolled": 2, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Guitar Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24406, "section": "WR04", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Piano Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24407, "section": "WR05", "size": 20, "enrolled": 4, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Saxophone Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24409, "section": "WR07", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Trumpet and Trombone Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24410, "section": "WR08", "size": 20, "enrolled": 5, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Voice Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6561": {"id": "AhMlGB-pUZbWuf7WZw7Ao", "course_id": "107668", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107668", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Jazz Performance Advanced 3A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSJAZZ", "CATALOG_NBR": "3070", "CLASS_NBR": 14396, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus students only with approval of Course Coordinator", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSJAZZ 2071 or outstanding achievement in MUSJAZZ 2002", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MUSJAZZ 2001, MUSJAZZ 3090A", "ASSESSMENT": "35 minute technical/performance exam 70% (exam must be passed in order to pass the course). Teacher assessment 10%, Professional portfolio 10%, Master class 10%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is available By Permission Only. Entry will be determined on the basis of the pre-entry audition score and instrument sub-quotas. Students receive individual tuition for their instrument/voice (14 hours per semester). Through the study of appropriate technical and jazz repertoire, students develop further advanced technical skills together with a high level of understanding in jazz style/interpretative principles. They are expected to perform their chosen repertoire with accuracy and fluency, displaying rhythmic control together with a very well developed creative and expressive sense. They need to demonstrate jazz improvisation in appropriate styles, exhibit a strong conceptual understanding of the compositions performed, together with an enhanced ability to communicate with their audience.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6562": {"id": "AhMlGB-pUZbWuf7WZw7Ao", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "id": "jQ0rjU3fm6urCOAMD55wc", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10042, "section": "PF01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 4, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Jazz Performance Forum"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "NTCZyVHRNrUl6r91vVnYZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14389, "section": "WR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 1, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Bass Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "21 May - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14390, "section": "WR02", "size": 10, "enrolled": 1, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Drums Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "21 May - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14391, "section": "WR03", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Guitar Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "23 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14392, "section": "WR04", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Piano Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "21 May - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 14393, "section": "WR05", "size": 10, "enrolled": 1, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Saxophone Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "21 May - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14395, "section": "WR07", "size": 10, "enrolled": 1, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Trumpet and Trombone Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "21 May - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14396, "section": "WR08", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Voice Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "23 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6563": {"id": "KNWXYAmN9S9o0Zx0-z_-X", "course_id": "107668", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107668", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Jazz Performance Advanced 3A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSJAZZ", "CATALOG_NBR": "3070", "CLASS_NBR": 21033, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus students only with approval of Course Coordinator", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSJAZZ 2071 or outstanding achievement in MUSJAZZ 2002", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MUSJAZZ 2001, MUSJAZZ 3090A", "ASSESSMENT": "35 minute technical/performance exam 70% (exam must be passed in order to pass the course). Teacher assessment 10%, Professional portfolio 10%, Master class 10%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is available By Permission Only. Entry will be determined on the basis of the pre-entry audition score and instrument sub-quotas. Students receive individual tuition for their instrument/voice (14 hours per semester). Through the study of appropriate technical and jazz repertoire, students develop further advanced technical skills together with a high level of understanding in jazz style/interpretative principles. They are expected to perform their chosen repertoire with accuracy and fluency, displaying rhythmic control together with a very well developed creative and expressive sense. They need to demonstrate jazz improvisation in appropriate styles, exhibit a strong conceptual understanding of the compositions performed, together with an enhanced ability to communicate with their audience.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6564": {"id": "KNWXYAmN9S9o0Zx0-z_-X", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "id": "KxGI9WSZkH3TBCm8--aRF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20032, "section": "PF01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Jazz Performance Forum"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "SGh69VFqsVAsFBgUGWqq-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21033, "section": "WR08", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Voice Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21034, "section": "WR07", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Trumpet and Trombone Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21036, "section": "WR05", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Saxophone Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21037, "section": "WR04", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Piano Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21038, "section": "WR03", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Guitar Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21039, "section": "WR02", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Drums Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21040, "section": "WR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Bass Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B08, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B08, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B08, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6565": {"id": "Sb27V3JsJWaWewx9rLT2P", "course_id": "107669", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107669", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Jazz Performance Advanced 3B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSJAZZ", "CATALOG_NBR": "3071", "CLASS_NBR": 24336, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus students only with approval of Course Coordinator", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSJAZZ 3070", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MUSJAZZ 3002, MUSJAZZ 3090B", "ASSESSMENT": "35 minute technical/performance exam 70% (exam must be passed in order to pass the course). Teacher assessment 10%, Professional portfolio 10%, Master class 10%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is available By Permission Only. Entry will be determined on the basis of the pre-entry audition score and instrument sub-quotas. Students receive individual tuition for their instrument/voice (14 hours per semester). Through the study of appropriate technical and jazz repertoire, students develop further advanced technical skills together with a high level of understanding in jazz style/interpretative principles. They are expected to perform their chosen repertoire with accuracy and fluency, displaying rhythmic control together with a very well developed creative and expressive sense. They need to demonstrate jazz improvisation in appropriate styles, exhibit a strong conceptual understanding of the compositions performed, together with an enhanced ability to communicate with their audience.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6566": {"id": "Sb27V3JsJWaWewx9rLT2P", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "id": "gEhaIpdxvEWByC_i8eHLc", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20033, "section": "PF01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 4, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Jazz Performance Forum"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "Qw-Txgo0h3MCCY4DXuaPP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24329, "section": "WR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 1, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Bass Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B08, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B08, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B08, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24330, "section": "WR02", "size": 10, "enrolled": 1, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Drums Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24331, "section": "WR03", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Guitar Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24332, "section": "WR04", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Piano Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24333, "section": "WR05", "size": 10, "enrolled": 1, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Saxophone Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24335, "section": "WR07", "size": 10, "enrolled": 1, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Trumpet and Trombone Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24336, "section": "WR08", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Voice Masterclass"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6567": {"id": "pr2LG4X4HOnRJgWY7Dk4L", "course_id": "108216", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108216", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Jazz Musicianship 3", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSJAZZ", "CATALOG_NBR": "3101", "CLASS_NBR": 13809, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSJAZZ 2102", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MUSJAZZ 3400A/B, MUSJAZZ 3500A/B", "ASSESSMENT": "Written Exam, Practical Exam, tutorial participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Jazz Musicianship 3 builds on the theoretical and practical skills developed in Jazz Musicianship 2A and 2B. Students explore melodic, rhythmic and harmonic features of advanced jazz standards and contemporary jazz tunes through study of relevant texts, audio and video files, musical scores and transcribed solos. This knowledge is applied by way of group exercises which focus on advanced chord progressions (including non-functional harmony and Coltrane changes) extended and altered chords and modified scales (including tetratonics (triad + 1), pentatonics and hexatonics). There is a continued focus on the development of the student's rhythmic awareness through the playing of odd meters, polyrhythms and displacement. Students will be encouraged to compose music in the styles discussed in class.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6568": {"id": "pr2LG4X4HOnRJgWY7Dk4L", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "nFx0_37NOH5b_cGSyAD5s", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10699, "section": "SE01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 27, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "6VnYradk_ECFGK3Q368xp", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13809, "section": "WR01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 27, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B08, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "22 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B08, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "22 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "22 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "22 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B08, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "24 May - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "24 May - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B14, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "24 May - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B08, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "24 May - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6569": {"subject": "MUSONIC", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "106631", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106631", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109623", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109626", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108257", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106633", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106633", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106632", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108250", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108251", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106739", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106635", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106637", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106639", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108196", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108256", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108380", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108252", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108293", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108270", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109056", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109056", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109057", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109057", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109058", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109058", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "6570": {"id": "L4dwXVHFV-XwIZOVbiyp2", "course_id": "106631", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106631", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Music Technology Foundations", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSONIC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1000", "CLASS_NBR": 12194, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Familiarity with basic computer functionality including word processing, email and web usage", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, Exam, Project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The field of music technology involves the artistic and technical application of technology in the creation and performance of music. This course will develop a theoretical and practical understanding of music technology fundamentals including sound, audio, and MIDI.\nThis will be achieved by theoretically and practically exploring the field of music technology through lectures, tutorials and workshops. In particular, students will: examine a range of areas such as basic sound recording, audio and MIDI editing, sequencing, processing and production, synthesis and sampling, effects and mixing, and graphical programming; complete readings and listening; and perform practical exercises that promote investigative learning and research.\nThe course has the following learning objectives: develop practical skills using a range of core music and sound software and hardware; provide a comprehensive understanding of the theory behind a range of music technologies; develop and expand creative and technical practice in music and sound via technology with a view to develop life long learning.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6571": {"id": "L4dwXVHFV-XwIZOVbiyp2", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "F1RHro9W2pATCqGQCSMzo", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18643, "section": "LEC0", "size": 100, "enrolled": 54, "available": 46, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "kx9BCtJIois7H6bbq-uye", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12191, "section": "TU03", "size": 22, "enrolled": 12, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12192, "section": "TU02", "size": 22, "enrolled": 21, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12193, "section": "TU01", "size": 22, "enrolled": 21, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "cSwg6-yEOcxXuaCV0jl5C", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12194, "section": "WR02", "size": 34, "enrolled": 22, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "2 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12195, "section": "WR01", "size": 34, "enrolled": 32, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "2 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "6572": {"id": "XxeZGNNIkvw5N5dBH6pl0", "course_id": "106631", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106631", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Music Technology Foundations", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSONIC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1000", "CLASS_NBR": 23107, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Familiarity with basic computer functionality including word processing, email and web usage", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, Exam, Project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The field of music technology involves the artistic and technical application of technology in the creation and performance of music. This course will develop a theoretical and practical understanding of music technology fundamentals including sound, audio, and MIDI.\nThis will be achieved by theoretically and practically exploring the field of music technology through lectures, tutorials and workshops. In particular, students will: examine a range of areas such as basic sound recording, audio and MIDI editing, sequencing, processing and production, synthesis and sampling, effects and mixing, and graphical programming; complete readings and listening; and perform practical exercises that promote investigative learning and research.\nThe course has the following learning objectives: develop practical skills using a range of core music and sound software and hardware; provide a comprehensive understanding of the theory behind a range of music technologies; develop and expand creative and technical practice in music and sound via technology with a view to develop life long learning.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6573": {"id": "XxeZGNNIkvw5N5dBH6pl0", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "rpN9_67Eq5GJOeBg-5FMu", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28575, "section": "LEC0", "size": 100, "enrolled": 23, "available": 77, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "5iKIk_zYL6HVgIm_J46vL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20734, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "Z8LH3xfUE7l79B_WQ5WvQ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23107, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 23, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 407, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 407, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 407, Keyboard Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "6574": {"id": "xWlTqMc_T05Xiy01lXvOF", "course_id": "109623", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109623", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Music & Sound Fundamentals 1A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSONIC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1001", "CLASS_NBR": 14113, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus, DipMus students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "No prior knowledge of music required", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing tutorial quizzes (20%), Mid-semester exam (20%), Workshop assessment/s (30%), Final exam (30%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Music and Sound Fundamentals 1A involves the theoretical and aural examination of musical concepts relevant to the fields of Sonic Arts, Sound Engineering and Music Production. Specifically, the course enables students to develop an understanding of the connections between the physical nature of sound and listening, while developing skills in music theory and aural that are relevant to audio professionals. A range of concepts are introduced, including the physics of sound, physiology of hearing and basic critical listening. These concepts are connected with the fundamentals of music theory including pitch, rhythm, texture and melody. By the conclusion of the course, students will have acquired a solid understanding of basic music theory concepts and developed skills in their application to music production. In addition, students will have developed an appreciation of the importance of listening and acquired basic critical listening skills that can be applied to studio situations.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6575": {"id": "xWlTqMc_T05Xiy01lXvOF", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "O2slUSFZRsocvDXSaWml0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14112, "section": "LE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 23, "available": 37, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "NhWmMYszrvS2ZNw42RSDs", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14113, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 23, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 27 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 407, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "12 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 407, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 407, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "7 May - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 407, Keyboard Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "6576": {"id": "fRPbf-mZTTQBqT_ZBbHVO", "course_id": "109626", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109626", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Music & Sound Fundamentals 1B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSONIC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1002", "CLASS_NBR": 24106, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus, DipMus students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "No prior knowledge of music required", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing lecture quizzes (20%), Mid-semester exam (20%), Workshop assessment/s (30%), Final exam (30%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Building on the knowledgebase and skills developed through Music and Sound Fundamentals 1A, this course expands student's understanding of musical concepts relevant to the fields of Sonic Arts, Sound Engineering and Music Production. Students will develop a more complex understanding of the connections between the physical nature of sound and listening, while developing skills in music theory and aural that are relevant to audio professionals. A range of concepts are introduced through exploring the connections between the physics of sound, physiology of hearing and critical listening, and fundamental musical concepts including scales, harmonic structures, and musical forms, . By the conclusion of the course, students will have acquired a sound understanding of music theory concepts and developed further skills in their application to music production. In addition, students will have developed an appreciation of the importance of listening and acquired critical listening skills that can be applied to studio situations.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6577": {"id": "fRPbf-mZTTQBqT_ZBbHVO", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "MsFNKuPRK9cwSD1buoOZD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20391, "section": "LE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 17, "available": 33, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "G33uMMGZclw2xVQaBhKls", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24106, "section": "TU02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 17, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6578": {"id": "dmp3IynMNUKQ84Qz3SvpD", "course_id": "108257", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108257", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Sound & Media", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSONIC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1010", "CLASS_NBR": 25140, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "GENMUS 1014", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam 1 25%, Essay (1500 words) 30%, Exam 2 45%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course focuses on the following content:\n(1) the use of sound in the media, with attention to film, television, games;\n(2) the concepts of montage and collage and their application to sound for media;\n(3) media and sound editing concepts and techniques;\n(4) detailed scene analysis of examples from films, television, games;\n(5) psychological and aesthetic aspects of sound in media;\n(6) the role of sound in the construction of the media;\n(7) technological basis of sound in the media;\n(8) historical development of sound in the media.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6579": {"id": "dmp3IynMNUKQ84Qz3SvpD", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "1F-fP4Ys2uGWKYT87CEfc", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25140, "section": "SE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 17, "available": 43, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6580": {"id": "j6q9xp44sI3wBruKSgM91", "course_id": "106633", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106633", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Sound Engineering", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSONIC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1210", "CLASS_NBR": 10795, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Priority is given to BMus and BCtveArts students but available to all students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSONIC 1000", "CO_REQUISITE": "MUSONIC 1000", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Familiarity with basic computer functionality including word processing, email and web usage", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, Exam, Project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Sound engineering involves the artistic and technical control of sound in the field of music. This course will develop a theoretical and practical understanding of the fundamentals of sound engineering including recording, mixing, production and mastering. This will be achieved by theoretically and practically exploring the area of sound engineering through lectures, tutorials and workshops. In particular, students will actively engage with learning, developing and analysing the practice of sound engineering through topics such as: session management and planning, studio use, signal flow, microphone and recording techniques, mixing, production and mastering; complete readings and listening that reinforce concepts, provide new insights and techniques; and perform practical exercises that promote investigative learning and research. The course has the following learning objectives: to extend artistic and technical outcomes in the sonic arts including sound recording, mixing and production; provide a comprehensive understanding of sound engineering theory and its practice; enhance problem solving skills; and provide a reflexive active skill set that can adapt to the rapidly changing landscape of sound engineering, its practice and processes.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6581": {"id": "j6q9xp44sI3wBruKSgM91", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "jE8iXLjqpqe9Tdobs3Q8x", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10791, "section": "LE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 17, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 506, EMU Space"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 506, EMU Space"}, {"dates": "3 May - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 506, EMU Space"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "7wmYAuy9zJ0h0OH8XPiGF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10792, "section": "TU01", "size": 22, "enrolled": 13, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 506, EMU Space"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 506, EMU Space"}, {"dates": "3 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 506, EMU Space"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13507, "section": "TU03", "size": 22, "enrolled": 4, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 506, EMU Space"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 506, EMU Space"}, {"dates": "3 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 506, EMU Space"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "SZK8cIZouepTGbI5VAegq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10793, "section": "WR01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 14, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "8 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 506, EMU Space"}, {"dates": "8 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 503a, Recording Studio"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 506, EMU Space"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 503a, Recording Studio"}, {"dates": "3 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "3 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 506, EMU Space"}, {"dates": "3 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 503a, Recording Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10795, "section": "WR03", "size": 15, "enrolled": 3, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "8 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 506, EMU Space"}, {"dates": "8 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 503a, Recording Studio"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 506, EMU Space"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 503a, Recording Studio"}, {"dates": "3 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "3 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 506, EMU Space"}, {"dates": "3 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 503a, Recording Studio"}]}]}]}]}, "6582": {"id": "8uY1T6XEigEFv60zzSfQb", "course_id": "106633", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106633", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Sound Engineering", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSONIC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1210", "CLASS_NBR": 22209, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Priority is given to BMus and BCtveArts students but available to all students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSONIC 1000", "CO_REQUISITE": "MUSONIC 1000", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Familiarity with basic computer functionality including word processing, email and web usage", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, Exam, Project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Sound engineering involves the artistic and technical control of sound in the field of music. This course will develop a theoretical and practical understanding of the fundamentals of sound engineering including recording, mixing, production and mastering. This will be achieved by theoretically and practically exploring the area of sound engineering through lectures, tutorials and workshops. In particular, students will actively engage with learning, developing and analysing the practice of sound engineering through topics such as: session management and planning, studio use, signal flow, microphone and recording techniques, mixing, production and mastering; complete readings and listening that reinforce concepts, provide new insights and techniques; and perform practical exercises that promote investigative learning and research. The course has the following learning objectives: to extend artistic and technical outcomes in the sonic arts including sound recording, mixing and production; provide a comprehensive understanding of sound engineering theory and its practice; enhance problem solving skills; and provide a reflexive active skill set that can adapt to the rapidly changing landscape of sound engineering, its practice and processes.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6583": {"id": "8uY1T6XEigEFv60zzSfQb", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "YwUrAVH5CPFN9ETuMz5S4", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22204, "section": "LE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 23, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 506, EMU Space"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 506, EMU Space"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "LlpsAL1kg2kn5safIkH_Y", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22206, "section": "TU02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 23, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 506, EMU Space"}, {"dates": "28 Aug - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 506, EMU Space"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 506, EMU Space"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "DAGmP3lwIu5Orvfluj5xf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22207, "section": "WR01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 13, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 506, EMU Space"}, {"dates": "2 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 503a, Recording Studio"}, {"dates": "30 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 506, EMU Space"}, {"dates": "30 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 503a, Recording Studio"}, {"dates": "18 Oct - 1 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 506, EMU Space"}, {"dates": "18 Oct - 1 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 503a, Recording Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22208, "section": "WR02", "size": 15, "enrolled": 10, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 506, EMU Space"}, {"dates": "2 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 503a, Recording Studio"}, {"dates": "30 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 506, EMU Space"}, {"dates": "30 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 503a, Recording Studio"}, {"dates": "18 Oct - 1 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 506, EMU Space"}, {"dates": "18 Oct - 1 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 503a, Recording Studio"}]}]}]}]}, "6584": {"id": "p-YTU49m1uFDyeYpGmUES", "course_id": "106632", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106632", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Sonic Arts", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSONIC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1220", "CLASS_NBR": 20396, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Priority is given to BMus and BCtveArts students but available to all students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSONIC 1000", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, Exam, Project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Sonic Arts involves the artistic and technical application of sound. This course will develop an understanding of sonic arts fundamentals in a range of areas that may include: sound design, sound phenomenology, film sound, game sound, acoustic ecology, ringtones, product design, sonic iconography, sound logos and multimedia audio. This will be achieved by theoretically and practically exploring the concept of sonic arts through lectures, tutorials and workshops. In particular students will examine a range of techniques such as: music concrete, Foley, sound processing, synthesis, sound effects, procedural audio and sound programming; complete readings and listening; and perform practical exercises that promote investigative learning and research. The course has the following learning objectives: facilitate new understandings and exploratory approaches in sonic arts practice; extend knowledge and develop new artistic and technical skills in sound creation and design; and promote a learning process and reflexive skill set with regard to future practice, thus enabling students to adapt to the ever expanding and rapidly changing area of sonic arts and related areas of sound design.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6585": {"id": "p-YTU49m1uFDyeYpGmUES", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "il9zzeO5NEcsJaDVCWjnd", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28576, "section": "LEC0", "size": 50, "enrolled": 22, "available": 28, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "t4A5wZFGiZuxMR9wOOikP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20395, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 22, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "Iag4jtoy5LbpWfUJWuIEw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20397, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 22, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "6586": {"id": "COP4uu1SyV4ykSLYY1P4z", "course_id": "108250", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108250", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Sonic Arts in Practice 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSONIC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1300", "CLASS_NBR": 20392, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Understanding of and experience with using computers for musical composition and performance", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MUSONIC 1100A, MUSONIC 1100B", "ASSESSMENT": "Workshop attendance and participation 10%, Journal/blog entries 20%, Class presentations 20%, Performance outcomes 50%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This project-oriented course allows students to develop collaborative sonic arts projects in diverse creative fields such as composition, live performance, installations and multimedia. Project concepts are researched and developed, subjected to discussion and debate, and presented or performed. The objectives of the course are to develop an understanding of the dynamics of collaborative work, to enhance problem solving skills in using technology in diverse situations, and to allow students to explore creative media which may cross boundaries between art forms.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6587": {"id": "COP4uu1SyV4ykSLYY1P4z", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "bTRy5vD8xxa4RLHn2c5sT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20392, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 19, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}]}]}]}, "6588": {"id": "tpqVvK0RPDcNckUBN_r8c", "course_id": "108251", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108251", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Sonic Arts in Practice 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSONIC", "CATALOG_NBR": "2300", "CLASS_NBR": 23108, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSONIC 1300", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Advanced understanding of and experience with using computers for musical composition and performance", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MUSONIC 2100A, MUSONIC 2100B", "ASSESSMENT": "Workshop attendance and participation 10%, Journal/blog entries 20%, Class presentations 20%, Performance outcomes 50%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This project-oriented course allows students to develop collaborative sonic arts projects in diverse creative fields such as composition, live performance, installations and multimedia. Project concepts are researched and developed, subjected to discussion and debate, and presented or performed. The objectives of the course are to develop an understanding of the dynamics of collaborative work, to enhance problem solving skills in using technology in diverse situations, and to allow students to explore creative media which may cross boundaries between art forms.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6589": {"id": "tpqVvK0RPDcNckUBN_r8c", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "UYVCilGM4Iu40u9wGtwc4", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23108, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 21, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}]}]}]}, "6590": {"id": "RO5kKgBtfe6nJhOQ5gSvX", "course_id": "106739", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106739", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Computer Music Composition 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSONIC", "CATALOG_NBR": "2310", "CLASS_NBR": 10439, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSONIC 1000, MUSONIC 1220", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Basic understanding of the role of technology in the creation and performance of music", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research paper 20%, Seminar presentations 30%, Final project 50%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course examines of the link between human-computer interaction and the creative and technical practice of sound and music making. This course will develop a theoretical and practical understanding of computer music composition. Focus is placed on acquiring programming skills for implementation of compositional algorithms. Students will engage with a number of topics, including conceptual frameworks, contemporary practices and practitioners; complete readings and listening; and perform practical exercises that promote investigative learning and research. The course has the following learning objectives: facilitate new understandings and exploratory approaches in sonic arts practice; extend knowledge and develop new artistic and technical skills in human computer interaction and sound and music; and promote a learning process and reflexive skill set with regard to future practice, thus enabling students to adapt to the ever expanding and rapidly changing area of sonic arts and related areas of computer music.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6591": {"id": "RO5kKgBtfe6nJhOQ5gSvX", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "1YdVX1avgWsbYMVzhGnCi", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10438, "section": "LE01", "size": 34, "enrolled": 29, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "1 May - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "qDHf4jYOsOD7oikzf3kDK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10439, "section": "WR01", "size": 34, "enrolled": 29, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 407, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "1 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 407, Keyboard Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "6592": {"id": "SokJtEb_xTsrdgCvZgGT9", "course_id": "106635", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106635", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Sound Engineering Live", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSONIC", "CATALOG_NBR": "2610", "CLASS_NBR": 23032, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Priority is given to BMus students but available to all students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSONIC 1000, MUSONIC 1210", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, Exam, Project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Live sound engineering involves the artistic and technical control of sound in the field of live musical performance. This course will develop a theoretical and practical understanding of sound engineering and its application to live sound reinforcement and production. This will be achieved by theoretically and practically exploring the area of live sound engineering through lectures, tutorials and workshops. In particular, students will actively engage with learning, developing and analysing the practice of sound engineering through topics such as: input / output, connectivity, microphone technique, fold back and monitoring, front-of-house and PA systems, dynamic processing, equalization and effects; complete readings and listening that reinforce concepts, provide new insights and techniques; and perform practical exercises that promote investigative learning and research. The course has the following learning objectives: extend artistic and technical outcomes in the sonic arts including live sound engineering; provide a comprehensive understanding of sound engineering theory and its practice in the areas of live sound reinforcement and production; enhance problem solving skills; and provide a reflexive active skill set that can adapt to the changing landscape of live sound engineering, its practice and processes.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6593": {"id": "SokJtEb_xTsrdgCvZgGT9", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "xpi5OA5GmYs19SPp55WH7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23030, "section": "LE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 20, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 506, EMU Space"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 506, EMU Space"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "x6ILwavOCpKc03S1-K98P", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23031, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 20, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Schulz, 506, EMU Space"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Schulz, 506, EMU Space"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "XLT4ijEvacuzI2hSri1Ad", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23032, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 20, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 506, EMU Space"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 506, EMU Space"}]}]}]}]}, "6594": {"id": "S1irsP42cdndU9BIXwM8U", "course_id": "106637", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106637", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Sound Design for Film II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSONIC", "CATALOG_NBR": "2820", "CLASS_NBR": 25085, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Priority is given to BMus and BCtveArts students but available to all students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSONIC 1000 or equivalent", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Students must be fluent in use of a digital audio workstation; for example: ProTools, Logic Pro, Ableton Live etc.", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MUSONIC 3820", "ASSESSMENT": "Project 30%, Portfolio 35%, Research paper (2000 words) 35%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will develop an understanding of sound design for film/video and its associated components such as: music, dialogue and voice, ambience and effects. This will be achieved by theoretically and practically exploring the concept of sound design through lectures, tutorials and workshops. In particular students will examine a range of topics, technologies and techniques such as: history of sound in film, composition, effects creation, mixing, production, sourcing and clearance, delivery, management and quality assurance; complete readings and listening/viewings; and perform practical exercises that promote investigative learning and research. The course has the following learning objectives: facilitate new understandings and exploratory approaches in sonic arts practice; extend knowledge and develop new artistic and technical skills in sound creation and design; and promote a learning process and reflexive skill set with regard to future practice, thus enabling students to adapt to the ever expanding and rapidly changing area of sonic arts and related areas of sound design.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6595": {"id": "S1irsP42cdndU9BIXwM8U", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "VOrxyBa7YS23axc7JeCRV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28577, "section": "LEC0", "size": 34, "enrolled": 22, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "RtlPlRVaz5gVeIsLJZxdo", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20393, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 22, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "6596": {"id": "Jt2OeXBNh2kF2P0dOYm8I", "course_id": "106639", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106639", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Circuit Bending and Hardware Hacking", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSONIC", "CATALOG_NBR": "2905", "CLASS_NBR": 10437, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSONIC 1000", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, Paper, Project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Circuit Bending and Hardware Hacking is a theoretical and practical course examining electronics and its application to sound and music. In particular, the course approaches the creation, manipulation and use of electronics in music and sound using a performative and exploratory approach. Topics covered include: the background and history of electronics, electronic theory and design, soldering, breadboarding, circuit and hardware manipulation, noise, processing, controls, connectors, sound generation and modulation, and signal flow. The topics will be covered through a series of workshops that include theoretical presentations, practical demonstrations, individual and group work, portfolio development and instrument creation. Further, students will complete reading and listening that reinforce concepts, provide new insights and techniques; and perform practical exercises that promote investigative learning and research. The course has the following learning objectives: extend artistic and technical outcomes in the sonic arts including sound design, composition, performance and instrument development; develop techniques for exploratory and performative research; enhance problem solving skills; provide a reflexive active skill set that can re-imagine past and current technologies and adapt to the rapidly changing technological landscape, its practices and processes.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6597": {"id": "Jt2OeXBNh2kF2P0dOYm8I", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "wx2hMy-v_C-xXRWy49w8q", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10437, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 23, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "9pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "9pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "6598": {"id": "JgmrIAsWm9AOXtvjewc6c", "course_id": "108196", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108196", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Sound Engineering 3", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSONIC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3001", "CLASS_NBR": 10435, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSONIC 1000, MUSONIC 1210", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Portfolio 35%, Exam 35%, Project 30%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Sound engineering involves the artistic and technical control of sound in the field of music. This course will develop advanced theoretical and practical understanding of sound engineering and its associated principles: recording, mixing, production and mastering. This will be achieved by theoretical and practical engagement with sound engineering through lectures, tutorials and workshops. In particular, students will actively engage with learning, developing and analysing the practice of sound engineering, as it applies to a range of musical genres, through topics such as: session management and planning, studio use, signal flow, microphone and recording techniques, mixing, production and mastering; complete readings and critical listening that reinforce concepts, provide new insights and techniques; and perform practical exercises that promote investigative learning and research.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6599": {"id": "JgmrIAsWm9AOXtvjewc6c", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "T3aXL8ZMQg01r1pXU0qqJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10432, "section": "LE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 23, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 506, EMU Space"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 506, EMU Space"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 506, EMU Space"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "ADO-6DT4mwRLzw519Hbv8", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10433, "section": "TU02", "size": 23, "enrolled": 6, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 506, EMU Space"}, {"dates": "4 Mar - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 503a, Recording Studio"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 506, EMU Space"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 503a, Recording Studio"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 506, EMU Space"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 503a, Recording Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10434, "section": "TU01", "size": 23, "enrolled": 17, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 506, EMU Space"}, {"dates": "4 Mar - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 503a, Recording Studio"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 506, EMU Space"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 503a, Recording Studio"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 506, EMU Space"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 503a, Recording Studio"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "DBbFVRspFtR0r9mQc_wD_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10435, "section": "WR02", "size": 15, "enrolled": 3, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 506, EMU Space"}, {"dates": "4 Mar - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 407, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 506, EMU Space"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 407, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 506, EMU Space"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 407, Keyboard Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10436, "section": "WR01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 20, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 506, EMU Space"}, {"dates": "4 Mar - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 407, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 506, EMU Space"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 407, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 506, EMU Space"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 407, Keyboard Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "6600": {"id": "NTYEYr2aMkcj8qPff259I", "course_id": "108256", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108256", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Interaction Design and the Sonic Arts 3", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSONIC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3020", "CLASS_NBR": 24090, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSONIC 1000", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MUSONIC 2410", "ASSESSMENT": "Portfolio 35%, Research paper (2000 words) 35%, Project 30%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course examines of the link between human-computer interaction and the creative and technical practice of sound and music making. This course will develop a theoretical and practical understanding of computer music interactivity. Focus is placed on acquiring programming skills for implementation of interactive design. Students will engage with a number of topics, including conceptual frameworks, contemporary practices and practitioners; complete readings and listening; and perform practical exercises that promote investigative learning and research. The course has the following learning objectives: facilitate new understandings and exploratory approaches in sonic arts practice; extend knowledge and develop new artistic and technical skills in human computer interaction and sound and music; and promote a learning process and reflexive skill set with regard to future practice, thus enabling students to adapt to the ever expanding and rapidly changing area of sonic arts and related areas of computer music.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6601": {"id": "NTYEYr2aMkcj8qPff259I", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "O97e3H05PSmKeCrezlofW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28578, "section": "LEC0", "size": 30, "enrolled": 16, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "lSlYGRnXo21n112RmD1fF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24089, "section": "TU01", "size": 22, "enrolled": 16, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "sIC4EvhuaLvHsOAEbydqX", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24090, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 16, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "6602": {"id": "oCSE-OHJkIV1vtycpv88w", "course_id": "108380", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108380", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "The Sampled Source", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSONIC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3030", "CLASS_NBR": 13130, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSONIC 1000", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MUSONIC 2920", "ASSESSMENT": "Research portfolio 20%, Minor creative project 15%, Research project 30%, Major creative project 35%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Sampled Source is a course examining the impact that recent technologies have had on music. In particular, the course will theoretically and practically examine the key shifts that technology has had on the understanding, distribution and creation of music and sound. This will be achieved by theoretically and practically exploring the field of music technology through seminars and workshops. Topics covered may include: remixing, mashups, the internet, MP3, social media, music subscription, sound as artefact, the music genome project, musician and stealing as music. Further, students will complete readings and listening that reinforce concepts, provide new insights and techniques: and perform practical exercises that promote investigative learning and research. A key practical aspect of this course is advanced use of Ableton Live, in a live performance setting using MDI controllers such as Push controller.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6603": {"id": "oCSE-OHJkIV1vtycpv88w", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "fvPc0ICDt8zWpmTrU1Qp9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18666, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 21, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "Bm6tCjGNu-gH9EYmW9rHB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13130, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 21, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "6604": {"id": "ZhwE13MuN7sLtn5bATDse", "course_id": "108252", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108252", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Sonic Arts in Practice 3", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSONIC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3300", "CLASS_NBR": 24107, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSONIC 2300", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MUSONIC 3100A, MUSONIC 3100B", "ASSESSMENT": "Workshop attendance and participation 10%, Journal/blog entries 20%, Class presentations 20%, Performance outcomes 50%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This project-oriented course allows students to develop collaborative sonic arts projects in diverse creative fields such as composition, live performance, installations and multimedia. Project concepts are researched and developed, subjected to discussion and debate, and presented or performed. The objectives of the course are to develop an understanding of the dynamics of collaborative work, to enhance problem solving skills in using technology in diverse situations, and to allow students to explore creative media which may cross boundaries between art forms.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6605": {"id": "ZhwE13MuN7sLtn5bATDse", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "6jJnCo-eVJSFBrm7YfO1t", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24107, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 13, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}]}]}]}, "6606": {"id": "AbdrlyyqFT_wUjqNQ3k4S", "course_id": "108293", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108293", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Computer Music Composition 3", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSONIC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3310", "CLASS_NBR": 20390, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSONIC 1000", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Portfolio 35%, Research paper 35%, Project 30%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course examines of the link between human-computer interaction and the creative and technical practice of sound and music making. This course will develop a theoretical and practical understanding of computer music composition. Focus is placed on acquiring programming skills for implementation of compositional algorithms. Students will engage with a number of topics, including conceptual frameworks, contemporary practices and practitioners; complete readings and listening; and perform practical exercises that promote investigative learning and research. The course has the following learning objectives: facilitate new understandings and exploratory approaches in sonic arts practice; extend knowledge and develop new artistic and technical skills in human computer interaction and sound and music; and promote a learning process and reflexive skill set with regard to future practice, thus enabling students to adapt to the ever expanding and rapidly changing area of sonic arts and related areas of computer music.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6607": {"id": "AbdrlyyqFT_wUjqNQ3k4S", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "F3X1wkttbKwNebRFdbSwS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20389, "section": "LE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 17, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "XQUs_fkAmrbzI1eVGWBZK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20390, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 17, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 407, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 407, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 407, Keyboard Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "6608": {"id": "wa0qDY2-rl4AY47XJ87gY", "course_id": "108270", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108270", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Sound Design for Games III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSONIC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3720", "CLASS_NBR": 10442, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSONIC 1000, MUSONIC 1220", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MUSONIC 2720", "ASSESSMENT": "Portfolio 35%, Research paper (2000 words) 35%, Project 30%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will develop an understanding of sound design for games and its associated components such as: music, dialogue and voice, ambience and effects. This will be achieved by theoretically and practically exploring the concept of sound design through lectures, tutorials and workshops. In particular students will examine a range of topics, technologies and techniques such as: history of sound in games, composition, effects creation, mixing, production, sourcing and clearance, delivery, management and quality assurance; complete readings and listening/viewings; and perform practical exercises that promote investigative learning and research. The course has the following learning objectives: facilitate new understandings and exploratory approaches in sonic arts practice; extend knowledge and develop new artistic and technical skills in sound creation and design; and promote a learning process and reflexive skill set with regard to future practice, thus enabling students to adapt to the ever expanding and rapidly changing area of sonic arts and related areas of sound design.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6609": {"id": "wa0qDY2-rl4AY47XJ87gY", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "lXsAgWDvRHBmq7EJEslDN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12317, "section": "LE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 19, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "eg-kqdcKdNVkpyAtcmPAa", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10441, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 19, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "OD9rYffZKFLukGKHParUR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10442, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 19, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "3 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "6610": {"id": "CZD28zYx84JO0CjOtPQIY", "course_id": "109056", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109056", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Music Creative Practice Major Project", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSONIC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7001", "CLASS_NBR": 16096, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 1 hour per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MA CtvePrac in Music Specialisation students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Successful completion of BMus or equivalent/related undergraduate degree", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "An understanding of music from both theoretical and practical perspectives, sufficient for undertaking postgraduate study.", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Creative portfolio 75%, Exegesis (3000 word) 25%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The primary purpose of this course is to provide students with the skills and understanding to produce a significant portfolio of creative work across the fields of composition, sonic arts and popular music. The main emphasis of the portfolio is on practice-led research. \nThe portfolio of original creative works is realised through means appropriate to the work presented; for example projects may be realised by technological means, either as compositions, performances, sound art works, multimedia works or other formats recognized within the field of sonic arts; as an album (LP) of recorded and notated songs; or as scored compositions. Creative portfolios will be of approximately 30 minutes duration (or equivalent) and be accompanied by an exegesis of 3000 words. Alternatively, a 12,000 word dissertation on an approved research topic in the fields of Sonic Arts, Popular Music and Creative Technologies or Composition could be negotiated. \nProjects must demonstrate familiarity with and skills in the formulation of appropriate creative ideas bearing upon the specialisation concerned and deemed to be at Masters level. Preparatory work will be supervised individually or in small groups as approved by the Conservatorium and will involve the student in considerable time spent developing specialist knowledge, skills and insights bearing upon the project to be completed. Focused research and the development of finessed creative output are at the heart of this project. To assist with the completion of the project student study will include individual or small group (maximum 4 students) supervisions/lessons directed by specialist conservatorium staff.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6611": {"id": "CZD28zYx84JO0CjOtPQIY", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "ASlNt86Dqh9YmRuNBs49D", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16096, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "6612": {"id": "9GHuTUWsfJBA6ypSsYTb6", "course_id": "109056", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109056", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Music Creative Practice Major Project", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSONIC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7001", "CLASS_NBR": 26097, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 1 hour per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MA CtvePrac in Music Specialisation students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Successful completion of BMus or equivalent/related undergraduate degree", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "An understanding of music from both theoretical and practical perspectives, sufficient for undertaking postgraduate study.", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Creative portfolio 75%, Exegesis (3000 word) 25%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The primary purpose of this course is to provide students with the skills and understanding to produce a significant portfolio of creative work across the fields of composition, sonic arts and popular music. The main emphasis of the portfolio is on practice-led research. \nThe portfolio of original creative works is realised through means appropriate to the work presented; for example projects may be realised by technological means, either as compositions, performances, sound art works, multimedia works or other formats recognized within the field of sonic arts; as an album (LP) of recorded and notated songs; or as scored compositions. Creative portfolios will be of approximately 30 minutes duration (or equivalent) and be accompanied by an exegesis of 3000 words. Alternatively, a 12,000 word dissertation on an approved research topic in the fields of Sonic Arts, Popular Music and Creative Technologies or Composition could be negotiated. \nProjects must demonstrate familiarity with and skills in the formulation of appropriate creative ideas bearing upon the specialisation concerned and deemed to be at Masters level. Preparatory work will be supervised individually or in small groups as approved by the Conservatorium and will involve the student in considerable time spent developing specialist knowledge, skills and insights bearing upon the project to be completed. Focused research and the development of finessed creative output are at the heart of this project. To assist with the completion of the project student study will include individual or small group (maximum 4 students) supervisions/lessons directed by specialist conservatorium staff.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6613": {"id": "9GHuTUWsfJBA6ypSsYTb6", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "zcHGzWFXju7CNSVBHo-js", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26097, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "6614": {"id": "dLnnWPjGaYi2tVqbOws0V", "course_id": "109057", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109057", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Music Creative Practice Research Project", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSONIC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7002", "CLASS_NBR": 10440, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MA CtvePrac in Music Specialisation students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Successful completion of BMus or equivalent/related undergraduate degree", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "An understanding of music from both a theoretical and practical perspective, sufficient for undertaking postgraduate study", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research essay (6000 word) 85%, Log (2000 word) 15%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The primary purpose of the 6,000 word research project is to provide an introduction to postgraduate studies by research in the field of creative arts in music. Preparation of the research project will be carried out under the supervision of the Course Coordinator. Students are required to identify, articulate and investigate a research question relevant to one of the chosen specialisations listed above. \nThere will be 12 research seminars in order to prepare students for this project. Students will be required to keep a weekly journal (2000 words total, weighted at 15%) documenting class discussion and including individual commentary.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6615": {"id": "dLnnWPjGaYi2tVqbOws0V", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "x_WsQubO-ekv-IOqkeUO7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10440, "section": "SE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}]}]}]}, "6616": {"id": "dSdOBaw6BP7H5bkLqIx7a", "course_id": "109057", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109057", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Music Creative Practice Research Project", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSONIC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7002", "CLASS_NBR": 20132, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MA CtvePrac in Music Specialisation students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Successful completion of BMus or equivalent/related undergraduate degree", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "An understanding of music from both a theoretical and practical perspective, sufficient for undertaking postgraduate study", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research essay (6000 word) 85%, Log (2000 word) 15%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The primary purpose of the 6,000 word research project is to provide an introduction to postgraduate studies by research in the field of creative arts in music. Preparation of the research project will be carried out under the supervision of the Course Coordinator. Students are required to identify, articulate and investigate a research question relevant to one of the chosen specialisations listed above. \nThere will be 12 research seminars in order to prepare students for this project. Students will be required to keep a weekly journal (2000 words total, weighted at 15%) documenting class discussion and including individual commentary.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6617": {"id": "dSdOBaw6BP7H5bkLqIx7a", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "zyUR3MDIYKDbwIyixFkNJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20132, "section": "SE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}]}]}]}, "6618": {"id": "9_kPwPLRR0fuWcWaf1iq8", "course_id": "109058", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109058", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Music Creative Arts Portfolio", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSONIC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7003", "CLASS_NBR": 16097, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MA CtvePrac in Music Specialisation students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Successful completion of BMus or equivalent/related undergraduate degree", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "An advanced understanding of music from both theoretical and practical perspectives, sufficient for undertaking postgraduate study.", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Group discovery 20%, Portfolio 20%, Research paper 30%, Creative project 30%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The primary purpose of this course is to provide students with essential skills to produce a significant portfolio of creative work across the fields of composition, sonic arts and popular music. These skills include compositional tools and concepts, and technology-based skills in the realisation of creative ideas.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6619": {"id": "9_kPwPLRR0fuWcWaf1iq8", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "RJievG2JuWK8MmpN6qyER", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16097, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "6620": {"id": "Aib3b9RyeZNBFHA_Hl6kD", "course_id": "109058", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109058", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Music Creative Arts Portfolio", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSONIC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7003", "CLASS_NBR": 26098, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MA CtvePrac in Music Specialisation students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Successful completion of BMus or equivalent/related undergraduate degree", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "An advanced understanding of music from both theoretical and practical perspectives, sufficient for undertaking postgraduate study.", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Group discovery 20%, Portfolio 20%, Research paper 30%, Creative project 30%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The primary purpose of this course is to provide students with essential skills to produce a significant portfolio of creative work across the fields of composition, sonic arts and popular music. These skills include compositional tools and concepts, and technology-based skills in the realisation of creative ideas.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6621": {"id": "Aib3b9RyeZNBFHA_Hl6kD", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "uFUIsmC27fYMiRjZjJEt7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26098, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "6622": {"subject": "MUSPERF", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "109777", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109777", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109776", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109776", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109775", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109775", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108810", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108810", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108806", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108806", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108807", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108807", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108811", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108811", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108828", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108828", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "6623": {"id": "vqepyhqbK-fXrC_l-2Ljg", "course_id": "109777", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109777", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Negotiated Project IV", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSPERF", "CATALOG_NBR": "7020", "CLASS_NBR": 16165, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to GDipMus(Perf) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Successful completion of Bachelor of Music or another relevant undergraduate degree", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PERF 6016A/B", "ASSESSMENT": "Ensemble participation, other performance related activity, research project or negotiated assessment 70%, Written assessment to including development of a professional portfolio (include reflections on negotiated project) 30%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The primary purpose of this course is to provide students with professional skills and understanding complementary to their major study. The course consists of activities as negotiated between supervisor and student which will enhance their specialist knowledge of music performance. This may involve participation in an ensemble/chamber music group, an internship, a mock orchestral audition, conducting activities, accompanied by a written assignment related to this activity.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6624": {"id": "vqepyhqbK-fXrC_l-2Ljg", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "mLcbAKyuD10M3e04kQBc5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16165, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "6625": {"id": "IqXVjbGl1zHrHoKGFHxCI", "course_id": "109777", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109777", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Negotiated Project IV", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSPERF", "CATALOG_NBR": "7020", "CLASS_NBR": 26174, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to GDipMus(Perf) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Successful completion of Bachelor of Music or another relevant undergraduate degree", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PERF 6016A/B", "ASSESSMENT": "Ensemble participation, other performance related activity, research project or negotiated assessment 70%, Written assessment to including development of a professional portfolio (include reflections on negotiated project) 30%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The primary purpose of this course is to provide students with professional skills and understanding complementary to their major study. The course consists of activities as negotiated between supervisor and student which will enhance their specialist knowledge of music performance. This may involve participation in an ensemble/chamber music group, an internship, a mock orchestral audition, conducting activities, accompanied by a written assignment related to this activity.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6626": {"id": "IqXVjbGl1zHrHoKGFHxCI", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "uyVwTK_FCRPu5xOChVx68", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26174, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "6627": {"id": "N4eaQ3tRKHt_BfKqtYC7_", "course_id": "109776", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109776", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Minor Recital IV", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSPERF", "CATALOG_NBR": "7021", "CLASS_NBR": 16164, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to GDipMus(Perf) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Successful completion of Bachelor of Music or another relevant undergraduate degree", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PERF 6015A/B", "ASSESSMENT": "25min recital & program notes of 600-700words 80%. Development of a professional portfolio. Attendance & participation at PG performance, observation of technique & repertoire classes in specialisation or participation in orchestral activities 20%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of this course is to develop a program of works in the repertoire of the specialisation that contributes to the development of advanced specialist knowledge in music performance. It culminates in the presentation of a 25-minute public recital. The recital is supported by 1:1 tuition and supporting classes. Repertoire may include solo works, chamber music, orchestral material, concerti, and accompaniment. Recital programs are subject to approval.\nPerformance in regular ensemble activity is recommend as directed by the coordinator.\nWork in all these areas forms a preparatory path towards a Minor (25 min) recital at the end of the Semester comprising a program of music demonstrating appropriate achievement in stylistic, artistic and technical areas of performance. Development of a professional portfolio is required. Attendance and participation at performance classes or orchestral activities is required as directed by the coordinator.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6628": {"id": "N4eaQ3tRKHt_BfKqtYC7_", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "gCqi2yGT3syicJt6Ydtz0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16164, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition"}]}]}]}, "6629": {"id": "MkvCokQugO-3f9Md81jmF", "course_id": "109776", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109776", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Minor Recital IV", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSPERF", "CATALOG_NBR": "7021", "CLASS_NBR": 26173, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to GDipMus(Perf) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Successful completion of Bachelor of Music or another relevant undergraduate degree", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PERF 6015A/B", "ASSESSMENT": "25min recital & program notes of 600-700words 80%. Development of a professional portfolio. Attendance & participation at PG performance, observation of technique & repertoire classes in specialisation or participation in orchestral activities 20%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of this course is to develop a program of works in the repertoire of the specialisation that contributes to the development of advanced specialist knowledge in music performance. It culminates in the presentation of a 25-minute public recital. The recital is supported by 1:1 tuition and supporting classes. Repertoire may include solo works, chamber music, orchestral material, concerti, and accompaniment. Recital programs are subject to approval.\nPerformance in regular ensemble activity is recommend as directed by the coordinator.\nWork in all these areas forms a preparatory path towards a Minor (25 min) recital at the end of the Semester comprising a program of music demonstrating appropriate achievement in stylistic, artistic and technical areas of performance. Development of a professional portfolio is required. Attendance and participation at performance classes or orchestral activities is required as directed by the coordinator.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6630": {"id": "MkvCokQugO-3f9Md81jmF", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "5AZvffUOTTaI4E5KIAtwk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26173, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition"}]}]}]}, "6631": {"id": "pBYwy7MYWfUUANygTGl_L", "course_id": "109775", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109775", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Major Recital IV", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSPERF", "CATALOG_NBR": "7022", "CLASS_NBR": 16163, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to PGCW Music students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "50min recital(hurdle) Research for program notes 600-700words 80%. Develop a professional portfolio. Performance:attendance/participation at PG performance & observation of technique/repertoire classes. Conducting:Activities designated by coordinator 20%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students undertake individual lessons supervised by their principal instrumental /specialist teacher. Performance students also attend regular Performance Classes at which they are expected to perform regularly as required. Performance in regular ensemble activity, as directed and participation in student concerts. Conducting students are expected to participate in activities as designated by their conducting coordinator.\n\nWork in all these areas forms a preparatory path towards a Major (50 minute) Recital at the end of the semester comprising a program of music demonstrating appropriate achievement in stylistic, artistic and technical areas of performance.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6632": {"id": "pBYwy7MYWfUUANygTGl_L", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "0Rxbzip9BHJv8wB7-opQH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16163, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition"}]}]}]}, "6633": {"id": "2USaHst9gbSN-qjNhJETS", "course_id": "109775", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109775", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Major Recital IV", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSPERF", "CATALOG_NBR": "7022", "CLASS_NBR": 26172, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to PGCW Music students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "50min recital(hurdle) Research for program notes 600-700words 80%. Develop a professional portfolio. Performance:attendance/participation at PG performance & observation of technique/repertoire classes. Conducting:Activities designated by coordinator 20%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students undertake individual lessons supervised by their principal instrumental /specialist teacher. Performance students also attend regular Performance Classes at which they are expected to perform regularly as required. Performance in regular ensemble activity, as directed and participation in student concerts. Conducting students are expected to participate in activities as designated by their conducting coordinator.\n\nWork in all these areas forms a preparatory path towards a Major (50 minute) Recital at the end of the semester comprising a program of music demonstrating appropriate achievement in stylistic, artistic and technical areas of performance.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6634": {"id": "2USaHst9gbSN-qjNhJETS", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "UTpo13uMN23MoKfphI6RH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26172, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 4, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition"}]}]}]}, "6635": {"id": "iUFiZ0l50znglZDKbM9aU", "course_id": "108810", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108810", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Minor Recital V", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSPERF", "CATALOG_NBR": "7023", "CLASS_NBR": 16085, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to PGCW Music students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "25min recital 600\u2013700words for program notes 80%.Development of a professional portfolio. Performance: attendance/participation at PG performance classes, observation of technique/repertoire classes. Conducting: activities designated by coordinator 20%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of this course is to develop a program of works in the repertoire of the specialisation that contributes to the development of advanced specialist knowledge in music performance. It culminates in the presentation of a 25-minute public recital. The recital projects are supported by 1:1 tuition and performance classes. Repertoire may include solo works, chamber music, orchestral material, concerti, and accompaniment. Recital programs are subject to approval. The program of works is expected to demonstrate advanced performance with consistent confidence in technical presentation, demonstrate mastery beyond the knowledge of style, convince the audience of the vision of the work, and present a professional demeanour. The overall standard of the final recital is expected to be commensurate with entry level into the profession.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6636": {"id": "iUFiZ0l50znglZDKbM9aU", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "id": "tYFG3viZiZ86IjMLBeiKP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16085, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Performance"}]}]}]}, "6637": {"id": "j4NEfuPNGHIMA7sgcMI8N", "course_id": "108810", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108810", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Minor Recital V", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSPERF", "CATALOG_NBR": "7023", "CLASS_NBR": 26086, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to PGCW Music students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "25min recital 600\u2013700words for program notes 80%.Development of a professional portfolio. Performance: attendance/participation at PG performance classes, observation of technique/repertoire classes. Conducting: activities designated by coordinator 20%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of this course is to develop a program of works in the repertoire of the specialisation that contributes to the development of advanced specialist knowledge in music performance. It culminates in the presentation of a 25-minute public recital. The recital projects are supported by 1:1 tuition and performance classes. Repertoire may include solo works, chamber music, orchestral material, concerti, and accompaniment. Recital programs are subject to approval. The program of works is expected to demonstrate advanced performance with consistent confidence in technical presentation, demonstrate mastery beyond the knowledge of style, convince the audience of the vision of the work, and present a professional demeanour. The overall standard of the final recital is expected to be commensurate with entry level into the profession.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6638": {"id": "j4NEfuPNGHIMA7sgcMI8N", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "id": "rca6Ro4LjnvqlpJulEPxg", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26086, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Performance"}]}]}]}, "6639": {"id": "rbxZbhsuBFlbIjBXJBH_s", "course_id": "108806", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108806", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Major Recital V", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSPERF", "CATALOG_NBR": "7024", "CLASS_NBR": 16083, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 10 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to PGCW Music students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "150min recital (hurdle) incl 600\u2013700 word program notes 80%. Develop a professional portfolio. Performance: attendance/participation at PG performance/observation of technique/repertoire classes. Conducting: activities designated by the coordinator 20%.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of this course is to develop a program of works in the repertoire of the specialisation that contributes to the development of advanced specialist knowledge in music performance. It culminates in the presentation of a 50-minute public recital. The recital projects are supported by 1:1 tuition and performance classes. Repertoire may include solo works, chamber music, orchestral material, concerti, and accompaniment. Recital programs are subject to approval. The program of works is expected to demonstrate advanced performance with consistent confidence in technical presentation, demonstrate mastery beyond the knowledge of style, convince the audience of the vision of the work, and present a professional demeanour. The overall standard of the final recital is expected to be commensurate with entry level into the profession.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6640": {"id": "rbxZbhsuBFlbIjBXJBH_s", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "id": "K5-ov6ryufbUqe2bPOt-A", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16083, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Performance"}]}]}]}, "6641": {"id": "4bjxcZ4b_6qNPCkpxn3KH", "course_id": "108806", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108806", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Major Recital V", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSPERF", "CATALOG_NBR": "7024", "CLASS_NBR": 26084, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 10 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to PGCW Music students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "150min recital (hurdle) incl 600\u2013700 word program notes 80%. Develop a professional portfolio. Performance: attendance/participation at PG performance/observation of technique/repertoire classes. Conducting: activities designated by the coordinator 20%.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of this course is to develop a program of works in the repertoire of the specialisation that contributes to the development of advanced specialist knowledge in music performance. It culminates in the presentation of a 50-minute public recital. The recital projects are supported by 1:1 tuition and performance classes. Repertoire may include solo works, chamber music, orchestral material, concerti, and accompaniment. Recital programs are subject to approval. The program of works is expected to demonstrate advanced performance with consistent confidence in technical presentation, demonstrate mastery beyond the knowledge of style, convince the audience of the vision of the work, and present a professional demeanour. The overall standard of the final recital is expected to be commensurate with entry level into the profession.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6642": {"id": "4bjxcZ4b_6qNPCkpxn3KH", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "id": "Qx0MUXYvFVabhVYI76sA8", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26084, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Performance"}]}]}]}, "6643": {"id": "LCy52mmq5xJ1bfUa1FsTN", "course_id": "108807", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108807", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Ensemble V", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSPERF", "CATALOG_NBR": "7025", "CLASS_NBR": 16084, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to PGCW Music students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ensemble 1: participation (includes ongoing assessment) or ensemble related activity 50%, Ensemble 2 participation (includes ongoing assessment) or ensemble related activity 50%. Both assessments designated by the coordinator.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course develops advanced musicianship in the context of an ensemble by focussing on rehearsal discipline, stylistic interpretation and advanced ensemble skills. It consists of rehearsals with ensembles and/or chamber ensemble to develop a program of works in the repertoire of the specialisation that may culminate in the presentation of a public concert. Additional sectional and concert rehearsals may be required. Repertoire may include chamber music, orchestral material, choral activities and accompaniment. Participation in established Conservatorium ensembles may occur based on audition. The candidate is expected to demonstrate advanced performance skills with consistent confidence in technical presentation; demonstrate mastery beyond the knowledge of style; and present all work in line with practices and expectations of the professional. The overall standard of the concert work is expected to be commensurate with entry level into the profession.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6644": {"id": "LCy52mmq5xJ1bfUa1FsTN", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "id": "jS8LxaO3yrARzIsME7G-x", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16084, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal"}]}]}]}, "6645": {"id": "0VOxgATisj2pe6wspSaus", "course_id": "108807", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108807", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Ensemble V", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSPERF", "CATALOG_NBR": "7025", "CLASS_NBR": 26085, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to PGCW Music students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ensemble 1: participation (includes ongoing assessment) or ensemble related activity 50%, Ensemble 2 participation (includes ongoing assessment) or ensemble related activity 50%. Both assessments designated by the coordinator.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course develops advanced musicianship in the context of an ensemble by focussing on rehearsal discipline, stylistic interpretation and advanced ensemble skills. It consists of rehearsals with ensembles and/or chamber ensemble to develop a program of works in the repertoire of the specialisation that may culminate in the presentation of a public concert. Additional sectional and concert rehearsals may be required. Repertoire may include chamber music, orchestral material, choral activities and accompaniment. Participation in established Conservatorium ensembles may occur based on audition. The candidate is expected to demonstrate advanced performance skills with consistent confidence in technical presentation; demonstrate mastery beyond the knowledge of style; and present all work in line with practices and expectations of the professional. The overall standard of the concert work is expected to be commensurate with entry level into the profession.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6646": {"id": "0VOxgATisj2pe6wspSaus", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "id": "vaqXsyt_sHmMbmnyt8kWd", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26085, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal"}]}]}]}, "6647": {"id": "zOxkW-zTUSXj272MjJRs6", "course_id": "108811", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108811", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Project V", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSPERF", "CATALOG_NBR": "7026", "CLASS_NBR": 16086, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to PGCW Music students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research proposal (3,000 words) 20%, Oral presentation (30 minutes) 20%, Final submission (12,000 words) 60%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course develops knowledge and skills relating to researching music, its scholarly presentation and their application in professional life. It complements the major study, and enhances specialist knowledge of music performance. Case studies with different theoretical and practical perspectives help the student to develop a further understanding of methodologies available to the researcher as well as broadening knowledge of music and its application to music-making and professional practice more generally. The seminar mode of learning enables students to explore key issues through problem-solving exercises and discussion. Assessment comprises: submission of a research proposal, an oral presentation, and a final submission in the form of a text or exegesis.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6648": {"id": "zOxkW-zTUSXj272MjJRs6", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "XCXcDSMuZzwfJ9qxbQoS9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16086, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "6649": {"id": "HG0WEgxu0BVP7qvogm27g", "course_id": "108811", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108811", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Project V", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSPERF", "CATALOG_NBR": "7026", "CLASS_NBR": 26087, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to PGCW Music students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research proposal (3,000 words) 20%, Oral presentation (30 minutes) 20%, Final submission (12,000 words) 60%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course develops knowledge and skills relating to researching music, its scholarly presentation and their application in professional life. It complements the major study, and enhances specialist knowledge of music performance. Case studies with different theoretical and practical perspectives help the student to develop a further understanding of methodologies available to the researcher as well as broadening knowledge of music and its application to music-making and professional practice more generally. The seminar mode of learning enables students to explore key issues through problem-solving exercises and discussion. Assessment comprises: submission of a research proposal, an oral presentation, and a final submission in the form of a text or exegesis.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6650": {"id": "HG0WEgxu0BVP7qvogm27g", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "bs2xO_6zKaSGSLMax2Vql", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26087, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "6651": {"id": "5p3e5SEty2MxuGV4YmXc6", "course_id": "108828", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108828", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Professional Project V", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSPERF", "CATALOG_NBR": "7027", "CLASS_NBR": 16087, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MMus(PerfSt) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Audition", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Advanced specialist skills to read music and play an instrument", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PERF 7021", "ASSESSMENT": "Ensemble participation, other performance related activity, research project 80%, Development of a professional portfolio. Written assignment directly related to the activity 20%. Both assessments to be negotiated with coordinator", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course allows candidates to select an activity that complements their major study. It comprises activities that enhance specialist knowledge of music performance, an understanding of ethical practices and contribute to professional growth to an advanced level to assist with entry into the profession. An internship, lecture demonstration, an extended work such as a concerto, a mock orchestral audition, orchestral activities may be negotiated as part of the assessment for the course. Language study for singers may be provided and keyboard musicianship may be provided for pianists.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6652": {"id": "5p3e5SEty2MxuGV4YmXc6", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "UIUa9iu3KxQlw5Vwp_lnH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16087, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 2, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "6653": {"id": "O18ygqXJ9XaqkcguIRZ9V", "course_id": "108828", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108828", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Professional Project V", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSPERF", "CATALOG_NBR": "7027", "CLASS_NBR": 26088, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MMus(PerfSt) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Audition", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Advanced specialist skills to read music and play an instrument", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PERF 7021", "ASSESSMENT": "Ensemble participation, other performance related activity, research project 80%, Development of a professional portfolio. Written assignment directly related to the activity 20%. Both assessments to be negotiated with coordinator", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course allows candidates to select an activity that complements their major study. It comprises activities that enhance specialist knowledge of music performance, an understanding of ethical practices and contribute to professional growth to an advanced level to assist with entry into the profession. An internship, lecture demonstration, an extended work such as a concerto, a mock orchestral audition, orchestral activities may be negotiated as part of the assessment for the course. Language study for singers may be provided and keyboard musicianship may be provided for pianists.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6654": {"id": "O18ygqXJ9XaqkcguIRZ9V", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "ERPiePFB4ouXuZTA-Mb-Y", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26088, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "6655": {"subject": "MUSPOP", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "109630", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109631", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109540", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109543", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109549", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109541", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109544", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109548", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109542", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109545", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}]}}, "6656": {"id": "di3jNIxtM1R5zAh0cuHpx", "course_id": "109630", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109630", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Contemporary Musicianship 1A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSPOP", "CATALOG_NBR": "1003", "CLASS_NBR": 14097, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus, BCtveArts, DipMus students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing tutorial assessments (25%), transcription assignment (15%), mid-Semester exam (15%), workshop assessment/s (25%), final exam (20%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Contemporary Musicianship 1A introduces notational, theoretical and aural skills with an emphasis on contemporary popular music. Theoretical skills developed include the recognition of clefs and key signatures, intervals, chords and tonal harmony, simple and compound rhythms, melodic structures and voice leading. Students will examine the principles of theory and progress through the study of the development of tonal and non-tonal theory in Western music. Students learn the theoretical aspects of music making while developing the key skills in music literacy and harmonic analysis that are integral to contemporary music practice. Students will also develop aural skills and sight singing ability, that is centred on honing secure listening and reading skills.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6657": {"id": "di3jNIxtM1R5zAh0cuHpx", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "nOiXzuPKFsHWgp53wqbaP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18644, "section": "LEC0", "size": 40, "enrolled": 19, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "i_in52IK-ugimcxMwyHEQ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14114, "section": "TU02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 19, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 407, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 407, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 407, Keyboard Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "6658": {"id": "M4mpf27Bo64YpF6vHKYVN", "course_id": "109631", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109631", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Contemporary Musicianship 1B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSPOP", "CATALOG_NBR": "1004", "CLASS_NBR": 21866, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus, BCtveArts, DipMus students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSPOP 1003", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes (20%), analysis assignment (15%), mid-Semester exam (15%), workshop assessment/s (25%), final exam (20%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course builds on skills introduced through Contemporary Musicianship 1A, continuing students' development of notational, theoretical and analytical skills with an emphasis on contemporary popular music. Lectures focus on with notion systems, intervals, chords and tonal harmony, simple and compound rhythm and diatonic voice leading. Students will systematically work through the development of tonal and non-tonal theory in Western music, learning the theoretical aspects of music making while developing the key skills in music literacy and harmonic analysis that are integral to contemporary music practice. Aural classes will focus on the development of secure listening and reading skills. Keyboard musicianship classes focus on developing skills centered on the practical application of theoretical and compositional content, and beneficial for the use of Digital Audio Workstations in their creative work.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6659": {"id": "M4mpf27Bo64YpF6vHKYVN", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "A6VPD-CAVlgz2xXKul6cI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28579, "section": "LEC0", "size": 60, "enrolled": 24, "available": 36, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "RT-xR-dO-IIejX0UuR-HP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21866, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 24, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 407, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 407, Keyboard Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "6660": {"id": "nNq5bdf0_K13l4tGeJhsF", "course_id": "109540", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109540", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Contemporary Music in Practice 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSPOP", "CATALOG_NBR": "1100", "CLASS_NBR": 24360, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus, BMedia (Pop Music Major), DipMus students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSPOP 1201", "CO_REQUISITE": "MUSPOP 1202", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MUSPMACT 1111, MUSPMACT 1112", "ASSESSMENT": "Peer assessment and participation 20%, Self-reflection 15%, Concert attendance and critiquing 25%, Forum performance 40%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Building on rehearsal and performance techniques developed through Song Writing and Performance 1A and 1B, this course enables students to develop strategies for the preparation and performance of live original music in a more formal performance setting. A major emphasis of this course is on self and peer evaluation, where students present original work, and it is subjected to discussion in a supportive environment to enable students to develop critical thinking skills, and insight into the evaluation of creative work. Guest presentations by Music Industry professionals expose students to new developments in the industry, and insight into their creative practice, and students are encouraged to engage actively in the local industry through undertaking off-campus performance critiques. Performance Forums will comprise of guest lectures by industry identities, master-classes, and student performances.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6661": {"id": "nNq5bdf0_K13l4tGeJhsF", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "id": "vzUVpQTc_qkq5wGkE62CK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24360, "section": "PF01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 18, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}]}]}]}, "6662": {"id": "EzLLvGYF8h_QB-qJF0QyG", "course_id": "109543", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109543", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Song Writing & Performance 1A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSPOP", "CATALOG_NBR": "1201", "CLASS_NBR": 14117, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus, BMedia (Pop Music Major), DipMus students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Audition", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MUSPMACT 1011", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces students to the creative, technical and professional skills used by composers in a contemporary popular music context, with a focus on the creation and presentation of new original music. Seminars introduce composition and song writing techniques, including creative impetus, the musical materials of rhythm, pitch, melody, chords progressions and song structures, and approaches to writing lyrics. Stylistic idioms used in contemporary popular music styles are contextualized in relation to established song-writing forms. Through Workshops, students will work in small groups to prepare their original work for live performance. Rehearsal, improvisation and performance techniques will be introduced, culminating in on and off-campus student performances.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6663": {"id": "EzLLvGYF8h_QB-qJF0QyG", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "QXgdz-1yjOKtNYqt4spBj", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13396, "section": "LE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 22, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 20 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Performance", "id": "Gcj5oN-PxveGvvDPjm5lY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14115, "section": "PF02", "size": 15, "enrolled": 8, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Performance", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Schulz, 506, EMU Space"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14116, "section": "PF01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 14, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Performance", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 506, EMU Space"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "Zgru7S_LXQM9YeBcckTz_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14117, "section": "WR08", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, B08, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14118, "section": "WR07", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G05, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14119, "section": "WR06", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G06, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14120, "section": "WR05", "size": 5, "enrolled": 2, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G07, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14121, "section": "WR04", "size": 5, "enrolled": 5, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G10, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14122, "section": "WR03", "size": 5, "enrolled": 4, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G11, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14123, "section": "WR02", "size": 5, "enrolled": 5, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14124, "section": "WR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 5, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G03, Practice Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6664": {"id": "WHOD_uQv7YCdMa3VIy4At", "course_id": "109549", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109549", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Song Writing & Performance 1B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSPOP", "CATALOG_NBR": "1202", "CLASS_NBR": 24115, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus, BMedia (Pop Music Major), DipMus students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSPOP 1201", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MUSPMACT 1012", "ASSESSMENT": "Online journal 30%, Chart creation assignment 10%, Portfolio 30%, Recital 30%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course enables students to build on the creative, technical and professional skills from Song Writing and Performance 1A, with a focus on the creation and presentation of new original music. An important aspect of this course is the development of skills in producing song charts and scores using Avid's Sibelius software. Seminars introduce composition and song writing techniques, including creative impetus, the musical materials of rhythm, pitch, melody, chords progressions and song structures, and approaches to writing lyrics. Stylistic idioms used in contemporary popular music styles are contextualized in relation to established song-writing forms. Through Workshops, students will learn practical skills in scoring, and work in small groups to prepare their original work for live performance. Rehearsal, performance and studio techniques will be introduced, culminating in on and off-campus student performances.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6665": {"id": "WHOD_uQv7YCdMa3VIy4At", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "2V9vIdpT6qxdyactw69wQ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23327, "section": "LE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 20, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "yjMAxmg_dLq1KYqoDGauB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24115, "section": "WR08", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24116, "section": "WR07", "size": 5, "enrolled": 2, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, B08, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, B08, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24117, "section": "WR06", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G10, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G10, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24118, "section": "WR05", "size": 5, "enrolled": 2, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G07, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G07, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24119, "section": "WR04", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G06, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G06, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24120, "section": "WR03", "size": 5, "enrolled": 3, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G05, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G05, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24121, "section": "WR02", "size": 5, "enrolled": 5, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G04, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G04, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24122, "section": "WR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 5, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G03, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G03, Practice Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "rTWn6nZNvmsJOtVKAtkJN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24358, "section": "PR02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 407, Keyboard Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24359, "section": "PR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 17, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Schulz, 407, Keyboard Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "6666": {"id": "HJzu66S-Tt4I0ib60C9-p", "course_id": "109541", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109541", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Contemporary Music in Practice 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSPOP", "CATALOG_NBR": "2100", "CLASS_NBR": 24361, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSPOP 2201", "CO_REQUISITE": "MUSPOP 2202", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MUSPMACT 2111, MUSPMACT 2112", "ASSESSMENT": "Peer assessment & participation 20%, Self-reflection 10%, Concert attendance & critiquing 20%, Forum performances 50%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Building on rehearsal and performance techniques developed through Song Writing and Performance 2A and 2B, this course enables students to develop strategies for the preparation and performance of live original music in a more formal performance setting. A major emphasis of this course is on self and peer evaluation, where students present original work, and it is subjected to discussion in a supportive environment to enable students to develop critical thinking skills, and insight into the evaluation of creative work. Guest presentations by Music Industry professionals expose students to new developments in the industry, and insight into their creative practice, and students are encouraged to engage actively in the local industry through undertaking off-campus performance critiques. Performance Forums will comprise of guest lectures by industry identities, master-classes, and student performances.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6667": {"id": "HJzu66S-Tt4I0ib60C9-p", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "id": "VOe1LHX1BYRrYL79_jdmh", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24361, "section": "PF01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 12, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Performance", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}]}]}]}, "6668": {"id": "idiQlU9h4UxV4eRRK8EJI", "course_id": "109544", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109544", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Song Writing & Performance 2A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSPOP", "CATALOG_NBR": "2201", "CLASS_NBR": 14128, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus, BMedia (Pop Music Major), DipMus students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSPOP 1202", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MUSPMACT 2011", "ASSESSMENT": "Online journal 20%, Improvisation proficiency exam 20%, Portfolio 30%, Recital 30%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Building on concepts introduced in Song writing and Performance 1, this course enables students to further develop their creative and technical skills in composition and music production in a contemporary popular music context. Seminars introduce compositional techniques for more complex work including advanced considerations for arranging, instrumentation, electro-acoustic materials and approaches to a variety of contemporary genres. Students will develop key skills critical for composers and producers including reflective practice, critical listening, and oral communication skills. Workshops focus on more advanced strategies for the preparation and performance of live original music. Students work in small groups to prepare their original work for both studio recording and live performance, culminating in studio sessions with session musicians and off-campus performances.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6669": {"id": "idiQlU9h4UxV4eRRK8EJI", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "iAY_0Ep3zXTTJPkDAagwV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14127, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 12, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Performance", "id": "sk4AErPJTm8_YoZZEHJX2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14125, "section": "PF02", "size": 15, "enrolled": 12, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Performance", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 506, EMU Space"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "ln24uiqReYT4U1fEco2BW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14128, "section": "WR06", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G10, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14129, "section": "WR05", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G07, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14130, "section": "WR04", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G06, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14131, "section": "WR03", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G05, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14132, "section": "WR02", "size": 5, "enrolled": 5, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G04, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14133, "section": "WR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 5, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G03, Practice Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6670": {"id": "xV7mhyYsg5OUm0S5xkWXW", "course_id": "109548", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109548", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Song Writing & Performance 2B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSPOP", "CATALOG_NBR": "2202", "CLASS_NBR": 24125, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus, BMedia (Pop Music Major), DipMus students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSPOP 2201", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MUSPMACT 2012", "ASSESSMENT": "Research essay 30%, Portfolio 40%, Recital 30%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Building on concepts introduced in Song writing and Performance 2A, this course enables students to further develop their creative and technical skills in composition and music production in a contemporary popular music context. Seminars introduce compositional techniques for more complex work including advanced considerations for arranging, instrumentation, electro-acoustic materials and approaches to a variety of contemporary genres. A particular focus will be on creative use of the recording studio, blending composition and production. Students will develop key skills critical for composers and producers including reflective practice, and critical listening in a music production context. Workshops focus on more advanced strategies for the preparation and performance of live original music. Students will work in small groups in the recording studio to create small-scale works that will aid in the creation of their song writing portfolio, and prepare their work for public performance.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6671": {"id": "xV7mhyYsg5OUm0S5xkWXW", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "JtXVbI4wbqi06S-fwfc3B", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24124, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 11, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 506, EMU Space"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 506, EMU Space"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Performance", "id": "9TSbsSeqtJ5Hxno-3s179", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24123, "section": "PF01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 11, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Performance", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 506, EMU Space"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "s9I-k4hJMwRWKuuBi1BzP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24125, "section": "WR06", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Madley, G10, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Madley, G10, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24126, "section": "WR05", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Madley, G07, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Madley, G07, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24127, "section": "WR04", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Madley, G06, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Madley, G06, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24128, "section": "WR03", "size": 5, "enrolled": 2, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Madley, G05, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Madley, G05, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24129, "section": "WR02", "size": 5, "enrolled": 4, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Madley, G04, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Madley, G04, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24130, "section": "WR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 4, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Madley, G03, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Madley, G03, Practice Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6672": {"id": "pthzaqRnt8hp0R5sjZPk0", "course_id": "109542", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109542", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Contemporary Music in Practice 3", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSPOP", "CATALOG_NBR": "3100", "CLASS_NBR": 24114, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSPOP 3201", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MUSPMACT 3111, MUSPMACT 3112", "ASSESSMENT": "e-Portfolio 40%, Forum participation & reflective journal 20%, Recital 40%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "As the capstone course for the Popular Music and Creative Technologies program, this course develops advanced creative and technical skills in composition and song writing, music production and public presentation of original creative work. The opportunities offered by current technologies and trends will be explored in order to prepare students for professional careers in the music industry, and focus on the development of skills that enable them to adapt to the dynamic nature of the industry into the future.\nA particular focus of this course is on the production of a show reel, enabling students to develop skills in putting the final polish on work for publication, and promoting themselves and their creative work in a professional context. Students will also explore strategies for exploiting various web-based media (both traditional, and web 2.0) in order to promote their work, and research new avenues for music production, dissemination and distribution outside traditional models. They will apply their knowledge and skills practically through the production of an e-Portfolio - incorporating a web identity and presence for their creative work and a portfolio of compositions - and be responsible for the planning, organisation and presentation of a 20-minute public recital of their creative work.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6673": {"id": "pthzaqRnt8hp0R5sjZPk0", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "mYOjjGprBF0xR-3nDDgF_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24114, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 13, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 506, EMU Space"}, {"dates": "7 Oct - 14 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 506, EMU Space"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Performance", "id": "gP4NOHNoZbNPt_qxc87nK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24362, "section": "PF01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 13, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Performance", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "vVkCQzyJyKyBeH7WcmwSe", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24363, "section": "PR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 13, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "6674": {"id": "iDxiqUtMhvUORoJU-VCU0", "course_id": "109545", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109545", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Song Writing & Performance 3", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSPOP", "CATALOG_NBR": "3201", "CLASS_NBR": 13220, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus, BMedia (Pop Music Major), DipMus students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSPOP 2202 or MUSPMACT 2202", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research essay 20%, Improvisation proficiency exam 20%, Portfolio 30%, Recital 30%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Expanding concepts introduced previously through Song Writing and Performance 1 and 2, this course enables students to develop advanced creative and technical skills that build on their previous experience in composition and song writing, arranging, orchestrating and music production in a contemporary popular music context. A particular focus of this course is on introducing experimental approaches to music, exploring intersections between contemporary popular music and the musical Avant Garde. Students will research the fringes of contemporary popular music in order to both broaden and deepen their knowledge and understanding of music. They will apply this knowledge practically through pushing the boundaries of their creative work in a supportive environment, and learn skills for the interpretation and evaluation of such work. Through the course, students will develop both the knowledge and practical skills to move their creative work beyond established contemporary forms and techniques. Seminars introduce experimental compositional techniques, and explore the artistic movements and work of key practitioners that led to the development and adoption of these techniques. A key components of the seminar are the development of a research project, and a portfolio of compositions. Workshops focus on the development of advanced strategies for the preparation and performance of live original music. Students will work in small groups to prepare their original work for live performance. A key focus of the workshops is promoting student autonomy in the organisation of their ensembles, and encouraging students to engage with the local music industry through off-campus performances.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6675": {"id": "iDxiqUtMhvUORoJU-VCU0", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "vGK9sanixGlKUUfsORbcc", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14135, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 13, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "7sUKPqIvrtNwsztE6leEy", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13220, "section": "WR05", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, B09, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14136, "section": "WR04", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G06, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14137, "section": "WR03", "size": 5, "enrolled": 2, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G05, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14138, "section": "WR02", "size": 5, "enrolled": 4, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G04, Practice Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14139, "section": "WR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 5, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Madley, G03, Practice Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Performance", "id": "9RmT2yQlHnh6Nxyoiar2J", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14134, "section": "PF01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 13, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Performance", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 506, EMU Space"}]}]}]}]}, "6676": {"subject": "MUSSUPST", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "108226", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108227", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109450", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108228", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108229", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109451", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "6677": {"id": "Mul6XWmyQxCQLGzOVj1Tt", "course_id": "108226", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108226", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Musicianship 1A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSSUPST", "CATALOG_NBR": "1001", "CLASS_NBR": 15423, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "AMEB Level IV theory or equivalent", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MUSSUPST 1110, MUSSUPST 1000A", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignment 1 15%, Mid-term exam 15%, Assignment 2 15%, Workshop assessments 25%, End-of-semester exam 30%,", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to develop a fluent and functional understanding of musical concepts and conventions related primarily to Baroque, Classical and Romantic music of the 18th-19th Centuries, as well as to 20th century popular music. A range of theoretical concepts will be investigated through the study of selected musical scores. Students will be expected to listen to works and analyse written scores. Topics to be explored include revision of the basics of tonality and analytical conventions, development of skills and understanding in diatonic harmony, including part writing, voice leading, chord functions, secondary functions, harmonic analysis, and analysis of music in binary and ternary forms. Functional skills will be further addressed through assessment and tutorial work involving part-writing, composition, sight-singing, and/or transcription.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6678": {"id": "Mul6XWmyQxCQLGzOVj1Tt", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Uw-PIzOzPDDe_sc5asGVz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13198, "section": "LE01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 48, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "Iiril-CRiddelXtJd9YBC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10760, "section": "WR02", "size": 34, "enrolled": 12, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 29 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "3 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10761, "section": "WR01", "size": 34, "enrolled": 13, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 29 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "3 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15423, "section": "WR03", "size": 34, "enrolled": 23, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 24 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "FMc1z2pf43WqrAImqbPp6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10998, "section": "TU04", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial"}, {"class_nbr": 13196, "section": "TU01", "size": 34, "enrolled": 27, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "1 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 406, Keyboard Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13197, "section": "TU02", "size": 34, "enrolled": 20, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 407, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "1 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 407, Keyboard Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "6679": {"id": "k5P7cLUGSV7h74vOtmO8p", "course_id": "108227", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108227", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Musicianship 1B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSSUPST", "CATALOG_NBR": "1002", "CLASS_NBR": 29100, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSSUPST 1001", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MUSSUPST 1120, MUSSUPST 1000B", "ASSESSMENT": "Composition exercise 15%, Mid-term exam 15%, Analysis assignment 1 20%, Analysis Assignment 2 20%, End-of-semester exam 30%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to develop a fluent and functional understanding of musical concepts and conventions related primarily to Baroque, Classical and Romantic music of the 18th-19th Centuries, as well as to 20th century popular music. A range of theoretical concepts will be investigated through the study of selected musical scores. Students will be expected to listen to works and analyse written scores. Topics to be explored include revision of the basics of tonality and analytical conventions, development of skills and understanding in diatonic and chromatic harmony, including part writing, voice leading, chord functions, secondary functions, harmonic analysis, and analysis of music in binary and ternary forms. Functional skills will be further addressed through assessment and tutorial work involving part-writing, composition, sight-singing, and/or transcription.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6680": {"id": "k5P7cLUGSV7h74vOtmO8p", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "FVV2GEfKVU4X8lGM0AHpI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23106, "section": "LE01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 46, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "7gzDGtIt77Ga19h-OGEbf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24932, "section": "TU02", "size": 34, "enrolled": 25, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 407, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 407, Keyboard Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24933, "section": "TU01", "size": 34, "enrolled": 21, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 407, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 407, Keyboard Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "PgTYGX0Ad02AxnCoCPm24", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29100, "section": "WR01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 46, "available": 34, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "6681": {"id": "e2m9WYIYwncUAVQda3IVh", "course_id": "109450", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109450", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Music Advanced Minor Project", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSSUPST", "CATALOG_NBR": "2000", "CLASS_NBR": 11025, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus(Adv) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Successful completion of 24 units at Level I of the Bachelor of Music (Advanced)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Proposal presentation 15%, Seminar presentation 25%, Final project 50%, Active participation in seminars 10%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is unique to the Bachelor of Music (Advanced) program. As such, it is (a) a required course for all Bachelor of Music (Advanced) students and (b) is available only to students in the Bachelor of Music (Advanced) program. This course provides students with the opportunity to pursue an individually tailored unit of specialised study in either the performance, creative or research domains. In consultation with both the Course Co-ordinator and the Head of Studies responsible for the student's particular area of specialisation within either the Performance, Creative Arts or Research Majors, students will create and develop a project proposal for an individually tailored unit of specialised study that is directly related to, and which extends the scope of, their studies in their area of specialisation. With approval from the Course Co-ordinator, students may be able to pursue an interdisciplinary project across two or three of these domains.\nStudents will pursue their projects through a combination of (a) periodic individual consultation with the Course Co-ordinator and/or the relevant Head of Studies, and (b) a mutually agreed structured program of private study and research. Students will also participate in a weekly seminar to present and discuss the progress of their projects and related issues.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6682": {"id": "e2m9WYIYwncUAVQda3IVh", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "3PefKJozCG8_hBUywvrTC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11025, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 8, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "2 May - 23 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}]}]}]}, "6683": {"id": "s7k3P1Zsian2CRqZ05C9i", "course_id": "108228", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108228", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Musicianship 2A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSSUPST", "CATALOG_NBR": "2001", "CLASS_NBR": 10073, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSSUPST 1001, MUSSUPST 1002", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MUSSUPST 1120, MUSSUPST 2120, MUSSUPST 2110", "ASSESSMENT": "History essay (30%), Analysis assignment (30%), Exam (40%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to develop an understanding of the means and context of Western art music throughout its history. Examining music's development from theoretical, historical, practical and conceptual viewpoints, the course explores the variety of paths and practices through which Western art music grew from the Middle Ages (Josquin) to the end of the Classical era (Beethoven). While equipping students with a knowledge of notated practice, the course also enables students to appreciate music in its wider historical and cultural context, and explores some of the continuities that extend beyond the chronological frame.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6684": {"id": "s7k3P1Zsian2CRqZ05C9i", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "atL3PZbtv7XFGBNh3lBGb", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13195, "section": "LE01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 38, "available": 32, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "it_olNlKudJa2b9ULLjqt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10073, "section": "TU01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 38, "available": 32, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6685": {"id": "bNa2Fi5dRerqOyYtuKWm3", "course_id": "108229", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108229", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Musicianship 2B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSSUPST", "CATALOG_NBR": "2002", "CLASS_NBR": 20057, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSSUPST 2001", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MUSSUPST 1120, MUSSUPST 2120, MUSSUPST 2110", "ASSESSMENT": "History essay (30%), Analysis and writing assignment (30%), Exam (40%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course extends the examination of the means and context of Western art music practice through the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries (ranging from Schubert to John Adams). While encompassing the great names of the Western canon, the course also takes a fresh look informed by new directions and perceptions in musicology. The advanced methods and forms of composition that evolved from the Romantic era to Twentieth Century modernism are the focus for the course's theoretical studies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6686": {"id": "bNa2Fi5dRerqOyYtuKWm3", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "tx-rpoG2kO4YAx2_W0Cez", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23050, "section": "LE01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 35, "available": 35, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "CDOP7cDohbsCKJPTKvREW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20057, "section": "TU01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 35, "available": 35, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6687": {"id": "HA0KzThLXP61s2u4DLVNc", "course_id": "109451", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109451", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Music Advanced Major Project", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSSUPST", "CATALOG_NBR": "3000", "CLASS_NBR": 20916, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMus(Adv) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Proposal presentation 15%, Seminar presentation 25%, Final project 50%, Active participation in seminars 10%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is unique to the Bachelor of Music (Advanced) program. As such, it is (a) a required course for all Bachelor of Music (Advanced) students and (b) is available only to students in the Bachelor of Music (Advanced) program. This course provides students with the opportunity to pursue an individually tailored unit of specialised study in either the performance, creative or research domains. In consultation with both the Course Co-ordinator and the Head of Studies responsible for the student's particular area of specialisation within either the Performance, Creative Arts or Research Majors, students will create and develop a project proposal for an individually tailored unit of specialised study that is directly related to, and which extends the scope of, their studies in their area of specialisation. With approval from the Course Co-ordinator, students may be able to pursue an interdisciplinary project across two or three of these domains. It is expected that the scope of the project in this course: (a) is significantly more substantial than that presented for the Music Advanced Minor Project; (b) extends the skills acquired and developed by the Music Advanced Minor Project; (c) manifests a suitably mature consolidation of the skills, knowledge and experiences gained throughout the Bachelor of Music (Advanced) degree. The individually tailored unit of specialised study pursued in this course may or may not be directly related to subject of the student\u2019s project for the Music Advanced Minor Project. Students will pursue their projects through a combination of (a) periodic individual consultation with the Course Co-ordinator and/or the relevant Head of Studies, and (b) a mutually agreed structured program of private study and research. Students will also participate in a weekly seminar to present and discuss the progress of their projects and related issues.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6688": {"id": "HA0KzThLXP61s2u4DLVNc", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "DCgEZucsyaw4HEMAcV2oq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20916, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 10, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Elder Hall, LG13, Bishop Hall"}]}]}]}]}, "6689": {"subject": "MUSTHEAT", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "109708", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109709", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111295", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111296", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110273", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110274", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109711", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109713", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109718", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109720", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110275", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110276", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109714", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109717", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109721", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109722", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110285", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110453", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}]}}, "6690": {"id": "sguYc-iRMqgC5uIxA4N42", "course_id": "109708", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": {}}, "6691": {"id": "0qpBlYaBTHeDE74q5-dPC", "course_id": "109709", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109709", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Music Theatre Performance 1B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSTHEAT", "CATALOG_NBR": "1002", "CLASS_NBR": 23120, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 10 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMusTheatre students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSTHEAT 1001", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Continuous criteria based observations in the classroom situation, Practical presentation: voice 10%, Ballet/Pas de deux technical assess 20%, Tap technical assess 10%, Jazz technical assess 10%, Acting text analysis & showing 30%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Ballet: Further development in postural alignment, strength, flexibility, coordination and musicality incorporating barre work and centre work continue. Pas de deux will continue to be incorporated into this class.\nJazz: Core engagement and proper alignment continue to be a focus. This class will incorporate stretching techniques, turning, isolation and complementary movement as well as the interpretation of various historic and contemporary dance pieces. \nTap: Students continue work on coordination, rhythmic variations, and performance skills through a series of tap combinations and exercises. This class includes the \u201cbreaking down\u201d of various steps as well as teaching tap vernacular. Rhythm and counting are also covered. \nVoice/Movement: This class will focus on consolidating and extending the foundations from which the student actor can integrate a released and open sound, and then connect that sound to voice, speech and song. Students will work within class and independently to develop skills that invite:\n- an authentic body/voice connection,\n- a critical understanding of language and text\n- an integration of acting into song.\nActing: This course is designed to extend the student\u2019s awareness of the performing self. Building on foundational acting and voice skills begun in Semester 1, the focus will now be on translating and applying these skills to the written text. Students will be given a variety of strategies for approaching written texts, beginning with a fundamental understanding of text analysis: how a text may be mined for relevant information; how this information can be ordered and translated into rehearsal strategies; how it may ultimately be utilised in performance.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6692": {"id": "0qpBlYaBTHeDE74q5-dPC", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "3exF69H5qmT8JRWZXV-rW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20058, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 9, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Union House, LS207, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Union House, LS207, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Union House, LS207, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Union House, LS207, Exercise Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23120, "section": "WR02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 9, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Union House, LS207, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Union House, LS207, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Union House, LS207, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Union House, LS207, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "tZykb3xqqMRoww8fHj02V", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22632, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 18, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "Union House, 208, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "Union House, LS207, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "Union House, 208, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "Union House, LS207, Exercise Studio"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "JGhU-LqqvFFqlwho6NTRn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24369, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 18, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "1:30pm", "location": "Union House, 208, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 29 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "1:30pm", "location": "Union House, 208, Exercise Studio"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "id": "hfh3POMjQgKvjUr2l7SEw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24656, "section": "RS01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 18, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Union House, 208, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Union House, LS207, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Union House, 208, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Union House, LS207, Exercise Studio"}]}]}]}]}, "6693": {"id": "CxjhAaMchzog7pDLoo9-f", "course_id": "111295", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111295", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Music Theatre Musicianship 1A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSTHEAT", "CATALOG_NBR": "1003", "CLASS_NBR": 15123, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Students enrolled in Bachelor of Music Theatre only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MUSPOP 1003", "ASSESSMENT": "Quiz, 800 word analysis, Aural/Theory exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This subject provides a foundational understanding of musicianship in context of Musical Theatre.\nStudents will develop skills in musicianship, aural studies and music theory. This will provide them with a music theory foundation for their practice-based performance studies. Through their research, practice of music theory and general musicianship students will develop a foundational knowledge of the origins of music theatre and how music works within music theatre. This subject includes an embedded program in academic literacy skills of analysis, discussion, essay writing, research and information retrieval.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6694": {"id": "CxjhAaMchzog7pDLoo9-f", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "9MZofgN0hxcd86TmVU0nt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15123, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 18, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9:30am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "Schulz, 407, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9:30am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "Schulz, 407, Keyboard Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "6695": {"id": "ix6wsBM2xLYmioa-GJG1L", "course_id": "111296", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111296", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Music Theatre Musicianship 1B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSTHEAT", "CATALOG_NBR": "1004", "CLASS_NBR": 24973, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Music Theatre students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MUSPOP 1004", "ASSESSMENT": "Quiz, 800 Word Analysis, Aural/Theory exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This subject provides a foundational understanding of musicianship in context of Musical Theatre.\nStudents will develop skills in musicianship, aural studies and music theory. This will provide them with a music theory foundation for their practice-based performance studies. Through their research, practice of music theory and general musicianship, students will develop a foundational knowledge of the origins of music theatre and how music works within music theatre. This subject includes an embedded program in academic literacy skills of analysis, discussion, essay writing, research and information retrieval.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6696": {"id": "ix6wsBM2xLYmioa-GJG1L", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "vNx2uZjIkk8uuuLXLsd94", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24973, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 17, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 407, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 407, Keyboard Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "6697": {"id": "JF_tIYL6in8d59-HoZG3T", "course_id": "110273", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110273", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Music Theatre Production 1A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSTHEAT", "CATALOG_NBR": "1005", "CLASS_NBR": 18689, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 9 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMusTheatre students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Song repertoire ensemble and solo final presentation (40%), Music Theatre history quiz and final exam (20%), Song and dance showing (10%), Script analysis essay (20%), Ensemble singing: continuous observations in the classroom (10%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Song Repertoire 1A: This class will introduce the student to the dynamic world of music theatre through song analysis, acting the song, repertoire exploration, class exercises for the body and the voice, as well as an initial look at both classic and contemporary music theatre style, with an overall emphasis on performance. Semester 1A will focus on the pre-Golden Age material from 1920 to 1940. \nEnsemble Singing 1A: A combined singing class for all music theatre students focussing on part singing techniques, creating an ensemble sound, speed and accuracy in learning. The class will focus on music theatre repertoire.\nSong & Dance Intensive: This class will be an introduction to the working environment of the musical theatre performer. Students will create performances of ensemble numbers that integrate song and dance from mainstream established styles and genres.\nActing Intensive 1A: This class will be an introduction to the working environment of the actor. Students will begin with an introduction to script and text analysis and progress to scene work and the development of performance skills.\nMusic Theatre History: This module will examine the history, philosophy, and significance of one of the most important and influential art forms of the 20th century \u2014 music theatre. This module will explore the context of the musical in the theatre throughout history and in the contemporary arts through a study of historical, political and economical events from the birth of the modern musical through to the present day.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6698": {"id": "JF_tIYL6in8d59-HoZG3T", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "kcwterxkxAF7fNIo7bC9D", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18689, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 21, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2:30pm", "end_time": "4:30pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3:30pm", "end_time": "5:30pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1:30pm", "end_time": "3:30pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "7 Mar - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2:30pm", "end_time": "4:30pm", "location": "Madley, B22, Practice Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3:30pm", "end_time": "5:30pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1:30pm", "end_time": "3:30pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "2 May - 2 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "16 May - 16 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "QAwcKJZQVnUseqzpja7hG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13904, "section": "SE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 21, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6699": {"id": "k1oNULUyPgEyDNTjycxYb", "course_id": "110274", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110274", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Music Theatre Production 1B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSTHEAT", "CATALOG_NBR": "1006", "CLASS_NBR": 23737, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMusTheatre students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSTHEAT 1005", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Song Repertoire ensemble & solo final presentation (40%), Songs & Scenes rehearsal process & journal (30%), Songs & Scenes performance process (10%), Character analysis & research (10%), Ensemble singing: continuous observations in the classroom (10%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Song Repertoire 1B: This class will continue the study of music theatre through song analysis, acting the song, repertoire exploration, class exercises for the body and the voice, as well as an initial look at both classic and contemporary music theatre style, with an overall emphasis on performance. Semester 1B will focus on repertoire from 1940 \u2013 1966: The birth of the Golden Age through to the diverging paths of the 60s and the dawn of the Rock \u2018n Roll musical. \nEnsemble Singing 1B: A combined singing class for all music theatre students focussing on part singing techniques, creating an ensemble sound, speed and accuracy in learning. The class will focus on music theatre repertoire.\nSongs and Scenes: This class will be an introduction into the process of working with dialogue, songs and choreography and creating an entire performance for public showing. Students will work with an MD, Choreographer and director.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6700": {"id": "k1oNULUyPgEyDNTjycxYb", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "LDxDhjXkMGiEBlwMCLION", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23738, "section": "SE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 18, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "H-bVdw4lvhpEWCacqjyWg", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23737, "section": "WR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 18, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Union House, 208, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Union House, 208, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Union House, 208, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Union House, 208, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Union House, 208, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Union House, 208, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Union House, 208, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Union House, 208, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6701": {"id": "WXi8Mb8Bcfy6bv72xP2nu", "course_id": "109711", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109711", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Music Theatre Performance 2A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSTHEAT", "CATALOG_NBR": "2001", "CLASS_NBR": 13682, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 10 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMusTheatre students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSTHEAT 1002", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Continuous criteria based observations within the classroom situation 10%, Voice: practical presentation 20%, Ballet/Pas de deux technical assess 20%, Tap technical assess 10%, Jazz technical assess 10%, Acting text analysis & showing 30%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Dance: An emphasis on more advanced technical work is addressed along with a greater understanding of style, along with the encouragement of more rapid and accurate learning of basic choreographic combinations. Greater strength and flexibility is also addressed along with stylistic accuracy. Pas de deux continues with a focus on ensuring students are capable of dancing in harmony with a partner in different styles, and able to perform moves such as lifts and turns safely.\nVoice/Movement: Second year voice brings students to a practical awareness of the way they use themselves as actors: working towards greater physical freedom and relaxation; increased breath capacity and control; more effective resonance; increased pitch range; and greater articulatory agility. The second year of voice production is largely exercise oriented, focusing on heightened language while connecting to vocal presence and action. Character voice is the primary focus, while resonance, vocal placement and support continue to be addressed. Student\u2019s connection to language, the importance of oracy, the deeper need of words and rhetoric, and awareness of the three-dimensional physical muscularity of body/vocal tract and language/image. Using Shakespeare\u2019s text, students will learn to trust the instincts and needs of the character rather than the intellectual presentation of the language, poetry and style of the play.\nActing: This course builds on the foundational skills achieved throughout the first year of study by focussing on the issue of performance 'style'. Specifically, Non-Naturalistic text - material with a strong sense of heightened theatricality and overt poeticism - and is designed to increase the musical theatre performer's ability to adapt the performing self to the demands of text in a heightened style. Students will be asked to explore text from a variety of stylistic genres, examining each with a mind to formulating work methods and rehearsal strategies that might accommodate performance demands.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6702": {"id": "WXi8Mb8Bcfy6bv72xP2nu", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "uJ9q0oktKCqsM6PhEPcd7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13681, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 13, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Union House, 208, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Union House, LS207, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Union House, LS207, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Union House, 208, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Union House, LS207, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Union House, LS207, Exercise Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13682, "section": "WR02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 13, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Union House, LS207, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Union House, 208, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Union House, LS207, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Union House, LS207, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Union House, 208, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Union House, LS207, Exercise Studio"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "AvXqDa854fdhMr1JDRPW6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12766, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 26, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Union House, 208, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Union House, LS207, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Union House, 208, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Union House, LS207, Exercise Studio"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "7MQyHIQNJgf7XTqfhxKSA", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12767, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 26, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Union House, 208, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Union House, 208, Exercise Studio"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "id": "Kj6cy34sBMshmAgd1i4pN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12765, "section": "RS01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 26, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Union House, 208, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Union House, LS207, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Union House, 208, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Union House, LS207, Exercise Studio"}]}]}]}]}, "6703": {"id": "nUK-XzSUGaZQpiYj72esr", "course_id": "109713", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109713", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Music Theatre Performance 2B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSTHEAT", "CATALOG_NBR": "2002", "CLASS_NBR": 23736, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 10 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMusTheatre students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSTHEAT 2001", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Continuous criteria based observations within the classroom situation 10%, Practical presentation: voice 20%, Ballet/Pas de deux technical assess 20%, Tap technical assess10%, Jazz technical assess 10%, Acting text analysis & showing 30%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Dance: This course extends skills and techniques learnt in the first three semesters. The dance stream continues incorporating techniques of various dance and physical theatre forms. The dance styles taught will include: jazz/contemporary dance, tap, classical ballet and pas de deux. Dance as a soloist, collaborative creation and variety in style and form will feature more distinctively. Skills covered will include stretching techniques, turning, isolation and complementary movement as well as the interpretation of various historic and contemporary dance pieces to an advanced level.\nVoice/Movement: Students continue to integrate neutral awareness and physical release within space, time, body and text. An exploration of a variety of texts as a means to integrate an authentic body/voice connection to naturalistic and heightened language. A sound theoretical and practical grasp of voice and speech along with text analysis underpin this process and students continue to develop appropriate technical skills that support a spontaneous, flexible and muscular voice. The student actor will develop a rigorous daily voice practice regime that is designed to support work being undertaken in rehearsals and presentations. This course introduces a variety of naturalistic texts as a means to integrate an authentic body/voice connection to naturalistic language.\nActing: This Course builds on the foundational skills achieved throughout the first three semesters of study by focussing on the issue of performance 'style'. Students will be asked to explore text with a mind to formulating a range of work methods and personal rehearsal strategies pertaining to the specific style of naturalism. The course will begin with an examination of theatre forms developed in the late Nineteenth and early Twentieth Centuries, primarily in the mode of naturalism, before moving forward to a study of more contemporary material. The focus will be on both deepening an understanding of the possibilities of performance and further developing the range and repertoire of personal rehearsal strategies available to the musical theatre performer.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6704": {"id": "nUK-XzSUGaZQpiYj72esr", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "9ZV80oxkr57lfW_df-QfA", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23735, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 14, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Union House, LS207, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1:30pm", "end_time": "3:30pm", "location": "Union House, LS207, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Union House, LS207, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1:30pm", "end_time": "3:30pm", "location": "Union House, LS207, Exercise Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23736, "section": "WR02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 12, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Union House, LS207, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3:30pm", "end_time": "5:30pm", "location": "Union House, LS207, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Union House, LS207, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3:30pm", "end_time": "5:30pm", "location": "Union House, LS207, Exercise Studio"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "3mfFehoKGwG6MJfSLcLy3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24370, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 26, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "Union House, 208, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "Union House, LS207, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "Union House, 208, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "Union House, LS207, Exercise Studio"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "cD1vHiF7evaEwVZBatK8C", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24371, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 26, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "1:30pm", "location": "Union House, 208, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 29 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "1:30pm", "location": "Union House, 208, Exercise Studio"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "id": "zEGsiGuK99ViMRJ2_6cQ1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24657, "section": "RS01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 26, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Union House, 208, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Union House, LS207, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Union House, 208, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Union House, LS207, Exercise Studio"}]}]}]}]}, "6705": {"id": "1tf7PhHwuy4tpKWjhz1kc", "course_id": "109718", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109718", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Music Theatre Musicianship 2A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSTHEAT", "CATALOG_NBR": "2003", "CLASS_NBR": 11848, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMusTheatre students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSPOP 1004", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "History essay (30%), Mid-semester theory test (10%), Theory tests (2x20%), Exam (aural and theory) (20%))", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to develop an understanding of the means and context of musical theatre throughout its history. Examining music's development from theoretical, historical, practical and conceptual viewpoints, the course explores the variety of paths and practices through which music theatre grew from the late 19th and early 20th century to the modern day. Extending from Contemporary Musicianship 1B, exploration of notational, harmonic, rhythmic and formal concepts is continued, with greater emphasis placed on analysis of music theatre repertoire and how this relates to performance. While equipping students with a knowledge of notated practice, the course also enables students to appreciate music theatre in its wider historical and cultural context and explores some of the continuities that extend beyond the chronological frame.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6706": {"id": "1tf7PhHwuy4tpKWjhz1kc", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "c8pesH45LGM1bS3wMLiqS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11848, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 26, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10:30am", "location": "Schulz, 407, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10:30am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 407, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10:30am", "location": "Schulz, 407, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10:30am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 407, Keyboard Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "6707": {"id": "bmaIgzU2qXEWzKwv984BA", "course_id": "109720", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109720", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Music Theatre Musicianship 2B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSTHEAT", "CATALOG_NBR": "2004", "CLASS_NBR": 25579, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMusTheatre students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSTHEAT 2003", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research essay (20%), Keyboard workshop (20%), Analysis assignment (20%), Portfolio (40%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to develop an understanding of theoretical and compositional approaches to musical theatre. Extending from Music Theatre Musicianship 2A, the course will explore compositional and analytical concepts through the development of keyboard musicianship skills, analytical assignments and the development of a small portfolio of original works. While equipping students with a knowledge of compositional and analytical practices, the course also enables students to appreciate music theatre in its wider historical and cultural context, and explores some of the continuities that extend beyond the chronological frame.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6708": {"id": "bmaIgzU2qXEWzKwv984BA", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "tCRyFcBKiexNQ7Mal9bUU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25579, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 25, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9:30am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 407, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "Schulz, 407, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9:30am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 407, Keyboard Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "Schulz, 407, Keyboard Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "6709": {"id": "GgOdwtRR0w-lp0tlRb20Z", "course_id": "110275", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110275", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Music Theatre Production 2A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSTHEAT", "CATALOG_NBR": "2005", "CLASS_NBR": 10458, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 11 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMusTheatre students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSTHEAT 1006", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Song Repertoire ensemble & solo final presentation (40%), Play rehearsal process & journal (30%), Play performance process (10%), Character analysis & research (10%), Ensemble Singing: continuous observations in the classroom (10%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Song Repertoire 2A: This course will continue the study of music theatre through song analysis, acting the song, repertoire exploration, class exercises for the body and the voice, as well as an initial look at both classic and contemporary music theatre style, with an overall emphasis on performance. Semester 2A will focus on repertoire from 1966 \u2013 1990: The rise of the rock & roll musical and the emergence of the Blockbuster Musical.\nEnsemble Singing 2A: A combined singing class for all music theatre students focussing on part singing techniques, creating an ensemble sound, speed and accuracy in learning. The class will focus on music theatre repertoire.\nMajor Production-Play: This project involves the creation of a fully staged theatrical play from contemporary or classic repertoire. Students will audition and be cast to fill all roles as well as fulfilling a role in one backstage activity.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6710": {"id": "GgOdwtRR0w-lp0tlRb20Z", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "E_xdjccCdpgMp-dit7btf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13905, "section": "SE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 26, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "cXSG1zXb3tK3U79oWQnMs", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10458, "section": "WR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 26, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Union House, LS207, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Union House, LS207, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Union House, LS207, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Union House, LS207, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "7 Mar - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Union House, LS207, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Union House, LS207, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Union House, LS207, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Union House, LS207, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "2 May - 2 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "16 May - 16 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6711": {"id": "9uY3Y-VXmt0Gq-8JOTCiP", "course_id": "110276", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110276", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Music Theatre Production 2B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSTHEAT", "CATALOG_NBR": "2006", "CLASS_NBR": 20413, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 11 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMusTheatre students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSTHEAT 2005", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Song Repertoire ensemble & solo final presentation (40%), Musical rehearsal process & journal (30%), Musical performance process (10%), Character analysis & essay (10%), Ensemble Singing: continuous observations in the classroom (10%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Song Repertoire 2B: This class will continue the study of music theatre through song analysis, acting the song, repertoire exploration, class exercises for the body and the voice, as well as an initial look at both classic and contemporary music theatre style, with an overall emphasis on performance. Semester 2 will focus on repertoire from 1990 \u2013 2020: The birth of the corporate musical through the emergence of film to stage.\nEnsemble Singing 2B: A combined singing class for all music theatre students focussing on part singing techniques, creating an ensemble sound, speed and accuracy in learning. The class will focus on music theatre repertoire.\nMajor Production-Musical: This project involves the creation of a fully staged musical from contemporary or Australian repertoire. Students will audition and be cast to fill all roles as well as fulfilling a role in one backstage activity.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6712": {"id": "9uY3Y-VXmt0Gq-8JOTCiP", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "AzNNCgU5VujT89MNCd7gm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23739, "section": "SE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 26, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "ZjQyFcw2ba3KWg-yI3lR2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20413, "section": "WR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 26, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Union House, LS207, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Union House, LS207, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Union House, LS207, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Union House, LS207, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Union House, LS207, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Union House, LS207, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Union House, LS207, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Union House, LS207, Exercise Studio"}]}]}]}]}, "6713": {"id": "FqGiMlH0qijE-dGxLXrZl", "course_id": "109714", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109714", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Music Theatre Performance 3A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSTHEAT", "CATALOG_NBR": "3001", "CLASS_NBR": 14519, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "8 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMusTheatre students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSTHEAT 2002", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Continuous criteria based observations within the classroom and tutorial situation 10%, Practical Presentation: Voice 20%, Tap technical assessment 20%, Jazz technical assessment 20%, Acting Text Analysis & Showing 30%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "DANCE: This course extends skills and techniques learnt in the first two years. The dance stream continues to incorporate techniques of various dance and physical theatre forms but with a focus on tap and jazz/contemporary dance. An advanced level of dance as a soloist and ensemble precision are a feature, as is speed and accuracy in the assimilation of choreographic routines. \nINDUSTRY: Learning the art of voice-over recording, including the art of voice acting and industry expectations and requirement for a voice-over reel. This will include recording your own reel for industry presentation. You will also begin the process of creating your own professional showreel, providing you with the opportunity to showcase your talent and unique abilities as a performer. Through hands-on practice and feedback from industry professionals, you'll develop your skills in creating compelling, engaging recordings that will impress casting directors and help launch your career in the music theatre industry.\nACTING: This course is designed to deepen the practice of the individual in acting. Moving beyond the acquisition of skills towards an awareness of the whole performer, actors will focus on a series of acting and performance tasks designed to blend theory with practice, and to integrate a complex level of mind and body approaches to theatre performance, with a particular emphasis on contemporary approaches to dramaturgy. Dramaturgy is defined in this course as the art of realising the performance. Actors will focus on refining their techniques in all skills areas by interpreting or creating scenes and other works for the stage.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6714": {"id": "FqGiMlH0qijE-dGxLXrZl", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "id": "WZYvEuwjhHfOElc2cacwT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18700, "section": "RS01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 18, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Union House, 208, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Union House, LS207, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Union House, 208, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Union House, LS207, Exercise Studio"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "Flgq7g4HGtqlGisKKMSBP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14519, "section": "WR02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 8, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11:30am", "end_time": "1:30pm", "location": "Union House, LS207, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Union House, LS207, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11:30am", "end_time": "1:30pm", "location": "Union House, LS207, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Union House, LS207, Exercise Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15262, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 10, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9:30am", "end_time": "11:30am", "location": "Union House, LS207, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Union House, LS207, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9:30am", "end_time": "11:30am", "location": "Union House, LS207, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Union House, LS207, Exercise Studio"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "ap-mpXnL4oT3dyPsYqodh", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15124, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 18, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "11:30am", "location": "Union House, 208, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "11:30am", "location": "Union House, LS207, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "11:30am", "location": "Union House, 208, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "11:30am", "location": "Union House, LS207, Exercise Studio"}]}]}]}]}, "6715": {"id": "5BJzio0PehpXmdJHc0A12", "course_id": "109717", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109717", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Music Theatre Performance 3B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSTHEAT", "CATALOG_NBR": "3002", "CLASS_NBR": 23372, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "8 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMusTheatre students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSTHEAT 3001", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Continuous criteria based observations within the classroom and tutorial situation 10%, Practical presentation: Voice 20%, Tap technical assessment 20%, Jazz technical assessment 20%, Acting: Monologue showcase 30%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "DANCE: This course is the culmination of skills and techniques learnt in the entire dance course. The dance stream continues to incorporate techniques of various dance and physical theatre forms but with a focus on tap and jazz/contemporary dance. An advanced level of dance as a soloist and ensemble precision are a feature, as is speed and accuracy in the assimilation of choreographic routines. \nINDUSTRY: You will complete the process of creating your own professional showreel, providing you with the opportunity to showcase your talent and unique abilities as a performer. Through hands-on practice and feedback from industry professionals, you'll develop your skills in creating compelling, engaging recordings that will impress casting directors and help launch your career in the music theatre industry in song, monologues, acting scene for stage and television.\nACTING: This course is designed to deepen the practice of the individual in acting. Moving beyond the acquisition of skills towards an awareness of the whole performer, actors will focus on a series of acting and performance tasks designed to blend theory with practice, and to integrate a complex level of mind and body approaches to theatre performance, with a particular emphasis on contemporary approaches to dramaturgy. This semester will also include audition technique and monologue work.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6716": {"id": "5BJzio0PehpXmdJHc0A12", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "id": "62coPxeEznn3d274SWxqZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23370, "section": "RS01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 18, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Union House, 208, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Union House, LS207, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Union House, 208, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Union House, LS207, Exercise Studio"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "yURqdkXy6oJw_9GnxWisD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23371, "section": "WR01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 10, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9:30am", "end_time": "11:30am", "location": "Union House, 208, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9:30am", "end_time": "11:30am", "location": "Union House, LS207, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Union House, 208, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9:30am", "end_time": "11:30am", "location": "Union House, 208, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9:30am", "end_time": "11:30am", "location": "Union House, LS207, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Union House, 208, Exercise Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23372, "section": "WR02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 8, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11:30am", "end_time": "1:30pm", "location": "Union House, 208, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11:30am", "end_time": "1:30pm", "location": "Union House, LS207, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Union House, 208, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11:30am", "end_time": "1:30pm", "location": "Union House, 208, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11:30am", "end_time": "1:30pm", "location": "Union House, LS207, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Union House, 208, Exercise Studio"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "nEQx6AU4rOt6nkaHnqaAx", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24980, "section": "SE01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 18, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "Union House, 208, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "Union House, LS207, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "Union House, 208, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "Union House, LS207, Exercise Studio"}]}]}]}]}, "6717": {"id": "mDPTZ8CXJnQ9hmgq0-Q7I", "course_id": "109721", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109721", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "The Project", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSTHEAT", "CATALOG_NBR": "3003", "CLASS_NBR": 14520, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "15 hours per week (Weeks 1 to 6 only)", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMusTheatre students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Weekly work preparation and Rehearsal Technique, Written - Analysis/Essay/Patter, Production Task, Performance", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Project will consist of either a cabaret project or a theatre project (play or song cycle). The Cabaret Project will consist of individually devised performances from each student. They will create a short (10 minute) cabaret performance to be publicly presented as part of a performance season. Students will participate in workshop and tutorial learning with the Director and Accompanist/MD to curate an original idea/concept and a structure for their cabaret style. Students will develop a distinctive vocal and musical interpretation for 'cover' songs as well as be encouraged to write their own material. Students will write their own 'patter' (script) and shape material in an effective dramatic and/or comedic form. All repertoire for the project will be selected by the students and approved by the supervisors. The Theatre Project will consist of either a fully staged play or a staged version of a song-cycle or smaller musical work. Students will collaborate to technically manage the performance season, including but not restricted to; production and stage management, stage and costume design, lighting, sound and program.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6718": {"id": "mDPTZ8CXJnQ9hmgq0-Q7I", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "1xOfoBdw2CzrNlKxBR1Yx", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14520, "section": "WR01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 18, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Union House, 208, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Union House, 208, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Union House, 208, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Union House, 208, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Union House, 208, Exercise Studio"}]}]}]}]}, "6719": {"id": "vPeNMhlGgE0TNSqJU4sUq", "course_id": "109722", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109722", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "The Graduation Musical & Industry Showcase", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSTHEAT", "CATALOG_NBR": "3004", "CLASS_NBR": 23373, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "15 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BMusTheatre students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Continuous criteria based observations within the rehearsal 10%, Rehearsal process, character development, staging and choreographic execution 30%, Public performance and realisation 40%, Journal and written appraisal 20%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is the capstone course for the Bachelor of Music Theatre. The course, which is in two parts, will focus on the rehearsal and performance of a major musical for a public audience and an industry showcase targeting agents, producers and directors. Casting of the musical will be by audition and based on excellence. The showcase will feature every student. \nGraduation Musical: Students will be required to apply skills learnt in other courses to the rehearsal and performance of a complete work, and to integrate skills of singing, dancing and acting to support the story, text and interpretation. A key focus will be to learn more about, and investigate through practice, the relationship between the actor and the director. Subject areas could include language structure, text and score analysis, performance history and research, integrating analysis into stage delivery, applying stagecraft, taking direction, working with design, costume and props, singing, dance and understanding the technical rehearsal. \nIndustry Showcase: To study specific repertoire from a variety of music theatre genres within the form of song and dance, accent and text. Following this, working with permanent and guest lecturers, performers will develop their work in acting, song and dance to an appropriate standard for presentation to industry representatives. Students will learn to prepare audition material, practice and prioritise verbal and physical skills, refine and engage with a personal connection to theatrical material in a professional setting, perform autonomously and focus on collaboration and preparation with discipline. Performers will develop an approach to launching themselves in the industry, managing the generation of headshots, CVs and other marketing tools.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6720": {"id": "vPeNMhlGgE0TNSqJU4sUq", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "Eztwgv5mWEZvmGyDohdDK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23373, "section": "WR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 18, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Union House, 208, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Union House, 208, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Union House, 208, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Union House, 208, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Union House, 208, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Union House, 208, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Union House, 208, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Union House, 208, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Union House, 208, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Union House, 208, Exercise Studio"}]}]}]}]}, "6721": {"id": "ARTVU1yR1b7kdjJCLw64p", "course_id": "110285", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110285", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Music Theatre Production 3", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSTHEAT", "CATALOG_NBR": "3005", "CLASS_NBR": 18687, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "up to 12 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Students enrolled in the Bachelor of Music Theatre", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSTHEAT 2002, MUSTHEAT 2006", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Musical Rehearsal Process, 40%, Research Essay 30%, Musical Performance Process 30%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Major Production-Musical: This project involves the creation of a fully staged musical from contemporary or classic repertoire. Students will audition and be cast to fill all roles as well as fulfilling a role in one backstage activity. Students will be required to apply skills learnt in other courses to the rehearsal and performance of a complete work, and to integrate skills of singing, dancing and acting to support the story, text and interpretation. A key focus will be to learn more about, and investigate through practice, the relationship between the actor and the director. Subject areas could include language structure, text and score analysis, performance history and research, integrating analysis into stage delivery, applying stagecraft, taking direction, working with design, costume and props, singing, dance and understanding the technical rehearsal.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6722": {"id": "ARTVU1yR1b7kdjJCLw64p", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "id": "IeNMu4GvWDbT93XA-h6Pt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18687, "section": "RS01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 19, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Rehearsal", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Union House, 208, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Union House, 208, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Union House, 208, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Union House, 208, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Union House, 208, Exercise Studio"}, {"dates": "2 May - 2 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}, {"dates": "16 May - 16 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hartley, 112, Concert Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6723": {"id": "ykRubxOTlS0Nz39xLNh1h", "course_id": "110453", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110453", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Music Theatre Portfolio", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "MUSTHEAT", "CATALOG_NBR": "3006", "CLASS_NBR": 15263, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "100101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Students enrolled in Bachelor of Music Theatre", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MUSTHEAT 2006", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Song Repertoire Weekly Presentations, Research and Class Work: 40%, Song Repertoire Final Presentation 30%, Final Portfolio Presentation: 20%, Ensemble Singing: continuous criteria based observations 10%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Song Repertoire 3: This course will continue the study of music theatre through song analysis, acting through song, repertoire exploration, class exercises for the body and the voice, as well as an initial look at both classic and contemporary music theatre style, with an overall emphasis on performance. Semester 3 will focus on repertoire from contemporary singing styles outside of music theatre beginning with Pop, Rock, R&B, Folk and Jazz. Students will also create their performance portfolio for industry work. Ensemble Singing 3: A combined singing class for all music theatre students focussing on part singing techniques, creating an ensemble sound, speed and accuracy in learning. The class will focus on music theatre repertoire.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6724": {"id": "ykRubxOTlS0Nz39xLNh1h", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "uAwSuoE17jEHJiRjxwwS7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15263, "section": "SE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 19, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Madley, G02, Rehearsal Studio"}]}]}]}]}, "6725": {"subject": "NURSING", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "107027", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107026", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107029", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107028", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107030", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107033", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107031", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109832", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109832", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107037", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107035", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107036", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107038", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107040", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107041", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107042", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107039", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107050", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107049", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107048", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107047", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107045", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107044", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107043", "term": "4420", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "109835", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108356", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108356", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108381", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108381", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108382", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108382", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108383", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108383", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108384", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108384", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111589", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111589", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111590", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "001313", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "007469", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105140", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105141", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "101476", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102564", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102564", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102565", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102565", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "103145", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107892", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107892", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107893", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107893", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107894", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107894", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107895", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107895", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109100", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109106", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105913", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105913", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105914", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105914", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105915", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105915", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106039", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106040", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106048", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106053", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106053", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106077", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106080", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106081", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106082", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106084", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106086", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106089", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106090", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109105", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109838", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106104", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106105", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106106", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106107", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106108", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106116", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106120", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106121", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106117", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106118", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106122", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107306", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110278", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110280", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "6726": {"id": "yrOMsCnsY_i9HPEmJlDIT", "course_id": "107027", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107027", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Communication and Professional Nursing", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "1004", "CLASS_NBR": 10218, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Nursing", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Peer group review, referencing for academic writing, essay & concept map", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Communication and Professional Nursing introduces students to the interrelated aspects of communication and professional behaviour in nursing. It will help students to identify the professional expectations and boundaries that affect contemporary nursing practice. This course will also provide some strategies for students to achieve perhaps the most important skill a nurse can have, which is the ability to communicate effectively.\nInteractive tutorials and assessments are an essential aspect of the course bringing a practical emphasis to often challenging and confronting situations in health. The inclusion of Team STEPPS encourages encourages the development of students with contemporary skills in interdisciplinary communication and an acute awareness of preventing harm through poor communication.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6727": {"id": "yrOMsCnsY_i9HPEmJlDIT", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "cju9NNBf4KIja0k5mNSdp", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16509, "section": "LEC0", "size": 240, "enrolled": 226, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "55ID0zNwWUVxMtT3E2jN3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10218, "section": "TU08", "size": 33, "enrolled": 33, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 29 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 7052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Mar - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 7052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 7052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 5052a&b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10219, "section": "TU07", "size": 33, "enrolled": 32, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 29 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 7052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Mar - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 7052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 7052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, 5052a&b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10220, "section": "TU06", "size": 30, "enrolled": 7, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 27 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Mar - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10221, "section": "TU05", "size": 30, "enrolled": 22, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 27 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Mar - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10222, "section": "TU04", "size": 33, "enrolled": 29, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 27 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, 8052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Mar - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, 8052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, 8052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, 8052a&b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10223, "section": "TU03", "size": 33, "enrolled": 33, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 26 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 6052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Mar - 13 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 5052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 18 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 6052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 5052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 22 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 6052a&b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10224, "section": "TU02", "size": 32, "enrolled": 32, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 26 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 8052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Mar - 13 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 5052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 18 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 8052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 5052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 22 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 8052a&b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10225, "section": "TU01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 38, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 26 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Mar - 13 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 18 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 22 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6728": {"id": "AePH3vncaxjTuztKQuGZq", "course_id": "107026", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107026", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Biology for Nursing Practice", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "1005", "CLASS_NBR": 11962, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Nursing", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online assessments, MCQ, MCQ examination, small group essay", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Biology for Nursing Practice provides a significant depth and detail to the anatomical and physiological knowledge base for beginning level nursing students. The course provides a systematic approach to cell; tissue and organ function and provides working examples of how nurses use biology to inform practice. The use of `real life' examples will encourage students to reflect on their own clinical placement experiences to ensure that biological concepts become integrated knowledge. The base of knowledge provided by this course will encourage students to adopt an attitude to incorporating scientific concepts throughout their nursing career and especially in relation to the nursing assessment.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6729": {"id": "AePH3vncaxjTuztKQuGZq", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "r-swC5QT9Nt4fGYoCfh4B", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12971, "section": "LE01", "size": 289, "enrolled": 227, "available": 62, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 3 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "7 Jun - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "qp4p_y5KcQv1iIt1Z0H17", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10785, "section": "TU02", "size": 44, "enrolled": 42, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S211b, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S211b, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 3 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S211b, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "7 Jun - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S211b, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11814, "section": "TU01", "size": 44, "enrolled": 42, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 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7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S211b, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11963, "section": "TU05", "size": 44, "enrolled": 38, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S211a, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S211a, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 3 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S211a, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "7 Jun - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S211a, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12009, "section": "TU03", "size": 44, "enrolled": 43, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S211a, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S211a, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 3 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S211a, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "7 Jun - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S211a, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14633, "section": "TU04", "size": 44, "enrolled": 41, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S211b, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S211b, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 3 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S211b, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "7 Jun - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S211b, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "6730": {"id": "_8Q6tzCVAimAmqu7sAzFJ", "course_id": "107029", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107029", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Microbiology and Infection Control", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "1006", "CLASS_NBR": 15440, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Nursing", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Mid-Semester online quiz, preparation and maintenance of a sterile field, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Microbiology and Infection Control provides nursing students with the skills and knowledge to prevent the transmission of organisms in health care settings. The principles of infection control are coupled with the science of microbial transmission and reproduction. Students gain knowledge of the most important bacterial, fungal, parasitical and viral infections. The use of personal protective equipment and the ability to establish and maintain a sterile field are core skills of nurses. The role of the immune system in defence of the human body is examined and emphasis is placed on the recognition of inflammation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6731": {"id": "_8Q6tzCVAimAmqu7sAzFJ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "7NGU5lFoCHFcO_-DJROZe", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11167, "section": "LE02", "size": 0, "enrolled": 27, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Please note, all lectures for this course will be available on MyUni/CANVAS. These will no longer be delivered face to face for 2024."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": " "}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 30 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "2 May - 2 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": " "}, {"dates": "4 Jun - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "6 Jun - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 11815, "section": "LE01", "size": 0, "enrolled": 45, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Please note, all lectures for this course will be available on MyUni/CANVAS. These will no longer be delivered face to face for 2024."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": " "}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 30 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "2 May - 2 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": " "}, {"dates": "4 Jun - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "6 Jun - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 19689, "section": "LEC0", "size": 300, "enrolled": 158, "available": 142, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Please enrol into this online lecture class."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "L3J5YXc9hZu75lfdB4SF9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10686, "section": "TU05", "size": 50, "enrolled": 41, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 2 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11816, "section": "TU01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 49, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 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10 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3:30pm", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10840, "section": "PR05", "size": 32, "enrolled": 32, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "10 Apr - 10 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10:30am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10841, "section": "PR04", "size": 32, "enrolled": 30, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "10 Apr - 10 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10:30am", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10842, "section": "PR03", "size": 32, "enrolled": 29, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Apr - 9 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3:30pm", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10843, "section": "PR02", "size": 32, "enrolled": 29, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Apr - 9 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10:30am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10844, "section": "PR01", "size": 32, "enrolled": 29, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Apr - 9 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10:30am", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14065, "section": "PR08", "size": 32, "enrolled": 26, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "11 Apr - 11 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10:30am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14066, "section": "PR07", "size": 32, "enrolled": 28, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "11 Apr - 11 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10:30am", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6732": {"id": "96N28_kRV32lJGVkDlli-", "course_id": "107028", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107028", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Health Assessment and Clinical Nursing I", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "1007", "CLASS_NBR": 10959, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Nursing", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Drug calculations diagnostic, basic life support test, clinical record, small group discovery attendance, psychosocial health assessment, objective structured clinical examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Health Assessment and Clinical Nursing I provides the core skills for basic nursing practice. Attention to the Fundamentals of Care enables students to proceed on their first placement experience able to support patients in the activities of daily living, providing basic hygiene, apply principles of basic nutrition, employ safe manual handling practices and begin to measure vital signs. Students learn how to conduct an interview as part of a larger health assessment. Students will have the opportunity to begin to learn how to practice in accordance with the NMBA National Nursing Competency Standards for the Registered Nurse.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6733": {"id": "96N28_kRV32lJGVkDlli-", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "jj0IWAE70h__1W3bIb00q", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18602, "section": "LEC0", "size": 240, "enrolled": 226, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "8M9G3hgtFnci6EjB0o3E7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10444, "section": "PR06", "size": 45, "enrolled": 44, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 27 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 22 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S111a/b, Health Suites Combined"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11817, "section": "PR01", "size": 42, "enrolled": 41, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 29 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S111a/b, Health Suites Combined"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11818, "section": "PR02", "size": 42, "enrolled": 17, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 27 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 22 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S111a/b, Health Suites Combined"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11819, "section": "PR03", "size": 42, "enrolled": 39, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 29 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S111a/b, Health Suites Combined"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11820, "section": "PR04", "size": 42, "enrolled": 41, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 27 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 22 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S111a/b, Health Suites Combined"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12981, "section": "PR05", "size": 45, "enrolled": 44, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 29 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S111a/b, Health Suites Combined"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "TgUcIHJQBJwkunJdTooXu", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10959, "section": "TU04", "size": 60, "enrolled": 58, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 27 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a, Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10960, "section": "TU03", "size": 60, "enrolled": 56, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 30 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a, Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14102, "section": "TU02", "size": 60, "enrolled": 56, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 27 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, 1059a, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, 1059a, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, 1059a, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, 1059a, Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14103, "section": "TU01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 56, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, 1059a, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, 1059a, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, 1059a, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 30 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, 1059a, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "6734": {"id": "C9zkMS3vtyYguW6KEG-Dx", "course_id": "107030", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107030", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Professional & Ethical Nursing Practice Considerations", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "1008", "CLASS_NBR": 22698, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Nursing", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Professional Issues Quiz, Group Presentation, Quiz Series x 3, Case Study Analysis", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course will complement student learning from Communication and Professional Nursing with integration of knowledge, attitudes and skills required for practice. The principles of professional practice such as autonomy and advocacy will be considered and where possible students will be encouraged to consider their clinical placement experiences against a reflective framework. Students will be introduced to the challenges facing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and their health care. The factors that need to be considered in caring for people with diverse cultures will also be explored. Students will be exposed to the impact of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs (ATODS) on the Australian population. Students will also begin a comprehensive and integrated approach to the care of people with mental health disorders, a national health priority. Lecture content will be supported with group work exercises and workshops for developing skills in de-escalation and beginning to perform a mental health first aid assessment.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6735": {"id": "C9zkMS3vtyYguW6KEG-Dx", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "goeKUXRXSuFmhUSXXKfjR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28523, "section": "LEC0", "size": 240, "enrolled": 216, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "v3Vd0ZPq6G9MVYPlvHMwb", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22699, "section": "TU05", "size": 45, "enrolled": 43, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Aug - 28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}, {"dates": "23 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22700, "section": "TU04", "size": 45, "enrolled": 45, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "21 Aug - 21 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Sep - 4 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 2 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22701, "section": "TU03", "size": 45, "enrolled": 40, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Aug - 28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}, {"dates": "23 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22702, "section": "TU02", "size": 45, "enrolled": 43, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "20 Aug - 20 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Sep - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22703, "section": "TU01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 45, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6736": {"id": "aog3uQG71oFJ7CmjxQ_A0", "course_id": "107033", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107033", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Pharmacology for Nursing I", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "1009", "CLASS_NBR": 20443, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Nursing", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Mid-Semester test, online quizzes, end-of-Semester exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Pharmacology for Nursing I introduces the science of pharmacology and considers the role of the registered nurse in the preparation, management and administration of medications. The course provides a working description of the principles of pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics and identifies the role of nerve pathways in the action of drugs. An emphasis on understanding the action of medications, safe administration practices and competence in drug calculations is made.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6737": {"id": "aog3uQG71oFJ7CmjxQ_A0", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "VEbqOI4b9J2KvYJMoXvUP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20442, "section": "LE01", "size": 240, "enrolled": 210, "available": 30, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "There are 2 x 1 hour face-to-face lectures and 2 x 1 hour online lectures in this course. All students can access recordings of these lectures. Please check MyUni/CANVAS or contact your Course Coordinator for further details."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "cSkeBJKhBBVz2ZG3P776m", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20443, "section": "TU02", "size": 120, "enrolled": 93, "available": 27, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20822, "section": "TU01", "size": 120, "enrolled": 117, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6738": {"id": "ANuKM6xpm5eC3-Vv8NXJR", "course_id": "107031", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107031", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Health Assessment and Clinical Nursing II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "1011", "CLASS_NBR": 22969, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Nursing", "PRE_REQUISITE": "NURSING 1007", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Clinical record, health numeracy RSD level 1, assessment of a person with pain, OSCE", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course will consider a range of acute care nursing skills with further integration of knowledge and attitudes required for practice. Introduction to more complex skills required for safe and therapeutic nursing care will be provided. Students have an opportunity to develop research skills in the form of a health numeracy project. Students will have the opportunity to begin to learn how to practice in accordance with the NMBA National Nursing Competency Standards for the Registered Nurse. Learning will be facilitated through lectures, tutorials, SLE (simulated learning environments) and clinical placements.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6739": {"id": "ANuKM6xpm5eC3-Vv8NXJR", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "hLiG8buSiAsk__3zgdNdy", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28522, "section": "LEC0", "size": 240, "enrolled": 206, "available": 34, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "MfwVB34b5GCztVImWCEpP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21793, "section": "PR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 36, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "20 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21794, "section": "PR02", "size": 40, "enrolled": 38, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "20 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21795, "section": "PR03", "size": 40, "enrolled": 25, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "20 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22490, "section": "PR07", "size": 40, "enrolled": 31, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "21 Aug - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24240, "section": "PR05", "size": 40, "enrolled": 37, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "21 Aug - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24241, "section": "PR06", "size": 40, "enrolled": 39, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "21 Aug - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "X6NUfgjg2zQOx83j6uIUP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22491, "section": "TU02", "size": 75, "enrolled": 47, "available": 28, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Aug - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, 1059b, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 5 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, 1059b, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, 1059b, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, 1059b, Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22492, "section": "TU01", "size": 75, "enrolled": 61, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Aug - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, 1059b, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, 1059b, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, 1059b, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, 1059b, Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22969, "section": "TU04", "size": 75, "enrolled": 34, "available": 41, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Aug - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, G030, Lecture Theatre 1"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 5 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059b, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059b, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059b, Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25123, "section": "TU03", "size": 75, "enrolled": 64, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Aug - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "6740": {"id": "mP9CRR6FKqVfULXkLw8AI", "course_id": "109832", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109832", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Aboriginal Healthcare", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "1012", "CLASS_NBR": 10689, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Nursing", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quiz, Critical Reflection, Exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides students with knowledge and strategies to enable them to provide high quality clinical and cultural care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. It promotes an understanding and appreciation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people\u2019s experiences of health and culture, and of Australia\u2019s history. This will inform an understanding of the health issues facing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples today, and the contribution that nurses can provide in primary and acute health care settings.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6741": {"id": "mP9CRR6FKqVfULXkLw8AI", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "ahu2TigYlHmzFEJVoMYNv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18601, "section": "LEC0", "size": 45, "enrolled": 13, "available": 32, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "NWrLdJjCgNVwWqdBiNTWY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10689, "section": "TU01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 13, "available": 32, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Mar - 13 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6742": {"id": "Rwvgq4oknGFkbkzRGxQUt", "course_id": "109832", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109832", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Aboriginal Healthcare", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "1012", "CLASS_NBR": 22690, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Nursing", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quiz, Critical Reflection, Exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides students with knowledge and strategies to enable them to provide high quality clinical and cultural care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. It promotes an understanding and appreciation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people\u2019s experiences of health and culture, and of Australia\u2019s history. This will inform an understanding of the health issues facing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples today, and the contribution that nurses can provide in primary and acute health care settings.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6743": {"id": "Rwvgq4oknGFkbkzRGxQUt", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "cNkn3q_Ee9G1C3AvFdog_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28521, "section": "LEC0", "size": 240, "enrolled": 221, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "JNkgz3-9FLe4If0yyTMzM", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22598, "section": "PR08", "size": 30, "enrolled": 17, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "18 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "AHMS, 1068, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22599, "section": "PR07", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "18 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5:30pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "AHMS, 1068, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22600, "section": "PR06", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "18 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "5:30pm", "location": "AHMS, 1068, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22601, "section": "PR05", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "18 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 1068, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22602, "section": "PR04", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "18 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3:30pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 1068, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22603, "section": "PR03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "18 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "3:30pm", "location": "AHMS, 1068, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22604, "section": "PR02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "18 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2:30pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "AHMS, 1068, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22605, "section": "PR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "18 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "2:30pm", "location": "AHMS, 1068, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "CVyznEzPnwlOy7jcx8G4H", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22690, "section": "TU04", "size": 60, "enrolled": 46, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059b, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059b, Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22691, "section": "TU03", "size": 60, "enrolled": 58, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a, Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22692, "section": "TU02", "size": 60, "enrolled": 59, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059b, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059b, Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22693, "section": "TU01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 58, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Sep - 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The course content identifies and provides nursing oriented solutions to the management of falls, incontinence and dementia amongst others. The impact of ageing on nutrition, sleep, sexuality and mental well being are considered using cases taken from clinical practice. The identification of contemporary skills such as conducting ACAT assessments will enable the student to interact with the aged care system in Australia as both student and registered nurse.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6745": {"id": "-81VkwdeByVOjJyLH4rfV", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "NjFlBlCwUX7wmDY6qR1JY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14754, "section": "WR02", "size": 120, "enrolled": 81, "available": 39, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Jun - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "nFWqHOgzdM_3CFsN1nZpl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11999, "section": "PR03", "size": 40, "enrolled": 39, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Jun - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, 2050, Simulation Suite 1"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12000, "section": "PR02", "size": 40, "enrolled": 29, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Jun - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9:30am", "end_time": "10:30am", "location": "AHMS, 2081, Simulation Suite 2"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12001, "section": "PR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 13, "available": 27, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Jun - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, 2050, Simulation Suite 1"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "12S-N0myIgRaASj5SvbNO", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13085, "section": "TU02", "size": 60, "enrolled": 60, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 26 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059b, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "13 Mar - 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The use of clinical cases encourages students to relate scientific principles to medical and nursing interventions. The course provides a systematic approach to the description of pathological changes of immune, integumentary, cardiovascular, respiratory and skeletal systems. The base of knowledge provided by this course will encourage students to adopt an attitude to incorporating scientific concepts throughout their nursing career.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6747": {"id": "ggc_wR6PiY2UVUMODTVMw", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "LG8qV8hRps4ZREuVSQaIy", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11821, "section": "TU01", "size": 43, "enrolled": 44, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S336a&b, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "23 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S336a&b, Meeting Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13413, "section": "TU06", "size": 43, "enrolled": 38, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N424/N425, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S336a&b, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N424/N425, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 May - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N424/N425, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13414, "section": "TU05", "size": 43, "enrolled": 41, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S336a&b, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "26 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S211a, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S336a&b, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "24 May - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S336a&b, Meeting Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15415, "section": "TU04", "size": 43, "enrolled": 43, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S336a&b, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "26 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S211a, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S336a&b, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "24 May - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S336a&b, Meeting Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15416, "section": "TU03", "size": 43, "enrolled": 35, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N424/N425, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N424/N425, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15417, "section": "TU02", "size": 43, "enrolled": 44, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S336a&b, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "23 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S336a&b, Meeting Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "S6MCv87xKSdZrLoptkXJM", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18630, "section": "LEC0", "size": 270, "enrolled": 245, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "6748": {"id": "haDCsWo2pZh8m64mmO4LQ", "course_id": "107036", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107036", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Chronic Disease and Disability", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "2006", "CLASS_NBR": 14414, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Weekly face to face lecture", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Nursing", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online quizzes, fact sheet, poster presentation, poster exhibition", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides a comprehensive examination of the core aspects of chronic illness and management in Australia. With reference to national priorities in chronic illness the course will prepare students to deliver nursing care and especially education for a variety of chronic health conditions. Factors affecting chronic illness and types of chronic illness will be considered within the nursing and the wider multidisciplinary support services. The emphasis on the emerging burden of chronic disease will enable students to consider the likely impact of chronic illness into 2020 and beyond.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6749": {"id": "haDCsWo2pZh8m64mmO4LQ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "FJrenRMfdzMjHEZHufHnF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14414, "section": "LE01", "size": 265, "enrolled": 247, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "AHMS, G030, Lecture Theatre 1"}, {"dates": "13 Mar - 13 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, G030, Lecture Theatre 1"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "AHMS, G030, Lecture Theatre 1"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, G030, Lecture Theatre 1"}, {"dates": "20 May - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "AHMS, G030, Lecture Theatre 1"}, {"dates": "5 Jun - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, G030, Lecture Theatre 1"}]}]}]}]}, "6750": {"id": "gdi2ACn8BDlaGmd98_ihR", "course_id": "107038", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107038", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Health Assessment and Clinical Nursing III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "2007", "CLASS_NBR": 14757, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Nursing", "PRE_REQUISITE": "NURSING 1011", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quiz series, Summative Tasks, Case Study, Oral structured clinical examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Health Assessment and Clinical Nursing III begins the student's exposure to advanced form of nursing assessment and intervention. The further development of core assessment skills enables students to maximise their placement experience to identify potential health problems, respond confidently to situations requiring comprehensive emergency assessment. Students conduct a number of assessments during clinical placement in liaison and with the support of their clinical lecturer. Learning in a simulated learning environment provides a safe approach to skills and provides students with a pre clinical opportunity for placement. Students will have the opportunity to practice in accordance with the NMBA National Nursing Competency Standards for the Registered Nurse", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6751": {"id": "gdi2ACn8BDlaGmd98_ihR", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "sgS4LvusH6IooCmVxuwDY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18606, "section": "LEC0", "size": 265, "enrolled": 246, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "Gz_g6lIShYEzAMcUDCRUw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10280, "section": "PR03", "size": 44, "enrolled": 43, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11822, "section": "PR01", "size": 44, "enrolled": 42, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11823, "section": "PR02", "size": 44, "enrolled": 41, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12259, "section": "PR04", "size": 44, "enrolled": 42, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 May - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12688, "section": "PR06", "size": 44, "enrolled": 38, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 May - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12689, "section": "PR05", "size": 44, "enrolled": 40, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 May - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "lrsud1NUJj_4YjbMkJRGC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11824, "section": "TU01", "size": 55, "enrolled": 55, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 18 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 May - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14293, "section": "TU02", "size": 55, "enrolled": 53, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 26 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 May - 20 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14756, "section": "TU04", "size": 55, "enrolled": 55, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 26 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 May - 20 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14757, "section": "TU05", "size": 35, "enrolled": 29, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 26 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 7052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 7052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 May - 20 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 7052a&b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15029, "section": "TU03", "size": 55, "enrolled": 54, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 18 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 May - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6752": {"id": "FNEdWktCPILOBRWAv_I4v", "course_id": "107040", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107040", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Biology of Human Disease II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "2008", "CLASS_NBR": 24523, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Nursing", "PRE_REQUISITE": "NURSING 1005", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online assessments, MCQ, examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Biology of Human Disease II identifies the most significant pathological illness states facing the Australian population. The use of clinical cases encourages students to relate scientific principles to the medical and nursing interventions. The course provides a systematic approach to the description of pathological changes of gastrointestinal, hepatobiliary, nervous and reproductive systems. The base knowledge provided by this course will encourage students to adopt an attitude to incorporating scientific concepts throughout their nursing career.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6753": {"id": "FNEdWktCPILOBRWAv_I4v", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "UYAm4gFYBGs_X8hVgOItD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28525, "section": "LEC0", "size": 240, "enrolled": 230, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "cPbUDvMkQdsHTbk0HBCzO", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24523, "section": "TU06", "size": 45, "enrolled": 22, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S336a&b, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S336a&b, Meeting Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24524, "section": "TU05", "size": 45, "enrolled": 44, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S336a&b, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S336a&b, Meeting Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24525, "section": "TU04", "size": 45, "enrolled": 45, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S336a&b, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S336a&b, Meeting Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24526, "section": "TU03", "size": 45, "enrolled": 43, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S336a&b, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S336a&b, Meeting Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24527, "section": "TU02", "size": 45, "enrolled": 43, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S336a&b, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S336a&b, Meeting Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24528, "section": "TU01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 33, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6754": {"id": "L-l59Cwh6j2GnmgDv8hUP", "course_id": "107041", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107041", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Community and Primary Health Care", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "2009", "CLASS_NBR": 22695, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Nursing", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quiz, Scoping exercise, Case study assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will enable students to develop a deeper understanding of community and primary health care by exploring the core concepts of primary, community and nursing care. The course will identify factors associated with the health of communities, examine the current structures of community care in Australia and enable students to develop skills in designing and implementing primary health care strategy. The challenges facing rural and remote health are explored in detail.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6755": {"id": "L-l59Cwh6j2GnmgDv8hUP", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Yp0_9B-y341rhSg1FvBIJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23005, "section": "LE01", "size": 250, "enrolled": 242, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 23 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "d1Ea6y-jkgad6cETgPWNN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20444, "section": "TU06", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Aug - 8 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20445, "section": "TU05", "size": 36, "enrolled": 34, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Aug - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20446, "section": "TU04", "size": 36, "enrolled": 36, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Aug - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20447, "section": "TU03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 31, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Aug - 8 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "AHMS, 1068, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "AHMS, 1068, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20448, "section": "TU02", "size": 32, "enrolled": 32, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Aug - 8 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, 7052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, 7052a&b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20449, "section": "TU01", "size": 34, "enrolled": 34, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Aug - 7 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22610, "section": "TU07", "size": 30, "enrolled": 17, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Aug - 7 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, 8052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, 8052a&b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22611, "section": "TU08", "size": 32, "enrolled": 30, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Aug - 7 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 8052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 8052a&b, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "bYqdjfnpCatvTHQoUSakE", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22694, "section": "WR01", "size": 125, "enrolled": 123, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 23 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a, Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22695, "section": "WR02", "size": 125, "enrolled": 119, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 23 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "6756": {"id": "J_9POCW17jKhGLDEIqzbG", "course_id": "107042", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107042", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Pharmacology in Nursing II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "2010", "CLASS_NBR": 20451, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Nursing", "PRE_REQUISITE": "NURSING 1009", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Mid-Semester test, online quizzes, end of semester exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Pharmacology for Nursing II extends the core pharmacological principles presented in Pharmacology for Nursing 1. This course examines the nurses' role in the administration of more complex drugs and more sophisticated routes of administration. The application of drug therapy to a broad range of clinical presentations with emphasis on respiratory and cardiovascular disease complements other courses within the Bachelor of Nursing program. An emphasis on safe administration of IV and IM medications is made. Students will have an opportunity to consider the role of complementary therapy and learn of the nature of drug addiction.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6757": {"id": "J_9POCW17jKhGLDEIqzbG", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "aVWfPfmnjgsIgH5hB0PxX", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20450, "section": "LE01", "size": 240, "enrolled": 237, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture class has 2 x 1 hour face-to-face lectures and 2 x 1 hour online lectures. All students can access recordings of these lectures. Please check MyUni/CANVAS or contact your Course Coordinator for details."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "PAfckB4SEXzXHQ8oNXiRk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20451, "section": "TU02", "size": 120, "enrolled": 119, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20452, "section": "TU01", "size": 120, "enrolled": 118, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "6758": {"id": "Muqua7PfGJq-SU5tOdbyp", "course_id": "107039", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107039", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Health Assessment and Clinical Nursing IV", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "2011", "CLASS_NBR": 23095, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Nursing", "PRE_REQUISITE": "NURSING 2007", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Clinical record, team gaming, RSD level 3, clinical assessment sheets, OSCE", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Health Assessment and Clinical Nursing IV continues the student's exposure to advanced form of nursing assessment and intervention. The development of core assessment skills enables students to maximise their placement experience to identify potential health problems, respond confidently to situations requiring comprehensive and possibly emergency assessment of cardiac and neurological dysfunction. Students conduct a number of assessments during clinical placement in liaison and with the support of their clinical lecturer. Learning in a simulated learning environment provides a safe approach to skills and provides students with a pre clinical opportunity for placement. Students will have the opportunity to practice in accordance with the NMBA National Nursing Competency Standards for the Registered Nurse", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6759": {"id": "Muqua7PfGJq-SU5tOdbyp", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "AbYsEvQVe7CnHiOXgSF-A", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22948, "section": "PR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 39, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "31 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22949, "section": "PR02", "size": 40, "enrolled": 38, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 25 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Aug - 8 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "31 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25339, "section": "PR03", "size": 40, "enrolled": 40, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "31 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Assessment", "id": "7aaK9-ZxaUTrzPgAi8oYo", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22185, "section": "AS01", "size": 120, "enrolled": 117, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "AHMS, G030, Lecture Theatre 1"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "9sniB1_XIXQF7BNxcSuaJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22250, "section": "LE02", "size": 80, "enrolled": 80, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25341, "section": "LE01", "size": 240, "enrolled": 151, "available": 89, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, G030, Lecture Theatre 1"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, G030, Lecture Theatre 1"}]}]}]}, {"association_group": "11", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "qPINFLG7OkPnu0_petc7v", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22159, "section": "PR04", "size": 40, "enrolled": 40, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 25 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Aug - 8 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "31 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23095, "section": "PR06", "size": 40, "enrolled": 35, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 25 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Aug - 8 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "31 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23096, "section": "PR05", "size": 40, "enrolled": 39, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 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14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25341, "section": "LE01", "size": 240, "enrolled": 151, "available": 89, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, G030, Lecture Theatre 1"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, G030, Lecture Theatre 1"}]}]}]}]}, "6760": {"id": "I3GhaFK5QoiLXgT8fZvz3", "course_id": "107050", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107050", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Mental Health Nursing", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "3004", "CLASS_NBR": 13550, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Nursing", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online quiz, Mental health assessment workshop participation and report, essay", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course has been designed to facilitate your understanding of the concepts of common mental health disorders, epidemiology, aetiology, pathophysiology and your learning in the therapeutic nursing care of the patient with mental health problems using an evidenced based approach. The role of the consumer in their recovery and the skills necessary to conduct a comprehensive mental health assessment are of particular emphasis", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6761": {"id": "I3GhaFK5QoiLXgT8fZvz3", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "vB_wPuhQV_olI4cVzJdIv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11867, "section": "TU02", "size": 62, "enrolled": 59, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "16 May - 16 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "21 May - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "AHMS, G030, Lecture Theatre 1"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13550, "section": "TU04", "size": 62, "enrolled": 48, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "14 Mar - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059b, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "9 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059b, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "21 May - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "AHMS, G030, Lecture Theatre 1"}, {"dates": "6 Jun - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059b, Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13551, "section": "TU03", "size": 62, "enrolled": 62, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059b, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "7 May - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059b, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "21 May - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "AHMS, G030, Lecture Theatre 1"}, {"dates": "4 Jun - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059b, Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13552, "section": "TU01", "size": 62, "enrolled": 62, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059b, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059b, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "14 May - 14 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059b, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "21 May - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "AHMS, G030, Lecture Theatre 1"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "I3F3but4h_dQAetluhaHD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18615, "section": "LEC0", "size": 250, "enrolled": 231, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "6762": {"id": "hJZn2b9WTaTpSoRf1FbaT", "course_id": "107049", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107049", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Nursing in Complex Settings (Perioperative)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "3005", "CLASS_NBR": 14831, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Nursing", "PRE_REQUISITE": "NURSING 2011", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Preoperative Assessment H5P activity, Drug Calculation Test, Insulin Administration Quiz, Clinical Skills Portfolio, PBL Case Study Group Project, Examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course describes the professional and clinical role of the Registered Nurse in the perioperative setting. There is a focus on building skills to support patients undergoing a surgical procedure. All phases of the perioperative journey are explored, with a focus on complex wound care, acute pain management, as well as situational awareness, professional issues, care of patient status change, and application of clinical care in the context of the National Safety and Quality Standards. Students will need to use contemporary best practice guidelines to support their descriptions of the perioperative nursing care across all ages. During this course, students will also consolidate knowledge in medication safety and safe diabetic management including insulin administration. By the end of this course, students should be able to apply principles of perioperative care to various patient care environments.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6763": {"id": "hJZn2b9WTaTpSoRf1FbaT", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "nYxD39-FD075dOH6zzzy3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11353, "section": "SE02", "size": 120, "enrolled": 111, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, G030, Lecture Theatre 1"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11354, "section": "SE01", "size": 120, "enrolled": 120, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, G030, Lecture Theatre 1"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "irZD7Z_2QTqCB-3iF3LYs", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10445, "section": "TU01", "size": 120, "enrolled": 120, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, G030, Lecture Theatre 1"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14831, "section": "TU02", "size": 120, "enrolled": 111, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, G030, Lecture Theatre 1"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "_qcw8l75R9cYnGHpb9WQI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13270, "section": "PR02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 28 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, 2050, Simulation Suite 1"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 28 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, 2081, Simulation Suite 2"}, {"dates": "13 Mar - 13 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, 2050, Simulation Suite 1"}, {"dates": "13 Mar - 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6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 2081, Simulation Suite 2"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 2050, Simulation Suite 1"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 2081, Simulation Suite 2"}, {"dates": "15 May - 15 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 2050, Simulation Suite 1"}, {"dates": "15 May - 15 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 2081, Simulation Suite 2"}, {"dates": "29 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 2050, Simulation Suite 1"}, {"dates": "29 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 2081, Simulation Suite 2"}]}]}]}]}, "6764": {"id": "ADztaDoNagbZwOxEG7_3J", "course_id": "107048", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107048", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Nursing in Complex Settings (Maternity and Paediatrics)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "3006", "CLASS_NBR": 11142, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Nursing", "PRE_REQUISITE": "NURSING 2011", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online Quiz, Medication Calculation test, Attendance and participation, Case Study.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Nursing in Complex Settings (Maternity and Paediatrics) focuses on the science that underlies the care of paediatric and maternal patients. It is anticipated that students will develop an understanding of the specialist, evidenced based knowledge that has evolved and continues to evolve to ensure positive patient outcomes. Prominence is given to the typical pathological conditions encountered in paediatrics, as well as the subsequent nursing care. Supporting the pathology discussion are detailed descriptions of psychosocial and psychological development. Assessment of the clinical manifestations of paediatric illness and evaluation of the implemented care are included.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6765": {"id": "ADztaDoNagbZwOxEG7_3J", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "tnoNhC_7XiyiUP1BRohQk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11142, "section": "WR02", "size": 120, "enrolled": 118, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}, {"dates": "14 May - 14 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}, {"dates": "28 May - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11143, "section": "WR01", "size": 120, "enrolled": 113, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 27 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}, {"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}, {"dates": "7 May - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}, {"dates": "21 May - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "Ztou4Z9g07sBvRsNWhO9d", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11958, "section": "PR02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 27, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S111a/b, Health Suites Combined"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 18 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S111a/b, Health Suites Combined"}, {"dates": "13 May - 13 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S111a/b, Health Suites Combined"}, {"dates": "27 May - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S111a/b, Health Suites Combined"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14071, "section": "PR08", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2:30pm", "end_time": "4:30pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S111a/b, Health Suites Combined"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 18 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S111a/b, Health Suites Combined"}, {"dates": "13 May - 13 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2:30pm", "end_time": "4:30pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S111a/b, Health Suites Combined"}, {"dates": "27 May - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2:30pm", "end_time": "4:30pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S111a/b, Health Suites Combined"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14072, "section": "PR07", "size": 30, "enrolled": 26, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 26 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2:30pm", "end_time": "4:30pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S111a/b, Health Suites Combined"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 18 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S111a/b, Health Suites Combined"}, {"dates": "6 May - 6 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2:30pm", "end_time": "4:30pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S111a/b, Health Suites Combined"}, {"dates": "20 May - 20 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2:30pm", "end_time": "4:30pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S111a/b, Health Suites Combined"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14073, "section": "PR06", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12:30pm", "end_time": "2:30pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S111a/b, Health Suites Combined"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 18 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S111a/b, Health Suites Combined"}, {"dates": "13 May - 13 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12:30pm", "end_time": "2:30pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S111a/b, Health Suites Combined"}, {"dates": "27 May - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12:30pm", "end_time": "2:30pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S111a/b, Health Suites Combined"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14074, "section": "PR05", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 26 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12:30pm", "end_time": "2:30pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S111a/b, Health Suites Combined"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 18 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S111a/b, Health Suites Combined"}, {"dates": "6 May - 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6 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S111a/b, Health Suites Combined"}, {"dates": "20 May - 20 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S111a/b, Health Suites Combined"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "kUkFI7ypf1vCabUaQX54a", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19195, "section": "LEC0", "size": 240, "enrolled": 231, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "6766": {"id": "ea45Ri5cKtsYl4Gm3j-8f", "course_id": "107047", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107047", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Nursing in an International Context", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "3007", "CLASS_NBR": 11006, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Nursing", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Essay, Online Quiz, Poster & Report (Combined)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Nursing in an international context adds a global perspective to the Bachelor of Nursing program. A range of social and health considerations such as poverty, emerging and resistant diseases, refugee health and access to fundamental provisions such as water and food are considered. The global response to health care by the WHO and other NGOs is also examined. The role of the nurse in the international health care community is explored and opportunities for reflection and debate about future health care goals are given. There is weekly optional face to face sessions offered throughout the course which relate to working abroad and careers development.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6767": {"id": "ea45Ri5cKtsYl4Gm3j-8f", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "V0xPxu9c1XDA3zvdSmQjT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11006, "section": "SE01", "size": 252, "enrolled": 243, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, G030, Lecture Theatre 1"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, G030, Lecture Theatre 1"}, {"dates": "7 May - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, G030, Lecture Theatre 1"}, {"dates": "3 Jun - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "OeNpQ7wf-WmjRE827JE8Z", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18628, "section": "LEC0", "size": 252, "enrolled": 243, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "6768": {"id": "iFWUvuNfLoqGSmuc8LsoS", "course_id": "107045", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107045", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Leadership and Transition to Practice", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "3009", "CLASS_NBR": 24747, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Nursing", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online Quizzes, Peer Teaching, Workbook", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Leadership and transition in nursing presents students with descriptions of leadership, economics, safety and quality and encourages a reflective and practical examination of issues such as delegation. The role of the nurse in informing health service policy and innovation and the requirement to provide effective clinical education are also examined. \n\nIn this course students will undertake studies about how to become effective members of a multidisciplinary team, effective communicators within the team and understand more thoroughly what encompasses the role of a RN. This course is provided to prepare nurses as much as possible to adjust to the transition from student to registered nurse. One of the tutorials is linked with the Palliative care course where an interactive leadership scenario is considered.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6769": {"id": "iFWUvuNfLoqGSmuc8LsoS", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "JDpVjMqLvYrOHvWhMGMdK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24873, "section": "TU02", "size": 120, "enrolled": 117, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Aug - 8 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}, {"dates": "22 Aug - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24874, "section": "TU01", "size": 120, "enrolled": 111, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "DVpAj6w-qv3iZ5S30TAwr", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22607, "section": "WR03", "size": 60, "enrolled": 60, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 2050, Simulation Suite 1"}, {"dates": "26 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 2081, Simulation Suite 2"}, {"dates": "26 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}, {"dates": "26 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 2069/2070, Hospital Sim Suite 1a&b"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22608, "section": "WR02", "size": 60, "enrolled": 52, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Aug - 23 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2050, Simulation Suite 1"}, {"dates": "23 Aug - 23 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2081, Simulation Suite 2"}, {"dates": "23 Aug - 23 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}, {"dates": "23 Aug - 23 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2069/2070, Hospital Sim Suite 1a&b"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22609, "section": "WR01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 58, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Aug - 23 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 2050, Simulation Suite 1"}, {"dates": "23 Aug - 23 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 2081, Simulation Suite 2"}, {"dates": "23 Aug - 23 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}, {"dates": "23 Aug - 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It introduces the skills necessary for a thorough nursing assessment such as interview, inspection, palpation, percussion and auscultation for patients in the critical care setting. It facilitates the learning of the psychosocial care of patients with particular needs in critical care environments. It is a practical `hands on' oriented course where theory, clinical skills and practice based learning are intertwined.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6771": {"id": "QXhEsfmDVBYPEMT0Ye2gT", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Assessment", "id": "mlxkk7RvbccFcxYvs4RrE", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21791, "section": "AS02", "size": 120, "enrolled": 117, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Assessment", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Drug Calculation Test"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Aug - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1:30pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21792, "section": "AS01", "size": 120, "enrolled": 119, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Assessment", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Drug Calculation Test"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Aug - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1:30pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "wyC36nYOASkgS-05Idyxj", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21081, "section": "WR02", "size": 120, "enrolled": 116, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 25 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}, {"dates": "8 Aug - 8 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}, {"dates": "22 Aug - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21082, "section": "WR01", "size": 120, "enrolled": 120, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 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This course aims to provide the student with a better understanding of palliative care for a range of illness states but with an emphasis on cancer and the rationale for care. To enhance their professional development in this area of health, access to resources designed to support learning for all nurses caring for a dying person irrespective of their practice setting is explored.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6773": {"id": "H6Du0Su-Lc6p1tOQsAscv", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "EWroX5T4ZQnhKy3ffLDHU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24024, "section": "TU02", "size": 122, "enrolled": 122, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 25 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, G030, Lecture Theatre 1"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, G030, Lecture 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"4-SupMzQyJK75OyoFTRw_", "course_id": "109835", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109835", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Safety & Quality Care in an Evidence Based Framework", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "3014", "CLASS_NBR": 23348, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Nursing", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Formative quiz and workshop, Incident Report and Clinical Scenario Analysis", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will enable students to build on their knowledge of research skills and evidence based practice learned throughout the program to apply the safety and quality framework to clinical practice.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6775": {"id": "4-SupMzQyJK75OyoFTRw_", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "7o5P28rQjssMBn53an5wK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23348, "section": "WR02", "size": 120, "enrolled": 120, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 25 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}, {"dates": "20 Aug - 20 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"UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Systematic Reviews of Research", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "4301", "CLASS_NBR": 19246, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 12 hours per week (blended delivery including readings, learning activities and assessment items)", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences (Honours)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Essay, Review Protocol", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to enable students to understand why reviews of research are needed and their role in health care decision making, develop skills to critically evaluate different types of reviews in order to make informed decisions for changes in practice and develop skills in reviewing the research literature to enable them to undertake their own systematic review in the future.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6777": {"id": "1gKmtagifmAKEtWlmBrBQ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "kawXufMg0MUgfZXxCyKA2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19246, "section": "01NT", "size": 25, "enrolled": 1, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "6778": {"id": "8FKqiOeFXZHRbYfkwGyOZ", "course_id": "108356", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108356", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Systematic Reviews of Research", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "4301", "CLASS_NBR": 29084, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 12 hours per week (blended delivery including readings, learning activities and assessment items)", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences (Honours)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Essay, Review Protocol", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to enable students to understand why reviews of research are needed and their role in health care decision making, develop skills to critically evaluate different types of reviews in order to make informed decisions for changes in practice and develop skills in reviewing the research literature to enable them to undertake their own systematic review in the future.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6779": {"id": "8FKqiOeFXZHRbYfkwGyOZ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "8nrEC-8uTS3hrEf0GCFeu", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29084, "section": "01NT", "size": 25, "enrolled": 0, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 15 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"ASSESSMENT": "Question, literature review, research proposal, summary of results, presentation and publication", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to allow students to work with a supervisor to identify a suitable research question, conduct a literature review and prepare a research proposal for submission to the appropriate ethics committee. Students will then continue to work with a supervisor to conduct the research study proposed present their findings in a School of Nursing seminar and in a paper suitable for publication.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "6781": {"id": "P5Tzok-erno1zN60Eq7mC", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "79hrmZc7e9itaS-IvHj41", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19203, "section": "01NT", "size": 25, "enrolled": 0, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "6782": {"id": "LfVPYxzQSnnrz6VV4ohFC", "course_id": "108381", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108381", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Nursing Research Project Pt 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "4400A", "CLASS_NBR": 29027, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 24 hours per week (based on full-time study load)", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences (Honours)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Question, literature review, research proposal, summary of results, presentation and publication", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to allow students to work with a supervisor to identify a suitable research question, conduct a literature review and prepare a research proposal for submission to the appropriate ethics committee. Students will then continue to work with a supervisor to conduct the research study proposed present their findings in a School of Nursing seminar and in a paper suitable for publication.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "6783": {"id": "LfVPYxzQSnnrz6VV4ohFC", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "AB6wKGbRlFcCpE4GVcbR3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29027, "section": "01NT", "size": 25, "enrolled": 0, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "6784": {"id": "s9TeISnOkTSwAjtqp6tvU", "course_id": "108382", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108382", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Nursing Research Project Pt 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "4400B", "CLASS_NBR": 19204, "SESSION_CD": "FM2", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 24 hours per week (based on full-time study load)", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences (Honours)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(NURSING 4300 and NURSING 4301 and NURSING 4400A) or (NURSING 4400A)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Question, literature review, research proposal, summary of results, presentation and publication", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to allow students to work with a supervisor to identify a suitable research question, conduct a literature review and prepare a research proposal for submission to the appropriate ethics committee. 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Students will then continue to work with a supervisor to conduct the research study proposed present their findings in a School of Nursing seminar and in a paper suitable for publication.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 07/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "6789": {"id": "yRAPOsN0RW5AS9TWNX0w4", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "iEJLlAEyJDvkuBGBbzWks", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19205, "section": "01NT", "size": 25, "enrolled": 0, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "6790": {"id": "1FaZBn9sKY4Sex4A2Dgpy", "course_id": "108383", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108383", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Nursing Research Project (Two-Year) Continuing", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "4410A", "CLASS_NBR": 29029, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 24 hours per week (based on full-time study load)", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Nursing (Honours)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "NURSING 4300, NURSING 4301", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Question, literature review, research proposal, summary of results, presentation and publication", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to allow students to work with a supervisor to identify a suitable research question, conduct a literature review and prepare a research proposal for submission to the appropriate ethics committee. Students will then continue to work with a supervisor to conduct the research study proposed present their findings in a School of Nursing seminar and in a paper suitable for publication.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "6791": {"id": "1FaZBn9sKY4Sex4A2Dgpy", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "0v8OiehS6FHosOZa9S8Hb", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29029, "section": "01NT", "size": 25, "enrolled": 0, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "6792": {"id": "vvmwFEhyrJcgjKocaIyXC", "course_id": "108384", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108384", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Nursing Research Project (Two-Year) Final", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "4410B", "CLASS_NBR": 19206, "SESSION_CD": "TYD", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 24 hours per week (based on full-time study load)", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Nursing (Honours)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "NURSING 4300 AND NURSING 4301 AND NURSING 4410A", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Question, literature review, research proposal, summary of results, presentation and publication", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to allow students to work with a supervisor to identify a suitable research question, conduct a literature review and prepare a research proposal for submission to the appropriate ethics committee. Students will then continue to work with a supervisor to conduct the research study proposed present their findings in a School of Nursing seminar and in a paper suitable for publication.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6793": {"id": "vvmwFEhyrJcgjKocaIyXC", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "2TVRMJQ9h0xUUFbFD02IT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19206, "section": "01NT", "size": 25, "enrolled": 0, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "6794": {"id": "2FcvTgujdcH5o7en8yUoP", "course_id": "108384", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108384", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Nursing Research Project (Two-Year) Final", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "4410B", "CLASS_NBR": 29030, "SESSION_CD": "TYD", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 24 hours per week (based on full-time study load)", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Nursing (Honours)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "NURSING 4300 AND NURSING 4301 AND NURSING 4410A", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Question, literature review, research proposal, summary of results, presentation and publication", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to allow students to work with a supervisor to identify a suitable research question, conduct a literature review and prepare a research proposal for submission to the appropriate ethics committee. Students will then continue to work with a supervisor to conduct the research study proposed present their findings in a School of Nursing seminar and in a paper suitable for publication.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6795": {"id": "2FcvTgujdcH5o7en8yUoP", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "XJ3f9DOTxFEHWg9tCwPCk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29030, "section": "01NT", "size": 25, "enrolled": 0, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "6796": {"id": "UU1JGwmqZd_ThvKpLF_Zw", "course_id": "111589", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111589", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Nursing Research Project T/Y Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "4420A", "CLASS_NBR": 18890, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 24 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences (Honours) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Question, literature review, research proposal, summary of results, presentation and publication", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to allow students to work with a supervisor to identify a suitable research question, conduct a literature review and prepare a research proposal for submission to the appropriate ethics committee. Students will then continue to work with a supervisor to conduct the research study proposed present their findings in a School of Nursing seminar and in a paper suitable for publication.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 07/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "6797": {"id": "UU1JGwmqZd_ThvKpLF_Zw", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "QTBEJd3rawa6GWFL17YM5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18890, "section": "01NT", "size": 25, "enrolled": 1, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "6798": {"id": "rLgsSIuED-fC0PwFJXUK0", "course_id": "111589", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111589", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Nursing Research Project T/Y Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "4420A", "CLASS_NBR": 28793, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 24 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences (Honours) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Question, literature review, research proposal, summary of results, presentation and publication", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to allow students to work with a supervisor to identify a suitable research question, conduct a literature review and prepare a research proposal for submission to the appropriate ethics committee. Students will then continue to work with a supervisor to conduct the research study proposed present their findings in a School of Nursing seminar and in a paper suitable for publication.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "6799": {"id": "rLgsSIuED-fC0PwFJXUK0", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "Ck6FLs6Gbc1XExJkCZz7c", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28793, "section": "01NT", "size": 25, "enrolled": 0, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "6800": {"id": "TAJyAfIQkcrVw6rSVWd1P", "course_id": "111590", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111590", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Nursing Research Project T/Y Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "4420B", "CLASS_NBR": 28794, "SESSION_CD": "TYB", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 24 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences (Honours) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "NURSING 4420A", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Question, literature review, research proposal, summary of results, presentation and publication", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to allow students to work with a supervisor to identify a suitable research question, conduct a literature review and prepare a research proposal for submission to the appropriate ethics committee. Students will then continue to work with a supervisor to conduct the research study proposed present their findings in a School of Nursing seminar and in a paper suitable for publication.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "6801": {"id": "TAJyAfIQkcrVw6rSVWd1P", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "16CQ9UxrAEkTA_Sv77c23", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28794, "section": "01NT", "size": 25, "enrolled": 1, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "6802": {"id": "dlHJNKT4tx0uO2ICcWn8B", "course_id": "001313", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "001313", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Microbiology and Epidemiology", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "5104OL", "CLASS_NBR": 23006, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Online", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Graduate Certificate in Nursing Science or Master of Nursing Science", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Academic Integrity Module, Portfolio A, Portfolio B", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course builds on the students' knowledge of basic microbiology and will consider the epidemiology of common infectious diseases seen within the Australian population. The role of the infection control nurse will be considered in relation to epidemiological research, education and disease surveillance. Microbiology topics included the diagnosis, transmission and surveillance of infectious diseases.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6803": {"id": "dlHJNKT4tx0uO2ICcWn8B", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "uq3kXEncWHtP-xB6fiR3G", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23006, "section": "SE01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 29, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "7pm", "end_time": "8:30pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "7pm", "end_time": "8:30pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "6804": {"id": "TXFhvVhuUH2lT3ShD8gUT", "course_id": "007469", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "007469", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Infection Control Nursing", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "6117OL", "CLASS_NBR": 13088, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Online", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Graduate Certificate in Nursing Science or Master of Nursing Science", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Academic Integrity Module, Formation DB Question, Discussion Board, PP Presentation and Lesson Plan", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will examine nursing and medical science in relation to the control of infection. Topics include decontamination and sterilisation of medical devices, the clinical management of the patient with an infectious disease or infection, the teaching/learning process in staff education and other contemporary issues within infection control.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6805": {"id": "TXFhvVhuUH2lT3ShD8gUT", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "OSDR0qkAux7ymP8Tvq0zI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13088, "section": "SE01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 30, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "7pm", "end_time": "8:30pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "7pm", "end_time": "8:30pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "6806": {"id": "ro90hsgke1J6wx8jpXFvg", "course_id": "105140", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105140", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Co-Existing Addiction and Mental Health Disorders", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "6204", "CLASS_NBR": 29083, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060305", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Fortnightly Online tutorials", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Graduate Diploma in Addiction & Mental Health or Master of Nursing Science", "PRE_REQUISITE": "NURSING 6205", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online quiz, learning portfolio, essay", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will examine the scientific basis of addiction, mental health and related comorbidities. Issues to be discussed include; comparative epidemiology, national mental health and drug and alcohol policy, integrated systems for evidence based interventions and the need for a holistic philosophy of practice. The first part of the course provides the background by giving an overview of comorbidity. We examine the concepts and theories underpinning the coexistence of addiction, mental illness and other coexisting disorders in an individual and present them in worldwide and local contexts. The second part of the course deals with comorbidity in the areas of Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander and migrant cultures, adolescence, pregnancy and childbirth, forensics, defence forces and other specialised areas. We examine best practice for service providers and practitioners to provide effective therapeutic interventions and coordinated approaches.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6807": {"id": "ro90hsgke1J6wx8jpXFvg", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "LMfXEA_M8Ss80CQ1rV3bf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29083, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 6, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "6808": {"id": "JEf4xZIh2Arlb26R4Zq8l", "course_id": "105141", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105141", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Mental Health", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "6205", "CLASS_NBR": 19245, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060305", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Weekly online tutorials", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to GradDipAdd&MentalHlth and MNursSc students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online quiz, presentation and briefing paper, learning portfolio", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will examine the fundamentals of mental illness (depression and other mood disorders, anxiety disorders, psychosis, post traumatic stress disorder, personality disorder etc.), and causes (biochemical, neurological, behavioural, developmental, genetic, social etc.), treatments (pharmacological, psychological, spiritual) and health care models (shared care, acute inpatient, outpatient, public health, community and recovery approaches) which are regarded as current best practice.The course will also examine mental health from the perspective of national, state and local government levels.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6809": {"id": "JEf4xZIh2Arlb26R4Zq8l", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "HVgNpAKuDfrUPuOWG4Kcp", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19245, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 5, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "6810": {"id": "gV0eDIpCW-DupIpdE4SVf", "course_id": "101476", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "101476", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Leadership & Management in Nursing", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7011", "CLASS_NBR": 21056, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Online sessions for domestic students; face-to-face weekly compulsory sessions for international students as per ESOS compliance", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Master of Nursing Science", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Essay and two assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will explore contemporary issues related to leadership and management necessary for a registered nurse. All nurses have leadership and to some extent management responsibilities.\n\nTopics will include characteristics of effective leadership and decision making, the health care workforce, changing dynamic of policy and practices in Australian health care, quality and safety in health care.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6811": {"id": "gV0eDIpCW-DupIpdE4SVf", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "xgCLU1MRENOpBqbgbropc", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21056, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 13, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2078, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2078, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2078, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6812": {"id": "WCAHLIGD4f6Lf8Kl_0lUy", "course_id": "102564", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102564", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Systematic Reviews of Research", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7012", "CLASS_NBR": 12307, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "1 hour x 13 sessions. Face to Face weekly compulsory sessions for international students as per ESOS compliance", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Master of Nursing Science", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quiz Series x 3, Review Protocol", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to enable students to understand why reviews of research are needed and their role in health care decision making, develop skills to critically evaluate different types of reviews in order to make informed decisions for changes in practice and develop skills in reviewing the research literature to enable them to undertake their own systematic review.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6813": {"id": "WCAHLIGD4f6Lf8Kl_0lUy", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "E4G7mU9zv5hSJByXovvdX", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12307, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 6, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2078, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2078, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6814": {"id": "DjX56-KGZsXioOzVueWzb", "course_id": "102564", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102564", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Systematic Reviews of Research", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7012", "CLASS_NBR": 22228, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "1 hour x 13 sessions. Face to Face weekly compulsory sessions for international students as per ESOS compliance", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Master of Nursing Science", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quiz Series x 3, Review Protocol", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to enable students to understand why reviews of research are needed and their role in health care decision making, develop skills to critically evaluate different types of reviews in order to make informed decisions for changes in practice and develop skills in reviewing the research literature to enable them to undertake their own systematic review.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6815": {"id": "DjX56-KGZsXioOzVueWzb", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "PyKUAUF_idH1C7mt7P3uO", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22228, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 7, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "AHMS, 2078, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "AHMS, 2078, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6816": {"id": "sCcJ2_1GIXaLYD_5Pra_P", "course_id": "102565", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102565", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Systematic Review Project", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7013", "CLASS_NBR": 15125, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Online or 1 hour x 13 sessions. Face to Face weekly compulsory sessions for international students as per ESOS compliance.", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Master of Nursing Science", "PRE_REQUISITE": "NURSING 7012OL OR NURSING 7012", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Protocol outline, systematic review report and article for publication", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides students with the opportunity to explore one aspect of their nursing practice through the conduct of a focussed systematic review. Conducting a systematic review of the literature assists in developing skills in preparing a review protocol, undertaking a literature search, appraising research, summarising and synthesising the findings from independent studies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6817": {"id": "sCcJ2_1GIXaLYD_5Pra_P", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "HJXC3Gb5hRX6xHEW3gfMD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15125, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 4, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 2078, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 2078, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6818": {"id": "56I9f7yEMQhg5k_l4-RGz", "course_id": "102565", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102565", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Systematic Review Project", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7013", "CLASS_NBR": 24989, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Online or 1 hour x 13 sessions. Face to Face weekly compulsory sessions for international students as per ESOS compliance.", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Master of Nursing Science", "PRE_REQUISITE": "NURSING 7012OL OR NURSING 7012", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Protocol outline, systematic review report and article for publication", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides students with the opportunity to explore one aspect of their nursing practice through the conduct of a focussed systematic review. Conducting a systematic review of the literature assists in developing skills in preparing a review protocol, undertaking a literature search, appraising research, summarising and synthesising the findings from independent studies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6819": {"id": "56I9f7yEMQhg5k_l4-RGz", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "O3Z8MwmwPalVwFf4fJed8", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24989, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 4, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 2078, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 2078, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6820": {"id": "rhEYxVJkurFj_qvEPQI3E", "course_id": "103145", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103145", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Applied Pharmacology in Nursing", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7015", "CLASS_NBR": 29021, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Face to Face weekly compulsory sessions for international students as per ESOS compliance", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Graduate Certificate in Nursing Science or Master of Nursing Science", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Essay and Drug Monograph", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will build on nurses understanding of drug use and administration. Drugs will be discussed according to their class of action. Students will learn how drugs are chosen for particular effects. The pharmacological principles of pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, adverse effects, contraindications and precautions will be described using examples from different drug classes. The polypharmacy and the quality use of medicines will also be presented.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6821": {"id": "rhEYxVJkurFj_qvEPQI3E", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "kZM_KzfsDgSprb0J-69rR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29021, "section": "WR01", "size": 90, "enrolled": 14, "available": 76, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059b, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059b, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "6822": {"id": "CvLnNW590NHA1IsWZbeaV", "course_id": "107892", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107892", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Part I", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7021A", "CLASS_NBR": 19199, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 1 hour per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Master of Nursing Science. Students must have the prior approval of the Master of Nursing Science Program Coordinator or Head of School Nursing for enrolment.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "NURSING 7102OL", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research statement, literature review", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course requires the student to identify a research question with rationale and conduct a literature review", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 07/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "6823": {"id": "CvLnNW590NHA1IsWZbeaV", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "kZ61tC-e2iszD6EOMik8D", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19199, "section": "01NT", "size": 50, "enrolled": 3, "available": 47, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "6824": {"id": "Np_zGQji-r1_4x1-QZvMl", "course_id": "107892", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107892", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Part I", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7021A", "CLASS_NBR": 29023, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 1 hour per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Master of Nursing Science. Students must have the prior approval of the Master of Nursing Science Program Coordinator or Head of School Nursing for enrolment.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "NURSING 7102OL", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research statement, literature review", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course requires the student to identify a research question with rationale and conduct a literature review", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "6825": {"id": "Np_zGQji-r1_4x1-QZvMl", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "g8ILScikXgtKL4Dshc53M", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29023, "section": "01NT", "size": 50, "enrolled": 2, "available": 48, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "6826": {"id": "Fbmc-YZToeh3vF3-ntnQ_", "course_id": "107893", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107893", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Part II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7021B", "CLASS_NBR": 19200, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 1 hour per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Master of Nursing Science. Students must have the prior approval of the Master of Nursing Science Program Coordinator or Head of School Nursing for enrolment.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "NURSING 7021A", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ethics application", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course requires the student to develop their research proposal and successfully gain ethical approval to conduct the research", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 07/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "6827": {"id": "Fbmc-YZToeh3vF3-ntnQ_", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "jmYw-ezhphXN6DH5cuOn1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19200, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 4, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "6828": {"id": "kTl5Ib5zy-j1d3b8Mq7Gk", "course_id": "107893", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107893", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Part II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7021B", "CLASS_NBR": 29024, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 1 hour per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Master of Nursing Science. Students must have the prior approval of the Master of Nursing Science Program Coordinator or Head of School Nursing for enrolment.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "NURSING 7021A", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ethics application", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course requires the student to develop their research proposal and successfully gain ethical approval to conduct the research", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "6829": {"id": "kTl5Ib5zy-j1d3b8Mq7Gk", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "zfEPoWcu8wHvQjV7rtgnH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29024, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "6830": {"id": "_PL7gTWCHJXJbrZN6qXWp", "course_id": "107894", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107894", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Part III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7021C", "CLASS_NBR": 19201, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 1 hour per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Master of Nursing Science. Students must have the prior approval of the Master of Nursing Science Program Coordinator or Head of School Nursing for enrolment.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "NURSING 7021A AND NURSING 7021B", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Data collection, data analysis", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course requires the student to finalise their method/methodology and complete data collection and analysis", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 07/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "6831": {"id": "_PL7gTWCHJXJbrZN6qXWp", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "DOs6EGtTwygK3UhSiTxxH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19201, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 5, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "6832": {"id": "BgL3nAzlpvYksxYsDWZRu", "course_id": "107894", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107894", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Part III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7021C", "CLASS_NBR": 29025, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 1 hour per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Master of Nursing Science. Students must have the prior approval of the Master of Nursing Science Program Coordinator or Head of School Nursing for enrolment.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "NURSING 7021A AND NURSING 7021B", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Data collection, data analysis", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course requires the student to finalise their method/methodology and complete data collection and analysis", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "6833": {"id": "BgL3nAzlpvYksxYsDWZRu", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "aImA3V9nJU7Jp-7wgbbIh", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29025, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 4, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "6834": {"id": "WbRjb9tOi2RV2UR8A4Ros", "course_id": "107895", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107895", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Part IV", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7021D", "CLASS_NBR": 19202, "SESSION_CD": "TYD", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 1 hour per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Master of Nursing Science. Students must have the prior approval of the Master of Nursing Science Program Coordinator or Head of School Nursing for enrolment.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "NURSING 7021A AND NURSING 7021B", "CO_REQUISITE": "NURSING 7021C", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Presentation, journal article", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course requires the student to conduct a presentation and submit a journal article for publication", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6835": {"id": "WbRjb9tOi2RV2UR8A4Ros", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "NBUnb8bLz5pTJDzqN45eG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19202, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "6836": {"id": "mCMKH23d29Xp5DpO_-QXi", "course_id": "107895", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107895", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Part IV", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7021D", "CLASS_NBR": 29026, "SESSION_CD": "TYD", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 1 hour per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Master of Nursing Science. Students must have the prior approval of the Master of Nursing Science Program Coordinator or Head of School Nursing for enrolment.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "NURSING 7021A AND NURSING 7021B", "CO_REQUISITE": "NURSING 7021C", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Presentation, journal article", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course requires the student to conduct a presentation and submit a journal article for publication", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6837": {"id": "mCMKH23d29Xp5DpO_-QXi", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "XJuO9d6A-c3FLJWxWY3Er", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29026, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 5, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "6838": {"id": "VUTPVg49GpXMla10zh5mO", "course_id": "109100", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109100", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Undertaking Nursing Research: Exploring issues in clinical practice", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7030", "CLASS_NBR": 13194, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Weekly online sessions for domestic students; face to face weekly compulsory sessions for international students as per ESOS compliance", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Master of Nursing Science", "PRE_REQUISITE": "NURSING 7102OL", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment 1 \u2013 topic statement. Assessment 2 - research portfolio A. Assessment 3 - research portfolio B.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course focuses on how to conduct nursing research. It covers a range of both quantitative and qualitative methodologies and methods with a focus on how to use these research approaches and tools to identify answers to problems, issues and questions. Practical aspects of undertaking research are explored with an emphasis on research skill development. Course content includes philosophical underpinnings of research, ethical considerations, literature searching and reviewing, research methodologies, sampling / participant selection, common data collection methods, techniques for data analysis, writing research proposals and grant applications, managing a research project and dissemination research findings.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6839": {"id": "VUTPVg49GpXMla10zh5mO", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "i42eXewbRIbpvOHwmGYXX", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12932, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 13, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13194, "section": "TU02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "International students must enrol into this class."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 2078, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 2078, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6840": {"id": "buTNpfzUuG4IC2BtmXemY", "course_id": "109106", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109106", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Foundations of Critical Care", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7031", "CLASS_NBR": 10755, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Graduate Diploma in Nursing Science or Master of Nursing Science", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Search strategy, essay, quizzes, exam, clinical skills diary", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces the advanced practice nurse to the provision of care in the critical care setting. The concepts of assessment of the critically ill patient and the initial prioritising of care will be explored. The nursing and medical science related to the cardiac and pulmonary systems will be discussed in detail. The theoretical concepts and knowledge gained will enable the advanced practice nurse to engage in discussions regarding the principles of critical care nursing. It will have both theoretical and clinical components supported by classroom teaching. Students will also be expected to complete a range of clinical competencies throughout the course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6841": {"id": "buTNpfzUuG4IC2BtmXemY", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "CVOXiT-ho-lhRRjQQH77b", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10755, "section": "LE01", "size": 120, "enrolled": 107, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "AHMS, 2077, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "AHMS, 2077, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}]}]}]}]}, "6842": {"id": "mlHHjHV-5BWylTaelEmZd", "course_id": "105913", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105913", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Knowledge Translation", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7100", "CLASS_NBR": 10046, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Weekly online sessions for domestic students; face to face weekly compulsory sessions for international students as per ESOS compliance", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Graduate Diploma in Nursing Science or Master of Nursing Science", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online formative quizzes, learning journal, Knowledge Translation Project Plan", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills to access, critique and incorporate evidence into their practice with the aim of improving patient care. Students will; consider the context in which their practice occurs, use pragmatic methods of assessing where practice needs to improve and plan a practice change project through facilitating a multi-disciplinary team.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6843": {"id": "mlHHjHV-5BWylTaelEmZd", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "jttS5wl7fSyOhrPhuLoyT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10047, "section": "TU02", "size": 60, "enrolled": 26, "available": 34, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "International students must enrol into this class."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11502, "section": "TU01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 58, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "vsAtBfQiD8ayLy2Dufwbi", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10046, "section": "WR01", "size": 120, "enrolled": 84, "available": 36, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "AHMS, 5052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 May - 14 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "AHMS, 5052a&b, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6844": {"id": "aS5NU11oruNvOftOUTvTE", "course_id": "105913", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105913", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Knowledge Translation", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7100", "CLASS_NBR": 20035, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Weekly online sessions for domestic students; face to face weekly compulsory sessions for international students as per ESOS compliance", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Graduate Diploma in Nursing Science or Master of Nursing Science", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online formative quizzes, learning journal, Knowledge Translation Project Plan", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills to access, critique and incorporate evidence into their practice with the aim of improving patient care. Students will; consider the context in which their practice occurs, use pragmatic methods of assessing where practice needs to improve and plan a practice change project through facilitating a multi-disciplinary team.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6845": {"id": "aS5NU11oruNvOftOUTvTE", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "Zs42kFWS0duv_zhCOlifQ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20036, "section": "TU02", "size": 60, "enrolled": 27, "available": 33, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "International students must enrol into this class."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 7052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 7052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21533, "section": "TU01", "size": 65, "enrolled": 57, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "CP5E8rCU-RNza1HwlxGhD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20035, "section": "WR01", "size": 120, "enrolled": 84, "available": 36, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "AHMS, 1068, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "AHMS, 1068, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6846": {"id": "rvujZmgfmZERlBP61pxEc", "course_id": "105914", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105914", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Professional Practice", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7101", "CLASS_NBR": 11096, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Weekly online sessions for domestic students; face to face weekly compulsory sessions for international students as per ESOS compliance", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Master of Nursing Science or Graduate Diploma in Nursing Science", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online quiz, portfolio of activities", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to provide students with an opportunity to consider a number of issues faced by registered nurses in advanced practice settings. Concepts such as accountability, ethical decision-making, advocacy, leadership in nursing practice, culturally competent nursing, evidence-based practice and the nurse practitioner role are considered as this course assists the student to explore the parameters within which nurses practice.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6847": {"id": "rvujZmgfmZERlBP61pxEc", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "ukCl3pYZFl46dFFeaPsFC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11096, "section": "TU01", "size": 120, "enrolled": 77, "available": 43, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Weekly online sessions for domestic students; face to face weekly compulsory sessions for international students as per ESOS compliance"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "AHMS, 2078, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "AHMS, 2078, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6848": {"id": "X4tjm2g6owJ5tN5Zva7MD", "course_id": "105914", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105914", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Professional Practice", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7101", "CLASS_NBR": 21057, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Weekly online sessions for domestic students; face to face weekly compulsory sessions for international students as per ESOS compliance", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Master of Nursing Science or Graduate Diploma in Nursing Science", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online quiz, portfolio of activities", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to provide students with an opportunity to consider a number of issues faced by registered nurses in advanced practice settings. Concepts such as accountability, ethical decision-making, advocacy, leadership in nursing practice, culturally competent nursing, evidence-based practice and the nurse practitioner role are considered as this course assists the student to explore the parameters within which nurses practice.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6849": {"id": "X4tjm2g6owJ5tN5Zva7MD", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "TsvIaCi9oFnuP7p8i3kBb", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21057, "section": "TU01", "size": 120, "enrolled": 106, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Please note, face to face attendance of these classes is compulsory for international students as per ESOS compliance. Domestic students, please refer to MyUni/CANVAS for further information as you do not need to attend this course on campus."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, 2078, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, 2078, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "AHMS, 2078, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, 2078, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6850": {"id": "Wg8xrgAiu8542OKcKiE3H", "course_id": "105915", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105915", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Literacy", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7102", "CLASS_NBR": 13193, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Weekly online sessions for domestic students; face to face weekly compulsory sessions for international students as per ESOS compliance", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Graduate Diploma in Nursing Science or Master of Nursing Science", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment 1 \u2013 analysis of research approaches. Assessments 2 & 3 article critiques", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to familiarise students with the methodologies used in health research. Students will learn about empirical methods such as experimental studies and also the fundamentals of interpretive and critical methodologies, such as phenomenology. The aim is for students to learn how to read and critically evaluate research relating to their practice.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6851": {"id": "Wg8xrgAiu8542OKcKiE3H", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "KHJLpmljk0cXa1OqB8L3I", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11095, "section": "TU01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 58, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13193, "section": "TU02", "size": 60, "enrolled": 46, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "International students must enrol into this class."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "AHMS, 1068, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "AHMS, 1068, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6852": {"id": "LVIfFvFE9DA3wRrvhJ0I3", "course_id": "105915", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105915", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Literacy", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7102", "CLASS_NBR": 23105, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Weekly online sessions for domestic students; face to face weekly compulsory sessions for international students as per ESOS compliance", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Graduate Diploma in Nursing Science or Master of Nursing Science", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment 1 \u2013 analysis of research approaches. Assessments 2 & 3 article critiques", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to familiarise students with the methodologies used in health research. Students will learn about empirical methods such as experimental studies and also the fundamentals of interpretive and critical methodologies, such as phenomenology. The aim is for students to learn how to read and critically evaluate research relating to their practice.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6853": {"id": "LVIfFvFE9DA3wRrvhJ0I3", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "3PfWPDHx1PmvbrDhSJ8NH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22229, "section": "TU01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 41, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23105, "section": "TU02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 23, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "International students must enrol into this class."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "AHMS, 2078, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "AHMS, 2078, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6854": {"id": "hLMo5u9QRiTX4C0KjoQjC", "course_id": "106039", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106039", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Acute Care Nursing I", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7105", "CLASS_NBR": 12916, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Flexible delivery mode with online classroom lectures, workshop", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Graduate Diploma in Nursing Science or Master of Nursing Science", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Basic anatomy and physiology", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online quiz, portfolio, presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will examine nursing and medical science in relation to acute care nursing in the adult sector and will examine advanced principles of acute care nursing focusing on a systems approach. Pathophysiology and disease progression will be incorporated into a clinically focused agenda. Theoretical concepts and clinical practice will be interwoven. This course will be supported by synchronised online collaborative learning.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6855": {"id": "hLMo5u9QRiTX4C0KjoQjC", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "yrISIVCH0VbI9CZRZ98ft", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12916, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 12, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Workshops for 7105 & 7113 are held on the same day, consecutively. Please ensure that you attend both and for the whole workshop."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "29 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}, {"dates": "29 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2069/2070, Hospital Sim Suite 1a&b"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "8KvN9QBOSGHaj0tp0vpWl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14473, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 12, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "6856": {"id": "vA6VlDtSrdEPnQF5cGYif", "course_id": "106040", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106040", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Acute Care Nursing II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7106", "CLASS_NBR": 23777, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Graduate Diploma in Nursing Science or Master of Nursing Science", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Basic anatomy and physiology", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online quiz, case study, poster", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will further examine nursing and medical science in relation to acute care nursing in the adult sector. Common pathologies and current treatment modalities will be explored. This course will build and develop knowledge of advanced physiology, pathophysiology, therapeutics and nursing science within the context of acute care nursing. This course will be supported by synchronised online collaborative learning.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6857": {"id": "vA6VlDtSrdEPnQF5cGYif", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "-IAMAwofIZ_UIH4lmTEDr", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23777, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 14, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Sep - 4 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "9jCXqqOetb2amXpZXBIah", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25086, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 14, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "6858": {"id": "3eTDgHXvhkNGs-RXSog6Q", "course_id": "106048", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106048", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Recognition & Response to Clinical Deterioration", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7113", "CLASS_NBR": 11203, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Flexible delivery mode with online classroom lectures plus one on-campus workshop during the Semester", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M.NurSc and G.DipNurSc students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Basic anatomy and physiology of the human body", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Reflective Practice, Clinical Assessment Sheet (CAS), Written Assignment and Quizzes", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will equip the Acute Care Nurse with physical assessment skills that enable early recognition of the adult patient suffering unexpected clinical deterioration, leading to timely and appropriate management. It will provide both theoretical and clinical components that enable application to practice. Synchronised online collaborative learning will support learning and teaching goals. Topics will include, but are not limited to, pathophysiology and emergency management using a systematic approach to body systems, supported by Australian Resuscitation Guidelines where appropriate.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6859": {"id": "3eTDgHXvhkNGs-RXSog6Q", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "_Q3g2_a5TKOqfC9QgVDMl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11203, "section": "WR01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Workshops for 7105 & 7113 are held on the same day, consecutively. Please ensure that you attend both and for the whole workshop."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "29 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}, {"dates": "29 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2069/2070, Hospital Sim Suite 1a&b"}]}]}]}]}, "6860": {"id": "ECzV7cMicXfeXsgeVd9gv", "course_id": "106053", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106053", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Critical Care Essentials", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7118", "CLASS_NBR": 18671, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Flexible delivery mode and three on-campus workshops", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Graduate Diploma in Nursing Science or Master of Nursing Science", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Anatomy and Physiology", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Structured clinical assessment, clinical assessment sheets, quizzes", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will prepare clinicians practicing in critical care environments to assess, identify and manage those patients experiencing (or with the potential to experience) a critical physiological decline. This will include the identification of the deteriorating patient, incorporating advanced assessment skills and advanced life support skills. These specialised critical care skills will enable the clinician to participate in the holistic approach to the delivery of critical care within the framework of a multidisciplinary team.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6861": {"id": "ECzV7cMicXfeXsgeVd9gv", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "R-e8wTQ111xz7jm7HgKXk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11074, "section": "WR02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 20, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2069/2070, Hospital Sim Suite 1a&b"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}, {"dates": "8 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2069/2070, Hospital Sim Suite 1a&b"}, {"dates": "8 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}, {"dates": "8 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "22 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}, {"dates": "22 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2069/2070, Hospital Sim Suite 1a&b"}, {"dates": "12 Jun - 12 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11990, "section": "WR01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 21, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 2069/2070, Hospital Sim Suite 1a&b"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}, {"dates": "8 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 2069/2070, Hospital Sim Suite 1a&b"}, {"dates": "8 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}, {"dates": "8 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "22 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 2069/2070, Hospital Sim Suite 1a&b"}, {"dates": "22 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}, {"dates": "12 Jun - 12 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6862": {"id": "nx4T-rDlD5sLqITQ0L0lO", "course_id": "106053", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106053", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Critical Care Essentials", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7118", "CLASS_NBR": 28628, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Flexible delivery mode and three on-campus workshops", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Graduate Diploma in Nursing Science or Master of Nursing Science", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Anatomy and Physiology", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Structured clinical assessment, clinical assessment sheets, quizzes", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will prepare clinicians practicing in critical care environments to assess, identify and manage those patients experiencing (or with the potential to experience) a critical physiological decline. This will include the identification of the deteriorating patient, incorporating advanced assessment skills and advanced life support skills. These specialised critical care skills will enable the clinician to participate in the holistic approach to the delivery of critical care within the framework of a multidisciplinary team.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6863": {"id": "nx4T-rDlD5sLqITQ0L0lO", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "VG1aMaDRHGdAs-tObzfyW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20737, "section": "WR01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 23, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "No more places will be opened for this class in 2024. Please contact the course coordinator if you have further questions."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "14 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 2069/2070, Hospital Sim Suite 1a&b"}, {"dates": "14 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}, {"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 2069/2070, Hospital Sim Suite 1a&b"}, {"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}, {"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "23 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 2069/2070, Hospital Sim Suite 1a&b"}, {"dates": "23 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}, {"dates": "30 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20979, "section": "WR02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 22, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "No more places will be opened for this class in 2024. Please contact the course coordinator if you have further questions."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "14 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2069/2070, Hospital Sim Suite 1a&b"}, {"dates": "14 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}, {"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2069/2070, Hospital Sim Suite 1a&b"}, {"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}, {"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "23 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}, {"dates": "23 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2069/2070, Hospital Sim Suite 1a&b"}, {"dates": "30 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 28628, "section": "WR03", "size": 24, "enrolled": 24, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "No more places will be opened for this class in 2024. Please contact the course coordinator if you have further questions."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "20 Aug - 20 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2069/2070, Hospital Sim Suite 1a&b"}, {"dates": "20 Aug - 20 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}, {"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11:30am", "end_time": "2:30pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2:30pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "AHMS, 2069/2070, Hospital Sim Suite 1a&b"}, {"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2:30pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2069/2070, Hospital Sim Suite 1a&b"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}, {"dates": "29 Oct - 29 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6864": {"id": "tmj0IW0VVRLdqdNPyMR5y", "course_id": "106077", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106077", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Intensive Care II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7136", "CLASS_NBR": 25219, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Graduate Diploma in Nursing Science or Master of Nursing Science", "PRE_REQUISITE": "NURSING 7031", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Systems Anatomy and Physiology", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Case study, pre-sighted written examination, structured clinical assessment, clinical skills and reflective practice diary", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will develop the skills and knowledge obtained in Nursing 7031 Foundations of Critical Care. This course considers the pathophysiology of complex patient conditions requiring intensive care, as well as assessment, monitoring, and advanced therapeutics. The content builds on the foundation knowledge from Nursing 7031 Foundations of Critical Care by continuing a systems approach to the development of advanced intensive care nursing knowledge and practice. Content will focus on care of the patient with neurological, renal, gastrointestinal, endocrine, haematological, and multisystem disorders. Promotion of evidence-based practice will be integral to course delivery and clinical case review. The focus will be on the collaborative multidisciplinary management of the complex intensive care patient and the critical care nurse's role within this team. Leadership skills will be developed through a workshop to prepare students to take on advance practice roles in the intensive care unit.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6865": {"id": "tmj0IW0VVRLdqdNPyMR5y", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "JUMQSKc8Yixa_zyKSGIMd", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23740, "section": "SE01", "size": 32, "enrolled": 26, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 6052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 29 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 6052a&b, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "GkhO14yOpEENHDfFmsJUB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25219, "section": "WR02", "size": 16, "enrolled": 12, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25220, "section": "WR01", "size": 16, "enrolled": 14, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}]}]}]}]}, "6866": {"id": "ZGZm7uszNvTAk1njJ9hwj", "course_id": "106080", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106080", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Haematology/Oncology Nursing I", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7138", "CLASS_NBR": 12753, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Flexible delivery mode; 2 day workshop; weekly, 1 hour tutorial via the online classroom", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Graduate Diploma in Nursing Science or Master of Nursing Science", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Portfolio, presentation, clinical learning diary", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "Course offered in even years", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course of study aims to increase a student's theoretical knowledge of the disease process and treatment of cancer. It will examine the concepts of epidemiology, aetiology and pathology of cancer along with contemporary and emerging treatment modalities and their effects. The cancer journey is considered with a focus on developing understanding of the patient experience. Skills acquirement within the students clinical environment is an integral part of this course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6867": {"id": "ZGZm7uszNvTAk1njJ9hwj", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "ZmrS_NROFM9d1efjnsidG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12753, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 20, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "21 Feb - 21 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 5052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2071/2072, Hospital Sim Suite 2a&2b"}, {"dates": "29 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2069/2070, Hospital Sim Suite 1a&b"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "BtF53tnOTSUljgyaVBPMV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14751, "section": "LE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 20, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "6868": {"id": "FaTAachxACuOfBO8lfAI6", "course_id": "106081", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106081", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Haematology/Oncology Nursing II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7139", "CLASS_NBR": 22613, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Flexible delivery mode, 2 day workshop, weekly 1 hour tutorial via the online classroom", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Graduate Diploma in Nursing Science or Master of Nursing Science", "PRE_REQUISITE": "NURSING 7138", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Portfolio, presentation, case study, clinical learning diary", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "Offered in even years", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course of study builds on the topics covered in Semester 1. It will enable the student to apply the concepts of epidemiology, pathophysiology and disease process to specific malignancies and how they are managed. Sub speciality paediatric haematology/oncology care is also addressed; other specific areas will include nutrition and oncology emergencies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6869": {"id": "FaTAachxACuOfBO8lfAI6", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "8eitl4bC3QukPvKSX2XLN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22613, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 21, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Aug - 28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 5052a&b, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "1MhYFFgJo59FUhfbLi9fJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22612, "section": "LE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 21, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "6870": {"id": "2YJ9MOGbskxyaiMCx8zJf", "course_id": "106082", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106082", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Haematology/Oncology Nursing Practice", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7140", "CLASS_NBR": 15780, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Online", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Graduate Diploma in Nursing Science or Master of Nursing Science", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Portfolio and essay", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "Course offered in even years", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course students will examine and consider concepts of haematology/oncology nursing practice that are essential for safe and effective patient outcomes. Students will learn about various practice-related issues within their cancer care setting.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6871": {"id": "2YJ9MOGbskxyaiMCx8zJf", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "WciB_w54ovTxJispdsP3i", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15780, "section": "01NT", "size": 30, "enrolled": 22, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "6872": {"id": "kArmeFAxAN9fIxnhjb1CD", "course_id": "106084", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106084", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Orthopaedic Trauma Nursing", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7141", "CLASS_NBR": 12792, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Weekly 2 hour tutorial via the online classroom", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Graduate Diploma in Nursing Science and Master of Nursing Science", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online referencing module, portfolio, online presentation, online participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "Offered in even years", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to increase a student's level of theoretical knowledge about fundamental bone anatomy and physiology. It will identify how this knowledge influences the identification, treatment, management and observation in complications of traumatic injuries. Focus will be on how individualised nursing care can assist the patient's recovery following a traumatic injury.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6873": {"id": "kArmeFAxAN9fIxnhjb1CD", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "9rpIPWKyZi6DelwwM_nDi", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12792, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 12, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "6874": {"id": "_eT9MqxyC6lRB9SZveaBS", "course_id": "106086", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106086", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Orthopaedic Nursing Practice I", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7142", "CLASS_NBR": 14474, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Two day workshop on-campus", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Graduate Diploma in Nursing Science and Master of Nursing Science", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online quiz, essay, clinical diary", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "Offered in even years", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to develop those skills required to function as an advanced Orthopaedic nurse, specifically allowing an effective assessment of gait, range of movement and radiological images. The course will also provide theoretical knowledge and skills to complete an orthopaedic-specific physical and functional assessment. This is presented in a theoretical format and via a two-day workshop on campus.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6875": {"id": "_eT9MqxyC6lRB9SZveaBS", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "XYMPcbi6G9iko8BB_K0ZV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14474, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 9, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2050, Simulation Suite 1"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "1AU6TxupqJfBCl6zrewWo", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19194, "section": "LEC0", "size": 30, "enrolled": 9, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "6876": {"id": "uyPm-0Ka4TmfylFDNx454", "course_id": "106089", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106089", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Therapeutic Management of the Orthopaedic Patient", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7143", "CLASS_NBR": 24746, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Weekly 2 hour tutorial via the online classroom", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Graduate Diploma in Nursing Science or Master of Nursing Science", "PRE_REQUISITE": "NURSING 7142 and NURSING 7141", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Case study, portfolio, online presentation and online participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "Offered in even years", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will examine factors that are not unique to orthopaedic nursing but influence the day-to-day and long term management of the orthopaedic patient. Providing a greater understanding of the impact of these factors allows the advanced clinician to provide effective, individualised care for each patient. There is a strong focus on chronic disease specific to orthopaedics including a theoretical component of disease processes and the impact on practical nursing care.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6877": {"id": "uyPm-0Ka4TmfylFDNx454", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "g60Lro7CTMA1MXJP3HCcC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24746, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 10, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "6878": {"id": "k_B6tNerw-nysyobjKPCq", "course_id": "106090", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106090", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Orthopaedic Nursing Practice II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7144", "CLASS_NBR": 24439, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Two day workshop on-campus", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Graduate Diploma in Nursing Science or Master of Nursing Science", "PRE_REQUISITE": "NURSING 7142", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online quiz, essay, clinical diary", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "Offered in even years", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to further develop those skills required to function as an advanced Orthopaedic nurse. Specifically the skills and theoretical knowledge required to apply/manage effective traction, splinting and/or immobilise a limb post-injury. This is presented in a theoretical format and via a two-day workshop on campus. This course will also focus on spinal disorders and the knowledge required for the rehabilitation of the spinal and the general orthopaedic patient.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6879": {"id": "k_B6tNerw-nysyobjKPCq", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "CM6yvo2KTf-Vzd88whTIM", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24439, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 10, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Aug - 7 Aug", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "v0MUfjbuZynWGzD59sxWi", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29020, "section": "LEC0", "size": 30, "enrolled": 10, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "6880": {"id": "QFFJ_g08g5H-2dGlZ8G83", "course_id": "109105", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109105", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Cardiovascular Care", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7151", "CLASS_NBR": 20690, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Graduate Diploma of Nursing Science (Cardiac)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "NURSING 7031", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Search strategy & synopsis, case study presentations, written exam, viva voce, clinical skills diary", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course is designed for nurses caring for the interventional, medical and surgical cardiovascular patient cohorts. The course consists of a number of sections including risk factors, assessment & investigations; pathophysiology & medical management of the cardiovascular patient; other management strategies are such as, mechanical cardiac support, interventional cardiology, cardiac surgery and transplantation; and finally, secondary prevention, cardiac rehabilitation & palliation. The theoretical concepts and knowledge gained will enable the advanced practice nurse to engage in discussions regarding the principles of cardiovascular care nursing. It will have both theoretical and clinical components supported by classroom teaching. Students will also be expected to complete a range of clinical competencies throughout the course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6881": {"id": "QFFJ_g08g5H-2dGlZ8G83", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "2qQm8FuO3FPB3SrWM6JH6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20690, "section": "LE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 13, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "AHMS, 8052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "AHMS, 8052a&b, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6882": {"id": "zN4lqziS02NHDyBIqB0xx", "course_id": "109838", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109838", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Emergency Nursing", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7154", "CLASS_NBR": 25534, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Graduate Diploma in Nursing Science or Master of Nursing Science", "PRE_REQUISITE": "NURSING 7031", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Case study - Literature search strategy, rationale and plan, Case study, Presentation and Pre-sighted Exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces the emergency nurse to the provision of care to those patients presenting to the emergency department. The concepts of patient assessment, care delivery and ongoing management of the emergency department patient priorities will be explored. The content will be primarily oriented toward the adult patient. Reference to physiological changes throughout the age span including neonates, infants, paediatrics and geriatrics will be made when appropriate, and reference will be made to the approaches to clinical management and care delivery. There will be practical clinical workshops in assessment and skills that build on the theory taught with greater small group focus and Nursing / Medical professional input through specialty guest presenters.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6883": {"id": "zN4lqziS02NHDyBIqB0xx", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "hX-jIluBgxCEHJjxKxp5q", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20691, "section": "LE01", "size": 75, "enrolled": 65, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "4FpsN0OD1daOgXrN5NTGH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25534, "section": "PR01", "size": 75, "enrolled": 65, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6884": {"id": "_VQqf22mhts-5pGAe9L4V", "course_id": "106104", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106104", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Nursing Science", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7200", "CLASS_NBR": 12938, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Master of Clinical Nursing", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Writing/Referencing Diagnostic, Psychosocial Health Assessment/Critical Reflection, Hand Hygiene Certificate, Case Scenario", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will introduce cultural, health beliefs and practices, epidemiological, immunological, pharmacological, and psychological and social science concepts that are relevant to nursing care.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6885": {"id": "_VQqf22mhts-5pGAe9L4V", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "FB6C_lge_d_3Rb6yXfjIk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10553, "section": "TU01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 41, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059b, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059b, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Jun - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059b, Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12938, "section": "TU02", "size": 28, "enrolled": 26, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Jun - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6886": {"id": "8bcIwnskmJk-okxOKEZoI", "course_id": "106105", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106105", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Fundamental of Nursing Practice I", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7201", "CLASS_NBR": 11144, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Master of Clinical Nursing", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Group presentation, inquiry based learning participation, case study", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will introduce underlying principles of pathophysiology and pharmacology for selected health problems. The nursing process will be used to implement patient centred care to patients with selected health problems.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6887": {"id": "8bcIwnskmJk-okxOKEZoI", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "ZFrQfycJ8EGlIAVjc64ka", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10281, "section": "TU01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 43, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, 1059b, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 30 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, 1059b, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Jun - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, 1059b, Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12939, "section": "TU02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 6052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 30 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 6052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Jun - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 6052a&b, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "Vso-LFNHfbUYRNb1EqwnL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11144, "section": "WR03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 8052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 30 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 8052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Jun - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 8052a&b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11145, "section": "WR02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 22, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 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13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, 8052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "AHMS, 8052a&b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22774, "section": "TU02", "size": 40, "enrolled": 40, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "TRUjry1MCAjA1mkUA5fkW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21083, "section": "WR03", "size": 24, "enrolled": 24, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 8052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 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Face to Face weekly compulsory sessions for international students as per ESOS compliance.", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Master of Clinical Nursing", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quiz Series x 3, Essay, Reflection", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will introduce nursing as a profession and the Acts, standards and competencies that govern the scope of practice. Evidence based practice, and quality and safety of health care will also be addressed. The importance of beginning reflective processes on learning and development will be established.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6891": {"id": "R96ZA2hVURKBwr1kNxNd5", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "YCA5KxRHYSUhuC4eAbpNg", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10554, "section": "TU01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 34, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 8052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 8052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Jun - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 8052a&b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12940, "section": "TU02", "size": 40, "enrolled": 33, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Jun - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6892": {"id": "K97R6g1vVVFo25F9gEKv_", "course_id": "106108", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106108", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Clinical Nursing Practice I", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7204", "CLASS_NBR": 11005, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Master of Clinical Nursing", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Professional development portfolio and activities. Professional practice essay.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides opportunity for students to experience the reality of practice and begin to apply theoretical and scientific concepts. Students will have the opportunity to begin to learn how to practice in accordance with the NMBA National Nursing Competency Standards for the Registered Nurse.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6893": {"id": "K97R6g1vVVFo25F9gEKv_", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "393z-cFpWegHsPHboD6wb", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11005, "section": "TU01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 73, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 1 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "5 Jun - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "VhHBM99jmudBB4ykI8yUu", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11151, "section": "PR01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 41, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 May - 1 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S111a/b, Health Suites Combined"}, {"dates": "5 Jun - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12752, "section": "PR02", "size": 38, "enrolled": 32, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 May - 1 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S111a/b, Health Suites Combined"}, {"dates": "5 Jun - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6894": {"id": "IgcIZUOAw7SrgKQ7iZ-FU", "course_id": "106116", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106116", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Clinical Nursing Practice II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7205", "CLASS_NBR": 23315, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Master of Clinical Nursing", "PRE_REQUISITE": "NURSING 7204", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Blood Safe module, Pre-skills Quiz series x 4. Comprehensive teaching plan, teaching video and reflection. OSCE (hurdle req)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides opportunity for students to experience the reality of practice and begin to apply theoretical and scientific concepts. Students will have the opportunity to begin to learn how to practice in accordance with the NMBA National Nursing Competency Standards for the Registered Nurse.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6895": {"id": "IgcIZUOAw7SrgKQ7iZ-FU", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "zZb7dI2vsousYK0eLSGcO", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23315, "section": "TU01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 71, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "1ds2j8NMaDV13Z4vvMOre", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21113, "section": "PR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 40, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 12 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25573, "section": "PR02", "size": 40, "enrolled": 31, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 12 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 1061, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6896": {"id": "Zr12BYfy6F9jA8k-35Hay", "course_id": "106120", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106120", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Clinical Nursing Practice III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7206", "CLASS_NBR": 15532, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Master of Clinical Nursing", "PRE_REQUISITE": "NURSING 7204 and NURSING 7205", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Clinical practice/performance/assessment, oral structured clinical examination (OSCE), essay and clinically focused teaching", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will provide opportunity to extend nursing practice in caring for patients in high acuity settings. Students will have the opportunity to begin to learn how to practice in accordance with the NMBA National Nursing Competency Standards for the Registered Nurse.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6897": {"id": "Zr12BYfy6F9jA8k-35Hay", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "7ObkVm1KtaMVnP8sUsGjM", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13536, "section": "LE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 49, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 18 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 May - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Jun - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "5EN7PE071S8HGt1CuxhZ8", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11152, "section": "PR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "AHMS, 2050, Simulation Suite 1"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "AHMS, 2081, Simulation Suite 2"}, {"dates": "14 May - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "AHMS, 2050, Simulation Suite 1"}, {"dates": "14 May - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "AHMS, 2081, Simulation Suite 2"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13537, "section": "PR02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 19, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2050, Simulation Suite 1"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2081, Simulation Suite 2"}, {"dates": "14 May - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2050, Simulation Suite 1"}, {"dates": "14 May - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2081, Simulation Suite 2"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "eu0v17ljXTsYpDy42J97N", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15532, "section": "SE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 49, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Jun - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}]}]}]}]}, "6898": {"id": "sQ5fKLsyVvT3CL73Ajhen", "course_id": "106121", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106121", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Clinical Nursing Practice IV", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7207", "CLASS_NBR": 24750, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Master of Clinical Nursing", "PRE_REQUISITE": "NURSING 7206", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Clinical practice/performance/assessment, oral structured clinical examination (OSCE), essay and reverse sim", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will provide opportunity to consolidate nursing practice in caring for patients in all health care settings. Students will have the opportunity to begin to learn how to practice in accordance with the NMBA National Nursing Competency Standards for the Registered Nurse.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6899": {"id": "sQ5fKLsyVvT3CL73Ajhen", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "q5CsL_4LYq1klvvuPG99o", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21114, "section": "PR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 19, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 5 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10:30am", "location": "AHMS, 2081, Simulation Suite 2"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 5 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10:30am", "location": "AHMS, 2050, Simulation Suite 1"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23608, "section": "PR02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 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20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "15 May - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "q3ySE9ihlI3myDZAsxZsB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11826, "section": "WR01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 50, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 2075, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 2076, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 2077, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 2078, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 8052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 May - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 2075, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 May - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 2076, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 May - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 2077, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 May - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 2078, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 May - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 8052a&b, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "s-3Z-NVSaVCr0v3jlL8sh", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14110, "section": "LE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 50, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "15 May - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}]}]}]}]}, "6906": {"id": "2TIH0Ioim1UBTPyOLXmQu", "course_id": "107306", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107306", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Applied Nursing Practice II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7213", "CLASS_NBR": 21086, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 10 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Master of Clinical Nursing", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Concept map, presentation, PBL participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an opportunity to further extend and refine all aspects of nursing practice for clients in complex health care across the lifespan.Develop and refine skills of observation, assessment, communication and documentation apply and integrate knowledge from the nursing and biological sciences and evidence based practice into complex health care, articulate the impact of complex illness on patients and families across the lifespan and critically analyse nursing practice.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6907": {"id": "2TIH0Ioim1UBTPyOLXmQu", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "hJRXha2DhR5nP--HM0Iz9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21086, "section": "WR06", "size": 10, "enrolled": 10, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "These workshops are PBL sessions."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 8052b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21087, "section": "WR05", "size": 10, "enrolled": 10, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "These workshops are PBL sessions."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 8052a, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21088, "section": "WR04", "size": 10, "enrolled": 10, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "These workshops are PBL sessions."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 7052b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21089, "section": "WR03", "size": 10, "enrolled": 7, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "These workshops are PBL sessions."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 7052a, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21091, "section": "WR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 10, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "These workshops are PBL sessions."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, 6052a, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "RXoBwhkKm83oSmJOy1117", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20209, "section": "TU01", "size": 90, "enrolled": 51, "available": 39, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Assessment", "id": "afRuV2LSp9yGQK-Z5ydB2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22178, "section": "AS06", "size": 10, "enrolled": 7, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Please ensure you have enrolled in the same group number for both the Assessment and Workshop classes i.e. WRK06 + ASM 06."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Nov - 5 Nov", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "AHMS, 8052b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22179, "section": "AS05", "size": 10, "enrolled": 6, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Please ensure you have enrolled in the same group number for both the Assessment and Workshop classes i.e. WRK05 + ASM 05."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Nov - 5 Nov", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "AHMS, 8052a, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22180, "section": "AS04", "size": 10, "enrolled": 9, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Please ensure you have enrolled in the same group number for both the Assessment and Workshop classes i.e. WRK04 + ASM 04."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Nov - 5 Nov", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "AHMS, 7052b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22181, "section": "AS03", "size": 10, "enrolled": 10, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Please ensure you have enrolled in the same group number for both the Assessment and Workshop classes i.e. WRK03 + ASM 03."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Nov - 5 Nov", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "AHMS, 7052a, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22182, "section": "AS02", "size": 10, "enrolled": 9, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Please ensure you have enrolled in the same group number for both the Assessment and Workshop classes i.e. WRK02 + ASM 02."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Nov - 5 Nov", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "AHMS, 6052b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22183, "section": "AS01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 10, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Please ensure you have enrolled in the same group number for both the Assessment and Workshop classes i.e. WRK01 + ASM 01."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Nov - 5 Nov", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "AHMS, 6052a, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6908": {"id": "ILX31ITQWZ7MyKRBMsIuX", "course_id": "110278", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110278", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Methods for Health", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7216", "CLASS_NBR": 10027, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Face-to-face weekly compulsory sessions for international students as per ESOS compliance.", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Master of Clinical Nursing", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Workshop attendance and participation, Literature search and project plan, Poster", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course you will become familiar with research methodologies used in health research. You will learn about empirical methods such as experimental studies and also the fundamentals of interpretive and critical methodologies, such as phenomenology. The aim is for you to learn how to read and critically evaluate research relating to your practice; understand the importance of research to clinical practice and understand how you can utilise research in your future career.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6909": {"id": "ILX31ITQWZ7MyKRBMsIuX", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "_vj6GBldYsqcCMd_MAoLA", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10027, "section": "TU01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 47, "available": 33, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "15 May - 15 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}, {"dates": "29 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}]}]}]}]}, "6910": {"id": "YpirPWZURRVspRz8fUWGz", "course_id": "110280", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110280", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Concepts of Leadership and Management in Nursing", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "NURSING", "CATALOG_NBR": "7217", "CLASS_NBR": 20851, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "1 hour x 6 sessions. Face-to-face weekly compulsory sessions for international students as per ESOS compliance.", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Master of Clinical Nursing", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Reflection & Analysis x 2, Essay", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will explore contemporary issues related to leadership and management necessary for a registered nurse. All nurses have leadership and to some extent management responsibilities.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6911": {"id": "YpirPWZURRVspRz8fUWGz", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "6HRotyJ3R8JqFMsnFxvmG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20851, "section": "TU01", "size": 90, "enrolled": 51, "available": 39, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 5 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}]}]}]}]}, "6912": {"subject": "OB&GYNAE", "courses": {"courses": []}}, "6913": {"subject": "OCCTH", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "110421", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110425", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110417", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110450", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110481", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110501", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110493", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110446", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111298", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111299", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110505", "term": "4415", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110512", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110495", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110506", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111300", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}]}}, "6914": {"id": "aMyqEYDD-4RO5NmFtFme8", "course_id": "110421", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110421", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Occupational Science", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "OCCTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "1000", "CLASS_NBR": 15091, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061703", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Hons)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Final examination, various assignments and continuous assessment tasks", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, students will develop an understanding of occupation, environments as contexts in which occupation occurs and the interconnection between human occupation and health at a personal level. Students will be introduced to how these key concepts are applied in practice and therapy. Through reading, online learning activities, assignments and forum discussions, students will define occupations, communicate an understanding of occupation in differing cultural environments, and analyse occupation using narrative form. Students will participate in seminars where guest speakers will be invited to share insight and experience applying key concepts in practice and therapeutic settings. Student learning will be assessed through written and multimedia assignments, as well as through engagement in online learning activities.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6915": {"id": "aMyqEYDD-4RO5NmFtFme8", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "dOkFrmBa_CArnzpqwkp3g", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11594, "section": "WR01", "size": 38, "enrolled": 38, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 13 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 May - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13173, "section": "WR02", "size": 38, "enrolled": 34, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 13 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 May - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15091, "section": "WR04", "size": 38, "enrolled": 33, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 14 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 May - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "DlZYN-I41zhk02Kv8SvcV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10503, "section": "SE01", "size": 57, "enrolled": 56, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 26 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 402/403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 May - 20 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 402/403, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15090, "section": "SE02", "size": 57, "enrolled": 49, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 26 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 402/403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 May - 20 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 402/403, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "vCPzRBRSAazYn_tl1b0gD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14002, "section": "TU01", "size": 114, "enrolled": 105, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "1 May - 1 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "15 May - 15 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "29 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "0-ru9TJBoU_o_Tq05FFu-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19236, "section": "LEC0", "size": 114, "enrolled": 105, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "6916": {"id": "HqSPUYfdsSC5thd5jyICa", "course_id": "110425", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110425", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Occupational Perspectives of Health A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "OCCTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "2000", "CLASS_NBR": 14003, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061703", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Hons)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "OCCTH 1000", "CO_REQUISITE": "OCCTH 2001", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Final examination, various assignments and continuous assessment tasks", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, students will explore the theoretical foundation of occupational therapy and the relationship between occupation, health and well-being. Perspectives of how to learn and teach new occupations will be explored using key concepts from the Canadian Model of Occupational Performance and Engagement. Students will be taught pre-professional knowledge of occupation, community diversity, social participation and the impact of socioeconomic and environmental factors on participation. Students will develop and apply intentional communication skills as an important feature of culturally safe practice. Students will explore research to further their understanding of occupation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6917": {"id": "HqSPUYfdsSC5thd5jyICa", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "g726loFrYBwdFalIQkL6F", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11153, "section": "WR01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 35, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Mar - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14003, "section": "WR02", "size": 45, "enrolled": 42, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Mar - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "8IM33jT-E-jMtewCSyfPf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19237, "section": "LEC0", "size": 90, "enrolled": 77, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "6918": {"id": "WWHX8eMDZWBdEvg_JaEtv", "course_id": "110417", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110417", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Participation in Diverse Communities", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "OCCTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "2001", "CLASS_NBR": 23983, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061703", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Hons)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "OCCTH 2000 AND OCCTH 2003", "CO_REQUISITE": "OCCTH 2000", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Final examination, various assignments and continuous assessment tasks", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course students will further develop foundational concepts related to occupation through academic learning and placement within a community agency. Students will participate in community service with a diverse population, while developing pre-professional knowledge of occupation, community diversity, social participation, experiential learning and the impact of socioeconomic and environmental factors on participation. Service in the community will enable students to build skills in engaging with community stakeholders, critical reflection and professional behaviour. These concepts and skills will provide a foundation for future professional practice in a diverse and changing local and global communities. Professional accreditation requires a minimum level of clinical exposure. Student attendance at professional placements will contribute to meeting this requirement for professional recognition as an Occupational Therapist.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6919": {"id": "WWHX8eMDZWBdEvg_JaEtv", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "s4IyJblDNb_71Bh5uZ0_L", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24028, "section": "PL01", "size": 42, "enrolled": 40, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Aug - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "K2WmllP1pEXWzO9o7fq6h", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23986, "section": "TU04", "size": 10, "enrolled": 8, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 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1 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 402/403, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "YOxj8eiLwOAkFgAq5UivT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29048, "section": "LEC0", "size": 84, "enrolled": 79, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "6920": {"id": "SyypgujYlnngVqGGHPJHV", "course_id": "110450", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110450", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Occupational Perspectives of Health B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "OCCTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "2002", "CLASS_NBR": 23980, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061703", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Hons)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "OCCTH 2000", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Final examination, various assignments and continuous assessment tasks", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, human occupation will be explored using scenarios from across the life-span, integrating key concepts from the Model of Human Occupation (Kielhofner, 2008) and the field of occupational science. Students will analyse an occupational narrative and develop skills in a variety of communication and presentation methods and critical reflection. Students will develop and apply pre-professional skills of self-management, team work, cultural safety and reflection within a scenario-based learning environment.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6921": {"id": "SyypgujYlnngVqGGHPJHV", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "ehAvRB2dpu1UU-P7VdN8i", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23980, "section": "WR02", "size": 45, "enrolled": 32, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24030, "section": "WR01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 44, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "Tw75e5cG0NIUCPO8l0ruQ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22797, "section": "TU04", "size": 22, "enrolled": 19, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 402, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 402, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23981, "section": "TU03", "size": 22, "enrolled": 20, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 402, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 402, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24031, "section": "TU02", "size": 22, "enrolled": 15, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 403, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24032, "section": "TU01", "size": 22, "enrolled": 22, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 403, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6922": {"id": "eiNklrHxtUwzBn7aUUJiC", "course_id": "110481", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110481", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Rural Health and Occupational Therapy Practice", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "OCCTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "2003", "CLASS_NBR": 12942, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Hons)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "OCCTH 1000", "CO_REQUISITE": "OCCTH 2002", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Final examination, various assignments and continuous assessment tasks", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course students will expand their knowledge of the Australian rural health context, as well as be introduced to concepts in rural health practice. Using a public health framework, students will explore differences between rural and urban health status and the relationship to broader social determinants of health. In doing so, the implications for health policy, rural health service delivery and professional practice are examined. Students also have the opportunity to review discipline-specific professional practice in a rural setting.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6923": {"id": "eiNklrHxtUwzBn7aUUJiC", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "fidvzoXUQytDfbLzY5tTP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12815, "section": "PL01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 41, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "8 Apr - 18 Apr", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 27 Apr", "days": "Friday, Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "1 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "l_tTFNgetX8CrCgqxLfC1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14975, "section": "LE01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 41, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "18 Apr - 18 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5:30pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "BXJFO4aNRpBvtScXM6u7S", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14976, "section": "TU02", "size": 23, "enrolled": 23, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 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4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "8 Apr - 18 Apr", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 27 Apr", "days": "Friday, Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "2 May - 23 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "KGWxlmqNZpw6ydB4dQj2n", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12942, "section": "TU04", "size": 23, "enrolled": 20, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14004, "section": "TU03", "size": 22, "enrolled": 20, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "pBSGF3xQPlCUaPkkdBLzW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19239, "section": "LE02", "size": 45, "enrolled": 40, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "18 Apr - 18 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5:30pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "6924": {"id": "SsITh752ivne77fSKzSWe", "course_id": "110501", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110501", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Enabling Change: Musculoskeletal and Neurological", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "OCCTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "3001", "CLASS_NBR": 12812, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061703", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 15 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Hons)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ANAT SC 2401 and OCCTH 2002", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Examination, assignment and continuous assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course students will describe, apply and critique principles of assessment and intervention for people with musculoskeletal and neurological conditions that impact on their capacity to participate in occupations. Clinical reasoning skills will be established which will be further developed through subsequent courses. Intervention principles will focus on the use of meaningful occupation and also incorporate environmental supports (advocacy, organisational change, environmental adaptation).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6925": {"id": "SsITh752ivne77fSKzSWe", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "nMdXt3S7RFa8yHLoOxkl-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10501, "section": "TU01", "size": 75, "enrolled": 65, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 402/403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 402/403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 402/403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 402/403, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "wTJ4i-JtKLanbcG0tt_RR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10502, "section": "WR01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 26, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 18 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N120, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N406/N407, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N406/N407, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Apr - 9 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N219/N222, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 22 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 30 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 May - 6 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N120, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 May - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N406/N407, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Jun - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12812, "section": "WR03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 18 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N120, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N406/N407, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Mar - 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30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N406/N407, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Jun - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12813, "section": "WR02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 15, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 18 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N120, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N406/N407, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N406/N407, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Apr - 9 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N219/N222, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 22 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 30 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 May - 6 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N120, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 May - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N406/N407, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Jun - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "Lhk3oqXaJS_CoAhXK-Nl3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19024, "section": "LE01", "size": 75, "enrolled": 65, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "6926": {"id": "sSSKteHrf1IVzBX5r3SwV", "course_id": "110493", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110493", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Occupational Therapy Clinical Practice A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "OCCTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "3002", "CLASS_NBR": 24708, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061703", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 38 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Hons)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "OCCTH 3001 and OCCTH 3007", "CO_REQUISITE": "OCCTH 3000", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Continuous clinical assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this clinical placement, students will integrate occupational therapy theoretical knowledge with practical skills. The focus of this placement is the development of core occupational therapy skills and the demonstration of abilities in data gathering, intervention/ program planning, implementation and evaluation, recording and reporting. Practicing these skills in a sensitive, ethical and professional manner will also be required. Students are expected to describe and apply reasoning processes, including relevant conceptual and professional practice theories and frameworks, and demonstrate effective communication and self-management skills. Professional accreditation requires a minimum level of clinical exposure, therefore attendance at professional placements will contribute to meeting this requirement for professional recognition as an Occupational Therapist.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6927": {"id": "sSSKteHrf1IVzBX5r3SwV", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "dGkdEY1kCAOvOxn6OEYsu", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24708, "section": "PL02", "size": 35, "enrolled": 32, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Johnson, G29, Physio Hospital"}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "31 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 402/403, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24709, "section": "PL01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 31, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Johnson, G29, Physio Hospital"}, {"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S336b, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "30 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 402/403, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6928": {"id": "I9chrbzCj1C13ByhUnDq4", "course_id": "110446", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110446", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Enabling Change: Mental Health across the Lifespan", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "OCCTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "3004", "CLASS_NBR": 21378, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061703", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 15 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Hons)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "OCCTH 3001", "CO_REQUISITE": "OCCTH 3000", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Examination, assignment and continuous assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course students will describe, apply and evaluate principles of engagement, assessment and intervention for people experiencing mental health conditions that promote their capacity to participate in their usual occupations. Clinical reasoning skills in mental health practice will be established. Therapeutic communication, reflection and consumer voice\u00a0will promote the effective selection of intervention principles. This course will focus on the use of meaningful occupation, incorporating environmental supports and exhibiting a deep understanding of barriers (advocacy, organisational change, environmental adaptation).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6929": {"id": "I9chrbzCj1C13ByhUnDq4", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "d8SCyNN5lfGsIodgrmuLr", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20441, "section": "WR01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 34, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 402/403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 402/403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 402/403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 402/403, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21379, "section": "WR02", "size": 35, "enrolled": 30, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 402/403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 402/403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 402/403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 402/403, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "yNwLE_o1AUV1bWCXLPGrm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20439, "section": "LE01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 64, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "LQBfzf-C1Tkfl9sZqT8Rt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20440, "section": "TU01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 64, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 402/403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 402/403, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6930": {"id": "0AUW7gHPd-XqWNkinZI-s", "course_id": "111298", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111298", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced EBP in Occupational Therapy", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "OCCTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "3006", "CLASS_NBR": 23977, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061703", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Hons)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "HLTH SC 2400", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Examination, assignment and continuous assessment tasks", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course students will develop advanced skills in searching, appraising and integrating research evidence into practice. Students will work in small groups to evaluate the rigour of a body of research evidence available to answer a contemporary and important question relating to the practice of occupational therapy. After selection and appraisal, rigorous research evidence will be integrated with current clinical knowledge/expertise and contextual factors. Students will be supported to develop, articulate and justify, through written and verbal presentations, evidence-based occupational therapy practice recommendations that identify where changes in practice have or must occur in response to new knowledge. In this course students will have the opportunity to continue to develop and demonstrate effective communication and collaboration, as well as investigative and critical thinking skills.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6931": {"id": "0AUW7gHPd-XqWNkinZI-s", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "SeoL7CxEK3BaM4h_2lyGA", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23977, "section": "TU01", "size": 75, "enrolled": 58, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 402/403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 402/403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Oct - 29 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, G033, Lecture Theatre 2"}]}]}]}]}, "6932": {"id": "gQ1B_DzyLOB1bfA5rieQD", "course_id": "111299", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111299", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Enabling Change: Children and Families", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "OCCTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "3007", "CLASS_NBR": 11357, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061703", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 9 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Hons)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "HLTH SC 2401", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Examination, assignment and continuous assessment tasks", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course students will be introduced to cases relative to children, adolescents and families. Students will describe, evaluate and apply the principles of assessment, therapy and case management for children relating to common childhood conditions, challenges or barriers to occupational engagement and participation in community life. Principles of family centred practice are applied in occupational therapy practice contexts.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6933": {"id": "gQ1B_DzyLOB1bfA5rieQD", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "KeWEUGk9jGN4yjc46x6G9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14001, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 402/403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 402/403, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14828, "section": "TU03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 402/403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 402/403, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14829, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 18, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 402/403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 402/403, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "3Pb21H5Xx9D6Up2rUsOzm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11357, "section": "WR03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 402/403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 402/403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 402/403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 402/403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 402/403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 402/403, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11358, "section": "WR02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 402/403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 402/403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 402/403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 402/403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 402/403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 402/403, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11359, "section": "WR01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 18, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 402/403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 402/403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 402/403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 402/403, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "0zGixts96_bndiJ80TKp2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18831, "section": "LE01", "size": 75, "enrolled": 67, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "6934": {"id": "lItzm0FqOkyhMy_-MuQXT", "course_id": "110505", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110505", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Occupational Therapy Practice", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "OCCTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4000", "CLASS_NBR": 95040, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061703", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "12 hours per week for 6 weeks", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Honours)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Examination, assignment and continuous assessment tasks", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this final year course, students will expand and deepen foundational knowledge and skills required to manage complex occupational performance and participation issues within contemporary and/or emerging occupational therapy practice. Learning will focus on readiness to practice and students will be taught how to transform foundational knowledge to generate advanced practice, reflect upon complex information related to client management, incorporate real world practice issues relevant to the chosen occupational practice area, and develop relevant practice skills. In preparation for professional practice upon graduation, students will extend their ability to articulate the relationship between occupation, health and wellbeing as a core threshold concept for occupational therapy within the context of complex, contemporary practice scenarios.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 24/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 28/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 11/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 17/07/2024"}}]}, "6935": {"id": "lItzm0FqOkyhMy_-MuQXT", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "-7ZihSnsE2p_ryEyqlgUH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95040, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 24, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Jun - 18 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 402/403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Jun - 18 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 402/403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Jun - 19 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 402/403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Jun - 19 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 402/403, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6936": {"id": "vem4-v9Ohs7W5StIJ3MQ3", "course_id": "110512", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110512", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Enabling Change: Population Approaches B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "OCCTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4002", "CLASS_NBR": 22829, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061703", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "6 hours per week plus 96 hours of placement across the Semester. Full day seminar at the end of the year.", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Honours)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "OCCTH 4005", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Examination, assignment and continuous assessment tasks", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, students will shift their view beyond the occupational challenges facing individuals, to consider the ways in which occupational therapists work as part of small teams to enable change at the level of the service, organisation, community, or population. Students will focus on gaining knowledge and skills required for team project work, and for their impending role as health practitioners in a rapidly changing health and social policy context. The course is comprised of team project management and preparation for contemporary practice. Students will apply, critique and reflect upon major subject themes through planning, conducting and evaluating their own population based project.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6937": {"id": "vem4-v9Ohs7W5StIJ3MQ3", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "Ed6XYkX73j1WybjlItuEg", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22829, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 22, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 26 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Nov - 15 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 402/403, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "6aoE2lMGQkXA63UENGBrP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28982, "section": "LEC0", "size": 30, "enrolled": 22, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "6938": {"id": "ZXTQOaiMyHWeZYqjLBgB0", "course_id": "110495", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110495", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Occupational Therapy Clinical Practice B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "OCCTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4003", "CLASS_NBR": 12974, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061703", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 400 placement hours across the year", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Honours)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "OCCTH 3002 and OCCTH 4000", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course focuses on the development of core occupational therapy skills. Students are required to demonstrate skills in information gathering, service delivery (intervention/ program planning and implementation), service evaluation and documentation, and practice these skills in an ethical and professional manner. Students are expected to describe and apply clinical reasoning processes, including relevant conceptual and professional practice theories and frameworks, and demonstrate good communication and self-management skills. Placement structure, including number of placements, placement length and placement dates will vary depending on whether students are an industry or research honours student and also on individual placement providers. During placement it is envisaged that students will be introduced to a mixed case load of clients for example, fast and slow stream rehabilitation of clients with mental health, musculoskeletal or neurological conditions. Professional accreditation requires a minimum level of 1000 hours clinical exposure. Attendance at professional placements will contribute to meeting this requirement for professional recognition as an Occupational Therapist.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6939": {"id": "ZXTQOaiMyHWeZYqjLBgB0", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "GXYhRcj4DtHziSQskrdFs", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12974, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 24, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "12 Jan - 12 Jan", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 Jan - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "25 Jan - 25 Jan", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Placement", "id": "GLKoAD3xvaffg2fkQ_ktI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19209, "section": "PLA0", "size": 30, "enrolled": 24, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Placement"}]}]}]}, "6940": {"id": "Jm53kLUT43HlKisuCmD-A", "course_id": "110506", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110506", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Occupational Therapy Clinical Practice C", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "OCCTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4004", "CLASS_NBR": 26508, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061703", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 400 placement hours across the Semester", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Honours)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Continuous clinical assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this placement course, students will consolidate and develop their skills to become graduate entry level practitioners. Students will review their learning needs upon considering previous professional practice experiences, interests and future goals. Students will formulate their needs into a learning contract that will be reviewed / revised with the Professional Practice Educator during placement. The placement provides the opportunity to further develop, integrate or enhance clinical/ professional skills with the supervision of an occupational therapist, prior to graduation. Placement structure, including number of placements, placement length and placement dates will vary depending on whether students are an industry or research honours student and also on individual placement providers. Professional accreditation requires a minimum of 1000 hours of clinical exposure. Attendance at professional placements will contribute to meeting this requirement for professional recognition as an Occupational Therapist.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6941": {"id": "Jm53kLUT43HlKisuCmD-A", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "tLG0ftiAGnj3tjs0A8x6O", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26508, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 25, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 4 Dec", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "6 Dec - 6 Dec", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 402/403, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Placement", "id": "KFejMjM0N8eVKC6KvKkvx", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29031, "section": "PLA0", "size": 30, "enrolled": 25, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Placement"}]}]}]}, "6942": {"id": "ZqdcGWr-hSuFZVuDDm7Wm", "course_id": "111300", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111300", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Enabling Change: Population Approaches A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "OCCTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4005", "CLASS_NBR": 12973, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061703", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "6 hours per week plus 48 hours placement across the Semester", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Honours)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "OCCTH 2001 and OCCTH 3002", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Examination, assignment and continuous assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course students will shift their view beyond the occupational challenges facing individuals, to consider the ways in which occupational therapists enable change at the level of communities and populations. The course focusses on developing students\u2019 knowledge of health promotion and primary prevention strategies and how these enable or address occupational participation. Students will apply, understand and evaluate major subject themes through appraising other projects and preparing a project proposal to address a preventable health issue.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6943": {"id": "ZqdcGWr-hSuFZVuDDm7Wm", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "3e6-3ACBtnKYiXSgnL7OH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12973, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 22, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Placement", "id": "Xp7mPH0gf3gna4k1O05VI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19208, "section": "PLA0", "size": 30, "enrolled": 22, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Placement"}]}]}]}, "6944": {"subject": "ODONT", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "016760", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "016760", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "006760", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "006760", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "018843", "term": "4410", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "105557", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105557", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105558", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105558", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105559", "term": "4410", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "105559", "term": "4420", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "105562", "term": "4420", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "109373", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109373", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109374", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109374", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109375", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109375", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109376", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109376", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "6945": {"id": "1ghVdj_FVSfDnMswSV1BZ", "course_id": "016760", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "016760", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Casework in Forensic Odontology Part 1", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ODONT", "CATALOG_NBR": "6008AHO", "CLASS_NBR": 15619, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "By supervision as required", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Grad Dip Forensic Odontology students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Casework performance, case-book, seminar presentation, essay, viva", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will require students to participation in routine casework undertaken by the Forensic Odontology Unit. Students will perform and report on casework, including Coronial oral autopsies, bite-mark examinations and age estimations. Preparation of case records and reports will be required for all cases. Attendance at the city mortuary and Courts of Law is required.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "6946": {"id": "1ghVdj_FVSfDnMswSV1BZ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "OCCE7_sfTVHSMH160oKEA", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15619, "section": "01HO", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "6947": {"id": "TGT43zZXMdwAIH9hcKzOg", "course_id": "016760", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "016760", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Casework in Forensic Odontology Part 1", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ODONT", "CATALOG_NBR": "6008AHO", "CLASS_NBR": 25634, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "By supervision as required", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Grad Dip Forensic Odontology students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Casework performance, case-book, seminar presentation, essay, viva", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will require students to participation in routine casework undertaken by the Forensic Odontology Unit. Students will perform and report on casework, including Coronial oral autopsies, bite-mark examinations and age estimations. Preparation of case records and reports will be required for all cases. Attendance at the city mortuary and Courts of Law is required.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "6948": {"id": "TGT43zZXMdwAIH9hcKzOg", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "NCaNhVY28qGUn6Uaz-AHw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25634, "section": "01HO", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "6949": {"id": "nvb1Z-uEYfrKs7pa9EGO1", "course_id": "006760", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "006760", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Casework in Forensic Odontology Part 2", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ODONT", "CATALOG_NBR": "6008BHO", "CLASS_NBR": 15612, "SESSION_CD": "FM2", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Grad Dip Forensic Odontology students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Casework performance, case-book, seminar presentation, essay, viva", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will require students to participation in routine casework undertaken by the Forensic Odontology Unit. Students will perform and report on casework, including Coronial oral autopsies, bite-mark examinations and age estimations. Preparation of case records and reports will be required for all cases. Attendance at the city mortuary and Courts of Law is required.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6950": {"id": "nvb1Z-uEYfrKs7pa9EGO1", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "RXlPbQJymHdzJeUu1uAnn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15612, "section": "01HO", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "6951": {"id": "9ezS2kqWPuHWR9tpNSMKM", "course_id": "006760", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "006760", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Casework in Forensic Odontology Part 2", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ODONT", "CATALOG_NBR": "6008BHO", "CLASS_NBR": 25625, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Grad Dip Forensic Odontology students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Casework performance, case-book, seminar presentation, essay, viva", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will require students to participation in routine casework undertaken by the Forensic Odontology Unit. Students will perform and report on casework, including Coronial oral autopsies, bite-mark examinations and age estimations. Preparation of case records and reports will be required for all cases. Attendance at the city mortuary and Courts of Law is required.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6952": {"id": "9ezS2kqWPuHWR9tpNSMKM", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "-zmButpZXNnpL2Maqdw91", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25625, "section": "01HO", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "6953": {"id": "G0jdP-bf7hVagOIwjouw5", "course_id": "018843", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "018843", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Principles and Methods of Forensic Odontology", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ODONT", "CATALOG_NBR": "6012OL", "CLASS_NBR": 15620, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Online", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Grad Dip Forensic Odontology students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Seminar presentation, essay", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course covers areas such as: history and role of forensic odontology in community dentistry, legal systems and role and jurisdiction of Courts of Law, the coronial system and practice of the Coroner's Office, expert evidence, methods of investigation of civil and criminal matters, relationship of police to forensic odontology, preservation and recovery of dental evidence from scenes, principles and techniques of video and computer imaging in cranio-facial superimposition, age estimation techniques, procedures for investigation of bite-marks and the principles of disaster victim identification.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6954": {"id": "G0jdP-bf7hVagOIwjouw5", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "WLZt5VahJ_3gBUh53Q7dS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15620, "section": "01OL", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "6955": {"id": "shHWMuUku9s_UpbiDdb6H", "course_id": "105557", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105557", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Forensic Odontology Research Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ODONT", "CATALOG_NBR": "6016A", "CLASS_NBR": 15762, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Grad Dip Forensic Odontology students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Seminar presentation, research report", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students will undertake a small research project in an aspect of Forensic Odontology or related discipline.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "6956": {"id": "shHWMuUku9s_UpbiDdb6H", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "k7HhlPSAMqeamvXZ7eeV9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15762, "section": "01NT", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "6957": {"id": "u0HW40WT0Su41vU35zzOk", "course_id": "105557", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105557", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Forensic Odontology Research Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ODONT", "CATALOG_NBR": "6016A", "CLASS_NBR": 25775, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Grad Dip Forensic Odontology students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Seminar presentation, research report", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students will undertake a small research project in an aspect of Forensic Odontology or related discipline.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "6958": {"id": "u0HW40WT0Su41vU35zzOk", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "0zYUPgN2DHwNwCjAppI85", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25775, "section": "01NT", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "6959": {"id": "YNNS1WJM5W9mC6o5CrLYI", "course_id": "105558", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105558", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Forensic Odontology Research Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ODONT", "CATALOG_NBR": "6016B", "CLASS_NBR": 15763, "SESSION_CD": "FM2", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Grad Dip Forensic Odontology students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Seminar presentation, research report", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students will undertake a small research project in an aspect of Forensic Odontology or related discipline.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6960": {"id": "YNNS1WJM5W9mC6o5CrLYI", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "3-4uTNty8JDfhgrgymbb8", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15763, "section": "01NT", "size": 35, "enrolled": 0, "available": 35, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "6961": {"id": "6mIAl8Ig1lr-D8I0egPbY", "course_id": "105558", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105558", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Forensic Odontology Research Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ODONT", "CATALOG_NBR": "6016B", "CLASS_NBR": 25776, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Grad Dip Forensic Odontology students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Seminar presentation, research report", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students will undertake a small research project in an aspect of Forensic Odontology or related discipline.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6962": {"id": "6mIAl8Ig1lr-D8I0egPbY", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "lAdh26-E4BXT-zSAGC5Ko", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25776, "section": "01NT", "size": 35, "enrolled": 0, "available": 35, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "6963": {"id": "cSu1BSHq0r3bIfdDw0Q1h", "course_id": "105559", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105559", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Methods and Ethics", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ODONT", "CATALOG_NBR": "6017OL", "CLASS_NBR": 15764, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Supervision as required", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Grad Dip Forensic Odontology students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Participation in seminar, evaluation and written critique of given scientific paper", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course of seminars and workshops aims to provide students with an appreciation of research methods, experimental design and ethics as they apply to research in dentistry and forensic sciences.\n\nStudents will gain an understanding of scientific methods, human and animal ethics as well as the ethics approval process. In addition students will receive a grounding in biostatistics, experimental design and methodology, analysis, management and presentation of data, evaluation of research papers, scientific writing and oral presentations. Students are also required to complete training in laboratory and chemical safety, use of bibliography databases and the Cochrane Library and evidence-based dentistry. Where possible, the material presented will be selected to meet the research project of the students enrolled.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6964": {"id": "cSu1BSHq0r3bIfdDw0Q1h", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "3IHbrXvAbliSBq1iRIKAg", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15764, "section": "01OL", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "6965": {"id": "FpWNdcFbefw6NGmAIqyUj", "course_id": "105559", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105559", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Methods and Ethics", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ODONT", "CATALOG_NBR": "6017OL", "CLASS_NBR": 25777, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Supervision as required", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Grad Dip Forensic Odontology students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Participation in seminar, evaluation and written critique of given scientific paper", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course of seminars and workshops aims to provide students with an appreciation of research methods, experimental design and ethics as they apply to research in dentistry and forensic sciences.\n\nStudents will gain an understanding of scientific methods, human and animal ethics as well as the ethics approval process. In addition students will receive a grounding in biostatistics, experimental design and methodology, analysis, management and presentation of data, evaluation of research papers, scientific writing and oral presentations. Students are also required to complete training in laboratory and chemical safety, use of bibliography databases and the Cochrane Library and evidence-based dentistry. Where possible, the material presented will be selected to meet the research project of the students enrolled.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6966": {"id": "FpWNdcFbefw6NGmAIqyUj", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "5rBCs_aXOws8w4DYyd04Z", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25777, "section": "01OL", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "6967": {"id": "xft5-AoVv_tBFsR3Fja8I", "course_id": "105562", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105562", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Integrated Forensic Science", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ODONT", "CATALOG_NBR": "6018OL", "CLASS_NBR": 25778, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Online", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Seminar presentation, essay", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Highlights the interdisciplinary nature of forensic science. This subject aims to introduce the students to the range of forensic disciplines used by police and legal services. The student will develop an understanding of the overall management of a crime investigation, and an awareness of the place of forensic odontology in an investigation. The importance of teamwork will be emphasized.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6968": {"id": "xft5-AoVv_tBFsR3Fja8I", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "6bf3H5LR8cFGmoKWSO_au", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25778, "section": "01OL", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "6969": {"id": "74TFVSecJ1FiDQVFRQ--9", "course_id": "109373", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109373", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Casework in Forensic Odontology T/Y Continuing", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ODONT", "CATALOG_NBR": "6108AHO", "CLASS_NBR": 16136, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 1.5, "EFTLS": 0.0625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Supervision as required", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Grad Dip Forensic Odontology students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Casework performance, case-book, seminar presentation, essay, viva", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will require students to participation in routine casework undertaken by the Forensic Odontology Unit. Students will perform and report on casework, including Coronial oral autopsies, bite-mark examinations and age estimations. Preparation of case records and reports will be required for all cases. Attendance at the city mortuary and Courts of Law is required.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 07/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "6970": {"id": "74TFVSecJ1FiDQVFRQ--9", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "Nxu3K6ahUaP5JFVe3e8Si", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16136, "section": "01HO", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "6971": {"id": "guf9LjXI2wXjTtlnIG83W", "course_id": "109373", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109373", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Casework in Forensic Odontology T/Y Continuing", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ODONT", "CATALOG_NBR": "6108AHO", "CLASS_NBR": 26137, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 1.5, "EFTLS": 0.0625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Supervision as required", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Grad Dip Forensic Odontology students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Casework performance, case-book, seminar presentation, essay, viva", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will require students to participation in routine casework undertaken by the Forensic Odontology Unit. Students will perform and report on casework, including Coronial oral autopsies, bite-mark examinations and age estimations. Preparation of case records and reports will be required for all cases. Attendance at the city mortuary and Courts of Law is required.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "6972": {"id": "guf9LjXI2wXjTtlnIG83W", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "wPuh10ctWQOcLIC344Lvi", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26137, "section": "01HO", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "6973": {"id": "6aQoyhIRUNcWxovaFf9Nf", "course_id": "109374", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109374", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Casework in Forensic Odontology T/Y Final", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ODONT", "CATALOG_NBR": "6108BHO", "CLASS_NBR": 16137, "SESSION_CD": "TYD", "UNITS": 1.5, "EFTLS": 0.0625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "By supervision.", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Grad Dip Forensic Odontology students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Casework performance, case-book, seminar presentation, essay, viva", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will require students to participation in routine casework undertaken by the Forensic Odontology Unit. Students will perform and report on casework, including Coronial oral autopsies, bite-mark examinations and age estimations. Preparation of case records and reports will be required for all cases. Attendance at the city mortuary and Courts of Law is required.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6974": {"id": "6aQoyhIRUNcWxovaFf9Nf", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "CvwJfbN2AYQDCVB-ljkru", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16137, "section": "01HO", "size": 1, "enrolled": 0, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "6975": {"id": "SArlRJMQjNODWEFVnLSE7", "course_id": "109374", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109374", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Casework in Forensic Odontology T/Y Final", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ODONT", "CATALOG_NBR": "6108BHO", "CLASS_NBR": 26138, "SESSION_CD": "TYD", "UNITS": 1.5, "EFTLS": 0.0625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "By supervision.", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Grad Dip Forensic Odontology students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Casework performance, case-book, seminar presentation, essay, viva", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will require students to participation in routine casework undertaken by the Forensic Odontology Unit. Students will perform and report on casework, including Coronial oral autopsies, bite-mark examinations and age estimations. Preparation of case records and reports will be required for all cases. Attendance at the city mortuary and Courts of Law is required.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6976": {"id": "SArlRJMQjNODWEFVnLSE7", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "77Ry73qZR6t-H0TuBMW5U", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26138, "section": "01HO", "size": 1, "enrolled": 0, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "6977": {"id": "5-Nx52e4eK0gyV--4m02L", "course_id": "109375", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109375", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Forensic Odontology Research T/Y Continuing", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ODONT", "CATALOG_NBR": "6116A", "CLASS_NBR": 16138, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 1.5, "EFTLS": 0.0625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Supervision as required", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Grad Dip Forensic Odontology students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Seminar presentation, research report", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students will undertake a small research project in an aspect of Forensic Odontology or related discipline.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 07/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "6978": {"id": "5-Nx52e4eK0gyV--4m02L", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "aK6K9JerRgY9WPZW3-ocB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16138, "section": "01NT", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "6979": {"id": "QdC0c46jTiSDo14Vm0aT8", "course_id": "109375", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109375", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Forensic Odontology Research T/Y Continuing", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ODONT", "CATALOG_NBR": "6116A", "CLASS_NBR": 26139, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 1.5, "EFTLS": 0.0625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Supervision as required", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Grad Dip Forensic Odontology students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Seminar presentation, research report", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students will undertake a small research project in an aspect of Forensic Odontology or related discipline.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "6980": {"id": "QdC0c46jTiSDo14Vm0aT8", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "DWuMJ6s7tDRKc7IdwWfsx", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26139, "section": "01NT", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "6981": {"id": "3N5rUurHCDEUZc6Dqx20l", "course_id": "109376", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109376", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Forensic Odontology Research T/Y Final", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ODONT", "CATALOG_NBR": "6116B", "CLASS_NBR": 16139, "SESSION_CD": "TYD", "UNITS": 1.5, "EFTLS": 0.0625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Supervision as required", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Grad Dip Forensic Odontology students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Seminar presentation, research report", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students will undertake a small research project in an aspect of Forensic Odontology or related discipline", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6982": {"id": "3N5rUurHCDEUZc6Dqx20l", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "Vd4Qdi_5L3VMwz2ZNAKVZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16139, "section": "01NT", "size": 1, "enrolled": 0, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "6983": {"id": "pUuhcyUXtlMJ2pNnAthdP", "course_id": "109376", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109376", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Forensic Odontology Research T/Y Final", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ODONT", "CATALOG_NBR": "6116B", "CLASS_NBR": 26140, "SESSION_CD": "TYD", "UNITS": 1.5, "EFTLS": 0.0625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Supervision as required", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Grad Dip Forensic Odontology students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Seminar presentation, research report", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students will undertake a small research project in an aspect of Forensic Odontology or related discipline", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6984": {"id": "pUuhcyUXtlMJ2pNnAthdP", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "o2Y8yTifMB8rob6fpTWxB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26140, "section": "01NT", "size": 1, "enrolled": 0, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "6985": {"subject": "OENOLOGY", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "102018", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102018", "term": "4410", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "104340", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104349", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104350", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "001958", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "002580", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "004880", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "007547", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102016", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102017", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105361", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105361", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107392", "term": "4415", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106508", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107741", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108440", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108440", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108441", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108441", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108442", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108442", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108443", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108443", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108444", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108444", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108444", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108444", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108444", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108444", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108445", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108445", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "103065", "term": "4433", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "103065", "term": "4433", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102996", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111175", "term": "4433", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "103002", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102920", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "103017", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102960", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "103052", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "103089", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "103090", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107590", "term": "4415", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106509", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107870", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107871", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107871", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107872", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111549", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111549", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "6986": {"id": "M9VTA229EivBbJZighDRe", "course_id": "102018", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102018", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Foundations of Wine Science I", "CAMPUS": "National Wine Centre", "CAMPUS_CD": "NWC", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "OENOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "1018NW", "CLASS_NBR": 13823, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week, plus 4 day residential school in mid-Semester break", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Vine anatomy practical report, industry-based case study, sensory exam and written exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Foundations of Wine Science I comprises three broad topic areas: viticulture, oenology and sensory evaluation. The course aims to provide students with an understanding of basic viticultural, oenological and sensory principles. Topics covered include: grapevine structure and function; the annual growth cycle of the grapevine; the factors that influence crop yield; the source/sink balance of the grapevine; berry development and composition; wine classification; the unit operations involved in winemaking; the taste and olfactory system; and taste and aroma interactions. Practical sessions will focus in more depth on grapevine anatomy and the theory and practice of wine sensory evaluation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6987": {"id": "M9VTA229EivBbJZighDRe", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "yQSCSL8xKrp-fb8mssZ1E", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10077, "section": "LE01", "size": 110, "enrolled": 54, "available": 56, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "OtbsWgA7UkiB608pZiPcQ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10078, "section": "PR01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 54, "available": 46, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "20 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Wine Science, 110, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Wine Science, 113, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "8 Apr - 8 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Southern Barns General, G2/G3, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Apr - 8 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Apr - 8 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 131, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "9 Apr - 11 Apr", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Southern Barns Sensory, G2, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "9 Apr - 11 Apr", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "T41UQVy2vwM_dnlwfLc_M", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13823, "section": "WR01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 54, "available": 46, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Jun - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "6988": {"id": "eGPV7UJhJMzbrfz_1HEw1", "course_id": "102018", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102018", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Foundations of Wine Science I", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "OENOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "1018UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 13824, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week, plus 4 day residential school in mid-Semester break", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Vine anatomy practical report, industry-based case study, sensory exam and written exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Foundations of Wine Science I comprises three broad topic areas: viticulture, oenology and sensory evaluation. The course aims to provide students with an understanding of basic viticultural, oenological and sensory principles. Topics covered include: grapevine structure and function; the annual growth cycle of the grapevine; the factors that influence crop yield; the source/sink balance of the grapevine; berry development and composition; wine classification; the unit operations involved in winemaking; the taste and olfactory system; and taste and aroma interactions. Practical sessions will focus in more depth on grapevine anatomy and the theory and practice of wine sensory evaluation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6989": {"id": "eGPV7UJhJMzbrfz_1HEw1", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "5DS1y8IyoVh9dgE9T1ZDU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11184, "section": "LE01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 11, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "8J2hsTQdGBrH-_EeAYltq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13824, "section": "WR01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 11, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Jun - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "Jd6fmHvAxj5JO3CKYH9yX", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11185, "section": "PR01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 11, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "20 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Wine Science, 110, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Wine Science, 113, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "8 Apr - 8 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Southern Barns General, G2/G3, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Apr - 8 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Apr - 8 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 131, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "9 Apr - 11 Apr", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Southern Barns Sensory, G2, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "9 Apr - 11 Apr", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12448, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 11, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hartley, G06, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hartley, G06, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6990": {"id": "NJoCLseLrbSukK8TWTfCA", "course_id": "104340", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104340", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Microbiology for Viticulture and Oenology II", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "OENOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "2501WT", "CLASS_NBR": 14915, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Viticulture and Oenology and B Eng (Chemical) Food and Beverage Engineering major students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "BIOLOGY 1101 or BIOLOGY 1401 or BIOLOGY 1001, BIOLOGY 1202, & OENOLOGY 1018NW", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PLANT SC 2500WT, PLANT SC 2520WT", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, practical exams, practical reports, tutorial papers, project report", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "An introduction to the biology of microorganisms of importance in agriculture, food, wine and natural ecosystems. Consideration of the nature, growth and activites of microbes; their nutrional requirements and reproduction; interactions with plants, animals and other microbes; and viewing, counting and handling microbial cells. Topics will be explored through lectures, laboratory class and tutorials, which will develop skills in the identification and isolation of microbes from the field, food and wine samples, and the conduct and sensory analysis of small fermentations. Practical reports and project work will help develop information handling and communication skills.\n\nFor the first 6 weeks, lectures are shared with PLANT SC 2500WT and PLANT SC 2520WT. However the practical classes and tutorials for the three courses are co-timetabled but are conducted at separate venues.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6991": {"id": "NJoCLseLrbSukK8TWTfCA", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "3sqNgBKvwGlZe7-kX0TOd", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11583, "section": "LE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 49, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Jun - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "6 Jun - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "bGcTTGk246wlZYY0sh7jl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14915, "section": "PR01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 49, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Southern Barns General, G2/G3, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Southern Barns General, G2/G3, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "6992": {"id": "hpQE931wpCxC-JB3zNKeA", "course_id": "104349", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104349", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Sensory Studies II", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "OENOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "2502WT", "CLASS_NBR": 24819, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019905", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Viticulture and Oenology students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "BIOLOGY 1202, BIOLOGY 1101 or BIOLOGY 1001, OENOLOGY 1018NW, CHEM 1100 or CHEM 1101, or CHEM 1201", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exams, written exercises, presentations, practicals", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides a scientifically based introduction to sensory evaluation and its relationship to the winemaking process, and promotes the development of technically accurate wine assessment skills. The physiology of taste receptors, olfaction and the structure of oral mucosa are examined. Recent advances in knowledge including the function of signal transduction molecules and protein structure are used to explain current models of flavour, astringency and taste perception. Basic flavour chemistry of grapes and wine and wine faults is introduced. An introduction to sensory measurement theory, psychophysics, aroma and taste interactions, threshold measurement and the psychological and physiological factors affecting perception is presented. The concept of adaptation and its application to the sensory evaluation of wines, and elements of good sensory practice including data collection and statistical analysis are described. The practical program will be used to develop basic skills in sensory assessment of wines leading to the interpretation of wine characteristics in terms of wine style and quality. This is achieved by a progressive development of sensory skills, using model solutions to depict basic tastes and their interactions, followed by detailed examination of white and red table, fortified and sparkling wines, and wine and food interactions.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6993": {"id": "hpQE931wpCxC-JB3zNKeA", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "2PQRBj-U0PhlEI8rQ0ZA4", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24818, "section": "LE01", "size": 46, "enrolled": 45, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "oynbMXMxHBHKH0cNJ9S-r", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24819, "section": "PR01", "size": 46, "enrolled": 45, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Southern Barns Sensory, G2, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Southern Barns Sensory, G2, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "6994": {"id": "dY3O7ztGDsM6KzviRWbzm", "course_id": "104350", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104350", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introductory Winemaking II", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "OENOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "2503WT", "CLASS_NBR": 21552, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019905", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "BIOLOGY 1101 or BIOLOGY 1401 or BIOLOGY 1001, BIOLOGY 1202, OENOLOGY 1018NW, CHEM 1100 or CHEM 1101, CHEM 1200 or CHEM 1201", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Practical Reports, Assignments, Online quizzes, Exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course provides an introduction to modern wine production through the perspective of the Australian wine industry. Introductory topics in grape and wine chemistry are described, including acidity and the impacts of grape and wine acids in winemaking, sulfur dioxide and its uses in winemaking, phenolic compounds and their role in wine composition, and the effects of oxidation upon wine during maturation. All aspects of wine production including harvest, fruit processing, white and red vinification techniques, and alcoholic and malolactic fermentation are described. The principles and practice of processes to stabilise and clarify juices and wines are introduced. Practical activities during the course include an introduction to the techniques of basic chemical and microbiological analysis of grape juice, fermenting musts and final wines, management of a small-scale fermentation under defined conditions, and a visit to a commercial winery.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6995": {"id": "dY3O7ztGDsM6KzviRWbzm", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "C4wzP64PYsYflYcfBXNbM", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21551, "section": "LE01", "size": 48, "enrolled": 45, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "WTNEi-o-dWiNZsfNU6hsn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21552, "section": "PR01", "size": 48, "enrolled": 45, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Wine Science, 113, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Wine Science, 113, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "6996": {"id": "KkA7kD0VR-xOQ9D71No4Q", "course_id": "001958", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "001958", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Wine Packaging and Quality Management III", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "OENOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "3003WT", "CLASS_NBR": 22506, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080317", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "OENOLOGY 3007WT and OENOLOGY 3047WT. Master of Wine Business students can enrol without Pre-requisite.", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Practicals, reports, written assignments & exams", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Science and technology of bottling and packaging systems including chemical and physical properties of packaging materials, principles of filling machinery, design and process control of wine filling/packaging systems.\nWine and food laws and commercial forces as quality standards. Taints and residues in grapes and wine as quality issues. Approaches and systems of quality management using the wine industry as a focus, including the development of corporate quality cultures, standards and specifications. Visits will be made to commercial plants.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "6997": {"id": "KkA7kD0VR-xOQ9D71No4Q", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "5yLNlqpm9TbK-jTWfjsxO", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22505, "section": "LE01", "size": 55, "enrolled": 52, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Wine Science, 110, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Wine Science, 110, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "qit6rEBwkDodkezhryLPe", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22506, "section": "PR01", "size": 55, "enrolled": 52, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "When PRA class does not display a location, students please consult Course Coordinator for information."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Southern Barns General, G2/G3, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "23 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G18, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G09, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "6 Sep - 6 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Southern Barns General, G2/G3, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "6998": {"id": "XE9Pi6vtff70lw8RWG9Pd", "course_id": "002580", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "002580", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Stabilisation and Clarification III", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "OENOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "3007WT", "CLASS_NBR": 15454, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019905", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Viticulture and Oenology students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "OENOLOGY 2503WT", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "CHEM 1100 or CHEM 1101, CHEM 1200 or CHEM 1201", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Practical reports, practical notebook, online quiz, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Principles and practices of wine clarification and stabilisation. Protein, tartrate, metal, colour oxidative, and microbiological stability and stability testing of wine. Wine clarification by means of settling, centrifugation, filtration and fining.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "6999": {"id": "XE9Pi6vtff70lw8RWG9Pd", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "J_VlXPuN-rvtnKxuyIYVL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14916, "section": "LE01", "size": 48, "enrolled": 36, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "j8v9KBjwvDUCglrqovh_f", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14917, "section": "PR01", "size": 48, "enrolled": 36, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Wine Science, 113, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Wine Science, 110, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Wine Science, 113, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Wine Science, 110, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15454, "section": "PR02", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Wine Science, 113, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Wine Science, 113, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "7000": {"id": "e1EOCZSj_PVunBCA4VXUV", "course_id": "004880", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "004880", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Cellar and Winery Waste Management III", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "OENOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "3016WT", "CLASS_NBR": 14912, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080317", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Viticulture and Oenology students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "OENOLOGY 2503WT", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Final exam, practical reports and tutorial papers", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Vintage planning; occupational health and safety, winery record keeping; microbial control, cellular hygiene; winery waste management, environmental management.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7001": {"id": "e1EOCZSj_PVunBCA4VXUV", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "yEtvZqpRTpWmH9ERDU_wz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14911, "section": "LE01", "size": 52, "enrolled": 54, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "CIOCFsdpKEVbw9k8CIiu-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14912, "section": "PR01", "size": 52, "enrolled": 54, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Wine Science, 113, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "4 Jun - 5 Jun", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}]}]}]}]}, "7002": {"id": "elEMQoVToZdte0cnJ6T2U", "course_id": "007547", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "007547", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Distillation, Fortified & Sparkling Winemaking III", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "OENOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "3037WT", "CLASS_NBR": 24811, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019905", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Viticulture and Oenology students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "OENOLOGY 2503WT and OENOLOGY 2502WT", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "CHEM 1100 or CHEM 1101, CHEM 1200 or CHEM 1201", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Practical reports, practical notebook, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Distillation principles and wine distillation practices. Production of Australian and overseas grape spirits for fortified wine and brandy production. Production of potable distilled beverages other than brandy. Legal requirements of fortified wine production and distillation. Production of Australian and overseas sparkling wine styles. Sensory evaluation of spirits, fortified and sparkling wines.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7003": {"id": "elEMQoVToZdte0cnJ6T2U", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "hNKa14qlIm5cRufTTRsY9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24810, "section": "LE01", "size": 48, "enrolled": 42, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Wine Science, 110, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Wine Science, 110, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "OUus3pJnmP2dApvmRUaMw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24811, "section": "PR01", "size": 48, "enrolled": 42, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Southern Barns General, G2/G3, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Southern Barns General, G2/G3, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7004": {"id": "l3tc7oGUl6AqhyTBdE6Qy", "course_id": "102016", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102016", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Fermentation Technology III", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "OENOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "3046WT", "CLASS_NBR": 24815, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 10 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Viticulture and Oenology students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "OENOLOGY 2502WT and OENOLOGY 2503WT", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, written work, practical reports, group oral presentations", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This practical course provides students with the opportunity to gain hands on winemaking experience that expands on areas of fermentation technology and preparation of wine for bottling post vintage. The course introduces students to the planning and managing of winemaking strategies, and importantly complements the theory covered in the other wine technology courses for table wine production. Another objective of this course is to help students make a considerable progression in the development of their wine sensory evaluation skills", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7005": {"id": "l3tc7oGUl6AqhyTBdE6Qy", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "TCoQ7csj9WtZqlXdYFLas", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24814, "section": "LE01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 45, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Wine Science, 110, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Wine Science, 110, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "L7lNs1uyWOz1Pun43HVfT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24815, "section": "PR01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 45, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Wine Science, 110, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Wine Science, 110, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Wine Science, 110, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Wine Science, 110, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7006": {"id": "rkomFTuzxtFkpDg8AieWw", "course_id": "102017", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102017", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Winemaking at Vintage III", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "OENOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "3047WT", "CLASS_NBR": 10204, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Viticulture and Oenology students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "OENOLOGY 2502WT and OENOLOGY 2503WT", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Practicals, written assignments, presentations, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This practical course provides students with the opportunity to gain hands on winemaking experience over the vintage period. The course introduces students to the planning and managing of winemaking strategies. It covers all aspects of grape processing, white juice preparation and red wine fermentation and is designed to complement the theory covered in the other wine technology courses for table wine production. This course also aims to help students make a considerable progression in the developments of their wine sensory evaluation skills.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7007": {"id": "rkomFTuzxtFkpDg8AieWw", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "AVIQu54R3OPyYZRwE2Owi", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10204, "section": "PR01", "size": 47, "enrolled": 39, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Wine Science, Winery, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Wine Science, Winery, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Wine Science, Winery, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Wine Science, Winery, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 25 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Wine Science, Winery, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Wine Science, Winery, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "16 May - 16 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Wine Science, Winery, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "Hid8WUbNvWreBteh9ub6o", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10200, "section": "LE01", "size": 48, "enrolled": 39, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "12 Feb - 12 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Wine Science, Winery, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "12 Feb - 12 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Wine Science, Winery, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "13 Feb - 13 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Wine Science, Winery, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "14 Feb - 14 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Wine Science, Winery, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "14 Feb - 14 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Wine Science, Winery, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "15 Feb - 15 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Wine Science, Winery, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "15 Feb - 15 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Wine Science, Winery, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "16 Feb - 16 Feb", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Wine Science, Winery, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "16 Feb - 16 Feb", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Wine Science, Winery, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "19 Feb - 19 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Wine Science, Winery, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "19 Feb - 19 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Wine Science, Winery, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "20 Feb - 20 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Wine Science, Winery, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "20 Feb - 20 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Wine Science, Winery, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "21 Feb - 22 Feb", "days": "Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Wine Science, Winery, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 Feb - 23 Feb", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Wine Science, Winery, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "7008": {"id": "-8Bra0IsX-AMI9s752LBl", "course_id": "105361", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105361", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Industry Experience (Viticulture & Oenology) III", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "OENOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "3500WT", "CLASS_NBR": 15745, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "10 weeks in full time employment", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Viticulture and Oenology students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "OENOLOGY 3047WT", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written diary, written report, oral presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides a firsthand opportunity for students to experience, observe and acquire an understanding of the major processes involved in commercial winemaking. The course is an immersive and practically orientated work experience at a commercial winery and/or vineyard during harvest. Through industry placement students are exposed to high standards of current industry practice and professionalism. Further, the course will enable students to gain a working understanding of a winery, its management systems and structures. Students may pursue either a viticultural, winemaking or lab focussed pathway depending upon area of interest. A specified level of proficiency in the following operations is expected: vineyard assessments, maturity sampling, grape receival and weighbridge; crushing; draining and pressing; fermentation and post-fermentation operations and quality control procedures. Furthermore, an understanding of the contribution of each of the specified unit operations to the overall winemaking process is required. Students can undertake this course in either semester.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7009": {"id": "-8Bra0IsX-AMI9s752LBl", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "dosVp7CiEZS_rkZKMKKjl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15745, "section": "01WT", "size": 80, "enrolled": 71, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement"}]}]}]}, "7010": {"id": "VAGN6tMB2YUHSBCQUbQHI", "course_id": "105361", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105361", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Industry Experience (Viticulture & Oenology) III", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "OENOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "3500WT", "CLASS_NBR": 25760, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "10 weeks in full time employment", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Viticulture and Oenology students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "OENOLOGY 3047WT", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written diary, written report, oral presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides a firsthand opportunity for students to experience, observe and acquire an understanding of the major processes involved in commercial winemaking. The course is an immersive and practically orientated work experience at a commercial winery and/or vineyard during harvest. Through industry placement students are exposed to high standards of current industry practice and professionalism. Further, the course will enable students to gain a working understanding of a winery, its management systems and structures. Students may pursue either a viticultural, winemaking or lab focussed pathway depending upon area of interest. A specified level of proficiency in the following operations is expected: vineyard assessments, maturity sampling, grape receival and weighbridge; crushing; draining and pressing; fermentation and post-fermentation operations and quality control procedures. Furthermore, an understanding of the contribution of each of the specified unit operations to the overall winemaking process is required. Students can undertake this course in either semester.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7011": {"id": "VAGN6tMB2YUHSBCQUbQHI", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "hapQHkTj4597tuvLwzjDg", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25760, "section": "01WT", "size": 35, "enrolled": 3, "available": 32, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement"}]}]}]}, "7012": {"id": "ZmKnbHAX0uaJy9QKSwyQQ", "course_id": "107392", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107392", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "The Australian Wine Industry III: Rise of an Icon", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "OENOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "3515WT", "CLASS_NBR": 95004, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "OENOLOGY 1018NW, OENOLOGY 1000NW or OENOLOGY 1000EX", "ASSESSMENT": "Sensory exam, online quiz, written assignment and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Australian wine industry is internationally renowned for the innovative approaches that have made it a leading instigator of many best-practices across the entire wine value chain, from grape growing, wine making to consumer satisfaction. This course will introduce the Australian wine industry and provide a broad understanding of the principles and practices of grape and wine production, and the sensory evaluation of wine. Students will be introduced to topics such as grapevine structure and anatomy, the annual growth cycle, vineyard management and operation, making of table, sparkling, fortified and dessert wines, sensory evaluation of wines, regional wine styles, and basic flavour chemistry of grapes and wine; emphasising aspects distinctive to the Australian wine industry. The course will comprise lectures and practical sessions, including a full day visit to a South Australian wine region. The course is aimed at students with an interest in wine but does not require in-depth scientific knowledge.\nThis course involves teaching sessions that may be attended by both Undergraduate and Postgraduate students.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 24/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 28/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 11/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 17/07/2024"}}]}, "7013": {"id": "ZmKnbHAX0uaJy9QKSwyQQ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "IEGGkucwY-4GOvtzt6KJp", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95021, "section": "LE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 6, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "12 Jul - 12 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Jul - 18 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 205, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "aaZnNaUlr9lpFUd0Nidvo", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95004, "section": "PR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 6, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Jul - 5 Jul", "days": "Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Southern Barns Sensory, G2, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "10 Jul - 11 Jul", "days": "Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Southern Barns Sensory, G2, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "17 Jul - 17 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Southern Barns Sensory, G2, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Fieldwork", "id": "1xoxDWPwu2VI2Y8CF8q1P", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95020, "section": "FL01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 6, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Fieldwork", "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Jul - 19 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}]}]}]}]}, "7014": {"id": "mk1W29JPPXQydrHO5h9YV", "course_id": "106508", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106508", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advances in Wine Science III", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "OENOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "3520WT", "CLASS_NBR": 21476, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Viticulture and Oenology students only.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "OENOLOGY 3500WT. Mid-year entry students are waived. Also, if this course is the last course of your program study, or it\u2019s one of courses in the last Semester of your study, pre-requisite can be waived.", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, practical report(s), oral presentation(s)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Current research and advanced practices in viticulture and oenology will be examined through lecture/tutorial-based discussion. Viticultural topics will include water relations, water and nutrient use efficiency, climate change, salinity, organic and biodynamic practices and genetic advancement. From an oenological context, emphasis will be placed on grape and wine phenolics and flavour compounds; methods of analysis in wine science; yeast biochemistry, ethanol toxicity, wine stability, yeast aroma compounds; malolactic fermentation. The course will consist of lectures, lab-based practicals, topic debates and a final sensory skill presentation based on sensory skills developed over the course of the Bachelor of Viticulture and Oenology Program.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7015": {"id": "mk1W29JPPXQydrHO5h9YV", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "8H5lL8knVh57cFUzL49qh", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21472, "section": "LE01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 51, "available": 49, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "bXIJHfvjhG1GMYPXc4obb", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21475, "section": "PR01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 51, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "5tZBMSxwUtc3Kwi_HpHFa", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21476, "section": "TU01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 51, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7016": {"id": "ePr1ZraU36dZ3-etYgWUV", "course_id": "107741", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107741", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Engineering for Viticulture and Oenology III", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "OENOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "3530WT", "CLASS_NBR": 23308, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "VITICULT 2500WT and OENOLOGY 2503WT", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "VITICULT 3501WT", "ASSESSMENT": "Final exam, individual project report, group project report, online quiz", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This practical course aims to provide students with an overview of engineering concepts and applications used in viticulture and wine production. Topics covered within viticulture include irrigation system design, vineyard automation and emerging technologies. Engineering topics related to wine production include: winery design, mass and energy balances, fluid and heat transfer systems, solid separation processes, refrigeration and instrumentation. Practical sessions provide students with an opportunity to apply engineering principles to vineyard and winery operations. Application of experimental design methodologies and engineering process economics is also addressed.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7017": {"id": "ePr1ZraU36dZ3-etYgWUV", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "b6H_lmUv9O-aTUjIvVYNd", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23307, "section": "LE01", "size": 42, "enrolled": 33, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Wine Science, 110, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Wine Science, 110, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "UPjeYwLiuiG5ngEZJrEsd", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21397, "section": "PR01", "size": 42, "enrolled": 33, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 129, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Aug - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Wine Science, 113, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "7 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Wine Science, 113, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "ZIBsZg1-nP2IH8UGU2-9E", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23308, "section": "TU01", "size": 42, "enrolled": 33, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Wine Science, 110, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Wine Science, 110, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7018": {"id": "NR0G573km8du1dtFpkldx", "course_id": "108440", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108440", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Wine Science (Hons) Pt 1", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "OENOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "4050AWT", "CLASS_NBR": 16005, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Mixed mode - flexible and/or intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "OENOLOGY 4003AWT, OENOLOGY 4003BWT, OENOLOGY 4010AWT or OENOLOGY 4010BWT", "ASSESSMENT": "Exams and/or assignments, Research Proposal, Literature Review", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This modular course covers a range of advanced topics in Wine Science, the methods of presentation and assessment of which vary according to module.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "7019": {"id": "NR0G573km8du1dtFpkldx", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "dGmBZ0ALOCi_OcvQ_Itfe", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16005, "section": "01WT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "7020": {"id": "F0VCKsWWSnpUI_F8QNfF1", "course_id": "108440", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108440", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Wine Science (Hons) Pt 1", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "OENOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "4050AWT", "CLASS_NBR": 26011, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Mixed mode - flexible and/or intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "OENOLOGY 4003AWT, OENOLOGY 4003BWT, OENOLOGY 4010AWT or OENOLOGY 4010BWT", "ASSESSMENT": "Exams and/or assignments, Research Proposal, Literature Review", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This modular course covers a range of advanced topics in Wine Science, the methods of presentation and assessment of which vary according to module.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "7021": {"id": "F0VCKsWWSnpUI_F8QNfF1", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "sxZ7JG9TWOQnJFi09JWrt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26011, "section": "01WT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "7022": {"id": "n-f9_Qo_fxPtBF_rNUvyt", "course_id": "108441", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108441", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Wine Science (Hons) Pt 2", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "OENOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "4050BWT", "CLASS_NBR": 16006, "SESSION_CD": "FM2", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Mixed mode - flexible and/or intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "OENOLOGY 4050AWT in previous Semester", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "OENOLOGY 4003AWT, OENOLOGY 4003BWT, OENOLOGY 4010AWT or OENOLOGY 4010BWT", "ASSESSMENT": "Exams and/or assignments, Research Proposal, Literature Review", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This modular course covers a range of advanced topics in Wine Science, the methods of presentation and assessment of which vary according to module.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7023": {"id": "n-f9_Qo_fxPtBF_rNUvyt", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "MpCwhbWZ2-QWD2IiQkjaB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16006, "section": "01WT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "7024": {"id": "BOJRDeCO42cQJDWZH6s-L", "course_id": "108441", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108441", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Wine Science (Hons) Pt 2", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "OENOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "4050BWT", "CLASS_NBR": 26012, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Mixed mode - flexible and/or intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "OENOLOGY 4050AWT in previous Semester", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "OENOLOGY 4003AWT, OENOLOGY 4003BWT, OENOLOGY 4010AWT or OENOLOGY 4010BWT", "ASSESSMENT": "Exams and/or assignments, Research Proposal, Literature Review", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This modular course covers a range of advanced topics in Wine Science, the methods of presentation and assessment of which vary according to module.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7025": {"id": "BOJRDeCO42cQJDWZH6s-L", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "KJ6X70KnRHpxbXkXACCQh", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26012, "section": "01WT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "7026": {"id": "VJQJGreQKxPUtZwSj_faY", "course_id": "108442", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108442", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Wine Science Project Pt 1", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "OENOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "4060AWT", "CLASS_NBR": 16007, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "OENOLOGY 4003AWT, OENOLOGY 4003BWT, OENOLOGY 4020AWT or OENOLOGY 4020BWT", "ASSESSMENT": "Thesis, Thesis Defence, Seminar & Supervisor assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This research project is selected at the start of the Honours year following consultation with the Honours Coordinator and depends on availability of research supervisors in any particular year.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "7027": {"id": "VJQJGreQKxPUtZwSj_faY", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "as8EcrsAaNM_aK_pocXTT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16007, "section": "01WT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "7028": {"id": "CpdBEik_DukGjpMjzVL4e", "course_id": "108442", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108442", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Wine Science Project Pt 1", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "OENOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "4060AWT", "CLASS_NBR": 26013, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "OENOLOGY 4003AWT, OENOLOGY 4003BWT, OENOLOGY 4020AWT or OENOLOGY 4020BWT", "ASSESSMENT": "Thesis, Thesis Defence, Seminar & Supervisor assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This research project is selected at the start of the Honours year following consultation with the Honours Coordinator and depends on availability of research supervisors in any particular year.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "7029": {"id": "CpdBEik_DukGjpMjzVL4e", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "kNjFA43-KZo44_qJ7kWPK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26013, "section": "01WT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "7030": {"id": "NVS2-3Yd6ccDnOBkcDqIM", "course_id": "108443", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108443", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Wine Science Project Pt 2", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "OENOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "4060BWT", "CLASS_NBR": 16008, "SESSION_CD": "FM2", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 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"LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7031": {"id": "NVS2-3Yd6ccDnOBkcDqIM", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "_LLPmvRE92nCPVyEvsYks", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16008, "section": "01WT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "7032": {"id": "x42hzvG_4JS9dcbQEYP_t", "course_id": "108443", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108443", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Wine Science Project Pt 2", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "OENOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "4060BWT", "CLASS_NBR": 26014, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "By supervision", 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"x42hzvG_4JS9dcbQEYP_t", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "GDv1ELxk8yqtxiy6iVYc5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26014, "section": "01WT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "7034": {"id": "g4yyYCY4MGjZusbElTloF", "course_id": "108444", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108444", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Wine Science Project (Two-Year) Continuing", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "OENOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "4070AWT", "CLASS_NBR": 16009, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", 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"details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108444", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Wine Science Project (Two-Year) Continuing", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "OENOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "4070AWT", "CLASS_NBR": 26015, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "OENOLOGY 4003AWT, OENOLOGY 4003BWT, OENOLOGY 4030AWT or OENOLOGY 4030BWT", "ASSESSMENT": "Thesis, Thesis Defence, Seminar & Supervisor assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This research project is selected at the start of the Honours year following consultation with the Honours Coordinator and depends on availability of research supervisors in any particular year.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "7045": {"id": "i2F3y5JM4dFXDaDk5VZdZ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "Cmv985iH4R9nsT3rdHegs", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26015, "section": "01WT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "7046": {"id": "wGUoq5c0v_36hlTB0Sn2N", "course_id": "108445", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108445", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Wine Science Project (Two-Year) Final", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "OENOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "4070BWT", "CLASS_NBR": 16010, "SESSION_CD": "TYD", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "OENOLOGY 4003AWT, OENOLOGY 4003BWT, OENOLOGY 4030AWT or OENOLOGY 4030BWT", "ASSESSMENT": "Thesis, Thesis Defence, Seminar & Supervisor assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This research project is selected at the start of the Honours year following consultation with the Honours Coordinator and depends on availability of research supervisors in any particular year.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7047": {"id": "wGUoq5c0v_36hlTB0Sn2N", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "Zi8PDSIdoULSEnuE6P2iy", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16010, "section": "01WT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "7048": {"id": "ZqO8hOggED0k54N-5AZv0", "course_id": "108445", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108445", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Wine Science Project (Two-Year) Final", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "OENOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "4070BWT", "CLASS_NBR": 26016, "SESSION_CD": "TYD", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "OENOLOGY 4003AWT, OENOLOGY 4003BWT, OENOLOGY 4030AWT or OENOLOGY 4030BWT", "ASSESSMENT": "Thesis, Thesis Defence, Seminar & Supervisor assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This research project is selected at the start of the Honours year following consultation with the Honours Coordinator and depends on availability of research supervisors in any particular year.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7049": {"id": "ZqO8hOggED0k54N-5AZv0", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "BJtjV-SAFcHROsRmnfIGz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26016, "section": "01WT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "7050": {"id": "EOS9KpX4OzK_SQyN8a1Qq", "course_id": "103065", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103065", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Foundations of Wine Science", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "OENOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "7000EX", "CLASS_NBR": 30006, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Online lectures plus 4 day residential school during mid-Semester break", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online quiz, vine anatomy practical report & case study, sensory examination, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Foundations of Wine Science comprises three broad topic areas: viticulture, oenology and sensory evaluation. The course aims to provide students with an understanding of basic viticultural, oenological and sensory principles. Topics covered include: grapevine structure and function; the annual growth cycle of the grapevine; the factors that influence crop yield; the source/sink balance of the grapevine; berry development and composition; wine classification; the unit operations involved in winemaking; the taste and olfactory system; and taste and aroma interactions. Practical sessions will focus in more depth on grapevine anatomy and the theory and practice of wine sensory evaluation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "7051": {"id": "EOS9KpX4OzK_SQyN8a1Qq", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "QcjC-lCZBeWvZODkOMer2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30006, "section": "PR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 0, "available": 30, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Apr - 8 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 131, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "8 Apr - 8 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Southern Barns General, G2/G3, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Apr - 8 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Apr - 9 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Apr - 9 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Southern Barns Sensory, G2, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "xwSo1-0w18vCa4iRRFuU_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30068, "section": "LE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 0, "available": 40, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jan - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "15 Apr - 29 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "7052": {"id": "5y-_Wc4TPbbe1lrHD7JjN", "course_id": "103065", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103065", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Foundations of Wine Science", "CAMPUS": "National Wine Centre", "CAMPUS_CD": "NWC", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "OENOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "7000NW", "CLASS_NBR": 30052, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Online lectures plus 4 day residential school during mid-Semester break", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online quiz, vine anatomy practical report & case study, sensory examination, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Foundations of Wine Science comprises three broad topic areas: viticulture, oenology and sensory evaluation. The course aims to provide students with an understanding of basic viticultural, oenological and sensory principles. Topics covered include: grapevine structure and function; the annual growth cycle of the grapevine; the factors that influence crop yield; the source/sink balance of the grapevine; berry development and composition; wine classification; the unit operations involved in winemaking; the taste and olfactory system; and taste and aroma interactions. Practical sessions will focus in more depth on grapevine anatomy and the theory and practice of wine sensory evaluation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "7053": {"id": "5y-_Wc4TPbbe1lrHD7JjN", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "AnTYAbT1Cmg_oKHnRQyIt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30030, "section": "PR01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 22, "available": 38, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Apr - 8 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 131, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "8 Apr - 8 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Southern Barns General, G2/G3, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Apr - 8 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Apr - 11 Apr", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Apr - 11 Apr", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Southern Barns Sensory, G2, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "dZSPhhnI5SH9Z_hWodtk4", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30052, "section": "TU01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 22, "available": 38, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Feb - 23 Feb", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "G4KEChqvFjWZV-oM4iFWZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30067, "section": "LE01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 22, "available": 58, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jan - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "15 Apr - 22 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "7054": {"id": "KrGE07pHu49qfxy5-Wryt", "course_id": "102996", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102996", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Wine Packaging and Quality Management", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "OENOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "7004WT", "CLASS_NBR": 23015, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080317", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "OENOLOGY 7010WT and OENOLOGY 7047WT. Wine Business students can enrol without pre-requisite", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Practicals, reports, written assignments & exams", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course involves teaching sessions that may be attended by both Undergraduate and Postgraduate students.\nScience and technology of bottling and packaging systems including chemical and physical properties of packaging materials, principles of filling machinery, design and process control of wine filling/packaging systems.\nWine and food laws and commercial forces as quality standards. Taints and residues in grapes and wine as quality issues. Approaches and systems of quality management using the wine industry as a focus, including the development of corporate quality cultures, standards and specifications. Visits will be made to commercial plants.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7055": {"id": "KrGE07pHu49qfxy5-Wryt", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "ud6aPOd-tWk-kKTjnp3a4", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24822, "section": "LE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 13, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Wine Science, 110, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Wine Science, 110, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "eHvI0HpxTjfvhmVRbRXkJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23015, "section": "PR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 13, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "When PRA class does not display a location, students please consult Course Coordinator for information."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Southern Barns General, G2/G3, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "23 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G18, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G09, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "6 Sep - 6 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Southern Barns General, G2/G3, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "7056": {"id": "V0U5aHPUCcq6lozL33WBO", "course_id": "111175", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111175", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Theoretical Foundations of Wine Science", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "OENOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "7005OL", "CLASS_NBR": 30104, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Online", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online quiz, two practical reports, assignments, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Australian wine industry is internationally renowned for the innovative approaches that have made it a leading instigator of many 'best-practices' across the entire wine value chain, from grape growing, to wine making and consumer satisfaction. This course aims to provide students with an understanding of basic viticultural, oenological and sensory principles, such as the life cycle and growth of the grapevine, the unit operations involved in winemaking, and the theory of sensory evaluation of wine. The knowledge gained in this course will provide students with a broad understanding of grape and wine production, as well as skills in the technical evaluation of wine; i.e. laying the foundation for students undertaking studies in Wine Business", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "7057": {"id": "V0U5aHPUCcq6lozL33WBO", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "DtSTExLc1Ii1ngNpnIdAY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30102, "section": "LE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 0, "available": 50, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jan - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "15 Apr - 29 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "utm4MCtFiQHP0U2UoLyTv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30103, "section": "PR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 0, "available": 50, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Apr - 8 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "hl2nG1-RupB6r9abEDreQ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30104, "section": "TU01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 0, "available": 50, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Feb - 22 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "14 Mar - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "7058": {"id": "Jwy0HVitjnU3PbCUf2-t_", "course_id": "103002", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103002", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Stabilisation and Clarification", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "OENOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "7010WT", "CLASS_NBR": 14919, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019905", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Graduate Diploma in Viticulture and Oenology and Master of Viticulture and Oenology students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "OENOLOGY 7028WT", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "CHEM 1101, CHEM 1201 (or equivalent)", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Practical reports, practical notebook, online quiz, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course involves teaching sessions that may be attended by both Undergraduate and Postgraduate students.\n\nPrinciples and practices of wine clarification and stabilisation. Protein, tartrate, metal, colour oxidative, and microbiological stability and stability testing of wine. Wine clarification by means of settling, centrifugation, filtration and fining.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7059": {"id": "Jwy0HVitjnU3PbCUf2-t_", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "FoibrjcO8tT9onPelSuyq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14918, "section": "LE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 32, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "FM9OEl0PVFaT7b_XQOfWg", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14919, "section": "PR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 32, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Wine Science, 113, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Wine Science, 110, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Wine Science, 113, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Wine Science, 110, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7060": {"id": "IjHICXerkbA7DAtzTT-nl", "course_id": "102920", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102920", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Sensory Studies", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "OENOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "7019WT", "CLASS_NBR": 24962, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019905", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Practical report, tasting tests, group oral presentation, written exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course involves teaching sessions that may be attended by both Undergraduate and Postgraduate students.\nThis course provides a scientifically based introduction to sensory evaluation and its relationship to the winemaking process, and promotes the development of technically accurate wine assessment skills. The physiology of taste receptors, olfaction and the structure of oral mucosa are examined. Recent advances in knowledge, including the function of signal transduction molecules and protein structure are used to explain current models of flavour, astringency and taste perception. Basic flavour chemistry of grapes and wine is introduced. An introduction to sensory measurement theory, psychophysics, aroma and taste interactions, threshold measurement, and the psychological and physiological factors affecting perception is presented. The concept of adaptation and its application to the sensory evaluation of wines, and elements of good sensory practice including data collection and statistical analysis are described. The practical program will be used to develop basic skills in sensory assessment of wines leading to the interpretation of wine characteristics in terms of wine style and quality. This is achieved by a progressive development of sensory skills, using model solutions to depict basic tastes and their interaction, followed by a detailed examination of white and red table, fortified and sparkling wines.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7061": {"id": "IjHICXerkbA7DAtzTT-nl", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "oAPZXcjWDIDqTp3pxXlql", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24820, "section": "LE01", "size": 34, "enrolled": 30, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "TK0wj1A1dD5-LR0SP8vhm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20618, "section": "TU01", "size": 12, "enrolled": 12, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Wine Innovation Central, 431, Meeting Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24961, "section": "TU03", "size": 12, "enrolled": 12, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Location for tutorial 3 and 4 is the Focus Room, Room 4.32, Level 4, WIC Building, Waite Campus."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 24962, "section": "TU04", "size": 12, "enrolled": 6, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Location for tutorial 3 and 4 is the Focus Room, Room 4.32, Level 4, WIC Building, Waite Campus."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Wine Innovation Central, 431, Meeting Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "q2mYT-9mSUHrZHRE4NeMR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24821, "section": "PR01", "size": 34, "enrolled": 30, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7062": {"id": "oU6UOeBg75QjJXU0L1tHF", "course_id": "103017", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103017", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Cellar and Winery Waste Management", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "OENOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "7022WT", "CLASS_NBR": 14914, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080317", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "OENOLOGY 7028WT", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Final exam, practical reports & tutorial papers", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course involves teaching sessions that may be attended by both Undergraduate and Postgraduate students.\nVintage planning; occupational health and safety, winery record keeping; microbial control, cellar hygiene; winery waste management, environmental management.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7063": {"id": "oU6UOeBg75QjJXU0L1tHF", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "SP3vY4h9tw9f6FmSt25eG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14913, "section": "LE01", "size": 48, "enrolled": 28, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "pLepB-G9EC3j-ga47MygG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14914, "section": "PR01", "size": 32, "enrolled": 28, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Wine Science, 113, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "4 Jun - 5 Jun", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}]}]}]}]}, "7064": {"id": "_JDwSE-foKz13zEF8dlq4", "course_id": "102960", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102960", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introductory Winemaking", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "OENOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "7028WT", "CLASS_NBR": 21555, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019905", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Practical reports, written assignments, online quizzes, examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course provides an introduction to modern wine production through the perspective of the Australian wine industry. Introductory topics in grape and wine chemistry are described, including acidity and the impacts of grape and wine acids in winemaking, sulphur dioxide and its uses in winemaking, phenolic compounds and their role in wine composition, and the effects of oxidation upon wine during maturation. All aspects of wine production including harvest, fruit processing, white and red vinification techniques, and alcoholic and malolactic fermentation are described. The principles and practice of processes to stabilise and clarify juices and wines are introduced. Practical activities during the course include an introduction to the techniques of basic chemical and microbiological analysis of grape juice, fermenting musts and final wines, management of a small-scale fermentation under defined conditions, and a visit to a commercial winery.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7065": {"id": "_JDwSE-foKz13zEF8dlq4", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "spX3gZbu6Fmqpp58FBD8A", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21553, "section": "LE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "CCfBhCf0psG_Vmtmdf4MA", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21554, "section": "PR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G09, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Wine Science, 113, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Wine Science, 113, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Wine Science, 113, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "0ZBoFpZn6WIcU-rAjMYt3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21555, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 205, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7066": {"id": "xftH5EyICo307FJNR8dOc", "course_id": "103052", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103052", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Distillation, Fortified and Sparkling Winemaking", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "OENOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "7038WT", "CLASS_NBR": 24813, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019905", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Master of Viticulture and Oenology students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "OENOLOGY 7028WT and OENOLOGY 7019WT", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "CHEM 1101, CHEM 1201 (or equivalent)", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Practical reports, practical notebook, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course involves teaching sessions that may be attended by both Undergraduate and Postgraduate students.\n\nDistillation principles and wine distillation practices. Production of Australian and overseas grape spirits for fortified wine and brandy production. Production of potable distilled beverages other than brandy. Legal requirements of fortified wine production and distillation. Production of Australian and overseas sparkling wine styles. Sensory evaluation of spirits, fortified and sparkling wines.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7067": {"id": "xftH5EyICo307FJNR8dOc", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "F3SXd43GM-BDgOdOBUu3j", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24812, "section": "LE01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 9, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Wine Science, 110, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Wine Science, 110, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "qdQuvdKm8MQ6QIdOXXdth", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24813, "section": "PR01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 9, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Southern Barns General, G2/G3, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Southern Barns General, G2/G3, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7068": {"id": "U4tydVjklcN71IL4wp4Um", "course_id": "103089", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103089", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Fermentation Technology", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "OENOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "7046WT", "CLASS_NBR": 24817, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 10 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Master of Viticulture & Oenology students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "OENOLOGY 7028WT and OENOLOGY 7019WT", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, written work, practical reports, group oral presentations", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course involves teaching sessions that may be attended by both Undergraduate and Postgraduate students.\n\nThis practical course provides students with the opportunity to gain hands on winemaking experience that expands on areas of fermentation technology and preparation of wine for bottling post vintage. The course introduces students to the planning and managing of winemaking strategies, and importantly complements the theory covered in the other wine technology courses for table wine production. Another objective of this course is to help students make a considerable progression in the development of their wine sensory evaluation skills", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7069": {"id": "U4tydVjklcN71IL4wp4Um", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "xiaB6kZ3bNDBgQ7sX0Ygc", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24816, "section": "LE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 14, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Wine Science, 110, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Wine Science, 110, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "Valgfe2CqHuPAX5y0ntK-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24817, "section": "PR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 14, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Wine Science, 110, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Wine Science, 110, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Wine Science, 110, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Wine Science, 110, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7070": {"id": "Df1rJmai5xR5uDUK25V3o", "course_id": "103090", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103090", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Winemaking at Vintage", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "OENOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "7047WT", "CLASS_NBR": 10205, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to, GradDipVitculture & Oenology, M.Vitculture & Oenology, students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "OENOLOGY 7028WT and OENOLOGY 7019WT", "CO_REQUISITE": "OENOLOGY 7022WT", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Practicals, written assignments, presentations and exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course involves teaching sessions that may be attended by both Undergraduate and Postgraduate students.\n\nThis practical course provides students with the opportunity to gain hands on winemaking experience over the vintage period. The course introduces students to the planning and managing of winemaking strategies. It covers all aspects of grape processing, white juice preparation and red wine fermentation and is designed to complement the theory covered in the other wine technology courses for table wine production. This course also aims to help students make a considerable progression in the developments of their wine sensory evaluation skills.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7071": {"id": "Df1rJmai5xR5uDUK25V3o", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "ENCEpRVewWL_ISRG3yV-q", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10205, "section": "PR01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 27, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Wine Science, Winery, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Wine Science, Winery, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Wine Science, Winery, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Wine Science, Winery, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 25 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Wine Science, Winery, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Wine Science, Winery, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "16 May - 16 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Wine Science, Winery, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "SyHjbqp6-a39NAZufrNU8", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10201, "section": "LE01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 27, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "12 Feb - 12 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Wine Science, Winery, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "12 Feb - 12 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Wine Science, Winery, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "13 Feb - 13 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Wine Science, Winery, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "14 Feb - 14 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Wine Science, Winery, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "14 Feb - 14 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Wine Science, Winery, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "15 Feb - 15 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Wine Science, Winery, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "15 Feb - 15 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Wine Science, Winery, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "16 Feb - 16 Feb", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Wine Science, Winery, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "16 Feb - 16 Feb", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Wine Science, Winery, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "19 Feb - 19 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Wine Science, Winery, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "19 Feb - 19 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Wine Science, Winery, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "20 Feb - 20 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Wine Science, Winery, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "20 Feb - 20 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Wine Science, Winery, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "21 Feb - 22 Feb", "days": "Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Wine Science, Winery, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 Feb - 23 Feb", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Wine Science, Winery, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "7072": {"id": "CheL3Y4ncy1xpkoEG8bpR", "course_id": "107590", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107590", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "The Australian Wine Industry: Rise of an Icon", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "OENOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "7515WT", "CLASS_NBR": 95003, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "OENOLOGY 1018NW, OENOLOGY 1018EX, OENOLOGY 7000NW, OENOLOGY 7000EX or OENOLOGY 7028WT", "ASSESSMENT": "Sensory exam, online quiz, written assignment and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Australian wine industry is internationally renowned for the innovative approaches that have made it a leading instigator of many 'best-practices' across the entire wine value chain, from grape growing, wine making to consumer satisfaction. This course will introduce the Australian wine industry and provide a broad understanding of the principles and practices of grape and wine production, and the sensory evaluation of wine. Students will be introduced to topics such as grapevine structure and anatomy, the annual growth cycle, vineyard management and operation, making of table, sparkling, fortified and dessert wines, sensory evaluation of wines, regional wine styles, and basic flavour chemistry of grapes and wine; emphasising aspects distinctive to the Australian wine industry. The course will comprise lectures and practical sessions, including a full day visit to a South Australian wine region. The course is aimed at students with an interest in wine but does not require in-depth scientific knowledge. This course involves teaching sessions that may be attended by both Undergraduate and Postgraduate students.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 24/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 28/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 11/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 17/07/2024"}}]}, "7073": {"id": "CheL3Y4ncy1xpkoEG8bpR", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "j0RS5rbkeVv2l6wJ2xh05", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95023, "section": "LE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "12 Jul - 12 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Jul - 18 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 205, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "fNsXBCOeeSopzQd2fbvTP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95003, "section": "PR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Jul - 5 Jul", "days": "Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Southern Barns Sensory, G2, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "10 Jul - 11 Jul", "days": "Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "17 Jul - 17 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Southern Barns Sensory, G2, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Fieldwork", "id": "3gXgDBVBxB6VeMVKi4dkk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95022, "section": "FL01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Fieldwork", "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Jul - 19 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}]}]}]}]}, "7074": {"id": "IiH2bb3hLmr7dawjnQ8x1", "course_id": "106509", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106509", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advances in Wine Science", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "OENOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "7520WT", "CLASS_NBR": 21477, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Master of Viticulture and Oenology students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "VITICULT 7002WT", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "OENOLOGY 7019WT", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, Practical report(s), oral presentation(s)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Current research and advanced practices in viticulture and oenology will be examined through lecture/tutorial-based discussion. Viticultural topics will include water relations, water and nutrient use efficiency, climate change, salinity, organic and biodynamic practices and genetic advancement. From an oenological context, emphasis will be placed on grape and wine phenolics and flavour compounds; methods of analysis in wine science; yeast biochemistry, ethanol toxicity, wine stability, yeast aroma compounds; malolactic fermentation. The course will consist of lectures, lab-based practicals, topic debates and a final sensory skills presentation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7075": {"id": "IiH2bb3hLmr7dawjnQ8x1", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "2kvmnhfHiRi_wdzRbFRIN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21473, "section": "LE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 16, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": " "}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "ITa7PFvycU1dpORHvvKc3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21474, "section": "PR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 16, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": " "}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "nb98z6_ASevNCv1N0OmaV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21477, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 16, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7076": {"id": "lUlPKRJnYfSvaxEDJiGfS", "course_id": "107870", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107870", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Engineering for Viticulture & Oenology", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "OENOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "7540WT", "CLASS_NBR": 22069, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "VITICULT 7002WT, OENOLOGY 7028WT", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, individual project report, group project report, S-component, online quiz", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to provide students with an overview of engineering concepts and applications used in viticulture and wine production. Topics covered within viticulture include irrigation system design, vineyard automation and emerging technologies. Engineering topics related to wine production include: winery design, mass and energy balances, fluid and heat transfer systems, solid separation processes, refrigeration and instrumentation. Practical sessions provide students with an opportunity to apply engineering principles to vineyard and winery operations. Application of experimental design methodologies and engineering process economics is also addressed.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7077": {"id": "lUlPKRJnYfSvaxEDJiGfS", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Vz6ZI4kjjCgqL8MpVt6bs", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22068, "section": "LE01", "size": 6, "enrolled": 4, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Wine Science, 110, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Wine Science, 110, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "zZhBatjqNq07ZiiQY45Hg", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22069, "section": "TU01", "size": 6, "enrolled": 4, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Wine Science, 110, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Wine Science, 110, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "bihJhqZpzifxn4duRLGzT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25202, "section": "PR01", "size": 6, "enrolled": 4, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 129, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Wine Science, Winery, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Wine Science, Winery, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "7078": {"id": "fKyD28DTU_r733RH4r3US", "course_id": "107871", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107871", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Viticulture & Oenology Research Project", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "OENOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "7550WT", "CLASS_NBR": 15898, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 48 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Master of Viticulture and Oenology students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "OENOLOGY 7520WT", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "OENOLOGY 7560WT", "ASSESSMENT": "Thesis", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides advanced education and training in the principles of scientific research and the current state of knowledge and techniques used in the fields of Viticulture and Oenology. Students learn to apply knowledge and skills to demonstrate autonomy, expert judgement, adaptability and responsibility as a practitioner or learner. Each student is expected to carry out a laboratory or industry based research project during the Semester. The project outcomes are to be written up as a thesis using a form similar to that required for publication of research data. Each student will be required to give an introductory seminar and formal presentation of their research at the end of the semester, followed by an oral defence of their findings and conclusions.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7079": {"id": "fKyD28DTU_r733RH4r3US", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "-RjxKR1fevIru-mSq5jMc", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15898, "section": "01WT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 4, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "7080": {"id": "eXCFI7vwGWaXvEZpZCn0h", "course_id": "107871", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107871", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Viticulture & Oenology Research Project", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "OENOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "7550WT", "CLASS_NBR": 25903, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 48 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Master of Viticulture and Oenology students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "OENOLOGY 7520WT", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "OENOLOGY 7560WT", "ASSESSMENT": "Thesis", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides advanced education and training in the principles of scientific research and the current state of knowledge and techniques used in the fields of Viticulture and Oenology. Students learn to apply knowledge and skills to demonstrate autonomy, expert judgement, adaptability and responsibility as a practitioner or learner. Each student is expected to carry out a laboratory or industry based research project during the Semester. The project outcomes are to be written up as a thesis using a form similar to that required for publication of research data. Each student will be required to give an introductory seminar and formal presentation of their research at the end of the semester, followed by an oral defence of their findings and conclusions.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7081": {"id": "eXCFI7vwGWaXvEZpZCn0h", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "XE4CFArgyryZadf6QIzjm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25903, "section": "01WT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "7082": {"id": "EL-vwr6pFm3k4Wg6IIesh", "course_id": "107872", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107872", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Experience & Perspectives in the Wine Industry", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "OENOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "7560WT", "CLASS_NBR": 13547, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "10 weeks full time placement (off campus) plus up to 5 hours per week for 7 weeks", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Master of Viticulture and Oenology students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "OENOLOGY 7047WT", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "OENOLOGY 7520WT", "INCOMPATIBLE": "OENOLOGY 7550WT", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, presentations, online reflective journal", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Master of Viticulture and Oenology program provides students with opportunities to gain experience working in viticulture and/or winemaking placements. Students undertake 10 weeks\u2019 work experience, either in an approved viticultural enterprise, and/or in a commercial winery. The placement is normally a continuous 10-week block, taken during the vintage period of the particular region. Viticultural placements, however, may take place throughout the year, and can be composed of a series of discontinuous periods (totalling 10 weeks), enabling students to experience different vineyard practices throughout the year and gain a hands-on working understanding of the management systems and structures. Alternatively students may elect to undertake experience in commercial winery during the vintage period. At the completion of the placement, a specified level of proficiency and an understanding of the contribution of each of the major unit operations to the overall winemaking process are required. \nIn addition students will receive lectures and workshops designed to allow the examination the current policies and issues confronting the Australian wine industry. This will provide insight into how critical Australian wine industry organisations address topics of societal importance, including marketing, wine advertising, brand development and alcohol and health in the international context.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7083": {"id": "EL-vwr6pFm3k4Wg6IIesh", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "d92dVqcC5hprNCjuKtm_L", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14012, "section": "LE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 23, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Apr - 20 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Wine Science, 110, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "-8SvD4EIlY3T2EumSaLnk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13546, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 23, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "The class venue is Winery Science 110 Tut Room."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "21 May - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 13547, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 23, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 May - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Wine Science, 110, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 May - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Wine Science, 110, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7084": {"id": "EPTmWZottShQN7Bj6sTqj", "course_id": "111549", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111549", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Experience & Perspectives in the Wine Industry", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "OENOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "7580WT", "CLASS_NBR": 10172, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Students enrolled in Master of Viticulture and Oenology only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "OENOLOGY 7047WT", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "OENOLOGY 7520WT", "INCOMPATIBLE": "OENOLOGY 7550WT", "ASSESSMENT": "Written reports, weekly reflective journal, oral presentation; written assignments, video presentation, exam.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Master of Viticulture and Oenology program provides students with opportunities to gain experience working in viticulture and/or winemaking placements. Students undertake 10 weeks work experience, either in an approved viticultural enterprise, and/or in a commercial winery. The placement is normally a continuous 10-week block, taken during the vintage period of the particular region. Viticultural placements, however, may take place throughout the year, and can be composed of a series of discontinuous periods (totalling 10 weeks), enabling students to experience different vineyard practices throughout the year and gain a hands-on working understanding of the management systems and structures. Alternatively students may elect to undertake experience in commercial winery during the vintage period. At the completion of the placement, a specified level of proficiency and an understanding of the contribution of each of the major unit operations to the overall winemaking process are required. \n\nIn addition students will receive lectures and workshops designed to allow the examination of current policies and issues confronting the Australian wine industry. This will provide insight into how critical Australian wine industry organisations address topics of societal importance, including marketing, wine advertising, brand development and alcohol and health in the international context.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7085": {"id": "EPTmWZottShQN7Bj6sTqj", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "ceacvQLzQu48Mdry-Sa-s", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10172, "section": "SE01", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This course needs department consent to enroll. Students please talk with your Program Coordinator if need to enroll."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": " "}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "7086": {"id": "LzurEX5HJBmaWWUJc-oDy", "course_id": "111549", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111549", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Experience & Perspectives in the Wine Industry", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "OENOLOGY", "CATALOG_NBR": "7580WT", "CLASS_NBR": 20199, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Students enrolled in Master of Viticulture and Oenology only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "OENOLOGY 7047WT", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "OENOLOGY 7520WT", "INCOMPATIBLE": "OENOLOGY 7550WT", "ASSESSMENT": "Written reports, weekly reflective journal, oral presentation; written assignments, video presentation, exam.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Master of Viticulture and Oenology program provides students with opportunities to gain experience working in viticulture and/or winemaking placements. Students undertake 10 weeks work experience, either in an approved viticultural enterprise, and/or in a commercial winery. The placement is normally a continuous 10-week block, taken during the vintage period of the particular region. Viticultural placements, however, may take place throughout the year, and can be composed of a series of discontinuous periods (totalling 10 weeks), enabling students to experience different vineyard practices throughout the year and gain a hands-on working understanding of the management systems and structures. Alternatively students may elect to undertake experience in commercial winery during the vintage period. At the completion of the placement, a specified level of proficiency and an understanding of the contribution of each of the major unit operations to the overall winemaking process are required. \n\nIn addition students will receive lectures and workshops designed to allow the examination of current policies and issues confronting the Australian wine industry. This will provide insight into how critical Australian wine industry organisations address topics of societal importance, including marketing, wine advertising, brand development and alcohol and health in the international context.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7087": {"id": "LzurEX5HJBmaWWUJc-oDy", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "fn74Dy5_N1MlDcq90BynR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20199, "section": "SE01", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This course needs department consent to enroll. Students please talk with your Program Coordinator if need to enroll."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": " "}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "7088": {"subject": "ORALHLTH", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "100503", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "100495", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "100496", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "100497", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "100498", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "100499", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "100500", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "100501", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "100502", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "101782", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "101501", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "101502", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "101503", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "101504", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "101505", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "101506", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "101507", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111370", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109968", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109969", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "101783", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "101509", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "101510", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "101511", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "101512", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "101515", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "101516", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106446", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106447", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109970", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109971", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108002", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108003", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "7089": {"id": "uFNjOWODSM1kbsf-utql1", "course_id": "100503", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "100503", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "First Annual Oral Health Examination", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ORALHLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "1200HO", "CLASS_NBR": 25655, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Oral Health students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ORALHLTH 1201AHO, ORALHLTH 1202AHO, ORALHLTH 1203AHO and ORALHLTH 1204AHO", "CO_REQUISITE": "ORALHLTH 1201BHO, ORALHLTH 1202BHO, ORALHLTH 1203BHO and ORALHLTH 1204BHO", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7090": {"id": "uFNjOWODSM1kbsf-utql1", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "QTYxe_JUA_JcbwLP8RZ00", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25655, "section": "01HO", "size": 38, "enrolled": 33, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "7091": {"id": "DtvS9aGpR69Pv9OyWBziG", "course_id": "100495", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "100495", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Dental and Health Science IOH Part 1", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ORALHLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "1201AHO", "CLASS_NBR": 11068, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Oral Health students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "ORALHLTH 1202AHO, ORALHLTH 1203AHO and ORALHLTH 1204AHO", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Tests, practical assessments, assignments, written exams, presentations", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course has been designed to provide students with opportunities to learn aspects of oral and dental anatomy, common dental diseases and their prevention, behavioural science and nutrition. The course introduces students to the oral cavity and provides a foundation for understanding the context of professional practice for oral health therapists, oral health and disease, and patient management. Topics include dental terminology and morphology, cariology and preventive dentistry. In addition to this, students are introduced to the behavioural sciences and developmental psychology relevant to their role in the dental team. By using case-based learning and investigating a range of patient situations, students will have the opportunity to begin to develop skills for patient examination, diagnosis and management.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "7092": {"id": "DtvS9aGpR69Pv9OyWBziG", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "nWvGG2GrMJgTuoRglbMP3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11068, "section": "TU01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 33, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "qrkB8duLKXSnIZxPcTNbk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11069, "section": "LE01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 33, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "7093": {"id": "QqftyJ78WnL4Fw7ydc0p_", "course_id": "100496", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "100496", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Dental and Health Science IOH Part 2", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ORALHLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "1201BHO", "CLASS_NBR": 26512, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Oral Health students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ORALHLTH 1201AHO, ORALHLTH 1202AHO, ORALHLTH 1203AHO and ORALHLTH 1204AHO", "CO_REQUISITE": "ORALHLTH 1202BHO, ORALHLTH 1203BHO, ORALHLTH 1204BHO and ORALHLTH 1200HO", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Tests, practical assessments, assignments, written exams, presentations", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course has been designed to provide students with opportunities to learn aspects of oral and dental anatomy, common dental diseases and their prevention, behavioural science and nutrition. The course introduces students to the oral cavity and provides a foundation for understanding the context of professional practice for oral health therapists, oral health and disease, and patient management. Topics include dental terminology and morphology, cariology and preventive dentistry. In addition to this, students are introduced to the behavioural sciences and developmental psychology relevant to their role in the dental team. By using case-based learning and investigating a range of patient situations, students will have the opportunity to begin to develop skills for patient examination, diagnosis and management.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7094": {"id": "QqftyJ78WnL4Fw7ydc0p_", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "aAXHpWd8Z9pZV7xkvERmU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26512, "section": "TU01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 31, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 23 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S336a&b, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S336a&b, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S336a&b, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "-Lhguua_MQ0rKTpE2hDXt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24097, "section": "LE01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 31, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "7095": {"id": "E9gb9tIwe4Fs-Kc_jtYRR", "course_id": "100497", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "100497", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Clinical Practice IOH Part 1", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ORALHLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "1202AHO", "CLASS_NBR": 19071, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 4, "EFTLS": 0.1666666666666667, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 10 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Oral Health students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "ORALHLTH 1201AHO, ORALHLTH 1203AHO and ORALHLTH 1204AHO", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Clinic, simulation clinic, practical assessment, assignments, portfolios & written assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces students to clinical practice of an oral health practitioner and provides a foundation for patient management and oral health practice as a career. Students will work through a range of clinical and simulation based exercises centred on the provision of patient care, clinical skills and knowledge. Students work in a collaborative environment and learning will be supported by independent study and discussion of findings in class and in small tutorial groups. Topics include infection control, workplace health and safety, dental records, preventive dentistry and the management of common dental diseases, development of manual dexterity skills and applied dental clinical practice and radiography.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "7096": {"id": "E9gb9tIwe4Fs-Kc_jtYRR", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "XwnuMyOifWLR2QbST0jka", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12301, "section": "LE01", "size": 38, "enrolled": 32, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Placement", "id": "XrtCK3WBUjK-uFU_ek2nW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14015, "section": "PL01", "size": 38, "enrolled": 32, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Placement", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "External, TAFE, Clinic Gilles Plains"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "External, TAFE, Clinic Gilles Plains"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "External, TAFE, Clinic Gilles Plains"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "External, TAFE, Clinic Gilles Plains"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "p_gjcqIkB0dnJQ03aDW81", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19071, "section": "TU01", "size": 38, "enrolled": 32, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Clinical", "id": "1_S1Q-TZm7zcTGSaMDz0q", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18889, "section": "CL01", "size": 38, "enrolled": 32, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Clinical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1041a, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1041a, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "7097": {"id": "Pr-r1qA95RThIrl3LzxAQ", "course_id": "100498", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "100498", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Clinical Practice IOH Part 2", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ORALHLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "1202BHO", "CLASS_NBR": 24098, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 4, "EFTLS": 0.1666666666666667, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 10 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Oral Health students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ORALHLTH 1201AHO, ORALHLTH 1202AHO, ORALHLTH 1203AHO and ORALHLTH 1204AHO", "CO_REQUISITE": "ORALHLTH 1201AHO, ORALHLTH 1203AHO, ORALHLTH 1204AHO and ORALHLTH 1200HO", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Clinic, simulation clinic, practical, assignments, e-portfolios & written assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces students to clinical practice of an oral health practitioner and provides a foundation for patient management and oral health practice as a career. Students will work through a range of clinical and simulation based exercises centred on the provision of patient care, clinical skills and knowledge. Students work in a collaborative environment and learning will be supported by independent study and discussion of findings in class and in small tutorial groups. Topics include infection control, workplace health and safety, dental records, preventive dentistry and the management of common dental diseases, development of manual dexterity skills and applied dental clinical practice and radiography.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7098": {"id": "Pr-r1qA95RThIrl3LzxAQ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "WEICqzDVcmPWrGQH3x682", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24098, "section": "TU01", "size": 38, "enrolled": 30, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 23 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S336a&b, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S336a&b, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S336a&b, Meeting Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "wPhWPmyoR-FhMv6wVicas", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24096, "section": "LE01", "size": 38, "enrolled": 30, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Placement", "id": "fFG1BGRxce4BQQfLO4T_g", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28953, "section": "PL01", "size": 38, "enrolled": 30, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Placement", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Clinical", "id": "bWTFl_sh9ed8-IOLjryc-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28791, "section": "CL01", "size": 38, "enrolled": 30, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Clinical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1041a, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "30 Jul - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1041a, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "7099": {"id": "Bsx9Uq80QcoS9Zay32zd-", "course_id": "100499", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "100499", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Human Biology IOH Part 1", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ORALHLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "1203AHO", "CLASS_NBR": 11521, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 8 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Oral Health students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "ORALHLTH 1201AHO, ORALHLTH 1202AHO and ORALHLTH 1204AHO", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, tutorial & laboratory exercises, tests, written exams", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This stream aims to provide the student with the biological grounding upon which the practice of dentistry rests. It is an introduction to the anatomy and physiology of the human body and in particular the teeth and oro-facial regions. Topics include: basic biochemistry, general anatomy and physiology, general histology, oral histology and embryology, anatomy and physiology of the head and neck, microbiology and immunology.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "7100": {"id": "Bsx9Uq80QcoS9Zay32zd-", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "ogVM5G5UMtdYNNtIpIZwq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15153, "section": "LE01", "size": 38, "enrolled": 35, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "hDbs44mBJRmLkkKzv3obm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11521, "section": "TU01", "size": 38, "enrolled": 35, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S211a&b, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S211a&b, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7101": {"id": "61bQbuIOA_CZEVM5MEVI7", "course_id": "100500", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "100500", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Human Biology IOH Part 2", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ORALHLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "1203BHO", "CLASS_NBR": 23157, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 8 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Oral Health students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ORALHLTH 1201AHO, ORALHLTH 1202AHO, ORALHLTH 1203AHO and ORALHLTH 1204AHO", "CO_REQUISITE": "ORALHLTH 1201BHO, ORALHLTH 1202BHO, ORALHLTH 1204BHO and ORALHLTH 1200HO", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, tutorial & laboratory exercises, tests, group project, written exams", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This stream aims to provide the student with the biological grounding upon which the practice of dentistry rests. It is an introduction to the anatomy and physiology of the human body and in particular the teeth and oro-facial regions. Topics include: basic biochemistry, general anatomy and physiology, general histology, oral histology and embryology, anatomy and physiology of the head and neck, microbiology and immunology.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7102": {"id": "61bQbuIOA_CZEVM5MEVI7", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "jkJm0ynlkYG8aBF-PtSJp", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20172, "section": "LE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 32, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "KU76Ky_1MfF2jSC7s1etV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23157, "section": "TU01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 32, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S211a&b, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S211a&b, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7103": {"id": "Gq9eOszfBba4kDehw1xMy", "course_id": "100501", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "100501", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Population Health & Professional Practice IOH Part 1", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ORALHLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "1204AHO", "CLASS_NBR": 18909, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 2, "EFTLS": 0.08333333333333334, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 3-4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Oral Health students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "ORALHLTH 1201AHO, ORALHLTH 1202AHO and ORALHLTH 1203AHO", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessments are multi-modal and include assignments, providing brief responses to case studies, quizzes, simulated patient interactions and presentations to peers.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course has been designed to introduce concepts of academic and research skill development to support study, the students' role as a graduate oral health professional and the requirement for continual professional development/research. Evidence-based dentistry will provide students with an appreciation of the nature and scope of epidemiology and statistics applied to dentistry. It will provide the students with an understanding of different study designs used in dental research and a working knowledge of basic statistics, interpretation and data analysis. Topics will be introduced in resource lectures, online learning mediums and workshops. Problem-based learning topics will be presented where applicable and student learning will be supported by independent and group research and discussion. The student is also required to monitor their own learning by providing feedback to each other as well as incorporating feedback from colleagues and staff.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "7104": {"id": "Gq9eOszfBba4kDehw1xMy", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "v92dLpGpwiiaVVwvg28SJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18909, "section": "TU01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 30, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "6Pb52yynMOni2B9JxSCkR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14096, "section": "LE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 30, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "7105": {"id": "a5rfBRwT7KNTgucRshLtb", "course_id": "100502", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "100502", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Population Health & Professional Practice IOH Part 2", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ORALHLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "1204BHO", "CLASS_NBR": 26509, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 2, "EFTLS": 0.08333333333333334, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Oral Health students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ORALHLTH 1201AHO, ORALHLTH 1202AHO, ORALHLTH 1203AHO and ORALHLTH 1204AHO", "CO_REQUISITE": "ORALHLTH 1201BHO, ORALHLTH 1202BHO, ORALHLTH 1203BHO and ORALHLTH 1200HO", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessments are multi-modal and include assignments, providing brief responses to case studies, quizzes, simulated patient interactions and presentations to peers.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course has been designed to introduce concepts of health communication designed to develop interprofessional communication as well as, the students' role as a graduate oral health professional Topics will be introduced in resource lectures, online learning mediums and workshops. Simulated exchanges between students and members of the public are offered in a safe environment featuring opportunities for peer review and experiential learning. Problem-based learning topics will be presented where applicable and student learning will be supported by independent and group research and discussion. The student is also required to monitor their own learning by providing feedback to each other as well as incorporating feedback from colleagues and staff.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7106": {"id": "a5rfBRwT7KNTgucRshLtb", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "ki8jQxCjySOG80BdjpdYI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26509, "section": "TU01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 28, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 23 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2077, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2078, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2076, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2075, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2050, Simulation Suite 1"}, {"dates": "6 Aug - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2076, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2077, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2075, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2050, Simulation Suite 1"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 2078, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "I21TU7S4ChVPy18xQ6bsu", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28988, "section": "LE01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 28, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "7107": {"id": "e80wu3Yd967a0xHlILEyK", "course_id": "101782", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "101782", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Second Annual Oral Health Examination", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ORALHLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "2200HO", "CLASS_NBR": 25673, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Oral Health students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ORALHLTH 2201AHO, ORALHLTH 2202AHO, ORALHLTH 2203AHO AND ORALHLTH 2204HO in addition to the previous year core courses", "CO_REQUISITE": "ORALHLTH 2201BHO, ORALHLTH 2202BHO, ORALHLTH 2203BHO or ORALHLTH 2312B", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Year level OSCA", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "It is a requirement to successfully complete all year 2 courses to be able to complete the Second Annual Oral Health Examination", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7108": {"id": "e80wu3Yd967a0xHlILEyK", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "aaHcKDyQMKAgrrOtLJdcz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25673, "section": "01HO", "size": 38, "enrolled": 28, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "7109": {"id": "9GxXJnOEZs81QA4-NJ-iE", "course_id": "101501", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "101501", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Dental & Health Science IIOH Part 1", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ORALHLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "2201AHO", "CLASS_NBR": 14108, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 2, "EFTLS": 0.08333333333333334, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 7.5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Oral Health students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ORALHLTH 1201AHO, ORALHLTH 1201BHO, ORALHLTH 1202AHO, ORALHLTH 1202BHO, ORALHLTH 1203AHO, ORALHLTH 1203BHO, ORALHLTH 1204AHO, ORALHLTH 1204BHO and ORALHLTH 1200HO", "CO_REQUISITE": "ORALHLTH 2202AHO, ORALHLTH 2203AHO and ORALHLTH 2204HO", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments,, online modules", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to build upon the knowledge gained in first year, as well as introduce new areas of contemporary dental practice. It consolidates the role of the oral health practitioner in community dental health issues and further develops the knowledge of cariology, tooth wear and fluoride. Topics include: social determinants of disease, community health, risk assessment, association versus causation, the impact of public water fluoridation and fluoride vehicle efficacy.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "7110": {"id": "9GxXJnOEZs81QA4-NJ-iE", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "4Q6U5p5jsLFlkQM2z2P_o", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10162, "section": "LE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 27, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "Ij0e6CseG4tQStj5PNaLA", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14108, "section": "TU01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 27, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "21 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7111": {"id": "qgg7TIBhrLE1JPtcUvWxS", "course_id": "101502", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "101502", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Dental & Health Science IIOH Part 2", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ORALHLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "2201BHO", "CLASS_NBR": 22648, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 2, "EFTLS": 0.08333333333333334, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 7.5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Oral Health students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ORALHLTH 2201AHO, ORALHLTH 2202AHO, ORALHLTH 2203AHO and ORALHLTH 2204HO", "CO_REQUISITE": "ORALHLTH 2200HO, ORALHLTH 2202BHO and ORALHLTH 2203BHO", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "A group assignment, online modules", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to build upon the knowledge gained in first year, as well as introduce new areas of contemporary dental practice. It consolidates the role of the oral health practitioner in community dental health issues and develops the knowledge of community needs assessment and health promotion. Topics include: community health needs assessment, health education, health protection, health prevention, program design and program evaluation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7112": {"id": "qgg7TIBhrLE1JPtcUvWxS", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "-U9JzCLYlnqwMnahewWVf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22648, "section": "TU01", "size": 38, "enrolled": 27, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "7113": {"id": "sQh0Ene8dxsWr0RkhEy1o", "course_id": "101503", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "101503", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Clinical Practice IIOH Part 1", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ORALHLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "2202AHO", "CLASS_NBR": 11141, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 21 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Oral Health students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ORALHLTH 1201AHO, ORALHLTH 1201BHO, ORALHLTH 1202AHO, ORALHLTH 1202BHO, ORALHLTH 1203AHO, ORALHLTH 1203BHO, ORALHLTH 1204AHO, ORALHLTH 1204BHO and ORALHLTH 1200HO", "CO_REQUISITE": "ORALHLTH 2201AHO, ORALHLTH 2203AHO and ORALHLTH 2204HO", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online quizzes and activities, assignments, clinical assessment, practical assessments and written tests", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to build upon Clinical Practice I with regard to the consolidation of preventive, periodontal and restorative clinical skills, through manikin exercises and provision of treatment for selected patients. Strong emphasis is placed on the ability to consistently apply quality assurance principles and processes in oral health practice.\nTopics include clinical dental hygiene practice, operative dentistry (theory & practical), pedodontics, clinical dental therapy practice and periodontics.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "7114": {"id": "sQh0Ene8dxsWr0RkhEy1o", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "zz3GupEMv6UuyiEHYq9IL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10161, "section": "LE01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 28, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "20 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "20 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "Fc1FAFqM4LXjGNQEsPefl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11141, "section": "TU01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 28, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jan - 29 Jan", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Jan - 31 Jan", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "31 Jan - 31 Jan", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Feb - 9 Feb", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Feb - 16 Feb", "days": "Tuesday, , Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Feb - 13 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Feb - 14 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Feb - 16 Feb", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "bkWEHJwNcy0UH_BTGv2_j", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11070, "section": "PL01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 28, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Placement", "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Feb - 5 Apr", "days": "Monday, , Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, SADS, Clinic Marion"}, {"dates": "19 Feb - 5 Apr", "days": "Monday, , Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, SADS, Clinic Noarlunga"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Monday, , Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, SADS, Clinic Marion"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Monday, , Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, SADS, Clinic Noarlunga"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11140, "section": "CL01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 28, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Clinical", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jan - 12 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "23 Jan - 25 Jan", "days": "Tuesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "24 Jan - 24 Jan", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1041b, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "30 Jan - 8 Feb", "days": "Tuesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "30 Jan - 1 Feb", "days": "Tuesday, Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "2 Feb - 2 Feb", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "2 Feb - 2 Feb", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "5 Feb - 5 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1041b, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "6 Feb - 9 Feb", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1041b, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "7 Feb - 7 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1041b, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "8 Feb - 8 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "12 Feb - 15 Feb", "days": "Monday, Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1041b, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "21 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1041a, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1041a, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1041a, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1041a, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "7115": {"id": "3tH0FW7k0hWnRYjUEXBq7", "course_id": "101504", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "101504", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Clinical Practice IIOH Part 2", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ORALHLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "2202BHO", "CLASS_NBR": 20498, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 18 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Oral Health students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ORALHLTH 2201AHO, ORALHLTH 2202AHO, ORALHLTH 2203AHO and ORALHLTH 2204HO", "CO_REQUISITE": "ORALHLTH 2201BHO, ORALHLTH 2203BHO and ORALHLTH 2200HO", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online quizzes and activities, assignments, clinical assessment, practical assessments and written tests", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to build upon Clinical Practice I with regard to the consolidation of preventive, periodontal and restorative clinical skills, through manikin exercises and provision of treatment for selected patients. Strong emphasis is placed on the ability to consistently apply quality assurance principles and processes in oral health practice.\nTopics include clinical dental hygiene practice, operative dentistry (theory & practical), pedodontics, clinical dental therapy practice and periodontics.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7116": {"id": "3tH0FW7k0hWnRYjUEXBq7", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Vlf0gQbsxrRm5c2CoIz42", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20191, "section": "LE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 28, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "vxakXjIKSP1AcI_-HJ9J0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20498, "section": "TU01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 28, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Nov - 19 Nov", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Nov - 19 Nov", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Nov - 20 Nov", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Nov - 21 Nov", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Clinical", "id": "z8i6TmyeoL_eFoMzw6ILF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22798, "section": "CL01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 28, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Clinical", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Monday, , Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1041a, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1041a, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 1 Nov", "days": "Monday, , Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1041a, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1041a, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "11 Nov - 22 Nov", "days": "Monday, , Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "External, SADS, Clinic Elizabeth"}, {"dates": "11 Nov - 22 Nov", "days": "Monday, , Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "External, SADS, Clinic Marion"}, {"dates": "11 Nov - 22 Nov", "days": "Monday, , Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "External, SADS, Clinic Marion"}, {"dates": "11 Nov - 22 Nov", "days": "Monday, , Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "External, SADS, Clinic Elizabeth"}, {"dates": "13 Nov - 20 Nov", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1041a, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "14 Nov - 21 Nov", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1041a, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "7117": {"id": "FLpoP4tYLr_GBjojwwsU2", "course_id": "101505", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "101505", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Human Biology IIOH Part 1", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ORALHLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "2203AHO", "CLASS_NBR": 14663, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 2, "EFTLS": 0.08333333333333334, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Oral Health students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ORALHLTH 1201AHO, ORALHLTH 1201BHO, ORALHLTH 1202AHO, ORALHLTH 1202BHO, ORALHLTH 1203AHO, ORALHLTH 1203BHO, ORALHLTH 1204AHO, ORALHLTH 1204BHO and ORALHLTH 1200HO", "CO_REQUISITE": "ORALHLTH 2201AHO, ORALHLTH 2202AHO and ORALHLTH 2204HO", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Practical tests, written tests & case studies", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to prepare the student to understand the medical aspects of clinical dentistry, pharmacology, local anaesthetics and the role of the oral health practitioner in the management of medical and dental emergencies in dental practice. Topics include applied oral microbiology, medicine and pharmacology, pathology, applied oral pathology.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "7118": {"id": "FLpoP4tYLr_GBjojwwsU2", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "Bh3o8T3C8N9HquCeATFfG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14663, "section": "TU01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 28, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "20 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7119": {"id": "oy1-dKhrg5XY2WuOA4vST", "course_id": "101506", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "101506", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Human Biology IIOH Part 2", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ORALHLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "2203BHO", "CLASS_NBR": 24553, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 2, "EFTLS": 0.08333333333333334, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Oral Health students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ORALHLTH 2201AHO, ORALHLTH 2202AHO, ORALHLTH 2203AHO and ORALHLTH 2204HO", "CO_REQUISITE": "ORALHLTH 2201BHO, ORALHLTH 2202BHO and ORALHLTH 2200HO", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Practical tests, written tests & case studies", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to prepare the student to understand the medical aspects of clinical dentistry, pharmacology, local anaesthetics and the role of the oral health practitioner in the management of medical and dental emergencies in dental practice. Topics include applied oral microbiology, medicine and pharmacology, pathology, applied oral pathology.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7120": {"id": "oy1-dKhrg5XY2WuOA4vST", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "fP7Ai2GvYyR60Ss3lhV83", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24553, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 27, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7121": {"id": "Lzcttuc6sB6Ko-_sx1V6W", "course_id": "101507", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "101507", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Population Health and Professional Practice IIOH", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ORALHLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "2204HO", "CLASS_NBR": 10523, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 4, "EFTLS": 0.1666666666666667, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Oral Health students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ORALHLTH 1201AHO, ORALHLTH 1201BHO, ORALHLTH 1202AHO, ORALHLTH 1202BHO, ORALHLTH 1203AHO, ORALHLTH 1203BHO, ORALHLTH 1204AHO, ORALHLTH 1204BHO and ORALHLTH 1200HO", "CO_REQUISITE": "ORALHLTH 2201AHO, ORALHLTH 2202AHO and ORALHLTH 2203AHO", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Tests of understanding (x2)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Population Health & Professional Practice IIOH (PHPP) builds on the PHPP year one curriculum which has been designed to enable the development of skills required to be a critical decision maker in the contemporary role of an Oral Health Therapist (OHT). Oral Health Therapists must make calculated decisions that relate to effective patient care, with community and population health outcomes in mind. Oral Health Therapists must be able to identify significant population oral health trends and developing a deep appreciate for the broader population drivers of those trends.\n\nThis course comprises of two content units: Social Context of Dentistry, which aims to increase students awareness of the role of social context in shaping an individual's dental behaviours and the implications of this for clinical practice. And Evidence-Based Dentistry aims to equip students with the skills necessary to sustain and enhance the clinical practice of dentistry using scientific information published in biomedical journals. Topics include biostatistics and epidemiology.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7122": {"id": "Lzcttuc6sB6Ko-_sx1V6W", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "_GgC-TfSW79cvY_Qf_Qc3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10523, "section": "LE01", "size": 38, "enrolled": 27, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Feb - 22 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, 8052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Feb - 22 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 8052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 29 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 29 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}, {"dates": "7 Mar - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, 8052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Mar - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 8052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}, {"dates": "14 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 25 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, 8052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 25 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 8052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 2 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}, {"dates": "2 May - 2 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}, {"dates": "9 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, 8052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 8052a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}, {"dates": "16 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}]}]}]}]}, "7123": {"id": "dFbOHEwkPL9VWBXWuEtQH", "course_id": "111370", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111370", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Dental & Health Science IIOH (Modified)", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ORALHLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "2211HO", "CLASS_NBR": 12197, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 2, "EFTLS": 0.08333333333333334, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 7.5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Oral Health - Lateral Entry students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "ORALHLTH 2312A and ORALHLTH 2204HO", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to build upon the knowledge gained in first year, as well as introduce new areas of contemporary dental practice. It consolidates the role of the oral health practitioner in community dental health issues and further develops the knowledge of cariology, tooth wear and fluoride. Topics include social determinants of disease, community health, risk assessment, association versus causation, the impact of public water fluoridation and fluoride vehicle efficacy.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7124": {"id": "dFbOHEwkPL9VWBXWuEtQH", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "BGygd_vRiKc77UfhdXQ9-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12196, "section": "LE01", "size": 2, "enrolled": 0, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "grwwtGhldvgkvbeC2UYen", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12197, "section": "TU01", "size": 2, "enrolled": 0, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "21 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7125": {"id": "Mo_YlxtBMvVRkBBQnzQG8", "course_id": "109968", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109968", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Clinical Practice IIOH (Modified) Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ORALHLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "2312A", "CLASS_NBR": 11139, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 4, "EFTLS": 0.1666666666666667, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 23 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Oral Health, TAFE SA entry students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online quizzes and activities, assignments, clinical assessment, practical assessments & written tests", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "A significant focus of Clinical Practice IIOH (Mod) Part 1 is Operative Techniques, based on a Minimum Intervention (MI) philosophy. As the student's understanding of MI dentistry grows through resource sessions and tutorials, the opportunity to develop and refine required psychomotor skills and techniques in the laboratory environment is provided. These skills are then transferred to the clinical setting, where the procedures are performed on patients. Students will build on their intra-oral radiography skills to include prescription, diagnosis and treatment planning.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "7126": {"id": "Mo_YlxtBMvVRkBBQnzQG8", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "id": "WVKegxgew5SKcGYCQsZJp", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11139, "section": "CL01", "size": 1, "enrolled": 0, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jan - 29 Jan", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Jan - 12 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "23 Jan - 25 Jan", "days": "Tuesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "24 Jan - 24 Jan", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1041b, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "24 Jan - 31 Jan", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Jan - 8 Feb", "days": "Tuesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "30 Jan - 1 Feb", "days": "Tuesday, Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "31 Jan - 31 Jan", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Feb - 2 Feb", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "2 Feb - 2 Feb", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "5 Feb - 5 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1041b, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "6 Feb - 9 Feb", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1041b, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "7 Feb - 7 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1041b, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "8 Feb - 8 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "12 Feb - 15 Feb", "days": "Monday, Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1041b, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "13 Feb - 16 Feb", "days": "Tuesday, , Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Feb - 16 Feb", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Feb - 5 Apr", "days": "Monday, , Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, SADS, Clinic Noarlunga"}, {"dates": "19 Feb - 5 Apr", "days": "Monday, , Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, SADS, Clinic Marion"}, {"dates": "20 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "20 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "20 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1041a, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1041a, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Monday, , Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, SADS, Clinic Noarlunga"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Monday, , Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, SADS, Clinic Marion"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1041a, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1041a, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "7127": {"id": "63XR3bGkPYbeG6iy1-THm", "course_id": "109969", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109969", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Clinical Practice IIOH (Modified) Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ORALHLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "2312B", "CLASS_NBR": 21550, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 4, "EFTLS": 0.1666666666666667, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 23 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Oral Health, TAFE SA entry students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ORALHLTH 2211AHO, ORALHLTH 2312A and ORALHLTH 2204HO", "CO_REQUISITE": "ORALHLTH 2200HO", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online quizzes and activities, assignments, clinical assessment, practical exams and written assessments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "A significant focus of Clinical Practice IIOH (Mod) Part 1 is Operative Techniques, based on a Minimum Intervention (MI) philosophy. As the student's understanding of MI dentistry grows through resource sessions and tutorials, the opportunity to develop and refine required psychomotor skills and techniques in the laboratory environment is provided. These skills are then transferred to the clinical setting, where the procedures are performed on patients. Students will build on their intra-oral radiography skills to include prescription, diagnosis and treatment planning.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7128": {"id": "63XR3bGkPYbeG6iy1-THm", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "id": "AzovpAOaN1-RRv7a8OKBd", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21550, "section": "CL01", "size": 4, "enrolled": 0, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Monday, , Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1041a, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1041a, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 1 Nov", "days": "Monday, , Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1041a, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1041a, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "11 Nov - 22 Nov", "days": "Monday, , Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "External, SADS, Clinic Marion"}, {"dates": "11 Nov - 22 Nov", "days": "Monday, , Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "External, SADS, Clinic Elizabeth"}, {"dates": "11 Nov - 22 Nov", "days": "Monday, , Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "External, SADS, Clinic Elizabeth"}, {"dates": "11 Nov - 22 Nov", "days": "Monday, , Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "External, SADS, Clinic Marion"}, {"dates": "12 Nov - 19 Nov", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Nov - 19 Nov", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 4050a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Nov - 20 Nov", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1041a, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "13 Nov - 20 Nov", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Nov - 21 Nov", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1041a, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "14 Nov - 21 Nov", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7129": {"id": "Q8cF89GqRJa2Jqy_C-RH5", "course_id": "101783", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "101783", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Third Annual Oral Health Examination", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ORALHLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "3200HO", "CLASS_NBR": 25674, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Oral Health students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ORALHLTH 3201AHO, ORALHLTH 3202AHO, ORALHLTH 3204AHO in addition to the previous year core courses", "CO_REQUISITE": "(ORALHLTH 3201BHO, ORALHLTH 3202BHO and ORALHLTH 3204BHO) or (ORALHLTH 3211BHO, ORALHLTH 3312BHO, ORALHLTH 3204)", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7130": {"id": "Q8cF89GqRJa2Jqy_C-RH5", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "DjphyzWRTvLh_jS_FUdSc", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25674, "section": "01HO", "size": 38, "enrolled": 19, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "7131": {"id": "Xg0CL_BlHFGEXX4QocEER", "course_id": "101509", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "101509", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Dental & Health Science IIIOH Part 1", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ORALHLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "3201AHO", "CLASS_NBR": 10079, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 4, "EFTLS": 0.1666666666666667, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Oral Health students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ORALHLTH 2201AHO, ORALHLTH 2201BHO, ORALHLTH 2202AHO, ORALHLTH 2202BHO, ORALHLTH 2203AHO, ORALHLTH 2203BHO, ORALHLTH 2204HO and ORALHLTH 2200HO", "CO_REQUISITE": "ORALHLTH 3202AHO and ORALHLTH 3204AHO", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, tutorial & seminar presentations, presentation patients", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course brings together material covered in the first two years, with an emphasis on clinical implications, to provide students with a richer understanding of oral health philosophies and practice. Additional topics related to oral health and diseases at individual and population levels are also discussed. The course is closely integrated with Clinical Practice IIIOH in which clinical experience will be gained. Topics include paedodontics, periodontics, population oral health, early childhood caries, panoramic radiography, orthodontics, oral pathology, geriatric and special needs dentistry.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "7132": {"id": "Xg0CL_BlHFGEXX4QocEER", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "KeHWTNzL3buNhNKhTS3XW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10163, "section": "LE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 20, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "16 Jan - 16 Jan", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "REySacRvoLsNXXojcUB16", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10079, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 20, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Jan - 17 Jan", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Jan - 17 Jan", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7133": {"id": "e4HkGBCR615iuBoHD0btx", "course_id": "101510", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "101510", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Dental & Health Science IIIOH Part 2", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ORALHLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "3201BHO", "CLASS_NBR": 29022, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 4, "EFTLS": 0.1666666666666667, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Oral Health students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ORALHLTH 3201AHO, ORALHLTH 3202AHO, ORALHLTH 3204AHO", "CO_REQUISITE": "ORALHLTH 3202BHO and ORALHLTH 3204BHO and ORALHLTH 3200HO", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, tutorial & seminar presentations, presentation patients", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course brings together material covered in the first two years, with an emphasis on clinical implications, to provide students with a richer understanding of oral health philosophies and practice. Additional topics related to oral health and diseases at individual and population levels are also discussed. The course is closely integrated with Clinical Practice IIIOH in which clinical experience will be gained. Topics include paedodontics, periodontics, population oral health, early childhood caries, panoramic radiography, orthodontics, oral pathology, geriatric and special needs dentistry.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7134": {"id": "e4HkGBCR615iuBoHD0btx", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "PG7w-8q3dwXrwsSu7a6lC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25611, "section": "LE01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 18, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jun - 27 Jun", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Jun - 27 Jun", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "7tcyYVcqcyVMmZq8sNoyd", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29022, "section": "TU01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 18, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "7135": {"id": "gT4AerWSCi67cG2cCVJpz", "course_id": "101511", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "101511", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Clinical Practice IIIOH Part 1", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ORALHLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "3202AHO", "CLASS_NBR": 12756, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 20 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Oral Health students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ORALHLTH 2201AHO, ORALHLTH 2201BHO, ORALHLTH 2202AHO, ORALHLTH 2202BHO, ORALHLTH 2203AHO, ORALHLTH 2203BHO, ORALHLTH 2204HO and ORALHLTH 2200HO", "CO_REQUISITE": "ORALHLTH 3200HO, ORALHLTH 3201AHO, ORALHLTH 3204AHO", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This stream aims to further develop clinical skills - applying the student's knowledge, and gaining and further developing skills and behaviours to complete more complex treatments within the legal scope of practice of an oral health therapist. In particular, it provides students with an opportunity to consolidate and extend their skills and knowledge in each of the following disciplines within clinical dentistry: Behavioural Science, Oral Diagnosis, Preventive Dentistry, Dental Materials, Conservative Dentistry, Paediatric Dentistry, Orthodontics, Periodontics, Geriatric Dentistry, Special Needs, Radiology and Radiography, Rural & Remote Practice.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "7136": {"id": "gT4AerWSCi67cG2cCVJpz", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "id": "ATB1zTLbUU2DqYcckGfDg", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12756, "section": "CL01", "size": 38, "enrolled": 20, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "meetings": [{"dates": "18 Jan - 18 Jan", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "18 Jan - 18 Jan", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "19 Jan - 19 Jan", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "19 Jan - 19 Jan", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "7137": {"id": "Fx4gFNi_3eiL2gtpTgKzL", "course_id": "101512", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "101512", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Clinical Practice IIIOH Part 2", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ORALHLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "3202BHO", "CLASS_NBR": 20695, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 20 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Oral Health students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ORALHLTH 3201AHO, ORALHLTH 3202AHO, ORALHLTH 3204AHO in addition to the previous year core courses", "CO_REQUISITE": "ORALHLTH 3200HO, ORALHLTH 3201BHO and ORALHLTH 3204BHO", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Clinical practice, written examination (In department)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This stream aims to further develop clinical skills - applying the student's knowledge, and gaining and further developing skills and behaviours to complete more complex treatments within the legal scope of practice of an oral health therapist. In particular, it provides students with an opportunity to consolidate and extend their skills and knowledge in each of the following disciplines within clinical dentistry: Behavioural Science, Oral Diagnosis, Preventive Dentistry, Dental Materials, Conservative Dentistry, Paediatric Dentistry, Orthodontics, Periodontics, Geriatric Dentistry, Special Needs, Radiology and Radiography, Rural & Remote Practice.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7138": {"id": "Fx4gFNi_3eiL2gtpTgKzL", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "id": "Ev9Xw9YM2AoaBT3tCFhl8", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20695, "section": "CL01", "size": 38, "enrolled": 18, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Jun - 28 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1041b, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "28 Jun - 28 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1041b, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "7139": {"id": "g_kDYcgakYw1FB2mdcSOE", "course_id": "101515", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "101515", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Oral Health Elective IIIOH Part 1", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ORALHLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "3204AHO", "CLASS_NBR": 15655, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 2, "EFTLS": 0.08333333333333334, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 3.5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Oral Health students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ORALHLTH 2201AHO, ORALHLTH 2201BHO, ORALHLTH 2202AHO, ORALHLTH 2202BHO, ORALHLTH 2203AHO, ORALHLTH 2203BHO, ORALHLTH 2204HO and ORALHLTH 2200HO", "CO_REQUISITE": "ORALHLTH 3201AHO and ORALHLTH 3202AHO", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written reports, presentations", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to provide the student with the necessary research skills to undertake a major study and the opportunity to focus on a major research assignment to enhance their role as an oral health practitioner. Topics include research methodology and a major assignment.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "7140": {"id": "g_kDYcgakYw1FB2mdcSOE", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "Dw7SvApbIl6GKpdFsC9Wq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15655, "section": "01HO", "size": 38, "enrolled": 21, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "7141": {"id": "b-txrMQ6EdKTO6v1RCn4t", "course_id": "101516", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "101516", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Oral Health Elective IIIOH Part 2", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ORALHLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "3204BHO", "CLASS_NBR": 25670, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 2, "EFTLS": 0.08333333333333334, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 3.5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to B.Oral Health students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ORALHLTH 3201AHO, ORALHLTH 3202AHO and ORALHLTH 3204AHO", "CO_REQUISITE": "ORALTHL 3200HO, ORALHLTH 3201BHO and ORALHLTH 3202BHO", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written reports, presentations", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to provide the student with the necessary research skills to undertake a major study and the opportunity to focus on a major research assignment to enhance their role as an oral health practitioner. Topics include research methodology and a major assignment.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7142": {"id": "b-txrMQ6EdKTO6v1RCn4t", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "nGJ8MqBXIJ7GgcWrLJ5bu", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25670, "section": "01HO", "size": 38, "enrolled": 20, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "7143": {"id": "njyLjhkRhGYigHQHmmkyZ", "course_id": "106446", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106446", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Dental & Health Science IIIOH (M) Part 1", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ORALHLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "3211AHO", "CLASS_NBR": 19198, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Oral Health students only, TAFE SA Entry students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ORALHLTH 2211AHO, ORALHLTH 2312A, ORALHLTH 2204HO and ORALHLTH 2200HO", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, tutorial & seminar presentations, OSCA, presentation patients and viva voces", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course brings together material covered in the first two years in the Human Biology and Dental and Health Science courses, with an emphasis on clinical implications, to provide the students with a richer understanding of dental therapy and dental hygiene philosophies and practice.\nAdditional topics related to oral health and disease at individual and population levels are also discussed. The course is closely integrated with Clinical Practice III OH(Mod) in which clinical experience will be gained, eg. in radiography, paedodontics and orthodontics.\nThis course has also been designed to provide you with opportunities to learn about a range of interdisciplinary topics that will impact on your provision of care for your patients. You will learn about these topics through interactive seminar presentations and where appropriate, there will be discussion of relevant patient cases. Your learning from these seminars will be complemented by resources available on MyUni. You will need to participate in these sessions, reflecting on how the topics will influence your current and future clinical practice.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "7144": {"id": "njyLjhkRhGYigHQHmmkyZ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "2etGK7NJxvR7lY_thU8Ju", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19198, "section": "TU01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Jan - 17 Jan", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Jan - 17 Jan", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Jan - 16 Jan", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "7145": {"id": "gyQ1DuYeJpL6Bubgj0uAB", "course_id": "106447", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106447", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Dental & Health Science IIIOH (Modified) Part 2", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ORALHLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "3211BHO", "CLASS_NBR": 29059, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Oral Health students only, TAFE SA Entry students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ORALHLTH 3211AHO, ORALHLTH 3312AHO, ORALHLTH 3204AHO", "CO_REQUISITE": "ORALHLTH 3312BHO, ORALHLTH 3204BHO and ORALHLTH 3200HO", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, tutorial & seminar presentations, OSCA, presentation patients and viva voces", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course brings together material covered in the first two years in the Human Biology and Dental and Health Science courses, with an emphasis on clinical implications, to provide the students with a richer understanding of dental therapy and dental hygiene philosophies and practice.\nAdditional topics related to oral health and disease at individual and population levels are also discussed. The course is closely integrated with Clinical Practice III OH(Mod) in which clinical experience will be gained, eg. in radiography, paedodontics and orthodontics.\nThis course has also been designed to provide you with opportunities to learn about a range of interdisciplinary topics that will impact on your provision of care for your patients. You will learn about these topics through interactive seminar presentations and where appropriate, there will be discussion of relevant patient cases. Your learning from these seminars will be complemented by resources available on MyUni. You will need to participate in these sessions, reflecting on how the topics will influence your current and future clinical practice.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7146": {"id": "gyQ1DuYeJpL6Bubgj0uAB", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "M6nBkKzEYbXUqarhJgy5p", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29059, "section": "TU01", "size": 3, "enrolled": 1, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jun - 27 Jun", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Jun - 27 Jun", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 3066, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "7147": {"id": "clHfHmmzhiHQkCcQl9Snp", "course_id": "109970", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109970", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Clinical Practice IIIOH (Modified) Part 1", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ORALHLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "3312AHO", "CLASS_NBR": 11519, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 15 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to B. Oral Health students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ORALHLTH 2211HO, ORALHLTH 2312A, ORALHLTH 2312B and ORALHLTH 2204HO", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Clinical practice, written examination and viva voces", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "A significant focus of Clinical Practice IIOH (Mod) Part 2 is Operative Techniques, based on a Minimum Intervention (MI) philosophy. As the student's understanding of MI dentistry grows through resource sessions and tutorials, the opportunity to develop and refine required psychomotor skills and techniques in the laboratory environment is provided. These skills are then transferred to the clinical setting, where the procedures are performed on patients.\nStudents will build on their intra-oral radiography skills to include prescription, diagnosis and treatment planning.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "7148": {"id": "clHfHmmzhiHQkCcQl9Snp", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "id": "xEKo5kzngo-woTKmIrdAs", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11519, "section": "CL01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "meetings": [{"dates": "18 Jan - 18 Jan", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "18 Jan - 18 Jan", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "19 Jan - 19 Jan", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "19 Jan - 19 Jan", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "7149": {"id": "9Gnj9YivUmohzIbArh7DR", "course_id": "109971", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109971", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Clinical Practice IIIOH (Modified) Part 2", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ORALHLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "3312BHO", "CLASS_NBR": 28790, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 15 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to B. Oral Health students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ORALHLTH 3211AHO, ORALHLTH 3312AHO and ORALHLTH 3204AHO", "CO_REQUISITE": "ORALHLTH 3311BHO, ORALHLTH 3204BHO and ORALHLTH 3200HO", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Clinical practice, written examination and viva voces", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course builds on the knowledge and skills gained in the first and second years in Clinical Practice. In addition, it provides an opportunity to consolidate and extend your skills and knowledge in each of the disciplines within clinical dentistry", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7150": {"id": "9Gnj9YivUmohzIbArh7DR", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "7TCTEXBX-z7BCHKPxjYbC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28790, "section": "SE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Jun - 28 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1041b, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "28 Jun - 28 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1041b, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "7151": {"id": "8EPlPX_VtAf6Dj5j2fT-8", "course_id": "108002", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108002", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Clinical Practice (Adult Therapy) IV OH", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ORALHLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "5000", "CLASS_NBR": 21481, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "24 hours per week, blended learning, external clinical practice, intensives", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Students enrolled in Graduate Certificate in Oral Health Science", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "ORALHLTH 5001", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Participation, simulation and clinical assessment, oral examinations", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The topics in this course cover both the theory and practice of restorative dentistry. They explore new and existing techniques, case selection and treatment planning. Dental materials important to this discipline are also covered. Topics covered include aesthetic dentistry, adhesive materials, bonding systems, mechanisms of adhesion of materials to teeth, simple direct restorations, and reasons for success and failure of adhesive and metallic restorations. A variety of current operative/restorative techniques will be explored. \nThis course reviews the structure of dental hard tissues of tooth, current concepts in cariology including microbiology and the nature of saliva and its role. Both traditional and minimum intervention approaches to the management of patients at high risk of caries are explored. The topic also looks at practical assessment of caries risk including saliva testing, materials and products suitable for professional and home care, prevention, and short- and long-term care. \nThis topic explores a multidisciplinary approach to the management of dental conditions. In addition to emergency management in the field, this topic includes the theory and practice of examination/assessment of the dental, oral and facial injuries, early dental management and referral for endodontic treatment. The role of orthodontics, prosthodontics and other specialist disciplines in the short- and long-term management of dental conditions and/or trauma will also be covered. Students are supported by online reading material and resources and will need to complete key readings before attending intensive hands-on simulation clinic sessions and workshops.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7152": {"id": "8EPlPX_VtAf6Dj5j2fT-8", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "L_YqzbKzz_Ag0SVsvtkeU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21481, "section": "WR01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 9, "available": 26, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Aug", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "2 Sep - 1 Nov", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "11 Nov - 15 Nov", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "7153": {"id": "Qt-MT1yC3DDyimdUN2J5T", "course_id": "108003", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108003", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Dental & Health Science (Adult Therapy) IV OH", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "ORALHLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "5001", "CLASS_NBR": 20865, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "19 hours, blended learning, 3 week intensive, online and clinical", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Students enrolled in Graduate Certificate in Oral Health Science", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Participation, online quizzes, written assignment, examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The academic program aims to provide an overview and development of comprehensive oral health examination, treatment planning, prevention and restorative care for adults. \nThis course will involve an interdisciplinary approach to management of the ageing dentition. In addition to a cariology and root caries update, students will learn to identify and understand the nature of the forms of non-carious loss of tooth structure including erosion, attrition and abrasion. The principles of examination, diagnosis and treatment planning for periodontal disease are also covered. The course will focus on how to clinically assess patients, identify their risk factors and plan short and long-term management. \nOral pathology, TMJ disorders and emergency management of oral conditions are reviewed and further developed. Additional topics covered include physiology of pain, oral and dental pain pathways, local anaesthesia, psychology, chronic pain and referral. \nThis course will help students acquire an appreciation of reasonable treatment goals, dental management, and ethical and legal issues in relation to medically-challenged, intellectually-disabled, psychiatrically-disabled and functionally-impaired aged patients, including patients requiring hospital management.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7154": {"id": "Qt-MT1yC3DDyimdUN2J5T", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "wScnkufQHLDLvF4p5FUKk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20865, "section": "WR01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 9, "available": 26, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "12 Aug - 12 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 1068, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Aug - 12 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 1068, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Aug - 23 Aug", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Aug - 23 Aug", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Nov - 8 Nov", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 1068, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Nov - 8 Nov", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "AHMS, 1068, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7155": {"subject": "PAEDIAT", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "109022", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}]}}, "7156": {"id": "K0-ZT7v3mgAdrdqn8sNon", "course_id": "109022", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109022", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Biology of Childhood Growth, Development & Health", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PAEDIAT", "CATALOG_NBR": "3000", "CLASS_NBR": 15127, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060109", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ANAT SC 2109", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Participation, Peer assessment, Essay plan, 2 Written Essays, Quizzes, Final Exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "IIn this course, students will investigate the biological processes underlying infant, child and adolescent growth, development and health. This will include discussion of normal and perturbed neonatal, infant, child and adolescent growth and development. The course includes specific exploration of childhood and adolsecent neurodevelopment and assessment, endocrinology of growth and puberty, development of the immune system including a focus on the microbiome and development of autoimmunity. We will consider prenatal diagnosis and common genetic disorders in childhood. We will investigate the biology, prevention and management of common childhood diseases inlcuding paediatric sleep disorders, the implications and prevention of obesity in childhood and conclude with discussions of infectious disease in childhood. Social and ethical implications of current practice, interventions and research will be discussed within appropriate topics. Students will have opportunities to hear from scientists and practitioners with relevant expertise. Active learning will be encouraged, for example, through guided reading and group exercises. Students will enhance skills in analysis of literature and in creating a coherent written account of a body of work.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7157": {"id": "K0-ZT7v3mgAdrdqn8sNon", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "flUaP5RJsoUGh1dHwcpcD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19166, "section": "LEC0", "size": 30, "enrolled": 24, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "38Nj1eKN4524uwoVFvpOY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15127, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 24, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S416, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S416, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7158": {"subject": "PALAEO", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "109298", "term": "4448", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109379", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}]}}, "7159": {"id": "m-V_kx3W2tidlhqZBG-UH", "course_id": "109298", "term": "4448", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109298", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4448", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "Field Palaeontology III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PALAEO", "CATALOG_NBR": "3000", "CLASS_NBR": 46009, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010799", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 63 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "One of PALAEO 3005 or ENV BIOL 2501 or GEOLOGY 2500", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Field & lab book; quizzes, oral presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This theoretical and practical course provides a basis for an in-depth understanding of the techniques and steps involved in the search, survey, excavation, preparation, curation and management of invertebrate and vertebrate fossils and sites. South Australia is fortunate in having a fossil record covering four of the most significant periods the evolution of life in our continent: the Ediacaran sites of the Flinders Ranges, the Cambrian sites of Kangaroo Island, the Cretaceous opalised marine faunas of Coober Pedy and the Quaternary vertebrate remains (including megafauna) of the UNESCO World Heritage site of Naracoorte Caves Fossils. Students will have to cover part of the expenses and will spend 11 consectutive nights away from Adelaide. This is a two-week course taught in intensive mode in Term 4 (after the End-of-year Exams), and takes place at Naracoorte Caves National Park. It will consist of a combination of fieldwork, lectures, practicals (lab work) and small-group oral presentations. The lectures will touch upon animal classification and systematics, fossil record of principal animal groups, taphonomy, palaeoenvironments, fossil & heritage legislation and palaeo-tourism, specifically focused on the Ediacaran, Cambrian, Miocene and Quaternary. This course integrates concepts of evolution, zoology, systematics, sedimentology, stratigraphy, and builds upon prior student learning, thus developing an in-depth understanding of the drivers of extinction and evolution.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 14/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 14/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 19/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 11/12/2024"}}]}, "7160": {"id": "m-V_kx3W2tidlhqZBG-UH", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Fieldwork", "id": "GozvHKZECso3P-CIb4n38", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46005, "section": "FL01", "size": 28, "enrolled": 29, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Fieldwork", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This course will take place over 2 weeks at the Naracoorte Caves from Sunday 17 November to 27 November 2024. (Friday 22 Nov will be a free day, however, students are required to remain on the field camp).
If this course shows as FULL and you would like to enrol, please contact the Course Coordinator ASAP, at

The pre-requisite requirements are:
a pass in either PALAEO 3005 Geochronology, Fossils and Palaeoenvironments III, ENV BIOL 2501 Evolutionary Biology II or GEOLOGY 2500 Sedimentary Geology II"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "17 Nov - 17 Nov", "days": "", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}, {"dates": "18 Nov - 23 Nov", "days": "Monday, , , Saturday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}, {"dates": "19 Nov - 21 Nov", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}, {"dates": "24 Nov - 24 Nov", "days": "", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}, {"dates": "25 Nov - 26 Nov", "days": "Monday, Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}, {"dates": "27 Nov - 27 Nov", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "MeQKNaU3xumXo2DYbprUP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46008, "section": "SE01", "size": 28, "enrolled": 29, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This class is only available for face-to-face (on-campus) students."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Nov - 29 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "iQIC-a3Am8XrU05rARCzj", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46009, "section": "WR01", "size": 28, "enrolled": 29, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Nov - 7 Nov", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "The Braggs, 440, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "fbHvJ3VBODCOyvbw6DyF-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46006, "section": "LE01", "size": 28, "enrolled": 29, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This class is only available for face-to-face (on-campus) students.
This course is not available for remote study - not available to students located overseas or interstate."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Nov - 21 Nov", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}, {"dates": "24 Nov - 24 Nov", "days": "", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}, {"dates": "25 Nov - 26 Nov", "days": "Monday, Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}]}, {"class_nbr": 46007, "section": "PR01", "size": 28, "enrolled": 29, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This class is only available for face-to-face (on-campus) students."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Nov - 21 Nov", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}, {"dates": "24 Nov - 24 Nov", "days": "", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}, {"dates": "25 Nov - 26 Nov", "days": "Monday, Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}]}]}]}]}, "7161": {"id": "lfYvuu_l6MQU11mFcSoIC", "course_id": "109379", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109379", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Geochronology, Fossils and Palaeoenvironments III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PALAEO", "CATALOG_NBR": "3005", "CLASS_NBR": 11202, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010799", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Either GEOLOGY 2500 or ENV BIOL 2501", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "GEOLOGY 2500 if not taken to satisfy prerequisite, or ENV BIOL 2501 if not taken to satisfy prerequisite.", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Practical assignments, theory assignment, online quizzes, final exam.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an advanced understanding of modern palaeontology as a multidisciplinary subject spanning the interface between geology and biology. It focuses on the importance of integrating knowledge about fossils, geological processes, sedimentary archives and geochronology to fully understand the history of life. Students will discover the types of modern scientific approaches used to contextualise and interpret fossil records, including the techniques used to determine the age of fossils and undertake palaeoenvironmental reconstructions from fossil deposits. The course will detail key events in the evolution and extinction of plants and animals, with a strong emphasis on examples from the Australian fossil record, and will explore how changes in diversity through time have been related to major geological, environmental and geographic change. Several core topics are integrated into the course with the aim of examining the fundamental role played by palaeontology in the broader study of earth, life and environmental sciences, including: understanding fossilisation processes (taphonomy); the stratigraphic context of fossil records; using fossils to tell time; advances in radiometric dating techniques; reconstructing past environments and palaeoecologies; using fossils to inform conservation strategies (palaeoconservation); fossil curation and management. Students will be given the opportunity to critically debate contemporary issues and controversies in modern palaeontological science, and engage in informed discussions of \u2018big picture\u2019 palaeontology topics.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7162": {"id": "lfYvuu_l6MQU11mFcSoIC", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "iIRvWwTC_09lLD9AG9Y1V", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11202, "section": "PR01", "size": 48, "enrolled": 43, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}, {"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}, {"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S127, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "hHGcA9QGx5X5YGwPg-U9G", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11201, "section": "LE01", "size": 48, "enrolled": 43, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7163": {"subject": "PATHOL", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "110430", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "103767", "term": "4420", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "109024", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109023", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "103768", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "7164": {"id": "NS3fcxzj6jl73oieoDIAQ", "course_id": "110430", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110430", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Pathophysiology for Allied Health", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PATHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "2400", "CLASS_NBR": 23798, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060113", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Hons) or Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Hons)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "HLTH SC 1403", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Final Examination, assignment and continuous assessment tasks", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides students with the fundamental principles and mechanisms of common and important health conditions relevant to Allied Health practitioners and how these impact on client outcomes and wider society. Students will begin with an overview of the mechanisms of how changes in physiological processes can affect health. Specific conditions of the immune, endocrine, circulatory, respiratory, gastrointestinal, musculoskeletal, renal and nervous systems will be studied.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7165": {"id": "NS3fcxzj6jl73oieoDIAQ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "6q8UH24hDaWhPSnSKSz9H", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23798, "section": "WR03", "size": 60, "enrolled": 36, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24906, "section": "WR02", "size": 72, "enrolled": 73, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S211b, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S211b, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24907, "section": "WR01", "size": 72, "enrolled": 69, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S211b, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S211b, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "zGg0T8anK1SN7zvPnjYhR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29079, "section": "LEC0", "size": 300, "enrolled": 178, "available": 122, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "7166": {"id": "7UzK17DabTR3zIGB4EySY", "course_id": "103767", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103767", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Topics in Forensic Sciences", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PATHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "3100OL", "CLASS_NBR": 25721, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060113", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "HLTH SC 2104 or PATHOL 3101 or MEDIC ST 1000B", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Three assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of this course is to provide students with an overview of a variety of topics within the area of forensic sciences including pathology, toxicology, anthropology and odontology. It is not intended to provide students with a detailed knowledge of any of these areas, but rather provide insight into how they may be used to investigate crime. Topics to be covered include the changes in the body with death and decomposition; the pathology of wounds; burns; disaster victim identification; sudden death in children and adults; medical misadventure and drug related deaths. A background knowledge of basic anatomy and physiology is expected.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7167": {"id": "7UzK17DabTR3zIGB4EySY", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "jB9SA42v0WLX29DjoD168", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25721, "section": "01OL", "size": 200, "enrolled": 119, "available": 81, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "7168": {"id": "NRr3NQ5kjD8aOq3-c3UbS", "course_id": "109024", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109024", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Essentials of Pathology", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PATHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "3101", "CLASS_NBR": 12731, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060113", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "HLTH SC 2104 or PHYSIOL 2510 or PATHOL 2200", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PATHOL 3003", "ASSESSMENT": "MCQ tests (summative), literature review (summative), mid semester test (summative) , final examination (summative), online quizzes (formative).", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Essentials of Pathology is designed to present students with essential concepts of pathological processes and altered health states. The course looks in depth at a wide variety of common pathological conditions. General topics covered include the nature and causes of cell injury and death; adaptive cellular changes; inflammation, healing and repair, thrombosis, infarction and neoplasia. More detailed attention is given to cardio and cerebrovascular pathology, gastrointestinal diseases, bone and joint diseases and common cancers. Clinical scenarios within each module correlate the anatomical pathology with major clinical symptoms and signs. In addition to lectures, small group tutorials provide an opportunity for students to examine macroscopic and microscopic specimens illustrating the pathology covered in lectures.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7169": {"id": "NRr3NQ5kjD8aOq3-c3UbS", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Jr4NqbNgfb0U0zhrmj_Aw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19167, "section": "LEC0", "size": 150, "enrolled": 130, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "P21KWEiAPnskVwB_O5Aa1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12731, "section": "TU05", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG25, Vernon-Roberts Museum"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG25, Vernon-Roberts Museum"}, {"dates": "2 May - 23 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG25, Vernon-Roberts Museum"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12732, "section": "TU04", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG25, Vernon-Roberts Museum"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG25, Vernon-Roberts Museum"}, {"dates": "3 May - 24 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG25, Vernon-Roberts Museum"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12733, "section": "TU03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 18, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG25, Vernon-Roberts Museum"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG25, Vernon-Roberts Museum"}, {"dates": "3 May - 24 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG25, Vernon-Roberts Museum"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12734, "section": "TU02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG25, Vernon-Roberts Museum"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG25, Vernon-Roberts Museum"}, {"dates": "2 May - 23 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG25, Vernon-Roberts Museum"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12735, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 25, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG25, Vernon-Roberts Museum"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG25, Vernon-Roberts Museum"}, {"dates": "3 May - 24 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG25, Vernon-Roberts Museum"}]}]}]}]}, "7170": {"id": "tKGA_HRkxocNFo-svxtkB", "course_id": "109023", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109023", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Investigative Cell Biology", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PATHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "3104", "CLASS_NBR": 23778, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060113", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "HLTH SC 2104 or PATHOL 2200 or PATHOL 3101", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ANAT SC 3104", "ASSESSMENT": "MCQ tests (x3). Research review/proposal aligned to a course theme. Final exam-Short answer and combination questions.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Investigative Cell Biology will provide students with a foundational understanding of current medical research fields and technologies available across the Faculty of Health and Medical Research at the University of Adelaide. The course has been designed to enhance your understanding of biological and pathological processes and stimulate an interest in how scientific research and methodology is applied to investigate these. ICB has been designed to enable students to develop and improve various skills such as critical thinking, critical evaluation and analysis as well as academic writing, time management and an understanding of planning and conducting research. Combined, complementary lecture content, workshops and assessment tasks will better prepare students for employment in research, diagnostic or clinical settings as well as postgraduate research training by enhancing their understanding of medical research in different medical disciplines.\n\nICB is a novel and exciting course that covers several themes of research across the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences. Content is delivered by active University of Adelaide researchers that are nationally and internationally recognised in their fields. You will be provided with the biology and pathology background to each theme and be introduced to findings seminal and current findings in the field and their laboratories. This will be coupled with a discussion of research techniques that have been applied.\n\nLecture content is complemented by workshops designed to provide you with a theoretical understanding of the clinical, in vivo and in vitro models and techniques used to investigate disease process and response to treatment. During workshops, you will explore the application as well as the limitations of laboratory and analytical techniques. ICB will therefore expand your knowledge around the methodology used to answer real-life research questions and develop your critical understanding of project design and result interpretation. During workshops, students may be asked to critically evaluate the information gained from and limitations of the use of a particular technique to answer research questions in scientific publications/examples. Students are expected to attend workshops (live or virtually) and be prepared to interact with the lecturer/tutors and their peers. \n\nAs ICB is an ever-evolving course we do not recommend a textbook but Links to videos and examples of scientific papers will be provided to support learning and review of current pathology textbooks encouraged.\n\nAssessment components for the course are aimed at developing and improving each student's medical research understanding. Assessment tasks are given during the semester and will develop skills as a scientific researcher such as communication and critical analysis", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7171": {"id": "tKGA_HRkxocNFo-svxtkB", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Rbzwc3886EgjiUCar8RD6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28983, "section": "LEC0", "size": 50, "enrolled": 46, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "vr0HcYFdaxq1Xt_KVnQf0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23325, "section": "WR02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23778, "section": "WR03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7172": {"id": "Wtd0l3bM75C2NxfpbK51h", "course_id": "103768", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103768", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Neurological Diseases", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PATHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "3200", "CLASS_NBR": 25575, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060113", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PATHOL 2200 or HLTH SC 2104 or PHYSIOL 2510 or ANAT SC 2006 or MEDIC ST 1000B", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Tests, small group discovery experience, oral presentation, examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of this course is to provide students with an understanding of a range of diseases and conditions affecting the central and peripheral nervous systems. General topics covered include the causes and consequences of raised intracranial pressure, headache, infections, tumours and dementia, as well as more specific disorders such as epilepsy and multiple sclerosis. Traumatic brain and spinal cord injury, stroke and the effects of alcohol and illicit drugs on the brain will also be discussed. Some lectures will take the form of large group tutorial sessions which provide an opportunity for students to examine macroscopic and microscopic specimens illustrating selected pathologies covered in lectures and work through key concepts with interactive activities. The Small Group Discovery Experience (SGDE) will see students working as a team.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7173": {"id": "Wtd0l3bM75C2NxfpbK51h", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "YRdXnSi1HQNMd4mSqOoZI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20059, "section": "LE01", "size": 120, "enrolled": 116, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "HP7rqykOa8a33N6eCWa8K", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25460, "section": "TU04", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 29 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Aug - 12 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Oct - 7 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25461, "section": "TU03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 27, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG25, Vernon-Roberts Museum"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG25, Vernon-Roberts Museum"}, {"dates": "30 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG25, Vernon-Roberts Museum"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG25, Vernon-Roberts Museum"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG25, Vernon-Roberts Museum"}, {"dates": "25 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG25, Vernon-Roberts Museum"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25462, "section": "TU02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25463, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 31 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Aug - 28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "b5tnTYvoaXA6vHv1xfXn7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25575, "section": "WR01", "size": 120, "enrolled": 116, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "7174": {"subject": "PETROENG", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "103965", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "103965", "term": "4410", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "103966", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "103966", "term": "4420", "offer": 3}, {"course_id": "100301", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "100301", "term": "4420", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "102901", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "103756", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "103756", "term": "4420", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "109802", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109802", "term": "4410", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "101435", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102904", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "103757", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104209", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104392", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109936", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102905", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "103760", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106539", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110967", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111287", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111375", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "101877", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102894", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102898", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "103762", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105724", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105725", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106540", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110255", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107880", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110259", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110260", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111376", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "7175": {"id": "Us7HV7P-x1o6jDguZuG9V", "course_id": "103965", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103965", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Subsurface Geoscience & GeoEnergy", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PETROENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "1005", "CLASS_NBR": 12142, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "SACE stage 2 Maths Studies, Specialist Maths and Physics", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Selected practical exercises, including geological mapping exercise, theory exam, in-class quiz", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an introduction to geology and subsurface geoscience (first half of the semester) and an introduction to GeoEnergy resources (second half of the semester). No prior knowledge in geology is assumed and the course starts from basic geological concepts (e.g. minerals, igneous rocks, sedimentary rocks, metamorphic rocks, rock deformation and geological time) then moves onto critical concepts in GeoEnergy resources (e.g. source rocks, reservoir rocks, sealing rocks, maturation, migration and trapping of hydrocarbons, carbon capture and storage) and finally introduces the tools used in the safe and sustainable exploration for subsurface. GeoEnergy resources (seismic surveying, drilling and logging). Throughout the semester one lecture per week is also given by a guest speaker in order to provide an overview of the GeoEnergy industry. Theoretical concepts introduced during the lectures are applied during series of interactive practicals addressing topics including rock and mineral identification, geological mapping and seismic interpretation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7176": {"id": "Us7HV7P-x1o6jDguZuG9V", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "bovN97T_3v4sa4Y8XRN2O", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12142, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 9, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "AxlTsEQBJFsNeeoI1lEcW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12957, "section": "PR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 9, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 20 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}, {"dates": "29 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}, {"dates": "3 Jun - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7177": {"id": "B3SYKYZ4wrVz2FYytd5GU", "course_id": "103965", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103965", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Subsurface Geoscience & GeoEnergy", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PETROENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "1005UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 12143, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "SAGE stage 2 Maths Studies, Specialist Maths and Physics", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Selected practical exercises, including geological mapping exercise, theory exam, in-class quiz", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an introduction to geology and subsurface geoscience (first half of the semester) and an introduction to GeoEnergy resources (second half of the semester). No prior knowledge in geology is assumed and the course starts from basic geological concepts (e.g. minerals, igneous rocks, sedimentary rocks, metamorphic rocks, rock deformation and geological time) then moves onto critical concepts in GeoEnergy resources (e.g. source rocks, reservoir rocks, sealing rocks, maturation, migration and trapping of hydrocarbons, carbon capture and storage) and finally introduces the tools used in the safe and sustainable exploration for subsurface. GeoEnergy resources (seismic surveying, drilling and logging). Throughout the semester one lecture per week is also given by a guest speaker in order to provide an overview of the GeoEnergy industry. Theoretical concepts introduced during the lectures are applied during series of interactive practicals addressing topics including rock and mineral identification, geological mapping and seismic interpretation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7178": {"id": "B3SYKYZ4wrVz2FYytd5GU", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "JVbU81MG_SRAj87NxyKiN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12143, "section": "WR01", "size": 4, "enrolled": 1, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "PpZJGgrEZkC3dggStJRXI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12449, "section": "TT01", "size": 4, "enrolled": 1, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 312, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 312, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12956, "section": "PR01", "size": 4, "enrolled": 1, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 20 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}, {"dates": "29 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}, {"dates": "3 Jun - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7179": {"id": "joBItKJj3m8_tZfR6TL-A", "course_id": "103966", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103966", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Petroleum Engineering", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PETROENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "1006", "CLASS_NBR": 25565, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "SACE Stage 2 Maths Studies, Physics", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, in class tests, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of the course is to provide students with a broad overview of introduction to petroleum engineering in order that advanced courses in subsequent years can be understood within a broader petroleum engineering context. This course covers introductions to petroleum drilling, completions and production, reservoir mechanics, fundamentals of rock and fluid properties, composition and PVT properties of petroleum fluids; basic physical and chemical properties of petroleum reservoir fluids related to reservoir processes and production. It also provides an introduction to decision-making and the petroleum business environment.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7180": {"id": "joBItKJj3m8_tZfR6TL-A", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "9wuf4js3t6J8ccMlvKG93", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25565, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 6, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "mZyzkpm8R5l-y2LPss-pX", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21494, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 6, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7181": {"id": "c8ozMMcIFCFGA5GDgM8d4", "course_id": "103966", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103966", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Petroleum Engineering", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PETROENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "1006UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 25566, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Maths Studies, Physics", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, class tests, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of the course is to provide students with a broad overview of introduction to petroleum engineering in order that advanced courses in subsequent years can be understood within a broader petroleum engineering context. This course covers introductions to petroleum drilling, completions and production, reservoir mechanics, fundamentals of rock and fluid properties, composition and PVT properties of petroleum fluids; basic physical and chemical properties of petroleum reservoir fluids related to reservoir processes and production. It also provides an introduction to decision-making and the petroleum business environment.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7182": {"id": "c8ozMMcIFCFGA5GDgM8d4", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "AZ7WEQJuCg22Ar_RUXU1K", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25566, "section": "WR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "lNYFl62lmeABusgMMRlpW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21495, "section": "TU01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22329, "section": "TT01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hartley, G06, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hartley, G06, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7183": {"id": "UcA1j5jYU2kJBy1IeGz3L", "course_id": "100301", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "100301", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Reservoir Thermodynamics & Fluid Properties", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PETROENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "2001", "CLASS_NBR": 25567, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "PETROENG 1006", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, mid-term and final exams", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Fluid properties and the application of mass and energy balances to a variety of petroleum systems. Introduction to phase behaviour and chemical reaction equilibria (flash calculations with k-values); and equation of state applications and modelling.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7184": {"id": "UcA1j5jYU2kJBy1IeGz3L", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "JdhuYlSYnEjMX6XWCam0G", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25567, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 13, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "The Braggs, 425, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "The Braggs, 425, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7185": {"id": "e8T-GWtaWw8cWAYdvRLEN", "course_id": "100301", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "100301", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Reservoir Thermodynamics & Fluid Properties", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PETROENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "2001UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 25568, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 10 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "PETROENG 1006", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, mid-term and final exams", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Fluid properties and the application of mass and energy balances to a variety of petroleum systems. Introduction to phase behaviour and chemical reaction equilibria (flash calculations with k-values); and equation of state applications and modelling.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7186": {"id": "e8T-GWtaWw8cWAYdvRLEN", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "ew52qfs4HzuYuSJefEunz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25568, "section": "WR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "The Braggs, 425, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "The Braggs, 425, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7187": {"id": "sDcRQylhzTtK0ClK9h1_E", "course_id": "102901", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102901", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Formation Evaluation, Petrophysics & Rock Properties", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PETROENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "2009", "CLASS_NBR": 22059, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "PETROENG 1005, PETROENG 1006, PETROENG 2010", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Mid-course test, assignment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The purpose of this theoretical and practical course is to introduce petrophysical and transport properties of rocks, methods of their determination in lab from cores and in oilfields from wireline logging. \nThis course gives abilities to determine main rock properties in lab and practical understanding of the interpretation of wire line tools and techniques, open and cased hole log analysis methods for the determination of lithology, porosity, fluid content and movement, and net pay. Both, qualitative (quick look) and quantitative analyses methods are covered. Practical examples are used throughout and case histories are used to demonstrate specific aspects. Several laboratory works are performed for coring with determination of rock properties.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7188": {"id": "sDcRQylhzTtK0ClK9h1_E", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "HhdmxcH51QWuP19C8oD9W", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22059, "section": "WR01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 13, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "XslkUyu3v2RKWiljrxAjp", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21064, "section": "TU01", "size": 14, "enrolled": 13, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "0XkNQvl9iA4hiyefnMYQl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22634, "section": "PR02", "size": 8, "enrolled": 7, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Aug - 8 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 107, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 107, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22635, "section": "PR01", "size": 8, "enrolled": 6, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 107, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 107, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "7189": {"id": "kPSkiukHC4C--khBecQqB", "course_id": "103756", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103756", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Drilling Engineering", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PETROENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "2010", "CLASS_NBR": 23092, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Introduction to Petroleum Engineering, Higher Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Fundamental laws of statics and dynamics, stress analysis, fluid flow through pipes and annulus", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Practical and tutorial reports and class tests", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of the course is to provide students with a fundamental understanding of petroleum well drilling procedures, its mechanics, and design methodology. The course gives an overview of drilling rig operations and related equipment; offshore drilling and advanced drilling tools; drill-string design; drill bit technology; drilling hydraulics; drilling mud design; pore pressure and fracture pressure calculations; basic casing design; basic well control; well planning.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7190": {"id": "kPSkiukHC4C--khBecQqB", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "dbBV6F27AFzhnH4spvMa-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23092, "section": "WR01", "size": 13, "enrolled": 11, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "B55ETYpk2KIOeopRv7bvR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23091, "section": "TU01", "size": 13, "enrolled": 11, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 31 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Aug - 28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "jHAUlpRXAZ_6zeHnijVUF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23093, "section": "PR01", "size": 13, "enrolled": 11, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 106, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "7191": {"id": "4wzx2_gvc5jrVEwTR3f-r", "course_id": "103756", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103756", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Drilling Engineering", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PETROENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "2010UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 25016, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Introduction to Petroleum Engineering, Higher Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Fundamental laws of statics and dynamics, stress analysis, fluid flow through pipes and annulus", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Practical and tutorial reports and class tests", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of the course is to provide students with a fundamental understanding of petroleum well drilling procedures, its mechanics, and design methodology. The course gives an overview of drilling rig operations and related equipment; offshore drilling and advanced drilling tools; drill-string design; drill bit technology; drilling hydraulics; drilling mud design; pore pressure and fracture pressure calculations; basic casing design; basic well control; well planning.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7192": {"id": "4wzx2_gvc5jrVEwTR3f-r", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "oClXE-v9ut9jwcK0HC1s2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25016, "section": "WR01", "size": 2, "enrolled": 0, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "jyq0WPBU2LEgKceTFpof1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25015, "section": "TU01", "size": 2, "enrolled": 0, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 31 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Aug - 28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "qFwkPGdFV16Vi8FckYqC9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25014, "section": "PR01", "size": 2, "enrolled": 0, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 106, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "7193": {"id": "cCkNFnK9G_Fpu9aN6GrGU", "course_id": "109802", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109802", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Structural Geology & Seismic Methods", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PETROENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "2019", "CLASS_NBR": 10400, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Structural Geology: Basic concepts of stress (resolving stresses and Mohr Circle) and rock failure (friction, Coulomb); present-day stresses from oil field data; implications for wellbore stability and water flooding; basic concepts of structural geology; faults; folds; structural traps and fault seal analysis. Seismic Methods: Principles of refraction and reflection seismology, such as wave propagation phenomena, and seismic velocity and resolution. Basic seismic surveying data acquisition and processing methods, mechanics of seismic interpretation. Velocity anomalies and depth conversion. Techniques for evaluating reservoir and fluid properties, such as seismic attributes, DHIs and AVO, and time lapse seismic monitoring.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7194": {"id": "cCkNFnK9G_Fpu9aN6GrGU", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "Vg8wahPv0iKpvi1VsHEhN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10400, "section": "WR01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 12, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 30 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}, {"dates": "1 May - 1 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}, {"dates": "7 May - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "GB8es90zF0xm8bR6opk0m", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12783, "section": "PR01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 12, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, G12, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "7195": {"id": "htblyuKPN5fSNqtn0jxdj", "course_id": "109802", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109802", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Structural Geology & Seismic Methods", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PETROENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "2019UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 19727, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, Exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Structural Geology: Basic concepts of stress (resolving stresses and Mohr Circle) and rock failure (friction, Coulomb); present-day stresses from oil field data; implications for wellbore stability and water flooding; basic concepts of structural geology; faults; folds; structural traps and fault seal analysis. Seismic Methods: Principles of refraction and reflection seismology, such as wave propagation phenomena, and seismic velocity and resolution. Basic seismic surveying data acquisition and processing methods, mechanics of seismic interpretation. Velocity anomalies and depth conversion. Techniques for evaluating reservoir and fluid properties, such as seismic attributes, DHIs and AVO, and time lapse seismic monitoring.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7196": {"id": "htblyuKPN5fSNqtn0jxdj", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "Rm-7RY23VhZZFODBwuHBK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19727, "section": "WR01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 1, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 30 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}, {"dates": "1 May - 1 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}, {"dates": "7 May - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "XbBJ1Edn_s2BXTT6Jn1b3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19726, "section": "PR01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 1, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, G12, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tuition", "id": "wW6F_OwQYmyYLGv8LLoIw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19776, "section": "TT01", "size": 16, "enrolled": 1, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 109, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 109, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7197": {"id": "OGKR-cPViGY1kn1CtEtuq", "course_id": "101435", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "101435", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Reservoir Simulation", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PETROENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "3001", "CLASS_NBR": 24034, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Block-format course with integrated lectures, practicals (computer-based) and discussions.", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MATHS 1011, MATHS 2106, MATHS 2107, ENG 1003 and PETROENG 3025 (or equivalents).", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, exams, in-class activities and quizzes", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course gives the theoretical basis and practical fundamentals for the mathematical modelling and numerical simulation of fluid flow in petroleum reservoirs. The governing laws and equations required for the modelling of single-phase and multi-phase flow in porous media, such as mass conservation, Darcy, equation of state, rock compressibility, capillary pressure and relative permeability, are reviewed. By combining these laws and equations, the corresponding partial differential equations are derived. The numerical methods for solving the governing partial differential equations are presented. A particular attention is given to the internal and external boundary conditions, and initial conditions. It is also demonstrated how numerical simulation can help us to forecast the reservoir performance in response to different field-development scenarios. The role of input data of reservoir simulators on the accuracy of prediction is another aspect which is reviewed in this course. It is also discussed how to reduce the inherent uncertainties in the input data, using inverse modelling techniques, known as history matching. Through several exercises and assignments, an overview of a commercial reservoir simulator is given.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7198": {"id": "OGKR-cPViGY1kn1CtEtuq", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "bPEgy10PgHXvPduXQ20fe", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24034, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 18, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "21 Aug - 23 Aug", "days": "Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Monday, Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 108, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "bM_NAnmAsCfHDa553vAQp", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22810, "section": "PR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 18, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Oct - 4 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G13, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Oct - 7 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G13, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7199": {"id": "IZ8L6x5gvs37f98wQJONs", "course_id": "102904", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102904", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Production Engineering", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PETROENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "3020", "CLASS_NBR": 25191, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MATHS 2106, PETROENG 3025", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MECH ENG 2021, CHEM ENG 1007", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, assignments, project (written and oral presentation), homework, evaluated practicals", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of this course is to provide familiarization of the principles and applications of various theories and techniques necessary to design, estimate and maximize production performance in a cost effective manner within various constraints from the oil and gas well systems. Attempts will be made to understand how these techniques could be applied in a practical field development project to identify the best way of exploiting petroleum reserves, as well as maximizing ultimate production.\n\nThis course will address details of reservoir inflow performance, well flowing performance, design of artificial lift systems, familiarization of petroleum production facilities, and analysis and optimization of total petroleum production systems using conventional and nodal analysis. \n\nStudents will also be given opportunity to apply these theories and methods through numerical problem based exercises and practical project assignments. The project assignment may require the use of a commercial simulator.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7200": {"id": "IZ8L6x5gvs37f98wQJONs", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "OovZQ7VPgAm42i6aE9Gl_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25191, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 19, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hartley, 122a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hartley, 122a, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "hXQ-BjvqSWyRHI6olSVoU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21062, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 19, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7201": {"id": "DCQRj1sKrtiUVriyeEBYu", "course_id": "103757", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103757", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Well Completion and Stimulation", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PETROENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "3023", "CLASS_NBR": 25190, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PETROENG 2010", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Higher Maths, Physics, Chemistry", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, class test, small group discovery experience", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The objective of this course is to provide students the broad understanding of petroleum well completion process. The course covers the fundamental principles of the design and evaluation of well completions, casing design in various loading condition with various downhole situations; placement of casing, liners and well tubing; cementing techniques; perforation techniques; gravel packing; sand control and measurement, use of different sand control devices; fundamentals of fracturing including acid fracturing and hydraulic fracturing; and matrix acidizing. This course also covers the broad overviews of various completion techniques, tools, and wellhead types, and surface gathering systems.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7202": {"id": "DCQRj1sKrtiUVriyeEBYu", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "biccfzx5tV6C-5G-kWCz7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25190, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 19, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "16 Sep - 27 Sep", "days": "Monday, , Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Sep - 27 Sep", "days": "Monday, , Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "dVNApwYklm5kLVqOARFVE", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25160, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 19, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "7203": {"id": "n4tde3VHttrZYAgdbe9kj", "course_id": "104209", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104209", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Reservoir Engineering", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PETROENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "3025", "CLASS_NBR": 15324, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PETROENG 1006, MATHS 2201 or MATHS 2106", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "PETROENG 2001, PETROENG 2009", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, assignments, homework, evaluated practical", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Darcy's Law and Applications, Concepts of permeability, Relative permeability, Capillary pressure, Wettability, Material Balance Equations for Different Types of Reservoirs and Drives, Aquifer Behaviour and Water Influx, Immiscible Displacement, Buckley-Leverett theory, Gravity-Stable Displacement, Coning and Cusping, Decline Curve Analysis, Reservoir and wellbore deliverability.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7204": {"id": "n4tde3VHttrZYAgdbe9kj", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "ywDG6tBRRgkdlkM6UA2QX", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15324, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 20, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 28 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "Sjmf6g9vifIXW6Jqcyl7C", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11098, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 20, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7205": {"id": "JPOWJBjeeN5Eq9s2NGQLY", "course_id": "104392", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104392", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Formation Damage & Productivity Enhancement", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PETROENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "3026", "CLASS_NBR": 15545, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "039900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MATHS 1012", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MATHS 2201, MATHS 2104, PHYSICS 1100, PETROENG 2009, MECH ENG 2021, COMP SCI 1201", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, assignments, project (written and oral presentation),homework, evaluated practicals", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course covers transport of colloids/suspensions in natural reservoirs and its applications to formation damage in injection and production wells, its prediction, mathematical and laboratory modelling, prevention and mitigation. The oil-production and gas-storage processes covered are injectivity decline for CO2 and hydrogen, re-injection of produced water, invasion of drilling fluid, sand production, gravel pack, sand screens, fines migration, disposal of produced water, IOR. The physics phenomena caused damage include deep bed filtration, Joule-Thompson CO2 cooling, external filter cake formation, precipitation of salts, ashpaltenes and paraffin's, fines migration and liberation, rock deformation and compaction, two-phase flow of suspensions and colloids. Cases of vertical, horizontal, fractured and perforated wells are discussed. Techniques of damage removal and well stimulation during underground storage of CO2 and H2 are presented. \nThe lectures are accompanied by numerous training exercises and field examples.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7206": {"id": "JPOWJBjeeN5Eq9s2NGQLY", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "Rm5d93FPh-eH_dTkukHtp", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15545, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 3, "available": 27, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Project", "id": "lc4HWGRH_gPFEDWwV3XS_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11097, "section": "PJ01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 3, "available": 27, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Project", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G13, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7207": {"id": "NC_AsNXoTO2KUFrY2mXSD", "course_id": "109936", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109936", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Well Testing & Pressure Transient Analysis", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PETROENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "4012", "CLASS_NBR": 14168, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, mid-term and final exams.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Well test objectives and concepts; fluid flow equation and fundamental solution; classical methods: drawdown and buildup analyses, bounded reservoirs; gas well testing; type curves and derivatives; complex systems: multi-layer, dual-porosity, hydraulic fractures; interference and pulse testing; drill-stem testing; test design, equipment and operations.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7208": {"id": "NC_AsNXoTO2KUFrY2mXSD", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "XobPxC-8k-U7QbMq_SS7H", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14168, "section": "WR01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 9, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 May - 3 May", "days": "Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 May - 20 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 May - 23 May", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 May - 22 May", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 May - 23 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 May - 24 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G13, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7209": {"id": "fH2q_F9I4rtgoJCKXrM86", "course_id": "102905", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102905", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Integrated Field Development and Economics Project", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PETROENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "4022", "CLASS_NBR": 24036, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Block-format course with integrated lectures and project work", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Level I - IV PETROENG Courses", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, project (written and oral presentation)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Field Development Planning gives an overview of the process and methods for developing an optimum plan for developing a petroleum deposit. Key project drive indicators are discussed and it is shown how various disciplines interact in their quest for maximising the value of a project. The course covers all aspects of field development planning, commencing with screening studies, after discovering hydrocarbons, to project sanction. In particular, it is shown that the development planning phase has the potential to add maximum value, when compared to all other phases of the life cycle; as such this phase is most critical. These aspects are presented in detail in terms of actual case histories. It is shown how a proper balance has to be struck among key elements: reservoirs, wells and facilities, not to mention the balance between minimising costs and maximising value, often recovery. Other key essentials, such as flexibility and risk management are also covered. The project is based on an actual data set involving an offshore development. The aim is to study the exploration results and to develop a recommendation for the optimum field appraisal plan. The second part of the project involves the feasibility and development of the optimum field development plan. Participants work in small teams and submit written reports. Students also present their results in front of an academic/industry panel.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7210": {"id": "fH2q_F9I4rtgoJCKXrM86", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "JIjh9pqcZpQQKITSobdgb", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24036, "section": "WR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 10, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G13, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Aug - 22 Aug", "days": "Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G13, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Aug - 28 Aug", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G13, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7211": {"id": "KWhRqz9htHAJaihazuENc", "course_id": "103760", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103760", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Decision Making and Risk Analysis", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PETROENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "4027", "CLASS_NBR": 14167, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Block-format course (8 days) with integrated lectures, practicals (computer based) and discussions", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Introductory Petroleum Geology & Engineering, SACE Stage 2 Maths, basic Excel", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Mid-course test, assignment, final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course teaches the skills required for a key component of a Petroleum Engineer's job - creating value by making decisions that yield optimal returns on the allocation of human and financial resources. The many uncertainties inherent to the oil and gas business (estimating current 'states-of-the world/nature' and predicting future events) create considerable uncertainty in the value that can be realised from resource-allocation decisions. Consequently, there will be a strong emphasis on evaluating the impacts of uncertainty, managing its resultant risks and planning to exploit its up-side potential. Topics to be addressed are the decision-making process, multi-objective decision making, decision-tree analysis, decision criteria, Monte Carlo Simulation and Value of Information & Flexibility. In addition, Utility Theory will be introduced as a means of rationally accounting for risk attitudes. Some of the psychological and judgemental aspects of how people respond to uncertainty will be discussed. The techniques learned in this course will also be useful in making personal decisions.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7212": {"id": "KWhRqz9htHAJaihazuENc", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "8avr9uEWoHeNfsl7hd0Vj", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14167, "section": "WR01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 10, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "20 Mar - 21 Mar", "days": "Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G13, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 21 Mar", "days": "Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G13, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G13, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G13, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 May - 16 May", "days": "Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G13, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 May - 16 May", "days": "Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G13, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7213": {"id": "OM9QwVMHbHELIBP6jdpnG", "course_id": "106539", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106539", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Unconventional Resources and Recovery", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PETROENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "4037", "CLASS_NBR": 12707, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Intensive short course (total of 48 hours over 6 days)", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "PETROENG 2010, PETROENG 3025, PETROENG 2009", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PETROENG 4038EX", "ASSESSMENT": "In class test, Assignment, Final Exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will provide an overview of the key issues and methods relevant to the exploration, assessment and development of unconventional reservoirs. The course will focus on application of geomechanics in CSG, Tight gas and shale gas, reserve estimation and production forecasting of unconventional reservoirs including empirical production decline methods, analytical reservoir models, and linear double porosity type curves and fractured reservoir simulation, field development and economics of unconventionals.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7214": {"id": "OM9QwVMHbHELIBP6jdpnG", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "txDz7TyVFhOLqWCbyx0BG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12707, "section": "WR01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 8, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "12 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G13, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G13, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 1 May", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G13, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 1 May", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G13, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7215": {"id": "NNbaql0e-Wslls4J_2KDE", "course_id": "110967", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110967", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Data analytics in oil and gas industry", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PETROENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "4064", "CLASS_NBR": 24037, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "48 hours - Intensive mode", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Reservoir Engineering", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, assignment, project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces the opportunities, challenges and current development of data analytics applications in oil and gas industry. The theory and fundamental equations, as well as understanding data driven methods are covered. Practical methods, real field examples will equip students to apply data analytics and machine learning methods in petroleum engineering.\nThe course covers the following topics with specific applications in petroleum engineering:\n\u2022Overview of Data Analytics\n\u2022Introduction to Programming \u2013 Python\n\u2022Univariate and Multivariate Descriptive Statistics\n\u2022Univariate and Multivariate Inferential Statistics and Predictive Analytics\n\u2022Machine Learning", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7216": {"id": "NNbaql0e-Wslls4J_2KDE", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "UZjM8-LUE6WZ9T2-ycNrl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24037, "section": "WR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 10, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "12 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 3 Oct", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 108, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7217": {"id": "HfGrwSls93-IjUtPp2tmI", "course_id": "111287", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111287", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Special Studies in Petroleum Engineering", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PETROENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "4065", "CLASS_NBR": 26305, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 48 hourse intensive mode", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "This course requires permission from the Head of School.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Special studies in Petroleum Engineering approved by the Head of School", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7218": {"id": "HfGrwSls93-IjUtPp2tmI", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Q1-CBO3uSDRk9a3f_MDJ0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26305, "section": "01NT", "size": 50, "enrolled": 0, "available": 50, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "7219": {"id": "NJWecIy5B6Y9QELe9ncCv", "course_id": "111375", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111375", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Carbon Capture & Storage in Geological Formations", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PETROENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "4073", "CLASS_NBR": 23420, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "7 days intensive format equivalent to 49 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "48 units of Level I and Level II Engineering courses", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "SACE Stage 2 Chemistry", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Essay and presentation, In-class assignments, Final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is a critical technology in mitigating the effects of climate change, which involves capturing greenhouse gas emissions from heavy industries such as steel and cement, oil and gas, and mining, and storing them in underground geological formations. Students in this course will gain a comprehensive understanding of the principles and practices of carbon capture and storage in geological formations. Through a combination of lectures, tutorials, simulations, and group activities, students will develop the knowledge and skills required to engineer and design effective CCS systems.\n\nThis course is a core requirement for the Bachelor of Engineering (Petroleum) (Honours) program and is also available as an elective for students in chemical, mining, civil and mechanical engineering. The course will cover key aspects of CCS including geological concepts, carbon capture technologies, geochemical reactions, site selection, and flow simulations.\n\nThe course is delivered in intensive format, from 9 am to 5 pm over 7 days during the semester. The first 6 days of the course include a range of learning activities including lectures, tutorials, group projects, and simulations. Students will also work collaboratively in teams, building critical thinking and problem-solving skills that are essential for success in engineering and other STEM fields. The last day of the course (day 7), that is typically timetabled 4 weeks after day 6, will focus on regulatory framework, public engagement and techno-economic assessment of CCS projects. The group presentations are also due in day 7 of the course.\n\nAssessment in this course will include an essay and group presentation, tutorial submissions, and an end of semester exam. These assessments are designed to test the knowledge and skills acquired during the course, as well as to encourage students to engage in critical thinking and analysis.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7220": {"id": "NJWecIy5B6Y9QELe9ncCv", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "E2OQs_6Tp_qBM6e53DkOt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23420, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 10, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 31 Jul", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G13, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Jul - 31 Jul", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G13, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 26 Jul", "days": "Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G13, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 26 Jul", "days": "Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G13, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G13, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G13, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7221": {"id": "nBrtmO-RhdmffV44LUJ3N", "course_id": "101877", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "101877", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Reservoir Simulation", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PETROENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7035", "CLASS_NBR": 24035, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Block-format course with integrated lectures, practicals (computer-based) and discussions.", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MATHS 1011, MATHS 2106, MATHS 2107, ENG 1003 AND PETROENG 3025 (or equivalent)", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, exams, in-class activities and quizzes", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course gives the theoretical basis and practical fundamentals for the mathematical modelling and numerical simulation of fluid flow in petroleum reservoirs. The governing laws and equations required for the modelling of single-phase and multi-phase flow in porous media, such as mass conservation, Darcy, equation of state, rock compressibility, capillary pressure and relative permeability, are reviewed. By combining these laws and equations, the corresponding partial differential equations are derived. The numerical methods for solving the governing partial differential equations are presented. A particular attention is given to the internal and external boundary conditions, and initial conditions. It is also demonstrated how numerical simulation can help us to forecast the reservoir performance in response to different field-development scenarios. The role of input data of reservoir simulators on the accuracy of prediction is another aspect which is reviewed in this course. It is also discussed how to reduce the inherent uncertainties in the input data, using inverse modelling techniques, known as history matching. Through several exercises and assignments, an overview of a commercial reservoir simulator is given.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7222": {"id": "nBrtmO-RhdmffV44LUJ3N", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "UwooA-dCmF31W0fHGM9jS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24035, "section": "WR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 4, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "21 Aug - 23 Aug", "days": "Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Monday, Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 108, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "Vk80ObbS2TJmwn71JQR_V", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22809, "section": "PR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 4, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Oct - 4 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G13, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Oct - 7 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G13, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7223": {"id": "iTfQiwAsaco8ZcfFlAZrq", "course_id": "102894", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102894", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Well Testing and Pressure Transient Analysis", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PETROENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7038", "CLASS_NBR": 15543, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Relevant industry experience in Reservoir Engineering or courses equivalent to PETROENG 7059, MATHS 1012, MATHS 2201, MATHS 2104, PHYSICS 1100, PETROENG 2009, MECH ENG 2021, PETROENG 3025, COMP SCI 1201.", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignment, in class tests, final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Well test objectives and concepts; fluid flow equation and fundamental solution; classical methods: drawdown and buildup analyses, bounded reservoirs; gas well testing; type curves and derivatives; complex systems: multi-layer, dual-porosity, hydraulic fractures; interference and pulse testing; drill-stem testing; test design, equipment and operations.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7224": {"id": "iTfQiwAsaco8ZcfFlAZrq", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "ePtgBBFOPGOw9gBJt2N6_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15543, "section": "WR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 2, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 May - 3 May", "days": "Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 May - 20 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 May - 23 May", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 May - 22 May", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 May - 23 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 May - 24 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G13, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7225": {"id": "Zt2WHBjCBqsO4MxXKhTXW", "course_id": "102898", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102898", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Drilling Engineering and Well Completion", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PETROENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7042", "CLASS_NBR": 22638, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Practical and tutorial reports and class tests", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course covers the fundamentals of drilling engineering and well completion. In the area of drilling; the following are covered: the drilling process; equipment and performance; well pressure control and buoyancy; fluid design; well casing design and cementing techniques; overview of drilling operations. Well Completions addresses: concepts and types of well completion design; overview of well performance; tubing string sizing and design; specialised components: wellheads, packers, expansion joints, subsurface safety valves etc; introduction to well stimulation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7226": {"id": "Zt2WHBjCBqsO4MxXKhTXW", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "S7n4jH-fwp1izytExOkM0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22638, "section": "WR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 5, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "d4LI0jYFKuFE3gqD4lmQR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22636, "section": "PR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 5, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 106, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "MOc_-8BYhcbmrqScWe6re", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22637, "section": "TU01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 5, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 31 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Aug - 28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7227": {"id": "IXfwkE4_aX3HfAelKcj26", "course_id": "103762", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103762", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Production and Facilities Engineering", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PETROENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7050", "CLASS_NBR": 25192, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, class test, group project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of this course is to provide familiarization of the principles and applications of various theories and techniques necessary to design, estimate and maximize production performance in a cost effective manner within various constraints from the oil and gas well systems. Attempts will be made to understand how these techniques could be applied in a practical field development project to identify the best way of exploiting petroleum reserves, as well as maximizing ultimate production.\n\nThis course will address details of reservoir inflow performance, well flowing performance, design of artificial lift systems, familiarization of petroleum production facilities, and analysis and optimization of total petroleum production systems using conventional and nodal analysis. \n\nStudents will also be given opportunity to apply these theories and methods through numerical problem based exercises and practical project assignments. The project assignment may require the use of a commercial simulator.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7228": {"id": "IXfwkE4_aX3HfAelKcj26", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "rZVQKPk59y8ES7F99Lsul", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25192, "section": "WR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 4, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hartley, 122a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hartley, 122a, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "Pqahm5175NEIE2a-x-6C6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21063, "section": "TU01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 4, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7229": {"id": "UiHjSTgPGjYH6AiDoglaP", "course_id": "105724", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105724", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Reservoir Engineering VII", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PETROENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7059", "CLASS_NBR": 14060, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Relevant industry experience or courses equivalent to MATHS 1012, PHYSICS 1100, PETROENG 7063, PETROENG 2001, PETROENG 2005, PETROENG 2009, MECH ENG 2021, PETROENG 3025, COMP SCI 1201", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, in class exams and evaluated tutorials", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Darcy's Law and Applications, Concepts of permeability, Relative permeability, Capillary pressure, Wettability, Material Balance Equations for Different Types of Reservoirs and Drives, Aquifer Behaviour and Water Influx, Immiscible Displacement, Buckley-Leverett theory, Gravity-Stable Displacement, Decline Curve Analysis.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7230": {"id": "UiHjSTgPGjYH6AiDoglaP", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "PgIhanzVHshOSxcp0KqdH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14060, "section": "WR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 3, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 28 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "uDS7GfysNA3YYlF_B-dlO", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12283, "section": "TU01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 3, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7231": {"id": "gvlGqRF_PuZL-V89243Ac", "course_id": "105725", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105725", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Petrophysics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PETROENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7060", "CLASS_NBR": 24039, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Intensive short course of lectures, seminars", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignment, final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Introduction to Petrophysics will give participants an overview of petrophysics: well logging concepts and basic rock properties, wellbore environment, petrophysical tools and interpretation concepts. Lectures and associated class exercises provide a practical understanding of the interpretation of wireline tools and techniques, including the determination of lithology, porosity, fluid content and movement, and net pay. Both, qualitative (quick look) and quantitative analyses methods are covered. Practical aspects, such as logging operations, including MWD, and logging program design will also be addressed. Practical examples are used throughout and case histories are used to demonstrate specific aspects. The course also covers more recent technologies and techniques such as NMR and permeability estimation from logs. At the end of the course students will be able to integrate log, core and pressure data to fully characterize a formation and its fluids.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7232": {"id": "gvlGqRF_PuZL-V89243Ac", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "f-MaYZb0e6oxG_lMu9d39", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24039, "section": "WR01", "size": 6, "enrolled": 4, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "vFVBbakA3RhVtFSIguZ-R", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23202, "section": "PR02", "size": 3, "enrolled": 1, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Aug - 8 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 107, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 107, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23203, "section": "PR01", "size": 3, "enrolled": 3, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 107, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 107, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "irpNijdzDbxFdVWG6Tuiu", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23204, "section": "TU01", "size": 6, "enrolled": 4, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7233": {"id": "Gdzv6t8C-HrdiZd8x4BMT", "course_id": "106540", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106540", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Unconventional Resources & Recovery", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PETROENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7062", "CLASS_NBR": 12708, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Intensive short course of lectures and seminars (total of 49 hours)", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "PETROENG 7042 or 7050, PETROENG 7038 or 7059, PETROENG 7058 or 7060", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "In class participation/quizzes, group or individual assignment and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will provide an overview of the key issues and methods relevant to the exploration, assessment and development of unconventional reservoirs. The course will focus on application of geomechanics in CSG, tight gas and shale gas, deliverability and production forecasting; field development planning; and reserve estimation/economics of unconventional reservoirs.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7234": {"id": "Gdzv6t8C-HrdiZd8x4BMT", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "7sYXS3G49Eoa2XDHSeRIX", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12708, "section": "WR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 2, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "12 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G13, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G13, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 1 May", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G13, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 1 May", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G13, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7235": {"id": "6lSaBud8v8QC4Vi2fBMzh", "course_id": "110255", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110255", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Data analytics in oil and gas industry", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PETROENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7064", "CLASS_NBR": 24038, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "48 hours - Intensive mode", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Reservoir Engineering", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, assignment, project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces the opportunities, challenges and current development of data analytics applications in oil and gas industry. The theory and fundamental equations, as well as understanding data driven methods are covered. Practical methods, real field examples will equip students to apply data analytics and machine learning methods in petroleum engineering.\nThe course covers the following topics with specific applications in petroleum engineering:\n\u2022Overview of Data Analytics\n\u2022Introduction to Programming \u2013 Python\n\u2022Univariate and Multivariate Descriptive Statistics\n\u2022Univariate and Multivariate Inferential Statistics and Predictive Analytics\n\u2022Machine Learning", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7236": {"id": "6lSaBud8v8QC4Vi2fBMzh", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "4zuj7VB2YptfXMRSmyyLD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24038, "section": "WR01", "size": 2, "enrolled": 0, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "12 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 3 Oct", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 108, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7237": {"id": "rUoJ9nxB26v8-A-uPWQiF", "course_id": "107880", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107880", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Project", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PETROENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7071", "CLASS_NBR": 15902, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PETROENG 7070", "ASSESSMENT": "Written Project Reports, Project Presentations", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course offers students the opportunity to carry out a research project. Students are strongly encouraged to develop their own proposals in line with current or expected professional interests. The final project title and outline must be approved by the Academic Director of the program. It shall be conducted under the supervision of one of the academic staff and may be undertaken outside the University (for example, with an industrial host or sponsor) as long as adequate contact is maintained with the academic supervisor. Evaluation of the project will be conducted jointly by the relevant academic staff and industry practitioners.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7238": {"id": "rUoJ9nxB26v8-A-uPWQiF", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "I-F-qz4hEZAZ-PBnQ2XVS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15902, "section": "01NT", "size": 50, "enrolled": 1, "available": 49, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "7239": {"id": "H0rHuF3JyllNKY7NT79sr", "course_id": "110259", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110259", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Petroleum Research Project (Part A)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PETROENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7072A", "CLASS_NBR": 16211, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 12 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Joint assessment by the academic supervisor and the industrial supervisor", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course offers students the opportunity to carry out a research project. Students are strongly encouraged to develop their own proposals in line with current or expected professional interests. The final project title and outline must be approved by the Academic Director of the program. It shall be conducted under the supervision of one of the academic staff and may be undertaken outside the University (for example, with an industrial host or sponsor) as long as adequate contact is maintained with the academic supervisor. Evaluation of the project will be conducted jointly by the relevant academic staff and industry practitioners.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "7240": {"id": "H0rHuF3JyllNKY7NT79sr", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "M5GJDHpiAeRU1V06Skx34", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16211, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "7241": {"id": "5wSGQ-Mo2yr6J1uS12peG", "course_id": "110260", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110260", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Petroleum Research Project Part B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PETROENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7072B", "CLASS_NBR": 26222, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 12 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Joint assessment by the academic supervisor and the industrial supervisor", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course offers students the opportunity to carry out a research project. Students are strongly encouraged to develop their own proposals in line with current or expected professional interests. The final project title and outline must be approved by the Academic Director of the program. It shall be conducted under the supervision of one of the academic staff and may be undertaken outside the University (for example, with an industrial host or sponsor) as long as adequate contact is maintained with the academic supervisor. Evaluation of the project will be conducted jointly by the relevant academic staff and industry practitioners.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7242": {"id": "5wSGQ-Mo2yr6J1uS12peG", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "FVXNSxRzl0cYK1UChYgR2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26222, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "7243": {"id": "asEVF_MoFBE1WGf5rkTQQ", "course_id": "111376", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111376", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Carbon Capture & Storage in Geological Formations", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PETROENG", "CATALOG_NBR": "7073", "CLASS_NBR": 23421, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "7 days intensive format equivalent to 49 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "48 units of Level I and Level II Engineering courses", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "SACE Stage 2 Chemistry", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Essay and presentation, In-class assignments, Final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is a critical technology in mitigating the effects of climate change, which involves capturing greenhouse gas emissions from heavy industries such as steel and cement, oil and gas, and mining, and storing them in underground geological formations. Students in this course will gain a comprehensive understanding of the principles and practices of carbon capture and storage in geological formations. Through a combination of lectures, tutorials, simulations, and group activities, students will develop the knowledge and skills required to engineer and design effective CCS systems.\n\nThis course is a core requirement for the Bachelor of Engineering (Petroleum) (Honours) program and is also available as an elective for students in chemical, mining, civil and mechanical engineering. The course will cover key aspects of CCS including geological concepts, carbon capture technologies, geochemical reactions, site selection, and flow simulations.\n\nThe course is delivered in intensive format, from 9 am to 5 pm over 7 days during the semester. The first 6 days of the course include a range of learning activities including lectures, tutorials, group projects, and simulations. Students will also work collaboratively in teams, building critical thinking and problem-solving skills that are essential for success in engineering and other STEM fields. The last day of the course (day 7), that is typically timetabled 4 weeks after day 6, will focus on regulatory framework, public engagement and techno-economic assessment of CCS projects. The group presentations are also due in day 7 of the course.\n\nAssessment in this course will include an essay and group presentation, tutorial submissions, and an end of semester exam. These assessments are designed to test the knowledge and skills acquired during the course, as well as to encourage students to engage in critical thinking and analysis.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7244": {"id": "asEVF_MoFBE1WGf5rkTQQ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "mUtvQv0QMRJfZ7njlgv5F", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23421, "section": "WR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 31 Jul", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G13, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Jul - 31 Jul", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G13, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 26 Jul", "days": "Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G13, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 26 Jul", "days": "Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G13, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G13, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G13, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7245": {"subject": "PETROGEO", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "107823", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107817", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111071", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111072", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107813", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107814", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107811", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107821", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107816", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107820", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110544", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "7246": {"id": "ljgN2MJB1TXfm_ANlrBDa", "course_id": "107823", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107823", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Fundamentals of Energy Geoscience", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PETROGEO", "CATALOG_NBR": "4010", "CLASS_NBR": 14063, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per day (classroom sessions taught in intensive short-course mode \u2013 11 classroom days required)", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Science Honours in Petroleum Geology & Geophysics (to be renamed BSc Hons in Energy Geoscience)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "(PETROGEO 4015 and PETROGEO 4016)", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Bachelor's degree training or equivalent in geoscience.", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PETROGEO 4011, PETROGEO 4012, PETROGEO 4014", "ASSESSMENT": "Possible field trip assessment/report; in-class tests; quizzes; core store log/report; drilling, wireline log & seismic interpretation practical exercises; oral presentation; take-home end-of-course assessment (summative).", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "PETROGEO 4010 is an integrated course of modules focusing on the characterisation and interpretation of sedimentary basin rock systems as hosts of conventional and unconventional petroleum resources, resources for gas energy storage and by- product sequestration, water resources and geothermal resources. The key technical topics are sedimentology, stratigraphy, structural geology and stratigraphic framework modelling by seismic survey data analysis and interpretation. Other sub- modular themes covered include reservoir controls in siliciclastic and carbonate depositional systems, facies analysis, petrology and diagenesis, correlation of strata using a variety of stratigraphic techniques such as sequence stratigraphy and biostratigraphy, and geomechanics. One particular module concerns wellsite operations, principally drilling, wireline logging and well testing. The focus here is on both the acquisition and interpretation of rock sample, petrophysical log and well test data.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7247": {"id": "ljgN2MJB1TXfm_ANlrBDa", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "2KDH8Fe9Yiz_O-D0DPSDg", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14063, "section": "WR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 1 Mar", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 1 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 108, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7248": {"id": "DRQeJEzCn0HFuf6WG96fm", "course_id": "107817", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107817", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Geo-Energy Systems in Sedimentary Basins", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PETROGEO", "CATALOG_NBR": "4013", "CLASS_NBR": 14061, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per day (classroom sessions taught in intensive short-course mode \u2013 3.5 classroom days required)", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Science Honours in Petroleum Geology & Geophysics (to be renamed BSc Hons in Energy Geoscience).", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "(PETROGEO 4010 and PETROGEO 4015 and PETROGEO 4016)", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Bachelor's degree training or equivalent in geoscience.", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PETROGEO 4011, PETROGEO 4012, PETROGEO 4014", "ASSESSMENT": "Field trip assessment; in-class test; energy systems chart; take-home end-of-course assessment (summative).", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "PETROGEO 4013 presents an integrated course containing modules focusing on the definition of geological energy systems within sedimentary basins, covering both conventional and unconventional petroleum resources, gas energy storage and by-product sequestration resources, water resources and geothermal resources. This course covers a range of topics related to the key elements and processes of a petroleum system, and applies this resource system concept to define the operating components of the other geological energy systems in sedimentary basins that will become key parts of the energy transition. The course will progress to focus on basin analysis and history modelling that accounts for the development of resources over geological time to the present day, and predicts evolving basin conditions for ongoing extractive, storage and disposal energy operations of the future. This course includes a capstone, field-based learning experience that will place at an appropriate stage in the Semester 1 coursework schedule. Focused experiences on this trip will provide a broad, conceptual framework for the way sedimentary basins function as current & future energy resources, and will encompass the key technical topic areas of energy exploration geoscience, namely: sedimentology, stratigraphy, diagenesis, structural geology, geomechanics, reservoirs, seals, conventional pay and trapping systems.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7249": {"id": "DRQeJEzCn0HFuf6WG96fm", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "0-Smm9yf-eEQ69P2287Iu", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14061, "section": "WR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Mar - 14 Mar", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 108, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Fieldwork", "id": "-XVcKnQaNWQY1gaHplnpt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10025, "section": "FL01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 0, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Fieldwork", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Jun - 7 Jun", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "3 Jun - 7 Jun", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "7250": {"id": "C5PhTViK82Acu68WubmEg", "course_id": "111071", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111071", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Skills for Energy Geoscience", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PETROGEO", "CATALOG_NBR": "4015", "CLASS_NBR": 16270, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010799", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week (average)", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "BSc (Honours) Petroleum Geology & Geophysics (to be renamed BSc Hons Energy Geoscience)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "PETROGEO 4010, PETROGEO 4013, PETROGEO 4016", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Bachelor's degree training or equivalent in Geoscience", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PETROGEO 4011, PETROGEO 4012, PETROGEO 4014 - PETROGEO 4015 replaces PETROGEO 4011 in the harmonised program structure", "ASSESSMENT": "Oral presentation, poster presentation, project proposal writing, practical software data interpretation and modelling exercises.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This research project-oriented course provides interactive tuition and experiential learning of core research, presentation and communication skills that will provide the toolkit for students to embark on their Honours year research project. There will also be some discipline-specific technical training that introduces and instructs in the use of various industry-standard software packages for working with data types acquired and used by Energy Geoscience operators. Students undertaking this program typically select to specialise in this discipline in order to enter the industry sector upon graduation. \n\nThe core skills training modules for this course concern the presentation of student work as preparation for completing future assessed components of their research project work in Semester 2 (under courses PG4020 & PG4021). These modules are: \n\n- Presentation Skills \u2013 preparing students to communicate their work effectively in the form of research poster and oral Powerpoint-style presentations. These skills will be called upon in Semester 2 when students will present their research results at the SET faculty-industry research expo called Ingenuity, and when they undertake oral assessment of their research thesis work by an expert panel of academic staff during the Semester 2 examinations period. \n\n- Thesis Writing Skills \u2013 preparing students to construct a properly structured and engaging scientific research thesis, the core product of their research project delivered towards the end of Semester 2. This module will follow a similar two-stage structure as is already adopted informally as part of the current program. The first stage is an interactive workshop-style session where students are introduced to the formal structure of a thesis document and its relationship to standard modes of written scientific communication. They are also introduced to various key techniques and devices that help to make their scientific writing diligent, effective, engaging and compelling. Students will also be shown various tools they can use to help with their writing, e.g. Endnote, and their time-management, e.g. Gantt charts, etc. \n\n- Energy resources exploration software & data skills \u2013 industry sector-specific data and software techniques are key learning outcomes for our graduates but also provide a foundation of technical skills they will use when undertaking their Honours research project work. This module will teach students how to load, interpret and model geospatial, wireline log and seismic survey datasets. Assessment will comprise marking of exercise work assessed previously as part of courses and sub-modules that will no longer form part of the formal technical coursework program (having been part of PG4011 and PG4012 courses that are being replaced). \n\nStudents wishing to progress to PhD study following their Honours degree will have undertaken skills training in this course that gives them a comfortable head-start with the transferable work-management and technical data working skills necessary for successful completion of a longer term project.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7251": {"id": "C5PhTViK82Acu68WubmEg", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "Lt09YL0Wws441GJ0fy_oG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16270, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop"}]}]}]}, "7252": {"id": "UhcbAl-8seoHB2WGTiw5Q", "course_id": "111072", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111072", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Professional Skills for Energy Geoscience", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PETROGEO", "CATALOG_NBR": "4016", "CLASS_NBR": 16271, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010799", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours a week for project meetings with academic supervisors; daily contact with local supervision team.", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "BSc (Honours) Petroleum Geology & Geophysics (to be renamed BSc Hons Energy Geoscience)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "PETROGEO 4010, PETROGEO 4013, PETROGEO 4015", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Bachelor's degree training or equivalent in Geoscience", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PETROGEO 4011, PETROGEO 4012, PETROGEO 4014 - PETROGEO 4016 replaces PETROGEO 4012 in the harmonised program structure", "ASSESSMENT": "Weekly project presentations; internship summary presentation/report with forward project plan", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is the first in the program dedicated to student research project work. It captures the nominal six week student internship work placement with an industry operator during which students become immersed in beginning their project work with their industry exploration team. The industry internship will begin in May and will last until mid-June. Students will be managed locally by their industry supervisors but they will also be required to attend weekly meetings with their academic supervisors, during which they will give presentations summarising: their activities and findings over the previous week; their project progress overall; upcoming challenges and their plan for the week ahead. These presentations will constitute minor assessment activities. On completing the formal internship period, students will give a summary presentation detailing their work placement experience and documenting progress in their research work to their program peers and academic supervision team. This summary presentation constitutes the major assessment component.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7253": {"id": "UhcbAl-8seoHB2WGTiw5Q", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "ZCwVAGn240F7o5-UGa5tc", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16271, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop"}]}]}]}, "7254": {"id": "rGQ6fGP27dIBFSuJJsNES", "course_id": "107813", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107813", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Energy Geoscience: Honours Research Project Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PETROGEO", "CATALOG_NBR": "4020", "CLASS_NBR": 25892, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Regular supervisory meetings will be held between students and their supervisors throughout the Semester", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(PETROGEO 4010 and PETROGEO 4011 and PETROGEO 4012 and PETROGEO 4013)", "CO_REQUISITE": "PETROGEO 4021", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "As well as assessment of the thesis, which constitutes the major aspect of assessment of this course, a research proposal and oral presentation of the thesis are also assessed. Theses will be assessed using a Thesis Assessment Rubric", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course involves conducting a supervised research project which is written up as a thesis. Research projects will be in an agreed area of cutting-edge energy geoscience that is of relevance to operators, service companies, research organisations and regulators in the energy geoscience industry. Research projects are allocated when students undertake PETROGEO 4016 in Semester 1. However, students must pass all Semester 1 program courses in order to continue with the program and enrol in PETROGEO 4020. This course must be taken with its core co- requisite course, PETROGEO 4021.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7255": {"id": "rGQ6fGP27dIBFSuJJsNES", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "gvvYifLAK4Atz2EHu0njZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25892, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "7256": {"id": "VfNL7Me_SREELGvYF49c-", "course_id": "107814", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107814", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Energy Geoscience: Honours Research Project Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PETROGEO", "CATALOG_NBR": "4021", "CLASS_NBR": 24040, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Regular supervisory meetings will be held between students & their supervisors throughout the Semester", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(PETROGEO 4010 and PETROGEO 4011 and PETROGEO 4012 and PETROGEO 4013)", "CO_REQUISITE": "PETROGEO 4020", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "As well as assessment of the thesis, which constitutes the major aspect of assessment of this course, a research proposal and oral presentation of the thesis are also assessed. Theses will be assessed using a Thesis Assessment Rubric.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course involves conducting a supervised research project which is written up as a thesis. Research projects will be in an agreed area of cutting-edge energy geoscience that is of relevance to operators, service companies, research organisations and regulators in the energy geoscience industry. Research projects are allocated when students undertake PETROGEO 4016 in Semester 1. However, students must pass all Semester 1 program courses in order to continue with the program and enrol in PETROGEO 4021. This course must be taken with its core co- requisite course, PETROGEO 4020.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7257": {"id": "VfNL7Me_SREELGvYF49c-", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "hyMwI13UGSHPISSRh-nsj", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24040, "section": "WR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "30 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "7258": {"id": "Gxq2IbqQH89i7E_-ykic3", "course_id": "107811", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107811", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Fundamentals of Energy Geoscience", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PETROGEO", "CATALOG_NBR": "7010", "CLASS_NBR": 14064, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per day (classroom sessions taught in intensive short-course mode \u2013 11 classroom days required).", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Master of Science in Petroleum Geoscience", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Honours degree level training or equivalent in Geoscience \u2013 no specific course pre-requisites; Honours degree GPA of 5/7 or greater; substantive research project experience or equivalent workplace experience in a related technical role", "CO_REQUISITE": "(PETROGEO 7011 and PETROGEO 7012 and PETROGEO 7013)", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Honours degree level training or equivalent in geoscience.", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Possible field trip assessment/report; in-class tests; quizzes; core store log/report; drilling, wireline log & seismic interpretation practical exercises; oral presentation; take-home end-of-course assessment (summative).", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "PETROGEO 7010 is an integrated course of modules focusing on the characterisation and interpretation of sedimentary basin rock systems as hosts of conventional and unconventional petroleum resources, resources for gas energy storage and by-product sequestration, water resources and geothermal resources. The key technical topics are sedimentology, stratigraphy, structural geology and stratigraphic framework modelling by seismic survey data analysis and interpretation. Other sub-modular themes covered include reservoir controls in siliciclastic and carbonate depositional systems, facies analysis, petrology and diagenesis, correlation of strata using a variety of stratigraphic techniques such as sequence stratigraphy and biostratigraphy, and geomechanics. One particular module concerns wellsite operations, principally drilling, wireline logging and well testing. The focus here is on both the acquisition and interpretation of rock sample, petrophysical log and well test data.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7259": {"id": "Gxq2IbqQH89i7E_-ykic3", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "s7-6NyDc8vrRnaUhfcNZi", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14064, "section": "WR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 1 Mar", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 1 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 108, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7260": {"id": "sJNlajGfhZkTqf1FyqrS8", "course_id": "107821", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107821", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Geo-Energy Systems in Sedimentary Basins", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PETROGEO", "CATALOG_NBR": "7013", "CLASS_NBR": 14062, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per day (classroom sessions taught in intensive short-course mode \u2013 3.5 classroom days required)", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Master of Science in Petroleum Geoscience OR Master of Petroleum Engineering Science", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Honours degree level training or equivalent in Geoscience \u2013 no specific course pre-requisites; Honours degree GPA of 5/7 or greater; substantive research project experience or equivalent workplace experience in a related technical role", "CO_REQUISITE": "PETROGEO 7010, PETROGEO 7011 & PETROGEO 7012", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Honours degree level training or equivalent in Geoscience.", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Field trip assessment; in-class test; energy systems chart; take-home end-of-course assessment (summative).", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "PETROGEO 7013 presents an integrated course containing modules focusing on the definition of geological energy systems within sedimentary basins, covering both conventional and unconventional petroleum resources, gas energy storage and by-product sequestration resources, water resources and geothermal resources. This course covers a range of topics related to the key elements and processes of a petroleum system, and applies this resource system concept to define the operating components of the other geological energy systems in sedimentary basins that will become key parts of the energy transition. The course will progress to focus on basin analysis and history modelling that accounts for the development of resources over geological time to the present day, and predicts evolving basin conditions for ongoing extractive, storage and disposal energy operations of the future. This course includes a capstone, field-based learning experience that will place at an appropriate stage in the Semester 1 coursework schedule. Focused experiences on this trip will provide a broad, conceptual framework for the way sedimentary basins function as current & future energy resources, and will encompass the key technical topic areas of energy exploration geoscience, namely: sedimentology, stratigraphy, diagenesis, structural geology, geomechanics, reservoirs, seals, conventional pay and trapping systems.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7261": {"id": "sJNlajGfhZkTqf1FyqrS8", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "mxJrUB1CqbXzyQfHilXLN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14062, "section": "WR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Mar - 14 Mar", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 108, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Fieldwork", "id": "29M6UO6QlpV6UTeEq8zeN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10026, "section": "FL01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Fieldwork", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Jun - 7 Jun", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "3 Jun - 7 Jun", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "7262": {"id": "uezu9IIRQx9j-D8SgvR9E", "course_id": "107816", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107816", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Skills for Energy Geoscience", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PETROGEO", "CATALOG_NBR": "7020", "CLASS_NBR": 15882, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week (average)", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students undertaking the Master of Science in Petroleum Geoscience (to eventually be renamed MSc in Energy Geoscience)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Honours degree level training or equivalent in Geoscience \u2013 no specific course pre-requisites; Honours degree GPA of 5/7 or greater; substantive research project experience or equivalent workplace experience in a related technical role", "CO_REQUISITE": "(PETROGEO 7010 and PETROGEO 7011 and PETROGEO 7013)", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Honours degree level training or equivalent in Geoscience.", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Oral presentation, poster presentation, project proposal writing, practical software data interpretation and modelling exercises.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This applied research skills-oriented course provides interactive tuition and experiential learning of data analysis, interpretation and modelling using industry-standard software, and research & presentation communication skills that will provide the toolkit for students to embark on their Semester 2 research projects in Energy Geoscience. \n\nThe Energy Resources Exploration Data & Software Skills module will introduce students to industry sector-specific data analysis, interpretation and modelling techniques using industry-standard software that will provide key learning outcomes for graduates entering industry or undertaking further training and research in the discipline. \n\nThe Presentation Skills module will prepare students to communicate their work effectively in the form of research poster and oral Powerpoint-style presentations. \n\nThe Thesis Writing Skills module will prepare students to produce a properly structured and engaging scientific research thesis, the core product of their research project delivered towards the end of Semester 2. Applied exercise work related to co-requisite technical topics will be submitted and presented for assessment.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7263": {"id": "uezu9IIRQx9j-D8SgvR9E", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "mTLSCHdjkDQcTtOJsfHAZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15882, "section": "01NT", "size": 15, "enrolled": 0, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop"}]}]}]}, "7264": {"id": "klWl4zIG1UnHcOc5vjKvK", "course_id": "107820", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107820", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Petrophysics of Energy Resource Systems", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PETROGEO", "CATALOG_NBR": "7021", "CLASS_NBR": 24041, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per day (classroom sessions taught in intensive short-course mode \u2013 12 classroom days required)", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students undertaking the Master of Science in Petroleum Geoscience (to eventually be renamed MSc in Energy Geoscience)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Honours degree level training or equivalent in Geoscience \u2013 no specific course pre-requisites; Honours degree GPA of 5/7 or greater; substantive research project experience or equivalent workplace experience in a related technical role", "CO_REQUISITE": "PETROGEO 7012, PETROGEO 7022", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Honours degree level training or equivalent in Geoscience.", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "In-class tests; quizzes; spreadsheet exercises, reports; assignments; take-home end-of-course assessment (summative).", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Petrophysics of Energy Resource Systems will give participants an overview of well logging concepts, the measurement or inference of basic rock properties, the wellbore environment, petrophysical tools, interpretation concepts and the standard petrophysical analysis, interpretation and modelling workflow. Students will learn the best techniques in the interpretation of wireline logging tool datasets, including the determination of lithology, porosity, fluid content and movement, and net pay. Both, qualitative (quick look) and quantitative analyses methods are covered. Practical aspects, such as logging operations, including MWD, and logging program design will also be addressed. Practical examples are used throughout and case histories are used to demonstrate specific aspects. Specialised Methods and Recent Advances give an overview of dipmeter and borehole imaging logs, as well as NMR, and determination of permeability from logs. The main interactive modes of assessment will be through progressive petrophysical analyses to build up the complete picture of a geological energy resource system recorded by real well data. Industry-standard petrophysical reporting will also be demonstrated and assessed.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7265": {"id": "klWl4zIG1UnHcOc5vjKvK", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "-VdRYBeVHFtoBKLIUyvRz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24041, "section": "WR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Aug - 6 Aug", "days": "Monday, Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Sep - 6 Sep", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G13, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7266": {"id": "kID4hElr6KlP1y_7xt-WS", "course_id": "110544", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110544", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Energy Geoscience: MSc Research Project II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PETROGEO", "CATALOG_NBR": "7023", "CLASS_NBR": 26240, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "030399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours a week for formal project meetings with academic supervisors and/or presentations to the supervisory staff panel; possible daily contact with project supervisors on an ad-hoc basis.", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Master of Science in Petroleum Geoscience", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PETROGEO 7010, PETROGEO 7011, PETROGEO 7020, PETROGEO 7013", "CO_REQUISITE": "PETROGEO 7022", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Honours degree level training or equivalent in geoscience.", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PETROGEO 7020, PETROGEO 7021", "ASSESSMENT": "Oral presentations (formative); thesis assessment (summative); oral exam (summative).", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "PETROGEO 7023 runs as the second part of the MSc in Energy Geoscience research project with PETROGEO 7022 (first part) by two possible patterns. The default pattern involves students conducting a group research project under the supervision of a panel of expert staff. Students will work together as a team to define and characterise the elements and processes of a particular geological energy system type (petroleum accumulation; hydrogen accumulation/generation/storage; CO2 sequestration; geothermal) within an Australian sedimentary basin, as selected by members of a supervisory staff panel. Each student will have responsibility for investigating and reporting on particular elements and/or processes of the identified energy system. Students will then bring their components together as a group to formulate a cohesive timing chart of events that demonstrates critical moments in the history of the developing system or critical sequences required for its resource development. This information will be used to predict the location of resource sweet-spots. These results will be used to map exploration and/or development/production risk in the basin and explain the cause(s) of any failed projects to develop the resource in the past. The elements and processes of geo-energy systems are interlinked so students will need to collaborate within their group in order to develop their own areas of work. These dependencies will be illustrated in weekly meetings that summarise group progress. Students will be assessed for their approach and their contributions at these meetings, though the majority of a student's final grade is awarded by assessment of the final group thesis and presentation during oral examination. \n\nThe alternative pattern applies when class numbers are too low to form an effective working group for the default project pattern as described above. In this case, all students will undertake an individual research project concerning a specific, relevant topic related to geo-energy resource systems (conventional and unconventional petroleum; hydrogen; CO2 sequestration; geothermal) that will be supervised by a panel of two academic members of staff. Assessment will be by presentation of preliminary results (formative), submission of a substantive research thesis (summative), and oral examination (summative).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7267": {"id": "kID4hElr6KlP1y_7xt-WS", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "5csn1x2b-Yomue0OZzplv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26240, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "7268": {"subject": "PHARM", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "110424", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108996", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109027", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109030", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109028", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108488", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "103898", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "103899", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106415", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106416", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106417", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106418", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106419", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106420", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106421", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106422", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}]}}, "7269": {"id": "KO0pLj5xWbFqdpzb2MNJv", "course_id": "110424", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110424", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Foundations of Pharmacology", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHARM", "CATALOG_NBR": "2400", "CLASS_NBR": 23844, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019907", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Hons) or Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences or Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences (Adv)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "HLTH SC 1403 or ANAT SC 1102 or BIOLOGY 1101", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Final Examination, assignment and continuous assessment tasks", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Pharmacology is the study of uses, effects, and modes of action of drugs. Drugs play a key role in the treatment of many human diseases and are used to cure and manage disease. In this course students will learn the general principles of pharmacology including drug classification, formulation, administration and basic pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. Drugs affecting the nervous system and major organs will be explored, and the concept of selective toxicity to treat infection will be introduced. Students will gain knowledge in commonly prescribed drugs, the role of clinical trials, over the counter and complementary medications, drugs of dependence and drugs in sport. Emphasis is placed on clinical pharmacology including polypharmacy, side effects, adverse drug reactions and drug interactions.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7270": {"id": "KO0pLj5xWbFqdpzb2MNJv", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "AzxXYZoyyhb4UY4V95YNl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23844, "section": "WR02", "size": 60, "enrolled": 65, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This workshop is available to Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences and Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences (Adv.) students only. Please note no more spaces can be opened once this class is full."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N424/N425, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N424/N425, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23845, "section": "WR01", "size": 120, "enrolled": 94, "available": 26, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This workshop is available to Bachelor of Physiotherapy or Bachelor of Speech Pathology students only."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "zzo0_Y0DiZT0mE6bR1-xr", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29080, "section": "LEC0", "size": 200, "enrolled": 156, "available": 44, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "7271": {"id": "ug73KHgyG8TdMO-HwRAYm", "course_id": "108996", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108996", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Assessment and Treatment of Addiction", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHARM", "CATALOG_NBR": "3012", "CLASS_NBR": 21974, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060199", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week.", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "HLTH SC 2104 or MEDIC ST 1000B", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "HLTH SC 2104 and PHARM 3101", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online quizzes, oral presentation, assignment and exam.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will help you understand pathways from dependence to recovery and how we match the treatment to the patient's goals. First we will look at how we can identify risky use and intervene early. An extensive range of treatments is available to support people with moderate to severe dependence, depending on their goals. Some treatments will address physical dependence, while others focus on psychological factors and reintegration into the community. We will review the range of psychosocial and pharmacological treatments that can be used to support people to manage withdrawal and prevent relapse. Evidence-base of treatments, policy options and public health approaches will be reviewed. Population groups with special needs, and the rationale for addressing those special needs, will be discussed. The treatment of comorbidities, particularly mental health and substance use disorders, is an important example of special needs that will be addressed in some detail. Hurdles to access treatment will be reviewed as well as, the place of systematic reviews and guidelines in promoting the translation of evidence into practice.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7272": {"id": "ug73KHgyG8TdMO-HwRAYm", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "m8VANDoaIiuhO0J-rJdZZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28990, "section": "LEC0", "size": 50, "enrolled": 42, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "L81dKLNzz0A_VDraCDEWb", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21974, "section": "WR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 42, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7273": {"id": "h_uGqiQkY8c62snXH7YPX", "course_id": "109027", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109027", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Biological and Psychosocial Factors in Addictions", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHARM", "CATALOG_NBR": "3101", "CLASS_NBR": 12929, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060199", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "HLTH SC 2104", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "HLTH SC 2104", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online quizzes, oral presentation and exam.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Everyone differs in their susceptibility to develop addiction. We respond differently to drugs of abuse, have different side-effects and develop problem behaviour at a different rate. This course explores the factors that can increase or decrease the chance that someone will develop addictive behaviour. We will explore the effects of individual substances and learn how the body adapts to continued drug use. Addiction is more than just using drugs often. The biological changes that happen with long-term drug use go far beyond the initial local adaptations in the brain. Understanding this is important to help people manage their long-term use. In this course, we will explore the biological basis of addictions, but also review environmental and psychological factors that are important contributors to the development of addiction. Behavioural addictions have a lot in common with substance addictions. We will explore these links and look at other new developments in the research on the biological basis of addiction.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7274": {"id": "h_uGqiQkY8c62snXH7YPX", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "KSXcOkRzMbXucwYDDdpxe", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19168, "section": "LEC0", "size": 60, "enrolled": 45, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "_9ACDtndYmAY4O3Imelev", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12929, "section": "WR01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 45, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Jun - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7275": {"id": "iTElxYbhNbg6BIC6UdfwW", "course_id": "109030", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109030", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Drug Discovery & Development", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHARM", "CATALOG_NBR": "3102", "CLASS_NBR": 23814, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019907", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "HLTH SC 2104", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "PHARM 2400", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Students will complete online quizzes, 2 mid-semester tests (one online), participate in tutorials and engage in workshops. There will be an end of course closed-book examination.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will provide students with a fundamental knowledge of drug discovery and development from both a preclinical and clinical perspective. This includes approaches to sourcing and developing new drugs, from natural sources through to rational drug design, as well as approaches to testing drug efficacy and safety in both preclinical phases and in clinical trials. Additional topics in commercialisation provide students with a comprehensive knowledge of drug discovery and development, from bench to bedside.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7276": {"id": "iTElxYbhNbg6BIC6UdfwW", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "h0pBZw29O__LZCm8RTNpA", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28991, "section": "LEC0", "size": 58, "enrolled": 57, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "IJ9sbrsIdJ_DGbPyuI6-g", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23814, "section": "WR01", "size": 58, "enrolled": 57, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S211a, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S211a, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "30 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S211a, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S211a, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "RcFk4IRFU1JkgnvI_R2aE", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23815, "section": "TU01", "size": 29, "enrolled": 29, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "The Braggs, 425, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "The Braggs, 427, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "The Braggs, 425, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "The Braggs, 427, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24878, "section": "TU02", "size": 29, "enrolled": 28, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, 425, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, 427, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, 425, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, 427, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7277": {"id": "WeS4gHjGGVRodmyU-AfQe", "course_id": "109028", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109028", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Drug Action and Therapeutics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHARM", "CATALOG_NBR": "3103", "CLASS_NBR": 10122, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019907", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "HLTH SC 2104", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "PHARM 2400", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PHARM 3010", "ASSESSMENT": "Students will complete online quizzes, 2 mid-semester tests (one online), participate in tutorials and engage in workshops. There will be an end of course closed-book examination.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course will provide students with an understanding of how drugs are used as therapeutics. Students will gain an understanding of drug-receptor interactions. Particular emphasis will be given to the key factors that influence and govern the effects of drugs within the body, ranging from molecular determinants to physiological factors that control disposition of drugs within the body. Selected systems pharmacology examples will be given to illustrate contemporary approaches to treatment of disease. The practical component of this course will demonstrate key issues from the theoretical part of the course as well as providing laboratory and experimental proficiency for students, ensuring they gain an appreciation for studying drug actions at different levels of biological organisation, ranging from simple in vitro systems (e.g. organ baths) to whole animals.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7278": {"id": "WeS4gHjGGVRodmyU-AfQe", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "eLuhLhjU4g4dpaLNcQk3p", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12931, "section": "LE01", "size": 75, "enrolled": 76, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "y8xkjCx3Q2Bo0LyXlsDgj", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10121, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 26, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hartley, 122a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hartley, 122a, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10122, "section": "TU03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 425, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 425, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10123, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "SHB9z8YZStEULgXhAc8BZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14251, "section": "PR01", "size": 75, "enrolled": 76, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S211a&b, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "1 May - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S211a&b, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "7279": {"id": "GmRdAP4SgmXV4GrT6qx00", "course_id": "108488", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108488", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Pharmacology Research Project Pt 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHARM", "CATALOG_NBR": "4400B", "CLASS_NBR": 18844, "SESSION_CD": "FM2", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "For BHlthMedSc(Hons) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PHARM 4400A and HLTH SC 4201OL and HLTH SC 4200", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research Proposal Seminar, Conference Poster Presentation, Thesis, Thesis Oral Defence, Supervisor Assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course forms the main basis of an honours project conducted in the Adelaide Medical School. Students will be expected to engage in a novel, independent research project under the guidance of a School supervisor. To complete the course, students will be required to prepare and deliver a project proposal and resources pro-forma, a poster and oral presentation, plus a thesis followed shortly by a thesis defence. This course provides an advanced insight into scientific research.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7280": {"id": "GmRdAP4SgmXV4GrT6qx00", "class_list": [{"association_group": "", "groups": []}]}, "7281": {"id": "iVvnVHcNj7FMRhLN0Edme", "course_id": "103898", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103898", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Drug Effects and Biology of Addiction", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHARM", "CATALOG_NBR": "7011EX", "CLASS_NBR": 18834, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019907", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Online", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written assignments, exam, discussion board contribution", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will focus on the biological mechanisms involved in drug effects and addiction. Students will learn how drugs affect the body and behaviour. This will include general principles of drug action, pharmacokinetics and variability in drug response, pharmacology of the major drug classes (opioids, benzodiazepines, alcohol, stimulants, 'party drugs', nicotine, hallucinogens and cannabis) and consequences of their use. Students will learn about the brain reward system and neurological mechanisms responsible for drug tolerance and dependence. Predisposition to drug dependence is studied by looking at genetics, personality and social circumstances. Students will gain an advanced level of understanding of the nature of addiction. Development of academic writing skills and critical appraisal are goals to increase lifelong learning skills.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7282": {"id": "iVvnVHcNj7FMRhLN0Edme", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "hVzEWPW9QYsO6Sg_3pPS0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18834, "section": "01EX", "size": 45, "enrolled": 4, "available": 41, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "7283": {"id": "J3FHbx-_cmwNDL9_cZefg", "course_id": "103899", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103899", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Pharmacotherapy and other responses to drug problems", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHARM", "CATALOG_NBR": "7012EX", "CLASS_NBR": 28755, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019907", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Online", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PHARM 7011EX", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Essay, exam, discussion board contribution", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will provide an overview of the current approaches to the management of drug problems in the community, including the pharmacotherapy, population health approaches and the response of the legal system. Special attention is also paid to the future developments in drug treatment. Students will study the full range of treatments for drug problems, from management of overdoses with withdrawal to long term maintenance treatment and relapse prevention. Available pharmacotherapies used in the treatment of drug dependence will be the primary focus. At the community level, students will examine public health and legal responses to drug problems and look at what prevention and education strategies can be implemented to reduce alcohol and other drug problems in society. Students will gain an advanced level of understanding of the approaches to handle addiction. Development of academic writing skills and critical appraisal are goals to increase lifelong learning skills.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7284": {"id": "J3FHbx-_cmwNDL9_cZefg", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "PqbZCQy0vReut9Td4MCck", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28755, "section": "01EX", "size": 45, "enrolled": 4, "available": 41, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "7285": {"id": "XHO7UidNFRuy_rV9Ucdmv", "course_id": "106415", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106415", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Biological Basis of Addiction", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHARM", "CATALOG_NBR": "7515EX", "CLASS_NBR": 36286, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 4, "EFTLS": 0.1666666666666667, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019907", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Online", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available for non-Award study after consultation with Program Director (students need to enrol at VCU and meet GradCert in International Addiction Studies entry criteria)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, discussion board participation and exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course/module is designed to provide an overview of the neuropharmacology of drugs of abuse and dependence, including basic principles of drug action as well as comprehensive coverage of the major classes of drugs (opioids, stimulants, nicotine, alcohol, sedatives, cannabis, hallucinogens). You will study mechanisms of action, effects, pharmacokinetics as well as tolerance and dependence for each of these drugs/drug classes. The reasons for addiction including biological, genetic, cultural and other determinants will be discussed. You will learn about laboratory based methods used in addiction research.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "7286": {"id": "XHO7UidNFRuy_rV9Ucdmv", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "GJFHJ4J0_DGHFO7drKr4L", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36286, "section": "01EX", "size": 45, "enrolled": 0, "available": 45, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "7287": {"id": "OBzbxQfKKTecFhGENX8T8", "course_id": "106416", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106416", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Public Health Issues and Approaches to Addiction", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHARM", "CATALOG_NBR": "7516EX", "CLASS_NBR": 36287, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 4, "EFTLS": 0.1666666666666667, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019907", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Online", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available for non-Award study after consultation with Program Director (students need to enrol at VCU and meet GradCert in International Addiction Studies entry criteria)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignment, discussion board participation and exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course/module provides an introduction to basic concepts and research methods in Public Health and Epidemiology as they relate to the study of addictions, as well as an in-depth consideration of the personal, social, economic, and cultural burdens/costs associated with drug and alcohol abuse and dependence. Individual and community-based risk and protective factors related to addictions and primary and secondary prevention efforts aimed at reducing the addictions-related public health burden are also a focus. An online lecture format featuring presentations by leading researchers and policymakers in the field of addictions will be used, along with readings, online discussions, and writing assignments to: (1) gain a greater understanding of the enormous costs of addictions at every level of society; and (2) introduce students to some of the current thinking and programs related to the primary and secondary prevention of addictions.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "7288": {"id": "OBzbxQfKKTecFhGENX8T8", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "rOhzJyqEzGRy3Jnge9GLb", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36287, "section": "01EX", "size": 45, "enrolled": 0, "available": 45, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "7289": {"id": "NEhBlkkaOGbMCvA_fnFA_", "course_id": "106417", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106417", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Treatment of Addiction: Pharmacotherapies", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHARM", "CATALOG_NBR": "7517EX", "CLASS_NBR": 18837, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 4, "EFTLS": 0.1666666666666667, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019907", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Online", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available for non-Award study after consultation with Program Director (students need to enrol at VCU and meet GradCert in International Addiction Studies entry criteria)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, discussion board participation and exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to provide an overview of the pharmacological management of alcohol and drug addiction. It will cover the management of withdrawal from alcohol, sedatives, opioids, cannabis and stimulants as well as long-term management of dependence on opioids, tobacco and alcohol. Additional topics include international perspectives on management of dependence, management of dependence during pregnancy and the process of medication development.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7290": {"id": "NEhBlkkaOGbMCvA_fnFA_", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "-ZWz0HpCo_sfjAsE7zZq_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18837, "section": "01EX", "size": 45, "enrolled": 5, "available": 40, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "7291": {"id": "xWD_cM612FqahLuG-Q-wh", "course_id": "106418", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106418", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Treatment of Addiction: Psychosocial Interventions", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHARM", "CATALOG_NBR": "7518EX", "CLASS_NBR": 36288, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 4, "EFTLS": 0.1666666666666667, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019907", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Online", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available for non-Award study after consultation with Program Director (students need to enrol at VCU and meet GradCert in International Addiction Studies entry criteria)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignment, discussion board participation and exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course/module is designed to explore the scientific basis and treatment of substance misuse from a psychological perspective germane to the management of drug, alcohol and nicotine dependence. Students will have the opportunity to evaluate the principles of different theoretical approaches underlying psychological assessment and evidence-based practice. \nDuring this course/module students will develop a critical awareness of the current literature related to psychological theories of addiction. Students will examine the use and comparative efficacy of different psychological therapies in clinical practice including brief interventions, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Motivational Interviewing /MET. Other interventions (case management, group work, self help, integrated treatment for co-occurring disorders etc) will also be examined along side the evidence base for Relapse Prevention, Contingency Management and Therapeutic Communities. Students will also have the opportunity to explore psychological approaches used with specialist populations such as young people and adolescents.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "7292": {"id": "xWD_cM612FqahLuG-Q-wh", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "wwv_SSUIIxfQ0rd1NUMkY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36288, "section": "01EX", "size": 45, "enrolled": 7, "available": 38, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "7293": {"id": "nUwuw-2TlDYyfaYFDN-Sr", "course_id": "106419", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106419", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Treatment of Addiction: Critical Issues", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHARM", "CATALOG_NBR": "7519EX", "CLASS_NBR": 36289, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 4, "EFTLS": 0.1666666666666667, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019907", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Online", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available for non-Award study after consultation with Program Director (students need to enrol at VCU and meet GradCert in International Addiction Studies entry criteria)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, discussion board participation and exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course/module is designed to enable students to gain advanced understanding of the critical issues involved in the identification, recruitment, assessment, diagnosis and classification of individuals who misuse substances. Local, national and international barriers to treatment (stigma, culture, religion, politics, legal issues, civil commitment, cost, attitudes and beliefs) will be considered. Students will explore and critically examine treatment options in special settings (for instance, prisons, criminal justice and employment) and in special populations (for instance, addicted healthcare professional, co-morbid patients, pregnancy).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "7294": {"id": "nUwuw-2TlDYyfaYFDN-Sr", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "wYXxmFikqKSlllY_PG8ba", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36289, "section": "01EX", "size": 45, "enrolled": 0, "available": 45, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "7295": {"id": "7N7c3IE8ey4UiEvQ5VMxX", "course_id": "106420", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106420", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Addiction Policies", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHARM", "CATALOG_NBR": "7520EX", "CLASS_NBR": 36290, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 4, "EFTLS": 0.1666666666666667, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019907", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Online", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available for non-Award study after consultation with Program Director (students need to enrol at VCU and meet GradCert in International Addiction Studies entry criteria)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignment, discussion board participation and exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course/module is designed to provide students of differing backgrounds an understanding of the process by which international addiction health policy is formed and reformed around the use and misuse of both licit and illicit drugs. The course/module will look at the epidemiology of addiction around the world and the relationship between the burden of addiction and the corresponding effects of national and international drug policies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "7296": {"id": "7N7c3IE8ey4UiEvQ5VMxX", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "nPJbzmnigw4C7YeqtLhLx", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36290, "section": "01EX", "size": 45, "enrolled": 7, "available": 38, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "7297": {"id": "ZQnwpFKdPQfAhJ5FPbDPx", "course_id": "106421", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106421", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Methodology in Addictions", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHARM", "CATALOG_NBR": "7521EX", "CLASS_NBR": 36291, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019907", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Online", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MSciAddictSt, GradCert and Grad Dip in International Addiction studies students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, discussion board participation and exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course/module is designed to enable students to develop knowledge and understanding of the different methodological processes underpinning research in the addictions. The research principals involved in hypothesis testing and estimation procedures will be covered as well as the generic skills necessary to analyse data and interpret statistical findings. Basic epidemiological study designs, policy analysis and inferential statistical methods will be explored pertinent to the addictions field.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "7298": {"id": "ZQnwpFKdPQfAhJ5FPbDPx", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "JzNK1bJhu-MVL_UaZAqj_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36291, "section": "01EX", "size": 45, "enrolled": 0, "available": 45, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "7299": {"id": "JH4XMpXcXxv-bfqd6_C07", "course_id": "106422", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106422", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Project in Addictions", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHARM", "CATALOG_NBR": "7522EX", "CLASS_NBR": 36292, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019907", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Online", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M.SciAddictSt, GradCert & GradDip in International Addiction Studies students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research report 10,000 words", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course/module is designed to allow students to participate in the research process. Students will be given the opportunity under supervision to complete a small research project. The submitted written text will be a minimum of 10,000 words in length, and is required to demonstrate a critical knowledge of the chosen topic area. The ability to apply scientific scrutiny to a topic related to aspects of drug and alcohol aetiology, treatment, prevention, public health or policy as identified by the programme team will be required. The research project may involve original data collection, secondary analysis of previously collected data sets, or other quantitative or qualitative research methods. The necessary defining feature is that the research project should demonstrate an appropriate level of academic rigor and understanding of the scientific implications of the findings of the project. Students will need to demonstrate competence in the integration and analysis of data to further the translation of this knowledge into more effective policies and practices, in keeping with the stated aims of the programme", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "7300": {"id": "JH4XMpXcXxv-bfqd6_C07", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "oWF587lCYgC4nRsM1v5Zp", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36292, "section": "01EX", "size": 45, "enrolled": 5, "available": 40, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "7301": {"subject": "PHIL", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "006001", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "009014", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "005704", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "007743", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110080", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104556", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104561", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104568", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104571", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105410", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111398", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111418", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108127", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108129", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108128", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108176", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108309", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107418", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107419", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110081", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110082", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110073", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110084", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110085", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "7302": {"id": "BD9jOZzrK02tjnqoQq4mF", "course_id": "006001", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "006001", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Argument and Critical Thinking", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHIL", "CATALOG_NBR": "1101", "CLASS_NBR": 19695, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ESL students are advised to consult the Course Coordinator to discuss enrolment in the course", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Short Essay, Long Essay, Weekly Quizzes, end-of-Semester Online Test", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "We live in a complex, rapidly changing, and information rich world; a world where ideas, opinions and facts, and the way we negotiate them, will determine the fate of our species. Argument and Critical Thinking is an introduction to the philosophical study of dialogue, reasoning and argument. It will teach you how to separate facts from opinions, science from nonsense, and sound reasoning from the many varieties of bullshit that assail us all daily. It will provide you with methods for analyzing and classifying arguments, and help you identify common errors in reasoning. And it will empower you to engage in constructive dialogue about some of the most politically charged issues of our times, such as climate change, and the status of facts in a `post-truth' world.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7303": {"id": "BD9jOZzrK02tjnqoQq4mF", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "slRn2nkQN-Je4t6jZAj23", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13481, "section": "LE01", "size": 200, "enrolled": 179, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "S6v7VZBIQFTQDgqscxPGp", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12025, "section": "TU07", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13482, "section": "TU06", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13483, "section": "TU05", "size": 24, "enrolled": 22, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13484, "section": "TU04", "size": 24, "enrolled": 23, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13486, "section": "TU02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13487, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 20, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19695, "section": "TUT0", "size": 0, "enrolled": 34, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "7304": {"id": "8sX_GXQcZgBYiExa-iLyJ", "course_id": "009014", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "009014", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Mind and World", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHIL", "CATALOG_NBR": "1102", "CLASS_NBR": 14793, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Tutorials, Online Quizzes, Essay 1, Essay 2.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Being human is special. Humans are highly intelligent, language-using organisms, who are capable of building complex systems of knowledge, conscious of themselves and their world, and able to freely choose a path through life. So far as we know this combination of abilities is uniquely human. But each is somewhat puzzling. How can we be free if every event is determined by what comes before it? How can words and symbols, which are mere scribbles (or noises), have meanings? And how do organisms with bodies made of physical materials get to be conscious knowers? Philosophers have thought long and hard about these questions. Mind and World is an introduction to some of the answers they've discovered.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7305": {"id": "8sX_GXQcZgBYiExa-iLyJ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "jsPcZ_3rVmheuhzyvBd0a", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13488, "section": "LE01", "size": 150, "enrolled": 101, "available": 49, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "Y77PID8KIYh1Q1U-IVcoL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13489, "section": "TU05", "size": 22, "enrolled": 18, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13490, "section": "TU03", "size": 22, "enrolled": 22, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 25 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13491, "section": "TU02", "size": 22, "enrolled": 21, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13492, "section": "TU01", "size": 22, "enrolled": 22, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14793, "section": "TU07", "size": 22, "enrolled": 18, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "10 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "7306": {"id": "wSHwfzZ4Fvbj5ehH2_g5T", "course_id": "005704", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "005704", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Morality, Society and the Individual", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHIL", "CATALOG_NBR": "1103", "CLASS_NBR": 23433, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Tutorial active participation, Online logic and reading quizzes, In class essay assessment, Major essay", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Morality plays a part in everyone's life. But what exactly is it, and why is it important? Are there any objective, universal moral truths, or are moral rightness and wrongness in some way relative to societies, or to individuals? Can morality be grounded in religion, or in facts about human nature? This course will ask what constraints a society is morally entitled to impose on its individual members, and what kinds of freedom from interference individuals are entitled to claim from their society. It will also ask how it is possible that anything really matters, if the universe does not itself have a purpose. The course will introduce you to some of the most influential answers that philosophers have given to these questions, and to the arguments they have used to defend their views. But its main aim is to help you to answer them clearly for yourself.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7307": {"id": "wSHwfzZ4Fvbj5ehH2_g5T", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "aNxu4qbWqE05_PXauzaNK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23439, "section": "LE01", "size": 150, "enrolled": 112, "available": 38, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "qw0x-ZTYHMg5d_jzQgluK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23433, "section": "TU06", "size": 24, "enrolled": 23, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG15, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23434, "section": "TU05", "size": 25, "enrolled": 17, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23436, "section": "TU03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23437, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23438, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7308": {"id": "uLiS_s8Gy_80ydRUGBizJ", "course_id": "007743", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "007743", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Logic", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHIL", "CATALOG_NBR": "1110", "CLASS_NBR": 29582, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PHIL 1111OL", "ASSESSMENT": "Short essay, Long Essay, 3 online tests.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Logic and reasoning are fundamental to the way humans communicate. Our public debates and private reasoning are shaped by logical principles, even though most of us would struggle to spell them out. Introduction to Logic will teach you the basics of formal logic, which provides symbolic methods for representing and assessing the structure of arguments. No previous experience with symbolic methods or mathematics is assumed.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7309": {"id": "uLiS_s8Gy_80ydRUGBizJ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "6jXAYkd6r9HZeUpFExq10", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23440, "section": "LE01", "size": 180, "enrolled": 130, "available": 50, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "iXHy8diW7XEQq4fVDE1uI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23441, "section": "TU06", "size": 24, "enrolled": 19, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23442, "section": "TU05", "size": 24, "enrolled": 12, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23443, "section": "TU04", "size": 24, "enrolled": 0, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23444, "section": "TU03", "size": 24, "enrolled": 24, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23445, "section": "TU02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 18, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23446, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 23, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29582, "section": "TUT0", "size": 0, "enrolled": 34, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "7310": {"id": "w9I7hKKVitJoPx6xlUQ7E", "course_id": "110080", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110080", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "An Intensive Introduction to Logic", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHIL", "CATALOG_NBR": "1111OL", "CLASS_NBR": 92152, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week online intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PHIL 1110", "ASSESSMENT": "Online Quizzes x 5, Take home final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Logic is fundamental to the way humans communicate. Our public debates and private reasoning are shaped by logical principles, even though most of us would struggle to spell them out. An Intensive Introduction to Logic will cover the basics of formal logic, which provides symbolic methods for representing and assessing the logical form of arguments. You will develop an understanding of symbolic language and logic, as well as familiarity with precise models of deductive reasoning. However, no previous experience with symbolic methods or mathematics is assumed. There are no prerequisites, but some students find that Argument and Critical Thinking is a useful companion class. \n\nThis course is offered intensively. Engagement with course content and assessment tasks from the very start of the course is essential for success.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 09/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "7311": {"id": "w9I7hKKVitJoPx6xlUQ7E", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "Kj1OP5ttLYhJWFSFS8Mpc", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92152, "section": "WR01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 34, "available": 46, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Jan - 15 Feb", "days": "Tuesday, Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "7312": {"id": "_1yBp6J-8uJHplfMMS3QH", "course_id": "104556", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104556", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Cognitive Science: Minds, Brains & Computers", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHIL", "CATALOG_NBR": "2030", "CLASS_NBR": 10254, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 12 units of Level I undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PHIL 2013, PHIL 3013", "ASSESSMENT": "Two essays (2500 words each) 50% each", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Cognitive Science is a multi-disciplinary enterprise that seeks to explain human intelligence and behaviour by drawing together the insights from psychology, computer science, neuroscience, and philosophy. This course is an introduction to the philosophical and theoretical foundations of this field. Topics will include the computational model of the mind, classical (digital) and connectionist (analog) approaches to cognition, embodied and extended cognition, dynamical systems theory, and predictive coding models of perception. While there will be discussion of computation and computational accounts of cognition, the course is introductory and does not assume a background in computing or mathematics.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7313": {"id": "_1yBp6J-8uJHplfMMS3QH", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "ixdRPFh5xoKS57FB73EVG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10252, "section": "LE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 43, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "NJc03_3DgE9Y4di2RamQd", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10254, "section": "WR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 43, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7314": {"id": "EM8iZmRKnSpnxAxU3YawS", "course_id": "104561", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104561", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Foundations of Modern Philosophy", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHIL", "CATALOG_NBR": "2035", "CLASS_NBR": 10253, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 12 units of Level I undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PHIL 2007 or PHIL 3007", "ASSESSMENT": "Weekly online quizzes 10%, Essay 1 (500 words) 10%, Essay 2 (1,500 words) 30%, Essay 3 (2,500 words) 50%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "All traditions in western philosophy are shaped by a series of challenges which occupied philosophers from about the seventeenth century. Philosophers in this modern period tried to come to grips with the consequences of an emerging scientific approach for our understanding of the world and our place in it. Ethics, political philosophy, the theory of knowledge, philosophy of language, philosophy of religion, metaphysics and the philosophy of mind would never be the same again. In this course we look at the work of philosophers such as Rene Descartes, Princess Elizabeth of Bohemia, Margaret Cavendish, John Locke, George Berkeley, Gottfried Leibniz, David Hume and Thomas Reid on these themes, with particular emphasis on tracing connections between their arguments and those of present day philosophers. It turns out that many of our present day conundrums over, for example, the role of experience in gaining knowledge of the world, the fundamental character of physical reality, the nature of the mind and our knowledge of ourselves, were anticipated and discussed by these thinkers.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7315": {"id": "EM8iZmRKnSpnxAxU3YawS", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "oszkUSX6LVRDup46EjSdR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10253, "section": "WR01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 54, "available": 26, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 20 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 24 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7316": {"id": "ED6QGRQ7OqJ9JcwKaM_jN", "course_id": "104568", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104568", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Philosophy of Mind", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHIL", "CATALOG_NBR": "2039", "CLASS_NBR": 21146, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 12 units of Level I undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PHIL 2016 or PHIL 3016", "ASSESSMENT": "Two essays (2500 words each) 50% each", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The human mind presents us with a number of mysteries: How does your mind make your body move? How can you represent things in your mind? Can we physically explain what it is like to feel pain? It is difficult to understand how minds fit into the physical world and interact with material things. It is hard to explain how minds are capable of representing the world in all its diversity. And it is a deep mystery how conscious experience, that most enigmatic feature of the mind, relates to our bodies and brains. Philosophy of Mind will consider all of these puzzles, and current attempts to solve them.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7317": {"id": "ED6QGRQ7OqJ9JcwKaM_jN", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "KH74PpDhSw8c2PPmESmLD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21146, "section": "WR01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 51, "available": 29, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7318": {"id": "gAw0qLQjZwGErcxbRVOrR", "course_id": "104571", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104571", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Moral Problems", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHIL", "CATALOG_NBR": "2042", "CLASS_NBR": 11211, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 12 units of Level I undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PHIL 2011, PHIL 3011", "ASSESSMENT": "Tutorial active participation, Online logic and reading quizzes, Short essay, Major essay", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Living in the modern world means having to engage with many complex moral questions, not only in our personal lives but also when thinking about public policy. This course is devoted to in-depth discussion of a variety of problems in moral philosophy raised by current ethical controversies. Possible topics include abortion, euthanasia, self-defence, capital punishment, torture, terrorism, war, poverty, genetic engineering and our treatment of animals and the environment. The aim of the course is to identify and understand the main philosophical issues raised by these topics, and to help you develop and defend your own views about them.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7319": {"id": "gAw0qLQjZwGErcxbRVOrR", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "-PNeUniRtFz4Wl0451OTd", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11210, "section": "LE01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 54, "available": 26, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "IGZu_jAey125Z2HQDBDI9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11211, "section": "WR02", "size": 35, "enrolled": 35, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 23 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11212, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 19, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 24 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7320": {"id": "bHJn4SlTYAK_O8D_4yPUE", "course_id": "105410", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105410", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Philosophy of Science", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHIL", "CATALOG_NBR": "2050", "CLASS_NBR": 24364, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 12 units of Level I undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PHIL 2013, PHIL 3013", "ASSESSMENT": "2 x 2500 word essays, each worth 50% of total mark", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Science has a significant impact on our lives. Some have criticized it for being 'reductionist' and part of a general dehumanization of society. Others argue that the sciences are our only means of avoiding the many dangers we currently face. Philosophy of Science will examine these and other central issues in the contemporary philosophy of science, including: the objectivity of science, the nature of scientific method, the status of scientific knowledge, and the character of scientific explanation. The course will also explore the general picture of reality that emerges from modern science.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7321": {"id": "bHJn4SlTYAK_O8D_4yPUE", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "LnfV4-FGXb1tkJ0btoaU-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24023, "section": "LE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 23, "available": 37, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "iAVDncK5WdRcViDUHPgPi", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24364, "section": "WR01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 23, "available": 37, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7322": {"id": "9VBNpOr5OdGoYZ03I-Iwf", "course_id": "111398", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111398", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "AI and Human Life: Ethics, Politics, Subjectivity.", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHIL", "CATALOG_NBR": "2053", "CLASS_NBR": 28659, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "6 units of undergraduate courses", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Test, Written Assignment, Case Study", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Artificially Intelligent systems are capable of controlling (and in some cases already do control) crucial areas of human life. This course provides the conceptual framework that allows students to (a) understand the nature and scope of innovation in AI (b) evaluate arguments about ethical and political questions use of AI in a range of contexts from medicine and warfare to privacy, surveillance and intimate personal behaviour.(c) understand the relationship between computational architecture and decision making leading to bias or potentially catastrophic consequences. (d) the ethical status of AI systems themselves (e) the relationship between Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) and human and biological cognition. This course gives students a toolkit to critically reflect on these questions using cutting edge case studies of the use of AI in politically and ethically charged contexts.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7323": {"id": "9VBNpOr5OdGoYZ03I-Iwf", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "MSQYOQ4O5aVaHHYkzW693", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28657, "section": "LE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 39, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "yXufjOWLnkj5rm0JfNRw3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28659, "section": "SE02", "size": 60, "enrolled": 39, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7324": {"id": "o2P981BxOHyJ62f5Gr00H", "course_id": "111418", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111418", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Biomedical Ethics and the Politics of Health", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHIL", "CATALOG_NBR": "2054", "CLASS_NBR": 20741, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PHIL 2045", "ASSESSMENT": "Weekly online quiz, Short Essay, Research Essay Plan, Research Essay, Tutorial Participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Can a liberal state legitimately promote a particular conception of health, or even \u2018nudge\u2019 its people to adopt a healthier lifestyle? Is it morally permissible to terminate a pregnancy, or one\u2019s own life? Is there anything wrong about using biomedical means to enhance one\u2019s physical or mental capacity? These issues are some of the most pressing issues in the context of healthcare. They reveal that many health-related issues are not only medical, but also ethical and political. In this course, we will explore topics such as healthism, medicalisation of everyday life, abortion, human enhancement, euthanasia, and the ethics of pandemics. Through engaging with some of the most influential responses to these issues, you will be able to develop your own views on these important issues.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7325": {"id": "o2P981BxOHyJ62f5Gr00H", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "CNbGlHIUs7dNWe9TeUytX", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28897, "section": "LEC0", "size": 80, "enrolled": 36, "available": 44, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "6MFtp5VpeWqfwvMHEtc6l", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20741, "section": "WR01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 36, "available": 44, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "7326": {"id": "7y7SLhyJZ4BHcUMS0ZTqD", "course_id": "108127", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108127", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Existentialism", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHIL", "CATALOG_NBR": "3018", "CLASS_NBR": 11213, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 6 units of Level II undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PHIL 2034", "ASSESSMENT": "Research essay (2000 words) 50%, Research essay (2500 words) 50%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The most distinctive focus of existentialism is the nature and meaning of human existence. Existentialist philosophers raise anew the question of the meaning of existence because they find traditional answers to it inadequate. Any conception of the nature and meaning of human existence has implications for questions such as the nature of the self, the relation with others, and ethical ideals such as altruism and self-creation. The course will focus on two prominent existentialist philosophers: Friedrich Nietzsche and Jean-Paul Sartre. Both philosophers attempt to address the question of the meaning of life. The central concern of Nietzsche's philosophy is nihilism and the conditions of its overcoming. The main problem addressed by Sartre's philosophy is the absurdity of existence and its practical implications.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7327": {"id": "7y7SLhyJZ4BHcUMS0ZTqD", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "WU3p-1Oltr7QAVgLYJkSo", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18647, "section": "LEC0", "size": 100, "enrolled": 73, "available": 27, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "gaAEnQTTMCqO0Us9YROOJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11213, "section": "WR01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 73, "available": 27, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "7328": {"id": "HIMI3EqVaJ6036flKMBpW", "course_id": "108129", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108129", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "How Should I Live? Contemporary Ethical Theories", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHIL", "CATALOG_NBR": "3019", "CLASS_NBR": 12026, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 6 units of Level II undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PHIL 2036", "ASSESSMENT": "Essay 1 (2250 words) 45%, Essay 2 (2250 words) 45%, Tutorial presentation and attendance 10%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "How should we live our lives, morally speaking? This is a big question, and philosophers have tackled it by breaking it down into three distinct but related questions, each of which is important and fascinating in its own right. These are meta-ethics (what type of thing are moral statements/questions?), normative ethics (which systematic approach to morality should we adopt?) and applied ethics (what should we do in some specific situation?). In this course we follow their lead and focus on one of the middle of these central questions - which normative theory should we use to provide a systematic account of what makes something right or wrong fundamentally? We will canvas accounts of moral theory using the traditional three approaches in the Western tradition - Consequentialism, Deontology and Virtue Ethics as a broad organising schema, but we will also look at accounts of moral theory from outside of the Western tradition. However the purpose of this course is not to merely present a range of ethical theories alongside each other and leave it there. Instead the aim is to put these theories into critical dialogue with each other with the goal of considering what the right theory of ethics might be. This will support students to clarify their own position regarding normative ethics. Our main focus will be on contemporary philosophical work, though there will also be opportunities to look at some of the historical roots of contemporary views.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7329": {"id": "HIMI3EqVaJ6036flKMBpW", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "cQopFB7UHtlTntHIqXjCi", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14533, "section": "LE01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 32, "available": 38, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "BO8XS369tPIhHjcql-YAw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12026, "section": "TU02", "size": 70, "enrolled": 32, "available": 38, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "7330": {"id": "qOIceBCDuBomjK71nQmNA", "course_id": "108128", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108128", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Philosophy of Language", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHIL", "CATALOG_NBR": "3029", "CLASS_NBR": 20739, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 6 units of Level II undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PHIL 2043, PHIL 2015, PHIL 3015", "ASSESSMENT": "Short Essay (25%), Research Essay (55%), Small Group Discovery tasks (20%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Language is one of the most distinctive and pervasive features of human life. But its theoretical foundations are still a matter of great controversy. These controversies often lie dormant in ordinary life, only coming to the fore we try to understand precisely how some piece of language works. (This happens a lot in philosophy, where the examination of arguments involves teasing out the precise meaning of the sentences involved.) The nature of meaning has been of interest to philosophers since Plato, but the development of precise theories of meaning really accelerated in the twentieth century, with contributions from philosophers, logicians, and linguists. This course reflects the interdisciplinary history of the subject, though drawing primarily on linguistics and philosophy. We will look at a number of foundational issues about the nature of meaning. We will investigate the meanings of interesting classes of English expressions, such as: proper names (\u2018Alice\u2019), kind terms (\u2018gold\u2019), descriptions (\u2018the most diligent student\u2019), indexicals and demonstratives (\u2018here\u2019, \u2018there\u2019), and modal auxiliaries (\u2018must\u2019). We will look at the meaning of complex sentences, as well as whether there are any aspects what is communicated by a sentence beyond what it literally means. Finally, we turn to the question of language and thought \u2013 does the language we speak constrain the thoughts we can think and the beliefs we can have?", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7331": {"id": "qOIceBCDuBomjK71nQmNA", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "sdDdkMvg2GQVfEUoaK7bt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28580, "section": "LEC0", "size": 40, "enrolled": 33, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "IxuAbjnpTjEELyGJ8_hLt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20739, "section": "WR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 33, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7332": {"id": "o2uWyNDjCCKslRUzWZ2Q1", "course_id": "108176", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108176", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "God, Faith and Infinity: Philosophy of Religion", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHIL", "CATALOG_NBR": "3032", "CLASS_NBR": 24539, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 6 units of Level II undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PHIL 2044", "ASSESSMENT": "Short Essay, Research Essay, Weekly Discussion Tasks, Student-designed Assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Most people, historically and today, have religious beliefs of one kind or another. Those beliefs are often deeply important to their holders, providing the framework for their entire worldview. In this course, we will investigate a number of issues about religious worldviews \u2013 about their content (Is religious language to be taken literally or metaphorically? What is the nature of God and its attributes?), as well as about their reasonableness (Are there good arguments for or against the existence of God? Do we have good evidence for belief in God \u2013 and what is good evidence anyway?). The focus of the course will be on the Abrahamic religions (Christianity, Islam, and Judaism), which share similar conceptions of the role of God and its nature. The course welcomes students both with and without religious commitments, and is run in a spirit of respectful yet rigorous inquiry.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7333": {"id": "o2uWyNDjCCKslRUzWZ2Q1", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "yXmynMJf_TNI8nNuBHB-l", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28581, "section": "LEC0", "size": 80, "enrolled": 66, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "uhKzxZYzE0_aPQniZMS2W", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24539, "section": "WR02", "size": 80, "enrolled": 66, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7334": {"id": "vKkYH7FWWmSQBUFoBNPJ7", "course_id": "108309", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108309", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Key Texts in Philosophy", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHIL", "CATALOG_NBR": "3033", "CLASS_NBR": 21147, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to students undertaking a Philosophy Major only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 15 units of Philosophy Major courses", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Essay (4000 -6000 word) 50%, Weekly analysis 50%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This capstone course for the Philosophy major will focus on a close reading and analysis of influential texts in philosophy. It will act as a suitable culmination to a major in Philosophy, and a bridge into Honours/MPhil, with an emphasis on in-depth treatment of more narrowly focused topics and, in some cases, their historical genesis. The content is not fixed in advance, but will be determined from year to year by a combination of available expertise and the latest research in the field.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7335": {"id": "vKkYH7FWWmSQBUFoBNPJ7", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "SRuamG1Zw-mAppxPJPJ_f", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21147, "section": "WR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 16, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7336": {"id": "uj2AmD2NxqT7zxE5huG90", "course_id": "107418", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107418", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Philosophy Thesis A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHIL", "CATALOG_NBR": "4007A", "CLASS_NBR": 15854, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "1 hour per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to relevant Honours or Masters program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Completed degree (72 units) including 24 units in Philosophy Major (Major must include one course from metaphysics/epistemology area and one course from moral/social area).", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PHIL 4005, PHIL 4006", "ASSESSMENT": "18,000 word thesis (100%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The honours thesis provides an opportunity to investigate a philosophical problem in depth. Students will research and write an extended piece that presents a coherent and detailed argument for a philosophical position, or that compares and contrasts viewpoints in a contemporary debate. They will learn to: i) critically analyse philosophical material, ii) map out an argument strategy, and iii) prepare and present a scholarly document, all at an advanced level, and with a focus on the current state of play in some domain of philosophy. The honours thesis is a preliminary apprentice piece; not as detailed or significant as a Masters or PhD thesis, but a first step in the process of becoming an independent researcher.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "7337": {"id": "uj2AmD2NxqT7zxE5huG90", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "dx9g6lm0LQzgt1aLEc_aC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15854, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "7338": {"id": "WN8k46NDx0nOKrsxbnGKm", "course_id": "107419", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107419", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Philosophy Thesis B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHIL", "CATALOG_NBR": "4007B", "CLASS_NBR": 25863, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "1 hour per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to relevant Honours or Masters program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PHIL 4007A in previous Semester. Completed degree (72 units) including 24 units in Philosophy Major (Major must include one course from metaphysics/epistemology area and one course from moral/social area).", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PHIL 4005, PHIL 4006", "ASSESSMENT": "18,000 word thesis (100%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The honours thesis provides an opportunity to investigate a philosophical problem in depth. Students will research and write an extended piece that presents a coherent and detailed argument for a philosophical position, or that compares and contrasts viewpoints in a contemporary debate. They will learn to: i) critically analyse philosophical material, ii) map out an argument strategy, and iii) prepare and present a scholarly document, all at an advanced level, and with a focus on the current state of play in some domain of philosophy. The honours thesis is a preliminary apprentice piece; not as detailed or significant as a Masters or PhD thesis, but a first step in the process of becoming an independent researcher.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7339": {"id": "WN8k46NDx0nOKrsxbnGKm", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "GGT940l--vso6yZIJEmcV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25863, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "7340": {"id": "RrC_9-WXY-2GL2ONAjGMX", "course_id": "110081", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110081", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Value Theory", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHIL", "CATALOG_NBR": "4012", "CLASS_NBR": 16195, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "3 contact hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to Honours in Philosophy", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Completed 72 unit undergraduate degree with a Major or Minor in Philosophy and a 70 average across PHIL courses", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Extended essay 70%, detailed Essay plan 20%, participation and preparation 10%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an advanced approach to a selected topic of current research significance in value theory and practical philosophy. The fields are broadly construed to include ethics, aesthetics, metaethics, moral psychology, decision theory, social and political philosophy, and the history of these topics. Annually, different staff members with expertise in various fields of philosophical inquiry will lead small groups of students through carefully devised curricula on a selected topic. Through the seminars and the written assessment students will acquire a sound understanding of the selected topic and the central points of controversy, and will be supported in constructing rigorous arguments to support one or more key philosophical claims concerning the topic.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7341": {"id": "RrC_9-WXY-2GL2ONAjGMX", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "XHXp8nL8WUg7LZI8EZv5f", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16195, "section": "01NT", "size": 6, "enrolled": 0, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "7342": {"id": "ilKCTcK7oc-FIioRLHFLU", "course_id": "110082", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110082", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Theoretical Philosophy", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHIL", "CATALOG_NBR": "4013", "CLASS_NBR": 26206, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to Honours in Philosophy", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Completed 72 unit undergraduate degree with a Major or Minor in Philosophy and a 70 average across PHIL courses", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Extended essay 70%, detailed essay plan 20%, participation and preparation 10%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an advanced approach to a selected topic of current research significance in theoretical philosophy. Theoretical philosophy is broadly construed to include metaphysics, epistemology, philosophy of mind and cognition, philosophy of logic and language, philosophy of special sciences, and their history. Annually, different staff members with expertise in various fields of philosophical inquiry will lead small groups of students through carefully devised curricula on a selected topic. Through the seminars and the written assessment students will acquire a sound understanding of the selected topic and the central points of controversy, and will be supported in constructing rigorous arguments to support one or more key philosophical claims concerning the topic.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7343": {"id": "ilKCTcK7oc-FIioRLHFLU", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "vFRw3MK_eiWbjSlrY2kF5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26206, "section": "01NT", "size": 6, "enrolled": 1, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "7344": {"id": "fPPCz92oPEg6y_Rxv0cGn", "course_id": "110073", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110073", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHIL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7005", "CLASS_NBR": 36095, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "This course is available to students enrolled in any relevant Postgraduate Masters degree, subject to approval by the relevant Department.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online assignments 50%, Essay/Assignments 50%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Spectacular advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI) are the result of applying techniques of Deep Learning in Artificial Neural Networks (DLANNs) to a host of problems (face and speech recognition, data collection and customization, translation, navigation, conversation, industrial production, child and aged care) intractable to previous generations of computational systems. So much so that some have predicted the replacement of human by superior artificial intelligence in many domains with catastrophic results. Other argue that interface with DLANNs is already changing the nature of human cognition by enabling the harvesting and deployment of massive amounts of data by algorithms whose operations are opaque to everyday understanding.\n\nDeep Learning systems raise a series of related questions about the nature of intelligence and reasoning, bounded rationality, learning, ethical reasoning, emotion, human sociality and, ultimately, cognition itself. This course looks at those issues in depth. It is suitable for computer scientists interested in contextualizing their work in a wider theoretical and practical framework and others interested acquiring a deeper understanding of Machine Learning. No knowledge of coding or relevant mathematics is assumed.\n\nTopics covered may include the nature of representation in Deep Learning networks (compositional and hierarchical) and differences between DLANNs and other forms of computation; ethical decision making by humans and DLANNs; empathy and emotion in human/AI interactions; the nature of reinforcement learning; Bayesian reasoning; the role of emotion in deliberation; how contextual information is represented in human and artificial systems; Noam Chomsky versus Deep Learning. Chomsky, a founder of the \u201ccognitive revolution\u201d remains a sceptic arguing that DLANNS represent a quantitative ( exponentially more and faster) not a qualitative improvement in cognition.\n\nStudents from any background should come away with a deeper understanding not only of DLANNs but of the nature of thought itself.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "7345": {"id": "fPPCz92oPEg6y_Rxv0cGn", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "I8AgOuneLLxjYSWdYD9p2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36095, "section": "SE01", "size": 130, "enrolled": 118, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Sep - 18 Nov", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "7346": {"id": "aPoZlvVRkvslXzNRhF-bo", "course_id": "110084", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110084", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Topics in Value Theory", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHIL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7006", "CLASS_NBR": 16196, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Extended Essay 70%, Detailed Essay Plan 20% participation and preparation 10%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an advanced approach to a selected topic of current research significance in value theory and practical philosophy. The fields are broadly construed to include ethics, aesthetics, metaethics, moral psychology, decision theory, social and political philosophy, and the history of these topics. Annually, different staff members with expertise in various fields of philosophical inquiry will lead small groups of students through carefully devised curricula on a selected topic. Through the seminars and the written assessment students will acquire a sound understanding of the selected topic and the central points of controversy, and will be supported in constructing rigorous arguments to support one or more key philosophical claims concerning the topic.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7347": {"id": "aPoZlvVRkvslXzNRhF-bo", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "D06eV7R0WX-3r-CJplnHN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16196, "section": "01NT", "size": 6, "enrolled": 0, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "7348": {"id": "dS3D4ZpKK2VgCh1Rg0Nbe", "course_id": "110085", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110085", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Topics in Theoretical Philosophy", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHIL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7007", "CLASS_NBR": 26207, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Extended essay 70%, detailed essay plan 20%, participation and preparation 10%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an advanced approach to a selected topic of current research significance in theoretical philosophy. Theoretical philosophy is broadly construed to include metaphysics, epistemology, philosophy of mind and cognition, philosophy of logic and language, philosophy of special sciences, and their history. Annually, different staff members with expertise in various fields of philosophical inquiry will lead small groups of students through carefully devised curricula on a selected topic. Through the seminars and the written assessment students will acquire a sound understanding of the selected topic and the central points of controversy, and will be supported in constructing rigorous arguments to support one or more key philosophical claims concerning the topic.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7349": {"id": "dS3D4ZpKK2VgCh1Rg0Nbe", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "MFBOUnKzHL6rjSbKhoG4y", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26207, "section": "01NT", "size": 6, "enrolled": 0, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "7350": {"subject": "PHYSICS", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "004145", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "101377", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102638", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102638", "term": "4410", "offer": 3}, {"course_id": "013643", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "013643", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "013643", "term": "4410", "offer": 3}, {"course_id": "013643", "term": "4410", "offer": 4}, {"course_id": "019615", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "003643", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "003643", "term": "4420", "offer": 4}, {"course_id": "003643", "term": "4420", "offer": 5}, {"course_id": "009615", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104269", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104270", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108379", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108379", "term": "4420", "offer": 3}, {"course_id": "104363", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104364", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104367", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104324", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104368", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104366", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "007828", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "004413", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104372", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104371", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104370", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104369", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104373", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107566", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107567", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107568", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107568", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107569", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107569", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108636", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108637", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108637", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108634", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108634", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108635", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108635", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "002695", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "009766", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "006080", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "002255", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "004578", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "003927", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "004476", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "009036", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "005156", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "003681", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "009517", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "009517", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102974", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102969", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "101138", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "101138", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106545", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106545", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "103558", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105365", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105366", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105368", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105367", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105657", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105369", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105656", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106174", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106237", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107384", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107836", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107837", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107838", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109173", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109173", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109174", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109174", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110377", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110377", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110378", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "7351": {"id": "oxpvHisnptCzvpyqNt-sg", "course_id": "004145", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "004145", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Astronomy I", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "1002", "CLASS_NBR": 11855, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PHYSICS 1007", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, practical work, In-Semester tests & essay", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to present a survey of astronomical science, including highlights of modern exploration and the open questions in astronomy. Topics include the formation and characteristics of the Solar System, including the planets and minor members of the system; Telescopes; the Sun; the birth, life and death of stars; galaxies and dark matter; active galaxies and quasars; Big Bang cosmology. There are no formal prerequisites for the course, though mathematical literacy at year 10 level is assumed.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7352": {"id": "oxpvHisnptCzvpyqNt-sg", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "-sP4M6QitogplkLn0E9mk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11854, "section": "WR02", "size": 70, "enrolled": 36, "available": 34, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 2 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 May - 16 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11856, "section": "WR01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 30, "available": 40, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 30 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 May - 14 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 May - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Fieldwork", "id": "WhYQhgz37SbbjvvkIVOtw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11851, "section": "FL01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 26, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Fieldwork", "meetings": [{"dates": "18 Mar - 18 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "7:30pm", "end_time": "9pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "10pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11853, "section": "FL02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 23, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Fieldwork", "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Mar - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "7:30pm", "end_time": "9pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "10pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18597, "section": "FL04", "size": 30, "enrolled": 17, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Fieldwork", "meetings": [{"dates": "20 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "7:30pm", "end_time": "9pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "10pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "WBhXLY_AiOH9fC34WBmE2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11862, "section": "PR03", "size": 40, "enrolled": 30, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "9pm", "location": "Mawson, G12, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "9pm", "location": "Mawson, G12, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11863, "section": "PR02", "size": 40, "enrolled": 14, "available": 26, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "9pm", "location": "Mawson, G12, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "9pm", "location": "Mawson, G12, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11864, "section": "PR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 22, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "9pm", "location": "Mawson, G12, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 22 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "9pm", "location": "Mawson, G12, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "f1n8uK5dlce7X-FMwmgvN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11852, "section": "LE01", "size": 150, "enrolled": 66, "available": 84, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "7353": {"id": "BiVj7OFETE4oF2yf4PGrf", "course_id": "101377", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "101377", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Space Science and Astrophysics I", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "1007", "CLASS_NBR": 11861, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BSc(Space Sci & Astrophysics) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PHYSICS 1002", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, practical work, In-Semester tests & essay", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to present a survey of astronomical science, including highlights of modern exploration and the open questions in astronomy. Topics include the formation and characteristics of the Solar System, including the planets and minor members of the system; Telescopes; the Sun; the birth, life and death of stars; galaxies and dark matter; active galaxies and quasars; Big Bang cosmology.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7354": {"id": "BiVj7OFETE4oF2yf4PGrf", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Z9C6P9bO_684lj-dGSrYx", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11859, "section": "LE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 17, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Fieldwork", "id": "4uyxgm4NsZKJAaffaj3dq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11858, "section": "FL01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 17, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Fieldwork", "meetings": [{"dates": "18 Mar - 18 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "7:30pm", "end_time": "9pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "10pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "f3Pf1spNV0A_ROeRtMjKy", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11861, "section": "WR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 17, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 111, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, 111, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7355": {"id": "KojieZ81x7Xhfht7grOgI", "course_id": "102638", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102638", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Physical Aspects of Nature I", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "1008", "CLASS_NBR": 13476, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PHYSICS 1100, PHYSICS 1101, PHYSICS 1008UAC, PHYSICS 1501, PHYSICS 1508", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam, workshop preparation, practical work & in-Semester tests", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an introduction to some of the principles of physics and their applications in agricultural and biological sciences. It is intended for students who have not studied SACE Stage 2 Physics, and who require familiarity with Physics principles and applications in their other studies. The course introduces concepts of force, energy, thermal physics, fluids and DC electricity, introduction to practical problem solving. \nStudents who achieve a grade of Credit or better in this course and have completed SACE Stage 2 Mathematical Studies (or equiv.) may enrol in the semester 2 course PHYSICS 1201 Physics for the Life and Earth Sciences IB.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7356": {"id": "KojieZ81x7Xhfht7grOgI", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "HXjkdXRTiK0lkn5oQNM9k", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13746, "section": "LE01", "size": 200, "enrolled": 98, "available": 102, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "bcM_gcDmkAqjw-x3dwJgo", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10028, "section": "PR12", "size": 14, "enrolled": 10, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "21 Mar - 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It is intended for students who have not studied SACE Stage 2 Physics, and who require familiarity with Physics principles and applications in their other studies. The course introduces concepts of force, energy, thermal physics, fluids and DC electricity, introduction to practical problem solving. \nStudents who achieve a grade of Credit or better in this course and have completed SACE Stage 2 Mathematical Studies (or equiv.) may enrol in the semester 2 course PHYSICS 1201 Physics for the Life and Earth Sciences IB.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7358": {"id": "B5rIRX4zDqwLhu9PbkNAT", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Eu7_25YNSuDHbeOosxHDs", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15226, "section": "LE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 27, "available": 33, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tuition", "id": "jmIWDzO9KSE3WEJ005pID", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12450, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 16, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 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9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 May - 23 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "6 Jun - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15046, "section": "PR12", "size": 12, "enrolled": 0, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "21 Mar - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 May - 2 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "16 May - 16 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "30 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15227, "section": "PR11", "size": 17, "enrolled": 13, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "9 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 May - 23 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "6 Jun - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15228, "section": "PR03", "size": 14, "enrolled": 9, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "8 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15229, "section": "PR04", "size": 4, "enrolled": 2, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "20 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "1 May - 1 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "15 May - 15 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "29 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "7359": {"id": "1feHeK-nooXjV4UuE5bjR", "course_id": "013643", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "013643", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Physics IA", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "1100", "CLASS_NBR": 92053, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "SACE Stage 2 Physics, Math Methods (formerly Math Studies), Specialist Maths - high achieving students without Specialist Maths may be granted exemption on application to Head of Physics", "CO_REQUISITE": "MATHS 1011 - students may be permitted to enrol in Physics IA concurrently with MATHS 1013 on application to Head of Physics", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PHYSICS 1101, PHYSICS 1008, PHYSICS 1501, PHYSICS 1508 & PHYSICS 1510", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam, workshop preparation, practical work, online quizzes & in-semester tests", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This calculus-based course is the foundation for a major in physics, and also provides a quantitative understanding of physics concepts applicable in biological and geological sciences, and in Engineering.\nMeasurement and uncertainties. Particle mechanics: Newton's law of motion, gravitation, work, energy, conservative forces, momentum, collisions. Thermal physics: heat, temperature, internal energy, kinetic theory of gases, thermodynamic processes. Electricity and magnetism: charge and current, electric field, Ohm's Law, DC circuits, Coulomb and Gauss' laws, electrostatics, capacitance, magnetic field, Ampere and Faraday's laws, inductance, LC circuits. Practical problem solving.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 09/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "7360": {"id": "1feHeK-nooXjV4UuE5bjR", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "YQ7OSD5LDsUuT60ozUa6-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92135, "section": "LE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 15, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Jan - 1 Jan", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "p45iX6sCA7pyoQ0i53aWt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92053, "section": "WR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 15, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Jan - 4 Jan", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Jan - 15 Feb", "days": "Monday, , Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "ds4RPFTY2ifiV-kyXLDnz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92136, "section": "PR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 15, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "10 Jan - 7 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "7361": {"id": "MN_diKTdER7w-6CisUbe-", "course_id": "013643", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "013643", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Physics IA", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "1100", "CLASS_NBR": 13261, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "SACE Stage 2 Physics, Math Methods (formerly Math Studies), Specialist Maths - high achieving students without Specialist Maths may be granted exemption on application to Head of Physics", "CO_REQUISITE": "MATHS 1011 - students may be permitted to enrol in Physics IA concurrently with MATHS 1013 on application to Head of Physics", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PHYSICS 1101, PHYSICS 1008, PHYSICS 1501, PHYSICS 1508 & PHYSICS 1510", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam, workshop preparation, practical work, online quizzes & in-semester tests", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This calculus-based course is the foundation for a major in physics, and also provides a quantitative understanding of physics concepts applicable in biological and geological sciences, and in Engineering.\nMeasurement and uncertainties. Particle mechanics: Newton's law of motion, gravitation, work, energy, conservative forces, momentum, collisions. Thermal physics: heat, temperature, internal energy, kinetic theory of gases, thermodynamic processes. Electricity and magnetism: charge and current, electric field, Ohm's Law, DC circuits, Coulomb and Gauss' laws, electrostatics, capacitance, magnetic field, Ampere and Faraday's laws, inductance, LC circuits. Practical problem solving.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7362": {"id": "MN_diKTdER7w-6CisUbe-", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "MGPBcqCgGjX7rK1HYvuX1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13737, "section": "LE01", "size": 150, "enrolled": 58, "available": 92, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "tFnPRnFV5W86qRAQSuHOS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11846, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 19, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM213, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM213, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13187, "section": "WR07", "size": 20, "enrolled": 12, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13259, "section": "WR02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 13, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM213, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM213, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13261, "section": "WR08", "size": 20, "enrolled": 14, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM213, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM213, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM213, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "2i5J0x_EKeBFfNqpAObgv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13738, "section": "PR03", "size": 15, "enrolled": 7, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "26 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "7 May - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "21 May - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13739, "section": "PR04", "size": 15, "enrolled": 12, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Mar - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 30 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "14 May - 14 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "28 May - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13741, "section": "PR06", "size": 30, "enrolled": 19, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "20 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "1 May - 1 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "15 May - 15 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "29 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13742, "section": "PR07", "size": 15, "enrolled": 9, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Mar - 13 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "8 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13757, "section": "PR10", "size": 15, "enrolled": 11, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "20 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "9pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "9pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "1 May - 1 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "9pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "15 May - 15 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "9pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "29 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "9pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "7363": {"id": "ebNo-_11XAMBP6ZRfEmzc", "course_id": "013643", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "013643", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Physics IA", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "1100ND", "CLASS_NBR": 12284, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to students in BSc (Space Science & Astrophysics) & Honours Degree of Bachelor of Science in High Performance Computational Physics only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "SACE Stage 2 Physics, Math. Methods (formerly Math. Studies), Specialist Maths - high achieving students without Specialist Maths may be granted exemption on application to Head of Physics", "CO_REQUISITE": "MATHS 1011 - students may be permitted to enrol in Physics IA concurrently with MATHS 1013 on application to Head of Physics", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PHYSICS 1101, PHYSICS 1008, PHYSICS 1501, PHYSICS 1508 & PHYSICS 1510", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam, workshop preparation, practical work, online quizzes & in-semester tests", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This calculus-based course is the foundation for a major in physics, and also provides a quantitative understanding of physics concepts applicable in biological and geological sciences, and in Engineering.\nMeasurement and uncertainties. Particle mechanics: Newton's law of motion, gravitation, work, energy, conservative forces, momentum, collisions. Thermal physics: heat, temperature, internal energy, kinetic theory of gases, thermodynamic processes. Electricity and magnetism: charge and current, electric field, Ohm's Law, DC circuits, Coulomb and Gauss' laws, electrostatics, capacitance, magnetic field, Ampere and Faraday's laws, inductance, LC circuits. Practical problem solving.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7364": {"id": "ebNo-_11XAMBP6ZRfEmzc", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "tnnK7dHkwrXgsMtlQypEY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11984, "section": "LE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 27, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "ZPLiNUfCLR2ta-AutMYU-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11575, "section": "WR05", "size": 20, "enrolled": 13, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12284, "section": "WR06", "size": 20, "enrolled": 14, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "QbZrOQ93Ax40QjiT-vcjp", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11985, "section": "PR07", "size": 15, "enrolled": 13, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Mar - 13 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "8 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11986, "section": "PR08", "size": 15, "enrolled": 14, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "20 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "1 May - 1 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "15 May - 15 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "29 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "7365": {"id": "Bmei0ve3ECom7xykwxy-I", "course_id": "013643", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "013643", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 4, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Physics IA", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "1100UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 15231, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "SACE Stage 2 Physics, Math Methods (formerly Math Studies), Specialist Maths - high achieving students without Specialist Maths may be granted exemption on application to Head of Physics", "CO_REQUISITE": "MATHS 1011 - students may be permitted to enrol in Physics IA concurrently with MATHS 1013 on application to Head of Physics", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PHYSICS 1101BR, PHYSICS 1008BR, PHYSICS 1008UAC", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam, workshop preparation, practical work, online quizzes & in-semester tests", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This calculus-based course is the foundation for a major in physics, and also provides a quantitative understanding of physics concepts applicable in biological and geological sciences, and in Engineering.\nMeasurement and uncertainties. Particle mechanics: Newton's law of motion, gravitation, work, energy, conservative forces, momentum, collisions. Thermal physics: heat, temperature, internal energy, kinetic theory of gases, thermodynamic processes. Electricity and magnetism: charge and current, electric field, Ohm's Law, DC circuits, Coulomb and Gauss' laws, electrostatics, capacitance, magnetic field, Ampere and Faraday's laws, inductance, LC circuits. Practical problem solving.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7366": {"id": "Bmei0ve3ECom7xykwxy-I", "class_list": [{"association_group": "", "groups": []}]}, "7367": {"id": "vez3bDsEJdzNBL6Er0Hp9", "course_id": "019615", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "019615", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Physics for the Life and Earth Sciences IA", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "1101", "CLASS_NBR": 19706, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "SACE Stage 2 Physics Subject Achievement grade of at least B- or equivalent or Mathematical Methods (formerly Mathematical Studies) - other students may apply to Head of Physics for exemption", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PHYSICS 1100, PHYSICS 1008, PHYSICS 1501 & PHYSICS 1508", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam, workshop preparation, practical work & In-Semester tests", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an introduction to physics at university level for students who wish to major in biological or earth sciences (Physics IA/B and Mathematics IA/B are recommended for students interested in Biophysics or Geophysics ). It includes significant material not in SACE Stage 2 Physics. The emphasis is on physics concepts and their application to relevant problems in the earth and biological sciences rather than on the more theoretical or mathematical development of the concepts. It includes a study of forces and equilibrium, mechanical stress, energy, fluids, heat and DC electricity. Applications to biology and physiology will be emphasised. Practical problem solving.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7368": {"id": "vez3bDsEJdzNBL6Er0Hp9", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "kq7ULCM6pnTUusSBVeIeE", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13732, "section": "LE01", "size": 90, "enrolled": 67, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "ym72CerlBwVvJuRPEIGNB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11045, "section": "PR09", "size": 10, "enrolled": 8, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "9 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 May - 23 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "6 Jun - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13733, "section": "PR03", "size": 15, "enrolled": 10, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "7 May - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "21 May - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13734, "section": "PR02", "size": 15, "enrolled": 14, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Mar - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 30 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "14 May - 14 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "28 May - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13736, "section": "PR04", "size": 15, "enrolled": 10, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Mar - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 30 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "14 May - 14 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "28 May - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15022, "section": "PR10", "size": 14, "enrolled": 9, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "21 Mar - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 May - 2 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "16 May - 16 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "30 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19709, "section": "PR01", "size": 16, "enrolled": 16, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "7 May - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "21 May - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "fWgJTlmce_dHo4632zQle", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13257, "section": "WR02", "size": 19, "enrolled": 15, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13258, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 12, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM213, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM213, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13475, "section": "WR03", "size": 18, "enrolled": 18, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19706, "section": "WR04", "size": 23, "enrolled": 22, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7369": {"id": "jP3VopKRRcgm3Un6lcI-1", "course_id": "003643", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "003643", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Physics IB", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "1200", "CLASS_NBR": 23153, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PHYSICS 1100 - other students may apply to Head of Physics for exemption", "CO_REQUISITE": "MATHS 1012 - students may be permitted to enrol in Physics IB concurrently with MATHS 1011 on application to Head of Physics", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MATHS 1011 or MATHS 1013", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PHYSICS 1201", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam, workshop preparation, practical work & In-Semester tests", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This calculus-based course completes the Level I sequence for a major in physics, and also provides a quantitative understanding of physics concepts applicable in biological and geological sciences and in Engineering.\nRigid body mechanics: centre of mass, rotational motion, torque, angular momentum, equilibrium, oscillations Waves and Optics: transverse and longitudinal waves, superposition, interference, standing waves, Fourier decomposition, Fermat's principle, geometric optics, physical optics, interference, Michelson interferometers, thin film interference, diffraction, resolution of telescopes. Relativity and Quantum Physics: kinematics, time dilation, length contraction, Lorentz transformations, transformation of velocities, relativistic momentum and energy, X-rays as waves and photons, photoelectric and Compton effects, pair production, de Broglie waves, uncertainty principle, the quantum mechanical wave function. Practical problem solving.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7370": {"id": "jP3VopKRRcgm3Un6lcI-1", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "jz-IJD-uPWe55V2cq3G8T", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23791, "section": "LE01", "size": 90, "enrolled": 62, "available": 28, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "lRDfvTYNK5-rK4_gA71eR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21403, "section": "PR01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 13, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 24 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "7 Aug - 7 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "21 Aug - 21 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "4 Sep - 4 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 2 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23792, "section": "PR02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 24 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "7 Aug - 7 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "21 Aug - 21 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "4 Sep - 4 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 2 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23793, "section": "PR03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 21, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 25 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "8 Aug - 8 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 Aug - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 5 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "t_oei-QNgXtuWzXtqnsv9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21807, "section": "WR04", "size": 20, "enrolled": 16, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23153, "section": "WR08", "size": 20, "enrolled": 16, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23155, "section": "WR02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 19, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23156, "section": "WR06", "size": 20, "enrolled": 11, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7371": {"id": "TecWAAxFDiQUrJPGIF82c", "course_id": "003643", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "003643", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 4, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Physics IB", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "1200ND", "CLASS_NBR": 23297, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PHYSICS 1100 - other students may apply to Head of Physics for exemption", "CO_REQUISITE": "MATHS 1012 - students may be permitted to enrol in Physics IB concurrently with MATHS 1011 on application to Head of Discipline", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MATHS 1011 or MATHS 1013", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PHYSICS 1201", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam, workshop preparation, practical work & In-Semester tests", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This calculus-based course completes the Level I sequence for a major in physics, and also provides a quantitative understanding of physics concepts applicable in biological and geological sciences and in Engineering.\nRigid body mechanics: centre of mass, rotational motion, torque, angular momentum, equilibrium, oscillations Waves and Optics: transverse and longitudinal waves, superposition, interference, standing waves, Fourier decomposition, Fermat's principle, geometric optics, physical optics, interference, Michelson interferometers, thin film interference, diffraction, resolution of telescopes. Relativity and Quantum Physics: kinematics, time dilation, length contraction, Lorentz transformations, transformation of velocities, relativistic momentum and energy, X-rays as waves and photons, photoelectric and Compton effects, pair production, de Broglie waves, uncertainty principle, the quantum mechanical wave function. Practical problem solving.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7372": {"id": "TecWAAxFDiQUrJPGIF82c", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "R1gYA_bWsdSFVHL_BE66s", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23007, "section": "LE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 25, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "mcqVe0uz_8JotiD--2h3Y", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23008, "section": "PR04", "size": 30, "enrolled": 25, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 25 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "8 Aug - 8 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 Aug - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 5 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "1HNL3pKvU8kqiTVug-x2G", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23297, "section": "WR07", "size": 27, "enrolled": 25, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7373": {"id": "e6P_HoM-AiO8negMLI-ot", "course_id": "003643", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "003643", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 5, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Physics IB", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "1200UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 23017, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PHYSICS 1200BR", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam, workshop preparation, practical work & In-Semester tests", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This calculus-based course completes the Level I sequence for a major in physics, and also provides a quantitative understanding of physics concepts applicable in biological and geological sciences and in Engineering.\nRigid body mechanics: centre of mass, rotational motion, torque, angular momentum, equilibrium, oscillations Waves and Optics: transverse and longitudinal waves, superposition, interference, standing waves, Fourier decomposition, Fermat's principle, geometric optics, physical optics, interference, Michelson interferometers, thin film interference, diffraction, resolution of telescopes. Relativity and Quantum Physics: kinematics, time dilation, length contraction, Lorentz transformations, transformation of velocities, relativistic momentum and energy, X-rays as waves and photons, photoelectric and Compton effects, pair production, de Broglie waves, uncertainty principle, the quantum mechanical wave function. Practical problem solving.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7374": {"id": "e6P_HoM-AiO8negMLI-ot", "class_list": [{"association_group": "", "groups": []}]}, "7375": {"id": "dWKUDuaJuzgGGJy4p5ZcU", "course_id": "009615", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "009615", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Physics for the Life and Earth Sciences IB", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "1201", "CLASS_NBR": 23150, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "SACE Stage 2 Physics or SACE Stage 2 Mathematical Methods, or PHYSICS 1101. Other students who have completed PHYSICS 1008 may be granted exemption on application to Head of Physics", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "PHYSICS 1101 or PHYSICS 1008", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PHYSICS 1200", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam, workshop preparation, practical work & In-Semester tests", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an introduction to sensing and imaging as applied to biological systems and earth science. It is intended to provide a background in physics at university level for students who wish to major in biological sciences (Physics I and Mathematics I are recommended for students interested in Biophysics or Geophysics). The emphasis is on physics concepts and their application to relevant problems rather than on the more theoretical or mathematical development of concepts. It includes a study of oscillations, waves and sound, geometric and physics optics, electricity and magnetism, X-rays and radioactivity. Practical problem solving.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7376": {"id": "dWKUDuaJuzgGGJy4p5ZcU", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "zoq3trNp14Yu3VcOlh-kW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23786, "section": "LE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 59, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "Ln5lvlaR1seC8jPQVMctF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21405, "section": "PR06", "size": 15, "enrolled": 15, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "29 Aug - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23787, "section": "PR01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 13, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 29 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "12 Aug - 12 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "26 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23789, "section": "PR03", "size": 15, "enrolled": 15, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 31 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "14 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "28 Aug - 28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23790, "section": "PR04", "size": 15, "enrolled": 16, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 31 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "14 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "28 Aug - 28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "_3U-gf0VTgkhDTlBwPsM6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23149, "section": "WR01", "size": 21, "enrolled": 20, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23150, "section": "WR03", "size": 20, "enrolled": 20, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM213, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM213, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23151, "section": "WR02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 19, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7377": {"id": "ajGhnJABk1c_mn4E77hTz", "course_id": "104269", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104269", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Physics for the Life & Earth Sciences I (Vet Bio)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "1501", "CLASS_NBR": 19742, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BSc (Veterinary Bioscience) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "SACE Stage 2 Physics Subject Achievement grade of at least B- or equivalent or Mathematical Methods (formerly Mathematical Studies) - other students may apply to Head of Physics for exemption", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PHYSICS 1508, PHYSICS 1008, PHYSICS 1100 & PHYSICS 1101", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam, workshop preparation, practical work& In-Semester tests", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The emphasis is on physics concepts and their application to relevant problems in the earth and biological sciences rather than on the more theoretical or mathematical development of the concepts. It includes a study of forces and equilibrium, mechanical stress, energy, fluids, heat and DC electricity. Applications to biology and physiology will be emphasised. Practical problem solving.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7378": {"id": "ajGhnJABk1c_mn4E77hTz", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "jvFR1Bvikc1_XhMzjQyri", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13730, "section": "LE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 5, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "Kv8cNCqdUVoj9QY9VVL-o", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13135, "section": "PR10", "size": 4, "enrolled": 1, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "21 Mar - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 May - 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It is intended for students who have not studied SACE Stage 2 Physics, and who require familiarity with Physics principles and applications in their other studies. The course introduces concepts of force, energy, thermal physics, fluids and DC electricity, introduction to practical problem solving.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7380": {"id": "b1JRac7UIDGT6cpdIcX6U", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "n4uQT0HoOSNv0QzFtArxE", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13750, "section": "LE01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 74, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "BAAYUqSPV-CWCyDzRZzii", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10045, "section": "PR04", "size": 14, "enrolled": 14, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "20 Mar - 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The course includes weekly small-group problem-solving workshops, and relevant practical sessions.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7382": {"id": "FtIQaSHNBKbhe3El7qgWW", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "2Qe4BOvKfEeAQRe_5rwXy", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20927, "section": "LE01", "size": 120, "enrolled": 97, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "7ndxViU4L9-QHlpyHgRuQ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20124, "section": "PR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 14, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Aug - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "19 Aug - 19 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 Sep - 2 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 14 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "21 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20928, "section": "PR02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 23, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Aug - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "20 Aug - 20 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 Sep - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20929, "section": "PR03", "size": 32, "enrolled": 32, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Aug - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "20 Aug - 20 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 Sep - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21370, "section": "PR05", "size": 32, "enrolled": 28, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Aug - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "20 Aug - 20 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 Sep - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "g9Ac5jKakcxBUcU0DaMi1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20931, "section": "WR02", "size": 22, "enrolled": 19, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20932, "section": "WR05", "size": 22, "enrolled": 18, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20933, "section": "WR04", "size": 22, "enrolled": 21, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM213, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM213, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22238, "section": "WR06", "size": 22, "enrolled": 18, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM213, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM213, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22243, "section": "WR03", "size": 22, "enrolled": 21, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7383": {"id": "verBCHX7YW9U5OkFCUi1g", "course_id": "108379", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108379", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Physics IE: Mechanics and Thermodynamics", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "1510UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 22330, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MATHS 1011UAC", "CO_REQUISITE": "MATHS 1012UAC", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PHYSICS 1100BR, PHYSICS 1100UAC", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam, workshop preparation, practical work & In-Semester tests", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This calculus-based course provides electrical and electronic engineering students with important foundational knowledge about mechanics, materials, heat transfer, thermodynamics and fluid mechanics and its application to common electrical engineering systems. The course includes weekly small-group problem-solving workshops, and relevant practical sessions.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7384": {"id": "verBCHX7YW9U5OkFCUi1g", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "5Sug5_4YgcmcIBbyCoJ55", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25093, "section": "LE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 6, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "FgoakDAvQAUlJrCurJbvV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25094, "section": "PR02", "size": 10, "enrolled": 6, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Aug - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "20 Aug - 20 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 Sep - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "fFO-9goawg0ssZmkmYSR3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22330, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 6, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Hartley, G06, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Hartley, G06, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7385": {"id": "2ubiZqAGmEIIC7MxubT5f", "course_id": "104363", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104363", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Quantum Mechanics II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "2510", "CLASS_NBR": 10390, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PHYSICS 1100 & PHYSICS 1200 & MATHS 1012 - Other students may apply to Head of Physics for exemption", "CO_REQUISITE": "MATHS 2102 or MATHS 2106. Other students may apply to Head of Physics for exemption", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Tutorial preparation, practical work, tests, written exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an introduction to quantum mechanics and continues the development of practical problem solving using laboratory experiments. Quantum Mechanics - Wave mechanics with examples from atomic, sub-atomic and solid state physics. Photons, Compton scattering, de Broglie hypotheses, Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, probability distributions, probability density, plane waves, expectation values, operators, commutators, Schroedinger equation, energy quantisation, particle in a one dimensional box, eigenstates and degeneracy, measurement, probability flux, one-dimensional bound states and scattering, barrier penetration, harmonic oscillator, ladder operators, multi-particle states, indistinguishable particles, exclusion principle, magic numbers. Practical work includes laboratory experiments in instrumentation, general physics and modern physics.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7386": {"id": "2ubiZqAGmEIIC7MxubT5f", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "LsyTr6wXDqNFaQt5bwyDB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10154, "section": "LE01", "size": 90, "enrolled": 77, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "8zWcL0aZNvxTX5cEv9c3T", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10388, "section": "WR02", "size": 28, "enrolled": 25, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10389, "section": "WR01", "size": 28, "enrolled": 27, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10390, "section": "WR03", "size": 28, "enrolled": 25, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "bXs2g8zGhKXhRE337dH2W", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14900, "section": "PR03", "size": 28, "enrolled": 26, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Physics, 132/133, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Physics, 132/133, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14901, "section": "PR02", "size": 28, "enrolled": 26, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Physics, 132/133, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Physics, 132/133, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15343, "section": "PR01", "size": 28, "enrolled": 25, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This prac class clashes with the Differential Equations seminar, however the seminar is recorded each week and can be watched at a later time. We need some students to enrol in this prac class please because not everyone can fit into the other two classes. Please fill out the clash override form to be enrolled in this class if you are happy to have the clash:"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Physics, 132/133, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Physics, 132/133, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "7387": {"id": "wSoWt_dlEpBYpbHLN3p3y", "course_id": "104364", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104364", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Solid State Physics & Photonics II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "2520", "CLASS_NBR": 20342, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PHYSICS 2510, MATHS 2102 or MATHS 2106 - Other students may apply to Head of Physics for exemption", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MATHS 2101", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PHYSICS 2525", "ASSESSMENT": "Tutorial preparation, practical work, test, written exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an introduction to condensed matter physics, progresses from the level I introduction to optical physics and continues the development of practical problem solving using laboratory experiments. \nOptics: -ray tracing; ABCD matrix method; cardinal points; optical aberrations and wavefront distortion; interferometry; polarisation and Jones matrices; Gaussian beams.\nCondensed Matter Physics: -introduction to crystal structures, lattices and bonding; atomic vibrations in crystals and phonon zones, free-electron gas model of metals; nearly-free electron model and band theory; semiconductor crystals; PN Junctions; diodes.\nPractical work includes laboratory experiments in optics, properties of solids and instrumentation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7388": {"id": "wSoWt_dlEpBYpbHLN3p3y", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Vx6SIDho59n03eEZVkUoE", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20181, "section": "LE01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 60, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "9 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "JSdFwOp1MZKrcCc5v-reb", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20342, "section": "WR02", "size": 38, "enrolled": 33, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20343, "section": "WR01", "size": 31, "enrolled": 27, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "7AS78en9RZMIoLktF_4NJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24787, "section": "PR01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 26, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Physics, 132/133, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Physics, 132/133, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24788, "section": "PR02", "size": 35, "enrolled": 34, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Physics, 132/133, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Physics, 132/133, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "id": "yuO60t4BSlKx3rIq4yiIC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28685, "section": "AS01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 60, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Sep - 6 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "18 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "7389": {"id": "OYN7VqTetedB13hmjHmXu", "course_id": "104367", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104367", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Astrophysics II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "2530", "CLASS_NBR": 20351, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PHYSICS 1100 or PHYSICS 1101, PHYSICS 1200 or PHYSICS 1201, MATHS 1012 - Other students may apply to Head of Physics for exemption", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PHYSICS 2536", "ASSESSMENT": "Practical work, marked tutorials, essay, written exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Protostars and star formation; stellar interiors and stellar evolution; supernovae and pulsars; introduction to the heliosphere; introduction to the local space environment.\nPractical Work: astrophysics related experiments and observations.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7390": {"id": "OYN7VqTetedB13hmjHmXu", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "xeIkV19wziwhUwMJ2va3S", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20176, "section": "LE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 16, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "t5Lv2Quk-RMXQMvc5AvJX", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20351, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 16, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "lfWpvZRLGrPCjNs1MN-v-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24784, "section": "PR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 16, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Physics, 132/133, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Physics, 132/133, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Physics, 132/133, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "7391": {"id": "MGJZaSvhWq0sMXbsDmpk6", "course_id": "104324", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104324", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Classical Physics II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "2532", "CLASS_NBR": 20350, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PHYSICS 1100, PHYSICS 1200, MATHS 2101 or MATHS 2106, MATHS 2102 - Other students may apply to Head of Physics for exemption", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Tests, workshop presentation, written exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Static equilibrium and dynamics, rotating reference frames, Kepler\u2019s Laws for planetary systems, satellites and comets; orbits for interplanetary space travel, scattering in central force fields, trajectories of near-Earth meteorites. Thermodynamics of interacting systems, including the first and second laws of thermodynamics, concepts of equilibrium and entropy, and applications", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7392": {"id": "MGJZaSvhWq0sMXbsDmpk6", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "jQ0XPL5JCTJRKXDlLm9Go", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20177, "section": "LE01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 62, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 26 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "_RPmsjKEJQYwpFhpJprUp", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20349, "section": "WR02", "size": 33, "enrolled": 32, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20350, "section": "WR03", "size": 33, "enrolled": 30, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Assessment", "id": "SlGqyy4VJtY8f7qT18rq8", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28683, "section": "AS01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 62, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "7393": {"id": "2Vl7yMFol-2JvPHgmQP4u", "course_id": "104368", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104368", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Electromagnetism II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "2534", "CLASS_NBR": 20348, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PHYSICS 2510, MATHS 2102 or MATHS 2106, MATHS 2101 - Other students may apply to Head of Physics for exemption", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Tutorial preparation, practicals, tests, written exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course extends the level I introduction to electricity and magnetism.\nCircuit theory: revision of Kirchhoff's laws, RLC and AC circuits; complex impedance and AC circuits; filters, transfer functions.\nVector analysis; index notation, line, surface and volume integrals; curvilinear coordinates; Gauss and Stokes theorem, Gauss's law, Dirac delta function; vector rotation and tensors.\nElectrostatics and electric potential, Poisson and Laplace equations, boundary value problems and method of images, magnetostatics, electromagnetic induction, Maxwell's equations, electromagnetic waves.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7394": {"id": "2Vl7yMFol-2JvPHgmQP4u", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "uGil211ndALsgbSicOda_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20178, "section": "LE01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 80, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Aug - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 4 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "VCb72J4wHEmH-XotUVLaO", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20347, "section": "WR01", "size": 32, "enrolled": 26, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20348, "section": "WR03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21924, "section": "WR02", "size": 32, "enrolled": 26, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "Ktxx3U0Zu-fMb9e-JurlU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23316, "section": "PR01", "size": 46, "enrolled": 35, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Physics, 132/133, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23317, "section": "PR02", "size": 46, "enrolled": 45, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Physics, 132/133, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "id": "yXKg4Fk2U4Vm71Sba8ydz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28684, "section": "AS01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 80, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Aug - 23 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "7395": {"id": "Td_aMBI--Zbp_5gFwikyu", "course_id": "104366", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104366", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Space Science and Astrophysics II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "2536", "CLASS_NBR": 20354, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BSc", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PHYSICS 1100, PHYSICS 1200 , MATHS 1012 or MATHS 2004 - Other students may apply to Head of Physics for exemption", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PHYSICS 2530", "ASSESSMENT": "Tutorials, practical work, essay, written exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Protostars and star formation; stellar interiors and stellar evolution; supernovae and pulsars; introduction to the heliosphere; introduction to the local space environment.\nPractical Work: astrophysics related experiments and observations.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7396": {"id": "Td_aMBI--Zbp_5gFwikyu", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "LwMsdmuvZ7osRZ-8GL9jO", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20184, "section": "LE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 18, "available": 32, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "MWUk6vTZz3HoldU2eHqwW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20354, "section": "WR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 18, "available": 32, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "24NiJvWAMuBWjPlErXiB1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24789, "section": "PR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 18, "available": 32, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Physics, 132/133, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Physics, 132/133, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Physics, 132/133, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "7397": {"id": "HX9FWcgy8ZhAhc-B06KT7", "course_id": "007828", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "007828", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Experimental Physics III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "3002", "CLASS_NBR": 24785, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 8 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PHYSICS 2510, PHYSICS 2520 and/or PHYSICS 2534, MATHS 2101 or MATHS 2202, MATHS 2102 or MATHS 2201- other students may apply to the Head of Physics for exemption", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PHYSICS 3537", "ASSESSMENT": "Practical work, assignments, report, tests", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Laboratory experiments in selected areas including atomic and nuclear physics, optics and electromagnetism, plus a practical analogue electronics course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7398": {"id": "HX9FWcgy8ZhAhc-B06KT7", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "5Qcl5X5yRrsM688iRB4uZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24785, "section": "PR01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 36, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Physics, 132/133, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Physics, 132/133, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Physics, 132/133, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Physics, 132/133, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "7399": {"id": "yaAx_E1M810yP9HMxL098", "course_id": "004413", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "004413", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Dynamics and Relativity III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "3006", "CLASS_NBR": 20353, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PHYSICS 2532, PHYSICS 2534, MATHS 2101 or MATHS 2202, MATHS 2102 or MATHS 2201", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Tests, assignments, written exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will give students a working knowledge of analytical mechanics and relativity to the standard required for further study in physics.\nContent will include:\nMechanics: Lagrangian mechanics, variational techniques, conservation laws, Noether's theorem, small oscillations, Hamiltonian mechanics, Poisson brackets. Relativity: space-time vectors and tensors, relativistic mechanics, electrodynamics; field-strength tensor, Lienard-Wiechert potentials.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7400": {"id": "yaAx_E1M810yP9HMxL098", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "A6VeYjl4S27i06fYkWA96", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24108, "section": "LE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 33, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Aug - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Aug - 23 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "18 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "ZoZVk6q5-0lyL-ZdALgvb", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20352, "section": "WR01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 12, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20353, "section": "WR02", "size": 23, "enrolled": 21, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Assessment", "id": "sZjYfrBG3LKHCh0-AOB9H", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28646, "section": "AS01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 33, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7401": {"id": "Df2EpR_KsGfCLZY-ajT-j", "course_id": "104372", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104372", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Atmospheric and Astrophysics III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "3532", "CLASS_NBR": 11450, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PHYSICS 2510, PHYSICS 2534, MATHS 2101 or MATHS 2202, MATHS 2102 or MATHS 2201", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PHYSICS 3013 & PHYSICS 3014", "ASSESSMENT": "Examination, assignments, tutorials", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will provide students with a knowledge of modern techniques, theory, and observational results relating to energetic processes in astrophysics and cosmology, and introduce the physics of planetary atmospheres with special emphasis on the atmosphere of the Earth. It will also provide students with knowledge of the physical processes that govern weather and climate.\n\nContent will include:\n\nIntroduction to planetary atmospheres and the solar system. Radiative transfer in the sun-earth system. Thermodynamics of the atmosphere, including cloud physics, atmospheric motions and circulation. Introduction to the roles of aerosols and minor atmospheric constituents such as water vapour, carbon dioxide and ozone. The impact of anthropogenic processes. An introduction to relevant astrophysics terminology. Binary stars and accretion processes. The structure and evolution of the Milky Way and other galaxies. Active galaxies and unified models. Aspects of special and general relativity relevant to astrophysics. Cosmology, observations and theory.'", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7402": {"id": "Df2EpR_KsGfCLZY-ajT-j", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "ghxjAFdb2q_MIuX0ZxaZ1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10151, "section": "LE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 35, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 218, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "MFJ-BzRXkVYpVDJCtNfp4", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10393, "section": "WR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 35, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 May - 15 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 May - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7403": {"id": "NvFVZ7fOGXIZ5cD3FUtbw", "course_id": "104371", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104371", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Computational Physics III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "3534", "CLASS_NBR": 10164, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 7.5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PHYSICS 2534, PHYSICS 2510, MATHS 2101 or MATHS 2202, MATHS 2102 or MATHS 2201, COMP SCI 1015 or COMP SCI 1101 or COMP SCI 1102 or ENG 1002 - other students may apply to the Head of Physics for exemption", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "PHYSICS 2532", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PHYSICS 3000", "ASSESSMENT": "Projects, tests, written exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This hands-on course provides an introduction to computational methods in solving problems in physics. It teaches programming tactics, numerical methods and their implementation, together with methods of linear algebra. These computational methods are applied to problems in physics, including the modelling of classical physical systems to quantum systems, as well as to data analysis such as linear and nonlinear fits to data sets. Applications of high performance computing are included where possible, such as an introduction to parallel computing and also to visualization techniques.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7404": {"id": "NvFVZ7fOGXIZ5cD3FUtbw", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "6lV1AEpyCdDpmS66VOlqk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10164, "section": "WR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 22, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "8 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "7405": {"id": "53flKeFMVmu1PGfZMhTD_", "course_id": "104370", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104370", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Optics and Photonics III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "3540", "CLASS_NBR": 20346, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PHYSICS 2520 or PHYSICS 2525, MATHS 2101 or MATHS 2202, MATHS 2102 or MATHS 2201", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "PHYSICS 3542", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PHYSICS 3230 & PHYSICS 3001", "ASSESSMENT": "Tests, practical work, written exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides students with a working knowledge of optics and photonics, including wave optics, physical optics and introductory laser physics. It also provides a basis for further study in photonics.\n\nWave optics content: solutions of the wave equation, including Hermite-Gaussian laser modes, optical cavities, Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction integrals; Fourier optics; Array Theorem; amplitude and phase spatial filtering.\n\nPhysical optics content: Fresnel equations; Lorentz electron oscillator model & dispersion, polarisation, birefringence and applications; optical activity; Faraday effect.\n\nLaser physics content: laser resonators; Einstein coefficients; stimulated amplification of light; laser oscillators; mode control; overview of some real lasers", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7406": {"id": "53flKeFMVmu1PGfZMhTD_", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "eAmEqRYXSOmIR9AFHKQaS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20179, "section": "LE01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 21, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 26 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "Ah1kWm9EDnucASZ_CpNuL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20346, "section": "WR02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 21, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Assessment", "id": "Eg7iVA_03i498urg5zysd", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28645, "section": "AS01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 21, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 4 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7407": {"id": "Mtj6WTg4cOGduMs6YO-tT", "course_id": "104369", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104369", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Physics III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "3542", "CLASS_NBR": 14056, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 9 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PHYSICS 2510, PHYSICS 2534, MATHS 2102 or MATHS 2201, MATHS 2101 or MATHS 2202", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "PHYSICS 2532", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PHYSICS 3001, PHYSICS 3018, PHYSICS 3004 & PHYSICS 3009", "ASSESSMENT": "Tests, assignments, written exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course develops concepts in electromagnetism, quantum mechanics and statistical mechanics such that the behaviour of the physical universe can be understood from a fundamental point of view.\n\nElectromagnetism - electric field and scalar potential, magnetic field and vector potential, Maxwell's equations, electromagnetic boundary conditions, electromagnetic wave equation, waveguides, energy in electromagnetism. Electromagnetic wave propagation in vacuum, conducting and dielectric media, and at interfaces.\nQuantum mechanics - review of the Schrodinger equation, operators, eigenfunctions, compatible observables, infinite well in one and three dimensions, degeneracy; Fourier methods and momentum space; Hermiticity; scalar products of wave functions, completeness relations, matrix mechanics; harmonic oscillator in one and three dimensions; sudden approximation; central potentials, quantisation of angular momentum, separation of radial and angular variables, spherical harmonics, hydrogen atom, spin.\nStatistical mechanics - classical laws of thermodynamics and their application, postulates of statistical mechanics, statistical interpretation of thermodynamics, microcanonical, canonical and grand canonical ensembles; the methods of statistical mechanics are used to develop the statistics for Bose-Einstein, Fermi-Dirac and photon gases; selected topics from low temperature physics and electrical and thermal properties of matter are discussed.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7408": {"id": "Mtj6WTg4cOGduMs6YO-tT", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "OJ77FPqMrrZDeMpLhej0_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11190, "section": "LE01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 58, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 May - 2 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "16 May - 16 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "6 Jun - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "zsUs6yi2CznOJMTPGG_zP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10391, "section": "WR02", "size": 35, "enrolled": 30, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10392, "section": "WR01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 28, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Assessment", "id": "_keQLBCNI5-c4LZ2v05r1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18703, "section": "AS01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 58, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "7409": {"id": "jB67DtBAWwwzT-C9Xot5w", "course_id": "104373", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104373", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Quantum Mechanics III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "3544", "CLASS_NBR": 20345, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PHYSICS 3542, MATHS 2101 or MATHS 2201, MATHS 2102 or MATHS 2202", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "PHYSICS 2532", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PHYSICS 3022", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam, tests", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will introduce Dirac's bra-ket formulation of quantum mechanics and make students familiar with various approximation methods applied to atomic, nuclear and solid-state physics, and to scattering.\nContent will include: Dirac's formulation of quantum mechanics: kets and bras, quantum oscillator, angular momentum, measurement, Bell's inequality, generalised Uncertainty Principle, connection with wave and matrix mechanics. Time-independent and time-dependent perturbation theory, Schrodinger, Heisenberg and Interaction pictures, radiative transitions. Identical particles, atoms, exchange forces, periodic systems, energy bands in solids. Symmetries, translations in space and time, parity and time reversal, rotations and angular momentum, addition of angular momenta, fine structure of Hydrogen, L-S and j-j coupling in atoms and nuclei. Hartree-Fock and Thomas-Fermi approximations, variational and WKB methods. Scattering: Born approximation, S-matrix, partial waves.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7410": {"id": "jB67DtBAWwwzT-C9Xot5w", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "cENiaUdzgc8HG70tGiUCZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20183, "section": "LE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 34, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "9 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "9YN7z0WT_LQAHC9nHou6d", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20344, "section": "WR01", "size": 22, "enrolled": 21, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM213, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM213, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20345, "section": "WR02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 13, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Assessment", "id": "ilYZacv0kq7HZajQDYSuv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28644, "section": "AS01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 34, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Sep - 6 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7411": {"id": "dSDhDUAImjnULvdlZXqlw", "course_id": "107566", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107566", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Physics (HPCP) Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "4010", "CLASS_NBR": 13472, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "12 units Level III Physics with a credit average. Other students may apply to the Head of Discipline for exemption", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PHYSICS 7565A, PHYSICS 7565B", "ASSESSMENT": "Written assignments and exams", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course covers a range of advanced topics in physics, the methods of presentation and assessment of which vary according to module. \nStudents enrolled in this course select three of the following modules, subject to availability: Advanced Astrophysics, Advanced Atmospheric Physics, Electronics for Data Acquisition, Electrodynamics,Data Analysis and Modelling, Gauge Field Theories, General Relativity, Non-Linear Optics, Nuclear And Radiation Physics, Quantum Field Theory and Relativistic Quantum Mechanics & Particle Physics. Students must consult the Head of Discipline regarding the selection of modules as each module has specific Level III Physics pre-requisites. \nStudents enrolled in the B. Science (Honours) in the Discipline of Physics may be given permission by the Head of Discipline to substitute equivalent modules offered within the Faculty of Sciences, Engineering & Technology.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7412": {"id": "dSDhDUAImjnULvdlZXqlw", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "5icGdXQ1gkdM6t9wOttvq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13472, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 4, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Project", "id": "mSDlww1FcSoamK2VfyhbA", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18631, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 4, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "7413": {"id": "zYsZh1oBzLjdmrNWaIBy9", "course_id": "107567", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107567", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Physics (HPCP) Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "4015", "CLASS_NBR": 23417, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PHYSICS 4010", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PHYSICS 7565A, PHYSICS 7565B", "ASSESSMENT": "Written assignments and exams", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course covers a range of advanced topics in physics, the methods of presentation and assessment of which vary according to module.\nStudents enrolled in this course select three of the following modules, subject to availability (and not already undertaken as part of the course PHYSICS 4010 'Advanced Physics Part 1'): Advanced Astrophysics, Advanced Atmospheric Physics, Electronics for Data Acquisition, Electrodynamics, Data Analysis and Modelling, Gauge Field Theories, General Relativity, Non-Linear Optics, Nuclear And Radiation Physics, Quantum Field Theory and Relativistic Quantum Mechanics & Particle Physics. Students must consult the Head of Discipline regarding the selection of modules as each module has specific Level III Physics pre-requisites.\nStudents enrolled in the B. Science (Honours) in the Discipline of Physics may be given permission by the Head of Discipline to substitute equivalent modules offered within the Faculty of Sciences, Engineering & Technology.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7414": {"id": "zYsZh1oBzLjdmrNWaIBy9", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "sTeTiINztcdl7IEkD_bnZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23417, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 5, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Project", "id": "38-o2XNS9QGBUbNwOWRWl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28565, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 5, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "7415": {"id": "LP_6da7-ppgpLxrCM9fms", "course_id": "107568", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107568", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Physics (HPCP) Project Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "4020A", "CLASS_NBR": 15858, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "PHYSICS 4010", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PHYSICS 4000A/B, PHYSICS 4001A/B", "ASSESSMENT": "Research project report, written assignments, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course includes a substantial experimental or theoretical research project and a related topic in advanced physics.\nStudents enrolled in this course select one of the following modules, depending on the nature of the project and subject to availability (and not already undertaken as part of the course PHYSICS 4010 Advanced Physics Part 1): Advanced Astrophysics, Advanced Atmospheric Physics, Electronics for Data Acquisition, Electrodynamics, Data Analysis and Modelling, Gauge Field Theories, General Relativity, Non-Linear Optics, Nuclear And Radiation Physics, Quantum Field Theory and Relativistic Quantum Mechanics & Particle Physics. Students must consult the Honours Coordinator and project supervisor regarding the selection of the module as it must directly relate to their chosen research topic. \nThe research project is selected at the start of the Honours year following consultation with the Honours Coordinator and depends on availability of research supervisors in the School in any particular year. Students are expected to meet with their Principal Supervisor on a weekly basis to work on their research project and must demonstrate satisfactory progress at the end of the first semester of study to be allowed to continue onto a second semester of study. A research report is submitted in the second semester of study in the course PHYSICS 4020B Honours Physics Project Part B", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "7416": {"id": "LP_6da7-ppgpLxrCM9fms", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "nEO02aksaQ_VV0Lh785zE", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15858, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 4, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "7417": {"id": "5QNtQRErtlvGYEUUiNj0H", "course_id": "107568", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107568", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Physics (HPCP) Project Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "4020A", "CLASS_NBR": 25867, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "PHYSICS 4010", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PHYSICS 4000A/B, PHYSICS 4001A/B", "ASSESSMENT": "Research project report, written assignments, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course includes a substantial experimental or theoretical research project and a related topic in advanced physics.\nStudents enrolled in this course select one of the following modules, depending on the nature of the project and subject to availability (and not already undertaken as part of the course PHYSICS 4010 Advanced Physics Part 1): Advanced Astrophysics, Advanced Atmospheric Physics, Electronics for Data Acquisition, Electrodynamics, Data Analysis and Modelling, Gauge Field Theories, General Relativity, Non-Linear Optics, Nuclear And Radiation Physics, Quantum Field Theory and Relativistic Quantum Mechanics & Particle Physics. Students must consult the Honours Coordinator and project supervisor regarding the selection of the module as it must directly relate to their chosen research topic. \nThe research project is selected at the start of the Honours year following consultation with the Honours Coordinator and depends on availability of research supervisors in the School in any particular year. Students are expected to meet with their Principal Supervisor on a weekly basis to work on their research project and must demonstrate satisfactory progress at the end of the first semester of study to be allowed to continue onto a second semester of study. A research report is submitted in the second semester of study in the course PHYSICS 4020B Honours Physics Project Part B", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "7418": {"id": "5QNtQRErtlvGYEUUiNj0H", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "miawlm1hxwaE_QDg6Hw2j", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25867, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "7419": {"id": "33RigNpS7Qe8F7n68k2Sf", "course_id": "107569", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107569", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Physics (HPCP) Project Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "4020B", "CLASS_NBR": 15859, "SESSION_CD": "FM2", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PHYSICS 4020A in previous Semester", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PHYSICS 4000A/B, PHYSICS 4001A/B", "ASSESSMENT": "Research project report, written assignments, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course includes a substantial experimental or theoretical research project and a related topic in advanced physics.\nStudents enrolled in this course select one of the following modules, depending on the nature of the project and subject to availability (and not already undertaken as part of the course PHYSICS 4010 Advanced Physics Part 1): Advanced Astrophysics, Advanced Atmospheric Physics, Electronics for Data Acquisition, Electrodynamics, Data Analysis and Modelling, Gauge Field Theories, General Relativity, Non-Linear Optics, Nuclear And Radiation Physics, Quantum Field Theory and Relativistic Quantum Mechanics & Particle Physics. Students must consult the Honours Coordinator and project supervisor regarding the selection of the module as it must directly relate to their chosen research topic. \nThe research project is selected at the start of the Honours year following consultation with the Honours Coordinator and depends on availability of research supervisors in the School in any particular year. Students are expected to meet with their Principal Supervisor on a weekly basis to work on their research project and must demonstrate satisfactory progress at the end of the first semester of study to be allowed to continue onto a second semester of study. A research report is submitted in the second semester of study in the course PHYSICS 4020B Honours Physics Project Part B.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7420": {"id": "33RigNpS7Qe8F7n68k2Sf", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "KK01jCf1cm1cqmKCYWPcS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15859, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "7421": {"id": "wD3QqZ-OZUkyQgtSpTKdm", "course_id": "107569", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107569", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Physics (HPCP) Project Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "4020B", "CLASS_NBR": 25868, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PHYSICS 4020A in previous Semester", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PHYSICS 4000A/B, PHYSICS 4001A/B", "ASSESSMENT": "Research project report, written assignments, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course includes a substantial experimental or theoretical research project and a related topic in advanced physics.\nStudents enrolled in this course select one of the following modules, depending on the nature of the project and subject to availability (and not already undertaken as part of the course PHYSICS 4010 Advanced Physics Part 1): Advanced Astrophysics, Advanced Atmospheric Physics, Electronics for Data Acquisition, Electrodynamics, Data Analysis and Modelling, Gauge Field Theories, General Relativity, Non-Linear Optics, Nuclear And Radiation Physics, Quantum Field Theory and Relativistic Quantum Mechanics & Particle Physics. Students must consult the Honours Coordinator and project supervisor regarding the selection of the module as it must directly relate to their chosen research topic. \nThe research project is selected at the start of the Honours year following consultation with the Honours Coordinator and depends on availability of research supervisors in the School in any particular year. Students are expected to meet with their Principal Supervisor on a weekly basis to work on their research project and must demonstrate satisfactory progress at the end of the first semester of study to be allowed to continue onto a second semester of study. A research report is submitted in the second semester of study in the course PHYSICS 4020B Honours Physics Project Part B.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7422": {"id": "wD3QqZ-OZUkyQgtSpTKdm", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "9iUUx4_eDzw9kmz3_veU8", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25868, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 4, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "7423": {"id": "aorQmS6SBL1nenzCvJ7iX", "course_id": "108636", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108636", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Physics Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "4050", "CLASS_NBR": 13473, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "12 units Level III Physics with a Credit average. Other students may apply to the Head of Discipline for exemption.", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PHYSICS 7565A, PHYSICS 7565B, PHYSICS 4010", "ASSESSMENT": "Written assignments and exams", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course covers a range of advanced topics in physics, the methods of presentation and assessment of which vary according to module. \nStudents enrolled in this course select three of the following modules, subject to availability: Advanced Astrophysics, Advanced Atmospheric Physics, Electronics for Data Acquisition, Electrodynamics, Data Analysis and Modelling, Gauge Field Theories, General Relativity, Non-Linear Optics, Nuclear And Radiation Physics, Quantum Field Theory and Relativistic Quantum Mechanics & Particle Physics. Students must consult the Head of Discipline regarding the selection of modules as each module has specific Level III Physics pre-requisites. \nStudents enrolled in the B. Science (Honours) in the Discipline of Physics may be given permission by the Head of Discipline to substitute equivalent modules offered within the Faculty of Sciences, Engineering & Technology.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7424": {"id": "aorQmS6SBL1nenzCvJ7iX", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "-nVNe9BQDQ5chTEaDwp_P", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13473, "section": "SE01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 18, "available": 52, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Project", "id": "mmgAYN9gDM07HSCTxgZ2A", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18633, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 18, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "7425": {"id": "17cZi2X2wujYc8QqBj8Bw", "course_id": "108637", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108637", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Physics Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "4055", "CLASS_NBR": 15048, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PHYSICS 4050", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PHYSICS 7565A, PHYSICS 7565B, PHYSICS 4015", "ASSESSMENT": "Written assignments and exams", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course covers a range of advanced topics in physics, the methods of presentation and assessment of which vary according to module.\nStudents enrolled in this course select three of the following modules, subject to availability (and not already undertaken as part of the course PHYSICS 4010 'Advanced Physics Part 1'): Advanced Astrophysics, Advanced Atmospheric Physics, Electronics for Data Acquisition, Electrodynamics, Data Analysis and Modelling, Gauge Field Theories, General Relativity, Non-Linear Optics, Nuclear And Radiation Physics, Quantum Field Theory and Relativistic Quantum Mechanics & Particle Physics. Students must consult the Head of Discipline regarding the selection of modules as each module has specific Level III Physics pre-requisites.\nStudents enrolled in the B. Science (Honours) in the Discipline of Physics may be given permission by the Head of Discipline to substitute equivalent modules offered within the Faculty of Sciences, Engineering & Technology.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7426": {"id": "17cZi2X2wujYc8QqBj8Bw", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "fmX80JnoTee8a5l7YwdpX", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15048, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Project", "id": "X2SEvdVetKWl32ZZOoQW-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18634, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "7427": {"id": "SHqqP0zw6WClWdIdmXuDs", "course_id": "108637", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108637", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Physics Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "4055", "CLASS_NBR": 23418, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PHYSICS 4050", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PHYSICS 7565A, PHYSICS 7565B, PHYSICS 4015", "ASSESSMENT": "Written assignments and exams", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course covers a range of advanced topics in physics, the methods of presentation and assessment of which vary according to module.\nStudents enrolled in this course select three of the following modules, subject to availability (and not already undertaken as part of the course PHYSICS 4010 'Advanced Physics Part 1'): Advanced Astrophysics, Advanced Atmospheric Physics, Electronics for Data Acquisition, Electrodynamics, Data Analysis and Modelling, Gauge Field Theories, General Relativity, Non-Linear Optics, Nuclear And Radiation Physics, Quantum Field Theory and Relativistic Quantum Mechanics & Particle Physics. Students must consult the Head of Discipline regarding the selection of modules as each module has specific Level III Physics pre-requisites.\nStudents enrolled in the B. Science (Honours) in the Discipline of Physics may be given permission by the Head of Discipline to substitute equivalent modules offered within the Faculty of Sciences, Engineering & Technology.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7428": {"id": "SHqqP0zw6WClWdIdmXuDs", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "P7b-GVt2Tlfh4hjUOUb8x", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23418, "section": "SE01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 15, "available": 55, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Project", "id": "ITq-uprvGSzs2YwXQuKF-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28567, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 15, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "7429": {"id": "djxl3HV8MC9W7Ehw1rKFJ", "course_id": "108634", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108634", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Physics Project Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "4060A", "CLASS_NBR": 16055, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "PHYSICS 4050", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PHYSICS 4000A/B, PHYSICS 4001A/B, PHYSICS 4020A/B", "ASSESSMENT": "Research project report, written assignments, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course includes a substantial experimental or theoretical research project and a related topic in advanced physics.\nStudents enrolled in this course select one of the following modules, depending on the nature of the project and subject to availability (and not already undertaken as part of the course PHYSICS 4010 Advanced Physics Part 1): Advanced Astrophysics, Advanced Atmospheric Physics, Electronics for Data Acquisition, Electrodynamics, Fourier Techniques and Applications, Gauge Field Theories, General Relativity, Non-Linear Optics, Nuclear And Radiation Physics, Quantum Field Theory and Relativistic Quantum Mechanics & Particle Physics. Students must consult the Honours Coordinator and project supervisor regarding the selection of the module as it must directly relate to their chosen research topic. \nThe research project is selected at the start of the Honours year following consultation with the Honours Coordinator and depends on availability of research supervisors in the School in any particular year. Students are expected to meet with their Principal Supervisor on a weekly basis to work on their research project and must demonstrate satisfactory progress at the end of the first semester of study to be allowed to continue onto a second semester of study. A research report is submitted in the second semester of study in the course PHYSICS 4020B Honours Physics Project Part B", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "7430": {"id": "djxl3HV8MC9W7Ehw1rKFJ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "FYxtV6WFBlwUjArStrohL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16055, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 15, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "7431": {"id": "zTBXanUP_BG7RjTMh0v5h", "course_id": "108634", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108634", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Physics Project Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "4060A", "CLASS_NBR": 26055, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "PHYSICS 4050", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PHYSICS 4000A/B, PHYSICS 4001A/B, PHYSICS 4020A/B", "ASSESSMENT": "Research project report, written assignments, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course includes a substantial experimental or theoretical research project and a related topic in advanced physics.\nStudents enrolled in this course select one of the following modules, depending on the nature of the project and subject to availability (and not already undertaken as part of the course PHYSICS 4010 Advanced Physics Part 1): Advanced Astrophysics, Advanced Atmospheric Physics, Electronics for Data Acquisition, Electrodynamics, Fourier Techniques and Applications, Gauge Field Theories, General Relativity, Non-Linear Optics, Nuclear And Radiation Physics, Quantum Field Theory and Relativistic Quantum Mechanics & Particle Physics. Students must consult the Honours Coordinator and project supervisor regarding the selection of the module as it must directly relate to their chosen research topic. \nThe research project is selected at the start of the Honours year following consultation with the Honours Coordinator and depends on availability of research supervisors in the School in any particular year. Students are expected to meet with their Principal Supervisor on a weekly basis to work on their research project and must demonstrate satisfactory progress at the end of the first semester of study to be allowed to continue onto a second semester of study. A research report is submitted in the second semester of study in the course PHYSICS 4020B Honours Physics Project Part B", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "7432": {"id": "zTBXanUP_BG7RjTMh0v5h", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "9zJAzz9zfm_nFhJWBd5xM", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26055, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "7433": {"id": "cldkHZukcX8ylM_-rNlT2", "course_id": "108635", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108635", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Physics Project Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "4060B", "CLASS_NBR": 16056, "SESSION_CD": "FM2", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "PHYSICS 4055", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PHYSICS 4000A/B, PHYSICS 4001A/B, PHYSICS 4020A/B", "ASSESSMENT": "Research project report, written assignments, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course includes a substantial experimental or theoretical research project and a related topic in advanced physics.\nStudents enrolled in this course select one of the following modules, depending on the nature of the project and subject to availability (and not already undertaken as part of the course PHYSICS 4010 Advanced Physics Part 1): Advanced Astrophysics, Advanced Atmospheric Physics, Electronics for Data Acquisition, Electrodynamics, Fourier Techniques and Applications, Gauge Field Theories, General Relativity, Non-Linear Optics, Nuclear And Radiation Physics, Quantum Field Theory and Relativistic Quantum Mechanics & Particle Physics. Students must consult the Honours Coordinator and project supervisor regarding the selection of the module as it must directly relate to their chosen research topic. \nThe research project is selected at the start of the Honours year following consultation with the Honours Coordinator and depends on availability of research supervisors in the School in any particular year. Students are expected to meet with their Principal Supervisor on a weekly basis to work on their research project and must demonstrate satisfactory progress at the end of the first semester of study to be allowed to continue onto a second semester of study. A research report is submitted in the second semester of study in the course PHYSICS 4020B Honours Physics Project Part B.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7434": {"id": "cldkHZukcX8ylM_-rNlT2", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "-J63jZGiFgF2L6gxA7P3H", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16056, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "7435": {"id": "9QmwIiOLvkB0EUNm11jNT", "course_id": "108635", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108635", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Physics Project Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "4060B", "CLASS_NBR": 26056, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "PHYSICS 4055", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PHYSICS 4000A/B, PHYSICS 4001A/B, PHYSICS 4020A/B", "ASSESSMENT": "Research project report, written assignments, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course includes a substantial experimental or theoretical research project and a related topic in advanced physics.\nStudents enrolled in this course select one of the following modules, depending on the nature of the project and subject to availability (and not already undertaken as part of the course PHYSICS 4010 Advanced Physics Part 1): Advanced Astrophysics, Advanced Atmospheric Physics, Electronics for Data Acquisition, Electrodynamics, Fourier Techniques and Applications, Gauge Field Theories, General Relativity, Non-Linear Optics, Nuclear And Radiation Physics, Quantum Field Theory and Relativistic Quantum Mechanics & Particle Physics. Students must consult the Honours Coordinator and project supervisor regarding the selection of the module as it must directly relate to their chosen research topic. \nThe research project is selected at the start of the Honours year following consultation with the Honours Coordinator and depends on availability of research supervisors in the School in any particular year. Students are expected to meet with their Principal Supervisor on a weekly basis to work on their research project and must demonstrate satisfactory progress at the end of the first semester of study to be allowed to continue onto a second semester of study. A research report is submitted in the second semester of study in the course PHYSICS 4020B Honours Physics Project Part B.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7436": {"id": "9QmwIiOLvkB0EUNm11jNT", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "fplyfkSmj5m2VMSAqbSbw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26056, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 15, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "7437": {"id": "XykbXwTuxgY4aYiUtoMsn", "course_id": "002695", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "002695", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Astrophysics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7002", "CLASS_NBR": 25614, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "A survey of the Universe at all scales and wave lengths/energies. Studies of the interstellar medium and magnetic fields. Cosmic ray acceleration and propagation; pulsars, gamma-ray astrophysics; radio and x-ray astronomy.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7438": {"id": "XykbXwTuxgY4aYiUtoMsn", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "HhbmbpxyNt0NSWEPhJ1Dj", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25614, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "7439": {"id": "z0X9bpL-ELYOXmAAxP4LT", "course_id": "009766", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "009766", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Atmospheric and Environmental Physics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7003", "CLASS_NBR": 25633, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "A review of radiation and fluid dynamics including the role of waves in planetary atmospheres and ionospheres.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7440": {"id": "z0X9bpL-ELYOXmAAxP4LT", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "gBPoA1gECZLuX_1ilc31_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25633, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "7441": {"id": "rsRpwHsOd2D6nbiPY6haU", "course_id": "006080", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "006080", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Electromagnetism", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7004", "CLASS_NBR": 25622, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Boundary value problems, with applications to electrostatics and magnetostatics, time varying fields, and radiating systems.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7442": {"id": "rsRpwHsOd2D6nbiPY6haU", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "0HVwxCWDVOM-FX02L1dlJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25622, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "7443": {"id": "tjXdwgvOj4XgBvsjZI8Tm", "course_id": "002255", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "002255", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Fourier Techniques & Applications", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7007", "CLASS_NBR": 15605, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Examination, assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "An introduction to statistical and Fourier techniques, with applications to experimental design and data analysis.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7444": {"id": "tjXdwgvOj4XgBvsjZI8Tm", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "4fH4Ss460IINCKgYpdrV5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15605, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 4, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "7445": {"id": "aJHGQgGyGt7--qi4_mml8", "course_id": "004578", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "004578", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Gauge Theory", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7008", "CLASS_NBR": 25618, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "An introduction to quantised non-Abelian gauge theories, including Feynman diagrams, weak models, and quantum chromodynamics.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7446": {"id": "aJHGQgGyGt7--qi4_mml8", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "kgpRejgbLhgnfCbg25xgk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25618, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "7447": {"id": "vg2LppzKqDLE1yexpeaCD", "course_id": "003927", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "003927", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "General Relativity", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7009", "CLASS_NBR": 25616, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "An outline of differential geometry with applications to General Relativity, including the Schwartzchild solutions, weak fields and gravitational waves.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7448": {"id": "vg2LppzKqDLE1yexpeaCD", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "TPO_pnP2Yu7oGH8WNqXoU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25616, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "7449": {"id": "OLv2vAm8i6EBcu5OtbJr_", "course_id": "004476", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "004476", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Non-Linear Optics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7010", "CLASS_NBR": 15608, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "A review of laser physics and an introduction to non-linear optical phenomena with applications.\n\nLaser physics content: optical amplification, gain saturation, laser threshold and efficiency, spatial and spectral mode control, CW and pulsed lasers, including Q-switching, cavity dumping and mode locking.\n\nNonlinear optics content: chi-2 processes, three-wave mixing and phase matching, SHG, SFG, DFG, OPA, OPO; Pockels effect; chi-3 processes, third-harmonic generation, optical Keff effect; Inelastic scattering, stimulated Raman scattering, stimulated Brillouin scattering; nonlinear interaction of light and atoms.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7450": {"id": "OLv2vAm8i6EBcu5OtbJr_", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "RD18IJuVnxVDaHT53IHRm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15608, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "7451": {"id": "QFoW4mWx7p2WEUX4sE_zu", "course_id": "009036", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "009036", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Nuclear and Radiation Physics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7011", "CLASS_NBR": 15616, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Workshop preparation, assignments, final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is divided into two components; Nuclear Physics and Radiation Physics. Students first receive an introduction to the concepts of nuclear physics including; nuclear systematics, nuclear models, radioactivity, nuclear models, nuclear reactions and applications of nuclear physics.\nThe course then deals with theoretical and applied radiation physics including; interactions of charged particles, interactions of photons, generation of X-rays, attenuation and energy transfer, dosimetric quantities, radiation measurement, and applications in medical physics astrophysics and atmospheric physics.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7452": {"id": "QFoW4mWx7p2WEUX4sE_zu", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "jlXEJ19nVTk5eh_RhEOPa", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15616, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 2, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "7453": {"id": "k4DAkPgp5aFSGK8rrXJXj", "course_id": "005156", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "005156", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Quantum Field Theory", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7013", "CLASS_NBR": 15610, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "PHYSICS 7014", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Photons and the electromagnetic field, Lagrangian field theory and Klein-Gordon field, the Dirac field and photons: co-variant theory, the S-matrix expansion, Feynman diagrams and rules in QED; QED processes in lowest order, radiative corrections.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7454": {"id": "k4DAkPgp5aFSGK8rrXJXj", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "7nKYOu6Z6fL86zFNlb1Os", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15610, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 2, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "7455": {"id": "fWS8ne7c9H5tFViVwe1vy", "course_id": "003681", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "003681", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Relativistic Quantum Mechanics & Particle Physics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7014", "CLASS_NBR": 15606, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Relativistic wave equations, including Dirac equations, spinors, and introduction to field quantisation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7456": {"id": "fWS8ne7c9H5tFViVwe1vy", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "NQFgjTDDzL7Gh_DE-ZXbN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15606, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "7457": {"id": "tebmOmJe71PkvkcEydtzD", "course_id": "009517", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "009517", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Topic in Physics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7017", "CLASS_NBR": 15617, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Unpublished Course - Contact Not Available", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "", "QUOTA_TXT": "quota NA", "RESTRICTION": "", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Unpublished Course - No eligibility Req", "PRE_REQUISITE": "prereq NA", "CO_REQUISITE": "coreq NA", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "assume NA", "INCOMPATIBLE": "restriction NA", "ASSESSMENT": "Unpublished Course - NA", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "biennial NA", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "", "SYLLABUS": "Supervised reading: a review of contemporary developments and research in applied physics, astrophysics, atmospheric physics, optics and lasers or theoretical physics.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7458": {"id": "tebmOmJe71PkvkcEydtzD", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "NkyGaDjwx4JyR_GYPNe-8", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15617, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "7459": {"id": "SyZzd2p-jtoZmuTup1CEL", "course_id": "009517", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "009517", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Topic in Physics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7017", "CLASS_NBR": 25632, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Unpublished Course - Contact Not Available", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "", "QUOTA_TXT": "quota NA", "RESTRICTION": "", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Unpublished Course - No eligibility Req", "PRE_REQUISITE": "prereq NA", "CO_REQUISITE": "coreq NA", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "assume NA", "INCOMPATIBLE": "restriction NA", "ASSESSMENT": "Unpublished Course - NA", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "biennial NA", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "", "SYLLABUS": "Supervised reading: a review of contemporary developments and research in applied physics, astrophysics, atmospheric physics, optics and lasers or theoretical physics.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7460": {"id": "SyZzd2p-jtoZmuTup1CEL", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "HQBr0TMNfehmWcrkcntHJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25632, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "7461": {"id": "paunqZEMNuVaIvKQSSY51", "course_id": "102974", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102974", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Experimental Physics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7028", "CLASS_NBR": 24786, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 8 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Sufficient Physics and Mathematics knowledge equivalent to 'Assumed Knowledge'", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "PHYSICS 2510, PHYSICS 2520 and/or PHYSICS 2534, MATHS 2101 or MATHS 2201, MATHS 2102 or MATHS 2202 or equivalent", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PHYSICS 3002", "ASSESSMENT": "Practical work, assignments, reports, tests", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course involves teaching sessions that may be attended by both Undergraduate and Postgraduate students. This is a laboratory based course in selected areas including atomic and nuclear physics, optics, astrophysics and electromagnetism, plus a practical analogue electronics course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7462": {"id": "paunqZEMNuVaIvKQSSY51", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "m6XhsB17PZHDZQAZebvNA", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24786, "section": "PR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 3, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Physics, 132/133, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Physics, 132/133, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Physics, 132/133, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Physics, 132/133, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "7463": {"id": "hOxwSui6Iyhvg6lND3uZP", "course_id": "102969", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102969", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Dynamics and Relativity", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7032", "CLASS_NBR": 20355, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PHYSICS 2532, PHYSICS 2534, MATHS 2101 or MATHS 2201, MATHS 2102 or MATHS 2202", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PHYSICS 3006", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignment, written exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will give students a working knowledge of analytical mechanics and relativity to the standard required for further study in physics.\nMechanics: Lagrangian mechanics, variational techniques, conservation laws, Noether's theorem, small oscillations, Hamiltonian mechanics, Poisson brackets. Relativity: space-time vectors and tensors, relativistic mechanics, electrodynamics, field-strength tensor, Lienard-Wiechert potentials.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7464": {"id": "hOxwSui6Iyhvg6lND3uZP", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "7KUR3Ickdbm-zFTWD5qYI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21589, "section": "LE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Aug - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Aug - 23 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "18 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "WQGdjJECDgfzwKQHGxbO8", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20355, "section": "WR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7465": {"id": "KlXENdUK7evHjhukrusdj", "course_id": "101138", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "101138", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Qualifying Work In Physics A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7039", "CLASS_NBR": 15653, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to students enrolled in MSc. (Qualifying) in Physics", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Completed undergraduate degree in Physics or equivalent", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Report, test/assignment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course may be offered from time to time to students undertaking the M Philosophy (Physics). Students should seek advice from the Postgraduate Coordinator.\nSupervised reading to cover core physics or research preparation not available in current course offerings. This may be supplemented by lectures and/or laboratory work.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7466": {"id": "KlXENdUK7evHjhukrusdj", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "TO78yz-DqDp_RSanIxMy-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15653, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "7467": {"id": "KKPlamPPCdkCls6-3hrZK", "course_id": "101138", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "101138", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Qualifying Work In Physics A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7039", "CLASS_NBR": 25668, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to students enrolled in MSc. (Qualifying) in Physics", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Completed undergraduate degree in Physics or equivalent", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Report, test/assignment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course may be offered from time to time to students undertaking the M Philosophy (Physics). Students should seek advice from the Postgraduate Coordinator.\nSupervised reading to cover core physics or research preparation not available in current course offerings. This may be supplemented by lectures and/or laboratory work.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7468": {"id": "KKPlamPPCdkCls6-3hrZK", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "00Ve0p4jeZHAiM4zwCDZu", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25668, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "7469": {"id": "5V_S3sghGYNQwPV13FQB3", "course_id": "106545", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106545", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Qualifying Work in Physics B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7050", "CLASS_NBR": 15801, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to students enrolled in MSc. (Qualifying) in Physics", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "PHYSICS 7039", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Completed undergraduate degree in Physics or equivalent", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Report, tests/assignment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course may be offered from time to time to students undertaking the M Philosophy (Physics). Students should seek advice from the Postgraduate Coordinator.\nSupervised reading to cover core physics or research preparation not available in current course offerings (including 'Qualifying Work in Physics A'). This may be supplemented by lectures and/or laboratory work.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7470": {"id": "5V_S3sghGYNQwPV13FQB3", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "UC8z_7l337fQClM54EuHH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15801, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "7471": {"id": "h0CNdQAmECzECI06ifttn", "course_id": "106545", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106545", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Qualifying Work in Physics B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7050", "CLASS_NBR": 25811, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to students enrolled in MSc. (Qualifying) in Physics", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "PHYSICS 7039", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Completed undergraduate degree in Physics or equivalent", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Report, tests/assignment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course may be offered from time to time to students undertaking the M Philosophy (Physics). Students should seek advice from the Postgraduate Coordinator.\nSupervised reading to cover core physics or research preparation not available in current course offerings (including 'Qualifying Work in Physics A'). This may be supplemented by lectures and/or laboratory work.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7472": {"id": "h0CNdQAmECzECI06ifttn", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "2li8SpovDI9Egko7XH6Nw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25811, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "7473": {"id": "zAVu6Qv1pW_CnNjyLlP7E", "course_id": "103558", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103558", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Electronics for Data Acquisition", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7104", "CLASS_NBR": 15696, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "A quota of 10 applies", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Practical work, practical exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an introduction to analogue and digital electronics used for signal conditioning, data acquisition and experiment control in experimental and applied physics. It includes applications of operational amplifiers, comparators, digital gates and flip-flops, a stable and monostable multivibrators, digital to analog converters, analog to digital converters, and PIC (peripheral interface controller) chips.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7474": {"id": "zAVu6Qv1pW_CnNjyLlP7E", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "a6wNaitSDGJi6Ize2dHyj", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15696, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 2, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical"}]}]}]}, "7475": {"id": "Dfqod1IvNJ0NX9o9VAKdD", "course_id": "105365", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105365", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Atmospheric and Astrophysics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7532", "CLASS_NBR": 10394, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PHYSICS 2510, PHYSICS 2534 , MATHS 2101 or MATHS 2201, MATHS 2102 or MATHS 2202", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PHYSICS 3013, PHYSICS 3014, PHYSICS 3532", "ASSESSMENT": "Examination, Assignments, Tutorials", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will provide students with a knowledge of modern techniques, theory, and observational results relating to energetic processes in astrophysics and cosmology, and introduce the physics of planetary atmospheres with special emphasis on the atmosphere of the Earth. It also will provide students with knowledge of the physical processes that govern weather and climate.\nContent will include:\nIntroduction to planetary atmospheres and the solar system. Radiative transfer in the sun-earth system. Thermodynamics of the atmosphere, including cloud physics, atmospheric motions and circulation. Introduction to the roles of aerosols and minor atmospheric constituents such as water vapour, carbon dioxide and ozone. The impact of anthropogenic processes. An introduction to relevant astrophysics terminology. Binary stars and accretion processes. The structure and evolution of the Milky Way and other galaxies. Active galaxies and unified models. Aspects of special and general relativity relevant to astrophysics. Cosmology, observations and theory.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7476": {"id": "Dfqod1IvNJ0NX9o9VAKdD", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "jGbwDeC9V2mPAARpm0kgz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10152, "section": "LE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 218, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "zGr13g8knqMgQ5qUDjjpq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10394, "section": "WR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 May - 15 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 May - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7477": {"id": "EmMXxpeCRqfbNdR571Eno", "course_id": "105366", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105366", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Computational Physics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7534", "CLASS_NBR": 10165, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Sufficient Physics and Mathematics knowledge equivalent to 'Assumed Knowledge'", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "PHYSICS 2510, PHYSICS 2532, PHYSICS 2534, MATHS 2101 or MATHS 2201, MATHS 2102 or MATHS 2202 or equivalent", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PHYSICS 3534", "ASSESSMENT": "Written examination, projects, assignments & tests", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This hands-on course provides an introduction to computational methods in solving problems in physics. It teaches programming tactics, numerical methods and their implementation, together with methods of linear algebra. These computational methods are applied to problems in physics, including the modelling of classical physical systems to quantum systems, as well as to data analysis such as linear and nonlinear fits to data sets. Applications of high performance computing are included where possible, such as an introduction to parallel computing and also to visualization techniques.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7478": {"id": "EmMXxpeCRqfbNdR571Eno", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "32DvOvNXGaUEzSx5KogBN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10165, "section": "WR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 5, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "8 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "7479": {"id": "wXnrxpRS8v3SY1C4zfq5m", "course_id": "105368", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105368", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Electromagnetism", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7536", "CLASS_NBR": 10395, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PHYSICS 2510, MATHS 2101 or MATHS 2201, MATHS 2102 or MATHS 2202", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "PHYSICS 2532, PHYSICS 2534", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PHYSICS 3004, PHYSICS 3542", "ASSESSMENT": "Tests, assignments, written exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course develops concepts in electric field and scalar potential, magnetic field and vector potential, Maxwell's equations, electromagnetic boundary conditions, electromagnetic wave equation, waveguides, energy in electromagnetism. Electromagnetic wave propagation in vacuum, conducting and dielectric media, and at interfaces.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7480": {"id": "wXnrxpRS8v3SY1C4zfq5m", "class_list": [{"association_group": "", "groups": []}]}, "7481": {"id": "ahJsHAQ35Vw_rRL6pwBnw", "course_id": "105367", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105367", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Optics and Photonics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7540", "CLASS_NBR": 20356, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Sufficient Physics and Mathematics knowledge equivalent to 'Assumed Knowledge'", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "PHYSICS 2520 or PHYSICS 2525, PHYSICS 3542, MATHS 2101 or MATHS 2201, MATHS 2102 or MATHS 2202 or equivalent", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PHYSICS 3230, PHYSICS 3001, PHYSICS 3540", "ASSESSMENT": "Tests, practical work, written exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides students with a working knowledge of optics and photonics, including wave optics, physical optics and introductory laser physics. It also provides a basis for further study in photonics.\n\nWave optics content: solutions of the wave equation, including Hermite-Gaussian laser modes, optical cavities, Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction integrals; Fourier optics; Array Theorem; amplitude and phase spatial filtering.\n\nPhysical optics content: Fresnel equations; Lorentz electron oscillator model & dispersion, polarisation, birefringence and applications; optical activity; Faraday effect.\n\nLaser physics content: laser resonators; Einstein coefficients; stimulated amplification of light; laser oscillators; mode control; overview of some real lasers.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7482": {"id": "ahJsHAQ35Vw_rRL6pwBnw", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "ejFLzqInCzk-28q0JfU2t", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20180, "section": "LE01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 3, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 26 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "rnz8wIVoNsjtn6NYh6RuR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20356, "section": "WR01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 3, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Assessment", "id": "A1J7vym9rqbqzlJm-x4Dj", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29625, "section": "AS01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 3, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 4 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7483": {"id": "t-0PE2ukexkvipx_t3TJo", "course_id": "105657", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105657", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Quantum Mechanics A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7542", "CLASS_NBR": 10396, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PHYSICS 2510, MATHS 2101 or MATHS 2201, MATHS 2102 or MATHS 2202", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "PHYSICS 2532, PHYSICS 2534", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PHYSICS 3004, PHYSICS 3542", "ASSESSMENT": "Tests, assignments, written exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course develops concepts in quantum mechanics such that the behaviour of the physical universe can be understood from a fundamental point of view. It provides a basis for further study of quantum mechanics.\nContent will include: Review of the Schrodinger equation, operators, eigenfunctions, compatible observables, infinite well in one and three dimensions, degeneracy; Fourier methods and momentum space; Hermiticity; scalar products of wave functions, completeness relations, matrix mechanics; harmonic oscillator in one and three dimensions; sudden approximation; central potentials, quantisation of angular momentum, separation of radial and anqular variables, spherical harmonics, hydroqen atom, spin.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7484": {"id": "t-0PE2ukexkvipx_t3TJo", "class_list": [{"association_group": "", "groups": []}]}, "7485": {"id": "K4fsUFxEIV6Z2ivX8osAx", "course_id": "105369", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105369", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Quantum Mechanics B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7544", "CLASS_NBR": 20357, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PHYSICS 3542 or PHYSICS 7542, MATHS 2101 or MATHS 2201, MATHS 2102 or MATHS 2202", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "PHYSICS 2532", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PHYSICS 3022", "ASSESSMENT": "Written examination, tests", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will introduce Dirac's bra-ket formulation of quantum mechanics and make students familiar with various approximation methods applied to atomic, nuclear and solid-state physics, and to scattering.\nContent will include:\nDirac's formulation of quantum mechanics: kets and bras, quantum oscillator, angular momentum, measurement, Bell's inequality, generalised Uncertainty Principle, connection with wave and matrix mechanics. Time-independent and time-dependent perturbation theory, Schrodinger, Heisenberg and Interaction pictures, radiative transitions. Identical particles, atoms, exchange forces, periodic systems, energy bands in solids. Symmetries, translations in space and time, parity and time reversal, rotations and angular momentum, addition of angular momenta, fine structure of Hydrogen, L-S and j-j coupling in atoms and nuclei. Hartree-Fock and Thomas-Fermi approximations, variational and WKB methods. Scattering: Born approximation, S-matrix, partial waves.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7486": {"id": "K4fsUFxEIV6Z2ivX8osAx", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "KVKkkhZhyEbLhr-wYqK7E", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20182, "section": "LE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "9 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 4 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "fO6qi00zbmhPAshcCN0hR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20357, "section": "WR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7487": {"id": "rqm8VMFAdoVtc-UWIgzOy", "course_id": "105656", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105656", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Statistical Mechanics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7546", "CLASS_NBR": 10397, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PHYSICS 2510, MATHS 2101 or MATHS 2201, MATHS 2102 or MATHS 2202", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "PHYSICS 2532, PHYSICS 2534", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PHYSICS 3004, PHYSICS 3542", "ASSESSMENT": "Tests, assignments, written exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course develops concepts in classical laws of thermodynamics and their application, postulates of statistical mechanics, statistical interpretation of thermodynamics, microcanonical, canonical and grant canonical ensembles; the methods of statistical mechanics are used to develop the statistics for Bose-Einstein, Fermi-Dirac and photon gases; selected topics from low temperature physics and electrical and thermal properties of matter are discussed.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7488": {"id": "rqm8VMFAdoVtc-UWIgzOy", "class_list": [{"association_group": "", "groups": []}]}, "7489": {"id": "LGN6mf8v1oQUCZdBkPZvT", "course_id": "106174", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106174", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Radiation Biology, Protection & Epidemiology", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7550", "CLASS_NBR": 25793, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "PHYSICS 7011", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Workshop preparation, assignments, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "Course offered in even years", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of this on-line course is to provide an understanding of the effects of radiation in vivo, operational health physics, radiation protection and epidemiological methods appropriate for practice as a medical or health physicist. The reading-tutorial course consists of 25 topics covering various aspects of Radiation Biology, Protection and Epidemiology. Lecture notes are available on the internet. Topics include: radiation protection quantities, risk and exposure, radiation chemistry, biological effects of radiation on cells and tissues, dose fractionation, Linear Energy Transfer, Relative Biological Effectiveness, clinical radiobiology, sources of radiation, Radon-222 and its daughters, medical exposure, man-made & industrial sources of radiation, survivors of radiation exposure, health effects of low levels of ionising radiation, early and late\neffects from high doses of radiation, shielding calculations in medical equipment installations, radiation safety in the laboratory and clinical environment, personnel protection and monitoring, radiation protection legislation, genetic effects and risks, introduction to epidemiology, association vs causation, non-ionising radiation risks and radiation epidemiology.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7490": {"id": "LGN6mf8v1oQUCZdBkPZvT", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "-VDrEAkZxGtv6mwQVzux6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25793, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 7, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop"}]}]}]}, "7491": {"id": "Qi72j7SLLer1gQHzGltt3", "course_id": "106237", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106237", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Radiotherapy Physics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7551", "CLASS_NBR": 15785, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "PHYSICS 7011", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Workshop preparation, assignments, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "Course offered in even years", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Radiation therapy involves the therapeutic use of controlled doses of radiation for cancer treatment in hospitals. This reading-tutorial course consists of 24 modules covering various aspects of Radiotherapy Physics.\nThe major topic areas include: Introduction and a Radiobiological Basis for Radiotherapy, Radiation Dosimetry, Dose Calibration Protocols, Equipment in Radiotherapy, Radiotherapy Prescription and Treatment Planning, Dose Calculation, Radiotherapy Treatment Techniques, Advanced Topics in Radiotherapy.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7492": {"id": "Qi72j7SLLer1gQHzGltt3", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "VWgt4hzWG59-CWkD8krSB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15785, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 8, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop"}]}]}]}, "7493": {"id": "xjclzstGI3LlGVAuJyklE", "course_id": "107384", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107384", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Radioactivity, Radiation Detection & Dosimetry", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7560", "CLASS_NBR": 12949, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week (weeks 1-6) plus 2-week intensive practicals", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "PHYSICS 7561", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, practical reports, examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is the first in the Graduate Certificate of Radiation Management and aims to provide an overall understanding of the basic properties of radiation physics. Consisting of 12 topics delivered via 2-weekly online lectures, students will begin learning the fundamental characteristics of radioactivity, including atom structure and properties of energy transfer. This theory is then propelled into real-world applications of radiation use and radiation detection, and finally students will gain foundational insight into dosimetry concepts of ionising radiation. Students will solidify their theory-based learning by engaging in an on-campus, intensive-week of lab practicals held at the end of Semester. Each student will complete 4 x 4 hour practical components aimed at exposing students to both career-level techniques as well as unique specialist equipment.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7494": {"id": "xjclzstGI3LlGVAuJyklE", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "XGRra32B2Qzi61mOY4w3d", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12948, "section": "LE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 5, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3:30pm", "end_time": "4:30pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "l4hVQIxGNbEwHQyiyHHhp", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12949, "section": "PR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 5, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "17 Jun - 20 Jun", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Physics, 132/133, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "7495": {"id": "fP2n8j2KpG-pOvLymTYO4", "course_id": "107836", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107836", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Radiation Biology and Incident Response", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7561", "CLASS_NBR": 12947, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week (weeks 7-12) plus 2-week intensive practicals", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "PHYSICS 7560", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, practical reports, examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is the second in the Graduate Certificate of Radiation Management and is split into two sections, the fundamental aspects of radiation biology and the response plans to radiation incidents and accidents. Consisting of 12 topics delivered via 2-weekly online lectures, students will begin learning the fundamental effects of ionising radiation on the biological aspects of DNA, cells, and organs. Students will then learn epidemiology and radiation risk calculations before learning what is required in responding to major radiological events. Students will solidify their theory-based learning by engaging in an on-campus, intensive-week of lab practicals held at the end of Semester. Each student will complete 4 x 4 hour practical components aimed at exposing students to both career-level techniques as well as unique specialist equipment.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7496": {"id": "fP2n8j2KpG-pOvLymTYO4", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "AP8LuPT7VwRtVoh941S0B", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12946, "section": "LE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 5, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3:30pm", "end_time": "4:30pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "e1s3P1s1a8s9CyKDr-V47", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12947, "section": "PR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 5, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jun - 25 Jun", "days": "Monday, Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Physics, 132/133, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "7497": {"id": "Jx9eXOyiIgOSVfNi9RJMN", "course_id": "107837", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107837", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Radiation Management and Regulatory Control", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7562", "CLASS_NBR": 25334, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week (weeks 1-6) plus 2-week intensive practicals", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PHYSICS 7560, PHYSICS 7561", "CO_REQUISITE": "PHYSICS 7563", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, practical reports, examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is the third in the Graduate Certificate of Radiation Management and aims to provide an overall understanding of the fundamental basics of radiation management. Consisting of 12 modules delivered via 2-weekly online lectures, Students will begin learning the legislative and regulatory requirements that oversee radiation management. Then they will learn the basic principles of radiation protection, including shielding, transport and storage of radioactive material, before learning about dose assessments of radionuclides internally and environmentally.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7498": {"id": "Jx9eXOyiIgOSVfNi9RJMN", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Lsrx1CP3EXEdxCWDBFqgx", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25333, "section": "LE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 5, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "18 Sep - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3:30pm", "end_time": "5:30pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "Kq4niTv5Dig-7atDRNFLW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25334, "section": "PR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 5, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Nov - 7 Nov", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "7499": {"id": "dlQFJJJP_LOoIyHFbM8-f", "course_id": "107838", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107838", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Radiation Safety in the Workplace", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7563", "CLASS_NBR": 25332, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week (weeks 7-12)", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PHYSICS 7560, PHYSICS 7561", "CO_REQUISITE": "PHYSICS 7562", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is the fourth in the Graduate Certificate of Radiation Management and is split into two sections, the application of radiation safety in medicine, industry, and research, and then secondly in mining and processing raw materials. Students will first learn radiation safety procedures in applications of medicine, industry, and research, and then learn how to manage cases accidents and incidents from the position of a radiation safety officer. Then students will learn the safety requirements involved in mining and the processing of naturally occurring raw materials, as well as identify the regulations and protections in place for these industries.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7500": {"id": "dlQFJJJP_LOoIyHFbM8-f", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "ZKWfIGjtoEw2-h0OLsegy", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25331, "section": "LE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 5, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 24 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3:30pm", "end_time": "5:30pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "p5kOpXkqMPUbFw38u0jz3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25332, "section": "PR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 5, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "11 Nov - 12 Nov", "days": "Monday, Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "7501": {"id": "wLOPxRYD0T3fasvV1slpj", "course_id": "109173", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109173", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "M.Philosophy Physics Part A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7570", "CLASS_NBR": 16122, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 8 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Master of Philosophy in Physics & Astrophysics students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Completed undergraduate degree in Physics or equivalent", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written assignments & exams", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course covers a range of advanced topics in physics, the methods of presentation and assessment of which vary according to module. Students will also be required to give a research presentation. \nStudents enrolled in this course select four of the following modules: Advanced Astrophysics, Advanced Atmospheric Physics, Electrodynamics, Fourier Techniques and Applications, Gauge Field Theories, General Relativity, Non-Linear Optics, Nuclear And Radiation Physics, Quantum Field Theory and Relativistic Quantum Mechanics & Particle Physics. Students may be given permission by the Postgraduate Coordinator to substitute equivalent modules offered within the Faculty of Sciences, Engineering & Technology.\nStudents should consult the Postgraduate Coordinator regarding the selection of modules. \n\nStudents must undertake PHYSICS 7575 `M. Philosophy Physics B' on completion of this course to meet program requirements.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7502": {"id": "wLOPxRYD0T3fasvV1slpj", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "o59oBFt4SVPmb2Xwlk9fe", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16122, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 6, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "7503": {"id": "nh3bwoFvT7oG5K61Eb1aE", "course_id": "109173", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109173", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "M.Philosophy Physics Part A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7570", "CLASS_NBR": 26123, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 8 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Master of Philosophy in Physics & Astrophysics students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Completed undergraduate degree in Physics or equivalent", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written assignments & exams", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course covers a range of advanced topics in physics, the methods of presentation and assessment of which vary according to module. Students will also be required to give a research presentation. \nStudents enrolled in this course select four of the following modules: Advanced Astrophysics, Advanced Atmospheric Physics, Electrodynamics, Fourier Techniques and Applications, Gauge Field Theories, General Relativity, Non-Linear Optics, Nuclear And Radiation Physics, Quantum Field Theory and Relativistic Quantum Mechanics & Particle Physics. Students may be given permission by the Postgraduate Coordinator to substitute equivalent modules offered within the Faculty of Sciences, Engineering & Technology.\nStudents should consult the Postgraduate Coordinator regarding the selection of modules. \n\nStudents must undertake PHYSICS 7575 `M. Philosophy Physics B' on completion of this course to meet program requirements.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7504": {"id": "nh3bwoFvT7oG5K61Eb1aE", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "b-4DEP2i2Y4b3brDHx7k0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26123, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "7505": {"id": "erMUrIhLfDHUT86-oIIQg", "course_id": "109174", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109174", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "M.Philosophy Physics Part B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7575", "CLASS_NBR": 16123, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 8 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Master of Philosophy in Physics & Astrophysics students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PHYSICS 7570", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Completed undergraduate degree in Physics or equivalent", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written assignments & exams", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course covers a range of advanced topics in physics, the methods of presentation and assessment of which vary according to module. Students enrolled in this course select three of the following modules (and not already undertaken as part of the course PHYSICS 7570 `M. Philosophy Physics A') : Advanced Astrophysics, Advanced Atmospheric Physics, Electrodynamics, Fourier Techniques and Applications, Gauge Field Theories, General Relativity, Non-Linear Optics, Nuclear And Radiation Physics, Quantum Field Theory and Relativistic Quantum Mechanics & Particle Physics. Students may be given permission by the Postgraduate Coordinator to substitute equivalent modules offered within the Faculty of Sciences, Engineering & Technology.\nStudents should consult the Postgraduate Coordinator regarding the selection of modules.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7506": {"id": "erMUrIhLfDHUT86-oIIQg", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "fyZ8p07JoNgJYbnPPWOc2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16123, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "7507": {"id": "fDhyAOhvkkZ4x-8rp5LJY", "course_id": "109174", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109174", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "M.Philosophy Physics Part B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7575", "CLASS_NBR": 26124, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 8 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Master of Philosophy in Physics & Astrophysics students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PHYSICS 7570", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Completed undergraduate degree in Physics or equivalent", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written assignments & exams", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course covers a range of advanced topics in physics, the methods of presentation and assessment of which vary according to module. Students enrolled in this course select three of the following modules (and not already undertaken as part of the course PHYSICS 7570 `M. Philosophy Physics A') : Advanced Astrophysics, Advanced Atmospheric Physics, Electrodynamics, Fourier Techniques and Applications, Gauge Field Theories, General Relativity, Non-Linear Optics, Nuclear And Radiation Physics, Quantum Field Theory and Relativistic Quantum Mechanics & Particle Physics. Students may be given permission by the Postgraduate Coordinator to substitute equivalent modules offered within the Faculty of Sciences, Engineering & Technology.\nStudents should consult the Postgraduate Coordinator regarding the selection of modules.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7508": {"id": "fDhyAOhvkkZ4x-8rp5LJY", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "-aSjxFAdSuFIniYMbLyMI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26124, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 6, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "7509": {"id": "9WZUBLhpegdBCUu33jkF5", "course_id": "110377", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110377", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Project in Medical Radiation Physics Part A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7580A", "CLASS_NBR": 16224, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students in the relevant Master's program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PHYSICS 7028 and (PHYSICS 7549 or PHYSICS 7550)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Report (thesis) and seminar", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students will undertake a research project under the supervision of an academic in the Department of Physics that will provide advanced knowledge and skills for professional or highly skilled work and/or further learning in the area of medical physics. The intention is that students will collect and present novel scientific data of a quality that could be published in the open literature however, students will not be penalised if their research project does not produce conclusive results.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "7510": {"id": "9WZUBLhpegdBCUu33jkF5", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "weVikd5iKMVOYFbth7jXf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16224, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "7511": {"id": "ZZsOg48YsIgoNazM3wYB6", "course_id": "110377", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110377", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Project in Medical Radiation Physics Part A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7580A", "CLASS_NBR": 26234, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students in the relevant Master's program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PHYSICS 7028 and (PHYSICS 7549 or PHYSICS 7550)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Report (thesis) and seminar", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students will undertake a research project under the supervision of an academic in the Department of Physics that will provide advanced knowledge and skills for professional or highly skilled work and/or further learning in the area of medical physics. The intention is that students will collect and present novel scientific data of a quality that could be published in the open literature however, students will not be penalised if their research project does not produce conclusive results.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "7512": {"id": "ZZsOg48YsIgoNazM3wYB6", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "R2vxYjtj8bXjWwaAKDSb0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26234, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "7513": {"id": "fxrDZOE3Lz8JDVPTLEt9k", "course_id": "110378", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110378", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Project in Medical Radiation Physics Part B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSICS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7580B", "CLASS_NBR": 26235, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students in the relevant Master's program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PHYSICS 7580A", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Report (thesis) and seminar", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students will undertake a research project under the supervision of an academic in the Department of Physics that will provide advanced knowledge and skills for professional or highly skilled work and/or further learning in the area of medical physics. The intention is that students will collect and present novel scientific data of a quality that could be published in the open literature however, students will not be penalised if their research project does not produce conclusive results.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7514": {"id": "fxrDZOE3Lz8JDVPTLEt9k", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "QD_0qnVpHPeTSVijn875C", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26235, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 15 Nov", "days": "", "start_time": "", "end_time": "", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "7515": {"subject": "PHYSIOL", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "104292", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104293", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109034", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109036", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107004", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108495", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}]}}, "7516": {"id": "RvvnsqtDZEHdvny91oKb0", "course_id": "104292", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104292", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Physiology IIA: Heart, Lung & Neuromuscular Systems", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSIOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "2510", "CLASS_NBR": 11813, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010913", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 9 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ANAT SC 1102 or (CHEM 1100 and CHEM 1200) or (CHEM 1101 and CHEM 1201) or (BIOLOGY 1101 and BIOLOGY 1201)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "6 units of Level I Chemistry or Biology", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Examinations, online quizzes and practical assessments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Physiology is the study of the function of the human body. This course is designed to develop critical skills and provide a foundation in human physiology with an emphasis on homeostasis and human performance. The major lecture topics covered are cellular physiology, neuromuscular physiology, and the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Topics include the cellular basis of sensation and neural communication, the control of movement, and how the cardiovascular and respiratory systems adapt in normal conditions and during challenges such as exercise and stress. In the practical laboratory sessions, students undertake a human-based project aligned with each of the subject areas that involves gathering physiological data and interpreting and analysing that data. The practical component is supported by on-line material that leads to a deeper understanding of research methods, ethical considerations, experimental techniques, and data processing in scientific research.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7517": {"id": "RvvnsqtDZEHdvny91oKb0", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "JH7xjqamTB3D78eLX8Wot", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15564, "section": "LE01", "size": 320, "enrolled": 232, "available": 88, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "18 Mar - 18 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 22 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "13 May - 13 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "27 May - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "cPMRbLBpwXj7S4s-Ei9hm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10605, "section": "TU07", "size": 30, "enrolled": 27, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "20 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 May - 15 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11812, "section": "TU08", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "20 Mar - 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Themes in this course include the functions of the central and peripheral nervous systems; the roles of endocrine glands and the hormones they secrete; the gastrointestinal tract in providing nutrition to the body; and the renal system in the regulation of fluid and ion levels. Practical laboratory sessions support learning of physiological mechanisms and concepts covered in lecture modules plus provide an opportunity for students to develop and practice scientific research skills, including data collection, presentation, analysis and interpretation. Online research methods workshops and associated quizzes focus on appropriate research study design; ethical conduct and statistical analysis and complement the practical component of the course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7519": {"id": "OQIzoFZLFDr3OWjuia4lu", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "MQCYS9KkvzsRwuxVYW_Qg", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25574, "section": "LE01", "size": 180, "enrolled": 124, "available": 56, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "14 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "28 Aug - 28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 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14 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23746, "section": "TU03", "size": 40, "enrolled": 33, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Aug - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Aug - 19 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 14 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23747, "section": "TU02", "size": 40, "enrolled": 11, "available": 29, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Aug - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Aug - 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6 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "7520": {"id": "crydBeqBqXE6HACuJ6w0L", "course_id": "109034", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109034", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Integrated and Applied Systems Physiology", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSIOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "3103", "CLASS_NBR": 25576, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060199", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PHYSIOL 2510 or PHYSIOL 2520 or MEDIC ST 1000B", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "PHYSIOL 2510", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PHYSIOL 3000", "ASSESSMENT": "Summative tests, Case presentation assignment, Final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Integrated and Applied Systems Physiology course is designed to challenge and stimulate your interest in how the integration of organ systems is necessary for whole body function. We will use examples that focus on the complex integration of multiple systems, including neural, gastrointestinal and cardiovascular, which enable human function. The lecture stream offers a series of independent modules covering the following main topics: cardiovascular and respiratory health and disease, gastrointestinal function and nutrient signalling, and bone marrow development. An added dimension of many of the topics is the physiological basis of the development of common diseases and changes that occur throughout the lifespan. Assessment tasks are designed to encourage, application of knowledge in to practice.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7521": {"id": "crydBeqBqXE6HACuJ6w0L", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "MG0nSpNAo0bLV9F-XX9RZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23405, "section": "LE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 29, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "QR33_uQ5WQ-uxR4yah-tt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25576, "section": "WR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 29, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 6 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Assessment", "id": "UlATGqngpMUTWJ7itrAwZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29058, "section": "AS01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 29, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7522": {"id": "Se7XZ_pbSQwBE9zAO31yq", "course_id": "109036", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109036", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Cellular & Systems Neurobiology", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSIOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "3104", "CLASS_NBR": 14899, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060199", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PHYSIOL 2510", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "PHYSIOL 2520", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PHYSIOL 3001", "ASSESSMENT": "MCQ and short answer questions (summative, one for each of four blocks of lectures); online tutorials (formative) with quizzes (summative).", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Cellular & Systems Neurobiology encompasses the study of the central and peripheral nervous system. We explore neuroscience from the level of ion channels, receptors and cell signalling, through to system level topics of sensory perception, homeostasis, higher cognition, learning and memory. Research case studies from the primary literature introduce cutting edge concepts and methods, whilst also developing critical evaluation skills. In-class review sessions are provided to assist with revising key material. Conceptual knowledge is assessed with four block exams throughout the semester and on-line tutorials.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7523": {"id": "Se7XZ_pbSQwBE9zAO31yq", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "z_zbL0gMqcYQQ3hIJvb0P", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13055, "section": "SE01", "size": 136, "enrolled": 104, "available": 32, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "11 Mar - 11 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Apr - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "6 May - 6 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "27 May - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Assessment", "id": "Gp1tynlddV9c1B3Jf7Y-j", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13177, "section": "AS01", "size": 136, "enrolled": 104, "available": 32, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "20 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "15 May - 15 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Jun - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "z-aXP22x0oOPm0skNIE9X", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14899, "section": "WR01", "size": 136, "enrolled": 104, "available": 32, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7524": {"id": "t2QyYbK_VzUG_SHqBS0K0", "course_id": "107004", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107004", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Neuromotor Control of Human Movement", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSIOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "3120", "CLASS_NBR": 14769, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "069903", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PHYSIOL 2510", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Laboratory quizzes and reports, lecture quizzes, mid-Semester and end-of-Semester exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Neuromotor Control of Human Movement is a third year course that consists of lectures, workshops, and practical experiences. In this course, students will develop an advanced knowledge of human motor control, with particular emphasis on the control of movement by the nervous system. Topics covered in the lecture and workshop stream involve a neurophysiological approach to the understanding of neural connections and structures, motor behaviour and adaptation, how neuromotor function is influenced by specific movement disorders, and strategies for neurorehabilitation. The practical component involves hands-on experience with advanced skills in neurophysiological techniques commonly used in research and clinical settings to assess and quantify the control of human movement. The workshops will provide a unique opportunity for students to undertake small group discussion and critical review of the neural control of human movement and its disorders.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7525": {"id": "t2QyYbK_VzUG_SHqBS0K0", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "curmaiYHBGd-hdaqQNQws", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14769, "section": "WR01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 77, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "vKWkI2gsGCTOk4deMkxKP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12010, "section": "PR04", "size": 20, "enrolled": 19, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 May - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 May - 24 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14255, "section": "PR05", "size": 20, "enrolled": 20, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 May - 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8 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 May - 3 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 May - 17 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Assessment", "id": "_051cAijG6mPGyFm4bK3V", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12276, "section": "AS01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 77, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Jun - 11 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7526": {"id": "Hc-iDTUZp8bN-i6AhroRd", "course_id": "108495", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108495", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Physiology Research Project Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSIOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "4400B", "CLASS_NBR": 18845, "SESSION_CD": "FM2", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010913", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "For BHlthMedSc(Hons) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PHYSIOL 4400A and HLTH SC 4201OL and HLTH SC 4200", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research Proposal Seminar, Conference Poster Presentation, Thesis, Thesis Oral Defence, Supervisor Assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course forms the main basis of an honours project conducted in the Adelaide Medical School. Students will be expected to engage in a novel, independent research project under the guidance of a school supervisor. To complete the course, students will be required to prepare and deliver a project proposal and resource pro-forma, a poster and oral presentation, plus a thesis followed shortly by a thesis defence. This course provides an advanced insight into scientific research.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7527": {"id": "Hc-iDTUZp8bN-i6AhroRd", "class_list": [{"association_group": "", "groups": []}]}, "7528": {"subject": "PHYSIOTH", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "110407", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110412", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110415", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110418", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110449", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110431", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110492", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110432", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110442", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110498", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110439", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110433", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110443", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110499", "term": "4415", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110487", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110509", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110509", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110484", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110484", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110504", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110488", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110511", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110494", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "7529": {"id": "-dRT4Dj4gzuXtDlh91ylp", "course_id": "110407", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110407", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Physiotherapy Practice", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSIOTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "1000", "CLASS_NBR": 12967, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Hons)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Final examination, various assignments and continuous assessment tasks", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course students will be introduced to a community engagement experience and develop relevant personal and professional skills. An understanding of the history of the physiotherapy profession, scope of practice and professional behaviour as outlined by codes of practice will be introduced. Students will explore critical thinking, reflection and communication, and the development of professional identity as a health practitioner will be introduced. The course will involve a series of lectures, practical sessions, workshops, online components and a work integrated learning experience that will assist in the development of professional skills.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7530": {"id": "-dRT4Dj4gzuXtDlh91ylp", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "VLN8R0QMRYJwk2YZQM5xR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12966, "section": "PL01", "size": 64, "enrolled": 58, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15021, "section": "PL02", "size": 64, "enrolled": 63, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "meetings": [{"dates": "10 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "WWi50mMEPdyQl04wm0cHK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11588, "section": "PR03", "size": 32, "enrolled": 31, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N219/N222, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N219/N222, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11589, "section": "PR02", "size": 32, "enrolled": 31, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N219/N222, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N219/N222, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11590, "section": "PR01", "size": 32, "enrolled": 29, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 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4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N219/N222, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11592, "section": "WR02", "size": 32, "enrolled": 31, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N219/N222, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N219/N222, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11593, "section": "WR01", "size": 32, "enrolled": 28, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N219/N222, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N219/N222, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12967, "section": "WR04", "size": 32, "enrolled": 32, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N219/N222, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N219/N222, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "82NCzU7JL5r5lDF4ujCxR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18748, "section": "LEC0", "size": 128, "enrolled": 121, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "7531": {"id": "d4WKBC77v0zAqKdmm44Rd", "course_id": "110412", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110412", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Physiotherapy Exercise Prescription and Activity", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSIOTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "1001", "CLASS_NBR": 22822, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Hons)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PHYSIOTH 1000", "CO_REQUISITE": "PHYSIOTH 1002", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Final examination, various assignments and continuous assessment tasks", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, students will be introduced to the field of physical activity and exercise for health. They will explore the benefits of physical activity, risks of sedentary behaviour and the important role of physiotherapists in promoting physical activity and exercise prescription in the community. Foundational concepts related to physical activity, acute responses of the musculoskeletal system to exercise, client assessment and exercise prescription will be introduced. Students will identify the risks associated with a range of exercises and strategies to minimise risks for clients. A range of assessment procedures and equipment used to conduct safe, exercise-related assessments, and the opportunity to design and modify basic exercises for health and fitness needs and goals for apparently healthy populations will also be introduced.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7532": {"id": "d4WKBC77v0zAqKdmm44Rd", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "j9ed_FTS3sgT7_Kt1aqr9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21601, "section": "PR01", "size": 32, "enrolled": 28, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Hughes, 107, Rehabilitation Gym"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Hughes, 107, Rehabilitation Gym"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "h8_ziba9Wld69_Hn_6Lph", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21604, "section": "WR01", "size": 32, "enrolled": 28, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 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11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 107, Rehabilitation Gym"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 107, Rehabilitation Gym"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "GrVI6TLmEjxKSrIidsn1H", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28857, "section": "LEC0", "size": 128, "enrolled": 116, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "7533": {"id": "n8-MTm1mj1n4-LBPsdLsH", "course_id": "110415", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110415", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Clinical Biomechanics of Human Movement", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSIOTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "1002", "CLASS_NBR": 23731, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Hons)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "PHYSIOTH 1001", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Final examination, various assignments and continuous assessment tasks", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course students will be introduced to the mechanical principles used to describe and quantify human movement. Students will explore the mechanics of human movement with an emphasis on gait in health and disease.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7534": {"id": "n8-MTm1mj1n4-LBPsdLsH", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "QnxOEHdUH5YBXDcHYj74t", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21605, "section": "TU03", "size": 32, "enrolled": 33, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N219/N222, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N219/N222, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21606, "section": "TU02", "size": 32, "enrolled": 30, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N219/N222, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N219/N222, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21607, "section": "TU01", "size": 32, "enrolled": 29, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N219/N222, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N219/N222, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22824, "section": "TU04", "size": 32, "enrolled": 25, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N219/N222, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N219/N222, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "lE_laXDuZ4jwnuhfvqO7c", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23731, "section": "WR04", "size": 32, "enrolled": 27, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 107, Rehabilitation Gym"}, {"dates": "6 Aug - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N219/N222, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 107, Rehabilitation Gym"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 107, Rehabilitation Gym"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23732, "section": "WR03", "size": 32, "enrolled": 30, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hughes, 107, Rehabilitation Gym"}, {"dates": "6 Aug - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N219/N222, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hughes, 107, Rehabilitation Gym"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hughes, 107, Rehabilitation Gym"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23733, "section": "WR02", "size": 32, "enrolled": 30, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 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30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Hughes, 107, Rehabilitation Gym"}, {"dates": "6 Aug - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N219/N222, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Hughes, 107, Rehabilitation Gym"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Hughes, 107, Rehabilitation Gym"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "2w6b_59EjsUCkYNOzuFi6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28692, "section": "LEC0", "size": 128, "enrolled": 117, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "7535": {"id": "K9MuJDymhYyzBC634jfy9", "course_id": "110418", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110418", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Physiotherapy Across the Lifespan", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSIOTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "2000", "CLASS_NBR": 12975, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Hons)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PHYSIOTH 1001 and HLTH SC 1401", "CO_REQUISITE": "PHYSIOTH 2001", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Final Examination, assignment and continuous assessment tasks", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, students will be introduced to human development across the lifespan from infants through childhood, adolescence, adulthood and older age. The principles of physiotherapy practice will be explored across the lifespan in the context of models of health including the World Health Organization - International Classification of Function, Disability and Health (WHO-ICF). Students will develop skills and knowledge in the promotion of health and wellbeing of themselves and others. The course is designed to integrate and apply learning from previous courses. This is a blended learning course comprised of workshops supported by online learning tasks and materials.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7536": {"id": "K9MuJDymhYyzBC634jfy9", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "h6kCKIfsXbZ1yQO-3JYNF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10494, "section": "WR02", "size": 31, "enrolled": 31, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 27 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 107, Rehabilitation Gym"}, {"dates": "5 Mar - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}, {"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 107, Rehabilitation Gym"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S211a&b, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "26 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 107, Rehabilitation Gym"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S211a&b, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 29 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N120, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S211a, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "6 May - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N403, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10495, "section": "WR01", "size": 31, "enrolled": 30, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 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28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S211a, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "6 May - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N403, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10496, "section": "WR03", "size": 31, "enrolled": 27, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 27 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hughes, 107, Rehabilitation Gym"}, {"dates": "5 Mar - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}, {"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hughes, 107, Rehabilitation Gym"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S211a&b, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "26 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 107, Rehabilitation Gym"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S211a&b, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 29 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N120, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S211a, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "6 May - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N403, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7537": {"id": "QZ8o9xgTuRdpVRoci6YCu", "course_id": "110449", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110449", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Applied Physiotherapy Practice A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSIOTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "2001", "CLASS_NBR": 15538, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Hons)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PHYSIOTH 1001 and PHYSIOTH 1002", "CO_REQUISITE": "ANAT SC 2400", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Practical examinations, group assignment and continuous assessment tasks", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, you will build on professional practice knowledge developed in first year, extend your clinical reasoning skills and develop physiotherapy assessment and management skills. You will explore the professional practice issues of informed consent, maintaining privacy and confidentiality, risk assessment, goal setting and effective communication and cultural safety in relation to physiotherapy practice. You will apply clinical reasoning frameworks to lower limb cases. You will learn physiotherapy assessment and management skills for lower limb neuro-musculoskeletal conditions, which will be further developed in third year.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7538": {"id": "QZ8o9xgTuRdpVRoci6YCu", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "rSKkj7Jvg8O_TXlyrSKbw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14972, "section": "PR01", "size": 31, "enrolled": 29, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N406/N407, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N406/N407, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "zxt7aErBYLU6plNGgaxcS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14974, "section": "WR01", "size": 31, "enrolled": 29, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 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Students will build on professional practice knowledge developed in first and second years, extend their clinical reasoning skills and physiotherapy assessment and management skills. Students will explore the professional practice issues of scope of practice, practice thresholds, codes of conduct, legislation and regulation in relation to contemporary practice. You will apply clinical reasoning frameworks to the upper limb, head and nervous system and explore physiotherapy assessment and management skills for upper limb neuro-musculo-skeletal conditions. Basic assessments for the central nervous system will be introduced, which will be further developed in third year.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7540": {"id": "tvqTaKq5MtptvaZkvdbYa", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "6WlgaP9iCqk1xujcXn8hu", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24903, "section": "PR01", "size": 32, "enrolled": 32, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N406/N407, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N406/N407, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "i2NCgjB-fsK32DoZM8oNL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24905, "section": "WR01", "size": 32, "enrolled": 32, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N406/N407, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N406/N407, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "bxCCHGjylJzTwTCLRlk2Z", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29071, "section": "LEC0", "size": 100, "enrolled": 92, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture"}]}]}, {"association_group": "11", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "1SD40DUKSK1xtQMi17G8y", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24902, "section": "PR02", "size": 32, "enrolled": 33, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N406/N407, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N406/N407, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "vToc58wPipXyUVD3wZYkz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24904, "section": "WR02", "size": 32, "enrolled": 33, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 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Further development of skills in clinical measurement and integration into reasoning processes for complex clinical scenarios will also be taught. This course will explicitly consolidate concepts explored in previous courses and identify the principles that are shared across the breadth of physiotherapy. Clinical reasoning categories will be explored with emphasis on body structure and function and contextual factors, including ethics and medico-legal frameworks that guide clinician behaviour. Students will expand on the role and process of communication in clinical practice.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7542": {"id": "qZS6HF1RAEjIdX3WIT78g", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "kEg0sChXXxP7t6aO95HfP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24927, "section": "PR02", "size": 18, "enrolled": 18, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "18 Jul - 8 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N120, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24928, "section": "PR01", "size": 18, "enrolled": 18, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "18 Jul - 8 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N120, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "xHjVuUBzTxbyxWAOw146-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24930, "section": "WR01", "size": 36, "enrolled": 36, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "16 Jul - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 Jul - 7 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 403, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Assessment", "id": "yCZdVMsTQroZ6zuLMC-SG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28698, "section": "AS01", "size": 36, "enrolled": 36, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Jul - 26 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Johnson, G29, Physio Hospital"}, {"dates": "2 Aug - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N219/N222, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Johnson, G29, Physio Hospital"}]}]}]}, {"association_group": "11", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "BMvpRXl2PQeEhmit5ybtr", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20957, "section": "PR04", "size": 18, "enrolled": 18, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Sep - 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22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Sep - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 403, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7543": {"id": "lxfyt8SRwL5j5eR0wr9AZ", "course_id": "110432", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110432", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Cardiorespiratory Physiotherapy Practice", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSIOTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "3001", "CLASS_NBR": 13555, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Hons)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PATHOL 2400 and ANAT SC 2402 and PHARM 2400 and PHYSIOTH 2002", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Examination, assignment, continuous assessment and required professional competencies", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, students will learn about the physiotherapy management of clients with cardiorespiratory conditions. Students will build on prior knowledge of cardiorespiratory anatomy and physiology while undertaking activities that are aimed at developing clinical reasoning skills to assess cardiorespiratory conditions, including problem identification and prioritisation, implementation and progression of evidence-based interventions, evaluation, discharge planning and the broader role of the healthcare team relevant to adults and children with common cardiorespiratory conditions in a variety of healthcare settings.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7544": {"id": "lxfyt8SRwL5j5eR0wr9AZ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "U9M_tjda8WXRYiZL5NadK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11016, "section": "WR02", "size": 28, "enrolled": 28, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Johnson, G29, Physio Hospital"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 107, Rehabilitation Gym"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 14 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Johnson, G29, Physio Hospital"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11017, "section": "WR01", "size": 28, "enrolled": 24, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Johnson, G29, Physio Hospital"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Hughes, 107, Rehabilitation Gym"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 14 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Johnson, G29, Physio Hospital"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13555, "section": "WR03", "size": 28, "enrolled": 23, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Feb - 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28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Johnson, G29, Physio Hospital"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hughes, 107, Rehabilitation Gym"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 23 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Johnson, G29, Physio Hospital"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 29 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1:30pm", "location": "AHMS, 2069/2070, Hospital Sim Suite 1a&b"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Assessment", "id": "pkb6BuMb-3R1JTC9t7XO-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18908, "section": "AS01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 75, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "20 May - 20 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S211a&b, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "7545": {"id": "v4Tm0lzyIHzfNclK9jJCB", "course_id": "110442", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110442", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Neurological Physiotherapy Practice", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSIOTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "3002", "CLASS_NBR": 13556, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Hons)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PATHOL 2400 and ANAT SC 2402 and PHARM 2400 and PHYSIOTH 2002", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Examination, assignment, continuous assessment and Required Professional Competencies", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students will explore core knowledge, skills and attitudes relevant to physiotherapy management of common neurological problems. The emphasis will be on evidence-based assessment and intervention for people living with neurological dysfunction across the lifespan and in various health care settings. Using an enquiry-based learning approach, case examples will include, but not be limited to stroke, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease and cerebral palsy. The World Health Organisation International Classification of Function Disability and Health will provide a framework that supports a person-centred focus. Students will learn in a blended setting, with face to face classes supported by guided online activities.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7546": {"id": "v4Tm0lzyIHzfNclK9jJCB", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "nNDPASW0ffeIXw0Iseyot", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11347, "section": "PR02", "size": 27, "enrolled": 27, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "16 Feb - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N120, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 24 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N120, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11348, "section": "PR01", "size": 27, "enrolled": 21, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "16 Feb - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N120, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 24 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N120, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15539, "section": "PR03", "size": 27, "enrolled": 25, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "16 Feb - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N120, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 24 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N120, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "cCMT-3ID0l815sDq_FOqm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11349, "section": "WR02", "size": 27, "enrolled": 21, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Feb - 13 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N120, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 Feb - 27 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N406/N407, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N120, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N406/N407, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N406/N407, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 May - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N120, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11350, "section": "WR01", "size": 27, "enrolled": 25, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Feb - 13 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N120, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 Feb - 27 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N406/N407, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N120, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N406/N407, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N406/N407, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 May - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N120, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13556, "section": "WR03", "size": 27, "enrolled": 27, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Feb - 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You will select and perform assessment tasks and design, implement and progress management programs for neuro-musculoskeletal dysfunctions of the spine. You will apply evidence based clinical reasoning frameworks to clinical cases of neuro-musculoskeletal dysfunctions of the spine, including chronic pain.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7548": {"id": "GGj3mPyXUzs17YZxXduXx", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "P2Gusqud1ENMEVCTSvBLn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15447, "section": "PR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "16 Feb - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N219/N222, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 24 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N219/N222, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "iZQ1_RBkSEpqXC7ExfpQz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19046, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Feb - 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The paediatric module will cover the theoretical background for assessing and managing children with posture and movement disorders, respiratory disorders and complexity in paediatrics, considering family centred practice and common paediatric settings. The pelvic and women's health module will introduce the aetiology, pathology, clinical features and complications of conditions that are amenable to physiotherapy care and their assessment and management within a new graduates scope of practice. These conditions include surgery, incontinence and pelvic floor muscle disorders, musculoskeletal conditions, childbirth and exercise prescription. This course is a blended course with online lectures and learning content and face-to-face workshops and practicals.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7550": {"id": "MBArK-yeDXbAyorUSmxuS", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "Ff2nyxkkV3XN9exNcMQk2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11342, "section": "WR02", "size": 15, "enrolled": 14, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Feb - 13 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N406/N407, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Feb - 19 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N120, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 27 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N120, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Mar - 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21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N120, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 Feb - 20 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}, {"dates": "26 Feb - 26 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N120, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N120, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N120, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N120, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 May - 1 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N120, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 23 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N120, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19148, "section": "PR05", "size": 15, "enrolled": 14, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Feb - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N120, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 Feb - 20 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}, {"dates": "26 Feb - 26 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N120, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N120, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N120, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N120, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 May - 1 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N120, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 23 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N120, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7551": {"id": "lGhkvOyNWHcfgkghS0z5M", "course_id": "110433", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110433", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Managing Complexity in Clinical Settings", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSIOTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "3005", "CLASS_NBR": 20961, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 10 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Hons)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PHYSIOTH 3001 and PHYSIOTH 3002 and PHYSIOTH 3003 and PHYSIOTH 3004", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Examination, various assignments and continuous assessment tasks", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Using various healthcare settings and scenarios (including the health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, critical care, rehabilitation, the first contact practitioner and the compensable patient), this course will explore issues of complexity associated with persons with healthcare needs, caseloads, teams, services and/or wider organisations. Students will extend their knowledge and skills related to the role of the physiotherapist as an independent practitioner and member of the wider healthcare team. You will have ongoing opportunities to apply the clinical reasoning model that draws on the World Health Organisation (WHO) International Classification of Functioning framework, a biopsychosocial approach to health care and evidence-based practice. Self-learning guides and online resources will complement workshops, practical classes and tutorials that are scheduled in block mode.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7552": {"id": "lGhkvOyNWHcfgkghS0z5M", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "zp_748H75cs1Wh7ePswv2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20152, "section": "WR02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 20, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "16 Jul - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 Jul - 17 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Johnson, G29, Physio Hospital"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 26 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Aug - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N120, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21375, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 20, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "16 Jul - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 Jul - 17 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, G29, Physio Hospital"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 26 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Aug - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N120, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "Xe5ktA0Tno0Af0rAH2QOr", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21374, "section": "LE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 40, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "16 Jul - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "sWMF1as-8Vx2Bjv41Vv4k", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21950, "section": "PR02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 20, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "18 Jul - 18 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, G29, Physio Hospital"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 24 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3:30pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "1 Aug - 8 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N406/N407, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21951, "section": "PR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 20, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "18 Jul - 18 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Johnson, G29, Physio Hospital"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 24 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3:30pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "1 Aug - 8 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N406/N407, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "id": "O95gXCN6YhbOHvSCcMiv9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20828, "section": "AS01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 40, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "12 Aug - 12 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N406/N407, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}, {"association_group": "11", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "mym4wAJQQRIsugeHxoOAk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20961, "section": "WR04", "size": 20, "enrolled": 18, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Sep - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Sep - 27 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 4 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Johnson, G29, Physio Hospital"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N120, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20962, "section": "WR03", "size": 20, "enrolled": 12, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Sep - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Sep - 27 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 4 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, G29, Physio Hospital"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N120, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "x3RnVODGLyxn5JrTV0dFn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21948, "section": "PR04", "size": 18, "enrolled": 14, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Sep - 25 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3:30pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Johnson, G29, Physio Hospital"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N406/N407, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21949, "section": "PR03", "size": 18, "enrolled": 16, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Sep - 25 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3:30pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Johnson, G29, Physio Hospital"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N406/N407, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "1Gq1Sl7E4Iim-TknyUI7W", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24926, "section": "LE02", "size": 40, "enrolled": 30, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Sep - 24 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "id": "f8ZCaY3YN8EcSzEI02JQ5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24101, "section": "AS02", "size": 40, "enrolled": 30, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "21 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N406/N407, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "7553": {"id": "jsu5FM9UReIx8GXjWMPG7", "course_id": "110443", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110443", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Physiotherapy Clinical Practice A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSIOTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "3006", "CLASS_NBR": 24922, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 30 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Hons)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PHYSIOTH 3001 and PHYSIOTH 3002 and PHYSIOTH 3003 and PHYSIOTH 3004", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Continuous assessment tasks and required clinical competencies", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is one of the 6 (or 5 for Research Honours students) clinical practice courses across different specific areas of practice. Students will have opportunity to meet competency thresholds in different practice areas for accreditation as a physiotherapist. Students will be in supervised clinical practice for 5 weeks and will undertake prescribed independent learning. Prior to commencing this course, students are required to complete a pre-clinical program. This course will be supervised by registered physiotherapists and may be organised outside normal teaching weeks. Students will develop specific competencies in the assessment of clients' problems and needs, analysis of assessment findings, formulation of short- and long-term goals and development, implementation and evaluation of intervention plans. Students will apply specialised knowledge, cognitive and technical skills to demonstrate autonomy, expert judgement, adaptability and responsibility as a learner.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7554": {"id": "jsu5FM9UReIx8GXjWMPG7", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "WUMC2dBCliHGANDYjyH5V", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24922, "section": "PL04", "size": 22, "enrolled": 19, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Oct - 29 Nov", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 24923, "section": "PL03", "size": 22, "enrolled": 15, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Sep - 25 Oct", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 24924, "section": "PL02", "size": 22, "enrolled": 20, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Aug - 20 Sep", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 24925, "section": "PL01", "size": 22, "enrolled": 13, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Jul - 16 Aug", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "7555": {"id": "Zb6BXlfoCWe1IDIyhfUhp", "course_id": "110499", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110499", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Physiotherapy Simulation - Based Clinical Practice", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSIOTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4000", "CLASS_NBR": 95018, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 30 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Honours)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PHYSIOTH 3001 and PHYSIOTH 3002 and PHYSIOTH 3003 and PHYSIOTH 3004", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Continuous assessment tasks and required clinical competencies", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is one of the 6 (or 5 for Research Honours students) clinical practice courses across different specific areas of practice. Students will have opportunity to meet competency thresholds in different practice areas for accreditation as a physiotherapist. Students will be in supervised clinical practice for 5 weeks and will undertake prescribed independent learning. Prior to commencing this course, students are required to complete a pre-clinical program. This course will be supervised by registered physiotherapists and may be organised outside normal teaching weeks. Students will develop specific competencies in the assessment of clients' problems and needs, analysis of assessment findings, formulation of short- and long-term goals and development, implementation and evaluation of intervention plans. Students will apply specialised knowledge, cognitive and technical skills to demonstrate autonomy, expert judgement, adaptability and responsibility as a learner.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 24/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 28/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 11/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 17/07/2024"}}]}, "7556": {"id": "Zb6BXlfoCWe1IDIyhfUhp", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "Wx0QbFhjXuxU22SMFrY1N", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95018, "section": "PL01", "size": 75, "enrolled": 60, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "meetings": [{"dates": "11 Jun - 14 Jun", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, G29, Physio Hospital"}, {"dates": "17 Jun - 11 Jul", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Johnson, G29, Physio Hospital"}]}]}]}]}, "7557": {"id": "fkRsVkai5ZGj7mB5TVseW", "course_id": "110487", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110487", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Managing Chronic Conditions", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSIOTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4001", "CLASS_NBR": 14104, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Honours)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PHYSIOTH 3000 and PHYSIOTH 3005", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Examination, various assignments and continuous assessment tasks", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Chronic conditions are becoming increasingly more prevalent. Chronic diseases contribute heavily to poor health and well-being and are a major source of health costs for government and individuals. They are recognised as the major cause of illness, disability and death in Australia. In this course, students will integrate core strands of theory knowledge and practice with contemporary health needs of individuals, groups, communities and populations. Student will explore knowledge and skills in health promotion, prevention, treatment and self-management of chronic conditions in both a group and individual context to develop expertise in working with individuals to promote self-management skills with a focus on optimising wellness. Students will critique models of health, theories of health behaviour and apply innovative problem-solving skills to health-related scenarios covering a range of chronic conditions. Inter-professional, person-centred, evidence-based and critical reflection approaches will be adopted.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7558": {"id": "fkRsVkai5ZGj7mB5TVseW", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "BQ3rEJeAQCSjORKysmMoh", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14104, "section": "WR02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 19, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 May - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N219/N222, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 May - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N120, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14105, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 21, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Apr - 1 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N120, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Apr - 29 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N219/N222, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "aeFtbE1ERTDS7EhvNfamq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19244, "section": "LEC0", "size": 40, "enrolled": 40, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "7559": {"id": "1NmXtb_dpHfdLrwKFVdUF", "course_id": "110509", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110509", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Physiotherapy Clinical Practice B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSIOTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4002", "CLASS_NBR": 18930, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 30 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Honours)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PHYSIOTH 3001 and PHYSIOTH 3002 and PHYSIOTH 3003 and PHYSIOTH 3004", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is one of six (or five for Research Honours students) clinical practice courses across different specific areas of practice. Students will have opportunity to meet competency thresholds in different practice areas for accreditation as a physiotherapist. Students will be in supervised clinical practice for five weeks and will undertake prescribed independent learning. This course will be supervised by registered physiotherapists and may be organised outside normal teaching weeks. Students will develop specific competencies in the assessment of clients' problems and needs, analysis of assessment findings, formulation of short- and long-term goals and development, implementation and evaluation of intervention plans. Students will apply specialised knowledge, cognitive and technical skills to demonstrate autonomy, expert judgement, adaptability and responsibility as a learner.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7560": {"id": "1NmXtb_dpHfdLrwKFVdUF", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "Q2bv4mK_xOKaxtItLAPGR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18930, "section": "01NT", "size": 40, "enrolled": 39, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement"}]}]}]}, "7561": {"id": "2wy1KqUTJAeHu1qVrcW00", "course_id": "110509", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110509", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Physiotherapy Clinical Practice B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSIOTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4002", "CLASS_NBR": 29499, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 30 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Honours)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PHYSIOTH 3001 and PHYSIOTH 3002 and PHYSIOTH 3003 and PHYSIOTH 3004", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is one of six (or five for Research Honours students) clinical practice courses across different specific areas of practice. Students will have opportunity to meet competency thresholds in different practice areas for accreditation as a physiotherapist. Students will be in supervised clinical practice for five weeks and will undertake prescribed independent learning. This course will be supervised by registered physiotherapists and may be organised outside normal teaching weeks. Students will develop specific competencies in the assessment of clients' problems and needs, analysis of assessment findings, formulation of short- and long-term goals and development, implementation and evaluation of intervention plans. Students will apply specialised knowledge, cognitive and technical skills to demonstrate autonomy, expert judgement, adaptability and responsibility as a learner.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7562": {"id": "2wy1KqUTJAeHu1qVrcW00", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "qoQqUiv36238bR2hpRtA9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29499, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 1, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Course Coordinator approval is required to enrol into this course."}]}]}]}]}, "7563": {"id": "07k0A4f6JkeFQxjZaUAS9", "course_id": "110484", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110484", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Physiotherapy Clinical Practice C", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSIOTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4003", "CLASS_NBR": 18929, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 30 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Honours)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PHYSIOTH 3001 and PHYSIOTH 3002 and PHYSIOTH 3003 and PHYSIOTH 3004", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Continuous assessment tasks and required clinical competencies", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is one of six (or five for Research Honours students) clinical practice courses across different specific areas of practice. Students will have opportunity to meet competency thresholds in different practice areas for accreditation as a physiotherapist. Students will be in supervised clinical practice for five weeks and will undertake prescribed independent learning. This course will be supervised by registered physiotherapists and may be organised outside normal teaching weeks. Students will develop specific competencies in the assessment of clients' problems and needs, analysis of assessment findings, formulation of short- and long-term goals and development, implementation and evaluation of intervention plans. Students will apply specialised knowledge, cognitive and technical skills to demonstrate autonomy, expert judgement, adaptability and responsibility as a learner.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7564": {"id": "07k0A4f6JkeFQxjZaUAS9", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "UllECwly8kRjNqT0OmKTV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18929, "section": "01NT", "size": 40, "enrolled": 39, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement"}]}]}]}, "7565": {"id": "d7MwfQHZNEC_k2ns9dxNY", "course_id": "110484", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110484", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Physiotherapy Clinical Practice C", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSIOTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4003", "CLASS_NBR": 29498, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 30 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Honours)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PHYSIOTH 3001 and PHYSIOTH 3002 and PHYSIOTH 3003 and PHYSIOTH 3004", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Continuous assessment tasks and required clinical competencies", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is one of six (or five for Research Honours students) clinical practice courses across different specific areas of practice. Students will have opportunity to meet competency thresholds in different practice areas for accreditation as a physiotherapist. Students will be in supervised clinical practice for five weeks and will undertake prescribed independent learning. This course will be supervised by registered physiotherapists and may be organised outside normal teaching weeks. Students will develop specific competencies in the assessment of clients' problems and needs, analysis of assessment findings, formulation of short- and long-term goals and development, implementation and evaluation of intervention plans. Students will apply specialised knowledge, cognitive and technical skills to demonstrate autonomy, expert judgement, adaptability and responsibility as a learner.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7566": {"id": "d7MwfQHZNEC_k2ns9dxNY", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "QuIytrld1vJoGLIMLGokO", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29498, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Course Coordinator approval is required to enrol into this course."}]}]}]}]}, "7567": {"id": "WZHsoWBJLHvOUPtH0cu4U", "course_id": "110504", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110504", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Physiotherapy Clinical Practice D", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSIOTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4004", "CLASS_NBR": 28854, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 30 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Honours)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PHYSIOTH 3001 and PHYSIOTH 3002 and PHYSIOTH 3003 and PHYSIOTH 3004", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Continuous assessment tasks and required clinical competencies", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is one of six (or five for Research Honours students) clinical practice courses across different specific areas of practice. Students will have opportunity to meet competency thresholds in different practice areas for accreditation as a physiotherapist. Students will be in supervised clinical practice for five weeks and will undertake prescribed independent learning. This course will be supervised by registered physiotherapists and may be organised outside normal teaching weeks. Students will develop specific competencies in the assessment of clients' problems and needs, analysis of assessment findings, formulation of short- and long-term goals and development, implementation and evaluation of intervention plans. Students will apply specialised knowledge, cognitive and technical skills to demonstrate autonomy, expert judgement, adaptability and responsibility as a learner.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7568": {"id": "WZHsoWBJLHvOUPtH0cu4U", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "IMiXffWE_dQpjK_UWcD6g", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28854, "section": "01NT", "size": 40, "enrolled": 39, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement"}]}]}]}, "7569": {"id": "vqBw8rVZYtCYT2bEEWBJH", "course_id": "110488", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110488", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced EBP in Physiotherapy", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSIOTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4005", "CLASS_NBR": 18920, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Restricted to Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Honours)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PHYSIOTH 3005", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Examination, various assignments and continuous assessment tasks", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Evidence-based practice (EBP) is the use of best available evidence combined with patient preferences, available resources and therapist expertise in negotiating patient care. Evidence-based health care requires physiotherapists to be able to perform the five steps of evidence-based practice previously studied. In this course students will further apply their EBP skills to provide peer review. This will enable students to further develop the necessary skills to perform evidence-based practice, while gaining a greater understanding of the peer review process and contributing to a valuable evidence-based resource.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7570": {"id": "vqBw8rVZYtCYT2bEEWBJH", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "C3Bkx7AqzWyaXrplhg0ie", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18920, "section": "WR02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 16, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 May - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N219/N222, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18921, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 19, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Apr - 29 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N219/N222, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7571": {"id": "JvNewfTn7cmIDbKu7ePJU", "course_id": "110511", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110511", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Physiotherapy Practice", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSIOTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4006", "CLASS_NBR": 28839, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 10 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Honours)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PHYSIOTH 4005", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written project, oral presentation, clinical assignment and group presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course involves three modules: (i) advanced spinal physiotherapy, (ii) professional practice, and (iii) a self-directed project. Advanced spinal physiotherapy expands on the clinical reasoning and manual therapy skills developed earlier in the course, with focus on spinal physiotherapy. The professional practice module aims to prepare students to commence practice as a newly graduated health professional, covering legislation, codes of conduct and ethical practice. In the third module, students will identify and research a gap in physiotherapy practice and undertake a self-directed project to develop a creative solution, with the ultimate aim of improving physiotherapy practice within the chosen context.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7572": {"id": "JvNewfTn7cmIDbKu7ePJU", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "Eglr7N9tvDsjh2UjifaaS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28839, "section": "WR02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 16, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N219/N222, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N219/N222, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Sep - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N120, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N120, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 28840, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 18, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Jul - 12 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N219/N222, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Jul - 12 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N219/N222, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N120, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N120, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Assessment", "id": "BSHXzZagXQOLeeIpNQso2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28835, "section": "AS02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 15, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N219/N222, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 28836, "section": "AS01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 19, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Aug - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N219/N222, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "HtlFKTc4Al5E8j2cdaNpt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28837, "section": "PR02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 15, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Sep - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N219/N222, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Sep - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N406/N407, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 28838, "section": "PR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 19, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "17 Jul - 31 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N219/N222, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Jul - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N406/N407, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7573": {"id": "gHP1e-VFuhm_YutLB4mfI", "course_id": "110494", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110494", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Physiotherapy Clinical Practice E", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PHYSIOTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4007", "CLASS_NBR": 28853, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Honours)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PHYSIOTH 3002 and PHYSIOTH 3004", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Continuous assessment tasks and required clinical competencies", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is one of six (or five for Research Honours students) clinical practice courses across different specific areas of practice. Students will have opportunity to meet competency thresholds in different practice areas for accreditation as a physiotherapist. Students will be in supervised clinical practice for five weeks and will undertake prescribed independent learning. This course will be supervised by registered physiotherapists and may be organised outside normal teaching weeks. Students will develop specific competencies in the assessment of clients' problems and needs, analysis of assessment findings, formulation of short- and long-term goals and development, implementation and evaluation of intervention plans. Students will apply specialised knowledge, cognitive and technical skills to demonstrate autonomy, expert judgement, adaptability and responsibility as a learner.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7574": {"id": "gHP1e-VFuhm_YutLB4mfI", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "LxXgEzSYIqPLprWGscZBs", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28853, "section": "01NT", "size": 40, "enrolled": 39, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement"}]}]}]}, "7575": {"subject": "PLANT SC", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "104338", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106100", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107857", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102044", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102044", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "103546", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106510", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106513", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106514", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108696", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108446", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108446", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108447", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108447", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108448", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108448", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108449", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108449", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108450", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108450", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108450", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108450", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108450", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108450", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108451", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108451", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "103679", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "103679", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "103679", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "103679", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "103679", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "103679", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "103868", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "103868", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106511", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106512", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110191", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110215", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "7576": {"id": "u4eg8YcSTuZpJVjuETvij", "course_id": "104338", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104338", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Microbiology and Invertebrate Biology II", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PLANT SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "2500WT", "CLASS_NBR": 12318, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010911", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "BIOLOGY 1101 or BIOLOGY 1001", "INCOMPATIBLE": "OENOLOGY 2501WT or PLANT SC 2520WT", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, practical reports, group project, quizzes", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "An introduction to the biology of microorganisms and invertebrates of importance in agriculture, food, wine and natural ecosystems. Topics to be considered include: microbial growth, energy sources and nutritional categories; form and function of major groups of microorganisms; classification and identification; features of saprophytic, pathogenic, symbiotic and commensal lifestyles; interactions of microorganisms with their environment, including plants and animals; case studies of natural and managed microbial ecosystems; basic concepts of invertebrate taxonomy, physiology and function; external and internal anatomy; reproduction, life cycles, feeding relationships; practical skills for manipulating microorganisms and invertebrates and studying their activities.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7577": {"id": "u4eg8YcSTuZpJVjuETvij", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "MBrqxmGzrwt6EV18_3gKA", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10011, "section": "LE01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 66, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "6 Jun - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "6 Jun - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "G0Y03SLAjnoYoP-4JaHVn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10886, "section": "PR01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 35, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11:30am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G18, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 23 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11:30am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G18, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "30 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G09, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "30 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G18, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12318, "section": "PR02", "size": 35, "enrolled": 31, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2:30pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G18, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 23 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2:30pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G18, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "30 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G09, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "30 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G18, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "7578": {"id": "qnlS6X_aCNoUDadQ7DGL-", "course_id": "106100", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106100", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Foundations in Plant Science II", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PLANT SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "2510WT", "CLASS_NBR": 12216, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "BIOLOGY 1101, BIOLOGY 1101ND, BIOLOGY 1202, BIOLOGY 1401 or BIOLOGY 1001", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, reports, lab quiz & project work", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an introduction to the structure and function of plants with a specific focus on plants of agricultural and horticultural importance, but may also include native species when appropriate. Attention will be given to how plants respond and adapt to their environment and the consequences of these interactions to productivity and quality. The link between an understanding of plant science and the management of plants will be highlighted.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7579": {"id": "qnlS6X_aCNoUDadQ7DGL-", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "PLuJVwmRIEF8Gvw3cEddI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10241, "section": "PR02", "size": 86, "enrolled": 78, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G18, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G09, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 30 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G18, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 30 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G09, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12595, "section": "PR01", "size": 86, "enrolled": 75, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G18, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G09, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 30 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G18, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 30 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G09, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "_n_m_NOvYkO9NALuOEyDW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11455, "section": "TU02", "size": 86, "enrolled": 78, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 27 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Jun - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11456, "section": "TU01", "size": 86, "enrolled": 75, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 27 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Jun - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "rrmi5sz92lTVTwAf_ceaK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12216, "section": "WR02", "size": 86, "enrolled": 78, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 131, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 131, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 129, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "21 May - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 131, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "21 May - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 129, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12217, "section": "WR01", "size": 86, "enrolled": 75, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 131, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "5 Mar - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 129, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 131, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 129, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "21 May - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 131, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "21 May - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 129, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "htmgu0MYnfS8uHdEHjuXI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11454, "section": "LE01", "size": 172, "enrolled": 153, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "7580": {"id": "LZMNnZY5FqG4tv4xSKq1J", "course_id": "107857", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107857", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Microbiology and Biotechnology II", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PLANT SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "2520WT", "CLASS_NBR": 11975, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010911", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "(BIOLOGY 1101 or BIOLOGY 1001) and (BIOLOGY 1201 or equivalent)", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PLANT SC 2500WT, OENOLOGY 2501WT or PLANT SC 3500WT", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, exam, practical reports, group project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides both an introduction to the biology of microorganisms relevant to the areas of agriculture, food and wine (including natural ecosystems), and an insight into how biotechnology can be used in industry to improve nutrition and sustainability of foods. Ethical issues, policies and consumer perspective concerning biotechnology for food production are also explored using current examples. Practical sessions provide an opportunity to learn techniques essential to the areas of Microbiology and Biotechnology including application of skills to undertake a group project on food fermentation or spoilage. The key concepts of the course are integrated into case studies, lectorials and workshops where students have the opportunity to apply their problem solving skills. For the first 6 weeks, lectures are shared with Microbiology for Viticulture and Oenology II and Microbiology and Invertebrate Biology II, whereas practical classes and tutorials for the three courses are co-timetabled but conducted at separate venues.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7581": {"id": "LZMNnZY5FqG4tv4xSKq1J", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "p-YX1JMmL3qdZK5AnlwL9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10012, "section": "LE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 30, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Charles Hawker, 205, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "kiR2J_sBDU5aTefOmcEK1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11975, "section": "TU01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 30, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "14 Mar - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G09, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G09, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "oQdXrwxAdWIJEO5mP4s2f", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12155, "section": "PR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 30, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G09, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "14 Mar - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G09, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G09, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G09, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 2 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G09, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "9 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G09, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "16 May - 23 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G09, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "30 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 205, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7582": {"id": "ayQrCcPML6wkd005c9PkY", "course_id": "102044", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102044", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Project: Agricultural and Plant Science", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PLANT SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3022WT", "CLASS_NBR": 15661, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Relevant Level II courses in appropriate disciplines", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment tasks may include (but not limited to) literature reviews, seminars, project report, lab book", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course comprises a small research project to be undertaken during the final year of the relevant undergraduate programs under the supervision of a staff member in the School of Agriculture, Food and Wine. Students wishing to undertake a research project should consult potential supervisor(s) and the Course Coordinator. Courses presented as prerequisites should be relevant to the area of the research project.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7583": {"id": "ayQrCcPML6wkd005c9PkY", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "PvwVccc95cwFFz1xJHuzy", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15661, "section": "01WT", "size": 5, "enrolled": 2, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students wishing to undertake a research project should consult potential supervisor(s) and the Course Coordinator. Once a supervisor accepts a student, please contact Yatong at 83137289 to enroll into this course."}]}]}]}]}, "7584": {"id": "Xa4mBChSmJBpMXr2iQhIM", "course_id": "102044", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102044", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Project: Agricultural and Plant Science", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PLANT SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3022WT", "CLASS_NBR": 25678, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Relevant Level II courses in appropriate disciplines", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment tasks may include (but not limited to) literature reviews, seminars, project report, lab book", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course comprises a small research project to be undertaken during the final year of the relevant undergraduate programs under the supervision of a staff member in the School of Agriculture, Food and Wine. Students wishing to undertake a research project should consult potential supervisor(s) and the Course Coordinator. Courses presented as prerequisites should be relevant to the area of the research project.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7585": {"id": "Xa4mBChSmJBpMXr2iQhIM", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "1wYlT1_4pKXd5tyYOiB39", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25678, "section": "01WT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 6, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students wishing to undertake a research project should consult potential supervisor(s) and the Course Coordinator. Once a supervisor accepts a student, please contact Yatong at 83137289 to enroll into this course."}]}]}]}]}, "7586": {"id": "Ol3aSI3Etjy7Eb4M2vtiW", "course_id": "103546", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103546", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Plant Breeding III", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PLANT SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3200WT", "CLASS_NBR": 11230, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ANIML SC 2501WT & PLANT SC 2510WT or equivalent", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Terminology test, student blogs, oral presentation, major written report, final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Genetic manipulation in plants has underpinned improvements in productivity and has enhanced sustainability of farming systems worldwide. As well, plant genetic diversity is fundamental to understand adaptation in natural systems. This course introduces the fundamental concepts of plant breeding and plant adaptation that are applicable to agricultural and natural systems. Extensive industry engagement is also undertaken as part of the course curriculum where students connect with industry leaders in the plant breeding discipline, whether in broad-acre cropping (e.g. wheat, barley, canola, faba bean breeding) or horticulture (e.g. almond breeding). The topics covered include: genetic diversity in relation to adaptation, productivity, pest and disease resistance and end-use quality; strategies for setting breeding objectives and maximising selection and improvement of key traits; breeding methodologies for self or cross pollinated plants.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7587": {"id": "Ol3aSI3Etjy7Eb4M2vtiW", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "s86OABDKnM0Pdc1hOqCTW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11230, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 18, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 May - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}, {"dates": "28 May - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 102, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "vysTXx3R94BkshuChmkoY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14920, "section": "PR01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 18, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}, {"dates": "12 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G20, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 30 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 May - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}]}]}]}]}, "7588": {"id": "oV8Z-gNc0HsfVp0PEqXe_", "course_id": "106510", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106510", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Soil and Plant Nutrition III", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PLANT SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3505WT", "CLASS_NBR": 20013, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "PLANT SC 2510WT, SOIL&WAT 2500WT or SOIL&WAT 2500", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PLANT SC 3004WT", "ASSESSMENT": "Examination, practical reports, critical review", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The focus of this course is the influence of mineral nutrients to the health of plants. The course will examine the factors that determine the availability of mineral nutrients in soil, their uptake and use by plants. The diagnosis of soil nutrient availability and plant nutrient stress will also be examined. The interaction of mineral nutrients with biotic and abiotic stresses and the role of plant mineral nutrition in human health will also be discussed.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7589": {"id": "oV8Z-gNc0HsfVp0PEqXe_", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "-MJ9ZQSHP5Vu7GzA_9zX2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21111, "section": "LE01", "size": 52, "enrolled": 50, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "azr7RiXNxpb8CwoxgQ-5K", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20013, "section": "PR01", "size": 52, "enrolled": 50, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Southern Barns General, G2/G3, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Southern Barns General, G2/G3, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7590": {"id": "pPea0CAS7c9umOeGSO_Zp", "course_id": "106513", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106513", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Plant Health III", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PLANT SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3510WT", "CLASS_NBR": 11444, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "BIOLOGY 1202 and, PLANT SC 2500WT or OENOLOGY 2501WT", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Practical reports, in-class exercises, online Quizzes, final written and practical examinations", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course covers the biology, ecology and management of a variety of pests in agricultural, horticultural and viticultural ecosystems, especially arthropods, plant pathogens and weeds. It considers what organisms and abiotic stresses cause disease or reduced growth, and the economic, environmental and social implications of disease and stress. Cultural, biological, physical, and chemical pest suppression practices are considered within the framework of the principles of integrated pest management (IPM). Practical sessions provide an opportunity to learn techniques and approaches to plant protection. The key concepts of the course are integrated in a series of case studies, and students enhance their ability to apply them to novel situations in problem-solving sessions.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7591": {"id": "pPea0CAS7c9umOeGSO_Zp", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "bP-JvZW_y_IBWarw6FOjA", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11442, "section": "LE01", "size": 95, "enrolled": 92, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "catbJURGquLNxg9N6V-4N", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11444, "section": "PR01", "size": 95, "enrolled": 92, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 28 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "6 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Southern Barns General, G2/G3, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Southern Barns Soils, G2, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Southern Barns General, G2/G3, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "1 May - 1 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "8 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Southern Barns General, G2/G3, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 May - 15 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Southern Barns General, G2/G3, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Jun - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Southern Barns General, G2/G3, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7592": {"id": "vLxUKvoBr1hmWbaDirxG1", "course_id": "106514", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106514", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Plant Biotechnology III", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PLANT SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3515WT", "CLASS_NBR": 21164, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "BIOLOGY 1401, BIOLOGY 1101 or BIOLOGY 1001; BIOLOGY 1202 AND AGRIC 2510WT, ANIML SC 2501WT or GENETICS 2510", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Examination, practical reports, research project report & presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course explores the use of biotechnology to both generate genetic variation in plants and to understand how factors at the cellular level contribute to the expression of genotypes and hence to phenotypic variation. There is an emphasis on the molecular mechanisms directing plant gene expression under diverse environmental and developmental stimuli. This knowledge is central to our ability to modify plant responses and properties for global food security and commercial gains in biotechnology and agriculture. A problem-based learning approach is employed to demonstrate the use of various omics technologies (such as genomics, proteomics and metabolomics) to gain this knowledge. In the laboratory classes, students will perform some of the techniques currently used to generate information and detect genetic variation. The key concepts of the course will be integrated in a series of case studies, and students will enhance their ability to apply them to novel situations in problem-solving sessions and their own research planning project.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7593": {"id": "vLxUKvoBr1hmWbaDirxG1", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "Y5zvnitf9-JZYbG_IEwX0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21164, "section": "WR01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 15, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Charles Hawker, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Charles Hawker, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Charles Hawker, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Oct - 29 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Charles Hawker, 102, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "lIATgdA1bdD1E7iI9888P", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20499, "section": "PR01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 15, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 23 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Jul - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 131, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "20 Aug - 20 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Aug - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G20, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G20, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G20, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 102, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "09RFYgOSDlKnlRdezFhy2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22135, "section": "LE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 15, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 29 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 102, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7594": {"id": "s_RNKuJHWsF27AXiqSVnL", "course_id": "108696", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108696", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Food Production in a Future Climate III", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PLANT SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3530WT", "CLASS_NBR": 21080, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(CHEM 1100 or CHEM 1101 or CHEM 1611), (PLANT SC 2510WT or ENV BIOL 2500)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "6 units of Level I Biology", "INCOMPATIBLE": "AGRIC 3510WT", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, practical reports, examinations, literature review", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students will develop an appreciation for the complexity of natural resource management issues and their impact on agricultural production and societal change. This will be achieved by providing an in-depth understanding of the impacts of global climate change on plant growth with specific focus on how climate change is likely to affect food production. Crops and agricultural systems of particular importance to Australian agricultural and horticultural production will be closely examined. The course will highlight the importance of understanding the mechanisms by which a changing climate will affect plant performance and food production. Changing phenology, plant species range shifts, changing pest pressure and variation in yield will be explored in the context of climate change. This course integrates concepts of physiology, biochemistry, genetics, agronomy, and pest management gained by students in previous courses thus developing an in-depth understanding of the drivers of climate change and how future prediction models are generated. Students will develop skills in critical analysis of data and literature to enable them to make informed decisions relating to future food production.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7595": {"id": "s_RNKuJHWsF27AXiqSVnL", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "5061s72jRUNSPxIn8imJJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21078, "section": "LE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 61, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "ZcpuOIAUPBIyEDnBUKixn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21080, "section": "WR01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 61, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "1WEEpyqVyq_BiIUSKhCti", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21079, "section": "PR01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 61, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 19 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22136, "section": "TU01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 61, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Aug - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Southern Barns General, G2/G3, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Aug - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Southern Barns General, G2/G3, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7596": {"id": "cwso1PV7bjCYf23YdGcB7", "course_id": "108446", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108446", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Plant Science (Hons) Pt 1", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PLANT SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4050AWT", "CLASS_NBR": 16011, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Mixed mode - flexible and/or intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PLANT SC 4012AWT, PLANT SC 4012BWT, PLANT SC 4020AWT or PLANT SC 4020BWT", "ASSESSMENT": "Exams and/or assignments, Research Proposal, Literature Review", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This modular course covers a range of advanced topics in Plant Science, the methods of presentation and assessment of which vary according to module.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "7597": {"id": "cwso1PV7bjCYf23YdGcB7", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "dkVKHWbP4XWoYXCjc8Jvx", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16011, "section": "01WT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "7598": {"id": "i8qc_9VpITYZHaQfKvGV5", "course_id": "108446", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108446", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Plant Science (Hons) Pt 1", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PLANT SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4050AWT", "CLASS_NBR": 26017, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Mixed mode - flexible and/or intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PLANT SC 4012AWT, PLANT SC 4012BWT, PLANT SC 4020AWT or PLANT SC 4020BWT", "ASSESSMENT": "Exams and/or assignments, Research Proposal, Literature Review", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This modular course covers a range of advanced topics in Plant Science, the methods of presentation and assessment of which vary according to module.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "7599": {"id": "i8qc_9VpITYZHaQfKvGV5", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "Cys8KRAZvy02s-c6nHBMW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26017, "section": "01WT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "7600": {"id": "QBDi7KCNL-FKIkLlpm2AB", "course_id": "108447", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108447", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Plant Science (Hons) Pt 2", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PLANT SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4050BWT", "CLASS_NBR": 16012, "SESSION_CD": "FM2", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Mixed mode - flexible and/or intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PLANT SC 4050AWT in previous Semester", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PLANT SC 4012AWT, PLANT SC 4012BWT, PLANT SC 4020AWT or PLANT SC 4020BWT", "ASSESSMENT": "Exams and/or assignments, Research Proposal, Literature Review", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This modular course covers a range of advanced topics in Plant Science, the methods of presentation and assessment of which vary according to module.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7601": {"id": "QBDi7KCNL-FKIkLlpm2AB", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "b5Z8hXz77H47mAIrkcGmV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16012, "section": "01WT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "7602": {"id": "4GnznocqOxTK8tCxLmz1t", "course_id": "108447", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108447", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Plant Science (Hons) Pt 2", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PLANT SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4050BWT", "CLASS_NBR": 26018, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Mixed mode - flexible and/or intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": 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"DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This research project is selected at the start of the Honours year following consultation with the Honours Coordinator and depends on availability of research supervisors in any particular year.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 07/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "7613": {"id": "Cl6zBcHPpI6sCEcT_KWli", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "_deuvszDe9D2n5T6gvdgZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16015, "section": "01WT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "7614": {"id": "qaFmQ2Ty1abiE8SpeGt-1", "course_id": "108450", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108450", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", 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"N", "SYLLABUS": "This research project is selected at the start of the Honours year following consultation with the Honours Coordinator and depends on availability of research supervisors in any particular year.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 07/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "7615": {"id": "qaFmQ2Ty1abiE8SpeGt-1", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "svoE0-b5APj_YAKk_PIvD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16015, "section": "01WT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "7616": {"id": "7rLydB68cMOkOXWicctjq", "course_id": "108450", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108450", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", 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"CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PLANT SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4070AWT", "CLASS_NBR": 26021, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PLANT SC 4012AWT, PLANT SC 4012BWT, PLANT SC 4040AWT or PLANT SC 4040BWT", "ASSESSMENT": "Thesis, Thesis Defence, Seminar & Supervisor assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This research project is selected at the start of the Honours year following consultation with the Honours Coordinator and depends on availability of research supervisors in any particular year.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "7619": {"id": "A1Dn6H6qfKZ0UjnaM2you", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "GuDJwcqhX_YKnHkt48K1U", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26021, "section": "01WT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "7620": {"id": "OV-0Z7aUD5kskc8w3EVxy", "course_id": "108450", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108450", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Plant Science Project (Two-Year) Cont", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PLANT SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4070AWT", 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"CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "7621": {"id": "OV-0Z7aUD5kskc8w3EVxy", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "QkFCy-jhIrYetSdA-I6Xf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26021, "section": "01WT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "7622": {"id": "QSZ_RCkX5iFjtMbXSYUCS", "course_id": "108450", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108450", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Plant Science Project (Two-Year) Cont", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PLANT SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4070AWT", "CLASS_NBR": 26021, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, 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"LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "7623": {"id": "QSZ_RCkX5iFjtMbXSYUCS", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "GrBY1-tI9OPxraORWZT0U", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26021, "section": "01WT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "7624": {"id": "Och_1X33K2opEweUgiWbp", "course_id": "108451", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108451", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Plant Science Project (Two-Year) Final", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PLANT SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4070BWT", "CLASS_NBR": 16016, "SESSION_CD": "TYD", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "By supervision", 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"Och_1X33K2opEweUgiWbp", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "GJRhj479FZgQgscbSVFD2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16016, "section": "01WT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "7626": {"id": "hZDJCtZeBgCUeHJgEjtMj", "course_id": "108451", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108451", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Plant Science Project (Two-Year) Final", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PLANT SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "4070BWT", "CLASS_NBR": 26022, "SESSION_CD": "TYD", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PLANT SC 4012AWT, PLANT SC 4012BWT, PLANT SC 4040AWT or PLANT SC 4040BWT", "ASSESSMENT": "Thesis, Thesis Defence, Seminar & Supervisor assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This research project is selected at the start of the Honours year following consultation with the Honours Coordinator and depends on availability of research supervisors in any particular year.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7627": {"id": "hZDJCtZeBgCUeHJgEjtMj", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "9UW2FNgT27VuEDT7415G7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26022, "section": "01WT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "7628": {"id": "WNwD4gXbAWWqoEhWp4dkS", "course_id": "103679", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103679", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Project (PB) Extended (Two-Year) Continuing", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PLANT SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7231AWT", "CLASS_NBR": 15708, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MPHB students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Literature Review and project proposal, Scientific Manuscript, Seminar Presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course focuses on a research project that is carried out over ten months. 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Each student reports the results of their research in a scientific manuscript for publication.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 07/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "7629": {"id": "WNwD4gXbAWWqoEhWp4dkS", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "gF9_Ty57dlGH_mUBhW0Va", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15708, "section": "01WT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "7630": {"id": "nd866MzBLHqw4-caIBIoq", "course_id": "103679", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103679", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Project (PB) Extended (Two-Year) Continuing", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PLANT SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7231AWT", "CLASS_NBR": 15708, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MPHB students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Literature Review and project proposal, Scientific Manuscript, Seminar Presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course focuses on a research project that is carried out over ten months. 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Each student reports the results of their research in a scientific manuscript for publication.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 07/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "7631": {"id": "nd866MzBLHqw4-caIBIoq", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "gltBwrUPUYBZyhg5YjuHj", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15708, "section": "01WT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "7632": {"id": "SDbRgUakqCKxa5zbV6rc8", "course_id": "103679", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103679", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Project (PB) Extended (Two-Year) Continuing", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PLANT SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7231AWT", "CLASS_NBR": 15708, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MPHB students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Literature Review and project proposal, Scientific Manuscript, Seminar Presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course focuses on a research project that is carried out over ten months. 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Each student reports the results of their research in a scientific manuscript for publication.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 07/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "7633": {"id": "SDbRgUakqCKxa5zbV6rc8", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "03WFq0x5YvA8fj9EZSNlU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15708, "section": "01WT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "7634": {"id": "VcgE7wi9_ID91P1xFgHqr", "course_id": "103679", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103679", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Project (PB) Extended (Two-Year) Continuing", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PLANT SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7231AWT", "CLASS_NBR": 25720, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MPHB students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Literature Review and project proposal, Scientific Manuscript, Seminar Presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course focuses on a research project that is carried out over ten months. 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Each student reports the results of their research in a scientific manuscript for publication.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "7635": {"id": "VcgE7wi9_ID91P1xFgHqr", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "VekpdIAGgEPzkb9GAuY87", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25720, "section": "01WT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "7636": {"id": "pY79fMMgy135Z4NKLH75i", "course_id": "103679", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103679", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Project (PB) Extended (Two-Year) Continuing", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PLANT SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7231AWT", "CLASS_NBR": 25720, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MPHB students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Literature Review and project proposal, Scientific Manuscript, Seminar Presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course focuses on a research project that is carried out over ten months. Students also develop advanced communication skills in tutorial sessions. This aspect focuses on written and oral communication as they relate to the plans and results of the project. Each student reports the results of their research in a scientific manuscript for publication.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "7637": {"id": "pY79fMMgy135Z4NKLH75i", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "ml7dGc5XG-6tSoI2YLYlQ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25720, "section": "01WT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "7638": {"id": "nLvZeZRmHtkynXMmB_JXX", "course_id": "103679", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103679", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Project (PB) Extended (Two-Year) Continuing", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PLANT SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7231AWT", "CLASS_NBR": 25720, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MPHB students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Literature Review and project proposal, Scientific Manuscript, Seminar Presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course focuses on a research project that is carried out over ten months. Students also develop advanced communication skills in tutorial sessions. This aspect focuses on written and oral communication as they relate to the plans and results of the project. Each student reports the results of their research in a scientific manuscript for publication.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "7639": {"id": "nLvZeZRmHtkynXMmB_JXX", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "PgV1fvAG-S5mecq7JoCmR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25720, "section": "01WT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "7640": {"id": "s2m-gkeGwFrnvS57bdaX1", "course_id": "103868", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103868", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Project (PB) Extended (Two-Year) Final", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PLANT SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7231BWT", "CLASS_NBR": 15709, "SESSION_CD": "TYD", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MPHB students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Literature Review and project proposal, Scientific Manuscript, Seminar Presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course focuses on a research project that is carried out over ten months. Students also develop advanced communication skills in tutorial sessions. This aspect focuses on written and oral communication as they relate to the plans and results of the project. Each student reports the results of their research in a scientific manuscript for publication.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7641": {"id": "s2m-gkeGwFrnvS57bdaX1", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "G8oHKWFwXpCxGDxOppbBh", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15709, "section": "01WT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "7642": {"id": "MONDBX_GY47YwWwNjrWfg", "course_id": "103868", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103868", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Project (PB) Extended (Two-Year) Final", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PLANT SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7231BWT", "CLASS_NBR": 25722, "SESSION_CD": "TYD", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MPHB students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Literature Review and project proposal, Scientific Manuscript, Seminar Presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course focuses on a research project that is carried out over ten months. Students also develop advanced communication skills in tutorial sessions. This aspect focuses on written and oral communication as they relate to the plans and results of the project. Each student reports the results of their research in a scientific manuscript for publication.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7643": {"id": "MONDBX_GY47YwWwNjrWfg", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "GQG4vs4mtyRayvw_yrAlE", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25722, "section": "01WT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "7644": {"id": "P2Dsla0tdDzPjynupvjOu", "course_id": "106511", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106511", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Soil and Plant Nutrition", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PLANT SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7240WT", "CLASS_NBR": 20014, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PLANT SC 7004WT", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, practical reports, critical reviews, case study", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The focus of this course is the influence of mineral nutrients to the health of plants. The course will examine the factors that determine the availability of mineral nutrients in soil, their uptake and use by plants. The diagnosis of soil nutrient availability and plant nutrient stress will also be examined. The interaction of mineral nutrients with biotic and abiotic stresses and the role of plant mineral nutrition in human health will also be discussed.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7645": {"id": "P2Dsla0tdDzPjynupvjOu", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "FAuE3JgXdFzUMgs67hZhO", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21112, "section": "LE01", "size": 2, "enrolled": 1, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "lV1xWDsBK_V5cu4rA4GPL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20014, "section": "PR01", "size": 2, "enrolled": 1, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Southern Barns General, G2/G3, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Southern Barns General, G2/G3, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7646": {"id": "FZo1oWQ3nadw6xip8QBzn", "course_id": "106512", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106512", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Plant Health A", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PLANT SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7245WT", "CLASS_NBR": 11443, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "BIOLOGY 1202 and OENOLOGY 2501WT or PLANT SC 2500WT", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Practical reports, in-class exercises, online Quizzes, final written and practical examinations", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course covers the biology, ecology and management of a variety of pests in agricultural, horticultural and viticultural ecosystems, especially arthropods, plant pathogens and weeds. It considers what organisms and abiotic stresses cause disease or reduced growth, and the economic, environmental and social implications of disease and stress. Cultural, biological, physical, and chemical pest suppression practices are considered within the framework of the principles of integrated pest management (IPM). Practical sessions provide an opportunity to learn techniques and approaches to plant protection. The key concepts of the course are integrated in a series of case studies, and students enhance their ability to apply them to novel situations in problem-solving sessions.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7647": {"id": "FZo1oWQ3nadw6xip8QBzn", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "g241ECqz-jPdLIml52VMh", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11441, "section": "LE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 1, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "n0DOcMmnaLNBVxp2Q-Syp", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11443, "section": "PR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 1, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 28 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "6 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Southern Barns Soils, G2, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Southern Barns General, G2/G3, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "1 May - 1 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "8 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "15 May - 15 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "29 May - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "7648": {"id": "3DmJzuTqH7M6_cfVYMu4s", "course_id": "110191", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110191", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Plant Breeding", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PLANT SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7305WT", "CLASS_NBR": 15439, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "ANIML SC 2501WT & PLANT SC 2510WT or equivalent", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Terminology test, student blogs, oral presentation, major written report, final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Genetic manipulation in plants has underpinned improvements in productivity \nand has enhanced sustainability of farming systems worldwide. As well, plant \ngenetic diversity is fundamental to understand adaptation in natural systems. \nThis course introduces the fundamental concepts of plant breeding and plant \nadaptation that are applicable to agricultural and natural systems. The topics \ncovered include: genetic diversity in relation to adaptation, productivity, pest \nand disease resistance and end-use quality; strategies for setting breeding \nobjectives and maximising selection and improvement of key traits; breeding \nmethodologies for self or cross pollinated plants.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7649": {"id": "3DmJzuTqH7M6_cfVYMu4s", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "ZEWOJRYi5TpWMx_8k3rip", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15439, "section": "WR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 May - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}, {"dates": "28 May - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 102, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "Wtnp0__3HejT1_C7IQ4Gh", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13188, "section": "PR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}, {"dates": "12 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G20, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 30 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 May - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}]}]}]}]}, "7650": {"id": "fka7145YaJz5nGCwshnie", "course_id": "110215", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110215", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Food Production in a Future Climate", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PLANT SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7330WT", "CLASS_NBR": 23102, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Unpublished Course - Contact Not Available", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "", "QUOTA_TXT": "quota NA", "RESTRICTION": "", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Unpublished Course - No eligibility Req", "PRE_REQUISITE": "prereq NA", "CO_REQUISITE": "coreq NA", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "assume NA", "INCOMPATIBLE": "restriction NA", "ASSESSMENT": "Unpublished Course - NA", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "biennial NA", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "", "SYLLABUS": "Students will develop an appreciation for the complexity of natural resource management issues and their impact on agricultural production and societal change. This will be achieved by providing an in-depth understanding of the impacts of global climate change on plant growth with specific focus on how climate change is likely to affect food production. Crops and agricultural systems of particular importance to Australian agricultural and horticultural production will be closely examined. The course will highlight the importance of understanding the mechanisms by which a changing climate will affect plant performance and food production. Changing phenology, plant species range shifts, changing pest pressure and variation in yield will be explored in the context of climate change. This course integrates concepts of physiology, biochemistry, genetics, agronomy, and pest management gained by students in previous courses thus developing an in-depth understanding of the drivers of climate change and how future prediction models are generated. Students will develop skills in critical analysis of data and literature to enable them to make informed decisions relating to future food production.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7651": {"id": "fka7145YaJz5nGCwshnie", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "rjHvs7hTI3Z37Jlr01N7F", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23100, "section": "LE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 26, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "SAR2im0vdGt5meFWqgo7u", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23102, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 26, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "AyszrV3r-fkcsF4GD9Dzt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22137, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 26, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Aug - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G20, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G20, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23101, "section": "PR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 26, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 19 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G22, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7652": {"subject": "POLICY", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "110646", "term": "4415", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110647", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110749", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110749", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "7653": {"id": "vsNkeqjxi-hzrQ9S45fjs", "course_id": "110646", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110646", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Fundamentals of Public Policy", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "POLICY", "CATALOG_NBR": "7001", "CLASS_NBR": 95033, "SESSION_CD": "WI1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Reading Assignments 15%; Policy Presentation 15%; Policy Paper 20%; Research essay 50%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will provide students with an understanding of how the process of policy making works in practice and how governments decide which policies to pursue or avoid. Students will gain an understanding of important theories of public policy. Through analysing how ideas and institutions shape public policy, students will have the opportunity to search for solutions to real-world policy problems. Students will gain an understanding of the essential elements of policy development: from how policy is formed to how policy can be evaluated. A strong focus of this course is on equipping students to communicate public policy to diverse audiences.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 08/07/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 10/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 01/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "7654": {"id": "vsNkeqjxi-hzrQ9S45fjs", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "4oL2R4_MRde6jIKEWQ8zV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95033, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 25, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Jul - 12 Jul", "days": "Monday, Wednesday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Jul - 12 Jul", "days": "Monday, Wednesday, Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7655": {"id": "jVF3HacJeWKp00P9hktyP", "course_id": "110647", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110647", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Ethics and Politics in Policy", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "POLICY", "CATALOG_NBR": "7002", "CLASS_NBR": 14653, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Reading Assignments 25%, Research Proposal 25%, Research Essay 50%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Within democratic settings policy and administration requires philosophical understanding of political foundations. Policy can be undermined by lack of integrity or corrupt practices. This course examines political and ethical underpinnings of public policy and administration. It explores moral and philosophical issues that frame why governments choose to do what they do, as well as practical issues that relates to phenomena like conflict of interest or bribery and corruption.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7656": {"id": "jVF3HacJeWKp00P9hktyP", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "OuSR9IXjRAu1vnsdVeKaP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14653, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 31, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7657": {"id": "lBxKBC7u6GPtgxfl1GCDk", "course_id": "110749", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110749", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Public Policy Dissertation", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "POLICY", "CATALOG_NBR": "7003", "CLASS_NBR": 16232, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "POLICY 7001", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Dissertation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Dissertation on public policy that covers learning outcomes from earlier courses. The dissertation will be supervised on a one to one basis. Students will develop expertise on how to create and influence effective and efficient public policy that meets future needs. The dissertation will be on a topic of the student\u2019s choice, and will incorporate learnings from earlier coursework. It will focus on a contemporary policy issue, and use a range of analytical and research techniques to explore and explain, and propose a policy trajectory", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7658": {"id": "lBxKBC7u6GPtgxfl1GCDk", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "JIpYXN5MHaNEHXzL6P2Rv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16232, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 8, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "7659": {"id": "Hz-0bdGOrmlso5EMZ9HJ_", "course_id": "110749", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110749", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Public Policy Dissertation", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "POLICY", "CATALOG_NBR": "7003", "CLASS_NBR": 29587, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "POLICY 7001", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Dissertation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Dissertation on public policy that covers learning outcomes from earlier courses. The dissertation will be supervised on a one to one basis. Students will develop expertise on how to create and influence effective and efficient public policy that meets future needs. The dissertation will be on a topic of the student\u2019s choice, and will incorporate learnings from earlier coursework. It will focus on a contemporary policy issue, and use a range of analytical and research techniques to explore and explain, and propose a policy trajectory", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7660": {"id": "Hz-0bdGOrmlso5EMZ9HJ_", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "oYQpaYa1vG--ytLCYR8ao", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29587, "section": "RC01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 4, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 22 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Aug - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Aug - 19 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Sep - 2 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 14 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7661": {"subject": "POLIS", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "107052", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107054", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109750", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109199", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109504", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107066", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109751", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107094", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109752", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110482", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109527", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110052", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108310", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108133", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108143", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109530", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110921", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111288", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109918", "term": "4462", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "109918", "term": "4464", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "109918", "term": "4466", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "110405", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110478", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110478", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110903", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110923", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "7662": {"id": "Qav2UiTBN-Wgv_ptzIdiP", "course_id": "107052", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107052", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Global Politics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "POLIS", "CATALOG_NBR": "1102", "CLASS_NBR": 23003, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "POLI 1102", "ASSESSMENT": "Tutorial work, Test 1, Test 2, Research essay", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides a comprehensive introduction to global politics, focusing in particular on its origins and historical evolution, its key concepts, major theoretical frameworks, main actors and institutions, the global architecture of power, and its dynamic nature in the process of globalisation. More specifically, the course introduces concepts of power, statecraft, diplomacy, foreign policy, political economy and international security, and examines the evolution of international relations in the 20th and 21st centuries.\nThe course combines the study of concepts and theories with a range of questions about global politics, including: Why bother with theory? Have we reached 'the end of history'? Why is the world divided in nation-states? What factors influence the foreign policy of states? Is the sovereign state in decline? What is the 'new world (dis)order'? Are we experiencing a 'clash of civilisations'? Why do wars occur? Is there such a thing as a just war? What are the causes of terrorism? How is the world organised economically? Do transnational corporations rule the world? Is free trade the solution to global poverty? What are the main global threats of the 21st century?\nThese and other questions will be explored through the examination of a wide range of contemporary issues and case studies, including: the rise of China; the resurgence of Russia; the nuclear threat posed by North Korea; the tensions in the South China Sea; the role of the United Nations; the future of the European Union, particularly after Brexit; the role of the United States in global politics; the increasing power of transnational corporations, such as Wal-Mart, Google and Facebook; the terrorist threat posed by Al-Qaeda and Islamic State; the ongoing conflicts in Syria and Palestine; the humanitarian crisis in Myanmar; the impact of global pandemics (e.g. Covid-19); and the multiple threats posed by climate change in the 21st century.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7663": {"id": "Qav2UiTBN-Wgv_ptzIdiP", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Z6tExa2Who_40X23udrxN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20340, "section": "LE01", "size": 255, "enrolled": 197, "available": 58, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "9yh_CGZHH-s7ajs47RnG3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20157, "section": "TU08", "size": 24, "enrolled": 24, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20159, "section": "TU06", "size": 24, "enrolled": 23, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20160, "section": "TU05", "size": 24, "enrolled": 22, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20161, "section": "TU04", "size": 24, "enrolled": 23, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20162, "section": "TU03", "size": 24, "enrolled": 20, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20163, "section": "TU02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 21, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20164, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 23, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23003, "section": "TU10", "size": 24, "enrolled": 24, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23004, "section": "TU09", "size": 24, "enrolled": 17, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7664": {"id": "Yf_U_VqE-a08WnTcnkm-C", "course_id": "107054", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107054", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Comparative Politics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "POLIS", "CATALOG_NBR": "1104", "CLASS_NBR": 18735, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "POLI 1104", "ASSESSMENT": "Online tests, take-home exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The rise of China, India and the European Union, alongside other regional powers such as Japan and Russia, has raised questions about the United States' continued dominance in global politics and economics. It has also opened a debate about competing political and socio-economic developmental models and their effectiveness in promoting political stability, economic growth and social equity. Employing theories, concepts and methods of Comparative Politics, this course compares and contrasts the political systems of major powers. It examines their political history, constitutions, political institutions and parties, electoral systems, economic systems, political cultures and domestic contests. It also reflects upon policy-making processes and their capacity to address critical socio-economic problems states and nations face in the 21st century.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7665": {"id": "Yf_U_VqE-a08WnTcnkm-C", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "ou26IXnPBSb2u8kTePJXF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15273, "section": "LE01", "size": 190, "enrolled": 172, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "t8IZWx4Za4IKfZjxuot3K", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12551, "section": "SE03", "size": 62, "enrolled": 57, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12552, "section": "SE02", "size": 63, "enrolled": 60, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18735, "section": "SE04", "size": 62, "enrolled": 55, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7666": {"id": "cqP0hwlCzXXU_Z-SQLIcA", "course_id": "109750", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109750", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Australian Politics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "POLIS", "CATALOG_NBR": "1106", "CLASS_NBR": 12788, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "POLIS 1101, POLIS 1105", "ASSESSMENT": "Tutorial Work 25%, Weekly Online Quizzes 10%, Major Essay 40%, Key Concepts Test 25%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Politics affect you every day - the conditions you live and work under, your identity, your security, the values and fears you possess, and ultimately your expectations as a citizen and your place in the world. This course will provide an introduction to the Australian political system in its social and economic context. Students will also be introduced to relevant theoretical debates in a range of areas. Topics covered include: power, national identity, political parties, interest groups, environmental issues, the media, class, gender, race, ethnicity, technology, the impact of economic globalisation, political institutions, democracy and elections. The course will address the major forces that are influencing and shaping the Australian political environment. There is a particular emphasis on the applied and practical aspects of how and why government policies are brought into being as well as the social, political and economic factors that enable or constrain their introduction.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7667": {"id": "cqP0hwlCzXXU_Z-SQLIcA", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "6edQwVSD2Y_w-8svdTveS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10387, "section": "LE01", "size": 150, "enrolled": 92, "available": 58, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "jSNtY8RFb4vDknNN1tb1V", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12788, "section": "TU03", "size": 35, "enrolled": 35, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12789, "section": "TU02", "size": 40, "enrolled": 33, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18655, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 24, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "7668": {"id": "kcplFp3XiBVKH4d3KYlxA", "course_id": "109199", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109199", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Environment and Citizenship", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "POLIS", "CATALOG_NBR": "2012", "CLASS_NBR": 92102, "SESSION_CD": "S01", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "12 x 3 hour seminars over 3 weeks.", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 12 units of Level I undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Seminar Work 20%, Personal Reflection 20%, Textual Analysis 20%, Research Essay 40%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Environmental citizenship is an idea whose time has come. Governments around the world are recognizing environmental rights, activists refer to our duties to the environment, corporations present themselves as good environmental citizens, children are taught to be mindful of their ecological footprint, the media tell us repeatedly to reduce, reuse and recycle, and scholars have begun to consider all this under a new field of study called environmental citizenship. This course explores the many ways in which environmental concerns are reshaping our understanding of citizenship as well as how the language of citizenship (e.g. rights and duties) is shaping environmental politics and policies. The course is structured into two parts. The first part introduces students to the concept and theories of citizenship, exploring the impact of environmental concerns on formulations of citizenship, both traditional ones (e.g. national, liberal and republican) and emerging ones (e.g. cosmopolitan, ecological and ecofeminist). This part also explores the making of green citizens, and outlines the dominant articulations of environmental citizenship that emerge from formal education, news media and popular culture. The second part explores the practical manifestations of environmental citizenship, with specific attention to three major political actors: citizens, governments, and corporations. The content includes references to case studies from a wide range of countries, both from the Global North and the Global South. The course is designed to appeal to students interested in and concerned with issues of environmental sustainability, social justice and citizenship in the 21st century.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 23/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 25/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 07/02/2024"}}]}, "7669": {"id": "kcplFp3XiBVKH4d3KYlxA", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "MWKW7lCvktikLgZWu4WA-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92102, "section": "SE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 26, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jan - 8 Feb", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7670": {"id": "Hqz1lYGECDp-KfnHKIp2b", "course_id": "109504", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109504", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Terrorism and Global Politics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "POLIS", "CATALOG_NBR": "2013", "CLASS_NBR": 20185, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 12 units of Level I undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research essay 40%, Mid-term online test 10%, Final online test 15%, Group project 25%, Participation 10%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course explores the influence of political violence \u2013 broadly defined \u2013 within contemporary international relations. The course traces the rise of existential threats to the state from non-state actors, it considers the spectrum of state and transnational initiatives and responses to ameliorate those threats, and reflects on how prevailing global political conflicts are refracted through the prism(s) of counter-terrorism. The course begins by examining the historical evolution of terrorism, its causes/rationales and the major theoretical and conceptual approaches to the study of the phenomenon. It then provides a comprehensive exploration of the development of historical and contemporary terrorist groups, including the recent \u2018fourth wave\u2019 of terrorism (e.g. al-Qaeda and ISIS). The final part of the course focuses explicitly on counter-terrorism responses and counter- terrorism policies in the context of international security policy formulation. This takes the form of case studies that tease out the implications of terrorism for the security policy postures of key states in Australia's strategic neighbourhood, of Australia's main security allies in the Anglosphere and in the United Nations. Theoretically and conceptually, the course explores explanations of the nature and causes of terrorism as well as the logics underpinning individual (state) and collective (international) responses. It does so through an explicitly multi- disciplinary approach that incorporates historical (\u2018new\u2019 and \u2018old\u2019 terrorism); conceptual (state- sponsored vs. non-state; global vs. regional; biological, environmental, cultural, political); and geographical (Middle East and Africa, Eurasia, South America) frameworks.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7671": {"id": "Hqz1lYGECDp-KfnHKIp2b", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "WNBJzhGM7e0nGyS3nEXd7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21059, "section": "LE01", "size": 150, "enrolled": 99, "available": 51, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "ucVtakkj2jLWB9RtGrst7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20145, "section": "TU04", "size": 28, "enrolled": 14, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20146, "section": "TU03", "size": 33, "enrolled": 31, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20148, "section": "TU01", "size": 33, "enrolled": 24, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20185, "section": "TU05", "size": 32, "enrolled": 30, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7672": {"id": "_p6YcT_SXWXw77ehd1anC", "course_id": "107066", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107066", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Passions and Interests: The History of Greed", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "POLIS", "CATALOG_NBR": "2107", "CLASS_NBR": 22582, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "At least 12 units of Level I undergraduate study", "INCOMPATIBLE": "POLI 2017, POLI 2107, POLI 3017", "ASSESSMENT": "Tutorial assessment 10%, Minor Essay 30%, Major Essay 60%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course attempts to solve the puzzle of how greed was transformed from a Deadly Sin (avarice) to a cool virtue. How could Gordon Gecko manage seduce his audience so easily in the movie Wall Street with his 'Greed is Good' speech? How did we get from there to here?\n\nThe course will canvas seventeenth, eighteenth and nineteenth century responses to the emergence of market society and will trace the demise of classical, feudal and Renaissance idealism and the emerging 'bourgeois' mentality of the enlightenment era. The transformation of commercial activity from a base occupation to its culmination as a 'calling' is explored as part of an intellectual history of the legitimation of the idea of greed. This history will cover, among other things, an exploration of the following institutions, phenomena and ideas: self-interest; the division of labour; markets; luxury; the proper role of the state: liberalism and its critics; progress; virtue; classical communitarianism, anarchism, utilitarianism, classical political economy, the guaranteed basic income and the Grameen Bank. The course will conclude with a close study of the film Wall Street and a reflection on whether enlightened self-interest is enough to keep societies in motion. Featured thinkers include: Marcus Aurelius, Machiavelli, Hobbes, Mandeville, Adam Smith, Marx, Weber, Hayek, Fukuyama, Singer and van Parjis.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7673": {"id": "_p6YcT_SXWXw77ehd1anC", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "JIcXBQBGwHa073sPWxy5o", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22581, "section": "LE01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 63, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "eD43JpU1t768M7wP6J9vD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22582, "section": "TU04", "size": 22, "enrolled": 16, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22583, "section": "TU03", "size": 20, "enrolled": 8, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG11, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG11, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22584, "section": "TU02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 19, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22585, "section": "TU01", "size": 22, "enrolled": 20, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7674": {"id": "9bWBk_uFq0Jsm74A1nVoX", "course_id": "109751", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109751", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Approaches in International Relations", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "POLIS", "CATALOG_NBR": "2114", "CLASS_NBR": 12160, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Students enrolled in Bachelor of International Relations", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written research projects, online tests", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides students with the tools to enhance their understanding of the increasingly complex arena of global politics. In recent years, we have witnessed the rise of new powers (such as China), inter-state wars, global economic and political crises, rapid technological change and the growth of non-state groups, such as transnational terrorist organisations. This course prepares you to critically analyze these developments through traditional and critical approaches in the discipline of International Relations, including realism, liberalism, the English School, constructivism and post-structuralism. By using the conceptual tools provided by these approaches, students will be able to make better sense of contemporary trends in global politics. In addition, by studying these approaches, students will gain awareness of the analytical assumptions that underpin policy making and policy analysis on issues of international political concern.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7675": {"id": "9bWBk_uFq0Jsm74A1nVoX", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "oKQfy4TSeZ-uW_ZOEjt-m", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10939, "section": "LE01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 69, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG28, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "reX3d8fPCMvOCC0X0xI27", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12160, "section": "SE01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 69, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7676": {"id": "y1kKx2RG5WbsQOY2d0CQJ", "course_id": "107094", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107094", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Security, Justice and Rights", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "POLIS", "CATALOG_NBR": "2133", "CLASS_NBR": 11174, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 12 units of Level I undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "POLI 2133", "ASSESSMENT": "2000 word essay 40%, weekly online test 30%, workshops group work and group research project 30%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course seeks to bring together two important areas in the study of international politics: global justice and security. Security is a core concern for states and individuals, but the pursuit of security, maybe especially in the international arena, raises a number of important and difficult questions both at the theoretical and empirical level. This course covers a number of approaches to the study of security in International Relations (e.g. realism, liberalism and feminism), it explores what we mean by security (whose security? And security from what?), it seeks to identify new issues on the global security agenda (e.g. human security, the environment) and to ask questions about what is permissible or desirable to do in the pursuit of security (can it ever be right to torture somebody? And if so, when? Who is a terrorist? Is there a trade off between rights and security? And between security and justice? And how do we go about answering these questions?). In exploring these theoretical issues and answering these questions about right and wrong we will also be learning about the dynamics of international politics and the realities of our globalised world.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7677": {"id": "y1kKx2RG5WbsQOY2d0CQJ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "bO6uxRZoQr85F-vt0DUr6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11174, "section": "WR01", "size": 120, "enrolled": 94, "available": 26, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "7678": {"id": "Q75xuNxqBI_18thEQR4iN", "course_id": "109752", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109752", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Policy and Practice in Australian Politics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "POLIS", "CATALOG_NBR": "2138", "CLASS_NBR": 22641, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 12 units of Level I undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Tutorial Work 20%, Policy Analysis 40%, Policy Proposal 40%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course covers key political and policy issues for the 21st century with a particular emphasis on the factors that shape government policies. It focuses on issues of economic, social and environmental change and their political implications in fields ranging from economics, foreign relations and the media to the environment and welfare. It also examines how Australian democracy is constituted, practiced and perpetuated. In the process, the course deals with issues such as: globalisation and the role of the nation state; the influence of international issues on Australian Politics e.g. the impact of changing geopolitics on Australian relations with the U.S. and Asia; Australian identity and conceptions of citizenship; Australian migration policy; the electoral system and the role of citizens in Australian democracy and policy-making; the role of leaders, political parties and the media in policy formation; and environmental politics and climate change. The course draws on relevant analytical and theoretical frameworks and encourages students to follow up their own research interests, including relevant ones not formally covered in the course. \nThere is a particular emphasis on the applied and practical aspects of how and why government policies are brought into being as well as the social, political and economic factors that enable or constrain their introduction.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7679": {"id": "Q75xuNxqBI_18thEQR4iN", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "AuYuwXM5P5e2KZGBZYhzW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22641, "section": "TU03", "size": 35, "enrolled": 31, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22642, "section": "TU02", "size": 35, "enrolled": 14, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22643, "section": "TU01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 24, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "9wVD9BNuG6up-VhnB5yLX", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20341, "section": "LE01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 69, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "7680": {"id": "MwAnv-oL6G94yniWMpHU6", "course_id": "110482", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110482", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Australia's Foreign Policy in the Indo-Pacific", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "POLIS", "CATALOG_NBR": "2140", "CLASS_NBR": 13790, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "12 units of Level I courses", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "A basic knowledge of the Australian political system", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Tutorial participation, Op-ed, Policy recommendation, Exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces students to Australia's foreign and security policies and the key domestic and international debates that shape them. It focuses on Australia's interests in its primary area of geostrategic focus, the Indo-Pacific, which bridges the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Using theoretical approaches from both International Relations and Foreign Policy Analysis, this course aims to equip students to critically analyse the challenges and opportunities open to Australia when pursuing its foreign and security interests in this region. Students will examine the concept of the Indo-Pacific, considering whether it describes a coherent strategic, economic and cultural region and questioning why Australia has chosen to focus its strategic policy on this region. They will then consider the interests of key regional powers, including the United States, China, Japan, India and Indonesia, as well as key regions, the Pacific Islands and Southeast Asia, and evaluate how these affect Australia\u2019s interests. The non-traditional and transnational dimensions of security will also be examined, including terrorism, piracy, transnational crime, human security and environmental challenges. Students who successfully complete this course will be able to critically examine how Australian foreign and security policy is made and how Australia pursues its interests in the Indo-Pacific and beyond.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7681": {"id": "MwAnv-oL6G94yniWMpHU6", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "JvsYN65dtiHpTN0bEWzqA", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10386, "section": "LE01", "size": 75, "enrolled": 53, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "z3wX02z_JSztpWKDQSEFK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13790, "section": "TU03", "size": 22, "enrolled": 18, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13791, "section": "TU02", "size": 22, "enrolled": 14, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13792, "section": "TU01", "size": 22, "enrolled": 21, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7682": {"id": "E5Q6BkPafB6UAbK-nr6Q7", "course_id": "109527", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109527", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "International Security", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "POLIS", "CATALOG_NBR": "3002", "CLASS_NBR": 18993, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 6 units of Level II undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "POLIS 3101", "ASSESSMENT": "Research essay 40%, Mid-term online test 10%, Critical review 20%, Group project 20%, Participation 10%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course explores how the paradigm of security is undergoing rapid and radical transformation. Informed by the prevailing debates, theories and essential concepts in the field of security studies, the course assesses some of the central axioms of international and national security in the context of an emergent class of transnational security dilemmas. The course begins by exploring the paradigm of 'security' as it relates to sovereignty, the state (where one exists) and the safety of a people. The evolution of this concept is traced historically variously through wars, conflicts, emancipatory struggles, colonialism, the Cold War and the establishment of international system. Discussion of these issues is framed by prevailing debates - of (neo)realism, liberalism and constructivism - over the status (and value) of international institutions and norms, particularly those relating to conflict resolution, humanitarian intervention, human rights and displaced peoples. We then consider how the concepts of 'national' or 'international' security are fundamentally transformed by (i) transnational dilemmas that undermine long-standing principles of sovereignty, independence and border integrity, and (ii) states\u2019 weakening capacity to deliver security outcomes. Thus we consider how traditional state-based threats interact with the incipient rise of non-traditional security challenges, from the terrorist attacks of 9/11 and fragile/fragmenting states, to new technologies of violence, maritime security in the Indo-Pacific, and proliferating cyber assaults on infrastructure and democratic processes. Theoretically and conceptually, throughout the course we reflect critically on the mobilisation of new security policies and transnational security initiatives to ask how the \u2018referents\u2019 of security are being changed, by whom and to what end. This element of the course reflects on the debates between mainstream and critical security perspectives on the state: querying how security is constituted; why and how policy issues come to be framed as security issues; and the ethical repercussions and ramifications for democracy.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7683": {"id": "E5Q6BkPafB6UAbK-nr6Q7", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "QAPzypOlky9zDNQzsqH_e", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11866, "section": "LE01", "size": 150, "enrolled": 98, "available": 52, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "Xyo8jJC3ffNdyNP70nJxt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13263, "section": "SE03", "size": 35, "enrolled": 33, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13265, "section": "SE01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 33, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18993, "section": "SE05", "size": 36, "enrolled": 32, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7684": {"id": "a4tm-oQyXTbZ3BzWKfiTC", "course_id": "110052", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110052", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Cyber-Politics: Politics & the Internet Revolution", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "POLIS", "CATALOG_NBR": "3003", "CLASS_NBR": 20616, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 6 units of Level II undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Group work and presentation, Quizzes, Research essay, Participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course examines how the digital age has transformed politics around the world. Information and communication technologies have deeply changed both the private and public spheres, the internet has radically changed the way people communicate with each other and interact with the state and private corporations. It has reshaped our economies, and created new opportunities for political engagement and organization. Citizens use the internet to organise protests and boycotts, but the internet is also a space where individuals may become radicalised. It provides a democratised platform for the production and consumption of information, but also lends itself to the proliferation of \u201cfake news\u201d, echo chambers and hate speech. Governments attempt to enact laws that control, censor, or monitor online interactions. But private corporations are similarly interested to control and utilize the internet to gather data on current and future consumers, and to exploit commercial opportunities. Similar opportunities are also sought by criminal actors, who seek to use the internet to pursue criminal, aggressive and terrorist activities. How, then, ought the internet be governed? Who should have authority to control internet access and content? In this course, we will explore this complex web of relations, dangers and opportunities by tackling questions such as: should the internet be censored, and by whom? Should hate speech be prohibited? Who should control access to the internet? Should Facebook be nationalised? What is the value of privacy? What impact is the internet, and particularly social media, having on the human experience? What is cybersecurity and how do we achieve it? Does internet communication favour populist and authoritarian leaders? How do these issues relate to one another and to conceptions of network neutrality more generally?", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7685": {"id": "a4tm-oQyXTbZ3BzWKfiTC", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "NNMtTKFdLKUC0-zlmliTC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20616, "section": "SE01", "size": 120, "enrolled": 57, "available": 63, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "7686": {"id": "fRGoDIIy1JrNhYkjED6fA", "course_id": "108310", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108310", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Politics & Internat Relations Research Project", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "POLIS", "CATALOG_NBR": "3106", "CLASS_NBR": 22644, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 15 units of POLIS courses", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "POLIS 3107, POLIS 3108", "ASSESSMENT": "Essay (5000 word), 3 x Paper critique (1000 word)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This introduces students to structured academic research methods and writing in Politics and International Relations. First, it aims at developing students' advanced research skills through the examination of research methodologies and academic writing skills, as well as the exploration of ethical and intercultural issues that may arise in the course of a scholarly research. Second, it engages students in critical discussions regarding research methods and conceptual approaches. Third, students will undertake a significant research project on a self-chosen topic and, at the end of the course, present and discuss their research findings to and with their classmates.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7687": {"id": "fRGoDIIy1JrNhYkjED6fA", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "J03Zh9boEt1kU8UUPXV1j", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22644, "section": "SE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 52, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7688": {"id": "0oZSMK5RrcWaF8SyBI7KV", "course_id": "108133", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108133", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Politics and International Relations Internship", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "POLIS", "CATALOG_NBR": "3107", "CLASS_NBR": 10134, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BIntRel & associated double degree students or BArts with Politics and International Relations major/minor", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 6 units of Level II undergraduate study with Credit average in POLIS courses", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "POLIS 3106, POLIS 3108, ARTSEXP 2001", "ASSESSMENT": "Project framework, Host report, Final project, Presentation/poster", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students will spend 150 hours working with a variety of organisations and NGOs concerned with public policy and international affairs. The attachment to these will in some cases include working with them at their offices, but the majority will be project-based. Included will be some 'virtual' internships and attachment with organisations in Europe, Asia and the Americas (including Human Rights bodies, international think-tanks, international affairs organisations, NGOs in the humanitarian area). These will be on the basis of students finalising a project with the organisations concerned, and then maintaining contact via Zoom and e-mail. A local supervisor will be in place as a contact point and adviser on the project. In addition to the project itself, there will also be some face-to-face seminars on cognate areas of politics and international affairs, report-writing and planning careers in the field", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7689": {"id": "0oZSMK5RrcWaF8SyBI7KV", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "Jhf8b7oVwkVj_WtnPtv6X", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10134, "section": "SE01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 20, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "7690": {"id": "-ZTQivp6Lg6qwicPV0AJ7", "course_id": "108143", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108143", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "South Australian Parliamentary Internship", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "POLIS", "CATALOG_NBR": "3111EX", "CLASS_NBR": 25951, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "Dependent on placement availability", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 6 units of Level II undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "POLIS 2112", "ASSESSMENT": "Research proposal 20%, Research report 80%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course offers students the opportunity to spend a semester as interns working under the direction of a Member of the State Parliament while completing an agreed research task. Students will be required to conduct intensive research on a single public policy topic (under the guidance of an academic supervisor). Final placement will depend upon availability and the application of an internal quota based on GPA. In order to complete the process of placement allocation, students should finalise their enrolment by the completion of the normal enrolment period and cannot be considered if not enrolled before 30 April.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7691": {"id": "-ZTQivp6Lg6qwicPV0AJ7", "class_list": [{"association_group": "", "groups": []}]}, "7692": {"id": "8_v4oV721Mxxd6FiX1ATZ", "course_id": "109530", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109530", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Environment and Citizenship", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "POLIS", "CATALOG_NBR": "3113", "CLASS_NBR": 92103, "SESSION_CD": "S01", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "12 x 3 hour seminars over 3 weeks", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "At least 6 units of Level II undergraduate study", "INCOMPATIBLE": "POLIS 2012", "ASSESSMENT": "Seminar Work 20%, Personal Reflection 20%, Textual Analysis 20%, Research Essay 40%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Environmental citizenship is an idea whose time has come. Governments around the world are recognizing environmental rights, activists refer to our duties to the environment, corporations present themselves as good environmental citizens, children are taught to be mindful of their ecological footprint, the media tell us repeatedly to reduce, reuse and recycle, and scholars have begun to consider all this under a new field of study called environmental citizenship. This course explores the many ways in which environmental concerns are reshaping our understanding of citizenship as well as how the language of citizenship (e.g. rights and duties) is shaping environmental politics and policies. The course is structured into two parts. The first part introduces students to the concept and theories of citizenship, exploring the impact of environmental concerns on formulations of citizenship, both traditional ones (e.g. national, liberal and republican) and emerging ones (e.g. cosmopolitan, ecological and ecofeminist). This part also explores the making of green citizens, and outlines the dominant articulations of environmental citizenship that emerge from formal education, news media and popular culture. The second part explores the practical manifestations of environmental citizenship, with specific attention to three major political actors: citizens, governments, and corporations. The content includes references to case studies from a wide range of countries, both from the Global North and the Global South. The course is designed to appeal to students interested in and concerned with issues of environmental sustainability, social justice and citizenship in the 21st century.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 23/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 25/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 07/02/2024"}}]}, "7693": {"id": "8_v4oV721Mxxd6FiX1ATZ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "yclxmxRmMkUBRaZFku1_J", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92103, "section": "SE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 27, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jan - 8 Feb", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7694": {"id": "MOHl_YAcbo24FULbmxhPr", "course_id": "110921", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110921", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "The Ethics of War and Peace", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "POLIS", "CATALOG_NBR": "3114", "CLASS_NBR": 23832, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 6 units of Level II undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "POLIS 2109", "ASSESSMENT": "Tutorial Work, Class Tests, Research Essay", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is concerned with the ethics of war and peace in international politics. The approach taken is theoretical and practical. Students will be introduced to the major theoretical approaches to ethical questions in international relations (i.e. realism, pacifism, and just war theory) and will be expected to evaluate their strengths and weaknesses as well as apply their logic and insights to specific cases and scenarios.The central questions the course will explore include: Can the use of force ever be justified? Is there such a thing as a just war? Can pre-emptive and preventive strikes be justified on ethical grounds? Are the tenets of the just war tradition applicable to 21st Century conflicts? Is humanitarian intervention an ethical practice or a useful instrument for powerful nations? Can terrorism be justified on ethical grounds? Should terrorists be entitled to prisoner of war status? Can torture be justified to combat terrorism? Should we pay less attention to the ethics of war and more to the ethics of peace? What should be prioritised in post-war contexts: justice or peace? (How) Should we remember the past: let's forget vs lest we forget? These and other questions will be explored through the examination of a wide range of events, both past and present, including: WWI and WWII, the terrorist attacks of 9/11, the 2003 Iraq War, the use of torture in Abu Ghraib, the killing of Osama bin Laden, the use of child soldiers in African conflicts, the 2007 cyberwar in Estonia, the 2011 military intervention in Libya, the tactics of Islamic State, the conflict in Syria, the reconstruction of Afghanistan, the tensions in the South China Sea, and the nuclear standoff with North Korea. The course will also examine the ethics of emerging military and security technologies, such as drones, robots, cyborgs, and cyberweapons.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7695": {"id": "MOHl_YAcbo24FULbmxhPr", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "7IQFo9ZQ4C-WLkBAwiPbg", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23832, "section": "SE01", "size": 130, "enrolled": 101, "available": 29, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "7696": {"id": "AhPedDvyAgvPIBd0vBlns", "course_id": "111288", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111288", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Australian Electoral Democracy!", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "POLIS", "CATALOG_NBR": "3115", "CLASS_NBR": 18590, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 6 units of Level II undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Seminar participation, 1500 word essay, 3000 word essay", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "Offered biennially", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Australia has led the world in electoral innovation, pioneering many practises that are now standard throughout the democratic world. It is also one of the most inclusive, agile and highly regarded electoral democracies in the world. The course will provide a brief history of Australian electoral experiments and then explore in depth its most important features as well as controversies around them. Shortcoming in current arrangements will also be scrutinised. Topics to be covered include: Australian suffrage rights in comparative perspective; voting and its democratic purposes; whether voting is a right or a duty (or both); compulsory voting, its pros and cons; whether voter turnout levels matter; the problem of electoral disinformation and its regulation in Australia; the growing problem of election conspiracism; the nature and ethics of militant democracy; securing electoral representation for indigenous Australians; addressing the voting exclusion of incarcerated citizens; exploring the voting exclusion of people experiencing homelessness; the ethics of lowering the voting age in Australia; and the problem of informal voting.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7697": {"id": "AhPedDvyAgvPIBd0vBlns", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "YYb-jYvqhbaQm5zI5CuDK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10940, "section": "LE01", "size": 120, "enrolled": 76, "available": 44, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "FIG50fDLDCN3wxB7_I-y_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13081, "section": "TU04", "size": 20, "enrolled": 17, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13082, "section": "TU03", "size": 20, "enrolled": 16, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13083, "section": "TU02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 8, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13084, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 20, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hartley, 108b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18590, "section": "TU05", "size": 20, "enrolled": 15, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7698": {"id": "_zl3LJbIcJB-S9bnrbkkR", "course_id": "109918", "term": "4462", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109918", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4462", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Political Institutions and Policy-Making", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "POLIS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7024OL", "CLASS_NBR": 62003, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to Graduate Certificate in Cyber Security [Online], Graduate Diploma in Cyber Security [Online], Master of Cyber Security [Online] students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "A combination of essays and policy briefs totalling 6000 words. An in-class oral presentation is compulsory.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides a general introduction to policy making principles and processes for postgraduate students. the course uses Australia as the main case study but provides comparisons to other states as appropriate. The aim of the course is to provide the political context in which debates about cyber security and other international relations issues takes place. The course utilises a number of approaches to public policy and administration so that students emerge from the course with knowledge about decision-making processes but also the assumptions and constraints which guide those decisions. We cover the main political actors, problem definition, agenda-setting, communication, institutional decision-making, and policy implementation and review.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 16/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 15/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 08/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 22/04/2024"}}]}, "7699": {"id": "_zl3LJbIcJB-S9bnrbkkR", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "D66rlWydXbBAVg8WmP7la", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 62003, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 1, "available": 299, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "7700": {"id": "jHy2Kgs1a3IMhrEOoRc_x", "course_id": "109918", "term": "4464", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109918", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4464", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "Political Institutions and Policy-Making", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "POLIS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7024OL", "CLASS_NBR": 64003, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to Graduate Certificate in Cyber Security [Online], Graduate Diploma in Cyber Security [Online], Master of Cyber Security [Online] students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "A combination of essays and policy briefs totalling 6000 words. An in-class oral presentation is compulsory.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides a general introduction to policy making principles and processes for postgraduate students. the course uses Australia as the main case study but provides comparisons to other states as appropriate. The aim of the course is to provide the political context in which debates about cyber security and other international relations issues takes place. The course utilises a number of approaches to public policy and administration so that students emerge from the course with knowledge about decision-making processes but also the assumptions and constraints which guide those decisions. We cover the main political actors, problem definition, agenda-setting, communication, institutional decision-making, and policy implementation and review.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 14/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 29/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 12/08/2024"}}]}, "7701": {"id": "jHy2Kgs1a3IMhrEOoRc_x", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "-ezXlm-VVOR_bW11lZUcp", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 64003, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 5, "available": 295, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "7702": {"id": "CPClVimVFWLEomPZVnkyL", "course_id": "109918", "term": "4466", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109918", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4466", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 6", "COURSE_TITLE": "Political Institutions and Policy-Making", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "POLIS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7024OL", "CLASS_NBR": 66003, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to Graduate Certificate in Cyber Security [Online], Graduate Diploma in Cyber Security [Online], Master of Cyber Security [Online] students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "A combination of essays and policy briefs totalling 6000 words. An in-class oral presentation is compulsory.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides a general introduction to policy making principles and processes for postgraduate students. the course uses Australia as the main case study but provides comparisons to other states as appropriate. The aim of the course is to provide the political context in which debates about cyber security and other international relations issues takes place. The course utilises a number of approaches to public policy and administration so that students emerge from the course with knowledge about decision-making processes but also the assumptions and constraints which guide those decisions. We cover the main political actors, problem definition, agenda-setting, communication, institutional decision-making, and policy implementation and review.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 04/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 01/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 18/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 02/12/2024"}}]}, "7703": {"id": "CPClVimVFWLEomPZVnkyL", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "dllS1n3DrQypVQnaS2aSA", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 66003, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 2, "available": 298, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "7704": {"id": "UMxzwzmufWr4zVUF20VSi", "course_id": "110405", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110405", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "International Security", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "POLIS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7026", "CLASS_NBR": 11175, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M. International Security students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online quiz 10%, Textual analysis 30%, Research essay 60%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course explores the transforming paradigm of international security. We engage with the latest debates, theories and essential concepts in the field of security studies, and apply these against existing and emerging transnational security dilemmas that affect nation-states and international organisations alike. We commence by interrogating prevailing notions of national security, sovereignty, and human security. Central to these notions are the preservation of stability and human freedoms amid (or in the absence of) inter alia wars, conflicts, emancipatory struggles, colonialism, the Cold War and the establishment of international system. The course encourages discussion of these issues through the lens of dominant theoretical frameworks including (neo)realism, liberalism and constructivism. These frameworks inform our substantive investigation, of designing effective international institutions and norms, particularly those relating to conflict resolution, humanitarian intervention, human rights and displaced peoples. We then consider how the concepts of 'national' or 'international' security are fundamentally transformed by (i) transnational dilemmas that undermine long-standing principles of sovereignty, independence and border integrity, and (ii) states\u2019 weakening capacity to deliver security outcomes. Thus, we consider how traditional state-based threats interact with the incipient rise of non-traditional security challenges, from the terrorist attacks of 9/11 and fragile/fragmenting states, to new technologies of violence, maritime security in the Indo-Pacific, and proliferating cyber assaults on infrastructure and democratic processes. Throughout the course, we reflect on the debates between mainstream and critical security perspectives on the state: querying how security is constituted; why and how policy issues come to be framed as security issues; and the ethical repercussions and ramifications for democracy.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7705": {"id": "UMxzwzmufWr4zVUF20VSi", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "n1qVyegMZogis-C2uWjx-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18896, "section": "LEC0", "size": 30, "enrolled": 7, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "8lLUZudU5Gx4Hr6GN2MK2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11175, "section": "SE01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 7, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7706": {"id": "Rq6Wh6K20hS1eWAM1Dq2d", "course_id": "110478", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110478", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "International Security Final Project", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "POLIS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7027", "CLASS_NBR": 11916, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 1 hour per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M. International Security students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Proposal 10%, presentation 20%, thesis 70%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is the capstone experience for the Master of International Security. Students plan and complete a research project on a topic negotiated with a supervisor, building on disciplinary content and methodology learnt in earlier courses.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7707": {"id": "Rq6Wh6K20hS1eWAM1Dq2d", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "FubLH2XUEpkatigJMlwLa", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11916, "section": "SE01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 1, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG19, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG19, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7708": {"id": "dvebCeJKe1PcKb7egh2Wu", "course_id": "110478", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110478", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "International Security Final Project", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "POLIS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7027", "CLASS_NBR": 21954, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 1 hour per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M. International Security students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Proposal 10%, presentation 20%, thesis 70%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is the capstone experience for the Master of International Security. Students plan and complete a research project on a topic negotiated with a supervisor, building on disciplinary content and methodology learnt in earlier courses.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7709": {"id": "dvebCeJKe1PcKb7egh2Wu", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "MIYtKFs8TmYpXcpJiXvGc", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21954, "section": "SE01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 5, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG19, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG19, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7710": {"id": "C8zU5TnKP76HHhX-v5132", "course_id": "110903", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110903", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Terrorism and Global Politics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "POLIS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7113", "CLASS_NBR": 20617, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Students enrolled in the Master of International Security", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "POLIS 2013", "ASSESSMENT": "Research Essay, Mid-Term Online Test, Final Online Test, Group Project, Participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course explores the influence of political violence \u2013 broadly defined \u2013 within contemporary international relations. The course traces the rise of existential threats to the state from non-state actors, it considers the spectrum of state and transnational initiatives and responses to ameliorate those threats, and reflects on how prevailing global political conflicts are refracted through the prism(s) of counter-terrorism.\n\nThe course begins by examining the historical evolution of terrorism, its causes/rationales and the major theoretical and conceptual approaches to the study of the phenomenon. It then provides a comprehensive exploration of the development of historical and contemporary terrorist groups, including the recent \u2018fourth wave\u2019 of terrorism (e.g. al-Qaeda and ISIS). The final part of the course focuses explicitly on counter-terrorism responses and counter- terrorism policies in the context of international security policy formulation. This takes the form of case studies that tease out the implications of terrorism for the security policy postures of key states in Australia's strategic neighbourhood, of Australia's main security allies in the Anglosphere and in the United Nations. \n\nTheoretically and conceptually, the course explores explanations of the nature and causes of terrorism as well as the logics underpinning individual (state) and collective (international) responses. It does so through an explicitly multi- disciplinary approach that incorporates historical (\u2018new\u2019 and \u2018old\u2019 terrorism); conceptual (state- sponsored vs. non-state; global vs. regional; biological, environmental, cultural, political); and geographical (Middle East and Africa, Eurasia, South America) frameworks.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7711": {"id": "C8zU5TnKP76HHhX-v5132", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "MnsOcS21RGc_LaBWcmNqG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21060, "section": "LE01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 10, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "UeYZLMVFzVGA7KrLJEMPe", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20617, "section": "TU01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 10, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7712": {"id": "1S6aBvwyAeT7kC7qtOOaK", "course_id": "110923", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110923", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "The Ethics of War and Peace", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "POLIS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7114", "CLASS_NBR": 23833, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Tutorial Work, Class Test, Research Essay", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is concerned with the ethics of war and peace in international politics. The approach taken is theoretical and practical. Students will be introduced to the major theoretical approaches to ethical questions in international relations (i.e. realism, pacifism, and just war theory) and will be expected to evaluate their strengths and weaknesses as well as apply their logic and insights to specific cases and scenarios.The central questions the course will explore include: Can the use of force ever be justified? Is there such a thing as a just war? Can pre-emptive and preventive strikes be justified on ethical grounds? Are the tenets of the just war tradition applicable to 21st Century conflicts? Is humanitarian intervention an ethical practice or a useful instrument for powerful nations? Can terrorism be justified on ethical grounds? Should terrorists be entitled to prisoner of war status? Can torture be justified to combat terrorism? Should we pay less attention to the ethics of war and more to the ethics of peace? What should be prioritised in post-war contexts: justice or peace? (How) Should we remember the past: let's forget vs lest we forget? These and other questions will be explored through the examination of a wide range of events, both past and present, including: WWI and WWII, the terrorist attacks of 9/11, the 2003 Iraq War, the use of torture in Abu Ghraib, the killing of Osama bin Laden, the use of child soldiers in African conflicts, the 2007 cyberwar in Estonia, the 2011 military intervention in Libya, the tactics of Islamic State, the conflict in Syria, the reconstruction of Afghanistan, the tensions in the South China Sea, and the nuclear standoff with North Korea. The course will also examine the ethics of emerging military and security technologies, such as drones, robots, cyborgs, and cyberweapons.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7713": {"id": "1S6aBvwyAeT7kC7qtOOaK", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "T09Y73RAOMKEqnxuTTV7b", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23833, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 14, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "7714": {"subject": "PPE", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "111158", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}]}}, "7715": {"id": "NEOBra6zoBMHvldzS9Uib", "course_id": "111158", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111158", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Choices, Models and Morals: Foundations of Public Policy", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PPE", "CATALOG_NBR": "3003", "CLASS_NBR": 14532, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students enrolled in the Bachelor of Philosophy, Politics and Economics Program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ECON 2507 and ECON 2514", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "At least 6 units of Level II PHIL courses and at least 6 units of Level II POLIS courses", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PPE 2002", "ASSESSMENT": "Major essay, Minor essay, Group presentation, Discussion preparation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Good public policy should be fair, effective, and rational. But all of these attributes are conceptually contentious. In this capstone course for the program in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics, we will take an interdisciplinary approach to these fundamental ideas in policy design and evaluation. The course will include at least the following topics: understanding theoretical explanations of social phenomena and the nature of economic models; the role of rationality in economic models (rational choice theory and game theory); causal models and causal inference in social science, and their role in policy interventions; the idea and reality of evidence-based policy; the nature of welfare, well-being, and welfare economics; markets and morals, including market failures; inequality, fairness, and distributive justice. The emphasis is on conceptual issues accessible to all PPE students. As a capstone, the course also provides a key opportunity for the PPE cohort to engage with one another.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7716": {"id": "NEOBra6zoBMHvldzS9Uib", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "2TNMXzI_hRzFmgn8iYuZw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14532, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 8, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Napier, 205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Napier, 205, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7717": {"subject": "PROF", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "109234", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111617", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111617", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "7718": {"id": "4esFbCnlQkAlKGPvX5oHn", "course_id": "109234", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109234", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Industry Project", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PROF", "CATALOG_NBR": "3510", "CLASS_NBR": 19721, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 81 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Minimum GPA 5.0", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written report, project outline and presentation.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Industry Project course will give you the opportunity to put your research skills towards an industry problem. You will build your skills in giving professional presentations, applying research to develop project outcomes, report writing and reflecting on the development of employability skills. Students are responsible for sourcing their Industry Project placement. In the course you will be supported by the academic supervisor to develop a project plan, presentation and written report.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7719": {"id": "4esFbCnlQkAlKGPvX5oHn", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "Y-eawBoLYRDQEXQX9SEv4", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19721, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 4, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "7720": {"id": "FBK_LtliaJXOuK5RNe_Ga", "course_id": "111617", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111617", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Graduate Career Readiness", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PROF", "CATALOG_NBR": "3883MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 19668, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Career decision making, Career theory quiz, Pitch presentation, Reflective report and portfolio", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Employers expect graduates to be knowledgeable in their field, ready to solve problems, demonstrate emotional intelligence and intercultural competence and be ready to work effectively in teams. This course is designed to assist students to develop these skills, make the most of the co-curricular opportunities that the University offers and advance their personal development and employment potential. This course will provide students with direct contact and learning experiences delivered by industry professionals on-site. During these industry visits students will have the opportunity to learn about workplace etiquette, problem solving, time management and the importance of creativity in the workplace. Students will participate in interactive workshops, reflective journals and produce a high quality CV and LinkedIn profile. As an outcome of this course, students will develop the skills and competencies expected by employers to increase their competitive employment advantage and achieve their career goals.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7721": {"id": "FBK_LtliaJXOuK5RNe_Ga", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "F3eMsKZ1UDKufOM1vwAvn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19668, "section": "SE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 6, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7722": {"id": "l1deA3S7l9MwmhVrHwIM5", "course_id": "111617", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111617", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Graduate Career Readiness", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PROF", "CATALOG_NBR": "3883MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 29528, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Career decision making, Career theory quiz, Pitch presentation, Reflective report and portfolio", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Employers expect graduates to be knowledgeable in their field, ready to solve problems, demonstrate emotional intelligence and intercultural competence and be ready to work effectively in teams. This course is designed to assist students to develop these skills, make the most of the co-curricular opportunities that the University offers and advance their personal development and employment potential. This course will provide students with direct contact and learning experiences delivered by industry professionals on-site. During these industry visits students will have the opportunity to learn about workplace etiquette, problem solving, time management and the importance of creativity in the workplace. Students will participate in interactive workshops, reflective journals and produce a high quality CV and LinkedIn profile. As an outcome of this course, students will develop the skills and competencies expected by employers to increase their competitive employment advantage and achieve their career goals.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7723": {"id": "l1deA3S7l9MwmhVrHwIM5", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "nfERL8_dBbT5-M7bcFB-8", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29528, "section": "SE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 1, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7724": 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1}, {"course_id": "108539", "term": "4433", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108539", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109965", "term": "4433", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108537", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108537", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108537", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108537", "term": "4433", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108537", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108537", "term": "4410", "offer": 5}, {"course_id": "108537", "term": "4420", "offer": 5}, {"course_id": "109966", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109966", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109966", "term": "4433", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109966", "term": "4410", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "109966", "term": "4420", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "108555", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108555", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108549", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108549", "term": "4436", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108543", "term": "4436", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108543", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108551", "term": "4415", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108540", "term": "4415", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108540", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108540", "term": "4433", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108540", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109967", "term": "4433", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108541", "term": "4433", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108541", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108538", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108538", "term": "4436", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108710", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108710", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108542", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108542", "term": "4436", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108544", "term": "4436", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108545", "term": "4433", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108545", "term": "4436", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108545", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}]}}, "7725": {"id": "Iq127ajb_8ZZS2H0gQiyJ", "course_id": "109388", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109388", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Foundations of Project Management", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PROJMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "1001", "CLASS_NBR": 11898, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080315", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, quizzes", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces students to the basic theory and principles within generic project management. It covers project management historical context, definitions and terminologies, the project environment and project manager roles. It provides students with an understanding in respect to project charters, project management plans and associated documents. It also introduces various tools and techniques as well as providing an overview of project management lifecycles, processes and knowledge areas.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7726": {"id": "Iq127ajb_8ZZS2H0gQiyJ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "pDqQr4rBRu5Bqco9Q4Hes", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11898, "section": "TU12", "size": 22, "enrolled": 23, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11899, "section": "TU11", "size": 22, "enrolled": 24, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11900, "section": "TU10", "size": 22, "enrolled": 21, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11901, "section": "TU09", "size": 22, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11902, "section": "TU08", "size": 22, "enrolled": 21, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11903, "section": "TU07", "size": 22, "enrolled": 20, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "5:30pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "5:30pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11904, "section": "TU06", "size": 22, "enrolled": 17, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11905, "section": "TU05", "size": 22, "enrolled": 22, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11906, "section": "TU04", "size": 22, "enrolled": 24, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11907, "section": "TU03", "size": 22, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11908, "section": "TU02", "size": 22, "enrolled": 21, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11909, "section": "TU01", "size": 22, "enrolled": 11, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5:30pm", "end_time": "6:30pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "Atl7dtue3hpkQrD04XAWb", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12770, "section": "LE01", "size": 258, "enrolled": 254, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "7727": {"id": "_WLKCzOXiETtCvhc-OTgt", "course_id": "109388", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109388", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 5, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Foundations of Project Management", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PROJMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "1001MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 19441, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080315", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, quizzes", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces students to the basic theory and principles within generic project management. It covers project management historical context, definitions and terminologies, the project environment and project manager roles. It provides students with an understanding in respect to project charters, project management plans and associated documents. It also introduces various tools and techniques as well as providing an overview of project management lifecycles, processes and knowledge areas.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7728": {"id": "_WLKCzOXiETtCvhc-OTgt", "class_list": [{"association_group": "", "groups": []}]}, "7729": {"id": "ahoWO6kA4oBYRiSlEDPdZ", "course_id": "109388", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109388", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Foundations of Project Management", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PROJMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "1001UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 19670, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080315", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, quizzes", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces students to the basic theory and principles within generic project management. It covers project management historical context, definitions and terminologies, the project environment and project manager roles. It provides students with an understanding in respect to project charters, project management plans and associated documents. It also introduces various tools and techniques as well as providing an overview of project management lifecycles, processes and knowledge areas.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7730": {"id": "ahoWO6kA4oBYRiSlEDPdZ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "R91gZfKbrVFK1De5qRj7t", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12452, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 16, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 310, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Badger, 125, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 310, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Badger, 125, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19670, "section": "TT02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 22, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 106, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 106, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "8zu4AEJ7Qr78TzdyIqzz7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18959, "section": "LEC0", "size": 48, "enrolled": 38, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "7731": {"id": "aOH07NUNr9yjzRLesZAL_", "course_id": "109388", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109388", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 4, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Foundations of Project Management", "CAMPUS": "UofA College Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "UACM", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PROJMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "1001UACM", "CLASS_NBR": 19440, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080315", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, quizzes", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces students to the basic theory and principles within generic project management. It covers project management historical context, definitions and terminologies, the project environment and project manager roles. It provides students with an understanding in respect to project charters, project management plans and associated documents. It also introduces various tools and techniques as well as providing an overview of project management lifecycles, processes and knowledge areas.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7732": {"id": "aOH07NUNr9yjzRLesZAL_", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "vgq_VEgK2bE-JNlwk4qpz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19440, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 13, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "1FwsadWWkGhlvg2L2UbwD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19568, "section": "LEC0", "size": 24, "enrolled": 13, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "7733": {"id": "B1zHOwdMZUf68S-cWDig7", "course_id": "109389", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109389", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Project Risk Management", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PROJMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "1002", "CLASS_NBR": 21894, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080315", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course covers the area of risk management in the project context. It highlights the importance of risk management and the need for project managers to think ahead in this regard. It contains essential risk management theory and concepts as applicable to project environments including project risk planning, preparation and response. It also overviews the areas of risk identification, assessment, monitoring and control. Qualitative and quantitative risk analysis techniques will be presented to students within this course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7734": {"id": "B1zHOwdMZUf68S-cWDig7", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "tCP304KacxvnN2hHN9ksL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21894, "section": "TU04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 21, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21895, "section": "TU03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21896, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 21, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21897, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 21, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "oPp80ngN8GjcCszw5ljUd", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22617, "section": "LE01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 87, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG29, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "7735": {"id": "C0hiiNt6BRAHjzDxZdER4", "course_id": "109390", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109390", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Scheduling & Cost Management", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PROJMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "1003", "CLASS_NBR": 21898, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080315", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course presents important concepts in respect to time and cost as related to projects. The area of time management will be covered with some emphasis on the scheduling of activities and durations and their sequencing. This includes studying the critical path method, project evaluation review technique, project schedules and Gantt charts, milestones and reporting. The cost management component will look at a wide array of cost related measures. This will include cost planning, project feasibility, cost forecasting and estimates, budgets, earned value management, project cost accounting, cost control and reporting", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7736": {"id": "C0hiiNt6BRAHjzDxZdER4", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "zsk-12CJCj7IUlQiz2U6g", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21898, "section": "TU03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21899, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21902, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "gm1flydWpxrkCSJu_PZng", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22618, "section": "LE01", "size": 75, "enrolled": 73, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7737": {"id": "Kd19z9P2CyNVEjxLv2UYQ", "course_id": "109928", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109928", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Project Management Methodologies and Concepts", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PROJMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "2001", "CLASS_NBR": 11911, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080315", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only BPM students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PROJMGNT 1001 and PROJMGNT 1002 and PROJMGNT 1003", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual and group assignments, participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course builds on the Foundations of Project Management course. It covers project management methods, agile project management, lean project management, soft systems, design management, total quality control and quality assurance, project communications, information and communication technologies (ICTs), project success/ failure, lessons learned and continuous improvement.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7738": {"id": "Kd19z9P2CyNVEjxLv2UYQ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "1aAdjRAKv77r6eeJ-2BEg", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11911, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "JkIyXlr0P0CIkEkvRnaMe", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12771, "section": "LE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 24, "available": 26, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "7739": {"id": "InZ3EOGcjuEmMu-s2rmFP", "course_id": "109391", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109391", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Systems Thinking and Projects", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PROJMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "2002", "CLASS_NBR": 11912, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080315", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to B.Project Management & Project Management Minor students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PROJMGNT 1001 and PROJMGNT 1002", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces students to general systems theory and systems thinking in the context of project management and practice. The course goes on to explore complex systems and some key aspects including system evaluation and optimisation. It also looks at the benefits in managing complex projects appropriately.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7740": {"id": "InZ3EOGcjuEmMu-s2rmFP", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "ublVvNMqtlENg5Sb-fPjW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11912, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 9, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 14 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 129, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11913, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 18, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 14 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "c3cOuOqurAflm-bLj257I", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12772, "section": "LE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 27, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "7741": {"id": "DzuQ_R77B462CWpeFgjWp", "course_id": "109392", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109392", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Leadership in Stakeholder Management", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PROJMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "2003", "CLASS_NBR": 21909, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080315", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to B.Project Management & Project Management Minor students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PROJMGNT 1001 and PROJMGNT 1002", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course studies the nexus between project leadership and stakeholder management. It introduces students to leadership concepts, behaviours and traits in the project context. It also looks at stakeholder theory and concepts, defines internal/external stakeholders and highlights the importance of effective communications. It brings these areas together in respect to leading teams, project culture, problem solving, decision making, negotiation and conflict resolution in the project environment. The course also covers the concept of emotional intelligence in respect to leadership and stakeholders.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7742": {"id": "DzuQ_R77B462CWpeFgjWp", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "f2JctHaav4257jvaq6sj1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21909, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 29, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "Nr6v5JauSVBp-6ca0ctS_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22619, "section": "LE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 29, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "7743": {"id": "qEi33bCuQvOWghjhDLfxy", "course_id": "109393", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109393", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Industry Based Applications", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PROJMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "2004", "CLASS_NBR": 22621, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080315", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to B.Project Management students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PROJMGNT 1001 and PROJMGNT 1002 and PROJMGNT 1003", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, presentation, participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course focuses student attention on the everyday use of project management knowledge and practices within various industries and fields. This will allow students to gather a broader appreciation of project management and highlight unique aspects within different types of projects. It will also introduce students to areas such as industrial relations, health and safety, and sustainability as applied to projects. A series of lectures, workshops and invited industry speakers will deliver real life practical information and scenarios associated with various industry sectors and project management. This course will assist in focusing final year studies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7744": {"id": "qEi33bCuQvOWghjhDLfxy", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "Gnezu3F7czWI19e1k0PF6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22621, "section": "TU01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 30, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "U4xFpc5hq_Sf6Tn2OYhYr", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22620, "section": "LE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 30, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "7745": {"id": "D2hp6c4-m9y2W-Bb66-si", "course_id": "109394", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109394", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Project Management Professional Practice", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PROJMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "3001", "CLASS_NBR": 12773, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080315", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to B.Project Management students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ECON 1012 and PROJMGNT 1001 and PROJMGNT 1002 and PROJMGNT 1003 and PROJMGNT 2001 and PROJMGNT 2002 and PROJMGNT 2003 and PROJMGNT 2004 and (COMMGMT 1001 or COMMGMT 1001OUA)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course allows students to pursue an industry or field as related to their interest, experience or background. The selected area shall be studied in detail in the context of project management. It will involve developing a project charter and comprehensive project management plan in respect to a conceptual project in the student's field of interest. This project will be investigated delivering outcomes that will assist students to understand the fundamentals and technicalities of a particular project as based within a professional process oriented project management framework.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7746": {"id": "D2hp6c4-m9y2W-Bb66-si", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "J1VdRqpfgAibFYTkIH1Pz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12773, "section": "PJ01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 34, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7747": {"id": "ofJ27YmmvELzSrxgZoCHe", "course_id": "109395", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109395", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "PM Research Methods", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PROJMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "3002", "CLASS_NBR": 12775, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080315", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available for BPM students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(COMMGMT 1001 or COMMGMT 1001OUA) and ECON 1012 and PROJMGNT 1001 and PROJMGNT 1002 and PROJMGNT 1003 and PROJMGNT 2003 and PROJMGNT 2004", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course provides students with practical knowledge on quantitative and qualitative research methods, techniques for critical literature evaluation, and skills to execute a research plan. Students will identify a research problem of project management relevance informed by practice and theory, and consider various research approaches and methods. On completion of this course students will be able to effectively design, undertake and communicate research issues. This course is a pre-requisite for PROJMGNT 3010", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7748": {"id": "ofJ27YmmvELzSrxgZoCHe", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "Sf-o7q1788uiSF1qEn0UO", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12775, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 31, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "RaySGsXOaj40SvC_DZv54", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12774, "section": "LE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 31, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "7749": {"id": "6LMnnuXD6e3G0qH2s8rf3", "course_id": "109396", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109396", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Project Procurement & Resourcing", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PROJMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "3003", "CLASS_NBR": 21910, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080315", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to B.Project Management & Project Management Minor students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ECON 1012 and PROJMGNT 1001 and PROJMGNT 1002 and PROJMGNT 1003 and PROJMGNT 2001 and PROJMGNT 2002 and PROJMGNT 2003 and PROJMGNT 2004 and COMMLAW 2503 and (COMMGMT 1001 or COMMGMT 1001OUA)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to develop student understanding in respect to making best use of internal and external resources on project based endeavours. It will cover recognised principles in respect to sourcing goods and services as well as appropriate personnel for projects. Topics will include procurement practice and planning, delivery models, documentation, tendering and source selection, contract administration, human resources management, team planning, recruitment and development.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7750": {"id": "6LMnnuXD6e3G0qH2s8rf3", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "S_lrI0_eVOoFwqrxpf_RF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21910, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 32, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "RAOWFXZm9A0Wvsdqxu6Fk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22622, "section": "LE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 32, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "7751": {"id": "h8r1YWZEefyOUqJH8feL_", "course_id": "109398", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109398", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Project Management Research Study", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PROJMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "3010", "CLASS_NBR": 22623, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080315", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to B.Project Management students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(COMMGMT 1001 or COMMGMT 1001OUA) and ECON 1012 and PROJMGNT 1001 and PROJMGNT 1002 and PROJMGNT 1003 and PROJMGNT 2003 and PROJMGNT 2004 and PROJMGNT 3002", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Project Management Research Study is the program's capstone course requiring students to deliver a detailed research report based on their nominated field of interest. The research study will follow standard research processes including topic selection and introduction, literature review, research methodology, results analysis and discussion, conclusion and recommendations. The course is intended to develop student research skills and enhance understanding within their field of interest.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7752": {"id": "h8r1YWZEefyOUqJH8feL_", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "hTQ5iKa8VDhqRRab_A8jG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22623, "section": "PJ01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 32, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "7753": {"id": "DTHQW7gHeEg6uS81xmIKN", "course_id": "110397", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110397", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Project Logistics and Supply Chains", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PROJMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "3030", "CLASS_NBR": 95068, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080315", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Intensive: 36 to 40 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Group and individual assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to deliver understandings within system support planning and logistics support over a project life-cycle. Furthermore, the implications of an extended supply chain are to be considered. The course will teach topics in respect to the components of logistics, logistics engineering and management, system design for supportability and continued assessment. Other areas that are covered include supply chain integration, information flows, materials, services, human resources and supply chain monetary aspects, tiered suppliers and technology coordination, supply chain enterprise architecture and waste minimisation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 24/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 28/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 11/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 17/07/2024"}}]}, "7754": {"id": "DTHQW7gHeEg6uS81xmIKN", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "jebskMzaAjPRY41vgiyqB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95068, "section": "SE01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 80, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Jul - 19 Jul", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7755": {"id": "heYXIZFDSxmsMpfZANfHC", "course_id": "109066", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109066", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Infrastructure & Sustainability", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PROJMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "3043", "CLASS_NBR": 92137, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080315", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Intensive: 36 to 40 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, quiz", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The objective of the course is to develop an understanding of tangible ways to improve the economic, social, and environmental performance of urban infrastructure across the design, construction and operation phases. The course will cover a range of topics relevant to current sustainable infrastructure challenges with a focus on the integration of the development, transport and energy sectors. The course is delivered in an interactive industry style small group discovery model and provides students with valuable industry ready knowledge and skills.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 09/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "7756": {"id": "heYXIZFDSxmsMpfZANfHC", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "Ifd3bWH2Yjcjv5MQzb5Me", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92137, "section": "SE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 17, "available": 43, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jan - 2 Feb", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7757": {"id": "F52eF9GOIODcxekC_spm7", "course_id": "108709", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108709", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Project Management Study Tour UG", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PROJMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "3050", "CLASS_NBR": 36333, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 80 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "Placements will be offered through an interview process.", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "One Semester of successful undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is an intensive overseas study tour with up to 80 contact hours expected. It will involve visits to overseas locations for approximately two weeks, and will involve academic seminars, group work, case studies, industry and governments visits and cultural activities. The course is focussed on Project Management. Students will learn what project management is all about; its importance and particularities, particularly in a foreign environment. The course will be relevant to students who are interested in basic principles of project management as well as sophisticated tools. The wide applications of project management, from daily routine processes up to highly skilled large scaled complex projects in industry will be revealed.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "7758": {"id": "F52eF9GOIODcxekC_spm7", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "UwCM5JStf0xJ4lI-E0Y8i", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36333, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment is by selection only. Please apply through SMART on the Study Overseas page"}]}]}]}]}, "7759": {"id": "ZtAM6cpKUZStfFXeniU5R", "course_id": "108539", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108539", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Risk Assessment and Management", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PROJMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "5004", "CLASS_NBR": 21925, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080315", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week in Semester; Intensive in Trimester", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Group and individual assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Risk is inherent in projects of all scale. This course provides students with the knowledge required to identify, manage, and monitor project risks using ISO 31000 and principles of systems thinking. Through local and international real world examples, students will consolidate the principles of risk management as applied during the various phases of large projects, programs, and mega projects. Students will gain the ability to act on early warning signs, using a systematic methodology to ensure that they are able to maintain project control in accordance with schedule, budget, and quality. Students will also consider methods for researching, identifying, managing, and communicating project risks to equip them with the competence required to lead or participate in project risk management teams.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7760": {"id": "ZtAM6cpKUZStfFXeniU5R", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "kqH2qu9GP2rLEgksnMgjK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22624, "section": "SE01", "size": 269, "enrolled": 262, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Note: This seminar can be viewed on the web via MyUni and so has no time or location allocated to it. Students enrolling in the Lecture can attend the live lecture if space permits."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 1 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "9XbujUOeLr_j0I45kkGT1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21900, "section": "WR07", "size": 22, "enrolled": 22, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21901, "section": "WR06", "size": 21, "enrolled": 18, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 29 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21903, "section": "WR05", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 216, Sarawak Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21904, "section": "WR04", "size": 22, "enrolled": 22, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21905, "section": "WR03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21906, "section": "WR02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21907, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 31, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 29 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21925, "section": "WR10", "size": 35, "enrolled": 34, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21927, "section": "WR08", "size": 48, "enrolled": 45, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7761": {"id": "ueNz1v7DbxxIkKRIhYMlm", "course_id": "108539", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108539", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Risk Assessment and Management", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PROJMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "5004", "CLASS_NBR": 30060, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080315", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week in Semester; Intensive in Trimester", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Group and individual assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Risk is inherent in projects of all scale. This course provides students with the knowledge required to identify, manage, and monitor project risks using ISO 31000 and principles of systems thinking. Through local and international real world examples, students will consolidate the principles of risk management as applied during the various phases of large projects, programs, and mega projects. Students will gain the ability to act on early warning signs, using a systematic methodology to ensure that they are able to maintain project control in accordance with schedule, budget, and quality. Students will also consider methods for researching, identifying, managing, and communicating project risks to equip them with the competence required to lead or participate in project risk management teams.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "7762": {"id": "ueNz1v7DbxxIkKRIhYMlm", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "eENpH_vWXaKZujKk8O7iQ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30060, "section": "SE01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 56, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jan - 1 Feb", "days": "Tuesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214/218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Mar - 7 Mar", "days": "Tuesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214/218, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7763": {"id": "V8icpwOMOuTMsIFXZvjev", "course_id": "108539", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108539", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Risk Assessment and Management", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PROJMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "5004", "CLASS_NBR": 36081, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080315", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week in Semester; Intensive in Trimester", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Group and individual assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Risk is inherent in projects of all scale. This course provides students with the knowledge required to identify, manage, and monitor project risks using ISO 31000 and principles of systems thinking. Through local and international real world examples, students will consolidate the principles of risk management as applied during the various phases of large projects, programs, and mega projects. Students will gain the ability to act on early warning signs, using a systematic methodology to ensure that they are able to maintain project control in accordance with schedule, budget, and quality. Students will also consider methods for researching, identifying, managing, and communicating project risks to equip them with the competence required to lead or participate in project risk management teams.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "7764": {"id": "V8icpwOMOuTMsIFXZvjev", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "48KhX1XF1BhQhPh2dfMD9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36081, "section": "SE01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 44, "available": 56, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "10 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Tuesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214/218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Tuesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214/218, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7765": {"id": "GG1teRy-hZlKuvDGN1-Ey", "course_id": "109965", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109965", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Risk Assessment and Management", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PROJMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "5004UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 30086, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080315", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual and group assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Risk is inherent in projects of all scale. This course provides students with the knowledge required to identify, manage, and monitor project risks using ISO 31000 and principles of systems thinking. Through local and international real world examples, students will consolidate the principles of risk management as applied during the various phases of large projects, programs, and mega projects. Students will gain the ability to act on early warning signs, using a systematic methodology to ensure that they are able to maintain project control in accordance with schedule, budget, and quality. Students will also consider methods for researching, identifying, managing, and communicating project risks to equip them with the competence required to lead or participate in project risk management teams.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "7766": {"id": "GG1teRy-hZlKuvDGN1-Ey", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "lLu6e58cxBzZS360u5sGm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30061, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 12, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jan - 1 Feb", "days": "Tuesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214/218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Mar - 7 Mar", "days": "Tuesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214/218, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "iWbNkWBlNB09Jut3NzBIx", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30086, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 12, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jan - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Darling West, 204, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7767": {"id": "ZMOurKNUWP7fkBq4-o9i7", "course_id": "108537", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108537", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Project Management Fundamentals", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PROJMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "5021", "CLASS_NBR": 92076, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080315", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week in Semester; Intensive in Trimester", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual and group assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces the context, rationale, strategy and tactics of project management from the perspectives of key stakeholders. The main model followed it is the international Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK - US Based PMI). Participants will be expected to relate the application of PMBOK directly to projects from their experience, and as a course assignment will be able to apply what they have learnt to an actual work place project. The context and learning of the course will prepare participants with competencies to operate in a range of industries, including engineering, information technology, consulting, production, procurement, maintenance, logistics and supply chain, defence, construction, and manufacturing. Key topics covered include project scope, time, resource and quality management, risk, procurement, integration, stakeholders, and communication.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 09/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "7768": {"id": "ZMOurKNUWP7fkBq4-o9i7", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "OJSu9UvVQPLLhWCKKoG4c", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92076, "section": "SE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 24, "available": 26, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "17 Jan - 19 Jan", "days": "Wednesday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 Jan - 19 Jan", "days": "Wednesday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Jan - 25 Jan", "days": "Tuesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Jan - 25 Jan", "days": "Tuesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7769": {"id": "SfUKC7wG_N-mtPZHRoU0U", "course_id": "108537", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108537", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Project Management Fundamentals", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PROJMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "5021", "CLASS_NBR": 19805, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080315", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week in Semester; Intensive in Trimester", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual and group assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces the context, rationale, strategy and tactics of project management from the perspectives of key stakeholders. The main model followed it is the international Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK - US Based PMI). Participants will be expected to relate the application of PMBOK directly to projects from their experience, and as a course assignment will be able to apply what they have learnt to an actual work place project. The context and learning of the course will prepare participants with competencies to operate in a range of industries, including engineering, information technology, consulting, production, procurement, maintenance, logistics and supply chain, defence, construction, and manufacturing. Key topics covered include project scope, time, resource and quality management, risk, procurement, integration, stakeholders, and communication.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7770": {"id": "SfUKC7wG_N-mtPZHRoU0U", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "JNXEjdgOHtAnt0_VGmpOe", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13761, "section": "SE01", "size": 529, "enrolled": 506, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "AqX7df7ApmBDV5vCVozIg", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12736, "section": "WR16", "size": 22, "enrolled": 19, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12737, "section": "WR15", "size": 22, "enrolled": 20, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14736, "section": "WR12", "size": 22, "enrolled": 22, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14737, "section": "WR11", "size": 22, "enrolled": 20, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14738, "section": "WR10", "size": 22, "enrolled": 22, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, 205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14739, "section": "WR09", "size": 22, "enrolled": 21, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14740, "section": "WR08", "size": 22, "enrolled": 20, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G13, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14741, "section": "WR07", "size": 22, "enrolled": 21, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Mar - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14742, "section": "WR06", "size": 22, "enrolled": 23, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14743, "section": "WR05", "size": 22, "enrolled": 21, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14744, "section": "WR04", "size": 22, "enrolled": 22, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14745, "section": "WR03", "size": 22, "enrolled": 22, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14746, "section": "WR02", "size": 22, "enrolled": 22, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Mar - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14747, "section": "WR01", "size": 22, "enrolled": 22, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14748, "section": "WR14", "size": 22, "enrolled": 22, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 111, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14749, "section": "WR13", "size": 22, "enrolled": 22, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19130, "section": "WR17", "size": 22, "enrolled": 21, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19754, "section": "WR19", "size": 22, "enrolled": 21, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19755, "section": "WR18", "size": 22, "enrolled": 22, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19772, "section": "WR21", "size": 22, "enrolled": 19, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19773, "section": "WR20", "size": 22, "enrolled": 22, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19783, "section": "WR23", "size": 22, "enrolled": 21, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG14, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19784, "section": "WR22", "size": 22, "enrolled": 20, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19805, "section": "WR24", "size": 22, "enrolled": 19, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Napier, 144, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Napier, 144, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Napier, 144, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7771": {"id": "rclM0tFFi9-q0ZS-jV1fl", "course_id": "108537", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108537", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Project Management Fundamentals", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PROJMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "5021", "CLASS_NBR": 24109, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080315", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week in Semester; Intensive in Trimester", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual and group assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces the context, rationale, strategy and tactics of project management from the perspectives of key stakeholders. The main model followed it is the international Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK - US Based PMI). Participants will be expected to relate the application of PMBOK directly to projects from their experience, and as a course assignment will be able to apply what they have learnt to an actual work place project. The context and learning of the course will prepare participants with competencies to operate in a range of industries, including engineering, information technology, consulting, production, procurement, maintenance, logistics and supply chain, defence, construction, and manufacturing. Key topics covered include project scope, time, resource and quality management, risk, procurement, integration, stakeholders, and communication.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7772": {"id": "rclM0tFFi9-q0ZS-jV1fl", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "WgZzJMA7rYLTrR9vjNkoJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23807, "section": "SE01", "size": 354, "enrolled": 334, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "kHNB7cnFouUeFQNgguqAI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22625, "section": "WR06", "size": 22, "enrolled": 24, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22626, "section": "WR05", "size": 22, "enrolled": 21, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22627, "section": "WR04", "size": 13, "enrolled": 12, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22628, "section": "WR03", "size": 22, "enrolled": 22, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22629, "section": "WR02", "size": 22, "enrolled": 22, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22630, "section": "WR01", "size": 22, "enrolled": 21, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24109, "section": "WR16", "size": 22, "enrolled": 23, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24110, "section": "WR15", "size": 22, "enrolled": 21, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24111, "section": "WR14", "size": 22, "enrolled": 20, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24112, "section": "WR13", "size": 22, "enrolled": 16, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24638, "section": "WR12", "size": 22, "enrolled": 17, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24639, "section": "WR11", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24641, "section": "WR09", "size": 35, "enrolled": 33, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24642, "section": "WR08", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24643, "section": "WR07", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7773": {"id": "MxxXbVfKqlfRrqnLdtPKV", "course_id": "108537", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108537", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Project Management Fundamentals", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PROJMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "5021", "CLASS_NBR": 30091, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080315", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week in Semester; Intensive in Trimester", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual and group assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces the context, rationale, strategy and tactics of project management from the perspectives of key stakeholders. The main model followed it is the international Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK - US Based PMI). Participants will be expected to relate the application of PMBOK directly to projects from their experience, and as a course assignment will be able to apply what they have learnt to an actual work place project. The context and learning of the course will prepare participants with competencies to operate in a range of industries, including engineering, information technology, consulting, production, procurement, maintenance, logistics and supply chain, defence, construction, and manufacturing. Key topics covered include project scope, time, resource and quality management, risk, procurement, integration, stakeholders, and communication.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "7774": {"id": "MxxXbVfKqlfRrqnLdtPKV", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "SbC3QoE92a2h16k9CC299", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30091, "section": "SE01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 71, "available": 29, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Feb - 8 Feb", "days": "Tuesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214/218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Mar - 14 Mar", "days": "Tuesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214/218, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7775": {"id": "Kwpx_fFC0jhUACvEMN0AM", "course_id": "108537", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108537", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Project Management Fundamentals", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PROJMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "5021", "CLASS_NBR": 36082, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080315", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week in Semester; Intensive in Trimester", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual and group assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces the context, rationale, strategy and tactics of project management from the perspectives of key stakeholders. The main model followed it is the international Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK - US Based PMI). Participants will be expected to relate the application of PMBOK directly to projects from their experience, and as a course assignment will be able to apply what they have learnt to an actual work place project. The context and learning of the course will prepare participants with competencies to operate in a range of industries, including engineering, information technology, consulting, production, procurement, maintenance, logistics and supply chain, defence, construction, and manufacturing. Key topics covered include project scope, time, resource and quality management, risk, procurement, integration, stakeholders, and communication.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "7776": {"id": "Kwpx_fFC0jhUACvEMN0AM", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "7K9MVwHgk6i-FOmROCSP-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36082, "section": "SE01", "size": 120, "enrolled": 75, "available": 45, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Tuesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214/218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Nov - 14 Nov", "days": "Tuesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214/218, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7777": {"id": "OkzzYPGopVIYvy6_KiQYo", "course_id": "108537", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108537", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 5, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Project Management Fundamentals", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PROJMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "5021MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 19834, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080315", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week in Semester; Intensive in Trimester", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual and group assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces the context, rationale, strategy and tactics of project management from the perspectives of key stakeholders. The main model followed it is the international Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK - US Based PMI). Participants will be expected to relate the application of PMBOK directly to projects from their experience, and as a course assignment will be able to apply what they have learnt to an actual work place project. The context and learning of the course will prepare participants with competencies to operate in a range of industries, including engineering, information technology, consulting, production, procurement, maintenance, logistics and supply chain, defence, construction, and manufacturing. Key topics covered include project scope, time, resource and quality management, risk, procurement, integration, stakeholders, and communication.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7778": {"id": "OkzzYPGopVIYvy6_KiQYo", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "lpkQOv0n4Tc51jaMEnxND", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19833, "section": "SE01", "size": 18, "enrolled": 0, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "99JokGtP0wQFH7jPAeNhG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19834, "section": "WR01", "size": 18, "enrolled": 0, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tuition", "id": "Fh7eVOCG-_gyM_Lxq719L", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19835, "section": "TT01", "size": 18, "enrolled": 0, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7779": {"id": "G3pZYqgAhq32u1lQSM5hl", "course_id": "108537", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108537", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 5, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Project Management Fundamentals", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PROJMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "5021MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 29564, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080315", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week in Semester; Intensive in Trimester", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual and group assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces the context, rationale, strategy and tactics of project management from the perspectives of key stakeholders. The main model followed it is the international Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK - US Based PMI). Participants will be expected to relate the application of PMBOK directly to projects from their experience, and as a course assignment will be able to apply what they have learnt to an actual work place project. The context and learning of the course will prepare participants with competencies to operate in a range of industries, including engineering, information technology, consulting, production, procurement, maintenance, logistics and supply chain, defence, construction, and manufacturing. Key topics covered include project scope, time, resource and quality management, risk, procurement, integration, stakeholders, and communication.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7780": {"id": "G3pZYqgAhq32u1lQSM5hl", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "rVPAswGKM-pcato8QaAUb", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29563, "section": "SE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 0, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "0F3N0ujZXpp56Qhas0D-6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29564, "section": "WR01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 0, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tuition", "id": "2R8M9GGi_3kKAudBBiOhV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29565, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 0, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7781": {"id": "UCcH2O-WUksznfYmG4eir", "course_id": "109966", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109966", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Project Management Fundamentals", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PROJMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "5021UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 12776, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080315", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week in Semester; Intensive in Trimester", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual and group assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces the context, rationale, strategy and tactics of project management from the perspectives of key stakeholders. The main model followed it is the international Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK - US Based PMI), however comparisons are made with PRINCE2. Participants will be expected to relate the application of PMBOK directly to projects from their experience, and as a course assignment will be able to apply what they have learnt to an actual work place project. The context and learning of the course will prepare participants with competencies to operate in a range of industries and apply the project management skills to projects in a variety of industries, including engineering, information technology, consulting, production, procurement, maintenance, logistics and supply chain, defence, construction, and manufacturing. The focus on providing competence in core areas of stakeholder, scope, time, cost and quality management, and facilitating areas of risk, procurement, HR, integration, and communication management is to provide competence in participants to confidentially deal with the ever growing challenges of modern day project management. PMBOK will be applied in developing competence suitable for a range of industries.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7782": {"id": "UCcH2O-WUksznfYmG4eir", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "f27h_GlHTPJn08ycXm1jm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13762, "section": "SE01", "size": 23, "enrolled": 22, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "T4bbWtvIbyMJ3XgAiyUI3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12776, "section": "WR01", "size": 23, "enrolled": 22, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "OkeFpAyVtn9Een_JJlHj_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14788, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 22, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 101, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 101, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7783": {"id": "LKqJgdINWAgF9RARm0FE3", "course_id": "109966", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109966", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Project Management Fundamentals", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PROJMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "5021UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 20819, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080315", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week in Semester; Intensive in Trimester", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual and group assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces the context, rationale, strategy and tactics of project management from the perspectives of key stakeholders. The main model followed it is the international Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK - US Based PMI), however comparisons are made with PRINCE2. Participants will be expected to relate the application of PMBOK directly to projects from their experience, and as a course assignment will be able to apply what they have learnt to an actual work place project. The context and learning of the course will prepare participants with competencies to operate in a range of industries and apply the project management skills to projects in a variety of industries, including engineering, information technology, consulting, production, procurement, maintenance, logistics and supply chain, defence, construction, and manufacturing. The focus on providing competence in core areas of stakeholder, scope, time, cost and quality management, and facilitating areas of risk, procurement, HR, integration, and communication management is to provide competence in participants to confidentially deal with the ever growing challenges of modern day project management. PMBOK will be applied in developing competence suitable for a range of industries.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7784": {"id": "LKqJgdINWAgF9RARm0FE3", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "dtYrk2xmi0HXwmb3Zg1Mo", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23808, "section": "SE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 23, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "lyqOKzvAQJI9VpVDRU3TY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20819, "section": "WR02", "size": 9, "enrolled": 9, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22631, "section": "WR01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 14, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "dtLa7vyknwHDBWFlNyfwH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24682, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 23, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 106, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 106, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7785": {"id": "CyyCAdXqV8bwxeqXfY9F7", "course_id": "109966", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109966", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Project Management Fundamentals", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PROJMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "5021UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 30087, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080315", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week in Semester; Intensive in Trimester", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual and group assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces the context, rationale, strategy and tactics of project management from the perspectives of key stakeholders. The main model followed it is the international Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK - US Based PMI), however comparisons are made with PRINCE2. Participants will be expected to relate the application of PMBOK directly to projects from their experience, and as a course assignment will be able to apply what they have learnt to an actual work place project. The context and learning of the course will prepare participants with competencies to operate in a range of industries and apply the project management skills to projects in a variety of industries, including engineering, information technology, consulting, production, procurement, maintenance, logistics and supply chain, defence, construction, and manufacturing. The focus on providing competence in core areas of stakeholder, scope, time, cost and quality management, and facilitating areas of risk, procurement, HR, integration, and communication management is to provide competence in participants to confidentially deal with the ever growing challenges of modern day project management. PMBOK will be applied in developing competence suitable for a range of industries.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "7786": {"id": "CyyCAdXqV8bwxeqXfY9F7", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "r7FGw82FsNO0m3PS_Pmf3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30092, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 12, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Feb - 8 Feb", "days": "Tuesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214/218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Mar - 14 Mar", "days": "Tuesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214/218, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "AEfGkZ12S8rhYOM2ezLl2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30087, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 12, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Feb - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Darling West, B03, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7787": {"id": "jEHNjEgqlxMstD3jn-7Ec", "course_id": "109966", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109966", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Project Management Fundamentals", "CAMPUS": "UofA College Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "UACM", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PROJMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "5021UACM", "CLASS_NBR": 19380, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080315", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Intensive: 36 to 40 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual and group assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces the context, rationale, strategy and tactics of project management from the perspectives of key stakeholders. The main model followed it is the international Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK - US Based PMI), however comparisons are made with PRINCE2. Participants will be expected to relate the application of PMBOK directly to projects from their experience, and as a course assignment will be able to apply what they have learnt to an actual work place project. The context and learning of the course will prepare participants with competencies to operate in a range of industries and apply the project management skills to projects in a variety of industries, including engineering, information technology, consulting, production, procurement, maintenance, logistics and supply chain, defence, construction, and manufacturing. The focus on providing competence in core areas of stakeholder, scope, time, cost and quality management, and facilitating areas of risk, procurement, HR, integration, and communication management is to provide competence in participants to confidentially deal with the ever growing challenges of modern day project management. PMBOK will be applied in developing competence suitable for a range of industries.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7788": {"id": "jEHNjEgqlxMstD3jn-7Ec", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "bftrovOKOvZXn5wZM2fNf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19378, "section": "SE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 4, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "vBEfzZPDXJHMK2C0ubN-P", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19379, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 4, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19380, "section": "WR01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 4, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7789": {"id": "Xe7mkHUNfkG8t1T2pziva", "course_id": "109966", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109966", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Project Management Fundamentals", "CAMPUS": "UofA College Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "UACM", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PROJMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "5021UACM", "CLASS_NBR": 29253, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080315", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Intensive: 36 to 40 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual and group assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces the context, rationale, strategy and tactics of project management from the perspectives of key stakeholders. The main model followed it is the international Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK - US Based PMI), however comparisons are made with PRINCE2. Participants will be expected to relate the application of PMBOK directly to projects from their experience, and as a course assignment will be able to apply what they have learnt to an actual work place project. The context and learning of the course will prepare participants with competencies to operate in a range of industries and apply the project management skills to projects in a variety of industries, including engineering, information technology, consulting, production, procurement, maintenance, logistics and supply chain, defence, construction, and manufacturing. The focus on providing competence in core areas of stakeholder, scope, time, cost and quality management, and facilitating areas of risk, procurement, HR, integration, and communication management is to provide competence in participants to confidentially deal with the ever growing challenges of modern day project management. PMBOK will be applied in developing competence suitable for a range of industries.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7790": {"id": "Xe7mkHUNfkG8t1T2pziva", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "cXRkr46O96_QxqFOFeloy", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29252, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 3, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "-V9r4Bwc46jWaJxALllyw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29251, "section": "SE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 3, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29253, "section": "WR01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 3, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7791": {"id": "TavxyeUMrQ4xZSAehp1BD", "course_id": "108555", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108555", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research in Project Management (12 units)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PROJMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7009", "CLASS_NBR": 12777, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080315", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available for MAppProjMgt and MAppProjMgt(ProjSys) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMMERCE 7039", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Completion of all core courses for the Masters of Applied Project Management", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The content is aimed at providing participants with skills in research such that they are able to conduct research at a level that they may enter PhD studies. The content covered includes some basic tuition on the structure of research methodology, and information about the knowledge and skills required to develop a research proposal based on extending current knowledge, testing it (probably quantitatively), drawing conclusions and commenting on these conclusions. The alternate path is to produce a capstone study which is a critical evaluation of and reflection on a student's Masters studies. The capstone study must build on a number of courses in the program. The study must either aim to draw conclusions from the examination of a number of courses or relate these to career choices and competencies required.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7792": {"id": "TavxyeUMrQ4xZSAehp1BD", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "FAD6E15Ps0FLH1zSZB98J", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12777, "section": "PJ01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Napier, 204, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 23 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Napier, 204, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7793": {"id": "QgnQZ1-q5yTlGzFSwW3oY", "course_id": "108555", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108555", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research in Project Management (12 units)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PROJMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7009", "CLASS_NBR": 22633, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080315", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available for MAppProjMgt and MAppProjMgt(ProjSys) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMMERCE 7039", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Completion of all core courses for the Masters of Applied Project Management", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The content is aimed at providing participants with skills in research such that they are able to conduct research at a level that they may enter PhD studies. The content covered includes some basic tuition on the structure of research methodology, and information about the knowledge and skills required to develop a research proposal based on extending current knowledge, testing it (probably quantitatively), drawing conclusions and commenting on these conclusions. The alternate path is to produce a capstone study which is a critical evaluation of and reflection on a student's Masters studies. The capstone study must build on a number of courses in the program. The study must either aim to draw conclusions from the examination of a number of courses or relate these to career choices and competencies required.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7794": {"id": "QgnQZ1-q5yTlGzFSwW3oY", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "TrDVYjDxdulTvUz3y7BGP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22633, "section": "PJ01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 4, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Napier, 204, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Napier, 204, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7795": {"id": "aw0o-klY76JIF2PN_kXpO", "course_id": "108549", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108549", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Project Governance and Contracts", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PROJMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7012", "CLASS_NBR": 19713, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080315", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Intensive in Trimester; up to 3 hours per week in Semester", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual and group assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Despite the application of the key project management elements, evidence indicates that there still exists a high proportion of project problems experienced during the 'delivery' phase of a project (resulting in schedule delays, cost overruns and/or quality concerns). Clearly developing a project management plan does not necessarily guarantee project success for the project manager. Project governance and contracting decision making need to be aligned with the organisation's governance model across the entire project lifecycle and therefore is a critical element of any project. This course develops the competencies for establishing and maintaining an effective project governance framework that enables and informs effective project decision making. It covers the key project governance and contract principles, in support of the 'prudency' and 'efficiency' of the capital spend for all linear type projects.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7796": {"id": "aw0o-klY76JIF2PN_kXpO", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "6oJFrjVLNr8MDFHYSnByr", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12778, "section": "SE01", "size": 220, "enrolled": 189, "available": 31, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "4uyy1xv_YY0OqWS7C-tJr", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11870, "section": "WR05", "size": 22, "enrolled": 17, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11871, "section": "WR04", "size": 22, "enrolled": 19, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11872, "section": "WR03", "size": 22, "enrolled": 18, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11873, "section": "WR02", "size": 22, "enrolled": 17, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11874, "section": "WR01", "size": 22, "enrolled": 20, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11875, "section": "WR07", "size": 22, "enrolled": 22, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11876, "section": "WR06", "size": 22, "enrolled": 20, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19558, "section": "WR09", "size": 22, "enrolled": 14, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19559, "section": "WR08", "size": 22, "enrolled": 22, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19713, "section": "WR10", "size": 22, "enrolled": 20, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7797": {"id": "7GptDQrf16UksawY5a3RP", "course_id": "108549", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108549", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Project Governance and Contracts", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PROJMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7012", "CLASS_NBR": 33080, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080315", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Intensive in Trimester; up to 3 hours per week in Semester", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual and group assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Despite the application of the key project management elements, evidence indicates that there still exists a high proportion of project problems experienced during the 'delivery' phase of a project (resulting in schedule delays, cost overruns and/or quality concerns). Clearly developing a project management plan does not necessarily guarantee project success for the project manager. Project governance and contracting decision making need to be aligned with the organisation's governance model across the entire project lifecycle and therefore is a critical element of any project. This course develops the competencies for establishing and maintaining an effective project governance framework that enables and informs effective project decision making. It covers the key project governance and contract principles, in support of the 'prudency' and 'efficiency' of the capital spend for all linear type projects.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "7798": {"id": "7GptDQrf16UksawY5a3RP", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "Y2uBgxjXMZuWScDtkWg6H", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33080, "section": "SE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 26, "available": 34, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "18 Jun - 20 Jun", "days": "Tuesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Jul - 1 Aug", "days": "Tuesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 218, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7799": {"id": "_D8BGi-YhlsY2t5q_6sBG", "course_id": "108543", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108543", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Complex Project Management", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PROJMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7024", "CLASS_NBR": 33081, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080315", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "PROJMGNT 5021", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual and group assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is intended to help students better prepare for managing complex projects in the current and future business worlds, characterised by emergence and uncertainty. A variety of relevant theories and tools are covered, including systems theory, systems thinking, and the concept of an evolving toolbox for complex project management. Real-life complex project management case studies are discussed in the context of the various domains, including air, maritime and urban transportation, construction, infrastructure, and disaster recovery. Topics include modelling and simulation, adaptability, agility, resilience, project scheduling, systemic risk management, and failure mode effects and analysis.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "7800": {"id": "_D8BGi-YhlsY2t5q_6sBG", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "JqKTwnmIqeflIMeKdqUwV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33081, "section": "SE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 11, "available": 39, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "11 Jun - 13 Jun", "days": "Tuesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Jul - 25 Jul", "days": "Tuesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 218, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7801": {"id": "woEIZAn89DF88mO6jJRpD", "course_id": "108543", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108543", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Complex Project Management", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PROJMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7024", "CLASS_NBR": 36083, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080315", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "PROJMGNT 5021", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual and group assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is intended to help students better prepare for managing complex projects in the current and future business worlds, characterised by emergence and uncertainty. A variety of relevant theories and tools are covered, including systems theory, systems thinking, and the concept of an evolving toolbox for complex project management. Real-life complex project management case studies are discussed in the context of the various domains, including air, maritime and urban transportation, construction, infrastructure, and disaster recovery. Topics include modelling and simulation, adaptability, agility, resilience, project scheduling, systemic risk management, and failure mode effects and analysis.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "7802": {"id": "woEIZAn89DF88mO6jJRpD", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "dd94DwQVYRuSy55oetKC4", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36083, "section": "SE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 32, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Sep - 5 Sep", "days": "Tuesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Tuesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 218, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7803": {"id": "LXDa-M-qpMFmif24oOSbr", "course_id": "108551", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108551", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Logistics & Supply Chain Management", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PROJMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7030", "CLASS_NBR": 95067, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080315", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "PROJMGNT 5021", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual and group assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The objectives of this course are to develop an understanding of system support planning, ensuring logistics support is effectively considered in a system from a total life-cycle perspective and to understand the implications of an extended supply chain. The content includes the functions of the various components of logistics, logistics engineering and management, system design for supportability, through to continued assessment of the overall effectiveness of support throughout the system life-cycle. Integration of the supply chain, flow of information, materials, services, human resources and money across the supply chain, coordinating technology across tiered suppliers, creation of trust, enterprise architecture in the supply chain, waste and minimising transaction costs are also addressed.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 24/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 28/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 11/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 17/07/2024"}}]}, "7804": {"id": "LXDa-M-qpMFmif24oOSbr", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "ai2z4TcGzY8aFsvuTn-p3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95067, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 14, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Jul - 19 Jul", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7805": {"id": "EDtU1UrwhIcOLspR1n-Is", "course_id": "108540", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108540", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Project Leadership and Communication", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PROJMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7038", "CLASS_NBR": 95290, "SESSION_CD": "WI1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080315", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Intensive in Trimester; up to 3 hours per week in Semester", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, quizzes, blog, classroom interactions, presentations", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Effective project leadership involves more than having a good project plan and telling people what to do. It involves effectively engaging with your team to provide them with the resources and the environment to care about and deliver the project\u2019s results.\nYou will analyse different models of leadership, which attempt to explain how some leaders are successful, and their characteristics. Students will consider how their own personality style affects the way they work with others and in teams. \nInterpersonal awareness, skillful communication and relationship building are key skills to building and guiding a high performing team.\nGood leaders are aware of the context of their project leadership in their organisation, cultural differences and internal organisational dynamics which can affect performance.\nWe explore how people management systems within organisations structure the way leaders can manage and influence staff to achieve project outcomes within legal and ethical requirements. \nThis interactive course combines theory with practical experience.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 08/07/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 10/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 01/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "7806": {"id": "EDtU1UrwhIcOLspR1n-Is", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "swxMX4OYs5hCPS7HVVw7y", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95290, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 15, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Jul - 3 Jul", "days": "Monday, Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Jul - 10 Jul", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7807": {"id": "BH6omh13_rGicXMbJgB79", "course_id": "108540", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108540", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Project Leadership and Communication", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PROJMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7038", "CLASS_NBR": 29562, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080315", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Intensive in Trimester; up to 3 hours per week in Semester", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, quizzes, blog, classroom interactions, presentations", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Effective project leadership involves more than having a good project plan and telling people what to do. It involves effectively engaging with your team to provide them with the resources and the environment to care about and deliver the project\u2019s results.\nYou will analyse different models of leadership, which attempt to explain how some leaders are successful, and their characteristics. Students will consider how their own personality style affects the way they work with others and in teams. \nInterpersonal awareness, skillful communication and relationship building are key skills to building and guiding a high performing team.\nGood leaders are aware of the context of their project leadership in their organisation, cultural differences and internal organisational dynamics which can affect performance.\nWe explore how people management systems within organisations structure the way leaders can manage and influence staff to achieve project outcomes within legal and ethical requirements. \nThis interactive course combines theory with practical experience.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7808": {"id": "BH6omh13_rGicXMbJgB79", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "W6yoxIGzOWSfWbt2aOa_h", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20211, "section": "SE01", "size": 190, "enrolled": 193, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29567, "section": "SE0", "size": 99, "enrolled": 78, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This class can be viewed on the web via MyUni and so has no time or location allocated to it. Students enrolling in the Seminar can attend the live seminar if space permits."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "kuAOTsLQk8HjlQl5hQY-0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21928, "section": "WR09", "size": 35, "enrolled": 34, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 29 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21929, "section": "WR08", "size": 22, "enrolled": 22, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 28 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21930, "section": "WR07", "size": 35, "enrolled": 35, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 29 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21931, "section": "WR06", "size": 22, "enrolled": 22, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 28 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21932, "section": "WR05", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21933, "section": "WR04", "size": 35, "enrolled": 32, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21934, "section": "WR03", "size": 22, "enrolled": 18, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 28 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21935, "section": "WR02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Schulz, 308, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21936, "section": "WR01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 34, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29562, "section": "WR10", "size": 35, "enrolled": 24, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "7pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 29 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "7pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 128, BankSA Teaching Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "7809": {"id": "OlfQTKFpsXaQAEZDaLq6p", "course_id": "108540", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108540", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Project Leadership and Communication", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PROJMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7038", "CLASS_NBR": 30093, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080315", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Intensive in Trimester; up to 3 hours per week in Semester", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, quizzes, blog, classroom interactions, presentations", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Effective project leadership involves more than having a good project plan and telling people what to do. It involves effectively engaging with your team to provide them with the resources and the environment to care about and deliver the project\u2019s results.\nYou will analyse different models of leadership, which attempt to explain how some leaders are successful, and their characteristics. Students will consider how their own personality style affects the way they work with others and in teams. \nInterpersonal awareness, skillful communication and relationship building are key skills to building and guiding a high performing team.\nGood leaders are aware of the context of their project leadership in their organisation, cultural differences and internal organisational dynamics which can affect performance.\nWe explore how people management systems within organisations structure the way leaders can manage and influence staff to achieve project outcomes within legal and ethical requirements. \nThis interactive course combines theory with practical experience.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "7810": {"id": "OlfQTKFpsXaQAEZDaLq6p", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "OTjAMD0_XEj-UIJz607vJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30093, "section": "SE01", "size": 106, "enrolled": 103, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Feb - 15 Feb", "days": "Tuesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214/218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 21 Mar", "days": "Tuesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214/218, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7811": {"id": "vayEQP3xTpiHx0ghQAqgc", "course_id": "108540", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108540", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Project Leadership and Communication", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PROJMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7038", "CLASS_NBR": 36084, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080315", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Intensive in Trimester; up to 3 hours per week in Semester", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, quizzes, blog, classroom interactions, presentations", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Effective project leadership involves more than having a good project plan and telling people what to do. It involves effectively engaging with your team to provide them with the resources and the environment to care about and deliver the project\u2019s results.\nYou will analyse different models of leadership, which attempt to explain how some leaders are successful, and their characteristics. Students will consider how their own personality style affects the way they work with others and in teams. \nInterpersonal awareness, skillful communication and relationship building are key skills to building and guiding a high performing team.\nGood leaders are aware of the context of their project leadership in their organisation, cultural differences and internal organisational dynamics which can affect performance.\nWe explore how people management systems within organisations structure the way leaders can manage and influence staff to achieve project outcomes within legal and ethical requirements. \nThis interactive course combines theory with practical experience.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "7812": {"id": "vayEQP3xTpiHx0ghQAqgc", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "uaOEUMZlld9KYLIPwC0bJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36084, "section": "SE01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 89, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Sep - 26 Sep", "days": "Tuesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214/218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Tuesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214/218, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7813": {"id": "GgbWk_UGzHmejVuTidIxr", "course_id": "109967", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109967", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Project Leadership and Communication", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PROJMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7038UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 30088, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080315", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, quizzes", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Effective leadership is more than being first or telling people what to do. This Course examines the context of leadership in organisations and cultures, considering the different models of leadership which attempt to explain successful leaders and their characteristics. Students will consider how their own personality style affects the way they work with others and in teams. We explore how people management systems within organisations structure the way leaders can manage and influence staff to achieve project outcomes within legal and ethical requirements. This interactive course combines theory with practical experience.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "7814": {"id": "GgbWk_UGzHmejVuTidIxr", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "9Ap9Eu8edJokxL7_FNec2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30094, "section": "SE01", "size": 14, "enrolled": 12, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Feb - 15 Feb", "days": "Tuesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214/218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 21 Mar", "days": "Tuesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214/218, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "aZSfjvmrbvXIyQn4cvtDy", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30088, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 12, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Feb - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, B03, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7815": {"id": "9kovlzzjuZeU-uE7T_8Yw", "course_id": "108541", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108541", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Portfolios and Programs Management", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PROJMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7040", "CLASS_NBR": 30095, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080315", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PROJMGNT 5021 OR PROJMGNT 5021UAC OR (PROJMGNT 5021UACA AND PROJMGNT 5021UACB)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual and group assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This unit specifically addresses how organisations deliver strategic goals and objectives through the selection of a balanced Portfolio and Programs of multiple Projects. This selection balances the needs of 'business as usual' with the need to be disruptive or face disruption in a rapidly changing market. This unit outlines how participants can gain competence in managing this balance of today's requirements with tomorrow's needs. Specifically, this unit will address how an organisation strategically applies management techniques to select, initiate, prioritise, executes and controls initiatives through Portfolio Alignment, Monitoring and Control. The course will also consider how an organisation can benefit from delivering multiple projects in a Program environment including governing, controlling and supporting the organisation's strategy through Program Management. The course objective is to build participants competence in managing portfolios and programs.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "7816": {"id": "9kovlzzjuZeU-uE7T_8Yw", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "x4f_EoBSq4lhJtr_u5HCU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30095, "section": "SE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 35, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "20 Feb - 22 Feb", "days": "Tuesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Tuesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 218, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7817": {"id": "U55thCRxJUPAXoniuZM5V", "course_id": "108541", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108541", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Portfolios and Programs Management", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PROJMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7040", "CLASS_NBR": 36085, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080315", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PROJMGNT 5021 OR PROJMGNT 5021UAC OR (PROJMGNT 5021UACA AND PROJMGNT 5021UACB)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual and group assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This unit specifically addresses how organisations deliver strategic goals and objectives through the selection of a balanced Portfolio and Programs of multiple Projects. This selection balances the needs of 'business as usual' with the need to be disruptive or face disruption in a rapidly changing market. This unit outlines how participants can gain competence in managing this balance of today's requirements with tomorrow's needs. Specifically, this unit will address how an organisation strategically applies management techniques to select, initiate, prioritise, executes and controls initiatives through Portfolio Alignment, Monitoring and Control. The course will also consider how an organisation can benefit from delivering multiple projects in a Program environment including governing, controlling and supporting the organisation's strategy through Program Management. The course objective is to build participants competence in managing portfolios and programs.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "7818": {"id": "U55thCRxJUPAXoniuZM5V", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "FIJqlzmEN60b4SKYuBEKm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36085, "section": "SE01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 55, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Oct - 3 Oct", "days": "Tuesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214/218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Nov - 7 Nov", "days": "Tuesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214/218, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7819": {"id": "PrC8009QP0OXyKRAxU83k", "course_id": "108538", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108538", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Systems Design for Projects", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PROJMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7047", "CLASS_NBR": 11923, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080315", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Intensive in Trimester; up to 3 hours per week in Semester", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual and group assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The content of the course focuses on exploration of complex systems and the key aspects of these and the benefits for managing complex projects and programs appropriately. There is recognition of reductionist thinking and its benefits and disadvantages; systems thinking and complexity are discussed; several system methodologies and Senge's system dynamics provide a context and specific skills. Major topics addressed include Network of essentially systems; Emergence; Self-organisation; Complex Adaptive Systems; Edge of Chaos; Systems design; Systemic structure; Systems tools; Mental models; Path history; Systemic and cascading risk and events; the Environment driving system scope and structure; Dynamism; Sense making and common meaning; Identifying leverage points; Systems intelligence.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7820": {"id": "PrC8009QP0OXyKRAxU83k", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "8T4ioCJ7FFws2IZjeYIyq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12779, "section": "SE01", "size": 104, "enrolled": 79, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "SoldBM8Ibe5intaf06h9v", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11923, "section": "WR06", "size": 20, "enrolled": 20, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11924, "section": "WR05", "size": 20, "enrolled": 19, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11926, "section": "WR03", "size": 20, "enrolled": 11, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11927, "section": "WR02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 11, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11928, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 18, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7821": {"id": "GNWfBXciyjWby5Oy9KY69", "course_id": "108538", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108538", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Systems Design for Projects", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PROJMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7047", "CLASS_NBR": 33082, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080315", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Intensive in Trimester; up to 3 hours per week in Semester", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual and group assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The content of the course focuses on exploration of complex systems and the key aspects of these and the benefits for managing complex projects and programs appropriately. There is recognition of reductionist thinking and its benefits and disadvantages; systems thinking and complexity are discussed; several system methodologies and Senge's system dynamics provide a context and specific skills. Major topics addressed include Network of essentially systems; Emergence; Self-organisation; Complex Adaptive Systems; Edge of Chaos; Systems design; Systemic structure; Systems tools; Mental models; Path history; Systemic and cascading risk and events; the Environment driving system scope and structure; Dynamism; Sense making and common meaning; Identifying leverage points; Systems intelligence.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "7822": {"id": "GNWfBXciyjWby5Oy9KY69", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "jxHMleBJT9L-e_wu-AUzu", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33082, "section": "SE01", "size": 120, "enrolled": 89, "available": 31, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jun - 27 Jun", "days": "Tuesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214/218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Aug - 8 Aug", "days": "Tuesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214/218, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7823": {"id": "n5oCTYoxJqbGFWfTY_6ug", "course_id": "108710", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108710", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Project Management Study Tour PG", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PROJMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7050", "CLASS_NBR": 29151, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 80 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "Placements will be offered through an interview process.", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "One Semester/Trimester of successful postgraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is an intensive overseas study tour with up to 80 contact hours expected. It will involve visits to overseas locations for approximately two weeks, and will involve academic seminars, group work, case studies, industry and governments visits and cultural activities. The course is focussed on Project Management. Students will learn what project management is all about; its importance and particularities, particularly in a foreign environment. The course will be relevant to students who are interested in basic principles of project management as well as sophisticated tools. The wide applications of project management, from daily routine processes up to highly skilled large scaled complex projects in industry will be revealed.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7824": {"id": "n5oCTYoxJqbGFWfTY_6ug", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "GK6Tuz_Vf4JcggkeQNKWo", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29151, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment is by selection only. Please apply through SMART on the Study Overseas page"}]}]}]}]}, "7825": {"id": "B8FiknIIQ4f2kUD5ZPhz6", "course_id": "108710", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108710", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Project Management Study Tour PG", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PROJMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7050", "CLASS_NBR": 36309, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 80 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "Placements will be offered through an interview process.", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "One Semester/Trimester of successful postgraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is an intensive overseas study tour with up to 80 contact hours expected. It will involve visits to overseas locations for approximately two weeks, and will involve academic seminars, group work, case studies, industry and governments visits and cultural activities. The course is focussed on Project Management. Students will learn what project management is all about; its importance and particularities, particularly in a foreign environment. The course will be relevant to students who are interested in basic principles of project management as well as sophisticated tools. The wide applications of project management, from daily routine processes up to highly skilled large scaled complex projects in industry will be revealed.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "7826": {"id": "B8FiknIIQ4f2kUD5ZPhz6", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "wnrv0NGTwGoD_O2BQ4LvB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36309, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment is by selection only. Please apply through SMART on the Study Overseas page"}]}]}]}]}, "7827": {"id": "EbN_OVc8EJUMiyfVlQA0V", "course_id": "108542", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108542", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Enterprise Transformation and Innovation", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PROJMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7056", "CLASS_NBR": 12780, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080315", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PROJMGNT 5021", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual and group assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course focuses on the importance of achieving successful and sustainable enterprise transformation and innovation in turbulent modern times. Companies face changes to survive or become successful in the marketplace. This course will provide students with a set of enterprise transformation principles and a roadmap which may serve as a holistic analysis framework for analysing enterprise current state, future aspirations and identification of actions needed to achieve successful enterprise transformation. The holistic analysis framework integrates many enterprise managerial concepts such as strategy, risk, value creation, organisational maturity, resources, process, IT, human resources, leadership and project management. This course will introduce each of these topics and how they interact with each other in achieving successful enterprise transformations. The course uses real cases to illustrate those concepts.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7828": {"id": "EbN_OVc8EJUMiyfVlQA0V", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "lkK56BdWUJiV-zkxYW6co", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12780, "section": "SE01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 58, "available": 42, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 2 Mar", "days": "Thursday, Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Schulz, 214/218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 6 Apr", "days": "Thursday, Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Schulz, 214/218, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7829": {"id": "gh4PY5MHRYRQfZmx3ARtx", "course_id": "108542", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108542", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Enterprise Transformation and Innovation", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PROJMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7056", "CLASS_NBR": 33083, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080315", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PROJMGNT 5021", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual and group assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course focuses on the importance of achieving successful and sustainable enterprise transformation and innovation in turbulent modern times. Companies face changes to survive or become successful in the marketplace. This course will provide students with a set of enterprise transformation principles and a roadmap which may serve as a holistic analysis framework for analysing enterprise current state, future aspirations and identification of actions needed to achieve successful enterprise transformation. The holistic analysis framework integrates many enterprise managerial concepts such as strategy, risk, value creation, organisational maturity, resources, process, IT, human resources, leadership and project management. This course will introduce each of these topics and how they interact with each other in achieving successful enterprise transformations. The course uses real cases to illustrate those concepts.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "7830": {"id": "gh4PY5MHRYRQfZmx3ARtx", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "PN7AqHhXEnekoKpFfbwpY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33083, "section": "SE01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 84, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "21 May - 23 May", "days": "Tuesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214/218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Jul - 4 Jul", "days": "Tuesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214/218, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7831": {"id": "WVG-3W-FEgRZhEYPNBcxh", "course_id": "108544", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108544", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Project Controls Method", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PROJMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7057", "CLASS_NBR": 33084, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080315", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PROJMGNT 5021", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual and group assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course develops the competencies for managing linear and non-complex projects, which were first addressed in PROJMGNT 5021 Project Management Fundamentals. It covers the key project management control techniques and tools deemed necessary to ensure project success. Particular focus is provided in the early phases of the project lifecycle in each of the areas of stakeholders, scope, time, cost and quality control, however, attention is also paid to risk, procurement, human resources, communication, procurement and integration of these. Cost and time management skills and contract management are also addressed.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "7832": {"id": "WVG-3W-FEgRZhEYPNBcxh", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "31Ylcg3H23dwNidsiL6ZB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33084, "section": "SE01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 74, "available": 26, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 May - 30 May", "days": "Tuesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214/218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Jul - 11 Jul", "days": "Tuesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214/218, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7833": {"id": "5LRvm__a3XFWHRyoseHLc", "course_id": "108545", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108545", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Project Management Research Project", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PROJMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7058", "CLASS_NBR": 30096, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080315", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to Master of Project Management and Master of Project Management (Complex Systems) students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMMERCE 7039 and PROJMGNT 5004 and PROJMGNT 5021 and PROJMGNT 7038 and PROJMGNT 7040 and PROJMGNT 7047 and PROJMGNT 7056 and (PROJMGNT 7024 or PROJMGNT 7057)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PROJMGNT 7010A, PROJMGNT 7010B, PROJMGNT 7009", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course asks students to undertake a capstone research project in respect to a topic of their choice as aligned to project management. The content covered includes reviewing published literature, building on research methodology knowledge, addressing the topic via qualitative or quantitative secondary research data and drawing conclusions in respect to research outcomes. Students will need to apply the skills required to develop a research proposal, presentation and final report based on extending current knowledge.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "7834": {"id": "5LRvm__a3XFWHRyoseHLc", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "axQbVbJtzMCcn1c_breCp", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30096, "section": "PJ01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jan - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Apr - 22 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7835": {"id": "9g8RypUs5-dL4N2fYv9sw", "course_id": "108545", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108545", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Project Management Research Project", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PROJMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7058", "CLASS_NBR": 33085, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080315", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to Master of Project Management and Master of Project Management (Complex Systems) students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMMERCE 7039 and PROJMGNT 5004 and PROJMGNT 5021 and PROJMGNT 7038 and PROJMGNT 7040 and PROJMGNT 7047 and PROJMGNT 7056 and (PROJMGNT 7024 or PROJMGNT 7057)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PROJMGNT 7010A, PROJMGNT 7010B, PROJMGNT 7009", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course asks students to undertake a capstone research project in respect to a topic of their choice as aligned to project management. The content covered includes reviewing published literature, building on research methodology knowledge, addressing the topic via qualitative or quantitative secondary research data and drawing conclusions in respect to research outcomes. Students will need to apply the skills required to develop a research proposal, presentation and final report based on extending current knowledge.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "7836": {"id": "9g8RypUs5-dL4N2fYv9sw", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "cFiHbuZ8EHijl_hOgG2nX", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33085, "section": "PJ01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 5, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 May - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7837": {"id": "Z6CpSqWLn_Pm91GxaDrqk", "course_id": "108545", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108545", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Project Management Research Project", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PROJMGNT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7058", "CLASS_NBR": 36086, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080315", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to Master of Project Management and Master of Project Management (Complex Systems) students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMMERCE 7039 and PROJMGNT 5004 and PROJMGNT 5021 and PROJMGNT 7038 and PROJMGNT 7040 and PROJMGNT 7047 and PROJMGNT 7056 and (PROJMGNT 7024 or PROJMGNT 7057)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PROJMGNT 7010A, PROJMGNT 7010B, PROJMGNT 7009", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course asks students to undertake a capstone research project in respect to a topic of their choice as aligned to project management. The content covered includes reviewing published literature, building on research methodology knowledge, addressing the topic via qualitative or quantitative secondary research data and drawing conclusions in respect to research outcomes. Students will need to apply the skills required to develop a research proposal, presentation and final report based on extending current knowledge.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "7838": {"id": "Z6CpSqWLn_Pm91GxaDrqk", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "pk22I0oCBgGQpMm7VQES8", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36086, "section": "PJ01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 24, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Sep - 20 Nov", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7839": {"subject": "PROP", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "107912", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109226", "term": "4410", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "108361", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109225", "term": "4420", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "108325", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108325", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110973", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110973", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "7840": {"id": "L_tZ7DxD3MrVLNJT1-B0b", "course_id": "107912", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107912", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Development and Construction", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PROP", "CATALOG_NBR": "7000", "CLASS_NBR": 19723, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "040100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Master of Property, Master of Construction Management, Master of Architecture students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Site Analysis Report (20%); Highest and Best Use Analysis Report (40%); Concept Design (40%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to provide an introduction and overview of the urban development process. It explores the structure and organisation of the development industry and examines the production of urban development as a process. This exploration includes development feasibility studies including site and market analysis and regulatory and construction aspects. Emphasis is placed on the constructability of urban developments including a discussion of different construction techniques, site constraints, regulatory constraints such as fire and disability access and the cost of different construction methods, materials and finishes. The sustainability of buildings in respect of construction and life cycle performance is also addressed.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7841": {"id": "L_tZ7DxD3MrVLNJT1-B0b", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "BmZtPFW1wkQ94vrnMpeSv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10370, "section": "WR05", "size": 27, "enrolled": 27, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 528, Studio"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 528, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10662, "section": "WR04", "size": 27, "enrolled": 27, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 528, Studio"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 528, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10663, "section": "WR03", "size": 27, "enrolled": 26, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10664, "section": "WR02", "size": 27, "enrolled": 25, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10665, "section": "WR01", "size": 27, "enrolled": 27, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 528, Studio"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 528, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14416, "section": "WR07", "size": 27, "enrolled": 25, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 527, East Gallery"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 527, East Gallery"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14417, "section": "WR06", "size": 27, "enrolled": 27, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 528, Studio"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 528, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19597, "section": "WR09", "size": 27, "enrolled": 26, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 511, Studio"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 511, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19598, "section": "WR08", "size": 27, "enrolled": 26, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 528, Studio"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 528, Studio"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "YwdlHF7S-DLzS6hdvfmM2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11297, "section": "LE01", "size": 244, "enrolled": 236, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "7842": {"id": "nsRpkJzgb_nYhOUD4a3Xa", "course_id": "109226", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109226", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Property Research and Marketing", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PROP", "CATALOG_NBR": "7001", "CLASS_NBR": 19283, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "040199", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Master of Property, Master of Construction Management students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quiz -15%, Project 1 - 35%, Project 2 - 50%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course develops the strategic 'meta-skills' necessary for real estate professionals to manage complex client problems. It includes communication, problem definition and research methods to enhance real estate decision making. The course makes explicit linkages to other relevant courses, demonstrating how marketing underpins the development of real estate products.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7843": {"id": "nsRpkJzgb_nYhOUD4a3Xa", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "LQ-L6Nqtcy2FBzFQc_xKS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10659, "section": "WR02", "size": 50, "enrolled": 7, "available": 43, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "7pm", "end_time": "9pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "7pm", "end_time": "9pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10660, "section": "WR01", "size": 21, "enrolled": 19, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14418, "section": "WR03", "size": 21, "enrolled": 21, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 524, West Gallery"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 524, West Gallery"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19256, "section": "WR05", "size": 21, "enrolled": 12, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "7pm", "end_time": "9pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "7pm", "end_time": "9pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19257, "section": "WR04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 21, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19283, "section": "WR06", "size": 60, "enrolled": 42, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "n2MTpE0y_kYgaQInjwWCf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18713, "section": "LEC0", "size": 184, "enrolled": 122, "available": 62, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "7844": {"id": "OAJLYd_MDFN_NH91Or9fH", "course_id": "108361", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108361", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "International Property", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PROP", "CATALOG_NBR": "7002", "CLASS_NBR": 20591, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "040199", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "The course focuses on property development in an international context, examining development in a different regulatory and cultural context. There is an OPTIONAL 7-10 day study tour, which if taken, will incur additional costs above the course fee.", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Master of Property and Master of Construction Management students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PROP 7000 (if not completed, prior learning may apply. Please contact the Course Coordinator)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "The development process, property market economics and research, property valuation", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "\u00adPre-departure preparation 20%, \u00adattendance and participation 10%, final report and presentation 70%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course focuses on property development in a 'world city', either an international location outside of Australia, or a major city within Australia. It examines the development process, using models previously taught, but in a different legal, regulatory, professional, economic, cultural and climatic context.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7845": {"id": "OAJLYd_MDFN_NH91Or9fH", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "iVt8XEAxoZN178ze1-0C_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20591, "section": "WR02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 7, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "16 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "6pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 524, West Gallery"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20592, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 6, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "16 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 524, West Gallery"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "hz-4bigIx77-2YCcEyDQp", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28660, "section": "LEC0", "size": 20, "enrolled": 13, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "7846": {"id": "KGJLAhbkMHSZHeeQXZlnS", "course_id": "109225", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109225", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Property Asset Management", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PROP", "CATALOG_NBR": "7003", "CLASS_NBR": 29601, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "040107", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Master of Property, Master of Construction Management students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Test (20%), written analysis (40%), presentation and report (40%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to explore the management of completed developments, which is required in order to sustain or enhance the value of the asset. All developments require asset management after completion; some developers hold their developments as investments, others sell them on to a range of investors. The course will examine asset management strategies designed to enhance value, mitigate the impacts of depreciation and obsolescence and provide a clean, safe, sustainable and attractive environment.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7847": {"id": "KGJLAhbkMHSZHeeQXZlnS", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "6L0Wexe_QaYj_PD6crlQ5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20589, "section": "WR02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 18, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "7pm", "end_time": "9pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 524, West Gallery"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "7pm", "end_time": "9pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 524, West Gallery"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20590, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 14, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 524, West Gallery"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 524, West Gallery"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29474, "section": "WR03", "size": 20, "enrolled": 19, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 528, Studio"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 528, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29475, "section": "WR04", "size": 20, "enrolled": 16, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 522a/522b, Studio"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29601, "section": "WR05", "size": 20, "enrolled": 5, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 528, Studio"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 528, Studio"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "f7xtE1THRpzgBJ3p0qwA5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28661, "section": "LEC0", "size": 100, "enrolled": 72, "available": 28, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "7848": {"id": "ap37a_jmEOL2sOPxTf4Oe", "course_id": "108325", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108325", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Property Dissertation", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PROP", "CATALOG_NBR": "7004", "CLASS_NBR": 10661, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "040199", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Master of Property students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ARCH 7042", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Property development, valuation, economics and marketing", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Attendance and participation 10%, interim report 20%, Final dissertation 70%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "An independent research study or project which addresses a question or topic relevant to the development or management of property.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7849": {"id": "ap37a_jmEOL2sOPxTf4Oe", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "dLJf_zHH091DfG0cKsQKE", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10661, "section": "WR01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 2, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 513, Studio"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 25 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 513, Studio"}, {"dates": "16 May - 16 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 513, Studio"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "QbA6rfDq9Mo5tfT_CNlfF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18716, "section": "LEC0", "size": 15, "enrolled": 2, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "7850": {"id": "PohuaAZ2ibDt4o0KNSAjd", "course_id": "108325", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108325", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Property Dissertation", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PROP", "CATALOG_NBR": "7004", "CLASS_NBR": 20588, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "040199", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Master of Property students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ARCH 7042", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Property development, valuation, economics and marketing", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Attendance and participation 10%, interim report 20%, Final dissertation 70%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "An independent research study or project which addresses a question or topic relevant to the development or management of property.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7851": {"id": "PohuaAZ2ibDt4o0KNSAjd", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "5JzI6myUFnmUj1pBqvSDT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20588, "section": "WR01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 6, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 513, Studio"}, {"dates": "3 Sep - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 513, Studio"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 513, Studio"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "_bDzhHd5JXRbxK_qNaZIU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28662, "section": "LEC0", "size": 15, "enrolled": 6, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "7852": {"id": "6ctZw99ow-BLYN5b1XJtS", "course_id": "110973", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110973", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Property and Valuation - Property, People and Profit", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PROP", "CATALOG_NBR": "7005", "CLASS_NBR": 10649, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "089903", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CORPFIN 7049", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment, Quizzes", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "Y", "SYLLABUS": "This introductory course helps to explain the world of property and will provide you with an understanding as to how property works in real life and equip you with the tools to be able to value property, whether it is a flat, house or commercial property.\nProperty is fundamental to our lives. Everyone lives in a property and most of us work inside a property. Understanding how property works is a key real-life lesson, whether you are looking to make a profit from investing in property or buying a home \n\nThis course is compulsory for all students studying the Master of Property. The course has been structured to also cater for non-Property students who are wanting to enrol in an elective course that can provide them with the basic knowledge that is required when buying property, whether it is your first home, dream home or an investment property. \n\nThere is no assumed knowledge, pre-requisite or co-requisite courses if you choose to enrol in this course. Where possible, the assessments are based on the real-life property market. The learnings from the course and assessments can be transferred so that you better understand property in the wider context and how to determine the value of an extensive ranqe of properties.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7853": {"id": "6ctZw99ow-BLYN5b1XJtS", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "cx5bWTJ--I7Fsf7E1PHjg", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11198, "section": "LE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 14, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "12 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 510, Studio"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 510, Studio"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "hs_DKn2ZbzasIZPa0_atV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10649, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 14, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "12 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 510, Studio"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 510, Studio"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Fieldwork", "id": "Kzrd_yo-Ut5Bd1D7ZzSLF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13607, "section": "FL01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 14, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Fieldwork", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Apr - 6 Apr", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}]}]}]}]}, "7854": {"id": "upWRNcr0a--7FOesr4R_K", "course_id": "110973", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110973", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Property and Valuation - Property, People and Profit", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PROP", "CATALOG_NBR": "7005", "CLASS_NBR": 20568, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "089903", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "CORPFIN 7049", "ASSESSMENT": "Assessment, Quizzes", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "Y", "SYLLABUS": "This introductory course helps to explain the world of property and will provide you with an understanding as to how property works in real life and equip you with the tools to be able to value property, whether it is a flat, house or commercial property.\nProperty is fundamental to our lives. Everyone lives in a property and most of us work inside a property. Understanding how property works is a key real-life lesson, whether you are looking to make a profit from investing in property or buying a home \n\nThis course is compulsory for all students studying the Master of Property. The course has been structured to also cater for non-Property students who are wanting to enrol in an elective course that can provide them with the basic knowledge that is required when buying property, whether it is your first home, dream home or an investment property. \n\nThere is no assumed knowledge, pre-requisite or co-requisite courses if you choose to enrol in this course. Where possible, the assessments are based on the real-life property market. The learnings from the course and assessments can be transferred so that you better understand property in the wider context and how to determine the value of an extensive ranqe of properties.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7855": {"id": "upWRNcr0a--7FOesr4R_K", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "sOe8GqHip79PwuVTwYCIT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21139, "section": "LE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 12, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Aug - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "The Braggs, 425, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "The Braggs, 425, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "iSsD7dFGqtKvIlDbF72tw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20568, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 12, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Aug - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Fieldwork", "id": "3caIJ_TrH5L_I6V4MtI0A", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23653, "section": "FL01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 12, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Fieldwork", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Sep - 7 Sep", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}]}]}]}]}, "7856": {"subject": "PSYCHIAT", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "107425", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108501", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}]}}, "7857": {"id": "fgmJdv5hQrEh-eddcMsip", "course_id": "107425", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107425", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Fundamentals of Biological Psychiatry", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHIAT", "CATALOG_NBR": "3200", "CLASS_NBR": 22481, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to 2nd year MBBS students; 3rd year BPSYC and 3rd year BHMS students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "HLTH SC 2104 or ANAT SC 2006 or MEDIC ST 1000B", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Literature Review, Group journal club presentation, Mid-semester in-class test, Final Exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to convey fundamental knowledge and understanding of Biological Psychiatry. Biological Psychiatry represents a multidisciplinary approach towards understanding psychiatric disease with input from the fields of genetics, biochemistry, molecular biology, and neurobiology. The course will begin with material introducing the field of Biological Psychiatry and will then go on to elucidate some of the more prevalent psychiatric disorders affecting Australia (both indigenous populations and otherwise) and the rest of the world. Subsequent material will then cover the scientific approaches and techniques commonly used in the field of Biological Psychiatry to investigate the causes, the underlying biological mechanisms, as well as potential therapeutic interventions relevant for psychiatric disorders.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7858": {"id": "fgmJdv5hQrEh-eddcMsip", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "iNiIc4kpBJcEUmHO5SXlf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29045, "section": "LEC0", "size": 60, "enrolled": 55, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "aJny3RvotibdfSA13tzqE", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22480, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22481, "section": "TU02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 27, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7859": {"id": "NSs_ckXmQkSDnMvagPPvT", "course_id": "108501", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108501", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Psychiatry Research Project Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHIAT", "CATALOG_NBR": "4400B", "CLASS_NBR": 18846, "SESSION_CD": "FM2", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "BHlthMedSc (Hons) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHIAT 4400A and HLTH SC 4201OL and HLTH SC 4200", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research Proposal Seminar, Conference Poster Presentation, Thesis, Thesis Oral Defence, Supervisor Assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, students will develop a research question that they will address by designing a research project. They will then collect and analyse data for their project, and report the outcomes in both oral and written forms. Throughout the course, they will apply the skills developed during the Honours Medicine Research Skills course, which runs in parallel with their research project", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7860": {"id": "NSs_ckXmQkSDnMvagPPvT", "class_list": [{"association_group": "", "groups": []}]}, "7861": {"subject": "PSYCHOL", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "015104", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "005104", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106483", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109256", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109258", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109686", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107719", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107719", "term": "4436", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105064", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105066", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105068", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105070", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109257", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109257", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109687", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110202", "term": "4415", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109688", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109692", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105111", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105112", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105114", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105116", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106028", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106031", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110375", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110375", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111093", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111093", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108751", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108752", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108753", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108754", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108758", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110537", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110538", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110655", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111342", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110056", "term": "4461", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110056", "term": "4462", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110056", "term": "4463", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110056", "term": "4464", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110056", "term": "4465", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110056", "term": "4466", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110057", "term": "4461", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110057", "term": "4462", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110057", "term": "4463", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110057", "term": "4464", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110057", "term": "4465", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110057", "term": "4466", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110058", "term": "4461", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110058", "term": "4465", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110059", "term": "4464", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110062", "term": "4462", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110062", "term": "4466", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110063", "term": "4463", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110064", "term": "4463", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110065", "term": "4461", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110065", "term": "4465", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110066", "term": "4464", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110067", "term": "4462", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110067", "term": "4466", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110815", "term": "4461", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110815", "term": "4462", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110815", "term": "4463", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110815", "term": "4464", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110815", "term": "4465", "offer": 1}, 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"106501", "term": "4415", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106501", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105498", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105498", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105498", "term": "4415", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105498", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105500", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105500", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105500", "term": "4415", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105500", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105501", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105501", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106502", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106502", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "7862": {"id": "joBg6OelbBGFoJInD7woc", "course_id": "015104", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "015104", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Psychology IA", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "1000", "CLASS_NBR": 10836, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "Up to 1 hour per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PSYCHOL 1100", "ASSESSMENT": "Examination 50%, Written Research Assignment 30%, Research Participation/Alternative 5%, Reflective Writing & Tutorial Engagement 15%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course, together with PSYCHOL 1001, provides an introduction to the basic concepts and core topics within contemporary psychology. The two courses may be taken singly or in combination. Core topics covered over the year will include the development of the individual over the lifespan; the study of the person in a social context; differences between people with respect to their intelligence and personality; issues related to individual adjustment and maladjustment; the biological bases of behaviour; the interpretation by the brain of sensory signals from the external environment; the mechanisms underlying learning; the encoding, storage and retrieval of information; the nature of motivation and emotion; and culture and cross-cultural psychology. The courses will also provide an introduction to the methodological approaches employed by psychologists to study these topics. Major findings to emerge from psychological research will be presented, and the practical significance of such work will be discussed. Practical work will address the conventions of psychological report-writing and the ethical principles underlying psychological research and practice.\nPre-recorded lectures will be posted online via MyUni and face-to-face teaching will take the form of interactive lectures and workshops.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7863": {"id": "joBg6OelbBGFoJInD7woc", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "WbQq2I6q7MrFehVWEDxn5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10837, "section": "WR01", "size": 300, "enrolled": 214, "available": 86, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This Workshop will be delivered face to face. It will also be live-streamed and recorded so that it is available for viewing any time after publication in MyUni. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 May - 2 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "16 May - 16 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "XUKKH7ReNbqkNjkpPs63O", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11503, "section": "TU16", "size": 23, "enrolled": 15, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For details on accessing this online Tutorial, please refer to MyUni once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "29 Mar - 29 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "10 May - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "24 May - 24 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "7 Jun - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11504, "section": "TU15", "size": 23, "enrolled": 13, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Mar - 13 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 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21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "4 Jun - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11513, "section": "TU06", "size": 23, "enrolled": 7, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For details on accessing this online Tutorial, please refer to MyUni once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "14 Mar - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 25 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "9 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "23 May - 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It will also be live-streamed and recorded so that it is available for viewing any time after publication in MyUni. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 29 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "14 Mar - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 25 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "9 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 May - 23 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "Wp5qH8diafSdrXrN-Ciw-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10763, "section": "TU32", "size": 23, "enrolled": 14, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For details on accessing this online Tutorial, please refer to MyUni once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "22 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "3 May - 3 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "17 May - 17 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "31 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10764, "section": "TU31", "size": 23, "enrolled": 21, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 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22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "3 May - 3 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "17 May - 17 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "31 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10768, "section": "TU27", "size": 23, "enrolled": 21, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 18 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Apr - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 29 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 May - 13 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 May - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10769, "section": "TU26", "size": 23, "enrolled": 20, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 18 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Apr - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 29 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 May - 13 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 May - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10771, "section": "TU24", "size": 23, "enrolled": 21, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 May - 3 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 May - 17 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "31 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10772, "section": "TU23", "size": 23, "enrolled": 22, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 30 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "14 May - 14 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "28 May - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10773, "section": "TU22", "size": 23, "enrolled": 20, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For details on accessing this online Tutorial, please refer to MyUni once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "2 May - 2 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "16 May - 16 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "30 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10774, "section": "TU21", "size": 23, "enrolled": 19, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 May - 1 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 May - 15 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10775, "section": "TU20", "size": 23, "enrolled": 21, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 May - 3 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 May - 17 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "31 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10776, "section": "TU19", "size": 23, "enrolled": 21, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 2 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 May - 16 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10778, "section": "TU17", "size": 23, "enrolled": 21, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 18 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Apr - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 29 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 May - 13 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 May - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7864": {"id": "x9VYtgczDgpBla0xMb4DQ", "course_id": "005104", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "005104", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Psychology IB", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "1001", "CLASS_NBR": 20774, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "Up to 1 hour per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PSYCHOL 1100", "ASSESSMENT": "Examination 50%, Written Research Assignment 30%, Research Participation/Alternative 5%, Reflective Writing & Tutorial Engagement 15%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course, together with PSYCHOL 1000, provides an introduction to the basic concepts and core topics within contemporary psychology. The two courses may be taken singly or in combination. Core topics covered over the year will include the development of the individual over the lifespan; the study of the person in a social context; differences between people with respect to their intelligence and personality; issues related to individual adjustment and maladjustment; the biological bases of behaviour; the interpretation by the brain of sensory signals from the external environment; the mechanisms underlying learning; the encoding, storage and retrieval of information; the nature of motivation and emotion; culture and cross-cultural psychology. The courses will also provide an introduction to the methodological approaches employed by psychologists to study these topics. Major findings to emerge from psychological research will be presented, and the practical significance of such work will be discussed. Practical work will address the conventions of psychological report-writing and the ethical principles underlying psychological research and practice.\nPre-recorded lectures will be posted online via MyUni and face-to-face teaching will take the form of interactive lectures and workshops.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7865": {"id": "x9VYtgczDgpBla0xMb4DQ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "FhOVk6IGHeODqCwujbnop", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20775, "section": "WR01", "size": 280, "enrolled": 186, "available": 94, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This Workshop will be delivered face to face. It will also be live-streamed and recorded so that it is available for viewing any time after publication in MyUni. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 25 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "8 Aug - 8 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Aug - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 5 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "fVoQDpAay6dLhFf5MagUc", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21534, "section": "TU16", "size": 17, "enrolled": 11, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For details on accessing this online Tutorial, please refer to MyUni once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "30 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "25 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21535, "section": "TU15", "size": 17, "enrolled": 5, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21537, "section": "TU13", "size": 17, "enrolled": 17, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 29 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Aug - 12 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Oct - 7 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21538, "section": "TU12", "size": 17, "enrolled": 7, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For details on accessing this online Tutorial, please refer to MyUni once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "29 Aug - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "24 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21539, "section": "TU11", "size": 17, "enrolled": 15, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Aug - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21540, "section": "TU10", "size": 17, "enrolled": 16, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Aug - 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It will also be live-streamed and recorded so that it is available for viewing any time after publication in MyUni. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "29 Aug - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "FIrWY75e7LjjgvgzxB-01", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20696, "section": "TU32", "size": 17, "enrolled": 17, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For details on accessing this online Tutorial, please refer to MyUni once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "23 Aug - 23 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "6 Sep - 6 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 4 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "18 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20697, "section": "TU31", "size": 17, "enrolled": 15, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Aug - 23 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Sep - 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30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 14 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20700, "section": "TU28", "size": 17, "enrolled": 13, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For details on accessing this online Tutorial, please refer to MyUni once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Aug - 8 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "22 Aug - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 5 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 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4 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7866": {"id": "FYVv80EiaG1dw9_5VLQ7h", "course_id": "106483", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106483", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Methods in Psychology", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "1004", "CLASS_NBR": 14951, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Students studying the BPsychSc Program from 2018 need to enrol in PSYCHOL 1005 (restricted to BPsychSc Students)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PSYCHOL 1005", "ASSESSMENT": "Online quiz; written assessment; tutorial attendance engagement tasks", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces students to the basic principles of research methods in Psychology. The focus of the course is on students learning how to do research in Psychology, with an emphasis on student-centred activities and problem solving. Students will learn about such key concepts as the scientific method;\noperationalizing constructs; independent and dependent variables; data types and ways of measurement; confounding variables; experimental and non-experimental design; questionnaire construction; developing and testing hypotheses; descriptive statistics and describing data graphically; and the ethics of research.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7867": {"id": "FYVv80EiaG1dw9_5VLQ7h", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "Ri3ZQclwCDBo8PPplIL_r", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14951, "section": "WR01", "size": 250, "enrolled": 142, "available": 108, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This Workshop will be delivered face to face. It will also be live-streamed and recorded so that it is available for viewing any time after publication in MyUni. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "e5Owa0Tjvsh_IfdoR1TtG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10888, "section": "TU05", "size": 25, "enrolled": 22, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 May - 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Only students who have received approval from the Course Coordinator may enrol in this tutorial."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "22 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "3 May - 3 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "17 May - 17 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "31 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14626, "section": "TU06", "size": 25, "enrolled": 13, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 18 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Apr - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 29 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 May - 13 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 May - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15435, "section": "TU04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 May - 3 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 May - 17 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "31 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19760, "section": "TU10", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Please note, this online tutorial is restricted to students who are unable to attend face to face tutorials. Only students who have received approval from the Course Coordinator may enrol in this tutorial."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "7868": {"id": "oM_T4j7SBu70c3filKgKU", "course_id": "109256", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109256", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Methods in Psychology (BPsycSc)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "1005", "CLASS_NBR": 14952, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "1-2 per weeks", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Restricted to BPsychSc Students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PSYCHOL 1004", "ASSESSMENT": "Online quiz, written assignments, tutorial attendance", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course combines lectures from Research Methods in Psychology (PSYCHOL1004) with a specialised set of Case-Based Learning (CBL) activities. The focus is on students learning how to do research in psychology, with an emphasis on student-centred activities and problem solving to introduce basic principles. Students will learn about such key concepts as the scientific method; operationalizing constructs; independent and dependent variables; data types and ways of measurement; confounding variables; experimental and non-experimental design; questionnaire construction; developing and testing hypotheses; descriptive statistics and describing data graphically; and the ethics of research. Case-based Learning will extend this by providing BPsycSc students with an opportunity to develop analytic thinking and decision making skills for applied, real-life problems.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7869": {"id": "oM_T4j7SBu70c3filKgKU", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "waOEfYC7YQt50mfP6s473", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14952, "section": "WR01", "size": 250, "enrolled": 183, "available": 67, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This Workshop will be delivered face to face. It will also be live-streamed and recorded so that it is available for viewing any time after publication in MyUni. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "mF_z4XM0HbBVPPwpeL46n", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10995, "section": "TU10", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 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20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 May - 1 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 May - 15 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13812, "section": "TU11", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 18 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Apr - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 29 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 May - 13 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 May - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14141, "section": "TU09", "size": 25, "enrolled": 6, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Please note, this online tutorial is restricted to students who are unable to attend face to face tutorials. Only students who have received approval from the Course Coordinator may enrol in this tutorial."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 18 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "1 Apr - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 29 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "13 May - 13 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "27 May - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14637, "section": "TU08", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 May - 1 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 May - 15 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7870": {"id": "mqrvzHrKiYcbYUJLCLAHN", "course_id": "109258", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109258", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Psychology Skills and Applications", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "1006", "CLASS_NBR": 25317, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "1 hour per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to B Psych Science students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 1000 or PSYCHOL 1005 or PSYCHOL 1001 (as concurrent enrolment)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Participation and written and verbal assessment pieces.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of this course is to provide students with an opportunity to develop an understanding of applications of psychology and to practice applied skills in the broad areas such as interpersonal communication. Students will be encouraged to consider career pathways and to develop transferable skills to enhance work readiness.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7871": {"id": "mqrvzHrKiYcbYUJLCLAHN", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "fwkgFZK8P-hl_s0qh25LK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25317, "section": "TU10", "size": 26, "enrolled": 24, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25318, "section": "TU09", "size": 26, "enrolled": 20, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25319, "section": "TU08", "size": 26, "enrolled": 21, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25320, "section": "TU07", "size": 26, "enrolled": 22, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25322, "section": "TU05", "size": 26, "enrolled": 25, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25323, "section": "TU04", "size": 26, "enrolled": 25, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25324, "section": "TU03", "size": 26, "enrolled": 26, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S416, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S416, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25325, "section": "TU02", "size": 27, "enrolled": 27, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25326, "section": "TU01", "size": 18, "enrolled": 17, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For details on accessing this online Tutorial, please refer to MyUni once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "7872": {"id": "l3BoI5LFwxhwMA4Y6WX56", "course_id": "109686", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109686", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Technology in Psychological Research and Practice", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "1007", "CLASS_NBR": 24699, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "B. Psychology (Honours) (Advanced) students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Participation, written essay and project, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to develop student knowledge and skills in area of technology as it applies to psychological research and practice. Course material will cover the following areas: cyber-psychology or the study of human-computer interactions; technology in childhood and adolescence; online safety and security; psychological research into the effects of the Internet and social media on psychological wellbeing and social relationships; ethical issues in cyber-environments; and the role of new technology as a tool for research and professional practice. Students will learn how data collected through every day commercial and social media sites and other Internet interactions is increasingly being used to profile individuals and study human behaviour in commercial and security contexts. Online environments provide new ways to conduct large-scale psychological studies as well as new vehicles through which to provide therapeutic interventions with clients (e.g., brief interventions) and to reach geographically dispersed populations or vulnerable groups who may not have previously accessed services. Students will be given opportunities to apply their skills to apply their technology and research skills to conduct a research project which will be presented in the form of a web site.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7873": {"id": "l3BoI5LFwxhwMA4Y6WX56", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "DancdrbhPvZq9UJ6OzA8C", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21531, "section": "LE01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 30, "available": 70, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "XoDPSg1hvUPG-49_3Mg3l", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22120, "section": "TU02", "size": 23, "enrolled": 22, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24699, "section": "TU05", "size": 19, "enrolled": 8, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7874": {"id": "RvaC0buRcPmMG7cgFnx9t", "course_id": "107719", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107719", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introductory Psychology", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "1100", "CLASS_NBR": 92157, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to students in the Graduate entry stream of the BPsychSc", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Completed undergraduate degree", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PSYCHOL 1000, PSYCHOL 1001, PSYCHOL 6100", "ASSESSMENT": "Online exercises and written assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces the basic concepts and core topics within contemporary psychology. Core topics covered during the course include the development of the individual over the lifespan; the study of the individual in a social context; differences between individuals with respect to their intelligence and personality; the nature of motivation and emotion; and the characteristics and symptoms of psychopathology. The course will also introduce the methodological approaches employed by psychologists to study these topics. Major findings to emerge from psychological research will be presented, and the practical significance of such work will be discussed. Practical work will address the conventions of psychological report writing and the ethical principles underlying psychological research and practice.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 09/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "7875": {"id": "RvaC0buRcPmMG7cgFnx9t", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "xVbPIj84Tb2eLCQc_Wm5z", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92157, "section": "TU01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 13, "available": 27, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Jan - 14 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7876": {"id": "9H1xr2vm00bPrVViRwvR6", "course_id": "107719", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107719", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introductory Psychology", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "1100", "CLASS_NBR": 33004, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to students in the Graduate entry stream of the BPsychSc", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Completed undergraduate degree", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PSYCHOL 1000, PSYCHOL 1001, PSYCHOL 6100", "ASSESSMENT": "Online exercises and written assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces the basic concepts and core topics within contemporary psychology. Core topics covered during the course include the development of the individual over the lifespan; the study of the individual in a social context; differences between individuals with respect to their intelligence and personality; the nature of motivation and emotion; and the characteristics and symptoms of psychopathology. The course will also introduce the methodological approaches employed by psychologists to study these topics. Major findings to emerge from psychological research will be presented, and the practical significance of such work will be discussed. Practical work will address the conventions of psychological report writing and the ethical principles underlying psychological research and practice.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "7877": {"id": "9H1xr2vm00bPrVViRwvR6", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "lUdWMT_UseZWbm1EAifWw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33004, "section": "TU01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 6, "available": 34, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 May - 10 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7878": {"id": "ncz4cQDXSv8kdZ9V2N0Hz", "course_id": "105064", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105064", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Doing Research in Psychology", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "2004", "CLASS_NBR": 12161, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(PSYCHOL 1000 and PSYCHOL 1001 and PSYCHOL 1004) or (PSYCHOL 1000 and PSYCHOL 1001 and PSYCHOL 1005) or (PSYCHOL 1100)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online exercises; Research report", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will develop the skills and knowledge required to understand and carry out research in psychology and the behavioural sciences. Students will learn about quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methodologies. They will learn how to sensibly investigate and test various kinds of research questions and how to interpret the findings of research. A software package will be used to develop skills in quantitative data analysis.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7879": {"id": "ncz4cQDXSv8kdZ9V2N0Hz", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Qb782vHZ8UHTzG7Ld6Lol", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10967, "section": "LE01", "size": 380, "enrolled": 316, "available": 64, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture will be delivered face to face. It will also be live-streamed and recorded so that it is available for viewing any time after publication in MyUni. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "nqVvAZ8kYtfBC_8jnyb-3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12161, "section": "WR12", "size": 33, "enrolled": 31, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 29 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S127, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12162, "section": "WR11", "size": 33, "enrolled": 33, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 26 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S127, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12164, "section": "WR09", "size": 33, "enrolled": 30, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 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The course work covers two broad thematic areas. The first aims to build a solid foundation in understanding of development across the lifespan by considering select topics in development during childhood, adulthood and old age. The second provides an introduction to evidence-based psychological assessment, treatment and prevention for mental health behaviours as well as coverage of select topics in biological bases of health and behaviour. The course draws on the biopsychosocial (mind - body) perspective that recognises that health and other behaviours are determined by the interaction of biological mechanisms, psychological processes and social influences.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7881": {"id": "ZuC28oFfognta1mHHztHB", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "VU4ZV2-AxVDZUq6I_Mdn3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21867, "section": "LE01", "size": 295, "enrolled": 263, "available": 32, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "s8lzgSfz9GXoRqWFe49Cl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21868, "section": "TU02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 26, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 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29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24462, "section": "TU11", "size": 30, "enrolled": 27, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 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10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S416, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S416, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24464, "section": "TU13", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 31 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Aug - 28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24465, "section": "TU14", "size": 32, "enrolled": 30, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Please note, this a Mixed Cohort Learning tutorial, you may attend this tute either face to face or online (for students who are unable to attend face to face). Once enrolled please refer to MyUni for more information"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 29 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Aug - 12 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Oct - 7 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7882": {"id": "n1_32yP69ii2ezkNaZGMT", "course_id": "105068", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105068", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Foundations of Perception & Cognition", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "2006", "CLASS_NBR": 14518, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(PSYCHOL 1000 and PSYCHOL 1001 and PSYCHOL 1004) or (PSYCHOL 1000 and PSYCHOL 1001 and PSYCHOL 1005) or (PSYCHOL 1100)", "CO_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 2004", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "PSYCHOL 2004", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online exercises, written assignments, tutorial attendance, written exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course builds on the course components of the biological bases of behaviour, perception, and cognition studied in Psychology IA and Psychology IB. The aim of this course is to build a solid foundation in both perception and cognition. Students will examine how the brain processes sensory information to create a coherent representation of the environment and to allow individuals to perform daily activities. Students will explore the visual system from the simple detection of light to using visual information to control movements and will examine topics in cognition such as attention, memory, concept learning, judgement and decision making, and language. The focus will be upon understanding basic principles and theories as well as their potential application to real world problems such as eyewitness testimony, autobiographical memory, language development and problem solving. Previous or concurrent enrolment in PSYCHOL 2004 - Doing Research in Psychology is assumed.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7883": {"id": "n1_32yP69ii2ezkNaZGMT", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "fsXYMeOjp5ULaDsX1l5RJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11043, "section": "LE01", "size": 355, "enrolled": 299, "available": 56, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture will be delivered face to face. It will also be live-streamed and recorded so that it is available for viewing any time after publication in MyUni. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "bEDMGbGNNeIRSvS9OjPNP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13404, "section": "TU14", "size": 26, "enrolled": 17, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S127, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "29 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 May - 3 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 May - 24 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13405, "section": "TU13", "size": 26, "enrolled": 23, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 2 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 May - 23 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13406, "section": "TU07", "size": 26, "enrolled": 22, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S127, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 May - 1 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14507, "section": "TU01", "size": 26, "enrolled": 21, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For details on accessing this online Tutorial, please refer to MyUni once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "1 May - 1 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "22 May - 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4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 18 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 29 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 May - 20 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14510, "section": "TU04", "size": 26, "enrolled": 26, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G13, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G13, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 2 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G13, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 May - 23 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G13, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14512, "section": "TU06", "size": 26, "enrolled": 25, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S127, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "29 Mar - 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21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14515, "section": "TU10", "size": 26, "enrolled": 25, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 18 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S127, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 29 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 May - 20 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14516, "section": "TU11", "size": 26, "enrolled": 3, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 May - 1 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14517, "section": "TU12", "size": 26, "enrolled": 25, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S127, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 May - 1 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14518, "section": "TU15", "size": 26, "enrolled": 23, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For details on accessing this online Tutorial, please refer to MyUni once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 18 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "25 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 29 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "20 May - 20 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "7884": {"id": "pFSNmrRBocn8U5DgV0JEn", "course_id": "105070", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105070", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Psychology in Society", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "2007", "CLASS_NBR": 24482, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(PSYCHOL 1000 and PSYCHOL 1001 and PSYCHOL 1004) or (PSYCHOL 1000 and PSYCHOL 1001 and PSYCHOL 1005) or (PSYCHOL 1100)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written Assessment (essay), Group Work Project (individual and group grade), Tutorial Attendance, Module Quizzes", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course seeks to build upon Level I Psychology, specifically areas relating to cross-cultural, organisational and social psychology. Cross-cultural psychology lectures will examine the ways in which the culture we are born into exerts a powerful influence on all aspects of our lives and how psychological knowledge itself can be shaped by cultural assumptions and values. Particular emphasis will be placed on indigenous issues in psychology, and people from refugee backgrounds, and the importance of understanding these in the context of clinical and applied work with these groups of people. Organisational psychology will provide students with an understanding of how psychology can be used to enhance selection, recruitment and performance assessment in organisations, the impact on work performance of organisational culture, and the role of the organisational psychologist. Social psychology lectures will include topics central to contemporary research in social cognition drawing specifically on experimental research on explicit and implicit processes in social perception. It will consider the social and psychological functions of stereotyping and the extent to which this psychological process can be brought under intentional control.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7885": {"id": "pFSNmrRBocn8U5DgV0JEn", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "LBYUbs2Pd7KRxPzKrKscW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21532, "section": "LE01", "size": 314, "enrolled": 282, "available": 32, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 31 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "7 Aug - 7 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "14 Aug - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "vA9lwt62v-EIGCWMe9fDW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24469, "section": "TU01", "size": 27, "enrolled": 22, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24470, "section": "TU02", "size": 27, "enrolled": 26, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 29 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Aug - 12 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Oct - 7 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24471, "section": "TU03", "size": 27, "enrolled": 25, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 29 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Aug - 12 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Oct - 7 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24472, "section": "TU04", "size": 27, "enrolled": 25, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 31 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Aug - 28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24473, "section": "TU05", "size": 27, "enrolled": 28, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 31 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Aug - 28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24474, "section": "TU06", "size": 27, "enrolled": 26, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24475, "section": "TU07", "size": 27, "enrolled": 27, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24476, "section": "TU08", "size": 27, "enrolled": 20, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24477, "section": "TU09", "size": 27, "enrolled": 24, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 29 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Aug - 12 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Oct - 7 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24478, "section": "TU10", "size": 27, "enrolled": 25, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Aug - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24479, "section": "TU11", "size": 27, "enrolled": 26, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Aug - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24482, "section": "TU14", "size": 17, "enrolled": 8, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For details on accessing this online Tutorial, please refer to MyUni once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "30 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "25 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "7886": {"id": "zkvpJzbivsoX8XMGJJlh7", "course_id": "109257", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109257", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Big Picture Psychology: Global Challenges, Psychological Perspectives", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "2008", "CLASS_NBR": 13089, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "1 hour per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to B Psych Science students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "6 units of Level I Psychology from PSYCHOL 1000, 1001, 1005, 1006", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Seminar participation; group presentation; online and written assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will encourage students to critically consider the contribution that psychology can make to understanding, predicting and influencing human behaviour with respect to contemporary global challenges. How do different perspectives in psychology approach these challenges, what are their limitations? How can psychology contribute to cross-disciplinary approaches to solving problems? Specific topics covered will vary, but will be drawn from a pool that includes climate change and threats to the natural environment; global movements of people; global violence and conflict resolution; Fake news and social media; social and criminal justice; health habits and quality of life, and combating extremism.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7887": {"id": "zkvpJzbivsoX8XMGJJlh7", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "sc_FWg88J6ixhNYPrNqRU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18941, "section": "LEC0", "size": 150, "enrolled": 142, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Lecture material is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "i_JSCIZ3gVXR-B3_BqHFB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13089, "section": "TU06", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13090, "section": "TU05", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13091, "section": "TU04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13092, "section": "TU03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 23, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13094, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For details on accessing this online Tutorial, please refer to MyUni once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19665, "section": "TU02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7888": {"id": "YJX24aefqpRlz14OuUeXo", "course_id": "109257", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109257", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Big Picture Psychology: Global Challenges, Psychological Perspectives", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "2008", "CLASS_NBR": 24728, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "1 hour per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to B Psych Science students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "6 units of Level I Psychology from PSYCHOL 1000, 1001, 1005, 1006", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Seminar participation; group presentation; online and written assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will encourage students to critically consider the contribution that psychology can make to understanding, predicting and influencing human behaviour with respect to contemporary global challenges. How do different perspectives in psychology approach these challenges, what are their limitations? How can psychology contribute to cross-disciplinary approaches to solving problems? Specific topics covered will vary, but will be drawn from a pool that includes climate change and threats to the natural environment; global movements of people; global violence and conflict resolution; Fake news and social media; social and criminal justice; health habits and quality of life, and combating extremism.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7889": {"id": "YJX24aefqpRlz14OuUeXo", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "RV8rcRcRWQSc-vLdSAImc", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28860, "section": "LEC0", "size": 93, "enrolled": 81, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Lecture material is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "f8jF4NECNaS1jCTdAPQT-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24729, "section": "TU05", "size": 20, "enrolled": 15, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For details on accessing this online Tutorial, please refer to MyUni once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24730, "section": "TU04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 22, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24731, "section": "TU03", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24733, "section": "TU01", "size": 23, "enrolled": 19, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 113, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7890": {"id": "1zQdwuiwdtQXb6FkTZRe2", "course_id": "109687", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109687", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "International Psychology", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "2009", "CLASS_NBR": 11041, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "B.Psych (Adv) (Hons) students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 1000, PSYCHOL 1001, PSYCHOL 1004", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written assignments, oral presentations, quizzes", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course develops students\u2019 knowledge and skills in three related areas. International Psychology addresses Psychology in different countries; Global Psychology examines global issues from a psychological perspective and Cross-cultural Psychology considers behaviour and mental processes in different cultural conditions. The course develops students\u2019 soft skills in areas such as self-reflection, cross-cultural communication and cultural humility. Topics may include: Psychology in Australia and China, Indigenous Psychology, Global Mental Health and Human Rights, Cross-cultural research and Cross-cultural adaptation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7891": {"id": "1zQdwuiwdtQXb6FkTZRe2", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "dxzvU7Y3IdGYPshkUqHUt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19235, "section": "LEC0", "size": 150, "enrolled": 42, "available": 108, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Lecture material is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "2EnXePSWzI23CQC9WgEUC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10022, "section": "TU01", "size": 13, "enrolled": 3, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For details on accessing this online Tutorial, please refer to MyUni once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11042, "section": "TU04", "size": 13, "enrolled": 12, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12198, "section": "TU02", "size": 13, "enrolled": 15, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13422, "section": "TU03", "size": 13, "enrolled": 12, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7892": {"id": "7NMxWOsLFgnEQcV2KwXvw", "course_id": "110202", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110202", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "International Psychology Experience", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "2010EX", "CLASS_NBR": 95118, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "B.PsychSc and BPsych(Adv)(Hons) students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course consists of an intensive overseas study tour introducing psychology students to Indonesian culture and society and providing a visit to overseas partner institutions and participation in academic seminars and/or cultural activities. The course is designed to give students a global perspective of psychology issues. Students will undertake field trips and discussions, sometimes alongside Indonesian students and will learn to analyse intercultural experience and to develop their ability to communicate in an international context.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 24/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 28/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 11/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 17/07/2024"}}]}, "7893": {"id": "7NMxWOsLFgnEQcV2KwXvw", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "TPHQGbSr4XYisN75YAmhX", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95118, "section": "01EX", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement"}]}]}]}, "7894": {"id": "kA1oJnenRRBZyXTN4TWg9", "course_id": "109688", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109688", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Career & Research Skills in Psychology A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "3011A", "CLASS_NBR": 10452, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "B. Psych (Honours) (Advanced) students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Completion of 2nd year units in accredited sequence and unique content for Advanced degree in 1st and 2nd year.", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written assignments, Group presentation, Workshop participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of this course is to assist students in developing career-readiness skills, with a particular focus on areas beneficial for progress into the psychology profession, psychological research, or allied areas involving the application of psychological skills and knowledge. This course will have a focus on advanced communication and small group work skills; project design and management in small group contexts; and the commercial and entrepreneurial elements of psychological research and practice.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7895": {"id": "kA1oJnenRRBZyXTN4TWg9", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "yZHFizFDTDREedeGUgIsE", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10452, "section": "TU01", "size": 75, "enrolled": 48, "available": 27, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7896": {"id": "wuxsPUlDz42OvJ3AcM4pm", "course_id": "109692", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109692", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Career & Research Skills in Psychology B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "3011B", "CLASS_NBR": 24247, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours each week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "A quota of 20 applies", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "B. Psych (Honours) (Advanced)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 2004 and PSYCHOL 2006 and PSYCHOL 2009 and PSYCHOL 2007 and PSYCHOL 2005", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written assignments, workshop participation and exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of this course is to develop student skills in research methods through the extension and application of skills developed in the regular accredited sequences. Using either R, SPSS, STATA or other statistical packages, students will taught to apply their emerging research skills to practical research problems. Important skills will include data coding, preparation and cleaning; being able to develop research problems and apply appropriate statistical methods; and extension exercises in which students have to demonstrate their ability to learn new techniques not previously taught. An important element of this course will be a project that requires the formal involvement in a research process; this will involve the design of a project, the collection or compilation of existing data as well as data analysis and reporting.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7897": {"id": "wuxsPUlDz42OvJ3AcM4pm", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "EzUhkVRHfOrz3a-4Ap0cK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20412, "section": "TU01", "size": 26, "enrolled": 27, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24247, "section": "TU02", "size": 26, "enrolled": 23, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7898": {"id": "Bu4tzUOakpjmHNVWKP7pc", "course_id": "105111", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105111", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Doing Research in Psychology: Advanced", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "3020", "CLASS_NBR": 22203, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 2004 and at least 3 more units of Level II Psychology Courses", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Practical report, written assignments, written exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Every day we make decisions that guide our behaviour by relying on our tacit knowledge about the world. We form impressions and make predictions based on personal experience. But our cognitive architecture leaves us ill-equipped to deal with random and unusual events, and the probabilistic inferences we make about the world with imperfect data are often wrong. With mass media and vast datasets now at our fingertips online, sound scientific and statistical thinking has never been more important for evaluating claims made with data. The goal of this capstone course is to challenge you to think critically about research methods in psychology, bringing together and extending what you've learned about research design and statistics. We will apply scientific and statistical concepts like regression to the mean, the law of large and small numbers, correlation, causation, replication, generality, fidelity, and control, to a variety of real-world questions. We will discuss classic and contemporary meta-science problems, open science practices, and how the credibility revolution is changing the way we do and evaluate research in psychology. You will put all of this into practice by critically evaluating popular psychological claims, presenting your principled arguments to your peers, and critically reflecting on thorny methodological problems. The emphasis in this course is on when and why particular methods and statistical tools might be applied, and how to formulate a principled argument for what they can (and can't) tell us.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7899": {"id": "Bu4tzUOakpjmHNVWKP7pc", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "jBjofuWw7fxjgd0B9xUH3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25088, "section": "LE01", "size": 335, "enrolled": 319, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture will be delivered face to face. It will also be live-streamed and recorded so that it is available for viewing any time after publication in MyUni. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 1022, Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "GQOdxxyWWscOweg7Gmkdo", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22203, "section": "TU14", "size": 29, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For details on accessing this online Tutorial, please refer to MyUni once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "16 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 4 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24441, "section": "TU01", "size": 29, "enrolled": 29, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "14 Aug - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 2 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24442, "section": "TU02", "size": 29, "enrolled": 28, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "14 Aug - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S127, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 2 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S127, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24443, "section": "TU03", "size": 29, "enrolled": 28, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "16 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 4 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24444, "section": "TU04", "size": 29, "enrolled": 28, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S127, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S127, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24445, "section": "TU05", "size": 29, "enrolled": 20, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24446, "section": "TU06", "size": 29, "enrolled": 25, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S127, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S127, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24447, "section": "TU07", "size": 29, "enrolled": 29, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "12 Aug - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S127, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S127, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24448, "section": "TU08", "size": 29, "enrolled": 28, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "14 Aug - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 2 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24449, "section": "TU09", "size": 29, "enrolled": 28, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "14 Aug - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 2 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24450, "section": "TU10", "size": 29, "enrolled": 17, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24452, "section": "TU12", "size": 29, "enrolled": 29, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "7900": {"id": "5f56mERjMY412CLSAFw0p", "course_id": "105112", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105112", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Health & Lifespan Development Psychology", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "3021", "CLASS_NBR": 21869, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 2004 and (PSYCHOL 2005 or PSYCHOL 2006 or PSYCHOL 2007 or PSYCHOL 2008 or PSYCHOL 2009)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written reports, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course builds on the material of the Foundations of Health and Lifespan Development (PSYCHOL 2005) course. The underpinning theme is: the psychological, behavioural and social origins of lifespan development, illness, well-being and health enhancing behaviours. Lectures will focus on advanced topics in child development, mental health and physical health, and will include developing skills in critical evaluation and knowledge applications.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7901": {"id": "5f56mERjMY412CLSAFw0p", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "iMwEQ5RU6w1If3oMAnLhm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24282, "section": "LE01", "size": 268, "enrolled": 259, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture will be delivered face to face. It will also be live-streamed and recorded so that it is available for viewing any time after publication in MyUni. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Darling West, G14, Darling West Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "w026vhYGpnN8Rab6P7d3W", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21869, "section": "TU07", "size": 36, "enrolled": 34, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 24 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Aug - 7 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Aug - 21 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Sep - 4 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 2 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21870, "section": "TU03", "size": 40, "enrolled": 37, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 23 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Aug - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 Aug - 20 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Sep - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21960, "section": "TU01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 40, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 23 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Aug - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 Aug - 20 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Sep - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24466, "section": "TU02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 25 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12:30pm", "end_time": "1:30pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Aug - 8 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12:30pm", "end_time": "1:30pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Aug - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12:30pm", "end_time": "1:30pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 5 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12:30pm", "end_time": "1:30pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12:30pm", "end_time": "1:30pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12:30pm", "end_time": "1:30pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24467, "section": "TU04", "size": 40, "enrolled": 39, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 26 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Aug - 23 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Sep - 6 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 4 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Badger, LG17, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24468, "section": "TU06", "size": 40, "enrolled": 40, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Please note, this a Mixed Cohort Learning tutorial, you may attend this tute either face to face or online (for students who are unable to attend face to face). Once enrolled please refer to MyUni for more information"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 23 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Aug - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 Aug - 20 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Sep - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25137, "section": "TU05", "size": 40, "enrolled": 40, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 24 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Aug - 7 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Aug - 21 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Sep - 4 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 2 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG06, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7902": {"id": "gpiotthWtNTGtiNGUWf-8", "course_id": "105114", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105114", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Individual Differences, Personality & Assessment", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "3022", "CLASS_NBR": 14489, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 2004 and (PSYCHOL 2005 or PSYCHOL 2006 or PSYCHOL 2007 or PSYCHOL 2008 or PSYCHOL 2009)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online activities; essays", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course addresses the field of Differential Psychology, which is concerned with understanding how and why people differ, despite broad similarities shared by all human kind. It reviews major theories, research methods and findings and how these translate into practices in the fields of intelligence and personality, including assessment. The curriculum builds on knowledge introduced in first and second years.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7903": {"id": "gpiotthWtNTGtiNGUWf-8", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "lVVhOcd8CRgQXxUdyVC-W", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18940, "section": "LEC0", "size": 350, "enrolled": 278, "available": 72, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Lecture material is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "l8O3LdmsK_ifPdGM3CH_z", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14479, "section": "TU01", "size": 28, "enrolled": 27, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 29 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "7 Mar - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 25 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "2 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "16 May - 23 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "30 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "6 Jun - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14480, "section": "TU02", "size": 28, "enrolled": 26, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 1 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "8 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "29 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "3 May - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "17 May - 24 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "31 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "7 Jun - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14481, "section": "TU03", "size": 28, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For details on accessing this online Tutorial, please refer to MyUni once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 29 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "7 Mar - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 25 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "2 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "16 May - 23 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "30 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "6 Jun - 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18 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 22 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 6 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "13 May - 20 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "27 May - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Jun - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14487, "section": "TU09", "size": 28, "enrolled": 26, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 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9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "16 May - 23 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "30 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "6 Jun - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14489, "section": "TU11", "size": 28, "enrolled": 21, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 29 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "7 Mar - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 25 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "2 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "16 May - 23 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "30 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "6 Jun - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "7904": {"id": "LqZOr2gmzZMbKtR7OJ_6X", "course_id": "105116", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105116", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Perception & Cognition", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "3023", "CLASS_NBR": 25206, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 2004 and (PSYCHOL 2005 or PSYCHOL 2006 or PSYCHOL 2007 or PSYCHOL 2008 or PSYCHOL 2009)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exam, Group presentation, Online exercises, Tutorial participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course builds on Foundations of Perception (PSYCHOL 2006) to explore advanced topics in the study of perception, applied cognition, concepts and categories, and language. The lectures will examine important issues related to language and cognition in both theoretical and applied contexts including the ways our brains process sensory information from our environment (and what happens when these processes are disrupted), how we mentally represent the world around us, and how technology can change our cognition for better and for worse outcomes. \n\nThe course develops critical thinking skills by encouraging students to engage with and evaluate primary sources. Through tutorials and self-directed learning activities, students will learn research methods and skills in these subject areas. By delving into the complexities of perception and cognition, students will gain a deeper understanding of how we experience, navigate, and operate in, the world around us.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7905": {"id": "LqZOr2gmzZMbKtR7OJ_6X", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Msf2muveta4jtYG8YcgH9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22966, "section": "LE01", "size": 200, "enrolled": 152, "available": 48, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture will be delivered face to face. It will also be live-streamed and recorded so that it is available for viewing any time after publication in MyUni. Please check MyUni for details once enrolled"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "JktFiHkeXbrwbMC9ahxUL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20470, "section": "TU05", "size": 30, "enrolled": 23, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For details on accessing this online Tutorial, please refer to MyUni once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "29 Aug - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21478, "section": "TU04", "size": 30, "enrolled": 25, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 29 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Aug - 12 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S127, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S127, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 14 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S127, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21479, "section": "TU02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 20, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S127, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S127, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 4 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S127, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21480, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 31 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S416, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S127, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "28 Aug - 28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S416, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S127, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 2 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S416, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S127, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25206, "section": "TU06", "size": 30, "enrolled": 26, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S416, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S416, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 4 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S416, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 28605, "section": "TU03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 31 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "28 Aug - 28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 2 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "7906": {"id": "spMdeGc9bQDR5xF2e_70z", "course_id": "106028", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106028", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Learning and Behaviour", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "3026", "CLASS_NBR": 14498, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 2004 and (PSYCHOL 2005 or PSYCHOL 2006 or PSYCHOL 2007 or PSYCHOL 2008 or PSYCHOL 2009)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Practical report, online quiz, tutorial attendance, written exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of this course is to provide students with an intermediate-to-advanced understanding of learning theory and behaviourism with a particular focus on how these principles can be applied to the study of human behaviour. The course will introduce students to the principal theoretical foundations of behavioural research as it has been developed through studies of animals, and it will place these principles in an applied clinical context. Key findings on the neurobiology of learning will also be discussed, as well as applications of these findings to clinical disorders.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7907": {"id": "spMdeGc9bQDR5xF2e_70z", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "iFvSJzIwfa_TpuThaHL13", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10965, "section": "LE01", "size": 300, "enrolled": 225, "available": 75, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "1nITjmmSpeSpnJ3OowsUQ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14490, "section": "TU01", "size": 27, "enrolled": 26, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Mar - 13 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S127, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Jun - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14491, "section": "TU02", "size": 27, "enrolled": 26, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 May - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 May - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Jun - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14492, "section": "TU05", "size": 27, "enrolled": 24, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S127, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "29 Mar - 29 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 May - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 May - 24 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Jun - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14493, "section": "TU06", "size": 27, "enrolled": 27, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S127, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "29 Mar - 29 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 May - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 May - 24 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Jun - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14495, "section": "TU08", "size": 27, "enrolled": 27, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S127, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "29 Mar - 29 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 May - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 May - 24 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Jun - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14496, "section": "TU09", "size": 27, "enrolled": 26, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For details on accessing this online Tutorial, please refer to MyUni once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "11 Mar - 11 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "25 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 22 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "6 May - 6 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "20 May - 20 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "3 Jun - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14498, "section": "TU13", "size": 27, "enrolled": 16, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "29 Mar - 29 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 May - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 May - 24 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Jun - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18657, "section": "TU04", "size": 27, "enrolled": 26, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "14 Mar - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 25 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 May - 23 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Jun - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18658, "section": "TU10", "size": 27, "enrolled": 27, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S127, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 May - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 May - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Jun - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7908": {"id": "CzsVCC3FJcEhS1V-WDOW2", "course_id": "106031", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106031", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Psychology, Science & Society", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "3027", "CLASS_NBR": 14506, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "1 hour per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 2004 and (PSYCHOL 2005 or PSYCHOL 2006 or PSYCHOL 2007 or PSYCHOL 2008 or PSYCHOL 2009)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written assessment, group presentation, tutorial attendance, module quizzes", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The broad aim of the course is to show how our understanding of psychology can be aided by recent developments in related disciplines such as philosophy, history, sociology and politics. The course is delivered in four separate but related modules covering the history and philosophy of science and how this applies to psychology; European and Critical Social Psychology; contemporary methodological approaches and methodological issues in psychology; and the application of these topics to psychological practice. The critical component of the course looks at psychology as a complex human enterprise that is concerned with the production, dissemination, and application of psychological knowledge claims.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7909": {"id": "CzsVCC3FJcEhS1V-WDOW2", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "k0xeeA5E4u7FWoxwUuhe9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18939, "section": "LEC0", "size": 300, "enrolled": 213, "available": 87, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Lecture material is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "g8olTfsvc8_ZvjvsbrnAo", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14499, "section": "TU01", "size": 27, "enrolled": 28, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14500, "section": "TU02", "size": 27, "enrolled": 26, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14501, "section": "TU03", "size": 27, "enrolled": 27, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "For details on accessing this online Tutorial, please refer to MyUni once enrolled."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14502, "section": "TU04", "size": 27, "enrolled": 24, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14503, "section": "TU06", "size": 27, "enrolled": 26, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14504, "section": "TU07", "size": 27, "enrolled": 27, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Napier, 108, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14505, "section": "TU08", "size": 27, "enrolled": 27, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14506, "section": "TU09", "size": 27, "enrolled": 28, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 1 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 May - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, G04, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7910": {"id": "S7r410y1k01ubWPXUYO2-", "course_id": "110375", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110375", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Psychology Internship", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "3028", "CLASS_NBR": 16223, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "Placement 1-2 days per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Psychological Science or Bachelor of Psychology (Advanced) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(PSYCHOL 1000, PSYCHOL 1001, PSYCHOL 1005, and PSYCHOL 1006) or (PSYCHOL 1000, PSYCHOL 1001, PSYCHOL 1004, and PSYCHOL 1007)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This internship provides students in the Bachelor of Psychological Science an opportunity to develop and apply career readiness skills by undertaking a placement in a relevant workplace setting in selected business, not-for-profit, government, scientific or community organisations. Internships will be offered to students on merit through a competitive application process. Prior to the internship, a project, or set of activities that will be undertaken will be defined and agreed to by the host organisation, the student and the University. The course will integrate placement attendance, with university-based preparatory work, and assessments equivalent to 1-2 days per week.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7911": {"id": "S7r410y1k01ubWPXUYO2-", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "2xb1OEI5Etq_HOQBrTWXj", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16223, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 15, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students apply for the Psychology Internship via CareerHub and are selected based on a competitive process. Please apply via CareerHub and if successful, you will be enrolled into the course."}]}]}]}]}, "7912": {"id": "EVa-fGvtVVesetMFxw8V-", "course_id": "110375", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110375", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Psychology Internship", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "3028", "CLASS_NBR": 26233, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "Placement 1-2 days per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Psychological Science or Bachelor of Psychology (Advanced) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(PSYCHOL 1000, PSYCHOL 1001, PSYCHOL 1005, and PSYCHOL 1006) or (PSYCHOL 1000, PSYCHOL 1001, PSYCHOL 1004, and PSYCHOL 1007)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This internship provides students in the Bachelor of Psychological Science an opportunity to develop and apply career readiness skills by undertaking a placement in a relevant workplace setting in selected business, not-for-profit, government, scientific or community organisations. Internships will be offered to students on merit through a competitive application process. Prior to the internship, a project, or set of activities that will be undertaken will be defined and agreed to by the host organisation, the student and the University. The course will integrate placement attendance, with university-based preparatory work, and assessments equivalent to 1-2 days per week.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7913": {"id": "EVa-fGvtVVesetMFxw8V-", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "SQs71TebejDNEBZoOSuW5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26233, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 17, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students apply for the Psychology Internship via CareerHub and are selected based on a competitive process. Please apply via CareerHub and if successful, you will be enrolled into the course."}]}]}]}]}, "7914": {"id": "zOe8epDGuK4rUR4hnOouV", "course_id": "111093", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111093", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Internship", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "3029", "CLASS_NBR": 10757, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "Placement 1-2 days per week + limited class attendance", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "B.Psych.Sc and Honours Degree B.Psych(Advanced)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(PSYCHOL 1000, PSYCHOL 1001, PSYCHOL 1005, and PSYCHOL 1006) or (PSYCHOL 1000, PSYCHOL 1001, PSYCHOL 1004, and PSYCHOL 1007)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "A range of research-related summative and formative assessments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This research internship provides students in the Bachelor of Psychological Science or Bachelor of Psychology(Advanced) an opportunity to develop and apply further knowledge and skills in research and to enhance career readiness skills by undertaking a placement in a relevant workplace setting with a selected host. Students will apply psychological knowledge and concepts in a scientific, reflexive and culturally sensitive manner. They will also demonstrate values and ethics in psychology and conduct, analyse and communicate research in written and oral formats. Internships will be offered to students on merit through a competitive application process. Prior to the internship, a project, or set of research-related activities that will be undertaken will be defined and agreed to by the host organisation, the student and the University. The course will integrate placement attendance, with university-based assessments equivalent to 1-2 days per week.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7915": {"id": "zOe8epDGuK4rUR4hnOouV", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "75n89Etuz5pZe4l-VOVBm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10756, "section": "LE01", "size": 0, "enrolled": 16, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students apply for the psychology internship via CareerHub and are selected based on a competitive process. Please apply via CareerHub and if successful, you will be enrolled into the course."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "Z2VPKRVpbQbHqxuOYmRfo", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10757, "section": "SE01", "size": 0, "enrolled": 16, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "20 May - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7916": {"id": "K8dA_F4lROAF5-TCWwg-Y", "course_id": "111093", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111093", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Internship", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "3029", "CLASS_NBR": 20692, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "Placement 1-2 days per week + limited class attendance", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "B.Psych.Sc and Honours Degree B.Psych(Advanced)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(PSYCHOL 1000, PSYCHOL 1001, PSYCHOL 1005, and PSYCHOL 1006) or (PSYCHOL 1000, PSYCHOL 1001, PSYCHOL 1004, and PSYCHOL 1007)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "A range of research-related summative and formative assessments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This research internship provides students in the Bachelor of Psychological Science or Bachelor of Psychology(Advanced) an opportunity to develop and apply further knowledge and skills in research and to enhance career readiness skills by undertaking a placement in a relevant workplace setting with a selected host. Students will apply psychological knowledge and concepts in a scientific, reflexive and culturally sensitive manner. They will also demonstrate values and ethics in psychology and conduct, analyse and communicate research in written and oral formats. Internships will be offered to students on merit through a competitive application process. Prior to the internship, a project, or set of research-related activities that will be undertaken will be defined and agreed to by the host organisation, the student and the University. The course will integrate placement attendance, with university-based assessments equivalent to 1-2 days per week.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7917": {"id": "K8dA_F4lROAF5-TCWwg-Y", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "fITBum3IaG51n_tkYe64R", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20692, "section": "SE01", "size": 0, "enrolled": 17, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Students apply for the psychology internship via CareerHub and are selected based on a competitive process. Please apply via CareerHub and if successful, you will be enrolled into the course."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "hCYCtpNQMZxj0KB9L7tK8", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28899, "section": "LE01", "size": 0, "enrolled": 17, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 12 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7918": {"id": "C8aWIBfWuZNZ8LU-VUIEw", "course_id": "108751", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108751", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Thesis in Psychology Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "4300A", "CLASS_NBR": 12157, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "12 x 2 hour Seminars", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to B.Psychological Science (Honours) and B. Psychology (Advanced) (Honours) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 3011B and PSYCHOL 3021 and PSYCHOL 3023 and PSYCHOL 3020 or admitted to the Bachelor of Psychological Science (Honours) degree", "CO_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 4201", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "PSYCHOL 3020 or equivalent", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research proposal; ethics application; oral presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This component involves a series of tasks necessarily for the preparation of the Honours thesis, including the selection of a topic and supervisor, preparation of a research proposal, ethics proposal, seminar presentation and various other independent tasks. Students will be expected to attend a series of seminars relevant to Honours research.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "7919": {"id": "C8aWIBfWuZNZ8LU-VUIEw", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "JaxoXhzz9dWOoRU7uga92", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12157, "section": "LE01", "size": 140, "enrolled": 122, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7920": {"id": "EYzzosSEjdaGiAr_nAckz", "course_id": "108752", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108752", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Thesis in Psychology Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "4300B", "CLASS_NBR": 29000, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "6 x 2 hour seminars", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to B.Psychological Science (Honours) and B. Psychology (Advanced) (Honours) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 4301, PSYCHOL 4300A", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "PSYCHOL 3020 or equivalent", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research proposal; ethics application; oral presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This component encompasses the write-up of the thesis, including the preparation of a full literature review, data analysis, reporting of results and thesis submission. A small number of information seminars will be held to assist students with their thesis writing and to plan out future course-work applications.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7921": {"id": "EYzzosSEjdaGiAr_nAckz", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "V9jv-KhtNu-q5-7cwAyOF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29000, "section": "LE01", "size": 140, "enrolled": 120, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "7922": {"id": "B5ls2APIuU2ygt1sWGVQg", "course_id": "108753", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108753", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Methods and Statistics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "4301", "CLASS_NBR": 13099, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to B.Psychological Science (Honours) and B. Psychology (Advanced) (Honours) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 3011B and PSYCHOL 3021 and PSYCHOL 3023 and PSYCHOL 3020 or admitted to the Bachelor of Psychological Science (Honours) degree", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "PSYCHOL 3020 or equivalent", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written assignment and examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This advanced statistics and methodology course provides material relevant for the preparation of a thesis at an Honours level. It includes material relating to both qualitative and quantitative research methodologies. Students will attend face-to-face lectures, complete independent learning exercises as well as supervised laboratory sessions.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7923": {"id": "B5ls2APIuU2ygt1sWGVQg", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "LOTKM_ZfE7hlDQGiFy4Tp", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13113, "section": "LE01", "size": 140, "enrolled": 126, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "1uD2lG9qDfulhgnD2c9fo", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13099, "section": "PR02", "size": 70, "enrolled": 63, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S127, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S127, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13114, "section": "PR01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 63, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S127, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S127, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "7924": {"id": "NpzHaRsOR4Gyv0HFdZJpj", "course_id": "108754", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108754", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Interpersonal Communication & Interviewing", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "4302", "CLASS_NBR": 11771, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to B.Psychological Science (Honours) and B. Psychology (Advanced) (Honours) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Interview, Reflective Practice Task, and Exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to provide students with insights into the nature of psychology as a profession. Students gain will insight into the challenges associated with providing services to complex populations. Topics may vary from one year to the next, but will typically include material relating to: psychology in health and medical contexts such as interviewing and interprofessional practice.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "7925": {"id": "NpzHaRsOR4Gyv0HFdZJpj", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "87IGPiJCBpSvkDi2qcbtV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11771, "section": "LE01", "size": 140, "enrolled": 126, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG20, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7926": {"id": "Iu-JKdJaKP7uBQ-HDIu5V", "course_id": "108758", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108758", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Contemporary Issues in Psychology 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "4309", "CLASS_NBR": 21735, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to B.Psychological Science (Honours) and B. Psychology (Advanced) (Honours) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 3011B and PSYCHOL 3021 and PSYCHOL 3023 and PSYCHOL 3020 or admitted to the Bachelor of Psychological Science (Honours) degree", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Mid-Semester exercise", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of this course is to introduce students to current topics in mind, brain and behaviour. The course content will cover fundamental questions in the study of the human mind. The specific content will vary from year to year, but may address the following questions: How do people acquire knowledge of the world? How does children's reasoning differ from that of adults? How do people make choices in a complex world? How are these processes instantiated in the brain? How can cognitive functioning go wrong?", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7927": {"id": "Iu-JKdJaKP7uBQ-HDIu5V", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "3Ef4DUslkUjAP5-pmzp-u", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21735, "section": "LE01", "size": 91, "enrolled": 46, "available": 45, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7928": {"id": "PONNqxVdwz1csJlQFLqiQ", "course_id": "110537", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110537", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Psychology Research Project Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "4311A", "CLASS_NBR": 13902, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to B.Psychological Science (Honours) and B. Psychology (Advanced) (Honours) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 3011B and PSYCHOL 3021 and PSYCHOL 3023 and PSYCHOL 3020 or admitted to the Bachelor of Psychological Science (Honours) degree", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This component involves a series of tasks necessarily for the preparation of\nthe Honours research project (to be undertaken in Semester 2), including the\npreparation of a research proposal. Students will be expected to attend a\nseries of lectures relevant to Honours research.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "7929": {"id": "PONNqxVdwz1csJlQFLqiQ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "xVFUCGJOdN1keADPfCCrf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13902, "section": "LE01", "size": 48, "enrolled": 15, "available": 33, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7930": {"id": "jGgjIlO0hmqdBHYaFAyl7", "course_id": "110538", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110538", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Psychology Research Project Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "4311B", "CLASS_NBR": 23885, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to B.Psychological Science (Honours) and B. Psychology (Advanced) (Honours) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 4311A", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This component involves a series of tasks necessarily for the preparation of\nthe Honours research project (to be undertaken in Semester 2), including the\npreparation of a research proposal. Students will be expected to attend a\nseries of lectures relevant to Honours research.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7931": {"id": "jGgjIlO0hmqdBHYaFAyl7", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "kBa8Fi3RCDZIomci1WcWf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23885, "section": "LE01", "size": 48, "enrolled": 13, "available": 35, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S127, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S127, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "7932": {"id": "iWg2kNsiPMEb1ON2WE_44", "course_id": "110655", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110655", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Contemporary Issues in Psychology 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "4312", "CLASS_NBR": 21734, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to B.Psychological Science (Honours) and B. Psychology (Advanced) (Honours) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 3011B and PSYCHOL 3021 and PSYCHOL 3023 and PSYCHOL 3020 or admitted to the Bachelor of Psychological Science (Honours) degree", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Learn about the ways psychology is applied to the assessment of and intervention with individuals in the criminal justice system. Using research findings, psychological theory and case examples, this course will explore the use of psychological literature regarding criminal offending and risk assessment to address adjudicative and management questions. It will also explore major approaches and controversies regarding the rehabilitation of convicted offenders.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7933": {"id": "iWg2kNsiPMEb1ON2WE_44", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "vJhADaVt7Q1-ajqA9z0nK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21734, "section": "WR01", "size": 91, "enrolled": 76, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7934": {"id": "9r6NSjkqKvG6cKqfayopo", "course_id": "111342", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111342", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Applied Psychological Interventions and Research", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "4313", "CLASS_NBR": 23419, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to B.Psychological Science (Honours) and B.Psychology (Advanced) (Honours) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Scenario-based quiz and Evaluation report.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course students will learn about applying psychological theory and evidence in mental and physical health, organisational and other domains of human experience, and about the relationship between research and the application of psychological interventions by applied psychologists.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "7935": {"id": "9r6NSjkqKvG6cKqfayopo", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "BTptXwOZGi9dX6aaebxym", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23419, "section": "WR01", "size": 140, "enrolled": 123, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "7936": {"id": "VakUYcCfXwz34SnmaU1Be", "course_id": "110056", "term": "4461", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110056", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4461", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Foundations of Psychology", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "6500OL", "CLASS_NBR": 61004, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "1 to 2 hour online tutorial", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Graduate Diploma in Psychology (OL) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online Assessments and Written Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Why do people think, feel and act the way they do? What is psychology and how does it help us to answer this question? This course provides an introduction to foundational concepts and topics within contemporary psychology. You will learn about research, theories, concepts, and applications of psychological science in diverse topics such as biological bases of behaviour, developmental psychology, motivation and emotion, personality and intelligence, mental health, and memory and cognition. This course provides a strong foundation for your future learning in psychology.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 18/12/2023", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 19/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 19/02/2024"}}]}, "7937": {"id": "VakUYcCfXwz34SnmaU1Be", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "9_abbTchjrcroJEm07jVv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 61004, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 37, "available": 263, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "7938": {"id": "Omj8f9Bc7k_0lGWe5pzOp", "course_id": "110056", "term": "4462", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110056", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4462", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Foundations of Psychology", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "6500OL", "CLASS_NBR": 62007, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "1 to 2 hour online tutorial", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Graduate Diploma in Psychology (OL) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online Assessments and Written Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Why do people think, feel and act the way they do? 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This course provides a strong foundation for your future learning in psychology.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 16/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 15/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 08/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 22/04/2024"}}]}, "7939": {"id": "Omj8f9Bc7k_0lGWe5pzOp", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "UCg_gTPsk4t5QIrprkvEM", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 62007, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 27, "available": 273, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "7940": {"id": "IEdBZxl8mPuVKcBQ5N2OG", "course_id": "110056", "term": "4463", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110056", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4463", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Foundations of Psychology", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "6500OL", "CLASS_NBR": 63005, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "1 to 2 hour online tutorial", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Graduate Diploma in Psychology (OL) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online Assessments and Written Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Why do people think, feel and act the way they do? 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This course provides a strong foundation for your future learning in psychology.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 19/04/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 17/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 03/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 17/06/2024"}}]}, "7941": {"id": "IEdBZxl8mPuVKcBQ5N2OG", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "4YTQW7VbV7qiSeCRtOtKT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 63005, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 28, "available": 272, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "7942": {"id": "j6eLLZqj9oLC55N8eq74P", "course_id": "110056", "term": "4464", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110056", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4464", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "Foundations of Psychology", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "6500OL", "CLASS_NBR": 64007, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "1 to 2 hour online tutorial", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Graduate Diploma in Psychology (OL) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online Assessments and Written Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Why do people think, feel and act the way they do? 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This course provides a strong foundation for your future learning in psychology.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 14/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 29/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 12/08/2024"}}]}, "7943": {"id": "j6eLLZqj9oLC55N8eq74P", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "H4SA5tYfLpi-mLjyPOWh2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 64007, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 14, "available": 286, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "7944": {"id": "zYleZkUisCLLs9r633iIw", "course_id": "110056", "term": "4465", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110056", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4465", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 5", "COURSE_TITLE": "Foundations of Psychology", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "6500OL", "CLASS_NBR": 65004, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "1 to 2 hour online tutorial", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Graduate Diploma in Psychology (OL) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online Assessments and Written Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Why do people think, feel and act the way they do? 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This course provides a strong foundation for your future learning in psychology.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 09/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 06/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 23/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 07/10/2024"}}]}, "7945": {"id": "zYleZkUisCLLs9r633iIw", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "genT-51YQDRgHd2fgC_yw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 65004, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 19, "available": 281, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "7946": {"id": "VonRNnlUHJ593vmrgLHQ-", "course_id": "110056", "term": "4466", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110056", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4466", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 6", "COURSE_TITLE": "Foundations of Psychology", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "6500OL", "CLASS_NBR": 66007, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "1 to 2 hour online tutorial", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Graduate Diploma in Psychology (OL) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online Assessments and Written Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Why do people think, feel and act the way they do? 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This course provides a strong foundation for your future learning in psychology.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 04/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 01/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 18/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 02/12/2024"}}]}, "7947": {"id": "VonRNnlUHJ593vmrgLHQ-", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "gPbaqTbw7eEO3hHJq41vu", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 66007, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 31, "available": 269, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "7948": {"id": "anZqw9BevY4mnG89ZXMr6", "course_id": "110057", "term": "4461", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110057", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4461", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Methods, Design and Analysis", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "6501OL", "CLASS_NBR": 61005, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "1 to 2 hour online tutorial", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Graduate Diploma in Psychology (OL) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online Assessments and Written Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "How do we make well-founded discoveries about the mind and behaviour? 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Students will develop the skills needed both to critically evaluate and to conduct research into why people think and act the way they do.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 18/12/2023", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 19/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 19/02/2024"}}]}, "7949": {"id": "anZqw9BevY4mnG89ZXMr6", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "KKBl7moPJScH9MJ3p3cSv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 61005, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 28, "available": 272, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "7950": {"id": "dyK6mGY47YvaYLZyMECqI", "course_id": "110057", "term": "4462", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110057", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4462", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Methods, Design and Analysis", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "6501OL", "CLASS_NBR": 62008, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "1 to 2 hour online tutorial", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Graduate Diploma in Psychology (OL) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online Assessments and Written Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "How do we make well-founded discoveries about the mind and behaviour? This course will uncover key techniques and tools used to do research in psychology. Students will develop the skills needed both to critically evaluate and to conduct research into why people think and act the way they do.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 16/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 15/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 08/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 22/04/2024"}}]}, "7951": {"id": "dyK6mGY47YvaYLZyMECqI", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "q6GjgwVVeX6lqizcxEG9Y", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 62008, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 40, "available": 260, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "7952": {"id": "pX15q_FpxQcCxlrmjCL2r", "course_id": "110057", "term": "4463", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110057", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4463", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Methods, Design and Analysis", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "6501OL", "CLASS_NBR": 63006, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "1 to 2 hour online tutorial", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Graduate Diploma in Psychology (OL) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online Assessments and Written Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "How do we make well-founded discoveries about the mind and behaviour? This course will uncover key techniques and tools used to do research in psychology. Students will develop the skills needed both to critically evaluate and to conduct research into why people think and act the way they do.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 19/04/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 17/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 03/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 17/06/2024"}}]}, "7953": {"id": "pX15q_FpxQcCxlrmjCL2r", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "jd1gP0ZPhMO0MGegv2L8m", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 63006, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 21, "available": 279, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "7954": {"id": "6-ezIo94v6Q7keCKdm4G3", "course_id": "110057", "term": "4464", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110057", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4464", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Methods, Design and Analysis", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "6501OL", "CLASS_NBR": 64008, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "1 to 2 hour online tutorial", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Graduate Diploma in Psychology (OL) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online Assessments and Written Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "How do we make well-founded discoveries about the mind and behaviour? This course will uncover key techniques and tools used to do research in psychology. Students will develop the skills needed both to critically evaluate and to conduct research into why people think and act the way they do.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 14/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 29/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 12/08/2024"}}]}, "7955": {"id": "6-ezIo94v6Q7keCKdm4G3", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "1DxlG6YbhRAhUf_ojFD7d", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 64008, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 22, "available": 278, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "7956": {"id": "xs7vOCsKXDaAtoEXJbQXG", "course_id": "110057", "term": "4465", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110057", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4465", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 5", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Methods, Design and Analysis", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "6501OL", "CLASS_NBR": 65005, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "1 to 2 hour online tutorial", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Graduate Diploma in Psychology (OL) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online Assessments and Written Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "How do we make well-founded discoveries about the mind and behaviour? This course will uncover key techniques and tools used to do research in psychology. Students will develop the skills needed both to critically evaluate and to conduct research into why people think and act the way they do.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 09/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 06/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 23/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 07/10/2024"}}]}, "7957": {"id": "xs7vOCsKXDaAtoEXJbQXG", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "iTHE9ApgNeryRLApi6ykj", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 65005, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 10, "available": 290, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "7958": {"id": "7q1yTGtF0ET2xWEhFMN9I", "course_id": "110057", "term": "4466", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110057", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4466", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 6", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Methods, Design and Analysis", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "6501OL", "CLASS_NBR": 66008, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "1 to 2 hour online tutorial", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Graduate Diploma in Psychology (OL) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online Assessments and Written Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "How do we make well-founded discoveries about the mind and behaviour? This course will uncover key techniques and tools used to do research in psychology. Students will develop the skills needed both to critically evaluate and to conduct research into why people think and act the way they do.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 04/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 01/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 18/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 02/12/2024"}}]}, "7959": {"id": "7q1yTGtF0ET2xWEhFMN9I", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "VTdWUf7F1nnwNtU3Ofx48", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 66008, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 23, "available": 277, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "7960": {"id": "jowdWDYSH_iLYf_eHy_8n", "course_id": "110058", "term": "4461", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110058", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4461", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Developmental Psychology", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "6502OL", "CLASS_NBR": 61006, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "1 to 2 hour online tutorial", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Graduate Diploma in Psychology or Graduate Certificate in Psychology", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 6500OL and PSYCHOL 6501OL", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online Assessments and Written Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "What is human development, and does it ever stop? In what ways do people change and stay the same as they get older? This course will provide you with a multidimensional understanding of development across the lifespan. We will consider established and emerging theories, along with contemporary research and applications, in both child and adult development.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 18/12/2023", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 19/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 19/02/2024"}}]}, "7961": {"id": "jowdWDYSH_iLYf_eHy_8n", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "2AhvBYTcplk3oF1cat9oL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 61006, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 100, "available": 200, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "7962": {"id": "GrcpsRIpcvDMwC3LPP34-", "course_id": "110058", "term": "4465", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110058", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4465", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 5", "COURSE_TITLE": "Developmental Psychology", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "6502OL", "CLASS_NBR": 65006, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "1 to 2 hour online tutorial", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Graduate Diploma in Psychology or Graduate Certificate in Psychology", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 6500OL and PSYCHOL 6501OL", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online Assessments and Written Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "What is human development, and does it ever stop? In what ways do people change and stay the same as they get older? This course will provide you with a multidimensional understanding of development across the lifespan. We will consider established and emerging theories, along with contemporary research and applications, in both child and adult development.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 09/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 06/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 23/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 07/10/2024"}}]}, "7963": {"id": "GrcpsRIpcvDMwC3LPP34-", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "UFCY3Gs7ZSK-SK3gSAeKR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 65006, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 97, "available": 203, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "7964": {"id": "7Spc7HsY2ukY62ateLg59", "course_id": "110059", "term": "4464", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110059", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4464", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "Psychological Health & Wellbeing", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "6503OL", "CLASS_NBR": 64009, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "1 to 2 hour online tutorial", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Graduate Diploma in Psychology or Graduate Certificate in Psychology", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 6500OL and PSYCHOL 6501OL", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online Assessments and Written Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "What does it mean to be healthy and in what ways can psychological health be enhanced or compromised? This course provides an introduction to evidence-based assessment, treatment and prevention. You will form a holistic view of individuals, recognising their behaviours and experiences, from a biopsychosocial perspective. Select topics in mental health, the biological bases of health and behaviour, as well as applications in the fields of Clinical and Health Psychology, will be presented.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 14/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 29/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 12/08/2024"}}]}, "7965": {"id": "7Spc7HsY2ukY62ateLg59", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "m1IiGEk-H9nHOFJ1AAep5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 64009, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 120, "available": 180, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "7966": {"id": "Q1IRrdYiL_Axz7pAYy95y", "course_id": "110062", "term": "4462", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110062", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4462", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Applying Research Methods in Psychology", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "6504OL", "CLASS_NBR": 62009, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "1 to 2 hour online tutorial", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Graduate Diploma in Psychology or Graduate Certificate in Psychology", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 6500OL and PSYCHOL 6501OL", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online Assessments and Written Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "How do we apply methodological and statistical concepts to real-world problems? This course builds onto the foundation provided by Research Methods, Design and Analysis, exploring research methods for quantitative and qualitative data in more depth. You will think critically about the process of conducting research, apply your knowledge of research methods to a variety of contexts, and further develop your understanding of common analyses.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 16/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 15/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 08/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 22/04/2024"}}]}, "7967": {"id": "Q1IRrdYiL_Axz7pAYy95y", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "ctIuqqNLE7UyO5Q6zRb7k", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 62009, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 146, "available": 154, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "7968": {"id": "jINvjRdAGnm_grgTX99Rd", "course_id": "110062", "term": "4466", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110062", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4466", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 6", "COURSE_TITLE": "Applying Research Methods in Psychology", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "6504OL", "CLASS_NBR": 66009, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "1 to 2 hour online tutorial", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Graduate Diploma in Psychology or Graduate Certificate in Psychology", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 6500OL and PSYCHOL 6501OL", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online Assessments and Written Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "How do we apply methodological and statistical concepts to real-world problems? This course builds onto the foundation provided by Research Methods, Design and Analysis, exploring research methods for quantitative and qualitative data in more depth. You will think critically about the process of conducting research, apply your knowledge of research methods to a variety of contexts, and further develop your understanding of common analyses.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 04/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 01/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 18/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 02/12/2024"}}]}, "7969": {"id": "jINvjRdAGnm_grgTX99Rd", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "k_Fz9a29YsXE5sWJI6o_B", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 66009, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 100, "available": 200, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "7970": {"id": "EqEZLISpdzFNN-1DGnM03", "course_id": "110063", "term": "4463", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110063", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4463", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Culture and Context", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "6505OL", "CLASS_NBR": 63007, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "1 to 2 hour online tutorial", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Graduate Diploma in Psychology or Graduate Certificate in Psychology", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 6500OL and PSYCHOL 6501OL", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online Assessments and Written Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In what way are you shaped by your culture? In this course you will consider how the culture and context we are surrounded by influence our lives and you will critically examine the central role played by cultural assumptions and values. Developing cultural responsiveness, including with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures will be facilitated. Mental health and wellbeing is a central focus of the course with an emphasis on applying knowledge and skills of psychology in a manner that is reflexive, culturally appropriate and sensitive to the diversity of individuals.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 19/04/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 17/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 03/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 17/06/2024"}}]}, "7971": {"id": "EqEZLISpdzFNN-1DGnM03", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "Gt85EoU3PXx1nBz493YMv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 63007, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 146, "available": 154, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "7972": {"id": "JEaHNk21HpODzCfzmFSPM", "course_id": "110064", "term": "4463", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110064", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4463", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Social Psychology", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "6506OL", "CLASS_NBR": 63008, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "1 to 2 hour online tutorial", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Graduate Diploma in Psychology or Graduate Certificate in Psychology", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 6500OL and PSYCHOL 6501OL", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online Assessments and Written Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "What cognitive processes are involved in prejudice and discrimination? What are the factors that influence a person\u2019s likelihood to identify with a particular group? How do we talk about racism? These are some of the questions that social psychologists are interested in exploring. In this course you will learn about topics central to contemporary research in social psychology, examining the principles and processes that enable us to understand human social behaviour. You will learn about social cognition approaches, processes of social influence, behaviour in groups, and theories of social thinking and ideology. Through critical examination of these topics, you will be introduced to four different levels of analysis in social psychology, which will provide you with a broad understanding of the range of epistemological traditions that underpin social psychological research.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 19/04/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 17/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 03/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 17/06/2024"}}]}, "7973": {"id": "JEaHNk21HpODzCfzmFSPM", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "vUM2R_cU09OegCGuWgWo-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 63008, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 96, "available": 204, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "7974": {"id": "nQ4LSk8gxtPVIYu9wiEcO", "course_id": "110065", "term": "4461", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110065", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4461", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Cognitive Psychology", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "6507OL", "CLASS_NBR": 61007, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "1 to 2 hour online tutorial", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Graduate Diploma in Psychology or Graduate Certificate in Psychology", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 6500OL and PSYCHOL 6501OL", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online Assessments and Written Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Cognitive Psychology is the branch of Psychology focussing on how mental processes work. These mental processes include perception, attention, memory, language, and problem solving. In this course, students will be introduced to the research, theories, and debates within Cognitive Psychology regarding how these mental processes function, as well as the applications that research within the field have to everyday life and society.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 18/12/2023", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 19/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 19/02/2024"}}]}, "7975": {"id": "nQ4LSk8gxtPVIYu9wiEcO", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "wFeQX9qMsd6iaJQV-DeF2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 61007, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 135, "available": 165, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "7976": {"id": "Y0yjrfjrPqpn3fURCYgqO", "course_id": "110065", "term": "4465", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110065", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4465", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 5", "COURSE_TITLE": "Cognitive Psychology", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "6507OL", "CLASS_NBR": 65007, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "1 to 2 hour online tutorial", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Graduate Diploma in Psychology or Graduate Certificate in Psychology", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 6500OL and PSYCHOL 6501OL", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online Assessments and Written Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Cognitive Psychology is the branch of Psychology focussing on how mental processes work. These mental processes include perception, attention, memory, language, and problem solving. In this course, students will be introduced to the research, theories, and debates within Cognitive Psychology regarding how these mental processes function, as well as the applications that research within the field have to everyday life and society.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 09/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 06/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 23/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 07/10/2024"}}]}, "7977": {"id": "Y0yjrfjrPqpn3fURCYgqO", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "yrnX6JD15scrhXM3-dH0t", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 65007, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 102, "available": 198, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "7978": {"id": "iARK1JlYz8nF4-ypt6OkG", "course_id": "110066", "term": "4464", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110066", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4464", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "Individual Differences and Assessment", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "6508OL", "CLASS_NBR": 64010, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "1 to 2 hour online tutorial", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Graduate Diploma in Psychology or Graduate Certificate in Psychology", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 6500OL and PSYCHOL 6501OL", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online Assessments and Written Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Are we all different or more similar than we think? This course addresses the field of Differential Psychology, and will help you understand how and why people differ, despite the broad similarities shared by all humankind. We will review major theories, research methods and findings, and how these translate into practices in the fields of intelligence, personality, and psychological assessment.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 14/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 29/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 12/08/2024"}}]}, "7979": {"id": "iARK1JlYz8nF4-ypt6OkG", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "NUy_onObtiMMbLkJrGKdF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 64010, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 112, "available": 188, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "7980": {"id": "AosBxVOBp_5zX5FqIk9bo", "course_id": "110067", "term": "4462", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110067", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4462", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Learning and Behaviour", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "6509OL", "CLASS_NBR": 62010, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "1 to 2 hour online tutorial", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Graduate Diploma in Psychology or Graduate Certificate in Psychology", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 6500OL and PSYCHOL 6501OL", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online Assessments and Written Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "How do we learn from the environment around us? In this course you will be introduced to a variety of learning theories including, classical and operant conditioning, cognitive learning theories, and constructivism. You will learn the major principals underpinning the theories and evidence supporting them. A major focus of the course will be applying the conceptual knowledge you have gained to a variety of modern contexts.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 16/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 15/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 08/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 22/04/2024"}}]}, "7981": {"id": "AosBxVOBp_5zX5FqIk9bo", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "IC_4C6mpnCdCG-hWjVzdQ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 62010, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 104, "available": 196, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "7982": {"id": "r8D9cGpdP9E6L_8JzW5T6", "course_id": "110067", "term": "4466", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110067", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4466", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 6", "COURSE_TITLE": "Learning and Behaviour", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "6509OL", "CLASS_NBR": 66010, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "1 to 2 hour online tutorial", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Graduate Diploma in Psychology or Graduate Certificate in Psychology", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 6500OL and PSYCHOL 6501OL", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online Assessments and Written Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "How do we learn from the environment around us? In this course you will be introduced to a variety of learning theories including, classical and operant conditioning, cognitive learning theories, and constructivism. You will learn the major principals underpinning the theories and evidence supporting them. A major focus of the course will be applying the conceptual knowledge you have gained to a variety of modern contexts.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 04/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 01/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 18/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 02/12/2024"}}]}, "7983": {"id": "r8D9cGpdP9E6L_8JzW5T6", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "h4ptD8_FteYHIoV3JO8Ya", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 66010, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 129, "available": 171, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "7984": {"id": "GXTLLYFKLVz8g5pEnorih", "course_id": "110815", "term": "4461", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110815", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4461", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Professional and Interpersonal Skills", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "6600OL", "CLASS_NBR": 61018, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Graduate Diploma in Psychology (Advanced) (OL) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online Assessments and Written Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, students will develop key interpersonal communication and interview skills, including active listening, clarifying and reflecting, effective questioning, summarising and paraphrasing, developing rapport and empathic responding. Students will learn how to appropriately integrate these skills into culturally responsive professional practice, and engage in reflective practice to determine areas for further development. They will also begin to demonstrate basic assessment skills through case formulation. Key aspects of the course include the application of knowledge and skills related to interprofessional collaboration and cultural responsiveness, as well as practice across diverse professional settings.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 18/12/2023", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 19/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 19/02/2024"}}]}, "7985": {"id": "GXTLLYFKLVz8g5pEnorih", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "_t7uAt-bnc2vY8yQE5sua", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 61018, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 115, "available": 185, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "7986": {"id": "puIef3ytRSRrgkw4NNTwn", "course_id": "110815", "term": "4462", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110815", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4462", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Professional and Interpersonal Skills", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "6600OL", "CLASS_NBR": 62018, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Graduate Diploma in Psychology (Advanced) (OL) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online Assessments and Written Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, students will develop key interpersonal communication and interview skills, including active listening, clarifying and reflecting, effective questioning, summarising and paraphrasing, developing rapport and empathic responding. Students will learn how to appropriately integrate these skills into culturally responsive professional practice, and engage in reflective practice to determine areas for further development. They will also begin to demonstrate basic assessment skills through case formulation. Key aspects of the course include the application of knowledge and skills related to interprofessional collaboration and cultural responsiveness, as well as practice across diverse professional settings.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 16/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 15/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 08/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 22/04/2024"}}]}, "7987": {"id": "puIef3ytRSRrgkw4NNTwn", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "P4-gU-vse1lB0wi0LKNxf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 62018, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 95, "available": 205, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "7988": {"id": "E_jfqhjtWToowHgloyQKW", "course_id": "110815", "term": "4463", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110815", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4463", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Professional and Interpersonal Skills", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "6600OL", "CLASS_NBR": 63018, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Graduate Diploma in Psychology (Advanced) (OL) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online Assessments and Written Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, students will develop key interpersonal communication and interview skills, including active listening, clarifying and reflecting, effective questioning, summarising and paraphrasing, developing rapport and empathic responding. 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Key aspects of the course include the application of knowledge and skills related to interprofessional collaboration and cultural responsiveness, as well as practice across diverse professional settings.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 19/04/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 17/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 03/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 17/06/2024"}}]}, "7989": {"id": "E_jfqhjtWToowHgloyQKW", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "g9b5E7FnxLVH1xg1POIdr", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 63018, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 60, "available": 240, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "7990": {"id": "MpSZj26vohK6zS9LzgY4o", "course_id": "110815", "term": "4464", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110815", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4464", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "Professional and Interpersonal Skills", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "6600OL", "CLASS_NBR": 64019, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Graduate Diploma in Psychology (Advanced) (OL) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online Assessments and Written Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, students will develop key interpersonal communication and interview skills, including active listening, clarifying and reflecting, effective questioning, summarising and paraphrasing, developing rapport and empathic responding. 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Key aspects of the course include the application of knowledge and skills related to interprofessional collaboration and cultural responsiveness, as well as practice across diverse professional settings.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 14/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 29/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 12/08/2024"}}]}, "7991": {"id": "MpSZj26vohK6zS9LzgY4o", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "KM_Xi6BgkwMMdt6FaS4K8", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 64019, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 45, "available": 255, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "7992": {"id": "o-DLauSDfJTWHmUfIkMvJ", "course_id": "110815", "term": "4465", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110815", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4465", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 5", "COURSE_TITLE": "Professional and Interpersonal Skills", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "6600OL", "CLASS_NBR": 65017, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Graduate Diploma in Psychology (Advanced) (OL) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online Assessments and Written Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, students will develop key interpersonal communication and interview skills, including active listening, clarifying and reflecting, effective questioning, summarising and paraphrasing, developing rapport and empathic responding. Students will learn how to appropriately integrate these skills into culturally responsive professional practice, and engage in reflective practice to determine areas for further development. They will also begin to demonstrate basic assessment skills through case formulation. Key aspects of the course include the application of knowledge and skills related to interprofessional collaboration and cultural responsiveness, as well as practice across diverse professional settings.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 09/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 06/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 23/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 07/10/2024"}}]}, "7993": {"id": "o-DLauSDfJTWHmUfIkMvJ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "D_ARQUW8kiiud4cXXEh1w", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 65017, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 43, "available": 257, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "7994": {"id": "sWN3OCWDE6nzR0C-lqpI_", "course_id": "110815", "term": "4466", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110815", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4466", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 6", "COURSE_TITLE": "Professional and Interpersonal Skills", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "6600OL", "CLASS_NBR": 66018, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Graduate Diploma in Psychology (Advanced) (OL) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online Assessments and Written Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, students will develop key interpersonal communication and interview skills, including active listening, clarifying and reflecting, effective questioning, summarising and paraphrasing, developing rapport and empathic responding. Students will learn how to appropriately integrate these skills into culturally responsive professional practice, and engage in reflective practice to determine areas for further development. They will also begin to demonstrate basic assessment skills through case formulation. Key aspects of the course include the application of knowledge and skills related to interprofessional collaboration and cultural responsiveness, as well as practice across diverse professional settings.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 04/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 01/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 18/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 02/12/2024"}}]}, "7995": {"id": "sWN3OCWDE6nzR0C-lqpI_", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "PnABQoU9JRqXcmOZq8za0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 66018, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 39, "available": 261, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "7996": {"id": "y9edicj4RsbzXeEyLHMzj", "course_id": "110816", "term": "4462", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110816", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4462", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Understanding & Synthesising Psychological Evidence", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "6601OL", "CLASS_NBR": 62050, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "1 to 2 hour online tutorial", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Graduate Diploma in Psychology (Advanced) (OL) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online Assessments and Written Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Psychology graduates working in industry, government, research and private practice often need to know and comment on the 'evidence base' for a psychological treatment, intervention or theory. This course provides students with the technical knowledge to construct and understand different kinds of reviews and repositories of evidence, including systematic reviews, meta-analyses, meta-syntheses, and open datasets. Processes and challenges underlying evidence-based psychological practice will also be discussed.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 16/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 15/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 08/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 22/04/2024"}}]}, "7997": {"id": "y9edicj4RsbzXeEyLHMzj", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "1Or0i4XxnUAcywwtATzGm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 62050, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 131, "available": 169, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "7998": {"id": "cYs06NWxZ6W4AvWWAWHJ3", "course_id": "110816", "term": "4464", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110816", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4464", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "Understanding & Synthesising Psychological Evidence", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "6601OL", "CLASS_NBR": 64020, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "1 to 2 hour online tutorial", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Graduate Diploma in Psychology (Advanced) (OL) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online Assessments and Written Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Psychology graduates working in industry, government, research and private practice often need to know and comment on the 'evidence base' for a psychological treatment, intervention or theory. This course provides students with the technical knowledge to construct and understand different kinds of reviews and repositories of evidence, including systematic reviews, meta-analyses, meta-syntheses, and open datasets. Processes and challenges underlying evidence-based psychological practice will also be discussed.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 14/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 29/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 12/08/2024"}}]}, "7999": {"id": "cYs06NWxZ6W4AvWWAWHJ3", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "zv1chR-1Eradvlx5dsfdu", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 64020, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 126, "available": 174, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "8000": {"id": "cTViVkw0Aq6sTzJd4bGZJ", "course_id": "110816", "term": "4466", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110816", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4466", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 6", "COURSE_TITLE": "Understanding & Synthesising Psychological Evidence", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "6601OL", "CLASS_NBR": 66048, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "1 to 2 hour online tutorial", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Graduate Diploma in Psychology (Advanced) (OL) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online Assessments and Written Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Psychology graduates working in industry, government, research and private practice often need to know and comment on the 'evidence base' for a psychological treatment, intervention or theory. 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Processes and challenges underlying evidence-based psychological practice will also be discussed.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 04/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 01/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 18/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 02/12/2024"}}]}, "8001": {"id": "cTViVkw0Aq6sTzJd4bGZJ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "-h0H6G2GGcqTP7M5eMZ7V", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 66048, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 102, "available": 198, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "8002": {"id": "JTa4J6ZB0dL8vkdjwWjpn", "course_id": "110817", "term": "4461", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110817", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4461", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Applied Quantitative and Qualitative Methods", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "6602OL", "CLASS_NBR": 61048, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Graduate Diploma in Psychology (Advanced) (OL) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online Assessments and Written Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This applied methodology course will equip you with the knowledge, skills, and abilities required for understanding and conducting data analysis in psychology. With a guided step-by-step approach, this course will explore how to use, report, and apply both quantitative and qualitative research methodologies, utilising a range of industry-relevant software packages.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 18/12/2023", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 19/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 19/02/2024"}}]}, "8003": {"id": "JTa4J6ZB0dL8vkdjwWjpn", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "eLgT04MnepXBLiEFQ_KRG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 61048, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 79, "available": 221, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "8004": {"id": "3vo_bM8OH7_LffsOvVAN0", "course_id": "110817", "term": "4462", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110817", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4462", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Applied Quantitative and Qualitative Methods", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "6602OL", "CLASS_NBR": 62019, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Graduate Diploma in Psychology (Advanced) (OL) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online Assessments and Written Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This applied methodology course will equip you with the knowledge, skills, and abilities required for understanding and conducting data analysis in psychology. With a guided step-by-step approach, this course will explore how to use, report, and apply both quantitative and qualitative research methodologies, utilising a range of industry-relevant software packages.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 16/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 15/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 08/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 22/04/2024"}}]}, "8005": {"id": "3vo_bM8OH7_LffsOvVAN0", "class_list": [{"association_group": "", "groups": []}]}, "8006": {"id": "TL7CWEeJnvOBVEmvwDFvq", "course_id": "110817", "term": "4463", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110817", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4463", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Applied Quantitative and Qualitative Methods", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "6602OL", "CLASS_NBR": 63042, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Graduate Diploma in Psychology (Advanced) (OL) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online Assessments and Written Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This applied methodology course will equip you with the knowledge, skills, and abilities required for understanding and conducting data analysis in psychology. With a guided step-by-step approach, this course will explore how to use, report, and apply both quantitative and qualitative research methodologies, utilising a range of industry-relevant software packages.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 19/04/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 17/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 03/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 17/06/2024"}}]}, "8007": {"id": "TL7CWEeJnvOBVEmvwDFvq", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "-Dlu_CM_kdEpoaLL55gy1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 63042, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 172, "available": 128, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "8008": {"id": "NKqK-S76W7lyiLoTOeOwc", "course_id": "110817", "term": "4465", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110817", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4465", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 5", "COURSE_TITLE": "Applied Quantitative and Qualitative Methods", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "6602OL", "CLASS_NBR": 65018, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Graduate Diploma in Psychology (Advanced) (OL) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online Assessments and Written Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This applied methodology course will equip you with the knowledge, skills, and abilities required for understanding and conducting data analysis in psychology. With a guided step-by-step approach, this course will explore how to use, report, and apply both quantitative and qualitative research methodologies, utilising a range of industry-relevant software packages.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 09/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 06/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 23/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 07/10/2024"}}]}, "8009": {"id": "NKqK-S76W7lyiLoTOeOwc", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "gOYIiJW92Vq6agzjn6FF6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 65018, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 103, "available": 197, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "8010": {"id": "ixiGU-_eQO9exEdTsoqmn", "course_id": "110818", "term": "4463", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110818", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4463", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Psychological Measurement and Assessment", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "6603OL", "CLASS_NBR": 63019, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Graduate Diploma in Psychology (Advanced) (OL) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 6600OL, PSYCHOL 6601OL and PSYCHOL 6602OL", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online Assessments and Written Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "How do you measure and assess the psychological capabilities, health, and attributes of people? In this course, students will gain an understanding of the knowledge necessary to select, deploy, and interpret psychometric instruments in a variety of settings. Students will learn how to appropriately integrate these skills into ethical and culturally responsive practice. Key aspects of the course include the application of knowledge in the context of digital and emerging technologies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 19/04/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 17/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 03/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 17/06/2024"}}]}, "8011": {"id": "ixiGU-_eQO9exEdTsoqmn", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "OEdqfTRTr13vB_eOPqlmt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 63019, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 134, "available": 166, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "8012": {"id": "hZoEaIg0cM2bdlvpNDGYu", "course_id": "110818", "term": "4466", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110818", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4466", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 6", "COURSE_TITLE": "Psychological Measurement and Assessment", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "6603OL", "CLASS_NBR": 66019, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Graduate Diploma in Psychology (Advanced) (OL) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 6600OL, PSYCHOL 6601OL and PSYCHOL 6602OL", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online Assessments and Written Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "How do you measure and assess the psychological capabilities, health, and attributes of people? In this course, students will gain an understanding of the knowledge necessary to select, deploy, and interpret psychometric instruments in a variety of settings. Students will learn how to appropriately integrate these skills into ethical and culturally responsive practice. Key aspects of the course include the application of knowledge in the context of digital and emerging technologies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 04/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 01/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 18/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 02/12/2024"}}]}, "8013": {"id": "hZoEaIg0cM2bdlvpNDGYu", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "wpkIB2pDQPFiveg8bGgWj", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 66019, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 207, "available": 93, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "8014": {"id": "SlUCA1ALFBDfAQvE6R4AC", "course_id": "110819", "term": "4461", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110819", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4461", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Psychological Applications and Interventions", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "6604OL", "CLASS_NBR": 61020, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Graduate Diploma in Psychology (Advanced) (OL) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 6600OL, PSYCHOL 6601OL and PSYCHOL 6602OL", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online Assessments and Written Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "How do you apply psychological knowledge and interventions in health, legal, and organisational settings to improve psychological and practical outcomes? This course will develop the thinking necessary to identify a problem, assess and apply psychological knowledge in a culturally responsive way to improve the lives of individuals, organisations, and communities. It will also cover skills for the translation of psychological knowledge to industry and not-for-profit settings.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 18/12/2023", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 19/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 19/02/2024"}}]}, "8015": {"id": "SlUCA1ALFBDfAQvE6R4AC", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "TIvMZMYtez34cxWpa8Jep", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 61020, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 196, "available": 104, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "8016": {"id": "1frXhzpJ4RRpma3R691Ec", "course_id": "110819", "term": "4464", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110819", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4464", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "Psychological Applications and Interventions", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "6604OL", "CLASS_NBR": 64021, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Graduate Diploma in Psychology (Advanced) (OL) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 6600OL, PSYCHOL 6601OL and PSYCHOL 6602OL", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online Assessments and Written Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "How do you apply psychological knowledge and interventions in health, legal, and organisational settings to improve psychological and practical outcomes? This course will develop the thinking necessary to identify a problem, assess and apply psychological knowledge in a culturally responsive way to improve the lives of individuals, organisations, and communities. It will also cover skills for the translation of psychological knowledge to industry and not-for-profit settings.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 14/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 29/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 12/08/2024"}}]}, "8017": {"id": "1frXhzpJ4RRpma3R691Ec", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "ODUTdo9rjoGGKMuPZAJVh", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 64021, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 167, "available": 133, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "8018": {"id": "R1WSFGCOMKkAM3gvMNa8H", "course_id": "110820", "term": "4462", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110820", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4462", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Project Planning, Managing and Analysing Data", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "6605OL", "CLASS_NBR": 62020, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Graduate Diploma in Psychology (Advanced) (OL) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 6600OL, PSYCHOL 6601OL and 6602OL", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online Assessments and Written Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "What skills do you need to plan a project, manage a dataset, and effectively analyse data in the real-world? Building on the theory and skills developed in Applied Quantitative and Qualitative Methods, this course emphasises the competencies required to plan, carry out, and distribute research in a rigorous, transparent, and ethically responsible way. This course also introduces statistical techniques which can be used to model more detailed patterns in data.\n\nThe competencies developed through your participation and successful completion of this course are specifically designed to prepare you for the final two courses in the program \u2013 Research Project A and Research Project B. You will need to successfully complete this course (\u2018Pass\u2019 grade or higher), along with all other courses in the program, before you can progress to PSYCHOL 6606AOL: Research Project A.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 16/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 15/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 08/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 22/04/2024"}}]}, "8019": {"id": "R1WSFGCOMKkAM3gvMNa8H", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "J6fkWFx2vYPqgOfFV2NxK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 62020, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 179, "available": 121, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "8020": {"id": "2zbEYjhZaMO-yLiiJxAde", "course_id": "110820", "term": "4465", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110820", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4465", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 5", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Project Planning, Managing and Analysing Data", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "6605OL", "CLASS_NBR": 65019, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Graduate Diploma in Psychology (Advanced) (OL) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 6600OL, PSYCHOL 6601OL and 6602OL", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online Assessments and Written Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "What skills do you need to plan a project, manage a dataset, and effectively analyse data in the real-world? Building on the theory and skills developed in Applied Quantitative and Qualitative Methods, this course emphasises the competencies required to plan, carry out, and distribute research in a rigorous, transparent, and ethically responsible way. This course also introduces statistical techniques which can be used to model more detailed patterns in data.\n\nThe competencies developed through your participation and successful completion of this course are specifically designed to prepare you for the final two courses in the program \u2013 Research Project A and Research Project B. You will need to successfully complete this course (\u2018Pass\u2019 grade or higher), along with all other courses in the program, before you can progress to PSYCHOL 6606AOL: Research Project A.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 09/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 06/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 23/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 07/10/2024"}}]}, "8021": {"id": "2zbEYjhZaMO-yLiiJxAde", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "lC9kO5jp-xiFGsubfIByn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 65019, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 165, "available": 135, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "8022": {"id": "x9qpNTskZSiKfhK97QrzS", "course_id": "110821", "term": "4461", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110821", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4461", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Project A", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "6606AOL", "CLASS_NBR": 61021, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Graduate Diploma in Psychology (Advanced) (OL) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 6600OL, PSYCHOL 6601OL, PSYCHOL 6602OL, PSYCHOL 6603OL, PSYCHOL 6604OL and PSYCHOL 6605OL", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online Assessments and Written Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "How do you bring together evidence to answer critical questions in psychology? This course will provide you with the opportunity to investigate a substantive individual research question relevant to the discipline of psychology, using the skills and knowledge you have developed during the program of study.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 18/12/2023", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 19/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 19/02/2024"}}]}, "8023": {"id": "x9qpNTskZSiKfhK97QrzS", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "tH8oqA237EqvakTLNBTrI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 61021, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 75, "available": 225, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "8024": {"id": "7VsidQppmsYw5eMitMb2U", "course_id": "110821", "term": "4463", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110821", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4463", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Project A", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "6606AOL", "CLASS_NBR": 63020, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Graduate Diploma in Psychology (Advanced) (OL) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 6600OL, PSYCHOL 6601OL, PSYCHOL 6602OL, PSYCHOL 6603OL, PSYCHOL 6604OL and PSYCHOL 6605OL", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online Assessments and Written Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "How do you bring together evidence to answer critical questions in psychology? This course will provide you with the opportunity to investigate a substantive individual research question relevant to the discipline of psychology, using the skills and knowledge you have developed during the program of study.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 19/04/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 17/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 03/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 17/06/2024"}}]}, "8025": {"id": "7VsidQppmsYw5eMitMb2U", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "RxLvBw_firZoq-H6oaxCb", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 63020, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 134, "available": 166, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "8026": {"id": "NjBApFvzo63ZlvZu99DNV", "course_id": "110821", "term": "4464", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110821", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4464", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Project A", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "6606AOL", "CLASS_NBR": 64022, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Graduate Diploma in Psychology (Advanced) (OL) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 6600OL, PSYCHOL 6601OL, PSYCHOL 6602OL, PSYCHOL 6603OL, PSYCHOL 6604OL and PSYCHOL 6605OL", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online Assessments and Written Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "How do you bring together evidence to answer critical questions in psychology? This course will provide you with the opportunity to investigate a substantive individual research question relevant to the discipline of psychology, using the skills and knowledge you have developed during the program of study.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 14/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 29/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 12/08/2024"}}]}, "8027": {"id": "NjBApFvzo63ZlvZu99DNV", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "KAxKnwKB1mIoCLkBK5AlV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 64022, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 29, "available": 271, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "8028": {"id": "eubWRj_LaTVLCEEQGDDzC", "course_id": "110821", "term": "4465", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110821", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4465", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 5", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Project A", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "6606AOL", "CLASS_NBR": 65020, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Graduate Diploma in Psychology (Advanced) (OL) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 6600OL, PSYCHOL 6601OL, PSYCHOL 6602OL, PSYCHOL 6603OL, PSYCHOL 6604OL and PSYCHOL 6605OL", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online Assessments and Written Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "How do you bring together evidence to answer critical questions in psychology? This course will provide you with the opportunity to investigate a substantive individual research question relevant to the discipline of psychology, using the skills and knowledge you have developed during the program of study.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 09/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 06/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 23/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 07/10/2024"}}]}, "8029": {"id": "eubWRj_LaTVLCEEQGDDzC", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "mN1Hql2-1pk1i8HMEzHjQ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 65020, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 83, "available": 217, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "8030": {"id": "kLJuX1xoh50Q1_vTO7Cgy", "course_id": "110822", "term": "4462", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110822", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4462", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Project B", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "6606BOL", "CLASS_NBR": 62021, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Graduate Diploma in Psychology (Advanced) (OL) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 6600OL, PSYCHOL 6601OL, PSYCHOL 6602OL, PSYCHOL 6603OL, PSYCHOL 6604OL, PSYCHOL 6605OL and PSYCHOL 6606AOL", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online Assessments and Written Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "How do you effectively communicate data for advancing theory and practice? This course will focus on developing the skills required to summarise and translate research findings for a variety of audiences. It will result in a final research paper reporting the results of an individual investigation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 16/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 15/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 08/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 22/04/2024"}}]}, "8031": {"id": "kLJuX1xoh50Q1_vTO7Cgy", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "cP8JhJL9AeTXPM-AovAAI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 62021, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 75, "available": 225, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "8032": {"id": "ikGvKalpXCBPDveHdPDCd", "course_id": "110822", "term": "4464", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110822", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4464", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Project B", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "6606BOL", "CLASS_NBR": 64023, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Graduate Diploma in Psychology (Advanced) (OL) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 6600OL, PSYCHOL 6601OL, PSYCHOL 6602OL, PSYCHOL 6603OL, PSYCHOL 6604OL, PSYCHOL 6605OL and PSYCHOL 6606AOL", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online Assessments and Written Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "How do you effectively communicate data for advancing theory and practice? This course will focus on developing the skills required to summarise and translate research findings for a variety of audiences. It will result in a final research paper reporting the results of an individual investigation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 14/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 29/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 12/08/2024"}}]}, "8033": {"id": "ikGvKalpXCBPDveHdPDCd", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "nbap82Eo42x5V1R6KOIDE", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 64023, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 133, "available": 167, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "8034": {"id": "U_8d2RKJvxk-eH6KK4GxO", "course_id": "110822", "term": "4465", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110822", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4465", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 5", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Project B", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "6606BOL", "CLASS_NBR": 65021, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Graduate Diploma in Psychology (Advanced) (OL) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 6600OL, PSYCHOL 6601OL, PSYCHOL 6602OL, PSYCHOL 6603OL, PSYCHOL 6604OL, PSYCHOL 6605OL and PSYCHOL 6606AOL", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online Assessments and Written Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "How do you effectively communicate data for advancing theory and practice? This course will focus on developing the skills required to summarise and translate research findings for a variety of audiences. It will result in a final research paper reporting the results of an individual investigation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 09/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 06/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 23/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 07/10/2024"}}]}, "8035": {"id": "U_8d2RKJvxk-eH6KK4GxO", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "bdGZY_3XQ7fw5N9zPwaCr", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 65021, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 29, "available": 271, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "8036": {"id": "6epknpGvVk7Rg1C4UHYUM", "course_id": "110822", "term": "4466", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110822", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4466", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 6", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Project B", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "6606BOL", "CLASS_NBR": 66020, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Graduate Diploma in Psychology (Advanced) (OL) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 6600OL, PSYCHOL 6601OL, PSYCHOL 6602OL, PSYCHOL 6603OL, PSYCHOL 6604OL, PSYCHOL 6605OL and PSYCHOL 6606AOL", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online Assessments and Written Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "How do you effectively communicate data for advancing theory and practice? This course will focus on developing the skills required to summarise and translate research findings for a variety of audiences. It will result in a final research paper reporting the results of an individual investigation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 04/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 01/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 18/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 02/12/2024"}}]}, "8037": {"id": "6epknpGvVk7Rg1C4UHYUM", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "OK_esFue-yVUUqG1O7hta", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 66020, "section": "01OL", "size": 300, "enrolled": 85, "available": 215, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "8038": {"id": "GkT1C25i7WmHpG_8HEHOC", "course_id": "105464", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105464", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Evidence-based Practice", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7130", "CLASS_NBR": 92003, "SESSION_CD": "S02", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "3 hours per day for 12 days", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M Psych (Clin) and PhD/MPsych(Clin) students only or by permission of Head of School", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written and online assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides the student with the advanced research and professional skills required to practice within the scientist- practitioner model. On completion of the course, the student will be able to demonstrate knowledge of the ethical, professional and legal responsibilities of a practising psychologist. The student will have the ability to identify ethical issues and to locate, understand and apply the major supporting documentation (e.g. Australian Psychological Society Code of Ethics). Additionally, the student will have the knowledge and skills to undertake applied research and evaluation in a range of settings.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 29/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "8039": {"id": "GkT1C25i7WmHpG_8HEHOC", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "74avweTjq8RWbQxF5l15n", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92003, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 11, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jan - 25 Jan", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Jan - 2 Feb", "days": "Monday, Wednesday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Feb - 9 Feb", "days": "Monday, Wednesday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Feb - 8 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8040": {"id": "Jas2Sna4pMM8dkMWl4S4I", "course_id": "105465", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105465", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Interviewing & Intervention", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7131", "CLASS_NBR": 92006, "SESSION_CD": "S02", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "Up to 15 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M Psych (Clin) and PhD/MPsych(Clin) students only or by permission of Head of School", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to develop students' skills in interviewing and counselling clients and conducting cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), through observing, discussing and practising techniques in class, using a model of evidence-based practice. On completion of this unit students will be able to demonstrate knowledge and skills in interviewing, counselling and CBT.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 29/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "8041": {"id": "Jas2Sna4pMM8dkMWl4S4I", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "tr7-wyXrfZKgPYKem590r", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92006, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 12, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jan - 1 Feb", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Feb - 5 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Feb - 13 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Feb - 7 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Feb - 9 Feb", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8042": {"id": "QyuGvI2oQ4bmkXEBECimD", "course_id": "105467", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105467", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Psychological Assessment", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7132", "CLASS_NBR": 16526, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M Psych (Clin) and PhD/MPsych(Clin) students only or by permission of Head of School", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 7130 and PSYCHOL 7131", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to introduce students to the principles and practice of psychological assessment. The course will focus on a small number of widely used norm-referenced tests of intellectual abilities as well as diagnostic interview schedules, and both clinician rated and self-report measures used in the assessment of emotional and behavioural problems across the lifespan. Students will become familiar with the strengths, limitations, interpretation and presentation of findings from a variety of assessment instruments and will learn skills in both assessment planning and report writing. Students will learn about the ethical and social implications of assessment in a variety of contexts including socially and linguistically diverse populations. Opportunities for practice administration of assessment tools will be provided.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8043": {"id": "QyuGvI2oQ4bmkXEBECimD", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "Br8LE0TV8OjUHJjNAJD6d", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16526, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 11, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Except where another location is mentioned, all other classes will be held in Hughes 527."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9:30am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 28 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Mar - 13 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1:30pm", "end_time": "3:30pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9:30am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8044": {"id": "xjpb5D5ahj6HP91rxc9zL", "course_id": "105469", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105469", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Psychopathology and Clinical Practice", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7133", "CLASS_NBR": 14759, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M Psych (Clin) and PhD/MPsych(Clin) students only or by permission of Head of School", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 7130 and PSYCHOL 7131", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Psychology Honours degree and relevant undergraduate introductions to abnormal psychology and evidence-base practice", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments & examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This unit aims to describe psychological problems as they present and are diagnosed and treated across the lifespan \u2013 with special reference to diagnostic systems, ethical principles and pharmacological treatments. On completion of this unit the student will be able to demonstrate: thorough and critical understanding of the most commonly-used diagnostic classification systems (e.g. DSM, ICD) and techniques for diagnostic assessment (e.g. SCID, MINI, psychometric scales); knowledge of the causes, presentation, diagnosis and treatment of psychological problems from childhood to old age; a basic understanding of the SA mental health system and its supporting legislation; and a critical approach to the research evidence-base and to professional development activities", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8045": {"id": "xjpb5D5ahj6HP91rxc9zL", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "tAQkD0Be3WDtyg00QkSLF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14759, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 10, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "These classes will be held in Hughes 527."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "8046": {"id": "gY49JGzFgsGIfuvuId9BO", "course_id": "105470", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105470", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Health Psychology", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7134", "CLASS_NBR": 24650, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M Psych (Clin) and PhD/MPsych(Clin) students only or by permission of Head of School", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 7130, PSYCHOL 7131, PSYCHOL 7132 and PSYCHOL 7133", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Group-based and independent assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course examines the relationships of social, biological, behavioural and cognitive variables to health. It covers those aspects of the social environment that influence health and illness outcomes including interactions among family members and between healthcare consumers and healthcare providers. Risk factors for health-compromising behaviours are also discussed including strategies for their modification. Students are also educated about interprofessional practice and collaboration.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8047": {"id": "gY49JGzFgsGIfuvuId9BO", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "5Z1ptzAJx3n9tmpUUbT3t", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24650, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 9, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "These classes will be held in Hughes 527."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "8048": {"id": "szoeMODH2Yy7qA69qxyph", "course_id": "105471", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105471", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Clinical Neuropsychology & Disability", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7135", "CLASS_NBR": 10124, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M Psych (Clin) and PhD/MPsych(Clin) students only or by permission of Head of School", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 7132", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Undergraduate level training in neuropsychology", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The overall aim of this course is to introduce clinical trainees to the fields of clinical neuropsychology and disability by examining some of the developmental and acquired brain-based disorders that can impact on the cognitive and psychological functioning of children and adults who are seen in clinical settings.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8049": {"id": "szoeMODH2Yy7qA69qxyph", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "9KeiHcIXbdtmnM4TB5dC0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10124, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 8, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "These classes will be held in Hughes 527."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9:30am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9:30am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9:30am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "8050": {"id": "SyvMk4qulDcsR7HWYniuv", "course_id": "105472", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105472", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Child & Adult Intervention", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7136", "CLASS_NBR": 20149, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M Psych (Clin) and PhD/MPsych (Clin) students only or by permission of Head of School", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 7130 and PSYCHOL 7131", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written and practical assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This unit aims to develop students' knowledge and skills for professional practice and communication, and in evidence-based practice with adults, children and families, including culturally responsive practice with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples. On completion of this unit students will be able to demonstrate knowledge and clinical skills in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, and will have obtained knowledge of and practice in other evidence-based interventions for adults, children and families, as well as the ability to critically reflect on their learning and evaluate their own clinical psychology practice. Students will be able to plan, deliver and evaluate their practice in providing an evidenced-based psychological intervention, including consulting research literature to ensure their practice is consistent with relevant research evidence.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8051": {"id": "SyvMk4qulDcsR7HWYniuv", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "quCyHUkuScCfTNxgKyD3u", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20149, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 11, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "These classes will be held in Hughes 527."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9:30am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9:30am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "8052": {"id": "1QNaJsJcx0kMeoOUupbjK", "course_id": "106143", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106143", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Master of Psychology (Clinical) Placement II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7140", "CLASS_NBR": 92120, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "22 weeks of 2.5 days", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M Psych (Clin) and PhD/MPsych (Clin) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 7130, PSYCHOL 7131, PSYCHOL 7132 and PSYCHOL 7133", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Agreed placement contract, logbook, mid placement review, case report, student evaluation report, placement supervisor report, case discussion seminar participation and documented mentoring experience.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This Placement provides education and training in professional practice and skills to prepare the student for registration with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 09/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "8053": {"id": "1QNaJsJcx0kMeoOUupbjK", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "5c757rGLxJJq7sIShxzUN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92120, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Please note this is a dummy class time, you do not have to attend class at this time. Please contact the Course Coordinator for more details."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Feb - 19 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "8054": {"id": "M7BcMf-uJTpiEeyDgYdoJ", "course_id": "106143", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106143", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Master of Psychology (Clinical) Placement II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7140", "CLASS_NBR": 13403, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "22 weeks of 2.5 days", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M Psych (Clin) and PhD/MPsych (Clin) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 7130, PSYCHOL 7131, PSYCHOL 7132 and PSYCHOL 7133", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Agreed placement contract, logbook, mid placement review, case report, student evaluation report, placement supervisor report, case discussion seminar participation and documented mentoring experience.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This Placement provides education and training in professional practice and skills to prepare the student for registration with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8055": {"id": "M7BcMf-uJTpiEeyDgYdoJ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "7gJzASUGZvAfLGJ0x8oOK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13403, "section": "SE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 9, "available": 31, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 28 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Mar - 13 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8056": {"id": "DbieGQnhEiR9ie9p_lJbH", "course_id": "106143", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106143", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Master of Psychology (Clinical) Placement II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7140", "CLASS_NBR": 95057, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "22 weeks of 2.5 days", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M Psych (Clin) and PhD/MPsych (Clin) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 7130, PSYCHOL 7131, PSYCHOL 7132 and PSYCHOL 7133", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Agreed placement contract, logbook, mid placement review, case report, student evaluation report, placement supervisor report, case discussion seminar participation and documented mentoring experience.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This Placement provides education and training in professional practice and skills to prepare the student for registration with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 24/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 28/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 11/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 17/07/2024"}}]}, "8057": {"id": "DbieGQnhEiR9ie9p_lJbH", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "YDwDxrgEN30SexwFy5OvP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95057, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Please note this is a dummy class time, you do not have to attend class at this time. Please contact the Course Coordinator for more details."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "10 Jun - 10 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "8058": {"id": "SKrlwuBI7hK-BVzEbtd6c", "course_id": "106143", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106143", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Master of Psychology (Clinical) Placement II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7140", "CLASS_NBR": 28749, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "22 weeks of 2.5 days", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M Psych (Clin) and PhD/MPsych (Clin) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 7130, PSYCHOL 7131, PSYCHOL 7132 and PSYCHOL 7133", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Agreed placement contract, logbook, mid placement review, case report, student evaluation report, placement supervisor report, case discussion seminar participation and documented mentoring experience.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This Placement provides education and training in professional practice and skills to prepare the student for registration with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8059": {"id": "SKrlwuBI7hK-BVzEbtd6c", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "WnoSdJUJmI-RfWuwTCua9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28749, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 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Please contact the Course Coordinator for more details."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Feb - 19 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "8062": {"id": "Qx2rYRgSWIQ96IWqTC_Of", "course_id": "105474", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105474", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Master of Psychology (Clinical) Placement I", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7141", "CLASS_NBR": 18805, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "22 weeks of 2.5 days", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M Psych (Clin) and PhD/MPsych (Clin) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 7130, PSYCHOL 7131, PSYCHOL 7132 and PSYCHOL 7133", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Agreed placement contract, logbook, mid placement review, case report, student evaluation report, placement supervisor report, case discussion seminar participation and documented mentoring experience.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This Placement provides education and training in professional practice and skills to prepare the student for registration with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8063": {"id": "Qx2rYRgSWIQ96IWqTC_Of", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "UbcZ7JtmGReRY6hmHo96A", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18805, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 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Please contact the Course Coordinator for more details."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "10 Jun - 10 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "8066": {"id": "86yZ7xIkd6fWLUvPDtQ9V", "course_id": "105474", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105474", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Master of Psychology (Clinical) Placement I", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7141", "CLASS_NBR": 23340, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "22 weeks of 2.5 days", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M Psych (Clin) and PhD/MPsych (Clin) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 7130, PSYCHOL 7131, PSYCHOL 7132 and PSYCHOL 7133", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Agreed placement contract, logbook, mid placement review, case report, student evaluation report, placement supervisor report, case discussion seminar participation and documented mentoring experience.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This Placement provides education and training in professional practice and skills to prepare the student for registration with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8067": {"id": "86yZ7xIkd6fWLUvPDtQ9V", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "YkoL4bcYrl5bLT5QSyCUe", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23340, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 7, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 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Please contact the Course Coordinator for more details."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Feb - 19 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "8070": {"id": "xK49T4bsEgsOnUIJ3_S9k", "course_id": "105476", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105476", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Master of Psychology (Clinical) Placement III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7143", "CLASS_NBR": 18806, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "22 weeks of 2.5 days", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M Psych (Clin) and PhD/MPsych (Clin) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 7130, PSYCHOL 7131, PSYCHOL 7132, PSYCHOL 7133, PSYCHOL 7134, PSYCHOL 7135 and PSYCHOL 7136", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Agreed placement contract, logbook, mid placement review, case report, student evaluation report, placement supervisor report, case discussion seminar participation and documented mentoring experience.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This Placement provides education and training in professional practice and skills to prepare the student for registration with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8071": {"id": "xK49T4bsEgsOnUIJ3_S9k", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "1RRObUOm78BhQ5_mDnr0s", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18806, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 28 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Mar - 13 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8072": {"id": "BzTTGspRG3sOfMp-OUamn", "course_id": "105476", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105476", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Master of Psychology (Clinical) Placement III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7143", "CLASS_NBR": 95054, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "22 weeks of 2.5 days", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M Psych (Clin) and PhD/MPsych (Clin) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 7130, PSYCHOL 7131, PSYCHOL 7132, PSYCHOL 7133, PSYCHOL 7134, PSYCHOL 7135 and PSYCHOL 7136", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Agreed placement contract, logbook, mid placement review, case report, student evaluation report, placement supervisor report, case discussion seminar participation and documented mentoring experience.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This Placement provides education and training in professional practice and skills to prepare the student for registration with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 24/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 28/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 11/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 17/07/2024"}}]}, "8073": {"id": "BzTTGspRG3sOfMp-OUamn", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "DXRULn2B_GIthhiwunLvw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95054, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Please note this is a dummy class time, you do not have to attend class at this time. Please contact the Course Coordinator for more details."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "10 Jun - 10 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "8074": {"id": "5v3fCA3LePuG6UcyX-FY1", "course_id": "105476", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105476", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Master of Psychology (Clinical) Placement III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7143", "CLASS_NBR": 29003, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "22 weeks of 2.5 days", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M Psych (Clin) and PhD/MPsych (Clin) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 7130, PSYCHOL 7131, PSYCHOL 7132, PSYCHOL 7133, PSYCHOL 7134, PSYCHOL 7135 and PSYCHOL 7136", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Agreed placement contract, logbook, mid placement review, case report, student evaluation report, placement supervisor report, case discussion seminar participation and documented mentoring experience.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This Placement provides education and training in professional practice and skills to prepare the student for registration with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8075": {"id": "5v3fCA3LePuG6UcyX-FY1", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "g3i8RXc43PfBXUN9L1WXp", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29003, "section": "SE01", "size": 12, "enrolled": 11, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 24 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "7 Aug - 7 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "21 Aug - 21 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "4 Sep - 4 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 2 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8076": {"id": "HEmCLuI9ztYYD-JYnk8sY", "course_id": "105477", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105477", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Project in Clinical Psychology I", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7144", "CLASS_NBR": 15757, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M Psych (Clin) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 7130 - and, if required for the project, the submission of an ethics application", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research Proposal (with Gantt chart) & Research Presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is an empirically-based research project on a topic of relevance to clinical psychology to be pursued under the guidance of one or more supervisors (at least one of whom shall be a member of the School of Psychology). The project should be structured so that the students participate in all of the steps involved in the research, including the formulation of the research question(s), the design of the study including the selection of appropriate methodology, the collection and analysis of data, the interpretation of the findings, and the preparation of the report.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8077": {"id": "HEmCLuI9ztYYD-JYnk8sY", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "2h40lxORf0QgSiHlpj3F8", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15757, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 8, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "8078": {"id": "7WoTWaiU53BtY9FudkjpJ", "course_id": "105477", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105477", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Project in Clinical Psychology I", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7144", "CLASS_NBR": 25771, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M Psych (Clin) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 7130 - and, if required for the project, the submission of an ethics application", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research Proposal (with Gantt chart) & Research Presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is an empirically-based research project on a topic of relevance to clinical psychology to be pursued under the guidance of one or more supervisors (at least one of whom shall be a member of the School of Psychology). The project should be structured so that the students participate in all of the steps involved in the research, including the formulation of the research question(s), the design of the study including the selection of appropriate methodology, the collection and analysis of data, the interpretation of the findings, and the preparation of the report.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8079": {"id": "7WoTWaiU53BtY9FudkjpJ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "nRL-Utf5bqBLGt5LtpUhR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25771, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "8080": {"id": "eLx541VUU-8zWDVN6n8lE", "course_id": "106144", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106144", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Project in Clinical Psychology II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7145", "CLASS_NBR": 15781, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M Psych (Clin) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 7130 and PSYCHOL 7144", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Dissertation examined as per Academic Program Rule 3 of the degree, students must complete this course to fulfil requirements of research project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is an empirically-based research project on a topic of relevance to clinical psychology to be pursued under the guidance of one or more supervisors (at least one of whom shall be a member of the School of Psychology). The project should be structured so that the students participate in all of the steps involved in the research, including the formulation of the research question(s), the design of the study including the selection of appropriate methodology, the collection and analysis of data, the interpretation of the findings, and the preparation of the report.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8081": {"id": "eLx541VUU-8zWDVN6n8lE", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "IhmD5fyX5wyN-6O00S5wc", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15781, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 4, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "8082": {"id": "L-5EcQgOYR8ZUDUe2n6Qo", "course_id": "106144", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106144", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Project in Clinical Psychology II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7145", "CLASS_NBR": 25792, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M Psych (Clin) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 7130 and PSYCHOL 7144", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Dissertation examined as per Academic Program Rule 3 of the degree, students must complete this course to fulfil requirements of research project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is an empirically-based research project on a topic of relevance to clinical psychology to be pursued under the guidance of one or more supervisors (at least one of whom shall be a member of the School of Psychology). The project should be structured so that the students participate in all of the steps involved in the research, including the formulation of the research question(s), the design of the study including the selection of appropriate methodology, the collection and analysis of data, the interpretation of the findings, and the preparation of the report.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8083": {"id": "L-5EcQgOYR8ZUDUe2n6Qo", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "PuxlwAY4zJ0iCBdVCAKXl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25792, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 9, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "8084": {"id": "1_R-h47p8VYrp7WPxz7Ty", "course_id": "105479", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105479", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Evidence-based Practice", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7230", "CLASS_NBR": 92002, "SESSION_CD": "S02", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "3 hours per day for 12 days", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M Psych (Health) students only, or by permission of Head of School", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written and online assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides the student with the advanced research and professional skills required to practice within the scientist- practitioner model. On completion of the course, the student will be able to demonstrate knowledge of the ethical, professional and legal responsibilities of a practising psychologist. The student will have the ability to identify ethical issues and to locate, understand and apply the major supporting documentation (e.g. Australian Psychological Society Code of Ethics). Additionally, the student will have the knowledge and skills to undertake applied research and evaluation in a range of settings.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 29/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "8085": {"id": "1_R-h47p8VYrp7WPxz7Ty", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "QBxb5Pn7DfuHlAZ_igOrh", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92002, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 8, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jan - 25 Jan", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Jan - 2 Feb", "days": "Monday, Wednesday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Feb - 9 Feb", "days": "Monday, Wednesday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Feb - 8 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8086": {"id": "_SZ01F_V1yUaragjNVWY1", "course_id": "105480", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105480", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Interviewing & Intervention", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7231", "CLASS_NBR": 92005, "SESSION_CD": "S02", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "Up to 15 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M Psych (Health) and PhD/MPsych(Health) students only, or by permission of Head of School", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to develop students' skills in interviewing and counselling clients and conducting cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), through observing, discussing and practising techniques in class, using a model of evidence-based practice. On completion of this unit students will be able to demonstrate knowledge and skills in interviewing, counselling and CBT.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 29/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "8087": {"id": "_SZ01F_V1yUaragjNVWY1", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "En5NwIXI-9-0xaIVcDbxi", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92005, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 8, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jan - 1 Feb", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Feb - 5 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Feb - 13 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Feb - 7 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Feb - 9 Feb", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8088": {"id": "FQohFajM6-PI8nn__qlLN", "course_id": "105481", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105481", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Psychological Assessment", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7232", "CLASS_NBR": 10129, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M Psych (Health) and PhD/MPsych(Health) students only or by permission of Head of School", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 7230 and PSYCHOL 7231", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to introduce students to the principles and practice of psychological assessment. The course will focus on a small number of widely used norm-referenced tests of intellectual abilities as well as diagnostic interview schedules, and both clinician rated and self-report measures used in the assessment of emotional and behavioural problems across the lifespan. Students will become familiar with the strengths, limitations, interpretation and presentation of findings from a variety of assessment instruments and will learn skills in both assessment planning and report writing. Students will learn about the ethical and social implications of assessment in a variety of contexts including socially and linguistically diverse populations. Opportunities for practice administration of assessment tools will be provided.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8089": {"id": "FQohFajM6-PI8nn__qlLN", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "gu91wl3O16q1BB6p3E3Oa", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10129, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 7, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Except where another location is mentioned, all other classes will be held in Hughes 527."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9:30am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 28 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Mar - 13 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1:30pm", "end_time": "3:30pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9:30am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8090": {"id": "PHNZQhzQNT0jMnmEdE6hX", "course_id": "105482", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105482", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Psychopathology and Clinical Practice", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7233", "CLASS_NBR": 14947, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M Psych (Health) and PhD/MPsych(Health) students only or by permission of Head of School", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 7230 and PSYCHOL 7231", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Psychology Honours degree and relevant undergraduate introductions to abnormal psychology and evidence-base practice", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments & exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This unit aims to describe psychological problems as they present and are diagnosed and treated across the lifespan \u2013 with special reference to diagnostic systems, ethical principles and pharmacological treatments. On completion of this unit the student will be able to demonstrate: thorough and critical understanding of the most commonly-used diagnostic classification systems (e.g. DSM, ICD) and techniques for diagnostic assessment (e.g. SCID, MINI, psychometric scales); knowledge of the causes, presentation, diagnosis and treatment of psychological problems from childhood to old age; a basic understanding of the SA mental health system and its supporting legislation; and a critical approach to the research evidence-base and to professional development activities.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8091": {"id": "PHNZQhzQNT0jMnmEdE6hX", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "vAW5L7eTSfV_mbFr1uPW7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14947, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 7, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "These classes will be held in Hughes 527."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "8092": {"id": "3EgmYAZqQAk4Gl4PYPWxn", "course_id": "105483", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105483", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Health Psychology", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7234", "CLASS_NBR": 24649, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M Psych (Health) and PhD/MPsych(Health) students only or by permission of Head of School", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 7230, PSYCHOL 7231, PSYCHOL 7232 and PSYCHOL 7233", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Group-based and independent assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course examines the relationships of social, biological, behavioural and cognitive variables to health. It covers those aspects of the social environment that influence health and illness outcomes including interactions among family members and between healthcare consumers and healthcare providers. Risk factors for health-compromising behaviours are also discussed including strategies for their modification. Students are also educated about interprofessional practice and collaboration.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8093": {"id": "3EgmYAZqQAk4Gl4PYPWxn", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "3iZsIHWzbUCfhykhggInV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24649, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 7, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "These classes will be held in Hughes 527."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "8094": {"id": "a40kCnP7ErHSLf8Hxrt7s", "course_id": "106670", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106670", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Master of Psychology (Health) Placement II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7240", "CLASS_NBR": 92123, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "22 weeks of 2.5 days", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M Psych (Health) and PhD/MPsych(Health) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 7230, PSYCHOL 7231, PSYCHOL 7232 and PSYCHOL 7233", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Agreed placement contract, logbook, mid placement review, case report, student evaluation report, placement supervisor report, case discussion seminar participation and documented mentoring experience.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This Placement provides education and training in professional practice and skills to prepare the student for registration with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 09/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "8095": {"id": "a40kCnP7ErHSLf8Hxrt7s", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "s4WJxfox6ZIBo-OUk86In", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92123, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Please note this is a dummy class time, you do not have to attend class at this time. Please contact the Course Coordinator for more details."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Feb - 19 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "8096": {"id": "VofLyj7EYjz1wUXZPHKta", "course_id": "106670", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106670", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Master of Psychology (Health) Placement II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7240", "CLASS_NBR": 18809, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "22 weeks of 2.5 days", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M Psych (Health) and PhD/MPsych(Health) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 7230, PSYCHOL 7231, PSYCHOL 7232 and PSYCHOL 7233", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Agreed placement contract, logbook, mid placement review, case report, student evaluation report, placement supervisor report, case discussion seminar participation and documented mentoring experience.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This Placement provides education and training in professional practice and skills to prepare the student for registration with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8097": {"id": "VofLyj7EYjz1wUXZPHKta", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "QvOqgO_ev0QEWPHk-YmX2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18809, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 6, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 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Please contact the Course Coordinator for more details."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "10 Jun - 10 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "8100": {"id": "ARSRNBF0OWsdbWzeZ6OZR", "course_id": "106670", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106670", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Master of Psychology (Health) Placement II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7240", "CLASS_NBR": 28752, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "22 weeks of 2.5 days", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M Psych (Health) and PhD/MPsych(Health) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 7230, PSYCHOL 7231, PSYCHOL 7232 and PSYCHOL 7233", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Agreed placement contract, logbook, mid placement review, case report, student evaluation report, placement supervisor report, case discussion seminar participation and documented mentoring experience.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This Placement provides education and training in professional practice and skills to prepare the student for registration with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8101": {"id": "ARSRNBF0OWsdbWzeZ6OZR", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "eCSHgYLNQRecYUBbYUZlz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28752, "section": "SE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 1, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 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Please contact the Course Coordinator for more details."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Feb - 19 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "8104": {"id": "Kf_zHLN7mmQAG2w7hhcZe", "course_id": "105484", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105484", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Master of Psychology (Health) Placement I", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7241", "CLASS_NBR": 18807, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "22 weeks of 2.5 days", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M Psych (Health) and PhD/MPsych(Health) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 7230, PSYCHOL 7231, PSYCHOL 7232 and PSYCHOL 7233", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Agreed placement contract, logbook, mid placement review, case report, student evaluation report, placement supervisor report, case discussion seminar participation and documented mentoring experience.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This Placement provides education and training in professional practice and skills to prepare the student for registration with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8105": {"id": "Kf_zHLN7mmQAG2w7hhcZe", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "YY_3P7KYFYhcKJ_pEGRcV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18807, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 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Please contact the Course Coordinator for more details."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "10 Jun - 10 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "8108": {"id": "5ggOPhQ3cJ94fSKrocPUy", "course_id": "105484", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105484", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Master of Psychology (Health) Placement I", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7241", "CLASS_NBR": 23341, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "22 weeks of 2.5 days", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M Psych (Health) and PhD/MPsych(Health) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 7230, PSYCHOL 7231, PSYCHOL 7232 and PSYCHOL 7233", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Agreed placement contract, logbook, mid placement review, case report, student evaluation report, placement supervisor report, case discussion seminar participation and documented mentoring experience.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This Placement provides education and training in professional practice and skills to prepare the student for registration with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8109": {"id": "5ggOPhQ3cJ94fSKrocPUy", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "iJA1sFJR4Dx7Ox_6pKJAP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23341, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 5, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 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Please contact the Course Coordinator for more details."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Feb - 19 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "8112": {"id": "p8SpM79NpcHgXu2H9pFQY", "course_id": "105486", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105486", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Master of Psychology (Health) Placement III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7243", "CLASS_NBR": 18808, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "22 weeks of 2.5 days", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M Psych (Health) and PhD/MPsych(Health) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 7230 and PSYCHOL 7231 and PSYCHOL 7232 and PSYCHOL 7233 and PSYCHOL 7234 and PUB HLTH 7091 and PUB HLTH 7093", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Agreed placement contract, logbook, mid placement review, case report, student evaluation report, placement supervisor report, case discussion seminar participation and documented mentoring experience.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This Placement provides education and training in professional practice and skills to prepare the student for registration with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8113": {"id": "p8SpM79NpcHgXu2H9pFQY", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "qnUeVLeRaTSp5vV-KYYuK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18808, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 4, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 28 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Mar - 13 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8114": {"id": "Ku5YFXKl0EN8Y-JeXOHCh", "course_id": "105486", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105486", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Master of Psychology (Health) Placement III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7243", "CLASS_NBR": 95055, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "22 weeks of 2.5 days", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M Psych (Health) and PhD/MPsych(Health) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 7230 and PSYCHOL 7231 and PSYCHOL 7232 and PSYCHOL 7233 and PSYCHOL 7234 and PUB HLTH 7091 and PUB HLTH 7093", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Agreed placement contract, logbook, mid placement review, case report, student evaluation report, placement supervisor report, case discussion seminar participation and documented mentoring experience.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This Placement provides education and training in professional practice and skills to prepare the student for registration with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 24/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 28/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 11/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 17/07/2024"}}]}, "8115": {"id": "Ku5YFXKl0EN8Y-JeXOHCh", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "7MuoADN2BEZmV82G0FtbC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95055, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Please note this is a dummy class time, you do not have to attend class at this time. Please contact the Course Coordinator for more details."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "10 Jun - 10 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "8116": {"id": "Mhlogw7mKUG-GVwp_A0Lr", "course_id": "105486", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105486", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Master of Psychology (Health) Placement III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7243", "CLASS_NBR": 29004, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "22 weeks of 2.5 days", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M Psych (Health) and PhD/MPsych(Health) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 7230 and PSYCHOL 7231 and PSYCHOL 7232 and PSYCHOL 7233 and PSYCHOL 7234 and PUB HLTH 7091 and PUB HLTH 7093", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Agreed placement contract, logbook, mid placement review, case report, student evaluation report, placement supervisor report, case discussion seminar participation and documented mentoring experience.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This Placement provides education and training in professional practice and skills to prepare the student for registration with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8117": {"id": "Mhlogw7mKUG-GVwp_A0Lr", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "DFHb6H-u9wNB825rAaBi0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29004, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 6, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 24 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "7 Aug - 7 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "21 Aug - 21 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "4 Sep - 4 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 2 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8118": {"id": "YA8E32QtlJ6AAOyinG9cz", "course_id": "105487", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105487", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Project in Health Psychology I", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7244", "CLASS_NBR": 15758, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M Psych (Health) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 7230 - and, if required for the project, the submission of an ethics application", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research Proposal (with Gantt chart) & Research Presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is an empirically-based research project on a topic of relevance to health psychology to be pursued under the guidance of one or more supervisors (at least one of whom shall be a member of the School of Psychology). The project should be structured so that the students participate in all of the steps involved in the research, including the formulation of the research question(s), the design of the study including the selection of appropriate methodology, the collection and analysis of data, the interpretation of the findings, and the preparation of the report.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8119": {"id": "YA8E32QtlJ6AAOyinG9cz", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "ZiyQifbVO16WEYPQNTbH6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15758, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 8, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "8120": {"id": "xXzPS5RvicS-PKFh63_pP", "course_id": "105487", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105487", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Project in Health Psychology I", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7244", "CLASS_NBR": 25772, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M Psych (Health) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 7230 - and, if required for the project, the submission of an ethics application", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research Proposal (with Gantt chart) & Research Presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is an empirically-based research project on a topic of relevance to health psychology to be pursued under the guidance of one or more supervisors (at least one of whom shall be a member of the School of Psychology). The project should be structured so that the students participate in all of the steps involved in the research, including the formulation of the research question(s), the design of the study including the selection of appropriate methodology, the collection and analysis of data, the interpretation of the findings, and the preparation of the report.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8121": {"id": "xXzPS5RvicS-PKFh63_pP", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "SPPaLNrWfT8XJNzcpbZGa", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25772, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "8122": {"id": "_G1GYVmGhzwnDms384_Kb", "course_id": "106496", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106496", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Project in Health Psychology II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7245", "CLASS_NBR": 15799, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M Psych (Health) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 7230 and PSYCHOL 7244", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Dissertation examined as per Academic Program Rule 3 of degree, students must complete this course to fulfil requirements of research project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is an empirically-based research project on a topic of relevance to health psychology to be pursued under the guidance of one or more supervisors (at least one of whom shall be a member of the School of Psychology). The project should be structured so that the students participate in all of the steps involved in the research, including the formulation of the research question(s), the design of the study including the selection of appropriate methodology, the collection and analysis of data, the interpretation of the findings, and the preparation of the report.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8123": {"id": "_G1GYVmGhzwnDms384_Kb", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "tAQF2ukRPE7c4F0RrjV8S", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15799, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "8124": {"id": "IMHzspN0bacClcgrvTwTn", "course_id": "106496", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106496", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Project in Health Psychology II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7245", "CLASS_NBR": 25809, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M Psych (Health) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 7230 and PSYCHOL 7244", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Dissertation examined as per Academic Program Rule 3 of degree, students must complete this course to fulfil requirements of research project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is an empirically-based research project on a topic of relevance to health psychology to be pursued under the guidance of one or more supervisors (at least one of whom shall be a member of the School of Psychology). The project should be structured so that the students participate in all of the steps involved in the research, including the formulation of the research question(s), the design of the study including the selection of appropriate methodology, the collection and analysis of data, the interpretation of the findings, and the preparation of the report.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8125": {"id": "IMHzspN0bacClcgrvTwTn", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "-sBvPvGmxfZr6LBi1baKu", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25809, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 6, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "8126": {"id": "n0SKvylWMGLd-1YHghNDE", "course_id": "105490", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105490", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Evidence-based Practice", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7330", "CLASS_NBR": 92004, "SESSION_CD": "S02", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "3 hours per day for 12 days", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M Psych (O&HF) and PhD/MPsych(O&HF) students only or by permission of Head of School", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written and online assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides the student with the advanced research and professional skills required to practice within the scientist- practitioner model. On completion of the course, the student will be able to demonstrate knowledge of the ethical, professional and legal responsibilities of a practising psychologist. The student will have the ability to identify ethical issues and to locate, understand and apply the major supporting documentation (e.g. Australian Psychological Society Code of Ethics). Additionally, the student will have the knowledge and skills to undertake applied research and evaluation in a range of settings.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 29/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "8127": {"id": "n0SKvylWMGLd-1YHghNDE", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "exnen_ChdsEGb3_7oI3QM", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92004, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 11, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jan - 25 Jan", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Jan - 2 Feb", "days": "Monday, Wednesday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Feb - 9 Feb", "days": "Monday, Wednesday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Feb - 8 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8128": {"id": "vEgOFd-QfHiBIaqSFe0D1", "course_id": "105491", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105491", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Professional Practice", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7331", "CLASS_NBR": 92007, "SESSION_CD": "S02", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "Up to 12 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M Psych (O&HF) and PhD/MPsych(O&HF) students only or by the permission of the Head of School", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments and self-directed learning exercises", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to develop students' skills in interviewing and counselling as well as their written and oral communication. The course also aims to familiarise students with the role of the organisational psychologist and the requirements of relevant professional and research organisations. On completion of this unit students will be able to demonstrate knowledge and skills in interviewing and counselling, the essential components of a mental status examination, conducting risk assessments, moti and competency in written and oral communication. Students will also be familiar with the role of the organisational psychologist and the requirements of relevant professional and research organisations.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 29/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "8129": {"id": "vEgOFd-QfHiBIaqSFe0D1", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "ZFqO372Il-yJ75fJMynWa", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92007, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 11, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Except where another location is mentioned, all other classes will be held in Hughes 527."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jan - 1 Feb", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Feb - 2 Feb", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "5 Feb - 5 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Feb - 7 Feb", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Feb - 9 Feb", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Feb - 13 Feb", "days": "Monday, Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "8130": {"id": "wr8TtiNQ5buHgvPFlpfgG", "course_id": "105492", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105492", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Psychological Assessment", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7332", "CLASS_NBR": 10128, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M Psych (O&HF) and PhD/MPsych(O&HF) students only or by permission of Head of School", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 7330 and PSYCHOL 7331", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Introductory knowledge of the purpose for assessment and the basic principles and practices of psychometric testing.", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments based on practical exercises and self-directed learning exercises", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to introduce students to the principles and practice of psychological assessment. The course will focus on a small number of widely used norm-referenced tests of intellectual ability, work aptitudes, personality, vocational interests, attitudes and values, and how these tests are used individually and in combination as part of psychological assessment in organisations. Consideration will also be given to interviewing as an assessment tool and to tests of the environment and organisational culture. Students will become familiar with the strengths, limitations, interpretation and presentation of findings from a variety of assessment instruments and will learn skills in both assessment planning and report writing. Students will learn about the ethical and social implications of assessment in a variety of contexts including socially and linguistically diverse populations. Opportunities for practice administration of assessment tools will be provided.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8131": {"id": "wr8TtiNQ5buHgvPFlpfgG", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "wQtcA2016mnZRkGjlhYcS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10128, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 13, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Except where another location is mentioned, all other classes will be held in Hughes 527."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9:30am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 28 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Mar - 13 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9:30am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "The Braggs, 427, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8132": {"id": "yCTUEYqCuWGRAZjYHI_xl", "course_id": "105493", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105493", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Organisational Behaviour & Management", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7333", "CLASS_NBR": 10127, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M Psych (O&HF) and PhD/MPsych(O&HF) students only or by the permission of the Head of School", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 7330 and PSYCHOL 7331", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments and self directed learning exercises", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to provide students with an understanding of the factors that impact upon the behaviour of the individual in the workplace and how these factors can be used to structure a work environment and work experience that enhances both organisational and individual outcomes. It includes a consideration of values and attitudes, perception, motivation, and personality. It also analyses interpersonal influences that impact upon group behaviour in work settings. Topics covered in the course include communication and managing conflict, stress, individuals in groups and teamwork, decision-making, leadership, and issues in power and politics. In addition, it examines the influence of broader, organisation wide factors on behaviour in the workplace, with a specific focus on 'person-organisation fit'. Topics covered in this section include organisational structure and work design and organisational culture.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8133": {"id": "yCTUEYqCuWGRAZjYHI_xl", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "fzhJS0s5VGap1Pk2vReV0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10127, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 10, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "These classes will be held in Hughes 527."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9:30am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9:30am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "8134": {"id": "jFi2exQiCYYLFm0Rl3WWz", "course_id": "105494", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105494", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Human Resource Management", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7334", "CLASS_NBR": 10125, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M Psych (O&HF) and PhD/MPsych(O&HF) students only or by the permission of the Head of School", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 7330 and PSYCHOL 7331", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments and self directed learning exercises", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course examines how an organisation can maximise its returns from its workforce, and employees can maximise their returns from their work. It involves understanding all aspects of the management of people at work, including: planning, job analysis, recruitment and selection, training and development, performance management, remuneration and benefits, career development, and dealing with redundancies and retirement. The course will consider these issues as well as the implications of emerging organisational challenges for human resource management practices. These challenges include: the increasing use of contract staff and outsourcing; harnessing and sustaining organisational commitment; developing organisational cultures that are responsive to change; diversity in the workplace; harnessing innovation and knowledge management; globalisation of industry; and changing workplace practices.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8135": {"id": "jFi2exQiCYYLFm0Rl3WWz", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "PRx6Niz8advu3mBX4Zfsz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10125, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 10, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "These classes will be held in Hughes 527."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "8136": {"id": "UruldIqBXq6wTSve-I1Zm", "course_id": "105495", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105495", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Contemporary Organisational Psychology", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7335", "CLASS_NBR": 20150, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M Psych (O&HF) and PhD/MPsych(O&HF) students only or by the permission of the Head of School", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 7330 and PSYCHOL 7331", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments and self directed learning exercises", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will cover advanced topics relevant to organisational psychology, the role of the organisational psychologist, assessment in practice, organisational change, and contemporary practice. On completion of this course students will have an understanding of issues relevant to the role of the organisational psychologist, assessment in practice, a knowledge and understanding of organisational change, and organisational theories and contemporary practice.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8137": {"id": "UruldIqBXq6wTSve-I1Zm", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "0c3uv6VGfCmHSOoW6I7AK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20150, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 11, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This Class will be held in Hughes 527"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "8138": {"id": "2AU0FePIEtJRx4W6_A74c", "course_id": "105497", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105497", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Human Factors", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7336", "CLASS_NBR": 20151, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M Psych (O&HF) and PhD/MPsych(O&HF) students only or by permission of Head of School", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 7330 and PSYCHOL 7331", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Presentation & written report", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Humans have a range of physical and psychological capabilities that necessarily constrain how they interact with their environment and perform tasks. This course provides an understanding of major areas of human factors such as these physical and psychological capabilities and limitations, and how applying human factors can optimise performance in a range of situations. It addresses how technology can be shaped to benefit human performance and includes information on how the human body works, and how information is processed. Specific topics include the effects of ambient conditions, stimulus-response compatibility in a range of practical situations, and accidents.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8139": {"id": "2AU0FePIEtJRx4W6_A74c", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "TehGJJYpZj-WiQt19D41g", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20151, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 10, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "These classes will be held in Hughes 527."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "8140": {"id": "2Nt7IP4KKlVZzjkqRHoJ7", "course_id": "106501", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106501", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Master of Psychology (O&HF) Placement II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7340", "CLASS_NBR": 92126, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "Placement - up to 19 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M Psych (O&HF) and PhD/MPsych(O&HF) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 7330, PSYCHOL 7331 and PSYCHOL 7332", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Agreed placement contract, logbook, mid placement review, case report, student evaluation report, placement supervisor report, case discussion seminar participation and documented mentoring experience.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This Placement provides education and training in professional practice and skills to prepare the student for registration with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 09/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "8141": {"id": "2Nt7IP4KKlVZzjkqRHoJ7", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "hsy0HNbwWCaBv7MAc24hh", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92126, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Please note this is a dummy class time, you do not have to attend class at this time. Please contact the Course Coordinator for more details."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Feb - 19 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "8142": {"id": "pCMBJ9d7y0ICvDp25ZSA3", "course_id": "106501", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106501", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Master of Psychology (O&HF) Placement II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7340", "CLASS_NBR": 18812, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "Placement - up to 19 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M Psych (O&HF) and PhD/MPsych(O&HF) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 7330, PSYCHOL 7331 and PSYCHOL 7332", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Agreed placement contract, logbook, mid placement review, case report, student evaluation report, placement supervisor report, case discussion seminar participation and documented mentoring experience.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This Placement provides education and training in professional practice and skills to prepare the student for registration with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8143": {"id": "pCMBJ9d7y0ICvDp25ZSA3", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "MOKQn6Go_DWcHlnCczgHF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18812, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 4, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 28 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Mar - 13 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8144": {"id": "DG_f9g8k3uggzWePB9d3W", "course_id": "106501", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106501", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Master of Psychology (O&HF) Placement II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7340", "CLASS_NBR": 95058, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "Placement - up to 19 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M Psych (O&HF) and PhD/MPsych(O&HF) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 7330, PSYCHOL 7331 and PSYCHOL 7332", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Agreed placement contract, logbook, mid placement review, case report, student evaluation report, placement supervisor report, case discussion seminar participation and documented mentoring experience.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This Placement provides education and training in professional practice and skills to prepare the student for registration with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 24/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 28/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 11/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 17/07/2024"}}]}, "8145": {"id": "DG_f9g8k3uggzWePB9d3W", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "-amhbhTmdFSa59mE9zAs_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95058, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Please note this is a dummy class time, you do not have to attend class at this time. Please contact the Course Coordinator for more details."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "10 Jun - 10 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "8146": {"id": "l7a9oiI0tbe-djhv0tHHT", "course_id": "106501", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106501", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Master of Psychology (O&HF) Placement II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7340", "CLASS_NBR": 28751, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "Placement - up to 19 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M Psych (O&HF) and PhD/MPsych(O&HF) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 7330, PSYCHOL 7331 and PSYCHOL 7332", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Agreed placement contract, logbook, mid placement review, case report, student evaluation report, placement supervisor report, case discussion seminar participation and documented mentoring experience.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This Placement provides education and training in professional practice and skills to prepare the student for registration with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8147": {"id": "l7a9oiI0tbe-djhv0tHHT", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "MCx2kalJlm4dgL-Jw5cfL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28751, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 24 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "7 Aug - 7 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "21 Aug - 21 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "4 Sep - 4 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 2 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8148": {"id": "ikl7KWRD_jgdacDRaujmr", "course_id": "105498", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105498", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Master of Psychology (O&HF) Placement I", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7341", "CLASS_NBR": 92124, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "18 weeks of 2.5 days", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M Psych (O&HF) and PhD/MPsych(O&HF) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 7330, PSYCHOL 7331 and PSYCHOL 7332", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Agreed placement contract, logbook, mid-placement review, case report, student evaluation report, placement supervisor report, case discussion seminar participation and documented mentoring experience.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This Placement provides education and training in professional practice and skills to prepare the student for registration with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 09/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "8149": {"id": "ikl7KWRD_jgdacDRaujmr", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "hlAEPBKwA6AFBrd0o5Sbf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92124, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Please note this is a dummy class time, you do not have to attend class at this time. Please contact the Course Coordinator for more details."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Feb - 19 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "8150": {"id": "ogRu5bqshkTQRAd2EVYEZ", "course_id": "105498", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105498", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Master of Psychology (O&HF) Placement I", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7341", "CLASS_NBR": 18810, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "18 weeks of 2.5 days", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M Psych (O&HF) and PhD/MPsych(O&HF) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 7330, PSYCHOL 7331 and PSYCHOL 7332", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Agreed placement contract, logbook, mid-placement review, case report, student evaluation report, placement supervisor report, case discussion seminar participation and documented mentoring experience.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This Placement provides education and training in professional practice and skills to prepare the student for registration with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8151": {"id": "ogRu5bqshkTQRAd2EVYEZ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "554afLR9zvpKqBy-NdiJ2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18810, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 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Please contact the Course Coordinator for more details."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "10 Jun - 10 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "8154": {"id": "c9ivWF-fASpn8X_RO5ZpV", "course_id": "105498", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105498", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Master of Psychology (O&HF) Placement I", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7341", "CLASS_NBR": 23342, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "18 weeks of 2.5 days", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M Psych (O&HF) and PhD/MPsych(O&HF) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 7330, PSYCHOL 7331 and PSYCHOL 7332", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Agreed placement contract, logbook, mid-placement review, case report, student evaluation report, placement supervisor report, case discussion seminar participation and documented mentoring experience.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This Placement provides education and training in professional practice and skills to prepare the student for registration with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8155": {"id": "c9ivWF-fASpn8X_RO5ZpV", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "f0XcPxe8PGMPNviez6cm3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23342, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 7, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 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Please contact the Course Coordinator for more details."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Feb - 19 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "8158": {"id": "32vn1EYzobfrHSnreTwxi", "course_id": "105500", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105500", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Master of Psychology (O&HF) Placement III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7343", "CLASS_NBR": 18811, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "18 weeks of 2.5 days", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M Psych (O&HF) and PhD/MPsych(O&HF) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 7330, PSYCHOL 7331, PSYCHOL 7332, PSYCHOL 7333 and PSYCHOL 7334", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Agreed placement contract, logbook, mid-placement review, case report, student evaluation report, placement supervisor report, case discussion seminar participation and documented mentoring experience.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This Placement provides education and training in professional practice and skills to prepare the student for registration with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8159": {"id": "32vn1EYzobfrHSnreTwxi", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "6pd8lMjlIEtfcEks1Upet", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18811, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 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Please contact the Course Coordinator for more details."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "10 Jun - 10 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "8162": {"id": "hGUDqax51kA8H4Hk9ghp5", "course_id": "105500", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105500", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Master of Psychology (O&HF) Placement III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7343", "CLASS_NBR": 28750, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "18 weeks of 2.5 days", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M Psych (O&HF) and PhD/MPsych(O&HF) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 7330, PSYCHOL 7331, PSYCHOL 7332, PSYCHOL 7333 and PSYCHOL 7334", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Agreed placement contract, logbook, mid-placement review, case report, student evaluation report, placement supervisor report, case discussion seminar participation and documented mentoring experience.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This Placement provides education and training in professional practice and skills to prepare the student for registration with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8163": {"id": "hGUDqax51kA8H4Hk9ghp5", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "59ag6UqB-R35OflfY9T9S", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28750, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 4, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 24 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "7 Aug - 7 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "21 Aug - 21 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "4 Sep - 4 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 2 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8164": {"id": "QJ5G1EUmeGPh2LAGO7JZn", "course_id": "105501", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105501", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Project in (O&HF) Psychology I", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PSYCHOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7344", "CLASS_NBR": 15759, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090701", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4X", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M Psych (O&HF) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PSYCHOL 7330 - and, if required for the project, the submission of an ethics application", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research Proposal (with Gantt chart) & Research Presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is an empirically-based research project on a topic of relevance to Organisational Psychology, pursued under the guidance of one or more supervisors (at least one of whom shall be a member of the School of Psychology). 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"4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107914", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107914", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110985", "term": "4462", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110985", "term": "4464", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110985", "term": "4466", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110986", "term": "4461", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110986", "term": "4463", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110986", "term": "4465", "offer": 1}]}}, "8173": {"id": "k4NSliAyqopZ7waww6gBU", "course_id": "017183", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "017183", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Health and Illness in Populations", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "1001", "CLASS_NBR": 10447, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "Not available to students who completed PUB HLTH 1001 Public Health 1A. This course has had a title change from Public Health 1A to Health and Illness in Populations and therefore the content of the course is the same.", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, quizzes, tests, tutorial participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Health and Illness in Populations aims to introduce students interested in health sciences careers such as public health practice, health-related research, or clinical practice, to a population view of health. It draws on a range of disciplines that contribute to a focus on the health of populations, including epidemiology, health promotion and disease prevention, history, politics, and ethics. The course invites students to develop a critical view about what constitutes public health issues, how they are measured, and potential responses to improve population health.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8174": {"id": "k4NSliAyqopZ7waww6gBU", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "DKVfhtggwXbe_yyeZW5Yq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14849, "section": "LE01", "size": 291, "enrolled": 167, "available": 124, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19180, "section": "LEC0", "size": 291, "enrolled": 147, "available": 144, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Please note that this is an online Lecture class for you to watch the lecture recording in your own time. If you enrol in this class, it will not show up on your timetable as there are no scheduled face to face sessions. However, if you wish to attend the face to face Lectures, and if there are seats available, you are very welcome to attend them."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "VvpOzx6iw6dGfSDP5Tpa1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10447, "section": "TU22", "size": 19, "enrolled": 16, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11784, "section": "TU21", "size": 19, "enrolled": 14, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG19, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG19, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14607, "section": "TU02", "size": 19, "enrolled": 19, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 122a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hartley, 122a, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14608, "section": "TU03", "size": 19, "enrolled": 17, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14609, "section": "TU04", "size": 19, "enrolled": 19, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ligertwood, 228, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14610, "section": "TU05", "size": 19, "enrolled": 16, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14611, "section": "TU06", "size": 19, "enrolled": 17, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14612, "section": "TU07", "size": 19, "enrolled": 16, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 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2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hartley, 122a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hartley, 122a, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8175": {"id": "iS_gl4VvhVPRzd5NZmpTY", "course_id": "017183", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "017183", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Health and Illness in Populations", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "1001", "CLASS_NBR": 23021, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "Not available to students who completed PUB HLTH 1001 Public Health 1A. This course has had a title change from Public Health 1A to Health and Illness in Populations and therefore the content of the course is the same.", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, quizzes, tests, tutorial participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Health and Illness in Populations aims to introduce students interested in health sciences careers such as public health practice, health-related research, or clinical practice, to a population view of health. It draws on a range of disciplines that contribute to a focus on the health of populations, including epidemiology, health promotion and disease prevention, history, politics, and ethics. The course invites students to develop a critical view about what constitutes public health issues, how they are measured, and potential responses to improve population health.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8176": {"id": "iS_gl4VvhVPRzd5NZmpTY", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "3YjF3W53F2dtFPEk78032", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24886, "section": "LE01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 97, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N158, Chapman Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "tks7gSY-ND1IuWJw16yZW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23018, "section": "TU08", "size": 20, "enrolled": 20, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23019, "section": "TU09", "size": 20, "enrolled": 20, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG19, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG19, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25303, "section": "TU05", "size": 20, "enrolled": 20, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG19, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG19, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25305, "section": "TU03", "size": 20, "enrolled": 20, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG19, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG19, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25306, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 17, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "8177": {"id": "PMtlN89yZa-kLg6o_ED4m", "course_id": "111210", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111210", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Health & Illness in Populations", "CAMPUS": "Open Universities Australia", "CAMPUS_CD": "OUA", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "1001OUA", "CLASS_NBR": 30153, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide Open Universities Australia students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, online activities, quizzes/tests, and tutorial participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Health and Illness in Populations aims to introduce students interested in health sciences careers such as public health practice, health-related research, or clinical practice, to a population view of health. It draws on a range of disciplines that contribute to a focus on the health of populations, including epidemiology, health promotion and disease prevention, history, politics, and ethics. The course invites students to develop a critical view about what constitutes public health issues, how they are measured, and potential responses to improve population health.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "8178": {"id": "PMtlN89yZa-kLg6o_ED4m", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "UpaLG_i9wXUpNNX9vjlDG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30153, "section": "01OU", "size": 100, "enrolled": 4, "available": 96, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "8179": {"id": "_m9hYO27xyb0_LQ-YuVwv", "course_id": "111210", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111210", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Health & Illness in Populations", "CAMPUS": "Open Universities Australia", "CAMPUS_CD": "OUA", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "1001OUA", "CLASS_NBR": 33132, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide Open Universities Australia students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, online activities, quizzes/tests, and tutorial participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Health and Illness in Populations aims to introduce students interested in health sciences careers such as public health practice, health-related research, or clinical practice, to a population view of health. It draws on a range of disciplines that contribute to a focus on the health of populations, including epidemiology, health promotion and disease prevention, history, politics, and ethics. The course invites students to develop a critical view about what constitutes public health issues, how they are measured, and potential responses to improve population health.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "8180": {"id": "_m9hYO27xyb0_LQ-YuVwv", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "VuteNIerDW8pczO4r2wlV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33132, "section": "01OU", "size": 100, "enrolled": 6, "available": 94, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "8181": {"id": "_BIJS7iDa-E_lePLZ9tqq", "course_id": "111210", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111210", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Health & Illness in Populations", "CAMPUS": "Open Universities Australia", "CAMPUS_CD": "OUA", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "1001OUA", "CLASS_NBR": 36145, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide Open Universities Australia students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, online activities, quizzes/tests, and tutorial participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Health and Illness in Populations aims to introduce students interested in health sciences careers such as public health practice, health-related research, or clinical practice, to a population view of health. It draws on a range of disciplines that contribute to a focus on the health of populations, including epidemiology, health promotion and disease prevention, history, politics, and ethics. The course invites students to develop a critical view about what constitutes public health issues, how they are measured, and potential responses to improve population health.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "8182": {"id": "_BIJS7iDa-E_lePLZ9tqq", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "DcAABHJHXFHtjsu_zZLfP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36145, "section": "01OU", "size": 100, "enrolled": 1, "available": 99, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "8183": {"id": "h874yWwHubCMWXo6gqY1H", "course_id": "017183", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "017183", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Health and Illness in Populations", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "1001UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 12455, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "Not available to students who completed PUB HLTH 1001 Public Health 1A. This course has had a title change from Public Health 1A to Health and Illness in Populations and therefore the content of the course is the same.", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, online activities, quizzes/tests, and tutorial participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Health and Illness in Populations aims to introduce students interested in health sciences careers such as public health practice, health-related research, or clinical practice, to a population view of health. It draws on a range of disciplines that contribute to a focus on the health of populations, including epidemiology, health promotion and disease prevention, history, politics, and ethics. The course invites students to develop a critical view about what constitutes public health issues, how they are measured, and potential responses to improve population health.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8184": {"id": "h874yWwHubCMWXo6gqY1H", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "GWSs9p7ERRIJlgfz56g1s", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14964, "section": "LE01", "size": 33, "enrolled": 31, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Barr Smith South, 3029, Flentje Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tuition", "id": "GzSfb9Pk4vVENOBr0kD9K", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12454, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 17, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, B04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, B04, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12455, "section": "TT02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 14, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 108, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8185": {"id": "ciCDFUUEFhdEolnBV9vEE", "course_id": "106928", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106928", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Communication for Health Sciences", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "1003", "CLASS_NBR": 20846, "SESSION_CD": "LAS", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Intensive & online", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 12 units of undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written assignments, group work, participation and practical activities", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will be taught in intensive mode over one week during the mid-semester break in Semester 2, with online learning activities before and after. This course requires face-to-face attendance; students are not able to complete it online. The course will be highly interactive and skills-based providing students with the opportunity to assess and improve their communicative competence (oral, written and interpersonal) through self and peer-assessment tasks and by using a variety of media for communication. During the intensive face-to-face week the students will have the opportunity to replicate real-world communication in health care. Topics will include: basics of interpersonal communication and working in groups; giving & receiving feedback; psychology of communication; assessing communication skills by survey and observation; active listening and building trust and rapport; effect of power differentials in communication; health literacy; seeking information from experts and consumers; verbal and non-verbal communication; identifying and overcoming communication barriers; collaboration and interdisciplinary communication; foundations of evidence-based practice and policy; developing answerable questions; summarising and synthesising evidence and producing health information for different audiences.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 13/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8186": {"id": "ciCDFUUEFhdEolnBV9vEE", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "Vt8GQMLlBH3-pT2ujgYaP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20846, "section": "WR01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 42, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "18 Sep - 20 Sep", "days": "Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Sep - 24 Sep", "days": "Monday, Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Sep - 24 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Sep - 24 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Sep - 24 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Sep - 24 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}, {"dates": "24 Sep - 24 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8187": {"id": "u8GPXjO-L1ik9JZHuJxvY", "course_id": "108329", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108329", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "21st c. Infectious disease epidemiology & control", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "1004", "CLASS_NBR": 20732, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "This course requires up to 3 hours per week of face-to-face attendance; students are not able to complete it online.", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "Y", "QUOTA_TXT": "A quota of 75 applies", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "PUB HLTH 1001", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quiz, essay, group work", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Infectious diseases continue to be a major public health concern in developed and developing countries. This introductory course will examine the factors that can influence the emergence, re-emergence and spread of infectious diseases, and how these can be key determinants of health for individuals and in populations. Through an outbreak investigation and case examples, students will explore infectious diseases, how they arise, are monitored and controlled. Students will be introduced to epidemiological principles and methods to understanding the issues, to characterise human health risks and the application of interventions in the prevention and control of infectious diseases.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8188": {"id": "u8GPXjO-L1ik9JZHuJxvY", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "O68uZntoLN4dXzkF3ZbqX", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20732, "section": "WR01", "size": 75, "enrolled": 64, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8189": {"id": "kt1u-y-QnJQIf9dyNBnTq", "course_id": "108362", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108362", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Saving lives or respecting rights? An introduction to health ethics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "1006", "CLASS_NBR": 24707, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ethical underpinning of policy and case assessment, tutorial participation, essay plan, essay", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Should you be able to choose the gender of your baby? Should risky behaviours reduce your fair share of health care resources? Should researchers in developed countries conduct research with populations in developing countries? What are the ethical obligations of biomedical scientists? Is euthanasia morally permissible? These are some of the fascinating ethical questions this course will equip you to answer. You will explore ethical issues ranging from the individual to the global level, and learn to analyse and resolve these issues using major ethical theories and principles. In this way, you will come to appreciate that a tension sometimes exists between saving lives and respecting rights.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8190": {"id": "kt1u-y-QnJQIf9dyNBnTq", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "H2-B8cTpz4u1K9TAwEj1k", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29008, "section": "SEM0", "size": 145, "enrolled": 125, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "RVs8UO985luvwthUC4RU0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22524, "section": "WR06", "size": 10, "enrolled": 10, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22525, "section": "WR05", "size": 25, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22526, "section": "WR04", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22527, "section": "WR03", "size": 10, "enrolled": 10, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22528, "section": "WR02", "size": 25, "enrolled": 9, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22529, "section": "WR01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 21, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24707, "section": "WR07", "size": 25, "enrolled": 26, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8191": {"id": "M7KPLxfk1ZiOYKyZufsZz", "course_id": "108362", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108362", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Saving lives or respecting rights? An introduction to health ethics", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "1006UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 22531, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ethical underpinning of policy and case assessment, tutorial participation, essay plan, essay", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Should you be able to choose the gender of your baby? Should risky behaviours reduce your fair share of health care resources? Should researchers in developed countries conduct research with populations in developing countries? What are the ethical obligations of biomedical scientists? Is euthanasia morally permissible? These are some of the fascinating ethical questions this course will equip you to answer. You will explore ethical issues ranging from the individual to the global level, and learn to analyse and resolve these issues using major ethical theories and principles. In this way, you will come to appreciate that a tension sometimes exists between saving lives and respecting rights.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8192": {"id": "M7KPLxfk1ZiOYKyZufsZz", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "Ag64iZqMt1BVONLe4sM48", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29097, "section": "SEM0", "size": 48, "enrolled": 26, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tuition", "id": "CjcivkBb4TKkHL4H3C6Ri", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22331, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 17, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Badger, 125, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Badger, 125, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22332, "section": "TT02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 9, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 301, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "cIgdGKtwCgioa4KEttBVm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22530, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 15, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22531, "section": "WR02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 11, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8193": {"id": "3g-LWWbRYIPRkXU7WmrWk", "course_id": "111211", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111211", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Health Ethics", "CAMPUS": "Open Universities Australia", "CAMPUS_CD": "OUA", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "1506OUA", "CLASS_NBR": 33133, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide Open Universities Australia students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, online activities, quizzes/tests and tutorial participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Should you be able to choose the gender of your baby? Should risky behaviours reduce your fair share of health care resources? Should researchers in developed countries conduct research with populations in developing countries? What are the ethical obligations of biomedical scientists? Is euthanasia morally permissible? These are some of the fascinating ethical questions this course will equip you to answer. You will explore ethical issues ranging from the individual to the global level, and learn to analyse and resolve these issues using major ethical theories and principles. In this way, you will come to appreciate that a tension sometimes exists between saving lives and respecting rights.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "8194": {"id": "3g-LWWbRYIPRkXU7WmrWk", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "F704HcA4fr8GpHINT6zks", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33133, "section": "01OU", "size": 100, "enrolled": 1, "available": 99, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "8195": {"id": "KxzNahKrrF2Vux13Q3qGF", "course_id": "109011", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109011", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Epidemiology for Health and Medical Sciences", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "2007", "CLASS_NBR": 20719, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061311", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "PUB HLTH 1001", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PUB HLTH 2005 and PUB HLTH 2100", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, tutorial and practical participation, quizzes, final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces key approaches and concepts used in epidemiology to assess the health of populations. Principles of data collection will be explored and applied. Students will use statistical concepts and software to manipulate and analyse data to illustrate key epidemiological measures and concepts. By the end of the course students will be equipped to understand published epidemiological research, and gain practical skills in analysing and interpreting results. Examples will be drawn from a range of disciplines including Nutritional Health, Clinical Trials, Reproductive and Childhood Health, Addiction and Mental Health to illustrate the essential concepts.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8196": {"id": "KxzNahKrrF2Vux13Q3qGF", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Bzxg_4qbO3igUbv64sH8X", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28992, "section": "LEC0", "size": 125, "enrolled": 104, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "1STjfs0sPhwX_lS3w6GfS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20719, "section": "TU07", "size": 23, "enrolled": 23, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S416, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S416, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24285, "section": "TU03", "size": 23, "enrolled": 22, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24286, "section": "TU01", "size": 23, "enrolled": 23, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24735, "section": "TU06", "size": 22, "enrolled": 13, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24736, "section": "TU02", "size": 23, "enrolled": 23, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S415, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "CB_-IoWYaY9ZX-UCT5DJ5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23604, "section": "PR03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 15, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23605, "section": "PR02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23606, "section": "PR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24734, "section": "PR05", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "8197": {"id": "nVMtWnRojO-HgT1fqDK3b", "course_id": "109370", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109370", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Counselling Theory and Practice", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "2009", "CLASS_NBR": 24653, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090513", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week (1 x 1 hr plus 1 x 2 hrs)", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Participation in course activities, online quizzes, essays", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an introduction to counselling and psychotherapy theory. It will examine current notions of mental illness and well-being, considering how our understanding of those meeting diagnostic criteria as detailed within the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders V (DSM-5) can be enriched through awareness of counselling and psychotherapeutic theory and principles of person-centred care. The course is divided into three modules, each with a different theoretical focus, but all including opportunity for practical learning of person-centred interpersonal communication, building upon student's own life experiences. The first module draws out theoretical perspectives on mental health and illness, through application of different models (e.g., Recovery, Medical, Biopsychosocial models), and critical examination of the DSM-5. The second introduces influential theories that have shaped contemporary understandings of working therapeutically to promote mental health and well-being. A third module focuses on elements of effective communication with those seeking support to manage current life stressors, drawing upon person-centred counselling practice.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8198": {"id": "nVMtWnRojO-HgT1fqDK3b", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "HyLNSu4QnNJVhDyYpBE3x", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24653, "section": "WR01", "size": 162, "enrolled": 154, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "7h1StAijQCr8Oc8fk1bn4", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21465, "section": "TU05", "size": 22, "enrolled": 22, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22721, "section": "TU03", "size": 22, "enrolled": 20, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG09, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22722, "section": "TU02", "size": 22, "enrolled": 22, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 425, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 425, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22723, "section": "TU01", "size": 22, "enrolled": 20, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "The Braggs, 425, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "The Braggs, 425, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23109, "section": "TU07", "size": 22, "enrolled": 22, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM212, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23110, "section": "TU06", "size": 22, "enrolled": 20, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 425, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 425, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24737, "section": "TU04", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8199": {"id": "FFK25pGJtKp3iPkxAXjKI", "course_id": "104921", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104921", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Social Foundations of Health II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "2200", "CLASS_NBR": 19179, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week: this course is designed to include face-to-face attendance, however, options to participate online are available for students unable to attend in person, with permission of the course coordinator.", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "PUB HLTH 1001", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, assignments, group work & presentation, participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course seeks to develop understanding of the social foundations of health and the ways in which frameworks and theories can be used to guide thought and action to improve health. The course is divided into three modules, each with a different focus. The first module draws out the historical, cultural and structural dimensions of contemporary health problems (using the framework of the sociological imagination) and develops critical thinking about possibilities for change. The second module concerns the social determinants of Indigenous health. A third module considers social and behaviour change, from both theoretical and practical perspectives. This course is designed to include face-to-face attendance; however, options to participate online are available for students unable to attend in person, with permission of the course coordinator.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8200": {"id": "FFK25pGJtKp3iPkxAXjKI", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "als8FuAD_vENzPrBnNLvI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18933, "section": "LE01", "size": 96, "enrolled": 94, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Napier, G04, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "Ym_zqGi0f-ITnSdGiEfxh", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14044, "section": "SE04", "size": 32, "enrolled": 32, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14415, "section": "SE02", "size": 32, "enrolled": 30, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14796, "section": "SE01", "size": 32, "enrolled": 32, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19179, "section": "SEM0", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This class is for offshore students only. Please contact the Ask Health team."}]}]}]}]}, "8201": {"id": "LpoQIsb9qbs9CAN5yKyj-", "course_id": "111212", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111212", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Social Foundations of Health", "CAMPUS": "Open Universities Australia", "CAMPUS_CD": "OUA", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "2500OUA", "CLASS_NBR": 33134, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide Open Universities Australia students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Reflections, Sociological Imagination Essay, Health Campaign Analysis, Indigenous Health Initiative Case Study", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course seeks to develop an understanding of the social foundations of health and the ways in which frameworks and theories can be used to guide thought and action to improve health. The course draws out the historical, cultural, and structural dimensions of contemporary health problems using the framework of the sociological imagination. Students will explore the social determinants of Indigenous health. Finally, the course will consider social and behaviour change from both theoretical and practical perspectives. Students will develop their critical thinking and analytical skills to understand conversations around health and health outcomes.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "8202": {"id": "LpoQIsb9qbs9CAN5yKyj-", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "UpbrmtXNz02bhjs0qPk-U", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33134, "section": "01OU", "size": 100, "enrolled": 0, "available": 100, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "20 May - 16 Aug", "days": "", "start_time": "", "end_time": "", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "8203": {"id": "BgHzInddWceadaJxn6cX1", "course_id": "111213", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111213", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Health care systems: structure, policy and people", "CAMPUS": "Open Universities Australia", "CAMPUS_CD": "OUA", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "2508OUA", "CLASS_NBR": 30154, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide Open Universities Australia students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quiz, Tutorial participation, short essay, policy brief, case study", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is a time of major change in our health care system. The system must meet the health needs of all Australians at a time when health care costs are rapidly increasing and our population is ageing. How can we ensure our health care system is efficient, equitable and the expectations of all Australians are met? In this course, students will examine how our health care system currently works and explore the various strategies that could improve both the quality and effectiveness of the care that people receive. This will include studying health care policies and how they directly impact on people's lives; following the health care journeys of a variety of Australians to examine how the health care system functions at an individual level and how it interacts with other systems and we will look briefly at how health care systems in other countries work. Students will learn a variety of practical skills such as how to analyse health polices, how to write a policy brief and how to approach health care reform.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "8204": {"id": "BgHzInddWceadaJxn6cX1", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "UeFXr1FiI1HCJhlwIidyu", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30154, "section": "01OU", "size": 100, "enrolled": 2, "available": 98, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jan - 26 Apr", "days": "", "start_time": "", "end_time": "", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "8205": {"id": "0Q6XnThq_EASanSTtcjc_", "course_id": "111213", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111213", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Health care systems: structure, policy and people", "CAMPUS": "Open Universities Australia", "CAMPUS_CD": "OUA", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "2508OUA", "CLASS_NBR": 36146, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide Open Universities Australia students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quiz, Tutorial participation, short essay, policy brief, case study", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is a time of major change in our health care system. The system must meet the health needs of all Australians at a time when health care costs are rapidly increasing and our population is ageing. How can we ensure our health care system is efficient, equitable and the expectations of all Australians are met? In this course, students will examine how our health care system currently works and explore the various strategies that could improve both the quality and effectiveness of the care that people receive. This will include studying health care policies and how they directly impact on people's lives; following the health care journeys of a variety of Australians to examine how the health care system functions at an individual level and how it interacts with other systems and we will look briefly at how health care systems in other countries work. Students will learn a variety of practical skills such as how to analyse health polices, how to write a policy brief and how to approach health care reform.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "8206": {"id": "0Q6XnThq_EASanSTtcjc_", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "bRiuTqId7q5Ci1he0udgW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36146, "section": "01OU", "size": 100, "enrolled": 0, "available": 100, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Sep - 22 Nov", "days": "", "start_time": "", "end_time": "", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "8207": {"id": "VYGIjQ67iYrm9Y2zEiW7R", "course_id": "111214", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111214", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Environmental and Occupational Health", "CAMPUS": "Open Universities Australia", "CAMPUS_CD": "OUA", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "2513OUA", "CLASS_NBR": 30299, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide Open Universities Australia students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to introduce a range of environmental factors, which may pose a risk to the health of human populations. It also addresses risk assessment and management methods for evaluating and controlling such risks. A variety of diseases associated with exposure to common occupational and environmental factors will be discussed. In addition, there will be an overview of the historical, legislative and administrative aspects of occupational health.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "8208": {"id": "VYGIjQ67iYrm9Y2zEiW7R", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "Wk5-PVkGbRzPAknlA-8aP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30299, "section": "01OU", "size": 100, "enrolled": 0, "available": 100, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jan - 26 Apr", "days": "", "start_time": "", "end_time": "", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "8209": {"id": "2z-q1pklkQjdWS5kiH81t", "course_id": "111214", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111214", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Environmental and Occupational Health", "CAMPUS": "Open Universities Australia", "CAMPUS_CD": "OUA", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "2513OUA", "CLASS_NBR": 36304, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide Open Universities Australia students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to introduce a range of environmental factors, which may pose a risk to the health of human populations. It also addresses risk assessment and management methods for evaluating and controlling such risks. A variety of diseases associated with exposure to common occupational and environmental factors will be discussed. In addition, there will be an overview of the historical, legislative and administrative aspects of occupational health.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "8210": {"id": "2z-q1pklkQjdWS5kiH81t", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "BPy-rTEc95B_SOcAMvufP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36304, "section": "01OU", "size": 100, "enrolled": 1, "available": 99, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Sep - 22 Nov", "days": "", "start_time": "", "end_time": "", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "8211": {"id": "NoOvmvivzapYOLxLfsj8m", "course_id": "111215", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111215", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Health Economics", "CAMPUS": "Open Universities Australia", "CAMPUS_CD": "OUA", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "2581OUA", "CLASS_NBR": 30155, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide Open Universities Australia students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, Discussion Paper, Economic Evaluation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Health economics is the study of how scarce healthcare resources are allocated among competing\ninterventions and among groups in society. This course introduces basic concepts and practical issues\nfaced by decision-makers at all levels in the health system in allocating scarce resources so that the\nchoices they make maximise health benefits to the population.\nThis course covers four main areas of learning:\n1. An introduction to key concepts of health economics (e.g. opportunity costs), the demand for and\nsupply of health services, fundamentals of markets and the price mechanism with a focus on the\nhealthcare market;\n2. An introduction to economic evaluation in healthcare, with an emphasis on identifying,\nmeasuring, valuing and analysing health outcomes and costs.\n3. This module focuses on the presentation and interpretation of the results of economic evaluation\nand the use of economic evaluation to inform funding decisions\n4. An overview of the organisation of health care (provision and funding). The organisation and\nfinance of the Australian health system will be specifically analysed and compared internationally.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "8212": {"id": "NoOvmvivzapYOLxLfsj8m", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "FOOaLQhQIhMRivPm_cksc", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30155, "section": "01OU", "size": 100, "enrolled": 1, "available": 99, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "8213": {"id": "x4TIJI6_0kbk6ZeVnEzra", "course_id": "111215", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111215", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Health Economics", "CAMPUS": "Open Universities Australia", "CAMPUS_CD": "OUA", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "2581OUA", "CLASS_NBR": 36147, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide Open Universities Australia students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, Discussion Paper, Economic Evaluation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Health economics is the study of how scarce healthcare resources are allocated among competing\ninterventions and among groups in society. This course introduces basic concepts and practical issues\nfaced by decision-makers at all levels in the health system in allocating scarce resources so that the\nchoices they make maximise health benefits to the population.\nThis course covers four main areas of learning:\n1. An introduction to key concepts of health economics (e.g. opportunity costs), the demand for and\nsupply of health services, fundamentals of markets and the price mechanism with a focus on the\nhealthcare market;\n2. An introduction to economic evaluation in healthcare, with an emphasis on identifying,\nmeasuring, valuing and analysing health outcomes and costs.\n3. This module focuses on the presentation and interpretation of the results of economic evaluation\nand the use of economic evaluation to inform funding decisions\n4. An overview of the organisation of health care (provision and funding). The organisation and\nfinance of the Australian health system will be specifically analysed and compared internationally.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "8214": {"id": "x4TIJI6_0kbk6ZeVnEzra", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "YZMpnDhoexHA2c5pLVFfP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36147, "section": "01OU", "size": 100, "enrolled": 0, "available": 100, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "8215": {"id": "WIoICxN__uTDymJ1Rkd8Q", "course_id": "111216", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111216", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Knowing What Works - Evaluation for Public Health", "CAMPUS": "Open Universities Australia", "CAMPUS_CD": "OUA", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "2591OUA", "CLASS_NBR": 33252, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide Open Universities Australia students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online quizzes 20%, Discussion paper 25%, Integrated Evaluation Project 45%, Group Participation 10%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In the era of evidence-based practice and policy in healthcare, everyone needs evidence on how well an intervention works and whether it provides value for money to inform funding decisions. Evaluation is a tool to provide such information: measuring the success of the intervention in achieving its intended outcomes, determining its value, and providing information on how to improve the intervention to attain even greater success. This course is designed to help students to answer questions such as 'Should a new vaccine to protect against invasive meningococcal disease be recommended in publicly funded immunization programs? Did the new parent education program actually result in more children being vaccinated? If not, how can we improve the program?' The course aims to extend students understanding of the evaluation process and the quantitative, qualitative and economic evaluation approaches which are used to evaluate a wide range of public health interventions. Using real world examples, emphasis is placed on the value of integrated/mixed evaluation approaches. The course equips students with the practical knowledge and skills to design and apply an integrated framework to evaluate a public health intervention.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "8216": {"id": "WIoICxN__uTDymJ1Rkd8Q", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "Cq4fVsGhhSQA54ghmaiRn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33252, "section": "01OU", "size": 100, "enrolled": 0, "available": 100, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "8217": {"id": "G3nT9Eh6AdpxfzD-RfH-r", "course_id": "109049", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109049", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Nutrition: Ideology, Individuals & Industry", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "3007", "CLASS_NBR": 95050, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Five day intensive, total contact 40 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "HLTH SC 2100 or FOOD SC 2510 or PUB HLTH 2200", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online quizzes, workshop participation, oral presentation, assignment.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Public health nutrition: ideology, individuals & industry aims to develop critical thinking around contemporary challenges to nutrition. It will extend ideas learned in Reflect, Research, Resolve: Questions in Health to challenges that are specific to the field of nutrition and improving the nutritional health of populations. This course will draw from case studies to understand higher-level influences on the nutritional health of a population. Attention will be paid to \u2018upstream\u2019 factors such as Big-Food, supermarkets, food advertising, as well as government action and policy such as fortification, taxes, regulation and law. Students will identify, evaluate and reflect on the advantages and disadvantages of different strategies for improving the nutritional health of the population.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 24/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 28/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 11/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 17/07/2024"}}]}, "8218": {"id": "G3nT9Eh6AdpxfzD-RfH-r", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "EwGP9c2ZoFQBWlIQySNGm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95050, "section": "WR01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 49, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "10 Jul - 12 Jul", "days": "Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Jul - 16 Jul", "days": "Monday, Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8219": {"id": "TCjGJ_KH44Wb9jXUF0Ru-", "course_id": "109050", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109050", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Health care systems: structure, policy and people", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "3008", "CLASS_NBR": 22796, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "PUB HLTH 1001 or PUB HLTH 2200", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quiz, Tutorial Participation, short essay, policy brief, case study.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is a time of major change in our health care system. The system must meet the health needs of all Australians at a time when health care costs are rapidly increasing and our population is ageing. How can we ensure our health care system is efficient, equitable and the expectations of all Australians are met? In this course, students will examine how our health care system currently works and explore the various strategies that could improve both the quality and effectiveness of the care that people receive. This will include studying health care policies and how they directly impact on people's lives; following the health care journeys of a variety of Australians to examine how the health care system functions at an individual level and how it interacts with other systems and we will look briefly at how health care systems in other countries work. Students will learn a variety of practical skills such as how to analyse health polices, how to write a policy brief and how to approach health care reform.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8220": {"id": "TCjGJ_KH44Wb9jXUF0Ru-", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "L5lZK5LGEyFv-lZQ5oy2d", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22796, "section": "SE01", "size": 75, "enrolled": 74, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8221": {"id": "TJPOdhCrC5Tm78-nv-MW5", "course_id": "109051", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109051", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Experiments with Humans", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "3009", "CLASS_NBR": 10819, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060199", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PUB HLTH 2007 (or approval by course coordinator)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Tutorial and Practical preparation, Assignments, Exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Principles in research studies with humans in the health and medical sciences will be examined by considering the interpretation and critical appraisal of conventional and controversial publications of studies using the CONSORT guidelines which will be built upon throughout the course. \n\nFeatures of \u2018gold standard\u2019 randomised controlled trials will be showcased to demonstrate how knowledge of their principles can translate to effective and meaningful design, analysis, and robust results for other experiments while acknowledging their limitations and potential biases. \n\nPractical skills in the statistical analysis of results will also be developed in this course. These topics will include the construction of research hypotheses, principles of statistical inference, confidence interval estimation, and differences in statistical approaches in the clinical trials setting. Students will undertake analyses of study data where outcomes are continuous or binary, and understand the role of univariable and adjusted analyses. Students will carry out sample size calculations appropriate to different study designs and continue to consider the relevance of all CONSORT guidelines in the context of motivating real-life studies with humans.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8222": {"id": "TJPOdhCrC5Tm78-nv-MW5", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "H7bhg2zXuaRMnogLqvmBs", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13115, "section": "LE01", "size": 44, "enrolled": 45, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG25, Vernon-Roberts Museum"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG25, Vernon-Roberts Museum"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "E_ReSLbAFZYqM_q70oUCo", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10819, "section": "PR02", "size": 22, "enrolled": 22, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12305, "section": "PR01", "size": 22, "enrolled": 23, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "8223": {"id": "hvRvzDw1fyAL3FXT4nT6K", "course_id": "109052", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109052", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Practical Epidemiology in Health Sciences", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "3010", "CLASS_NBR": 10691, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061311", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PUB HLTH 2007 or MEDIC ST 1000B", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PUB HLTH 3501", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, workshop participation, final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course focuses on the implementation and interpretation of epidemiological concepts and measures, and the essential role of epidemiology in (i) understanding the health of populations and (ii) evaluating public health initiatives. To achieve that, students will deepen their knowledge of the biostatistical concepts that underpin epidemiological analyses. The course will also extend students' practical skills and ability to locate, access, manipulate, analyse, and present data through hands-on use of statistical software. Emphasis will be placed on the principles of epidemiological reasoning and interpretation of findings. At the end of this course students will be able to apply quantitative approaches to address population health challenges, interpret epidemiological information contained in scientific literature, communicate these interpretations to both lay and professional audiences, and think critically about the strengths and limitations of different approaches.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8224": {"id": "hvRvzDw1fyAL3FXT4nT6K", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "If8xspygR5PP5A-sjTAEs", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12306, "section": "SE01", "size": 32, "enrolled": 32, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "_X1iFbMNGXQrupeECH5eu", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10691, "section": "WR01", "size": 32, "enrolled": 32, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S126, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "8225": {"id": "18zMOlVOeqa4RkwF7kYP9", "course_id": "105042", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105042", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "International Health III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "3122", "CLASS_NBR": 95062, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Intensive - a minimum of 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "PUB HLTH 1001", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Case study, presentation, quizzes and essays", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces students to the basic principles of international health, in order to give them a better understanding of the wider context of health systems and public health across various countries.. The course provides an overview of health systems and public policy issues in low and middle-income countries, and covers concepts such as the transition during development, globalization and health, financing and organisation, as well as the role of the private sector, non-government-organisations and international organisations. The course is designed to provide a background for working with communities and organisations that are responsible for funding and/or providing health care and health promotion in developing and transition countries. \nThere is a focus on the social determinants of health and global health equity. With the help of case studies, the course provides an understanding about the delivery of health care, public health and health promotion in disadvantaged communities. The lectures and case studies discussion highlights the role of communities, clients, community based organisations, public and private sector providers and funding agencies. Factors facilitating access, quality, cost and fairness of services and programs are discussed.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 24/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 28/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 11/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 17/07/2024"}}]}, "8226": {"id": "18zMOlVOeqa4RkwF7kYP9", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "uu5rl0g2ak55icjwBjvNR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95017, "section": "LE01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 63, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Jul - 5 Jul", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}, {"dates": "1 Jul - 5 Jul", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}, {"dates": "1 Jul - 5 Jul", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "aMSOOOPRl45vEx6SX0ftb", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95062, "section": "TU01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 63, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Jul - 5 Jul", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}, {"dates": "1 Jul - 5 Jul", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4:30pm", "location": "AHMS, 1059a&b, Lecture Theatre Combined"}]}]}]}]}, "8227": {"id": "B3eyvG7oLChte76JnwaUn", "course_id": "107428", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107428", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Health Promotion III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "3124", "CLASS_NBR": 11802, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PUB HLTH 2200", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "PUB HLTH 1001", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quiz, written assignments and group work", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course builds on Social Foundations of Health II to develop students' understanding of health promotion at individual, group, community and national levels, as well as their critical thinking around the social determinants of health approaches to health interventions. The course provides both a theoretical basis and a practical focus in order to prepare students for employment or further study. It aims to build students' understanding of key theoretical concepts and principles in health promotion, and of contemporary challenges in the practice of health promotion.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8228": {"id": "B3eyvG7oLChte76JnwaUn", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "lkstoOfMxFfSWWJRAm-SH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11802, "section": "SE01", "size": 42, "enrolled": 41, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Jun - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8229": {"id": "rhhCpw8gRPp0lLW4IuKMe", "course_id": "111336", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111336", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Health Promotion III", "CAMPUS": "Open Universities Australia", "CAMPUS_CD": "OUA", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "3124OUA", "CLASS_NBR": 33253, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide Open Universities Australia students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "PUB HLTH 1001OUA and PUB HLTH 2500OUA", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quiz, written assignments and group work", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Health Promotion III is the required specialist course for a major in Health Promotion. It builds on Social Foundations of Health II to develop students' understanding of health promotion at individual, group, community and national levels, as well as their critical thinking around the social determinants of health approaches to health interventions. The course provides both a theoretical basis and a practical focus in order to prepare students for employment or further study. It aims to build students' understanding of key theoretical concepts and principles in health promotion, and of contemporary challenges in the practice of health promotion.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "8230": {"id": "rhhCpw8gRPp0lLW4IuKMe", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "Kpolojy8iv_v2acMpKVj7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33253, "section": "01OU", "size": 100, "enrolled": 1, "available": 99, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "8231": {"id": "SRnh7yrZIOTArxwsAVIR3", "course_id": "111219", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111219", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Doing Business in Health", "CAMPUS": "Open Universities Australia", "CAMPUS_CD": "OUA", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "3501OUA", "CLASS_NBR": 36305, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide Open Universities Australia students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The healthcare system is complex with a myriad of organisations planning and delivering health care across the health continuum. The complexity is intensified by stakeholder\u2019s expectations that health services meet budget allocations while also delivering safe and quality health care. Health services include pharmacies, allied health services, GP clinics, specialty clinics, imaging and diagnostic services and hospitals. This course gives an overview of the Australian health system and describes how these different providers intersect to deliver primary, secondary and tertiary health care to the community. The different approaches to \u2018doing business\u2019 by public and private health care providers is explored and the funding models that affect the health sector are detailed. Various solutions like value-based funding, use of technology, workforce development and training, early intervention models and strengthening regional infrastructure have been proposed to address these challenges. This course will discuss these solutions in addition to students learning about the main drivers of the health \u2018business\u2019. Service quality \u2013 including patient safety and accreditation - is discussed along with elements of human resource management, risk management, and governance that are unique to the health sector. Students will come away with an understanding of the key stakeholders in the health sector and will be equipped to address the problems facing delivery of sustainable and quality health care in Australia.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "8232": {"id": "SRnh7yrZIOTArxwsAVIR3", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "_JSInbD_r2uLhr6k4SxfP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36305, "section": "01OU", "size": 100, "enrolled": 0, "available": 100, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Sep - 22 Nov", "days": "", "start_time": "", "end_time": "", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "8233": {"id": "hTakKRtbA1etUVfKDrSz2", "course_id": "109116", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109116", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Global Public Health", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4090", "CLASS_NBR": 21391, "SESSION_CD": "LAS", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students enrolled in BHlthMedSc(Hons)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, essays, group project, oral presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will allow students to develop a critical understanding of the drivers that have resulted in global health risks, especially different health outcomes between high and low income countries. Students will learn about measures of global burden of disease and how these can be used to understand global health challenges and health disparities between countries in terms of communicable and non-communicable diseases. Students will draw on their knowledge of epidemiology, health promotion and public health evaluation to analyse and evaluate global health challenges and responses, and develop a critical appreciation of the health system and policy levers that can be used to improve health outcomes. They will also learn about the role of international agencies (e.g. World Health Organisation, World Bank, IMF, Gates Foundation, UNICEF, AusAid), how these articulate with the work done at a national and local level, and how coordinated global action is required to tackle many of the most pressing global health challenges.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 13/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8234": {"id": "hTakKRtbA1etUVfKDrSz2", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "rakUIAOjOC5FWjs3AD_aH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21391, "section": "SE02", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Sep - 27 Sep", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "23 Sep - 27 Sep", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21392, "section": "SE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 3, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Sep - 27 Sep", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "23 Sep - 27 Sep", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8235": {"id": "7IK2U-ktbp8kocU-cEFf5", "course_id": "109119", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109119", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Public Health Evaluation and Economics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4091", "CLASS_NBR": 24554, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week; this course is designed to include face-to-face attendance, however, options to participate online are available for students unable to attend in person.", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students enrolled in BHlthMedSc(Hons)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PUB HLTH 3123", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, Assignments, Participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In the era of evidence-based practice and policy in healthcare, everyone needs evidence on how well an intervention works and whether it provides value for money to inform funding decisions. Evaluation is a tool to provide such information: measuring the success of the intervention in achieving its intended outcomes, determining its value, and providing information on how to improve the intervention to attain even greater success. The course aims to extend student understanding of the evaluation and economic approaches used to evaluate a wide range of public health interventions. Using real world examples, this course equips students with the practical knowledge and skills to design and apply an integrated framework to evaluate a public health intervention", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8236": {"id": "7IK2U-ktbp8kocU-cEFf5", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "yq6Uy4i85Yk2uTBDgcptq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24554, "section": "WR01", "size": 2, "enrolled": 1, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8237": {"id": "v-mwBDPyHa_Sm4n0ZeMmN", "course_id": "109118", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109118", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Promoting Health in Individuals and Populations", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4110", "CLASS_NBR": 14263, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students enrolled in BHlthMedSc(Hons)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PUB HLTH 3124", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, essay, oral presentation, project report, participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to provide students with an in depth understanding of the theory behind the principles and practice of health promotion and the practical application of those theories across the community. It will allow students to understand health promotion at the individual, group, community and national levels, as well as supporting critical thinking around the social determinants of health as well as evidence-based health promotion. The course will also focus on the importance of planning and evaluation in enhancing the quality of health promotion interventions and will also discuss many of the challenges facing health promotion today. This course is designed to include face-to-face attendance; however, options to participate online are available for students unable to attend in person, with permission of the course coordinator.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8238": {"id": "v-mwBDPyHa_Sm4n0ZeMmN", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "sQoozE8kxiKLCqV72E-RM", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14263, "section": "SE02", "size": 2, "enrolled": 0, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 13 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "8 May - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14664, "section": "SE01", "size": 2, "enrolled": 0, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 11 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S416, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S416, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 May - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S416, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8239": {"id": "j6TMSQKduzcLZdxnrx2_A", "course_id": "108783", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108783", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Biostatistics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4274", "CLASS_NBR": 13128, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week. This course provides options to participate online for students unable to attend in face-to-face mode.", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to students enrolled in BHlthMedSc(Hons)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments and exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Biostatistics is the application of statistical methods (summarising data and drawing valid inferences based on limited information) to biological systems, more particularly, to humans and their health problems. This course deals with statistical concepts and terminology and basic analytic techniques. The purpose of the course is to give students an introduction to the discipline, an appreciation of a statistical perspective on information arising from the health arena and basic critical appraisal skills to assess the quality of research evidence.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8240": {"id": "j6TMSQKduzcLZdxnrx2_A", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "l47JEzJa3cNYGs_bMK4qZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19055, "section": "LEC0", "size": 20, "enrolled": 13, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "FSSHQJysGMPzP4a8Ser8I", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10384, "section": "WR01", "size": 6, "enrolled": 6, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13128, "section": "WR02", "size": 6, "enrolled": 7, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "8241": {"id": "Klx90r_tkKI_MnDbbDpOT", "course_id": "108779", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108779", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Epidemiology", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4275", "CLASS_NBR": 14266, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "2 hours per week. This course provides options to participate online for students unable to attend in person.", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to students enrolled in BHlthMedSc(Hons)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, online activities, and tutorial participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of this course is to give students a grounding in the basic concepts of epidemiology. Students will gain knowledge about: measuring and interpreting patterns of disease occurrence; routine sources of data, their strengths and limitations; study designs used in epidemiology and when to apply them; epidemiological models of causation; and will examine issues of study design and interpretation of results.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8242": {"id": "Klx90r_tkKI_MnDbbDpOT", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "bIjVDD7JHLWCQmu90-nYq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10385, "section": "WR01", "size": 4, "enrolled": 4, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG25, Vernon-Roberts Museum"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG25, Vernon-Roberts Museum"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14266, "section": "WR02", "size": 10, "enrolled": 4, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "8243": {"id": "zUkZEdrqWlvky-UHT_uFy", "course_id": "108777", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108777", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Qualitative Research Methods In Health", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4278", "CLASS_NBR": 14268, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to students enrolled in BHlthMedSc(Hons)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Group assessment and assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Qualitative research is concerned with exploring how people interpret and give meaning to their everyday worlds. This type of research is central to how we come to understand population health issues, as it provides historical and socio-cultural contexts for health and illness. This course comprises an introduction to the skills to review and conduct qualitative research. Students will learn how to recognise and reflect on the strengths and limitations of different qualitative research methodologies, understand the links between theory and practice, critically assess qualitative research, and address ethical and practical issues involved in conducting qualitative research. The course takes a step-by-step approach to the design and implementation of qualitative research and includes: formulating a qualitative research question; collecting, managing, and analysing qualitative data; writing and presenting qualitative findings; conducting ethical research, including writing ethics proposal for qualitative research projects. This course provides options to participate online for students unable to attend in person.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8244": {"id": "zUkZEdrqWlvky-UHT_uFy", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "X9mONjW0i787Jic3wShS8", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14059, "section": "WR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 2, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14268, "section": "WR02", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "8245": {"id": "qmAInti48bcYtOw5wEx-0", "course_id": "108782", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108782", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Environmental and Occupational Health", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4313", "CLASS_NBR": 20338, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to students enrolled in BHlthMedSc(Hons)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to introduce a range of environmental factors, which may pose a risk to the health of human populations. It also addresses risk assessment and management methods for evaluating and controlling such risks. A variety of diseases associated with exposure to common occupational and environmental factors will be discussed. In addition, there will be an overview of the historical, legislative and administrative aspects of occupational health.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8246": {"id": "qmAInti48bcYtOw5wEx-0", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "wrAfhdbppV2ClSm-Z8Vlm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20338, "section": "LE01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 0, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8247": {"id": "jc5-xH4GzTVKtUS_pyp36", "course_id": "108785", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108785", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Health Technology Assessment", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4347OL", "CLASS_NBR": 29013, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week of online activity", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Restricted to BHMS (Honours) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "PUB HLTH 4075 & PUB HLTH 4074 & PUB HLTH 4091", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PUB HLTH 4347", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, group oral presentation, completion of learning modules and assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course takes a broad view of the impact of health technologies on the health of the population & individual. Health technologies can include medicines, vaccines, medical or surgical procedures, medical devices, tests and investigations. In this course emphasis is placed on the methods used to assess these health technologies in order to inform government policy, clinical & public health practice. Methods include the systematic review of literature to assess the clinical safety & effectiveness of a technology, meta-analysis, as well as economic evaluation to determine whether a technology is good value for money. Attention is also given to the diffusion of technological innovations within their social, cultural & ethical context; addressing particular challenges with the assessment of medical tests; early assessment of emerging technologies; & to investment in, & disinvestment from, health technologies. The course has a strong practical focus & is taught by practitioners in the field.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8248": {"id": "jc5-xH4GzTVKtUS_pyp36", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "wE0Dk2zG3xwSFwb66dUGO", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26082, "section": "01OL", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}, {"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "pmIzQza_hmeybvGlvHNrl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29013, "section": "LE01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 0, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "8249": {"id": "hnCdE3Htrwk3kbFMylui7", "course_id": "111585", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111585", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Public Health Research Project T/Y Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4420A", "CLASS_NBR": 18847, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences (Honours) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Seminar presentation, Thesis, Professional activity development plan", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course is one where research is undertaken under the guidance of a supervisor. The overall objective of the course is for students to demonstrate a deep understanding and interpretation of their chosen research field and the ability to clearly and thoroughly present their project.\u00a0The overall product of the research will be either a thesis of up to 8,000 words or a research manuscript for publication, a seminar presentation and a professional activity development and reflection.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 07/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "8250": {"id": "hnCdE3Htrwk3kbFMylui7", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "I-TXlUs68wL31OlkaKZG5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18847, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "8251": {"id": "PxXNRfAxgUBn9zQHhkoNj", "course_id": "111585", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111585", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Public Health Research Project T/Y Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4420A", "CLASS_NBR": 28764, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences (Honours) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Seminar presentation, Thesis, Professional activity development plan", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course is one where research is undertaken under the guidance of a supervisor. The overall objective of the course is for students to demonstrate a deep understanding and interpretation of their chosen research field and the ability to clearly and thoroughly present their project.\u00a0The overall product of the research will be either a thesis of up to 8,000 words or a research manuscript for publication, a seminar presentation and a professional activity development and reflection.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "8252": {"id": "PxXNRfAxgUBn9zQHhkoNj", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "7N8UNkxohug0Yt01begg3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28764, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "8253": {"id": "VhDmWS6IBmYfDA3ZipGDk", "course_id": "111586", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111586", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Public Health Research Project T/Y Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4420B", "CLASS_NBR": 28792, "SESSION_CD": "TYB", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences (Honours) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PUB HLTH 4420A", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Seminar presentation, Thesis, Professional activity development plan", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course is one where research is undertaken under the guidance of a supervisor. The overall objective of the course is for students to demonstrate a deep understanding and interpretation of their chosen research field and the ability to clearly and thoroughly present their project.\u00a0The overall product of the research will be either a thesis of up to 8,000 words or a research manuscript for publication, a seminar presentation and a professional activity development and reflection.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "8254": {"id": "VhDmWS6IBmYfDA3ZipGDk", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "Rn4xkp4OE5wJrNoW403id", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28792, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "8255": {"id": "_sAV7FOjCWae2QPqYNTsx", "course_id": "108778", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108778", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Developing a Novel Research Question", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4500OL", "CLASS_NBR": 16081, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week online plus 3 hours per week preparation", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Restricted to B.Health & Med Sci - Honours students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "PUB HLTH 4600A", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online quiz, written reports, class presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This research preparedness course will review and reinforce student learning with respect to the research process. It will enable students to produce a structured research question justifying a future detailed research proposal. In a series of modules, the course focuses on specific aspects of doing research including: systematic literature searching and critical appraisal; reference management; framing the research question and purpose statement. Students will develop critical thinking skills in the assessment of the validity of the published literature, evidence syntheses and gap analysis.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8256": {"id": "_sAV7FOjCWae2QPqYNTsx", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "risgGSsrG2JFvY6SeEHKU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16081, "section": "01OL", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "8257": {"id": "SkCqeRr09MmYyguZMjSjk", "course_id": "108778", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108778", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Developing a Novel Research Question", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4500OL", "CLASS_NBR": 26081, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week online plus 3 hours per week preparation", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Restricted to B.Health & Med Sci - Honours students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "PUB HLTH 4600A", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online quiz, written reports, class presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This research preparedness course will review and reinforce student learning with respect to the research process. It will enable students to produce a structured research question justifying a future detailed research proposal. In a series of modules, the course focuses on specific aspects of doing research including: systematic literature searching and critical appraisal; reference management; framing the research question and purpose statement. Students will develop critical thinking skills in the assessment of the validity of the published literature, evidence syntheses and gap analysis.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8258": {"id": "SkCqeRr09MmYyguZMjSjk", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "VWuGSv7Ie8S2tVjjzIGiv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26081, "section": "01OL", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "8259": {"id": "6pbNIG_hCE9vRcl_2Kj1e", "course_id": "109330", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109330", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Public Health Research Project Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4600A", "CLASS_NBR": 16127, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences (Honours)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "PUB HLTH 4500OL", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Mid-year review progress, Public Health/Evidence-based healthcare professional development, Oral Presentation and Honours Research Project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course is designed for students to develop knowledge and skills in a chosen research field as well as general skills in working independently, critical reasoning, scientific writing and presentation. The course will expose students to a professional research environment and provide the opportunity to contribute to the body of knowledge in public health and/or evidence-based healthcare research, including foci on methodology and methods of evidence synthesis, knowledge transfer and implementation science. To this end students will be expected to engage in an independent research project under the guidance of a supervisor.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "8260": {"id": "6pbNIG_hCE9vRcl_2Kj1e", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "pP-GXpS_0Oh0oCFjapXOq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16127, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 8, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "8261": {"id": "m00AM14TDsAYQW5_Zh8q0", "course_id": "109330", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109330", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Public Health Research Project Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4600A", "CLASS_NBR": 26129, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences (Honours)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "PUB HLTH 4500OL", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Mid-year review progress, Public Health/Evidence-based healthcare professional development, Oral Presentation and Honours Research Project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course is designed for students to develop knowledge and skills in a chosen research field as well as general skills in working independently, critical reasoning, scientific writing and presentation. The course will expose students to a professional research environment and provide the opportunity to contribute to the body of knowledge in public health and/or evidence-based healthcare research, including foci on methodology and methods of evidence synthesis, knowledge transfer and implementation science. To this end students will be expected to engage in an independent research project under the guidance of a supervisor.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "8262": {"id": "m00AM14TDsAYQW5_Zh8q0", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "muHemVf_aPbSsIFy_ZQnX", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26129, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "8263": {"id": "AuVxB8uKZPYmDSQFle3eN", "course_id": "109331", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109331", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Public Health Research Project Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4600B", "CLASS_NBR": 16128, "SESSION_CD": "FM2", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to students enrolled in BHlthMedSc(Hons)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PUB HLTH 4600A and PUB HLTH 4500OL", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Mid-year review progress, Public Health/Evidence-based healthcare professional development, Oral Presentation and Honours Research Project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course is designed for students to develop knowledge and skills in a chosen research field as well as general skills in working independently, critical reasoning, scientific writing and presentation. The course will expose students to a professional research environment and provide the opportunity to contribute to the body of knowledge in public health and/or evidence-based healthcare research, including foci on methodology and methods of evidence synthesis, knowledge transfer and implementation science. To this end students will be expected to engage in an independent research project under the guidance of a supervisor.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8264": {"id": "AuVxB8uKZPYmDSQFle3eN", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "uJ_qH0mQDHUa69PvTLYoh", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16128, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "8265": {"id": "WFNczMYEzZp-t7aQ-4QgW", "course_id": "109331", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109331", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Public Health Research Project Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4600B", "CLASS_NBR": 26130, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to students enrolled in BHlthMedSc(Hons)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PUB HLTH 4600A and PUB HLTH 4500OL", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Mid-year review progress, Public Health/Evidence-based healthcare professional development, Oral Presentation and Honours Research Project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course is designed for students to develop knowledge and skills in a chosen research field as well as general skills in working independently, critical reasoning, scientific writing and presentation. The course will expose students to a professional research environment and provide the opportunity to contribute to the body of knowledge in public health and/or evidence-based healthcare research, including foci on methodology and methods of evidence synthesis, knowledge transfer and implementation science. To this end students will be expected to engage in an independent research project under the guidance of a supervisor.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8266": {"id": "WFNczMYEzZp-t7aQ-4QgW", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "8VUBzl55-rKOlf5IV7i-2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26130, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 8, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "8267": {"id": "as5u_BBA1o3N5_MvNv1CM", "course_id": "109332", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109332", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Research Project (T/Y) Continuing", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4610A", "CLASS_NBR": 16129, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Restricted to students enrolled in BHlthMedSc(Hons) only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "PUB HLTH 4500OL", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Mid-year review progress, Public health/Evidence based healthcare professional development, Oral Presentation and Honours Research Project.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course is designed for students to develop knowledge and skills in a chosen research field as well as general skills in working independently, critical reasoning, scientific writing and presentation. The course will expose students to a professional research environment and provide the opportunity to contribute to the body of knowledge in public health and/or evidence-based healthcare research, including foci on methodology and methods of evidence synthesis, knowledge transfer and implementation science.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 07/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "8268": {"id": "as5u_BBA1o3N5_MvNv1CM", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "B1dLimuUvSJGsESONOG20", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16129, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "8269": {"id": "FoqMa7S4X69Tsn9qp7faR", "course_id": "109332", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109332", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Research Project (T/Y) Continuing", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4610A", "CLASS_NBR": 26131, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Restricted to students enrolled in BHlthMedSc(Hons) only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "PUB HLTH 4500OL", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Mid-year review progress, Public health/Evidence based healthcare professional development, Oral Presentation and Honours Research Project.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course is designed for students to develop knowledge and skills in a chosen research field as well as general skills in working independently, critical reasoning, scientific writing and presentation. The course will expose students to a professional research environment and provide the opportunity to contribute to the body of knowledge in public health and/or evidence-based healthcare research, including foci on methodology and methods of evidence synthesis, knowledge transfer and implementation science.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "8270": {"id": "FoqMa7S4X69Tsn9qp7faR", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "2EWmhpBDTVdiLEoJW6RK5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26131, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "8271": {"id": "9be9CgR0aLea7nhtgifj0", "course_id": "109333", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109333", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Research Project (T/Y) Final", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4610B", "CLASS_NBR": 16130, "SESSION_CD": "TYD", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Restricted to students enrolled in BHlthMedSc(Hons) only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PUB HLTH 4610A and PUB HLTH 4500OL", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Mid-year review progress, Public health/Evidence based healthcare professional development, Oral Presentation and Honours Research Project.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course is designed for students to develop knowledge and skills in a chosen research field as well as general skills in working independently, critical reasoning, scientific writing and presentation. The course will expose students to a professional research environment and provide the opportunity to contribute to the body of knowledge in public health and/or evidence-based healthcare research, including foci on methodology and methods of evidence synthesis, knowledge transfer and implementation science.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8272": {"id": "9be9CgR0aLea7nhtgifj0", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "xAm3_d42qBWK4sahE7vSD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16130, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "8273": {"id": "VVE8xCTm03kI12D58x91y", "course_id": "109333", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109333", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Research Project (T/Y) Final", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4610B", "CLASS_NBR": 26132, "SESSION_CD": "TYB", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Restricted to students enrolled in BHlthMedSc(Hons) only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PUB HLTH 4610A and PUB HLTH 4500OL", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Mid-year review progress, Public health/Evidence based healthcare professional development, Oral Presentation and Honours Research Project.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course is designed for students to develop knowledge and skills in a chosen research field as well as general skills in working independently, critical reasoning, scientific writing and presentation. The course will expose students to a professional research environment and provide the opportunity to contribute to the body of knowledge in public health and/or evidence-based healthcare research, including foci on methodology and methods of evidence synthesis, knowledge transfer and implementation science.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "8274": {"id": "VVE8xCTm03kI12D58x91y", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "ne0BvsTGP7xncYm0WEUAA", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26132, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar"}]}]}]}, "8275": {"id": "Y33V1sZMEEVuAYS-AL11G", "course_id": "108970", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108970", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Counselling Skills 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "5005", "CLASS_NBR": 19023, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "069999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MCounsPsych, GDipCounsPsych, GCertCounsPsych students only or with approval of Program Coordinator", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online quizzes, basic skills practical assessment and evaluation, practical skills assessment, participation.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Counselling Skills 1 introduces students to the fundamental elements of counselling.\nIn addition to understanding the theoretical perspectives that underpin core counselling practice, students will develop a range of discrete skills including: attending, observing, listening, responding accurately and empathically to clients, and identifying inappropriate and unhelpful practices.\nStudents will be given maximum opportunity to develop their counselling skills in a structured and supportive environment.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8276": {"id": "Y33V1sZMEEVuAYS-AL11G", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "___HBwqeCiWtovVDtH-Is", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19023, "section": "WR01", "size": 75, "enrolled": 49, "available": 26, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8277": {"id": "gzcfBctyaEhRyffXnjZsM", "course_id": "108972", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108972", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Attachment Processes in the Therapeutic Relationship", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "5007", "CLASS_NBR": 10075, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "069999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MCounsPsych, GDipCounsPsych, GCertCounsPsych students only or with approval of Program Coordinator", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Participation, Online quiz, Written assignment on attachment patterns, Written assignment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Attachment processes in the therapeutic relationship will focus on the importance of attachment patterns and their interplay between practitioner and client. Psycho-dynamic principles of attachment will be discussed in depth with relevant psychoanalytic theory and practice inherent in the focus of the therapeutic alliance. Key theoretical premises discussed will include projection, transference/counter-transference/ holding and containing, erotic transference and self-disclosure.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8278": {"id": "gzcfBctyaEhRyffXnjZsM", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "qhbCyIYO9qgx0BziUTM1y", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10075, "section": "WR01", "size": 75, "enrolled": 47, "available": 28, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8279": {"id": "p4MYk3p49F-Wlbplo7ZY2", "course_id": "108973", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108973", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Counselling and Psychotherapy Theories", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "5008", "CLASS_NBR": 10076, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "069999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MCounsPsych, GDipCounsPsych, GCertCounsPsych students only or with approval of Program Coordinator", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online quiz, written essay, case conceptualization, participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will examine multiple theoretical frameworks regarding counselling and psychotherapy. This course will introduce students to the key philosophical and theoretical approaches which guide current practice. Areas covered include Psychoanalytic Theory; Analytic Psychology; Behaviour Theory; Cognitive Behaviour Therapy; Existential Theory; Person Centred Therapy; Gestalt Theory; Family Systems Therapy; Feminist Theory; Solution-Focused Brief Therapy; and Integrative modalities.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8280": {"id": "p4MYk3p49F-Wlbplo7ZY2", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "i8ju7GV_jSO3VULL_f-Qv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10076, "section": "WR01", "size": 75, "enrolled": 41, "available": 34, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8281": {"id": "-iTk1XC5a88jb5sD-gRws", "course_id": "108974", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108974", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Counselling Skills 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "6018", "CLASS_NBR": 22718, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "069999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MCounsPsych, GDipCounsPsych, GCertCounsPsych students only or with approval of Program Coordinator", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PUB HLTH 5005", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Participation, quiz, practical skills assessment (including weekly feedback logs)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Counselling Skills 2 builds on the fundamental elements of Counselling Skills 1. Students will develop a range of discrete skills including applying counselling interventions, reviewing client progress, structuring a session, managing risk and safety issues, and beginning and ending sessions effectively. Through the practice and observation of counselling skills students will be given maximum opportunity to acquire and develop appropriate and intentional counselling responses with various real client scenarios. Throughout the semester, students will be provided with ample opportunities to practice and develop their psychotherapeutic skills. Specifically, during class time, students will work in therapeutic teams and provide counselling to a number of surrogate client presentations. Course teaching staff will observe students in these tasks and providing relevant and timely feedback. The practical assessment of clinical competencies at the end of the course is a compulsory assessment and a pass is required in order to enrol in Placement 1a in the second year of the Master\u2019s Program.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8282": {"id": "-iTk1XC5a88jb5sD-gRws", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "7jngFEjgUhYm-BlcKjjDl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22718, "section": "WR01", "size": 75, "enrolled": 49, "available": 26, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S112, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8283": {"id": "6S4Sf11yQJisselG_YJsn", "course_id": "108975", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108975", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Overview of Mental Health", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "6019", "CLASS_NBR": 23967, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "069999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MCounsPsych, GDipCounsPsych and GCertCounsPsych students only with approval of Program Coordinator", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PUB HLTH 5005, PUB HLTH 5007, PUB HLTH 5008, PUB HLTH 7010, PUB HLTH 5006, PUB HLTH 6018 and PUB HLTH 6021", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Participation, Online test, Written assignment, Case study", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Overview of Mental Health seeks to introduce counsellors to current understanding about lived experience and the effects of stigma and discrimination for people experiencing mental illness and their significant others. There is opportunity to develop knowledge about the types of disorders as they are currently understood and outlined in the DSM-V or ICD-10. Students will also develop assessment skills to recognize the range of signs and symptoms and facilitate effective communication with other mental health professionals. Emphasis will be placed on the lived experience and recovery model, and a person-centred approach.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8284": {"id": "6S4Sf11yQJisselG_YJsn", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "UwjLcGov8F37ZoQ3SDlKb", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23967, "section": "WR01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 37, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8285": {"id": "LA5NdVX1FWhDCH-cpQFBx", "course_id": "108976", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108976", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Nature of Grief", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "6021", "CLASS_NBR": 23966, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "069999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MCounsPsych, GDipCounsPsych, GCertCounsPsych students only or with approval of Program Coordinator", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PUB HLTH 5005", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Participation, group presentation, essay, reflective paper", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to provide an experiential, theoretical and evidence based framework for understanding the nature and characteristics of grief, and its potential to affect any dimension of the individual: physical, emotional, psychological, social, behavioural and spiritual. In addition, it will provide key frameworks for students to work with grief presentations in the therapeutic context as well as examining their own grief experience.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8286": {"id": "LA5NdVX1FWhDCH-cpQFBx", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "IvoZP9WQg6kjuEsBkiLXL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23966, "section": "WR01", "size": 75, "enrolled": 36, "available": 39, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8287": {"id": "QRVYV3F1aMK41ghwwfI9U", "course_id": "108977", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108977", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Cognitive Behaviour Therapy", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7003", "CLASS_NBR": 28885, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "069999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 32 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MCounsPsych, GDipCounsPsych, GCertCounsPsych students only with approval of Program Coordinator", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PUB HLTH 5005", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written and online assignments, class participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will introduce students to Cognitive-Behaviour Therapy (CBT), an evidence-based treatment suitable for use with a variety of mental health disorders and issues. Students will learn about the background and theoretical basis of CBT (including the evidence base, rationale, CBT model, and indications and contraindications for use), and gain skills in determining client suitability for CBT treatment and assessing behavioural and cognitive functioning. They will also develop knowledge, skills, and confidence in the use of the behavioural and cognitive techniques and processes of CBT in the counselling setting. They will become aware of the strengths and limitations of this approach in practice.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8288": {"id": "QRVYV3F1aMK41ghwwfI9U", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "gcD_A2R4QSRdO7gbaLifl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28885, "section": "WR02", "size": 75, "enrolled": 50, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8289": {"id": "jOQjNd6Mu2weQgl5oO8qc", "course_id": "108979", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108979", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Narrative Approaches to Counselling", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7005", "CLASS_NBR": 12803, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "069999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 33 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MCounsPsych students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PUB HLTH 5005, PUB HLTH 5007, PUB HLTH 7010, PUB HLTH 5006, PUB HLTH 6018, PUB HLTH 6021 and (PUB HLTH 7003 or PUB HLTH 7300 OL)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Participation, essay, narrative conversation analysis", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides a rigorous introduction to narrative practice. All of the central practices of the narrative approach will be explored, along with an accessible introduction to the theories and thinking that informs the practice. This introduction is relevant for a range of contexts including counselling and working with groups and communities. It will include explorations of the key ideas of narrative therapy, with an emphasis on developing skills in using the narrative approach and how these might apply in a variety of settings.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8290": {"id": "jOQjNd6Mu2weQgl5oO8qc", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "WUJu3QMDjpLRCARkCTfqs", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12803, "section": "WR01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 42, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8291": {"id": "BighHRHfvOOiZDnntDP_H", "course_id": "108980", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108980", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Mindfulness-based Counselling Applications", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7010", "CLASS_NBR": 10242, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "069999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "12 x 2 hours + 1 x 6 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MCounsPsych, GDipCounsPsych and GCertCounsPsych students only with approval of Program Coordinator", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Participation, online quiz, collaborative skills presentations, practice logs, journal, online posts", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an introduction to several important treatment modalities suitable for use in counselling and psychotherapy: including mindfulness, acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), and mindfulness based cognitive therapy (MBCT). Students will learn about the background, theoretical bases, evidence bases, and indications and contraindications for these therapies, and will develop knowledge, skills, and confidence in the use of these techniques and processes in the counselling setting.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8292": {"id": "BighHRHfvOOiZDnntDP_H", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "pPJEaJ2zsGXggR_pkfmmu", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10242, "section": "WR01", "size": 75, "enrolled": 50, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8293": {"id": "GhvU3oo3r7MQUCnl2ssth", "course_id": "108982", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108982", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Dissertation Full time", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7011", "CLASS_NBR": 16091, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "069999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 1 hour per week supervision, plus skill development seminars or on-line learning of up to 5 hours as required.", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MCounsPsych students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PUB HLTH 5005, PUB HLTH 5006, PUB HLTH 5007, PUB HLTH 7010, PUB HLTH 6018, PUB HLTH 6021 and PUB HLTH 7300OL", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Grad Dip Couns Psych", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research proposal, seminar presentation, literature review, research paper", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to develop in students the capacity to work independently under the guidance of a supervisor, to carry out research, and to effectively communicate the need for, process of, and results of the research. Each student will develop a plan of professional activities to enhance their professional development; undertake, document, and submit a reflection upon these activities; present a seminar regarding the process and results of their research; and, based on these, prepare and submit either a) a manuscript suitable for submission to an appropriate peer-reviewed journal (some supporting material may be requested to best demonstrate the acquisition of research skills), or b) a dissertation of 12,000 \u201315,000 words (as negotiated with the course coordinator).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8294": {"id": "GhvU3oo3r7MQUCnl2ssth", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "sfu8_kvthTmH0H7ZnjWPs", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16091, "section": "01NT", "size": 30, "enrolled": 0, "available": 30, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "8295": {"id": "evFD7aVtr8xn4jYus4aVP", "course_id": "108982", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108982", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Dissertation Full time", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7011", "CLASS_NBR": 26092, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "069999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 1 hour per week supervision, plus skill development seminars or on-line learning of up to 5 hours as required.", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MCounsPsych students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PUB HLTH 5005, PUB HLTH 5006, PUB HLTH 5007, PUB HLTH 7010, PUB HLTH 6018, PUB HLTH 6021 and PUB HLTH 7300OL", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Grad Dip Couns Psych", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Research proposal, seminar presentation, literature review, research paper", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to develop in students the capacity to work independently under the guidance of a supervisor, to carry out research, and to effectively communicate the need for, process of, and results of the research. Each student will develop a plan of professional activities to enhance their professional development; undertake, document, and submit a reflection upon these activities; present a seminar regarding the process and results of their research; and, based on these, prepare and submit either a) a manuscript suitable for submission to an appropriate peer-reviewed journal (some supporting material may be requested to best demonstrate the acquisition of research skills), or b) a dissertation of 12,000 \u201315,000 words (as negotiated with the course coordinator).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8296": {"id": "evFD7aVtr8xn4jYus4aVP", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "t1MpSb252-BxFTuOJgQ1B", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26092, "section": "01NT", "size": 30, "enrolled": 0, "available": 30, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "8297": {"id": "8Y08wZp-C1nhJ9pws9Ic1", "course_id": "108984", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108984", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Relationship Counselling", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7013", "CLASS_NBR": 28894, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "069999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MCounsPsych students only or with approval of Program Coordinator", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PUB HLTH 5005, PUB HLTH 5006, PUB HLTH 5007, PUB HLTH 5008, PUB HLTH 6018 and PUB HLTH 6021", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written essays, Skills demonstration, Participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will primarily examine the construction of intimate partner relationships and associated therapeutic work. Exploring these themes within the framework of contemporary evidence-based approaches to couple counselling, it will critically examine how problems develop and are maintained within these contexts. The capacity to connect theory with clients\u2019 presenting and deeper concerns will form the basis for understanding and applying targeted interventions in practice. This will be further informed by understanding the social construction of relationships and practices of power, and how to respond to couple and family violence.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8298": {"id": "8Y08wZp-C1nhJ9pws9Ic1", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "tjjt4pe512b1SUNbos4rA", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28894, "section": "WR01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 37, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8299": {"id": "0IQPReLjD2kNVP3KoLhVS", "course_id": "108987", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108987", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Expressive Therapies: Creative Arts in Counselling", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7019", "CLASS_NBR": 95258, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "069999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "7 x 5 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MCounsPsych students only, or with approval of Program Coordinator", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PUB HLTH 5005, PUB HLTH 5006, PUB HLTH 5007, PUB HLTH 5008, PUB HLTH 6018 and PUB HLTH 6021", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Participation, one essay, one case report, one collaborative video presentation (peer and lecturer assessed)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Counselling with expressive and creative arts therapies is an area of specialised competencies that requires an advanced person-centred perspective. Expressive and creative arts therapies involve flexible application of skills and knowledge to the practice of counselling and psychotherapy. This course will introduce theory, research and skills in a range of strength-based modalities that utilise the creative arts. Expressive therapies skills and approaches are designed to provide highly flexible, individualised and evidence-based ways of supporting a wide range of clients across the lifespan, who present for counselling with a variety of presenting issues. Expressive therapies can be most valuable in support of the development of emotional regulation, self-reflection, self-awareness and self-discovery.\n\nPresented in a seminar format, this course introduces students to a range of modalities, that include the use of metaphor, symbol work, art, therapeutic writing, music in therapy, and somatic-focused activities. Reviews of recent research, and the use of non-verbal, creative arts-based activities will be integrated into a highly experiential skills-based program.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 24/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 28/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 11/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 17/07/2024"}}]}, "8300": {"id": "0IQPReLjD2kNVP3KoLhVS", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "HIG3I2JwxUHAF_gmo9V7j", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95254, "section": "WR02", "size": 0, "enrolled": 28, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Jul - 12 Jul", "days": "Wednesday, Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Jul - 8 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 Jul - 17 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8301": {"id": "sbN_G62gcvSJJtoGAXoYr", "course_id": "108988", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108988", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Counselling Placement IA", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7020A", "CLASS_NBR": 19843, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "069999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 days per week, two X 4 hours, two X 2 hours, plus 2 hours per fortnight", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MCounsPsych students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PUB HLTH 5005, PUB HLTH 5007, PUB HLTH 7010, PUB HLTH 5006, PUB HLTH 6018, PUB HLTH 6021, PUB HLTH 5008 and PUB HLTH 7003", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Satisfactory placement completion (assessed by supervisor through supervision, review of learning agreement, log-book of activities, and final review), final placement review, one online quiz, one essay", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Placement IA provides Master of Counselling and Psychotherapy students with supervised practical experience in counselling and psychotherapy. Through Placement with an approved service provider and individual and group supervision with qualified practitioners, students will have the opportunity to increase their knowledge of, and practice, counselling and psychotherapeutic skills with clients, as well as gain experience in writing case notes and reports in this setting. They will also develop experience in collaboration with other health professionals and families of clients, and referral to appropriate other health professionals.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "8302": {"id": "sbN_G62gcvSJJtoGAXoYr", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "J1Gb7AhV5XrYbPmqZ0GRy", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19843, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 33, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "20 Feb - 20 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Feb - 22 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 18 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 May - 20 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8303": {"id": "uskZHWWnyMbbUtbXHssWY", "course_id": "108988", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108988", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Counselling Placement IA", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7020A", "CLASS_NBR": 20216, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "069999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 days per week, two X 4 hours, two X 2 hours, plus 2 hours per fortnight", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MCounsPsych students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PUB HLTH 5005, PUB HLTH 5007, PUB HLTH 7010, PUB HLTH 5006, PUB HLTH 6018, PUB HLTH 6021, PUB HLTH 5008 and PUB HLTH 7003", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Satisfactory placement completion (assessed by supervisor through supervision, review of learning agreement, log-book of activities, and final review), final placement review, one online quiz, one essay", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Placement IA provides Master of Counselling and Psychotherapy students with supervised practical experience in counselling and psychotherapy. Through Placement with an approved service provider and individual and group supervision with qualified practitioners, students will have the opportunity to increase their knowledge of, and practice, counselling and psychotherapeutic skills with clients, as well as gain experience in writing case notes and reports in this setting. They will also develop experience in collaboration with other health professionals and families of clients, and referral to appropriate other health professionals.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "8304": {"id": "uskZHWWnyMbbUtbXHssWY", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "Y6zw7a2gJPZ453OtuU_JS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20216, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 5, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Nov - 5 Nov", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8305": {"id": "0M39OYxhry2tqOcRO5AdH", "course_id": "108989", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108989", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Counselling Placement IB", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7020B", "CLASS_NBR": 19842, "SESSION_CD": "FM2", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "069999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 days per week, two X 3 hours, 2 X two hours, plus 2 hours per fortnight", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MCounsPsych students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PUB HLTH 5005, PUB HLTH 5007, PUB HLTH 7010, PUB HLTH 5006, PUB HLTH 6018, PUB HLTH 6021, PUB HLTH 5008 and PUB HLTH 7003", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Satisfactory placement completion (assessed by supervisor through supervision, review of learning agreement, log-book of activities, and final review), final placement review, one online quiz, one essay", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Placement IB is completed in the final semester of enrolment for the Master of Counselling and Psychotherapy (Clinical Pathway) and provides students with supervised practical experience in counselling and psychotherapy. Through Placement with an approved service provider and individual and group supervision with qualified practitioners, students will increase their knowledge of, and practise, counselling and psychotherapeutic skills with clients, as well as gain experience in writing case notes and reports in this setting. They will also develop experience in collaboration with other health professionals and families of clients, and referral to appropriate other health professionals as practiced in their specific setting. Finally, students will complete one essay assignment, one online quiz and pass their final placement review.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8306": {"id": "0M39OYxhry2tqOcRO5AdH", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "7uos7bEu29LKEJWoa5gCm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19842, "section": "SE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 5, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "20 Feb - 20 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Feb - 22 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 18 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 May - 20 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8307": {"id": "sOaLNyDtFHXYrZvlbGR_l", "course_id": "108989", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108989", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Counselling Placement IB", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7020B", "CLASS_NBR": 29661, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "069999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 days per week, two X 3 hours, 2 X two hours, plus 2 hours per fortnight", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MCounsPsych students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PUB HLTH 5005, PUB HLTH 5007, PUB HLTH 7010, PUB HLTH 5006, PUB HLTH 6018, PUB HLTH 6021, PUB HLTH 5008 and PUB HLTH 7003", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Satisfactory placement completion (assessed by supervisor through supervision, review of learning agreement, log-book of activities, and final review), final placement review, one online quiz, one essay", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Placement IB is completed in the final semester of enrolment for the Master of Counselling and Psychotherapy (Clinical Pathway) and provides students with supervised practical experience in counselling and psychotherapy. Through Placement with an approved service provider and individual and group supervision with qualified practitioners, students will increase their knowledge of, and practise, counselling and psychotherapeutic skills with clients, as well as gain experience in writing case notes and reports in this setting. They will also develop experience in collaboration with other health professionals and families of clients, and referral to appropriate other health professionals as practiced in their specific setting. Finally, students will complete one essay assignment, one online quiz and pass their final placement review.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8308": {"id": "sOaLNyDtFHXYrZvlbGR_l", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "i_DZR_aoxjS05dUHtAhF6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29661, "section": "SE01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 30, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Nov - 5 Nov", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8309": {"id": "3k8ej-AN4Gea-f3mfKaVG", "course_id": "108985", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108985", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Counselling of Children and Adolescents", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7024", "CLASS_NBR": 13202, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "069999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "1 x 6 hours plus 6 x 4 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MCounsPsych students only or with approval of Program Coordinator", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PUB HLTH 5005, PUB HLTH 5006, PUB HLTH 5007, PUB HLTH 5008, PUB HLTH 7010, PUB HLTH 6018 and PUB HLTH 6021", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written assignments, skills demonstration, participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Counselling with children and adolescents is a specialist area that requires a particular child-centred perspective and creative, flexible application of skills and knowledge. This course will introduce advanced skills and approaches for responding to young clients from a dynamic, emotion-focused, and person-centred perspective. Presented as a series of workshops, the course equips counsellors to apply appropriate micro-skills, to synthesise theoretical frameworks and evaluate techniques that may be suitable for an individual client. Reviews of recent research and the essentials of trauma-informed practice will be integrated into a highly experiential program.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8310": {"id": "3k8ej-AN4Gea-f3mfKaVG", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "Q54w6lFMWk_HZd0WNN_1A", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13202, "section": "WR01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 37, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8311": {"id": "E1m5E-XGTAAYbRonH1FVd", "course_id": "108986", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108986", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Trauma Informed Practice", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7025", "CLASS_NBR": 11088, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "069999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "12 x 3 hour Workshops", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MCounsPsych, GDipCounsPsych and GCertCounsPsych students only with approval of Program Coordinator", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PUB HLTH 5005, PUB HLTH 5007, PUB HLTH 7010, PUB HLTH 5006, PUB HLTH 6018, PUB HLTH 6021 and (PUB HLTH 7003 or PUB HLTH 7300 OL)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Practical exercise, essay, online short answer quiz, participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course addresses issues identified by industry and other stakeholders as emerging and critical areas for counselling practice. It will specifically equip students with the skills for working with people suffering the effects of trauma, including clients who present specifically with symptoms such as depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress, as well as clients for whom trauma has been some part of their past (e.g. through childhood abuse or neglect and intimate partner/familial violence). These skills are a crucial part of work in many areas of counselling and psychotherapy. The course will also give attention to survivors of assault and abuse. Students will learn theoretical and practical approaches to working with these client groups, the evidence base for these approaches, the strengths and limitations of these approaches, and when and how to liaise with other professionals about related issues. This will include exploration of recent developments in neuroscience, the literature on Adverse Childhood Experiences, and how to provide test practice therapy in these areas.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8312": {"id": "E1m5E-XGTAAYbRonH1FVd", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "SWL23oGMnKsB9fwtUIJ8F", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11088, "section": "WR01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 39, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2060, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8313": {"id": "77V3oeya81CQWDrlfKM_i", "course_id": "110625", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110625", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Infectious Disease Epidemiology", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7028", "CLASS_NBR": 13826, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061311", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours; This course provides options to participate online for students unable to attend in person.", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an introduction to core concepts and principles in infectious disease epidemiology, prevention and control. Students will gain skills in epidemiology, study design and understand the burden of infectious diseases. Students will be introduced to epidemiological methods to understand infectious disease surveillance data, disease transmission, and outbreak investigation, with a demonstrated understanding of the approaches for disease control of emerging infectious diseases. The framework underpinning this course is the understanding and application of the interactions within and between the agent, host and environment. \nThis course provides options to participate online for students unable to attend in person.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8314": {"id": "77V3oeya81CQWDrlfKM_i", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "aq_cQ6EsPtzcHk51C5np0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19056, "section": "LEC0", "size": 50, "enrolled": 25, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "C_HItuef3T1x2KiyEakyA", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13825, "section": "WR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 22, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13826, "section": "WR02", "size": 10, "enrolled": 3, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "8315": {"id": "A-cTccYC-0c-tkMZntxWo", "course_id": "111303", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111303", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Trauma-informed counselling for CALD and Indigenous populations", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7033", "CLASS_NBR": 21395, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 Hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Master of Counselling and Psychotherapy (MCP) or the Graduate Certificate in Trauma Counselling (the Program proposal for the latter is currently being developed for APEAC and Academic Board approval)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Most current conceptualizations and treatments of trauma have not accounted for the unique circumstances faced by Indigenous people or CALD clients but have assumed there is a universal trauma response. This neglects the fact that trauma is not experienced independently of cultural context and is influenced by cultural and societal configurations. First Nations people and CALD groups (including refugees) face unique issues and stressors that impact their emotions, learning, behaviour, and psychosocial health. First Nations people\u2019s experiences of ongoing colonisation, discrimination, lack of acceptance, racism, and stigma can significantly and negatively impact their mental health and wellbeing. In addition, many Indigenous people have experienced historical and ongoing trauma related to genocide, stolen generations and colonisation. People from CALD backgrounds, particularly those seeking asylum and refugees, experience greater stress and trauma compared to other groups. Refugees are likely to have faced traumatic experiences in the context of persecution, political conflict, organised violence, separation from family, forced displacement, and exposure to long periods of war. Understanding how culture and social position shape how trauma is experienced and healed is central to developing cultural responsiveness in the work with Indigenous people and CALD clients. This course will explore the unique challenges involved in supporting Indigenous people and CALD clients to heal from trauma as well as address issues that have relevance in their communities. Participants will gain an understanding of the impacts of the systemic and intergenerational trauma faced by these communities and learn to apply the principles of culturally responsive practice when working with these clients. By learning to apply Indigenous social, and emotional wellbeing principles, practices and healing frameworks, utilising Aboriginal and culturally sensitive concepts of trauma, graduates will gain specific skills that enable them to respond to trauma in individuals and communities.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8316": {"id": "A-cTccYC-0c-tkMZntxWo", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "po40YgLCIYwH0P58u7nbn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21395, "section": "WR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 26, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S412, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8317": {"id": "ERUYnrgyUYnuqNDlBxfsg", "course_id": "103780", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103780", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Biostatistics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7074", "CLASS_NBR": 11053, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week. This course provides options to participate online for students unable to attend in face-to-face mode.", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PUB HLTH 7074OL, PUB HLTH 7074UAC, PUB HLTH 4274", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignment and exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Biostatistics is the application of statistical methods (summarising data and drawing valid inferences based on limited information) to biological systems, more particularly, to humans and their health problems. This course deals with statistical concepts and terminology and basic analytic techniques. The purpose of the course is to give students an introduction to the discipline, an appreciation of a statistical perspective on information arising from the health arena and basic critical appraisal skills to assess the quality of research evidence.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8318": {"id": "ERUYnrgyUYnuqNDlBxfsg", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "lsYPsr9f-YFJ7A95B8mQz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19057, "section": "LEC0", "size": 80, "enrolled": 45, "available": 35, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "OS2QdpHxito9m2I2W-nLW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11053, "section": "WR02", "size": 40, "enrolled": 12, "available": 28, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11054, "section": "WR01", "size": 37, "enrolled": 33, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "8319": {"id": "WNYm9aneJ344C-BD7lVvN", "course_id": "103780", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103780", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Biostatistics", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7074UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 13129, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PUB HLTH 7074, 7074OL and PUB HLTH 4274", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignment and exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Biostatistics is the application of statistical methods (summarising data and drawing valid inferences based on limited information) to biological systems, more particularly, to humans and their health problems. This course deals with statistical concepts and terminology and basic analytic techniques. The purpose of the course is to give students an introduction to the discipline, an appreciation of a statistical perspective on information arising from the health arena and basic critical appraisal skills to assess the quality of research evidence.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8320": {"id": "WNYm9aneJ344C-BD7lVvN", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Evkwpp8Em3M0y8V8Osok5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19059, "section": "LEC0", "size": 15, "enrolled": 11, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "LU60uMV28S4bTopYhn1mN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11055, "section": "WR01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 11, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Marjoribanks, 126, SANTOS Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13129, "section": "WR02", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "pwQ4W6OAya0PPKWelmBkt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14791, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 11, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 108, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8321": {"id": "exw1kvpN48c7Eij70pgCF", "course_id": "103781", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103781", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Epidemiology", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7075", "CLASS_NBR": 14265, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "2 hours per week. This course provides options to participate online for students unable to attend in person.", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PUB HLTH 7075OL, PUB HLTH 7075UAC, PUB HLTH 4275, BIOSTAT 6000", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, online activities, and tutorial participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of this course is to give students a grounding in the basic concepts of epidemiology. Students will gain knowledge about: measuring and interpreting patterns of disease occurrence; routine sources of data, their strengths and limitations; study designs used in epidemiology and when to apply them; epidemiological models of causation; and will examine issues of study design and interpretation of results.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8322": {"id": "exw1kvpN48c7Eij70pgCF", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "HGvKVLfxuwCsfzYGL-DRh", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10821, "section": "WR01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 35, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG25, Vernon-Roberts Museum"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG25, Vernon-Roberts Museum"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14265, "section": "WR02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 16, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "8323": {"id": "FJMuH8rgykFwqw-0eiWnS", "course_id": "103781", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103781", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Epidemiology", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7075UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 14264, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PUB HLTH 7075/7075OL, PUB HLTH 4275, BIOSTATS 6000", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, online activities, and tutorial participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of this course is to give students a grounding in the basic concepts of epidemiology. Students will gain knowledge about: measuring and interpreting patterns of disease occurrence; routine sources of data, their strengths and limitations; study designs used in epidemiology and when to apply them; epidemiological models of causation; and will examine issues of study design and interpretation of results.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8324": {"id": "FJMuH8rgykFwqw-0eiWnS", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "EFRpm_zN4mXjl7D3ghwlH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10820, "section": "WR01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 11, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG25, Vernon-Roberts Museum"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, SG25, Vernon-Roberts Museum"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14264, "section": "WR02", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "p7wXjS6dTRwNJAREtdjhp", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14789, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 11, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hartley, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hartley, G05, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8325": {"id": "gRPzqmST2woKAjooQX-1X", "course_id": "103828", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103828", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Qualitative Research Methods In Health", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7078", "CLASS_NBR": 14269, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "3 hours per week plus online activities", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PUB HLTH 7078OL and PUB HLTH 7078UAC", "ASSESSMENT": "Group assessment, assignments and participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Qualitative research is concerned with exploring how people interpret and give meaning to their everyday worlds. This type of research is central to how we come to understand population health issues, as it provides historical and socio-cultural contexts for health and illness. This course comprises an introduction to the skills to review and conduct qualitative research. Students will learn how to recognise and reflect on the strengths and limitations of different qualitative research methodologies, understand the links between theory and practice, critically assess qualitative research, and address ethical and practical issues involved in conducting qualitative research. The course takes a step-by-step approach to the design and implementation of qualitative research and includes: formulating a qualitative research question; collecting, managing, and analysing qualitative data; writing and presenting qualitative findings; conducting ethical research, including writing ethics proposal for qualitative research projects. This course provides options to participate online for students unable to attend in person.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8326": {"id": "gRPzqmST2woKAjooQX-1X", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "2-cDZTBM_e533798hQMqC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14269, "section": "WR02", "size": 17, "enrolled": 7, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15465, "section": "WR01", "size": 22, "enrolled": 17, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8327": {"id": "142NbK_S-OqOAf809Ig-R", "course_id": "103828", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103828", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Qualitative Research Methods In Health", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7078UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 14270, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week plus online activities", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PUB HLTH 7078 & 7078OL", "ASSESSMENT": "Group assessment, assignments and participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Qualitative research is concerned with exploring how people interpret and give meaning to their everyday worlds. This type of research is central to how we come to understand population health issues, as it provides historical and socio-cultural contexts for health and illness. This course comprises an introduction to the skills to review and conduct qualitative research. Students will learn how to recognise and reflect on the strengths and limitations of different qualitative research methodologies, understand the links between theory and practice, critically assess qualitative research, and address ethical and practical issues involved in conducting qualitative research. The course takes a step-by-step approach to the design and implementation of qualitative research and includes: formulating a qualitative research question; collecting, managing, and analysing qualitative data; writing and presenting qualitative findings; conducting ethical research, including writing ethics proposal for qualitative research projects. This course provides options to participate online for students unable to attend in person.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8328": {"id": "142NbK_S-OqOAf809Ig-R", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "DsLmuaQpRTkitAyEf9cWO", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14270, "section": "WR02", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15466, "section": "WR01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 11, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "QMc-BZpdB1ktw_-EHuCos", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14790, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 11, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hartley, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hartley, G05, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8329": {"id": "CMHBj85CbAN36sDC5gl6P", "course_id": "109348", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109348", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "MPH Professional Practice Placement", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7079", "CLASS_NBR": 16132, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Placement up to 3 days per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students undertaking the Public Health specialisation in the MPH", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Student must have completed all core courses prior to commencing their placement", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PUB HLTH 7094EX, PUB HLTH 7077", "ASSESSMENT": "Oral presentations, professional portfolio, supervisor report, project report", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The MPH Professional Practice Placement provides students with the opportunity to gain valuable workplace experience, at a professional practitioner level, with an industry partner working in the public health and related sectors. Students undertake a population health project (or series of related activities) in a practice context. Through the project undertaken in the placement organisation, students apply public health concepts, skills and knowledge obtained through their studies as well as participating in activities that further develop their skill set, add new tools to their professional toolkit, and assist them to understand organisational cultures and the everyday challenges of public health practice", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8330": {"id": "CMHBj85CbAN36sDC5gl6P", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "Uhp7s50r_UeRNuulfX69T", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16132, "section": "01EX", "size": 20, "enrolled": 9, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "8331": {"id": "aPTH-Yx_tDphRh9YKLmh5", "course_id": "109348", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109348", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "MPH Professional Practice Placement", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7079", "CLASS_NBR": 26134, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Placement up to 3 days per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students undertaking the Public Health specialisation in the MPH", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Student must have completed all core courses prior to commencing their placement", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PUB HLTH 7094EX, PUB HLTH 7077", "ASSESSMENT": "Oral presentations, professional portfolio, supervisor report, project report", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The MPH Professional Practice Placement provides students with the opportunity to gain valuable workplace experience, at a professional practitioner level, with an industry partner working in the public health and related sectors. Students undertake a population health project (or series of related activities) in a practice context. Through the project undertaken in the placement organisation, students apply public health concepts, skills and knowledge obtained through their studies as well as participating in activities that further develop their skill set, add new tools to their professional toolkit, and assist them to understand organisational cultures and the everyday challenges of public health practice", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8332": {"id": "aPTH-Yx_tDphRh9YKLmh5", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "LxLWfzhk0Db2eXsHcwtI2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26134, "section": "01EX", "size": 20, "enrolled": 11, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "8333": {"id": "Ho-ipfZyVOaVGSBkcvsaw", "course_id": "108992", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108992", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Global Public Health", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7090", "CLASS_NBR": 21389, "SESSION_CD": "LAS", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "PUB HLTH 7075, PUB HLTH 7093", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, essays, group project, oral presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will allow students to develop a critical understanding of the drivers that have resulted in global health risks, especially different health outcomes between high and low income countries. Students will learn about measures of global burden of disease and how these can be used to understand global health challenges and health disparities between countries in terms of communicable and non-communicable diseases. Students will draw on their knowledge of epidemiology, health promotion and public health evaluation to analyse and evaluate global health challenges and responses, and develop a critical appreciation of the health system and policy levers that can be used to improve health outcomes. They will also learn about the role of international agencies (e.g. World Health Organisation, World Bank, IMF, Gates Foundation, UNICEF, AusAid), how these articulate with the work done at a national and local level, and how coordinated global action is required to tackle many of the most pressing global health challenges.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 13/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8334": {"id": "Ho-ipfZyVOaVGSBkcvsaw", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "kjPtZS3YaVNzv-lPMI0p0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21389, "section": "SE02", "size": 45, "enrolled": 37, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Sep - 27 Sep", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "23 Sep - 27 Sep", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21390, "section": "SE01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 40, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Sep - 27 Sep", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "23 Sep - 27 Sep", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8335": {"id": "rdNRQMmUdK1CwZMsDPYgq", "course_id": "108992", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108992", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Global Public Health", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7090UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 24680, "SESSION_CD": "LAS", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "PUB HLTH 7075, PUB HLTH 7093", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, essays, group project, oral presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will allow students to develop a critical understanding of the drivers that have resulted in global health risks, especially different health outcomes between high and low income countries. Students will learn about measures of global burden of disease and how these can be used to understand global health challenges and health disparities between countries in terms of communicable and non-communicable diseases. Students will draw on their knowledge of epidemiology, health promotion and public health evaluation to analyse and evaluate global health challenges and responses, and develop a critical appreciation of the health system and policy levers that can be used to improve health outcomes. They will also learn about the role of international agencies (e.g. World Health Organisation, World Bank, IMF, Gates Foundation, UNICEF, AusAid), how these articulate with the work done at a national and local level, and how coordinated global action is required to tackle many of the most pressing global health challenges.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 13/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8336": {"id": "rdNRQMmUdK1CwZMsDPYgq", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "qZfEzIzbrdAJBO34GCVAc", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21393, "section": "SE02", "size": 5, "enrolled": 2, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Sep - 27 Sep", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "23 Sep - 27 Sep", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21394, "section": "SE01", "size": 8, "enrolled": 6, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Sep - 27 Sep", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "23 Sep - 27 Sep", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "tGlRCydM6MvnL5U_tN3d3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24680, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 8, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "17 Sep - 24 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "Hartley, G06, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8337": {"id": "vPi0cuYMHIAwtkORGI36d", "course_id": "108997", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108997", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Public Health Evaluation and Economics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7091", "CLASS_NBR": 21952, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week; this course is designed to include face-to-face attendance, however, options to participate online are available for students unable to attend in person.", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PUB HLTH 3123, PUB HLTH 7091OL and PUB HLTH 7091UAC", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, Assignments, Participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In the era of evidence-based practice and policy in healthcare, everyone needs evidence on how well an intervention works and whether it provides value for money to inform funding decisions. Evaluation is a tool to provide such information: measuring the success of the intervention in achieving its intended outcomes, determining its value, and providing information on how to improve the intervention to attain even greater success. The course aims to extend student understanding of the evaluation and economic approaches used to evaluate a wide range of public health interventions. Using real world examples, this course equips students with the practical knowledge and skills to design and apply an integrated framework to evaluate a public health intervention.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8338": {"id": "vPi0cuYMHIAwtkORGI36d", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "fN8tB5ej2-fIOJ3kuxUgY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21952, "section": "WR01", "size": 85, "enrolled": 72, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8339": {"id": "jhSw-b4Lj2NGrvciEUPuc", "course_id": "108997", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108997", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Public Health Evaluation and Economics", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7091UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 22639, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PUB HLTH 3123, PUB HLTH 7091 and PUB HLTH 7091OL", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, Assignments, Participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In the era of evidence-based practice and policy in healthcare, everyone needs evidence on how well an intervention works and whether it provides value for money to inform funding decisions. Evaluation is a tool to provide such information: measuring the success of the intervention in achieving its intended outcomes, determining its value, and providing information on how to improve the intervention to attain even greater success. The course aims to extend student understanding of the evaluation and economic approaches used to evaluate a wide range of public health interventions. Using real world examples, this course equips students with the practical knowledge and skills to design and apply an integrated framework to evaluate a public health intervention.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8340": {"id": "jhSw-b4Lj2NGrvciEUPuc", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "XHZpL6YmGNUNxROI0GWV-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22639, "section": "WR01", "size": 11, "enrolled": 7, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "fVeMIx1pu-1lH1rAB5WcA", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24681, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 7, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 314, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 314, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8341": {"id": "ZUnOjIGJp4SXNBXSll_Pf", "course_id": "108998", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108998", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Health Systems, Systems Thinking & Advocacy for Change", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7092", "CLASS_NBR": 92127, "SESSION_CD": "S02", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "PUB HLTH 7075, PUB HLTH 7093, PUB HLTH 7091, PUB HLTH 7090", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quiz, oral presentation, essays", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is structured into three linked modules: 1) A broad overview of health systems; 2) Systems thinking and political science and 3) Advocacy in the public health context. \n1) A broad overview of health systems examines the foundations of health systems, exploring how they are structured, why they function in the way they do and the different types of health systems that have evolved over time. The course will focus on the Australian healthcare system, with a specific focus on public health, prevention and health promotion and will compare and contrast the Australian health system with a variety of international health systems. \n2) Systems thinking and political science provides students with an introduction to systems thinking and complexity theory. Systems thinking is an emerging core skill in public health and students will explore the role of political science and how systems thinking can impact on developing policy and support systems to change by moving from a silo-ed structure to a more integrated system, which considers social and public health impacts.\n3) Advocacy in the public health context brings the health systems and systems thinking concepts together to apply them to drive change for public health. Advocacy occurs at the policy and government level, organisational levels and with the community, in grass roots advocacy. Students will learn the fundamentals of advocacy including the role of advocacy in federal and state policy development and political debate. They will explore leadership in advocacy, and focus on learning practical skills such as communication, negotiation and diplomacy. \nEach module includes a particular focus on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander issues; a series of practical exercises and guest speakers who will focus on their experience of integrating theory and practice in navigating and managing a variety of systems and advocating at all levels.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 29/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "8342": {"id": "ZUnOjIGJp4SXNBXSll_Pf", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "ewtPOrsqePc2okqtYQSGF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92060, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 25, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jan - 2 Feb", "days": "Monday, Wednesday, Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Feb - 9 Feb", "days": "Monday, Wednesday, Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S411, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 92127, "section": "WR02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 3, "available": 27, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jan - 2 Feb", "days": "Monday, Wednesday, Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "5 Feb - 9 Feb", "days": "Monday, Wednesday, Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "8343": {"id": "dcB306R3tUnidIlp-r1h4", "course_id": "108999", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108999", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Promoting Health in Individuals and Populations", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7093", "CLASS_NBR": 14261, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PUB HLTH 3134, PUB HLTH 7093OL and PUB HLTH 7093UAC", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, essay, oral presentation, project report, participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to provide students with an in depth understanding of the theory behind the principles and practice of health promotion and the practical application of those theories across the community. It will allow students to understand health promotion at the individual, group, community and national levels, as well as supporting critical thinking around the social determinants of health as well as evidence-based health promotion. The course will also focus on the importance of planning and evaluation in enhancing the quality of health promotion interventions and will also discuss many of the challenges facing health promotion today. This course is designed to include face-to-face attendance; however, options to participate online are available for students unable to attend in person, with permission of the course coordinator.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8344": {"id": "dcB306R3tUnidIlp-r1h4", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "68lNo4XYLkNa9npz6LN0z", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14261, "section": "SE02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 16, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14963, "section": "SE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 38, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S336a&b, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "1 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S336a&b, Meeting Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8345": {"id": "LPLiHbMX96vwBugCn-G6z", "course_id": "108999", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108999", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Promoting Health in Individuals and Populations", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7093UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 14792, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PUB HLTH 3134, PUB HLTH 7093 and PUB HLTH 7093OL", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, essay, oral presentation, project report", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to provide students with an in depth understanding of the theory behind the principles and practice of health promotion and the practical application of those theories across the community. It will allow students to understand health promotion at the individual, group, community and national levels, as well as supporting critical thinking around the social determinants of health as well as evidence-based health promotion. The course will also focus on the importance of planning and evaluation in enhancing the quality of health promotion interventions and will also discuss many of the challenges facing health promotion today. This course is designed to include face-to-face attendance; however, options to participate online are available for students unable to attend in person, with permission of the course coordinator.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8346": {"id": "LPLiHbMX96vwBugCn-G6z", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "5MRogMdmd2xSmWdgvu1_m", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12786, "section": "SE01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 11, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S336a&b, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "1 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S336a&b, Meeting Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14262, "section": "SE02", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "q5QBV2StMRhHlWfrZvQnQ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14792, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 11, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 312, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 312, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8347": {"id": "LhGR7c2S8HcXgDtz5vMZK", "course_id": "109001", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109001", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Work-Integrated Research Project", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7095EX", "CLASS_NBR": 16092, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Placement equivalent to approximately two days per week over a full time Semester.", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Master of Public Health (24-unit extension pathway).", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Students must have completed all of their core MPH courses prior to undertaking their practicum, other than by written permission of the program coordinator.", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PUB HLTH 7094EX, PUB HLTH 7153", "ASSESSMENT": "Journal/logbook, oral presentation, work place supervisor report, project report.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The work-integrated research project provides students with the opportunity to gain valuable workplace experience, at a professional practitioner level, with an industry partner working in the public health sector. Students undertake a research focused public health project in a practice context. Through the project students apply concepts, skills and knowledge in evidence-based public health practice obtained through their studies as well as participating in activities that further develop their skill set, add new tools to their professional toolkit, and assist them to understand organisational cultures and the everyday challenges of undertaking research focused activity in the context of a public health practice environment.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8348": {"id": "LhGR7c2S8HcXgDtz5vMZK", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "gO9YY0BiN0p_xdJEGP7Iz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16092, "section": "01EX", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "8349": {"id": "Vz8B66e8wA7nnlOcqaKrN", "course_id": "109001", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109001", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Work-Integrated Research Project", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7095EX", "CLASS_NBR": 26093, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Placement equivalent to approximately two days per week over a full time Semester.", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Master of Public Health (24-unit extension pathway).", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Students must have completed all of their core MPH courses prior to undertaking their practicum, other than by written permission of the program coordinator.", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PUB HLTH 7094EX, PUB HLTH 7153", "ASSESSMENT": "Journal/logbook, oral presentation, work place supervisor report, project report.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The work-integrated research project provides students with the opportunity to gain valuable workplace experience, at a professional practitioner level, with an industry partner working in the public health sector. Students undertake a research focused public health project in a practice context. Through the project students apply concepts, skills and knowledge in evidence-based public health practice obtained through their studies as well as participating in activities that further develop their skill set, add new tools to their professional toolkit, and assist them to understand organisational cultures and the everyday challenges of undertaking research focused activity in the context of a public health practice environment.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8350": {"id": "Vz8B66e8wA7nnlOcqaKrN", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "VSavk8y9k-FPvmvgZSYZC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26093, "section": "01EX", "size": 10, "enrolled": 1, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "8351": {"id": "EILBOfqn8g-pj2xn8gxf5", "course_id": "110261", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110261", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Making Healthy Public Policy", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7096", "CLASS_NBR": 95041, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Intensive course: over 7 days \u2013 42 hours of contact", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "PUB HLTH 7092", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, essays and group presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course comprises three linked modules: 1) Health policy theory, development and analysis; 2) Critical thinking and problem solving; 3) The practical application of data for policy. 1) Policy theory, development and analysis explores the theory and practice of the development of public policy, health policy and healthy public policy. It examines ways to include prevention, protection and promotion in health policy and the placing of the determinants of health at the forefront of broader public policy development and analysis. There will be a focus on Health-in-All-Policies and discussion of the formulation and implementation of healthy public policy in the context of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and other vulnerable populations. 2) Critical thinking and problem solving provides students with the theory and skills to use knowledge, facts and data to effectively solve problems. The module focuses on using systems thinking to help solve problems using a series of case studies, with a focus on identifying the political context and key stakeholders, asking the right questions and identifying viable solutions. Applying critical thinking to improve reflective practice will also be examined. 3) The practical application of data for policy is an increasingly important skill in the development of evidence based policy. Students will explore how to find and assess evidence for policy application \u2013 e.g. building evidence menus etc. Through a variety of practical exercises and case studies, students will explore how to take advantage of data and evidence when making decisions about policy and how these can be used to guide the development and analysis of healthy public policy. Each module includes a focus on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander issues and utilises a variety of guest speakers who will focus on their experience of developing and analysing health policy and the practical application of critical thinking skills.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 24/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 28/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 11/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 17/07/2024"}}]}, "8352": {"id": "EILBOfqn8g-pj2xn8gxf5", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "XOzy-rq8_ONadfiW6v1Eq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95041, "section": "SE01", "size": 48, "enrolled": 47, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Jul - 5 Jul", "days": "Monday, Wednesday, Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Jul - 11 Jul", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8353": {"id": "EiuzC6848c74aZeDSYT_I", "course_id": "008026", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "008026", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Epidemiological Research Methods", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7106", "CLASS_NBR": 29651, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061311", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "1 x 2 hour Lectures, 1 x 1 hour Tutorial", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Grad Cert, Grad Dip, MPH and MHEP", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PUB HLTH 7075, PUB HLTH 7075OL or PUB HLTH 7074, PUB HLTH 7074OL", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Basic epidemiology and biostatistics", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, participation and exam.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course focuses on conceptual and practical issues in the design, interpretation and appraisal of epidemiological research. There is a particular emphasis on improving causal inference through design and analysis. The course content builds on the introductory courses in both epidemiology and biostatistics. Practical and tutorial sessions will provide hands-on experience with the concepts and techniques discussed in lectures.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8354": {"id": "EiuzC6848c74aZeDSYT_I", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "bKddTspdlNg3loDsjRa9h", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28863, "section": "WR01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 17, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29651, "section": "WRK0", "size": 25, "enrolled": 0, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop"}]}]}]}, "8355": {"id": "bExVaSKi-yxahP7V_VWOd", "course_id": "003181", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "003181", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Environmental and Occupational Health", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7113", "CLASS_NBR": 20760, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to introduce a range of environmental factors, which may pose a risk to the health of human populations. It also addresses risk assessment and management methods for evaluating and controlling such risks. A variety of diseases associated with exposure to common occupational and environmental factors will be discussed. In addition, there will be an overview of the historical, legislative and administrative aspects of occupational health.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8356": {"id": "bExVaSKi-yxahP7V_VWOd", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "31nyrn_r_2KXCNfPHsRLe", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20760, "section": "LE01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 64, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8357": {"id": "RhptgvPnnb8WbfgjmzMVl", "course_id": "003181", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "003181", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Environmental and Occupational Health", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7113UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 24679, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Online - Internal mode depending on numbers", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MPH students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to introduce a range of environmental factors, which may pose a risk to the health of human populations. It also addresses risk assessment and management methods for evaluating and controlling such risks. A variety of diseases associated with exposure to common occupational and environmental factors will be discussed. In addition, there will be an overview of the historical, legislative and administrative aspects of occupational health.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8358": {"id": "RhptgvPnnb8WbfgjmzMVl", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "oLzH-2dl4IjNtBwLBESzF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20759, "section": "LE01", "size": 11, "enrolled": 7, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "5AoNAyVmZZ2rPIjUT0JhO", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24679, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 7, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 312, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 312, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8359": {"id": "mHHHuzxu22C1XOrr98qvY", "course_id": "001596", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "001596", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "MPH Dissertation (Full-Time)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7119", "CLASS_NBR": 15604, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MPH students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Completion of PUB HLTH 7300OL and MPH coursework", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PUB HLTH 7133A, PUB HLTH 7133B, PUB HLTH 7134A, PUB HTLH 7122A, PUB HTLH 7122B, PUB HLTH 7153", "ASSESSMENT": "Plan of professional activities, Professional activities log and reflection, Oral presentation, Journal article/dissertation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The dissertation can be the final requirement of the MPH and should therefore reflect what the student has learned from the core and elective course work of the degree program. Unless exempted by the School of Public Health, the dissertation will take the form of a paper suitable for submission to an appropriate peer reviewed journal. The content of this paper must reflect the research topic. The successful completion of this paper fulfils the requirements for a dissertation.\n* Exemptions will be rare but may be necessary in some circumstances to avoid significant disadvantage to a particular student.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8360": {"id": "mHHHuzxu22C1XOrr98qvY", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "hsuDI3bFKGxfaX1K3Ja7q", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15604, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "8361": {"id": "p0XEvV5j0BIrZ97ZndfZ4", "course_id": "001596", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "001596", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "MPH Dissertation (Full-Time)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7119", "CLASS_NBR": 25612, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MPH students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Completion of PUB HLTH 7300OL and MPH coursework", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PUB HLTH 7133A, PUB HLTH 7133B, PUB HLTH 7134A, PUB HTLH 7122A, PUB HTLH 7122B, PUB HLTH 7153", "ASSESSMENT": "Plan of professional activities, Professional activities log and reflection, Oral presentation, Journal article/dissertation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The dissertation can be the final requirement of the MPH and should therefore reflect what the student has learned from the core and elective course work of the degree program. Unless exempted by the School of Public Health, the dissertation will take the form of a paper suitable for submission to an appropriate peer reviewed journal. The content of this paper must reflect the research topic. The successful completion of this paper fulfils the requirements for a dissertation.\n* Exemptions will be rare but may be necessary in some circumstances to avoid significant disadvantage to a particular student.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8362": {"id": "p0XEvV5j0BIrZ97ZndfZ4", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "9ialpPj6X8XMZBs-xGHVM", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25612, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 2, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "8363": {"id": "vDT9Hine4Y1D5-o0TUOjs", "course_id": "106953", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106953", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "MPH Dissertation Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7122A", "CLASS_NBR": 15823, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MPH students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PUB HLTH 7300OL", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PUB HLTH 7119, PUB HTLH 7133A, PUB HTLH 7133B, PUB HLTH 7134A, PUB HLTH 7153", "ASSESSMENT": "Proposal; Literature Review", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The dissertation can be the final requirement of the MPH and should therefore reflect what the student has learned from the core and elective course work of the degree program. Unless exempted by the School of Public Health, the dissertation will take the form of a paper suitable for submission to an appropriate peer reviewed journal. The content of this paper must reflect the research topic. The successful completion of this paper fulfils the requirements for a dissertation.\n* Exemptions will be rare but may be necessary in some circumstances to avoid significant disadvantage to a particular student.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "8364": {"id": "vDT9Hine4Y1D5-o0TUOjs", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "vdWerFESU5MUoYCbBlyQJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15823, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 1, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "8365": {"id": "K4w2A4zdjJSJVhDf7pJ7_", "course_id": "106953", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106953", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "MPH Dissertation Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7122A", "CLASS_NBR": 25832, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MPH students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PUB HLTH 7300OL", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PUB HLTH 7119, PUB HTLH 7133A, PUB HTLH 7133B, PUB HLTH 7134A, PUB HLTH 7153", "ASSESSMENT": "Proposal; Literature Review", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The dissertation can be the final requirement of the MPH and should therefore reflect what the student has learned from the core and elective course work of the degree program. Unless exempted by the School of Public Health, the dissertation will take the form of a paper suitable for submission to an appropriate peer reviewed journal. The content of this paper must reflect the research topic. The successful completion of this paper fulfils the requirements for a dissertation.\n* Exemptions will be rare but may be necessary in some circumstances to avoid significant disadvantage to a particular student.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "8366": {"id": "K4w2A4zdjJSJVhDf7pJ7_", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "ChzWvmONgvbwBR5HOYEV0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25832, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "8367": {"id": "Lzx36d54ojgQQ-mi11B5D", "course_id": "106954", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106954", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "MPH Dissertation Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7122B", "CLASS_NBR": 15824, "SESSION_CD": "FM2", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MPH students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PUB HLTH 7122A in previous Semester", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PUB HLTH 7119, PUB HTLH 7133A, PUB HTLH 7133B, PUB HLTH 7134A, PUB HLTH 7153", "ASSESSMENT": "Oral presentation; Dissertation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The dissertation can be the final requirement of the MPH and should therefore reflect what the student has learned from the core and elective course work of the degree program. Unless exempted by the School of Public Health, the dissertation will take the form of a paper suitable for submission to an appropriate peer reviewed journal. The content of this paper must reflect the research topic. The successful completion of this paper fulfils the requirements for a dissertation.\n* Exemptions will be rare but may be necessary in some circumstances to avoid significant disadvantage to a particular student.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8368": {"id": "Lzx36d54ojgQQ-mi11B5D", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "fmKL9NUvhSykthBGuczCm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15824, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "8369": {"id": "6xXHqx3VRW38ip1raaSJV", "course_id": "106954", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106954", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "MPH Dissertation Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7122B", "CLASS_NBR": 25833, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MPH students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PUB HLTH 7122A in previous Semester", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PUB HLTH 7119, PUB HTLH 7133A, PUB HTLH 7133B, PUB HLTH 7134A, PUB HLTH 7153", "ASSESSMENT": "Oral presentation; Dissertation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The dissertation can be the final requirement of the MPH and should therefore reflect what the student has learned from the core and elective course work of the degree program. Unless exempted by the School of Public Health, the dissertation will take the form of a paper suitable for submission to an appropriate peer reviewed journal. The content of this paper must reflect the research topic. The successful completion of this paper fulfils the requirements for a dissertation.\n* Exemptions will be rare but may be necessary in some circumstances to avoid significant disadvantage to a particular student.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8370": {"id": "6xXHqx3VRW38ip1raaSJV", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "0qOwyWePhnBVIaNTAiPPq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25833, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 1, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "8371": {"id": "S4D1kv1qyo91IA5Jls0KJ", "course_id": "108654", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108654", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "MPH Thesis Part A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7133A", "CLASS_NBR": 16064, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "1 hour per week (plus up to 47 hours independent research)", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MPH students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Completed core courses for Master of Public Health", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PUB HLTH 7119, PUB HTLH 7122, PUB HLTH 7153", "ASSESSMENT": "Literature review; Oral presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is one where independent research is undertaken under the guidance of a supervisor, with whom the student meets weekly across two semesters (Part A and Part B). The product of the research will be either a thesis of up to 30,000 words or at least two research manuscripts prepared for publication.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "8372": {"id": "S4D1kv1qyo91IA5Jls0KJ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "i4MR_G2kLTzp_v910ZyZt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16064, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "8373": {"id": "flr32vwsnTxG55d-kq_eV", "course_id": "108654", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108654", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "MPH Thesis Part A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7133A", "CLASS_NBR": 26064, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "1 hour per week (plus up to 47 hours independent research)", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MPH students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Completed core courses for Master of Public Health", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PUB HLTH 7119, PUB HTLH 7122, PUB HLTH 7153", "ASSESSMENT": "Literature review; Oral presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is one where independent research is undertaken under the guidance of a supervisor, with whom the student meets weekly across two semesters (Part A and Part B). The product of the research will be either a thesis of up to 30,000 words or at least two research manuscripts prepared for publication.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "8374": {"id": "flr32vwsnTxG55d-kq_eV", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "i9f9_vIZ9wGbPG9oRsEbl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26064, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "8375": {"id": "sULWPSk2hZqVZhZr9sWr4", "course_id": "108655", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108655", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "MPH Thesis Part B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7133B", "CLASS_NBR": 16065, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "1 hour per week (plus up to 47 hours independent research)", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MPH students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PUB HLTH 7133A in previous Semester", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Completed core courses for Master of Public Health", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PUB HLTH 7119, PUB HTLH 7122, PUB HLTH 7153", "ASSESSMENT": "Oral presentation; Thesis", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is one where independent research is undertaken under the guidance of a supervisor, with whom the student meets weekly across two semesters (Part A and Part B). The product of the research will be either a thesis of up to 30,000 words or at least two research manuscripts prepared for publication.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "8376": {"id": "sULWPSk2hZqVZhZr9sWr4", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "1yKxyI30zXc0wf9gbedcL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16065, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "8377": {"id": "Wxrm2uZpBJy0o6ZdFCw3c", "course_id": "108655", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108655", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "MPH Thesis Part B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7133B", "CLASS_NBR": 26065, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "1 hour per week (plus up to 47 hours independent research)", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MPH students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PUB HLTH 7133A in previous Semester", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Completed core courses for Master of Public Health", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PUB HLTH 7119, PUB HTLH 7122, PUB HLTH 7153", "ASSESSMENT": "Oral presentation; Thesis", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is one where independent research is undertaken under the guidance of a supervisor, with whom the student meets weekly across two semesters (Part A and Part B). The product of the research will be either a thesis of up to 30,000 words or at least two research manuscripts prepared for publication.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "8378": {"id": "Wxrm2uZpBJy0o6ZdFCw3c", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "k6qszEVdeAaADz-AwK_o4", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26065, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "8379": {"id": "VdVc3fZy9DGrQXFBIqQA_", "course_id": "108666", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108666", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "MPH Thesis (Two-Year) Continuing", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7134A", "CLASS_NBR": 16072, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "1 hour per week (plus up to 47 hours independent research)", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MPH students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Completed core courses for Master of Public Health", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PUB HLTH 7119, PUB HTLH 7122A, PUB HTLH 7122B, PUB HLTH 7153", "ASSESSMENT": "Literature review, Oral presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is one where independent research is undertaken under the guidance of a supervisor, with whom the student meets weekly across two semesters (Part A and Part B). The product of the research will be either a thesis of up to 30,000 words or at least two research manuscripts prepared for publication.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 07/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "8380": {"id": "VdVc3fZy9DGrQXFBIqQA_", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "cmtyBus_5nLSm5QPO2mfg", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16072, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "8381": {"id": "_89-NwzL42IZh7JuziHDo", "course_id": "108666", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108666", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "MPH Thesis (Two-Year) Continuing", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7134A", "CLASS_NBR": 26072, "SESSION_CD": "TYA", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "1 hour per week (plus up to 47 hours independent research)", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MPH students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Completed core courses for Master of Public Health", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PUB HLTH 7119, PUB HTLH 7122A, PUB HTLH 7122B, PUB HLTH 7153", "ASSESSMENT": "Literature review, Oral presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is one where independent research is undertaken under the guidance of a supervisor, with whom the student meets weekly across two semesters (Part A and Part B). The product of the research will be either a thesis of up to 30,000 words or at least two research manuscripts prepared for publication.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "8382": {"id": "_89-NwzL42IZh7JuziHDo", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "4AfzBh2znpmESj9unLmGf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26072, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "8383": {"id": "YH-brnAkbHH-iohdbjcFO", "course_id": "108667", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108667", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "MPH Thesis (Two-Year) Final", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7134B", "CLASS_NBR": 16073, "SESSION_CD": "TYD", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "1 hour per week (plus up to 47 hours independent research)", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MPH students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PUB HLTH 7134A in previous Semesters", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Completed core courses for Master of Public Health", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PUB HLTH 7119, PUB HTLH 7122A/B, PUB HLTH 7153", "ASSESSMENT": "Oral presentation; Thesis", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is one where independent research is undertaken under the guidance of a supervisor, with whom the student meets weekly across two semesters (Part A and Part B). The product of the research will be either a thesis of up to 30,000 words or at least two research manuscripts prepared for publication.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8384": {"id": "YH-brnAkbHH-iohdbjcFO", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "9LhlmybSJ8fClAsYSlrG9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16073, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "8385": {"id": "Zb6xWScssYtTwuDaGr5M9", "course_id": "108667", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108667", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "MPH Thesis (Two-Year) Final", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7134B", "CLASS_NBR": 26073, "SESSION_CD": "TYD", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "1 hour per week (plus up to 47 hours independent research)", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MPH students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PUB HLTH 7134A in previous Semesters", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Completed core courses for Master of Public Health", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PUB HLTH 7119, PUB HTLH 7122A/B, PUB HLTH 7153", "ASSESSMENT": "Oral presentation; Thesis", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is one where independent research is undertaken under the guidance of a supervisor, with whom the student meets weekly across two semesters (Part A and Part B). The product of the research will be either a thesis of up to 30,000 words or at least two research manuscripts prepared for publication.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8386": {"id": "Zb6xWScssYtTwuDaGr5M9", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "ek1er6Z_a_Pjh065yOR19", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26073, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "8387": {"id": "LP_HTpHy9YN6tU2LjQP2S", "course_id": "102662", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102662", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Health Technology Assessment", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7147OL", "CLASS_NBR": 29012, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week of online activity", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "PUB HLTH 7075 & PUB HLTH 7074 & PUB HLTH 7091", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PUB HLTH 7147", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, group oral presentation, completion of learning modules and assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course takes a broad view of the impact of health technologies on the health of the population & individual. Health technologies can include medicines, vaccines, medical or surgical procedures, medical devices, tests and investigations. In this course emphasis is placed on the methods used to assess these health technologies in order to inform government policy, clinical & public health practice. Methods include the systematic review of literature to assess the clinical safety & effectiveness of a technology, meta-analysis, as well as economic evaluation to determine whether a technology is good value for money. Attention is also given to the diffusion of technological innovations within their social, cultural & ethical context; addressing particular challenges with the assessment of medical tests; early assessment of emerging technologies; & to investment in, & disinvestment from, health technologies. The course has a strong practical focus & is taught by practitioners in the field.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8388": {"id": "LP_HTpHy9YN6tU2LjQP2S", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "9bVPujxkXCccScVILc2vJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25693, "section": "01OL", "size": 20, "enrolled": 1, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}, {"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "QTg0AC9qJhH3HSSi-2EV4", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29012, "section": "LE01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 5, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "8389": {"id": "wyiSJ80b2W-81aPuoVbdn", "course_id": "108326", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108326", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Major Research Project", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7153", "CLASS_NBR": 15969, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "16 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MPH students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PUB HLTH 7300OL", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Completed core courses for Master of Public Health", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PUB HLTH 7119, PUB HLTH 7122A, PUB HLTH 7122B, PUB HLTH 7133A, PUB HLTH 7133B, PUB HLTH 7134A, PUB HLTH 7134B and PUB HLTH 7095EX", "ASSESSMENT": "Research project plan; Research logbook; Oral presentation; Supervisor assessment; Written project report.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will provide training in research skills including planning and conducting a research project in public health, and will include a series of workshop on topics including research planning and skills, data management, oral and written presentation. Assessment will be in the form of a project report and oral presentation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8390": {"id": "wyiSJ80b2W-81aPuoVbdn", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "kmDsWRkvaEeeXhhGzdF5M", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15969, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop"}]}]}]}, "8391": {"id": "yu_1keqj9ywrupgOQ5mb-", "course_id": "108326", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108326", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Major Research Project", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7153", "CLASS_NBR": 25975, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061300", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "16 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MPH students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PUB HLTH 7300OL", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Completed core courses for Master of Public Health", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PUB HLTH 7119, PUB HLTH 7122A, PUB HLTH 7122B, PUB HLTH 7133A, PUB HLTH 7133B, PUB HLTH 7134A, PUB HLTH 7134B and PUB HLTH 7095EX", "ASSESSMENT": "Research project plan; Research logbook; Oral presentation; Supervisor assessment; Written project report.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will provide training in research skills including planning and conducting a research project in public health, and will include a series of workshop on topics including research planning and skills, data management, oral and written presentation. Assessment will be in the form of a project report and oral presentation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8392": {"id": "yu_1keqj9ywrupgOQ5mb-", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "Miu-bagjdLMz2p5-9kATk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25975, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop"}]}]}]}, "8393": {"id": "iHHBQh64Z-zNgFJiC62o8", "course_id": "109175", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109175", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Dissertation Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7211A", "CLASS_NBR": 16124, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "069999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 1 hour per fortnight supervision, plus skills development seminars or online learning of up to 5 hours as required", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MCounsPsych students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PUB HLTH 5005, PUB HLTH 5007, PUB HLTH 7010,PUB HLTH 5006, PUB HLTH 6018, PUB HLTH 6021 and (PUB HLTH 7003 or PUB HLTH 7300 OL)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PUB HLTH 7119, PUB HLTH 7122A, PUB HLTH 7122B, PUB HLTH 7133A, PUB HLTH 7133B, PUB HLTH 7134A, PUB HLTH 7134B, PUB HLTH 7011, PUB HLTH 7211B", "ASSESSMENT": "Research proposal, literature review", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to develop in students the capacity to work independently under the guidance of a supervisor, to carry out research, and to effectively communicate the need for, process of, and results of the research. Each student will developaplan of professional activities to enhance their professional development; undertake, document, and submit a reflection upon these activities; present a seminar regarding the process and results of their research; and, based on these, prepare and submit either a) a manuscript suitable for submission to an appropriate peer-reviewed journal (some supporting material may be requested to best demonstrate the acquisition of research skills), or b) a dissertation of 12,000 \u201315,000 words (as negotiated with the course coordinator).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "8394": {"id": "iHHBQh64Z-zNgFJiC62o8", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "QRKlWbNZN_KQ99xMMs9dQ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16124, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "8395": {"id": "6XnTOFpXFIpnG4xzU1XKJ", "course_id": "109175", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109175", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Dissertation Part 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7211A", "CLASS_NBR": 26125, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "069999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 1 hour per fortnight supervision, plus skills development seminars or online learning of up to 5 hours as required", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MCounsPsych students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PUB HLTH 5005, PUB HLTH 5007, PUB HLTH 7010,PUB HLTH 5006, PUB HLTH 6018, PUB HLTH 6021 and (PUB HLTH 7003 or PUB HLTH 7300 OL)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PUB HLTH 7119, PUB HLTH 7122A, PUB HLTH 7122B, PUB HLTH 7133A, PUB HLTH 7133B, PUB HLTH 7134A, PUB HLTH 7134B, PUB HLTH 7011, PUB HLTH 7211B", "ASSESSMENT": "Research proposal, literature review", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to develop in students the capacity to work independently under the guidance of a supervisor, to carry out research, and to effectively communicate the need for, process of, and results of the research. Each student will developaplan of professional activities to enhance their professional development; undertake, document, and submit a reflection upon these activities; present a seminar regarding the process and results of their research; and, based on these, prepare and submit either a) a manuscript suitable for submission to an appropriate peer-reviewed journal (some supporting material may be requested to best demonstrate the acquisition of research skills), or b) a dissertation of 12,000 \u201315,000 words (as negotiated with the course coordinator).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "8396": {"id": "6XnTOFpXFIpnG4xzU1XKJ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "VIJaB6-MwHdMRndiPpvos", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26125, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "8397": {"id": "F3xsn1VuVKpI5kekdgqNR", "course_id": "109176", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109176", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Dissertation Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7211B", "CLASS_NBR": 16125, "SESSION_CD": "FM2", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "069999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 1 hour per fortnight supervision, plus skills development seminars or online learning of up to 5 hours as required", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MCounsPsych students only.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PUB HLTH 7300OL and PUB HLTH 7211A", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Seminar presentation, research paper", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to develop in students the capacity to work independently under the guidance of a supervisor, to carry out research, and to effectively communicate the need for, process of, and results of the research. Each student will develop a plan of professional activities to enhance their professional development; undertake, document, and submit a reflection upon these activities; present a seminar regarding the process and results of their research; and, based on these, prepare and submit either a) a manuscript suitable for submission to an appropriate peer-reviewed journal (some supporting material may be requested to best demonstrate the acquisition of research skills), or b) a dissertation of 12,000 \u201315,000 words (as negotiated with the course coordinator).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8398": {"id": "F3xsn1VuVKpI5kekdgqNR", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "8EMmS_z8vJeHZHauIHB0K", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16125, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "8399": {"id": "R94PUjfw3kuFhVzP_ho8m", "course_id": "109176", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109176", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Dissertation Part 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7211B", "CLASS_NBR": 26126, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "069999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 1 hour per fortnight supervision, plus skills development seminars or online learning of up to 5 hours as required", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MCounsPsych students only.", "PRE_REQUISITE": "PUB HLTH 7300OL and PUB HLTH 7211A", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Seminar presentation, research paper", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to develop in students the capacity to work independently under the guidance of a supervisor, to carry out research, and to effectively communicate the need for, process of, and results of the research. Each student will develop a plan of professional activities to enhance their professional development; undertake, document, and submit a reflection upon these activities; present a seminar regarding the process and results of their research; and, based on these, prepare and submit either a) a manuscript suitable for submission to an appropriate peer-reviewed journal (some supporting material may be requested to best demonstrate the acquisition of research skills), or b) a dissertation of 12,000 \u201315,000 words (as negotiated with the course coordinator).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8400": {"id": "R94PUjfw3kuFhVzP_ho8m", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "oo9zSzcRbRlaxJC4pcdDL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26126, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "8401": {"id": "RlFt0GloVJ2MGK2RMKTwr", "course_id": "107914", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107914", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Developing a Novel Research Question", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7300OL", "CLASS_NBR": 15910, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week online plus 3 hours per week preparation", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PUB HLTH 4500OL", "ASSESSMENT": "Online quizzes (formative), written reports, oral presentation, participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This research preparedness course will reinforce and extend student learning with respect to the research process and development as a public health researcher. In a series of modules, the course focuses on specific aspects of doing research including: systematically searching, evaluating, and synthesizing relevant literature; reference management; presenting arguments regarding the merit and feasibility of their proposed research; and, best practice in reporting and publishing research. Students will develop critical thinking skills in the assessment of the validity of the published literature, evidence syntheses, and research reporting and publication.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8402": {"id": "RlFt0GloVJ2MGK2RMKTwr", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "IIYRAbY9uLfC6y6U3yY4y", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15910, "section": "01OL", "size": 20, "enrolled": 4, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "8403": {"id": "iwXHGh3Zj_q5XRjRVaV3n", "course_id": "107914", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107914", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Developing a Novel Research Question", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7300OL", "CLASS_NBR": 25914, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week online plus 3 hours per week preparation", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PUB HLTH 4500OL", "ASSESSMENT": "Online quizzes (formative), written reports, oral presentation, participation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This research preparedness course will reinforce and extend student learning with respect to the research process and development as a public health researcher. In a series of modules, the course focuses on specific aspects of doing research including: systematically searching, evaluating, and synthesizing relevant literature; reference management; presenting arguments regarding the merit and feasibility of their proposed research; and, best practice in reporting and publishing research. Students will develop critical thinking skills in the assessment of the validity of the published literature, evidence syntheses, and research reporting and publication.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8404": {"id": "iwXHGh3Zj_q5XRjRVaV3n", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "SbmHyObUiBJpW44LnrIph", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25914, "section": "01OL", "size": 20, "enrolled": 7, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "8405": {"id": "t8lORzukyCzL9vEXMcA_E", "course_id": "110985", "term": "4462", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110985", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4462", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Management Challenges in Health", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7500OL", "CLASS_NBR": 62024, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "069999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Restricted to Master of Business Administration students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MANAGEMT 7123OL, MANAGEMT 7124OL, MANAGEMT 7125OL, MANAGEMT 7126OL, ECON 7244OL, MANAGEMT 7127OL, MANAGEMT 7128OL and MANAGEMT 7131OL", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Healthcare organisations in the 21st century are being challenged by rapid changes. These include the impact of an ageing population that is straining healthcare resources and delivery, advances in medical technology, digitisation of workflow, increased consumer expectations about the quality of care, changes in the roles \nand responsibilities of healthcare organisations, competition for market dominance, unparalleled growth in the knowledge-based healthcare economy, and imbalances in workforce distribution. Due to these changes, healthcare organisations must adapt, learn and innovate. This requires a paradigm shift in the mindset and skills of healthcare leaders, managers and practitioners. In this course, you will learn management \nconcepts, tools and techniques to address some of the daunting challenges that healthcare organisations are facing. The course modules consist managing organisational transformation, change strategy, services, and behaviour, and management of knowledge and employee performance in healthcare organisations. The course uses real-world health-related scenarios in its materials and assessments to develop optimal learning.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 16/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 15/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 08/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 22/04/2024"}}]}, "8406": {"id": "t8lORzukyCzL9vEXMcA_E", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "OpU-QAFms-s3nGNer5o0S", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 62024, "section": "01OL", "size": 20, "enrolled": 7, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "8407": {"id": "pI_FP5vCrT1rS4Hf4XBRz", "course_id": "110985", "term": "4464", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110985", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4464", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "Management Challenges in Health", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7500OL", "CLASS_NBR": 64025, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "069999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Restricted to Master of Business Administration students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MANAGEMT 7123OL, MANAGEMT 7124OL, MANAGEMT 7125OL, MANAGEMT 7126OL, ECON 7244OL, MANAGEMT 7127OL, MANAGEMT 7128OL and MANAGEMT 7131OL", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Healthcare organisations in the 21st century are being challenged by rapid changes. These include the impact of an ageing population that is straining healthcare resources and delivery, advances in medical technology, digitisation of workflow, increased consumer expectations about the quality of care, changes in the roles \nand responsibilities of healthcare organisations, competition for market dominance, unparalleled growth in the knowledge-based healthcare economy, and imbalances in workforce distribution. Due to these changes, healthcare organisations must adapt, learn and innovate. This requires a paradigm shift in the mindset and skills of healthcare leaders, managers and practitioners. In this course, you will learn management \nconcepts, tools and techniques to address some of the daunting challenges that healthcare organisations are facing. The course modules consist managing organisational transformation, change strategy, services, and behaviour, and management of knowledge and employee performance in healthcare organisations. The course uses real-world health-related scenarios in its materials and assessments to develop optimal learning.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 14/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 29/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 12/08/2024"}}]}, "8408": {"id": "pI_FP5vCrT1rS4Hf4XBRz", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "3gNnpQP5EsSGXLDZPgZau", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 64025, "section": "01OL", "size": 20, "enrolled": 10, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "8409": {"id": "b9U05ZGGpXP9j5HfgErK1", "course_id": "110985", "term": "4466", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110985", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4466", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 6", "COURSE_TITLE": "Management Challenges in Health", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7500OL", "CLASS_NBR": 66023, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "069999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Restricted to Master of Business Administration students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MANAGEMT 7123OL, MANAGEMT 7124OL, MANAGEMT 7125OL, MANAGEMT 7126OL, ECON 7244OL, MANAGEMT 7127OL, MANAGEMT 7128OL and MANAGEMT 7131OL", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Healthcare organisations in the 21st century are being challenged by rapid changes. These include the impact of an ageing population that is straining healthcare resources and delivery, advances in medical technology, digitisation of workflow, increased consumer expectations about the quality of care, changes in the roles \nand responsibilities of healthcare organisations, competition for market dominance, unparalleled growth in the knowledge-based healthcare economy, and imbalances in workforce distribution. Due to these changes, healthcare organisations must adapt, learn and innovate. This requires a paradigm shift in the mindset and skills of healthcare leaders, managers and practitioners. In this course, you will learn management \nconcepts, tools and techniques to address some of the daunting challenges that healthcare organisations are facing. The course modules consist managing organisational transformation, change strategy, services, and behaviour, and management of knowledge and employee performance in healthcare organisations. The course uses real-world health-related scenarios in its materials and assessments to develop optimal learning.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 04/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 01/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 18/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 02/12/2024"}}]}, "8410": {"id": "b9U05ZGGpXP9j5HfgErK1", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "q1STlRmYrwSx6nR8h6_Nn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 66023, "section": "01OL", "size": 20, "enrolled": 8, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "8411": {"id": "Fw0jSOYchxfFCtzJZVZ8d", "course_id": "110986", "term": "4461", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110986", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4461", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Doing Business in Health", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7501OL", "CLASS_NBR": 61023, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "069999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Restricted to Master of Business Administration students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MANAGEMT 7123OL, MANAGEMT 7124OL, MANAGEMT 7125OL, MANAGEMT 7126OL, ECON 7244OL, MANAGEMT 7127OL, MANAGEMT 7128OL and MANAGEMT 7131OL", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The healthcare system is complex with a myriad of organisations planning and delivering health care across the health continuum. The complexity is intensified by stakeholder\u2019s expectations that health services meet budget allocations while also delivering safe and quality health care. Health services include pharmacies, allied health services, GP clinics, specialty clinics, imaging and diagnostic services and hospitals. This course gives an overview of the Australian health system and describes how these different providers intersect to deliver primary, secondary and tertiary health care to the community. The different approaches to \u2018doing business\u2019 by public and private health care providers is explored and the funding models that affect the health sector are detailed. Various solutions like value-based funding, use of technology, workforce development and training, early intervention models and strengthening regional infrastructure have been proposed to address these challenges. This course will discuss these solutions in addition to students learning about the main drivers of the health \u2018business\u2019. Service quality \u2013 including patient safety and accreditation - is discussed along with elements of human resource management, risk management, and governance that are unique to the health sector. Students will come away with an understanding of the key stakeholders in the health sector and will be equipped to address the problems facing delivery of sustainable and quality health care in Australia.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 18/12/2023", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 19/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 19/02/2024"}}]}, "8412": {"id": "Fw0jSOYchxfFCtzJZVZ8d", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "a4lZ9Y3sChXwmJPzcafpb", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 61023, "section": "01OL", "size": 20, "enrolled": 4, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "8413": {"id": "gO9fGvmzRiEi_WwUjXLxy", "course_id": "110986", "term": "4463", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110986", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4463", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Doing Business in Health", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7501OL", "CLASS_NBR": 63021, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "069999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Restricted to Master of Business Administration students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MANAGEMT 7123OL, MANAGEMT 7124OL, MANAGEMT 7125OL, MANAGEMT 7126OL, ECON 7244OL, MANAGEMT 7127OL, MANAGEMT 7128OL and MANAGEMT 7131OL", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The healthcare system is complex with a myriad of organisations planning and delivering health care across the health continuum. The complexity is intensified by stakeholder\u2019s expectations that health services meet budget allocations while also delivering safe and quality health care. Health services include pharmacies, allied health services, GP clinics, specialty clinics, imaging and diagnostic services and hospitals. This course gives an overview of the Australian health system and describes how these different providers intersect to deliver primary, secondary and tertiary health care to the community. The different approaches to \u2018doing business\u2019 by public and private health care providers is explored and the funding models that affect the health sector are detailed. Various solutions like value-based funding, use of technology, workforce development and training, early intervention models and strengthening regional infrastructure have been proposed to address these challenges. This course will discuss these solutions in addition to students learning about the main drivers of the health \u2018business\u2019. Service quality \u2013 including patient safety and accreditation - is discussed along with elements of human resource management, risk management, and governance that are unique to the health sector. Students will come away with an understanding of the key stakeholders in the health sector and will be equipped to address the problems facing delivery of sustainable and quality health care in Australia.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 19/04/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 17/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 03/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 17/06/2024"}}]}, "8414": {"id": "gO9fGvmzRiEi_WwUjXLxy", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "hDuicehW9A8VApM6MiYGr", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 63021, "section": "01OL", "size": 20, "enrolled": 10, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "8415": {"id": "fN9IMv9tSVQ4WjKcwHDBc", "course_id": "110986", "term": "4465", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110986", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4465", "TERM_DESCR": "Online Teaching Period 5", "COURSE_TITLE": "Doing Business in Health", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PUB HLTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7501OL", "CLASS_NBR": 65022, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "069999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Restricted to Master of Business Administration students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MANAGEMT 7123OL, MANAGEMT 7124OL, MANAGEMT 7125OL, MANAGEMT 7126OL, ECON 7244OL, MANAGEMT 7127OL, MANAGEMT 7128OL and MANAGEMT 7131OL", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The healthcare system is complex with a myriad of organisations planning and delivering health care across the health continuum. The complexity is intensified by stakeholder\u2019s expectations that health services meet budget allocations while also delivering safe and quality health care. Health services include pharmacies, allied health services, GP clinics, specialty clinics, imaging and diagnostic services and hospitals. This course gives an overview of the Australian health system and describes how these different providers intersect to deliver primary, secondary and tertiary health care to the community. The different approaches to \u2018doing business\u2019 by public and private health care providers is explored and the funding models that affect the health sector are detailed. Various solutions like value-based funding, use of technology, workforce development and training, early intervention models and strengthening regional infrastructure have been proposed to address these challenges. This course will discuss these solutions in addition to students learning about the main drivers of the health \u2018business\u2019. Service quality \u2013 including patient safety and accreditation - is discussed along with elements of human resource management, risk management, and governance that are unique to the health sector. Students will come away with an understanding of the key stakeholders in the health sector and will be equipped to address the problems facing delivery of sustainable and quality health care in Australia.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Fri 09/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 06/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 23/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Mon 07/10/2024"}}]}, "8416": {"id": "fN9IMv9tSVQ4WjKcwHDBc", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "c22uvwTN-YmYDrVkLhqPt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 65022, "section": "01OL", "size": 20, "enrolled": 7, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "8417": {"subject": "PURE MTH", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "104842", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "003246", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "004094", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "005230", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "103236", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108641", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108642", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108640", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108643", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108736", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108737", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108738", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108658", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108658", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108659", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108659", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108739", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "001538", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "005344", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "007965", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102621", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102622", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102849", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104113", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105075", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104957", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107760", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107760", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107761", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107761", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109085", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109085", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109086", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109086", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109087", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109087", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109088", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109088", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111347", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111347", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111348", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111348", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111349", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111349", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111350", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111350", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "8418": {"id": "T76L-qwdUeaLtifmwfLtK", "course_id": "104842", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104842", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Algebra II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PURE MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "2106", "CLASS_NBR": 15477, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3.5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MATHS 1012", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Knowledge of group theory and of linear algebra is important for an understanding of many areas of pure and applied mathematics, including advanced algebra and analysis, number theory, coding theory, cryptography and differential equations. There are also important applications in the physical sciences.\n\nTopics covered are (1) Equivalence relations (2) Groups: subgroups, cyclic groups, cosets, Lagrange's theorem, normal subgroups and factor groups. Examples of finite and infinite groups, including groups of symmetries and permutations, groups of numbers and matrices. Homomorphism and isomorphism of groups. (3) Linear algebra: vector spaces, bases, linear transformations and matrices, subspaces, sums and quotients of spaces, dual spaces, bilinear forms and inner product spaces, and canonical forms.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8419": {"id": "T76L-qwdUeaLtifmwfLtK", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "js4CQvxO1hIM_26ncQigQ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15481, "section": "SE01", "size": 58, "enrolled": 50, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 20 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG11, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "7kOozg53yILHICMjsECoW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15477, "section": "WR02", "size": 29, "enrolled": 24, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15478, "section": "WR01", "size": 29, "enrolled": 26, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8420": {"id": "xigO1TECbxJ_DRmKaLdjk", "course_id": "003246", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "003246", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Topology and Analysis III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PURE MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "3002", "CLASS_NBR": 15483, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MATHS 2100", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Solving equations is a crucial aspect of working in mathematics, physics, engineering, and many other fields. These equations might be straightforward algebraic statements, or complicated systems of differential equations, but there are some fundamental questions common to all of these settings: does a solution exist? If so, is it unique? And if we know of the existence of some specific solution, how do we determine it explicitly or as accurately as possible? This course develops the foundations required to rigorously establish the existence of solutions to various equations, thereby laying the basis for the study of such solutions. Through an understanding of the foundations of analysis, we obtain insight critical in numerous areas of application, such areas ranging across physics, engineering, economics and finance.\n\nTopics covered are: sets, functions, metric spaces and normed linear spaces, compactness, connectedness, and completeness. Banach fixed point theorem and applications, uniform continuity and convergence. General topological spaces, generating topologies, topological invariants, quotient spaces. Introduction to Hilbert spaces and bounded operators on Hilbert spaces.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8421": {"id": "xigO1TECbxJ_DRmKaLdjk", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "4JLo1z68QN6yjLszFRBBS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15486, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 17, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "1XOY2PZpcfmkPlYyxAG8J", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15483, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 17, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8422": {"id": "iVFj7iFzybWsaVDFS6jQK", "course_id": "004094", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "004094", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Groups and Rings III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PURE MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "3007", "CLASS_NBR": 15489, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MATHS 1012", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "PURE MTH 2106", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessments, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The algebraic notions of groups and rings are of great interest in their own right, but knowledge and understanding of them is of benefit well beyond the realms of pure algebra. Areas of application include, for example, advanced number theory; cryptography; coding theory; differential, finite and algebraic geometry; algebraic topology; representation theory and harmonic analysis including Fourier series. The theory also has many practical applications including, for example, to the structure of molecules, crystallography and elementary particle physics. \n\nTopics covered are: (1) Groups, subgroups, cosets and normal subgroups, homomorphisms and factor groups, products of groups, finitely generated abelian groups, groups acting on sets and the Sylow theorems. (2) Rings, integral domains and fields, polynomials, ideals, factorization in integral domains and unique factorization domains.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8423": {"id": "iVFj7iFzybWsaVDFS6jQK", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "wbO-Nk-B_fWtZ-7Wh3PM7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15492, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 18, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "7wxPlDDTdvjakIDS6BvlR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15489, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 18, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Assessment", "id": "dZiM7cu0ZNy3cXrPgt8ZP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18776, "section": "AS01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 18, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 May - 6 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8424": {"id": "2PUJHjs7j03L0QUhcFMHa", "course_id": "005230", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "005230", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Integration and Analysis III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PURE MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "3009", "CLASS_NBR": 24860, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MATHS 2100", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "Offered in even years", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Riemann integral works well for continuous functions on closed bounded intervals, but it has certain deficiencies that cause problems, for example, in Fourier analysis and in the theory of differential equations. To overcome such deficiencies, a 'new and improved' version of the integral was developed around the beginning of the twentieth century, and it is this theory with which this course is concerned. The underlying basis of the theory, measure theory, has important applications not just in analysis but also in the modern theory of probability.\n\nTopics covered are: Set theory; Lebesgue outer measure; measurable sets; measurable functions. Integration of measurable functions over measurable sets. Convergence of sequences of functions and their integrals. General measure spaces and product measures. Fubini and Tonelli's theorems. Lp spaces. The Radon-Nikodym theorem. The Riesz representation theorem. Integration and differentiation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8425": {"id": "2PUJHjs7j03L0QUhcFMHa", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "1bqQGNaNx90AyI6bruwFR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24860, "section": "WR01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 20, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "NycVcrNkiMNkSbRZshyzB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24863, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 20, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8426": {"id": "Zngr_Eraah0bfKmquanZ9", "course_id": "103236", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103236", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Complex Analysis III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PURE MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "3019", "CLASS_NBR": 24869, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MATHS 2100 or MATHS 2101 or MATHS 2202 or ELEC ENG 2106", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MATHS 2101", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "When the real numbers are replaced by the complex numbers in the definition of the derivative of a function, the resulting (complex) differentiable functions turn out to have many remarkable properties not enjoyed by their real analogues. These functions, usually known as holomorphic functions, have numerous applications in areas such as engineering, physics, differential equations and number theory, to name just a few. The focus of this course is on the study of holomorphic functions and their most important basic properties.\n\nTopics covered are: Complex numbers and functions; complex limits and differentiability; elementary examples; analytic functions; complex line integrals; Cauchy's theorem and the Cauchy integral formula; Taylor's theorem; zeros of holomorphic functions; Rouche's Theorem; the Open Mapping theorem and Inverse Function theorem; Schwarz' Lemma; automorphisms of the ball, the plane and the Riemann sphere; isolated singularities and their classification; Laurent series; the Residue Theorem; calculation of definite integrals and evaluation of infinite series using residues; Montel's Theorem and the Riemann Mapping Theorem.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8427": {"id": "Zngr_Eraah0bfKmquanZ9", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "7z8xreZ2Vw-QCW1KPddTQ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24868, "section": "SE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 33, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "FYtwH6ixP5oQ2SwZ5Vh3I", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24869, "section": "WR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 33, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8428": {"id": "gaL9LGROXIOHH5qAGrt-C", "course_id": "108641", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108641", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Pure Mathematics Topic B - Honours", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PURE MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4012", "CLASS_NBR": 15498, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Honours students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "ongoing assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is available for students taking an honours degree in Mathematical Sciences. The course will cover an advanced topic in pure mathematics. For details of the topic offered this year please refer to the Course Outline.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8429": {"id": "gaL9LGROXIOHH5qAGrt-C", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "aSm9SQnu-XYRKTbUgJocb", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15498, "section": "SE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 2, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG07, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8430": {"id": "n0q33qcbeZEVsAmbj-wTI", "course_id": "108642", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108642", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Pure Mathematics Topic D - Honours", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PURE MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4013", "CLASS_NBR": 25480, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Honours students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is available for students taking an honours degree in Mathematical Sciences. The course will cover an advanced topic in pure mathematics. For details of the topic offered this year please refer to the Course Outline.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8431": {"id": "n0q33qcbeZEVsAmbj-wTI", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "KbyEiX-jq6TwGeEumgrCU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25480, "section": "SE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 3, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "The Braggs, 427, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "The Braggs, 427, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8432": {"id": "ov8W9-tpiXL9RqsoIOLD4", "course_id": "108640", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108640", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Pure Mathematics Topic A - Honours", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PURE MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4038", "CLASS_NBR": 15497, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Honours students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is available for students taking an honours degree in Mathematical Sciences. The course will cover an advanced topic in pure mathematics.\u00a0 For details of the topic offered this year please refer to the Course Outline.\u00a0", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8433": {"id": "ov8W9-tpiXL9RqsoIOLD4", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "_uyVyCt48UsLqw7NuvpN_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15497, "section": "SE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 3, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, 427, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, 427, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8434": {"id": "lXvsdWrh-M-mQVFZpbPmg", "course_id": "108643", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108643", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Pure Mathematics Topic E - Honours", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PURE MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4066", "CLASS_NBR": 25481, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Honours students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is available for students taking an honours degree in Mathematical Sciences. The course will cover an advanced topic in pure mathematics. For details of the topic offered this year please refer to the Course Outline.\u00a0", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8435": {"id": "lXvsdWrh-M-mQVFZpbPmg", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "eIf5mbVocXK7z0q3ps21j", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25481, "section": "SE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 4, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 22 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, 427, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Jul - 29 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 427, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Aug - 19 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8436": {"id": "IpLeN2DsGrfgKRKfAJRYu", "course_id": "108736", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108736", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Topology and Analysis - Honours", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PURE MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4102", "CLASS_NBR": 15485, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Honours students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MATHS 2100", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PURE MTH 3002", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, exams", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Solving equations is a crucial aspect of working in mathematics, physics, engineering, and many other fields. These equations might be straightforward algebraic statements, or complicated systems of differential equations, but there are some fundamental questions common to all of these settings: does a solution exist? If so, is it unique? And if we know of the existence of some specific solution, how do we determine it explicitly or as accurately as possible? This course develops the foundations required to rigorously establish the existence of solutions to various equations, thereby laying the basis for the study of such solutions. Through an understanding of the foundations of analysis, we obtain insight critical in numerous areas of application, such areas ranging across physics, engineering, economics and finance.\n\nTopics covered are: sets, functions, metric spaces and normed linear spaces, compactness, connectedness, and completeness. Banach fixed point theorem and applications, uniform continuity and convergence. General topological spaces, generating topologies, topological invariants, quotient spaces. Introduction to Hilbert spaces and bounded operators on Hilbert spaces.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8437": {"id": "IpLeN2DsGrfgKRKfAJRYu", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "aXiJOxXcbwrMoIfcjrHm9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15488, "section": "SE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "bp8MCkhUhi8k_KuoJn9aG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15485, "section": "WR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8438": {"id": "aoH1UsKQdu6lZq2uqqxTn", "course_id": "108737", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108737", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Groups and Rings - Honours", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PURE MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4107", "CLASS_NBR": 15491, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Honours students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MATHS 1012", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "PURE MTH 2106", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PURE MTH 3007", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessments, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The algebraic notions of groups and rings are of great interest in their own right, but knowledge and understanding of them is of benefit well beyond the realms of pure algebra. Areas of application include, for example, advanced number theory; cryptography; coding theory; differential, finite and algebraic geometry; algebraic topology; representation theory and harmonic analysis including Fourier series. The theory also has many practical applications including, for example, to the structure of molecules, crystallography and elementary particle physics. \n\nTopics covered are: (1) Groups, subgroups, cosets and normal subgroups, homomorphisms and factor groups, products of groups, finitely generated abelian groups, groups acting on sets and the Sylow theorems. (2) Rings, integral domains and fields, polynomials, ideals, factorization in integral domains and unique factorization domains.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8439": {"id": "aoH1UsKQdu6lZq2uqqxTn", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "TruPum42a9jO1ORWWJG27", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15494, "section": "SE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "sFj3NOuEglyTVOFtANHEL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15491, "section": "WR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Assessment", "id": "aBYSliIiUGc3JZ7paAbO3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18775, "section": "AS01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 May - 6 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8440": {"id": "Tt9rJwMk3vEFGMhI1GeRI", "course_id": "108738", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108738", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Integration and Analysis - Honours", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PURE MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4109", "CLASS_NBR": 24862, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Honours students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MATHS 2100", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PURE MTH 3009", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "Offered in even years only", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Riemann integral works well for continuous functions on closed bounded intervals, but it has certain deficiencies that cause problems, for example, in Fourier analysis and in the theory of differential equations. To overcome such deficiencies, a 'new and improved' version of the integral was developed around the beginning of the twentieth century, and it is this theory with which this course is concerned. The underlying basis of the theory, measure theory, has important applications not just in analysis but also in the modern theory of probability.\n\nTopics covered are: Set theory; Lebesgue outer measure; measurable sets; measurable functions. Integration of measurable functions over measurable sets. Convergence of sequences of functions and their integrals. General measure spaces and product measures. Fubini and Tonelli's theorems. Lp spaces. The Radon-Nikodym theorem. The Riesz representation theorem. Integration and differentiation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8441": {"id": "Tt9rJwMk3vEFGMhI1GeRI", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "ePnRyr7yGDkeD2qhNEStj", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24862, "section": "WR01", "size": 2, "enrolled": 0, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "y0JnBEl7ewqXFdAb5KWrq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24865, "section": "TU01", "size": 2, "enrolled": 0, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8442": {"id": "8-d7_XAaPbClCMivtEdWv", "course_id": "108658", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108658", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "AMSI Pure Mathematics Topic A - Honours", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PURE MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4110EX", "CLASS_NBR": 16068, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8443": {"id": "8-d7_XAaPbClCMivtEdWv", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "ugkOE8P8yiyHvnxMofWZM", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16068, "section": "01EX", "size": 3, "enrolled": 1, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "8444": {"id": "NjCrAv3sqPornn522GAeV", "course_id": "108658", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108658", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "AMSI Pure Mathematics Topic A - Honours", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PURE MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4110EX", "CLASS_NBR": 26068, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8445": {"id": "NjCrAv3sqPornn522GAeV", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "D5zmwtBgqLF_xamDIWx5k", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26068, "section": "01EX", "size": 3, "enrolled": 0, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "8446": {"id": "2Xb2xVti2uAY2OrWj-MqS", "course_id": "108659", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108659", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "AMSI Pure Mathematics Topic B - Honours", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PURE MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4111EX", "CLASS_NBR": 16069, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8447": {"id": "2Xb2xVti2uAY2OrWj-MqS", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "8_AFVlK-4ZmMQrf0KM4yV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16069, "section": "01EX", "size": 3, "enrolled": 0, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "8448": {"id": "h4nRR62FooSmlQbpV5zFx", "course_id": "108659", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108659", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "AMSI Pure Mathematics Topic B - Honours", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PURE MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4111EX", "CLASS_NBR": 26069, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8449": {"id": "h4nRR62FooSmlQbpV5zFx", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "7EMP8UIczgUL_XRbv9uMR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26069, "section": "01EX", "size": 3, "enrolled": 0, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "8450": {"id": "Gbo9V9rlCMDI1vLCku4N8", "course_id": "108739", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108739", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Complex Analysis - Honours", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PURE MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4119", "CLASS_NBR": 24871, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Honours students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MATHS 2100 or MATHS 2101 or MATHS 2202 or ELEC ENG 2106", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MATHS 2101", "INCOMPATIBLE": "PURE MTH 3019", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "When the real numbers are replaced by the complex numbers in the definition of the derivative of a function, the resulting (complex-) differentiable functions turn out to have many remarkable properties not enjoyed by their real analogues. These functions, usually known as holomorphic functions, have numerous applications in areas such as engineering, physics, differential equations and number theory, to name just a few. The focus of this course is on the study of holomorphic functions and their most important basic properties.\n\nTopics covered are: Complex numbers and functions; complex limits and differentiability; elementary examples; analytic functions; complex line integrals; Cauchy's theorem and the Cauchy integral formula; Taylor's theorem; zeros of holomorphic functions; Rouche's Theorem; the Open Mapping theorem and Inverse Function theorem; Schwarz' Lemma; automorphisms of the ball, the plane and the Riemann sphere; isolated singularities and their classification; Laurent series; the Residue Theorem; calculation of definite integrals and evaluation of infinite series using residues; Montel's Theorem and the Riemann Mapping Theorem.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8451": {"id": "Gbo9V9rlCMDI1vLCku4N8", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "k8fiBLCrAhqMJm3CxsSHt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24870, "section": "SE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "gknYu7GNC88jTE8ytqiGW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24871, "section": "WR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8452": {"id": "Y1ufmBkCi-JQAziLq3Pic", "course_id": "001538", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "001538", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Pure Mathematics Topic B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PURE MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7002", "CLASS_NBR": 15495, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is available for students taking a Masters degree in Mathematical Sciences. The course will cover an advanced topic in pure mathematics. For details of the topic offered this year please refer to the Course Outline.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8453": {"id": "Y1ufmBkCi-JQAziLq3Pic", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "Nbfwcs-gk1X_nsAPkBk3A", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15495, "section": "SE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG07, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8454": {"id": "uHeytj3DInD-r3EGPZbCM", "course_id": "005344", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "005344", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Pure Mathematics Topic D", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PURE MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7023", "CLASS_NBR": 25478, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is available for students taking a Masters degree in Mathematical Sciences. The course will cover an advanced topic in pure mathematics. For details of the topic offered this year please refer to the Course Outline.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8455": {"id": "uHeytj3DInD-r3EGPZbCM", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "q18e8QDX94gYURrj5aLYV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25478, "section": "SE01", "size": 8, "enrolled": 5, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "The Braggs, 427, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "The Braggs, 427, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8456": {"id": "la7jMjouxOwrkhqOXOytF", "course_id": "007965", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "007965", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Pure Mathematics Topic A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PURE MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7038", "CLASS_NBR": 15496, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is available for students taking a Masters degree in Mathematical Sciences. The course will cover an advanced topic in pure mathematics. For details of the topic offered this year please refer to the Course Outline.\u00a0", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8457": {"id": "la7jMjouxOwrkhqOXOytF", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "iNUDMmGbLJV7oEDlZUpyB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15496, "section": "SE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 2, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, 427, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, 427, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8458": {"id": "z_mCyidb5xCaH6KluhHPF", "course_id": "102621", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102621", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Complex Analysis", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PURE MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7054", "CLASS_NBR": 24867, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MATHS 2100 or MATHS 2101 or MATHS 2202 or ELEC ENG 2106", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "When the real numbers are replaced by the complex numbers in the definition of the derivative of a function, the resulting (complex-)differentiable functions turn out to have many remarkable properties not enjoyed by their real analogues. These functions, usually known as holomorphic functions, have numerous applications in areas such as engineering, physics, differential equations and number theory, to name just a few. The focus of this course is on the study of holomorphic functions and their most important basic properties.\n\nTopics covered are: Complex numbers and functions; complex limits and differentiability; elementary examples; analytic functions; complex line integrals; Cauchy's theorem and the Cauchy integral formula; Taylor's theorem; zeros of holomorphic functions; Rouch?'s Theorem; the Open Mapping theorem and Inverse Function theorem; Schwarz' Lemma; automorphisms of the ball, the plane and the Riemann sphere; isolated singularities and their classification; Laurent series; the Residue Theorem; calculation of definite integrals and evaluation of infinite series using residues; Montel's Theorem and the Riemann Mapping Theorem.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8459": {"id": "z_mCyidb5xCaH6KluhHPF", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "j8pot1x9UTH--J7wZj9Yj", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24866, "section": "SE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "Zipc6ikzilKnOEkKEptbC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24867, "section": "WR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8460": {"id": "5eoxy7Am36qy7SK1_864l", "course_id": "102622", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102622", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Topology and Analysis", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PURE MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7055", "CLASS_NBR": 15484, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MATHS 2100", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Solving equations is a crucial aspect of working in mathematics, physics, engineering, and many other fields. These equations might be straightforward algebraic statements, or complicated systems of differential equations, but there are some fundamental questions common to all of these settings: does a solution exist? If so, is it unique? And if we know of the existence of some specific solution, how do we determine it explicitly or as accurately as possible? This course develops the foundations required to rigorously establish the existence of solutions to various equations, thereby laying the basis for the study of such solutions. Through an understanding of the foundations of analysis, we obtain insight critical in numerous areas of application, such areas ranging across physics, engineering, economics and finance.\n\nTopics covered are: sets, functions, metric spaces and normed linear spaces, compactness, connectedness, and completeness. Banach fixed point theorem and applications, uniform continuity and convergence. General topological spaces, generating topologies, topological invariants, quotient spaces. Introduction to Hilbert spaces and bounded operators on Hilbert spaces.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8461": {"id": "5eoxy7Am36qy7SK1_864l", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "gkmZWh9U_V2NN4MAEeb_T", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15487, "section": "SE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "pEE8lumPOx6cLKdJft3i3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15484, "section": "WR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG07, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8462": {"id": "0vApSGiVwYF4GaJO89gqa", "course_id": "102849", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102849", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Groups and Rings", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PURE MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7059", "CLASS_NBR": 15490, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "PURE MTH 2106", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The algebraic notions of groups and rings are of great interest in their own right, but knowledge and understanding of them is of benefit well beyond the realms of pure algebra. Areas of application include, for example, advanced number theory; cryptography; coding theory; differential, finite and algebraic geometry; algebraic topology; representation theory and harmonic analysis including Fourier series. The theory also has many practical applications including, for example, to the structure of molecules, crystallography and elementary particle physics. \n\nTopics covered are: (1) Groups, subgroups, cosets and normal subgroups, homomorphisms and factor groups, products of groups, finitely generated abelian groups, groups acting on sets and the Sylow theorems. (2) Rings, integral domains and fields, polynomials, ideals, factorization in integral domains and unique factorization domains.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8463": {"id": "0vApSGiVwYF4GaJO89gqa", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "bzdpNNyXBi8pLpsY0QrEQ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15493, "section": "SE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "nijR7zU4hOB0ngu7t2Y4c", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15490, "section": "WR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Assessment", "id": "M-xz4bvdFNnZKqHlNZWMJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18777, "section": "AS01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 May - 6 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8464": {"id": "tRLTX5Wya2zsxi0F5DntR", "course_id": "104113", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104113", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Pure Mathematics Topic E", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PURE MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7066", "CLASS_NBR": 25479, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is available for students taking a Masters degree in Mathematical Sciences. The course will cover an advanced topic in pure mathematics. For details of the topic offered this year please refer to the Course Outline.\u00a0", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8465": {"id": "tRLTX5Wya2zsxi0F5DntR", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "Js1bSRBQ65TFlmAPiNtFg", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25479, "section": "SE01", "size": 2, "enrolled": 2, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 22 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "The Braggs, 427, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Jul - 29 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "The Braggs, 427, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Aug - 19 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 111a, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8466": {"id": "8KIdbXSLokCrU7wNc49IL", "course_id": "105075", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105075", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Integration and Analysis", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PURE MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7071", "CLASS_NBR": 24861, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MATHS 2100", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "Offered in even years", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Riemann integral works well for continuous functions on closed bounded intervals, but it has certain deficiencies that cause problems, for example, in Fourier analysis and in the theory of differential equations. To overcome such deficiencies, a 'new and improved' version of the integral was developed around the beginning of the twentieth century, and it is this theory with which this course is concerned. The underlying basis of the theory, measure theory, has important applications not just in analysis but also in the modern theory of probability.\n\nTopics covered are: Set theory; Lebesgue outer measure; measurable sets; measurable functions. Integration of measurable functions over measurable sets. Convergence of sequences of functions and their integrals. General measure spaces and product measures. Fubini and Tonelli's theorems. Lp spaces. The Radon-Nikodym theorem. The Riesz representation theorem. Integration and differentiation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8467": {"id": "8KIdbXSLokCrU7wNc49IL", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "65I_oB5ilzZlvwlLPAbav", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24861, "section": "WR01", "size": 2, "enrolled": 3, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B18, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "AkPEBDP3VRu47fxOve0sL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24864, "section": "TU01", "size": 2, "enrolled": 3, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8468": {"id": "VJEbVgEbqESil9l1I1Icm", "course_id": "104957", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104957", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Algebra", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "PURE MTH", "CATALOG_NBR": "7106", "CLASS_NBR": 15479, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MATHS 1012", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Knowledge of group theory and of linear algebra is important for an understanding of many areas of pure and applied mathematics, including advanced algebra and analysis, number theory, coding theory, cryptography and differential equations. There are also important applications to physics and chemistry.\n\nTopics covered are (1) Equivalence relations (2) Groups: subgroups, cyclic groups, cosets, Lagrange's theorem, normal subgroups and factor groups. Examples of finite and infinite groups, including groups of symmetries and permutations, groups of numbers and matrices. Homomorphisms and isomorphisms of groups. (3) Linear algebra: vector spaces, bases, linear transformations and matrices, subspaces, sums and quotients of spaces, dual spaces, bilinear forms and inner product spaces, and canonical forms.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8469": {"id": "VJEbVgEbqESil9l1I1Icm", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "jnXuiMExXqLTALJPPn5y1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15482, "section": "SE01", "size": 2, "enrolled": 1, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 20 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG11, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "dohaCZ6bF_OubeJ0kdNAp", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15479, "section": "WR02", "size": 1, "enrolled": 0, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15480, "section": "WR01", "size": 1, "enrolled": 1, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 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The topic of the project is decided by the supervisor in conjunction with the student. Students not only increase their discipline knowledge, but develop critical analysis and technical writing skills that are highly useful for many occupations and essential for postgraduate research degrees.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8509": {"id": "kgyjZGYWzAslpnLkDrSwX", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "sE3vqjirposyNzdKGPphn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26324, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "8510": {"subject": "SCIENCE", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "109097", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109340", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109288", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109288", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102303", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102304", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102305", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102307", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102308", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102309", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106640", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106640", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109930", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109930", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109930", "term": "4415", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109930", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106976", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107873", "term": "4415", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107874", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107874", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107874", "term": "4415", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107874", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107874", "term": "4448", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108797", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108797", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108797", "term": "4415", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108797", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108797", "term": "4448", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110409", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110409", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110409", "term": "4415", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110409", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110409", "term": "4448", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109931", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109931", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109931", "term": "4415", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109931", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108772", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108772", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109179", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109179", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108621", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109327", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108932", "term": "4415", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109457", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108623", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108624", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109459", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109459", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109460", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109460", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109568", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109568", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109572", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109569", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109569", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109573", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109573", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109570", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109570", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109574", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106162", "term": "4415", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110382", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110382", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108638", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108638", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108639", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108639", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109167", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109167", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109167", "term": "4415", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109167", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109167", "term": "4448", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105110", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105110", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "8511": {"id": "124uFI6Bf8QjxstkeLbjX", "course_id": "109097", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109097", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Principles & Practice of Research (Advanced) I", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SCIENCE", "CATALOG_NBR": "1300", "CLASS_NBR": 15261, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BSc (Advanced) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "SCIENCE 1101WT, SCIENCE 1100, SCIENCE 1200, SCIENCE 1430", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will introduce students to the core principles of scientific research and research environments, and will include interdisciplinary collaboration and group investigation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8512": {"id": "124uFI6Bf8QjxstkeLbjX", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "rDylGpbPw6N82OFn6Prgc", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15260, "section": "LE01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 43, "available": 57, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "4ZQ_rL_0wuIdmIH1hvEWt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15261, "section": "WR01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 43, "available": 57, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "The Braggs, 450, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "8513": {"id": "uWwsP5IvtXuz31V3nJJ5-", "course_id": "109340", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109340", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Foundations in Research I (Marine & Wildlife Conservation)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SCIENCE", "CATALOG_NBR": "1410", "CLASS_NBR": 14580, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BSc (Marine & Wildlife Conservation) only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "SCIENCE 1101WT, SCIENCE 1100, SCIENCE 1200, SCIENCE 1300, SCIENCE 1400, SCIENCE 1420, SCIENCE 1430, SCIENCE 1440", "ASSESSMENT": "Reviews and reports", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course students will question and then explore the accuracy and potential validity of the Science found in movies, television, across a wide range of media formats and more broadly on the internet.\u00a0 Students will develop the skills required for future courses and careers with a focus on; communication to a non-specialist audience using a variety of formats, digital literacy, data interpretation, interdisciplinary collaboration and group investigations.\u00a0 The final section of the course will focus on what are some of the present science controversies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8514": {"id": "uWwsP5IvtXuz31V3nJJ5-", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "9knhCyW7hEirmaBqqBpCD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14580, "section": "WR01", "size": 90, "enrolled": 76, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2040, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8515": {"id": "XHJYAU7gEWaMOHN_iruL6", "course_id": "109288", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109288", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introductory Data Science - Becoming Smart About Data", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SCIENCE", "CATALOG_NBR": "1500", "CLASS_NBR": 11584, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, project report and tests", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Delve into the rapidly emerging field of data science and learn to apply it to your future career. Touted as the \u201csexiest job of the 21st century\u201d by the Harvard Business Review, and the best current job by Forbes magazine in 2016, students with data science skills are sought after across all industries. \nData science techniques will enhance your employability regardless of the degree you are studying. Why? Because \u201cbig data\u201d and advanced problem solving skills inform decision making and innovation for all organisations. Scientists are transforming the research frontier by using machine learning techniques to find Higgs bosons, classify galaxies or unravel genetic codes. Businesses are using the same techniques to identify credit card fraud, perform social network analysis and to develop automatic approaches to targeted marketing. \nIn this course, you will become familiar with all major modern approaches to data science, including machine learning techniques and big data analysis strategies. Critically, students in this course will learn via an innovative and multi-disciplinary approach to problem solving. After a basic introduction to the different types of data analysis problem, students will be introduced to a variety of algorithms from the research frontier. To keep the course accessible to a broad audience, no mathematical knowledge will be assumed, and students will instead gain a hands-on, intuitive knowledge of how the algorithms work by using simple spreadsheet examples. A wide variety of problems from physics, chemistry, biology, health sciences and business will be used to encourage students to view problems through the lens of a different discipline; this will enhance your ability to spot innovative solutions to research problems in your own field. For business students, it will give you an ability to determine what your company or employer needs to remain competitive.\nThrough this topic, you will develop transferable skills that will allow you to connect science to everyday issues, and you will also learn how to use real-world problems to solve new problems in science.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8516": {"id": "XHJYAU7gEWaMOHN_iruL6", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "ZAzUs_skad7EzfLrVn_ke", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11584, "section": "WR04", "size": 40, "enrolled": 39, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 111, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 111, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12849, "section": "WR03", "size": 40, "enrolled": 38, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Johnson, 111, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "2 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Johnson, 111, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12850, "section": "WR02", "size": 40, "enrolled": 33, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Johnson, 111, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Johnson, 111, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12851, "section": "WR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 39, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 111, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Johnson, 111, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "8517": {"id": "xWDV3nSoZtA-dCX5JfoAn", "course_id": "109288", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109288", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introductory Data Science - Becoming Smart About Data", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SCIENCE", "CATALOG_NBR": "1500", "CLASS_NBR": 21728, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, project report and tests", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Delve into the rapidly emerging field of data science and learn to apply it to your future career. Touted as the \u201csexiest job of the 21st century\u201d by the Harvard Business Review, and the best current job by Forbes magazine in 2016, students with data science skills are sought after across all industries. \nData science techniques will enhance your employability regardless of the degree you are studying. Why? Because \u201cbig data\u201d and advanced problem solving skills inform decision making and innovation for all organisations. Scientists are transforming the research frontier by using machine learning techniques to find Higgs bosons, classify galaxies or unravel genetic codes. Businesses are using the same techniques to identify credit card fraud, perform social network analysis and to develop automatic approaches to targeted marketing. \nIn this course, you will become familiar with all major modern approaches to data science, including machine learning techniques and big data analysis strategies. Critically, students in this course will learn via an innovative and multi-disciplinary approach to problem solving. After a basic introduction to the different types of data analysis problem, students will be introduced to a variety of algorithms from the research frontier. To keep the course accessible to a broad audience, no mathematical knowledge will be assumed, and students will instead gain a hands-on, intuitive knowledge of how the algorithms work by using simple spreadsheet examples. A wide variety of problems from physics, chemistry, biology, health sciences and business will be used to encourage students to view problems through the lens of a different discipline; this will enhance your ability to spot innovative solutions to research problems in your own field. For business students, it will give you an ability to determine what your company or employer needs to remain competitive.\nThrough this topic, you will develop transferable skills that will allow you to connect science to everyday issues, and you will also learn how to use real-world problems to solve new problems in science.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8518": {"id": "xWDV3nSoZtA-dCX5JfoAn", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "GQIHN13WaoNduxgCFujjl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21728, "section": "WR03", "size": 40, "enrolled": 36, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Johnson, 111, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Johnson, 111, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22614, "section": "WR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 35, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Johnson, 111, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Johnson, 111, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 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4 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "The Braggs, 340, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "8531": {"id": "W_sKb8f0FmE_75p4laFey", "course_id": "106640", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106640", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Principles & Practice of Research (Advanced) II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SCIENCE", "CATALOG_NBR": "2300", "CLASS_NBR": 14948, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 8 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Second Year BSc (Advanced) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Students must complete 24 units of level 1 courses prior to enrolling in SCIENCE 2300.", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Writing tasks, oral presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Science 2300 is intended to expose Second Year Bsc Advanced students to the university research environment and familiarise them with the practice of research, including the experimental and theoretical paradigms of specific scientific disciplines. The course builds on the principles of scientific research introduced in Science 1300. Students will be immersed into contemporary programs of research through engagement with a number of different academic researchers, each of whom will present a current problem or project from their own research. Students will read and analyse current scientific literature, and will develop insights into the practise of scientific investigation though tutorials and written critical reviews. In addition, students will choose an academic mentor, who will supervise the exploration of a specific scientific research topic. Through a series of individual mentor meetings, students will develop a talk on their research subject, to be delivered at an end-of-semester symposium. These engaging 'research attachments' enhance a student's understanding of scientific methods and critical thinking. Students will emerge with a clearer understanding of the roles various people play in scientific discovery and some of the career paths a degree in science can make possible.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8532": {"id": "W_sKb8f0FmE_75p4laFey", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "qz6kZQDnp6UW3g2Bbm-6E", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14948, "section": "SE01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 28, "available": 52, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Prior to enrolling in SCIENCE 2300 students must have completed 2 Semesters (24 units) of University courses. SCIENCE 2300 PPR2 is only available for students in their second year of University (so students starting in February can enrol in PPR2 in Semester 1 or Semester 2 of the following year, students who start mid-year should enrol in Semester 2 of the next calendar year or semester 1 of the calendar year after that)."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Mawson, 134, Sprigg Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8533": {"id": "MnnYVN_pg8OkXSsZ4ty_e", "course_id": "106640", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106640", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Principles & Practice of Research (Advanced) II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SCIENCE", "CATALOG_NBR": "2300", "CLASS_NBR": 24882, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 8 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Second Year BSc (Advanced) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Students must complete 24 units of level 1 courses prior to enrolling in SCIENCE 2300.", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Writing tasks, oral presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Science 2300 is intended to expose Second Year Bsc Advanced students to the university research environment and familiarise them with the practice of research, including the experimental and theoretical paradigms of specific scientific disciplines. The course builds on the principles of scientific research introduced in Science 1300. Students will be immersed into contemporary programs of research through engagement with a number of different academic researchers, each of whom will present a current problem or project from their own research. Students will read and analyse current scientific literature, and will develop insights into the practise of scientific investigation though tutorials and written critical reviews. In addition, students will choose an academic mentor, who will supervise the exploration of a specific scientific research topic. Through a series of individual mentor meetings, students will develop a talk on their research subject, to be delivered at an end-of-semester symposium. These engaging 'research attachments' enhance a student's understanding of scientific methods and critical thinking. Students will emerge with a clearer understanding of the roles various people play in scientific discovery and some of the career paths a degree in science can make possible.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8534": {"id": "MnnYVN_pg8OkXSsZ4ty_e", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "zoMcSGvukikV7OuWVly3i", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24882, "section": "SE01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 16, "available": 54, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Prior to enrolling in SCIENCE 2300 students must have completed 2 Semesters (24 units) of University courses. SCIENCE 2300 is only available for students in their second year of University (so students starting in February can enrol in PPR2 in Semester 1 or Semester 2 of the following year, students who start mid-year should enrol in Semester 2 of the next calendar year or semester 1 of the calendar year after that)."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8535": {"id": "K3qfevlkef4gr-GXcMN7K", "course_id": "109930", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109930", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "International Experience II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SCIENCE", "CATALOG_NBR": "2550", "CLASS_NBR": 92201, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students are encouraged to include an overseas experience in their Sciences program of study where possible. This course allows students to gain credit for an overseas study opportunity that is of interest to them, and which compliments their program of study and future goals. These study opportunities may be offered by, but are not limited to, the University\u2019s Preferred Third Party Providers (examples include AIM Overseas, CIS Australia, ACICS and Project Everest). Such Third Party Provider Programs provide students with an opportunity to gain hands on practical experience while immersing themselves in a new culture and allow students to build relationships with overseas organisations and potential future employers while strengthening their skill set in their area of interest. Participation in such Programs must be approved by the Faculty of Sciences, Engineering & Technology prior to commencement of any activity associated with the Program. Upon successful completion of the Program, credit will be granted as either SCIENCE 2550 or SCIENCE 3550 dependent on the program selected.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 09/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "8536": {"id": "K3qfevlkef4gr-GXcMN7K", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "L32_P_SNZEX4VruWb16yj", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92201, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "8537": {"id": "nlVC_0E2pCt9gTzsfQWjI", "course_id": "109930", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109930", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "International Experience II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SCIENCE", "CATALOG_NBR": "2550", "CLASS_NBR": 16184, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students are encouraged to include an overseas experience in their Sciences program of study where possible. This course allows students to gain credit for an overseas study opportunity that is of interest to them, and which compliments their program of study and future goals. These study opportunities may be offered by, but are not limited to, the University\u2019s Preferred Third Party Providers (examples include AIM Overseas, CIS Australia, ACICS and Project Everest). Such Third Party Provider Programs provide students with an opportunity to gain hands on practical experience while immersing themselves in a new culture and allow students to build relationships with overseas organisations and potential future employers while strengthening their skill set in their area of interest. Participation in such Programs must be approved by the Faculty of Sciences, Engineering & Technology prior to commencement of any activity associated with the Program. Upon successful completion of the Program, credit will be granted as either SCIENCE 2550 or SCIENCE 3550 dependent on the program selected.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8538": {"id": "nlVC_0E2pCt9gTzsfQWjI", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "96f273b5p9ZnLYydaAtgt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16184, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "8539": {"id": "EyRs-MVTDMSp_oLLhMpfa", "course_id": "109930", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109930", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "International Experience II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SCIENCE", "CATALOG_NBR": "2550", "CLASS_NBR": 95113, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students are encouraged to include an overseas experience in their Sciences program of study where possible. This course allows students to gain credit for an overseas study opportunity that is of interest to them, and which compliments their program of study and future goals. These study opportunities may be offered by, but are not limited to, the University\u2019s Preferred Third Party Providers (examples include AIM Overseas, CIS Australia, ACICS and Project Everest). Such Third Party Provider Programs provide students with an opportunity to gain hands on practical experience while immersing themselves in a new culture and allow students to build relationships with overseas organisations and potential future employers while strengthening their skill set in their area of interest. Participation in such Programs must be approved by the Faculty of Sciences, Engineering & Technology prior to commencement of any activity associated with the Program. Upon successful completion of the Program, credit will be granted as either SCIENCE 2550 or SCIENCE 3550 dependent on the program selected.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 24/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 28/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 11/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 17/07/2024"}}]}, "8540": {"id": "EyRs-MVTDMSp_oLLhMpfa", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "01dSQn7_akn66px0cJ7sA", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95113, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "8541": {"id": "GfIOI04qX0TBB-gT4m3sQ", "course_id": "109930", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109930", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "International Experience II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SCIENCE", "CATALOG_NBR": "2550", "CLASS_NBR": 26194, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students are encouraged to include an overseas experience in their Sciences program of study where possible. This course allows students to gain credit for an overseas study opportunity that is of interest to them, and which compliments their program of study and future goals. These study opportunities may be offered by, but are not limited to, the University\u2019s Preferred Third Party Providers (examples include AIM Overseas, CIS Australia, ACICS and Project Everest). Such Third Party Provider Programs provide students with an opportunity to gain hands on practical experience while immersing themselves in a new culture and allow students to build relationships with overseas organisations and potential future employers while strengthening their skill set in their area of interest. Participation in such Programs must be approved by the Faculty of Sciences, Engineering & Technology prior to commencement of any activity associated with the Program. Upon successful completion of the Program, credit will be granted as either SCIENCE 2550 or SCIENCE 3550 dependent on the program selected.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8542": {"id": "GfIOI04qX0TBB-gT4m3sQ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "NPX2RYg1cPh374Agy5WpR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26194, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "8543": {"id": "rjMM0jhdm2WMFCqFEkTm3", "course_id": "106976", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106976", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Principles & Practice of Research (Advanced) III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SCIENCE", "CATALOG_NBR": "3100", "CLASS_NBR": 20823, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 10 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BSc (Advanced) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "SCIENCE 2300", "CO_REQUISITE": "Students who major in Biochemistry, Genetics or Microbiology & Immunology are required to enrol in the appropriate Level III theory course BIOCHEM 3520 or GENETICS 3520 or MICRO 3520", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Writing tasks, oral presentation, assessment of performance in laboratory placement", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Science 3100 is designed to expose third-year BSc Advanced students to the university research environment and give them an opportunity to participate in the process of scientific research. The primary component of this course is the laboratory placement, in which students are associated with an active research group in the Faculty, providing them with an opportunity to gain hands-on experience in one or more scientific projects. The laboratory placement will be supplemented by a program of research seminars, in which local and/or invited scientists will present their current research programs and recent findings, and by a series of tutorials, which will focus on the development of core research skills and knowledge, such as effective communication of research findings, key laboratory techniques, and research integrity.\n\nThe course builds on the principles of scientific research introduced in Science 1100, and the scientific literacy skills developed in Science 2300. Each student will document their research activities with a final written report, and in addition will communicate their research findings to the entire Science 3100 cohort at an end-of-year symposium. Students will also receive a performance mark from the direct supervisor of their research placement.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8544": {"id": "rjMM0jhdm2WMFCqFEkTm3", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "DT4BTuyRPBR1SQF4oTySe", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20823, "section": "SE01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 54, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 22 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Mawson, 122, Madigan Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8545": {"id": "PBteO69X9T-dxBxG1KPDj", "course_id": "107873", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107873", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Communicating Science III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SCIENCE", "CATALOG_NBR": "3200", "CLASS_NBR": 95032, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per day", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Successful completion of 48 units of an undergraduate degree program", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "SCIENCE 7020, SCIENCE 4020", "ASSESSMENT": "Blog posts, oral presentations, written assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Communicating Science equips students with the essential skills and knowledge to effectively communicate scientific concepts to diverse audiences. This course is designed for students who are passionate about bridging the gap between science and society through effective communication and welcomes students from various disciplines, including sciences, humanities, and social sciences.\n\nUpon successfully completing Communicating Science, students will be equipped with the skills, knowledge, and attitudes necessary to excel in science communication roles and contribute to fostering public understanding of science. Students will be prepared for diverse career opportunities in science journalism, public relations, science advocacy, science policy, museum curation, and other related fields. \n\nStudents will hone their written communication abilities by producing compelling content suitable for diverse publications, including blogs, press releases, and feature articles. They will also refine their oral communication skills, through delivering captivating speeches and learning how to distill complex ideas into concise soundbites. Off-campus excursions to science exhibitions will provide students with firsthand experiences in science communication outside written and oral forms. Students will observe and analyse different communication strategies employed in these settings, enhancing their understanding of engaging diverse audiences and making complex scientific concepts accessible and relevant. By successfully completing these assessments, students will demonstrate their ability to communicate science effectively, responsibly, and ethically.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 24/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 28/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 11/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 17/07/2024"}}]}, "8546": {"id": "PBteO69X9T-dxBxG1KPDj", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "n_3cZvlYO2hehikJ6IPVo", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95032, "section": "WR01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 38, "available": 32, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Jul - 5 Jul", "days": "Monday, , Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Jul - 5 Jul", "days": "Monday, , Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Jul - 3 Jul", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Jul - 2 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Jul - 3 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Jul - 12 Jul", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Jul - 10 Jul", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Jul - 11 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Jul - 17 Jul", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "8547": {"id": "FzoJu1Dg3xpeA4hMfryhS", "course_id": "107874", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107874", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Science International Study Tour", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SCIENCE", "CATALOG_NBR": "3500", "CLASS_NBR": 92186, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 52 hours structured learning activities per week for 3 weeks", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Students are required to have completed at least 36 units of study", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Entry into the course is based on GPA, written application and interview", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Pre-departure assessment, professional experience assessment task (reflective diary, field book or equivalent and post experience reflection task)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course consists of an intensive overseas study tour introducing science students to international culture and society and providing an opportunity to visit an overseas partner institution, participate in academic seminars and/or cultural activities. \nThe course is designed to develop students' skills in observation, reflection, induction, and deduction on discipline-specific issues in an international context, develop graduates' knowledge of international affairs, and gain confidence to work in one of a range of international environments. \nThe focus of the student's intellectual attention will be her/his participation in a group activity influencing a scientific-related system and conducted outside of Australia. Students will learn to analyse intercultural experience critically and to develop their ability to communicate and empathise in an international context.\n\nAs some of the tours are sponsored by specific industry bodies, they may want to be involved in the selection of students. In general, selection will be based on academic record, demonstrated ability to work well in groups and may include involvement in extracurricular activities and alignment to career aspirations.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 09/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "8548": {"id": "FzoJu1Dg3xpeA4hMfryhS", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "5RRR1iSqSbtkjvfjDRCBF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92186, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 13, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "8549": {"id": "wEz7MBdc3sOD_xCW_7gnh", "course_id": "107874", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107874", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Science International Study Tour", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SCIENCE", "CATALOG_NBR": "3500", "CLASS_NBR": 15899, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 52 hours structured learning activities per week for 3 weeks", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Students are required to have completed at least 36 units of study", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Entry into the course is based on GPA, written application and interview", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Pre-departure assessment, professional experience assessment task (reflective diary, field book or equivalent and post experience reflection task)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course consists of an intensive overseas study tour introducing science students to international culture and society and providing an opportunity to visit an overseas partner institution, participate in academic seminars and/or cultural activities. \nThe course is designed to develop students' skills in observation, reflection, induction, and deduction on discipline-specific issues in an international context, develop graduates' knowledge of international affairs, and gain confidence to work in one of a range of international environments. \nThe focus of the student's intellectual attention will be her/his participation in a group activity influencing a scientific-related system and conducted outside of Australia. Students will learn to analyse intercultural experience critically and to develop their ability to communicate and empathise in an international context.\n\nAs some of the tours are sponsored by specific industry bodies, they may want to be involved in the selection of students. In general, selection will be based on academic record, demonstrated ability to work well in groups and may include involvement in extracurricular activities and alignment to career aspirations.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8550": {"id": "wEz7MBdc3sOD_xCW_7gnh", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "LHS0RigeGfYa8Pjb344IB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15899, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "8551": {"id": "LRZKYw5c2LMwX-9qz4QN-", "course_id": "107874", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107874", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Science International Study Tour", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SCIENCE", "CATALOG_NBR": "3500", "CLASS_NBR": 95253, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 52 hours structured learning activities per week for 3 weeks", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Students are required to have completed at least 36 units of study", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Entry into the course is based on GPA, written application and interview", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Pre-departure assessment, professional experience assessment task (reflective diary, field book or equivalent and post experience reflection task)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course consists of an intensive overseas study tour introducing science students to international culture and society and providing an opportunity to visit an overseas partner institution, participate in academic seminars and/or cultural activities. \nThe course is designed to develop students' skills in observation, reflection, induction, and deduction on discipline-specific issues in an international context, develop graduates' knowledge of international affairs, and gain confidence to work in one of a range of international environments. \nThe focus of the student's intellectual attention will be her/his participation in a group activity influencing a scientific-related system and conducted outside of Australia. Students will learn to analyse intercultural experience critically and to develop their ability to communicate and empathise in an international context.\n\nAs some of the tours are sponsored by specific industry bodies, they may want to be involved in the selection of students. In general, selection will be based on academic record, demonstrated ability to work well in groups and may include involvement in extracurricular activities and alignment to career aspirations.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 24/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 28/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 11/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 17/07/2024"}}]}, "8552": {"id": "LRZKYw5c2LMwX-9qz4QN-", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "i-ZJbJyldhLaUFPH8yGfS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95100, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 15, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}, {"class_nbr": 95253, "section": "02NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 15, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "8553": {"id": "I9V83CQx0nORjY7FOV7IE", "course_id": "107874", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107874", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Science International Study Tour", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SCIENCE", "CATALOG_NBR": "3500", "CLASS_NBR": 29607, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 52 hours structured learning activities per week for 3 weeks", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Students are required to have completed at least 36 units of study", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Entry into the course is based on GPA, written application and interview", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Pre-departure assessment, professional experience assessment task (reflective diary, field book or equivalent and post experience reflection task)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course consists of an intensive overseas study tour introducing science students to international culture and society and providing an opportunity to visit an overseas partner institution, participate in academic seminars and/or cultural activities. \nThe course is designed to develop students' skills in observation, reflection, induction, and deduction on discipline-specific issues in an international context, develop graduates' knowledge of international affairs, and gain confidence to work in one of a range of international environments. \nThe focus of the student's intellectual attention will be her/his participation in a group activity influencing a scientific-related system and conducted outside of Australia. Students will learn to analyse intercultural experience critically and to develop their ability to communicate and empathise in an international context.\n\nAs some of the tours are sponsored by specific industry bodies, they may want to be involved in the selection of students. In general, selection will be based on academic record, demonstrated ability to work well in groups and may include involvement in extracurricular activities and alignment to career aspirations.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8554": {"id": "I9V83CQx0nORjY7FOV7IE", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "MecyzFC8ZaUI8-fJb5Od0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25904, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 15, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}, {"class_nbr": 29607, "section": "02NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 25, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "8555": {"id": "0UwkogHOTsUpOdldzV7sS", "course_id": "107874", "term": "4448", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107874", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4448", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "Science International Study Tour", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SCIENCE", "CATALOG_NBR": "3500", "CLASS_NBR": 46066, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 52 hours structured learning activities per week for 3 weeks", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Students are required to have completed at least 36 units of study", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Entry into the course is based on GPA, written application and interview", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Pre-departure assessment, professional experience assessment task (reflective diary, field book or equivalent and post experience reflection task)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course consists of an intensive overseas study tour introducing science students to international culture and society and providing an opportunity to visit an overseas partner institution, participate in academic seminars and/or cultural activities. \nThe course is designed to develop students' skills in observation, reflection, induction, and deduction on discipline-specific issues in an international context, develop graduates' knowledge of international affairs, and gain confidence to work in one of a range of international environments. \nThe focus of the student's intellectual attention will be her/his participation in a group activity influencing a scientific-related system and conducted outside of Australia. Students will learn to analyse intercultural experience critically and to develop their ability to communicate and empathise in an international context.\n\nAs some of the tours are sponsored by specific industry bodies, they may want to be involved in the selection of students. In general, selection will be based on academic record, demonstrated ability to work well in groups and may include involvement in extracurricular activities and alignment to career aspirations.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 14/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 14/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 19/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 11/12/2024"}}]}, "8556": {"id": "0UwkogHOTsUpOdldzV7sS", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "G3oo6xYMMj1q2uIRlEbF0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46066, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 12, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "8557": {"id": "BXT49U217bVcQ1NGqMCIu", "course_id": "108797", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108797", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Science International Study Tour B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SCIENCE", "CATALOG_NBR": "3510", "CLASS_NBR": 92197, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 52 hours structured learning activities per week for 3 weeks", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Students are required to have completed at least 36 units of study", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Entry into the course is based on GPA, written application and interview", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Pre-departure assessment, professional experience assessment task (reflective diary, field book or equivalent and post experience reflection task)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course consists of an intensive overseas study tour introducing science students to international culture and society and providing an opportunity to visit an overseas partner institution, participate in academic seminars and/or cultural activities. \nThe course is designed to develop students' skills in observation, reflection, induction, and deduction on discipline-specific issues in an international context, develop graduates' knowledge of international affairs, and gain confidence to work in one of a range of international environments. \nThe focus of the student's intellectual attention will be her/his participation in a group activity influencing a scientific-related system and conducted outside of Australia. Students will learn to analyse intercultural experience critically and to develop their ability to communicate and empathise in an international context.\n\nAs some of the tours are sponsored by specific industry bodies, they may want to be involved in the selection of students. In general, selection will be based on academic record, demonstrated ability to work well in groups and may include involvement in extracurricular activities and alignment to career aspirations.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 09/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "8558": {"id": "BXT49U217bVcQ1NGqMCIu", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "JlqchdxlEjdOJLm_y88Fx", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92197, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "8559": {"id": "xl09cG0y6pxUogV5c6YFo", "course_id": "108797", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108797", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Science International Study Tour B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SCIENCE", "CATALOG_NBR": "3510", "CLASS_NBR": 16082, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 52 hours structured learning activities per week for 3 weeks", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Students are required to have completed at least 36 units of study", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Entry into the course is based on GPA, written application and interview", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Pre-departure assessment, professional experience assessment task (reflective diary, field book or equivalent and post experience reflection task)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course consists of an intensive overseas study tour introducing science students to international culture and society and providing an opportunity to visit an overseas partner institution, participate in academic seminars and/or cultural activities. \nThe course is designed to develop students' skills in observation, reflection, induction, and deduction on discipline-specific issues in an international context, develop graduates' knowledge of international affairs, and gain confidence to work in one of a range of international environments. \nThe focus of the student's intellectual attention will be her/his participation in a group activity influencing a scientific-related system and conducted outside of Australia. Students will learn to analyse intercultural experience critically and to develop their ability to communicate and empathise in an international context.\n\nAs some of the tours are sponsored by specific industry bodies, they may want to be involved in the selection of students. In general, selection will be based on academic record, demonstrated ability to work well in groups and may include involvement in extracurricular activities and alignment to career aspirations.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8560": {"id": "xl09cG0y6pxUogV5c6YFo", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "kOD04BnxbbXbxmRyZcKDR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16082, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "8561": {"id": "gSkV9m95A7RY3MzQblJz5", "course_id": "108797", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108797", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Science International Study Tour B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SCIENCE", "CATALOG_NBR": "3510", "CLASS_NBR": 95110, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 52 hours structured learning activities per week for 3 weeks", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Students are required to have completed at least 36 units of study", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Entry into the course is based on GPA, written application and interview", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Pre-departure assessment, professional experience assessment task (reflective diary, field book or equivalent and post experience reflection task)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course consists of an intensive overseas study tour introducing science students to international culture and society and providing an opportunity to visit an overseas partner institution, participate in academic seminars and/or cultural activities. \nThe course is designed to develop students' skills in observation, reflection, induction, and deduction on discipline-specific issues in an international context, develop graduates' knowledge of international affairs, and gain confidence to work in one of a range of international environments. \nThe focus of the student's intellectual attention will be her/his participation in a group activity influencing a scientific-related system and conducted outside of Australia. Students will learn to analyse intercultural experience critically and to develop their ability to communicate and empathise in an international context.\n\nAs some of the tours are sponsored by specific industry bodies, they may want to be involved in the selection of students. In general, selection will be based on academic record, demonstrated ability to work well in groups and may include involvement in extracurricular activities and alignment to career aspirations.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 24/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 28/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 11/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 17/07/2024"}}]}, "8562": {"id": "gSkV9m95A7RY3MzQblJz5", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "g0A8R2fMNK3Z691fm0IAG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95110, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 1, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "8563": {"id": "D-IiI3O5VddDbzQcJ_Lmf", "course_id": "108797", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108797", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Science International Study Tour B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SCIENCE", "CATALOG_NBR": "3510", "CLASS_NBR": 26083, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 52 hours structured learning activities per week for 3 weeks", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Students are required to have completed at least 36 units of study", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Entry into the course is based on GPA, written application and interview", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Pre-departure assessment, professional experience assessment task (reflective diary, field book or equivalent and post experience reflection task)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course consists of an intensive overseas study tour introducing science students to international culture and society and providing an opportunity to visit an overseas partner institution, participate in academic seminars and/or cultural activities. \nThe course is designed to develop students' skills in observation, reflection, induction, and deduction on discipline-specific issues in an international context, develop graduates' knowledge of international affairs, and gain confidence to work in one of a range of international environments. \nThe focus of the student's intellectual attention will be her/his participation in a group activity influencing a scientific-related system and conducted outside of Australia. Students will learn to analyse intercultural experience critically and to develop their ability to communicate and empathise in an international context.\n\nAs some of the tours are sponsored by specific industry bodies, they may want to be involved in the selection of students. In general, selection will be based on academic record, demonstrated ability to work well in groups and may include involvement in extracurricular activities and alignment to career aspirations.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8564": {"id": "D-IiI3O5VddDbzQcJ_Lmf", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "e6eoXdxl1WZ1a4Cd7kLFS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26083, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "8565": {"id": "VUAkxtdVrqRSM8yOqRj5t", "course_id": "108797", "term": "4448", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108797", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4448", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "Science International Study Tour B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SCIENCE", "CATALOG_NBR": "3510", "CLASS_NBR": 46069, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 52 hours structured learning activities per week for 3 weeks", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Students are required to have completed at least 36 units of study", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Entry into the course is based on GPA, written application and interview", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Pre-departure assessment, professional experience assessment task (reflective diary, field book or equivalent and post experience reflection task)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course consists of an intensive overseas study tour introducing science students to international culture and society and providing an opportunity to visit an overseas partner institution, participate in academic seminars and/or cultural activities. \nThe course is designed to develop students' skills in observation, reflection, induction, and deduction on discipline-specific issues in an international context, develop graduates' knowledge of international affairs, and gain confidence to work in one of a range of international environments. \nThe focus of the student's intellectual attention will be her/his participation in a group activity influencing a scientific-related system and conducted outside of Australia. Students will learn to analyse intercultural experience critically and to develop their ability to communicate and empathise in an international context.\n\nAs some of the tours are sponsored by specific industry bodies, they may want to be involved in the selection of students. In general, selection will be based on academic record, demonstrated ability to work well in groups and may include involvement in extracurricular activities and alignment to career aspirations.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 14/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 14/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 19/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 11/12/2024"}}]}, "8566": {"id": "VUAkxtdVrqRSM8yOqRj5t", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "kyK0ynmNKPmfXXsC-v0w6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46069, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 1, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "8567": {"id": "AeZQ2zPNzF4a3UXzf5jI4", "course_id": "110409", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110409", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Science Experience III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SCIENCE", "CATALOG_NBR": "3520", "CLASS_NBR": 92209, "SESSION_CD": "S03", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 52 hours structured learning activities per week for 3 week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Students are required to have completed at least 36 units of study", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Entry into the course is based on GPA, written application and interview", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Pre-experience assessment, professional experience assessment task (reflective diary, field book or equivalent and post experience reflection task)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course consists of an intensive study tour or virtual experience introducing science students to culture and society and providing an opportunity to visit a partner institution, participate in academic seminars and/or cultural activities. \n\nThe course is designed to develop students' skills in observation, reflection, induction, and deduction of discipline-specific issues, develop graduates' knowledge of regional affairs, and gain confidence to work in one of a range of regional environments. \n\nAs some of the tours are sponsored by specific industry bodies, they may want to be involved in the selection of students. In general, selection will be based on academic record, demonstrated ability to work well in groups and may include involvement in extracurricular activities and alignment to career aspirations.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 07/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/03/2024"}}]}, "8568": {"id": "AeZQ2zPNzF4a3UXzf5jI4", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "SRh4JHdiam2UCVb3wA1yP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92209, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 19, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "8569": {"id": "5U7INu_hVq-69v5bPkXzs", "course_id": "110409", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110409", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Science Experience III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SCIENCE", "CATALOG_NBR": "3520", "CLASS_NBR": 16227, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 52 hours structured learning activities per week for 3 week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Students are required to have completed at least 36 units of study", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Entry into the course is based on GPA, written application and interview", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Pre-experience assessment, professional experience assessment task (reflective diary, field book or equivalent and post experience reflection task)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course consists of an intensive study tour or virtual experience introducing science students to culture and society and providing an opportunity to visit a partner institution, participate in academic seminars and/or cultural activities. \n\nThe course is designed to develop students' skills in observation, reflection, induction, and deduction of discipline-specific issues, develop graduates' knowledge of regional affairs, and gain confidence to work in one of a range of regional environments. \n\nAs some of the tours are sponsored by specific industry bodies, they may want to be involved in the selection of students. In general, selection will be based on academic record, demonstrated ability to work well in groups and may include involvement in extracurricular activities and alignment to career aspirations.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8570": {"id": "5U7INu_hVq-69v5bPkXzs", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "XhBB2GGt2_bgRuDigqGmp", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16227, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "8571": {"id": "NEreuQyOZePdyQxSvqGm5", "course_id": "110409", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110409", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Science Experience III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SCIENCE", "CATALOG_NBR": "3520", "CLASS_NBR": 95122, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 52 hours structured learning activities per week for 3 week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Students are required to have completed at least 36 units of study", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Entry into the course is based on GPA, written application and interview", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Pre-experience assessment, professional experience assessment task (reflective diary, field book or equivalent and post experience reflection task)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course consists of an intensive study tour or virtual experience introducing science students to culture and society and providing an opportunity to visit a partner institution, participate in academic seminars and/or cultural activities. \n\nThe course is designed to develop students' skills in observation, reflection, induction, and deduction of discipline-specific issues, develop graduates' knowledge of regional affairs, and gain confidence to work in one of a range of regional environments. \n\nAs some of the tours are sponsored by specific industry bodies, they may want to be involved in the selection of students. In general, selection will be based on academic record, demonstrated ability to work well in groups and may include involvement in extracurricular activities and alignment to career aspirations.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 24/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 28/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 11/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 17/07/2024"}}]}, "8572": {"id": "NEreuQyOZePdyQxSvqGm5", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "dYpDMGzUrZERDEXQKP7LF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95122, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "8573": {"id": "giEzJ0f4pkcvg2L524NVu", "course_id": "110409", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110409", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Science Experience III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SCIENCE", "CATALOG_NBR": "3520", "CLASS_NBR": 26238, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 52 hours structured learning activities per week for 3 week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Students are required to have completed at least 36 units of study", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Entry into the course is based on GPA, written application and interview", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Pre-experience assessment, professional experience assessment task (reflective diary, field book or equivalent and post experience reflection task)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course consists of an intensive study tour or virtual experience introducing science students to culture and society and providing an opportunity to visit a partner institution, participate in academic seminars and/or cultural activities. \n\nThe course is designed to develop students' skills in observation, reflection, induction, and deduction of discipline-specific issues, develop graduates' knowledge of regional affairs, and gain confidence to work in one of a range of regional environments. \n\nAs some of the tours are sponsored by specific industry bodies, they may want to be involved in the selection of students. In general, selection will be based on academic record, demonstrated ability to work well in groups and may include involvement in extracurricular activities and alignment to career aspirations.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8574": {"id": "giEzJ0f4pkcvg2L524NVu", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "V0RoFuNZ17IHdNHdVDk7K", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26238, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "8575": {"id": "OJl5VeNV1RnwPnRHcrW3_", "course_id": "110409", "term": "4448", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110409", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4448", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "Science Experience III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SCIENCE", "CATALOG_NBR": "3520", "CLASS_NBR": 46086, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 52 hours structured learning activities per week for 3 week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Students are required to have completed at least 36 units of study", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Entry into the course is based on GPA, written application and interview", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Pre-experience assessment, professional experience assessment task (reflective diary, field book or equivalent and post experience reflection task)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course consists of an intensive study tour or virtual experience introducing science students to culture and society and providing an opportunity to visit a partner institution, participate in academic seminars and/or cultural activities. \n\nThe course is designed to develop students' skills in observation, reflection, induction, and deduction of discipline-specific issues, develop graduates' knowledge of regional affairs, and gain confidence to work in one of a range of regional environments. \n\nAs some of the tours are sponsored by specific industry bodies, they may want to be involved in the selection of students. In general, selection will be based on academic record, demonstrated ability to work well in groups and may include involvement in extracurricular activities and alignment to career aspirations.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 14/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 14/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 19/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 11/12/2024"}}]}, "8576": {"id": "OJl5VeNV1RnwPnRHcrW3_", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "j1JsPIwUPQC2VkGnaLr7P", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46086, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "8577": {"id": "AEEAQzKvSayHXKPLqF5qD", "course_id": "109931", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109931", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "International Experience III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SCIENCE", "CATALOG_NBR": "3550", "CLASS_NBR": 92202, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students are encouraged to include an overseas experience in their Sciences program of study where possible. This course allows students to gain credit for an overseas study opportunity that is of interest to them, and which compliments their program of study and future goals. These study opportunities may be offered by, but are not limited to, the University\u2019s Preferred Third Party Providers (examples include AIM Overseas, CIS Australia, ACICS and Project Everest). Such Third Party Provider Programs provide students with an opportunity to gain hands on practical experience while immersing themselves in a new culture and allow students to build relationships with overseas organisations and potential future employers while strengthening their skill set in their area of interest. Participation in such Programs must be approved by the Faculty of Sciences, Engineering & Technology prior to commencement of any activity associated with the Program. Upon successful completion of the Program, credit will be granted as either SCIENCE 2550 or SCIENCE 3550 dependent on the program selected.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 09/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "8578": {"id": "AEEAQzKvSayHXKPLqF5qD", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "HNIJRXmleHqjubM0nB147", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92202, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "8579": {"id": "PXzWHtkmO4IO74EMjPCJZ", "course_id": "109931", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109931", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "International Experience III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SCIENCE", "CATALOG_NBR": "3550", "CLASS_NBR": 16185, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students are encouraged to include an overseas experience in their Sciences program of study where possible. This course allows students to gain credit for an overseas study opportunity that is of interest to them, and which compliments their program of study and future goals. These study opportunities may be offered by, but are not limited to, the University\u2019s Preferred Third Party Providers (examples include AIM Overseas, CIS Australia, ACICS and Project Everest). Such Third Party Provider Programs provide students with an opportunity to gain hands on practical experience while immersing themselves in a new culture and allow students to build relationships with overseas organisations and potential future employers while strengthening their skill set in their area of interest. Participation in such Programs must be approved by the Faculty of Sciences, Engineering & Technology prior to commencement of any activity associated with the Program. Upon successful completion of the Program, credit will be granted as either SCIENCE 2550 or SCIENCE 3550 dependent on the program selected.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8580": {"id": "PXzWHtkmO4IO74EMjPCJZ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "n7uhgj8QQiqlNtBWhtBNb", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16185, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "8581": {"id": "8QEJdEgOFV1Ixjf-sd-Vg", "course_id": "109931", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109931", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "International Experience III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SCIENCE", "CATALOG_NBR": "3550", "CLASS_NBR": 95114, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students are encouraged to include an overseas experience in their Sciences program of study where possible. This course allows students to gain credit for an overseas study opportunity that is of interest to them, and which compliments their program of study and future goals. These study opportunities may be offered by, but are not limited to, the University\u2019s Preferred Third Party Providers (examples include AIM Overseas, CIS Australia, ACICS and Project Everest). Such Third Party Provider Programs provide students with an opportunity to gain hands on practical experience while immersing themselves in a new culture and allow students to build relationships with overseas organisations and potential future employers while strengthening their skill set in their area of interest. Participation in such Programs must be approved by the Faculty of Sciences, Engineering & Technology prior to commencement of any activity associated with the Program. Upon successful completion of the Program, credit will be granted as either SCIENCE 2550 or SCIENCE 3550 dependent on the program selected.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 24/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 28/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 11/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 17/07/2024"}}]}, "8582": {"id": "8QEJdEgOFV1Ixjf-sd-Vg", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "4vbYNqWN8xQ73ldSUrFl7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95114, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "8583": {"id": "jv08X1gbTlmhHJi69AI88", "course_id": "109931", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109931", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "International Experience III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SCIENCE", "CATALOG_NBR": "3550", "CLASS_NBR": 26195, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students are encouraged to include an overseas experience in their Sciences program of study where possible. This course allows students to gain credit for an overseas study opportunity that is of interest to them, and which compliments their program of study and future goals. These study opportunities may be offered by, but are not limited to, the University\u2019s Preferred Third Party Providers (examples include AIM Overseas, CIS Australia, ACICS and Project Everest). Such Third Party Provider Programs provide students with an opportunity to gain hands on practical experience while immersing themselves in a new culture and allow students to build relationships with overseas organisations and potential future employers while strengthening their skill set in their area of interest. Participation in such Programs must be approved by the Faculty of Sciences, Engineering & Technology prior to commencement of any activity associated with the Program. Upon successful completion of the Program, credit will be granted as either SCIENCE 2550 or SCIENCE 3550 dependent on the program selected.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8584": {"id": "jv08X1gbTlmhHJi69AI88", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "2IcDsrsqimPLI9QbV9Puk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26195, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 2, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "8585": {"id": "5w3LrsGvsTkBiQMbb_QvC", "course_id": "108772", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108772", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Science Research Project", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SCIENCE", "CATALOG_NBR": "3600", "CLASS_NBR": 16080, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "By supervision, up to 12 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Not available to University of Adelaide students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Students must secure a project and supervisor.", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "May include (but not be limited to) literature reviews, seminars, written assignments and final examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "An individual project/case study which exhibits original investigation, analysis and interpretation, and results in the production of a well-written, well-presented report. The project may comprise a major literature review, research project or some other approved study", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8586": {"id": "5w3LrsGvsTkBiQMbb_QvC", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "qyTtw4i--_MTYCmDI6U9g", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16080, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 1, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "8587": {"id": "xnbdXNJcp362fauxKfIFh", "course_id": "108772", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108772", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Science Research Project", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SCIENCE", "CATALOG_NBR": "3600", "CLASS_NBR": 26080, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "By supervision, up to 12 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Not available to University of Adelaide students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Students must secure a project and supervisor.", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "May include (but not be limited to) literature reviews, seminars, written assignments and final examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "An individual project/case study which exhibits original investigation, analysis and interpretation, and results in the production of a well-written, well-presented report. The project may comprise a major literature review, research project or some other approved study", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8588": {"id": "xnbdXNJcp362fauxKfIFh", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "-J1pq3cSzkgPVkzmFLew2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26080, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "8589": {"id": "Prk-L4rJC3YUD1nYY7Rri", "course_id": "109179", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109179", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Science Research Project B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SCIENCE", "CATALOG_NBR": "3610", "CLASS_NBR": 16126, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "By supervision, up to 12 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Not available to University of Adelaide students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Students must secure a project and supervisor.", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "May include (but not limited to) literature reviews, seminars, written assignments and final examination.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "An individual project/case study which exhibits original investigation, analysis and interpretation and results in the production of a well-written, well-presented report. The project may comprise a major literature review, research project or some other approved study.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8590": {"id": "Prk-L4rJC3YUD1nYY7Rri", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "Imeinvfg9DydNFKBZvECL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16126, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "8591": {"id": "t7CMyKfm0UHynDRJ0mBpV", "course_id": "109179", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109179", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Science Research Project B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SCIENCE", "CATALOG_NBR": "3610", "CLASS_NBR": 26127, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "By supervision, up to 12 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Not available to University of Adelaide students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Students must secure a project and supervisor.", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "May include (but not limited to) literature reviews, seminars, written assignments and final examination.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "An individual project/case study which exhibits original investigation, analysis and interpretation and results in the production of a well-written, well-presented report. The project may comprise a major literature review, research project or some other approved study.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8592": {"id": "t7CMyKfm0UHynDRJ0mBpV", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "0OmJFBYMkl_2Vdig6wai9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26127, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "8593": {"id": "b6Xn43QgPtDrDgIYy5Qhv", "course_id": "108621", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108621", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Science (Hons) (Part A)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SCIENCE", "CATALOG_NBR": "4010A", "CLASS_NBR": 16052, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Mixed mode - flexible and/or intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "SCIENCE 4005", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments and/or examinations", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This modular course covers a range of advanced topics in a chosen discipline of science, the methods of presentation and assessment of which vary according to module. This will provide advanced knowledge and skills for professional or highly skilled work and/or further learning.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "8594": {"id": "b6Xn43QgPtDrDgIYy5Qhv", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "tAXTYcAeIZ7Gmt4N77KLg", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16052, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop"}]}]}]}, "8595": {"id": "y7stj83-tlNIHsXAoqdAr", "course_id": "109327", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109327", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Science (Hons) (Part B)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SCIENCE", "CATALOG_NBR": "4010B", "CLASS_NBR": 26128, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Mixed mode - flexible and/or intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "SCIENCE 4010A in previous Semester", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "SCIENCE 4005", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments and/or examinations", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This modular course covers a range of advanced topics in a chosen discipline of science, the methods of presentation and assessment of which vary according to module. This will provide advanced knowledge and skills for professional or highly skilled work and/or further learning.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8596": {"id": "y7stj83-tlNIHsXAoqdAr", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "11fzd3LHBL3uHck1q5Iq4", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26128, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop"}]}]}]}, "8597": {"id": "JGPRmNeJAw5rhx9cFlqGP", "course_id": "108932", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108932", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Communicating Science", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SCIENCE", "CATALOG_NBR": "4020", "CLASS_NBR": 95019, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per day", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Honours students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Successful completion of 48 units of an undergraduate degree program", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "SCIENCE 2500, SCIENCE 3200, SCIENCE 7020", "ASSESSMENT": "Blog posts, oral presentations, written assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Communicating Science equips students with the essential skills and knowledge to effectively communicate scientific concepts to diverse audiences. This course is designed for students who are passionate about bridging the gap between science and society through effective communication and welcomes students from various disciplines, including sciences, humanities, and social sciences.\n\nUpon successfully completing Communicating Science, students will be equipped with the skills, knowledge, and attitudes necessary to excel in science communication roles and contribute to fostering public understanding of science. Students will be prepared for diverse career opportunities in science journalism, public relations, science advocacy, science policy, museum curation, and other related fields. \n\nStudents will hone their written communication abilities by producing compelling content suitable for diverse publications, including blogs, press releases, and feature articles. They will also refine their oral communication skills, through delivering captivating speeches and learning how to distill complex ideas into concise soundbites. Off-campus excursions to science exhibitions will provide students with firsthand experiences in science communication outside written and oral forms. Students will observe and analyse different communication strategies employed in these settings, enhancing their understanding of engaging diverse audiences and making complex scientific concepts accessible and relevant. By successfully completing these assessments, students will demonstrate their ability to communicate science effectively, responsibly, and ethically.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 24/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 28/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 11/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 17/07/2024"}}]}, "8598": {"id": "JGPRmNeJAw5rhx9cFlqGP", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "kZUPHmSiaKVXcJOtF8oPS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95019, "section": "WR01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 3, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Jul - 5 Jul", "days": "Monday, , Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Jul - 5 Jul", "days": "Monday, , Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Jul - 3 Jul", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Jul - 2 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Jul - 3 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Jul - 12 Jul", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Jul - 10 Jul", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Jul - 11 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Jul - 17 Jul", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Physics, 103, Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "8599": {"id": "gDfFyaP9VQWApjZjQHj8_", "course_id": "109457", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109457", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Professional Communication", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SCIENCE", "CATALOG_NBR": "4025", "CLASS_NBR": 15408, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Approximately 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Individual and group written and oral assessments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "A key aspect of communicating well is to present logical arguments and communicate them clearly with a variety of audiences. In this course students enrolled in an honours program will enhance their skills to understand and evaluate arguments and apply these skills in professional communication contexts in both oral and written formats. Group and organisational communication will be considered as will reporting guidelines and the preparation of ethics application. Aboriginal cultural sensitivity and awareness, communication and education practices will also be addressed, allowing students to have an appreciation of different perspectives and ways of knowing.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8600": {"id": "gDfFyaP9VQWApjZjQHj8_", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "acjnLL-axLromLY7lmmMW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15408, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 15, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Feb - 19 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Roseworthy College Hall, G3, School Council Room"}, {"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Callaghan, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Callaghan, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Callaghan, G03, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8601": {"id": "3zMsDufRHl1cDHBrkqy6g", "course_id": "108623", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108623", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Science Project (Part A)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SCIENCE", "CATALOG_NBR": "4100A", "CLASS_NBR": 16053, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Thesis, seminar and oral examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students will undertake a research project under the supervision of an academic that is focussed on science communication, science education, understanding of science in the community, or some other aspect of science that impacts on society. The project work will provide advanced knowledge and skills for professional or highly skilled work and/or further learning.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "8602": {"id": "3zMsDufRHl1cDHBrkqy6g", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "JubwxRmbiitawZDkVWZ4a", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16053, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "8603": {"id": "RzR_IdAwgRJZwuI5sdYcL", "course_id": "108624", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108624", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Science Project (Part B)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SCIENCE", "CATALOG_NBR": "4100B", "CLASS_NBR": 26054, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Thesis, seminar and oral examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students will undertake a research project under the supervision of an academic that is focussed on science communication, science education, understanding of science in the community, or some other aspect of science that impacts on society. 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Off-campus excursions to science exhibitions will provide students with firsthand experiences in science communication outside written and oral forms. Students will observe and analyse different communication strategies employed in these settings, enhancing their understanding of engaging diverse audiences and making complex scientific concepts accessible and relevant. By successfully completing these assessments, students will demonstrate their ability to communicate science effectively, responsibly, and ethically.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 24/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 28/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 11/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 17/07/2024"}}]}, "8634": {"id": "eFp82QSjZ2dBzJyVNIcHU", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "3UUW8Nv214ztODbejlBES", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95005, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Jul - 5 Jul", "days": "Monday, , Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Jul - 5 Jul", "days": "Monday, , Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1063, Teaching Room"}, 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"DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is for inbound Nicolas Baudin Research students who will be completing research at the University of Adelaide", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8636": {"id": "VUdl5FyBd7iS6Rw-SvNcP", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "Z6n3XgAKFJBSHqmCvk5kF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16226, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement"}]}]}]}, "8637": {"id": "-XXwz90t6bDW2dtC-CpDF", "course_id": "110382", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110382", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Nicolas Baudin Research", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SCIENCE", "CATALOG_NBR": "7100", "CLASS_NBR": 26237, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019900", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is for inbound Nicolas Baudin Research students who will be completing research at the University of Adelaide", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8638": {"id": "-XXwz90t6bDW2dtC-CpDF", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "pAIY7oo2oBB5eE_dxWPVY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26237, "section": "01NT", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement"}]}]}]}, "8639": {"id": "A257HhJE6h04psGXP7j-p", "course_id": "108638", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108638", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Project (Science Without Borders) A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SCIENCE", "CATALOG_NBR": "7500", "CLASS_NBR": 16057, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "By Supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Science Without Borders Students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides a semester length research project for International students undertaking a visiting sandwich Ph.D (Science Without Borders).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8640": {"id": "A257HhJE6h04psGXP7j-p", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "J9bfzBu3Jrfew1Jp-ceuR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16057, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "8641": {"id": "57YUkaMYJXAEXcEFfoSeh", "course_id": "108638", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108638", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Project (Science Without Borders) A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SCIENCE", "CATALOG_NBR": "7500", "CLASS_NBR": 26057, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "By Supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Science Without Borders Students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides a semester length research project for International students undertaking a visiting sandwich Ph.D (Science Without Borders).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8642": {"id": "57YUkaMYJXAEXcEFfoSeh", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "0RBqDmaE6HATCzBhFBEFC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26057, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "8643": {"id": "hVHqcN_apryHqFhGkul31", "course_id": "108639", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108639", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Project (Science Without Borders) B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SCIENCE", "CATALOG_NBR": "7510", "CLASS_NBR": 16058, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "By Supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Science Without Borders Students Only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides a semester length research project for International students undertaking a visiting sandwich Ph.D (Science Without Borders).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8644": {"id": "hVHqcN_apryHqFhGkul31", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "JLB_ajzSx7TDJ9fAVwXGR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16058, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "8645": {"id": "so33c4BcNdMF7iZAIqazy", "course_id": "108639", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108639", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Research Project (Science Without Borders) B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SCIENCE", "CATALOG_NBR": "7510", "CLASS_NBR": 26058, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "By Supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Science Without Borders Students Only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides a semester length research project for International students undertaking a visiting sandwich Ph.D (Science Without Borders).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8646": {"id": "so33c4BcNdMF7iZAIqazy", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "JbSHc0x9VgbwPDQ7KNQ9_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26058, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "8647": {"id": "TP9OlFF8dPNkCtClmPNg2", "course_id": "109167", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109167", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Science International Study Tour (PG)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SCIENCE", "CATALOG_NBR": "7550", "CLASS_NBR": 92198, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 52 hours structured learning activities per week for 3 weeks", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Students are required to have completed at least 12 units of study", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Entry into the course is based on GPA, written application and interview", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Pre-departure assessment, professional experience assessment task (reflective diary, field book or equivalent and post experience reflection task)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course consists of an intensive overseas study tour introducing science students to international culture and society and providing an opportunity to visit an overseas partner institution, participate in academic seminars and/or cultural activities. \nThe course is designed to develop students' skills in observation, reflection, induction, and deduction on discipline-specific issues in an international context, develop graduates' knowledge of international affairs, and gain confidence to work in one of a range of international environments. \nThe focus of the student's intellectual attention will be her/his participation in a group activity influencing a scientific-related system and conducted outside of Australia. Students will learn to analyse intercultural experience critically and to develop their ability to communicate and empathise in an international context.\nAs some of the tours are sponsored by specific industry bodies, they may want to be involved in the selection of students. In general, selection will be based on academic record, demonstrated ability to work well in groups and may include involvement in extracurricular activities and alignment to career aspirations.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 09/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "8648": {"id": "TP9OlFF8dPNkCtClmPNg2", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "p-iW96ekPa9w5hduUpOwl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92198, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "8649": {"id": "35r1jG5kFLSTd8Nxv69nl", "course_id": "109167", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109167", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Science International Study Tour (PG)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SCIENCE", "CATALOG_NBR": "7550", "CLASS_NBR": 16115, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 52 hours structured learning activities per week for 3 weeks", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Students are required to have completed at least 12 units of study", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Entry into the course is based on GPA, written application and interview", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Pre-departure assessment, professional experience assessment task (reflective diary, field book or equivalent and post experience reflection task)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course consists of an intensive overseas study tour introducing science students to international culture and society and providing an opportunity to visit an overseas partner institution, participate in academic seminars and/or cultural activities. \nThe course is designed to develop students' skills in observation, reflection, induction, and deduction on discipline-specific issues in an international context, develop graduates' knowledge of international affairs, and gain confidence to work in one of a range of international environments. \nThe focus of the student's intellectual attention will be her/his participation in a group activity influencing a scientific-related system and conducted outside of Australia. Students will learn to analyse intercultural experience critically and to develop their ability to communicate and empathise in an international context.\nAs some of the tours are sponsored by specific industry bodies, they may want to be involved in the selection of students. In general, selection will be based on academic record, demonstrated ability to work well in groups and may include involvement in extracurricular activities and alignment to career aspirations.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8650": {"id": "35r1jG5kFLSTd8Nxv69nl", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "eFJpiQ82HwrK3JDUSzwiX", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16115, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "8651": {"id": "gFFZRH3k8uQWPmGfF8ox5", "course_id": "109167", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109167", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Science International Study Tour (PG)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SCIENCE", "CATALOG_NBR": "7550", "CLASS_NBR": 95111, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 52 hours structured learning activities per week for 3 weeks", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Students are required to have completed at least 12 units of study", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Entry into the course is based on GPA, written application and interview", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Pre-departure assessment, professional experience assessment task (reflective diary, field book or equivalent and post experience reflection task)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course consists of an intensive overseas study tour introducing science students to international culture and society and providing an opportunity to visit an overseas partner institution, participate in academic seminars and/or cultural activities. \nThe course is designed to develop students' skills in observation, reflection, induction, and deduction on discipline-specific issues in an international context, develop graduates' knowledge of international affairs, and gain confidence to work in one of a range of international environments. \nThe focus of the student's intellectual attention will be her/his participation in a group activity influencing a scientific-related system and conducted outside of Australia. Students will learn to analyse intercultural experience critically and to develop their ability to communicate and empathise in an international context.\nAs some of the tours are sponsored by specific industry bodies, they may want to be involved in the selection of students. In general, selection will be based on academic record, demonstrated ability to work well in groups and may include involvement in extracurricular activities and alignment to career aspirations.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 24/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 28/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 11/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 17/07/2024"}}]}, "8652": {"id": "gFFZRH3k8uQWPmGfF8ox5", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "jL_NMDiDbDIRXzxHCBreX", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95111, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "8653": {"id": "CCUvnofWPl79M14RGxH1X", "course_id": "109167", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109167", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Science International Study Tour (PG)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SCIENCE", "CATALOG_NBR": "7550", "CLASS_NBR": 26116, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 52 hours structured learning activities per week for 3 weeks", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Students are required to have completed at least 12 units of study", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Entry into the course is based on GPA, written application and interview", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Pre-departure assessment, professional experience assessment task (reflective diary, field book or equivalent and post experience reflection task)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course consists of an intensive overseas study tour introducing science students to international culture and society and providing an opportunity to visit an overseas partner institution, participate in academic seminars and/or cultural activities. \nThe course is designed to develop students' skills in observation, reflection, induction, and deduction on discipline-specific issues in an international context, develop graduates' knowledge of international affairs, and gain confidence to work in one of a range of international environments. \nThe focus of the student's intellectual attention will be her/his participation in a group activity influencing a scientific-related system and conducted outside of Australia. Students will learn to analyse intercultural experience critically and to develop their ability to communicate and empathise in an international context.\nAs some of the tours are sponsored by specific industry bodies, they may want to be involved in the selection of students. In general, selection will be based on academic record, demonstrated ability to work well in groups and may include involvement in extracurricular activities and alignment to career aspirations.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8654": {"id": "CCUvnofWPl79M14RGxH1X", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "OnCfRsC1MQtjCJDvZLdG1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26116, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 1, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "8655": {"id": "J8TdNhZXindiQ5ar1c95h", "course_id": "109167", "term": "4448", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109167", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4448", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "Science International Study Tour (PG)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SCIENCE", "CATALOG_NBR": "7550", "CLASS_NBR": 46071, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 52 hours structured learning activities per week for 3 weeks", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Students are required to have completed at least 12 units of study", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Entry into the course is based on GPA, written application and interview", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Pre-departure assessment, professional experience assessment task (reflective diary, field book or equivalent and post experience reflection task)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course consists of an intensive overseas study tour introducing science students to international culture and society and providing an opportunity to visit an overseas partner institution, participate in academic seminars and/or cultural activities. \nThe course is designed to develop students' skills in observation, reflection, induction, and deduction on discipline-specific issues in an international context, develop graduates' knowledge of international affairs, and gain confidence to work in one of a range of international environments. \nThe focus of the student's intellectual attention will be her/his participation in a group activity influencing a scientific-related system and conducted outside of Australia. Students will learn to analyse intercultural experience critically and to develop their ability to communicate and empathise in an international context.\nAs some of the tours are sponsored by specific industry bodies, they may want to be involved in the selection of students. In general, selection will be based on academic record, demonstrated ability to work well in groups and may include involvement in extracurricular activities and alignment to career aspirations.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 14/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 14/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 19/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 11/12/2024"}}]}, "8656": {"id": "J8TdNhZXindiQ5ar1c95h", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "9voWYpkzSSbjLw-HBl2is", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46071, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "8657": {"id": "8s1PFCHTQHv9M0gAW6F9h", "course_id": "105110", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105110", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGRS", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Research", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "The Faculty of Sciences OH&S Induction HDR", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SCIENCE", "CATALOG_NBR": "8001", "CLASS_NBR": 15740, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Unpublished Course - Contact Not Available", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "", "QUOTA_TXT": "quota NA", "RESTRICTION": "", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Unpublished Course - No eligibility Req", "PRE_REQUISITE": "prereq NA", "CO_REQUISITE": "coreq NA", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "assume NA", "INCOMPATIBLE": "restriction NA", "ASSESSMENT": "Unpublished Course - NA", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "biennial NA", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "", "SYLLABUS": "", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "", "CENSUS_DT": "Sun 31/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8658": {"id": "8s1PFCHTQHv9M0gAW6F9h", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "M2NpKaZNusjEN3x5iJ_Z_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15740, "section": "TRF", "size": 900, "enrolled": 0, "available": 900, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}, {"class_nbr": 15741, "section": "THE", "size": 900, "enrolled": 0, "available": 900, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "8659": {"id": "UI2ezwax6F50iX9CPan3d", "course_id": "105110", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105110", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGRS", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Research", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "The Faculty of Sciences OH&S Induction HDR", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SCIENCE", "CATALOG_NBR": "8001", "CLASS_NBR": 25754, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Unpublished Course - Contact Not Available", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "", "QUOTA_TXT": "quota NA", "RESTRICTION": "", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Unpublished Course - No eligibility Req", "PRE_REQUISITE": "prereq NA", "CO_REQUISITE": "coreq NA", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "assume NA", "INCOMPATIBLE": "restriction NA", "ASSESSMENT": "Unpublished Course - NA", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "biennial NA", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "", "SYLLABUS": "", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "", "CENSUS_DT": "Sat 31/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8660": {"id": "UI2ezwax6F50iX9CPan3d", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "IMnjCWlYNCm7csoYkf4AW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25754, "section": "TRF", "size": 900, "enrolled": 0, "available": 900, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}, {"class_nbr": 25755, "section": "THE", "size": 900, "enrolled": 0, "available": 900, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "8661": {"subject": "SOCI", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "108158", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108158", "term": "4410", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "109194", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108159", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108817", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110053", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110054", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110060", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "8662": {"id": "tVtf5cc1C_2fsCH1TYB0C", "course_id": "108158", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108158", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Sociology", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SOCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "1003", "CLASS_NBR": 10244, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "GWSI 1001, GWSI 1001EX, GSSA 1001, GSSA 1001EX", "ASSESSMENT": "Quiz x 2, Written assignment, Tutorial participation, leading a tutorial", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This introductory course provides students with the skills to analyse society from a sociological perspective. It examines a number of pressing social problems within contemporary Australian society and offers a comprehensive introduction to the discipline of sociology and its foundational theories. It aims to provide students with the skills to understand examine and explain broad social trends and their impact on the individual. Key sociological concepts covered include class/socioeconomic status, gender, youth, ethnicity, family, work, consumption and location.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8663": {"id": "tVtf5cc1C_2fsCH1TYB0C", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "LWrP1fNDnw615oTydzqLu", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18649, "section": "LEC0", "size": 280, "enrolled": 155, "available": 125, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "gUYJxxeNDNxR9q8bqEbxn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10244, "section": "TU08", "size": 30, "enrolled": 20, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Nth, N218, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10246, "section": "TU06", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10247, "section": "TU05", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10248, "section": "TU04", "size": 30, "enrolled": 24, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10249, "section": "TU03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10250, "section": "TU02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 25, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB40, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8664": {"id": "Pf_-StGmqUyg_9QuxwdGb", "course_id": "108158", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108158", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Sociology", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SOCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "1003OL", "CLASS_NBR": 15946, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Online", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "GWSI 1001, GWSI 1001EX, GSSA 1001, GSSA 1001EX", "ASSESSMENT": "Quiz x 2, Written assignment, Tutorial participation, Tutorial discussion board", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This introductory course provides students with the skills to analyse society from a sociological perspective. It examines a number of pressing social problems within contemporary Australian society and offers a comprehensive introduction to the discipline of sociology and its foundational theories. It aims to provide students with the skills to understand examine and explain broad social trends and their impact on the individual. Key sociological concepts covered include class/socioeconomic status, gender, youth, ethnicity, family, work, consumption and location.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8665": {"id": "Pf_-StGmqUyg_9QuxwdGb", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "IvNwm910g7HkmDoh57Js6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15946, "section": "01OL", "size": 50, "enrolled": 40, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "8666": {"id": "XsgkZUOpN9sdiIXeaSt45", "course_id": "109194", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109194", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Social Problems", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SOCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "1004", "CLASS_NBR": 20245, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online Test, periodic quizzes, Lecture and reading notes exercise, 1500 word essay", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Issues such as poverty, unemployment, poor health, crime, drug addiction, homelessness, illiteracy and dysfunctional families are all labelled as 'social problems'. Consequently through public policy the state seeks solutions to reduce the negative impacts of these and similar harms. In this course you will explore the ways in which such social problems become defined. This includes an exploration of the different worldviews and theoretical perspectives that shape how we see social problems and the effects of different ways of defining social problems across time and cultures. Through learning to analyse how issues are problematized, you will gain insights into the social framing of contemporary policy initiatives. Key to this course is the focus on a range of social problems and the use of sociological theory to understand the social-economic processes surrounding the construction of issues as social problems and attempts by policymakers to address them.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8667": {"id": "XsgkZUOpN9sdiIXeaSt45", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "I094ou1m9j38tMx-rHov9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28584, "section": "LEC0", "size": 300, "enrolled": 199, "available": 101, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "HEBpIfwPm5Qvo9pLAH2cK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20245, "section": "SE10", "size": 30, "enrolled": 26, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20246, "section": "SE09", "size": 35, "enrolled": 32, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20247, "section": "SE08", "size": 30, "enrolled": 27, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20251, "section": "SE04", "size": 30, "enrolled": 27, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 112, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20252, "section": "SE03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20253, "section": "SE02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hartley, 108a, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20254, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 214, Piper Alderman Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8668": {"id": "mFmZ75vbN_hsHKr2_X_bS", "course_id": "108159", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108159", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Social Theory in Action", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SOCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "2009", "CLASS_NBR": 18714, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 12 units of Level I undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "GSSA 2020", "ASSESSMENT": "Essay x 2, Group Assignment, Take home exam.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces students to the ways that social scientists explain (theorise) the social world. We use a range of contemporary critical social theories to understand and explain current local and global issues (for example, the power of big tech companies and their new form of surveillance capitalism, ongoing effects of patriarchy and gender-based inequalities, taste and consumption and class-inequalities, the changing nature of personal life). The teaching approach uses fieldtrips, interactive activities and aspects of contemporary culture to ground theoretical concepts in everyday life. This course attracts students from different disciplinary backgrounds and builds knowledge, skill development and professional practice.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8669": {"id": "mFmZ75vbN_hsHKr2_X_bS", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "pOi1BsOZcCvCk4PKystYO", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18714, "section": "SE01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 69, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2032, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8670": {"id": "ruYjh7Yx_7Z4Zdy3Y7_Gs", "course_id": "108817", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108817", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Social Research", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SOCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "2012", "CLASS_NBR": 29473, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 12 units of Level I undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "GWSI 2015, GWSI 2110, GWSI 3015, GSSA 2110", "ASSESSMENT": "Mid-term exam (15%), Assignment 1 (10%), Assignment 2 (15%), Assignment 3 (30%), Final exam (30%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Which youth crime prevention programs work? Is job market situation for university graduates in Australia improving or worsening? Why do some international students succeed in Australian universities, while others experience great difficulties? Are local media in Adelaide focusing more on the street crime than on the corporate crime? What is currently known about factors that lead to a happy and lasting intimate relationship? \nThis course will introduce you to the ways in which social researchers seek to answer such questions. You will learn how to formulate feasible research questions. You will be introduced to a variety of research methods that can be used to answer such questions. The course will demonstrate that each method has its strengths and weaknesses and that the best research is usually produced by a combination of methods. \nThe course will give you the basic tools to be an informed and critical user of social science research. You will learn how find the most up-to-date and highest quality studies on the topic of your interest. You will also apply the methodological reasoning acquired in the course to review the current research literature on a topic of your own interest. Finally, you will learn how to write well-structured analytical papers.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8671": {"id": "ruYjh7Yx_7Z4Zdy3Y7_Gs", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "dGcZsamgeMnHiXXoz7rRS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28586, "section": "LEC0", "size": 200, "enrolled": 157, "available": 43, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "7YgruKgzjRjjPsv3PBrld", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22975, "section": "TU04", "size": 50, "enrolled": 39, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22976, "section": "TU03", "size": 50, "enrolled": 47, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 28529, "section": "TU05", "size": 50, "enrolled": 44, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29473, "section": "TU06", "size": 30, "enrolled": 27, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "8672": {"id": "iMVExPZAeTFcWcq-kYy_Q", "course_id": "110053", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110053", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Qualitative Research Methods in Social Sciences", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SOCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "3014", "CLASS_NBR": 12941, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least 6 units of Level II undergraduate study", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Broad understanding of Social Research Methods", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Weekly reading-based quizzes (15%), Observational fieldwork report, 1500 words (25%), Participation (leading, facilitating and promoting seminar discussion) (10%), Major essay, 3000 words (50%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of this course is to develop students\u2019 understanding of the various traditions, methodologies and methods that inform qualitative research. Qualitative research helps social researchers access deep aspects of lived experience and can help us address some of the elusive \u2018why?\u2019 questions of social life. Qualitative research helps us appreciate the complexity and richness of social life, which is typically inaccessible to large scale social surveys. Students will encounter a wide range of qualitative research methods and perspectives, for example, feminist perspectives, symbolic interactionism, ethnography, discourse analysis, qualitative interviews, participatory action research. Students will have the opportunity to test out some of these methods and will also develop skills in question development and linking research methods to questions in a manner that facilitates robust research practice.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8673": {"id": "iMVExPZAeTFcWcq-kYy_Q", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "s36dviUfaDGwiBgcWFFtP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18651, "section": "LEC0", "size": 150, "enrolled": 138, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "RCAf0dsFmaYw4UeZWRQ0L", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12941, "section": "SE04", "size": 40, "enrolled": 40, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13056, "section": "SE02", "size": 34, "enrolled": 27, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13057, "section": "SE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 37, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13058, "section": "SE03", "size": 40, "enrolled": 34, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8674": {"id": "eceCHtTBBVYbK1UgBTXYL", "course_id": "110054", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110054", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Quantitative Research Methods in Social Sciences", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SOCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "3015", "CLASS_NBR": 14364, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "SOCI 2012 or PSYCHOL 1004 or PSYCHOL 2004", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "GEOG 1005, GEOG 2132, CRIM 3004, SOCI 3016", "ASSESSMENT": "Mid term exam, 2 x Assignments (dependent on stream), Final Exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "How do you find and interpret the latest intended voting behaviour? What factors influence Australians' trust in public institutions and democracy? How does where you live affect a sense of life satisfaction? Does sexual orientation affect civic and political participation? How do you decipher the \u201cResults\u201d and \u201cDiscussion\u201d sections of journal articles or government reports? How do you design a simple survey questionnaire that could tell you things that the existing data cannot? \nThis course will teach you to use the tools of quantitative research methods to answer these and other questions. The focus will be on the logic of quantitative reasoning and its application to practical problems in sociological research. Please note that mathematical proofs, complex calculations, abstract probability theory, and the like will not be discussed. \nWe will focus on survey research and statistical techniques to analyse data collected in surveys. We will also spend time looking at other sources of quantitative data, including data compiled by various Australian government agencies. By the end of the course, you will be able to read, understand, and critically evaluate several types of quantitative data presented in research reports, books and journal articles.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8675": {"id": "eceCHtTBBVYbK1UgBTXYL", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "-N2CTXZh88zKsmWAQPZPV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18652, "section": "LEC0", "size": 120, "enrolled": 95, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "AlF04jQX9Vg9h7mA0h2Fm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14364, "section": "SE05", "size": 40, "enrolled": 40, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, 107, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 23 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Napier, 107, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14365, "section": "SE04", "size": 35, "enrolled": 28, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Napier, 107, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Napier, 107, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14366, "section": "SE03", "size": 35, "enrolled": 27, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Napier, 107, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 23 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Napier, 107, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "8676": {"id": "ze188nwoObsCSl1f3KBSb", "course_id": "110060", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110060", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Sociological Research Project", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SOCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "3017", "CLASS_NBR": 21946, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090301", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "SOCI 2012 and the completion of at least 9 units in SOCI coded courses", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Broad understanding of Social Research Methods", "INCOMPATIBLE": "GWSI 3017, GSSA 3017, GSSA 3018", "ASSESSMENT": "Mid-term test, Concept Proposal, Research Proposal Application.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of Sociological Research Project is to apply students' knowledge and understanding of sociological research, how and why it is done, and to expose students to different theoretical perspectives and methodologies employed by researchers in the conduct of social research. Students will undertake key aspects of a research project from initial design to write-up, including: formulating a research question, designing methods to be used to obtain data, engaging with ethical issues, undertaking pilot fieldwork, and preparing a research application.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8677": {"id": "ze188nwoObsCSl1f3KBSb", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "6ub58KUneICe7UVrDk9J7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28624, "section": "LEC0", "size": 40, "enrolled": 34, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "This lecture is pre-recorded and can be viewed any time after publication in MyUni. Please refer to MyUni for details once enrolled."}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "8p8rvYiku0RI7o7OzBo_y", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21946, "section": "SE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 34, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hughes, 323, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8678": {"subject": "SOCSCI", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "111568", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111569", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111571", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "8679": {"id": "DNli3ajmpacA62EwonVr-", "course_id": "111568", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111568", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Social Science Research Methods", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SOCSCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "4001", "CLASS_NBR": 18832, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Completed degree (72 Units) including 12 Units of courses in relevant discipline area", "CO_REQUISITE": "SOCSCI 4002", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ANTH 4009, ASIA 4002, CRIM 4002, DEVT 4005, GEND 4101, GEOG 4002, GSSA 4002, SOCI 4002", "ASSESSMENT": "Research Proposal 100%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to equip students with a broad overview of the suite of methods operationalised by social sciences disciplines, to (a) enable each student to compare their own disciplinary approaches with those of others, in order to know anew their own disciplinary specificity; (b) to enable students to articulate why some methods are better equipped to prosecute particular disciplinary questions, and to modify methods issuing from other disciplines to make them fit for specific disciplinary purpose; (c) to equip students to choose appropriate methods for the prosecution of their particular Honours project. The course is thus methodological in that it produces a knowledge of methods, which sits behind decisions the students take with their supervisor as to particular methods.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8680": {"id": "DNli3ajmpacA62EwonVr-", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "QzmEV1iJRSbWY61WHtQQS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18832, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 19, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3:30pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3:30pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "8681": {"id": "2NQHDXCvEQLxOYsbJHI6E", "course_id": "111569", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111569", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Social Sciences Theory", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SOCSCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "4002", "CLASS_NBR": 18833, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ANTH 4001, ANTH 4002, ANTH 4008, ASIA 4001, ASIA 4002, CRIM 4001, DEVT 4006, GEND 4100, GEOG 4001, GSSA 4001, POLIS 4100, POLIS 4101, SOCI 4001", "ASSESSMENT": "Critical Bibliography 75%, Thesis Presentation 25%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to provide students with the chance to encounter a broad range of theoretical and conceptual approaches used by the Social Sciences so that they can come to know the fundamental disciplinary paradigms within which they are working, appreciate the ways in which these differ from the foundational working assumptions of other disciplinary paradigms, and so they can come to know that, and how, various ideas, theories and concepts that have grown out of a specific discipline have been put to the productive service of other disciplines. The course is founded on the idea that students can come to know, concurrently, their own disciplinary homes better, and those of others, to emerge with both particular and broad knowledge of the suite of disciplinary approaches across the social sciences.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8682": {"id": "2NQHDXCvEQLxOYsbJHI6E", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "1FAQ2yhmNsrOvQo4dehkg", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18833, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 19, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3:30pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3:30pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "8683": {"id": "iBWleU2RaD1eqCYDRUCjZ", "course_id": "111571", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111571", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Social Science Thesis", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SOCSCI", "CATALOG_NBR": "4003", "CLASS_NBR": 28893, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours Program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Completed degree (72 Units) including 12 units of courses in relevant discipline areas", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Thesis 100%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is dedicated to the development and writing of the Honours thesis. It supports students to draw on and apply key theoretical and methodological learnings offered in the first semester of study in the Honours program to dedicatedly and methodically produce the thesis. Students are provided with a supportive context in which to, week by week, present, receive critical feedback on, and produce draft versions of chapter work. Thereafter, students produce the final versions of their chapters, produce orienting materials, such as the abstract, the table of contents, and attend to matters of crucial detail, such as the technically correct production of the bibliography, the error-free production of the substantive text, setting out of images, and the workshopping and selection of a thesis title. The student\u2019s supervisor serves as the main orienting authority in this work, ensuring that all these elements manifest well within disciplinary conventions and expectations.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8684": {"id": "iBWleU2RaD1eqCYDRUCjZ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "hdQe9sEAox931e5WG-Py6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28893, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 17, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "8685": {"subject": "SOIL&WAT", "courses": {"courses": []}}, "8686": {"subject": "SPAN", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "104115", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104115", "term": "4420", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "104116", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104116", "term": "4405", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "104817", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104818", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111268", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111269", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105373", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105374", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107239", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107240", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107241", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "8687": {"id": "1WH7Dpi8UpM3jBxe2_pTr", "course_id": "104115", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104115", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Beginners Spanish A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SPAN", "CATALOG_NBR": "1003", "CLASS_NBR": 14535, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "SPAN 1001, SPAN 1002, SPAN 1003OL", "ASSESSMENT": "8 x online quizzes 25%, Mid-Semester test 25%, Final test 40%, Tutorial participation 10%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of this course is to provide an introductory study in the vocabulary and structures of Spanish, and to develop a functional level of communicative proficiency in the language. The course seeks to develop all the basic language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Students will also be introduced to various aspects of the society and culture of Spain and other Spanish speaking countries in Latin America through audio and video extracts and short texts. The emphasis throughout will be on communicative skills both oral and written.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8688": {"id": "1WH7Dpi8UpM3jBxe2_pTr", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "CMcUCepddcQcCZXUwG-Zo", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12739, "section": "SE01", "size": 90, "enrolled": 69, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering Sth, S111, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "BcWsgxcSEdnc9C8Dj5ed6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14535, "section": "TU04", "size": 14, "enrolled": 11, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG07, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14536, "section": "TU02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 16, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14537, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 22, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Napier, 205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM218, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Napier, 205, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14750, "section": "TU03", "size": 20, "enrolled": 20, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8689": {"id": "yfHBj8Jb3gYchiS6lNUvH", "course_id": "104115", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104115", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Beginners Spanish A", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SPAN", "CATALOG_NBR": "1003OL", "CLASS_NBR": 24488, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week online at specified times", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "No previous language experience required", "INCOMPATIBLE": "SPAN 1001, SPAN 1002, SPAN 1003", "ASSESSMENT": "8 x online quizzes 25%, Mid-Semester test 25%, Final test 40%, Tutorial participation 10%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of this course is to provide an introductory study in the vocabulary and structures of Spanish, and to develop a functional level of communicative proficiency in the language. The course seeks to develop all the basic language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Students will also be introduced to various aspects of the society and culture of Spain and other Spanish speaking countries in Latin America through audio and video extracts and short texts. The emphasis throughout will be on communicative skills both oral and written.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8690": {"id": "yfHBj8Jb3gYchiS6lNUvH", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "WJR4PvsUf6AcvrXpZS7T3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22575, "section": "SE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 22, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "W90Xy4LVGCpqxNiparHUG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24488, "section": "TU02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 12, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24489, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 10, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "8691": {"id": "wmOJ6N30lBT3TMs7w0Imn", "course_id": "104116", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104116", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Beginners Spanish B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SPAN", "CATALOG_NBR": "1004", "CLASS_NBR": 24490, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "SPAN 1003", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "SPAN 1001, SPAN 1002", "ASSESSMENT": "8 x online tests 20%, Mid-Semester test 20%, Final test 30%, 600 word composition 20%, Tutorial participation 10%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of this course is to continue with the introductory study in the vocabulary and structures of Spanish, and to develop a functional level of communicative proficiency in the language. The course seeks to develop all the basic language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Students will also be introduced to various aspects of the society and culture of Spain and other Spanish speaking countries in Latin America through audio and video extracts and short texts. The emphasis throughout will be on communicative skills both oral and written.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8692": {"id": "wmOJ6N30lBT3TMs7w0Imn", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "Mrz5rpfdTv2PW56qpLUD9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22576, "section": "SE01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 39, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Nexus10, UB36, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "eQOS2OyPxvoCt59EfOWSX", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24490, "section": "TU03", "size": 20, "enrolled": 18, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG19, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG19, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24492, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 21, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG24, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8693": {"id": "o6ngtAliqAwn-qzbG-plI", "course_id": "104116", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104116", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Beginners Spanish B", "CAMPUS": "Online", "CAMPUS_CD": "OL", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SPAN", "CATALOG_NBR": "1004OL", "CLASS_NBR": 92151, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "SPAN 1003", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "SPAN 1001, SPAN 1002", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of this course is to continue with the introductory study in the vocabulary and structures of Spanish, and to develop a functional level of communicative proficiency in the language. The course seeks to develop all the basic language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Students will also be introduced to various aspects of the society and culture of Spain and other Spanish speaking countries in Latin America through audio and video extracts and short texts. The emphasis throughout will be on communicative skills both oral and written.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 09/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "8694": {"id": "o6ngtAliqAwn-qzbG-plI", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "0c1Ao3JJjA6MJSCP3dntq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92148, "section": "SE01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 5, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Jan - 12 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "3ilGZujfeEzjaixjyEErJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92151, "section": "TU01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 5, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Jan - 13 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11:30am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "10 Jan - 14 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11:30am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "11 Jan - 15 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}]}]}, "8695": {"id": "ynpAvUZIpkcQZJUXA8bhV", "course_id": "104817", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104817", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Intermediate Spanish A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SPAN", "CATALOG_NBR": "2101", "CLASS_NBR": 14529, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "SPAN 1004", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "SPAN 2001. Students who have taken and passed an Intermediate Level Spanish course at other Universities are not permitted to enrol", "ASSESSMENT": "Class participation 10%, 2 x Semester tests 40%, Oral presentation 20%, Composition 30%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course builds on the skills that students mastered in the introductory Spanish courses (SPAN 1003 and SPAN 1004). The emphasis of this course will be on the further development of the four basic language skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing. Different from early courses, in this course the teaching staff will tackle some of the finer points of the Spanish grammar and will emphasise writing practices at academic level. Lectures and tutorials will be conducted in Spanish and students will be expected to actively contribute to discussions and exercises in the Spanish language.\n\nApproximately 20% of teaching time will be dedicated to the introduction and discussion of specific aspects of the cultures of the Hispanic World, through different types of media including music recordings, video clips, movies and short stories produced both in Spain and Latin America.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8696": {"id": "ynpAvUZIpkcQZJUXA8bhV", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "3o9qPd3vsuCEwg_sdJ02z", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12740, "section": "SE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 26, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Benham, G25, Peter Martin Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "NbPbT_4FoWdxjf4FisiBT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14529, "section": "TU02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 12, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14530, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 14, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "The Braggs, 425, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "The Braggs, 425, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8697": {"id": "Rr8J3Twa1vqbPNaaeXLlz", "course_id": "104818", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104818", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Intermediate Spanish B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SPAN", "CATALOG_NBR": "2102", "CLASS_NBR": 24485, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "SPAN 2101", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "SPAN 2002", "ASSESSMENT": "Class participation 10%, 2 x Semester tests 40%, Research project 10%, Oral presentation and discussion 10%, Essay 30%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course builds on the skills that students mastered in the Intermediate Spanish I course. The main emphasis of this course will continue to be on the development of the four basic language skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing. The most complicated aspects of the Spanish language will be emphasised, including the use of the subjunctive mood, and direct and indirect object pronouns. Reading cultural and literary material and writing reports on those readings will be the main activity in this course. Lectures and tutorials will be conducted in Spanish and students will be expected to actively contribute to discussions and oral exercises in the Spanish language.\n\nApproximately 20% of teaching time will be dedicated to the introduction and discussion of specific aspects of the cultures of the Hispanic World, through different types of media including music recordings, video clips, movies and short stories produced both in Spain and Latin America.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8698": {"id": "Rr8J3Twa1vqbPNaaeXLlz", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "8JXAnfEhdz0rOq2Io5pA0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22577, "section": "SE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 16, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 322, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "mqS7EwE0pBtCdarB0Euwu", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24485, "section": "TU02", "size": 20, "enrolled": 16, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG19, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG11, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG19, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG11, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24486, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG11, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG11, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8699": {"id": "8Vi5OsM4hdwFvSzgyYsfY", "course_id": "111268", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111268", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Contemporary Spain", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SPAN", "CATALOG_NBR": "2113", "CLASS_NBR": 24765, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091599", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "SPAN 1004", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes/Comprehension tests/Oral Presentation/Abstract for Mini Conference/Essay", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Taught through the Department of European Languages, and Linguistics, this course provides a comprehensive introduction to contemporary Spain through the prisms of history, politics, society, and culture. It is designed to contribute to your understanding of how a modern Spanish citizen thinks and feels in the twentieth-first century. Taught in Spanish at the intermediate level, the course provides opportunities for students to improve their language skills in the areas of speaking, writing, listening and reading. Through this course you will develop: 1) an understanding of some of the most important issues currently facing Spain; 2) an awareness of Spain\u2019s place in the world, and 3) an appreciation of Spain\u2019s diverse and dynamic culture.\n\nFor students enrolling through Spanish Studies, this course will investigate the history/construction of Contemporary Spain through the lenses of film, narrative, poetry and non-fictional discourses, providing students with the opportunities to acquire cultural knowledge as well as sociolinguistic and sociocultural competence. Special emphasis will be placed on Spanish modernisation through the lens on an enforced single-citizenship identity. Applying pressure to this identity, we will explore the diversity of national and cultural identities (e.g. Catalan, Vasco, Euskadi) that continue to make their presence known in contemporary Spain, and which call for the acknowledgment of an intercultural Spain. The range of topics also includes the traditional role that translation has played (in the First Modernity: 1492-1800) in the construction/emergence of \u201cEurope\u201d as center. Lectures and seminars will be in Spanish.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8700": {"id": "8Vi5OsM4hdwFvSzgyYsfY", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "1wEOglNNZFX2NjlLoJHsc", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24766, "section": "SE01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 9, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "N6S4EPV60dzx3ao3uACGE", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24765, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 9, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG19, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG19, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8701": {"id": "oWb8te326QAFQ7mHG67Kp", "course_id": "111269", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111269", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Spanish Literature", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SPAN", "CATALOG_NBR": "3009", "CLASS_NBR": 14875, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091599", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "SPAN 2102", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Oral Presentation, 2 x Quizzes, Group Discussion, Essay", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Introduction to Spanish Literature is a core Topics course of the Department of European Languages, and Linguistics. Taught at a lower-advanced level entirely in the target language, the course introduces students to the study of literature through a focus on canonical and popular literary texts.\nAlthough the specific focus of the course will vary from semester to semester, you can expect to encounter a broad range of genres and historical periods. This course is designed to be a forum where students can use their encounter with literature to hone their language skills in the areas of speaking, writing, listening and reading.\n\nFor students enrolling through the discipline of Spanish Studies, Introduction to Spanish Literature will explore some cultural artistic productions that have been emerging from Anahuac/Abya-Yala/Am\u00e9rica since 1492. This course builds on the knowledge and competencies students have acquired in the second year. The main aim is on the development of interpretative skills to interculturally comprehend the cognitive value of Latin American Literature with special emphasis in de-colonial practices of the literary imagination of Latin American writers. Authors explored will vary from semester to semester. The literary production selected will emphasize genre cross-pollination, for example, we may explore comics (i.e. Alejandro Jodorowsky, Enrique Lihn, Julio Cort\u00e1zar), as well as more generic texts such as poetry of the Earth and ecopoetry.\nReading these texts will be commented and discussed in groups (MyUni). Both lectures and seminars will be conducted in Spanish.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8702": {"id": "oWb8te326QAFQ7mHG67Kp", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "b5efe3YeLbnvOVKatVxzi", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14875, "section": "WR01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 10, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG19, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG19, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "p8BdOJ6lvMAg80oFTSI9j", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14874, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 10, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8703": {"id": "KT4xr9vwATlKSUITZuAvB", "course_id": "105373", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105373", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Upper-Intermediate Spanish A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SPAN", "CATALOG_NBR": "3101", "CLASS_NBR": 19666, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "SPAN 2102", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "SPAN 3001", "ASSESSMENT": "Participation 10%, Oral exchange 20%, Mid term test 30%, Final test 40%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course builds on the skills that students mastered in the intermediate language courses (SPAN 2101 and SPAN 2102). The emphasis of this course will be on the further development of oral and written skills. Students completing this course will acquire a basic level of fluency that will allow them to participate in conversations with native speakers and other students of the Spanish language. Different from early courses, in this one the teaching staff will emphasise the writing of more complex paragraphs, compositions, and documents, and work on the students\u2019 ability to report back in oral form on the documents they write. Lectures and tutorials will be conducted in 100% in Spanish and students will be expected to actively contribute to discussions and exercises in the Spanish language.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8704": {"id": "KT4xr9vwATlKSUITZuAvB", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "Nr7Lxfc8HXIgwYXFUH9t9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14538, "section": "SE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 22, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "7YUCzT6J_KZ5EbPxkvjEH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14539, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 12, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG11, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG11, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19666, "section": "TU02", "size": 15, "enrolled": 10, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG11, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG11, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8705": {"id": "yZ2akSf_JJH3IC2f2bvS6", "course_id": "105374", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105374", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Upper-Intermediate Spanish B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SPAN", "CATALOG_NBR": "3102", "CLASS_NBR": 29461, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "SPAN 3101", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "SPAN 3002", "ASSESSMENT": "Participation 10%, Oral presentation 20%, Written reports 20%, Mid term test 25%, Final test 25%", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course builds on the skills that students acquired in the previous course (SPAN 3101). The emphasis of this course will continue to be on the further development of oral and written skills. Students completing this course will acquire a more advanced level of fluency that will allow them to participate in longer conversations with native speakers and other students of the Spanish language. Students will continue to refine their knowledge of the Spanish grammar and their oral and written skills in general. Similarly to SPAN 3101, the teaching staff will continue to emphasise the writing of more complex paragraphs, compositions, and documents, and work on the students\u2019 ability to report back in oral form on the documents they write. Lectures and tutorials will be conducted in 100% in Spanish and students will be expected to actively contribute to discussions and exercises in the Spanish language.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8706": {"id": "yZ2akSf_JJH3IC2f2bvS6", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "tXncmiYlHjhhevZD3lHtz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24493, "section": "SE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 14, "available": 26, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "fKY9cFMO4CIqwrAZ-iiEF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24494, "section": "TU01", "size": 20, "enrolled": 14, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG11, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG11, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29461, "section": "TU02", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG11, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG11, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8707": {"id": "AXNvm0LFGCrlLgLI48Gz-", "course_id": "107239", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107239", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Latin American Culture", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SPAN", "CATALOG_NBR": "4001", "CLASS_NBR": 15841, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Completed degree (72 units) including 24 units Spanish Studies Major or completed Diploma of Languages", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Bibliography on Latin American culture (15%), oral presentation in Spanish (25%), 2000 word short essay in Spanish (20%), 4000 word long final essay in Spanish (40%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course represents advanced learning, scholarship and research in the area of Latin American Studies. It is the final stage of formal culture tuition in the Spanish language as well as extending students' knowledge and research skills in Latin American cultures, building on the learning and research capabilities gained in the Spanish Studies major. It focuses on skills of higher order spoken and written expression, through tasks such as literary analysis and academic writing exercises. It will also develop skills of textual analysis and documentary scholarship in relation to specific forms of cultural expression, such as literature, film and music.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8708": {"id": "AXNvm0LFGCrlLgLI48Gz-", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "hsmk8yePCWOFMxJjmV9ME", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15841, "section": "01NT", "size": 2, "enrolled": 0, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop"}]}]}]}, "8709": {"id": "RPkzVzzVIqv0EWsThRDcB", "course_id": "107240", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107240", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Spanish Culture", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SPAN", "CATALOG_NBR": "4002", "CLASS_NBR": 15842, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Completed degree (72 units) including 24 units Spanish Studies Major or completed Diploma of Languages", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Comprehensive bibliography on Spanish culture (15%), oral presentation in Spanish (25%), 2000 word essay in Spanish (20%), 4000 word final essay in Spanish (40%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course represents advanced learning, scholarship and research in the area of Spanish Studies. It is the final stage of formal culture tuition in the Spanish language as well as extending students' knowledge and research skills in Spanish culture, building on the learning and research capabilities gained in the Spanish Studies major. It focuses on skills of higher order spoken and written expression, through tasks such as literary translations and academic writing exercises. It will also develop skills of textual analysis and documentary scholarship in relation to specific forms of cultural expression, such as literature, film, media and social issues.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8710": {"id": "RPkzVzzVIqv0EWsThRDcB", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "gD-wpRkwhFkZejKVkIh9T", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15842, "section": "01NT", "size": 2, "enrolled": 0, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop"}]}]}]}, "8711": {"id": "cWalH8t4InbG7oZ04Ogi8", "course_id": "107241", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107241", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Spanish Studies Thesis", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SPAN", "CATALOG_NBR": "4003", "CLASS_NBR": 25850, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 12, "EFTLS": 0.5, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "1 hour per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Completed degree (72 units) including 24 units Spanish Studies Major or completed Diploma of Languages", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "12,000 word thesis in Spanish (100%)", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course represents advanced learning, scholarship and research in the discipline of Spanish Studies. It is the final stage of formal language tuition in the Spanish language as well as extending students' knowledge and research skills in Spanish and/or Latin American culture, building on the learning and research capabilities gained in the Spanish Studies major. By requiring students to devise and produce a research thesis, the thesis component provides students with the research skills necessary for further study in research postgraduate programs. It provides research training based on the skills of textual analysis and documentary searches in relation to specific forms of cultural expression, such as literature, film, media and contemporary debates. It requires students to develop a research question, collect data using on-line resources, plan and complete the project within the specified time frame.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8712": {"id": "cWalH8t4InbG7oZ04Ogi8", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "FVOcJIZ8c0-0fVsJZnP-D", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25850, "section": "01NT", "size": 2, "enrolled": 0, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "8713": {"subject": "SPATIAL", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "109291", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109293", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109294", "term": "4415", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109296", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109295", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109297", "term": "4415", "offer": 1}]}}, "8714": {"id": "95j7Swl6KgXUmXXXWuTZ-", "course_id": "109291", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109291", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "GIS for Environmental Management III", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SPATIAL", "CATALOG_NBR": "3007WT", "CLASS_NBR": 92093, "SESSION_CD": "S02", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "15 days during the Summer Semester", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "SPATIAL 3020WT, SOIL&WAT 3020WT, SOIL&WAT 3007WT", "ASSESSMENT": "Practical exercises, case study, written exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course involves teaching sessions that may be attended by both Undergraduate and Postgraduate students.\nThe course deals with concepts and theory of geographic information systems and their use for environmental mapping, spatial modelling and analysis. Topics covered include the relationship of GIS models to real world perception and map representation, vector and raster systems; spatial modelling; translation of problems into GIS procedures; attribute manipulation and recoding, operations including arithmetic and Boolean overlay, reclassification, proximity and neighbourhood analyses; input of data to GIS; database structures; interpolation of surfaces form point and vector data; applications and case studies. Practical work uses PC-based software to teach basic skills in GIS data entry, analysis and output, emphasising a problem-solving approach through environmental and agricultural GIS case studies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 29/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "8715": {"id": "95j7Swl6KgXUmXXXWuTZ-", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "73iY72sgV4J6EyGXaq5_1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92093, "section": "WR01", "size": 65, "enrolled": 46, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jan - 9 Feb", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "VXACtTgLLmv7pC2qF_wpl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92099, "section": "PR01", "size": 65, "enrolled": 46, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jan - 9 Feb", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 129, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "29 Jan - 9 Feb", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 131, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "8716": {"id": "D4R5Ju6eTFrY8GYfumgVD", "course_id": "109293", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109293", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Earth Observation III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SPATIAL", "CATALOG_NBR": "3010", "CLASS_NBR": 25165, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010703", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "SOIL&WAT 3010", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, practical exercises", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Earth observation interprets image-based information gathered by space and airborne platforms using a wide range of sensors. This course examines the principles and application of remote sensing to a range of disciplines. Principles include the interaction of electromagnetic radiation with the Earth's atmosphere and surface, spectral characteristics of earth surface materials, and the nature of imagery collected by a variety of earth-observation sensors. We discuss the use of spectral data to identify and characterise objects (minerals, soils, vegetation, water), produce thematic maps and monitor changes over time. The nature and application of specialised forms of remote sensing including gamma radiometry, hyperspectral, radar and thermal imagery are also considered. These data are relevant to a wide range of applications including geology, environmental and agricultural science. Information is extracted using digital image processing: correction, enhancement and classification of the digital data and its integration with geographic information systems and field data. Practicals use specialist image analysis software to give hands-on experience with the basics of digital image processing and application to specific projects.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8717": {"id": "D4R5Ju6eTFrY8GYfumgVD", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "hXZMkwMTpXuePoxKlM_Zj", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25164, "section": "LE01", "size": 86, "enrolled": 81, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "XFTYVGNrUpogVdGhZ-1Ge", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25165, "section": "PR02", "size": 45, "enrolled": 41, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Mawson, G12, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Mawson, G12, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25166, "section": "PR01", "size": 41, "enrolled": 40, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, G12, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, G12, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "8718": {"id": "K8CpQMXuqWbt8n_IJJKAN", "course_id": "109294", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109294", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "GIS for Agriculture & Natural Resource III", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SPATIAL", "CATALOG_NBR": "3020WT", "CLASS_NBR": 95038, "SESSION_CD": "WI1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "10 days intensive during Winter Semester", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "SPATIAL 3007WT, SOIL&WAT 3007WT, SOIL&WAT 3020WT", "ASSESSMENT": "Practical exercises, written exam, research project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course involves teaching sessions that may be attended by both Undergraduate and Postgraduate students.\nGeographic information systems have become an important tool far beyond the geographic disciplines. Applications in the agricultural sciences and natural resource management range from basic research on environmental sustainability to farm management and regional product marketing. This course gives an overview of the history and the rapid recent development of this technology and gives examples of commercially available state-of-the-art tools. Hands on computer exercises teach generic GIS skills of data capture, processing and presentation of results. \nSpecial practical exercises emphasize precision agriculture and management of spatial variability in agricultural production systems. Students will learn what information can be derived from space and airborne remote sensing for land management and how remotely sensed imagery can be combined with other sources of information in order to efficiently manage land, increase production and reduce costs and consider environmental benefits.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 08/07/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 10/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 01/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "8719": {"id": "K8CpQMXuqWbt8n_IJJKAN", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "FwhUy6ynOub4JmiPqP9v_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95038, "section": "WR01", "size": 53, "enrolled": 48, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Jul - 12 Jul", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "C4B1tR03j40VqOUAtp4DH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95077, "section": "PR01", "size": 53, "enrolled": 48, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment capacity in this course is 45 students."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Jul - 11 Jul", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 131, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Jul - 11 Jul", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 129, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "5 Jul - 12 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 131, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "5 Jul - 12 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 129, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "8720": {"id": "InNf9qOn7yJa8XvB1CEjI", "course_id": "109296", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109296", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "GIS for Environmental Management", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SPATIAL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7007WT", "CLASS_NBR": 92094, "SESSION_CD": "S02", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "15 days during the Summer Semester", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "SPATIAL 3020WT, SPATIAL 3007WT, SPATIAL 7030WT", "ASSESSMENT": "Practical exercises, case study, written exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course deals with concepts and theory of geographic information systems and their use for environmental mapping, spatial modelling and analysis. Topics covered include the relationship of GIS models to real world perception and map representation, vector and raster systems; spatial modelling; translation of problems into GIS procedures; attribute manipulation and recoding, operations including arithmetic and Boolean overlay, reclassification, proximity and neighbourhood analyses; input of data to GIS; database structures; interpolation of surfaces form point and vector data; applications and case studies. Practical work uses PC-based software to teach basic skills in GIS data entry, analysis and output, emphasising a problem-solving approach through environmental and agricultural GIS case studies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 29/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "8721": {"id": "InNf9qOn7yJa8XvB1CEjI", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "Kgu3D2AXROYJ6fauQviN3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92094, "section": "WR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jan - 9 Feb", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "6Nb5UaUk76vRFhjO7hYY7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92153, "section": "PR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jan - 9 Feb", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 129, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "29 Jan - 9 Feb", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 131, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "8722": {"id": "aFXt5OGEHwm8X55UJGGHd", "course_id": "109295", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109295", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Earth Observation", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SPATIAL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7008", "CLASS_NBR": 25168, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "SPATIAL 3010", "ASSESSMENT": "Practical exercises, written assignments and exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Earth observation interprets image-based information gathered by space and airborne platforms using a wide range of sensors. This course examines the principles and application of remote sensing to a range of disciplines. Principles include the interaction of electromagnetic radiation with the Earth's atmosphere and surface, spectral characteristics of earth surface materials, and the nature of imagery collected by a variety of earth-observation sensors. We discuss the use of spectral data to identify and characterise objects (minerals, soils, vegetation, water), produce thematic maps and monitor changes over time. The nature and application of specialised forms of remote sensing including gamma radiometry, hyperspectral, radar and thermal imagery are also considered. These data are relevant to a wide range of applications including geology, environmental and agricultural science. Information is extracted using digital image processing: correction, enhancement and classification of the digital data and its integration with geographic information systems and field data. Practicals use specialist image analysis software to give hands-on experience with the basics of digital image processing and application to specific projects.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8723": {"id": "aFXt5OGEHwm8X55UJGGHd", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "30k3rxqSjZoKSPE49k43H", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25167, "section": "LE01", "size": 1, "enrolled": 1, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "fUKOOfqh9dnZGqEUbID41", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25168, "section": "PR01", "size": 1, "enrolled": 1, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, G12, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Mawson, G12, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "8724": {"id": "vjlCTcjLnDH2BUcDOnxd_", "course_id": "109297", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109297", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "GIS for Agriculture & Natural Resource Management", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SPATIAL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7030WT", "CLASS_NBR": 95039, "SESSION_CD": "WI1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "10 days during Winter Semester", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "SPATIAL 3007WT; SPATIAL 3020WT; SPATIAL 7007WT", "ASSESSMENT": "Practical exercises, written exam, research project", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course involves teaching sessions that may be attended by both Undergraduate and Postgraduate students.\nGeographic information systems have become an important tool far beyond the geographic disciplines. Applications in the agricultural sciences and natural resource management range from basic research on environmental sustainability to farm management and regional product marketing. This course gives an overview of the history and the rapid recent development of this technology and gives examples of commercially available state-of-the-art tools. Hands on computer exercises teach generic GIS skills of data capture, processing and presentation of results. \nSpecial practical exercises emphasize precision agriculture and management of spatial variability in agricultural production systems. Students will learn what information can be derived from space and airborne remote sensing for land management and how remotely sensed imagery can be combined with other sources of information in order to efficiently manage land, increase production and reduce costs and consider environmental benefits.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 08/07/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 10/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 01/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "8725": {"id": "vjlCTcjLnDH2BUcDOnxd_", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "J8ZIsbP030OP27Duy9DS7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95039, "section": "WR01", "size": 7, "enrolled": 5, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Jul - 12 Jul", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "iETHkD1iwX7lf_ri7yul7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95078, "section": "PR01", "size": 7, "enrolled": 5, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Jul - 11 Jul", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 131, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Jul - 11 Jul", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 129, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "5 Jul - 12 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 131, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "5 Jul - 12 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 129, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "8726": {"subject": "SPEECH", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "110410", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110970", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110422", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110451", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110429", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110426", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110452", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110438", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110440", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110434", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110434", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110434", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110444", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110500", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110441", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110441", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110441", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110435", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110490", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110513", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110513", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110513", "term": "4415", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110513", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110496", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110496", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110496", "term": "4415", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110496", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110507", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110491", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111609", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110514", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110514", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110514", "term": "4415", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110514", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110508", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110508", "term": "4415", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110508", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "8727": {"id": "K1R1q-b5sRiPGVZNxmf_G", "course_id": "110410", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110410", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Speech Pathology Practice", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SPEECH", "CATALOG_NBR": "1000", "CLASS_NBR": 12309, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061707", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Speech Pathology (Hons)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Examination, various assignments and continuous assessment tasks", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, students will be introduced to the foundational concepts relating to key areas of speech pathology practice: communication and swallowing. Students will develop an awareness of the individual and social factors that shape human communication, eating and drinking across different social contexts. Students will be introduced the Communication Bill of Rights, and the integral role communication, eating and drinking play in the formation of individual identity and social connection. Further, they will develop understanding about speech pathology scope of practice in a range of contexts, including health, disability and education. Finally, students will be introduced to the role of research literature in advocacy, support and the delivery of innovative, client-centered, evidence-based speech pathology services, and how speech pathology contributes to patient/client care in a broader health service.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8728": {"id": "K1R1q-b5sRiPGVZNxmf_G", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "NyhrMaWe4HIUMf5HbKVN9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10966, "section": "WR01", "size": 16, "enrolled": 15, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11:30am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Mar - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "5:30pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S517, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11:30am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 23 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11:30am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 25 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "5:30pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 May - 23 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "5:30pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "29 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "29 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 110, Food Innovation Lab"}, {"dates": "6 Jun - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11:30am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N112, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11842, "section": "WR03", "size": 16, "enrolled": 15, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11:30am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Mar - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "5:30pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S517, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11:30am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 23 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11:30am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 25 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "5:30pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 May - 23 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "5:30pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "29 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "29 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 110, Food Innovation Lab"}, {"dates": "6 Jun - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11:30am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N112, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11843, "section": "WR02", "size": 16, "enrolled": 16, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11:30am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Mar - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "5:30pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S517, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11:30am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 23 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11:30am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 25 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "5:30pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 May - 23 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "5:30pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "29 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "29 May - 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29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "29 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 110, Food Innovation Lab"}, {"dates": "6 Jun - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4:30pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N112, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12311, "section": "WR04", "size": 16, "enrolled": 12, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11:30am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Mar - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "5:30pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11:30am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 23 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11:30am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 25 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "5:30pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 May - 23 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4:30pm", "end_time": "5:30pm", "location": "Hughes, 309, Hughes Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "29 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "29 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 110, Food Innovation Lab"}, {"dates": "6 Jun - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11:30am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N112, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8729": {"id": "bkspFwKVAd5zrQs_N54D9", "course_id": "110970", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110970", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Linguistics for Speech Pathology A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SPEECH", "CATALOG_NBR": "1001", "CLASS_NBR": 20437, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061707", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Speech Pathology (Honours)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Examination, various assignments and continuous assessment tasks", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, students will learn about linguistics; that is, the scientific study of language and its structures. Focusing mainly on words and sub-word parts, students will learn principles to analyse word structure and the role of words in language. Within words, phonetic properties are explored, as is the notion of decomposing a word into minimally meaningful elements. Students will critically consider how words, and more broadly language, function within the context of the individuals and communities who use and produce language. Theories of sociolinguistics and psycholinguistics will be explored to develop competence and confidence when conducting linguistic analysis with individuals and communities different to their own, including individuals from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds (CALD). The impacts of language loss, as well as language revival for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people will be examined, with a focus on the relationship between language, health and wellbeing.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8730": {"id": "bkspFwKVAd5zrQs_N54D9", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "ryQOmH5yUB8vP-HhKtos0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20437, "section": "TU03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S336a&b, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 7 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S336a&b, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 14 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "21 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S336a&b, Meeting Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22478, "section": "TU02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 7 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 14 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "21 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N403, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22479, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 7 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 14 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "21 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "hgdTqMeKXIUYSYd7sIf-_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28588, "section": "LEC0", "size": 100, "enrolled": 88, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "8731": {"id": "vBo8lr2t_VyYOcz8cWVOR", "course_id": "110422", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110422", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Communication and Swallowing Across the Lifespan", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SPEECH", "CATALOG_NBR": "2000", "CLASS_NBR": 15533, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061707", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Speech Pathology (Honours)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "SPEECH 1000", "CO_REQUISITE": "SPEECH 2002", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Examination, various assignments and continuous assessment tasks", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, students will learn foundational concepts about the underlying neurological, cognitive, perceptual, sensory and motor components that support communication and swallowing. Students will develop an understanding of communication and swallowing skill development and the factors that influence this process across the lifespan.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8732": {"id": "vBo8lr2t_VyYOcz8cWVOR", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "kGlGM2xSLzh0GRqEyIgEz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13174, "section": "WR01", "size": 42, "enrolled": 28, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15533, "section": "WR02", "size": 44, "enrolled": 43, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N424/N425, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N424/N425, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8733": {"id": "Alhje9eUuVky0-rOPlQvn", "course_id": "110451", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110451", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Anatomy and Physiology for Speech and Swallowing", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SPEECH", "CATALOG_NBR": "2001", "CLASS_NBR": 15534, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010913", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 48 per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Speech Pathology (Honours)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "HLTH SC 1403", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Examination, various assignments and continuous assessment tasks", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, students will expand on concepts learnt in Biosciences for Human Health A and B to explore in more depth, the anatomy and neurosciences specific to speech and swallowing, and the role of the central and peripheral nervous system in sensory and motor function. Students will learn to identify structural deficits, and predict the effects of impaired physiology on function to assist in clinical reasoning, practice and consultation in speech pathology. Additionally, students will be able to apply their acquired knowledge of specific anatomical and physiological features in relevant speech pathology specific cases.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8734": {"id": "Alhje9eUuVky0-rOPlQvn", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "k1FeBijzvovxtnQXvksMN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13176, "section": "TU01", "size": 42, "enrolled": 24, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 403, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15535, "section": "TU02", "size": 44, "enrolled": 44, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 403, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "IXf0haUUfqm3pZQNsQug5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13175, "section": "WR01", "size": 38, "enrolled": 32, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15534, "section": "WR02", "size": 38, "enrolled": 36, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "T1MpvIOb2EnmNEi_O2UXw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18670, "section": "LEC0", "size": 90, "enrolled": 68, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "8735": {"id": "Ng-V60HELCvt7iVoceXVy", "course_id": "110429", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110429", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Speech Production and Aural Rehabilitation", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SPEECH", "CATALOG_NBR": "2003", "CLASS_NBR": 22482, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061707", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Speech Pathology (Honours)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "SPEECH 2001 and SPEECH 1001", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Examination, various assignments and continuous assessment tasks", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, students will be introduced to the role of sound in the communication process, starting from the reception of auditory information (through listening and hearing) to the production of oral information (through speech and voice). Students will explore the key concepts from basic acoustics, including analysis of sound waves and speech to the hearing process (including techniques for gauging hearing ability and hearing loss) as well as the psychology of sound perception and the mechanism of speech and voice production.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8736": {"id": "Ng-V60HELCvt7iVoceXVy", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "EpY_WCcH0GwVWHRf4z2UU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20486, "section": "WR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 28, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N424/N425, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N423, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N424/N425, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N423, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Aug - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N424/N425, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Aug - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N423, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N424/N425, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N423, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N424/N425, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N423, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22482, "section": "WR02", "size": 40, "enrolled": 39, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N424/N425, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N423, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N424/N425, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N423, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Aug - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N424/N425, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Aug - 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2 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S336a&b, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N423, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S336a&b, Meeting Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22231, "section": "TU02", "size": 40, "enrolled": 36, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S336a&b, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 2 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S336a&b, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N423, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S336a&b, Meeting Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "2izde2EWia31yng_H41IQ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28617, "section": "LEC0", "size": 90, "enrolled": 67, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "8737": {"id": "IvpD535eXxYwGIMAPKSzx", "course_id": "110426", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110426", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Clinical Reasoning in Professional Settings", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SPEECH", "CATALOG_NBR": "2004", "CLASS_NBR": 22715, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061707", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Speech Pathology (Honours)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "SPEECH 2000", "CO_REQUISITE": "SPEECH 2005", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Examination, various assignments and continuous assessment tasks", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, students will engage in case guided learning about the structural and functional components of communication and swallowing. Students will work in small groups to examine authentic speech pathology cases; these will provide the trigger for learning about the principles and practices of clinical reasoning and professional practice in the discipline. The case guided learning approach will be supported by tutorial classes, practical workshops and integrated online learning activities that focus on the process of describing and evaluating communication and swallowing.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8738": {"id": "IvpD535eXxYwGIMAPKSzx", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "vuRJ-XmmN-8OZ3vWPdtg5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22709, "section": "TU10", "size": 8, "enrolled": 8, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N403, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22710, "section": "TU09", "size": 8, "enrolled": 6, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N425, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N425, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22711, "section": "TU08", "size": 8, "enrolled": 7, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N424, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N424, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22712, "section": "TU07", "size": 8, "enrolled": 7, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N112, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22713, "section": "TU06", "size": 8, "enrolled": 6, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N421, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N421, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22714, "section": "TU05", "size": 8, "enrolled": 7, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N415, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23083, "section": "TU04", "size": 8, "enrolled": 5, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 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21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N115, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23086, "section": "TU01", "size": 8, "enrolled": 7, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N114, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N114, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Assessment", "id": "KjD7M5_8rU1qNnf6D4yVk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21593, "section": "AS02", "size": 40, "enrolled": 30, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N421, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N413, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21594, "section": "AS01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 38, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N115, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Oct - 30 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N114, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "644JG2lR01lsn4S1JZs1W", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22715, "section": "WR02", "size": 40, "enrolled": 28, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S211b, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S211b, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23087, "section": "WR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 40, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S211b, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Sth, S211b, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "ONw1GRv4I7UU_JWDA9rea", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22708, "section": "LE01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 68, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 22 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ligertwood, 231, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "8739": {"id": "zjwcAAxVa9fcTdET8zbVO", "course_id": "110452", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110452", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Speech Pathology Clinical Skills and Practice", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SPEECH", "CATALOG_NBR": "2005", "CLASS_NBR": 22483, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061707", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Speech Pathology (Honours)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Examination, various assignments and continuous assessment tasks", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, students are introduced to the speech pathology practice education program, including orientation to Speech Pathology Australia's (SPA) competency-based occupation standards (CBOS) and companion assessment framework, COMPASS, and how these core documents relate to the Speech Pathology Professional Standards This course will place an emphasis on practice placement readiness and fitness to practice through compliance with University and agency requirements, self-evaluation and understanding of competency standards. Students will apply professional communication principles and speech pathology practices involved in information gathering, interviewing, handover, assessment and management of clients and their families. To facilitate students\u2019 development of competency, students will participate in a range of integrated pre-practice online learning activities, workshops, guided observation and demonstration. Students will actively participate in scaffolded practice simulations and clinical scenarios with child and adult cases, and. will demonstrate competency in implementing speech pathology interventions", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8740": {"id": "zjwcAAxVa9fcTdET8zbVO", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "ab7RBIRJIbNHqnoRu3rCb", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22483, "section": "WR02", "size": 38, "enrolled": 39, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N424/N425, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N413, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Aug - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Aug - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N413, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Aug - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Sep - 16 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N421, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Sep - 16 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Sep - 16 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Sep - 16 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N413, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N424/N425, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N413, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23088, "section": "WR01", "size": 38, "enrolled": 28, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N424/N425, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N413, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Aug - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Aug - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N413, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Aug - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Sep - 16 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N421, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Sep - 16 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Sep - 16 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N413, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Sep - 16 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N424/N425, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N413, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8741": {"id": "jsfveyAdkmSwrE1n6LWcE", "course_id": "110438", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110438", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Linguistics for Speech Pathology B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SPEECH", "CATALOG_NBR": "2006", "CLASS_NBR": 15536, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061707", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Speech Pathology (Honours)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "SPEECH 1001", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Examination, various assignments and continuous assessment tasks", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Building upon knowledge gained in Linguistics for Speech Pathology A, students begin to identify and analyse practice relevant features of discourse and pragmatics in language samples; making clear the link between the use of language and the context of that use. In doing so, students begin to develop awareness of biases that they may bring when conducting language sampling and analysis, particularly when working with populations from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. Students will acquire an introductory level of understanding of some analytical techniques for language samples (e.g. Conversational Analysis) and develop proficiency in others (e.g. the use of selected IPA diacritics and practice relevant phonological analysis). Students will apply these techniques, used by speech pathologists in practice, to practice examples.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8742": {"id": "jsfveyAdkmSwrE1n6LWcE", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "PORFrgeZiYzqfuMfxV6Fz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10497, "section": "WR01", "size": 38, "enrolled": 36, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N424/N425, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N424/N425, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15536, "section": "WR02", "size": 38, "enrolled": 37, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N424/N425, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N424/N425, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "czqpLteFKDEU3wmnLeM2X", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18686, "section": "LEC0", "size": 90, "enrolled": 73, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "8743": {"id": "VKwkEddIF_4JTnFrVg3hJ", "course_id": "110440", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110440", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Speech Pathology Assessment and Management A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SPEECH", "CATALOG_NBR": "3000", "CLASS_NBR": 10030, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061707", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Speech Pathology (Honours)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "SPEECH 2003 and SPEECH 2004 and SPEECH 2006", "CO_REQUISITE": "SPEECH 3001", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Examination, assignments, continuous assessment tasks and required clinical competencies", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, students will explore different types of speech pathology assessment tools and apply clinical reasoning to (i) evaluate and interpret clinical and instrumental speech pathology assessment data and (ii) develop intervention plans based on evidence-based principles, using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health model. Students will explore the scope of practice in speech and language development and difficulties for children and adults, including exploring the impact of multi-modal communication for children with complex communication needs.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8744": {"id": "VKwkEddIF_4JTnFrVg3hJ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "hG1fDV-rIbR8_lnn7PN34", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12817, "section": "TU04", "size": 6, "enrolled": 6, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N413, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N421, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Mar - 29 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N421, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N413, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N421, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 May - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N421, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 May - 24 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N421, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Jun - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N421, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12943, "section": "TU03", "size": 6, "enrolled": 6, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Mar - 29 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 May - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 May - 24 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Jun - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N415, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12944, "section": "TU02", "size": 6, "enrolled": 6, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 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3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N403, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "H-bGICeBwiMCJtxtryu8f", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10031, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 24, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 1 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Mar - 29 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 May - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 May - 24 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Jun - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N403, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "id": "fgbhmHZwG6VAaKKVLakEX", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12308, "section": "AS01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 24, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "12 Jun - 12 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Jun - 12 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N115, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Jun - 12 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N114, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8745": {"id": "0NRfjD7l3GfM-pj6R0eOv", "course_id": "110434", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110434", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Speech Pathology Practice Education A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SPEECH", "CATALOG_NBR": "3001", "CLASS_NBR": 92434, "SESSION_CD": "S01", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061707", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 8 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Speech Pathology (Honours)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "SPEECH 2004 and SPEECH 2005", "CO_REQUISITE": "SPEECH 3000", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Continuous clinical assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, students will begin to transfer and apply theoretical knowledge into the practice setting. Students will participate in a weekly placement in either an adult or paediatric setting, as allocated by the University. Weeks 1 and 12 of this course are placement briefing and debriefing sessions run on campus which comprise part of the placement hours. Fortnightly tutorials are designed to support students\u2019 learning experience and provide consolidation opportunities. Pass criteria for this course is novice to intermediate level on the COMPASS\u00ae assessment tool. Professional accreditation requires a minimum standard of competency to be met. Completion of the professional placement program is required to develop and demonstrate the competencies required to qualify and for entry to the speech pathology profession.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 23/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 25/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 07/02/2024"}}]}, "8746": {"id": "0NRfjD7l3GfM-pj6R0eOv", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "BfPxnXFHnwVjRKJ8bJpsg", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92434, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 0, "available": 30, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Class held in Helen Mayo Nth N403 Speech Space 3"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 1 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Mar - 29 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 May - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 May - 24 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Jun - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Placement", "id": "470yQQONSka7CrnfIy70R", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92433, "section": "PL01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 0, "available": 30, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Placement", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Jan - 19 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "8747": {"id": "sNsxFEwOc8rPX-9d5l4Yk", "course_id": "110434", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110434", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Speech Pathology Practice Education A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SPEECH", "CATALOG_NBR": "3001", "CLASS_NBR": 14329, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061707", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 8 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Speech Pathology (Honours)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "SPEECH 2004 and SPEECH 2005", "CO_REQUISITE": "SPEECH 3000", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Continuous clinical assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, students will begin to transfer and apply theoretical knowledge into the practice setting. Students will participate in a weekly placement in either an adult or paediatric setting, as allocated by the University. Weeks 1 and 12 of this course are placement briefing and debriefing sessions run on campus which comprise part of the placement hours. Fortnightly tutorials are designed to support students\u2019 learning experience and provide consolidation opportunities. Pass criteria for this course is novice to intermediate level on the COMPASS\u00ae assessment tool. Professional accreditation requires a minimum standard of competency to be met. Completion of the professional placement program is required to develop and demonstrate the competencies required to qualify and for entry to the speech pathology profession.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8748": {"id": "sNsxFEwOc8rPX-9d5l4Yk", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "a-5g8W2OSrpInxt7QSzn-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14329, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 23, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Class held in SANTOS Pet. Eng 404/405 Therapy Space Combined"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 1 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Mar - 29 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 May - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 May - 24 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Jun - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Placement", "id": "i4cVUcABtC25EVGAoSQHa", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10498, "section": "PL01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 23, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Placement", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 8 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "8749": {"id": "SpT3rvVpmReUkyS-YuxLt", "course_id": "110434", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110434", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Speech Pathology Practice Education A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SPEECH", "CATALOG_NBR": "3001", "CLASS_NBR": 22717, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061707", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 8 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Speech Pathology (Honours)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "SPEECH 2004 and SPEECH 2005", "CO_REQUISITE": "SPEECH 3000", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Continuous clinical assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, students will begin to transfer and apply theoretical knowledge into the practice setting. Students will participate in a weekly placement in either an adult or paediatric setting, as allocated by the University. Weeks 1 and 12 of this course are placement briefing and debriefing sessions run on campus which comprise part of the placement hours. Fortnightly tutorials are designed to support students\u2019 learning experience and provide consolidation opportunities. Pass criteria for this course is novice to intermediate level on the COMPASS\u00ae assessment tool. Professional accreditation requires a minimum standard of competency to be met. Completion of the professional placement program is required to develop and demonstrate the competencies required to qualify and for entry to the speech pathology profession.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8750": {"id": "SpT3rvVpmReUkyS-YuxLt", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "FFBChBR7XA2qZoQz_mRMF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22717, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 0, "available": 30, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Placement", "id": "WYjzZsvAqdQa0gGG9Db_l", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22716, "section": "PL01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 0, "available": 30, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Placement", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Jul - 2 Dec", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "8751": {"id": "gXyQ-7njCZN7CsESzU5ta", "course_id": "110444", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110444", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Preparing for Speech Pathology Practice", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SPEECH", "CATALOG_NBR": "3002", "CLASS_NBR": 10029, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061707", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Speech Pathology (Honours)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "HLTH SC 2400 and SPEECH 2004", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Examination, various assignments and continuous assessment tasks", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, students will explore diverse service contexts and types of service delivery in clinical practice. Students will have the opportunity to examine relevant government and professional policies and procedures that guide service delivery, and explore factors that will influence the adequacy and efficacy of service delivery options for client-centred and culturally safe practice.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8752": {"id": "gXyQ-7njCZN7CsESzU5ta", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "PVPbdkJbkueDpeeJb1j74", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10029, "section": "WR01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N403, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8753": {"id": "jACNutfXzq9LJB4UYR8b-", "course_id": "110500", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110500", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Speech Pathology Assessment and Management B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SPEECH", "CATALOG_NBR": "3003", "CLASS_NBR": 22484, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061707", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 9 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Speech Pathology (Honours)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "SPEECH 3000", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Oral examination, assignment, continuous assessment tasks and required clinical competencies", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, students will be building on from the knowledge and skills from Speech Pathology Assessment and Management A and explore complex communication needs in adults as well as focus on swallowing, fluency and voice disorders and management across the lifespan. Student will use assessment information from clinical scenarios and principles of evidence-based practice to formulate assessment plans and intervention strategies, whilst considering of the impact of social and cultural issues on service provision in a team capacity.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8754": {"id": "jACNutfXzq9LJB4UYR8b-", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "jozbJOXUrV2_vnYWZavyS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23988, "section": "TU01", "size": 6, "enrolled": 6, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N413, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Aug - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N413, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N413, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N413, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N413, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N413, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N413, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N413, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23989, "section": "TU03", "size": 6, "enrolled": 6, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Aug - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N415, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23990, "section": "TU02", "size": 6, "enrolled": 6, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 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24 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Aug - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N403, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "Qz_IDjMdUs6-KQS0TNaOH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22484, "section": "WR01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 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3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N413, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N421, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N114, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N115, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Nov - 6 Nov", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Nov - 6 Nov", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N413, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Nov - 6 Nov", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Nov - 6 Nov", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N421, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Nov - 6 Nov", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Nov - 6 Nov", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N114, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Nov - 6 Nov", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N115, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8755": {"id": "wFztcRM6ToCvuXYFC_Q6Y", "course_id": "110441", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110441", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Speech Pathology Practice Education B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SPEECH", "CATALOG_NBR": "3004", "CLASS_NBR": 92432, "SESSION_CD": "S01", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061707", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 8 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Speech Pathology (Honours)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "SPEECH 3001", "CO_REQUISITE": "SPEECH 3003", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Continuous Assessment & Competency Portfolio", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, students will begin to transfer and apply theoretical knowledge into the practice setting. Students will participate in a weekly placement in either an adult or paediatric setting, as allocated by the University. Weeks 1 and 12 of this course are placement briefing and debriefing sessions run on campus which comprise part of the placement hours. Fortnightly tutorials are designed to support students\u2019 learning experience and provide consolidation opportunities. Pass criteria for this course is novice to intermediate level on the COMPASS\u00ae assessment tool. Professional accreditation requires a minimum standard of competency to be met. Completion of the professional placement program is required to develop and demonstrate the competencies required to qualify and for entry to the speech pathology profession.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 23/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 25/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 07/02/2024"}}]}, "8756": {"id": "wFztcRM6ToCvuXYFC_Q6Y", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "3Ax4NmzHnradGMyq8_avn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92432, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 0, "available": 30, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Class held in SANTOS Pet. Eng 404/405 Therapy Space Combined"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 1 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Mar - 29 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 May - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 May - 24 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Jun - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Placement", "id": "FnGvjdnlJ4hGAkHsOxPTJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92431, "section": "PL01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 0, "available": 30, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Placement", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Jan - 20 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Jan - 20 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N413, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Jan - 20 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N115, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Jan - 20 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N421, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Jan - 20 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N114, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Jan - 20 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N415, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8757": {"id": "iSa9CG-evh6pNV29s7TUF", "course_id": "110441", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110441", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Speech Pathology Practice Education B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SPEECH", "CATALOG_NBR": "3004", "CLASS_NBR": 12820, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061707", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 8 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Speech Pathology (Honours)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "SPEECH 3001", "CO_REQUISITE": "SPEECH 3003", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Continuous Assessment & Competency Portfolio", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, students will begin to transfer and apply theoretical knowledge into the practice setting. Students will participate in a weekly placement in either an adult or paediatric setting, as allocated by the University. Weeks 1 and 12 of this course are placement briefing and debriefing sessions run on campus which comprise part of the placement hours. Fortnightly tutorials are designed to support students\u2019 learning experience and provide consolidation opportunities. Pass criteria for this course is novice to intermediate level on the COMPASS\u00ae assessment tool. Professional accreditation requires a minimum standard of competency to be met. Completion of the professional placement program is required to develop and demonstrate the competencies required to qualify and for entry to the speech pathology profession.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8758": {"id": "iSa9CG-evh6pNV29s7TUF", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "oDmVQLUkTgLtRHKD63NZY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12820, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 2, "available": 28, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Class held in SANTOS Pet. Eng 404/405 Therapy Space Combined"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 1 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Mar - 29 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 May - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 May - 24 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Jun - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Placement", "id": "cAWTtePXI4kSEphvluWli", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12819, "section": "PL01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 2, "available": 28, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Placement", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 9 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 9 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N413, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 9 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N115, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 9 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N421, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 9 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N114, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 9 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N415, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8759": {"id": "Ic0Dzs_wW26tZjpe9SJKi", "course_id": "110441", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110441", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Speech Pathology Practice Education B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SPEECH", "CATALOG_NBR": "3004", "CLASS_NBR": 24287, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061707", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 8 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Speech Pathology (Honours)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "SPEECH 3001", "CO_REQUISITE": "SPEECH 3003", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Continuous Assessment & Competency Portfolio", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, students will begin to transfer and apply theoretical knowledge into the practice setting. Students will participate in a weekly placement in either an adult or paediatric setting, as allocated by the University. Weeks 1 and 12 of this course are placement briefing and debriefing sessions run on campus which comprise part of the placement hours. Fortnightly tutorials are designed to support students\u2019 learning experience and provide consolidation opportunities. Pass criteria for this course is novice to intermediate level on the COMPASS\u00ae assessment tool. Professional accreditation requires a minimum standard of competency to be met. Completion of the professional placement program is required to develop and demonstrate the competencies required to qualify and for entry to the speech pathology profession.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8760": {"id": "Ic0Dzs_wW26tZjpe9SJKi", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "5CU4sAEjFBaL0YyLV-pW_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24287, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 20, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Class held in SANTOS Pet. Eng 404/405 Therapy Space Combined"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Placement", "id": "a0G1qTp98nPM9YbsIsW9U", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20021, "section": "PL01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 20, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Placement", "meetings": [{"dates": "16 Jul - 3 Dec", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N412, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Jul - 3 Dec", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N413, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Jul - 3 Dec", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N115, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Jul - 3 Dec", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N421, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Jul - 3 Dec", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N114, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Jul - 3 Dec", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N415, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8761": {"id": "vGtPcWzT6oO-klFXwdOb0", "course_id": "110435", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110435", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Speech Pathology Industry Honours Project 1", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SPEECH", "CATALOG_NBR": "3005", "CLASS_NBR": 20020, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061707", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Speech Pathology (Honours)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "HLTH SC 2400", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Examination, various assignments and continuous assessment tasks", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, students will learn how to initiate, scope and plan health and human services projects effectively to ensure that projects are undertaken to meet objectives within specific resource and time constraints. Students will apply and extend knowledge and skills developed in the first and second year research and evidence-based practice courses as well as speech pathology specific courses to develop a project proposal informed by a critical literature review. Students will develop ethical, critical thinking and communication and teamwork skills required to understand, analyse and conduct health and human services projects, by working independently and collaboratively.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8762": {"id": "vGtPcWzT6oO-klFXwdOb0", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "4paVd8P85_MfiD-BEjCnU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20020, "section": "WR01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 17, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N403, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8763": {"id": "HiRFrgKOIPuHMq1f5hy2L", "course_id": "110490", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110490", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Speech Pathology Assessment and Management C", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SPEECH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4000", "CLASS_NBR": 10783, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061707", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 4 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Speech Pathology (Honours)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "SPEECH 3003", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Examination, assignment, continuous assessment tasks and required clinical competencies", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, students will build on from knowledge and skills acquired in Speech Pathology Assessment and Management A and B, and apply the principles for person-centered and evidence-based practice in increasingly complex clinical scenarios, including issues related to traumatic brain injury, vulnerable populations, paediatric feeding and swallowing, and dementia and palliative care. Students will consider contextual complexity related to working with culturally and linguistically diverse communities, mental health, inter-professional practice and ethical practice.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8764": {"id": "HiRFrgKOIPuHMq1f5hy2L", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "ciAlzOvgELzQofrziRypm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10783, "section": "SE01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 18, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 404/405, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "xt8kLFJmKB6rXAgLDn2Lm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10782, "section": "LE01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 18, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ligertwood, 333, Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Assessment", "id": "gJblh2lkVNromjj1PNEvE", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10784, "section": "AS01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 18, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "20 Jun - 21 Jun", "days": "Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 410, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 Jun - 21 Jun", "days": "Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N413, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 Jun - 21 Jun", "days": "Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N415, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 Jun - 21 Jun", "days": "Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N115, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 Jun - 21 Jun", "days": "Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N423, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 Jun - 21 Jun", "days": "Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 Jun - 21 Jun", "days": "Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N114, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 Jun - 21 Jun", "days": "Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N421, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8765": {"id": "-BD8aHJ0p4U7KTL3RvZNt", "course_id": "110513", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110513", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Speech Pathology Clinical Practice C", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SPEECH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4001", "CLASS_NBR": 92417, "SESSION_CD": "S01", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061707", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 30 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Speech Pathology (Honours)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "SPEECH 3003 and SPEECH 3004", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Continuous clinical assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Speech Pathology Practice Education courses provide students with a broad range of practice placement experiences across seven separate placements commencing from Year 2, Semester 2 of the four-year program. These placements provide opportunities for students to develop relevant speech pathology knowledge and skills in a range of service provision contexts representing speech pathology practice across the lifespan, and to demonstrate the speech pathology practice competencies to the level required to enter the profession. This course is the fourth of seven practice education courses that students must complete, approximately 20 days in duration, and students\u2019 placement-based learning and assessment will be facilitated by a practice educator. Assessment for this course is comprised of the COMPASS\u00ae assessment, completed in the placement; and students\u2019 reflection and mapping of their knowledge, skills and attributes in their progressive Speech Pathology Professional Standards portfolio.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 23/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 25/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 07/02/2024"}}]}, "8766": {"id": "-BD8aHJ0p4U7KTL3RvZNt", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "_lwrJa61PYU2wn2uHLQKM", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92417, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 10, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 1 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Mar - 29 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 May - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Placement", "id": "BB-D6i9nS-UaYr8ygZWbu", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92443, "section": "PLA0", "size": 30, "enrolled": 10, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Placement"}]}]}]}, "8767": {"id": "CV9_pynyaMnLoN1JUsEIp", "course_id": "110513", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110513", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Speech Pathology Clinical Practice C", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SPEECH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4001", "CLASS_NBR": 19151, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061707", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 30 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Speech Pathology (Honours)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "SPEECH 3003 and SPEECH 3004", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Continuous clinical assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Speech Pathology Practice Education courses provide students with a broad range of practice placement experiences across seven separate placements commencing from Year 2, Semester 2 of the four-year program. These placements provide opportunities for students to develop relevant speech pathology knowledge and skills in a range of service provision contexts representing speech pathology practice across the lifespan, and to demonstrate the speech pathology practice competencies to the level required to enter the profession. This course is the fourth of seven practice education courses that students must complete, approximately 20 days in duration, and students\u2019 placement-based learning and assessment will be facilitated by a practice educator. Assessment for this course is comprised of the COMPASS\u00ae assessment, completed in the placement; and students\u2019 reflection and mapping of their knowledge, skills and attributes in their progressive Speech Pathology Professional Standards portfolio.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8768": {"id": "CV9_pynyaMnLoN1JUsEIp", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "JfNVZ0pRqGa5P4lauD_fe", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19151, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 9, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Class held in Helen Mayo Nth N107/N108 Therapy Space Combined"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 1 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Mar - 29 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 May - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Placement", "id": "O7NAJPrVdvqshx58GByEB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19243, "section": "PLA0", "size": 30, "enrolled": 9, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Placement"}]}]}]}, "8769": {"id": "hT6z_UXUpMnL59iudAQ5H", "course_id": "110513", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110513", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Speech Pathology Clinical Practice C", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SPEECH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4001", "CLASS_NBR": 95270, "SESSION_CD": "WI1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061707", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 30 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Speech Pathology (Honours)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "SPEECH 3003 and SPEECH 3004", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Continuous clinical assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Speech Pathology Practice Education courses provide students with a broad range of practice placement experiences across seven separate placements commencing from Year 2, Semester 2 of the four-year program. These placements provide opportunities for students to develop relevant speech pathology knowledge and skills in a range of service provision contexts representing speech pathology practice across the lifespan, and to demonstrate the speech pathology practice competencies to the level required to enter the profession. This course is the fourth of seven practice education courses that students must complete, approximately 20 days in duration, and students\u2019 placement-based learning and assessment will be facilitated by a practice educator. Assessment for this course is comprised of the COMPASS\u00ae assessment, completed in the placement; and students\u2019 reflection and mapping of their knowledge, skills and attributes in their progressive Speech Pathology Professional Standards portfolio.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 08/07/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 10/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 01/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "8770": {"id": "hT6z_UXUpMnL59iudAQ5H", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "5owr73VvAmnyAsMvjxODk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95270, "section": "WR01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 1, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Placement", "id": "vzcAAahsenoY8RTrL_-69", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95288, "section": "PLA0", "size": 25, "enrolled": 1, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Placement"}]}]}]}, "8771": {"id": "pYleaWNB4hJYxa1KoC3mx", "course_id": "110513", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110513", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Speech Pathology Clinical Practice C", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SPEECH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4001", "CLASS_NBR": 22485, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061707", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 30 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Speech Pathology (Honours)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "SPEECH 3003 and SPEECH 3004", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Continuous clinical assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Speech Pathology Practice Education courses provide students with a broad range of practice placement experiences across seven separate placements commencing from Year 2, Semester 2 of the four-year program. These placements provide opportunities for students to develop relevant speech pathology knowledge and skills in a range of service provision contexts representing speech pathology practice across the lifespan, and to demonstrate the speech pathology practice competencies to the level required to enter the profession. This course is the fourth of seven practice education courses that students must complete, approximately 20 days in duration, and students\u2019 placement-based learning and assessment will be facilitated by a practice educator. Assessment for this course is comprised of the COMPASS\u00ae assessment, completed in the placement; and students\u2019 reflection and mapping of their knowledge, skills and attributes in their progressive Speech Pathology Professional Standards portfolio.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8772": {"id": "pYleaWNB4hJYxa1KoC3mx", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "kgvZ41MBIyPHNNmTff6Ee", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22485, "section": "WR01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 0, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Placement", "id": "abDxOLipW_qGSomWGQPOr", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29077, "section": "PLA0", "size": 25, "enrolled": 0, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Placement"}]}]}]}, "8773": {"id": "k7JSzWcAF36m9SY7xW9Wo", "course_id": "110496", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110496", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Speech Pathology Clinical Practice D", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SPEECH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4002", "CLASS_NBR": 92418, "SESSION_CD": "S01", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061707", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 30 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Speech Pathology (Honours)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "SPEECH 3004, SPEECH 3003", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Continuous clinical assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Speech Pathology Practice Education courses provide students with a broad range of practice placement experiences across seven separate placements commencing from Year 2, Semester 2 of the four-year program. These placements provide opportunities for students to develop relevant speech pathology knowledge and skills in a range of service provision contexts representing speech pathology practice across the lifespan, and to demonstrate the speech pathology practice competencies to the level required to enter the profession. This course is the fourth of seven practice education courses that students must complete, approximately 20 days in duration, and students\u2019 placement-based learning and assessment will be facilitated by a practice educator. Assessment for this course is comprised of the COMPASS\u00ae assessment, completed in the placement; and students\u2019 reflection and mapping of their knowledge, skills and attributes in their progressive Speech Pathology Professional Standards portfolio.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 23/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 25/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 07/02/2024"}}]}, "8774": {"id": "k7JSzWcAF36m9SY7xW9Wo", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "8DNx-IOajJssnmuMBQ_QN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92418, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 0, "available": 30, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Class held in Helen Mayo Nth N107/N108 Therapy Space Combined"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 1 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Mar - 29 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 May - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Placement", "id": "Ss-6pNKLyTABcHfMfNgBF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92442, "section": "PLA0", "size": 30, "enrolled": 0, "available": 30, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Placement"}]}]}]}, "8775": {"id": "HNn_xprXY915pIHoYLUUz", "course_id": "110496", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110496", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Speech Pathology Clinical Practice D", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SPEECH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4002", "CLASS_NBR": 19152, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061707", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 30 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Speech Pathology (Honours)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "SPEECH 3004, SPEECH 3003", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Continuous clinical assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Speech Pathology Practice Education courses provide students with a broad range of practice placement experiences across seven separate placements commencing from Year 2, Semester 2 of the four-year program. These placements provide opportunities for students to develop relevant speech pathology knowledge and skills in a range of service provision contexts representing speech pathology practice across the lifespan, and to demonstrate the speech pathology practice competencies to the level required to enter the profession. This course is the fourth of seven practice education courses that students must complete, approximately 20 days in duration, and students\u2019 placement-based learning and assessment will be facilitated by a practice educator. Assessment for this course is comprised of the COMPASS\u00ae assessment, completed in the placement; and students\u2019 reflection and mapping of their knowledge, skills and attributes in their progressive Speech Pathology Professional Standards portfolio.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8776": {"id": "HNn_xprXY915pIHoYLUUz", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "xyMRT65FY1ZUdyO_DWmwH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19152, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 11, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Class held in Helen Mayo Nth N107/N108 Therapy Space Combined"}], "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 1 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Mar - 29 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 May - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Placement", "id": "PV3wsciA7zKNs8f7Vv7sP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19242, "section": "PLA0", "size": 30, "enrolled": 11, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Placement"}]}]}]}, "8777": {"id": "8rJ6EjL2SjeVwNm7EInek", "course_id": "110496", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110496", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Speech Pathology Clinical Practice D", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SPEECH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4002", "CLASS_NBR": 95271, "SESSION_CD": "WI1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061707", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 30 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Speech Pathology (Honours)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "SPEECH 3004, SPEECH 3003", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Continuous clinical assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Speech Pathology Practice Education courses provide students with a broad range of practice placement experiences across seven separate placements commencing from Year 2, Semester 2 of the four-year program. These placements provide opportunities for students to develop relevant speech pathology knowledge and skills in a range of service provision contexts representing speech pathology practice across the lifespan, and to demonstrate the speech pathology practice competencies to the level required to enter the profession. This course is the fourth of seven practice education courses that students must complete, approximately 20 days in duration, and students\u2019 placement-based learning and assessment will be facilitated by a practice educator. Assessment for this course is comprised of the COMPASS\u00ae assessment, completed in the placement; and students\u2019 reflection and mapping of their knowledge, skills and attributes in their progressive Speech Pathology Professional Standards portfolio.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 08/07/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 10/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 01/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "8778": {"id": "8rJ6EjL2SjeVwNm7EInek", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "UgidX9i-7p64J11f7VoWx", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95271, "section": "WR01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 7, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Placement", "id": "fBaIeBuER10KhMIZdF6_9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95287, "section": "PLA0", "size": 25, "enrolled": 7, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Placement"}]}]}]}, "8779": {"id": "_oUjmIW7VxbLdyEy4EHTS", "course_id": "110496", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110496", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Speech Pathology Clinical Practice D", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SPEECH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4002", "CLASS_NBR": 22486, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061707", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 30 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Speech Pathology (Honours)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "SPEECH 3004, SPEECH 3003", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Continuous clinical assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Speech Pathology Practice Education courses provide students with a broad range of practice placement experiences across seven separate placements commencing from Year 2, Semester 2 of the four-year program. These placements provide opportunities for students to develop relevant speech pathology knowledge and skills in a range of service provision contexts representing speech pathology practice across the lifespan, and to demonstrate the speech pathology practice competencies to the level required to enter the profession. This course is the fourth of seven practice education courses that students must complete, approximately 20 days in duration, and students\u2019 placement-based learning and assessment will be facilitated by a practice educator. Assessment for this course is comprised of the COMPASS\u00ae assessment, completed in the placement; and students\u2019 reflection and mapping of their knowledge, skills and attributes in their progressive Speech Pathology Professional Standards portfolio.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8780": {"id": "_oUjmIW7VxbLdyEy4EHTS", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "_gU6Q6G8patBJIRM2jrtr", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22486, "section": "WR01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 1, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Placement", "id": "NMqnBT8iiaGchA2as8XTJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29076, "section": "PLA0", "size": 25, "enrolled": 1, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Placement"}]}]}]}, "8781": {"id": "cVGRMHpcE1Jf96FF5q2DS", "course_id": "110507", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110507", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Transition to Professional Practice", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SPEECH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4003", "CLASS_NBR": 20717, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061707", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Speech Pathology (Honours)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "SPEECH 3003", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Continuous assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course, students will reflect on their professional skills and identity developed over the duration of the program. Students will reflect on how they have achieved the COMPASS competencies and University of Adelaide Graduate Qualities. Students will explore the concepts of workplace strategies for mental health (e.g., workplace burnout, conflict resolution, challenging conversations with colleagues and clients) and ways to manage ethical dilemmas in greater depth. Student also explore what supports and services may be available to practicing clinicians outside of the University student experience. Students will be involved in cultural responsiveness training, including cultural safe practices with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8782": {"id": "cVGRMHpcE1Jf96FF5q2DS", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "cJU7orIL8hG4U6VRul2Ie", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20717, "section": "WR01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 13, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 26 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Aug - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Aug - 23 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Sep - 6 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 4 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N112, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N112, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8783": {"id": "kMq1J51cC64f9V1KuOr3_", "course_id": "110491", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110491", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Speech Pathology Industry Honours Project 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SPEECH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4004A", "CLASS_NBR": 19191, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061707", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Speech Pathology (Honours)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "SPEECH 3005", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Examination, assignment and continuous assessment tasks", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students will translate their knowledge from Speech Pathology Industry Project 1, to plan and execute an industry-relevant team project. Students will develop experience with project management, stakeholder engagement, data collection and analysis, and finding interpretation and dissemination. Students will complete project work as individuals, pairs or in small teams, depending on the nature of the project and the preferences of the industry partner. Students will work closely with an academic and/or industry supervisor who will supervise their progress during through the project. At the end of the course, students will present a written report and oral presentation of their industry project outcomes and recommendations, and translation considerations.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "8784": {"id": "kMq1J51cC64f9V1KuOr3_", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "i7vE1Wlcaob8c5meJoOQr", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19191, "section": "WR01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 15, "available": 45, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 May - 3 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 May - 17 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "31 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8785": {"id": "jkAPEK2E714yL9g_Ph9h1", "course_id": "111609", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111609", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Speech Pathology Industry Honours Project 2", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SPEECH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4004B", "CLASS_NBR": 29017, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061707", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Speech Pathology (Honours)", "PRE_REQUISITE": "SPEECH 4004A", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students will translate their knowledge from Speech Pathology Industry Project 1, to plan and execute an industry-relevant team project. Students will develop experience with project management, stakeholder engagement, data collection and analysis, and finding interpretation and dissemination. Students will complete project work as individuals, pairs or in small teams, depending on the nature of the project and the preferences of the industry partner. Students will work closely with an academic and/or industry supervisor who will supervise their progress during through the project. At the end of the course, students will present a written report and oral presentation of their industry project outcomes and recommendations, and translation considerations.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8786": {"id": "jkAPEK2E714yL9g_Ph9h1", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "E8-UYwKNuuxMxf_fLzsU9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29017, "section": "SE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 15, "available": 45, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 403, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 403, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8787": {"id": "6RMcag4FyC3pP_CxAhSAq", "course_id": "110514", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110514", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Speech Pathology Clinical Practice E", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SPEECH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4005", "CLASS_NBR": 92419, "SESSION_CD": "S01", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061707", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 30 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Restricted to Bachelor of Speech Pathology (Honours) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "SPEECH 4001 and SPEECH 4002", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Continuous clinical assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Speech Pathology Practice Education courses provide students with a broad range of practice placement experiences across seven separate placements commencing from Year 2, Semester 2 of the four-year program. These placements provide opportunities for students to develop relevant speech pathology knowledge and skills in a range of service provision contexts representing speech pathology practice across the lifespan, and to demonstrate the speech pathology practice competencies to the level required to enter the profession. This course is the fourth of seven practice education courses that students must complete, approximately 20 days in duration, and students\u2019 placement-based learning and assessment will be facilitated by a practice educator. Assessment for this course is comprised of the COMPASS\u00ae assessment, completed in the placement; and students\u2019 reflection and mapping of their knowledge, skills and attributes in their progressive Speech Pathology Professional Standards portfolio.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 23/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 25/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 07/02/2024"}}]}, "8788": {"id": "6RMcag4FyC3pP_CxAhSAq", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "gLq8oftGYVJ3EyLsGzBXX", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92419, "section": "WR01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 0, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 1 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Mar - 29 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 May - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Placement", "id": "sNcLhXfZOTmxI0jLWuqpX", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92441, "section": "PLA0", "size": 25, "enrolled": 0, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Placement"}]}]}]}, "8789": {"id": "H23owRMtSYopuSpv4ETOH", "course_id": "110514", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110514", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Speech Pathology Clinical Practice E", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SPEECH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4005", "CLASS_NBR": 19153, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061707", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 30 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Restricted to Bachelor of Speech Pathology (Honours) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "SPEECH 4001 and SPEECH 4002", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Continuous clinical assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Speech Pathology Practice Education courses provide students with a broad range of practice placement experiences across seven separate placements commencing from Year 2, Semester 2 of the four-year program. These placements provide opportunities for students to develop relevant speech pathology knowledge and skills in a range of service provision contexts representing speech pathology practice across the lifespan, and to demonstrate the speech pathology practice competencies to the level required to enter the profession. This course is the fourth of seven practice education courses that students must complete, approximately 20 days in duration, and students\u2019 placement-based learning and assessment will be facilitated by a practice educator. Assessment for this course is comprised of the COMPASS\u00ae assessment, completed in the placement; and students\u2019 reflection and mapping of their knowledge, skills and attributes in their progressive Speech Pathology Professional Standards portfolio.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8790": {"id": "H23owRMtSYopuSpv4ETOH", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "YH93H8k8CE9_QWc0qWicX", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19153, "section": "WR01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 0, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 1 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Mar - 29 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 May - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Placement", "id": "F3McNKxuCt-rZsRVei1w_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19241, "section": "PLA0", "size": 25, "enrolled": 0, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Placement"}]}]}]}, "8791": {"id": "UIUI7Y8A9muXKrgb2gMwV", "course_id": "110514", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110514", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Speech Pathology Clinical Practice E", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SPEECH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4005", "CLASS_NBR": 95272, "SESSION_CD": "WI1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061707", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 30 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Restricted to Bachelor of Speech Pathology (Honours) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "SPEECH 4001 and SPEECH 4002", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Continuous clinical assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Speech Pathology Practice Education courses provide students with a broad range of practice placement experiences across seven separate placements commencing from Year 2, Semester 2 of the four-year program. These placements provide opportunities for students to develop relevant speech pathology knowledge and skills in a range of service provision contexts representing speech pathology practice across the lifespan, and to demonstrate the speech pathology practice competencies to the level required to enter the profession. This course is the fourth of seven practice education courses that students must complete, approximately 20 days in duration, and students\u2019 placement-based learning and assessment will be facilitated by a practice educator. Assessment for this course is comprised of the COMPASS\u00ae assessment, completed in the placement; and students\u2019 reflection and mapping of their knowledge, skills and attributes in their progressive Speech Pathology Professional Standards portfolio.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 08/07/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 10/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 01/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "8792": {"id": "UIUI7Y8A9muXKrgb2gMwV", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "g8xe_PV7KI9krXOR3tBG8", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95272, "section": "WR01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 8, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Placement", "id": "VV1sjh6el8fF67CPMHn70", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95286, "section": "PLA0", "size": 25, "enrolled": 8, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Placement"}]}]}]}, "8793": {"id": "u_7kiq9hOAOkA7Yb0ku4d", "course_id": "110514", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110514", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Speech Pathology Clinical Practice E", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SPEECH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4005", "CLASS_NBR": 22487, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061707", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 30 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Restricted to Bachelor of Speech Pathology (Honours) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "SPEECH 4001 and SPEECH 4002", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Continuous clinical assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Speech Pathology Practice Education courses provide students with a broad range of practice placement experiences across seven separate placements commencing from Year 2, Semester 2 of the four-year program. These placements provide opportunities for students to develop relevant speech pathology knowledge and skills in a range of service provision contexts representing speech pathology practice across the lifespan, and to demonstrate the speech pathology practice competencies to the level required to enter the profession. This course is the fourth of seven practice education courses that students must complete, approximately 20 days in duration, and students\u2019 placement-based learning and assessment will be facilitated by a practice educator. Assessment for this course is comprised of the COMPASS\u00ae assessment, completed in the placement; and students\u2019 reflection and mapping of their knowledge, skills and attributes in their progressive Speech Pathology Professional Standards portfolio.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8794": {"id": "u_7kiq9hOAOkA7Yb0ku4d", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "gVPFs_l-huFA4iFADJVKO", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22487, "section": "WR01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 10, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Placement", "id": "ZEiZroDlGck2ysbyZquzM", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29075, "section": "PLA0", "size": 25, "enrolled": 10, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Placement"}]}]}]}, "8795": {"id": "6ta-oAHXYVJwkyPuU30hc", "course_id": "110508", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110508", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Speech Pathology Clinical Practice F", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SPEECH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4006", "CLASS_NBR": 92420, "SESSION_CD": "S01", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061707", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 30 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Restricted to Bachelor of Speech Pathology (Honours) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "SPEECH 4001, SPEECH 4002", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Continuous clinical assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Speech Pathology Practice Education courses provide students with a broad range of practice placement experiences across seven separate placements commencing from Year 2, Semester 2 of the four-year program. These placements provide opportunities for students to develop relevant speech pathology knowledge and skills in a range of service provision contexts representing speech pathology practice across the lifespan, and to demonstrate the speech pathology practice competencies to the level required to enter the profession. This course is the fourth of seven practice education courses that students must complete, approximately 20 days in duration, and students\u2019 placement-based learning and assessment will be facilitated by a practice educator. Assessment for this course is comprised of the COMPASS\u00ae assessment, completed in the placement; and students\u2019 reflection and mapping of their knowledge, skills and attributes in their progressive Speech Pathology Professional Standards portfolio. In this capstone Practice Education course, students must demonstrate COMPASS\u00ae entry level, and across their practice education program (seven practice education courses), have demonstrated progressive competency development towards COMPASS\u00ae entry level in communication and swallowing practice across the lifespan. Additionally, in this capstone Practice Education course, a final practice-based simulation examination is completed to triangulate the \u2018entry-level\u2019 practice education attainment of students, and to assure their readiness to enter the speech pathology profession.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 23/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 25/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 07/02/2024"}}]}, "8796": {"id": "6ta-oAHXYVJwkyPuU30hc", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "t5IcLj0v4LU40r9Hxe5Bf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92420, "section": "WR01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 0, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 1 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Mar - 29 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 May - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Placement", "id": "M8YKilbaalH_DDGo8o5Eb", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92440, "section": "PLA0", "size": 25, "enrolled": 0, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Placement"}]}]}]}, "8797": {"id": "SPQXcGsPvDP2lF3drn24m", "course_id": "110508", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110508", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "Speech Pathology Clinical Practice F", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SPEECH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4006", "CLASS_NBR": 95273, "SESSION_CD": "WI1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061707", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 30 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Restricted to Bachelor of Speech Pathology (Honours) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "SPEECH 4001, SPEECH 4002", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Continuous clinical assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Speech Pathology Practice Education courses provide students with a broad range of practice placement experiences across seven separate placements commencing from Year 2, Semester 2 of the four-year program. These placements provide opportunities for students to develop relevant speech pathology knowledge and skills in a range of service provision contexts representing speech pathology practice across the lifespan, and to demonstrate the speech pathology practice competencies to the level required to enter the profession. This course is the fourth of seven practice education courses that students must complete, approximately 20 days in duration, and students\u2019 placement-based learning and assessment will be facilitated by a practice educator. Assessment for this course is comprised of the COMPASS\u00ae assessment, completed in the placement; and students\u2019 reflection and mapping of their knowledge, skills and attributes in their progressive Speech Pathology Professional Standards portfolio. In this capstone Practice Education course, students must demonstrate COMPASS\u00ae entry level, and across their practice education program (seven practice education courses), have demonstrated progressive competency development towards COMPASS\u00ae entry level in communication and swallowing practice across the lifespan. Additionally, in this capstone Practice Education course, a final practice-based simulation examination is completed to triangulate the \u2018entry-level\u2019 practice education attainment of students, and to assure their readiness to enter the speech pathology profession.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 08/07/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 10/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 01/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "8798": {"id": "SPQXcGsPvDP2lF3drn24m", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "BOXbmG92iOGgOEzFkfLRk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95273, "section": "WR01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 0, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Placement", "id": "ORQrLg2Gutd4DRniO8rAz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95285, "section": "PLA0", "size": 25, "enrolled": 0, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Placement"}]}]}]}, "8799": {"id": "Vh5v1FGpIGjTpkn8jFqoH", "course_id": "110508", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110508", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Speech Pathology Clinical Practice F", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SPEECH", "CATALOG_NBR": "4006", "CLASS_NBR": 22488, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061707", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 30 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Restricted to Bachelor of Speech Pathology (Honours) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "SPEECH 4001, SPEECH 4002", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Continuous clinical assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Speech Pathology Practice Education courses provide students with a broad range of practice placement experiences across seven separate placements commencing from Year 2, Semester 2 of the four-year program. These placements provide opportunities for students to develop relevant speech pathology knowledge and skills in a range of service provision contexts representing speech pathology practice across the lifespan, and to demonstrate the speech pathology practice competencies to the level required to enter the profession. This course is the fourth of seven practice education courses that students must complete, approximately 20 days in duration, and students\u2019 placement-based learning and assessment will be facilitated by a practice educator. Assessment for this course is comprised of the COMPASS\u00ae assessment, completed in the placement; and students\u2019 reflection and mapping of their knowledge, skills and attributes in their progressive Speech Pathology Professional Standards portfolio. In this capstone Practice Education course, students must demonstrate COMPASS\u00ae entry level, and across their practice education program (seven practice education courses), have demonstrated progressive competency development towards COMPASS\u00ae entry level in communication and swallowing practice across the lifespan. Additionally, in this capstone Practice Education course, a final practice-based simulation examination is completed to triangulate the \u2018entry-level\u2019 practice education attainment of students, and to assure their readiness to enter the speech pathology profession.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8800": {"id": "Vh5v1FGpIGjTpkn8jFqoH", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "49aHwud97wo4tN54p9TWA", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22488, "section": "WR01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 16, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, N107/N108, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Placement", "id": "aHDR7CIssThC8HJwE1Eyy", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29074, "section": "PLA0", "size": 25, "enrolled": 16, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Placement"}]}]}]}, "8801": {"subject": "STATS", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "005543", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "005543", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111600", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "005543", "term": "4410", "offer": 4}, {"course_id": "005543", "term": "4420", "offer": 4}, {"course_id": "005543", "term": "4410", "offer": 5}, {"course_id": "105924", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104843", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "003989", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "007113", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110009", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110034", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108646", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108644", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110032", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110035", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108743", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108746", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108660", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108660", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108661", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108661", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "002684", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "004013", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110033", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110033", "term": "4433", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110033", "term": "4436", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110036", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102826", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102832", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104959", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104959", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107762", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107762", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107763", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107763", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109093", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109093", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109094", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109094", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109095", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109095", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109096", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109096", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111352", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111352", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111353", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111353", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111354", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111354", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111355", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111355", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "8802": {"id": "yuo-7vSzjC1Wzd9OJOxhQ", "course_id": "005543", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "005543", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Statistical Practice I", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "STATS", "CATALOG_NBR": "1000", "CLASS_NBR": 11386, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Not available to BMaSc, BMaSc(Hons) [Direct Entry] or BMaSc (Adv) students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "SACE Stage 2 Mathematical Methods", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MATHS 2107, STATS 1004, STATS 1005, ECON 1008, STATS 1504", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Statistical ideas and methods are essential tools in virtually all areas that rely on data to make decisions and reach conclusions. This includes diverse fields such as medicine, science, technology, government, commerce and manufacturing. In broad terms, statistics is about getting information from data. This includes both the important question of how to obtain suitable data for a given purpose and also how best to extract the information, often in the presence of random variability. This course provides an introduction to the contemporary application of statistics to a wide range of real world situations. It has a strong practical focus using the statistical package R to analyse real data.\n\nTopics covered are: organisation, description and presentation of data; design of experiments and surveys; random variables, probability distributions, the binomial distribution and the normal distribution; statistical inference, tests of significance, confidence intervals; inference for means and proportions, one-sample tests, two independent samples, paired data, t-tests, contingency tables; analysis of variance; linear regression, least squares estimation, residuals and transformations, inference for regression coefficients, prediction.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8803": {"id": "yuo-7vSzjC1Wzd9OJOxhQ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "Uv3Zf3BfOq9DAxpewCt24", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11386, "section": "SE01", "size": 400, "enrolled": 178, "available": 222, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "eZshMB-3Q5TXae4AGx6Nu", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11382, "section": "PR04", "size": 45, "enrolled": 10, "available": 35, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11383, "section": "PR03", "size": 55, "enrolled": 20, "available": 35, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11384, "section": "PR02", "size": 50, "enrolled": 27, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11385, "section": "PR01", "size": 55, "enrolled": 23, "available": 32, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11387, "section": "PR05", "size": 45, "enrolled": 25, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11393, "section": "PR08", "size": 50, "enrolled": 38, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11394, "section": "PR07", "size": 50, "enrolled": 23, "available": 27, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14869, "section": "PR06", "size": 50, "enrolled": 12, "available": 38, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "8804": {"id": "yrXMsAk-_7xuGwdBYu6af", "course_id": "005543", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "005543", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Statistical Practice I", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "STATS", "CATALOG_NBR": "1000", "CLASS_NBR": 24757, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Not available to BMaSc, BMaSc(Hons) [Direct Entry] or BMaSc (Adv) students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "SACE Stage 2 Mathematical Methods", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MATHS 2107, STATS 1004, STATS 1005, ECON 1008, STATS 1504", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Statistical ideas and methods are essential tools in virtually all areas that rely on data to make decisions and reach conclusions. This includes diverse fields such as medicine, science, technology, government, commerce and manufacturing. In broad terms, statistics is about getting information from data. This includes both the important question of how to obtain suitable data for a given purpose and also how best to extract the information, often in the presence of random variability. This course provides an introduction to the contemporary application of statistics to a wide range of real world situations. It has a strong practical focus using the statistical package R to analyse real data.\n\nTopics covered are: organisation, description and presentation of data; design of experiments and surveys; random variables, probability distributions, the binomial distribution and the normal distribution; statistical inference, tests of significance, confidence intervals; inference for means and proportions, one-sample tests, two independent samples, paired data, t-tests, contingency tables; analysis of variance; linear regression, least squares estimation, residuals and transformations, inference for regression coefficients, prediction.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8805": {"id": "yrXMsAk-_7xuGwdBYu6af", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "F_t5XNDRVMntEWxP7stEz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24757, "section": "SE01", "size": 430, "enrolled": 337, "available": 93, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "OWIo4rg8bGYU6wrencvfh", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20281, "section": "PR10", "size": 40, "enrolled": 40, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20282, "section": "PR09", "size": 40, "enrolled": 24, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21406, "section": "PR08", "size": 40, "enrolled": 31, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21407, "section": "PR07", "size": 40, "enrolled": 40, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21408, "section": "PR06", "size": 52, "enrolled": 52, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21409, "section": "PR05", "size": 50, "enrolled": 47, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21410, "section": "PR04", "size": 40, "enrolled": 24, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21411, "section": "PR03", "size": 20, "enrolled": 18, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21412, "section": "PR02", "size": 68, "enrolled": 22, "available": 46, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21413, "section": "PR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 39, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "8806": {"id": "FgP5lnAZGaI0aiSuaw1DJ", "course_id": "111600", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111600", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Statistical Practice I", "CAMPUS": "Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "MELB", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "STATS", "CATALOG_NBR": "1000MELB", "CLASS_NBR": 19322, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "SACE Stage 2 Mathematical Methods", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MATHS 2107, STATS 1004, STATS 1005, ECON 1008, STATS 1504", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, online quizzes and tasks, ongoing assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Statistical ideas and methods are essential tools in virtually all areas that rely on data to make decisions and reach conclusions. This includes diverse fields such as medicine, science, technology, government, commerce and manufacturing. In broad terms, statistics is about getting information from data. This includes both the important question of how to obtain suitable data for a given purpose and also how best to extract the information, often in the presence of random variability. This course provides an introduction to the contemporary application of statistics to a wide range of real world situations. It has a strong practical focus using the statistical package R to analyse real data.\n\nTopics covered are: organisation, description and presentation of data; design of experiments and surveys; random variables, probability distributions, the binomial distribution and the normal distribution; statistical inference, tests of significance, confidence intervals; inference for means and proportions, one-sample tests, two independent samples, paired data, t-tests, contingency tables; analysis of variance; linear regression, least squares estimation, residuals and transformations, inference for regression coefficients, prediction.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8807": {"id": "FgP5lnAZGaI0aiSuaw1DJ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "", "groups": []}]}, "8808": {"id": "Ibq4o3SM_ttd4YPSeiXY5", "course_id": "005543", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "005543", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 4, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Statistical Practice I", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "STATS", "CATALOG_NBR": "1000UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 12458, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "SACE Stage 2 Mathematical Methods", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MATHS 2107, STATS 1004, STATS 1005, ECON 1008, STATS 1504", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Statistical ideas and methods are essential tools in virtually all areas that rely on data to make decisions and reach conclusions. This includes diverse fields such as medicine, science, technology, government, commerce and manufacturing. In broad terms, statistics is about getting information from data. This includes both the important question of how to obtain suitable data for a given purpose and also how best to extract the information, often in the presence of random variability. This course provides an introduction to the contemporary application of statistics to a wide range of real world situations. It has a strong practical focus using the statistical package R to analyse real data.\n\nTopics covered are: organisation, description and presentation of data; design of experiments and surveys; random variables, probability distributions, the binomial distribution and the normal distribution; statistical inference, tests of significance, confidence intervals; inference for means and proportions, one-sample tests, two independent samples, paired data, t-tests, contingency tables; analysis of variance; linear regression, least squares estimation, residuals and transformations, inference for regression coefficients, prediction.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8809": {"id": "Ibq4o3SM_ttd4YPSeiXY5", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "j1rafNEc5vS8Ug1WZrIC9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11402, "section": "SE01", "size": 69, "enrolled": 38, "available": 31, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "The Braggs, G60, Bragg Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "xKO7jWfvpHuUEKEPEPtv1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11395, "section": "PR08", "size": 10, "enrolled": 4, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11396, "section": "PR07", "size": 10, "enrolled": 1, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11397, "section": "PR05", "size": 10, "enrolled": 7, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11398, "section": "PR04", "size": 10, "enrolled": 4, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11399, "section": "PR03", "size": 6, "enrolled": 6, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11400, "section": "PR02", "size": 8, "enrolled": 6, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11401, "section": "PR01", "size": 6, "enrolled": 6, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14870, "section": "PR06", "size": 9, "enrolled": 4, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tuition", "id": "IgumTouhIJBIIsxoqmIHU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12456, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 9, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Darling West, B03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Darling West, B03, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12457, "section": "TT02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 14, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Darling West, B04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Darling West, B04, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12458, "section": "TT03", "size": 24, "enrolled": 15, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Darling West, B03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Darling West, B03, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8810": {"id": "cnWyGYFq2O-fEa7xfkkmK", "course_id": "005543", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "005543", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 4, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Statistical Practice I", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "STATS", "CATALOG_NBR": "1000UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 23339, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Only available to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "SACE Stage 2 Mathematical Methods", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MATHS 2107, STATS 1004, STATS 1005, ECON 1008, STATS 1504", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Statistical ideas and methods are essential tools in virtually all areas that rely on data to make decisions and reach conclusions. This includes diverse fields such as medicine, science, technology, government, commerce and manufacturing. In broad terms, statistics is about getting information from data. This includes both the important question of how to obtain suitable data for a given purpose and also how best to extract the information, often in the presence of random variability. This course provides an introduction to the contemporary application of statistics to a wide range of real world situations. It has a strong practical focus using the statistical package R to analyse real data.\n\nTopics covered are: organisation, description and presentation of data; design of experiments and surveys; random variables, probability distributions, the binomial distribution and the normal distribution; statistical inference, tests of significance, confidence intervals; inference for means and proportions, one-sample tests, two independent samples, paired data, t-tests, contingency tables; analysis of variance; linear regression, least squares estimation, residuals and transformations, inference for regression coefficients, prediction.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8811": {"id": "cnWyGYFq2O-fEa7xfkkmK", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "4gmLTZqEygdjixvQJ-_Ui", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23336, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 16, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 315, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23337, "section": "TT02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 11, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, 104, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, 104, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23338, "section": "TT03", "size": 24, "enrolled": 20, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 114, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 114, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23339, "section": "TT04", "size": 24, "enrolled": 9, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Badger, 125, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Badger, 125, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "tAXrrx6Sfr9FA4Do-m3Am", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20285, "section": "PR10", "size": 8, "enrolled": 6, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20286, "section": "PR09", "size": 8, "enrolled": 4, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21414, "section": "PR05", "size": 10, "enrolled": 6, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21415, "section": "PR04", "size": 8, "enrolled": 5, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21416, "section": "PR03", "size": 9, "enrolled": 6, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21417, "section": "PR02", "size": 12, "enrolled": 6, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21418, "section": "PR01", "size": 7, "enrolled": 6, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21419, "section": "PR08", "size": 9, "enrolled": 7, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21420, "section": "PR07", "size": 9, "enrolled": 5, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21421, "section": "PR06", "size": 6, "enrolled": 5, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "S1-pYYAmSYjhYE7ru8HtT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24758, "section": "SE01", "size": 90, "enrolled": 56, "available": 34, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Scott Theatre, 001, Scott Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "8812": {"id": "enLM-YFaizF7_8KpiYUS2", "course_id": "005543", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "005543", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 5, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Statistical Practice I", "CAMPUS": "UofA College Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "UACM", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "STATS", "CATALOG_NBR": "1000UACM", "CLASS_NBR": 19319, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "SACE Stage 2 Mathematical Methods", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MATHS 2107, STATS 1004, STATS 1005, ECON 1008, STATS 1504", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Statistical ideas and methods are essential tools in virtually all areas that rely on data to make decisions and reach conclusions. This includes diverse fields such as medicine, science, technology, government, commerce and manufacturing. In broad terms, statistics is about getting information from data. This includes both the important question of how to obtain suitable data for a given purpose and also how best to extract the information, often in the presence of random variability. This course provides an introduction to the contemporary application of statistics to a wide range of real world situations. It has a strong practical focus using the statistical package R to analyse real data.\n\nTopics covered are: organisation, description and presentation of data; design of experiments and surveys; random variables, probability distributions, the binomial distribution and the normal distribution; statistical inference, tests of significance, confidence intervals; inference for means and proportions, one-sample tests, two independent samples, paired data, t-tests, contingency tables; analysis of variance; linear regression, least squares estimation, residuals and transformations, inference for regression coefficients, prediction.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8813": {"id": "enLM-YFaizF7_8KpiYUS2", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "6nZd2iuoGvH9bErejQ_zF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19327, "section": "SE01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 10, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "J_EK61zGWnAvQa4mfFOfy", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19319, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 10, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19326, "section": "PR01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 10, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8814": {"id": "WcAoM4n_6RuSQGk-2ranH", "course_id": "105924", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105924", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Statistical Analysis and Modelling I", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "STATS", "CATALOG_NBR": "1005", "CLASS_NBR": 21294, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "At least a C- in both SACE Stage 2 Mathematical Methods and SACE Stage 2 Specialist Mathematics; or at least 3 in IB Mathematics: analysis and approaches HL; or MATHS 1013.", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MATHS 2107, STATS 1000, STATS 1004, STATS 1504, ECON 1008", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing Assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This is a first course in Statistics for mathematically inclined students. It will address the key principles underlying commonly used statistical methods such as confidence intervals, hypothesis tests, inference for means and proportions, and linear regression. It will develop a deeper mathematical understanding of these ideas, many of which will be familiar from studies in secondary school. The application of basic and more advanced statistical methods will be illustrated on a range of problems from areas such as medicine, science, technology, government, commerce and manufacturing. The use of the statistical package R will be developed through a sequence of computer practicals.\n\nTopics covered will include: basic probability and random variables, fundamental distributions, inference for means and proportions, comparison of independent and paired samples, simple linear regression, diagnostics and model checking, multiple linear regression, simple factorial models, models with factors and continuous predictors.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8815": {"id": "WcAoM4n_6RuSQGk-2ranH", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "lARw7Hz_sScfmFLbT5bZk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21299, "section": "SE01", "size": 150, "enrolled": 129, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM205, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "gxUr-ZsN2AqKw-f6qWTYK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21289, "section": "PR05", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "29 Aug - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21290, "section": "PR04", "size": 30, "enrolled": 27, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "29 Aug - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "24 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21291, "section": "PR03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 24, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21292, "section": "PR02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 25, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 31 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "14 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "28 Aug - 28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21293, "section": "PR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 25, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "25 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "xNQCgWhOUXkVOrSZs3gh9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21294, "section": "WR05", "size": 30, "enrolled": 27, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21295, "section": "WR04", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21296, "section": "WR03", "size": 24, "enrolled": 20, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG21, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21297, "section": "WR02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 25, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21298, "section": "WR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 4 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG23, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8816": {"id": "xJBw5SXfDVxIAweB4KnDk", "course_id": "104843", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104843", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Statistical Modelling and Inference II", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "STATS", "CATALOG_NBR": "2107", "CLASS_NBR": 29578, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(MATHS 1004 or MATHS 1012) and (STATS 1000 or STATS 1004 or STATS 1005 or MATHS 2201 or MATHS 2107)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MATHS 2103. Familiarity with a programming language; R would be most beneficial.", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Statistical methods underpin disciplines which draw inference from data and this includes just about everything: for example, the sciences, humanities, technology, education, engineering, government, industry and medicine. Analysis of the complex problems arising in practice requires an understanding of fundamental statistical principles together with knowledge of how to use suitable modelling techniques. Computing using high-level software is also an essential element of modern statistical practice. This course provides you with these skills by giving an introduction to the principles of statistical inference and linear statistical models using the freely available statistical package R.\n\nTopics covered are: point estimates, unbiasedness, mean-squared error, confidence intervals, tests of hypotheses, power calculations, derivation of one and two-sample procedures: simple linear regression, regression diagnostics, and prediction: linear models, analysis of variance (ANOVA), multiple linear regression, factorial experiments, analysis of covariance models including parallel and separate regressions, and model building, including maximum likelihood methods for estimation and testing.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8817": {"id": "xJBw5SXfDVxIAweB4KnDk", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "sXfKqThIJ33XgTKL5Ty6j", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21303, "section": "SE01", "size": 180, "enrolled": 159, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "C24KdJXLUAe0sVmHY-DOH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20414, "section": "WR01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 57, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 29 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Aug - 12 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Oct - 7 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21304, "section": "WR03", "size": 60, "enrolled": 47, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21305, "section": "WR02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 27, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29578, "section": "WR04", "size": 30, "enrolled": 28, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "CnjBLaM5i1uqV6d1sK6pl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21300, "section": "PR03", "size": 55, "enrolled": 40, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 26 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "9 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Aug - 23 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "6 Sep - 6 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 4 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "18 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21301, "section": "PR02", "size": 45, "enrolled": 38, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 23 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "6 Aug - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "20 Aug - 20 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Sep - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21302, "section": "PR01", "size": 55, "enrolled": 52, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 22 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "5 Aug - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "19 Aug - 19 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Sep - 2 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 14 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29577, "section": "PR04", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 26 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "9 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Aug - 23 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "6 Sep - 6 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 4 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "18 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "8818": {"id": "ZjbocLEv9VZ8sH6VRUUFU", "course_id": "003989", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "003989", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Statistical Modelling III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "STATS", "CATALOG_NBR": "3001", "CLASS_NBR": 12037, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "STATS 2107 or (MATHS 2201 and MATHS 2202) or (MATHS 2106 and MATHS 2107)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Experience with the statistical package R such as would be obtained from STATS 1005 or STATS 2107.", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "One of the key requirements of an applied statistician is the ability to formulate appropriate statistical models and then apply them to data in order to answer the questions of interest. Most often, such models can be seen as relating a response variable to one or more explanatory variables. For example, in a medical experiment we may seek to evaluate a new treatment by relating patient outcome to treatment received while allowing for background variables such as age, sex and disease severity. In this course, a rigorous discussion of the linear model is given and various extensions are developed. There is a strong practical emphasis and the statistical package R is used extensively.\n\nTopics covered are: the linear model, least squares estimation, generalised least squares estimation, properties of estimators, the Gauss-Markov theorem; geometry of least squares, subspace formulation of linear models, orthogonal projections; regression models, factorial experiments, analysis of covariance and model formulae; regression diagnostics, residuals, influence diagnostics, transformations, Box-Cox models, model selection and model building strategies; logistic regression models; Poisson regression models.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8819": {"id": "ZjbocLEv9VZ8sH6VRUUFU", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "kwGxNC6yuro2wdZs3rl-6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12041, "section": "SE01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 37, "available": 33, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "e3IHuzxQCAGuxOUe31i1f", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12032, "section": "PR02", "size": 35, "enrolled": 19, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "3 May - 3 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "17 May - 17 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "31 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12033, "section": "PR01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 18, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "1 May - 1 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "15 May - 15 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "29 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "EOIiA7rkz2rzhIxpsMAep", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12037, "section": "WR02", "size": 35, "enrolled": 19, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 1 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Mar - 29 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 May - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 May - 24 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12038, "section": "WR01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 18, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 28 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Mar - 13 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8820": {"id": "s5Z-lmbWnPYzOU7Fwv-2o", "course_id": "007113", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "007113", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Mathematical Statistics III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "STATS", "CATALOG_NBR": "3006", "CLASS_NBR": 10275, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(MATHS 1012 and STATS 2107) or (MATHS 2201 and MATHS 2202) or (MATHS 2106 and MATHS 2107)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "STATS 2107", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Statistical methods used in practice are based on a foundation of statistical theory. One branch of this theory uses the tools of probability to establish important distributional results that are used throughout statistics. Another major branch of statistical theory is statistical inference. It deals with issues such as how do we define a 'good' estimator or hypothesis test, how do we recognise one and how do we construct one? This course is concerned with the fundamental theory of random variables and statistical inference. \n\nTopics covered are: calculus of distributions, moments, moment generating functions; multivariate distributions, marginal and conditional distributions, conditional expectation and variance operators, change of variable, multivariate normal distribution, exact distributions arising in statistics; weak convergence, convergence in distribution, weak law of large numbers, central limit theorem; statistical inference, likelihood, score and information; estimation, minimum variance unbiased estimation, the Cramer-Rao lower bound, exponential families, sufficient statistics, the Rao-Blackwell theorem, efficiency, consistency, maximum likelihood estimators, large sample properties; tests of hypotheses, most powerful tests, the Neyman-Pearson lemma, likelihood ratio, score and Wald tests, large sample properties.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8821": {"id": "s5Z-lmbWnPYzOU7Fwv-2o", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "Xr9agaIjEE-RUvM803oBz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10272, "section": "SE01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 23, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 29 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "ivoC5t2qwiRgOYGS7mOTM", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10275, "section": "WR01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 23, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8822": {"id": "vX9Vki-UpIKFufCer0Tun", "course_id": "110009", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110009", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Data Science III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "STATS", "CATALOG_NBR": "3022", "CLASS_NBR": 20416, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "STATS 2107 or (MATHS 2201 and MATHS 2202) or (MATHS 2106 and MATHS 2107))", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Experience with the statistical package R such as would be obtained from STATS 1005 or STATS 2107.", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment and examination.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will introduce the fundamental concepts of modern data science. It will provide students with tools to deal with real, messy data, an understanding of the appropriate methods to use, and the ability to use these tools safely. Topics will include data structures; regression models including lasso regression, ridge regression and non-linearity with splines; classification models including logistic regression, linear discriminant analysis, support vector machines and random forests; and unsupervised learning methods such as principal component analysis, k-means and hierarchical clustering. The practical skills will be focused on data science in R.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8823": {"id": "vX9Vki-UpIKFufCer0Tun", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "kPlt3cntuNNwCIS89iiFD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20416, "section": "WR01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 37, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "1Iy5ItHVkokqdjPVg-pyY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24754, "section": "PR01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 37, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "8824": {"id": "MxsiG6zUM62AzEgrNRhFe", "course_id": "110034", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110034", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Computational Bayesian Statistics III", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "STATS", "CATALOG_NBR": "3023", "CLASS_NBR": 21286, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MATHS 2103 or MATHS 2107 or STATS 2107", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Experience with the statistical package R such as would be obtained from STATS 1005 or STATS 2107", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment and examination.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of this course is to equip students with the theoretical knowledge and\npractical skills to perform Bayesian inference in a wide range of practical applications. Following an introduction to the Bayesian framework, the course will focus on the main Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms for performing inference and will consider a number of models widely used in practice. Topics covered are: Introduction to Bayesian statistics; model checking, comparison and choice; introduction to Bayesian computation; Gibbs sampler; Metropolis-Hastings algorithm; missing data techniques; hierarchical models; regression models; Gaussian process models.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8825": {"id": "MxsiG6zUM62AzEgrNRhFe", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "jgbeiw4XE51005LFdlKbf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21286, "section": "SE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 13, "available": 27, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "7fp1nG9dt18tlOHkn_L_W", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21283, "section": "PR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 13, "available": 27, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "8826": {"id": "wyvME2OVBM7V43hsgrUin", "course_id": "108646", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108646", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Statistics Topic D - Honours", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "STATS", "CATALOG_NBR": "4008", "CLASS_NBR": 20288, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Honours students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is available for students taking an honours degree in Mathematical Sciences. The course will cover an advanced topic in statistics. For details of the topic offered this year please refer to the Course Outline.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8827": {"id": "wyvME2OVBM7V43hsgrUin", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "HHFqnCcR4522pYBnxYlEn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20288, "section": "SE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 8, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8828": {"id": "3kxVT4TTVpP1wJO8bC4Aw", "course_id": "108644", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108644", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Statistics Topic A - Honours", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "STATS", "CATALOG_NBR": "4013", "CLASS_NBR": 10279, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Honours students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is available for students taking an honours degree in Mathematical Sciences. The course will cover an advanced topic in statistics. For details of the topic offered this year please refer to the Course Outline.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8829": {"id": "3kxVT4TTVpP1wJO8bC4Aw", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "nroH-j-gDci4iOz_KyfHl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10279, "section": "SE01", "size": 10, "enrolled": 8, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8830": {"id": "4fF6D_gxIK6gRXvTh8q1o", "course_id": "110032", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110032", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Data Science - Honours", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "STATS", "CATALOG_NBR": "4022", "CLASS_NBR": 20417, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Honours students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "STATS 2107 or (MATHS 2201 and MATHS 2202) or (MATHS 2106 and MATHS 2107)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Experience with the statistical package R such as would be obtained from STATS 1005 or STATS 2107.", "INCOMPATIBLE": "STATS 3022", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment and examination.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will introduce the fundamental concepts of modern data science. It will provide students with tools to deal with real, messy data, an understanding of the appropriate methods to use, and the ability to use these tools safely. Topics will include data structures; regression models including lasso regression, ridge regression and non-linearity with splines; classification models including logistic regression, linear discriminant analysis, support vector machines and random forests; and unsupervised learning methods such as principal component analysis, k-means and hierarchical clustering. The practical skills will be focused on data science in R.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8831": {"id": "4fF6D_gxIK6gRXvTh8q1o", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "FBfH9PCLJtmaOvWS9e4wM", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20417, "section": "WR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "kB6GO-1p1CEJtul8E0QBh", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24755, "section": "PR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 0, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "8832": {"id": "9zIisaqDNWhWPWpaw7oUi", "course_id": "110035", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110035", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Computational Bayesian Statistics - Honours", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "STATS", "CATALOG_NBR": "4023", "CLASS_NBR": 21287, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Honours students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MATHS 2103 or MATHS 2107 or STATS 2107", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Experience with the statistical package R such as would be obtained from STATS 1005 or STATS 2107", "INCOMPATIBLE": "STATS 3023", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment and examination.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of this course is to equip students with the theoretical knowledge and\npractical skills to perform Bayesian inference in a wide range of practical applications. Following an introduction to the Bayesian framework, the course will focus on the main Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms for performing inference and will consider a number of models widely used in practice. Topics covered are: Introduction to Bayesian statistics; model checking, comparison and choice; introduction to Bayesian computation; Gibbs sampler; Metropolis-Hastings algorithm; missing data techniques; hierarchical models; regression models; Gaussian process models.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8833": {"id": "9zIisaqDNWhWPWpaw7oUi", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "YkDp5sSpwCdP3rGfGwvvH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21287, "section": "SE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 2, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "K1rNTOdkCJGME6iwv9qVh", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21284, "section": "PR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 2, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "8834": {"id": "3GgqKhlhhU2F-CToct9S0", "course_id": "108743", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108743", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Statistical Modelling - Honours", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "STATS", "CATALOG_NBR": "4101", "CLASS_NBR": 12046, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Honours students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "STATS 2107 or (MATHS 2201 and MATHS 2202) or (MATHS 2106 and MATHS 2107)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Experience with the statistical package R such as would be obtained from STATS 1005 or STATS 2107", "INCOMPATIBLE": "STATS 3001", "ASSESSMENT": "ongoing assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "One of the key requirements of an applied statistician is the ability to formulate appropriate statistical models and then apply them to data in order to answer the questions of interest. Most often, such models can be seen as relating a response variable to one or more explanatory variables. For example, in a medical experiment we may seek to evaluate a new treatment by relating patient outcome to treatment received while allowing for background variables such as age, sex and disease severity. In this course, a rigorous discussion of the linear model is given and various extensions are developed. There is a strong practical emphasis and the statistical package R is used extensively.\n\nTopics covered are: the linear model, least squares estimation, generalised least squares estimation, properties of estimators, the Gauss-Markov theorem; geometry of least squares, subspace formulation of linear models, orthogonal projections; regression models, factorial experiments, analysis of covariance and model formulae; regression diagnostics, residuals, influence diagnostics, transformations, Box-Cox models, model selection and model building strategies; logistic regression models; Poisson regression models.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8835": {"id": "3GgqKhlhhU2F-CToct9S0", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "oKbcBYch3iymDhcliG8U3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12043, "section": "SE01", "size": 6, "enrolled": 1, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "CpbNxrvA_yPEgjlykqLza", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12036, "section": "PR01", "size": 3, "enrolled": 1, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "1 May - 1 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "15 May - 15 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "29 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12044, "section": "PR02", "size": 3, "enrolled": 0, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "3 May - 3 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "17 May - 17 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "31 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "MFD0bpaOa89pH5vS34TKF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12040, "section": "WR01", "size": 3, "enrolled": 1, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 28 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Mar - 13 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12046, "section": "WR02", "size": 3, "enrolled": 0, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 1 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Mar - 29 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 May - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 May - 24 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8836": {"id": "GV3sP5DSHFrQr84jje5qf", "course_id": "108746", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108746", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Mathematical Statistics - Honours", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "STATS", "CATALOG_NBR": "4106", "CLASS_NBR": 10277, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Honours students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(MATHS 1012 and STATS 2107) or ((MATHS 2201 or MATHS 2106) and (MATHS 2202 or MATHS 2107))", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "STATS 2107", "INCOMPATIBLE": "STATS 3006", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Statistical methods used in practice are based on a foundation of statistical theory. One branch of this theory uses the tools of probability to establish important distributional results that are used throughout statistics. Another major branch of statistical theory is statistical inference. It deals with issues such as how do we define a 'good' estimator or hypothesis test, how do we recognise one and how do we construct one? This course is concerned with the fundamental theory of random variables and statistical inference. \n\nTopics covered are: calculus of distributions, moments, moment generating functions; multivariate distributions, marginal and conditional distributions, conditional expectation and variance operators, change of variable, multivariate normal distribution, exact distributions arising in statistics; weak convergence, convergence in distribution, weak law of large numbers, central limit theorem; statistical inference, likelihood, score and information; estimation, minimum variance unbiased estimation, the Cramer-Rao lower bound, exponential families, sufficient statistics, the Rao-Blackwell theorem, efficiency, consistency, maximum likelihood estimators, large sample properties; tests of hypotheses, most powerful tests, the Neyman-Pearson lemma, likelihood ratio, score and Wald tests, large sample properties.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8837": {"id": "GV3sP5DSHFrQr84jje5qf", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "ZAIymRHmeihg1wfpdz3oo", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10274, "section": "SE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 2, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 29 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "Q8lpjcbnLda81klAh2tZC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10277, "section": "WR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 2, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8838": {"id": "RfxXgdHAtgluh72DuMnS5", "course_id": "108660", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108660", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "AMSI Statistics Topic A - Honours", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "STATS", "CATALOG_NBR": "4110EX", "CLASS_NBR": 16070, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Honours students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8839": {"id": "RfxXgdHAtgluh72DuMnS5", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "wiMpOlEWEUSG7lEYfUWz3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16070, "section": "01EX", "size": 3, "enrolled": 1, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "8840": {"id": "FSAgfOPyns03TdNACcHUs", "course_id": "108660", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108660", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "AMSI Statistics Topic A - Honours", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "STATS", "CATALOG_NBR": "4110EX", "CLASS_NBR": 26070, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Honours students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8841": {"id": "FSAgfOPyns03TdNACcHUs", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "h05DlmNSafyX63I4xTSmu", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26070, "section": "01EX", "size": 3, "enrolled": 0, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "8842": {"id": "i3xK7U_J7fLDNCz_utWt8", "course_id": "108661", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108661", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "AMSI Statistics Topic B - Honours", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "STATS", "CATALOG_NBR": "4111EX", "CLASS_NBR": 16071, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Honours students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8843": {"id": "i3xK7U_J7fLDNCz_utWt8", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "l4UScXOlAsYMUPw3yaqkC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16071, "section": "01EX", "size": 3, "enrolled": 2, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "8844": {"id": "FYlvwp7bjYydbfEBsTv4O", "course_id": "108661", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108661", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "AMSI Statistics Topic B - Honours", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "STATS", "CATALOG_NBR": "4111EX", "CLASS_NBR": 26071, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010100", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Honours students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8845": {"id": "FYlvwp7bjYydbfEBsTv4O", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified", "id": "nX6uvh8xm2C1tRVFlT6aV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26071, "section": "01EX", "size": 3, "enrolled": 0, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Unspecified"}]}]}]}, "8846": {"id": "3ko9z3ege9vVwmmSMTZU5", "course_id": "002684", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "002684", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Statistics Topic A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "STATS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7004", "CLASS_NBR": 10278, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 2 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is available for students taking a Masters degree in Mathematical Sciences. The course will cover an advanced topic in statistics. For details of the topic offered this year please refer to the Course Outline.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8847": {"id": "3ko9z3ege9vVwmmSMTZU5", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "CVqQrRYWmTI9S4DJOtLb6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10278, "section": "SE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 6, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8848": {"id": "v6wKR1LLZMKLV9DwlIFo0", "course_id": "004013", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "004013", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Statistics Topic D", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "STATS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7008", "CLASS_NBR": 20287, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is available for students taking a Masters degree in Mathematical Sciences. The course will cover an advanced topic in statistics. For details of the topic offered this year please refer to the Course Outline.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8849": {"id": "v6wKR1LLZMKLV9DwlIFo0", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "mhAdisINdGQLJflQAWS-6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20287, "section": "SE01", "size": 7, "enrolled": 1, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG18, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8850": {"id": "STZDoWvNjhoYGWVT8CknX", "course_id": "110033", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110033", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Data Science PG", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "STATS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7022", "CLASS_NBR": 20418, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MATHS 7027 and MATHS 7107", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "STATS 7107", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment and examination.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will introduce the fundamental concepts of modern data science. It will provide students with tools to deal with real, messy data, an understanding of the appropriate methods to use, and the ability to use these tools safely. Topics will include data structures; regression models including lasso regression, ridge regression and non-linearity with splines; classification models including logistic regression, linear discriminant analysis, support vector machines and random forests; and unsupervised learning methods such as principal component analysis, k-means and hierarchical clustering. The practical skills will be focused on data science in R.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8851": {"id": "STZDoWvNjhoYGWVT8CknX", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "bH90hn-Sys1DnxjP4gG9m", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24756, "section": "PR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 4, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "pE4etOxFfJ2KUhpDaCnWf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20418, "section": "WR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 4, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "8852": {"id": "gSGKsZStPm_oT0APcBQ7T", "course_id": "110033", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110033", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Data Science PG", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "STATS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7022", "CLASS_NBR": 30065, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MATHS 7027 and MATHS 7107", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "STATS 7107", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment and examination.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will introduce the fundamental concepts of modern data science. It will provide students with tools to deal with real, messy data, an understanding of the appropriate methods to use, and the ability to use these tools safely. Topics will include data structures; regression models including lasso regression, ridge regression and non-linearity with splines; classification models including logistic regression, linear discriminant analysis, support vector machines and random forests; and unsupervised learning methods such as principal component analysis, k-means and hierarchical clustering. The practical skills will be focused on data science in R.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "8853": {"id": "gSGKsZStPm_oT0APcBQ7T", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "f-bKoybOq9pe-5SgwvBiS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30064, "section": "PR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 36, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Feb - 25 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 30293, "section": "PR02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 23, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Feb - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "J5dTkAIzZ8ZgWh1X4WGxW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30065, "section": "SE01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 59, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Feb - 25 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Benham, G10, Benham Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Assessment", "id": "CtY6RFuVCmkERXIaFtZSP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30066, "section": "AS01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 59, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Feb - 13 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "9 Apr - 9 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "16 Apr - 16 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "8854": {"id": "xXJ4RS96h7KA2UTDs-8JB", "course_id": "110033", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110033", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Data Science PG", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "STATS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7022", "CLASS_NBR": 33056, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MATHS 7027 and MATHS 7107", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "STATS 7107", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment and examination.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will introduce the fundamental concepts of modern data science. It will provide students with tools to deal with real, messy data, an understanding of the appropriate methods to use, and the ability to use these tools safely. Topics will include data structures; regression models including lasso regression, ridge regression and non-linearity with splines; classification models including logistic regression, linear discriminant analysis, support vector machines and random forests; and unsupervised learning methods such as principal component analysis, k-means and hierarchical clustering. The practical skills will be focused on data science in R.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "8855": {"id": "xXJ4RS96h7KA2UTDs-8JB", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "Z9dRsudZV-7P37Rk1m37o", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33055, "section": "PR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 May - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 33091, "section": "PR02", "size": 60, "enrolled": 45, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 May - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 234, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Assessment", "id": "QYiuFXLg3sN0FZ0sQ6PLu", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33054, "section": "AS01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 34, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Jun - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Jul - 3 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "31 Jul - 31 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "12 Aug - 12 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM108, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 33272, "section": "AS02", "size": 45, "enrolled": 41, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Jun - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Jul - 3 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "31 Jul - 31 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EMG13, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "12 Aug - 12 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM106, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Seminar", "id": "Fcz8PquUXwDeMvxYCcxmC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33056, "section": "SE01", "size": 90, "enrolled": 75, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 May - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Helen Mayo Nth, 103N, Florey Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "8856": {"id": "BxS-W0ZUqq4_WEv0yDb7-", "course_id": "110036", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110036", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Computational Bayesian Statistics PG", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "STATS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7023", "CLASS_NBR": 21288, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MATHS 2103 or MATHS 2107 or STATS 2107. Experience with the statistical package R such as would be obtained from STATS 1005 or STATS 2107", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment and examination.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of this course is to equip students with the theoretical knowledge and\npractical skills to perform Bayesian inference in a wide range of practical applications. Following an introduction to the Bayesian framework, the course will focus on the main Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms for performing inference and will consider a number of models widely used in practice. Topics covered are: Introduction to Bayesian statistics; model checking, comparison and choice; introduction to Bayesian computation; Gibbs sampler; Metropolis-Hastings algorithm; missing data techniques; hierarchical models; regression models; Gaussian process models.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8857": {"id": "BxS-W0ZUqq4_WEv0yDb7-", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "8_pBCFlxEfgSo-xL6q_1a", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21288, "section": "SE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "gzfJScVOYyU3JJhHKhbIF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21285, "section": "PR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 218, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "8858": {"id": "vGo3D9J-_QRmAhQWhEVwe", "course_id": "102826", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102826", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Statistical Modelling", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "STATS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7054", "CLASS_NBR": 12045, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "STATS 7107", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Experience with the statistical package R", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "One of the key requirements of an applied statistician is the ability to formulate appropriate statistical models and then apply them to data in order to answer the questions of interest. Most often, such models can be seen as relating a response variable to one or more explanatory variables. For example, in a medical experiment we may seek to evaluate a new treatment by relating patient outcome to treatment received while allowing for background variables such as age, sex and disease severity. In this course, a rigorous discussion of the linear model is given and various extensions are developed. There is a strong practical emphasis and the statistical package R is used extensively.\n\nTopics covered are: the linear model, least squares estimation, generalised least squares estimation, properties of estimators, the Gauss-Markov theorem; geometry of least squares, subspace formulation of linear models, orthogonal projections; regression models, factorial experiments, analysis of covariance and model formulae; regression diagnostics, residuals, influence diagnostics, transformations, Box-Cox models, model selection and model building strategies; ; logistic regression models; Poisson regression models.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8859": {"id": "vGo3D9J-_QRmAhQWhEVwe", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "AqrZ3hWLnh4ymjMw8uU5O", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12042, "section": "SE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 1, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Badger, G31, Macbeth Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "6arsOcYyxLRYkLnr5RBNz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12034, "section": "PR02", "size": 3, "enrolled": 1, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "3 May - 3 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "17 May - 17 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "31 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B15, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12035, "section": "PR01", "size": 3, "enrolled": 0, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "20 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "1 May - 1 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "15 May - 15 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "29 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B16, CAT Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "l4Y38uo3aopRuyrlLLtbS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12039, "section": "WR01", "size": 3, "enrolled": 0, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 28 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Mar - 13 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12045, "section": "WR02", "size": 3, "enrolled": 1, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 1 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Mar - 29 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 May - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 May - 24 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8860": {"id": "MP_mCPSveNMH-FnLVYuk8", "course_id": "102832", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102832", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Mathematical Statistics", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "STATS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7059", "CLASS_NBR": 10276, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "(MATHS 1012 and STATS 2107) or (MATHS 2201 and MATHS 2202 and STATS 2107) or (MATHS 2106 and MATHS 2107 and STATS 2107).", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Statistical methods used in practice are based on a foundation of statistical theory. One branch of this theory uses the tools of probability to establish important distributional results that are used throughout statistics. Another major branch of statistical theory is statistical inference. It deals with issues such as how do we define a 'good' estimator or hypothesis test, how do we recognise one and how do we construct one? This course is concerned with the fundamental theory of random variables and statistical inference. \n\nTopics covered are: calculus of distributions, moments, moment generating functions; multivariate distributions, marginal and conditional distributions, conditional expectation and variance operators, change of variable, multivariate normal distribution, exact distributions arising in statistics; weak convergence, convergence in distribution, weak law of large numbers, central limit theorem; statistical inference, likelihood, score and information; estimation, minimum variance unbiased estimation, the Cramer-Rao lower bound, exponential families, sufficient statistics, the Rao-Blackwell theorem, efficiency, consistency, maximum likelihood estimators, large sample properties; tests of hypotheses, most powerful tests, the Neyman-Pearson lemma, likelihood ratio, score and Wald tests, large sample properties.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8861": {"id": "MP_mCPSveNMH-FnLVYuk8", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "zw68oNKqbUicSTF7Haq0d", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10273, "section": "SE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 2, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 29 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B17, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "AkR_NxearzjCmTHamN7pG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10276, "section": "WR01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 2, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 1062, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8862": {"id": "H8l38isbT3eQ5BgYyGbsG", "course_id": "104959", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104959", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Statistical Modelling and Inference", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "STATS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7107", "CLASS_NBR": 29580, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MATHS 7027", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MATHS 7103. Experience with the statistical package R such as would be obtained from MATHS 7107", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Course Content: Statistical methods underpin disciplines which draw inference from data and this includes just about everything: for example, the sciences, humanities, technology, education, engineering, government, industry and medicine. Analysis of the complex problems arising in practice requires an understanding of fundamental statistical principles together with knowledge of how to use suitable modelling techniques. Computing using high-level software is also an essential element of modern statistical practice. This course provides you with these skills by giving an introduction to the principles of statistical inference and linear statistical models using the freely available statistical package R.\n\nTopics covered are: point estimates, unbiasedness, mean-squared error, confidence intervals, tests of hypotheses, power calculations, derivation of one and two-sample procedures: simple linear regression, regression diagnostics, and prediction: linear models, analysis of variance (ANOVA), multiple linear regression, factorial experiments, analysis of covariance models including parallel and separate regressions, and model building; maximum likelihood methods for estimation and testing, and goodness-of-fit tests.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8863": {"id": "H8l38isbT3eQ5BgYyGbsG", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "_uHB1tNbydYZ3_K1YopBC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21306, "section": "SE01", "size": 12, "enrolled": 4, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Mawson, G19, Mawson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "eELCnQ8GUH1Ost6ebRod2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20415, "section": "WR01", "size": 4, "enrolled": 1, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 29 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Aug - 12 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Oct - 7 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21310, "section": "WR03", "size": 4, "enrolled": 2, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Schulz, 214, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21311, "section": "WR02", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Engineering Nth, N132, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29580, "section": "WR04", "size": 4, "enrolled": 1, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Aug - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hughes, 111b, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "J-zKSIwhOZFkI9GhSREE7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21307, "section": "PR03", "size": 4, "enrolled": 1, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 26 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "9 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Aug - 23 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "6 Sep - 6 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 4 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "18 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21308, "section": "PR02", "size": 4, "enrolled": 0, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 23 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "6 Aug - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "20 Aug - 20 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Sep - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, G22, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21309, "section": "PR01", "size": 4, "enrolled": 1, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 22 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "5 Aug - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "19 Aug - 19 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Sep - 2 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 14 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, B23, CAT Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29579, "section": "PR04", "size": 2, "enrolled": 2, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 26 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "9 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "23 Aug - 23 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "6 Sep - 6 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 4 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}, {"dates": "18 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Ingkarni Wardli, 236, CAT Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "8864": {"id": "F-DQVB711mGjBRcF5qW-I", "course_id": "104959", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104959", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Statistical Modelling and Inference", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "STATS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7107", "CLASS_NBR": 36092, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "MATHS 7027", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "MATHS 7103. Experience with the statistical package R such as would be obtained from MATHS 7107", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Ongoing assessment, examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Course Content: Statistical methods underpin disciplines which draw inference from data and this includes just about everything: for example, the sciences, humanities, technology, education, engineering, government, industry and medicine. Analysis of the complex problems arising in practice requires an understanding of fundamental statistical principles together with knowledge of how to use suitable modelling techniques. Computing using high-level software is also an essential element of modern statistical practice. This course provides you with these skills by giving an introduction to the principles of statistical inference and linear statistical models using the freely available statistical package R.\n\nTopics covered are: point estimates, unbiasedness, mean-squared error, confidence intervals, tests of hypotheses, power calculations, derivation of one and two-sample procedures: simple linear regression, regression diagnostics, and prediction: linear models, analysis of variance (ANOVA), multiple linear regression, factorial experiments, analysis of covariance models including parallel and separate regressions, and model building; maximum likelihood methods for estimation and testing, and goodness-of-fit tests.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "8865": {"id": "F-DQVB711mGjBRcF5qW-I", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": 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"12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Nov - 5 Nov", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Nov - 19 Nov", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 36093, "section": "WR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 23, "available": 27, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Sep - 24 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, 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Students not only increase their discipline knowledge, but develop critical analysis and technical writing skills that are highly useful for many occupations and essential for postgraduate research degrees.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8899": {"id": "XVBD-Dl0svEdiQ3jzxkVy", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "x1P7brFHURtKYe5gUagPU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16297, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "8900": {"id": "9QNn9UDyTPEWnxyJsIExt", "course_id": "111354", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111354", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Statistics Masters Project C", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "STATS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7300C", "CLASS_NBR": 26328, "SESSION_CD": "TYC", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "MMaSc students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students undertake a detailed study under the guidance of a supervisor and document their work in the form of a thesis. The topic of the project is decided by the supervisor in conjunction with the student. Students not only increase their discipline knowledge, but develop critical analysis and technical writing skills that are highly useful for many occupations and essential for postgraduate research degrees.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8901": {"id": "9QNn9UDyTPEWnxyJsIExt", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "J8tjVH6kaXQtmP-Dkrtoz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26328, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "8902": {"id": "kYgnvoZPmOW5OYBs-1Hz4", "course_id": "111355", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111355", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Statistics Masters Project D", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "STATS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7300D", "CLASS_NBR": 16298, "SESSION_CD": "TYD", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "MMaSc students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Thesis and seminar presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students undertake a detailed study under the guidance of a supervisor and document their work in the form of a thesis. The topic of the project is decided by the supervisor in conjunction with the student. Students not only increase their discipline knowledge, but develop critical analysis and technical writing skills that are highly useful for many occupations and essential for postgraduate research degrees.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8903": {"id": "kYgnvoZPmOW5OYBs-1Hz4", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "XB91BQicOt1femLCHsdYi", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16298, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "8904": {"id": "6ghaIt4YAbM0FA51hy3RH", "course_id": "111355", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111355", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Statistics Masters Project D", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "STATS", "CATALOG_NBR": "7300D", "CLASS_NBR": 26329, "SESSION_CD": "TYD", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "MMaSc students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Thesis and seminar presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students undertake a detailed study under the guidance of a supervisor and document their work in the form of a thesis. The topic of the project is decided by the supervisor in conjunction with the student. Students not only increase their discipline knowledge, but develop critical analysis and technical writing skills that are highly useful for many occupations and essential for postgraduate research degrees.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8905": {"id": "6ghaIt4YAbM0FA51hy3RH", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "CWZ663sz_FFVzEfktxhlJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26329, "section": "01NT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "8906": {"subject": "STEM", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "111564", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111564", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111564", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111564", "term": "4433", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111564", "term": "4436", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111564", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111564", "term": "4448", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111565", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111565", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111565", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111565", "term": "4433", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111565", "term": "4436", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111565", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111565", "term": "4448", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111567", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111567", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111567", "term": "4415", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111567", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111567", "term": "4433", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111567", "term": "4436", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111567", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111567", "term": "4448", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111566", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111566", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111566", "term": "4415", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111566", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111566", "term": "4433", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111566", "term": "4436", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111566", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111566", "term": "4448", "offer": 1}]}}, "8907": {"id": "bob9R9zCqE3EkyKVhVDIt", "course_id": "111564", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111564", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "STEM Internship", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "STEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "3700", "CLASS_NBR": 92465, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "140 hrs work placement", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to all undergraduate students in Science, Maths, Comp Sci, Construction Management Programs", "PRE_REQUISITE": "24 units of Level I and/or Level II courses", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "STEM 3710, ABLEINT 2001, 3001, 3002, BUSINESS 3002, 3003, ENG 3710, COMP SCI 3710, MATHS 3710, SCIENCE 2700, 3700, 4700, TECH 2100, 3100, 3200, PROF 3500, 3501, 3505, 3506, 3507, 4500, ARTSEXP 2003, 3003, 3006", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This internship course will allow you to build and apply your broad, personal skills relevant to workplace settings, both within and beyond the discipline-specific skills acquired throughout your undergraduate course work. Training will be provided in career development skills and employability. Included within the course are opportunities for you to produce original work which strengthens and demonstrates your analytical, research and problem-solving skills; graduate-ready qualities that are essential for future employment. You will develop an understanding of the value of industry and professional networks and the importance of reflection, lifelong learning to career progression. The internship component will directly add to your experiences and resume while consolidating your confidence and the ability to contribute to a workplace. You will gain an awareness of the strengths you offer to a future employer. Through the internship, you will focus on developing and enhancing your employability skills, knowledge, experience and attributes that are valuable in professional settings within industries connected to your field of studies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 09/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "8908": {"id": "bob9R9zCqE3EkyKVhVDIt", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "3sLf2iyvT6dGnRoGjxOSU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92465, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 16, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement"}]}]}]}, "8909": {"id": "YNoFdR96VjQVW6HNMDe-Q", "course_id": "111564", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111564", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "STEM Internship", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "STEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "3700", "CLASS_NBR": 19588, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "140 hrs work placement", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to all undergraduate students in Science, Maths, Comp Sci, Construction Management Programs", "PRE_REQUISITE": "24 units of Level I and/or Level II courses", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "STEM 3710, ABLEINT 2001, 3001, 3002, BUSINESS 3002, 3003, ENG 3710, COMP SCI 3710, MATHS 3710, SCIENCE 2700, 3700, 4700, TECH 2100, 3100, 3200, PROF 3500, 3501, 3505, 3506, 3507, 4500, ARTSEXP 2003, 3003, 3006", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This internship course will allow you to build and apply your broad, personal skills relevant to workplace settings, both within and beyond the discipline-specific skills acquired throughout your undergraduate course work. Training will be provided in career development skills and employability. Included within the course are opportunities for you to produce original work which strengthens and demonstrates your analytical, research and problem-solving skills; graduate-ready qualities that are essential for future employment. You will develop an understanding of the value of industry and professional networks and the importance of reflection, lifelong learning to career progression. The internship component will directly add to your experiences and resume while consolidating your confidence and the ability to contribute to a workplace. You will gain an awareness of the strengths you offer to a future employer. Through the internship, you will focus on developing and enhancing your employability skills, knowledge, experience and attributes that are valuable in professional settings within industries connected to your field of studies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8910": {"id": "YNoFdR96VjQVW6HNMDe-Q", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "2BnTpzV5HFRHX1Brszo_Y", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19588, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 27, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment into this course is by application only. Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}]}]}]}]}, "8911": {"id": "8abpcqrPgguMkgURxbQvu", "course_id": "111564", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111564", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "STEM Internship", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "STEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "3700", "CLASS_NBR": 29142, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "140 hrs work placement", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to all undergraduate students in Science, Maths, Comp Sci, Construction Management Programs", "PRE_REQUISITE": "24 units of Level I and/or Level II courses", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "STEM 3710, ABLEINT 2001, 3001, 3002, BUSINESS 3002, 3003, ENG 3710, COMP SCI 3710, MATHS 3710, SCIENCE 2700, 3700, 4700, TECH 2100, 3100, 3200, PROF 3500, 3501, 3505, 3506, 3507, 4500, ARTSEXP 2003, 3003, 3006", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This internship course will allow you to build and apply your broad, personal skills relevant to workplace settings, both within and beyond the discipline-specific skills acquired throughout your undergraduate course work. Training will be provided in career development skills and employability. Included within the course are opportunities for you to produce original work which strengthens and demonstrates your analytical, research and problem-solving skills; graduate-ready qualities that are essential for future employment. You will develop an understanding of the value of industry and professional networks and the importance of reflection, lifelong learning to career progression. The internship component will directly add to your experiences and resume while consolidating your confidence and the ability to contribute to a workplace. You will gain an awareness of the strengths you offer to a future employer. Through the internship, you will focus on developing and enhancing your employability skills, knowledge, experience and attributes that are valuable in professional settings within industries connected to your field of studies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8912": {"id": "8abpcqrPgguMkgURxbQvu", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "G93wKW-1CasgThXyfbLq7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29142, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 32, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment into this course is by application only. Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}]}]}]}]}, "8913": {"id": "sE5y7a5gZuy9KhaMzZH3x", "course_id": "111564", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111564", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "STEM Internship", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "STEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "3700", "CLASS_NBR": 30302, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "140 hrs work placement", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to all undergraduate students in Science, Maths, Comp Sci, Construction Management Programs", "PRE_REQUISITE": "24 units of Level I and/or Level II courses", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "STEM 3710, ABLEINT 2001, 3001, 3002, BUSINESS 3002, 3003, ENG 3710, COMP SCI 3710, MATHS 3710, SCIENCE 2700, 3700, 4700, TECH 2100, 3100, 3200, PROF 3500, 3501, 3505, 3506, 3507, 4500, ARTSEXP 2003, 3003, 3006", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This internship course will allow you to build and apply your broad, personal skills relevant to workplace settings, both within and beyond the discipline-specific skills acquired throughout your undergraduate course work. Training will be provided in career development skills and employability. Included within the course are opportunities for you to produce original work which strengthens and demonstrates your analytical, research and problem-solving skills; graduate-ready qualities that are essential for future employment. You will develop an understanding of the value of industry and professional networks and the importance of reflection, lifelong learning to career progression. The internship component will directly add to your experiences and resume while consolidating your confidence and the ability to contribute to a workplace. You will gain an awareness of the strengths you offer to a future employer. Through the internship, you will focus on developing and enhancing your employability skills, knowledge, experience and attributes that are valuable in professional settings within industries connected to your field of studies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "8914": {"id": "sE5y7a5gZuy9KhaMzZH3x", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "CySKIQSuqDMLyLccaiqDw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30302, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment into this course is by application only. Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}]}]}]}]}, "8915": {"id": "TcWozVHGHJxNPfcKkvmrD", "course_id": "111564", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111564", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "STEM Internship", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "STEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "3700", "CLASS_NBR": 33256, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "140 hrs work placement", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to all undergraduate students in Science, Maths, Comp Sci, Construction Management Programs", "PRE_REQUISITE": "24 units of Level I and/or Level II courses", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "STEM 3710, ABLEINT 2001, 3001, 3002, BUSINESS 3002, 3003, ENG 3710, COMP SCI 3710, MATHS 3710, SCIENCE 2700, 3700, 4700, TECH 2100, 3100, 3200, PROF 3500, 3501, 3505, 3506, 3507, 4500, ARTSEXP 2003, 3003, 3006", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This internship course will allow you to build and apply your broad, personal skills relevant to workplace settings, both within and beyond the discipline-specific skills acquired throughout your undergraduate course work. Training will be provided in career development skills and employability. Included within the course are opportunities for you to produce original work which strengthens and demonstrates your analytical, research and problem-solving skills; graduate-ready qualities that are essential for future employment. You will develop an understanding of the value of industry and professional networks and the importance of reflection, lifelong learning to career progression. The internship component will directly add to your experiences and resume while consolidating your confidence and the ability to contribute to a workplace. You will gain an awareness of the strengths you offer to a future employer. Through the internship, you will focus on developing and enhancing your employability skills, knowledge, experience and attributes that are valuable in professional settings within industries connected to your field of studies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "8916": {"id": "TcWozVHGHJxNPfcKkvmrD", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "eOjUYk8FiK6ZV8inzVIWP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33256, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 3, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment into this course is by application only. Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}]}]}]}]}, "8917": {"id": "3H6_D-2_mRq5kAfhsdUPQ", "course_id": "111564", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111564", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "STEM Internship", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "STEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "3700", "CLASS_NBR": 36312, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "140 hrs work placement", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to all undergraduate students in Science, Maths, Comp Sci, Construction Management Programs", "PRE_REQUISITE": "24 units of Level I and/or Level II courses", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "STEM 3710, ABLEINT 2001, 3001, 3002, BUSINESS 3002, 3003, ENG 3710, COMP SCI 3710, MATHS 3710, SCIENCE 2700, 3700, 4700, TECH 2100, 3100, 3200, PROF 3500, 3501, 3505, 3506, 3507, 4500, ARTSEXP 2003, 3003, 3006", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This internship course will allow you to build and apply your broad, personal skills relevant to workplace settings, both within and beyond the discipline-specific skills acquired throughout your undergraduate course work. Training will be provided in career development skills and employability. Included within the course are opportunities for you to produce original work which strengthens and demonstrates your analytical, research and problem-solving skills; graduate-ready qualities that are essential for future employment. You will develop an understanding of the value of industry and professional networks and the importance of reflection, lifelong learning to career progression. The internship component will directly add to your experiences and resume while consolidating your confidence and the ability to contribute to a workplace. You will gain an awareness of the strengths you offer to a future employer. Through the internship, you will focus on developing and enhancing your employability skills, knowledge, experience and attributes that are valuable in professional settings within industries connected to your field of studies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "8918": {"id": "3H6_D-2_mRq5kAfhsdUPQ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "hZ827b0Kqrna_WBv31xiz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36312, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 5, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment into this course is by application only. Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}]}]}]}]}, "8919": {"id": "WMhQFB5KKsKbUAVABHIF9", "course_id": "111564", "term": "4448", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111564", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4448", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "STEM Internship", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "STEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "3700", "CLASS_NBR": 46216, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "140 hrs work placement", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to all undergraduate students in Science, Maths, Comp Sci, Construction Management Programs", "PRE_REQUISITE": "24 units of Level I and/or Level II courses", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "STEM 3710, ABLEINT 2001, 3001, 3002, BUSINESS 3002, 3003, ENG 3710, COMP SCI 3710, MATHS 3710, SCIENCE 2700, 3700, 4700, TECH 2100, 3100, 3200, PROF 3500, 3501, 3505, 3506, 3507, 4500, ARTSEXP 2003, 3003, 3006", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This internship course will allow you to build and apply your broad, personal skills relevant to workplace settings, both within and beyond the discipline-specific skills acquired throughout your undergraduate course work. Training will be provided in career development skills and employability. Included within the course are opportunities for you to produce original work which strengthens and demonstrates your analytical, research and problem-solving skills; graduate-ready qualities that are essential for future employment. You will develop an understanding of the value of industry and professional networks and the importance of reflection, lifelong learning to career progression. The internship component will directly add to your experiences and resume while consolidating your confidence and the ability to contribute to a workplace. You will gain an awareness of the strengths you offer to a future employer. Through the internship, you will focus on developing and enhancing your employability skills, knowledge, experience and attributes that are valuable in professional settings within industries connected to your field of studies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 14/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 14/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 19/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 11/12/2024"}}]}, "8920": {"id": "WMhQFB5KKsKbUAVABHIF9", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "LF4RtLuor4o8o6Z7lK24H", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46216, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 1, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment into this course is by application only. Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}]}]}]}]}, "8921": {"id": "x2-2w6XOuuRxb3OMcy6wL", "course_id": "111565", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111565", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "STEM Internship", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "STEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "3710", "CLASS_NBR": 92466, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "280 hrs work placement", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to all undergraduate students in Science, Maths, Comp Sci Programs", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "STEM 3700, ABLEINT 2001, 3001, 3002, BUSINESS 3002, 3003, ENG 3710, COMP SCI 3710, MATHS 3710, SCIENCE 2700, 3700, 4700, TECH 2100, TECH 3100, 3200, PROF 3500, 3501, 3505, 3506, 3507, 4500, ARTSEXP 2003, 3003, 3006", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This internship course will allow you to build and apply your broad, personal skills relevant to workplace settings, both within and beyond the discipline-specific skills acquired throughout your undergraduate course work. Training will be provided in career development skills and employability. Included within the course are opportunities for you to produce original work which strengthens and demonstrates your analytical, research and problem-solving skills; graduate-ready qualities that are essential for future employment. You will develop an understanding of the value of industry and professional networks and the importance of reflection, lifelong learning to career progression. The internship component will directly add to your experiences and resume while consolidating your confidence and the ability to contribute to a workplace. You will gain an awareness of the strengths you offer to a future employer. Through the internship, you will focus on developing and enhancing your employability skills, knowledge, experience and attributes that are valuable in professional settings within industries connected to your field of studies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 09/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "8922": {"id": "x2-2w6XOuuRxb3OMcy6wL", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "ycEfM3KxQeGgS7iAzo2YO", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92466, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 31, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement"}]}]}]}, "8923": {"id": "LVUrj7BQd9igWeRHswJ8f", "course_id": "111565", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111565", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "STEM Internship", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "STEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "3710", "CLASS_NBR": 19589, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "280 hrs work placement", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to all undergraduate students in Science, Maths, Comp Sci Programs", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "STEM 3700, ABLEINT 2001, 3001, 3002, BUSINESS 3002, 3003, ENG 3710, COMP SCI 3710, MATHS 3710, SCIENCE 2700, 3700, 4700, TECH 2100, TECH 3100, 3200, PROF 3500, 3501, 3505, 3506, 3507, 4500, ARTSEXP 2003, 3003, 3006", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This internship course will allow you to build and apply your broad, personal skills relevant to workplace settings, both within and beyond the discipline-specific skills acquired throughout your undergraduate course work. Training will be provided in career development skills and employability. Included within the course are opportunities for you to produce original work which strengthens and demonstrates your analytical, research and problem-solving skills; graduate-ready qualities that are essential for future employment. You will develop an understanding of the value of industry and professional networks and the importance of reflection, lifelong learning to career progression. The internship component will directly add to your experiences and resume while consolidating your confidence and the ability to contribute to a workplace. You will gain an awareness of the strengths you offer to a future employer. Through the internship, you will focus on developing and enhancing your employability skills, knowledge, experience and attributes that are valuable in professional settings within industries connected to your field of studies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8924": {"id": "LVUrj7BQd9igWeRHswJ8f", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "CeLq9DauKYepfGpXbImSc", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19589, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 12, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment into this course is by application only. Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}]}]}]}]}, "8925": {"id": "3nK1yaAAquAbSlgl2-Cs4", "course_id": "111565", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111565", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "STEM Internship", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "STEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "3710", "CLASS_NBR": 29143, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "280 hrs work placement", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to all undergraduate students in Science, Maths, Comp Sci Programs", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "STEM 3700, ABLEINT 2001, 3001, 3002, BUSINESS 3002, 3003, ENG 3710, COMP SCI 3710, MATHS 3710, SCIENCE 2700, 3700, 4700, TECH 2100, TECH 3100, 3200, PROF 3500, 3501, 3505, 3506, 3507, 4500, ARTSEXP 2003, 3003, 3006", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This internship course will allow you to build and apply your broad, personal skills relevant to workplace settings, both within and beyond the discipline-specific skills acquired throughout your undergraduate course work. Training will be provided in career development skills and employability. Included within the course are opportunities for you to produce original work which strengthens and demonstrates your analytical, research and problem-solving skills; graduate-ready qualities that are essential for future employment. You will develop an understanding of the value of industry and professional networks and the importance of reflection, lifelong learning to career progression. The internship component will directly add to your experiences and resume while consolidating your confidence and the ability to contribute to a workplace. You will gain an awareness of the strengths you offer to a future employer. Through the internship, you will focus on developing and enhancing your employability skills, knowledge, experience and attributes that are valuable in professional settings within industries connected to your field of studies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8926": {"id": "3nK1yaAAquAbSlgl2-Cs4", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "mCLn9cppcfcJeCJ1BV61W", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29143, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 21, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment into this course is by application only. Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}]}]}]}]}, "8927": {"id": "oDhmTCjd38S6CIK1lUQQe", "course_id": "111565", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111565", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "STEM Internship", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "STEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "3710", "CLASS_NBR": 30303, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "280 hrs work placement", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to all undergraduate students in Science, Maths, Comp Sci Programs", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "STEM 3700, ABLEINT 2001, 3001, 3002, BUSINESS 3002, 3003, ENG 3710, COMP SCI 3710, MATHS 3710, SCIENCE 2700, 3700, 4700, TECH 2100, TECH 3100, 3200, PROF 3500, 3501, 3505, 3506, 3507, 4500, ARTSEXP 2003, 3003, 3006", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This internship course will allow you to build and apply your broad, personal skills relevant to workplace settings, both within and beyond the discipline-specific skills acquired throughout your undergraduate course work. Training will be provided in career development skills and employability. Included within the course are opportunities for you to produce original work which strengthens and demonstrates your analytical, research and problem-solving skills; graduate-ready qualities that are essential for future employment. You will develop an understanding of the value of industry and professional networks and the importance of reflection, lifelong learning to career progression. The internship component will directly add to your experiences and resume while consolidating your confidence and the ability to contribute to a workplace. You will gain an awareness of the strengths you offer to a future employer. Through the internship, you will focus on developing and enhancing your employability skills, knowledge, experience and attributes that are valuable in professional settings within industries connected to your field of studies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "8928": {"id": "oDhmTCjd38S6CIK1lUQQe", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "nc58iGeS9DFd30ZhUCWHx", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30303, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment into this course is by application only. Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}]}]}]}]}, "8929": {"id": "wZljoAjeEQAAZkOzTURnY", "course_id": "111565", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111565", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "STEM Internship", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "STEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "3710", "CLASS_NBR": 33257, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "280 hrs work placement", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to all undergraduate students in Science, Maths, Comp Sci Programs", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "STEM 3700, ABLEINT 2001, 3001, 3002, BUSINESS 3002, 3003, ENG 3710, COMP SCI 3710, MATHS 3710, SCIENCE 2700, 3700, 4700, TECH 2100, TECH 3100, 3200, PROF 3500, 3501, 3505, 3506, 3507, 4500, ARTSEXP 2003, 3003, 3006", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This internship course will allow you to build and apply your broad, personal skills relevant to workplace settings, both within and beyond the discipline-specific skills acquired throughout your undergraduate course work. Training will be provided in career development skills and employability. Included within the course are opportunities for you to produce original work which strengthens and demonstrates your analytical, research and problem-solving skills; graduate-ready qualities that are essential for future employment. You will develop an understanding of the value of industry and professional networks and the importance of reflection, lifelong learning to career progression. The internship component will directly add to your experiences and resume while consolidating your confidence and the ability to contribute to a workplace. You will gain an awareness of the strengths you offer to a future employer. Through the internship, you will focus on developing and enhancing your employability skills, knowledge, experience and attributes that are valuable in professional settings within industries connected to your field of studies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "8930": {"id": "wZljoAjeEQAAZkOzTURnY", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "ep_f5jcUY92lQjcUzWh7I", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33257, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment into this course is by application only. Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}]}]}]}]}, "8931": {"id": "SKDzvHneu9dw6qpe-m-s1", "course_id": "111565", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111565", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "STEM Internship", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "STEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "3710", "CLASS_NBR": 36313, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "280 hrs work placement", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to all undergraduate students in Science, Maths, Comp Sci Programs", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "STEM 3700, ABLEINT 2001, 3001, 3002, BUSINESS 3002, 3003, ENG 3710, COMP SCI 3710, MATHS 3710, SCIENCE 2700, 3700, 4700, TECH 2100, TECH 3100, 3200, PROF 3500, 3501, 3505, 3506, 3507, 4500, ARTSEXP 2003, 3003, 3006", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This internship course will allow you to build and apply your broad, personal skills relevant to workplace settings, both within and beyond the discipline-specific skills acquired throughout your undergraduate course work. Training will be provided in career development skills and employability. Included within the course are opportunities for you to produce original work which strengthens and demonstrates your analytical, research and problem-solving skills; graduate-ready qualities that are essential for future employment. You will develop an understanding of the value of industry and professional networks and the importance of reflection, lifelong learning to career progression. The internship component will directly add to your experiences and resume while consolidating your confidence and the ability to contribute to a workplace. You will gain an awareness of the strengths you offer to a future employer. Through the internship, you will focus on developing and enhancing your employability skills, knowledge, experience and attributes that are valuable in professional settings within industries connected to your field of studies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "8932": {"id": "SKDzvHneu9dw6qpe-m-s1", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "II28VNfHFzYISKqxqFg-_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36313, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 1, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment into this course is by application only. Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}]}]}]}]}, "8933": {"id": "o2biq8cwVtQWGS1z0JGPP", "course_id": "111565", "term": "4448", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111565", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4448", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "STEM Internship", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "STEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "3710", "CLASS_NBR": 46217, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "280 hrs work placement", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to all undergraduate students in Science, Maths, Comp Sci Programs", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "STEM 3700, ABLEINT 2001, 3001, 3002, BUSINESS 3002, 3003, ENG 3710, COMP SCI 3710, MATHS 3710, SCIENCE 2700, 3700, 4700, TECH 2100, TECH 3100, 3200, PROF 3500, 3501, 3505, 3506, 3507, 4500, ARTSEXP 2003, 3003, 3006", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This internship course will allow you to build and apply your broad, personal skills relevant to workplace settings, both within and beyond the discipline-specific skills acquired throughout your undergraduate course work. Training will be provided in career development skills and employability. Included within the course are opportunities for you to produce original work which strengthens and demonstrates your analytical, research and problem-solving skills; graduate-ready qualities that are essential for future employment. You will develop an understanding of the value of industry and professional networks and the importance of reflection, lifelong learning to career progression. The internship component will directly add to your experiences and resume while consolidating your confidence and the ability to contribute to a workplace. You will gain an awareness of the strengths you offer to a future employer. Through the internship, you will focus on developing and enhancing your employability skills, knowledge, experience and attributes that are valuable in professional settings within industries connected to your field of studies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 14/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 14/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 19/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 11/12/2024"}}]}, "8934": {"id": "o2biq8cwVtQWGS1z0JGPP", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "D2YJDI5ji2z33Xan4MEtz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46217, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment into this course is by application only. Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}]}]}]}]}, "8935": {"id": "TYYstBeHeqKL-PmrOZ40A", "course_id": "111567", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111567", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "STEM Internship", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "STEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "7111", "CLASS_NBR": 92468, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "280 hrs work placement", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "STEM 7555, ABLEINT 7001, ABLEINT 7002, BUSINESS 7002, ARCH 7036, ENG 7110, ENG 7111, LARCH 7030, SCIENCE 7555, PROF 7500, PROF 7502, PROF 7505, PROF 7506, PROF 7507, CONMGNT 7700", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This internship course will allow you to build and apply your broad, personal skills relevant to workplace settings, both within and beyond the discipline-specific skills acquired throughout your undergraduate course work. Training will be provided in career development skills and employability. Included within the course are opportunities for you to produce original work which strengthens and demonstrates your analytical, research and problem-solving skills; graduate-ready qualities that are essential for future employment. You will develop an understanding of the value of industry and professional networks and the importance of reflection, lifelong learning to career progression. The internship component will directly add to your experiences and resume while consolidating your confidence and the ability to contribute to a workplace. You will gain an awareness of the strengths you offer to a future employer. Through the internship, you will focus on developing and enhancing your employability skills, knowledge, experience and attributes that are valuable in professional settings within industries connected to your field of studies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 09/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "8936": {"id": "TYYstBeHeqKL-PmrOZ40A", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "H-85mJLrR2X0JB2dusYSj", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92468, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 11, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement"}]}]}]}, "8937": {"id": "ZEEjj0U3iMM_tIWNf52_w", "course_id": "111567", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111567", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "STEM Internship", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "STEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "7111", "CLASS_NBR": 19591, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "280 hrs work placement", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "STEM 7555, ABLEINT 7001, ABLEINT 7002, BUSINESS 7002, ARCH 7036, ENG 7110, ENG 7111, LARCH 7030, SCIENCE 7555, PROF 7500, PROF 7502, PROF 7505, PROF 7506, PROF 7507, CONMGNT 7700", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This internship course will allow you to build and apply your broad, personal skills relevant to workplace settings, both within and beyond the discipline-specific skills acquired throughout your undergraduate course work. Training will be provided in career development skills and employability. Included within the course are opportunities for you to produce original work which strengthens and demonstrates your analytical, research and problem-solving skills; graduate-ready qualities that are essential for future employment. You will develop an understanding of the value of industry and professional networks and the importance of reflection, lifelong learning to career progression. The internship component will directly add to your experiences and resume while consolidating your confidence and the ability to contribute to a workplace. You will gain an awareness of the strengths you offer to a future employer. Through the internship, you will focus on developing and enhancing your employability skills, knowledge, experience and attributes that are valuable in professional settings within industries connected to your field of studies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8938": {"id": "ZEEjj0U3iMM_tIWNf52_w", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "KUIaTcjE0zEB3fzRyx8xD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19591, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 11, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment into this course is by application only. Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}]}]}]}]}, "8939": {"id": "vmByCG-Lf-riVJRS7bqbf", "course_id": "111567", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111567", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "STEM Internship", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "STEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "7111", "CLASS_NBR": 95130, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "280 hrs work placement", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "STEM 7555, ABLEINT 7001, ABLEINT 7002, BUSINESS 7002, ARCH 7036, ENG 7110, ENG 7111, LARCH 7030, SCIENCE 7555, PROF 7500, PROF 7502, PROF 7505, PROF 7506, PROF 7507, CONMGNT 7700", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This internship course will allow you to build and apply your broad, personal skills relevant to workplace settings, both within and beyond the discipline-specific skills acquired throughout your undergraduate course work. Training will be provided in career development skills and employability. Included within the course are opportunities for you to produce original work which strengthens and demonstrates your analytical, research and problem-solving skills; graduate-ready qualities that are essential for future employment. You will develop an understanding of the value of industry and professional networks and the importance of reflection, lifelong learning to career progression. The internship component will directly add to your experiences and resume while consolidating your confidence and the ability to contribute to a workplace. You will gain an awareness of the strengths you offer to a future employer. Through the internship, you will focus on developing and enhancing your employability skills, knowledge, experience and attributes that are valuable in professional settings within industries connected to your field of studies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 24/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 28/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 11/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 17/07/2024"}}]}, "8940": {"id": "vmByCG-Lf-riVJRS7bqbf", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "kj7Ay79hOOWvtyMSK6tIG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95130, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement"}]}]}]}, "8941": {"id": "_MNRLQzNWFvW5iFQp-NiZ", "course_id": "111567", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111567", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "STEM Internship", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "STEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "7111", "CLASS_NBR": 29145, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "280 hrs work placement", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "STEM 7555, ABLEINT 7001, ABLEINT 7002, BUSINESS 7002, ARCH 7036, ENG 7110, ENG 7111, LARCH 7030, SCIENCE 7555, PROF 7500, PROF 7502, PROF 7505, PROF 7506, PROF 7507, CONMGNT 7700", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This internship course will allow you to build and apply your broad, personal skills relevant to workplace settings, both within and beyond the discipline-specific skills acquired throughout your undergraduate course work. 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Through the internship, you will focus on developing and enhancing your employability skills, knowledge, experience and attributes that are valuable in professional settings within industries connected to your field of studies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8942": {"id": "_MNRLQzNWFvW5iFQp-NiZ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "DKR3V_X8xQrH_J80itlR0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29145, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 21, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment into this course is by application only. Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}]}]}]}]}, "8943": {"id": "xe1Tx4b1rMBFeZw6Tg9Ji", "course_id": "111567", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111567", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "STEM Internship", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "STEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "7111", "CLASS_NBR": 30305, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "280 hrs work placement", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "STEM 7555, ABLEINT 7001, ABLEINT 7002, BUSINESS 7002, ARCH 7036, ENG 7110, ENG 7111, LARCH 7030, SCIENCE 7555, PROF 7500, PROF 7502, PROF 7505, PROF 7506, PROF 7507, CONMGNT 7700", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This internship course will allow you to build and apply your broad, personal skills relevant to workplace settings, both within and beyond the discipline-specific skills acquired throughout your undergraduate course work. 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Through the internship, you will focus on developing and enhancing your employability skills, knowledge, experience and attributes that are valuable in professional settings within industries connected to your field of studies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "8944": {"id": "xe1Tx4b1rMBFeZw6Tg9Ji", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "1WQ4yVLbm68p4mUEGSitY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30305, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 8, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment into this course is by application only. Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}]}]}]}]}, "8945": {"id": "B-dQMgHnK7RSFVxItJZLV", "course_id": "111567", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111567", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "STEM Internship", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "STEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "7111", "CLASS_NBR": 33259, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "280 hrs work placement", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "STEM 7555, ABLEINT 7001, ABLEINT 7002, BUSINESS 7002, ARCH 7036, ENG 7110, ENG 7111, LARCH 7030, SCIENCE 7555, PROF 7500, PROF 7502, PROF 7505, PROF 7506, PROF 7507, CONMGNT 7700", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This internship course will allow you to build and apply your broad, personal skills relevant to workplace settings, both within and beyond the discipline-specific skills acquired throughout your undergraduate course work. Training will be provided in career development skills and employability. Included within the course are opportunities for you to produce original work which strengthens and demonstrates your analytical, research and problem-solving skills; graduate-ready qualities that are essential for future employment. You will develop an understanding of the value of industry and professional networks and the importance of reflection, lifelong learning to career progression. The internship component will directly add to your experiences and resume while consolidating your confidence and the ability to contribute to a workplace. You will gain an awareness of the strengths you offer to a future employer. Through the internship, you will focus on developing and enhancing your employability skills, knowledge, experience and attributes that are valuable in professional settings within industries connected to your field of studies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "8946": {"id": "B-dQMgHnK7RSFVxItJZLV", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "TbsLhz2v7OllsakwYpnIP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33259, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 5, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment into this course is by application only. Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}]}]}]}]}, "8947": {"id": "Qq6yB6ax0WoQyHR8nwzMb", "course_id": "111567", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111567", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "STEM Internship", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "STEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "7111", "CLASS_NBR": 36315, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "280 hrs work placement", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "STEM 7555, ABLEINT 7001, ABLEINT 7002, BUSINESS 7002, ARCH 7036, ENG 7110, ENG 7111, LARCH 7030, SCIENCE 7555, PROF 7500, PROF 7502, PROF 7505, PROF 7506, PROF 7507, CONMGNT 7700", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This internship course will allow you to build and apply your broad, personal skills relevant to workplace settings, both within and beyond the discipline-specific skills acquired throughout your undergraduate course work. Training will be provided in career development skills and employability. Included within the course are opportunities for you to produce original work which strengthens and demonstrates your analytical, research and problem-solving skills; graduate-ready qualities that are essential for future employment. You will develop an understanding of the value of industry and professional networks and the importance of reflection, lifelong learning to career progression. The internship component will directly add to your experiences and resume while consolidating your confidence and the ability to contribute to a workplace. You will gain an awareness of the strengths you offer to a future employer. Through the internship, you will focus on developing and enhancing your employability skills, knowledge, experience and attributes that are valuable in professional settings within industries connected to your field of studies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "8948": {"id": "Qq6yB6ax0WoQyHR8nwzMb", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "VDFtvvDw41HJoW91cvyWt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36315, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 14, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment into this course is by application only. Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}]}]}]}]}, "8949": {"id": "SNGL5fFYeR428nSdo27kw", "course_id": "111567", "term": "4448", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111567", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4448", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "STEM Internship", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "STEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "7111", "CLASS_NBR": 46219, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "280 hrs work placement", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "STEM 7555, ABLEINT 7001, ABLEINT 7002, BUSINESS 7002, ARCH 7036, ENG 7110, ENG 7111, LARCH 7030, SCIENCE 7555, PROF 7500, PROF 7502, PROF 7505, PROF 7506, PROF 7507, CONMGNT 7700", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This internship course will allow you to build and apply your broad, personal skills relevant to workplace settings, both within and beyond the discipline-specific skills acquired throughout your undergraduate course work. 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Through the internship, you will focus on developing and enhancing your employability skills, knowledge, experience and attributes that are valuable in professional settings within industries connected to your field of studies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 14/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 14/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 19/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 11/12/2024"}}]}, "8950": {"id": "SNGL5fFYeR428nSdo27kw", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "-v63R40eKBv-lziLUUXL9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46219, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment into this course is by application only. Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}]}]}]}]}, "8951": {"id": "OpjxLYsnEqNYV6YyyccUG", "course_id": "111566", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111566", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "STEM Internship", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "STEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "7555", "CLASS_NBR": 92467, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "140 hrs work placement", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "STEM 7111, ABLEINT 7001, ABLEINT 7002, BUSINESS 7002, ARCH 7036, ENG 7110, ENG 7111, LARCH 7030, SCIENCE 7555, PROF 7500, PROF 7502, PROF 7505, PROF 7506, PROF 7507, CONMGNT 7700", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This internship course will allow you to build and apply your broad, personal skills relevant to workplace settings, both within and beyond the discipline-specific skills acquired throughout your undergraduate course work. Training will be provided in career development skills and employability. Included within the course are opportunities for you to produce original work which strengthens and demonstrates your analytical, research and problem-solving skills; graduate-ready qualities that are essential for future employment. You will develop an understanding of the value of industry and professional networks and the importance of reflection, lifelong learning to career progression. The internship component will directly add to your experiences and resume while consolidating your confidence and the ability to contribute to a workplace. You will gain an awareness of the strengths you offer to a future employer. Through the internship, you will focus on developing and enhancing your employability skills, knowledge, experience and attributes that are valuable in professional settings within industries connected to your field of studies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 09/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "8952": {"id": "OpjxLYsnEqNYV6YyyccUG", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "Ja3rX2Va1dyzJSRgS8HKn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92467, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 13, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement"}]}]}]}, "8953": {"id": "xGioRUG3Abrz0bhuMZgHN", "course_id": "111566", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111566", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "STEM Internship", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "STEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "7555", "CLASS_NBR": 19590, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "140 hrs work placement", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "STEM 7111, ABLEINT 7001, ABLEINT 7002, BUSINESS 7002, ARCH 7036, ENG 7110, ENG 7111, LARCH 7030, SCIENCE 7555, PROF 7500, PROF 7502, PROF 7505, PROF 7506, PROF 7507, CONMGNT 7700", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This internship course will allow you to build and apply your broad, personal skills relevant to workplace settings, both within and beyond the discipline-specific skills acquired throughout your undergraduate course work. 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Through the internship, you will focus on developing and enhancing your employability skills, knowledge, experience and attributes that are valuable in professional settings within industries connected to your field of studies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8954": {"id": "xGioRUG3Abrz0bhuMZgHN", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "LvqIocas8r2DNx5cNkX3L", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19590, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 21, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment into this course is by application only. Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}]}]}]}]}, "8955": {"id": "owPohJCTQ94I2n9ppdwnA", "course_id": "111566", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111566", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "STEM Internship", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "STEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "7555", "CLASS_NBR": 95129, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "140 hrs work placement", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "STEM 7111, ABLEINT 7001, ABLEINT 7002, BUSINESS 7002, ARCH 7036, ENG 7110, ENG 7111, LARCH 7030, SCIENCE 7555, PROF 7500, PROF 7502, PROF 7505, PROF 7506, PROF 7507, CONMGNT 7700", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This internship course will allow you to build and apply your broad, personal skills relevant to workplace settings, both within and beyond the discipline-specific skills acquired throughout your undergraduate course work. 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Through the internship, you will focus on developing and enhancing your employability skills, knowledge, experience and attributes that are valuable in professional settings within industries connected to your field of studies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 24/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 28/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 11/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 17/07/2024"}}]}, "8956": {"id": "owPohJCTQ94I2n9ppdwnA", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "PgNuXIAh1AQJchhYfEZux", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 95129, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement"}]}]}]}, "8957": {"id": "fbbB9unu6epT9DQ6E8msa", "course_id": "111566", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111566", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "STEM Internship", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "STEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "7555", "CLASS_NBR": 29144, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "140 hrs work placement", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "STEM 7111, ABLEINT 7001, ABLEINT 7002, BUSINESS 7002, ARCH 7036, ENG 7110, ENG 7111, LARCH 7030, SCIENCE 7555, PROF 7500, PROF 7502, PROF 7505, PROF 7506, PROF 7507, CONMGNT 7700", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This internship course will allow you to build and apply your broad, personal skills relevant to workplace settings, both within and beyond the discipline-specific skills acquired throughout your undergraduate course work. 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Through the internship, you will focus on developing and enhancing your employability skills, knowledge, experience and attributes that are valuable in professional settings within industries connected to your field of studies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8958": {"id": "fbbB9unu6epT9DQ6E8msa", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "3SIckq5PSQNu-1ikI79tX", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29144, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 34, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment into this course is by application only. Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}]}]}]}]}, "8959": {"id": "IsIhsmkiYA3Eja1Uj2VOC", "course_id": "111566", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111566", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "STEM Internship", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "STEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "7555", "CLASS_NBR": 30304, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "140 hrs work placement", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "STEM 7111, ABLEINT 7001, ABLEINT 7002, BUSINESS 7002, ARCH 7036, ENG 7110, ENG 7111, LARCH 7030, SCIENCE 7555, PROF 7500, PROF 7502, PROF 7505, PROF 7506, PROF 7507, CONMGNT 7700", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This internship course will allow you to build and apply your broad, personal skills relevant to workplace settings, both within and beyond the discipline-specific skills acquired throughout your undergraduate course work. Training will be provided in career development skills and employability. Included within the course are opportunities for you to produce original work which strengthens and demonstrates your analytical, research and problem-solving skills; graduate-ready qualities that are essential for future employment. You will develop an understanding of the value of industry and professional networks and the importance of reflection, lifelong learning to career progression. The internship component will directly add to your experiences and resume while consolidating your confidence and the ability to contribute to a workplace. You will gain an awareness of the strengths you offer to a future employer. Through the internship, you will focus on developing and enhancing your employability skills, knowledge, experience and attributes that are valuable in professional settings within industries connected to your field of studies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "8960": {"id": "IsIhsmkiYA3Eja1Uj2VOC", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "ki0uh5Wlr_h3rxDycjuun", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30304, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 1, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment into this course is by application only. Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}]}]}]}]}, "8961": {"id": "agIvOBhiYdPMw08qs-2da", "course_id": "111566", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111566", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "STEM Internship", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "STEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "7555", "CLASS_NBR": 33258, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "140 hrs work placement", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "STEM 7111, ABLEINT 7001, ABLEINT 7002, BUSINESS 7002, ARCH 7036, ENG 7110, ENG 7111, LARCH 7030, SCIENCE 7555, PROF 7500, PROF 7502, PROF 7505, PROF 7506, PROF 7507, CONMGNT 7700", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This internship course will allow you to build and apply your broad, personal skills relevant to workplace settings, both within and beyond the discipline-specific skills acquired throughout your undergraduate course work. Training will be provided in career development skills and employability. Included within the course are opportunities for you to produce original work which strengthens and demonstrates your analytical, research and problem-solving skills; graduate-ready qualities that are essential for future employment. You will develop an understanding of the value of industry and professional networks and the importance of reflection, lifelong learning to career progression. The internship component will directly add to your experiences and resume while consolidating your confidence and the ability to contribute to a workplace. You will gain an awareness of the strengths you offer to a future employer. Through the internship, you will focus on developing and enhancing your employability skills, knowledge, experience and attributes that are valuable in professional settings within industries connected to your field of studies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "8962": {"id": "agIvOBhiYdPMw08qs-2da", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "NKwsKjiDxMCYdk7sGsU-4", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33258, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 2, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment into this course is by application only. Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}]}]}]}]}, "8963": {"id": "hKBhSa3x_o8wJBkMTvX7v", "course_id": "111566", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111566", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "STEM Internship", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "STEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "7555", "CLASS_NBR": 36314, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "140 hrs work placement", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "STEM 7111, ABLEINT 7001, ABLEINT 7002, BUSINESS 7002, ARCH 7036, ENG 7110, ENG 7111, LARCH 7030, SCIENCE 7555, PROF 7500, PROF 7502, PROF 7505, PROF 7506, PROF 7507, CONMGNT 7700", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This internship course will allow you to build and apply your broad, personal skills relevant to workplace settings, both within and beyond the discipline-specific skills acquired throughout your undergraduate course work. Training will be provided in career development skills and employability. Included within the course are opportunities for you to produce original work which strengthens and demonstrates your analytical, research and problem-solving skills; graduate-ready qualities that are essential for future employment. You will develop an understanding of the value of industry and professional networks and the importance of reflection, lifelong learning to career progression. The internship component will directly add to your experiences and resume while consolidating your confidence and the ability to contribute to a workplace. You will gain an awareness of the strengths you offer to a future employer. Through the internship, you will focus on developing and enhancing your employability skills, knowledge, experience and attributes that are valuable in professional settings within industries connected to your field of studies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "8964": {"id": "hKBhSa3x_o8wJBkMTvX7v", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "grOnfZYu_Hmx7MLdJaO--", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36314, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 8, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement"}]}]}]}, "8965": {"id": "5BMJxb4Ah0uQu5ousCHNe", "course_id": "111566", "term": "4448", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111566", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4448", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "STEM Internship", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "STEM", "CATALOG_NBR": "7555", "CLASS_NBR": 46218, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "019999", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "140 hrs work placement", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "STEM 7111, ABLEINT 7001, ABLEINT 7002, BUSINESS 7002, ARCH 7036, ENG 7110, ENG 7111, LARCH 7030, SCIENCE 7555, PROF 7500, PROF 7502, PROF 7505, PROF 7506, PROF 7507, CONMGNT 7700", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This internship course will allow you to build and apply your broad, personal skills relevant to workplace settings, both within and beyond the discipline-specific skills acquired throughout your undergraduate course work. Training will be provided in career development skills and employability. Included within the course are opportunities for you to produce original work which strengthens and demonstrates your analytical, research and problem-solving skills; graduate-ready qualities that are essential for future employment. You will develop an understanding of the value of industry and professional networks and the importance of reflection, lifelong learning to career progression. The internship component will directly add to your experiences and resume while consolidating your confidence and the ability to contribute to a workplace. You will gain an awareness of the strengths you offer to a future employer. Through the internship, you will focus on developing and enhancing your employability skills, knowledge, experience and attributes that are valuable in professional settings within industries connected to your field of studies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 14/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 14/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 19/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 11/12/2024"}}]}, "8966": {"id": "5BMJxb4Ah0uQu5ousCHNe", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "iUO5MRcZZKBH59mkFw0O5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46218, "section": "01NT", "size": 0, "enrolled": 7, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Enrolment into this course is by application only. Please contact for all inquiries regarding enrolment in this course."}]}]}]}]}, "8967": {"subject": "SURGERY", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "105142", "term": "4442", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "106695", "term": "4442", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "106711", "term": "4444", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "106710", "term": "4444", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106957", "term": "4446", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "106958", "term": "4448", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "106960", "term": "4446", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106961", "term": "4448", "offer": 2}]}}, "8968": {"id": "3LwEMdqSna92nRh_ZrtQ4", "course_id": "105142", "term": "4442", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105142", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4442", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Minimally Invasive Surgery Theory I", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SURGERY", "CATALOG_NBR": "7001EX", "CLASS_NBR": 40004, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MMIS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Basic knowledge of minimally invasive surgical techniques", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Examination, online assessment, classroom contribution", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Theory I Provides a thorough introduction into the history of minimally invasive surgery. Students will then investigate, analyse and synthesise complex information on a large range of theoretical and practical aspects of minimally invasive surgery including operating theatre design-endosuite standards, the anatomy of a trouble shooting for a laparoscopic tower, laparoscopes, visualisation systems and recording devices, electrosurgery, energy devices, harmonics, ligasure and thunderbeat, plasma medicine, tissue approaximation, suture technique and staple technology.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 07/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 18/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 10/04/2024"}}]}, "8969": {"id": "3LwEMdqSna92nRh_ZrtQ4", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "ZuM8blTSwDMgLpNhVEWD5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 40004, "section": "01EX", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "8970": {"id": "5Y_OjwPfKc7rX88IO7QPI", "course_id": "106695", "term": "4442", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106695", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4442", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Minimally Invasive Surgery Research & Development I", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SURGERY", "CATALOG_NBR": "7008EX", "CLASS_NBR": 40005, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 1 hour per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MMIS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "SURGERY 7007", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Students are required to research and identify a suitable research topic which is suitable for submission to an ethics committee.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course encourages students to carry out their own research into relevant topics within minimally invasive surgery. At the end of the course they will have researched and identified a suitable research project which is suitable for submission to an ethics committee.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 07/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 18/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 10/04/2024"}}]}, "8971": {"id": "5Y_OjwPfKc7rX88IO7QPI", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "Vi0lXvDsmfR0J2AimUpC0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 40005, "section": "01EX", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "8972": {"id": "n6wOcLL5RsOrgo_KJUSWq", "course_id": "106711", "term": "4444", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106711", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4444", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Minimally Invasive Surgery Theory II", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SURGERY", "CATALOG_NBR": "7009EX", "CLASS_NBR": 42010, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MMIS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "SURGERY 7007", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, online assessment, classroom contribution", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course will build on what was taught in Minimally Invasive Surgery Theory I. It will focus on methods of access to working spaces. Topics will include ports and instruments required for entry to working spaces and the effect that this has on the physiology and immunology of the human body. For example, students will learn about the physiology of the peritoneum during insufflations. The effects of different insufflations gasses will be considered. A variety of access techniques such as HALS, SILS, NOTES and robotics will be discussed. In addition, a leading expert will teach about how anaesthesia interacts with the various topics covered in the term.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 29/04/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 29/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 04/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 26/06/2024"}}]}, "8973": {"id": "n6wOcLL5RsOrgo_KJUSWq", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "pTDjLyQoZYZ7ur4za9ezF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 42010, "section": "01EX", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "8974": {"id": "Wx0EObzIRB1WDFC0Q1_Jq", "course_id": "106710", "term": "4444", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106710", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4444", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Minimally Invasive Surgery-Clinical Practice I", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SURGERY", "CATALOG_NBR": "7011HO", "CLASS_NBR": 42009, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 12 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to MMIS students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, clinical immersion workshop, logbook content", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course will provide comprehensive clinical training to a high level of competency in the practice of minimally invasive surgical techniques.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 29/04/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 29/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 04/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 26/06/2024"}}]}, "8975": {"id": "Wx0EObzIRB1WDFC0Q1_Jq", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "id": "XGTvwshRVk1cry8zB4VQD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 42009, "section": "01HO", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Clinical"}]}]}]}, "8976": {"id": "RJ4n-w2f1YrNtAQWpxd-I", "course_id": "106957", "term": "4446", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106957", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4446", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Minimally Invasive Surgery Theory III", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SURGERY", "CATALOG_NBR": "7012EX", "CLASS_NBR": 44009, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M.Minimally Invasive Surgery students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "SURGERY 7007, SURGERY 7009", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, online assessment, classroom contribution", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will build on what was taught in Theory I and Theory II by providing tuition on the considerations of:-\nUnderstanding the concept and practice of natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery (Notes):\nBeing able to apply learning theory to clinical surgical practice:\nUnderstanding how conversion from laparoscopic to open surgery can affect the patient:\nDetermining how to deal with, and avoid, adhesions:\nUnderstanding how to assess cost and cosmoses in surgical patients:\nLearning new concepts in pathophysiology of repair of abdominal wall defects, metabolic surgery for bariatric surgery and minimally invasive neural stimulation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 22/07/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 22/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 27/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 18/09/2024"}}]}, "8977": {"id": "RJ4n-w2f1YrNtAQWpxd-I", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "NKZnrHutuJiAXuTYqImE0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 44009, "section": "01EX", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "8978": {"id": "tMRkB-RspnhFw5eeBtpGA", "course_id": "106958", "term": "4448", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106958", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4448", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "Minimally Invasive Surgery Theory IV", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SURGERY", "CATALOG_NBR": "7013EX", "CLASS_NBR": 46064, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M.Minimally Invasive Surgery students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "SURGERY 7007, SURGERY 7009, SURGERY 7012", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, online assessment, classroom contribution", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Theory IV looks at how two subspecialties have adapted to include minimally invasive surgical techniques. Students will learn how to define and measure quality of life and cosmoses - two areas that are cited in support of minimally invasive surgery. They will also explore the process of innovation and the concepts of leadership and finally be introduced to the new field of plasma medicine.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 14/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 14/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 19/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 11/12/2024"}}]}, "8979": {"id": "tMRkB-RspnhFw5eeBtpGA", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "4thl2XJN9TjoW68CHmnIc", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46064, "section": "01EX", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "8980": {"id": "TYP_w4L82sUBMerew1pCE", "course_id": "106960", "term": "4446", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106960", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4446", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Minimal Invasive Surgery Clinical Practice II", "CAMPUS": "Teaching Hospitals", "CAMPUS_CD": "HOSP", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SURGERY", "CATALOG_NBR": "7015HO", "CLASS_NBR": 44010, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M.Minimally Invasive Surgery students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "SURGERY 7014HO", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Clinical immersion weekend, DVD production, mentor instruction and feedback, logbook", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course will provide comprehensive clinical training to a high level of competency in the practice of minimally invasive surgical techniques. Using knowledge gained in Clinical Practice I, students will gain increasing experience in the performance of minimally invasive surgical techniques. Students will learn to identify and treat problems, as well as improve their techniques by self evaluation of recorded material. They will create instructional DVDs describing operative techniques based on their work during the year.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 22/07/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 22/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 27/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 18/09/2024"}}]}, "8981": {"id": "TYP_w4L82sUBMerew1pCE", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "id": "QwXh_FvLfaUyN2P8pkj02", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 44010, "section": "01HO", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Clinical"}]}]}]}, "8982": {"id": "0IsfJ3lNbkcF-4wpmPZl6", "course_id": "106961", "term": "4448", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106961", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4448", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "Minimal Invasive Surgery Research & Development II", "CAMPUS": "External", "CAMPUS_CD": "EXT", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "SURGERY", "CATALOG_NBR": "7016EX", "CLASS_NBR": 46065, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "060103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 1 hour per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to M.Minimally Invasive Surgery students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "SURGERY 7008", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 14/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 14/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 19/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 11/12/2024"}}]}, "8983": {"id": "0IsfJ3lNbkcF-4wpmPZl6", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "pIkcXQI9eQ78N4CZXBxBq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46065, "section": "01EX", "size": 10, "enrolled": 0, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "8984": {"subject": "TESOL", "courses": {"courses": []}}, "8985": {"subject": "TRADE", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "111199", "term": "4436", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111200", "term": "4436", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102345", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102346", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105618", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105618", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105620", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105625", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105626", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "8986": {"id": "0ZXodihPhvD5Azwaq8ehX", "course_id": "111199", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111199", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "International Trade: Negotiations & Agreements", "CAMPUS": "Open Universities Australia", "CAMPUS_CD": "OUA", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "TRADE", "CATALOG_NBR": "2000OUA", "CLASS_NBR": 33130, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide Open Universities Australia students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "TRADE 5000", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically, participation, group work, online quizzes, final assignment.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "International Trade: Negotiation and Agreements typically consists of three modules designed to progressively introduce students into the complex world of trade negotiations, with focus on the World Trade Organization. Module 1 generally starts with supplying broad conceptual toolkits for understanding International Political Economy (IPE); an essential framework for an increasingly contested global economy. It typically follows this with an introductions the concept of Economic Diplomacy as a set of tools states use in order to advance their interests abroad - and at home. Then students may be introduced to theories of trade bargaining, as a subset of economic diplomacy. Module 2 typically follows with a shift in focus to the evolution of the WTO, and its current institutional arrangements. Broad consideration may also be given to the various trade instruments, from tariffs to intellectual property rights, inter alia, governed at the WTO level, and updates students on current debates over the future of the WTO. Module 3 generally sets students to utilising the toolkits and institutional knowledge developed in modules 1 and 2 in an intensive trade bargaining simulation. The course is typically delivered through a blended learning approach with teaching materials and online modules provided through the MyUni course page. In this mode, students are be expected to complete all online modules prior to the face-to-face sessions.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "8987": {"id": "0ZXodihPhvD5Azwaq8ehX", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "JuCfJSPuaAyBzJ0EWyJCw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33130, "section": "01OU", "size": 100, "enrolled": 0, "available": 100, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "8988": {"id": "ShLmVNg7_j7LgX1NinB0i", "course_id": "111200", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111200", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "International Trade: Strategies & Opportunities", "CAMPUS": "Open Universities Australia", "CAMPUS_CD": "OUA", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "TRADE", "CATALOG_NBR": "2001OUA", "CLASS_NBR": 33131, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "090101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4A", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide Open Universities Australia students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "TRADE 5001", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically, participation, group work, online quizzes, final assignment.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "'International Trade: Strategies and Opportunities typcially consists of three modules. Module I New Opportunities in International Trade generally covers: WTO rules for regional trade agreements (RTAs) and RTA negotiating modalities and techniques; politics of trade negotiations; new opportunities resulting from APEC and major new RTAs including AANZFTA and the Trans-Pacific Partnership; understanding statistics and other trade information; and how RTAs and mutual recognition agreements affect the movement of people. Module II Practical Aspects of International Trade generally covers: practical preparations for entering export markets; partnership possibilities in international trade; assistance in exporting. Module III: WTO's 'New Issues' generally has a focus on competition policy; foreign direct investment and investment agreements and dispute settlement. \nThe course is typically delivered through a blended learning approach with teaching materials and online modules provided through the MyUni course page. In this mode, students are expected to complete all online modules prior to the face-to-face sessions.'''", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "8989": {"id": "ShLmVNg7_j7LgX1NinB0i", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "ezqJIKcJ2tedp-I7URLis", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33131, "section": "01OU", "size": 100, "enrolled": 0, "available": 100, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial"}]}]}]}, "8990": {"id": "-upwXPAjhj7xWCVSoLcl9", "course_id": "102345", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102345", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "International Trade: Negotiations & Agreements", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "TRADE", "CATALOG_NBR": "5000", "CLASS_NBR": 25336, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically, participation, group work, online quizzes, final assignment.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "International Trade: Negotiation and Agreements typically consists of three modules designed to progressively introduce students into the complex world of trade negotiations, with focus on the World Trade Organization. Module 1 generally starts with supplying broad conceptual toolkits for understanding International Political Economy (IPE); an essential framework for an increasingly contested global economy. It typically follows this with an introductions the concept of Economic Diplomacy as a set of tools states use in order to advance their interests abroad - and at home. Then students may be introduced to theories of trade bargaining, as a subset of economic diplomacy. Module 2 typically follows with a shift in focus to the evolution of the WTO, and its current institutional arrangements. Broad consideration may also be given to the various trade instruments, from tariffs to intellectual property rights, inter alia, governed at the WTO level, and updates students on current debates over the future of the WTO. Module 3 generally sets students to utilising the toolkits and institutional knowledge developed in modules 1 and 2 in an intensive trade bargaining simulation. The course is typically delivered through a blended learning approach with teaching materials and online modules provided through the MyUni course page. In this mode, students are be expected to complete all online modules prior to the face-to-face sessions.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8991": {"id": "-upwXPAjhj7xWCVSoLcl9", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "dCyWvrtoagwHcWX8u9nIi", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25336, "section": "WR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 42, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Horace Lamb, 422, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8992": {"id": "QAtdjyFFuJmNIx9jwHZ6M", "course_id": "102346", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102346", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "International Trade: Strategies & Opportunities", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "TRADE", "CATALOG_NBR": "5001", "CLASS_NBR": 15425, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "TRADE 5000, INTBUS 7500", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically, participation, group work, online quizzes, final assignment.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "International Trade: Strategies and Opportunities typcially consists of three modules. Module I New Opportunities in International Trade generally covers: WTO rules for regional trade agreements (RTAs) and RTA negotiating modalities and techniques; politics of trade negotiations; new opportunities resulting from APEC and major new RTAs including AANZFTA and the Trans-Pacific Partnership; understanding statistics and other trade information; and how RTAs and mutual recognition agreements affect the movement of people. Module II Practical Aspects of International Trade generally covers: practical preparations for entering export markets; partnership possibilities in international trade; assistance in exporting. Module III: WTO's 'New Issues' generally has a focus on competition policy; foreign direct investment and investment agreements and dispute settlement. \nThe course is typically delivered through a blended learning approach with teaching materials and online modules provided through the MyUni course page. In this mode, students are expected to complete all online modules prior to the face-to-face sessions.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8993": {"id": "QAtdjyFFuJmNIx9jwHZ6M", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "FvQ0o9lIJQGxIoh7keEI0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15425, "section": "WR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 15, "available": 35, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8994": {"id": "SxO6pHrQNFiU05Vl0cDdj", "course_id": "105618", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105618", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Principles of International Trade and Development", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "TRADE", "CATALOG_NBR": "7004", "CLASS_NBR": 15426, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically, participation, group work, online quizzes, final assignment.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is concerned with the relationship between trade and development, and more specifically with regard to trade policies. The course provides an overview of how trade can contribute to economic growth when framed by the appropriate domestic and international policies and measures. It analyses the trade and economic policies of in places including East Asia, ASEAN and other selected developing countries. Development related issues such as alignment of industrial and trade policies, behind border issues and trade and investment facilitation will be presented and discussed. \nThe course is typically delivered through a blended learning approach with teaching materials and online activities provided through the MyUni course page. In this mode, students are expected to complete all online activities prior to the related face-to-face sessions.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8995": {"id": "SxO6pHrQNFiU05Vl0cDdj", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "_hcF-DuXOGezMRVuI0q28", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15426, "section": "WR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 23, "available": 27, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8996": {"id": "4yXgsuAvNsdGlzevkMiMq", "course_id": "105618", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105618", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Principles of International Trade and Development", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "TRADE", "CATALOG_NBR": "7004", "CLASS_NBR": 25337, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically, participation, group work, online quizzes, final assignment.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is concerned with the relationship between trade and development, and more specifically with regard to trade policies. The course provides an overview of how trade can contribute to economic growth when framed by the appropriate domestic and international policies and measures. It analyses the trade and economic policies of in places including East Asia, ASEAN and other selected developing countries. Development related issues such as alignment of industrial and trade policies, behind border issues and trade and investment facilitation will be presented and discussed. \nThe course is typically delivered through a blended learning approach with teaching materials and online activities provided through the MyUni course page. In this mode, students are expected to complete all online activities prior to the related face-to-face sessions.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "8997": {"id": "4yXgsuAvNsdGlzevkMiMq", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "2eAtUHk8W03bzLReQFQT5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25337, "section": "WR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 23, "available": 27, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "8998": {"id": "kWGJbmIFdmSd-Rjva6gBU", "course_id": "105620", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105620", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Agriculture and Food in International Trade", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "TRADE", "CATALOG_NBR": "7005", "CLASS_NBR": 15427, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "TRADE 5000", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically, participation, group work, final assignment.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This intensive course includes such topics as the rules, policy, and economic realities governing trade in agriculture and food. Module 1 typically begins by mapping out the historical evolution of the institutions and rules that govern trade in agriculture. It then typically moves on to a discussion of the Uruguay Round Agreement on Agriculture. This module also typically discusses the Doha Round and why it failed, as well as looking at the current state of the WTO. \nModule 2 typically discusses the different forms of trade barriers that impede trade of these products, and what firms and governments can do to overcome these barriers. This module also typically discusses some of the major trade disputes that the WTO has had in the area of agricultural trade, and how these disputes were resolved. \nFinally, Module 3 typically discusses recent developments, such as sharpened concerns over food security due to supply chain disruptions and inflation, the rise in trade tensions and volatility caused by increasing geopolitical competition as the trading system becomes characterised by increasing multipolarity, and technological developments such as big data and IT.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "8999": {"id": "kWGJbmIFdmSd-Rjva6gBU", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "e6_G4Rr0d_hQLR3-Dd2GP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15427, "section": "WR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 26, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "9000": {"id": "ZRRGdziNfku19OP8ZsEka", "course_id": "105625", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105625", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "MNCs, Trade & Sustainable Development", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "TRADE", "CATALOG_NBR": "7007", "CLASS_NBR": 15428, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "TRADE 5000", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically, participation, group work, online quizzes, final assignment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course explores how global firms, or multinational corporations (MNCs), interact with the international trade architecture through the lens of sustainability. Taking account of the broad definition of sustainability it covers labour and human rights dimensions, but places particular emphasis on environmental frameworks. It charts the ways in which the trading system is incorporating sustainability into its design and explores how this design shapes multinational firms' approach to sustainability, and their consequent strategies. It also explores how markets are filling the gaps through various means such as ESG codes and practices. Throughout, the implications for MNCs operating in diverse markets abroad are explored through a combination of theoretical toolkits and practical case-studies. The course is delivered through the MyUni course page. In this mode, students are expected to complete all online modules prior to the face-to-face sessions.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "9001": {"id": "ZRRGdziNfku19OP8ZsEka", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "HDmHvHpjHX7_Pk0ioHkko", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15428, "section": "WR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 8, "available": 42, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB34, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "9002": {"id": "HD2ZvK-mUgdrMundmWqup", "course_id": "105626", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105626", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Services Trade", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "TRADE", "CATALOG_NBR": "7008", "CLASS_NBR": 25338, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "091901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Typically, participation, group work, online quizzes, final assignment.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course is designed to build deep understanding of the local and global economic importance of the services sector. The course typically has a strong focus on the role of services in international trade and investment flows and the movement of natural persons. Close attention is given to international governance for services, for instance, in the WTO and in other multilateral organisations, and to trends in services governance in a variety of regional, bilateral and plurilateral intergovernmental agreements. The course provides a 21st Century approach to the role of services in a variety of contexts, such as, in global and regional value chains, in e-commerce, and in transformation towards the digital economy. The course also examines the vital role services and services trade can play in assisting with the economic growth and development of emerging and developing economies. The course includes a discussion of appropriate strategies for all countries, including developing countries to capture the benefits from trade in services. Identifying and addressing the key constraints to services sector competitiveness is a key theme of the course, including in the digital era. The course focusses on a number of services sectors that are highly traded, such as transport, distribution, financial, telecommunications, and logistics. It also provides some focus on services sectors of heightened interest to developing countries, for example, IT and business services outsourcing, professional services and tourism.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "9003": {"id": "HD2ZvK-mUgdrMundmWqup", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "_x1oR9RhX0FO-YOjLfZnf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25338, "section": "WR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 12, "available": 38, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, UB35, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "9004": {"subject": "UAC", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "110595", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110595", "term": "4448", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110595", "term": "4448", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "110596", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110598", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110598", "term": "4448", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110598", "term": "4448", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "110599", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110601", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110601", "term": "4448", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110601", "term": "4448", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "110602", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110604", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110604", "term": "4448", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110605", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110607", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110607", "term": "4448", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110608", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110610", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110610", "term": "4448", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110610", "term": "4448", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "110611", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110613", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110613", "term": "4448", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110614", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110616", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110616", "term": "4448", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110617", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110619", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110619", "term": "4448", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110619", "term": "4448", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "110620", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111007", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111007", "term": "4448", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111008", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110663", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110663", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, 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"4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110687", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110688", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110688", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110689", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110689", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110689", "term": "4410", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "110689", "term": "4420", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "110690", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110690", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110690", "term": "4410", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "110690", "term": "4420", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "110691", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110691", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110692", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110692", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110693", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110693", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110694", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110694", 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"110703", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110703", "term": "4448", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110704", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110704", "term": "4448", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110705", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110705", "term": "4448", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110706", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110706", "term": "4448", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110707", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110707", "term": "4448", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110708", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110708", "term": "4448", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110775", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110775", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110775", "term": "4448", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110775", "term": "4410", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "110775", "term": "4420", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "110775", "term": "4448", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "110776", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110776", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110776", "term": "4410", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "110776", "term": "4420", "offer": 2}]}}, "9005": {"id": "rUUijopa4Tjb5Andm_aaO", "course_id": "110595", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110595", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "FSPX - English Part 1", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1013A", "CLASS_NBR": 12491, "SESSION_CD": "UAC", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "English for Academic Purposes provides an opportunity for students to explore, respond to, analyse and produce a range of academic and non-academic texts. Text is understood to be any meaningful written, spoken, visual or multimodal message. Through reading, viewing, writing, listening, speaking, and using information and communication technologies (ICT), the course develops students\u2019 confidence and competence in using the English language; their understanding of how different text-types are constructed for particular academic purposes and audiences; and their competence in key academic literacies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Sun 21/04/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 22/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "9006": {"id": "rUUijopa4Tjb5Andm_aaO", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "PBE4PM7qOABPYMM7gfJZD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12490, "section": "TU01", "size": 22, "enrolled": 18, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Apr - 25 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 27 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 314, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12491, "section": "TU02", "size": 22, "enrolled": 16, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Apr - 27 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 314, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 28 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 315, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "4y7reLpMTc44ZVI3Zl0pv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16560, "section": "LEC0", "size": 44, "enrolled": 34, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9007": {"id": "wWKsx4lhTGEr_WlJ54qWx", "course_id": "110595", "term": "4448", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110595", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4448", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "FSPX - English Part 1", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1013A", "CLASS_NBR": 46308, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "English for Academic Purposes provides an opportunity for students to explore, respond to, analyse and produce a range of academic and non-academic texts. Text is understood to be any meaningful written, spoken, visual or multimodal message. Through reading, viewing, writing, listening, speaking, and using information and communication technologies (ICT), the course develops students\u2019 confidence and competence in using the English language; their understanding of how different text-types are constructed for particular academic purposes and audiences; and their competence in key academic literacies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 14/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 14/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 11/12/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "9008": {"id": "wWKsx4lhTGEr_WlJ54qWx", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "xQ1rSTByg1zeOdVJavXpZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46014, "section": "TU01", "size": 22, "enrolled": 0, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "14 Oct - 16 Dec", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 115, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 19 Dec", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Darling West, 203, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 46020, "section": "TU02", "size": 22, "enrolled": 0, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Oct - 17 Dec", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Oct - 20 Dec", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 102, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 46308, "section": "TU03", "size": 22, "enrolled": 0, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "17 Oct - 19 Dec", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Oct - 20 Dec", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 301, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "0z1czLJheszP7UVFzL9cK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46112, "section": "LEC0", "size": 66, "enrolled": 0, "available": 66, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9009": {"id": "qSdRAu54cgvBq2saSBYvJ", "course_id": "110595", "term": "4448", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110595", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4448", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "FSPX - English Part 1", "CAMPUS": "UofA College Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "UACM", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1013AUACM", "CLASS_NBR": 46232, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "English for Academic Purposes provides an opportunity for students to explore, respond to, analyse and produce a range of academic and non-academic texts. 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Through reading, viewing, writing, listening, speaking, and using information and communication technologies (ICT), the course develops students\u2019 confidence and competence in using the English language; their understanding of how different text-types are constructed for particular academic purposes and audiences; and their competence in key academic literacies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 14/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 14/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 11/12/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "9010": {"id": "qSdRAu54cgvBq2saSBYvJ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "MUZkD-Cm-hXmcctt2DkbB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46232, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 0, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "14 Oct - 16 Dec", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 326, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 18 Dec", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 312, Meeting Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "5ufuQQtgjIaqUt1O-saLH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46259, "section": "LEC0", "size": 24, "enrolled": 0, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9011": {"id": "VOe90Glmv4tXOPWlMwGO4", "course_id": "110596", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110596", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "FSPX - English Part 2", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1013B", "CLASS_NBR": 92082, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "English for Academic Purposes provides an opportunity for students to explore, respond to, analyse and produce a range of academic and non-academic texts. 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To this end, students are taught concepts and methodologies that promote the development of independent analytical thinking skills via lecture\u00a0listening, note taking and interactive tutorial style classes.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 14/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 14/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 11/12/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "9018": {"id": "CAsMJX0TPg7AFJsiICqFa", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "iBt9E8xeOvUgxdnMxT2-Y", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46230, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 0, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "14 Oct - 16 Dec", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 325, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 17 Dec", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 326, Meeting Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "ZnAcSh6W6h3QwGfqqicN1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46260, "section": "LEC0", "size": 24, "enrolled": 0, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9019": {"id": "hwh2TcHLR-KZbCTrb38Ad", "course_id": "110599", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110599", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "FSPX - Critical Thinking Part 2", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1014B", "CLASS_NBR": 92084, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course is designed to take students from many backgrounds and language settings and give them the skills necessary to successfully study a range of subjects at an Australian university. 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To this end, students are taught concepts and methodologies that promote the development of independent analytical thinking skills via lecture listening, note taking and interactive tutorial style classes.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 09/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 21/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "9020": {"id": "hwh2TcHLR-KZbCTrb38Ad", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "xTGZHQJZCNPly1E_v5VRW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92084, "section": "TU02", "size": 22, "enrolled": 9, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "10 Jan - 31 Jan", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Darling West, 105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Jan - 1 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 106, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 92085, "section": "TU01", "size": 22, "enrolled": 13, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Jan - 30 Jan", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Jan - 1 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 301, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "FL60g0gkH8394Gos8Dkem", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92225, "section": "LEC0", "size": 44, "enrolled": 22, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9021": {"id": "DGq9QTa8OLPJcvxcVW2Uu", "course_id": "110601", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110601", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "FSPX - General Maths Part 1", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1015A", "CLASS_NBR": 19825, "SESSION_CD": "UAC", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of this course is to prepare students for tertiary study in a variety of areas where an ability to critically analyse information and work with data is inherent. Students with tertiary pathways into areas such as health science, psychology and commerce would benefit from studying this course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Sun 21/04/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 22/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "9022": {"id": "DGq9QTa8OLPJcvxcVW2Uu", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "mVTMMmzoo-H9NNGFOWjvD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12492, "section": "TU01", "size": 22, "enrolled": 8, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Apr - 25 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 101, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 26 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 316, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19825, "section": "TU02", "size": 22, "enrolled": 14, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Apr - 24 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 115, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 28 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 114, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "hnK3OIa38mRF33MqcBSy-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16562, "section": "LEC0", "size": 44, "enrolled": 22, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9023": {"id": "98TYQBR7SuiqZGNBOpzxo", "course_id": "110601", "term": "4448", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110601", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4448", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "FSPX - General Maths Part 1", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1015A", "CLASS_NBR": 46295, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of this course is to prepare students for tertiary study in a variety of areas where an ability to critically analyse information and work with data is inherent. Students with tertiary pathways into areas such as health science, psychology and commerce would benefit from studying this course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 14/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 14/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 11/12/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "9024": {"id": "98TYQBR7SuiqZGNBOpzxo", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "cU_RNmkh8qeGsxFoeazTI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46015, "section": "TU01", "size": 22, "enrolled": 0, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "14 Oct - 16 Dec", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 101, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Oct - 20 Dec", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 301, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 46295, "section": "TU02", "size": 22, "enrolled": 0, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Oct - 17 Dec", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 114, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 18 Dec", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 115, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "69nP5-yZs8T54YK7hE59G", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46114, "section": "LEC0", "size": 48, "enrolled": 0, "available": 48, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9025": {"id": "aMYy8m-fRz2-jQKH-WXXi", "course_id": "110601", "term": "4448", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110601", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4448", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "FSPX - General Maths Part 1", "CAMPUS": "UofA College Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "UACM", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1015AUACM", "CLASS_NBR": 46233, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of this course is to prepare students for tertiary study in a variety of areas where an ability to critically analyse information and work with data is inherent. Students with tertiary pathways into areas such as health science, psychology and commerce would benefit from studying this course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 14/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 14/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 11/12/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "9026": {"id": "aMYy8m-fRz2-jQKH-WXXi", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "vAPlPCmHXRQwd256rXyd7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46233, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 0, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "17 Oct - 19 Dec", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 312, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "18 Oct - 20 Dec", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 325, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "18 Oct - 20 Dec", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 312, Meeting Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "aqmliFdoO3mSmC1OPtGN6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46261, "section": "LEC0", "size": 24, "enrolled": 0, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9027": {"id": "3VV0aUcx_KzC3kkYpdsCo", "course_id": "110602", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110602", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "FSPX - General Maths Part 2", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1015B", "CLASS_NBR": 92086, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of this course is to prepare students for tertiary study in a variety of areas where an ability to critically analyse information and work with data is inherent. Students with tertiary pathways into areas such as health science, psychology and commerce would benefit from studying this course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 09/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 21/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "9028": {"id": "3VV0aUcx_KzC3kkYpdsCo", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "Qofyavn3h-bLfszGzhVOg", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92086, "section": "TU01", "size": 22, "enrolled": 19, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Jan - 30 Jan", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Darling West, B04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Jan - 2 Feb", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 310, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "ZkE2p0Lb47WL_1ixUFot1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92226, "section": "LEC0", "size": 22, "enrolled": 19, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9029": {"id": "3EypQ5By9e2YzXjpYhJ2B", "course_id": "110604", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110604", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "FSPX - Mathematical Methods Part 1", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1016A", "CLASS_NBR": 12495, "SESSION_CD": "UAC", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Mathematical Methods introduces the students to calculus and statistics and then develops an increasingly complex and sophisticated understanding of these topics. By using functions and their derivatives and integrals, and by mathematically modelling physical processes, students develop an understanding of the physical world through a knowledge of relationships involving rates of change. Students use statistics to describe and analyse phenomena that involve uncertainty and variation.\n\nMathematical Methods provides the foundation for further study in mathematics, economics, computer sciences, and the sciences. It prepares students for courses and careers that may involve the use of statistics, such as health or social sciences. When studied together with Specialist Mathematics, this subject can be a pathway to engineering, physical science, and laser physics.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Sun 21/04/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 22/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "9030": {"id": "3EypQ5By9e2YzXjpYhJ2B", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "La0Ojd-FdRWrZ-xQLPZ37", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12495, "section": "TU01", "size": 22, "enrolled": 6, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Apr - 25 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 26 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 314, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "VCYjPaBnhJFDKb7jtxWp3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16563, "section": "LEC0", "size": 22, "enrolled": 6, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9031": {"id": "_2FLeawyh0K7wlxSLUdlV", "course_id": "110604", "term": "4448", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110604", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4448", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "FSPX - Mathematical Methods Part 1", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1016A", "CLASS_NBR": 46018, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Mathematical Methods introduces the students to calculus and statistics and then develops an increasingly complex and sophisticated understanding of these topics. By using functions and their derivatives and integrals, and by mathematically modelling physical processes, students develop an understanding of the physical world through a knowledge of relationships involving rates of change. Students use statistics to describe and analyse phenomena that involve uncertainty and variation.\n\nMathematical Methods provides the foundation for further study in mathematics, economics, computer sciences, and the sciences. It prepares students for courses and careers that may involve the use of statistics, such as health or social sciences. When studied together with Specialist Mathematics, this subject can be a pathway to engineering, physical science, and laser physics.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 14/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 14/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 11/12/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "9032": {"id": "_2FLeawyh0K7wlxSLUdlV", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "yBxK8K_HcrF4gpneR8WuH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46018, "section": "TU01", "size": 22, "enrolled": 0, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "14 Oct - 16 Dec", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Oct - 20 Dec", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 109, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "MKCvug-TnLZWg44Qd11oe", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46115, "section": "LEC0", "size": 22, "enrolled": 0, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9033": {"id": "Nuhi7dW4tz2F0HBxk_86K", "course_id": "110605", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110605", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "FSPX - Mathematical Methods Part 2", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1016B", "CLASS_NBR": 92087, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Mathematical Methods introduces the students to calculus and statistics and then develops an increasingly complex and sophisticated understanding of these topics. By using functions and their derivatives and integrals, and by mathematically modelling physical processes, students develop an understanding of the physical world through a knowledge of relationships involving rates of change. Students use statistics to describe and analyse phenomena that involve uncertainty and variation.\n\nMathematical Methods provides the foundation for further study in mathematics, economics, computer sciences, and the sciences. It prepares students for courses and careers that may involve the use of statistics, such as health or social sciences. When studied together with Specialist Mathematics, this subject can be a pathway to engineering, physical science, and laser physics.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 09/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 21/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "9034": {"id": "Nuhi7dW4tz2F0HBxk_86K", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "JLYQI4rRilp69tfPgoOOC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92087, "section": "TU01", "size": 22, "enrolled": 3, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Jan - 30 Jan", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Jan - 2 Feb", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 312, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "E3yxJIgHm9z1Pn7rlnrjf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92227, "section": "LEC0", "size": 22, "enrolled": 3, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9035": {"id": "yYENb6-XjtgYsFyZC_stb", "course_id": "110607", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110607", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "FSPX - Specialist Maths Part 1", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1017A", "CLASS_NBR": 12494, "SESSION_CD": "UAC", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of the Specialist Mathematics subject is to prepare students for higher university mathematics, such as that required in engineering degrees. It would also be advantageous for students entering degree programs with an emphasis on mathematical skills such as Mathematics, Computer Science, Finance, Design Studies and some Science courses, such as Chemistry and Physics that have a substantial mathematical content. This subject satisfies the mathematics prerequisite requirements of the University of Adelaide Bachelor of Engineering degree programs.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Sun 21/04/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 22/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "9036": {"id": "yYENb6-XjtgYsFyZC_stb", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "rj1EsUaulSSICGm780iCV", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12494, "section": "TU01", "size": 22, "enrolled": 1, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Apr - 26 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 101, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 27 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 310, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "1vSjcbMxsAjo6TvcvInLl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16564, "section": "LEC0", "size": 22, "enrolled": 1, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9037": {"id": "rfgTacoWT2HFl6nsCfgnw", "course_id": "110607", "term": "4448", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110607", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4448", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "FSPX - Specialist Maths Part 1", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1017A", "CLASS_NBR": 46017, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of the Specialist Mathematics subject is to prepare students for higher university mathematics, such as that required in engineering degrees. It would also be advantageous for students entering degree programs with an emphasis on mathematical skills such as Mathematics, Computer Science, Finance, Design Studies and some Science courses, such as Chemistry and Physics that have a substantial mathematical content. This subject satisfies the mathematics prerequisite requirements of the University of Adelaide Bachelor of Engineering degree programs.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 14/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 14/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 11/12/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "9038": {"id": "rfgTacoWT2HFl6nsCfgnw", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "GBE0sj6YF-XGse0QOwN24", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46017, "section": "TU01", "size": 22, "enrolled": 0, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Oct - 17 Dec", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 312, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Oct - 20 Dec", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 302, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "3lvChmDFfvmAv7uKTvfJU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46116, "section": "LEC0", "size": 22, "enrolled": 0, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9039": {"id": "Yf8ba7tLlzE4ZPd4vwtgl", "course_id": "110608", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110608", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "FSPX - Specialist Maths Part 2", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1017B", "CLASS_NBR": 92078, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of the Specialist Mathematics subject is to prepare students for higher university mathematics, such as that required in engineering degrees. It would also be advantageous for students entering degree programs with an emphasis on mathematical skills such as Mathematics, Computer Science, Finance, Design Studies and some Science courses, such as Chemistry and Physics that have a substantial mathematical content. This subject satisfies the mathematics prerequisite requirements of the University of Adelaide Bachelor of Engineering degree programs.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 09/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 21/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "9040": {"id": "Yf8ba7tLlzE4ZPd4vwtgl", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "UOlzIY94BnvIu7usTCxLl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92078, "section": "TU01", "size": 22, "enrolled": 2, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Jan - 29 Jan", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Jan - 2 Feb", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 114, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "eXJnIHvAeZ_uoya75Qm_c", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92228, "section": "LEC0", "size": 22, "enrolled": 2, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9041": {"id": "NS8X17kkOTC8cXC4NZh9z", "course_id": "110610", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110610", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "FSPX - Economics Part 1", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1018A", "CLASS_NBR": 12489, "SESSION_CD": "UAC", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course has two aims. The first aim is to introduce students to the economic literacy skills that are required by professionals, especially those in business, management and commerce, by providing students with opportunities to develop an understanding of the key microeconomic principles, theories, models and laws, in order to use them to solve common economic problems. The second aim is to adequately prepare students to successfully undertake first year university level introductory microeconomics courses.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Sun 21/04/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 22/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "9042": {"id": "NS8X17kkOTC8cXC4NZh9z", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "hU0CCwKtKiLrW0Hr8Ivne", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12489, "section": "TU01", "size": 22, "enrolled": 14, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Apr - 25 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 27 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 312, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "85036bw-fW03-SNi2CdzK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16565, "section": "LEC0", "size": 22, "enrolled": 14, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9043": {"id": "jpA-_vAFHRCxNaTckslQX", "course_id": "110610", "term": "4448", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110610", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4448", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "FSPX - Economics Part 1", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1018A", "CLASS_NBR": 46294, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course has two aims. The first aim is to introduce students to the economic literacy skills that are required by professionals, especially those in business, management and commerce, by providing students with opportunities to develop an understanding of the key microeconomic principles, theories, models and laws, in order to use them to solve common economic problems. The second aim is to adequately prepare students to successfully undertake first year university level introductory microeconomics courses.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 14/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 14/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 11/12/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "9044": {"id": "jpA-_vAFHRCxNaTckslQX", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "_oNZ7c6_fjaIVLyomMYxv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46013, "section": "TU01", "size": 22, "enrolled": 0, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Oct - 17 Dec", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 18 Dec", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 105, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 46294, "section": "TU02", "size": 22, "enrolled": 0, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Oct - 17 Dec", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Darling West, 105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 18 Dec", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 114, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "A6sI8vxAgBe7t0Qid008k", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46117, "section": "LEC0", "size": 48, "enrolled": 0, "available": 48, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9045": {"id": "jJaGAtKpCzdGvGv-oCqqX", "course_id": "110610", "term": "4448", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110610", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4448", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "FSPX - Economics Part 1", "CAMPUS": "UofA College Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "UACM", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1018AUACM", "CLASS_NBR": 46231, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course has two aims. The first aim is to introduce students to the economic literacy skills that are required by professionals, especially those in business, management and commerce, by providing students with opportunities to develop an understanding of the key microeconomic principles, theories, models and laws, in order to use them to solve common economic problems. The second aim is to adequately prepare students to successfully undertake first year university level introductory microeconomics courses.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 14/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 14/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 11/12/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "9046": {"id": "jJaGAtKpCzdGvGv-oCqqX", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "uFaKRcOIDE2V6QexjDxMf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46231, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 0, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Oct - 17 Dec", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Oct - 20 Dec", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 312, Meeting Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "UVjtUjaoA6Tc5GFkDuJqq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46262, "section": "LEC0", "size": 24, "enrolled": 0, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9047": {"id": "HqcEhsBvS0_3-e9yScXwO", "course_id": "110611", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110611", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "FSPX - Economics Part 2", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1018B", "CLASS_NBR": 92079, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course has two aims. The first aim is to introduce students to the economic literacy skills that are required by professionals, especially those in business, management and commerce, by providing students with opportunities to develop an understanding of the key microeconomic principles, theories, models and laws, in order to use them to solve common economic problems. The second aim is to adequately prepare students to successfully undertake first year university level introductory microeconomics courses.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 09/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 21/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "9048": {"id": "HqcEhsBvS0_3-e9yScXwO", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "w2fYJgIRlx54xHI1pvPNf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92079, "section": "TU01", "size": 22, "enrolled": 14, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Jan - 30 Jan", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Jan - 31 Jan", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 102, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "2uwtk2lzNit5remgN59dW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92229, "section": "LEC0", "size": 22, "enrolled": 14, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9049": {"id": "bae27UDhZnk-3rCD-iGDw", "course_id": "110613", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110613", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "FSPX - Physics Part 1", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1019A", "CLASS_NBR": 12493, "SESSION_CD": "UAC", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Learning about and working in physics gives people an understanding of the processes that direct the universe and the world, so that they may appreciate and respect them. Through exploring the processes that shape the universe, physicists debate and advance understandings of its workings and of the ways in which actions may affect the future of the world. In Physics, students can engage with the work of classical and modern physicists and to join in and initiate debates about how physics affects their own lives, society, and the environment.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Sun 21/04/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 22/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "9050": {"id": "bae27UDhZnk-3rCD-iGDw", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "f8wtI-5k1XwqfIuZ54Hb9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12493, "section": "TU01", "size": 22, "enrolled": 1, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Apr - 24 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hartley, G06, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 27 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 101, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "X9FpMIfiuAwk1H7cwSpa8", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16566, "section": "LEC0", "size": 22, "enrolled": 1, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9051": {"id": "rhVMgfmgDhoUBYY6J0fdp", "course_id": "110613", "term": "4448", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110613", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4448", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "FSPX - Physics Part 1", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1019A", "CLASS_NBR": 46016, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Learning about and working in physics gives people an understanding of the processes that direct the universe and the world, so that they may appreciate and respect them. 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In Physics, students can engage with the work of classical and modern physicists and to join in and initiate debates about how physics affects their own lives, society, and the environment.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 14/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 14/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 11/12/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "9052": {"id": "rhVMgfmgDhoUBYY6J0fdp", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "0igOTWSYPzRwGxgtgD7Yb", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46016, "section": "TU01", "size": 22, "enrolled": 0, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "14 Oct - 16 Dec", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 314, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 19 Dec", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 314, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "2XTx6WH3gkwmmNP9q8r93", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46118, "section": "LEC0", "size": 22, "enrolled": 0, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9053": {"id": "duybYWNZggY7E2PNc9jMd", "course_id": "110614", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110614", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "FSPX - Physics Part 2", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1019B", "CLASS_NBR": 92080, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Learning about and working in physics gives people an understanding of the processes that direct the universe and the world, so that they may appreciate and respect them. 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In Physics, students can engage with the work of classical and modern physicists and to join in and initiate debates about how physics affects their own lives, society, and the environment.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 09/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 21/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "9054": {"id": "duybYWNZggY7E2PNc9jMd", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "jV9x_5DzAAVOwdF5DktBs", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92080, "section": "TU01", "size": 22, "enrolled": 1, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Jan - 30 Jan", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Jan - 31 Jan", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 316, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "TTRK_HR4X7wJSL3ubkEsi", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92230, "section": "LEC0", "size": 22, "enrolled": 1, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9055": {"id": "xfj260_VG85_OtH1Qg3Ch", "course_id": "110616", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110616", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "FSPX - Chemistry Part 1", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1020A", "CLASS_NBR": 19824, "SESSION_CD": "UAC", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Chemistry is the study of matter and energy, involving a consideration of the composition of substances, their preparation and their effects on one another. 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Biology also aims to provide the student with practical skills, especially microscopy, suitable for the study of living organisms and includes basic skills in understanding scientific communication and methodology.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Sun 21/04/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 22/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "9070": {"id": "9OV8x5Fh_UbIR2Y953xzX", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "nKrTR3DMfwcK4RjwgY-S_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12484, "section": "TU01", "size": 22, "enrolled": 10, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Apr - 25 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 28 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 103, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19822, "section": "TU02", "size": 22, "enrolled": 15, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Apr - 25 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Darling West, 104, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 26 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, 104, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "AOaRomdhWqXjEiVpfe79K", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16569, "section": "LEC0", "size": 44, "enrolled": 25, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9071": {"id": "2e5yDwmameZ0mZPipxd-V", "course_id": "111007", "term": "4448", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111007", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4448", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "FSPX - Biology Pt 1", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1023A", "CLASS_NBR": 46276, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Biology aims to provide students with an appreciation for the phenomenon of life at levels ranging from the interactions of molecules to the interactions of organisms within the biosphere. 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Biology also aims to provide the student with practical skills, especially microscopy, suitable for the study of living organisms and includes basic skills in understanding scientific communication and methodology.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 09/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 21/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "9074": {"id": "wpCJ2xSAoVMLnO_tpXX7j", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "50oY9zs4hGUV-oYKCiOgC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92077, "section": "TU01", "size": 22, "enrolled": 6, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Jan - 30 Jan", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, 105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Jan - 31 Jan", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 302, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "yuR0qN9AHGEWJrzxTWPRy", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92233, "section": "LEC0", "size": 22, "enrolled": 6, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9075": {"id": "1bl3--p1DfDuoLNwxYeGq", "course_id": "110663", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110663", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "FSP - Australian Studies Part 1", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1028A", "CLASS_NBR": 19645, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Australian Studies aims to provide students with a socio-cultural analysis of a changing nation and its people. This subject brings together a wide range of topics from the humanities, education and social sciences to give students a broad perspective of Australian culture and society and the opportunity to investigate aspects of both in considerable detail.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "9076": {"id": "1bl3--p1DfDuoLNwxYeGq", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "H6-m7ia_QXjZfY3LD_q2q", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10285, "section": "TU01", "size": 22, "enrolled": 12, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 15 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 17 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 114, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 24 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 May - 26 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 114, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10286, "section": "TU02", "size": 22, "enrolled": 13, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 16 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 19 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 310, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 25 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 May - 28 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 310, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19645, "section": "TU03", "size": 22, "enrolled": 18, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 15 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, 105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 17 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, 204, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 24 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, 105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 May - 26 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, 204, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "IXpt2lb4I7YgX7jO_EWt_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18531, "section": "LEC0", "size": 66, "enrolled": 43, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9077": {"id": "LWzYezbTEoJfnseZRRcL8", "course_id": "110663", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110663", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "FSP - Australian Studies Part 1", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1028A", "CLASS_NBR": 23350, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Australian Studies aims to provide students with a socio-cultural analysis of a changing nation and its people. 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The first aim of this subject is to introduce students to the accounting literacy and problem-solving skills that are required by professionals to prepare and analyse financial reports and make appropriate decisions about the future of the business. The second aim is to adequately prepare students to successfully undertake first-year university level accounting studies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "9084": {"id": "0sNe8Qvsn39NeM9VsedzM", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Related Class: Lecture", "id": "5OmVCjpu6xowmQpD9_4B_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18530, "section": "LEC0", "size": 22, "enrolled": 0, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9085": {"id": "XeSvsa4HYE-cNg7gjmO6I", "course_id": "110671", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110671", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "FSP - Biology Part 1", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1032A", "CLASS_NBR": 10292, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Biology aims to provide students with an appreciation for the phenomenon of life at levels ranging from the interactions of molecules to the interactions of organisms within the biosphere. The subject provides students with an opportunity to develop an understanding of basic biological concepts: the structure and function of living things, their interdependence, and their place in the environment. The subject provides the student with a broad introduction to biological terminology and concepts. Biology also aims to provide the student with practical skills, especially microscopy, suitable for the study of living organisms and includes basic skills in understanding scientific communication and methodology.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "9086": {"id": "XeSvsa4HYE-cNg7gjmO6I", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "OYgdOwDo3JeSRb2CFSynI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10287, "section": "TU01", "size": 22, "enrolled": 14, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 16 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 18 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 312, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 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Biology Part 1", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1032A", "CLASS_NBR": 29670, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Biology aims to provide students with an appreciation for the phenomenon of life at levels ranging from the interactions of molecules to the interactions of organisms within the biosphere. The subject provides students with an opportunity to develop an understanding of basic biological concepts: the structure and function of living things, their interdependence, and their place in the environment. The subject provides the student with a broad introduction to biological terminology and concepts. Biology also aims to provide the student with practical skills, especially microscopy, suitable for the study of living organisms and includes basic skills in understanding scientific communication and methodology.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "9088": {"id": "hHzK0wTmhZCMyD2Erixhs", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "fOSVmrk9TMmf77j179A5N", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23352, "section": "TU01", "size": 22, "enrolled": 11, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Aug - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 106, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Aug - 4 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 106, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 2 Dec", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 106, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Oct - 6 Dec", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 106, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29670, "section": "TU02", "size": 16, "enrolled": 13, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Aug - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 312, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Aug - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, 204, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 3 Dec", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 312, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 5 Dec", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, 204, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Evm8kSCEMh0PjQH6hJSV-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28464, "section": "LEC0", "size": 22, "enrolled": 24, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9089": {"id": "xth4rqbfb6ypj5guuujhY", "course_id": "110672", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110672", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "FSP - Biology Part 2", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1032B", "CLASS_NBR": 12462, "SESSION_CD": "FM2", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Biology aims to provide students with an appreciation for the phenomenon of life at levels ranging from the interactions of molecules to the interactions of organisms within the biosphere. The subject provides students with an opportunity to develop an understanding of basic biological concepts: the structure and function of living things, their interdependence, and their place in the environment. The subject provides the student with a broad introduction to biological terminology and concepts. Biology also aims to provide the student with practical skills, especially microscopy, suitable for the study of living organisms and includes basic skills in understanding scientific communication and methodology.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "9090": {"id": "xth4rqbfb6ypj5guuujhY", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "Cqs7ktpC9lCvw7-MjnidC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12462, "section": "TU01", "size": 22, "enrolled": 11, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Feb - 18 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 106, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Feb - 19 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 101, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 20 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 106, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 May - 21 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 101, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Pt1yQPtH8i07I2IrSJezR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18548, "section": "LEC0", "size": 22, "enrolled": 11, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9091": {"id": "RP3_PZw6T1pdF9k4oW22M", "course_id": "110672", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110672", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "FSP - Biology Part 2", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1032B", "CLASS_NBR": 21858, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Biology aims to provide students with an appreciation for the phenomenon of life at levels ranging from the interactions of molecules to the interactions of organisms within the biosphere. The subject provides students with an opportunity to develop an understanding of basic biological concepts: the structure and function of living things, their interdependence, and their place in the environment. The subject provides the student with a broad introduction to biological terminology and concepts. Biology also aims to provide the student with practical skills, especially microscopy, suitable for the study of living organisms and includes basic skills in understanding scientific communication and methodology.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "9092": {"id": "RP3_PZw6T1pdF9k4oW22M", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "OSk0jjYkUYiDA5k30GIwp", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21812, "section": "TU01", "size": 22, "enrolled": 18, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 314, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Aug - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 314, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 26 Nov", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 314, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 28 Nov", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 314, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21813, "section": "TU02", "size": 22, "enrolled": 15, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Aug - 4 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 314, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 26 Nov", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Oct - 29 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 314, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21814, "section": "TU03", "size": 22, "enrolled": 12, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 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25 Nov", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 26 Nov", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 315, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "rIgl6Q_L0Entt_0LpFUv-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28451, "section": "LEC0", "size": 154, "enrolled": 103, "available": 51, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9093": {"id": "M0A1I_VM-XcrgAkz3nOhr", "course_id": "110673", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110673", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "FSP - Nutrition Part 1", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1033A", "CLASS_NBR": 19779, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Good nutrition is vital to a healthy and active lifestyle. Students are presented with current scientific data on the importance of nutrients and exercise for the body as well as social and environmental issues that are related to good health. Students will apply their knowledge gained to design and perform investigations that link ideas between food and health. From the knowledge gained, students will be able to evaluate and modify their own diet and lifestyle.\n\nStudents will examine fad diets and learn to critically analyse the effectiveness of these on their health. Students will investigate different methods of food production, labelling and marketing and consider how these ways can influence the health of the individual and community. Students will investigate environmental issues surrounding food and research ideas to improve food security and sustainability for future generations.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "9094": {"id": "M0A1I_VM-XcrgAkz3nOhr", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "WftFm9DKKQGjSSBwbF83Q", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10329, "section": "TU01", "size": 22, "enrolled": 18, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 18 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 115, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 19 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 27 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 115, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 May - 28 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 301, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10330, "section": "TU02", "size": 22, "enrolled": 15, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 16 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 115, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 18 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 25 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 115, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 27 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 301, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19779, "section": "TU03", "size": 22, "enrolled": 18, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 16 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Darling West, 105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 19 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Darling West, 203, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 25 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Darling West, 105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 May - 28 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Darling West, 203, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "wlk_XcamrkpFFbKhaXYN8", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18542, "section": "LEC0", "size": 54, "enrolled": 51, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9095": {"id": "f5cU79l9JDRRfaKmtoFxb", "course_id": "110674", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110674", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "FSP - Nutrition Part 2", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1033B", "CLASS_NBR": 29513, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Good nutrition is vital to a healthy and active lifestyle. Students are presented with current scientific data on the importance of nutrients and exercise for the body as well as social and environmental issues that are related to good health. Students will apply their knowledge gained to design and perform investigations that link ideas between food and health. From the knowledge gained, students will be able to evaluate and modify their own diet and lifestyle.\n\nStudents will examine fad diets and learn to critically analyse the effectiveness of these on their health. Students will investigate different methods of food production, labelling and marketing and consider how these ways can influence the health of the individual and community. Students will investigate environmental issues surrounding food and research ideas to improve food security and sustainability for future generations.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "9096": {"id": "f5cU79l9JDRRfaKmtoFxb", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "cPNmTxwTeD5A9M2Yb3gDQ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21854, "section": "TU01", "size": 22, "enrolled": 14, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Aug - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 115, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 25 Nov", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 28 Nov", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 115, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21855, "section": "TU02", "size": 22, "enrolled": 18, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 115, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Aug - 4 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 115, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 26 Nov", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 115, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Oct - 29 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 115, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29513, "section": "TU03", "size": 22, "enrolled": 15, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 109, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Aug - 4 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 109, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 25 Nov", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 109, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Oct - 29 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 109, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "XbIixZoqsoUTKrVox4Ogi", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28452, "section": "LEC0", "size": 66, "enrolled": 47, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9097": {"id": "uhSJQmAN6hzaAquzviAFq", "course_id": "110679", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110679", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "FSP - English for Academic Purposes Part 1", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1034A", "CLASS_NBR": 10319, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "English for Academic Purposes provides an opportunity for students to explore, respond to, analyse and produce a range of academic and non-academic texts. Text is understood to be any meaningful written, spoken, visual or multimodal message. Through reading, viewing, writing, listening, speaking, and using information and communication technologies (ICT), the course develops students\u2019 confidence and competence in using the English language; their understanding of how different text-types are constructed for particular academic purposes and audiences; and their competence in key academic literacies.\n\nThe course takes an integrated skills approach to language learning, using authentic texts, and with an emphasis on reflection and collaborative learning. Assessment tasks model a range of academic practices and are staged so that students can use feedback to gradually build key academic skills, always with an overarching focus on academic integrity.\n\nIn Semester 1, students consolidate and develop their knowledge of grammar and lexis through exploring texts related to an overall theme of \u2018sustainability\u2019, allowing them to develop ethical and intercultural understanding through the lens of global literacy. In Semester 2, the focus shifts to critical literacy. Students develop research skills; the ability to ask critical questions about the texts which they encounter; and the skills and confidence necessary to participate in academic argument, and to express their own views with clarity and accuracy, whilst also valuing and respecting different perspectives.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "9098": {"id": "uhSJQmAN6hzaAquzviAFq", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "2yTMve_ckFGjJ635Ntez-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10311, "section": "TU01", "size": 22, "enrolled": 15, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 17 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 106, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 18 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 May - 26 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 106, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 27 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10312, "section": "TU02", "size": 22, "enrolled": 20, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 16 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 109, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 19 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 25 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 109, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 May - 28 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 302, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10313, "section": "TU03", "size": 22, "enrolled": 21, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 16 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 17 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 103, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 25 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 May - 26 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 103, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10314, "section": "TU04", "size": 22, "enrolled": 16, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 17 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 106, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 18 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 May - 26 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 106, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 27 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10315, "section": "TU05", "size": 22, "enrolled": 18, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 18 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 19 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 27 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 May - 28 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 301, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10316, "section": "TU06", "size": 22, "enrolled": 21, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 16 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 19 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 25 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 May - 28 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 105, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10317, "section": "TU07", "size": 22, "enrolled": 18, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 16 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 17 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 115, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 25 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 May - 26 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 115, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10318, "section": "TU08", "size": 22, "enrolled": 16, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 17 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, 203, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 18 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 115, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 May - 26 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, 203, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 27 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 115, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10319, "section": "TU09", "size": 22, "enrolled": 16, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 16 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 106, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 18 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 25 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 106, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 27 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 302, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "XYoT-h6-e_dsgdMsVLhyt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18537, "section": "LEC0", "size": 198, "enrolled": 161, "available": 37, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9099": {"id": "8SGZq7jyCDRm6m0ZB1Ktq", "course_id": "110679", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110679", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "FSP - English for Academic Purposes Part 1", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1034A", "CLASS_NBR": 22334, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "English for Academic Purposes provides an opportunity for students to explore, respond to, analyse and produce a range of academic and non-academic texts. Text is understood to be any meaningful written, spoken, visual or multimodal message. Through reading, viewing, writing, listening, speaking, and using information and communication technologies (ICT), the course develops students\u2019 confidence and competence in using the English language; their understanding of how different text-types are constructed for particular academic purposes and audiences; and their competence in key academic literacies.\n\nThe course takes an integrated skills approach to language learning, using authentic texts, and with an emphasis on reflection and collaborative learning. Assessment tasks model a range of academic practices and are staged so that students can use feedback to gradually build key academic skills, always with an overarching focus on academic integrity.\n\nIn Semester 1, students consolidate and develop their knowledge of grammar and lexis through exploring texts related to an overall theme of \u2018sustainability\u2019, allowing them to develop ethical and intercultural understanding through the lens of global literacy. In Semester 2, the focus shifts to critical literacy. Students develop research skills; the ability to ask critical questions about the texts which they encounter; and the skills and confidence necessary to participate in academic argument, and to express their own views with clarity and accuracy, whilst also valuing and respecting different perspectives.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "9100": {"id": "8SGZq7jyCDRm6m0ZB1Ktq", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "TJdf_eEpnM7eWOKHPQEiT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22334, "section": "TU04", "size": 22, "enrolled": 22, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Aug - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Aug - 4 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 2 Dec", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Oct - 6 Dec", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 105, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23362, "section": "TU02", "size": 22, "enrolled": 15, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Aug - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 101, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Aug - 4 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 312, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 2 Dec", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 101, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Oct - 6 Dec", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 312, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23363, "section": "TU03", "size": 22, "enrolled": 17, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Aug - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Aug - 4 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 115, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 5 Dec", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Oct - 6 Dec", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 115, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "e6zW_gPS49dbnmUkQ80nA", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28465, "section": "LEC0", "size": 88, "enrolled": 54, "available": 34, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9101": {"id": "s28uXQklNejjsRTJfHO4V", "course_id": "110679", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110679", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "FSP - English for Academic Purposes Part 1", "CAMPUS": "UofA College Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "UACM", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1034AUACM", "CLASS_NBR": 19414, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "English for Academic Purposes provides an opportunity for students to explore, respond to, analyse and produce a range of academic and non-academic texts. Text is understood to be any meaningful written, spoken, visual or multimodal message. Through reading, viewing, writing, listening, speaking, and using information and communication technologies (ICT), the course develops students\u2019 confidence and competence in using the English language; their understanding of how different text-types are constructed for particular academic purposes and audiences; and their competence in key academic literacies.\n\nThe course takes an integrated skills approach to language learning, using authentic texts, and with an emphasis on reflection and collaborative learning. Assessment tasks model a range of academic practices and are staged so that students can use feedback to gradually build key academic skills, always with an overarching focus on academic integrity.\n\nIn Semester 1, students consolidate and develop their knowledge of grammar and lexis through exploring texts related to an overall theme of \u2018sustainability\u2019, allowing them to develop ethical and intercultural understanding through the lens of global literacy. In Semester 2, the focus shifts to critical literacy. Students develop research skills; the ability to ask critical questions about the texts which they encounter; and the skills and confidence necessary to participate in academic argument, and to express their own views with clarity and accuracy, whilst also valuing and respecting different perspectives.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "9102": {"id": "s28uXQklNejjsRTJfHO4V", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "gaODb57yi1x9ePXBfpqXw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19414, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 3, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 16 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 326, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 17 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 11 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 326, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "1 May - 26 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Jun - 25 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "PMtizrPJtehnUqXemCkH_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19553, "section": "LEC0", "size": 24, "enrolled": 3, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9103": {"id": "q3Ek1CHjlOSIttlKQoUrA", "course_id": "110679", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110679", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "FSP - English for Academic Purposes Part 1", "CAMPUS": "UofA College Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "UACM", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1034AUACM", "CLASS_NBR": 29277, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "English for Academic Purposes provides an opportunity for students to explore, respond to, analyse and produce a range of academic and non-academic texts. Text is understood to be any meaningful written, spoken, visual or multimodal message. Through reading, viewing, writing, listening, speaking, and using information and communication technologies (ICT), the course develops students\u2019 confidence and competence in using the English language; their understanding of how different text-types are constructed for particular academic purposes and audiences; and their competence in key academic literacies.\n\nThe course takes an integrated skills approach to language learning, using authentic texts, and with an emphasis on reflection and collaborative learning. Assessment tasks model a range of academic practices and are staged so that students can use feedback to gradually build key academic skills, always with an overarching focus on academic integrity.\n\nIn Semester 1, students consolidate and develop their knowledge of grammar and lexis through exploring texts related to an overall theme of \u2018sustainability\u2019, allowing them to develop ethical and intercultural understanding through the lens of global literacy. In Semester 2, the focus shifts to critical literacy. Students develop research skills; the ability to ask critical questions about the texts which they encounter; and the skills and confidence necessary to participate in academic argument, and to express their own views with clarity and accuracy, whilst also valuing and respecting different perspectives.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "9104": {"id": "q3Ek1CHjlOSIttlKQoUrA", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "lvBtKlqJJe2MzNO27yPWw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29277, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 3, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Aug - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 326, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "7 Aug - 2 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 326, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "17 Sep - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "370 Docklands, 312, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 3 Dec", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "370 Docklands, 312, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 4 Dec", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 326, Meeting Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "nuHnErYxGvazDCXZb4IOG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29328, "section": "LEC0", "size": 24, "enrolled": 3, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9105": {"id": "w-7qqx8fV4Gw_Tg9yBnUm", "course_id": "110680", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110680", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "FSP - English for Academic Purposes Part 2", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1034B", "CLASS_NBR": 12475, "SESSION_CD": "FM2", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "English for Academic Purposes provides an opportunity for students to explore, respond to, analyse and produce a range of academic and non-academic texts. Text is understood to be any meaningful written, spoken, visual or multimodal message. Through reading, viewing, writing, listening, speaking, and using information and communication technologies (ICT), the course develops students\u2019 confidence and competence in using the English language; their understanding of how different text-types are constructed for particular academic purposes and audiences; and their competence in key academic literacies.\n\nThe course takes an integrated skills approach to language learning, using authentic texts, and with an emphasis on reflection and collaborative learning. Assessment tasks model a range of academic practices and are staged so that students can use feedback to gradually build key academic skills, always with an overarching focus on academic integrity.\n\nIn Semester 1, students consolidate and develop their knowledge of grammar and lexis through exploring texts related to an overall theme of \u2018sustainability\u2019, allowing them to develop ethical and intercultural understanding through the lens of global literacy. In Semester 2, the focus shifts to critical literacy. Students develop research skills; the ability to ask critical questions about the texts which they encounter; and the skills and confidence necessary to participate in academic argument, and to express their own views with clarity and accuracy, whilst also valuing and respecting different perspectives.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "9106": {"id": "w-7qqx8fV4Gw_Tg9yBnUm", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "E-HqI6fdlkLyp9Y5BMRuK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12472, "section": "TU01", "size": 22, "enrolled": 20, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "20 Feb - 16 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 109, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Feb - 17 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 18 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 109, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 May - 19 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 301, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12473, "section": "TU02", "size": 22, "enrolled": 14, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Feb - 15 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 Feb - 16 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 17 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 18 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 316, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12474, "section": "TU03", "size": 22, "enrolled": 17, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Feb - 15 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Feb - 17 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 17 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 May - 19 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12475, "section": "TU04", "size": 22, "enrolled": 20, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "21 Feb - 17 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Feb - 18 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 May - 19 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 20 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 302, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "6M1zco1NSIInbYWRhp6sa", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18549, "section": "LEC0", "size": 88, "enrolled": 71, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9107": {"id": "Bkgnr_tnuYgsaByMJQaY9", "course_id": "110680", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110680", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "FSP - English for Academic Purposes Part 2", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1034B", "CLASS_NBR": 21861, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "English for Academic Purposes provides an opportunity for students to explore, respond to, analyse and produce a range of academic and non-academic texts. Text is understood to be any meaningful written, spoken, visual or multimodal message. Through reading, viewing, writing, listening, speaking, and using information and communication technologies (ICT), the course develops students\u2019 confidence and competence in using the English language; their understanding of how different text-types are constructed for particular academic purposes and audiences; and their competence in key academic literacies.\n\nThe course takes an integrated skills approach to language learning, using authentic texts, and with an emphasis on reflection and collaborative learning. Assessment tasks model a range of academic practices and are staged so that students can use feedback to gradually build key academic skills, always with an overarching focus on academic integrity.\n\nIn Semester 1, students consolidate and develop their knowledge of grammar and lexis through exploring texts related to an overall theme of \u2018sustainability\u2019, allowing them to develop ethical and intercultural understanding through the lens of global literacy. In Semester 2, the focus shifts to critical literacy. Students develop research skills; the ability to ask critical questions about the texts which they encounter; and the skills and confidence necessary to participate in academic argument, and to express their own views with clarity and accuracy, whilst also valuing and respecting different perspectives.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "9108": {"id": "Bkgnr_tnuYgsaByMJQaY9", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "Xc5l4EfcHgVHUiRXuXTJa", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21836, "section": "TU01", "size": 22, "enrolled": 16, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 109, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Aug - 4 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 310, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 26 Nov", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 109, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Oct - 29 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 310, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21837, "section": "TU02", "size": 22, "enrolled": 21, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 114, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Aug - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 26 Nov", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 114, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 28 Nov", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 302, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21838, "section": "TU03", "size": 22, "enrolled": 19, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 115, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Aug - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 109, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 26 Nov", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 115, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 28 Nov", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 109, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21839, "section": "TU04", "size": 22, "enrolled": 14, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 115, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Aug - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 25 Nov", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 115, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 28 Nov", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 315, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21840, "section": "TU05", "size": 22, "enrolled": 18, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 103, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Aug - 4 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 26 Nov", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 103, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Oct - 29 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 102, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21841, "section": "TU06", "size": 22, "enrolled": 17, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "31 Jul - 2 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 25 Nov", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 27 Nov", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 315, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21842, "section": "TU07", "size": 22, "enrolled": 18, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Aug - 4 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 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30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, 105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "31 Jul - 2 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 25 Nov", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, 105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 27 Nov", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 102, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21861, "section": "TU10", "size": 22, "enrolled": 21, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 109, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Aug - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 26 Nov", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 109, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 28 Nov", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 315, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "MvcsWIgEMQ-iJqhvlg8dc", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28453, "section": "LEC0", "size": 220, "enrolled": 183, "available": 37, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9109": {"id": "J8WI1mB_FJvAIFwO6Tvzh", "course_id": "110680", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110680", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "FSP - English for Academic Purposes Part 2", "CAMPUS": "UofA College Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "UACM", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1034BUACM", "CLASS_NBR": 19415, "SESSION_CD": "FM2", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "English for Academic Purposes provides an opportunity for students to explore, respond to, analyse and produce a range of academic and non-academic texts. Text is understood to be any meaningful written, spoken, visual or multimodal message. Through reading, viewing, writing, listening, speaking, and using information and communication technologies (ICT), the course develops students\u2019 confidence and competence in using the English language; their understanding of how different text-types are constructed for particular academic purposes and audiences; and their competence in key academic literacies.\n\nThe course takes an integrated skills approach to language learning, using authentic texts, and with an emphasis on reflection and collaborative learning. Assessment tasks model a range of academic practices and are staged so that students can use feedback to gradually build key academic skills, always with an overarching focus on academic integrity.\n\nIn Semester 1, students consolidate and develop their knowledge of grammar and lexis through exploring texts related to an overall theme of \u2018sustainability\u2019, allowing them to develop ethical and intercultural understanding through the lens of global literacy. In Semester 2, the focus shifts to critical literacy. Students develop research skills; the ability to ask critical questions about the texts which they encounter; and the skills and confidence necessary to participate in academic argument, and to express their own views with clarity and accuracy, whilst also valuing and respecting different perspectives.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "9110": {"id": "J8WI1mB_FJvAIFwO6Tvzh", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "NbFuRP5ffU29x5LzTJfBw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19415, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 3, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 312, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "20 Feb - 16 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 312, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "8 Apr - 15 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 312, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 17 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 312, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 18 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 312, Meeting Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "k1hJ0J5B5jGdgN0HCxqCW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19554, "section": "LEC0", "size": 24, "enrolled": 3, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9111": {"id": "1zmDFljyq8jJV4xPqMj2q", "course_id": "110680", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110680", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "FSP - English for Academic Purposes Part 2", "CAMPUS": "UofA College Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "UACM", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1034BUACM", "CLASS_NBR": 29278, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "English for Academic Purposes provides an opportunity for students to explore, respond to, analyse and produce a range of academic and non-academic texts. Text is understood to be any meaningful written, spoken, visual or multimodal message. Through reading, viewing, writing, listening, speaking, and using information and communication technologies (ICT), the course develops students\u2019 confidence and competence in using the English language; their understanding of how different text-types are constructed for particular academic purposes and audiences; and their competence in key academic literacies.\n\nThe course takes an integrated skills approach to language learning, using authentic texts, and with an emphasis on reflection and collaborative learning. Assessment tasks model a range of academic practices and are staged so that students can use feedback to gradually build key academic skills, always with an overarching focus on academic integrity.\n\nIn Semester 1, students consolidate and develop their knowledge of grammar and lexis through exploring texts related to an overall theme of \u2018sustainability\u2019, allowing them to develop ethical and intercultural understanding through the lens of global literacy. In Semester 2, the focus shifts to critical literacy. Students develop research skills; the ability to ask critical questions about the texts which they encounter; and the skills and confidence necessary to participate in academic argument, and to express their own views with clarity and accuracy, whilst also valuing and respecting different perspectives.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "9112": {"id": "1zmDFljyq8jJV4xPqMj2q", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "0ury9I-tjI1s_rQ6lbHQZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29278, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 3, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 312, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "31 Jul - 2 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 312, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 26 Nov", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 312, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 27 Nov", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 312, Meeting Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Of8lQkFwTufjGb6FiRJMF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29329, "section": "LEC0", "size": 24, "enrolled": 3, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9113": {"id": "gH9TTMOjEPRA9l-9X546S", "course_id": "110681", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110681", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "FSP - Critical Thinking Part 1", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1035A", "CLASS_NBR": 10308, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This subject is designed to take students from many backgrounds and language settings and give them the skills necessary to successfully study a range of subjects at an Australian university. Critical thinking specifically addresses learning areas to assist students who have had little exposure to western style education and whose first language is not English. To this end, students are taught concepts and methodologies that promote the development of independent analytical thinking skills via lecture listening, note taking and interactive tutorial style classes.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "9114": {"id": "gH9TTMOjEPRA9l-9X546S", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "H8QTODtqgDM2yFBZPBVfi", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10300, "section": "TU01", "size": 22, "enrolled": 20, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 17 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 310, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 18 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 310, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 May - 26 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 310, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 27 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 310, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10301, "section": "TU02", "size": 22, "enrolled": 16, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 17 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 18 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 310, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 May - 26 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 27 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 310, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10302, "section": "TU03", "size": 22, "enrolled": 21, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 17 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 114, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Mar - 19 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 310, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 May - 26 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 114, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 May - 28 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 310, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10303, "section": "TU04", "size": 22, "enrolled": 11, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 16 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 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Critical thinking specifically addresses learning areas to assist students who have had little exposure to western style education and whose first language is not English. To this end, students are taught concepts and methodologies that promote the development of independent analytical thinking skills via lecture listening, note taking and interactive tutorial style classes.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "9116": {"id": "glaOoScb3uGULv38UUkPZ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "a58WYjSdVjySDq-bt9Bi6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22335, "section": "TU04", "size": 26, "enrolled": 21, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Aug - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, 104, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Aug - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 2 Dec", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, 104, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 3 Dec", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 301, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23356, "section": "TU01", "size": 26, "enrolled": 22, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Aug - 2 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Aug - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Darling West, B03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 4 Dec", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 5 Dec", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Darling West, B03, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23357, "section": "TU02", "size": 22, "enrolled": 11, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Aug - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hartley, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Aug - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 2 Dec", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hartley, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 3 Dec", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 316, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "i0hs9PcM_BzQNQKvbgERB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28466, "section": "LEC0", "size": 88, "enrolled": 54, "available": 34, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9117": {"id": "3p8EKvOssVK8fV-6_ajVK", "course_id": "110681", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110681", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "FSP - Critical Thinking Part 1", "CAMPUS": "UofA College Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "UACM", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1035AUACM", "CLASS_NBR": 19410, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This subject is designed to take students from many backgrounds and language settings and give them the skills necessary to successfully study a range of subjects at an Australian university. 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To this end, students are taught concepts and methodologies that promote the development of independent analytical thinking skills via lecture listening, note taking and interactive tutorial style classes.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "9126": {"id": "Nvo4EUUa3zNvAezkKZpD_", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "ftuSCpBWDMd1H1tS9Mwp5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19411, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 3, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Feb - 18 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 312, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "23 Feb - 19 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 312, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 20 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 312, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "3 May - 21 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 312, Meeting Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "ObugUh4yWhqw9Bs9hVS1-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19569, "section": "LEC0", "size": 24, "enrolled": 3, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9127": {"id": "g-_h7YKe8tFASczJsy5Hh", "course_id": "110682", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110682", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "FSP - Critical Thinking Part 2", "CAMPUS": "UofA College Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "UACM", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1035BUACM", "CLASS_NBR": 29274, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This subject is designed to take students from many backgrounds and language settings and give them the skills necessary to successfully study a range of subjects at an Australian university. 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Students with tertiary pathways into areas such as Health, Science, Psychology and Commerce would benefit from studying this course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "9142": {"id": "T8zhc9pfXokjP9IHgw9rG", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "F09r4WxpXHMc7Xj2a__Xc", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19417, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 3, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Feb - 18 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 312, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "23 Feb - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 312, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "29 Mar - 19 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 326, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 20 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 312, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "3 May - 14 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 326, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "21 Jun - 21 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "NaIfzTJx9heY1oZ3BZ5YF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19571, "section": "LEC0", "size": 24, "enrolled": 3, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9143": {"id": "4fyV4XZT_kC5Pce6W2V6W", "course_id": "110684", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110684", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "FSP - General Mathematics Part 2", "CAMPUS": "UofA College Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "UACM", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1036BUACM", "CLASS_NBR": 29280, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of the General Mathematics course is to prepare students for tertiary study in a variety of areas where an ability to critically analyse information and work with data is inherent. Students with tertiary pathways into areas such as Health, Science, Psychology and Commerce would benefit from studying this course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "9144": {"id": "4fyV4XZT_kC5Pce6W2V6W", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "uhqm1R9CrdBE8whFjegdS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29280, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 3, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 326, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "1 Aug - 26 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 326, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 326, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 26 Nov", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 326, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 28 Nov", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 326, Meeting Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "zemv1CLYDwZixMTooOJ8G", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29333, "section": "LEC0", "size": 24, "enrolled": 3, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9145": {"id": "Ve9R_yPJnI-uQ2sSvgPW6", "course_id": "110685", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110685", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "FSP - Mathematical Methods Part 1", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1037A", "CLASS_NBR": 10326, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Mathematical Methods introduces the students to calculus and statistics and then develops an increasingly complex and sophisticated understanding of these topics. 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When studied together with Specialist Mathematics, this subject can be a pathway to engineering, physical science, and laser physics.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "9146": {"id": "Ve9R_yPJnI-uQ2sSvgPW6", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "mA8A_oz_8MaFfOIRJG7ax", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10325, "section": "TU01", "size": 22, "enrolled": 16, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 15 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 19 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 24 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 May - 28 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 108, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10326, "section": "TU02", "size": 22, "enrolled": 16, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 15 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 19 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 24 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 May - 28 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 315, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Gc48uhvgF9F311j932Xsz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18539, "section": "LEC0", "size": 44, "enrolled": 32, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9147": {"id": "yoVGjvM-Il1lE99jiMvuM", "course_id": "110685", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110685", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "FSP - Mathematical Methods Part 1", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1037A", "CLASS_NBR": 23367, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Mathematical Methods introduces the students to calculus and statistics and then develops an increasingly complex and sophisticated understanding of these topics. By using functions and their derivatives and integrals, and by mathematically modelling physical processes, students develop an understanding of the physical world through a knowledge of relationships involving rates of change. Students use statistics to describe and analyse phenomena that involve uncertainty and variation.\n\nMathematical Methods provides the foundation for further study in mathematics, economics, computer sciences, and the sciences. It prepares students for courses and careers that may involve the use of statistics, such as health or social sciences. When studied together with Specialist Mathematics, this subject can be a pathway to engineering, physical science, and laser physics.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "9148": {"id": "yoVGjvM-Il1lE99jiMvuM", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "CQo1j0B2_gtH_1Jd_6vcd", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23366, "section": "TU01", "size": 22, "enrolled": 18, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Aug - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 103, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Aug - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 2 Dec", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 103, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 3 Dec", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 302, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 23367, "section": "TU02", "size": 22, "enrolled": 11, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Aug - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Aug - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 312, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 3 Dec", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 5 Dec", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 312, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "pgnwOu6PvH1_F9V7pJSmd", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28468, "section": "LEC0", "size": 44, "enrolled": 29, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9149": {"id": "147GEnG-CIqeHSj6sqxCg", "course_id": "110686", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110686", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "FSP - Mathematical Methods Part 2", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1037B", "CLASS_NBR": 12478, "SESSION_CD": "FM2", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Mathematical Methods introduces the students to calculus and statistics and then develops an increasingly complex and sophisticated understanding of these topics. By using functions and their derivatives and integrals, and by mathematically modelling physical processes, students develop an understanding of the physical world through a knowledge of relationships involving rates of change. Students use statistics to describe and analyse phenomena that involve uncertainty and variation.\n\nMathematical Methods provides the foundation for further study in mathematics, economics, computer sciences, and the sciences. It prepares students for courses and careers that may involve the use of statistics, such as health or social sciences. When studied together with Specialist Mathematics, this subject can be a pathway to engineering, physical science, and laser physics.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "9150": {"id": "147GEnG-CIqeHSj6sqxCg", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "M2-7-rBKbqXJJGeAqQ2Ev", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12477, "section": "TU01", "size": 22, "enrolled": 12, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "20 Feb - 16 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 314, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Feb - 17 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 314, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 18 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 314, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 May - 19 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 314, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 12478, "section": "TU02", "size": 22, "enrolled": 13, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "20 Feb - 16 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 312, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Feb - 18 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 101, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 18 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 312, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 20 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 101, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Q_rcxOrcdapvAmX_44EGY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18552, "section": "LEC0", "size": 44, "enrolled": 25, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9151": {"id": "dY1M_yC7VuGU0VJStUkfp", "course_id": "110686", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110686", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "FSP - Mathematical Methods Part 2", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1037B", "CLASS_NBR": 21851, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Mathematical Methods introduces the students to calculus and statistics and then develops an increasingly complex and sophisticated understanding of these topics. By using functions and their derivatives and integrals, and by mathematically modelling physical processes, students develop an understanding of the physical world through a knowledge of relationships involving rates of change. Students use statistics to describe and analyse phenomena that involve uncertainty and variation.\n\nMathematical Methods provides the foundation for further study in mathematics, economics, computer sciences, and the sciences. It prepares students for courses and careers that may involve the use of statistics, such as health or social sciences. When studied together with Specialist Mathematics, this subject can be a pathway to engineering, physical science, and laser physics.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "9152": {"id": "dY1M_yC7VuGU0VJStUkfp", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "VRGMPxZQW6RiUkJ3yEqjP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21850, "section": "TU01", "size": 22, "enrolled": 19, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 314, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "31 Jul - 2 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 25 Nov", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 314, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 27 Nov", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 302, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21851, "section": "TU02", "size": 22, "enrolled": 18, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Aug - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 26 Nov", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 28 Nov", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 302, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "NjMOLJhw-WBFM5ufGoYq1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28456, "section": "LEC0", "size": 66, "enrolled": 37, "available": 29, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9153": {"id": "xBg-7aio2iRZXXFGinfYu", "course_id": "110687", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110687", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "FSP - Specialist Mathematics Part 1", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1038A", "CLASS_NBR": 10332, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of the Specialist Mathematics subject is to prepare students for higher university mathematics, such as that required in engineering degrees. It would also be advantageous for students entering degree programs with an emphasis on mathematical skills such as Mathematics, Computer Science, Finance, Design Studies and some Science courses, such as Chemistry and Physics that have a substantial mathematical content. This subject satisfies the mathematics prerequisite requirements of the University of Adelaide Bachelor of Engineering degree programs.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "9154": {"id": "xBg-7aio2iRZXXFGinfYu", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "JSCui9eHFkzZpVBYFzZm-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10332, "section": "TU01", "size": 22, "enrolled": 16, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 15 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 18 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 24 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 27 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 108, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "vEJ3oFX0Yx7sEKheIFoiN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18544, "section": "LEC0", "size": 22, "enrolled": 16, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9155": {"id": "KyqjMu3n_9yWQltXeFJ4-", "course_id": "110687", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110687", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "FSP - Specialist Mathematics Part 1", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1038A", "CLASS_NBR": 23369, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of the Specialist Mathematics subject is to prepare students for higher university mathematics, such as that required in engineering degrees. It would also be advantageous for students entering degree programs with an emphasis on mathematical skills such as Mathematics, Computer Science, Finance, Design Studies and some Science courses, such as Chemistry and Physics that have a substantial mathematical content. This subject satisfies the mathematics prerequisite requirements of the University of Adelaide Bachelor of Engineering degree programs.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "9156": {"id": "KyqjMu3n_9yWQltXeFJ4-", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "j2mgcOtSxHMsFBukUrr_b", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23369, "section": "TU01", "size": 22, "enrolled": 9, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Aug - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Aug - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 2 Dec", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 5 Dec", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 108, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "S5vF_lwOjdwmFLLprrAwc", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28469, "section": "LEC0", "size": 22, "enrolled": 9, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9157": {"id": "iZOTB14ZWKJij8KDW93PH", "course_id": "110688", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110688", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "FSP - Specialist Mathematics Part 2", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1038B", "CLASS_NBR": 12480, "SESSION_CD": "FM2", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of the Specialist Mathematics subject is to prepare students for higher university mathematics, such as that required in engineering degrees. It would also be advantageous for students entering degree programs with an emphasis on mathematical skills such as Mathematics, Computer Science, Finance, Design Studies and some Science courses, such as Chemistry and Physics that have a substantial mathematical content. This subject satisfies the mathematics prerequisite requirements of the University of Adelaide Bachelor of Engineering degree programs.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "9158": {"id": "iZOTB14ZWKJij8KDW93PH", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "rW6WBXdxorpngF7Olz5s0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12480, "section": "TU01", "size": 22, "enrolled": 14, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Feb - 15 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Feb - 18 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 17 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 20 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 108, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "qjCFz_uSV0KFIDoiw20dB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18553, "section": "LEC0", "size": 22, "enrolled": 14, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9159": {"id": "0IG84JbSa1uExN3XwoYYt", "course_id": "110688", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110688", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "FSP - Specialist Mathematics Part 2", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1038B", "CLASS_NBR": 21857, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of the Specialist Mathematics subject is to prepare students for higher university mathematics, such as that required in engineering degrees. It would also be advantageous for students entering degree programs with an emphasis on mathematical skills such as Mathematics, Computer Science, Finance, Design Studies and some Science courses, such as Chemistry and Physics that have a substantial mathematical content. This subject satisfies the mathematics prerequisite requirements of the University of Adelaide Bachelor of Engineering degree programs.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "9160": {"id": "0IG84JbSa1uExN3XwoYYt", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "6FaLVpJ0InBBVwxgltDp3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21857, "section": "TU01", "size": 22, "enrolled": 16, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Aug - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 25 Nov", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 28 Nov", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 108, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "JK7L0875WjsRJhyUsKbvx", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28457, "section": "LEC0", "size": 22, "enrolled": 16, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9161": {"id": "6WEWfb4XttWLv2nDIQoje", "course_id": "110689", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110689", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "FSP - Economics Part 1", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1039A", "CLASS_NBR": 10310, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This subject has two aims. The first aim is to introduce students to the economic literacy skills that are required by professionals, especially those in business, management and commerce, by providing students with opportunities to develop an understanding of the key microeconomic principles, theories, models and laws. The second aim is to adequately prepare students to successfully undertake first-year university level introductory microeconomics subjects.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "9162": {"id": "6WEWfb4XttWLv2nDIQoje", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "X_qxQ2ELrU7gz1DYUWYKr", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10309, "section": "TU01", "size": 22, "enrolled": 20, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 17 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 103, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 18 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 May - 26 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 103, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 27 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 105, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10310, "section": "TU02", "size": 22, "enrolled": 20, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 17 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 310, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 18 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 103, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 May - 26 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 310, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 27 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 103, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "hoD6Fsf8F0B4YGn-f06dp", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18536, "section": "LEC0", "size": 44, "enrolled": 40, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9163": {"id": "3pWbYPshZa6GChZJQu83P", "course_id": "110689", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110689", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "FSP - Economics Part 1", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1039A", "CLASS_NBR": 23360, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This subject has two aims. 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The second aim is to adequately prepare students to successfully undertake first-year university level introductory microeconomics subjects.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "9166": {"id": "4TS_I1cjTWvo8plredf9A", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "fBWOVq3M3dYUIr2aAh7_r", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19412, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 3, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 17 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 326, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 18 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 326, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "1 May - 12 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 326, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 13 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 326, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "19 Jun - 26 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 Jun - 27 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "HF_02DneQNzqH_OuonVv7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19572, "section": "LEC0", "size": 24, "enrolled": 3, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9167": {"id": "dEbLqiFJmu_3VgyI9u2zl", "course_id": "110689", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110689", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "FSP - Economics Part 1", "CAMPUS": "UofA College Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "UACM", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1039AUACM", "CLASS_NBR": 29275, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This subject has two aims. 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The second aim is to adequately prepare students to successfully undertake first-year university level introductory microeconomics subjects.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "9174": {"id": "islx_UqmFHkrZKRjhbPag", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "LLCIan8MxIVk6eur9ycuz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19413, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 3, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Feb - 15 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 312, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "21 Feb - 17 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 312, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 17 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 312, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "1 May - 19 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 312, Meeting Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "bmoLSakBcWhg1UYdjlWpp", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19573, "section": "LEC0", "size": 24, "enrolled": 3, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9175": {"id": "HXHsyIXFtfeE6ijpRNb4b", "course_id": "110690", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110690", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "FSP - Economics Part 2", "CAMPUS": "UofA College Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "UACM", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1039BUACM", "CLASS_NBR": 29276, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This subject has two aims. The first aim is to introduce students to the economic literacy skills that are required by professionals, especially those in business, management and commerce, by providing students with opportunities to develop an understanding of the key microeconomic principles, theories, models and laws. The second aim is to adequately prepare students to successfully undertake first-year university level introductory microeconomics subjects.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "9176": {"id": "HXHsyIXFtfeE6ijpRNb4b", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "JgMkHiRFhJvUIG5TqFvGc", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29276, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 3, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 312, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "2 Aug - 4 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 312, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 26 Nov", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 312, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "18 Oct - 29 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 312, Meeting Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "QjiX0UQkX_sfKWDdSwmC-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29335, "section": "LEC0", "size": 24, "enrolled": 3, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9177": {"id": "ZXr3IRRYI8GBy5gybPQbL", "course_id": "110691", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110691", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "FSP - Physics Part 1", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1040A", "CLASS_NBR": 10331, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Learning about and working in physics gives people an understanding of the processes that direct the universe and the world, so that they may appreciate and respect them. Through exploring the processes that shape the universe, physicists debate and advance understandings of its workings and of the ways in which actions may affect the future of the world. In Physics, students can engage with the work of classical and modern physicists and to join in and initiate debates about how physics affects their own lives, society, and the environment.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "9178": {"id": "ZXr3IRRYI8GBy5gybPQbL", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "_emgGmH0PMhrb86MWzhEY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10331, "section": "TU01", "size": 22, "enrolled": 14, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 16 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 101, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 18 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hartley, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 25 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 101, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 27 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hartley, G05, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "j3Zw_0DF4svByYce1pV3w", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18543, "section": "LEC0", "size": 22, "enrolled": 14, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9179": {"id": "IbACkiNG64ccoEoYyJALe", "course_id": "110691", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110691", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "FSP - Physics Part 1", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1040A", "CLASS_NBR": 23368, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Learning about and working in physics gives people an understanding of the processes that direct the universe and the world, so that they may appreciate and respect them. 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In Physics, students can engage with the work of classical and modern physicists and to join in and initiate debates about how physics affects their own lives, society, and the environment.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "9180": {"id": "IbACkiNG64ccoEoYyJALe", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "J_fpASJASMLNOEmCUkR-X", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23368, "section": "TU01", "size": 22, "enrolled": 6, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Aug - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 106, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Aug - 4 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 3 Dec", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 106, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Oct - 6 Dec", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 108, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "MUWQGv7NgSud--VTGtllu", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28471, "section": "LEC0", "size": 22, "enrolled": 6, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9181": {"id": "5zQeSe_gEP0RZEhhoqKzB", "course_id": "110692", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110692", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "FSP - Physics Part 2", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1040B", "CLASS_NBR": 12479, "SESSION_CD": "FM2", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Learning about and working in physics gives people an understanding of the processes that direct the universe and the world, so that they may appreciate and respect them. 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In Physics, students can engage with the work of classical and modern physicists and to join in and initiate debates about how physics affects their own lives, society, and the environment.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "9182": {"id": "5zQeSe_gEP0RZEhhoqKzB", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "XV-wmzkfoE0CqOUcbno6h", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12479, "section": "TU01", "size": 22, "enrolled": 10, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "20 Feb - 16 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 314, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Feb - 19 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 18 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 314, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 May - 21 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 108, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "ccnfseDxPRnX_mJIxPGj7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18555, "section": "LEC0", "size": 22, "enrolled": 10, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9183": {"id": "Lq-bL6TndnmtUGGFrh35r", "course_id": "110692", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110692", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "FSP - Physics Part 2", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1040B", "CLASS_NBR": 21856, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Learning about and working in physics gives people an understanding of the processes that direct the universe and the world, so that they may appreciate and respect them. 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In Physics, students can engage with the work of classical and modern physicists and to join in and initiate debates about how physics affects their own lives, society, and the environment.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "9184": {"id": "Lq-bL6TndnmtUGGFrh35r", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "EdtfF3qbJDmhnYNBIVOJk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21856, "section": "TU01", "size": 22, "enrolled": 14, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, 204, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Aug - 4 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 103, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 25 Nov", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, 204, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Oct - 29 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 103, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "DJliOXDs9KxYZlLForQya", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28459, "section": "LEC0", "size": 22, "enrolled": 14, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9185": {"id": "RPS1bojGh9k5Qjy4ZD6aM", "course_id": "110693", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110693", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "FSP - Chemistry Part 1", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1041A", "CLASS_NBR": 10297, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Chemistry is the study of matter and energy, involving a consideration of the composition of substances, their preparation and their effects on one another. 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Finally, the course will familiarise students with speaking structures that are necessary in academic environments.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Sun 21/04/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 22/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "9210": {"id": "BgRCMDIgQgls1VVZJd_E3", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "WW_to2zvYyFmuIuR-szwR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14562, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 19, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Apr - 17 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 21 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, 104, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14563, "section": "TU02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 23, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Apr - 18 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 106, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 21 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 106, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "rEV4hIecn4yGjV0LzZSeR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16549, "section": "LEC0", "size": 48, "enrolled": 42, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9211": {"id": "k4qi20WcqL6LNea1rTJq5", "course_id": "110697", "term": "4448", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110697", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4448", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "DT Bridging Academic English", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1060", "CLASS_NBR": 46296, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to develop important principles in Academic English (reading, writing, listening and speaking) in preparation for first year university. The course will cover necessary writing structures and formatting for successful completion of written assignments, essays and short answer questions, which can be applied to any subject which requires an English language-based response. Techniques for lecture comprehension are also a large focus of the course. Finally, the course will familiarise students with speaking structures that are necessary in academic environments.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 14/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 14/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 19/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 11/12/2024"}}]}, "9212": {"id": "k4qi20WcqL6LNea1rTJq5", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "4PrT9gc0yuXQdm9VjLS04", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46021, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 23, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Oct - 17 Dec", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Darling West, 104, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 18 Dec", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 310, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 46022, "section": "TU02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 24, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 20 Dec", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 19 Dec", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 302, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 46281, "section": "TU03", "size": 24, "enrolled": 21, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "11 Oct - 20 Dec", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 19 Dec", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 314, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 46296, "section": "TU04", "size": 24, "enrolled": 23, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Oct - 17 Dec", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 314, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 18 Dec", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 108, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "W_Mh-qyXN9X6W8cJpbafI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46096, "section": "LEC0", "size": 96, "enrolled": 91, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9213": {"id": "XJeZOtiZobUC43SO22pYI", "course_id": "110698", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110698", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "DT Bridging Accounting", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1061", "CLASS_NBR": 14564, "SESSION_CD": "UAC", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course sets out to introduce students to Accounting as a discipline and to provide them with a sound understanding of Accounting terminology and methods prior to commencing first-year University of Adelaide courses. The course considers the use of accounting information, both for management and external users and concentrates on understanding the general purpose financial reports, namely, the balance sheet and the income statement. It also covers understanding the account classification process and the duality principle (double entry accounting).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Sun 21/04/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 22/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "9214": {"id": "XJeZOtiZobUC43SO22pYI", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "NN0y0P3Y3xdDlJBFTJixa", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14564, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 19, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Apr - 17 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 20 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 315, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "JVoAO7vUaHeC6-NtD3i8B", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16550, "section": "LEC0", "size": 24, "enrolled": 19, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9215": {"id": "YnvED1XlDVHRdtUVw16T0", "course_id": "110698", "term": "4448", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110698", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4448", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "DT Bridging Accounting", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1061", "CLASS_NBR": 46297, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course sets out to introduce students to Accounting as a discipline and to provide them with a sound understanding of Accounting terminology and methods prior to commencing first-year University of Adelaide courses. The course considers the use of accounting information, both for management and external users and concentrates on understanding the general purpose financial reports, namely, the balance sheet and the income statement. It also covers understanding the account classification process and the duality principle (double entry accounting).", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 14/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 14/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 19/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 11/12/2024"}}]}, "9216": {"id": "YnvED1XlDVHRdtUVw16T0", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "K-UXpk2uypNL4keMm-CLZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46023, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 16, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Oct - 17 Dec", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Hartley, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 18 Dec", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Hartley, G05, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 46297, "section": "TU02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 15, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Oct - 17 Dec", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 19 Dec", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, 105, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "98vlKU95ZuJuslgEm0tgb", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46097, "section": "LEC0", "size": 48, "enrolled": 31, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9217": {"id": "L55GeEA0zyo5DdZG5yqp8", "course_id": "110700", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110700", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "DT Bridging Economics", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1063", "CLASS_NBR": 14569, "SESSION_CD": "UAC", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to introduce students to a number of key economic principles to prepare them for the economics courses studied at university. It also aims to provide students with theoretical knowledge of the concepts in economics and enhance their application and analytical skills. Studying economics also helps students to develop their problem solving, enquiry, and communication skills.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Sun 21/04/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 22/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "9218": {"id": "L55GeEA0zyo5DdZG5yqp8", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "YBjsrtUFCNcHtQnwU-wBo", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14569, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 19, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Apr - 18 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Hartley, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 21 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 113, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "AC6RQfYQxJSa-9XRtlA6F", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16551, "section": "LEC0", "size": 24, "enrolled": 19, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9219": {"id": "lQtZkWkNDSWZLB7-_KuhE", "course_id": "110700", "term": "4448", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110700", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4448", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "DT Bridging Economics", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1063", "CLASS_NBR": 46299, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to introduce students to a number of key economic principles to prepare them for the economics courses studied at university. It also aims to provide students with theoretical knowledge of the concepts in economics and enhance their application and analytical skills. Studying economics also helps students to develop their problem solving, enquiry, and communication skills.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 14/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 14/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 19/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 11/12/2024"}}]}, "9220": {"id": "lQtZkWkNDSWZLB7-_KuhE", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "zZlHTlPSZVPt5BztZwv37", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46029, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 16, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Oct - 17 Dec", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hartley, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 18 Dec", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Darling West, B04, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 46299, "section": "TU02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 15, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Oct - 17 Dec", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Darling West, B03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 20 Dec", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 113, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "wLkhKyyJo5Kj4cU82c5il", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46098, "section": "LEC0", "size": 48, "enrolled": 31, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9221": {"id": "jZXKFFDhC_29MjfdilHWi", "course_id": "110701", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110701", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "DT Bridging Statistics", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1064", "CLASS_NBR": 14574, "SESSION_CD": "UAC", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to introduce students to the study of statistics and prepare for university statistics encountered in both commerce and computer science degree programs. It will provide students with a basic knowledge to understand and know how to use statistics", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Sun 21/04/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 22/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "9222": {"id": "jZXKFFDhC_29MjfdilHWi", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "IjTHfNN6QOS4KfOJiCfFC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14573, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 17, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Apr - 17 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 21 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 102, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14574, "section": "TU02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 21, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Apr - 17 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 106, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 19 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Darling West, 204, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "jxKegdTt4a8CVzq9Y0EIy", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16552, "section": "LEC0", "size": 48, "enrolled": 38, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9223": {"id": "rpsCiYOceO4-RsMpnTHnB", "course_id": "110701", "term": "4448", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110701", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4448", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "DT Bridging Statistics", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1064", "CLASS_NBR": 46300, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to introduce students to the study of statistics and prepare for university statistics encountered in both commerce and computer science degree programs. It will provide students with a basic knowledge to understand and know how to use statistics", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 14/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 14/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 19/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 11/12/2024"}}]}, "9224": {"id": "rpsCiYOceO4-RsMpnTHnB", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "jcPPW1668l-bL_Ceon1VN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46033, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 20, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Oct - 16 Dec", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 310, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 18 Dec", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 103, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 46034, "section": "TU02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 24, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Oct - 18 Dec", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 19 Dec", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 114, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 46283, "section": "TU03", "size": 24, "enrolled": 23, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "10 Oct - 19 Dec", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 106, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 20 Dec", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 302, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 46300, "section": "TU04", "size": 24, "enrolled": 19, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "10 Oct - 19 Dec", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 114, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 20 Dec", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, 105, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "DfIY3lkBnZakkBy2Y-uC-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46099, "section": "LEC0", "size": 96, "enrolled": 86, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9225": {"id": "pNdepDZZ4unSP6pwASOqo", "course_id": "110702", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110702", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "DT Bridging Computing", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1065", "CLASS_NBR": 19826, "SESSION_CD": "UAC", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to introduce students to computer systems. It is designed to develop a positive attitude towards the use of computer systems and basic knowledge of hardware and software. Through the use of Microsoft software students\u2019 presentation, word processing, spreadsheet and database management skills will be developed. Students will also learn the importance of efficient file management and develop inter-personal and communications skills.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Sun 21/04/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 22/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "9226": {"id": "pNdepDZZ4unSP6pwASOqo", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "Bpl7QqPw_YKDPDJ7wOvYn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14567, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 17, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Apr - 17 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 207, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 21 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 207, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19826, "section": "TU02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 15, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Apr - 19 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 207, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 20 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 207, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "J-pynnSYoRlaiMwEVUYrO", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16553, "section": "LEC0", "size": 48, "enrolled": 32, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9227": {"id": "edfjQchzFbUbqulGd6DN0", "course_id": "110702", "term": "4448", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110702", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4448", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "DT Bridging Computing", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1065", "CLASS_NBR": 46298, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to introduce students to computer systems. 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Students will also learn the importance of efficient file management and develop inter-personal and communications skills.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 14/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 14/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 19/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 11/12/2024"}}]}, "9228": {"id": "edfjQchzFbUbqulGd6DN0", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "E31g9UIiE4XQo2KnOuXRa", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46026, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 15, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Oct - 17 Dec", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 211, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 19 Dec", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 211, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 46027, "section": "TU02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 24, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "10 Oct - 19 Dec", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 207, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 20 Dec", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 207, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 46280, "section": "TU03", "size": 24, "enrolled": 23, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Oct - 16 Dec", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 207, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 18 Dec", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 207, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 46298, "section": "TU04", "size": 24, "enrolled": 19, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Oct - 18 Dec", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 207, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 19 Dec", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 207, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "5jKMzuozbxxVu88lm4AC2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46100, "section": "LEC0", "size": 96, "enrolled": 81, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9229": {"id": "6U5ikbSiq0LHTEn3wxuro", "course_id": "110703", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110703", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "DT Bridging Programming", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1066", "CLASS_NBR": 14572, "SESSION_CD": "UAC", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to introduce students to the foundation of programming. It will help them to have a good understanding of computer hardware, software and number systems. It will develop their problem solving skills, and formulate them using algorithm, flowchart and pseudocode. The students will also learn and use Python programming language to solve these problems.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Sun 21/04/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 22/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "9230": {"id": "6U5ikbSiq0LHTEn3wxuro", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "jYBYjF8NzSSrzTi8v6Nz2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14572, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 15, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Apr - 19 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 115, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 20 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 207, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "uIaZCA7s8GK5Dr6BlaC_T", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16554, "section": "LEC0", "size": 24, "enrolled": 15, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9231": {"id": "pEOeAoxwupUDu6IyJ1M3B", "course_id": "110703", "term": "4448", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110703", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4448", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "DT Bridging Programming", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1066", "CLASS_NBR": 46282, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to introduce students to the foundation of programming. It will help them to have a good understanding of computer hardware, software and number systems. It will develop their problem solving skills, and formulate them using algorithm, flowchart and pseudocode. The students will also learn and use Python programming language to solve these problems.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 14/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 14/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 19/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 11/12/2024"}}]}, "9232": {"id": "pEOeAoxwupUDu6IyJ1M3B", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "zu_f8aVfD92Lkd0ueCJ8T", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46032, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 13, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Oct - 18 Dec", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 314, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 20 Dec", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 310, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 46282, "section": "TU02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 24, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Oct - 18 Dec", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 20 Dec", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 114, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "HCfFL8Ow6e5klsNJCN_Qe", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46101, "section": "LEC0", "size": 48, "enrolled": 37, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9233": {"id": "T4WTmaDz9Sg9BP8UXGcuk", "course_id": "110704", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110704", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "DT Bridging Core Mathematics", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1067", "CLASS_NBR": 14568, "SESSION_CD": "UAC", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Core Mathematics introduces students to fundamental notions of calculus and linear algebra and their applications. It is a complete course that offers a toolkit of mathematical skills and knowledge to students entering engineering, computer science or the sciences, and introduces notions explored further in the first year courses Mathematics 1A-1B and Mathematics 1MA-1MB offered by the School of Mathematical Sciences at The University of Adelaide.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Sun 21/04/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 22/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "9234": {"id": "T4WTmaDz9Sg9BP8UXGcuk", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "4hp-P3JRrokQuHnS4e-Eq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14568, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 21, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Apr - 17 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 103, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 19 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, 105, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "ULz12fr6w0hU1BSuQ5NcX", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16555, "section": "LEC0", "size": 24, "enrolled": 21, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9235": {"id": "dMEIfk8C-yoqnwmxva1dW", "course_id": "110704", "term": "4448", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110704", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4448", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "DT Bridging Core Mathematics", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1067", "CLASS_NBR": 46279, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Core Mathematics introduces students to fundamental notions of calculus and linear algebra and their applications. It is a complete course that offers a toolkit of mathematical skills and knowledge to students entering engineering, computer science or the sciences, and introduces notions explored further in the first year courses Mathematics 1A-1B and Mathematics 1MA-1MB offered by the School of Mathematical Sciences at The University of Adelaide.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 14/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 14/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 19/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 11/12/2024"}}]}, "9236": {"id": "dMEIfk8C-yoqnwmxva1dW", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "GBMrYhDUHcl2htDAxMjbT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46028, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 21, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Oct - 17 Dec", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 114, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 20 Dec", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, B03, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 46279, "section": "TU02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 21, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Oct - 16 Dec", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, 203, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 20 Dec", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Darling West, 104, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "-2H4cUSqyy5WNxxyIppeT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46102, "section": "LEC0", "size": 48, "enrolled": 42, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9237": {"id": "y0T8JMAmiZLpeIuvHwMeg", "course_id": "110705", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110705", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "DT Bridging Engineering Mathematics", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1068", "CLASS_NBR": 14570, "SESSION_CD": "UAC", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Engineering Mathematics introduces students to further notions of calculus and linear algebra. It is supplemental and co-requisite with the Core Mathematics course. It primarily introduces the calculus of trigonometric functions and the algebra of complex numbers. Applications include factorisation of polynomials, parametric curves and the study of periodic behaviour. The course also includes an introduction to the notion of a multivariable function, or vector-valued function, and is suitable for students intending to study advanced mathematics. It is a supplemental course that offers further mathematical skills and knowledge to students entering engineering or the sciences, and introduces notions explored further in the first year courses Mathematics 1A-1B offered by the School of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Adelaide.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Sun 21/04/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 22/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "9238": {"id": "y0T8JMAmiZLpeIuvHwMeg", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "TezU4sP2Uh_p6InkWprUm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14570, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 4, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Apr - 17 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 312, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 20 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Badger, 125, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Fk85mekQdK7huXSmHin--", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16556, "section": "LEC0", "size": 24, "enrolled": 4, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9239": {"id": "1vgTjz1ryzBUCqQcCpss0", "course_id": "110705", "term": "4448", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110705", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4448", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "DT Bridging Engineering Mathematics", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1068", "CLASS_NBR": 46030, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Engineering Mathematics introduces students to further notions of calculus and linear algebra. It is supplemental and co-requisite with the Core Mathematics course. It primarily introduces the calculus of trigonometric functions and the algebra of complex numbers. Applications include factorisation of polynomials, parametric curves and the study of periodic behaviour. The course also includes an introduction to the notion of a multivariable function, or vector-valued function, and is suitable for students intending to study advanced mathematics. It is a supplemental course that offers further mathematical skills and knowledge to students entering engineering or the sciences, and introduces notions explored further in the first year courses Mathematics 1A-1B offered by the School of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Adelaide.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 14/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 14/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 19/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 11/12/2024"}}]}, "9240": {"id": "1vgTjz1ryzBUCqQcCpss0", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "RnVpU4k32Ge4Lt4qXIMaO", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46030, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 5, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Oct - 17 Dec", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 103, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 18 Dec", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, 104, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Y-ldBXXYWj7WCuq4bIONa", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46103, "section": "LEC0", "size": 24, "enrolled": 5, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9241": {"id": "IXIF7kPBjUfcqLq_qWFBP", "course_id": "110706", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110706", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "DT Bridging Physics", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1069", "CLASS_NBR": 14571, "SESSION_CD": "UAC", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed for students preparing to enter university to study engineering. It covers some of the important fundamentals of mechanical, civil and electrical engineering. The course material aims to give students an understanding of basic physics concepts and their applications relating to the topics including: motion in two dimensions, electricity and magnetism.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Sun 21/04/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 22/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "9242": {"id": "IXIF7kPBjUfcqLq_qWFBP", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "3-1JfiGp90M435W93Tqmq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14571, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 4, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Apr - 19 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 21 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 312, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "JETMX5-T1m9fM8e5B7AEH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16557, "section": "LEC0", "size": 24, "enrolled": 4, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9243": {"id": "cE8EN3ex9EoZJKY5YPj0M", "course_id": "110706", "term": "4448", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110706", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4448", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "DT Bridging Physics", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1069", "CLASS_NBR": 46031, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed for students preparing to enter university to study engineering. It covers some of the important fundamentals of mechanical, civil and electrical engineering. The course material aims to give students an understanding of basic physics concepts and their applications relating to the topics including: motion in two dimensions, electricity and magnetism.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 14/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 14/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 19/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 11/12/2024"}}]}, "9244": {"id": "cE8EN3ex9EoZJKY5YPj0M", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "HpGnOj5TJhb9AZG6dRgCJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46031, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 5, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Oct - 16 Dec", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Darling West, B04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 20 Dec", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "Darling West, 105, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "oJF8jDS9mCXLw-i2KwIOw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46104, "section": "LEC0", "size": 24, "enrolled": 5, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9245": {"id": "62RMlmLEKlGQDAwpA2bhW", "course_id": "110707", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110707", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "DT Bridging Biology", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1070", "CLASS_NBR": 14565, "SESSION_CD": "UAC", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed for students preparing to enter university to study Biomedical Science, Health Science, Agricultural Sciences or Food and Wine Sciences. The aims of the course are to familiarise students to fundamental concepts of both biology and human biology. The scope of this course is to introduce students to the basic concepts in human anatomy and physiology, molecular biology and cell biology", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Sun 21/04/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 22/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "9246": {"id": "62RMlmLEKlGQDAwpA2bhW", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "kABllzqOB2Z-dbt-z8KdG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14565, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 8, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Apr - 18 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 310, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 20 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 312, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "q-nhu4I2WAxQOudjWvldH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16558, "section": "LEC0", "size": 24, "enrolled": 8, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9247": {"id": "AxxZtIHhTCECr2Q8jKq_R", "course_id": "110707", "term": "4448", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110707", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4448", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "DT Bridging Biology", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1070", "CLASS_NBR": 46024, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed for students preparing to enter university to study Biomedical Science, Health Science, Agricultural Sciences or Food and Wine Sciences. The aims of the course are to familiarise students to fundamental concepts of both biology and human biology. The scope of this course is to introduce students to the basic concepts in human anatomy and physiology, molecular biology and cell biology", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 14/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 14/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 19/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 11/12/2024"}}]}, "9248": {"id": "AxxZtIHhTCECr2Q8jKq_R", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "kY5Xa-VZoTjx0uJXCaUFB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46024, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 23, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Oct - 16 Dec", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Darling West, 204, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 20 Dec", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 106, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "KAJWM5RCQ_DiLM4GhNBFP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46105, "section": "LEC0", "size": 24, "enrolled": 23, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9249": {"id": "hVSbyy4OUxrzvODl_Ly2d", "course_id": "110708", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110708", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "DT Bridging Chemistry", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1071", "CLASS_NBR": 14566, "SESSION_CD": "UAC", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed for students preparing to enter university to study Biomedical Science or Health Science. The aims of the course are to familiarise students with fundamental concepts of chemistry. The scope of this course is to introduce students to the basic concepts in atomic structure, the periodic table, chemical bonding, stoichiometry, redox reactions, enthalpy, organic chemistry, rates of reaction, chemical equilibrium, and acids and bases.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Sun 21/04/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 22/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "9250": {"id": "hVSbyy4OUxrzvODl_Ly2d", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "d1lwFvHTzkswgRhBSSXbi", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14566, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 8, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Apr - 20 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 101, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 21 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 105, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "vdUHqfwL3KbrgfkjrSjLS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16559, "section": "LEC0", "size": 24, "enrolled": 8, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9251": {"id": "jgaVBLsjT9MrpeponNZ9C", "course_id": "110708", "term": "4448", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110708", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4448", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "DT Bridging Chemistry", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1071", "CLASS_NBR": 46025, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed for students preparing to enter university to study Biomedical Science or Health Science. The aims of the course are to familiarise students with fundamental concepts of chemistry. The scope of this course is to introduce students to the basic concepts in atomic structure, the periodic table, chemical bonding, stoichiometry, redox reactions, enthalpy, organic chemistry, rates of reaction, chemical equilibrium, and acids and bases.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 14/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 14/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 19/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 11/12/2024"}}]}, "9252": {"id": "jgaVBLsjT9MrpeponNZ9C", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "qMQsvcMKnOIiyl_qMF41v", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46025, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 23, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Oct - 16 Dec", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, B03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 20 Dec", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 113, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "mzHrS4k4qBsGqsAOQ0oQ3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46106, "section": "LEC0", "size": 24, "enrolled": 23, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9253": {"id": "pxQMrg-APIUJzLFQNQjoM", "course_id": "110775", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110775", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Academic English Part A", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1072A", "CLASS_NBR": 19685, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides students with language support and development opportunities to learn and interact successfully in an English speaking academic environment. It will focus particularly on the development of communication, group work and presentation skills. In terms of writing output, the course will cover referencing, paraphrasing, academic vocabulary and grammar structures, which will be applicable to subjects that require language-rich written responses and research support. Techniques for comprehension and note-taking (from written and audio sources) will also be covered. Students will be required to work in a group to develop and deliver a formal academic oral presentation and academic writing skills will be developed by collecting and collating written work from their courses in a portfolio which will be checked weekly with students receiving personalised feedback.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "9254": {"id": "pxQMrg-APIUJzLFQNQjoM", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "YD2ISB-WAtu4tSt_PoXVv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14020, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 9, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 114, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 114, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14021, "section": "TU02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 21, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Darling West, 104, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Darling West, 104, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 105, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14022, "section": "TU03", "size": 24, "enrolled": 22, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 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7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Badger, 125, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14024, "section": "TU05", "size": 24, "enrolled": 12, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Darling West, B04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Darling West, B04, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14025, "section": "TU06", "size": 24, "enrolled": 19, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 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7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Darling West, 203, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19680, "section": "TU08", "size": 24, "enrolled": 16, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 114, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 114, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19685, "section": "TU09", "size": 24, "enrolled": 14, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Darling West, 105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Darling West, 105, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "rw5p9fWJq8j9-WF4bzT-4", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18545, "section": "LEC0", "size": 216, "enrolled": 158, "available": 58, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9255": {"id": "iNVpog-l4HBHRyGXgD4Cv", "course_id": "110775", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110775", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Academic English Part A", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1072A", "CLASS_NBR": 29554, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides students with language support and development opportunities to learn and interact successfully in an English speaking academic environment. It will focus particularly on the development of communication, group work and presentation skills. In terms of writing output, the course will cover referencing, paraphrasing, academic vocabulary and grammar structures, which will be applicable to subjects that require language-rich written responses and research support. Techniques for comprehension and note-taking (from written and audio sources) will also be covered. Students will be required to work in a group to develop and deliver a formal academic oral presentation and academic writing skills will be developed by collecting and collating written work from their courses in a portfolio which will be checked weekly with students receiving personalised feedback.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "9256": {"id": "iNVpog-l4HBHRyGXgD4Cv", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "LiMN6mcM3FXQur8cpuknh", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25535, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 13, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Darling West, B04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Darling West, B03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Darling West, B04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Darling West, B03, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25536, "section": "TU02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 17, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Darling West, B03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 106, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Darling West, B03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 106, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25537, "section": "TU03", "size": 24, "enrolled": 17, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 106, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 103, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 106, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 103, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25538, "section": "TU04", "size": 24, "enrolled": 14, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 301, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25539, "section": "TU05", "size": 24, "enrolled": 17, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 106, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 106, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 106, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 106, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25540, "section": "TU06", "size": 24, "enrolled": 12, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Darling West, 105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Darling West, B04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Darling West, 105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Darling West, B04, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25541, "section": "TU07", "size": 24, "enrolled": 9, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, 105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 310, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, 105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 310, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25542, "section": "TU08", "size": 24, "enrolled": 18, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Darling West, 105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Darling West, 203, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Darling West, 105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Darling West, 203, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29553, "section": "TU09", "size": 24, "enrolled": 18, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Darling West, B04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, B04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Darling West, B04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, B04, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29554, "section": "TU10", "size": 24, "enrolled": 13, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hartley, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Badger, 125, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Hartley, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Badger, 125, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "SGUIEeflgBuVqx8n5PsSM", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28445, "section": "LEC0", "size": 240, "enrolled": 148, "available": 92, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9257": {"id": "0Phu-V0woZDLYPf9M4YXi", "course_id": "110775", "term": "4448", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110775", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4448", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "Academic English Part A", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1072A", "CLASS_NBR": 46212, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides students with language support and development opportunities to learn and interact successfully in an English speaking academic environment. It will focus particularly on the development of communication, group work and presentation skills. In terms of writing output, the course will cover referencing, paraphrasing, academic vocabulary and grammar structures, which will be applicable to subjects that require language-rich written responses and research support. Techniques for comprehension and note-taking (from written and audio sources) will also be covered. Students will be required to work in a group to develop and deliver a formal academic oral presentation and academic writing skills will be developed by collecting and collating written work from their courses in a portfolio which will be checked weekly with students receiving personalised feedback.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 14/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 14/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 11/12/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "9258": {"id": "0Phu-V0woZDLYPf9M4YXi", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "5udLlTsb4k0Z87qWnLRyt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46212, "section": "TU02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 15, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Oct - 9 Dec", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 12 Dec", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 46213, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 23, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Oct - 10 Dec", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Darling West, 203, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 11 Dec", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 310, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "B7dBFII8lhFIqmGvCHu8n", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46215, "section": "LEC0", "size": 48, "enrolled": 38, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9259": {"id": "sKyXeW87pxUZP_JTxDbWm", "course_id": "110775", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110775", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Academic English Part A", "CAMPUS": "UofA College Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "UACM", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1072AUACM", "CLASS_NBR": 19667, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides students with language support and development opportunities to learn and interact successfully in an English speaking academic environment. It will focus particularly on the development of communication, group work and presentation skills. In terms of writing output, the course will cover referencing, paraphrasing, academic vocabulary and grammar structures, which will be applicable to subjects that require language-rich written responses and research support. Techniques for comprehension and note-taking (from written and audio sources) will also be covered. Students will be required to work in a group to develop and deliver a formal academic oral presentation and academic writing skills will be developed by collecting and collating written work from their courses in a portfolio which will be checked weekly with students receiving personalised feedback.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "9260": {"id": "sKyXeW87pxUZP_JTxDbWm", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "rf67B4IBQrVc2cJQDCTCW", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19381, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 15, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19667, "section": "TU02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 7, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "GmBo7HbBLbDHXig2SMHOY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19576, "section": "LEC0", "size": 48, "enrolled": 22, "available": 26, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9261": {"id": "X5suDTyabhaXNHgI0lPw4", "course_id": "110775", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110775", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Academic English Part A", "CAMPUS": "UofA College Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "UACM", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1072AUACM", "CLASS_NBR": 29496, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides students with language support and development opportunities to learn and interact successfully in an English speaking academic environment. It will focus particularly on the development of communication, group work and presentation skills. In terms of writing output, the course will cover referencing, paraphrasing, academic vocabulary and grammar structures, which will be applicable to subjects that require language-rich written responses and research support. Techniques for comprehension and note-taking (from written and audio sources) will also be covered. Students will be required to work in a group to develop and deliver a formal academic oral presentation and academic writing skills will be developed by collecting and collating written work from their courses in a portfolio which will be checked weekly with students receiving personalised feedback.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "9262": {"id": "X5suDTyabhaXNHgI0lPw4", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "WleigRXSzCo9i42pLEFm3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29496, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 14, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "M0YxVF59UpNrY55UdcYRG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29338, "section": "LEC0", "size": 24, "enrolled": 14, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9263": {"id": "NH5C7zGa_sXJ62uZE3x-3", "course_id": "110775", "term": "4448", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110775", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4448", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "Academic English Part A", "CAMPUS": "UofA College Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "UACM", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1072AUACM", "CLASS_NBR": 46228, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides students with language support and development opportunities to learn and interact successfully in an English speaking academic environment. It will focus particularly on the development of communication, group work and presentation skills. In terms of writing output, the course will cover referencing, paraphrasing, academic vocabulary and grammar structures, which will be applicable to subjects that require language-rich written responses and research support. Techniques for comprehension and note-taking (from written and audio sources) will also be covered. Students will be required to work in a group to develop and deliver a formal academic oral presentation and academic writing skills will be developed by collecting and collating written work from their courses in a portfolio which will be checked weekly with students receiving personalised feedback.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 14/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 14/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 11/12/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "9264": {"id": "NH5C7zGa_sXJ62uZE3x-3", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "1m_pyxxdJ_Mge0DZbbP3d", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46228, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 4, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Oct - 9 Dec", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 312, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 11 Dec", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "YKmkx9jeQkXqgNCGyBaLS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46258, "section": "LEC0", "size": 24, "enrolled": 4, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9265": {"id": "uNZNSNJh0P64W6ZivhVc9", "course_id": "110776", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110776", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Academic English Part B", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1072B", "CLASS_NBR": 14033, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides students with language support and development opportunities to learn and interact successfully in an English speaking academic environment. It will focus particularly on the development of communication, group work and presentation skills. In terms of writing output, the course will cover referencing, paraphrasing, academic vocabulary and grammar structures, which will be applicable to subjects that require language-rich written responses and research support. Techniques for comprehension and note-taking (from written and audio sources) will also be covered. Students will be required to work in a group to develop and deliver a formal academic oral presentation and academic writing skills will be developed by collecting and collating written work from their courses in a portfolio which will be checked weekly with students receiving personalised feedback.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "9266": {"id": "uNZNSNJh0P64W6ZivhVc9", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "n3hJ66URkAPmpCiOjkTjZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14027, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 19, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 106, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 106, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14028, "section": "TU02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 18, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 114, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Darling West, 203, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 114, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Darling West, 203, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14029, "section": "TU03", "size": 24, "enrolled": 22, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 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7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 106, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14031, "section": "TU05", "size": 24, "enrolled": 15, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 114, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 310, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 114, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 310, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14032, "section": "TU06", "size": 24, "enrolled": 20, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 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4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Darling West, B04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Darling West, B03, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "_XRJH6SqEe-ogwmL7FLf-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18546, "section": "LEC0", "size": 168, "enrolled": 133, "available": 35, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9267": {"id": "_MBhhBhe8gaM6KRcfECP6", "course_id": "110776", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110776", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Academic English Part B", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1072B", "CLASS_NBR": 25551, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides students with language support and development opportunities to learn and interact successfully in an English speaking academic environment. It will focus particularly on the development of communication, group work and presentation skills. In terms of writing output, the course will cover referencing, paraphrasing, academic vocabulary and grammar structures, which will be applicable to subjects that require language-rich written responses and research support. Techniques for comprehension and note-taking (from written and audio sources) will also be covered. Students will be required to work in a group to develop and deliver a formal academic oral presentation and academic writing skills will be developed by collecting and collating written work from their courses in a portfolio which will be checked weekly with students receiving personalised feedback.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "9268": {"id": "_MBhhBhe8gaM6KRcfECP6", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "n2E9JKl2FfPpw46YMZaQT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25543, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 15, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 106, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 310, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 106, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 310, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25544, "section": "TU02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 15, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 106, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Darling West, B04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 106, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Darling West, B04, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25545, "section": "TU03", "size": 24, "enrolled": 22, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 105, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25546, "section": "TU04", "size": 24, "enrolled": 21, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Badger, 125, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, B03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Badger, 125, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, B03, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25547, "section": "TU05", "size": 24, "enrolled": 13, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 106, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 106, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 106, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 106, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25548, "section": "TU06", "size": 24, "enrolled": 17, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 103, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 114, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 103, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 114, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25549, "section": "TU07", "size": 24, "enrolled": 17, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 106, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 114, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 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It will focus particularly on the development of communication, group work and presentation skills. In terms of writing output, the course will cover referencing, paraphrasing, academic vocabulary and grammar structures, which will be applicable to subjects that require language-rich written responses and research support. Techniques for comprehension and note-taking (from written and audio sources) will also be covered. Students will be required to work in a group to develop and deliver a formal academic oral presentation and academic writing skills will be developed by collecting and collating written work from their courses in a portfolio which will be checked weekly with students receiving personalised feedback.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "9270": {"id": "ObYZ_8QEFBLhVAc8tmCGF", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "XvrInw5hiQSbElhtd9dks", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19382, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 13, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Mar - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "euG8qAnsOsqNi7CnC0TnH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19577, "section": "LEC0", "size": 24, "enrolled": 13, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9271": {"id": "q25hOJivDSqGlTtUX6-3o", "course_id": "110776", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110776", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Academic English Part B", "CAMPUS": "UofA College Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "UACM", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UAC", "CATALOG_NBR": "1072BUACM", "CLASS_NBR": 29255, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides students with language support and development opportunities to learn and interact successfully in an English speaking academic environment. It will focus particularly on the development of communication, group work and presentation skills. In terms of writing output, the course will cover referencing, paraphrasing, academic vocabulary and grammar structures, which will be applicable to subjects that require language-rich written responses and research support. Techniques for comprehension and note-taking (from written and audio sources) will also be covered. Students will be required to work in a group to develop and deliver a formal academic oral presentation and academic writing skills will be developed by collecting and collating written work from their courses in a portfolio which will be checked weekly with students receiving personalised feedback.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "9272": {"id": "q25hOJivDSqGlTtUX6-3o", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "nyVUL4aI0FTUgfwdsYcki", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29255, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 22, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "_bvnBoA7K2pj5kcmZ6DZp", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29339, "section": "LEC0", "size": 48, "enrolled": 22, "available": 26, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9273": {"subject": "UACOL", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "111378", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111378", "term": "4446", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111379", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111379", "term": "4446", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111380", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111380", "term": "4446", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111381", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111381", "term": "4446", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111382", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111382", "term": "4446", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111383", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111383", "term": "4446", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111384", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111384", "term": "4446", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111385", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111385", "term": "4446", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111386", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111386", "term": "4446", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111387", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111387", "term": "4446", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109716", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109716", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109716", "term": "4433", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109716", "term": "4410", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "109716", "term": "4420", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "110709", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110709", "term": "4448", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110709", "term": "4410", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "110709", "term": "4448", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "110710", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110710", "term": "4448", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110710", "term": "4410", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "110710", "term": "4448", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "110712", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110712", "term": "4448", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110712", "term": "4410", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "110712", "term": "4448", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "110713", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110713", "term": "4448", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110713", "term": "4410", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "110713", "term": "4448", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "110714", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110714", "term": "4448", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110714", "term": "4410", "offer": 2}, {"course_id": "110714", "term": "4448", "offer": 2}]}}, "9274": {"id": "GN2VsB4I1pWm40yrrGD5Y", "course_id": "111378", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111378", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "PMP Pre-Bridging - Academic English for Postgraduate Studies", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UACOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "5000", "CLASS_NBR": 92427, "SESSION_CD": "S01", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to enable students from a diverse range of backgrounds to develop the academic language skills necessary for undertaking a Pre-Masters pathway. Students will learn to actively engage with oral and written texts by taking notes, discussing ideas and writing summaries. They will also work on developing their understanding and use of academic grammatical structures and vocabulary. This will enable them to better paraphrase ideas from source material when doing both spoken and written academic tasks. Students will participate in interactive tutorials and over the course of the Semester develop more confidence in their ability to use spoken English to communicate their ideas more clearly. Students will also participate in group tasks to build their group communication skills in preparation for future group work on their Pre-Master\u2019s pathway and in their postgraduate studies. Reflection tasks during the Semester will guide students to evaluate their own learning and respond to feedback from others more thoughtfully to assist them in becoming more self-directed learners.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 23/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 25/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 07/02/2024"}}]}, "9275": {"id": "GN2VsB4I1pWm40yrrGD5Y", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "G_dJJAknXP6N7SNWKkRFg", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92015, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 15, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Jan - 18 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Jan - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 102, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 92427, "section": "TU02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 9, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "17 Jan - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 114, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Jan - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, B04, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "1uEWnQTh2-7Gh1yxGolCR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92234, "section": "LEC0", "size": 48, "enrolled": 24, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9276": {"id": "fJjUCTHvgC8ML3i2e1uQk", "course_id": "111378", "term": "4446", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111378", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4446", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "PMP Pre-Bridging - Academic English for Postgraduate Studies", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UACOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "5000", "CLASS_NBR": 44076, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to enable students from a diverse range of backgrounds to develop the academic language skills necessary for undertaking a Pre-Masters pathway. 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Reflection tasks during the Semester will guide students to evaluate their own learning and respond to feedback from others more thoughtfully to assist them in becoming more self-directed learners.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 22/07/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 22/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 27/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 18/09/2024"}}]}, "9277": {"id": "fJjUCTHvgC8ML3i2e1uQk", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "fEpugJkitz88YjVhtLwT9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 44003, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 23, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 114, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, 104, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 44069, "section": "TU02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 24, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 114, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 310, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 44076, "section": "TU03", "size": 24, "enrolled": 0, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 114, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "F4yK-wrK8gdlhjsRN4ygO", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 44021, "section": "LEC0", "size": 72, "enrolled": 47, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9278": {"id": "Qyqm04Sqd7_jpbjGDMfiL", "course_id": "111379", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111379", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "PMP Pre-Bridging - Academic English for Postgraduate Studies", "CAMPUS": "UofA College Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "UACM", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UACOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "5000UACM", "CLASS_NBR": 92449, "SESSION_CD": "S01", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to enable students from a diverse range of backgrounds to develop the academic language skills necessary for undertaking a Pre-Masters pathway. 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Reflection tasks during the Semester will guide students to evaluate their own learning and respond to feedback from others more thoughtfully to assist them in becoming more self-directed learners.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 23/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 25/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 07/02/2024"}}]}, "9279": {"id": "Qyqm04Sqd7_jpbjGDMfiL", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "n5xfArt-yQtQwP_NMZbuL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92449, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 5, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "17 Jan - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 Jan - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "IUuVluRUiT29Z9J_eYVxb", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92458, "section": "LEC0", "size": 24, "enrolled": 5, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9280": {"id": "YKylF98aDq3-oBgPNPwCg", "course_id": "111379", "term": "4446", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111379", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4446", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "PMP Pre-Bridging - Academic English for Postgraduate Studies", "CAMPUS": "UofA College Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "UACM", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UACOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "5000UACM", "CLASS_NBR": 44052, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to enable students from a diverse range of backgrounds to develop the academic language skills necessary for undertaking a Pre-Masters pathway. 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Reflection tasks during the Semester will guide students to evaluate their own learning and respond to feedback from others more thoughtfully to assist them in becoming more self-directed learners.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 22/07/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 22/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 27/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 18/09/2024"}}]}, "9281": {"id": "YKylF98aDq3-oBgPNPwCg", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "sEPp4q1LuaSL2Ry9xTQ4_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 44052, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 5, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "aYgrtKVOCb2dNwKp6EmA2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 44061, "section": "LEC0", "size": 24, "enrolled": 5, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9282": {"id": "enrvl_Os5Dt1-vuaxg6iJ", "course_id": "111380", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111380", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "PMP Pre-Bridging - Academic Communication for Postgraduate Studies", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UACOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "5001", "CLASS_NBR": 92426, "SESSION_CD": "S01", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to enable students from a diverse range of backgrounds to develop the communication skills essential for studying at postgraduate level. Students will learn to critically engage with different types of texts to analyse and evaluate the ideas of others. They will also learn to identify the difference between an opinion and an evidence-based position. Students will participate in interactive tutorials and over the course of the semester develop confidence in their ability to discuss ideas and communicate their own position more clearly. Students will also participate in a group work project to become more effective communicators when collaborating with others and better able to develop productive relationships. As an outcome of this course, students will be able to better use the necessary skills to comprehend, analyse and evaluate information and communicate new knowledge in different formats in an academic environment.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 23/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 25/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 07/02/2024"}}]}, "9283": {"id": "enrvl_Os5Dt1-vuaxg6iJ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "j1r-4Q9YSJx4aPJwKSm47", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92016, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 15, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "16 Jan - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 106, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Jan - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 106, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 92426, "section": "TU02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 9, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "16 Jan - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 114, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Jan - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 102, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "ntkUumGfpquksXK_WJnmu", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92235, "section": "LEC0", "size": 48, "enrolled": 24, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9284": {"id": "idSQulF55aK9p8mLa_bQ_", "course_id": "111380", "term": "4446", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111380", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4446", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "PMP Pre-Bridging - Academic Communication for Postgraduate Studies", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UACOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "5001", "CLASS_NBR": 44075, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to enable students from a diverse range of backgrounds to develop the communication skills essential for studying at postgraduate level. 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As an outcome of this course, students will be able to better use the necessary skills to comprehend, analyse and evaluate information and communicate new knowledge in different formats in an academic environment.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 22/07/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 22/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 27/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 18/09/2024"}}]}, "9285": {"id": "idSQulF55aK9p8mLa_bQ_", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "XPQHnROHZguqUEMMaVehh", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 44002, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 23, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Badger, 125, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 114, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 44068, "section": "TU02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 24, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 114, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Darling West, 104, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 44075, "section": "TU03", "size": 24, "enrolled": 0, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 314, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 113, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "W0p0ddyStYhHgg90Er4Mk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 44022, "section": "LEC0", "size": 72, "enrolled": 47, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9286": {"id": "Jrnf3zeB5llD4uRiCDmeU", "course_id": "111381", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111381", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "PMP Pre-Bridging - Academic Communication for Postgraduate Studies", "CAMPUS": "UofA College Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "UACM", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UACOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "5001UACM", "CLASS_NBR": 92448, "SESSION_CD": "S01", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to enable students from a diverse range of backgrounds to develop the communication skills essential for studying at postgraduate level. 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As an outcome of this course, students will be able to better use the necessary skills to comprehend, analyse and evaluate information and communicate new knowledge in different formats in an academic environment.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 23/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 25/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 07/02/2024"}}]}, "9287": {"id": "Jrnf3zeB5llD4uRiCDmeU", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "aWopr9TwGPblVbHvlEse-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92448, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 5, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "19 Jan - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Jan - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "xXHBnY8ihAyLRDBhbvpGC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92459, "section": "LEC0", "size": 24, "enrolled": 5, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9288": {"id": "VVmp50wz53uzZBBI7sNVO", "course_id": "111381", "term": "4446", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111381", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4446", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "PMP Pre-Bridging - Academic Communication for Postgraduate Studies", "CAMPUS": "UofA College Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "UACM", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UACOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "5001UACM", "CLASS_NBR": 44051, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to enable students from a diverse range of backgrounds to develop the communication skills essential for studying at postgraduate level. 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As an outcome of this course, students will be able to better use the necessary skills to comprehend, analyse and evaluate information and communicate new knowledge in different formats in an academic environment.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 22/07/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 22/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 27/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 18/09/2024"}}]}, "9289": {"id": "VVmp50wz53uzZBBI7sNVO", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "PSD0SJ5g3ysqBRXEOR_VY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 44051, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 5, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "SOa3EqPx0kiRS08j9TmHm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 44062, "section": "LEC0", "size": 24, "enrolled": 5, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9290": {"id": "3WX-nqJ2Q64BRZjd2bNAo", "course_id": "111382", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111382", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "PMP Pre-Bridging - Mathematics for Postgraduate Studies", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UACOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "5002", "CLASS_NBR": 92428, "SESSION_CD": "S01", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to equip students with knowledge of mathematical concepts and tools to foster practical problem-solving. 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The course is aimed at illustrating the relevance of mathematics so that students gain the knowledge to make informed decisions, and ability for entry into postgraduate studies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 23/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 25/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 07/02/2024"}}]}, "9291": {"id": "3WX-nqJ2Q64BRZjd2bNAo", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "UsCxzOOLsXdQOBtp7Vrco", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92017, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 15, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Jan - 18 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Jan - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 310, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 92428, "section": "TU02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 9, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Jan - 18 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Jan - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 102, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "4Uxaaz5JfjBR3aiEUBNwm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92236, "section": "LEC0", "size": 48, "enrolled": 24, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9292": {"id": "yXqVapmL3kRNF3P75Fo7G", "course_id": "111382", "term": "4446", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111382", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4446", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "PMP Pre-Bridging - Mathematics for Postgraduate Studies", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UACOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "5002", "CLASS_NBR": 44077, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to equip students with knowledge of mathematical concepts and tools to foster practical problem-solving. 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The course is aimed at illustrating the relevance of mathematics so that students gain the knowledge to make informed decisions, and ability for entry into postgraduate studies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 22/07/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 22/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 27/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 18/09/2024"}}]}, "9293": {"id": "yXqVapmL3kRNF3P75Fo7G", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "DHa9b4sqjDlmtQZUlREVQ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 44004, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 23, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 310, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Darling West, 204, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 44070, "section": "TU02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 24, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 310, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 310, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 44077, "section": "TU03", "size": 24, "enrolled": 0, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "10 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 113, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "ipRpvAIrttuDSXBnx2xtK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 44023, "section": "LEC0", "size": 72, "enrolled": 47, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9294": {"id": "r5xDMBENPyI20J6wwMrlI", "course_id": "111383", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111383", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "PMP Pre-Bridging - Mathematics for Postgraduate Studies", "CAMPUS": "UofA College Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "UACM", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UACOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "5002UACM", "CLASS_NBR": 92450, "SESSION_CD": "S01", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to equip students with knowledge of mathematical concepts and tools to foster practical problem-solving. This unit covers the foundational themes of algebra, consumer and financial arithmetic and statistics. The course is aimed at illustrating the relevance of mathematics so that students gain the knowledge to make informed decisions, and ability for entry into postgraduate studies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 23/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 25/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 07/02/2024"}}]}, "9295": {"id": "r5xDMBENPyI20J6wwMrlI", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "0yFYQHKdNe3-S70-r3MZb", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92450, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 5, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "16 Jan - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Jan - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "X537o3D-kUPbz9WRkrq8z", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92460, "section": "LEC0", "size": 24, "enrolled": 5, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9296": {"id": "CN_5WrtoSjJmIa7B-IR0_", "course_id": "111383", "term": "4446", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111383", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4446", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "PMP Pre-Bridging - Mathematics for Postgraduate Studies", "CAMPUS": "UofA College Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "UACM", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UACOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "5002UACM", "CLASS_NBR": 44053, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is designed to equip students with knowledge of mathematical concepts and tools to foster practical problem-solving. This unit covers the foundational themes of algebra, consumer and financial arithmetic and statistics. The course is aimed at illustrating the relevance of mathematics so that students gain the knowledge to make informed decisions, and ability for entry into postgraduate studies.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 22/07/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 22/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 27/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 18/09/2024"}}]}, "9297": {"id": "CN_5WrtoSjJmIa7B-IR0_", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "-emac9eJmPARZIM0nUabl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 44053, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 5, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "11 Jul - 25 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Jul - 26 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "wRiH1oEsVDHP-9y7Hch7W", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 44063, "section": "LEC0", "size": 24, "enrolled": 5, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9298": {"id": "iTIDMWe7alSLJPW9VqGxE", "course_id": "111384", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111384", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "PMP Pre-Bridging - Statistics for Postgraduate Studies", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UACOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "5003", "CLASS_NBR": 92429, "SESSION_CD": "S01", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to introduce students to the important quantitative skills that provide a sound understanding in statistics that are used in postgraduate study. The principles of data collection and analysis inherent in quantitative techniques will be introduced and practiced. Sampling, representations of data, measures of central tendency and dispersion, distributions, correlation, and regression will be topics for instruction. The course will also look at real-world applications of data analysis techniques.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 23/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 25/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 07/02/2024"}}]}, "9299": {"id": "iTIDMWe7alSLJPW9VqGxE", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "d3FfFsU6nov9mUDi2O2jC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92018, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 15, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "16 Jan - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 310, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Jan - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 102, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 92429, "section": "TU02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 9, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "16 Jan - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, 203, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Jan - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 102, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "aoy-2P6v1YnsAqmg_xQVu", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92237, "section": "LEC0", "size": 48, "enrolled": 24, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9300": {"id": "4qWFviktFZeyB-bcQ7yFR", "course_id": "111384", "term": "4446", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111384", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4446", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "PMP Pre-Bridging - Statistics for Postgraduate Studies", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UACOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "5003", "CLASS_NBR": 44078, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to introduce students to the important quantitative skills that provide a sound understanding in statistics that are used in postgraduate study. The principles of data collection and analysis inherent in quantitative techniques will be introduced and practiced. Sampling, representations of data, measures of central tendency and dispersion, distributions, correlation, and regression will be topics for instruction. The course will also look at real-world applications of data analysis techniques.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 22/07/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 22/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 27/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 18/09/2024"}}]}, "9301": {"id": "4qWFviktFZeyB-bcQ7yFR", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "rkkBg3ZUmyAz6SYJzPUk9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 44005, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 23, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 114, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 44071, "section": "TU02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 24, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, 104, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 114, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 44078, "section": "TU03", "size": 24, "enrolled": 0, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 314, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 314, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Pf4TI2Y4vwvbFzy_7nd_B", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 44024, "section": "LEC0", "size": 72, "enrolled": 47, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9302": {"id": "gc2U8mbGbROpceRBP9dNJ", "course_id": "111385", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111385", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "PMP Pre-Bridging - Statistics for Postgraduate Studies", "CAMPUS": "UofA College Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "UACM", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UACOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "5003UACM", "CLASS_NBR": 92451, "SESSION_CD": "S01", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to introduce students to the important quantitative skills that provide a sound understanding in statistics that are used in postgraduate study. The principles of data collection and analysis inherent in quantitative techniques will be introduced and practiced. Sampling, representations of data, measures of central tendency and dispersion, distributions, correlation, and regression will be topics for instruction. The course will also look at real-world applications of data analysis techniques.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 23/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 25/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 07/02/2024"}}]}, "9303": {"id": "gc2U8mbGbROpceRBP9dNJ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "5Up-CEhXjYbC1V1F-9P1m", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92451, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 5, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "16 Jan - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Jan - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "3SZOkBZKUL7JOo6Qv-yYm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92461, "section": "LEC0", "size": 24, "enrolled": 5, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9304": {"id": "ahfaE6M4jPZKsHKdxbh-k", "course_id": "111385", "term": "4446", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111385", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4446", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "PMP Pre-Bridging - Statistics for Postgraduate Studies", "CAMPUS": "UofA College Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "UACM", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UACOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "5003UACM", "CLASS_NBR": 44054, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to introduce students to the important quantitative skills that provide a sound understanding in statistics that are used in postgraduate study. The principles of data collection and analysis inherent in quantitative techniques will be introduced and practiced. Sampling, representations of data, measures of central tendency and dispersion, distributions, correlation, and regression will be topics for instruction. The course will also look at real-world applications of data analysis techniques.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 22/07/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 22/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 27/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 18/09/2024"}}]}, "9305": {"id": "ahfaE6M4jPZKsHKdxbh-k", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "rIHbX1ckky-RYOIkt6EmF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 44054, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 5, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "11 Jul - 25 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Jul - 26 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Aug - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "eA7m6OtJk8mz2uoXm31r2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 44064, "section": "LEC0", "size": 24, "enrolled": 5, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9306": {"id": "z68Y38kAcIl41mN77nqSQ", "course_id": "111386", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111386", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "PMP Pre-Bridging - Understanding Contemporary Society", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UACOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "5004", "CLASS_NBR": 92430, "SESSION_CD": "S01", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to develop in students an understanding of how modern society evolves in response to changes in business, technology, government, increased human interconnection and awareness of the fragility of our environment.\nStudents will gain an insight into how perceived positive changes to society such as increased life expectancy, improved literacy, gender equality and a will to enhance racial harmony are being progressed by business innovation and better personal communication. The student will gain an understanding of the key ethical and sustainability challenges that confront modern western society and in so doing develop greater skills to enhance their future employment prospects.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 23/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 25/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 07/02/2024"}}]}, "9307": {"id": "z68Y38kAcIl41mN77nqSQ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "lCFG2ckGrECNc_58t3unB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92019, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 15, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Jan - 18 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 103, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Jan - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 103, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 92430, "section": "TU02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 9, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Jan - 18 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 106, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Jan - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, B03, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "WLiiXlNYW54VcDRnfsWmZ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92238, "section": "LEC0", "size": 48, "enrolled": 24, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9308": {"id": "PmIs2v3S6BU3gRpmpITqu", "course_id": "111386", "term": "4446", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111386", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4446", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "PMP Pre-Bridging - Understanding Contemporary Society", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UACOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "5004", "CLASS_NBR": 44079, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to develop in students an understanding of how modern society evolves in response to changes in business, technology, government, increased human interconnection and awareness of the fragility of our environment.\nStudents will gain an insight into how perceived positive changes to society such as increased life expectancy, improved literacy, gender equality and a will to enhance racial harmony are being progressed by business innovation and better personal communication. The student will gain an understanding of the key ethical and sustainability challenges that confront modern western society and in so doing develop greater skills to enhance their future employment prospects.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 22/07/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 22/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 27/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 18/09/2024"}}]}, "9309": {"id": "PmIs2v3S6BU3gRpmpITqu", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "2mnevz4qlZHhDWCpzWBtC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 44006, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 23, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Darling West, 203, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 105, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 44072, "section": "TU02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 24, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, 203, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Darling West, 204, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 44079, "section": "TU03", "size": 24, "enrolled": 0, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 314, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "RHOQsa5TULS2eW5vHQQ8Z", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 44025, "section": "LEC0", "size": 72, "enrolled": 47, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9310": {"id": "_jeRgVrl4Mim5nEb2ebEC", "course_id": "111387", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111387", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "PMP Pre-Bridging - Understanding Contemporary Society", "CAMPUS": "UofA College Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "UACM", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UACOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "5004UACM", "CLASS_NBR": 92452, "SESSION_CD": "S01", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to develop in students an understanding of how modern society evolves in response to changes in business, technology, government, increased human interconnection and awareness of the fragility of our environment.\nStudents will gain an insight into how perceived positive changes to society such as increased life expectancy, improved literacy, gender equality and a will to enhance racial harmony are being progressed by business innovation and better personal communication. The student will gain an understanding of the key ethical and sustainability challenges that confront modern western society and in so doing develop greater skills to enhance their future employment prospects.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 23/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 25/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 07/02/2024"}}]}, "9311": {"id": "_jeRgVrl4Mim5nEb2ebEC", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "7blTjPmk6QsPeaMYldJjh", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92452, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 5, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 Jan - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Jan - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Mar - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Mar - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 18 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 18 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "8SjIhjfJAAkk6nzVXqLor", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 92462, "section": "LEC0", "size": 24, "enrolled": 5, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9312": {"id": "OidLhQM5c-l-P2HyHxISk", "course_id": "111387", "term": "4446", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111387", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4446", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "PMP Pre-Bridging - Understanding Contemporary Society", "CAMPUS": "UofA College Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "UACM", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UACOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "5004UACM", "CLASS_NBR": 44055, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to develop in students an understanding of how modern society evolves in response to changes in business, technology, government, increased human interconnection and awareness of the fragility of our environment.\nStudents will gain an insight into how perceived positive changes to society such as increased life expectancy, improved literacy, gender equality and a will to enhance racial harmony are being progressed by business innovation and better personal communication. The student will gain an understanding of the key ethical and sustainability challenges that confront modern western society and in so doing develop greater skills to enhance their future employment prospects.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 22/07/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 22/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 27/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 18/09/2024"}}]}, "9313": {"id": "OidLhQM5c-l-P2HyHxISk", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "A0-FFgLXmv7Ih0PUcrkOv", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 44055, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 5, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "9 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "T7KMxKmBZ81f-ff7IyFk4", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 44065, "section": "LEC0", "size": 24, "enrolled": 5, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9314": {"id": "i6LbBt3jQLbJ3LLOvkpZf", "course_id": "109716", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109716", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Academic English B", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UACOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7000UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 19803, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides students with language support and development opportunities to learn and interact successfully in an English speaking academic environment. It will focus particularly on the development of communication, group work and presentation skills. In terms of writing output, the course will cover referencing, paraphrasing, academic vocabulary and grammar structures, which will be applicable to subjects that require language-rich written responses and research support. Techniques for comprehension and note-taking (from written and audio sources) will also be covered. Students will be required to work in a group to develop and deliver a formal academic oral presentation and academic writing skills will be developed by collecting and collating written work from their courses in a portfolio which will be checked weekly with students receiving personalised feedback.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "9315": {"id": "i6LbBt3jQLbJ3LLOvkpZf", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "aFG9lAkcGr4_TnO2UTsA2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13718, "section": "TU02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 14, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, 204, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Darling West, 203, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, 204, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Darling West, 203, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13719, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 18, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 106, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Darling West, 203, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 106, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Darling West, 203, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19803, "section": "TU03", "size": 24, "enrolled": 16, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Darling West, 204, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Darling West, 204, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "NF_qg5E_cggxyKpwy37j9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16548, "section": "LEC0", "size": 72, "enrolled": 48, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9316": {"id": "Gvr5Lc4Lt_waz4v-wUt6k", "course_id": "109716", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109716", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Academic English B", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UACOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7000UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 29556, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides students with language support and development opportunities to learn and interact successfully in an English speaking academic environment. It will focus particularly on the development of communication, group work and presentation skills. In terms of writing output, the course will cover referencing, paraphrasing, academic vocabulary and grammar structures, which will be applicable to subjects that require language-rich written responses and research support. Techniques for comprehension and note-taking (from written and audio sources) will also be covered. Students will be required to work in a group to develop and deliver a formal academic oral presentation and academic writing skills will be developed by collecting and collating written work from their courses in a portfolio which will be checked weekly with students receiving personalised feedback.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "9317": {"id": "Gvr5Lc4Lt_waz4v-wUt6k", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "ijJU35VRHF6S44n5LO5Oz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24684, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 16, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Darling West, 203, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Darling West, 203, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 302, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24685, "section": "TU02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 15, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, 204, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Darling West, B04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, 204, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Darling West, B04, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 29556, "section": "TU03", "size": 24, "enrolled": 24, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, 104, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, 104, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "LHP7hG6zp7RbMz1j8drMe", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28474, "section": "LEC0", "size": 72, "enrolled": 55, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9318": {"id": "fgJXH8_AiRcvBnjkAEhca", "course_id": "109716", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109716", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Academic English B", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UACOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7000UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 30301, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides students with language support and development opportunities to learn and interact successfully in an English speaking academic environment. It will focus particularly on the development of communication, group work and presentation skills. In terms of writing output, the course will cover referencing, paraphrasing, academic vocabulary and grammar structures, which will be applicable to subjects that require language-rich written responses and research support. Techniques for comprehension and note-taking (from written and audio sources) will also be covered. Students will be required to work in a group to develop and deliver a formal academic oral presentation and academic writing skills will be developed by collecting and collating written work from their courses in a portfolio which will be checked weekly with students receiving personalised feedback.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "9319": {"id": "fgJXH8_AiRcvBnjkAEhca", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "kvsLXX3Q5IOPV7w4Nsv8x", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30046, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 14, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jan - 22 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 106, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Feb - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 114, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 30301, "section": "TU02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 10, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jan - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Feb - 25 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 101, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "aNzizl48cAXEtz1SNqg0s", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30156, "section": "LEC0", "size": 48, "enrolled": 24, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9320": {"id": "xr5VbZTXAg47QoMluXjRi", "course_id": "109716", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109716", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Academic English B", "CAMPUS": "UofA College Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "UACM", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UACOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7000UACM", "CLASS_NBR": 19383, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides students with language support and development opportunities to learn and interact successfully in an English speaking academic environment. It will focus particularly on the development of communication, group work and presentation skills. In terms of writing output, the course will cover referencing, paraphrasing, academic vocabulary and grammar structures, which will be applicable to subjects that require language-rich written responses and research support. Techniques for comprehension and note-taking (from written and audio sources) will also be covered. Students will be required to work in a group to develop and deliver a formal academic oral presentation and academic writing skills will be developed by collecting and collating written work from their courses in a portfolio which will be checked weekly with students receiving personalised feedback.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "9321": {"id": "xr5VbZTXAg47QoMluXjRi", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "DFEkRgRfUSl3XSw0kqBgk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19383, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 13, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 305, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Apr - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "BdKF-EZYNMDAGd_YHCoiG", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19580, "section": "LEC0", "size": 24, "enrolled": 13, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9322": {"id": "YYpB9m8BP8PMFt7oiOfps", "course_id": "109716", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109716", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Academic English B", "CAMPUS": "UofA College Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "UACM", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UACOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7000UACM", "CLASS_NBR": 29256, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides students with language support and development opportunities to learn and interact successfully in an English speaking academic environment. 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Students will be required to work in a group to develop and deliver a formal academic oral presentation and academic writing skills will be developed by collecting and collating written work from their courses in a portfolio which will be checked weekly with students receiving personalised feedback.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "9323": {"id": "YYpB9m8BP8PMFt7oiOfps", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "URzy-X2-iLrjK2KDB1KmY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29256, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 14, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "bXmhodxeQiuUpk2Zihiiq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29340, "section": "LEC0", "size": 24, "enrolled": 14, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9324": {"id": "cjKOSAnfLgGwlkk5vJ-0I", "course_id": "110709", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110709", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "PMP Bridging - Study & Research Skills", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UACOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7006", "CLASS_NBR": 19635, "SESSION_CD": "UAC", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to prepare students on what to expect in their postgraduate studies. Students will gain practice in how to define a research problem, formulate a research question and design a feasible research project. Students will also develop skills in research planning and time management, and in applying selected research methods to conduct a small investigation. The course will enable students to participate in group work to become more effective communicators when collaborating with others and also more adept at building productive relationships to achieve successful outcomes. Activities will support the development of students\u2019 ability to analyse and interpret their research material and report on their research both orally and in writing with academic integrity. As an outcome of this course, students will be able to apply the necessary research and study skills to maximise their potential for success in an academic environment.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Sun 21/04/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 22/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "9325": {"id": "cjKOSAnfLgGwlkk5vJ-0I", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "XLOSbP3Qm2mM100s3U6dg", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14579, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 19, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Apr - 17 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Darling West, 104, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 19 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Darling West, 105, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19635, "section": "TU02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 16, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Apr - 17 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, B04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 19 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, B04, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "z6dvY6p1ZJ3Rub7WFU0k5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18525, "section": "LEC0", "size": 48, "enrolled": 35, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9326": {"id": "v1HsEMzcOn-KYxvj7BAX5", "course_id": "110709", "term": "4448", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110709", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4448", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "PMP Bridging - Study & Research Skills", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UACOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7006", "CLASS_NBR": 46288, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to prepare students on what to expect in their postgraduate studies. Students will gain practice in how to define a research problem, formulate a research question and design a feasible research project. Students will also develop skills in research planning and time management, and in applying selected research methods to conduct a small investigation. The course will enable students to participate in group work to become more effective communicators when collaborating with others and also more adept at building productive relationships to achieve successful outcomes. Activities will support the development of students\u2019 ability to analyse and interpret their research material and report on their research both orally and in writing with academic integrity. As an outcome of this course, students will be able to apply the necessary research and study skills to maximise their potential for success in an academic environment.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 14/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 14/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 19/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 11/12/2024"}}]}, "9327": {"id": "v1HsEMzcOn-KYxvj7BAX5", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "o2cwgg7OLfDq9mKYEuo2l", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46043, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 21, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Oct - 17 Dec", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, 203, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 19 Dec", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, B04, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 46044, "section": "TU02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 21, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Oct - 17 Dec", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 314, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 20 Dec", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Hartley, G05, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 46288, "section": "TU03", "size": 24, "enrolled": 19, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Oct - 18 Dec", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Badger, 125, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 20 Dec", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, 204, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "_Tz487JYBRtXIU9EqyVPO", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46195, "section": "LEC0", "size": 96, "enrolled": 61, "available": 35, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9328": {"id": "21hIL35ZLfYD_G_mSAdcU", "course_id": "110709", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110709", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "PMP Bridging - Study & Research Skills", "CAMPUS": "UofA College Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "UACM", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UACOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7006UACM", "CLASS_NBR": 19422, "SESSION_CD": "UAC", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to prepare students on what to expect in their postgraduate studies. Students will gain practice in how to define a research problem, formulate a research question and design a feasible research project. Students will also develop skills in research planning and time management, and in applying selected research methods to conduct a small investigation. The course will enable students to participate in group work to become more effective communicators when collaborating with others and also more adept at building productive relationships to achieve successful outcomes. Activities will support the development of students\u2019 ability to analyse and interpret their research material and report on their research both orally and in writing with academic integrity. As an outcome of this course, students will be able to apply the necessary research and study skills to maximise their potential for success in an academic environment.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Sun 21/04/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 22/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "9329": {"id": "21hIL35ZLfYD_G_mSAdcU", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "mONVPp11jrkRKGTcu8LN6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19422, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 6, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Apr - 11 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "11 Apr - 11 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 Apr - 12 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 Apr - 12 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Jun - 19 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Jun - 19 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "tgSj5-saIKMQm6LCN_OBQ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19581, "section": "LEC0", "size": 24, "enrolled": 6, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9330": {"id": "5PBtXPsY4dEzwHQFQhZh1", "course_id": "110709", "term": "4448", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110709", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4448", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "PMP Bridging - Study & Research Skills", "CAMPUS": "UofA College Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "UACM", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UACOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7006UACM", "CLASS_NBR": 46238, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to prepare students on what to expect in their postgraduate studies. Students will gain practice in how to define a research problem, formulate a research question and design a feasible research project. Students will also develop skills in research planning and time management, and in applying selected research methods to conduct a small investigation. The course will enable students to participate in group work to become more effective communicators when collaborating with others and also more adept at building productive relationships to achieve successful outcomes. Activities will support the development of students\u2019 ability to analyse and interpret their research material and report on their research both orally and in writing with academic integrity. As an outcome of this course, students will be able to apply the necessary research and study skills to maximise their potential for success in an academic environment.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 14/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 14/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 19/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 11/12/2024"}}]}, "9331": {"id": "5PBtXPsY4dEzwHQFQhZh1", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "NRiiPEXrcyyHxp_8t7zFh", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46238, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 9, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Oct - 18 Dec", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 19 Dec", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "JK1573YwqGw8_9VUyQSew", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46264, "section": "LEC0", "size": 24, "enrolled": 9, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9332": {"id": "ywho_lK9_dzolTgZPi4a7", "course_id": "110710", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110710", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "PMP Bridging - Intercultural Studies", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UACOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7007", "CLASS_NBR": 19636, "SESSION_CD": "UAC", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course focuses on culture and it\u2019s meaning by examining cultural diversity and its value in contemporary multicultural societies. It will provide students with an understanding of how to interact, participate and communicate effectively in Australia and an increasingly global environment. It is the aim of the course to encourage and enable students to develop an understanding of the influence and role that cultural background plays in communication, education, organisational practices and throughout society. Emphasis will be placed on providing students with opportunities to understand their own cultures, develop meaningful and empathetic understandings of other cultures (with reference to Australia) and how they relate to each other. Through an exploration of various cultures and contexts, students will have the opportunity to reflect on their cultural identity and role in a rapidly changing world. Students will also examine and compare the customs and traditions, strategies and practices between cultures in order to gain an understanding and appreciation of culturally diverse environments. Upon completion of this module students will be able to develop knowledge, understanding and intercultural communication skills that will allow them to participate effectively in a range of personal and professional contexts, and to relate to and work efficiently with people of other cultures, demonstrating respect and sensitivity.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Sun 21/04/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 22/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "9333": {"id": "ywho_lK9_dzolTgZPi4a7", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "oWoyKeDlfEPcUt-U1P7k2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14577, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 19, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Apr - 18 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 114, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 21 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Darling West, 104, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19636, "section": "TU02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 16, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Apr - 20 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Darling West, B03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 21 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, B04, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "n524jyaY-eGDeRXex686Q", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18526, "section": "LEC0", "size": 48, "enrolled": 35, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9334": {"id": "GpgiNyOhZbpLcnKUPs24k", "course_id": "110710", "term": "4448", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110710", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4448", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "PMP Bridging - Intercultural Studies", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UACOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7007", "CLASS_NBR": 46286, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course focuses on culture and it\u2019s meaning by examining cultural diversity and its value in contemporary multicultural societies. It will provide students with an understanding of how to interact, participate and communicate effectively in Australia and an increasingly global environment. It is the aim of the course to encourage and enable students to develop an understanding of the influence and role that cultural background plays in communication, education, organisational practices and throughout society. Emphasis will be placed on providing students with opportunities to understand their own cultures, develop meaningful and empathetic understandings of other cultures (with reference to Australia) and how they relate to each other. Through an exploration of various cultures and contexts, students will have the opportunity to reflect on their cultural identity and role in a rapidly changing world. Students will also examine and compare the customs and traditions, strategies and practices between cultures in order to gain an understanding and appreciation of culturally diverse environments. Upon completion of this module students will be able to develop knowledge, understanding and intercultural communication skills that will allow them to participate effectively in a range of personal and professional contexts, and to relate to and work efficiently with people of other cultures, demonstrating respect and sensitivity.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 14/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 14/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 19/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 11/12/2024"}}]}, "9335": {"id": "GpgiNyOhZbpLcnKUPs24k", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "6DgJJAWs7pMFGbXzIadH9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46039, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 21, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Oct - 17 Dec", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 316, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 19 Dec", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Hartley, G05, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 46040, "section": "TU02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 21, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Oct - 17 Dec", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 18 Dec", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "Hartley, G05, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 46286, "section": "TU03", "size": 24, "enrolled": 19, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Sep - 16 Dec", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 17 Dec", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, B04, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "p5JfNP49UgRXCEVTRxzsm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46199, "section": "LEC0", "size": 96, "enrolled": 61, "available": 35, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9336": {"id": "tuGSuWBKtMB4bARV_4QVT", "course_id": "110710", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110710", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "PMP Bridging - Intercultural Studies", "CAMPUS": "UofA College Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "UACM", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UACOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7007UACM", "CLASS_NBR": 19420, "SESSION_CD": "UAC", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course focuses on culture and it\u2019s meaning by examining cultural diversity and its value in contemporary multicultural societies. It will provide students with an understanding of how to interact, participate and communicate effectively in Australia and an increasingly global environment. It is the aim of the course to encourage and enable students to develop an understanding of the influence and role that cultural background plays in communication, education, organisational practices and throughout society. Emphasis will be placed on providing students with opportunities to understand their own cultures, develop meaningful and empathetic understandings of other cultures (with reference to Australia) and how they relate to each other. Through an exploration of various cultures and contexts, students will have the opportunity to reflect on their cultural identity and role in a rapidly changing world. Students will also examine and compare the customs and traditions, strategies and practices between cultures in order to gain an understanding and appreciation of culturally diverse environments. Upon completion of this module students will be able to develop knowledge, understanding and intercultural communication skills that will allow them to participate effectively in a range of personal and professional contexts, and to relate to and work efficiently with people of other cultures, demonstrating respect and sensitivity.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Sun 21/04/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 22/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "9337": {"id": "tuGSuWBKtMB4bARV_4QVT", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "74tiRy2SPPyLcK_8uwOrI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19420, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 6, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 14 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Apr - 17 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Jun - 21 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "kwJO4Z7zAkXcFGRl32IfF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19582, "section": "LEC0", "size": 24, "enrolled": 6, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9338": {"id": "SwK2KDVqTiKXhqVfZv88W", "course_id": "110710", "term": "4448", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110710", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4448", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "PMP Bridging - Intercultural Studies", "CAMPUS": "UofA College Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "UACM", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UACOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7007UACM", "CLASS_NBR": 46236, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course focuses on culture and it\u2019s meaning by examining cultural diversity and its value in contemporary multicultural societies. 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Upon completion of this module students will be able to develop knowledge, understanding and intercultural communication skills that will allow them to participate effectively in a range of personal and professional contexts, and to relate to and work efficiently with people of other cultures, demonstrating respect and sensitivity.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 14/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 14/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 19/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 11/12/2024"}}]}, "9339": {"id": "SwK2KDVqTiKXhqVfZv88W", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "Hu5xxMLVO3vfSWZQBLGbh", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46236, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 9, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Sep - 16 Dec", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 18 Dec", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "ZSmKpBnREXHgWFoV-5XP0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46265, "section": "LEC0", "size": 24, "enrolled": 9, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9340": {"id": "uhQ1iHQ7TLnICTTphdIKT", "course_id": "110712", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110712", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "PMP Bridging - Quantitative Skills for Postgraduate Studies", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UACOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7008", "CLASS_NBR": 19637, "SESSION_CD": "UAC", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course has two aims. 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The second aim is to adequately prepare students to successfully undertake quantitative subjects at the Master\u2019s Level.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Sun 21/04/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 22/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "9341": {"id": "uhQ1iHQ7TLnICTTphdIKT", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "OiNu4krHagCx0Oyl_QDJa", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14578, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 19, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Apr - 17 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, 104, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 18 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "5pm", "end_time": "7pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 103, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19637, "section": "TU02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 16, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Apr - 19 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "6pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 20 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, 105, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "6rNFyoEfze4xi-hIF2922", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18527, "section": "LEC0", "size": 48, "enrolled": 35, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9342": {"id": "ihIdPFQVx9kFDY2xRZIOL", "course_id": "110712", "term": "4448", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110712", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4448", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "PMP Bridging - Quantitative Skills for Postgraduate Studies", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UACOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7008", "CLASS_NBR": 46287, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course has two aims. 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The second aim is to adequately prepare students to successfully undertake quantitative subjects at the Master\u2019s Level.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 14/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 14/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 19/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 11/12/2024"}}]}, "9343": {"id": "ihIdPFQVx9kFDY2xRZIOL", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "gkAvFiNUJWbisgcsutkMJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46041, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 21, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Sep - 16 Dec", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 18 Dec", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 46042, "section": "TU02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 21, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Sep - 16 Dec", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 114, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 19 Dec", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 113, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 46287, "section": "TU03", "size": 24, "enrolled": 19, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Sep - 16 Dec", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 19 Dec", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 113, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "P7SzMEQbdssMzFdV3w59c", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46196, "section": "LEC0", "size": 96, "enrolled": 61, "available": 35, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9344": {"id": "VKTH1lLnt5S7NtaBJUPmc", "course_id": "110712", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110712", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "PMP Bridging - Quantitative Skills for Postgraduate Studies", "CAMPUS": "UofA College Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "UACM", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UACOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7008UACM", "CLASS_NBR": 19421, "SESSION_CD": "UAC", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course has two aims. 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The second aim is to adequately prepare students to successfully undertake quantitative subjects at the Master\u2019s Level.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Sun 21/04/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 22/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "9345": {"id": "VKTH1lLnt5S7NtaBJUPmc", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "qlDEUdhE0d5SsACXhpTJm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19421, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 6, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Apr - 11 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 14 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Apr - 16 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 13 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 Jun - 20 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Jun - 21 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Ht3u_XC5egw2Yf2yENLCL", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19583, "section": "LEC0", "size": 24, "enrolled": 6, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9346": {"id": "3B2RUkM-fMYXeuCWtYyTr", "course_id": "110712", "term": "4448", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110712", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4448", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "PMP Bridging - Quantitative Skills for Postgraduate Studies", "CAMPUS": "UofA College Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "UACM", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UACOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7008UACM", "CLASS_NBR": 46237, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course has two aims. The first aim is to introduce students to key Quantitative Skills that provide a sound understanding in mathematics and statistics that are used by professionals, both in the private and public sector of the economy. The principles of algebra, quadratics, functions, geometry, calculus, matrices and their application are explored in different areas of mathematics within the course. The principles of sampling, representations of data, measures of central tendency and dispersion, distributions, correlation, regression and their application are also explored in the statistics component of the course. The second aim is to adequately prepare students to successfully undertake quantitative subjects at the Master\u2019s Level.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 14/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 14/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 19/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 11/12/2024"}}]}, "9347": {"id": "3B2RUkM-fMYXeuCWtYyTr", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "B-H88HsCIijenGfJdCqAz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46237, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 9, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Oct - 19 Dec", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 20 Dec", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "yc9v4LphoiIMMh3KOz04m", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46266, "section": "LEC0", "size": 24, "enrolled": 9, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9348": {"id": "wnBoYCWbrX85DxYGt4BNN", "course_id": "110713", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110713", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "PMP Bridging - Critical Thinking for Postgraduate Studies", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UACOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7009", "CLASS_NBR": 19638, "SESSION_CD": "UAC", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to enable students to develop the critical and analytical thinking skills essential for studying at postgraduate level. Students will learn to critically engage with academic reading material in order to examine and evaluate the argument of others. They will also learn to identify the difference between critical analysis and description and be able to better formulate an argument effectively in their own writing. Students will participate in interactive tutorials and academic debate in order to develop confidence in their ability to apply critical thinking strategies to analyse differing viewpoints, challenge the views of others and clearly communicate their own position. As students\u2019 progress through the course, regular reflective journal tasks will guide them to adopt a self-evaluating approach to their learning, which will enable them to become independent thinkers and build the critical reasoning skills necessary for success in an academic environment.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Sun 21/04/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 22/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "9349": {"id": "wnBoYCWbrX85DxYGt4BNN", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "6YMoB-wQ4aucZ6FynQhf9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14576, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 19, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Apr - 19 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 114, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 21 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, 203, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19638, "section": "TU02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 16, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Apr - 17 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, B04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 21 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Darling West, 105, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "fOthYU13qigD__3Npo6r3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18528, "section": "LEC0", "size": 48, "enrolled": 35, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9350": {"id": "esEzIBzI_pQE0e_eas466", "course_id": "110713", "term": "4448", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110713", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4448", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "PMP Bridging - Critical Thinking for Postgraduate Studies", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UACOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7009", "CLASS_NBR": 46285, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to enable students to develop the critical and analytical thinking skills essential for studying at postgraduate level. Students will learn to critically engage with academic reading material in order to examine and evaluate the argument of others. They will also learn to identify the difference between critical analysis and description and be able to better formulate an argument effectively in their own writing. Students will participate in interactive tutorials and academic debate in order to develop confidence in their ability to apply critical thinking strategies to analyse differing viewpoints, challenge the views of others and clearly communicate their own position. As students\u2019 progress through the course, regular reflective journal tasks will guide them to adopt a self-evaluating approach to their learning, which will enable them to become independent thinkers and build the critical reasoning skills necessary for success in an academic environment.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 14/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 14/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 19/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 11/12/2024"}}]}, "9351": {"id": "esEzIBzI_pQE0e_eas466", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "RzpVbgzIlThB3hhn-hk63", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46037, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 21, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Sep - 16 Dec", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 19 Dec", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, 104, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 46038, "section": "TU02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 21, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Sep - 16 Dec", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 114, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 19 Dec", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Darling West, B04, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 46285, "section": "TU03", "size": 24, "enrolled": 19, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Oct - 17 Dec", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Darling West, 204, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 19 Dec", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Darling West, 203, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "JO-M02zG2kVEFNmp4aCK5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46197, "section": "LEC0", "size": 96, "enrolled": 61, "available": 35, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9352": {"id": "c4xlnRTLjdkwN7v-at3H5", "course_id": "110713", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110713", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "PMP Bridging - Critical Thinking for Postgraduate Studies", "CAMPUS": "UofA College Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "UACM", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UACOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7009UACM", "CLASS_NBR": 19419, "SESSION_CD": "UAC", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to enable students to develop the critical and analytical thinking skills essential for studying at postgraduate level. Students will learn to critically engage with academic reading material in order to examine and evaluate the argument of others. They will also learn to identify the difference between critical analysis and description and be able to better formulate an argument effectively in their own writing. Students will participate in interactive tutorials and academic debate in order to develop confidence in their ability to apply critical thinking strategies to analyse differing viewpoints, challenge the views of others and clearly communicate their own position. As students\u2019 progress through the course, regular reflective journal tasks will guide them to adopt a self-evaluating approach to their learning, which will enable them to become independent thinkers and build the critical reasoning skills necessary for success in an academic environment.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Sun 21/04/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 22/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "9353": {"id": "c4xlnRTLjdkwN7v-at3H5", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "qN-HLhJB_63tFwN0T6Q6Q", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19419, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 6, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Apr - 10 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 11 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 Jun - 17 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Jun - 18 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "e4JRKo2kODgEglF4PGQq-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19584, "section": "LEC0", "size": 24, "enrolled": 6, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9354": {"id": "aEnyycaDQ3ApvOCITxIPh", "course_id": "110713", "term": "4448", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110713", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4448", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "PMP Bridging - Critical Thinking for Postgraduate Studies", "CAMPUS": "UofA College Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "UACM", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UACOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7009UACM", "CLASS_NBR": 46235, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course aims to enable students to develop the critical and analytical thinking skills essential for studying at postgraduate level. Students will learn to critically engage with academic reading material in order to examine and evaluate the argument of others. They will also learn to identify the difference between critical analysis and description and be able to better formulate an argument effectively in their own writing. Students will participate in interactive tutorials and academic debate in order to develop confidence in their ability to apply critical thinking strategies to analyse differing viewpoints, challenge the views of others and clearly communicate their own position. As students\u2019 progress through the course, regular reflective journal tasks will guide them to adopt a self-evaluating approach to their learning, which will enable them to become independent thinkers and build the critical reasoning skills necessary for success in an academic environment.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 14/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 14/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 19/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 11/12/2024"}}]}, "9355": {"id": "aEnyycaDQ3ApvOCITxIPh", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "FGZT-Be4bBxe9pJ-p3KhF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46235, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 9, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Oct - 17 Dec", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 301, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 19 Dec", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 306, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "D7mme64pL8YrN6BWSa5tM", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46267, "section": "LEC0", "size": 24, "enrolled": 9, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9356": {"id": "_1B575IQFCivLc38mfySq", "course_id": "110714", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110714", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "PMP Bridging - Academic English A", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UACOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7010", "CLASS_NBR": 19639, "SESSION_CD": "UAC", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course is aimed at providing students from a range of educational backgrounds/cultures and language settings with the academic language skills necessary to successfully study on their postgraduate programs at the University of Adelaide. It equips students whose first language is not English with the necessary skills to successfully engage in group work, become more effective communicators when collaborating with others and gain confidence in building productive relationships to achieve their learning outcomes. This course focuses on the development of language skills (speaking, listening comprehension, reading and writing) through note-taking, paraphrasing and summarising, as well as grammar and vocabulary development using Academic Word Lists (AWL) and Grammar Clinics (GC). Students will then use these skills to produce written texts (essays and reflective writing) and to demonstrate speaking competence in oral presentations and class discussions. In addition, the course will enable students to understand and apply academic integrity by using referencing guides and referencing sources appropriately.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Sun 21/04/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 22/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "9357": {"id": "_1B575IQFCivLc38mfySq", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "bI2MsMkpTLlG4plMRO7hP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14575, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 19, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Apr - 17 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 20 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Darling West, B03, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19639, "section": "TU02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 16, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Apr - 17 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Darling West, 105, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 19 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Darling West, B04, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "HLYUVFG06EnyP5qtM_j4I", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18529, "section": "LEC0", "size": 48, "enrolled": 35, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9358": {"id": "iI43EdlwjbR-o2BJTqgTd", "course_id": "110714", "term": "4448", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110714", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4448", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "PMP Bridging - Academic English A", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UACOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7010", "CLASS_NBR": 46284, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course is aimed at providing students from a range of educational backgrounds/cultures and language settings with the academic language skills necessary to successfully study on their postgraduate programs at the University of Adelaide. It equips students whose first language is not English with the necessary skills to successfully engage in group work, become more effective communicators when collaborating with others and gain confidence in building productive relationships to achieve their learning outcomes. This course focuses on the development of language skills (speaking, listening comprehension, reading and writing) through note-taking, paraphrasing and summarising, as well as grammar and vocabulary development using Academic Word Lists (AWL) and Grammar Clinics (GC). Students will then use these skills to produce written texts (essays and reflective writing) and to demonstrate speaking competence in oral presentations and class discussions. In addition, the course will enable students to understand and apply academic integrity by using referencing guides and referencing sources appropriately.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 14/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 14/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 19/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 11/12/2024"}}]}, "9359": {"id": "iI43EdlwjbR-o2BJTqgTd", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "imkevMBFBRgOQ-tFJHBVM", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46035, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 21, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Sep - 16 Dec", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 314, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 18 Dec", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 109, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 46036, "section": "TU02", "size": 24, "enrolled": 21, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Oct - 17 Dec", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 18 Dec", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 108, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 46284, "section": "TU03", "size": 24, "enrolled": 19, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Sep - 16 Dec", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Badger, 125, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 18 Dec", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 114, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Q4x9SGfL_TzyFldzmMkK1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46198, "section": "LEC0", "size": 96, "enrolled": 61, "available": 35, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9360": {"id": "To761B2hcc8-kjlJUYc2_", "course_id": "110714", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110714", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "PMP Bridging - Academic English A", "CAMPUS": "UofA College Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "UACM", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UACOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7010UACM", "CLASS_NBR": 19418, "SESSION_CD": "UAC", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course is aimed at providing students from a range of educational backgrounds/cultures and language settings with the academic language skills necessary to successfully study on their postgraduate programs at the University of Adelaide. It equips students whose first language is not English with the necessary skills to successfully engage in group work, become more effective communicators when collaborating with others and gain confidence in building productive relationships to achieve their learning outcomes. This course focuses on the development of language skills (speaking, listening comprehension, reading and writing) through note-taking, paraphrasing and summarising, as well as grammar and vocabulary development using Academic Word Lists (AWL) and Grammar Clinics (GC). Students will then use these skills to produce written texts (essays and reflective writing) and to demonstrate speaking competence in oral presentations and class discussions. In addition, the course will enable students to understand and apply academic integrity by using referencing guides and referencing sources appropriately.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Sun 21/04/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 22/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "9361": {"id": "To761B2hcc8-kjlJUYc2_", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "dTQaGvPaoQyMG1q5jCJDH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19418, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 6, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Apr - 10 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 11 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 302, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 Jun - 17 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Jun - 18 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 315, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "3VLpTwBoBRPM-bknZHloz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19585, "section": "LEC0", "size": 24, "enrolled": 6, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9362": {"id": "lxQGQwbnejwpR3WstXMBi", "course_id": "110714", "term": "4448", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110714", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 2, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4448", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 4", "COURSE_TITLE": "PMP Bridging - Academic English A", "CAMPUS": "UofA College Melbourne", "CAMPUS_CD": "UACM", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "UACOL", "CATALOG_NBR": "7010UACM", "CLASS_NBR": 46234, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 0, "EFTLS": 0, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "000009", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "", "CONTACT": "", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to University of Adelaide College Melbourne Campus students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course is aimed at providing students from a range of educational backgrounds/cultures and language settings with the academic language skills necessary to successfully study on their postgraduate programs at the University of Adelaide. It equips students whose first language is not English with the necessary skills to successfully engage in group work, become more effective communicators when collaborating with others and gain confidence in building productive relationships to achieve their learning outcomes. This course focuses on the development of language skills (speaking, listening comprehension, reading and writing) through note-taking, paraphrasing and summarising, as well as grammar and vocabulary development using Academic Word Lists (AWL) and Grammar Clinics (GC). Students will then use these skills to produce written texts (essays and reflective writing) and to demonstrate speaking competence in oral presentations and class discussions. In addition, the course will enable students to understand and apply academic integrity by using referencing guides and referencing sources appropriately.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 14/10/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 14/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 19/11/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 11/12/2024"}}]}, "9363": {"id": "lxQGQwbnejwpR3WstXMBi", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "m73L6-8BUlBdaTeofwd_L", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46234, "section": "TU01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 9, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Oct - 17 Dec", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 17 Dec", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "370 Docklands, 303, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "JP9jkue4lOPyOuTLTjG2P", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 46268, "section": "LEC0", "size": 24, "enrolled": 9, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Lecture"}]}]}]}, "9364": {"subject": "VET SC", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "104379", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111563", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104377", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "104378", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109914", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106111", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106113", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106972", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106925", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106886", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106887", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106083", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106085", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106088", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106091", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106255", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106924", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106923", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109165", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106495", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106497", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108411", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108412", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109060", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109061", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109099", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109098", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106906", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106907", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106907", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106908", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106909", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106910", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106911", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106912", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106913", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106913", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106914", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106915", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106916", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106918", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106926", "term": "4405", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106926", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106926", "term": "4415", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106926", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109381", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109382", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "109382", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110203", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110203", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110204", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110204", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110205", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110205", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110206", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110206", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110207", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110207", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110208", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110208", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "9365": {"id": "6eN_zVfUEK9M8IwEdGPD_", "course_id": "104379", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104379", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Professional Skills in Veterinary Bioscience II", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VET SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "2500RW", "CLASS_NBR": 19137, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BSc (Veterinary Bioscience) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(ANIML SC 1017RW and ANIML SC 1018RW)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "AHEMS presentations; oral, written or poster; written assignments, end-of-Semester exam, animal handling competency assessments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course aims to develop personal and professional capabilities required of the veterinary professional: This course also builds on animal husbandry and handling introduced in ANIML SC 1017RW.\n\nANIMAL HUSBANDRY: Students will review animal husbandry protocols across common domestic species. \nANIMAL HANDLING: Students will undertake animal handling practicals across the species commonly encountered in veterinary practice to increase and improve upon their skills.\n\nProfessional Skills Experience: Students will develop an appreciation for the professional skills required as a veterinary scientist\nThe Veterinary Profession: Students will be introduced to the documented competence expected of a veterinary graduate.\nBusiness Enterprise Skills: Students will develop simple budgeting skills as they relate to animal production or service business.\n\nStudents will be expected to have completed a minimum of 1 week (40 hours) of their Animal Husbandry Extra Mural Studies (AHEMS) placement(s) and associated placement record by the end of the mid-semester break as they will be required to use information for in-course assessment.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "9366": {"id": "6eN_zVfUEK9M8IwEdGPD_", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "YHWQQr4GYnjTJSbY6lqFb", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11765, "section": "LE01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 84, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "cWGup7gRrHajFRhAAskHF", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10459, "section": "PR03", "size": 30, "enrolled": 25, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Williams, G31a/G31b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G02, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G69, Scrub Area"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 13 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Williams, G31a/G31b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 13 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horse Section, External, Horse Shed 2"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 13 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Dog Section, External, Dog & Cat Facility"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 13 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Alpaca Section, External, H9 Paddock"}, {"dates": "20 May - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horse Section, External, Horse Shed 2"}, {"dates": "20 May - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Alpaca Section, External, H9 Paddock"}, {"dates": "20 May - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Cattle Section, External, Cattle Yard"}, {"dates": "20 May - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Dog Section, External, Dog & Cat Facility"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10460, "section": "PR02", "size": 30, "enrolled": 29, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Williams, G31a/G31b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G02, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G69, Scrub Area"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 13 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Williams, G31a/G31b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 13 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horse Section, External, Horse Shed 2"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 13 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Dog Section, External, Dog & Cat Facility"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 13 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Alpaca Section, External, H9 Paddock"}, {"dates": "20 May - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horse Section, External, Horse Shed 2"}, {"dates": "20 May - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Alpaca Section, External, H9 Paddock"}, {"dates": "20 May - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Cattle Section, External, Cattle Yard"}, {"dates": "20 May - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Dog Section, External, Dog & Cat Facility"}]}, {"class_nbr": 10461, "section": "PR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 30, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Williams, G31a/G31b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G02, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G69, Scrub Area"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 13 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Williams, G31a/G31b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 13 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horse Section, External, Horse Shed 2"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 13 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Dog Section, External, Dog & Cat Facility"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 13 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Alpaca Section, External, H9 Paddock"}, {"dates": "20 May - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horse Section, External, Horse Shed 2"}, {"dates": "20 May - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Alpaca Section, External, H9 Paddock"}, {"dates": "20 May - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Cattle Section, External, Cattle Yard"}, {"dates": "20 May - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Dog Section, External, Dog & Cat Facility"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "ifcDn2FUCV6IWTq-VHL9F", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13449, "section": "TU01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 84, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Mar - 13 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Leske, G18, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "13 Mar - 13 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "6V-ZqFLEGGTsJ1IoVIl36", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19136, "section": "SE01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 84, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 28 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19137, "section": "WR01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 84, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "20 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "9367": {"id": "Ce4l4VYJnYDw8yx9E3Kd_", "course_id": "111563", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111563", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Animal Nutrition & Metabolism II (Vet Bio)", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VET SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "2505RW", "CLASS_NBR": 28643, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050105", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BSc (Veterinary Bioscience) and B.Veterinary Technology students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "ANIML SC 2530RW or VET SC 2530RW or (VET TECH 1010RW and VET TECH 2040RW)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "ANIML SC 3015RW", "ASSESSMENT": "Exam, practicals, assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides students with a solid grounding in animal metabolism and nutrition to allow them to develop sound, evidence-based advice to clients wishing to maximise the profitability, health, longevity, product quality or athletic performance of animals. The course builds on a platform of knowledge of nutritional principles and the roles of energy, protein, lipids, carbohydrates, macro- and micro-nutrients in biochemical pathways. These principles are then applied to feed formulation for dogs, cats, horses, beef cattle, dairy cattle, sheep, pigs, poultry, wildlife, pocket pets, exotic animals, and farmed finfish. The consequences of an inadequate supply of the essential nutrients are considered in detail. The course has a strong hands-on, practical focus to develop in students an awareness of the importance of nutrition as a frontline determinant of animal health, welfare and production. Emphasis is placed on self-initiative, the development of skills in teamwork, and the application of a critical, science-based approach to practical nutrition.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "9368": {"id": "Ce4l4VYJnYDw8yx9E3Kd_", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "XttmYVKx6qFoFumOunjK-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28642, "section": "LE01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 87, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Sep - 2 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Plant Genomics Centre, 126/127, Meeting Room"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "4tahHDIXZ_s3RKpKP2azw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28643, "section": "PR01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 87, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 22 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G11, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 Jul - 22 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Jul - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Jul - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}, {"dates": "12 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Sep - 2 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Williams, G12, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Williams, G22, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 14 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}, {"dates": "21 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Callaghan, G02, Richardson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "9369": {"id": "QcCDtcKrIM353Xf-L1nBO", "course_id": "104377", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104377", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Veterinary Anatomy & Physiology II Part 1", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VET SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "2510ARW", "CLASS_NBR": 11764, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 14 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BSc (Veterinary Bioscience) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(BIOLOGY 1510 and BIOLOGY 1520) and (PHYSICS 1501 or PHYSICS 1508)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "End-of-Semester theory exams, in-Semester practical tests, online quizzes", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course will introduce anatomical and physiological terminology and principles using a body systems approach in a comparative context, with an emphasis on domestic species. Body systems covered are the musculoskeletal, cardiorespiratory, digestive systems as well as the integument and basic concepts in physiology and anatomy. In anatomy practical classes students will develop skills in dissection and learn to appreciate variation in structure due to species, age, and sex. Students will also study the embryology and histology of body systems and use microscopy and digital resources in some practicals. In physiology practical classes students will study physiological mechanisms and principles using a blending of live animal, isolated animal tissue, human measurements and computer simulations.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "9370": {"id": "QcCDtcKrIM353Xf-L1nBO", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "34AGBil0nqOjDeimAMdil", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10786, "section": "LE01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 91, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "LqEZgBVZomTWpdK_VV18i", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11764, "section": "PR01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 91, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G11, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 1 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "8 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G11, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "8 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "14 Mar - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G11, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G11, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G11, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G11, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 3 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 May - 2 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "9 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G11, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "9 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "10 May - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horse Section, External, Horse Stables 1"}, {"dates": "10 May - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G11, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "16 May - 16 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "16 May - 16 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horse Section, External, Horse Stables 1"}, {"dates": "17 May - 17 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G11, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "17 May - 17 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G11, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "24 May - 24 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "31 May - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G11, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "9371": {"id": "jufjHpq7zOP4KFTFExY5O", "course_id": "104378", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104378", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Veterinary Anatomy & Physiology II Part 2", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VET SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "2510BRW", "CLASS_NBR": 23114, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 14 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BSc (Veterinary Bioscience) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "VET SC 2510ARW and ((BIOLOGY 1510 and BIOLOGY 1520) and (PHYSICS 1501 or PHYSICS 1508)); VET SC 2510ARW in previous semester", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "End-of-Semester theory exams, in-Semester practical tests, online quizzes", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course will introduce anatomical and physiological terminology and principles using a body systems approach in a comparative context, with an emphasis on domestic species. Body systems covered are the musculoskeletal, cardiorespiratory, digestive systems as well as the integument and basic concepts in physiology and anatomy. In anatomy practical classes students will develop skills in dissection and learn to appreciate variation in structure due to species, age, and sex. Students will also study the embryology and histology of body systems and use microscopy and digital resources in some practicals. In physiology practical classes students will study physiological mechanisms and principles using a blending of live animal, isolated animal tissue, human measurements and computer simulations.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "9372": {"id": "jufjHpq7zOP4KFTFExY5O", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Ekhz79s0jM051sioLf5V_", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21729, "section": "LE01", "size": 110, "enrolled": 91, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Callaghan, G02, Richardson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Callaghan, G02, Richardson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Callaghan, G02, Richardson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Callaghan, G02, Richardson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "h2fsDF_le6kT9wjlXac5b", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23114, "section": "PR01", "size": 110, "enrolled": 91, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G11, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 26 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G11, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 Aug - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 Aug - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G11, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "8 Aug - 8 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "8 Aug - 8 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G11, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "9 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G11, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G11, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 16 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G11, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 Aug - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 Aug - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G11, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 Aug - 23 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G11, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "30 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 5 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G11, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "6 Sep - 6 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horse Section, External, Horse Stables 1"}, {"dates": "6 Sep - 6 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G11, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "13 Sep - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G11, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 4 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G11, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 4 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G11, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 11 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horse Section, External, Horse Stables 1"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Gawler Harness Racing"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Callaghan, G32, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "18 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Callaghan, G32, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "18 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Gawler Harness Racing"}, {"dates": "24 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "24 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G11, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "25 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G11, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "25 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "9373": {"id": "9KKx9u4nnEtqnT71BaiAm", "course_id": "109914", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109914", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Animal and Plant Biochemistry (Vet-Bio) II", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VET SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "2530RW", "CLASS_NBR": 18737, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "010901", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "2A", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BSc (Veterinary Bioscience) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(CHEM 1510 or CHEM 1511) and BIOLOGY 1510", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "(AGRIC 2500RW, AGRIC 2500WT, ANIML SC 2530RW, AGRIC 2501RW)", "ASSESSMENT": "Final exam, practical assessments, tutorial assessments, presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides an advanced introduction to the fundamental processes of animal and plant metabolism. Topics will include protein structure and function, mechanisms and control of enzyme action, the biochemistry of carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism, energy generation and ruminant specific biochemistry. Examples of the application and context of key biochemical concepts to areas of animal science and veterinary medicine will be used to highlight the importance of biochemistry to all sectors of these sciences.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "9374": {"id": "9KKx9u4nnEtqnT71BaiAm", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "RGzQVk7MuhfJOWh863HRN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11983, "section": "LE01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 70, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "JLiuj5cug_Su0mHfcWjqN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11979, "section": "PR02", "size": 35, "enrolled": 35, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Williams, G22, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "26 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Williams, G22, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Williams, G22, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 11980, "section": "PR01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 35, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Williams, G22, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "5 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Williams, G22, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "26 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Williams, G22, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "KQ57nVdHz3WDU1tkON7Xq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18737, "section": "WR01", "size": 80, "enrolled": 70, "available": 10, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 27 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Leske, G18, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "9375": {"id": "TmGun8htSWjRijv3NLU9F", "course_id": "106111", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106111", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Veterinary Immunology and Infectious Diseases III", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VET SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3512RW", "CLASS_NBR": 10758, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 15 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BSc (Veterinary Bioscience) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "VET SC 2510RW", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "written and practical mid-Semester exams; written and practical end-of-Semester exams; written assignments, oral presentations", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will incorporate the pre-clinical scientific disciplines of immunology and microbiology, and highlight the relationship between pathogens and disease at the tissue and animal level in various body systems. The course will introduce the concepts of zoonoses and infectious disease implications for veterinary public health.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "9376": {"id": "TmGun8htSWjRijv3NLU9F", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "oCARGtkhSiKwCKWhTLJLT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14410, "section": "LE01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 88, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Callaghan, G02, Richardson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Callaghan, G02, Richardson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Callaghan, G02, Richardson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Callaghan, G02, Richardson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Callaghan, G02, Richardson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 13 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Callaghan, G02, Richardson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Callaghan, G02, Richardson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 May - 20 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 May - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Callaghan, G02, Richardson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "6 Jun - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Callaghan, G02, Richardson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "7 Jun - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Callaghan, G02, Richardson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "oTLs6MJTipivOEwx_C4Lj", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10758, "section": "PR02", "size": 50, "enrolled": 38, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 26 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Williams, G04, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "26 Feb - 26 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Williams, G22, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Williams, G04, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 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6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Williams, G04, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Williams, G22, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "13 May - 13 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "13 May - 13 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "20 May - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Williams, G04, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "20 May - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Williams, G22, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 Jun - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Williams, G04, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 Jun - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Williams, G22, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 13516, "section": "PR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 50, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 26 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Williams, G04, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "26 Feb - 26 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Williams, G22, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Williams, G04, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Williams, G22, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "4 Mar - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 22 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 6 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Williams, G04, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 6 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Williams, G22, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 6 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Williams, G04, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Williams, G22, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "13 May - 13 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "13 May - 13 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "20 May - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Williams, G04, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "20 May - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Williams, G22, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 Jun - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Williams, G04, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 Jun - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Williams, G22, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "9377": {"id": "GBxpWSeXZwIxQ8skuB6Zl", "course_id": "106113", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106113", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Professional Skills in Veterinary Bioscience III", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VET SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3514RW", "CLASS_NBR": 28942, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BSc (Veterinary Bioscience) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "VET SC 2500RW & 3 AHEMS Placement Records (At least one AHEMS placement record completed subsequent to VET SC 2500RW and prior to the commencement of VET SC 3514RW", "CO_REQUISITE": "VET SC 3516RW", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, oral presentation, communication skills assessment, practical exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course continues the development of personal and professional capabilities required of veterinary professionals by building on VET SC 2500RW:\n\nANIMAL HANDLING: students perform, practice and demonstrate the necessary skills in restraint and handling of common species encountered in veterinary practice.\nCLINICAL SKILLS: students are introduced to a number of basic clinical techniques for common veterinary species, including introduction to basic components of a general clinical examination \nVET MED COMMUNICATION: students develop basic communication and consultation skills to enable effective relationship-centred clinical interviewing techniques.\nSTRESS MANAGEMENT: students identify sources and symptoms of stress and have the opportunity to practice stress management techniques.\nHUMAN-ANIMAL BOND: students will recognise and appraise human animal relationships in the companion animal and large animal environments.\nANIMAL HUSBANDRY EXPERIENCE EVALUATION: Students evaluate and reflect on an animal husbandry extramural experiences.\nEMPLOYABILITY: Students will develop a position application and knowledge of workplace health and safety issues (WSH) as they relate to an animal enterprise or service business.\n\nStudents will be expected to have completed a minimum of fifty percent of their Animal Husbandry Extra Mural Studies (AHEMS) placement requirements and completed an AHEMS placement record subsequent to VET SC 2500RW and prior to the commencement of the course. Students analyse data collected on placements in this course.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "9378": {"id": "GBxpWSeXZwIxQ8skuB6Zl", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "qNhsR_wSvwCZg2QrgohRr", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24372, "section": "LE01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 86, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "21 Aug - 21 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Callaghan, G02, Richardson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 2 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Callaghan, G02, Richardson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "0pH640qH_Ia7yLNSYvS8T", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24373, "section": "PR01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 86, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G02, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "Callaghan, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "Callaghan, G20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "Callaghan, G14, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G69, Scrub Area"}, {"dates": "7 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "Callaghan, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "Callaghan, G19, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "Williams, G31a/G31b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "Callaghan, G17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "Callaghan, G11, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1:30pm", "end_time": "5:30pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G02, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1:30pm", "end_time": "5:30pm", "location": "Callaghan, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1:30pm", "end_time": "5:30pm", "location": "Callaghan, G20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1:30pm", "end_time": "5:30pm", "location": "Callaghan, G14, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1:30pm", "end_time": "5:30pm", "location": "Callaghan, G11, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1:30pm", "end_time": "5:30pm", "location": "Callaghan, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1:30pm", "end_time": "5:30pm", "location": "Callaghan, G19, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1:30pm", "end_time": "5:30pm", "location": "Williams, G31a/G31b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1:30pm", "end_time": "5:30pm", "location": "Callaghan, G17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1:30pm", "end_time": "5:30pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G69, Scrub Area"}, {"dates": "21 Aug - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Williams, G04, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "21 Aug - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Williams, G12, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "21 Aug - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Williams, G31a/G31b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Aug - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Applied Sciences, G06, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "21 Aug - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G69, Scrub Area"}, {"dates": "21 Aug - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Cattle Section, External, Cattle Yard"}, {"dates": "21 Aug - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Sheep Section, External, Shearing Shed"}, {"dates": "21 Aug - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Dog Section, External, Dog & Cat Facility"}, {"dates": "21 Aug - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horse Section, External, Horse Hay Shed 1"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Williams, G31a/G31b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G69, Scrub Area"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Applied Sciences, G06, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horse Section, External, Horse Hay Shed 1"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Cattle Section, External, Cattle Yard"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Sheep Section, External, Shearing Shed"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Alpaca Section, External, H9 Paddock"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Dog Section, External, Dog & Cat Facility"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Williams, G12, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G02, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "CedkI08wErycm9GmJbt4b", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 29010, "section": "TU01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 86, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Please ignore this class."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9:30pm", "end_time": "10pm", "location": " "}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "QzjESlYJ0HnHAG-9o7YZq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28941, "section": "SE01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 86, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 24 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Callaghan, G02, Richardson Lecture Theatre"}]}, {"class_nbr": 28942, "section": "WR01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 86, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 31 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Callaghan, G02, Richardson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "31 Jul - 31 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Callaghan, G02, Richardson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "28 Aug - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Callaghan, G02, Richardson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "28 Aug - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Aug - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Callaghan, G02, Richardson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "9379": {"id": "papb0Wyd5OsVmRDk47Qbu", "course_id": "106972", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106972", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Veterinary Parasitology", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VET SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3515RW", "CLASS_NBR": 21115, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BSc (Veterinary Bioscience) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "VET SC 3512RW", "INCOMPATIBLE": "VET SC 3513RW, ANIML SC 3515RW", "ASSESSMENT": "Written exams, practical core competencies log book", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will cover the scientific discipline of veterinary parasitology and the relationship between parasites and disease at the tissue and animal level in various animal hosts and body systems. The course will provide students with the theoretical and practical skills required in veterinary parasitology, including the diagnosis, control and treatment of common parasite diseases, including zoonoses.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "9380": {"id": "papb0Wyd5OsVmRDk47Qbu", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "vqEoO1ic_ZkIJaYcgnKa3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22509, "section": "LE01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 79, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "xxapPCRdgYcxYdUA-F6Mo", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21115, "section": "PR02", "size": 42, "enrolled": 36, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 25 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "8 Aug - 8 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 Aug - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 5 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "24 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 22510, "section": "PR01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 43, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 25 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "29 Aug - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "24 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "9381": {"id": "3T8BsOBwtpjdlrMllwRNJ", "course_id": "106925", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106925", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Veterinary Epidemiology & Evidence-Based Medicine III", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VET SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3516RW", "CLASS_NBR": 20752, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BSc (Veterinary Bioscience) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(STATS 1504 and VET SC 3512RW)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Evidence Based Veterinary Medicine (EBVM) & Clinical Research Skills (CRS) assessments, final examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides the basics of veterinary epidemiology applied to evidence-based veterinary medicine, clinical research and population health management. Participants will learn how to measure and compare the occurrence and spread of disease in groups or population of animals. These skills will be used to appraise scientific evidence about the aetiology, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of diseases to make evidence-based decision in clinical practice. Basic training in research methodology will also be covered to learn how to design a clinical study and generate new scientific evidence. Finally, participants will learn how to investigate disease spread within and between populations in order to manage health of animal populations.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "9382": {"id": "3T8BsOBwtpjdlrMllwRNJ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "eS_c83E0-idW893gDZ6FE", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21120, "section": "LE01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 89, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 23 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 5 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Callaghan, G02, Richardson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Callaghan, G02, Richardson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "6 Aug - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Callaghan, G02, Richardson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "20 Aug - 20 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4:30pm", "location": "Callaghan, G02, Richardson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "27 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Callaghan, G02, Richardson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Callaghan, G02, Richardson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 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11 Oct", "days": "Tuesday, , Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Leske, G18, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Leske, G18, Computer Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "9383": {"id": "GzCJxXiQ4dbTZxqgn7QUe", "course_id": "106886", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106886", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Veterinary Anatomy & Physiology III Part 1", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VET SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3520ARW", "CLASS_NBR": 14409, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 14 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BSc (Veterinary Bioscience) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "VET SC 2510ARW and VET SC 2510BRW", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Theory and practical exams, major project.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course will introduce anatomical and physiological terminology and principles using a body systems approach in a comparative context, with an emphasis on domestic species. Body systems covered are the endocrine, urinary, reproductive, nervous and sensory systems. In anatomy practical classes students will develop skills in dissection and learn to appreciate variation in structure due to species, age and sex. Students will also study the embryology and histology of body systems and use microscopy and digital resources in some practicals. In physiology practical classes students will study physiological mechanisms and principles using a blending of live animal, isolated animal tissue, human measurements and computer simulations.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "9384": {"id": "GzCJxXiQ4dbTZxqgn7QUe", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "lya-IpkqDM-9i-ZxDMa_4", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14408, "section": "LE01", "size": 110, "enrolled": 86, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Callaghan, G02, Richardson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Callaghan, G02, Richardson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "62QhyEmfyT1NiOlI_UZHj", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14409, "section": "PR01", "size": 110, "enrolled": 86, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 27 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "28 Feb - 28 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2:30pm", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Mar - 5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "6 Mar - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Callaghan, G32, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "13 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G11, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G11, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "26 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G11, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G11, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G11, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 30 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G11, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "1 May - 1 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G11, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "7 May - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "8 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "14 May - 14 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "15 May - 15 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "21 May - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "28 May - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "28 May - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory Yard"}, {"dates": "29 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory Yard"}, {"dates": "29 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "5 Jun - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "5 Jun - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G11, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "9385": {"id": "5U2ITyrngFzS8HgFLghBJ", "course_id": "106887", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106887", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Veterinary Anatomy & Physiology III Part 2", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VET SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "3520BRW", "CLASS_NBR": 24228, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to BSc (Veterinary Bioscience) students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(VET SC 3520ARW, VET SC 2510ARW, VET SC 2510BRW). In previous Semesters", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Theory and practical exams, major project.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course will introduce anatomical and physiological terminology and principles using a body systems approach in a comparative context, with an emphasis on domestic species. Body systems covered are the endocrine, urinary, reproductive, nervous and sensory systems. In anatomy practical classes students will develop skills in dissection and learn to appreciate variation in structure due to species, age and sex. Students will also study the embryology and histology of body systems and use microscopy and digital resources in some practicals. In physiology practical classes students will study physiological mechanisms and principles using a blending of live animal, isolated animal tissue, human measurements and computer simulations.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "9386": {"id": "5U2ITyrngFzS8HgFLghBJ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "w34FspiPdUUMRgpJ0mowX", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24374, "section": "LE01", "size": 110, "enrolled": 85, "available": 25, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Callaghan, G02, Richardson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Callaghan, G02, Richardson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "DfIPCqLJ7_RQCIYfrb2uJ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24228, "section": "PR02", "size": 43, "enrolled": 38, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 23 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "6 Aug - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G11, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G11, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "20 Aug - 20 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G11, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 Sep - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G11, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G02, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G11, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G11, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 24375, "section": "PR01", "size": 43, "enrolled": 47, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 23 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G11, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "6 Aug - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G11, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "20 Aug - 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3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Cattle Section, External, Cattle Yard"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Sheep Section, External, Shearing Shed"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Equine Health Section, External, Equine ICU Barn"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Dog Section, External, Dog & Cat Facility"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 1 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Cattle Section, External, Cattle Yard"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 1 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Dog Section, External, Dog & Cat Facility"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 1 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Equine Health Section, External, Equine ICU Barn"}, {"dates": "8 May - 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22 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "9:30am", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Jul - 22 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9:30am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "23 Jul - 24 Jul", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "29 Jul - 12 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Aug - 19 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Sep - 2 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 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24 Jul", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "19 Aug - 19 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8:30am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Leske, G18, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 14 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Roseworthy College Hall, G3, School Council Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "DUmghK7XhLJ9mXXcECK6Y", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23588, "section": "PR01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 88, "available": 12, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 22 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G73, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 Jul - 24 Jul", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G73, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "29 Jul - 19 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G72, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "26 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G11, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "26 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G11, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "26 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G72, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 Sep - 2 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G72, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G72, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 14 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 14 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G72, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "9391": {"id": "IMMT5kKNAXhKLcKfOO6Ee", "course_id": "106088", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106088", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Intensive Production Medicine", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VET SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7004RW", "CLASS_NBR": 20492, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Doctor of Veterinary Medicine students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "(VET SC 7009RW and VET SC 7011RW)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written assignments, in-class tests & exam, final theory exams", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will provide students with a basic knowledge and understanding of intensive production species and the common problems encountered within these systems. Emphasis will be placed on pigs, poultry and aquaculture industries.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "9392": {"id": "IMMT5kKNAXhKLcKfOO6Ee", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "w-24spOWxS_foh_rJ-Fb8", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20491, "section": "LE01", "size": 110, "enrolled": 87, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 25 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Callaghan, G02, Richardson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Callaghan, G02, Richardson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Callaghan, G02, Richardson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Callaghan, G02, Richardson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "xSDuV0SYNOXcHRsdHkODl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20492, "section": "PR01", "size": 110, "enrolled": 87, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 31 Jul", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}, {"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}, {"dates": "7 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}, {"dates": "21 Aug - 21 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Poultry Section, External, Poultry Office & Egg"}, {"dates": "28 Aug - 28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Callaghan, G32, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "4 Sep - 4 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G31, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "11 Sep - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Callaghan, G32, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Callaghan, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Callaghan, G32, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Callaghan, G02, Richardson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Callaghan, G32, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "9393": {"id": "QDqt1cE9MvjGJ--2QFP9v", "course_id": "106091", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106091", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Clinical Research Project", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VET SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7005RW", "CLASS_NBR": 23099, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 11 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Doctor of Veterinary Medicine students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Oral or poster presentation, written reports and laboratory notebook", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course consists of a clinical or clinically-related research project or other scientific endeavour as selected. Students will be working in pairs and can choose to identify and prepare a clinical case report, conduct original clinically-related research, or conduct a literature review of a standard suitable for submission for publication. Students are required to identify a relevant research advisor and submit a proposed topic, research plan & budget, and a signed statement confirming the advisor's participation to the course co-ordinators prior to the commencement of the relevant semester. Students will be required to maintain a research log book and attend weekly meetings with their research advisor. Students will have the option of selecting either an oral or poster presentation, and will be required to concurrently submit a written report on the results of the research. Students will be required to attend the poster and oral presentation of other students enrolled in the course, and will be encouraged to submit their results for publication.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "9394": {"id": "QDqt1cE9MvjGJ--2QFP9v", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Nn5I-x6f4CLsY4ZNE52mS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28985, "section": "LE01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 85, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 2 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Aug - 30 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "uY5_s7NrPI-c1iIMy5dAr", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23099, "section": "TU01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 85, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Please ignore this class."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Nov - 1 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9:30pm", "end_time": "10pm", "location": " "}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Project", "id": "AreL5cI4V7pJb71yxipNh", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28984, "section": "PJ01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 85, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Project", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Please ignore this class."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Nov - 1 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8:30pm", "end_time": "9pm", "location": " "}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "E_dwLpqmZACmUbYkM3Cu2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28986, "section": "RC01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 85, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Research", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Please ignore this class."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Nov - 1 Nov", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9pm", "end_time": "9:30pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 28989, "section": "AS01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 85, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Oct - 28 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "9395": {"id": "qkfwfkfOjwBp7byu7EBzY", "course_id": "106255", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106255", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Veterinary Pharmacology & Toxicology", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VET SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7006RW", "CLASS_NBR": 12706, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Doctor of Veterinary Medicine students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "In-class tests, tutorial/practical presentations, written assignments, final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aim of this course is to provide students with an understanding and knowledge of clinical pharmacology, toxicology and therapeutic. The course particularly covers the mechanisms of various drug actions, the PD/PK principles that are fundamental for the therapeutic uses and safe selection of therapeutic agents in clinical veterinary practice. ln addition, students will also gain knowledge of important aspects of toxicology and therapeutics.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "9396": {"id": "qkfwfkfOjwBp7byu7EBzY", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "HuFWHIrGjdd8h2D-XimT5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12704, "section": "LE01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 93, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "p1KoUxtN2NWAiT_H187rS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12705, "section": "PR01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 93, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 Apr - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 30 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 May - 14 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "21 May - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "EXkkhq2cYvNsKo-x-2Qit", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12706, "section": "TU01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 93, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "9397": {"id": "upAgPiFNNat__P86S9OgD", "course_id": "106924", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106924", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "General Pathology", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VET SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7009RW", "CLASS_NBR": 12703, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Doctor of Veterinary Medicine students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "VET SC 7000RW", "ASSESSMENT": "In-class tests, mid-term exam, final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Pathology is a core discipline in veterinary medicine. Students will learn general principles about the processes involved in disease. The course will contribute to the students' achievement in understanding fundamental principles of disease and recognizing disease states across the range of species, focusing upon domestic animals.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "9398": {"id": "upAgPiFNNat__P86S9OgD", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Q8AWGMbyZT6eJEZRMXhKY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12701, "section": "LE01", "size": 105, "enrolled": 98, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Callaghan, G02, Richardson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 29 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Callaghan, G02, Richardson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "2 May - 2 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Callaghan, G02, Richardson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "13 May - 13 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 May - 20 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Callaghan, G02, Richardson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "27 May - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Jun - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "98Os3Hr1VzvnWjy-NqjYC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12702, "section": "PR01", "size": 105, "enrolled": 98, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Leske, G18, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Leske, G18, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Callaghan, G02, Richardson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Callaghan, G02, Richardson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "9 May - 16 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Leske, G18, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "23 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G02, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Jun - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Leske, G18, Computer Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "acVYAkkXKU82rIrLyKRBY", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12703, "section": "TU01", "size": 105, "enrolled": 98, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Callaghan, G02, Richardson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Callaghan, G02, Richardson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 4 Jun", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Callaghan, G02, Richardson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "9399": {"id": "voZ44knpiyEbTVt7BOIEn", "course_id": "106923", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106923", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Systems Pathology", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VET SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7010RW", "CLASS_NBR": 22424, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Doctor of Veterinary Medicine students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "VET SC 7009RW", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "In-class tests, final exams, tutorial assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Pathology is a core discipline in veterinary medicine. Students will learn general principles about the processes involved in disease. These general principles will then be demonstrated by study of specific diseases of animals and how they affect the major body systems.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "9400": {"id": "voZ44knpiyEbTVt7BOIEn", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "HWfo5ck9JoTOibjL91W2O", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20942, "section": "LE01", "size": 110, "enrolled": 92, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Aug - 5 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Callaghan, G02, Richardson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Callaghan, G02, Richardson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "OBNyc63NJClNDYYSzrxwh", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22424, "section": "PR01", "size": 110, "enrolled": 92, "available": 18, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jul - 7 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Aug - 4 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G31, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "14 Aug - 4 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G31, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Callaghan, G02, Richardson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "23 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "9401": {"id": "bz9q_KIwdB_B6HJreizeG", "course_id": "109165", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109165", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Veterinary Clinical Pathology and Theriogenology", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VET SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7011RW", "CLASS_NBR": 11099, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Doctor of Veterinary Medicine students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "VET SC 7009RW", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "In-class tests, final theory examinations, quizzes", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will provide students with knowledge and understanding of important aspects of veterinary clinical pathology and theriogenology. In the Veterinary Clinical Pathology component of the course, students will learn to select appropriate laboratory tests and interpret the results for the diagnosis and management of animal disease. In the Theriogenology component of the course, students will gain the ability to recognise, diagnose, and treat clinical conditions affecting the reproductive system of domestic animals.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "9402": {"id": "bz9q_KIwdB_B6HJreizeG", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "kg_em_15hfmMq5JIibGco", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11100, "section": "LE01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 94, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Callaghan, G02, Richardson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "15 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Callaghan, G02, Richardson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "J4LqDNtfmN4fSP_GEoAUm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11099, "section": "TU01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 94, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "21 Mar - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 29 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Jun - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "Jp0y_sLNd3H68jVACtJSf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11101, "section": "PR01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 94, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Mar - 1 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Callaghan, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 1 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Callaghan, G32, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "8 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Callaghan, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Callaghan, G32, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "8 Mar - 8 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Callaghan, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Callaghan, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Callaghan, G32, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Callaghan, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Callaghan, G32, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Cattle Section, External, Cattle Yard"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Horse Section, External, Horse Shed 1"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Applied Sciences, G06, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 May - 3 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Cattle Section, External, Cattle Yard"}, {"dates": "10 May - 24 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Cattle Section, External, Cattle Yard"}, {"dates": "10 May - 24 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Horse Section, External, Horse Hay Shed 1"}, {"dates": "31 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Callaghan, G32, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "31 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Horse Section, External, Horse Hay Shed 1"}]}]}]}]}, "9403": {"id": "W_8WnARVp8rFURnqSWsoA", "course_id": "106495", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106495", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Wildlife and Conservation Practice", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VET SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7213RW", "CLASS_NBR": 19175, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week plus 1 field trip", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Doctor of Veterinary Medicine students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Completion of Level I of DVM or equivalent", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Passed all BSc (Vet Bioscience) exams", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quiz, Practical assessment, Group conservation practice assignment, Final examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The core course will provide DVM 2 students with the opportunity to learn about clinical wildlife practice and some aspects of zoo and exotic pet practice. Furthermore, students will learn about the principles of wildlife population management and health, one health and biodiversity and ecosystem health. Course content will consist of interactive lectures, tutorials, practicals and a field trip. Assessment will comprise quizzes, group assignments and a final examination. At the end of the course, students will acquire day one veterinary competences and have a broader understanding on the biodiversity conservation issues we face in society and how they veterinarians can contribute to the conservation of biodiversity.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "9404": {"id": "W_8WnARVp8rFURnqSWsoA", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "2NUOuDG-hY-C3-I7guAmk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19175, "section": "TU01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 92, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 26 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Mar - 15 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Mar - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Apr - 5 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 6 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "3 May - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 May - 6 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 May - 10 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4:30pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 May - 20 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "27 May - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5:30pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "G1JL1QYpsfAozoWhaO0ss", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14411, "section": "PR01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 92, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G31, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "4 Mar - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G72, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G31, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G72, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 29 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G31, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 29 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G72, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "6 May - 6 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Williams, G12, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "6 May - 6 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G72, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "20 May - 20 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Williams, G12, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "20 May - 20 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G72, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Fieldwork", "id": "Ss2ZovFXagibWOXyJ4cet", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19171, "section": "FL01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 92, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Fieldwork", "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}, {"dates": "1 May - 15 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "id": "y3EtvmLtU-n7zFVVgDw9-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19169, "section": "AS01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 92, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Please ignore this class."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Jun - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9pm", "end_time": "9:30pm", "location": " "}]}, {"class_nbr": 19170, "section": "CL01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 92, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Clinical", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Mar - 22 Mar", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "13 May - 13 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "9405": {"id": "hc0bOsK3DHBJzQy-h-eO4", "course_id": "106497", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106497", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Veterinary Public Health and Biosecurity", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VET SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7223RW", "CLASS_NBR": 20563, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week plus three field trips per Semester", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Doctor of Veterinary Medicine students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Completion of Level I of DVM or equivalent", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Team based presentations, field trip report, examinations", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Veterinary Public Health has been defined by Food and Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations, World Health Organisation/ World Organisation for Animal Health as 'the sum of all contributions to the physical, mental and social well-being of humans through an understanding and application of veterinary science'. Veterinary Public Health thus embraces the following areas of knowledge: diagnosis, surveillance, epidemiology, control, prevention and elimination of zoonoses and of diseases that threaten food security and social cohesion; protection of food (including meat and milk) for human consumption; food and meat science; environmental protection; animal welfare standards; and the social, behavioural and mental aspects of human-animal relationships.\n\nVeterinary Biosecurity is intrinsically linked to Veterinary Public Health and covers specific aspects on disease prevention, disease surveillance at the national, regional, state and enterprise (farm) level.\n\nIn order to understand food production including welfare and food safety issues, students will attend field trips to abattoirs.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "9406": {"id": "hc0bOsK3DHBJzQy-h-eO4", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "7yJVa2sseqGgbiBkOtFJU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20751, "section": "LE01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 92, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 22 Jul", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9:30am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Jul - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Jul - 5 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Aug - 19 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Aug - 2 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Aug - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Sep - 2 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 14 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G02, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Callaghan, G02, Richardson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "cjtgut7Qu9NZUpbkPrB_B", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20563, "section": "WR01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 92, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 2 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Leske, G18, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4:30pm", "location": "Roseworthy College Hall, G3, School Council Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Fieldwork", "id": "vQI4JvpYS9KOfS4arztkQ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24272, "section": "FL01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 92, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Fieldwork", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 2 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}]}]}]}]}, "9407": {"id": "7JGJiZJ9n1d_90_iSyHx-", "course_id": "108411", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108411", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Companion Animal Practice Part 1", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VET SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7230ARW", "CLASS_NBR": 11847, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "4 hours of Lectures per week. Up to 18 x 3 hour practicals throughout the course plus 8 full day Desexing Clinic rotations during the year", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Doctor of Veterinary Medicine students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Completion of Year 1 DVM or equivalent", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "VET SC 7210RW and VET SC 7220RW", "ASSESSMENT": "On-course assignments; Mid-Semester examination and end-Semester 1 & 2 exams. Formative assessment \u2013 practical competence in anaesthetising and desexing dogs and cats.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course students will learn about the pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment of medical and surgical conditions that are encountered in companion animal practice.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "9408": {"id": "7JGJiZJ9n1d_90_iSyHx-", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "WzCouuSlotihDa78NX2uM", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12319, "section": "LE01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 94, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 29 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Mar - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "7 Mar - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Mar - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "14 Mar - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Mar - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 2 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "2 May - 2 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "2 May - 2 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 May - 16 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "23 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 May - 23 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "MFOqKalEPrrN7YwkK5Rkz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11847, "section": "WR01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 94, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 29 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Mar - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "2:30pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Mar - 7 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2:30pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Veterinary Science, G02, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Leske, G18, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 May - 16 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "23 May - 23 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Jun - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "sW3euv6AuxG9HoYQALXjq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19133, "section": "TU01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 94, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Clinical", "id": "Ejw_BzOFyB3z44HKBBj98", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13813, "section": "CL01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 94, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Clinical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G72, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "1 May - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G72, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 14936, "section": "PR01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 94, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 29 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G73, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 29 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G72, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "14 Mar - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G73, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "14 Mar - 21 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G72, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "9 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G73, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "9 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G72, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "30 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G73, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "30 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G72, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "9409": {"id": "2OPJjwlk_uT6tgCm-QDKO", "course_id": "108412", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108412", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Companion Animal Practice Part 2", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VET SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7230BRW", "CLASS_NBR": 21135, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "4 hours of Lectures per week. Up to 18 x 3 hour practicals throughout the course plus 8 full day Desexing Clinic rotations during the year", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Doctor of Veterinary Medicine students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Completion of Year 1 of DVM or equivalent", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "VET SC 7210RW and VET SC 7220RW", "ASSESSMENT": "On-course assignments; Mid-Semester examination and end-Semester 1 & 2 exam. Formative assessment \u2013 practical competence in anaesthetising and desexing dogs and cats.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course students will learn about the pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment of medical and surgical conditions that are encountered in companion animal practice.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "9410": {"id": "2OPJjwlk_uT6tgCm-QDKO", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Ym2S1EXvgF3W457gkdJk1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22244, "section": "LE01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 94, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 25 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Aug - 8 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "8 Aug - 8 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Williams, G36, Stefanson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "22 Aug - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Aug - 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5 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Mar - 12 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "19 Mar - 19 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Callaghan, G02, Richardson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "26 Mar - 26 Mar", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 30 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 May - 7 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 May - 21 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 May - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "9417": {"id": "A2evXncJn-pyESU_S3Y9i", "course_id": "109098", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109098", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Equine Clinical Practice Part 2", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VET SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7250BRW", "CLASS_NBR": 22795, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Doctor of Veterinary Medicine students only or by agreement with the course coordinator", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Completion of Level I DVM or equivalent", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "VET SC 2510RW, VET SC 3520RW, ANIML SC 2505RW", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Mid Semester tests, End of Semester examinations, Quizzes", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course provides students with the opportunity to learn and apply the principles of evaluating case history, clinical presentations, diagnosis, and treatment or management of medical and surgical conditions encountered in equine practice.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "9418": {"id": "A2evXncJn-pyESU_S3Y9i", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "3QLkNSLAzfOnQcON12Hki", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20941, "section": "LE01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 93, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 23 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "23 Jul - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Jul - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Jul - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 20 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 Aug - 20 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Aug - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Aug - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Sep - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "oWQU8ArB3Ggia85JKoews", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22795, "section": "TU01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 93, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 23 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "2:30pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "23 Jul - 23 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2:30pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "6 Aug - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 Aug - 20 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Sep - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Sep - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Leske, G18, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "c7p0ui8ETNBr7oLLedkv8", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23343, "section": "PR01", "size": 100, "enrolled": 93, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G11, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "6 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horse Section, External, Horse Stables 1"}, {"dates": "6 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horse Section, External, Horse Stables 2"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horse Section, External, Horse Stables 1"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horse Section, External, Horse Stables 2"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "9419": {"id": "j7at-_MKgH9Z-24DEpB9V", "course_id": "106906", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106906", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Equine Practice Rotation A", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VET SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7300ARW", "CLASS_NBR": 15814, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 1.5, "EFTLS": 0.0625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 8 hours per day for 3 weeks", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Doctor of Veterinary Medicine students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Completion of Level I & II of DVM program", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Clinical case evaluations, rotation assessment matrix, oral case presentation, grand rounds presentations", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course provides students with the opportunity to develop skills and knowledge within the field of equine medicine and surgery. By focussing on the basic principles of evaluating case history, assessing clinical presentations, formulating differential diagnosis lists, and applying appropriate treatment or management of common medical and surgical conditions encountered in equine practice, students will improve upon the five key day one competencies.\n\nStudents will participate in daily professional veterinary service activities, the rostered on-call emergency service after hours (weekends and evenings), case based hospital rounds, small group teaching activities as well as grand rounds presentations.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "9420": {"id": "j7at-_MKgH9Z-24DEpB9V", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "id": "VUXyhz3HtUyFFu0fqUknD", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15814, "section": "01RW", "size": 70, "enrolled": 54, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Clinical"}]}]}]}, "9421": {"id": "VrGFLKRscxt0jREvzQ5ku", "course_id": "106907", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106907", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Equine Practice Rotation B", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VET SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7300BRW", "CLASS_NBR": 15815, "SESSION_CD": "FM2", "UNITS": 1.5, "EFTLS": 0.0625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 8 hours per day for 3 weeks", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Doctor of Veterinary Medicine students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Completion of Level I & II DVM program", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Clinical case evaluations, rotation assessment matrix, oral case presentation, grand rounds presentations", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course provides students with the opportunity to develop skills and knowledge within the field of equine medicine and surgery. By focussing on the basic principles of evaluating case history, assessing clinical presentations, formulating differential diagnosis lists, and applying appropriate treatment or management of common medical and surgical conditions encountered in equine practice, students will improve upon the five key day one competencies.\n\nStudents will participate in daily professional veterinary service activities, the rostered on-call emergency service after hours (weekends and evenings), case based hospital rounds, small group teaching activities as well as grand rounds presentations.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "9422": {"id": "VrGFLKRscxt0jREvzQ5ku", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "id": "A2HB_sjwfCroyYZVfUmEH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15815, "section": "01RW", "size": 70, "enrolled": 0, "available": 70, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Clinical"}]}]}]}, "9423": {"id": "zlsvVKqKDfqizhV56PHcX", "course_id": "106907", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106907", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Equine Practice Rotation B", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VET SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7300BRW", "CLASS_NBR": 25825, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 1.5, "EFTLS": 0.0625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 8 hours per day for 3 weeks", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Doctor of Veterinary Medicine students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Completion of Level I & II DVM program", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Clinical case evaluations, rotation assessment matrix, oral case presentation, grand rounds presentations", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course provides students with the opportunity to develop skills and knowledge within the field of equine medicine and surgery. By focussing on the basic principles of evaluating case history, assessing clinical presentations, formulating differential diagnosis lists, and applying appropriate treatment or management of common medical and surgical conditions encountered in equine practice, students will improve upon the five key day one competencies.\n\nStudents will participate in daily professional veterinary service activities, the rostered on-call emergency service after hours (weekends and evenings), case based hospital rounds, small group teaching activities as well as grand rounds presentations.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "9424": {"id": "zlsvVKqKDfqizhV56PHcX", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "id": "UsBsgpYhu0qJL829utaJ5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25825, "section": "01RW", "size": 70, "enrolled": 54, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Clinical"}]}]}]}, "9425": {"id": "N3T7Oh8GwrTwTZovDJVYG", "course_id": "106908", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106908", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Rural Mixed Animal Practice Rotation A", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VET SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7301ARW", "CLASS_NBR": 15816, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 1.5, "EFTLS": 0.0625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Approximately 8 hours a day for 3 weeks", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Doctor of Veterinary Medicine students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Completion of Level I & II DVM program or equivalent", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Clinical reasoning/problem solving/knowledge, technical skills, communication skills, patient care, professional behaviours will be assessed using a range of modalities", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This core rotation will develop skills and knowledge in relation to the practice of veterinary medicine and surgery in cattle, sheep, other farmed production animal species, and occasionally horses and companion animals, as appropriate. The rotation will cover the diagnosis, control, prevention and treatment of the important conditions in these species at the individual, group and population level. The application of population medicine, husbandry and nutrition in improving health, welfare, productivity and profitability will be emphasised. \n\nStudents will undertake experiences within clinic, ambulatory and on-farm settings that may be carried out off-site. Some weekend and out of hours work may be expected within the rotation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "9426": {"id": "N3T7Oh8GwrTwTZovDJVYG", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "id": "Us7WXbhYSnMX5Y8ASqBHQ", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15816, "section": "01RW", "size": 70, "enrolled": 54, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Clinical"}]}]}]}, "9427": {"id": "ZCPNqX8szVLRJdBbvHayH", "course_id": "106909", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106909", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Rural Mixed Animal Practice Rotation B", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VET SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7301BRW", "CLASS_NBR": 25826, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 1.5, "EFTLS": 0.0625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 8 hours per day for 3 weeks", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Doctor of Veterinary Medicine students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Completion of Level I & II DVM program or equivalent", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Clinical reasoning/problem solving/knowledge, technical skills, communication skills, patient care, professional behaviours will be assessed using a range of modalities.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This core rotation will develop skills and knowledge in relation to the practice of veterinary medicine and surgery in cattle, sheep, other farmed production animal species, and occasionally horses and companion animals, as appropriate. The rotation will cover the diagnosis, control, prevention and treatment of the important conditions in these species at the individual, group and population level. The application of population medicine, husbandry and nutrition in improving health, welfare, productivity and profitability will be emphasised. \n\nStudents will undertake experiences within clinic, ambulatory and on-farm settings that may be carried out off-site. Some weekend and out of hours work may be expected within the rotation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "9428": {"id": "ZCPNqX8szVLRJdBbvHayH", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "id": "dpfkKvhGPNxHwBSrw1H4u", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25826, "section": "01RW", "size": 70, "enrolled": 54, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Clinical"}]}]}]}, "9429": {"id": "g45K5KzJxTsyCy3w7C-CZ", "course_id": "106910", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106910", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Companion Animal Practice Rotation A", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VET SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7302ARW", "CLASS_NBR": 15817, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 1.5, "EFTLS": 0.0625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 10 hours per day for two 3 week blocks", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Doctor of Veterinary Medicine students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Completion of Level I & II DVM program", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Observation by instructors and peers during practical activities & case discussions, assessment of written & oral case records & reviews", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course comprises two 3 week modules that comprise supervised clinical experience in the Companion Animal Health Centre (CAHC) at Roseworthy campus. The students will participate as assistants in case-related activity in the clinic, including consultations, case management, in-hospital care, out-of-hours case management, report writing and client communication. The students will participate in clinical rounds. Module 1 (3 weeks)is primarily devoted to general practice, medicine and surgery. Module 2 (3 weeks) is primarily devoted to emergency and critical care. Some weekend and out-of-hours' work will be expected within the rotation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "9430": {"id": "g45K5KzJxTsyCy3w7C-CZ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "id": "BXSKTngpAc0jw6RfFsk75", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15817, "section": "01RW", "size": 70, "enrolled": 54, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Clinical"}]}]}]}, "9431": {"id": "YX5FNH6_LodZ77IQqiPlU", "course_id": "106911", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106911", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Companion Animal Practice Rotation B", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VET SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7302BRW", "CLASS_NBR": 25827, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 1.5, "EFTLS": 0.0625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 10 hours per day for two 3 week blocks", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Doctor of Veterinary Medicine students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Completion of Level I & II DVM program", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Observation by instructors & peers during practical activities & case discussions, assessment of written & oral case records & reviews", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course comprises two 3 week modules that comprise supervised clinical experience in the Companion Animal Health Centre (CAHC) at Roseworthy campus. The students will participate as assistants in case-related activity in the clinic, including consultations, case management, in-hospital care, out-of-hours case management, report writing and client communication. The students will participate in clinical rounds. Module 1 (3 weeks)is primarily devoted to general practice, medicine and surgery. Module 2 (3 weeks) is primarily devoted to emergency and critical care. Some weekend and out-of-hours' work will be expected within the rotation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "9432": {"id": "YX5FNH6_LodZ77IQqiPlU", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "id": "7fVhBeP5vZidAIWTRvsJp", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25827, "section": "01RW", "size": 70, "enrolled": 54, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Clinical"}]}]}]}, "9433": {"id": "l0tdbuT1XM8EI7In-Mt6j", "course_id": "106912", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106912", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Anaesthesia & Analgesia Rotation A", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VET SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7303ARW", "CLASS_NBR": 15818, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 1.5, "EFTLS": 0.0625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 8 hours per day for 3 week block", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Doctor of Veterinary Medicine students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Completion of Level I & II DVM program", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Professional skills & attributes, practical competencies, knowledge, problem solving/clinical reasoning, case management", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course students will build further knowledge and practical skills in anaesthesia and analgesia in a range of domestic, domesticated and wildlife species. The rotation will provide experience in the evaluation, anaesthesia and recovery of different animals within high quality small and large animal facilities as well as in field situations where appropriate. Pain management both acute and chronic will be a significant part of the rotational experience. \nFive categories of essential day one competencies will be assessed during the rotation. \n\nRotations will consist of clinical activities, tutorials, case-based discussions and assignments, and self-learning. Some weekend and out of hours work will be expected within the rotation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "9434": {"id": "l0tdbuT1XM8EI7In-Mt6j", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "id": "mURo7vfCOmnpjxxk9MjJ-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15818, "section": "01RW", "size": 70, "enrolled": 54, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Clinical"}]}]}]}, "9435": {"id": "cXPmoOHri77-5ewtbclRi", "course_id": "106913", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106913", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Anaesthesia & Analgesia Rotation B", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VET SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7303BRW", "CLASS_NBR": 15819, "SESSION_CD": "FM2", "UNITS": 1.5, "EFTLS": 0.0625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 8 hours per day for 3 week block", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Doctor of Veterinary Medicine students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Completion of Level I & II DVM program", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Professional skills & attributes, practical competencies, knowledge, problem solving/clinical reasoning, case management", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course students will build further knowledge and practical skills in anaesthesia and analgesia in a range of domestic, domesticated and wildlife species. The rotation will provide experience in the evaluation, anaesthesia and recovery of different animals within high quality small and large animal facilities as well as in field situations where appropriate. Pain management both acute and chronic will be a significant part of the rotational experience. \nFive categories of essential day one competencies will be assessed during the rotation. \n\nRotations will consist of clinical activities, tutorials, case-based discussions and assignments, and self-learning. Some weekend and out of hours work will be expected within the rotation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "9436": {"id": "cXPmoOHri77-5ewtbclRi", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "id": "bSiq1wcfoI5uTRC8tFscm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15819, "section": "01RW", "size": 70, "enrolled": 0, "available": 70, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Clinical"}]}]}]}, "9437": {"id": "KtA9f8mOCh7UbJUKByUTe", "course_id": "106913", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106913", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Anaesthesia & Analgesia Rotation B", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VET SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7303BRW", "CLASS_NBR": 25828, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 1.5, "EFTLS": 0.0625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 8 hours per day for 3 week block", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Doctor of Veterinary Medicine students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Completion of Level I & II DVM program", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Professional skills & attributes, practical competencies, knowledge, problem solving/clinical reasoning, case management", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "In this course students will build further knowledge and practical skills in anaesthesia and analgesia in a range of domestic, domesticated and wildlife species. The rotation will provide experience in the evaluation, anaesthesia and recovery of different animals within high quality small and large animal facilities as well as in field situations where appropriate. Pain management both acute and chronic will be a significant part of the rotational experience. \nFive categories of essential day one competencies will be assessed during the rotation. \n\nRotations will consist of clinical activities, tutorials, case-based discussions and assignments, and self-learning. Some weekend and out of hours work will be expected within the rotation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "9438": {"id": "KtA9f8mOCh7UbJUKByUTe", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "id": "2D14UgVOWcb2fGb2VMQnm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25828, "section": "01RW", "size": 70, "enrolled": 54, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Clinical"}]}]}]}, "9439": {"id": "0OpvZLmx-G2kwN8i5nT3r", "course_id": "106914", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106914", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Pathology & Diagnostic Services Rotation A", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VET SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7304ARW", "CLASS_NBR": 15820, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 1.5, "EFTLS": 0.0625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 8 hours per day for 3 week block", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Doctor of Veterinary Medicine students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Completion of Level I & II of DVM program", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Observation by instructors & peers during practical activities & case discussions, assessment of written pathology report, quizzes, end of rotation case presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students will spend a total of three weeks in the School's pathology service facilities (Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory), performing necropsies, studying applied anatomic pathology, writing clinical pathology case reports and studying clinical pathology. Students will revise collections of gross and microscopic specimens, interpret archived specimens of clinical lab data, and rotate through other diagnostic disciplines including microbiology, parasitology, virology, molecular diagnostics and serology. \nSome weekend and out of hours' work may be expected within the rotation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "9440": {"id": "0OpvZLmx-G2kwN8i5nT3r", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "id": "qCtSJKJES8IX72NSyfaL4", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15820, "section": "01RW", "size": 70, "enrolled": 54, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Clinical"}]}]}]}, "9441": {"id": "nfIjDuMSYtGxnj-u5kndg", "course_id": "106915", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106915", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Pathology & Diagnostic Services Rotation B", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VET SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7304BRW", "CLASS_NBR": 25829, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 1.5, "EFTLS": 0.0625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 8 hours per day for 3 week rotation", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Doctor of Veterinary Medicine students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Completion of Level I & II of DVM program", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Observation by instructors and peers during practical activities & case discussions, assessment of written pathology reports, quizzes, end of rotation case presentation", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students will spend a total of three weeks in the Schools pathology service facilities (Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory), performing necropsies, studying applied anatomic pathology, writing clinical pathology case reports and studying clinical pathology. Students will revise collections of gross and microscopic specimens, interpret archived specimens of clinical lab data, and rotate through other diagnostic disciplines including microbiology, parasitology, virology, molecular diagnostics and serology. \nSome weekend and out of hours' work may be expected within the rotation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "9442": {"id": "nfIjDuMSYtGxnj-u5kndg", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "id": "aT8e6oEDXMCmKt_saHOln", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25829, "section": "01RW", "size": 70, "enrolled": 54, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Clinical"}]}]}]}, "9443": {"id": "LzMWZvwUGMUDNPi4w7i4D", "course_id": "106916", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106916", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Veterinary Public Health Rotation A", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VET SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7305ARW", "CLASS_NBR": 15821, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 1.5, "EFTLS": 0.0625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 8 hours per day for a 3 week block", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Doctor of Veterinary Medicine students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Completion of Level I & II DVM program", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written assignment, oral presentation, field trip report, final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Final year rotation will see the DVM III students build on their DVM II Veterinary Public Health experience. The rotation will include components that can be delivered online.\n\nStudents will be exposed to a variety of theoretical and practical activities to achieve Day 1 competency in Veterinary Public Health. This may include activities performed in association with laboratories, Primary Industries and Regions SA, South Australian Research and Development Institute, Department of Agriculture, abattoirs and other food and meat processing facilities. They will also do case work with academics in areas of VPH/One Health. Some weekend and out of hours work may be expected within the rotation.\n\nTopic Definition: Veterinary Public Health has been defined by Food and Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations, World Health Organisation/ World Organisation for Animal Health as 'the sum of all contributions to the physical, mental and social well-being of humans through an understanding and application of veterinary science'. Veterinary Public Health thus embraces the following areas of knowledge: diagnosis, surveillance, epidemiology, control, prevention and elimination of zoonosis and of diseases that threaten food security and social cohesion; protection of food (including meat and milk) for human consumption; food and meat science; environmental protection; animal welfare standards; and the social, behavioural and mental aspects of human-animal relationships.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "9444": {"id": "LzMWZvwUGMUDNPi4w7i4D", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "id": "MQJKO2D93Lz6cCA3WscKO", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15821, "section": "01RW", "size": 70, "enrolled": 54, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Clinical"}]}]}]}, "9445": {"id": "jH-8Rh99gbvb9RH5tD_RX", "course_id": "106918", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106918", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Veterinary Public Health Rotation B", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VET SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7305BRW", "CLASS_NBR": 25830, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 1.5, "EFTLS": 0.0625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 8 hours per day for 3 week block", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Doctor of Veterinary Medicine students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Completion of Level I & II DVM program", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignment, oral presentation, case/project report", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Final year rotation will see the DVM III students build on their DVM II Veterinary Public Health experience. The rotation will include components that can be delivered online.\n\nStudents will be exposed to a variety of theoretical and practical activities to achieve Day 1 competency in Veterinary Public Health. This may include activities performed in association with laboratories, Primary Industries and Regions SA, South Australian Research and Development Institute, Department of Agriculture, abattoirs and other food and meat processing facilities. They will also do case work with academics in areas of VPH/One Health. Some weekend and out of hours work may be expected within the rotation.\n\nTopic Definition: Veterinary Public Health has been defined by Food and Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations, World Health Organisation/ World Organisation for Animal Health as 'the sum of all contributions to the physical, mental and social well-being of humans through an understanding and application of veterinary science'. Veterinary Public Health thus embraces the following areas of knowledge: diagnosis, surveillance, epidemiology, control, prevention and elimination of zoonosis and of diseases that threaten food security and social cohesion; protection of food (including meat and milk) for human consumption; food and meat science; environmental protection; animal welfare standards; and the social, behavioural and mental aspects of human-animal relationships.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "9446": {"id": "jH-8Rh99gbvb9RH5tD_RX", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "id": "0-g4KctumObnkDknCsaoz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25830, "section": "01RW", "size": 70, "enrolled": 54, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Clinical"}]}]}]}, "9447": {"id": "lJj5sbCIcvOidD6pPXOJn", "course_id": "106926", "term": "4405", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106926", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4405", "TERM_DESCR": "Summer School", "COURSE_TITLE": "DVM Elective Topics", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VET SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7306RW", "CLASS_NBR": 92185, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per day for two 3 week intensive blocks", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Doctor of Veterinary Medicine students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Completion of Level I & II DVM program. Some topics will require specific core Level III rotations", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Attendance, on-rotation assessment, Evidence-Based Veterinary Medicine review", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students select two electives from a list of topics offered annually by the School. Content will vary within individual elective topics, allowing students to gain more in-depth knowledge in a specific area within veterinary science. Each of the two elective topics will be 3 weeks in duration and may or may not occur on campus. In some years, overseas and interstate elective options may be offered.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 09/01/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 12/01/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Mon 05/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 21/02/2024"}}]}, "9448": {"id": "lJj5sbCIcvOidD6pPXOJn", "class_list": [{"association_group": "", "groups": []}]}, "9449": {"id": "x6WMiLXHgrvrQkfBtvet1", "course_id": "106926", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106926", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "DVM Elective Topics", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VET SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7306RW", "CLASS_NBR": 15822, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per day for two 3 week intensive blocks", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Doctor of Veterinary Medicine students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Completion of Level I & II DVM program. Some topics will require specific core Level III rotations", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Attendance, on-rotation assessment, Evidence-Based Veterinary Medicine review", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students select two electives from a list of topics offered annually by the School. Content will vary within individual elective topics, allowing students to gain more in-depth knowledge in a specific area within veterinary science. Each of the two elective topics will be 3 weeks in duration and may or may not occur on campus. In some years, overseas and interstate elective options may be offered.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "9450": {"id": "x6WMiLXHgrvrQkfBtvet1", "class_list": [{"association_group": "", "groups": []}]}, "9451": {"id": "iN0WtmedwmSJwbf68Ekax", "course_id": "106926", "term": "4415", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106926", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4415", "TERM_DESCR": "Winter School", "COURSE_TITLE": "DVM Elective Topics", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VET SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7306RW", "CLASS_NBR": 95099, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per day for two 3 week intensive blocks", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Doctor of Veterinary Medicine students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Completion of Level I & II DVM program. Some topics will require specific core Level III rotations", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Attendance, on-rotation assessment, Evidence-Based Veterinary Medicine review", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students select two electives from a list of topics offered annually by the School. Content will vary within individual elective topics, allowing students to gain more in-depth knowledge in a specific area within veterinary science. Each of the two elective topics will be 3 weeks in duration and may or may not occur on campus. In some years, overseas and interstate elective options may be offered.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 24/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Fri 28/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Thu 11/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 17/07/2024"}}]}, "9452": {"id": "iN0WtmedwmSJwbf68Ekax", "class_list": [{"association_group": "", "groups": []}]}, "9453": {"id": "EPaLFKf1D9NFF3JG9A0WQ", "course_id": "106926", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106926", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "DVM Elective Topics", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VET SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7306RW", "CLASS_NBR": 29684, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per day for two 3 week intensive blocks", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Doctor of Veterinary Medicine students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Completion of Level I & II DVM program. Some topics will require specific core Level III rotations", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Attendance, on-rotation assessment, Evidence-Based Veterinary Medicine review", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Students select two electives from a list of topics offered annually by the School. Content will vary within individual elective topics, allowing students to gain more in-depth knowledge in a specific area within veterinary science. Each of the two elective topics will be 3 weeks in duration and may or may not occur on campus. In some years, overseas and interstate elective options may be offered.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "9454": {"id": "EPaLFKf1D9NFF3JG9A0WQ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "-uoOKJkDoXy1K1ZMD91b1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25831, "section": "01RW", "size": 70, "enrolled": 16, "available": 54, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical"}, {"class_nbr": 29678, "section": "02RW", "size": 70, "enrolled": 1, "available": 69, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical"}, {"class_nbr": 29679, "section": "03RW", "size": 70, "enrolled": 5, "available": 65, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical"}, {"class_nbr": 29680, "section": "04RW", "size": 70, "enrolled": 5, "available": 65, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical"}, {"class_nbr": 29681, "section": "05RW", "size": 70, "enrolled": 5, "available": 65, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical"}, {"class_nbr": 29682, "section": "06RW", "size": 70, "enrolled": 8, "available": 62, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical"}, {"class_nbr": 29683, "section": "07RW", "size": 70, "enrolled": 10, "available": 60, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical"}, {"class_nbr": 29684, "section": "08RW", "size": 70, "enrolled": 4, "available": 66, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Practical"}]}]}]}, "9455": {"id": "mlbLvv9h3OFZMjb3NIrBZ", "course_id": "109381", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109381", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Transition to the Veterinary Profession A", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VET SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7308ARW", "CLASS_NBR": 11093, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 1.5, "EFTLS": 0.0625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "7 hours per day in 4 x 1 week blocks", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Doctor of Veterinary Medicine students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Completion of Level I & II DVM program", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Examination, written, oral and practical", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is the final course in the DVM program preparing students for entry into post-graduate life. The course transitions students from didactic learning in DVM I & II to a workplace-based learning environment in the final year and then on to entry into the veterinary profession. The course runs in four - one week blocks spread across the final year to present topics when they are most relevant and have the most impact on student learning.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "9456": {"id": "mlbLvv9h3OFZMjb3NIrBZ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "wYNdQ0UacIL0zQYk3BY1O", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11093, "section": "WR01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 55, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Jan - 5 Jan", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Jan - 2 Feb", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "9457": {"id": "ERgfoPXXzFNIhEwqlAj5I", "course_id": "109382", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109382", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Transition to the Veterinary Profession B", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VET SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7308BRW", "CLASS_NBR": 11094, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 1.5, "EFTLS": 0.0625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "7 hours per day in 4 x 1 week blocks", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Doctor of Veterinary Medicine students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Completion of Level I & II of DVM program", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Examination, written, oral and practical", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is the final course in the DVM program preparing students for entry into post-graduate life. The course transitions students from didactic learning in DVM I & II to a workplace-based learning environment in the final year and then on to entry into the veterinary profession. The course runs in four-one week blocks spread across the final year to present topics when they are most relevant and have the most impact on student learning.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "9458": {"id": "ERgfoPXXzFNIhEwqlAj5I", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "Htj0o91Io7J96Tr45a6Sa", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11094, "section": "WR01", "size": 3, "enrolled": 3, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Jan - 5 Jan", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Jan - 2 Feb", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "9459": {"id": "prmrgNSD_DZ_pzHCBDv_Q", "course_id": "109382", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "109382", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Transition to the Veterinary Profession B", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VET SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7308BRW", "CLASS_NBR": 21046, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 1.5, "EFTLS": 0.0625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "7 hours per day in 4 x 1 week blocks", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Doctor of Veterinary Medicine students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Completion of Level I & II of DVM program", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Examination, written, oral and practical", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is the final course in the DVM program preparing students for entry into post-graduate life. 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The course runs in four-one week blocks spread across the final year to present topics when they are most relevant and have the most impact on student learning.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "9460": {"id": "prmrgNSD_DZ_pzHCBDv_Q", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "X1hlDfTPsCCV1f3HsMsEU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21046, "section": "WR01", "size": 70, "enrolled": 55, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "14 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Callaghan, G17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Callaghan, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Callaghan, G20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Callaghan, G14, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Callaghan, G11, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Callaghan, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Callaghan, G19, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Callaghan, G17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Callaghan, G20, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Callaghan, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Callaghan, G14, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Callaghan, G11, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Callaghan, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Callaghan, G19, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "9461": {"id": "fbimdJ65vo2lhI_MEMiyQ", "course_id": "110203", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110203", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Necropsy and Surgical Pathology - Part A", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VET SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7400ARW", "CLASS_NBR": 16202, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 10 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Restricted to Master of Philosophy in Veterinary Pathology students only. Restricted to domestic students only who have completed a DVM (or equivalent).", "PRE_REQUISITE": "DVM or equivalent", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Case logs, Clinical performance, Oral presentations", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course focuses on developing observation, interpretation and reporting skills for veterinary gross pathology and histopathology. Students will perform necropsies and select tissues for histopathological examination and ancillary testing. They will also be exposed to techniques of processing and staining (routine, special stains and immunohistochemical staining) and microscopic technique. There will be special attention paid to describing gross and microscopic changes, and writing diagnostic reports. Students will be exposed to the fundamentals of interpretation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "9462": {"id": "fbimdJ65vo2lhI_MEMiyQ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "JiQQWc_ERVHFSL5c4meN7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16202, "section": "01RW", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "9463": {"id": "vEX2O50N9oC2hn3U5fOTN", "course_id": "110203", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110203", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Necropsy and Surgical Pathology - Part A", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VET SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7400ARW", "CLASS_NBR": 26214, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 10 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Restricted to Master of Philosophy in Veterinary Pathology students only. Restricted to domestic students only who have completed a DVM (or equivalent).", "PRE_REQUISITE": "DVM or equivalent", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Case logs, Clinical performance, Oral presentations", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course focuses on developing observation, interpretation and reporting skills for veterinary gross pathology and histopathology. Students will perform necropsies and select tissues for histopathological examination and ancillary testing. They will also be exposed to techniques of processing and staining (routine, special stains and immunohistochemical staining) and microscopic technique. There will be special attention paid to describing gross and microscopic changes, and writing diagnostic reports. Students will be exposed to the fundamentals of interpretation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "9464": {"id": "vEX2O50N9oC2hn3U5fOTN", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "fxP-Pqs4BkKp0oIelgQEs", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26214, "section": "01RW", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "9465": {"id": "6r7-oTeeFMUGU2XKh9v1O", "course_id": "110204", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110204", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Necropsy and Surgical Pathology - Part B", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VET SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7400BRW", "CLASS_NBR": 16203, "SESSION_CD": "FM2", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 10 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Restricted to Master of Philosophy in Veterinary Pathology students only. Restricted to domestic students only who have completed a DVM (or equivalent).", "PRE_REQUISITE": "VET SC 7400ARW", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Case logs, clinical performance, oral presentations", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course focuses on developing observation, interpretation and reporting skills for veterinary gross pathology and histopathology. Students will perform necropsies and select tissues for histopathological examination and ancillary testing. They will also be exposed to techniques of processing and staining (routine, special stains and immunohistochemical staining) and microscopic technique. There will be special attention paid to describing gross and microscopic changes, and writing diagnostic reports. Students will be exposed to the fundamentals of interpretation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "9466": {"id": "6r7-oTeeFMUGU2XKh9v1O", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "qy0S182pesJbSqQ_yq75O", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16203, "section": "01RW", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "9467": {"id": "cFcwwTy4LiwL4H19oY_k5", "course_id": "110204", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110204", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Necropsy and Surgical Pathology - Part B", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VET SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7400BRW", "CLASS_NBR": 26215, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 10 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Restricted to Master of Philosophy in Veterinary Pathology students only. Restricted to domestic students only who have completed a DVM (or equivalent).", "PRE_REQUISITE": "VET SC 7400ARW", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Case logs, clinical performance, oral presentations", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course focuses on developing observation, interpretation and reporting skills for veterinary gross pathology and histopathology. Students will perform necropsies and select tissues for histopathological examination and ancillary testing. They will also be exposed to techniques of processing and staining (routine, special stains and immunohistochemical staining) and microscopic technique. There will be special attention paid to describing gross and microscopic changes, and writing diagnostic reports. Students will be exposed to the fundamentals of interpretation.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "9468": {"id": "cFcwwTy4LiwL4H19oY_k5", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "AsrZM9GM438ZeJFWyXNTd", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26215, "section": "01RW", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "9469": {"id": "hyzl8x3LvdSyRf-Ljj5Cs", "course_id": "110205", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110205", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Necropsy and Surgical Pathology - Part A", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VET SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7410ARW", "CLASS_NBR": 16204, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 10 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Restricted to Master of Philosophy in Veterinary Pathology students only. Restricted to domestic students only who have completed a DVM (or equivalent).", "PRE_REQUISITE": "VET SC 7400BRW", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Case logs, clinical performance, oral presentations", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course focuses on developing advanced skills in observation, interpretation and reporting skills for veterinary gross pathology and histopathology. Students will build on skills learnt in Necropsy and Surgical Pathology, performing necropsies and histopathological examinations with greater emphasis placed on description and interpretation of lesions and responsibility in the report writing. They will also be exposed to more advanced techniques of processing and staining and microscopic technique, and introduced to critical literature review and experimental and diagnostic study design.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "9470": {"id": "hyzl8x3LvdSyRf-Ljj5Cs", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "WA4rRwURsbmKv8rOD68zR", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16204, "section": "01RW", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "9471": {"id": "Ph5EAl_W7HJyvRTrlmHKA", "course_id": "110205", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110205", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Necropsy and Surgical Pathology - Part A", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VET SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7410ARW", "CLASS_NBR": 26216, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 10 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Restricted to Master of Philosophy in Veterinary Pathology students only. Restricted to domestic students only who have completed a DVM (or equivalent).", "PRE_REQUISITE": "VET SC 7400BRW", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Case logs, clinical performance, oral presentations", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course focuses on developing advanced skills in observation, interpretation and reporting skills for veterinary gross pathology and histopathology. Students will build on skills learnt in Necropsy and Surgical Pathology, performing necropsies and histopathological examinations with greater emphasis placed on description and interpretation of lesions and responsibility in the report writing. They will also be exposed to more advanced techniques of processing and staining and microscopic technique, and introduced to critical literature review and experimental and diagnostic study design.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "9472": {"id": "Ph5EAl_W7HJyvRTrlmHKA", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "92fOlPK7DVLxMiVMcDr_6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26216, "section": "01RW", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "9473": {"id": "YDemlnT3SWE009SOlk8FG", "course_id": "110206", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110206", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Necropsy and Surgical Pathology - Part B", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VET SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7410BRW", "CLASS_NBR": 16205, "SESSION_CD": "FM2", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 10 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Restricted to Master of Philosophy in Veterinary Pathology students only. Restricted to domestic students only who have completed a DVM (or equivalent).", "PRE_REQUISITE": "VET SC 7410ARW", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Case logs, clinical performance, oral presentations", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course focuses on developing advanced skills in observation, interpretation and reporting skills for veterinary gross pathology and histopathology. Students will build on skills learnt in Necropsy and Surgical Pathology, performing necropsies and histopathological examinations with greater emphasis placed on description and interpretation of lesions and responsibility in the report writing. They will also be exposed to more advanced techniques of processing and staining and microscopic technique, and introduced to critical literature review and experimental and diagnostic study design.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "9474": {"id": "YDemlnT3SWE009SOlk8FG", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "nwjtZ77d9Uz6H5_YOizt6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16205, "section": "01RW", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "9475": {"id": "-21ZgX9bfhZfkjE61p0HT", "course_id": "110206", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110206", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Necropsy and Surgical Pathology - Part B", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VET SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7410BRW", "CLASS_NBR": 26217, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 10 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Restricted to Master of Philosophy in Veterinary Pathology students only. Restricted to domestic students only who have completed a DVM (or equivalent).", "PRE_REQUISITE": "VET SC 7410ARW", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Case logs, clinical performance, oral presentations", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course focuses on developing advanced skills in observation, interpretation and reporting skills for veterinary gross pathology and histopathology. Students will build on skills learnt in Necropsy and Surgical Pathology, performing necropsies and histopathological examinations with greater emphasis placed on description and interpretation of lesions and responsibility in the report writing. They will also be exposed to more advanced techniques of processing and staining and microscopic technique, and introduced to critical literature review and experimental and diagnostic study design.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "9476": {"id": "-21ZgX9bfhZfkjE61p0HT", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "i0rLgrde-0M2c-Dc-9jvh", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26217, "section": "01RW", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "9477": {"id": "AWfYypLy450DupVyAPs9B", "course_id": "110207", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110207", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Clinical Pathology Interpretation - Part A", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VET SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7420ARW", "CLASS_NBR": 16206, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 1.5, "EFTLS": 0.0625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Restricted to Master of Philosophy in Veterinary Pathology students only. Restricted to domestic students only who have completed a DVM (or equivalent).", "PRE_REQUISITE": "DVM or equivalent", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Case logs, clinical performance, oral presentations", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This Unit of Study focuses on the interpretation of veterinary clinical pathology data for the diagnosis of disease and wellness in domestic animal species. Emphasis will be placed on interpretation of haematological, biochemical, urinalysis and cytological test results, with additional exposure to parasitological, microbiological and molecular test results. Students will become familiar with sample requirements and basic laboratory processing techniques for all commonly reported tests and analytes. Students will gain an advanced understanding of pathological processes in the context of clinical pathology and develop the ability to integrate all the available data with results of additional testing modalities to provide high-level reporting to submitting clinicians.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "9478": {"id": "AWfYypLy450DupVyAPs9B", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "EzUNRgccEXvDk1o3w2kTx", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16206, "section": "01RW", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "9479": {"id": "VLk27azbv2JKQFB8gp5Cv", "course_id": "110207", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110207", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Clinical Pathology Interpretation - Part A", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VET SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7420ARW", "CLASS_NBR": 26218, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 1.5, "EFTLS": 0.0625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Restricted to Master of Philosophy in Veterinary Pathology students only. Restricted to domestic students only who have completed a DVM (or equivalent).", "PRE_REQUISITE": "DVM or equivalent", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Case logs, clinical performance, oral presentations", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This Unit of Study focuses on the interpretation of veterinary clinical pathology data for the diagnosis of disease and wellness in domestic animal species. Emphasis will be placed on interpretation of haematological, biochemical, urinalysis and cytological test results, with additional exposure to parasitological, microbiological and molecular test results. Students will become familiar with sample requirements and basic laboratory processing techniques for all commonly reported tests and analytes. Students will gain an advanced understanding of pathological processes in the context of clinical pathology and develop the ability to integrate all the available data with results of additional testing modalities to provide high-level reporting to submitting clinicians.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "9480": {"id": "VLk27azbv2JKQFB8gp5Cv", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "OUOPxJsk144BiAVb6d_Q1", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26218, "section": "01RW", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "9481": {"id": "mK2qyaKjDLgq7RfJJ6xb-", "course_id": "110208", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110208", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Clinical Pathology Interpretation - Part B", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VET SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7420BRW", "CLASS_NBR": 16207, "SESSION_CD": "FM2", "UNITS": 1.5, "EFTLS": 0.0625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Restricted to Master of Philosophy in Veterinary Pathology students only. Restricted to domestic students only who have completed a DVM (or equivalent).", "PRE_REQUISITE": "VET SC 7420ARW", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Case logs, Clinical performance, Oral presentations", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This Unit of Study focuses on the interpretation of veterinary clinical pathology data for the diagnosis of disease and wellness in domestic animal species. Emphasis will be placed on interpretation of haematological, biochemical, urinalysis and cytological test results, with additional exposure to parasitological, microbiological and molecular test results. Students will become familiar with sample requirements and basic laboratory processing techniques for all commonly reported tests and analytes. Students will gain an advanced understanding of pathological processes in the context of clinical pathology and develop the ability to integrate all the available data with results of additional testing modalities to provide high-level reporting to submitting clinicians.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "9482": {"id": "mK2qyaKjDLgq7RfJJ6xb-", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "DDSLvc9aX-7we_sgNXWWX", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16207, "section": "01RW", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "9483": {"id": "2vV_n47hVmnDWxCF401o4", "course_id": "110208", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110208", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Clinical Pathology Interpretation - Part B", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VET SC", "CATALOG_NBR": "7420BRW", "CLASS_NBR": 26219, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 1.5, "EFTLS": 0.0625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061101", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 5 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Restricted to Master of Philosophy in Veterinary Pathology students only. Restricted to domestic students only who have completed a DVM (or equivalent).", "PRE_REQUISITE": "VET SC 7420ARW", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Case logs, Clinical performance, Oral presentations", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This Unit of Study focuses on the interpretation of veterinary clinical pathology data for the diagnosis of disease and wellness in domestic animal species. Emphasis will be placed on interpretation of haematological, biochemical, urinalysis and cytological test results, with additional exposure to parasitological, microbiological and molecular test results. Students will become familiar with sample requirements and basic laboratory processing techniques for all commonly reported tests and analytes. Students will gain an advanced understanding of pathological processes in the context of clinical pathology and develop the ability to integrate all the available data with results of additional testing modalities to provide high-level reporting to submitting clinicians.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "9484": {"id": "2vV_n47hVmnDWxCF401o4", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "NLSigQiQ0M6V39RvdY8Mp", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26219, "section": "01RW", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "9485": {"subject": "VET TECH", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "110161", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110162", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110164", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110165", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110166", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110163", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110323", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110327", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110324", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110326", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110312", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110369", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110534", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110328", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110329", "term": "4444", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110994", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110995", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110331", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "9486": {"id": "-kq7GxfdBhrwx-C41bxer", "course_id": "110161", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110161", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Foundations of Science for Veterinary Technologists I", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VET TECH", "CATALOG_NBR": "1010RW", "CLASS_NBR": 16524, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Restrictions: Available to Bachelor of Veterinary Technology students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "Prior study of chemistry is recommended (Year 11 - SACE Stage 1)", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Practical theory assessments, Written scientific report, Online revision quizzes, Team-based learning tests, Group assignment, Final theory exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The aims of this course are to provide students with an overall understanding of the principles and concepts involved in complex biological systems and to develop the core knowledge essential for undertaking advanced studies in Veterinary Technology.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "9487": {"id": "-kq7GxfdBhrwx-C41bxer", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "ONVD-8Jfeet89J5sPF7S5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10936, "section": "LE01", "size": 55, "enrolled": 35, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "8am", "end_time": "9am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "3Mnb7ULbbJ5sKEzex0s8J", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13479, "section": "PR01", "size": 55, "enrolled": 35, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Williams, G22, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Williams, G22, Laboratory"}]}, {"class_nbr": 16524, "section": "WR01", "size": 55, "enrolled": 35, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Callaghan, G02, Richardson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Callaghan, G02, Richardson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "5 Jun - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "9488": {"id": "MVxuzFBj8HCbmc79WslS9", "course_id": "110162", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110162", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Mechanisms of Health I", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VET TECH", "CATALOG_NBR": "1015RW", "CLASS_NBR": 20827, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Veterinary Technology students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "3 x quizzes, a written group assignment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The work of Veterinary Technologists includes ensuring animals are well cared for and as well protected as possible from adverse environmental and health conditions. This course will provide the student veterinary technologist with some of the basic knowledge and tools to keep healthy animals in good health, and to monitor their health. The delivery of the course includes a series of lectures and practical classes where students will work collectively, independently or in small groups to experience the excitement of learning by experience. This approach to learning will help provide the student with skills to be effective life-long learners. This course will deliver learning experiences in the fields of Parasitology, Nutrition and Immunology. All topics central to ensuring and maintaining good health in animal species.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "9489": {"id": "MVxuzFBj8HCbmc79WslS9", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "IlYHkP6ch_16aj7GSHGk-", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 22245, "section": "LE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 34, "available": 26, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Callaghan, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Callaghan, G02, Richardson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "30 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Callaghan, G02, Richardson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Callaghan, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Callaghan, G02, Richardson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Callaghan, G02, Richardson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "gjAhk_qZ3rGXJOLcL_be3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20827, "section": "PR01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 34, "available": 26, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jul - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Williams, G22, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "20 Aug - 20 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Sheep Section, External, Shearing Shed"}, {"dates": "20 Aug - 20 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Dog Section, External, Dog & Cat Facility"}, {"dates": "27 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G02, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 15 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Williams, G22, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "9490": {"id": "k-H7_VPl5x7lT45WyI4lf", "course_id": "110164", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110164", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Anatomy for Veterinary Technologists I", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VET TECH", "CATALOG_NBR": "1020RW", "CLASS_NBR": 10937, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Bachelor of Veterinary Technology students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Tutorial worksheets, practical tests and final theory examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will introduce the anatomy of domestic animal species with a body systems approach. The body systems covered will include basic tissues and skin, musculoskeletal, cardiorespiratory, gastrointestinal, reproductive, urinary and nervous. The anatomy of organs in these systems will be described at the macroscopic and microscopic level, and practicals will include dissection and histology. Tutorials will be used to reinforce student learning and critical skills.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "9491": {"id": "k-H7_VPl5x7lT45WyI4lf", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "ERXIO415eD2gmbrcEYDEi", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15566, "section": "LE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 37, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Feb - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "sPNlW2FcEarv_EEFlYMyf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10937, "section": "TU01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 37, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 29 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 May - 13 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 May - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "OmbRsk5-ZEJxpMPNU_glC", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11134, "section": "PR01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 37, "available": 23, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G11, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G11, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 22 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 22 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G11, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "29 Apr - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G11, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "9492": {"id": "48lPw3Z2psUhtGdEVjhWV", "course_id": "110165", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110165", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Physiology for Veterinary Technologists I", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VET TECH", "CATALOG_NBR": "1025RW", "CLASS_NBR": 21457, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Veterinary Technology students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "VET TECH 1020RW", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Team-based learning assessment, Online quizzes, Practical Assessment, Final theory exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The course will introduce physiological terminology and principles using a body systems approach in a comparative context, with an emphasis on domestic species. In practical classes students will study physiological mechanisms and principles using a blending of live animal, isolated animal tissue, human measurements and computer simulations.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "9493": {"id": "48lPw3Z2psUhtGdEVjhWV", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "M-qvjNLLWhBGKK-eZUHHT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20826, "section": "LE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 34, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 7 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 7 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 7 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Aug - 28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Aug - 28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Aug - 28 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "5i77SdmtYPlq6yqa_XC3H", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23321, "section": "PR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 34, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 Jul - 4 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "6 Sep - 6 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "External, External, Gawler Harness Racing"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 9 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G08, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "23 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G02, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "C4eXzJ56JmvE93oUr3B8M", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21456, "section": "TU01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 34, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "14 Aug - 14 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Sep - 4 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Oct - 16 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G02, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 21457, "section": "WR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 34, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Sep - 6 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "9494": {"id": "T8BQBoWK_aLjyJYfr1ZwS", "course_id": "110166", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110166", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Evidence-based Veterinary Technology I", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VET TECH", "CATALOG_NBR": "1030RW", "CLASS_NBR": 25570, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Veterinary Technology students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The career of Veterinary Technologists involves life-long learning and requires the ability to gather, evaluate and synthesise new information based on scientific research and endeavour. Not all sources of information are reliable and this course provides the tools to critically examine evidence, understand statistical comparisons and adopt a sceptical approach to unsubstantiated opinion and baseless claims.\n\nIn the world of animal health and welfare there are many claims for remedies and treatments, some of which are based on good science and some of which are not. A Veterinary Technologist knows how to identify the trustworthy and the reliable, and how to expose the myth and the fabrication. This course will provide the budding Vet Tech with the skills to investigate and review scientific publications and apply scientific method in his or her approach to career and life.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "9495": {"id": "T8BQBoWK_aLjyJYfr1ZwS", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "ocIl97FsWct1QjbFnruJh", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20824, "section": "LE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 33, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "xnBv5hTrGxjfO7hjZvtXy", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20825, "section": "PR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 33, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jul - 26 Aug", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Leske, G18, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "2 Sep - 2 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Leske, G18, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "9 Sep - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Leske, G18, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Leske, G18, Computer Suite"}]}, {"class_nbr": 25570, "section": "WR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 33, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "12 Aug - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "9496": {"id": "Xe9Jzb0ktqC_ys8K-o4nL", "course_id": "110163", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110163", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Principles of Veterinary Nursing", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VET TECH", "CATALOG_NBR": "1035RW", "CLASS_NBR": 18738, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Veterinary Technology students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online quizzes, literature review, reflection, assignment, practical test", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course introduces students to the various roles of a Veterinary Technologist working in clinical practice as part of the Veterinary Nursing Team. In preparation for workplace learning in an external veterinary practice, students will begin to develop and practice a wide range of technical nursing skills and enhance their understanding of legal, ethical and work health and safety (WHS) responsibilities. Students will be introduced to principles of patient care which underpin the practice of nursing such as concepts of clinical governance, one health and nursing care plans. This course examines the role, business and staff structures of veterinary practices and introduces the student to client care including client relations, record systems and the emotional landscape of veterinary practice.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "9497": {"id": "Xe9Jzb0ktqC_ys8K-o4nL", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "wHyHs_1Sa150EyndhSP1P", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18688, "section": "LE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 33, "available": 27, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 Mar - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Roseworthy College Hall, G3, School Council Room"}, {"dates": "1 May - 5 Jun", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Roseworthy College Hall, G3, School Council Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "ktSvuW0cyM5WUS7zL3l43", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12147, "section": "PR01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 33, "available": 27, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Feb - 29 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Williams, G31a/G31b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Mar - 14 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Roseworthy College Hall, G3, School Council Room"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Callaghan, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Callaghan, G19, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Callaghan, G17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Callaghan, G11, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Callaghan, G14, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Apr - 4 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Roseworthy College Hall, G3, School Council Room"}, {"dates": "2 May - 23 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Williams, G31a/G31b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Roseworthy College Hall, G3, School Council Room"}, {"dates": "6 Jun - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Williams, G31a/G31b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 18738, "section": "WR01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 33, "available": 27, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 28 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Roseworthy College Hall, G3, School Council Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 24 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Roseworthy College Hall, G3, School Council Room"}]}]}]}]}, "9498": {"id": "H5Z-R3caniDO5KyRcpS9F", "course_id": "110323", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110323", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Clinical Studies A", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VET TECH", "CATALOG_NBR": "2015RW", "CLASS_NBR": 12254, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Veterinary Technology students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Completion of Level I of Bachelor of Veterinary Technology program", "CO_REQUISITE": "VET TECH 2035RW", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, exams and assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course is a study of the most important diseases affecting domestic and captive animals, wildlife, fish and crustaceans in aquaculture facilities. Emphasis is given to the recognition, clinical signs, treatment, supportive care and prevention of these conditions. Veterinary technologists work with a range of animals including household pets, horses and other companion animals, farm animals, and wildlife at large or in zoological collections; there are many commonalities between species in the way disease agents and environmental conditions affect tissues and organ systems. By studying animal health the important commonalities and differences can be highlighted and explored to provide further insights into disease and ill health processes in different animal species.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "9499": {"id": "H5Z-R3caniDO5KyRcpS9F", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "oVJBLVbF6VML-LL05ehFm", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13540, "section": "LE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 36, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "MMGKqxbtYzOQ-KlpXKA76", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12254, "section": "TU01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 36, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Please ignore this class."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "1 Jun - 1 Jun", "days": "Saturday", "start_time": "7pm", "end_time": "7:30pm", "location": " "}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "k7bXzeA707Y9Ndov1KgXw", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12845, "section": "PR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 36, "available": 14, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Williams, G31a/G31b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Applied Sciences, G06, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "13 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horse Section, External, Horse Shed 1"}, {"dates": "13 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Cattle Section, External, Cattle Yard"}, {"dates": "13 Mar - 20 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Dog Section, External, Dog & Cat Facility"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Williams, G12, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 Apr - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Williams, G31a/G31b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 1 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Williams, G12, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "8 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Williams, G31a/G31b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 May - 15 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Horse Section, External, Horse Shed 1"}, {"dates": "15 May - 15 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Sheep Section, External, Shearing Shed"}, {"dates": "22 May - 22 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "29 May - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Cattle Section, External, Cattle Yard"}]}]}]}]}, "9500": {"id": "_1diQFI6tyJmEf8-VUA4w", "course_id": "110327", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110327", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Clinical Studies B", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VET TECH", "CATALOG_NBR": "2020RW", "CLASS_NBR": 23610, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Veterinary Technology students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Completion of Level I of Bachelor of Veterinary Technology program", "CO_REQUISITE": "VET TECH 2025RW", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Practical assessment, Essay, Mid-semester exam & End-of-semester exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will develop student's knowledge, skills and expertise essential for successful performance of veterinary technologists in the fields of veterinary anaesthesia and analgesia; and emergency and critical care with focus on small animals. The aim of Clinical Studies B is to provide information and experiences that will prepare students for clinical practice and safely execute the role of anaesthesia and critical care technologists. Theory and practical skills will cover anaesthesia and emergency and critical care with focus on companion animals. It is expected that students will develop appropriate competency in professional communication, interpersonal and attitudinal attributes while developing their technical skills.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "9501": {"id": "_1diQFI6tyJmEf8-VUA4w", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "YdTr0lRXbjw9XH6aPIjKS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23609, "section": "LE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 36, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "notes": [{"topic": "", "note": "Please ignore this class."}], "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9pm", "end_time": "10pm", "location": " "}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "gB0c0vV5nen4vDnVQ7ujz", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21042, "section": "PR01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 36, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 25 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Williams, G31a/G31b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G73, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "8 Aug - 8 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G73, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "8 Aug - 8 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G72, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Williams, G31a/G31b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Williams, G26, Flex Simulation"}, {"dates": "22 Aug - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G72, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "29 Aug - 5 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Williams, G31a/G31b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Leske, G18, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Williams, G31a/G31b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Williams, G26, Flex Simulation"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Williams, G31a/G31b, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "28xVuSx7R4484hpDIU3XH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23610, "section": "TU01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 36, "available": 24, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Callaghan, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "24 Jul - 11 Sep", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Callaghan, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Oct - 23 Oct", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Callaghan, G03, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "9502": {"id": "filxeWnM2eckh4UzX3EYv", "course_id": "110324", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110324", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Pharmacology, Pharmacy and Therapeutics II", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VET TECH", "CATALOG_NBR": "2025RW", "CLASS_NBR": 20096, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Veterinary Technology students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "VET TECH 1020RW, VET TECH 1025RW, VET TECH 2035RW, VET TECH 2015RW and ANIML SC 2540RW", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "VET SC 7006RW", "ASSESSMENT": "Online quizzes, Clinical Case Study, Exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Pharmacology, Pharmacy and Therapeutics II will provide Veterinary Technology students with knowledge of why pharmacology and pharmacy management are important in animal industry. The course will cover general pharmacology, routes and techniques of drug administration and dose rate calculation, major drug classes commonly used in animals, their action and how they are used to promote animal health, well-being and productivity. Pharmacy management and inventory control, regulations and scheduling of medicines pertaining to the use of veterinary and human drugs in Australia, issues of correct use of medicines, drug resistance, drug withholding periods and export slaughter intervals will also be discussed.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "9503": {"id": "filxeWnM2eckh4UzX3EYv", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "AGSosMBjnQkMOdXT8BXvX", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23612, "section": "LE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 33, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 30 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Oct - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "H7BTZ1EuQ_cT7crbv6rVB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20095, "section": "PR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 33, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 25 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Aug - 1 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "8 Aug - 15 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Aug - 22 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Williams, G31a/G31b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "29 Aug - 29 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 3 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Williams, G31a/G31b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 20096, "section": "TU01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 33, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Jul - 9 Sep", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Sep - 21 Oct", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "9504": {"id": "ruks98MR7gW3iwPjLcJMO", "course_id": "110326", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110326", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Introduction to Workplace Skills II", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VET TECH", "CATALOG_NBR": "2030RW", "CLASS_NBR": 15424, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Veterinary Technology students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Completion of Level I of Bachelor of Veterinary Technology program, successful completion of EMS block 1 (level 1)", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online quizzes, reflection, assignment, clinical case study report", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Introduction to Workplace Skills II will provide Veterinary Technology students learning experiences in the fields of Surgical Nursing, Preventative Dental Health Procedures and Diagnostic Imaging combined with Professional Communication Skills. Students will receive knowledge, skills and on the simulated workplace training as Veterinary Technologists in a veterinary clinical setting and within a veterinary teaching institution.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "9505": {"id": "ruks98MR7gW3iwPjLcJMO", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "PtdnjUVNLZHRsCP8Vyn7M", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 18739, "section": "LE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 33, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Mar - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "4 Mar - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "4 Mar - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "C68ezPD-ngzvBaGJQCl3F", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14656, "section": "PR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 33, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 Feb - 27 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G73, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "27 Feb - 27 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G72, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "5 Mar - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Williams, G31a/G31b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Williams, G31a/G31b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Apr - 30 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 May - 28 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Williams, G31a/G31b, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 15424, "section": "WR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 33, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 26 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "9506": {"id": "YYd_xuBxDXwQrl8xGExsJ", "course_id": "110312", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110312", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Pathology for Veterinary Technologists II", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VET TECH", "CATALOG_NBR": "2035RW", "CLASS_NBR": 13539, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Veterinary Technology students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Completion of Level I of Bachelor of Veterinary Technology program", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Written tests, Final Examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course has two broad objectives. First, a study of veterinary pathology provides the underpinning knowledge for an understanding of diseases processes and the animal body's response to disease. A study of pathology provides the necessary insights for the work of veterinary technologists in assisting diagnostic procedures and supporting veterinary treatment. \n\nSecond, veterinary technologists who work in the fields of veterinary diagnostics in veterinary practices, and in government of private laboratories require both knowledge and practical skills in the procedures used by anatomic and clinical pathologists to detect the presence of disease and to describe the development of disease processes. This course will introduce those skills across a broad range of veterinary diagnostic procedures.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "9507": {"id": "YYd_xuBxDXwQrl8xGExsJ", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "B0W-l_Cy3W8CyXOkgJHwu", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13538, "section": "LE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 37, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "28 Feb - 3 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Callaghan, G02, Richardson Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "24 Apr - 29 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Callaghan, G02, Richardson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "Ahmq7M77E53NOx3u5vPX9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 13539, "section": "PR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 37, "available": 3, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Feb - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Callaghan, G32, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "18 Mar - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Callaghan, G32, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Callaghan, G32, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "9508": {"id": "PAQ37YeXf5zByqunqrQPO", "course_id": "110369", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110369", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Animal Husbandry for Veterinary Technologists II", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VET TECH", "CATALOG_NBR": "2040RW", "CLASS_NBR": 28995, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Veterinary Technology students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "VET TECH 2015RW", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignment, practical proficiency, quizzes and final exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Humans keep and care for domestic animals so that they can grow, reproduce and thrive, and provide food, fibre, and companionship to their human owners. Raising animals in a safe and humane environment is the practice of animal husbandry and the best animal managers possess skills and knowledge across a very broad range of disciplines. Veterinary technologists - responsible for the health and welfare of domestic animals raised in animal husbandry systems - must be familiar with the art and science of animal management in order to help, advise and guide the animal managers. This course explores animal husbandry from the beginnings of life - with topics of genetics, breeding programs and reproduction - to birth and neonatal care and the management and care of adult animals. A basic familiarity with animal production systems and basic level of competency in animal handling from prior study is assumed and this course will further develop knowledge and skills used in the care of a range of animal species from the individual household pet to species involved in large scale intensive food production systems.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "9509": {"id": "PAQ37YeXf5zByqunqrQPO", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "x-fABRtEPphDoVs5y9blc", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23611, "section": "LE01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 38, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Aug - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Roseworthy College Hall, G3, School Council Room"}, {"dates": "6 Aug - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Roseworthy College Hall, G3, School Council Room"}, {"dates": "6 Aug - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Roseworthy College Hall, G3, School Council Room"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Aug - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 Aug - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Eastick, G05, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "Vs3fOyRvqIQSu0azuNoW0", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 21582, "section": "PR01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 38, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 23 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 Jul - 23 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Cattle Section, External, Cattle Yard"}, {"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Callaghan, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "30 Jul - 30 Jul", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Callaghan, G32, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "6 Aug - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Leske, G18, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "20 Aug - 20 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Williams, G31a, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Aug - 27 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Williams, G29, Clinical skills"}, {"dates": "3 Sep - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Alpaca Section, External, H9 Paddock"}, {"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Williams, G12, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Cattle Section, External, Cattle Yard"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 1 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Sheep Section, External, Shearing Shed"}, {"dates": "8 Oct - 8 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Callaghan, G32, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9:30am", "end_time": "1:30pm", "location": "Williams, G31a/G31b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9:30am", "end_time": "1:30pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G72, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "id": "-ZECNLLUukAjs9cjWZ0DN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28995, "section": "TU01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 38, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "13 Aug - 13 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Roseworthy College Hall, G3, School Council Room"}, {"dates": "3 Sep - 3 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Roseworthy College Hall, G3, School Council Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 28996, "section": "AS01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 38, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Assessment", "meetings": [{"dates": "10 Sep - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9:30pm", "end_time": "10pm", "location": " "}]}]}]}]}, "9510": {"id": "Ue4vC0A-tEeEev5mj_ieT", "course_id": "110534", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110534", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Biosecurity, Epidemiology and Food Safety for Veterinary Technologists", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VET TECH", "CATALOG_NBR": "2525RW", "CLASS_NBR": 23614, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "Up to 7 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Veterinary Technology students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "VET TECH 1030RW", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Quizzes, group presentation and final examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Veterinary epidemiology is the scientific discipline which provides the tools to improve and maintain the health and welfare of animals by taking a 'population approach' to disease control. Investigating, understanding, measuring and reporting the way that diseases persist and spread in populations are the first steps to reducing, controlling or eliminating the risk of ill health. All of these activities constitute the strategies used by epidemiologists to protect animal and human populations from the effects of uncontrolled diseases. Consequently, epidemiologists are the leaders of scientific teams responsible for local, regional, national or global biosecurity and for managing responses to disease outbreaks. This course will provide the student of animal health management with the basic tools and skills to embark on a career dedicated to improving animal health and welfare and to the protection of the health and economies of human societies by taking a population approach to understanding the existence and persistence of disease. \n\n \n\nVeterinary Public Health embraces the diagnosis, surveillance, epidemiology, control, prevention and elimination of zoonoses and of diseases that threaten food security and social cohesion; protection of food (including meat and milk) for human consumption; food and meat science; environmental protection; animal welfare standards; and the social, behavioural and mental aspects of human-animal relationships. \n\n \n\nVeterinary Biosecurity is intrinsically linked to Veterinary Public Health and covers specific aspects on disease prevention, disease surveillance at the national, regional, state and enterprise (farm) level and include notifiable, zoonotic, emergency animal and transboundary diseases.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "9511": {"id": "Ue4vC0A-tEeEev5mj_ieT", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "jdsLKyLPMrTH1x6ASgLHo", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23613, "section": "LE01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 36, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Callaghan, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Callaghan, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Jul - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Callaghan, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Callaghan, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Callaghan, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "11am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Callaghan, G03, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "eyCGYlZLJU4-4Sr_y0QxH", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 23614, "section": "PR01", "size": 45, "enrolled": 36, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Jul - 26 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "2 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Williams, G22, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "16 Aug - 13 Sep", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Oct - 4 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Williams, G22, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "11 Oct - 18 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G05-G07, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Callaghan, G02, Richardson Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "9512": {"id": "svslOfPhSfh48BFrawuXT", "course_id": "110328", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110328", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Clinical Skills in Veterinary Technology III", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VET TECH", "CATALOG_NBR": "3010RW", "CLASS_NBR": 16217, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "240 hours; 6 x 40 hour weeks", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Veterinary Technology students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Completion of all Level I & Level II courses in Bachelor of Veterinary Technology Program", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Required Competency tasks designated to each clinical service area", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Veterinary Technologists in practice utilise and apply their acquired knowledge and skill on a daily basis to assist the veterinary team in providing high quality health care for their patients, and support and education to their clients. In this core course, Veterinary Technology students will employ their existing knowledge and skill in the real life clinical environment to further develop their knowledge and proficiency in all aspects of patient care. Students will complete a total of 240 hours (6 weeks) of work placement(s) on a roster basis, Students will engage in clinical related activities related to small animal medicine, surgery & sterile supply, anaesthesia, large animal medicine, diagnostic imaging, and veterinary diagnostic laboratories (VDL) during their 6 weeks of placement. A portion of the placement may be delivered as a distributed placement external to the University\u2019s teaching hospitals. These rosters fit into a 48 week academic year that begins in early January of level III of the Bachelor of Veterinary Technology program.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "9513": {"id": "svslOfPhSfh48BFrawuXT", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Placement", "id": "ETcwWv-MzaUbdSeobCFlP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16217, "section": "01RW", "size": 60, "enrolled": 29, "available": 31, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Placement"}]}]}]}, "9514": {"id": "pkko9t7nJOqyTjORSxMEG", "course_id": "110329", "term": "4444", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110329", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4444", "TERM_DESCR": "Term 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Managing Animals in Emergencies", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VET TECH", "CATALOG_NBR": "3015RW", "CLASS_NBR": 42004, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "6 hours p/w and 37.5 hour (1 week) block practical", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Veterinary Technology students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "VET TECH 2015RW and VET TECH 2525RW", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Online Quizzes, written reports, presentations, workshops/practical scenarios", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Veterinary professionals play an integral role in emergency events that impact animal welfare such as floods, bush fires, earthquakes and terrorist attacks. Animal emergency management is a new discipline that provides a framework for various agencies to work together with a transdisciplinary approach to prepare for, respond to, and recover from emergency events. Animal emergency management requires an understanding of the core principles and phases of emergency management (mitigation, preparedness, response, recovery) at a state, regional and local level. This course will provide the student with basic tools and skills to contribute to animal emergency management and improve human and animal wellbeing.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 29/04/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Mon 29/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 04/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 26/06/2024"}}]}, "9515": {"id": "pkko9t7nJOqyTjORSxMEG", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "ZwEw2gSIPDe42r7tZtAhr", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 42002, "section": "LE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 27, "available": 33, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10am", "location": "Callaghan, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "Callaghan, G03, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "fnrShXIrUB6vBOFVFBkL2", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 42004, "section": "TU01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 27, "available": 33, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "26 Apr - 31 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Callaghan, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Apr - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Callaghan, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Jun - 21 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Roseworthy College Hall, G3, School Council Room"}, {"dates": "28 Jun - 28 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Roseworthy College Hall, G3, School Council Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "EakciFqW_VgmOSItwe3_7", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 42003, "section": "PR01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 27, "available": 33, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "4 Jun - 6 Jun", "days": "Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "4:30pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 42048, "section": "FL01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 27, "available": 33, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Fieldwork", "meetings": [{"dates": "7 Jun - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "External, External, Off Campus"}]}]}]}]}, "9516": {"id": "QgOlo23xIZxxxAv-6hqls", "course_id": "110994", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110994", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Transition to the Veterinary Technology Profession III Part A", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VET TECH", "CATALOG_NBR": "3020ARW", "CLASS_NBR": 19030, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 1.5, "EFTLS": 0.0625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "6 hour days x 8 in Semester 1", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Veterinary Technology students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Completion of Level I and II courses in Bachelor of Veterinary Technology Program", "CO_REQUISITE": "VET TECH 3010RW", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, in-semester quizzes", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Transition to the Veterinary Technology Profession III will provide Veterinary Technology students with learning opportunities designed to prepare them for transition to post graduate life. The course will focus on integrating employability capabilities such as business management, occupational awareness, advanced clinical communication, wellbeing and ethical reasoning skills which align with students' Work Integrated Learning placements. The course will be delivered via an intensive delivery model.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "9517": {"id": "QgOlo23xIZxxxAv-6hqls", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "ux7QTd8kXpZF5coUM1qXT", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 19030, "section": "WR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 30, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "10:30am", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 May - 16 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Roseworthy College Hall, G3, School Council Room"}, {"dates": "13 May - 13 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9:30am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G02, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 May - 13 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1:30pm", "end_time": "4:30pm", "location": "Roseworthy College Hall, G3, School Council Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "Inj1pQZrIX738VCWqAFL5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 10537, "section": "PR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 30, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "15 May - 15 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9:30am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G02, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 May - 15 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1:30pm", "end_time": "4:30pm", "location": "Callaghan, G19, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 May - 15 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1:30pm", "end_time": "4:30pm", "location": "Callaghan, G17, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 May - 15 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1:30pm", "end_time": "4:30pm", "location": "Callaghan, G22, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 May - 15 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1:30pm", "end_time": "4:30pm", "location": "Callaghan, G04, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 May - 15 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1:30pm", "end_time": "4:30pm", "location": "Callaghan, G11, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 May - 15 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1:30pm", "end_time": "4:30pm", "location": "Callaghan, G14, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 May - 16 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9:30am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G02, Teaching Room"}]}, {"class_nbr": 19029, "section": "SE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 30, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "6 May - 6 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Veterinary Science, G02, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 May - 7 May", "days": "Monday, Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Roseworthy College Hall, G3, School Council Room"}, {"dates": "7 May - 10 May", "days": "Tuesday, , Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Roseworthy College Hall, G3, School Council Room"}, {"dates": "8 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "10:30am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "Information Centre, G03, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 May - 8 May", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1:30pm", "end_time": "4:30pm", "location": "Roseworthy College Hall, G3, School Council Room"}, {"dates": "9 May - 9 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 May - 14 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9:30am", "end_time": "12:30pm", "location": "Roseworthy College Hall, G3, School Council Room"}, {"dates": "14 May - 14 May", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1:30pm", "end_time": "4:30pm", "location": "Roseworthy College Hall, G3, School Council Room"}]}]}]}]}, "9518": {"id": "--kB18ty2ByL1fHVGcyl6", "course_id": "110995", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110995", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Transition to the Veterinary Technology Profession III Part B", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VET TECH", "CATALOG_NBR": "3020BRW", "CLASS_NBR": 28987, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 1.5, "EFTLS": 0.0625, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "6 hour days x 4 in semester 2", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Veterinary Technology students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Completion of Level I and II courses in Bachelor of Veterinary Technology Program", "CO_REQUISITE": "VET TECH 3010RW", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, in-Semester quizzes", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Transition to the Veterinary Technology Profession III will provide Veterinary Technology students with learning opportunities designed to prepare them for transition to post graduate life. The course will focus on integrating employability capabilities such as business management, occupational awareness, advanced clinical communication, wellbeing and ethical reasoning skills which align with students\u2019 Work Integrated Learning placements. The course will be delivered via an intensive delivery model.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "9519": {"id": "--kB18ty2ByL1fHVGcyl6", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "id": "pwgvlRsslmfTdifzqUIIl", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 28987, "section": "WR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 31, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "17 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Callaghan, G18a&b, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "id": "ARd21CS_BgVkCk36GM1la", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 20478, "section": "PR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 31, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "18 Oct - 25 Oct", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Roseworthy College Hall, G3, School Council Room"}]}]}]}]}, "9520": {"id": "m7kWfIZ6Fu3vurlWnWQpH", "course_id": "110331", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110331", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Clinical Practice in Veterinary Technology III", "CAMPUS": "Roseworthy", "CAMPUS_CD": "ROSE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VET TECH", "CATALOG_NBR": "3025RW", "CLASS_NBR": 26229, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "061103", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "3", "CONTACT": "240 hours: scheduled across 6 x 40 hour weeks", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Veterinary Technology students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "Completion of all Level I & Level II courses in Bachelor of Veterinary Technology program, and VET TECH 3010RW", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Required competency tasks designated to each internal and external placement.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Veterinary Technologists in practice utilise and apply their acquired knowledge and skill on a daily basis to assist the veterinary team in providing high quality health care for their patients, plus support and education to their clients. In this core course, Veterinary Technology students will employ their existing knowledge and skill in the real life clinical environment of the University's veterinary teaching hospitals and external placements to refine their knowledge and proficiency in all aspects of patient care. Students will complete a total of 240 hours of work placement.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "9521": {"id": "m7kWfIZ6Fu3vurlWnWQpH", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Clinical", "id": "be00ZtesNe8GRuUWLtquj", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26229, "section": "01RW", "size": 60, "enrolled": 32, "available": 28, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Clinical"}]}]}]}, "9522": {"subject": "VITICULT", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "104341", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "101978", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102643", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "105360", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106690", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106690", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106691", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "106691", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108458", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108458", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108459", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108459", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108460", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108460", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108461", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108461", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108462", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108462", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108462", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108462", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108462", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108462", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108463", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "108463", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "102825", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "101977", "term": "4410", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "103092", "term": "4420", "offer": 1}]}}, "9523": {"id": "rql4LcGLlh875CpxVrc7E", "course_id": "104341", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "104341", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Viticultural Science II", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VITICULT", "CATALOG_NBR": "2500WT", "CLASS_NBR": 24832, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Yes", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "OENOLOGY 1018NW & BIOLOGY 1101 or BIOLOGY 1001, & BIOLOGY 1202", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Exams and assignments", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Viticultural Science II covers the entire life cycle of the cultivated grapevine with an emphasis on the phases of production covering dormancy, bud break, flowering and fruit development prior to veraison. Topics covered include: The growth cycle of the grapevine and the biology that underpins the different phenological stages; physiology as it is relevant to growth and vine form, flowering, water use, drought and salt stress, mineral nutrition, and berry development; anatomy of the vegetative and reproductive parts; taxonomy of grapevines and vegetative variety identification. Practical sessions will focus in more depth on the following topics: pruning techniques, vine and bud anatomy, shoot based variety identification, shoot morphology and development, yield estimation, and mineral nutrition.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "9524": {"id": "rql4LcGLlh875CpxVrc7E", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "nAaI_Ig0gmjLoi5iHCGCA", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24831, "section": "LE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 42, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "2-vmrp5XvY4NIeIsO3dov", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24832, "section": "PR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 42, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G18, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G09, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G18, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G09, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "9525": {"id": "pzpyegxSz7tDY26hmEwZK", "course_id": "101978", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "101978", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Viticultural Science III", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VITICULT", "CATALOG_NBR": "3021WT", "CLASS_NBR": 11577, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week plus additional classes prior to the start of Semester", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Viticulture and Oenology students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "VITICULT 2500WT", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Mid-term and Final exam, Practical reports, Essays", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Viticultural Science III follows on from concepts acquired in Viticultural Science II covering the entire life cycle of the cultivated grapevine. Topics covered in this course include; climate change and its impact on viticulture, berry development and harvesting post-veraison, principles behind the establishment of a viticultural enterprise comprising site selection, choice of planting material, the design and establishment of the vineyard and trellising and canopy management.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "9526": {"id": "pzpyegxSz7tDY26hmEwZK", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "3uZukxF9u5HbCkV0Gdgiu", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 14308, "section": "LE01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 37, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Feb - 8 Feb", "days": "Monday, , Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Feb - 9 Feb", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "JM5DpfFfuwREhXfWUISkf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11577, "section": "PR01", "size": 50, "enrolled": 37, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Feb - 9 Feb", "days": "Monday, , Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Southern Barns General, G2/G3, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Feb - 6 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Southern Barns General, G2/G3, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Feb - 6 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G09, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "6 Feb - 6 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G09, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "6 Feb - 6 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Southern Barns General, G2/G3, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Feb - 7 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Southern Barns Sensory, G2, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "7 Feb - 7 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Southern Barns General, G2/G3, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Feb - 7 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Southern Barns General, G2/G3, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Feb - 7 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Southern Barns Sensory, G2, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "9527": {"id": "tiDAjxWi29TGqspj23dop", "course_id": "102643", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102643", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Viticultural Methods and Procedures III", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VITICULT", "CATALOG_NBR": "3044WT", "CLASS_NBR": 24825, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Viticulture and Oenology students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "VITICULT 2500WT", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, practical reports, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course looks at the practices associated with the development and operation of a viticultural enterprise. Topics include: organic viticulture, advanced propagation techniques, control of bird management, spray equipment calibration and spray application; pruning, training, trellis erection and repair, propagation, canopy management, physiological pruning, pests and diseases. This course includes visits to commercial vineyards and equipment suppliers.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "9528": {"id": "tiDAjxWi29TGqspj23dop", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "X97xFAD_fxPFfbZXZUxUo", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24823, "section": "LE01", "size": 60, "enrolled": 30, "available": 30, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "7c_ax7tk4tl1hDv3I8UCU", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24824, "section": "PR01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 30, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Southern Barns Sensory, G2, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Southern Barns Sensory, G2, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "CPXfbNX8fiZUMPv-FfEdn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24825, "section": "TU01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 30, "available": 5, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "9529": {"id": "X5N0xtRY6Z1AhUD0iTu2E", "course_id": "105360", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "105360", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Grape and Wine Industry Practice, Policy and Communication III", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VITICULT", "CATALOG_NBR": "3500WT", "CLASS_NBR": 12805, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Viticulture and Oenology students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "OENOLOGY 2502WT, OENOLOGY 2503WT, VITICULT 2500WT & VITICULT 3021WT", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, video production and final examination", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course examines some of the current policies and issues confronting the Australian wine industry. These include the various legislative requirements at state and federal levels, the representative organisations for grape growers and winemakers, and the role of industry bodies in the establishment and protection of Australia's domestic and international wine markets. The activities and operation of the numerous industry organisations and research providers are examined from both a national and international perspective. A detailed examination of the current policies associated with alcohol and society is presented. The course is built around a series of presentations by selected industry experts. The changing face of wine communication is explored, with an emphasis on the use of emerging technologies and approaches to reach new audiences.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "9530": {"id": "X5N0xtRY6Z1AhUD0iTu2E", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "Gi5bwJOFEcL4B_IbU2xRu", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11417, "section": "LE01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 24, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 Apr - 20 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Wine Science, 110, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 20 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Wine Science, 110, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Workshop", "id": "IHzIMKsTia9pUogcMDP1Q", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 12805, "section": "WR01", "size": 40, "enrolled": 24, "available": 16, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Workshop", "meetings": [{"dates": "27 May - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Wine Science, 110, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 May - 3 Jun", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Wine Science, 110, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "9531": {"id": "I6sV2Rz2tvPjhdLPKK4dx", "course_id": "106690", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106690", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Viticulture and Oenology Part 1", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VITICULT", "CATALOG_NBR": "4010AWT", "CLASS_NBR": 15808, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 24 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Viticulture and Oenology students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Seminar presentations, literature review, thesis defence, research proposal and thesis", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course comprises a substantial research project of the student's choosing on a topic related to either viticulture or wine-related research. Students will be assessed through individual presentations, preparation of a literature review and research proposal, capacity of independent research and the ability to distil research findings in a final thesis document. The thesis will be examined and then defended by\nthe student.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "9532": {"id": "I6sV2Rz2tvPjhdLPKK4dx", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "tE_L2u-7waNhKlVS0rnhq", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15808, "section": "01WT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "9533": {"id": "jH-jP-vyoPXMDda22qdh9", "course_id": "106690", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106690", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Viticulture and Oenology Part 1", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VITICULT", "CATALOG_NBR": "4010AWT", "CLASS_NBR": 25818, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 24 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Viticulture and Oenology students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Seminar presentations, literature review, thesis defence, research proposal and thesis", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course comprises a substantial research project of the student's choosing on a topic related to either viticulture or wine-related research. Students will be assessed through individual presentations, preparation of a literature review and research proposal, capacity of independent research and the ability to distil research findings in a final thesis document. The thesis will be examined and then defended by\nthe student.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "9534": {"id": "jH-jP-vyoPXMDda22qdh9", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "A4JWafOozcx4SpCMvXR7C", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25818, "section": "01WT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "9535": {"id": "YgXk-WlRRTvePR5PZan-X", "course_id": "106691", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106691", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Viticulture and Oenology Part 2", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VITICULT", "CATALOG_NBR": "4010BWT", "CLASS_NBR": 15809, "SESSION_CD": "FM2", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 24 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Viticulture and Oenology students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "VITICULT 4010AWT in previous Semester", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Seminar presentations, literature review, thesis defence, research proposal and thesis", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course comprises a substantial research project of the student's choosing on a topic related to either viticulture or wine-related research. 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The thesis will be examined and then defended by\nthe student,", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "9536": {"id": "YgXk-WlRRTvePR5PZan-X", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "7gwkeEDkD4hDhZJwjwIY5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 15809, "section": "01WT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "9537": {"id": "xOfiYbHUWGs5ZD9Siifde", "course_id": "106691", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "106691", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Viticulture and Oenology Part 2", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VITICULT", "CATALOG_NBR": "4010BWT", "CLASS_NBR": 25819, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 24 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Bachelor of Viticulture and Oenology students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "VITICULT 4010AWT in previous Semester", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Seminar presentations, literature review, thesis defence, research proposal and thesis", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course comprises a substantial research project of the student's choosing on a topic related to either viticulture or wine-related research. 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The thesis will be examined and then defended by\nthe student,", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "9538": {"id": "xOfiYbHUWGs5ZD9Siifde", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "x5AbijVvmmODwRJpv7QwB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 25819, "section": "01WT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 3, "available": 17, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "9539": {"id": "gQApKBRXzl1dlmW5E_zpn", "course_id": "108458", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108458", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Viticulture (Hons) Pt 1", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VITICULT", "CATALOG_NBR": "4050AWT", 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"Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": ""}}]}, "9540": {"id": "gQApKBRXzl1dlmW5E_zpn", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "hnyHSscNiNmr8kDtR74-C", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16023, "section": "01WT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "9541": {"id": "IUoqPrq6P8cqZHyTzJyXH", "course_id": "108458", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108458", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Viticulture (Hons) Pt 1", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VITICULT", "CATALOG_NBR": "4050AWT", "CLASS_NBR": 26029, "SESSION_CD": "FM1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", 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"IUoqPrq6P8cqZHyTzJyXH", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "wjEdTB7WD5Hk8Q1H-f7W5", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26029, "section": "01WT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "9543": {"id": "8Ij5lK7ycFLuDRCVQbaRO", "course_id": "108459", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108459", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Viticulture (Hons) Pt 2", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VITICULT", "CATALOG_NBR": "4050BWT", "CLASS_NBR": 16024, "SESSION_CD": "FM2", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Mixed mode - flexible and/or intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "VITICULT 4050AWT in previous Semester", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "VITICULT 4006AWT, VITICULT 4006BWT, VITICULT 4020AWT or VITICULT 4020BWT", "ASSESSMENT": "Exams and/or assignments, Research Proposal, Literature Review", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This modular course covers a range of advanced topics in Viticulture, the methods of presentation and assessment of which vary according to module.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "9544": {"id": "8Ij5lK7ycFLuDRCVQbaRO", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Project", "id": "RLn4l4TDmXCYcQ6Yu46uI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16024, "section": "01WT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "9545": {"id": "77SzogBCTMk3OZP6xvr7E", "course_id": "108459", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108459", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Advanced Viticulture (Hons) Pt 2", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VITICULT", "CATALOG_NBR": "4050BWT", "CLASS_NBR": 26030, "SESSION_CD": "FY2", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Mixed mode - flexible and/or intensive", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only 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26030, "section": "01WT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Project"}]}]}]}, "9547": {"id": "FOxwP_9tCfaIHcYzjQtnu", "course_id": "108460", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108460", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Viticulture Project Pt 1", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VITICULT", "CATALOG_NBR": "4060AWT", "CLASS_NBR": 16025, "SESSION_CD": "FY1", "UNITS": 9, "EFTLS": 0.375, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", 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[{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "Vz9HlA0nPqytplHKg19Wc", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26033, "section": "01WT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "9567": {"id": "DrPs4O_uOksMFa1BpRRYc", "course_id": "108463", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108463", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Viticulture Project (Two-Year) Final", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VITICULT", "CATALOG_NBR": "4070BWT", "CLASS_NBR": 16028, "SESSION_CD": "TYD", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "VITICULT 4006AWT, VITICULT 4006BWT, VITICULT 4040AWT or VITICULT 4040BWT", "ASSESSMENT": "Thesis, Thesis Defence, Seminar & Supervisor assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This research project is selected at the start of the Honours year following consultation with the Honours Coordinator and depends on availability of research supervisors in any particular year.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "9568": {"id": "DrPs4O_uOksMFa1BpRRYc", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "RSCO4bJ6LC2CI_BzpjsVf", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 16028, "section": "01WT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "9569": {"id": "3FBYtg2I1aoGQDuVuNMWe", "course_id": "108463", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108463", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "UGRD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Undergraduate", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Honours Viticulture Project (Two-Year) Final", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VITICULT", "CATALOG_NBR": "4070BWT", "CLASS_NBR": 26034, "SESSION_CD": "TYD", "UNITS": 4.5, "EFTLS": 0.1875, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "By supervision", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to students admitted to the relevant Honours program", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "VITICULT 4006AWT, VITICULT 4006BWT, VITICULT 4040AWT or VITICULT 4040BWT", "ASSESSMENT": "Thesis, Thesis Defence, Seminar & Supervisor assessment", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This research project is selected at the start of the Honours year following consultation with the Honours Coordinator and depends on availability of research supervisors in any particular year.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "9570": {"id": "3FBYtg2I1aoGQDuVuNMWe", "class_list": [{"association_group": "1", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Research", "id": "K3f6bEk7aOWFEfYUKQFZK", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 26034, "section": "01WT", "size": 20, "enrolled": 0, "available": 20, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Research"}]}]}]}, "9571": {"id": "UxmqTaZucmx6Aeha3yrPM", "course_id": "102825", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "102825", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Viticultural Science A", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VITICULT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7002WT", "CLASS_NBR": 24830, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Final exam, mid-term exam, practical reports, practical exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Viticultural Science A covers the entire life cycle of the cultivated grapevine with an emphasis from bud burst through to the onset of veraison. The practical component of the course takes advantage of the vine growth phases that occur from bud burst, flowering and fruit-set leading up to harvest. Topics covered include: The growth cycle of the grapevine and the biology that underpins the different phenological stages. Grapevine physiology as it is relevant to growth and vine form, flowering, water use, mineral nutrition, and berry development. Grapevine anatomy of the vegetative and reproductive parts. Taxonomy of grapevines and vegetative variety identification. Practical sessions will focus in more depth on the following topics: pruning techniques, vine and bud anatomy, shoot based variety identification, shoot morphology and development, yield estimation, and mineral nutrition.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "9572": {"id": "UxmqTaZucmx6Aeha3yrPM", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "xrt2vDIJmZcIxhaxUogMB", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24829, "section": "LE01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "KD8rw3z1ze3NeqKPQSPEN", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24830, "section": "PR01", "size": 25, "enrolled": 24, "available": 1, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G18, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "25 Jul - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G09, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G18, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "3 Oct - 24 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G09, Laboratory"}]}]}]}]}, "9573": {"id": "FlTEZeIpc30gxw3lYildi", "course_id": "101977", "term": "4410", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "101977", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4410", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Viticultural Science B", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VITICULT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7021WT", "CLASS_NBR": 11578, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week plus additional classes prior to the start of Semester", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Graduate Diploma in Viticulture & Oenology, Masters in Viticulture & Oenology, Graduate Diploma in Oenology and Graduate Diploma in Viticulture students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "VITICULT 7002WT", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Mid-term and Final exam, Practical reports, Essays", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "Viticultural Science B follows on from concepts acquired in Viticultural Science A covering the entire life cycle of the cultivated grapevine. Topics covered in this course include; climate change and its impact on viticulture, berry development and harvesting post-veraison, principles behind the establishment of a viticultural enterprise comprising site selection, choice of planting material, the design and establishment of the vineyard and trellising and canopy management.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Tue 12/03/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 21/03/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 03/05/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 07/06/2024"}}]}, "9574": {"id": "FlTEZeIpc30gxw3lYildi", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "oMTL37Q4-YJgLO_zZ6da9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11576, "section": "LE01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 28, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Feb - 8 Feb", "days": "Monday, , Thursday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": " "}, {"dates": "9 Feb - 9 Feb", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Charles Hawker, 101/102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "11am", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "TXnNXrIK85JrAk14Oomx6", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 11578, "section": "PR01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 28, "available": 7, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Feb - 9 Feb", "days": "Monday, , Thursday, Friday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Southern Barns General, G2/G3, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Feb - 6 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Southern Barns General, G2/G3, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Feb - 6 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G09, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "6 Feb - 6 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, G09, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "6 Feb - 6 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Southern Barns General, G2/G3, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Feb - 7 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Southern Barns Sensory, G2, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "7 Feb - 7 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Southern Barns General, G2/G3, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Feb - 7 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Southern Barns General, G2/G3, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Feb - 7 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Southern Barns Sensory, G2, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "26 Feb - 1 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "22 Apr - 27 May", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "9575": {"id": "mkELqrmwde0VAFPOexgty", "course_id": "103092", "term": "4420", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "103092", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4420", "TERM_DESCR": "Semester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Viticultural Methods and Procedures", "CAMPUS": "Waite", "CAMPUS_CD": "WAITE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "VITICULT", "CATALOG_NBR": "7038WT", "CLASS_NBR": 24828, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "050303", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "1", "CONTACT": "Up to 6 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available to Graduate Diploma in Viticulture & Oenology and Masters in Viticulture & Oenology students only", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments, practical reports, exam", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course involves teaching sessions that may be attended by both Undergraduate and Postgraduate students.\n\nThis course looks at the practices associated with the development and operation of a viticultural enterprise. Topics include: organic viticulture, advanced propagation techniques, control of bird management, spray equipment calibration and spray application; pruning, training, trellis erection and repair, propagation, canopy management, physiological pruning, pests and diseases. This course includes visits to commercial vineyards and equipment suppliers.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 05/08/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 14/08/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 13/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Fri 25/10/2024"}}]}, "9576": {"id": "mkELqrmwde0VAFPOexgty", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "id": "CpGW3e4bPeJTeqmFEHQZM", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24826, "section": "LE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 26, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Lecture", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "2pm", "location": "MyUni, OL, Online Class"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Practical", "id": "18UZodksfv6lCmkrYPG5m", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24827, "section": "PR01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 26, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Practical", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Southern Barns Sensory, G2, Laboratory"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Southern Barns Sensory, G2, Laboratory"}]}]}, {"type": "Related Class: Tutorial", "id": "yxJXYO6V6YcPzKgLQj8NA", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 24828, "section": "TU01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 26, "available": 4, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Related Class: Tutorial", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 Jul - 10 Sep", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}, {"dates": "1 Oct - 22 Oct", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Charles Hawker, 130, McLeod Lecture Theatre"}]}]}]}]}, "9577": {"subject": "WINE", "courses": {"courses": [{"course_id": "110656", "term": "4433", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110656", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110656", "term": "4433", "offer": 3}, {"course_id": "107586", "term": "4433", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107586", "term": "4436", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107586", "term": "4433", "offer": 3}, {"course_id": "108512", "term": "4433", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107843", "term": "4436", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110657", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110658", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "110659", "term": "4436", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111438", "term": "4433", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111438", "term": "4436", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111438", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111442", "term": "4436", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "111442", "term": "4439", "offer": 1}, {"course_id": "107842", "term": "4433", "offer": 1}]}}, "9578": {"id": "80LMo6JJBLmyrAuJ9tLe9", "course_id": "110656", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110656", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Marketing in Wine Business", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "WINE", "CATALOG_NBR": "7001", "CLASS_NBR": 30049, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MARKETNG 7104 (This incompatibility applies to PG Wine Business students ONLY)", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments/tests/group work/participation as prescribed at first Lecture.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides students with an introduction to marketing from a wine business perspective. The focus is on understanding and using appropriate marketing frameworks to analyse the performance and current situation of a wine business, in order to assist in making decisions related to marketing. Students will learn how to best analyse the environment external to the company, and how to plan and review the 4Ps of the company\u2019s marketing mix. Through case studies and exemplars of wine marketing strategies, students can examine marketing practices to formulate strategic recommendations to improve wine business performance.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "9579": {"id": "80LMo6JJBLmyrAuJ9tLe9", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "lS-tDzgINYB-IZx59bph9", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30049, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 11, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jan - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "9580": {"id": "Pk-OCKGrcI0gFhXd62GHx", "course_id": "110656", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110656", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Marketing in Wine Business", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "WINE", "CATALOG_NBR": "7001", "CLASS_NBR": 36261, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MARKETNG 7104 (This incompatibility applies to PG Wine Business students ONLY)", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments/tests/group work/participation as prescribed at first Lecture.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides students with an introduction to marketing from a wine business perspective. The focus is on understanding and using appropriate marketing frameworks to analyse the performance and current situation of a wine business, in order to assist in making decisions related to marketing. Students will learn how to best analyse the environment external to the company, and how to plan and review the 4Ps of the company\u2019s marketing mix. Through case studies and exemplars of wine marketing strategies, students can examine marketing practices to formulate strategic recommendations to improve wine business performance.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "9581": {"id": "Pk-OCKGrcI0gFhXd62GHx", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "MFE3JjOXJhS84pX_nu0So", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36261, "section": "SE01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 14, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Sep - 19 Nov", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, 706, MBA Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "9582": {"id": "MUV6a-Qqg2UGh0XMjg_t5", "course_id": "110656", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110656", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Marketing in Wine Business", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "WINE", "CATALOG_NBR": "7001UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 30050, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "MARKETNG 7104 (This incompatibility applies to PG Wine Business students ONLY)", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments/tests/group work/participation as prescribed at first Lecture.", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides students with an introduction to marketing from a wine business perspective. The focus is on understanding and using appropriate marketing frameworks to analyse the performance and current situation of a wine business, in order to assist in making decisions related to marketing. Students will learn how to best analyse the environment external to the company, and how to plan and review the 4Ps of the company\u2019s marketing mix. Through case studies and exemplars of wine marketing strategies, students can examine marketing practices to formulate strategic recommendations to improve wine business performance.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "9583": {"id": "MUV6a-Qqg2UGh0XMjg_t5", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "CeJ2EPW3wQvPlJcvVCYH3", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30050, "section": "SE01", "size": 0, "enrolled": 0, "available": "FULL", "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jan - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "12pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "9584": {"id": "0Jt-BeAG7Z_1icvrY7InL", "course_id": "107586", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107586", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Growing Domestic and International Wine Markets", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "WINE", "CATALOG_NBR": "7002", "CLASS_NBR": 30265, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080311", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments/tests/group work as prescribed at first Lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides students with insights into the nature and complexities of the world's wine markets. Students will analyse the impact of globalisation on the wine industry. The course will enable students to assess the relative attractiveness of the Australian and various countries' wine markets, understanding their differences and factors effecting profitability. This course examines key drivers in the world wine market and their impact on wine export dynamics and characteristics. Students will understand the importance of matching the wine offering and business capability, with wine market opportunity on specifying the market entry, and distribution strategies required to generate profitable export sales.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "9585": {"id": "0Jt-BeAG7Z_1icvrY7InL", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "aIGpLKqcXtbb1JedHAZTt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30265, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 22, "available": 8, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Feb - 29 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 706, MBA Suite"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 706, MBA Suite"}, {"dates": "18 Apr - 18 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 706, MBA Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "9586": {"id": "Rc5DSSk9Bm2TAwe5T3olF", "course_id": "107586", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107586", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Growing Domestic and International Wine Markets", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "WINE", "CATALOG_NBR": "7002", "CLASS_NBR": 33234, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080311", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments/tests/group work as prescribed at first Lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides students with insights into the nature and complexities of the world's wine markets. Students will analyse the impact of globalisation on the wine industry. The course will enable students to assess the relative attractiveness of the Australian and various countries' wine markets, understanding their differences and factors effecting profitability. This course examines key drivers in the world wine market and their impact on wine export dynamics and characteristics. Students will understand the importance of matching the wine offering and business capability, with wine market opportunity on specifying the market entry, and distribution strategies required to generate profitable export sales.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "9587": {"id": "Rc5DSSk9Bm2TAwe5T3olF", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "H7Y7I712QuWF56w8JFODP", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33234, "section": "SE01", "size": 30, "enrolled": 8, "available": 22, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 May - 6 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 706, MBA Suite"}, {"dates": "20 Jun - 27 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 706, MBA Suite"}, {"dates": "18 Jul - 25 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 706, MBA Suite"}, {"dates": "8 Aug - 8 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 706, MBA Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "9588": {"id": "oGrbODlV00C8bB9nQ1dgd", "course_id": "107586", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107586", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 3, "ACAD_CAREER": "NAWD", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Non Award", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Growing Domestic and International Wine Markets", "CAMPUS": "University of Adelaide College", "CAMPUS_CD": "BRAD", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "WINE", "CATALOG_NBR": "7002UAC", "CLASS_NBR": 30089, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments/tests/group work as prescribed at first Lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides students with insights into the nature and complexities of the world's wine markets. Students will analyse the impact of globalisation on the wine industry. The course will enable students to assess the relative attractiveness of the Australian and various countries' wine markets, understanding their differences and factors effecting profitability. This course examines key drivers in the world wine market and their impact on wine export dynamics and characteristics. Students will understand the importance of matching the wine offering and business capability, with wine market opportunity on specifying the market entry, and distribution strategies required to generate profitable export sales.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "9589": {"id": "oGrbODlV00C8bB9nQ1dgd", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "lRf0pY35AHd9auzmdm0rI", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30266, "section": "SE01", "size": 5, "enrolled": 3, "available": 2, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "8 Feb - 29 Feb", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 706, MBA Suite"}, {"dates": "21 Mar - 28 Mar", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 706, MBA Suite"}, {"dates": "18 Apr - 18 Apr", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 706, MBA Suite"}]}]}, {"type": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "id": "WFWfK4iWCiLfiSG-98x6D", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30089, "section": "TT01", "size": 24, "enrolled": 3, "available": 21, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Automatic Enrolment Class: Tuition", "meetings": [{"dates": "2 Feb - 26 Apr", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "2pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "132 Grenfell St, 106, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "9590": {"id": "1B3Kl41rbl5Khf6BYnVO8", "course_id": "108512", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "108512", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Direct Wine Marketing and Cellar Door Management", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "WINE", "CATALOG_NBR": "7005", "CLASS_NBR": 30048, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments/tests/group work as prescribed at first lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course provides students with basic understanding of the specific attributes of direct selling objectives and strategies, this includes direct mail, viral approaches and smart phone applications. However, the emphasis is placed on providing knowledge and developing skills specific to the production and implementation of strong and effective web based strategies to build consumer attachment and brand loyalty. This will include brand website development, club and community development, live streaming of wine events and online wine sales via 'virtual cellar doors'.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "9591": {"id": "1B3Kl41rbl5Khf6BYnVO8", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "iIcJv_yu3Vu-5o5zfV4vt", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30048, "section": "SE01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 22, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "30 Jan - 6 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "13 Feb - 13 Feb", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Napier, 210, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "20 Feb - 2 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "16 Apr - 23 Apr", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "9592": {"id": "6kcqzvgkOYfm6S9hS3-7T", "course_id": "107843", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107843", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Wine Retailing", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "WINE", "CATALOG_NBR": "7006", "CLASS_NBR": 33046, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments/tests/group work as prescribed at first Lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course has two major objectives. Firstly, it addresses the placement of wine product into retail channels. It examines the structure of global distribution systems, multichannel retailing, creating channel partnerships and understanding logistics from the perspective of a wine producer. Secondly, this course addresses depletion \u2013 the process of helping consumers and customers to become attracted to a wine, the concept of consumption occasion and building consumer-driven supply chains. We look from the perspective of the present challenges in retailing and into the future of wine retailing. \n\nThe course introduces students to the reality of selling wine into a highly competitive global beverage alcohol sector. Wine retailers are spoilt for choice, but there are a range of opportunities to focus on tightly targeted opportunities, to tell unique stories and to collaborate to succeed. It addresses a range of supply chains from the complex and sophisticated Chinese, Canadian and USA markets, the worlds 8 monopoly wine markets, South East Asia and European markets. Finally, it covers multichannel retail concern through a presentation of distribution channels and strategies and retail metrics to measure retail performance.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "9593": {"id": "6kcqzvgkOYfm6S9hS3-7T", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "F-kK6AR9rVigSjm_Hjlpk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33046, "section": "SE01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 24, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "22 May - 7 Aug", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Nexus10, 102, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "9594": {"id": "AkNyKVv0wR6f4UfFBs-V-", "course_id": "110657", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110657", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Wine Tourism", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "WINE", "CATALOG_NBR": "7008", "CLASS_NBR": 36058, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "WINE 7001", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments/tests/group work as prescribed at first Lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course explores the structure of the tourism industry and the role of wineries and wine regions in contributing to a destination\u2019s development and ability to attract visitors. Students will study global best practice in wine tourism development and the role of different stakeholders throughout the tourism distribution supply chain in creating and promoting appealing destinations. Key topics will include understanding visitor motivations and factors that influence travel to wine regions, the lifecycle of wine tourism destinations, identification of relevant travel trends, the role of sustainability, how to develop and promote wine tourism experiences for different audiences, and creation of a marketing campaign to increase visitation and improve profitability for wine tourism enterprises.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "9595": {"id": "AkNyKVv0wR6f4UfFBs-V-", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "hqJkfM-MBh5vCDPeRjSCn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36058, "section": "SE01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 20, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Sep - 21 Nov", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Nexus10, 706, MBA Suite"}]}]}]}]}, "9596": {"id": "IeN2wHWraVjsx35GVLzFi", "course_id": "110658", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110658", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Wine Branding", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "WINE", "CATALOG_NBR": "7009", "CLASS_NBR": 36009, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "WINE 7001", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments/tests/group work as prescribed at first Lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will introduce students to wine marketing knowledge in the context of wine branding. Key topics covered include the concept of mental availability and its application for the development of distinctive assets, understanding consumer behaviour models and applying them to the key principles which allow wine brands to grow, the similarities and differences of launching wine brands in established and emerging markets, as well as the key criteria required to develop a successful branding strategy for a wine business.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "9597": {"id": "IeN2wHWraVjsx35GVLzFi", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "sKhHoqhxH9V-KcnjyzEtS", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36009, "section": "SE01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 16, "available": 19, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "3 Sep - 19 Nov", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "9598": {"id": "UnQQrQGfKGoag92iuDqt4", "course_id": "110659", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "110659", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Legal Aspects of Wine Business", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "WINE", "CATALOG_NBR": "7010", "CLASS_NBR": 33047, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080505", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 3 hours per week", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "Check with School", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "Y", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments/tests/group work as prescribed at first Lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This course will introduce students to a range of legal issues that impact on a wine business and international trade in wine. The topics covered will include an overview of the legal system, including international trade law; legal business structures for carrying on a wine business; contract law that applies to wine sales, as well other transactions undertaken in a wine business and international sales; intellectual property in a wine business; business torts, including negligence and product liability; consumer protection and competition laws; labelling claims and label integrity program; food standards and trade measurements; International Trade Agreements and agencies; distribution arrangements including importing and exporting; ecommerce law that applies to operating an online wine business; and liquor licensing.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "9599": {"id": "UnQQrQGfKGoag92iuDqt4", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "0YHfK1L-EyY318XMQIx3Y", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33047, "section": "SE01", "size": 35, "enrolled": 24, "available": 11, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "21 May - 6 Aug", "days": "Tuesday", "start_time": "10am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2052, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "9600": {"id": "3qAZk5FUIn8oz3rOfyhNp", "course_id": "111438", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111438", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Wine Business Research Project Part A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "WINE", "CATALOG_NBR": "7011A", "CLASS_NBR": 30107, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to Master of Wine Business students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "COMMERCE 7039", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "WINE 7001, WINE 7002, WINE 7005, WINE 7006, WINE 7008, ENTREP 5036, WINE 7009, WINE 7010", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Wine Business Research Project is the capstone experience for the Master of Wine Business. The course provides graduate students with the opportunity to undertake a supervised research project on a relevant wine business topic. The project can be either industry-focused, or research-orientated. Students will conduct a literature review, fine-tune a research proposal, conduct the research, collect data, analyse data, clearly present the findings, and submit an 8000-word research thesis. It will develop students' knowledge of the scope of research, together with the processes and techniques used in marketing research. Specific topics include an introduction to research in marketing, research problem identification, research design, qualitative and quantitative methods, data collection instruments, qualitative and quantitative data analysis, reporting and presentation of results. Assessments include formal oral and written deliverables at a graduate standard. Wine Business Research Project Part A and Part B must be undertaken in consecutive trimesters and a passing grade is required in Part A before continuing in Part B.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "9601": {"id": "3qAZk5FUIn8oz3rOfyhNp", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "DcC98ie0hqbd8ejtJIkNk", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30107, "section": "SE01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 2, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "29 Jan - 29 Jan", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "12 Feb - 12 Feb", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "4 Mar - 4 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "25 Mar - 25 Mar", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "15 Apr - 15 Apr", "days": "Monday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Schulz, 307, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "9602": {"id": "_xgYr3KWPhgpTIy0n4rDU", "course_id": "111438", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111438", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Wine Business Research Project Part A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "WINE", "CATALOG_NBR": "7011A", "CLASS_NBR": 33043, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to Master of Wine Business students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "COMMERCE 7039", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "WINE 7001, WINE 7002, WINE 7005, WINE 7006, WINE 7008, ENTREP 5036, WINE 7009, WINE 7010", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Wine Business Research Project is the capstone experience for the Master of Wine Business. The course provides graduate students with the opportunity to undertake a supervised research project on a relevant wine business topic. The project can be either industry-focused, or research-orientated. Students will conduct a literature review, fine-tune a research proposal, conduct the research, collect data, analyse data, clearly present the findings, and submit an 8000-word research thesis. It will develop students' knowledge of the scope of research, together with the processes and techniques used in marketing research. Specific topics include an introduction to research in marketing, research problem identification, research design, qualitative and quantitative methods, data collection instruments, qualitative and quantitative data analysis, reporting and presentation of results. Assessments include formal oral and written deliverables at a graduate standard. Wine Business Research Project Part A and Part B must be undertaken in consecutive trimesters and a passing grade is required in Part A before continuing in Part B.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "9603": {"id": "_xgYr3KWPhgpTIy0n4rDU", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "ZtFz6nkgEZIeaBQ3GxHCM", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33043, "section": "SE01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 6, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "24 May - 24 May", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "7 Jun - 7 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "28 Jun - 28 Jun", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Jul - 19 Jul", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "9 Aug - 9 Aug", "days": "Friday", "start_time": "9am", "end_time": "1pm", "location": "Barr Smith South, 2051, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "9604": {"id": "wAZ0JlhnqJSfoCtQwdVti", "course_id": "111438", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111438", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Wine Business Research Project Part A", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "WINE", "CATALOG_NBR": "7011A", "CLASS_NBR": 36045, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to Master of Wine Business students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "", "CO_REQUISITE": "COMMERCE 7039", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "WINE 7001, WINE 7002, WINE 7005, WINE 7006, WINE 7008, ENTREP 5036, WINE 7009, WINE 7010", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The Wine Business Research Project is the capstone experience for the Master of Wine Business. The course provides graduate students with the opportunity to undertake a supervised research project on a relevant wine business topic. The project can be either industry-focused, or research-orientated. Students will conduct a literature review, fine-tune a research proposal, conduct the research, collect data, analyse data, clearly present the findings, and submit an 8000-word research thesis. It will develop students' knowledge of the scope of research, together with the processes and techniques used in marketing research. Specific topics include an introduction to research in marketing, research problem identification, research design, qualitative and quantitative methods, data collection instruments, qualitative and quantitative data analysis, reporting and presentation of results. Assessments include formal oral and written deliverables at a graduate standard. Wine Business Research Project Part A and Part B must be undertaken in consecutive trimesters and a passing grade is required in Part A before continuing in Part B.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "9605": {"id": "wAZ0JlhnqJSfoCtQwdVti", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "GHzYikh_HAJiRP4-wT3gn", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36045, "section": "SE01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 0, "available": 15, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Sep - 5 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "19 Sep - 19 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "10 Oct - 10 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "31 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Nov - 21 Nov", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "4pm", "end_time": "8pm", "location": "Hughes, 113, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "9606": {"id": "3oP2l_ADwu6CpbqofW8-a", "course_id": "111442", "term": "4436", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111442", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4436", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 2", "COURSE_TITLE": "Wine Business Research Project Part B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "WINE", "CATALOG_NBR": "7011B", "CLASS_NBR": 33044, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to Master of Wine Business students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "WINE 7011A, COMMERCE 7039", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "WINE 7001, WINE 7002, WINE 7005, WINE 7006, WINE 7008, ENTREP 5036, WINE 7009, WINE 7010", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The purpose of the Research Project (B) is to enable students to analyse real-world wine business problems or opportunities. In this part of the course, students will present their draft research findings to their peers and industry partners (where relevant). Feedback from the presentations will then be used to develop the final research report. Whilst the structure of the Research Project Report can be different between projects, students are expected to follow the guidelines and discuss with their supervisors if a modification of the Report structure is needed.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 03/06/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 06/06/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 19/07/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 14/08/2024"}}]}, "9607": {"id": "3oP2l_ADwu6CpbqofW8-a", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "HppX0Vv8vYqMy48Agbodj", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 33044, "section": "SE01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 2, "available": 13, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "23 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "23 May - 30 May", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 217, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "27 Jun - 27 Jun", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "18 Jul - 18 Jul", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "8 Aug - 8 Aug", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 108, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "9608": {"id": "qkOjp5BhQnZVjJB8jBTzW", "course_id": "111442", "term": "4439", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "111442", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4439", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 3", "COURSE_TITLE": "Wine Business Research Project Part B", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "WINE", "CATALOG_NBR": "7011B", "CLASS_NBR": 36046, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 3, "EFTLS": 0.125, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "Y", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "Available only to Master of Wine Business students", "PRE_REQUISITE": "WINE 7011A, COMMERCE 7039", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "WINE 7001, WINE 7002, WINE 7005, WINE 7006, WINE 7008, ENTREP 5036, WINE 7009, WINE 7010", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "Y", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "The purpose of the Research Project (B) is to enable students to analyse real-world wine business problems or opportunities. In this part of the course, students will present their draft research findings to their peers and industry partners (where relevant). Feedback from the presentations will then be used to develop the final research report. Whilst the structure of the Research Project Report can be different between projects, students are expected to follow the guidelines and discuss with their supervisors if a modification of the Report structure is needed.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 16/09/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Wed 18/09/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Fri 25/10/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 20/11/2024"}}]}, "9609": {"id": "qkOjp5BhQnZVjJB8jBTzW", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "TpM7gklM7hJYRuW-WNJex", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 36046, "section": "SE01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 6, "available": 9, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "5 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "3pm", "location": "Lower Napier, LG12, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "5 Sep - 12 Sep", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "3pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Nexus10, 228, Computer Suite"}, {"dates": "17 Oct - 17 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM213, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "31 Oct - 31 Oct", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM213, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "21 Nov - 21 Nov", "days": "Thursday", "start_time": "1pm", "end_time": "5pm", "location": "Engineering & Mathematics, EM213, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}, "9610": {"id": "3JBGLsppX1MT5IG-KPtVe", "course_id": "107842", "term": "4433", "year": 2024, "details": [{"YEAR": "2024", "COURSE_ID": "107842", "COURSE_OFFER_NBR": 1, "ACAD_CAREER": "PGCW", "ACAD_CAREER_DESCR": "Postgraduate Coursework", "TERM": "4433", "TERM_DESCR": "Trimester 1", "COURSE_TITLE": "Wine Business Research Project (M)", "CAMPUS": "North Terrace", "CAMPUS_CD": "NTRCE", "COUNTRY": "AUS", "SUBJECT": "WINE", "CATALOG_NBR": "7777", "CLASS_NBR": 30106, "SESSION_CD": "1", "UNITS": 6, "EFTLS": 0.25, "FIELD_OF_EDUCATION": "080399", "SSR_HECS_BAND_ID": "4B", "CONTACT": "Up to 36 hours", "AVAILABLE_FOR_NON_AWARD_STUDY": "No", "AVAILABLE_FOR_STUDY_ABROAD": "N", "QUOTA": "N", "QUOTA_TXT": "", "RESTRICTION": "N", "RESTRICTION_TXT": "", "PRE_REQUISITE": "COMMERCE 7039", "CO_REQUISITE": "", "ASSUMED_KNOWLEDGE": "", "INCOMPATIBLE": "", "ASSESSMENT": "Assignments/tests/group work as prescribed at first Lecture", "BIENNIAL_COURSE": "", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE_GLOBAL": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013WORKING": "N", "DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE\u2013COMMUNITY": "N", "SYLLABUS": "This capstone course draws upon the core and chosen elective curriculum to culminate in a robust original research project based upon an actual wine business, with results integrated into a 5 year business plan or a minor thesis. Skills developed include high level strategic thinking and planning, and the ability to plan and execute original research. The course integrates all of the interfacing elements between wine, business, and marketing, as these relate to the wine industry of today.", "ISLOP": false, "URL": "", "CRITICAL_DATES": {"LAST_DAY": "Mon 12/02/2024", "CENSUS_DT": "Thu 15/02/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WFN": "Tue 02/04/2024", "LAST_DAY_TO_WF": "Wed 24/04/2024"}}]}, "9611": {"id": "3JBGLsppX1MT5IG-KPtVe", "class_list": [{"association_group": "10", "groups": [{"type": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "id": "B7veLHRKO6zpGPwmE8Agx", "classes": [{"class_nbr": 30106, "section": "SE01", "size": 15, "enrolled": 9, "available": 6, "institution": "UNIAD", "component": "Enrolment Class: Seminar", "meetings": [{"dates": "31 Jan - 31 Jan", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "14 Feb - 14 Feb", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "6 Mar - 6 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "27 Mar - 27 Mar", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 108, Teaching Room"}, {"dates": "17 Apr - 17 Apr", "days": "Wednesday", "start_time": "12pm", "end_time": "4pm", "location": "Petroleum Engineering, 108, Teaching Room"}]}]}]}]}}} \ No newline at end of file +version +oid sha256:eff9725e448bdf63192a63d417cbf0599f8f18a8c4dc957eb44f33f4d0bfa980 +size 36056860